alovelyburn · 2 years
One of the things I think about a lot with regards to Berserk and specifically Griffith is like... the type of character he is and what that means to say Americans vs Japanese people.
Now, again I’m not going to act like I know everything about media ever because i obviously don’t. But my personal observation from consuming a fair amount of media from both cultures as well as participating in fandom discussions and watching discussion boards (I lurk a lot) is...
A character like him - someone who is ambitious and incredibly talented and attractive, charming and accomplished but not particularly humble, and who ends up emotionally isolated by their duties or bad circumstances or just  by being so damn cool that no one understands them, is....
Okay like if I were watching an American fantasy show/reading an American fantasy comic or novel and a character like that turned up as the leader of a village or country or an army or whatever, my expectation would be one of two things:
1. This character is evil and selfish and will eventually reveal his evil. Then he’ll end up either killed by the hero or humiliated and reduced to a state of helplessness or pathos as they are forced to face the reality that they are no better than anyone else.  So basically his arc would be “seems good but isnt -> reveals his evil -> suffers for his evil” The example that comes to mind here is Viserys Targaryen (in GoT not HotD) or Joffrey Lannister.
2. This character has a good heart but his lack of humility is meant to be seen as a flaw, so he will end up humbled and forced to realize that he's no better than anyone else, at which point his good side will emerge and he will be considered improved by being knocked down a peg.  So his arc would be “jerk with a heart of gold -> learns that he’s not all that -> is able to show his virtuous side because he’s no longer arrogantly considering himself above others.” The example that comes to mind here is like Jaime Lannister.
And like, I feel as though people perceive Griffith as Option 1 - he may have SEEMED cool but he wasn’t really cool and turning evil just revealed who he was the whole time, and now he has to suffer and die or be humiliated and left broken because That’s Justice. Which is how we get like the assumption that of course Guts will become stronger than him and kill him and parade around with his head or alternately, the really uh ablelist and disturbing??? slew of people fantasizing about Griffith being forced into his shattered human body as punishment for his wrongdoing.
And like as an American person I can understand that... outlook (well not the ableist one) because I do think that’s what American stories are like, right? Like again I’m not trying to account for every single American story ever, but I’m just saying those are the patterns I have picked up from this kind of character.
But like, okay in Japanese media this type of character has a completely different... perception and completely different sets of outcomes...
First and foremost because whatever happens to them usually doesn’t involve a “knock them down a peg and make them realize they’re not special after all” aspect because they are special and that doesn’t necessarily need to be challenged or disproven. Even when they fail or die, it’s usually not because as it turns out they weren’t nearly as amazing as they thought they were. It’ll usually be some kind of inner flaw, like:
They’re so isolated or self-hating that they’re secretly self-destructive (Aizen from Bleach or Priscilla from Claymore)
their heart makes them vulnerable and that gets taken advantage of (Teresa of the Faint Smile)
they ultimately valued something else more than they valued their own lives (L from Death Note, who I would say valued solving the puzzle more than surviving, or Gilgamesh from Fate, who says outright that he’d rather lose than debase himself by using his full strength).
And this concept - the person who really is just all that - turns up a lot, like you’ll see them referred to as The Absolute in various stories, for example, as is the case with Griffith.
And the fact that Griffith is treated more along the lines of the Japanese take on this kind of character should be obvious since it’s a Japanese series but also you can kind of tell from things like the guidebook describing him as having an air of isolation around him due to his having no equals.
Now this is just about his personality, I’m not going to get into the different cultural perspectives on fictional rape or how an individualist culture kind of naturally struggles with Griffith and his motivations, but you know. Just an observation. I do have a lot of thoughts about those things too, as well as another major cultural storytelling divide that plays into this stuff.
Anyway one of the reasons I think about this a lot is because of this weird thing that happens in Berserk fandom sometimes where people will talk about how Griffith was spoiled or had everything handed to him on a silver platter or they’ll call him arrogant and it’s interesting because... none of that is... true, right like...
He didn’t have everything handed to him on a silver platter, He was born in poverty, formed his own band of thieves, converted them into a mercenary band, prostituted himself to a predatory pedophile for funds to help  his soldiers, wrangled his way into working for the King of Midland, worked his way up the military hierarchy and ended a 100 year war, all while somehow managing to learn a seemingly endless array of skills that CANNOT have been easy to come by when you grow up as a street urchin.That’s even before thinking about how Miura stated that Griffith may have been abused as a child.
There’s no universe in which he was spoiled, but it’s worth noting that many many many of both type 1 and 2 above... will tend to be from privileged backgrounds and we’re meant to perceive them as taking their advantages for granted.
Similarly, he never actually says he thinks he’s special, right he just says he wants to find out whether or not he is by pushing himself as far as he can go. But there is, I think, a perception that just wanting to rise and see how much he can accomplish is in itself arrogant because if he were a better person he wouldn’t entertain the possibility that he might be Super Cool.
IDK it just brings me back to what I was saying a few weeks ago... that I feel like there’s a specific (western revenge) story that people perceive Berserk to be and when things don’t fit that box they either don’t perceive it or rewrite it in their heads so that it does fit that box.
And if you think about it, most of the weird things people think about Berserk... comes from those western storytelling conventions that people are sort of imposing on Berserk. Right down to the “he lives for Casca” thing that has never ever been true and that lands a bunch of people desperately trying to convince themselves that when Guts mopes about his sword he’s really moping about Casca even though he never thinks about her, she doesn’t appear in the flashbacks, and half of them are to times when he didn’t know her or was nowhere near her.
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hella1975 · 1 year
it's been pointed out on here before that a lot of terf arguments are actually rooted in sexist idealology that feminists fought and died to unnormalise decades ago and that's its own kettle of fish but one thing i also find very frustrating about this so called 'radical' feminism is that it's so... defeatist? like the moment you categorically label an entire section of society as Bad and Inherently Evil then there's also the implication that nothing can be done about it, and it completely takes all accountability away. saying all men are evil is just another way of saying boys will be boys. he raped her because he's a man. he hit her because he's a man. he didn't listen because he's a man - it's almost offensively oversimplified. there's no point trying to fix this issue in society because men are just Like That, okay! so now what? it's not like they're going anywhere, so you just accept that 50% of the population are evil and will forever treat you terribly and there's nothing to be done about it bc they're biologically predisposed to it? like is that fr the argument here? you're soooo radical for that
#this is coming from someone who used to very genuinely be a misandrist#ironically it was only when i started actually analysing my own feminism that i got MORE confrontational with men#and started respecting my boundaries a lot better BECAUSE i started holding them accountable again#like when men treat me like shit nowadays i dont just write it off as 'what did you expect? he's a man' i get MAD about it#because i EXPECT BETTER FROM THEM even if it's just tiny shit women have to deal with daily#i hold them to just as high a standard as im held to and i make them take accountability when they dont meet that#and whether you realise it or not even on a subconscious level the MOMENT you black-and-white blanket statement all men as bad#you stop holding them accountable.#like it is literally just boys will be boys. do terfs seriously not realise they're sending feminism BACKWARDS#like if a girl came to me with her trauma and people - other girls no less - tried to comfort her with 'yeah all men are evil'#id be fucking furious. like no he did that because he was a piece of shit that had it normalised to him that women arent to be respected#dont you dare let him off the hook with something as simple and uncritical as 'he's a man'#i promise you men like that will MUCH prefer a blanket statement such as 'all men are as bad as each other'#than actually being point blank told they're an abuser or a rapist. because being lumped together is comfortable and even empowering#wheras isolating their behaviour with words that are Bad and Ugly (LIKE 'rapist') is not comfortable at all and has heavy connotations#idk i dont think radical feminism is always bad on its own it can be v liberating. just terfs and misandrists that i have a problem with#dropping this post in a piranha tank and closing tumblr knowing im gonna have some thirty year old karen yelling at me within 5 mins#i probably wont respond to any terf comments bc they literally mentally exhaust me with their stupidity#but that also depends on my mood and ability to keep my mouth shut LMFAO we shall see
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rose-n-gunses · 6 months
Love my coworkers to death except I'm mildly irritated with the one who, after we were all having a discussion about kids and i said i didn't want them, now says "think about it!!" every time i see him as though annoying me (a spiteful, angry, nineteen year old girl) is going to make me want to do anything other than turn around and smack him
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aria-ashryver · 1 year
hello darlings!
just a quick note re. Starlight's posting schedule - I'm going to be in and out of hospital a lot, so we might be in for an erratic few weeks where I'm not keeping up with a new chapter every monday (I'll probably say as much in my next A/N, but just thought I'd post here too).
im still chipping away at things, but i doubt i'll have a chapter out today unfortunately 😭💔 with any luck, things will all be back on track soon! 😊
I'll do my best to get healthy!! 💪💪💪
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dhampir-dyke · 2 years
healthcare hero momence (:
Tw medical shit in tags
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donutz · 2 months
Yandere Sebastian x reader if you okay with it?
Yandere alphabet Sebastian Solace headcanons
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When Sebastian gets TOO attached
— Credits to @dear-yandere for the prompt!! I probably won't do this again because I don't enjoy yanderes all that much. But don't feel bad for requesting this, I enjoyed this and had many laughs ^_^
Warnings: There's gonna be a lot, but there's no acting it out I swear; Mentions of abduction, fighting back, lashing out, escaping, punishment(NOT IN A 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 WAY), dying(You don't die), isolation, crying, screaming, exploition, hurting Reader, revere/worship, breaking, manipulation, and drugging Reader!!; Remember they're just mentions, so it doesn't happen; This turns out to be bad at the end, I think, I'm just tired
Affection(How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get)?
