#Beating up bad guys? Chasing down crooks? Great fun!
bess3714 · 1 year
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You can say you're having fun, Bruce. The world won't come to a screeching halt, I promise
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the-violet-void · 2 years
we're watching knightriders with some friends and partners. SPOILERS AHEAD
we love how the opening holds off the reveal that it's modern times for a bit
"this things got its own inertia"
fuck this coooop he just hates fun
he's letting him use the mace oh shit
the choreography is sooo gooood
duel time!
i would so pay to see this irl
he shouldn't be competing with his injuries. his doctor seems ok with it though so it's probably fine?
this random crowd guy is so cynical about all of this
now doctor is upset so perhaps it was foolish
she said "my girlfriends" so we're headcanoning her as bi and polyamorous
"destiny, big d, you see"
feel bad for that kid, but we understand where the king is coming from, but also come on man just sign it
motercycle chase let's gooo
fucking crooked fucking cop
he said to wait here
this fucking cop
"them things is damnable. damnable"
there can be no show without the king!
this movie is great so far
fucking pizza'd that guy
we like this guy's hair, so flowy
bros helping out bros hell yeah
lady got fucking biked
black hair guy is such a scumbag always cheating on his girlfriend
ohhh they're gay together they're boyfriends!
the black bird! the bird from the dreams
the king won!
hate to see a person with a broken heart
hotel room fight!
love the driving down the backstreets scenes
black hair guy's costume is so over the top we love it
big battle time!
oh her he gave him a ride back. that's being a good sport
we've got no clue whose winning lol
oh snap the black night won
now he's king!
and he gained a fuck you for the contract guy
oh he has to leave? i figured he'd just become a knight.
fucking beating up the cop hell yeah!
poured ice cream in his hair lol
fucking everyone is applauding it
he showed up at the kid's school to give him a sword
ooo aaa his neck wound opened up
he's hallucinating a horse
ooo that shot of the raven or crow or whatever is sooo goood
-penni and cherri
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Hair Bows
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Roy Harper x batsis!reader
Summary: a date turned into a play date turned into work. Basically Lian taking over Titans tower. And canon has no home here.
“I’m just about to head out the door,” you said over the phone, still doing your hair. Roy wasn’t the most punctual guy and this was your way of coping. If you were also always late, it didn’t bother you as much.
“Wait,” Roy said and you heard a muffled sound like him running his hand down his face. “I can’t go.”
“Why not?”
“My babysitter punked out at the last minute so I can’t leave Lian. I’m sorry,” he said.
“Oh, uhhh, bring her,” you suggested, hopefully sounding casual. You’d met her a few times but nothing big and your date was just a walk in the park. Nothing a kid couldn’t do. And you were hoping to be a little more seriously dating.
“Seriously?... on a date?” He asked.
“Not if you don’t want to. But I just thought we were going to the park and we can let her run around. You know what? Never mind, if you need to stay home it’s cool. I don’t know anything about kids-“
“Hey, it’s a good idea,” he said stopping your ramble. “I just wasn’t expecting it. Most people don’t want someone else’s kid on their date.”
“Most people shouldn’t date people with kids if they can’t be around them,” you answered, finishing up. “Now am I meeting you both at the park or..”
“Now I know why I’m dating you,” Roy said and you could hear the smile through the phone. “I’ll pick you up. Lian’s not a fan of riding in other people’s car so Uber is out.”
“Can’t blame her. See you soon,” you answered.
You had changed into a slightly less sexy and more family friendly top and sensible shoes by the time Roy picked you up. Can’t chase a kid in heels.
Roy looked nice in a button down and jeans with no holes in them. Not a trucker hat in sight. And of course, Lian was a doll in a spring themed dress and leather bottomed sandals. The first thing she showed you was an impressively high kick.
“And it’s okay because dad makes me wear shorts under it. For taking out punks,” she said knowingly. You nodded.
“For punks. Good idea.”
“In case they get fresh,” Roy said to you as she ran to a slide.
“Fresh? She’s 5. Maybe Lian should teach me that move. I know this guy that’s always trying to get fresh,” you said as he wrapped an arm around your waist from behind and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Hmmm, should I kick his ass,” Roy said playfully.
“I’d pay to see you kick your own ass,” you said with a laugh.
“Ouch, and I thought you liked me,” he said, sounding dramatically wounded. You laughed again.
“The entertainment value tho. Hard to beat.”
“So many ‘hard to beat’ jokes I would make right now,” he whispered in your ear and you pulled out of his arms. You were rolling your eyes but the grin ruined the disapproving air you were trying to have.
“Not that kinda date,” you reminded him and as if on cue, Lian ran over to Roy and grabbed his hand. She started dragging him to a food truck.
“Can we get a funnel cake? Or ice cream? Or a hotdog?” She asked excitedly.
“Hotdog and then ice cream on top of a funnel cake,” he said in a mock serious tone as he bent down beside her. She grinned widely. “We aren’t animals!” She squealed and dragged him to food truck.
You grinned as you watched them. Roy had fucked up a ton but this was not one of those times. Nope, he was a great dad. He looked back at you confused as why you hadn’t joined them and you jogged over to them.
“Sorry, just lost in thought,” you said as they made your food. Roy had a hand casually around your waist as Lian tried to swing on his other arm.
“Bout what?” He asked.
“How good a dad you are,” you admitted. He gave you a shy crooked smile before kissing your forehead.
“You bats are always in your head too damn much. But thanks,” Roy ended softly. He handed Lian a giant hotdog that she promptly started eating before giving you your food and he his. “Let’s find a spot to sit before you drop that giant hotdog.”
As Lian licked sticky sweet ice cream coated funnel cake pieces off of her arm, Roy’s phone went off. He smiled apologetically before getting up to answer it. A few minutes later he came back to the table looking even more apologetic.
“Titans business. I have to go but...” he started, running a hand through his red hair. “I don’t have a babysitter.”
“I could watch her,” you suggested and Lian looked up at him kinda sad. “I could watch her at the tower. You’d be right there but we’d stay out of the way.”
“You sure? That isn’t too much?” He said unsure, looking between you both.
“Yeah, I’ve watched kids before. And I know the tower really well. We’ll watch movies and fall asleep. Do you want a sleep over?”
“Yeah! Go on dad, I’m fine,” she said waving a hand at him. You both laughed. “Dads,” Lian said rolling her eyes playfully. Yep, she’s Roy’s alright. “Do you have popcorn?”
“Yep! And I know where my brother Tim keeps the good imported stuff,” you said and she grinned.
“Not too much. Or staying up too late. Or anything scary or too grown up,” Roy said on the way to the tower. “And if anything happens. Anything. Get to the panic room.”
“I know the procedures,” you said putting a hand on his shoulder. “And I can keep her safe. Don’t worry. We’ll have fun.”
“And I can kick punks!” Lian said proudly.
“And she’ll kick punks! I’m hoping she hits Gar first. Did you know he can turn into any animal? He just chooses to be a punk,” You said and she giggled.
“Alright. No kicking punks unless it’s really important because-“
“My body is a weapon. I know, dad,” she said, rolling her eyes.
Roy repeated the same sort of things up in the living quarters of the tower before giving you both a kiss. “Stay safe,” he said before going downstairs.
Some of the younger Titan recruits didn’t leave on the mission and were hanging out or training. You walked Lian over to the couch and went to find a movie she might like. You dusted off the dvds they had. Probably hadn’t added any new ones in many years with the extensive funding of Batman giving them every streaming service ever.
“How about this movie,” you asked, holding up a sun bleached dvd case. “Space jam?”
Lian looked at it carefully before nodding. You put it in the player and came back. “What about popcorn? Dad says movies are crap without it.”
“Oh,” you said. “Right. I’ll make some.”
“Popcorn?” Came a voice around the corner before the next you saw was a wind of red. “Hey kiddo,” Bart aka impulse said to Lian before shaking her hand. “Let’s pick a movie. There are some pretty good ones I haven’t seen. I’ve seen 12 movies.”
“Only 12,” she frowned skeptically and you took the opportunity to go in the kitchen and make popcorn.
“Hey, did you let Lian have speedster piggy back rides,” Tim aka Robin said ducking his head in the kitchen.
“No,” you said quickly running in the living area quickly. “Okay, enough of that. I don’t think her dad would be cool with this,” you said pulling her off of him. She pouted a little.
“Why does it smell like fire,” Cassie asked from the hall and you hurried back in the kitchen to see a flaming bag turning in the microwave. Before you could do it say anything, Bart opened the microwave and tossed the bag into the sink where the sponge lit on fire. Lian shrieked and you jumped up turn on the water to put them both out.
“That popcorn smells ewwie,” Lian noted. You sighed and pinched your brow. This is fine.
“I’ll make more and you go pick out a movie. And nothing else,” you emphasized.
“Yes, ma’am,” Bart said with a salute. Tim winced.
“Sorry, he’s a lot.”
“One minor kitchen fire is not too bad. Have you heard from the mission?” You asked as you cooked the popcorn.
“Not yet. But no news is usually good news,” he reminded you and you nodded. That’s what Roy always said. You grabbed the bag and went in the living room to see an entire hot pink tackle box filled with every kind of hair tie and bows and baubles. Bart was sitting on the floor and Lian was currently tying a bright yellow bow in his huge mass of red hair.
“She wanted to do his hair so I got my stuff,” Cassie said.
“She’s a natural. She doesn’t rip out half as much hair as Cassie,” Bart said with a grin. You sat on the couch near them and started the movie as the popcorn passed around.
Halfway through the movie, Tim’s phone goes off. He looks at it and frowns. “Alright guys, we got to suit up.” They grumble but get up. Bart does a quick shake that reminds you of a dog and all the bows vibrated out of his hair. Lian laughed and tried to catch them as they fell out.
“Lian, give me just a minute to talk to Tim,” you told her and she nodded before putting a red barrette in Cassie’s hair. You walked in the kitchen with Tim.
“Is everything okay? Dick? Roy?” You asked quietly.
“I’m not sure. We’re just being called in. I’ll try and let you know more,” he said. You nodded and hugged your baby brother.
“Be safe out there.”
Lian was sitting on the couch as the cartoon played and she had moved on to putting bows on the fuzzy blanket on the couch. She yawned as she put bows in your hair and you looked at the time. It was probably close to bed time for her.
“Lian, do you want to lay down while watching your movie?”
She yawned again and nodded. “Yeah, dad will be home late again, hu? Work?” She was pretty used to his hero duty.
“Yeah, but I’m here.”
“Yeah, you’re here,” she said before laying on you. You froze for a second before feeling your heart warmed. She rubbed her popcorn greasy face into your shirt before getting comfortable. After a short while she was asleep and you pulled out your phone to take her photo.
You wanted to send Roy the photo but didn’t dare disturb him. You kept worrying about him and Dick and now even Tim as they fought. Why had they needed the back up? Were they hurt? In too deep? You had a hard time doing anything but worry.
Lian turned in her sleep and all but pinned you to the couch with her little fists gripping your shirt. You pulled the blanket over her. You tried to stay awake but once it hit 2 am and you were trapped on a couch with no lights on, you fell asleep.
Around 4 am, the team wandered in the tower slowly. They hushed one another as they saw you and Lian on the couch. Roy came in and stopped to look. He took out his phone and took a bunch of pictures of you both with a smile before he hobbled to the medical bay to be cleaned and patched up.
“Hey,” he whispered while gently tapping your shoulder a little while later. You woke up blinking in the light. “I’m going to carry her to the car. Are you coming?”
“Oh, yeah,” you whispered back. Roy carefully pulled the little girl off of you and she clung to his shirt in sleep. He grabbed his bag of gear as you got up with a stretch. You waved bye to everyone before leaving.
Halfway down the road, Roy turned to you. “She really seemed comfortable on you.”
“Yeah, she climbed up herself. I was a little surprised. I guess I didn’t mess up tonight,” you said with a little self deprecating laugh.
“Nah, you did great. I had to hear all about it from the kid heroes on the way back. The hair bows was genius,” he said. The car quietly pulled in his driveway.
“That was Cassie. And when Lian saw all of Bart’s hair her eyes went wide like a cat at a ball of yarn,” you laughed.
“Yeah, she’s a fan of long red hair. Ask me how I know,” he said shaking his hair and you laughed. Lian moved in her sleep.
“So she ripped out your hair so Bart’s could survive,” you said quietly.
“Something like that. Can you get the door,” he said before scooping Lian out of her car seat. You held the door as he carried her to her room and laid her in her toddler bed that currently had a Superboy blanket. She had just about any hero you could image in some product or another.
Roy met you in the kitchen. “Thanks, you know. For watching her today. I appreciate that,” he said. You tossed him a water bottle.
“Yeah, she’s awesome. We had fun,” you said, leaning on the counter with your elbows. Roy came up behind you and rubbed your shoulders.
“Not everyone is cool with dating a dad so thanks,” he said. You turned your head to look at him.
“Well, they are missing out. Got my own DILF,” you teased.
“Oh god, I’m a DILF,” Roy said with a hint of horror in his voice. “Speaking of ILF... I know someone I’d like to ILF,” he said kissing your neck and pressing himself against your back. His hands moved under your shirt and up to your chest. “Wanna take it to my room?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
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alengmae · 4 years
Rabble Drabble V: Advances
Colin fights off the advances of his wife in a drunken stupor.
A/N: Just so people know that I’m not completely heartless from the last chapter of my other fic. Here’s pure fluff. Enjoy!
Penelope glanced at the grandfather clock near the fireplace. It’s getting late and Colin was still not home. She wasn’t bothered much. It was a guy’s night out, after all. Whenever Michael, Benedict and Philip were in town, all the Bridgerton males made time to meet up and hang out. This guy’s night happened once every other month. 
She’s not worried, knowing full well that Anthony would be responsible for the rowdy boys. But tonight, Colin had been unusually late coming home. She could not help but entertain her growing unease. She did just get married to him. She would be really pissed if Colin ended up making her a widow so soon. 
She was about to call Kate when the doorbell rang. She answered the door promptly and was greeted at the sight of a disheveled Anthony keeping a drunk Colin upright. By the look of things, if she were to have taken her time from opening the door, Colin would have been sprawled on the ground, most likely pulling his brother with him. 
“Hey, Pen,” Anthony managed to say between grunts. He pulled on his brother, who was swaying dangerously on the spot. In his van behind him, Michael pressed on the car horn obnoxiously, to Anthony’s consternation. Benedict’s hoot and Philips yelp was very audible in her quiet neighborhood. Penelope would have to bake cookies again to appease her neighbors. 
“Fun night?” she asked with a laugh. She stepped up, anchoring her husband’s left arm over her shoulder. Colin, even in his drunken stupor, turned and bowed to the men in the car. He almost face-planted on the ground, if not for Anthony’s fast reflexes. 
The prominent vein on the left side of Anthony’s forehead was ticking dangerously. Penelope hid her giggle since he might go off any second. 
“Annoying gits,” Anthony mumbled as he shoved his brother into the house and into Penelope’s arms. “Always testing my patience. You got him, Pen?”
She nodded after hearing the car horn again. As much as she wanted him to help her with Colin upstairs, he needed to bring them home before her neighbors complained. She guided her husband to the stairs after saying, “Thanks Anthony. Close the door, will you?”
Her brother-in-law assented but added before rushing out, “Brunch tomorrow at mother’s, don’t forget!” 
“Got it!” she shouted as he shut the door close. “Alright, my love. Work with me,” she pleaded when she tried to get Colin up the stairs without any accidents. 
Colin shook his head, as if willing the booze away from his system, and took a good look at the stairs ahead of him. Then, he crouched down to all fours and slowly climbed up. Penelope was too flabbergasted to stop him. 
“Not what I have in mind, but I’ll take it,” she muttered as she followed him, making sure he did not make a misstep. 
He continued on until he reached the top. He stood up abruptly, with her guidance and made for their bedroom. Upon reaching the bed, Penelope stopped her husband from flopping onto the bed so she could take off his jacket, which reeked of booze. But before she could pull his sleeve off, he cut her off. 
“Excuse me, madam,” he slurred insistently, “I am a kept man. I do not care for your advances as I am very happily married.” 
Well, if that didn’t bring a bright smile on her face, she didn’t know what will. But she still needed to take off his jacket. “I just need to take off your jacket, love.” 
He acquiesced however, he refrained her from touching him with a light slap of her hand. He took it off easily then crashed head first on the bed.
Penelope was torn between annoyance and affection as she cradled the hand that he slapped away. In the end, she chose to linger on the fierce devotion he showed to her. She was successful in taking off both his shoes. When she was close to getting his socks off, he moved his feet out of reach. 
“No means no, lady,” he almost bellowed. “I’m married.”  
“So you kept saying,” she retorted as she chased his foot to pull on a sock. After a tedious minute, she was able to take it off and the other one too amidst his elaborate footwork dodges. She inhaled loudly, trying to be patient with her drunk husband. At this point, she may be okay with being a widow since she just might kill him herself.   
She sagged right next to him on the bed, her fatigue from the day catching up. She was ready to fall asleep when a scandalized, “Excuse me!”  prevented her from falling asleep. 
She scrunched her face and whispered to Colin, “You are really exhausting all my patience tonight, darling.” 
“I only sleep with my wife,” he insisted again, with a slur. “My Pen is the only one allowed to this,” he said as he gestured to his body. To his defense, it was a pretty tantalizing body. But she could not help but wonder if his brain was rendered useless with the alcohol in his tantalizing body.  
“Colin, just sleep, okay? I’m tired. You’re tired. Just go to sleep,” she appealed to him with wry fondness. She pulled on the comforter and tried to cover both their bodies with it. Unfortunately for her, he refused to cooperate. 
He fought off the comforter as if it were armed enemies, both his hands in a karate chop stance. 
“Colin! Just...oh my god,” she muttered under her breath. She’s never going to let him come back drunk ever again if he was going to be such a pain like this.
“My beautiful wife will have words with you, lady. Stop trying to molest me.” 
She wanted to strangle him but his compliment gave her pause. “Your wife must have the patience of a saint.” 
“My wife has everything,” he snootily replied. “She’s so witty and beautiful and insanely hot and funny and has the best rack,” his hands cupped the air daintily and she glowered at him, “and she’s sexy and she’s a great kisser and best of all, she’s mine.”
She wanted to wince. She honestly really hoped he didn’t talk about her breasts in public like this. But she would be lying if she denied being touched by his raining flattery. The muscles on her face tugged into a wide grin. 
“She should be lucky to have you. You’re not so bad yourself.” 
“I know I’m a catch,” her smile fell off, replaced by exasperation, “but my wife is leagues ahead of me. She’s the best. She’s absolutely, astoundingly gorgeous and that’s the least interesting thing about her. I’m awed that she chose me out of all the fools around her.” 
Well, shit. His words tugged into her heart, churning her insides into mush. Even the way he smiled dreamily as he went on and one about her sent her into a giddy rush. 
He continued, “I worship the ground she walked on. When she said she loved me, it felt like my life, only then, really started. Everything else was background noise. I’ll spend the rest of my life showing her how important she is to me. She is my dream fulfilled.”
Aww. This was better than his wedding vows. Her eyes misted as she tried to hide how touched she was at his drunken declaration. Penelope had to admit that drunk Colin was her favorite version of her husband. 
She leaned closer to him to give him a fervent kiss when his palm connected with her face. It wasn’t a slap, more of a forceful push. His outstretched hand pushed her away from his side. 
“God, lady, I just told you I’m married. I’m going to have to call the cops.”    
All of the goodwill she harbored from his flowery speech about her vanished. How could he use her face to push her entire body away from him? He’s definitely going to pay for this tomorrow. 
She left the bed at his unrelenting pushes. She grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen and a bottle of aspirin. When she came back to their bedroom, he was fast asleep on his side of the bed. She placed the glass and medicine on his bed stand. 
He definitely was a handful but he was hers. 
She laid down on the bed, careful not to wake him from his slumber. It did not take her long to pass out in a dreamless sleep. 
She awoke to the glare of sunlight peeking from the drawn curtains a couple of hours later. She tried to rub her eyes but her arm was encumbered by her husband’s body. Colin, in his sleep, latched on to her side, curling his body flush to hers. She remembered his sweet words last night and grinned affectionately. However, she also remembered the way his hand connected with her face when she only wanted to give him a kiss. 
“Good morning!” she loudly exclaimed. 
Colin winced and cradled his head with a whine, “Why?”
His obvious pain was enough to balm the annoyance from last night. She ruffled his hair. “There’s water and aspirin there for you.” 
He mumbled his thanks and burrowed even deeper into the crook of her neck. She giggled when he peppered tiny kisses on her neck. 
“We have to be at your mom’s in a few hours. Think you’re up to it?”
He grunted a response, tightening his embrace on her. She reminded him of his mother’s special waffles and he seemed to be more amenable after. 
“I love you,” she told him, after a beat of silence, as she caressed his head.  
He peered at her. “I love you too. If I am to be greeted with this every morning after I get drunk, I’m drinking more often,” he answered with a joke. 
“Please don’t,” she asked with a glare.   
His face scrunched in confusion and all Penelope did was give her befuddled husband a sound kiss. 
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
13 fury and 29 leviathan, Ot4, nsfw, please!
I decided to split these up, so here’s Leviathan, and fury will be a separate fill! Indrid’s design is based on an oarfish, Duck on a grouper, Barclay on a whale shark, and Stern is a black and white snapper.
There are times Joseph wishes he was just a brain floating in seashell, not a mer with a body that needs things like food, sleep, and sex. The migration of the Leviathans is one such time.
Every five years, the larger creatures of the Marianas Trench travel upwards, for reasons that remain mysterious to even the deep sea mers. Five years ago, Joseph was ill. Five years before, his job was such that he was unable to take the few days needed to visit the migration sight and record his findings. Now that his chance has come, he’s not letting anything, be it the possibility of losing a limb if he gets too close to the giants or the sparse fishing near his camp stop him.
And he’s certainly not letting his heat stop him.
 He’s chosen the optimal observation point, so when another mer swims into the view, he prays they won’t chase him off or make noise.
“Oh, apologies, I was not anticipating this timeline.” The merman is angular around the face, his tan body bookended with silver; his moonlight colored hair occasionally falls across glowing, red eyes, and his tail is longer than average, elegantly metallic and fanned with red. He strikes Joseph as formidable, so it’s a good thing that he seems friendly.
The new mer cocks his head, “You’re here to observe the migration.”
“I am. Um, are you?” It could be fun to have a fellow rare creature’s enthusiast to keep him company.
“No. I come here to draw, but I’m happy to share the space with you.”
“Thank you.”
They make small talk, during which the other mer introduces himself as Indrid, a seer for hire, and informs Joseph that the migration will start in the next ten minutes.
While his brain focuses on the task ahead, his heat creeps through his body. It’s not too bad, but he knows it will only get more intense as the day moves one. It’s mostly agitation right now, not the aches and tunnel vision that will come for him over the next three days. He’s not sure if he’s releasing any sort of scent signals, because the last thing he needs while trying to record the leviathans is someone pestering him.
Indrid looks up from his drawing, sets it carefully on a stone and swims a circle around Joseph, “Ah, I was not imagining things. You are giving off heat pheromones. And I thought I was prone to unlucky timing.”
“It’s not like I did it on purpose.” Joseph grumbles.
“Of course not. I, ah, do not mean to worry you, but there are many futures where your research is interrupted by hopeful suitors.”
“Damn it.”
“If it would help, I could stay close and pretend to be your mate. You, ah, you would not need to actually be such, though I am not opposed to such things once you are done with your day.” His ears flick once, “the point is, my help is not contingent on sex.”
“That…that would be very helpful, thank you.” Indrid seems genuinely eager to help him, which set fondness squirming up his spine.
Indrid retrieves his supplies, curls the end of his tail around the black and white of Joseph’s own, and murmurs, “The first one should appear in under twenty-seconds.”
He’s right on the money, Joseph stifling a gasp of delight as the massive, bone-white body of a Ningen emerges. It’s pace is alarming fast for something so large.
Next is a creature he’s never so much as read of; serpentine and bioluminescent, with light lures fanned out across it’s forehead.
Movement to his left, another mer emerging from the nearby rocks with their eyes on him. Indrid waits a beat, then whips his head around to hiss at the newcomer, frilling his ears out as he does. They turn tail instantly.
“They didn’t even argue.” He’s impressed.
“I have a bit of a, ah, a reputation. It’s unearned, mind you, but sometimes it comes in handy.”
Joseph nods, turns his attention back to the trench just in time to see a Kraken fleeing from a pair of massive sharks.
He continues his observation with no interruptions, Indrid’s presence enough to deter the few mers who come to investigate him. His new acquaintance offers additional benefits; the physical contact soothes his heat to a degree, especially when pretends that this is all a prelude to that lovely tail wrapping around him while Indrid sinks his teeth into his shoulders.
Better still, during a lull in conversation he glances over to find Indrid has captured the leviathans on paper.
