#not instantly forgiven
briarmoon1015 · 1 year
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The league being sillies :))). Dc make them actual friends and not just coworkers I dare you
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cheekylittlepupp · 7 months
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He's just so...so precious
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itsabouttimex2 · 1 month
Not sure if you have covered this, but I’ll ask. How would you have gone about Macaque’s redemption arc…if it’s possible with how he was written before season four? No hate or debate, just curious. I like alternate takes on characters :3
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Hmm okay I thought on this for a little bit, and the crux of my problem with Macaque’s arc is that he’s established late Season Three to be “not a bad person” when-
1. He enjoys hurting people
2. He goes out of his way to hurt people
3. He hurts many people
4. He expresses no regret or remorse for hurting people
5. He faces no consequences for hurting innocent people aside from his intended victims winning their fights against him
6. His victims are reduced to a hivemind of non-autonomous set dressings who have no feelings on his presence or past crimes
And he promptly just becomes a person that everyone is okay with despite everything. So, if we have to keep the “one good action is enough to redeem you for betrayal, deceit, slandering, multiple counts of assault and attempted murder”, then we need to shift some things.
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So I think the best thing to do if we want the actual “redemption arc” to hit the way it’s supposed to in canon is-
1. Thin his list of victims
2. Thin his list of crimes to the point that one good deed is actually a reasonable atonement for all of them
3. Play up his victimhood at the hands of the Mayor
4. Establish his inability to escape from the Lady Bone Demon much sooner
If the crux of his arc is just being forgiven by ONE of his many victims and then becoming a good person, then we just need to sharply reduce the amount of victims he has to make the immediate and all-encompassing forgiveness feel more realistic.
When he’s “sieging” the city in Macaque, the Smoke Demon ignores everyone who isn’t MK and deals no structural damage, creating no victims aside from the Monkie Kid.
When he’s performing in Shadowplay, Macaque portals MK away to fight him alone, leaving everyone else unharmed, creating no victims aside from the kid.
Then, when he’s stolen away by the Mayor, either:
1. Lady Bone Demon implants him with her powers right away, preventing him from running away and immediately establishing him as desperate, or, what I’d argue for-
2. Send the Mayor with him.
When he receives the compass and is released, Macaque pulls a Bone Key-
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and throws it away, trying to shadow portal away, only to be greeted by
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The Mayor, who proceeds to outright accompany Macaque on this journey, thereby serving as a foil to Tang Sanzang.
Where Sun Wukong was taken under the wing of someone who genuinely cared for him and wanted to see him improve, Macaque is forcibly dragged along by an outright malicious figure who wants to see him rot.
(Fuck, have Lady Bone Demon give Macaque an ice circlet to seal the “foil” deal! Have him be forced into these actions in outright agony! It would help Sun Wukong sympathize with him, expediting the “forgiveness” that a redemption arc needs!)
In fact, every time Macaque tries to leave, or steps out of line or even just fails? You hear an offscreen thud and yelping and then when we get to see him next, there’s new bruises on his body, new tears in his clothes. His fur becomes messy. His eyes grow haunted.
Play up his victimhood to coax the audience into sympathizing with him.
Macaque tries to run. The Mayor hurts him. He tries to stall. The Mayor hurts him. He tries to argue. The Mayor hurts him. He tries to fight back. The Mayor beats him back into subservience.
Establish that Macaque has utterly exhausted all avenues of “escape” before he resorts to attacking the Monkie Kids, and even then, have him try to avoid the majority of them in favor of MK, only to be forced by the Mayor into actually fighting Mei, Tang, Sandy, and Pigsy.
So now every character understands why he’s doing this- and don’t have a reason to hold it against him or expect any further atonement because none of his worst actions (like sieging the Dragon Palace) actually need to be addressed- they aren’t his fault.
That basically solves all the problems I have with the “arc” as it stands, honestly.