Sebastian would get the urge to just hug you, specifically hugging you really tight just so you can’t leave
He wouldn’t do it himself, because he doesn’t want to get too close to humans
You’d have to act out most of the affection, physical affection especially
He doesn’t mind doing acts of service, and loves quality time
Spending time with you is just so simple for him, and really builds trust between you two
That’s what he thinks
You’d have to be near dead or just really emotional in a moment for him to say he loves you
It’s not like he doesn’t! No way! Who wouldn’t?!
But maybe it’s better that others don’t love you.. Romantically of course
Family is important
It wouldn’t get too intense, just hugging you pretty tight to the point you can’t go anywhere
Or just keeping you in his shop for a long amount of time, he already took care of that radar thing, don’t worry
He really likes to stitch up any injuries or help you with them, even the smallest cuts can make him want to heal you
One time you were hanging around for a large amount of time, taking in all of the time you two spent together
You realized that you needed to go, standing up to go to the vent
He stopped you, holding your whole arm with just one of his hands, yelling for you to wait
You looked back at him shocked and confused
“... Sebastian”?
“Could you.. Just stay a little longer”?
Let’s say in this moment you had a crush on him
“Uhm. Yeah, sure, I don’t mind”.
That interaction was the start of it, of him clinging to you, wanting you to stay here
Here with him
He wondered why he felt this way
Blood(How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling)?
Not too bloody, he finds human blood disgusting… Well– it depends on the human
Not really, I mean he’ll admit that your blood smells gross, whether he loves you or not
He might even feel a little bit guilty after
Minus the monsters, if anybody else really touches you, he’ll just scowl but leave it alone
He’ll most likely act out on somebody who was making you uncomfortable
Maybe even kill them? But not in his shop, somebody else may smell it and allege that he had done it
He doesn’t want to hurt them… In front of you, he’d just scare them off
If they didn’t get scared off then he’d break their arm
Then you’re just in the back watching it all, looking at the prisoner and then Sebastian
“.... Oh my”.
The prisoner would yell out for help, then they’d pass out
Sebastian would try to explain to you that he was just— Removing a bad.. Prisoner?
“No it’s fine, I— I understand”…
Maybe he loves you even more after that?
Maybe you love him even more now?
Cruelty(How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them)?
Uhm.. I’m not sure!
I wouldn’t think Sebastian would abduct Reader, mainly because he wants to focus on getting out of the Hadal Blacksite
But hypothetically, if he were to…
I think he wouldn’t try to smile at you every time he saw you, to show you that he wouldn’t want to be messed with
“Sebastian, you didn’t need to abduct me”.
“Uh— What”...?
He isn’t very good at the abducting thing… Maybe that’s why those ropes are so loose…
While that’s true, it’s mainly because he doesn’t know how to tie a rope
It’s embarrassinggg… Don’t tease him too much about it
He would TRY to tease you, make it SEEM like you miss the outside
Yet in this universe, you don’t mind, at all
But that doesn’t mean you enjoy just being by yourself down here
He would never mock you! Seriously anyways
Minus me not really enjoying yandere things, I actually would think that Sebastian isn’t really good at yandere stuff
Other than just having those feelings for you, breaking your legs is… Crazy
Ugh, don’t even SPEAK about isolating you from the world, that’s somewhat worse
He knows what it’s like, and if you’re not working for Urbanshade, he wouldn’t want to put you through that
Not the person he loves!
Why would someone do that…?
Darling(Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will)?
No, I mean if turning off that detonation system counts then yeah
Why would he abduct you just for you to die in thirty minutes?
That’s dumb.
He wouldn’t do anything romantic to you without your consent
If he did then that would mean he’d be just like those Urbanshade ‘people’
Eventually he’d just let you go
Disappointed in himself for even thinking of doing this
Sorry if you’re into abduction☹️
Exposed(How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling)?
Since he feels this way already, he might as well spill out his feelings? Right?
He’d let you read his document for free, after knowing and loving each other of course!
Randomly he’d just reveal bits and bits of his past, of Urbanshade, that stupid company…
In those emotional moments, he would talk about what had happened
Possibly even how he feels? Like everyday I mean, not about you
Actually it’s both
He’d turn his back to you, which is very important for a scared creature
Like a cat, I’m not saying he’s like a cat
He might like cats, or hate them, I’m not sure, just a random headcanon
He’d LOVE to open up to you, he swears!
He trusts you too, a lot
But in order for him to do that, please, don’t joke about his past
Sebastian can be very vulnerable, one time he was resting his head in your lap
A huge creature on your lap, his head the size of your torso, it was nice
Fight(How would they feel if their darling fought back)?
There’s no point, he can crush your head with his hand
He would regret not drugging you
He’d slap you so you can pass out, but he doesn't want to hurt you! At all!
Please don’t fight back, you’re making it harder than it needs to be
You’re hanging up by the back of your shirt, with his claw, flailing
“Oh my god!! Sebastian I’m choking”.
“Oh, sorry”.
That wasn’t serious
He just might yell at you to stop fighting
Game(Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape)?
No, he’d be very annoyed every time you’d escape, it just shows how sane you are
The more times you try to escape, the more days you stay down here
Because if you escape then you might tell Urbanshade about him, they’re the only ones who know he’s alive so they might believe you
It’s better to just play into it, so you can leave earlier and be mentally okay
He doesn’t enjoy cat and mouse, not with you
I mean if he was hunting somebody down at that dumb company, he would LOVE it, temporarily
It’d get annoying after some time
He doesn’t enjoy watching you struggle and squirm in those barely tight ropes
He’d tell you to just give up, he’s not going to let you go
After many attempts of escaping, he’ll give you a HUGE tip
“If you want to escape so badly, then START loving me”.
If you’re smart enough, you’ll get that pretending that you love him will get you out of here
If you aren’t and keep escaping, it’s not going to go good for you
He may not be good at ropes, but he may be good with certain drugs
To keep you down here of course
He wouldn’t want to manipulate you into loving him
… He might have to though
Hell(What would be their darling’s worst experience with them)?
I would guess him giving you your ‘every-other-day’ drugs  so you can stay with him
Being convinced that you’ll stay down here with him forever is a bad one
Uhm… Him yelling at you?
God, he really doesn’t want to make it hard for you! Just LOVE HIM ALREADY!!!
Or maybe it is
Abducting you wasn’t the best option so you can love him
He doesn’t enjoy isolating you from the world, but he can’t just have you getting with anybody else!!
No he—... He could never let you with anybody else
Ideals(What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling)?
He’d hope you’d love him back
So he could let you go
He doesn’t want you to stay down here
He doesn’t want to drug you
It hurts
He doesn’t want for you to go through the same thing he did
Minus the experiments
Maybe not marriage, but being together romantically is a dream for him
He imagines being more happier
Happier with you
You’re so important to him :(
Imagining being at the surface, being Solace again
Oh what a dream.
He’d marry you if he was human
It’s not just the sex part, it’s having to deal with kids
Don’t tell anybody I said this but… I think Sebastian is asexual...
Shh shhh…
Jealousy(Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope)?
He can get really jealous, only if he sees anybody else being friendly with you
Unless it’s the other monsters, he’d be surprised but also proud
Of the monster, but it also depends on the monster
If it was Eyefestation or The p.AI.nter he’d feel very proud
Getting along with a human is… Strange down here
To realize they’re all not bad
Some of them are good
Anyways, if you start to talk about your (possible)friends at the surface then his face expression would change
From a restful expression to slightly stressed and furious
He immediately wipes that expression off his face
Sebastian doesn’t want you to realize he’s jealous
Too bad you already noticed
“What? You jealous or something?” You tease
“No I’m just.. Surprised you have friends”.
“Ouch, oh wow you hurt me”!
He tries to not lash out, but maybe a distraction can work or something
“Heyyy! Y’know I think that I wouldn’t mind ONE person leaving MY shop RIGHT NOW”.
You two look at him with confusion
Your friend flashes him with a flash beacon
“WH—” Sebastian wipes his hands over his face
You look at your friend and get close to them while looking at Sebastian, “Alright I think you should—” 
“GET OUT”!!!
After they leave, you talk with Sebastian, trying to figure out what was going on before he got beamed
Apparently he was, ‘tired of intruders’
Kisses(How do they act around or with their darling)?
He can act kind of bashful when it’s just the two of you
He seems annoyed when you tease him but he doesn’t mind all that much
He jokes or flirts at times
Whenever he’s flustered he looks away, and you can tell by the lean of his head
He doesn’t try to act nonchalant or extremely confident, he’s just himself
He gets more on edge around others, but they get softer and less rigid around you
 You guys would seem like really good friends from a different point of view
Not really with the back-and-forth flirts you two do
If you say something that’ll REALLY get to him, he’ll go silent
And if he could, he would blush
Love letters(How would they go about courting or approaching their darling)?
I would think you’d confess first
He really doesn’t want to ruin the relationship between you two
But if he ends up confessing first then it would be on accident
He’d be rambling and then all of the sudden,
“And that’s because I love you and—”
Something like that
He didn’t even catch what he said so you’d have to call him out on it
“Wait what did you just say”?
“Like— What was that last part”?
“Oh you mean ____”?
“No I mean before that”.
Then he’d look all confused until he realized what he said
“Don’t worry I love you too I just wouldn’t think you’d say it so suddenly.” You laugh
Maybe if he was corny and back in college or something(If he was even in college) and HUMAN, he’d give you a love letter
I would think Sebastian would be good with poetry
Mask(Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else)?
