#Diana and Barry are best of friends you can’t convince me otherwise
briarmoon1015 · 1 year
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The league being sillies :))). Dc make them actual friends and not just coworkers I dare you
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AWAE 1x6 rewatch: thoughts and reactions
It’s been literal months since my last rewatch, and you guys were obviously not satisfied with my randomly dug-up first impression of the show that I posted a couple of days ago to make up for the lack of reviews, so here I am with another one. Today we’re delving into the penultimate episode of the first season. I have completely forgotten what to expect, so this will be almost like a first time watching. Here we go:
Oh, that’s right. I remember now. This is one of the parts that I loved most from the original book, and it’s a really important moment in the show as well, one of the parts that were satisfyingly closely adapted. It’s the time when Minnie May is ill and Anne is the only one who can help. A very dramatic scene, and a crucial one for DiAnne’s friendship after they were forbidden to fraternise in the previous episode. 
Wait, Aunt Josephine was there? This is the situation in which she appears first? I had forgotten and I honestly thought it would have been something different. Apparently I’ve forgotten that at first she didn’t act like the cool old lady we’ve since come to love.
I’ve always thought it was incredibly impressive how Anne immediately knew what was happening to Minnie May from just a vague description of the symptoms. Her difficult childhood experience comes in handy sometimes, I guess. That’s at least a slight silver lining to it. 
I love how fiery, passionate Anne transforms into a sound, sane, level-headed nurse when Minnie May needs to be taken care of. It just popped into my mind - does Gilbert know about this? And how come it was never brought up in later seasons?
In my commentaries on the third season, I've said more than once that Minnie May was like God - she often fixed whatever trouble and misunderstandings the older characters would get in. Now I see she’s doing it again, in a way - her illness and Anne helping her get over it is what convinced Diana’s parents that Anne is a very good person and a suitable friend for their daughter after all. I wonder where everyone would have been without this little one. 
“It’s a big world, son.” It is indeed, and Gilbert will see at least some of it - but at what cost, really, at what cost? Having never lost a parent, nor a loved one of another kind, I can’t possibly imagine the pain this boy would go through later in the series. Now, seeing John Blythe on his deathbed breaks my heart. 
It’s amazing how much some people need to forgive. Accidentally get her daughter drunk, and you’re the devil. Save her other daughter’s life, and you’re suddenly a saint. I was never a big fan of Eliza Barry, and, well, this case is not helping. I mean, it took so much for her to forgive Anne’s minor innocent mistake. I can’t help but wonder - how much would Jerry have had to do to get her approval, had things not turned out the way they did (I’m referring to both his eventual falling out with Diana and the unjust cancellation of the series here #renewannewithane)? How many favours would he have to do her family before she would have been able to forget his origin? I guess we’ll never find out now. Unless... #renewannewithane
Anne seemingly equating herself and Diana to Josephine and her “companion” makes me suddenly see why people ship them romantically, although I personally don’t. I mean, neither Anne nor Diana knew at the time what exactly Josephine’s relationship with her partner was like, but still, for me as a second-time viewer, the subtext is certainly there. 
Diana’s prospective future as the wife of some “wealthy, handsome gentleman” could very well have been foreshadowing to her eventual marriage to Fred Wright in the books, but it is a bit of an ironic statement in the series where she first went for Jerry, who, to quote Aunt Jo from earlier, is “one, but not the other”. But I’m getting carried away here. 
Listen, I dislike Mr. Philips as much as the next person, but he’s sort of (unwittingly?) acting as a matchmaker for Anne and Gilbert, like teachers sometimes do. By making none other than Anne go give him his school materials every day, he is making them interact even when Anne might otherwise have chosen not to. So that is one good thing he’s ever done. I’m keeping score from now on. 
Anne’s sudden realisation that when Gilbert comes back to school, he will likely be an orphan, reminds me of her reaction later when it happened. And it’s not so much later either. Having been an orphan all her life, she seems not to realise quite how much he’s going through. Gilbert has been forced to become an adult all of a sudden by his father’s death, but Anne still has a lot of growing up to do.
John Blythe’s funeral is an odd contrast to Mary’s Easter which would come later - both are people Gilbert loves dearly, both deaths make him grow as a person, both die of an illness - but while his father’s funeral and the days before it are gloomy, dark and achromatic, Mary goes with a smile on her face, surrounded by her big family, in the middle of a colourful festivity. I don’t know why I’m commenting on this right now, I just suddenly became aware of the parallel and simply had to point it out. 
The snowflake that thaws on Gilbert’s palm and slowly rolls down reminded me of a tear - a tear that didn’t roll from his eyes. It might as well have been meant to symbolise that precisely. If that’s the case, job well done.
The blue ribbon that Anne wears now - John Blythe gave it to Marilla... I wonder if Anne was ever made fully aware of what exactly went on between her adoptive mother and Gilbert’s father when they were young. I mean off-screen, of course. 
Much better off than you were? I don’t think so, Anne. I mean, of course she might be right to a degree, but right now Gilbert’s pain is something she can’t comprehend. She shouldn’t try to. She shouldn’t assume she does. Being an orphan is not something to pass on “extensive knowledge” about. It’s an experience that everyone goes through differently. Saying Gilbert is lucky was definitely not the right thing to do. Not right now at least. But I should stop saying how I think Anne should have reacted, or I might come off as hypocritical. I’ve never experienced what either of them has, after all. Moving on.
It seems Aunt Jo has become the cool old lady we know and love. Her conversation with Anne in the clubhouse reminds me so much of the one they had at the end of season 3. I think that one was, in a way, meant to parallel this one. Of course, I’m not going to try and reinvent the wheel here, I just think it’s beautiful how subtle this show is when it comes to foreshadowing and callbacks, even to a viewer who goes into it having read the books first. I’m glad I get to rediscover this now when I’m rewatching it, and my reactions get to be a mix of re-encountering forgotten details, judging earlier episodes with regard to what happens in later ones, and just overall basking in the magic of AWAE once again. 
Anne wanting to be a bride but not a wife is so novel yet so relatable all at once. I mean, don’t get me wrong - I don’t want to be a wife, nor a bride myself, but I can definitely see why a girl, especially in Anne’s time, but even today as well, would want to walk down the aisle wearing a white dress without being burdened with the conservative version of a wife’s duty. 
Anne’s first encounter with Aunt Jo happens in such a different way from the book, but it’s even better, the way I see it. 
Anne is so unapologetically feminist and I’m all in for it. This character is so important even today, and it was so horrific to see her story cut short over trivial issues. #renewannewithane
As both Anne and Ruby are rambling away and Diana is trying her best to say the proper things, I figure Gilbert must think, at least for a moment, about how weird and incomprehensible girls are. And with Anne’s especially apropos mention of the word “wife”... I can just see his eyebrows doing the confusion dance - you know, despite the pain he must be in. 
I just love how Gilbert never even remotely hides his great respect and admiration of Anne. And even though there are underlying feelings of a different kind here, I’m quite sure he would respect and admire just as much any other intelligent, independent young woman deserving of it. Meanwhile, Billy has shown that he’s just a misogynist of the worst kind, no matter if the girl is an “ugly” orphan or a conventionally attractive girl with both parents alive and a substantial wealth. I don’t mean to deem anyone incorrigibly bad, but I do think Billy might as well be. 
What about “Gilbert’s father just died and you’re still acting like the petty little misogynist you are” doesn’t Billy get? I know what Gilbert did was sinking to his level, but I believe he deserved every bit of it. 
I wonder - I might have forgotten - if Gilbert knew before this conversation with Marilla, about the kind of relationship she and his father had. I wonder how much of it he found out from this conversation.
Ah, here we go, the Shirbert written communication begins. And it doesn’t begin very smoothly - as if to foreshadow how many bumps on the road its future holds. 
See, Josephine would have liked very much to be married to Gertrude - only the times she lives in wouldn’t allow it. She is of the marrying kind - just not of the conventional wife kind. And that’s beautiful, and exactly what Anne aspires to be - and will be one day, of course. She has done a good, nay, brilliant job choosing a role model.
To sum up this episode: Minnie May’s illness brings DiAnne back together; Aunt Jo’s first appearance is a meaningful one, as expected; John Blythe’s last days and the aftermath of his death; an important detail of Marilla’s past; thoughts on what it is to be a wife; Shirbert’s written communication begins, very clumsily, of course. 
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onedayiwillflyfree · 5 years
When the Sun Begins to Fall (7/12)
When the Sun Begins to Fall
Chapter 7: Apple Loaf
Read the full story here: 
“I would be careful going in there, the Barry women are at each other's throats again,” Mrs Lynde had warned when she saw Gilbert walking up to the house. He had almost been tempted to remain outside for a little while longer but he knew that he couldn't. Anne needed him.
And what Gilbert did not need was to not be pulled into another argument today. But as he stepped through the kitchen door of Green Gables, he felt it was almost inevitable when he heard an enraged voice scream from the parlor. “Mother, I am a woman now! You cannot continue to treat me like a child!”  
