#hal and Bruce’s love hate relationship is so fun
briarmoon1015 · 1 year
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The league being sillies :))). Dc make them actual friends and not just coworkers I dare you
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
I want Duke included in batfam family fics. being the older sibling Damian needs, relatable yet guiding. Tim being ‘Dukes robin’ and having lots of respect for Tim yet he’d also steal his slice of pie. Duke and Jason hanging out, and Jason appreciating how he never tries to lecture him. Duke and dick matching vibes (or as much as they can) when on patrol and somewhat in the family, and both trying to make their brothers calm tf down. Bruce trying desperately to not fuck up with Duke like he did his other sons, only serving to confuse and slightly alarm Duke. Alfred and duke being the only ones with more then *1* braincell.
he also has so much potential for angst of being a meta in a family everyone thinks hates metas, and people somehow forget him???
(I have more just don’t have the energy to write it all down)
Heck yes! I agree that Duke needs to be included in more batfam fics (and especially as a more pivotal role). I personally try to add him a bit, but I fear I do not include him enough as a key member of the batfam.
Duke is hella important and should be treated as such. I'd love to see more fics with him pissing off GCPD for fun. Just chaos and pranks against GCPD, rogues, Batman, and the Batkids. Also, he should he allowed to punch (or kick) as many JL members as he pleases (Hal was just the first).
Duke and Dick having similar fashion ideas is a cute idea I've seen in the fandom. I would also just love to see more fanart of Duke rocking some fun outfits for galas (especially if the galas follow the AU of Gotham being super weird with their social norms). Duke being featured on magazine covers, being asked to model, and being interviewed would be cool fanwork ideas to play around with. I've seen so many of the other batboys and none with Duke as a magazine cover.
Here's my ideas on how Duke could interact with different batfam members. Feel free to reblog if you have ideas yourself or think the dynamic should be different.
I feel like Duke and Cass would get along really well as chaos gremlins who get away with their shenanigans. Messing with Commissioner Gordon is a favorite pass time of theirs. For some reason, even when presented with evidence, Bruce doesn't believe that Duke and Cass would do the things they get away with. It's both impressive and annoying to the other batkids.
Duke could have a weird relationship with Tim. On one hand, Tim is Duke's Robin. The cases he's solved, feats he's accomplished, and respect Gotham has for Tim's Robin in general (for being Batman's therapy kid) are unfathomable. On the other hand, he's seen Tim walk into the same wall four times within three minutes. They both share a love for riddles, but Tim can be an idiot at interpersonal relationships.
For Damian, Duke has seen how the world picks up kids and spits them out. He's seen kids lashing out, how they merely want to defend themselves, and how fantastic they are once you get to know them. He's been angry and spiteful at the world too. For Damian, Duke's hella impressed at the kid's heart despite all the shit he's been dealt. Duke would encourage chaos, talk with the kid about how different emotions have impacted Duke's actions and life, and is an overall supportive figure. They can often be seen doing both wild stunts and "common for their age group" activities for fun (although the game Sorry is banned because of them).
Jason and Duke would probably have a complicated relationship due to Red Hood's actions. Their similar childhoods (as far as economically and location based) would lead to jokes and shared customs that they chat with Steph about (such as Creepy Toe Joe or that specific gas station or the phrase they say as they passed that one pothole). Despite that, they have different viewpoints on Bruce and murder.
Duke is probably one of the more emotionally intelligent and communicative batfam members. If Alfred is the sassy version, Duke would get a good laugh out of those remarks and the astute observations.
Bruce and Duke angst could go hard. Bruce is trying so hard not to make his past mistakes. Duke and his perception of Bruce (he holds Bruce in high regard) and how that affects their relationship.
As far as Duke being in a "perceived to hate metas" family, that could either be hilarious or angst. I imagine people trying to intervene or "save" Duke from the Bats would be infuriating and sad to see.
Duke could also laugh at the batkids' superhero friends and how they, even as adults, are banned from entering Gotham. Duke is free to live in the manor and come and go as he pleases. Any of the batkid's meta friends have to be snuck into Gotham.
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lanternbats · 1 year
actually, tell us everything about your LoZ AU
Sorry I had so much to say apparently so whacking this all under the cut o7
So my first thought was what game do they fit into best. Ocarina of time is an interesting choice, Sheik Bruce is pretty cool and Navi could be a fun take on a lantern ring as she’s a source of information and such, which is the same reason Fi and Skyward Sword also has potential (that and FLYING!! Oh Hal you would love a Loftwing). But I settled on Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom because of course I did.
The Sheikah Slate/Funky arm work soooo well as a lantern ring replacement, and Hal gets to glide around and build planes so boom, perfect Link role for Hal. And BOTW Zelda is a big ‘ol over worked nerd with the weight of the world on her shoulders which is very Bruce.
So they meet when they’re both teens, only around 16 or so when Hal is assigned Prince Bruce’s personal knight, which Bruce hates because he can handle himself thank you very much, but Hal is persistent and carries out his duty. They argue a lot. Bruce feels like Hal is looking down at him for being unable to figure out how to seal Ganon (Who is Ganon is this au? Darkseid I guess) away, which is just him projecting his own insecurities. He also doesn’t understand why a reckless idiot like Hal would be chosen as their hero and wielder of the master sword. Hal, who’s spent years training to fill his late father’s shoes and prove himself as a knight is angry that Bruce won’t see him and his skills for what they are and assumes that Bruce dislikes him because he’s not from a noble background. Things between the two of them are pretty tense.
They’re not in this alone however! Four champions from the rest of Hyrule join them in an attempt to beat Darkseid. Clark (Daruk), Diana (Urbosa), Arthur (Mipha) and Oliver (Rivali) join them and become the pilots of the divine beasts. Up to you if they stay human/Hylian or become one of Zelda’s fantasy races. They try to repair the frosty relationship between Hal and Bruce, trying to get them to put aside their nonsense and see each other properly, but it doesn’t work until Bruce is caught in a surprise attack by Darkseid’s cult followers and Hal saves him. It’s the first time Hal has gotten to show off his skills properly and Bruce has a little “Oh.” moment about it. 
After that the two of them are more open with each other. Hal finally tells Bruce that his father was a knight who died trying to protect Bruce’s parents, the former King and Queen of Hyrule, on the night they were murdered. He always wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps despite his mother’s resistance to the idea, but he also always wanted to become a knight because he knew Bruce was like him and he felt an urge to protect him. Bruce tells Hal he’s scared that without his parents guidance he’ll never unlock the powers he’s said to have that would allow him to seal Darkseid away. A friendship blooms between the two of them and the baby idiot pining goes into full swing. 
Between experimenting with the guardian tech, training with the champions and visiting the goddess springs, Bruce is exhausted. He’s working himself to the bone in hopes of being ready when Darkseid arrives. And Hal can do is watch over him. Bruce’s 17th birthday arrives and he is finally permitted to go to the spring of wisdom to hopefully awaken his power, but to no avail. Darkseid appears, all the champions fall, you know the drill. They’ve failed, Bruce has failed. Hal gets mortally injured protecting Bruce, and to save him Bruce puts him in the shrine of resurrection, knowing that doing so will mean the loss of his memories and the potential that they will never meet again. He doesn’t care. He just wants to save Hal, he can’t let Hal die too. 
Hal wakes up, 100 years later, with no memories of who he is or what he’s doing. He just knows he trusts the voice of the boy asking for his help in his head more than anything. An old man (Alfred), helps guide him and get him back on his feet and accustomed to the powers of the Sheikah Slate before explaining what has happened. Hal sets off to regain his memories and save Bruce. He meets the new champions (it would be fun if they were the Robins?) and sets his friends' souls free from the divine beasts. Said friends grant him their powers and their spirits join him on his journey (This means constant jokes from Ollie, constant worrying from Clark, and Diana and Arthur making so many comments about his fighting form. All his friends are dead but they still find ways to be annoying. It’s a ghostly road trip.). 
With their help Hal gets all his memories back and then sets off to defeat Darkseid and save Bruce. They do, and as Bruce and Hal hug it out the spirits of their friends finally move on and the two of them set out to restore the kingdom. 
NOW. Tears of the Kingdom! Is the perfect Link for Hal, he can literally make constructs. I don’t wanna get too far into spoiler territory with this game since I know a lot of people are still playing, but I don’t think Zelda’s story in it fits Bruce as well as BOTW’s does. So maybe we can just smush the two together and Hal get’s the Zonai arm early.
I’ll just leave you with thoughts of them rebuilding Hyrule together and living up in Hal’s little house. Oh and Dinah is Kass. And Barry is… Beedle. Because I’d miss him otherwise. That is all.
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asilentguardian · 2 years
i'm not sure if someone did this already, but batlantern headcanons? it'd be great if you can squeeze in a few genderfluid hal headcanons, since dc basically made that canon in Spectre (2001) and it was never mentioned again.
Yay! Thank you for sending me an ask!
(I won't be including anything on genderfluid!Hal because I am not educated enough on what it's like to be genderfluid and I don't want to hurt anyone. Sorry!)
When Bruce and Hal both have free time, they like to watch shitty sci-fi movies on Netflix. They usually end up falling asleep mid-movie. Or getting otherwise distracted mid-movie.
I've joked before that Bruce and Hal are awful at keeping their relationship discreet, but I think that's only true to a degree. To most people it's not obvious. But if you look close enough, really pay attention, then you can tell. It's the little things. They leave space for each other on the couch. When they make food for themselves, they make enough for two. They do the chores that the other person hates. The first person they look for in a room is the other.
When Hal is officially part of the family, the kids think "yay, a cool parent who will be on our side!" Boy are they wrong. Hal LOVES teaming up with Bruce to embarrass the kids. Pulls up to school to pick Damian up with the most obnoxious music blaring. Makes a scene in public. Loudly brags about his step-children. Kisses Bruce in front of them.
