#Chocolate Flavors Market Share
mohankunmars · 2 years
Chocolate Flavors Market
View more @ https://4jvb.short.gy/Gls8r2
The Chocolate Flavors Market size is estimated to reach $527.5 million by 2027. Furthermore, it is poised to grow at a CAGR of 5.40% over the forecast period of 2022-2027.
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valsverse · 19 days
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• just thinking about percy jackson as your summer bf. fumbling with sunscreen, smearing it on each other’s noses, missing spots on purpose. sticky cuddles under the blanket, even though the air is way too hot for any kind of physical contact. popsicle juice dribbling down your chin, and him kissing it away, his lips sweet and a little too eager. racing into the ocean, him pretending to trip just to make you laugh. stealing sips of each other’s lemonade, but only when you think he’s not looking. screaming on the rollercoaster while he pretends to be fearless, though you catch his knuckles white around the bar. arguing over the best ice cream flavor—he insists on mint chocolate chip, but you know it’s cookies and cream. beach volleyball that always ends with him picking you up and spinning you around, both of you laughing too hard to keep score. running barefoot on the hot pavement, hopping between patches of grass. falling asleep in a hammock, legs tangled, with the smell of saltwater still clinging to your skin, and waking up to sunburned shoulders and his lazy grin. • or how fall coded leo valdez is. going to haunted houses together, hiding your face in his shoulder every time you get freaked, while he grins and teases you, but never lets go. sharing one scarf because he insists he’s not cold, but somehow the scarf always ends up wrapped around you both. carving pumpkins together, where he makes his a goofy, over-engineered contraption while yours is just happy and crooked. attempting to watch Saw for halloween, but halfway through, he grabs the remote, and suddenly It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! is on. apple cider kisses, warm and sweet, his lips tasting like cinnamon. drowning tea with lethal douses of nutmeg because he swears it makes everything better, and it does. walking through piles of fallen leaves, and just when you’re admiring the colors, he kicks a bunch of them at you, laughing as you chase him down the path. ending the night with bonfires, where he messes with the flames, making them flicker in shapes just to make you laugh. • and winters with luke castellan, him cupping your face in his hands, palms warm and soft, trying to chase away the chill from your cheeks, always grumbling about how cold you are, but never pulling away. sharing caramel apples, and him struggling to take a bite while making a mess, albeit with a small grin. snowball fights that start with playful teasing and end with him catching you in his arms, both of you laughing and brushing off snow. walking through the frosty streets, his arm around your shoulders, making sure you’re never too cold. stopping by a food cart for hot chocolate, where he burns his tongue but pretends he's fine, playing it off with a casual shrug while you laugh. driving through the city, holiday music low in the background, his eyes flickering between the lights and your smile; and his peppermint scent clinging to your sweater, lingering long after he’s gone. • while jason grace is undeniably a spring bf. feeding each other freshly picked strawberries, sweet and sun-warmed, his smile soft as he knows just how to choose the best ones. stopping by the convenience store for a snack run, where he knows your favorites by heart, grabbing them without a second thought. stopping by a local café for iced coffee, his fingers brushing yours as he hands you your drink.
playful water fights by the fountain, where he always ends up drenched, his hair sticking to his forehead, but he’s still grinning, water dripping everywhere as you both laugh at the chaos. visiting farmers' markets together, where he picks out the freshest fruits and insists on trying every sample with you. sharing ice cream cones that melt faster than you can eat them, him sneaking bites from yours with a playful smirk, wiping away a stray drip with the back of his hand before it hits the ground.
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©valsverse— do not steal, edit, or repost my works. plagiarism is prohibited.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
It Smells Like Home (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: Ever since moving, you and Bob have decided that you're going to have a very, very cozy Halloween with the babies
Bob took another sip of his oatmeal cookie flavored coffee, at least the second one he had that morning while two-year-old Patrick came waddling down the stairs, rubbing his little eyes and clutching his blue crocheted blankie.
"Hi bubby," Bob cooed as he lifted him up and kissed his soft little cheeks. "You're up too early."
"No sleepy," Patrick yawned.
Bob gently patted his son's back and set him back down on the floor. "You hungry?"
Patrick nodded before pulling his chair out and climbing right up.
Bob immediately fixed him some eggs, a little bit of diced ham and a tiny little cup of blueberries. "You wanna help Dada bake today?"
"Yes peas!!!"
Bob chuckled as he heated up his coffee and picked at his own plate of ham and eggs. He felt bad that it would just be him and Patrick for most of the day with you having gone to help Bob's parents get things settled around the new ranch and to help his Meemaw with her doctor's appointments. But Bob was happy since it meant bonding time with the littler of your two, soon to be three children.
As soon as breakfast was done, Bob cleared the dishes and put on "It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" both for Patrick and for the background noise while he baked. He kept it on repeat, never once annoyed by how many times it played, comforted by the memories it brought for both him and you.
Patrick kept himself occupied by teasing and playing with Tank, the burly rottweiler who helped Bob and his father keep control of the cattle. Bandit, the newest addition, a one year old blue heeler, snoozed away on the couch, completely unfazed by Patrick's little baby giggles.
It wasn't long before the whole house began to smell so good, overwhelmed with the aromas of chocolate, cinnamon, pumpkin, apples and sweet sugar. Bob loved when the fall farmers' markets came to town, leaving your family swimming in baked goods until then.
"Patrick," he called. "Patrick come taste for Daddy."
Patrick waddled right into the kitchen and took a large bite of a chocolate and vanilla cream cookie that had been shaped into a pointed little witch hat.
"MMMM yummy!" Patrick loudly and happily declared, the chocolate crumbs still all along the edges of his mouth.
Bob laughed, finishing off the rest before Patrick went back to his own business.
Bob had completely lost track of the time, when in the middle of the tenth or so rerun of the Peanuts Halloween special, Patrick had fallen right asleep with his blankie tucked under his arm. You had just come through the door with Auggie, quietly shutting it so that Patrick wouldn't wake.
"I've got him sweetheart," Bob assured you.
"You sure?" you asked him.
"I'm certain," he told you, picking the sleeping toddler up off the couch and carrying him up the stairs with you, laying him down on your shared bed for a nap. He covered Patrick with his blankie and tucked his little brownie bear under his arm, letting him sleep the afternoon away.
"You think he'll sleep for a while?" you asked.
"He'll probably sleep till dinner," Bob answered, taking you in his arms and kissing you. "She awake?"
"Wouldn't stop moving ever since we left your Meemaw's appointment," you chuckled.
You and Bob leaned in, pressing your foreheads against each other. "Wanna go and watch the Peanuts Halloween cartoon?" he asked. "Patrick's been watching it all day."
You hummed happily. "With you? I'll watch anything."
You and Bob soon found yourselves downstairs, snuggled under the couch blankets while your sons were upstairs napping the afternoon away, watching the Peanuts cartoons and the smell of baked goods filling your home with their delicious scents and your dreams of a cozy Halloween with Bob, fully having come true.
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rascalthehamster · 1 year
riz x gender neutral feeder reader?
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Riz has always taken care of others. Everyday he makes food for his dorm. He loved to cook but after awhile he began to tire. With no thank you’s from his dorm mates and him having to spend most of his savings on fresh ingredients, it just became overwhelming.
It was lunch and he forgot to make himself something. He was so preoccupied with breakfast that it just slipped his mind. His mind overflowed with thoughts of food. His stomach growled and his mind blanked, conjuring only food. A fresh tomato from the market, a new package of tofu, a chocolate bar that was oh so sweet. His brain continued until someone sat next to him.
They looked at him with a soft smile and asked if he wanted to split their lunch. He was mumbling under his breath and slightly salivating. He wiped some of the drool away and agreed to trying some of it.
The aroma hit him almost instantly when the box was opened. There was a sandwich that was already split into two along with a thermos filled with soup. Saliva dripped down his snout as he stared.
“Here you go.” The stranger handed him the sandwich half. He tried to be polite and take his time. To not turn into a beast that hasn’t eaten in days. He took a small bite and felt an explosion of flavors in his mouth. He turned to the stranger once again and saw that they poured him a little bit of soup in their thermos cap for him. He took a gulp of it and felt pure bliss. The stranger just chuckled. “You must’ve been hungry.”
“Yeah I uh, skipped breakfast today.” He admitted. Riz took another bite of the sandwich, this time it was bigger.
“Well that’s not good, you know it’s the most important meal of the day, right? Here.” The stranger poured him more soup and smiled.
“You don’t have to do all of this.” Riz felt guilty. This stranger just came up to him and started sharing their food with him.
“Don’t worry about that, just eat your food.” The stranger took another bite out of their half. “How about I treat you to breakfast tomorrow, that way you won’t have to worry about remembering to eat it.”
It’s not like he had a problem with remembering that breakfast was a thing, it’s just he never had the time to make it for himself, especially with midterms coming up. “Well, that does sound nice.”
“It’s settled then! I’ll prepare you a nice big breakfast. You should swing by my dorm in the morning.” They grabbed one of their napkins and wrote their dorm room down and handed it to Riz.
“Thank you, I don’t know how to repay you for this.”
“Just come hungry and that’s all the thanks I need.” They walked away with their empty lunch box, already thinking of what to meal prep for their new giant friend.
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marshmallowprotection · 4 months
I’d actually like to hear your thoughts on that Unknown birthday cg
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I actually love the composition of this artwork. It'd be wrong to share it without sharing the other half to it, though. Saeyoung and Saeran are a package deal. But, as it stands, these images stand in contrast to each other for a reason. Saeyoung's at a party that his friends put together for him, and Unknown's at a party Rika made for him. There are undeniable facts about these images.
Unknown's staring into a mirror, his eyes in a trance as he watches his reflection, and to me, it's always read like a dissociative episode. He's spaced out for a reason. He was trained to hate his face because it was his brother's face. He avoids looking into mirrors for a reason... and yet, on his birthday of all days, he's staring into a large mirror at his reflection.
A reflection that's known to spark feelings of contempt, sickness, and anger in his heart.