“Since you are behaving like a child, I will treat you accordingly!” Gilbert closed the door quietly behind him, hoping to sneak past without poking the bear even further. Alright, take off your coat, grab your plate, go to Anne. He stealthily made his way towards the table as the screaming raged on. Upon his arrival at the table, he was soon reminded that he had forgotten to eat today...again. The enticing aroma of cooked potatoes, carrots, and beef caused his stomach to growl. Before he could stop himself, he reached forward and plucked a carrot and popped it in his mouth, savoring each bite.
He was about to reach for another when he was quickly reminded he was supposed to be rushing as a deafening voice wailed from the parlor. “Diana, get back here.”
“Mother, I am staying and that is final!” Footsteps marched quickly down the hallway, his position about  to be compromised. No no no... He frantically tried pulling his coat off  as the footsteps inched closer. It was more difficult than he thought, one of his arms grasping tightly to Anne’s treasure bag. 
“Diana, honestly, it’s bad enough we missed tea with your father, but now you’re being ridiculous,” Mrs Barry scolded as she and Diana entered the kitchen. He didn’t appear to be noticed, Diana’s attention solely on the door that she was going to force her mother through. Gilbert continued fussing with his coat, still holding onto a slight amount of hope that he wouldn’t be noticed when the bag slipped from his grip and went crashing to the floor. When their eyes shot to him, he silently scolded himself for not being able to control his hunger. They stared at him bewildered as he stood there with his coat half way off his body and a bag of various objects strewn about the floor. 
With a hesitant laugh, he shrugged his coat off the rest of the way. “Evening, I was just, uh..” he mumbled as he threw it over a chair.
“Oh Gilbert, thank goodness you’re here!” Mrs Barry said exasperated, dragging Diana over to him. “Please explain to Diana that she simply cannot stay!” 
Diana yanked her arm away. “Don’t ask him, he thinks he is the only one capable of caring for Anne.” Resentment dripped from every word she spoke, almost as if the words tasted bitter on her tongue. Gilbert sincerely needed to figure out what he had done to make Diana so angry with him. He opened his mouth to add in his opinion on the matter when he was interrupted.
“Heavens above Diana, he is studying medicine!” Mrs Barry cried, looking as if she was ready to rip her hair out. “He is capable to care for Anne!” Gilbert opened his mouth once more, hoping to finally get a word in edgewise.
“I won’t leave her!” Diana cried as her eyes began to moisten as her frustrations were becoming increasingly apparent. “And neither you nor him... ” She shot him a look that held so much fury, he was sure it would kill him if possible. “...can tell me otherwise!”
“Di...” Gilbert spoke softly, hoping it would calm her.
“I never should have allowed you to drop out of finishing school to go to college.” Mrs. Barry’s eyes filled with tears along with her daughters. “I thought if you had some freedom to follow your dreams that you would learn to behave properly but it’s clear to me now that it was a mistake. You will never find a husband now and will become a spinster....”
“Maybe I don’t want to marry, Mother!” 
“Oh, you will marry Diana, whether you like it or not!”
“That is enough!” Gilbert yelled as he brought his fists down hard against the table. Both women silenced, eyes both swimming with tears and now, horror. He cleared his throat and brought his fingers up to his curls. “Sorry,” he whispered, sucking in a deep breath as he turned his attention to his childhood friend. “Now, Diana, your mother is right..”
She scoffed, crossing her arms like an upset child. “Oh, of course you would agree...”
“Damn it Diana, would you let me finish!” His words were harsh but he was done being interrupted. He was hungry, tired, and a sharp pain was beginning to form in his head. Diana’s mouth stood agape, shocked that Gilbert would speak such crude language to her. Mrs. Barry looked like she was on the verge of fainting as her face paled. He rubbed his brow, taking another deep breath in an attempt to prevent another outburst. “Your mother is right that you need to go home.” Diana tried to protest only this time it was his turn to shoot daggers at her. She closed her mouth, lips forming a tight line, allowing him to continue. “You have been traveling for weeks Diana. You have to be exhausted and you’re a mess.” He gingerly stepped towards her. 
She uncrossed her arms and for the first time since her arrival, she took a good look at herself. Her face bore surprise, as if she realized just how disheveled she had become on her run through the woods. Gilbert put a hand on his friend's shoulder. No matter how angry she was with him at the moment, she was still one of his oldest friends and he cared for her well being almost as much as Anne’s.  “I’m not saying that you need to leave because I don’t want you here. I am saying you need to get yourself cleaned up and a good night's rest in your own bed. You need to take care of yourself before you can take care of Anne.” 
Diana’s eyes found his, all traces of anger dissipated, leaving behind only sorrow. “I...I don’t want to leave her...”
He smiled softly, understanding every emotion she was feeling. “Di, the best thing you can do right now is take care of yourself.”
“I...I..” Tears were pouring as she collapsed into Gilbert, her anger towards him now a thing of the past.  
“I know,” he whispered, rubbing her back gently. She sobbed into his shirt, allowing herself to be vulnerable. “There’s nothing you can do tonight, she is just going to rest this evening. However, in the morning...” His eyes met with Mrs Barry, warning her to not say a word to only notice wet stains upon her cheeks as well. She nodded, her lip quivering while she fought back her own sobs. Gilbert tilted his head in return before he turned his attention back to his friend. “In the morning, you can come over and make Anne and Marilla some breakfast, that would be helpful for both of them.” 
She let out a final sob before she pulled away and looked up at him, her eyes so swollen he was unsure how much she could actually see. “First thing?” she asked hopefully. 
“First thing,” he confirmed with a smile. 
Diana grinned for a moment, the answer satisfying her, before she turned serious. “And if anything happens this evening, you’ll fetch me?” He nodded and she beamed once more. “Good. Then I will see you first thing in the morning.”
“Diana...darling...” Mrs. Barry intervened nervously. Diana’s anger began to return as she remembered her mother was still standing in the kitchen with her. She readied herself for another screaming match when her mother sniffed softly, speaking slowly to not raise emotions. “I’m fine with you coming, however...” She sniffed once again as a stray tear descended down her cheek. “Your friends...they are due tomorrow morning.”
Diana’s face dropped as her mind processed what her mother had just reminded her. “Cole... Cole!”  She yelled, grabbing tightly to Gilbert’s arm. “Has anyone told him?” 
Gilbert shrugged, he was still confused about how Mrs. Barry had been informed seeing as Marilla hadn’t left Anne’s side all night. “I’m not sure how he could know, not unless someone had sent a telegram.” He scolded himself, he should have told Winifred to bring the news to Josephine Barry and her young ward. They would be just as worried about Anne as all of them.
“If Cole doesn’t know...” She bit her lip when her eyes became the size of saucers. “Then that means Roy doesn’t know. Oh no no no.” 
A perfect mixture of anger and envy began consuming his heart, as they so often did whenever Royal Gardner was mentioned. He knew that the man had every right to know, he was her fiancé after all, but selfishly, Gilbert had hoped that he wouldn’t have to face the man who captured Anne’s heart. 
“Oh no,” Mrs Barry whispered. “We must inform him immediately. He would want to be here, he needs to be here.” 
Gilbert clenched his hands, digging his fingernails deep into his palms. “The telegraph office will be closed by now.” 
Diana, oblivious of his frustration, shook her head. “It doesn’t matter, they will be arriving tomorrow morning with Aunt Josephine anyway. Father and I will fetch them before coming here. They must see her.” Gilbert hesitated, causing Diana to focus on him. “Gilbert, they have  to see her. Roy is her fiancé  ”
He wanted to say no, that they couldn’t risk it that she was too sick and couldn’t be exposed to people. But he knew how selfish and wrong that was. He couldn’t keep Cole away from her as much as he could Diana, let alone her fiancé who was sure to be sick with grief. She wasn't Gilbert’s alone, she never had been. So, with that thought running through his mind,  he swallowed his pride and forced his anger away and whispered, “Of course.” More confidently he added. “They can’t touch her though.” Diana cocked an eyebrow, questioning him silently. He ruffled his curls nervously. “Disease is more likely to spread through contact. It was bad enough I let you touch her.”
Diana, still not fully convinced that was the sole reason, opened her mouth to question him when a voice boomed from up the stairs.
“Honestly, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert! Of all the times you chose to be stubborn, why is this one of them?!” A door slammed only to be followed by heavy footfalls making their way down the hall to the stairs. Gilbert couldn’t help but smirk and cast a glance towards Diana, who was rolling her eyes and smiling. How many times had they heard Marilla yell the same thing? 
Marilla raced down the steps, grumbling quietly as she  carried a tray of tea and a plate identical to the one that was left for him on the table. “This child is going to put me into an early grave, heavens above.” She nearly jumped from the platform before she slammed the tray on the table, unloading the contents in frustration and oblivious that she wasn’t alone. “Rachel. Rachel! Lordy, where is that woman when I need her.” Gilbert and Diana exchanged glances and both let out small chuckles, causing Marilla to jump. Her eyes found Gilbert’s and she sighed in relief. “Oh thank heavens you’re back! Mayhaps she will listen to you!”
