#Do people still care about 2012 show?
somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
So...hypothetically speaking....
On a scale of one to ten, how cool would it be if I changed the plot and character designs of the 2012 apocalypse the way I like it...And then, to keep my mind on drawing the rottmnt comic, I would pay someone to turn it into animation?.....
I'm just asking out of curiosity.
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woundlingus · 7 months
Being a bitch on main and I’m sorry but if you collect likes and never reblog, and especially those who take the extra steps of even then hiding the likes too so they have an entirely dead blog then you’re not even in the fandom you’re passive floating by the community. You need to reblog things. You need to reblog that art, that fic, that stupid text post joke. “I don’t even have any followers” because you’re boring and you refuse to engage with the community, maybe you could try reblogging (with comment too sometimes) and maybe people might want to engage with you too. You do. You need to reblog. You need to follow people. 90% of the population here doesn’t use the for you page, there is actually a culture here and the “me me me” attitude of Twitter and tiktok doesn’t carry here and the entitlement of acting like it should is making you a pariah instead of a member. You have to interact with the community. Reblog my post, boy.
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skeleton-in-a-hoodie · 2 months
I think DDMG Splinter does stuff that's totally unnecessary due to him being a ghost/ demon, but he does it anyway for the Turtles.
Like he uses an oven mitt/ tea towel when he's taking stuff out the oven. He doesn't need to, it's not going to burn him, but he wants to set a good example for his sons.
Goes up stairs to bed when his sons due, despite being nocturnal, because he wants to make sure they have good habits and he kinda likes having a few hours to himself before having to visit New York.
Can survive on a lot less food than a human, but eats meals with the Turtles because it's nice and also the boys asked him to. Splinter makes sure the Turtles have enough food before he thinks about eating, meanwhile the Turtles are determined to make sure Splinter eats, because they know he's not good at looking after himself. Rat dad puts weight on as a result - this is a good thing, and he is very surprised to find the constant hunger gone for the first time since he could feel hunger after dying.
When it's cold, wearing boots, a warm coat, a scarf and gloves, also to set a good example, even though he can't feel the cold. Kinda difficult to find him a coat that fits (really tall + weird body proportions due to being a rat demon), but Raph made the scarf and gloves.
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bookshelfdreams · 2 years
the thing about night vale that makes it stand out to this day and makes even the old episodes hold up is how unabashedly unashamedly queer it is
and I don't just mean that cecil declare es his undying love for a man he saw once within the first 10 minutes of the entire show. I don't just mean the many, many casually lgbt+ characters
I mean that it's just. So fucking weird.
like the first thing to understand about it is that long-form fiction podcasts like this weren't really a thing before. night vale was foundational to not only it's genre, but it's format. audio dramas weren't dead exactly, but they were going out of style, who listened to the radio for fiction in 2012?
and Fink & Cranor just came along and went fuck you, we're gonna do what we want. we're gonna tell the stories we want to tell how we want to tell them.
there's a giant glow cloud that drops dead animals. DO NOT APPROACH THE DOG PARK.
like. I can't really express it. but from its very first moments it was just so. genuine. like you could really feel that this was written by people just doing whatever they thought would be fun or cool or interesting, who wrote for themselves and didn't really care about reaching an audience.
hey apropos of nothing let's do a psa about what color helicopters are most likely to abduct your children. have you heard about throat spiders?
and it works! too this day it still works because it's fun and scary and heartfelt and weird as all fuck
of course a website full of queer weirdos would fall in love with this
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leclucklerc · 1 year
Hard Carry CL16 - 01. It's 2018, Baby!
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Pairings: Charles Leclerc x driver!reader
Summary: It's the big year of 2018 and y/n is looking forward to win her fourth championship title. A pretty boy with green eyes won't distract her damnit!
Word Count: 4.5k
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When Formula One fans talked about paid driver, they said that the position can go either two ways.
The first one, is being proven unworthy for the seat. With the highly competitive nature that the sport serves, it will only took one race, one qualifying, only one bad day, to show the world that you don't have enough experience or talent to deserve a seat in Formula One. That the reason why you're one of the top drivers in the pinnacle of motorsport is because daddy's got money.
Unfortunately - to the fans, or even to the said paid driver themselves - this scenario is often the case.
It is such a bad branding for rookie to have. To be branded as a spoiled and talentless kid that doesn't know how to do anything without the help of their famously wealthy parents. For someone that ha just entered the sport, for someone that is still searching for fans and sponsors, this kind of branding can be the death of their career.
Yet, why is there so many paid driver when the risk is evident?
The second scenario, is the most unlikely one. Though, it is still possible.
There is a probability that a paid driver can enter the sport, and show the world that they're as talented as y/n l/n, just like what she did back in 2012 when she famously entered Formula One because her dad bought the Porsche Formula One team.
It was such a controversy back then, for such a young driver - a female driver, something that the sport had never seen in decades - to easily enter the pinnacle of motorsport with the large monetary support from her dad. Back then, when it was not revealed yet that her dad had bought the team, many had anticipated her debut. When the news came out, many had muttered things like-
"Maybe she's just that talented?"
"She did won a lot of trophies in the lower category."
"Who cares? It's a sign that Formula One is finally evolving!"
"Bet she got a lot of skills."
And well, y/n does have skills. People had actually anticipated her arrival at first, saying that it’s time for Formula One to change and she will be the one to start the change.
Though back in 2012, that was not the reason why she managed to get into Formula One. Her dad, a famous billionaire from France, had bought the Porsche Formula One team and gave one of the seat for his daughter.
Cue, the many controversy.
Now, when she looked back, y/n really have to admit that the online and offline attack that she had received back then was simply atrocious. News outlets and magazines would print photos of her without her knowing, calling her a spoiled princess who is throwing tantrum and making Formula One a joke to the eyes of everyone.
Sport critics would make a whole segment with previous or current Formula One stars to talked about her. Many calling her undeserving, talentless, and many many sexist slurs that she doesn't even want to remember anymore.
While, okay, being a paid driver, it’s obvious that controversy will always follow. Thought, back then, she had thought, if she was a man, would the controversy became this big?
Paid drivers, after all, is known secret to everyone who watches the sport. Formula One is an expensive sport to start with, so it's no wonder that many people from a privileged background would start using Formula One as a chance for them to have a career outside of their wealthy family.
And don't get her started with drivers who has connections with retired Formula one Drivers!
At least half of the grid is the son or a friend or a family friend of a retired driver. If you want to talk about the sport with the most nepotism, y/n thinks that Formula One is up there.
Though, her controversy got blown up this big just because she has one thing that separates her from the rest.
She's a girl.
A girl who has no space in the world of motorsport.
Someone who doesn’t have balls hanging between her legs and somehow, it made people think that she’s less than them.
Honestly? Fuck them. 
She knows the world of Motorsport. She knows, if her dad didn’t bought the team, there is no way her dream to become a Formula One driver will come true. No matter how much they preach about equality, women in sport, or even feminism, there is no way any of these teams will even look at her.
How can she get into the sport when no one will give her a chance? When everyone in this goddamn sport will always think that the world of Motorsport is only for men and she has no place Ini it? It’s only fair for her to use her advantage so that she somehow can have an equal ground with everyone else here.
During the start of the 2012 season, y/n is already in a bad mood from the start. 
She fucked her qualifying. So fucking badly. She honestly thinks it's because of the added pressure from the press as well as the pre-race jitters that she had, almost throwing up in the garage due to how fucking nervous she is. All of those added, and yes, the result is a really bad qualifying.
P10 honestly is a really bad position when you have a car like Porsche. After all, her other teammate, Antonio Bacque, managed to snag P3 during the qualifying.
It's an embarrassing result and she really hates it. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that y/n was going to be eaten by the media with that kind of result. 
Her first interview ever since the announcement of her position was with some famous sport channel. Y/n knows them, considering the've been blasting a lot of her controversies and 'questionable' behaviors for their viewer to watch.
So she should've expected the question that they had prepared just for her.
"What do you think about your path towards Formula One?" asked the woman, blonde hair and seems to be older than her for a couple of years. "Do you think that you still deserve the seat without the help of your father?"
She had froze, eyes flicking towards he PR manager who also got her eyes widened. It seems, the interviewer had asked her a question that was not previously approved by her team. Illegal? She doesn't know. Nor she cares.
After all, she's really fucking exhausted at this point.
