#Comic fandoms don’t even read them lmao
hoodnaruto · 9 months
Naruto’s the most capeshit manga of all time because all the missed potential has haunted entire generations into arguing about it years later
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I don’t think Jason has ever hated Tim
I recently revived my Jason Todd hyperfixation from its torpor and realized I had... Means and Ways of reading as many comics as I want for free, so I made the transition from Fanon Only to having read Lost Days, Under the Red Hood, Teen Titans #29 (where Jason fights and beats the tar out of Tim), Hush, Red Hood and the Outlaws (the majority of both runs), Red Robin: The Grail, Batman and Robin: Streets Run Red, Green Arrow #70 - #73 (where Jason kidnaps Mia), Battle for the Cowl, and a smattering of other bits and bobs, all within the last month.
I have come to the conclusion that the idea that Jason hated Tim before slowly learning to be okay with him is completely backwards.
Jason starts respecting Tim as a fellow combatant after basically their first meeting, and was sympathizing with him even before. Fandom talks a lot about how Jason repeatedly tried to kill Tim, but I think there’s a good argument to be made that actually Jason has never tried to kill Tim, and there’s a better argument that Jason has never tried to hurt Tim out of a dislike for him.
Tim is the one who feels viciously betrayed by Jason, hates his guts, and depending on if you blend in the New 52 either learns to begrudgingly like him or just stays hatin.
Obviously I need some proof here, since this goes completely against the grain of every relationship interpretation I’ve ever seen for them, so approximately seven miles of character analysis under the cut lmao
I’m gonna try to go in chronological order of the characters’ history here, which means we’re starting with Lost Days, and Jason’s first reaction to finding out there’s a new Robin:
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This does not look like anger to me.
Lost Days is only six issues long, and this is the entirety of the pages devoted to Jason’s feelings on Tim. Jason succeeds in a plan that would have almost certainly killed Batman if Jason had gone through with it. Jason undeniably has Joker dead to rights at one point, but lets him go. Jason at no point in this story attempts to harm Tim at all.
Now for Hush.
Context for fanon only folks: this is where the “throat slitting” bit happens.
Context for a lot of confusion: I don’t know if Jason is the one who holds Tim hostage or not.
In the original Hush plot line this is only Clayface; Jason isn’t here at all. It was later retconned in Under the Red Hood that Jason was actually in this fight for... some amount of time. It’s highly unclear to me when they swap out. Probably because originally, they didn’t swap out. Oh well! In either case, it’s now canon that Jason coached Clayface on his acting, so for the purposes of this essay, Imma hold Jason responsible for the throat damages and the words said regardless of who did what!
Right off the bat: this is a hostage taking, not a murder. Yes, Clayson Jayface does nick Tim’s neck and absolutely makes the threat of murdering him to Batman, but it’s clearly a threat. Like, look at this panel:
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He is talking a lot. This isn’t an attempt to kill Tim, it’s an attempt to screw with Batman. No matter who this is, they have every reason to expect that Batman will stop them before they do any permanent damage. Can you see that little, blurry, half-hidden line of red? Lets look at what the damage was later on:
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The bleeding was stopped by a bit of cloth, some pressure, and he’ll need stitches eventually, but they can clearly wait, and Tim doesn’t seem alarmed. That’s enough to scar, and enough that it is perfectly reasonable for Tim to assume that he would have died if he hadn’t been rescued.
However, Jason being deeply protective of kids is a reasonably consistent character trait. “You really think I’m gonna bring the pain to a ten year old?” Even at Jason’s most villainous, he is willing to put himself in danger in order to protect his own sidekick Scarlet. I think it would be very out of character for him to have gone through with it. Combined with Jason’s later actions and the general fact that a hostage is pretty useless dead, I come to the conclusion that Jason was bluffing.
It is ambiguous though, and I admit that this is probably the weakest link in the “Jason never tried to kill him” chain.
But enough of that, was he angry with him? Is the hate there?
I argue no, and that really there’s no emotional investment in Tim at all. In terms of hard numbers the pages Jalay Toddface spends holding Tim hostage is 3 and the number he spends fighting Batman is 13 and the number of times he even so much as LOOKS at Tim is ZERO, like actually, literally ZERO TIMES. He does not spare poor Timmy a SINGLE GLANCE.
Now make a special note here because those three pages of no eye contact from someone who might not even be Jason are the ONLY times that Tim is called Pretender or Imposter.
I’m relying on this research done by Kiragecko: https://kiragecko.tumblr.com/post/128411908944/bat-sibling-interaction It only goes up to Battle for the Cowl, (as does this essay it turns out, I just don’t know how to bridge between that and the New 52) so it isn’t every interaction ever, but it’s still excellent research, go leave a like.
According to them: “Comments: Tim thinks about Jason a lot while he’s first training. He imagines the former Robins giving him pep talks, and uses them to fight off fear gas. When Jason comes back, though, Tim’s really nasty, especially in his head. Jason, however, is somewhat respectful. He usually calls Tim ‘Tim’, and seems to kind of like him. ‘Pretender’ and ‘Imposter’ are things that CLAYFACE said, not Jason.“
How many times are those said? Once. Each. That’s it. As a comment under the Jason and Tim post done by Kiragecko points out, “Replacement” doesn’t even get used.
Under the Red Hood is basically THE Jason Todd comic. To my memory he doesn’t interact with Tim in it. However, it does contain that aforementioned reconning! So we get to see his reasoning during this encounter.
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And it very very clearly isn’t at all about Tim.
Moving on to Titans Tower, which is indisputably focused on Tim: When he fights Tim, he is absolutely violent and over the line, but he’s NOT out of his head. Jason is clearly very lucid and careful about what he’s doing.
Is he angry? Of course! He’s angry at the Titans who in his mind cared about him way less than their other members, and accepted a replacement robin as though his life, his whole flesh and blood self, was something that could be so easily forgotten and swapped out.
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But I think it would be a mistake to assume that Jason’s at all mad that he isn’t Robin anymore.
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A very interesting direct parallel to this fight is when Jason kidnaps Mia, Green Arrow’s sidekick Speedy, fights her, appeals to their commonalities and encourages her to solve crime his way rather than Green Arrow’s way.
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In both scenarios Jason engineers a way to isolate a sidekick and attempts to teach them something through combat. He makes a direct appeal to them against their mentors, and seems genuine about what he’s saying. He also lets both of them live, and with Mia is honestly pretty damned polite about it all. At least, as polite as a guy can be about kidnapping you and encouraging you to try to kill him in your high school gym that he definitely should not know about.
The plain fact of the matter is that Jason knocked Tim out, had time to paint his whole ass name way up high on a wall, and did not kill him. This is the same Jason who just prior to that took out all of Tim’s allies non-lethally. The same Jason who kept Mia’s protector’s busy non-lethally. The same Jason who cuts Mia free and gives her weapons back and starts slow in their fighting to make sure he doesn’t hurt her too badly. The same Jason who seems to feel very strongly that killing, trafficking, or selling drugs to kids is an unforgivable offense and very clearly sees Tim as a kid.
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Quite frankly, this reads not like a murder, and not like a jealous beatdown, but an attempt to convince Tim that he’s going to get himself killed and needs to get out while he still can. In Jason’s mind before they meet, Tim is purely A Robin, a kid who deserves better than to be put into danger against the same monsters over and over again until he finally slips up and dies.
Is this a hairbrained and back asswards way of doing that? Yes! But it does track for someone who tries to do all of his talking through his actions, which do speak louder than words, but unfortunately C-4 loudness is not actually a significant boon to nuanced communication.
If you want to put it in a less charitable way (and maybe we should, this is a bonkers asshole move on Jason’s part no matter how you slice it) then we can say Jason is testing Tim, trying to see if this one has what it takes to be better than he was, to survive where he couldn’t. Personally I think it’s a mix of both, and for this end of that emotional mess: Tim passes the test.
Jason leaves while talking about Tim in present tense, showing that he has every expectation of Tim being alive, and praises him in the process:
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Did you know that the fun panel of Tim kicking Jason in the nuts is actually from the same comic run, about twenty or so issues later?