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existence-is-overrated · 10 months
emmerdale can single-handedly reverse the downfall of soaps by bringing robert sugden back
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eerna · 2 months
Any hopes I can hear why you hate runnan? Legitimately curious about it tbh
Sure!!! I think the Runaan-Ethari-Rayla family unit is horribly written and it's because the writers can't commit to a consistent theme with them. In the first few episodes we learn Runaan is Rayla's dad, but also her commander, and he has raised her with the Moonshadow assassin ideals engraved in her blood. She is nothing, she is no one, she is a vessel of justice and vengeance, she is going to kill an innocent child before the night is through and that is totally chill. However, she fails to kill her first target and he kicks her out of the team because she isn't displaying the mental fortitude expected of their tribe. Okay, we learn that he is not messing around, he isn't gonna indulge in soft parenting or an emotional connection, and we see a bit of his soft side in how he speaks to Rayla so we can assume he does care about her underneath all the sternness. He is her commander and she will listen, but he loves her. Of course, she is a teenage girl so she disobeys, and the next time they meet she is telling him that their mission is wrong and they should retreat because the humans are gonna help them fix the situation. His response is to try to kill her for betraying the mission. He doesn't give her a chance to explain herself, he doesn't stop and think, he just goes straight for killing her. So what we are supposed to read him as is a harsh, distant father figure who loves Rayla, but has his doubts with her fitting in with their society, and the moment she does something out of line with his expectations, he is willing to sacrifice her to keep the ideals of that society alive. It is a textbook toxic parental tragedy!! Wonderful!!! Except no. Not really. Somehow we get from this to Rayla being 100% chill with him as a parent and consoling him when they meet again. He feels really bad about the time he tried to kill her and that is enough for them to solve all their issues. Nothing about how Rayla sees herself as a failure because of the way he'd raised her, nothing about how she had to unlearn his toxic ideas about feelings and weakness. It is all magically solved.
This extends to Ethari as well. He cut Rayla off entirely because she survived a mission that killed his husband. Rayla is so thoroughly cut off from her family and her society that they are physically unable to percieve her - there are literal books written about the horror of such a punishment. Excuse me, but if your gut reaction to your child surviving an accident that killed your spouse is "Oh that little asshole betrayed him!!!" and you decide to put her through hell over it, then you have some serious issues. Which is FINE!! If we are telling a story about a family messed up by societal expectations, that is totally fine!!! But again we are not. Ethari is supposed to be sympathetic, he and Rayla part on a positive note and she accepts her punishment. This is mentioned once after but only in the context of making Rayla fall for Callum, and then it is never discussed properly. Rayla spends 2 years doing god knows what and when she returns she no longer has bad feelings about any of this.
What I am saying is: Runaan and Ethari are absolutely horrible people and the worst of fathers, but the story treats them as regular dads who just have some small issues their daughter can get over instantly. They are supposed to be complicated, but also inoffensively adorable, so they get the worst of both worlds. I am a big fan of problematic, toxic families where everyone still loves each other, but you gotta have a coherent arc and a complete theme in mind while writing them. Rayla should have brought her bio parents back bc they are the only people in the world who could understand how she feels, having been cursed the same way themselves.
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ot3 · 11 months
people need to have their age in their bios not for safety reasons but so i know how mean to be when they add stupid fucking replies onto my posts
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
No but the people who act like Ada Wong being a mercenary is a moral failing are SO funny to me. It's hot as hell wtf do you mean it's a moral failing. You know what is a moral failing? That you'll hate on Ada Wong but drool over Boba Fett. Just admit you hate women lol
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waytooinvested · 2 months
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Chapter 20
This and previous chapters are also on AO3
Two weeks had passed since the disastrous dream session, and it felt like everything had subtly shifted from where it had been before that night.
Kara still seemed entirely unphased by her experience – was thriving, if anything. Now she had successfully negotiated better contract terms at Catco and come to a compromise with Andrea about the sort of stories she would be writing she seemed happier at work, and had even managed to wangle a corporate discount membership at the climbing centre so she could go regularly. More troublingly she had also almost immediately thrown herself into some project that she was being unusually cagey about, but Kara had assured her it was nothing to worry about, and she was acting normally enough as long as the conversation stayed on other subjects. Lena was trying her best to trust her and not dwell on the mystery, no matter how tempting it might be to do a little digging.
Beyond that there were still the regular Project Atlantis meetings as always, but although none of them said it outright, they were all aware that progress had stalled. Now they knew exactly what it was keeping Kara from her Supergirl memories, they also knew that they couldn’t just break it down, and so far the best idea they had come up with to armour Kara against the trauma of it was… therapy.