There are too many glances and cameras towards her way. Too many layered questions and fake  empathy from those around her. Too many, judgmental look from those who doesn't even know her personally.
Y/n is tired.
"Yes," she said, staring straight back at the camera. "Yes I deserve it."
"How so?" pressed the reporter once again. Fully knowing that she's a paid driver. Fully knowing that she had just fucked her qualifying up. Fully knowing, that she haven't shown the world her skills.
The female stared at the camera, she's aware that her next answer will be the headline of every major sports channels the next day. That this answer can be the one to make or break her career. A brand, that will stuck to her until her retirement.
Should she play the part of a spoiled child? Or should she play the part of a hothead driver with a too big ambition? She could play with the male fantasy and become a docile and demure little girl with too much naiveté in this cruel cruel world of motorsport. To become the doll for this sport to play with without care in this world.
But she's better than that.
She's y/n l/n and knows she's worth more than those fake personas and branding. She knows that she deserves her seat and she will be damned if she didn't prove it to the world.
"Like this," 
And, she gave them the middle finger.
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In the end, all of those criticism changed during the Australian Grand Prix.
It's stuffy and unbearably hot inside the car. Her race suit didn't help much. If she's in any other situation, she would've complained to everyone that's willing to listen.
Though, at this moment, she found herself to not care.
Bright eyes stared at the car in front of her. She could see the familiar Mclaren in front of her, passing the checkered flag. She could see the Mclaren team cheering by the fence near him. Y/n could only see Mclaren in front of her.
Only one car out of 22.
"P2, y/n," breathed out her race engineer on the radio as she passed the checkered flag. There's a hint of disbelief and wonder on his tone. "Fucking P2."
She screams, no doubt flooding the team radio with her rather inhumane scream as she let go her steering wheel and hold the top of her helmet. It's a bit unbelievable, a bit hard to belief, and of course, so so fucking wonderful.
"YES!" screamed the woman. "YES YES YES! OH MY GOD!"
Y/n could hear the announcer announcing the result of the race, voice excited at what just happened. After all, today on the 18th of March 2012, a Formula One history was just made. This day would be written as one of the most memorable moments in the history of Formula One.
As she hopped out of her car, her team is already out there, ready to celebrate with her.
Some would have criticized that action as excessive, considering that she didn't won the race. Though, this race was the debut race for Porsche. This is the race where the team can show the world that they're not here to play. They're here to win.
It could be said, that both the team and y/n's goal are aligned.
The girl wants to show the world of motorsport her worth. Want to show everyone, that she deserved her seat in this sport. Want to show, in this men dominated sport, a girl like her too, can thrive.
Her team too, wants to show the world of motorsport their worth. To show everyone that Porsche Royale Formula One team is here to stay and to make history.
Maybe that's why they worked so well. Maybe, that's why both Porsche and y/n became unbelievably loyal to each other. That the team, had became her second home and y/n had become someone that the team can trust fully.
If she looked back towards that day, she can confidently say that it was one of the happiest day in her life. It was her first race in Formula One, it was the start of her historical journey in this sport, and of course, it was the day that she managed to shut every criticism that was directed at her way.
It was satisfying.
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Y/n's presence is almost mythical at the grid.
Which is a bit weird, considering she had been a constant presence in the grid for years at this point. Still, it still didn't diminish the almost divine status that she had achieved amongst the fans of motorsport.
After all, there are drivers that's like that. Drivers that can command a room with their simple presence or someone that had reached so many achievements throughout their career that it sounds almost unbelievable. Drivers, that you had ever only heard of and never seen. Drivers, that had inspired the next generations of motorsport enthusiast to follow this adrenaline filled career path.
Y/n is one of those drivers.
Today is the pre-season testing and y/n is ready to retire from the sport.
"I'm going to retire," said Y/n as she groaned, stretching her back inside of Porsche's hospitality. "Like for real." 
Truthfully, the weather today is perfectly warm. Barcelona in February had never been glaringly hot. The sun is shining above them and yet the temperature didn't rise unbelievably high. It should be a good day to do your daily routine and well, for y/n, this should be the perfect weather to do the pre-season testing.
Though, the ache on her joints is saying otherwise.
A hand hit her shoulder playfully. "You're only 23" said her athletic trainer, Luca. "That's like the age where everyone started their career," he said as he slid a strange concoction of healthy smoothie in front of her. "Drink this."
"But I started my career when I was 17," whined the woman as she sniffed the drink. It smells healthy. And weird. She really doesn't like it. "It's almost 6 years, I think it's an appropriate time for retirement, or maybe a promotion. Do you think I'll make a great team principal?"
The mere thought of this woman being Porsche's new team principal sends shiver down Luca's back. "Honestly, don't even joke about that because I seriously think Herman will get a heart attack."
Y/n laughed at that. Just imagining her team principal being shocked to the point of a heart attack just because she's going for a retirement is a bit funny to her. 
It's the start of the 2018 season and she could feel excitement ringing through the air.
Somehow, the grid feels different than usual. People seems more excited, a bit wary, and yet, still excited. Y/n likes to think that it was because how exciting the 2017 season was, considering how intense the battle between her and Lewis for the driver championship title. Though, she knows that it was not the reason.
She glanced towards the cameras that littered around her.
In this season, somehow, there will be a documentary crew film documenting their 2018 season. Which is, weird. Formula One teams are notorious with their secrets and fear of corporate espionage after all. Now they're letting a filming crew to document all of the behind the scene of the season?
It's a new concept. 
Herman had told her that almost all teams in the grid had allowed the filming crew to lingered around the garage. Well, except Mercedes and Ferrari - which shocked her a bit because she really think that this kind of thing is something that Lewis would do. But oh well.
Hopefully, this kind of coverage can boost the ratings of Formula One and make the sport more known to the general public. It will be great if there's a lot of new fans who will start to watch the sport from the documentary.
"Now that there's a film crew following us around," started y/n with a snicker, leaning back on her seat. "I think it will be more dramatic for me to announce my retirement right now, no?"
Luca sighed, "Y/n-"
"I hope you're not serious about that," said a dry voice behind her. 
She doesn't even have to turn around to see who's standing behind her. "Herman!" she greeted, cheerful as always and as if she was not talking about possible retirement just a few seconds ago. "My favorite team principal, how are you?"
"Good," said the German, raising an eyebrow at her. "As long as your retirement plan stays like that. A plan."
The female nudged his shoulder playfully. "You know I love you too much for that."
"Really," muttered the team principal as if he doesn't believe what she's saying. "With how you behave lately, I really doubt that."
That, actually, made her laughed louder. "What do you mean? I've been a perfect worker!" she said, tone full of teasing. "I'll be a more star worker if our car this season is perfect like always." At this, she added a wink towards a team of mechanics that's sitting on the next table, eliciting a round of laugh from them.
"I'm counting on you then," said Herman as he took a seat in front of her. "I'm here to talk about other things."
She blinked. "What other things?"
The pre-season testing had barely started and he's already here to talk some serious stuff towards her? She's allergic to that.
"Someone wants to meet you," continued Herman as he took out his iPad, writing something on it. His thick rimmed glasses glinting. "It's a favor from a friend."
"Oh?" asked y/n. "Like,  I don't know if you're aware, I'm a pretty popular girl," she started and Luca actually has the nerve to roll his eyes at her. "Lots of people want to meet me."
"It's a favor from Fred," continue the man, ignoring her comment. "It seems they found a star driver or something, someone that they really cherish. And apparently that rookie is a huge fan of yours"
Y/n blinked at that. Fred Vasseur is the team principal for Sauber Formula One team, one of the teams in the grid right no. They never really interacted much with Sauber, though she do knows that Herman and Fred are friends. Golf buddy or something. While the Sauber team itself is not one of the top team that will compete for the championship, it's famous for one thing.
Its relation to Ferrari.
While true, it's not like Sauber is Ferrari's b team like what Toro Rosso is to Red Bull, they still have a really close partnership with each other. Like really close. So close to the point that almost every part of Sauber came from Ferrari. For Fred Vasseur himself to ask a favor to Herman for their rookie driver can only mean one thing. This rookie driver is projected to drive for Ferrari.
A competitor then, she thought idly. 
"Well, I'm honored," the woman finally said. "So where's the superstar?"
"They should be here soon-"
Just at that, someone opened the door towards Porsche's hospitality, calling Herman's name. "Herman!" greeted Fred as he entered the building with a perky energy. "And of course, y/n, always lovely to meet you."