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Did you know that the argument they were having starts with Dick and Tim wrestling with Jason and accusing him of a murder he did not commit, and in fact tried to save the victim from?
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Did I mention yet that the death in question was of Duela Dent, aka the JOKER’S DAUGHTER, whom Jason caught attempting to hold a young woman hostage for ransom? And that Jason repeatedly shot her getaway balloon instead of her and then tried to save her life immediately afterwards despite the fact that she was going to let the hostage plummet to their death? And it is implied that part of the reason he’s so easy on her is because of “Once a Titan always a Titan” loyalty, with this being our first clue that Jason isn’t the one shooting at her anymore?
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Did I also mention that he comes to her funeral in part to be around Donna (the starry leotard lady whose statue he smashed) because it’s nice to be around people who understand being displaced by their own death? And that the one who sticks up for him in this scene is Donna?
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At risk of negating my own thesus here, I’d say it’s reasonable to think that maybe Jason feels rage-hate for Tim in this “kicked in the dick while Dick grins smugly” moment.
Lets go now to Robin #177 at the tail end of the 1993 to 2003 run - Bruce has “died” and Tim hasn’t yet gone on his epic quest to find him. Tim finds Jason unifying street gangs with the intent to bring them under control and solve the current crisis. He appeals to Tim for help with this, in fact he comes off as almost puppy dog eager to work with him, and seems really sad when he says fuck no.
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This is one of the first fights in which Tim really holds his own against Jason, and I am very proud of him, yes :3
This gets Jason arrested. Then Tim actually goes through with a heavily modified, less violent version of Jason’s plan that Jason didn’t think could work. A few issues later, when Tim decides that he’s going to try to honor what Bruce would have wanted by springing Jason out of jail, Jason makes note of that.
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Jason is pretty damned civil at their next meeting, even though Tim makes it pretty damned clear he doesn’t want him around.
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And now... we have to talk about Battle for the Cowl.
I’ve seen it described as a masterclass in how NOT to write Jason Todd, due to it portraying him as being an absolutely off his rocker anger murder violence man. I am inclined to agree.
In this three issue comic Jason Todd has been dRiVeN mAd (in the most bullshit comic sense of that word) by Bruce’s will... telling him to go to therapy. Yeah. So uh, he dons a Batman suit to shoot people in AND pretends to be Black Mask so he can enslave a bunch of villains Amanda Waller style, and like it gets weird from there. It is an extremely jarring transition from that last scene to GUNS BAT HATE MAN.
He still does not hate Tim in it. I really, seriously thought I was going to have to make a lot of excuses for this portion but then the more I read of it the more vindicated I was cause let me repeat: One of the most unhinged with Bat hate and crazy juice versions of Jason ever put to print does not hate Tim at all.
Hell, he likes Tim! He compliments him!
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And on top of that, even though he is MUCH more lethal against his fellow robins when they attack him - Jason straight up shoots a ten year old Damian in the chest. It’s fucked. - There is still evidence to suggest that Jason deliberately didn’t kill Tim when he had ample opportunity.
Jason first of all never hunts Tim down. I’ve heard Battle for the Cowl described as Jason tracking Tim down or kidnapping him or going after him to force him to Be His Robin, but that’s just not how it goes.
Instead he waits for Tim to come find his Batcave, disorients him, and goes for a ton of surface cuts. He only actually goes for a real body blow after Tim picks up a crowbar and beats Jason across the face with it a few times.
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(Again, proud of you Timmy)
After the stabbing, Jason doesn’t just leave Tim there; this isn’t a matter of hurrying on before he could check. He’s seen dragging Tim off. When Nightwing later comes to rescue him, Dick is downright certain Jason is lying to him about Tim being dead because Jason is refusing to show him the body and Dick figures it’s because he knows there’s no body to show (if in part because he can’t let himself believe Tim is dead without hard proof).
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Tim himself wonders about this, noting that the batterang was rusted and shattered on his armor.
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Sure, Tim used playing possum to make his pulse slow to a near stop for a while, maybe that fooled Jason, but keep in mind that BRUCE taught Tim that skill, and if there’s one thing these comics have established, it’s that Jason is dangerous precisely because he is so intimately familiar with the techniques of the Bat. Jason even makes specific note of the fact that Tim being trained like Bruce and fighting like Bruce would be his downfall at the beginning of their fight.
The whole comic leaves me wondering just how much of what happened went completely according to Jason’s plan. I really would not put it passed him to engineer a ‘death in the family’ recreation for the next Batman in line! As much as I agree that this is garbage characterization for him in many many ways, I do think Jason makes a fantastic villain. I love to see him run rings around the Bats in some places, and make lemonade out of getting his ass kicked in others.
No matter how we interpret the stabbing here though, what does seem very clear to me is that Jason makes the Be My Robin offer to Tim first and foremost because he thinks pretty highly of Tim! He’s been rejected by Tim at least three times over but keeps holding a hand out for him. This does not seem like Tim hater reaction hours here!
Also that whole thing about kids being dragged into this vigilante life irresponsibly? Yeah that’s still there!
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I have TRIED to find evidence that Jason hates Tim at like literally any point here. I have gone through the shit people point to. I have looked at the context around those and dug up more obscure interactions for second and third views. Everywhere I look I just see more instances of Jason complimenting Tim!! It’s driving me nuts!
The only conclusion that I can come to is that people read this stuff and just trust that Tim is right about Jason. Tim’s internal view waaay more closely resembles fandom interpretation. Tim assumes that Clayson Toddface would absolutely have killed him in cold blood, that Jason beat the shit out of him purely to prove he was stronger, that he’s a brute, a moron, an active danger to society, and that every bit of leniency given to him will result in betrayal and death.
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I don’t have clearer proof for it, but I also don’t think it’s a stretch to say that Tim probably believes Jason has it out for him and holds him responsible for his replacement.
So yeah. As a fascinating reversal of my expectations going in: I don’t think Jason has ever hated Tim, but boy fuckin howdy has Tim HATED Jason.
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blackbatcass · 4 months
helloo :D
So, I keep seeing people saying that Jason is Bruce’s favorite child, and the only one that was actually like a son to Bruce. (aside from Damian) Also that just because Dick and Bruce were partners/brothers too, it means that Dick isn’t really like Bruce’s son. How Jason and Bruce are each other’s favorite and Dick wishes he could be Bruce’s son (basically it just gets worse and worse jekskenjske)
But then I saw SO MANY posts about this (just getting harsher and harsher LMAO) and I thought I’d ask someone who knew more. So, yeah, here I am!
Thanks for answering if you do, and have a wonderful day!
anon do you want me dead. is that what's happening here
JK JK my first fanon jason ask... what a historic day! basically you're completely right. I don't know where this frankly insane take comes from but whenever me, my mutuals, and pretty much anyone in this corner of the dc fandom sees a post like it we roll our eyes to the heavens. to put it simply the idea that jason is bruce's favorite and the only one he actually loved like a son is a complete fucking lie lol.
first of all to claim that bruce didn't love dick like a son is......I mean. let's just say people saying that have probably never read a comic with bruce and dick before. literally the number one thing to know about these characters is that the love bruce and dick have for each other can be seen from outer space. they have never been normal about each other. bruce raised dick since he was eight. they are thee og codependent father-son partners 'we saved each other we are pack bonded for life if anything happened to him i'd kill everyone in this room and then myself' duo. I mean... there is nuance to be had where they had a very complicated tangled up hard-to-label relationship that had elements of being father & son, elements of being brothers, and ofc partners as batman and robin but that is a function of their relationship being TOO crazy and close not the other way around lol. it is patently true that bruce and dick know each other better than anyone else in the world. it is pretty much true that if you're going to play the favorites game, it's hard to deny that dick is bruce's favorite. that's his eldest his most trusted his saving grace his person who understands him better than anyone. I could pull like an endless amount of panels as evidence that dick was bruce's favorite. there are so many 'dick is the only thing i did right' 'i only feel pride when i look at nightwing' etc etc. dick is his child in every way that matters basically
which is not to say that jason isn't bruce's son! he definitely is! bruce does love jason, but jason was his second kid lol. and it's...i mean jason was robin for a very short time in the grand scheme of things. you can blow through his robin run super fast because it's just not very long. the idea that bruce loved jason more or there's more of a father-son bond to be found in the few issues they were together for as opposed to the 10 years dick was robin is actually insane. bruce literally admitted that the reason he let jason be robin was because he missed dick. lol. lmao even.
