#Between 20-25.
a-gay-bloodmage · 1 month
Me, making my Dragon Age OCs in my mid to late teens: Hehe, all but one of them are in their twenties or above... They're so mature...
Me, now, aged 23 with a far more developed brain: Why the fuck are these CHILDREN in charge of SAVING THE WORLD?
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xysidhequeen · 1 year
I know in your Red Knight AU, Jason when on the rampage in another realm, after finding out that Batman replace him with another Robin.
Did Danny manage to be there for him during that time?
He did! Danny was always there for Jason. He actually wanted to chase after Jason immediately, but luckily, the first thing he did was panic call Jazz, absolutely out of his mind. Jazz promptly told Danny to let Jason have some space for a little bit to process.
Which was for the best, really. Jason needed to not feel like he was trapped and that he could be angry. He never really got that before. But the most important thing is Danny came after him and brought him home. Jason needed to feel like he could be angry, but also, like his anger wouldn't mean he'd be punished or abandoned. It was a very delicate time for him, but Danny, Jazz, Sam, Tucker, and all our favorite ghosts made sure Jason knew he was very much wanted still. And that he was utterly irreplaceable.
Skulker handled this by breaking all of his weapons and suits overnight and saying he didn't know how to fix them. (Jason very much knew what he was doing, but the time spent on fixing things helped ground him)
Ember handled this by announcing that she couldn't possibly ever sing ever again unless her only other band member was there (Still very obvious, but music time with Ember usually devolved into very necessary crying time. A lot of ice cream was consumed)
Johnny and Kitty handled this by getting into a MASSIVE fight and refusing to speak to each other unless Jason mediated. (This actually was far less obvious, as the two tend to get into fights often. No one is actually certain if the fight was fake or not to this day, but they also haven't broken up once since and Jason is incredibly proud of that)
Fright Knight handled this by.... well, actually, he took the blunt approach and told Jason there was no one in any realm dead or alive he'd ever consider worthy to be his apprentice besides Jason. (This was highly effective as Frighty has always been bluntly honest with Jason. He didn't wholly believe it but it was a comfort. Frighty then beat his ass in a spar and he didn't think of much else)
Basically, everyone was there for Jason. Not just Danny. Jason was made to feel like his anger and hurt were valid, because they were. But he was also not just told, but shown how precious he was to every life he touched. He didn't get it, not at first and he struggled to really believe it.
It wasn't until later, after Danny opened up more about his own trauma and the effects it had on him that Jason actually began to somewhat understand more of what Jazz meant when she said Danny was getting better. He pieced more of the story together from the others to paint a better picture, and that's when it clicked for him. As much as he needed Danny, Danny had needed him just as much. (Clockwork may have had a hand in this as well, but whatever those two talked about, no one will ever know)
Also, as an aside, once everything calmed down, Danny was very pleased to learn the rebelling realm was now back under control and quite terrified of the Ghost King and his Knight. It saved him so much paperwork.
So yeah, this was a bit all over the place, but hopefully, it answers your question. Team Phantom and the ghosts are basically a very large family, and they might fight and bicker, but they seriously pull through and muster together if anyone is hurting. They're a bit clumsy sometimes with it, but the love they all feel is very obvious. I really, really wanted to give Jason a much more healthy origin story into becoming Red Hood than he got in canon. The poor boy went through enough. It was past time for him to get to heal.
Jason still has some hangups. His abandonment issues are still there, and his fear of rejection. But it's not as bad as it was, and because he'd been allowed to express his anger without being punished(or enabled, anger is a fine emotion to feel. But you should never let it consume you) for it, he figured out how to manage it.
He might still slip now, and then, he has trauma, and that won't go away. But Danny will never, ever let him fall. Neither will the rest of the weird little eclectic family they've built.
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hood-ex · 4 months
hi! can you tell me how old dick was in battle for the cowl and then when he was batman to damian's robin?
Based on Tim and Jason's ages, Dick was prob mid-twenties. Like 25/26. He was probably the same age during both events since they happened near each other.
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chambers003 · 6 months
oot/mm link is so fucked up like.
you are a 10 year old child, living with other children, and you are different from them. you don’t know how.
you are a child, and you have found other children, supposedly like you.
you watch as your newest friend is torn from you, leaving only an ocarina and knowledge of a sword behind.
you pull the sword from its pedestal and the world goes white.
when you awaken, you are a child in a 17 year old’s body, and the world has turned to ruin in your absence.
you are a child in an adult’s body, yet you begin your quest to defeat the evil that took your friend from you.
you have gotten used to being in a 17 year old’s body, but the first friend you made in your new world has just sent you back to relive the childhood he believes was stolen from you, without even asking your permission. he does not know you’ve gotten used to this life.
you remember your previous life, in this new one. he would not have known.
you are 9 years old. you are an adult in a child’s body.
you face a demon puppeting a child’s body.
you have three days until the moon crashes. the moon crashes. you play a tune, and you have three days until the moon crashes.
you try not to think of yourself when you look at the skull kid, wearing the mask of the demon controlling them.
you try not to think of them when you tear the souls from others and craft them into masks. the agony of donning them is enough.
you do not know how old you are. you are 9 years old. you do not know how many times you have lived three days. you are not 9 years old.
you hold the power of a god in your hands.
you wear the power of a god on your face. you are a god in a child’s body.
you do not know what you are.
