#true wlw and mlm solidarity with those two
briarmoon1015 · 1 year
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The league being sillies :))). Dc make them actual friends and not just coworkers I dare you
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My more in depth thoughts on Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies ep 8 (1/4?)
Obviously the whole Cynthia/Shy Guy plot is to cover Cynthia’s compulsory heterosexuality and is quite natural given the time period. I think that’s probably the reason behind the dress and makeup this episode as well - as in its shows her outward desire to conform to what’s expected of her and so she tries to copy the other pink ladies.
Lydia’s “you can’t pull that off” line was really interesting to me though because throughout the series it’s already kind of been established that Cynthia and Lydia can have conversations without ever saying anything to each other out loud. So what I think that line actually directly translates into is “I don’t believe you actually like him”. And this triggers Cynthia because she did the dress, the makeup, all of which make her so uncomfortable in order to hide her true character almost like a suit of armour to protect herself but Lydia STILL sees through it and that scares her so she backs herself further into this corner by calling Shy Guy her boyfriend. And that’s why she tries it on with Shy Guy in the kitchen - almost like she’s trying to convince herself that she can like men but when it doesn’t change anything she projects this onto Shy Guy by saying he’s not a “real man”. It’s another defence mechanism, almost like she’s so sure that if he was a “real man” then she would like it so it’s not her fault. The problem is despite her feelings being valid, she hurts those around her in the process.
I also wonder if we’re seeing her story mirroring Shy Guy’s. If the show does goes down this root of Shy Guy also being queer, it would make sense as to why he seems to like Cynthia out of all the girls because of her masc/butch presentation. And why when Cynthia kisses him, he pulls away because maybe he’s realising that he actually doesn’t like her like that either. I also cant stop thinking about that short scene in ep 8 when he’s stood by the car with a few of the thespian guys (all of the thespians are queer and I will die on that hill) but it definitely looks like they’re nodding towards him - as if they kind of recognise him as queer as well (gaydar anyone?). It would be nice if the show took this root because if so, when he and Cynthia hopefully makeup, it would be cool to see some mlm/wlw solidarity.
Obviously it could also be that he’s feeling self-conscious about Cynthia’s comments - the thespian guys don’t fit into the category of stereotypical masculinity and it may be that he’s trying to figure out how to fit into that stereotype and they make him self-conscious. Shy Guy’s whole character arc seems to revolve around masculinity and how he can show that masculinity and the softness that comes more naturally to his character at the same time much like the subplot in ep 7 with his father and the boxing. So for Cynthia to say he’s not a “real man” probably cuts really deep.
I just hope we get everything between Cynthia and Shy Guy resolved in the next two episodes because I need them to go back to being besties.
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northlight14 · 1 year
Hiyoko and Byakuya bff’s agenda
At some point during v2 I decided that Byakuya and Hiyoko are best friends, here’s some headcanon’s. Enjoy
(Majority of these are in the context of a non despair au or pre despair) (also, I’ve only just started the 3rd game so plz no spoilers beyond the second game!!)
Start out hating each other cuz they’re, ya know, themselves. However, that starts to change as they see each others insults to those around them and find it hilarious. Cue them becoming the asshole duo ending everyone’s careers
Even still, were both in denial about their friendship for ages. They’d be together judging people for being friendly with each other and talking about how annoying it is and would then go into making weekend plans.
True MLM and WLW solidarity. Hiyoko goes to Byakuya’s family gatherings pretending to be his girlfriend to avoid any conflict. Additionally, Byakuya will protect Hiyoko from the creepy men that go to her performances.
Both Makoto and Mahiru are terrified of this duo but try to be supportive. When it comes to meeting each other’s partners, Byakuya approves of Mahiru as she’s a headstrong woman who’s successful in her field, although he does judge her for being a photographer. Meanwhile, Hiyoko judges Byakuya’s taste in men heavily and loves to bully Makoto. She does like seeing how happy he makes Byakuya though so Makoto secretly has her respect, not that she’ll ever admit that to him.
Byakuya and Hiyoko in a lot of ways are the only ones who truly understand each other and can relate to each others trauma. Both of them come from very successful and famous families that essentially exploited them. They both had to sacrifice so much and experienced so much violence all in the name of meeting their families standards. They also both had absent parents in their lives, Byakuya’s dad being neglectful and Hiyoko having a very bad relationship with her mother and being taken away from her father. While others can sympathise with them, this is the first time they felt someone truly understood what they were going through and that only strengthened their relationship.
Bullying as a (platonic) love language. These two will roast the shit out of each other and everyone will think they’ve had a huge fight or something. 5 minutes later they’re gonna go hang out together. Everyone is very confused but stopped questioning it after a while. Even still, they both know each other and their circumstances enough to know not to cross certain boundaries with each other.
“Do you really not know how to tie your kimono?” “Bold talk for someone who had to have Makoto teach him how to do laundry.” “….”
Weekly gossip sessions are absolutely a thing, usually joined in by Celeste. Usually involves them complaining about Toko and Mikan
Hiyoko forces Byakuya to listen to her favourite metal bands and in return Byakuya forces her to listen to Madonna. Their car rides have very interesting combos of music
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listless-brainrot · 4 years
kinda controversial statement
people in fandom spaces pitting mlm and wlw ships against each other is... counterproductive.
doesn’t matter if they’re canon, fanon, or rarepair.
the inherent assumption that an mlm ship suddenly getting attention being largely in part due to the fetishistic pull of two men being together is also... not a great connotation to have. while it may be true in part, the fact that the bias is the first thought, rather than the idea that, maybe, just maybe, actual lgbtq+ people are making their own representation due to the sheer lack of given representation in media is upsetting.
along with that, people responding to the sudden rise of attention given to an mlm ship by immediately demanding this same attention is for wlw... pitting them against each other is equally upsetting.
this isn’t being said to invalidate wlw, as there are inherent biases at work that need to be addressed as they pertain towards mlm and wlw ships. that’s not the issue.
making the connection that ‘we hold mlm ships and wlw ships to different standards’ and then using that statement to say ‘it’s Because of mlm that we hold wlw to different standards’ ignores why exactly we do that in the first place.
sexism, queerbaiting, misogyny, lack of proper representation, failing to separate and recognize personal experiences, compulsory need for romance, and other inherent biases all have their parts to play, and recognizing and actively working against those biases should be what brings us all together.
instead, it drives us apart. that is no mistake.
what we need is solidarity.
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gaygaara · 3 years
Naruto Uzumaki for the ask meme😎
hi kishi :eyes: yes of course i'd love to gush about my sweetheart sunshine boy
favorite thing about them
his overall positivity and go-lucky attitude, also the willingness to protect those he loves 🥺
least favorite thing about them
hhhh my boy is easily manipulated by ppl (and the system he's in, mainly). that hurts me,,,,,,,
favorite line
you know its a sns quote babe!