Why is looking into a mirror when mirrors are known to make him feel sick? Unknown wouldn't choose to do that on the day that sets him off. He wouldn't! I think, one could argue that maybe he would if he thought it might remind him of why he's upset to begin with. But, he doesn't purposefully go out of his way to trigger himself throughout the game, if it happens, it's far from happening on purpose.
Which is what led me to believe Rika hung the mirror from the wall OR choose that spot purposefully—to hurt Unknown. That much I can say for certain.
Even on his birthday, he's not ALLOWED to forget what she's trained for. He's not allowed to be happy. He's only allowed to think about the brother who STOLE EVERYTHING from him while he rots away with nothing to his name in the walls of a Paradise that will never a sincere Paradise. He has to think about the brother who MADE HIM feel bad. He can't escape it. Rika won't let him escape it because he's a simply a weapon for revenge now, no longer does she see him as a son.
His birthday cake is made of chocolate and his pint of ice cream is chocolate, too. There aren't many things he talks about enjoying in the game, but he does make it clear that he enjoys mint chocolate chip ice cream.
Ray revealed that fact in 2019. I mean, could that be his favorite flavor and not Unknown’s favorite? That's always possible, after all, they're not the same person. But, I have always operated under the suspicion that they share favorite ice cream flavors. They like how it stays on your tongue, cold, sweet, and just a little bit chewy. It's nice on a hot day.
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I don't think he's super picky about ice cream since you probably can't go wrong with ice cream in his eyes, but the fact that he's able to establish a favorite kind of ice cream shows me that he does care about what he gets if he's allowed to have a choice. Like, I would love vanilla ice cream if it's offered, but if you had an assortment, I'd want chocolate or mint chocolate chip!
This is a character who has been repeatedly robbed of his autonomy time and time again, both with contempt and with a naive thought to protect them without thinking of his choice, and if he was asked what kind of ice cream he wanted for his birthday here, I think he'd pick his favorite if he could.
He clearly didn't pick here. I mean, you can check out the seasonal chats if you want to for 2020. Unknown tells Yoosung and Zen that he loves ice cream and even if they think he's some kind of program and not a real person, he still wants them to leave out the ice cream because, hey, what kind of person wouldn't want an ice cream if it was offered to them? I don't know people who would turn down the ice cream.
But, again, if you can choose the ice cream you're given, won't you pick your favorite flavor?
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If you buy the folders from the market, you'll be treated to Unknown and Seven enjoying each other's ice cream, but while Saeyoung looks content with his ice cream, Unknown isn't enthused by Superman ice cream. My boy isn't picky about ice cream but he probably wouldn't want to consume his twin brother's favorite flavor... especially not at a time wherein anything related to Saeyoung makes him want to gag.
If the only ice cream he had to eat was that of his brother's favorite flavor, I think he'd do it, but I don't think he'd be happy about it in the end. It would take the ice cream experience, but he's not going to say no to something that makes him happy in a world that already has caused him to feel apathetic about most things. Yeah, it might not make him happy to have something that reminds me of his brother, but most things remind him of his brother and it's an inescapable tragedy. 
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I don't think I need to talk about the representation of black roses in this game when it comes to this character, either. He is given this particular flower whenever he is in a timeline that doesn't bode well for him. It is a representation of the fact that he no longer has hope for a brighter tomorrow. All he sees on the horizon for his life is death and apathy.
Death can also be transformative, but that is not the reference we are meant to take away when we see it represented like this. GE Saeran's got a black rose around his throat during the RAE when you team up with Rika to turn him into a product of consumption to "survive" in a world that lets Saejoong get away with everything. But, anytime I see those flowers with him, I associate it with a loss of autonomy.
I associate it with Rika's control.
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The one thing that's bothered me ever since I've seen the image is that bottle of alcohol sitting in the background. I mean, it doesn't have to be alcohol in that fancy sparkling glass, but there aren't too many drinks that are placed inside of those containers and the more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I become. I try not to think about it, and I often tell myself that the only reason why it's there is because the artist might not have been told about the character's trauma.
After all, if the artist was made aware of this fact, it means the choice was intentional to place the bottle of alcohol within the image. I have no idea if the artist was made aware of that fact. The only reason why I tell myself that the artist might not have known is because Rika was also represented with alcohol in one of her birthday pictures, and she does not consume alcohol frequently or at all, either. 
In fact, Rika canonically scolds Jihyun and Jumin often for their poor drinking habits and reminds them to be responsible. There's a chat in Another Story where Jumin and Jihyun turn silent when you echo the words Rika once told them about alcohol.
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The alternative in this situation if we don't believe the artist made a mistake without being aware of the lore is for me to believe that she specifically chose to put alcohol on the table knowing that it would trigger him. 
Because, unfortunately, since the artist made that decision, it leads the player to interpret that she purposefully put that bottle there to hurt him. I recognize that most people aren't going to think that hard about this and for the most part, it might fly over your head without a second thought, but it bothers me. I am a stickler for fine details and if you're a person who loves to speculate and dig into some media for everything you can find, this is one of those things that’ll haunt you. 
At the end of the day, it comes down to how you want to interpret the image, if you want to take it at face value for what it is and recognize that the artist likely didn’t know, that’s okay. If you would prefer to read into it as something that makes your stomach turn into knots knowing that Rika might’ve hit him where it hurts most, that's alright, too. 
I try to suspend my disbelief as much as I possibly can to ignore that bottle, but the bottle is there, and I can’t avoid it no matter how much I want to unsee it.
I have a hard enough time in the fandom when it comes to people representing the twins and alcohol as it is. These two are never going to drink a drop in their life, and if they do—There is a situation where Saeyoung drinks champagne in V Route, but it’s when he’s hit rock bottom and he thinks his brother is dead and it’s been two and a half years since then.
The last time his brother was alive, there was going to be a party. The trauma is going to come back to life as soon as the party is brought up again, and that is the only reason why I think he decided to drink that day. He was at the end of his rope, and he decided he would do the one thing he promised never to do because he thought it would numb his emotions enough to survive the way he saw his wretched mother tried to numb every miserable moment of her existence. 
I don't think he enjoyed it, though. I think he took a sip of it, and then he immediately wanted to throw up. He gets rid of the rest of the tiny glass and he never touches alcohol ever again. 
I've seen far too many people represent these two as characters that will drink without a second thought. There is no mention of their trauma, there is no regard for what they've been through, and there is not a second in the narration that even remotely points to the fact that they have trauma that stems from their mother's alcoholism. 
I can't tell you not to write something you want to write, just as much as someone can't tell me not to write what I want to write, but when you have no regard for this specific trauma, it makes me wonder how much compassion you have for somebody who has the same kind of trauma in real life. 
Because, this may be a huge stretch, I know, but if you can't respect a character who said they don't want to drink anything that contains alcohol and you write them doing it anyway, who’s to say that you’ll respect a real person telling you the same thing? 
Far too many countries have socialized drinking to the point that anybody who doesn't want to drink, regardless of the reason, will be shamed or ostracized for it by others in the room. I can't tell you how many people have tried to tell me to take a small sip of alcohol since becoming an adult, and I’ve refused. It's fine and dandy if that's what you want to do, as long as you're doing it safely!
But, why am I the one who is asked questions for saying no?
I don't shame anybody for enjoying and consuming alcohol, so why is it that I hear, "Well, just take a sip! How can you know if you've never had it? Here, let me shove this in your face and keep pushing you to do something you're clearly not okay with!" I don't want it.
This is also the case for many people my age who aren't interested, because I've heard the same thing from others who have been poked and prodded at like me. None of us owe you an explanation as to why we don't want to consume alcohol for whatever reason. No means no. That should be respected at the end of the day, point blank. 
Saeran hasn't said it as bluntly as Saeyoung, but you should be able to infer quite easily.
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justlemmeadoreyou · 10 months
holiday shopping
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pairing: boyfriend!harry x reader
words: ~500
my masterlist | other blurbs
In the heart of the city, where the air buzzed with the festive spirit, Harry and Y/N decided to embark on a delightful adventure to the holiday market. With twinkling lights overhead and the scent of cinnamon wafting through the crisp winter air, they stepped into a world of festive magic.
Hand in hand, they entered the market, their eyes widening at the sight of stalls adorned with colorful decorations and handmade treasures. The joyful chaos of the crowd filled the air, but in the midst of it all, Harry and Y/N found solace in their shared excitement.
Their first stop was at a quaint stall selling knitted scarves in every imaginable color. Y/N couldn't resist running her fingers over the soft textures, imagining cozy winter days wrapped in warmth. Harry, always attentive, picked out a scarf in a shade that perfectly matched her eyes, a surprise he couldn't wait to unveil later.
As they continued to weave through the market, the couple discovered stalls offering an array of quirky ornaments. From miniature snow globes to hand-painted baubles, each piece seemed beautiful and collectible. Y/N's eyes lit up at the sight of a particularly charming ornament – a tiny polar bear wearing a Santa hat. Harry couldn't help but smile, knowing it would find a special place on their Christmas tree.
The market's festive soundtrack was accompanied by the irresistible aroma of holiday treats. Y/N's nose led them to a charming stand selling hot chocolate adorned with marshmallows and a sprinkle of cinnamon. They indulged in the sweet warmth, savoring the comforting flavors that danced on their tongues.
Amidst the crowd, Harry spotted a stall with vintage records, a treasure trove for a music enthusiast like him. The crackling sound of vinyl filled the air as he carefully flipped through the stacks, his eyes lighting up. Y/N watched with admiration as he held the record in his hands, his enthusiasm contagious.
Their pockets filled with festive treats and newfound treasures, the couple found a quiet spot to take in the enchanting atmosphere. The market's ambiance was a blend of laughter, joyful chatter, and the melodies of street performers playing classic holiday tunes.
As the day unfolded, Harry couldn't resist the urge to pick out a special trinket for Y/N. In a hidden corner of the market, he found a stall adorned with delicate handmade jewelry. His eyes fell on a dainty necklace with a pendant shaped like a snowflake – a symbol of the uniqueness and beauty he saw in Y/N. With a smile, he purchased the necklace, envisioning the moment he would gift it to her.
