#Business Tips in Bar Beach
thecoachingdirectory · 5 months
Are you a hardworking Mum, looking at property as a way to create a new life, and build a legacy for your family? Christie Moran of Wholistic Life Transformations can help you. She has worked as a coach and leader for the past 25 years. Her specialty lies in supporting mums who are held back by self-doubt and fear. Reach out and connect with her today!
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calicoheartz · 2 months
need need need something about Caitlin dating a famous popstar, think Sabrina carpenter
☆ espresso ; Caitlin Clark
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summary : caitlin clark x pop star reader!
synopsis : you are the music scenes next hot thing , who happens to be dating worldwide famous wnba player (set a tiny bit into the future)
warnings : tiniest bit suggestive if you squint , pure fluff !
my master list ㇀♡
a/n: thank you to the lovely person who suggested this! i changed some of the lyrics in the song for it to make sense but it shouldn’t be too noticeable. Enjoy ◡̈
You were the music industry’s next hot thing. From performing at smaller venues, to headlining at Coachella; you were everywhere. Along with your wnba superstar, Caitlin Clark.
The two of you had met while you were preforming a gig at a local bar , a little right before you got your big break. Ever since then, the two of you had been inseparable. Both instantly drawn to each others passion and drive for your careers.
But with Caitlin’s demanding basketball schedule and your international shows and tours , maintaining your relationship proved to be a challenge. Only relying on calls , texts , and surprise visits whenever you can to steal a moment together amidst your busy lives.
It had been almost 3 weeks since you’ve seen your loving girlfriend. With the wnba draft and Coachella starting to kick off, the universe was simply pulling you two away from eachother.
You were sitting in your dressing room , preparing to go on stage to kick off the second weekend at the bustling festival , the biggest festival of the year for that matter. Your nerves were practically eating you alive, you knew she would be in audience. You toyed with your hair as your makeup artist finished the final touches of your look , as you fidgeted with the hem of your skirt. The skirt that perfectly hugged your curves , delicately adorned with lace and bows , your signature look.
You soon snapped back to reality, with the cheers from the audience slowly making its way into your mind. There was no doubt in your mind that this was the moment that could make or break your career. You planned on preforming your newly released song espresso , as a way to give your girlfriend a little treat on her first day back.
You made your way to the stage , sporting your signature beach waves and skimpy clothes, the intro to the song soon began and your eyes darted across the crowd. Begging to meet with the one pair of eyes you can call her own.
You hear the crowd begin to chant your name , you lock eyes with Caitlin briefly, sending a smirk your way. Prompting you to slowly begin to sway your hips as you begin to sing..
❝ now she’s thinkin’ ‘bout me every night oh, is it that sweet? I guess so ❞
you turn towards caitlin , seeing a big grin on her face , as she very well knows the melodic tune is referencing your whirlwind romance. Your hips continue to sway as the lyrics danced off the tip of your tongue , hitting every note in the process.
❝ And i got this one girl
And she won’t stop calling
when they act this way..
I know i got ‘em ! ❞
The crowd begins to scream , noticing your small wink towards caitlin , making it painfully obvious of your ode to her throughout the song
As the lyrics then again roll off your tongue like sweet honey, you continue to prance around the stage earning gasps and applause from the audience, and most importantly; a hungry gaze from your girlfriend. Her eyes practically undressed you as they wandered from your hips to your face, and vice versa. You immediately felt butterflies in your stomach, it had been so long since shes looked at you with those eyes. And as much as you wanted to jump off the stage and into her arms, you only had to finish the rest of the chorus and verse before concluding your set.
You began…
❝ I'm working late 'cause I'm a singer…Oh, she looks so cute wrapped around my finger! ❞
The music continues and you feel as if you are on cloud nine. If this doesnt fully establish your relationship with cait, then youre not sure what will. You practically feel her eyes burning into you as you resume your soft sways, slowly becoming more provocative as you reach near the end of the song. You hair slowly flows with the gentle breeze, as you shoot a glance towards your girlfriend, receiving a approving nod in return. You hear your cue, and make your way to the front to face the audience head on, you quickly hit your iconic signature pose while belting
❝ Mmm, that's that me espresso❞
And the audience erupts with claps and chants as you quickly exit the stage, locking eyes with your manager who signals you to head to the back. As you make your way down there, you feel a strong and warming embrace wrapped around your hips, with soft kisses peppering your neck. “Cait!” you squealed, unable to hide your excitement to see the brunette, she grins at your reaction, snaking her arm beneath you as she slowly begins to carry you to your dressing room.
She soon gently puts you down, as she gently begins caressing your cheek. “You did amazing” she muttered, “everytime you preform you never refuse to amaze me with the amount of talent that you have-” you cut her off with a deep and tender kiss, tasting the mango flavored lipbalm that glistened on her lips.
You giggle, simply muttering , youre my honey bee.. Come get this pollen ;)
anywaysss this is my go at pop star reader x cc !! tbh i feel like this is train wreck but you be the judge of that! tysm for reading 🎀
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g1rld1ary · 15 days
sex on the beach - spencer reid x bartender!reader
wc: 1134
cw: swearing, alcohol, i am a beer hater to my core!!!!!!!
working in a bar right near quantico was never dull. certainly not the most interesting job in the world, but you supposed you would rather be a bartender there than in some rinky-dink town in bumfuck nowhere. plus, most of the FBI agents tipped pretty decently.
you'd only been working for an hour or two when the agents started filing in, all eager to let off steam on a friday night. sometimes the job made them disagreeable but mostly it just made them want to drink, and who were you to deny them? so you were kept busy refilling glasses and mixing drinks, making small talk when you could over the pumping music.
just as a kesha song came to an end you watched the bau walk in, all serious expressions and purposeful strides. you guessed from their demeanours they'd probably just returned from a case, looking to destress together -- not that you were a profiler. ssa derek morgan sent you a nod; both a greeting and a request to get started on their drinks for him to collect once they were all settled at a table. you returned the gesture, quickly counting how many of them had made it. your eyes flew across all the usual suspects, landing on an unfamiliar face.
he was definitely younger than the others, easily able to pass for a college student if he tried -- not much older than you. he must be a new recruit, you figured, turning back to your job.
as expected, morgan was over a few minutes later, handing you his card as he collected the beer bottles between his fingers.
"who's the kid?" you looked towards the skinny brown-haired boy. morgan laughed.
"doctor spencer reid, our very own kid genius," he explained and you hummed in approval.
"his first time at a bar?" in your defence, he looked like a wolf in sheep's clothing. or more accurately, a sheep in fbi clothing. his brown sweater vest and thick brown glasses made him look adorably dorky, even in a room full of agents. morgan shrugged.
"not sure. first time with us at least, after heavy convincing from the girls." you looked as doctor reid was squished between penelope and elle, who looked to be teasing him about something or other. "he's only 23, joined the team last year so we don't know too much about him outside of work, but the kid clearly doesn't have much life experience yet."
"he's cute. send him to get the next round." derek raised an eyebrow.
"crushing on pretty boy? didn't peg him as your type." you laughed.
"as opposed to what, you and your rippling muscles?" you pretended to swoon as he scoffed good-naturedly, stepping away from the bar.
"just play nice with him or he'll never come back!" he called and you shook your head, laughing to yourself as you attended another customer.
you couldn't help glancing over to the bau's table more than was strictly necessary, unexpectedly fascinated with the young doctor. he was clearly the youngest of the group, not just by appearance, but you could tell the others teased him relentlessly without needing to hear any of the specifics. you watched him take it, but you were most interested in his drink.
you were by no means a profiler, but as someone who was frequently in charge of creating other's drinks, you were pretty in tune with their reactions. it was abundantly clear that doctor reid hated his beer. you weren't offended, it was just a bottle the bar kept stocked and you thought it tasted like ass anyway, but it was a little funny watching him struggle to make it through the bottle.
sure enough though, he was meandering awkwardly up to the bar where you stood, looking a little like he wished the ground would swallow him up. you rushed through the drink you were mixing to attend to him, much to the dismay of the other patrons waiting to order.
"the famous doctor reid," you greeted, "what can I getcha?" he looked a little alarmed that you knew his name and you smiled, explaining that morgan had pointed him out before.
"right." he swallowed awkwardly, "can i just get, uh... whatever we were just having?" you held back a laugh, figuring it would probably just make him more anxious.
"of course," you hesitated, "you don't like beer do you?" he tried to put up a fight, stammering out that he did in fact like beer, but seemed to give up before you could even start to be convinced.
"it doesn't matter though, it's just one night."
"you know it doesn't matter what you drink, right? your team isn't gonna stop inviting you because you drink something that actually tastes digestible. i mean, look at penelope," you stage whispered the last part, gesturing over to garcia's electric blue sugar rush in a glass you learnt to make specially for her. reid looked at you for a moment, clearly trying to decode something.
"what would i even have?" he asked, clearly self-conscious.
"not much of a partier? we could start you with sex on the beach--"
"what!" he blurted before you could finish, then slapped a hand over his mouth, immediately regretting it. you answered patiently,
"it's a cocktail i like; fruity and actually tastes good, like peach and cranberry so super tasty!"
"uh yeah, ok, i can try that." you nodded with a smile you hoped was friendly as you got set on making the drink for him. he watched you closely, and you found yourself uncharacteristically nervous under his gaze, despite it having no clear judgement. rather, he seemed intensely curious, eager to learn the proper procedure at a bar.
"let me know if this isn't the one for you and next time we can try something else!" you handed him the glass and he thanked you profusely, leaving you a generous tip on top of the round of beers and his cocktail.
"please come again soon," you joked, glancing down at the bill in your hand, "but doctor reid?" spencer came back toward you, "if morgan gives you any shit for what you're drinking, just tell him we all know that he drinks cosmopolitans." you chanced a wink and reid blushed, nodding. he stuttered out an affirmation, tucking a stray piece of hair behind his ear as he rushed back to the table.
as you watched morgan tease him about the drink reid must have taken your advice, because in a second the table was all looking at you, morgan with a particularly scandalised expression. you waved coyly, concealing the excitement you felt after your interaction with the young doctor. you thought garcia might've seen through you and avoided eye contact, busying yourself with whatever was in your sight.
this is so not what i thought I was gonna write when I started this so if u see me write another bartender one shot just close ur eyes...
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kometqh · 2 months
𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓻𝔂..
Pt2. Captain Rex x F!Reader x Fives What happens when two of the men you admire suddenly begin to show just how interested they are in you, days after your secret diary goes missing? Word Count: 3514 Warnings: Edited but most likely has some grammar mistakes, reader is scared of water. A/N: Ugh this took my poor little brain too long to write but it's here now and I'm very proud <33
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The rhythmic buzzing of cicadas paired with the summer heat and sunbathing on the beach was the perfect situation to find yourself in. The negotiations had gone smoothly, and your squad was permitted a spontaneous shore leave.  
Navy blue waves licked lazily at the sand; the water contrastingly cold to the desert-like temperatures of the beach. A cool breeze accompanied the waves, providing a semblance of comfort as it danced with tall, sparse strands of wild grass.
You were seated on a sunbed, just beneath the dark shadow of an umbrella, enjoying the distant echoes of laughter from your squad. It was extremely uncommon for them to enjoy anything but the popular bar, 79s, on their days off. 
You had to bargain with the Jedi council for a solid half an hour before Master Windu had finally given you the nod of approval.
Now, Rex reaped the benefits of shore leave in the form of a nap in the sun. You had made sure to apply a kriff ton of sun cream onto his back and shoulders and neck before he had fallen asleep, a mumbled 'thank you' rolling off the tip of his tongue as his eyes became droopy.
He was severely sleep deprived; always being assigned to Skywalker's side rather than yours. It wasn't that he didn't like Master Skywalker, it's just his missions and plans were always reckless and exhausting, and they ended with a few too many casualties.
Of course, that was always inevitable, and Rex did his best not to linger on the fallen, but it didn't always come to him easily.
But with you, he could rest assured.
With you, he could relax under the warm sun, feel the burning sand, and enjoy the comfort of seaside waves.
His caring nature also ensured that everyone would be provided for whilst he was asleep. Bringing extra sun-cream, a cooler filled to the brim with water bottles and ice lollies, and extra towels as well as beach balls.
Where did he get the credits from?
Well, that was a code that nobody could decipher.
Nevertheless, there you were, relaxing with your beloved Captain. Fives had dragged most of the squad into the waves, insisting that they play volleyball. He had tried to take you too, but your reluctance and uncertainty deterred him. 
He had waved you off with a 'Watch me, General' and a wink before he engaged in a series of games of clumsy water volleyball.
Since they'd undergone ARC Trooper training, it became more uncommon for Echo and Fives to join the 501st on longer campaigns. 
Each time they were reunited, Fives would glance to Echo with a small smile. And now, he was busy wrestling with Hardcase in the shallow parts of the water, laughter escaping the two as Echo hit the ball into the air.
A series of hoorays and pats on the back erupted as the ball hit the water with a splash. 
One score for Echo's team.
You were content with watching from the side lines, if you remained far from the water.
If you still had your diary on you, you'd probably busy yourself writing down the details of this day, so the memory could continue to live on long after the war was over.
But just a few days prior it went missing. You thought you misplaced it and ransacked your entire quarters for it. By the time Rex had knocked on your door, nothing was in its' correct spot. Crumpled bedsheets, swinging closet doors and a chair in the middle of the room as you had searched under your desk.
He wanted to question your panicked state, but as soon as the words 'Mission' and 'Jedi Council' were said, you had put a halt to your search mission.
Rex hadn't tried to ask since.
But now, forced to sit by idly, you were mesmerised by the beauty of none other than Fives himself. He was an ARC Trooper for a reason. His shoulders were broad, his waist slim and his thighs - thick and strong and defined from hours of battle and constant training. His tan skin was wet with salty sweat and even saltier water, and if one were to squint hard enough, they could see droplets running down the side of his neck. 
You often found yourself feeling grateful to Jango Fett for having such fine genes.
As if reading your mind, Fives decided to stretch, and in the process flexed his biceps. How big were they?
Was it just you or did it get twenty degrees hotter?
His head slowly turned, and for a moment, you made eye contact. It was quick, but it was still enough to have your heart racing. A smirk stretched across his lips as he caught sight of your blooming blush.
The moment was cut short as Jesse splashed salty water right in his face. You didn't even get a chance to process the expression on his face, the water having wiped it away, as a surprised yelp escaped Fives.
His hand flew to his face, a guttural groan leaving his lips as he swore. His form was hunched over, his hand wiping at his eye.
Before you knew it, you were up and running towards the water, your sunbed abandoned and dusty in your wake.
His attention snapped to you at the sound of your voice.
A gasp left your lips.
His eye. The usually tawny skin surrounding his eye had now gained in darker colour, the area a faint red under the sunlight. Tiny, crimson vessels coated his sclera, reaching with thin, curly tendons towards his iris.
Just what was in that water? Surely it shouldn't be this bad.
Jesse was quick to utter apologies, his mouth cast into a downturned smile.
"Jesse it's fine," Fives insisted, "It's nothing." He continued, rubbing at his eye, the corners of his lips fighting an oncoming scowl. His attention quickly diverted from Jesse, focusing on you just as your feet reached the water.
Your body stuttered, your movements faltering as you glanced down at the waves.
Fives eyed you wearily, noticing the hesitation plastered all over your features.
But then in a flash, the water was already hitting your knees, lazily crashing against your waist as you progressed further. Goosebumps rose all over your body, visible under the blaring sun.
Your stomach twisted into a ball of thread, bile rising in your throat. You squeezed the water bottle and towel in your hands, then proceeded to raise your arms into the air like a cheering fan.
The water was now waist-deep, splashing against your torso and swaying your body back and forth.
Pieces of broken pebbles dug into the balls of your feet, and you had to supress the urge to scream when a floating piece of seaweed tickled at your ankles.
A small wheeze left your lips though, and as you reached Fives and looked up, you noticed the concerned expression on Jesse’s face. Was it for Fives or for you? You couldn’t quite tell.
"Let me see." You requested, placing your busy hands on top of Fives’ shoulders.
"General, I'm fine. It's just a bit of water." Fives winced as he attempted an eyeroll, his hands having wrapped around your wrists.
He failed to notice the brief flash of panic in your eyes or the tension in your jaw as the water splashed onto your chest.
"Just a bit of... Water?" You repeated, swallowing harshly. Tugging your hands from his hold, you looked back up at him. "You look like you’re on some hard spice, Trooper. We’ll get your eye rinsed; we don’t know just how safe the water is."
The men behind him had gone awfully quiet, Fives noted as he silently pleaded with you. His eyes searched yours, his head tilting just the slightest. He wasn't a fan of silence, at least not when it came from his squad mates. And he knew all to well that they were watching like hawks, supressing their laughter.
However, as you stood there looking up at him, he couldn’t help but allow his resolve to crumble just a tiny bit. Who could say no to those sweet puppy eyes? Maybe Echo. Most definitely not Fives.
"Alright, lead the way." He finally let up, heaving a sigh. His eye was stinging a bit too much and it’s not like he minded the extra attention from you.
A snicker left one of the men behind you, and Fives was quick to whip his head around, motioning for them to ‘zip it’.
"Fives?" You pursed your lips as you looked up at him, though you didn't last long as your gaze faltered, focusing on your primary target, the sunbed. You wouldn’t be rinsing his eye on the sand; it was too hot, and it felt like walking on lava rocks.
“Is it that bad? Or did you just want me all for yourself?” He asked, nudging your side with his elbow.
Wordlessly, you pushed him onto your sunbed.
“Aggressive, I can work with that.”
“Shut it.” You laughed out, shaking your head.
By that point, Rex had slowly begun waking up, rubbing tiredly at his eyes.
A confused hum left his lips as he noticed the state of your clothes. They were wet. Soaking wet, in fact.
"General?" His voice was deeper than normal, more guttural as he was recovering from his nap. "Why are you...Wet?"
“No reason, Captain.” You shrugged your shoulders with a wink.
Rex looked to Fives, giving him a confused look. He sat up in his sunbed, crossing his legs and rubbing his face. “There’s a first time for everything, I guess.”
“First time? First time for what?”
“Oh? Didn’t you know? Our General- “
“Rex.” The way his name rolled off the tip of your tongue had shivers running down his spine. It carried authority and a warning, but the captain was feeling quite daring. His chest puffed up, his whole demeanour changing. This wasn’t your sweet Captain Rex, this was cheeky Cadet Rex, ready to tell the most embarrassing of stories to his brother.
He looked over to Fives, leaning back on his hands.
“Our General over here is terrified of water.” He mused, recalling a specific memory, “On one of our first missions together, we were sent to a swampy planet. The General had us all fooled at first,” He paused, snickering at the displeased expression on your face, “The second a frog swam by, she was screaming and jumping into my arms. Jesse almost blasted the poor thing to bits!”
“Rex!” You exclaimed, throwing the damp rug at him, “You promised not to tell anyone!”
Rex sputtered as the cloth hit him square in the face, launching it into the air in retaliation. “Fives isn’t just anyone! Am I right or am I right?”
Fives looked between the two of you, his brows raised in shock and his eye looking much better.
“General? I’m not just anyone, I’m your favourite ARC Trooper!” He shook his head, pressing a hand to his chest. “I can’t believe you!”
Before you could deny his words or assure him, Rex was already stood by you.
“See General? You hurt his feelings.”
“N- No I didn’t! Fives you are my favourite, just don’t tell anyone, alright?” You pleaded, attempting your best puppy eyes yet. Your attempts faltered as he shook his head, feigning a hurt look.
“I’m not sure, General. You’ll have to make it up to me somehow,” He paused, exchanging mysterious looks with Rex.
“How can I make it up to you?”
“Oh I don’t know.. I’ll have to get back to you on that.” He retorted, pouting at you. Sometimes you forgot just how childish the man could be. You clutched the empty water bottle in your hand, readying it as your next weapon for Rex.
Turning towards him, a fake scowl twisted your expression.
“Don’t look at me like that, General, it’s a waste of a pretty face.” He quickly said, shielding his face as you raised the water bottle. Before it could leave your hands voluntarily though, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist.
“H- Huh?” A gasp left your lips as your body was swiftly rotated and slung over Fives’ shoulder like a sack of rations. That man really harboured more strength in those biceps than you knew. “Fives? What are you doing?”
“I’m having you repay me! Starting now!” He exclaimed and began moving. Rex moved to his side, keeping in step with Fives. Your eyes widened as the sunbed slowly moved further and further, becoming a distant promise of safety and comfort as salty waves made contact with Fives’ feet.
“Fives! L- Let me go! Please!” Your voice was reaching new peaks, rising higher and higher as you began kicking your legs. “I- I can’t swim!” You continued, lightly hitting his back.
His steps began to slow. You held your breath, leaning your head as far from the water as possible.
“You can’t swim? Are you serious or are you bullshitting me, General?” He asked, looking towards Rex, who only gave him a shrug of his shoulders.
“I promise! Please, please, please don’t go any further.” You pleaded once more, looking over to Rex too. Your hands were clasped together, as if you were praying to the two men. He exchanged glances with Fives, wordlessly communicating.
Rex looked over to you, pursing his lips.
“What’s holding y’guys up?” Hardcase shouted, coming closer and closer. “And since when did the General go into water that isn’t a part of her refresher?” He asked, coming to a stop with the three of you.
“Hardcase! You know I can’t swim! Help me, please!” You began kicking your feet again, leaning your head to the side. Your hands pushed against Fives’ back, attempting to heave yourself off.
His grip on you only tightened, and a squeak was forced from your chest as his palm squeezed your thigh.
“The General is a worse swimmer than me! At her level she isn’t even a swimmer, she’s a sinker!” He exclaimed, pointing to himself, Fives’ shoulders shook as a small laugh escaped him. You could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks, setting your skin aflame.
“Fine, I’ll let you go, but only ‘cause I trust Hardcase.” His voice was gruff as he lifted your body, slowly placing you in the water. Goosebumps attacked your skin once more, but this time from the chilling cold that encased you. Looking up, Fives wore a grin that challenged that of the cheshire cat. “You should see yourself, General. You look like an angry loth cat.” He said, pinching your cheek with one hand as the other rested on your waist, his hold firm but gentle, his thumb caressing your waist in small, centred circles.
