#Blues has more personality in the manga which is really nice
seishiroses · 5 months
Thoughts on Nagi (not) having friends
[with additional thoughts on Barou and Rin also not having friends]
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I saw many posts expressing disappointment in the author's comment that Nagi isn't close with anyone outside of Team V trio.
I get it, considering some of his lighter, most wholesome and hilarious moments in the manga are with Barou and Chigiri, Isagi and also Bachira.
I love that people want Nagi to have friends and a strong support system since he didn't grow up with one. 🤍
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However, as someone who feels very similar in personality to Nagi, I feel like I can immediately understand why he wouldn't feel "close" to people easily.
People who prefer their own company for the most part and don't get lonely that easily are used to keeping a distance from others. For Nagi, even meeting Reo was something serendipitous and becoming friends with him was definitely not achieved through his own efforts. Reo had to stalk him, kidnap him in a car, chase him around school, carry him on his back and get down on his knees with candy (lmao) in order to win his trust and his time.
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I think that while other more naturally social characters would be able to form connections even in an environment like Blue Lock, characters like Nagi, Rin and Barou, owing to their personalities would find it hard to feel close to most people. Getting close to someone is extra effort on top of enjoying someone's company or liking them as a person. So it would not happen unless the other person continues to insert themselves into their lives by force until their presence becomes part of the new status quo.
I don't think this in any way means they aren't fond of any other people who are nice to them (I support all their condescending hater moments too! 😤)
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Okay maybe a huge stretch to say Rin is fond of people 🙈 but Barou has gradually revealed a softer side albeit begrudgingly and Nagi too actively socialises when he does have the energy (usually when excited during matches or when something or someone piques his curiosity, or when trying to annoy Barou lmao). Nagi also readily expresses strong admiration for other Blue Lockers on many occasions throughout the main manga and his own.
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So I believe there are many people he really likes and has fun with and learns a lot from (as much as you can like people while playing death-game style football that is) but "close" is something that would take time as this is a guy with a very low social battery who isn't really in the habit of sharing his thoughts (not for seventeen years at least). Even with Reo, who we can very safely say he is close to, he has been learning how to do that through trial and error which often leads to ugly misunderstandings. But maybe he will be able to do it more easily and with more people in the future.
And if not, there's always Choki.🌵🤍
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li-an-nie · 1 month
Blue Lock Headcanoas!!
mainly complementary for my ao3 Bastard Truth, but also just thought of them on the way
in no particular order
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he’s a lot harsher and more honest/crude with his roommates Isagi, Kurona and Yukimura than with others
usually very nice and sweet to strangers and new friends, as we can see with his first meeting with Isagi and Nanase, obviously on the soccer field he’s more aggressive, but now that he has found his true purpose and he has gotten comfortable with his friend group, he lets himself much more loose
we’ve already seen that in the manga but he loves talking in gaming terms because our boy is a certified  g a m e r
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falls asleep like a statue with his face to the ceiling, but after falling asleep he will move around a LOT, even accidentally waking himself up sometimes lmao (already mentioned that)
there was one time where he woke everyone up by pushing a lamp down the table, that’s how everyone ended up knowing
no confirmed family, but I like to imagine he has sisters that used to play with his hair (and he also likes to play with his hair since he was small). So they would always end up making braids into it, and he picked up that habit as well
he’s a simple soul but cares a great deal about his friends, and can pick up on small social cues, not as well as Hiori who does it with his analytical mind, but Kurona does it by intuition and it works really well sometimes (sometimes not so)
every joke that comes from his mouth is also a genuine question
in another universe, he would be my cute little pet shark, accompanying me on my daily morning seafish massacres
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mentally unstable, sometimes has suicidal thoughts, but strongly suppresses them
takes different medication to function, from mood stabilizers to sleeping pills
if he doesn’t take sleeping pills, he can’t fall asleep as he will just keep repeating his ptsd flashbacks in his head
he doesn’t really like sleeping on the soft mattress that he gets in hotels or initially in the Blue Lock facility, will sometimes end up sleeping on the floor, but he complained about it to Ego and he made him a custom mattress
very tech-inept (usually that’s a fun character quirk, in this case not so much…)
can use basic features of a phone, knows what social media is but barely uses it outside of interviews
likes to read after he learned reading (confirmed canon)
he sometimes thinks about his mom… once in a year maybe. But when he does, he’ll think about her a lot. Every possible scenario. Every what-if. Until he represses all his thoughts for another year
his eyeliner is not just for show. it partly is, but it’s also yet another thing to set himself apart from his dad
he has terrible handwriting, but he has perfected his autograph to a T and it looks so elegant and beautiful you wouldn’t even fathom that his usual writing looks like doctors’ notes
his parents met at the Berlinale
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he really wasn’t trying to hide his injuries very much because when it comes to things outside his expertise, which is soccer and keeping his schedule, he tends to be a bit klutzy
yes, he has metavision and it helps him outside of the soccer field as well, but that’s more for short-term unexpected scenarios
Also I was recently looking at Isagi’s profile again and his strengths/weaknesses are very relatable lmao
Strengths: Finding the good in others.
Weakness: Looking too much at other’s expressions.
Tell me that's not a good boy who truly cares about others??? (and then on the soccer field he won't give a f* lmao)
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he’s French, but his personality is so stereotypically German omg, according to his wiki he’s been like that since small but I like to imagine that he picked up some habits from his German colleagues
this is fun because now I can imagine all the German stereotypes on him lmao
he doesn’t like being late and he hates it when others are late
he has no sense of humour
he wears socks under sandals
at the beach he reserves seats by putting a towel on them (it’s not part of the rules, but at the beach there are no rules)
he doesn’t necessarily like Japanese polite nature, but he acknowledges its strengths (which is why he was even more surprised when he met Ego with his very untypical crude nature)
more on the way!
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jays-therapist · 11 months
I don't know if this a hot take or not but I really disagree with the idea that Yukio is jealous of Rin's power and physical strength? Rather, I think it's Rin's emotional strength that Yukio envies.
I have a lot to say about this lmao, so I'm just gonna put it all under the cut that way people who don't want to read this long ass analysis don't have to. Also, manga spoilers.
Blue Exorcist is a fun shonen manga because it measures strength outside of just "how hard can i punch this dude." Often, when characters talk about getting strong, they're talking about wanting to be mentally resilient; they want the ability to persevere, to be independent and face their fears/emotional turmoil on their own. Shiemi is a good example of this, I think. She constantly talks about being strong, but usually in the context of naviagting the world after living so long in isolation, and struggling to support her friends. Yes, she wants to get physically stronger, but at the core, she just genuinely wants to have a strong spirit (like a weed), and to be emotionally strong enough to help carry her friends' burdens.
Now, back to Yukio.
The biggest reoccuring theme in Yukio's jealousy is how he puts his brother on a pedestal, while constantly downplaying every good thing about himself (they both do this lol). You'll see this a lot in the examples I bring up.
There are four scenes I really want to focus on when discussing just how Yukio defines strength: his flashback in Chapter 29, his inner monologue in Chapter 37, his suicide attempt in Chapter 93, and That Time He Shot Rin in the Head in Chapter 96.
In Chapter 29, Yukio has this five-page montage of flashbacks, depicting specific moments where he felt both admiration and envy for Rin. And each of these moments highlight Rin's empathy, his care-free behavior, his kindness, his ability to inspire others, his desire to protect his little brother. Not his habit of setting things on fire.
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This is important because Yukio fundamentally believes that he is not a good person. He believes he is not kind, selfless, or brave. When he, as a child, cries because he can't adopt a puppy he wanted, he's envious that Rin is just happy to see the puppy in a nice home. When his brother rushes to save him from bullies, Yukio's upset that he couldn't do it on his own, that his brother feels he is so weak he can't even take care of himself.
From Yukio's perspective, these are examples of Rin either outshining him inherently or looking down on him. No matter how strong Yukio gets, he will never not be able to feel bad for himself when the puppy is given to a different family. He will never be able to prove to his brother that he can do things on his own. He was born with this weakness and he can't seem to kill it. He can't win, and he hates it.
In Chapter 37, after defeating the Kraken, Yukio and Rin have a little heart-to-heart. Here, we see Yukio's true feelings towards Rin's claims of "surpassing him", which is that Rin already does. Yukio feels that if anyone needs to surpass anyone, it's him. He will always come up short where it counts, whenever he needs to let things go or be more empathetic. Yukio is strong of body, but weak of spirit.
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So, with this in mind, when Yukio falls to his knees in Chapter 93 and says, "I was weak, and I couldn't get any stronger," he doesn't mean, "damn. wish i could've harnessed the demon power in my eyes to blow shit up." No, he's admitting defeat. He tried so hard to be strong, both physically and mentally but especially mentally, and he failed. He couldn't carry burdens like his father and brother could, like his friends could. He was cruel and cowardly. He hurt people he loved, and as long as he continues to live, he will keep hurting the people he loves.
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What is strength to Yukio? It's resilience. It's taking risks. It's independence. It's Rin.
(Or at least, how Yukio sees Rin. As I've said before, he likes to put Rin on a pedestal.)
In contrast, weakness is cowering. It's waiting for someone else to solve the problem. It's hurting good people who haven't faulted you. It's Yukio.
That leads us to Chapter 96, and this---
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This is kind of the crux of it all. Yukio is suffocating on his own perceived weakness and seeking to escape it. Here, Yukio is burning every bridge (the fact that this is literally taking place on a bridge is pretty ironic) that could possibly allow him to return to the Order to ensure he does what he needs to do. To be strong, he needs to be independent. To be independent, he needs to be alone. He can't let his brother solve all of his problems anymore.