Despite excelling at being a step-dad, Hal was so nervous about it. Bruce stumbles across a stack of how-to books about parenting/step-parenting in Hal's apartment and is forcibly reminded of what it was like being a new parent to Dick.
Hal is on the kids' side sometimes. Like when Damian wants a new pet. Especially if it's a cat.
The kids make fun of Bruce and Hal for looking like old men when they're sitting on the couch together, working on separate things, legs brushing together. The kids make fun of them, but really, they're happy for Bruce. Relived that there's someone to keep that soft smile on his face.
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fletchingsandstars · 2 years
sending you the same two bc I love your Jason and Ollie takes
Favorite thing about him
His sense of humor. Jason’s at his best when he’s a cocky little shit while committing atrocities. It’s what makes him fun!
Least favorite thing about him
The way comics make him incompetent so the batfam looks better and Jason can be taught to be “better” so he can join them again. It’s so awful
Favorite line
Either the speech in UtRH or “Ph my goodness gracious, I’ve been bamboozled”
Dick and Jason. While I don’t want Jason rejoining the batfam for a number of reasons, I think he and Dick reconnecting could actually be a good thing for both of them when done well
Don’t have one
Honestly JayKyle is the one I like the least
Random headcanon
Jason has a very specific organization method for his house, but his kitchen the most. Everything has to go in a very specific place otherwise it drives him up a wall. I also think Jason would enjoy cross stitch or embroidery as a hobby because it’s a good way to stab things to work out anger and you get something productive in the end. I like to think he’d take it up when he retires from vigilante stuff.
Unpopular opinion
Fanon Jason is bad and I don’t like him. I understand that he meets the qualifications for tumblr sexy man but fanon killed everything interesting about him and it’s just terrible. Also Jason’s story is never going to have a satisfactory conclusion. He’s stuck between Batman and the Joker, DC’s biggest cash cows so he’s going to be stuck in limbo forever unless someone really decides to separate Jason from Gotham for good
Song I associate with him
So many, but Mama by MCR comes to mind first
Favorite pictures
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*trips and a bunch of photos of Robin Jason fall out of my pockets*
Sorry for poor quality on those last ones, my drive wouldn’t let me download them properly
Favorite thing about him
His personality. Sure he’s abrasive and loud but he’s also just a dad. He’s got a cheesy sense of humor and he likes to spend time with his kids. He has strong convictions and does what he thinks is right. He’s also willing to admit when he’s wrong. It’s just so good
Least favorite thing about him
Uh probably his willingness to blame himself for everything that goes wrong, but that adds depth to his character and story so I don’t really hate it that much
Favorite line
The one about chili being God’s perfect food
HalOllie, Ollie and his kids, Ollie and Shado. I’m also tempted to put Eddie here but does it really count if I want them to be enemies who care about each other rather than good friends?
HalOllie. Really I just want Ollie and Hal together in whatever way they define that relationship. They’re good for each other
Ollie and Bruce
Random headcanon
Ollie got his first bow as a gift from his grandfather. It’s his favorite possession because it shows someone paid attention to his interests when he was a kid
Unpopular opinion
I mean…the opinion that Ollie is a good dad and good person is pretty unpopular. But if we’re talking within the fandom, Ollie looks better in warm colors than he does in green
Song I associate with him
Archers by the Ballroom Thieves
Favorite pictures
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Game here
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birdflash and the batfamily
did bruce ever suspect when he set up a playdate meeting for robin and kid flash he was going to gain a future son-in-law? No.
dick and wally Officially get together in their teens
when dick runs off hes gone for like a year and bruce is like. lowkey super concerned dick is going to try and elope with wally
when jason first shows up he Does Not have the highest opinion of dick so he thinks wally is like. dicks bum boyfriend lmao. when he actually gets introduced to wally hes like hmm wally is okay i guess. also wally actually goes to college so jason always asks him questions about it
tim thinks wally is Super cool but is also jealous sometimes because wally takes up SO MUCH of dicks time. tim gets the Most time with wally because tim is also friends with bart so they just all hang out a lot.
all of dicks siblings HATE pda. they have a whole list of rules for what is acceptable when a sibling is within 100 feet. dick disregards it lol he WILL hold wallys hand and kiss his boyfriend while his brothers and sister groan in the background
cass is very happy because wally makes dick happy! wally is one of the few outside of the batfam who can actually hold a conversation with cass and doesnt act All Fucking Weird because she doesn't speak english well
when duke gets adopted dick and wally are already engaged so like three months after hes adopted he gets to go to their wedding and dick puts him in the wedding party duke is like :') the wedding is fun all their super friends are there and bruce is very obviously Trying Not to Cry
when damian shows up dick and wally decided to live separately while dick Deals With the Situation so now damian has "i have fucked up my primary caretakers years long relationship" insecurity THIS POOR KID LMAO. damian gets to be the Ringbearer at the wedding!! It is a Great Honor. also the west-allens arent the worst family to be related to they are very formidable allies (damians list of the flash fam from most threatening to least threatening: iris, joan, wally, bart, jay, the twins, barry).
so. many. wedding photos.
it takes ages for dick and wally to get married because uh. gay marriage was kind of illegal for a while there. even before its legal they have that talk of well i love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you
once it IS legal they put it off because they are always dealing with SO much shit but duke getting adopted was kind of the catalyst for dick to be like holy shit all our family is here and safe LETS GET MARRIED and wally is like what right now im washing dishes
bruce panics and buys them a coffeemaker for their wedding lmaooooo
ONE FUCKING TIME. oh my god. obvs bruce calls his kids by the wrong names all the time but one time he was OUT IN THE FIELD AS BATMAN and he calls up tim on the comms and hes like "Kid Flash, did you read the toxicology report I sent you yesterday." and theres a second of silence before everyone LOSES THEIR SHIT. KID FLASH. BRUCE WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT.
steph and wally get along like a house on fire. a house that is crashing and burning but by god you cant look away
wally is. a little intimidated and jealous of babs because he KNOWS dick had a maybe-crush on babs back when they were kids and wally still hasnt gotten over it a decade later like WALLY DICKS MARRYING YOU I THINK YOURE GOOD LMAO.
kate tries to be a Gay Mentor to dick and wally because when they first came out she was their ONLY GAY RELATIVE who was semi competent (bruce is bi but hes a bad gay mentor lol. barry is bi but kind of struggles with it sometimes)
side note that hal has been around the whole time wally knew him ever since wally was a kid and hes like wow i love that uncle barry and uncle hal are such good friends and then they have to break the news that iris and barry have an open relationship shebnrcnene.
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scorchedhearth · 3 years
Thank you!! It's gotten long so I put it undercut
Reader asks
😍 What is your favourite fic trope?
hurt/comfort, which isn’t really one but it’s the one i seems read more often. Also established relationship, i like really old coupe doing stuff together. and slices of life, just jumping in for a routine day and see what they’re up to it’s fun (if the routine is killing people or fighting aliens it’s just more fun for me, domestic can get boring).
👿 What trope do you hate / avoid at all costs?
Fake dating, but especially the kind to make someone else jealous, i can sometimes enjoy a good “friends pretend to be together and then end up together for real” but the first one I really do not enjoy. Generally tropes around miscommunication/misunderstanding, it’s really annoying to me when i read two characters who cannot communicate with each other clearly, i hate that irl too
💏 Who is your OTP?
Already answered, but in dc I'm starting to really like bruce and talia, but more in the very complex kind of relationship if that makes sense? Being very important for each other but not always there and having a complicated past etc. caring for each other even if not technically together still, it’s fun
💡 Tell me a headcanon (and who you wish would write it)?
I don't know who could write that one, but Todd keeping scars from before the pit (in canon i think all scars before the pit are gone, which add some angst to the whole resurrection and coming back wrong deal) and especially burns and shrapnel from the explosion, adding a level of imperative to not show his face/body and keep the helmet on
or in tog, i could never write it but some heart wrenching "quynh kills andy when she comes back" it would destroy me if i read that, i know it and i would love it
🏆 What do you wish more authors in your fandom would write about?
i wish we could get more fics about violence and their work for the old guard as well as addressing the fucked up nature of their life. For batfam/todd related, less cute batfam stuff and more realistic takes on what the bat family would be like. I get the nature of fanfic but i think writers are trying too hard to lean into the happy family side when by nature they are not and it’s more interesting to look into the gritty part and how it’s dysfunctional. I mean, dick is afraid of becoming batman and still ready to do that, that’s more fucked up than a simple father-son dynamic. That and more genuinely weird comics ideas and situations (instead of the eternal robery, why not add alien nanotech that makes you dance or something spicy like that?), not caring about realism and leaning hard into the weird nature of comics
🤢 Who is your NoTP?
Answered already, but aside from underage/incest shit (batcest shipper i am going to maim you with a rusty swissknife), most ships that are superhero x civilian, they can be cute but mostly its boring since one of them doesn't do much apart from being eye candy for a couple of pages. Give me both equally competent and fucked up having weird double life its entertaining
😎 Who is your BroTP?
Answered already, but i’ll add whatever hal and barry have going on in the few movies i’ve seen them in, they’re next on my to-read list because i find them deeply entertaining and endearing at the same time
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peppersonironi · 4 years
12, 21, 19
(Is this late? Oops. Sorry!)
12: Favourite character to write about this year
Stephanie Brown, easy. She's my spirit animal, so I might be doing a touch of projecting, but I honestly don't care. She's just pure chaos in the best way. Some of my favourite lines that I've written are for her. Such as:
"What's up bitches? I brought donuts!"
"My waffles await!"
"Welcome to Steph’s Glitter Bomb Palace, Where Snitches get Stitches™! So don’t tell Bruce or I’ll sic Jason on you."
