#DAD JAY???!
kunshokunsho · 4 months
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OKOK hear me out….
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zipsunz · 6 months
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under the mistletoe 🌿
(art by me, script by @sunkitty143!)
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kiaerinnn · 3 months
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HELP he said "that's my fucking dad."😭💀 (edit: wow this is my most liked post I didn't think yall would like it that much- and I didn't make this, I saw it on tt)
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itadodori · 3 months
babydaddy!sukuna who got you pregnant purely out of jealousy. he was sick of everyone trying to steal you away from him, did they not know who the fuck he was? one thing about your husband was.. he always got what he wanted. that’s why when you were in your 2nd trimester— tits growing rapidly, nipples sore, and milk staining through every shirt you owned.. he couldn’t control himself anymore.
“fuck, girl..” sukuna’s right hand cupped your tit, he made sure to rip that annoying shirt off before hand, it got in his way too much. “making me go fuckin’ crazy.”
your mouth was stuck in an o shape— unable to make out any words. your breasts were so sore over the past few weeks.. you constantly told sukuna that they were tender to the touch but he never cared.
“k..kuna no. y’know ‘m sore, it hurts.” your hands met his, trying to gently pry them away but they were way too big. they wouldn’t budge an inch.
before you knew it his head was rested in your neck— leaving rough kisses on the soft skin.
“shh mama, it’s okay, gonna make it feel all better..” he flipped you over gently, making sure you were on your side since he knew any other position was bad for the baby.
“pretty ass tits.. all swollen n’ shit.” sukuna grinned while rubbing his finger over your inflated nipple, squeezing it in his hands, watching your milk spill out.
he swore he could’ve came right then and there.
“oh shit! kuna i c..can’t!” you felt like your breast were going to fall off, especially since you weren’t used to this feeling.
you just started your 2nd trimester— and that’s usually when your boobs hurt the most during pregnancy.
“my poor princess, want me to suck on it instead..? hmm?” you immediately nodded. you were willing to let him do anything to relieve this aching pain.
“such a nasty girl.” by now sukuna’s mouth was latched onto your nipple, slowly sucking until liquid came out. he swore your milk tasted like heaven and he regretted waiting this long to try it.
your hands gripped his hair tight once he brung his hand up to your neck— slightly squeezing it as he continued. if you knew it would’ve felt this good you would’ve let him do this ages ago. all those times you were complaint about being sore could’ve been avoided.
sukuna took a moment to analyze your features— loving the way your body jerked whenever he sucked a little too hard. god, he was going to have to get you pregnant again after this. “doin’ so good for me, mama.. just let me drink.”
yeah, you knew this definitely wouldn’t be your last time carrying his kid.
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all rights reserved ©itadodori ♡
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Batman: Crime is abnormaly quiet today, one more round and we should go home, chum.
Robin (Jason): A-Okay. I may even have time to read a bit before going to bed.
Batman: I'll think about it.
Robin: We could go to Bat Burguer! Di-Nightwing said they have an amazing chocolate milkshake.
Batman: I don't know, Robin...
Robin: I'm sure they have banana milkshake as well or something fruity.
Batman: Hm
Robin: I knew it!
Batman: Hm??
Robin: You are a fruit bat.
Batman: what?
Robin: I was reading a book about animals and they say that of the 1200 known species of bats only three are vampire bats. You are too normal to be a vampire bat. Also vampire bats are smaller and you are very big and vampire bats move solo and while you like to prented to be moody and lonley you have me, Agent A, Batgirl and Nightwing and that just in Gotham. So you are a fruit bat. And you love fruity things.
Batman: *smilling* I suppose.
Robin: And that means we are going to drink the milkshakes because you can't refuse fruit things!
Batman: Because I'm a fruit bat.
Robin: Yeah!!
----- [somewhere in the future] ----
Robin (Damain): I'm the son of Batman, I'll drink your blood, Hood.