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honestly, he and sakura are such a strong brotp. true wlw/mlm solidarity. sharing one braincell at times
always thorn between sns and narugaa. but again, naruto has two hands
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh naruhina. sorry just. not enough chemistry in there
random headcanon
one time he dyes his hair red to look like his mom and cries about it
unpopular opinion
he's the best, most inspiring shonen manga protagonist ever
song i associate with them
favorite picture of them
anytime hes smiling or doing his tongue out pose but specially this:
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yes its a gif but i just love him so much
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sidneycarter · 4 years
Father Brown Christmas Karaoke Songs
i have no real reasoning for these other than ~vibes~ but go with it yeah
Father Brown: Merry Xmas Everybody - Slade
i can just see him going absolutely ham on this one. he’d love it. the whole pub would be up and singing and you know it. screams the ITS CHRIIIIIIIISTMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS because in father brown we trust. 
Mrs McCarthy: Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
a cute kinda traditional classic. mrs m would be so nervous but everyone’s 100% behind her and singing along and by the end shes properly into it. bonus if she does that cute shy smile at the end love u mrs m. 
Lady Felicia: All I Want For Christmas is You - Mariah Carey
felicia is the MAIN CHARACTER. and she KNOWS IT. you best believe that woman has the voice of an angel and she BELTS this bad boy out. its a classic for a reason but especially when in felicia’s hands. she is there to PERFORM. probably wins a bottle of free champagne for the sheer excellence tbh 
Sid and Bunty: Fairytale of New York  - The Pogues and Kirsty MacColl 
these two are doing a DUET. and i mean a DUET. we’re having dance moves, the singing, everything. the slurring would probably be authentic. sid nearly falls in the fire. christmas trees are at risk of demolition in the process. but it would be great. sid would sing kirsty’s bit and bunty would sing shane macgowan’s. a moment of true mlm and wlw solidarity. 
Flambeau: Santa Baby -  Michael Buble
the only difference is flambeau isnt a COWARD and so does not change the lyrics to santa ‘buddy’ oh no. everyone is SHAKEN at this performance he’s flirting with literally everyone in the room while he’s singing this and some people are loving it others are hating it but everyone is at least in awe of the fact its a v good show. he’s an annoyingly good singer as well ppl are literally fainting 
Inspector Valentine: Stop the Cavalry - Jona Lewie 
at first valentine is pretty reserved and has to be dragged on stage bc he’s insisting on wearing one of those bah humbug scrooge black santa hats... but once he’s up on stage he’s off. he accepts that this one fits his gruff vibe best and eventually doesn’t mind wearing a normal santa hat while everyone screams about the magic of christmas. he’s surprisingly good at keeping in time too bc this song is weirdly fast but he’s all over it tbh. 
Inspector Sullivan: Last Christmas - Wham! 
is there a song that embodies gay christmas yearning more than last christmas???? is there a man who could embody gay christmas yearning better than sullivan??? i think not. its a v emotional performance and like,,, everyones lowkey crying and singing along at the end. gets a genuine round of applause bc he’s good but shy 
Inspector Mallory: I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday - Wizzard
my boy mallory is SO out of tune but like... pure gold. he hits every note as loudly as he can, he’s probably fully dressed up as that white beard wizzard guy in the video.... definitely gets out a plastic saxophone for the solo in the middle. all round iconic tbh, although will claim absolutely none of it happened the next day
Sergeant Goodfellow: Step Into Christmas - Elton John
the ENTHUSIASM that goodfellow would radiate while singing this song,,,,, its making me tear up truly. what a lovely man goodfellow is. he’s in a proper chirstmas jumper, he’s wearing reindeer antlers, he’s got tinsel round his neck and this would be the song of the night tbvh. this is the one every goes home singing and dancing to. 
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qqueenofhades · 5 years
I want to hear about gay knights. Please.
Ahaha. So this is me finally getting, post-holiday, to the subject that was immediately clamoured for, when I volunteered to discuss the historical accuracy of gay knights if someone requested it. It reminds me somewhat of when my venerable colleague @oldshrewsburyian​ volunteered to discuss lesbian nuns, and was immediately deluged by requests to do just that. In my opinion, gay knights and lesbian nuns are the mlm/wlw solidarity of the Middle Ages, even if the tedious constructionists would like to remind us that we can’t exactly use those terms for them. It also forces us to consider the construction of modern heterosexuality, our erroneous notions of it as hegemonically transhistorical, and the fact that behaviour we would consider “queer” (and therefore implicitly outside mainstream society) was not just mainstream, but central, valorized, and crucial to constructions of medieval manhood, if not without existential anxieties of its own. Because medieval societies were often organized around the chivalric class, i.e. the king and his knights, his ability to make war, and the cultural prestige and homosocial bonds of his retinue, if you were a knight, you were (increasingly as the medieval era went on) probably a person of some status. You had a consequential role to play in this world, and your identity was the subject of legal, literary, cultural, social, religious, and other influences. And a lot of that was also, let’s face it, what the 21st century would consider Kinda Gay.
The central bond in society, the glue that made it work, was the relationships between soldiers, battlefield brotherhoods, and the intense, self-sacrifical love for the other that is familiar to anyone who has ever watched a war movie, and dates back (in explicitly gay form, at least) to the Sacred Band of Thebes. Medieval society had a careful and contested interaction with this ideal and this kind of relationship between men. Because they needed it for the successful prosecution of military ventures, they held it up as the best kind of love, to which the love of a woman could never entirely aspire, but that also ran the risk of the possibility of it turning (homo)sexual. Same-sex sexual activity was well-known in the Middle Ages, the end, full stop. The use of penitentials, or confessors’ handbooks, as sources for views or practices of queer sexual behaviour has been criticised (you will swiftly find that almost EVERYTHING used as a source for queer history is criticised, shockingly), but there remains the fact that Burchard of Worms’ 11th-century Decretum, a vast compilation of canon law, mentions same-sex behaviour among its list of sins, but assigns it a comparatively light penance. (I don’t have the actual passage handy, but it’s a certain amount of days of fasting on bread and water.) It assigns much heavier penalties for Burchard’s main concern, which was sorcery and the practice of un-Christian beliefs, rituals, or other persistent holdovers from paganism. This is not to say that homosexuality was accepted, per se, but it was known about, it must have happened enough for priests to list in their handbooks of sins, and it wasn’t The End of The World. Frankly, I am tired of having to argue that queer people existed and engaged in queer activity in the Middle Ages (not directed at you, but in general). Of course they did. Obviously they did. Moving on!
Anyway. Returning to gay knights specifically, the fact remained that if you encouraged two dudes to love each other beyond all other bonds, they might, you know, actually bang. This was worrisome, especially in the twelfth century, as explored by Matthew Kuefler, ‘Male Friendship and the Suspicion of Sodomy in Twelfth-Century France’ and Ruth Mazo Karras, ‘Knighthood, Compulsory Heterosexuality, and Sodomy’ in The Boswell Thesis: Essays on Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality, ed. Matthew Kuefler (Chicago; University of Chicago Press, 2006), pp. 179-214 and 273-86. I have written a couple papers (in the ever-tedious process of one day being turned into journal articles) on the subject of the Extremely Queer Richard the Lionheart, some material of which can be found in my tag for him. Richard’s queerness has been argued over for a long time, we all throw rotten banana peels at John Gillingham who took it upon himself to deny, ignore, or minimize all the evidence, but anyway. Richard was a very masculine and powerful man and formidably talented soldier who could not be reduced to the stereotype of the effeminate, weak, or impotent sodomite, and the fact that he was a prince, a duke, and a king was probably why he was repeatedly able to get away with it. But he wasn’t alone, and he wasn’t the only one. He was very much part of his culture and time, even if he kept running into ecclesiastical reprisals for it. It happened. If you want a published discussion that covers some of my points (though not all of them), there is William E. Burgwinkle, ‘The Curious Case of Richard the Lionheart’, in Sodomy, Masculinity, and Law in Medieval Literature: France and England, 1050-1230 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), pp. 73–85. Also on the overall topic, Robert Mills, Seeing Sodomy in the Middle Ages (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015). 