Swatting his hand away, you looked back down to the water. It rested just below your hips but would venture higher up as the waves moved back and forth.
“D’you wanna go further?” Fives asked, his voice much closer now. Looking around, you noticed that Rex and the others had moved further into the water, where it now reached their chests.
Shaking your head, you turned back to Fives. “I can’t swim, plus I don’t have the same height advantage as you,” You paused, pointing to the others, “I’d be under water where they are now.”
A soft chuckle escaped his lips, crows’ feet tugging at the outer corners of his eyes. Your hands rose to his chest, steadying yourself as a rogue wave lifted your feet off the ground.
“C’mon, you can sit on my shoulders? I’m sure the others would be more than happy to have you around.” He asked, giving your waist a faint squeeze.
You took a moment to think over his proposition. Sure, being on his shoulders would mean you get to, mostly, stay out of the water. But what if you fell off? You cringed at the thought of water invading your nose, burning your windpipe and choking you from the inside out.
“I- I don’t know…” You paused.
Slowly, you looked up, your breath hitching in your throat. He was already watching you, admiring the tiny expressions you made as you watched his brothers. There was this smitten look resting across his face, as if you were the prettiest little thing he’s ever seen.
His face was so close, his body slightly brushing against your own. His scent invaded your senses, so much so you could almost taste it on the tip of your tongue.
The sunlight reflected in his eyes, outlining the different shapes and shades as if you were looking into a kaleidoscope. His irises had this gorgeous colour of warm honey, and they sparkled like a pair of amber crystals under the soft sunrays.
His skin glowed under the warmth, the rich olive colour becoming tanner the longer he sat outside of his armour, making Fives look healthier and happier. All of the men, in fact. Though their armour kept them safe and sound, you couldn’t help but marvel at the sight of them. They were in their zone.
Fives’ hand moved up to your face, his eyes concentrated on a stray piece of hair. The soft smile kept playing at his lips, never fully going but never fully staying.
There was a tension in his jaw, however, as his fingers toyed with your hair. It was like he was holding something back.
He moved the strand away, gently tucking it behind your ear, as best as it would go anyway.
“You’re gorgeous, cyar’ika.” His words came out as a whispered prayer, his gaze so tender and loving as he caressed your cheek with his knuckles.
It was as if your brain short-circuited again; his words dropped on you like a heavy boulder, so sudden, and yet your heartbeat was now racing a thousand miles per hour. Your breath was caught in your throat, and your mouth suddenly felt dry. Was this normal? Were you panicking or were you blushing? Were you going crazy? What was happening?
“F- Fives…” You whispered, your grip on his chest tightening. You never expected those words to come from him, or anyone at all. They weren’t meant for you. But if so, why did they make you so happy? So ecstatic and why did he make you swoon so hard?
He leaned his face a tad closer, just enough for you to feel his breath fanning over your lips.
You could feel his warmth, it was comparable to the sun itself. It rode in your veins, it had your blood bubbling up in excitement the longer he looked at you. You were just a small planet orbiting his sun, being pulled in closer and closer until all you could feel was the heat and the burn of him.
His tongue darted out to lick at his bottom lip, ridding it of dryness and discomfort.
But that small action had you going wild, feral even.
In that split moment, your gaze flickered to his lips. For a man who spent the majority of his life on a battlefield, his lips sure looked plump and made just for kissing.
It was like you were gravitating towards him, like a comet curve-balling around his planet, entangling around his soul and burning brightly at each twist and pull. His hold on you had your legs melting, as if you were nothing but a shard of ice, being thawed away at by his warm touch and sweetly whispered nothings.
His hand tilted your jaw, just enough for your lips to rest an inch from his. Any closer, and you’d be kissing, melting into one another.
Before either of you could do more, say more, the distant voice of Hardcase called out to you.
“Are you two comin’ or what?!” He shouted, cupping his mouth with both hands.
You jolted in your spot, effectively snapping out of whatever spell the man before you had cast on you. Clearly, he had been put under a spell too as his hands retracted and his posture stiffened.
“We’re on our way!” He shouted back, waving Hardcase off. His attention quickly returned to you, but the spell was now gone.
A lump formed in your throat, and you swallowed it down with struggle.
Uncertainty and fear tugged at your heartstrings, and Fives knew exactly what that meant.
“G- General-“
“I need to go.” Your voice was meek and shallow as you retracted from his touch, as if he left your skin with painful burns and sears wherever his fingertips touched. “Alone.” You continued, placing a hesitant palm on his chest as Fives attempted to follow you.
This couldn’t be happening.
With your back turned to him and your figure disappearing into the distance, Fives couldn’t help but curse under his breath. His lips slightly agape, he stood in the same spot you left him in just moments ago.
How could he have ruined everything in such a short amount of time?
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whorety-k · 15 days
Ebony Coasts [Part 6]
I'm sorry this took so long!! Between my busy life and wanting a quick change up so I could practice to make this chapter better, I definitely took my sweet time on this chapter. It's another long one but it was genuinely fun and I hope you all think the same. Thank you for your patience!!!
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Pairing: Merfolk!Corvus Corax x fem!Marine Conservationist!Reader (second person POV)
Song recommendation: Witchcraft - Graveyard Club “It’s midnight on Main Street / and this town’s all asleep / But you’re still here with me / and I know that / Darling your love's like witchcraft.”
Warnings: Ocean mentions / potential thalassophobia, culture shock and misunderstanding between species, food, using the word chips instead of crisps because author is American, fluff
Word Count: 4.5k I AM SO SORRY
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 7 (NSFW)]
Waking up three hours later, sticky and crusted with salt was a lot less comfortable than the dreamy atmosphere you had drifted off to sleep in. Corvus was reluctant to let you leave to go home and change, but he recognized that there was no feasible way for you to clean yourself up while you were in his den; the salt water would have wedged sand into more unsavory places. You promised him it would only be thirty minutes to an hour before you would return and, after explaining what an hour was, he relinquished his protests and encouraged you to be safe. You leaned up on your tip-toes for a kiss goodbye, which the mer bashfully gave. 
The soothing stream of warm water coursing down your back makes you wonder just how difficult it would be to install a shower within Corvus’s cavern, before kicking yourself for the thought of modernizing any part of the beach that you’re technically supposed to be protecting. The thought of being able to live more readily with Corvus has your brain misbehaving. You hop out of the shower and towel off, changing into a significantly-less-saline outfit than you had been in previously. 
Before leaving your apartment, your eyes stray to the dusty picnic basket beneath your desk. For years, the woven wicker has sat unused and taunting you, waiting for its opportunity to see the light of day. The lack of luck in relationships previously had halted any usage of the item, but perhaps today was the day it finally saw usage. You grab the basket. 
But what to bring on a picnic with a literal merman? What does a giant fish-person like? You realize you have no idea where to start with him, so when you stop by your pantry you toss two random junk foods inside. Oreos and potato chips. Perfect. It still doesn’t feel like enough though, and you quickly check the time. You still have another fifteen or so minutes to make it back to the coast before Corvus should start to worry. On a whim, you toss the picnic basket on the passenger seat of your car and speed over to the only grocery store between your apartment and the coast.
You’re just as clueless and indecisive as you were at home, but now you were clueless and indecisive with options. The lady behind the meat counter gives you an uncertain look the longer you stare at the identical cuts of salmon. 
“If you’re struggling, the Alaskan wild-caught is a better–”
“-Thank you!” You don’t even let her finish before you’re throwing three filets into the shopping cart then speeding off, completely missing the stunned look she throws your way. You barely make sure to wrap them enough to hide the fishy smell.
In the checkout lane, you give in to the crow brain and grab a random rainbow bag of sour candy from the hanging, as well as a pack of four chocolate strawberries from a vendor outside of the store. Are mermen able to eat chocolate? Is it like a dog and cat scenario? You’ve never tried giving a chocolate bar to a fish. Wasn’t there someone who fed their fish Kitkats and it survived? Well, if he can’t have it, it’s just more for you. 
You slam the door to the Bronco and gun it for the beach when you arrive. With the picnic basket and a large blanket in hand, it’s not particularly feasible to make it down the cliff face, so you take the long way around. It’s only just been an hour, so hopefully–
A milk white limb wraps around your midsection and lifts you from the ground, causing you to drop your freight in the commotion. Corvus holds you like a kitten, a look of concern plain in his voidish eyes as he intently studies your body.
“You are not injured? It has been greater than an hour. Has something occurred?” He inquires, gently lifting and turning you as he looks you over.
You shake off the shock of being startled, simultaneously chuckling at the doting behavior and irritated with having been snuck up on again. “I’m fine,” you say, prompting the anxious mer to stop twisting you from side to side. Corvus relaxes and lowers you gently back to the sand. Once back on solid ground, you look down at your watch. An involuntary sigh leaves your lungs.
“It has been an hour and three minutes.”
“This? Over three minutes?” 
The merman nods his head, that stoic expression never once faltering. “I worried for your well being.”
Realizing that pressing the matter will get you nowhere, you decide to find the action endearing. When you step to the side to pick up your fallen items, Corvus quickly beats you to it, relinquishing you of the blanket and grabbing the picnic basket before you even have the chance to turn around. It looks comically small in his large hands, cupped like a ball. 
“Are we returning to the den?” Corvus asks, readying himself to head that direction. He slides past you, shielding you from the focused rays of the looming sunset. 
“That depends,” you start, placing a hand on one of his ebony side fins. The giant stops, twitching from the contact. “How do you feel about trying some human foods?”
Corvus stops, glancing down at you before his attention turns to the basket in his hand. He lifts it to his nose and sniffs at it, and you resist cooing at how cute his ear fins look when they subtly perk up. “I am not opposed to it, however…” His head turns to the horizon, looking out over the waves. 
The setting sun casts the sky in a brilliant red, leftover clouds from the earlier storm reflecting the light in a kaleidoscope of pinks, oranges, and yellows. The charcoal rocks of the cliffside bleed into sandstone, cast coral in the dying glow. Lava flows of sand quench in the dusky ocean waves.
“It’s perfect,” you interrupt, grabbing the blanket from his clawed hand. Corvus turns back as you march to the embankment and set up the massive blanket. He watches happily (for someone so usually reserved) as you buzz around like a bee, trying your hardest to get it flat on the sand. Mercifully, the giant holds a corner steady to help you lay out the swath of cloth. When you come back for the picnic basket, he already has it lowered to your level for easy access. 
“Get on,” you say, patting the blanket and folding your arms to wait. Corvus spares you a final glance before he carefully slides his way onto the cover, the translucent black fins of his magnificent tail reflecting the threads beneath them. He rests his back against a smooth face of the cliffside and hums his contentment. Enthusiasm at the mer’s comfort thrums through your veins.
Unfortunately, the blanket that’s normally so large on you is nothing compared to the large fins of the black mer. There’s no room for you to sit with him, so you start to kick a clearing beside him for you to sit beside him instead. “I didn’t have a blanket larger than this, so–” 
“Would you like to sit on my tail?” Corvus extends a hand towards you, offering you a way to climb up onto him. He adjusts to create a flatter surface.
The marine biologist in you screams ‘I thought you would never offer!’, but the polite person in you wins and instead asks, “Are you sure?” Corvus bows his head and calmly helps you clamber up onto his tail, holding the picnic basket in one hand as he steadies you with the other. He’s cautious to set you low on his lap, below the fins that adorn his waist. You resist touching them, lest you get (literally or figuratively) thrown off of the tail you were just allowed to sit on.
You reach for the picnic basket and Corvus places it before you, allowing you to trifle through it. Strategically, you keep the salmon hidden in the cold compartment at the bottom beneath some ice, drawing out the bag of oreos. A gentle hand rests upon your thigh as the mer watches.
“So these are called Oreos,” you explain, holding one up for Corvus to see, “They’re sandwich cookies with cream in the center.”
Corvus nods as if he understands and scents the item, before opening his mouth to take it. He wants you to feed him you realize, and you carefully place the cookie on his tongue, avoiding his sharp teeth. The cookie is gone with a few crunches. You use the moment to take an oreo for yourself: sweet filling and crunchy cocoa, just as you remember. 
The mer isn’t as receptive, nose minutely scrunching as he swallows. You laugh at the face he makes. “Are all humans so fond of sweetened chemicals?” Corvus asks, clearing his throat. 
“Some. Not everyone’s a fan,” you reply.
Corvus nods, thinking for a moment. The dwindling light of the dusk has come to a near end, pale moonlight glittering over his visage as his head bows near to yours. Eventually, the mer comes to a conclusion, “The ‘cookie’ half was fine, but I did not enjoy the filling.”
“You’d be surprised how many people agree with you on that,” you note, lean forward to place a kiss on his cheek—
Corvus places a hand over your mouth as he abruptly perks up, stilling completely. His head snaps to the side, eyes glaring in one direction: the rocks in the shallows. You feel the brush of soft flesh before his tail completely blocks your view.
“Is everything okay?” you whisper into his hand, trying to lean around it.
He doesn’t let you. “We are being watched,” Corvus deadpans, eyes fixed on the same invisible spot in the distance. He doesn’t comment further, but his hand moves to your back to curl around you protectively.
The lack of reaction from Corvus and the uncertainty of the situation sets your mind racing. Watched? Watched by what? By who? Are there other humans nearby, looking upon the merman with uncertain eyes, calling the authorities? Your heart begins to palpate in your chest, thumping against your ribcage like a drum. Something’s going to happen to Corvus and it’s going to be entirely your fault, having gotten the mer comfortable with your presence and having him sit out in the open like this. Corvus is going to lose his freedom and his blood is going to be on your hands—
“At ease, little gem,” Corvus calls to you, stroking a soft knuckle down your spine, “You are in no danger.” You snap up to look at him, seeing his midnight eyes now peering down at you. You take a deep breath, and the pounding in your chest slowly begins to steady. 
Corvus’s eyes turn back to the shoreline, a swish of his feathery bangs revealing just how furrowed his eyebrows are. He looks disappointed, and you wait for an explanation. With a sigh, he offers, “It is nothing more than someone not knowing that I would prefer privacy.”
A slight droop in his tail allows you to finally see into the partially-illuminated waters. You strain your eyes to find whatever Corvus has been staring at, looking between jagged rocks and soft swells, but absolutely nothing reveals itself to you. Confused, you ask, “Where are you looking?” Corvus doesn’t answer, but eventually you take the hint to follow his eyes to another rock. Still, you see nothing.
The giant startles you by calling something out loudly in a language you do not understand, but finally you notice what he’s been staring at. What you had been fully convinced was just a normal rock lifts itself from the water, revealing a wall of black metal before removing a beak-like helmet. Pale skin begins to reflect the moon’s rays back at you, framed by a mop of black hair straight out of 2005’s top emo bands. As it approaches, you’re surprised to see that it looks strikingly similar to Corvus himself: a large frame with a betta-like tail that’s a tad more narrow, but still visibly powerful. This mer is shorter than Corvus by a substantial amount, but still definitely much larger than you are.
It– He, you believe, converses with Corvus in that unfamiliar tongue the entire time he comes closer, awkwardly dragging himself forward in sand until he’s within a few feet of your blanket. You think Corvus is asking this new mer a few tense questions, based off of the scolding tone of his voice and guilt in the new mer’s eyes, but any communication is lost on you. When Corvus fully lowers his tail, you see the new mer’s eyes widen, but it restrains from any further movement. Corvus finishes whatever conversation he was having and directs his attention back to you eventually with a call of your name.
“This is Shadow Captain Kayvaan Shrike,” he says to you, gesturing a hand in Shrike’s direction. You introduce yourself, unsure if he understands you, and hesitantly reach a hand out towards Shrike for a handshake. He stares at it dumbly, until Corvus mutters something to him in their shared language and Shrike gently takes your hand in his. Incorrectly, just as Corvus had. You’re beginning to notice a trend with the seafolk, and you would call it cute if it wasn’t for the unquestionable strength in the hand over yours.
Corvus directs another inquiry at Shrike, and Shrike takes his hand back to point behind you. Before you can fully turn around, a new voice incredibly near to your head causes you to all but fling yourself off of Corvus’s tail. The giant mer catches you and your picnic basket with a huff, turning his head to address the second newcomer. You follow to see another pale face looking at you inquisitively, standing adjacent to Corvus. He bears similar armor to Shrike, but instead of a shaggy swoop, he wore a slicked-back mohawk. All three merfolk possess the same blacked-out eyes.
“Nykona,” Corvus grunts, before delving into another scolding. ‘Nykona’ doesn’t wear the same kicked-puppy expression Shrike did, instead continuing to observe you in silence. His gaze carries the intensity of someone who has seen and done things in his lifetime that you wouldn’t be able to stomach, sending shivers down your spine. At the end of Corvus’s speech, he gives a simple response and a nod.
Your mer finally turns back to you and directs you towards ‘Nykona’, saying, “And this is Nykona Sharrowkyn, Mor Deythan. Both he and Kayvaan are Astartes.” You have no idea what the second half of that means, but you acknowledge it anyway. You opt to cling to your basket instead of offering a handshake to Nykona, checking the inside contents to make sure they’re alright. Everything appears to be in place.
Nykona and Shrike shift to listen to Corvus speak again, that rhythmic guttural vaguely similar to what it sounds like to list a species’ proper name. You try to make sense of it, but only occasionally do you pick up on names.
The quiet exchange continues on for a fair while longer, before a fantastic idea causes you to jolt upright. Each of the raven-colored merfolk look at you, and you beam at them. 
“Do they want to try some human food?”
Corvus had to set a few ground rules with the Astartes, and he had gently placed you down upon the blanket before explaining that it should only take a short moment. 
It did not, in fact, take a short moment.
Shrike and Nykona seemed to have an interrogation of their own for Corvus, but in the end, you were actually grateful for the opportunity to see how merfolk interacted with each other. Perhaps it was just these individuals, but they were incredibly formal with each other by your human standards. Respectful distances, no yelling, what seemed like actual discussion. You dare say that Corvus was affectionate with them the way a father was with his sons, reassuring any perceived outburst with a hand on the shoulder and gentle words. The two smaller mer even doff their armor, broad in build even without the augments. You avert your gaze respectfully.
Eventually, Corvus seemed content with the state of things and led the two newcomers back over to you. Corvus curls around your back protectively, leaning against the cliff face again. Nykona makes his way to your right, resting his front on the comfortable blanket while his tail remains on the sand. Shrike has no qualms sitting on the blanket directly beside you.
A strongly-accented voice prods about the basket. “So we are eating what’s in there?” Shrike asks, head tilted like a curious dog. 
“Oh! Yes, that’s the plan.” You had no idea whether or not the ‘Astartes’ could understand you, let alone respond to you, so the question comes as a surprise to you. You open the basket, showing him the contents. 
Shrike inspects them, then reaches within to pull out a package: a desaturated baby blue with a potato chip on the cover. The captain sniffs at the bag and is confused when he can’t smell much outside of the plastic. “I have seen these floating in the waves before, but they are not often sealed.”
The sentence makes you frown, and you gesture for him to hand you the bag of chips. “Not every human cares about the ocean the way I do. They’ll eat the contents and leave the trash behind. It’s awful behavior.” You pull the sides of the bag open to reveal the salt-and-vinegar chips within. The acrid smell of vinegar makes all three of the mer recoil with varying intensity when you happily pop a chip in your mouth. 
In an attempt to ease them into the other foods, you withdraw the strawberries. The smell of the sweet chocolate coating catches their attention instantly, and Corvus, despite all of his politeness, doesn’t wait for you. He tears open the clamshell with a gentle claw and plucks one of the large confectionaries for himself. You give him a playful glare before you take your own berry, noticing that a second is already missing. Nykona chomps away at his from the edge of the blanket.
Only Shrike dares to take a chip from the bag, both Corvus and Nykona passing up the offer politely. Each of you watch as the pungent acidity and saltiness causes the Astartes to wince, gills fluttering awkwardly as he breaks into uncomfortable coughs. Shrike spits the chip out into the sand with groan, wiping off his tongue. You place a hand on his shoulder to comfort him through it, and you’re surprised to see it actually seem to ground him. So is he, by the way he gently pushes your hand away. When Shrike is calmed down enough to focus on another food, he reaches for the remaining strawberry– then lets out a short growl. Shrike’s eyes instantly snap over to Nykona.
Nykona, rather contently, chews on Shrike’s allotted berry. He wears a face of perfect nonchalance.
Corvus covers you protectively with a hand as Shrike glares down his fellow Astartes, but you break the tension by offering Kayvaan your berry. He looks down at the strawberry reluctantly, eyes flicking between it and your patient face. Tentatively, Shrike takes the berry and plops it whole into his mouth, and the instant relaxation in his eyes makes giving up your treat worth it. 
You feel a gentle rumbling against your back, and you look up to see the tender expression Corvus casts your way. A careful hand places itself at your shoulders and strokes the muscles there, and you return the soft look. 
Nykona crinkling the rainbow bag of candy pulls you from the moment. “These are sweet too. I can smell it,” he mutters, using a claw to open the larger bag and spill out the individually wrapped pieces within. 
Warheads. You had bought Warheads. You may have loved Warheads, but you seriously doubt they would given the collective reaction to the salt-and-vinegar chips. 
Nykona picks up one of the packaged candies and makes an unreadable face, with Shrike following suit. You take one for yourself and Corvus, offering it up to your betta. 
“These are called Warheads. They’re sour candy, so they’re not really for everyone, but I like them.” After your brief explanation, you show each of the boys how to open the packaging and plop the hard candy into your mouth. The instant burn on your tongue causes you to shiver, but after a bit of intense salivation, it quickly gives way to the sweet candy underneath. 
The hesitation on each of their faces is clear, but after Corvus places the candy in his mouth, the Astartes follow suit. 
You’re surprised to see each of the merfolk maintaining a straight face. Honestly, you had expected each of them to absolutely hate the taste. Hell, most humans hated the taste of warheads because of the extreme burn of sour each of them packed. It was a pleasant surprise to know that Corvus and his… pod(?) must enjoy sour candy—
A shuddering choke to your left catches your attention. Shrike breaks first, letting out an uncomfortable hiss of air and shaking his head, hair covering his face. A groan from your right, and Nykona is removing the warhead from his mouth, dropping the sticky sugar onto the blanket with a less-than-amused look. You only just notice Corvus reach up and take the Warhead off of his tongue, holding it between his claws and frowning at it. 