It was a long way from being the silver bullet they needed.
However, after the latest uninspired and frustrating Atlantis meeting, something else had changed. Lena had offered Alex a lift home, as she often did since they lived in the same direction, and Alex had accepted. They had been sitting in the back seat watching the city go by outside the windows, same as always, and then Alex had come out with it.
‘So. I have this idea.’
‘For Project Atlantis?’
‘No, no, not that. It’s just something I hoped you might be up for trying with me...’
Alex shuffled a bit in her seat, and for a moment she looked so much like Kara when she had been about to suggest rock climbing that Lena narrowed her eyes, suspicious.
‘I swear to god Alex, if you’re about to ask me to go skydiving-’
Alex snorted.
‘HAH, no. I do kind of wish I’d thought of that just to see your face when I suggested it, but no. I was actually going to ask if, maybe, you wanted to come with me to a gay bar some time.’
Lena’s eyebrows shot up.
This was new.
She and Alex had spent time together outside Project Atlantis meetings, sure, but it had always been a continuation of them, or at least started out with some kind of pretext of a work thing before they had settled into just hanging out. This was the first time either of them had suggested something purely social, let alone a gay bar.
‘Really? How come? It’s not our usual sort of meet up place.’
‘Exactly. I’ve never actually been to one before, and I don’t know, you might you go all the time, but I thought maybe it would be similar for you, and we could try it out together.’
Alex was… not wrong. Lena had been to a few exclusive VIP only queer events over the years, but an ordinary gay bar in her home city? Never. There had always been the risk that she might be recognised and end up all over the tabloids of course, but it wasn’t just that. She’d never had anyone to go with. Not until now.
‘Wouldn’t you rather go with Kelly?’
‘I mean, yeah, I’d really like us to go together eventually, but… well, when I got together with Maggie so much of the dynamic was her as the worldly wise one, and me as the newly hatched little baby lesbian who had never been with a woman or had any of these experiences. And even though Kelly never makes me feel that way, I kind of want this to be something I do for the first time just as myself, not as part of a couple. So I thought it could be a good friend thing. With you.’
A friend thing.
Alex wanted to discover her community with a friend, and she was asking Lena. Not Kara. Not Nia. Not any of the other friends she had uncomplicated histories with and who would gladly have tagged along with her.
She wanted Lena.
‘I would love to go to a gay bar with you Alex.’
Alex beamed, and the change in the set of her shoulders made Lena realise that she had been nervous about asking. This really mattered to her.
‘Awesome! So I have been looking into options and narrowed it down to three. There’s ‘Velvet’ which is the big one in the city centre that seems like a nice place, but it’s pretty high profile so I thought you might not be comfortable with the visibility – I don’t want you to end up as a story in some gossip magazine because of me.’
Lena nodded, appreciating the consideration. She was not afraid to be out, but she would rather control the narrative around any public announcement, and do it in her own time. Ideally when her life was less complicated than it was right now.
‘Then there’s ‘Liquor Lips’, which is the most private seeming, buuut also looks kind of skeevy. It’s not quite a strip joint, but they have some ‘exotic dance’ nights and a generally more X rated feel, and uh.. I’m not sure the whole thing is quite the vibe I’m looking for.’
‘Agreed, that is not the kind of night I was imagining.’
‘No, so this last one is my favourite – it’s called ‘Violet’s’. It’s a bit more open than Liquor Lips but also kind of far out of town, which I thought might be a good thing for you, and it has more of a community feel. It’s on the smaller side, but it looks friendly, and they have a pretty decent cocktail menu.’
Cocktails and community. Lena could work with that.
‘Violet’s it is.’
They had agreed a date and time, and that was that. They were officially the sort of friends who did things together outside of a work context. It felt a bit strange, but not bad strange. New, and unexpected, and… nice.
Violet’s turned out to be an unassuming building with a small sign hanging above the door and a rainbow sticker on one window. From the outside it didn’t look like much, and certainly wouldn’t raise many eyebrows if anyone saw Lena Luthor going in, at least not unless you knew what the place was.
Inside was a different story entirely.