Peter the Chanter, a Parisian cleric, also wrote De vitio sodomitico, a chapter of his Verbum abbreviatum, fulminating against “men with men, women with women [masculi cum masculis […] mulieres cum mulieribus]” which apparently happened far too often for his liking in twelfth-century Paris (along with cross-dressing and other genderqueer behaviour; the Latin version of this can be found in ‘Verbum Abbreviatum: De vitio sodomitico’ in Patrologia Latina, ed. Jacques-Paul Migne (Paris: 1855), vol. 205, pp. 333–35). Moving into the thirteenth and especially fourteenth centuries, this bond only grew in importance, and involved a new kind of anxiety. Richard Zeikowitz’s book, Homoeroticism and Chivalry: Discourses of Male Same-Sex Desire in the 14th Century (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003), explores this discourse in detail, and points out that the intensely homoerotic element of chivalry was deeply embedded in medieval culture – and that this was something that was not queer, i.e. unusual, to them. It is modern audiences who see this behaviour as somehow contravening our expected stereotypes of medieval knights as Ultra Manly No Homo Men. When we label this “medieval queerness,” we are also making a judgment about our own expectations, and the way in which we ourselves have normalized one narrow and rigid view of masculinity.
England then had two queer kings in the 14th century, Edward II and Richard II, both of whom ended up deposed. These were for other political reasons, but their queerness was not irrelevant to assessments of their character and the reactions of their contemporaries. Sylvia Federico (‘Queer Times: Richard II in the Poems and Chronicles of Late Fourteenth-Century England’, Medium Aevum 79 (2010), 25–46) has studied the corpus of queer-coded historical writing around Richard, and noted that while the Lancastrian propaganda postdating the usurpation of Henry IV in 1399 obviously had an intent to cast his predecessor in as unfit a light as possible, the accusations of queerness started during Richard’s reign, “well before any real practical design on the throne […] and well before the famous lapse into tyranny that characterized the reign’s last few years. In poems and chronicles produced from the mid-1380s to the early 1390s, and in language that is highly charged with homophobic references, Richard II is marked as unfit to rule”. E. Amanda McVitty (‘False Knights and True Men: Contesting Chivalric Masculinity in English Treason Trials, 1388–1415,’ Journal of Medieval History 40 (2014), 458–77) examined how the treason trials of high-status individuals centred on a symbolic deconstruction of his chivalric manhood, demoting and exiling him from the intricate homosocial networks that governed the creation and performance of medieval masculinity.
This appears to have been a fairly extensive phenomenon, and one not confined to the geopolitical space of England. Henric Bagerius and Christine Ekholst (‘Kings and Favourites: Politics and Sexuality in Late Medieval Europe’, Journal of Medieval History 43 (2017), 298–319) traced the use of ‘discursive sodomy’ as a rhetorical tool employed against five late medieval monarchs, including Richard II and his great-grandfather Edward II, John II and Henry IV of Castile, and Magnus Eriksson of Sweden. In all cases, the ruler in question was viewed as emotionally and possibly sexually dependent on another man, subject to his evil counsels and treacherous wiles, and this reflected a communal anxiety that the body of the king himself – and thus the body politic – had been unacceptably queered. Nonetheless, as a divinely anointed figure and the head of state, the accusations of gender displacement or suspected sodomy could not be placed directly on the king, and were instead deflected onto the favourites themselves, generally characterised as greedy, grasping men of ignoble birth, who subverted both social and sexual order by their domination of the supposedly passive king. 
None of this polemic produced by hostile sources can be read as direct confirmation of the private and physical actions of the kings behind closed doors, but in a sense, this is immaterial. The intimate lives of presumably heterosexual individuals are constructed on the same standards of evidence and to much greater certainty.  In other words, queerness and queer/gay favourites could not have functioned as a textual metaphor or charged accusation if there was not some understanding of it as a lived behaviour. After all, if the practice did not physically exist or was not considered as a potential reality, there could have been no anxieties around the possibility of its improper prosecution.
This leads us nicely into the deeply vexed question of adelphopoiesis, or the “brother-making” ceremony argued by some, including John Boswell, as a medieval form of gay marriage. (Boswell, who died of AIDS in 1994, published the landmark Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality in 1980, and among other things, controversially argued that the medieval Catholic church was a vehicle for social acceptance of gay people.) Boswell’s critics have fiercely attacked this stance, claiming that the ceremony was only intended to join two men together in a celibate sibling-like relationship. A Straight Historian who participated in a modern version of the ceremony in 1985 actually argued that since she had no sexual inclinations or motives in taking part, clearly it was never used for that purpose by medieval men either. (Pause for sighing.) 
The problem is: we can’t argue intentions or private actions either way. We can understand what the idealized and legal designation for the ceremony was intended to be, but we cannot then outrageously claim that every historical individual who took part in it did so for the party line reason. Maybe medieval men who joined together in brother-making ceremonies did live a celibate and saintly life (this would not be surprising). It seems ludicrous to argue, however, that none of them were romantically in love with each other, or that they never ever ever had sex, because surprise, formulaic documents and institutional guidelines cannot tell us anything about the actions of real individuals making complex choices. Even if this was not always a homosexual institution (and once again with the dangerous practice of equivocating queerness with explicitly practiced and “provable” sexual behaviour), it was beyond all reasonable doubt a homoromantic one, and one sanctioned and organised according to well-known medieval conventions, desires (for two men to live together and love each other above all) and anxieties (that they might then have sex).
The medieval men who took a ‘brother’ would probably not have seen it as a marriage, or as the kind of household formation or social contract implied in a heterosexual union, but as we have also discussed, the definition of marriage in the Middle Ages was under constant contestation anyway.  The church was constantly anxious about knights: their violence, their (oftentimes) lack of religiosity, their proclivity for tournaments, swearing, drinking, and other immoral behaviour, the possibility of them having sexual affairs with each other and/or with women (though Andreas Capellanus, in De amore, wrote an entire spectacularly misogynistic handbook about how to have the right kind of love affair with a woman and dismissed same-sex relationships in one sentence as gross and unworthy, so he was clearly the No Homo Bro Knight of his day). So, as this has gotten long: gay knights were basically one of the central social, religious, and cultural concerns of the entire Middle Ages, due to their position in society, their necessity in a warlike culture, the social influence of chivalry and their tendency to bad behaviour, their perceived influence over the king (who they may also have given their Gay Cooties), their disregard of the church’s teachings, and the ever-present possibility that their love wasn’t celibate. So yes. Gay knights: Hella Historically Accurate.