“It seemed to me your notes could use illustrations.” He says a moment before Joseph can ask.
“That’s, Indrid those are incredible, you didn’t need to set your own projects aside-“
“This is more fun than drawing the futures. And more rewarding.” He smiles at Joseph’s excitement.
It’s going on hour seven of observation that his body betrays him; his heat seeps into every nerve, his body twitching and squirming in it’s desire to swim off and get off as soon as possible.
“I foresee the migration lasting three more days. If you need to be done for the day, I do not think it will damage your research.”
“However” Indrid says casually, “if you want to stay longer but are struggling to, I can always tell you that good mates can last a few hours more.”
“Shit” The part of his tail concealing his dick pulses, “Indrid, how did you know-“
“Foresight.” Indrid taps his temple, grinning wider.
“I, I think I can call it a night.” He repacks his observation kit, Indrid’s tail holding his all the while. Then he whirls, kissing him as the other mer lets out a muffled laugh.
“My, it must have gotten intense.” Indrid strokes his cheek, roving his eyes up and down his body.
“Very. I, I’m sorry, I’m not very good at spontaneity during my heats, so this might be awkward.” He tries to pet Indrid’s tail, only for his wrists to be caught in a strong hold.
“What do you usually do?”
“I, um, I pick out potential partners ahead of time. And if there aren’t any I’m interested in, I just hole up on my own until it’s over. Besides, it’s not just about who I want; what I want can be a bit of a surprise for most mers.”
Indrid leans close, purrs in his ear, “Am I right that you would call yourself, ah, needy pet?”
“Answer me.” There’s an edge to his lilt.
“Yes, I would, Indrid please-“
“Hush.” The mer begins swimming them towards the houses on the cliffs, “I have just the thing. You need all the attention you can get, more than I can give without passing out, but there is an easy solution.” He turns the conversation away from sex, asking Joseph about his work until they reach the entrance to a home in the rocks, the front of it sporting an impressive garden.
“’Drid, that you?” A voice calls as they swim down the hallway.
“Yes, my love. And I brought a guest.” They round the corner into a large kitchen. Seated at the table is a merman with short, dark hair, and a mottled green and brown fin. He sets the model ship he’s working on into a carved box, then propels himself with obvious, easy strength to capture Indrid in a kiss. It’s only when Indrid nudges him to turn his head that he sees Joseph.
“Oh, uh, name’s Duck, welcome to our place.” He holds out a hand, smile crooked and soft, the evening light falling around the curves of his body in a way that makes it impossible for Joseph to look anywhere else.
“It’s lovely.” He takes Duck’s hand, shaking it as Indrid explains how they met. Duck takes a polite interest in it, adding that he’s done restoration work on the scant plant life near the edge of the trench.
“Now, what I wanna know is if you invited him for the reason I think you did.” Duck sends a pointed look at Josephs tail, where silver and blue are starting to pulse in place of his usual colors.
“Yes. Assuming everyone is amenable to the idea. Speaking of which, where is, ah, nevermind, here he comes.”
“Hey Indrid, should I start dinner? Heard you say something about a guest—oh holy fuck.”
Joseph clamps his hands over his mouth to stifle the excited moan that tries to leap out.
“You two know each other?” Duck looks between them, then smirks, “hold on. Barclay, is this fella mr. tall, dark, and handsome you keep swoonin over?”
“I, uh, I” Barclay seems to be trying to hide behind his grey and black-speckled tail, “I didn’t know this is where you were going. When you said vacation I assumed, like, you’d go somewhere fancy. Not just a few miles out from the city.”
“If the guy behind me hadn’t been in such a rush to get his lunch, I could have told you more.” He swims forward, heat ebbing in the face of discovering where the mer he’s had a crush on for months lives (and that Indrid has managed to secure two of the most attractive mermen in the world as partners).
Before he can reach Barclay, he jerks to a stop. Duck has hold of the end of his tail, though from the sharp-toothed grin this tableau was Indrid’s idea.
“Am I correct” Indrid swims lazy circles around the other three, “that we are all in agreement that the best way for Joseph to manage his heat is for us to take turns helping him relieve the tension?”
“Uh huh.”
“Yes, now for gods sake let’s get to it.” He tries swimming forward, discovers Duck is even stronger than he looks, and lets out a frustrated, horny whine. Duck makes a sympathetic noise, rubbing his tail soothingly. Barclay decides to close the distance himself, only to freeze at Indrid’s voice.
“I believe you said something about dinner, dear one.”
“But-“ Barclay’s brown eyes send a pleading look at between Joseph and Indrid.
“You’ll get your turn, or several if the timelines are correct, but it won’t do for all of us to get caught up in the heat of the moment and forget to eat. Or for Joseph to burn through a great deal of energy and not replenish it. Besides, he clearly likes your cooking. You have a chance to show off.”
Barclay chuckles, “You’re a menace, sir.”
“You love me for it.”
“I do.” Barclay kisses Indrid as he drifts by, gives one more appreciative, longing look at Joseph, and turns back to the counter. Joseph’s back hits the table a split-second later, Indrid’s face and frilled-out ears filling his vision.
“Now, be a good little pet and let me fuck you.” Ink-smudged fingers expertly stroke his scales as his tail curves around him, trapping them together. The pressure of his touch and the sting of his teeth as they graze his collarbone make Joseph buck in his hold.
“IndridpleaseOHshit, shit” a cock slides into him, “that, that was fast.”
“I have been swimming in your desire for hours. It was only because you were so very engrossed in your work that I ohnnnn, I did not ask to do this sooner.” Indrid nibbles his ear, his tail rippling with effort as he fucks deeper, “you just seemed so happy.”
Joseph moans, wrapping his arms around Indrids shoulders, “That’s one of the most considerate things anyone’s done for me in months.”
“You deserve it, pet, just as much as you deserve to be fucked so much you’re too full to swim.”
“No, ahnnfuck, no wonder Barclay looks so content on Monday mornings, if this is how you treat your mates.”
Indrid trills, blushes, and then hides the fact by sinking his teeth into Joseph’s shoulder. The pain lights him up from tail-tip to the top of his head and he buries a kiss in Indrid’s neck. The tendrils of his cock, already wound around Indrid’s shaft, tighten as the other mer kisses along the bite mark.
“That’s it pet, go ahead and cum, you’ve been so patient, held out so long, you’ll feel so much better if you do.”
The fact that it’s the act of receiving permission that tips him over the edge is probably something to bring up with his therapist, but he’s not thinking about that now. Right now, his world is nothing more than blinding pleasure and his body screaming with relief that he’s finally getting off.
Indrid stays still as he rides it out, trilling softly as he kisses his cheeks. He waits until Joseph meets his eyes and nods before he begins rolling his hips, tail coiling and relaxing in time with his efforts.
“There we are, you can take a break pet, lay here and let me-AHhhnn” His measured thrusts morph into sharp jerks. Joseph’s cock perks up as knuckles graze it, and Duck’s chin rests on Indrid’s shoulder.
“Sorry, you know watchin you play all high and mighty turns me on. Especially when you’re fuckin such a handsome piece of tail.” Duck fingers open the lower part of the slit from which Indrid’s cock emerged.
“No complaAAIInts here” Indrid’s movements turn wilder by the moment and he cranes his neck backwards in search of kisses. Joseph would sit up so he and Duck could lavish him with them from both sides, but his muscles aren’t quite up to that yet.
There are two, high trills, one after the other as Duck bites the tip of Indrid’s ear and then the base of his neck. Indrid thrusts as deep as he can, cumming with satisfied chirps and moans as Duck sucks a bruise into his neck.
As Indrid pulls out, he rubs at the scales around Joseph’s cock in a way he’s never seen before, one that makes everything close up the instant his cock is all the way free. He raises an eyebrow, intrigued.
“It’s courteous to hold onto what a mate gives you” Indrid leans closer, adding, “I also suspect Barclay will enjoy it.”
Indrid helps Joseph sit up, clearly intending to guide him over to service Duck, but Joseph is miles ahead of him, darting out to wrap his arms around his middle and kiss his way from his chest to his belly.
“Y;know, Barclay made it sound like you were real reserved, shy even. Know heats can make folks a little wild, but this seems like a stretch.”
“It’s, it’s not the heat. It’s you. It’s this” He presses another kiss to his belly slides his hands down to grope his upper tail, “you’re, well, let’s just say I think Indrid has incredible taste. Your whole body is divine, Duck” he nips the sensitive band where scales give way to skin, “if someone told me you swam straight out of Poseidon’s Court, I’d believe them.”
“Fuck, are you always like this?” Duck looks at Barclay, who’s holding a spoon so tight it’s cracking.
“Nope.” The cooks voice is creeping higher as he watches Joseph lick and kiss at Duck’s tail.
Duck stills him with a hand in his hair, keeping his eyes on Barclay, “Do you, uh wanna switch? I can keep an eye on whatever you’re makin so you don’t gotta wait longer.”
“No, I, I wanna be good. I can be patient. But, uh, thanks.”
“Suit yourself. Alright handsome, you can keep goinnnnfuck, ohfuckyeah that’s good.” Duck cups the back of his head, urging him on. Joseph understands why Indrid wasn’t thrown by his unconventional cock; Duck’s is the same, multiple short, hyper-sensitive tendrils emerging from a slit instead of a shaft.
To his delight Duck is vocal, moaning and groaning as he tells him how well he’s doing, how perfect he looks with a cock in his mouth.
“Oughta, oughta make you suck ‘Drid and Barclay at the same time, be so fuckin hot, think I could cum without even touchin myself ohfuck, yeah, do that again.”
The tendrils tickle when they glide over his tongue, harden when he curls his lips around a few and sucks.
“Enjoying yourself my love?”
“You know it, darling. Fuck, Joe, where the fuck did you learn to suck dick like this?”
He pulls back, winks, “Maybe if you take me out to dinner, I’ll tell you the whole sordid tale.”
“You got a date” Duck dips down to kiss him, then shoves him back into place, grinding his hips harder before cumming with a half-laugh, half-moan. He’s still shaking when he guides Joseph so they’re face to face and kisses him, whispering, “Thanks for that, handsome.”
He doesn’t have time to note that no one’s ever thanked him for blowing them before there’s a thunk of bowls on the nearby table.
“Dinner’s ready.” Barclays cock is visibly throbbing under his scales, but he lets Indrid lead him to a chair, set a bowl next to him, and whisper in his ear with a mischievous grin. The cook nods, and then Indrid is waving Joseph over.
“You really should eat, you barely had any lunch, but Barclay’s been patient. I recommend multitasking.” Indrid pecks their cheeks one after the other, then goes to sit in Duck’s lap.
Joseph lowers himself and rubs their tails together, “Dinner smells delicious.”
“It’s not the only thing.” Barclay rumbles, then shakes his head, “sorry, I’m super-responsive to other mers heats, we, we can just have dinner if you want, you don’t have to-“
“Barclay, you’ve been on my mind for months. I want to.” His tendrils don’t coax so much as demand Barclay’s cock enter him and they moan in tandem as Joseph settles into place.
“Here” Barclay holds up a piece of fresh crab and Joseph eats it from between his fingers. It’s perfect, just like every meal Barclay’s ever made him. He “mmmms” and opens his mouth for another, this time biting Barclays finger before taking it.
“Tall, dark, and handsome, huh?”
The cook blushes, “Yeah. You, gods you’re always so put-together, I’d say this was a dream come true by my brain can only fantasize about you, like, calling me up to your office and sucking you off. Never thought I’d see you heat-crazed and getting fucked by my boyfriend and one of my best friends. Also, it’s so fucking hot” he gives his first sharp thrust up, “to fuck Indrid’s cum back into you.”
“I told you so.” Indrid murmurs from behind them.
Joseph rocks his hips, kissing Barclay’s cheeks and stroking his beard, “Seeing you is the best part of my day; I, um, I even redid my budget so I could come get lunch more often. I almost asked if you wanted to help me with my heat but I, I was worried it’d be overstepping.”
“Nah. Not for my favorite customer.” Barclay kisses his nose.
“Does AHnnnshit,” Barclay’s cock is thick enough to catch all the tendrils, “does this mean I get a discount now?”
“Of course, ten percent off for every blowjob.”
“I’ll be eating for free in no time. Possibly the end, ohfuckyes, of this heat.” He stops, tries to correct, “that’s, um, that’s if you want to see me again after tonight.”
Barclay nuzzles his neck, “I do. Gonna take a wild guess and say those two do too. And in case you think I’m kidding…”
Joseph cums as Barclay bites the opposite shoulder from where Indrid’s mark is still red, the other mer growling as he pumps his hips up into him again and again, refusing to let go until his cum mixes with Indrid’s and Joseph’s shoulder sports a deep purple bruise.
“Holy shit.” Joseph collapses against his chest.
“Better, babe?” Barclay kisses the top of his head.
He looks over his shoulder at where Duck and Indrid are trading increasingly heated kisses.
“Yes, but I’m just getting started…”
Joseph wakes up in an empty bed, his last memory of Duck fucking him while he jacked Indrid and Barclay off, one in each hand.
Maybe they all have work? Maybe they’re hoping he’ll take a hint and leave…
“Mornin Joe” Duck floats in the bedroom doorway, “Barclay asked me to come get you. He’s almost finished packin breakfast up.”
“Oh,for, um, for me to take on the road?”
Duck shakes his head, “for all four of us; ‘Drid showed us drawins from yesterday and we decided we’d like to join you. If, uh, if that’s okay?”
Joseph swims over to take his hand, “it’s perfect.”
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@zutaraweek Prompt: Found.
Summary: Katara is snooping around, looking for trinkets that help her solve the Zuko-Puzzle. Ember Island days, canon compliant. Read on AO3 or below.
“What do you think you’ll find up there?” Suki asks as Katara heads again to the dusty attic, laced with cobwebs. 
It is a good question. Katara mutters something about pots and pans, ignoring Suki’s amused smile. Of course, the kitchen in the summer house is the best-equipped Katara has ever seen in her life, and yes, she’s been cooking for the team with nothing more than a clay rice-pot for the last couple of months. Also, it’s not her first visit to the attic. Or the second. Or the third.
The royal vacation home is full of trinkets. Some of them really useful, like the colourful paper lanterns that now adorn the patio or the parasols that come handy on the beach.  
But it’s the other things that draw Katara back; objects that tell a story about Zuko. And now that they’ve become friends, Katara is eager to learn more.  
The cedarwood-chest is full of Zuko-memorabilia, no doubt carefully collected by his mother. There are strands of silky hair tied together with ribbons, baby-teeth sewn into an ornate pocket, tiny handprints in clay.
Katara opens something that looks like a school-report:
Could do better in his lessons if he were less prone to daydreaming.
Shows great talent in all fields of athletics. 
Great aptitude for music. Can read notes proficiently and sing clearly. His interest should be nurtured further…
Katara smiles as she imagines him as a schoolboy. She pictures a young boy with dreamy eyes. 
A handful of tiny red papers, rolled into cylinder shapes grab her attention. She unrolls one randomly. It’s a prayer, written in the clumsy scribbles of a child. 
Agni, please give me bigger sparks. I think Father might like me more if you did. 
Katara feels like she’s intruding on something entirely too private, so she rolls back up the tiny scroll and puts it back in the box. 
Maybe she could just ask Zuko, but he rarely volunteers any private information. He trains Aang, does his share of the chores, hangs out with the group mostly quietly, sometimes making the effort to butcher one of his uncle’s jokes. Katara wonders if it’s painful for him to be back in this place, conspiring to bring his own father down. For the first time she admits to herself that he’s not in an enviable position.
The objects serve as conversation-starters. The first thing she brings to him is the drawing of a dragon; made in red and gold ink with bold strokes. The proportions are all wrong, but the eyes of the dragon are strangely expressive. Pain and compassion.
“Did you draw this?” she asks curiously.
A small, wistful smile forms on Zuko’s lips as he turns the paper around. “Yeah. I was trying to explain to Azula what the dragons in my dream looked like.”
“You are quite talented.”
He playfully puts his fingers on his lips. “Don’t tell Sokka, he’ll challenge me to a painting kai.”
Katara promises to keep it as their secret. It feels nice to have a secret to share.
“Did you make these?” She scatters colourful paper-animals on the steps during the training break. He picks up a badger-frog and makes it skip. 
“Some of it. Mum taught Azula and me. You see? Those perfect ones are hers.” There is barely disguised bitterness in his voice. His sister’s perfection seems to be a permanent shadow he still struggles with. “I probably made all the crooked ones.”
Katara picks up a fire-hawk from the crooked pile. “Can you teach me this one?”
“Sure, it’s not that hard,” he nods. 
He folds the paper in deep concentration, his tongue sticking out from the effort. It makes him look like a kid. The folds are perfectly aligned. Katara copies his movements carefully. 
The others all gravitate towards them, first watching, then joining in. Even Toph insists on having a go, letting Zuko guide her hands through the motions to make a lotus. 
Sokka -  who else - suggests a frog-jumping competition, adding extra folds to upgrade his design. Instead of jumping, his frog spins around madly, which inspires new and even more extravagant designs. Soon, the steps are covered with mythical creatures, monsters and strange animal hybrids. Most of them crooked. Nobody really cares. Laughter echoes among the old pillars; Zuko’s chuckles melding into the group’s merriment.
“I really like this one.” She picks up one of the kites. It’s blue like the sea, decorated with a sea-lion. 
His eyes turn sad. “It was Lu Ten’s.”
Katara has no idea who he’s talking about, but the heaviness of his voice implies a tragic story. She waits patiently. Zuko pulls his fingers along the reed crossbars. “My cousin, Uncle’s son. He died in the war.”
“I’m sorry. Were you close?”
“He was older than me and he knew the best games. He taught me to sneak around, to wrestle, to fly kites,” Zuko smiles, lost in good memories. “I wish he was still alive, things would be different…” ha adds quietly. 
Before Katara has a chance to ask what he means, Aang interrupts with an enthusiastic yell. “These are some great kites. I haven’t flown one in a century!” 
Inevitably, Sokka appears to examine them. Ten minutes later, the entire group is down by the beach flying kites. Zuko is running close to Aang to get the airbending boost. He’s holding the string of Lu Ten’s kite, the blue silk is flying impossibly high.
Katara drags out a heavy box full of instruments. The tsungi horn is on top.
“Can you play this thing?” she asks, thinking of the old school report.
“A little,” Zuko replies shortly, keeping his eye on Aang’s movements as he drills the new set.
Aang perks up immediately and stops practicing. “I love music.”
“You have firebending practice to do,” Zuko replies strictly. He’s relentless with Aang.
“Come on, Zuko. Practice, practice, practice. I never get to have any fun anymore,” Aang pouts.
Zuko looks at Katara. Positive reinforcement, her lips form the words silently. It’s an argument they have had quite a few times.
“I’ll tell you what. If you can do this set perfectly by the end of the day, we’ll do music night,” Zuko offers.
Aang restarts his practice more enthusiastically, his concentration and form are perfect. As the sun starts to disappear on the horizon, Zuko declares the set mastered. 
He puts the horn to his lips and starts playing, eyes closed. The courtyard grows quiet. The music sounds both strange and beautiful to Katara’s ears. Clearly, he knows more than a little.
One early morning she drags a surf-board to the beach, where Zuko sits in quiet meditation waiting for the sunrise. The others are still sleeping in the house. 
“Do you know how to use it?”
“Don’t tell me you want me to teach you,” Zuko looks at her in confusion. 
“Actually, I had something else in mind.” Katara bends her own surfboard and spins around on top of the wave. “Come on, the water is delicious.”
Zuko watches her with a skeptical expression, but he picks up the surfboard and starts to paddle in deeper. Katara gives him a big boost with a wave of her arm. “That’s really neat,” laughs Zuko. 
Balancing himself on the board, he starts moving with the waves. He’s not half-bad for a firebender. Every once in a while, Katara sends him on a spin. On the first two tries, he ends up under the water, but by the third attempt he figures out the rhythm of her bending and moves with it. They chase the waves in the rising sun, their laughter carried by the water. 
Katara collapses in the warm sand, the dancing waves coursing inside her veins, making her feel alive. Zuko soaks in the rising sun, covering his feet in sand. 
“This was fun,” Katara giggles. 
“Last time I was out there, Azula set my surfboard on fire because I won some stupid game we were playing,” he notes. He doesn’t make it sound like anything out of the ordinary, but rather a regular occurrence. Just a normal day in the family. Katara’s stomach squeezes painfully at the thought of growing up like that, constantly watching your back, wondering if your family really hates you. 
He shakes his head, as if to get rid of the bad memories and smiles at her. “But surfing with a water-bender is certainly an experience I never knew I needed.” There is no sarcasm in his voice. “It’s great to have you guys here. It makes this place come alive again.”
Katara nods. “We all love it here, you know. Sokka swears it’s the best place in the entire world.”
“Maybe, after...after this is all over, we could come here for a real vacation.” His voice is a bit shy and hesitant, as if he feared they would turn him down. As if he still didn’t believe that they are friends now.
Katara for one can’t think of anything better than winning the war and taking a long holiday on Ember Island. “That would be great, Zuko.” 
She puts her hand on top of his. He watches it intently, like a painter trying to commit to memory every detail. After a long beat of silence he pulls away his hand.
“I’d better wake up Aang,” he says and heads back towards the house. 
Katara leans back against the old, battered surf-board, enjoying the last quiet minutes of the morning. 
She thinks that after breakfast, she’ll go back to the attic. These objects are part of the puzzle, through them she’s found the real Zuko. But maybe there are more layers to be found. And maybe, through all this, he’s found something too.
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anarcoqueer1994 · 5 years
Triple Date <3
Marty, Amber, and TJ plan a triple date for the Good Hair Crew. It's all fluff. Not one of my better stories but its cutish.
"It has to be just right!" Amber complained as she stared at the crooked string of fairy lights adorning the Kippen family's basement walls. At the present, she finds herself adjusting flowers in vases trying to get them exactly how she wants them. 
"It will be, I promise." Her younger brother says as he grabs a chair to stand on so he can fix the offending lights.
"Sorry, I am just nervous. Tonight is a big deal to me. I really want to show Andi how important she is to me." She smiles.
"It is important to all of us." Marty chimes in, looking up from the table he attempting to set. He changes subject really quickly. "I kind of feel bad for excluding Jonah tonight."
"What were we supposed to do? I am sure he doesn't want to be a third...seventh wheel. Plus he has that guitar thing with Bowie" TJ replies while not looking away from the lights he is trying to place "just right."
"I guess you're not wrong." Marty resigns himself to that justification.  
It isn't long until the finished basement looks perfect. They had moved all the furniture out of the main area, replacing it with three small fold out tables with two chairs around them each, all covered in white cloth tablecloths. At the center of the tables sat vases with fresh flowers poking out. The only light in the room comes from the white twinkling lights gracing the walls and hanging down from the ceiling. It looks like a scene straight out of a romcom. 
"Are you sure they don't suspect  anything?" Amber questions the two guys standing at either side of her.
"Why would they suspect anything?" Marty furrows his brows in confusion. "Did either of you let anything slip?"
"No, of course not!" TJ answers for them. 
"It is just that they are really hard to surprise then, especially with Buffy involved." Amber continues.
"Well all we told them was to meet here so we can all head over to The Spoon together. We even got Jonah to play along in the group text like he was coming too so they don't get suspicious." Marty smiles at the lie he thought up.
"Yeah, you're right.  There is no way they know we are up to something." TJ agrees confidently.
"So we are in agreement that they are up to something."  Buffy smirks at the other two members of the Good Hair Crew sitting in Andi's living room.
"Oh yeah, definitely." Andi nods her head as she speaks. "Remember earlier this week when we saw them all at The Spoon together? They got all weird and said they were studying. But like, Amber isn't in any of the junior classes with you guys. She's a senior. When I texted her about it, she changed the subject completely and ignored the question."
"I was at the store with my mom the other day and I saw Marty buying a ton of white Christmas lights. I made a joke and asked them what they were for and he got all nervous. He said some dumb thing about his family really loving Christmas. But it's March." Buffy looks at her friends in shared disbelief of his story.
"TJ has been weird too. Yesterday, we were at my house after school and we were just talking. I casually asked what his plans were this weekend and he got really flustered. After stuttering he said a vague thing about family plans. But now we all got this text asking us to meet at TJ and Amber's to go to The Spoon together even though they were supposed to have a "family thing." " He says with heavy air quotes.  "As if after more than 3 years of dating, I wouldn't know when he's lying. " Cyrus frowns in confusion.
"Since when do we not just meet up at the diner, anyhow?" Buffy mirrors Cyrus' confusion.
"Wait you, guys!" Andi says as if something just clicked. She gets a big smile on her face.
"What?" the other two say in unison.
"In the group text, Jonah said he would be there...but that's a lie. Jonah is on his way here to go to some guitar thing with Bowie."
"So they are doing something... and Jonah knows what!" The other girl yells in excitement. "And he is on his way here now…" she gets a devious smile on her face.