Red Hood: Nah, B's totally a fruit bat and as the "blood son" that just means you like banana milkshake, sorry demon brat.
Batman: *in the background, accidentaly listens* *happy hm*
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ineffableparents · 9 months
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Jay and Aziraphale both like to draw
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wasyago · 11 months
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taddymason · 3 months
And way down we go
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cinamun · 3 months
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Professor who? | Next
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citruslllad · 2 years
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Late night with da boys (they’re watching Splatoon gameplay)
Little bonus since that can’t be good for Raph’s neck:
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rainofthetwilight · 9 months
what i love abt the ninjago fandom is that the moment we knew cole went missing in the merge we expected him to come back as a dad
and we were RIGHT
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dizzybizz · 4 months
jrwi riptide huh...oaughhgh uhuhuh (explodes into confetti)
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everytime i draw chip his eyebrows get bigger and rounder and everytime we kiss i swear i could fly
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ep35 was fucking crazy man what the hell
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DP x DC Prompt: "Next Generation"
Okay, so, anyone even tangibly into DC knows the whole Gotham War arc really assassinated Bruce's character
But it's juicy fic material
After the whole adrenaline-induced panic episode, Jason leaves Gotham. He's done. He's done with Bruce, with Batman, with everything. And yeah, it was a little satisfying to hear about Nightwing beating Batman into the ground (over Jason! He might have wept a little at that) but it's not worth it to stay anymore
So he leaves
He travels for a bit, trying to figure out who he is without the whole Red Hood thing. Decides to go to college. Under a fake name, of course, he's got to make sure Batman can't find him. Jack sounds close enough to his real name. He chooses Fenton on a whim, he's seen it somewhere and it stuck.
Jack Fenton goes to college. He makes a friend. Falls in love, even. He marries, settles in a small town somewhere in the Midwest, and has two children whom he loves more than anything. Life is good, and he's happy
Until years later, Amity Park gets its own ghostly hero and Jack only has to look at him once to recognise him, and well, what's a father supposed to do?
Not fuck with his son's fear responses, that's for sure
He may not have been Red Hood in years, but he's not going to let his son do this alone.
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luck-of-the-drawings · 5 months
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resident-gay-bitch · 4 months
Single teen dad steve who’s kid comes out as trans kinda young and fuck it’s the late 80’s early 90’s - post upside down - and he’s freaking out because he just wants the best for his little kid. She- he has always been Steve’s biggest priority and he loves his kid no matter what and he’s gonna embrace the hell out of it, but he has worries about it all because he’s in small town Hawkins and people here get beat up for being rumoured to be gay, what the hell is gonna happen to his kid??
But mainly, he has no idea how to help. He doesn’t know anything about it. Robin assists where she can but she’s just as in the dark about it as Steve.
Then comes one night, Axl (they’re trying out new names each month and this month Axl is obsessed with Gunners so it’s only appropriate) is having a panic attack over his dysphoria and Steve is trying his best to help. He can’t bind, doesn’t know how to do it on his own without it hurting really bad, and Steve is trying to help but Axl won’t let anyone see any part of him without a shirt and so it’s hard. They tried to figure out how to do it on Steve’s bare chest but it’s not really the same. Eventually Axl cries himself to sleep about it with Steve sitting on the end of his bed because Axl didn’t want to even be touched after a while.
And Steve doesn’t sleep that night, he stays up half the night trying to bind his own chest correctly, then he tapes balloons and stuffed toys to the front of this big bear they have and tries to bind on that. But nothings working, and he can’t help but feel like he’s failed his kid. He debated calling Robin up to see if she’d come over and he could try binding her chest to figure it out, he knows she’ll say yes because she cares about Axl so much and also won’t care if Steve sees her bare chest as he has before, but she’s out of state for work for a whole other week. He just cries until it’s time to get up for work and school.