So, like. Yeah. In conclusion, I think Yukio is heavily inspired by his brother's strength of character, just as much as he feels abased by it, and that's why his ideas of strength steer closer to broader concepts like bravery and self-determination rather than "let's hit the gym and summon Satan." He uses physical strength as a mask to conceal his perceived emotional weakness.
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ecargmura · 4 months
Wind Breaker Episode 9 Review - Dr. Umemiya's Physical Therapy Session
I thought this was a delinquent anime. Why am I watching Dr. Hajime Umemiya performing physical therapy on Choji? I hope Shishitoren pays Umemiya a hefty amount for this therapy session because Choji made his problems everyone else’s.
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There might be people disappointed about the outcome of this long awaited fight, but remember that fighting is about communication. Like how Umemiya told Sakura to use his fists to talk to Togame, he used his own fists and head to talk to Choji and it worked. Thanks to Umemiya, the viewers finally understand why Choji behaves the way he does. His idea of freedom is fickle. While being the top means free, it’s not the one he idealized, hence why he took the dark path because he was so distraught with the disappointment that came with its discovery. What Choji needed to realize was that the freedom he sought after had been with him the entire time: Shishitoren before he changed. He realized that Togame had been piecing back what had been broken the entire time and hence why he caressed his cheek and thanked him for protecting Shishitoren and not letting the group crumble even further.
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The fight before Choji goes deep into this thoughts was still pretty good. The beginning part without any music was smooth. It’s crazy how well they’re animating this fight despite the huge height difference between Umemiya and Choji. Choji still pulls his weight and Umemiya does too. I think the craziest part of the fight was the neck biting scene. Given that Choji is themed around rabbits, the neck biting scene reminded me of a vampire rabbit, which then reminded me of the book series Bunnicula. I quite liked that series when I was younger. I still think it’s crazy how Choji gave Umemiya the nastiest hickey ever. Once this is all over and done, Ume needs to go to a doctor to check if Choji had rabies. I also liked the headbutt he gave to him. It reminded me a lot of Tanjiro and how he’d give headbutts to people.
As a manga reader, I do think the scenes with Choji’s thoughts are done a lot better in the anime. There were several scenes from those segments that I really liked. The first was the part where the floor underneath Choji cracked and he fell into it like he was in Kingdom Hearts. The second was showing Togame piecing together the fragmented memories. It symbolizes that Togame was holding everything together for Choji. The bloodied hands in some shots weren’t Choji but Togame’s. His hands became bloody from trying to collect all the glass shards and putting them back together instead of throwing them out, reminiscent of how he chose to cull the weak members for Choji so that everyone else wouldn’t hate him and make the group crumble. That was how much he cared for him. Gosh, it was done visually well. My last favorite part was the face touching scene. They improved so much from the manga. The manga had it to where Choji was thanking Togame for protecting them by touching his face while he was lying down and battered. The anime amps it up with the visuals, giving it a more sensual vibe. I was feeling so moved and even was holding back some tears with the scene.
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I feel like I’m talking about Choji a bit too much, so I’m going to talk about Umemiya. Umemiya was great. He never showed any signs of weakness or having a disadvantage. I felt like he was just letting Choji hit him because he could tell he was faltering. I think Umemiya shined most towards the end where he rejected Choji’s jacket and wanted Bofurin and Shishitoren to be friends. Umemiya’s laid-back personality is his charm, after all. Also, Umemiya with some of his bangs made him look really nice and it made me wonder if he has his hair brushed back because having his hair down is an instant KO for his opponents.
Given how often Shishitoren was seen with cloudy skies and rainy weather, the last shot where the clouds lifted and showing off the blue sky was a nice way to show that Choji has returned to his normal self. It does feel like a nice conclusion for the Shishitoren arc and it makes me wonder how the rest of the episodes will be played out. I hope that there’s a second season. This show is way too good to not get a season two. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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Idia and his parents communicating ipad to ipad for Family day. I want to see it, it sounds like something out of a dystopia 😭 can you write it? (Hope I’m asking the right way!)
I seriously thought long and hard about censoring Idia's whole face out using his tablet in the banner 😂 I ended up choosing not to because leaving his face exposed makes Idia more vulnerable (which suits the tone of this interaction).
This piece was actually inspired by a scene from a cooking manga of all things if you can imagine that 😭 It was about two brothers fighting because they reacted so differently to a traumatic event; I reworked the elements of that for this scene
***Contains major plot spoilers for book 6 of the main story!***
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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The air between the two floating tablets was electric—not from the devices, but from the charged tension they emanated.
On one screen was a circle encasing a triangle and skull emblem, a generic symbol for Idia’s infamous voice calls. On the other screen was a man that could only be described as Death itself, pale skinned and blue lipped, suited in a pristinely lab coat. His hair was a blue blaze, and his mouth folded into a neutral line.
Ortho floated between the two tablets, his gaze darting nervously between them.
“So nice of you to pay your son a visit,” Idia spat. A mean, pessimistic bite to his speech was the norm—but these were different, coated in something stronger. Not quite hate, but the distinctively metallic flavor of masked hurt. “What am I in for this time?”
“I’ve come to check up on you,” Mr. Shroud said carefully, as if placing each word down with a fine pair of tweezers.
Idia couldn’t suppress an audible scoff from slipping out.
For as long as he had lived (though could one really define “living” as being cooped up in his room 24/7?), Idia had never known his father to be particularly warm. He was an aloof man, as icy as the pits of Tartarus itself, dedicating himself to research above all else. Results over emotions, and facts over feelings: that was how Mr. Shroud operated.
Something about his mere presence made Idia freeze over, his limbs lock up like a machine with cogs that hadn’t been greased. The man he called father—where had he and mother been when their son needed them most?
Two years. Two years of crying alone, grappling with his guilt and his fears, shut away from the world. Researchers passing him looks of sympathy, containing their whispers amongst themselves. It was the robot parts gifted to him that kept him sane, gave him some semblance of hope.
The limp body of a child, entirely indiscernible on the floor, was still so clear in Idia’s mind. Mangled, the warmth robbed from it. As cold and as lifeless as the machines that populated Styx HQ.
“Give him back. Give him back to me…! Give me all of Ortho… His body, his personalities, his memories! EVERYTHING!! I WANT IT ALL BACK!!”
His tears had run hot, but his parents’ blood had turned to solid ice. He had fixated, and they had seemingly forgotten.
“Kk, sure. I’ll buy it even though I actually don’t,” Idia said sarcastically. “Go off, say what you want to say.”
If Mr. Shroud was offended by his son’s tone, his face didn’t show it. “I wanted to ask if there have been any… issues since ‘the incident’. More specifically, among ex-subjects A through F, regarding their experiences within our facility.”
Because we neglected to wipe their memories with River Lethe this time, Idia knew. He wants to know if they’ve been running their mouths off about Styx with all the online rumors on secret organization going viral…
“How should I know? I don’t make it a habit of monitoring my classmates’ internet posts. And so what if they do? It’s not like anyone has proof…”
“This is a matter of great importance, young man. If word gets out about what we are and what we do…” Mr. Shroud frowned and shook his head. “It puts our entire operation in jeopardy. As future director, you should be taking this more seriously.”
“I didn’t make that choice,” Idia muttered. All I wanted… was to be normal. But no, that freedom was already taken from me before I was even born.
“What was that?” Mr. Shroud’s volume rose ever so slightly, brows subtly drawing together.
“Wah, let’s not fight!” Ortho interjected, holding up two hands. “It’s Family Day, Nii-san! We should be doing fun activities as a family. Will you join us, Mr. Shroud?”
“Ortho…” Idia bit back a protest.
Mr. Shroud’s expression shifted, adopting mild amusement. “… The world’s first self-improving technomantic humanoid.”
“Yup, that’s me!” Ortho twirled happily. His outfit—black and blue, just like the school uniforms of the Ignihyde students— shone wonderfully in the sunlight.
“Fascinating. It’s been equipped with a new gear which seems to being it something akin to human joy,” Mr. Shroud mused. “I assume this was your doing, Idia?”
At the other end of his tablet, Idia clenched his clammy fists. There he goes again, acting like people are his experiments. Just data to be stared at, manipulated and studied.
Annoyance colored the tips of Idia’s hair red. Ortho’s smile, his happiness, was genuine. Of that, Idia was certain—but it was a waste of his breath to try and convince his father otherwise.
For Ortho’s sake.
A deep breath in, a deep breath out. He expelled his pride, and his flames cooled back to blue.
“Yes, I made his College Gear. Ortho’s officially enrolled as a student now, so I don’t get what the big deal is. You signed off on it.”
“An artificial intelligence with the capacity for organic learning and growth is an ever-expanding field of interest. Your mother and I granted our permission for Ortho’s enrollment so as to collect data on…”
There was a rattle and a slam from the other end of Idia’s tablet. His shaky voice rose, fire burning red hot.“L-Look, I… I don’t care what you think of me, or about school, or your work. But don’t talk about Ortho like he’s just an object.”
“Technically speaking, it is an accurate statement.”
“Ortho’s so much more than that!! He’s my brother. Kehehe… If you can’t recognize that, then maybe you aren’t as smart as you like to think you are.”