The holiday market adventure wasn't just about shopping; it was a celebration of love, laughter, and the magic of the season. As the day drew to a close, Harry and Y/N found a quiet spot to watch the market come alive with twinkling lights. The ornaments, scarves, and trinkets they had collected told a story of a day filled with shared joy and the simple pleasures of being together during the most magical time of the year.
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swirlpops · 2 years
jjba & you: fall dates edition.
Another season, another round of D A T E S with some of our faves. HAPPY FALL AND SHIT, Y’ALL. 
> all characters 21+.
> characters: bruno, abbacchio, gyro, jotaro, josuke, doppio/diavolo, diego, giorno, kakyoin, poly caesar & joseph.
> gender-neutral reader.
> sfw fluff, tender and warming for the soul.
(> if you're interested, a summer dates edition with our darling bruno, is here!)
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bruno bucciarati ; farmer’s market
Bruno had always loved the hustle and bustle of the farmer's market. Amidst a cacophony of hellos, he would blaze a trail of taste testing and sightseeing, taking in all the market had to offer. Today, you were by his side as he showed you his favorite stalls. "That one over there," he says, pointing one hand and gently resting the other on your shoulder, "has divine maple butter pastries. The farmer makes them fresh every morning." He ushers you to another stall, dotted with bouquets and fairy lights even in the gentle light of morning. "And this one has flowers that are homegrown here in Napoli, picked at the break of dawn." 
The sight of such a diverse array of flowers catches you off guard – mums painted with deep burgundy, sunflowers soaked in the last vestiges of early autumn sun. Bruno hums over the selection and plucks a violet dahlia; its center is smattered with brilliant gold. He tucks it behind your ear and smiles warmth down at you – undoubtedly, the most beautiful flower of them all. 
leone abbacchio ; fall shopping
At the craft fair, the fragrance of candles poured with apples, leaves, and candy corn float through endless rows of fall decor. Leone wrinkles his nose as you enter a particularly robust row, and casually takes your hand in his. It’s calloused and rough; the arbiter of a small token of affection doled out in carefully placed intervals. It’s ok – you don’t mind. “Why do people make these damn candles so strong?” he grumbles to himself. However, a small, white pumpkin tufted from scratchy felt steals his attention. He picks it up with his other hand, inspecting it as he holds it up to the crisp light of the low autumn sun. “This is cute,” he says under his breath, almost loathe in his admittance. “Let’s put it on our mantle. It'll look nice above the fire.”
gyro zeppeli ; bonfires & s’mores
"No no no," Gyro titters at you. "You have to smush it like this." He presses his palms together, melding gooey layers of graham cracker, scorched marshmallow, and rich milk chocolate. "The flavors have to bloom!" he continues, stressing each word as he gesticulates. "They have to bloom and grow, so you can stick it in your mouth for it explode with a big boom from the taste of it and–"
You stare at Gyro, mouth agape, as he waxes poetic about the wonders of s'mores technique. The bonfire he so skillfully built was licking its flames to the night sky, acting like it was protesting his lecture. Shadows play across his face, but you notice something amidst the embers' glow. 
"Gyro," you interrupt.
"You have chocolate on your nose."
"I do?" He swoops in to bring his face close to yours, and playfully rubs the tip of his nose against your own. "Well, so do you." 
jotaro kujo ; apple cider
Quiet mornings are always spent together, perusing the daily newspaper on the porch. Morning fog sets the scene, rolling over fireburnt foliage and quaint cottages to douse the horizon with a cozy, picturesque atmosphere. Jotaro looks across at you, deep in the headlines of today's paper. He takes note of your concentration – brows furrowed, eyes scanning, and lips parted and soft from the touch of apple cider kissed along them. His own mug is warm and steaming, with tendrils of heat unfurling to befriend the rolling fog. Eyes still on you, he lifts his mug to his mouth. He takes a moment to relish the taste – but its sweetness holds no candle to the sacred ritual of sharing his mornings with you. 
josuke higashikata ; pumpkin patch
With all the countenance of an overexcited puppy, Josuke tugs on the hem of your marigold sweater to pull you in the direction of the hayrides. He drags you over rows of pumpkins dusted with nighttime dew; vines snag your ankles as the crunch of leaves lead you to a farmtruck stuffed with bales of hay. Easy as could be, he grabs your waist and lifts you clean off your feet, settling you onto the back of the truck. The low full moon shines its favor on the both of you when you share a tender gaze. 
“Are you ready?” he asks, gently resting his hands on your knees while his cheeks bloom with blush. “As I’ll ever be,” you respond with a smile, reaching your hand out to him. He smiles back, wide and beautiful, as he takes your hand to climb aboard and join you. 
vinegar doppio/diavolo ; haunted house
Trembling like a fieldmouse at harvest, Doppio latches onto your arm. "I bet another monster is going to hop out any minute," he laments. "I can't take this!" He buries his face into your shoulder and rubs it, wiping away the tears threatening to spill. "We shouldn't have came…"
You reach up to stroke the wild pink fluorescence of Doppio’s hair while you both round a corner into a small and empty room. "They're just actors!" you say, laughing in jest. "Don't worry, I'll protect you."
All Doppio could do was quiver in the dim light of the haunted house; he whimpers and grips you tighter. "I mean… I could protect you too, you know."
"Is that so?"
You swore you could see a familiar glint in his eye. Doppio nods, and his body starts to grow larger as he does so. You lean back when you feel a heavy presence – though at this point, you supposed you were used to it. 
A muscular arm pushes you against the wall to trap you between a rock and a hard place. Who you knew as Diavolo was now pressed against you, with his arm bracing the wall to cage you in. "Oh?" says a deep voice. "What’s this?” His tone is smooth and dangerous, and the touch of his trailing hand evaporates down your cheek. "Lost in a sea of wolves, little lamb?"
diego brando ; trick or treat
“This is stupid.”
Diego huffs as he enters the room, clad in a comically oversized dinosaur suit from head to toe. "Remind me again, why am I doing this?"
In your Jurassic Park ranger costume, you giggle at the sight of Diego, who so courteously succumbed to your request. "Look at you, oh my god!" you say excitedly. "You'll be a hit at all the houses! We're gonna get so much candy, just you watch."
Diego waddles over to you, and you can practically see the scowl on his face through his getup. "I can barely breathe," he complains. "What a stupid tradition."
"It'll be fun, I promise. And you can always take off your little dino head, you know.”
No more permission is needed – he pulls it off with zero hesitation. “Done,” he says, making his way to the overflowing candy bowl in your foyer. "An hour is my absolute limit, mind you."
You follow alongside him, pouting and affectionately pinching his cheek. "Aw, Diego – a little bit longer? Please? For me?"
He picks up a miniature candy bar and tosses it in the air. With a deft hand he grabs it, then squeezes it out its wrapper, sending it flying to catch in his mouth. “Well, if it's for you I suppose I could," he says through a mouthful of sickly sweet chocolate. "Right. Let’s get on with it, then.”
giorno giovanna ; carving pumpkins
Tongue peeking out in concentration, Giorno carves into the delicate stencil pasted on his pumpkin. Ambitious as always, the pattern is intricate – inlaid with roses aplenty and labor intensive vines. The only sounds in the room are hushed breaths and the drag of carving knives ripping into the pumpkins' soft flesh. 
"How's it coming?" you ask, peering over your own pumpkin. 
"Almost there," Giorno replies, with his eyes trained on his handiwork. "How about you?
“Uh…” You take a moment to tilt your head and appraise your progress. It’s a bit jagged and roughshod, but it still retains the likeness of a classic jack o'lantern. 
Giorno scoots over in his chair and leans into your shoulder to take a peek for himself. “Looking spooky,” he says with a half grin. “I love it.”
“Thanks!” you say, as you go back to hacking into its eye. “But honestly, this part is a little tough to cut through. Do you mind giving me a hand?”
He places his hand on top of yours, grasping your keyhole saw alongside you, and presses a gentle kiss into your temple. “Allow me,” he says, melting all of your woes in one fell swoop. 
noriaki kakyoin ; apple picking
A dappling of light scatters through a grove of apple trees. The air is fresh and crisp; your baskets overflow with apples speckled in sap. The best part of it all, is getting a lift on Noriaki’s shoulders – a far better option than scrambling up wooden ladders laden with splints. 
From your perch, he runs his hands down your calves, looking up in adoration to observe as you pluck a particularly juicy looking apple. After a small wiggle to position yourself, you tug the fruit from its spot on the branch. It falls into your hand with a satisfying plop. 
“That one’s pretty big,” he notes. “Maybe we should eat that one first.” 
“A good plan, I think,” you say. You give it a quick wipe on your sleeve, then bend over so you can present it in front of his mouth. He smiles with serenity, appreciative of your offer. His eyes lock on yours as he tilts his head forward, sinking his teeth into the ripe flesh. A trickle of juice runs down the side of his mouth, and he can’t help but laugh through the burst of apple. Everything always tastes better when it's with you.
caesar zeppeli & joseph joestar ; soapmaking
The hustle and bustle of people milling around your soapmaking class was the perfect diversion for Joseph’s latest caper – which was to annoy you and Caesar. Simply put, it was business as usual.
Caesar slipped on a pair of gloves, but the looming figure behind him snatched his attention from pouring his lye. “I can see you, Jojo,” he said, looking over his shoulder in annoyance. “We can both see you.”
Your head was also turned – you were well versed enough to recognize Joseph’s ways. His face stretched in a wide, suspicious smile, and his hands remained hidden behind his back. "No need to get your eyes checked, then!” he exclaimed in a singsong voice, cheesy as ever. “Look at my two favorite lovely people, being so cute, making the best soap–” 
Caesar rolled his eyes and turned back to his work. Leaning over to you, he spoke, “If we ignore him, he just might go away.” 
“Caesar,” Joseph whined, “I’m right here! I can hear you!”
“Good,” said Caesar. 
