#Dear Society.
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blueskittlesart · 2 months
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not exactly a full comic or anything but considering it's been 2 years since i've touched this au i think this warrants some fanfare. new coliseum au content everyone come get your content
(sequentially this would take place directly after the sword-claim scene in part 4. don't expect any more elaboration on this ever btw)
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
Shoutout to all the other adults who have acne or any other condition of the skin that you are expected to outgrow or "just deal with."
Adulthood isn't this magical time where everything just disappears, and the reality is that these skin conditions are largely genetic. It isn't your fault (nor your skin's fault) that you are an adult with different skin than other people. In fact, it's neutral (and even, dare I say, good!).
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braindos · 4 months
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dndads + dead poets society </3
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cayennecrush · 6 months
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noctqrnxl · 4 months
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something about this shot has me weak in the fucking knees
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demilypyro · 10 months
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This manga was going hard on the teenage angst for a while, but I appreciate that it's now timeskipped into adulthood. There's few mangas I can think of that engage with the lives of trans adults. It's promising. I hope there's a lot more
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a-dreamersjournal · 21 days
The Hymn Of My Soul.
From a distant planet a soft melody of cosmic music escapes, seeping gently through the cracks of my window. A faint whisper of forgotten lands, a symphony carved by hands of time and space. It touches me in my sleep, making me shiver, but never waking me up. A sweet dream of Infinite comfort, an enchanting lullaby.
I wish it told me then, that by end of the sweet dream awaits a nightmare so cruel. I wish I didn't wake up feeling loss of something that was never mine, feeling loss of a Hymn I'd call Home. The Hymn of my soul.
And so I wait for night to come again. Wallowing in self pity, and swallowed by my own grief. I wait, and wait, and wait....
But night never comes. Not the night I was wishing for. And when I gave up on waiting, something within me pulled me inwards...deeper and deeper in the chasms of my soul where a faint music played.
Too tired to resist, I let my soul guide me, sinking deeper within myself, gliding in harmony with a song long forgotten, the song I once called my salvation. It was right there, tucked in neatly and safely inside the core of my very being while I was searching foreign planets for traces of it.
It has always been an inseparable part of me, mySELF. A song that lives inside my bones and flesh, echoing through my whole existence, a faint reminder of a Home I never left.
I just needed to turn around, and it was there.
You, were right there.
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deadlypoetacademia · 6 months
The curiosity of new beginnings, but this fear of an ending. The month of december, it's cold and foggy and black and white, it's the beginning of an ending.
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feral-harvest · 2 months
"And then you're 30. The moon lives under your skin and the sun in your heart."
-it's my birthday <3333
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I want mentopolis fans to know that if you liked the name Dan Fucks from Freddie, he also plays B33FH1-MB0, or Beef Himbo, in the Dungeons and Daddies Patreon stretch goal campaign Gungans and Daddies: All That Jizz
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sinclairstarz · 3 months
i cannot make a serious byler edit to save my life theyre just too silly
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khaohomies · 3 months
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Man, I loveee these boats!
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apollosopera · 5 months
based somewhat on the current TikTok trend of people discussing obscure books from their childhood. enjoy! let me know ur favorite books from when u were a kid!
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poetici · 3 months
Hi can you give me some tips to improve my writing
Hi there. So I made it into a mnemonic, hope it's helpful.
I - Intention
Set an intention first. It could be as simple as 'I love writing' or something like 'I am the greatest writer in the world.'
M - Make mistakes
Writing is a holistic process. You are bound to make mistakes while drafting, editing, etc. Don't be afraid to make mistakes but also learn how to correct them.
P - Practice
It goes without saying. Practice, practice, and loads of practice. Rome wasn't built in a day.
R - Reading
Just as food is fuel for the body, reading is fuel for writing. Read something everyday, be it an article or a poem or if you have the time, a book. Join a book club maybe. Or explore different genres.
O - Order/Routine
If possible, set a routine for your writing. Have a scheduled time in the day to write and make it a priority.
V - Vocabulary
Look up new words as you come across them. Experiment with words in your drafts. It will greatly polish your writing.
E - Enjoy the process
Most importantly, even if you don't follow any other tips, you should definitely enjoy your writing. It's a process of creation, so have fun with it and don't pressurise yourself!
You will find so many rules and tips online and offline both that can help you improve your writing. You will also find that different people have different writing styles and tips.
One important tip is that there are no rules!!
Yet these are a few that I could simplify for you to remember.
Happy Writing!!
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hofmanns · 15 days
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Es loco porque yo miro ese evento [los Oscar] con mucha perspectiva por mi propia historia, por la lejanía que hay entre ser un actor de Uruguay y asistir a esa gala. No existe un precedente. Desde esa dimensión tan remota, me sentí como un espía, como si realmente no fuera parte.
It's crazy because I look at that event [the Oscars] with a lot of perspective for my own story, because there's no precedent with being an actor from Uruguay and attending that gala. I felt like an intruder, like I didn't really belong.
ENZO VOGRINCIC, photographed by Guy Aroch for ESQUIRE España
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