thingstrumperssay · 13 days
Some weirdo bigots created a "woke detector" on Steam where it lists games that has anything like queer people, a "they/them" option, people of color. (Though they call it "pro-DEI.") Also they use the word "hermaphrodite" instead of intersex, because of course they do.
Hogwarts Legacy is on the "not recommended" list for being "overtly pro-LGBTQ+ and pro-DEI."
So was Portal 2 for being "anti-patriarchy." (?????)
Out of 1416 games, only 381 of them are "recommended."
One of them is Bioshock 2, which is anti-capitalist. (And being "anti-capitalist" is one of the things that will land you on the "woke" list. But for some reason this game is "recommended.")
So once again bigots are both being weird and have no idea what the fuck they're talking about.
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Idk if any of y'all saw this video yet, but rn there's a tik tok going viral of of this white woman who confronted her parents bigotry on Christmas and got sent home. She's an upset mess about but not in a white savior/validate me way which I can respect.
And as always I have something to say about it.
So she says she starts a war after she reminds her parents that people are people and that she
"probably shouldn't have said anything to begin with because there's no point"
And I've seen this sentiment of "there's no point" a LOT among allies. Not just white allies to BIPOC either but with allies across the board, queer allies, ND allies, etc.
To clarify by "that sentiment" I mean the idea that your personal effort to correct, inform, or speak up on an issue is not Worth it unless it will cause a Change in the person/people you're addressing that You will be able to see reflected. Because if they won't change then you're just putting up with their vitriol, hostility, and ignorance for nothing, right? And why put up with that for nothing. You're a person with feelings and limited patience so if you're gonna experience something awful, it should be for something, right? Especially if it's someone you have to put up with see regularly like your parents.
And besties...
The point is trying. The point is challenging bigotry and ignorance wherever it exists. The point is to show bigots that their ignorance isn't tolerable. It's to show them that their bigotry isn't tolerable. And as many times as they will be harmful, you will rise to meet their challenge.
The point is to challenge bigotry because it is bigotry and there's no room for it in the future we're building.
And as awful as it feels to have your family disown, belittle, and berate you there are So Many people going through this. BIPOC, immigrants, queer folk, Muslims, etc. We know what it's like to have people who should love you treat you badly, what it's like to lose community and support. You're not alone in this feeling, you know?
But everyday we still talk to our families and communities and strangers online and we still challenge their bigotry and yeah it hurts sometimes but we do it anyway so the next generation of our community won't have to.
Because they may not be here yet but we are.
In my tribe we have this concept of 7 generations being deeply significant. Part of that belief is that you and your choices will impact the next 7 generations of your descendants. And I want to be a good ancestor. Not just to the generations of my family that don't exist yet but to yours too.
I want to be a good ancestor to family I'll never meet and the friends I'll never get to drink with.
To queer kids that never had to answer to anyone for their love, to Muslim and Black boys who never had to be mindful of the toys they played outside with, to the loud brown girls who never felt out of place, to the disabled lady up the road who is the First and only voice her doctors listen to.....None of these people exist yet, but they will as long as I'm doing what I can for them today.
And absolutely everything I do is for them. It's for the future I won't get to see. For a world I'll never get to walk on. For laughter I'll never hear.
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nando161mando · 2 months
It do be like that
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cyborgqueenkelly · 6 months
This was really difficult to record. I know I’ll get a ton of hate for this, but it was a necessary step in healing. Your likes and supportive comments on the video would be much appreciated. 🩷💙💚🧡
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ararebreedstory · 2 months
Bigots that complain about "historical accuracy" and "wokeness" are like:
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commiepinkofag · 8 months
Utah teachers could be criminally liable if banned books are found in their classrooms, new bill proposes
A proposed bill could make public school employees subject to misdemeanor charges if they keep materials deemed “objectively sensitive” available to students.
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thatheathen · 1 month
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Travis Akins / Chris Evans
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rejectingrepublicans · 4 months
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thingstrumperssay · 6 months
So JK Rowling is apparently trying to get arrested or something so she can be some martyr for bigots and the Scottish police are like "Shut the fuck up, Joanne. We're not arresting you over some Tweets" and other bigots are celebrating her not being arrested.
Edit: I just realize that she's trying to be Scotland's Jordan Peterson, meaning that she might go into some drug induced coma at some point and come back to yell at a puppet.
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porterdavis · 4 months
When they tell you who they are...
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nando161mando · 5 months
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When you're so obsessed with trans people that even Musk thinks you're being too much.
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mastreworld · 8 months
I know blocking is the best option but sometimes I just want to reach through the screen and
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If you have an ethnic sounding name Republicans will use it against you. There’s a reason they always at Barrack Hussein Obama instead of President Obama or Barry as he’s known to his friends. They’d never say Rafael Eduardo Cruz but rather just “Ted.” Nimaratta Randhawa Haley always skated by with just the nickname “Nikki.”
Trump is a scorpion however and is not capable of changing his nature so to denigrate Haley within the MAGA moron base he is now going to use her proper first name of Nimaratta. To be honest I feel no sympathy for her as she has made a career by anglicizing herself. She’s never used her proper names and has instructed staff to never use them. Haley has even gone so far as to lighten her skin and hair, put on a fake southern accent, and use common Caucasian hairstyles. The photos are out there. She has even gone so far as to side with the white supremacists that dominate the Republican Party. Recently she refused to cite slavery as the predominant reason for the Civil War for fear of angering the MAGA base. She claims she pulled herself up by her own bootstraps in the American fashion even though her parents were affluent PhDs.
