#Battlefield 5 best medic gun
scapepiner · 2 years
Battlefield 5 best medic gun
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The event tests a competitor’s ability to perform as they would in combat where moving around in armor causes accuracy-reducing fatigue. Stress shoots are events wherein a shooter’s body is put under duress by physical exercise - in this case, push-ups - before having to fire their weapons as accurately as possible. Joshua Rowe from Charlie Company, 725th Brigade Support Battalion (Airborne), jumps up from pushups during a stress shoot July 25, 2018, at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska. In this photo from a competition in Alaska, we get a look at medics competing in stress shoots. The medics in the competition are always tested on some sort of basic soldiering skills - rifle marksmanship usually makes the list. Charles Hines from Charlie Company, 725th Brigade Support Battalion (Airborne), fires an M4 during a stress shoot at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, July 25, 2018. During this three-day event, docs are challenged by events like rifle ranges, stress shoots, obstacle courses, a 12-mile ruck march, an urban assault lane, and combat medic lanes. This contest pits 34 two-person teams against one another in a 72-hour competition. In fact, an Army-wide Best Medic competition is held annually and has evolved out of the Best Ranger competition. So it makes sense that their competitions for top bragging rights include everything from administering medical aid and triage to land navigation and calling for fire. For combat medics, success is all about keeping up with formations and providing expert and timely medical care at the point of injury.
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quaritchsbunny · 1 year
Z-Dog/Zdinarsk as a Yandere (hc styled fic)
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Wc: 4.9k (watch this flop because it’s so obnoxiously long idk why it just grew itself into a full blown pic)
Warning/Tags: yandere behavior, slightly toxic behavior, obsessive behavior, f!reader x zdog, medic! Reader, recom!reader, mature language, a bit graphic description of an injury including blood and flesh degredation, a bit of forced touch, i have no idea how actual injuries work please just go along for the purpose of fiction, zdog kinda being an asshole but she’s just been through it, unhealthy obsession, zdog is just in denial for half the fic, biting, enemies (kinda) to lovers?
A/N: My second fic ever and first time writing for a female character ahhh! I really don’t like the way I wrote this one but what can I say I really tried my best, I hope this is to your liking anon! Welcome to any comments and requests!
Extremity Scale : 3.5/5
Type of Yandere:  Obsessive, Worshipping (unknowingly), manipulative, slightly sadistic
- Zdinarsk is what others would call a heartless beauty
- Although masculine with her striking mohawk and exhibits of tattoos that spread like blooms throughout her newly blue body, the soldier had been endlessly pursued by RDA officials, scientists, comrades, male and female alike despite her cold attitude
- And one by one without a clench of her jaw on the monotonously sweet bubblegum she always seemed to be chewing, she had laughed callously before turning them away, mind focused solely on her occupation as a recom soldier
- On the battlefield, she was ruthless.
- Shots were fired without a second thought once she held her aim, and whether it was a gun, arrow, knife, or chain in her hands, her cold amber eyes didnt allow for a second of compassion before she made her kill.
- Zdog wasn’t afraid of pain, her many colored bold tattoos on various parts of her body displayed hours of needles that had penetrated her with ink, yet she adorned them like it was a part of her.
- It was all these qualities that made her a worthy comrade to officials and authorities like Quaritch and her trust recom team, valuing her professionalism, tolerance and bravery.
- Her cool exterior seemed to be impossible to break, it seemed to be part of her personality, even her closest comrades in the squad never saw her portray any emotion other than callous joy at the aspect of conquest or the neutrality she seemed to carry with her everywhere.
- Because she never saw a need to feel anything other than that, what was the point? Any other emotion wasn’t going to pay her, being soft or sympathetic like the RDA did for her cruelty when it was directed towards the natives. And damn a soul who bothered to try to entertain her romantically, that shit didn’t touch her heart or her body in the slightest, she stowed away the young part of herself that dreamed of connection with a person that can understand her and instead suited herself to a form in which she didn’t care for the affection of others.
- It was nothing more than a waste of time to her, Zdog had considered emotions to be consuming and useless, and when she wasnt out scouting with the recoms in the thickets of pandora, her little free time was easily passed in the thick leather sketchbook, her fingers thoughtlessly skimming over the thick sheets, nails digging in the cursed piece of charcoal (it was the closest thing to a pencil, the sick RDA officials only had office pens as an alternative) as thick lines formed into her next tattoo design
- As such, the only emotion Zdog really felt except for callousness and the joy of victory was minor annoyance.
- Annoyance towards anything that wasn’t needed, such as the resourceless parts of pandora, the tears of mourning that came with death, the lack of efficiency from any comrade, such things only wasted time and got in the way of the ultimate goal
- Which was why she particularly despised you.
- You were a recom too, but not a soldier
- You were a healer, just as you had been as a human, you had died healing the RDA soldiers that were wounded in the war between the navi and RDA
- And for whatever reason, the RDA had insisted on adding you onto the short list of people to recombinant for a new blue team on their return to Pandora, arguing that your healing skills were essential to survival
- Why did the scientists waste their time and resources putting you into a recombinant body, and then waste the fuel putting you in a cyro and shipping you all the way to pandora?
- Why were healers a thing anyways? Zdog’s scars always healed on their own, fuck the bandage or the cream. The only way to truly heal, as learned from multiple experiences Z-dog had, was to expose the damn bleeding scar to the air and let it bleed until it learned to close its own weeping mouth. The body has to heal eventually, it's why so many organs exist just to keep bood pumping.
- So the first time Zdog had unfortunately stumbled across a carnivorous plants in the thickets of the annoyingly damp forests of pandora, skillfully targeting her right bicep as it sank its teeth into the beloved inked arm of the unsuspecting soldier that was leaning across a tree, it was to both her and your misfortune that the colonel had sent her straight to you with commands of healing and treatment.
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It was the first time you have received a patient since your arrival to the new RDA base, and your eyes widened when the outraged female was thrown into the ward, her upper right arm’s flesh seemingly curving inwards like the chunk of flesh was deflated from the bite.
“Colonel, I’m fine, a couple painkillers and it’ll be good as new” she barked, fangs bared as she tried to keep in her tears of both anger and physical pain, tearing through her like wildfire.
Colonel Quaritch only threw you a look of firm command as he commanded “do whatever you gotta do to get her arm good, and take your time, she’s not coming to missions for two weeks”, the colonel turned on his combat boots, leaving you alone with the hysterical soldier
Zdog whirled angrily, shocked and disoriented as she had never been off duty for that long. Reaching for the Colonel to come back before her head reeled from the fresh shots of pain up her raised arm, her blood dripping onto the bare silver floors of the ward.
You acted on instinct upon seeing the spurts of blood, rapidly bunching up gauze as you pressed into the wound, sitting her down on the bed.
Zdog hissed angrily, her body thrashing as her arm shook due to the huge amounts of loss of blood as she cussed incoherently, channeling her anger in attempt to stop you from wasting her time
“It’s people like you that make injuries worse, you don’t need to interfere, the body heals naturally, that’s the whole purpose for recombination, not that you would know, fucker who took on blue to do absolutely nothing”
“You’re right” you say calmly “the body heals naturally, just like how it was also that carnivorous plants nature to sink its teeth into your bare arm”
The glowering female soldier says nothing as she glares back, watching you as you unwrap the towers of gauze upon her wound.
You ignore her profanity and swiftly inspect the wound after pressurizing the opening to avoid amputation, the ink from her spilling out and blending with the dark blood as it swirled on her indigo skin.
Zdog cursed her heart as it beat rapidly, trying to look anywhere other than your knowing eyes that meticulously scanned her marks of injury, reassuring that her sweat and rapid shaking was from the physical shock and not the way your lips pursed together in expertise as you reached to grab disinfectant
Without warning, you poured the disinfectant on her wound after retracting as much blood as possible, the burn of the alcohol hurting almost more than the damn plant’s bite as it spilled into the marks, cleansing the indents from the vicious carnivorous plant
However the sear the disinfectant brought was a tickle compared to the rapid fire spreading amongst her heart, pumping blood rapidly at your firm touch on her arm and the whiff of sweet cherry she caught as your head whipped to place the disinfectant back on it’s shelf and disappeared behind a cabinet, digging through creams and bandages
Zdog had told herself it was only a natural reflex, her body trying to react to to pain as it sped it’s organs up, swallowing thickly as the your sweet scent left her surrounding, leaning forward from her resting position on the bed to catch it again
“What a medic, abandoning your patient like that”  Zdog scuffs, the popping of her bubblegum breaking the silence in the room
“Please lay back Miss Zdinarsk, rapid movement will cause more blood loss” you reply as you approach her again, her eyes immediately mellowing when your sweet scent invades her again
“No one calls me that anymore” she breathes out, biting back her huffs of pain as you press the q-tip of healing cream into the cleaned wound, circles rubbing along the raw flesh. “Z-dog, or Z works”
You nod, leaning back as you rest the q-tip on the silver tray as you reach for a bandage. “Well Z, luckily there's no signs of infection, I suggest regular icing to increase blood flow to the area and less intense use of that arm” you lay an ice bag by her non injured arm.
“For how long, this is the arm i shoot with, i’ve actually got shit to do”
“Depends on the speed of your muscle recovery, for humans though, it would be at least 3 weeks before you can do lifts with that arm again without permanent tissue damage” Your fingers worked nimbly, wrapping the bandage around her toned arm
Her relaxed form suddenly seemed riled up again as the words came out of your mouth, frown etching its way on her face as she growled. “I’ll be fucking damned”
“And because the bite had drawn your blood out of that part of your flesh, your tattoo ink had also leaked out with it, so that might be distorted, if not gone” the bandage was pressed with care before wrapped with another layer of gauze.
The cold buzz of the AC in the ward almost did nothing to combat the way her face heat up as your palm pressed the bandage in place with medical tape, before she remembered the proper emotion she was supposed to be feeling, rage, not whatever appreciation she was developing towards a person that only made her future work inconvenient by dramatifying the injury
“Listen Z, I’m only here to help, I know this is a frustrating situation, but the only thing you can do is to rest, and if there’s anything i can do to help in your recovery, please tell me” you say, your recited script towards angry patients such as her prepared as she kicks herself off the bed, stalking towards your form as you explain softly.
“Listen up miss nurse, I didn’t need this. I’ll be going out to the mission and I’ll be doing whatever I like with this arm that you only damaged more with your shit medical proceudure.” She growls angrily, the blood loss from the injury and your scent making her head spin with confusion. 
Why did she have the urge to pull you into her, to feel your sweet scent closer, what is this strange undertone to her anger?
You say nothing as her non-injured arm slams her first into the wall behind you, her bubblegum scent ghosting over you as she towered, tail swishing excitedly as her tone said exactly the opposite things
“I didn’t ask for this, the recombinant bodies heal faster and I don’t need your false pity, and maybe you’d know if you actually did anything other than sit in your pretty little ward, so i’m gonna fucking show you now”
What she did next shocked you, it hadn’t processed in your brain that her single hand had somehow made it to pin both of your arms above her and you were only able to see the flash of her mohawk as a warm spotch bubblegum was spat out. And before you even had time to squirm in response, you felt fangs sinking into your blue neck much similar to the way the carnivorous plant had done to her arm, but with surprising tenderness
Zdog had no idea what she was doing, no. She did. She was doing this to teach you a lesson, to demonstrate how the recombinant bodies worked as you clearly had no idea. She wasn’t doing this because of how much she indulged in the fluttering in her heart and stomach when she tasted the softness of your skin, the addictive feeling of your flesh on her tongue.
No blood was drawn, her saliva connecting her to the bright mark as she pulled away, still glaring at you as she inhaled sweet cherry rapidly, savoring the sweet taste of your flesh and laughing against your collarbone as she heard your cry. Damned the way her body relaxed like a cat as she retreated.
“And you’ll be paying for that tattoo that i lost” she said matter-of-factly, boots sliding across the floor as she slammed the door to the ward, leaving you dazed, confused, and the mark on your neck burning as her brown queue swished out of sight, the ice bag chunks rattling like her heart on the way out.
You couldn’t deny that you had enjoyed your little scuffle with her, you couldn’t help it, feeling the magnetic attraction the soldier exuded from her built form and confidence. And even if deep down you knew it was wrong, you’d be stupid to report it to anyone in the RDA, the recom team was basically the backbone of all the physical operations holding the establishment up, they wouldn’t hear a recombination nurse out if it meant the best to them
Zdog returned to her quarters, jaw empty of the bright pink bubblegum that frequented her mouth as she rolled her tongue around her teeth, trying to memorize the way your flesh felt around them.
In her mind, gnawed a voice, telling her to apologize to you, to see you again, to thank you
Her head reeled with swirling new emotions that she swore were useless as she layed on her bed pried open her sketchbook, trying to sketch an image of you, memorizing every feature before she realized her dominant arm was in too much pain.
She huffed frustratedly, before throwing her head back to her pillow, and icing her arm
Whenever she had been injured before, her comrades had laughed at her weakness, taking it as a chance to demote her position or belittle her for feeling pain, along with the fact that she had been a female, it had caused her to be pushed around.
But you? No “get over it”s or belittling laughs, just words of genuine advice as your fingers pressed gently into her wound, smoothing over the years of mistreatment she had received, and whether it was rehearsed from years of expertise as a medic or genuine care, your sweet cherry scent made it all too confusing to distinct.
Now all that filled her head is the sound of your sweet voice as it reassured her and your form in the white medic robes that softly pressed against her cargo vest.
Reminiscing, she lifted the ice bag, tracing the bandage where your delicate fingers had graced upon her arm, and a smile made its way upon her face unknowingly.
A brilliant excuse to see you again creeped its way into her mind as she ripped off the bandage, admiring the way you had folded it intricately as she held it to her chest, her heart beating rapidly.
I need to see her again, I need to, and I will no matter what.
Deep down she knew it was not needed, but two weeks off with an injured arm called for routines out of the ordinary.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to just do something useless for once, the anger would be just as time consuming as the weird feeling of attachment she felt near you.
She slept disturbingly well that night, the cloth held close to her chest as she dreamed of tied hair, marked necks, and sweet cherries.
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Despite not having duty, the responsible soldier still awoke early to send off the colonel and the rest of the team, still holding back her complaints when the colonel shook her head, telling her she wouldn’t be any good with her shooting arm injured before he assigned her to stay at the base.
As soon as the recom helicopter lifted off into to pandora sky, she skipped excitedly to the mess hall, where breakfast was being served, cherry red gum popping in her mouth as she scanned the room for a particular blue medic
Her heart seems to sink stupidly when not a single other blue form was seen in the room, her jaw tightening around the cherry gum as the flavor seemed to taunt her
That’s right, this is what you deserve for being such a impulsive asshole, indulging yourself in emotions that waste more of your time, and wasting even more energy walking around to find her
You see the agile female’s tail swishing curiously from miles away, you approach her, squinting when you realize she doesn’t have her bandage from yesterday
Zdog’s jaw immediately falls slack when she smells it, her heart racing, reciting your name, as it sends her stepping back towards the source, almost knocking into your form.
“Back so soon?” You tilt your head towards her bare arm, scar breathing without the bandage
“Looking for you nurse, just needed another bandage, you didn’t anchor it enough and it fell off when I was sending the squad off earlier” Zdog says fluently, rehearsed words from her practiced scenarios ready for whatever response you have
You only raise your eyebrows, chuckling as you led her back to the ward. Not that you were really a faster walker by any chance, the soldier made a strong effort to take smaller strolls to admire your beautiful form from the back, the sweet swirls of tenderness and affection filling her as her heart pounded louder and louder as you sat her down to bandage her, almost 10 times as intense as the way it had felt yesterday
Correct to Zdog’s assumption, the scar had indeed healed a lot faster than you had expected, though her arm was still sore and healing, the wounds had closed up a lot faster than expected
You raise your eyebrows when you see that her scar has healed fast, leaning back as your eyes scan over it
She gulps almost nervously, voice coarse and low as she mumbles “what’re you lookin at, nurse, get on with it”
“Maybe you were right, recombinant bodies really do heal much faster, i doubt you really even need the bandage” you say hesitantly, as if questioning your own healing abilities
Zdog’s eyes widen as she reaches out for you, fingers around your arm as she tries to sound as threatening as possible, but her words coming out as pleas instead ``Nope. You’re a medic aren’t you? So do your job and bandage me, or else I can get you fired and on your way back to earth” she had plotted this with so much meticulous thought just to feel your fingers on her arm again! It surely can’t go to waste, she was gonna go out and find another carnivorous plant if she had to
You smile softly, chuckling and the sound goes straight through Zdog’s ears into her heart. 
What is this fluttering feeling? Why won’t it stop?
“Where’s this compliancy coming from, you barely let me do anything yesterday, Ms. I have shit to do with this arm” you sit down and twist the cap off the healing cream, grabbing another q tip
Zdog rolls her eyes naturally, although she cant help but open it faster when she feels the rub of the soothing cream on her arm, amber eyes trained on your experienced movements
“If I really wanted to get back, maybe I should heal in the right way so I can do shit faster” she muses, fingers tempted to run themselves down your delicate queue and spine that was exposed to her as you leaned to heal her
You blink, sighing as you reach for the gauze “I think you were right though, maybe these procedures are only damaging it more, maybe it needs to just breathe. Are you sure you need the bandage?”
Zdog nods rapidly, her bold neck tattoos becoming a blur of black and blue as she spits out, trying to keep up her shell up and ignore whatever was swirling in her heart an brain “What do you think? Does that arm look anywhere near healed to you? Do you want me to walk around unbandaged and get a worse injury?”
It wouldn’t hurt to just indulge in the useless things a little bit, processes that only really waste time if it’s with you. It wouldn’t hurt to just have it on if it meant your fingers would grace my arm everyday
“Plus, I’m sure the only reason the lil nasty’s recovered this fast is because of your speed and expertise in treating it yesterday, don’t question your skill” The sentence hopped out of Zdog’s mouth almost unknowingly, and she almost wanted to bash her head against the wall. What did she say that for? You didn’t need reassurance, reassurance was for people who didn’t know anything, people who needed others to walk them along
Before her thoughts become more self deprecating, your laugh echoes through the ward, the cold silver and white walls suddenly becoming welcoming as you shake your head, anchoring the gauze in palace on your arms
“Flattering, but I really mean it when I say I think you may have been right about recombinant bodies healing faster” you lift your neck, bearing the mark that was violently purple yesterday, faded to a shade of lavender with the fang indents like marks of violet.