basically yeah claiming that jason is bruce's favorite and dick was never treated as bruce's son is just a lie. it's not true. it's like that 'jason is tim's favorite robin' nonsense that was going around a few months ago; it completely ignores canon and essential character elements in jason's favor. I don't know why some jason fans are so obsessed with putting him up on a pedestal by bashing other characters on his behalf. and like...it is possible to have two sons? and love them both? lmfao? and that's not even getting into like tim and cass (also bruce's adopted children). I don't know why people just decided this was a thing but it is false<3
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red-might-be-dead · 6 months
hello hi here to force strange thoughts into your brain once again, this time about jrwi (wow who could’ve guessed)
been thinking about this for a little but it’s basically what i think some campaigns would be if not podcasts, i haven’t listened to some of the older ones so i’m sorry they’re not on here :(( if you have any ideas feel free to add them btw :DD
RIPTIDE!!!!! - really long animated series
not an anime though, no matter how much grizzly wants it, it would be an animation style where the characters could have very clearly different nose, face and body shapes, really pushing my riptide nose agenda here sorry, each episode would be like 20-40 minutes long and instead of coming out in seasons there would be massive gaps in between episodes, from 2-6 months long, to leave time for writers and animators to get stuff done (massive team of animators btw, i feel like it would be pretty successful)
literally nothing else they could be, just really well made, well performing comics (i’ve already talked about this before you can stalk my talk tag if you really want to find it lmao), the comic company making them would be keeping well away from movies n shit btw
APOTHEOSIS!!! - i wasn’t really sure about this one to be honest
i had to ask my friend and she said anime which i don’t agree with but i can see it, i think maybe a short book series where each book is 150 - 300 pages and is about a different god they have to kill/a different episode, i think that works but if anyone has any better ideas please tell me :D!!
BLOOD IN THE BAYOU!!! - i hate to say it, i really do…
bitb would be a really long really good 80s horror book with strong homoerotic undertones, a satisfied fanbase and lots of active members in the community making fan comics, films, writing, theories and art ect… until well after the book came out……….. and then it would be made into the most egregious and awful live action movie you have ever seen, the most awful casting (like chris pratt as officer dudes….. throws up) and even worse sfx, oh yeah and the characters would be ruined and the story would become so butchered it wouldn’t make sense, they would do some shit like cut out becky so kian just kisses some random lady (removing both a really good and well written character and a layer of kian’s character that i think is super important) and make rolan really be an evil bug spy the whole time so rand has to kill him to save the town also add in a whole new sub plot that never existed like the rand family is secretly a long line of bug alien hunters or something fucking stupid like that and the entire fanbase would murder whoever thought re-writing the story was a good idea (ahaha can you tell ive been through something like this before ahahaha, character morals and motives being removed and whatnot ahahahhahahaha.)
THE SUCKENING!!! - live action series
it would be well made though, unlike the bitb movie it would be its own original thing, have great makeup and effects also be well casted and well shot, well written, ect ect, it would bloody and gory and not suitable for people who can’t handle showing bones and organs all over everywhere, lots of shitty rip off merch would be made though and the fandom would be 99% gay little freaks (normal suckening enjoyers) and 1% homophobic straight white men who get mad whenever they see soda and emizel having gay sex on screen or whatever fag shit that biting thing was
again feel free to add your thoughts and ideas and shit in the reblogs it would be nice to read them :DD!!
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musicalmoritz · 12 days
Some funny and cute head canon between hanako/amane and tsushigomori?
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Yayayay I love their dynamic sm. The father/son duo ever. I’m gonna do a mix of Amane and Hanako headcanons bcuz their relationship at any point is so sweet to me
• So for AUs I think it’s super cute when ppl have Tsuchigomori adopt Amane (+Tsukasa)- or at least it would be, I don’t think I’ve seen any actual fics like that lmao. But for canon it’s definitely more of a “teacher you accidentally call dad” dynamic
• I still view Tsuchigomori as a father figure to Hanako but I think they’d both be very reluctant to admit it. I feel the need to specify that because fandoms tend to take parent/child dynamics and make them into super traditional families, which can be cute in AUs but sometimes for canon it takes away the nuance
• It’s the same as when I call Teru Kou’s dad, there’s more to it than that. Yes he is Hanako’s father, yes he is his teacher. Two things can be true at once
• Okay now that that’s out of the way, onto the headcanons
• Circling back to the first point, Hanako has accidentally called Tsuchigomori “dad” twice. Once as Amane, and once as Hanako
• As Amane it was a very emotionally heavy moment, when Tsuchigomori finished bandaging him up as usual. He gave him a mini lecture on standing up for himself, and Amane let out a quiet “Thanks, Dad”
• The minute he realized what he said, he bolted out of that classroom. He wouldn’t talk after that until Tsuchigomori reassured him they could just forget about it
• As Hanako it was more of a comical moment. He was hanging out with Tsuchigomori and Yako, annoying them as usual, but as he was getting ready to ditch them he said “See ya later, Dad”
• Everyone froze until Yako started laughing her ass off. Hanako quickly tried to cover it up but Yako wasn’t willing to forget it as easily as Tsuchigomori had been that first time, so he had to hide out in his bathroom for quite some time
• Yako started calling Tsuchigomori “Dad” too whenever she wanted to mess with him
• Tsuchigomori would try to help Amane make friends by pairing him with other kids for group projects. This always backfired, seeing as Amane had trouble socializing and was an easy target for bullying
• Sometimes he still tries to get Mitsuba and Mei to hang out with the kid so that he has more than two friends (one of which is his girlfriend)
• But progress is still progress and he’s obvi very happy to see that Hanako has made friends
• Hanako hangs out in Tsuchigomori’s office whenever he’s bored or sad
• When he’s bored he’ll just annoy him, telling him unfunny jokes and going on long tangents about whatever comes to mind. Tsuchigomori complains but never seriously attempts to kick him out
• When he’s sad about something, he’ll usually just sit at one of the desks or in the corner curled up in a ball. Tsuchigomori doesn’t comment on it, but he might give him a blanket and some candy, or a book to read
• Hanako tries to go to Tsuchigomori for advice on Nene, but Tsuchigomori’s love life is, frankly, pathetic, so really he’s the one who needs advice
• Some of the only times Hanako isn’t floating is when he’s running in the halls to provoke Tsuchigomori
• Every year on Father’s Day, Hanako brings Tsuchigomori a rock. He started this tradition as Amane and has kept it up all these years
• That’s not to say he didn’t love his bio dad, but he wanted to show appreciation for the teacher that looked out for him too
• Before they left school at the end of every day, Tsukasa would thank Tsuchigomori for “babysitting” Amane
• Hanako’s favorite books are the Sherlock Holmes series so Tsuchigomori lets him know every time the school gets a new copy
• He used to draw little smiley faces on Amane’s papers when he’d get a perfect score
• Amane would stay after school for tutoring even though he didn’t need it whenever things got too tense at home with Tsukasa and his parents
• Hanako frequently asks Tsuchigomori to update him on recent scientific discoveries. If anything major happens, Tsuchigomori will give him reading material
• Tsuchigomori was the one who taught Hanako how to use a computer
• Amane was always deathly afraid of asking questions or raising his hand in class, so if he had any comments he’d reserve them for when the rest of the students left (another method he used to delay going home)
• Amane strikes me as one of those kids who ate lunch with the teacher (ik it’s common for Japanese students to eat in their classrooms but this would be true even when his other classmates decided to eat somewhere else for the day)
• Before Nene came along, Tsuchigomori would encourage Hanako to clean his own bathrooms by giving him science and mystery books as allowance
• For Christmas one year, Tsuchigomori bought Hanako a toy rocket
• When Hanako needs to be cheered up, Tsuchigomori and Yako will play astronaut with him. Sometimes Yako pretends to be an alien, sometimes she’s part of the space crew, it depends on the plot
• Whenever Tsuchigomori is showing his class a movie, Hanako will sit in and watch
• Tsuchigomori has absolutely written “a pleasure to have in class” on one of Amane’s report cards
Okay I’m gonna end it there, ty for this ask I rly enjoyed talking abt them :D
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fahbev · 7 months
Hi! Saw you jumped on the tim hate train, welcome to the club! Aplarently you're Damian fan, which is good bc hes also one of the characters who's hit by tim's..woobification? Victimization(???) while simultaneously being the bestest, most competent batfam member. You Damian fans honestly have my respect for the pure amount of shit Damian gets because of tim.