"Freddie, Froyo, Fredman, it's been awhile," she greeted back, standing up to give the man a short hug.
Maybe it's because Sauber itself is not a champion winning team that it made them interact easier. After all, she can’t even imagine greeting Christian or Toto like this.
"Yes, yes," laughed the man, not looking the slightest bit uncomfortable at the random nicknames being used. "I told Herman already, but there's someone that want to meet you."
It was at this, that y/n realized that there's someone standing behind Fred.
A man, maybe around y/n age, a bit younger perhaps, could be seen standing a bit awkwardly. He's wearing the white and red Sauber shirt, paired with a ripped skinny jeans. From the get go, it's obvious that he seems uncomfortable at the sudden familiar setting of Porsche's hospitality. At the same time, his eyes looks excited and a bit jittery.
Y/n immediately knows that this is the future superstar. Sauber's apparent cherished rookie driver who is now being projected to be one of Ferrari's future driver.
For a career prospect, not bad. A Ferrari driver certainly is a good option. Though, y/n is sure if this Formula One driver gig doesn't work out, he can be a model or someone in the entertainment industry. Because honestly, the guy is really pretty to look at.
Warm green eyes, messy dark colored hair, and a nice face to look at. If he ever decided to become a model, he could probably be a successful one.
"Y/n," called out Fred, catching her attention. "This is Charles Leclerc, he's a big fan of yours."
He seems a bit embarrassed at that mention, what with how his cheeks started to redden and how he flail his hands around. Which is, cute.
"Really?" she said, smiling as a teasing grin entered her eyes. "Really honored, then."
Charles let out a huge smile at that, looking a bit relieved. "I should be the one saying that," he said and his English is thick with accent. French, she realized. "I've been following you since your debut."
She let out a low whistle. "2012? That's a long time," laughed y/n easily. "You were how old back then?"
"15," he replied.
"Ah, I'm only 2 years older than you then," she said, putting it at the back of her mind. "At long last, it's no fun to be the youngest on the grid for so long."
Herman coughed, eyes staring at her straight in the eyes, "There's Verstappen, he's also two years younger than you."
"But Max is way too serious!" she whined out, remembering Christian’s favorite driver. Ever. "It's no fun to tease him when he gets all broody, which is like 70% of the time."
"It's because you keep annoying him," said Herman dryly. "Anyway, Charles, correct? What do you think of F1 so far?"
Now, all of them are seated at the same table, making conversation with each other. Honestly, y/n is a bit invested at the topic. Moreso on Charles because with him entering his rookie season is like a wake up call for her.
Lately, more and more young driver debuted in F1. It started with Max and Carlos back in 2015. Younger and talented drivers with more vigor and a brand new vision for the sport. Back when she debuted, the grid was way older with more experienced driver filling up the spots. Now, it seems, the teams want to change the way they view the sport a bit.
Younger drivers started to arrive every year. Guys who had karted since they were four or guys who basically just skipped F2 straight into F1. Thinking back, it's a bit sad, because it made her realize that more of the older driver too, will retire soon. That the grid will change soon.
Hm, she thought. It's an added pressure for her.
Maybe it's because she debuted so young and had become a world champion when she was only in her second season, it made her think that she's way older than she actually is. This year is her seventh year in F1 and now she has three driver championships under her belt.
It's a bit jarring thought that she is now one of the most experienced driver in the grid.
Charles talked about his experience so far with so much enthusiasm and starry eyes that it made her want to protect him a bit. Which is normal, because to all of them, Formula One is a dream that they had ever since childhood. When they first entered the sport, it's only normal for them to look at everything with full of reverent and wonder.
The male seems to live and breathe just for racing. A feeling, that y/n can relate to.
"So you liking it so far?" she spoke up, catching everyone attention. "Does it fill up your expectations?"
"Yes," nodded Charles with a huge smile. "I'm really excited for the first race."
"Nice," grinned y/n.
Really, if anyone ever asked her what is one of the defining moment in her life, she would described this moment at one of them.
With Charles smiling in front of her inside the Porsche's hospitality, with the impending knowledge of a new generation of Formula One, and with the fear of destroying all of those Formula One hopeful dreams. It was at this moment that she decided something.
She really really wants this sport to be enjoyable for the young drivers. For them to have someone to talk to and not became a clueless little shit like she was all those years ago.
It was a decision that stayed on her mind as they continue their conversation. Herman seems interested in Charles, not that they can sign him for Porsche considering his love for Ferrari, but still, having an option is still a good one.
They stayed and chatted there until both Charles and Fred presence is needed back in the garage. 
"Hey Charles," she said a few minutes later when both Fred and the younger male was about to leave Porsche's hospitality. The younger had asked her to sign three hats, saying that it's for him and his brothers who is also a big fan of hers. 
Perking up, he motioned for Fred to walked ahead before he jogged back to where she's standing.
Pulling out of her phone, y/n let out a grin towards him, "Give me your number yeah? I think it will be fun to stay in contact."
Charles stared at her.
"Seriously?" he asked, blinking rapidly.
Almost immediately, he scrambled to get his phone out of his pocket, to the point that he almost dropped it to the ground. It was such a comical sight that it made her laugh, which seems to only embarrassed him further. Maybe when they became a lot closer she can tease him more about this? Certainly a thought for the future.
They exchanged number and Charles thanked her many times, saying things that she's his idol and he really admire her. Y/n merely watched him, amused, at the blabbering, before he seems to realize that he had talked too much and excused himself in such a hurry.
Well, certainly, Formula One will be more interesting in the coming years, right?
Humming, y/n entered the Porsche hospitality once more, only to be called by Herman to discuss something.
"So," started the man, finger idly fiddling with the papers in front of them. "We need to talk about your teammate,"
"Ah," realized y/n. This is going to be a long and painful discussion.
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Drive to Survive Season 1 episode 3
It's all about Porsche
Will Buxton appeared on screen, smiling. "The thing about Porsche is," started the man. "It's a team that most drivers doesn't want to be in."
A shot of y/n talking with Herman and the mechanics could be seen. Her face is serious as they discussed details about today's Grand Prix and the car. They seems dedicated in their work, a true showcase of the prowess of one of the top team in Formula One.
Which makes Will's earlier statement a bit bizarre.
"At least, if you're not y/n l/n," continue the man with a small laugh. "It certainly not because they have a bad car-"
Porsche's Formula One car could be seen zooming at top speed, a clear indicator on how fast the vehicle is going.
"-Nor is it because it's a bad team-"
Y/n's car could be seen entering the pit stop, something that the Porsche team handle flawlessly without a hitch.
"It's because of the strict hierarchy there," laughed Will, a wry smile appearing on his face. "A really really strict one."
Herman appeared after that, eyebrow raising at the question that the producer had asked off screen. "I think it's quite obvious who will be the no.1 driver," said the man bluntly. "It's an open secret in Formula One, no? About no.1 and no.2 driver?"
Christian Horner appeared in the dark interview room, wearing a dark cardigan and a light blue cardigan underneath it. The man laughed, almost throwing his head back at that. "No.1 and no.2 driver is common in Formula One, but no one impose it as strict as Porsche," said the man, eyes full of amusement. "The team is basically a y/n cheerleading squad."
Many clips appeared after that, of team orders to let the woman through or the team failures to handle a simple pit stop when it's not y/n on the car. Articles too appeared, of how often Porsche has to change one of their driver and to find someone that is perfectly fine to be the second best in their team.
It's a team that prioritize y/n. It's a team, that undoubtedly will choose y/n l/n as their number one driver and will never budge on that decision. 
The thing is, if Porsche is not a championship winning team, this shouldn't be a problem. Many drivers are grateful to have a seat in Formula One even they ended up not in one of the top team.
But Porsche is a team that fights for championship. Their cars are fast. They're the team that fight for wins and podiums. They don't fight for points, they want wins and glory.
A complete domination. Just like their motto. And when a driver tasted that sweet sweet taste of victory, it's hard to stop.
"Formula One driver needs to think that they're the best," said Will. "It's a mindset that they need to have if they want to survive in this sport," he continued. "Can they really, give up wins for their teammate? when their direct rival is that teammate herself?"
Y/n has too much presence for her to be the number 2 driver.
She is the icon of the sport, someone that is way too talented and way too influential to be the second best driver. The team itself was basically assembled around the woman needs.