The end.
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officialjamesflint · 3 years
Hello friends welcome to my Episode 28 (and also 29 a lil bit) Ramble, which I’m sure at least one of you has been waiting eagerly for! Quick summary for folks who don’t actually remember which eps those are: we experience Sha Ya’s backstory, lesbian ecoterrorism happens, Zhao Xinci and friends get kidnapped, Yunlan has a breakdown and then he and Shen Wei go on a romantic search mission together. I love this episode for a lot of reasons (mlm/wlw solidarity is loving Sha Ya and Hua Yuzhu), but I’m going to focus specifically on Yunlan and his Dad Problems. Oh boy are there some dad problems in this episode and in the next one.  
Important context that I kind of previewed in that last post I made: I headcanon Yunlan as ADHD/autistic! This is mostly because I’m ADHD and autistic and he and I have almost exactly the same mannerisms/body language/way of interacting with people/everything, but eps 28 and 29 really solidified this headcanon as based in the text of the show. If you recall from episode 28, after Minister Guo (my beloved) reveals that Yunlan’s dad was kidnapped, Yunlan gets so frustrated with the riddle message thingy that he yells and kicks a chair. This is Such a small moment but I think about it constantly because I Get It! Throughout the show he’s always been this goofy, kind person who isn’t always super tactful but is never like, angry. Even in what I like to call the Evil Beams scene, aka the one where he and Ye Zun meet for the first time, he’s like “haha! Fuck you! I’m Zhao Yunlan and I can and will shoot my powerful beams at you!” I can’t think of any time that he yells at someone except for this scene and the one where Shen Wei cuts himself. And then in this scene! He’s not even Angry! He’s just frustrated! And he gets so frustrated that his feelings Explode Everywhere! I don’t know if I’ve ever seen that aspect of being ADHD represented in a show, explicitly ADHD rep or not. I feel like a lot of the time when I’ve watched shows, the people with the Large Emotions are either super angry all the time or super peppy and cheerful, and there’s never anyone who’s Both. And I’m both! And when I watched that episode I Lost My Mind! Another special part of that scene is the way Shen Wei reacts. I forget exactly what he says but he says the Right Thing, and when I rewatched this scene with Clog the other night I was like wow….neurodivergent love….
This whole long paragraph about ADHD emotions leads me to the Big reason I love these two episodes, which is how they portray how complicated Yunlan’s relationship with his dad is. When I first watched Guardian, I spent the first 27 episodes going, “I hate Zhao Xinci what a trash dad he Sucks and i’m going to Kick Him.” And Then I Watched This Episode. I mean, I still hate him and want to kick him, but like, in a more nuanced way. I really really really love their relationship. For me, one of the main Things with the way they relate to each other (excluding of course the whole mom/wife death trauma, which is another essay for someone else to write) is the simple fact that Zhao Yunlan is and always has been a neurodivergent person with a neurodivergent way of thinking, and Zhao Xinci is not. Episode 28 really solidified for me that Yunlan does in fact care about his dad! Even though they have a bad relationship they still care about each other in some way! Zhao Xinci just has never ever shown that because he’s the worst built different. They also both express their care in super different ways. Zhao Xinci wants Yunlan to be “better”, or what he thinks is better, and is shown to want to push Yunlan to do things differently. Which obviously doesn’t work, because those of y'all who are also ADHD and/or autistic folks know that there is only One Way To Do Things and the other ways Do Not Work. I see my own relationship to my parents in the Zhao dynamic (minus the twenty years of not talking because my parents and I have a good relationship now). I know now that my parents love me, and we’ve actually gone through the whole talking about our feelings therapy gauntlet, but for the majority of my child/teenhood I was so angry and frustrated with them because I always felt like I wasn’t being understood. Which is probably true! Clog has a whole essay about episode 29 that they should put in a reblog (wink wink) but basically: when you’re neurodivergent your parental relationships get so complicated and this episode really cemented that re: Zhao family for me. 
Wow that sure was long. Anyways thank you for coming to my extended Yunlan ramble! I just love him So Much and can and will talk about him for Hours. Perfect awful beautiful man. Love of my life. Makes me feel feelings and write nearly 1,000 word essays. <3 <3 <3 Big shoutout to my beloved @lucky-clover-cannot-hear-you for her clogtastic contributions <3
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wendy-comet · 4 years
I just found your blog but please do tell us about your community movie ideas!!
First off full disclosure, while I've seen the first four seasons like eight times, I've seen five and six maybe once or twice. I get SAD once Troy leaves 😭😭 also prep for a long-ass post here
Alright so a college reunion is exactly the sort of thing Dean Pelton would set up, you know this in your heart to be true. He's planning a dance, with refreshments and decorations and Green Daye, also his own costume. And of COURSE he's going to invite the study group!
Jeff and Britta are the only original members still in town, as a teacher and bartender respectively.
(cut to me, pounding my fists on the table, LET JEFF AND BRITTA BE GOOD FRIENDS!! They have movie nights and Jeff pretends not to get emotional invested in whatever they're watching, but he absolutely does.) they both do actually enjoy their jobs! they like feeling like people need them around, in one way or another.
Shirley manages a fairly successful chain of her sandwich shops! Also she def won Cutthroat Kitchen once. Annie is an FBI agent and it's a lot more paperwork and less shenanigans than she used to imagine it would be, but she does, mostly, feel like she's making a difference. Sometimes. Also she figures out she's a lesbian and has a gf. (I KNOW this would never happen in canon but..... let a gay dream) Troy got back from his yacht trip a while ago and does on and off repair jobs, but is still sort of unsure what he wants to do with himself. Abed has had mild viral internet success and a patreon for the videos he makes. I'm thinking very "What Your Ship Says About You" videos for inspector spacetime and the like.
Everyone loosely keeps in touch with each other, but they're all busy and half of them are in different time zones. Troy and Abed in particular video call each other like, all the time.
Now there are two ways this could go. The way it would be likely to go given reality and the tone of the show, and the way I would write it if I was writing a fanfiction, which I'm not, I'm just....... hypothesizing...... (i would write a version with trobed fake dating)
the dean finds a time that everyone can be there, and he hires a party planner to help him make this the best community college reunion the world has ever seen! everyone arrives and there are some awkward but sweet reunions.
the central conflict is that the party planner is actually a plant from city college, who is jealous of greendale's renewed success, and they take the grant money and run without doing any actual party planning.
so now they have to track down the planner and plan a party with no supplies and no budget. Everyone has their own sub arcs but this post is Already Somewhat Long so I will perhaps leave most of those out, except:
in my dream version of this there's a very sweet bit of friendship between Jeff and Annie where she reveals to him that she's gay, and he's like "how did you know?" because goddammit let jeff be bi! also britta, while i'm at it, but she has fewer hangups about it than jeff. but this mlm wlw solidarity scene is not something I'd be legit hoping for in a movie, that's more just some thing I Want For Me
what I WOULD hope for is trobed!!! relearning what they are to each other and realizing they don't want to go back to living a world apart, that they've always felt that compulsion to come home. that you can grow up and still love tv shows and dressing up, that it's okay to be interested in whatever and whoever you want! troy gets interested in building things rather than just fixing them, and this culminates in him designing, idk, a cool fancy light set up for the dance
which of course they pull off at the last second, and all the old guard background students are there, pop-popping as they will. the party planner, who turned out to be dean spreck in a fake hat and mustache, almost destroys the whole party in a fit of rage, but is stopped at the last second by a deus ex ma-chang-a, and the money is returned and the day is saved!!!!
also abed writes a movie about it and gets renown in-universe. it's very meta.
and in my dream universe there's definitely an end credits scene of him in a tux looking at the camera going "and that's canon!" and then he turns and he's walking down the aisle to troy, and it cuts to black and there's a voice over "troy and abed getting maaarried!"