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ponuchuu · 2 months
wildest thing i have to do is to change niko's age to at least somewhere in the 20s cause wanderer is like 400+ and i do not want a lore olympus situation
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Grusha Headcanons
Grusha avoids social and networking events as far as possible. Even though his role as Gym Leader demands a certain degree of public engagement, he finds it exceedingly difficult to sustain conversations, and often comes across as aloof and rude without meaning to. Rather than risk saying something tactless, he engages as little as possible.
He joined the League a few months before Ryme did, but he has taken much longer to settle into his role. Despite being relatively new to the professional battle scene, critics rank him as one of the strongest Gym Leaders in Paldea, with the makings to become an Elite in future. Geeta has dropped similar hints during his annual performance reviews. But the praise does not always register; he doubts his ability and dwells on defeats, which often leads to him avoiding more challenging opponents. 
Grusha did not have great interest in pokémon battles when he was younger. Neither of his parents were trainers, but they pressed him to try an array of sports and other pursuits throughout childhood, both battling and coordinating among them. Of the countless activities he dabbled in, snowboarding was the only one that truly seized his interest, but now that this path has closed to him, he has fallen back on alternative pursuits. Competitive battle still does not wholly engage him - but it is, at the very least, something he can feel good at. 
His battle style is notable for how he manipulates visibility during matches. His signature technique utilises tailwinds combined with hailstorms and haze, which makes it exceedingly difficult for opposing trainers and their pokémon to see what is happening on the battlefield. His own team, all trained to rely on senses other than sight, are well adapted to fighting in such conditions. The technique is highly effective, but League officials have gently (but firmly) discouraged him from using it in more public matches, because low visibility hurts spectator enjoyment. 
When he was younger, Grusha kept his hair short. It was only during the long, listless year after his injury that he grew it out, largely because he couldn’t summon the energy to book a haircut. He has since decided that he prefers it that way. Occasionally, he experiments with his appearance in other ways, such as with nail polish and makeup, but he is intensely private about it, especially now he is back in the public eye. 
He does not tend to keep his pokémon in pokéballs unless he has to, as they are adjusted to roaming alone on Glaseado mountain. His weavile is especially reluctant to be contained. While Grusha has good control of his team on the battlefield, he is lax in domestic settings - he lets his pokémon sleep where they please, and even feeds them food from his own plate. 
Grusha did some occasional modelling as a child, largely due to his mother’s insistence and fashion connections. He has taken on similar work as an adult, but he feels more self-conscious in front of a camera than he used to, uncertain of how to stand and hold himself. 
Due to how recently he entered his role, he is not especially close to anyone in the League. At the few social functions he attends, Rika is one of the few to always strike up a conversation with him, but he assumes she is only being polite. Her blatant attempts to flirt are also taken as politeness.   
Before his altaria evolved, she liked to settle in his hair and sleep on his head. She still attempts to do it now, even though she is rather too heavy for it.
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heleizition · 2 years
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a bunch of adoptables <3
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thatuselesshuman · 3 days
My vibe is that I'm constantly struggling to survive but hey, at least I do it with ✨style✨
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meili-sheep · 1 year
We know Kaveh and Cyno are the oldest respectively, but who do you think is the youngest between Alhaitham and Tighnari?
So I think it's Al Haitham, given his grandma tried to start his school early. But even though he didn't go and preferred to self-teach, I think he still got into the Akademiya earlier than most of his peers. So I think although he's only a class behind Kaveh, I think he's closer to 1-2 years younger.
Also, taking a quick looked at the birthdays Al Haitham is February 11th Cyno is June 23rd Kaveh is July 9th Tighnari is December 29th
So I think Cyno is technically the oldest by a little over two weeks, then you have Tighnari in December probably of that same year. So he's like 6 months younger than Cyno. Then baby Al Haitham is like a full year and 2 months younger than Tighnari.
It doesn't help that the Al Haitham in that friend group kind of gives off the youngest energy to me. And it's just funny to think about everyone being like 25, and then Al Haitham is still like 23. And that doesn't seem like a big gap but trust me you feel that.
