#Crowned Clown Cat
askspeedy · 1 year
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Trio of Headshots
A trio of Headshots I still owed @Numiauri.. From about a year ago. Daisy, on the left, is a Leechmonster owned by Auri, and that art was done.. seven months ago. The middle is Semesta, a CCCat.. owned by @PromptoBeans!?.. Art was done.. yesterday. And finally, on the right, Skylar, a Mhoat.. also owned by @PromptoBeans... That I finished JUST NOW... Auri needs to really stop giving characters other people own for art they're owed. XD ..and I need to speed up. =_=;
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sciartherp · 1 year
[EVENT ENTRIES] Gone Fishin’
My art event entries for Skire’s Gone Fishin’ Event! 
Main event entry features my Nautipod, Voyager scaring the hell out of my friend SnafusHere’s CCCat, Dante.
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Dante has learned the hard way that even a tiny Nautipod can be bold enough to take on a crazy cannibal cult leader! I’m sure the gods are laughing at him from the heavens.
And for the gift art prompt, I have drawn BigBootyCheek’s CCCat, FANTA! Their username made me cackle like a maniac and FANTA’s design is just so so creechure I just HAD to draw him!! The crinkly doo
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BOTH CCCats and Nautipods are CLOSED species by WellHidden! I adore the Skire universe, so please go check out their website and support its amazing creators!!!
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viiciousdeliicious · 6 months
OC ART NO ONE ASKED FOR BUT i am happy with these so why nawt … Featuring my CCCats Cinna, Ultraviolet and Luciferin! As well as my Crook Novocaine ^_^. I am super proud of all of these and I think these are my best prompt entries for the species so far. :]
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ppoliwrath · 2 years
Little doodle of a humanized rivet, originally she is a cccat, a closed species by WellHidden on deviant art
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Bsd x gn reader
Characters: Nikolai, Fyodor, Poe, chuuya
Genre: fluff, crack
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Nikolai Gogol
Nikolai just came back from a tiring mission and was eager to cuddle up to you to let the stress out, when he saw you he got excited and start sprinting to you, just before he could get to you your cat jumped Infront and started hissing, it's fur standing on its tips, this stopped Gogol in his tracks, like the cartoony thing they do to stop themselves from running, he looked down to your cat with wide and deadly eyes, you started to feel chills run down your spine "Um..kolya? Are you okay?" You asked nervously, moving closer to him slowly and nudging his shoulder, he whipped his head up at you and smiled "Dorogaya(dear) have you thought about getting a pet dove instead?" You sighed and took his hand dragging him back to your bedroom to cuddle up to him, he was still eyeing your cat, he'd never hurt it of course, he loves you too much to hurt you like that! Doesn't mean he won't terrorise the cat tho, be careful around this clown.
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
It was rare for Fyodor to be affectionate, one of those rare days was today, it was a rainy evening, Fyodor had just finished his work and decided he'd coddle you for a while, it's been quite a while since you spent time together. He got up from his chair and went out to look for you, he found you in the living room on your phone, he sat down next to you and kissed the crown of your head "How are you my dear?" He asked while petting your head, you smiled "I'm good, you?" "I'm okay" he tilted your chin up smiling and started to lean in when all of a sudden a cat jumped on his head, causing him to grunt audibly, he quickly pulled back eyes shut tightly and grabbed the cat by it's scurf looking at it dead in the eye, he let go of it and the cat plopped down on the floor, hissing at Fyodor, you tried your best to contain your laughter but Fyodor still heard you, turning his head back to you while glaring, causing your laughing to stop immediately, he closed his eyes tilted his head up a bit and left "Wait WAIT FEDYA I'M SORRY COME BACK PLEASE" you yelled after him but he had left to go to the kitchen he was making tea, he made none for you you don't deserve it for laughing at him also he hates your cat now, congrats 👏
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Edgar Allan Poe
You and Poe both loved animals, he had a cute raccoon you had a cat, most of the times those 2 animals get along so you didn't worry about that, Poe was writing something new you put a trey of food down next to him on the desk, he looked up at you and smiled sheepishly "Thank you my love" he took your hand and kissed it, pulling you in his lap and holding you gently as if you were made from glass, you giggled and nuzzled closer to him he pulled back enough to see your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb, he kissed your cheek and as he was about to move to kiss your lips a loud hiss could be heard which caused Poe to Yelp and pull back immediately, both of you turned your heads to the direction of the sound and you could see your cat hissing at Karl swiping it's paws at him, Karl was holding on the cats tail for his life, you got off Poe's lap and he stood up, you took your cat and he took his raccoon, "Karl! Why were you holding (cats name)'s tail! That's painful" he scolded Karl "*cat name* you're no better, you don't swipe at Karl he's your friend!" Once you settled your pets down you held your cat to your chest and Poe kept Karl on his shoulder , turns out your cat wanted to jump on Poe to "protect" you from him and Karl didn't want the cat to scratch Poe so tried holding the cat back, the cat wants y'all to part but Karl is the glue💪 maybe you'll get your cat to warm up to Poe one day.
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Chuuya Nakahara
You and chuuya were having a nice romantical dinner to celebrate your anniversary, he set up the table and cooked food for you, in return you bought him fine wine, there was one of those old fashioned candles on the table, some rose petals here and there, basically the atmosphere was great after dinner he took you to the couch to watch a movie, during the movie he turned to you and kissed your neck, you returned the kiss to his lips he smirked and kissed back, before things could get heated your cat jumped on chuuyas back clawing him, Chuuya full on screeched, your neighbours thought a highschool girl got kidnapped that's how high pitched his scream was, he turned around to catch your cat keeping it as far from his face as possible, the cat was still trying to scratch him "YOU PIECE OF SH-" "Chuuya!" "what?! It scratched me!" You took your cat and put him aside, you turned to chuuya checking to see if the scratches were deep, luckily they weren't,before you could leave he took ahold of your wrist "hey where are you going? What about the night anniversary?" He said putting emphasis on night "Sorry chuuya but I better calm *cats name* down before it scratches you again" you kissed his lips and left to get your cat, chuuya huffed leaning back on the couch and crossing his arms "we should've gotten a puppy instead..."