Ortho’s eyes widened. “Nii-san…”
Mr. Shroud pursed his lips. “You’re being emotional. Let’s think about this rationally—”
“One day,” Idia continued, his voice cracking. “Just one day of being normal boys with a normal family. Can’t you at least give us that? No, I guess you can’t, because all you care about is getting your results. The feelings of your sons don’t matter.
“You won’t acknowledge Ortho as his own person, but you’re the one that’s more machine than man. We may as well not even exist until you need to call on us for something. Y-You..: You didn’t even cry when…!!”
Mr. Shroud’s face was a marble mask, free from feeling—but in his eyes was an immense sadness. Despair swirling in a vortex of lost souls, locked away and the key thrown out. “You think you’re the only one who has been suffering? Your mother and I…”
He didn’t finish the thought. Or else the marble would crack, and a torrent of tears would escape him.
Idia went silent. Harsh accusations rested on the tip of his tongue, unsure if they would be spat up or swallowed down.
“… Human beings choose to mourn and to honor the dead in their own ways,” Ortho said quietly. “Coping is unique to the individual. Even so, I think it’s possible to understand one another.
“Nii-san, Mr. Shroud. Why don’t we do away with the screens and speak face-to-face? Maybe then… we could understand each other.”
Idia gave a bitter laugh. “… Sorry, Ortho. I don’t think I could do it.”
“He is correct. From the looks of things, it would ultimately be a fruitless, futile effort. We’re done here,” Mr. Shroud declared. “You have the day off from classes, so you may spend it however you wish. Play your video games or whatever it is children do these days to amuse themselves.”
Idia snorted.
“… Be well. Until next time.”
His video feed abruptly ended. The cord between him and his children, cut.
Back at the Isle of Lamentation, Mr. Shroud pulled up a keyboard and notes on his device. He began punching in his report.
Day XX / Month XX
I was worried about Idia’s emotional and mental state in the aftermath of the incident. The boy has experienced a number of hardships as of late. Regardless, he seems to be doing well. He is still as reclusive and as snarky as he ever was. However, I observed a marked change in his behavior with regards to Ortho.
Idia has become rather protective of the android of his own creation. He now truly regards it as his own brother and reports to enjoy spending time with it. This could yield promising therapeutic results in the future.
I will continue to log his progress.
Director Shroud
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pipikosen · 1 year
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happy late birthday nagi!! also, first post on this acc lmao, hope you enjoy!
wc: 1861
reader: fem (implied; wears a skirt)
cw: none! but a smidge of angst if you squint really hard.
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ɢᴀᴍɪɴɢ ᴅᴜᴏ!ɴᴀɢɪ
gaming duo!Nagi who meets you in a fairly chill lobby.
It was one of the rare occasions Nagi decided to join team chat. Though reluctant, he finds himself clicking on the ever-detested icon, only for the lobby to be dead silent. He’s about to leave the voice chat when he finally hears a voice—yours—cut through above the game’s sfx.
“Ah, fuck, my bad.” Your voice is soft and not one he expected to find in this type of game and worst of all, you’re apologizing to him. 
“S’alright.” He doesn’t want to cause any more problems, it’s his off day from practice, after all. 
gaming duo!Nagi who sends you a friend request and a party invite right after the match because he thinks it’ll be a hassle if he has to deal with any more randoms than he has to. Plus you seemed nice enough.
Chok1: u don’t have to accept if you don’t want to
Chok1: but it was fun playing w u
You: nono i’ll join 
You: and it was fun playing w u too!!
Chok1: cool :x
You: hold on let me add you on disc
You: ____#1028
Unbeknownst to you, Nagi is smiling slightly at your message. He pulls his phone out, swiping down on a message from Reo asking what he’s up to before responding with his typical “:x” which only garners an ellipsis from the purple-haired male.
He’s quick to open Discord before leaving you hanging for too long, fumbling slightly with your username, but eventually, the friend request goes out. You’re quick to accept and it isn’t long till that familiar ugly emote of Wumpus begins waving at him, at which he sends one back before asking if he can start a call.
and thus begins your blooming friendship with gaming duo!Nagi.
gaming duo!Nagi who always queues up as your duo and isn’t afraid to dodge a match entirely if he isn’t in a role that directly correlates to yours. (spoiler alert: they all correlate, he just doesn’t like playing tanks) 
gaming duo!Nagi who isn’t afraid to hunt down and spawn camp the bastards that did the same to you only moments prior.
“Choki, I’m fine really.” Your pleading does little to placate the snow-haired male who’s pouting at you from behind the monitor. He just wants to defend your honor!!
So, he does it anyway. It makes you laugh, and he likes hearing you laugh.
gaming duo!Nagi who doesn’t share much about himself until months into your online friendship. Sure, he drops little tidbits about himself; like how he got his user from a cactus he had previously named or his favorite manga, but never anything truly personal. Until now, that is.
Once he thinks it's been long enough (and sat through enough of Reo’s internet safety lectures that he totally paid attention to) then he just starts dropping facts about himself out of the blue. It's kind of jarring, honestly.
“My name.” He only offers a noncommittal shrug, though he knows you can’t see it.
“Seishiro…Seishiro. I like it, it fits you Chokkun!” That adorable nickname paired with his actual name has his heart stammering slightly in his chest. Huh, that’s strange. That’s never happened before.
“Is it your first name or last?” 
He almost misses your question, clearing his throat, “Uh, first.”
“Oh.” You pray that the word didn’t come out as much of a squeak as you think it did. Your cheeks burn as you give him your own name. He says it in a way that has your throat tightening, imitating the way you had earlier; slowly, sensually.
You can’t help but think it sounds beautiful rolling off his tongue.
It almost feels intimate, doing this with him, even if it is just exchanging names. Though, you can’t help but crave more of these moments with Chokkun, or Seishiro, as he insists you call him now.
gaming duo!Nagi who doesn’t tell you he plays soccer because he finds it too much of a hassle to mix his athletics with his gaming, even if it does earn him a lot of earfuls from Reo.
gaming duo!Nagi who always drops guns with skins that he knows you like in Valorant or matches skins with you no matter what role you’re playing in League or Overwatch.
gaming duo!Nagi who isn’t above asking Reo for money when he wants to buy something for either you or him—whether it be a bundle, a battle pass, a skin, or a whole new game entirely.
When Reo asks, all he gets is a shrug in response. Even with the lack of a concrete answer, he sees the way Nagi stares longingly at his phone during breaks, more so than usual, that is.
“Finally manage to bag someone, Nagi? ‘Bout time, I was starting to think you were going to be lonely forever.” The white-haired striker doesn’t even flinch when his best friend’s hand comes down as a harsh, congratulatory slap to his back, a little too focused on the picture—the first picture that wasn’t a screenshot or a meme, really—that you sent him. He only offers a half-hearted hum in response.
gaming duo!Nagi who takes a bit to process that the picture you sent him was of the entrance of a convenience store. It looks familiar, but he doesn’t dwell on it. He blames it on the fact the picture is shaky.
gaming duo!Nagi who realizes late at night when he’s trying to sleep that the reason the convenience store looks familiar is because it's the one right around the corner.
gaming duo!Nagi who doesn’t want to ask and come off like a creep, so he brushes it off as a coincidence to placate his beating heart. What a hassle… 
gaming duo!Nagi whose first picture he sends you is one of his face.
Nagi isn’t quite sure what deity possessed him, but now he’s reveling in the consequences of his actions. He contemplates deleting the image but stops when he sees you typing. 
It wasn’t a bad picture, in all honesty. It was just a simple selfie, his face illuminated solely by the blue light of his monitor as his half-lidded gaze stares tiredly into the camera. His lips form a small pout after the back-to-back losses the two of you faced.
You: who’s that??? why are u randomly sending me pictures of hot men sei?
For a moment, he’s at a loss, staring blankly at your message. The gears in his head are slow to turn, but when they do, his face erupts into a brilliant scarlet as he groans into the palms of his hands.
How did you always manage to make him feel so fucking lame? This was such a pain in the ass, but he can’t find it in himself to just close your message and call it a day.
chosei: it’s me lmao
He waits with a bated breath while you type, all too aware of his fast-beating heart that threatens to jump out of his chest the longer you continue to type. You stop for a moment, your typing status disappearing for a moment before it returns.
You: oh
He feels his heart shatter slightly at your response, fisting at the arm of his office chair as he rubs at his tired eyes. He feels stupid, unsure on whether or not he wants to cry despite the fact you quite literally called him hot only moments prior. 
He turns to his phone, in hopes of venting to Reo, who despite all his future strict lectures and “I told you so”’s, cares deeply for his best friend's mental and physical well-being.
What Nagi wasn’t expecting was to find a picture of a random person dead-center of your messages. You.
You’re beautiful.
You: this is me!! pls don’t mind the mess i didn’t have time to clean (edited)
Nagi doesn’t need to know you had originally said “bc i wanted to hang out with you!!” at the end of your message. For the safety of your heart, you pray he didn’t see it.
gaming duo!Nagi who asks to have face cams on a lot more often, even if it obscures a necessary aspect of the game. What neither of you know is that you both take the chance to stare at the other’s face when you die.
gaming duo!Nagi who no longer denies the e-dater label that Reo slapped on him as a joke, merely humming as he skillfully balances the ball, counting down the minutes before practice is over. 
gaming duo!Nagi who dreads the fact the date to that stupid Blue Lock camp is drawing closer, knowing he can’t play with you as often, if not at all.
gaming duo!Nagi who asks to meet up out of the blue.
chosei: we should meet up
You: ??? where’d that come from lmao???
chosei: im being forced to go to camp >:x
You: for what? you aren’t a criminal are you?
chosei: no stupid
chosei: for soccer
You: you play a sport??????