Yeah, but he wouldn’t make it too obvious that he likes you
Unless he was around somebody who’s emotionally intelligent, or intelligent in love
Then they’d definitely get the hint
He sounds more stern and angry around others, but with you he sounds more soft and calm
His voice is more lowered, not in a alpha🐺🐺 way but I mean more comfortable
Maybe even some voice cracks? If that’s possible
Make fun of him afterwards, it’s worth it even after he looks mad
Letting you hang around in the shop is diabolical, he just really hopes somebody doesn’t come across you two
Seeing him with his guard down and chilling with a human is his worst nightmare
Minus Urbanshade
It gets worse if they start to make fun of him for being around a human
He’s just more… Serene.
Around you
Naughty(How would they punish their darling)?
Oh uhm
We’re not getting 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 but, he would just make the days longer for you and give you MORE drugs
If you insult him he tries to not act out on it, he thinks it makes him weak
Letting insults get to you is weak
In his opinion
So the insults don’t have much consequences minus an annoyed stare
Oppression(How many rights would they take away from their darling)?
Maybe screaming?
I’m sorry I’m not too good with this yandere stuff
It’s uhh… Interesting to me😁
Patience(How patient are they with their darling)?
I mean unless you’re screaming for hours on end he can be pretty patient
But if you scream too much he’ll just have to put duct tape over your mouth
He’ll wait, and wait for you to just accept him
He really doesn’t want to keep you trapped down here
I know I’ve already said it but he REALLY doesn’t want you down here
If you’re obedient then he’ll just let you out early
If you’re obedient AND love him that is
He doesn’t want you to go telling others about what happens
Unless you make a deal
“If you let me go and we can spend more time together then maybe I could fall for you. Instead of drugging me and keeping me down here, I could actually love you”.
He’ll think about it then agree to it
And guess what!
You ended up loving him
Quit(If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on)?
He’d just give up after some time, expecting this
Expecting for people to leave him again
Let me split this up
— Dying
Holy MOLY.
He’s grieving forever
Your death would be the last thing he thinks of before crying to sleep
He HATES being reminded of your death every single day
Sometimes he thinks of not even meeting you in the first place
Then he wouldn’t feel this way, about a human
I mean seriously, if you couldn’t come back and I’m talking about realistically, he would be super duper sad!!
— Leaving
He knows it’s better for you, but he wants you with himmm
Unless you can get him out of here
Please get him out of here
He’s going to miss you, a lot
It’s been a year daddy
— Escaping
Oh my god!! How did you do that with those ‘tight’ ropes on your wrists!!
He’d be PISSED.
Searching for you, EVERYWHERE
It’s not like you’d go that far, or find those endless rooms
Pretty please don’t escape, he just might catch you
Then he’s not letting you go, since it’s OBVIOUS you don’t love him AND you’re not obedient
Regret(Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go)?
He would regret it everyday that you’re down here!
Sebastian doesn’t want to!! He just needs you!!!
He feels pretty bad for capturing you down here
Constantly worrying about if your head will pop from the pressure
Sometimes he thinks that he abducted the wrong person
He’d let you go if you loved him back, possibly even on the first day!
You’d be really lucky if he did that
Butttt, you’d HAVE to promise you won’t tell anybody about this
That he’s down here, other than the prisoners and monsters
A weight would be carried off his back when he would let you go
Stigma(What brought about this side of them [childhood, curiosity, etc])?
Loving you?... Or a sprinkle of no good human interaction?
He’s never gotten so close with somebody, except for family or having friends at school
Feeling this way about a human after the experiments hit him pretty hard
So I would think that the reason he feels this way could be because of the experiments
It’s affected him a lot, especially how he feels about the human species
He’s forgot some things, so he can’t really recall a good human action that’s happened to him
Him loving you and negative human interaction mixed together is the factor on why he feels this way
Tears(How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves)?
I wouldn’t say he’s a sadist, to you
If it were somebody bad dying then he’d smile
Heh… When I smile, RUN😈
I would love for Gianni to say that
Anywho, he wouldn’t enjoy seeing you suffer like that
It reminds him of the experiments he went through
Hearing your scream scares him in a way, to realize that he’s doing that type of stuff to you
To hear you screaming out of fear and pain
It makes him sad
He’s either going to let you go or just keep you forever
Depends on how he feels
Don’t scream, it makes him feel bad :C
Crying makes it worse
Are you really that scared?
Did he really do that to you?
The ‘person’ who loves you?
Is it really love if he’s torturing you?
If you were to isolate yourself then he’d think you broke
Just seeing you this way reminds him of lying on that cold table
Nearly alive and awake being poked and prodded at
Ughh, just shut up already and leave
That’s something he would say
Unique(Would they do anything different from the classic yandere)?
Letting you go and actually feeling bad for you
Not being fully insane
Feeling guilty
Actually being somewhat sane
Just feeling the way a good person would feel
Even after turning into that ‘monster’
He is definitely one in a million when it comes to yanderes
Vice(What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape)?
His feelings
And his trauma
Definitely his trauma
Not making fun of it, but more like speaking about it emotionally
“Did those experiments turn you this way”?
“The negative human interaction just— Impacting you when you realized that not all humans are bad”?
Yeah, make sure to use that against him
To make it seem like you know what he went through
Make it seem like his feelings are recognized
Manipulation 101
Wit’s end(Would they ever hurt their darling)?
That was a reference by the way
Aren’t I just so funny?
Xoanon(How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over)?
His respect for you is just average I would say
Before he met you it would be pretty small, then it would raise if you didn’t flash him with the flash beacon
If you show him genuine respect then he’ll do it back
Even if he loves you
He’s not going to worship you! Ughh, ew that’s… Nasty!!
He thinks it, not me!
Doing acts of service, like healing you, opening a door for you, things like that
He’d compliment you at times but it’s rare
He’d ask The p.AI.nter what are ways humans currently show affection
“HAH. LOSER.” It generates
Yearn(How long do they pine after their darling before they snap)?
If he gets hints that you love someone else
I’m getting tired it’s 11 pm
Zenith(Would they ever break their darling)?
He would think he did if you acted a certain way
But I don’t think he would on purpose
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I apologize if I've annoyed you in anyway from mentioning how I feel about yandere stuff. I just find it kind of insane to even think of those type of actions, especially romanticizing it.
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thementalshawty · 9 months
PAC Who Is Your FS? Pt.1
Hey I am back with another PAC but I’m going to do something a little different this time. I will be doing 6 piles but they will be in a 2 parter because I want the energy of the 6 to be separated. So at the end of the day you can read this one and get the gist and the sec on part is confirmation or even extra information, the others can and will find their answers in one of the piles in either part one or two. This is a general reading so with that you know the deal, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. So Picc an Emoji and let’s begin now.
Disclaimer: Tarot is not final but is a mere suggestion, don’t you depend on the opinion or suggestions of anyone to make your own decisions and judgement calls.
P1: 🍩
P2: 🍉
P3: 🥘
FS 1:
Animal that represents your FS: Crow Spirit. I feel like your FS off top is taboo, well for some of you here I’m hearing witches and warlocks as spouses in this pile, or maybe some of you are? Something about counting crows idk if they do that but I know that they definitely associate with crows in some way? They Cocreate with their spirit guides whether it’s aware to them or not. I told you some of them are witches and warlocks or are very powerful manifesters. They’re hella creative and they may have a Loud yell or call. They may have bird like features some of them. Something in them is Sharp? Like a sharp nose or a sharp stare??? Numbers: 1,7,8 & 17 may have some importance
Auset describing Your FS: Hapi Water Spirit. Numbers 1,3,4 and 13 could be of importance. I feel for some of you, your FS are water signs, mainly Scorpio and Pisces. They’re the type of person that needs to work energetically and with thought before making any moves. They’re definitely a planner and I’m hearing analyzer. This person wants nooooooo fuck ups! NONE HONEY!!! Baboons may have something to do with them too?? They need to visualize the moves for themselves before they do it. I’m telling you this is my alchemical pile right here, very very magical spouses, maybe you guys delve in magic too or should try it. If not you definitely them!
Describing Your FS (Oracle): Here & Now. Numbers 3,2,5 & 32 could have some significance. Some of your spouses are 32, I heard that not all but for some. They are not one to worry about the future or worry about the past, I heard they gotta plan for that already, they are just worried about executing the plan for today. They’re a very live in the moment and present kind of people. I see that they’re the type of person to get caught up sometimes and forget that though, cos being the planner that they are they do have worries about the future I feel in the past they weren’t as prepared and that shit caused them so much struggle and so from that day they wanna be prepared. This is a person who has plan b-Z if A doesn’t work. They are always present though, even when they worry about the future or the past they manage to always bring themselves back to the present cos they don’t wanna miss a thing. (Ha now I’m hearing that song by Aerosmith).