Axl is wearing a baggy shirt under an even baggier hoodie, even though it’s the middle of summer. Steve wants to tell him to take it off, to make sure he doesn’t faint today, but he knows that’s only gonna make things worse - everyone at school still thinks he’s a girl. He makes sure to pack ice packs in Axl’s lunch bag and extra ice in his water bottle.
He goes to work and thinks about it all day, then he gets home to find a note on the counter from Axl, saying he’s popped across the street to study with Melody for a while. They’ve been friends since they were little, and she’s the only one from school who knows so far. Steve’s glad Axl’s doing something to distract himself rather than rotting away in bed and making himself feel more sick about it.
Halfway through cooking himself dinner (and by cooking he means microwaving whatever the fuck he can find in the fridge) he gets a knock on the door. It’s Eddie. Of course it’s Eddie. They had plans to catch up for a beer down the pub tonight, since they hadn’t seen eachother in a while now. Steve had been so distracted today he completely forgot.
Steve apologises to Eddie and tells him he’s just been so stressed today and he couldn’t talk to Robin about it and everything is just so complicated, he just breaks down and cries right then and there in his doorway.
And Eddie, being the kind soul that he always has been, pulls Steve into a hug and lets him cry about it.
They sit down at the table together and crack open a couple of beers and eat the microwaved leftovers. And they chat and Steve forgets about everything for a little while. Eddie does that to him; makes Steve forget everything else in the world doesn’t exist besides Eddie.
He’s tried to snuff his stupid feelings for Eddie out for years, since 1986. It hasn’t worked. But Eddie’s been between relationships, and Steve’s had Axl to worry about so trying to have anything serious has been so hard and pointless. No one wants an instant pre-teen, and especially not Eddie who has expressed he doesn’t want kids several times. It’s pointless.
So very pointless.
But Steve wants him anyway.
Eddie asks about Axl, as he always does. He cares about Steve’s kid the way he cares about Dustin, sort of. They get along, but Eddie kinda gets awkward around him for some reason and Axl gets very flustered around Eddie. Steve found it adorable when he was little, Eddie with his long hair and tattoos, he always through it was cool. And as Axl got older, the more he’d avoid Eddie in hopes of not fanboying over Eddie’s band, or tattoos, or his guitar.
But they don’t really see eachother much these days, so now that Axl’s fourteen and too cool to ask questions when Steve brings Eddie up, who knows what they’d be like around eachother?
Eddie’s asking questions, completely oblivious as he asks how “she’s going” and if “she’s surviving her first year of highschool” and blah blah blah, and Steve knows it’s because he doesn’t know. But it messes with his head anyway, because that’s his boy their talking about, not his girl, and it’s been bothering him all day and Steve just-
He crumbles. He opens up to Eddie and tells him everything on his mind right now. How Axl is really a boy, and how they’re trying out new names, and how Steve feels like he’s failing his kid because he doesn’t know how to help him bind, or feel safe, or come out at school, or what to do to get him on testosterone or if that’s even an option and-
Eddie places his hand on Steve’s and smiles so softly, “You’re struggling to bind?” Eddie asks.
“Yeah, it’s like- his chest… he- he’s doesn’t-“
“Yeah, I- I know, Steve.” Eddie nods, “Would Axl be okay with me knowing this? Or, like, not?”
“I don’t know.” Steve so sobs, “I shouldn’t have said anything without his permission, but I just trusted you and I needed to talk to- to someone. And I’m…”
“Okay.” Eddie cleared his throat, “okay, will Axl be home tonight?”
“Yeah.” Steve sniffled and checked his watch, “It’s almost curfew.”
“Okay. Have you got any bandages? Or what have you been using?”
“Yeah, bandages… cloth.” Steve rubbed his nose.
“That’s okay, uhm, how about you go get those for me?”
Steve, confused but too mentally tired to think much of it, goes and does just that. He brings back the rolls of bandages and cloth they were using and dumps them on the table in front of Eddie. Eddie smiles and moves the cloth aside, looking at the strip of bandages.