Please make it up for this pouty man later
The end
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laceymorganwrites · 1 year
Small boob enjoyers
JJK edition
he´s not really one to care for looks
but when it comes to you he really does become a pervert
is embarrassed about it and would never admit it to you though
especially in the beginning of your relationship he was so shy and couldn´t really help himself
you were so beautiful to him but your boobs...he hated guys who always stared at tits but how could he not?
he tried to do it secretly, so that you wouldn´t catch him but he was completely in his own head, just admiring the view
it made you shy as well, you thought he disapproved of the size of them and started hiding them
he gets very grumpy when you do that, he loves nothing more than to just watch you go about your every day, being so aware of the thing you´re most insecure about, that most people completely disregarded
he felt like he was the only one who truly appreciated your boobs and he revelled in it
when your relationship progresses further and you´re in private he will literally hold speeches about how beautiful you are, but you always have to laugh because he is a tad bit too serious about it
if you want to make him stop functioning just ´accidentally´ press against him from behind, you will see the way his hands twitch, in desperate need to touch and worship them
listen, listen. while we´re on the topic of worshipping this man takes the crown
Sugu isn´t only an average small tiddies enjoyer, he started the fucking fanclub for it
feels like a teenager again whenever you undress in front of him
gets so pouty when you tell him not to touch 
he doesn´t like it when you get too shy or embarrassed about your insecurities, it bores him
however he is understanding of it and helps you build confidence
but it backfires for him because you become way too fucking powerful
´you really should stop teasing me like this if you wanna walk tomorrow´
loves all the little things you do to drive him wild but will never admit that, his pride just gets in the way
while we´re on that
he´s fucking possessive, he loves your boobs because they´re his
he loves how he can just clasp them in one of his hands, the perfect size, he keeps repeating that
when he´s in a lovey mood he will whisper it in your ear all over and mark your chest
lowkey has a size kink so seeing how big his hands are in comparison to your tits makes him hard in an embarrassing short amount of time
loves to hug you from behind and just hold your tits
or whenever you´re cuddling, he will always play with them
literally will find any and every excuse to go shower with you
he´s such a fucking clown when it comes to tits
because he´s the guy who always boasts about how he´s a tits guy, the bigger the better
and he also is the annoying guy to rant about push up bras because ´it´s like a bag of crisps, half empty and full of air.´
´did you just call small tits disappointing?´ Sugu says and he´s never been so offended in his life
Satoru always made fun of Sugu because he adored small boobs so much and Gojo thought it was stupid
I mean he´s the strongest so he has to have the hottest girlfriend in the world
and surprise, he gets her 
just not in the way he would´ve thought
you´re not like that at all but why the fuck are you better than everything he could´ve ever hoped for? you throw him for a loop because this isn´t supposed to be like this
literally has his mouth open the first time he sees you naked
´you´re an angel´ he whispers, more to himself really
the best fucking thing is that he can rest his head comfortably without anything getting in the way
I mean he´s the clingiest bitch ever so he will use them as pillows all the damn time 
purrs like a cat and has this stupid grin on all the time
literally if you want to embarrass him just bring up the fact he thought small tits sucked at one point
´if I do not have a tiddie in my mouth at all times I will simply starve´
very adamant about his love for small boobs
lowkey overstimulates you a lot cause he can´t stop playing with them
loves to see how you react to his touch, he´s a fucking addict
also has an oral fixation so he will suck on and bite on your nipples a lot, like a lot lot 
definitely his favorite place to kiss after your lips
the type of guy to be a bit too informed about women´s health (but can one ever be too informed rlly?) and be super proud when you don´t have back problems because of your boobs
´you can jump around all you want, nothing ever gets in the way, isn´t that great?´
and honestly it´s so cute how excited he gets that your insecurities are out the window immediately
he was so shy and overexcited when you first got intimate that he almost passed out from touching your tits underneath your shirt
´they´re so soft...´ 
his eyes go so wide and loving whenever he gets to hold them and worship them
I hc that he loves playing video games after Yuuji got him into it and his favorite way to play is when you´re on his lap and he can rest his head on your shoulder, his hands will always touch your boobs in some way shape or form and for him there is nothing better
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dailyperkele · 2 months
(I'm once again thinking too much about Per'kele's torso and wings-
Especially because, as much as I love it, why is he bird-like? His base design is based off an illustration of the Devil/Lucifer from the Grand Grimoire and that checks out with the name and his "betrayal" towards the Moon God (literally a Celestial Deity). Even the jester motive fits because of having to pass as a servant of the "Trickster" God- and if not that there is the "Jester Privilige" that ironically makes the Jester the most free individual in a king's court- which fits him and the whole theme of "earn you freedom" imo.
But why the bird? More ties to Lucifer and fallen angels? The "birds of the air" from the bible which were seen as demons or as a negative symbol in general?
Even saying that it's because of Rher and His need to have servants themed after animals isn't enough of an explanation since he could've been anything else (I mean He already has a cat, a jellyfish, a cockroach- He surely doesn't have a limited choice pool). But no, he has that bird theme-
It's even more interesting that his wings are revealed alogside his exposed bloody ribcage- it'd make more sense for them to be two separated reveals (if we read them as "the marks of Sulfur and Rher" which I personally do) but instead you see both of them at the same moment, making me think they must be read together-
Where am I going with this rambling? Well- I may often call him "Chicken" when clowning on him but I also call him something else when I decide to take him seriously: "Pettirosso" ("Robin" in english buuut- for this one the italian word works best due to its direct meaning: "Petti = petto = chest" + "Rosso = red" = "Red Chest").
There is a christian story about how the Pettirosso got its name: when Christ was dying on the cross a bird flew up to him, either to soothe his pain by singing or to try and move away the thorns of his crown. Either way the bird ends up getting punctured in the chest / a drop of blood falls on its chest, forever staining it red.
A very popular theory is that the Sulfur god is a discarded part of Alll-Mer, who is heavily inspired by Christ- so Alll-Mer could be seen as the spiritual part of Christ, the one that reached godhood, while Sulfur is His corpse or carnal part, the one He left behind.