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skullvins · 3 years
random fuckin gender ramble scroll if ur not interested in my gender bs
aaarrrggg i hate that radfem bs has caused me to still associate butch and femme with being lesbian only terms (even though i KNOW they’re not) and thus making me associate both of them with being women, even though i KNOW theyre historically not. its so hard to unlearn???
like, the overlapping lesbian/butch/transmasc history is so hard to navigate as a funky lil enby/genderqueer because a lot of terms are either too masc or too fem for me to be comfortable with, and now that im TRYING to explore exactly how my masculinity and femininity work its so weird!!!
I’m in solidarity with queer men and queer women, both trans and cis or gnc or whatever and figuring out my personal relationships with those communities is hard!!! I relate to my cis female peers as someone who’s only started socially transitioning in recent years, I relate to their issues as someone who doesn’t pass well, I relate to transmascs in terms of wanting to be seen as more masculine, in wanting to physically transition, i relate to trans mlm in terms of sexuality, i relate to lesbians/wlw in terms of sexuality too! some of the best comfort and solidarity ive found is in amab enbies and even some transfems when it comes to comfort and gender expression. the two amab demiguys i know make me feel comfortable exploring masculinity because i feel safe around them BECAUSE they’re not cis, and like, i can be ‘one of the guys’ with them without having to be A GUY, and i relate so so so hard to gnc guys or amab enbies when it comes to presentation. i almost want to transition JUST so i can reembrace femininity in a masculine way.
i dunno, i feel this insane pressure outside of the queer community to either be as masc as possible to pass and be taken seriously, and that’s gotta be at least partially due to the way radfem bs has spread, especially here in the uk.
i wanna be read as masc, i wanna be read as fem, i wanna be incomprehensible! I wanna wear men’s shirts and t shirts and polo shirts with a skirt because i can!! because skirts are fun and cute and i enjoy wearing them. i really do wish i was amab because it would be so much easier to present the way i want to, I think, but then again, i don’t have bottom dysphoria, not really.
all this changes though, really i might just be genderfluid, but i hate the binary connotations of that too. so many enby words are stolen or defined in terms of binary gender: being bigender to most means being male or female, being genderfluid means being fluid between them, being nonbinary is being not male or female, when people equate being nonbinary to being genderless it kills me because I am not binary! but i am not genderless! my gender is here and present and part of me and part of my relation with the world around me and with other people and part of my sexuality and orientation
i dunno, this is turning into a big queer rant. this isn’t me trying to shove labels onto myself, I’m fine with rejecting them if that’s what’s needed - i don’t define my sexuality any further than queer even though hypothetically i could probably id as bi or pan or any mspec label, but I choose not to because being QUEER is my orientation. perhaps my gender as well (i do id as genderqueer as well as enby) but i want to really truly understand my gender AS queer, rather than just brush it off as queer because I cannot define it to myself or understand it. i want to understand my relation to the world around me and to other queer people.
so am I butch? am I femme? maybe it changes? is that allowed to change from day to day? my gender doesn’t FEEL like it changes but that presentation does, maybe! maybe I need to try new pronouns, but using she/her like i want to is hard when i associate it with misgendering and failing to prove myself as trans enough to cis people.
i wanna be masc with women and fem with men, but the latter is hard due to fears that come from experiences with misogyny. a lot of cis men ARE scary to me - I’m an 18 year old afab for fucks sake. i wish i could have that re-embraced femininity, but I’m not flat when i bind or build masc or tall or fuckin. anything! and hormones aren’t an option yet because a lot of my mental health is too unstable, the nhs is in shambles, and I don’t have money. i can’t embrace that yet unless im in the right circles, with the right people, and i can’t be that in society, I don’t trust it. I don’t know if I wanna dress fem and have people see me as masc or fem, i don’t know what pronouns i want them to use, i dunno man!!!
i wanna reach out to older queer people but again its hard, we’re in lockdown, i don’t live somewhere with a big queer community, i’m not a fan of bars and such and there’s not any in my town so i’d have to travel a bit, i wish i could just feel at home!!! i wanna be feminine without being female but also without being male, at least not fully male! I’m not male, i have this connection to femininity and it doesn’t feel male to me, I don’t want to be included in explicitly male or explicitly female spaces, I wanna be with everyone or no one, i dunno
again, i wish butch and femme didnt feel so gendered to me personally, and that’s not just this site but also what ive grown up with, my mum used to always say i was a wannabe ‘butch lezza’ whenever i was trying to get her to take my NONBINARY identity seriously and I’m not that! not because it’s bad to be, but because that’s just not me. I’m not a wlw, I’m not even sure on my attraction to women, or to men, or to anyone, I’m just attracted to queerness, and i dunno it’s hard. being ‘butch’ to me, somewhat, still means wlw, even though it’s not true, and i hate how radfem bs has ruined the word for me. i wish i could understand my identity in terms of being butch or femme, or whatever i am, and i wish those words weren’t tainted for me in the first place. i guess all of us are just ‘failed women’ in the eyes of society, huh.
characters who are feminine, but still explicitly male, or have some relation with masculinity, or are fluid between it, or who return to masculinity as a default give me so much euphoria just to witness. I’m in desperate need of a haircut and i don’t know whether to grow it out properly again or cut it short
either way, I’m gonna dye it purple
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flying-elliska · 4 years
I watched Dating Amber yesterday - really sweet coming of age movie centered around the friendship - and fake dating shenanigans - between a young lesbian and a gay guy in 90s Ireland. They want their friends/bullies to leave them alone so they pretend to date. This is such a good trope, it should be present in more stories. Love wlw/mlm solidarity and stories that center on the transformative power of friendship - and the fact that for queer ppl a lot of the time, their lives don't follow more traditional coming of age patterns like get the girl at prom etc, that - or until very recently - it took more time to figure things out and get to a place where you are safe and confident to express yourself ; in the meantime, the great uplifting beats so often happen with friends instead. (This should be more recognized generally but it is esp true for queer ppl.)
The friendship between the two main characters is amazing - they have such great chemistry and it is really heartwarming to see how cosy and comfortable they are with each other. But they also challenge each other. Especially Amber, pushing against Eddie's desperate attempts to ape his macho soldier of a father. Eddie is...a bit of a clueless dumbass at times but the movie makes his motives and struggles crystal clear and most of the times I just wanted to give him a big hug. The parents are an Issue but they are painted with a lot of nuance, they're not evil caricatures. It has a bit of that refreshing Derry Girls "authentic non glamorous teenage disaster" vibes and it's hilarious. Especially when it makes fun of straight people.