Your FS (Tarot): 9oPentacles, 6oSwords,Justice. You already know numbers 9,6,11,& 2 may have some importance to them. I feel that your FS are very accomplished, I feel it’s fairly new, they just acquired their success and blessings, they worked their goddamn asses for it! They aren’t a lazy person, they hate procrastinating but I feel they may do it sometimes which is why I feel they worked their asses off to get where and what they needed and it’s finally starting to pay off for them, matter of fact every single one of these cards sort of represent that, instead of telling me who they are it’s almost telling me what they’re going through, or what they’ve been going through and I think it’s because it’s a transformative time for them, they will be ascending and a lot of things that could describe them may be falling off so maybe your guides don’t want to fully share their personality because they’re experiencing their own experiences that’s showing them who they really are. I feel like they may like birds, crows, hawks Ravens etc. spiritually and materially they have just been blessed and they are enjoying every minute of it! They’re not missing a single second for the world! They have gone through way too much shit for them to not be anything other than present for this. They are FINALLY coming out of a dark place in their lives, they were in some drama mama! Some straight up chaos and that shit was so unhealthy it began to shut them down I’m hearing for some the others sort of just reacted angrily and it was so toxic they became spiritually and physically sick. I feel that they got some help to come in, and they were helped out by someone who moved them away from their toxic environment. I feel your FS are like that and I feel it’s cos they are compassionate, they know and understand struggle and they hate to see it. They could be a Libra due to the justice card of have Libra placements. They are the mediators of their group, I don’t see them having many friends, a selective few maybe some acquaintances that they laugh and joke around with but other than that nobody really close to them, I’m getting Lone Wolf and ranger type of vibes from this pile. They are someone who’s going to stand up for what they feel is true and fair and equal! They cherish and crave mutuality, if it’s imbalanced they not a fan. They honor equality and respect for all! They see everyone the same they don’t do favoritism and hatred towards anyone. They suffered. Some of your FS are Black, White, Some Asian/Korean/ Hispanic even too. I feel especially if you’re looking for women those ethnic backgrounds apply. Your FS has an ugly side tho, when unfairness or anything they feel is wrong or unjust comes out they are unmerciful. They can be ruthless if needed. Long hair for some, curly fros for others, black and brown hair colors I’m seeing. Gentleman and gentlewomen. Very soft but sharp features. True knights. Diplomatic and tactful, Hella charming. Playboys and women, they know how to bag a person! They’re very good looking, handsome, stunning, I’m even seeing gorgeous to some of you. It’s a very classy kind of beauty. Innocent and beautiful. They are quick to help out anyone they feel needs them and they’re not the type to swoop in and save the day assuming that needs to happen, they will always approach and ask “you need some help?” “Can I help you?” Perfect customer service representative honestly. They’re very sweet and kindhearted. Great smiles. They may be gardeners some of them, they like organic shit, they may not eat meat, or anything that has chemicals and toxic ingredients in food. They are very sensitive about what they put into their bodies. Smokers for some? (Weed not cigarettes or anything else). This person is a catch, a true victorious winner and they will treat you amazingly. Earth and Air placements especially Libra and Taurus! This person is Venus personified! Congrats! They’re hella seductive! I’m trying to find something bad on them honestly but it’s not working. They just fuccin rocc! Acts of Service is their love language.
I feel that. Congrats p1 you deserve it.
Animal that represents your FS: Bee Spirit. So I’m seeing that 7 could have some significance, as well as the colors Yellow and Black, which leads me to think that some of your FS are mixed races. They’re very hardworking and some of them are the queen bees lol. They have been striving towards something and sweet results are about to roll in for them. I feel like they’re very goal oriented, tunnel vision. This is my workaholic pile I feel, they are workhorses some of them, others are spoiled by others. They have stingers but only use them if they absolutely must. They work like a well oiled machine, no rest. They are around the clock nonstop movers and shakers and they’re about to be rewarded if they aren’t already.
Auset Describing Your FS: Set. Numbers 3,7, 10, 1 & 37 could have some importance to your FS. Set is the god of chaos and war, dirt and sandstorms. I feel your FS have dealt with a lot of challenges and they have some negative traits that you will not like, I’m getting Aries vibes from this. The color red is coming to my head, something about rage. They may have anger issues, they are a jealous person. Some of your FS are bitter from all the challenges they went through, life gave them shit and they kind of internalized it and became dreadful, survival mode on lock, they are so paranoid, they may have or had beef with a sibling. They could have jealous family members. Some of them could have just been dealing with some shit. They can be the youngest sibling or the issue is with the younger sibling. People are intimidated by them. Their demeanor is don’t fucc with me and people heed that shit. They could be 37 some of them, or 10 years older or younger than some of you? They’ve seen some ugly shit in their lives in love, family, career etc. I’m seeing drug addiction for either them or someone they loved and they dealt with that shit. This person is strong but it tainted them in the process I feel.
Describing Your FS (Oracle): Treasure Island. The number 9 could be of some importance to your FS. I feel like they’re the type to see the beauty in things others may not. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, they may have that mindset. They’re beginning to see the results of their own actions, they’ve been moving slow towards this goal that they’re about to receive. This person is a treasure and you’ll definitely see them that way! Great at manifesting, they’re right now working with the law of attraction. They just received a financial windfall from out of nowhere to them. They’re very abundant right now or they’re definitely about to be.
Your FS (Tarot): The Empress, 3oSwordsRx, & The HermitRx. I see that the number 3, 9, & 7 are frequent in this reading so I feel like those numbers in particular are very important to your FS. They can be a Virgo or a Pisces. They’re very intelligent and intuitive. Your FS is beautiful you’ll be blown away by their beauty. Especially if it’s a woman too! They can have braids or locs some of them. They’re very sweet and loving, nurturing and parental. They could have kids. They may love moon bathing some of them, or they should. They are of the world; hella creative and open to whatever the universe/god is bringing them. They are always coming up with new ideas and projects they are the type of people to have plenty of hobbies, a jack of all trades. They are very blended in their energies, and elements. I feel whatever they went through shaped them and helped them become whole but I just think that they can’t see it. They are the type to not know the magnitude of how much they rule!! They may shit on themselves heavily! They are the type to be there for everyone except themselves. They put themselves on the backburner. They are so amazing but they are the type to wallow in their pain and own ignorance. They don’t want to face what happened to them or they don’t want to take accountability for their part in it, so maybe they had an outburst but they will always come up with excuses for it. They are jaded over this pain, I feel it makes so much impact with how they live, move and make decisions. They are so strong but they are so blinded by this pain or by this anger, they really see nothing but that. It overpowers everything that they are and do. They need to do some shadow work. They procrastinate when it comes to it, they may avoid those feelings because they don’t want to relive that hurt but what they don’t realize is that they’re replaying this pain on a loop subliminally in their minds so they’re technically always reliving that pain! That’s why they’re so jaded, it’s like getting sick of a song but you’re leaving it on replay. They need to get out of their head. They’re in isolation, this person I feel has little to absolutely no friends. They were in some kind of abusive relationship. I don’t really wanna get into that. If they don’t have kids, they’re very fertile!! They barely go out, a homebody and I feel to a scary point and I don’t wanna get deeper into that cos it’s reminding me of myself and what I am having to break out of and baby that shit is no joke and putting that business on here without knowing them personally is just fucked up so I won’t. They have been through some shit but they are beautiful person, their heart is being pulled in so many directions and it’s so hard for them to catch a break and they are dealing with it in a toxic way for them and they need to face their demons. I feel they just need someone to talk too, but I have a feeling this person is locked tighter than a bank vault after a robbery. They aren’t into letting anyone see them, not even themselves, Ugh my heart goes out to them. Words of affirmation I feel is their love language. Fear avoidant attachment style, they’re Virgo like, the highs and lows of the sign honestly, I feel like some are Pisces and some are Virgos. Very feminine energy. They want love but they’re afraid of rejection and getting hurt cos that’s all they know, so they’re afraid to dream bigger and want better for themselves.
Animal that represents your FS: Pig Spirit🐽: The numbers 4,7,11,2,& 47 may have some importance. This is the kind of person who is quick on their feet, they give me air energy. They’re very intelligent. They’re not a messy person even tho they have messy moments. They’re fun loving and just want to enjoy themselves while they’re still on this earth. Happy go lucky type of people. They believe that pigs can fly, they dream big but they’re not delusional they understand the concept between reality and fantasy but they have a great imagination and they have big goals and aspirations for themselves. They wanna own the moon one day. They wanna fly the highest they can possibly get. They live on cloud 9!
Auset Describing your FS: Anubis. 3. He’s one of my guides!!!! I love Anubis he’s amazing! Your FS is such a great person! They’re very wise and give amazing advice. They take care of everyone, no favoritism with them, they treat everyone fairly, they judge by action, they feel like your hearts intention is based on how you move. You can protect on them to guide you whenever you need it, anyone who needs help, they are the one to call. So reliable and trustworthy, they may have a lot of people depend on them. Helping them transition from one state to the next. They can even be a therapist some of them, or the dr Phil/oprah of their group. They stand up for what they believe in and who they believe in. They’re a great protector. You will feel so safe, they feel like everyone should feel that way, “has the RIGHT to feel safe.” I heard that. Guard dog lover, they aren’t jealous but they won’t let just anyone get near you. They could’ve been abandoned by their parents (maternal esp if you’re looking for guy). They believe in healing of the soul by living out their passions. They believe that freedom to be yourselves is the best medicine. They want to get to know people for who they are at a soul core level. I feel they have GREAT FRIENDS. Certain LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 energy here, they created their own family! They love caring for others, they feel it’s part of their purpose, some nurses and doctors here. Therapist just doctors or medicators of some kind.
Describing your FS (oracle): A Leg Up. 3,4,7, & 34 could have some significance to your FS. They can be 34 some of them. I feel like they are the type of person to definitely lift others up, they aren’t selfish or greedy about shit, they will share their plate, cos they’re confident in their position. They themselves have received leg ups in life from people and they’re just passing on that energy. They’re not a jealous person at all they’re about progression. Sagittarius energy HEAVY! Sag and Aqua energy HEAVY! They’re very free loving. They’re very authoritative and they know how to delegate, they know how to both give and receive help. They’re not hyper independent they believe in teamwork! I love your FS! They’re my favorite! Shhhhhh don’t tell!