Joseph whipped his arms from behind his back, brandishing a heart-shaped bar of soap in each hand. "Fine," he pouted. "I was going to give you two these, but since you're being so mean…" 
Your heart melted on sight. Though they looked… suspicious, to say the least, they were still a token of Joseph's affection. "That's so cute, Jojo!" you exclaimed happily. 
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," grumbled Caesar – but he couldn't even begin to hide the blush spreading across his cheeks.
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filmofhybe · 9 months
corn on a cob
🌽 pairing : park jeongseong x oc 💌 GENRE : fluff 700 wc
warning : food , kissing , sharing food
; AUTHORS NOTE : day 13 of “24 days of Christmas with filmfohybe” is almost Christmas🥹 I got a corn on a cob at my town’s Christmas market and thought about jay. And I’m going to london tmr!! I’m so excited. Now let’s get to it.
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The air was crisp, filled with the enchanting aroma of roasted chestnuts and the lively sounds of a Christmas market. Jay and I strolled hand in hand, surrounded by twinkling lights and the joyful hum of festive music. The atmosphere was magical, and I couldn't help but feel a warm excitement bubbling within me.
As we wandered through the market, Jay's eyes lit up when he spotted a stall selling corn on the cob. He nudged me playfully, "You know, I've been craving one of those sweet and smoky corns. What do you say baby? Can I get it?” , “of course let’s go get them!” I grinned in agreement, and we joined the line, anticipation building as we inched closer to the delicious buttery aroma. Finally, we got our hands on one steaming cobs, adorned with a generous slathering of butter and a sprinkle of seasoning. The first bite was a burst of flavors—sweetness, smokiness, and the rich taste of butter that made my taste buds dance.
Jay and I took turns nibbling on the corn, sharing laughter and playful banter. “Right stop taking big ass bites this is literally my favorite!” “EXCUSE ME? I want it as well..” As I bit into the corn, a small smudge of butter found its way to the corner of my mouth. Jay's eyes twinkled mischievously as he reached over, his thumb gently wiping away the errant butter. I couldn't help but blush at the intimate gesture under the soft glow of Christmas lights. “Jay don’t do that..” my face is now probably redder than Rudolph the red nose reindeer.
A subtle, sweet taste lingered on my lips, a combination of the strawberry lip balm I had applied earlier and the buttery goodness of the corn. Jay leaned in, his lips meeting mine in a tender kiss. It was a moment suspended in time, surrounded by the festive ambiance of the Christmas market. Smiling into the lovely kiss.
"Mmm, maybe strawberry lip balm and butter should be a lip balm scent or even flavor," Jay suggested with a playful smirk, his eyes still locked onto mine. I chuckled, enjoying the light-hearted exchange as we continued to share the corn on the cob. “Uh I don’t think anyone would like that…” “I will though. Taste exactly like the two things I love..”
We explored the market further, weaving through stalls adorned with handmade ornaments, festive decorations, and the sweet scent of hot chocolate wafting through the air. The vibrant colors of the holiday season surrounded us, creating a picturesque backdrop for our shared moments. The market's carousel beckoned us, and we decided to take a whirl on its ornate horses. The melodies of classic Christmas tunes filled the air as we circled under a canopy of twinkling lights. Jay held me close beside me. Holding my waist as he watches me with a darling smile and the world seemed to slow down as we enjoyed the simple joy of the moment.
As the night deepened, the market came alive with an even more magical glow. The towering Christmas tree at the center of the square sparkled with countless lights, and couples danced to the tunes of a live band. Jay and I found a cozy spot on a bench, wrapped in each other's warmth, watching the festivities unfold. Him secretly taking candid pictures of me as I ate my cotton candy.
The air was filled with love and laughter, and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect Christmas experience. With a contented sigh, I leaned against Jay, grateful for the simple pleasures shared on this festive night—the sweet and smoky corn on the cob, the stolen kisses under Christmas lights, and the warmth of love that made the holiday season truly magical.
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manjiroscum · 2 years
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Character/s: Ran Haitani, Manjiro Sano, Kakucho, Seishu Inui, & Ken Ryuguji.
Warnings: gn!reader, Valentine's Day shenanigans, suggestive themes, just hearts day headcanons for these men, too much chocolate, and fluff. Minors do not interact.
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Gives you the best chocolate in the market. Of course, he would.
Would make them himself if he had the time. Or if he isn’t so lazy.
Takes pride in his tastes.
He doesn’t care if he goes overboard or if the chocolate is expensive. Ran would rather shoot himself than give you cheap chocolate, even if you don’t mind.
One time, he gave you a box of chocolates from Belgium because Rindou told him they make delicious chocolates.
Although he gave them to you, Ran eats them more than you do. Expect him to use them during sexy time, because he can.
Watched Emma make them on Valentine’s Day. Would rather eat than help.
He isn’t a big fan of chocolate, though.
Mikey is banned from the kitchen for a reason. Storebought chocolates are what he gives you most of the time.
He tried to make you homemade chocolates which ended up melting before he could give them to you.
May not be a fan of chocolate, but likes them with almonds or nuts. He likes the crunchy texture.
Also, he likes to kiss you while you eat chocolates because you taste much sweeter than usual. He can also use that opportunity to dirty your face and outfit so that he’ll have the excuse to undress you.
Kakucho makes the best chocolates, better than those sold at stores.
He will readily make them before Valentine’s Day. He’s stealthy enough that you wouldn’t notice he bought ingredients the day before.
Unbeknownst to you, he keeps practicing weeks before Valentine’s.
He distracts you with other things and makes you sleep early so he can prepare.
Kakucho knows your tastes and doesn’t want to fail. He loves the compliments you throw at him whenever he cooks or bakes.
Izana sometimes asks Kakucho for tips or watches his friend. Kakucho would often blush at Izana’s teasing.
Inupi is not bad at romance, but he isn’t the romantic type. He is blunt and doesn’t lie to you if he failed to give you chocolates because Valentine’s Day wasn’t something he celebrated until you came into his life.
Koko would merely shake his head at his friend for failing to surprise you at times.
Don’t worry, though. He makes it up to you after Valentine’s Day or later in the evening.
Leave it up to Kokonoi to suggest something as bizarre as chocolate-flavored condoms.
Inupi, who is still guilty of not preparing himself, buys you flowers the next day.
Your boyfriend swears he will try harder next time, adorably presenting you with the bouquet he got.
Draken may act oblivious or uncaring towards Valentine’s Day, but don’t be fooled.
Inside, he is panicking over what he should give you in celebration of hearts day.
Poor Draken gets laughed at by Mikey. Yet, he is too engrossed in reading a girl’s magazine in hopes he will find the perfect answer to his problems.
After hours of deliberating, he buys you strawberry-flavored chocolates and a stuffed bear.
You try to get him to take some of the chocolate, hoping to share them with Draken. But he isn’t too keen on sweets.
After dinner, he calls for you to sit beside him on the couch. Just this once, he will subject himself to watching some sappy romance film with you. You couldn’t be happier.
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🎐taglist: @riszu @ranilingus @wakaslut @festive @marism @wakasa-wifey @zuuki @stffychn @keijisprettygirl @cryptred @tobidabio @leavemealonebutinpink @dottores @kamisoria @tokyometronetwork @chloee0x0 @bunnyjiros @emissaire @chronic-claire-universe @saecore
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asukamood · 2 months
Autumn and winter (Augwin)
Maybe the ao3 author curse is real.
Warnings: Low self-esteem
Synopsis: Augustine Orlov was the most amazing person Winnie Bosko ever had the chance to meet, that much was clear to the young boy.
He was everything that Winnie was not.
He was everything that Winnie wanted to be.
Augustine always reminded him of Fall.
Augustine Orlov was the most amazing person Winnie Bosko ever had the chance to meet, that much was clear to the young boy.
He was everything that Winnie was not.
He was everything that Winnie wanted to be.
Augustine always reminded him of Fall.
His eyes matched the changing colors of the falling leaves, a dark amber but turning to a beautiful hue of gold when the sun shined. They even reminded him of the setting sun some days, a relieving sight to see after a long day.
Augustine was the cool breeze that everyone was waiting for after the unbearably warm days of summer. Cool, so you would not suffocate from his warmth but not cold, so you would not feel uncomfortable by the frost.
He was going apple picking after being trapped at home with the air conditioning working overtime or being stuck at the beach or anywhere with water to avoid melting from the rays of the sun. Spending time with him was like finding the best apple of the bunch and making a delicious pie with your friends and family to share later.
He was the same as excitedly talking about Halloween, feeling overjoyed as your costume, no matter how silly, was delivered to your porch that very morning and running to your parents to tell them that Halloween was finally coming.
He was the same fun as picking out the best looking pumpkins in the market as you go shopping with your mother before trying, most times than not failing, to carve out a scary face and putting a light inside the pumpkin as you used whatever you took out of it to make another delicious pumpkin-flavored dessert.
He was the anticipation and excitement you felt as you walked down the street, illuminated in all corners by a dim orange hue, hand in hand with your family before ultimately pointing at a nearby house.
His smile was the same you would wear as you yell out “Trick or Treat!” before handing your pumpkin-shaped bag to your disguised neighbor, staring intently as they laughed and blessed you with a handful of chocolate and sweets.
Waiting for him to arrive always felt like looking forward to camping with your best friends, away from the noises of the city and the nagging of teachers, laughing as you told each other scary stories while holding marshmallows to be cooked on a campfire.
His messy hair reminded Winnie of the way his friends and he would always wake up from such particuliar sleepovers in odd sleeping positions or with leaves in their hair. He could still not forget the time they all freaked out and basically destroyed their camp because one of his friends found a spider crawling in his hair.
After he moved to this new snowy city, away from the friends and memories he left behind, Winnie was miserable, always longing for these days to be back.
But ever since he met Augustine Orlov, Winnie had not been as miserable as he used to be. Instead of grieving over the lost days with his former friends, he wondered what kind of adventures he and Augustine could go on.
He suggested they go camping together once, he was still waiting for his answer. Regardless of his answer though, Winnie knew that he would have had fun anyway.
In autumn, you always find something to do when you are bored.