“Doubtful,” he mumbled, knowing just how stubborn Anne could be when she puts her mind to it. “What’s happening?” Gilbert asked, still bemused by Marilla’s frustration.
She however, didn’t find any humor in the situation. “She’s not eating. She hasn’t since yesterday morning.” 
“Thank you for the platter, Marilla, I am simply starved!” Gilbert yelled from just outside of Anne’s closed door. He took a deep breath, balancing the tray and her treasures in one hand as he turned the knob to enter Anne’s bedroom. 
Upon his entrance, he was met by a series of moist coughs. Anne’s cheeks were scarlet, her hair sticking to her forehead from sweat. “I told Marilla...” She coughed, this time holding a handkerchief up to her mouth to catch mucus as it flew from her throat. “I told her I’m not hungry.” She replied, her breathing heavy and her eyes tired. 
Gilbert smirked as he made his way over to her, resting the tray on her nightstand before resting the bag on the floor. Anne eyed it anxiously, aware of what was in the bag. “Marilla said you haven’t eaten since yesterday.” He said, sliding the bag away with his foot, causing her to frown deeply. Gilbert moved his head to force Anne to look at him, their faces only inches apart. When she finally did meet his eyes, he realized how tired they were. Her cheekbones, which were always prominent, were sticking out more so than they normally did. “Anne, you need to eat.”
“I know,” She replied sadly, pulling her face away from his, her cheeks turning the faintest shade of pink. Her voice was raspy, he could only imagine how sore her throat had become over the last twenty four hours. “But as I said, I am not hungry. And I would greatly appreciate it if you wouldn’t try to force food upon me either, Gil.” Gilbert swallowed as she scored lower into the bed. She looked exhausted, even more so than she had a few hours prior. He hated to ask this of her, but he knew that she needed to eat to keep her strength. 
His own stomach growled, giving him an idea. Tussling his hair, he let out an over exaggerated sigh. “I won’t force you Anne.” It took a lot to surprise Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, and her doctor, her friend  not trying to convince her to eat? That surprised her indeed. 
“You won't?” 
Shaking his head, a boyish grin popped onto his face. “No, I can’t force you to do something you have no interest in doing. I have learned that much over the years.” She rolled her eyes lazily as he wiped away the grin, feigning upset. “It is a shame though, Hazel’s apple loaf looks marvelous…” On cue, his stomach growled, this time loud enough that it caught Anne’s ear. He licked his lips as he stared longingly at the sweet bread sitting next to them. “I know I have sorely missed it, almost as much as your pie. But I suppose I will have to wait a bit longer.” He sighed and reached into his bag for his anatomy book, pulling it onto his lap and flipping to a random page.
Anne cocked a weary eyebrow, watching intently as he pretended to read. “Gil?”
“Hmm?” he hummed, flipping to the next page and skimmed through a paragraph on diseases of the kidneys.
“Are you not going to eat?” she questioned curiously.
Gilbert flipped the page nonchalantly. “Uh nope, not hungry, Carrots.” 
She stared at him. “Gil...please eat.” The words came out in a scratchy plead. Gilbert fought of a smirk.  You never change.
 “You know Anne,” he closed his book with a sharp  snap  before resting it on his lap. “When my father was sick, I ate alone almost everyday for months. You see, the scent of food made his stomach upset, so I had to eat at the kitchen table.” Grief began creeping in as memories flooded his mind. He remembered all the times had he would force his father to eat or drink just so he could cling to life for one additional day. Anne’s gaze never shifted, hanging on Gilbert’s every word as he continued. “I grew to dread supper time, knowing it would be filled with silence. And when he died...the silence began to affect me in ways I never expected.” He bit his lip and ran a tender hand through his curls when his eyes connected with Anne’s, hers filling with tears.  Back on topic Gilbert, supposed to be getting her to eat. Not bare your soul.  He forced out a chuckle, trying to reassure her that he was alright. “But then, while on the freighter, I met Bash and he would sit with me at every meal. Laugh with me, laughed at me  on most occasions.” This brought a smile to her face. She knew better than most that Bash’s favorite past time was giving his brother grief and making him the butt of most of his jokes. “He made meals fun again...and after that, I decided that I never wanted to eat without company again.”
Anne bit her lip, as if she was considering his words. “Well,” she started before she brought her handkerchief to her lips and let out a short cough. “I am still in the room with you.” 
Gilbert rolled his eyes. “True but it is rude for me to eat in front of you, isn’t it?” His stomach started growling, this time so ferociously it was beginning to hurt. He placed a gentle hand on his abdomen, hoping it would calm down if he rubbed it. “But if you choose not to eat, Anne-girl, then I won’t eat either. Because like I said, I hate eating alone.”
Anne wiped her nose and pursed her lips together, her mind going through her options. “You said it was Hazel’s apple loaf?” she asked gently. 
“And Delphine’s,” He smiled proudly, as he normally did when his niece was brought into conversation. “Bash…” he paused for a second, remembering his brothers rage with him just hours earlier. Anne looked concerned at his hesitation. Gilbert plastered on the biggest smile he could muster. “Bash said that she wanted her Auntie Anne to have something sweet because...” 
“Because I make her something sweet whenever she doesn’t feel well.” Anne finished. Gilbert nodded as she scratched her head. “Well...if Dellie made it...” 
Gilbert grinned triumphantly as he took the biggest slice from the tray. “Honey, jam?”
“Just the bread please...” Anne mumbled as she struggled to push herself upright. Gilbert leaned forward to provide assistance but she shook him off. “I can do it, thank you.” After a moment, she adjusted herself to a sitting position, holding her hand out for the bread. He obliged, handing it to her.
A smirk crawled on his lips as she tore off a small piece and put it in her mouth, chewing it slowly before forcing down her throat. Through the pain, the corners of her mouth lifted slightly when suddenly, his stomach screamed, begging to be filled. Anne peered sideways as she pinched off another bite. “I thought you were going to eat with me.” 
“Just wanted to make sure you kept up your end of the bargain.” Anne looked mortified as Gilbert pulled his plate onto his lap and shoveling a large potato into his mouth, resisting the urge to let out a cry of joy. 
“Did you trick me, Gil?” He stifled a laugh while he chewed, having no desire to choke. 
“No,” he mumbled, swallowing the bite. Anne glared at him. “Well maybe a little. In my defense though, you’re the one that is usually harping on me to eat, I figured I would simply return the favor.” Anne couldn’t argue with him, knowing he was right, so instead she timidly tore another piece off and shoved in her mouth. 
The pair are the rest of their meals in silence, only being interrupted by Anne’s occasional coughs as she struggled to get food down. Gilbert, however, had no issues eating the entirety of his plate in only a few bites, and almost found himself going downstairs to ask Marilla for seconds. Deciding against it,  he decided to move onto desert when he noticed Anne still staring at him, her half eaten loaf resting in her lap. 
“What do you need? Are you thirsty?” he asked, pulling his hand away from the tray. Anne smiled softly. 
“No thank you. It’s just…” She cleared her throat as if to ward off another fit. “It’s just nice to eat with you again.” He returned her smile, thinking of all the meals they shared over open text books the night before big exams and the holidays their families had shared over the last five years. 
 “Yeah. It’s been a long time.” Gilbert replied reminiscently as he reached for his desert. He was unsure of how Hazel had always managed to capture the perfect combination of sweet and tart, a flavor that not even french patisseries could master. Much like Marillas stew, it brought the taste of home when he took a piece on his tongue. He was beginning to realize he longed for home more than he thought. The food, the smells, the expansive land, the people, that is what made Avonlea home. His family home was here, his family was here… Anne was here.
Their eyes connected as she began sinking further into her pillows, exhaustion beginning to win over and her dinner long since forgotten. Her breathing was heavy, as each inhale hurt worse than the last. Suddenly, the bread didn’t taste so sweet. Quickly, he began cleaning up, ready to leave Anne to her slumber. He reached forward to grab the bread from her lap when her hand grabbed hold of his arm, grasping it tightly as tears streamed from the corners of her eyes. “Stay,” she whispered. 
His voice caught, as it had so many times in the last twenty four hours, only this time he was unsure if it was from her declaration, the shock he felt when she grabbed hold of him, or the heat that was radiating off of her. Anne’s hand felt like his own personal oven, her fever creeping higher with each passing moment. “Anne...” he knew he should pull away, the butterflies in his stomach growing every second she held to him. But when he tried to pull away, she held tighter. 
“I didn’t ask you to stay before,” she whispered, her voice cracking. “I have regretted it every day since.” Gilbert’s heart hurt as it pounded hard against his chest. So hard he was sure it would break through his rib cage. “Please stay.” Before he could respond, question what she was saying, her hacking began and this time it seemed there would be no end, each one shaking their hands and sent her body flailing. He slowly sat down as his knees began wobbling with every wheeze. 