You: ?????
chosei: ye? ig i never told you
chosei: mb
You: no no ur good
You: you just don’t seem like the type to play a sport
Ironically enough, he thought the exact same.
You: okay
You: say we hypothetically decide to meet up
You: how do you know we’re in the same prefecture
chosei: :shrug: 
You: ihy 
chosei: okay
chosei: what school do you go to then?
You: … touche
You: Hakuho
gaming duo!Nagi who sends you the address to the convenience store you first sent a picture of, followed quickly by the fact he goes to the same school so as to not seem creepy.
gaming duo!Nagi who’s a little too giddy to know how close you actually are to be able to hide his out-of-character grin from the all-seeing violet eyes of Reo.
gaming duo!Nagi who unintentionally searches for you, pouting because he doesn’t know what classes you have.
gaming duo!Nagi who’s surprisingly first to arrive at the convenience store you agreed to meet at, his hands fiddling with a shitty game he found on the App Store while his nose is tucked into the fleece of his hoodie.
“Sorry I’m late!” You round the corner at an alarming speed, nearly crashing into him as you trip over your own feet. Your hair is in a different style from what he’s used to seeing, and you bear accessories that he can’t recall seeing on your person prior.
And yet, Nagi can’t find it in himself to deem you anything less than stunning.
Fiddling with the skirt of your uniform beneath his observant gaze, you clear your throat before offering a meek smile, “Hi, Seishiro.”
He offers a small smile in return, “Hi.”
gaming duo!Nagi who asks you to be his that very same day, unable to look you in the eye.
gaming duo!Nagi who complains about how lame he feels after you accept.
gaming boyfriend!Nagi who holds you for the first time that day and never wants to let go.
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hope you enjoyed it! feel free to send in requests if you did<3
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skygemspeaks · 1 year
okay so after seeing all of the first three episodes again last night with friends and falling even more in love with the cast than before, i finally got around to episode 4 today. some thoughts:
i can't gush enough about the set design, it's all absolutely gorgeous. i was completely in love with the little clearing where young zoro and kuina have their match, just seeing the sunlight filtering through the trees...it really gives off that kind of nostalgic, romantic feeling that you get when you think back to a simpler time in your life. and of course, kaya's mansion is gorgeous! it doesn't look like yet another generic rich person mansion. it has character! i loved all the wall art in their dining room, i like the orderly yet cozy cluttered feeling of the kitchen, i love how it all feels lived in, like it has a history
talking more about the technical aspects, i love the costume design too! i like the slightly too clean look of the marine uniforms - it brings notice to the fact that these are new cadets who don't have much fighting history. i like that both nami and sham get to wear practical clothes! no stupid high heels for nami! no short shorts!
i didn't mention this last time, but i LOVE jacob's version of usopp. it's crazy that they managed to find a guy who can do usopp's over the top facial expressions in real life. they really lucked out with this entire main cast, i can't imagine literally anyone else playing our beloved straw hats. i hope we can see at least one more season, and i hope i adore robin and chopper just as much as i love these the east blue crew
as sad as it is, i'm glad that it seems like merry really is dead. i like this more brutal direction for the live action, because it feels like there are actual consequences for them, and i like that you can't take for granted that just because someone survived in the manga/anime, it means they'll survive in the live action too
the child actors are a little stiff, but i think they're really doing a good job given how young they are! young zoro's actor was definitely doing a better job that kojiro's. he sold his grief over kuina's death very well
speaking of koshiro, i still fuckin hate that dude. he did kuina so dirty with his sexism, convincing her she had no future as a swordswoman, making her believe that she could never stand up to men.
i think having koby and helmeppo show up at kaya's mansion and inevitably get duped by kuro was a good choice. it lets koby get a little more experience in a leadership position, and more than that, it helps establish usopp's distrust of the marines. from the beginning he was always interested in the romantic view he had of pirates because of his dad, but seeing that the marines failed him, even after they said they would help him, and that they didn't believe him no matter how much he begged them to, it helps establish a reason for him to go along with the pirates when they invite him to. the marines didn't do shit to protect kaya, but luffy and his friends did everything they could. they loved kaya, maybe not as much as usopp, but they wanted her to be safe.
side note, it's kind of hilarious to think about helmeppo trying to kill luffy, and then going back to the ship and finding out that he's garp's grandson 💀💀
when we are! started playing in the background as the going merry set sail for the first time with her crew...i cried, i'm not ashamed to admit it. gosh, i missed her, and i miss the first opening. it's so nice to see her get to go on more adventures with her crew in this new medium! i know some people were unhappy with her figurehead, but i just adore it, it suits her crew well
luffy's little shit-eating grin when kaya just gives them merry for free, and nami being just SO exasperated because he's gonna be so insufferable now, it made me laugh so hard! i love these idiots
when usopp and luffy were arguing about which one of them was captain, and nami just burst out laughing? and then zoro started chuckling too? that was so healing! they've already had good chemistry so far, and they've shown loyalty, but it's so nice to finally see zoro and nami kind of starting to admit that they do like these people they've become friends with, and it's nice to see that they're coming around to how much they care about luffy
i was a little iffy about them doing the garp reveal at the end. my first instinct was to be really annoyed by it, but after thinking on it for a moment, it honestly does make sense. in the first place there wasn't really a plot reason to put off the reveal until post enies lobby anyways. and then you also have to take into account that it would be a huge success if we ever even get a second season, let alone reaching post enies lobby. so it's not ideal, but i'm not too upset at them about it. ALSO, seeing zoro, nami, and usopp's reaction to the news was fucking hilarious. i hope we get some good dynamics in the next episode! i want to see garp call luffy his idiot grandson. i want that funny family dysfunction.
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boyrobott · 1 month
i fully get it bc i know what u mean about original astro boy manga being silly with it vs pluto being relentlessly sad. but i do think it's really important to say that pluto's themes draw on a LOT LOT LOT of stuff present in the original manga! like, the stuff about hate making a robot closer to a human/allowing them to kill a human despite most robots being physically unable to is pulled directly from the blue knight story. the original greatest robot on earth story that pluto is based off is about pluto struggling with not wanting to be a robot made only for killing bc he had a nice time hanging out with uran and doesn't wanna make her sad. epsilon still dies saving his adopted human son, and atom ends the story mourning for all the robots who got killed for goji to prove a point. the moral (which multiple characters say) is that what makes a robot OR a person strong is their love and humanity not their killing power, and it is both stupid and perpetuating the cycle of violence to force robots to hurt each other. the robot hate group man in pluto is inspired by the villain of a segment in astro boy tales part 2&3 where he literally is in a group wearing kkk hoods and does a whole pr attack about robots killing his son because he is campaigning to remove their rights.
and it's not just the stories pluto references! hell, in basically half the stories at minimum a robot is forced by a human to do a crime, the police go 'dang i guess we gotta take the rights of all robots away and destroy them for scrap :(' and atom has to find the human responsible so that doesn't happen (the third magician, electro, and his highness deadcross are some good examples). the plot of the story robot land is atom struggling with wanting to save a bunch of robots being beaten up and worked to the bone by their creator, but he can't because robots are still technically property and helping them escape would be stealing and therefore illegal. in the little intro comics tezuka drew in the collection, he literally says 'yeah this is about the vietnam war being awful' about like fully three different stories. and that's just off the top of my head!!
'what makes a person, where is our empathy, why do we quest for vengeance when it only sucks us into a cycle, have we lost our humanity' are literally the most important core themes of astro boy, which is why it's so so impressive for kids comics that are still broadly super super cute and funny!
legitimately sorry for putting a huge wall of text in ur inbox because i know it's unsolicited and probably uncool. but astro boy is super important to me and so is the idea that a story can be goofy silly child adventures and also explore dark and serious themes? so i had like. a moment when i saw ur post lol. i get it if u dont wanna read all this etc but i wanted to i guess encourage u to give the manga a second pass even if u aren't into pluto at all. there's an insane amount of stuff there that really really legitimately is that deep
Okay, may I just say, I'm absolutely loving your impassioned defense of the manga here. You're bringing so much ride-or-die energy to the table right now, and I'm loving it. But I've been slowly reading through the manga over the past few years, so I... kind of already know all this??? That's pretty much the whole reason I made the joke in the first place -- because there are so many similar storylines and themes between the original manga and the Pluto series, but the individual tones literally could not be more different. The fact that a grim dystopian anime about the horrors of war and the true meaning of humanity is saying the same exact things as a fun, lighthearted, campy manga series?? Sorry, but that's just hilarious to me.
I can definitely see where the misunderstanding came from, but I promise, you do not need to defend the manga to me, LMAO.
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phxntomhives · 5 months
"The parade of battlers" analysis
Hopefully my wrong takes will trigger someone and you all will get a decent analysis
Eng lyrics because I don't know japanese are from the official music video! Also warning, English isn't my mother tongue.