Whether it be fun like jumping into freshly made piles of fallen amber leaves and being reprimanded by your parents as you watched the decomposing face of whoever worked on that pile, or something more reasonable like sharing a barbecue with your neighbors, there was always something to do with Augustine.
This boy did not have the word boring in his vocabulary!
You could never get lost with him, because as the helpful breeze did in Fall, he would always guide you back to the right path. Augustine was always cool when he needed to be, but he could also be as warm as the sun.
Winnie remembered how warm his hands were when he guided him back home.
It was truly a shame that he was never able to be this way.
Winnie Bosko was always the opposite of Augustine Orlov.
Winnie was like winter, the season of death.
After having fun in autumn outside because of the cool weather, you were now stuck at home in winter, shivering and freezing as you prayed for your radiator to warm you up, as you sadly looked at the rising price of your electricity bills.
Forget about the gorgeous outfits you could wear in autumn; you were now restrained to putting as many layers as humanly possible to avoid freezing death. It was hard to move and harder for the people around you not to laugh because of the way you looked like a stuffed ravioli.
The beautiful sight of the golden falling leaves gone, trees were now completely stripped of their armor as the harsh dropping temperatures, so typical of winter, started showing face.
Gone were the social gatherings with your neighbors, gone were your outings with your friends, gone were your random travels across the city. It was too cold to do anything.
Forget about the cool breeze of autumn carrying you to unfamiliar places to explore, winter was when the story ended. If you were lost, you could neither count on Winnie or winter to show you the way back. On the contrary, winter covered both the path ahead and your tracks with thick snow that crunched uncomfortably beneath your boots.
The snow made everything look the same, making you feel even more lost and alone in this pristine white meadow that showed you nothing but loneliness and desolation.
The plants could not live in this condition, so they withered and died. The animals could not move around freely to chase for food, so they went to hibernate. The humans could not stand the cold, so they hid in their homes.
No one wanted to keep company to winter, that was understandable.
But the lonelier the winter, the harsher the snowstorms and wind.
Winnie would bawl like a newborn and push anyone that came close to him away. He would fight and cry if you tried to force him somewhere with lots of people. And if you had the misfortune to try and fix his problems by any other means, he would retaliate.
Even if you put in the effort to try your hand at cultivating during the winter, you would not collect any fruits. Some crops were destroyed by the snow, making famine rage.
Winter was a season of deep sadness, mourning and death.
Which was maybe why so many people looked gloomy, reflecting the weather.
Which was maybe why it was snowing when Winnie had all his friends and hometown taken away from him overnight.
Which was maybe why it was during the winter that Winnie broke his leg.
Which was maybe why it was during the winter that Augustine left him on the floor unconscious.
For ages, Winnie was convinced that Augustine was immune to winter’s effect because he reminded him so much of Fall. But when he saw Augustine gradually look more miserable the longer he spent with Winnie, he realized that perhaps he did not.
Perhaps Augustine did hate Winnie’s whiny nature too. He could not blame him for that.
Winter always, without exception, followed Fall.
However, it failed to ask if that was okay with autumn.
So, Winnie let Augustine go.
If Augustine did not have to deal with the mourning and death that winter represented, perhaps he would be happier.
For all winter knew, autumn could have hated it since the beginning.
But that was incorrect, just like how autumn could never hate winter, Augustine could not hate Winnie either.
The two could agree on the fact Winnie resembled winter but that was about it.
Winnie viewed the snow as a terrible thing, Augustine did not. This pristine white blanket only reminded him of the initial displeasing feeling of frost on his skin before you molded the frost into great memories, just like how he has been building snowmen with his folks ever since he was little.
Winter was the end of the barbecues and the camping, but it was also the beginning of skiing and skating.
It was the beginning of freely waltzing and spinning in a meadow of ice and snow, surrounded by friends. It was the beginning of watching your friends and family faceplant on the floor, laughing before you even asked if they were okay and helping them up.
It was the beginning of going traveling to a warm chalet in the mountains and admiring the spectacular show of the falling snowflakes.
It was the beginning of laying at home, covered in a warm blanket and sipping on a steaming cup of hot chocolate as you watched a movie with your parents.
It was the excitement of preparing snacks for Santa and waking up the next morning, hoping for good presents and, for the most ambitious, to catch the flashy old man red-handed.
It was the anticipation and joy of ripping your presents open as your parents watched with a smile, knowing fully well that they manipulated you into telling them what you wanted as a present under the guise of telling Santa, so they did not have to think about it too hard.
It was also the time when everyone would be fighting over who got to keep Grandma’s fluffy homemade blankets as the latter cackled like a Disney supervillain, having planned this chaos in retaliation for dropping the pastry she made with love last Christmas.
Augustine found winter fun, regardless of its caprices and inconveniences.
Or at least, that was until its caprices began to intensify.
But he did love winter, he just needed it to calm down.
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🐼 + Josie Sparrow?
Thanks so much for this!! Also gonna tag the rest of the Descendants gang, @ginger-grimm, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @auxiliarydetective, and @ginevrastilinski-ocs!! <3
Would they consider going onto a game/talent show on TV? If so, which one have they always had in mind?: Probably not, if only because she knows she wouldn’t be able to resist cheating a little bit and would get herself kicked off.
Have they ever done something stupid to try and impress someone?: Josie definitely does a lot of things that are objectively stupid or dangerous in order to impress Evie once she develops a crush on her. Several of them result in injury, but that does not make her regret them or stop her from doing them.
Something they collect: Basically any and all rocks that she finds and thinks are pretty; she shares her father’s love for random little shinies.
Their theme song: “America’s Sweetheart” by Elle King.
If they get sick easily or not: Her immune system isn’t exactly weak, but given that she hasn’t been out on the wild sea like her dad for most of her life, it’s definitely not as strong compared to his.
Their go-to destination for a day trip: Anywhere kind of exciting where she’s never been before, whether that’s a cool open air market or going on a hike to a hidden waterfall.
If they've ever worked a summer job, what was it was: Given that she lives year-round at Auradon Prep, she does have a long-lasting summer position scooping cones at an ice cream parlour just a few streets over from the school, which she’s had since freshman year.
Last year's Halloween costume: She went dressed as a horrifying ghost, covered in fake blood and pale face paint and wearing a torn Victorian nightgown, mostly because she knew the filthily bloody sight would piss Audrey off.
Their go-to flavor for anything: Chocolate. She’s got a massive sweet tooth.
Is there one thing they always manage to break no matter what? What is it?: Her shoelaces. She always manages to tie them in such ridiculous knots that they break whenever she actually tries to untie them.
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send me 🐼 + an oc!!
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mariacallous · 3 months
My mom grew up in New York and went on the hunt for the perfect babka she remembered from the Jewish delis and bakeries that used to be all over the city. Now there are barely any great bakeries left, so, other than perfecting her golf game, she enjoys retirement by experimenting in the kitchen. 
If you don’t know, babka is a beloved cake with Eastern European roots, made famous by a “Seinfeld” episode at Zabar’s Market in New York. This babka is the one that consistently generates rave reviews from all of our family for its irresistible combination of rich chocolate and other indulgent flavors, and I love that we can honor my mom this Mother’s Day by sharing her original recipe with you.
This recipe makes approximately three babkas in 9” loaf pans. Bake one or all three at once or store extra dough in the freezer, defrosted, and then baked off individually.
This recipe has 3 components: the dough, the filling and the topping. I recommend making the dough first and, while that rises, making the other components.
I use a stand mixer, but you can also use a large bowl with a hand mixer plus some hand kneading.
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fionarara · 1 year
nonni all caps ?? for hipster kenma ?? i thought this idea was an incredibly niche thing in my odd brain which would legit get like zero interaction, i straight up wrote it mostly for myself, so this is a v pleasant surprise (T▽T) also, this got longer than expected, but since you requested it with such enthusiasm, i wanted to add in a little extra detail as a treat for you ♡
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+ hipster ! kenma . pt. 2 .
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(+ part 1 ⇢)
+ hipster ! kenma who feeds his hairless sphynx cat gluten-free food, because he wouldn’t feed his cat a certain diet that he isn’t also on himself
+ hipster ! kenma who thinks much of the fashion industry’s antics are ridiculous for being so overpriced (and that some of their practices can be harmful to the environment), but will drop $375 bucks at a carefully curated, high-end, second-hand designer fashion shop in the arts district on a fresh pair of black jeans, ones that already come pre-ripped and are conveniently labeled as having a 'distressed' look. so edgy. clearly, who needs logical pricing when you can pay a premium to look like you've been through a barbed wire fence? + hipster ! kenma dislikes coffee, because not only is it so acidic on the PH scale, the entire culture surrounding the popular brew (–and yes, he really did call coffee, “the popular brew” when explaining this to you) is so aggressive in prevalent society, as it seemingly promotes an inherent overly capitalist mindset that is so patriarchal. instead, he opts for ~matcha with lion’s mane extract~ for better concentration and whenever he needs a pick-me-up. besides, he prefers things being more chill and calm anyway, and coffee makes him feel too jittery and whacked out + hipster ! kenma doesn’t actually have the best grasp on crypto or stock trading, but from believing and claiming he did, got yaku involved in also investing in that one reddit gamestop stock with him. unfortunately, due to a bad call of not pulling the shares out in time, they lost a considerable amount of money. L. but as short-tempered as yaku used to be, he’s mellowed-out in his older years and only blames himself in the end for even listening to hipster kenma in the first place. anyway it’s cool–when yaku came to visit town from russia, he got taken out by hipster kenma for an evening of partying, all drinks and party drugs on him, as a sort of apology for the risky financial loss—the night ended with the both of them on the floor crying together from reminiscing about past memories and ‘the good ole days’, sheesh + hipster ! kenma who sometimes seems like he hates you, but gets a bit of a kick out of you bringing it up, because whenever you do, he gets to playfully remind you he’s just in resting mode or deep in thought by making the same joke every time, “that’s just my cunty cat face” + hipster ! kenma who is prone to getting some pretty gnarly anxiety at times, so he takes these 15mg edible marijuana gummies to chill himself out. his favorite flavor of THC gummy bear from the packet you gifted him, and which he now regularly takes, is salted caramel and dark chocolate + hipster ! kenma will drag you to see an arthouse docufilm about the music history of video games with modular synthesizers, etc. at this little blackbox theater, complaining that those big blockbuster movie chains are ripping you off by charging way too much for mainstream crap, but then he proceeds to overpay for an overpriced, organic, effervescent, raw kombucha drink once you arrive at the little indie theater (he definitely thinks buying soda at the movie theater is beneath him, “the way i see it, if you want a soda at least make it, like, an actual appropriate setting, go to a carnival and have it with a corn dog.”)