Zdog swallows, feeling both guilty and in a weird way, proud when she sees the mark.
“Yeah about that, that’s my bad, I was pissed and out of my mind because I’ve never been told to stay off duty yesterday, being out all day in that damp jungle heated my blood, and I may have been tryna prove a point about recombinants but that was completely fucked up and unnecessary”
she looks down at her lap, 9 feet body suddenly feeling like she was a young human girl in the marines again, disappointing her sergeant for not being as strong and capable as they expected
You set down the gauze gently and lean down to peer at her, her downcasted gaze unable to see the slight blush on your face “I’m not gonna say it’s okay to bite a medic that was trying to treat you, but you’re lucky it was me, I didn’t mind it that much, and it really did prove a point that recombinant bodies heal faster”
Zdog nods quickly, happy as she detected no anger in your voice. “Never trying that again for sure though”
“The world’s medical field is in danger if that's what you act like to everyone who tries to treat you” you chortle
For the rest of the day, Z-Dog spent time helping you maintain the ward as an extended apology to her behavior yesterday as she continued to indulge in the honey like emotion that came with being near you
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- Through the next week, the ward seems to grow warmer and more homey every time Z-Dog visits (though by the first four days, her arm was completely fine, she found excuses) unknowingly, Z-Dog began to sink in the feeling of the previously useless emotions, letting it consume her until she was wasted in love
- Without knowing it, morning visits for rebandaging had turned into long conversations where Z-Dog healed more than the injury of her arm, but burns and bruises of her childhood and life as a female soldier that was constantly undermined, you saw that her hard exterior seemed to be a essential part of her that she needed for protection
- And to be honest, Z-Dog didn’t think really about what she said to you or how she said it, words just flew out of her mouth as the soft feeling of trust and affection drifted over her, your understanding gaze and comforting words binding you together like a web
- The bonding had quickly grown into something wordlessly essential and romantic, things Z-Dog always used to qualify as a waste, but now just like her cold exterior, the soft moments where your hands interlaced as she talked to you about her past seemed just as natural.
- She was almost always in contact with you, physically, whether it was the ways her eyes followed your every move or the way her hand was always by your hip, shoulder, head, it became a constant
- She followed you everywhere in the guise of protection in return for you healing her and never let her eyes off you
- And even when you were busy or actually did have other RDA matters, they seem to come cancelled last minute on short notice (because even the officials knew not to mess with a injured recom soldier that was defending the organization), and you couldn’t just leave Z-Dog alone, her words always seemed to have a way of wrapping themselves against you
- “You’re gonna leave your injured patient waiting alone like that when she’s in pain needing medical attention? Wow, I thought you cared about me” 
- “You still owe me for the tattoo, yknow, so it might be less financially burdening in the future if you treat me well right now”
- There were many late nights where Z-Dog had opted to stay in your quarters instead of hers, arguing that she slept better and healed faster, her sketchbook filling up with doodles and intricate charcoal lines with details of you. Her beloved muse.
- Back in her own quarters, folded along her sketches of you were her past bandages, as well as hairbands she stole from you, keeping everything that you had touched or interacted with like a piece of magical artifact organized like a shrine upon her nightstand as she put them under her pillow, sleeping well to the thought of you.
- Two weeks had passed by and her arm was as good as new, as the two of you only grew closer and closer,  the romantic attraction was undeniable, your blue tails tangled together as her arms sneak around your waist while you you documented her healing progress at the ward
- Until one morning the cool, brazen female soldier was gone, leaving you alone and confused in your empty bed before you realized that her duty had begun again. The past weeks had been nothing but a vacation and relaxation for her, and now that she is back on duty you could certainly expect to never speak to her again. It was all probably just a sort of short term association with her
- The day passed in a sort of a weird haze for you, strolling around the base without the sight of your certain badass soldier you were infatuated with
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The night after her first day on duty, rapid knocks sound at your ward door as you’re working overtime, trying to distract yourself from your attachment with Zdog. Distraught and confused, you rush out of your seat in your white robes as you open it and see the female soldier, bright as ever
“Oh? Come to visit after ditching me this morning?” You say, a bit salty as you step back, suddenly noticing a bandage on her upper arm again
Z-Dog only looks at you, pupils filled with affection and joy as she laughs “Actually, I need help with my arm again”
You blink back an eye roll, used to the intentional injuries she sometimes did to recieve more medical attention from you as you wordlessly sit her down on the bed like many nights before where you guys had laughed, cried, kissed, and loved as your nimble fingers unwrap her bandage.
The white gauze falls away and under the soft glow of your examination table light and your eyes are busy scanning for cuts, violet reds or blood, or dark bruises that you almost miss it at first
Black, bold, yet slick and elegant letters curve around her blue skin, replacing the faded and distorted tattoo that had once been there, thick and bold as the ink is fresh, you can almost still see the puncture of the needles that she so willingly sat through and for hours before she had rushed up to your door, the shock in your eyes blurs your vision until you focus in and make out the letters of your name, with a tiny, clumsy heart identical that you had doodled on her sketchbook nights ago next to it
“Z- what is this” You breath in awe
“Well, you were the person that helped my arm heal the fastest, and parts of my heart as well, so why not dedicate the new area of skin to you instead of redoing a boring old tattoo” She chuckles matter of factly, pulling you into her lap as you continue staring at in awe
“Oh Zdinarsk” You gasp, tears blurring your vision as you look at the huge bold letters
“You never paid me back for the one I lost though, so how about a deal” She looks up at you playfully, true unfiltered joy in her once callous eyes
“Be my girl? My personal nurse, hm?” She asks cooly, thumbs smoothing over your ears as if her own heart wasnt pounding through the heavy cargo vest she wore for duty
And when you nod happily as she pulls you into a kiss of many to come, she realizes in the moment that yes, love wasn’t entirely necessary, and neither was her tattoo, or opening up to you, or the feelings that overtook her when she held you to herself proudly the next day as she introduced you to the squad, arm still firm around your waist as if to mark you for herself
None of it was necessary, and yes, maybe she was wasting her time, her love, her emotions. But even love was nothing more than a waste of her time, she would gladly waste it all on you, over and over again.
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afriendlywolf · 2 years
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Accidents (?) happen.
Short story below
“Must I be subjected to your meddlesome teasing?” sighed Hanzo.
“Come onnn!! You lost the bet now you have to pay the price!” said Kiriko.
“Remind me to never place bets with a fortune teller,” said Hanzo.
“Aww, but your ego is so easy to swell” replied Kiriko.
“Fine, but I have a bad feeling on how this will go, meddling with the infatuations of others is not something to take lightly, I as cupid know this” Hanzo said.
“Trust me, my fortune tells me if you do this, something extremely rare will happen. I’m curious to see what it is.”
“And if it goes wrong?”
“Don’t worry, take this special ofuda talisman, through this I can speak to you.”
“Alright, but I’m sure this will likely end in terrible disaster”
“Don’t worry about it. Good luck out there Hanzo!” yelled Kiriko
Hanzo grumbled and waved in response. Grabbing his special love arrows and quiver, he spread his wings and took flight, with the fortune teller’s talisman floating behind him.
He swiftly glided right above a scramble, dozens of soldiers against 5 colorful characters. A large warrior with a shield, and angelic medic, a short stout man with a turret and engines running, an armed medic with weirdly big boots, and lastly, his target. A tall rogue-ish man with what seems to be a century late with his get up. But, true to the archetype, seemed to be hitting his targets with remarkable aim.
Hanzo remained in the air waiting to strike the cowboy, but found himself at a odd situation. The cowboy was a master of maneuvers, and rarely left any opening to strike. At a moments notice he would weave between two positions before rolling quickly to another, the large shield also made it difficult to hit him between reloading and cooldown of energy. This was going to be more difficult than expected, had he not had the power to be invisible to humans, it would’ve been nearly impossible.
“Kiriko, I find no opening to strike him with, my best bet is to guess what position he may try to take.”
“I’ve gotcha. My fortune says, behind the mountain the sun will shine and strike. You just keep an eye on him. You’ve got this!” said Kiriko through her talisman.
Why did I trust the fortune teller Hanzo mentally grumbled.
Hanzo perched on top of a high building, waiting for a chance to strike.
Suddenly a group of stronger tank-like soldiers burst through the crowd of regular soldiers. Each armed with two heavy machine guns.
Most of the group hid behind the giant’s shield, but the cowboy suddenly disappeared.
Hanzo took flight, and spotted him weaving through the alleyways and into a building, leading to a high perch like balcony above the group of enemy forces. The cowboy kneeled and hid at the doorway, waiting for a moment to strike.
Hanzo took this as a sign to get in position himself. And flew above the balcony. It seemed the cowboy was going to strike above to pick off the soldiers, not a good strategy. But his team was crowded behind the warrior’s shield, and they needed to divert the pressure before the shield broke and left them wide open. If the cowboy was to strike above at the balcony, Hanzo was going to strike the wall behind him at an angle with a ricochet arrow. Simple enough.
What was the fortune teller planning to do, other than to send this man and his team to doom?
He was guessing that Kiriko just wanted to laugh and swoon at a battlefield-born love.
No matter, Hanzo did not concern himself with human affairs other than love.
The warrior’s shield started to wear down to its limit. It seemed like the group was going to be overpowered. Hanzo prepared and drew his bowstring.
Then all at once, the giant slammed his hammer to the ground, the small army of soldiers fell, and the rogue cowboy walked into view, and shined. Hanzo took aim.
“It’s high noon” the cowboy's voice rumbled through the street.
Hanzo saw his chance, and released his arrow. The arrow whizzed towards the wall, but before it could bounce off the wall, the cowboy himself looked up towards the source of the whizzing arrow. He stared straight at Hanzo. The arrow bounced off the wall.
Oh no. thought Hanzo.
The arrow struck the cowboy's back, while he was staring at Hanzo. The cowboy flinched, eyes widening, but surprisingly, returned his gaze back to the fallen crowd of soldiers. He then proceeded to unload his gun in one swift motion. All of the enemy tank soldiers were killed in a blink of an eye.
 Hanzo gaped at the power. And due to the distraction, didn’t realize he was losing altitude. One of his wings had been shot through. He was dropping, fast. He fluttered his one working wing to minimize the speed at which he was falling. He closed his eyes bracing for impact. And was caught by a pair of hands.
Hanzo slowly opened his eyes, and stared straight into the cowboy’s eyes.
Irritatingly enough, he was much more handsomely attractive up close.
“Howdy,” said the cowboy in a deep voice, a loving grin slowly spreading on his face.
“…. Greetings” Hanzo slowly responded.
“May I ask what your name is handsome?” asked the cowboy.
“…. Hanzo” Hanzo replied
“Nice to meet you, Hanzo. The name’s Cassidy, Cole Cassidy,” said Cole
“But you can call me whatever you’d like” Cole added with a wink.
Hanzo’s face reddened. He then wriggled out of the cowboys grasp and stood on his feet to explain the situation before it got out of hand.
“I-I am so sorry to have struck you with my love arrow-,” Hanzo embarrassingly stammered.
 “-it was at a request to a friend, I assure you any attraction you feel to me right now is not of your own accord and I am happy to rearrange you wi-“
Hanzo was abruptly cut off by the cowboy reaching behind him and taking out the arrow, apparently he was wearing a hidden layer of armor beneath his serape. He apparently had not been pierced by his love arrow.
Hanzo stood speechless, unsure what to say next.
“Would you do me the honor of being my valentine today Hanzo? or should I say cupid?” Cole asked.
Cole held out his flesh hand. Hanzo stared at it. Despite it being the dumbest thing he could possibly do, he was curious to see where it would lead. Not to mention, Cole was very handsome.
Hanzo gave him his hand. And Cole proceeded to grin widely.
“Yeah, yeah give me a minute. I’m having a moment up here!” Cassidy yelled back.
Kiriko’s talisman flew close to Hanzo’s ear.
“Good luck Cupid,” Kiriko chuckled.
“I will have a stern talk with you later”, Hanzo quietly grumbled.
As Hanzo pondered how this sequence of events would turn out, a slow warmth bloomed in his chest.
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a-scummy-hybrid · 6 months
Some random HELLDIVERS 2 ideas floating around in my head
This is just gonna be a post thats gonna consist of things i've seen others mention or things i've thought about myself, anyways, here's the list i guess:
Scout Rifle (Unlocked at Level 5) - Modified Sniper Rifle equipped with a Thermal Scope & Silencer designed for more stealthier approaches in missions, its not as powerful as the Anti-Material Rifle but still packs a very mean punch (basically a singular point lower in the Armor Penetration Scale compared to AMR, additionally, it should be noted that it works best in positions where you are far away from the enemy, just because its silenced, it doesn't mean enemies nearby your position cant hear it).
2. Weapon & Armor Customization (+ A Bonus Thing)- I think almost about everyone underneath the sun has talked about this, while i do understand it'd probably be a bit difficult to add it in right now, i would potentially like to see in the future considering that most of the weapons look like they were meant to be detachable at one point (such as certain weapons sharing attachments, that one HD2 Trailer where each Helldiver had a different attachment on each of their Liberator, and other things im forgetting about), and also they did mention they were gonna introduce color variations for armor sometime in the near future, however what I'd honestly like to see it be added in the form of something you have to unlock (sorta similar to how in MGSV you can unlock variations of an existing gun but cannot customize them until you get the Legendary Gunsmith, which once you do, you are able to pull from the various attachments each gun you researched onto any weapon that accepts them):
2a. It could be a Ship Upgrade but as to the name of it... I'm honestly very unsure, I dont think it has a name so i'll call it "LIBERTY & DEMOCRACY QUARTERS" considering the words 'LIBERTY' & 'DEMOCRACY' are in front of the Armory & Unusable Terminal, anyways, upgrades are as followed:
2b. Data Acquisition Terminal (Common Samples Required) - The D.A.T allows for information to be gathered from the Battlefield via the power of Marking & Gathering (This basically gives you a beastiary/logbook for various items & enemies you face off against, which give you useful tips & flavor text, in addition, it keeps track as to how many of said enemy you've killed (including the times they've killed your Helldivers)/how many items you've collected), it also tracks the random notes you find out on the field, listing it as "Questionable Material").
2c. Armor-Smith Cybernetics (Commons, Rares & STREAMLINED REQUEST PROCESS Required) - The Armory is now further enhanced with the usage of highly advanced patriotic-robotics & precise liberty-based algorithms (Allows for Weapon & Armor Customization, Armor requires the usage of Requisition Slips in order to unlock color variations, in order to give some extra uses for RS, same could apply for weapon customization sorta similar to MGSV, where weapons cost GMP in order to deploy except for the really low level versions, which in the case of HD2, it would be the weapon that had the preset attachments, additionally, this means your death is gonna cost more than just a life, so be weary of that, but so it isnt as expensive, maybe the application of each attachment is about... 100 or 250 RS each).
2d. Super Sonar Dish (Commons, Rares, Supers & NUCLEAR RADAR Required) - The Nuclear Radar is now retrofitted with the Super Sonar Dish, allowing for better reads on the battlefield (The radar will now display items you've run past, such as if you ran past a Common or Rare Sample, the Radar will now track it. In addition, as an added bonus, you are given an alert a minute prior to whenever a geological or meteorological event is about to occur. Something else to note is that if you complete a Radar Station Objective, this further enhances the Super Sonar Dish).
3. Medical Spray Tower (Unlocked at Level 10) - A tower full of Stim-Based Spray is deployed and will periodically heal nearby Helldivers that are within range of it, although unlike Stims, it cannot heal serious wounds and does not provide the temporary regeneration a Stim provides (It is highly unknown what it does to bugs and cannot bring people back from the dead).
4. "Buddy" (Unlocked at Level 20 - Costs 25K Requisition Slips) - This patriotic rover is capable of helping you with tasks that your otherwise heroic teammates are unable to help you with! (It helps specifically for opening buddy doors but it will constantly blare loud patriotic music, thus alerting enemies to your position at a constant, can be deactivated with the BACKPACK button).
5. The ability to deactivate backpack related items using the backpack button, so for example, being able to put away the ballistic shield without needing to have a two handed weapon, or maybe deactivating the Shield Backpack to Recharge it to full capacity.
6. Different Super Earth Structure Designs Related to Planet's Composition & Planetary Events - As to what this means, is... well, we shouldnt assume that a planet is constantly dealing with shitty conditions without some method to protecting themselves from it(such as Meteorites, Volcanic Activity, Tremors, and Ion Storms), they definitely would have had something to defend themselves or make living on the planet much more tolerable. Additionally, some more varied SE Designs related to the planet's habitat would be nice compared to the same old Super Earth Generated Structure Number Something Something.
6a. In addition, maybe unique new missions relating to whatever the shitstorm the planet deals with? So lets take the Tein Kwan Event for example, it was simply a "Oh, heres a new planet unlocked, liberate it and you get exo-mechs!", which, while neat, I feel like it could have been made more interesting if it was done akin to the TCS Dispersal Event where you need to activate an Asteroid Defense System (that the automatons took out at various factories across the planet) in order to actually protect the planet, so maybe something like this:
"The production of the Exo-Patriots have halted after Automatons hit the ADS of Tein Kwan, liberate this planet and crush the Automaton Presence so the production of the mechs may resume."
Main Event Mission:
Reactivate A.D.S - Your mission is to land in one of the many exo-patriot facilities and reactivate the defense systems. Eradicate the automaton infestation that is keeping managed democracy in their shackles! Doing so will resume production of the facility and allow for the workers to be safe.
Planet World Gen Details: Evidence of much "smaller" but destroyed ADS in certain spots of a planet. Automaton AA Guns acting as a means to protect Outposts from oncoming Meteorites.
...More ideas to be added later when i remember about them.
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be-al2-o4 · 4 years
It's not October but consider.
Haunted Mandalorian Armor.
Not, "oh no I put on this armor and now I'm possessed!" Get out of here with your Sith nonsense.
Actual moving armor containing the conciousness (or what's left of it) of those proven to be dar'manda.
The monsters, demagolka, those with no honor or code.
This isn't showing your face and putting up your guns
These are actual horror stories.