She's also the character I've gotten the most comments on. People really seen to enjoy how I write her!
A close second would be Duke Thomas. Bliss, a fic I wrote for the 2020 Duke Week, was one of my favourites! Or maybe Damian? His dialogue just comes easy to me.
21: Most memorable comment/review
the batfamily exist:
everyone: is,,is that allowed?
On Code Orange (Batfam/Young Justice Crossover)
I have wanted to read a DCU/MCU crossover for a VERY long time. This story is such a delight. Your characterisation (and for me an introduction to The Signal) was fascinating in the extreme. I loved the game playing and the fact that I could watch (open-mouthed) as Bruce Wayne enjoyed childlike fun with his children and Alfred(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) was the cherry on top of the icing on top of the cake. I look forward to your updates in a way that you wouldn't believe.
On Batfam/Avengers Crossover
19: Any new fics to start next year
Oh boy. So many. You know what? Here's a list. It'll be good to get these ideas out. Plus, you guys can tell me what you'd rather see first!
Gen/just Batfam
Crack fic based off this piece of dialogue (came from a convo between my sister and I): Tim reached forward and poked Duke's face. "You're right!" He exclaimed. "You really *do* squish like a block of wood!" Duke Centric.
Based on THIS Incorrect Quotes. Talia moves into the Manor because she's sick of Ra's. Featuring a bunch of good mom!Talia.
Based off THIS Incorrect Quotes. Jason runs for President as Red Hood. I have so many ideas! This'll be really fun.
Loosely based on THIS post. It explores Jason and Cassandra's relationship, and how it evolves.
Duke Thomas Big Bang Fic (can't say much, but it'll be great!)
Platonic (need to be certain you understand that. There were some misconceptions w/ my Discord server) Slow Burn between Tim and Damian. At the beginning the absolutely despise each other. But over time they realise their own insecurities, and how they don't actually hate the other. And by the end they fully admit and embrace their being brothers.
Reverse Robins with Damian as the oldest (I made THIS post talking about it a while back. But I've highly revised it.)
Reverse Robins with Duke as the oldest (I wrote THIS fic, but I think I want to change this into a series!)
Cassandra as Batman. Stephanie as Catwoman. Carrie Kelley as Robin.
5 Times Bette Kane was the mastermind behind the batkids' pranks without Bruce's knowledge, and 1 Time her brilliance was brought to light.
5 Times Duke thought that he couldn't possibly get any more siblings and 1 Time he met the cousins (AKA: Duke meets the extended family)
Birdflash in the JL/JLU universe (based off that one hexagon by @novaviis ! Super fun!). The league is inviting potential members to the Watchtower one day. Except Wally wasn't there during the choosing of said members. So he's completely shocked when his husband Nightwing shows up. They have to act like they don't know each other, which basically involves Dick flirting his butt off with Wally, Wally trying desperately to remain professional, Bruce digging in the corner, the rest of the League in varying degrees of disapproval and confusion (at least a couple have seen Wally's wedding ring. So that adds a while 'nother layer).
Young Justice soulmate au. Dick, and eventually everyone else, knows that Wally is his soulmate. Wally is oblivious. Lots of pining and angst in this one. Slow burn to an extent (depends on how long I make it). But definitely a happy fluffy ending in sight!
Batfam Meets Young Justice
THIS fic.
Duke gets yeeted into the YJ universe, and promptly passes out. He wakes up in the Watchtower, and breaks out of the confinement the Team has set up for him. Pulls shenanigans (some unwittingly) and used his powers. The Team and JL are confused, and panicking. Because this guy keeps muttering things about the Batfam. And he has a bat on his chest.
The Team break into some ancient temple after getting info on a new Supervillian plot. They find purple clothed woman draped across a throne. She talks, and they panic, as she knows all their secret identities. The only one who isn't, is Tim. He looks bored. Alternatively: Steph needs Tim's credit card to take his sister out on a date, and absolutely refuses to text.
While the Team is on a mission to stop Lady Shiva, a dimensional portal opens up and spits out a strange Robin (Damian) and what seemed to be a female Batman (Cass as Black Bat). This new dynamic due promptly defeats Lady Shiva and all the goons. The Team is freaked out, and 'apprehends' the dimensional anomalies, bringing them back to the Watchtower. Where the due promptly break and and start chaos. Featuring "Toxic" by Britney Spears. I will not explain why.
The Watchtower gets a sudden emergency message from the Batcave. They accept, to find a stranger calling himself Signal panicking about Robin being missing. They all look at Tim, who ignores them, and says that he doesn't know where Robin is. Some naming shenanigans occur.
(Not sure if this fits here, oh well) Set in Season One, Bruce is tired of Clark's attitude towards Superboy, and adopts the clone himself. Not sure how far this'll go, but at least goes through Dick's time as Robin. (Based on THIS Tumblr post)
(Also iffy on placement) a continuation of one (not sure which? Probably Damian as older) Reverse Robins fics. It's a retelling of Season One of YJ, with Dick as Robin. Nightwing (Damian) feels protective of his brother, and so takes on the role Black Canary had in the show, training the Team. But as time goes on, he ends up being more of a big brother to the group. Cameos from the rest of the Batfam as well! And an Identity Reveal (including finding out Dick and Dami are brothers) at the end!
Batfam Meets the Justice League
Cass takes over being Batman for a bit, because Bruce was an idiot and broke his leg. This happens to line up with when the Justice League reach out to the Dark Knight, in order to extend an invitation to the league. They eventually meet Bruce as Batman, and are confused as to why he is so tall. And male.
Lian accidentally reveals her three parents' relationship by calling Bruce 'grandpa' over dinner.
Museum Heist
THIS fic
Operation: Seduce Nightwing. Based on a post for an ATLA ot3, Wally and Artemis realise silumaneously “Hey, we kinda have the hots for Dick” and decide together to see if he likes them back. Which involves a heck ton of over the top flirting, and shenanigans. The Team is sighing on the sidelines at their idiocy. Dick is internally combusting and thinking “Do they like me back? I’’m not sure.” 
5 times Dick and Wally fought over being the middle spoon, and one time Artemis had had enough.
Set in Season 3 (but ignores some canon), Bart is kidnapped by some mad scientist obsessed with the Speed Force. The Team mobilizes, and gets Bart back from the evil base. But when they get there, they find Wally West freed from the Speed Force. He and Artemis reunite, and everyone is happy. They prepare to leave. Then the Pick-up Squad arrive in the bioship, and Dick gets out. Everyone is expecting Dick to give Wally a hug, because hey, he's his best friend! What they weren't expecting was him to run forward and pull the speedster into a passionate kiss. They go back to the Watchtower, and some more stuff happens.
Soulmate AU where the first thing your soulmate says to you after they fall in love with you is tattooed on your body.
Post Season Two Get Together. Starts with Artemis living with Dick as opposed to Will. Might be Slow Burn? (They come pretty close to kissing) Eventually Wally comes back. Arty and Wally are back together. They both live in the same house as Dick, for convenience. Then some more Slow Burn happens. Maybe some Birdflash moments. Arty tells Wally she kinda had a thing for Dick. Wally admits the same. Maybe a touch more Slow Burn. They Eventually get together.
AU where Bruce met Hal back when he first came back to Gotham. Fic goes through how their relationship evolves over the years (up until current time, when Damian is 13). I'm considering a relationship reveal with the Justice League.
Hal's interactions with Bruce's kids.
Green Lantern Corp acting protective of Hal when Bruce comes to Oa. This was an ask that I got, and I'm holding off on writing it till I get as much into on the GL's as possible, as all I know if their characterization comes from that animated series, and Guy Gardener's (Hilarious!) parts on Young Justice.
Like 3 different versions of the Peter Parker Field Trip to Stark Tower Trope.
2-part Crossover with the Batfam (they exist in the same universe), where the Avengers go to a Wayne Gala, and interact with the family. The second chapter involves them heading out the next night to try and contact Batman.
THIS fic.
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flashfuture · 3 years
The only thing Hal and Bruce can agree on is yeah Clark is hot, but the other can’t know they agree on this for it wound both their prides.
Yeah sometimes Hal’s general unfearlessnes is actually quite scary, I mean if he scared for him if he was like..a real friend. But in a character sense I do think it’s fun to compare that, once again, to Kyle who was pretty dang afraid of shit but leaped anyway. One has no perception of it so does not register it, while the other has perception but goes anyway. That’s a bit of an oversimplification but idk it’s very intesting in a meta sense because if you really don’t have a perception of something when it bites you in the ass like with Hal and Parallax, it bites hard. Idk if that makes sense but it’s like...yeah
God conn and Kyle are so funny, but like for superheroes their friendship seems very...idk? Legitimate and like (real-ish) like so many friendships I have are like that where it’s like in-depth discussion on some kind of deep topic then haha funny meme. Really, I think it’s fair to say Kyle is Conn’s Maniac Pixie boy if I’m being honest. Like random hot dude shows up and is emotionally avilable and pretty and sweet, yeah not a bad catch for a first relationship (he legit falls out of the sky).
Also I will always narc on Kyle for being *surprise pikachu* at his parentage when in relaity it’s very obvious. Kyle does give the vibe of someone who really loves nature but also enjoys the hum drum of city life as well, he really couldnt pick. He just likes places, which I know is a weird thing to say but like, yeah.
Ya know when Jess debuted the first thing on earth Twitter was “finally coast city lesbians, we ride tonight.” (I kid I kid)
John looking Ganthet dead in the eye while flames burn behind him is such a mood, ironic, brilliant, his mind...