Describing your FS (Tarot): PageoSwords, 6oWands,& Judgement. They’re hella inquisitive and always asking about everything, they love to learn, very Gemini energy. They love to gossip with their friends, I also think that they’re the topic of gossip. Reading is everything to them. You’ll always catch their face in a book. Great conversationalist. Young at heart. Playful. They know how to multitask and juggle many things at a time. Their mind is always racing and they can’t turn it off. They’re a student of the world! They want to learn everything. The type who’s learning how to speak different languages. 6,2,& 20 may have some importance to them, some of your FS in this pile is 20. Some of you????? If that’s the case this is confirmation that you chose the right pile! I am seeing that your FS for some 2-3 maybe are celebrities like well known celebrities! No K-pop I don’t sense that here but I’m seeing some notoriety and some household names being here. The rest your FS is known in their field. Wildly successful and part of that has to do with their success story, how they came up and what they went through their hustle to mask it out of the “hood” or bad circumstances so to speak, they have brown hair, long, wavy, curly and straight, it varies I’m seeing. They are hella influential and inspirational to a lot of people, they’re extremely popular. An important person I’m hearing VIP. The it boy/girl. Everyone wants them, everyone wants to be them. They’re not cocky though, they’re all smiles and laughs, very joyous, I’m hearing for the celebrities, once you meet them and get to know them a little you’ll understand why they got fame. They’re so fun to be around. Fun and bubbly personality. They have loud voice. They’re very in demand. They know how to control a room. How to perform. They’re hella entertaining and I think they’re funny cos I’m feeling the urge to laugh and giggle. They may laugh a lot or giggle. You will find that cute. They’re not all about themselves, I see confidence but I also see that they’re a bit insecure too. They dress nice. They dress and look expensive. This is my glam and glitzy but humble pile. They’re such a fuccin joy. And they’re themselves regardless of what’s happening or who’s around. They are the essence of them and that shit is untouchable. They feel like people should see who they are, to love them and experience them to a full extent. They do enjoy the spotlight on them but I’m hearing they deserve it. They’re so litty. They remind me of me! I’m still feeling giggly and giddy, I feel this is how people feel around them (especially them celebs.). They are accepting too, they don’t judge, they’ve faced a lot of backlash and judgement from being who they are so this is the smack in their faces to your FS, their whole image can be about fuck society and their standards etc. I’m getting rocker energy from this pile so some of them can be famous rockers? I was getting the older numbers like 47, so some of you may have a FS in their 40’s, so what??? You’re all over 18 & you will know this person is your person, I feel this connection between you guys is that of a spiritual one. You can feel their spirit, it’s strong! Their presence is very powerful! This person is electric and everyone loves them! Nothing bad to say about this pile! Not really!
Alrighty my dearies! That’s it for part one of who’s your FS! Thank you for taking this ride with me and stay tuned for good ole part two coming soon!
Hope you have clarity!
Now Spread Love and Light!
EeeP Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 👋🏽
Heka 🕊️🏆
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yourfavepookiebear · 3 months
Hii, can i make a request? Yandere and self aware twisted wonderland please?
So the characters could hear the player after some time, although it is very difficult unless you pay attention, they actually don't know the appearance of the player!
But yeah, yandere Heartslabyul with a player who's pretty expressive? Like whenever something frustrates them they'd almost always curse out loud, when something makes them happy and satisfied they'd yell out a "Yes! Oh my god bro", etc
Okay so basically a player like me (and many others), cool, got it. (Im panicking I suck at writing for heartslabyul) I fucked up at ace's part idk what to write for him
God the old hag is waking up
Rushed asf
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Riddle Rosehearts
You're pretty easy to read, at least on the terms of mood and emotion, which could be considered a good thing for him ?
At first he didn't believe it, because how could the player be anything but perfect ?
But then he realized that you don't need to be emotionless to be perfect.
Now this vaguely depends on whether we're talking about before OB or after OB Riddle, but if it's after OB then he doesn't mind it much
In fact, he likes hearing you mumble in frustration whenever you lose or see something irritating, it makes him...melancholic, in a way. Because these are all the signs that you're pretty normal just like them, you feel. It reassures him sometimes, to know that.
It's pretty cute and funny to him, but he won't show it
Hates that you show that side of yourself to others, he wants to be the only one to see this, but alas..not much can be done.
At least, not within the rules.
Cater Diamond
A bit like Riddle, it's sorta funny for him. God he wishes he could tease you, but he can't because of the damn programming..
Will definitely sneakily film it or record it he can't pass up on such an opportunity !
Depending on his mood he may or may not post it as well, but most likely on his private account
Can't have anyone else seeing such a cute thing, can we ?
Trey Clover
Now this is a bit complicated (more so than the others)
He wouldn't show it on the outside ofc, but he finds it endearing. (everyone does.)
May or may not crack a little smile when he sees you jumping in joy (or banging your head on the wall in frustration)
Doesn't care what others think about it, he will listen to your little outbursts with all ears.
And if anyone dares to comment about it, they better get ready for hell.
Deuce Spade
Doesn't really know what to think about it,
Ofc like everyone else he loves to hear you jump in joy or excitement, but frowns when you whine or complain about something
You deserve the very best !! If he could, he'd do anything to make you happy, just to see your little smile
God he wishes he was with you, but he can't...except-
Right, maybe draconia could help him with this.
Ace (I forgot his last name)
Oh well.
Seeing how expressive you are, he would definitely sneak in a few teases in his dialogues.
You know that cheeky smile of his ? Yeah, that's the one he has
Unlike a few others, he doesn't care if you're jumping in joy or in sadness, all he cares about is hearing you, seeing you..
Don't worry, soon enough, you'll be right next to him. So if you one day wake up to find yourself locked up in a room, just know that he means no harm
He can't help but wonder what you look like...ah, no use thinking about that since you'll be here soon.
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This sucks ass ngl, my writing is trash right now but whatever
I did better than I thought since it's been a few months since I last wrote anything
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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deaddovedecadence · 8 months
Hello, how do you think the batfam will react to a reader with bad habits? And the reader is underage. Like at one time the reader got into not the best company or just wanted to seem cool, and now she smokes, maybe reader abuses alcohol. I'm just wondering how the batfamcan handle this.
And I apologize for the English, I am writing with a translator
disapproving english eyebrow™️
no but seriously he’s have you detoxing the minute he finds out about it. Having a nice drink at dinner with the family is fine but only if he’s able to supervise what you are drinking and how much. He’s be damned if he has to deal with another bruce
Bruce Wayne
doesn’t panic, even if his brain is screaming at him to trap you away forever and keep you from everything that could hurt you.
Calls in Dinah to talk to you about what is and isn’t safe for you because he will fuck it up and if he fucks you up after all of this progress that you guys have been making, duke will be the cause of his murder
Dick Grayson
oldest daughter exhaustion because he does NOT want to deal with another jason-smoking-to-fuck-with-bruce-and-becoming-addicted situation.
Tells you that if you don’t knock it off he will make you and is smiling while promising that you will not enjoy his methods
Jason Todd
panics his ass off
He yells at you for being stupid because he’s trying to quit and how did you get into that and why did you ever think it’s a smart idea and just panics in general
Cassandra Cain
thinks that it’s easily solvable, most reasonable
She starts you excerising with her every single time you get the urge so that you literally can’t move your arms anymore. Duke often joins in and eventually it becomes a form of bonding for the three of you
Duke Thomas
he gets you patches or helps wean you off of it because they’re a good sibling like that.
honestly to themself, takes the time to think about whether they want to keep you addicted and act like the good sibling by keeping you supplied increasing your dependence on them but then realizes that his brain is getting a little too demony for their taste and stops
Tim Drake
makes you listen as he lists every side effect of every substance that you are taking
threatens the crowd that you were with if you don’t start quitting immediately. Feels a cold quit is good punishment for being on substances in the first place
Damian Wayne
thinks it’s stupid and yells at you, considers violence but is restrained by duke and dick
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 9 months
Let It Out
Sam and Dean Winchester & little sister!reader, Castiel & teen!reader
Requested by Anonymous
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Having two older brothers who fight monsters had its own set of problems. Being a witch doubled those problems. Suffering from a depression that you didn’t dare tell your family about, that just multiplied everything until every little task felt impossible to complete with such a weight on top of you.
You had had a handle on your life for a long time—after all, you were used to the hunting and the lack of sleep and the loss. That is, until a certain archangel friend of yours died. That was when your depression really got going—Gabriel was gone, and it was like his death reminded you of everyone you’d ever lost, and you couldn’t take it.
The worst part was that you couldn’t tell your brothers; they were busy saving the world, the last thing they needed to hear about was your problems. Besides, they had it just as hard as you, if not harder. Why should you make it all about you?
So, you didn’t say anything, and it was taking its toll on you and your skill set. Magic was dependent on emotions, and yours were everywhere.
It wasn’t just your magic that was changing; school wasn’t going so well either. The boys were too busy to have noticed, but your grades were dropping and—
“Y/N?” Sam’s voice snapped you out of your reverie, and you turned to see him holding up a piece of paper. When you caught a glimpse of the front, your stomach dropped. It was your report card. “What’s this?”
“I-um…” you had nothing to say.
“You can do better than this. Much better. We both know that, so what happened?”
“I-I just…got distracted.”
“Distracted?” You hadn’t noticed Dean in the corner of the room until he stood up and spoke. “By what, hunting? I thought you agreed, school comes first.”