"We can ask him a few questions before he has to leave with Bowie." Andi returns her smile.
"Maybe we should leave it alone?' Cyrus offers knowing full well that that is not going to happen. As expected, both girls roll their eyes.
As if like clockwork, there is a knock on the door. Buffy and Andi run for it, ready to bombard him with questions. Right before opening the door, they straighten themselves out. Cyrus stays on the couch.
"Hey Jonah." Andi gives an innocent smile.
"Yeah, hey Jonah.'' Buffy echos.
"Um hey? Is Bowie here?" Jonah looks caught off guard.
"Yea, he will be right down but how about  you come sit in the living room with us for a minute, I insist." Buffy speaks in a way where he knows this isn't really a request as much as it is a demand. So when the two girls walk back to the couch, he follows them reluctantly.
Now the entire GHC is squeezed onto the couch staring at one confused dimpled frisbee player sitting across the room in the chair. Cyrus looks anxious while the other two lean forward on there hands, elbows resting on their knees.
"So Jonah…" Andi starts. "Um…'
"Let's cut to the chase." Buffy interrupts, not being one to beat around the bush. "Marty Amber, and TJ are up to something and we want to know what."
"I don't know what you are talking about…" Jonah says, obviously lying through his teeth.
"Come on, you know something...please?" Andi feigns a dramatic pout.
"Yea, please?" Buffy adds for dramatic effect. 
"Enough, seriously guys. Can't you leave it alone...I promised them I wouldn't tell. Just go with it, okay? They have been working really hard." Jonah relents.
Suddenly the other three feel bad for even asking. Obviously this was important to them to keep this a secret and the GHC should respect that. 
"Sorry…" Buffy says looking down. She hates apologizing. Cyrus smiles slightly. He had been right to want to leave it alone.
"Its okay." Jonah adds "But hey,since I have already given it a way a bit, I'm going to tell you that you guys should wear something nice."
Luckily Bowie walks in a few moments later, saving Jonah from the awkwardness that just ensued.
Buffy, Cyrus, and Andi took Jonah's advice. They went to their separate homes to get ready before meeting back up to go to the Kippens. Andi has a soft pink dress, paired with a fun headband she made herself. Buffy was wearing a simple, knee length red dress with a high neckline. As for Cyrus, he opted for dress pants and a white, long-sleeved, button-down shirt. 
"If I don't say so myself, we all look pretty great." Cyrus says in a confident voice as they step up onto the Kippens' front porch.
But however good they looked, could not prepare them for what was on the other side of the door. When the door opened, Andi was the first to get full heart eyes. Amber stood at the doorway in a simple black dress, with hair pulled up, only leaving a few framing pieces to fall around her face. Before Andi could speak, Amber says "You coming in, Bambi? Or are you guys going to stay there all night?" Amber reaches out her hand to Andi.
Andi tries to play dumb as she takes her girlfriend's hand. "But Amber, I thought we were going to the Spoon. Where are the guys?"
Amber lets out a little laugh. "Jonah already texted us telling us you guys suspect something, just come on." She says as she pulls Andi into the house. Before leaving the doorway though, she places a kiss on Andi's forehead. "You look adorable bu the way." Andi blushes before letting Amber lead her in the house. The other two follow close behind.
She leads them downstairs to the basement, not letting go of her girlfriend's hand. TJ and Marty are waiting at the bottom of the steps. The GHC look around in amazement. The basement looks unrecognizable. Soft music plays from a nearby speaker. There is food set out that smells delicious. Marty must have cooked, he makes the best food. Then they noticed the boys staring back at them. 
Amber already has Andi pulled to her side, arm wrapped tightly around Andi's hip. Buffy and Cyrus can't help but smile in unison at their boyfriends. Marty wore a simple black button down and dress pants. TJ was dressed in Cyrus' favorite shirt, it was dark purple and made his green eyes look more vibrant. Cyrus stepped to his boyfriend, while out of the corner of his eye, he saw his best friend do the same.
"Teej? What is all this?" The shorter brunette asked while wrapping his arms around TJ's waist.
"Just trying to be romantic…" TJ replies in a soft voice, forgetting for a moment that the others are a few feet away. He drapes his arms over Cyrus' shoulders.
Cyrus smiles up at his boyfriend.  "You are always romantic." Its true. TJ was a big softie when it came to Cyrus.
TJ, snapping back to the reality that the others are around, gives Cyrus a playful smile. Jokingly he comments "I know, I just thought I would help these two out." Cyrus laughs as both Marty and Amber roll their eyes.
Marty turns his attention back to the beautiful girl standing in front of him. "Hey" is all he can get out. Most of the time it is so easy with Buffy, but when he thinks about how lucky he is to be with her, he gets flustered. Like right this moment.
"Hey" She smiles back at the boy. "I take it you cooked?
"What gave it away?" He asks while taking her hand, still standing across from her.
"Well I watched Amber literally burn mac n cheese and TJ is not much better." She laughs.
"Well, as always, you're right." He smiles.
"I know." She replies with a cocky grin before softening her voice. "It really does look amazing in here and the food smells delicious. Thank you." She leans in and places a small kiss on his cheek. 
Marty can't help but blush. He jokes "Watch it, Driscoll. You're not getting soft on me  are you?" He flashes her a big smile before pulling her into a hug.
Before long, all six kids find themselves around the beautifully set tables, enjoying dinner and each other's company. Even though each couple is surrounded by two others, everyone feels like they are in their own little world. Amber is enthralled in the details of a photography project that Andi is currently working on for school. Buffy and Marty are deep in discussion about who really "carried" the Grant track and field teams this past season, all the while their smiles gave away that they were really proud of each other. Then there was TJ and Cyrus who have literally been hold hands across the table the entire time they have been eating, just being sickeningly sweet and cute with each other.
"Hey Cy…" TJ whispers, leaning forward in his seat, prompting Cyrus to do the same so their faces were as close as they could be with a table separating them. 
"Yeah, Teej?" Cyrus says in an equally soft voice.
TJ takes a quick glance around to ensure that everyone is distracted by their own stuff before continuing. He looks back at the brunette staring at him. "Let's go upstairs...I want to show you something…"
Cyrus looks down at his almost empty plate before glancing back up. "Okay." He flashes a big smile and lets his boyfriend drag him to the steps and up to the first floor. TJ leads him to his bedroom.
When they reach the room, Cyrus sits on the edge of TJ's bed, eyeing up the athlete as TJ searches for something in his desk drawer. After a moment, TJ pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to Cyrus. The paper in question was TJ's midterm Algebra exam. Cyrus knew that everyone got their exams back a few days ago. When TJ hadn't mentioned his, Cyrus figured it didn't go well and he did not want to push.
But here, looking down, Cyrus sees a B+ written in a light blue ink on the top of the page. His face lights up. TJ is nervously watching his boyfriend's reaction, biting anxiously at his bottom lip. Cyrus looks up and flashes TJ the biggest smile. He stands and steps closer to his boyfriend.
Cyrus cups one of TJ's cheeks with his hand. "I am so proud of you, baby."  He leans in, placing a small kiss against TJ's lips before pulling back. He smiles when he sees his boyfriend blushing, even after all these years together.
"Thanks, Muffin." TJ whispers. "I wouldn't of been able to do it without you…" 
"Teej, while I appreciate that, you're wrong. You are the one who worked hard and did this."
"Yea...but you have never given up on me. So thank you." Both boys can't help but smile at each other for a long time, almost as if they could not keep their eyes off of each other.
Eventually they end up sitting on the floor, leaning against TJ's bed. Cyrus lays his head on TJ's shoulder as TJ rests his arm around Cyrus. They stay like that for a while.
Amber has noticed her brother slip away with his boyfriend a while ago. She kinda likes the idea of being alone with her girlfriend too. She smiles at Andi.
"Hey, do you want to see something cool?" 
"Uh...sure?" Andi says confused at the sudden change in subject.
"I promise, its great, Bambi." Amber flashes a beautiful grin.
"I'm sure it is." Andi smiles back. She can't help it when Amber is looking at her like that.
Amber practically pulls Andi from her seat and leads her all the way upstairs, until they reach the attic. 
"Why are we up here, Ambs?" Andi looks around, confused.
"Just trust me, okay?" Amber says confidently. Andi nods and continues to watch her girlfriend.
Amber walks to a window and opens it up. "Come here." She tells Andi.
As Andi steps closer, Amber climbs through  the window onto a flat piece of roof jetting out from under the window from an awning. Andi takes a deep breath and follows her lead. Amber sits down and motions for Andi to come close and do the same.
Andi settles next to blonde, taking her hand into her lap so she can delicately run her fingers over Amber's knuckles. Amber quietly says "Look, babe. You can see the whole town from here…" This was the place Amber would go when she needs to be alone, and now she is sharing it with Andi. She doesn't even bring TJ up here.
Andi looked out and Amber was right. She could see rows of houses, lights coming fro. windows and nearby street  lights. It was strangely beautiful. "Amber, I think I know what my next photography project is going to be." The dark haired girl smiles as she pulls out her phone.
"Oh yeah? This beautiful view, right?" Amber says while still looking forward at the scene below them. Her hand still rests in Andi's lap.
"Yea...this beautiful view." She whispers before secretly snapping a gorgeous shot of Amber staring out into the night. "It truly is so pretty…" They settle into a comfortable silence.
As Andi and Amber ascend the stairs to leave, Buffy smirks at Marty. "Looks like we're the only ones left."
"Is that a bad thing?" He questions.
"Doesn't have to be. I mean, I gueeessss I like hanging out with my boyfriend." She jokes before continuing in a much more sincere  voice, "I am having a really nice time. How'd I end up so lucky?"
"You think your lucky?" He laughs. "Buffy, I can't  tell you how many times I ask myself what I did to deserve to have the coolest girl I have ever met as my girlfriend." He gushes. "You are an amazing athlete, like you are varsity in two different sports, while also being top on our class.  You're funny, and you get me like know one else does. What can I say, you are under my skin, Driscoll." 
He swears he sees Buffy blush, but knows she won't admit it so he just smiles to himself. A song comes on in the background, Samson by Regina Spektor. It's slow and soft. 
"Hey, do you wanna dance?" She asks as her eyes meet his instead of replying to what he said.
"Yea, sure." He gives a small smile before standing up and taking her hand. They slow dance together in that dimly lit basement. Marty has his arms around her waist, while Buffy rests her head against Marty's shoulder. In a voice almost too quiet to hear, she says "I love you, you know that right?"
"Yeah...I know." He whispers quickly back. "I love you, too." The couple stays like that, slightly swaying long past the slow song ended.
Everyone had an amazing time that night, with each one staying with their partner for a long time alone, before one-by-one they all made their way to the living room. They end up watching some cheesy horror film, cuddling together in the dark room lit only by the TV. Then, just like Cinderella, people have to head home as the clock strikes midnight. Marty drove so he offers to take everyone to their houses.
That night, not a single person  could sleep, as they all sat up, thinking about the night they had.
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marshmallow-phd · 6 years
Where Waves Meet the Shore
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Genre: Neighbor!AU
Pairing: Jongdae x Reader
A/N: And now... another little story inspired by @xui-n-soowillbethedeathofme‘s moodboard featured above. Because she’s just too good at what she does. 
You didn’t hate your neighbor, per se. But if he suddenly up and moved away, there would be no tears from you. It’s not that he was rude or obnoxious. Since the first time you’d met him, he’d been friendly and nice. He was just. So. Loud!
Spending the summer relaxing by the beach sounded like paradise, but while you were enjoying the laid back isolation, your neighbor – who lived there all year round – apparently didn’t like to be alone. Friends were constantly over, throwing bonfires until well after midnight with music blaring and laughter and screaming. It was like he didn’t realize that other people might actually want to sleep at night.
With the sun setting in the west just above the shimmering water, you were settling down for the evening. A freshly poured glass of wine was resting on the side table next to the couch and you were flipping through the pages of your latest novel to find your previous spot. It was quiet and you were looking forward to the chill evening. Unfortunately, that only last about half an hour.
At first, it was just the music. That didn’t bother you too much as it was at the right volume to be simple background noise. Easily ignorable. Then the shouting started.
You weren’t sure how many of them it took to be so obnoxious while whooping and hollering, but tonight – tonight you were not going to just let it slide.
Slamming your book shut, you jumped up from the couch and stormed out your back door. The sand under your bare feet was still scorching hot from being beat down by the sun all day, but you pushed through it until you reached the rowdy group down by the water. A medium-sized bonfire served as the center of the chaos, surrounded by lawn chairs and coolers. One of the men noticed you standing there a few feet away with your arms crossed. He nudged the arm of the target of your wrath, who turned around and had the nerve to beam at you.
“Hey, neighbor!” Jongdae greeted with a wave. “Decided to come out and join us for once, huh?”
“No,” you snapped. “I came to ask you to please keep it down. I can hear both you and your music all the way in my living room.”
Jongdae just laughed. “Oops, sorry. We’ll try to keep it down.”
“Thank you.” Spinning on your heels, you started back up the beach.
“It wouldn’t kill you to have some fun, though.”
And that made you screech to a halt. Excuse me?
Turning back around to face the jerk. “What exactly is that supposed to mean?”
Jongdae opened his mouth to elaborate on his comment, but one of his buddies stopped him.
“Just let it go, dude.” He was one of the shorter ones, with curly black hair and sharp eyes. You noticed that he kept a safe distance away from where the water met the sand. “Sorry, ma’am, we’ll keep it down.”
“I appreciate that.” You headed back to your home before Jongdae could let out whatever snide comment he was holding back.
Once you were standing in your living room again, you sighed deeply.
Peace and quiet.
For the past couple days, that silence from your neighbor had continued and they were the best nights you’d had in a while.
Coming to an oceanside villa for a month or two was exactly what you needed. After the rough year you’d had, getting the chance to not have to worry about work or anything else that could send you into a sour mood or a downward spiral. This little place you’d discovered randomly in your research was simplistically perfect, you were almost tempted to stay here permanently.
Another little activity that you actually enjoyed in this place without rushing or stressing out was grocery shopping. The seaside town was small and rather than a large chain store, your source of perishable items for cooking was a small mom and pop shop. And you loved it. Nearly everything sold in the store was fresh and local. You could wander up and down the aisles without worrying about being in the way or having to choose through a dozen different brands.
With a half-filled basket hanging from the crook of your arm, you inspected the different oranges for any bruises or other signs of impurities. The citrusy smell was clinging to your fingers, making you smile.
“Howdy, neighbor.”
And your good mood slumped.
Finishing off the bag of oranges in your hand, you tied it up and placed it your basket before turning to Jongdae.
“Hi,” you replied in a monotone voice.
He raised an eyebrow at you. “Bad day?”
“No,” you scoffed. “I was having a nice day until you appeared.”
“Now that’s not very nice,” he pouted.
You threw him a look before continuing down the aisle. “Bombarding my nights with your noise out on the beach constantly isn’t very nice, either.”
“Why do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Hang inside your house all day.”
“I do not hang out in my house all day!” you barked. The poor old lady behind the register leaned over the counter to check on the disruption. You mouthed “sorry” to her before turning back to Jongdae. In a quieter voice, you argued, “I leave my house quite often. I go out with friends and obviously I’m standing in the middle of a grocery store at the moment.”
“But you are in a villa on the beach,” he whined. “You should be enjoying the sunsets and seeing more of the sand than your morning jogs.”
You gaped at him. “You’ve been watching me?”
“You jog past my place at the same time that I’m eating breakfast on my back porch every day,” he explained. “Kind of hard to miss that pattern.”
That argument just pulled a heavy sigh out of you. “I enjoy my morning runs. From there, I spend the day with my friends. Sometimes. Other times… I just want to stay inside.”
A group of your friends were staying in a hotel a little over half an hour away for a water park and they’d graciously come to visit you a few times on their own vacation. You just didn’t hang out with them as much as you were implying at the moment.
“Why?” Jongdae challenged.
Your arm was going numb from the basket hanging from your elbow. Shifting the basket over to your other hip, you narrowed your eyes at him. “I don’t know. I guess I just like the lack of expectations when I’m alone.”
Instead of arguing with you, Jongdae nodded in understanding. “I get that. There’d be no expectations if you wanted to join our little get togethers. We just hang out and do whatever. You can drink or not. You can go into the water or not. It’s all up to you.”
“Maybe I’ll think about it next the time you get together.” Surely it wouldn’t be too long until their next bonfire.
“The boys are coming over tonight if you want to join.”
Why were you not surprised?
“I’ll think about it,” you half promised.
Slapping the container holding the lemons, Jongdae’s face broke out into a million watt smile. “Great! Hope to see you there!”
As you watched the boy walk away and out of the store, your heart did a little skip.
What the hell was that?
Were you actually going to do this? Were you actually going to join in the chaos just outside your door?
Apparently, the answer was yes based on how you were dressed.
It was simply your swimsuit under a tank top and and shorts, a pair of flip flops adorning your feet. You were currently staring out your back door, fighting with yourself on whether or not to head to the beach. The group did look like they were having fun….
Screw it.
Shoving your back door open, you headed out, telling yourself that if you didn’t like it, you could always leave.
When you reached the group, you froze, unsure of what to do from there. At least eight other boys made up the party and Jongdae was currently chasing one of the taller boys around the fire. Until he noticed you.
“Hey, (y/n)!”
Forgetting all about his pursuit, Jongdae ran up to you, grinning from ear to ear.
“You made it,” he huffed excitedly. Taking your hand, he pulled you towards the group. “Hey, guys! This is my neighbor, (y/n).”
Everyone waved to you and Jongdae, finally letting your hand go, but swiftly moving it to the small of your back, went around and introduced you to each of his friends. Then he gestured to a low-sitting lawn chair.
“You can sit down there, if you want,” he offered. “I’ll grab you something to drink.”
You’d barely sat down in the chair before Jongdae was gone and back with a cold bottle of light-colored beer. You muttered out a small “thanks” as you took the drink.
Rather than hover over you, Jongdae ran off to talk Minseok and Chanyeol who were kicking a soccer ball back and forth. Unable to help yourself, your eyes lingered on your neighbor. How could he make a loose white tank top and a pair of light-washed skinny jeans look so incredibly good?
Damn it, you could feel your cheeks heating up by the second.
“So, what did he say to get you to join us?”
You jumped at the sudden presence setting a chair down in the space to your left. It was Yixing, one of the quiet ones.
Shrugging, you took a sip of the beer. “You know, I’m not exactly sure. Maybe it was just the outright invitation?”
Yixing nodded. “Jongdae has a way drawing people to him. He’s very kind-hearted.”
“Yeah, I can see that,” you chuckled.
“He was really excited when he told us that you might show up.”
You perked up at that new piece of information. “Really?”
“Uh-huh.” He flashed you a cute little smile. “He was practically jumping up and down. When you first moved in, you were all he could talk about. Actually, he still talks about you a lot.”
You didn’t know how to respond to that other than clearing your throat and scratching the space behind your ear.
“Oops,” Yixing chuckled. “I don’t think I was supposed to tell you that.”
You stayed quiet, sipping away on your drink.
Several times throughout the evening, Jongdae came over and made sure that you were okay and didn’t need anything that he could provide. About three beers and a sunset later, most of the boys were packing up and heading home for the night.
Sehun was the last to leave. You were debating whether or not it was time for you to go back to your villa as well when Jongdae dropped into the chair beside you.
“Did you have a little bit of fun?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you nodded sincerely. “I did.”
The whole group was a hoot, constantly dragging each other through the dirt in a very brotherly way. You’d never been so entertained in your life. If anyone were to ask, you were sure your abdominal muscles were going to be hurting tomorrow from laughing so much.
“Good, good.” He side-eyed you with a mischievous glint. “Glad to know the stick isn’t stuck in the mud.”
Oh, that was rude.
Scoffing at his insult, you reached over to the cooler that was in arm’s reach and grabbed a handful of ice. You threw it right at his chest. A big wet spot was now clearly visible on his shirt, making you giggle.  
“Hey!” Jongdae jumped up from his seat to get the ice off of him as soon as possible. Then he narrowed his gaze at you.
You scrambled up to your feet and ran for your life. The sand and your flip flops made it impossible to get anywhere fast. Jongdae caught you in his arms, sending you both down to the ground. He landed on top of you, barely missing knocking his head against yours.
“Oh, man, (y/n), are you okay?” He pushed himself up to his elbows, eyes searching you for any injury.
“I’m okay,” you whispered.
That was lie. You were certainly not okay. His close proximity was sending your nerves into overdrive and your eyes were lingering on his lips no matter how much you fought it.
With his right hand, Jongdae brushed the sand that covered your cheek before cupping the back of your neck. Slowly, he lowered his head until his lips brushed up against yours. It was just a tease, but it didn’t last long.
Jongdae pushed down more, turning the brush into a full, deep kiss. His lips were hesitant, giving you all the time in the world to pull away. But you didn’t. You brought your arms up, locking them around Jongdae’s neck to keep him in place as you eagerly kissed him back.
What the hell was happening? This neighbor that you insisted annoyed you was suddenly making your heart race and you didn’t know what to make of any it.
Reluctantly, you broke the kiss, needing air to refill your lungs. Jongdae was smiling down at you, giving you one last kiss to your forehead.
“So,” he chuckled as he sat back, “I’m not so bad.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Lips still tingling, you sprung up, taking a seat in Jongdae’s lap with your legs wrapped around his hips. “No, I guess you’re not too bad.”
“Can I take you to breakfast tomorrow?”
Chewing on your bottom lip, you couldn’t hold back the smile. “I think I’d like that.”
But right now, you wanted desert.
With your fingers tangling in his thick black hair, you started the kiss up again. Jongdae held you steady with his arms around your waist, happy to continue what he’d started.
The setting for this strange turn of events couldn’t have been more perfect. As the fire crackled beside you, it sent little sparks up into the night sky that faded before they could hit the stars. Waves met the shore with a crash, pulling back before rushing forward again. While you’d expected a peaceful and ordinary time by the beach, it seemed life had decided to take you on a different trail. And you weren’t sure how long this would last, but for a little while, at least, you would certainly be grateful for the unexpected twist.
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hozukitofu · 5 years
the kids are doing espionage
He would like to preface everything by a singly stated -
It was Qing's idea.
He is only a simple tech boy, a robotic engineering undergrad, someone who just wants to corrupt enough of the capitalistic system and its funds to fund his recycling robot, to delete the littering problems around campus.
The facts that he happens to know like one bad form of martial arts and by virtue of being a robotics student, great with tools and improvised weapon creation, are irrelevant. Besides the point.
But Qing is deep down, within that core of his questionably existing heart, an opportunist - an investor of assets. She sees potential, she invests in it. That's always how it goes.
Zizhen is eating, simply existing, thinking about robots and redeeming himself at a round of chess with uncle Shao when Qing barges into his absolutely mundane life, waving a USB stick in front of his nose, crowing about how she cracked the capitalism code.
Normally he would care.
"That's great, cool, jie, but -" he doesn't even have time to bat the excited blonde away before a proposition is coerced into his food.
"You! Wanna be an anti-government agent?"
Zizhen almost drops his fork.
"I'm sorry," he blinks, not even bothering with his food any longer because his appetite had taken a nose dive out the processing plants by the back of the college. "What. Did you just say?"
Qing was going to elaborate, but he doesn't let her.
"No, it was rhetorical - jie! I'm not becoming your agent for hire! I'm too soft for killing people!" He denies, vehemently, because look at him! He wears clothes that have to oblige by fluffy and big standard, and his hair cannot be let loose outside of the house if it isn’t wavy and bouncy. 
Doctor Wei calls him marshmallow unironically, on top of Romantic Guy, with debatable nuances under the friendly moniker because that’s his life goal, to be as soft and sweet as humanly possible. He is only someone who strives to dismantle the system in the ways he clumsily knows how to, but he always goes back to helping people at the end of the day. 
Becoming a hitman for hire is never something he would consider, or ever would. 
Qing badgered and wheedled, bombarded him with the benefits, the sheer overwhelming scale of everything good and pure tipping and burying onto his side of the balancing plates, to which he avoids, like one would, if a pack of mosquitoes with malaria starts heading your way. He had blended into the crowd. Worn disguises to avoid this woman's hawkish eyesight. Climbed out a window to avoid persecution and inevitable screeching. Legitimately broke into a dead sprint across the canteen as soon as he spotted Song-Xiao Qing looking for him.
One of these days she will catch up to him, and she will skin him alive, but not today. He weaves around busy college students arriving and leaving their lecture halls, his long arms tucked closely to his chest so that nobody snags them off him. It is a laborious chase that she incurred onto his person, and he dreads the reality where she finally hacks into a computer somewhere and puts a tracker onto him so that she can be two steps ahead of him and then she can beat him into the ground on the basis of him avoiding her like she will personally break all of his robots inside and out.
"Ouyang Zizhen!" He hears a death roar, and runs faster.
Gotta put that threefold authentication code into all of his login devices so that the two steps pre-planning stage doesn't happen. Yes. But run first.