hi lmao. Thanks xD. I usually try to keep all my negativity off of the internet, but last night I was going the anti Tim drake tag bc my frustration was flaring up. At first i was collecting posts by liking them instead of rb, then I was replying, and then at some point... “Fuck it. I want this on my blog.”
(This is gonna be a ramble btw, I don’t care abt making a good post rn.)
I used to be fine with Tim! I think the whole thing was a lot less prominent in the dpxdc fandom bc DANNY was the fan favorite/community elected woobie, but then I kinda moved out and... well. It still took awhile for this issue to seep in bc those Tim fans (you know the ones) are certainly a minority, but I just don’t think you can be a Damian fan for longer than a few months without getting frustrated.
Nowadays I refuse to read anything tagged with any variation of “Tim Drake angst” that features the batfam. Timkon fics are usually just fine though.
Actually— recently? Shit’s been bothering me so bad that I don’t wanna risk reading fics that have Tim in the first relationship tag at all. He’s gotta at most be in the second one. Ship fics are again an exception, but I don’t tend to seek out ship fics much anyway.
But, like I said, I usually keep it to myself. Every time i catch myself venting in the tags I either screenshot the tags and delete, or I delete and retype them. I put them into a private notes document. I also journal in there a lot instead of posting it.
That document is pretty long.
I do wanna say that there’s nothing wrong with what tim fans are doing. It is fun to woobify your fave. It’s fun to prop them up and tear others down and make everything about your blorbo and it is harmless. I do it too (usually in my daydreams). It’s a fantasy, and that’s what fanfiction is for. People who act like it’s “problematic” are wrong. That doesn’t mean it’s not annoying. Because it is. It’s annoying as all fuck.
Also wanna mention that I once read a damian fic that like... started off with some delicious whump, but then it turned into a whole Damian pity party and it guilt tripped all his friends and family. Damian IS my blorbo and I couldn’t read that. I didn’t even know who Maps was at the time but it seemed so bizarre to throw her under the bus. Anyway I feel like that’s what a quite large portion of Tim fic is like except a bit less extreme.
I used to tell myself that “ohhh it’s just a rivalry. I’m sure Tim fans get the same shit in reverse all the time” but I literally NEVER see it in the other direction and spend the most of my time in Damian circles. The only time I see tim hate from damian fans is frustration at those particular fans in response to it or in response to favoritism of authors.
I mean i saw a good chunk of it last night, but what else can I expect from the anti tim drake tag?
It’s actually funny how most of the stuff in anti tags is polarized hate shitting on the character with a lot of bad takes, but in tims anti tag it was almost exclusively frustration from Damian and Jason fans, and usually pretty mild takes. Also people calling Tim boring.
Ngl, Idk much about Jason. I’m familiar with his fanon, but the only comic i’ve read that featured him in a major way was Gotham War. I don’t know him well, and I don’t have too much interest in him. However, I hate “Jason falls over in guilt and kisses Tim’s fingers begging for forgiveness” type posts in solidarity. It’s yucky.
Anyway, I didn’t even mean to get on this anti tim train you speak of, It just sorta leaked out of my vent doc. Don’t expect me to keep posting about it.
but also... don’t not expect it. It might happen.
Even so, my dms are absolutely open for Timothy Drake related frustration! I’m pretty tired of being nice to him.
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megaaceofspades · 7 months
Hi its me again the anon who talked about Tim and Duke's privilege also influencing their narrative arcs. First of all- thank you so much!!! To be honest i kinda hesitate to analize dc comics because i am not well read on them at all, most of my info comes from wiki, and fandom (sources i know are NOT reliable at all) and that ask was based on what i know about them and my 2 cents on how their race, economic status, religion, and sexuality would have affected. So it really means a lot to me that you liked my idea!! Also on second note- another Timlonnie shipper! Same hat! God if dc had let me be incharge (they shouldnt) i would really like to make a sitcom style Tim and Lonnie college roommates au where yes they know who the other is and yes they do fight each other in their vigilante identities and yes they are still roommates cause what else to do? Move out? Find a new dorm? For Gotham Uni? Lmao
omg it has literally been eight months i got a weird explicit message one day and just stopped checking my inbox until now i’m so so sorry. look i’ve been a comic reader since i was a kid (inherited, my father was a big fan as well) but i love however people get involved with narratives and what not.
AS FOR TIMLONNIES. they can pry the idea of tim and lonnie living together during tim’s i-have-a-fake-uncle era even though they’re fighting in the streets out of my cold dead hands. genuinely am obsessed with their potential and chemistry can’t believe more people don’t see it.
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zeroducks-2 · 7 months
Let’s talk Helena Wayne bc like it’s criminal that we barely get anything about her and that they completely changed her origin and family (the bertinelli mafia family) to add her into the main comic book line.
im torn bc I love both versions of her :(
But I wanted Dick to share some older siblings trauma with her and for Damian to have that “blood” sibling bc I think that would have completely rocked early Damian’s shit. All his life, he was told to be the true heir of Bruce Wayne, but it turns out he has an OLDER SISTER BRUCE HID FROM TALIA AND RA. Idk I just think that would have crushed his lil murder ego and made for some interesting sibling moments and an interesting dynamic.
Lastly, can we talk about how the Batfam fandom completely stole all of Helena (Bertinelli)’s character traits and gave them to Jason??? Im sorry but when in the material source has Jason ever been super devout and catholic? Helena is the religious one, why am I reading about Jason’s apparent Catholicism in fics and HC dumps? Also Jason (besides his Robin days) has never been this savour and protector of the woman and children of Gotham, that’s very very veryyyyyy clearly a trait from Helena and strongly ties into her backstory as a child who suffered coming from a rich bloodline of syndicate crime. And don’t think this is me bashing on Jason, bc it’s not!! I love Jason Todd - but for who he is. Not for this weird fandom version of him who is either still suffering from the craze the lazarus pit puts you through, or this Joan of Arc of Gotham character either.
I'm gonna be honest with you, this character confuses me a bit. I know that Bruce and Selina got married and had a daughter in their Earth-Two incarnations, and this daughter is Helena Wayne, who's Dick best buddy and a vigilante in her own right called Huntress.
Then I know Helena Bertinelli, daughter of a mafia lord who was introduced in the late 80s in the preboot comic continuity, and was a quite murdery vigilante called Huntress who Bruce didn't accept because she "reminded him of Barbara" (you gotta love DC's excuses for sexism and ableism lol it's not like Barbara was dead just paralyzed. Also it did not look like Bruce gave a shit about it at the end of TKJ that Joker had crippled her - "she reminds him or Barbara". LMAO Bruce).
Then post reboot the title Huntress was given back to Helena Wayne, however Helena Bertinelli is ALSO there and she's ALSO called Huntress? She appears in the Grayson run where Dick is an agent of Spyral, and she seems to be Italian-American but I don't think her origin is the same as in preboot? Also I have no idea about Helena Wayne's continuity post reboot - when she was conceived, who raised her, how did she become a vigilante, neither I have any idea where to find this info.