He looks at you with sad eyes, “That was… unpleasant.”
It’s enough to break you into a fit of hysterics, throwing your head back against Corvus’s tail as your core shakes with laughter. Each breath wheezes out of you uncontrollably, limbs feeling gooey as you sink further and further into the blanket. 
No one else seems as amused.
Once you get yourself mostly under control, you fall forward onto your hands and knees and reach into the basket with unsteady hands. The merfolk watch as you rummage through it and pull out the hidden salmon filets from within. With pride, you present the orange meat towards the sky.
You don’t even see each of them move– you can only feel the air move around you before your hands are completely empty. The tang of fish fills the air from every direction, then the wet sound of teeth ripping into flesh. You could only describe the scene as feral, sharks tearing into unsuspecting seals in an attempt to wash the taste of the warheads out of their mouth. Only to another marine biologist could you describe it as “cute.”
Corvus wipes off his mouth as he finishes, a soft huff of relief leaving his gills. He gives you a pensive look before his hands snake beneath your arms, lifting you up and drawing you close. You hold yourself against him with a hand on his chest as he adjusts his grip to support your weight better, missing the look the giant casts to the other mer. Movement behind you causes you to look over your shoulder, and you’re surprised to see Nykona and Shrike completely clad in their armor once again, Shrike’s white helmet making him easy to identify in the low light. Both Astartes salute Corvus, hands crossed over their chest, before slithering back towards the ocean. You wave at them in goodbye, receiving a nod of acknowledgement as they go.
Corvus bends down to gather your blanket and basket, cradling you to shield you from the change of gravity then starting off in the direction of his den. With Shrike and Nykona gone, a warm silence fills the air. You smile up at your black betta, and he returns it. You glance back towards the water.
You can't help but wonder more about their relationship, and you make it known, “I know their names, but who are they?” 
Corvus trails your glance towards the sea. “Nykona and Kayvaan are my sons.”
His words drop like a bombshell, and you freeze. The thought that Corvus has sons fills you with unease and… jealousy? Sure, you know Corvus has a life outside of yours, and you knew that he had one before you were around, but the thought still does terrible things to your heart.
Corvus can smell the dismay on you, and as soon as you two are within the safety of his cavern, he drops the items he’s carrying. He uses his freed hand to lift your chin, tilting your head to look up at him, “Do not be troubled. They are only my sons in name…”
You find relief in his reassurances, but the way he trails off leads you to feel suspicious once more. You know there’s more he has more to say, and you motion for him to go on. Corvus’s jaw tenses.
“They are made with my genetic material, but I had no hand in making them myself.”
Well that statement causes distinctly more heretical thoughts that you have to force yourself to tamp down. It still doesn’t explain very much, instead replacing your former question with less tasteful ones. With a shake of your head, you admit, “I still don’t understand.”
“It is better that way,” Corvus sighs and continues carrying you all the way into the bedspace, sequestering you both somewhere private. It comforts him to have you completely to himself without anyone to intrude on the moment. 
Perhaps there are better times to be a biologist, you reason as Corvus settles the two of you into the bed of furs, placing you on the un-scaled half of his lap. You look up at him with hearts in your eyes, leaning forward to rest against his cold chest. The sensation of something metal digging into your sternum causes you to sit up, looking down your shirt. You move to shift your raven necklace out of the way so you can lean against Corvus more comfortably, but your hand catches on a second necklace that you don’t remember putting on.
Cautiously, you withdraw the pendant and turn it over it in your hand, examining the teardrop of metal cradling a familiar black pearl. Warmth blooms in your cheeks as you gaze up into Corvus’s eyes.
That handsome face of carved alabaster smiles down at you expectantly.
these two pictures had me dying laughing
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this is permanently in my search history now because I was also curious
I tried to base Kayvaan Shrike off of pre-heresy, as well as Nykona, but it can be difficult with such little source material so they definitely have aspects of their later personalities.
If you don't want smut, it's perfectly feasible to stop after this chapter!! This story can comfortably conclude here :)
If you do want smut, though, please enjoy:
[Part 7]
54 notes · View notes
thatlovinfeelin · 9 months
He Don't Like The Lights | Bradley Bradshaw Actor AU|
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Waiting tables wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t your favorite job either. Not that you hated it, because you didn’t. For the most part you liked your coworkers, your roommate Celeste being one of them. Your bosses weren’t horrible, and the pay was alright. You were able to pay your bills and stash some extra cash away for savings. Soon, or at least you hoped it would be soon, you would be able to move out of the somewhat shitty place with Celeste and get a better apartment. Maybe even leave Virginia altogether. 
“Hey, I need you to take table five.” 
“But it’s not in my section tonight,” You argue with your manager. 
“Just take it, okay? It's a single and you’re better with singles than Celeste,” He replied, shooing you away with his hands. 
You let out a dramatic sigh, rolling your eyes as you grabbed your waitress book and headed towards the single guy sitting at the table. You never sized up tables before you started serving them, never tried to write people off before they had a chance to show their colors. 
But you could tell that this guy was hot just by the way he was sitting with a baseball cap tugged low. He at least knew how to wear a damned hat unlike some of the guys who came in with it halfway on their heads. 
“Hi, welcome in, can I get you started with anything to drink?” You asked cheerfully as you stopped in front of him. 
The bar was relatively empty, which came as a surprise since it was a weekend and the weather was fairly nice. Maybe everyone was still out at the beach and would be in before dinner ended. Maybe you would get lucky and end up having a good tip night to make up for the shitfest that was last night. 
“Uh, just a Bud on draft if you have it.”
“Bud lite?” You question. 
“No, Buswieser, the real shit,” There’s a hint of a laugh in his voice. 
“I’ve got it in a bottle, is that okay?”
“Yeah that works,” He replies, tipping his head back to look up at you. 
It takes you a second to register who’s actually looking at you. You’ve seen those dark hazel eyes on screen plenty of times, because Cele is obsessed with his movies. However, what really takes you back is how normal he looks in an old beat up t-shirt and shorts. He doesn’t look like the glamourous actor that you’ve seen.
“I’m sorry- are you,” You stop and lick your lips. 
You aren’t nervous, because you aren’t obsessed with him. His movies are okay, and you have to admit he is more attractive in person than he is on screen. But you’ve never been one to fall face first over someone who’s in the industry, not that you’ve ever had the chance to before. 
“Are you Bradley Bradshaw?” The question comes out as a whisper as you lean down, trying to be as quiet as you can. 
He pales for a moment, waiting to see if you’re going to fully freak out on him before smiling sheepishly, “Caught that easily, huh?”
“You’re lucky it’s just me and not the other girl over there,” You inform him, “She’d be on the floor, and I know that because I live with her and share a TV with her. But since it’s just me,” you smile at him before backing away a step, “A bottle of Bud coming right up.”
He smiles and relaxes into his seat before looking back down at his phone on the table. You can’t help but smile as you make your way towards the bar and the POS system to start his ticket. 
Bradley Bradshaw is eating in the bar and no one but you knows. He just happened to be lucky enough that Celeste had the one big table and was therefore too busy to take him, even though it was her section. 
“Thanks for taking that table,” She sounds out of breath as she sets a drink tray down next to you, “I’m swamped with those fuckers over there. Tourists on vacation who want everything at that very moment. Including three Virgin Strawberry Daiquiris for the kids. I want to shoot myself.”
You smile to yourself as you make your way around to the beer cooler to grab a nice cold bottle of Bud, “Oh don’t worry about it. He shouldn’t cause any trouble anyway.”
If only she knew. 
“Here you go,” You say, sitting the open bottle down on his table, “Do you need a minute to look over the menu? Or do you have any questions?”
“What do you recommend?” He asked you, looking back up. 
“Pulled Pork Mac’n’cheese, easy,” You replied almost instantly, “Hands down my favorite dish here, after our Crab Dip appetizer, but I also eat that for a full meal.”
He smiles up at you and closes the menu before handing it back to you, “I’ll try that Pork Mac then.”
“Sounds good, I’ll get that right in!” You smile triumphantly before backing away once again, “Holler if you need anything, okay? I’ll be back to check on you before the food comes out.”
Back at the bar, Celeste is finally able to stop for a minute and catch her breath. She looks miserable and it makes you want to laugh a little. Her night would be very different if she just took Table Five instead. 
She’s hunched over her phone reading an article, which normally you would call her out on being on her phone but tonight you can’t be bothered. It’s slow enough and her phone is hidden anyway. 
“Hey, Bradshaw is up for a bunch of awards,” She grins, “He so deserves them. You remember how great he was in that war movie, right! That’s what’s being nominated.”
“Hmm?” You question before your brain seems to catch up with you, “Oh, yeah. No, he was great in that movie. Whole cast was, honestly.”
“Exactly! I hope they sweep at the Oscars, they all deserve it so much.”
You have to hide your smile as you type away on the POS to put in the order. In the back, you can hear your kitchen jamming out to some sort of heavy metal meets classic rock mix which isn’t all that unusual for them. There are some days you’ve come to work and they’ve been listening to Disney music. At this point you can’t even try to say that you understand what their playlists consist of. 
It takes ten minutes before you’re walking back over to the table with another beer in hand. You noticed he was starting to run low and you know better than to let a drink ever go empty. That was one of the first things you learned when you became a waitress. 
“Brought you another one,” You announce, setting it down. 
“Thanks, appreciate it,” He replies, “And uh, thanks for not freaking out on me. Would’ve been a bitch if I got swarmed in here.”
“No worries, I’m not a rabid fan or anything,” You laugh, “But I am curious as to why you’re here of all places. I thought you lived in LA?”
“I do,” He nods, “But this was home long before LA was. I was born here in Virginia, I like to come back and visit family from time to time.”
“Oh,” You’re taken back by his honesty. He could’ve easily told you that it was none of your business, which is what you expected, “That’s really nice actually.”
Celeste calls you, saying the kitchen wants you. Reluctantly you force yourself away from the table and towards the set of double swinging doors in the middle of the bar. Something about Bradley Bradshaw is drawing you in and you aren’t sure if you want to resist it or not. Surely he wouldn’t remember your name in a few hours. He’d forget about the server from Virginia the second he got on a flight back to LA and the way of the world would take back over. 
“Here’s that pork mac,” Chef told you, nudging the dish in the window, “Get it out of my sight.”
“Sir yes sir,” You reply, grabbing the hot dish, “Thank you!”
“Yeah yeah, fuck off,” He grumbled, which only made you smile. 
You made your way back towards Bradley’s table with a smile. You could see why Celeste was so enamored with him. There was just something about him that made you want to sit down and hang on his every word. Plus, he was hot as hell. He still had the mustache from his previous role, and was trying to hide behind his ball cap. He looked normal, almost.
You wondered how other people here saw him? Were they even paying attention to the bonafide star that was hiding out in the corner? Celeste would piss herself if she knew he was here, hell, you might even piss yourself if he smiled at you again. The thought made you a little weak in the knees. 
“Your pork mac,” You said, sitting it down on the table in front of him, “Be careful, it’s actually pretty hot.”
“Mmm, looks fantastic,” He nearly groaned, “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet, you don’t even know if you’ll like it!” You laughed, “But I hope you enjoy, and let me know if I can get you anything else.”
You hop away from him again, taking a deep breath as you go. Maybe the night wouldn’t be as bad as you thought.
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lunarpeonie · 11 months
Beach Vacation with Nanami HC:
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You and Nanami need a break from your stressful lives.
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You both have been exhausted from work, your busy schedules keeping you apart for much longer than either of you would have liked. That was why when Nanami suggested a weekend getaway to Shimoda to sit on the beach and drink piña coladas (okay you may have added that last part in your head), you jumped at the idea.
The morning of the trip, Nanami loads his sleek black sedan with your luggage. When he sees your suitcase, his eyebrows shoot up to his hairline.
“You do know we’re only going for three days, right?” His eyes scanned the easily 50 pounds of clothes neatly secured by your bubble gum pink suitcase.
“Yeah but what if I forgot something? I even brought extra pillows for us in case the hotel pillows are uncomfortable.” You anxiously chewed on your bottom lip, contemplating if you should go back up to your apartment and pack an extra duffel bag with anything you may have missed. Nanami just lets out a chuckle under his breath and lifts your overpacked luggage into his trunk.
The ride to the beach goes much quicker than you thought, what with your perfectly curated road trip playlist filled with odes to yours and Nanami’s emo phases. (Nanami listened to both My Chemical Romance and The Used and knew about all of the drama, you can’t convince me otherwise.)
When you get to the hotel, you plop your entire body onto the king bed, starfish style while Nanami checks to make sure the locks on the doors and windows work. (Such is the life of someone who works in as much danger as he.)
“Kento, can we get ready for the beach now? We can’t waste a minute of this precious daylight!” Your arms thread around his waist, hands resting on the hard expanse of his stomach while you squeezed him in a tight hug. It was hard to contain your elation at the fact that you finally had some alone time together. A soft smile formed on Nanami’s face as he put his hands on top of yours.
“Wait one moment before you get changed, I bought us something. You jump to your tip toes to give Kento a peck on the mouth. While his aloof personality made it seem like he didn’t care to some, in reality he was just very good at hiding his thoughtfulness.
While you were working one day, Kento had bought matching neon orange swimsuits for the two of you. (The color may have been a choice made specifically after watching a tiktok on how hard it was to spot certain colors of swimsuits in the water. Knowing your impulsive nature and love for thrill, Kento shivered at the thought of you insisting you reach the sand bar only to disappear under the waves. The swimsuits had been bought the same day.)
After changing, you made the short walk to the beach where the hotel had already set out chairs and umbrellas out on the sandy dunes for the guests. You settled yourselves into the lounge chairs, Kento opening his new read, a book bought a month earlier but had been neglected due to lack of time. You positioned your body toward Nanami, laying on your right side with your elbow propped to keep your head up.
You took this time to admire your boyfriend. He seemed so at peace, with his fingers threaded through the pages of the book to hold it open. His Ray Ban sunglasses had slid toward the end of his nose and you could catch a peek at his sepia toned eyes scanning the pages. The infrequent moments where stress didn’t mar the length of his face were your favorite. It was times like this where you were reminded just how young your partner really was and the toll his job as a grade one sorcerer took on him.
“Mmh, Kento, how would you feel about a piña colada right now? You can’t stay at a hotel on the beach without having a piña colada.” A mischievous smile snuck its way onto your lips at the suggestion. Nanami rolled his eyes but pulled out his wallet, weeding out his credit card and tossing it onto your chair while you happily wiggled. You make the trek to the hotel beach bar, making special care to order a piña colada with two straws and an umbrella in between.
On your way back to Nanami, you get the bright idea to sing to him. As you get closer, you start, “Kento, if you like piña coladas, and getting caught in the rain, you wouldn’t be a sorcerer, if you had half a brain ~ ♪” Nanami takes your teasing well, waiting for you to put down the drink before swinging you into his arms, spinning you around in circles.
“You seem to love my half-brain.” A grin touches his lips as he listens to you giggle and he leans in to give you a tender kiss against your lips.
Here, it was easy for the both of you to forget all the worries waiting for you at home and just enjoy the moment with each other.
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somethingswift19 · 5 months
Toxic - Part 2 JJ Maybank x (f) reader
| Warnings: toxic situationship, couples fighting, angst, swearing
|Summary: You're in a toxic situationship with JJ and can't bring yourself to leave
Part 1
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You had had the last couple days off which meant thankfully, you didn't have to see a certain blonde. You hadn't spoken to each other since the fight and to be honest, you were ok with that. Much to JJ's disliking you went on that date with Jack. He was tall with long raven curls and tanned skin that could only come from spending all day in the water. The definition of tall, dark, and handsome. He took you to dinner at his favorite restaurant before the two of you drove out to the beach and spent hours just talking and looking up at the stars. Before you knew it, you were having sex right there in the sand.
Walking into work, you tried to block out any thoughts of JJ. There was no way you were gonna let him ruin this for you. You were finally beginning to move on. As you approached the register so you could open the bar, you noticed a note was left for you.
Hope your date went horrible ;) -JJ
Rolling your eyes you stuffed the note in your purse and continued with opening procedures. Turning on the Indie Chill Pandora station, you put all your focus on getting ready for that evening and remembering the night before causing a slight smile to break out on your lips. That was until you saw him saunter in 15 minutes later. "So," JJ smirked. "How was your date with Jake?'
"It's Jack," you answered not taking your eyes off of the fruit you had been cutting. "And it went amazing thank you very much." His smirk faltered before muttering something about going to get the till. "Oh! And thank you so much for the note!" you yelled after him getting only a nod in response.
Nearly half the shift had gone by and he hadn't said a word to you. It was a fairly busy bar night seeing as it was a Friday so you stayed on tickets while he took care of the bar top. He was more charming anyway and his award winning smile helped rack up the tips from the women that would come in. But tonight, knowing that it wasn't getting directed towards you sent a pang through your chest.
By the end of the evening you were over the silent treatment. Sneaking past the servers closing up, you went downstairs to find JJ taking inventory for the weekend. You closed the door causing him to glance over before going back to what he was doing. "Hey," you said meekly. "So what, you're just never gonna speak to me again?" again no response. "You know, I finally have a chance to be happy! Don't you want me to be happy?" your voice cracked as you pleaded for some sort of answer from him.
JJ stood there for a second. He wanted to tell you how picturing you with this dude was killing him inside. Wanted to beg you to be with him...but he couldn't. All you could do was nod your head in response to his silence as you turned to walk out the door. "I remember that first day you came in and said 'hey' to me," his soft voice caused you to turn around. "How cute you looked. Still doe eyed about moving to OBX." He was facing you now but kept his head hung low.
"What?" you looked at him puzzled. "You hardly seemed like you were paying attention."
"Oh, I was paying attention," he let out a breathy chuckle. "Do you think I'm stupid?" Speechless you just looked at him confused and in slight shock. "You came in looking adorable as hell. Tube socks scrunched up at your ankles with your adidas...black high waisted shorts...and a long sleeve blue shirt that said "Take care of the planet" with polar bears on it I believe."
He had stepped closer to you causing your breath to become uneven from the nerves. Your back was now pressed up against the door. "You actually were paying that close attention?"
He smiled down at you, "I always pay attention to you baby. Since day 1." He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you into him as he kissed you slowly but passionate. It felt as if the two of you were melting together, fogging up your brain. After a few minutes you snapped back to reality and shoved him away pushing on his chest. "No," you shook your head at him. "How could you? Can't you, for once, put me first?" resentment mixed with sorrow as you pleaded causing pain to flash across his beautiful features. "Please just let me go. Let me be happy...please." It was in this moment you finally decided to choose yourself.
"Baby, can't you see I love you?" his eyes begging for you to choose him. "I can't let go of you. If I could leave her for you I would! Just give me more time!" his voice sounded weak as he tried to swallow the lump in his throat.
Wiping the tears off your cheeks, you opened the closet, "And that is why I can never truly be with you." You hated leaving him there but you couldn't take it any more. Trying to cover up the tears that had spilled over, you began running back upstairs. That's when you heard a yell and a bottle breaking most likely from being thrown against the wall. Wiping your face one more time, you grabbed your things and pulled your phone out. "Hey! I wasn't expecting to hear from you tonight!" Jack smiled on the facetime call.
"Hey! Yeah, I was just wondering if you wanted to grab a drink tonight? Long day," you sighed.
"Of course! I can meet you at your place?" he inquired and you bobbed your head in response. "Everything ok?" he asked concerned.
You smiled at him, "Yeah, it is now." For the first time since you moved here, you felt like you could breathe again.
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octuscle · 11 months
Please help me! I was so excited to use the Chronivac but I think I messed something up. I was about to max out the muscle category and turn myself into a huge bodybuilder but then accidentally switched the language setting on the device to Russian. Now I’m not sure how to switch it back but don’t know if I should proceed with the changes. Who knows what other settings I hit! Can you help?
Well… Being Russian is not very popular outside Russia nowadays… But trust me, comrade! I'll take care of you. You have indeed pressed a lot of buttons. You can be glad that you don't grow a second head. But as I said, I'll fix everything. The best thing to do is to lie down and take a nap. At least in that time you can't cause any more chaos.
When you wake up again, you have to orient yourself briefly… You are no longer at home, this is obviously a hotel room. Pretty shabby hotel room… You take your cell phone and look where you are. Brighton Beach, Coney Island. Thank God! You were already expecting to land in Russia. By now, all the settings on your cell phone are in Russian. But you don't even notice that anymore. Even though you've been living in New York for years, Russian is still your native language. And you are proud of it.
A look in the mirror reassures you. You are still you. Okay, somehow you have the feeling that you have a few more hairs on your chest. And the occasional visits to the gym are obviously finally having an effect. But you are still you. But with a huge urge to keep working out. There's an open-air gym right by the New York Aquarium. That's where you're headed now. Not exactly a place to build up mountains of muscle. But a place to bring some variety into your workout. Besides, you have to meet Artem there and deliver his order of syringes. You thank God once again that customs didn't find anything.
You love doing pull-ups in the fresh air. You can show off your body to the fullest. The muscles under your tattoos twitch and grow. Your fur grows. Your beard grows. Damn, two more reps. One more! You drop from the bar and let out a scream. Fuck yeah! You are a muscle god. The two guys back there have been watching you the whole time. Now they come up to you and shyly ask you for your recipe for success. You grin, go to your gym bag and give them your card. Yegor Chalov, Import and Export. In rather broken English with your sexy Russian accent you tell the two young bodybuilders to come by in an hour. Then you can give them some tips. Artem won't notice if a few syringes are missing.
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It's still a small business. But you were a linnet once, too. Everything can grow!
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thecoachingdirectory · 7 months
Are you a hardworking Mum, looking at property as a way to create a new life, and build a legacy for your family? Christie Moran from Wholistic Life Transformations can help you. She has worked as a coach and leader for the past 25 years. Her specialty lies in supporting mums who are held back by self-doubt and fear, but aspire to utilize property to cultivate freedom and leave a lasting legacy for their children. Need her help? Reach out and connect with her today!
