#Can onion soup help me fight off illness?
khulkarjiyo · 1 year
Onion soup benefits (All what you need to know)
There aren’t many foods in the world of food that can compare to the love and satisfaction provided by a steaming bowl of onion soup. More than just a meal, onion soup is a soothing embrace for the soul, a reminder of the warmth of home-cooked food, and an example of the magic that can be created from a simple vegetable. How do I make classic onion soup? Onion soup benefits To make classic…
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aching-tummies · 1 year
Sounds like you had a rough time would be a shame if someone made it worse. Coming up behind you and placing their hands of your tummy. You thinking their gonna help with how bloated you feel but they only plan on making it worse. Your tummy is tight and hard from how bloated it is but they don't care they squeeze it anyway. Jiggling your tummy just to everything angrily slosh together as you moan in discomfort. Seeing how tight they can squeeze you before you lose everything. They would definitely tease you about how bloated you are by poking your bloated belly hard
Honestly, everything about this one (except for the partner and what they did to me) is basically a real experience. I made that discount chicken-noodle soup for myself when I was sick maybe five days in a week and it honestly felt like none of it digested by the third day. I think I skipped meals completely and fasted on the fourth day because my belly felt too damned bloated to have any appetite at all. Doing dishes was honestly terrifying and I was legitimately fighting back wet belches out of fear of suffocation all day between the third and fourth days.
As I write this, I realize I need more inspiration for dialogue in situations like this. Words definitely failed me.
I choke back another wet hiccup as I try to focus on rinsing the dishes without leaning on or bending around the counter as much as I normally do. If this kitchen counter were an inch higher, all of these plates and utensils would be getting re-filled very quickly rather than getting clean.
Apparently, sickness has decided that my stomach is going to refuse to digest for a while. I feel like a detergent pod--my belly bloated and swollen with a viscous liquid that'll burn my esophagus when exposed to the soft tissue.
My stomach rolls, rumbling without sound as the liquid contents churn inside my torso. My normally-trim stomach is visibly bloated out just a tad--plainly visible due to the form-fitting camisole I'm wearing. Thanks to fever and other symptoms not giving me a break, wearing the camisole is more efficient than anything else at the moment. I have plenty of spares, they're easy to wash and dry in a hurry, and when I feel overheated I can stand around in just the camisole, or rush to toss some layers on when I get too chilled. Unfortunately, the versatile clothing does very little for my ill-feeling stomach other than make it blatantly obvious that something's going on in the area. I've seen you leering at me in this get-up--eyes glued like a magnet to this liquid-y bloat that's refused to go down for the last three days.
I've been dodging you all week due to the sickness. Thankfully, you've been at work, but while you're home I usually have retired to the guest bedroom and thrown the lock for good measure. As much as we both love stomach-stuff, I honestly spent all those hours too sick to indulge in anything--including sleep. The last few nights have not been kind with the fever keeping me up by alternating between chills and sweats every ten or twenty minutes. The headache has been intense, and my stomach has refused to settle for the better part of a week.
I haven't eaten much of anything this week. I've made myself discount chicken noodle soup with chicken-flavoured boullion powder, onions, garlic, and macaroni and survived off of maybe a litre or a litre and a half of that stuff each day for the last three days. So...water and about three litres of soup is all that's entered my gut in the last three days. Honestly, it feels like it's all still in there, sloshing away as I carefully rinse off another plate. My stomach has been feeling increasingly more and more bloated with each day. It definitely doesn't feel like gas, especially not when I wake up to sour liquid lapping at the back of my throat. It seems my poor, little tummy has taken sick and refused to work over the last three days. Honestly, I have half a mind to just throw up and hope it makes me feel better, but the stuffy nose and congestion throughout my throat and chest threatens to asphyxiate me every time I try, so I end up swallowing back the hot and sour liquid that keeps coming up like some incessant groundhog.
I lean forward slightly with a groan as my stomach does another liquid-y flip.
"Unnngh...urk!" I yelp as I feel a new sensation--dry hands have slid over my camisole, coming to rest just over the crest of my bloated belly, right along my ribs. "Nnngh...ugh...d-darling...no." I bat at your hands, wincing as the force ripples through my bloated tummy. Your hands are in dangerous territory and it honestly scares me.
"Awww...poor tummy. So, so bloated." You tease, rubbing a languid, light circle over the tightest part of my stomach. Your rubbing causes another soundless rumble to tumble through my turbulent tummy, bringing up a wet belch.
"Nnngh...urrrrp--hic--b-babe...n-no. Please...n-not here...ulp...n-not on the plates."
My belly is surprisingly firm beneath your palms—bloated up with pretty much everything that has passed my lips in the last three days. You give it a light squeeze with your palm—testing the tension. Your hands pat roughly, dislodging a few more pitifully small wet belches that burn my throat and threaten to baptize the sudsy dishes in the sink with something nasty.
“Unnngh...nnnngh...” I mewl and moan, leaning back against you in a futile attempt to get away from the pressure of your hands.
You chuckle, jiggling my bloated belly and delighting in the wet 'glk' noise as well as my sudden reaction to bend over the sink with my eyes wide. I swallow desperately, trying to clear my throat enough to suck in a greedy breath of air. Damned congestion. I know I'd feel much, much better if I just threw up and purged the sick from my tummy—but there's a very real risk of suffocation due to congestion making it so that not only can I not breathe through my nose, but I also can't suck in enough air to even try to hold my breath for any length of time. I always thought 'shortness of breath' was just put there for people with pre-existing breathing conditions, or that it was legalese. Nope—it's real—and it is terrifying.
You continue to pat at my tummy with your left hand, jostling it uncomfortably and causing me to be reduced to moans and swallows as I fight to keep the waves of sick down. Your right hand rubs circles all over my bloated belly, varying the pressure based on what you think will cause me to moan. Eventually, you take to poking—jabbing your finger repeatedly into the tightest parts of my belly and delighting in the sharp cries and harsh belches that it causes. You nail my navel with one particularly forceful jab and I feel my mouth flood with something thick and sour.
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thefuzzydarkness · 3 years
Howl the Housekeeper (Pt 2)
Howl surveyed the dirty room in front of him. It was day three of Sophie's illness and between taking care of her and filling in for her he was exhausted. How did she do this everyday? It seemed like just as he got one room clean another dirtied. Markl tried to help but to be honest cleaning had never been his strong suit. Howl ended up having him tend to the flower shop exclusively as he seemed to have his hands full with that. After an hour of trying and failing to scrape pink stains off the bathtub he decided to take a break and check on Sophie. He peered through the crack between the door and the wall to see Sophie reading well… attempting to read. She would read for a few seconds and then bend over coughing and lose her place. He finally decided to intervene when he heard a painful sounding "heh-heh hhiit'cHU hiiit'CHU" followed by a small groan and the sound of her book hitting the floor. "You okay Starlight?" She shook her head as she blew her nose into a handkerchief. "Oh Howl everythig hurts and I cadt seeb to focus od anythig. I'b so bored." She fell back on her pillow and covered her face with her hands. Howl reached over and picked up the book. "What if I make you some lunch and read to you while you eat? Would that make you feel better?" Sophie nodded "Yes please! That would be lovely." He smiled and nodded his head "That's settled then. I'll be back in just a minute." After some careful thought he decided to make a nice potato soup just as his mother had done for him when he was ill. He took out the potatoes and started peeling and dicing as fast as he possibly could. "Is that for Sophie?" Markl asked entering the room holding a particularly well arranged vase of flowers. "Yes, I'm making her some soup. Would you like to help?" Markl nodded "Good now set those down and run into town and buy some fresh milk and a couple of onions, alright?" Before he could finish Markl had on his cloak and was halfway out the door "You can count on me Howl! Oh and if you could take those flowers up to Sophie. Tell her that I hope she feels better!" And with that he shut the door and was off. Howl smiled and shook his head. That boy had changed so much in the past year. He finished preparing the potatoes and then Fried and chopped some bacon.  Everything finished for the moment he grabbed the vase and headed upstairs. He softly knocked on the door "Delivery!" opening the door he found Sophie fast asleep. He set the flowers and the nightstand, adjusted her blankets,and gave her forehead a gentle kiss before heading back downstairs to find Markl unloading the groceries. "I got everything you asked for plus I bought this little cake. I thought maybe if Sophie is feeling better she'd be in the mood for something sweet." Howl grabbed the onions and started peeling. "That's very thoughtful of you. She's sleeping right now but I bet she'll be very hungry when she wakes up." Howl placed all the chopped ingredients along with the milk and some spices in a pot over Calcifer to boil. "Please make sure it doesn't boil too quickly. It tastes better that way." Calcifer chuckled "I only burn things when I'm cooking for you." As the soup boiled Howl heard shuffling coming from upstairs. Sophie stood at the top of the stairs with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. She had a handkerchief in one hand and a book in the other. "Sophie what are you doing out of bed?" 
"I've been waitig for ages Howl. I thought you were goig to cobe up and read to be and I'b starved." Howl grinned and helped Sophie down the stairs and onto the couch. "I'm sorry the soup took a little longer than I thought to make. Plus I thought you were still asleep." Sophie turned coughing into her elbow. "I was but when I sbelled food by stomach woke be up." Markl came into the living room from the kitchen and ran up to give Sophie a hug. "Sophie!! How are you feeling?" 
"I'b alright. How are- hiitchu hhisshchu- " She groaned and rubbed her temples. Markl rubbed Sophie's back with a concerned look on his face. "Soups ready. It sounds like you need it." Calcifer said looking equally concerned from his place in the hearth. Howl grabbed three bowls and began to divvy up the soup between them. "Well since you're down here now how about I read to the two of you while we eat?" They nodded and Howl picked up the book. He began reading a tale about pirates gallivanting across the sea. After a few chapters of sword fights,high speed chases, and treasure hunts, Howl looked up to see Markl in Sophie's arms, the pair of them fast asleep. He sighed closing the book. He grabbed a blanket from the linen chest and covered them before sitting down to finish his now cold soup. He sat quietly in a chair next to Calcifer enjoying his heat as the room had become unusually cold. He felt a small tickle in the back of his throat and tried to clear it with little success. Then suddenly he felt a tickle shoot through his sinuses he pitched over and let out a loud "HISSH'OO-" he looked over worried he had awoken Sophie and Markl but the two of them slept seemingly undisturbed. Calcifer chuckled "Bless you! I'm surprised your brains are still in your head with a sneeze like that." Howl gave Calcifer an annoyed look before "Ihh'hxngtt hh-hgxnt"  stifling two more sneezes into his sleeve. He grabbed a handkerchief out of his pocket and gave a quiet blow. "Calcifer I know how this looks but please don't tell Sophie. She doesn't need to worry about me right now." Calcifer remembered Sophie making a very similar request of him a few days earlier and smiled "Wouldn't dream of it." With that Howl leaned back in his chair and fell asleep to the sound of a crackling fire demon.
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In a remarkable Easter Sunday letter to members of social movements around the world, Pope Francis, noting that the widespread suffering caused by the global coronavirus pandemic does not fall evenly, suggested that the crisis warranted the establishment of a universal basic income. He described it also as an opportunity for affluent societies to “downshift” and re-evaluate patterns of consumption and exploitation.
"This may be the time to consider a universal basic wage which would acknowledge and dignify the noble, essential tasks you carry out," Pope Francis wrote. "It would ensure and concretely achieve the ideal, at once so human and so Christian, of no worker without rights."
“I hope that this time of danger will free us from operating on automatic pilot, shake our sleepy consciences and allow a humanist and ecological conversion that puts an end to the idolatry of money and places human life and dignity at the center,” Pope Francis said.
“Our civilization—so competitive, so individualistic, with its frenetic rhythms of production and consumption, its extravagant luxuries, its disproportionate profits for just a few—needs to downshift, take stock and renew itself.” Pope Francis said that “technocratic paradigms (whether state-centered or market-driven) are not enough to address this crisis or the other great problems affecting humankind.”
Pope Francis: “I hope that this time of danger will free us from operating on automatic pilot, shake our sleepy consciences and allow a humanist and ecological conversion that puts an end to the idolatry of money.”Tweet this
“Now more than ever, persons,” he said, “communities and peoples must be put at the center, united to heal, to care and to share.”
The pope called members of social movements, which include civil society agents of change from labor unions and indigenous rights activists to advocates for the homeless and the environment, “social poets because, from the forgotten peripheries where you live, you create admirable solutions for the most pressing problems afflicting the marginalized.”
“In these days of great anxiety and hardship,” the pope said, “many have used war-like metaphors to refer to the pandemic we are experiencing. If the struggle against COVID-19 is a war, then you are truly an invisible army, fighting in the most dangerous trenches; an army whose only weapons are solidarity, hope, and community spirit, all revitalizing at a time when no one can save themselves alone.”
Pope Francis noted that the global community of working people, many laboring precariously in the informal market, “have been excluded from the benefits of globalization.”Tweet this
Noting that market solutions and state interventions frequently never reach these actors on the economic and geographic peripheries of modern life, Pope Francis encouraged members of social movements to continue to “roll up your sleeves and keep working for your families, your communities and the common good.”
“Your resilience helps me, challenges me, and teaches me a great deal,” Pope Francis said.
This global community of working people, many laboring precariously in the informal market, he said, “have been excluded from the benefits of globalization.” They “do not enjoy the superficial pleasures that anesthetize so many consciences, yet…always suffer from the harm they produce. The ills that afflict everyone hit [them] twice as hard.”
Pope Francis: “How difficult it is to stay at home for those who live in tiny, ramshackle dwellings, or for the homeless. How difficult it is for migrants, those who are deprived of freedom, and those in rehabilitation from an addiction."Tweet this
“How difficult it is to stay at home for those who live in tiny, ramshackle dwellings, or for the homeless,” the pope said. “How difficult it is for migrants, those who are deprived of freedom, and those in rehabilitation from an addiction. You are there shoulder to shoulder with them, helping them to make things less difficult, less painful. I congratulate and thank you with all my heart.”
The pope suggested that a reordering of priorities in the aftermath of the crisis should eventually lead to “universal access to those three Ts that [social movements] defend: Trabajo (work), Techo (housing), and Tierra (land and food).” Pope Francis has frequently referred to the adequate provision of the “three Ts,” or in English, the “three Ls” for “land, labor and lodging,” as fundamental to justly-ordered societies. They have been the minimum components for a dignified life cited by church-based popular movements, for example, in the final statement of the 2017 general assembly of the World Movement of Christian Workers in 2017.
His letter included strong words of encouragement for people whose campaigns for social change are often viewed with suspicion by the wider society “when through community organization you try to move beyond philanthropy or when, instead of resigning and hoping to catch some crumbs that fall from the table of economic power, you claim your rights.”
He told them: “You are the indispensable builders of this change that can no longer be put off.”
He also urged them to continue their vital, often unsung work for the common good. “I think of all the people, especially women, who multiply loaves of bread in soup kitchens: two onions and a package of rice make up a delicious stew for hundreds of children,” he said. “I think of the sick, I think of the elderly. They never appear in the news, nor do small farmers and their families who work hard to produce healthy food without destroying nature, without hoarding, without exploiting people’s needs.”
“I want you to know that our Heavenly Father watches over you,” Pope Francis said, “values you, appreciates you and supports you in your commitment.”
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celosiaa · 4 years
steady, love (chapter 5)
Martin is not doing well.
Jon is there with him through every step.