Why couldn’t he think of what to do? Why couldn’t he stop the pain she was feeling? All his years of schooling and experience in his apprenticeship, he should know what to do. Medicine was always advancing, growing and learning. And yet, staring at Anne, his Anne, in so much agony and so afraid, he couldn’t think of any medicine that could help her. There has to be something. Why couldn’t he just think of it?
Still, no matter how hard he willed it, nothing came to him as her coughs began to subside and she rolled over on her side to face him. Their hands remained locked, his thoughts of leaving instantly disappearing.
Her hair fell in front of her face, sticking to her moist cheeks.“Do you want tea?” he whispered gently as he moved her hair away from her eyes, holding it a second longer than necessary.
“Sleep...” was the only response he received as Anne slipped off into a deep slumber. 
He wasn’t sure how long he stared at her for. Seconds, minutes perhaps? Anytime he even considered taking his eyes off of her, his mind would wander to her words that he finally began to process...
“I didn’t ask you to stay before… I have regretted it every day since.”
Gilbert was unsure if the words were her own or the fever talking. Had Anne just admitted to feelings he had long given up hope were there? No, she couldn’t be. She was engaged. 
But then again...so was he. And even though it was wicked of him, he knew the feelings for Anne had never diminished...he had simply tucked them away, knowing his love would always be unrequited. But what if... he pushed the thoughts away. Even if there was ever a chance for the pair to become a “them,” it had long since passed. Gilbert, although unsure if what he felt for Winifred was love, was a man of honor. And he would remain true to his word. 
It pained him to slide his hand from Anne’s grasp, but he did just so. Instantly he missed having her fingers enlaced with his, fitting perfectly as if her hands were molding exclusively for him. Even though he had pulled away, he couldn’t find any desire to leave, her desperate plea for him to stay ringing in his head.
It’s just one night. I’m a doctor whose looking after a scared patient. A friend taking care of a friend. 
He told himself that lie continuously as he walked down the hall to the linen closet and pulled out a spare blanket. It repeated in his head as he knocked on Jerry’s bedroom door and asked to borrow a shirt since he would be staying for the evening. He repeated it to himself as he bid Marilla good night and told her that he would watch over Anne this evening so she could rest. He repeated it as he sat down next to Anne’s bedside, blanket wrapped around his shoulders and he reached for his anatomy, this time absorbing his study material. He repeated it again as the sun kissed the horizon a fond good night and he lit the lamp beside her bed. It repeated over and over again, hoping that it would finally stick at some point.
After hours of repeating the mantra, when the stars were lighting the night sky and he wanted nothing more to rest his weary head, his eyes once again drifted to the ethereal being before him and knew the lie would never stick. 
Because he knew, no matter how hard he tried to tuck away his feelings, Anne would never be just a patient. Just a friend. Anne Shirley Cuthbert would always be his first love, and what he was slowly realizing, his only. 
A curl fell over her eyes again as she coughed. He brushed it back once more, only this time bringing his fingers to gently caress her cheek. Even though it felt like warm embers, he felt the spark he so desired to feel with his promised. The spark his father told him he would feel with the right person. 
“Marry for love, nothing else.” 
He swallowed, Mary’s words echoing, as if she had predicted years ago that he would put himself into quite the pickle.
“ You don’t love her!” Bash yelled. 
Tears rolled down his cheek, remembering earlier that he realized he wasn’t in love with his bride to be. He never had been and never would be. And with that realization, his made the choice that he should have made two years ago. He wouldn’t marry Winifred.
When the rooster crowed the following morning, Gilbert found himself surprised. He had half expected to be awoken many times during the night by one of Anne’s many coughing bouts but found himself relieved that she had hopefully slept well. 
Trying to right himself, he found it difficult, his neck and back were stiff  and cracking in various places. You’re only twenty and you’re already have the body of a sixty year old man.  With one final crack of his neck, he felt almost normal but he would have to work at the knot on his upper shoulder before he would be able to function fully. He stood and stretched, hopefully to relieve tension on the muscle. 
Smells of bacon and toast wafted from down below causing Gilbert’s stomach to let out a bellowing growl. In Paris, he would have to force himself to eat. He had been back in Avonlea for less than two days and somehow, food just sounded delightful again. It was almost as if magic surrounded his island, constantly providing him with reasons for him to return. 
His eyes wandered to the being sleeping before him and he paused his stretching. He should probably wake her, she needed to eat this morning. “Anne?” he asked, reaching down gently to tap her shoulder. When she didn’t stir, he cocked an eyebrow. “Hey, Anne-girl.” He shook her shoulder, this time her eyes fluttering for a moment before shutting. Gilbert bit his lip, he truly didn’t want to wake her but he also knew that if she didn’t eat when he did, then she was most likely not going to eat at all. 
“I’ll be back in a minute, Carrots.” He leaned forward, his lips almost touching her forehead when he stopped himself. Even though he had made the decision to call off his engagement, he was still currently promised to Winnie. And even then, she was still in love with another man, which was something he was going to have to deal with.
With a large sigh, he exited the room, casting one final glance over as he slowly shut the door behind him. “Gilbert?” Diana’s soft voice rang through the hallway. He spun around to see Diana, carrying a plate with a fried egg and thick cut of toast. 
“Oh, uh...” He tried to tame his curls and tuck in the front of his shirt that must have come out while he slept. “Morning Diana. I, uh, thought you had to pick up…”
A lanky young man with strawberry blonde hair climbed the last step, careful not to spill a cup of juice he was holding. “Diana, you forgot the…” His eyes locked with Gilberts and a massive grin formed on his lips. “Gilbert, it is so nice to see you!”
“Morning Cole,” he said with a smile as Cole shoved the cup into Diana’s hand. Gilbert extended his arm, ready for his old friend to shake it when he was wrapped up in a tight hug. He looked back at Diana, who just shrugged her shoulders. Gilbert returned the hug, relieved that at least a few people were excited to have him home. “It’s nice to see you too.”
Cole pulled away, his gaze drifting to Anne’s door. “How is she? Diana said she isn’t eating?” 
Gilbert swallowed, “I managed to get her to eat a little last night but not enough to aide her recovery. The eggs will be good.” He pointed to the plate Diana was holding. Cole nodded while biting his lip.
“Can we see her?” He asked innocently, his voice sounding like that of a small child rather than a six foot man.
Gilbert hesitated. “Well, she is still resting now, so I don’t think that would be best…”
“Don’t worry Gil,” a sultry voice spoke from just behind Diana. Gilbert’s blood began to boil. This stranger was using his nickname, Anne’s nickname, and he had not even uttered an introduction. The man stepped forward, squaring his chest to the young doctor. His chestnut eyes pierced through Gilbert’s moss ones. “We won’t wake her.”
Cole looked anxiously between the pair and Diana, begging her for some assistance. “Um, Gilbert, this is…” Diana began.
“Oh Diana, allow me the pleasure of introducing myself to my fiancée’s dearest friend.” Diana shut her mouth and Gilbert could swear he saw the slightest smirk form on her lips. The man held out his hand to Gilbert expectantly. “Nice to finally meet you, Gil. I’m Roy, Royal Gardner.”
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ao3feed-westallen · 4 years
Between Dimensions, Time and Space
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3lctEB7
by zazimorx
The Crossover that probably no one asked for but here we are. Marvel + DC Crossover. Hopefully you have fun and stick around, I would really appreciate it! :))
As both sides are trying to cope with their best friends supposedly „dying“, they find themselves reminiscing about events of the past, some find themselves moving on and some even, find themselves playing with the idea that maybe, just maybe, their friends aren’t dead at all...
DISCLAIMER: None of the Characters belong to me so that’s that. Hope you have fun reading!