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fanficgirl429 · 2 years
Beach Hook Up
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Prompt: Y/N and her boyfriend, Bradley Bradshaw, have sex at the beach, outside of The Hard Deck
Pairing: Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x fem!reader
Warnings: sex 
18+ only!
“I need you,” Bradley whispered in his girlfriend's ear. His fingers slowly ran down her bare arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake. His eyes had been on her all night, watching as she danced and swayed to the music. Her body looked amazing in her thigh black dress. It came to a stop mid thighs, showing off her amazing legs. Bradley couldn’t help but watch as other guys stared at her. It gave him satisfaction knowing that he was the one taking her home tonight.
Now he was paying for staring at her. No matter how hard he had tried, all the blood had rushed below his belt and now it begged for relief.
Y/N turned her body so that she was facing Bradley. “And what exactly do you have in mind?” she asked, coyly.
Bradley leaned forward, his stubble brushing against her cheek. One hand pressed against the small of her back while the other brushed along her bare thigh. Her sex clenched from the closeness of his touch.
“First I want your mouth around me and then I want to fuck you,” he stated, his eyes boring into her’s.
Y/N smirked and took a final sip of her drink before placing it on the counter.
“Let’s go,” she said, leading the way out of the bar.
Bradley held Y/N’s hand as he led her down to the beach. They didn’t pass a single person. Everyone was still at The Hard Deck. Most people would have a few drinks before they made their way to the beach. The night was still young which meant most people were just beginning their first drink. It also meant that there would be privacy on the beach.
The lifeguard hut stood abandoned in the middle of the beach. During the day, the beach was busy with families, enjoying the warm weather, while two lifeguards stood watch. The hut had been left hours ago and now Y/N and Bradley claimed it.
When they reached the deck, Bradley pulled Y/N against him and pressed his lips to hers. Their mouths instantly began to move in sync, having done this many times before. Bradley’s fingers moved to the top of Y/N’s dress and pulled it down, revealing her breasts, the cool wait coming as a shock. His fingers began to toy with her nipple as he rubbed his fingers against them.
Y/N let out a moan as his fingers moved to her other breast, touching her in all the right places. His body pressed against hers and she could feel his erection, pressing into her stomach. Reaching down, she unbuttoned his jeans and then pulled them down to his knees, along with his boxer briefs, freeing him.
Y/N wrapped her fingers around him and began to move them back and forth. Bradley moaned into the kiss, melting from her touch. This is exactly what he wanted. Her touching him. Fingers wrapped around his length, moving slowly.
Y/N pulled away from the kiss and bent down on her knees. She looked up at him as she moved forward and swiped her tongue across the tip. Bradley’s eyes closed for a brief moment as his fingers curled into her hair.
He felt her lips wrap around him and she began to move them along his length. He helped guide her to the perfect rhythm as she moved along him.
Fuck. It felt amazing. The way she could take almost all of him in her mouth. Her hand wrapping around the rest of him, making him come close to the edge already.
Occasionally she would pull away and swipe her tongue along the tip before taking him in her mouth again and again.  
“Fuck,” Bradley moaned as he felt his high approaching.
His hands tugged at her hair and she pulled away from him. “I want to come in you,” he told her, pulling her up.
Bradley placed his hands on her shoulders briskly turning the two of them around. Her back was now against the lifeguard hut as she faced the beach. He reached down to the end of her dress and tugged it up over her thighs. He pushed her lacy black underwear to the side as he ran the tip along her core. It was already wet and begging to be filled.
“Fuck me,” Y/N told him.
“Not yet,” Bradley teased, placing his lips against hers. His tongue slipped into her mouth, fighting with hers. The kiss was filled with lust and urgency.
He ran the tip along her core and she bucked her hips against his. She needed him now but he enjoyed teasing her, making her beg. Her thigh wrapped around his waist, begging him to be inside of her.
Without warning, he slid into her, filling her up. She let out a loud moan as he pulled out and pushed back in again.
His thrusts were fast and quick and with each movement, they could feel themselves coming closer to the edge of release. Bradley reached down and placed his fingers against her sensitive spot, rubbing quickly.
Her walls clenched around him as she comes undone, surrendering to his touch. With a few more quick thrusts, Bradley releases into her, a string of profanities leaving his mouth.  
He took a step away from her and reached down to pull his pants back up. Y/N adjusted her dress and ran her fingers along her hair, trying to flatten it
“It’s gonna be so obvious that we just fucked,” Y/N said, giggling.
“Well..we can just go home and go for round two,” Bradley told her, taking her hand in his.
Y/N nodded. “I like that idea.”
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foxymoxynoona · 9 months
Over the Falls Ch. 3: Churn
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Sexy Banner & bar by @borabae-gx
Summary: Jungkook sees a lot of things as a pool tech. It’s…  fine. It pays the bills between mornings on the water and evenings  rocking out with his garage-band. His favorite thing to see on the job has been Grace Birch –older but a hottie, wealthy but nice, and  unfortunately very married. At least until Grace learns what her husband  has been up to behind her back. Now that she’s free, Jungkook finds  himself wondering: what does it take for a guy like him to catch the eye of a woman like that?
Genre: Poolboy Jungkook x Rich Divorcee OC
Tags: Age gap (older woman), socioeconomic gap, Surferboy JK, drummer/guitarist/vocalist JK, Wealthy divorcee OC, househusband
CW: Mature/Explicit,  Infidelity (not between JKxOC), language, alcohol, recreational drugs, lots of explicit sex, ageist/racist/classist remarks down the road, outdoor sex, beach sex
Chapter Two | Masterlist | Chapter Three
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She hated the way her name sounded as a shout. The gr got swallowed, the a dragged out, the c punched too hard. Tim had always said her name in a way that sounded like an insult, she just hadn’t realized it until now. He rarely called her by it, only if he was angry or disappointing her, pleading for her to accept an insincere apology.
Grace pulled her phone out and opened the voice recording app, as instructed. When her divorce attorney had given her these tips, she hadn’t thought she would need them. She’d been more focused on her regret that she wouldn’t get to see Tim’s face when he got served the papers. He’d be so shocked. He didn’t know she knew. He would never expect her to go through with this even if she did find out –and that had, in fact, been the deciding thing for her. Her husband would make excuses and expect to be forgiven. 
Well, she refused. She refused to be that woman. She refused to spend another minute of her time working on a marriage to this man. She’d worried about her decision up until the first meeting with her divorce attorney and then relief had flooded her system so sharp and fast that it nearly carried her away. She couldn’t fucking wait to be divorced from this asshole, who was too stupid and to even delete the evidence from their in-home camera system 
They’re always stupid, the divorce attorney –a woman named Lidiya Hel, very good at what she did– told her. Their egos can’t imagine that they’ll get caught. Their egos can’t imagine they won’t be forgiven because they’ve always been forgiven for everything. It’s not like this is the first thing he’s done wrong in the marriage, is it?
No. It was not. 
As soon as the backdoor slid open, Grace sprang to her feet, hit record, and announced, “I am recording this conversation so I’d suggest not saying anything you don’t want on record.”
“Grace.” He spat her name and stormed towards her, the yellow legal envelope curled in his hand like a newspaper to hit her on the nose with. “The fuck is this? Divorce papers?”
“Yes. Did you read them?”
“I didn’t need to! I saw the first line and knew something was wrong. I was at work! I was just leaving a meeting with the CEO and this fucktard comes up and asks who I am. I thought it was a shithead new hire! Instead he gives me this shit. At work!”
Grace was glad to hear the play by play and corrected him, “I don’t control when the server finds you.”
“Don’t give me that shit. What is this? What do you mean, divorce? First I’m hearing that you’ve got any issues in this marriage and you didn’t even have the balls to talk to me first? Sweetheart, whatever it is–”
“Don’t call me sweetheart,” she interrupted. “That’s what you’ve been calling all of the women you fuck in our home. I’m not sure what you call the ones you don’t bring here.” She didn’t actually know if there were more than the three over the last two years, but she assumed so. Probably on all those business trips.
Tim froze. The fucking idiot. The papers said she was filing on grounds of adultery. He really hadn’t read them. Grace couldn’t imagine the self importance you needed to just walk into a situation like this blindly and assume it would go well for you.
“You can’t be surprised I figured it out,” she scoffed. “Do you realize how much footage I have from the home security system you chose?”
“You’re bluffing and it’s not a good look for you,” he countered. “You don’t have the login for the account. It’s in–”
“I’m your wife. It was no problem at all to get it.”
Tim froze, like she’d paused a video, for an insanely long moment.
“Now… now look here. I…” he restarted. 
Actually, this was even better than seeing him when he got served. The emotions moved so rapidly across his flace she couldn’t name them, but she did know they indicated a usually brilliantly-quick mind trying to pick its angle. He was quick on his feet, that was why he did so well at his job. What would he choose: play the victim? Blame her? Beg for forgiveness? Rage about the invasion of his privacy?
He glanced at the phone in her hand and laughed, “What do you think you’re doing, sweetheart. I can toss that in the pool and there goes your precious recording.”
“Ruining my property, I think that’s technically assault.”
“Just because your head-up-his-ass father is a lawyer doesn’t make you one. I’m sure he’s– no. No, I didn’t mean that. You’re just catching me by surprise right now. I’m not going to break your phone. What, did you think I was going to do something violent?”
“Turns out I don’t know you at all.”
“Oh come on,” he sighed, and looked away. He was still deliberating. He was trying to buy time, trying to calculate which method would get him what he wanted. And she knew he was having a hard time because he couldn’t predict her anymore. He pinched the bridge of his nose and gave another deep sigh. “Grace. I’m sorry.”
She really hadn’t thought he’d pick that one. 
“I made a mistake. You’re right.” He nodded, gaze roaming the pool area, her book, her drink beside the lounge chair. “I got carried away… I’m under so much pressure with work, you know that. A few late nights, and… and you working so much…”
“So it’s my fault you fucked multiple women?”
“I’m a sex addict.”
“You’re a liar,” she corrected, “And a selfish prick.”
“Oh, what now, who’s the one calling names on your little recording?” he demanded, as if this was some incredible victory for him. “Here I want to have a conversation about how we can fix this marriage and you’re–”
“You’ve got to be kidding me. Fix what?”
“I know you’re hurting right now and in shock… I… I didn’t mean for you to find out,” he said, hands out like he expected her to slip hers into them. “I knew I messed up. I’d already called it off and I was going to come clean and–”
“Yeah fucking right.” 
“You fucking bitch, you can’t even listen to me saying I– Sorry,” he interrupted himself again, holding his hands up for a pause and looking away. Grace just stared at him and tried to understand how she had ever loved this toad. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that,” he said. “I’m just frustrated. Sweetheart, I understand you’re hurt and mad. Hey, I’d be pissed too if you were fucking around, but if the situation was reversed and I was looking at it from how you’ve been, I’d hear me out because I love you and—”
“From how I’ve been? How have I been, Tim?” she demanded. “Supportive? Lonely? Dedicated to our marriage and the things that make you happy?”
“Me? The things that make me happy? What’s so hard that you’re doing to make me happy? You don’t sacrifice a damn thing for me, you just peck at my all the time and all the ways I’m not as successful as your dear old dad. Let me tell you what you’re not doing to make me happy is you aren’t… you aren’t supporting me when things are hard at work. You aren’t listening to me now as I’m apologizing and trying to fix this.”
“There’s nothing to fix! You’re a terrible husband but I thought you were at least loyal! I thought you were just a workaholic because I’m an idiot!” She stepped away from him, biting back her own rage so it wouldn’t make her cry. She didn’t want to rage cry. She wanted to stay calm and in control because she had made her decision and there was nothing he could say to change it.
“Sure, now you’re saying I’m a terrible husband, but I’ve made you happy! We’ve been happy together all these years and I’m not the one giving up on our future. Get rid of these fucking papers,” he said and threw them into the pool. “We’re not talking divorce. We’ll go to counseling. I’ll go with you.”
“I’m not going to counseling with you.”
“Oh, but I’m the bad guy? I’m the one who wants to work on our marriage here–”
“We don’t have a marriage, Tim. It broke as soon as you started fucking around and I can’t begin to understand why you suddenly want to fight for it now.”
“Because I made a mistake and I don’t want to let that ruin the best thing in my life–”
“No. No you did not make a mistake. How many mistakes did you make, Tim? How many women? For how many years? I have proof of at least three and I’m sure more will be uncovered–”
“What, your dad hired a fucking P.I. or something?” His face hardened and it reminded her of the “jokes” he’d made before, about whether her family did that kind of thing, if they’d have him investigated or watched, if they’d ever trust him. He said they were crazy, delusional, then reached his hand out for some of their money. They had done that before the wedding, without her knowledge of blessing. Because her family well knew that money made other people crazy and delusional and willing to do anything to get it from you. There had been nothing to find back then. Or he hadn’t been as lazy about hiding it. 
Tim paced, tucking his hands into his armpits as this new thread caught him, and he pressed, ‘What does your dad think about this, huh? Your family all up in arms ready to crucify me when I bet your dad’s done the same thing. It happens, Grace. Men make mistakes when they work with the kind of stakes men like me and your dad do–”
“Stop comparing yourself to my father,” she scoffed. “You are nothing like him.”
“So far as you know, huh, Grace? You’re so fucking naive…”
“Yeah, about you!”
“Daddy’s Girl, worship the ground he walks on. I should have known he’d tell you to leave me. Is that what he said?”
Grace knew it would drive him crazy as she answered, “His reaction isn’t any of your business.” Tim wanted so badly to be liked by her father, despite his claims of not caring. How devastating for her that he would probably be more upset to lose her father’s respect than to lose hers.
“You want me to apologize to him? I’ll do it.”
“It’s over, Tim. I am not interested in reconciliation and it has nothing to do with my–”
“Like hell you’re not! I’ll fight for this marriage–”
“Why?!” she cried. “You don’t want to be with me!”
“Of course I do! I married you, Grace! I love you!”
“You don’t.”
“Don’t you tell me what I do or don’t–”
“You cheated on me! You don’t cheat on people you love!”
“It was a mistake. I regret it! You get that on your recording? You got your little trophy? Turns out when a man is nagged by his wife it gets to him.”
“It’s not my fault!” Grace insisted. She felt like he was spinning around, trying to make her dizzy and confused.
“You want me to grovel? Is that it?”
“If I’m so awful as a wife, why do you even care that I want a divorce?” she countered. “Don’t you want to be free so you can be with those nineteen-year-olds.”
“I would never be with someone under twenty-five,” he grimaced. “And no, Grace, I want to be with my wife.” It was insane, the way he made it sound like she was the one hurting and depriving him here. She had thought her rage and pain had built enough of a bulwark around her heart for this conversation, but watching him lash out like this just drove the point in deeper. Maybe there was a small part of her that had hoped Tim would offer a valid excuse, or that his apology would feel sincere and enough and she could forgive him, love him again, save her marriage.
But all he had to say was that this was her fault and he’d made a mistake. He didn’t seem loving or apologetic as he grappled with a barely-controlled rage that had her checking that the chair wasn’t right behind her in case she needed to run. Tim wouldn’t hurt her physically… right? But two weeks ago, she wouldn’t have expected he could cheat on her either… well. Maybe that wasn’t totally true. Maybe she wasn’t actually surprised by all this. Was that better or worse than being blind-sided? It didn’t matter, she’d never be close enough with someone again to compare.
Her face must have shown some emotion that Tim seized upon, because he reached his hand out and insisted, “Come on, sweetheart. Stop this bullshit. We’ve been together too long. I know I fucked up and I’ll make it up to you. No need to call quits on us yet.”
“Is it because of the prenup?” 
The question rolled out without a thought and she immediately regretted it.
What little restraint Tim had held through all of this snapped. Ah, the prenup. The one her dad had insisted on, that she almost hadn’t done in an effort to prove that she loved and trusted Tim. That he was worthy of trust. 
“This isn’t about the fucking prenup!” he shouted in a way that made it very clear it was. At least in part. Grace was very familiar with that prenup, having just gone over it in detail with her divorce attorney. Their marital earnings would be split 50/50, but exclude any interest earned on the money either had before marriage, defined as a set dollar amount. Grace’s amount had been much larger than Tim’s. Tim would be safe from paying alimony despite the fact he made more now, unless a judge overruled their prenup on that point. But, probably the most stressful piece to Tim right now, was that he would owe her father the amount he had borrowed to start his consulting business, after his own parents wouldn’t loan him the money because the first one had folded. Grace had been so confident he’d succeed, she hadn’t even felt embarrassed by her father’s insistence on tying the loan to her prenup. She’d figured it was just a way to spare Tim’s ego at accepting the loan, since obviously he would always be a loving, devoted husband, and so it would forever remain just “family money” and not require payback. That consulting business too had gone under, the money was gone.
Until now. Now Tim owed her father $5 million dollars, on top of splitting his assets with Grace in half. She was not actually sure he even had the money, though she suspected he had multiple bank accounts in addition to their shared one. She had a second one, no harm in that, but at this point she doubted him on everything so who knew what he was hiding? So she had squashed her early instinct to be merciful and nodded when the attorney suggested he’s probably been using you for a long time; let’s take him to the cleaners. 
“How fucking dare you bring up the prenup? The prenup doesn’t matter! We aren’t getting divorced! You know better than that! There’s no way your family supports you leaving me, we made a commitment to each other–”
“That you failed when you cheated on me.”
“And now you’re failing it worse by quitting! Don’t even talk about it anymore, I won’t go through with the divorce! We’ll take some time off work and go on a nice vacation together and do marriage counseling and then we’re going to put this whole thing behind us–”
“Until you cheat again?”
“Stop talking about that! You think I wanted to do that? But you’re such a bitch all the time and it wears a man down to have someone like you always nagging about what’s going on at work and whether I closed the deal and why can’t I be like your dad! Go fuck your dad then if you think he’s so fucking great!”
“Stop. Just stop talking,” she pleaded under the weight of his words. Probably the whole street could hear them right now, she realized. She was done with this conversation. She wanted it to end. Any sense of victory or enjoyment was now gone. 
“No, you wanted to talk about our marriage! Let’s talk! You think you’re some poor suffering wife here? You’re barely a wife! You run around playing at being a real estate agent so you can spend money on that shit you call art and be some queen bee in the Society or whatever the fuck your family gets randy about–”
“Stop it, Tim!”
“Oh you don’t like us talking about you, huh?”
She grabbed her things, phone still clutched in her hand and tried to step around him to get to the house. 
He grabbed her arm and she screamed, “LET GO OF ME!”
“Hey everything ok back there?” a male voice called, and for a brief moment Grace thought it was the pool guy again. Wouldn’t that be perfect? And yet a strange rush of relief came with the idea; Grace felt a desperation to hide behind any man who could make Tim go right now. So feminist of her, huh? She hated herself for the impulse and yet…
“Fuck off!” Tim shouted at the interloper.
“Ma’am?” the voice called again and now she could see the mailman by the back gate. “You need me to call someone?”
“I told you to fuck off,” Tim said, stepping around her to march towards the man now. Grace wanted to wilt under the mortification of a witness at the same time she felt a deep gratitude that someone had heard and actually stepped in. Who did that? The mailman! Even if her neighbors did hear anything right now, they were probably sipping mimosas by the window to hear what other dirty laundry came out. 
“I’m fine, thank you,” she called to the mailman. “My ex-husband was just leaving.”
“Like fuck I am,” Tim said, whirling on her again. “This is my house. I’m not going anywhere. You do some thinking, Grace, and get your head together quick to save this marriage, because you need me more than I need you. You think anyone else is going to deal with your rich bitch attitude?”
“Who says I want someone else? I’m not shopping around, but I deserve not to be treated like this–”
“Yeah it’s all about what you deserve. You have no fucking clue what the world is like because first daddy protected you and now I’ve done the same thing and look where it fucking got me. Wasting our money on a goddamn divorce lawyer. We aren’t getting divorced!”
The mailman was still there and had pulled out his phone. Grace saw it and tried to gesture not to. Tim didn’t notice. He’d said his piece and stomped into the house, fuming. There was no way to slam the sliding door but he tried and his scream of rage almost cut through Grace’s fear to make her laugh. 
But she didn’t laugh. She sank to the lounge chair, her legs shaking, her head throbbing. The air felt static in the wake of his fury.
“You ok?” the mailman called to her. “I can still call.”
“No, I’m fine. I’m so sorry you saw that. We’re… getting divorced and he’s not taking it well.” The first person she had told she was getting divorced: the fucking mailman.
“Good for you,” he said, but it sounded sincere. “I hope you leave that bastard high and dry. You sure you’re going to be ok? You have somewhere else to go?”
“I’ll be fine, but thank you.”
He seemed reluctant to go. She couldn’t believe he’d stepped in so much; she’d never traded a word with this man in her life though she did leave him a gift at the holidays. Merry Christmas, to our postal worker, because she didn’t know his name. Did she really seem like such a damsel? His hesitation twisted her emotions and she began to feel genuine anger. Couldn’t he see that this was embarrassing? She’d said he could go! He should go!
He was gone before the angry words rolled off her tongue, for which she was grateful. But then she was alone and that felt bad too. The yard felt eerily quiet and she wondered what Tim was doing inside. It scared her. She still believed he wouldn’t physically hurt her, but was that only because she wanted to believe that? He might be in there finding some other way to vent his rage: destroying her paintings or smashing TVs or who knew what.
She ended the video. It was long. She couldn’t bear to watch it but immediately sent it to her attorney, then called.
“Grace. I haven’t watched the video you just sent. Is there something wrong?” Lidiya asked.
“Tim isn’t handling news of the divorce well,” she admitted, her breath shaking as she blinked back tears. She felt like he was still standing there yelling at her. “I don’t think I can stay in the house with him. I mean, I can… but I don’t want to… but will I lose my stake in the house then? Abandonment?”
“No, not at all. He has made you feel unsafe. As long as you keep paying your part of the bills, it’s fine.”
“Hold on a second.” Grace looked up at the rumble of the garage door. A car door slammed and then Tim’s car peeled out of the garage.