"Why don't we go explore the ruins in the desert from the civil wars? There's bound to be so much history and culture there!"
"Did your Buir never tell you not to go there? Never tell you the stories of the Beskar'gam Shaadla ti Dar'manda? The Armor Moving with No Soul?"
Monstrous acts committed for the sake of change to please the old God, Kar Ha'ragnir. Slaughtering entire cities solely for conquest. And worse abandoning their God's teachings of change and growth for the false promises of Arasuum. Stagnating in their ways, until all they knew was hunting and death.
But not their own death. Even after their bodies gave out and their hearts stopped, Arasuum would not let them go. Would not let them change or pass on. They are trapped in their armor, and trapped in the places they haunt. They cannot change. They cannot be killed.
But they can kill.
We do not go into the old ruins on Mandalore.
Soldiers, mandalorians, warriors, who follow the Resol'nare but when death greets them and beckons them to join manda, the over soul, they turn away.
It could be cowardice, to run away from their final fate.
It could be duty, refusing to allow another to carry the burden.
It could be despair, just a little more time, just to save one more, "I dont have time for manda my brothers are suffering"
And they get back up.
Their armor comes off occasionally at first.
But they died. There is no coming back from that.
Their body starts to rot.
So they put on the armor. And never take it off.
They haunt battlefields. Present and past.
Walking through ruins, remembering the blast that killed their riduur. The shrapnel that doomed them. Saying the names of every person they knew that died there.
A sudden ally or enemy on the battlefield.
No one knows where this Mandalorian comes from, or why they're fighting. Why they shrug off every fatal hit.
No one can find them after the battle.
"We have to find them! They could be dying!"
"If that's what I think it was, it's probably already dead. Best not to draw anymore of its attention."
But also
clone troopers getting back up
Not all of them. Some are ready to go.
Some never thought of what it means to be Mando'ade
For some it's not a choice at all, leaping away from their servitude knowing they'll see their brothers when its time.
But some get back up.
They keep 'surviving'
Until they don't.
Their body deteriorating under their blacks
Their brothers notice the odd behavior they start exhibiting but mostly it's written off as trauma.
They notice a smell.
Until one day they disappear.
On the battlefield as a casualty.
But with the close quarters and the medical checks they can't hide the fact that they're decomposing.
But when their brothers are fighting, there may be an extra shiny or two in the battle.
They can never be found afterwards so its assumed they died.
When the lists are checked and units accounted for, well battles are messy and not all bodies can be recovered for identification or burial.
Anyone who notices the discrepancy doesn't mention it. Another Vod to watch your back is good news in a fight.
Until someone brings up security breaches. Possible Spies pretending to be Vod.
And one of the commanders in the meeting starts to shake and tells them of one his troopers. He saw Jammer, CT-4358, shot straight through the neck. Saw him fall and bleed out. And then 20 minutes later get up and keep fighting.
Jammer appeared fine. But he never reported to medical.
Jammer started pulling away from his batch mates. Displaying signs of suspicion and paranoia.
Jammer no longer touched or allowed others to touch him and wore full armor everywhere.
One day he pulled Jammer aside and Jammer's shoulder collapsed.
When Jammer tried to run he grabbed his hand.
It came off.
Jammer told him what happened.
He was going. Leaving. Heading someplace better. But he couldn't leave his batch mates behind as fodder for the Republic's war.
5 hours later CT-4358 was reported dead via a malfunctioning weapons unit.
But Jammer is still helping his batch mates, still fighting.
But he no longer belongs to the Republic.
They can fixate on things. They have nothing else. They take up causes.
The return of Mandalorian people.
They never remove their armor.
They find others with similar goals.
They never take off their armor.
To remove your helmet is to be with out soul.
The helmet is your face (their face rotted off a long time ago, the helmet is all they have)
Children are the future of Mandalore.
No living being can see your face.
They could create a clan almost entirely of foundlings.
And teach them it's normal to never take off their armor.
Follow the Resol'nare.
Never remove your helmet.
It is the way.
*edited for typos. Let me know if you see more.
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spys-small-hands · 3 years
7, 5, 25, and 29? :)
Ask me some TF2 related questions!
7. How many hours do you have for TF2?
According to Steam, I've got 313 hours!
5. First map you ever played?
I honestly genuinely think it was Swiftwater or Banana Beach?? Technically it was on my cousin's account because he introduced me to the game a couple of years before I actually got into it. When I started actually playing the game I'm pretty sure my first map was Dustbowl lmao.
25. Favorite cosmetic? (Any class)
The Hundkopf for Medic is probably one of my favourite Halloween cosmetics (and I so badly want to get it this coming Halloween), and speaking of Halloween cosmetics, Pyro's Burny's Boney Bonnet combined with The Spectralnaut makes for a really cool look imo.
Otherwise, the Pocket cosmetics are my favourites too. Ohhh and the Manngaroo set for Sniper too! Furry mercs my beloveds :)
29. Something you love about each merc?
I think I went off the point of the question a little but oh well <3 (Adding a break cus it got a little long oops)
Scout! He's just a guy! A dude! He probably immediately pack-bonded with his team because he's used to probably being the youngest of a group of dudes and I love that for him. I think despite being a little naive about some things, he's smart and sharp, and people don't give him enough credit for that. He is very much Spy's son and people are always surprised about it.
Soldier! Sure he seems too far deep into the patriot thing, but I'm absolutely certain that if anything happened to his friends he would burn down even America itself for them. Additionally he's not stupid either! He's just a funky guy I love him I wish more people would appreciate him.
Pyro! NON BINARY ICON. I love them so fucking much you guys. Complete anonymity? Friends and a job that doesn't tear the hell outta you for being funky gender? In possession of the coolest weapon ever, a flamethrower? Recipe for an amazing character. A very "mess with my friends and I will atomize you" kind of character, and I have a very special place in my heart for those kinds of characters.
Demo! I FUCKINF LOVE DEMO TOO LIKE. He holds so much love and appreciation in him! Despite the negativity he holds for himself, if he's with his friends he can do anything! He's really forgiving too, like those bits in the comics where he forgives Sniper for the moonshine/poison bit and forgives Medic after he explains why he was working with the TFC and also revived Sniper?? This man is a treasure.
Heavy! Hnrg papa bear. He is just the most Big Brother to the team ever and I love that for him. He's got the patience of a saint and he'd do whatever he could to help his team. I adore the way he goes from Giant Man Ripping And Tearing On The Battlefield to Kind Older Guy Who Will Carry You To Bed If You Fall Asleep On The Couch (Again) And Will Let You Stay With Him If You Have A Nightmare.
Engie! Engie is valid to go feral at all times and I love that. In a way, complete opposite to Heavy! In the way that Heavy is typically seen as Big Man Shoot Gun whereas Engie is seen as Polite Little Cowboy. When in reality Engie is a feral little fucker and he'd throw anyone who messes with his machines across the map with just his bare hands. But he cares about his team too! I think he probably cooks for the team the most often, and while he isn't working on personal projects and getting stuck in the funnie little hyperfixation he's probably just milling around seeing if anyone needs anything. Probably one of the best to go to for advice too.
Medic! Random rant but if I see anyone call Medic an evil, morally corrupt fucker who does random experiments to fuck his team up a bit one more time I will seriously lose it. This guy cares so deeply about his team! He'd do literally anything to keep them alive! Not to use an example from before but when TFC's Sniper kills our Sniper? He's so confident in his abilities that he let that happen to continue the facade, knowing that death doesn't mean anything because he knows that he'll revive them and he's taken all the precautions to stop his team from dying! He only does what would increase his team's survivability! He doesn't do shitty things to them! He cares about them! Rant over I'm just very passionate about this. Anyway I love Medic cus he's team parent and he does everything within his power to ensure that no one will die.
Sniper! Just a funky little guy. Quite possibly one of the most gender. Like, loves animals? Crippling social anxiety? Very much queer-coded? Rough relationships with parents? That's just me /j. I adore Sniper so much, he gets typecast as the gruff bastard who'd gut you without a second thought but honestly he's one of the most likely to sit with you when you're having a bad time and let you cry on his shoulder. He keeps tissues in his jacket. He'll probably get you a snack or something afterwards.
Spy! Bastard dad but I care about him so badly. In my onion he's such a complex character and I'm a simple guy, I love breaking characters down into their bare essentials and to me Spy is one of the best to do that with. In my mind he's incredibly damaged by his past and just continously tries to push through every little setback because if he can just live to run another day then he thinks he'll be fine. But if given the opportunity to right the wrongs, to try to set his guilt free and make up for what he's done, he'd do it in a heartbeat. He pretends that he doesn't care but in reality he's always been scared of losing people who get close to him, because that's how vicious the spy underworld is. I'll stop myself before I ramble too much but this guy is very special to me. I care about him a lot.
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grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #97: Nightingale
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, we’re making everyone’s favorite medical practitioner and biting enthusiast, Florence Nightingale! The good Ms. Flo is the most skilled nurse in Chaldea, with a variety of techniques to deal with disease and ill health on and off the battlefield. She’s not afraid to use them, so try not to get sick.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: RUN! It’s a creature legally distinct from Godzilla!
Race and Background
Nightingale’s a Human, and the variant version gives her +1 Wisdom and Charisma, as well as Insight proficiency and the Crossbow Expert feat. Some settings allow for pistols, but some don’t, and we’re playing it safe here. That feat means you can attack multiple times in a turn with a crossbow, attack within melee range without disadvantage, and if you’re holding a crossbow in your off hand and another weapon in your main hand, you can attack with the weapon as an action and the crossbow as a bonus action.
Nightingale might be a nurse, but she spent most of her time patching up wounds in the army, and the Soldier background gives her proficiency with Athletics and Intimidation, both things she pretty good at.
Ability Scores
Make sure your Wisdom is as high as possible for the best medicine checks and spellcasting. Make your Dexterity the second highest to multiclassing, damage, and to keep your AC up (that’s not exactly heavy armor). Your Charisma is next, you can be “persuasive” when you want to be. And by that I mean you’re terrifying. You may be pretty lucid, but you’re still a berserker; that means you’re hard to take down, and that means your Constitution should be next. Your Strength is pretty low. We don’t need it, but you’re still a berserker, so we’re dropping Intelligence instead. You don’t really care about topics other than medicine, so it’s not like you’ll be using it that much.
Class Levels
1. Cleric 1: Shockingly, the nurse is a Cleric. However, you know the best way to avoid infections to kill anything that could infect you, which definitely makes you more of a War cleric than a life one. As a war cleric, you start out proficient in martial weapons, which means we don’t have to jump through hoops to get your hand crossbow like we did with Shirou’s weapon. You’re also a War Priest, meaning a number of times per day equal to your wisdom modifier you can attack as a bonus action after attacking with your main action. This means you can still have two attacks per turn without having to dual wield like your feat wants you to.
You also learn Spells that you can cast and prepare using your Wisdom. You also get Domain Spells, which always count as prepared and you don’t have to spend prep time getting, like Divine Favor and Shield of Faith. The former makes your gun run a little hotter with radiant damage for up to a minute, and the latter gives a creature extra combat awareness, boosting their AC for up to 10 minutes.
You can also prepare spells outside your domain; healing spells are an obvious choice, but you should also check out Detect Poison and Disease and Purify food and Drink to make sure you have some antidotes on you.
Finally, you also get cantrips. Guidance adds 1d4 to an ability score, so long as they follow your directions for fluids and bedrest. Mending puts two things back together (it’s intended for nonliving things, but I’m sure it works fine on limbs too). Spare the Dying is what you’re actually supposed to use when people’s limbs come off, stabilizing creatures at 0 hp so they don’t have to worry about death saves.
2. Cleric 2: Second level clerics can Channel Divinity, either Turning Undead to make those that fail a wisdom save of DC 8 plus your wisdom modifier plus your proficiency, or making a Guided Strike, adding 10 to your attack roll. Some times the most effective way to end a disease is to end the person it’s afflicting.
3. Cleric 3: At third level you get second level spells, like Magic Weapon and Spiritual Weapon. Despite the similar names, the former improves your existing weapon a bit and makes it magical to avoid resistances, and the latter makes a brand new weapon that you control as a bonus action each turn. Along with your domain spells, you also get the performance enhancing drug Enhance Ability, the tranquilizer Hold Person, and more Protection from Poison.
4. Cleric 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to become a Healer. Now when you stabilize a creature using a healer’s kit they regain 1 HP, and you can spend a use of a healers kit to heal a creature for 1d6+4 HP, plus an extra amount of HP equal to their maximum number of hit dice. This healing can only be done once per short rest for each creature. Doctors gonna doctor.
Also grab Thaumaturgy so your Angel’s Yell can carry further.
5. Fighter 1: Bouncing over to fighter gives you a fighting style, like Unarmed Fighting, which gives you unarmed attacks that deal bludgeoning damage, but more so if you’re not holding your crossbow at the same time. Guns are nice, but sometimes you’ll have to get physical. You also gain a Second Wind, letting you heal yourself as a bonus action. This means you can save your regular materials for your party members.
6. Fighter 2: Second level fighters get an Action Surge, making it a lot easier to heal and shoot people at the same time once per short rest by adding an extra action to your turn.
7. Fighter 3: Grab the Banneret as your subclass to gain a Rallying Cry. Now using your Second Wind also heals your party members for a little bit as well! It’s not much compared to healing spells, but sometimes you run out of slots.
8. Cleric 5: Back in cleric now, your Turn Undead becomes Destroy Undead, instantly killing any undead monsters with a CR of less than 1/2 when they fail their save. You also get third level spells like Crusader’s Mantle and Spirit Guardians. The former causes everyone’s guns to run hot with radiant damage even if they’re using a sword, and the latter summons a couple angelic guards to protect your patients. If you find yourself in a lot of close-quarters combat, you can also use Spirit Shroud for some extra enemy control and damage.
9. Cleric 6: At sixth level you can Channel Divinity twice per short rest, and gain an new option to do so. You can bestow your War God’s Blessing on nearby creatures, spending your reaction to add 10 to their attack roll.
10 Cleric 7: Seventh level clerics get fourth level spells, like your domain spells Freedom of Movement and Stoneskin. The former helps you gnaw off your arm like a rabid coyote to escape capture, and the latter gives you all the relevant benefits of raging without stopping you from casting spells. By that, I mean it gives a creature resistance to nonmagical physical damage types. But you’ll have plenty of competition for your concentration, because you can also cast Aura of Life and Aura of Purity this level. One gives creatures in it resistance to necrotic damage and instantly revives non-hostile creatures who’ve been downed, and the other prevents diseases, weakens poisons, and empowers your party against most status effects.
11. Cleric 8: At this level, you can finally use an ASI to improve an ability score, bumping up your Wisdom for better healing and more bonus action attacks. Your Destroy Undead also bumps up to CR 1, and your Divine Strike makes your weapon attacks a little stronger once per turn. Turns out guns are stronger than crossbows, who knew?
12. Cleric 9: Ninth level clerics get fifth level spells. Flame Strike can be one of those neat little bottle-shaped grenades, and you also get Hold Monster for an even stronger tranquilizer. Beyond that and some healing spells, there isn’t really much at fifth level that screams Nightingale to me, but feel free to play it by ear.
13. Cleric 10: At tenth level you can use Divine Intervention to ask God for a bit of assistance in keeping your dumbass party alive. You can use this once per long rest, but also have to wait a week after it succeeds. Since you’re a full level of spells behind regular spellcasters right now, calling in a favor from time to time might come in handy.
You also pick up your last cantrip; Toll the Dead is another solid way to finish off diseased or injured enemies before they can spread whatever’s affecting them to the party, dealing more damage to creatures who are missing HP.
14. Cleric 11: Eleventh level clerics get sixth level spells, and like last time there’s not much specifically at this level that caught my eye. But that’s only if you’re playing the character religiously close to canon, and you probably shouldn’t be if you want to jive with the rest of the party. Or maybe you’re all playing expies of other characters, idk live your life.
15. Cleric 12: Use this ASI to bump up your Dexterity for better gunplay and AC.
16. Cleric 13: Now you have seventh level spells, and unlike the last few levels, there’s spell outside of your usual healing you might want to check out. Temple of the Gods. lets you build your own temple within a cube of 120′. It lasts 24 hours per cast, but casting it once per day for a year in the same spot makes it permanent. Inside the temple, extraplanar entities can be kept out of it if they fail a charisma save, and they also get 1d4 subtracted from their attacks, checks, and saves while inside. The temple is immune to divinations spells, and the temple also boosts the power of healing spells cast inside of it. Great for giving your keep it’s own medical wing.
17. Cleric 14: Fourteenth level clerics have a Destroy Undead that affects creatures of CR 3 or lower, and their Divine Strike becomes a little more powerful as well. You just learned how to build hospitals from nothing, not every level can be a massive leap forward.
18. Cleric 15: You pick up eighth level spells this level. By this level, most spells are a bit too flashy to fit into Nightingale’s toolkit, but Holy Aura still manages to do it. Creatures within 30′ of you glow, and get advantage on all saves. On top of that, attacking creatures have disadvantage, and fiends and undead have to make a constitution save or become blinded for the duration of the spell.
19. Cleric 16: Use your last ASI to bump up your Constitution for more HP and better concentration saves.
20. Cleric 17: At seventeenth level, your Destroy Undead gets even stronger, you get ninth level spells, and most importantly, you become an Avatar of Battle, granting you a permanent resistance to nonmagical weapons. Effectively, you’re always raging, but still have access to your spells.
You’re something of a tough nut to crack, especially for a healer. You’ve got quite a bit of health for a cleric, ways to heal yourself and the party at the same time, and a sort of permanent rage damage resistance going on at the end of it.
Despite being a healer, you’re also pretty skilled in ranged combat, with plenty of ways to add more damage to your crossbow bolts. You might not have multiple attacks like most fighters, but you make your shots count. This also means you don’t have to be quite as deep in combat as your standard “mace and shield” cleric.
The healer feat and your Rallying Cry give you access to nonmagical healing. This is most likely to be a niche skill, but sometimes you’ll have to deal with anti-magic zones or low-magic settings, in which case you’ll still be able to shine.
Despite us putting several levels and feats into making your crossbow good, you’ll still always have to deal with the fact that it’s nowhere near as strong as a fighter’s would be. It’s fine for emergencies, but you probably won’t be the standout damage dealer of the group.