“It does!” You insisted. “I just—“
“If you can’t do both, you know which one you’re dropping,” Sam said.
“No!” You panicked. Hunting was the only outlet you had for your powers, and right now your powers were the only outlet you had for your grief.
“We agreed!” Dean insisted. “You said you would drop hunting if you can’t do both.”
“But I can!”
“This says otherwise.” Sam waved your report card.
“That’s not fair!” You cried. “One report card doesn’t-“
“Your grades have been dropping for a while,” Sam interrupted. “I just didn’t think they would get this bad. I should’ve mentioned it sooner, I just…” he sighed. “I thought it would get better.”
“It will! Don’t stop me from hunting,” you pleaded.
“You’re not giving me much of a choice!”
“Sam, you can’t—“
“That’s enough,” Dean barked, and you both shut up. “We made an agreement, and you’re going to honor it. Until the grades go up, you’re not hunting.” Dean slung his bag over his shoulder as he spoke. “We’ve got work to do. You stay here and study for that test you told me about, understand?” Dean’s tone left no room for argument.
“I understand,” you grumbled, unable to look him in the eye, whether from anger or sadness you weren’t sure.
Your brothers were gone without another word.
As the Impala’s engine started up and the boys drove away, your hands curled into fists and you let out a yell of frustration. You jumped in surprise when the table next to you fell over. Did you bump it? You didn’t think you did.
Maybe you needed to pay closer attention to your powers. Or maybe you just needed to put them to good use.
“What do you think you’re doing here?” Dean demanded.
“I think I’m saving your bacon!” You retorted before casting a spell on the closest ghoul.
“You shouldn’t be here,” Sam insisted before taking a headshot at the ghoul heading for Dean.
“You’re welcome,” you grumbled as Dean shot the ghoul that you had petrified with your spell.
“Y/N behind yo-“ a third ghoul pounced on you before Sam got the chance to warn you.
Dean tried to aim at it, but he couldn’t get a clear shot without risking hitting you.
Sam jumped into action at your cry of pain. The ghoul had bitten into your shoulder before Sam managed to tackle it off you.
As soon as you and Sam were clear, Dean blasted the ghoul’s head off.
“Y/N?” Sam was by your side in an instant, peeling the fabric of your shirt away from your bleeding shoulder, cringing when you cried out in pain. “Ok, you’re ok, you’re gonna be fine.”
“That was crazy,” Dean grumbled as he knelt next to you to examine your injury. “That was really stupid, kid.”
“I-I didn’t see him,” you cringed. “I-I’m sor-“ you broke off with a cry of pain when Dean lifted your head, jostling your injured shoulder.
“You shouldn’t have even been here,” Dean sighed, glaring at you. “And I thought you got that guy with a spell! Your magic doesn’t seem to—“
“Dean, she’s bleeding a lot,” Sam interrupted quietly, glancing nervously at the growing puddle of blood beneath you. “I think we should try for Cas.”
“Hey Cas,” Dean stepped away from you to talk to the angel. “Cas, we need you over here! Y/N’s hurt pretty bad. Can you—“
“I’m here.” Sam jumped in surprise when Castiel appeared next to you.
“Cas,” you croaked, whimpering when Sam moved to make room for Cas.
“Shh, it’s alright little one. This won’t hurt at all.” Cas placed two fingers on your forehead, and your wound slowly sealed itself with a blue glow.
“Thanks Cas,” you breathed as you slowly sat up, rubbing your shoulder as the pain slowly went away.
“Cas,” Dean spoke up. “I think her magic’s gone all wack, can you—“
“Dean, I’m fine, really,” you said. The last thing you wanted was your brothers looking in too deep to why your powers seemed to be failing. You would look weak.
“Her powers aren’t anything physical,” Cas said. “If they’re not working correctly, she either mispronounced the spell, or she’s not in the correct mental state to perform magic.”
“Cas.” You wanted to interrupt him, but it was too late.
“Y/N.” Dean stepped closer to you, and you ducked your head to avoid his gaze. “Sweetheart what’s he talking about?”
“I’m fine.” Your voice came out small and timid.
“Y/N, talk to me.” Sam stepped forwards.
You shook your head, blinking hard and fast in a failed attempt to keep the tears at bay. Your hand unconsciously sought out something to hold onto, and your fingers clamped onto Cas’s trench coat.
“Are you alright?” Cas’s gentle voice was the only invitation you needed, and you practically flung yourself into his arms, burying your face against his shirt as your tears began to fall. Cas froze for a moment, unsure of what to do, but slowly he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you tightly against him.
“It’s alright,” he soothed. “It’s ok, I’ve got you little one.”
“I can’t do this anymore,” you sobbed, clutching onto Cas like a life preserver. “I-I miss Gabriel. And-and Joe and Ellen, and my-and my dad.”
“I know,” Cas sighed. “I know, it’s ok.”
“I didn’t mean for it to mess up the hunt.”
“It’s not your fault,” Cas promised. “You’re allowed to feel like this. It’s ok to feel sad, it’s ok.”
“Maybe we should take her home,” Sam cut in.
“Don’t go.” Cas’s heart constricted at your whimpered plea as you held on even tighter to him.
“I won’t,” he whispered to you before looking at Sam. “Go on, I’ve got her.” With that, Cas disappeared with you.
You jumped in surprise when you arrived suddenly in your room.
“I’m sorry,” Cas said. “I didn’t mean to surprise you.”
“I’m ok,” you sniffled, still unwilling to let go of Cas.
“Ok.” Cas smiled. “Would you like to lay down?”
You nodded, and Cas led you over to your bed and let you lean on top of him after he laid down.
“I’m sorry,” you said finally, your throat constricting as the tears returned.
“Don’t ever apologize for what you’re feeling,” Cas said, wrapping his arms around you. “You can let it out now, you don’t have to hide it.”
“I just don’t want Sam and Dean to think I can’t do this,” you cried.
“You can trust them. You don’t have to be alone with this, you never do.”
You didn’t respond, and Cas didn’t push it. He held you in his arms and you finally let out your years upon years of tears that you hadn’t let yourself cry before. Eventually you fell asleep, and still Cas didn’t move.
Most times when he was needed, it was so he could heal your or your brothers physically, and that was easy for him. This was much harder; he wasn’t well versed in human emotion, and he wasn’t all that sure that he was helping you correctly, but he sensed that his presence was all you needed.
So here he would stay.
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simpingforheros · 8 days
Jason Todd Head canon 1#
I’m bored at work so I’m giving yall silly headcannons to make y’all smile. This is very crack! Headcanon vibes because I’m manic as well right now. But, I love my toxic zombie boy.
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Redhood! Jason Todd X Batgirl! Reader
If they had became vigilante’s together, they would definitely reconnect after Jason starts to forgive the BatFam.
Would definitely always pair up with her just so they can cause some mischief during patrols.
Definitely play up the flirting in-front of civilians and would definitely encourage shipping just to annoy Bruce.
Would ditch galas to do riding around.
You two basically just resume your friendship until one night, you both got drunk after hanging out at Roy’s and yall wake up the next day with a broken bed and tattoos on y’all’s hips.
If You became batgirl after Jason’s death, God bless you
Jason would be hard on you with the intimidating and dickish act for a long ass time.
He wasn’t as bad as he was with the others because he understands that you weren’t involved with his death and you weren’t a replacement for him as much as you were Oracle’s.
When the moody stage finally passes and he realizes that you won’t put up with his tantrums, he will try a new approach.
Red hood becomes known as a menace to Batgirl in the media.
Whether it be he would somehow end up saving Batgirl while being a snarky ass hole or do behaviors that would cause her blushing face to be on the covers of tabloids.
At the manor, the pair bicker almost as much as they bonded over common interests.
Now the arguments revolve around those interests even if half of them started because of joke either one of them started.
“Bridgerton is just a horny girl’s excuse to not read Jane Austen” “Take that shit back right now!” “Make me.”
When the feelings actually start to develop, the bickering and the flirtation gets so bad that they become the most shipped ‘enemies to lovers’ ship among the tabloids and Gotham’s youth.
Finally, tension boils over when an incident happens where Batgirl was almost killed by a major villain.
Oh shit, Red Hood was not very happy to find out that Batgirl was currently in a hospital bed after a failed recon mission.
He went head hunting after that 🫢 Not that kind of head.
After that, Jason became unbearably protective of her. Volunteering to be on patrol with her, driving her to appointments, stalking her , breaking in coming over to her room/apartment to hang out.
It all boiled over after a heated and trauma dumping confrontation between the two where the neighbors/residents of the manor heard screaming, yelling, maybe a broken vase, and some creaming.
Red Hood! Jason Todd X Civilian! Reader
Ngl y’all, Jason dating a civilian would probably be a little toxic.
He’s either gonna date someone so fucking sweet that it fuels his need to be a protector and act as a balm to his failure complex.
Or he’s gonna date someone as fucked up as him so he feels some form of trauma bond with them.
He probably would spot eyes with them in a busy setting and because he’s very good at reading people, he would immediately start his stalking because he wanted to know if he can trust them before building a relationship with them.
Would probably never approach them as the Red Hood before meeting as Jason Todd unless it was a situation where he had to step in.
Secret lover boy with self sabotaging tendencies.
He would stage their first meeting as a form of meet-cute scenario. Most likely on the street or a bookstore.
Would play the long game of meeting by ‘chances’ and casual little conversations.
Has a weird prey/predator mentality where he wants them to give him their number first or ask him out first but he’s the one actually pursuing them.