Putting those two things together I can't help but picture it-
Per'kele being the "bird" that approached Sulfur's forgotten remains- and offered the flesh off his chest to Him, forever staining himself in red.
We don't know if Per'kele was the one to start the cult but- ehh just let me be delusional with the religious imagery.
...yeah the fixation is going great. I love overanalyzing the most miniscule and useless details, thank you for noticing :>)
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Jason being extremely soft with his S/O, like being so in live with them he's just kinda a melting mess. Like he always looks at them with the most love-struck face, they are his world and it shows.
He listened with half an ear to the sound of you on the phone with your mother. A delicate dance he'd never had to master. Giving information and concealing even more. Block, Side Step, Jab Block Jab- it's a dance you know well.
One Jason listened to every Friday morning when she called you from his arms- as if she'd never been young and in love with a day off of work. But given that she'd be pretending you were a virgin until sometime after a baby was crowning or she managed to guilt you into getting married- she was probably trying to pretend. That you were still too young and naive for tangled bed sheets and satin sleep sets that made him want to never stop touching you, his callouses snagging the fabric.
You hand him his dinner plate with an absent-minded smile. Distracted with grocery lists, gas bills, and the other moving parts of running a house hold.
He watches, irritated as you shove food around on your plate. You're fretting about a few pounds of happy relationship weight. Something Jason doesn't really notice or care about- except for the way it makes you feel shy when he tries to hug your waist. What difference did 10 pounds make when he still lifted you up like it was nothing?
Still. He knew better than to put more things on your plate. Instead, after the dishes are done, he sprawls out on top of you. His head on your belly as he snuggles into the softness, basking in the comfort. Practically purrs like a cat when you reach up to pet his hair and rub his shoulders.
In the dark of the bedroom, there are no clowns lurking behind the door. Not now. He can bury his face in the smell of your hair.
Cradle one of your breasts in his hand, massaging gently- not to arouse you. But with some primal need to comfort himself. To be nurtured. Making up for all the nights he spent, small and alone. Wailing in the dark with no one to hold.
The smell of coffee, the clothes hamper, lavender detergent, your sandalwood lotion, The old leather of his favorite jacket on the chair-It all mixes and mingles around him, chasing the outside world away. Leaving him feeling safe and wanted.
And when you murmur his name, half awake and half in dream, he sighs, pulling you closer. He was home. Home in a way that he never thought he could be.
And no matter what happened, he'd always love you the most for offering that to him.
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prince-kallisto · 10 months
Lost in the Book with Stitch library book
As far as I know, the ending of the Lost in the Book with Stitch event hasn’t been released yet, but I may have figured out the deal with this book
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This book has a mirror engraved on the cover (this world LOVES using mirrors in impractical spaces), and it came out of no where. There’s no library tag, no title, and Lilia says it must be personal item based on this.
Now, I don’t know if the book itself is a reference to a Disney movie, but what I’m thinking is that this book belongs to ROYAL SWORD ACADEMY.
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The mirror in this book looks nothing like the dark mirror. And doesn’t the design around the mirror remind you of a hilt of a sword? The jewel on top even somewhat resemble the crown in RSA’s logo. To go even further, I think the book originally belonged to Ambrose the 63rd, because not only does this book seem powerful, he’s based off Merlin! This type of magic seems right up his alley
Now, I have two ideas of how it ended up here in the school library.
1. Either Ambrose visited the school for some reason and accidentally left it there, or Crowley just nabbed the book himself
2. Chenya nabbed it from Ambrose, which would make sense regarding his mischievousness, and hid it in the NRC library. The school barrier seems to do nothing to stop Chenya from getting into the school, so I think it makes sense for him to do this.
As much as I love blaming Crowley for everything, my bets so far are on Chenya, because I really doubt Crowley nabbing a personal book from another school (and from another HEADMAGE) just to leave it in the library. But it would make sense considering Chenya is based off the Cheshire Cat, who has less regards for personal items such as this.
Until the ending is released, who knows if we’ll get the answer…I’m ready to be clowned on if I’m wrong haha
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aikoiya · 1 year
DPxDC - Ship Names
♡ = Romantic
◇ = Platonic
Jazz Fenton/Jason Todd ♡ = Anger Management
Sam Manson/Damien Wayne ♡ = Vegan Rights/Gothic Order
Dani Fenton/Damien Wayne ♡ = Serious Chaos
Dani Fenton/Damien Wayne ◇ = Gremlin Children? Chaos Children?
Danny Fenton/Dick Greyson ♡ = Green Elephants?
Dani Fenton/Jon-El ♡ = Hero's Legacy? Super Chaos?
Dani Fenton/Kon-El ♡ = Clone Wars
Damien Wayne/Dani Fenton/Jon-El ♡ = Super Serious Chaos?
Danny Fenton/Kon-El ♡ = Super Dead/Super Ghost
Danny Fenton/Kon-El/Tim Drake ♡ = Super Dead Tired
Danny Fenton/Damien Wayne ♡ = Dead Serious
Danny Fenton/Sam Manson/Tucker Foley/Tim Drake ♡ = Everlasting Insomniacs
Danny Fenton/Tim Drake ♡ = Dead Tired/Brain Dead
Danny Fenton/Cass Cain ♡ = Dead Silent
Sam Manson/Cass Cain ♡ = Green Thumb?
Fem!Danny Fenton/Jason Todd ♡ = Lazarus Romance?
Danny Fenton/Jason Todd ♡ = Dead on Main/Double Dead
Danny Fenton/Jason Todd ◇ = Mostly Ghostly
Jazz Fenton/Bruce Wayne ♡ = Parent Syndrome
Tucker Foley/Damien Wayne ♡/◇ = Desert Sons
Clockwork/Alfred Pennyworth ♡ = Old Timers
Danny Fenton/Alfred Pennyworth ◇ = Old Souls
(Old) Jazz Fenton/Alfred Pennyworth ♡ = ???
Kara Danvers/Jazz Fenton ♡ = Psyche Report
Barbara Gordon/Jazz Fenton ♡ = TeleHealth
Danny Fenton/Duke Thomas ♡ = Ghost Lights
Dan/Roy Harper ♡ = Kill Shot
Dani Fenton/Rachel Roth ♡ = Chaos Crows
Dan/Bruce Wayne ♡ = Fire Bat?