The mechanics is someone that she can easily discuss the car with, her race engineer remains unchanged ever since her debut because she's comfortable with him, heck, even Herman position is secured because y/n actually likes him as a team principal.
It's y/n l/n very own personal cheering squad and everyone knows it.
"Fighting y/n on track is already a hard fight to win," continue Will. "A really hard one."
A clip of her racing and passing so many drivers could be seen. Her skilled handling of the car, overtaking those in front of her, and being an all around driver that deserves the title of a world champion.
"Fighting y/n for a spot as Porsche's number one driver? Impossible."
"The drivers need to understand that we're fighting for championship," said Herman as the scene cuts back into him. "We need someone that can support us in that cause."
Christian appeared, laughing. "Well, there's a reason why they need to change their second driver five times since 2012," said the man, looking so fucking amused. 
Porsche after all, is y/n's kingdom.
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sturniolosiphone · 4 months
Mrs. Officer
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I made this for my best friend and had nowhere else to post this so sorry if it's shitty the last time I wrote fan fiction was in 2012 about One Direction (I also don't know how to add the cool pics yall do)
**Hardly proof read**
“I make her wear nothing but handcuffs & heels and I beat it like a cop”
y/n’s POV
It’s been five months since Nate ended things with me and by this point I thought I would be healed from everything he put me through but I still find myself missing parts of him. I miss the status it gave me, I miss the chaos, I miss the holidays back in Boston and being surrounded by his family and friends. Well, except Chris, I do not miss Chris. Chris has been in Nate’s life since they were small and was always around throughout our two year relationship - I tried so hard to gain a connection with my ex's best friend but no matter what Chris was standoffish and cold. We all go to the same small university in Pennsylvania and my sorority and their fraternity always have events together so keeping away from them has been challenging. Lately I have been mostly keeping to myself and trying to stay away from any mixers or events because I can not face them and honestly it’s not even Nate who gets under my skin the most it’s Chris. When he sees me around campus he acts like he has never met me or rolls his eyes at me or makes some snide comment about what I am wearing. I am sure Nate has told him that I do not care for him but he is the one who was a dick to me first and at this point he needs to grow up. Tonight is Halloween and I have decided I am finally going out tonight. I am known as the party girl in my sorority and my absence has not gone unnoticed and I can not give Chris Sturniolo the satisfaction of thinking he is controlling me and I will make sure to wear a costume that will really piss Chris off.
Chris’ POV
“Do you think y/n is coming tonight?” I asked while mindlessly scrolling on my phone. 
“For the tenth time Chris I have no fucking clue if she is coming tonight. Why do you keep asking me? If you care so much, text her” Nate rants. 
“Assuming I care about that bitch is really bold kid” I mutter, still not looking up from my phone.
 “I mean you were the one who was interested first until I slid in and stole her from you” Nate teases. 
“That was almost two years ago” I roll my eyes. ”I am just happy you are the one who got stuck with her” I smirk at Nate.
I can't grasp what exactly makes me tick about y/n. Was it the fact Nate purposefully went after her once I showed interest? Was it the slutty outfits she paraded around on campus? Her smart mouth? I can’t figure it out but all I knew was she drove me crazy and made my dick twitch.
“Let’s get ready for the party, people will probably start getting here soon” Nate says, startling me out of my train of thought.
“Yeah, okay” I nod, getting up from the couch. 
y/n’s POV
“Are you sure this looks okay?” I say while staring at the full length mirror looking at myself in every angle possible. It’s not that I’m not confident I just want my comeback to be memorable. I decided on being a sexy cop wearing a crop top, a badge, short shorts, a hat and functional handcuffs. 
“Yes y/n you are slaying! Nate is going to be so pissed.” Madi beams back at me in the mirror. I shake my head and stifle a smile. As much as I don’t want to see him it would be fun to remind him of what he had. 
“I don’t want this night to be about him” I say, turning to Madi, looking into her eyes. Madi is dressed as the corpse bride. “I am honestly going to do my best to steer clear from him and his douchebag of a friend.” 
“No no I agree, you just look really good” she squeezes my hand. " I wish Chris wasn’t such a douche, I mean he is pretty hot.” Madi giggles.
“I would never.”
As we start nearing the Fraternity house my nerves start getting the best of me and my stomach starts to turn. I slow down walking, trying to catch my breath and Madi notices. 
“Y/n I love you but I am not letting you talk your way out of this one. You can not let them control your life. After a couple of drinks I am sure that you will relax and this house will be packed. You might not even see them.” Madi assured me. I nod my head, run my hands over my face and let out a deep breath.
“Okay..fuck..okay let’s go” I say while grabbing her hand and we take off towards the house. 
Chris’ POV
The music is so loud and my head is swimming..I think I may have pre gamed too hard. My nerves are shot at the thought I may see y/n tonight after what feels like months without properly seeing her. She hasn’t been around much and I would know because I scope out every event looking for her but I know Halloween is her favorite. She would always make Nate carve pumpkins and bring her to haunted houses. He complained to me the whole time but I would have done anything to be in position. To watch how scared she would get and hold her and make her feel safe. No matter how hard I tried I was always a dick to her while she dated my best friend..I was just so fucking jealous and couldn’t stand the way he treated her and she just let him. Fuck, I need to get some fresh air. I start making my way out the house when some girl I am pretty sure I hooked up with last semester stops me.
“Oh my god are you supposed to be Steve Harrington from Stranger Things?” she slurs.
“Yeah and I am guessing you’re supposed to be Eleven?�� I ask flatly. 
“How did you know?! Yes! Can we please take a picture together?” she smiles.
“Yeah whatever” I put my sunglasses up on my head and bring my bat up.
“Thaaaannkk you Chrisss” she says hardly being able to stand. I just nod and try to find the nearest exit of the house. I step out onto the porch and close my eyes. Maybe y/n won’t come tonight. 
“Madi please stop walking so fast these shoes are not meant to do fucking track and field” I hear y/n yell and my eyes fly open. 
“Sooorrry y/n” I hear Madi sing while skipping.  
Before I can retreat back into the house, y/n spots me. Madi grabs her hand and they start making their way up the stairs to the front door.
“Chrisropher” Madi snaps.
“Madi” I snap back. 
Y/n walks past me without looking in my direction. Of course she would be wearing some slutty costume. I absent-mindedly adjust myself before saying “Come y/n it’s been so long, haven’t you missed me? No hello?” I smirk.
“Fuck you Chris” y/n spits. 
y/n’s POV
“Okay I hate to laugh but the fact that Chris was the first person we saw is kind of crazy” Madi laughs once we enter the packed living room. I laugh and roll my eyes.
“I definitely need a drink after that, do you want one Madi?”
“Yes please”
 I walk towards the keg and wait in line. I’m actually not as shaken up as I thought I would be after seeing Chris. I will just never understand his issue with me but I am not letting myself ruminate on it. I fill Madi and I’s cups up and as I turn around I can feel the liquid spill down the front of me. 
“Oh shit sorry…wait y/n! A little birdy told me you were here I guess I didn’t believe them” Nate says.
“Hello Nate. Yeah I’m here and now my costume is ruined thanks to you.” I grumble as I grab napkins to wipe myself off. 
“How are you?” Nate slurs. “I am sorry for all the like shit I put you through y/n really I am” he pouts while putting his hand over his heart.
“All the shit? Do you mean cheating on me for two years with multiple girls? You mean humiliating me in front of everyone? Is that the ‘shit’ you are referring to?” I snarl.
“You know Chris always told me that you were just some dumb girl and I really should have listened to him. You can't even take a sincere apology from the man who made you who you are.” Nate boasts.
“Made me who I am?” I laugh. “Nate you are a president of a Fraternity get the fuck over yourself my god.” I yell. I make my way back to Madi with two half filled cups.
“Umm..what happened to you?” Madi asks, scanning my face while grabbing her cup.
“I don’t even know it’s so packed in here. I just kept getting bumped into! I am going to go to the bathroom and clean myself up!.” I can’t let Madi know what happened between Nate and I. I don’t want to ruin her night but I just need to have a little bit of alone time.
“I can come with you if you want! Maybe help you with your costume?” Madi offers.
“I’m okay, thank you” I offer her a smile.
“Keep your phone with you y/n, I mean it” she says sternly. I salute her and she rolls her eyes. 
Chris’ POV
“Wait you spilled a drink on y/n? Purposefully?” I ask Nate while standing in the kitchen.