+ hipster ! kenma loves street food. will take you to the local art walk/night market festivals once a month, fascinated by tasting all the different street food vendors and scoping out the community art scene, he’ll even end up treating you with a tasty treat every time from one of the booths. although he doesn’t particularly love overly sweet things, he will especially eat any sweetly-glazed savory snack that comes on a stick. one thing about him that you’ve come to appreciate though is that he doesn’t just gobble down his food, no, hipster kenma actually enjoys taking the time to savor what he consumes while giving insightful commentary on the food’s flavoring, etc. + hipster ! kenma who DIYs…many things, because he figures, let’s be honest, other people can’t be relied upon to make things correctly, not by his standards. especially when it comes to his computer, which of course he built himself: it has a fully transparent case so you can see right through to the whole display of all dazzling gear and deco inside of it, and in his words it had to be, “a state of the art custom loop with full liquid cooling”. you admit the inner flashing lights are pretty and the computer is definitely so decked out, that it's for sure one of the coolest things you’ve ever seen.
+ hipster ! kenma kinda has this weird thing that if he didn’t think of a cool idea for his twitch stream first after seeing it from another popular streamer, then he acts like it’s kinda inherently stupid, mentions how blasé it is to you and his friends, even if deep down he does find the idea interesting or appealing and probably, most definitely, would’ve adopted it himself 
+ hipster ! kenma who can oftentimes hold the belief that adopting a cynical and pessimistic outlook on life makes one more intelligent and analytical, even more sophisticated or enhances his overall cleverness of mind, sad + hipster ! kenma is hot. okay. in such an understated way, which all the more makes him hotter, though he’s not fully aware of his own appeal, or perhaps only mildly—actually attracts a fair amount of bitches when he goes out to the dive bars or local music shows, ones who aren’t intimidated by his sort of mysterious appearance or superior demeanor which is bound to come off a little pretentious, but in truth, he’s actually a bit insecure and shy about being approached so often and therefore tends to stay pretty silent when that happens, unsure of how to fully deal/cope with someone who is being so direct about their interest in him. ultimately prefers the slow get-to-know-you burn when it comes to any romance: a friends first, lovers later kind of thing + hipster ! kenma is incredibly observant, especially in social situations and mostly prefers to just take everything in, only speaking when he has something truly poignant to say … or when an opportunity strikes to completely, calmly, eviscerate someone’s inane or ignorant opinion, delivering a point so smooth, he’ll crush their shitty take all in a such a demure, cool, collected and resolute manner to the point where the dumbass person in question doesn’t even know they’ve been schooled and insulted by him until the roar of jeers and laughter from the surrounding crowd are heckling the unbeknownst fool, sick burn hipster kenma + hipster ! kenma only dares to wear brighter colors when at the beach and the item of clothing is a hoodie (proclaims it’s a light and breathable one though sooo he’s not sure what everyone is making such a fuss over when you, hinata, kuroo and the rest of your beach crew kick up some sand towards him while chiming in unison to urge him to, “take it off! we’re by the ocean, bruh!”) – the brightest colors of those hoodies ever worn at the beach are either a pale mustard, burnt amber, or white with possible cool textile designs. not only that, but he’ll stick to the shade beneath the large beach parasol playing on his nintendo switch, because listen, he isn’t about to get skin cancer on account of the toxic chemicals they put in sunscreen these days just so he can catch some rays (which of course, the sun could also give one cancer) + hipster ! kenma has these annoyingly long pretty dark lashes which are framed so nicely by his non-prescription clear frame glasses, and every so often you will playfully grumble to him about how unfair that is, since he’s a boy and doesn’t even care that he’s got them, then proceed to joke by asking him to give you some of those lashes since he doesn’t in fact need all of them for looks. he’ll respond by lightly chuckling and referencing that one Clockwork Orange film scene where the main character’s eyes are forced to remain horrifically clamped open, slyly suggesting, “if you can manage to get me in a position like that, then and only then, can you have them” but don’t bother, he continues, because you’ll never get past him~~ + hipster ! kenma who, no matter what he seems like on the surface, you know in the end that he’s undeniably ride or die for his friends, 10/10 will always always have their back, willingly giving them a hand without making a big deal of it + hipster ! kenma shelled out quite a hefty price on his ‘Beats by Dre’ headphones, even though as a self-proclaimed audiophile he knows they’re nowhere near being the best on the market, only bought them for the clout, and walks around town wearing them or for his twitch streams + hipster ! kenma secretly cries to bon iver, sufjan stevens, james blake, ryuichi sakamoto, erykah badu, nick cave and portishead when he’s alone + hipster ! kenma watches a looot of documentaries 
+ hipster ! kenma owns this cat shirt ↴ doesn’t wear it out in public though, only to bed, and has had it so long it’s already starting to fray at the sleeves and shoulder's seams:
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lumine-no-hikari · 22 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #260
Today, M, J and I went together to a place called Samascott's Garden Market. We went there because yesterday, I tried looking up when concord grapes would be available for picking at Samascott Orchards. They don't have dates for the grapes yet. But!! They did have a link to their garden market! And while I was there, I discovered that they have weirdly flavored ice cream!!!
M and J both LOVE ice cream. I don't like normal ice cream flavors so much, simply because my body interprets cold as intense physical pain. But I do like weird ice cream flavors!! So today, we decided to go!
And, indeed, they had some weird flavors available!!! Check 'em out!!!
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I decided to get their 6-flavor flight! It was 6 slightly-smaller-than-normal scoops of ice cream in a little boat-shaped dish! The flavors I selected were, in order from top to bottom, left to right - black raspberry, queen of hearts, strawberry, banana, pumpkin chip, and lavender!
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Naturally, I shared some of these with J. I didn't share it with M because he only likes normal ice cream flavors that aren't fruity; he only likes mint, chocolate, peanut butter, or pastry-flavored ice cream, and none of these fit the bill. In fact, he vehemently dislikes flavors such as banana, pumpkin, and lavender. But that's okay! All's it means is that if someone tries to foist pumpkin ice cream upon him, I get to save him from it!! Ahahaha~!
...Hey, Sephiroth? I know you were really sad that one time about not getting to have pumpkin soup. Do you like pumpkin-flavored things in general? Or do you only like pumpkin soup? I'm curious. Pumpkin is one of my favorite foods; I like it in just about anything, because it's one of the most versatile squashes there is. So I wondered if this is something we have in common. If it's something we have in common, maybe I'll send along some of my favorite pumpkin teas, if I ever meet any of those very important people again. Maybe I'll even remember to grab up a Japanese copy of a book called The Neverending Story for you, too, and send that along...
Well anyway. This "garden market" had a whole lot more than just ice cream, so... as I'm sure you expected, I took a lot of pictures for you! Here!
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Of course, there was more than just super fancy pretty bowls! There were also snacks!
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...And I WANTED them!!!!!!!
...But like I said last time I got a new tea against my better judgment (because I am running out of counter and cabinet space to store them...), I need a new tea like I need an additional hole in my skull. But that's okay!!! I can try one of these once I run out of a few boxes of what I already have!! It'll be good!!
The garden market also had a greenhouse! I took pictures there, too:
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Their store had a few other odds and ends, too:
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...And I found two black feathers. One of them has a slightly blue iridescent tinge to it:
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...You can bet that these ended up in my box of feathers. I have... goodness... A LOT of pretty black feathers now. I seem to find them everywhere.
I also got a couple nice pictures of the landscape on the way home, and a picture of a bird-of-prey, too:
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...And that's all I have for you for today. In part because I ran out of things to tell you about, and in part because I have to be in bed within the next 20 minutes; tomorrow, I'm getting up at 5:15am to bring J to Great Barrington once more. Maybe I'll try to find my GoPro so I can strap it to my forehead... get a video for you and stick it on YouTube so you can see how beautiful the drive is, in real time...
...I haven't... I haven't used my GoPro since the rib injury prevented me from doing my mermaid training; I'm not entirely sure where in the house it even is, anymore. Or whether or not it's charged, sheesh. But, you know! I still have all the footage I did take, back when I could still do that. You'll find it over here; maybe you'll like it...
I love you - lots and lots. So please stay safe out there as you do whatever over at the Edge of Creation, okay? Hopefully my voice reaches you and makes it so you're a little less lonely out there.
I'll write again tomorrow. Be good. Don't get killed. Promise me.
Your friend, Lumine
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roboticchibitan · 1 year
A Cottage Witch and her Dragon 18
(You can read the rest of this story on AO3 here)
It was Monday again, and Serenity was feeling a little blue about the endless weekly cycle of her life. Usually, this didn't bother her. Living a simple life where not much changed besides her daily conversations with her neighbors was usually comforting. Perhaps she was blue about something else, and it was making living a simple life a bit difficult when usually it was a comfort.
Serenity sat at her booth and shivered. Spring was here, but the mornings were still cold. Serenity had been at the market since early morning, setting up long before any of the shops in Valley Commons' market square had opened.
Around nine that morning, Serenity noticed some people loitering outside Maury's chocolate shop. Slowly, more and more people started to gather, forming something like a haphazard queue outside. Serenity saw Liz and Lucy in the line, Lucy chatting excitedly at anyone who happened to be within earshot. Serenity smiled at this, feeling fondness for her little neighbor well up within her.