Beyond the entryway it opened up into a surprisingly spacious room, decked out with purple fluorescents over the bar and string lights criss crossing the dark blue ceiling to give the impression of a starry night, though it was almost lost behind the yards and yards of rainbow bunting that had been strung overhead, and the flags of just about every queer identity one could hope to name hanging from the walls. The whole impression was utterly chaotic and much too busy to be considered entirely good taste, but Alex was right, it felt friendly.
Alex herself was hovering in the doorway, staring round from the flags, to the bunting, to the people gathered around tables. Drinking, laughing, playing darts, holding hands, kissing.
When several more seconds passed and she still didn’t move, Lena gave her a little elbow nudge.
‘You doing okay there Danvers?’
Lena raised an eyebrow at her.
‘Oh. Yeah. Yeah, I’m good, sorry. I just realised, I don’t think I’ve ever been in a room with this many other gay people before. It’s kind of blowing my mind.’
She knew what Alex meant. It was different for her of course – she had been in plenty of rooms with at least this many other queer people, but not like this. Those had all been highly curated events with carefully chosen guest lists of the rich and powerful, all of whom knew exactly who Lena was. It had meant that no matter how much she might enjoy herself, she always had to be aware of the impression she was giving, just in case any of it came back to bite her later.
But here there was none of that. This was just a bar that she happened to have walked into with a friend. They didn’t have to be The Lena Luthor and Director Alex Danvers here, and the one or two people who had glanced up when they came in had gone back to their own conversations, clearly seeing nothing noteworthy in their arrival. Right now Lena was just one more woman who loved women in a crowd of others just like her. It made her feel unremarkable. Mundane even.
She was going to like it here.
Once they had their drinks they settled at a table that was slightly out of the thick of things, but not so far back that they felt hidden away. For a little while they sipped in silence, just soaking it all in and allowing themselves to fully experience what it was like to be in the majority. Alex particularly still seemed very slightly in shock, though she was clearly trying not to stare too obviously at anyone in particular.
After a few minutes she let out a long breath and swore softly.
‘I didn’t realise. I fell in love with a woman and I came out to my family and I thought that was it, I never realised how much more there was. I’m not just a woman who happens to love other women. I am a lesbian, and that means I get to be part of something bigger than my own relationships. I feel like I missed out on so much by not working it out sooner.’
‘It’s not too late. Everyone starts the journey at their own pace, and you have plenty of time for yours. Maybe when things have settled back down and Kara... well, maybe one day we could all go to a pride parade together.’
‘Yeah… I’d like that. How come we never talked about this stuff before? It feels like kind of a waste.’
Lena shrugged.
‘We weren’t those sorts of friends. We were both more focused on Kara…’
They still were of course. Kara was their centre and the purpose for their coming together in the first place, but now Lena and Alex had formed a bond that was separate to their relationship with her. And maybe, whatever happened between Lena and Kara once Kara had her Supergirl memories back, even if they found they couldn’t work through the lies and hurt on both sides and decided not to stay friends, maybe this friendship with Alex would be something she would be able to keep this time.
‘I guess so. It’s weird though, I’ve known you for years and I don’t even know anything about what all this is like for you. I mean… have you dated women before? When did you figure out that you were bi?’
‘Boarding school. I was 15, and I realised I had the biggest crush on Andrea Rojas.’
‘Andrea- wait, that Andrea Rojas? Kara’s boss? Kara’s boss that she hates?’
‘The same. She’s more fun if she’s not your boss.’
Though it could be fun when Andrea got bossy too, in the right context.
‘Wow okay. So you two were a couple?’
Lena tilted her hand back and forth in a measuring gesture.
‘I wouldn’t say we were a couple, exactly. We were best friends, and there was definitely… tension. Then one night we snuck down to the common room in the middle of the night – no one else around, just us in the dark with a bottle of scotch Andrea had managed to smuggle in. We drank a bit of it, but just a few sips each, we hadn’t really acquired a taste for it yet, and then we talked – or more accurately, we flirted, though not in a very intentional way. Andrea was playing with the bottle, just for something to do with her hands at first, but watching it turning round and round, I think we both had the idea at the same time. She picked it up very deliberately and put it down between us, then kept eye contact while she set it spinning. We both stared at it so intensely, it was like our entire future depended on whether it stopped pointing at me or not.’
‘And did it?’
Lena laughed.
‘Not even close. But I kissed her anyway.’