“Not purposefully but whatever she deserved it” Nate states. “You should’ve seen the look on her face once she realized it was me.” Nate laughs.
“You do realize that you are the one that cheated on her and made her life a living hell?” I ask, feeling my face get hot.
“What? Now you suddenly care about y/n’s feelings? Didn’t seem like you cared too much when you were trying to convince me to break up with her for two years” Nate responds while putting his hand to his chin while pretending to think hard. “But you know I could always tell you wanted her” he wags his finger at me.  “You wanted to feel her mouth around you didn’t you? You wanted to hear her moaning your name, right?” Nate taunts.
“You better fucking watch it kid” I say while shoving Nate. 
“Okay enough let’s break it up” some random guy yells while getting in between Nate and I. I decided to head to the bathroom to try to cool off. I don’t know why I have been such a prick to y/n when Nate is obviously the issue. Great, no line to the bathroom. I try the door and it's locked. Of course. I knock loudly on the door.
“Yo, is anyone there?” No response. “Hello? Come on bro I have to go” I yell over the loud music. I put my ear to the door and I can hear the water running and sniffing. 
y/n’s POV
I feel like such an idiot while I stand in front of the mirror trying to desperately get this sticky beer off of me and fix my makeup. Why am I even crying? This is such a pathetic state to be in at a party.
“Yo, is anyone there?” someone yells. “Hello? Come on bro I have to go.” 
I freeze. It’s Chris. Of course it’s Chris, why wouldn’t it be Chris? Please god get me out of here. The excessive knocking is making my head hurt.
“WHAT?” I yell throwing the door open to be met with a startled Chris.
“Were you crying in there? Chris asked with his eyebrow slightly raised.
“Nothing gets past you huh?” I say while trying to get past him.
“Oh no you are going nowhere” he says while pushing me back in the bathroom and locking the door behind him.
“What is your fucking issue with me Chris?” I snap.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about y/n '' he starts.
“Spare me the bullshit you haven’t liked me since the day we met and I haven’t done anything to you!”
“Haven’t liked you that's rich” Chris mocks. “Haven’t liked you y/n? You have been all I thought about for two fucking years but you chose Nate.”
“What? What are you talking about?” I ask wondering if I heard him right. Chris sits on the side of the bathtub and puts his face in his hands. Chris sighs.
“I don’t know what I am saying” he mumbles through his hands.
“I mean you can start off with a sorry perhaps” I say while prying his hands away from his face. He looks up at me and smiles and rolls his eyes. 
“I am sorry y/n I really am. I don’t know why I have treated you the way I have for so long. I think I may have been jealous of you know like your relationship or whatever” Chris confesses.
“What? Did you think I was trying to get in between you and Nate? I never wanted that” I say while putting my hands up defensively. Chris giggles.
“You really are dense, aren’t you?” he stands up towering over me. “I wanted you y/n..just you” he stares down at me. I feel like I am being pranked, is there a camera in this bathroom? Is Nate outside listening? 
“Don’t fuck with me Chris” I whisper and shove his chest. “This isn’t funny at all. You act like you don’t even know me anymore. It’s been five months and this is the first time we’ve held a conversation and you want me to trust you? I can’t.” I say holding back tears. I have felt so alone after the breakup and I can’t handle being taunted.
“No I get that” he says while tucking a hair behind my ear “I have been really shitty towards you and I guess if I was you I wouldn’t trust me either but I am serious “ he tips my chin up forcing me to look into his eyes “I have wanted you for so long, Ma” he licks his lips. I involuntarily squeeze my thighs together looking for any type of friction.
“Chris” I whisper.
“And that fucking outfit jesus christ y/n” he smirks down at me. “Turn around for me baby..bend down in front of the sink” he whispers in my ear. I’m fucked. I turn around slowly and see my flushed face in the mirror and bend down. Chris tuts.
“No, don’t get all shy on me y/n. I have heard you in Nate’s dorm. Look in the mirror.” Chris demands. 
Chris’ POV
I look in the mirror and see y/n’s flushed face. I can tell she’s breathing heavily with the way her breath is fogging up the mirror. I press my clothed hard on against her and she bucks her hips back. “You’re such a needy girl aren’t you? I have been waiting for this for so long Ma you have no idea. We are going to take our time. Can you be a good girl for daddy?” Y/n nods her head. “Words baby”
“I’m going to be a good girl Chris” Y/n says breathlessly. I back away from her and she whimpers. My hand meets her ass with a loud crack which makes her jolt. “Who are you going to be a good girl for?” I tease. 
“A good girl for you daddy..always a good girl for you” she whimpers. I can tell she’s embarrassed with the way she keeps trying to hide her face. 
“And I want you to watch y/n I want you to watch yourself while I touch you okay? I want you to see all the pretty faces you make” I lean over and whisper in her ear. She nods again. “Words y/n. I’m not going to tell you again.”
“Yes daddy,” she moans. 
“Pull your shorts down.” I watch as she pulls her shorts down as I palm myself through my jeans. No underwear. I lock eyes with her in the mirror. “No underwear y/n? You’re such a slut huh? Look at you clenching around nothing” I tut. “I bet you wanted me to find you like this with your shorts off bent over the sink with your pussy soaked” I laugh. 
“Please” she whines. 
“Please what baby?” I taunt. 
“Please daddy please touch me I need you so bad”
y/n’s POV
I never would have thought I would be begging Chris Sturniolo to touch me but here I am bent over a sink with my pussy on full display for him. I have never experienced anything like this before. Sure Nate and I had sex but never like this and I’m almost scared I won’t be able to take it. Chris gets on his knees and starts kissing up the back of the thighs and I can feel myself dripping down my legs. 
“God look at you Ma, you look so pretty” Chris says and while wiping up my slick and putting his fingers in his mouth letting out a satisfied moan. I clench begging for something, anything at this point. “And look at how you respond to me, you're such a good girl.” Chris spreads my legs and buries his face in my pussy and focuses on my clit. 
“Fuuck Chr…Daddy.” I moan out. He swirls his tongue around my entrance before plunging it fully in making my buck my hips against his face. “S-Sorry Daddy I didn’t mean to move.” I plead. 
“No baby it’s okay I want you to fuck my face like the little slut you are” Chris says while grabbing my ass. I start fucking myself against his tongue and I can feel my legs start to shake. 
“I’m close..I’m so close” I pant and Chris snakes his arm through my legs and starts drawing lazy circles around my clit. “Yes please just like that…nghhh..fuck fuck I am going to cum” I scream out and I see stars while I ride out my orgasm all over Chris’ face. 
Chris’ POV 
Y/n turns her head to face me and giggles. 
“What?” I smirk. 
“You still have all of your clothes on” she laughs. I stand up and she turns to face me and grabs the back of my neck. Our lips smash together and I let out and moan as she bites my lip and runs her hands through my hair. She grabs my sunglasses off of the top of my head and places them on her eyes, breaking the kiss. 
“Against the wall Daddy” she barks at me trying not to laugh. 
“Oh are you giving orders now?” I smirk. I can feel a wet spot sticking to the tip of my cock. 
“Well I am the cop you know? So..against the wall” she stands on her toes and whispers in my ear. I back up against the wall and watch her unbuckle my belt. 
“Shirt off” I whisper while taking her police hat off her head and running my hands through her hair. She surprisingly listens, taking her shirt off. “Bra too” I say. I watch in awe as her tits bounce. “Fuck y/n. You are stunning.” She pulls my boxers down and my cock springs out hitting her face. I hiss at the cool air. 
“You’re so big daddy” she looks up at me through my sunglasses. I just nod and lick my lips. I don’t know how long I am going to last if she keeps looking at me like that. She kitten licks the tip of my cock and I can’t help but buck my hips forward burying my cock in her throat. She hums around my cock making me throw my head back. 
“You’re taking me so well fuck. I want you to get yourself ready for me okay baby? Stretch yourself out for daddy” I instruct her while I watch her finger her pussy. I grab her hair fucking her throat and watch her gag and spit on my cock. She grabs my balls and gives them a firm a squeeze. “Fuck yeah Ma, just like that. You going to swallow all of me y/n?” I moan out. She nods and looks up at me through her wet eyelashes. My hips stutter as I squeeze my eyes shut and cum down her throat. 
y/n’s POV
I make sure to lap any cum with my tongue as Chris winces at the sensitivity. 
“You are fucking unreal y/n” Chris laughs. 