Also gonna note that Clark and Bruce look very similar according to canon like so much that people can mistake them for the other. Which narcissism much, Bruce? Lol yeah they can’t know. It would be offensive to even consider having something in common
That is the difference between Hal and the others tho. He doesn’t see a bad idea or a stupid dangerous stunt he sees a way to win and goes for it. Kyle is like welp this will probably kill me but here we go anyways. Parallax was a massive retcon that sort of never made sense because Parallax!Hal wasn’t scared. he was angry and he was mourning but he wasn’t scared so whatever. but yes say the fear entity did get into him well Hal’s never fought fear like that before. (Not to say Hal hasn’t been scared but that’s more in the moment panic. His dad dying, Barry being in danger etc) It doesn’t last. That’s why I genuinely hate them trying to give Hal fear because it made him unique. he wasn’t putting on airs or being arrogant it was something uniquely Hal. 
Honestly Conn and Kyle have one of the purest relationships to me. Like it was built on the past of Hal and Ollie but became so much deeper in that they had so much in common and Kyle told things to Conn he admits he’s never told anyone else not even his girlfriends so. Just their friendship I love it and I miss it and I’m angry every day about it. 
Oh my god like okay they don’t draw Kyle with particularly tan skin but pssh they white wash Conn just fine and he’s very dark skinned so I’m ignoring that. But even consider Kyle’s eyes are naturally brown (the rings turn their eyes green you see it with John too it’s very sexy of DC to give us that) and his hair is black. Buddy, baby, darling how could you have thought you were totally Irish. 
Why kid you’re right. They were. Jess is also Earth based generally so she becomes more popular on twitter than Hal and he’s not bitter he’s really not. 
John is just the best. 
The Guardians are like: And we forbid you from interfering 
Hal: What no fucking way
Guy stomping on Hal’s foot: Of course we will go be productive elsewhere
Once they’re outside
Hal: John we can help fix the
John: Shut up Jordan- go get Kyle. I’ll find Guy. Rings up in 5
That’s the whole dynamic it’s the best
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dcomicsficrecs · 4 years
Hi! could you please rec some fics with Jason being the youngest without being Robin reversal? Thanks!
Oooh, I love tiny!Jason stories. But, to be honest, without Robin Reversal it has to be either only Dick and Jason without Tim and others; or time travel; or mmm Jason being the youngest while everyone else keeps their age? I don’t think I read or saw a story like that, sorry.
1. Icarus and Bubble Gum by Lysical
It wasn't Jason's fault that they couldn't find him. He'd left a note. How was he supposed to know they couldn't read it?
He'd done nothing to deserve this. __ "Can you read that for me?"
Wrinkling his nose, Jason leaned forward and stretched out over the desk to grab the note. He turned it around several times in his hands. "Uh, I was kind of in a rush when I was writing it."
Jason could kind of maybe understand why Alfred had trouble reading it, actually. He didn't exactly have the neatest handwriting.
It has humorous dialogue and Robin-era Jason and Bruce parenting him. I couldn’t keep a smile off my face while reading, and I am confident you won’t be able to, either.
2.Into the Blue series by blueiben, starting with From the alley:
Jason Todd stumbles upon something bizarre when looting for scraps one night, thus changing the course of several lives.
The first part of the series is finished, the second is not yet but still, it’s a great story about Jason coming to live at Manor.
3. DCU Omega AU series starting with You’re Alone ‘til You’re Not Alone by  WorkingChemistry
Dick has moved to Bludhaven to get away from Bruce and is doing his best to establish himself as Nightwing. It’s going well, but it would probably go better if he didn’t come running every time Bruce calls.
This time Bruce needs him on babysitting duty, and it’s not just for Gotham. Bruce has League work, Jason can’t leave the state, and Alfred’s on vacation so that leaves Dick to pick up the slack once again. Jason isn’t pleased with the situation either, so there’s that... Dick’s just hoping he can bribe Jason into spending the weekend in the library so he won’t have to deal with the prickly boy.
Then they find evidence of a prostitution ring sending young children into forced heats and kidnapping them. Can they set aside their issues, or is Roy going to be stuck playing referee the whole time?
Hey, this is a great case fic I forgot to include into my long case fics rec post! I am sorry guys, this is a really great case fic, imo, and it also has Robin Jason.
And, it’s Omega AU and it’s a Gen Fic so even if Omegaverse isn’t usually your cup of tea, I still recommend giving it a try.
4. Neverland by Hinn_Raven
One night, while on patrol, twelve year old Jason Todd falls through a portal... and lands in the future. If only people would actually tell him what's going on...
It’s a great time travel fic. It really heartfelt and the ending is very hopeful. Not that it won’t make you want to cry a little in the middle.
5.  apricitas by atlasky
“Why are you here?” Hal asks, feeling the beginning of a headache pounding in his skull.
The kid stops chewing on Hal’s potato chips and looks at him as if he’s stupid for asking that. “Because Batman hates you the most, duh.”
Absolutely hilarious, as the summary promises. But also, coming from Hal’s POV, it’s a little sad if you think about Hal’s own relationships with his family. Short fic but very pleasant story to read! This, like FabulaRasa’s batlantern fics, makes me crave for more Hal&Jason fics (but I don’t know any other).
6. by @rijomu‘s suggestion, Retrograde Motion  by Lysical
All Jason wanted was a case that was simple, clean, and far away from the latest mess in Gotham. Magic wasn't the Outlaws' area of expertise, but they soon found themselves investigating a dark wizard with a penchant for organ harvesting.
When an accident on the case leaves Jason as a clueless seven year old with a memory that's spotty at best, what else can his team do but go to his family for help?
I have not read it before but so far this Jason is very cute, and also an absolute terror to his brothers. Fun!
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nerianasims · 4 years
Billboard #1s 1977
Under the cut.
Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis, Jr. – “You Don’t Have To Be A Star (To Be In My Show)” -- January 8, 1977
They will be happy with each other as they are, not needing a "star." It sounds literal, like they think most people only want to have relationships with celebrities. It's got some bounce and a beat, but it's very light and not poetic at all. Meh.
Leo Sayer – “You Make Me Feel Like Dancing” -- January 15, 1977
Shouty falsetto. It might be disco if it were faster. I am not listening to this whole thing, because it will give me a headache.
Stevie Wonder – “I Wish” -- January 22, 1977
One of the greatest musical intros. It's a funk song about nostalgia, wishing for childhood again, and I normally hate that. But the music is amazing.
Rose Royce – “Car Wash” -- January 29, 1977
This was an intro song for a movie of the same name. I had no idea. I just thought someone decided to sing about working at a car wash randomly. The song is a little bit Motown, a little bit disco. It's fun.
Mary MacGregor – “Torn Between Two Lovers” -- February 5, 1977
It's slow, it's soppy, and it's about how she's cheating on "you" with someone else. She truly loves you, but she's not gonna stop seeing the other guy, whom she loves too. It sounds like she wants to try this whole poly thing she's heard about. But is the guy she's singing to gonna be okay with that? Probably not. Most people aren't. Maybe though. I don't care. For being about a subject that should be heartrending, this song sure is boring.
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band – “Blinded By The Light” -- February 19, 1977
This version made it to #1. Bruce Springsteen's original didn't even make it to the charts. This version is really bad -- it sounds like a recitation surrounded by goop, not a song. Bruce Springsteen's version is one of my favorite songs. I am going to sulk now.
Eagles – “New Kid In Town” -- February 26, 1977
Huh, an Eagles hit I've never heard before. This is about fame, how everyone loves you at first, then forgets you when the next big thing comes along. They try to shoehorn some stuff about romance in -- "Will she still love you when you're not around?" -- but it doesn't really flow. Also the song sounds like it should be playing in the background of a cabana. Fittingly for a song worried people will forget them, I have already forgotten this song.
Barbra Streisand – “Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)” -- March 5, 1977
I listened to this song for 30 seconds. No more. I cannot stand Barbra Streisand. I don't think I'd like this song anyway, as it's glop, but maybe a different singer could have made it tolerable.
Daryl Hall & John Oates – “Rich Girl” -- March 26, 1977
Rich girls get picked on while rich boys are the ones who usually get away with everything. This song was actually originally about a rich guy, too. It would have been better. It's still good musically, but it misses the mark. Not that rich girls don't also get away with plenty, but compare and contrast what happened to Paris Hilton for her venial sins, versus the entire existence of Donald Trump.
ABBA – “Dancing Queen” -- April 9, 1977
ABBA was a good group. They were hated on, and now they're more likely to be exalted. They didn't deserve the hate (save it for the Bee Gees), but they're not the second coming or anything either. They were just a good, fun group. This song can be danced to, but it's a song more about dance than a dancing song. It's a rare song observing a young woman dancing while identifying with her, rather than lusting after her. "You can dance/ You can jive/ Having the time of your life." It's good.
David Soul – “Don’t Give Up On Us” -- April 16, 1977
The narrator did something really bad last night. Cheating? Worse? Now he's telling his lover not to "give up on us." As soft as the song is, "tell" is the word, not "ask." And he doesn't apologize once. Also, David Soul was a professional actor, but there's no worry in his voice; he's nothing but smooth and assured here. Blech.
Thelma Houston – “Don’t Leave Me This Way” -- April 23, 1977
It's disco with a large dose of Motown, or Motown with a large dose of disco. Either way, it works. Everything lines up with precision, and then Thelma Houston comes in over all of it with huge emotion. The contrast is sort of fascinating. Oh, and her huge emotion is that she wants sex. "Then come on, satisfy the need in me/ 'Cause only your good loving can set me free." She's not begging, but she's not exactly commanding either. It's really good.
Glen Campbell – “Southern Nights” -- April 30, 1977
It's Kidz Bop honky tonk. That's probably not fair; Glen Campbell grew up in a family of poor sharecroppers in Arkansas. But it's what I hear. It's happy clappy, and scrubbed clean of anything real.