- zazimorx
Words: 3421, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Young Justice (Cartoon), DC (Comics), Marvel (Comics), Ultimate Spider-Man (Cartoon 2012)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Wally West, Dick Grayson, Artemis Crock, M‘gann M‘orzz/Megan Morzz, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kaldur'ahm/Kaldur, Zatanna Zatara, Raquel Ervin, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper, Roy Harper, Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen, Cissie King-Jones, Cassie Sandsmark, Cassandra Cain, Garfield Logan, Queen Perdita of Vlatava, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne (aged up), Mal Duncan, Karen Beecher, Dinah Lance, Red Tornato, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz, Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn, Norman Osborn, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, May Parker, Ava Ayala, Danny Rand, Luke Cage, Sam Alexander, Richard Rider, Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Kara Danvers, Querl Dox, Jenni Ognats, Danica Williams, Dawn Allen, Don Allen, Iris West, Iris West II, Jai West, Meloni Thawne, Thaddeus Thawne, Chris Kent, Jon Lane Kent, Bruce Banner, Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Amadeus Cho, Cindy Moon, Samuel Chung, Hannah Chung, Matt Murdock, Nabu (DCU), Kent Nelson, Inza Cramer, Joan Garrick, Jay Garrick, Cassandra Savage, Vandal Savage, Anniyah (OC), Aurelia (OC), Laren (OC), Aila (OC), Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Diana of Themyscira, Barry Allen, Barbara Gordon, Donna Troy, Tandy Bowen, Tyrone Johnson, Flash Thompson, Miles Morales, Ben Reilly
Relationships: Artemis Crock/Wally West, Kaldur'ahm/Wyynde, Kon-El | Conner Kent/M'gann M'orzz, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson, Ava Ayala/Danny Rand, Luke Cage/Jessica Jones, Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes, Cassandra Cain/Cissie King-Jones, Cassandra Savage/Traci Thirteen, Bart Allen/Eduardo Dorado Jr., Jaime Reyes/Traci Thirteen (eventual break-up), Garfield Logan/Perdita, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Danny Rand/Colleen Wing (past), Dick Grayson & Wally West, Artemis Crock & Dick Grayson, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Iris West, Anniyah (OC)/Aurelia (OC), Kent Nelson/Inza Cramer, Jay Garrick/Joan Garrick, Sam Alexander/Jessica Cruz (implied), Kyle Rayner & Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon & Wally West, Donna Troy & Wally West, Dick Grayson & Donna Troy, Tandy Bowen/Tyrone Johnson, Cindy Moon/Ben Reilly
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Different Dimensions, Crossover, Wally and Peter go time traveling!, they don’t have any choice in it though..., Different time periods, like... I’m talking ancient Egypt and company, Sam searches for Peter in Space, Richard and the Guardians help, while he’s at it Sam also searches for his Father, Inter dimensional travel, Dick and Bart search for Wally, Artemis finds out later on that the whole limbo situation was a hoax, Zatanna and M‘gann better strap in, because a fight is brewing.., and not just between the three of them, Conner is gonna be pissed, Ava and Danny and Luke search for Peter on earth, We also get some LGBT+ Content, i‘m so glad that I can bring that to you guys, Flash regrets his bullying, (and is redeemed), WALLY IS BEST SPACE DAD FUCKING FIGHT ME, he‘s like the Dad the legion needs, Peter too tho, like Wally and Peter are best Dads, Nabu is exasperated, Aurelia is a worried big sister (to Wally and Peter), Anniyah and Aurelia Are pining, Wally and Peter Are forced to fight for entertainment, so are Jason and Kara, at least for a while, Querl is Wally and Peters science son you cannot convince me otherwise, Jon Lane Kent you angsty little bitch-, Miles is worried out of his mind, Peter can’t be dead, Not Again, Artemis is trying to move on (and failing miserably), Dick can’t let go of the past, Will is trying to talk sense into him, depictions of rape, Character will recover don’t worry, lots of fluff afterwards, Depictions of depression, depictions of ptsd, Panic Attacks, Flashbacks, (good and bad), basically just a lot of violence, and having to fight to stay alive, Everyone is basically a fucking mess ok?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3lctEB7
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ao3feed-kylerayner · 4 years
Between Dimensions, Time and Space
by zazimorx
The Crossover that probably no one asked for but here we are. Marvel + DC Crossover. Hopefully you have fun and stick around, I would really appreciate it! :))
As both sides are trying to cope with their best friends supposedly „dying“, they find themselves reminiscing about events of the past, some find themselves moving on and some even, find themselves playing with the idea that maybe, just maybe, their friends aren’t dead at all...
DISCLAIMER: None of the Characters belong to me so that’s that. Hope you have fun reading!
- zazimorx
Words: 3421, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Young Justice (Cartoon), DC (Comics), Marvel (Comics), Ultimate Spider-Man (Cartoon 2012)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Wally West, Dick Grayson, Artemis Crock, M‘gann M‘orzz/Megan Morzz, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kaldur'ahm/Kaldur, Zatanna Zatara, Raquel Ervin, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper, Roy Harper, Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen, Cissie King-Jones, Cassie Sandsmark, Cassandra Cain, Garfield Logan, Queen Perdita of Vlatava, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne (aged up), Mal Duncan, Karen Beecher, Dinah Lance, Red Tornato, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz, Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn, Norman Osborn, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, May Parker, Ava Ayala, Danny Rand, Luke Cage, Sam Alexander, Richard Rider, Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Kara Danvers, Querl Dox, Jenni Ognats, Danica Williams, Dawn Allen, Don Allen, Iris West, Iris West II, Jai West, Meloni Thawne, Thaddeus Thawne, Chris Kent, Jon Lane Kent, Bruce Banner, Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Amadeus Cho, Cindy Moon, Samuel Chung, Hannah Chung, Matt Murdock, Nabu (DCU), Kent Nelson, Inza Cramer, Joan Garrick, Jay Garrick, Cassandra Savage, Vandal Savage, Anniyah (OC), Aurelia (OC), Laren (OC), Aila (OC), Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Diana of Themyscira, Barry Allen, Barbara Gordon, Donna Troy, Tandy Bowen, Tyrone Johnson, Flash Thompson, Miles Morales, Ben Reilly
Relationships: Artemis Crock/Wally West, Kaldur'ahm/Wyynde, Kon-El | Conner Kent/M'gann M'orzz, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson, Ava Ayala/Danny Rand, Luke Cage/Jessica Jones, Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes, Cassandra Cain/Cissie King-Jones, Cassandra Savage/Traci Thirteen, Bart Allen/Eduardo Dorado Jr., Jaime Reyes/Traci Thirteen (eventual break-up), Garfield Logan/Perdita, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Danny Rand/Colleen Wing (past), Dick Grayson & Wally West, Artemis Crock & Dick Grayson, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Iris West, Anniyah (OC)/Aurelia (OC), Kent Nelson/Inza Cramer, Jay Garrick/Joan Garrick, Sam Alexander/Jessica Cruz (implied), Kyle Rayner & Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon & Wally West, Donna Troy & Wally West, Dick Grayson & Donna Troy, Tandy Bowen/Tyrone Johnson, Cindy Moon/Ben Reilly
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Different Dimensions, Crossover, Wally and Peter go time traveling!, they don’t have any choice in it though..., Different time periods, like... I’m talking ancient Egypt and company, Sam searches for Peter in Space, Richard and the Guardians help, while he’s at it Sam also searches for his Father, Inter dimensional travel, Dick and Bart search for Wally, Artemis finds out later on that the whole limbo situation was a hoax, Zatanna and M‘gann better strap in, because a fight is brewing.., and not just between the three of them, Conner is gonna be pissed, Ava and Danny and Luke search for Peter on earth, We also get some LGBT+ Content, i‘m so glad that I can bring that to you guys, Flash regrets his bullying, (and is redeemed), WALLY IS BEST SPACE DAD FUCKING FIGHT ME, he‘s like the Dad the legion needs, Peter too tho, like Wally and Peter are best Dads, Nabu is exasperated, Aurelia is a worried big sister (to Wally and Peter), Anniyah and Aurelia Are pining, Wally and Peter Are forced to fight for entertainment, so are Jason and Kara, at least for a while, Querl is Wally and Peters science son you cannot convince me otherwise, Jon Lane Kent you angsty little bitch-, Miles is worried out of his mind, Peter can’t be dead, Not Again, Artemis is trying to move on (and failing miserably), Dick can’t let go of the past, Will is trying to talk sense into him, depictions of rape, Character will recover don’t worry, lots of fluff afterwards, Depictions of depression, depictions of ptsd, Panic Attacks, Flashbacks, (good and bad), basically just a lot of violence, and having to fight to stay alive, Everyone is basically a fucking mess ok?
read on AO3: https://ift.tt/3lctEB7 via IFTTT
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 years
Between Dimensions, Time and Space
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3lctEB7
by zazimorx
The Crossover that probably no one asked for but here we are. Marvel + DC Crossover. Hopefully you have fun and stick around, I would really appreciate it! :))
As both sides are trying to cope with their best friends supposedly „dying“, they find themselves reminiscing about events of the past, some find themselves moving on and some even, find themselves playing with the idea that maybe, just maybe, their friends aren’t dead at all...
DISCLAIMER: None of the Characters belong to me so that’s that. Hope you have fun reading!