Danny Fenton/Stephanie Brown ♡ = Haunted Eggplant?
Vlad Masters/Bruce Wayne ♡ = Vampire Bat
Sam Manson/Tim Drake ♡ = Blue Hour?
Sam Manson/Rachel Roth ♡ = Nevermore
Tucker Foley/Kon-El ♡ = Super Computer
Sam Manson/Barbara Gordon ♡ = Hacktivists
(Adult) Dani Fenton/Bruce Wayne ♡ = Wanderlust
Jazz Fenton/Cass Cain ♡ = Speech Therapy
Dan Phantom/Jason Todd ♡/◇ = Red Dead Redemption (this one's a joke... mostly...)
Dani Fenton/Jason Todd ♡ = Street Punks?
Dani Fenton/Tim Drake ♡ = Travel Photos
Jazz Fenton/Dick Grayson ♡ = Night Birds
Danny Fenton/Bruce Wayne ♡ = Frost Bat
Danny Fenton/Bruce Wayne/Talia al Ghul ♡ = Royal Frost Bat?
Vlad Masters/Talia Al Ghul ♡ = Royal Blood or Royal Plasma?
Penelope Spectra/The Joker ♡ = Gallows Humor or Kevorkian Clown or Suicide Joke (These are ones I made up myself & I'm honestly so proud of them! But dude... how freaking toxic is this relationship? O.o Don't know if there's any "official" ones though.)
Danny Fenton/Rachel Roth (Raven) ♡ = Halfworld Royalties/Corvid Crowns
Danny/Kaldur'ahm (Aqualad) ♡ = Cold Current
Danny Fenton/Koriand'r (Starfire) ♡ = Phantom Star
Danny Fenton/Cassie Sandsmark (Wondergirl?) ♡ = Wonderspirit
Alfred the Cat/Maddie the Cat ♡ = Feline Fine?
I'll add more as I discover them.
If anyone happens to know more, I'd be thrilled if you informed me so that I could add it to the list.
I'd also like your opinions on what to name the ones with question marks. If you think you have a better name, I'd be pleased to hear it.
If I agree with your assessment, I might even add it to the list.
I really like Lazarus Romance for something.
DP Character HC Masterlist
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
Hi love! I’m not sure if I requested this here or not (so if I did please ignore this and know I’m terribly sorry for asking again, I have a garbage memory) but if I didn’t, can I request an Eddie x reader fic where they’ve been in an established relationship (maybe like a year or 2). How do you think they would celebrate their anniversary? Like how do you think Eddie would be in particular, cuz I can see that lovable goofball being an anxious mess because he wants to do so much. But I’m interested to see what you think would happen in this sort of scenario, cuz you write Eddie so damn good ;)
Ok ok hear me out on this one cause I can so picture something: and it goes a little like this-
🍁love is kinda crazy with a spooky little boy like you🍁
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Eddie yowled in front of you like a startled cat. You’d swear if he could, he’d raise his spiky hackles on end.
Does that thing with his arms, where he goes all shrivelled and squirrely. Mouth wide and shaped like a kidney bean as he shrieks.
Bravely though, batting the stuffed clowns cackling head, that just sprang out the shredded walls at you.
You’re lost wandering deep within the twisted seedy belly of the haunted house maze.
He punched his fist into the soft squish of the dummies head. Tufts of coarse blueberry coloured hair. Bulging chilli red eyes popping out at the pair of you. Grin all macabre on its stupid rubbery painted face.
He hates clowns. Doesn’t even like the one in that Bowie video.
“Fucker.” He hissed as he swiped at it again. Heart racing hummingbird fast in his throat.
Crushed his metal rings into it again, just because. Grits his teeth. He’s on edge.
Why did he agree to this scare jumping, spine chilling fuckery again-
Cause it’s stupid and fun. Get in the Halloween spirit. You’d said.
Then gave him a deep, beautiful kiss that was all toffee apple and pink pink cotton candy. Your tongue furred with sugar and, damn, how he suddenly forgot why he was ever mad. Haunted what? Scared, who?
“I do not like this.” He tells you.
Kept telling you, actually. His eyes go darting around corners. Gaze scanning ahead like you were tiptoeing enemies in a live war-zone.
“You’ve said that already.”
“And you apparently didn’t want to listen. So I’ll say it, once more, with feeling- I DON’T like this.” He repeats. Voice rising to a pitchy squeak.
He jiggles on the spot. Cagey. Jesus H Christ.
“Never again. I promise.” You smooth a hand to his chest and pat him on his Judas Priest shirt. Leaves warmth where you touch him that he’s too scared to enjoy right now.
“I mean what’s so wrong with the fucking bumper cars, honey? They don’t have dead fake mangled things everywhere with stuff popping out the walls- shit.”
He backs away sidewards, whimpers, edges away sudden, the wall next to him is broken wood slats and nails, with stubby zombie hands now poking through. Black rotting nails all split, half eaten flesh all green, yellow dirty bones exposed. Grunts of the undead leak through from the other side. Searching for your living juicy meat.
“I ain’t got any brains for you to eat. Morons. Go swivel.” He defends. It makes you smile.
“You like horror movies, Eddie, I thought you’d find it cool.” You try to offer in your own defence for getting you both in here.
His hand squeezes yours. Tight. Clammy with sweat.
“You can turn a movie off. Princess. You can press pause or take the video out, leave the room. It’s a small screen you can manage. I didn’t say ‘yeah sure, honey, drop me onto the fucking set of Night of the living dead. I don’t mind’.” He snaps quickly in parody. He doesn’t mean it nastily.
Despite everything, you can’t help it. You chuckle. He looks at you with a very specific look in his eyes.
You feel his hands grip for your hips in your pretty dress. He comes up right close behind you. You feel his hair brushing dry at the back of your neck. His lips skate against the crown of your head.
“Oh you’re so in for it if we make it out of here alive.”
“Theres optimism.” You rib at him. Reaching back to cup your hand over his cheekbone.