He’s fallen asleep across a horizontal surface - he’s pretty sure that this is the first horizontal surface his eyes park on and his brain immediately decreed that We’re napping. Now. ASAP pronto LOL.
He comes back to the world of living when he is toed awake by a person, voice vaguely threatening and familiar to his ears -
“Ouyang. Ouyang.”
“Noo,” he whines, thinking it to be his father. “Dad I have the day off.”
“Zizhen. You will wake up or I will walk all over your face. Your choice, sweet guy.”
He sits up, immediately awake.
Look, he’s a coward. He has high sensors in-built to detect approaching danger to his person. It’s how he made it beyond high school to go where he does now. It’s nothing to be proud of - surviving, just barely, in this cutthroat world is a goddamn miracle, if he has to say so himself. So what if he’s a coward. He’s still alive. That’s what matters.
Also he has a feeling that if he had keep on sleeping, he will open his eyes in the next life, as a bug. Because he had been horrifically murdered in this life and that death was so bad that a bug’s body is the only viable and painless reincarnation the gods deem fitting for little poor him.
“I’m up,” he wheezes, vertigo slamming onto his head. “I’m physically with you but my brain had just taken a holiday. Please allow it some time to return.”
“I don’t need your brain for this,” Qing beams at him, mouth spreading in a Joker-ish feral look. “I’ve got a favour to ask.”
I’ve got a favour to ask sounds exactly like those questions that ask you for something but if you deny, you will die on sight. 
The way his upperclassman is smiling at him gives him all the answers he has. 
“What,” he grouses, mouth twisting, pulling his hoodie even more over his forehead and eyes, covering the majority of his freckles. They’re still here despite the lack of hours he spends in active avoidance of the sun and the majority of this goddamn school hates the sight of freckles like they’re something contagious so his instincts mostly had been ‘cover up’.
“Someone took something from me and I need a boy to get it back for Yours Truly,” she smiles, still feral and not the least friendly.
He squints suspiciously at her. “Why a boy. Is this hard even for you, lawbreaker extraordinaire?”
“I need a boy, you stupid robot builder,” she rolls her eyes, throwing a hairband onto the table in front of him. “Because someone from Gusu took my things and on virtue of me being a woman, I can’t enter without the security shooting me on sight.”
He groans out loud and slumps even further onto the table, hoping to become one with the recycled plastic. 
“I don’t even go there. They’ll shoot me on sight too. They have stun guns -”
She cuts him up, retying her space buns. He lets out a huff of hysterical air and rethinks back to every wrong decision he had ever taken in this life. 
“Which they’re not allowed to use on trespassers, chill. Listen, how you get it isn’t my problem. Get me the thing and I’ll squander all the favours you owe me.”
This sparks his interest. A-Qing is stingy. The stingiest person he has the misfortune of ever running across. She studies economics. She lives on cash alone. Just. Cash. She hoards money and favours and then harvests them like produce of her questionable farm.
Ouyang Zizhen owes Qing a lot of money for the completion of his robotics projects and the launch of his career as a junior lab assistant to the research team of the mechanical engineering department. She did all that, knowing that her investments were wise, and she constantly lords the favour over his head.
It sounds great, to get rid of one Song-Xiao Qing infinitely, but he can’t help but wonder if the catch, beyond You’ll die if you trespass Gusu like the absolute moron that you are. This sounds like it’s much more than just a suicide run. It sounds more like...a test? Of sorts? 
“All the favours?” He looks up, hood slipping, his freckles all in glorious sight and judging his upperclassman. “Are you sure?”
Qing-jie grins at him, looking every bit like the crook she is. “Are you?” 
“Heck, yes, why do you even ask. But I feel like you’re betting too much on this. How do you know if I’ll come back for you to squander all your favours for me? Seems fishy.”
“You’ll come back,” she waves him away. “I wouldn’t swear on it if I’m not sure. So, what of it, marshmallow? You want in?”
He can’t say no anyways. “You know I can’t say no,” he scowls, and refuses to shake her hand. “If I don’t come back, tell my father to take all my robots. And burn me paper money.”
Qing cackles right at his face. “You’re exaggerating, kid. It’ll be fine. I swear on it.”
“Your words are all lies anyways! Shut up!”
Research on how to get into Gusu? Actually kinda fun.
Actually sneaking into Gusu unscathed? Less fun. Bordering on traumatic.
Technically he knows the blueprints. Technically he knows that the scanning gates at the southern entry can fit an entire person if they just, like, lie down and limbo through the gaps of the plastic closing gates. Technically eight twenty-seven in the night is the time gap that he can safely limbo through without getting zapped by a stun gun. Technically from here he can just jog to the international student’s dorm and scale to the second floor, open the window fourth from the right, slide in, get the thing from under the desk, get out the way he did before, go home, change his name, get plastic surgery, genetically rewrite his fingerprints and DNA makeup, move back to Baling, call it quits.
Technically he knows all of this, but he had just slid through a scanning gate and his heart is trying to punch out of his own ribs. He’s wheezing as if he climbed up a mountain twice for no reason at all. None of this makes sense. Why is he here. He should go home. There’s still time. Father will be tired and disappointed but when is he not. 
No, his brain, traitorous, but also wanting to get rid of the human leech Song-Xiao Qing, mutters. No we will get back that bundle for Her Highness and then leave her presence indefinitely. That’s what we’ll do. 
He swings his feet, nothing short of Spiderman, into the intended room, huffing as it wastes him no effort. 
Too easy. Smells exactly like a trap.
It’s nearly curfew, except that people haven’t been rushing back through the easy way in, because he saw people coming out and they pretended to not see him as he came in. Are they stupid. Are they not going to come back for roll call and suffer the wrath of Lan Qiren? Or worse, He Who Must Not Be Named.
He reaches for the bundle, stuffs it under his hoodie, and prepares for take off, when a door swing open and someone walks in, without turning the lights on. 
His danger alarms not only went off, but into overtime and exhaustive underpaid labour. 
“Ouyang?” He hears, hissed in the dark. 
He should have covered his face, because wow he didn’t think he was that popular outside of his own robotics class for setting off that fire alarm back in first year. But. He is digressing from this imminent danger! This voice. That sounds distinctly similar.
“Do we know each other?” He hisses, crouching back in a Spongebob stance, eyes narrowed at the boy in the cats-covered face mask. He can’t make a run for it here but he can try for the knee caps. 
“Yes. Oh my god, yes,” the person pulls his face mask down and lo and behold, it’s -
“Lan? Lan Jingyi?” He gapes, while sidestepping a stray tennis ball lobbing at his head. “Why are you here?” 
Jingyi shoots back at him - “I go here. Why are you here?”
He throws up one hand, the other preoccupied with the bundle - “Qing-jie!”
“Bad answer, but expected,” Jingyi tuts his tongue, and shoves him out of the way. “You don’t seem the type to engage in trespass and theft.”
“Ha ha, pot calling the kettle black,” he sneers back, tracing back his steps. “Why are you here here. I know you go here, but this isn’t your room. Or anyone else’s room that you are affiliated with. It’s the international student wing. You never answered my question.”
He would not receive any answers because there are footsteps, grave and reverent footsteps, that bring pandemonium outside the corridor and Jingyi, not even thinking twice, shoves him into a wardrobe, finger on his lips.
“Quiet,” the boy hisses. “And when he’s gone, you can scram.”
Zizhen thinks that is the end of it, but somehow his bundle! Had gone missing from under his hoodie! When! And how!
“Lan, give that back!” He hisses, almost lunging and falling out of the closet. Jingyi shushes him even louder, forcing the doors to close in on his nose and shoes.
He grabs onto a wrist, clinging onto the arm stubbornly. Jingyi jostles his shoulder violently like he’s got himself a human-sized limpet that won’t let go and he elects to kicking it back to the depth of the closet, telling him to ‘stay put, come on, don’t make this harder for us’.
Zizhen is shoved back into the darkness of a small enclosed space with hangers falling onto his head and clothes dropping onto his shoulders. The tracking sticker he placed on his fingertip had migrated from him to the inside of Lan Jingyi’s hoodie. Now he waits.
There is a polite knock - because that’s Lans for you, polite even in walking and knocking. 
Jingyi answers the door with a soft - “Hello, uncle.”
For a moment Zizhen thought he actually screwed up and somehow stumbled head first into Lan Qiren of all people on the night he attempted trespass and theft, but he listens some more, waiting for the dulcet tones of disapproval that the Lan Headmaster is so famed for dishing out at his relatives slash pupils.
“Jingyi,” he hears, and. Well.
This is worse than Lan Qiren. Somehow he had messed up even worse than Lan Qiren.
Lan Wangji, the Hanguang-Jun, is in the same room as him. The professor reliable for dishing out punishments at Gusu. The resting disappointed man. Doctor Wei’s long-term crush and object of pursuit. He’s caught. He’s gone. They’re going to string his corpse like a disappointing sight from here so that all across the country, people can see what happens when idiot college boys who sneak into prestigious Gusu get as a punishment. 
He is suddenly religious. He asks for protection from the Buddha to the corner ghost to the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. 
“I suggest you return to your own dorm,” Lan Wangji gravely - and flatly - informs Lan Jingyi. “Unless you want to introduce me to your friend?”
Lan Jingyi, for someone doing a theatre degree, is woefully awful at lying. He starts laughing hysterically and like a bloody hyena under noise suppression and the target of at least twenty stun guns and he’s lost all sense of control so now his fight or flight response is to laugh. 
Ouyang Zizhen regrets not leaving his father with a dying letter. It’ll be awful and humiliating to find him as a human flag on the top of Gusu’s flagpole. 
“What friend, Uncle Wangji? It’s only me here!” Jingyi hacks out hysterically, as footsteps start heading his way, purposeful and brisk.
There goes living through tonight then. 
“Hmn, what’s in the closet, Jingyi?” Hanguang-Jun asks, as the doors of the wardrobe rattle and -
promptly stop. 
Jingyi, because he’s panicking and somehow is still the greatest and most shocking improvised line under possibly murderous circumstances, blurts out, completely and utterly from nowhere.
“That closet is fine. It has no one in it! Well, not me anymore!”
Zizhen can barely swallow down the wheeze that tries to climb its way out of his nose because what. 
To his credit though, Lan Wangji stops his advance onto his hiding place, and promptly takes Lan Jingyi out of the room, so he hopes that he’s not being thrashed thoroughly for well, being gay, but in keeping it and using it as a distraction tactic on their Hanguang-Jun.
Zizhen quickly kicks the doors open and tumbles out, sliding the window up and climbing out, his watch telling him dimly that he has two more minutes before curfew comes and security tightens. He would check on Lan, but he’ll be fine. Hanguang-Jun isn’t a blind rule follower as the people make him out to be - by people, he meant just Doctor Wei, who went through a period of time in his life actively cursing and mooning over Lan Wangji, and it’s entertaining and just embarrassing to bear witness to. No. Bad memories. Let’s forget that and go back and report to Qing-jie.
He’s going to start breaking ankles the next time Lan Yuan asks for a big hang out.
“He took the bundle from you? Without touching you?”
“I snuck in the death place for that stupid bundle and that’s all you cared about?”
“Damn Lan. Anyways, good job, it’s fine, I’m seeing the golden trio in, like, ten hours. We can haggle the bundle back.”
He hears this, but he also has the tracker sticker. Does it work? Does it not work? Unclear. He’s not too sure. He hasn’t been doing this illegal theft and tracking gig for long. He lets Qing-jie and her favours reinstate themselves as constant reminders in his life as he stumbles back to his laptop and kick starts it to see how he’s going to not set a hoodie and a person on fire. 
The good news is Lan Jingyi and his Lan Approved Hoodie will not be catching on fire.
The even better news is that he can get rid of Song-Xiao Qing for life now, because he knows where the package is.
The bad news is that the package is in Jin Rulan’s home. His room, to be specific.
Okay, so maybe he met Jin Rulan a few times when he went to archery tournaments to cheer on Lan Yuan, a friend but also practicing archer to become as great as Wen Ning, Olympic-level archer. Maybe he and Jin Rulan had gotten into a few arguments over pointless things in the past, like all stupid middle schoolers do. The point is that since his friend is a friend of Rulan, he has the honour of being flung at, in the face, with the address of his sizable family manor, because Jin Rulan can and will, with no preamble or social niceties, and so now Zizhen knows where he lives.
Not that a simple Google search wouldn’t tell him which place this is, but being reminded with Jin Rulan, a runt then, probably a runt now, he hasn’t seen the kid in like, two years. A-Yuan doesn’t want him to start testing his robots on real life people and everyone who had ever interacted with Zizhen knows who’s first on his list to be humanly pitted (sorry, tested) against his robots. 
He bikes to the manor, easily buzzes his way in with a screwdriver and some tinkling with the system, and strolls right through the front door.
He did do research before this. Everyone’s out. Jin Rulan is out. He’ll just take the bundle and leave, and they don’t have to talk about it anymo -
Lan Jingyi tackles him to the floor from behind the door to Jin Rulan’s room, with a distant bark of a guard dog and Jin Rulan’s dulcet tones shrieking the heavens, hard, so that his dead ancestors can rise as zombies in the night and slap Zizhen back to Baling.
“How is he here?” He can hear Rulan yelling distinctly, as he grapples with Jingyi and rips the sticker cleanly from under his sleeve. 
Jingyi and him get along okay. When A-Yuan wants people to wait for him after guqin recitals, he has Zizhen and Jingyi wait for him, and they play jianzi as they quiz each other on class things they should know, bickering back and forth. They played soccer together a few times, and Jingyi’s good - Jingyi’s training to be in the under 20′s representative Asian Games in a few months. They get along fine. They love literature and art. Zizhen doesn’t want to set a short-circuiting robot onto him. 
Literally there is no reason for Jingyi to wrestle him to the ground like this outside of the context of a soccer match.
“You found us, how,” Jingyi demands, frowning. “Did you put a tracker on me?”
He huffs, bunching up his knees and kicking up, before rolling away with the bundle. “I will neither confirm or deny your accusations. Goodbye.”
Rulan is at the window, slamming it shut, and holding out a hand, snarling rabidly at him. The scuffle he was tackled into had knocked over metal plates and car parts all over the floor, everything looks like it’s a disaster zone, if he was at home then Father would have lost it. The shining mistress of the Jin family snarls at him, forcing him to step away from the window with the sight of his sharp canines alone, eyes narrowing at him and his bundle.
“Give that over,” he frowns. “And then you can scram.”
“I broke into your house to get it back,” he stresses, with hysterical stress. “No.”
“No can’t do, Ouyang,” Jingyi’s voice drifts to him, as his wrist is seized. “We need it.”
“And Qing-jie needs it, but none of y’all are telling me what you need it for -”
The door eases open with a loud creak, like a bow on an erhu string gone wrong, and both boys might as well have screamed in his face because the expressions on their faces are thunderous. 
“Uncle!” Jingyi squeaks. 
“Uncle!” Rulan also yips, stepping away from the window, and coming over to -
Oh my god he needs to scream.
Doctor Wei and Hanguang-Jun are at the door, brows raised in vague interest at the war zone spilling out all over their socked feet, Doctor Wei humming interestedly at their thunderstruck and mutually devastated faces. 
Jin Rulan is almost the same height as his uncle but he’s looking as if somebody ran over his finessed bow. He and Jingyi, who unhands Zizhen quickly, are both standing and arms splaying, kicking and shifting so that the mess of robot parts are somewhat not so obviously sprawling all over the floor.
“A-Zhen!” Doctor Wei beams, and proceeds to squeeze him in a hug until he dies, stuffing his face into a shirtfront with too much Versace sprayed all over it. “You didn’t say you were friends with the kids!”
“We don’t know each other,” he squeezes out, gasping as he’s released.
“Not a friend,” Rulan vehemently denies.
Lan Wangji lifts two unimpressed eyebrows. Rulan swallows back whatever else he was meant to say.
“Occasionally a friend?” Jingyi amends.
He turns and gripes at the Lan boy - “How can someone be occasionally a friend, you lump of spineless potato?”
“His insults are creative,” Doctor Wei notes, half way between an explanation and a praise. “Listen, kids -”
He then gets cut off by Jingyi and Rulan, talking not only over each other, but in synching fragmented sentences. 
Jingyi  “Uncles, we’re going to pack this up, we know you need the house for guests to come over -”
“ - and we will introduce you and acquaint everyone, but this guy needs to hand over his things first and then everyone can go,” Rulan finishes, hand still reaching out to Zizhen and his bundle.
He tries to step away, but two much taller men - Lan Wangji and Doctor Wei, are in his way, benevolently smiling and stoically staring down at him, and he feels his resolve crumbling. In fear, but also they are educators and they’ve perfectly polished the I’m not angry at you, I’m just disappointed and very very sad. 
“Sounds like a party in here,” he hears the dreaded singsong, the sound of the dead coming to collect his soul and putting him through all the levels of hell.
Song-Xiao Qing pokes her head around Lan Wangji’s elbow and beams at him. “Oh you’re here! I thought I had to call for you! You made my job so easy, marshmallow boy.”
“Uh,” he’s still being held captive by Doctor Wei. “Please. Explain.”
Lan Yuan finally emerges, serene, beautiful, refreshing and soft-spoken. 
“Many apologies for my family’s treatment of you, Zizhen-xiong. Would you like some tea?”
The gist of it is this -
It was a test. And his gut feelings were correct.
And the test was Would Ouyang Zizhen Make Good Agent. Apparently he passed, because nobody expected him to pursue the bundle all the way to the Jin Manor, along with wrestling with Jingyi so fiercely. 
“You -” he looks at Qing-jie, who is sipping chrysanthemum tea so calmly, as if she hadn’t led him on some wild goose chase. “I actually have no words. That was very clever.”
“I have words,” Jin Rulan, apparently part of whatever the hell this is too, whinges from his post at the arm of Lan Wangji’s chair. “Why him?” 
“What, besides the obvious?” Jingyi looks at his friend. “He held me off, and snuck into Gusu. Like, impressive?”
“The sticker was a nice touch,” Qing-jie notes. “Although we did make it easy on ya.”
“He’s calm,” A-Yuan smiles at him. “You’re very calm, even though you opposed to this vehemently.”
He gestures broadly, to Everyone Present. “I can’t exactly freak out before this peanut gallery. I want to live past 5 pm today. I have an aunt’s dinner I have to go to. I can’t die before that.”
A-Yuan shrugs like that’s a good answer. It is. He knows. He has a few fire-breathing aunts himself.
“So,” someone prompts. “About this -”
“The answer is still no,” he looks over specifically at Qing-jie, who he knows no doubt will be sending him on more of these trips.
“You did good though,” Jingyi notes. “Considering that you improv like, 9 out of 10 things.”
“Well excuse me for being new at this stuff, how am I supposed to -” he stops his snapping tone as a familiar face walks by, blinking widely as the entourage of idiots who may or may not are influencing a youth in joining the forces to lawbreaking. How is Hanguang-Jun in the middle of this, he just wants to talk. He swallows his caustic words, and cautions a wave to the boy. “Hey, A-Song.”
A-Song bows back to everyone. “Zizhen-xiong -”
“Calling me gege is fine, sheesh, this kid -”
“I’ll see you at tutoring, gege,” A-Song, Jin Rusong, literally the sweetest kid ever, smiles back politely, before he retreats back to where he has to go back to, leaving their Idiot Entourage to their own.
“You know my cousin?” Rulan quirks a judgemental eyebrow. 
“Yes,” he replies, tersely. “Can you not pay attention? He said tutoring. I tutor him. Shut up, I’m only mean to you because you’ve an awful personality.”
Nobody is sure who laughed but there is a ripple of a muffled laugh as Rulan screeches that I’ll have your head, Ouyang! 
“Our deal is off,” Qing-jie snaps her fingers before his face. “You can go now.”
“Just like that?” He squints, suspicious. “No forcing?”
“No forcing,” Doctor Wei smiles, the same Jiang-Wei smile that put the cardiac arrest in people’s hearts. People being undergraduates. “We’ll win you over one of these days,” Doctor Wei slaps a fist to a palm. “Our doors are always open for you to join, A-Zhen.”
Lan Wangji levels a stare at him. “Hmn.”
He’s not quite sure how Doctor Wei isn’t freaking out in the presence of his beloved Lan-er gege but he’s not going to ask or go there. He has a dinner to go to.
“Well,” he stands, and bows, because he still has manners. “I’ll be taking my leave?”
“I’ll see you off,” Doctor Wei also stands, turning to the four idiot monkeys first. “Here ya go, kids. Don’t be playing hot potato with that now.”
It’s then that he realises that his bundle is gone, yet again, and Doctor Wei had only hugged him once.
“Shall we go?” The Doctor’s eye glints, and he wants to bolt out the door.
“How are you a part of this too?” He hisses to the Good Doctor, the top medical examiner of the goddamn country and youngest biology professor in his college, as he is shown out. 
“I’ll tell you when you join,” is the cryptic answer he gets, as the doors close behind him. 
Tell me, his Kermit brain says. But then you’ll have to join, his rational robotics brain whispers back.
Zizhen elects to just scream at the door and turns on his heels marching out.
The nerve of some people! 
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iheartseo · 6 years
five plus one || calum hood
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requested: no
word count: 5.7k+ wOWZA. may have went a bit overboard
synopsis: “you fall in love more than once” is a statement that should technically mean you fall in love with different people throughout your life, though for Calum, he has been falling in love with the same girl for as long as he could remember. she was it and holy fuck did that scare him when he was younger.
a/n: i have been listening to this song for like 2-3 days straight and i just needed to write something fluffy. i also realised i don’t have a lot of cal related imagines/fics so i gotta show him some love. i hope you guys love it! feedback will be very much appreciated. xx.
credits to the gif maker.
If I get closer wouldn't know what to do
Love, I know that I have nothing on you 
Loving you, I need some courage too
There were five times where Calum Hood fell in love with her and each time terrified him as his heart would beat so hard that his head would start to get dizzy, his palms would get sweaty and the goofy smile on his face seemed to be permanent whenever she was around. Love was a concept that he was fairly familiar with, but only through music and lyrics. Imagining being completely in love or being with someone to the point where it made you go insane is easy to fake on a piece of paper. However, personally experiencing it himself, was an area that the bassist was an amateur in and although he wanted to learn so bad, he wasn’t the type to speak up.
First time was when they were both twelve years old. It was their last year of primary school meaning that next year, they would have to put on their big kid’s pants and attend high school. Calum and her have been pretty much in the same class since the 3rd grade and their families, friends, for even longer than that. They have both seen each other grow up and have battled with not only the ideas of sharing ‘cooties’ with each other, but also having to figure out games to play together that both of them would enjoy as well as other pre teen problems.
Tonight was the night of their 6th grade formal; a small night that would celebrate the kids for reaching a milestone in their lives. It was going to be the first time that the boys would actually be wearing a suit, most likely one that was too big on their small frames. It was also going to be the first time that the girls would be indulging in fancy hair and makeup and being able to get away with it for a good reason. 
Calum was sitting in her living room with his suit jacket draped over the arm of the couch as he was watching TV in order to entertain himself. His hair was spiked up with an insane amount of gel. His dress shirt was slowly getting wrinkles because of how much he would fidget and his tie was crooked due to him trying to learn how to do it himself. Though for a 12 year old, he looked adorably handsome and his mum definitely thought so too when she saw her little boy looking like a man that she started to tear up a bit.
The younger brown boy didn’t even hear the footsteps of the girl walking down the stairs in her little light pink dress.
“Okay! I’m done! Let’s go!”
Hearing her voice, Calum turned his head and he didn’t understand what was going on with his brain. So many thoughts were buzzing through and yet it felt like his mind went blank. She smiled at him, feeling like an absolute princess in her silk light pink dress that had white polka dots on the skirt and a darker pink ribbon belt around her waist tied into a small bow on her back. The makeup she wore was technically very minimal, but Cal could definitely tell that there was something on her face. Her hair was curled and looked so bouncy compared to the ponytail she constantly wore to school.
“Ngawww, sweetie! You look amazing!” her father cooed, feeling emotional as well that his daughter was growing up. “I bet tonight, you will be the best looking one there because you’re my daughter.” He added, chuckling softly as he grabbed his jacket and his car keys. Her father turned his attention to the small boy that still couldn’t take his eyes off of the girl looking like a ray of beautiful, pink sunshine.
“Come on, my boy. Let’s get you two to your formal. We don’t wanna be late now.”
Calum snapped out of his trance, awkwardly nodding his head as he grabbed his jacket and headed towards the car with her. He has seen her in a dress plenty of times. He has seen her in their school uniform dresses, when she would wear dresses to parties or wedding receptions, but there was something different about her wearing a dress tonight. He couldn’t explain it and he wasn’t too sure if he liked the feeling of being so… quiet? Confused? Surprised? About it all.