- zazimorx
Words: 3421, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Young Justice (Cartoon), DC (Comics), Marvel (Comics), Ultimate Spider-Man (Cartoon 2012)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Wally West, Dick Grayson, Artemis Crock, M‘gann M‘orzz/Megan Morzz, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kaldur'ahm/Kaldur, Zatanna Zatara, Raquel Ervin, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper, Roy Harper, Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen, Cissie King-Jones, Cassie Sandsmark, Cassandra Cain, Garfield Logan, Queen Perdita of Vlatava, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne (aged up), Mal Duncan, Karen Beecher, Dinah Lance, Red Tornato, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz, Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn, Norman Osborn, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, May Parker, Ava Ayala, Danny Rand, Luke Cage, Sam Alexander, Richard Rider, Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Kara Danvers, Querl Dox, Jenni Ognats, Danica Williams, Dawn Allen, Don Allen, Iris West, Iris West II, Jai West, Meloni Thawne, Thaddeus Thawne, Chris Kent, Jon Lane Kent, Bruce Banner, Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Amadeus Cho, Cindy Moon, Samuel Chung, Hannah Chung, Matt Murdock, Nabu (DCU), Kent Nelson, Inza Cramer, Joan Garrick, Jay Garrick, Cassandra Savage, Vandal Savage, Anniyah (OC), Aurelia (OC), Laren (OC), Aila (OC), Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Diana of Themyscira, Barry Allen, Barbara Gordon, Donna Troy, Tandy Bowen, Tyrone Johnson, Flash Thompson, Miles Morales, Ben Reilly
Relationships: Artemis Crock/Wally West, Kaldur'ahm/Wyynde, Kon-El | Conner Kent/M'gann M'orzz, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson, Ava Ayala/Danny Rand, Luke Cage/Jessica Jones, Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes, Cassandra Cain/Cissie King-Jones, Cassandra Savage/Traci Thirteen, Bart Allen/Eduardo Dorado Jr., Jaime Reyes/Traci Thirteen (eventual break-up), Garfield Logan/Perdita, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Danny Rand/Colleen Wing (past), Dick Grayson & Wally West, Artemis Crock & Dick Grayson, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Iris West, Anniyah (OC)/Aurelia (OC), Kent Nelson/Inza Cramer, Jay Garrick/Joan Garrick, Sam Alexander/Jessica Cruz (implied), Kyle Rayner & Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon & Wally West, Donna Troy & Wally West, Dick Grayson & Donna Troy, Tandy Bowen/Tyrone Johnson, Cindy Moon/Ben Reilly
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Different Dimensions, Crossover, Wally and Peter go time traveling!, they don’t have any choice in it though..., Different time periods, like... I’m talking ancient Egypt and company, Sam searches for Peter in Space, Richard and the Guardians help, while he’s at it Sam also searches for his Father, Inter dimensional travel, Dick and Bart search for Wally, Artemis finds out later on that the whole limbo situation was a hoax, Zatanna and M‘gann better strap in, because a fight is brewing.., and not just between the three of them, Conner is gonna be pissed, Ava and Danny and Luke search for Peter on earth, We also get some LGBT+ Content, i‘m so glad that I can bring that to you guys, Flash regrets his bullying, (and is redeemed), WALLY IS BEST SPACE DAD FUCKING FIGHT ME, he‘s like the Dad the legion needs, Peter too tho, like Wally and Peter are best Dads, Nabu is exasperated, Aurelia is a worried big sister (to Wally and Peter), Anniyah and Aurelia Are pining, Wally and Peter Are forced to fight for entertainment, so are Jason and Kara, at least for a while, Querl is Wally and Peters science son you cannot convince me otherwise, Jon Lane Kent you angsty little bitch-, Miles is worried out of his mind, Peter can’t be dead, Not Again, Artemis is trying to move on (and failing miserably), Dick can’t let go of the past, Will is trying to talk sense into him, depictions of rape, Character will recover don’t worry, lots of fluff afterwards, Depictions of depression, depictions of ptsd, Panic Attacks, Flashbacks, (good and bad), basically just a lot of violence, and having to fight to stay alive, Everyone is basically a fucking mess ok?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3lctEB7
0 notes
ao3feed-bluepulse · 4 years
Between Dimensions, Time and Space
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3lctEB7
by zazimorx
The Crossover that probably no one asked for but here we are. Marvel + DC Crossover. Hopefully you have fun and stick around, I would really appreciate it! :))
As both sides are trying to cope with their best friends supposedly „dying“, they find themselves reminiscing about events of the past, some find themselves moving on and some even, find themselves playing with the idea that maybe, just maybe, their friends aren’t dead at all...
DISCLAIMER: None of the Characters belong to me so that’s that. Hope you have fun reading!
- zazimorx
Words: 3421, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Young Justice (Cartoon), DC (Comics), Marvel (Comics), Ultimate Spider-Man (Cartoon 2012)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Wally West, Dick Grayson, Artemis Crock, M‘gann M‘orzz/Megan Morzz, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kaldur'ahm/Kaldur, Zatanna Zatara, Raquel Ervin, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper, Roy Harper, Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen, Cissie King-Jones, Cassie Sandsmark, Cassandra Cain, Garfield Logan, Queen Perdita of Vlatava, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne (aged up), Mal Duncan, Karen Beecher, Dinah Lance, Red Tornato, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz, Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn, Norman Osborn, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, May Parker, Ava Ayala, Danny Rand, Luke Cage, Sam Alexander, Richard Rider, Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Kara Danvers, Querl Dox, Jenni Ognats, Danica Williams, Dawn Allen, Don Allen, Iris West, Iris West II, Jai West, Meloni Thawne, Thaddeus Thawne, Chris Kent, Jon Lane Kent, Bruce Banner, Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Amadeus Cho, Cindy Moon, Samuel Chung, Hannah Chung, Matt Murdock, Nabu (DCU), Kent Nelson, Inza Cramer, Joan Garrick, Jay Garrick, Cassandra Savage, Vandal Savage, Anniyah (OC), Aurelia (OC), Laren (OC), Aila (OC), Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Diana of Themyscira, Barry Allen, Barbara Gordon, Donna Troy, Tandy Bowen, Tyrone Johnson, Flash Thompson, Miles Morales, Ben Reilly
Relationships: Artemis Crock/Wally West, Kaldur'ahm/Wyynde, Kon-El | Conner Kent/M'gann M'orzz, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson, Ava Ayala/Danny Rand, Luke Cage/Jessica Jones, Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes, Cassandra Cain/Cissie King-Jones, Cassandra Savage/Traci Thirteen, Bart Allen/Eduardo Dorado Jr., Jaime Reyes/Traci Thirteen (eventual break-up), Garfield Logan/Perdita, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Danny Rand/Colleen Wing (past), Dick Grayson & Wally West, Artemis Crock & Dick Grayson, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Iris West, Anniyah (OC)/Aurelia (OC), Kent Nelson/Inza Cramer, Jay Garrick/Joan Garrick, Sam Alexander/Jessica Cruz (implied), Kyle Rayner & Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon & Wally West, Donna Troy & Wally West, Dick Grayson & Donna Troy, Tandy Bowen/Tyrone Johnson, Cindy Moon/Ben Reilly
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Different Dimensions, Crossover, Wally and Peter go time traveling!, they don’t have any choice in it though..., Different time periods, like... I’m talking ancient Egypt and company, Sam searches for Peter in Space, Richard and the Guardians help, while he’s at it Sam also searches for his Father, Inter dimensional travel, Dick and Bart search for Wally, Artemis finds out later on that the whole limbo situation was a hoax, Zatanna and M‘gann better strap in, because a fight is brewing.., and not just between the three of them, Conner is gonna be pissed, Ava and Danny and Luke search for Peter on earth, We also get some LGBT+ Content, i‘m so glad that I can bring that to you guys, Flash regrets his bullying, (and is redeemed), WALLY IS BEST SPACE DAD FUCKING FIGHT ME, he‘s like the Dad the legion needs, Peter too tho, like Wally and Peter are best Dads, Nabu is exasperated, Aurelia is a worried big sister (to Wally and Peter), Anniyah and Aurelia Are pining, Wally and Peter Are forced to fight for entertainment, so are Jason and Kara, at least for a while, Querl is Wally and Peters science son you cannot convince me otherwise, Jon Lane Kent you angsty little bitch-, Miles is worried out of his mind, Peter can’t be dead, Not Again, Artemis is trying to move on (and failing miserably), Dick can’t let go of the past, Will is trying to talk sense into him, depictions of rape, Character will recover don’t worry, lots of fluff afterwards, Depictions of depression, depictions of ptsd, Panic Attacks, Flashbacks, (good and bad), basically just a lot of violence, and having to fight to stay alive, Everyone is basically a fucking mess ok?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3lctEB7
0 notes
ao3feed-westallen · 4 years
Between Dimensions, Time and Space
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jiejx7
by zazimorx
The Crossover that probably no one asked for but here we are. Marvel + DC Crossover. Hopefully you have fun and stick around, I would really appreciate it! :))
As both sides are trying to cope with their best friends supposedly „dying“, they find themselves reminiscing about events of the past, some find themselves moving on and some even, find themselves playing with the idea that maybe, just maybe, their friends aren’t dead at all...
DISCLAIMER: None of the Characters belong to me so that’s that. Hope you have fun reading!