‘Wow. That’s a bold move, I can’t imagine having that much confidence at 15.’
‘Well, you have to remember we were raised in families who expected to get what they wanted, and we had been dancing around it for months by that point. I think on some level we both knew it was just a matter of time. Anyway, that night kind of opened the floodgates, and we had a lot more secret make out sessions, and then eventually more than that… but it always felt more like a friends with benefits set up than an actual committed relationship. After a while she started dating someone else and so we stopped our trysts, and then I did too. We would still get together sometimes after we left school, if we were both in the same city and neither of us happened to be dating anyone else at the time, but it was always casual.’
‘And... do you still? Now she’s in National City?’
‘No. We had a… falling out. We’re back on reasonable terms now, but it’s not like it used to be. I couldn’t trust her the same way after that.’
There was a silence following this statement, filled with their shared knowledge of Lena’s more recent ‘falling out’ with someone she had romantic feelings for, and the unspoken implications about trust brought up by the parallels of the two situations.
But Kara and Andrea could hardly be more different, and Lena had never felt about Andrea the way she did for Kara…
Did that make their future prospects better, or worse?
She wasn’t sure, and she couldn’t stand the heaviness that now seemed to be pressing down on their evening of queer discovery, so she shook it off, and tried to get the conversation back on track.
‘How about you? What was your gay awakening like?’
‘ Oh, well, the big thing was meeting Maggie, obviously. But I’ve been thinking about it a lot since, and realising there were so many things that I missed at the time that make so much more sense now. Like how weird and complicated my feelings got about sleeping over with my best friend Vicky in high school. Or the girl in my freshman college dorm who was obsessed with Norwegian fantasy movies, and I was the only one who would watch them with her. I didn’t understand a word of what was going on, but she would always grab my hand and hold on tight whenever this one guy came on screen, and that was enough to make me keep going back. Then there was the barista I used to try to coincide my coffee shop visits with, even though she made terrible coffee. But she had blue hair and all these amazing tattoos, and she would give me this look and call me Beautiful like it was my name, and she used to slip me free muffins when her manager wasn’t looking.’
‘...And you didn’t read that as her flirting with you?’
‘Well no, not at the time. Why?’
‘No, nothing, I think I’m just seeing where Kara gets it from. It might not be quite an office full of flowers, but that girl did everything but write her number on your cup to tell you she was interested.’
‘Oh. Uh… she actually did write her number on my cup one time.’
‘It wasn’t like that! It was just in case-’
Alex broke off, thinking back over the interaction, and shook her head.
‘Yeah, no, okay it was exactly like that. Self-denial is a hell of a drug.’
It probably wasn't nice to laugh at someone's process of coming to terms with their sexuality, but in this case Lena couldn't help it.
‘God, if we had had this conversation a year ago I would have known I needed to hire a sky writer to get through to Kara. Or just grabbed her by the lapels and stuck my tongue down her throat.’
Alex groaned and swatted her arm.
‘Oh you know what I mean. Anyway, it’s probably for the best. If you had picked up on Cute Blue Haired Barista’s flirting you might not be with Kelly now.’
The aggrieved look softened instantly into a dopey smile, like just the mention of Kelly's name was enough to make Alex happy. She looked the way Lena felt when she thought about Kara, and it made her simultaneously happy for her friend and intensely jealous of Alex’s uncomplicated romantic relationship.
‘Yeah, Kelly is pretty great. I guess it was worth waiting for my big realisation if it meant I got to end up where I am with her. I do wish I could talk more to her about what’s happening at the moment though. You know, with Project Atlantis… I mean, she knows in a general sense, but not how personal it is. I hate feeling like I’m keeping something from her.’
‘Kelly doesn’t know about Kara?’
‘No. Things between us were still pretty new when everything happened, and now… I can’t exactly ask Kara’s permission to loop her in, can I?’
‘No, but… for what it’s worth, I think you should tell her anyway. Kelly is your person, and you need to be able to share something this huge with your person. Your sister has essentially had a serious accident that’s left her with amnesia and missing half the context of your life together. That is a lot to deal with on your own on top of trying to keep everything from falling apart in Supergirl’s absence, and you need someone to talk to about it all. Kelly deserves to know what all this means to you, and I really think Kara will understand.’