I agree that if she had been raised by Bruce it could have made for an interesting dynamic amongst the bats and birds. It did in Earth 2 even if only Dick is just there - they're not siblings but they also aren't not siblings? The dynamic is murky and I love murky. Pretty sure it would have changed everything for Damian as well, especially the fact that she would have most likely been the first object of Damian's need to prove himself worthy, instead of Tim.
That being said, not much of what you mentioned is fanon about Jason.
Jason had an arc in which he's a priest. Pretty normal that fans HC him as devout or anyway catholic.
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Father Todd in Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint Vol. 1 - this is an AU in which Jason was never taken in by Bruce and was never Robin.
As for the whole "protector of women and children" thing, you probably know that Jason was born in extreme poverty, his father was in and out of prison and his mother died of overdose. He is very much a child who suffered because of a broken system, and given how harshly he reacts when women and children are the recipient of violence "in his Robin days", is it really that strange that fans assume he carried these traits in adulthood?
We see him being sweet and protective to kids many times, or anyway losing his mcfucking shit when children are being harmed (like in Brothers in Blood). Imo that of Jason caring about vulnerable people is barely a headcanon, and I don't see how this would make him the Joan of Arc of Gotham either - if I'm being honest ALL vigilantes should care about minorities and vulnerable people, it's the other way around that is weird as fuck (like that arc in which Dick almost dies to prevent this guy from shutting down Bludhaven's casinos, like what the hell was Tim Seeley thinking exactly).
That being said, I understand your frustration if the character you like doesn't have recognition. Trust me I do! There's a lot of them for me too, especially female and/or non white characters who had maybe 1 run ages ago and then got forgotten by DC, and I would REALLY LIKE to see them more, and to see them acknowledged more by the fans (from the top of my mind, Jenni Ognats or Patricia Trayce).
But this isn't fandom's fault. As I mentioned before, Helena Bertinelli as a fleshed out character was a thing between 20 and 30 years ago, and most of tumblr's userbase was either very young or not born yet. DC forgot about her, stripped Huntress from her to give it to Helena Wayne, then brought her back but as an agent of Spyral and it really doesn't look like they care. Fans can't be held accountable for the fact that she's simply not there. They didn't "steal" Helena's traits to give them to Jason; this implies a willful and malicious intent from people who saw this character and decided her features fit another character better, and it's obviously not what happened - people barely know Helena Bertinelli exists if at all.
Also - I said this about Jason already and I will repeat it a million times: Jason wasn't picked at random from the sea of DC characters to be people's blorbo, he resonates with fans for a reason. Under the Red Hood is a deeply emotional and relatable arc for many people because it's the story of how a child was failed by every single person who was supposed to protect and guide him, and then was failed again as an adult victim who demanded to be seen and heard and acknowledged, and instead was silenced again. It's heartbreaking to see how many people see this and say "this is me, this is what happened to me", but it is what it is, and most of all there is no taking this away from Jason's fans. DC tried to villainize him, to make him look and sound like a madman, to make him unhinged and deranged and they had Tim suggest that "maybe it's the Lazarus Pit that drove him mad", but it didn't work and fans still love him and still consider him a symbol of how "bad victims" are treated worse than their abusers, and keep being retraumatized by a society that prefers turning a blind eye to violence than deal with the issue at its root.
And lastly, bitching won't get you anywhere. I am the living proof that the right way to make people interested in something is to be passionate about that something. You want more folks to pay attention to Helena Bertinelli, then since DC won't do anything with her, the most effective thing you can do is post about her - write essays, draw her, write fics with her, create webweavings and moodboards, commission this stuff if you don't have the skills. Complaining that she should be the recipient of fandom love won't make anyone more interested in her.
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franollie · 2 months
do you personally think that fandom brings up misogyny unnecessarily and even when it has nothing to do with the issue at hand?
like some people get up and arms if you don’t ship batcat or brutalia (you’re not obligated to like anything for any reason) or if you ship bruce with someone else this topic will come up for whatever reason even though when there are actual instances of blatant misogyny in fandom and it’ll go fully ignored by these same people.
a point of bruce’s romance is to establish that he can’t really be endgame with any one person so i personally ship him freely. i don’t know why fandom is so obsessed with tokenizing certain shippers as certain prejudices when i’m sure that they genuinely have never interacted with said shipper one on one in their entire life
sorry for taking so long on this i have a LOT of thoughts on the topic
ok so in short: yes, i do think fandom loves to cry misogyny.
that being said, fandom operates in a blatantly misogynistic way (see how in large fandom favors men over women regardless of whether or not that man had more or less screen time than the woman). misogyny in fandom is a very real thing, but it is more a fandom as a whole problem than an individual problem. the only way the problem of misogyny in fandom can be solved is by actually engaging with the women in whatever franchise you're enjoying (writing for them, making art, reblogging art, writing metas, etc). show them the same amount of love that you show other characters
with that in mind, it is also important to note that sometimes you just don't gel with a ship or a character. i agree that people are drawn to certain dynamics and relationships, and you are allowed to ship what you ship. let's take the brutalia/batcat v bruharvey/batjokes because they are similar in dynamic (batman and one of his rogues). it wouldn't be fair to call a bruharvey or batjokes shipper a misogynist just because they don't ship brutalia or batcat. now, if they ship batjokes but hate talia for killing, then you could play the misogyny card. really it's just a matter of how you specific people interact with characters. i think a better example of this is superbat v clois.
i'm gonna try and stay as unbiased and objective as possible because superbat fans scare me lmao but a lot of the criticisms for superbat are about how it ships these characters at the expense of their relationships specifically with the women in their lives. to be even more specific, clark's relationship with lois. it isn't fair to say that "all superbat shippers are misogynist because they ignore lois" because i don't know why every superbat shipper ships superbat. maybe superbat is nostalgic to someone because they grew up reading justice league comics or the world's finest comics, maybe they haven't read or watched that much stuff with lois/clois in it, maybe they just think the idea of superbat is fun, who knows what the reasoning is. the problems really arise when they begin to change lois's personality and character to fit their ship whether it's by writing her as some bitchy ex of clarks or as a "girlboss who doesn't need a man and is superbat's biggest shipper uwu".
i do think when it comes to comic book fandoms in particualr there is another added layer of fandom superiority when it comes to shipping where there are the "correct" ships and the "incorrect" ships. but that's a whole other topic for another day
just to reiterate: fandom misogyny is a very real problem (look at the top 10 ships on ao3 for the past 5 years and that becomes abundantly clear) but the only way to combat it is by actually creating and sharing works positively featuring the women you like.
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mal3vol3nt · 29 days
hello!! I randomly spent like 30 minutes stalking your blog and!! 2 thing!!
bro I just got into atla and WHAT IS WITH THE FANDOM DUUUDE.. what’s with all the discourse it’s literally not that serious damn and how could people misinterpret literally every character so bad 😭😭 why are people so mean to my boy aang. he’s literally just a little guy. sunshine personified literally HOW IS IT EVEN POSSIBLE TO HATE HIM WHAT!! and just. everyone misinterprets everyone so bad, zuko too, also it is kind of annoying how most of the fanworks are about him, I love him too, both he and aang are my favourite characters, but it would be nice to see stuff focused on other characters too.. also people in the fandom woobify him so bad and it’s just like. why. his flaws are what make him interesting!!! also I have no strong feelings on z/k, I think it’s a pretty mid ship but it can be done well (one of my favourite fics does it really well and the reason I really liked it there is bc IT WASNT EVEN THE FOCUS THE FOCUS OF THE FIC WAS AANG AND ZUKO’S FRIENDSHIP, and the author wasn’t even planning for it in the first place it sorta just happened with the way they wrote it, so it actually made sense in that context, so it can be done well but imo it doesn’t work within the context of the show and kataang is objectively so much cuter cmon y’all have bad taste smh) anyways yeah. atla fandom is wack as hell and I will not be joining it lol a lot of people here need to go rewatch the show bc they seemingly completely forgot what it’s about and also touch some grass (but tbh aaaall the sequels will never be canon. to me. lok and most of the comics butchers the gaang so bad and it makes me so upset so I refuse to acknowledge them as canon. there are no atla sequels in ba sing se :)
ok wow sorry for the random long ass rant in your inbox I hope you don’t mind!! have been thinking about that and I guess reading a lot of your posts sorta made me want to get that out somehwre
anyways what I ACTUALLY wanted to ask is if you read fanfiction, do you know of any good aang centric fics? since. it should not be that hard to find them he’s the MAIN CHARACTER why is he so unpopular in his own show he’s literally the little guy ever <//3 more aang appreciation pls
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AH sorry for taking so long to answer! i haven’t peeped my inbox in quite some time lol
BUT THANK YOUU and i agree 100%!! joining the atla fandom is like being dropped in the middle of a war zone so i’d definitely recommend staying away and just sticking to the actual show and fanfics lmao
now as for aang-centric fics i’m so glad you asked. lemme put yall on (a lot of this is aangst sorry)
1. 🧡
Aang's 18th birthday stirs up a lot of unprocessed grief and with the inauguration of the United Republic just around the corner and increasing expectations the pressure of it all is becoming too much
Republic City shenanigans, drunken truth or dares, complicated visits home and a semi-arranged marriage inbound!