“Oh I know” I wink back at him. 
“Are those handcuffs real?” Chris nods at the handcuffs left on the top of the toilet already getting hard again. 
“Yeah” I smile shyly back at chris. “They’re real” 
“Stand up, turn around and hands behind your back” Chris demands and I do as I’m told. I know he had me stretch myself out but I can’t help being a little nervous considering he is way larger than Nate. Chris walks over, grabs the handcuffs and cuffs my hands behind my back. 
I bend over the sink and glance up at Chris who is just staring at me. 
“What?” I ask nervously looking at his reflection in the mirror. 
“You just look so good I can’t even believe my eyes bro” Chris says dumbfounded. 
“Calling me bro right now is crazy” I say rolling my eyes.
“Right..sorry officer” Chris winks at me and lines up with my entrance and grabbing my hips. He slids into me slowly without breaking eye contact. He is so fucking huge. 
“Jesus y/n your pussy was fucking made for me” Chris moans and bottoms out. I can feel him in my stomach. “You tell me when to move baby…you’re taking me so well, such a good girl for me” he soothes me while rubbing my back. 
“S..slow please move slow.” I whine out. Chris starts moving slowly and I rock my hips back starting fuck myself back on his cock.
“Yeah baby, you're doing so good. You look so pretty fucking yourself on my cock for me. Can I go faster?” Chris breathes out. 
“Please daddy” I moan. Chris wastes no time and starts to pound into my pussy. 
“Deep breaths baby you can take me, fuck you’re so wet” Chris mumbles and lifts my leg up until my knee is on the sink. “Fucking look at you Ma so fucking good for me” he pants. I just nod my head. “Have I fucked you dumb baby? Too tired to talk to your daddy?” Chris laughs.
“Gonna cum” I mumble out, hardly able to talk.
“Go ahead baby cum all over my cock make a mess all over me y/n” Chris grunts. I scream out cumming all over him while babbling. Chris continues to pound into me.
“Dad..dy too sensitive” I whimper.
“I know baby I’m almost there, so good for me” Chris huffs out. “Can I cum in you baby?” he questions.
“Please daddy please come in me” I beg.
“Yeah want me to fuck my baby into you? Want everyone to know you’re mine you dirty slut” Chris’ hips stutter filling me with his hot cum. We both hiss while he pulls out of me. 
“Here let me get those cuffs off of you, do your arms hurt?” he says, looking concerned.
“Just a little but I’m okay though” I smile at him. Chris helps me clean myself up and presses a kiss to my forehead.
“I really hope this isn’t it. I’d really like to hang out more, you know? I have a lot to make up to you” Chris says.
“I don’t think this will be the last time Chris but I really have to go find Madi” I laugh. 
“She’s going to kill you” he says while shaking his head.
“I know I have 40 missed calls”
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Ficlet: How would you describe your ideal life in 10 years?
We interviewed Mikhailo “Mickey” Milkovich, who was 16 years old when the first interview took place, consecutively through 2011 to 2021, asking him to describe his ideal life in 10 years. Mickey grew up in the South Side of Chicago.
Here are the transcripts of the interviews.
Mickey: “…shit, I don’t know. 100 bucks, you said? Just for doing this? (Inaudible) [I]f I’m being honest, not bein’ fuckin’ dead. Or a fiend, or whatever. Bein’ able to sell shit and afford shit like food or booze, probably.”
Following his release from the juvenile detention center, we agreed to resume the interview series with Mickey despite the delay.
Mickey: “Not bein’ locked up. That’s for sure. Other than that, I don’t know. Run a business, I guess. Make somethin’ for myself. It’s bullshit anyways. Who the fuck knows what happens in 10 years’ time.”
Mickey got married and was expecting a baby. He had declined the interview before showing up visibly intoxicated and demanded the reward.
Mickey reached out to us, asking if he could still meet us for an interview, because he was trying to “make things right” as “life has taken a somewhat better turn.”
Mickey: “Wanna be able to take care of some shit that’s been happenin’. Be able to fix ‘em for good, I hope. And [take care of] some people, too, like my sister. Thanks for letting me do this, anyway. You didn’t have to.”
Mickey: “Ian bein’ okay. Healthier, more stable, at least. Yev bein’ okay. That’s what I want. Best if we are still together.”
Interviewer: “And Ian is your…?”
Mickey: “Boyfriend. Yev is my son. And I hope they either lock up Terry—he’s my dad—for good or I manage to turn his dumbass head around on this.”
Interviewer: “This?”
Mickey: “The whole, bein’ gay thing.”
Mickey was incarcerated for the entire year. We wrote to him about setting up an interview through phone call but did not hear back.
We were unable to make contact with Mickey.
Mickey reached out again from prison to set up an in-person interview during visiting hours.
Mickey: “Gettin’ outta this shithole. Settlin’ down. Startin’ a family with him (Ian, who was Mickey’s boyfriend from the 2015 interview, and at that time, also his cellmate). And fuck Terry, I hope he’d be fuckin’ dead by then.”
Mickey got released from prison and married to Ian both at the beginning of the year, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. We were able to set up a Zoom interview with him during lockdown.
Mickey: “Not bein’ stuck at home all the fuckin’ time. Get off parole and go back down south once in a while for vacation time.”
Mickey: “This right here’s good enough for me. Maybe buy a house, get a dog or two.”
Interviewer: “What about Ian?”
Mickey: “What about him? [Are] you askin’ if I’d still be married to him? That ain’t never in doubt.”
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cryptomiracle · 6 months
more creepypasta headcanons
(+ marble hornets)
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Ooc? Idk
I started this at 2 am and you can tell
I write on my phone so the format may be a little weird
Any brands, games, or characters mentioned in this do NOT belong to me, nor am I sponsored by them in any way.
This is very unserious, I've noticed that a lot of my other hcs usually take a "dark" turn and so I decided to make some that didn't.
You could even say they're a bit... silly.
You should totally check out my masterlist for more hcs (it's pinned)
Characters: masky, hoodie, ticci toby, jeff the killer, and BEN DROWNED.
he's extremely hard headed, he WILL argue/fight with someone over the dumbest things and he'll never stop arguing, even if he knows the other person is right.
He has an "emo accent"
He likes to start drama between people, and then leave the crime scene.
He is so ashy you could strike a match off of his elbow
He's been wearing the same beat up converse since 2012, them things are being held together by duct tape and a prayer.
His favorite animal is a raccoon, he says they're sneaky and nocturnal like him.
He refuses to get a new phone, he won't even steal one.
He curses all the time just cause he can, sometimes he'll even jumble random curse words together.
He listens to vocaloid and he doesn't play about miku
He runs one of those "rage bait" accounts that are painfully obviously bait
Still quotes old memes and refuses to let them die
Example: yeet, t-posing, and "sanic the hedgehog"
He scams old people on Facebook and e-daters, he doesn't feel bad about it either.
He uses the money he gets from scamming to buy v-bucks and overwatch coins
He once doxxed someone for dissing miku
slender had to take away his mic privileges because he was keeping everyone up at night by yelling bloody murder at people on fortnite/overwatch
once showed up at someones house because they emoted on him after killing him in game
He vapes, and thinks he's so cool cause he can do "vape tricks" and he makes people watch him while he does them
Someone once gave him apple cider, told him it was alcohol, and he pretended to be drunk.
His phone gallery is filled with random photos, like there'll be a low quality picture of a tree and then right beside it a picture of a ceiling. Just random stuff
Mint chocolate chip ice cream enjoyer
He's really flexible, although he has bad posture he can do back bends, the splits, etc
more on his terrible posture; when he sits he literally looks like this: ) )
When he first started working for slenderman, he REFUSED to live in the manor and lived outside. While he lived outside he became friends with a lot of the wildlife, slender eventually made him move into the manor because there was a rumor that toby was going to make a "possum army" and try to overthrow slender
He will fight anyone and anything he really doesn't care about his, or their well-being.
Had a "weeb" phase when he was in middle school and he still has nightmares about "naruto running" away from his bullies.
He can make a killer sandwich (lol) he's not the best at cooking other things, but if you get him to make you a sandwich, he'll bless your taste buds.
He loves karaoke, he can't sing for shit but he still does it anyway
He acts like a millennial (I'm sorry) not to the point where it's completely unbearable, but he will send people "relatable memes" every now and then
He enjoys online arguments, he'll never participate but he will scroll through different threads of people arguing for hours on end
He likes for people to say stuff like "GO WHITE BOY GO" to him
He blushes when he lies, he's a scarily good liar but if you ever want to catch him in a lie, point out the fact that his cheeks are red.