Both of the kids jumped into the back seat before they carpooled it to the formal venue together. He bit his lower lip, sneaking in glances at his long time friend. She was clearly very excited about tonight, imagining all of the cute group photos that she was going to take with her friends, dancing the night away with them, seeing everyone else dress up fancy. It was like the balls that she saw in her beloved Disney films, just that tonight; she was going to be the princess. His hand was not to far from hers. Turning his head, looking forward and telling himself that ‘girl germs don’t exist’, Calum slowly inched his hand closer and closer to hers, meeting hers directly in the middle seat, holding it gently.
She turned her head, wondering why the boy decided to randomly hold her hand. Nervously, Calum looked at her and gave her a sheepish smile. “You look really pretty tonight, Y/N. Like super pretty.” Hearing his compliment through his shaky voice, she couldn’t help but blush and squeeze his hand gently as a silent ‘thank you’. The twelves year olds continued to look at each other and nervously smile all the way there with their hands still holding onto each other.
Second time was when they were both fifteen years old. It was an extremely hot day in Sydney, which was highly unfortunate as it was currently P.E. and the teacher decided that it would be a great day for the class to play soccer. The whole class groaned as they all complained to each other about how ridiculous hot it was and how the Sahara desert was probably cooler than it was right now. Calum licked his lips, with a smile on his face. He absolutely loved the game. He loved playing it. He loved watching it. The entire game itself just made the young Maori teenager filled with excitement and glee.
“Alrighty! Let’s go! I’m gonna give you either 1 or 2 and those are your teams.” The teacher announced, walking down the line as he pointed at the students going ‘1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2,’. The class knew that whichever team Calum was on was most likely going to win as they all knew how good he was at the game. When it was announced that Calum was going to be on team 2, that group of kids smiled widely, happy to have the school’s star player on their side, even if it was just for P.E. Meanwhile Y/N was placed in team 1 who all looked nervous to be playing against Calum.
The teacher began to lay down the rules of the game and showing everyone where the goals were. The game was played just for fun, but Calum’s competitive nature was bubbling up inside as he thought of the P.E. game as just extra practise, a given opportunity for him to get better. The class immediately spilt up into their respective teams, those who were subbing sitting in the cool shade and just watching the game. Once the whistle blew, a bunch of fourteen and fifteen year olds scrambled around the field, chasing after a small black and white ball.
The sun continued to beam down on them as the game continued with people alternating every 10 or so minutes. Calum however, had not subbed off yet despite his chest heaving up and down due to running around constantly and sweat beads slowly running down the temples of his head. He could also feel his P.E. uniform sticking to his body, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to keep playing and no one from his team was objecting. How could they? They were winning by four.
Calum was dribbling the ball in between his feet skilfully as he weaved in and out between the opposing players. He held his lower lip between his teeth as he decided to just take a shot and kick the ball as hard as he could to make a goal. The ball somehow lifted off the air due to the power of his kick before it made contact into the goalie’s stomach. His eyes widen for two reasons: 1) that the goalie even managed to stop his attempt from turning into another goal, and 2) he forgot that the other team’s goalie was Y/N and he just basically made the ball hit her stomach, but she caught it anyways.
A feeling of immense worry washed over him as he took a few steps, about to apologise profusely and ask her if she was okay. However, she just groaned softly, brushed off the pain and dropped kicked the ball as high and as far as she could. Even the impact was a shock and slightly painful, she was just as competitive as Calum and playing in the heat just made her annoyed, increasing her competitive nature so the game can finish so she can sit in the shade. Letting out a huff, she stayed in her little goalie box as she began to re-tie her ponytail whilst Calum continued to stand there and just stare at Y/N in amazement. ‘Holy fuck how did she do that?’ he thought to himself.
The Maori teenager could feel his heart beat faster, but for a new reason other than adrenaline as he replayed that prior moment in slow motion. Although he felt bad, there was something so attractive at the fact that Y/N was so determined to win the game and something just so attractive at the fact that it was Y/N who managed to save the goal for her team. Especially since it was a goal attempt that Calum tried to do. He continued to just stand there before one of his friends ran up to him and decided it would be funny to try and pull his pants down.
“OI!” Calum exclaimed, quickly holding onto the waistband of his shorts to avoid the public embarrassment of his underwear being on display. His friend with the dirty blonde, straight almost emo looking hair, laughed as he shook his head. “Mate, that’s what happens when you keep staring at your girlfriend all day.” Michael teased. Calum immediately blushed as he shook his head, giving Michael a quick shove as they ran together towards the other side of the field where everyone else was.
“Shut up, she isn’t my girlfriend, cunt.”
Third time was when they were sixteen. Y/N was hanging out in the music room with Calum, Luke and Michael during lunch. She was casually sitting on the floor, eating the hot pie that she brought from their school canteen. The boys were huddled around their laptop trying to figure out the guitar chords and which parts that each boy was going to sing.
“Okay so play that chord.” 
“Wait no, that doesn’t sound right.” 
“Are we even looking at the right thing, mate?” 
“Honestly I have no fucken clue.”
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully as she listened to the three boys stare at the screen in confusion as Calum had one of the school guitars in his lap, slowly playing and readjusting his fingers to each certain fret of the different chords. She smiled, admiring, although how stupid they all sounded at the moment, how determined they were to make this new cover perfect.
Calum then leaned forward to get a closer look at the laptop screen, trying to memorise all of the chords that he needed before he started to do a random strumming pattern. That was how most of their covers worked. They never really learned, or at least remember, how to read proper sheet music and the only thing Michael remembered from his guitar lessons was how to read tabs which wasn’t very helpful since Calum preferred just strumming the chords out.
Soon Michael started to tap on the table to try and demonstrate the beat that Calum was suppose to be playing at as he started to just mumble the words to show where and how they should be singing. “You guys are taking this very seriously for a youtube video.” she said, finishing off her pie before dusting her hands away from the flaky crumbs. “Well it has to sound good to get views, Y/N” Michael said, not looking up from the screen.
Letting out a sigh, Y/N got up from the floor before grabbing a guitar herself and sat next to Calum. She turned her head and smiled at him before glancing that at Calum’s hands that just seemed to be naturally resting at the G chord. “Want me to help you out?” she asked. With this weird shyness that Calum randomly developed during his high school life, he gave her a small smile back and nodded ‘yes’. Y/N glanced at the screen, seeing the chords that were needed in order to play the song before playing each of them once herself.
“Uhhhh…. Okay so it’s D, A, B minor, and G.” she said to herself, before quickly mumbling to herself the song melody in order to create a quick strumming pattern that somehow matched it. After a while with Calum trying to decipher her thoughts with her mumbling, Y/N quickly figured out how to somewhat play at least like the fist 30 seconds of the song which was more progress than the three boys did in the last 20 minutes.
She turned her body for Calum to watch her play and make him pay attention to the strumming pattern of the song. Biting his lower lip, he slowly tried to follow along with her before getting confused himself and groaning at the fact that he had to do a barre chord. Y/N looked up from her own guitar and leaned over slightly to readjust Calum’s fingers on the neck on the guitar. Funny how a simple touch immediately put him into a trance. ‘Holy fuck, her hand is so soft.’ He thought to himself as he just looked at her concentration in awe.
Calum felt that she was definitely saying something to him. Her lips were moving but he couldn’t hear anything. All he could think about how soft her touch was and how pretty her lips looked and how close she was to him without even being phased one bit that if he were to just lean in, he could kiss her. Gulping, he just let her move his fingers into the right position for the B minor chord before he slowly strumming the guitar, making her smile. She looked up from his guitar to meet his eyes. ‘Does she not realise how fucken close she is?’ he thought.
“There you go, you got it.” 
“T-Thanks Y/N.”
Fourth time was when they were nineteen. Y/N was studying at one of the top universities in Australia whilst Calum was touring the world with his three best friends. Sure the boys would come back home every so often, but it definitely wasn’t the same as it was when they were constantly at home. Still, Calum and Y/N managed to keep a strong friendship that just had to suffer some emotional and physical distance. There have been days where they wouldn’t talk at all and neither of them really noticed it. There have been weeks where they wouldn’t talk and Calum definitely noticed and would get a little bit agitated that he was about to lose one of the most important people in his life.
The band was back in Australia for the holidays which meant the boys had to get to deal with their friends teasing them about how the boys were losing their accents and how they were now “way too cool” to hang out with small timers like their friends. They also had to deal with the ‘but like seriously, could you pay for my taxes though, mate?’ jokes which they all would just sarcastically nod and response with a ‘mate, I don’t even know how to pay for my own taxes, so fuck off.’ It was all good fun and banter that Calum definitely missed; especially considering the Australian rude humour wasn’t so internationally accepted.
Y/N fixed up her jacket as she walked into the house to be greeted with a small laidback party. She looked around for any signs of the famous band members, particularly the Maori one, though if she were to be greeted by the other members first, she wouldn’t mind. She most definitely missed their antics. As she walked around giving the people she knew hello hugs, she felt arms wrapped around her waist, making her squeal.
“Holy fuck Y/N! My girl is here!!!” Ashton exclaimed, holding onto her tightly. Y/N laughed, not expecting at all for Ashton to randomly hug her and lift her up into the air. Despite not being the tiniest girl, Ashton always managed to pick her up as if she weighed nothing. The drummer set her back down onto the floor, giving her the biggest toothy smile she would only see through her computer or phone screen.
“Jesus Christ, I missed you!”
“Missed you too, big boy.” She giggled, smelling some alcohol lingering off of his breath as she could see the effects of alcohol slowly hitting the drummer. “Glad to have you guys back home. I’m surprised you guys even remember the area, though it’s not like you missed much. Just a couple stabbings here and there.” She said in such a nonchalant manner, reflecting how weirdly use to the dodgy area that they all shared and grew up in.
Ashton chuckled softly as he rolled his eyes playfully. “Yeah sounds about right.” He nodded, giving her a smile before giving her a normal hug. “If you’re wondering, your boy is having a smoke-o outside.”
Y/N bit her lower lip as she looked up at him. “What do you mean?” she asked, furrowed her eyebrows. Ashton cocked an eyebrow at her before chuckling softly. “Shut up, you know exactly what I mean. No need to lie.” A blush crept up to her cheeks as she just gave him a small nervous smile before walking out to the backyard to finish Calum nursing a beer as he was having a cigarette with another one of their mutual friends.
With a small smile on her face, she quickly walked towards him, hitting his bicep to grab his attention. “Oi!” she called before laughing and giving him a hug. Calum jumped slightly as he wrapped his arms around the female. He was slightly nervous about potentially seeing her tonight, but he knew that he would’ve been more upset if she didn’t show up at all.
“You drinking tonight?” Calum asked after they exchanged pleasantries and small talk. Y/N looked up at him and shook her head. “Nah, I can’t. I got work tomorrow.” She answered with a pout. Calum furrowed his eyebrows as he shook his head. He took a drag of his cigarette before blowing the smoke up and away from her face.
“Nah, fuck that. Drink with me tonight! Just chuck a sickie.” 
“Cal, I can’t, love. I need the money.” 
“Oh come on, please! Just chuck a sickie tomorrow and drink with me tonight. You know I am barely home so it’s the least you can do for me. I’ll even look after you whilst you’re spewing in the toilet.” 
Y/N laughed as she rolled her eyes playfully. “Me spewing? Not even! More like I’m gonna have to look after you whilst you’re spewing in the toilet.” She teased, pushing him gently. Hearing her laugh, Calum swore his heart stopped being, or at least his heart rate slowed down just so his ears could indulge in the sweet sound. He would do anything to hear her laugh all the time.
As time passed, both of them drank more alcohol than they really should have. The idea of Y/N calling in sick for work was quickly becoming her only option, especially since she was now rubbing Calum’s back as he was face first in the toilet bowl. She was sitting down next to him with her hair tied back messily. She groaned to herself, feeling like shit with so much alcohol in her system and hearing Calum gag and the sounds of his vomit hitting the water was definitely not helping her.
She continued to rub his back as he continued to gag, however there was only so much of his gagging that she could take before it just triggered her own vomit from coming up. The drunk girl quickly patted his back and pushed him away so she could have room to throw up as well. It was a completely disgusting sight, but their friends who were recording the tragedy, found it somewhat adorable that those two were sharing the toilet bowl together.
Calum then took on the roll of rubbing her back as he sighed, wiping his mouth. Despite feeling disgusting, he wanted to make sure that she was okay first.
“Told you that you would be spewing in the toilet.” He chuckled softly as he coughed. Y/N lifted her head from the toilet to glare at him. “Mother fucker, so are you.” Calum laughed softly as he shrugged his shoulders.
“So worth it though.” 
“Fuck off, I hate you so much right now.”
Y/N groaned before feeling more vomit come up and burying her head back into the toilet. Calum bit his lower lip as he rubbed her back, couldn’t help but find this moment weirdly intimate.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
Fifth time was when they were both twenty-one. Y/N had flown over to LA to celebrate Calum’s birthday. It was very weird for her to be in LA and be mingling and partying with Calum’s new friend group that he just built over the years of his career. Partying with the boys of All Time Low? Oh yeah, cause she just does that every fucken day. Not having to worry about the bar tab? Fuck, if only she knew what that luxury felt like. But however, she was here and for the brown man that she had known almost her entire life.
Everyone was just drinking and dancing around Ashton’s house which she learnt that it has weirdly become a tradition that anyone merely important and close to the boys would just celebrate their 21st at Ashton’s. Why? It just so happens to work out that way. Y/N was sitting on the couch, smiling as she watched a very drunk Luke and Michael sing and dance their heart out over a playlist that Ashton most likely made dedicated to Calum.
Continuing to sip on her drink, Y/N felt the couch sink down next to her slightly. “Your cup looks a little bit empty there.” She turned her head and saw Calum just pour so much more vodka into her cup. She groaned as she shook her head, immediately pulling her cup away. ”Holy fuck, Cal, you’re actually gonna kill me, love.” She laughed, shaking her head to his pout.
“But it’s my birthday!!!” 
“That doesn’t mean I have to die of alcohol poisoning as a gift!”
Calum continued to pout before grabbing a cup himself and messily pouring himself a drink. “I’ll drink with you!” he exclaimed. Y/N looked at him and saw how incredibly drunk the bassist was getting, which she personally found hilarious. Though, to be fair, he was now technically legal in the states, which meant he was actually allowed to get wasted despite already having experience due to living in Australia before.
She sighed softly, giving in before tapping both of their plastic cups together and both proceeding to chug down the contents of their drink. She could feel her throat burning as she coughed, quickly grabbing a coke can that was sitting on the coffee table and used it as a chaser. “Holy fuck that was so rank!” she exclaimed, shaking her head, having a feeling that she was going to definitely regret that decision later on.
Calum just lazily smiled at her as he placed his hand on her thigh, squeezing it gently. “Not gonna lie you actually looked so hot chugging all of that.” Y/N raised an eyebrow at his words before chuckling. “Oh Cal, I reckon you had too much to drink.” She teased squeezing his cheeks. She giggled as the quick intake of alcohol quickly started to hit her without her even realising it.
“Come on, lets go for a smoke.” She suggested, patting his leg before taking his hand and leading him out to the balcony. Calum’s head was dizzy but not due to the alcohol, though it did definitely intensify it. Her hand was in his and he contrast of her skin compared to his was insane. As he let her lead him outside, he laced their fingers together and squeezed her hand gently to let her know that he was right behind her.
The feeling of the cool LA air hits them both immediately, waking them both up a bit. Calum yawned quietly as the alcohol was starting to make him feel sleepy. Instead of leaning against the balcony railing or sitting down, Calum decided to lean up against the brick wall for support. Still holding onto her hand, the birthday boy pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her waist.
“Shhh… just kickback.”
Y/N chuckled softly before biting her lower lip. She would be an idiot to say that being this close to Calum, someone who definitely blossomed into such an attractive person with a kind soul and an intense stare, didn’t make her heart start to race. “D-Do you not want a cig?” she asked, trying to distract herself from being just inches away from kissing him.
He shook his head as he looked at her, giving her a small smile. “Not yet.” He answered. Calum sighed before gently letting his head fall back and hit the wall he was leaning on. “Holy fuck, I am drunk and I just want cuddles right now.” He blurted, pulling her in closer and squeezing her hips. His eyes met with hers, not registering what he was actually saying.
“You look really pretty tonight, Y/N.” he said with a smile on his face. “Like really pretty. Almost like when we were 12 and we went to formal together. That was funny.” He chuckled. The fact that Calum even remembered that moment was a complete shock to Y/N.
“Oh my god, how do you even remember that? That was ages ago.” She laughed, shaking her head as she was finding entertainment in a drunk, talkative Cal. He smiled as he shrugged his shoulder. “I don’t even know, baby. I just do.” He laughed back, his voice going up a few octaves for a few words.
Calum cleared his throat as he lifted his head up and leaned his forehead against hers. “I love you so much.” He blurted, licking his lips with his tongue so close to brushing against hers.
“Love you too, Cal.” 
“No no, I mean like… I love you so much. Like you’re actually nice and you’re pretty and you flew all the way here for me. Like what the fuck, no one does that for me, ever. And you’re so smart too. You didn’t turn out to be a degenerate like I am. You’re studying something super smart. You found time for me. And you look after everyone so well. Oh my god, I just love you.”
Y/N couldn’t help but just let Calum talk all of this emotional nonsense that he most probably didn’t really mean. It’s Calum. He isn’t the type to be emotional or to vent out his thoughts despite writing some of the most emotional songs she has ever heard in her life. Sighing softly, she ran her fingers through his hair, pushing it back before caressing his face gently.
“You’re drunk, Calum.” 
“But I love you.”
Not believing a single word he was saying, she gave him a smile before pulling out his cigarette deck and sticking a cigarette in between his pouty lips.
“Yeah ight then superstar. You love me.” she said, chuckling softly as she lit the cigarette up for him. Calum just looked at her with glassy eyes as he took in a quick drag to start up the burning process and blowing the smoke away.
“Now say that you love me too.” Y/N just looked at him in disbelief, as there was honestly not enough alcohol to even make her believing in what the fuck was going on between the two. This was uncharted territory that they both danced around but never entered. That was because entering it meant that someone was going to get hurt and Calum would rather have his heart be in pain just thinking about her, than to hurt over losing her. Yet tonight, all cards were off the table. Funny how alcohol can do that.
“Now say that you love me too.”
She sighed. She smiled.
“…. I love you too.” 
“Fuck that sounds so pretty coming from you.”
The sixth time he fell in love with her was different. His heart no longer raced at a crazy speed. His head was no longer dizzy and he was no longer nervous around her. There is this belief in Buddhism that the love of your life shouldn’t make you nervous or agitated. Instead, they should make you feel at peace and make you feel calm in a world that seems to be in such a rush and in a hurry. Your soulmate is what brings you back down to earth and keeps you grounded, stable and level headed.
Calum licked his lips as he looked around the corridor to make sure that no one was around to see him sneak off. With a smile on his face, he quickly tiped toed to Y/N room, even though it was against wedding rules. Even though it is bad luck, he didn’t give a fuck. He just wanted to see his girl.
Knocking on the door, he quickly walked in without letting her even yell ‘come in’ first. He turned his head and smiled as he saw his wife (in less than T-minus 30 minutes) sitting in front of the vanity going over her vows, or what seemed like it, actually writing them and fixing it up. Listening to her mumble, he approached her and chuckled softly.
“And you were the one that was going on about me having my vows ready.”
She jumped slightly as she turned her head to see Calum standing there in her bridal room. Her eyes widened as she stood up, completely forgot that she was in her wedding dress before walking towards him.
“Babe! You’re not meant to see me until I walk down the aisle!” she exclaimed, giving him a quick kiss nevertheless. Calum smiled as he felt his heart swell up in happiness. His eyes scanned her entire face, finding that the extra glamour for today’s occasion made her look breath taking. Seeing a loose strand of hair poking out, Calum’s smile grew bigger as he pushed that loose piece behind her ear. “I hit the jack pot, didn’t I?” he teased, chuckled softly. She rolled her eyes playfully as she hit his chest gently before fixing up his shirt and his tie.
“Again, you’re not meant to see me before our wedding, Cal.” 
“Yeah I know, but you know me. There aren’t that many rules that I follow.”
Now it was her turn to chuckle and smile at him. “That is very true. Should’ve known you would’ve cracked under pressure and snuck off to see me.” she teased, as her hands ran down his chest to smooth out the small little wrinkles on his button up. Playing with some of the buttons on his shirt and his hands gently squeezing her waist, they just both continued to stare at each other and smiled.
“You nervous?” she asked. Calum just shook his head as he couldn’t believe that he was going to be able to call the woman in front of him ‘his wife’ so soon. Y/N raised an eyebrow at him when he shook his head.
“Oh? And why is that?” 
“Because why should I be nervous? Today is the perfect ending to our chapter being apart and the perfect start to our chapter being together. I’m excited to now permanently go to sleep and wake up seeing you. It’s a dream come true.”
Y/N blushed hard as she turned her head away, not being able to look at Calum in the eye after how much he just gushed over their future together in such simple sentences. Calum laughed softly at her reaction, making him hold her chin gently as he turned her head so their eyes can meet.
“I can’t wait to be stuck with you forever.” 
“Stuck with me? You make that sound like it’s a bad thing.” She teased. “Well, for me it’s an amazing thing. For you however, you’re gonna be stuck with a weirdo like me. In a few minutes, it’s gonna be official and then you will not be able to exchange me or refund me. No exchanges or refunds on discounted goods.” Calum joked.
“Discounted goods?!” she exclaimed, making them both laugh. She caressed both sides of his face before leaning in and kissing him softly, this one lasting longer than before. Calum held her close to him, jus savouring this private moment they had together before he had to sneak back to his room and pretend that he didn’t just go and see her before the wedding.
“You look just as pretty, even not more beautiful than you did when I first fell in love with you.” 
“The first time? How many times did you fall in love with me?” 
“Fuck honestly… too many to count.”
This little heart’s in pain just thinking of you
But I can’t help but fall in love with you.
tag list: @nostalgia-luke @cashtonspicelatte @calumincolor @calumvertigo @qualitylu @crownedbyluke @cxddlyash
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fallen029 · 6 years
Smokes and Movies
In the smoke filled living room, there was only one thing that kept the interests of the pair seated in the middle of it. It appeared, however, that each was interested in a different thing.
Lisanna was very entranced by the lacrima that laid before them, lying on her stomach with a pillow clutched beneath her as her eyes followed the movie that played out before her eyes. It was a classic caper, open and shut case, and it didn't help much that she'd seen it many times before. But it made no difference to the white haired woman as she mewled like a child in excitement over the SE-Plugged bikes that were currently chasing one another down in the busy streets. It was a shitty film and it was obvious, so obvious, that the hero, the police rook with hardly any cases under his belt, was going to run out of magic just as the crook, who didn't run out of magic, flew off a hard turn and landed in the river below the bridge they'd been approaching, where he'd float right down to the other awaiting officers.
But that didn't make it any less thrilling.
Bickslow, on the other hand, was very busy making the place so smokey as it was too cold to open the window, as the freezing rain that was coming down would only get in, and you couldn't have that because then Lisanna would get too cold and complain and just head home, back to her place, where they had things like a fire place, and a heater, and didn't have the risk of freezing to death in their sleep.
What's life without a chance of impending doom? Eh? Nothing. Nothing at all.
Bickslow also didn't like the dumb movie that Lisanna had on. At all. It was boring, they'd seen it before, and more importantly, it had captivated her attention in a way he was currently unable. That alone made it an enemy.
It was, after all, the biggest key to their relationship.
Whereas everyone else saw him as annoying or creepy or weird and any combination of the three, Lisanna seemed to find his antics, well, fun. She didn't think that it was annoying that he had little dolls following him around. And they were certainly not creepy or weird to her. She saw them for what they were. People who were no longer fully in the world, but enough so that someone had to look out for them. To keep them from truly being lost. She saw that he wasn't some sort of sick freak that took advantage of a situation and found himself friends through the only people that couldn't run away. Well, actually, yeah, maybe that was part of it, but she also knew that he truly cared for the dolls and they they cared for him right back.
Why that had occurred was rather irrelevant.
What mattered was that he'd found them, they needed someone like him, and everything else just didn't matter. Lisanna found the relationship cute and, even when it became obvious to her that it was more of a necessity than an enjoyment, it never occurred to her that it was a problem. How could it ever be? Not everyone had some lofty thing that kept them grounded. Sometimes it was something as simple and stupid wooden dolls that entrapped souls of the previously lost.
His social awkwardness, lack of awareness, and the strange behavior caused her little pause either. When Lisanna was a young kid, she didn't have a lot of friends. She had her siblings, who were odd in their own right, and anything else she could make into a playmate. From animals, to trees, to whatever other person passed through their tiny town on their way to literally anywhere else. She saw Bickslow as no different. He was odd, fine, and had some different habits, but that didn't make him an inherently bad person to be around. At all. There was something...charming in the uncanny timing of his. And, if his jokes were made by someone with some self-awareness and, perhaps, a bit more attractive, she doubted anyone would necessarily find them to be too distasteful. Bickslow just had a lot working against him, was all.