Eagles – “Hotel California” -- May 7, 1977
Whatever you think this song is about, it's not about that. The Eagles wrote it with a mish-mash of stuff in mind, but mostly trying to be ambiguous. What that means is that whatever you think this song is about, it is about that. It's a choose your own adventure psychological horror song. I love it. It makes me happy in that way that good poetry and good music do -- and this is both.
Leo Sayer – “When I Need You” -- May 14, 1977
This song is cheese. Absolute, unadulterated cheese. But it's not bad cheese. It's a good solid cheddar. It's slow but not too slow, soft but not too soft, and it manages some interesting percussion. And Sayer sings like he means it. It's about missing his lover while he's on the road, and he imagines she's with him to get by. "When I need you/ I just close my eyes and I'm with you." It sounds kind of like a Broadway ballad. It's enjoyable.
Stevie Wonder – “Sir Duke” -- May 21, 1977
A song about Duke Ellington, which is a subject I approve of. Stevie Wonder also lists a few more legends, including one of my favorites: "And with a voice like Ella's ringing out/ There's no way the band can lose." It's a love song to music itself. It's sort of big band, sort of funk, and sort of Motown, and it works. The lyrics do get too repetitive for me near the end, though.
KC & The Sunshine Band – “I’m Your Boogie Man” -- June 11, 1977
It's a wordplay on the "bogie man" monster. But the boogie man wants to show up and give you whatever you want whenever you want however you want. Sexually. The song actually has more lyrics than most KC & The Sunshine Band songs, but it's still a song to dance to. Not to have sex to. But for dancing? Yep, it's good.
Fleetwood Mac – “Dreams” -- June 18, 1977
YAY! Okay so I have no interest in Fleetwood Mac without Lindsay Buckingham and Stevie Nicks. But when they joined in 1975, Fleetwood Mac became truly great. And this song is from Rumours, which is their best album (forged out of a hell of a lot of intragroup pain), and written and sung by Stevie Nicks, who was their best artist. My parents played this record and their previous self-titled one all the time. I didn't fully understand the songs when I was a kid, but I loved them. As I grew old enough to understand them, I loved them more. And now I love them more than that. I can't analyze this song. I love it too much.
Marvin Gaye – “Got To Give It Up (Part 1)” -- June 25, 1977
At first, he was uncomfortable at parties and didn't want to dance. But then he loosened up enough to dance, pretty obviously as a way to pick up chicks. There's the horrible line "Let me step into your erotic zone." The music is experimental. Marvin Gaye's falsetto is fine, but it's still a falsetto the whole damn song. And there are people making party noises in the background the whole time. I find this song painful.
Bill Conti – “Gonna Fly Now (Theme From Rocky) -- July 2, 1977
You know this instrumental, you've heard it tons. It's a good movie theme -- I think. It's hard to say, when it's something that's been so often present in so many different contexts in my life.
Alan O’Day – “Undercover Angel” -- July 9, 1977
The undercover angel is a make believe woman from a sex dream. At the end of the song, he's telling "you" that you remind him of the undercover angel, so you must be meant to be with him. It's an extended "I've seen you in my dreams" pickup line. It's so dumb.
Shaun Cassidy – “Da Doo Ron Ron” -- July 16, 1977
This is an excruciatingly boring cover of The Crystals' classic 60s girl group song.
Barry Manilow – “Looks Like We Made It” -- July 23, 1977
He's singing to an ex. They both "made it" because they found other people. Until "Looks like we made it/ Or I thought so till today/ Until you were there everywhere." If they get back together it's not going to be easy, because they'll be leaving relationships that seem happy. I don't think they'll get back together -- besides, she may not feel anything for him any more. It's a more complex song than it sounds. And Barry Manilow sure can sing. I wish he'd gone with the jazz songs he preferred, but then he wouldn't have been hugely successful. He decided to pull the rhinestone cowboy trick, and I can't blame him. He did make the soppy 70s charts more tolerable than they would have otherwise been.
Andy Gibb – “I Just Want To Be Your Everything” -- July 30, 1977
For instance, without Barry Manilow, Andy Gibb would probably have had more hits. Gibb's voice is thin. If you're going to sing a line like "Oh, if I, if I stay here without you darlin' I will die," you need some power and drama behind it. This guy sounds like he's trying to sell kitchen tile. It's a relatively fast song, but the beat is somehow irritating too. Blech.
The Emotions – “Best Of My Love” -- August 20, 1977
It starts with a blast of horns, and then a blast of singing. Then the chorus is quieter than the rest, which is weird to me. I can't put my finger on why this song bores me, but it does.
Meco – “Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band” -- October 1, 1977
A disco mashup of the Star Wars theme with the cantina band theme. That happened. I love John Williams' music and I think he deserves credit for at least half of Star Wars' success. But I think this remix sounds extremely dumb. Someone slowed down the cantina band theme a couple years ago and that sounds very noir and cool. This doesn't.
Debby Boone – “You Light Up My Life” -- October 15, 1977
The person who wrote this song was completely and absolutely terrible. But Debby Boone isn't. She's a Christian singer, but seems to be one of the nice ones, not the wingnut fundie ones. Anyway, she wasn't a Christian singer in 1977 (though she was Christian). And she had a good voice. But she sings this song painfully slowly. It sounds like she comes in after where she's supposed to come in and then draws out the notes longer than she's supposed to. I don't know if that's her or the song itself. I sped up the song to 1.25 and it's a little more palatable, but it's still bad. It's a trudge. I don't feel lit up after this.
The Bee Gees – “How Deep Is Your Love” -- December 24, 1977
It's not falsetto, though Barry Gibb does go uncomfortably high some. But it's still very bad. It's a string of bland cliches over bland music. And the weird 70s male romance song entitlement: "And it's me you need to show/ How deep is your love?" Shut up.
BEST OF 1977 -- "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac  WORST OF 1977 -- "Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band" by Meco. People really would disco to anything, huh?
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dilfdoctordoom · 4 years
What do the JL think of Bette? Specifically Barry, Hal, Clark, Arthur, Ollie, and Diana
I very much love that you included two of my favourite characters here.
Bette spent many of her formative years in Gotham, so you can bet your ass that this girl is ACAB
Now, I don’t know if you’ve been called a bastard by a thirteen-year-old in a red dress, but Barry Allen has
Life-altering experience
He spends an hour asking Bruce what he did wrong, why does Bat-Girl hate him? He hasn’t even spoken to her yet what could he have done
And Bruce just... the fun explanation that she hates all cops. Instantly. Oh you’re a CSI that must be fun, it doesn’t matter, it’s already on sight for you
Like, okay, in Gotham? Pretty much every cop is dirty. Gordon, Montoya & Bullock are the only ones that Bette knows aren’t & she still doesn’t really trust them
So she’s not gonna be particularly nice to Barry Allen & Bruce literally has to tell her to behave
(Kathy is very amused by it all)
There’s a moment where Barry thinks she just hates speedsters, but then she & Wally seem to be getting on great. Like, Kid Flash is awesome, cool fast guy. Flash is a cop & therefore she cannot trust him
Bat-Girl: I can respect you as a hero but I do not like you as a person
So, yeah, Barry’s, uh, iffy on her. He’s sure she’s a great hero & she seems nice to the others, but he’d really rather not work with her, even when she’s Flamebird/Hawkfire. Especially when she’s Flamebird/Hawkfire, then she’s got tasers & flamethrowers
Very different from how she interacts with Barry
Mainly because she first meets Hal after Kathy’s died & she goes to Coast City as part of her whole ‘run away from her emotions’ thing
She’s always loved the beach & Coast is supposed to be so nice. Plus, they’ve got Green Lantern; they’re not gonna need her to suit up, are they?
And then there’s an incident with Manhunters & like, Hal’s got this handled, no doubt about it, but also, Bette is impulsive & has a massive hero complex & yes she does suit up & help out. She does it because it’s right, because she’s angry, just because
But Hal kinda freaks out? Because she’s a kid and yeah, that might fly in Gotham where Batman can keep an eye on her, but oh god, what if he was fighting Sinestro? That’s low key terrifying to him, he doesn’t wanna put a kid in danger
He’s still good with kids. Like, that’s canon, he’s just good with them. So he & Bette do get along & after he gets over the initial ‘please do not fight mass murdering robots you need adult supervision & idk if I qualify for that’, they do actually spend time together!
Mainly because Hal isn’t too comfortable letting a teenage vigilante who just experienced a massive lost be alone & honestly? He’s right. Like, Kathy has just died & Bette threw herself into an extremely dangerous fight... red flags all around, my dudes
So they do work together while she’s in Coast. She only stays a few weeks before she moves on, but she does kinda like Green Lantern?
And the feeling’s mutual. They don’t really keep in contact but Hal keeps an eye on the news to make sure she’s okay & not, uh, dead
They don’t actually meet face to face until a dumb Justice League party years later & then they discover that Bruce finds Hal annoying... he finds the concept of Bette & Hal even being acquaintances annoying... he’s given them the ultimate weapon. Bruce Wayne goes grey earlier and it’s because Hal & Bette spend an entire night pretending that they went on a massive space adventure, full of danger & peril, solely to drive up his blood pressure
Hal doesn’t look into her identity all that much, but thinks she’s fun. Anyone who annoys Bruce for fun is cool in his book
(And I know this is supposed to focus on his feelings about her but consider: Bette meets the Green Lantern of Coast City & he lets her stay in his shitty rundown apartment. Everything that can go wrong for him seems to, but he’s still there, making jokes and saving people and doing the right thing. His willpower keeps him going, even on the darkest of nights and maybe, just maybe, Bette’s stubbornness picked up a little bit of inspiration for somebody along the way)
(And maybe, maybe, she joins the fight against Parallax and realizes just how far her heroes can fall)
Um, well, I absolutely headcanon that Clark gave Bette the name Flamebird. Like, told her the story, made a series of not-so-subtle mentions that she should take up the name...