“He left. I can breathe now.”
“Good. Catch your breath and go pack your things. Stay with a friend, family, hotel, it doesn’t matter. The disclosure is hard if the other person doesn’t see it coming. I won’t lie and say this will be the only hard part, but you will get through this and I’ll be right there with you.”
Grace wanted Lidiya to tell her she was doing the right thing, that this divorce was the right step. She knew it was. But it was one thing to know it and another to have Tim standing there yelling, twisting her around, making it sound like she was the cause for failure. And she hated this. She didn’t want to leave the house! She couldn’t pack up all her stuff so quickly so she’d have to leave things behind and hope he didn’t destroy them in his rage. She didn’t want to stay somewhere else. She didn’t want to admit to her friends and family any of this was happening, and staying somewhere else was a concrete step towards admitting this was happening. She loved this house! She hadn’t loved married life to Tim but she could pretend she had, to mourn the things she had thought were good. She wanted to keep lying by the beautiful pool, but Tim had ruined her day just like he had ruined everything else.
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“So then she grabs my ass,” Jungkook explained, “and laughs. Like, right in my face with her nastyass cigarette breath.”
Yoojin reached around him to pull the cabinet open and search for a sippy cup lid, nearly clocking Jungkook in the head from where he sat on the counter. 
“That’s so gross. Did she try to pretend it was an accident?”
“No. She asked me what kind of body oil I use. I was just sweaty! It’s fucking ninety-eight degrees out there today!”
Yoojin crinkled her nose and said, “That’s disgusting.”
“I know!”
“No, I mean you being that sweaty. Have you thought of getting a doctor to look into that?”
“Shut up, asshole,” he laughed, trying to kick the back of her knee as she sauntered away. 
“Hey, not in front of my son!”
But Max not only wasn’t in the room, it would be highly unlike him to repeat anything he heard, despite their best efforts. His first birthday had just passed, but he still had only a few words he reliably used, much to Yoojin’s panic. She’d recently implemented a rule that everyone had to only speak English to him, in case speaking two languages at home was slowing him down. Eomma insisted he was clearly smart and just didn’t have anything to say yet, but it was a sore subject, likely to send Yoojin into a shrieking fit, like she had when Jungkook asked if the pediatrician had said anything about it. He still didn’t know if she’d even asked about it. He didn’t think fear or shame were a good reason not to ask the pediatrician though, even if it was them doing something wrong.
“Yeah, how would he feel to hear his mom is victim-blaming, huh?”
“I’m not victim blaming. If you’re so pissed about it… I don’t know. Tell your boss you won’t work at their house anymore or something. I thought you dealt with this all the time?”
“Not all the time. It was worse when I was a cabana boy, and those fuckers didn’t give a shit what we dealt with from guests. The guest is always right.” He shuddered. The tips had been phenomenal but ultimately not worth it. He still started on the defense around older women drinking by a pool or beach, at least that kind of older woman. You could always tell. Just like he’d known Mrs. Abigail Pender was trouble since he’d started working for them. He hadn’t thought she’d actually grab him like that, but he’d never felt comfortable around her. Just tried to be polite when she’d so brazenly flirt with him. Apparently all it took was three margaritas (she’d been bragging) and the encouragement of her friends (they’d been drunk too, watching from the patio.)
Jungkook still felt shaky about the whole thing, even though that was embarrassing too. It wasn’t like he thought Mrs. Pender was going to harm him or anything. But who knew what a pissy white woman was capable of? She’d looked shocked when he’d pried her hand off and said, “Please do not touch me, Mrs. Pender. I’m just here to clean your pool.” Like she’d actually thought he came by to flirt or something?! Now he debated whether to tell Bob about the incident or wait to see if she’d call to file some bullshit complaint. That had happened multiple times, and though Bob had been understanding about the call from Limpdick Birch a couple weeks ago, if this was the second woman complaining about Jungkook, at what point would Bob think Jungkook was doing something to cause it all? He wasn’t! He was just cleaning the fucking pools! 
Well, except for the Birchs, where he had involved himself and was no longer cleaning the pool. He’d asked someone else to cover the last month of their cleanings for the summer and worried that was just going to make him look bad in light of any complaints from Mrs. Pender. 
“Yeah, but I mean as a pool guy. Maybe you need to wear more clothes or something? Don’t look at me like that, I realize how it sounds but this is how it goes for women all the time. We should be allowed to wear whatever we want and not get assaulted. It doesn't mean we can.”
“It’s hot and I work outside,” Jungkook defended. “At least if a guy grabs you, you can deck him and everyone will agree it’s deserved. If I deck an old lady, I’m getting sued and going to jail.”
“Ooof, it’ll only be worse in prison.”
“Yoojin, that doesn’t help!”
“I’m sorry,” she sighed, screwing on the lid of the sippy cup and sloshing apple juice onto the counter. The sink was piled with dishes even though she and Max had been the only ones home for lunch. “What else do you want me to say? Cougars are gross. Get a different job.”
But Jungkook didn’t want another job. He sighed noisily as she left the kitchen. Yoojin wasn’t usually his first choice to complain to, because she tended to be unsympathetic at best, and usually just found a way to insist her story was worse. Yeah, Jungkook didn’t envy her raising her son alone –but she wasn’t really “alone.” She lived with his parents. Jungkook babysat a lot for free. 
“If jobs are so easy to change, why don’t you have one?” he demanded, chasing after her. 
“Get off my ass, I’m on round two of an interview!” She slapped at his arm. “Don’t make me sound incompetent in front of Max!”
Max had been reaching for Yoojin but Jungkook scooped him up, hotly defending, “I didn’t make you sound any way. Besides, if I quit my job, I probably can’t babysit for free anymore like this. You want to pay me?”
“You aren’t babysitting,” she immediately complained. “You’re uncling.”
“I’m letting you mooch off my time,” he insisted. But then, afraid she would actually take it as a complaint, he spun Max around and added, “It’s his fault, he’s too stinking cute. It’s hard being the favorite person but ah… a burden I must bear.” Max giggled and squished Jungkook’s cheeks and babbled. “Hey, do you think he just said ‘uncle’?”
“No, I don’t think he just said uncle. I wish! He won’t even say ‘mama’! What the fuck, right? Hey, next time one of the old crones hits on you, why don’t you just play dumb and point out they’re old enough to be your mom?” Yoojin asked. Her eyes sparkled like this sudden idea was the clear and obvious answer to all his problems.
“But they’re into that, that’s the problem,” Jungkook snorted. 
“God I wish people thought I was old enough to be someone’s mom. I’m so sick of people asking if Max is my baby brother. Like what the fuck?”
“Language, Yoon. Or ‘fuck’ might be his next word,” Jungkook scolded her just to get a rise out of her. She opened her mouth, probably to let another string of curses out, butEomma and Appa swung the door open, back from grocery shopping. “Not a word about my work thing,” he said quickly to Yoojin. The last thing he needed was Eomma and Appa worrying about his job security or health and happiness. One time they’d found out about a woman harassing him as a cabana boy and they had actually gone to the resort to talk to his boss about employee protection and the next thing he knew, Jungkook was looking for a new job. The resort swore it had nothing to do with that, but Jungkook knew. Even though he couldn’t hate his parents for it, they had just been trying to help when there had been so little they could do for his brother. Not that they’d ever admitted that was a part of it, but honestly, marching into a resort to complain?! We didn’t come here for our children to be treated like this! He didn’t want them to think he needed that kind of help. He could take care of himself.
Besides, it wasn’t like Jungkook didn’t ever flirt to get good tips or reviews. He didn’t do that now, at least not with any women who would take it too far, but back then… eh, he’d hooked up a couple times with guests too, which was technically what he was fired for…
<“Eomma, Appa, I said I’d go shopping with you,>” Jungkook scolded in Korean, carrying Max over. 
“Stop talking in Korean around him!” Yoojin cried. She was ignored.
Eomma assured him, <”We don’t need you to go grocery shopping with us. We had the time together.”>
<”You work tonight.”>
”Bye Eomma, Bye Appa, I’m going to my second interview. See? Speak English like that,” Yoojin said, trying to slide past them after she kissed Max on the head.
Appa’s face screwed up as he asked, “An interview dressed like that? What is this company again?”
“It’s a catering company, I told you. I have to look nice.” Now Junkook looked at her outfit and also thought it looked a little off for a job interview with a catering company. Her short black dress was pretty tight, and her heels were nothing like you’d wear to show you knew how to cater food and she had a small purse. Small purses meant date.
“Are you going on a date?!” Jungkook hissed, clamping a hand over one of Max’s ears as if to protect him. Max was far more interested in Jungkook’s shell necklace than in whatever his mom’s secret plans might be. “Am I babysitting for you to go on a date?!”
“No! It’s not a date! It’s an interview, I swear! I just dressed nice!”
Jungkook didn’t want to dig in too hard in case it was true and he made her cry –she could turn it on like a faucet in front of their parents and then he’d look like an ass. But Appa raised his eyebrow, also not convinced, and shuffled past with two bags of food.
Eomma nodded at her, <”Ok, good luck if it’s a job interview.”>
“You’re all bullies,” Yoojin huffed. It was impossible to tell if she was really upset by their doubt. Jungkook thought her lack of shouting might actually mean she really was going on a date and didn’t want to back herself into a corner confirming it. Jungkook bit his tongue, for now, but only because their parents were there, and Max was grunting like he was trying to poop. Jungkook would change the diaper, but he drew the line at holding the kid while he did the deed. He’d save the brotherly lecture for later. The last thing Yoojin needed to be doing while she was unemployed with a one year old was going on dates! Not to mention every guy she went after was just like her ex, and she threw a fit if you pointed that out to her. If she was going to date, at least Jungkook wasn’t going to babysit for free for it.
He wound up trading Eomma, so she got stuck with the diaper while Jungkook carried in the groceries and did his best to help put them away with some guidance from Appa. He’d wanted to help with the shopping so Eomma wouldn’t wear herself out before her shift at the nursing home; she was working nights this week. 
<“Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”> Jungkook asked Appa, before realizing it was Thursday so Appa had Go night at the community center in K-town. His days were off. He blamed it on not cleaning the Birch’s pool yesterday. He wondered if Mrs. Birch had noticed someone else came by, or if she’d even cared. Probably she was relieved. For all he knew, she’d called to ask for a replacement anyway and Bob just hadn’t mentioned it yet.
<”You and Max can come with me tonight,”> Appa suggested. 
<”It’s tempting but uh…”> Jungkook scrambled trying to think of an excuse, before settling on, <”Yoojin told me not to take him there. You know, she just wants him hearing English. Maybe she mentioned that.”>
<”That’s not the problem! He’ll talk when he’s ready, in English or Korean!”>
Jungkook shrugged. At least the excuse worked. He didn’t feel like sitting around listening to Appa and a bunch of old men play games and talk about sports and weather. He had thought about taking Max to the beach to get him used to it early, but diaper bags were almost as much of a hassle as getting sunscreen on a baby, and after his morning, he didn’t feel up for it. Plus it was hot out. Maybe they’d go for a walk later or maybe they’d just play inside. 
His phone buzzed in his pocket and it felt like he’d stuck a staple in an outlet. He left Eomma and Appa debating what to eat for dinner since both of them would leave early and carried Max with him back to what had become Max’s room once he moved out. He knew it would be Bob’s name on the screen before he even got his phone out of his pocket.
“Yeah, Bob? What’s up, man?”
“Hey, JK. I just got off the phone with–”
“It wasn’t my fault,” Jungkook blurted out. “I didn’t flirt with her or anything, she was just drunk and gossiping with her friends and then grabbed my ass.”
“Uh… who’s this now?”
“Shit. Uh… who did you get off the phone with?” Jungkook asked. He looked to Max for a shared grimace but Max saw toys now and squirmed to be let down so he could play. Jungkook collapsed onto the rug beside him and began nervously stacking blocks.
“I was just calling about the Breslins, they said they want to keep the pools at their properties open through the winter and it looks like it fits into your schedule now that you dropped the Birch house but what’s this about?”
“Ah, just… an incident with…”
“JK, man, I told you, you gotta tell me if there’s an incident. What house?”
“Pender. She got drunk and grabbed my ass. I told her not to touch me and that I was just there to clean the pool. She said some other things but went back into her house and I finished up and left, that’s it.”
“Pender, Pender…. Oh that’s why that name is familiar. You’re the second poolboy then. I don’t give third chances, I’ll let her know we’re dropping her account.”
“Wait, what?!”
“Good, that frees you up for the other Breslin properties. I’ll email you the new schedule.”
“No, wait, Bob, you can’t just drop a client, can you? Aren’t they going to… I don’t know, sue or review bomb or something?”
Bob’s chuckle over the line reminded Jungkook how much he actually did like this job, as he said, “Sometimes. And then what am I going to do, say she’s got to stop assaulting my pool techs. And then she wants to take me to court to prove it didn’t happen, and everyone’s talking about it now? Nah, she’ll bitch to some friends about what a shitty company we are. These people are petty but they’re lazy, and if it’s a repeat offender, they probably don’t want anyone opening the closet door. A couple people start coming forward, suddenly you’ve got a dozen people saying she’s assaulted them.”
“Bob…. thanks. I thought…”
“I’d fire you? I know I may not look like it now, but I was quite a looker back in the day. You think I never caught any eyes or wandering hands? I don’t have much, but my company and dignity are two things that can’t be bought. Well. Company might be bought if it was a really good offer…” He gave that jolly laugh of his again. “See you Monday, mandatory meeting.” And hung up, just like that, no problem.
Jungkook wanted to weep. He’d had enough overbearing, shitty bosses to know Bob was a real one. Not only was he not fired, he had a new schedule now. No Mrs. Pender. No Mr. Birch. No… Mrs. Birch. Which was for the best. It was. It was for the best that he wouldn’t see her again as she debated whether to stay with her shithead husband or go through probably a messy divorce… Yep. For the best. Not his business. He was just the poolboy, remember?
As relief surged through him, Jungkook took hold of Max, rolled onto his back and propped his nephew on his feet to airplane him. Max shrieked with delight; this had been one of his favorite games since he was little.
“Wait, you didn’t just eat, right? No spitting up on me, ok? Hurray, airplane Max!” Jungkook cheered, doing leg lifts with him because if he couldn’t make it to the gym or beach, might as well get some fitness in before their jaunt around the neighborhood. Jungkook was so relieved, he had the energy for adventure.
“Hey, maybe let’s head to the beach after all. You want to? You want to see your uncles and some crabs? You want to be a surfer baby? Yeah, let’s do it.”
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Grace let out a sigh of relief when she stepped out of the terminal at LAX and felt warmth finally seep back into her bones. Seeing her family for Christmas had been nice, but she was glad to be away from Missouri’s brutal snow and windchill. 
Just about the whole extended family had gathered, which was rare these days. Sure, she would have preferred spending the holiday with only her immediate family in Chicago, but maybe it had been better this way. It had meant more options for distraction every time someone tried to bring up her divorce, and fewer opportunities for one on one time that might lead to inescapable questions. Of course everyone had wanted to talk about it. It wasn’t a thing anyone in their family had done before. Ever. Her extended family’s horrific responses a constant reminder of that fact, everything ranging from aren’t you embarrassed for people to know your marriage failed? To well what was going on at home? Men cheat when something is wrong at home and that’s the wife’s domain to keep happy. She found herself wishing her family would just go back to making subtle digs about her weight and diet like they usually did. Not that they missed an opportunity to warn her to cut back on the stress eating and take up some activity, no need to let herself go. 
Her immediate family… well, they seemed to be following her lead in just not talking about it at all. That was for the best. Even if some small part of her was desperate to talk to anyone except her attorney about it because fucking hell it was miserable! 
She checked her email as she waited for a cab, fully expecting an email from Lidiya with some new bullshit Tim was trying to pull. Mediation was not going well, despite the ironclad prenup. Tim wanted to fight her on everything, and dragged his feet about the information he was required to share, and kept trying to find bullshit “leads” to chase down like he was a real detective. She couldn’t fathom what his play was: this was only going to end in divorce, and he was going to exhaust his finances long before she did hers. Lidiya had suggested he was hoping to burn through their cash without understanding that the court could require him to pay her legal fees alongside his even if he didn’t have the cash at the moment.
But now that the blinders were off, Grace had a new theory. She thought Tim might just not truly understand how money worked. Just like he hadn’t seemed to understand how their prenup worked, or how a marriage vow worked, or a home security system account, and certainly not how she worked. He’d made clear at every turn that he expected her to change her mind and realize she was making a mistake. Maybe that was truly the reason he was making this so miserable, to “give her time” to realize she was wrong.
No emails had come from Lidiya during her flight. No contact from Tim, either, which she carefully documented. Every text, every phone call, every “drop by” her rental condo to “give her stuff” after he’d somehow found out her new place. It wasn’t illegal to go near her, since she really had no grounds for a restraining order, but it was definitely annoying and stupid, clearly just an excuse to see what she was doing, or maybe as an intimidation tactic.. Grace suspected he was hoping she was having men over so he could try to counter that she had been unfaithful as well. 
Part of her wished she had. As she watched the city pass outside the window, buildings spreading further apart and climbing into the multistories of wealthier neighborhoods of Santa Monica, Grace found herself again fantasizing about the petty things she’d rather be doing than fighting Tim in court. How delicious would it have been to be the one who cheated on him? To get her world rocked by someone else and then have Tim discover it and hurt as deeply as she did. Some hot young successful man Tim could never hope to compete with. A guy even came to mind, that art collector, Namjoon Kim. Intelligent, sophisticated, successful, a total hottie, and Tim hated him. He’d be perfect. How beautiful to get some sort of justice. 
But there was no real justice to be got and she was not actually going to pursue something with the mild-mannered guy, especially not as vengeance against her ex. Hopefully she’d get the house, that might be a small justice. She loved that house. In fact, her mother had pulled her aside and offered to help buy the house out from Tim if she needed the money for it. It was the only reference to the whole thing her mom had made, and kindly meant, though Grace wasn’t sure that she wanted to co-own her own home with her mother. But it might be the only way… 
As tempted as she was to drive by the house now, she worried Tim would be there. Possibly with someone. She didn’t want to let on that she really wanted the house or he’d obviously make it impossible. She tried to make it sound like she intended to stay permanently in the furnished condo she was renting. It was nice! But it felt nothing like a home.
Maybe she should get a pet? The thought struck her as she walked through the door. She could. Her family growing up always had dogs but she’d wanted a cat for as long as she could remember. Tim liked to say he was allergic but really he just didn’t like animals –which in hindsight ought to have been a warning sign. Not for the first time, Grace considered all the warning signs she had ignored. The rosy glasses of love really were more like blinders.
Grace set about unpacking her bags. Unpacking was obviously the worst part of travel and she usually procrastinated it but there was nothing else to take her time right now. She didn’t have a single active real estate client at the moment, no houses to stage or sell, and she enforced a strict “no paperwork” policy during her holidays. There weren’t any tv shows or movies she felt like watching, and she’d just sat on the plane for hours anyway, so not in the mood for reading either. Her fitness classes had already passed for the day and she hadn’t signed up for a general gym membership, though it had been on her to-do list because this condo complex didn’t have its own –one of several compromises she had made just to find somewhere fast. 
God, do I really not have any hobbies? Grace collapsed across her bed and stared at the ceiling. That felt like a failure to her. She came from a family of always-doing-somethings. Hunting, riding, jet-setting, painting, hosting, visiting, gambling, taking up whatever club sport or craft struck a fancy and then abandoning it when it no longer served. Grace had ribbons from a half dozen sports lined up like a museum in the bedroom her parents still kept for her at their house but she didn’t fence anymore, no pool, no horse. It had been nice to ride again in Missouri.
She pursed her lips and considered tennis. She’d loved tennis. Hadn’t played it in a while, because she and Tim used to do that together and then he got too busy working –and fucking, probably. A game of tennis actually sounded good right now, without Tim. 
But it would require inviting someone, and Grace didn’t even bother to pick up her phone to consider it. She had always thought of herself as adequately social, she had plenty of “friends,” but going through this divorce had made her question everything she’d hinged on that word. After overhearing the gossip about herself at the third party she had attended without her husband, she had decided to take a break from the social scene —which would inevitably lead to more gossip. It felt like letting the rumor mill win, but what was she supposed to do, clink a spoon against a champagne glass and confirm that yes, she was divorcing, because her husband had fucked around and she wasn’t wiling to overlook it? All these adequately-married couples she’d thought were her friends for years only asked after her to try and get the dirt on why her marriage failed. They expected her to be ashamed for the wrong reasons. She didn’t want to admit she hadn’t been enough, hadn’t been right for her husband; they wanted her to realize how stupid she was to let a stable-earner, social-charmer like Tim go. What was she going to do now, be alone? Boys will be boys. Just forgive him! 
A few people had reached out in ways that felt sincere. Megan blew her phone up every couple of weeks when she went for brunch with “the girls.” Eva from the club had invited her to check out the new gallery opening she patronized, which seemed thoughtful and not geared towards gossip or lecture. Stephanie, who Grace had known since they were girls and had moved to LA only a couple years before, just sent condolences and suggested a girl spa-weekend/ski trip “without the boys.” Kindly meant, even if it revealed the rumor mill had reached her; Stephanie was a different social circle than the Santa Monica club, but Grace hadn’t told her about the divorce.
Grace had brushed everyone off. As she and Tim warred over who would “keep” which “friend” group, Grace found herself doubting who she could trust. Abigail Pender, after hosting one of the parties Grace attended, apparently reported Grace’s presence to Tim, and afterwards she’d received a scathing voicemail from him saying he had known the Penders longer so she shouldn’t go to their parties anymore. Even though he hadn’t gone! And maybe he’d known them longer, having met Mark Pender on a golf green, but she was the one who’d put forth the effort to build and maintain the friendship –mainly because he thought Mark could be a useful friend for him, business-wise. She’d done that with all of them! Tim had always been happy to carry a case of beer to a cookout, or fire up their own grill, but she was the one who planned the events, bought the meat and beer, made sure everyone was having a good time, followed up for the lunches and fishing trips and whatever else got mentioned to make sure these things actually happened.  