And she felt that. On a deep level. While he felt like an outcast in general, she typically found herself to be a bit different from her siblings. Mirajane, obvious, was the most beautiful and the strongest and Elfman was the most annoying and obnoxious and Lisanna was kind of just the younger one. The one who beat death. The weakest, maybe, even, considering Mirajane was so high up and Elfman was so strong now and sometimes it just gets to her, maybe, a little bit, and it's not like she'd rather not be there, because she was beyond thankful that she got to come back, but at the same time she just felt kind of out of place, you know? And it didn't matter how many times everyone told her this wasn't the case or that she was definitely in the right place and how could she even feel this way, because that didn't get to the heart of the problem, if anything that just ignored the problem and made her try to bury it deeper, but she didn't want to bury it deeper.
She wanted someone to understand that feeling.
And boy did Bickslow.
Because they were just alike, he told her, that time when they somehow found themselves hanging out and that wasn't too weird, on it's own, right? She liked the Thunder Legion. Well, not really Ever, all the time, but Freed was nice. And Bickslow was a part of the deal, when it came to Freed, for the most part it seemed, but Freed was a very busy mage and Bickslow not so much and it just worked out that way, eventually, that the two of them were alone together and Bickslow just made so much sense when he spoke.
Was that mind control?
She had to wonder.
But his words seemed so smooth and easy. The way he told her that he was alone too, in the guild. Freed was very personable, you see, so he could make friends as easily as he so choose, and Evergreen, well, she was just a bitch and didn't want any anyways, really, so she liked where she was in regards to the others, but him? The nicest guy around if people just gave him a chance? He felt alone too. Ever was always telling him to just be normal and Freed sighed a lot and shook his head at the things that Bickslow did, but didn't they know that he couldn't help it? How could they not tell that he couldn't help it?
Not too far off from her, Bickslow figured. Eh, Lisanna? No one else had experienced what she had. A handful of them understood the complexity of Edolas, as they'd been able to truly experience it, but the rest of them? How could they understand anything she said? Or thought? Or felt? They had no idea. And then to think that she was just like the other two Strauss siblings, that she was anything like what she'd been when she left, it was all lunacy. He liked that word a lot. Lunacy. And it was correct for the situation, he felt. She was clearly a different person.
Well, actually, being a bit older than her, he didn't hang around too much before she disappeared off to Edolas, but now he saw her as cool and interesting and as someone he wanted to hang out with, so that had to mean that she changed, right? Or had he changed?
He didn't want to believe the latter so he insisted the former.
It was really that easy for the seith, too, it seemed. If he thought it and believed it, then it was right and no one could say otherwise. Lisanna, though rather opinionated about things herself, rarely found herself crossing this line simply because their thinking fell in line with one another's. And when it didn't, that was alright too because she typically saw whatever it was they were disagreeing on as a silly issue, as most of his were, while Bickslow saw Lisanna as a pretty decent person, although outcast, like him, and that meant that they'd butt heads occasionally, him being a dark soul and all.
And besides, he'd finished that first night, when he explained to her just how alike they were, he was an expert on souls, wasn't he? Huh? Lisanna? And what had happened to hers then? It had transitioned planes. How could he not be friends would someone like that? When they had done something so aligned with his own interests?
It was a stretch, of course, but all enough to get her to hang around him a bit more and eventually, fine, Freed was more personable, but she didn't find Bickslow any less entertaining. Once he got the whole creeper comedy schtick out of his system, he actually had a lot more going on than most people ever found out. He enjoyed things other than just hanging around making people uncomfortable, obviously, so that actually made plenty of sense.
He liked wondering around places, new place in particular, but familiar was great too, and just finding things to do from there. They enjoyed taking long train rides into other cities, where they had no idea what there was to greet them. It was always something different. Because every city was different.
She found that Bickslow mostly just wanted to have fun and keep whoever was around him entertained. He seemed find that to be his main function in any group. He was the jester for whoever so chose to view him as such. It fell flat a lot, however, because not everyone did view him in such a way.
She suggested once that it was the sallet that threw people off and perhaps he should try a jester's hat instead, but this was shot down vehemently by the man and, well, she tried.
But that didn't mean that the pair couldn't just chill out sometimes too. They liked that a lot, actually. Bickslow didn't have a lot of people that wouldn't scold him on the different things he liked to roll up and chill out with and Lisanna rarely found someone in Fairy Tail who wasn't constantly on the move, doing this or that. To have one another to just relax with was…
Well, relaxing, for one thing, but a lot of other things as well.
When up around the guild or palling around cities, it was easy to be friendly towards one another when you're in the same guild. Though interests might differ for some, the commonality of Fairy Tail was usually enough for most everyone. At home though, away from what bound them all together, well, to still be close in that situation is really what made a friendship. And to do so willingly, many times, well, you couldn't get much closer than that.
Or realer than that.
The first time Bickslow took his sallet off and tugged down his hood, Lisanna realized just how close they were getting. It wasn't the only time he took it off, after all, considering he did so many times in battle when he felt his eye magic necessary, but he seemed to like the facade and veneer that it provided when dealing with others.
He didn't need it with her then. Not anymore. The second they crossed the barrier of his front door, he would take his visor right off and tug his hood down so that they could have conversations face to face.
Or have no conversations at all.
Like they were at the moment.
Just hanging around one another was just as good as having deep and meaningful conversations. If anything, they both had a place in any sort of relationship. If all you ever did was handle the heavy topics with one another, then it got hard to just be silly and cut loose a bit. If, on the other hand, all you did was cut loos and never had a real conversation, substance was lost and hard to track down once more.
Then there was the concept of being around one another without having to truly interact.
They'd mastered that pretty well.
Lisanna was still all cooped up over at the Strauss household and that meant that she wanted to get away from that at times. Though she frequently found that to be an excuse to hang around with her friends, there was something about Bickslow's apartment that she preferred. She was a different person, honestly, when she was with anyone other than him. Natsu, Lucy, Mira, Levy. She was bubbly and helpful and up for anything.
When she was with Bickslow though, who was naturally drawn to darkness, she felt less constricted to this line of thinking. She had to imagine too that the others had similar escapes that she just didn't hear or know about. Her sister certainly did. For her to find hers with Bickslow didn't mean much, she figured.
Other than the to the two of them.
If he let his mask down with her, then she did the same way with him. She told him things that she'd be too embarrassed to the let the others know, about her hurt and poor feelings that she had at times, over the whole situation of her return. And Bickslow, who had no real bearing on her personality before she disappeared, was more than willing to accept the new one that she had with him. It was the one that made him decide he was so safe to show his true self to her.
There were a lot of things wrong in the world and there for a good number of them could fall on most relationships and they were no different, but at the end of the day, the good outweighed the bad.
After all, when your perfect day was spent dicking around an apartment, it was rather hard to have a true falling out.
"Is it over, finally?" Bickslow asked as, in large letters, THE END flashed across the movie lacrima projection. "Lissy?"
"Yeah, but..."
"But," he sighed as she was already shoving up, "we should probably watch another one, huh?"
"Well, you're just sitting around smoking anyways."
"I'm watchin' the movie."
"You are not."
Was it that obvious?
Instead of going to switch what was in the lacrima though, Lisanna came over to where he was stretched out with his dolls littering his chest, and fell back down to the filthy carpet that she probably would have been better off touching as she would the sun. At least the sun would have been cleaner.
"Oi, kid, we gotta figure something out about all this ice, ya know," he told her as she only cuddled up to his chest. Glancing down at her, he said, "It'll get too cold here, probably, the later into the night we get. For you, at least."
Making a face, she only his his disdain in his side before saying, "I'm fine. I think I would know that, you know? You're not tougher than me."
"Maybe not," he agreed though, internally, he disagreed vehemently. "But don't come whining to me when you're frozen solid and all."
"I think I'll weather the storm, thanks."
"I's alright, I guess," he told her with a bit of a shrug. "I'd just burn down the building then, the entire thing, to try and unfreeze ya."
"And probably be jailed for arson."
"Wouldn't be the first time."
And they both lifted their heads a bit, to stare at one another, but Lisanna only made a face while Bickslow stuck his tongue out at her and, in the moment, everything was peaceful.
Then it was Bickslow's turn to jump up and, heading over to the movie lacrima, he said, "My choice now."
"Oh." Lisanna only crawled over to where a magazine sat and prepared to read it. "Is it?"
And in the now less smokey living room, two people found interest in a singular thing, as Lisanna flicked through her magazine and Bickslow laughed without humor at the gags of the old timey comedy. It wasn't different for each of them, however, and it was much more clear then.
Because they both were only interested in one another.'
Everything else was just a function of that.
"Is it finally over? Bicks?"
"Yeah. But-"
"But you think we should watch another one."
"Don't you?'
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calliecat93 · 6 years
Callie Reviews: TMNT 2012 Season One (Part One)
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Ever since 1984, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise has gone form a cult-status indie comic to a massive mass market. There have been various comics, movies, video games, merchandise, and of course cartoons. And it’s easy to see why. TMNT’s concept, a group of mutated teen turtles fighting evil in New York, is both incredibly bizarre and incredibly appealing to a mass audience. You have action, science fiction, martial arts, and of course plenty of mutant ideas to make toys out of. The fact that this Fall will be releasing the fourth animated TMNT series and that a new movie series is in production shows that even over 30 years later, this is a franchise that is far from losing it’s power.
As a kid, I of course knew that Turtles as a thing and I even watch parts of 2k3. But I was never really a fan until the day I stumbled upon the 2012 show. I fell in love with it and, since it started when I was just starting this blog, it was a huge focus for me for several years. I have since moved on and while I’m going to check out the 2018 show, I don’t think I’m going to be as crazy as I was with this show (but never say never). Back in 2012, I was someone who... lets say ignored the flaws and defended the show far too passive aggressively to the point that looking at my older stuff makes me want to blow up by blog. 
Nowadays, while some of my opinions hold true (like the ‘Donnie is a stalker’ accusations are still bullshit), I am more willing to admit the shows problems, especially now that I can take the show in fully. I also like to believe that I’ve become a better reviewer since I was 19 years old, plus it had been far too long since I went back over the show form the very beginning. So does the show still hold up? Will 25 year old Callie feel differently than 19 year old Callie did? Well we’re about to find out. This is the TMNT 2012 Season One Review!
The Premiere (Episodes 1-2)
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Our story begins with a training sequence that introduces us to the titular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. Along with some minor character establishment, like Mikey being the funny one and Raph the violent one, the biggest thing here is one of the shows strengths: the choreography. It’s best exhibited in Leo and Raph’s duel. The movements are very fluid and well-paced. It’s fast, but not too fast, it’s enough to move things along but still let you take in all the impacts. It’s very well done. Raph ends up winning and we are introduce to the boys mentor and father, Master Splinter. Aka, the best written character int he show, but we’ll get to that later.
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After the opening theme, we cut to the boys 15th Mutation Day where we get our backstory. Borrowing from the 80′s show origin, Splinter was once a young man named Hamato Yoshi. He had just bought four pet turtles when he stumbled across a shady dealing. Being a ninja master, he was able to fight back, but he ended up getting splattered with a strange green substance. This turned him into a rat, as one brushed his ankle while the baby Turtles become anthropomorphic. Yoshi, taking on the name Splinter, fled to the sewers and raised the four turtles as his own as well as taught them ninjutsu. It’s a simple, but still solid telling of the origin that pays tribute to previous origins, leaves some mystery about the substance and who was dealing it, and is told with use of comic-style panels reminiscent of the original comics.
The Turtles, having lived in the sewers since their mutation, are hoping to convince Splinter to let them finally go to the surface. After some begging, Splinter reluctantly agrees. We then cut to Leo watching a Star Trek: The Animated Series parody where we learn of his desire to become a great hero and leader. This is interesting for several reasons. One, it establishes that Leo isn’t the leader of the group yet, a departure form normal as he’s normally put into that role automatically. And second, ti does a great job at character establishment. In previous versions, Leo is often seen as the boring, overly leader type. Not a bad character mind you, but he lacks the quirkiness that the tough Raph, genius Donnie, and wild child Mikey present. Here? Leo is shown to be an idealistic, naive, but good-intention kid who aspires to be a great hero like he sees on TV as well as give shim some dorky characteristics, like quoting cheesy one-liners to sound more heroic. It helps make him more relateable, funny, and sets up a character arc for when he does inevitably become the leader. Very well done.
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The boys finally go to the surface, and are in awe of what they see. They even discover their trademark favorite food, pizza. Given that they only ever ate worms and algae until this point, it makes their love of it all the more understandable. But not all goes well as they soon witness a group of business men kidnapping a red-haired teenager and her father. They attempt to help, but end up only beating each other up and the bad guys get away with their captives. Mikey ends up beating up one and discovers... a brain with tentacles... yipe... he tries to tell the other three, but they don’t believe him. A common trend in the show.
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Upon returning home, the boys try to blame each other for the failure before Splinter accepts it for not giving them proper training as a team. While he considers keeping them down below for another year, Donnie convinces him to let them go help the girl due to seeing how terrified she was and how they failed to help her... and because of the crush he developed in a record five seconds. Splinter agrees, but first assigns Leo as the official leader, much to the ire of Raph. They’re eventually able to find the kidnappers vehicle and wreck it, capturing the driver named Snake and they discover a vat of a glowing green substance. A vat that they recognize as the same one that caused their original mutation.
Snake, after Raph threatens to mutate him, leads the boys to the facility where the captives are... and uses the boys bickering as a chance to escape. Leo uses this to trick the crook into thinking that they’re going to plow his van into the place as he conducts a plan to sneak in. All while Roah is an asshole who refuses to listen and outright undermines Leo’s orders. Yeah, Raph is a real jerk during this season. FYI. When Leo shows hesitance about his plan, Splinter tells him of his final confrontation against his rival Oroku Saki, aka The Shredder. It ended in his wife being killed, his house burning down, and his infant daughter nowhere to be found. Well, that won’t be important in any way, shape, or form later! The point being that he lost everything, but gained the boys, easing Leo’s worries about how much is riding on the plan.
So yeah the boys crash the van, Snake gets mutated, the boys break in, fight some guards, and Mikey proves that he isn’t crazy about the aliens.. and then trips an alarm. Smooth Mikey, smooth. They find the captives, that being this version of April O’Neil and her scientist father. Now in most versions, April is an adult woman. Here? She is aged down and is around sixteen years old. We’ll talk more about that later. The bad guys, aka The Kraang, take the captives away and as the boys give chase,t hey are confronted by the mutant Snake... who is a weed monster. Hey, that’s breaking supervillain rules writers! If you have an evil sounding name, that’s what you turn into! Donnie is sent to rescue the O’Neil’s as the other three face Snakeweed... Mikey’s idea, not mine.
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The boys eventually defeat Snake via Leo’s direction and mass electrocution while Donnie is able to rescue April, but her father is taken away. April plans to find him however, no matter what it takes with the boys promising to help in whatever way they can. Once home, Leo finds out the complex reasoning for why he was named the leader over everyone else... because he asked. Ming-boggling, right? Well there is actually another reason, but we’ll talk about this in S4. The boys also made the news as their shruriken got found, but come on, what could one tiny news story do that would be bad? Well... being seen by your master’s worst enemy and re-igniting his lust for vengeance might count! Woopsie!
Overall, a solid two parter. It establishes the characters well, has fun fight scenes, the animation is a little dated now but still pretty good, the dialogue is funny, and it does a good job setting up future plotlines while fulfilling it’s own plot. It started 2k12 off on the right foot and was still enjoyable over five years since it’s initial premiere.
The Beginning (Episodes 3-8)
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The episodes following the premiere create a steady flow of creating the status quo. You have episodes like Turtle Temper, Metalhead, and Monkey Brains (kinda) that have the boys dealing with the Kraang’s Plan of the Week as they continue their mutagen experiments. It helps with character development and some minor plot progression, such as Raph learning how dangerous his anger can be and Donnie learning to rely on his instincts rather than on his mind 100% of the time. Some are going to want me to comment on the shipping stuff, But I’m gonna save that for later. The biggest issue with these episodes, aside from Monkey Brains, is the Kraang. They are not interesting as villains at all. As great a VA as Nolan North is, the Kraang’s way of talking just gets... annoying. It doesn't help that the threat ultimately becomes either an accidental mutant or Donnie’s robot... well okay a Kraang possessed the later, but it shows that those are more interesting villains than the Kraang themselves and they exist mroe to just have an excuse for a plot. It’s really irking after awhile.
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As far as plot goes, it’s mostly your usual ‘Monster of the Week’ stuff. But it has some small things that have a larger impact later. For one, in Monkey Brains, April begins to tap into what looks like some strong emphatic abilities. More on this next season. But due to this, Splinter decides to take April on as a student and train her to be a kunoichi (a female ninja). This will be the largest part of her character for the remainder of the series. April herself... is not utilized as well as she could have been in these early episodes. She’s described as the boys guide to the outside world, and she does serve that in some respects. For example, introducing Mikey to social media in New Friend, Old Enemy to let him make friends without exposing his mutant identity. And in Never Say Xever she takes them to a blind man’s shop so that they can actually experience life topside for once. The issue is we never see April establish bonds with the boys or Splinter after her introduction. In New Friend, Old Enemy she just acts like she’s been friends with the guys for awhile and after showing Mikey the net, doesn’t appear or is even mentioned in the episode again. She disappears after her importance in Metalhead as well, but she is given mroe to work with there at least. I glossed over this when I was watching the show and April does get mroe time with the guys, her relationship with Splinter being one of my favorites. Still, they didn’t do a lot with having April become part of the group or really act on her role as their ‘guide’ and I feel they just wanted to ignore it to get to the other stuff. Which is just a bummer.
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So you’re probably wondering about Shredder stuff, right? Well thankfully the Foot Episodes are also the most plot relevant episodes. It starts with New Friend, Old Enemy where Shredder arrives in New York and assigns one of his lieutenants, a famous martial artist named Chris Bradford, to find out about Splinter. The Foot end up encountering the Turtles, with Bradford later using this to manipulate Mikey after accidentally becoming online friends with him. He captures him and use shim as bait to lure out the other three and then follow them to where Splinter is hiding. It fails with the boys using their knowledge of the sewers to literally wash Bradford and his partner, Xever, away. Along with the dangers of meeting people you don’t really know on social media, the episode presents a very unique lesson. In a fight for your life, screw fairness, You fight by any means necessary to stay alive, including fighting dirty. Most shows emphasize on being fair, but this one actually acknowledges that if your life is on the line, you do what it takes to get out alive. It’s a unique message for a kids show and one that I really appreciate.
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Next is Never Say Xever where Xever gets to lead the charge. After the boys track down the two and get beat up, Xever receives inlet from the Purple Dragons, who int his version are pretty much a trio of teen thugs. The Turtles fought them off earlier at the shop April took them to, with Leo sparing the leader as an act of mercy. Something that Raph takes umbridge with... as he does with most anything that Leo does in the first half of the series. It’s no surprise that Leo and Raph butt heads, as they do in most series, and it follows their respective arcs. Leo having to deal with being leader as well as realizing that it’s much more pressuring and unforgiving than he thought, while Raph act son his jealousy that Leo got the position even though he’s the better fighter and therefore questioning Leo’s orders or outright just being an asshole for no good reason. But after the shop owner is kidnapped to lure the Turtles out, Leo’s act of mercy ends up saving them as the lead Dragon repays the favor by throwing him back his discarded sword. Which Leo uses to break a water tower to wash the bad guys away again. Angered, The Shredder decides to handle the Turtles himself.
The episodes do a good job in establishing a solid status quo. Bad guy does a thing, one character has their B-Plot to deal with, there’s a clash, the plots intertwine, bad guy gets defeated, and the lesson of the day is learned. A simple routine, but it works here. Plus we get plenty of character establishment and moments which makes you care about them. For example even though Raph is a massive jerk, the end of New Friend, Old Enemy has his comfort Mikey after the deceit and have him see that he’s a good kid who simply got duped as anyone else would. With this being after Raph mocked him wanting to make friends throughout the episode, it helped show that he does have a caring side. Leo frequently has issues with being a leader, such as dealing with Raph and moments like in ITHNiBS where the guys outright refuse to listen to him when he tries to remind them that they’re grounded. Even Splinter has a lot of moments, being a stern but fair parental figure and wise mentor, but is also snarky as Hell. We also see hints to how much the past has affected him, like after April agrees to undergo kunoichi training and leaves the dojo, there’s just a brief moment where he looks down with a forlorn expression. As though wishing that he was telling this to his own MIA daughter. It’s so subtle, but it speaks volumes about his emotional state. 
The characters are ultimately what makes these episodes works and what I would say is the strongest part of the series. You are likely going to relate to or like someone from this show and their progression. But now that we have a fully formed status quo, it’s time to shake it up a little bit and have the Turtles experience their first hard dose of reality.
The Escalation (Epsidoes 9-13)
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Episode 9 begins as a typical ‘Mutant of the Week’ plot with the guys trying to catch a pigeon mutant that was after April. But when they do, they discover that he was simply trying to deliver a message... from her father. The message warns her to get out of the city due to a mutagen bomb, but she refuses to leave without him. As such,t he Turtles... somehow... find where Mr. O’Neil is and try to save him. While they get him out of the cell and get the location of the bomb, Mr. O’Neil sacrifices himself when the Kraang outnumber them so that the boys can protect April. All while poor April can only watch, helpless to do anything. Ouch...
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The Turtles can only go to where the bomb is to disarm it, but things get further complicated when Bradford and Xever attack, wanting payback from before. Fortunately Donnie disarms the bomb and the four corner the two, but Bradford refuse sot go down quietly and stabs the bomb, but all it does is mutate himself and Xever. But ti also washes them away.... again. I should also point out that this point,t he Turtles have gotten incredibly over-confident since they’ve beaten every bad guy so far, feeling unstoppable. So then... Shredder arrives. Yep. And he kicks their shells HARD. Liek he holds no punches, he easily over-powers all four of them and almost stabs Leo int he head. The only reason that they escape is Shredder getting distracted by his now mutated lieutenants. But the boys retreat, badly beaten up and completely demoralized.
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The next episode focuses on the fallout. The four are mostly feeling better, but their fears are being escalated by, of all people, Splinter. This is due to the boys nearly getting killed by his long-time rival re-igniting his own trauma and having nightmares over losing them, causing him to again keep them in the sewers and be far more harsh with his training. The only one doing moderately well is April, who gets intel about the Foot planning to destroy the sewers. The Turtles try to stop it, but get pounded by Bradford, who is now a giant dog mutant named Dogpound. This forces April to get the inlet herself, but she gets caught an captured by the Foot. This further brings Leo down, but to his surprise Raph actually encourages him to pull himself together and lead the team. The Turtles manage to both save April and stop the Foot from destroying the sewers with Splinter apologizing for allowing his fears to affect both himself and his sons. Overall, a solid pair of episodes that bring the boys down a bit, finally has all the plots meet somewhere, and deliver a strong message about not letting fear control you or the others around you.
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After a filler episode where the only importance is Shredder forcibly recruiting Stockman to his forces, we get some more Kraang stuff with Episode 12. Where we actually show them being dangerous. Shocker, right?! It also introduces us to long-time supporting character within the franchise  Leatherhead. Here he is an alligator mutant who the Kraang experimented on and it causes him to have violent fits of rage if he so much as hears the word ‘Kraang’. The Turtles end up saving him when the Kraang try to re-capture him, but find his angry bursts, well... dangerous. But Mikey is able to befriend him and it becomes more clear that LH is actually a rather intelligent, good-hearted mutant who has been put through Hell. He gets run off by Splinter though when one of his trauma-induced bursts causes him to attack the boys, forcing the rat master to intervene. Mikey, and by proxy the other three, give chase to an old subway car where LH reveals how the Kraang took him to their home, Dimension X, and experimented on him. He escaped and also took their Power Cell, cutting them off form Dimension X, in hopes of saving humanity from them. The Kraang want it back and act like a zombie swarm as they break through the car. LH fights them off, leaving the Power Cell in the Turtles care.
While Episode 11 sucks (to put it simply Leo and Raph are overbearing assholes while Donnie and Mikey are just made to be as weak as possible), the other three do a good job at making the villains more solid threats. Shredder was built up as intimidating and powerful, and boy did he deliver. The Turtles face their first major loss and have to deal with the fallout, Leo especially dealing with his first real failure as a leader. Even the Kraang come off as a scarier hivemind and we get mroe stuff on them, like Dimension X and their plans to mutate the Earth. Add that with a strong supporting character like Leatherhead, who is understandably traumatized but is an intelligent being who is trying to prevent others form suffering like him. and it helps make some strong episodes.
The first half of the season concludes with the 13th episodes... that aired as the 14th for some reason. But I’m going in order of my DVD’s and this was after Episode 12, so it’s what I’m going with. It both concludes a lot and opens up a lot for the future. The episode I am talking about is, of course New Girl in Town.