So, yes, Clark knows Bette
She’s Bruce’s cousin, after all, and he’s his best friend. Of course, their paths would cross, especially with how often Clark seemed to work with Batman & Robin when they first started out
He’s worked with her a lot when she’s Bat-Girl & every single time, Bette is starstruck because oh my god, that’s Superman, she’s talking to Superman, she’s working with Superman
He tells her the legend of Nightwing & Flamebird when she’s a kid & she loves the concept of Flamebird. She’s only twelve at the time, but something about it clicks with her
And when she gives up on being Bat-Girl, but is still determined to be a hero, he suggests Flamebird
(Bette absolutely tears up at this)
They don’t really work together when she gets older, except on big, world ending disasters that require the entire Justice League’s attention, but he still sends her one of Ma Kent’s apple pies for the holidays
Clark’s just the cool uncle from when was younger
She stills freaks out a little every time he talks to her, though
She’s never gonna get over knowing Superman
It took me a while to think about this but, yes, Arthur likes Bette
Mainly because Bette is a friend of La’gaan’s. That’s pretty much how he knows her
He doesn’t even know she’s a part of the Batfamily for years, because she’s always seen with the Titans
So, like, he doesn’t really know her that much, but she’s a good friend to one of his sidekicks & La’gaan’s already made passing mentions to crashing at her & Gar’s place, so. Yeah. She got Aquaman’s seal of approval
Though Arthur is always gonna be entertained by how much teasing Flamebird is allowed to get away with. Most of the League may not be aware of her Special Cousin Privilages, he isn’t either, but it’s absolutely hilarious to see her tear into Batman at random
11/10, good friend to La’gaan, very entertaining. Would be better if she could keep a goldfish alive
Okay, so, Ollie is, like, shown to be nicer to the younger heroes, Kyle excluded because he’s dating his son, so she’s gonna be nice to her. Or, at least, Ollie nice. Hm.
He thinks she’s way too small when she first starts out because even when she’s eleven, Bette still looks like she’s nine, but she’s got two heroes looking out for her & with a kid sidekick of his own, he’s not in a place to judge
Aside from one poor team-up between Green Arrow & Speedy and Batwoman & Bat-Girl, where Ollie & Kathy absolutely butted heads, oh my god, they’d hate each other, he didn’t see much of her. He works in Star, she works in Gotham, when are their paths gonna cross
While she works less with most Leaguers the older she gets, she actually ends up working more with Ollie when she’s older
Mainly ‘cause she’s friends with Roy & Cass may be friends with Connor, but that doesn’t mean she can drive so sometimes she’ll get Bette to bring her to Star
Which is honestly what Ollie knows her most as: Batgirl’s older sister who’ll lend a hand whenever she’s in Star
She’s good with kids, efficient & a little showy, but he really can’t judge that last part. Got Roy & Dinah’s stamp of approval, though, & that goes a long way with him
They never, like, exclusively work together, but she’s good to call on in an emergency
He did do a double take when she called Deathstroke ‘uncle’ though because... well, look, at Flamebird. Now look at Deathstroke. Do you see his confusion? It only grows when Slade lets out the most exasperated sigh, mutters something about how he wishes he could kill her without Addie getting mad, and then Bette sticks her tongue out to him & makes some joke about the shitshow he married into
Well. At least his family will never involve Deathstroke
Diana gave Bette the shovel talk
This is when DonnaBette is happening & close to figuring out each other’s identities & probably the biggest hint for Bette is Wonder Woman flying down to tell her that if she breaks Wonder Girl’s heart, she’ll have her to answer to
So. Diana’s first impression of Bette is Flamebird having an anerysm on a rooftop in Gotham because she just realized she’s dating Wonder Girl
The absolute dumbassary of DonnaBette, unparalled
Diana likes Bette, thinks she’s probably a great person, but it is her legal job as Donna’s big sister to make it clear that if anything happens to her baby sister, it means war
They end up meeting later, after Donna & Bette have had their mutual break-up, when Diana is working with Kate & Bette is still unable to form a full sentence. Wonder Woman oh my god, oh my god, her brain doesn’t work that’s actual literal Wonder Woman oh my go-
Bruce did later let it slip that after the Maxwell Lord incident, Bette was 100% on Wonder Woman’s side, which she honestly didn’t expect, but eh. Bette’s not as big on the whole no killing as her cousin
Diana mainly knows Bette in the capacity of her being Donna’s girlfriend
Definitely prefers her to some of Donna’s other partners ie Terry because I don’t csre what anyone says, that relationship was trash & I will not pretend that miss Diana Prince was okay with her nineteen-year-old sister dating a divorcee in his thirties that was also her professor
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marcmyworks · 5 years
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Quentin Tarantino is one of the best directors of both the 20th and 21st Century, which started with his first wide release film in 1992. He has just recently released his 9th (or 10th depending on your point of view) film, Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood to rave reviews. As one of my favourite directors, I have decided to list rank each of his films. I want to first state that I love everything this man puts out, just some more than others. Lets begin.
*Spoilers below*
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10. The Hateful Eight (2015)
The Hateful Eight is the least successful in Tarantino’s repertoire and I don’t mean financially. This film just seems to have little to no likeability, and before you say it, I do understand that each character is ‘hateful’ but at times it seems quite forced. 
Though well written and acted, it feels that the shocking moments are put in there simply to shock rather than provide any interest. We have the story of eight characters trapped in a cabin during a snowstorm, the film is Western themed, there is a revenge plot as well a bounty hunter. I really do not think this is a bad film in any regard, and it even feels like the sister film to Reservoir Dogs, but in terms of style and content it feels like a mishmash of things the audience has seen before from the Director, like his greatest hits, rather than a new and original story.
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9. Death Proof (2007)
A lot of critics, and even Tarantino himself, have put this as the lowest ranking of his films on their list, I disagree. This may not be the most fleshed out story, but it is one of the most fun. I am ranking the unrated version of the film, as the theatrical version was cut down from its 113 minutes to 87 minutes to be incorporated as the Grindhouse double feature (with Robert Rodriguez’s Planet Terror). The shorter version is the one critics saw and I don’t believe it does the full film justice. 
Death Proof is inspired by Grindhouse revenge films such as I Spit on Your Grave and include a multitude of young starlets and even re-launched the career of actor Kurt Russell. Overall the film is quite good though there are instances where it is quite obvious that a man wrote the female dialogue, which in the Me-Too age isn’t as acceptable. An example of this can be read here, where this character speaks about her father:
“Look, he’s totally harmless and cute as a bug's ear! But you know, when he's got a bunch of half-naked poontang walking the floor of his lake house, he just likes to pay us a visit and make sure we got everything we need.”
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8. Reservoir Dogs (1992)
Tarantino’s first full length film is the smallest scale of his career as most of it takes place in one room. Though the scale is small, the dialogue and action are immense, the characters fleshed out and, in most ways, stands the test of time. The film was well received by audiences and made more than twice its meager budget, but at times it is quite obvious this was shot by a new director still formulating his style. Tim Roth (as Mr. Orange) is excellent as the newest member of the gang and his relationship with Harvey Keitel (Mr. White) is one of the strongest bromances in cinema history.
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7. Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood (2019)
Though advertised as an accurate biographical account of the Manson Murders in 1960s Hollywood, this film is actually more fictional, less about these murders and more a love letter to the actors of that time. The story is centred around director Roman Polanski and wife Sharon Tate’s fictional neighbour, actor Rick Dalton and his stunt man Cliff Booth (based screen legends Steve McQueen and Burt Reynolds and the latter’s stunt-double Hal Needham). The film explores how the two are struggling to adapt to the ever-changing Hollywood, paralleling with the growth of the Manson family who are interested with the Tate/Polanski household. Though a long film, it does quite well at showcasing the struggles of actors in Hollywood, the indulgence of the rich and the rise of a fanatic cult.
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6. Jackie Brown (1997)
In the 1990s Tarantino was one of the biggest Directors around, he had won an Oscar for his writing and audiences were anxiously awaiting his third film. After acquiring the film rights to Elmore Leonard’s novel ‘Rum Punch’, Tarantino started writing Jackie Brown with the intent on giving the script to another director; however, Leonard loved the script so much Tarantino decided to direct himself.
Jackie Brown takes inspiration from Blaxploitation films like Coffy and Foxy Brown, though with a slower pace and using much less action. Pam Grier, star of both the aforementioned films, was Tarantino’s only choice for the lead role and to this day he is amazed that she was not nominated for an Oscar. The film is a slow burn compared to Tarantino’s previous two movies and does have its issues with pacing and story consistency but does contain more humour.
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5. Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003)
The Kill Bill films are two of the coolest of Tarantino’s career; from the opening Klingon proverb, to the Pussy Wagon to the schlocky gore, this film was every film geek’s dream. Tarantino promised Uma Thurman that her birthday present would be the lead in his next film and a year after promising her this he delivered her the script. Originally conceived as one long epic film, it was split into two by production as it was felt the first half of the film had a different tone to the second. Producers also wanted to ensure it was a box office success and a four-hour film in the modern age was too much of a gamble. The first Kill Bill provides the groundwork for what is rarely seen in Hollywood, an even better sequel.
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4. Django Unchained (2012)
Django is similar to the original film from 1966 in name only, as this version focuses on pre-American Civil War racism, slavery and the liberation a slave named Django. The film feels more like an homage to one of the biggest budget exploitation film of all time, Mandingo. It's a very simple story of a man who is trying to save his wife and along the way befriends a bounty hunter who aids him in his quest, but it is effective as it is a criticism of racism that still continues in the United States. Jamie Foxx does an excellent job portraying the titular character with Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio and Samuel L. Jackson wonderfully playing the supporting roles.