Lost in an unacceptable tragedy
An unfading warmth quivers blue in the depth of my eyes
Stifling impurities leave keloid scars and
Even now, still mourn for days gone by, never to come back
Staking my life, spitting blood and vomit
All I want to do is lead a beautiful life
But why can't you hear
Me telling you not to stumble
Love turning on its head, fiction caught in a tangle
Say bye bye to mundane concepts
See how the compensated formless stand imposingly
Their presence is a sight to behold
Rip apart, drag and reveal
Throw away all inferiorities
Even the raw emotions of cursing someone
Take them in like an offering
Just skilled at pretending to be human
Searching for those other than monsters
Like the blue shimmer of
A star of the first magnitude
Far from having enough faith
This utterly ridiculous destiny won't retreat
Fill the air with the echo of the marching boots
Let the parade of the lonely ones begin now
Everything in this world, there isn't much
Difference between the atrocious or noble as you think
Somewhere up in the sky, someone is making selections
To ensure the cycle of birth and passing is upheld
Though we have prayed and knelt down
Our prayers have been cremated
And ignored with a "So what?"
So kind
A colorless encounter, pupils of glass
Thought they may shatter to pieces,
You laugh your head off, saying, "you must be kidding"
You give the finger as you spew poison and let it all out
Scorched, boiling and trembling
A blazing fire from the past still smolders
That remorse still within me
I'll burn and retaliate in full
There is no such thing as eternity, so
There is no ending until all turns to ash
Then why not play
With fire in a refined manner?
No more need for empty rhetorics
Such hollow, scathing criticism
Burn this ceaseless stone-throwing
The parade of the lonely ones has just begun
There's no love, no love, there's no love there
There's nothing, there's nothing, there's no truth
There's just one, just one
In this world, just one person, one person
Question fanatically and
Live the shit out of this world
Yana, dear, are you sure this is the intro for the Weston college arc??? And not the blue cult??? LIKE, REALLY REALLY SURE??? My comprehension of text can be lacking in more than one way and I just followed the vibe but... I don't think I am that wrong on some points? You are seeing it too, right?
I feel like the song has a mix of present, past and future along with different POVs and I hope I have been able to separate them well.
The colors are just to show the lyrics and i changed it because pretty.
What I can actually connect to Weston Arc
"Then why not play with fire in a refined manner? / No more need for empty rhetorics Such hollow, scathing criticism. / Burn this ceaseless stone-throwing" Which could very much be related to O!Ciel's pyromaniac episode lol. He didn't forget
"The parade of the lonely ones has just begun" : at this point the "parade of the lonely" could very much be the parade of the bizzare dolls considering the amount of reference there is to them. And it would be nice considering in this case the sentence is right after the stone-throwing Purple house, since the students were "transfered" in the there.
If the previous point is correct then also here, we are talking of the bizzare dolls: "This utterly ridiculous destiny won't retreat / Fill the air with the echo of the marching boots / Let the parade of the lonely ones begin now". I guess the "echo of the marching boots" could be the sound the dolls made before getting free during the midnight tea party? As for why they don't retreat well, we have seen they aren't exactly rational for now.
"Scorched, boiling and trembling / A blazing fire from the past still smolders / That remorse still within me /I'll burn and retaliate in full": this could be a description of what O!Ciel is feeling in general. His determination coming from everything that happened is still going strong.
Onestly, these are the only thing I can see strictly related to the present and this arc in particular lol. Everything else goes deeper.
Memories of the past
This part will likely make the least sense, because I am still sobbing over the whole past ok.
"Lost in an unacceptable tragedy Even now, still mourn for days gone by, never to come back": We all know the past. The safest bet is that O!Ciel is mourning, but is he? He never had the time to mourn, he moved immediately to revenge and working for the queen. So either this is just to hit us in the feeling, or maybe it's my favourite victim of this analysis: Undertaker. Could it be him? Possibly, but this being O!Ciel breaks my heart more. I am excluing R!Ciel because at the moment of Weston arc his version should not be that complex. And Sebastian is Sebastian.
"Staking my life, spitting blood and vomit /All I want to do is lead a beautiful life / But why can't you hear / Me telling you not to stumble": I feel like this either O!Ciel talking to himself, admitting that he would like to just be happy but still forcing himself to be strong and act to revenge his family. Or, high on copium, the first part is O!Ciel's wishes and the second part is O!CIel using the R!Ciel allucination make himself stronger (I doubt it, but it adds to the sadness).
"Rip apart, drag and reveal / Throw away all inferiorities /Even the raw emotions of cursing someone /Take them in like an offering": I got the epiphany after several times of reading this and yes it's about revenge hatred yadda yadda yadda. But what if, in particular, it's related to the moment when O!Ciel summoned Sebastian? I think it's the only time I remember "offering" being mentioned/relevant in the manga. O!Ciel is throwing everything away for revenge, assuming a new identity. So this could be either O!Ciel talking to himself during that desperate time. Or, just to hurt myself more, him allucinating again a conversation with R!Ciel where R!Ciel is the one that is saying all this. I will go cry now, brb.
"Everything in this world, there isn't much /Difference between the atrocious or noble as you think / Though we have prayed and knelt down / Our prayers have been cremated /And ignored with a "So what?" " : God, this section is killing me. Memories of when the twins were captured, For them and all the other children, it was an atrocious experience, while the nobles were truly thinking they were in the right, that there was nothing wrong in what they were doing. They believed to be noble enough to be above everything and ignored absolutely everything in regards to the children.
Undertarker is not being subtle. Like at all.
Somewhere up in the sky, someone is making selections/To ensure the cycle of birth and passing is upheld: here I am conflicted. Undertaker is sure making selections when he is creating the bizzare dolls "you get to be revived. you don't". But at the same time he is not uphelding anything. He is doing the opposite infact. Unless this is supposed to just describe the Shinigami's role to show how Undertaker is going in the opposite direction.
There's just one, just one/In this world, just one person, one person/Question fanatically and/Live the shit out of this world: we only really see two characters question stuff: O!Ciel with the murder of his family and Undertaker with the Cinematic record ways of working. Now, i don't really see O!Ciel "question fanatically" and "live the shit out of this world", while we can debate about how "fanatically" he is searching for the culprits, how are you telling me he is living his best life? He is surronded by trauma, has to go on a mission for the queen every other day, has to live as his dead twin and in this specific arc he has to act all cutesy and adorable when he hates it. He is far from any best life I am more surprised he didn't become histerical yet honestly. The one that IS living his best life is Undertaker (well... more or less). In the Weston Arc he did say he was enjoying being the headmaster. Plus he could make some more esperiments on Derek&co which, on top of that, were mostly successful! Do you know how much serotonin a succesful experiment gives you? A LOT. TRUST ME.
Bizzare Dolls (BD for short because I am lazy)
Well, ofc they are the protagonist of the animation, they are everywhere in the song too.
"An unfading warmth quivers blue in the depth of my eyes / Stifling impurities leave keloid scars and": Are the BD warm? Idk, but I don't think so? A body is warm when the blood is running because the heart is pumping it. Do BD have a working heart tho? I doubt the original version do, but what about the new and improved versions? Agares could have probably be our best bet but he always wore gloves (even when he was alive) so we don't really know.
Warmth aside, what I am quite confident IS a reference to the BD is the keloid scars. I did a reseach and a keloid scar is a "scar keeps growing and becomes bigger than the original wound. They are developed after a skin injury". The scars we have seen are O!Ciel's scar from when they marked him, or the BD's "surgery" scars?
Ofc it could be just metaphorical about the trauma just keep on growing in O!Ciel. Maybe it's more this one but again, I am take things directly
"Love turning on its head, fiction caught in a tangle/Say bye bye to mundane concepts/See how the compensated formless stand imposingly/Their presence is a sight to behold": cambridge dictionary say that "turn something on its head means to cause something to be the opposite of what it was before". Apparently, there are many things that are the opposite of love, depending on your source: hatred, fear, indifference. I think in this case, since we are talking of the BD, we can use indifference. They aren't moved by real emotions at this moment (Weston arc) and even later, they are probably fake emotions based on fake memories (from the orphanage children but I will not elaborate, other theories have done it better). Fear could also work since well, most people are rightfully terrified of them. Being far away from mundane concepts? I would say they fill this box. And they sure are a sight to behold, nothing against it. What confuses me is the "compensated formless" I don't have any idea of what it could mean
"Just skilled at pretending to be human / Searching for those other than monsters + Like the blue shimmer of / A star of the first magnitude / Far from having enough faith": We are looking at the current arcs here in the first lines. The one skilled at pretending to be human and searching for things is Sebastian (it can't be O!Ciel because he isn't pretending to be human). What he is searching is the headmaster, that we know being Undertaker and it ends up bringing with him, again, the BD. In particular, it specifically mentions R!Ciel. You know what is the name of the biggest star of first magnitude that is currently known? Yeah, you are correct, it's Sirius. And we have known Ciel is Sirius for a while now. As to why the star does not have lot's of faith, do I have to remind you "Dear God, why are you smiling?".
"So kind /A colorless encounter, pupils of glass /Thought they may shatter to pieces,/ You laugh your head off, saying, "you must be kidding"": Listen, I have seen a couple of people mentioning "oh it's a reference to monochrome no kiss". But I don't think that's the case, not completely at least. I think this is a parallel of O!Ciel and Sebastian's meeting to R!Ciel and Undertaker. First because one of the people involved is laughing, and Sebastian smirks but has never really laughed out loud, the one that spends his time laughing is Undertaker. Second is the pupils of glass that can shatter to pieces. I wonder if it means that R!Ciel could be using glass balls for his eyes? When we have seen his not-completed form they look pretty empty and they are made of soft tissue, so maybe Undertaker changed the "real eyes" with glass? Idk. The shattering could also indicate the fragility of the BD that are still far from perfect.