All that effort and Grace felt like she’d lost it all. Now she finally began to understand the warning her mother had given when Grace had finally called home to say she was divorcing: “Divorce is like burning the house down and you’re still in it, Grace. Really think about this.”
Would she have done anything differently? She couldn’t say. But she did know it was really fucking lonely now, not knowing who were actually her friends. She missed her house. And she felt pathetic, lying there on her bed, not sure what to do with her time. Tim didn’t own her hobbies, so why couldn’t she think of any? She’d been putting so much energy into her marriage and the social network Tim required to feel secure and connected and successful.
Damn, did that make her as bad as everyone else? But the social networks were just like that. Sometimes you genuinely like the people you invited to dinner and other times it was because there was some business or family connection, or potential, or some unspoken duty to be friends because your distant cousin had married the niece of their best friend. 
Now Grace had failed the social contract by leaving her two-timing (well, at least four-timing) husband and she didn’t want to hear about it anymore. She didn’t trust anyone. She didn’t want to risk getting asked about it more, as if it was a news headline that affected them all but not personally or emotionally. She was very personally and emotionally affected! Didn’t anyone want to talk to her about something else? Was poor divorced woman all they saw when they looked at her now? She had been someone before her marriage, and during her marriage, and she would be someone again soon! 
Once she figured out what she actually liked without Tim’s opinion weighing on her shoulder.
Once she discovered which foods she actually liked instead of the ones they’d ordered just because he did.
Once she figured out how to reclaim her social life from that thieving new-money bastard.
Once she could find a place to live that didn’t look so cold and generic and neutral. She knew neutral colors were all the rage now. This was what new money thought elegance looked like, she’d heard that plenty of times from her mother. 
Ugh, what did Grace like? What did she want to do?
Grace wanted….
Grace liked….
Grace didn’t want to be in bed right now, so she showered and changed clothes to get the smell of travel off. And she walked to get a coffee from down the street just to be among Californians again. 
Then, on an impulse she decided to give into, Grace drove to the animal shelter. It was almost shockingly easy to fill out the paperwork. She didn’t know whether her rental allowed pets but didn’t care, she put her address as the house she was determined to move back into once mediation granted it to her. She googled a vet reference on the way, assuming they wouldn’t check –they didn’t– and listed her sister as her personal reference, assuming they wouldn’t call –they didn’t. 
“Shouldn’t they make it harder to adopt?” she mused on the way home, carrier wedged into the front seat beside her, back seat packed with a splurge worthy of her sister’s shopping habits. 
Foam said nothing, just peered through the mesh with the big eyes that took up an odd amount of his face, one ear flicking. The nub of his other ear swiveled when she turned the car. 
“Almost home,” she said. Suddenly Foam let out a high-pitched yeowl and turned a somersault in his carrier, then curled up in the back. “Sh sh sh, almost home.”
The narration wasn’t important; deaf little Foam couldn’t hear her anyway, but that hadn’t stopped her from talking to him at the adoption center and it wouldn’t stop her now as she hauled the carrier and bags into the condo. She would order a cat tree for him, and a better scratching post, and whatever else struck her fancy, but at least for now he had bedding and food and toys and treats to mark this completely new chapter of his life. From kill shelter to rescue agency and now to life with Grace, she hoped this was going to be a better future for both of them.
As soon as he was out of the carrier, he climbed her like a tree; she flinched at the pinpricks of his claws until he’d reached her shoulder, trying to nestle himself onto her chest like he had at the center. That’s when she’d been a goner. He couldn’t hear her but he could feel the vibrations of her speech and had purred and nuzzled beneath her chin and really Grace had almost broken down in the room as she stroked his gray and white fur. The rescue thought he might be a Singapura-American shorthair mix but Grace couldn’t care less what he was. No one wanted this beat up scrawny deaf kitty, and Tim hadn’t wanted her. 
“Fuck Tim, you’re all I need,” she beamed, arms around Foam as she swayed. 
Apparently he didn’t even need a period to warm up to her, which would have been understandable. She would never know what his life had been like in the five years before he’d got to her, but that didn’t matter either. Suddenly the future looked so much better; already Grace was thrilled to hear the padding of little feet as Foam explored his new home. He shadowed her as she did a pass to make sure there wasn’t anything obviously dangerous for a cat and put on some music and grabbed her laptop to read more about cat ownership. She wondered if Foam would be the kind of cat who’d be happy hiking on a leash or in a backpack…
She’d always wanted a cat and now she had a perfect one. Maybe building the life she wanted, only for herself, wasn’t going to be so bad after all.
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A lot of people kept their pools open year-round, but there were still enough to closed them for the winter that March always saw a surge in business. Jungkook had spent the winter working mostly on commercial properties, which was stable and all, but he was glad to see his schedule shift back towards more private residences. Not that he liked dealing with snotty rich people, but there were plenty of middle class families too who didn’t treat him like garbage. And hey, maybe his ego could use a little stoking from the non-handsy variety of women, just the ones who admired and flirted a little, because winter had not been kind to him in the dating sphere. Teona had come back into his life for a whole month before deciding he still hadn’t grown up enough. He’d had a string of dates that he shelled out good money for only to find himself ghosted or even blocked afterwards. When he’d drunkenly demanded of Jimin “is it me? Am I a creep?” his friends had taken the shit out of him a little too well. He was still bothered not to know whether they were just teasing or really did think he was a fuckboy.
The tide was out on dating and Jungkook saw spring as a chance to refocus on work and surfing and the band and let the universe steer his dating life for a while. Probably straight into a wall, but if he was going to end up there anyway, he might as well blame it on the universe. 
“You’re hot but you don’t have any substance,” he murmured, repeating the words his latest date via an app had provided when he asked if there was any particular reason she didn’t want a second date. He’d liked her. He had thought the question would reflect well on him, and anticipated her answer being something like oh the sparks just weren’t there or you’re great but I realized I just don’t have time for a relationship right now. Maybe even I realized I was going to fall too hard and fast for you, it scared me. Nope. Hot but no substance.
What did that even mean? Jungkook had so much substance! He had hobbies and interests! He cared about his family! He was good with babies! He played the guitar and drums and sang and worked out and he could cook. He had a stable job and only played a reasonable amount of video games and he knew how to listen. Wasn’t that enough?! What else did women want??
He was still grumbling to himself as he parked at the Cool Pool Inc. building to confirm his schedule and grab a company truck for the day. Bob had sent them out the night before, but Jungkook had a few questions. Namely, about the typo on his schedule regarding the Birches.
“Huh? The Birches?” Bob finally said, looking up from his computer on the third repeat. “Oh, you’ve still got the house but it’s not the Birches anymore. Didn’t you look at the addresses?”
“Yeah but it says the Hessers. Did you mix up the address?”
“No. They bought the place, Birches don’t live there anymore and wherever they moved, I dunno, they aren’t using us anymore.”
Jungkook’s brow lowered in thought. That couldn’t be right. Granted, maybe there weren’t Birches anymore if Mrs. Birch-or-whatever-her-name-was-now had gotten her head on straight and left that twichy-dicked corn chip. He looked at his list of names again but didn’t see her name listed anywhere.
“Maybe they changed their name,” Jungkook suggested. “Or I mean, she did. Did we get any new customers from another address with the first name… Cornelia?” It was just a name, but he felt wrong to say it, like he wasn’t supposed to know, even though it had always been written on his schedule. Hers had been the primary name on the account: Cornelia Birch, even though she had introduced herself to him as “Grace” that first time he’d cleaned for them. It had made sense to him, in a way, that she wouldn’t give her real name to be used casually by a contractor. And ‘Mrs. Birch’ had felt like the proper way to call her anyway –in the beginning because that’s just a thing he did, to charm the rich white ladies with his manners, but later because calling her by her name would have felt intimate or wrong. They weren’t on the same level. She was older and rich and he would just have felt weird about it, ok? Calling her by her first name or a nickname, like they were casual friends. Besides, was she really called Cornelia? That was such an old lady name… He kind of liked that about her though. She had a weird name, and people always thought his name was weird too. 
Bob’s eyebrows lifted. He smacked his lips and glanced at the computer as if going to check but then answered without checking, 
“Nope, no new Cornelia anything. Why, you looking for her?”
“No,” Jungkook quickly assured him. “Just… you know, she’s the one who was so serious about their pool, just wanted to know if she closed the account or just moved to a new house–”
“And changed her name?”
Jungkook shrugged, “I dunno, divorces happen…”
“Or you want to know if Timothy Birch’s calls complaining about you cost us an account?” Bob countered, like he could see it all before him. 
“It wasn’t my fault he complained about me, he was just like that. I hope for her sake, she did leave his ass, he was an asshole.”
Bob chuckled at this show of passion and shook his head, lecturing, “Marriages are a complicated thing, son. Maybe you’ll get it someday. But no, no Timothys, Cornelias, or Graces, Birch or otherwise.” He was already feeling nervous that Bob would think he’d been involved as much as he had been though and didn’t want to dig in more.
“Ok,” Jungkook shrugged. “I got my schedule then. See ya, boss.”
“Keep it fresh, JK,” Bob said, one of the phrases the younger employees had taught him. He was a good one, that Bob. Jungkook waved over his shoulder as he grabbed the keys to his truck to head out.
And yet, he couldn’t shake the suspicion from his mind. So… did that mean Mrs. Birch and Slim-Jim Dick had divorced? Or just moved somewhere else? He decided to hit up the new owners of that residence first, but still half expected it to be one of the Birches up until he knocked on the front door to introduce himself. 
“Great,” the man, Adam Hesser, greeted him with a firm handshake. “We were told by the previous owners your company had been managing the pool so I take it you know what to do? We’re going to keep it open year-round so just keep it nice, our kids will use it a lot. Let me know if you need anything.”
Jungkook nodded, “Yeah yeah, for sure, man. Hey, so you spoke to the previous owners? Which one? Did they say where they were moving?”
“No, I didn’t really, they just had a list of previous contractors.”
“Ah, ok. I’m glad they recommended us. I’ll keep it looking good, head on back on there now. Nice to meet you, Mr. Hesser.”
Gone. That made Jungkook think they’d divorced although he couldn’t be sure. Maybe the Birches were the kind of people who’d decide they had to do everything and anything to save their marriage and they’d moved to Spain or something. Even if they’d divorced, Mrs. Birch might have moved somewhere else. Maybe she wasn’t even in the area anymore, or maybe she didn’t have a pool, which he’d feel sad for her about since she seemed to like it. 
Or maybe she did and had just decided to use a different pool cleaning service.
“Wouldn’t that be fucked up?” Jungkook demanded, leaning in close to make sure his buddies heard him over the noisy bar. Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, and Soyoon circled the high-top. Taro was here somewhere too, probably networking. Yoongi had already bailed, claiming he had work early but probably just to get away from the place. He only really hung out at bars if there was music he wanted to catch, and even then bounced the second the bands were done. 
“Uh… yeah,” Jimin nodded, but he had a look like he didn’t understand why.
“Because I was great at what I did,” Jungkook insisted. “I kept the pool looking great so if she –if they have a new pool and decided to use someone else instead, it would be personal, right? Because I was the best professionally.”
“Didn’t you have a fight with her in her backyard about whether she ought to divorce her husband?” Soyoon asked. Jungkook glared. Hard. He had told her that in drunken confidence and of course she had then casually mentioned it to everyone else without a second thought. 
“Yeah, kinda weird,” Taehyung grimaced. “Almost as weird as giving her a video of her husband fucking another woman that you filmed through their window…”
Jimin came to his defense, insisting, “It’s because he was emotionally compromised.” Wait, that wasn’t the defense Jungkook had hoped for.
“The fuck does that even mean?” Jungkook scowled.
“Aw, it’s because you always had a crush on her, right?” Hoseok asked, his gaze sliding to Jimin as if to confirm this, or make sure it was ok to say. It wasn’t!
“Not in a real way,” Jungkook defended. “Just in like a… a Stacy’s Mom kind of way.”
“That song is fucked up,” Soyoon huffed. “If you reversed the genders, that would be a felony.”
“Sex with a minor is still a felony but they didn’t have sex,” Taehyung countered. “He was just creeping.”
Jimin made a face and admitted, “Really, you think it was just the guy being horny for her? I mean she came out in a towel while he was mowing the lawn, right? No one is surprised by a lawnmower. She knew he was out there.”
“Do you ever see people do things like that when you’re working?” Hoseok asked Jungkook with open curiosity. “Like in just a towel or–”
“Or fucking someone else in the kitchen?” Jimin laughed and threw his arm around Hoseok’s shoulder. “Yeah, he sees it all!”
Jungkook made a face and admitted, “Yeah, I see the towel thing happen.”
“Yeah and is it ever an accident?” Soyoon demanded.
Mrs. Birch didn’t mean to see me when she came up from the home gym in her sports bra. He kept that memory to himself, since these fuckers couldn’t hold anything sacred.
“Eh, sometimes,” he decided. “Sometimes it’s on purpose, but other times it’s just because they just don’t give a shit about you. Like, you’re not even a real human so what do they care if you see them in their towel? But other times yeah it’s on purpose.”
“What’s that show… Desperate Housewives? Wasn’t someone fucking a poolboy in that? It probably gave all the old ladies ideas.”
“Is that show even still on? That’s really old. My mom watched that.”
They looked at Jungkook, who had to explain, “Uh… I don’t… know? I don’t watch that shit.”
“Oh, you know what show I just saw that was great…” Taehyung said, changing the subject further away from what Jungkook had wanted to do: complain about his lack of closure on the Birches.
He grabbed another beer and pretended to follow along, but mostly he was just thinking about how he regretted bailing on those final two weeks of cleaning at the Birches. If he’d gone, maybe he would know what was going on with them, or where they’d gone. It wasn’t like he expected anyone to leave him a note, but it felt wrong for them to just disappear. It felt… bad. He felt bad. He was the one who had sent the tape and while he was sure it had been the right thing to do, he would like to know that was true from Mrs. Birch-called-something-else telling him how grateful she was. Cornelia. Fucking Cornelia. Maybe that was another reason he always called her Mrs. Birch, he just couldn’t bring himself to call her Cornelia. Or Grace, a nickname, which felt even more intimate?! Cornelia wasn’t a name you could say as you fucked a woman slowly against the side of the pool, and Grace was so short… Gracie might make for a good–
Fuck! Abort! Too much beer! Fuck, he was horny, that was all. It wasn’t about her, he’d just crossed the streams of two different thoughts. Never cross streams.
Besides, now he’d never call her anything. She hadn’t had the opportunity to tell him she was grateful or even just reassure her by her happiness that he’d done the right thing. Which he had. Even if she had not seemed grateful when they’d fought about it.
Damnit, couldn’t a guy get closure about anything? Sure he’d had a fantasy crush about her but he was a good guy, he also just wanted to know that she was happy and doing well. Maybe he could google her…
He pulled out his phone and wandered off, mumbling about getting another beer so no one would see his phone screen as he typed in Cornelia Birch. 
A shocking number of results came back. He leaned against the bar and scrolled in disbelief, but the links were all to dense text webpages and he had drunk enough that the letters looked blurry and he didn’t feel like reading a lot right now. Besides, he couldn’t tell if the Cornelia Birch who sat on art boards and was a part of some trust or whatever was her or if it was a common rich white lady name. There were no pictures. Except for a table sold by Wayfair, the “Cornelia,” part of the Birch Lane furniture line. That was kinda funny. White ladies and high end furniture lines, that made sense. He started to type in Grace Birch to see if that got different results, just in case she actually did use that as more than a name to give poor peasants so they wouldn’t sully her proper dignified name when–
“Excuse me, are you ordering or…?” He looked up at the hand on his arm, and the owner of the hand: a pretty blond, tanned and green-eyed.
“Oh, yeah sorry, am I in your way?” He scooted to the side and she pressed in. The bartenders had ignored him but came right over for her. She surprised him by motioning for him to tell his order to.
“Can’t believe they make you wait here,” she said to him.
“You waited ten seconds…”
“No, I mean you. If you can’t get a drink then I don’t get it.”
Jungkook was tipsy and confused. But he nodded and didn’t point out he’d been on his phone and also that he wasn’t sure he’d wanted another beer anyway. But one was brought, and on a whim, he told the bartender to put hers on his tab too. 
“You don’t have a tab open,” the bartender pointed out. Which was annoying because they knew him here and that he was good for it. It embarrassed him in front of the girl. He slid his card over and pretended to be smooth about it.
“Thanks for the drink,” she beamed at him. “I’m Mary.”
“Another old lady name…”
“Nothing, so, you new around here? Don’t think I’ve seen you before.”
“You know everyone who comes here?” she teased.
“Just about. Except the tourists. You wouldn’t happen to be one of those, would you?”
“No. I live here, I just never come to this part of town.”
He nudged her closer, away from someone trying to get by, as he pressed, “Then what made you come tonight?”
“My girl friend had a date and wanted  a backup, you know? But apparently that went well because she already left.”
“Wait… so your girl space friend, right? Not your girlfriend?”
Jungkook decided she must not have a girlfriend, he was just confusing them both. 
“So… are you leaving then?”
“No. Why, you want me to go?” she laughed.
“Nah. Just checking.” He chugged half his beer to find some liquid courage. He couldn’t believe his luck. A random girl hitting on him in the bar? Great. Perfect thing to distract him from the fact he’d never know what happened to Mrs. Birch. Besides, so what? It didn’t matter. She was just some lady he cleaned pools for.
“So what do you do?” Mary asked him.
“I’m a pool technician,” he answered. “And I also teach surf and work as a lifeguard sometimes.”
“Ah, that explains the muscles. I can tell you’re fit.”
“I drum too. It’s a pretty good workout, no one ever realizes that.”
“Yeah, full body. I don’t play but I mean, I’ve seen people drum.”
He grinned. Yeah, she was into him. 
“What about you?”
“Oh, I’m a senior at USC.” 
Jungkook swallowed hard and drank more beer to give himself time to count. Senior… so she was twenty? Twenty one? Twenty two at most probably. He was twenty-six, that wasn’t… too bad…
“What’s that look?” she laughed.
“You’re young.”
“What?! How old are you?”
“What? I thought you were like, my age,” she laughed. “I’m twenty one.”
He tsked and shook his head, trying not to smile and ruin the joke as he teased, “A baby.”
“Hey, you’re the one with the baby face.” Ah, he kinda hated it when girls said that, even if he knew it was true. 
“Because I’m Asian?”
“What?!” she gasped. “Oh my god! I would never say that! I didn’t mean it like that!”
“I’m kidding. I know.”
“Oh my god, I am not like that. I don’t care who or what someone is, if they’re hot, they’re hot.” She was clearly really offended by his joke, or maybe too drunk to be calm about anything.
He nudged her and prompted, “So you think I’m hot?”
Within an hour he knew she did. She’d said it enough times, her nails digging into his chest and abs as she bounced on his dick, the springs of his mattress screaming beneath them. He grabbed her hips and pulled her down, eyes slitted so he could just make out the circles of her nipples and the pink folds of her pussy around his girth. She was thin and perky and had an absurd bikini tan despite admitting she never went to the beach. Total California girl in the purchased, store-bought way. 
Which was fine by him. She could be from California or New York or Florida or Timbuktu for all he cared right now. Her energy was great; his drunk brain felt like a tornado of pleasure touched down where her body stroked his.
“We’re going to break your bed,” she giggled.
“Nah, I would have broken it by now.”
“Oh my god, you’re a dick,” she giggled, and slapped him on the face. He didn’t love that but it wasn’t hard enough to hurt. It wasn’t like a dealbreaker or anything. He definitely wasn’t going to pull out for that. It just seemed wrong for this younger girl to do something like that in sex. If someone was going to slap him… ah, Mrs. Birch could slap him. He thought about it with a grin, sinking into the alcohol-logged fantasy he was drunk enough not to stop this time. He let his hands flop out and spread his legs and surrendered. Mrs. Birch could do whatever she wanted to him. She had that fit body but with way more curves than Mary. Small tits were fine but Mrs. Birch’s were bigger, they’d bounce. She had some jiggle to her thighs. If he grabbed her by the ass, he’d get at least a handful. Mary’s assbones were pulverizing his thighs. But Mrs. Birch in that white swimsuit, maybe a size smaller so her body started busting out of it…
Jungkook grabbed Mary’s hips and nutted pretty quickly after that, wordless at the rush of pleasure as a mental image of Mrs. Birch with swollen nipples straining against a white wet suit filled his head in the moments before it all went blank. He rolled Mary onto her back and got in a final stroke and gasped for breath back into his lungs. When she pushed against his chest to get him to sit up, he sat there just gasping while her eyes and hand roamed his stomach, her other hand rubbing herself furiously. He watched with the kind of fascination he always had for a woman cumming: it was a beautiful thing no matter who the woman was. This fake-beach babe looked hot as hell spasming around his spent dick and he made sure to tell her so as he gripped the condom and eased himself out of her.
“You think so?” she taunted. “Because your eyes were closed a lot.”
“Nah, just hard to keep ‘em open when it felt so good,” he assured her. “Trust me, I was looking.” She’d rolled onto her side and he smacked her ass.
“Ouch, too hard,” she complained with a giggle. And reached behind him for the blunt she’d pulled out earlier but abandoned when he’d pulled her shirt off. 
He padded to the bathroom to rinse off and toss the condom, then accepted the blunt when she handed it to him, one arm crooked behind his head in absolute relaxation. Balls empty, brain empty, best night.
She was just nice to him, that’s why he wanted to know whatever happened to Mrs. Birch. Not enough he’d actually look through those google search results or anything. He was just curious. He just wanted closure because she’d been nice to him before and he didn’t feel great that the last time he’d ever see her, they’d had a fight. Hopefully by now she had realized he was right.
“Hey,” he said after blowing smoke towards the ceiling. “If you were married and your husband cheated on you, you’d fucking divorce him, right?”
“Geez, proposing to me already?” she giggled and took the blunt back. 
“No, I’m just saying, that’s what you do, right?”
Mary nodded emphatically, “Yeah, this is the 21st century, no woman should stay with a cheating piece of shit.”
“That’s what I’m saying. You get it.”
“Oh my god… you aren’t married or anything, right?”