Complete — 24 Chapters
Part 1 of the finding our way series
⭐️ now this is by FAR my favorite aang-centric fics of all time. it goes into aang’s repressed anger and grief in a way that is so well done i can’t believe it’s free to read. if you’re someone who loves aang, you will love this fic that is a guarantee. i seriously can’t recommend it enough
⭐️ this brilliant author also has another fic uploaded to the same series titled “beautiful boy” that is bumi ii and cloud family-centric. i’m currently reading it and it is a masterpiece so i’d highly recommend that as well
2. 🧡
A sound carried on the winds lead Aang and Katara to hope for something seeming long lost.
Complete — 3 Chapters
3. 🧡
Aang meets one of the firebenders who took part in the original Air Nomad genocide, and Suki deals with the aftermath.
One Shot
4. 🧡
Hakoda and Aang have both lost too much in the war. Together, they learn what it means to live.
One Shot
5. 🧡
In which, Aang still suffers from the guilt and shame after having abandoned his duties as the Avatar resulting in the Airnomad genocide and his friends, remind him that he isn't alone, not in this fight.
Incomplete — 4/6 Chapters
6. 🧡
A collection of ficlets written for Aang Week 2021, hosted by @ aangweek on Tumblr.
Complete — 7 Chapters
7. 🧡
Being the Avatar is a burden as heavy as the weight of the world. But as long as Katara is alive, she swears that Aang will never have to carry it alone. Written for Kataang Week 2023 Day 2: Injured.
One Shot
8. 🧡
Aang goes to Kyoshi for advice, and learns that they might have more in common than he imagined.
One Shot
9. 🧡
Raava was ancient. The spirit of order and light, created to serve as a peacekeeper among the spirits. That was her purpose. When she had fused with Wan, she had fully anticipated the years of strife and war.
What she had not anticipated, however, was the feelings. The feelings of love, joy, fear. The feelings of humanity.
And no such feelings were stronger than the love she experienced the first time she looked into the eyes of her newest incarnation. The first time she met Aang.
One Shot
10. 🧡
“I want you to make me a promise, Avatar Aang,” Katara whispered. This time, when she placed her hand on top of his, he didn’t pull away. “When this is all over, when the war is won… Promise me that you’ll grieve.”
(alternatively: grieving is hard. aang’s friends work harder. a series of missing/expanded scenes from a:tla exploring aang’s grief through his friends’ eyes.)
One Shot
(continuation in reblogs)
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havikshoochiemama · 1 month
My Star Wars Acolyte rant >:(
This shit is not proofread LMAO it’s 5 am i’m mad leave me alone just me being the hater that i am 🤭
I originally wasn’t gonna talk about the Acolyte because clearly the show was just another emotionally immature shitty Disney cash grab with horribly written characters BUT DUDE i keep seeing ads and stuff on my tumblr NONSTOP and i’m actually sick of it .. most of you guys saw one Tumblr Sexyman and just went ham with that…We as a fandom need to stand up because Disney doesn’t care about star wars imma keep it a buck they just want to make their next mcu and they just greenlighting anything at this point
“oh but i like Andor” yeah that’s like what ever 10 shows they make they make one good one that’s not good 😭… anyways like i was saying they are literally pulling shit out their ass they are getting shit from the star wars legends that’s it’s own universe and putting it in…like excuse me ??? those books don’t follow the events of the movie so why would your show that allegedly takes place before the movies (I said allegedly because writers can’t even get characters ages right ) also i’m talking about that bs w the helmet that stops lightsabers… apparently it’s called cortosis from legends never once mentioned in any of the movies (i’m not watching them live action shows idgaf i like SOME of the animated ones) but they use it as a Mcguffin when they want bc they never built on this they just stole it from legends LMAOAA you just can’t do that  i’m literally about to pop a blood vessel 😭 i’m not watching that show again but let me critique the shit i do remember… also the “Gayest Star Wars we ever made” KEEP MY PEOPLE OUT YOUR SHITTY WORK !!! but after that man who’s to edgy for a name killed all her friends she “loved” she’s sees his face and is like wow 😍 literally thinkin with her pussy very hetro of you 💀 gah this show just pisses me off star war at its heart is a fuckin space opera and i dont think disney understands that. i literally fell in love with star wars back when i played battlefront and watched all the movies read as many comics and books as i could get my hands on and seeing something you love become something you hate is fuckin sick and crazy it’s started with me from the force awakens that movie is horrible you bitches say pretty graphics and said oh good movie 😍 NO NO it literally was just a new Hope setting everything that luke did back making him basically useless LMAO and they butchered the old characters to help the new ones which are really not that great 💀 i’m still mad that them used Finn as a token black person 😐 i could rewrite the force awakens better same characters and all and yk actually do something better (joking i would if Disney paid me to)LMAO also i hate kylo ren don’t get me wrong i love my cry baby tantrum throwing villains but he’s nawt it LMAO i’m sorry this is a rant about the shitty show YALL NOT READY FOR ME TO SPEAK ON THE FORCE AWAKENS 😭
yeah i hate that show i literally don’t wanna talk about it anymore heart emoji 😝 remember when people said the Phantom Menace was bad yeah…  at least it have character development atleast it had good world building atleast the universe was establish and yk i liked it but the prequel’s have always been my favorite clone wars literally came out on my birth year >:3 it was made for me 🤭 but i’m just a whore for world building and lore yeah… umm idk to me start wats ended with the return of the Jedi 🗣️
dont @ me idc this is my opinion and if you want to continue meat riding corporate greed that literally is ruining my fave franchise pop off if you liked the show i don’t care good for you (your def new gen star wars fan)
also Darth Plagueis ?? LMAO WHAT they just doing anything i see and why where all the jedis fuckin morons … okay ? and your main character sucked you don’t get the satisfaction of character arcs like “her joining the dark side” if there was no character building to begin with like ? it not to late Disney just burn it get it over with. Also it’s all so Fuckin boring LMAO also i can talk shit about character development and arcs all i want bc i’m writing my own novel and i’ve did a lot of research even tho this whole rant is a mess it’s 5 in the morning give ur girl a break i just really like my silly space movie okay 🥹 i literally spent a band on the Star Wars encyclopedia leave me alone
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Um if you wanna argue my comments are open <3 i love arguing i’m somewhat of a scorpio myself
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ryuichirou · 21 days
More replies!
We might skip posting replies tomorrow, but for now let’s roll.
Anonymous asked:
i've held off on asking bc it felt presumptuous but i'm relentlessly curious. hi, it's shroudswap anon! was that mini-comic with human ortho and wip robot idia on ko-fi inspired by my ask?
(this is the post Anon is referring to)
That’s not presumptuous at all, Anon, and I’m glad you’re still around and asked about it (and also saw that ko-fi comic! <3)!