If they started dating, he would treat things very slowly or very casually depending on which type they are.
If it’s the sweet one, he’ll play it slow and gentlemanly, like the romance movie lead.
He wouldn’t want intimacy or pressure anything like that even if he constantly thinks about it.
Maybe a little less toxic but more manipulative.
“Oh baby, there’s been a ton of robberies around that area. Let’s just go riding then we can go see that movie you been talking about.”
“Sweetheart, I love how precious you are, but I’m really busy right now. How about I swing by after work with some treats I already had picked out for you.”
His true nature would come out eventually. His vulnerability would show more, but by then his sweet little partner would be so loving and understanding.
They would comfort his nightmares and rub his aching muscles.
It would be 1.5 to 2 years into dating before he would reveal he’s Red Hood.
The fucked up one is getting toxic Jason.
This pairing probably met at a bar/party, and their relationship started out as a casual friends with benefits.
The two would become closer faster than he would with a sweet one, but oh my god, y’all fight for your lives.
Arguments are usually loud and heard throughout the apartment building before they would either screw iy out or have to separate.
Jason would eventually return with either dinner or a gift to apologize. He learnt that from his daddy Brucie.
Unless that man is down bad, in love, he ain’t telling y’all anything.
Anytime he gets asked about where he’s going to at night,
“It’s none of your business.”
“Work, don’t worry I’ll tell her you asked.”
“You know I’m busy.”
Don’t worry, the longer you two stay together, he sweeter he becomes.
Our toxic king will get better and less toxic.
It takes him to the moment he realizes that you really aren’t gonna leave him and that you love his fucked up ass, for him to tell you he’s the Red Hood.
AN: That’s all I got for right now. Let me know if you want an Arkham Knight version or if I need to calm down with our Toxic King.
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hijinxinprogress · 9 months
YJ being awful at sharing things (mostly bc they’re used to handling things themselves bc there was no one for them to depend on during their childhood)
YJ is great at subterfuge and lying but they keep unnecessary things on a need-to-know basis like their favorite colors so when people are like “why didn’t you tell me?? I can help! I hope you know you can come to me if you need anything” and yj responds like a stray animal being shown affection for the first time “with what?? nothing’s wrong…go away…” but they’re always injured or about to be whether it’s physical or psychological 
Cissie didn’t tell anyone she was allergic to walnuts until Oliver almost killed her at a mandatory family dinner (they also didn’t know she was in the Olympics or dating Kon until they were cornered by reporters in public who wanted to know if Kon was aware she had a relationship with Oliver Queen) (Roy had a very one sided beef with Kon for about three weeks once he saw the interviews)
Yj is outed for smoking when Bart gets caught with weed and the jl (mostly Barry) are lecturing him about the dangers of marijuana and Wally’s yelling bc they thought it was the titans smoking while bart just shrugs and he’s like “I thought you knew, it’s not like we were hiding it” they call a meeting w/ yj but Cissie’s just like “I mean what are you gonna do about it? You’re a couple years too late to be concerned” and behind them, an irritated Kon passes a handful of bills to a smug Anita
Or Tim’s been stabbed for the 5th time this week (and didn’t tell anyone bc he’s Tim) Cassie tries to hand him tequila and Bart looks at them like they’re stupid “he can’t drink that” and dicks in the background “no he can’t bc he’s literally a baby and so are all of you!!” and Anita reaches over to Kon who’s not paying attention and he’s like “yeah, rob got stabbed like an hour ago and didn’t say anything bc he’s a squirrelly little shit” and dick launches himself across the room holding 17 medical packs (he was supposed off planet for the next three months)
Diana hears yj refer to Cassie with they/them pronouns and pulls them aside to ask if they want to change their name (hero and civilian) and why they didn’t feel comfortable sharing their identity with her and Cassie just goes “I didn’t think it was a big deal”
Most people think that Anita’s raising her children so older heroes with make comments about her being too young to be a parent or being irresponsible for being a parent so young along with how it makes them unable to trust her judgment as a hero (Steph once made an offhanded comment about Anita being a real hero for raising twins after she cussed out an older hero) but no one outside of yj learns the truth until dr. fate shows up talking about irreparable damage being done to the timeline (the nearest speedster gets dirty looks despite not being at fault this time)
Yj invites Greta to the watchtower and she meets Constantine who starts going on about her being death-touched, possessed, and rambling about dark magic so he ends up calling the rest of jl dark which is how the jl finds out about Secret years after the fact
Kon casually makes jokes about Lex’s attempts on his life, Lex and Clark attempting to win him over to get one over on each other, Lex or Clark disliking him, his death, and the period of time Kon was homeless which is usually how anyone outside of yj finds out about things going on in his life
The jl loses their shit when they learn how often yj hide each other in their homes when they don’t have anywhere else to go (batman buys trackers in bulk when he finds out Tim has a secret house) 
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zuhuan · 11 months
Jujutsu Kaisen men x S/O on their period
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Characters: Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Megumi Fushiguro, Choso Kamo
Summary: Your beloved helps with your period.
Genre: fluff, comfort (!mentions of blood!nausea!)
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Gojo Satoru:
• It's only natural that your period came at the worst possible time. You are at school until late this afternoon and you even have club activities after classes. You wrote to Gojo that you had your period. He responded like "Oh, thank God."
• You yelled at him for not showing empathy, but then he took matters into his own hands. He knew how much you were suffering at this time, so he asked you out of Jujutsu High School and you went home. On the way home, he went to the nearby convenience store to buy some snack, pads and all the necessary things. Your boyfriend doesn't care that other people think it's weird that he has to buy feminine hygiene products.
• He use his warm hands instead of the heating pad. He would gently pull you close, wrap his arms around you and caress you.
• Gojo takes advantage of the fact that you want to cuddle and just lie down all day, but if you ask for anything, he will help you immediately.
• "Fuuckk... I'm in so much pain... everything hurts." He would ask if you would like to take the medicine. With a glass of water and the medicine in hand, he would kneel beside you by the bed and help you swallow the medicine.
• After you take it, he will lie down next to you and let you fall asleep in a position that is comfortable for you while caressing your face and back. "Rest my love." And he kisses you.
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Nanami Kento:
• Knows in advance when your period will come, keeps a calendar about it and monitors whether everything is in order.
• He is the type of- "Angel, your period is coming soon, do you have everything you need?" (omg I need a man like him)
• If you don't feel like eating, or you can't because you're feeling nauseous, he won't force you to eat, but he'll still cook you heavenly delicious food in case you feel hungry later.
• If you accidentally get your period in your sleep and he wake up first in the morning and find blood on your bedclothes and panties, he tries to wake you up and lead you out of the room so that you don't notice. He knows how uncomfortable you feel at this time.
• Nanami isn't a huge fan of physical touch, but he puts it aside and hugs and kisses you. He would be more attentive to you and call you cute names much more during this time (which of course pleases both him and you). On such names as "My precious, My little bunny, My only love."
• He would definitely ask if everything is okay down there and if there was anything unusual.
• You will be in very good hands with him and you will be completely pampered.
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Megumi Fushiguro:
• Megumi is already very skilled at this. He learned all this on his own just for you. He also keeps track of when your period will come and when it should end in a calendar. He handles your mood swings well and always tries to cheer you up depending on the situation.
• When he sees that you are suffering a lot, he slowly sits down next to you, asking if he can do something for you. You shake your head and turn away from him. "Honey I want to help you." Megumi's face starts to fill with worry and he hugs you from behind. He would gently kiss your temples and neck while you feel his warm breath and the feeling runs down your spine.
• It is not awkward for him to talk to you about whether everything is fine with your period.
• He would cook you your favorite kind of instant noodles (because he knows you love it) and you would eat it snuggled up on the sofa. He always makes sure you stay hydrated and eat enough. He will only let you take the medicine if you have eaten before! If you manage to fall asleep, he will carry you to your shared bedroom on tiptoe and cover you with many blankets so you don't get cold.
• Before getting into bed next to you, Megumi prepares the heating pad and carefully places it next to your stomach and his hands on it so as not to wake you up.
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Choso Kamo:
• He knows blood well, so he can perfectly sense when your period is coming. But he is not a great expert in the biological process itself. He is trying his best to help you through this period.
• He would make you hot tea and a few bites of food. You told him earlier that you are very nauseous, so he is afraid that if you eat too much you might throw up. Well, you didn't even have to eat a bite and you already ran to the toilet because you had to throw up. Choso wouldn't be scared of the situation, he would be there by your side stroking your back and holding your hair back. He would calm you down with kind words. "You're good my love, don't worry I'm here for you. I love you." After you were done, he helped you clean up.
• You would feel like a baby (here you can see what a good father he would be).
• He would ease your pain by caressing your whole body while holding you in his warm and comfortable arms until you fall asleep.
• If it were so difficult for you to move that you couldn't even clean yourself, he wouldn't let you, especially during this period. Your boyfriend would help you undress and get into the tub and give you a nice massage while he bathes you (nothing dirty).
• He would let you hang on him like a little koala. He would caress your face and then kiss you and try to distract you from your pain. He is the perfect companion in such a situation. Let's protect this man at all costs!
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earlgraytay · 2 years
I keep seeing discourse on my dash about whether or not we should be teaching ~challenging~/emotionally rough books in elementary and middle school, and I think there's a very important point that all of this discourse is eliding.
What counts as "too rough/traumatizing" heavily depends on the kid.