- zazimorx
Words: 3429, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Young Justice (Cartoon), DC (Comics), Marvel (Comics), Ultimate Spider-Man (Cartoon 2012)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Wally West, Dick Grayson, Artemis Crock, M‘gann M‘orzz/Megan Morzz, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kaldur'ahm/Kaldur, Zatanna Zatara, Raquel Ervin, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper, Roy Harper, Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen, Cissie King-Jones, Cassie Sandsmark, Cassandra Cain, Garfield Logan, Queen Perdita of Vlatava, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne (aged up), Mal Duncan, Karen Beecher, Dinah Lance, Red Tornato, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz, Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn, Norman Osborn, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, May Parker, Ava Ayala, Danny Rand, Luke Cage, Sam Alexander, Richard Rider, Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Kara Danvers, Querl Dox, Jenni Ognats, Danica Williams, Dawn Allen, Don Allen, Iris West, Iris West II, Jai West, Meloni Thawne, Thaddeus Thawne, Chris Kent, Jon Lane Kent, Bruce Banner, Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Amadeus Cho, Cindy Moon, Samuel Chung, Hannah Chung, Matt Murdock, Nabu (DCU), Kent Nelson, Inza Cramer, Joan Garrick, Jay Garrick, Cassandra Savage, Vandal Savage, Anniyah (OC), Aurelia (OC), Laren (OC), Aila (OC), Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Diana of Themyscira, Barry Allen, Barbara Gordon, Donna Troy, Tandy Bowen, Tyrone Johnson, Flash Thompson, Miles Morales, Ben Reilly
Relationships: Artemis Crock/Wally West, Kaldur'ahm/Wyynde, Kon-El | Conner Kent/M'gann M'orzz, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson, Ava Ayala/Danny Rand, Luke Cage/Jessica Jones, Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes, Cassandra Cain/Cissie King-Jones, Cassandra Savage/Traci Thirteen, Bart Allen/Eduardo Dorado Jr., Jaime Reyes/Traci Thirteen (eventual break-up), Garfield Logan/Perdita, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Danny Rand/Colleen Wing (past), Dick Grayson & Wally West, Artemis Crock & Dick Grayson, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Iris West, Anniyah (OC)/Aurelia (OC), Kent Nelson/Inza Cramer, Jay Garrick/Joan Garrick, Sam Alexander/Jessica Cruz (implied), Kyle Rayner & Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon & Wally West, Donna Troy & Wally West, Dick Grayson & Donna Troy, Tandy Bowen/Tyrone Johnson, Cindy Moon/Ben Reilly
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Different Dimensions, Crossover, Wally and Peter go time traveling!, they don’t have any choice in it though..., Different time periods, like... I’m talking ancient Egypt and company, Sam searches for Peter in Space, Richard and the Guardians help, while he’s at it Sam also searches for his Father, Inter dimensional travel, Dick and Bart search for Wally, Artemis finds out later on that the whole limbo situation was a hoax, Zatanna and M‘gann better strap in, because a fight is brewing.., and not just between the three of them, Conner is gonna be pissed, Ava and Danny and Luke search for Peter on earth, We also get some LGBT+ Content, i‘m so glad that I can bring that to you guys, Flash regrets his bullying, (and is redeemed), WALLY IS BEST SPACE DAD FUCKING FIGHT ME, he‘s like the Dad the legion needs, Peter too tho, like Wally and Peter are best Dads, Nabu is exasperated, Aurelia is a worried big sister (to Wally and Peter), Anniyah and Aurelia Are pining, Wally and Peter Are forced to fight for entertainment, so are Jason and Kara, at least for a while, Querl is Wally and Peters science son you cannot convince me otherwise, Jon Lane Kent you angsty little bitch-, Miles is worried out of his mind, Peter can’t be dead, Not Again, Artemis is trying to move on (and failing miserably), Dick can’t let go of the past, Will is trying to talk sense into him, depictions of rape, Character will recover don’t worry, lots of fluff afterwards, Depictions of depression, depictions of ptsd, Panic Attacks, Flashbacks, (good and bad), basically just a lot of violence, and having to fight to stay alive, Everyone is basically a fucking mess ok?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jiejx7
0 notes
ao3feed-kylerayner · 4 years
Between Dimensions, Time and Space
by zazimorx
The Crossover that probably no one asked for but here we are. Marvel + DC Crossover. Hopefully you have fun and stick around, I would really appreciate it! :))
As both sides are trying to cope with their best friends supposedly „dying“, they find themselves reminiscing about events of the past, some find themselves moving on and some even, find themselves playing with the idea that maybe, just maybe, their friends aren’t dead at all...
DISCLAIMER: None of the Characters belong to me so that’s that. Hope you have fun reading!
- zazimorx
Words: 3429, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Young Justice (Cartoon), DC (Comics), Marvel (Comics), Ultimate Spider-Man (Cartoon 2012)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Wally West, Dick Grayson, Artemis Crock, M‘gann M‘orzz/Megan Morzz, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kaldur'ahm/Kaldur, Zatanna Zatara, Raquel Ervin, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper, Roy Harper, Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen, Cissie King-Jones, Cassie Sandsmark, Cassandra Cain, Garfield Logan, Queen Perdita of Vlatava, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne (aged up), Mal Duncan, Karen Beecher, Dinah Lance, Red Tornato, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz, Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn, Norman Osborn, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, May Parker, Ava Ayala, Danny Rand, Luke Cage, Sam Alexander, Richard Rider, Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Kara Danvers, Querl Dox, Jenni Ognats, Danica Williams, Dawn Allen, Don Allen, Iris West, Iris West II, Jai West, Meloni Thawne, Thaddeus Thawne, Chris Kent, Jon Lane Kent, Bruce Banner, Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Amadeus Cho, Cindy Moon, Samuel Chung, Hannah Chung, Matt Murdock, Nabu (DCU), Kent Nelson, Inza Cramer, Joan Garrick, Jay Garrick, Cassandra Savage, Vandal Savage, Anniyah (OC), Aurelia (OC), Laren (OC), Aila (OC), Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Diana of Themyscira, Barry Allen, Barbara Gordon, Donna Troy, Tandy Bowen, Tyrone Johnson, Flash Thompson, Miles Morales, Ben Reilly
Relationships: Artemis Crock/Wally West, Kaldur'ahm/Wyynde, Kon-El | Conner Kent/M'gann M'orzz, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson, Ava Ayala/Danny Rand, Luke Cage/Jessica Jones, Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes, Cassandra Cain/Cissie King-Jones, Cassandra Savage/Traci Thirteen, Bart Allen/Eduardo Dorado Jr., Jaime Reyes/Traci Thirteen (eventual break-up), Garfield Logan/Perdita, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Danny Rand/Colleen Wing (past), Dick Grayson & Wally West, Artemis Crock & Dick Grayson, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Iris West, Anniyah (OC)/Aurelia (OC), Kent Nelson/Inza Cramer, Jay Garrick/Joan Garrick, Sam Alexander/Jessica Cruz (implied), Kyle Rayner & Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon & Wally West, Donna Troy & Wally West, Dick Grayson & Donna Troy, Tandy Bowen/Tyrone Johnson, Cindy Moon/Ben Reilly
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Different Dimensions, Crossover, Wally and Peter go time traveling!, they don’t have any choice in it though..., Different time periods, like... I’m talking ancient Egypt and company, Sam searches for Peter in Space, Richard and the Guardians help, while he’s at it Sam also searches for his Father, Inter dimensional travel, Dick and Bart search for Wally, Artemis finds out later on that the whole limbo situation was a hoax, Zatanna and M‘gann better strap in, because a fight is brewing.., and not just between the three of them, Conner is gonna be pissed, Ava and Danny and Luke search for Peter on earth, We also get some LGBT+ Content, i‘m so glad that I can bring that to you guys, Flash regrets his bullying, (and is redeemed), WALLY IS BEST SPACE DAD FUCKING FIGHT ME, he‘s like the Dad the legion needs, Peter too tho, like Wally and Peter are best Dads, Nabu is exasperated, Aurelia is a worried big sister (to Wally and Peter), Anniyah and Aurelia Are pining, Wally and Peter Are forced to fight for entertainment, so are Jason and Kara, at least for a while, Querl is Wally and Peters science son you cannot convince me otherwise, Jon Lane Kent you angsty little bitch-, Miles is worried out of his mind, Peter can’t be dead, Not Again, Artemis is trying to move on (and failing miserably), Dick can’t let go of the past, Will is trying to talk sense into him, depictions of rape, Character will recover don’t worry, lots of fluff afterwards, Depictions of depression, depictions of ptsd, Panic Attacks, Flashbacks, (good and bad), basically just a lot of violence, and having to fight to stay alive, Everyone is basically a fucking mess ok?
read on AO3: https://ift.tt/3jiejx7 via IFTTT
0 notes
ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 years
Between Dimensions, Time and Space
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jiejx7
by zazimorx
The Crossover that probably no one asked for but here we are. Marvel + DC Crossover. Hopefully you have fun and stick around, I would really appreciate it! :))
As both sides are trying to cope with their best friends supposedly „dying“, they find themselves reminiscing about events of the past, some find themselves moving on and some even, find themselves playing with the idea that maybe, just maybe, their friends aren’t dead at all...