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TBC in Part Two....
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saltbaek · 7 years
Halloween Date
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Genre: Fluff (hybrid!Baekhyun)
Word count: 2.4k++
Remarks: I really had so much fun writing this and I hope you guys enjoy reading it as well!! Happy Halloween!!  ❤ ❤ ❤
You groaned in your sleep as you feel Baekhyun lining butterfly kisses up your jawline, his nose occasionally poking your cheek. You stirred around to make yourself more conscious, finding out that you’re half sleeping on him.
“Wake up now, baby.” he calls out to you, placing one last kiss on your forehead. You simply hummed in reply before taking a deep breath on the crook of his neck, inhaling his musky scent that you’ve come to love so much. You pull away a little, hands coming up to rub the sleep away from your eyes. He pried your hands away when he thinks you’re rubbing them for too long, a bad habit of yours. His hands are still not letting go of your wrists when he catches your lips with his in a sweet peck. You open your eyes to see him smiling warmly at you and as if you’re compelled, you returned the same grin automatically, both his and your smiles getting wider by seconds until there are two pair of little crescents.
“Good morning, kitten.” Baekhyun greets again, that dreamy smile still on his face. You flicker between both of his eyes, unsure of which side to look at since you’ve always had troubles of picking the favourite colour. The left of his eye is light gray while the right is a dark shade of ocean blue. If you look closer, you can even see speckles of gold swirling in his eyes. How mesmerizing. On the days when he’s in a good mood, they are several shades lighter, but on the days when he’s not, it is several shades darker. Due to his hybrid genes, he inherited both the vampire and werewolf abilities and that includes the colour of his eyes. And sometimes when either one overwhelm the other, you see the colour changing briefly before he manage to put things under control. You have no doubt when people say that the eyes are the windows to the souls. Though in Baekhyun’s eyes, you see more than that, more than his soul, you see stars, home, forever and beyond.
“You fell asleep on me on the couch last night, so I put you in bed.” he continued when he sees that you’re still a little too sleepy to reply him, making him chuckle. You’re not sure if it’s his statement or the sound of his husky, sleep-laced morning voice, laughing lowly that’s making you blush.
“Morning, baby.” you breathed before he thinks you’re ignoring him.
“Hey, where is the good in my morning?” his brows furrowing playfully in question, his finger poking your waist and making you flinch because you’re ticklish.
“Me. I am the good.” you bantered, feeling mischievous, not to mention you’re in a great mood, waking up with Baekhyun’s sweet kisses and warmth. What a wonderful way to start your Halloween.
“No, silly. You’re the best.” he crinkled his nose before breaking into a boyish beam, shaking his head at your tomfoolery.
The both of you broke into fits of laughter at the nonsensical fight. Feeling even more playful and wanting to hear more of your mate’s laughter as well, you turned around and straddled him, cupping his face firmly, squishing his cheeks, making his lips puckered out like a goldfish before placing random pecks on his entire face. He laughed contagiously, making you laugh in between the kisses as well.
“Eww! No! Stop! You haven’t brush your teeth! Don’t kiss me! You dirty girl!” Baekhyun howled (no pun intended) blithely as he pull away from your kisses, resulting in you kissing his neck along the way. Hearing his statement, you exerted more strength to hold his face in place and locked your lips with his that he willingly and happily reciprocated, both of you moaning in appreciation and exploring each other’s wet cavern, engaging in a dance of domination.
After half an hour of ‘trying to wake up’ which is really just a full blown make out session on the bed, the both of you finally to start the day, already excited with what today has to offer. You will be going to a haunted house later with Baekhyun and today is also the day that he can go out in his rawest form and not get judged, no contacts to hide his odd eyes nor does he need to care about how he dresses and so on. You’re brushing your teeth together with your mate peacefully until your screech is echoed throughout the bathroom because your very mature mate who was just complaining about you being dirty earlier in the day purposefully drools on your hand, you know he must have did it purposefully, his evil laugh is a dead giveaway. You briefly wonder if it is related to his hybrid genes and ability when he can laugh with his mouth full of toothpaste foam and also the toothbrush yet he did not choke to death. You quickly rinsed your contaminated hand before slapping his shoulder, eyes pinning him in a nasty glare.
“How old are you?” you huffed incredulously, still in the midst of brushing your teeth, glaring him through the mirror now.
“Very.” he quipped, sending you a wink that leads to a roll of your eyes. He’s not wrong though, he may be a few centuries old yet he behaves like a kid sometimes, especially when he is happy, but that only happens around you. He has a reputation and image to uphold around the others he said and that is perhaps why he is known as the serious, protective and loving boyfriend that he is to the others. Somehow, you’re always grateful and touched that you’re the only one that gets to see most if not all of his sides while discovering new ones together with him.
Your friend is actually the one who organized the haunted house and it is a nationwide popular attraction annually. It’s really hard to get the tickets despite it being pricey since the reviews are so good and those who went once would always return again the next year. Good thing your friend promised to save a pair for you and Baekhyun. As much as you’re a scaredy cat, promises are really important to you and you try to never break them. Furthermore, she’s one of your close friend so you have to at least support her.
Baekhyun holds the door of the car open for you as you exit the vehicle, your hand automatically finding and winding with his, snuggling more onto his strong arm to find warmth on this chilly weather. Your mate squeezed your hand and placed a kiss on the crown on your head as the both of you walk to the entrance. Baekhyun takes the initiative and walk first to the ticketing counter, towing you behind his trail securely. As soon as he stood right in front of the counter though, you hear the female staff silently gasp and just stared at him, probably captivated by his ethereal charms and looks. For some reason, Baekhyun too, stared back at her, though not in the same manner but you notice his mouth open and close like a literal fish in water, like he doesn’t know what to say. You almost want to laugh, but you decide to save it for later. You pulled him back and approached the staff instead, making her break her train of thoughts and actually coming back to function, to serve you. You smiled kindly and gave her the details of your reserved ticket. You see her type a few things into the computer before your tickets are printed and ready to use. You glance at Baekhyun to find him already looking at you, smiling sheepishly, his hand is rubbing the back of his neck, a sign when he is abashed. You chuckled at his cute antics as you pull him to the queue of the haunted house.
 “How long has it been since you actually talked to anyone?” you questioned him, laughing at the recall of the incident earlier. You even imitated how he looked, opening and closing your mouth with a blank stare to tease him. He grumbled under his breath and rolled his eyes, but you know he is doing it in an endearing manner because of the quirk at the corner of his lips. He closed his eyes and licked his lips like he’s done with you.
“Why do I need to talk to anyone when I have you?” he muttered under his breath, his brows furrowing. His thumbs rubbing comforting circles on the palm of your hand that he’s playing with. He made sure nobody was looking when he made cheesy kissy faces at you, making you giggle. He really will be the death of you. As you’re getting nearer and nearer to the entrance of the haunted house, you’re starting to get nervous and anxious, palm sweating and adrenaline pumping. Baekhyun squeezed your hand, to remind you that he is here, when he senses your emotion through the bond and hear your heart thumping with his supernatural abilities.
Throughout the whole haunted house, the journey is accompanied with lots of your screams and Baekhyun’s laughter. Safe to say, you clung onto him like a koala to an eucalyptus tree, not like he mind, in fact, he likes it. A lot. It is probably one of his top reasons that he agreed to come with you in the first place. Not even halfway on the route and you’re already sweating like crazy from your adrenaline and fear. You’re hugging your mate’s back the whole time, face plastering onto his muscular back jump after jump, using him as a meat shield to all the creepy monsters in the house. Meanwhile, he’s not even a little bit frightened, this is probably a child’s play to him, you think. Somehow you feel him rumbling from suppressed laughter from time to time. You briefly wonder if he’s laughing at you or at the staffs that are cosplaying as monsters that are funny (at least to him).
The both of you are at the end of the hallway leading to the exit and it is eerily silent. You’re pretty sure something is going to jump out from somewhere and chase the shit out of you but Baekhyun beats you to it when he tightened his hold on your hand and dashed to the exit. You don’t look back, afraid of seeing something you don’t want to see, you only kept your eyes on your mate but instead you see him being the one looking back and smiling cheekily. As soon as you got out of the haunted house, you sat down on the nearest bench to ease your wobbly legs, you hear Baekhyun’s approaching laughter before he plopped himself beside you as well.
“I heard him preparing to ambush us but he missed his timing when we dashed out, he must be so baffled!” he laughed heartily, confirming to you that there is indeed something that is supposed to jump out and chase you at the hallway. “Man, you should’ve seen his expression! It was priceless!”
You don’t answer him yet, your shaky hands coming up to hold the collar of his jacket as you rubbed your face into his chest, breathing in his scent to calm yourself down before winding your arms around his waist. You feel his hand raking in your locks, petting the back of your head gently. Freaking hell, nowonder this haunted house is so popular every year, especially among those who likes to seek such thrills. You make yourself a mental note to politely decline all your friend’s offer of invitation from now on. This should be your first and last time. You’re glad that you’re here with your supernatural mate instead of a mere human though, because you are sure a mere human being will have a 90% chance of running away by themselves and leave you in the middle of your nightmare. You groaned at that thought alone.
“How do you always look so composed?” you question him after a while, your voice muffled on his chest.
“It’s a hybrid thing.” he answers teasingly, still petting your head while his other free hand is rubbing your back soothingly. He is looking at you, eyes full of adoration and love but you don’t notice it. He leaves a kiss on the crown of your head.
“You call that a haunted house? We killed a bigger demon than that last Tuesday.” he wonders to himself though the second sentence in a quieter voice that is only loud enough for you to hear, trying to make the atmosphere lighter, his hand that was rubbing your back earlier tapping his chin in thought now.
“Baek, it’s because they are not real and are cosplayed by people.” you suck in another deep breath before shifting your head, looking up at him now.
“You know that yet you’re still so scared?” he raises one of his brow tauntingly. You pout unknowingly. “But they are scary!” you exclaimed as you jut your lips out even more. Unable to resist the temptation, he bent down to capture your lips in a kiss in reflex. With that, your face heats up in a blush but he just smiles at you adoringly like nothing just happened. You whined and avoided his eye contact, hugging his waist tighter because you’re shy. His chest rumbled as you hear him chuckle lowly.
“Let’s go get some ice cream, this place is scary.” you said all of a sudden, because you’re really craving for it and you also know that if you don’t change the topic any time soon your mate will never miss the golden opportunity to tease you. Ugh. He is always a freaking tease.
“Yes, my princess. But I want my share of dessert tonight too, for being your hero of the day.” he breathed, spotting a dashing smile with his fangs. Of course, you didn’t miss that brief flicker of colour in his eyes as well. You giggled at how fast he agreed to your suggestion at the same time proposing his own without missing a beat. Guess the both of you won’t be sleeping so early tonight. Even if all you do with Baekhyun is stay home wrapped in blankets, doing nothing during the festive seasons or not, you enjoy every single moment of it and you’re sure that he can say the same. After all, Baekhyun manage to make you feel like there is something worth celebrating for, every single day of your life, with him.
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just-jordie-things · 7 years
Chasing After You - Scott McCall
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word count: 5524 warnings: swearing, angst, mentions of sex, bad soup
“And maybe it’s cause you miss him I don’t know you don’t talk to me about it much, but I could definitely set you up with this guy that used to be in my Trig if you’re up for it, we talk sometimes but he seems chill and he’s single” Malia rambled on as you were blankly stirring the soup bowl in front of you, watching the contents circulate around in the strangely designed bowl.  Malia was your best friend, but she always picked the most awkward places for lunch.
“Mal, I don’t need to date” You said, but was unable to meet her eyes.  She’d been trying to set you up with someone ever since you and Stiles broke it off nearly a year ago, sometime between the mess of the Dread Doctors and Theo Raeken, you’d both just lost feelings for each other.
That being said, it still hurt when he didn’t even say the words, and just left you sitting at your kitchen table, getting up and leaving your house without a second glance.  But somehow you knew that it was the end of your short lasted relationship that had started out so strong.
“I mean it’d be a blind date so it couldn’t be that bad” Malia shrugged a shoulder.  “Worst case scenario, you don’t like him and you leave and try someone else” She said, slurping her own soup in a way that would normally make you laugh.  But you could only pull a tight smile, scooping up a spoonful of the cloudy liquid and watching it drip back down into the bowl.  “And best case scenario, you get to have sex again” She said nonchalantly.
“Uh, what’re we talking about?” You looked up to see Scott had finally shown up, pulling out the chair that was between you and the werecoyote at your circular table.
“Cupid here wants to set me up on a date with one of her weird guy friends” You told him, your tone low, and bored.  Scott’s brows rose just slightly, unable to suppress the shock on his features.
He recalled the night you’d shown up at his house, in old jeans and a sweater.  You stood there at his front door in silence, not even looking him in the eyes as you gathered your thoughts asked him quietly if you could come in.  It took half an hour of sitting in the middle of his mattress, smoothing out his covers before you’d told him that Stiles had broken up with you.  He was astonished, wondering why his best friend would do such a thing, especially with no words shared about it, just abandoning you in your own home.  But Scott didn’t say anything, just set his hand over yours gently, giving you that gentle Scott McCall™ look before pulling you into a hug.  You didn’t cry once, but he had almost wished you did, because the empty and broken look on your face broke his heart in a way it shouldn’t have.
“Yeah” You spoke, pulling him from his memories.  “And I thought Lydia was cupid.  But figures she probably won’t talk to me for a while…” You trailed off, eyes landing back on your still full bowl of soup.   Seeing that she’s dating my ex boyfriend, you wanted to say, but didn’t want to spark a conversation about it, so you kept it to yourself.
You weren’t mad Lydia and Stiles were together, in fact you were happy that they were happy, they both deserved it.  In fact, Stiles and you had patched up a friendship before he’d gotten taken by the Wild Hunt, but your heart ached a little bit when he came running back to Lydia.  You had never been in love with him, you knew that for sure, but there was still that pang in your chest.
“Well we don’t even see Stiles anymore he’s in Virginia then off to college, so we’ll just get you another boyfriend” Malia said, slurping her soup again.  You gave her a look, glancing to Scott for a moment as you both thought about how to reply to the girl without saying she was completely wrong.
“It doesn’t really… it doesn’t really work like that” You spoke softly.  “Besides, I don’t need a boyfriend, I’ve got a month left of summer before I go to college so it’d be pointless anyways” You said.  Scott was quiet as he reached in front of you, gathering a spoonful of your soup and putting it in his mouth.  You didn’t even stop him, even when he gave you a weird look.
“What even is that?” He asked as he smacked his lips, trying to get the strange flavor off his tongue.  You slid him your glass of water wordlessly, and he took a long drink.
“It’s not pointless if you’re having sex, I mean relationships are just-”
“Mal can we not talk about this so loud?” You whispered across the table as Scott was choking on your drink, probably cause he downed half the glass in less than three swallows.  The short hair girl shrugged, and picked up her bowl to drink down the last of her soup.
“Do you want me to set it up or not? It’s one date y/n”  You didn’t say anything, your eyes landing on the empty water glass that was still in Scott’s hand, sitting on the table.
“I don’t know Mal, can I think about it?”
“No” She stated, and Scott gave her a look.  “What?” She asked innocently.
“You can’t just set her up if she doesn’t want to” He said, and she rolled her eyes good naturedly.
“Okay, is this really because of summer ending? Or is it cause of Stiles?” She asked, sounding sure that she knew the true answer.
“I’m over Stiles” You said with a shrug.  “Go ahead, listen to my heartbeat, I’m not lying” You said.  Both of your friends were silent as they focused on it.
“No… but there’s something else” Malia spoke.  Scott kept his head slightly cocked to the side as he stared at your tee shirt covered chest, as though concentrating as much as he could on the gentle beating.  You didn’t comment off of Malia, just pulled out your purse to pay for the meal you’d barely touched.
“You don’t have to worry about it, I just don’t want a relationship before I leave Beacon Hills” You told her, offering a gentle smile.  “I’m fine Malia, I don’t even mind being single, I have you guys” You added, a more genuine grin pulling on your lips as you all stood, Malia leaving money for her part of the meal and shrugging her shoulders with a long sigh.
“Fine, but don’t come crying to me when you’re all horny” She said, Scott becoming an awkward stuttering mess as the three of you exited the restaurant.
“Mal…” You breathed out but chuckled quietly, but gave up on trying to explain to her that dating wasn’t all about sex to you.  “Alright, I’ll cry to myself” You joked, and she just shook her head at you.
“Whatever you strange human, I gotta get going” She said, and your brows furrowed as she dug out her keys.
“You have plans?” You asked out of surprise and she nodded.
“Job interview, actually” She told you, and you and Scott shared an astonished look.
“Really?” He asked, thinking about what Malia in the workplace would be like.
“Mhm” She hummed simply, walking off towards her car.  “You two don’t have too much fun without me” She called, and you waved lightly before turning to Scott.
“Hello” You stated, and he smiled his small crooked smile he’d always had.  “I didn’t get the chance to say so earlier, Malia was busy telling me all the male contacts in her phone” You stated, and Scott chuckled.  “It’s not funny, it included everyone, which means you, Mr Tate, Peter, and a really lot of guys that I don’t even know the names of but apparently went to school with us”
“Come on, let’s go somewhere good for lunch” He said, sticking his hands in his pockets and turning on the sidewalk to go somewhere else.  You smiled to yourself as you followed after him.  “And by the way, I’m hurt that you turned down a date with me” He said, making you laugh and shake your head.  “What’s with the laugh? I’m a charmer!” You rolled your eyes, patting him on the arm a few times.
“You keep telling yourself that McCall” You said.
A date with Scott McCall did sound appealing, in fact, it sounded amazing.  Scott had been your best friend throughout almost all of your life, and had never once left your side, when things were great, when things were falling apart, he was a constant.  You couldn’t imagine being without him.  And being something more than friends seemed relatively simple, like a small little step.
Until you threw in the fact that he was Stiles’ best friend into the mix.
You were in a fit of uncontrollable laughter as Scott was unable to use his chopsticks to pick up the noodles of his lo mein, they just slipped back onto the plate, and he’d stare at it depressingly.
“Scott!” You gasped as you held your stomach with one hand, your chopsticks expertly held between your fingers, a clump or rice between them.  “I can’t breathe please just get a fork!” You begged, but he shook his head stubbornly.
“I can’t use a fork! We’re at Wong’s y/n, I gotta learn to use these!” He said, only to drop his newly grabbed group of noodles.
“Okay okay okay, just let me help” You said, catching your breath from the laughter you’d finally calmed down from.  Scott sighed but nodded his head.  “Alright, hold one like you’re going to hold a pencil” You instructed, demonstrating for him. Scott looked from your hand to his repeatedly, making sure that he was copying every detail.  “Then take the other and pinch- no like- no the other- Scott” You let out a soft giggle as he struggled to hold the second chopstick.  Then set down your own to reach across and arrange them for him, adjusting his fingers to hold it properly.
“This still doesn’t feel right” He grumbled, looking up at your eyes as you fixed his hold.
“Well you just have to practice” You told him.  “You’ll get the hang of it, I’m sure” You said, catching his gaze on you.  Your cheeks flushed and you realized you’d held your fingers over his a little longer than necessary, and retracted quickly, sitting back in your seat and staring at your plate.  “Although it’d be nice if you had a flaw, other than that messed up jaw of yours-”
“Hey!” Scott said with faux offense, his hand coming up to brush over the crooked structure, and you laughed.  Scott smiled at you even as you avoided eye contact with him.
He wondered just how wrong it was to fall in love with his best friend’s ex girl.
When you were finished with lunch, and Scott had finally gone up and grabbed a fork, making a big scene about using it, you two walk back to the parking lot outside The Soup Spoon, where you’d had your first and failed lunch and Scott left his bike parked.
“It’s weird to think I’m going to college in a month” You said, and Scott looked over at you with  a pondering look in his eyes.  “I mean, it feels like just yesterday i fell down the stairs and knocked you over and almost gave you an asthma attack” You said, laughing at the memory of the first time you met Scott, in the first grade, by toppling over him.
“I did have an asthma att-”
“Shut up no you did” You laughed, nudging his side with your elbow.  “You just wanted me to get in trouble”
“No I didn’t!” He defended.  “You pushed me down a flight of stairs! You literally knocked the wind out of me!” You rolled your eyes at him, a smile still tugging on your lips.
“Yeah right, you were mad cause it put you in the back of the line on pizza day” You said, and Scott thought for a moment, not remembering that small detail.
Truth be told, he almost did have an asthma attack, the most beautiful girl in his class had tumbled down the staircase with him and it had made him lose focus on what had actually happened until your teacher came rushing down after you both and asking if you’d needed to be taken to the nurse.  Scott had replied by shoving his inhaler into his mouth and shooting in three clicks worth of air.  It was an awkward meeting, but after that you played with him at recess because you felt bad, and the more time you spent together, you grew closer and soon became very close friends.
“Huh, yeah I think it was…” He mumbled slightly to himself as he tried to remember the events of that day that didn’t involve you.  But he was mostly drawing a blank.
“It was” You confirmed as Scott consumed himself with his thoughts.  “What’re you thinking so hard about? That’s dangerous you know” You said, and he looked over at you, a sheepish grin on his face as he shook his head and dismissing his moment.
“Nothing, just… thinking” He shrugged, and you smiled softly as you neared his motorbike.  “You need a ride home?” He offered, silently hoping you’d say yes.  He didn’t usually like other people riding with him because it made him nervous he’d get in an accident somehow, but you on the other hand, he loved driving around.  Your arms would wrap around him and cling on tightly, your face usually buried into the back of his shoulder as you pressed completely against him.  He liked the feeling of knowing you felt protected around him.  Which you very much were.
“Actually I was going to walk home, it’s nice out today and I felt like stopping at the library on the way” You said, and Scott tried to not visibly deflate.
“Alright” He said, grabbing his helmet off the seat of his bike.  “Try not to get kidnapped, or murdered, or-”
“I won’t” You cut him off with your laugh, tucking your hair behind your ear.  “I think I can handle myself fine, besides, who’s going on a murder spree at the public library?”
“Don’t jinx it!” Scott said quickly, and you laughed again at his overprotective nature.
“I’ll be fine Scott.  I happen to be a little more worried about you driving that thing” You said, gesturing distastefully towards his bike.  Scott gawked slightly.
“I’m wounded! I’ve never had an acc-”
“In the woods turning Malia back to human” You cut in before he couldn’t finish his false statement.  Scott shut his mouth, realizing you were right.  “Also that time you came over and it was raining-”
“That was different!” He butt in this time.  “You told me your house was being broken into! By an assassin no less!” He yelled his worry aloud and you waved your hand dismissively.  “Plus I was definitely breaking the speed limit and it was really wet so it doesn’t really count” He added.
“Fine fine.  Just don’t get run over by a bus on the way home” You said.
“Only if you don’t get slaughtered” He replied, and you giggled before nodding.
“Alright deal.  I’ll see you later McCall” You said, waving slightly as he got on his bike.  He waved back as you were heading off towards the library.
“Bye, y/n” He said after you were already too far from earshot.
Malia groaned as she headed to her front door, getting annoyed by the rapid doorbell being pushed, accompanied by a quick knocking fist.
“WHAT!?” She yelled at her visitor’s face, causing Scott to stumble backwards at her sudden outburst of anger.  But the girl’s brows furrowed upon seeing her alpha standing there.  “What’re you doing here?” She asked.  Scott never visited, not alone anyways, usually you were there with him, maybe even Stiles and Lydia as well.  But meetings or hang outs weren’t usually held at Malia’s house.
“I need your help, well, your advice” He told her, coming inside without an invitation, and beginning to pace her living room.  Malia shut the door, becoming more and more confused by his actions.
“You want… my… advice?” She asked slowly, as though disbelieving him.
“Yeah” Scott said, walking back and forth in front of her couch.
“Uh… okay” Malia said, wondering what her expertise were that Scott could possibly need her help for.  She jumped over the back of the couch to sit in front of him, his anxious pacing making her frustrated but she tried to keep that to herself.  He seemed worried, and usually when Scott was worried, no good came of it.  “So?”
“I like y/n, no, I really like her, no I love her” He rushed out the words so fast it took her a moment to realize what he’d just told her.  When it clicked, her brown eyes widened and her mouth opened.
Now, Malia Tate was not somebody who understood drama, or social cues, or really anything involving any sort of relationship.  But she knew that this, this bombshell, that Scott had dropped on her, was a big deal.  One of her close friends, was in love with her best friend, who had previously dated his best friend.
“Say something? What do I do? I can’t keep it in anymore and it’s not fair to y/n, it’s not fair to me, it’s not fair to Stiles it’s… it’s not fair to anyone!” He rambled on as she sat there with her mouth agape.  “I gotta do something I gotta tell her…. But am I even aloud to do that? Does the bro code apply? I mean Stiles is with Lyd now and her and y/n were friends but it doesn’t feel the same? Is this wrong? Am I wrong? Malia please tell me what to do!”