(because I became obsessed ™ with the idea of Martin dealing with the physical and emotional aftermath of leaving the Lonely)
Chapters 1-6 are up on ao3 under the same username!
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
WARNING: martin's sick! and I describe it a little more in detail here. no vomiting or anything, mostly just coughing.
After fumbling with the doorknob around the large grocery bags in his arms, Jon is not surprised to find that Martin has presumably retreated upstairs for the time being.  Closing his eyes, he allows himself a deep, centering sigh.
A bit of separation ought to do us both some good.
The contents of the bags shift awkwardly in his hold, forcing him to prop them up at a strange angle.  He crosses the room quickly and sets them down on the kitchen table with a heavy THUD.
Sunlight filters in through the kitchen window, highlighted now in the absence of electrical lighting.  From this angle, Jon can see ribbons of dust framed in the sunbeams, undoubtedly landing to coat every surface in the small kitchen.  He sniffs reflexively.
Time to get to work.
He flicks on the lights and throws open the windows, willing the stifling air out of the cottage.  After taking out the cleaning supplies he’d purchased and wiping down every kitchen surface, he turns next to the array of vegetables.
Where do I start?  How does soup…work?
He ponders this for a few minutes, setting all the potential ingredients on the countertop and rearranging them periodically in an attempt to draw some method from his memory.  With some doubt, he decides to chop the onions, celery, and carrots first.  Luckily, he is not left to flounder for long— in a single moment, he finds that he Knows exactly what to do.  His hands begin to work with the rhythm of a seasoned chef, his movements fluid and sure.
Soon after, the aromatic soup bubbling on the stovetop floods the cottage with a kind of lived-in presence previously unknown to it.  As he works, Jon smiles to himself, beginning to hum some half-forgotten tune.  He pops the baguette in the oven to warm it.
At last, Watcher, you give me something useful to work with.
While he waits on their meal to finish, he takes out the mountain of medicines he’d purchased and lines them up on the countertop.  Placing his hands on his hips, he stares at them intently, unsure of his next move.
Should I go up there?
He might be asleep.
…or he’s climbed out the window.
As if on cue, a creaking stair from behind him causes him to turn around quickly.  There stands Martin, pillow creases on his left cheek, smashing down hair that had been standing on end and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
Their eyes meet, and both freeze for several seconds, staring at each other, neither willing to shatter the uncomfortable silence.  Eventually, Martin breaks eye contact, pulling a chair out from the table and slumping into it unceremoniously.  He props his head on his hand, staring into the middle distance.
Jon’s heart fills with hope as Martin sits down, and he hurriedly sets the table for two, ladling out generous portions of soup and placing the sliced baguette on the table.  Taking his seat, he sets a glass of water in front of Martin, back ramrod straight, and anxiously studies the man before him.
Martin looks up then, meeting Jon’s eyes, expression giving nothing away.  Jon worries at his bottom lip.  He wants to say something, anything to break this awful silence.
They inhale simultaneously.
“I’m sorry—”
“I’m sor—”
They pause, mouths hanging open momentarily, before Jon continues, words pouring out of him in a rush.
“You were perfectly in the right, Martin.  You—”
“I shouldn’t have snapped.  I—heh—I can’t really understand what this—” he waves his hands vaguely. “—feels like, to you, but…I should have given you a chance to explain.  It’s only fair.”
At this, Jon drops his gaze, suddenly uncomfortable.
“It’s alright, Martin.  And…I’m still sorry,” he replies in a soft voice.
A corner of Martin’s mouth turns up, and he chuckles briefly.
“I can tell,” he says, motioning at the colorful spread in front of them.
“Y-yes, well…I did sort of plan this before my actions necessitated apologies.  I hope it’s alright.”
“I’m sure it’s lovely, dear.”
Martin’s words draw heat into Jon’s cheeks, and he grins into his soup.  It is quite good, actually—full of flavor that Martin praises enthusiastically, though his senses are undoubtedly a bit muddled by congestion.
They eat in contented silence for while.  Jon’s heart bounds when Martin starts to get up for seconds, bowl in hand.  Snatching it from him quickly, Jon delightedly fetches him another steaming bowl full.  As he places it in front of him, Martin smiles fondly, and thin grey wisps travel out with his breath.
“We should probably talk about that,” Jon says, taking Martin’s glass and watching the rising plumes.
“Yeah, maybe,” Martin laughs, which turns hastily into coughing— substantially deeper-sounding than they had been earlier.
“And that,” Jon says pointedly, filling Martin’s glass with water.
“It’s not that bad,” Martin replies, even as his eyes begin to stream.
Jon huffs sharply.
“Well, you’re going to take something for it anyway, now that you’ve eaten.  Here—”
He shakes two fever-reducers into Martin’s hand, which he swallows obediently.  Jon then turns to flick the kettle on and leans against the counter, arms crossed loosely in front of him.
“How do you feel?”
Martin has the audacity to simply shrug as he takes a bite.  When Jon sighs loudly in frustration, Martin looks up, setting his spoon down and swallowing.
“Alright, alright.  I’m…better than this morning, I think.  Least I’ve got my voice back a bit.”
“Fever’s still there, though.  A bit higher, even.”
At this, Martin chuckles again, shaking his head and stirring his soup.  Jon holds his hands out to his sides palms up in questioning.
“You’re fussing!”
“I most certainly am not!  I’m being perfectly reasonable, thank you.”
“Whatever you say.”
Jon turns back to making tea, pouring a mug for each of them, adding plenty of honey to Martin’s for good measure.  As he sets them down on the table, he continues his line of questioning.
“And the…Lonely stuff, then?  What should we do about it?”
At this, Martin lets out a heavy sigh, congestion crackling audibly in his chest as he does.
“Dunno.  Seems to come out more when you’re being sweet, though.”
Jon’s eyebrows shoot up into his hair.
“And I wouldn’t complain about having more of that,” he continues with a sunny smile, tipping his head onto his hand again, eyes full of amusement.
Jon returns his gaze with a sidelong glare, and watches as Martin’s shoulders begin to shake in silent giggles.  His own face melts into a smile, even as he tries to stop it from doing so.
I think…I might love him.
Somehow, the thought does not alarm him.
Walking over to Martin slowly, he runs a hand over his hair where it still sticks up.
“Don’t push it,” he says tenderly, planting a soft kiss onto Martin’s scorching forehead.
Satisfied with the beet-red flush he’s pulled onto Martin’s cheeks, Jon sits down in the adjacent chair, taking Martin’s hand in his.  They enjoy the peace and quiet for hours, sipping at their tea and simply taking joy in each other’s company.
The fog rolls out of Martin in billows.
Jon awakens with a start, sitting up immediately, causing his head to rush.
Something had woken him, but listening now, he hears nothing but the house creaking around him.  Running a hand over his face, he tries to wrestle his sleep-laden thoughts into something resembling competence.
Something is…
He turns sharply to the right side of the bed, finding it empty.  Alarm rings through his head as he passes a hand over the Martin-shaped indentation on the sheets—already gone cold.  Breath quickening, he runs through worst-case scenarios in his mind, preparing to fight whatever had found them here, grabbing the knife he keeps at the bedside.  He slinks out of bed with cat-like grace.
From downstairs, he hears Martin’s deep hacking, urgently trying to clear his lungs.
Jon drops the knife to the floor, flooded with relief that he will not have to fight anything other than illness tonight.  Dropping back onto the edge of the bed, he doubles over, allowing his heart a moment to slow as it pounds in his ears.   Martin’s fit continues for nearly a minute before mercifully ceasing.
He must be miserable.
Jon winces in sympathy before standing again, pulling on his dressing gown as he heads down the stairs.
Upon entering the living room, he finds Martin once again on the sofa, curled up as tightly as his long legs will allow.  Jon can see his shoulders shaking as he desperately tries to hold back the coughs bubbling up in his chest, his face pressed into a tissue.  He turns away from Jon as he enters his peripheral vision, shaking his head rapidly.
“Martin?  What’s—”
He’s cut off abruptly by sneezing, loud and wet, that morphs quickly back into rattling coughs.  Jon’s chest aches as he watches, hearing whatever nastiness occupies Martin’s lungs refusing to loosen.  With a determined grimace, Jon steps over to him, placing a hand on his back, and begins rubbing circles with a gentle pressure.
Unfortunately, this does not seem to help, and Martin continues his half-drowned hacking with no respite in sight.
Biting his lip, Jon makes his decision and begins pounding the heel of his hand over the ribs protecting Martin’s lower lungs.
At last, this seems to break some congestion free, deepening Martin’s cough before he finally manages to get something up.  Looking into the tissue for a moment with disgust, Martin balls it up and throws it into the bin he’s dragged near the sofa, sniffling exhaustedly. He drops his head to rest on his hands.
Jon walks around the coffee table to sit beside him, resuming the slow circles on his back.
“I’m sorry, Jon.  I’m so sorry, it’s disgusting.” he rasps, voice wobbling with effort.
“Don’t—don’t apologize, Martin.  You’ve done nothing wrong,” Jon replies in the gentlest tone he can manage, continuing his ministrations for several moments in silence.
He looks up when he feels Martin’s shoulders beginning to shake, thinking he needs to cough again.
To his dismay, Jon sees hot tears threatening to spill over Martin’s cheeks.
“Oh, Martin, no.”
At his words, Martin immediately chokes out a sob, hiding his face in his hands, now unable to stop them from coming.  He gasps and heaves as Jon continues rubbing circles on his upper back, eventually coming to kneel in front of him, one hand resting on his knee as the sobs give way to shaking.
“Look at me, darling.  Look at me.”
Jon gently pries Martin’s hands away from his face, fever-glassed eyes meeting bright green.
“Listen to me.  I want to look after you.  I want to.  Please…please let me.”
Martin’s breath hitches, tears spilling out again, and Jon pulls his head to rest on his shoulder, stroking a hand through his faded curls.
They stay just like that for a few minutes, before Jon curls back up on the sofa next to him, hand still moving through his hair as he drifts off.
After several hours of fitful rest, Jon had managed to coax Martin into some breakfast and medication before dragging him back to bed for some proper sleep.  Basira and he had planned to speak at noon via the phone box in town, and he had told Martin as such.
Jon had left a note for him near the bed anyway.  Just in case the fever stole his memory.
He has just made it to the outskirts of the village, where sits the phone box.  It’s a bit dilapidated, peeling paint showing some hastily covered old graffiti beneath.  Jon smirks.
Martin would love this.
Stepping inside and closing the door, Jon dials Basira’s phone.  She answers almost immediately.
“Jon?  Is that you?”
“Y-yes, hello Basira.”
She exhales a long sigh of relief.
“You made it then.  Thank God, I was starting to get worried.”
Jon can’t help but smile at this.
“Yes, we’re here.  I don’t think we were followed, so we should be relatively safe for the time being.”
“Good.  That’s good.”
They pause as Jon carefully considers his words.
“Have you…have you found Daisy?” he asks in as soft a tone as he can muster.
Basira sighs heavily.  When she replies, her voice is lower, each word measured.
“I’ve got some leads.  But…I don’t want to go after her in earnest until I find out whether or not there’s any way she could…be the old Daisy again.  The real one.  I’ve been talking to some ‘experts,’ as it were.”
“Experts?  Wouldn’t that be us?”
Basira huffs out a laugh.  “You know, there are other people in the world outside of the Institute, Jon.”
“No, there aren’t.”
She fully chuckles at this, before they slip into a brief, but comfortable silence.
“And you?  How are you doing?” she asks, her question heavy with implication that Jon chooses to ignore.
“We’re fine, we’re…managing.”
“Are you, though?”
Jon sighs at this, knowing he has never successfully hidden anything of import from Basira, and he was unlikely to be able to start today.
“The Eye is…getting hungry.  Harder to control.”
“Thought as much.  You’ve been feeding on innocents again, then?” she asks waspishly.
“N-NO!  No, Basira, I’ve been able to resist.  I just…don’t know what to do going forward.”
“I’ll send you some statements then.  Should tide you over until…well, until the next horrible thing happens, I suppose.”
Jon feels he could cry with relief.
“Thank you, Basira.  Really, thank you.  You’ve got the address then?”
“…yeah.  I’ve actually been there before, you know.  With Daisy.”
Her voice grows muffled with emotion.
“It’s a lovely little spot.”
“It is.”
Their grief hangs in the air like a curtain for a few moments, and they decide to let it be.
Breathe it in, and let it go.
Just let it go.
Basira clears her throat and continues, voice stronger.
“Is Martin alright?  Is he…still Martin?”
“Yes, yes he’s been…more Martin than I’ve seen him be in a while.  Which is saying something, given that he’s quite ill at the moment.”
“Ill?  Ill how?” she says, her voice ticking up in concern.
“It’s…complicated.  Some kind of dreadful chest cold or flu or something, certainly.  But…sometimes, when he feels—”
Jon cuts off, embarrassed.
“Sometimes he breathes out this…fog.  It looks like the fog that was in the Lonely, so he thinks it’s a sign of the Lonely leaving him.  That it’s a good thing.”
“And what do you think?”
Jon sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face.
“I think he might be right, but…I also think it might be what’s making him ill.  He’s…gotten much worse, even just since yesterday.”
Another silence falls, both pondering.
“Well.   Something else I can look into, I suppose.  You’re at the phone box in the village, right?”
Jon chuckles, looking around at the smudged glass.
“Of course.”
“Right.  Let’s plan to talk again in a few days.  Half past one on Thursday okay?  I’ll rush you the statements in the meantime.”
“That sounds perfect, Basira.  Thank you.  And…”
He cuts off, softening his voice.
“Good luck.  I hope you can find a way to get her back.  And…that we’ll see each other again, soon.”
Basira sniffs audibly, leaning away from the speaker for a moment.
“Right.  Be careful, Jon.  I mean it.  Call if Martin gets worse.”
The receiver clicks.
Jon gets back to the cottage just in time for Martin’s next round of Dr. Sims-prescribed medication, his hair tossed wild by the Highland winds.  The downstairs lights are still off, just as he had left them.
I hope he managed some decent sleep, at least.
He grabs the meds from the kitchen counter along with a fresh glass of water, and ascends the stairs on tiptoe.  Swinging the bedroom door open, he finds Martin sprawled across the bed, mouth open and propped up on every pillow they had managed to find.  Jon smirks fondly.  He then sets the meds and the glass of water on the nightstand as he sits on the edge of the bed.
Jon frowns the moment he places his hand on Martin’s flushed neck.  It’s down from earlier, but not by much, and still on the border of worrying.
Dammit, I’ve got to wake him.
Stroking his arm, Jon calls his name softly.
“Martin.  Hey, Martin.”
He brushes the damp fringe back from Martin’s brow.
At this, Martin lifts his eyelids halfway, heavy with sleep.  After a moment, he turns his gaze to Jon before groaning and scrubbing at his eyes.
Poor thing.
Jon holds out the pills and the water glass to him.
“Do you think you can take these?”
Martin stares blankly at them for a moment, as though mesmerized by their colors, before reaching out with shaky hands.  He pops the pills in his mouth successfully, but as he reaches for the glass, his hands shake so badly that Jon is forced to keep a hand over his as Martin tips his head back to swallow.
His breaths are shallow and crackling when Jon takes back the glass, and sweat begins to bead his brow.  Grimacing for a moment, Jon rubs his shoulder briefly before standing.
“I’ll be right back.”
He walks quickly to the bathroom, finding a clean washcloth and dampening it with the coldest water he can coax from the tap.  Deep, rattling coughs echo from the bedroom as he does, and he shakes his head frustratedly.