It really was kind of inspired by your ask. I just kept thinking about the idea and how differently everything would’ve been (especially considering that Ortho is not as big of a technomagical genius as Idia), and Katsu liked it as well, so we discussed it a bit after I wrote the post. So after a couple of days I ended up wanting to draw something related to it. To be completely honest, the more I think about it, the more thoughts I get, this really is a nice fuel for angsty ideas…
So thank you for sending that ask. I hope it is okay with you though.
Anonymous asked:
What Disney movies and/or characters would each of you like to see in twst? :3
This is such a difficult question, Anon… all of my faves are already in twst 👌🥹 But I also have a huge sentimental soft spot for Brother Bear, so if I had to pick one movie for a twst event, I think it would be cool to have this one. It’s all about ~love~ after all.
Or maybe the Emperor’s New Groove?
Katsu: I’ve never been a huge Disney fan (mostly because the first time I saw any movies when I was almost 18 and still was ok with them), it’s actually twst is the reason why I decided to give them another chance and enjoyed them on their own much, much more. So it’s hard to name anything… I’d actually like to see some RSA??? I guess?? characters twisted from Mulan (or just have an Eastern event, not the New Year one, although I like those too) or Tiana… She was very enjoyable as a character, and the style of both of those movies is fun. As for villains… We had a weird shipping Hans/Anna phase, so I guess Hans??? lmao what a cursed concept. Thankfully, they don’t take 3D cartoons into consideration. Overall, I’m also very happy with what Twisted Wonderland has to offer in general, it looks wonderful.
Anonymous asked:
love when i get into a new fandom and see your old art pop up in the search results 🥺💖
sfiushdfis oh nooo my old art 😭 Which fandom is it, Anon??
I’m glad you like it!! With how many things we post I dread to even think about my footprint on this site 😟
Anonymous asked:
This made me think of a past drawing of yours: https://www.tumblr.com/blasterpals/760639422291165184/actually-begging-you-all-to-watch-this-absurdly
Oh my god it is indeed cuntilicious 😭 Thank you for sharing, Anon! I’m glad you’re thinking about that drawing hehehe
I keep remembering that I turned away one Anon that was asking about these two together months before drawing it… I am so sorry. Me still thinking about this ship is my karma 😔 I should draw them more. And make them cuntilicous.
Anonymous asked:
Have you ever heard of Kakegurui? I love how deranged everyone is and the boss b*tches, of course.
It sounds and looks familiar, so I’ve definitely seen it around, but we haven’t watched it. I did get the feeling that it had the vibes you’re describing though! But unfortunately I don’t have an opinion on it…
Anonymous asked:
thoughts on Malsil 👀👀
We don’t ship them, sorry Anon! Please read our pinned post.
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angyo · 1 year
Watching Read or Die to get a glance at what yuri fandom was latching onto back before the renaissance and man yomiko is so damn cute. Her voice especially, at least in the sub. Idk I just love how awkward she sounds all the time it’s super cute. She and nancy have that audhd x very hot lady dynamic that’s always fun too
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Girl doesn’t even notice getting whole ass braids and being flirted with she’s so into her book lol
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sees a stack of comics and immediately forgets what she was previously doing
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and just fuckin. of course the book is the biggest thing on her mind currently lmao. Nancy seems to come pretty close at least tho
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Like damn girl did you fully not take the braid out of your hair since she gave it to you? Did you even wash your hair in that time? Like damn just kiss her already lol
Anyways Yomiko and Nancy would be very cute together, I didn’t like how the ending does them but so it goes for homoerotic early 2000′s anime lol. Debating whether I’ll try ROD the TV even if Yomiko isn’t a part of it. I need to figure out if the TV has similar homoeroticism or if that was an OVA exclusive
Also damn someone really loved making the US president piss himself. I’m all for it tho, like yeees don’t let that man’s pants go unpissed in any scene involving him
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siscon-stsg · 3 months
HIIIII I don’t go to this fandom but I am an (admittedly mildly shy about it) fan of your work so here I am!! gushing!!
I unno shit about jjk because I’m too busy reading American comic books to get invested in any new manga rn but maaan. you write these boys so hot.
and your OCs are so good too!!!! (satoru’s mom has got it goin on… she’s all i want and I’ve been waiting for so long… that’s a lie tho, she’s not all i want— I’m free at seven tonight if Shino is. you get the point)
tbh I’m not sure if this is the kind of gushing you wanted but. I wanted to gush about YOU, yanno? Writers deserve just as much appreciation as the hot fic they write. you’re awesome!!! 🍓
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friend i literally don't. i have nothing to say. i am just. i. ?!?!?!?!?! WHAT DO I SAY?
first of all THANK YOU for consuming my work even when it's not a fandom you're actively part of!! i'd honestly, genuinely recc you don't get into jjk cuz it will RUIN your life /gen but i appreciate it anyway-- MSAKLDAL i'm glad you enjoy it and you think it's hot! it's hard to write smut that's hot and not cringe lmao.
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here, drew something quick of them for you. /l-h
lastly thank you for just taking the time to write all of this and show appreciation, i really have no idea how to repay y'all for all you've done and all the love you've shown me! thanks!!
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jeromefart · 2 months
Hi, I want to hear about your ships, because I'm no longer interested in the fandoms I was in and I want interesting shit to get into in very healthy ways of course.
Thank you very much for spending this fraction of your life on expending my ship knowledge 🙇🏼
Sorry for the late response! I’ve been traveling all day :(
Well obviously I love dirkdave from homestuck. And I don’t even like Homestuck but they have a grip on me. They have alternate versions of themselves from different realities, ie splinters, it makes for a lot of interesting dynamics between them. Dave grows up with an invasive and distant older brother. Dirk grows up with a fully absent one. The section in the comic where they meet the teen versions of themselves is really amazing to me because even though Dave is so conflicted and hurt, he still seeks comfort and even barely knowing him, he still goes and gives him a hug. It’s really really cute. And if we like old man yaoi we can focus on the older brother versions of them, isn’t that fun. Hollywood director and insane fuck is such a good pairing. Obviously theyre brothers so that makes it more interesting (or revolting) if you even care about that. Who cares.
Umm one of my fave ships of all time that I never talk about is midosara from yttd. Midori is a super creepy but eccentric robot dude, and he recognizes the potential in sara to become this unfeeling and bloodlusting killing machine and he’s desperate to break her. Also they have the age gap too, so that’s fun.
I’ve been thinking a lot about gaara/sasori recently, I read a fic where they’re uncle and nephew and have the whole “i dont want to become him” deal, but since he’s already halfway there, he’s able to find comfort in getting to know him. Gaara has this positive character development which I’d love to see absolutely ruined. Imagine if after the ichibi is extracted from him, sasori survives and takes his ass away.
As you can tell all my fave ships and characters have some sort of doll/puppet/robot aspect to them. They’ve achieved a form of immortality that makes them kinda jaded to everything around them. But then they take interest in someone that kinda brings light back into their life and it’s cute.
Fun fact but I used to be huge into enstars and my favorite ship was tsukasa/kohaku. I was fucking obsessed with them. They have the prince and knight dynamic! Kohaku is part of a branch family that does the head family’s dirty work, ie he’s an assassin. He enrolls in the same school as Tsukasa to keep an eye and protect him since he’s the heir to the family. And kohaku is tsundere about it and tsukasa dotes on him
I’ve yet to find a lesbian ship that’s as complicated as my other favorites. I usually just genderbend the ones I like when I’m tired of hearing about twitching cocks and tight asses 😭 Toxic yuri is an unaffordable luxury unfortunately
So I like dark ships, but I’m not completely inhumane about it yet, I still like fluff aspects. I typically go for rarepairs because most popular ships are just boring. And if they aren’t healthy, they’re very simply rivalries that just don’t do anything for me. My ao3 is kwu9 if you want to look at some of the dynamics I like explained in more detail. It’s all very self indulgent on there, you’ll notice a theme with the saw references.