Bumping over to fighter for a couple levels also prevents you from getting the Cleric capstone, and they have a really good one. Guaranteed divine intervention is nothing to sneeze at.
You don’t really wear armor, and you don’t get anything like monks or barbarians do to offset that fact, so if you’re playing to character your AC is abysmal. Like I said earlier though, feel free to put on a breastplate or something, there’s no wrong way to play D&D. Except for in person, and not wearing a mask.
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ask-the-pilot · 4 years
🍯 💣 🍬 :)
For Pilot, his most interested meals and foods which are Bulalo, French fries, Fries, Bread, Chips, Adobo, Silog, Donut, Spaghetti, Ice-Cream and Cupcakes which 5 foods are tradititonal filipino style to his home country and his another 2 meals are his dessert. During lunch and dinner time inside RED and BLU base for Pilot, he eats his meals and/or dishes a bit quickly that he tries not to make a mess to the table and his uniform.
For Physician’s POV, his interested foods that are Adobo, Spaghetti, Silog, Sinigang, Pork Barbecue, Pancit Guisado, Bacon and Eggs, Donut, Chicken Nuggets with the traditional filipino foods for himself and his twin brother and the others isn’t. During lunch and dinner time in either RED and BLU where he switched companies, he behaves unlike the other teammates, including Pilot eating normally when consuming his meals and/or dishes.
When it comes where the two brothers for the stress, Pilot sometimes cannot concentrate when controlling his Plane-Drone that he feels he’s not putting much effort to his job and even to his team that brings to his self-esteem issues which he has feelings of emotions of Sadness and irritable that he mostly stays in his room when he get’s moody after the match his team lost which he plays his Yoyo. However his teammates such as Demoman, Physician, Engineer, Spy make him feel better for someone who gets to speak too.
For Physician’s case, his stress headcanon was being in Medic’s shadow considering that he’s Medi-gun is better with his Health-Kit but share his common thing along with Medic was that his teammates been treating him like shit in the battlefield with that in mind, he get’s to talk with him about his struggles with his emotions of Axiety and depression where Rolando admits that he’s better than him but however Medic get’s to understand his struggles as he tries his best to cheer him up and making him feel better that they’ll do their jobs to be credited to team like they’re cheering them on to win.
For some infos about the twin brothers’ parents for a family headcanon that the Ronald Nationals family lived in an old-styled apartment house in Hildalgo Street of Manila, both Jon and Clarabelle met each-other in their childhood life during the pre-war in the 20th Century. Even they’re dissapointed from Johnny being fired and fired from his different jobs due to his “comical demeanor” or strict purposes which he didn’t care for his new jobs at all until he makes good effort to his Mercenary job even Physician. Like father like son, both Pilot and Jon are troublemakers, mischevious and confrontational but took service in the military but however Pilot is a hired killer which he sacrifised his family’s pride. Clarabelle taught Rolando the ways of treating the illness and sickness that really inspired him to become a Doctor in the first place.
(Sorry for a late reply, I was busy and very unmotivated atm but glad I get it done! :D)
11 notes · View notes
Band of Brothers Masterlist
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Dog Tags:  Dog tags. You didn’t know why, but something about them made them seem safe and secure, just like the man wearing them.
Wounded: Being wounded in war is inevitable and could happen to anyone at any moment. But when it’s you or the love of your life that gets wounded, how will either of you handle the pain and suffering.
Richard Winters:
Everything Was Red: Lewis Nixon was after your heart, but Winters wanted it first. In the end, though, you’d surprise them both with who you would choose. (Lieutenant!Reader)
Really?: You always thought it was funny that Richard was shaving in the middle of the winter, so you decided to distract him. (Captain!Reader)
Um, Excuse You!: Eindhoven was fun until a woman kissed Richard in front of you which caused Richard to have to kiss you to stop you from murdering the woman. (Captain!Reader)
Liar:  Lewis Nixon lied to you. He told you he wasn’t married, even went so far to tell your mutual best friend Richard Winters that same lie. When you find out, though that he was lying to you for over 2 years, is when you find out who truly loves you. (Captain!Reader)
Forever and Always: He was working too hard, you saw that. The regiment didn’t. By the time you got him pulled away from the typewriter, he was still reeling over the events. All he wanted, was for you to just hold him. (Major!Reader)
Copycat: Showing up to Toccoa with a strong head on your shoulders, you were determined to make your company, Easy Company, the best in the 506th. You were bold and unshakable, but Sobel still seemed to try and knock you down. But he was nothing but a Copycat, and with Richards help, you saw that as true. (Captain!Marshall!Reader)
Mama And Her Babies (3 Parts; Continuing): Being a medic for Easy and married to the Captain are no easy feats. Luckily, no one knows about your marriage to Dick other than the higher-ups so the men treat you no differently. Will the secret come out? (Medic!Marshall!Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
(More parts will be added as I continue this series. Check Back for Updates)
My Secret: Hiding your relationship from your father was harder than you both thought. But could you do it successfully?? (Captain!Sink!Reader)
I Want You: He looked so good under these lights with the little bit of scruff that dusted his jawline. His whole appearance made you want to jump him, and you normally could. But your father was across the table. (Captain!Sink!Reader)
Lewis Nixon:
Aim For My Heart (15 Parts; Will Not Continue): As a Female Snipper for Easy company, you certainly do get a lot of attention, but the only attention you want is from Lewis Nixon. In the deadly mix called love in a war in which you had no business being in, will you and Lew make it out alive (A love story I mean come on!) (Sniper!Marshall!Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
(More parts will be added as I continue this series. Check Back for Updates)
Warmth: You just wanted to get warm, and the only warmth you could get was in Lew’s arms. (Captain!Marshall!Reader)
Sick: You’re sick so Lew cuddles with you.
Drunk: As a first-time drinker, you get very drunk before all of you ship out. You get so drunk to the point where Lew has to take you away so you can rest. Drunk tears ensue. (Lieutenant!Reader)
Lipstick: Aldbourne had everything. Food, beer, pretty women. You liked 2 of the 3 things, and when Lew starts to notice your mood going south, he steps in to reassure you that you’re the only girl he wants. (Lieutenant!Reader)
A Lie:  The drinking was getting too much. You tried to make him stop, but in the end, he just drifted farther and farther away. Lucky for you, Ron was there for it all, but will it stop your bleeding. (Captain!Reader) (Features Speirs)
When I Was Older… (3 Parts; Finished): Working side by side with the man you secretly love but openly hate is hard work. He tells you that your plans aren’t smart, but he knows deep down that they are indeed lifesavers. But when he doesn’t take your word and it winds up in 100 dead men, you two have an explosive fight, and words are said. Some were hurtful… Some were what you wanted to hear all along. (Captain!Intelligence!Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Drunken Words Are Just Sober Thoughts: One night of you being drunk with Lew at a bar causes you to be sillier than your normally serious self. But then you mutter out some words, and he questions who you really are when you aren’t in charge and if you really meant it. (Captain!Reader)
Exhaustion: After a long day on the field all you wanted was to be in Lewis’s embrace. He gives you just what you need.  (Captain!Reader)
You’re So Far Up My Ass: Eindhoven scared you. All the people suffocated you which made you stay close to Lew. What was truly bad, was seeing the woman being sheared like cattle. That’s what made you cling onto Lew for dear life.
I’m Not Sick: You told him you weren’t sick and kept on commanding the men while in Bastogne. But your sniffles and sneezes didn’t go unnoticed in the little town of Foy and that’s when Lew put his foot down. (Sick!Captain!Reader)
British Bastard:  Ever since you walked into that office to talk to your father the British Colonel had his eyes on you. Lew and you weren’t yet dating, but would flirting with the British man push that train along? (Captain!Sink!Reader)
Fire on Fire: You loved him, you really did… But the drinking became too much and with the predicament, you were in, things had to change. You didn’t know if the change had to be from him or you… But you knew it would be bad. (Captain!Winters!Reader)
Ronald Speirs:
Cigarette?: You had heard stories about the ruthless Speirs, but when you hear how someone taking a Cigarette from him will die, you try to show the men that you aren’t afraid.
Idiot (2 Parts; Finished): Ronald Speirs had always gotten on your nerves. Whether it be fighting the biggest person at the school or running through open fire on the battlefield. He was your best friend, but you hated him when he acted like such an idiot. (Medic!Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Promote Me, Love Me (12 Parts; Will Not Continue): You have one goal in this war, to rise faster in the ranks than Ronald Speirs from Dog Company. The only problem, you’re hopelessly in love with the crazy man. Will it mess up your chance to be better than the arrogant careless man, or will it make you realize that ranks aren’t everything when it comes to love? But when you find out that your best friend Carwood Lipton has been hiding feelings for you, what will you choose in the end? Speirs, Lipton, or that Golden Rank you’ve dreamt of since you were just a little girl, only war will make that decision. (Lieutenant!Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Silent Affairs: No one knew about you and Ron sneaking around and you liked it that way. But when he gets moved to Easy Company, things get difficult. (Lieutenant!Reader)
Despicable: He needed you to leave him… So he pushed you till you did. And it was absolutely despicable. (Medic!Reader)
Bad Guy: Who was the bad guy? You or him? You liked him when he was mad and unlike others, you weren’t scared of him.
Guilt: You were tired of the back and forth that Ron played with your fragile heart. He liked you one minute and then ignored you the next. So you decided to make his life a living hell. (Sergeant!Marshall!Reader)
Tomorrow Is Another Day (Will Not Continue; Sequel to Old Memories, Same Crush): After George Luz finds out that you are the same girl from high school, he’s heartbroken from your lies. Confiding in Ronald Speirs, you find love again and this time, it feels correct. However, a moment in the woods sparks feelings between you and George that you wish would just go away. Will you stick to your guns and stay with Ron? Or will George’s persistence win you back? Only time will tell. After all, Tomorrow Is Another Day. (Medic!Reader)
Part 1
Celebration?:  Your hair was everything to you. Partly because it took you so long to grow it out, but mainly because it made you feel feminine when surrounded by men. So losing it, would be devastating. (Medic!Reader)
Mean: Most times Speirs could be mean and most times you stayed quiet. Sometimes you spoke up. (Shy!German-American!Reader)
Carwood Lipton:
My Sick Baby: Carwood was sick with Pneumonia, as you checked up on him you soon realized he needed to sleep so with some force, you got him to do just that. (Medic!Reader)
Scars: Ever since Lip got blown back by the tank shell, he’s been ashamed of his scars, but you reassure him you love him either way.(Medic!Reader)
Eindhoven: When a lady kisses Lips cheek, your jealousy sparks and he has to put out the fire.
Cuddle: You just want to cuddle with Carwood, it doesn’t matter to you whether he is upset with you, freezing his ass off or sicker than a dog, you just want to touch him 24/7.
You’re Being Naughty:  when you got drunk, you got naughty. But you didn’t think it would bother your best friend until he snapped at you in the middle of the bar. (Sink!Reader)
Sick Kisses: He didn’t want to kiss you when he was sick, but you didn’t care. (Medic!Reader)
Please Kiss Me:  Not now, not when he was sick. You were a medic, you should know better but you didn’t care. You couldn’t even remember what he tasted like, something that frustrated the life out of you. Would he cave in? (Medic!BabySisterSpeirs!Reader)
Joseph Liebgott:
In Denial: Joe and you always got on each other’s nerves, but how long will it take before you both realize how in denial you are about how much you love each other.
Showers: As a female soldier, you never really get to shower alone and in private. When two men have wandering eyes and nasty words, it makes you a little self-conscious and your boyfriend a little hot-headed.  
Hot Head: Joe’s jealousy really does get the best of you sometimes, but when it turns into pure rage that makes him ignore the fact that he’s hurt is when you have enough. (Medic!Reader)
Jealous Hearts and Wounded Bodies: (Sensing a theme?) Joseph is always jealous of something, but you two aren’t even dating, so what gives? When you push the limits and flirt with David Webster in front of him, all hell breaks loose. When you are wounded, though, that’s when the real truth comes out.
Ich Liebe Dich: Just Joe bugging you in English, so he says I love you in German to make you swoon.
Wicked Game: It was a wicked game, really. He made you fall in love with him with his sweet words when you were alone. Yet his sour remarks when you were around the others made you shut down and second guess it all. But you were falling madly in love with him… And it really was all just a wicked game.
Get Off: He didn’t enjoy you hanging off of him like a monkey. But when you start hanging off of Webster to get Joe riled up is when all hell breaks loose.
Taxi Ride: After the war, you and Joe went your separate ways. You became a Nurse and married a wealthy man. He became a taxi driver and prayed that you would cross paths. One late night you take a taxi home, and after you find out who will be driving you home, you decide your life needs to change. (Nurse!Married!Reader) (BoB!AfterWar)
Moved On: Joe thinks you moved on to a replacement when really, the replacement was coming onto you much to your dislike. When the replacement finally corners you in the bar, you don’t know who will snap first. You… Or Joe. (Medic!Reader)
Shut Up: He was getting on your nerves talking all that smack from those perfect fucking lips of his. You finally had enough, but you didn’t know what would happen after.
Pink Lips: Pink Lips… Those stupid fucking pink lips of yours had him hypnotized, even to the point of not being able to talk to you because he would be too busy staring at them. He finally has enough after nights and nights of nothing but dreams about you and those stupid, beautiful pink lips (Sink!Medic!Reader)
Jealousy Looks Good On You: Joe got jealous very easily and to you it was embarrassing. But when a girl hits on him in a bar, Joe likes what he sees. 
Bill Guarnere:
Protection:  Bill was always protective of you, and you were always in love with him. When push comes to shove, how long will it take for you to cough up your love for him, and for him to explain his motivations to protect you? (Medic!Reader)
Female Captain:  Entering boot camp later than everyone else has its downsides. You don’t have a similar bond with one another like the originals did and you certainly feel like an outsider. Entering as their new superior has a different sort of challenge, instead of feeling unwanted from the men, you felt it from Sobel. When the inferior NCO pushes you around, who will stand up to him first, you, or would someone else? (Captain!Marshall!Reader)
George Luz:
Shave: Geroge needed to shave, and you wanted a candy bar, so you found a way to get what you wanted.
Don’t Touch My Girl: George didn’t like how Liebgotts arm was on you during the ride to the next spot. Frustration ensues.
War Is No Place… (9 Parts; Will Not Continue): You had your eyes on George Luz since day one. Quickly, you fell in love with one another, but you soon realized that war is no place for a lot of things. Mainly, though, its no place for love. (Medic!Marshall!Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
(More parts will be added as I continue this series. Check Back for Updates)
Don’t Be Stupid (2 Parts; Finished): When George comes back from the bar drunk and proclaiming that you were cheating on him with your best friend Lieb, you find out who told him such lies. And you go to confront them.
Part 1
Part 2
I Thought I Lost You: You were stationed in Bastogne because they needed extra hands. When George finds out about the bombings though, he falls into a depression because he thought he lost you. (Medic!Reader)
Clingy Lover: When in Aldbourne right before Operation Market Garden, you start to feel lovey-dovey and very clingy. Luckily for you, George loves when you are like this. But when Cobb says something that makes you shut down, you question whether being clingy is a good thing.
Old Memories, Same Crush (3 Parts; Finished): You knew George Luz from Rhode Island where you both went to high school. You had a major crush on him, but being the nerd and him being the class clown made it seem impossible. You got over your crush once you joined the Airborne, but then you run into him again. Something blooms.  (Medic!Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Eugene ‘Doc’ Roe:
Touch: Being a medic really put a lot on you, but then you learn that your touch heals people, or so Doc tells you, kisses ensue. (Medic!Reader)
Medic Band: When you’re holding onto dear life, you also realize you’re holding onto Eugene’s medic band. With your blood all over him, he confesses how he feels.
Mon Ange De Neige: In the darkest part of the war, Eugene realizes how he is slowly falling in love with you, his Mon Ange De Neige, Angel of snow. (Lots of French. I have no regrets) (Medic!Reader)
Boo-Boo: It was a boo-boo. The graze on your shoulder didn’t put your life at stake. Doc didn’t care though, a wound was a wound. All you wanted though, was for him to kiss it and make it feel better
Red Nose: He was so cold and his nose seemed to be permanently red. While in the town of Foy, Winters mentions to you that Eugene needs a break to warm up and relax from the hell he just went through in Bastogne. You couldn’t agree more and you make it your mission to fix the broken and frozen man in your arms. (Medic!Reader)
Accent: You always found the way that the Louisianan talked to be amusing. You just didn’t expect it to make your heart race either.
Stars: You were seeing stars after the bullet hit your shoulder, but you didn’t realize the stars were just Roes eyes shining in the moonlight as he hovered over you. (Medic!Injured!Reader)
Floyd Talbert:
Two Can Play At That Game: You and Floyd split in fear of losing one another. When you come to the town of Eindhoven and see him kissing a girl just to get you riled up, you finally snap and decide that two can play at that game. (Sergeant!Reader)
Stabbed And Dazed: You were still new to the whole, Medic thing, and the only way to get better was to practice on wounds. You just wished it wouldn’t be a stab wound from someone you liked, and when the morphine kicked in, his words would make your head spin. (Medic!Reader)
Joe Toye:
Joey Baby, I Love You: When you get clipped in the jaw by Liebgott while trying to break up the fight between him and Bill, Joe comes up to show you some love and promises you that no one will hurt you.
You Wanna Repeat That?: You were just trying to do your job, but when one annoyed private complains to the wrong man, your boyfriend, a heated argument results. (Medic!Reader)
Buck Compton:
Lost Without You: Buck was your everything, your rock, your love. Your life. So when he’s pulled off the line for witnessing Toye and Guarnere being hit, how will you survive in the hell without him?
Donald Hoobler:
Surviving: When Don shoots himself with his Luger and his life rests in your hands and Docs, will you be able to save him? (Medic!Reader)
Edward Heffron:
Don’t Be So Smug: He was so smug and handsome at the same time… You wanted to hate it… But that only made you love him more.
My Baby: While his nickname was ‘babe’ to everyone else, ‘baby’ was his nickname from you and you alone. So when some of the men catch on to the pet peeve of yours when someone calls him baby, they do all they can to push your buttons. Possessiveness ensues. (Sergeant!Reader)
Just Kiss Me: He was being cheeky by not giving you a kiss. Which leads you to become clingy and needy. But don’t worry, he likes it.