Serenity and Maury were friendly. Perhaps they weren't good friends, but they enjoyed each other's occasional company either in Serenity's cottage or Maury's apartment above the chocolate shop, drinking tea together and chatting about magic, or their respective business ventures. Dragon looked forward to each visit with unparalleled excitement. He was convinced Marcus, Maury's snake familiar, was the coolest being on the planet.
Serenity hadn't talked to Maury lately, so she wasn't sure what was up, but she figured it he had either advertised a sale, or a new flavor of chocolate. He often rotated the chocolate flavors he offered, and every time there was a new flavor or a returning favorite, a line formed around the building. Serenity would have to hope there was still chocolate left when she closed up shop for the day.
At ten o'clock exactly, James, the young clerk for Maury's Chocolate Shop, opened the door and placed a sign outside that loudly proclaimed "NEW FLAVOR TRY OUR TENDERNESS CHOCOLATE." Then he gestured for the first people in line to enter the shop and went back inside.
The day continued to pass by. Serenity chatted with some of her regulars. Even if they didn't have any intention of buying something that day, this was how news and ideas were spread in Valley Commons. The people were all connected by many things.
Some of these things were bigger, such as social class, shared religion, or shared beliefs. But the important things were smaller. All of the children who ran around the neighborhood had a connection to the man who sold roasted nuts. He gave them his unsold leftovers, because he was a kind man and he saw his own children in their eyes. Poverty makes generosity one of the greatest virtues.
Serenity could see the web of connections between people, if she concentrated. And this web told her that no one was unimportant, and everyone should be treated with kindness and respect, because everyone is connected to every other single person by their shared humanity. This was the first part of the web her teacher had taught her to see.
Even people Serenity considered cruel and unkind had this connection, though sometimes it was less strong. But Serenity's teacher had told her something very wise. Her teacher had not been nurturing, but she was still a very kind person, in her own way. And the wisdom she passed onto Serenity was this: humanity is something we bring out in each other. When you are suffering, and your friend comes to comfort you, you have brought out the humanity in them. For some people, it is very hard to draw this out, and sometimes it takes an unfortunately long time to find the last glimmer of humanity left in a person, but it is there. It's always there, if you look hard enough.
Serenity's teacher had passed on another piece of wisdom, but this one was harder for Serenity to swallow.
"Serenity," she had said. "You've lost your family, and I'm not the kind of person that can give you a family again. You are suffering and lonely. It's natural for you to find a way to cope with all this. There's a part of you that wants to make sure no one ever hurts like you're hurting ever again. And there's a part of you that thinks 'if I suffer, why shouldn't everyone else suffer?' You have a choice in which path you want to take. This is the point where someone becomes kind, or they become cruel.
But it's important to remember this moment, because it will help you when confronted with cruel people down the road. You need to really take to heart that you could become cruel, and that if you did, you would be cruel because you are suffering. You have me to guide you, but if someone else lost their family, and they did not have a wholesome person to guide them, they could easily become cruel.
The source of cruelty is always suffering. It doesn't mean we forgive the cruelty; it means we have compassion for the suffering, but we do not have to forgive to have this compassion. Remember that, when you meet someone who barely has any humanity left in them. They may be cruel, they may be unforgivable, but they got there because they are still suffering, and you could easily have been in their place if you had lived their life instead of yours."
Serenity understood this lesson, but it was still hard sometimes to find that compassion in herself. And sometimes she plain didn't want to. But she did her best, because she had learned the hard way that compassion wasn't for the other person, it was for her. Perhaps your compassion will never reach the other person, but when you are angry or hate a person, that eats you up inside and causes you to suffer too. So even if she had to force herself, she always looked for a reason to feel compassion towards people, even as she actively fought back against their cruelty or refused to forgive them. You can have compassion without forgiveness. You can have compassion while actively working to prevent someone from causing harm. Some days she was better at it than others.
Serenity's reminiscence was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Liz and Lucy.
"Serenity! We got you chocolate!" Lucy ran up to her and held out a little package.
"Thank you!" Serenity said, taking the chocolate from her and smiling up at them both from where she was sitting.
"We know you'll be stuck at your stall all day, so we got you one of the new tenderness chocolates," Liz said, returning her smile. "It's... very good."
Serenity noticed the pause, but didn't say anything.
"It's good! It made me feel soft," said Lucy, suddenly bashful.
"Soft is a good feeling," Serenity smiled at her.
"Eat it! Eat it!"
"Lucy, Serenity has to work. She might want to eat it when she gets home, so she can savor it." Liz turned to Serenity. "You might want to eat it in private. It made me cry."
"Thank you for the warning," Serenity said, her heart squeezing with excitement.
She was definitely looking forward to this new experience. Serenity might not be romantic, but romance is not the only thing that can make us feel tenderness, and she was excited to see what tenderness the chocolate could draw out of her.
The anticipation of going home and trying a new thing made the day exciting. Some of the market-goers that stopped by her booth had tried the chocolate, and they all had different things to say about it.
Mrs Cuttle, the wife of the leather worker who rented a stall across from Serenity, stopped by to compliment the shawl Serenity had made for her as part of a commission from her husband. She mentioned she had tried the chocolate, and Serenity, with eager anticipation, asked what it was like.
"Oh, it's really something else," Mrs Cuttle said of the chocolate. "It goes deep down inside you and shows you things you hadn't thought of in so long. So many little memories. It's a wonderful thing. Maury is doing wonderful things for this community."
"It's amazing," another market wanderer said. "It makes you feel so full and soft."
Every person Serenity asked about the chocolate strengthened her excitement to try this chocolate. She didn't feel like she was lacking anything by not being romantic, but tenderness is so often only associated with romantic love and parental love, and Serenity didn't have either of those to feel. So she was intensely curious what the chocolate would show her.
Finally, evening came and Serenity packed up her teas and handmade items. The table and chair she used stayed with the booth so the other person who rented this booth on Tuesdays and Thursdays could use it. Serenity was glad she didn't have to figure out a way to take them home. All she needed to bring all her wares to market was use a backpack she had put a shrinking enchantment on, but you can only use it for things small enough to fit through the opening of the backpack.
Arriving home after a long day of anticipation, Serenity threw her backpack haphazardly onto her chair and rummaged around in it until she found the chocolate. Dragon, who had stayed home all day as he often did, was laying in his bed next to the fireplace, where coals still glowed. Serenity had recently taught him how to keep the fire going, and she suspected he aided the fire a little bit with magic, because there was a faint cloud of magic around the coals.
"Guess what!" She told him.
Dragon's ears perked up, and he lazily opened one eye. A sleepy questioning sensation came from him.
"Maury has a new chocolate flavor!"
Dragon sent a feeling of "that's nice" that didn't hide his indifference. After all, dragons cannot eat chocolate without getting sick. So why should he care?
"You're no fun."
Dragon sent a feeling of "yeah, so what?" His sass was never ending.
"Fine, fine. You keep sleeping. I want to try this chocolate!"
All she got was a huff in response.
Serenity looked at the chocolate. She hadn't bothered to ask what flavor it was. It was apparently enough of an experience that none of her customers had thought to mention this simple detail, either.
Serenity took her bite. A dark chocolate shell broke, and a soft, sweet and salty caramel gushed through the cracks. The caramel didn't have the odd aftertaste some caramels have. It was soft and the salt perfectly accented the sweetness. It was absolutely delicious.
The magic didn't take long. First, Serenity felt something welling up from deep, deep within her. Her heart squeezed and her chest and belly felt warm. There was a softness to it, as it came up from within and spread through her entire body, heart, and mind. It was gentle and yet fierce, a feeling of love that makes you soft for others and hard against anyone who would hurt them.
Mrs Roberts unexpectedly popped into her mind. Serenity thought of a secret she kept. Serenity's joint tea was made for effect rather than taste, so it had an odd flavor that Mr Roberts didn't like. So Mrs Roberts secretly paid Serenity extra to put cinnamon and hibiscus in large amounts into the tea. Mr Roberts had no idea he was getting custom blended tea.
The tenderness of it overwhelmed her. She thought of the expression of love on Mrs Robert's face when she came to pick up the tea, and of the gentleness Serenity herself felt, when faced with a secret born out of love that had lasted decades.
She realized she was feeling a gentle tenderness, as if Mrs Robert's love had inspired a bit of love in Serenity's own heart for the elderly couple. Serenity wasn't as close to them, but she thought of their neighborly practice of popping by to borrow a few eggs for a recipe, and the nice evenings she had spent with them. Her heart squeezed. She did love these people, and that love inspired a red hot fierceness, and also a gentle softness.
Dragon stirred, catching Serenity's attention, and suddenly it was his turn to inspire this tenderness. Serenity thought back to getting his spirit egg, and how it had taken her a month to get it to hatch, but how worth it it was to have him there with her. He was so precious to her. She often took him for granted, because he was always with her and had just become a fact of life.
But looking at him now, she was filled with wonder. Wonder that he existed. Wonder that she would never be alone again. Wonder at this little life, still learning about the world at such a fast pace. She felt overwhelming warmth blossom in her chest. This little life, so small and yet so big, was so precious to her. She didn't know how to live without him. She prayed she would never have to learn. For him, her tenderness felt like caring for a small life that depended on her, and made her feel like she would do anything to protect him, and even more to make sure he was able to live a happy life.
Serenity looked around her cottage, and suddenly the web of connections that was The Great Soul Of All Things became visible to her. It was clear why the magic had shown her this. Almost everything in this room had some connection to Granny Thomas.
Granny. Serenity had been without family from the time she was sixteen, until she moved into this cottage two years ago. Granny barged into her cottage to check out the new neighbor, and instinctively knew "this is a person who needs love." And Granny was someone who loved with a vengeance.
Serenity's chest squeezed again, and she felt such fierce love that reached deep, deep inside her. Down to her core, Serenity loved this old witch who had walked into her life and refused to leave. Granny was full of love, and she wasn't stingy with who she gave it to, and Serenity wanted so badly to learn from and be like Granny.
Suddenly, a memory flashed before her mind. Serenity remembered the day she had been too sick to go to market, and the entire neighborhood had taken care of her. It was a memory she treasured deeply, but secretly, the things she treasured most of all was just a passing moment from that day.