“Well…” She licked her lips as she looked around the room, like the answer would magically come to her.  “This is the thing” She said to herself, eyes narrowing slightly as she gathered her thoughts.
“This is the something else” She told him, but it still didn’t make sense.  “Earlier, y/n wasn’t lying, she was just covering something else up, and this is it” The coyote grinned to herself, proud of her detective skills.
“Wha- how the hell is this the something else?” Scott asked.  “She couldn’t possibly know about this-”
“Not that dumbass” The back of her hand smacked against him hard.  “Her own feelings, not yours” She told him, and Scott thought for a moment.
“You mean… you mean she likes me too?” Malia shrugged.   “Maybe, I dunno”
“That’s not helpful” He groaned, falling back onto the recliner in her living room.  “I gotta know!”
“Then ask her” Malia said simply.  “I mean, you’d know if she was lying, right?” Scott rubbed his face with his palms.
“But what about Stiles?” He asked her, to which she just shrugged her shoulders.
“I don’t know what you want me to tell you Scott, I already told you what I thought you should be talking to her.  If you’re so doubtful about telling her maybe you don’t-”
“Don’t tell me that I’m not in love with her” He grumbled.  “I’ve known for too long and- you know what? I’m going over there right now” He said, standing up and heading back towards the door.  Malia didn’t follow him, just turned and watched him as he opened up the door.  A part of her wanted to text you right now, ask you about your feelings towards Scott, but as he quickly rushed out, she figured that she’d rather just let it play out and hear from you what happened, whenever it happens.
You wandered over to your door when you heard the knocking, holding your glass of wine delicately between your fingers as you opened up the door.
“y/n I need to-” Scott stopped abruptly when he saw the glass in your hand, his heart sinking in his chest slightly.
“Hey Scotty” You grinned wide and stepped aside to let him in.  “Wanna spend the night? I’m watching Marvel movies upstairs” You said cheerfully, hoping he’d say yes and keep you company.  Scott let out a small sigh before nodding.  “Yay! Want a drink?”
“I can’t get drunk but… why are you drinking?” You looked down to your half full wine glass, then shrugged a shoulder.
“Nothing better to do” You told him as you closed the door.  But Scott heard the skip in your heartbeat, a tell tale sign you were lying.  “Now come on let’s go upstairs” Your grin returned, and you skipped off towards the staircase, running to your room.  Scott followed after you quickly, coming into your room to see you dancing slightly as you pushed play on the DVD player, your feet spinning you around on the floor, causing your drink to slosh up the sides of the glass.
“Alright- alright let’s just take this” Scott said, fingers wrapping around your glass and setting it on your dresser.  “Before you spill it” He said, and you shrugged but nodded your head, still dancing slightly for a reason unknown to him.  “Now, why are you drinking and dancing around?”
“I dunno” You shrugged.
“y/n, I can tell that’s probably your second glass, and I know for a fact you aren’t a lightweight, so I’ve still got time for real talk with you” He said, and you bit the inside of your cheek.  You sat down on the edge of your mattress, the only sound in the room being Iron Man 2 playing quietly in the background.  Scott walked over closer to you, crouching onto the floor in front of you.  “Hey,” He said gently, looking up at you with the softest expression.  “You know you can talk to me about anything right?”
“Not this” You muttered, wishing you had your wine with you, but knew at this point it wouldn’t do you any good.  Part of you wanted to stare at Scott, right into those puppy brown eyes that you’d fallen for so long ago, and just sit and get lost in them.  But the other part, the slightly more logical and less tipsy part, knew better.  Knew that he’d catch right on to what was happening, and it would only make you feel worse.
“Why not?” He asked in his kind voice, his hands grasping around yours lightly.
“Because it makes me feel guilty” You muttered, hanging your head to stare into your lap, hoping you wouldn’t have to look at his expression.
“Well… well sometimes I feel guilty too…” Scott trailed, just barely brushing on the topic he thought you were talking about, but being careful with his wording.  Your eyes flicked to his briefly, seeing something… weak… there, then shooting right back down to your hands.
“It’s a really bad guilt” You continued softly.  “The betrayal kind” Scott nodded solemnly.
“Yeah I know what that feels like” He murmured to you, his fingers hooking under your chin, and lifting your head so you’d look at him, but you kept them downcast.  “y/n, y/n look at me” He prompted in the same quiet whisper, and you let yourself meet his gaze.  “Nothing you say to me is gonna change anything”
“What if it changes everything?”
“Will it?”
“Maybe” You responded quickly, your y/e/c eyes flicking between his, searching them intently for an answer, trying to figure out if the both of you were talking about the same thing.
“Then so be it” Scott said like it were simple, like everything was an easy yes or no choice.
“But what if it hurts someone else?” You asked him.
“Fair” Scott said, and you silently begged him for a different answer, the opposite answer.  “But what if that won’t matter, what if this- what if you…” He caught himself before trailing off.  “What if you feel better afterwards… what if this is something Stiles would want for you” Your heart beat rapidly in your chest at the words, the ones that practically confirmed what you had hoped to be true.
“What if it’s wrong?”
“Does it feel wrong?” Scott questioned, his thumb rubbing over the back of your hand, his other hand sliding from under your jaw to lay over your cheek.
“Sometimes” You murmured, unable to help yourself from pressing further into his warm and comforting palm.  You registered that you were leaning, and that you weren’t doing anything about it.  “Sometimes not so much…” You continued, your breathing growing a little more staggering as the tip of your nose brushed over his.  Your eyes trailed down to his lips, looking soft and inviting.
“Well maybe you’ll have to find out for yourself… you won’t know unless… you try…” Your eyes glanced back into his then back down to his lips.  Your empty hand that wasn’t held in his hesitantly laid on his shoulder, focused intensely as they neared yours.  Scott’s eyes slowly beginning to slide shut, as he pulled you closer to him slightly, your lips barely brushing over each other before you spoke.
“Scott what’re you… what’re you doing?” You murmured, your brows cinching together.  His eyes opened, looking into yours with a sort of sadness held within them.
“Exactly what I came here to do” He told you, but, you pulled slightly away from him, standing up and walking away from the bed where he was still  crouched at.
“You- you can’t- you can’t do that” You stumbled, running your hands over your head, pushing all your hair back but it just fell right back in front of your face.  “It’s not- it’s not right you can’t” You said, and he stood up, walking over to you.  “You and Stiles it just.. It just-” You couldn’t say anything, just stand and stare at him.
“y/n, listen” He sighed, looking down for a moment before back up at you, his hands cupping around your cheeks.  
You wanted to say something, almost anything that had previously been stirring in your mind would have sufficed, but you couldn’t.  So instead, you did as told, and you listened.
“In the seventh grade, and yes, that long ago, Stiles told me had a crush on a girl.  He told me he was so in love with her, that she was beautiful and smart and funny and kind, and that there was nobody else” You nodded when he paused for a moment.  “And when he said it was you, I wish I’d had the courage” He sighed.  Your brows cinched together , confused by his words.
“The courage?” You repeated in a questioning tone.
“The courage to say me too.” He murmured, before pulling you gently closer, hesitating for just a few seconds, as though he was waiting for you to reject him once more, but when no sign of resistance came, he leaned down and slanted his lips over yours.
You weren’t surprised by the kiss itself, you could see it in his eyes, in his short pause of thought before he initiated it.  But the feeling that it gave you was so strong you nearly let out a small gasp as you wound your arms around his neck, pressing your chest against his and passionately kissing him back.
You weren’t sure you’d ever had such a life-altering kiss before.  It was an out of body experience, like you were gazing down into your own room, watching your body being held against Scott’s as your lips softly moved in sync together.  This couldn’t be real, the butterflies in your stomach had multiplied by the thousands and any shroud of doubt that you’d previously had in your mind about being with Scott, withered away.
Finally, and desperately, when you pulled away, your eyes still shut and your nose still pressed against his, you slid your hands to his crooked jaw, speaking softly, invisibly.
“I was worried I’d never get to do that” You admitted, and after long last looked up into his eyes.  Some days Scott seemed taller than he was, and now, with his head bent down so he could reach you properly, he may have been closer to eye level, but it just drew more attention to how he towered over you.
“I wasn’t” He said, a small smirk pulling on his lips, but it softened to a smile as you giggled quietly, your eyes lighting up like the stars as you gazed at him happily.
“You should do it again” You murmured through your gentle breath, already leaning up towards him, your bare feet standing onto your tiptoes on the carpeted floor.  Scott removed his warm palms from your cheeks to encircle around your waist, tugging you impossibly closer to him.  Your mouth was still open in a wide smile as he kissed you eagerly.  A smile played it’s way onto his own lips as well when one of your hands ran through his thick dark locks of hair.
“So you’ll go on a date with me?” Scott asked, almost unsure of himself, but you smiled, stepping back slightly and nodded, biting your lip to keep you from grinning too much.
“I would love to go on a date with you” You whispered back, and Scott was so thrilled that he lifted you up and spun you around in circles.
“Great! He said, kissing you once more but much more quickly and chastely.  “I’ll pick you up, and we’ll go try that soup place again” You stuck your lip out in a pout and made a quiet whine, but Scott just laughed and shook his head.  “I’m kidding love, we’ll do something better than that” He assured you as he pulled you in close and planted his lips against your cheek before hugging you tightly.  Your hands were in fists as they grabbed the back of his shirt, illogically thinking he’d never be able to pull away from you if you held on tight enough.  The tip of your nose was buried into his neck, filling your senses with his wonderful scent of outside, pine, you thought.  Your eyes fluttered shut as you memorized the scene of your life being played out in your life at the moment.
“I love you so goddamn much, that I was afraid I’d never be able to be with anyone again if I couldn’t have you” You told him, lips moving softly and quietly against his shoulder, but he heard you clearly, and you could tell, because his hands rubbed circles in your back and his lips dropped a lasting kiss on the crown of your head.
“I still would’ve been chasing you around” He assured, swaying you back and forth slightly.
“Really?” You asked, a smile pulling on your lips.  Scott nodded, one of his hands reaching to push your hair back behind your ear, cupping the side of your face in his hand.
“Yeah I would’ve followed after you for the rest of your life if that’s what it took” Your cheeks tinted pink, your lips pulling wider at his sweet words.  You figured if he stared hard enough, that he’d see hearts in your eyes.
“You would’ve?” You said softly, leaning up closer to him and rubbed your nose against his, eyes fluttering shut.  He smiled, nodding and humming before kissing you softly.  You giggled against him, leaning further until you were walking with him, his feet shuffling backwards and yours forward.  He tilted your head to the side, his lips covering over yours in a new angle before the back of his legs hit the edge of your mattress.  Scott pulled away from you, looking down at you questioningly, and you just smiled and nodded, and Scott leaned back onto the mattress, you crawling on after him.
“This is okay?” He asked quietly as you laid onto the bed next to him, your chest pressed against his.  You nodded your head slightly.
“Yeah” You whispered out.  “Very okay” Scott smiled at you softly, before sliding on his side over and setting one knee between his legs the other on the other side.  You stared up at him as one of his hands lay on your hip, the other still holding your cheek delicately.  Neither of you said anything for a second, just looked over each other’s features.
“I love you” He finally spoke, his thumb swiping gently from your bottom lip to your chin.  You blinked, smiling at him, not getting enough of this.
“I love you too” You replied, fingers runnings along his jaw.
With that, he leaned down, and pressed a kiss to your lips.
And truth be told, you would’ve chased after him as well.
for @high-functioning-fangirl02 bc i told her i’d post it yesterday but i totally lied cuz i ate mashed potatoes and passed out instead.
(also this is sorta inspired by scalia if you can’t tell (i’m trash for them rn))
xoxo ~ jordie
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writersfailure · 7 years
Sibling rivalry
A/n: Requested by anon for the dialogue prompts. (This is the last one!) sorry it took so long. #13: “This is all our fault!” With Dick and Jason. ************************
Siblings. Can’t live with them and you can’t shoot them. All you can do is tolerate their existence. Which is sorta what Jason and Dick do.
It’s not that they don’t like each other. It’s more of a personality clash. Jason is really sarcastic and doesn’t open up to people much. Then we have captain sunshine, I mean, Dick. He’s happy and friendly.
They tend to get really competitive over things. Sibling rivalry doesn’t even begin to describe it. It’s more like a sibling war. And unfortunately for you, you were stuck right in the middle of it. ************* It had started out when they were playing video games in the cave. You had walked down the steps and were leaning against their chairs. “Whatcha guys playing?” You asked.
“It’s this new game. You have to do a random series of tasks to get to the next level. It’s really hard.” Dick answered. You nodded.
“So… Which one of you is better at it?” You asked, not knowing the trouble you were about to cause. The two brothers answered at the same time.
“Of course I am.” They both said. They glared at each other for five seconds before growling. “Sorry Dickhead, but I’m obviously the better one. I didn’t fail the last challenge fifteen times in a row.” Jason said.
“Says the guy who couldn’t even pass the first and easiest level.” Dick snorted. Jason’s eyes got big and he gasped for a whole ten seconds straight. He looked down at his controller. “You just fucked up.” He muttered.
Then Jason’s controller went flying into Dick’s face. It was enough to knock the older boy off of his seat. Cue you slowly backing away until you were in the safe zone. Dick stood up, his face as red as Barbara’s hair. There was a loud yell and then he tackled Jason to the floor. You picked up your phone and dialed Bruce’s number.
“Hey B…. You might need to get down here….. Why? Oh because if you don’t, then you might have to get a Lazarus pit ready. I can’t tell yet if you have to resurrect the zombie or the cereal addict…. Okay.” You said. You hung up and picked up a small batarang.
Aiming it carefully, you let it fly into the floor between the boys. They both looked at you. You smiled innocently and giggled. “Your dad is on his way. Have fun explaining this to him.” You said cheerfully as you left the cave. ********************* After that, everything became a competition. Sometimes it was something harmless, such as who can eat the most chili dogs in a minute. (Jason won.) Other times they challenged each other at bad moments. Like the time they tried to see who could annoy one of the guards the most when they had been captured. (Dick won.)
They were never more competitive though, than when it came to you. They were relentless flirts and both tried his hardest to impress you. You just thought that they wanted to seem cool. You were pretty oblivious to the real reason though.
They both had a crush on you and wanted you to like one of them back.
It was all fine until they decided to have a contest during a mission. The goal was to catch as many criminals as possible until there weren’t any more thugs to fight. It was going great at first. Jason and Dick were tied, and you were doing well on your own. (You were actually beating them but the contest was between those two, so they didn’t count you.)
At some point while they were chasing crooks around, they managed to get separated from you. You didn’t know if they had checked the basement yet for more thugs, so you went down by yourself. (Yes, you broke the one rule in movies. Never go into the basement by yourself.)
It was dark down there and your night vision lenses weren’t working that night. You heard a noise and turned around, only to be shot. You screamed a bloodcurdling screech. The bullet hit your stomach but before the shooter could hurt you again, you set off sleeping gas. You waited until the thug collapsed and started trying to make it up the stairs. ***************
Meanwhile, Jason and Dick were upstairs counting how many thugs they had taken down. They heard the scream and looked each other, their blue eyes wide in alarm. “Y/n!” They yelled. They started running to where they had heard the scream come from.
Dick stopped at the top of the stairs, noticing that there was gas at the bottom of the stairwell. Jason stopped too when he saw something moving down there. He quietly took his gun out of the holster and aimed it at the figure.
“Help… me.” The figure said as it emerged from the shadows. You were clutching your wound and it hurt so much. Every step you took sent burning pains shooting through your body. Not to mention you hadn’t really worn a mask when you set off the sleeping gas. Sure, you had some level of immunity but not a lot. You stumbled and fell onto the ground.
“Y/n! I’m coming!” Dick yelled as he ran down the stairs to your fallen form. Picking you up bridal style, he cradled your body. You snuggled a little closer to him. “Dick? One of the thugs shot me. I think I might’ve inhaled some sleeping gas too. I’m really tired, Dick.” You said as your eyes started to droop shut.
Jason clapped his hands right in front of your face, startling you awake. He took you out of Dick’s arms. “My bike is faster. I’ll get her to the cave. Follow behind or stay here to help the cops clean up, I don’t care.” He shouted as he ran towards his motorcycle, being careful not to jostle you too much.
“Jay… It hurts a lot.” You muttered. Jason revved the engine and left the building, pushing his bike to the fastest it would go. “I know, y/n. I know it hurts. You have to stay awake, okay? Just for a little while longer.” He told you. A few tears shone in his eyes but he turned his attention to the road and trying to get you to the batcave before you passed out.
The edges of your vision were starting to go dark, and you could feel your heart rate slowing. You tried to think of anything to keep you awake but it was hard. You felt the wind stop moving against you. You felt a cold hard surface against your back, and blinding lights shined in your eyes.
You could hear Jason talking to Alfred. You couldn’t make out what though. You were already drifting into unconsciousness. *****************
Dick rode in the cave soon after you and Jason. By the time he got there, you had already been patched up but you were still out like a light. Someone had laid you down on a cot and covered you with a blanket. Dick pulled a chair up next to the bed and he grasped your hand.
Squeezing gently, he hoped for some acknowledgement from you. But your expression stayed the same and you didn’t react. Dick felt a few tears leak from his eyes. He could see the bloodstained cloth of your uniform and he started sobbing quietly.
“I’m so sorry, y/n. I was too caught up in trying to beat Jason. You were so oblivious to us fighting over you. When I heard your scream, I felt my heart stop. I was so scared y/n. I was scared that I almost lost you…” Dick trailed off. He leaned over and pressed his lips to your forehead.
Jason came in and saw Dick holding your hand. “We screwed up, didn’t we?” Jason asked looking at your still body. Dick nodded. “We were too busy trying to one-up each other that we didn’t notice the real danger. It’s our fault that y/n got hurt. It’s all our fault.”
You stirred slightly and both boys leaned forward eagerly. You weakly open your eyes and smiled at them. “Hey… How long was I out?” You asked.
“Only a couple hours.” Jason said. He and Dick shared a look doing their “bat telepathy” thing. You tried to read their facial expressions but couldn’t quite understand their silent conversation. Finally, Jason sighed and sat down next to you on the bed.
“Y/n, it’s our fault that you got hurt tonight. You probably think that we were so concerned with the thugs because it was sibling rivalry. You’re close but that’s not the real reason. We were each trying to impress you. You see, y/n, we both like you.” Dick said.
“Only problem is, we don’t know which one of us you like. So, we’re asking you to choose. Do you love me or Dick? You don’t have to answer now.” Jason said.
You closed your eyes and thought of your decision….
Dick’s ending:
“Um… I’m going to have to say Dick. I’m sorry Jason, but I just see you as a brother. I just don’t love you romantically.” You said. Dick’s face lit up in joy and Jason looked like his heart had been shattered. Jason stayed sad for a few seconds until his face contorted in anger.
He stalked towards his older brother and growled. “You better take care of her! If I hear anything about you hurting her, physically, emotionally, or mentally, I will hunt you down and kill you.” Jason said poking Dick in the chest for effect.
“I won’t do anything I swear. I love her too much.” Dick said. Jason smiled a little bit, nodded, and left the cave. Dick sat down next to you on the cot. “How’re you feeling?”
You smiled at him. “I’m good.” You laid back down, exhaustion taking over your body. You felt Dick slip beneath the blankets and he wrapped his arms around you. “Dick?”
“What y/n?” He asked as he burrowed his head in the crook of your neck. “I love you too.” ***************
Jason’s ending:
“Um…. I’m sorry Dick. I just see you as an older brother. It’s Jason I like romantically.” You said. Dick looked crestfallen and Jason looked like he had just won the lottery. Dick just leaned over, whispered in his brother’s ear, and left.
“What was that about?” You asked as Jason sat down on the bed next to you. He gently put some hair behind your ear before responding. “He told me that if I ever did anything to you, I’d wish that I had never been resurrected. Ha, as if I’d do anything to hurt you. You’re the only thing keeping me sane.” He said.
You felt exhaustion hit you like a truck. You leaned against Jason’s shoulder. He noticed your dropping eyes and he gently laid you down. “Go to sleep babe. I’ll keep you safe.” He whispered. You felt him kiss your forehead. “I love you Jason.”
“I love you too, y/n.” ********************** Alternate ending:
“I choose neither of you. I just don’t like you guys in that way. I think of you as my awesome brothers and that’s it. I’m sorry.” You said.
Both of them looked sad for a moment before they both took turns kissing your forehead. “Okay then. We love you sis. Go to sleep.” They said simultaneously. You nodded and put your head on the pillow. “I love you guys too.”
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tomhollandfreak · 7 years
Dating Peter Parker would include:
Tumblr media
Continually making science puns at one another
You knowing he’s Spider-Man because you’re his girlfriend and he’d never lie to you
Him trying to teach you how to flip
You failing miserably and landing on your back
Him immediately rushing over to see if you're okay
Watching a geeky movie together
Him falling asleep in your lap
You styling his hair in pigtails and him leaving it in for the whole day just because you did it
Him making video diaries for you when he's fighting crime
You watching them with him as he talks over it telling you even more stories about how he beat up Falcon and Bucky and Cap
You wearing his sweaters that are way too big on you
Him letting you keep your favorite ones
You two and Ned rebuilding the Lego Death Star together
Peter getting too distracted by you and just staring at you lovingly
You and him ending up kissing while Ned just sits there awkwardly  
You and him making out in his bedroom so forcefully you knock over a lamp  
Aunt May forcing you to keep the door open from that point on
Cuddling in bed with fuzzy socks
Him kissing the top of your head
Him nuzzling into the crook of your neck  
Him kissing your hand and calling you "milady" and “darling” in a really bad British accent
Lots and lots of forehead kisses
Eskimo kisses
Also neck kisses  
Him randomly giving you a peck on the cheek anytime and anywhere because he can't help it
You two constantly holding hands whenever you're close enough to touch
Him giving you piggyback rides
You trying to give him a piggyback ride and falling over
Both of you landing in the grass laughing like idiots
Him rolling on top of you, gazing at you  
Kisses in the grass
Michelle drawing pictures of you two when you're not looking
You two chasing each other down to the harbor
You two reenacting the Titanic scene but you make Peter be Rose
You having to leave his house and him trying to make you stay for longer because he doesn't want you to leave
You staying at his house and falling asleep in his arms
Him not wanting to wake you up so he just falls asleep with you too
Aunt May walking in on the two of you in the morning and being very surprised
Flash constantly pestering you because you're dating "Penis Parker"
Peter trying to punch him but you holding him back  
Anyone making fun of you and he immediately defends you
Girls at school talking about how cool Spider-Man is and you getting jealous
Him profusely telling you that he'd never love anyone but you
Him making cute (albeit not very good) doodles in your study homework and you doing the same for him
Stuff getting kinda steamy when he's shirtless
But he gets kind of flustered so you guys quickly go back to fluffy stuff
Him randomly bringing you flowers
You two racing to the movie theater to get in line for The Last Jedi
In classes where you don't sit near each other you throw notes back and forth, mostly of science puns
You dragging him to the library so you can just sit in a quiet corner and read
Him right next to you, head rested on your shoulder as you immerse yourself in whatever book you're reading this time
The two of you losing track of time and getting kicked out of the library by the janitor at 11 pm
But then you sit on the steps and continue to read whatever book you checked out, even though it's freezing
Peter giving you his sweatshirt so you can be warm
You noticing him shivering though, so you compromise and share the sweatshirt, even though he insists you need it more than he does
It starting to rain, and you two finally run to your apartment
Sitting in your room, sopping wet, breathless but happy
Wet rain kisses
You fluffing his wet hair as it dries
Watching cheesy romance movies together and both of you disliking them because geeky movies are much more tasteful
So you stop the movie and play Star Trek reruns because those are more fun to watch  
Him not even watching the movie, just staring at you the whole time
You catching his eye and kissing him
You having to go away for spring break vacation  
When you get back he nearly tackles you he's hugging you so hard
Him going on and on about how much he missed you, and how he thought about you every day, and how Ned was threatening to throw his Spider-Man gear out the window if he didn't stop talking about you
You cutting him off with a kiss
You two spending every waking moment together for the next few days
You two having a water balloon fight at the park
Chasing each other back to his apartment, recklessly throwing water balloons at one another
Bursting into his room breathless and soaking wet and laughing hysterically
“Peter Parker, you are really something else”
“Well I am Spider-Man, after all”
“Sure, but you’re also Peter Parker, aka the best boyfriend slash person ever”
“Ha, tell Flash that”
“Flash is just a jealous snob who wishes he was as great as you, because you’re the sweetest, smartest, funniest, bravest person I know, and if he can’t see that then that’s his loss. I’ll stand with you until I die, Peter.”
Peter gazing at you with utmost adoration
“That, Y/N, is why I love you”
Your breath catching in your throat, your wide Y/E/C eyes meeting his soft brown ones
Him taking your hands in his, lacing his fingers through yours
“I love you”
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