“Vamonos.” He encourages. Sneaking down and patting your ass softly.
You pass along a section of hallway where the lights blink, maniacal Vincent Price-esque laughs bubble up all around you. Rolling through the maze and snatching at your running heels.
Ghosts in jangling dragging chains with arms outstretched. Apple green eyes glowing under the white sheet. Groans and wails. The lilac purple gothic room full of creepy eyeless dolls, a chirpy lullaby from a demented music box tinkling away.
‘Help’ crudely scrawled on the walls in sticky fingertip blood, hand smears too, in the mouldy white tiles of the crazy surgeons dungeon. Screams pierce. Fake amputated limbs scattered across the operating table. Blood tinged saws and knives.
Now. He goes into his famous Munson defence mode. Scurrying along and keeping you pulled behind him. Arms braced out with you bracketed between them. Pulling you into his back and offering his own front as your shield.
The Dio vested Knight he was, all chivalry and manners, putting himself at risk for love of you. His maiden. His one. Maid Marian to his Robin Hood. Or more likely, as he liked to think of it, Marianne Faithfull to his Mick Jagger. Much cooler.
You looped your fingers through his. Pulling him back to your side.
“Don’t worry. I’ll always protect you, big boy.” You wink at him. Makes his heart squeeze and flash faster when you do that. You lean in and nuzzle a kiss onto his jaw.
He pulls you in closer. Your chest brushing into his. A twitchy sort of frenzy on his face.
“I just want you to know. If we weren’t in this hellscape. I would be making out with you so hard right now.”
“Noted.” You beam. Pulling him along again, shadows roll and flick over a movement down the corridor in your peripheral. You strong arm him away before the chain saw guy with the peeling rubber face and “human skin” mask could catch you.
That split cherry soft of your grin. He’s so soft for it. Lips pink from that watermelon balm you use that he never lets linger for too long. He would be lying if he said he didn’t like the silky taste.
You laugh and shriek when a guy in a skeleton costume, comes bursting cunningly out the slanted shadows of a corner.
“Leaving so soon?” He snarls.
“Eat shit, bonehead.” Eddie fairly screeches, and tugs you along with him. Body blocking you. Reeling you along to, hopefully, the fucking exit of this creepy hell hole.
Halle-fucking-lujah. It’s up ahead on the right. The lovely big green arrows pointing to the exit. Salvation. Freedom.
He yanks on your wrist and you run full speed towards it. Ghoul hands painted blue make one last attempt to rip at your clothes. Eddie bats them away.
Not today fuckers. Me and my lady getting out of here-
It’s definitely a relief when you come to the cooling wash of night air outside. It was stuffy inside. The cramped space choking with the smell of warm tacky plastic, and stale air lining the horror laden walls. The night air is so thick and blue out here you could drink it. Sticky opium of a bruising fall night.
The air is throbbing deep with autumnal scents. Warm bubbling cider. Fried funnel cakes. Buttery caramel popcorn and soft pretzels studded with salt. That definable gooey orange scent that comes gouged out the insides of pumpkins, pitted with seeds.
The wind isn’t threaded with a biting cold yet, but it promises too, as the treacly night drags on. Leaves, the colour of gold and apricot, crunch and snap under your feet.
Your favourite time of year. The best. The slice of the cold that has you reaching for chunky sweaters. Cold knifing rain on grey dour windows and gloomy days. Splashing your boots into autumn puddles mucked with leaves.
Horror movies, carving pumpkins, and baking orange and black sprinkle cookies with Eddie in the trailer.
He always went full tilt overkill and added way way too many sprinkles. More sprinkles than cookie, really. Lacing the place with the scents of sugar and vanilla dough. And home. Sitting out on the porch with a warm cider in your hands chatting to Wayne as he smokes. Laughing at Eddie whining about washing the dishes- getting excited that the cookies were rising too.
Eddie takes a deep breath. Scanning up at the haunted house maze you’d just stumbled through. His hand still very much clutched on yours. He meant what he said. He’d never let go. Eddie keeps his word.
Although the truth be told, he made you promise you wouldn’t let his hand go the second you stepped inside that maze.
You hadn’t let go of this hand for two years. You weren’t planning to start now.
And yes, the full fact of being here again is crashing into your gut. Making you all mushy swooning and sentimental. It was your tradition after all-
“Come on. Handsome. Let’s go. I’ll buy you a corn dog as a reward for being so tough back in there. Protecting me.” You nudge his arm to bring him in.
He steps towards you and curls you into them. Rubbing his arms along your sides. Looping hands around the back of your waist. He doesn’t say anything but he’s definitely smiling down at you. His belly pressed to you. Tilts his head. Pensive look on his face.
You’re touching in so many places. All tangled and wrapped up in leather and denim like you usually are around him.
“What is it?” You ask him. Scanning that maniacal face and those deep puddles of oozing chocolate eyes for an answer.
“It’s been two years. To the exact day.” He says softly. His thumbs smoothing over the backs of your hips.
You smile at his recounting it. “Believe me. Munson. I remember.”
“We were arguing. On top of that very Ferris wheel. Two years ago. When I first asked you out.” He points behind your hip with his finger.
Up towards the huge circular ride studded with yellow and red bulbs all the way around. A huge golden eye of dragging slow metal brushed against the navy sky.
“I was winning the argument by the way.”
“You always do. Cause I’m such a peach. I let you.” He winks. Grins all big. Shiny teeth.
Mainly he loses cause he just skips up to you like a jester, spins you around, and kisses you until you’re smiling again.
“…And it was the fourth time you asked me out. To which I finally relented, and said yes. Only if I can pick the movie and we can get cotton candy afterwards.” You beamed.
“You didn’t tell me you very vehemently hated heights.” He teased.
“I went on that ride for the excuse of being sat next to you for ten minutes, you dope.” You tell him.
It rips a chuckle out that pillowy lovely mouth. You slip your arms around the back of his neck. Sway into him. Narrow your eyes when he laughed.
“It worked. I got to kiss you and I got a date. Even if you did break all the bones in my hand you squeezed it so hard.” He recalled. He had blue knuckles for three weeks. Swollen sore. He couldn’t play guitar for a month.