“The wider ones are better. These are a little thin, but… does he use a sports bra most days?”
Steve nods.
“Okay, I suggest getting some wider bandages. But I can make these work.” Eddie grins.
“What?” Steve grumbles.
“Come here.” Eddie shuffles his chair over to Steve, “Arms up, not up in the air but like, out so I can get around.”
Steve follows his command yet again, and watches with confused eyes as Eddie begins to wrap the bandage around Steve’s chest, talking him through the process; where to place his hands for best compression, and insisting it can’t be too tight or it will hurt.
“It probably won’t be perfectly flat, they never are, but it will be better.” Eddie smiled, “Surgery is always an option, but they won’t let him get that until he’s like, eighteen.”
“How do you-“
“Hey, dad, sorry I’m late, I have a math test tomorrow and we-“ Axl chattered, walking through and shutting the door, “… uhm, hi Eddie.”
“Hi!” Eddie grinned and waved at Axl before looking back at Steve’s chest and fastening the bandage together with the clip at Steve’s side.
“What are you doing?”
Steve felt his heart drop, “I’m- I’m sorry, kid, I shouldn’t have told him but- I was just, I needed someone to talk to, and- It’s not and excuse-“
“No, it’s not.” Axl dumped his bag down on the kitchen counter and walked over, “You should ask before assuming.”
“I know.” Steve furrowed his brow, “I don’t usually-“
“But it’s okay because it’s just Eddie.” Axl shrugged and leant down to look at the bandges wrapped tight around Steve’s chest, “I figured you’d already told all of your friends.”
“Nope.” Eddie shook his head and smiled, “He certainly did not. Cool name, by the way- Guns and Roses?”
“Yeah.” Axl nodded.
“Sick.” Eddie grinned.
“Did you do this?” Axl pointed to the bandages.
“Wait, you’re not upset with me?” Steve asked.
“No, I know you’re not just gonna out me to some cunt who’s gonna beat me up-“
“Language.” Steve pressed.
“Besides, Eddie’s gay and a self proclaimed Freak, out of most of your friends he’s the least likely to judge.”
“Right you are, little gremlin.” Eddie smiled up at him.
“I’m still sorry.” Steve murmured.
“Don’t be.” Axl playfully punched his arm.
“Also, to answer your question,” Eddie continued, “Yes, this is how you bind. I can show you how to do it, if you like? I suggest bigger bandages but this can work for now.”
“Yes please.” Axl nodded, and Eddie immediately started to unwound the bindings on Steve’s chest.
He re-tied it, talking step by step to Axl, and then he got Axl to bind Steve’s chest himself, Eddie talking him through the process.
Then, Eddie got Axl to do it on himself, over his baggy jumpers, because it’s a little different doing it on someone else. Steve sat at the table and watched in awe as Eddie animatedly talked Axl through the process, and Axl couldn’t wipe his smile off his face.
The moment it was done he raced off to his room to do it properly. Eddie went and got them another beer.
“Thank you.” Steve smiled at him, “So much.”
“No problem, Steve-o.” Eddie grinned, “I have not done that in a while, it was kinda fun.”
“What do you mean?” Steve furrowed his brow, and Eddie shrugged and pulled up his shirt.
The first thing Steve noticed was the added ink Eddie had gotten since ‘86. The second thing he noticed was the bat bites scattered over his skin. And the third… two scars stretching along his chest.
Steve remembered being back there, crying and trying to add compression on all of Eddie’s scars. He remembered finding bandages already wrapped around Eddie’s chest, under his clothes, but he thought nothing of it, figured Eddie had cut his chest open or something. Not… this.
Eddie blushed and lowered his shirt, shrugging up at Steve.
“Oh my god.” Steve muttered, and Eddie just stared at him, “Holy shit, you’re like Axl?!”
“Yeah.” Eddie nodded, and then a couple of seconds later Axl was body slamming into the back of Eddie and wrapping himself around him.