Why isn’t any of this helping?
As he returns, Martin has reached the bitter and unsatisfying end of his fit, his chest still crackling with each inhale in spite of his efforts to clear it.
“Christ, Martin.  You sound awful.”
But Martin has squeezed his eyes shut again, leaning back against the pillows in exhaustion and rubbing painfully at his chest.  Jon perches near his elbow and begins gently sweeping the cold cloth over his face, eliciting a contented sigh from Martin as soon as the coolness hits his skin.  Jon moves lower, stroking his neck soothingly before depositing the cloth on his forehead.
As he does so, Martin reaches up, grabbing his hand lightly.
“What is it?”
Martin does not reply, merely gazing at his hand with half-lidded eyes as he begins to massage it, much in the same way he had done the previous morning on their drive to the village.
Oh, Martin.
Jon smiles and runs his free hand through Martin’s hair.  Martin’s fingers work over the length of each of Jon’s, before Jon’s gentle motions relax him enough that he falls asleep halfway through his ministrations.
Chuckling fondly, Jon lifts the towel from Martin’s brow just long enough to plant a few lingering kisses there before replacing it.
“Sleep well, darling,” he whispers, moving the tissue box within his reach on the bed and patting his arm before slipping out the door.
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zhewhoisfate · 4 years
Tips and Tricks to eat when you're Depresso™
Because if i need them so do you probably
Eating anything is better than nothing. Seriously. Those two and a half crackers gave you energy you didn't have before, even if you couldn't feel it, and that's a victory.
You don't have to eat it the way it's "supposed" to be eaten. You can eat soup out of the can. Hotdogs don't have to have buns. You can eat sandwich meat without the bread, or vice versa.
Rice cooks just as well in a glass bowl for 5 minutes on high in the microwave as it does on the stovetop for ten. You dont need a fancy cooker bowl. Just stand there and make sure it doesnt over-dry. If the water's gone, it's done. One part water to one part rice.
A can of beans and a handful of onion flakes goes a long way for taste and protein.
Protein and meal replacement bars are your friends.
Juice is good. It's full of nutrients. Make sure it's not grapefruit, because medication, but yeah drink that shit bro. Eat a cracker with it or smthn dry though bc juice on an empty stomach makes your stomach...upset. That's how juice cleanses are supposed to work, in part. It's all the sugar I think.
Food doesn't immediately go bad sitting out for a few hours. If you're afraid of wasting it, dont be. If you feel sick, set it aside and start eating again when you feel like it, whether that's 2 hours or 12. Its honestly safe until you hit the multiple days mark, especially if you heated it.
Eating warm food will make you feel better than cold food, if you can manage it.
You absorb more nutrients from food you enjoy. Yes, that's empirically tested, look it up.
Coffee or tea on an empty stomach are going to make you pee and if you're not lucky, shit. If you're dehydrated, it's going to be worse, and you're going to feel worse, because caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it dehydrates you by making you piss.
Yeah, im gonna tell you to drink water. Im aware its not easy. I've been using the same cup for weeks. Dont message me about this.
That said, cups are cleaner than bottles. They mold less.
Don't chug your water. You know what I'm talking about; you get really thirsty and it finally compels you to go get some water and then you gulp it down like a fish, I know. That's how you make yourself throw up, though, so be careful.
Eating (even an hour or so) after you wake up can help reset your circadian rhythm - useful for when you become nocturnal.
Smaller meals are going to be easier. Use that. You don't have to eat a "full meal." Portions are fake.
Personally, I get nauseous and a headache when im hungry, and eating makes me tired because of the blood sugar spike. Don't fight your body. I mean, if you have diabetes that's different, obviously, but depression can impair your hunger signals. Just eat a little, and sleep when you have to.
This is a little off kilter but don't take cough syrup or pills if you're on an antidepressant. Dextromethorphan can send you to the ER with its interactions and its in many cold medicines as a cough suppressant. If the label says don't take with MAOIs, don't take it with SSRIs either.
Disposable dishes. No, really. You can feel bad about the turtles when you have the capacity to consistantly feel joy.
Alcohol will probably make you feel worse. I know, it sucks, I'm sorry.
Its ok to puke. If you eat and then puke, don't feel bad about wasting the effort or something. The worst thing that happens is your mouth tastes bad and you only absorbed some nutrients instead of all of them. No harm done, just eat slower next time.
Sit in front of a window, or turn your lights on. It sounds stupid, but the more awake and aware you are the easier it is to realize you're hungry.
You're ill, not lazy.
Treat yourself like you're recovering from a cold. It will help the stress, which will help you eat more, which will help you feel better.
Yeah i know its all easier said than done. But it won't always be this hard. Remember that.
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OSS: Crime; Chapter 2-Project “Ma” -Eve-
Original Sin Story: Crime infomine under the cut
Scene 1
It’s said that the witch of the forest uses a spoon instead of a magic wand.
Eve makes her living selling fruits and mushrooms from the forest. She is the eldest daughter of Nemu’s village chief, but she likes the work—she doesn’t have to stay cooped up in the village all the time, and the Mogura (mogura means mole? Don’t know if it should be left as is or translated) are always looking to buy her wares.
The “Mogura” refers to the people who are excavating Second Period artifacts to the forest’s east, presumably because they have filled what was once an empty plain with holes. The people of Nemu hold little ill will towards them over this, as the money that they spend has made the village prosperous.
Eve bought an “automatic carriage” with this money and is currently driving it, using it to carry her stock. Note—this is not actually a car. It is a horseless carriage that makes the wheels turn through special gears that are powered by magic (Eve’s magic, in this case). If I’m reading correctly, it is controlled by a power crystal ball. This is something the “Mogura” discovered. Her father’s connections allowed her to buy it relatively cheaply, but it was still pretty expensive.
Her father is apparently houseridden, after having injured his lower back/hips/etc two years before (sounds like they give him chronic pain?), so Eve has been doing merchant work in his stead. Eve’s mother is also noted as being deceased.
Eve pulls up to her destination, and the men at work all gather around as it’s close to lunchtime. The most popular item she sells is pfifferling (I believe this is German for “golden chanterelle mushroom”), which the Mogura put in dishes with venison that they buy from hunters. The next most popular is trauben (note that Nemu sells wine made with it too).
Once they’re done with their purchases, almost emptying the cart, the Mogura make soup with it and start to eat. One of them brings Eve a bowl. He goes to get a spoon for her, having forgotten one, and she airheadedly almost admits that she has a spoon of her own (the blue magic spoon that she’s not supposed to show people she has).
While eating, the Mogura talk about the “witch of the forest” using her lightning magic to drive out the “White Army” (白軍) that has been terrorizing the region. They come from the east, all have white hair, and use fire magic. Her father told her they were once nomads, but after some fight with the people of the forest long before, they slowly became a savage tribe. They’ve killed hundreds of people in the forest already, and have also been attacking the excavation site.
Just as Eve is thinking about heading back to the forest, they hear screams coming from the north. They see the “White Army” fighting with a fleeing automated carriage much larger than the kind that Eve is driving. Seeing this, Eve leaps into action, driving her carriage in the direction of the fighting.
Scene 2
There are three carriages being attacked. All of them have the crest of Levianta on their side. One has stopped, smoking. The other two have soldiers firing at the attackers with guns. Unnoticed, Eve goes to check on the downed carriage, and just narrowly avoids getting stabbed by the occupant inside (Adam), who after a moment quickly realizes she’s not one of the White Army.
Seth is also in the carriage, with a minor head wound. Adam helps him get into Eve’s carriage. She introduces herself as Eve Zvezda, which he notes with some surprise. He introduces himself to her, and bids her leave with haste (when she asks about the soldiers—Gammon among them--he shrugs it off as their job, and Seth notes they’re fairly capable).
Some of the White Army are headed their way, so Eve starts up the carriage to take them to Nemu.
Scene 3
Eve is able to outpace their pursuers, and takes them to her house (Nemu has no doctors, and so her father, who has medical knowledge, is their village doctor in addition to being village chief).
Her father quickly goes about tending to Seth’s wound, and then brings up that he’s an old friend of Horus (horusu), the former head of the research facility (based on context then this is Adam’s “father”). Adam has to share the bad news that he died two years ago (chief Zvezda hasn’t been to the 12 capitals much lately) and that Adam has taken his position now.
He notices that Seth is blind in his left eye, and notes offhand that Horus’ left eye was blind too.
After they’re done, Eve and Chief Zvezda encourage them to stay, noting the White Army won’t attack here (this is a village full of sorcerers—evidently this is not common knowledge).
Zvezda asks what they’re there for (no scientist has visited the excavation site itself until now).
As a note, his full name is “Raiou Zvezda”, and he is a sorcerer too (note—the only reference I could find is to a Yu-Gi-Oh card “Thunder King Rai-Oh”. “Rai ou” literally means “thunder king” with certain kanji, as well).
Adam reveals that they came to this forest to meet with Eve. This puts everyone on edge (especially given they were originally accompanied by soldiers). Seth pipes in then, trying to calm things down (though his efforts don’t feel genuine to me, personally), alluding to not wanting things to be like the time of “the Witch of Merrigod” (which leads to Raiou accusing them of being on a witch hunt).
Seth says that Raiou suspected them from the beginning—that he must have also known Horus was dead (which Raiou confirms—he hasn’t been to the capitals, sure, but mages have their own information network using green onions).
Against Adam’s protestations that it should be him telling them, Seth explains what they’re doing there, introducing himself as Horus’ greatest apprentice (Adam says he just calls himself that on his own).
The explanation is as follows (note—this sounds a bit like a PR spiel, so take it with some salt): Despite being called a kingdom, Levianta is little more than people assembled to follow the will of their gods (given that the very nation was founded around worshipping them and what they left behind). Thus, the leader must be someone who can hear the gods speak, a virgin maiden with high magical power.
Levianta is ruled by a queen, and they have several mechanisms from which to pick them; a special orphanage run by the Loop Octopus family, the Lighwatch temple run by the Asayev family, the research institute run by the Vaju family, etc. Whichever institution the next queen comes from, that family’s senate member becomes head of the senate. The current queen Alice is from the orphanage (hence why Miroku is the only one able to interact with her, because he’s head of the senate—also, on that subject, it seems Loop Octopus is the family’s full last name. So, Miroku Loop Octopus).
The research institute is looking into ways to artificially create a new Queen/woman with extreme magical power (and thus guarantee Vaju as next senate head)—this is the “Next Queen Project”, which has involved women from all over participating to be this new queen’s mother (Seth insists these women participated voluntarily and were not kidnapped, despite rumors to the contrary).
So…I suppose based on context (not entirely sure if I’m reading it clearly), the “Witch hunts” aren’t hunting witches to kill, but hunting witches to kidnap (which has happened recently). Seth explains that circumstances dictate they don’t have time to wait for volunteers—not on the Next Queen Project (as Alice is still in her 40s and not close to death), but on the new project. Project “Ma”.
Raiou dismisses “Ma” as just an old legend (the legend says that when disaster approaches the world, the two-headed dragon LeviaBehemo will be reborn as the “Twins of God”, and the woman who births them is the holy mother Mem Aleph, or “Ma”), despite Seth insisting that it’s all actually happening.
So, not only will the person who becomes Ma become queen, but whoever produces Ma will become head of the senate. Raiou asks why Miroku would give the research institute as many permissions as he has (command of their security, information, etc), knowing that if they succeed he’ll lose his seat to Vaju; Seth speculates that he must acknowledge that it’ll be hard to find “Ma” through his orphanage, and so figures that by collaborating with the research institute he’ll still be able to leverage some political influence after stepping down.
They came here searching for the “witch of the forest” rumored to appear in “The Forest of Held” to the south of this village. Supposedly, she does battle against the White Army attacking everyone here by using lightning and a blue spoon, and has green hair. They had the soldiers with them for protection (Eve wonders if they’re alright, but Adam assures her that while they can’t use magic, they’re all very skilled with swords and guns).
Eve already seems to have a crush on Adam.
Raiou tells them that they’re mistaken—that this witch is not Eve. All the people in the village have magical power, and there are a lot of girls with green hair. While the people in the village are immigrants from elsewhere, Eve is actually his adopted daughter. His wife found her in a river, and they raised her as their own. He says that they should head to Held’s Forest for their search.
Seth then brings out a two-pronged iron rod—a Second Period device that can read someone’s magical potential…but he left the data output device in the other carriage. Adam requests usage of their carriage to head back over there and get it (note, Adam has magic too—enough to make the carriage run, at least).
Just then, Gammon arrives. He reports on what happened—they handled the situation quickly enough (it just took a while due to the higher numbers of attackers). He had his people go to the capital for reinforcements to go on the offensive against the White Army. Meanwhile, he’ll be doing the bodyguarding duties for Adam and Seth by himself. He has also brought over what they forgot in the carriage (meaning Seth can test Eve’s magic now).
The rod is connected to a box that beeps when he passes it before Eve, and also provides the readings numbers. Her “M” level is 72. Just a little stronger magically than the average person (not candidate levels). He tests it on Gammon, showing his level is 0. Raiou’s level is 200, and Adam’s is over 300.
Eve is a little disappointed that she’s missed her chance to be a candidate, but then she knows her father (who hates politics and only became chieftain because someone had to do it) would never let her join. She loves her father, but doesn’t mean there aren’t things she’s dissatisfied with about that.
Scene 4
Seth heads to get treatment at a hospital in the 12 capitals just to be safe, while Gammon and Adam stay in Nemu for a while to look for the Witch of the Forest, with Eve acting as their guide and transportation to Held’s forest (they are paying her a lot to do it). She takes them to some of the villages in the forest that she knows, and they also go around places where the witch is rumored to be. No luck.
One day they’re heading along when the weather turns cloudy, and seems likely to rain (so Adam suggests they turn in early).
According to his information, the witch appears to help people attacked by the White Army. Those saved forget what she looks like afterwards, though, save for the green hair, that she’s a woman, and she uses a spoon to fire lightning. Adam speculates that this witch can manipulate people’s minds (Eve brushes it off jokingly, saying if she had that power she’d use it to make herself queen).
Eve is a little over 20 at this point (and Adam appears close in age to her).
Adam doesn’t know much of magic—he only recently learned of his high potential. Also note: while they are chatting, Gammon is just looking at their surroundings quietly. Eve’s internal monologue notes how much easier Adam is to get along with (and that he doesn’t look down on her like some 12 capital people do).
Adam used to live in a place west of the capitals, by the coast, in an orphanage. It was there that Horus Solntse showed up one day and adopted Adam. He says his only mother figure was a whale (a little confused here but I think basically a whale has been watching over him since before he was old enough to remember things). Eve speculates that this was an incarnation of a forest spirit.
Eve recounts a time when the loneliness of not knowing her true parents led to her running out into the forest at night. She got lost, and came to a stop crying. Then, a fearsome bear appeared (note that it starts raining on them now). Eve pulls up her skirt to show Adam a scar on her thigh (which flusters him initially because why wouldn’t it). The bear, probably hungry, attacked her. Just then, all the forest animals attacked the bear at once, driving it off. Since then she hasn’t seen a bear in the forest. She figures the forest spirits are protecting her now. This is something she’s hardly ever told anyone else.