He drags one curled knuckle over your cheek. Those eyes of yours he loves - the eyes he’s a servant too - are brimming golden, bursting with the fairground lights glimmering all around you. Threaded chilli red in your hair too.
“And you bought me the most huge pink cotton candy I’d ever seen.”
“Shaped like a fucking heart.” He smiled.“You feral little thing. Ate it all in ten minutes.”
“You helped.” You pointed out.
He leaned in and brushed his nose across your cheek. Into the nest of your hair. Kisses your jaw. You chuckled and slipped your arm up his back.
“Kissed most of it off your lips.” He remembers in a soft mumble, with a waggle of those brows. Lips planted against your cheek. Tone dipping naughtily into flirt.
Kissed and kissed until the sugar made him feel sick. Now he knew what the term lovesick meant. His metal and thorn wrapped rocker heart you had cupped safely in your hands. He’d never have it any other way.
You yank your hand into the back of his wild hair. Hold him still as you devour his lips with yours. Taste the Marlboro smoke that lived at a permanent address on his tongue. Pipped with the sweet toffee from the apple you’d both pecked at earlier. He’d kissed and bitten his pieces of apple right out your offered mouth.
Tasty as fuck, he’d said. He hadn’t even meant the apple.
He moans and you feel it shoot and slice to your belly. Gut punch love. His moans- they are better than music.
He cups you and keeps you yanked firm against his front as he kisses you back. Sneaks his tongue into your mouth, and the way it brushes yours makes your knees whirl all useless.
Damn his tongue should be criminal to be that good-
You don’t care that crowds of people are cutting around where you’re making out with your boyfriend. It was a carnival. High schoolers were dating and kissing horny all over the damn place.
What was one more star studded couple with hearts lodged in their eyes?
You cross your arms around the back of his neck. He tips into you. Skims his big warm hands up the backs of your smooth thighs. Resists cupping your ass in public- he should really get a medal for that. C’mon-
When you pull back, he chases after your mouth. Greedy and always so. Not ready for it to be over yet. He’s never ready to stop kissing you.
“Kettle corn. A pink lemonade. And a corn dog. Final offer.” You smile at him. An effective bargaining chip you kept in your pocket. Plying him with food as persuasion.
The way into Eddie Munson’s heart was occasionally via a funky reroute to his stomach.
You’re shameless and it works.
“Sold.” He grins. Enjoying the hell out of the way your tits are crushed to his chest right now.
“…Then the Ferris Wheel, honey.” He smirks with a pure maniacal grin of evil. “You can break my fingers again. I’ll let you.”
“This is you getting your own back for the haunted maze isn’t it.” You wilfully decide. That stubborn jut of your chin. Unimpressed eyes scratching daggers at him.
“My hand hasn’t left yours for two years. Sweet cheeks. Not gonna start now.” He beams.
He loops an arm over your shoulder. Steers you towards the corn dog stand. You tangle your steps alongside his. Slide your arm across his trim waist. His leather arm cold around your shoulder.
“Then after the food and the Ferris wheel. I’m gonna take you back to the van. And do filthy filthy things to you, whilst the firework show bursts across the sky.” The way his lips brush the shell of your ear makes your thighs wobble and shoot with sensation.
“Filthy you say?” You ask with hot blood gathering up in your cheeks. Gold lights bloom in his dark eyes like round petals. Dazzling.
“Yep.” He pops the p.
“Gonna lick you real slow. Make you yelp. Then just gonna slide my tongue right in, far as I can, I’m not gonna be stopping until you melt. Right into my mouth.” He decides with a playful little kiss to your jaw.
Goddamn it this boy knows how to make your pussy throb and clench.
“Is this all part of your grand revenge plan?” You seek.
“No. Baby. Just a damn good way to spend a Friday night with my favourite chick.”
Your heart is all melty. Slipping down the insides of your butter soft ribs. You do so love this man with every single tiny atom of your being.
“I thought your guitar was your favourite chick?” You play.
He grins. Chucked all sweet. “Nah. You feed me. You win hands down babe.”
Tagging some Munson babes; @indouloureux @youaremyfamiliar @fujiihime @groupie-love-71 @stiegasaw @thelyingpierrot @munsonquinns @captain-tch @ramona-thorns @starbxcks @morganamoonstone
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Chapter 6
Exclusive Contract
Victor: "From this day onwards, you are the Crown's exclusive 'Fairy Tale Master."
Kate: "Fairy Tale Master....?"
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Tall young man: "....What?"
Victor: "I created this position just now. I've been wanting to write down your spectacularly evil deeds for some time now."
Victor: "Kate will live in this castle from now on and work with the members of the Crown."
Victor: "The Crown members can monitor her to make sure she doesn't divulge any secrets."
Victor: "In the meantime, I want Kate to write down how the members do their evil deeds like writing a fairy tale."
Victor: "It will be a valuable source of research on the cursed ones and a report on the Crown's activities to her Majesty the Queen."
Aloof man: "....Haa, you're just trying to force her to write these reports because you can't be bothered to do it, right....?"
Victor: "I knew it would be my greatest idea! Now that we've decided on that, I'll give you a tour of the castle."
Kate: "W-Wait!"
(Looks like I escaped from being killed, but I need to make an important decision)
Kate: "One month. If I can fulfill my role as 'Fairy Tale Master' for a month and still keep your secret, then...."
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Kate: "You will release me right?"
Victor: "....."
William: "Fufu....that's unusual Victor. It's amazing to see that you're not amused for once."
William: "Okay, Kate. If you want to live for one month, then sure. After we're convinced that you're trustworthy, we will willingly release you."
William: "Have a notice sent to her Majesty about her one-month employment."
William: "Okay, Victor?"
Victor: "....Yeah, of course, Will."
(....Thank god. At least I can still keep my head on my neck....)
(If I keep their secret for a month....then I can go back home safely)
(And I also have to record the crimes of these men)
William: "Now, it would be inconvenient if you didn't know everyone's names. Come on, everyone. Introduce yourselves."
Man that looks like a cat: "Okay Okay, me first!"
I suddenly feel a sense of déjà vu as if I've seen him step out onto the stage and dance.