Serenity didn't have a thermometer. So that day, Granny had gently laid a hand across her forehead to check for a fever, and now Serenity could see the tenderness of it. It was the tenderness of a caretaker who deeply loved the person in their charge.
The gesture was brief, but at the time it had almost made Serenity cry. She hadn't had contact like that in a very long time. It reminded her of distant, fuzzy memories of her mother doing the same when she was ill as a child. It made her feel loved and cared for in a way she hadn't experienced in many years. The feel of Granny's hands, cool against her hot forehead, had been such a relief in so many ways. She would always treasure that memory.
Thinking about that simple gesture, tears welled over from Serenity's eyes. She wasn't alone. She wasn't alone. She wasn't alone. She loved and was loved. She felt her love for Granny so deeply it felt like it would break her apart. The love went down to her core, and warmed her there. She felt like her heart was a furnace, and her love was the fire within. It felt warm, comforting, and roared like a bonfire in her chest. More tears fell, as she felt the true depth of the gentle love between her and her elderly neighbor.
Slowly, the effects of the chocolate faded, though Serenity's tears didn't dry up right away. What a blessing, to love and be loved. We all have moments where we fall in love with someone. Romantic love is only one type of love. You can fall in platonic love with someone. You can have a silly moment with a friend where you look at them and realize, "Wow, I love this person and I want them to be in my life for a long time." And what a love it can be. Looking back, Serenity knew the fever check had been the moment she knew she truly loved Granny and was truly loved in return.
Serenity dried her tears. Dragon, in a rare display of maturity, left her to feel her feelings herself. He could feel her emotional state, and he knew she was in no danger of pain. It was only when she had collected herself that he took action.
Getting up from his bed, Dragon trotted over to the counter, jumped up, and pushed the power button on her magic kettle. Then he sat and looked at her expectantly.
"Are you suggesting some tea? I think that's an excellent idea. Let's have some tea."
Serenity got up and set about making tea, feeling her love for her companions with new deliberateness. She could choose to hold onto this feeling. The chocolate only shows you things from your own heart, after all. So as she made her tea, she made a decision to consciously choose to hold onto the tenderness in her heart and feed it warmth until all she felt was love. As the day came to a close, Serenity realized she no longer felt her life was monotonous. Instead, she looked forward to seeing her neighbors and finding new ways to love them. It was a good thought to fall asleep to.
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stardewremixed · 2 years
hii I love your blog, your headcanons are really fun to read.
I just saw your pasta post and I wanted to ask you, could you write something similar, but with desserts? like, the bachelors and Bachelorettes favorite desserts, I they can cook them or not, etc
Thanks :) I hope you have a nice day
Love this idea! I will absolutely do this. tagging @bored-farmer
🍨 Stardudes Favorite Desserts 🍨
Despite working at the ice cream stand, he doesn't particularly like ice cream, but he enthusiastically shares suggestions for flavors based on your mood or preferences.  
Alex is grateful that the owner lets him experiment with flavors. His latest creation? Pancake ice cream!!! Buttermilk ice cream with maple syrup and chunks of chocolate covered bacon. Oh yeah! Who doesn’t love breakfast?
Evelyn's desserts are the best in the world. He has a very "YOU-CAN-FIGHT-ME-if-you-disagree" mentality about it. He's uber protective of his Granny.
Chocolate chip is his fave. He won't even look at someone else's cookies, but if you're friends with both Evelyn and Alex, he would invite the Farmer to join a baking session. He would purposely throw flour in your hair to be playful. 
As a kid, Alex recalls sitting in the kitchen and enjoying a cookie and milk after school. Evelyn would kindly ask about his day and sweep the crumbs off his shirt when he was done.
If in a romantic relationship with him, Alex would be strangely blushy if you swept crumbs off his shirt. He views it as a very caring gesture, and associates feelings of warmth and care with it.
When married to him, Alex is over the moon whenever you bake dog treats for Dusty. 
This man knows his wines and chocolates. Every chocolate has the perfect pairing. White chocolate and Moscato. Milk chocolate and Pinot Noir. Dark chocolate and Merlot. 
Really loves chocolate covered pomegranate seeds. Any kind of chocolate covered fruit really. If you dance with him at the Flower Festival, he will send you chocolate covered strawberry as a thank you. 
Leah talked him into painting with chocolate once. It was a messy experience. Watch the hair! Never again. 
He savors every experience. He never eats fast. Each bite of exceptional chocolate is followed by a happy little hum. 
Is actively petitioning Mayor Lewis for a Stardew Chocolate Festival. If in a relationship with the farmer, he would recommend their chocolate covered fruits and nuts, and suggest chocolate infused honey. 
In the fall, he craves your pomegranate crisp. Would borrow an ice cream maker from Marnie to churn homemade fresh vanilla to go with this famous dessert. Probably called Willy over to help. He would show up at the farm, puffing hair out of his face, and surprise you with the dessert. 
Likes a little mandel bread with his morning coffee. A crisp, twice-baked Jewish cookie like biscotti. He pulls the cookie out of the jar, and nibbles on it while waiting for his coffee to brew. A delightful morning ritual.
His mother taught him how to make Sufganiyot (jelly-filled donuts) served around Hanukkah. Harvey pulls out his rolling pin, apron, and baking tools every year for this tradition. Then he serves the donuts down at the VA. While there he would try to cheer up Kent and Linus. His donuts are one of the only things that make them happy, and he takes pride in bringing joy to these men who served his country. 
Harvey wouldn’t keep any donuts for himself. So if there are any leftover, he will pass them out for free at the Winter Night Market. Hey, they go great with coffee. 
Closes the clinic for the day to drive to Zuzu in early winter. The city is the only place he can find the traditional Hanukkah gelt (gold coin chocolates) and candied dreidels. If in a relationship with him, he invites you along for the trip. You enjoy jazz during the road trip. He packs hot cocoa in a thermos and an extra scarf for the trip. He’s embarrassed to admit that he forgot an extra cup. You’ll have to share. (now Harvey, is that so bad?) 😉
Hands down. A root beer float guy. Any kind of soda float guy. Strawberry. Cola. Orange. Grape. Makes funny ice cream moustaches with Vincent. Jodi comes in the kitchen wondering what all the giggling is about. 
Would be genuinely so surprised that people make alcoholic root beer. His excitable little grin warms your heart. Doesn’t realize how addicting these are. Would slosh back multiples on the lake pier with Shane (who is very what-the-fizzlesticks about it). Wakes up the next day with a hangover. 
Absolutely a breakfast pastry lover. Cinnamon rolls. Muffins. Turnovers. Bagels. Croissants. Danishes. Strudels. Maple bars are, of course, his favorite. 
When he was a kid, Kent would take him out early on Saturday mornings so Jodi could sleep in. They would pick up donuts, coffee, and the newspaper. When he arrived back at the house, Sam would whistle the Reveille (the military morning bugle song) to let his mom know they arrived. Jodi hated it, but Kent was secretly so proud his son remembered the song.  
Would promise his whole class that he would bring something for the bake sale. Jodi always sighed because she wasn’t “informed,” but she made the desserts anyway. 
Sam is pretty abysmal in the kitchen, constantly distracted, missing the timer, running back to the fridge for ingredients he forgot, leaving the oven on after taking stuff out. But if you offered to make sweets with him, he would make his absolute best effort. 
An ideal date night would be making cinnamon sticks to eat with pizza drizzled with honey from your farm. If you fell asleep in his room, he would reheat a few in the morning and bring you coffee in bed.  
Rolls his own mochi. He gets really into it too. Spends a day picking out the best ingredients.
Makes a cooking music playlist that sounds nothing like what a normal cooking playlist would sound like. Heavy metal, some goth punk, random alternative.
Headphones on, he would cook in the middle of the night. That's when he is least likely to be disturbed. Unless of course Robin is working late on your farm. If she happens in, he gives his mom a taste.
If in a romantic relationship, Seb would invite you to join him in making mochi. And he would carry you home after you passed out at 2am, tuck you in bed, kiss you on the forehead, and leave you mochi in your freezer.
He's a quick and easy kind of guy. Cookies, candy, ice cream. Gets a good employee discount at Joja so he can stock up on his faves. Best hangover food.
Frequently patronizes Alex's stand in the summertime. The ice cream tastes better. He might even hang out for a bit and chat gridball with Alex if he has nothing better to do.
Sometimes Evelyn leaves him cookies. He likes her rocky road bites. The crunchy sweetness is delicious.
Egg custard tarts are a favorite of his. Best with fresh eggs from the Ranch. Every year Marnie makes it for Shane on his birthday.
If in a romantic relationship with him, he would learn how to hand crank ice cream just for you, with fresh cream from Marnie's ranch and a big bag of ice from Pierre's (once Joja closes, he would get a job there).
can’t wait until they serve stardrop sorbet at Alex’s ice cream stand. It only happens once a year. Sets his alarm extra early that morning. Shows up before they’re even open.
would be over the moon if you baked him a golden pumpkin pie. 
If in a romantic relationship, he comes home just for your kisses - it’s dessert enough. 😘 Brings you a treat from his latest travel spot. 
working on creating a dessert elixir - it would sweeten any poor quality food for a short time. 
anything with black licorice - even in coffee. 
definitely likes spooky treats - bat brownies, ghost marshmallows, candy corn pretzel spiders. 
bakes winter star cookies every winter. Drops sprinkles all over the kitchen. 
appreciates if the Farmer brings him sweets while he’s double checking the magical barrier. 
has expensive taste and knows it. You can blame Olivia. 
also loves stardrop sorbet. He makes happy little sounds when he eats it. 
loves coffee-flavored desserts. Cappucino mousse is his self-declared favorite, but he enjoys coffee-flavored ice cream in the summers. 
waits in line a long time for his favorite truffle popcorn. It may not be a typical dessert, but it’s a delicious snack. 
orders tiramisu from a specific bakery in Zuzu City. If in a romantic relationship with the Farmer, he would share. 
I'll do the bachelorettes next. Hope you enjoyed!
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