Adam’s about to say something, but they suddenly hear an explosion from the direction of Nemu. And they see smoke rising from it. The White Army comes out from the trees, circling the carriage and trapping them. They are led by a woman. She is the “White Fiend of Jakoku”, Raisa Netsuma. Raisa says this is a test (vague though on what it’s a test for).
Raisa urges her men to be careful, as Gammon is a skilled fighter and they are with the “Witch of the Forest”, meaning Eve. Eve denies this—Raisa doesn’t believe her, and charges with a long and narrow weapon wreathed in pale flame.
Eve coldly takes out her spoon (which she got from her dad). She recites the “Medvedi ubit” spell, which sends lightning at Raisa and all her underlings (leaving the forest and its animals, as well as Adam and Gammon, untouched). Raisa is the only one who survives. Gammon goes to catch her before she can escape.
The village is still burning. Eve starts the carriage to go save them, but Adam thinks it’s too dangerous (as their main forces will be there). Gammon tosses Adam the sword that Raisa was using to defend himself with, as he has to stay with Raisa.
The people of Nemu were once a famous group of sorcerers, so it’s unlikely they’re being killed so easily. Still, they head there as fast as they can.
Scene 5
Eve is the Witch of the Forest after all. She isn’t too burnt up over Adam finding out, given that he’s clearly trustworthy and doesn’t mean her harm. And being queen doesn’t sound like a bad thing (albeit she’d need her father’s permission, and she’s not the kind to go against his wishes).
Nemu is burning, under attack by men in red outfits. Adam realizes, to his horror, that these are the “Witch of Merrigod”’s forces, the “Red Devotees” (might be a better way to translate that, 赤の信徒たち) She was once an “Ma” candidate, but the senate and the institute deemed her too evil to be made queen.
The men circle the carriage as it arrives. Eve demands to know where the villagers are, but they all stare at her blankly. She prepares to strike, but the men part to let a red-garbed woman walk through—the Witch of Merrigod, Meta Salmhofer (she hasn’t been introduced as Meta yet but it’s obviously her). She has a very adult air to her, but in terms of actual age she looks younger than Eve. Meta makes an offhand comment that Raisa (and all of the White Army, I think) is an inheritor of Salem.
She claims she’s not attacking this place because of the White Army, but rather (among other reasons that she doesn’t elaborate) to get revenge on the institute (and Adam) for “making a fool of her” (it’s a little vague on exactly what went down during her “Ma” candidacy at the time).
Eve asks where everyone is, and Meta points to Eve’s house, telling her to go look. Eve heads that way with Adam. They find her father in the garden, naked, covered in wounds, and crucified on a big cross that was erected there, already dead. He’s surrounded by the other men of the village, who are standing lifeless just like the red devotees.
Eve is horrified and confused as to how this happened, given her father’s power. Adam explains that Meta is an inheritor of Gilles, and as such has the power to control men—she probably used the village men to attack Raiou, and he, not wanting to hurt them, couldn’t properly defend himself.
Eve wants to go attack Meta, but Adam points out she’ll use the villagers to get in the way (as human shields, basically). They’re about to head to regroup with Gammon when they hear reinforcements from the capital arrive.
They came to meet up with Gammon, but as they were already there they fought against the red devotees. Meta and her forces withdrew (including, unfortunately, the men of the village). When the fires have been put out, they find the corpses of all the village’s women piled up in a cattle pen.
Eve goes with Adam to the capital. She has nowhere else to go.
Scene 6
Asmouse is one of the 12 cities that makes up the capital (based on this phrasing I’m now more thinking that it’s less “12 distinct royal capitals” and more “12 cities that are collectively the royal capital”). It’s run by senator Ceci (Seshi) Vaju, and it has the strongest historical backdrop to it. Vaju is himself a descendant of those who first started discovering the Second Period stuff. He founded the research institute using permissions from the previous queen. Horus, who became the head, was a friend of his.
In addition to all the technological advancements of researching Second Period technology (and I should probably say this at least once—I am saying Second Period for clarity’s sake. But they don’t say Second Period. They say “legacy”. Legacy items), they are also researching how to create people with magical power—that is to say, the “Next Queen Project”. But Horus died of illness before it could be realized. Hence Adam taking over. Etc.
Eve doesn’t care about any of that. The only thing that matters is that she’s an “Ma” candidate.
Adam gives her some coffee (which isn’t common outside the capital) to try and calm her down—Eve (imo) seems restless and uncomfortable. She’s wearing bands on her arms and legs connected to a big box (the chair she’s sitting in is also part of the machine, I think) that will help them properly quantify her magical ability (like a larger version of the device they used in Nemu). It turns out that her spoon can both seal and amplify a user’s magical ability (apparently it was originally her mother’s), so that’s why the earlier reading was inaccurate.
Adam runs the machine (Eve notes that it makes her feel queasy at first). It takes roughly an hour to run properly—they don’t have to run it nonstop but she can’t leave the chair until it’s over. She decides to pass the time by asking Adam about Meta.
Adam explains that Meta is from Merrigod (far further east than Nemu), which is used as a citadel for the dangerous organization “Apocalypse”, of which the “red devotees” and “the white army” are simply different units of their forces. Some say they’re looking to overthrow the nation, while others say they’re just criminals. They are led by Pale Noel, and Meta is his girlfriend. They know almost nothing about Pale—even him being a man isn’t set in stone.
Adam, Seth, and some other researchers headed to Merrigod, backed by Gammon and his security unit. But things went wrong, and it turned into a battlefield. The researchers hadn’t wanted that, but Apocalypse and the security force (ie, Gammon) did. The battle failed—Meta used her powers to control the security force, and there was infighting. Adam and Seth were the only researchers who survived, which is why even now the institute is short-staffed (Adam doesn’t say how long ago this was).
Eve asks what an inheritor is. Adam says it’s someone with supernatural powers, different from magic. Like Raisa and her clan (they had originally thought that it was magic, but even those in the White Army who had no magical ability can use fire). They don’t know the source of inheritor abilities though (research into it is being undertaken by the Lighwatch temple run by Yegor Asayev). Adam doesn’t know much more than that, other than that they’re divided up into classifications like “Gilles” and “Salem”, named after the god’s kin.
Adam may be getting Eve hooked on coffee, I think. She finds it too bitter but can’t stop drinking it.
Eve asks what the senate will do about Apocalypse—he says that (according to what Gammon told him), they won’t do anything. They view it as little more than a fringe organization (as it hasn’t attacked the capital much), and not worth the manpower it would take to get rid of them. Eve understands why her dad hated politics so much.
Adam says that’s why she should become ruler, going to write something down. The machine is still processing, but already her score is higher than her father’s was. She seems unsure, noting that she’s just a simple girl from a village, but he reassures her. This leads to a sweet moment between them (confirming they don’t dislike each other, etc—I feel this is probably a point where he’s faking his affection to make her easier to manipulate, however as this chapter is from Eve’s perspective there’s no way to tell).
Note, Adam knows enough swordplay to defend himself.
They still have Raisa’s oddly shaped (probably eastern) sword (she is in jail right now). Adam speculates that even if she fully recovers from Eve’s attack, she’ll likely be executed. Eve reflects for a moment on how much evil there is in the world despite her work as Witch of the Forest, and what she’ll need to defeat it.
Several days later, Raisa escapes from prison, likely with the help of a collaborator. Meanwhile, Eve’s M number exceeds 350, which is more than enough for her to be an “Ma” candidate.
Scene 7
Eve has to take a “Queen Test” (probably a better way to word that, phrase is 女王の試練)—basically a formality, a ritual to get her accepted by the current queen as a successor. She and Adam are discussing this as they walk through Asmouse. Only the queen knows what this entails.
Having high magical power, in this country, signifies that one is closely related to the gods. The position of Queen used to be hereditary, but then the fifth queen couldn’t have children. So she declared that all in this land were the children of the gods, and that having strong magic was a sign of the gods’ favor. Conversely, those who don’t have magic were said to be unloved by the gods (there’s no actual persecution for that, but advancement for such people became harder). As such, those with magic became able to vie for the throne. Adam learned all this in school after he was adopted.
There was no school in Nemu, and Eve had no need for an education there (outside of which berries were poisonous and how to use magic and so on), so this is all new information to her. Adam says he’ll tutor her on all this stuff.
He takes her to a red-walled building—it turns out to be a shop for dining utensils for her to use. She notices a red glass, and is told what glass is by the old man running the shop (same as with us, but it can only be made by a legacy piece in Asmouse, and colored glass in particular is a rarity). It’s expensive—Adam says she won’t need it, as it’s a wine glass and she doesn’t drink wine. She says she’ll drink coffee out of it, and so he buys it for her. They buy some other things and then leave.
Eve needs clothes, too—she needs a lot of new things. Adam’s not hurting for money (as the head of the institute), so he buys them for her, saying she can pay him back when she’s queen (very certain she’ll succeed). He says that since the moment they first met, he felt like they already knew each other. She does too.
Scene 8
Not even a month has passed, and they’ve fallen in love. Just because they’re similar in age, get along, and are living together. Adam’s the first attractive (both intellectually and otherwise) guy that Eve’s actually been around. Of course, this gets her worried, because one of the conditions of being queen is to be a virgin maiden.
Adam reassures her that while it might be hard for them to be together publicly, he’ll always be by her side. She wonders how, given only the head of the senate can see her—he stumbles for a moment before saying  he’ll maneuver things so Gammon becomes head of the senate, and he’ll be able to change that law to make things easier on them (I feel like he’s bullshitting just to get her to go along with him at this point).
Adam has her drink more coffee (which, when she drinks it, makes all her worries go away—she’s basically addicted to the coffee, yes), and then promises that they’ll get married in secret when this is all over. Eve suggests Held’s forest—as soon as they’ve gotten rid of all the “evil” that’s made it dangerous right now.
Scene 9
A week later, Eve is called to the round hall in Alicegrad. She is greeted by Miroku—they’re about to set up the trial. They are then greeted by a woman in flimsy white clothes, accompanied by a short middle aged man (who is Hugen/fugen Asayev, Yegor’s older brother). She is another candidate for queen (which shocks Eve, which Fugen mocks her for)—her name is Zelarana Chirclatia (zerarana), a priestess of Lighwatch temple.
Miroku and Hugen bicker a little bit. As a note, Yegor apparently went missing very suddenly before this, abandoning his post and leaving Hugen in charge. Zelarana questions Eve on being from Held’s forest, noting an “evil god” lives there. The people of Nemu saw it (Held) as an evil god, but the people of the forest saw it as a guardian deity. Eve isn’t sure which is true. The area with Held in it is inside the border of another country, and Leviantan citizens aren’t allowed to cross the border without permission, so she’s never seen the giant tree Held resides in herself.
Zelarana is a bit pompous, boasting about the training she’s received as a priestess and that Lighwatch priestesses are able to remove the wickedness from someone’s heart. Eve almost brings up that she has brainwashing powers (I mean, it doesn’t say that outright but it’s strongly implied), but thinks better of it, as she knows it’s a power that frightens people more than the lightning and hasn’t even told Adam of it yet.
Miroku reminds them all that this is serious business and a holy ritual, and they back down.
Scene 10
Eve goes first, heading to the Temple of LeviaBehemo where the queen lives. When she passes through the large door on the “First Wall” that only the senate are allowed to pass through, she sees a field of flowers—a garden in the center of Alicegrad. There’s a white building in the center of that—the temple. It’s small, about the size of the house she lived in in Nemu, which disappoints her. Inside is a dim space with four plain white walls. She walks forward and smacks her forehead into a glass wall.
This is a maze, made of glass walls (we later learn it’s called the “Hall of Glass”). Eve makes her way through carefully, growing more disoriented as she does. She calls out, but there’s no reply—though as she goes deeper inside, she sees a humanoid figure in a white dress sitting in a wheelchair. But the air feels like it’s getting thinner. By the time she reaches the queen, she collapses before she can get a good look at her face.
Scene 11
The first scene is a snapshot of her and Adam as twin Irregulars after the end of the world, looking out over all the souls on the world’s ruined surface from inside the Clocktower.
In the scene, when he tells her the world is ruined, she asks if they can return everything to how it was—he says all they can do is do everything over again, putting his hand in his chest. Everything becomes white and disappears.
The next scene is Eve’s showdown with Elluka at the end of the sloth novel. As Elluka starts the body swap thing, Eve realizes that Elluka is the one who destroyed the world. As the light spreads, Elluka transforms into a large monster—one that appears both like a dragon and like a bear. Somehow.
The next scene is Eve in the cabin with Adam, noting he looks like the boy in the first vision but also someone else. They’re making food. The door opens and a cute boy and girl, her precious children, come home. Before she can greet them, everything goes dark.
Personal opinion: It isn’t clear if these are memories, hallucinations, or future vision (given that prophetic dreams are a thing). It does seem to be indicating that, if it’s not referring to this being a loop (one in which Eve retains some faint memories of the previous iterations), that Eve has some way to perceive the future here, albeit in a fragmented fashion. It’s a little too trippy to interpret at the moment.
Scene 12
Eve wakes up in the middle of a conversation with Miroku in the round hall, with no idea what the heck she was talking about. Miroku confirms that she is indeed the next queen, as she was able to meet with the current one and hear the voice of god—or see, more like. It seems she had related to him her vision (or at least part of it), which he took to be future events.
Hugen is heading back to Lighwatch, with Zelarana’s corpse in tow. Miroku speculates that Eve’s lack of memory is a side-effect from receiving a revelation for the first time. After Eve went, Zelarana also entered the Hall of Glass—then she was found running out of the “First Wall”’s door, screaming like a madwoman. She fell unconscious and then died, evidently unable to handle the ritual. Unworthy candidates face “Divine Punishment”, apparently. Everyone knows this. …Except Eve.
Anyway, now it’s back to the institute to be impregnated with the divine seed. Eve has a ton of questions but she’s too exhausted to ask them. She’s also a little cheesed at Adam for not telling her that the ritual was so dangerous.
Scene 13
Eve is lying on a table in the institute. Adam tells her she has nothing to worry about, but she knows now that he lies sometimes (though she hasn’t pressed him on the ritual business). Still, after some conflict she convinces herself that he wouldn’t have sent her into danger if he’d known how bad it was. She’s afraid that their relationship will be over if she stops believing in him. She knows it’s stupid but she loves him.
Adam explains that the ark Sin is underneath the temple. It’s called the Dark Legacy because supposedly the Sin has the power to both save the world and destroy it—and the gods are trying to descend to the world through Project Ma in order to stop their power from running wild and doing just that.
Adam pulls up a cylinder with a cloudy liquid inside—he says this is the “Divine Seed”, which is taken from Sin, and is part of the gods’ body. He’s going to implant it into her to get her pregnant. Eve is nervous, but excited too—she thinks that the twins that she saw in her vision are the ones she’ll give birth to, and is eager to meet them.
She starts to conk out from the anesthesia. He tells her when she wakes up, she’ll be pregnant, and to “Sleep well, sleep princess/sleeping beauty” (nemurihime). It references the song with the whole “after this is over let’s get married at Held’s forest” bit. End chapter.
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roguesnezblog · 5 years
(So I know this RP flopped— but ugh I’m sorry I love these OCs and ugh their untapped potential was bugging me— and I’m a dramallama sooooo yea— needed some happy ending closure (?)💖
Ferghus rapped his knuckles on the door. He giddily bounced on the balls of his feet as he waited for the door to open.