Kate: "Wait, I think I know you....Oh!"
(This guy is the....stage actor from the play I went to see last month!)
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Liam: "Oh, you know me? I'm happy. I'm a stage actor in the front and a clown in the back. My name is Liam Evans."
Liam: "Nice to meet you, sweet little Kate."
With a light wink like twinkling stars, Mr. Liam leaves a tingling kiss back of my hand.
My heart, which had been stiff with fear and anxiety loosens slightly.
(I thought all 'Crowns' were aristocrats, but seems like they're not)
Kate: "Nice to meet you, Mr. Liam."
Liam: "Just call me Liam. No need to be formal with me. This is my buddy, Harry---"
Harrison: "I'm not his buddy....my name is Harrison Gray. Harry or Harrison, call me whichever you want."
Kate: "Nice to meet you, Harrison."
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Harrison: "If I tell you I have the curse of a lying fox....do you think I'm lying or I'm saying the truth?"
Harrison smiled thinly, his light milky hair fluttered and a scent of mint tickled my nose.
Kate: "....I think that it's true."
Harrison: "Hmmm, you think, huh?"
If this were a street corner there would have been screams from the ladies at the streaming eyes being thrown at them.
Harrison: "You're the one who has to answer that question, and you got a month to do it."
(...You are kind of an elusive person. I can't read your emotions at all)
(I'm sure he's extremely popular though....)
Alphonse: "I am Alphonse Sylvatica. We're next in line to greet you."
Alphonse: "I'm looking forward to playing with a cute young girl like yourself for one month...."
(Hm? Play with me....?)
Alphonse: "This here is Count Elbert Greetia. He considers me as his friend cum aide."
Elbert: "......Elbert.....Nice to meet you."
Kate: "Mr. Alphonse and Master Elbert. Nice to meet you too!"
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Elbert: ".........Al, is she beautiful?"
Alphonse: "Yes, but not as much as you."
Man with a gun: "Come you, guys. Don't be rude in front of a young lady."
(Well, it's true, there aren't many more beautiful people in the world than Elbert)
Roger: "I'm Roger. I used to be a doctor. Good for you, young lady. Looks like there is time for you to get to know us a little better."
When I braced myself for the ferocious smile, Mr. Roger's eyebrows raise as if he was amused.
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Roger: "We'll be seeing each other for one month now. So let's get along....okay?"
Kate: ".....Yes. Mr. Roger."
(Now, the next in line for introduction is...)
Chapter 7 - Villains
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entropiceye1342 · 9 months
Spoiler free review for Netflix's live action One Piece!
A lot of stuff to love! I absolutely ADORE this take on the adventure of the Straw Hat Pirates!
The Straw Hats are all cast perfectly, the supporting cast is spot on. Everyone NAILS their characters!
Give the man a crown!
Iñaki Godoy as Luffy is goofy and oblivious in all the right ways. He sticks the perfect landing of the emotional intelligence that was crucial to bring the deeper side of Luffy to life, and doesn't neglect the hyperactive child side either! Seeing him gleefully bounce around - both in and out of fights- was special. The CGI was pretty good! Better than I expected, really. I appreciate making Luffy a little more level-headed, it's a good choice to tone down the chaos goblin for live action 🤣
It was magnificent to see Luffy grow into a "real" pirate in this arc, and he will be the KING!
Mackenyu as Zoro is a bit "too cool" but honestly I expected it to happen, people tend to overlook the fact that 90% of the time he's just as dumb as Luffy 🤷 but MAN is he cool. He really surpassed my expectations for the fight scenes, and did not skip on the brutality! 3 Sword Style was stunningly realized and incredible fun to watch- even without drawing a single blade!
His one liners and sarcasm are on point, ESPECIALLY regarding Sanji 🤣
Emily Rudd as Nami is INCREDIBLE. Smart as a whip and wily as ever, this cat burglar lands on her feet! In and out of combat, Nami is quick on her feet and with her wit. One Piece passes the Bechdel test once again, and her story is every bit the emotional powerhouse as its manga and anime counterparts- better in some moments! 'Nuff said.
Jacob Romero Gibson as Usopp is delightful, though unfortunately he doesn't get as much time to shine as the others. When he does though, it's fantastic!
He really got the little things down about the character without needing to be as over the top as his counterparts- a bullseye from the sniper!
Sanji is perfect as well, you can SEE the training Taz Skylar went through for the part, from the mouth watering food to the killer martial arts. Every bit as fun to watch as the rest of the Monster Trio! My expectations for him were already high, and he kicked them into the stratosphere.
I'm glad they toned down the flirting, they found the right balance and played it well. Sanji matches Zoro in the bickering spectacularly, an absolute must that exceeded my hopes in both of their performances.
I'm not gonna list everyone but because I love this stupid fucking clown:
Jeff Ward as Buggy is an absolute TREAT, I am a huge fan of this take on the character. The perfect storm of bumbling dipshit who wants to be taken seriously, but still pretty intimidating at times. LOVE it. His jokes are GOLD.
Speaking of! Gold Roger, the man who started it all! *mwah!* Dazzling performances from him AND the Marines.
The few nitpicks I have are minor, the childhood acting ranges from ok to abysmal, Lily Fisher as young Nami is a notable standout. Some of the "minor" characters suffer from wooden acting, but honestly that's about the worst of it.
The Fishmen look a little low budget in their early appearances, but are absolutely PERFECT when they are the ones in the spotlight. Absolutely phenomenal work from McKinley Belcher III, my biggest fear from this was Arlong being done wrong and he CRUSHED IT!
The soundtrack was rousing, it truly felt like a call to adventure! And above all the SET DESIGN 😭
They TRULY brought the world that Oda Senseii has been drawing for us all these years, to life.
And now, anime One Piece is trending on Netflix.
Here's to hoping Netflix doesn't Netflix it 🍻
What did you think?
Especially if this is your introduction to One Piece, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts!
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burningm0th · 3 days
Hands are rising from the deep, crowned with webs and eyes
A troubled heart lies underneath an angel in disguise
Like the horse drove into Troy; a lapin’s jealous rage
Synchronizing entities will end up in its cage
Fallen from the wire, posing now as just a clown
A fractured, citric mind will continue crumbling down
And walking as a cat might do, driven by intrigue
A moth draw curiously close to infiltrate their league.