If you’re not honest enough to even present yourself for who you really are how can you be trusted to be honest when working for the American people. Does she loathe herself for being of Indian heritage or is changing herself just a cheesy public relations campaign to grift off the coat tails of MAGA racists. Nikki and Rafael aren’t the only ones doing this and they won’t be the last.
America is sick and tired of RepubliKKKlan hypocrisy, their spin doctors, their focus groups, their image consultants, their chameleon behavior to suit the flavor of the moment, their army of bots (mostly foreign), and their endless propaganda funded by dark money from Neo-Nazi oligarchs.
Nikki Haley, you are a snake trying to hitch a ride on the Trump train but you were just stung by the most toxic scorpion on the right. Even if you weren’t up against Trump you’d never fool us into voting for you. We know you’re a puppet of the oligarchs and only want to make life harder for the poor, middle class, and the marginalized. Have the dignity to stand up for yourself and embrace your heritage instead of being a deceitful grifter.
Go sit in a corner with Ted, Clarence, Lindsey, and all the other useful idiots living a lie so they can share in the RepubliKKKlan grift.
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
Obviously it is awful whenever anti-endos harass or hate on anyone, but there's a morbid part of me that's always pleased when it happens. Because wow, anti-endos are really digging their own grave, aren't they? Like, sure, we could talk about research and scientific consensus and cultural practices and religion and everything else – but none of that really holds a candle to just... their regular hateful bullshit.
Anti-endos like to act as though they'll one day be known as the champions of rights for disordered systems, and thus that gives them the right to do whatever they want in their "quest to defeat ableism". But they're really just shooting themselves in the foot and it's a DELIGHT to see! My heart goes out to everyone they've ever hurt, but at the same time, I invite everyone who's ever been hurt by an anti-endo to laugh at how they're slowly building up a reputation that's going to bite them in the ass sooner or later.
Harassment campaigns in plural tags. Wishing death on others for existing. Sending suicide bait and violent threats in response to positivity posts. Chasing popular animators off social media for being pro-endo. Fakeclaiming not just endogenic systems, but any traumagenic system that disagrees with them (or, as I once saw, ever previously identified as endogenic). And I recently learned that they've been harassing system mods and owners to the point of having to close the server EVEN WHEN THE SERVER ITSELF WASN'T SYSTEM FOCUSED, IT WAS JUST ENDO FRIENDLY OR NEUTRAL AT WORST. And let's not forget the recent development of calling endogenic systems "groomers", nor all the miscellaneous awful things Aspen did with full support from her little hate crusaders.
At this point, the scientific evidence for endogenic systems is more like the cherry on top. Anti-endos can spread their hate all they want – a well-timed question of "wait, you agree with the group that (just one of the many awful things they've done)?" is going to tear that down. And as this reputation spreads, more and more will reject anti-endo narratives before they even meet one themselves.
"Syscourse? Oh, yeah, there's a small group of people in system spaces that think if you ever disagree with them or use a label they don't like, then you're automatically faking a dissociative disorder for internet clout or to make fun of them personally. Yeah it's such a weird leap of logic isn't it?? They're really vicious about it too, did you hear that they once rallied behind a homophobic TikToker who was using slurs and making fun of disabled people? I don't know why they think they're fighting ableism when they act like that... It's honestly pretty concerning..." ← the soon to be average discussion of syscourse from those uninvolved in it, if I had to guess
The bright side of not having to do anything for people to hate you is that you don't have to do anything for people to make fools of themselves while trying to make you feel bad. They just do that to themselves.
Anti-endos really are just out here digging their own graves.
As nice as these incidents are in turning people against them though, it does suck seeing the harassment leveled against anyone who doesn't support them.
But on the whole Yaelokre server incident, can I say that I'm also pretty disappointed in the mods. IMO, this was a time to take a stand, ban the bigots, and protect the innocent systems in the server, not to pack up and run.
Yes, the bigots and harassers are horrible. It's terrible to be put in a position where bigots are demanding you ban innocent people for existing. But the correct response to that situation is standing for what's right, not running and hiding like cowards, destroying the space you built in the process.
If their principles were making a safe space for all Yaelokre fans, they failed. They backed down, and let the bigots win. Maybe it didn't give the bigots exactly what they wanted by banning endogenic systems. But they did still succeed in destroying a safe space for everyone.
The mods let hate win. They let bigotry win.
I hope the lesson others take away from this is seeing how many people got hurt by surrendering like this, and realizing that you can't back down to bullies.
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bisexualseraphim · 10 months
Bigots who burst a vessel over gay and trans people existing because it’s “not natural” are the funniest people on the planet because like. Babygirl the car you drive isn’t natural. The house you live in didn’t magically appear, it’s not natural. The phone you’re using to call people slurs on Twitter isn’t natural. If you need glasses to see, they’re not natural. If you have a job standing on your feet all day at Target, that’s not natural. This whole ✨marriage✨ thing you’re obsessed with protecting isn’t natural. 99% of things human beings have done for the last 5000 years or more aren’t “natural” so unless you want to go back to completely living like homo habilis I don’t want to hear shit about “natural”
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