Vlaedeus walked quietly into the room, the curtains were drawn but sunlight streamed in, yet not touching the bed or it’s two resting occupants. Mini mountains made entirely of balled up tissues littered the room’s floor. Closing the distance Vlad gently placed his hand on Amadi’s forehead checking his temperature, frowning when he found him hot to the touch.
Amadi stirred at his touch, the coolness of Vlad’s hand feeling nice on Amadi’s heated head.
Vlad shushed Amadi softly.
“Weedle’s sleeping.”
He’d moved onto his elbows, stopping when he recognized the voice.
Amadi said flatly as he laid back down. Reassured there was no need for concern.
Vlad leaned forward and placed a kiss on Amadi’s head. Frowning afterward as he caresses the baldness with is thumb.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like shit.”
“Well it’s a good thing you can’t see that you look like it too,” Vlad said with a weak chuckle.
Amadi moved his lips into a small smile he didn’t feel to acknowledge Vlaedeus’ attempt. Coughing hoarsely after.
Leaning, Vlad grabbed a glass of water off the bedside table. Bringing it over to hold against Amadi’s lips once he’d finished coughing.
“I’mb not thirs-“
Too tired to fight Amadi took a small sip. The cool water felt blissful as it slid down his throat. But he was doubling back over with coughs. “This—this is why I didn’t—“
“You need to stay hydrated,” Vlad interrupted Amadi, getting him to take another sip that stopped the fit. Helping him to settle back down after. Tucking the blankets around Amadi as he laid next to Weedle.
Ferghus saw the dark bags under Adele’s eyes as soon as she opened the door, but that didn’t stop him from stepping forward to claim her mouth.
Adele had just finished yawning when she opened the door, she barely had time to see that it was Ferghus before he was suddenly kissing her.
Ferghus moaned a little when he heard Adele’s sound of pleasure.
Adele pushed at Ferghus’ chest, separating them.
“Ferghus?” She gasped in shock. “What are you doing here?”
Ferghus smiled as Adele moved so he could enter.
“Vlaedeus is running an errand he said he didn’t need me to assist with sooo I thought I’d come visit you while I had some free time.”
Adele went back over to the kitchen where she’d been cutting up vegetables. Taking up the knife to continue her task.
Ferghus frowned when he saw Adele yawn as she went back to work.
“Sorry if I bore you,” he said heatedly.
Adele’s cheeks flushed crimson after she finished another yawn.
“I-I’m sorry,” she said weakly. “I’ve—We’ve all been a bit busy...” her exhaustion making her confess.
“Amadi’s been sick-“
Ferghus rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“And Weedle’s been taking care of him...” Adele covered her mouth with her hand as she paused to yawn again.
Vlad didn’t bother checking Weedle’s temperature. The heat radiating off of him had him sweating. Shucking off his cloak and tossing it aside, Vlad gently caressed Weedle’s cheek.
Raising up another glass of water to show, when the King’s eyes opened one at a time. “You need to drink something,” he said softly as he brushed some of Weedle’s hair away from his face.
Weedle blinked tiredly. Vlaedeus blearily coming into focus just as a jolt of irritation stabbed deeply in his sinuses.
Vlad smiled as Weedle’s lips parted.
His smile vanished when he heard Weedle’s breath hitch, his nostrils flaring awfully wide. Knowing exactly what was going to happ-
Vlad leaned out of the way, barely avoiding being in Weedle’s direct line of fire.
Startled, Ferghus jumped from his casual stance against the wall at the loud sneeze. Scurrying over to get behind Adele as he looked nervously at the closed door that lead from the kitchen into the rest of the home. The second sneeze had him ducking even further to hide behind the maid he was courting.
Adele chopped the last of the carrots, dismissing that Ferghus was cowering behind her.
“The fuc-“
“-and now that Amadi’s on the mend, Weedle’s under the weather,” Adele interrupted not entirely ecstatic about cussing.
Bending down Vlad pulled out a tissue from a box resting next to Amadi’s head. Dabbing at the mess that ran out of Weedle’s left nostril.
“Bless you,” he finished, having waited just a few more moments to be sure Weedle wasn’t going to sneeze again.
“Amad-“ Weedle rasped out.
“He’s right here,” Vlad assured. Looking down to the man in question, finding his eyelids to be back down again.
“He’s asleep-“
“No. I’m not.” Amadi corrected. His eyes remaining shut as he listened.
“My apologies,” Vlad said with a bow of his head.
“Amadi...” Weedle whimpered. “I’mb sorry.” Tears welling in the corners of his eyes as his hair lightened into a bluish color.
Vlad’s brows raised as he felt his own eyes starting to tear up.
Amadi grunted as his soiled bandages wouldn’t take anymore. Causing the blood to seep beneath and run down his cheeks.
Wiping at Weedle’s tears with his hands,
“Hey, none of that now,” Vlad chided.
“This isn’t your fault, Jenkins said Amadi’s been sick and that he got you sick...”
“Mhmm,” Amadi murmured tiredly in agreement.
A sob slipped passed Weedle’s lips.
“Ugh!” Ferghus groaned as he wiped at his eyes.
“This wouldn’t be happening if you would’ve just come to Wyvrmshire. But nooooooo.”
“My duties are here and to attend to my King, Ferghus.” Adele said simply as she stirred the soup she was cooking, wiping her cheeks before her tears could fall into the food.
“And what about your duties to me?” Ferghus pouted.
Adele sighed heavily. Stepping up to Ferghus to give him a small kiss.
“I’ll get to my duties with you-“
Ferghus’ lips curled into a devilish smile as he looked to Adele.
“When I’m done taking care of my King,” Adele finished, grabbing onions off the table behind him and tossing them into the boiling pot. “And seeing to his needs.”
“Thought I was your King,” Ferghus grumbled under his breath.
Adele heard this and snorted.
Weedle’s lip quivered slightly but his tears slowly came to a stop and his hair returned to its familiar golden color.
“That’s better,” Vlad praised warmly as he straightened a blanket back over Weedle.
“So... if his stooge is sick. Who’s the unlucky soul taking care of YOUR King now that he’s sick?” Ferghus asked curiously.
“We all have,” Adele answered as she placed the lid over the pot to let it simmer and not lose it’s heat as she turned off the stove.
“Weedle was promised a kindness for caring for an ill visitor not too long ago... and Jenkins called out to collect on that promise.”
Weedle shivered. The blankets on him barely covering him.
“I-I’ll go get more blankets,” Amadi said as he moved to get up.
“No! No, you relax,” Vlad said as he placed his hands firmly on Amadi’s shoulders to stop him from ascending any further.
Before Amadi could say anything, Vlaedeus shifted. He curled his massive Wyvrm form around Weedle. Fluffing out his turquoise feathered wings to cover Amadi and provide him with warmth too.
Weedle nestled down, snuggling into the warm, smooth scales at his shoulders. Still shivering but the warmth helping immensely.
Amadi itched his finger under his nose as he scooted back to get his face away for the feathers. One of the feathers having already managed to tickle his nose.
“Hih! HgnXt!”
“Bless you,” Vlaedeus said as he slid his head closer to nudge affectionately against Amadi’s.
A slight blush colored Amadi’s cheeks. Part from the cold, and now part because of the affectionate attention.
“Someone’s feeling better,” Vlad purred as he nuzzled his nose against Amadi’s stomach.
Flustered Amadi said nothing.
Ferghus frowned as he looked at the bowl of soup he carried, none of it was for him. And it smelled heavenly.
Adele tapped on the door before opening it wide enough for her and Ferghus to enter.
Vlad placed wintery kisses on Weedle’s fevered forehead, pausing to look up when he heard the door creek open more.
“VLAEDEUS!!” Ferghus shouted incredulously.
Adele jumped at the shout, barely managing to keep from dropping the soup bowl she held.
Vlad shushed his Steward just as Adele turned to angrily shush Ferghus.
“What are you doing here?” Ferghus continued. “You said you were out on a task that didn’t need me.”
“And he doesn’t,” Jenkins said as he came up from the long hallway. “And to answer your first question, I asked for his presence here.”
“Good Graces!” Adele jumped sloshing the soup when Jenkins suddenness startled her.
Ferghus clutched Adele’s arm, steadying her.
“Because we took care of him while he was sick, and he promised to repay in kind someday. And with everyone being quite tired from matters that don’t concern you additional help was considered.” Jenkins answered matter of fact.
Ferghus frowned.
Jenkins continued, “Everyone has been going nonstop—“
“I-I can—“ Weedle had been listening and he moved to sit up, but only got so far before coughing.
“No.” Amadi said with a cough as well.
“You need to rest,” Jenkins added.
Weedle opened his tired eyes as much as he could, “-bu-h the peop—“
“I am taking care of everything. What can wait will and what can’t is being taken care of,” Jenkins said confidently.
He wasn’t thrilled but Weedle knew he could rely on Jenkins running things. He settled back and snuggled into Vlad’s warmth.
Controlling the shadows Vlad took and lifted the bowl from Ferghus’ hold to bring forth. Next taking up the spoon in the same manner to then feed the soup to Weedle.
“Once you’re done here Adele I need you to count the inventor—“
“Are you blind?” Ferghus growled at Jenkins. “She is severely sleep deprived! Just look at the dark circles under her eyes!”
Jenkins looked tiredly to Ferghus, his own eyes matching the Cook’s.
“You’re more then welcome to take her place so she could get some sleep,” he offered as he turned on his heel to head back to his office. Not waiting for an answer.
Amadi scoffed. Knowing full well that Ferghus wouldn’t do such a thing.
Ferghus looked to Adele. Her tired gaze meeting his with a hopeful smile.
He frowned. But the memory of him walking alone on that cold night when Weedle ordered him to leave and how she picked him up on her way back from the market, taken him back and convinced Weedle to give him just one more chance and let him stay.
Taking the soup bowl from Adele’s hands he leaned down to place a kiss on her cheek.
“Go get some rest,” he told her.
“No.” Amadi stated.
“What do you mean ‘no’?” Ferghus snapped.
“She’ll rest in here so that you’ll behave,” Amadi hummed. Figuring Ferghus was more likely to act appropriately while Adele was within earshot.
Ferghus’ teeth clenched behind his lips.
“H— hih!”
Hurriedly setting the bowl down on the nightstand he plucked two tissues out of the box and scurried over to where Adele was getting curled up on a couch. With care Ferghus stuffed the dainty squares in her ears.
Adele smiled with a giggle as Weedle’s loud sneeze was muffled.
“Thank you,” she said as she pressed a kiss to Ferghus’ cringing face.
Ferghus pulled a blanket over Adele before leaving her side to see to her now his duties. Picking up the bowl he strode over to Amadi.
“Can you feed yourself?”
“Yes.” Amadi growled as he sat up. He glared in the direction of Ferghus. But a mere moment later he was weaving and laying back down.
“Not hungry.”
Ferghus snorted. “I’m so sure,” he said sarcastically. “But you need to eat so you can regain your strength.” Filling the spoon with soup, Ferghus blew on it to cool the steaming broth. “Open up.”
With what strength he did have Amadi turned his head away.
“How do I know you didn’t poison it?”
Weedle slurped the soup from the spoon the shade hands held for him as he watched Amadi and Ferghus.
“Because I came here solely for Adele. Had I been prepared for dealing with you—“ Ferghus’ threat being interrupted.
“Ferghus,” Adele drawled in a warning tone.
Sighing, “I wouldn’t dream of ruining anything Adele made. Her cooking is divine and that would be sacrilege.”
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justatinyrpmemeblog · 5 years
Giant List Of Random Sentence Starters
“Hello, don’t mind me, I’m just your typical punk rock potato.” “Uhh.. Yeah.. So.. That’s a thing.” “Wait what do you mean there’s no cheesecake?” “I like cheese.” "I have no particular desire to discuss that matter." "We can talk about whatever you want if you let me take you to dinner." "Yes, I mean a date." "I've had a lot on my mind." "You shouldn't have told him/her/them such a thing." "He got what was coming to him." "How are you, buddy?" "You won't need it." "_____ didn't even know my name." "I blamed him for the accident." "There isn't much to tell." "Say nothing except the truth." "I'm a geek." "That problem isn't important." "I didn't understand a thing." "You can't trust anything he says." "My opinions differ from those of most of the students in the class." "That plan is unacceptable." "You can't give up now, not after all the effort you've put into this." "I can't help anyone." "I'm glad you had fun." "We used to play together." "I've never told a lie." "I'm as hungry as a horse." "I'll take that risk." "You shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket." "I know you're scared." "Instead of just saying you love her/him, do something to show how much you love her/him." "Tell me how you feel." "I told you I hate that shirt." "People thought that that was crazy." "Sometimes I read so much that I forget about food and sleep." "I don't know what you're trying to say." "Excuse me, do you know what time it is?" "You're not a millionaire yet." "I think you're strong enough." "I finished writing the report." "I can't make promises." "Perhaps I can help." "I fell asleep on the couch." "You must think I'm an idiot." "People could've been hurt." "There's really a ghost in my house." "If you don't work, you can't eat." "I like ____ a lot, you know." "I've never been this scared before." "Get your hat and coat." "A little soap and water never killed anybody." "____ hate(s) raw onions. "Because of you, I'm having problems with my blood pressure." "Come and have a look at this." "Don't be afraid to get your feet wet." "You should've listened to me." "If I wanted to stop speaking to all the people I despise, I would have to take a vow of silence." "I'd say no if I were you." "I've never heard ___ speak ill of others." "I heard what had happened." "Would you chew your food more, please?" "Your idea is not entirely crazy." "We took every precaution." "It was just your imagination." "How impatient are you?" "What's the title of that book?" "You can't run away from age." "Who do you think this hat belongs to?" "Your question is hard to answer." "That looks very promising." "Could you do me a favour please?" "Ugh, how long does it take to deliver a pizza?" "Were you ever really sick when you were a kid?" "Eat your soup while it is hot." "I'm pretty sure that _____ doesn't have plans for next weekend." "Aren't you supposed to be at work right now?" "My hands were full." "_____ is impossible to satisfy." "Are you on good terms with _____?" "_____ never said that, as far as I know." "Hello and farewell, brother." "Put that back." "Believe me, everything he's told you is a lie." "I haven't seen you in years." "I'm beginning to get used to doing this." "I think it's time for me to throw a little party." "Well, look who's here." "This city used to be beautiful." "Light blue is the color of the sky, the sea, lakes, rivers, but most importantly, your eyes." "I was seldom able to see an opportunity until it had ceased to be one." "Minds that have nothing to confer find little to perceive." "Ugh, they finally left." "What're we up to now?" "I feel like I've been thrown in the deep end." "I'd like to speak to you for a moment." "This is not okay." "How will it all end?" "Thanks for the awesome dinner." "You did what you could." "Cows give milk." "A bold man has half the world." "I can't imagine what things living on another planet are like." "Are you sure you want to quit?" "Connecting a PC to the internet is not rocket science." "______ is probably jealous." "Do you want to see my scar?" "I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long." "According to the weather forecast, the typhoon is approaching Okinawa." "_____ is haunted by his past." "Are you having a nice summer?" "I stepped on a nail." "No one is allowed to go there." "Without air, nothing could live." "Who do I go to to report having an item stolen?" "I've had my pocket calculator stolen." "You think I'm stupid?" "______was right, wasn't he?" "Do you want me to rub your back?" "The last thing I want to do now is clean the bathroom." "The food is good, and service is good here." "You are speaking a bit too fast for me, could you please speak more slowly?" "Did you forget anything?" "You are home late." "I know the difference between right and wrong." "If pleasure is fleeting, so is the effort." "His/Her story can't be true. _____ often tells lies." "I know how you must be feeling." "It's my duty to talk to you." "I just wanted to be happy." "He has no less than three hundred books." "I didn't take it seriously." "Wake me up early tomorrow morning." "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster." "It's happening now, isn't it?" "Failure is the mother of success." "I missed you a lot while you were gone." "Everyone is against me." "You don't want to do that, do you?" "I thought you wouldn't be so busy." "You should see the doctor at once." "We've been going about this all wrong." "I've had a very busy morning." "Please don't mistake my meaning." "You don't need to look for love anymore." "Nothing scares me." "Who do you think'll be at the party?" "If something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is." "We've got to talk." "_____ made the situation worse." "I just want to know where _____ is." "I'm twice as busy as I was before." "You really hurt her/him." "It's kind of comforting." "Can't we talk this over?" "How did you get so strong?" "Some people are well off and others are badly off." "Something's not right." "When I told them I'd done it, they looked at me like I was nuts." "I'll be glad to be friends with you." "I've put all of my energy into this plan." "Someone was there." "I've seen you with them." "I swear I'll always protect you." "What are you frightened of?" "Experience is one thing you can't get for nothing." "Help me clean up this mess." "I finally gave up." "You need to mind your own business." "I know, your busy too." "Whatever you do, don't tell ____ about what we did." "Bread and butter are my usual breakfast." "Is there anything else you remember?" "I feel much better now." "You should smile more." "Try not to worry about him." "So it's not something you enjoy?" "I owe it to you that I am still alive." "Now, what do you think?" "Please don't get him excited." "Go easy on him." "You should throw this out." "I want to have a sword!" "You have to change before the party." "You're needed here immediately." "I'm glad I met you today." "I'll never forget what happened." "Maybe someone else can help us." "Is there a problem with it?" "Could you wait a moment?" "This seat is taken." "Wow, that line is huge!" "You can't drink the water here." "I'll make you pay for this."