The actress that plays Amber has such great delivery and energy and she is such fun to watch. Her romance isn't centered but the baby wlw 90s kid in me was very aaaaaaaaaah when they talked on those club stairs like yes ! This is Actually a Thing !
The end was...very interesting and without spoiling anything I love the theme about how selfliberation and acceptance is a collective game, and when you found it it's important to pass it on to people who are at a different stage in their journey.
Overall a very sweet and funny movie, very recommended.
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queerchoicesblog · 4 years
Lawrence was a pleasure to see again, and thanks God he was there to talk some sense into Zetta ! "Sometimes our secrets are what makes our lives worth living. No matter with what high cost they come attached” What power in that sentence. What I also loved was that Zetta was honest with Richard. She has always been a straight shooter and it's interesting to see a dynamic where she would have much to lose from it but chooses to be (somewhat) honest anyway. With him. With herself. /6 (I think ?)
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Part 2 of my response, sweet Nonny!
Let me start saying that:
1. You do not have to apologise for your English because it's brilliant and I'm Italian so no pressure!
2. I absolutely love your talkative mood and because of the kind words you reserved to my writing, I swear! I almost wish we would be sharing a table at a cafe (let's make it a patisserie: I'm a sweet tooth and you have decadent desserts up there!) and chatting about Zetta, Adele and a bit of everything 😊
Giving a voice to wlw characters is my main mission so thank YOU! I'm glad I could make fellow members of our community happy with my stories. I write them for free because it sounds like the right thing in these dark times when many face new personal budget struggles. Maybe one day, if I build enough confidence, I will try to get some works published but today's not that day.
Back to Titanic, I'm particularly glad you appreciate your compatriot Sabine (who will get a scene in the next chapter) and Lawrence. They were minor characters but gosh, how I love them. I tried to add more depths and give them a bit more space in the series since they only appeared from time to time in the original book.
I find the friendship between Lawrence and Zetta quite interesting and a bit endearing. At the Turkish Baths, Zetta described it in these terms:
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Of course, it refers to the fact that they're both gay and they can understand each other better than anyone else. But these lines and the affability they showed when he joined Zetta's table for dinner in first class made me picture the two of them as that kind of friends who aren't close as they don't keep in touch or hang out together all the time but whenever they find each other, it's as though they never parted. As many of us feel today about their fellow gay/bi/trans and so on friends, they rely on each other for a support they cannot find elsewhere so they can chat of nothing and everything, laugh but also have deep conversations out of nowhere without needing explanation or excuses. They simply understand the need to talk of certain parts of their lives: finest historical mlm/wlw solidarity. I cannot bring myself to imagine, for instance Lawrence talking of Felix with other gentlemen but Zetta would surely ask him how he's doing. Vice versa I can see the only one Zetta would truly speak of Adele being him.
"Sometimes our secrets are what make our lives worth living. No matter with what high cost they come attached"
I must admit I am quite proud of that sentence 😅
I just thought the story needed something that could explain why Zetta eventually decides to "fight for Adele" in her own way, writing her that note begging to come to the party after months of silence, but also Adele's change of heart about secrecy. We know that Adele has been stagnating for some time after the sinking and the abandonment, dealing with trauma, loss and starting anew in a new country...or at least that's how I picture her? Hileni says she's hardly leaving the shop, she looks afraid to live in full survivor sense of guilt and suffering from the sudden disappearance of her love. Through those months she changes and I reckon this change includes the shift from this (in my playthrough)
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To this:
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Back on the Titanic Adele seemed almost unapologetic about showing her affection as if "pushing boundaries". True, she's an outcast unlike Zetta and the adeline pumped high in the aftermath of the collision but she was the lesbian hero everyone dreamed in the moment: proclaiming her love for Zetta and kissing her passionately in the crowd. Quite a shock for super closet lesbian like Zetta! Then, months later she no longer says "I don't care who's watching" but is the one proposing a secret romance, accepting to live her love behind closed doors and putting up a mask in public if that's what it takes to be with Zetta. I think she came to the same conclusion Lawrence stated. And I think it's interesting how the change in Zetta is somehow symmetrical: from freezing on the l word to realising she doesn't want to part from Adele - and kissing her on the deck uncaring of the crowd - to make it happen after her own stagnation.
As for the Richard discourse, I believe that what Mateo said was for once true:
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Adele and her conscience, her courage inspired her to be a better version of herself while her compassion softened a bit Adele. At the beginning of the story, Zetta is bitter, sarcastic, utterly gorgeous but not so pleasant to have around, for her own decision: her guard is up and she's unhappy. Through the story, she shows a new side of her, compassionate, protective, smart and gentle that was there but Adele rekindled. In the next chapter I will give a hint of other ways in which I believe Adele inspired her to action.
But a change I picture being a tail end of this is being (somewhat) honest with Richard. Adele put her freedom at risk for her and I want to believe that gesture impressed Zetta more than she admitted to herself maybe. She praised her conscience and courage...now it was her time to be brave. Zetta not saying a thing after what happened made little sense to me, if she suffers so much as we get to understand. Complete honesty is not a safe route or at least one she is not willing to go for but she pushes herself as far as she feels comortable stating the truth: is he convinced to marry her even knowing that she cannot love him like he does? Seems like an honest and merciful warning: Zetta cares for her career but she is not a heart of stone and I headcanon she likes Richard even if not romantically.
Richard doesn't get the true meaning behind her confession but as you said, could she? Zetta is closeted and very careful not to draw the slightest suspicion on her. He couldn't possibly imagine the truth but I cannot bring myself to see it as completely dumb either. We cannot read a person's heart with Suisse precision but we can perceive coldness or when our feelings are not fully reciprocated. He probably knew already that Zetta didn't love him "like he loves her" and it explained it to himself as stemming from her independence, her being a lady who can't be entirely tamed. Which is not a lie, just one part of the truth.
Sorry, I went down a tangent here and ended up flooding you with words!
Hope to hear from you soon! Stay safe and healthy ❤
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gayregis · 5 years
that “yennefer and dandelion finally talk to each other” scene in blood of elves needed more pre-explanation imo so here’s this, filed in: WLW MLM Solidarity and also People Who Have To Deal With Geralt Solidarity
Yennefer had met many blondes in her life. In her experience, they were every bit just as cunning, ruthless, and backstabbing as every other sorcereress, noble, or official she had met and dealt with. But looking into cornflower blue eyes blinking quizzically accompanied by a daft smile now, she found that the dumb blonde stereotype rang true for at least one individual on the Continent. She remembered that night in Rinde when she had healed the poet at the behest of the Witcher, and delved into his mind for more details on what she was being tasked to deal with. The poet’s mind was a very paradoxical place. Masses of memorized poetry, historical facts, a genrous littering of names of nobility, royals, and courts, not to mention the many obscenities and dreams, thoughts and ideas wandering about, lost and looking for a tether... but despite all of this... looking at Geralt’s friend now, although he had a distinctly alert expression plastered to his face, it did not seem as though, in either appearance or through Yennefer’s mindreading capabilities, that anything was occuring behind the two blue eyes. There were no schemes, no plots, no plans to betray, maim, or otherwise eliminate, being formulated in Dandelion’s mind. The poet seemed to bear absolutely no resentments, asides from a few particularly disgraceful professional rivalries. And this was the truth she was reading; after all, only other sorcerers and sorceresses and others gifted in the ways of magic knew how to lock away their thoughts to hide them from others. It was a strange, yet welcome change to Yennefer. She was commonly forced to deal with those with ulterior motives, consuming hatred, or boundless greed. Instead, now, she was dealing with a man whose thoughts were... hm, let’s see... planning to curl his hair with irons later tonight... a few choice racy couplets... and...