You’re Adorable: You think he looks adorable in the lighting and then you just gather the courage to tell him how you really feel.
No Warmth: Julian. While Babe hated sharing your guys’ foxhole with him, you could see the love that he had for the younger boy. The problem was, that you mainly saw that love after Julian died and when Babe seemed too broken to heal.
Hurt: You were shot, it wasn’t deep and it was just in your shoulder, but it made you rethink everything. While the bullet hurt you, your absent demeanor hurt Babe. (Medic!Reader)
Drinks: Babe had just dumped you and you were getting drunker and drunker by the minute. Lucky for you, there were a bunch of British soldiers who couldn’t keep their hands off of you as they kept you well… Hydrated (aka Drunk). You didn’t see the issue, but Babe certainly did.
Get Me Sick: It was so cold, you were sick, and you were being so stubborn. The perfect mixture that made you distance yourself from your lover only because you didn’t want to get him sick as well. But he was having none of it. (Medic!Reader)
Donald Malarkey:
I Lost You: Donald Malarkey was always in your dreams, some were better than others, and then there were those that paralyzed you in fear. You couldn’t lose him, and the only way to calm you from those dreams were him himself. Luckily, he was always there for those scary nightmares.
Freckles: Seasons may come and go. His freckles may fade and appear. But through it all, your love for him never changes.
Protection: The Replacement was drunk and you were frozen in fear. When Don saw the whole predicament, he wouldn’t go easy on the man that touched his girl. Oh no, the newbie would pay.
You’ve Got A Lot To Learn: You were trying to be nice and courteous to the new Lieutenant. Meaning you made sure Don didn’t completely rip into him with sarcasm. While you are sweet and generous, the kid’s got a lot to learn. The first thing to learn is not to mess with you or he’s gonna a very nasty realization. (Major!Sink!Reader)
Six Feet Under: You didn’t know how to fix it. Fix any of it. His friends dying killed him, but him not opening up really put your relationship six feet under.
Giggles: Even when you’re upset, whether it be with him or another person, he always found a way to make you giggle. (Sergeant!Reader)
Mine (2 Parts; Finished): Don had called off the relationship, yet it felt wrong to make out with Joe right in front of him. You lied to yourself by saying you did it because you liked Joe, but all you wanted was Don back. And what you wanted, you got.
Part 1
Part 2 (SMUT)
So Goddamn Beautiful:  To him, you were always so beautiful. Whether you were covered in someone else’s blood or fresh out of the shower. It didn’t matter to him, you were just always so goddamn beautiful. (Medic!Reader)
In Your Place: You were talking back and doing things to rile him up. You knew what you were doing… You wanted him to put you in your place.
You’re Clingy, Big Deal: After someone makes fun of your clinginess in the bar. No one makes Don’s girl feel bad, especially when it’s about something he adores.
Watch: Sad Angst… No real synopsis and it’s short… so???
Fallen: You have always been pushed around for being Sinks daughter, but when you actually hit the ground is when you finally break. Don is there to catch you, but its not just you that he catches. He catches the love bug as well. (Sink!Reader)
Johnny Martin:
Watch Your Mouth: No one talked back to his girl. No one. So when one replacement gets a little mouthy towards you when you were simply trying to patch him up, Johnny steps in and puts him back in his place. (Medic!Reader)
In This Mess?: Martin was struggling, you could see that. When you find out that you’re pregnant, you think things will go smoothly. But he is not one happy daddy. (Wife!Medic!Reader)
David Webster:
Leave Him Alone: You had enough of your best friend teasing and bullying poor Webster. Partly because you wanted everyone to be kind, partly because you liked David.
Where Were You?!:  When David comes back from the hospital after you lose everything, he questions why you of all people are giving him the cold shoulder. The reason is, you needed him, and he wasn’t there. (Medic!Reader)
I Love You: Richard Winters, Lewis Nixon, Eugene Roe
Confessing Feelings: Ronald Speirs, Carwood Lipton, George Luz
286 notes · View notes
feminist-propaganda · 4 years
The War - On Drugs
One of the things that pisses me off when it comes to drugs, is the idea that somehow they make people more peaceful.
Drugs tend to be associated with spirituality (LSD, marijuana) or parties (cocaine, MDMA). Not taking drugs is seen as something “fachist” or “intolerant”. All of the cool kids are doing it, only the stuck up ones are saying no.
Even though humans discovered a lot of psychotic substances by observing animals use them (such as the goats who were chewing on the coffee beans in Ethiopia ) it simply isn’t true that drug usage is a peaceful practise. Quite the opposite.
I want to talk about how historically drugs have been used to fuel war.
1. Snorting Cocaine in the Trenches
The very first factory that ever produced cocaine is located a couple of kilometers away from my house, in a town called Amstelveen. 
In 1875, some coca plants were transferred from Brasil to Java, where they were cultivated by the locals under Dutch supervision. In 1900, the Nederlandsche Cocaïnefabriek was created and quickly became the biggest producer in Europe.
It’s only during the first World War though, that the Nederlandsche Cocaïnefabriek really made it’s mark on the pages of History. It sold cocaine to both sides (The Allies and the Germans). Soldiers were taught to cope with the atrocities they saw on the battlefield, the long marches and the rest of it all because they were using cocaine as an upper and opium as a downer.
In the period between the two Wars; some regulations were passed and manufacturing cocaine ceased to be so lucrative, as you could only sell it as a medical product. Fortunately for the Nederlandsche Cocaïnefabriek, during the Second World war, they were once again able to turn a profit by selling opiates to the German Army.
2. Walking to Russia on Ecstasy
During the Second World War, Hitler used methamphetamines to motivate his soliders and give them the energy they needed to walk 30 km a day. People have written at length about the engines and machinery that were developped during the Third Reich, but fail to mention or understand that twenty year old men would’ve probably not commited mass murder and genocide had they not been high on methamphetamines.
Don’t believe me? This is how Time magazine put it in January 2020:
“Few drugs have received a bigger stimulus from war. As Lester Grinspoon and Peter Hedblom wrote in their classic 1975 study The Speed Culture, “World War II probably gave the greatest impetus to date to legal medically authorized as well as illicit black market abuse of these pills on a worldwide scale.”
3. Murdering people on Hash
You might not be convinced that Drugs are the fuel of war and violence because I’ve only talked about the hard drugs, also known as the “party drugs”. How about Hash? The word “assassin” comes from a murder cult called the “Hashishin”. These people formed a group of killers in Northern Iran in the 11th century. The members of the group were offered hash and while they were high would enjoy sensual pleasures such as sex with young women and good food. When they came out of their transes, they would go on murdering expeditions where they were expected to kill specific people.
The secret group was very well organized in a hierarchy of five levels, and only the lowest level was tasked with killing individuals. The decision makers believed that it was better to kill a select number of people that had differing opinions or views than them rather than waging a war.
The killers belived that they were fighting a holy war. In reality, the leaders of the organization would receive commissions from third parties who would pay for the assassination they ordered. They were also great at extorting money, and used the threat of the “Hashishin” to convince their victimes of paying up. 
But why do I care about this anyway? Can’t I just let users use whatever they want to? Why am I giving you this history lesson?
The reason I care is because we tend to think that men are violent, we use the phrase “boys will be boys” to illustrate our belief that we don’t think there’s anything we can do about this. It’s almost as if we think it’s intrinsic to their nature, that they have to let it out sometimes. We think it’s expected and we can’t be upset if they use violence to express themselves.
The idea that men are violent serves a very specific purpose. We don’t perpetuate it for nothing. It’s function is to justify Wars. We teach little boys to own guns and fight, we make videos games that are full of violence, then when they become teenage boys we give them beer and joints. By the time they are adults they’re transformed into violent, dangerous citizens. 
Sending such a man off to war is easier than sending a man who is well read, who likes to paint and writes poetry about his emotions. How could such a man accept the War? 
We perpetuate the idea that men are violent to justify War.
I disagree. Men are not intrinsically violent. During their childhoods, they are told to suppress their emotions, taught that emotions are dangerous, that their emotions make them less worthy of love, that their emotions are so undesirable that if they allow themselves to feel them; they might be excommunicated, that their own mothers might stop loving them.
Later in life, men start resorting to drugs to avoid feeling and dealing with their emotions. And we all know what the consequences of this behavior is. But hey, let me just share some numbers:
- In the UK, suicide is the second biggest cause for deaths in Men. According to one article on the BBC:
It’s the same in many other countries. Compared to women, men are three times more likely to die by suicide in Australia, 3.5 times more likely in the US and more than four times more likely in Russia and Argentina. WHO’s data show that nearly 40% of countries have more than 15 suicide deaths per 100,000 men; only 1.5% show a rate that high for women.
- Men are more likely to develop an addiction to the effects of alcohol. The Center for disease Control in the US reports:
Adult Men Drink More than Women
Almost 59% of adult men report drinking alcohol in the past 30 days compared with 47% of adult women.1
Men are almost two times more likely to binge drink than women.1-3 Approximately 22% of men report binge drinking and on average do so 5 times a month, consuming 8 drinks per binge.2
In 2019, 7% of men had an alcohol use disorder compared with 4% of women.4
-Men are also more likely to be homeless. According to the Demographic Data Project: 
Homelessness in America is largely a gendered phenomenon. Men are the overwhelming majority individuals counted in the HUD-required annual Point-in-Time Count. They are also more likely than women to be unsheltered.  Ending homelessness requires better understanding of the issues that cause so many men to become homeless, and the particular housing, employment, and services solutions that would best end their homelessness.   
When will we stop romanticising drugs as something that makes us creative, friendly or funny and actually see them for what they are? 
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Ranking Of The Best Mods For Ravenfield
Hello my name is marco and i like to play the game called Ravenfield, and i created this blog to  rank the best mods from the steam workshop to play in ravenfield game, all this mods i have tested and compared with another mods from the same class and i had chosen as the very best, so you gonna save a lot of time by picking up the mods that i am recommending, lets go to the list:
All this mods you can find on Steam community workshop or download from another game websites that storage mods for download.
Jeep slot - None
Explanation: i dont think a jeep without weapons could help my gameplay, it only increase the pollution of the battlefield and consume performance from the pc, so better cut if off
MG Jeep slot - EQ2050 PACK(CWP) by Lezvin 
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I think this is the best truck for troop transport including an MG seat that turn 360 degrees araound, this chinese truck seems like american humvee, nice design, nice health, support 5 passenger including the pilot, and the Ai (Bost) play very well using this vehicle, machine gunner is very accurate.
Quad slot - LKX 250 by c2holic_second
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I dont know you but i dont like original Quad, instead it i do prefer this motorcicle that seems like that one from PUBG, nice design, nice sound effect and the rump passenger shoot while pilot drive it through the battlefield, very noice.
Tank slot - SA-9 Gaskin by Mr_2005 
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I use this SPAA in the tank slot because some maps do not have APC slots and i think an SPAA is more important than a common tank, this is the very best SPAA in the ravenfield steam workshop, trust me, i have tested many other SPAA, the other ones keep focusing in ground target or simply ignore important air targets, they fail in accuracy and damage also,  what make it non sense for a anti-air vehicle, this one is the most deadly SPAA, defeat the very fast fighter jets and powerfull helicoters fastly, definig who command the skies, meantime it floats in the water also, please use it to protect your airspace. (Overpowered SPAA) Obs: other great quality is the fact that modder let you to use this vehicle in another slots, so you can calibrate it.
APC Slot - C1 Ariete PSO by  SouthernWolf67
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believe me you will not find another tank better than this one from the ravenfield workshop, i have tested many many others, all that fail in healt, optimization, fire range and accuracy, but not this Ariete, this is the most accurate tank that you will find after the steelraven update that make bots fire while piloting  resulting most tank mods to be worse in accuracy, luckly that one continue to be accurate, and you still win a very nice design, very nice optimization, yes it play well in potato pc and firing effects are very realistic, please use this tank in your gameplay and you will not regret, note that i prefer to set this tank in APC slot, because as i say before, i give priority to SPAA in tank slot.
Attack Helicopter - MIL MI-28 HAVOC by Mr_2005 
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And the  best award as the best helicopter goes to Havoc from Mr_2005 modder, i have tested a lot of helicoter mods and this one wins because the rain of rockets that he make above the enemies, the machine gunner have explosive projectiles and he fires at long range, what make this helicopter to be the most agressive chopper from the workshop, i only think the health could be bigger following the soviet doctrine of to make the vehicles the more resistent possible so it could last longer in the battlefield, hear that Mr ? make this a flying monster by increasing the health plox ?! second place goes to WZ-10 by Ninjagrape
I just want steelraven  release an update to improve bot skills in piloting and flying with helicopters, even if it’s the best mod, bots are still very slow to fly and don’t know how to do evasive maneuvers, which makes helicopters ‘’easy preys‘’ and last little in the battlefield, steelraven please make bots more hardcore when piloting attack helicopters thanks.  
Transport Helicopter slot - None
Explanation: i dont think a transport helicopter could help my gameplay, we already have jeep and boats for troop transport, so why we need more transport vehicles ? just to pollute the skies and nothing more, so i prefer to not use a transport helicopter. 
Attack Plane slot - MIG - 25 Foxbat by Mr_2005
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You will believe me when i said that this is the very very best attack plane in that shitty workshop because i have fucking tested all the other attack planes you can imagine, what makes this plane special is the fact that it have only one weapon that is a tracking missile, so bots dont spend time firing machine guns or wired guided missiles that always miss the target, no bullshit in this plane make it very focused only in what matters: air superiority, it fires on sight and do not spend time letting the enemy survive, what makes it a very deadly plane, he fire ground targets also using tracking missiles, it never miss the target, if you dont like this one, keep with YF-23 by Lezvin that comes in second place or F-35B by noob kut ku comming in third  place, they are overpowered jet fighters too, but they spend time making some bullshit as i said before.
Bomber plane slot - A6 Intruder by Mr_2005 
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If youre looking for a bomber plane to do some ground attack in vehicles targets this is the very best, he make rain fire in ground targets dropping some napalm bombs and raining a lot of rockets, some of the other bomber planes keep spending time flying around the targets and firing absolutely nothing i dont know why, this not happen with this bomber, he is always in action putting some terror in the heart of enemy soldiers in the floor, the fire effects are very impressive, much better than default explosion effects used by another bomber planes, there is a second seat for co-pilot and it does a lot of damage by firing guided missiles, which further increases the lethality of this plane.
Attack Boat slot - Silurus-Class Fast Attack Boat by noob kut ku
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All we that play ravenfield and have a potato pc was sad because the only good attack boat that we had in the past was the RCB-90 from urban warfare modder, but saddly that boat was very laggy, so noob kut ku make my day when lauched this attack boat what is very similar, theres no bullshit like mortar that you can find in the original attack boat or in that piece of shit called vanilla boat, instead it we have a strong machine gun with explosive bullets that makes infantry be thrown away and a motherfuckin rocket that blows anything leaving a smoke trail behind , amazing boat, thank you very much noob, he fires you even if youre in a helicopter, no escape.
RHIB slot - Original 
Machine Gun, Anti-tank and Anti-air Turrets - None 
Why i need machine gun turret if my bots is already armed with the best weapons they can have ? why i need a anti-tank turret if my bots have decent rocket laucher ? why i need anti-air turret if i already have a SPAA that cover much more territory, so i dont use turrets to avoid the ground pollution in the battlefield
First of all i deselect all the weapons because i am very carefully with what weapons my bots are using, cause they have worse skills and worse accuracy using the wrongs weapons, so lets pick the weapons carefully here.
If you agree with me, so you think that Hard dificulty mode from ravenfiel still is easy, one way to increase the dificulty beyond the normal is giving the right weapons for your bots, they play better using the right weapons.
Eagle Main Assault Rifle:  [Project WW3] M4A1 (1st version) By Mellamomellamo 
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I like this weapon because it remember me my old times of call of duty modern warfare series, and because bot have long range firing using it, so is the main assault rifle of my eagle team, in my test A.i could shot at long range using this weapon, what did not happen with a lot of another weapons.
Eagle Anti-Tank: Dagger (Original)
Raven Main Assault Rifle: AKM by SAVANY 
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This is the very best AKM that you can define to your enemy team, in my test bots have the longest range and the most accuracy while shootting with this AKM you will have much more challenge in your gameplay, i dont know why but bots play better using this assault rifle than using the defautl assault rifles, strange but luckly,  the bursts are usually accurate and do not spread as much as in mods of other assault rifles (Overpowered AKM)
Raven Anti-Tank: Dagger (Original)
Weapons for Both A.i teams Eagle and Raven
Sniper rifles:  SL Defender (Original) and Recon LRR 
(i dont know why but in my tests, bots only play well using default sniper rifles, so dont give another sniper rifle mods to your bots or they will play more badly)
Close quarters: TTI Benelli M4 by suzushiInfantry 
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Another weapon that increases the game dificulty, bots they like to use this shotgun a lot, and the shots are very accurate even in a medium range,  in close range so they are very quick on the trigger, you will die several times due to the lethality of this shotgun (Overpowered shotgun)
Infantry support: M249 Saw (only) - Urban Warfare: Machine Guns by Laureen Keqing 
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Don't ask me why but bots become extremely deadly when put their hands on M249 SAW that belong to this pack (i only recommend it from this pack), M249 SAW give to your bots high range and letal accuracy, sometimes they hit your a lot of times at once, seems like bots are using hack when they use M249, and it have a nice shooting effect also, if you want to increase dificulty of your game, select M249 to your enemies. (Overpowered machinegun)
Grenades: Model 1914 Grenade Pack Remaster by Ninjagrape
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this is the only hand grenade that i like, why ? because it send everyone to the air when explodes, and it make my game more funny. (Overpowered grenade)
Equipment: The rest of things i use original, medic bag, ammo bag, sabre, skins, i dont like to use unuseful mods to keep filling my game with stupid mods that can decrease my gaming performance and polluting my scenario, so this things i prefer to keep original.
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lexilucacia · 4 years
Title: Wings Relationships: George Washington/Alexander Hamilton Words: 1085 TW: Violence, Canon-Typical Violence, Gun Violence (duelling like the show), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Duelling, Fluff, Alexander Hamilton Needs Sleep This is for Whamilton Week 2020 
@gagakumadraws @ultrahamilham
Read on AO3
“Alexander, come back to sleep.” George turned over in their shared bed groaning, feeling distraught at the coldness of the other man’s side, signifying he’d been up for a while. There was a lamp flickering by the table and he could make out the shadow of the man hunched over his writing. 