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Tips to Boost Your Immune System
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I can’t believe that six weeks have passed since we closed the doors at Ash Hill Natural Health Centre.  I am really missing my work and my patients and seeing as I can’t treat my patients currently, I thought I’d collate all the helpful hints and tips that I’ve been accumulating and pass them on.. It is important to say that I can’t stop getting you a cough, cold or Coronavirus.  What I can do is help you to strengthen your immune system so that your body can effectively fight off any infection.
Ways to stay healthy during lockdown:
The best foundation for your immune system is good diet, plenty of fluids, exercise moderately, get outside in the sun and make sure you get enough good quality sleep.  Avoid phlegm forming foods such as sugar, dairy, white wheat flour, refined starch and highly processed foods, excessive amounts of fruit (too much sugar).  
Stress has a depleting effect on our energy and immune system, so if you are finding this time of isolation very difficult, have a think about doing things that help relax and ground you, whether that is mediation, exercise, something artistic, reading a good book – whatever floats your boat!  If you would like to take up meditation, now is a great time and there are plenty of apps and online guides to get you started.  I’m happy to recommend some if you would like, just drop me a line and I will do my best to help.
Incorporate plenty of fresh garlic, onion and fresh ginger into your diet.
It is now commonly acknowledged that the basis of a healthy immune system starts with good gut health and the promotion of the healthy gut flora.  You can enhance this by avoiding the damp and phlegm forming foods mentioned above, and by eating food naturally rich in pro-biotics such as kefir, homemade sauerkraut (shop bought has been pasteurised which will have killed off all the goodness), kimchi, sourdough, almonds.  There are plenty of recipes online for these foods, but if you prefer you could just invest in a good quality probiotic supplement.
You can also try liquorice in moderation – too much can give you loose stools!   However, if you suffer from high blood pressure, you should avoid liquorice.
Colloidal Silver is another good way to boost your immune system.   It is a natural ancient way to treat viral, bacterial and fungus infections.  You can buy it as a liquid and put drops into water.
If you are feeling healthy and well it may be a good time to stock up the freezer with some homemade chicken stock.  If you do get ill, you are going to need some nutritious foods to help you recover, and a soup or stew made with the stock is ideal.  Ask your butcher for some chicken carcasses or use one left over from a roast dinner.  Add the bones only to a large pan with a quartered onion, some roughly chopped carrots, celery, half a bulb of garlic (no need to peel, just flatten with a knife), a few bay leaves, black peppercorns and a dash of salt.  You can add fresh herbs if you have them, such as rosemary, thyme and parsley.  Cover with water and bring to the boil.  Skim off any fat or scummy bits floating on the top and then simmer gently for 3 or 4 hours, skimming off if necessary.  Sieve the liquid and let it cool before putting it into containers for the fridge or  freezer.
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You can stimulate some acupuncture points daily – percuss or tap Stomach 36 on the leg and then massage Lung 9 on the wrist.  Stomach 36 is found four finger widths down from the bottom of your kneecap, along the outer boundary of your shin bone.  If you press this point and then flex your foot by bringing your toes up, the muscle will pop out, then you know you are in the right place.  
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Lung 9 is found at the wrist crease, between a tendon below the thumb, the radial artery and the bone at the base of the hand.  If you move your hand up and down, you should feel that you are right in the gap between the bones of the hand and the radius in the forearm.   See pictures below but please feel free to email me or call me if you have any trouble locating the points.
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Vitamin C, D and Echinacea are all useful well-known supplements for boosting your immune system, but if you have an autoimmune condition or you are taking immune suppressing drugs then you should not take echinacea.  Zinc is another mineral that is essential for a healthy immune system.  Selenium is important too and this can be found in Brazil nuts.
Ginger and turmeric tea is something I often drink, especially if I feel I may be on the edge of a cold.  Simply slice up some fresh ginger and turmeric root (I use about 3 or 4 slices of each) and top up with boiling water.  It really is that simple!  You can add honey and lemon if you like, especially if your throat is sore.   The only time NOT to drink this tea is if you have a temperature.  This is because of the heating energies of the ginger – you don’t want to add more heat to a temperature.
Iodine is another natural solution that is anti-viral.  There is a very good YouTube video by a GP named Dr Sarah Myhill here which talks about inhaling iodine through a salt pipe.  I can’t say I’ve tried it but several of my colleagues swear by it!  Dr Myhill also has a great website which is a fabulous font of all health related knowledge here.
There are several herbal remedies that help boost the immune system and my favourite is Astragalus or huáng qi.  As well as helping your immune system it is also anti-aging and is an anti-inflammatory.  It is safe to take UNLESS you are breastfeeding, you have an auto-immune condition, or you are taking immune-suppressing drugs.
Exercise is important, but too much will deplete your Qi.  How about trying some Qi Gong or Tai Chi?  You can do it in your living room or your garden if you prefer and you can also do a lot of it seated.  It is a fantastic way of getting your blood and Qi flowing, removing obstructions and creating balance and harmony within the body.  There are plenty of tutorials on YouTube, but I particularly like Peter Deadman’s channel.   He is an acupuncturist as well as Qi Gong teacher and wrote several of our core textbooks.
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Peter Deadman has posted a really helpful routine [CLICK HERE] for strengthening your lungs, which involves stimulating the lung channel just using your hands, and then using some heavy duty tapping and patting all over the ribcage to stimulate the lungs.  These moves are excellent at moving phlegm and if you do happen to get ill, I strongly recommend using these techniques.  A colleague who contracted Coronavirus said the percussive ‘thumping’ she gave her chest made an immediate noticeable difference to her breathing and allowed her to expel the phlegm.
I will be putting together a similar post with advice for during and after an infection, to help with the recovery phase, so look out for that in the next few days.
Sending best wishes and good health,
Copyright © 2020 Rachel Moon Acupuncture, All rights reserved.
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saleousucre · 5 years
COVID is upon us and like many of you, I’m home for the next 3 weeks with Scott and the kids (3 kids are 5 years and under). I was thinking this morning about blogging about our experience. About a week ago, Scott had a fever and then a cough started. We didn’t think much about it as we hadn’t been away or in contact with a known COVID patient. I subsequently caught a cough and our son started having a fever and cough. Normal for this time of year however, in light of all the news, we started thinking it’s possible it’s COVID. Now, I’m not one to run to the doctor for just anything as I respect that our healthcare system is taxed at the best of times. I do find comfort in knowing that our healthcare system is there when we really need it and I truly hope that continues to be the case during this pandemic, though I believe that will take cooperation between our healthcare system and us, the public. So, I called our doctor’s office and asked what to do in our situation. Reception told me to go to the after hours clinic as my doctor is away. I took our son and off we went to the clinic, donning masks. We declared we had coughs, he had a fever and no travel or known contact with COVID. They looked at us like aliens from another planet and everyone seemed very concerned about our presence there which I found surprising as it’s all over the news but there are no clear instructions about what to do if you’re sick. After they asked the doctor how to handle us, they put us in a room alone and the doctor came in. The urgent care facility was eerily quiet to begin with. I guess most of us are not going to medical buildings for non urgent issues and they don’t welcome those of us concerned about COVID so that’s most people going to walk ins right now. The doctor said in the best case scenario, he’d test us, but there aren’t enough tests available at present so go home and self isolate until symptoms resolve. Not enough tests? As of today, almost EVERYTHING has closed including schools and here we are with fever and coughs (and I mean nasty coughs) and there’s no test? He said assessment clinics would open in several days so I guess we’ll wait it out. I cancelled my work appointments and hunkered down at home.
Without many medical options to fight this chest cold, I started thinking about all the home remedies we could use so I thought I’d share my list with you in case you find yourself in a similar predicament at some point because there’s a lot of news about how to avoid getting sick but not a lot of tips about what to do when you actually get sick.
Step 1 - Healthy Home
I have a sage diffuser in the main area of our home and also in our bedroom. I’m usually diffusing several oils like lavender, immune, goddess or liquid sunshine (sage brand). We try to keep our bedroom dust free and uncluttered ... think this step is really important. The environment of our home makes a real difference when we’re recovering from anything. I open windows (just a crack as it’s cold out) but allow the fresh air in and the sick energy to make its way outside. Burning beeswax candles enhances the aroma and sense of wellness in our home every day. Also, music! We play our favourite music in the kitchen (love Alexa or Google Home for ease of playing anything we feel like listening to).
Step 2 - Soup & Tea
Homemade soup and anything else you enjoy cooking. The aroma of sautéed onions, garlic, ginger and whatever vegetables we have in the fridge fills my soul with grounded wellbeing. When we aren’t sick, we always try to share some soup with friends or neighbours. There’s something very connected to Mother Earth for me about cooking and sharing soup. Also, muffins or any warm home cooking! Here’s a fun little tip... I left some of the onion on the counter as I remember reading that onion can absorb germs. It makes me feel good when I look at it and I imagine it sucking up the bacteria and viruses in our home - who knows but I’m sure it doesn’t hurt!
Step 3 - Be Prepared
Make sure you stock up on the following:
Tylenol for adults and kids if applicable
Laundry detergent (so much laundry when we’re sick)
Lysol wipes (so easy to wipe surfaces and door knobs for quick disinfecting)
Lots of hand soap - we are going through this way faster than toilet paper. Lol
Teas - my favourites are David’s Tea Cold 911, Mother’s Little Helper & Just Peachy
Not an overwhelming supply but enough food in the pantry like soups, pastas, sauces, etc... also some treats because we can still have fun in quarantine. We got fruit loops, ice cream and some chocolate eggs and it makes it feel like a little vacation some days.
Thermometer (we use a digital ear thermometer and it was one of the best purchases we made for our family for a fast and reliable temperature reading)
Crystals (more about this later but for now at least one for your bedside table that makes you smile)
Step 4 - Healthy Mind & Spirit
Sleep, sleep, sleep. As much as possible. Sleep is a hot commodity in our home especially when kids are sick but whenever possible, I try to give myself permission to sleep. This morning, one of my sons and I slept until 11am. Yay!
Smudge with Sage or Paolo Santo. I’ve read in several places that sage is a disinfectant but I can’t speak to the science of that. I can share from experience that it really does clear out the energy and provides a clean slate for our entire home. I meditate or simply imagine inviting wellness into our home after a smudge cleansing. This could go under step 1 for healthy home but it’s also great to do after the illness passes to clear the home of all that energy and start fresh.
Don’t forget the simple things in life like warmth. One of the first teachers I met at Waldorf taught me about keeping children warm in the spring when the ground is still cold. I try to encourage socks always even indoors this time of year, warm pants and use lots of wool or natural fibres in the clothes we make available to the kids. When our bodies are warm, our energy can more effectively be used to get well or stay well by boosting our immune system.
Media and device cleanses : It can be so addictive to check our phone or device constantly for social media and news updates but I try to turn off my phone and news for a while. I find spending present time with my family, reading a good book, working on something for my job vs watching all the news calms my nervious system and helps me feel more grounded during uncertain times.
There’s so much we can do for ourselves while we ride out COVID and other viruses. My hope is that you stay healthy but if you do catch something during this time, be prepared and ask for help. We are all in this together and here for each other.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Two: Turnip Soup ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Itachi ] [ SasuHina, illness ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
Well, it was bound to happen eventually.
...he’s sick.
Heaving a heavy sigh, Sasuke stubbornly keeps his eyes closed despite having woken. If he doesn’t get up...if he just pretends it isn’t happening...he’ll be fine.
Unfortunately, Hinata has noticed. And that sent her right into mother hen mode.
Waking before him and noting his flushed cheeks, she’d used what little medical ninjutsu she’s picked up to ensure that yes, he does have a fever. It doesn’t seem too severe, but...well, she’s a worrier. So she’d snuck out of bed and made her way to the neighbors’ to consult with her sister-in-law.
“If it’s just a mild fever, he should be fine with some bed rest, and plenty of fluids. Maybe make him a broth or some soup to give his body some fuel to fight with. And of course if he gets any worse, let me know, and I’ll take a look.”
As much as she trusts her friend and her medical ability...something stubborn in Hinata wants to do this herself. He’s her husband, she’ll be the one to make sure he’s healthy and fit! So, upon returning home and finding him still asleep, she starts her plans. A large pitcher of water is put in the fridge to keep cold, and she makes her way into the rear yard.
She’s so glad they got a garden in this year. Plenty of good fruits and vegetables full of vitamins to help him kick this sickness in the rear!
Bustling about the rows, she gathers up some leeks, onions, garlic, and potatoes, mulling over what else to add. After a brief pause, she adds a few turnips to her bundle. A hose outside gets most of the dirt off, the rest carefully scrubbed in the kitchen sink.
Turning, she spies Sasuke in the bedroom door, leaning against the frame. His cheeks are red, the rest of him pale. Dark bags are already forming under his eyes.
Brow wilting in worry, she scurries over, intending to shoo him back to bed. “You should be resting!”
“M’fine -”
“No you’re not! You’ve got a pretty high fever, and you look dead on your feet. Now, you m-march back into that bed, or...or I’ll make you!”
There’s a soft scoff at her chiding, one corner of his mouth lifting in a gesture of amusement. “You’ll make me, huh?”
“Don’t make me use Jūken on you.”
“...you wouldn’t dare.”
“I just might if you won’t go to bed! I’m serious, Sasuke - you need to let your body rest so it can f-focus on getting better. I’m making you some soup, and I can bring you a glass of water to keep by the bed, okay? But until you sleep a little longer, I don’t want you up and about, okay?”