- 🕯️
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[Image ID: HS visible at a slight distance, standing in a messily drawn patch of grass and dandelions. They are hunched forwards with one hand in their coat pocket, looking quietly down at their phone held in the other hand, which has little yellow lines to indicate activity coming out of it. Drawn coming out of their back are two faded and transparent yellow moth wings. /end ID]
◇ ...Interesting. Sounds familiar.
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strawbs-screaming · 8 months
punch out boxers and what i think they had as a childhood stuffie + some extra guests
As a break from that one Forbidden™ post, heres something fluffy, sorry if the translations suck im using a translator
Glass Joe - a cat plushie with dark blue button eyes, lovingly named "Jojo" after himself, think of a calico cat for its pattern and its built like a teddy bear except for its head & tail
Von Kaiser - a teddy bear, creatively named "Bär" (means bear in german, i know how creative this is) suprisingly squeaky clean with a few stitches and a eye missing
Disco Kid - a koala named "Mr. Dance" that he regularly gave concerts to along with dance performances and talked to a lot, a bit pink since he accidentally messed up while washing it but still loved nonetheless, mr dance is a real one
King Hippo - a hippo plushie made from rags with souless button eyes he made a crown for, he got the name inspo from his plushie since it was named "King hippo", he jokingly refers to himself as "King hippo the second" if anyone knows about the original hippo
Piston Hondo - a frog plushie that is also suprisingly clean with a copy of his headband on it with a red belt, smells like mint for some reason named "マスターフロッグ" (master frog)
Bear Hugger - a stuffed salmon plushie handmade by a friend, smells like death and has a bite taken from it because he bit it while dreaming & ate a chunk from it
Great Tiger - a tiger plushie with sunglasses named "awesome man" (i couldnt find a proper translator and google translate sucks so im writing it in english) that smells like his dads perfume with a few cuts & a eye holding on for dear life, he performed magic tricks for it and made it have drama with his clones
Don Flamenco - a flamingo plushie with a red scarf around its neck, patched up with colorful fabrics, named it after himself, its eyes also happen to be missing, he argued with it constantly and fought it for no reason
Aran Ryan - a giraffe plushie named "spots" that has seen some stuff, half of its face missing, constantly wet (think of that webkinz plushie post) probably moldy with thousands of stitches & patches that smells like spoiled milk
Soda Popinski - a husky plushie with blue beady eyes, somehow in one piece except for one eye gone & sewn up nicely, named "Охотник" (Hunter) that smells like your grandmas house, lovingly hugged and tucked in along with him
Bald Bull - a sheep plushie, somewhat yellowish fur & glittery eyes named "kuzucuk" (no exact translation for this, kuzu means sheep and -cuk and most verbs similiar to it is usually added to mean little, either in a rude way or a cute way) that is always really warm and smells like cinnamon, he has sobbed into that plushie right after decking it in the face many times
Super Macho Man - a dino plushie (specifically a t-rex) named "Chompers" that has a few bitemarks on it and reeks of glue, he made it act out godzilla
Mr Sandman - a squirrel plushie named "Ms. Walnut" that has a portion of its tail missing and has one button eye and another stitched up eye, he always talked to it for advice and apologized to it after he punched it from anger, he always imagined Ms. Walnut's voice as a posh british lady when he made it speak
Doc Louis - a crocodile plushie named "Pickle" that reeks of pickles somehow, tail sewn in a half-assed way, always rko'd for some reason
Little Mac - a polar bear plushie, gifted to him from doc when he was first adopted named "tiny mac" stitched up lovingly, he still has it and is not ashamed, not one bit (me too bestie, shout out to that one pikachu plushie i bought with my own money at a bazaar and still hug every night)
Carmen - clown plushie with a dress very similiar to hers named "Señorita Payasa" (Miss Clown), the reason she has a polka dress is because of her and was the main reason she loves clowns
Narcis Prince - a horse plushie named "horsey" that is loved very much, always accompanied him with his imaginary tea parties, sewn up in the stomach nicely (he secretly still has it and still loves it very much shh shut up)
Gabby Jay - a handmade doll of him by his grandma, called "Gabs" for short, always held it close to his heart and sprayed his perfume on it, no injuries (unlike gabby jay himself LMAOO) , no dirt, and no trauma, beloved
Pizza Pasta - a flour bag with eyes drawn on, stuffed with fluff (with no flour thankfully) named "L'uomo della farina" (flour man) with a lot of patches, bitten very often
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faery-the-diamond · 2 years
Hello Faery, I love the way your doing the Redo Au. The two clowns are dynamic in what they do and it but I do have two questions about it.
1. Does the cult still do things like sacrificing members or butchering the old, or at least, how did your version of Lambert run things
2. Does the crown/Lambert need sacrifices or cause death to stay ‘powered’ for lack of a better term due to Grumpy Cats domain
Thank you!
But a little correction here: my AU is called Mercy gone wrong or MGW for short, not Redo :">
In my AU Lambert is trying to be more on a peaceful and pacifist side, focusing more on keeping the community stable and loyal to him instead of trying to gain power as quickly as possible.
And there are two reasons for it: one is based on how I imagine the sheep community to work and how it influenced Lambert's mindset; and second being that Lambert, besides freeing Narinder, had his own plans for a long run.
So his doctrine choices are looking like this:
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(Please mind that I wasn't basing it on an actual game experience, but on how I imagining MGW Lambert's choices would look like)
However, there were some moments when Lambert did sacrificed some people, but those times were an exceptions.
As for staying "powered", no, he doesn't need sacrifices for it. The Crown is the power source itself and, as I showed in my latest comic, Lambert only needs to sleep to renew his energy. The sacrifices are needed for the crownbearer to become stronger and more adjusted to the Red Crown's power, not for the Crown itself.
And since now it's Narinder who wears the Crown — the guy who owned it for thousands of years and knows the majority of it's abilities, nuances and limits some of which Lambert isn't even aware of — there is no actual need in sacrifices
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