Alexander turned to look at him, a small frown on his face. “I have an early meeting with some of the other aides.” 
George raised an eyebrow confused, he wasn’t notified. “It’s still dark outside?” He asked, confused.
“I just have to write something down.” He walked over, placing a kiss on George’s forehead, unwrinkling it.
“Why do you write like you’re running out of time?” He looped his arm around Alex’s.
“Come back to bed, that would be enough.” He tugged Alexander onto his chest, relishing the laugh he gave.
“I’ll be back before you know I’m gone.” He whispered, a promise to the almost sleeping man. 
“Come back to sleep.” Gorge pleaded once more, it was cold in the winter on the battlefields and Ale- Hamilton, didn’t normally leave until the sun was starting to rise.
“This meeting’s at dawn.” There was a small frown on Hamilton’s face as he kissed the man like it would be his last. 
“Well I’m going back to sleep.” Washington sassed, turning over and closing his eyes. 
Hamilton kept writing and 10 minutes later, once done, left one more kiss on Washington’s head. “Best of Generals, best of men.” He blinked back the tears threatening to form.
As soon as he heard Washington’s snores even out, he left the tent, huddling into himself.
“Ready?” Alexander turned to John, who’d agreed to meet him outside Washington’s tent. 
John nodded back, not even questioning why he was in Washington’s tent. “Let’s go.”
“Ok, let’s go over some things. If Burr says Lee apologises, no need for further action, we’ll accept, stand procedure.” John nodded, mentally going through his checklist. “You’re my second, Laurens, my lieutenant.”
They both laugh, “You know you’re not high enough to have a lieutenant.” He nudged Alexander’s shoulder.
“So, we got the time. Dawn on the battlefield?” The conversation turns serious again as Alexander asks Laurens about the location.
Alexander was getting kind of nervous about being in a duel, after all he’d only ever been someone’s second. Laurens puts a hand on his shoulder, turning the shorter man to face him, sensing his nerves. “Hey, this is commonplace especially through recruits. Most disputes die and no one shoots, ok?” 
Hamilton nodded, butterflies still clogging his stomach. “We’ve got a doctor, right?”
“Burr said he and Lee would bring one.”
“Got it, but we better hurry. Want to do it before sunrise and everybody waking up.” John nodded, both hurrying their steps.
“You leave a note to Eliza?” Alexander nodded. “Washington?”
He asked slyly, relishing how Hamilton’s cheeks flared up. “Yup,” Hamilton croaked out.
They got to the field where they were supposed to be meeting, he shook hands with Lee before they went to stand in the middle, back to back. John nodded one last time at Hamilton before going to try to solve the dispute with Burr. 
He walked back over shaking his head and Hamilton nodded gravely, knowing that this may be his last day on earth. Although he doubted Lee would shoot. 
He cast one last look towards Lee before the countdown started. 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
He turned around and shot, it wasn’t blind, he aimed it as soon as he saw Lee would not shoot, but did not bow out either. 
“Lee do you yield?” John calls as the bullet makes contact with his said.
“You shot him in the side, yes he yields.” Burr sounds frustrated and his tone is filled with sarcasm.
“I’m satisfied.” Alexander calls back with a shit-eating grin, before turning to John and pulling him into a hug. 
“Yo, we gotta clear the field.” He yells at the crowd forming, “Yo, we won!”
John finally realises, but stops as silence that suddenly overtakes the field. “Here comes the general.” He mutters.
“This should be fun.” Alexander gulps back, already nervous about Ge- no, Washington. General Washington.
“What is the meaning of this?” He yelled loudly, startling everyone. He never lost his calm. He turns to Burr, nostrils flaring. “Mr Burr, get a medic for the General.”
“Yes sir.” Burr salutes before running off, scared out of his wits.
“Lee, you will never agree with me, but believe me, these young men don't speak for me.” He glares at John and Alexander before facing back and saluting him. “Thank you for your service.”
“Let’s ride.” John whispers to Hamilton, ready to make a run for it.
“Sir?” Alexander was blinking back tears at this point, not used to the fury being pointed at him.
“Meet me inside.” He turns on his heel, walking off. Hamilton turns to John, nodding at him and walking off, keeping his composure. 
“Alex.” His tone was sad, almost guilty.
“Don’t call me that.” Hamilton was aggravated, ready for a fight.
“This war is hard enough without infighting.”
“Lee called you out, we called his bluff.” Alexander defended.
Washington’s face softened. “You solve nothing, you aggravate our allies to the south.” He tries in vain to explain. 
“You're absolutely right, John should have shot him in the mouth, that would've shut him up.” Alexander spoke with so much conviction that George couldn’t help it. He strode across the and pulled him into a hug. 
“I am not a maiden in need of defending, I am grown.” He whispers into the man ear, holding him closer.
“Charles Lee, Thomas Conway, these men take your name and they rake it, through the mud.” Alexander almost started crying at this. “How can they not see it?”
“What honey?” He was now holding Alexander at arm’s length.
“How good you are. You’re perfect, amazing. You’re such a good general, you never do anything to put anyone in danger without cause. Lee is half the man you are. I love you.” George is almost crying by the end of his little speech.
“Come, lay down. You were up quite early this morning, let’s get a few more hours shut eye.” That was when Alex realised the time, not even past 5. It was early.
“Okay.” He curled into George’s chest, knowing that when they woke up, they’d have a long conversation. But for now, he could rest.
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jinmukangwrites · 5 years
Good Deeds
Day 5 of Batfamweek2020 / Identity Reveal / @official-batfam-week
Summary: Scarecrow breaks out of Arkham again, but this time he’s not messing around.
Day late but oh well!
Dick’s pacing. It’s driving Tim insane, especially since he was literally shot less than a day before and shouldn’t be standing let alone pacing. But there’s nothing he can do about it. No one besides Alfred or Bruce can get Dick to sit still, and one is in England visiting his grandchildren and the other is the cause of the pacing.
It’s a Scarecrow attack. A massive one. One that has caused an all-hands-on-deck protocol. It’s almost like all the other break-outs, all the other new toxins and new tactics, was all for practice. For the first time in a long time, Scarecrow is a genuine threat and not a normal occurrence, no more unpredictable than a five day forecast. This week he’s been an unseen storm, spreading a toxin so potent and persistent that it’s victims are rendered screaming and clawing at their eyes on the floor for hours on end until their hearts stop.
Tim hasn’t found a vaccine yet, and the catch-all vaccine every hospital, bat, and first-aid kit carries is only slowing the mortality rate, placing patients in coma-like states to await the promise of an actual vaccine that actually works. Hospitals are scrambling and Tim has been doing nothing but test after test while the others all went out to find Scarecrow and his army of thugs he has somehow accumulated.
Tim snarls when once again his current attempt at a vaccine fails against the samples they have gathered and slams the beaker onto the table hard enough to wobble the other vials and glasses resting on the same surface. It feels like Scarecrow has finally perfected his formula and it’s setting every single one of Tim’s nerves on fire. 
Dick stops his pacing and then hobbles over towards Tim with a worried expression. Tim almost wants to shove him back onto the medical bed and strap him down to keep him from agitating the hole in his side even more, but his body betrays him as he leans into Dick’s sudden embrace.
“It will be fine,” Dick says, “you got this, little bird.”
Tim shakes his head and forces himself to break the embrace and return to his work. “Has B responded yet?”
Dick doesn’t reply and Tim bites his lip.
Batman went off grid hours ago. No response on the comms, no emergency signal, no signal at all. Last any of them knew, Bruce was checking out a suspected haunt for Scarecrow, but when he stopped responding and Orphan and Spoiler went to check the haunt out, they came back empty handed.
“I’m sure he’s fine,” Dick says, more to himself than Tim.
And then the routine continues, Dick pacing and hovering his hand over the comms, listening to every single thing that’s said, hoping for word on Bruce, while Tim changes his formula and compares it to past formulas and tries again.
A couple hours pass, and Tim’s just finishing up his next attempt as Dick’s finally collapsed onto the chair in front of the bat-computer, simply listening to the limited amount of chatter going on from Damian, Cass, Steph, Duke, and Jason over the comms as they check possible haunts one by one and Oracle works to sift through every kind of signal going off in Gotham that’s not civilian cellular or police/bat frequencies. Most of the haunts are just traps, similar to what Dick fell into the day before, nothing there but a bunch of grunts with guns. No one has gotten hurt yet, but there’s been multiple times one of the members have had to cut off to fight a battle with a dozen or so gunmen, leaving the others in a tense silence that has Tim cutting off his comm completely, relying on Dick to update him every so often.
At least it makes the injured man feel a little helpful. Dick’s smart, but not the best choice to help Tim out with complicated science. He’s injured, so no use out on the battlefield. The most Tim can do is let Dick man the comms and update sometimes. Plus, Tim’s sure it’s relieving some of Dick’s stress as well, he hasn’t verbalized it yet but Tim’s sure he feels horrible not being out there with the others right now.
Then, suddenly, Dick jumps up from the chair and whips his hands across the keyboard of the computer, a concerned crease to his eyebrows that has Tim placing his formula down and walking near the shoulder of the first Robin.
“Jason says to check the cable,” Dick explains in a rush.
Tim’s just about ask why but Dick finally connects the computer to the satellite and Tim feels his stomach drop.
Broadcasting on live TV on every channel in Gotham is an image of a man tied to a chair, leaning forward and panting slightly. The ropes of the chair are close to the only thing holding the man up. There’s nothing else to see in the feed, the area around the man is black, and there’s no noise besides the heavy, labored breathing.
The man is Batman.
Tim quickly turns his comms back on to be met with the chaos of multiple family members all trying to talk over each other.
Jason is arguing towards a frantic Damian that he saw the feed walking past a television shop and Steph is rambling about other places they could check to find Bruce while Duke argues that they’ve already checked everywhere. Cass is silent, but Tim’s phone vibrates with the notification of a text with the simple words of he’s very hurt.
Tim ignores the arguing to look back at the feed. Cass can notice details that no one else can, and the suit and armor makes it hard to see any kind of injuries besides the sight of a purpling bruise on Bruce’s jaw. He gives off the vibe of being more hurt than that though, so he’ll take Cass’s word for it.
Suddenly, Barbara’s voice snaps for everyone to shut up. Never one to anger Barbara Gordon, the entire line goes silent.
“I’m tracking the signal as we speak,” Oracle hisses over the line, “so all of you shut up and keep looking. We’re wasting time arguing-“
Suddenly, there’s a change on the feed that has everyone silencing for a whole new reason. Batman looks up, past the camera, towards something behind it and narrows his eyes. There’s someone else there, and something is about to happen.
Tim swallows his growing fear as Scarecrow himself enters the screen, costume as freaky as ever with the noose tie and potato sack head, with a wide gaping smile cut jaggedly and held together with twine.
“Fear is often brought with the unknown,” Scarecrow says, his voice sounding raspy and light. He stops and stands behind Batman, spindly fingers laying down on the hero’s shoulders. “So I won’t spoil you all with a monologue.”
Tim and Dick share a glance.
“Babs, please tell me you can cut the feed,” Dick says into the comm piece in his ear. Barbara begins to snap that she’s working on it and Tim can only watch helplessly as Scarecrow continues.
“So I have one thing to say,” the villain brings a hand up to the top of Batman’s cowl and bunches up the fabric ever so slowly, leaving Tim to wonder how he managed to bypass the security measures that would stop any common crook from touching the mask. The grin on Scarecrow’s face seems to widen as he leans forward and Batman’s jaw pops with the man stubbornly grinding his teeth.
“Who’s afraid of the Big. Bad. Bat.”
The cowl is ripped off so quickly afterwards that it almost leaves Tim gasping. Bruce Wayne’s blue eyes glare at the camera for a moment before he growls at the wheezing-with-laughter Scarecrow as the villain begins to walk off the screen. The image of Bruce glaring off screen, refusing to say a thing, plays for a minute longer before the feed finally cuts off. Barbara gives a frustrated yell saying she’s lost the signal completely. Damian begins to practically screech for her to do better while Jason helpfully puts in that ooh Joker is not going to like this and Tim can only look at Dick as the man continues to watch the blank screen with wide eyes and a fist pressed against his mouth.
It’s not the first time one of their own has been revealed on live television. Dick’s had it happen to himself when the Crime Syndicate captured him. Tim can only imagine what’s going on inside his head.
Tim quickly backs up from the screen and turns his comms back off, doing the only thing he can do right now, and that’s figure out the anti-toxin so no more people have to be literally scared to death.
As the next fails too, he places both his hands flat against the table and sucks in a shaking breath.
Batman’s identity is revealed, which means it’s only a matter of time before each and every other bat is soon figured out. None of his vaccines are showing any kind of progress, and he’s running out of samples to test his failures on. Nightwing is injured and the other’s are all at risk of joining him the more villains and traps they run head first into.
How are they going to get out of this one?
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atinytokki · 5 years
𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐀𝐥𝐥
Chapter 5: Infiltration 
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(Warnings: Blood and gore, possession)
One moment the world was spinning, the next it was rolling over itself.
Hongjoong registered a body slamming into his just seconds before the ground exploded.
Their momentum was aided by the blast wave radiating out, and by the time Hongjoong opened his eyes, they were on the other side of the hill, away from the battle and the rest of the crew.
He struggled out from underneath his saviour before getting a good look at him.
Mingi rolled onto his back with a low groan and cracked open an eye. It was out of focus. “Mingi, are you alri—”
 “Look out!”
Suddenly, Mingi’s eyes grew wide and he grasped Hongjoong’s arms in a death grip. Trusting blindly, Hongjoong scooped up the taller boy and dragged him toward the nearest trees, just as a broken cannon landed where they had been laying.
The explosion must have broken Babylon’s control over the freak cyclone, sending all objects caught up in it hurtling towards the ground.
When he’d calmed his own breathing, Hongjoong propped the unmoving Mingi against a tree and inspected him for damage.
“Mingi, can you hear me?”
“Your ears are bleeding.”
Hongjoong touched the running red liquid in concern before wiping away the rest with his sleeve.
“But your arm... and your side...”
Mingi slurred before letting out a cough. “You need medical attention...”
“Mingi!” Hongjoong didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The sound that came out was most likely a mixture of both. “Look at yourself, you’ve been burned by the blast. I’m getting you out of here.”
Fire was catching to all the trees on either side of them, but Hongjoong did his best to haul Mingi over his shoulders and dodge the flames.
He could see Yeosang up ahead, curled up on the ground with his hands protecting his head as bodies and pieces of artillery continued to rain down.
Instinctively, Hongjoong checked the faces of the dead that he passed. None of them were his men, but none of them were Babylon either.
“Captain!” Yeosang spotted them and uncurled himself slightly to accommodate Mingi as he was set down next to him. “Yes, we’re alright,” Hongjoong was already giving instructions and passing his quartermaster off. “I need you to look after him for a moment while I go look for Jongho and Yun—”
“We’re here!”
Jongho appeared from the other side of the cannon line, having sprinted across the battlefield that the clearing had become.
Hongjoong stood and grasped his arm in relief, then looked past him. “But where’s Yunho?”
Confused, Jongho whipped around.
“He was right behind me...?”
As they looked on, Yunho reappeared from the direction of the beach. “He got away,” he panted, jogging up to them and clutching his side. “Babylon. He transformed into a seagull and got away.”
Hongjoong could see scores of Navy soldiers fleeing for the longboats, retreating back to Babylon’s ship where the anchor was already being lifted. To his consolation, he saw his own crew heading back for the ATEEZ as well. Yunho was still talking. “He looked badly singed before he shapeshifted, and his entire ear was sliced off...”
Hongjoong opened his mouth as if to say something and then snapped it shut again, lips pressed into a firm line.
“Later. We need to find the other three first.”
Yeosang looked up from where he was helping a woozy Mingi to his feet and chimed in. “They went that way, through the brush.”
He looked as if he wanted to say more, but was halted by a cough ripping out of his lungs. The air was becoming dense with smoke, and the heat that was building couldn’t be ignored for much longer.
Hongjoong had to think fast.
“Alright, Jongho,” he turned to the youngest and, it seemed, the least injured. “I need you to take Yunho and Mingi back to the ship, and anyone else you can find. Prepare to leave and keep your eyes on Babylon. I want to know where he’s headed.”
Jongho nodded obediently and moved to sling Mingi over his back, supporting him with one arm and offering the other to Yunho.
“Yeosang, you’re with me.”
Yeosang managed a look of complete surprise.
Hongjoong was already walking past him and towards the path Wooyoung had taken. “Yes. I need you to tell me what happened, why they left.”
Yeosang swallowed and followed tentatively.
“I’m not sure at what point San and Seonghwa disappeared, but Wooyoung noticed they were missing and went after them. It was only a few minutes ago, they shouldn’t be far.”
Hongjoong nodded and picked up the pace, avoiding falling debris and burning branches.
They had better all be alive.
San’s eyes flickered as he staggered to his feet and pulled Seonghwa up after him.
The movements were almost stuttering as somewhere in San’s body, he was struggling with the demon.
Wooyoung allowed himself a seed of hope as the red in San’s eyes wavered almost enough to let his real eyes shine through.
“San, you have to fight it—”
 “I’m not San!”
The creature screeched with a thousand voices behind him and repositioned the blade at Seonghwa’s neck.
Wooyoung risked a glance. Seonghwa was beginning to fade, the trail of blood growing and his eyes falling shut.
Wooyoung didn’t know what to do.
This demon-possessed San was clearly volatile and Wooyoung knew if he stepped any closer, Seonghwa’s throat would be sliced through entirely.
The longer he kept still, the more San seemed to calm. “That’s it,” Wooyoung coaxed him like a caged animal. “Come on San, I know you’re fighting...”
Hongjoong’s voice from behind startled all three, Seonghwa opening his eyes again and Wooyoung turning to see the captain jog up from the battlefield.
“What’s this? You called for help?” The demon took control again, growled and removed the knife for a moment, gesturing to Hongjoong.
Hongjoong didn’t give Wooyoung a chance to answer. “Whoever you are, you have no business with San. Leave him be!”