He heaves a defeated sigh. “All right, all right...let me piss first, then I’ll go.”
Giving him a pursed-lip pout, she allows the bathroom break, keeping her Byakugan trained on him as she busies herself back into her soup making. True to his word, he wanders back into the bedroom and snuggles down under the blankets. Within minutes, his chakra quiets to a sleeping level, and Hinata lets her kekkei genkai rest.
With one less thing to worry over, Hinata shifts her full focus back to her cooking. With some oil in her pan, she starts with the onion and leeks, sprinkling in a little salt and letting them cook. Then in goes some garlic, an appreciative hum given at the smell. Next are the turnips, potatoes, and some chicken stock to make a proper broth. In toss a few spices (bayleaf, thyme, and a little parsley) before putting a lid atop her pot, lowering the heat, and letting it simmer.
As it cooks, she takes to tidying up her mess...and then returning to a book she’s taken up during her off hours. Every so often she checks the soup, and checks her husband. The former simmers pleasantly, and the latter is still out like a light.
Soon enough the smell fills the kitchen, and Hinata gets back to work. Sadly the blender to smooth out the soup will be noisy, but...well, he should come eat it while it’s hot. Once it’s liquified through, a bit more seasoning finds the taste test passed, and she goes to fetch her husband.
He gives a groan, nonetheless following as she brings him to the table, a steaming bowl of soup at his usual place. She then takes one for her own, watching him carefully.
Blowing at a spoonful, he sips it, seeming to think. “...did you make this from scratch?”
“...it’s good.” Another spoonful is taken, and Hinata lightly beams to herself.
He goes through three whole bowls, much to her surprise. “Do you...want to go back to bed?”
“Not really...it’s boring.”
“...how is sleeping boring?”
“Cuz you’re not there.”
Wilting just a hair, Hinata gives him a sympathetic smile. In truth, she has things she should be doing, but...well, she can’t help but want to indulge him. “...okay, we’ll go back to bed for a bit.” Right now her top priority is making sure he gets what he needs...and that means sleep.
Away goes the soup into the fridge, and back to their room the pair go. Burrowing down under the blankets, Sasuke gives a grumpy grunt...but it soon disappears as Hinata takes to running fingers through his hair. Coming up to rest his crown under her chin, he clings to her almost childishly, quickly falling asleep at her attentions.
Hinata just smiles to herself, eyes closed and dozing. In truth she’s not the least bit tired, having gone to bed quite early...but it’s still nice to just lie here with him for a while.
According to a clock, they manage to whittle away about three hours before he wakes up again. “Ugh…” Rolling to his back, he throws an arm over his eyes. “...I forgot how much being sick sucks.”
That earns a soft laugh. “It’s no fun, no...do you feel any better…?”
“...maybe a little.” A pause, and then, “...was there any soup left?”
Feeding him again, Hinata also insists he take in fluids, eyes watching like the hawks he favors. There’s a bit more color in his skin, thankfully...and he seems maybe the slightest bit perkier. Definitely still ill, but not as drug down as it had him this morning.
Itachi and the missus stop by a while later, both inquiring after the patient.
“I’m fine, “ Sasuke grumbles. “It’s just a bit of a fever...you’re all acting like I’m dying.”
“None of us want to see you ill,” Itachi rebukes gently, giving his brother a knowing look. “We’re not so much distressed as we are concerned, I assure you. But it would appear you are being kept in very good hands.”
Hinata can’t help a bashful hint of a blush. “He’s a bit stubborn, but...I think I’m making headway.”
Sasuke pouts, earning a laugh from them all. “I’m not a child...and I’m right here, I can hear you.”
The rest of the day passes without much interruption, Sasuke juggling between eating, trips to the bathroom, and sleeping. By the time his typical bedtime rolls around...he’s still exhausted.
“Well, at least all your napping hasn’t thrown your schedule off,” Hinata muses, watching him shuffle back into bed yet again with a yawn.
“If I wake up and I’m still sick, I’m gonna be pissed,” he mutters, ignoring her giggle.
“Well, I’ll just have to make you more soup if that’s the case.”
“...that part’s not so bad.”
“Course not,” he mumbles, already dozing off. “‘S the best part...your cooking’s the best, ‘nata…”
Watching with weary amusement as he talks himself into sleep, Hinata just gives a soft shake of her head. “Goodnight, Sasuke...here’s hoping tomorrow brings a healthier you…”
     This prompt was...exceedingly random, but at least it led to some fluff! I've never cooked anything with turnips in it...no idea what they taste like or if Sasuke would like them, but...apparently he does xD      Buuut on that note, it's late, as always, so off to bed I go! Thanks for reading~
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blossomdriver · 5 years
Title: "What do you mean you’re sick?! You’re my partner in crime!" Author: Ambercreek Characters/Pairings:  Human Warlock (Tuesday), Exo Titan (Plasma) Warnings: None Fandom: Destiny Summary:  When Tuesday gets sick, Plasma pays him a visit.
As the Dawning had come to an end, most guardians had already extended themselves farther than was needed for the holidays. Decorations that lined the Tower were being taken down and everyone else had returned back to their normal duties.
Even Tuesday who could barely stand up straight, let alone even properly breathe through his nose was taking down the decorations that his fireteam had helped put up around the shop.
The Warlock’s vision blurred around the edges as he took a step forward to grab at the garland that hung just above the door frame. His was was nearly sent crashing into the wall before he stuck his arms out to catch himself on the edge of the door-frame
Azalea pops up to the left of Tuesday and he can only make out the vague outline of her shell at the corner of his vision.
“You are too sick to be working like this, you need to rest.” She told him. And as Tuesday goes to open his mouth to tell her that he was fine, the warlock was hit with another dizzy spell. One hand curling tighter on the door frame as the other still pressed firmly against the wall.
“Fine,” He says instead. He knows when he's beat and he knows it's not a wise desition when it comes to fighting back with his Ghost.
Tuesday can’t recall when he fell asleep or that he even fell asleep. Though when he feels Azalea nudging at him from the corner of his mind, he cracks open an eye. Brown eyes slowly focusing on the world around him, though the room did spin ever so slightly.
“What,” His voice is rough and groggy from sleep as he lifts his head. Blinking a few times to adjust to the brightness.
There is a teacup on the nightstand next to him. Weird, he can’t recall making tea.
“Plasma is calling,” Azalea says, though she doesn’t sound pleased about it. He gives her a nod and she answers the call.
“Hey Plasma,” The Warlock’s voice strained on the words and he hated how it sounded.
“Tuesday! Perfect I’ve called you twice and you didn’t pick up,” Tuesday doesn’t get a word out as Plasma continues. “Zavala asked for my help on a mission, and I was wondering if you would like to help me with it.”
Tuesday wanted to sigh but his ribs and lungs hurt too much to allow him to do so. “I would love to join you Plasma, but I’m sick.”
"What do you mean you’re sick?! You’re my partner in crime!” Plasma asked. The sound that came from the other end was a chest-rattling cough followed by Tuesday blowing his nose.
"It means I'm sick, I might be a guardian but I'm still human." The Warlock replied, his voice hoarse and raw. "Go ask Starlight or Dusk for help." Tuesday can barely get those words out before another cough piles up at the back of his throat.
Shaky hands reached over to the teacup on the nightstand. Drinking the rest as he let out a harsh gasp when the coughing lesson. He didn’t even get a chance to complain over how cold it had gotten before the entire cup was depleted.
"Well, I hope you get better soon." Plasma said as the comms clicked off. Tuesday could hear the sorrow in Plasma's voice, but there wasn't anything that he could do. Azalea did everything in her power to keep the warlock bed-bound until he shows signs of getting better.
Tuesday set the cup on the side table and laid his head back, lightly thudding it against the backboard. With the addition to him being sick, that means the shop had to be closed, and that means he couldn't give bounties and tarot reads to any guardians.
A few years ago, he would have thought nothing of the silents that swept across his home. But now that he had re-adjusted to being close to people again. The silence grew unbearable with each passing second.
In a huff, Tuesday flung the bedsheets off of him and headed towards the kitchen. Grabbing the cup as he did so.
"And just where do you think you're going?" The Ghost asked with annoyance, trying to catch up with her Guardian.
"Making myself tea, I can't sit in bed all day," Tuesday replied as he puts a fresh pot of water onto the stove. He could make the process go quicker if he used his solar light. Though he doesn't want a repeat of the last time he tried that - nearly burning down the curtains that hung above the window. Though he should have known better than to not install curtains right next to the stove
As Tuesday pours the water into the teapot, there was a loud knock at the door. Causing the Warlock to jump and nearly have the pan sent flying across the kitchen.  Settling the pan back onto the stove (Azalea had to nudge her frame against the dial to turn it off) Tuesday pulls the shawl closer to him as he heads for the door.
"Were closed -" The Rest of his words died on his tongue when he opened the door. Standing on the other side was Plasma holding a bag.
“I thought you had a mission?” Tuesday said as he steps out of the way to allow the Titan to enter the shop.
“As you said, I asked Starlight and Dusk for help.” He said cheerfully as he crossed the room, heading in the direction of the kitchen. Setting the bag down onto the table.
Tuesday closed the door and followed after the Exo. “Meaning you handed the mission of to them instead.”
Plasma turns to the Warlock, his faceplate shifting into a smile - red light spilling from his jaw and Tuesday can’t help but give the other a smile in return.
“But why are you here, I told you I’m sick.”
“Good thing for me is that I’m an Exo and I can’t catch biological illnesses,”
Well, he got him there.
“So what did you bring?” Tuesday took a seat and grabs for the bag.
“I don’t know what soup is the best for illnesses, so I got you onion cheddar soup and a loaf of bread from the bakery to like.”
The Warlocks green eyes go wide, drawing his attention away from the bag and back to the Titan. He's unable to wipe away the smile that made his cheeks hurt. “You really didn’t have to do this.”
Tuesday hadn’t noticed that Plasma had sat down in the spot next to him until he happened to glance over.
“It really is nothing, plus I knew if you didn’t get some company you would have burned through every book you own in the matter of a day.”
“Thank you,” Tuesday repeats.
“Anything for my friend.”
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drarrymylove · 6 years
Idk if ur still taking drarry x teddy requests but maybe teddy wants his favorite uncles to come over and "camp" with him and he falls asleep? (P.S I love ur works 😄💛)
The Drarry with Teddy Miniseries finally has a title and a new home on ao3! This is the last time I will be using asks to navigate the story, though I do have a few more chapters to come. If you’d like to read the first 5 parts on tumblr, they’re here: ((Part 1)) ((Part 2)) ((Part 3)) ((Part 4)) ((Part 5)) ((This is Part 6))If you would like to start from the beginning on ao3, you can find it here: ((Field Trips, Tacos, and Other Ways to Fall in Love))
They had stayed at the cafe until Teddy and Haley got restless. Liz insisted they’d have to do this again sometime. Harry agreed without hesitation. Liz was definitely growing on him. He already liked Meredith, though he couldn’t have explained why if asked.
Harry and Draco had no plans for the remainder of the day, so when they took Teddy home and found Andromeda was still not back, they both stayed. Harry didn’t start to worry until late in the afternoon.
“Have you been able to reach her?” Harry asked when Teddy left the room.
Draco pulled his phone from his pocket, glancing at the screen. “No responses. It didn’t go straight to voicemail earlier when I called, so it’s not turned off. It sounded like magical interference, but she said she was going to a Muggle hospital, right?”
Harry nodded. He listened for a moment to make sure Teddy was still moving around in his room upstairs. “If you want to go home, you can. I don’t mind waiting with him.”
“Do you want me to leave?”
“No, I don’t want you to, but don’t you have things to do?”
“That wasn’t particularly reassuring.”
“I didn’t mean it to come out like that, but you always seem so busy. Like when you’re not with Teddy on one of his school things, you’re at the ministry or missing an appointment because I made you visit a food truck.”
Draco smiled. “I do work, but I set my own hours. I can afford to spend a day waiting for my aunt to come home.”
“Okay. Well, if you’re sure. I’m going to go see about dinner.”
Harry didn’t know how to turn the ingredients he found in Andromeda’s kitchen into enough food for three, so he popped down to the closest corner market. When he returned, he was surprised to see a tent in the living room.
“Did I miss something?” Harry asked, finding Draco sitting in the floor.
“Teddy wanted us to camp with him. Granny Andy said she will be running very late,” Draco answered.
Teddy nodded at Harry, throwing another armful of blankets into the tent. “Uncle Draco said we can pretend the fireplace is a real outside campfire and I can toast a marshmallow if I eat dinner good.”
“I guess I better get started with that dinner then, yeah?”
“What are we having?”
Harry peeked into the bag and lied, “Well, I bought a bag of bean sprouts and a red onion and prawns.”
Teddy threw himself across Draco’s lap, “Nooo! I’m gonna die!”
“Fine, I’ll make something else.”
“Yes!” Teddy shouted, hugging Draco tightly.
“Why does he get the hug?” Harry teased.
Teddy shrugged and dove into the tent.
Once in the kitchen, Harry unloaded his grocery bag. He was proud of himself for avoiding take-away, despite how much quicker it would have been. Harry didn’t want Teddy to go all day without a decent meal from home. He used some of the charms Molly had taught him to cut down on meal preparation time.
A noise very close behind Harry startled him into tossing a wooden spoon across the counter top.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”
Harry laughed, seeing Draco next to him with his hands up in apology.
“I was coming to see what you were making. If I need to take care of my own dinner arrangements—”
Harry knew he must be making a face at Draco by the way he trailed off. “Really, Draco? You think I’m going to make you fend for yourself? Of course, I made some for all of us.”
Draco looked away, “Right. Thanks.”
“When is this going to stop being so, er…”
Draco shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m not always confident that I know the right thing to do or say.”
“That’s everyone, mate. But if it helps, I’ll gladly let you know if you start acting like a right twat.”
“How generous of you. However, I meant with you specifically.”
“Is dinner ready yet?” Teddy asked from the doorway. “It smells so good.”
They both turned to him, their conversation all but forgotten.
“I thought you said you didn’t like bean sprout, onion, prawn casserole,” Harry said.
“That’s not what it is.”
“You’re sure?” asked Draco.
“It smells like shepherd’s pie,” Teddy said, trying to peek around Harry into the oven.
“That’s awfully specific, why would you say that?” Draco said.
“Because I saw beef, carrots, peas, and potatoes when Uncle Harry brought in the groceries.”
“It could be soup,” Draco argued.
“You don’t put soup in the oven. And Uncle Harry knows shepherd’s pie is my favorite.”
Harry couldn’t help but laugh. “You got me.”
Teddy grinned at him and went back to the living room.
“Merlin. He looked so much like Tonks just then,” Harry whispered to himself.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Draco asked. “To set up for dinner, I mean.”
Harry almost said no but liked the idea of having Draco close, even if it was a few stolen moments alone. If he was going to get Draco to warm up to him any time soon, he needed every second.
As expected, Teddy ate almost as much pie as Harry did and still had room for a couple marshmallows. Soon after, Teddy and Draco got the tent ready for sleeping and went through Teddy’s usual bedtime routine.
Once Teddy and Draco were nestled inside the mounds of pillows and blankets filling the entire floor of the tent, Harry said his goodnights to Teddy. He expected Teddy would be asleep by the time he was done cleaning up the dinner mess.
By the time Andromeda got home, Harry had started to wonder if he and Draco really were going to end up camping in the living room. She looked exhausted. She didn’t speak until after she made her way into the kitchen and put the kettle on.