Dandelion had once maintained, like any other reasonable person, that the scariest individuals were the ones emboldened by knives, daggers, swords, and axes, those that wore embellishments of scars from the tip of their nose to their backside. And that the warmest individuals to take in your arm in a dance or in bed were those that were coiffured and dressed in pressed satins, laces, and furs, that fancied perfume and cologne. Now, he saw that he was invaritably wrong. For he had always felt overwhelmingly safe and easily chatty in the company of the Witcher, and absolutely riddled with anxiety in Yennefer’s presence now. If it had not been for her saving his life mere minutes ago, and if he had not come face-to-face with a much more hostile one of her brethren just then, he would have been petrified to sit at this table now, with the sorceress with hair like storm clouds who wore an even stormier expression. He was unbearably stiff around Yennefer -- and not in the good way he was around most other women. She maintained an air of precision, perfection, even, and it was no act. She expected nothing less of herself than that, and would not accept anything less from others, either. But she is fond of Geralt, he thought, and he’s certainly a stone’s throw from perfect. And she saved me. So there must be some sympathy, an astounding kindness within her. Like a geode, it’s just hidden... I wonder why she’s hidden it so.
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writerfae · 5 years
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Project: Secret Warriors - more facts
world building:
P:SW takes place in the future of an alternate world similar to ours
there once was a big ass war that killed a majority of the world's population and the surviving humans split up into four nations
the names of these four great nations are Nnedor, Onest, Sedun and Wenset
those are simply anagrams of the German words for the four compass points Norden (North), Osten (East), Süden (South), Westen (West) (wasn't really creative with this one, I know, but it's not that important for the story anyway)
they're at peace with each other, but the situation is pretty tense
life in Nnedor isn't really great, there are many poor people, people living on the streets, orphans, criminal gangs etc.
the project:
like I said, it's a training camp
they pick up homeless and convicted teens and offer them a chance to take part in the project
not because the government is being so generous and they want to help, but rather because "no one would miss them"
cause, as I also already mentioned, they use them as test subjects for creating super-soldiers and that doesn't always work out well (people die or go mad or get hurt and stuff, not great)
they still try to figure out how to make super-soldiers (no there do not exist super humans in their world but they try to create some), right now they work on developing a special serum
the teenagers don't know about any of this, they are just told that they get trained to serve their country in case of a war. as a secret army you could say, hence the project's name
which is true, just with the tiny little extra fact that this secret army is supposed to be made of super-soldiers
the teens get normal military training but from time to time they are called to "the lab" for "health checks" and stuff like that
Nalia and Xander are the two main (and POV) characters, two siblings who lived on the streets for a year
Xander is the older one (cause I have a thing for older brothers), he's 17 (nearly 18) and more of a guarded guy, kinda awkward sometimes and always the voice of reasons, he's also a very talented artist
his sister Nalia is 15 and the complete opposite, she's outgoing and reckless and she likes to have action in her life, she's very good at sports
those two are peak wlw/mlm solidarity between siblings
Charlie is the third main character, he's 18, dyes his hair blue, he's charismatic, a little rebellious and likes to mess with people. or flirt with them. He grew up in several orphanages (his mother gave him away when he was a baby) and lived a majority of his life on the streets (running away from said orphanages)
Charlie is also a chaotic bisexual
the siblings and Charlie met at the start of the project, Charlie and Xander are roommates
there are several other teenagers that play a role in the story, the most important ones are: Rafael, Alissa and Ethan
Rafael is one of the most skilled fighters at camp, he befriends Nalia (because she activates his big brother drive)
Alissa is Nalia's roommate and a friend of Charlie, she'll help out the main three
Ethan is one of the not so nice teenagers, he and Charlie have a troubled relationship (because of a shared backstory), he'll cause problems, that much you should know
but the real villains are the leader of the project: defense secretary Darcia Morgan (called "the boss" by everyone else) and the Professor Dr. Quentin Harvey
wip intro
tag list: @thewalkingnerdx
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somelizardperson · 5 years
Descendants 3
ok so i finally took the time to properly watch d3 and i made some notes throughout, so here they are:
- i love how in d2 mal tried her best to look like and be what audrey would be bc she thought that’s what ben would’ve wanted, and now audrey is changing and looking more like mal bc that’s what she thinks ben likes
- i like what they’re doing with audrey. she does have a point: even if she kinda behaved like a bitch, she was dating ben, and mal basically just drugged him and everybody disregarded how audrey felt. it was never addressed. ben didn’t even properly break up. with her, he just started declaring his love for mal. also if audrey is the one to finally make mal face the consequences of her actions and actually LEARN then i’m down
- why are all the adults looking at mal when asking what to do?? she ain’t even queen yet, and she’s the least qualified in the room to deal with these issues. they’re both teenagers, but ben has at least been trained and prepared to be king. why are the adults so irresponsible??
- “i dont want to take away your dream” why the fuck is she prioritizing ben’s wishes?? this isn’t about him, it’s about all the innocent kids stuck on the isle!!
- ben is a bit more likable now i guess? he hasn’t done anything overly stupid and annoying yet, so that’s an improvement.
- ok i think the fact that mal now starts prioritizing auradon over the vks is basically down to society’s pressuring her. all of the core 4 were transferred to a more privileged life, but the difference is that mal basically became a public figure, and in order to stop society from scrutinizing her she became what society wanted to see. she had this theme in her outfits and presentation of this rebel, bad girl, she wears a dragon themed dress as an homage to her heritage, but she’s not a rebel. she’s exactly what auradon wants her to be, just repackaged to look super cool and progressive. evie, the girl who likes glamour and fashion, and always wanted this luxurious life is a way better representation of a rebel, since she remembers what life was for her back at the isle and wants to help those who were less lucky. mal can’t ACTUALLY represent the vks properly.
- damn i love celia she’s adorable (and dizzy too)
- i LOVE the parallels between audrey’s upbringings and the vks. it kinda blurs the lines between auradon being “the place for the good guys” and the isle being “for the bad guys”, since evil can still be raised in auradon and the isle could be home to genuinely good people (dizzy, for example). and i like how when they find out that the crown was stolen they immediately assume it was uma, not even considering someone from auradon could’ve done it.
- “so long suckers” DAMN I LOVE HER
- they ride BIKES now what a glow up
- carlos just ditching jane’s birthday is a mood
- audrey ominously singing happy birthday is sponsoring my gayness
- i love celia. did i day that yet?