DISCLAIMER: None of the Characters belong to me so that’s that. Hope you have fun reading!
- zazimorx
Words: 3429, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Young Justice (Cartoon), DC (Comics), Marvel (Comics), Ultimate Spider-Man (Cartoon 2012)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Wally West, Dick Grayson, Artemis Crock, M‘gann M‘orzz/Megan Morzz, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kaldur'ahm/Kaldur, Zatanna Zatara, Raquel Ervin, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper, Roy Harper, Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen, Cissie King-Jones, Cassie Sandsmark, Cassandra Cain, Garfield Logan, Queen Perdita of Vlatava, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne (aged up), Mal Duncan, Karen Beecher, Dinah Lance, Red Tornato, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz, Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn, Norman Osborn, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, May Parker, Ava Ayala, Danny Rand, Luke Cage, Sam Alexander, Richard Rider, Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Kara Danvers, Querl Dox, Jenni Ognats, Danica Williams, Dawn Allen, Don Allen, Iris West, Iris West II, Jai West, Meloni Thawne, Thaddeus Thawne, Chris Kent, Jon Lane Kent, Bruce Banner, Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Amadeus Cho, Cindy Moon, Samuel Chung, Hannah Chung, Matt Murdock, Nabu (DCU), Kent Nelson, Inza Cramer, Joan Garrick, Jay Garrick, Cassandra Savage, Vandal Savage, Anniyah (OC), Aurelia (OC), Laren (OC), Aila (OC), Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Diana of Themyscira, Barry Allen, Barbara Gordon, Donna Troy, Tandy Bowen, Tyrone Johnson, Flash Thompson, Miles Morales, Ben Reilly
Relationships: Artemis Crock/Wally West, Kaldur'ahm/Wyynde, Kon-El | Conner Kent/M'gann M'orzz, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson, Ava Ayala/Danny Rand, Luke Cage/Jessica Jones, Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes, Cassandra Cain/Cissie King-Jones, Cassandra Savage/Traci Thirteen, Bart Allen/Eduardo Dorado Jr., Jaime Reyes/Traci Thirteen (eventual break-up), Garfield Logan/Perdita, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Danny Rand/Colleen Wing (past), Dick Grayson & Wally West, Artemis Crock & Dick Grayson, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Iris West, Anniyah (OC)/Aurelia (OC), Kent Nelson/Inza Cramer, Jay Garrick/Joan Garrick, Sam Alexander/Jessica Cruz (implied), Kyle Rayner & Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon & Wally West, Donna Troy & Wally West, Dick Grayson & Donna Troy, Tandy Bowen/Tyrone Johnson, Cindy Moon/Ben Reilly
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Different Dimensions, Crossover, Wally and Peter go time traveling!, they don’t have any choice in it though..., Different time periods, like... I’m talking ancient Egypt and company, Sam searches for Peter in Space, Richard and the Guardians help, while he’s at it Sam also searches for his Father, Inter dimensional travel, Dick and Bart search for Wally, Artemis finds out later on that the whole limbo situation was a hoax, Zatanna and M‘gann better strap in, because a fight is brewing.., and not just between the three of them, Conner is gonna be pissed, Ava and Danny and Luke search for Peter on earth, We also get some LGBT+ Content, i‘m so glad that I can bring that to you guys, Flash regrets his bullying, (and is redeemed), WALLY IS BEST SPACE DAD FUCKING FIGHT ME, he‘s like the Dad the legion needs, Peter too tho, like Wally and Peter are best Dads, Nabu is exasperated, Aurelia is a worried big sister (to Wally and Peter), Anniyah and Aurelia Are pining, Wally and Peter Are forced to fight for entertainment, so are Jason and Kara, at least for a while, Querl is Wally and Peters science son you cannot convince me otherwise, Jon Lane Kent you angsty little bitch-, Miles is worried out of his mind, Peter can’t be dead, Not Again, Artemis is trying to move on (and failing miserably), Dick can’t let go of the past, Will is trying to talk sense into him, depictions of rape, Character will recover don’t worry, lots of fluff afterwards, Depictions of depression, depictions of ptsd, Panic Attacks, Flashbacks, (good and bad), basically just a lot of violence, and having to fight to stay alive, Everyone is basically a fucking mess ok?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jiejx7
0 notes
ao3feed-bluepulse · 4 years
Between Dimensions, Time and Space
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jiejx7
by zazimorx
The Crossover that probably no one asked for but here we are. Marvel + DC Crossover. Hopefully you have fun and stick around, I would really appreciate it! :))
As both sides are trying to cope with their best friends supposedly „dying“, they find themselves reminiscing about events of the past, some find themselves moving on and some even, find themselves playing with the idea that maybe, just maybe, their friends aren’t dead at all...
DISCLAIMER: None of the Characters belong to me so that’s that. Hope you have fun reading!
- zazimorx
Words: 3429, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Young Justice (Cartoon), DC (Comics), Marvel (Comics), Ultimate Spider-Man (Cartoon 2012)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Wally West, Dick Grayson, Artemis Crock, M‘gann M‘orzz/Megan Morzz, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kaldur'ahm/Kaldur, Zatanna Zatara, Raquel Ervin, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper, Roy Harper, Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen, Cissie King-Jones, Cassie Sandsmark, Cassandra Cain, Garfield Logan, Queen Perdita of Vlatava, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne (aged up), Mal Duncan, Karen Beecher, Dinah Lance, Red Tornato, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz, Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn, Norman Osborn, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, May Parker, Ava Ayala, Danny Rand, Luke Cage, Sam Alexander, Richard Rider, Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Kara Danvers, Querl Dox, Jenni Ognats, Danica Williams, Dawn Allen, Don Allen, Iris West, Iris West II, Jai West, Meloni Thawne, Thaddeus Thawne, Chris Kent, Jon Lane Kent, Bruce Banner, Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Amadeus Cho, Cindy Moon, Samuel Chung, Hannah Chung, Matt Murdock, Nabu (DCU), Kent Nelson, Inza Cramer, Joan Garrick, Jay Garrick, Cassandra Savage, Vandal Savage, Anniyah (OC), Aurelia (OC), Laren (OC), Aila (OC), Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Diana of Themyscira, Barry Allen, Barbara Gordon, Donna Troy, Tandy Bowen, Tyrone Johnson, Flash Thompson, Miles Morales, Ben Reilly
Relationships: Artemis Crock/Wally West, Kaldur'ahm/Wyynde, Kon-El | Conner Kent/M'gann M'orzz, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson, Ava Ayala/Danny Rand, Luke Cage/Jessica Jones, Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes, Cassandra Cain/Cissie King-Jones, Cassandra Savage/Traci Thirteen, Bart Allen/Eduardo Dorado Jr., Jaime Reyes/Traci Thirteen (eventual break-up), Garfield Logan/Perdita, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Danny Rand/Colleen Wing (past), Dick Grayson & Wally West, Artemis Crock & Dick Grayson, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Iris West, Anniyah (OC)/Aurelia (OC), Kent Nelson/Inza Cramer, Jay Garrick/Joan Garrick, Sam Alexander/Jessica Cruz (implied), Kyle Rayner & Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon & Wally West, Donna Troy & Wally West, Dick Grayson & Donna Troy, Tandy Bowen/Tyrone Johnson, Cindy Moon/Ben Reilly
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Different Dimensions, Crossover, Wally and Peter go time traveling!, they don’t have any choice in it though..., Different time periods, like... I’m talking ancient Egypt and company, Sam searches for Peter in Space, Richard and the Guardians help, while he’s at it Sam also searches for his Father, Inter dimensional travel, Dick and Bart search for Wally, Artemis finds out later on that the whole limbo situation was a hoax, Zatanna and M‘gann better strap in, because a fight is brewing.., and not just between the three of them, Conner is gonna be pissed, Ava and Danny and Luke search for Peter on earth, We also get some LGBT+ Content, i‘m so glad that I can bring that to you guys, Flash regrets his bullying, (and is redeemed), WALLY IS BEST SPACE DAD FUCKING FIGHT ME, he‘s like the Dad the legion needs, Peter too tho, like Wally and Peter are best Dads, Nabu is exasperated, Aurelia is a worried big sister (to Wally and Peter), Anniyah and Aurelia Are pining, Wally and Peter Are forced to fight for entertainment, so are Jason and Kara, at least for a while, Querl is Wally and Peters science son you cannot convince me otherwise, Jon Lane Kent you angsty little bitch-, Miles is worried out of his mind, Peter can’t be dead, Not Again, Artemis is trying to move on (and failing miserably), Dick can’t let go of the past, Will is trying to talk sense into him, depictions of rape, Character will recover don’t worry, lots of fluff afterwards, Depictions of depression, depictions of ptsd, Panic Attacks, Flashbacks, (good and bad), basically just a lot of violence, and having to fight to stay alive, Everyone is basically a fucking mess ok?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jiejx7
0 notes