Draco and Harry joined her at the table, neither wanting to break the silence.
“Harry, I find myself having to ask more of you than I’m comfortable asking,” she said.
He nodded.
“Heidi is my dearest friend. She’s very ill, and with only Muggle care, she won’t—” her breath hitched and she closed her eyes. “I’ve spent a significant portion of my day filing an emergency petition for Wizarding care. She will be undergoing a very strict administration of potions, and since she’s unable to be admitted to St. Mungo’s, this has to be done from home under the care of the petitioning witch or wizard. Since she’s a Muggle, the potion doses are so low that it could take a considerable amount of time. Week, possibly a month or more. She’ll have to stay with me so Teddy will—”
“I’ll take him,” Harry interrupted.
“I can’t possibly ask that of you. I will just need some help with—”
“Forgive me for interrupting again, but with the amount of care your friend will need, wouldn’t it be easier on him to stay with me so his routine isn’t all messed up? And no disrespect obviously, but I doubt being around a sick person all the time would be very comfortable for him.”
“I’m not going to abandon him,” she said, “not even for her.”
Draco excused himself from the kitchen.
“Andromeda. You didn’t ask me to take him. You’re not abandoning him. I’m his godfather, and I’m in a position to offer both of you all the help I can. Your friend needs you, and he gets to see how people are supposed to act when they see others in need. He’ll see you doing the most you can for someone. He’ll see that he has people who love him and will always be here to take care of him even when important, scary things are happening.”
Andromeda dabbed the corners of her eyes with the end of her sleeve. “If Nymphadora were here to see this.” She shook her head, not finishing her though.
“You watched him while she went to fight in a war. I’m going to watch him while you take care of someone who needs you. You’re allowed to accept help. That’s what family is for, yeah?”
She sniffed. “I don’t want him leaving until after breakfast. And I will see him here for supper as often as we’re able. I expect a firecall every day. I better not hear that he is late to school. And he will not skip breakfasts just because he doesn’t want to wake up early enough to eat.”
“Don’t worry. I’ve got this. He’s stayed over plenty of times. We didn’t get into too much trouble then.”
With a few more reassurances from Harry, Andromeda went upstairs to her room. Harry went to the tent. Draco was sitting in the middle of the tent with Teddy cradled in his lap. Harry wouldn’t have thought anything of it if he hadn’t noticed the white-knuckled grip Draco had on the blanket Teddy was wrapped in.
“You okay?” Harry asked.
Draco nodded.
“I’m not going to keep him from you, you know.”
Draco whispered, “I don’t think you realize how often I’m here with them.”
“Doesn’t matter. I don’t care if it’s every day. Text me. Hell, show up at my door if you want. I don’t care,” Harry said.
Draco visibly relaxed.
“Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to get some sleep. Budge up.”
“We’re actually camping in my aunt’s living room?” Draco asked.
“Told him we would, didn’t we?” Harry said. He pulled off his glasses and slipped them into the pouch hanging from the tent ceiling. He closed his eyes and relaxed for the first time in hours. He heard Draco tuck Teddy in between them before getting comfortable himself.
Minutes ticked by and sleep was close when he heard Draco whisper, “‘Night.”
Harry was too tired to speak back, so he hummed in response. He wasn’t too tired, however, to think about what a strange day it turned out to be.
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sae-you-sae-me · 8 years
RFA + Saeran Get Sick
We were feeling inspired by this post, so we decided to do a follow up and have some scenarios where the RFA+Saeran is sick and MC takes care of them. Enjoy~
He doesn’t get sick often, but recently he got caught in the rain
He came down with a cold the next day
When you touch his cheek to give him a kiss, you realize how hot his skin is
You make him rest right away
While he protested at first, he kind of liked the idea of you taking care of him
Finally he agreed and went to lay down
You make him homemade soup and makes sure he has it in bed
You take care of all his phone calls and explain to his director
He thinks he still looks really good even when he’s sick
He sends a selfie in the chatroom to brag a little
You wipe some snot from his nose
“Yeah….you look great….”
The next day, he’s fine but he really enjoys being taken care of by you
You let is slide one day more, but as day three approaches…
“Zen, didn’t your bones mend in like a day?”
“Yeah? What’s your point…?”
It was after finals and his body completely crashed
He gets super sick
This boy is really affectionate normally…
But he gets 10x more clingy when he’s sick
At night, he’s trying to cuddle with you
“Yoosung! I can’t get sick.” 
“But I wanna feel better...and you make me feel better.”
You let him hug you, but you put your foot down when he tries to kiss you
“I’m feeling better! Really!” he says with puffy eyes and a runny nose
You can’t lay in bed all day, so you pile up pillows so he has something to cuddle while watching some movies
He’s horrible when it comes to taking medicine
You have to make sure most of them are fruit flavored or else you have to sneak it in his food
When you have to force him to take some nasty liquid antibiotics, you promise you’ll make it up to him when he’s better and make him cookies
She can’t afford to take days off from the office
But you can tell she’s feeling pretty sick
So, you stop by her job during lunch and bring her a small care package with tissues and cough drops and OTC meds
You may have also left an onion at her desk because you heard somewhere it helped inflammation
Unfortunately, it was more of a smell than a remedy and it caught the attention of Jumin
He didn’t realize she was ill, but seeing the care package and smelling the onion, he sent her home
Once she gets home, you force her to go to bed while you make food
While she’s sleeping, you make a list of musical/movie recommendations and leave it on a note ontop of her laptop for when she’s ready for binging
She’s really hard to take care of since she’s always refusing help
But after a few glares from you, she softens up
“Let me know if you need anything, Jaehee!”
“No need….actually, since you’re up, could you get some tea for me, please?” 
He has a good diet, makes sure he takes vitamins daily, and gets enough sleep
But lately, he’s had so many business trips and had been traveling a lot
His body just crashed 
He calls a doctor right away, but there’s not much he can do but give some meds  
The doctor also advises he gets lots of rest, so you have to take good care of him
Jumin gets really pouty when he’s sick
He looks like his life his over, but he’s just not feeling well...you find it so cute
You get those lollipops that soothe the throat
It was meant to tease him a little, but he really likes it and always has one in his mouth
You also get him a stuffed cat that looks like Elizabeth the 3rd, since he doesn’t want her around him while he’s sick
Again...it was more as a joke, but he treasured it since it came from you and it was always by his side
He doesn’t like you in the same room as him, so he makes sure you sleep in the guest room for a few nights
He. Hates. Vicks.
“Oh, my head is so clogged.”
“I know what you need…” you say pulling out the small container
“No need...it’s a miracle. I’m healed.”
It got so bad, you had to call Mr. Han to hold his son down while you forced it onto his head and nose
He doesn’t even realize he’s sick
He thinks it’s just a headache, and he keeps taking Tiaranol
You notice he’s sniffling and touch his forehead, which was burning
He swears it’s just his computer heating up
You know it’s a hopeless cause to try to fight him
So you just place a blanket over him while he’s typing and keep a pillow beside him
He admits he’s a little cold, but that’s all
Still, you keep hearing him sniffling, so you get some Vicks and rub some on his nose while he’s distracted
Like Jumin….he despises it
“Ahhh! It burns!”
He gets really dramatic every time you bring out the Vicks
He gives this big pout and gets teary eyed (probably from his fever)
“I thought you loved me...why would you torture me?”
You start using it as a threat every time he tries to sneak over to his computer
You’ll walk next to him with the bottle and suddenly he drops his laptop and jumps back into bed
He gets sick pretty often, but usually it’s nothing serious
But the weather had been pretty bad and it caught up to him
You know it’s bad when he’s still in bed mid-morning and is shivering despite the two blankets
You try not to wake him and put the hot packs underneath the covers to warm him
The first few days are really rough because his fever is making him delirious
To top it off, it makes his nightmares worse and sometimes he hallucinates
It hurts to see him like that but all you can do is hold his hand and talk to him softly
It’s a relief when his fever finally breaks and he’s more lucid
He doesn’t really like being taken care of because it reminds him a lot of his childhood
You oblige and back off a little...but make sure everything is reachable for him
So, instead of meds beside his bed, it’s on the kitchen counter where he can get it himself
He has a blanket constantly around him cuz he’s cold
So you just tie it as a cape to tease him
He doesn’t laugh, but he doesn’t take it off either
When he’s feeling a bit better, you take him outside to get some fresh air
Besides, you know just being able to look at the sky cheers him up a little
Check out our other headcanons~ Masterlist
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ouraidengray4 · 6 years
The Unexpected Changes I Had to Make When My Partner Was Diagnosed With Celiac
The gluten-free diet craze has officially hit fever pitch. Chances are, you know someone in your life who has hopped on the GF bandwagon, stripping their cupboards of flour, pasta, and other refined carbs for alleged digestive comfort or in hopes of simple weight loss. But behind the mod diet books and list of celebrities pioneering the gluten-free lifestyle for fun (looking at you, Kourtney Kardashian) sits one percent of the population with much more serious concerns. We're talking about people with celiac disease.
Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition in which any bit of gluten (even a crumb) can cause damage to the lining of the small intestine. When that happens, the body can't absorb vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients it needs to stay healthy.
The News That Changed Date Nights
I know a thing or two about the disease because my boyfriend, a 26-year-old who used to eat baguettes for lunch, drink a beer with dinner, and hit up a good pastry shop for dessert, was diagnosed with the disease one year ago. That means his body had already taken a whopping 25 years of pasta- and pizza-filled abuse and would now need a rough few years to recover. Though, TBH, I'm not sure if his small intestine will ever be 100 percent.
When we got the news, it utterly sucked. And it wasn't the sad hole in his croissant-craving soul that would cause him the most disappointment. It was the fact that there’s nothing easy about a lifestyle where you can’t trust the food around you. Gluten. Is. Everywhere. Often hiding as a binding agent, the big G might be lurking in the breakfast sausage you ate this morning, the salad dressing you ate for lunch, and in last night’s meatballs too. On the day he found out, I vowed that we’d make this damn thing fun and that I’d help lessen the burden—which meant a total lifestyle change for me too.
As a food writer, I knew I had to change my mindset first. My willpower not to eat gluten-packed foods wavers at the sight of a sexy bowl of fettuccine Bolognese passing by in a waitress's hands. But becoming celiac wasn’t a choice for my boyfriend, someone who would do unmentionable things to get a bite of that heavenly pasta too. So I dropped the doughnuts, and we were off to the races to find ways to adjust to the strict new lifestyle.
I Changed My Life When He Changed His
I swapped my makeup and soaps for strictly gluten-free products—or else no kissing him (!!). I always brush my teeth twice (plus mouthwash) if I nibble on anything with traces of gluten before meeting up with him. I double-check labels of everything we even think about buying. I constantly research new gluten-free snacks that were made in a gluten-free facility. I never order a beer around him (though I still love you, IPAs), and I always beat him to the punch when asking waiters what gluten-free options are available—so he doesn’t have to explain his situation for the 100th time.
This one’s huge at family and friend’s homes too. It’s awkward to have to explain to a host upon arrival that you don’t want to touch their damn baked Brie because of all the gluten-filled crackers being dunked into it. Or worse, that you can't risk eating their prepared main, the chicken pot pie, because the stock may contain gluten traces. I know he probably feels ridiculous and frustrated repeating it again and again. So, that’s where I happily jump into action, explaining (in layman's terms) to those that don't yet know the extremes of the diet.
15 Ways I Support My BF on the GF Train
Celiacs have to be on their A-game every second of their lives, but the people around them can help make it feel less like an insane vortex by helping. Here’s a list of things I've done to help my boyfriend that aren’t as obvious as not ordering a bagel at brunch.
1. Check gluten-free labels on snacks. Yes, I know this is obvious, but it's most important to always follow up with a quick Google of the product to be sure the company states there is no chance for cross-contamination in its facilities.
2. Buy new cutting boards. ... and pots, pans, dish towels, and sink sponges that will remain far, far away from gluten. You can even purchase a basket and label it "GF" to be sure these items never go near a bread crumb.
3. Rearrange the kitchen. You have to make sure there’s no loose flour falling out of shelves into cooking areas or clean countertops. On that note, it's probably smart to give away your all-purpose flour and opt for tapioca, almond, coconut, and arrowroot instead.
4. Get an Instant Pot. As if you needed another reason to love the popular gadget! We swear by the Instant Pot because it's such an easy way not to risk the gluten-particle woes of the ol' oven. People aren’t out here scrubbing down their ovens all that frequently, so yeah, the flour from last week’s baked chicken tenders could still be circulating in those convection vents.
5. Be vigilant on date nights. When you go out to restaurants, be sure your server (and the entire kitchen staff) understands this is medical and not just about carb-cutting. But also avoid restaurants if you’re worried about cross-contamination because that chance is often high.
6. Run from “gluten-free” sweet treats. Unless the bakery is entirely gluten-free, a GF croissant should be off-limits since cross-contamination is almost inevitable here too.
7. Skip tortilla chips and French fries. While these foods may not contain any gluten themselves, they were probably fried up in the same fryer as those breaded onion rings or flour tortilla chimichangas.
8. Avoid soy. I was surprised to find out that soy products aren't as GF as you'd think. While most soy products are technically gluten-free, tofu often gets breaded, and that soy sauce is definitely off-limits (thank goodness for coconut aminos).
9. Steer clear of fruits that are often coated in soy wax. It's best to go for organic produce without the wax. The protective coating could contain gluten.
10. It's OK to overthink things. Check the nitty-gritty details on all hefty ingredient lists. Anything from sausages (which can be held together by gluten) to bottled dressings, cooking stocks, hot chocolate mix, and chocolate can be risky.
11. Embrace a gluten-free diet. If your loved one has to be gluten-free, it's in their best interest if you are too—at least while you're around them. Unless you don't feel like having sex tonight... just kidding.
12. Become kings and queens of meal prep. Bringing a container filled with gluten-free food when you're out and about is a must. You never know when you're going to be too far from a kitchen that can prepare a 100-percent GF dish.
13. Help ward off weird ridicule. The masses may assume they’re just another self-diagnosed gluten-avoider. Be there with the facts to back them up.
14. Fight off flying flour. Maybe I'm getting too crazy here, but I don't even like to step foot in a pizza shop or bakery with super-tight quarters. I'm worried he'll ingest airborne flour in a pizzeria, and even that can cause problems.
15. Stock up on delicious food they can eat. Anyone with celiac shouldn't feel deprived. Buy corn tortillas for epic breakfast tacos, use tapioca flour when baking, and always have arrowroot on hand to thicken up soups and stews. You can rely on this super-helpful gluten-free swaps guide when in doubt.
The Takeaway
As his partner, I think it's important to help others be less ignorant about the illness. No, celiac disease is not fatal in the way we normally think of severe allergies, like a peanut allergy. I’d never, ever compare the two. But celiac disease, if ignored, can result in a life of major gastrointestinal symptoms and a way higher risk for both non-Hodgkin lymphoma and cancer of the small intestine. Also, if left untreated (which you won’t do now, right?!), other possible side effects that can (very quietly) linger are depression, anxiety, and daily fatigue.
But, just like anything out there, after following the diet, habits will form, and the not-so-easy lifestyle will become second nature. Plus, you can take a minute to thank all the "for fun" gluten-skippers because the demand for GF products is now so high that grocery stores have aisles of options—some of which you'll find, with a little taste-testing (and confirming they are made in a gluten-free facility), are just as good as the real thing.
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