- i can’t help but want to make carlos’ hair into a mini-ponytail on like the top of his head, you know what i mean?
- what the fuck did they expect when they just parked the bikes without looking after them? of course harry fucking stole them you’re on the isle.
- this entire dungeon thing gives me a disneyland ride vibe, and i dig it.
- hades not actually having the dog would make sense, since why the hell would they give him the giant dog which could potentially cause a ruckus and destroy the place? i mean, they did take away magic, so it would make sense dangerous pets would also go.
- ok but it kinda recontextualizes her desire to close the barrier forever, since it could read as an attempt to cut off her parents, since hades could’ve also tried to take adcantage of her like maleficent.
- “try being married to your mamma” SO THEY WERE ACTUALLY MARRIED??? this shit is like disney’s own crack fan fiction what the fuck
- i love how celia just accidentally walked in on this family fighting session and is just in the background watching the entire thing
- hades has his nailes painted??? valid
- i REALLY hope they won’t make audrey into just a “crazy ex”, bc she has a point!
- ok ben starts getting on my nerves again. “who put a spell on you?” “just give the septor and i’ll forgive you”. he still doesn’t understand that it was his fault for never addressing mal drugging him into a relationship. nor him, nor mal apologized for dismissing audrey like that. bal have some cute moments but the fact that this relationship’s fundamentally based on toxicity is never addressed is bothering me too much to enjoy it.
- what was harry and gil’s shipname again?? i forgot, i’m just gonna call them garry bc that’s fun. anyway i love them.
- uma is the real vk activist we need!!
- i love how the pirate crew are all chaotic neutral.
- why did nobody take evie’s gum?? don’t be mean to evie!!
- i just love the pirates. they are my fucking saviors right now.
- there’s so much sexual tension between everyone in his movie and celia is just in the background forced to watch all of it
- tbh the songs aren’t that bad so far, i didn’t like vk day, but i like the energy night falls brings into the scene, and i like this entire scene overall.
- harry’s face when evie complemented his accent is adorable.
- “i love you” “i love you” GAY. the fucking look in evie’s eyes when she said that? GAY.
- gil suggesting to play the icebreaker just to complement jay had gay energy
- celia genuinely caring about the twins and dizzy is simultaneously adorable and also breaks my heart
- “well we haven’t actually used the l word yet” doug and evie are better off breaken up. and. by that i mean only evie, i don’t give a shit about doug.
- is she actually singing a song about doug? oh my fucking god.
- does disney actually think anybody gives a shit about doug?
- i was waiting for him to not wake up and evie thinking that he doesn’t love her and going on about how sad she is only to then realize she is the one who doesn’t love him. like, how cool would it be for disney to leave one of their female leads to be single at the end of a movie? instead of having her realize she’s in love with him and this is true love her going through a realization that she doesn’t love him and that it’s ok? her realizing she doesn’t have to constantly be trying to look for her true love and take things slow? but no, we have to make her first proper relationship her last.
- i’m still convinced janelos is mlm/wlw solidarity
- wh- why is harry flirting with jane? wha- is this a ship now? is harry/jane a ship? hane? jarry? what the fuck?
- celia and uma eating cake together is adorable
- both uma and celia are adorable
- just generally uma eating cake is adorable
- i’m at the point where mal is all alone now, and i’m glad the theories that the core 4 is gonna divide into two “teams” based on the trailers didn’t turn out to be true. mal is probably the only one who didn’t actually change her ways as a villain but just switched sides. she’s still selfish at the core, and i like that they’re singling her out to really challenge her.
-on that note it could actually be completely fucked over and not addressed again but oh well. i’ll have to wait and see.
- i like her taking responsibility. yes, mal had a hard childhood, but she had to now put in the work to be a better person. she has a supportive environment which are her friends, so now she just has to put in some effort.
- dizzy saying “same” like that saved my life
- mal!! finally!! apologizing!! to audrey!! yes!!
- mal!! admitting!! that her own idea!! was wrong!! yes!!
- yes i approve this plan let’s abolish borders too
- ok so what’s the harry and audrey ship name? haudrey? audarry? haurrey?
I honestly don’t think this was a bad ending to the trilogy. I have mixed feelings about the core 4 going back to see their parents in the end, but it was overall an enjoyable experience, and probably my favorite of the 3. I’m gonna write some more coherent thoughts on it later, since this post is already too long djdjdsks
feel free to respond to this post and start a discussion
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How Thornclaw’s and Blossomfall’s kits and Ivypool and Fernsong’s kits came to be
Thornclaw, the gay grandpa, knows that he’s getting old and at some point sooner than later he’s going to become an elder or keel over on a patrol. He’d be fine with this if it weren’t for that he had always wanted to have kits of his own and he had never settled down with anyone. Him and Spiderleg were a thing for a while, but Spiderleg was too much of an asshole and overbearing for Thornclaw, so he broke it off. And there was a couple loners and even an interclan relationship or two, but none of those had ever stuck.
Would you believe me if i said Thornclaw’s reason to train with the Dark Forest was cause he thought he would find a mate.
Cut to Blossomfall and Ivypool. They’re mates! They love each other immensely, but the only problem is that Blossomfall has been really wanting kits. Ivypool isn’t entirely against having kits with Blossomfall, she just doesn’t want to be the one to bear them. Not to mention they can’t create kits with each other, so who would father them? Blossomfall tells Ivypool that she wants to be the one to carry their kits anyway, so she’ll find a father.
Blossomfall and Thornclaw had become friends from consoling each other after the dark forest ordeal and Thornclaw had mentioned that he always dreamed of having kits, but had never settled down. Blossomfall had at first thought this was flirting, but Thornclaw clarified that he was gay. Now, for some true wlw and mlm solidarity, Thornclaw excitedly agreed to become the father to Blossomfall’s and Ivypool’s kits.
A few moons later, after watching her kits, Ivypool has conflicting feelings. She’s been suddenly wanting to bear kits as well, maybe even in time so that for a time her and Blossomfall will be in the nursery together, but she’s afraid of leaving her warrior duties, and who would be the father? Would it be weird for Thornclaw to father the kits she bears?
Step in Fernsong, who has becomes mates with Stormcloud. They want kits of their own, but don’t know how to have them. Fernsong overhears Ivypool talking about kind of wanting kits and asks if maybe he can be the father with Stormcloud. Ivypool is unsure, her oldest kits already have three parents, and would Blossomfall be okay with sharing her kits with an entire other couple? They all talk it over and Blossomfall is surprisingly enthusiastic and is super excited about having more kits and Ivypool having them this time.
And thus, a couple moons later, Ivypool’s and Blossomfall’s second litter is born with Fernsong fathering them and Stormcloud being their other dad. Fernsong eagerly becoming a nursery tom to help take care of them when Ivypool wants to get out of the camp and do warrior duties.
And that’s how a strange family of two litters of siblings, one with three parents, and another with four, was born; forming some sort of two way kind of but not really poly relationship between a single gay man and a lesbian couple and a newly wed gay couple and the same lesbian couple.
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