Again, a chilling grin painted San’s once familiar face. “Sorry to disobey, Captain, but we need Seonghwa here for the sacrifice.”
“Sacrifice?” Hongjoong whispered in confusion, but the demon continued speaking anyway.
“Island creatures and common folk simply won’t do. It must be a member of—”
San suddenly toppled to the ground, a tranquilliser sticking out of the back his neck.
Everyone looked behind him, open-mouthed, to see who had shot it.
Yeosang relaxed and holstered his smoking gun. “What? You never know when you’ll need one of those.”
As Hongjoong and Yeosang separated San and Seonghwa, Wooyoung stumbled forward to check San, hoping to any deity that would listen for the black in his friend’s veins to vanish.
“Hey, stay awake.”
Seonghwa realised he was on the ground and forced his eyes open. He could only make out a blur of red hair, but he recognised the voice and the hands pressing onto his throat.
He tried to stay awake, but he didn’t really want to.
“Stay awake, that’s an order!”
The world was hazy, and Seonghwa wasn’t sure if it was the smoke-filled air or his waning consciousness.
“Careful, you’ll crush his windpipe!”
That was Yeosang’s voice.
Everything mixed together in a circus of sounds and colours but Seonghwa was trying, oh so hard...
“I have to hold his vein together or he’ll bleed out!”
“Just ease up, he’ll choke to death if you keep pressing so hard...”
Admittedly, Seonghwa couldn’t feel much of anything anymore. Someone had drawn him into their arms and now they were moving, rushing back through the burning forest and across the beach.
The chaos around him was beginning to wane. Crashing waves, crackling fire, and shouting men. Seonghwa drifted into sleep.
When he next awoke, he was laying on a table and something was pricking his neck. He could see Yeosang to his left, rubbing an ointment of some kind onto a sleeping Mingi’s back to treat what looked like burns.
So they were in the sickbay.
Seonghwa tried to turn his head to see who was on his other side when a cough came from that direction, but was stopped by a hand and a gentle shushing voice.
From the corner of his eye, he could see Hongjoong’s blood-covered hands patiently stitching something.
His eyes lingered on the captain’s concentrated face and he finally realised Hongjoong was stitching him.
Some vein must have been severed when San had grabbed him...
The details were fuzzy, but when he tried to make a noise to ask what happened, he was again quieted.
“It’s alright,” Hongjoong didn’t look up. “You can sleep now.”
He didn’t have to tell him twice.
When the wound was closed and the blood had been washed away, Hongjoong finally stepped out of the stuffy room and went to the quarterdeck.
The entire island was on fire.
Long had Hongjoong imagined this accursed place consumed in a fiery blaze. Like Babylon, it was a demon from the past. And Hongjoong intended for Babylon to meet the same fate.
He watched trees collapse and smoke plume into the now nighttime air and decided he needed a drink.
In the past thirty minutes, they had followed Babylon’s ship south at a safe distance, imprisoned San’s still twitching body in the brig, and convened in the infirmary to patch each other up.
Hongjoong emptied the last drops of rum into his mouth and slumped into his chair. Half of his men had been taken out, almost killed. And Babylon had gotten away with little more than surface wounds, despite their best efforts.
It lit his blood on fire as he thought about how close some of them had been to death. Yunho coughing up blood yet silently gripping his broken rib, lethargic Mingi’s blistering red skin, holding Seonghwa’s throat together with his own hands as he bled out...
Hongjoong hurled the empty bottle at the closest wall and watched it shatter.
They were no closer to killing off this menace and now his crew was suffering for it.
A timid knock came from the door and he called for them to enter. It was Yeosang.
“They’re all stable.” Yeosang’s eyes were on the broken glass as he spoke. “Mingi’s awake now, too.”
Hongjoong came out from behind the desk and followed his navigator back to the infirmary.
Mingi was sitting up with his own glass of rum, probably for the pain.
Hongjoong waited for Yeosang to go back over to Seonghwa before taking a seat and clearing his throat.
“I never thanked you properly.”
Mingi smiled lopsidedly.
“What for?”
“Yunho and Jongho tell me you ran into an explosion to rescue me,” Hongjoong couldn’t help but return the smile as he teased, “You wouldn’t do something as crazy as that, would you?”
“We both know you’ve done crazier. But for the record, it was an exploding tornado, actually.”
Classic Mingi.
Before he could respond, Hongjoong was cut off by Wooyoung entering breathlessly.
“It’s San. He’s awake.”
Jongho interrupted his stare off through the cell bars with San to greet the entering Captain, Yeosang, and Wooyoung.
“Still possessed,” Jongho explained, sparing Yeosang from fumbling through the question. “But now it seems he has nothing to say.”
“Nothing to say?” Hongjoong crouched in front of the bars and tilted his head. “He had so much to tell us earlier about the sacrifice and all.”
“Aye, what was that about?” Wooyoung crossed his arms, infinitely uncomfortable with the fact that it appeared to be San they were interrogating.
The demon in question remained against the far wall, staring back unblinking from his blood red eyes. At the sound of Wooyoung’s voice, he turned his head slightly to face him. But it wasn’t enough.
“Why did you need Seonghwa?” Yeosang pitched in. “You said it couldn’t be an animal or a commoner. Why?”
Finally, San blinked. But again he said nothing.
Jongho sighed and slammed his fist against the bars, trying and failing to intimidate the creature. “You had better leave San! Or we’ll find a way to drag you out screaming.”
Seeing that this was going nowhere, Hongjoong rose and beckoned for the others to follow. “He’s not getting out of there anytime soon, and the rest of us need to talk.”
They took their conversation to the forecastle, where they could keep their eyes on the dark and distant hull of Babylon’s ship in the distance as well as speak openly.
“We’re it,” Hongjoong sighed, running a hand through his hair. “The others need to stay and recover. But Babylon has to be stopped, and I don’t want to risk a shootout, which means—”
“Land ho!”
It was Yeosang, with his spyglass trained on the mountainous blob that Babylon was headed for.
“—we go to him,” Hongjoong finished his sentence and squinted through his own spyglass.
All four gathered their wits and inspected the island before them. Wooyoung borrowed Yeosang’s spyglass and peered at it himself.
“His home?”
“More like his lair, the villainous snake,” Jongho sneered, and then shrugged when Wooyoung balked at his harsh sarcasm. “What? Never have I wanted to eviscerate someone as badly as I do him.”
Wooyoung shook his head and tuned in as Hongjoong laid out the plan.
“Yeosang and Jongho— I need you in stealth gear at the longboats in five. Wooyoung, I’m trusting you to stay here and keep an eye on everyone.”
Wooyoung couldn’t stop a childish whine from escaping.
“But I could be of use to you out there, why do I have to stay and—”
“San seems to respond to you,” Hongjoong cut him off with a hand on his shoulder. “I need you to keep trying with him, and look after the others.”
It felt like being sidelined, and Wooyoung didn’t like that. But he dropped his head and mumbled in agreement.
Five minutes later, Hongjoong was saddled up with as many weapons as he could fit under his blackest clothing and pushing a longboat out over the water.
Having said their goodbyes, Jongho and Yeosang joined him and got in, helping to lower the boat. Jongho began to row without prompt but Yeosang turned and kept his eyes on the ATEEZ. “The others won’t be happy that you left without explaining anything,” Yeosang muttered.
Hongjoong shook his head. “This ends tonight. One way or another.” And that was the end of it.
To Yeosang’s relief, he was stationed to keep a lookout once the three reached the island. There was a single building on top of the northern facing cliff and Jongho and Hongjoong were making their way up to it.
Somehow in the chaos following the battle, Yeosang’s nerves had calmed. He wasn’t entirely sure why, but the most plausible answer was that having seen what he had in the past 24 hours, how much worse could it get?
He loaded his gun and wondered if Wooyoung was having any luck with San.
“I knew you’d be back.”
Wooyoung almost jumped in surprise.
San had finally spoken from his cell, just as he entered the brig.
His voice was still dark and unfamiliar, but at least he was talking.
“How could you be sure?”
Wooyoung settled across from him, sitting in a non-threatening way against the opposing wall.
San tilted his head in what seemed to be a gesture of curiosity. The corners of his lips raised, and fear settled in Wooyoung’s stomach.
“San trusts you immensely.”
To hear him speaking in third person was off-putting, but what he said intrigued Wooyoung even more.
“He let you in on the truth— on his weakness to resist me— before anyone else.”
It was smug of the demon to say, but not entirely incorrect.
“And you kept his secret.”
Wooyoung frowned. This wasn’t about his blunders, it was about the demon and what he was after.
“So? You think I’ll be a cooperative host candidate for your demon friends?”
San laughed a disquieting laugh. “No. Were you listening at all? We don’t need the blood of a commoner. We need the blood of a king.”
Wooyoung’s flesh began to crawl as things started to fall in place. “Seonghwa.”
“Yes. Inhabiting you or anyone else is a waste of time. Seonghwa is the sacrifice.”
“Sacrifice for what?” Wooyoung knew it was dangerous to be so transparent about his questions with the demon, but this one was at the root of everything and he needed it answered.
San scoffed and shifted where he sat. “You know nothing of demons, do you?”
Wooyoung didn’t dignify that with a response. Eventually, San continued.
“We can inhabit whomever we wish, but the more powerful and influential the individual, the further our influence will reach.”
“What, like an... invasion?”
“Of sorts. With the help of a master sorcerer, an army of demons could inhabit every human on the face of the earth. No such sorcerer exists, not even Babylon, though he tried. The other way is through the sacrifice.”
He looked at Wooyoung like it was obvious.
“Seonghwa is currently second in line to the throne. All I needed was to make him my new host.”
Suddenly, Wooyoung stood up. San’s eyes followed him, suspicious.
As the demon’s plan unfolded before him, Wooyoung realised none of them were truly safe in his presence. He began to back towards the door, and San leapt to his feet and gripped the bars. Fangs shot from his mouth as Wooyoung picked up the pace.
“There are more of us lying in wait! No one is safe, we’ll get to the sacrifice eventually—”
Wooyoung slammed the door shut and made for the infirmary. All three patients were asleep, but it wasn’t them that he needed. He tore through San’s desk, searching every crevice for the spellbook pages, or any information on dark magic.
Finally, curled up in a ball in the bottom drawer, he found them and began to read.
It all made sense.
Possessing Seonghwa was an easy avenue to power by killing the king and crown prince and assuming the throne.
And this demon had almost done it.
The secret lay in a line at the end of the page. There were two steps. First; spill his blood. Second; look him in the eyes. The eyes are windows to the soul.
Wooyoung lowered his shaking hand and dropped the pages back on the desk.
Seonghwa’s blood had been spilled, but his eyes had fallen shut.
Wooyoung’s stalling back on the island had prevented the demon from completing the process. And now he was stuck inside San, until someone came to him with blood and open eyes.
As an extra measure, Wooyoung rifled through the bandage collection and selected some strips of cloth, tying them as blindfolds around the heads of the three patients.
San would have to hold on a little longer.
Jongho slammed the metal pick into the slab of rock above him and continued to haul himself up.
He had a pick in each hand, and a rope tied to a makeshift harness around his waist, that Hongjoong was attached to.
They were halfway up the cliff and, judging by Yeosang’s thumbs up from below, they had still gone unnoticed.
His muscles were aching, but he knew he could cross the distance with only a few more pulls so he latched the pick in his right hand into the rock next to the other one and heaved.
Hongjoong was thankfully light and his weight was distributed evenly as he swung underneath, kicking off the cliff-face when he got too close to it.
There was one last ridge to get over before they made it to the surface, and Jongho strained with all his might to pull himself and Hongjoong over it.
Hongjoong patted the youngest’s back gratefully as they waved down at Yeosang. “Good work, it should be easier on the way down.”
The two of them clung to the shadows, keeping their footsteps light and blending into the night. “Masks up,” Hongjoong ordered. Soon they reached a mansion.
“That window is open,” Jongho pointed out, already swinging the grappling rope. On Hongjoong’s nod, he sent it up, waiting for the telltale clink of the weight finding its mark.
Both paused and listened for noise, preparing to disappear should anyone have been roused, but all remained silent.
Again Hongjoong nodded, and Jongho began to scale the rope.
He was adept enough at rigging to clamber up quickly and once he crossed the ledge and signalled down to Hongjoong, the captain made his way up just as fast.
Jongho helped him in and then retrieved the rope, coiling it while Hongjoong moved about what appeared to be a bedroom.
“Babylon’s?” Jongho whispered. Hongjoong looked up from the papers scattered across the desk and nodded. The two moved out into a hallway. “Finish checking the upstairs level,” Hongjoong’s voice was low as he began to descend the staircase. “I’ll look around down here.”
Jongho nodded and turned to the nearest door, knife in hand.
He took a deep breath and cracked it open.
Downstairs, the place was eerily quiet. Hongjoong moved soundlessly from room to room, wondering how the place was maintained without servants.
Probably with magic, he realised.
In his haste to get back to Jongho, he almost missed a door.
It was marked with the word “Infirmary.”
Of course!
Babylon had been injured in the explosion just hours earlier, it made sense that he’d be staying in the infirmary to recuperate.
His hand found the handle and he slowly began to turn it before an almost imperceptible noise sounded from back down the hallway.
Hongjoong froze.
After a moment, he released the handle and began to sneak toward the sound. It was like muffled footsteps, the owner of them trying to mask the sound and move about unnoticed.
He reached the entryway, half afraid it was his imagination playing tricks or Babylon’s magic toying with their minds, until he saw it.
It was a person, stealthily creeping towards him until both stopped in their tracks at the sight of each other.
Hongjoong lowered his mask in shock.
Taglist: @nightynightnyx @yunhopuff @celestial-yunho @theinvisablessed @yeosangry
A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger hehe but you should be used to this by now. Plus I gave you a long chapter, however tense it was :P Reminder that voting for the next spinoff ends Wednesday night, so get in your opinions now!  Ask box and freetalk are always open and as usual you can yell at me on twitter @/tiny_tokki and don’t forget to comment! (The more comments, the more motivated I am to write so.....)
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lady-daydream · 4 years
A little bit more about Zadkiel - FNV OC
-She’s was around 21 when she got shot but is 23 now
-Her name means the angel of forgiveness/mercy/freedom
-Her weapons of choice are:
A sniper rifle- since it’s quick , keeps her a distance away from danger but also she knew she a good shot it’s efficient and give those who deserve it a quick and merciful death.
Old glory- The old Melee weapon gifted by Ulysses was what symbolised her a freedom from her old actions. The bird symbolising freedom also helped with that. She also feels like it fits perfectly in her hand and swings nicely when the enemy gets a little to close.
Rocket launcher/ Shishkebab - when things seem to get to hairy these are her go to’s
-She has dark skin, light brown eyes with out blinded, with a scar alongside her right forehead from the bullet wound. She also has three tattoos , a hollow small heart over where her heart was, a circle with two horizontal lines through the middle of it on the back of her neck, the first one she got on an NCR base when she turned 16, the second she got on one of her leaves and it was both a symbol of forgiveness but also served as an almost target on her neck saying she accepted when death arrived it would arrive. She has also got a crown tattoo on the inside of her left forearm to show her support of the kings.
Her past:
-Her mother was a simple and peaceful settler in a more religious based community similar to The New Canaan. Her father was originally a mercenary working as a caravan guard. After meeting her mum her was happy to leave his old more violent past behind and stay with her mother working as a guard/go to sheriff for the community. He didn’t want kids just due to him believing he wasn’t fit for being a parent however when Zadkiel was born he happy accepted his paternal role. She was named Zadkiel due to its meaning of forgiveness by her mother seeing her birthday as a forgiveness of her fathers violent past and her mother’s nativity.
-When she was 7 however her pregnant mother along with most of the community were killed. While the guards were dealing with a situations the people sitting and preying during ‘Sunday service’ were barred into the building and it was set alight by raiders. Zadkiel and her father were late to the service since he was about to deal with the situation but the other head guard told him he could handle it then Zadkiel started stropping about not wanting to go. The few guards that survived the attack along with her father couldn’t save anyone in the church. He wasn’t religious before but went to the services to make his wife happy and see it as a peaceful break. Afterwards he abandoned religion as a belief altogether. The silver cross he wore seen more as a burden that had his wife name Lydia engraved into it
-After that, her father set off with her. Though unwilling to return to his violent past he knew that it was the best chance if there survival due to his skills. He took on bounty’s and any job where a gun for hire could be found. Though he would normally leave Zadkiel at there camp sometimes she would come along sitting on caravan carts or walking along. Her father taught her to shot once they hit the road her first kill was when she was 10 when she shot a raider when they were attacking her father. They stuck even closer after that, however they both wore face covers or masks to hide there identity due to word that the raiders were still searching for them .
-However when Zadkiel was 12 her father who had been burying his hatred and need for revenge became sick of having raiders and mercenaries hunt the two of them both so he handed his cross with her name engraved into it by him over to Zadkiel before leaving her in the care of a caravan trader he trusted,  then went to as many of the raider groups he could find as either planted explosives or just sniped them off. In a few months he had destroyed 15 raider camps. Some closer towards the Mojave which catch the NCR’s attention. They offered him a place in their ranks. One where he could do what he did with protection and with a purpose as well as fighting a good cause alongside a decent wage due to his skill helping him jump a few ranks. Knowing that his job as a merc wasn’t gonna last forever he agreed. Returning to Zadkiel calmer and with a goal to be a better person for her, with the thought being a soldier was one of the better ways a man like him could do that.
-After that Zadkiel became an NCR base kid, either exploring and observing training on base, talking to the groups of soldiers that seemed happy to talk to her or listening to the slightly watered down stories the soldier had to tell. That or she was in her fathers shadow. The both of them still wore face covers even though they were considerably safer, but after a while people got used it it.
-Zadkiel father had taught her how to shoot and how to use her own size and high in an actual fight. However it was only after multiple comments from other supervisors and trainers alike that mentioned her shooting ability as well as her ability to handle herself in a fight, that he even considered her joining the army. After bringing it up with Zadkiel hesitantly, a bit wearily due to disliking the idea of his daughter becoming a soldier, she was excited to join and started officially training when she was 15.