Alex went quiet for a moment, prodding at a chunk of lime floating in her Caipiroska with a rainbow striped straw, and then asked ‘who do you talk to about it?’
‘Kara’s your person, right? And you can’t tell her how you’re feeling about any of this. I’ve never really thought about that before. I mean, she’s my person too obviously, but in a different way. And like you said, I have Kelly... But you don’t. And it must be hard for you.’
Lena looked away. Somehow she hadn’t been prepared for her comment to get turned around on her, but it was true. She had spent so much of her recent past keeping herself a step removed from everyone around her, safe and solitary, and yet now when she actually wanted to be brave and do the work to open up, she couldn’t let herself.
Honestly, it was shit.
But Lena was in a her first gay bar with an excessively pink drink in front of her and a Tegan and Sara song blasting in the background, and she had no intention of getting maudlin about her unrequitable love right now, so she fell back on an easier answer.
‘Oh, I have my own ways of relieving the stress.’
‘Such as?’
She shrugged.
‘I break things. Wine glasses, mostly. Plates. An electron microscope once, after the Q-wave trial failed. It’s cathartic.’
Alex stared at her, clearly not having been quite ready for this response. Then she snorted.
‘Has anyone ever told you that being a billionaire makes you kind of an insufferable brat? You seriously smashed a piece of equipment that costs at minimum tens of thousands of dollars because “it was cathartic”?’
‘Hey, I fixed it afterwards! I might be obnoxiously rich but I’m not stupid.’
‘You… you fixed it afterwards.’
‘What? I did! I actually added in some upgrades while I was at it, so it was a net positive really-’
Alex shook her head, looking half wondering, half exasperated.
‘Fucking hell Lena. You are by far my weirdest friend. And most of my friends are aliens. One of my friends is a blue guy from another century who is also part computer. But you still win. NONE of that is how normal people deal with their feelings.’
‘Maybe that’s just because normal people don’t have access to electron microscopes, or sufficient knowledge about their inner workings to rebuild them after they get smashed.’
‘Yeah, no that is definitely not it weirdo.’
For the most part Lena didn't appreciate being called out for being odd. It reminded her too much of a childhood spent trying so desperately to fit in with what was expected of her only to fall short again and again, the black sheep in every situation. But somehow, in this context, it didn't feel like a bad thing. She pulled the straw from her drink to point it at Alex, accidentally-on-purpose flicking a drip of pink grapefruit and gin mix in her direction as she did so.
‘Psh, jealous. Keep talking like that and I won’t invite you to come and smash things with me next time we need to vent.’
Alex let the drink splashing go without comment, straightening up from her semi-slouched pose with a suddenly hopeful look.
‘Wait no, invite me! I want to smash things!’
‘Huh, what happened to “that’s not normal”?’
‘Well, not highly delicate and expensive scientific equipment things, but I could absolutely be down for bashing the hell out of a junk yard car or something. I was always kind of jealous that Kara could work out her feelings by pounding an old car into a crushed blob with her bare fists, but I bet it would still be pretty satisfying with a sledge hammer.’
‘You wait until you try a laser.’
Alex’s eyes went wide.
‘You have lasers? Can I play with them??’
‘Sure. As long as you listen to my safety instructions before you touch anything – I don’t want you burning a hole all the way through the side of my building.’
‘Awesome. I take back everything I said, your way of dealing with emotion is totally normal and healthy and not at all bratty-rich-kid.’
‘I should think so.’
Alex hesitated, then added in a more serious tone ‘however, if you ever decide you want to try a different kind of catharsis… you can always talk to me, you know.’
‘Thanks Alex. You can talk to me too.’
‘Oh I was planning on it. But uh… Just do me a favour and don’t tell me any more about how you want to kiss my sister, okay?’
Well, saying that was basically handing Lena the advantage on a silver platter. An evil grin twitched at the corners of her mouth, and she leaned confidingly closer across the table.
‘Oh, I don’t just want to kiss your sister. I am an adult woman with adult needs, and I want to-’
‘Aaargh oh my god shutupshutupshutup you absolute GREMLIN!’
Lena licked her lips, schooling her expression into something downright lascivious as she doubled down on her baiting.
‘Have you seen her biceps? And her abs are just- mmmm.’