“I didn’t think anyone was like me here.” Axl mumbled, obviously trying to not cry, “I always thought you’d be the coolest out of dad’s friends.”
Eddie snickered and gave Axl a hug back, “How’d you go, did you get it?”
“I think so.” He said, stepping back and showing off to them. It’s the first time Steve had seen him wear anything less than a baggy shirt. He was dressed in a cropped muscle tee, and he looked so confident.
Steve started to cry.
“Hey! Look at you, it looks so good, kid.” Eddie grinned, “If you want I can show you how to draw facial hair on to look realistic.”
“Fuck yeah.” Axl grinned, “I want a moustache.”
Eddie snickered and looked back at Steve, his face dropped when he saw him crying, “Hey, Stevie-“
“Thank you.” Steve sobbed and buried his head in his hands, “Holy fuck, thank you so much.”
Eddie smiled softly, “It’s no issues, of course. Anything to help a fellow freak like me, huh?” He smiled up at Axl, “I should be thanking you, it feels nice to have another person like me around again.”
“Do you know more people like us?”
Eddie nodded, “You know my friend Gareth? Yeah, he’s like us, and a two more people but they’re not in town.”
“Oh my god, really?!” Axl grinned, “This is so awesome, can I please come to one of your gigs or something?”
“I thought you were too cool for that stuff?” Steve snickered.
Axl flipped him off, “I just wanna meet him… as a guy.”
Eddie leant out and ruffled Axl’s hair, “Yeah, kid, whenever you like- though, a band practice would be more ideal for a fourteen year old.”
Axl frowned dramatically and went to get himself a drink.
“Seriously, Eddie, thank you.” Steve murmured, “I haven’t seen him that happy in… not in years. He’s just a kid, he’s meant to be that happy every day.”
Eddie nodded, “I know how he feels. I knew I was different really young too, and when I was about twelve I told my mum and she told me to never tell anyone. And then she died, when I was sixteen, and I ended up telling dad for some- I don’t even know why, he beat the shit out of me and I ran away. Like, away away, up to Indi. Wayne found me then, when my dad told him what happened, and bought me home and let me be Eddie.” He shrugged, “I remember the first time I tried binding with duct tape, Wayne found me crying in front of the mirror about it and he came in with bandages and helped me figure it out. I went on testosterone when I turned eighteen, so.”
Steve smiled, “I’m sorry you went through that, Eddie.”
“I’m sorry you’ve been going through this clueless. Wayne had no idea either, he’s got a book on how to look after trans kids now, but he didn’t back then, I can tell you that.” Eddie laughed, “Thanks for being his dad, and like, being a good one.”
“He’s my kid, I can’t just… of course, I love him.”
Eddie smiled, “You don’t know how rare that is for people like Axl and I.”
“I don’t understand why.”
“Me either.” Eddie hummed, “You’re a really good dad, Steve. A really good guy.”
“I’m just doing what I’m supposed to do.”
“Yeah, but you care. More than most people do. You care so much.” Eddie gently took Steve’s hand into his own, “I’m sure you already know but being Axl’s dad isn’t gonna be easy, especially not in fucking Hawkins, but so long as you just stick around and… care, then things are gonna be a whole lot easier for him. It means so much to him, and me, even.”
Steve smiled at him and squeezed Eddie’s hands as a thank you, “Can you stick around too?” He asked, “Help Axl in the places I cant?”
Eddie grinned, “Yeah, of course I can, Stevie.”
“Thank you.” Steve sighed, rubbing his temples, “You have no idea how grateful I am that you’re in my life.”
There was a moment of silence before Eddie whispered, “You have no idea how grateful I am that you’re in mine.”
They looked at eachother, and Steve felt his heart in his throat.
“Okay…” Axl murmured, rolling back over to the table, “You guys are clearly having a moment so I’m gonna stop eavesdropping.”
“Hey!” Steve scoffed, “You little shit.”