-It was quickly found that , likewise to her father, she was an extremely skilled sniper in the making. However she had no interest in explosives. However her father didn’t mind as his love of them was replaced by her own love of medicine. And though she wasn’t the best she knew enough to keep herself and those around her safe and alive. She also gain enough physical strength from training that she was a fearful opponent in hand to hand or a simple Melee fight, so much so that with the mask on and her build people mistook her for a guy. She didn’t mind and due to her somewhat quiet nature (another quirk that she had picked up from her father as well as from the many days they would travel in silence or the times they would have to stay quick in order to sneak through dangerous territory) she never corrected them, others did that for her.
-As she was training her father moved slowly up the ranks until he reach a point where he was on base more so than on the battlefield. Mostly he moved from base to base a lot however both Zadkiel and him kept together, her helping the medics or being sent on missions where her sniping skills would always come in handy. Briefly however the both of them did got stationed in the Mojave. Zadkiel was briefly stationed with first recon. She even met a much younger Boone who was a lot more friendly. However they only saw each other briefly not giving each other a passing thought, her mask and skill the only thing being remembered.
-She dated every now and then throughout her NCR life, including a cute nurse who said he was once an new Canaan but they split due to his conflicting views on her skills at violence undoing all the good she did. She also dated a a female caravan trader for a while who looked pretty in a dress and had an amazing aim however the distance wasn’t kind to either of them. While she was in 1st recon she started flirting with one of the snipers there but they passed away before things could get anymore serious than drinks in Freeside.
-She enjoyed her place in the NCR, enjoying the fact she could use her strength, Wit and intelligence to help protect people as well as make her father proud. However as she spent her leaves helping others where she could when she started hearing stories of the NCR not being able to protect the roads , of supplies not reaching soldiers of settlements being forced into joining. However she shook it off - rationalising it as the best option out of a bad lot. However soon after she was moved from 1st recon  the Bitter springs massacre happened. She quickly began losing more and more faith in the NCR. She was only 20 but had served for 5 years. She brought up the war crime to her father but her father dismissed it as an accident that happened or the NCR just doing the best with what they had. Normally she would believe him and a part of her wanted to, But a part of her couldn’t be so forgiving. Over the next month constantly arguing and butt heads with her father she couldn't stand herself being part of the problem. She took nothing but what she carried in her pack and after finishing her mission she walked away. From her old life. And everything that was held in. And she ditched the mask leaving it in the desert.
-She still wore the cross but still never considered herself religious,  But she kept it hidden as if I soldier had been told to keep an eye out for a girl with a cross engraved it would be a give away and life asked she would use her mothers name.
-Her father originally didn’t start looking for her. He thought originally she just needed to cool off. He knew what it was like to need to have a break from your life. However after a month he started to worry, putting word out. Thinking either she had run off or  worse. When they found her mask it put a stop to the NCR search. However he never stopped looking. Guilty he had lost the last thread of his old life, as well as losing the one person he trusted the most. For the rest of his life he hoped she had just run off and found a peaceful life like he had had once, regretful that their last conversation was hateful.
-Once she left, Zadkiel worked any job that would accept her. From bodyguard to farmer, to caravan trader and even as a medic. She tried to avoid mercenary work, knowing her skill might travel via word back to the NCR. However after a year she got bored of staying in the same place and when the option of being a courier opened up she jumped on it with no hesitation. She started working mostly in the Mojave, mostly message from settlements to settlements, enjoying seeing families getting messages from each other or food and supplies. Then came a job for a certain platinum chip.
After Being Shot:
-When she woke up from the bullet wound she couldn't remember anything about her old life. She couldn’t even remember her name. She guessed correctly that the one of name on her cross was her name using Zadkiel as her first name and Lydia as a second name. 
-The shot itself has left some permanent damage. She couldn’t speak more than a sentence without being unable to speak and confused. She was blinded in her right eye which was her previously dominant shooting eye. She also had a permanent pain from the bottom of her ribs to her left hip where benny or one of the khans with him had kicked her into her own grave. She got used to the pain in her leg and though it slowed her down and made her less agility she still had the strength she had before. She also had to reteach herself how to snipe but due to muscle memory she picked it up quickly. She also slowly got her voice back, being able to speak more and more as time went on. She found once she found the right words she was pretty good at charming and talking her way through a situation. However she much preferred the silent intimidating tactic or staying silent altogether.
Her views on different factions:
-Goodsprings: Part of her doesn’t believe she deserves the grace of being saved, thinking there must have been a reason she had been shot and left for dead. However the kindness the community had made her want to help as well as mend any bad deeds she had done before losing her memory. She will regularly go back to Goodsprings with supplies she can spare of offer free service as her way to say thank you as well as reminding them that if they ever need help to always ask.
-Primm: Her first interaction with NCR after she had reawoke. She felt like she was being watched constantly. The doctor had commented that the scars and her build could indicate that she used to be a soldier but with nothing else to go on it didn’t really lead to much. She kept her head down. However when helping Primm find a sheriff she called the NCR for help thinking there values would protect the town the most. She wishes later on that she had found a way to make the town independent. The citizens also were friendly but side eyed her after doing this making her feel more like an outsider.
-The NCR: As mentioned before her relationship with the NCR was born out of good values and principles. However after hearing stories of the greed and lack of empathy towards those she’s knew she had wanted to join to protect she left. However she put more blame on the higher ups than the individual soldiers and still respected them. However after the bullet wound, history seemed to repeat itself. She started to help the NCR again after meeting Boone. However before she committed to much ,stories of the NCR reached back to her. She choose to keep a distance but still helped when possible . Helping get supplies and helping medics when possible as well as taking our bounties. After she quickly and easily took care of the three bounties the base had available she went to the first recon group and told Corporal Betsy that Cook-Cook was dead. Zadkiel was approached by Lieutenant Gorobets offering a place but she refused stating she was glad she could help but didn’t really want to get to involved. Unbeknown to her  Lieutenant Gorobets knew who she really was due to have seen her face briefly while she had worked at first recon when she had got attacked and it had slipped briefly. He was also let on by her sniping skills which made her stand  out . He didn’t push but would always keep an eye out if she was on base since he remembered her father mentioning to look out for her after he had passed a year after her disappearance.
-The Legion: Maybe it was subconsciously hatred from her life before or maybe even her own forgiveness and mercy could only go so far. She believes a society is defined by how it’s most vulnerable are treated. The Legion treat their most vulnerable like objects to kill, fuck or rule over. She has mercy for who were once legionaries but saw the wrong of their ways and found a way to leave however their were few of those that abandoned the Legion were hunted down and killed. When she arrived at Nipton, and after forcibly stopping herself from attacking them all, knowing she was seriously outnumbered she tried to get those on crucifixes off cause even though they were powder gangers no one deserves to be crucified. She couldn’t save any of them. She will always try and heal any victims of Legion and will save as many slaves as possible. Eventually she and Boone killed Caesar letting Boone have the final shot. Finally casting her view that everyone deserves mercy and learning that forgiveness is measured subjectively not objectively.
-The Kings/The Followers - The two groups she stands for more than anything. She uses her medical knowledge to help out were she can, as well as bring supplies. Seeing the followers as just people helping others. However she actually has just as strong of a liking to the Kings - so far as to offer to be the Kings personal bodyguard herself. She is a king herself and will do odd jobs when possible. She didn’t get on with Pacer but she believed in the kings views on independence. She got a crown tattoo on the inside of her left forearm as well to show that she really did believe in the kings as well as the independence of freeside. She will cover it if she knows it would cause a dispute such as when she visits NCR territory however she happily shows it elsewhere.
Those she’s close with: Boone, Arcade, Raul and The King and Julie and Rex
-Boone; Her first companion. At the time she first met him she still could only talk more than a few sentence tops at a time and she had original gone to met Manny however when she saw him it was almost a complete hit of nausea and nostalgia over something she couldn’t remember. She got the same feeling with Manny as well. Originally she was neutral about Boone, respecting him due to recognising he was NCR however there was an hollow emptiness mixed with a overwhelming feeling of resent and anger wherever he went. Battling her own resentment over Benny she could emphasis enough to agree to help him find the person who sold Carla. She still had the images of those at Nipton on her mind when she found the Bill of sale. She couldn’t justify  Jeannie May Crawford's actions, furthermore lying about them. She let Boone have his Justice. However when she got back up she notice that nothing had changed that he was still hollow and angry. So she offered for him to come along, more to keep an eye on him to make sure that his anger didn’t become apathy, but also because she felt like if she could help him find peace that was the least she could do, knowing the only way she was gonna help him was by exposure over time. Over time she found him a good friend, and one of the few people she felt safe around. A part of however enjoyed the presence of someone who wasn't burdened by the expectations of forgiveness and would happily fuliful revenge if she couldn't. She helped him find mercy in himself by returning to Bitter springs and in return he listens, and answers bluntly but honestly what he thinks is the answer to any question she askes. He only kept one lie from her and that was that Lieutenant Gorobets had pulled him aside when they both were at Camp McCarran . At first he thought they were gonna ask him to re-join and was ready to turn him down, however he had enough respect from the Lieutenant to hear him out, and he was told who Zadkiel used to be. He told him not to let on that he knew. Only to keep an eye out for her, as a last wish for her passed away father. Boone remembered the mask and her presence at 1st recon briefly. He agreed to keep it a secret, tailoring his answers in hopes that the small hints he gave would jolt memories. On very rare occasions they do, however time did the most work. However Boone worries that she is going to be struck with the same feeling of guilt he felt when she finds out her father has passed.
-Raul- Raul was the closes thing she had to a father figure after she lost her memory. She knew that a lot of people saw him more as a grandfather figure however, maybe it was his accent the subconsciously reminded her of her father, or his habit of tinkering that she had watched her own father do when he had free time, or maybe it was the sarcastic humour but she always felt comfortable talking to him or just spending time with him. She wasn't the only one that felt the same, Raul blamed it on her looking like an older and more hardened version of Gabriella. However the both of them didn't mind. On very rare occasions they have been heard calling each other mi Padre and Mi hija. If one gets injured, the other one is close by, if one needs something the other ones  already on the way to get it. When Zadkiel started getting nightmares with snippets of memories was found more frequently with Raul telling him what she remembered, him cheering her up by joking or talking her mind off it. He had seen enough ghoul slowly turn feral and lose all memory so he wasn't phased by her own memory loss, knowing at least she could get it back.
Other Random Facts about her:
-She forgave and let Benny go twice. Boone was with her both times and asked both times if it was more the case she couldn't do it and needed him to take the shot. She had come to terms that she was just an unfortunate victim in the incident, and that anyone could have been in her place. Not to say she didn't want to have revenge, to make him pay from taking her past and causing her to go blind. However she showed him the mercy that he never showed her in hopes that he would change, as well as with the thought that with out his actions she never would have met the people she would call friends today. Despite this most of the companions keep an eye out for anyone in a black and white check suit, more than happy to bring justice for there friend if he even thought of causing trouble.
- She is both friends with Ulysses and Joshua Graham. Not friendly enough to take a bullet however they enjoyed each others company. With Ulysses she felt extremely guilty about the harm and damage she had caused to the divide. And when they were fighting she believe she deserved punishment. She didn't blow up any faction however late at night she sometimes thinks would it have been better to blow up both the legion as well as the NCR and let there be independence. With Joshua she always felt a little uncomfortable being in his presence. Maybe it was the fact that she was an old NCR soldier and he was a Ex-Legionary that caused the distance. She slowly over time learnt to forgive his past and will happily sit and talk with him. She feels slightly off about his adoption of Religion to justify his violence. However after Daniel gave her a copy of the bible and a few lines of it brought back memories of the past she asked them both. When Joshua mentioned the community she had been born in she felt the same nostalgia  feeling she had felt with Boone. Learning it had ben destroyed she concluded her family were probably dead. 
-She is a vegetarian. It wasn't due to values it was more that even as a young girl meat would cause her to be violently ill. She also lost most of her taste after being shot, including the ability to feel temperature. She often burns her mouth. 
Hey I'm sorry this took longer than expected, to make up for it I've made it a bit longer and explained on some of the things written down. This one is for  @jayofsunight  I hope you all enjoy and if you have any asks or requests for companion reactions or anything to do with my OC just comment or send a message my way. I hope you have an amazing day, love you all <3 xx
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They woke up with a start but it’s the pain that came after that bothered them. It wasn’t a usual kind of pain, but one that made them shoot up like a bottle rocket in the sky on 4th of July. As they opened their eyes, they saw that there was chaos all around, people screaming but it was what was coming right at them that scared them to no end. Out of nowhere, there was a man with a Reaper mask on his face, aiming his shotguns right at their location.
“Death walks among you.” He says with a darkening edge to his voice as he points the guns, ready to kill.
‘This has to be a dream…Overwatch is a video game…isn’t it? All I can remember is my name but the better question is….HOW THE HELL DO I ESCAPE REAPER WITH HIS GUNS THAT CLOSE TO ME?!’ they are thinking as he keeps trying to shoot at them as they run. ‘Just a dream, just a dream, JUST A DREAM!’ They shout to themselves as they suddenly find themselves tripping over a rock, landing wrong on their leg. Trying to get up, they fall and realize it is not a dream, that the pain is real and that what they thought they knew was wrong.
‘Yep, this is how I die, one of my favorite video games actually killing me in the game.’ They admit as the shotguns is pointed right at them.
“It’s High Noon.” Is all that can heard from behind them as someone shoots a gun off and hits the man in the mask right in the abdomen as he starts to teleport away, trying to keep from bleeding out. “Well well well, if this isn’t worth more than the problems they have around us.” The cowboy who shot the gun says as he holds a hand out to them.
“The name is McCree but you can call me Jesse.” He says with a smile when they take his hand.
“I know exactly who you are but what I want to know is how did I get here?” they start to ask as they hear someone laugh maniacally and look over and see Reaper, preparing to do his Ult.
“Die, Die, Die!” He yells and they push Jesse out of the way taking majority of the bullets to the abdomen.
“Shit, not this. Mercy, we need healing here, casualty to a civilian!” is all they here before they pass out.
*Time Skip brought to you by Hanzo and Genji’s Dragons*
They woke up to a more severe pain but what got them was that the pain was from the headache they had forming in their head and the sound of what could be a heart monitor. They open their eyes and see that they are no longer in a battlefield but in a clean looking medical room.
“Ah, good, glad to see that you are awake.” Is heard as they turn to see a woman who was speaking with a slight accent. They looked over and was surprised.
“I am...” she start to say as they answer for her.
“Angela Ziegler, alias of Mercy, the head medic of the Overwatch Team” they blush as she nods and looks at them, checking their wounds. “How is McCree?” They ask as she smiles and writes down their information.
“He is in perfect health. Barely even a scratch but you managed to take majority of the bullets, about 5 in total. You have been out for about 3 days.” She informs them as they look at the roof.
“You didn’t tell anyone your name or how you came to be in the middle of a battle field during a Talon attack. So if you don’t mind me asking, can you tell me anything?” she asks as they think for a moment and sigh.
“All I can remember is that my name is (Y/N) and that this is supposed to be a video game yet it feels too real to be a dream. The last thing I remember was going to bed in my room then I woke up in the middle of the battle field.” They reply as she nods and looks at their chart.
“You will have to stay here for at least 2 days but then you will be ready to leave. Do you have any family to contact regarding your whereabouts?” She asks as they shake their head, still in shock that they were now trapped in this world.
“How is that civilian that was hit, Dr. Ziegler?” is heard by them, a rough voice asks as they try to sit up, seeing the familiar visor that belongs to the soldier himself, Soldier 76.
“They will recover but we have a problem, they seem to say that they are from another world and that they know us as a video game.” She says as the masked man looks their way.
“That can’t be accurate. If that was the case, we would have known about that kind of technology.” He says as they sit up, grunting from the pain and looked right at him.
“It’s true. Why else would I try to save McCree? I knew that a blast that close and at that proximity would result in imminent death while if I managed to do a tactical roll, he could shot while I took the lead.” They would say as they looked at him, ignoring the pleas from Mercy to lay back down.
“I knew about Dr. Ziegler before she could introduce herself to me and I knew about how she saved Genji from death.” They say as Mercy looks at them, surprise on her face.
“That…that wasn’t even on record.” She says as they nod.
“So you have insider information that could help us. If so, we will gladly take whatever information you know and then ensure that Talon doesn’t find you again.” Soldier says as they look right at him.
“No, no matter where I go, Talon will find me so I rather fight, I want to fight to save the world, I want to protect innocent people from dying, and I can help!” They yell as Soldier yells.
“Absolutely not! You are a civilian that was caught in the crossfire of one of my best men and the top gun of Talon so I refuse to let you be a part of this war!” He continues yelling as Mercy gets between us.
“Jack…she saved McCree and did so without any thought about herself, just like someone else I know.” She whispers as he looks at them and shakes his head.
“I said no and don’t try to convince the others to have them join, I will make it known that they are to not allow them in!” He yells as she looks away with a guilty expression.
“Angela…you didn’t?!” He yells as she looks at him.
“They took more damage than anyone I have seen that was not a Tank or Reaper…They risked their life to ensure that Jesse got a clean shot at him. This is the least we can do. The few of us….Ana, Lucio, Brigette, Zenyatta and myself…we try what we can to heal you all in battle but we need help too. Talon has more power because of Reaper.” She looks at them and smiles gently.
“Besides, McCree already asked the others and put it to a vote…it was 18-3 Jack…they stick around until we find them a way home.” She says as the look at them and Soldier shakes his head.
“Fine but I am not babysitting them, they better learn to defend themselves.” He says as he shakes his head and leaves the Med-Bay. Mercy smiles at them and holds out her hand.
“Welcome to Overwatch”
McCree: I see them as Offense, they can really take a punch
Reinhardt: They are strong and loyal, they would rather train with us to be the best shield around.
Mei: But they did defend you McCree, I think they are better suited for those of us under Defense.
Lucio: Yo, we need them here, they can learn to be a healer! Besides, we are the smallest group among us!
Junkrat: Maybe I can teach them to blow things up!
*Fighting among themselves as Tracer, Winston, Mercy and Hanzo shake their heads, offering to train them suitably until they decide where to pick*
Tracer: Don’t worry Love, no matter where you pick, we will still support you.
Hanzo: Yes, it seems that we are the only ones who can be mature. We will always be beside you, as long as you stand with us.
Mercy: I better take them back to the infirmary, if everyone all want to train them, they will need to be of perfect health.
Winston: Again, welcome to Overwatch.
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