Whenever he has a drink with a straw, he holds the straw in-between his tooth gap.
he sends streaks.
He has a NASTYYY side eye, and sometimes he'll scrunch up his nose while side eyeing someone just to make it sting even more
Contemplated getting a mullet once, he never went through with it though.
He coughs like someone's grandfather who smoked three packs of cigarettes a day for 40 years
If someone says a word that reminds him lf a song he likes, it'll automatically get stuck in his head and he'll hum it all day after that.
he isn't weak when it comes to stinky smells, but if it's stinky enough to make him gag he's extremely overdramatic.
he learned how to sew because of how much he ripped his jeans, shirts, etc.
Sleeps so hard sometimes people think he's dead, he'll just be laying there looking casket ready but everyone is too scared to check on him cause he gets super grumpy when woken up.
he always keeps a little money hidden somewhere, even if it's just a 5 dollar bill.
he's superstitious, if he sees you attempt to walk under a ladder he will physically drag you back and make you walk around it.
he has a pair of brass knuckles which he only saves for "special occasions" they're his favorite things ever, he even named them.
he only uses his phone to call, text, or search something up, and that's it.
he doesn't even have YouTube installed.
I will be reading over this to check for any errors, ty for reading - M
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cillianmesoftlyyy · 9 months
could you write one shot of the reader crying bc she’s insecure dating cill?:)
Nerves | young!Cillian x fem!Reader
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Summary: Its the night of the Drama Desk Award Show (2012) and the up and coming star Cillian Murphy has a new girlfriend. She loves him but she still struggles to overcome her insecurity when it comes to being with Cillian. Hours before the show, she finally confides in him and he does everything he can think of to make her feel better before the big night.
Warnings: Self-deprecation and insecurity, anxiety, crying, smut, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), after-care. Heavily inspired by the Golden Globes show last night where Cillian had lipstick on his nose lol. This is a fictional story that does not reflect Cillian Murphy in reality- it is purely delusional lol. Cillian is not married in this- no hate towards Yvonne, please.
work count: 2815k
Warning sign- Coldplay 🎶
note: I hope I did your request justice :)
Minors do not interact. Not proof read- sorry folks!
She was going completely insane. There was no way in hell that Cillian Murphy actually loved her. He was the most attractive man she had ever met and the kind of guy who talked very little which meant that she talked more than she would have liked just to fill the silence when they first started dating. She beat herself up about it on a regular basis, mortified how she seemed to say the most ridiculous things to Cillian and watched as he chuckled politely. She tried to tell herself that she was beautiful, that other people found her beautiful, and that she was degrading herself for no reason. But that didn’t stop the constant weight of insecurity settling on her shoulders whenever she was with him. She felt unattractive, like the kind of girl that never got the guy, and it was affecting her mental health. 
She told herself over and over again as she got ready for the award show that Cillian had chosen her, that he wouldn’t be with her if he didn’t love her. Once she had prided herself on her confidence and even-tempered personality but she felt the exact opposite whenever she was alone with him. Being in public was a little easier, she could hide behind the absurdity of the paparazzi, she could take Cillian’s hand because he was leading her away, etc. But once they were alone, she felt insecure and a little delusional because none of it felt real… and maybe none of it was. Maybe this was all a fantasy but that couldn’t be because Cillian was real and the assistants swarming her with hair tools and makeup swatches were certainly real too. 
They had started officially dating a few months before, right after his play Misterman was officially done touring. They’d gone on a few dates here and there but everything suddenly got serious after closing night, she honestly couldn't even remember how it happened. Now, don’t get her wrong, he loved being with Cillian but like so many girls (and others), she struggled to feel adequate in her relationship with Cillian. He was such an amazing performer and just so downright beautiful that it intimidated her. She was working as an author and happened to go to a party that Cillian was also at in New York City. They were introduced and she was surprised how shy he was, even as an already famous actor. And though she talked incessantly because she was afraid of awkward silence, he’d still asked her out on a date. 
The rest had obviously led up to this moment in a small hotel room where they were both getting ready for The Drama Desk Award show in NYC. One of her assistants helped her choose a dress from a local upscale department store and they decided on a red velvet dress with a very simple silhouette. It was laced tightly around her waist and the hem ended mid-thigh. Cillian, ever the practically dressed man, wore a simple tux and styled his hair with a sticky product. Once they were dressed, their assistants left, telling them that a car would arrive to take them to the show. Cillian stepped out of the bathroom where he was checking his hair and snapped off the bright yellow light, his eyes fell on her.  
“Wow, look at you,” Cillian smiled as she turned around in the mirror, checking that the back looked ok. 
“Do you like it?” She laughed self-consciously and put her hands on her hips. 
“Mhm, it's beautiful.” He licked his lips and she blushed deeply, feeling the rush of blood through her body like a little girl with a crush. 
“Hey, hey, come here! You’re blushing,” Cillian caught her wrist and pulled her around to face him. She looked to the side, smiling. “That’s so cute.” 
“Stop it, Cill,” she swatted him away but he caught her waist between his palms and held her still, his piercing blue eyes holding her like a magnet. 
“What’s wrong?” His smile softened and he ran his thumbs across her velvet bodice. She took a deep breath and tried to smile normally. 
“I’m just nervous,” she shrugged. 
“About being in front of so many people?”
“No, not really. I don’t mind that so much.”
“Then why are you nervous?” He furrowed his brow and shifted his weight on his feet, stepping closer. 
“I’m,” she started but his closeness distracted her. He was so close that his breath dragged across her forehead and displaced some of her hair. They’d only had sex twice because it was still so early in their relationship. She had an apartment in New York but Cillian had gotten a room in a hotel nearby as well, not wanting to force himself into her private life. When he was doing Misterman he stayed with a friend and had visited her only a few times when their schedules aligned. In their absence from one another, a sense of sexual depravity heightened between them. Even just thinking about Cillian in bed with her made her catch her breath, nearly choking on her own oxygen. 
“I’m just,” she started again, her eyes caught on Cillian’s lips. Cillian’s eyes were on her’s and she shivered under his gaze. “I’m just nervous being around you.” She finished finally and looked up at him for his reaction. He snapped away from his trance and raised an eyebrow. 
“Why’s that?” 
She shook her head, not breaking eye contact. Her hands clasped around his forearms, his hands still tight around her waist. 
“It's just hard to be vulnerable, you know? It’s hard being with someone else when you’re more comfortable being by yourself. And… well, sometimes I don’t feel good enough to be with you.” She started to cry and wiped the tears quickly from her face, embarrassed. His concern changed to a wide smile. 
“Ah,” Cillian threw back his head and laughed lightly, his dark hair shifting from his forehead, “really? You don’t think you’re good enough to be with me? Sweetheart, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on. You’re a best-selling author and smart as hell, I’m fucking intimidated by you.” He moved his hands to cup her face, his thumbs pressing into the soft flesh on her cheeks. 
“But you’re Cillian Murphy.” She emphasized and moved her hands to his belt loops. 
“Then remember, sweetheart, that you’re Cillian Murphy’s girl.” She smiled, adding a self-deprecating emphasis on his own name. She blushed again and he laughed, “you’re blushing again!” 
“Jesus christ,” she hid her face in her hands and turned away. Cillian laughed and kissed her bare shoulder. When she pulled her hands away from her face, he wrapped his arms around her chest from behind. They stared at each other in the mirror. 
“I think you’re going to win, Cill.” She whispered with a closed smile. He scoffed jokingly. 
“I’m flattered but I really doubt it.” 
“I think you will.” She shrugged. 
“Yeah.” She nodded and leaned back against him. He licked his lips and smiled slyly. 
“Well, then if I win, as you say I will, I want to spend the night with you.” 
“Oh? Is that the deal?” She laughed and resisted his strong hold around her, “what happens if you lose?” She frowned jokingly. 
“Hmm,” he thought, “maybe you’ll still fuck me because you feel so bad for me.” “Do you really want me, Cillian?” She asked seriously and he paused, watching her closely. 
“Do you not believe me?” He asked seriously back, his eyebrow raised. 
“No, not really,” she whispered and he looked at her sadly for a moment, trying to understand where this insecurity came from and what he could do to relieve its pressure on her psyche. He looked down at his watch and stepped away from her, leaving her in the center of the mirror’s reflection. 