Axl chuckled and scruffed Steve’s hair, “Thanks dad, I love you too. You’re my best friend.”
Steve absolutely blossomed at that, he’d never been so happy to hear those words. He used to hear them all the time, when Axl was really little. But then he became a preteen and being friends with your dad suddenly stopped being cool. He’s ecstatic right now.
“Thanks Eddie.” Axl smiled at him, giving Eddie a fist bump as he passed, “Can we like… talk sometime? I just wanna-“
“Know if someone’s gone through all the crazy shit as you?” Eddie offered and Eddie nodded, “How about we get some lunch this weekend, huh? Then hang out at the music store?”
“Sounds good.” Axl grinned and continued to walk past, “I’ll let you guys get back to your moment.”
“Moment?” Steve asked, red in the face, watching Axl walk down the hallway to his room, “There’s no moment, what moment?!”
“Don’t worry about it.” Axl shouted back and walked into his room.
“Axl!” Steve shouted out.
“Axl!” Eddie shouted too, “What fucking moment do you mean?”
Axl poked his head back out the door, “You were having a nice moment about friendship and being a good dad and blah blah blah!” Axl shouted and Steve and Eddie both relaxed, “I just shouldn’t be evesdropping of course.”
“Okay.” Steve nodded and looked back to Eddie, watched the sparkle in his eyes dance as he shifted to look back at Steve. And he melted at the sight.
“Also, this would be a great time to do something about that crush you’ve had on Eddie for years, dad!”
And with that, Axl’s door was slammed shut.
Steve and Eddie were staring at eachother. Eddie was slowly turning more and more red.
“You have a crush on me?”
Steve’s lack of an answer probably was a dead giveaway, but he hoped Eddie was oblivious.
“Oh.” Eddie muttered, and clearly he’s not oblivious, “You have a crush on me- god, I sound fifteen. Wow, you are into me- Steve- you- okay.” Eddie cleared his throat and fixed his posture, “Do- wow, huh, uh… do- do you wanna- do you wanna go out with me? Okay, there, I did it.”
“You’re asking me out?” Steve asked, a little gobsmacked.
“Yeah.” Eddie bit at his nails as he looked at Steve nervously.
“Yes.” Steve swallowed, “Yeah, I- yeah… can- does tomorrow work? Seven?”
“Seven.” Eddie smiled, his shoulders relaxing, “Yeah, a date at seven.”
“Okay.” Steve smiled too, “Wait, is this just… I just need to know if this is a date or like, with the intention of something more serious.”
“Uh…” Eddie swallowed, “Considering I’ve been into you for years now, I’d prefer something a little more permanent. But-“
“You don’t care I’ve got a kid?”
“No, I-“ Eddie ducked his head, blushing, “To be honest I’ve kinda always been jealous he wasn’t our kid.”
“Holy shit.” Steve muttered, “I thought you didn’t want kids?!”
“Yeah.” Eddie shrugged, “I don’t know, you make all my wires cross, Steve. I’ve pictured a whole ass future with you.”
And Steve can’t wait to make that future come true.
And Axl grows up with a second dad who helps him through his transition too, has a little more intel. And Steve loves watching them as they chat about their shared experiences being trans, and cries when Axl comes out and shows off his excessive leg hair one afternoon, and when Eddie starts compulsively making fun of his voice cracks at age seventeen, and when Eddie’s sitting there and talking him through the procedure he’ll endure for his first surgery and- Steve’s just overwhelmed with love for them both.
And then he and Eddie adopt a little girl and Steve’s just so in awe of how Eddie is with the baby, and how Axl instantly takes to the protective big brother role. And just picture it, okay!? Just picture Steve and Eddie having a family together, okay?!
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localaceken · 2 months
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Redraw of this comic by @taddymason of their fic Lightning Pin [GO READ IT NOW‼️‼️] because I'm obsessed with these 3
And wanted to draw this scene for a while but Taddy themselves did it before me sooooo redraw. lol.
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