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3. Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004)
I will say there is a large debate in the fan community whether the Kill Bill films should be ranked together as one film (as Tarantino states they should be), or whether they are two separate entities of a franchise as well which one is the better of the two. Upon first watching the films I was a bit disappointed Volume 2 did not have the same amount of camp violence as the first, as this film feels to be more a Spaghetti Western revenge film rather than a Samurai thriller. However, upon the re-watching the film multiple times it is quite obvious through the dialogue, storytelling and excellent cinematography that this is the superior film and is a contender for the top spot of Tarantino’s filmography.
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2. Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Inglorious Basterds is one of the films that not only has incredible star power but also has amazing gravitas. The film made Irish actor Michael Fassbender and German actor Christoph Waltz popular with American audiences with the latter’s excellent performance winning him the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. The Basterds, a team of Jewish mercenary’s who capture, interrogate and kill Nazis and are played by a group of talents including Brad Pitt, Eli Roth and B.J. Novak. They are up against the evil Hans Landa (Waltz) also known as “The Jew Hunter”, a Nazi Colonel who is employed to ensure security for a film event being attended by Adolf Hitler. The film itself is a tribute to American war propaganda films from the 1940s, and though one of his most brutal, is truly one of Tarantino’s best writing efforts.
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1. Pulp Fiction (1994)
I know this is the obvious choice, but with good reason. Pulp Fiction is the first film anyone thinks of when they think Tarantino. Made up of seemingly random story vignettes and inspired by pulp magazines, Tarantino devised to make a film made up of simple short stories that only later the viewer could see were actually intertwined. Tarantino proved he could make interesting films on a smaller scale with his critically acclaimed film Reservoir Dogs and was able to bring in major stars such as Bruce Willis, Uma Thurman, John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson, the latter of whom would star in or have roles in most of his pictures. The film was a box-office success and won several awards including the Academy Award for best writing. Though Tarantino has had many excellent films in his career, Pulp Fiction will always be the most iconic and original.
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arkhamknxghts · 7 years
Oop I got carried away anyways jaykyle headcanons
•Kyle does his best to be the Santa that Jason never had don’t @ me
•Jason: I want to cut my hair I want a change
Kyle: I support you I’m going to dye my hair
•Kyle: “which safe house are you at im omw”
Jason: #4
Kyle: where’s that one
Kyle: nvm just meet me at the bank
•late night movie theaters Jason falls asleep against his shoulder and is laying down in his lap if the seats are connected
•Kyle: wtf I only have $3.77 in my bank account
Bruce or Jason overhearing and so Kyle wakes up with $3,003.77 in his account
•Jason: Bruce did an okay job at being my father figure we can share I guess
Kyle: sure I’ll put your achievements on my mom’s fridge im sure she won’t mind
*puts jason’s drawing of a flower on it*
•Kyle picks up photography and filmmaking so he tried to film everything him and Jason do together.
*first kiss, first sober kiss, first night he spent over, first roadtrip, first date*
•Jason drives during the road trips because he’s calm and collected while driving and he reactions to bad drivers near him quickly
•Kyle to Jason at 1am at a gas station: I love your bags
Jason: I appreciate it
*kyle kissss him under each eye and Jason flinches*
•Kyle snorts and Jason cries when they find something hilarious
•Jason: so Alfred taught me how to make bacon and eggs without setting something on fire in kitchen here’s some breakfast in bed
•Bruce always reminding Kyle that a part of him is still going to be protective over Jason despite Jason’s history “so don’t think that just because he… doesn’t mean I will…”
•Hal was trying to find a reason to dislike Jason but he sees that Jason and Kyle get along so oddly that there’s nothing plus him and Jason bond over their love to annoy Bruce
•he still annoys them both about protection tho
•Hal: is Jason that good of a fuck that I have to deal with bats even more now
Kyle not understanding what “of a fuck” means: yes
•Kyle coming home to a load of take out food that Jason ordered
•Forehead kisses for you
•Kyle’s phone storage running out because most videos on his phone are of Jason doing some silly thing like dancing towards the camera at a party or other video shots he wasn’t done editing (his favorite is that one time Jason was getting frustrated at putting up furniture but Jason looked so good in Kyle’s shirt and messy hair it makes Kyle homesick when he watches it), up close to Jason covering his eyes, (this one was early in their relationship) Jason smoking and looking sideways at him with glassy eyes, Jason looking at Kyle with these sleepy googly eyes and Kyle will look at the photo with so much pride and another is Jason with a butterfly on his face which took 5 years off of Kyle’s lifespan
•Jason: can I
•Jason is comfortable crying in front of Kyle, Kyle reminds him that he loves him with snot and big tears and all
•Jason brings Kyle back a picture and a souviner from every country’s iconic structure
Kyle starts to tear up
•Kyle “I brought you a rock” Rayner
Jason “this is the best thing anyone has ever gotten me I’m going to sleep with it for the next month” Todd
•Kyle brings back books and other materials that aren’t on Earth back to Jason because he know Jason loves learning more about anything there is to learn everyday
•Kyle knows that Jason has the curiosity of a child, that’s what makes Jason so fun to be around with
•Kyle doing the upside down Spider-Man kiss with Jason when he comes back if he’s still wearing his green lantern unfirom
•on Jason’s bad days, Kyle will cook or turn the radio on at a soothing volume for Jason to feel a little better
• when Jason still doesn’t get out of bed Kyle will just spend the day with Jason’s silent form by watching tv and covering them both up with a blanket
•Kyle: do you want to get up? We can try to look up ways to make your explosions even bigger
“No thanks” in a soft voice
“Okay just get your rest tomorrow can be a brand new day”
•he reminds Jason that he doesn’t need to go anywhere when it’s his death anniversary and of course its understandable to still be upset about
•Jason will force Kyle to take a break at times or just to let himself go
•convo on the couch with the rain pattering outside the window ”I miss Alex, her birthday is coming up” “I’m sorry” *7 seconds of silence* “do you want to talk about it?”
•Kyle: this piece is trash
Jason: our definitions of trash are very different
•Jason: so I found this frame for you
Kyle: you mean stole it?
Jason: no one else grabbed it
•Kyle: wtf he teaches me something new everyday
•Kyle wanted to do a cheesy ice skating date and it was fun and games until he found out that Jason is practically an ice skater mid way, leaving Kyle to throw snowballs at Jason from the sidelines because he sprained his ankle when he fell
•Jason carrying him to the apartment because “it’s only 6 blocks away I’ll be fine”
•Kyle: can you teach me how to shoot a gun
Jason: cAn yOu TEacH mE hOw tO sHoOt a gUN? What the fuck no
•Jason: can you take me to Oa? Dick wants to visit
•Kyle: cAn YoU tAkE mE tO oA? Hell no
•early in their relationship they exchanged nothing but drunk kisses at all the celebrations or parties like they were that annoying couple that took almost every fucking place to sit because they were just making out so no one really knew if they were together because they seemed like they already were ???
•Kyle makes fun of Jason when he’s driving because he’s overly cautious unlike Kyle who drives with one hand on the wheel at all times
•their first date or kiss or the fuck they refer it to was the first time they got together was some kind of mess. It wasn’t planned at all. It started from going to the cave for a meeting, Kyle asking Jason what’s to eat around Gotham, Jason taking Kyle to his favorite place and next thing you know they’re having a deep meaningful conversation in the back of one of the cars they borrowed from Bruce’s and they started to make out, Jason and Kyle had an argument of whose place is closer and they ended up going to Kyle’s hotel. Jason told himself he was going to leave early in the morning but that bitch was so tired from last night he stayed in until 12 and then they were like oh btw I always had a crush on you
(Thus is where Kyle’s first photo of Jason happened, when he was laying in bed still asleep, messy hair and all)
•weird conversations with no context like:
•”I’ll bet you that I can play the violin for $15”
“It wouldn’t even surprise me that this point”
•Jason while giving a foot massage to Kyle: your feet are the only feet I’m willing to touch
Kyle: good don’t foot massage cheat on me
•kyle: yeah he almost looked like he was never mind I’ll just sketch it out hold on
•Jason: does your facial hair grow out faster in space?
Kyle: I don’t know like *deep sigh* like it can
•*off key singing when making dinner “will you still love me when I’m no longer young and beautiful I know you will I know you will I know that you wil-“ “you don’t know me” from across the room
•Kyle has an hour long video of Jason lip syncing Moana word to word
•everytime bruce and Jason have a small argument Hal would act like he’s Jason’s dad. “Hey lad do you want to bat with me?” “Do you want to catch a burger with me?”
Kyle: that was supposed to be me what the hell
•Bruce: this is what we’re not going to do
•Kyle: Jason get your father figure or whatever you try refer to him as he keeps talking to my mom about a Wayne industries job
•Kyle out of no where: we should go skinny dipping
Kyle: babe stop yelling I’m right here
•Kyle washing the blood out of Jason’s hair when patrol or a mission goes wrong while Jason tries not to fall asleep
•Kyle hyping up Jason whenever Jason changes anything ranges to “why are your fingers fat they look like hotdogs sometimes” “you don’t see me asking why are you the way you are though”
•”add that to our sex playlist” “ok”
“please drop me off here I’ll just call Bruce or Alfred to pick me up”
•Jason sleeps better with Kyle, like Kyle is willing to wake him up at a reasonable time depending when he comes back and will try his best to stay up until he comes back from patrol
•All I’m saying is that Kyle helps Jason and Jason helps Kyle
•Bruce once walked in on Kyle decorating Jason’s hair with shampoo, he just silently closed the door
•Jason is very proud of Kyle like he tries to find time to talk someone’s ear off about his boyfriend. He treats the stories of Kyle without the ring with just as much pride as the stories of Kyle with the ring
•every birthday they try to make their gift/surprise bigger than the last one for an example Jason thought that putting fireworks outside the window and he somehow manipulated it to catch on fire when the window is open so he thought this was a good idea
•Kyle somehow managed to get his hands on C4, gunpowder, and tickets to the aquarium
•I’m not saying Jason appreciates s the color green because of Kyle after hating it since his robin days but that’s exactly what I’m saying
•told Kyle that he green reminds him of Kyle not just being of the lantern gig but because it reminds him of how warm and hopeful it is like him
•their dynamic and timing of the relationship is perfect with each other because they’re not around each other so much where they get annoyed of each other quickly
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kanawolf · 7 years
The amount of fics in the Hal tag that basically amount to "Bruce is in love with Clark but Clark is straight/dating Lois so he settles for Hal (because Hal can't POSSIBLY have any traits worth loving) but then Clark gets jealous" is so bad, especially since Hal has all those abandonment issues. I wish there could be like a week of more positive Hal fic.