Two kids in the same class, from the same background, at the same developmental and reading level, might have wildly different reactions to a book. To take an example that's less likely to generate insufferable discourse than anything dealing with ~marginalization~:
Say you have two kids in the same class. One kid is a sensitive, sweet soul who loves dogs more than anything in the world. The other kid just lost their dog, is still grieving, and needs some catharsis.
Your class is supposed to read Old Yeller, or some other kids' book about The Death Of A Dog.
For the first kid, that book is likely to mess them up a little. It might seem like brutality for the sake of brutality. They might not fully understand the concept of death yet, or they may not be ready to grapple with the idea that dogs can die. It might be something they need to read, even if it'd mess them up- but it might also just hurt without any real benefit.
For the second kid... whether they're ready to read that book would heavily depend on how they're grieving and whether they're ready to think about a dog dying. It might trigger them and make them feel worse. But it might actually be helpful for them and make them feel less alone. Other kids have had to deal with their dogs dying and have lived through it. It might give them emotional tools they need to get through this.
But unless you know these kids really well and have the chance to tailor how you teach the book to them? You're likely to screw both of them up without any real benefit.
If they have to fill out fifty million worksheets about What The Dog Dying Means In Old Yeller, they're going to have to think about something they're not ready to think about over and over again. They're not likely to learn whatever you're trying to teach them about death or empathy or tragedy- they're just going to remember that English class was about depressing books about dogs dying and remember how much it hurt to get through. And they're going to be put off reading anything you might read in English class, because it's just going to hurt, right?
The one-size-fits-all model of education most schools are being forced to adopt means that we can't mold what kids read around what they need and are ready to hear; we have to make every kid read the same thing, at the same pace, with the same worksheets.
You can't decide, 'hey, this kid might not be ready for this particular book, here's a book that hits some of the same thematic notes but is less graphic'.
You can't take the time to make sure that a student who's reading a book that might be rough for them is okay, give them time to decompress and debrief, or let them process what they're having to deal with. You can't let them take a break from the book after they hit a point that is graphic or triggering. You can't let them sit with their feelings about it.
You can't take the time to make sure that the marginalized students in the class are okay after reading a book about oppression that affected people like them, or take the time to make sure that their non-marginalized classmates who said boneheaded things about the book know why what they said wasn't okay without publically yelling at them.
Hell, you can't even choose books based around what your students would be interested in and want to read. You have to make a lesson plan to teach like 50 students; you don't have time to pick things based around their individual likes and dislikes.
Nope. It's just on to the next book, the next worksheet, the next test.
Teachers are forced to take on classes that are way too big for any one person to manage, teach emotionally hefty books without giving kids time to process what they've learnt, and teach to tests instead of giving kids time to empathize and understand.
The problem is not specific books. The problem is not privileged people's fragility. The problem is not even individual teachers. The problem is a systemic problem with how American schools teach literature.
Until we fix the system? Yeah, plenty of kids are gonna get fucked up from reading Lord of the Flies or Where the Red Fern Grows when they're not ready to tackle it. Because their teachers do not have the time or spoons to gauge whether they're ready, and do not have the luxury of letting their students deal with things at their own pace.
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hurthermore · 5 months
What would being locked up in your Humam Al’s cellar be like? I would assume that’s his ‘second’ kitchen like where he chops up victims so would you be down there with body parts? Or would be make it a comfortable living space for you? Maybe he doesn’t need to do that because similar to a time out chair it’s not for an extended period time. How would he respond if the reader escaped?
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OOO NOW THIS IS AN ASK… maybe spoilers ahead for Misconduct? Idk… maybe, this is just a what if the reader was combative scenario.
Warning for heavy yandere themes
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It’s dark and gloomy, due to how zero natural light can leak in the room, you wouldn't be able to see the remnants of blood that seeped through the cracks in the floorboards.
It smells like a rotting corpse; extremely repugnant. How he had made it so the smell couldn't exude into the rest of the cabin, you didn't know.
It doesn't take a second glance into the cellar to know that this is where he preps his victims for consumption. Whether they're dead or alive whilst he preps their flesh is a whole other story.
Alastor doesn't plan on throwing you down into his human-butchering cellar, but if you attempt to leave him, or start to become combative? Well, you're not giving him much choice on the matter now, are you?
It's the perfect place to lock you away for your bad behaviour; it has a strong lock for a reason.
But fret not, Alastor loves you, he wouldn't just leave you down there all alone. No, he would spend all his free time with you; he craves for your presence, regardless of any punishment you may need to go through.
He will still chop up his victims in the cellar with you there, so prepare to hold your stomach if that makes you feel queasy.
If by chance you started banging on the door or yelling for someone to help you whilst Alastor wasn't in the room with you, he will know about it, no matter how discrete you attempted to be.
He didn't want to chain you against the metal pipe in the corner of the room, but you wouldn't stop begging for him to let you out. It broke his heart, made him feel so guilty; an emotion he never thought he'd experience before.
He wouldn't be able to mentally stand it if you kept screaming, kept begging. He feared he might let you out if he had to hear your cries any longer, so he had to resort to shoving something in your mouth; what is up to you.
If by chance, you escaped, (which you wouldn't, this is Alastor, so bffr) you would break his heart into a million pieces. He thought you loved him, loved him like he loves you. So why are you running?
Ensue a chase scene, like a poorly made horror movie. Alastors place of residency is far into the bayous; so far you wondered if it was even legal to have property there. Luckily, theres a dirt road to follow, but even so, you would most likely get lost and probably eaten by some type of wild animal before you found your way out.
Luckily for you, or not, Alastor will always find you; he has a natural knack for finding his prey. So regardless of the potential hazards ahead, Alastor will get to you first. And despite how disturbing his stance may look, how sinisterly unhinged his facial expression is as he walks toward you, he will hold you with such gentleness thats more frightening than his deranged physical demeanour.
If you try shoving him off you, he won't threaten you; no, no, no, he could never threaten you. But his hold on you will get tighter, rougher, it may cause bruises depending on how combative you decide to be. Eventually you'll be hoisted over his shoulder as he takes you back home.
He'll ask you why, why you ran, why you wanted to leave him; and if the crack in his voice doesn't break your heart as he asks you those words, you must be more evil than him.
Depending on how apologetic you are, he might contemplate letting you stay up on the first floor and not the cellar. He will know if you're faking your apology though, so don't even try it, or you'll be put right back into the place you just tried escaping from.
If you want the best life with Alastor, to never see that cellar again, you need to love him, shower him in love, treat him like he treats you, pamper him in your presence and so forth.
Try escaping one more time, and Alastor will make sure you won't be able to walk again. Period.
»»------► 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
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heatherholes · 10 days
i get that the lack of individuality is the appeal of bimbofication for many. but what i like to see, personally, is all the wonderful different types of girls learning their place. their unique personalities kept but warped. the most obvi example is the nerdy weeb girl who loves hentai and ahegao and slutty cosplay, the desk pet gamer girls. unlike some less interesting misogynists, i don’t think they’re faking their interests for male attention. they just don’t know how to express themselves any other way and that’s super hot!
i wanna see it everywhere. the horror fanatic watching shlocky b-movie rape scenes like they’re porn. the girl who loves cars getting bent over the hood. the ren faire attendant dressed as a tavern wench. the tabletop gamers and larpers doing mediaeval fantasy, getting treated medievally. the skater chick who laughs loudest when a girl face-plants, the metalhead demanding you name five albums. the goth who draws a pentagram on the floor and kneels naked, thinks of her punishment for eve eating the apple and whispers ‘hail satan.’
barstool type girls are a favourite of mine. you know, they watch football, eat wings, are all too happy to go to strip clubs and participate in the locker room talk. who proudly proclaim that they’re not like other girls, they’re one of the guys because they put on a sports jersey, while still looking every bit the bleach blonde fucktoy. still pretending she doesn’t know how to shoot pool so he can show her.
and the gym bunnies with an intense discipline and determination; are strong physically and mentally. what motivates their commitment to self improvement? looking good for men, of course! she’ll work herself to the bone keeping toned for you and won’t whine for help hauling the groceries. let her tell herself it’s because you respect her strength if it makes your life easier.
similar are the boss babes, hyper productive and entrepreneurial. proud to have her own money, apartment, car, small business. she’s a big believer in splitting the bill on dates. why? she heard men don’t like gold diggers. she doesn’t want him to think she’s putting out cause she gets something out it. she’s not doing it for anything but him. whether or not she expands her “online brand” as a pornfluencer into onlyfans will depend entirely on him. he okays it, but only for a split of the money? wow, now she’s the provider. how empowering!
that’s to say nothing of the actual girl bosses. the salaried power player at a fortune 500 company. what does she do there? discourage employees under her from going to HR, cut funding for the women in business initiative and giggle at sexist jokes to show she’s a team player, mostly. she has the economic freedom to do anything, a career she fought tooth and nail for, a spot in the c-suite someday. she’s a winner, not a trophy. she’ll give it all away once a man further up the ladder knocks her up.
well, what about the marxist punk yelling no gods, no masters? no way she’s gonna submit to a man. no, but she’s gonna suck dick for the communal spirit and promote collective ownership of her holes.
the shy girl into art and literature? her love of culture gives her unique insight into the history of male supremacy. everywhere she sees herself through the eyes of men. not just any men, creative geniuses. in the museum she looks at the ancient vases that use the same iconography to depict marriage as rape. from the nude statue of a goddess to the painting of a peasant girl — both are objects, never the subject. in the library she reads the taming of the shrew and thinks, who am i to argue with shakespeare? quietly, she lets her dreams of being an artist die and resigns herself to the life of the muse.
tldr: cater to the male gaze and serve patriarchy but most importantly be yourself
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