Sorry this is so long, you gave me the chance to ramble and I’ve had a long day of being quiet at the airport lmao. Plus most of my online friends kinda have sticks up their asses when it comes to this shit, so I’m left just screaming on my dead blog
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undefeatablesin · 1 year
So I want to talk about the Bloodborne Comics today, more specifically I want to talk about the hunter from Death of Sleep, mainly because they served as my gateway to the franchise and I think about them a lot even to this day-but nobody else ever seems to mention them or the comics for that matter? But I don’t control my brainrots, they control me, so here we are. This is long as hell, so buckle up lmao.
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In any case, I’m going to preface this by saying I definitely understand why the comics aren’t talked about a great deal in the fandom as far as I can tell, since we only get one issue that actually centres around the more familiar and expected story of the hunt, and even then the story’s trajectory veers off in a wildly different direction than you might anticipate-and then the rest of the issues by and large all revolve around characters that are only canon to the comics except for Eileen. I appreciate them for what they are, even though I think a lot of opportunity to explore more pertinent characters was definitely missed, but I’m not here to talk about that in particular today when The Death of Sleep has only become of increasing interest to me since I finally played the game for myself. There will be spoilers for this issue mentioned throughout, so if you haven’t read it and still want to, please keep that in mind.
For those who haven’t read it or just as a refresher for those that have, Death of Sleep follows a nameless hunter on their journey to uncover the meaning of paleblood in order to transcend the hunt they are trapped in the cycle of. This story presumably takes place a little earlier than our hunter’s story in the game, something we can safely assume based on two key details in particular:
Djura is present with all of his powder kegs in Old Yharnam as opposed to being by himself with only one accomplice, and furthermore does not yet seem to be driving other hunters out of the city. He even refers to the nameless hunter as his “friend” and the powder kegs are all taking refuge in the cathedral which, by the time of the game, has obviously been overrun with beast patients praying to the strung up corpse of a blood-starved beast. There are also dogs and huntsmen present in Old Yharnam in the comic, which there definitively is not during the events of the game. Could just be an oversight, but I like to believe this is just a relatively earlier point in time.
Iosefka has not been turned into a celestial emissary and replaced by her imposter yet in the comic; the real Iosefka is still very much alive and present, as we can define by her strict dedication to keeping contaminants out of her clinic and away from her patients while the hunt is in process. As we know, the fake Iosefka is not interested in protecting the patients so much as she is in acquiring even more of them to experiment on.
The hunter of this story is delivered to us as a blank slate in many ways; they have no name, no memory of their past, their family or why they came to Yharnam (if they indeed came from the outside at all), nor how long they have even been a paleblood hunter, asking Gehrman at one point how long they have been bound to the dream (which Gehrman does not actually answer.) The only fragments of their past we are privy to is that a) they have some blurry memories of a child they can’t fully remember, whether that is a child of their own, a different family member or someone else entirely that they have forgotten throughout the hunt. And b) they have some sort of history with Iosefka, which I will expound on further later.
The basic story in DoS revolves around The hunter being entrusted with a strange child by Djura, the both of them believing that the child is the fabled Paleblood that the hunter seeks, due to the fact that, as one might guess, the child quite literally bleeds pale blood. The hunter takes the child with them out of Old Yharnam (after dying once attempting to do so in a confrontation with the Blood Starved Beast), intending for the both of them to escape the hunt with the child’s help.
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They journey through some familiar locations like the Forbidden Woods and Iosefka’s clinic and then further out to the Old Fishing Hamlet in search of a boat; though where the hunter thinks they are going to go with that boat or what they are going to do with the child is never disclosed. However, predictably and yet unfortunately for the hunter, the child is heavily implied to be an escaped experiment of the Healing Church as opposed to the answer to the hunter’s plight. The child bleeds the same murky colour as the kin enemies (and the children in the upper cathedral ward orphanage are supposedly the source of celestial emissaries created by the choir’s experiments). The child remarks that they have always “felt sick”, not unlike how imposter Iosefka describes nausea after the blood moon descends. The child likewise does not remember their name or their past and exhibits supernatural abilities, is able to see the amygdalas in the world, and all of this eventually culminates in them turning into a grotesque monster at the very end of the story-making it grimly apparent that they are not what the hunter was looking for at all. The two leave together regardless on a boat out of the fishing hamlet, going to who knows where.
It’s a rather short and simple story, and not one that cares to explain much or expand much on the context we already have, but yet it really fascinates me regardless simply because of how much it emphasizes the presumed hopelessness of Bloodborne’s world and the aching that the hunter feels for an escape from it. For such a relatively mysterious character, we gather a great deal about them purely through the implications of their internal dialogue and the actions they take throughout the pages. If you have no other knowledge of the comic whatsoever, you probably have at least seen this meme-
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Which is the hunter’s reply to the doll asking what the hunter desires once they return to the dream after dying to BSB, and the first real instance we see of this particular hunter’s weariness with the hunt that is only compounded by the struggles they have to face throughout their journey. They want out, and they want it terribly, even if they don’t remember what, if anything, they have to return to. They often ideate about death, what it means to die, their inability to truly die, and yet how it is enough for them to die showing the prey that they are unafraid. They feel stranded and hopeless, yet cling to a single foolish hope of finding their way out. They are sick and tired of the hunt, but the hunt now is all they know and all that they are-its their centre, their core, their person. I don’t often see depictions of a paleblood hunter so downtrodden and world-weary that they want to just lay down and give up but simply cannot, or one that goes so far out of their way to avoid the path that the Dream (and thereby the Moon Presence) demands of them. The path which, ironically, is the actual path they need to take to ever truly escape the hunt, whether they know that or not-or whether they are just purely too tired to tread it.
They are a walking, tragic paradox, which in a lot of ways is well-suited to the tragic and bleak world of Bloodborne, and when you think about it, a perfect contrast to the role we end up taking in the game however long after. Our hunter is a relentless force that sees their duty through to the bitter end, whatever end that winds up being, a single shining beacon of hope in this hopeless world-the definition of creating your own destiny, while the nameless hunter in many a way sadly succumbs to the one thrust upon them-seen abandoning their saw cleaver on the shores of the hamlet before they sail away to an unknown fate, though one we know will grant them no peace. They are bound to the dream still, even if they now refuse to fight any longer (not so unlike Djura denouncing his status as a hunter in the face of his own grievances, a very interesting parallel to the nameless hunter and likely an intentional one, since he of all people was chosen to be featured in the comic alongside the nameless hunter.) Frankly, I find them wonderfully, tragically interesting as our own hunter’s predecessor in a narrative sense, and one that is just buried away in these comics and never really spoken of.
I’m also surprised that at the very least nobody talks about the fact the nameless hunter is canonically non-binary! Though the comic summary and Djura both refer to the hunter as “he”, the hunter themself does not apply any particular gender to their person when questioned about it by Iosefka.
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And last of all, speaking of Iosefka once more, I am also surprised nobody talks about the implied relationship between the hunter and Iosefka. For as brief as their time in the comic together might be, there are some interesting implications in the dialogues between them. Iosefka claims that “not even her dear hunter” could change her mind about letting people enter the clinic during a hunt-but yet took the hunter in along with the child regardless when the hunter turned up wounded from their jaunt in the forbidden woods and collapsed outside her clinic, as well as treating them with the best blood in her possession (presumably even her own?) The hunter in particular though has some dialogue that just reeks with yearning after they depart from Iosefka’s clinic, having the following things to say:
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“Iosefka, I remember the smell of your skin. Soft, subtle markings. Then overwhelm. Honey and bitter medicines. In another world, we could have seen each other again. In another world...not this cursed dream.”
A remarkably intimate statement, by all accounts, especially given this hunter’s rather impersonal comments about the other characters in the story, none of which the hunter has terribly much to say about-whether or not this dialogue was supposed to denote a romantic connection of some kind, I am not going to say definitively. I am going to say the implication definitely keeps me up at night though.
All this said and done: pls read Death of Sleep, you might find it surprisingly interesting lmao.
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