There is no such thing as eternity, so /There is no ending until all turns to ash this made me scream Undertaker's BD because we know he needs a full budy for the creation of his dolls and bringing back to life his loved ones. And we know he can't bring back Vincent because his body was too ruined by the fire. So fire IS the only ending in which a person can just die with no possible interference from a Shinigami with resurrection intent.
Tragedy twins
I had no idea of these lines other than, it just fits the vibes. Until I remembered how much Yana likes to mirror the twins.
There's no love, no love, there's no love there: this one is R!Ciel singing. Undertaker may have started to work on the BD out of grief for his loved ones, but it feels like it turned into an obsession.
There's nothing, there's nothing, there's no truth: let's add some angst because this one was not enough. O!Ciel never gets to discover the truth behind the murder of his family before he dies. Maybe we, as readers, can see it. Maybe from Sebastian's eyes. But yeah, we don't have a guarantee that O!Ciel will ever know anything, he could just die with Sebastian being unable to prevent it (either because it happened due to a Shinigami, or maybe an angel or god knows what).
But of course, we can also swap them! O!Ciel was so confident people wouldn't have liked him coming back alive and so started the whole identity swap, so he could still feel like the love he is receiving now is fake, since it's built on a lie. While R!Ciel's truth could now be either the murder or the family again, or the fact that he isn't "real" now. He is a BD, his action and thoughts are based on memories that are likely not his own. He has become a fake, a lie. "There is no truth" because that is a BD similar to him, and not necessary him.
I am exhausted I haven't thought about something this much since my thesis. Yes some of them are quite the stretch, hopefully I will trigger a smart person and finally we get a good analysis. Meanwhile you have to deal with me. Feel free to add your opinions pls, I love hearing theories.
PSA: I have formatted this half on computer and half of phone so idk how weird the formatting is I will check again tomorrow, now I'm tired of rereading it.
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tamelee · 9 months
Hello Tamelee! 💜 Hope you are having a wonderful day, and that you had a nice christmas if you celebrated it
We all know that Naruto and Sasuke are designed to complement each other. Orange/Blue, Yellow/Purple. But I also noticed something about Sakura’s Genin design. In some manga illustrations, Sakura’s pants, shoes and headband are black, but in others they are green… Her chakra is green in the anime, and I don’t know if it has a color in the manga. And of course she has green eyes.
So I wondered if Kishimoto made Sakura being linked to red/pink and green in order to highlight how separated she is to Naruto and Sasuke? She complements herself in some way. Or maybe it’s to signify she’s pretty self-centered? What do you think? Am I just crazy?
Hi Nonee 🧡! Nothing too special this Christmas but it was nice ^^ Hope yours was as well!!! 🎄 Ah yeah, I checked it again;
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So I'm not too sure about consistency, but her coloring makes a lot of sense. Her childhood version even has the green/pink dress, the other has the green pants and then of course the red headband she got from Ino. Part 1 Sakura has the blue headband and so what they did was make the green a lot more blue and desaturated so it looks better (I tried it with the part 2 green, but that's a no from me), but in Part two, the green is completely complementary to the red and pink while even the "black" from her shoes and gloves are a desaturated purple to match it. It's actually thought out so well. (They are all analogous, contrasting the green, which wouldn't have worked had they used the same green from part 1.) It's true that Naruto and Sasuke match even in design, coloring and everything else and that Sakura.. well, doesn't. But I doubt the design is meant to say much about her real self the way Kishimoto told it. Sakura, her name is derived from the Sakura tree, right? 🌸 And those cherry blossoms are most often pink. In Anime, the color is often used to denote Spring seasons and in storytelling for new beginnings and something happy to look forward to. Considering 'team' 7 it makes sense why they'd pick colors for her that match with pink, but also contrasts Naruto and Sasuke in order to create a more cohesive color combo including Kakashi. (Green, blue, white- and all have hints of red and blue in part 1.) We could take it steps further and even think about other ways she stands out with these colors.. Naruto's colors are very bright and saturated because he wants to be acknowledged and always appears to be 'like the sun'- radiating hope with his fluffy mop of hair alone. He wants to stand out, whereas Sasuke doesn't. But Sakura's 'happy, youthful' coloring also contrasts their childhoods and the way they look at life in general or especially as Shinobi. And with that, their goals in life. Sakura's coloring represents the way she shows off her femininity (as the color pink is often used in shows for that especially in Japan) which really fits the practiced personality in order to appeal to Sasuke. To become someone she thinks Sasuke would like... Had she been completely like her inner/true Self, she may have looked different. It's genius actually the more I think about it 🤔 But look at the other teams as well, they're all complimentary and fitting as a whole and even though the outfits have changed, the main colors stay in place. You're not crazy, definitely onto something, but I can't say whether that is true or not. It could be 🤷🏻‍♀️
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littlelightfish · 9 months
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Four Swords boys, the sames from the manga, but my version of them.
They're around 15-16 here
Under the cut for my headcanons and closeups <3
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My personal favorite
Blue is less explosive after his adventure, but an overall grumpy introvert, and is autistic. Talks very little with his brothers, but he talks to no-one else. Doesn't know sign language, he has to express himself the best he can, and since he doesn't always has something to write on, he ussually just doesn't try to socialize and can be mistaken for someone rude when he doesn't reply. He doesn't have friends aside from his brothers and Zelda, but is mostly fine with it, and his love language is acts of service, since he doesn't know how to express love very well, and likes making the people he cares about happy. He isn't great with his body language when he's not trying to express something in particular. Ussually stands arms crossed and grumpy face.
Usually goes on missions with one of his brothers (since the events of the manga, he doesn't like being outside alone at all), and he's the strongest colour, at the same time, the most scarred of them (usually takes the first hit and tries to avoid his brothers getting hurt in battle at any costs). Gets a bit jaleous when he notices how many friends Green and Red have, and when he's left aside or behind (on purpose or not) he tends to overthink and aisles himself. Claustrophobic, can't sleep with closed doors and without a light, hates the cold, and when stressed can be very sharp and mean. He has outbursts when stressed but he usually doesn't mean what he says or does when he's having it. His brothers and the castle guards know this, but town's people don't, and that's why he isn't very loved in town, and why he doesn't like going outside and getting involved into situations that may stress him. Sometimes he hates himself for being like this, and hates that he can't help it, but at least he's got his brothers support. His farher doesn't understands him, and often makes him upset trying to be nice, which he gets, but it drains his patience and pushes him to be sharp with him.
Has an obsession with weapons. He knows every single one of them, he loves them, he likes to take care of them, polish them, test them... His room is always tidy because he just can't stand when something is out of place. Has sensory issues with certain foods and doesn't like animals that much. Only Red's kitten. He's the only one that truly understands him.
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Green hasn't changed that much, he's a loud extrovert and spending time with people is his love language. Is Zelda's closest friend, they share everything after the adventure. He doesn't like being the center of attention, but manages it well, at least better than the other colours. Uses a ponytail because Zelda told him once that she liked soldiers with long hair, and is the one with the most common sense, against popular belief.
He is terrified of solo missions, and likes Blue's mute company the best when outside, but he enjoys time alone in the castle and their home. He's the one the people are talking about when they say "Link", and therefore the only one that reacts at that name. Has ADHD, can't sit still even in serious situations, even when he tries, always forgets what he was going to do and that's why he writes down everything he's been told to do. Usually is the one to carry all the healing items, as he's the most agile and fast of them, and can hand or throw a bottle with precision while running. He's really good at sparring and is usually the last standing colour in a fight.
He is worried sick about his brothers well-being, much more than he cares to admit. He is often at Blue's side at all times (unless when he says that he needs/wants to be alone), and is beginning to worry him the way people in town looks at Blue. He's got an obsession with insects. He knows every family of insects, every variation, the evolutive line of every single one of them he sees. Yet, arachnids do not count. He HATES spiders with all his might. Still, knows everything about them. Specially the bet way to get rid of them.
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He's seen things. Usually soft and caring, but often too tired to get out of bed. Is really sweet and never means to make anyone upset, and even though he doesn't know how to say no, he knows to stand for others, to tell if someone is being reckless, and can see when someone is a bad person right though.
His brothers are afraid he might be developing some kind of disorder, and they suspect depression or bipolarity (1), and he has come to admit he isn't as happy as he was before, and he would like to know what's wrong with him, because he realizes it isn't normal to behave like he does. Lately he's been having meltdowns more frequently, and struggles with basic chores.
Reliable in battle, is always trying to get everyone to safety once they can't continue fighting. He's very perceptive and can tell when someone is hiding an injury easily, at the same time, he's the best hiding them (when he believes it's nothing that important). Usually is the one to save Blue's ass when he is very focused on being the human shield of the group, and the best at not getting hit. They've decided lately that's better not to take him into missions until he feels better. Is a terrible survivalist, likes to cook and eat very much, and can't stand being alone at any time, otherwise he'll start overthinking and end up crying after the first half hour. He has many friends in town and all over the map, is by far the most loved of the colours, likes to write letters to them and his love language is giving gifts. He's the reason they adopted a kitten. He is empathetic, bot doesn't know how to handle other people's meltdowns or outbursts. Likes Vio's silence company the most, but enjoys everyone's. He really doesn't like dark places, and being alone is his biggest fear.