Jungkook laughed loud and gestured, crying, “You saw my house! I live with a bunch of dudes!”
“Oh. Right. I wasn’t really thinking about anything like that.”
“Just thinking about my dick?” he grinned.
“Yeah, and how bad I wanted it,” she agreed, rolling against his arm. “And it did not disappoint.”
“See? That’s what I’m saying,” he said again. “You get it.”
“Yeah, I got it good.” Just as Jungkook started to gloat, she asked, “Hey, you got anything harder than this?”
“Than… what?”
“Than pot.”
“No. Take it from your elders, don’t do anything harder than pot,” he snorted. Just like that, warm cozy fantasy of success with Mary started to crumble. Ugh. What was he even doing with a college-age girl he picked up in a bar? One clearly surfing for dick and apparently coke too?
No. No regrets. Not while his dick was still twitching with satisfaction.
“You’re not my dad,” she snickered, before whispering into his ear, “Unless you want me to call you ‘daddy.’”
“You call me daddy, I’m going to spank you a lot harder than that,” he warned. Honestly, he wasn’t really into the name but he also didn’t want to chase her off with a denial. Not when he felt this good. Whatever, he could play along. He could stomach being daddy for another round…
She handed him the blunt and watched him; he felt her gaze even with his eyes closed in the low light.
“Are you thinking about someone else?” she asked. “Who were you talking about? Someone cheated on who? Your sister or something?”
He nearly choked as he sat up and insisted, “Yeah I am not thinking about my sisters while I’m fucking.” That made her laugh harder. She choked too, coughing hard as she took the blunt back to set in the bowl on his nightstand. 
“Then who?”
“Nobody. I just knew you’d understand.”
“Yeah, I’m great like that. Hey, can you spot me money for a lyft back home?”
“Just spend the night, I don’t mind.”
“.... no thanks. You’ve got like a lot of laundry in here…”
“Yeah, tomorrow is laundry day,” he lied, but her criticism made him run a little colder.
“Yeah it was just an observation. I have class early though I gotta go.”
He sighed and pushed himself out of bed to see what cash he had. Only a twenty, which she gladly took before ordering a car that would go on her card anyway. Damn college girls. He got her a glass of water and made sure she got in the car ok before returning to his room. There wasn’t that much laundry in his room. Maybe he’d been in a hurry changing between surfing and work and going out but so what? He hadn’t expected to bring someone back tonight. If she was so particular they could have gone to her place. She probably had laundry everywhere too.
Dizzy now between the pot and alcohol, Jungkook realized with regret there was no way he’d drag himself out of bed in time to catch the morning surf. He had lifeguard duty and family stuff this weekend too, and band practice Sunday, so tomorrow morning was his only chance. And now Mrs. Birch was gone and he had missed the last two cleanings at her place because he’d been too sulky about her being mad at him. He’d fucked, that was great, his balls were drained, but at what cost? Was it really worth it? Was something wrong with Jungkook to wonder if maybe other things in life were even better than sex–
Wait, Mary had early classes on a Saturday!?
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Chapter Two | Masterlist | Chapter Three
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emprexxluxaic · 2 years
ᰋ ׅ࣪ ꒰ possible symbols ♡︎ meeting places in meeting your future spouse ꒱
⠀ׅ ♡⠀࣪ emprexxluxaic ⸺ your ángel ׅ ࣪ 𝅄
book a reading ﹏ ✿𝆬  available ⬞ ࣪ ࿀
NOTE : in this reading i name some symbols or even how will you meet your fs, i don't used different photos instead i used same images to test your intuition,good luck(LOL JUST REALIZE I POSTED THE WRONG PACシ︎
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⠀ᨳ  ࣪ .  ⠀𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑚𝑦 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑤 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑦 𝑏𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑦⠀    ── ⠀   ˚   ✧ 
banks,goverment stablishment,a reletive by marriage,four-leaf clover,nest aggs,caution signs,written letters,a ring,proposal of a couple,money signs(recieving alot of money),diamonds,ranking in uniforms,police,military,politician,into sports,acquaintance of your workmate,good luck signs(anything that symbolizes goodlucks),serious looking,alcohol,nighclubs and bars.
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peaceful environment,a bright smile,knitting or sewing things,right signs,proposal,dream about them,feminine energy,the word beautiful,neighbor,buying in department store in home appliances section,vandalism about bussiness,wearing shirt that has 4 wheel vehicle,a celebrity?,fame,color red,wishing wells,cautions signs,repeating numbers,amd wearing eyeglasses.
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university/campus/schools,messages from spirit guides,growth within inside either you or them,part-time work,peace signs or peaceful surroundings,yard,busy,workaholic,talkative,older than you,power and authority,works as lawyer/judge/police officer,foreigner,been married?,knife,and sad eyes.
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death of someone,beaches/lakes,dark color,cold weather,winter,foreigner,power and authority,older than you,cold personality,window or widowed or divorced,cold aura/personality,a leader,a public servant,works in medical field,exams,hot person,summertime,a happy family,seeing lovers that causes to assume your only single in this world,quiet person,interested in psychology,a ticket,a wallet/jewelry left in the ground,social event,a gift from them,and a clock hanging in the wall.
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butterflies,student,younger,body language,their fingers,sport events,gym,job interview,goodluck signs,two female friends/siblings,written notes,a receipt/check,messeges from spirit guides,a place fro higher learning,lost license/certificate/ticket/wallet/jewelry that owned by them,family oriented,wishing wells, being on the top in success,teeths?,sharp objects,word violence, and ice.
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skull symbol,works in medical field,exams,bussiness minded,butterflies,clubs,hard worker,into sports,rank in uniform,from wealthy family or wealthy person,wishing wells,younger,closes with female family members or friends,4 friends/siblings(2boys-2girls),arts,actor,artist,poet,filling water of cups,beaches/lakes,speed,airplaine,flights,travel,and freedom.
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──⠀۪ ♡ ۫ donatation and tip ୨୧ [ 𝚒'𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 ! ]
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♡⃝ ࣪ ۪ છ۪ 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚊 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𓂂 ׄׄ ᘡ 𝅄 masterlist
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jellogram · 7 months
How to order at a bar: a very thorough walkthrough for people who like instructions
Seems like y'all don't really go out to bars very much, so here is some advice from someone with bar-hopping experience (in the US and Canada at least).
If you want to go out but find it too intimidating and think you will look stupid, here's some help.
Nearly every bar has a house cocktail menu. They are usually sitting on the bar somewhere. If you don't see one, you can ask. These drinks are their specialties and come with a list of ingredients. If you like any of the options, order one of these.
If the house cocktails are way out of your price range, that means the bar is going to be too expensive for you.
If that's the case, or you just generally don't like the vibe of the bar, you can leave without ordering anything. No one will get mad. Most people won't even notice.
If the bar is quiet enough, and the bartender is friendly, you can also ask them what their personal specialty is. They often have something off-menu that they love to make and it's usually awesome.
If it's busy, you might have to flag down the bartender like you're hailing a cab. Just wave at them and they'll come over when they can.
If you want something safe and familiar, here are some good standbys you can get at basically any bar:
Old fashioned: every bartender has their own way of making these. It's basically bourbon with some orange flavors. They're good and dependable but I don't recommend them for people who don't like the taste of liquor.
Cosmopolitan: this is sugar juice. Don't ask for one from a biker bar or old dive, but new, trendy, or gay bars will probably have a good one.
Sidecar: tastes like boozy orange juice. A little less common than the others but nearly every bar can make one, and it's pretty a simple drink for those who are picky.
Moscow Mule: vodka, ginger beer, and lime. Refreshing but only for people who really like ginger.
Long Island Iced Tea: basically every kind of booze. The slightly classier version of jungle juice. This is for getting fucked up.
Mai tai: a good tropical cocktail. Strong but sweet. Every hawaiian- or beach-themed bar will have at least one of these on their menu.
Beer: If you're not super into beer, you probably don't want an IPA. I usually go for Rainier, Heineken, Dos Equis, or Shocktop. You can ask them if they have any good local light beers or ciders.
Wine: Unless you're specifically at a wine bar, don't order wine.
If they ask you what brand of liquor you want in your cocktail, and you don't know any brands or don't have a preference, you can just say "whatever's cheapest" and they'll roll with it.
When you give them your card, they will ask if you want to close your tab. If you are going to stick around a while, say no. If you are bar-hopping and know you'll head out soon, say yes.
Different bars do this differently. Sometimes they'll hold onto your card while the tab is open and sometimes they won't. It doesn't hurt to ask how their process works. They won't be annoyed.
You pay and tip like at a restaurant.
So there you go. Hopefully this helps. It can be a little intimidating walking into a bar, especially if you're very young, but I promise you that bartenders have seen some serious shit and a polite kid being a little confused is not going to be an issue for them.
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Legacies | Six
Previous Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter
Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Kazansky!OC
Summary: The day at the beach is coming to an end. With the last game of dogfight-football played the daggers aren't yet ready to let the day end so soon.
Warnings: military inaccuracies,
Wordcount: 2.6k
If you enjoyed reading this, please consider leaving a comment or reblogging. I don’t allow for my content to be copied, translated, or reposted on other websites/apps. Please don’t steal my work.
A/N: We are slowly coming up to the halfway point of the story which means things are about to happen. Enjoy this happy and lighthearted chapter, because starting with chapter 7 it's going to get more serious and a little angsty.
Taglist: open, message me or comment to be added, will be put as reblog
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Had someone told them this morning that by afternoon all the tension and animosity between the team would have lifted off without a trace of ever being there – at least for the afternoon – they would have laughed.
Ana couldn’t quite believe they all had been on edge that morning. It felt foolish and silly thinking back on it now.  All around her the buzz of happy conversations filled the air as the aviators made their way up the beach toward the Hard Deck’s back porch.
“Guys, guys, guys” Payback’s voice broke through, “I think we all know who the real MVP was today.” He looked around the group of aviators curiously watching and waiting for him to continue. “It was Bob of course!”
Bob, who was walking only a couple of steps before Ana, turned shy upon the attention, casting his eyes downward as she smiled at him. A faint dusting of red appeared on his cheeks complementary to the deep reddish tint the tips of his ears took on. Rooster clapped the WSO on the shoulder and smiled at him, causing Bob to look up again.
“I need someone to help me with something quickly,” Penny said as they arrived at the back porch. She had been sitting out there with some papers, working for the better part of the last couple of hours.
“I’ll help,” Coyote quipped as he pulled on his shirt and followed Penny barefoot into the bar.
The others, Ana included, grabbed their discarded clothes and shoes again. Jake and her, who had taken a little dive into the water, were pretty much dry again. Her hair was still damp, strands of it had come loose from the hairstyle she wore it in. Her clothes however had dried in the slowly sinking but ever-so-strong San Diego sun. She was glad for it. The feeling of wet fabric clinging to one's skin had always been one of her least favorite sensations.
Penny and Coyote didn’t take long to return with their hands full of beer. 
“I thought you might be thirsty after all that running. It’s on the house,” she told them, Coyote and her distributing the bottles between the daggers.
There came a couple of protests from the surprised group. One sharp look had them quiet down, followed by a chorus of many thanks.
“It’s nothing,” Penny assured them, “Not like you aren’t here any other evening and spending enough of your money.” Laughter spread through the group, all of them agreeing as they raised their glasses in a toast.
Ana was still busy getting dressed and sorting out her hair, so she hadn’t yet accepted one of the bottles. Too focused on kneeling and tying the laces of her shoe, she hadn’t even looked up to see the others clink their glasses and take the first sips. Not at least until a shadow appeared above her.
When she looked up it was Jake standing before her, two beers in his hands. She was quiet as she stood up, coming eye-to-eye with him once more.
Jake held out one of the two bottles, smiling and raising a brow. His smile was inviting and friendly, lacking most of the haughty and wolfish likeliness she was so used to. For once the fighter pilot before her didn’t seem condescending or arrogant.
Jake cocked his head the slightest to the side, it reminded her of a dog trying to understand whatever had been said to him. His hand with the beer nudged forward, offering it to her. 
She took one extra moment to look at him, sunglasses on his nose, hair handsomely disheveled from the games, and the dunk in the water, his pose was relaxed and open. He looked friendlier than ever. 
It surprised her. In all the time she had known him, she’d never seen him like that. From the first moment she’d met him, he’d been this overconfident, unreachable enigma. A nuisance and a sore thorn in everyone’s side.
Nodding in acknowledgment and with a tentative smile blossoming on her lips, Ana took the beer from his hand. Their fingers brushed against one another, causing a small jolt of electricity to course through her. Her eyes flit over to him once more, to see if perhaps he had felt the same sensation. 
Jake was looking at her as well. Intensely.  It made her skin tingle and her stomach churn. She took a sip of her beer after she and Jake bumped the glasses together in a silent toast. Chasing down the bubbling feelings in her core, drowning them with the cold beverage.
The moment between them didn’t last much longer. Little groups dispersed, talking and sharing their beers. The voices mixed and jumbled over one another. From the corner of her eyes, Ana noted how Penny and Maverick had split from the rest of them. Her godfather had settled beside Penny on the bench, both of them quietly talking, caught in their own little world.
A growl ripped through the crowd. The group talks turned silent as everyone looked at each other. When it happened a second time, everyone’s eyes turned toward Halo. She put a hand on her stomach, surprised yet grinning. Fritz started to chuckle and soon Omaha joined him.
“Looks like someone is hungry,” Yale joked, playfully ribbing Halo with his elbow. 
“Quick, everyone hide! We woke the monster.” Fritz’s taunt produced more laughter from the group and a – playful – showcase of Halo’s middle finger.
“Man, I could eat an entire truck’s worth right now.” Payback groaned, stretching his arms above his head. The many games had depleted not only their energy but also their stomachs and the latter now demanded to be filled.
“Yeah, something greasy and savory.” Coyote’s words caused a ripple of moans to rise from the group. There was nothing more tempting than some greasy and unhealthy food to fill up your stomach after such a strenuous and exhausting day at the beach. Nothing sounded more alluring right now.
“There is a really good burger place only two streets away,” Ana spoke up, knowing that the place was perfect to fulfill their cravings. She could already smell the heavenly notes of food in her nose, taste the rich flavors on her tongue. It made her mouth water.
"Oh, really?"
“Yep. They have the best cheese fries I ever had.” Another round of moans ripped through the group, full of want and hunger, and longing.
“I’d give everything for a plate of cheesy fries right now,” Phoenix mused, leaning her arm on Ana’s shoulder. The two women looked at each other, eyes sparkling at the thought of the stretchy golden goodness.
“What are we standing here and waiting for then?” Fanboy asked and Payback beside him agreed with a hum.
“Let’s go!”
The decision was unanimous. Excitement buzzed between them like a busy swarm of honeybees, as they emptied their bottles and collected their belongings.
Their flock descended down the sandy steps of the back deck, a chorus of goodbyes directed towards Penny, Mav, and Hondo that trailed behind them as they rounded the Hard Deck. It was only in front of the establishment that they noticed none of them had a clue where this supposed wondrous place was. 
All except for Ana, who wasn’t at the front of the flock. Their group parted, eyes focused on her. “Lead the way.”
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The local in question was small and welcoming. There weren’t many other customers there, which suited them fine as they shuffled into the place and claimed a couple of booths at the windows. 
Ana sat down in one of them, while the others gathered around the big display hanging over the seats at the counter. Looking out of the window, her view settled on the shore. While the sun steadily sank, it was still lively outside. There were people walking along the sandy dunes and the walkway further up. Lights and the signs of other establishments illuminated the spots. 
She’d gotten distracted, not noticing someone sliding into the booth beside her. Not until his arm landed behind her on the backrest. It barely touched her and yet the heat radiating from it struck her to the bones. Looking to her left Ana came face to face with Jake.
“How do you know this place?” He asked her, unphased by the quizzical look on her face and the raise of her brow.
She shrugged in return, offering not much of an answer. Should she tell him or should she not? In the end, she decided to tell the truth.
“I’ve been here many times with my family. It’s one of the only fast-food restaurants my dad accepts and eats. He refuses pretty much anything greasy and oily if it’s not homecooked, thinks fast food is just unhealthy garbage.” 
Jake chuckled at that, “He isn’t wrong with that. It mostly is a heap of crap. The worst you can do to your body.” 
“Oh? But here you are.”
“Here I am,” he hummed, that grin so familiar yet so different, its edges softened. “Once in a while, it’s fine. And this place can’t be so bad if your dad eats it too.” 
Ana hummed. He was right about that. Not that she would tell him so. She had stroked his ego too much already.
“So you are from around here?”
“Yeah,” she nodded, “Wasn’t born here but moved when I was young. I spent a good chunk of my childhood and all my teenage years here.”
“You a navy baby then?” The question made her laugh.
“You’d like to know that, don’t you?” Jake’s face stayed monotone momentarily before he too broke out in a grin and laughed.
“It was worth a shot,” he shrugged his shoulders. “You really don’t talk about your family huh?”
She averted her gaze, once more looking out of the window. With a sigh, she answered, “I don’t like the prospect of mixing private and work life. It makes everything too complicated.” Who she was at work and who she was at home, it was different. And frankly, it was no one's business but hers. 
Before she could elaborate or Jake could dig deeper – he wanted to for sure – Fritz slid into the booth opposite of them. 
“Don’t you want to eat anything?”
“I already decided. Besides, I know the menu by heart. No need to look at it.” 
Fritz grinned at her. He then looked over at Jake and when he did his grin took on a rather teasing note.
“And you Hangman?” 
Only now did both of them realize that his arm was practically draped around Ana and that everyone could see. Not that anyone besides Fritz had noticed it, they were too focused on studying the menu. Jake cleared his throat and sat up as he pulled his arm back but not entirely away from her.
“I was hoping Ghost here could recommend something.” 
It took everything in her not to let the surprise show on her face. The incredible amount of restraint however still couldn’t keep her from raising a brow. He wanted her to recommend something? 
Seconds passed by during their exchange of looks. Jake’s face never changed, he kept looking at her openly. Did she spy a hint of hope? No, that couldn’t be right.
Once more they were disrupted by someone sliding into the booth. Taking the fourth and final spot at the table was Phoenix, sitting opposite the blonde aviator.  
While Ana looked at the gorgeous female aviator, Jake’s eyes didn’t waver from her. At least not until something under the table banged against something else and his head shot toward Phoenix.
“Are we still going to share?” 
“Uh, yeah. Sure.” Ana mumbled, not entirely sure how she felt about their seating arrangement. Who was she kidding? No constellation would have suited her at that moment more than to be alone with Jake. To be unobserved.
“What took so long?” Fritz wanted to know, eyeing the rest of their team spread out across the other two booths they’d claimed.
“They couldn’t decide.” Natasha rolled her eyes, not so subtly glaring directly at Fanboy and Omaha. 
Ana didn’t pay much attention to the conversation at hand. Her mind wandered elsewhere as she returned to looking out of the window. With the continuous dimming light it became harder to do so, soon she’d not be able to see much besides the reflection of the neon lights above them.
“Hi, what can I get you?” A waitress stood before them, a small notepad in her hands as she smiled down at them. First off was Fritz, before it was her turn to order. 
“Hi, we’ll take the cheesy fries,” Ana pointed between her and Phoenix, adding, “and a side of chicken fingers.” 
Nodding the waitress wrote it down before she turned towards Jake, “And what can I get you handsome?” 
Instead of answering, the blonde turned to Ana. Biting on her bottom lip she examined him in silence. He really wanted her to order for him? They didn’t know each other well enough for that, she couldn’t even say if he had any food allergies. She’d had to gauge what he could like. 
“The pulled chicken burger hot bbq style.” Jake raised his brow, while the waitress beamed at her and nodded, “Great choice!” Glancing over at Jake once the waitress was gone, Ana noticed him nodding at her.
It was a long stretch but given the conversation they’d just had; he had agreed with her father’s opinion on fast food, perhaps his actual taste in food wasn’t so off either. Her father’s go-to order was a staple and a solid choice for anyone that also liked a little kick in flavor.
The obnoxious drawl that sometimes slipped into his words suggested to her Jake might like it a little spicy. Not to mention that one time, long ago during their shared stay, when they’d gone out to eat spicy wings with their squadrons. While most of them had folded from the lesser spicy wings already, Jake had been one of the people nearly unbothered by it.
Their food didn’t take long to be done. In a time that was impressively fast for such a huge group, their orders arrived. Steam billowed from the freshly cooked and piping hot meals, their hearty and cheesy aromas permeated through the space between them. Exactly what they had needed and deserved after such an intense afternoon.
Ana nibbled on a cheesy fry and one of her chicken fingers. She wanted to be entirely focused on her food but she couldn’t. Not when she nervously awaited Jake’s verdict.
Said blonde beside her took the burger into his hands. It was a big burger, although it looked much smaller in between his hands as he lifted it towards his mouth. A hearty bite he took, causing Ana to hold her breath in anticipation.
“Shit Ghost, why did you keep this place a secret from us for so long?” There was a pleased grin spreading over Jake’s lips as he glanced over at her. He didn’t wait for another second after that to take a second bite. Ana’s heart beat weirdly strong after his indirect-direct compliment from him.
“Bagman, I  think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you compliment someone. Did you swallow too much water?” Phoenix hazed him, not wasting any chance in fueling the fire.
“Phoenix, phoenix, there hasn’t been anyone worthy of it before. Not like you would understand anyway.” 
“It’s just food,” she shrugged, reaching for the basket of fries when her fingers collided with Jake’s. She glanced down at his hand and then at him, pausing for a moment. They chuckled, both grabbing a couple of fries and shoving them into their mouths.
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theknightmarket · 4 months
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"Who wouldn't be angry?"
In which Wilford's return has less fanfare than what he hoped for. TW: cursing, slight sexual references Pages: 13 - Words: 5,000
[Requests: OPEN]
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Closing up the bar was the best part of the night. After everyone had gone home, either willingly or under attack from your broom, and the only sound left was the quiet tap, tap, tap of a faucet someone forgot to turn off – that was when you felt perfectly at peace. The adrenaline of work was fun, of course, but reaping the rewards of a 20-dollar tip and pair of earphones made the 2 o’clock chime all the more satisfying. 