‘Lena Luthor I am so serious right now, if you don’t stop that this second I will tip this drink over your head and ass-plant you right off your stool. That is so gross.’
It was tempting to keep torturing her, but Lena was laughing too hard by this point to think of anything else to say. Besides, it honestly felt pretty weird for her to talk about Kara like that to anyone, let alone her own sister.
Worth it though, given how much it had made Alex squirm.
‘Okay, okay, I’m done. Consider that payback for all the cotton candy jibes.’
‘Urgh. Paid back in full and then some. And you owe me about five more drinks to help block out the memories of what you just said.’
Alex knocked the rest of her drink back, and whether her shudder was for the sudden rush of alcohol or the mental images Lena had managed to evoke was anyone’s guess.
‘Aw, poor little delicate flower. Alright, my round. They actually do a shot here called ‘Supergirl’, shall I get you one of those?’
There were several other temptingly named shots that would have served to send Alex into further paroxysms of horror (a Slippery Nipple, a Screaming Orgasm, a Quick Fuck, and of course the classic Sex on the Beach would all have done it after the conversation they had just had), but in the end she had mercy and bought her a perfectly respectable New York Sour shot and another passion fruit Caipiroska; and when she returned to the table she allowed the conversation to move on to less contentious subjects.
She had that one in her back pocket now though, just in case she needed future retaliation material. It would not be difficult to wax lyrical about Kara’s strong shoulders and tantalising shy lip-bite if she needed to.
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enbysiriusblack · 7 months
"do you think i care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?' but its james to peter
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dongslinger--420 · 4 months
Honestly Diane shouldn't have worried about anything because "messy bun and dressing gown with crumps down the shirt" Diane is her most attractive incarnation.
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babylonqaf · 4 months
so obviously colin learning that penelope is lady whistledown is going to cause some drama, especially since she's been complicating everyone's life with her gossip, but I also need him to have a moment where he basically confronts her about what she said about herself.
Insulting other people, even friends, causes hurt but the level of self-hatred it takes to write something hurtful about yourself as if it's just some gossip is on another level altogether..
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nonuggetshere · 8 months
About FaaF naturally
A sad one, TW fir near child death and harm
Involves Xero's attempt at an assassination, or it could be literally just any guard controlled by the Radiance
PK and WL need to talk about something private, and WL looks at the tiny vessel tagging along by her wyrm's side
"Should it be here?"
"It wouldn't understand anything anyway."
"Still, it's...a little..."
He sighs lightly, "Yeah, I get where you're coming from... Vessel, come here."
He kneels down and orders them to sit by the door and wait for them while they talk, says he'll come pick them up once they're done and not to move, then the two go to talk on the balcony and close the door behind them
At some point, Xero/the guard bursts in and attacks PK in the middle of the conversation, managing to take them by surprise and so gets one good swing in before PK darts away and retaliates, pinning them down with soul blades, though he has to keep his wife from killing them on the spot - he doesn't want to be so hasty, knowing they're infected and not themself. He pulls out the sword from his chest and that's when they realise, it's covered in void...
Child harm/near death TW beyond this point
After a moment of shock White Lady, who's closest to the doors, runs out and all her husband can hear is a horrified, heartbroken scream. He feels nauseous, his stomach twisting into knots and feeling like his heart is in his throat as he runs out after her. He sees her in tears, cradling a tiny bundle soaked in void. There's- there's so much void. It covers the floor where he left their child vessel and soaks through his lady's shawl and clothes as she cradles them in her arms.
For a moment he's paralysed, before he just snaps. He flies back onto the balcony, screaming at the possessed guard that he'll kill her, he'll make her pay for this, and he slays them in his rage (something he'll regret and feel ashamed of later), still hitting and screaming at Her well after the possessed person is dead and she can't hear him anymore.
He collapses, panting, near tears, and just gets himself up and stumbles out the door and towards the two, he wants to see how bad it is for himself.
Flower survives, but just barely. They had multiple stab wounds and lost their left arm, if not for their parents immediately healing them they'd be dead. They're barely older than 5, still so very little and defenceless, PK is horrified at how could anyone hurt a baby this young and helpless (hypocrite), even if they're not alive.