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After his adventure, he's shown to be someone who doesn't like being disturbed while focused, but that enjoys company. He's really talkative and objective, but even being the brains of all them, he lacks of common sense. He thinks everything way too much, is always the pessimist vewing the worst possible outcome, and because of that he's always prepared for the worst. He knows every enemy's weakness only by looking at it, but he's the worst at fighting and the first always to fall. He prefers to be shooting arrows from a safe distance because he isn't that useful during a battle (he knows this and doesn't like going on missions at all). The scars on his face are Shadow's courtesy, and he doesn't like to talk about it. He's the closest to Red and the one that knows the first when somethings off about him, but sucks at reading people in general. He knows the best how to get Green to focus on something, and how to manage Blue's outbursts and prevent them. His love language probably is phisical contact, but he is really selective in this. He's afraid of heights and often avoids the third floor of a building or a dungeon if he can, especially if the room he has to go to has windows or a balcony. If he can avoid going into stairs, better.
He doesn't really likes to talk about his feelings at all, but no because he's shy about it, but because he doesn't understands feelings well, even tho he knows how to behave and react when someone's being emotional. He often feels guilty about Shadow, and wonders if he did the right thing back then. "It was probably the best outcome", he thinks to put his mind at ease. He didn't had any kind of feelings towards him, he was only hoping to be useful to the other colours with his actions.
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He was very little time with the colours, and no-one seems to know what happened to him after he disappeared. After saving them he was presumed dead, but he lives in the colours shadow and has enough movement to unsettle someone looking carefully. He wishes to be hylian and live the lovely lives they all seem to live, but he knows every messed up thing that happens in the colour he's under range of vision/hearing, even when said colour doesn't. When the colour he's being the shadow of falls in battle or asleep, he, if wants to remain conscious, has to move to the shadow of another of the colours, but it's really hard to do, since he has to be touching the other shadow for it. It's easy in dark rooms, but since they don't seem to like them very much, he just falls unconscious.
He truly hates being reduced to a mere shadow, he misses talking so much... He's always the first to know when there are enemies nearby, when someone's about to get ambushed, and when an item is cursed. He usually avoids being at Green or Vio's shadow, because Green's always close to Zelda, and because of what Vio did. He had a hard time getting over it. He prefers Blue's shadow the best, and is worried sick about his and Red's well-being since they're often struggling with being alive, and he grew a soft spot for them both with time. When far from Zelda, Green's shadow is his fauvorite. He's always moving and doing something, it amazes him a bit, actually.
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They all go by he/him, but they don't mind being misgendered my "they/them", it makes sense. Every other pronoun would offend them and they will kindly (or not so much) tell what their pronouns are.
Red is hetero, Blue is demi, Green hetero as well, Vio aro, and shadow doesn't know what we're talking about neither cares.
If you read all this, thanks for liking it enough to read it all <3
If I mispronounced something, I'm sorry, English isn't my first language :')
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claudiadiaries · 2 months
lan wangji!!! btw I still have your numbers ask im saving it for tonight lol
Thank you Cor <33 sorry for taking some time with it
My first impression idk I remember thinking he was very pretty and funny lol. I just really liked him from the start.
My impression now Probably one of my favorite characters from any media and also the only man in the world. Like this post.
Favorite thing about that character I like that he's very serious and kinda boring and methodical but very intense and commited not only to people but to his own principles, and his emotional journey tring to reconcile that. He's kind but not nice which is such a interesting contrast to me personally, esp since he's not like agressive, which is kinda common when writing characters like that. Also I love that despite struggling so hard to connect with people he's a teacher, and a very good one at that! Mentor characters are so good I love them. He's also very silly <3
Least favorite thing He is not very developed and I would love it if his relationships with other characters were more explored. His family life is so interesting, I love seeing how each person interprets what happened and how that reads into his relationship with justice and love.
Favorite line/scene The feeling of walking on a single plank bridge til it's dark doesn't feel so bad :) 'what is black? what is white? who is right? who is wrong?' is also a GREAT line
Favorite interaction that character has with another character So many of his scenes with wei wuxian are great but I love his conversation with him at the waterfall in the last episode. That one sect meeting where he stands up for wei wuxian and talks with mianmian after she quits the jin sect also has a lot of good interactions.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more I would love to see him interact more with jiang yanli wen qing And mianmian firstly bc he already has a lot in common with them and seems to respect them. Wen qing esp bc I think she's def more wary of him than of wwx even before burial mounds happened. Also the fact that he defended her and wen ning when they gave themselves over to the jins and we never saw it haunts me like What was all that about!!!
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character Spock even though I only watched 10 episodes from star trek in my entire life. Every bl manga love interest that is serious pretty hard to read but deeply earnest and commited. And choi taek from reply 1988 but only slightly bc I never finished it.
A headcanon about that character Related to the next question but I do think lan wangji would love many genres other than classical or traditional music... especially blues/jazz/r&b. For canon compliant hcs I like to think he's one of those people that had a hard time making friends as a kid but grows to be very beloved by their community, not as hanguang-jun but as lan wangji. He gets along especially well with housewives and little kids <3 I also like to think he's kinda vain lol
A song that reminds of that character Soldier of love by Sade
An unpopular opinion about that character So many but if you go into mdzstwt my most unpopular would be that I hate daddy dom millionaire lwj that characterization pisses me off so bad. But I think to compensate that sometimes people avoid talking about his class position as something that influences his actions a lot, which is a shame bc it's one of my favorite aspects of him! Esp in contrast with wei wuxian, who is more familiar with non-cultivators and is, very crucially, the son of a servant that dessected to help war refugees. Please can we go back to making horse girl lwj headcanons that was funny.
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a-tale-of-legends · 4 months
So I recently screenshotted a ramble about the parallels between Red n Blue to Alola protag/Ames n Lillie right? That's all nice, I'm very proud of it, it genuinely makes me insane ( /pos)
However, I've been thinking about parallels between Blue and Hau now! It's not super in depth, since it's a recent thought, but I'd like to share my current thoughts.
In my eyes Hau and Blue are kinda on the same spectrum but on opposite ends ( kinda). Both have a grandfather that are very important to a community ( in oak's case he's THE professor oak). Both at the time of their debut, are 11 years old.
Blue used to be a very cocky kid who has a real mean streak, though if you actually read his lines, he's surprisingly friendly towards the player. He is infamously scolded by Oak for " not loving his pokemon" and seems to be looked over in favor of Red, which probably is what causes the rift between them in the first place.
Hau is a generally cheerful and very easy going kid. He takes things easy, too easy to some, and wants to be a strong trainer like his Tutu. That being said, he likes battles as long as he's having fun. Canonically, there are people who think that Hala is "too soft" on Hau, due to an incident when he was younger and Hala made Hau cry and couldn't stop. Because of this "softness", Hau doesn't take battles as seriously as he should. Or at least, thinks he's not doing as well as he should be ( that's the read I'm getting from ultra moon, I could be wrong). No one is exactly favoring the MC in the alola games. At least, not in the way Red was favored by Oak. And while everyone knew of Hau, there's a few characters that actually tell Hau to do his own thing. That he doesn't have to follow in Hala's footsteps. And I think that's interesting.
Something to note is while blue and Hau both have famous grandfathers, their other family members are pretty different. Blue's parents are nowhere to be seen, and in a manga ( I forget which one), they were outright confirmed to be dead. All he has is his sister, Daisy, and Oak. I personally believe that Daisy did a lot of the heavy lifting for Oak at a young age, though this is hc. Hau's father left to Arceus knows where, and Hau was left with his gramps and his mom. From the sounds of it, Hau's mom is really sweet. Makes sense! Hau is a sweet kid! Also Blue was raised in pallet town, a small rural area in Kanto. Hau was raised in Iki Town, which is known for its community. Not saying that Pallet town doesn't look out for one another, but we also don't know that lol. The vibes tell me that Hau had a lot of people in his life that helped raised him, vs Blue who had his own family, and Red's ( they knew each other since they were babies). Very interesting parallel I think,even if it could be a stretch.
oh and in usum, hau is your "champion" fight, akin to blue being the rival who became champion before the player.
There's more I want to say, but I can't find the words to say it. Even the above i feel aren't as eloquent as i want it to be. Still, I think the potential parallels are interesting!
Also i'm not saying Blue and Hau are the same, just that they have parallels. If 11 year old Blue met Hau he would explode.
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melonteee · 1 year
I'm really enjoying the live-action show. It's different, but I think some changes are improvements, some changes are neutral, and some changes are for the worse. Overall, I'd say it's about as good of an adaptation as the East Blue anime is (factoring in the changes the anime made).
Syrup Village is a great example, they cut Jango (though you do see his Bounty poster, so he still exists in canon), but they also made Kaya's illness be the result of Butchie poisoning her and part of Kuro's plan. Luffy drinks the poison soup and that replaces the scene of him unconscious from hypnosis. Zoro has to climb out of a well, and that replaces him climbing up an oil-covered hill and also sets up for Mihawk saying he's a frog in a well. They also change the setting for the battle from a beach to inside the mansion, introducing a horror theme to the story which rachets up the tension a lot more. Sham is also gender-bent and super cute.
And it's not wrong to say the showrunners understand and love the characters and the world. All of the bottles of alcohol are brands in One Piece, the barrel Luffy gets into has the name of the fishmonger from his village, Garp mentions that he's turned down multiple promotions, Nami reads Noland the Liar to Zoro while he's unconscious after his fight with Mihawk, Arlong introduces Fishman discrimination.
I think it's best experienced from the perspective of "it's going to be different, and that's okay". The characters are written a little differently, but not in a bad way. They still feel like the characters at their core, Inaki's Luffy and Taz's Sanji are two stand-outs, they're fantastic.