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moe-broey · 10 days
Random small talk event at the yard sard set-up, very nice lady, but ESP when asking "Oh are you still in school? ☺️" I literally never know how to say "Oh I graduated a long time ago. Yeah. I mostly do art now" and she says "Oh to sell?" and so far I'm having a reasonable and effective small talk conversation, when I hit that pitfall and lock up and I worry I'm becoming unfriendly bc I locked up. Because I REALLY don't know how to say, "Nah, I kind of do fuck all. I'm 25 and I do fuck all. For nothing." Like I can see the conversation tree in real time and I know that's the worst dialogue option. And there are no other dialogue options there's just Press B to get the fuck outta there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#MAN........#like it was inconsequential but always. when i have these interactions and esp when i come out the other side thinking#'yeah that wasn't my best work. i hope they don't think i dislike them or that i was inconsistent'#always. i'm just. failing Badly. at even the most basic human rituals.#a lot a small talk discourse fails to understand that it's free dialogue options. if you. have the knowledge of the dialogue options.#but i'm stuck between a quick time event and my knee-jerk reaction to answer honestly (but How Honestly????)#and i'm also observing my neighbor's old man humor and scripts that are always a hit and i'm like. hm. interesting....#if perhaps i can replicate such a thing........#can somebody please for the love of god help me. every day i wake up and i'm autistic.#'inconsistent' ???? inconsiderate. hello#idk maybe both can work. 20 regular interactions in w me things are going swimmingly we're good acquaintances ect ect#i can still just fully forget how to be a person and i clam up and get impersonal and curt.#it's literally no ones fault. i'd dare even say it's not even my own fault. it's just. the autism experience.#also something something there should be more scripts for people who haven't achieved certain milestones in life#an easy way to say 'yeah i barely graduated highschool and i never went to college and i can't hold a job and i live w my dad#and i don't mix my passions w profit bc it's the primary way i regulate myself and it's all about my special interest anyway#AND i'm 25. so. real catch of a guy here tbh'#please for the love of god Help Me.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 2 months
drawing thralls and jamming to this:
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a-bit-of-cest · 2 months
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Don't you have this backwards?
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lionfanged · 5 months
@sinsolucion : ❛ i'd like to help you, but there's nothing i can do. it's one of our rules here. ❜
"that's... that's it? you can't do anything?"
frustration bubbled and frothed just beneath the surface, incapable of fully accepting that this was out of the hands of those who were supposed to help.
"i know i don't have evidence, but i... i know he took it. he's the only one who could."
an attempt at false confidence brought his voice into a desperate lift, golden eyes searching the face of the officer who looked no older than him. atticus had thought this would be clean and cut--a classmate stole his laptop, the police would help him retrieve it, problem solved.
but the combination of a lack of photographic evidence, zero eye witnesses, and it all occurring on the university's private campus, resulting it being at the discretion of campus police, who already told him it was a no-go...
atticus's teeth grit, angry at his helplessness, and angry at the system. he couldn't afford another laptop. he had skipped months worth of meals and saved every dollar he could to afford it. he already was testing the limits of what little aid he had--he couldn't risk retaking expensive classes just because he couldn't access the online materials, and library computers could only do so much.
"... okay, i understand."
like that, the waves of anger settled into understanding, and he apologetically bowed his head--an old habit enforced by his mother.
"thank you for your time, officer."
the police could not help--so, that simply meant he had to do as he had always done, which was handle it alone.
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kebriones · 10 months
Me: yay cold! Finally!
Also me: I'm so cold and sleepy
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ranger-kellyn · 2 months
it's been years since i saw the comic/art in question so i don't remember every detail, but after my meltdown yesterday about my art, i remembered a comic i saw years ago.
it was something like two artists on the same panel, one crying over a stack of sketchbooks and papers, the other artists asking what was wrong. the "younger" artist complained about a lack of progress and not seeing improvement. "older" artist said something like "it takes a lot of practice". younger artist wailed about having filled up all of the sketchbooks but still not getting better. the comic then pulled back to reveal a mountain of sketchbooks behind the older artist, saying something to the effect of "it takes a lot of practice." with the whole implication being something like "it took me hundreds if not thousands of sketchbooks to get where i'm at, and you're crying over your first 20 or so."
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boydykedevo · 9 months
Rotating Taagnus ethersea au and i guess since elves don’t really exist in ethersea Taako would be a human… (I’d still give him the ears tho if Devo gets halfelf ears it’s only fair)
I’m just trying to think how old I want him to be. I guess the question is whether I’m thinking IPRE ages or BoB ages, like if Mags is 20 or 32. Cuz if he’s 20 Taako’s a couple years older. But if he’s 32 they’re around the same age
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