You unwrapped the apron from your waist and tossed it over your bag. A wayward sex on the beach meant it would need washing before you could wear it again, not that you minded it too much. It was, after all, where that tip came from, and the man who spilt it was almost too apologetic. You’d had worse. 
Dimly, as you wiped down the tables for the last time, you lamented the loss of your winter-holiday themed apron. 
You preferred the Halloween one anyway, so it wasn’t a weight on your conscience that drew you to breaking into your bar late at night. The work kept you busy enough that you didn’t, and couldn’t, despair over small things. The taxes, the patrons, the staff – they were all great, but sometimes you did wish you had time for yourself. A Sunday off, once a month, that would be enough. But, as you said, no time to despair. There was still work to do. 
That night, the work entailed taking the cash out of the register and tip jar, counting it, and stuffing it into the safe, locking all the interior doors and windows, and, finally, flicking the light switch. The neon pink sign blinked once, twice, and died out at its third breath, while you brought out your keys to officially lock the front door. The little hole-in-the-wall that the bar was, it didn’t run the risk of getting broken into too strongly, but there was no reason not to take precautions. You’d heard your neighbors tell you that it was so much a safe town that you needn’t bother locking everything. You told them that you quite liked having money, thank you very much, and there was no way in hell that you were going to pay any more for insurance. 
The night’s air nipped at your face, reminding you that you were still standing outside. Your brain, meanwhile, reminded you that you weren’t on your couch, wrapped in a blanket, and watching random nature documentaries. It might have also said something about paying your rent, but you decided to ignore that part. 
So, your frigid breath fading away in front of you, you waltzed down the four blocks between you and your apartment, watching the few other folk out and about make their own ways home. A group of teens scuttled across the road, technically jay walking but you weren’t going to say anything, while a ruffled office worker took off in a hurry in the other direction. Probably wanting to get into a safe place with the baggy of drugs stuffed into his suit pocket. 
The town you lived in wasn’t a well-off one. It was two steps up from rock bottom, and only because the local deli hadn’t been closed down due to health hazards yet. You liked to think your bar made it better, but there were going to be people who didn’t agree. Those teens, for instance, who always threw crude remarks when you denied them a beer. You didn’t hold it against them. How could you, when you had done the same thing once or twice when you were a kid. It didn’t bother you anymore, so why not wait until they reached 21, or found good enough fake IDs.
You fished your keys out of your bag when you were at the stairs inside your apartment building. The little, pink bear was the only thing that distinguished it from any others, and you ran your fingers over the dimples and nicks as your legs moved for you. Fourth floor, second door on the left. Whistling the few beats of a song you could still remember from the radio, you spun the plastic toy around in the air, caught it with your other hand, and pushed it into your door.
The entry was cold. That wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, but you were always reminded of the difference between the welcoming warmth of your bar and your home’s casual wave of air. Bringing a jacket with you was a moot point since you only needed it when you were actually inside. No, you just had to put up with it until you could get out of your work clothes and surround yourself with the fluffiest blankets you could find. You had this down to a fine art at that point, there was no reason why you couldn’t do it from muscle memory alone. 
Your keys clattered to the wooden floorboards.
No anticipated reason. None at all. You should have been moving into your bedroom by now. You should have been leaving the line of sight of your kitchen and heading to your dresser. You should have been doing anything except staring right at the man who had settled himself against your countertop with a bowl and spoon in his hands. 
You weren’t certain if you’d have preferred a complete stranger, maybe someone with a mallet ready to bash in your head. Something told you it would have been better that the mallet he had poised to bash in your heart with. 
Your mouth dropped open and you forgot about the keys on the ground. Eyes scanning his figure, you begged to find any reason that this wasn’t him, but, if there was, you were too shocked to see it. First, came the slow, creeping sensation of confusion, then a dismal sadness washed through your veins, followed within the second by a tidal wave of anger. 
In a single movement, you’d scooped up your keys, singled the sharpest one out, and lunged for Wilford. 
The fucker was lucky he had those teleporting, magic, screw-the-laws-of-physics powers that let him appear behind you before you cut through his arm. That didn’t stop you from whirling around and trying to get at his shoulder, though, but you missed again. And again. And again. 
“Stop moving!” you yelled, skidding into the fridge. It was a poorly choreographed dance that involved the two of you going around in circles, neither graceful nor calculated. The most math Wilford was doing was making sure he didn’t end up on your stove-top, and you were barely thinking, regardless of how many times the counter drove itself into your stomach. 
His response of a stern, “No!” went ignored while you flung yourself towards him for a sixth time. You were considering just chucking the keychain at him and hoping you struck gold, but luck always seemed to be on his side – if not for his evading of your attacks, then for the fact that his bowl hadn’t spiled whatever was inside it. Although, just as you cursed him for it and a bunch of other irrelevant things, he placed it near the sink and watched you fumble with the keys. Your hands were sweaty against the frigidness of the apartment, the exercise was wearing you out quickly, but you didn’t let up. He’d always liked that about you, but he was getting tired, more of the repetitiveness of the situation than the exertion.
So, what else could he do but twist your arm behind your back, hold your other hand down onto the countertop, and ignore the suggestive position it put you both in to disarm you? You didn’t stop struggling, to which he tutted and wrenched your shoulder back further. Nothing to hurt you, too much, he just needed you to calm down. If there was one thing he’d learned in your past encounters, it was that you didn’t react well to simply being verbally ordered around. 
“Now, why are you so angry?” Wilford asked. 
For a second, you stilled. He couldn’t be serious, but, then again, when was he ever? This was the norm for him. Both the prudent ignorance and the method of disarmament. After jostling for moment more, you let out a breath that gave you more wiggle room against the countertop. 
“Who wouldn’t be angry? You ate all my cereal and faked your death for three years.” 
Wilford apparently deemed you pacified enough to let you go, and you fell forward slightly. God, your arms hurt. You turned to face him as you rolled the shoulder that he had pulled behind you. Military man. You hated when he actually used what he was taught.
“I didn’t fake my death,” he scoffed. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, you ate all my cereal and abandoned me for three years. That better?”
“I didn’t abandon you.”
You finally met his eyes. Six feet between you, far out of arm’s reach, you hated that they didn’t betray any lies. More often than not, his emotions were masked by a haze of insanity, but the genuineness was crystal clear, like the spark of lighting across a night sky. It was the kind of purity that meant he fully believed he hadn’t abandoned you, but that just made it worse. 
You forced yourself to look away.  
“You still ate all my cereal.”
“For that, I am sorry.”
You believed him there, and you hated that you did. But that was the same Wilford who left all those nights ago, wasn’t it? No reason to anything, not leaving, not coming back, not a single thing.
Huffing, you gave up. It wasn’t worth arguing about, and you now had one more chore to do before you could settle down for the night. “What do you want?” you asked as you dumped the remainder of the cereal from Wil’s bowl.
“Can’t a man check in on an old friend out of the kindness of his heart?”
You levelled him with a blank stare. His grin cracked for just a second, but it was enough for you to spot, not that you changed your expression any.
“I- well, I thought we could catch up. What have you been up to for the last… what did you say, three years?”
You took a moment to try and figure him out again. Even if it would get you nowhere in the long run, you weren’t going to entertain him if he was there out of boredom. The little voice in the back of your mind reminded you that you didn’t have to play along with him, it reminded you that you had a job and a home and a life outside of whatever Wilford was swept up in. You didn’t have to jingle around the room like a court jester playing it up for laughs.
But you still sighed, ran a hand down your face, and vaguely gestured to the kitchen counter. “Go on, then.”
Wilford waltzed over to one of the stools as though that was just what he expected you to say, and, ashamed as you were, it likely was; it was some kind of routine you used to have, albeit without the giant gap in between. When you got home from working the bar, he would be there at the stove, cooking whatever it was caught his fancy in the books lately. You’d talk about your day and ask him about his, pouring both of you a drink. You couldn’t drink on the job, but your shift ended the minute you stepped through the apartment door.
Then, of course, after solid months of strange domesticity, Wilford up and vanished in the blink of an eye. Magic.
And, what, he appeared in just the same manner, and you fell into the habit, just like that? God, you really were weak.
“So, how’s the family?” was Wilford’s first question. You didn’t answer until you got the bottles out of the fridge and laid them on the countertop in front of him.
“Fine. Youngest brother graduated; parents adopted another dog.”
You turned away from grabbing the glasses only to see your guest wedging the top off the bottle of gin with his teeth. The cork pressed to the side of his mouth a clear danger, you swiped it from him, tossed it to your other hand and grabbed a corkscrew from the drawer in one swift motion.
“You’ll crack a tooth,” you muttered, knowing damn-well he wouldn’t heed your warning as you watched him shrug and remove the cap of the vermouth as well.
You didn’t bother to be surprised when the martini glass you’d seen on a shelf disappeared and reappeared in Wilford’s hand. That little voice, whispering again, reminded you that the magic trick was old hat to you now. You didn’t have to be shocked at the casual manipulation of time and space.
“I didn’t think Danny-boy was still in schooling. What’s he going to be, eh?”
Ignoring the sudden pressure in your chest, you replied, “A pilot.”
“Oh, a ladies’ man, then!” His laugh was more suited to a world war general than the pink-moustached maniac sipping straight from the vermouth in front of you. “I wish him the best of luck.” To which he raised the bottle, and, with a final wink, chugged the thing until half of it remained.
You almost didn’t want to risk finishing the martini you were making for him. You were well aware of how high Wilford’s alcohol tolerance was, but that didn’t make it any healthier. Still, when you had taken back the vermouth and poured it into the glass, you slid it over to him, warily eyeing the rest of the bottles to see if they’d been opened in the meantime. The sight of them all the same as before didn’t bring you much comfort regardless.
“And how’s the bar doing?”
You nodded slightly, your brow still furrowed and avoiding looking directly at him. “It’s doing well. We got a new bartender, she’s… she’s good.”
“Maybe you’ll finally take some time off, then,” he thought for a moment and then snapped his fingers, “there’s a new roller rink opening up on Alto Street. We could go there on your next day off!”
That pressure tightened into a vice grip. “We?”
“Yes, we. I wouldn’t recommend it if I didn’t think it’s good.”
“But you want to go together.”
“Is that a problem?”
Avoiding looking at him didn’t help, but making eye contact wasn’t any good, either. You only got an expression of confusion. Nothing betrayed an ulterior motive. You squinted but found only that. Surprise, maybe. You tilted your head one way and then the other, as though an angle would let you see something you couldn’t before. It was all the same.
“What are you doing, Wilford?”
Only more surprise. He laid down the martini glass, a mere sliver of alcohol left in the bottom, before placing his head in his hand. “What do you mean?”
“What is this? What- what do you want?”
A tut broke the tension for a second until it rose again tenfold.
“You’ve already asked that one.” 
“Yeah, and we’ve caught up. You can leave now.”
“Well, you haven’t asked me what I’ve been up to.”
“Oh, yeah? What have you been up to, then?”
Wilford opened his mouth, paused, and closed it again with a hum. Go figure, he couldn’t tell you. Whether it was because he was bound by some contract, or couldn’t remember, or just plain hadn’t done a thing, you didn’t know, and you never had.
“Look, it was nice catching up with you, but I have to work in the morning—”
“Hold on, hold on!” Your moving away from the counter was blocked by Wilford rushing to stand and securing his hands on your shoulders. He held you in place, a new emotion appearing on his face. Desperation. The smallest amount, but it was there, and it had you changing your mind about shoving him away.
“How do I make it up to you?”
“I don’t think you can.”
You weren’t about to beat around the bush with this, even if it made you the bad guy – the kicked puppy look certainly made you think you were, but you stayed your course; you couldn’t give in so easily.
“I just… how do I know you aren’t going to disappear again?” 
“I won’t!”
“How do I know, though? You don’t have the best track record.”
When he moved his hands from your shoulders, you thought he was going to leave, walk straight out the door into the night. It took only a second longer for you to realise he was grabbing your own hands. “This time I promise I’m telling the truth.”
Damn it. Damn it, damn it, damn it. Damn him and damn yourself and damn it all. You were weak, of course, but you were weak for the man in front of you with the stars in his eyes and sugar on his lips. And if that man was asking for a second chance – for a third time – who were you to deny him?
“Fine. Okay. Sure,” you spoke slowly, coming to grips with everything that had happened in the last half an hour.
You felt Wilford’s grip tighten at your hands and then release, and that was all that you expected, but you were talking about the time-travelling maniac in front of you. His arms were wrapped around you before you knew it, warmth and his moustache tapping at your skin. You supposed this was some kind of thanks, which you still appreciated. Gently, you lifted your hands to pat his back, causing him to squeeze slightly more, until he pulled away a few seconds later. 
“Alright,” you mumbled, barely getting the word out in time for a yawn to overtake you, “I’m heading to bed.”
“Goodnight! Sleep well.”
You returned the pleasantry with obvious tiredness in both your tone and your body. Dragging your feet, you made your way to your room while Wilford cleared up, the clinking of glasses and bottles only making you slightly worried about how much you’d have left come morning. It wasn’t enough to stop you from conking out the very instance that you touched your comforter, ready and poised to forget the last half hour’s shenanigans.
You woke up in the morning. Not surprising. It happened a lot. What didn’t happen a lot, though, was the smell of pancakes stirring you from your sleep instead of the blinding sun through your windows. You cracked your eyes open, only to see complete darkness. Immediately, you jumped from your bed and scrambled to stand up straight. Nothing. You couldn’t see anything. A creeping sense of dread curled in your stomach, wrapped around you heart, and pulled. Where was Wilford? Did he do something, was he okay, why did it still smell like pancakes—
You hand made contact with something covering your eyes. Oh. Pulling it off, you were slowly greeted with the light of the day, as you expected, and an unfamiliar piece of fabric in your palm. It was silky when you ran your thumb over it, something you didn’t think you’d ever touched, let alone owned.
You left the sleeping mask on your chaotic mess of sheets. Overwhelmed by the haze of adrenaline and sleep, you stumbled to get ready – which, given that you still had to figure out that smell, consisted of swapping out the uniform that you’d passed out in for a tank top and shorts. You weren’t fully awake when you got to the door, but you had nothing else to do but get to the kitchen and hope it was nothing you’d have to call emergency services about.
All three of your panic-questions were answered when you stopped at the archway between the mini hallway and the kitchen. The scene of Wilford at the stove, his back to you but clearly flipping something in a pan, quickly greeted you. Sizzling filled the air and disguised your footfalls on the wooden floorboards. They were nearly silent anyway, and yet you were caught as you got close to the countertop’s stools.
“Good morning, sleepy head,” Wilford sang, turning to wink at you so that you could see the ‘kiss-the-cook’ apron he now sported. Something panged in your chest, like a string cut loose; you’d bought that for him years ago, back when he was cooking dinner for the two of you. The face of the cashier stuck in your mind, somewhere between amused and sickened, but you didn’t care. The only time he hadn’t worn it when cooking was after you’d wrestled it away from him to wash. And then, obviously, after he disappeared, it was stashed in the back of the drawer, piled onto by old cloths and semi-broken utensils. You wondered how he found it again.
“Did you put a sleeping mask on me?” You collapsed onto a seat and rested your arms on the laminate surface. 
“I did, yes.” He went back to peeling the sides of a pancake off the edge and said nothing else on the matter.
Wilford flipped the pancake once, twice, a third time, then pressed it down in a ritual you had seen many times before. The crack of batter shocked the air around it. “Given how tired you were last night – too tired to change out of your clothes, at least – I didn’t want the sun to wake you up too early.” 
“And the curtains weren’t enough?”
“Oh, no, of course not,” he tutted, “I’ve seen how much gets through those flimsy things. It’s a wonder how the stars themselves don’t keep you awake.”
He wasn’t wrong. It happened often that you would wake up in the middle of the night, drowsy and blinking, only to realise that it was ten hours earlier than when you needed to be out of bed by. It happened now, and it happened three years ago. You just never put in the effort to fix it.
So, you just sighed, giving up the debate as fast as you’d started it, and dragged your hands down your face. According to the clock on the wall opposite you, there was still six more hours until the bar opened – you didn’t like encouraging day-drinking and four o’clock was the lowest you would go – and, frankly, you didn’t know how to spend them. A routine of stupid conspiracy theories and paperwork was offset with Wilford’s presence, leaving you with the shambles of a normal morning.
You blinked back to life when he set out two plates of pancakes on the countertop, one of them in front of you and the other just to your right at the next stool over. As he rounded the jutted-out edge, he brushed the small of your back with his hand, still warm from being near the stove. You couldn’t help but tense up, entirely focused on that point of contact like you’d been called to attention by a drill sergeant. 
Wilford dropped into the seat and handed you a pair of cutlery. You didn’t notice the toppings spread along the edge until you blinked some more times to rid the blur of your vision. Half of them had been pushed to the very back of the cupboard while the other half you weren’t certain you had ever bought in the first place.
Something stopped you from reaching for any of them. Something stopped you from doing anything. 
It was a shared feeling between the pit of your stomach and your throat. Like you wanted to scream and cry and laugh at the same time. Manic, you guessed was the best word for it, but even that felt wrong. Your heart thundered in your chest and raged against your ribcage, as though it were the only thing stopping it from telling you just what was wrong with you. Maybe this was just what happened what Wilford was around you, or maybe this was just what happened when he left. You didn’t think you were sure of anything anymore. 
“Is this it?”
“What do you mean?”
The words struggled against the rush of blood in your veins. You weren’t angry. You understood that you should have been, but you weren’t, and you weren’t bitter, and you weren’t resentful. It was another feeling on the tip of your tongue. But you held onto that feeling because it was undeniably there. You would have bashed your head against the counter if you weren’t paralyzed with…
You were scared. That was it. You were downright terrified.
“Are you,” you swallowed thickly, “are you here now?”
“Honey, whatever are you talking about?” Wilford asked, facing you with that sugar-coated grin you’d always gotten so hung up over. “I’ve been here since last night.” 
Just those words made you break into an internal panic. The only way that it shone through was in the frantic movements of your pupils, darting back and forth, searching desperately for the truth in his own. Meeker than he had ever heard you before, you asked, “Are you staying?”
And, just like that, he realized what you were asking, what you were going through. The eyes were the windows to the soul, after all, and, as he secured his hands on your shoulders, he saw your soul shattered into pieces. He had left, and the memory of stepping out of that front door was seared into his mind. He couldn’t forget, not even under the cover of discos and murder-mysteries, the way that the click of the lock echoed down the hallway and the stairwell, chasing after him when he was out of the building and seeping into the cracks of the pavement. It was karmic justice that the thought of you prevented him from entering any bar from that day onward. He didn’t want to risk it, and, well, he’d already forgotten so much. The few sane memories that remained were ones he didn’t want to taint with similar experiences and get them muddled up in his mind. 
Now that he was back, Wilford couldn’t imagine leaving again, not when you were staring at him, panicked and desperate for a response.
Slowly, gently, he brought you closer until your chest was pressed against his. The embrace was tight but comfortable. Supportive. A promise he couldn’t yet put into words. He shushed you as you tucked your head into the crook of his neck, your own arms tugging him even closer than that, as if you expected him to disappear at any moment – not that it was unjustified. His grip on your shoulder blades tensed alongside yours.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
You didn’t respond. You didn’t need to. On your part, you were too preoccupied with holding back the floods of tears that threatened to spill over at any second. A few had already escaped and dampened his dress shirt. On Wilford’s, he understood already.
The pair of you sat there for five minutes more. It felt like longer, but the clock was barely passing half ten. The most concrete thought that dragged through your head was that the hug was nice. You hadn’t been held like that since the last time Wilford was there. Sure, you’d been close to other people, but the complete relaxation of your body was a sensation you could see yourself chasing like an addict’s high.
It was practically painful to pull away, though you kept your hands secured around his waist.
“Shit,” you laughed quietly, voice clogged with tears, “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to spring that on you.”
“Pish posh! I think we both needed that, and I’m more than welcome for another in the future. For now,” he rose from his seat and gathered your plates, “I’m going to make some more pancakes.”
As Wilford passed behind you, he leaned around and pecked your cheek with his lips. It must have been an unconscious decision because his eyebrows raised, and he sounded apologetic as he spoke.
“Was that too much?”
Truth be told, you weren’t expecting it, but that didn’t make it any less appreciated. You had gone from trying to stab his with your keys to crying in his embrace in less than a day, you imagined you could handle a little kiss. And, as it happened, a larger one, too.
Wilford watched as you got up from your own stool and took a step closer to him. He was almost worried you would shove him out of the door, but you did something different. Very different.
In one swift motion, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him forward. For a second, he was focused on keeping the plates steady in his hands, before he felt the oh-so-familiar warmth of your lips on his, and, had he forgotten, this was a pleasant reminder. He sighed into your mouth as his shoulders fell from their tensed position and he tilted his head for a better angle. A lopsided grin spread over his lips, only somewhat messing up the kiss, but you continued. 
You lifted a hand up to cup his jawline, smoothing a thumb over the texture of his skin; the other you used to card through his tousled hair. Your reward? A light groan so quiet that you nearly missed it. Luckily, you didn’t, even as he tried to twist it into a hum. He’d missed this, and so had you. And besides, who were you to ignore the order on his apron?
Eventually, you had to separate. Time-travelers and bartenders both had to breath, after all.
“Oh, honey,” Wilford muttered, slowly but not subtly moving closer again.
You accepted another kiss, and then another when you parted, and then another after that. Each of them was slow and sweet, only half like him in that regard. 
“Still making those pancakes, are you?” you managed to get out in the interim.
His chuckle was just as carefree as his other sounds, but he did step back to put the plates by the sink. You moved to start cleaning them as he prepared the next pancakes. The splash of water against the sizzle of batter warmed your chest, and the glimpse of Wilford standing next to you had you grinning ear to ear.
This was good. Making breakfast in a tiny apartment, not yet dressed for the day but content to stay like this for the rest of it – you were happy with this life.
You were certain of it.
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[It's weird that this blog has been open for over a year and yet this is the first Wilford one-shot I've done. Side note: this was inspired by @valentivy-makes so you should go and check out their amazing art of Wilford, because, um, you should. Thanks for reading <3]
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