I understand if it's just not for you, and you did watch one episode, so I can't say you didn't give it a chance at all. I just feel like you and the others are being too harsh on it. It's way better than any other live-action anime adaptation I've ever seen.
I appreciate this anon and I do think the poison change works, but there's certainly a 1 good thing for 9 bad things ratio going on. Because in all fairness, I am going to be extremely critical of a 20 year old series that's making an adaptation with a 17 million dollar budget per episode - especially from Netflix. If I'm being approached by friends who were actually excited for this series and they came out of it disappointed, somehow I don't think I'm gonna have a good time myself. I'm watching One Piece for One Piece, I don't think I should go into an adaptation thinking this is gonna be different in STORY and CHARACTER. I can accept changes for medium, of course, but there are so many absolutely bizarre changes that literally do nothing. You don't go from the manga to the anime and think "Well if I just disconnect these characters from their original selves, I can soak this in fine" because in all honesty, that probably means it's a bad adaptation if you need to work to see what you want to see.
Also the 'frog in the well' thing is exactly my point of this script just slamming you in the face with what it's trying to do, we are not meant to take that literally. The well is the east blue that Zoro lives in, not a literal well lmao. It's a nice cheeky idea to have, but the goofiness of Zoro's character is removed from the scene where he's trying to run up a greased hill like an idiot. Because yes, even THAT scene served a purpose for Zoro's character and how we view him. It's definitely subjective to say the characters are written differently but not in a bad way, because ripping away parts of a character to leave them as this Frankenstein version of themselves is personally not something I want? Why would I WANT all the goofiness and stupidness taken out of Zoro? It might be good for some, but it just feels like a total downgrade and misunderstanding of his character to me. Same goes for Sanji just being this artsy guy who's complaining cause he can't make the dishes he wants, with his over dramatic, angry, violent flare completely gone. Those changes being good or bad are completely up to you, but I am personally just made to see a hollowed out, dumbed down version of them because I liked these characters as I originally met them and that's what made them stand out.
I appreciate the time they put into the sets, I do think the visual world was made well (although it could've used a bit more style), but the little physical details mean absolutely nothing if I can't even FEEL the magic the original gave me. A set does not make a series, 1000 strawhats will not make me see Luffy unless he is written to be Luffy, and that's the problem. I don't want to watch an adaptation that removes the most emotional and impactful moments of my favourite character just to replace it with a fight or to focus on ANOTHER character they've deemed more important. I am going to be critical because these characters mean a lot to me, and I am expecting to feel from an adaptation what I felt from the original with such characters. An adaptation does not mean making things different just for differences sake. I am glad you enjoyed it anon, as many people have, but if I'm watching something that's literally called One Piece and have been told this is an adaptation of One Piece - with the producers even saying they want to put the manga on the screen, mind you - I am going to go in there expecting One Piece, from the characters to the story. I shouldn't have to do the work in my own head and go "Well, they did their best!", especially at a million dollar Netflix production...sigh
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r0s3s26 · 2 months
hello! i would like to request a MHA matchup if possible<3
name: anne
pronouns: she/her
romantic or platonic matchup: romantic!
gender preference: none, i don't mind:>
ideal first date: going for a walk and grabbing some fast food, hopefully stopping by a bookshop or a cute cafe
personality: i'm an introvert and i like my alone time a lot, my social battery dies very quickly. i can be a bit shy at first, but only at first, i usually get comfortable very easily. i joke around a lot and have a pretty dark sense of humor. i'm quite sarcastic. i'm honest and outspoken, i usually first act and think later. i get attached easily. i overthink a lot. i get emotional very quickly, it's easy to make me angry but also easy to make me cry. i always plan things in advance. i'm stressed 24/7. always worried about future and pretty insecure
likes: animals (i have two cats and a dog), books, food that's especially sweet, the color blue, cartoons, plushies, sleeping
dislikes: parties, crowded places, loud noises, snakes, darkness, people who are unnecessarily mean, heights
perfect partner: someone who is fun to be around, would respect my boundaries, someone who wouldn't mind staying in instead of going out, someone protective who would make me feel special ✨
hobbies: listening to music, writing, reading books/mangas, learning languages
appearance: green eyes, medium length brown hair which i dye a lot, round face, 6 ear piercings, arm tattoo, tall (175 cm or so)
hopefully this is okay, sorry if it's too long or wrong:( take your time and have a nice day/night!! :3
@isadollie Your Match is…Shota Aizawa
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<3 This grumpy man
<3 If you guys were to be in a relationship it would mainly be you trying to get Aizawa to get out more into the sun (like please touch grass)
<3 BUT he also loves staying in, ordering take out, and cuddling up on the couch while watching a movie
<3 He works with 1-A so he has an godly amount of patience for anything, and if your his partner it has absolutely doubled
<3 He thinks your tattoo and piercings make you look badass, but he would never say that outloud
<3 And also because he is the teacher of 1-A he already is protective of everyone, so you would never have to fear of being in danger, cause he fixed the problem before you even got there
<3 If you ever made a semi dark joke to him he would look at you like this
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(he looks so fine in this picture oh my lord😍😍)
<3 Yall have so many cats
<3 Eri probably really likes you, and likes having a maternal figure in her house (dadzawa needed help BAD)
<3 On a more angsty note…
<3 He is very good at telling when something isn’t right with you
<3 Very observant
<3 Like if your having a bad day and everything is just bottling up inside of you and you lash out, he would let you, and then once you have calmed down he would just pull you into a hug, kiss the top of your head and say “i'm right here, you can let it out”
<3 Ok back to happy
<3 So basically I feel like Aizawa is funny as fuck but like secretly, only you and Hazashi know that he is super funny.
<3 Date idea: Playing soft lofi or jazz while reading together in his arms
<3 Just so much domestic fluff
<3 Last thing is because you both have longish hair, you absolutely do matching hairstyles, like that half up half down
<3 Ok now to drabble
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You sit there with one of your many cats on the couch, your scrolling through movies to watch with as you wait for your boyfriend to get back from patrol. On the coffee table you have taken out from his favorite restaurant, it's basically a buffet at this point knowing the pro hero will be hungry. There is a knock at the door alerting you that Aizawa is back, you softly place “mittens the cat” on the couch, not to disturb his slumber. You walk to the entrance and see your boyfriend taking his shoes and pro hero gear off, “Hi Shota” you say while softly walking up to him and wrapping your arms around his front “Hi honey” he says back. For a moment you just stare at each other softly until he leans in kissing you as softly as his gaze, you kiss back slowly wrapping your arms around his neck, raking your fingers through his hair and scratching his scalp. You tug him closer by the back of his head to kiss him deeper, showing how much you have missed his body slotted next to yours. Aizawa pulls away and pecks your nose, “I missed you too anne”.
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(Authors note: I'm sorry I lowkey got carried away at the end, but I hope you like it)
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epickiya722 · 6 months
1, 6,9,25 for the violence ask game
1. The character everyone gets wrong.
First character that quickly came to mind is Izuku Midoriya. I'm sorry, but some of the things I have seen some people say about him SUCKS.
"He's such a crybaby." You bet not be a fan of any Shonen protagonist or a side character you think is ever because more than once they have cried their ass off, too. The crying gag ain't nothing new, so stop.
"He's too nice."
This is the same kid is willing to punch the shit out of people. Hell, most of the time, he's just sick of the bullshit going around him.
Other than Midoriya, Present Mic also comes to mind. I'm sorry, he's not dumb, irresponsible or even all that silly. He can be a goof, but it's along the lines of "I'm an outgoing person". Same man who correctly states that there had to be a traitor at UA. Same man who teaches an English class, has to do announcements, runs a radio show...
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
Not more so the ship, but the people that annoys me. Like a person can also like the same ship as me, but it doesn't stop me from being annoyed by them if they do something. Example, I will never understand the whole "top/bottom" thing and the top gotta be the provider and the bottom does chores and whatnot.
Oh, what, the top in the bedroom can't be the one to do the household chores and the bottom is the provider?
I think the "top/bottom" thing should just be for takes in the bedroom and not determine the household roles. I have more to say but I don't want to drag this out longer or bore anyone today.
9. Worst part of canon.
Okay, for JJK, there's only three things I'm iffy about so far but not really and this could change, you never know. SPOILERS AHEAD.
One is Yuji and Kenjaku not having more interactions since Shibuya. Kenjaku may truly be dead and that would suck because I wished for just one more interaction between those two.
Two is Nobara not having been in the story since Shibuya. Now I know it's believed she is dead, but until the manga is over I ain't believing it. Hell, I hope she makes a return before Gojo (possibly) does. She deserves to kick some more ass.
The third is Uro. I miss her so much and I just think she deserves to return to and kick ass. I'll be honest, I adore Yuta but I did not care to see him use her technique. I didn't. I hated that the ending of the Uro v. Ryu v. Yuta fight. The latter two talk about Uro while she's offscreen knocked out somewhere. Call me petty but I was glad to see Ryu got killed.
25. Common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing.
BONES, don't release any more trailers for season 7 because some of the fandom acts as if the blue sky is the worst thing in the world as if it hadn't been a thing since season 1 or that maybe it's ironic that the worst things happen when the sky is clear (I have had bad days when the weather is beautiful, it makes me feel worse because it's like 'I should have a good day'). Or that if one pays attention to the trailer, the sky does change color. The blue sky ain't permanent.
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