They're still on bed rest because that was so much damage and their mother doesn't leave their side and their father only leaves when necessary. They still don't realise Flower's alive and they know they shouldn't be so attached but it still feels like their baby and they can't just leave them. WL spends the entire day by their side, gently stroking their hair and horns with her now permanently void stained hands and softly coos and sings to them
Of course, they quickly realise they ARE alive because no way in hell a toddler is getting this hurt and NOT crying and screaming the second they wake up <3
Which just makes this situation so much worse
#thylacines can talk#faaf au#mentions of child harm and near death in tags too btw#so dont read further if its something youre sensitive to or cant handle rn#i like to write him as more sympathetic in faaf but i cant state enough what a gigantic hypocrite he is#pk: How can you hurt a child?! they're FIVE!#child harm cw#radi: ...dude.#dont make your kid a child soldier but also you cant 'all fair's in war' your way out of stabbing a toddler radi#unrelated tangent but they both suck and god i need to focus some more on FaaF Radi. Ik this AU at times feels like sympathetic PK and evil#villain Radi AU but it's really not. They're both morally grey and while Radi is a bit more. questionable and less sympathetic imo. doesnt#mean shes completely evil. they're both meant to be morally grey and both did equally horrible irredeemable shit that they come to regret#and wish to fix. ik it doesnt come off this way at times because i have my things i prefer to write at times and this AU was always a#relationship dynamic exploration between Flower and all different characters. but neither PK nor WL are by no means forgiven. Most of their#kids range from ''i literally dont care about you you are not my parents dont contact me again'' to ''i hate your guts''#with sometimes an added flavour of ''And I WILL murder your ass if I see you again'' for some of them#(Razor my beutiful wife with unchecked anger issues <3)#sorry if the tags are incomprehensible it is 5 am and i instantly forget anything i write the second i cant read it fully#once i finish writing a tag and it collapses the contents of it instantly leave my short term memory. im not being dramatic btw the amount#of times i have to back out from editing tags to read them back bc i forgot what i wrote is annoying
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nerdy-talks · 1 year
~ Meow ~
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~~ Meow Meow ~~
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I like to imagine that Satan is chasing after MC upon realizing they were hiding somewhere in the room just to record his adorable little meows (≖‿≖)
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akkivee · 1 year
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#vee queued to fill the void#lol sometimes i wonder if i miss the division beef#like nothing can really hit that 1st drb experience but kr also didn’t try lol#and while i can definitely breathe easier since they aren’t so intense anymore is that really a good thing i’ve been wondering lol 🤔#like i see lots of people of the opinion that the conflicts between the leaders got solved waaaaaaaaaaay too quickly and i don’t disagree#i like pointing out how long it took jakurai to forgive ramuda vs how long it took kuukou to forgive ramuda#like from the standpoint of two individuals who have buddha/god imagery attached to them#and for that reason it’s really cool that kuukou forgave ramuda instantly without needing to know ramuda’s baggage like jakurai did#but should that have cooked some more is what i wonder lol#it could have also set up some fun differences between sasara and kuukou who are both very bonds dependent#but kuukou could have been significantly more angry about being split from ichiro vs sasara numbly accepting the loss#and it gets across in a way in the 6 colours track because kuukou does let ramuda know lmao#and sasara only chimes in after kuukou lets ramuda off the hook lol like it’s there!!!!! should it have cooked tho#ramuda being forgiven by everyone is good because plenty wasn’t his fault but him choosing ichiro and samatoki WAS#so something like that probably could have stewed longer lol#this is a whole entire thing actually lol i wanna keep rambling about the surface level squabbles we got with like gentaro and juto#and beefs that could have exposed more like hifumi and gentaro’s#or just the fact since posse is at the center of all conflict with their strongest chuuoku ties and idk if that’s a good thing rly#but these are a lot of tags lmao
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cosmic-fairytale · 2 years
There is just one thing that bothered me about the finale of The Eclipse.
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This is really rich coming from you Thua. I am so happy (dripping with sarcasm here) that you had the comfort of coming out amongst supporting friends and at the time of your choosing.
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If only your friends were allowed that same comfort. But no, they were outed in the most hostile and least supporting community in their lives.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 month
imagine you're me and you're breaking in your docs (abusing them with a blowdryer and punching) meanwhile somebody left the door open so when you go to your bed panther the cat is sleeping on it
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