I do too anon. I love Hal, and it’s canon that a lot of people love/like him. (Side note: personally, I’ve thought Hal (and most GL’s except John and/or Guy) is pansexual because of aliens.) Also, i think more people need to actually realize, understand, and accept that Hal has, not only abandonment issues, but PTSD, and a few other canon mental health issues. So writing those fics is terrible because of that, and also Bruce has a hella lot of issues to, so it’s always seemed like the writer just ignored the issues of both characters. Idk, those fics I usually just scroll past because those types of relationships can be abusive and I’m not into reading about my boy in those kind of things. 
That sounds like a great idea! I want to start that now. Make a week for Hal positive/Hal appreciation on tumblr for fics, gifsets, fanart, etc. It sounds fun!
(not gonna lie, I ship batlantern, but when it’s healthy and written in such a way that it seems plausible, because Bruce and Hal can get along, they just don’t do it often. Especially around the rest of the League. Please don’t hate me)
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
The Bat(mom) Glare - Batmom x Batfamily
Summary : Everyone feels a bit...uneasy when Batmom gives them that glare.
I know I said the next fic would be about a jealous Bruce, but I had a dream last night about this story down there, and just had to write it, hoping it’s not too bad, hoping you’ll like it. As usual feedbacks are welcome ! Here : 
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
It was at the very beginning of your relationship with Bruce that you discovered your “superpower”. Before that, you never really noticed, even though it was already there...No, it really was about four months in dating the Batman that you truly realized this capacity of yours. 
You had been friend with Bruce for years, and you knew about his nightly activities since quite a while...So when he told you you two shouldn’t be together anymore because it was dangerous, you couldn’t help but sarcastically laugh and give him your best “really ?” face. 
What, all those years it wasn’t dangerous and all of a sudden, as your relationship started to get serious, it became life threatening ? 
You remember him scoffing at you, saying it had nothing to do with you and him getting “serious”, while you perfectly knew it had everything to do with it. 
Words were useless to convince him, he was such a stubborn man, and he wouldn’t listen...So you just stared at him. Glared at him. You did not turn your gaze away, you did not leave like he told you to. 
You ignored Alfred and his sorry look, when he told you to follow him out of the batcave. You ignored Bruce when he started yelling at you to leave. You just glared at him, you kept your eyes on his silhouette. Until he said : 
-Stop looking at me like that. 
You didn’t stop. Because all of this was bullshit. Because he was pushing you away for a stupid reason. Because you knew he was doing it only cause he was afraid to get too close from someone and loose them too, like he lost his parents...So you just kept staring, glaring, without saying a word. 
-Stop (Y/N), please.
He tried to keep his composure for a long time. Damn stubborn man. 
Only, on that day, he realized that you were way more stubborn than he’ll ever be. Only, on that day, he realized, as your eyes wouldn’t leave his form, he could not go on without you. But he still resisted. For appearances maybe ? Or maybe he thought you’d eventually give up. You did not. You would never give up on him, he just had to deal with it. 
-Stop...stop looking at me like that...(Y/N)...please...
His voice was cracking. You had won. He knew it. You knew it. Because the reason he was pushing you away was bullshit. Being around him was dangerous ? Well big deal, leaving in fucking Gotham was dangerous anyway ! So you stared at him, glared at him, until he gave up. 
He needed you. Your support. Your presence. He knew it, you knew it. And under your intense gaze, he realized just to what extend he loved you. 
Love ? Yes. Yes it was definitely that. An intense, deep, unbreakable bond had always existed between you...and the day he finally asked you out, it became stronger than ever. No, he would not pushing you away because things were “dangerous”. You wouldn’t let him. So you stared, and he realized...
He realized just how doomed he was because of how much in love he was with you. Too damn much, probably...But it was a good kind of curse. He was glad to be doomed of loving you...
You stopped glaring at him when he fell into your arms, all his tough and emotionless demeanor gone. You stopped glaring at him once you knew he understood. You weren’t going anywhere. Period. At least, not until he’d stop loving you (which he knew would never happen. Could never happen. Hell, he was the one afraid you’d be tired of his shit and leave...But you’d never leave). 
On that day, he realized how much you meant to him, and you realized that you had magic eyes. If, with a simple glare, you could crack even the great Batman...Yup, you discovered your “superpower” the day Bruce understood you were the one and only. The love of his life. 
Of course, most of the time, the use of your “magical eyes” wouldn’t be in such intense moments, wouldn’t be to convince your now husband that you’d never leave him, no matter what.
Usually, it’d be just when someone pissed you off, annoyed you, you’d stare at them, face more serious than ever, and no matter the strength of their will, they’d end up apologizing to you. 
“The Batmom glare”. That’s how your sons came to call it. 
It worked on them just as much as it worked on their father. Whenever one of them would do something you didn’t like, mostly something rude, you’d glare at them until, head bends down, they’d say : 
-...Sorry mom. 
You used it a lot when they started to fight. For exemple, that time Damian and Tim were at it again, and almost started to fight...until they spotted you, glaring at them. They tried to ignore it, but it was impossible, your power glare was just too strong for them...They stopped, apologized to each other, shook hands and...under your gaze even hugged before going to watch a movie together. 
When Jason was acting out and was provoking his father on purpose...He would stop immediately when meeting your eyes. And under your gaze, he would mumble an apology, and your husband would act as if it was nothing (though every night he’d cuddle against you, in need of reassurance that his son did not hate him...Of course he didn’t hate him, he just wanted his attention, and didn’t really know how to get it...). 
Oh and let’s not talk about when you got wind of Dick’s bad habit of skipping school...He definitely never did it again. 
It just always worked. It solved so many problems in your life. 
Paparazzis would run away when you glared at them that way. 
Women who thought Bruce deserved better than you would never utter a word in your general direction ever again when you gave them the look. 
Politics and powerful men who tried to make you feel inferior to them because you were a woman, and “only Mr. Wayne’s spokesperson” would shiver under your gaze, and agree with whatever you’d say. 
Maybe sometimes you overused your “powers”, but Hell, it was the funniest thing to see all those people who thought they were better than you because you came from a poor neighborhood in Gotham, quiver when you glared at them. It was great to see the opinion they had of you change as you inspired respect just with your eyes. And through the years, less and less people dared to play the smart ass with Mrs. (Y/N) Wayne.
You used this glare though, only with people who deserved it. You would never intimidate someone just for fun. You were really a nice person, everyone who knew you personally would agree on that. You were an extremely empathic woman, and you did so much for Gotham’s disadvantaged communities. It’s just, sometimes, people should know better than to piss you off, you know ? 
You’d also glare a lot at people who were being rude or inappropriate, not only to you, but to people, even if said people were strangers. You just hated rudeness, and you’d make them apologize with your glare. 
Bruce thought it was insanely hot (except when it was destined to him...though the only time you glared at him was when he was being stubborn about something stupid). 
One day, while the entire Batfam was at the League’s headquarter, your friends that were present got surprised when you made Damian apologize to Superman (you couldn’t exactly remember what you son said, but you knew it was mean, and you hated free mean comments) by just looking at him intensely. 
Dick explained the “batmom glare” to them, and they were impressed...except for Hal, who did not believe in it. Well, up until you stared him down from across the room. Then, he definitely trusted your son’s words. 
You, a simple human (with some martial arts training, after all, you were the Batman’s wife), intimidated the mighty Green Lantern simply by looking at him.
With a smirk, you remember Jason saying, pointing at your husband : 
-And it works on him too. 
Bruce grumble incoherent sentences, trying to deny it...But then you gave him the glare, and, looking around at his friends, he said : 
-Yeah. Works on me too. 
They were impressed. And highly amused.  Laughter filled the room, and you and your sons thought it was the most hilarious thing ever when you stop them all dead in their track, stopped their laughter, by simply looking at them...Once you started to laugh though, quickly followed by your sons (hell, even Bruce smirked and chuckled), they understood you were joking, and laughed again. 
Still, Clark was properly freaked out. Hal would never underestimate you ever again. Barry was...strangely aroused ? (Which earned him a glare from your husband...scary too, and not at all arousing). Diana liked you even more, but also made sure to never annoy you. Arthur was impressed, and tried to glare at Dinah, who just laughed in his face and said he just wasn’t playing in the same sandbox than you...
Basically, the Justice League’s members learned to not get on your bad side. Not that it’d show often, but there were things, pet peeves of yours, that would make them glare at them, and they just avoided that, no matter how all mighty they were...You just had a way of intimidating them you know ?
“The Batmom glare”, that’s how your sons called it. 
You liked that name. It was suiting. 
You were so glad that you discovered this sort of “superpower” you had, the effect on people just a simple stare from you could have...Because it definitely helped in your every day life. 
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