“Take off your dress.” He whispered, meeting her eyes in the mirror. She shook her head.
“Take it off, darling.” 
She looked down at her dress and then back at him. He stood patiently behind her, waiting. 
“We have time so do as I ask, please.” He nodded to her dress, “take it all off.” 
She very slowly undid the ties at her back, loosening the dress around her waist. She kicked off her flats and took a deep breath before letting her dress slip from her chest down to the carpeted floor. She was left in her bra and underwear, both red to hide beneath the red dress. He sighed deeply, his pupils expanding childishly. He sat back on the edge of the bed and rested his head in his palm. 
“Go on.” He encouraged and she reached behind her back, undoing the bra and casting it to the side. Then she removed her underwear, standing completely nude in the mirror. Her heart pounded against her chest. 
“This, this is why I want you.” He nodded to her body. He stood and stopped behind her, his hand reaching around to her navel. “I’ve been thinking about you for so long, it was driving me crazy.” He whispered against her ear. His hand trailed up her stomach to her top rib and stayed there, not yet touching her breast. 
“Every part of you is perfect,” he continued, his hand sliding down to her thighs and then up to her breasts where he finally cupped them. Every ridge and roll of fat fell below his hand as he explored her body. She shuttered. 
She suddenly felt a small surge of confidence. “Do you masturbate about me?” 
He looked at her and smiled shyly, “yeah… yeah.” He shook his head, “like I’m a fucking teenage boy. I feel like I need you all the time.” He gasped quietly against her bare skin. 
She turned and pressed herself against his chest, wrapping her arms around his neck. She kissed him giddily and he smiled against her lips. His hand cupped her cunt as he kissed her back. She gasped at his touch and unbuttoned his pants. He kicked off his loafers and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his hips as he laid her down on the hotel’s bed. She could feel his erection against her cunt as she fell onto the soft mattress. She sat up and pushed his dress jacket from his shoulder and tossed it carefully to the side. He was still in his dress shirt and bowtie as he pulled his erection from his underwear. She pulled him down to her mouth and continued to kiss him as he rubbed her clit, warming her up. 
“Fuck, Cillian.” 
“Yeah?” He whispered against her lips. 
“God, I love you.” She gasped as he pushed his cock against her cunt and he smiled, his eyes closed. 
“I love you too.” He exhaled and pushed inside her with a gentle thrust. She whimpered from the sudden intrusion and he gasped. He held her hips and fucked her deeper, still going slow and allowing her body to get used to him. 
“This is so good, Jesus Christ. Are you ready?” He looked down at her and she nodded quickly. He licked his lips and started to fuck her faster, their bodies hitting eachother more aggressively as he sped up. She whimpered in pleasure and he exhaled in short bursts, already panting. He pulled out and crawled onto the bed below her. With one hand he pulled her farther up on the bed and the other he positioned her hips again. He thrusted inside again and grabbed the headboard, digging his fingers into the padded surface. 
“Shit, Cillian I’m going to cum!” She whimpered, her thighs flexed against his pale hips. He shuttered and looked down at her. 
“No, not yet. I’m not done with you yet, sweetheart.” He cooed and slowed down. He slipped his arms beneath her and laid his palms flat on the mattress. He held her hip up with one hand and moved in and out slowly, pushing as deep as she would allow him to go. 
“Fuck…” she gasped and dug her nails into his back helplessly. She felt a pleasurable shock shoot from between her legs and she covered her mouth to muffle her loud moans. 
“Oh you poor thing, you had to cum, didn’t you? You couldn't wait for me. So you’ll just have to cum twice, ok?” He panted and she nodded, tears filling her eyes and he snapped his hips back against her. He fucked her faster, panting from the pleasure. He grabbed the bottom of the headboard and pulled himself deeper inside her and she threw her head back in pleasure.
“Fucking hell, look at you,” He stroked her hair and continued fucking her fast, drawing out loud and pitiful moans from his throat. “You’re so good for me. God, I love you. You’re my girl.” He muttered deliriously, her walls closing around him and her thigh pulling him closer. The bed rocked beneath them. 
“Harder, Cillian. Please!” She begged, a small spot of drool collecting at the corner of her mouth. He smiled and went deeper, hitting the base of her uterus with fast and rough thrusts. He got sloppier and she gasped against her hand. He kissed her and when she opened her mouth in a moan, he sucked her tongue. She licked his upper lip when he threw his head back in pleasure. 
“I’m going to cum, fuck!” He panted and gave a final thrust into her. As he finished, she squirted and shuttered from the violent pleasure. He pulled out with a proud laugh and kissed her. He climbed off the bed and pulled her down to the edge of the bed by her ankle. 
“What are you doing now?” She giggled. 
“Cleaning up, darling.” He lowered himself to his knees and spread her legs with his sweaty palms. He looked at her for a second before licking her cunt, twirling his tongue against her clit. She was already so sensitive that she arched her back and bit down on her finger to stop herself from literally screaming. He used a flat tongue to clean the cum from her body and sucked softly on her clit. She tugged at his hair, gasping in exhausted pleasure. He held her hips in place as he dug her heels into the mattress, her feet flexed completely. He continued to lick when she orgasmed, cleaning her completely. Then with a proud smile, he put on his underwear and went to the bathroom. He came back with a damp washcloth and lifted one of her legs, wiping the soft inside of her thigh. He did the same to the other as she panted. She sat up and kissed him. 
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“I love you.” He responded and kissed her on her forehead before handing her dress back to her. She quickly put her dress back on and fixed her makeup. She applied a red lip gloss and brushed her hair away from her face. Cillian put his pants and shoes back on before pulling on his jacket and straightening the front. A knock sounded at the door and Cillian nodded at her as if nothing had happened. 
“Yeah.” She smiled and grabbed her purse. He took her hand and they walked down to the parking lot where the car was waiting to take them to the award ceremony. His hand stayed in her’s, their fingers linked. She rested against his chest and he kissed the top of her head. The venue was lit up and crowded with paparazzi and cars. This was the first time that she would be seen with Cillian at any of his events. He helped her out of the car and put a protective hand behind her back, leading her through the crowd to the entrance. Once inside, they were shown to their table and she shifted her foot closer to his, wanting to be as close as possible. People snapped their picture and introduced themselves to her, Cillian introduced her as his girlfriend and she blushed each time, prompting a playful pinch from Cillian.
She squeezed his thigh when the nominees were announced for his category. 
“And the award for outstanding solo performance is…” The announcer looked down at the envelope and smiled at the audience, “Cillian Murphy, Misterman!” Everyone applauded and Cillian turned to her, kissing her in his moment of excitement and happiness. She kissed him back and laughed when he pulled away. Her lip gloss was smeared across his lips. 
“You have lip gloss on your face now!” She whispered as he stood. 
“Perfect.” He whispered in her ear and walked shyly to the stage, taking the award with shy nods, his eyes finding her’s in the audience, smudges of red across his mouth. She was his. 
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ckret2 · 17 days
I know that making things not only canon-compliant but canon-plausible is basically your hobby, and you tend to enjoy taking every little detail no matter how inane and incorporating it into the greater lore of your work. Have you ever had a moment where you were trying to find a logical explanation for something, realized that it was EXTREMELY STUPID, and now you just avoid writing things that will make it come up?
I think most fan writers have one piece of canon where they're like "Yeah, no, that was a bad decision, I'm just replacing [unbelievable event/racist character portrayal/blatant disregard for how mental health works in reality/etc] with [piece of fanon that makes it work better]."
Usually, even when there's an obvious author mistake, you still have a cool canon-compliant thing to do with it. Curious if there's any exceptions.
yeah, there's a few things.
Evidence implies that Ford fell in the portal in 1983. Evidence implies that the show takes place during 2012, but maaaybe 2013? The show says he fell in the portal "thirty years ago." He was probably intended to fall in the portal in 1982 but that doesn't line up with some of the dates (particularly, song release dates). Also, exactly how long did he know Bill between meeting him and getting portaled? And exactly how long was the paranoia era? My solution: the show takes place in 2012, Ford got portaled in *mumble mumble*, it's been """thirty""" years since he fell in the portal, we're NOT gonna worry about it, and maybe the Eurythmics released their albums a year earlier in the Gravity Falls universe did you ever think of that? Huh?? But at any rate I just try to quietly glide over the little timeline issues without addressing them.
Anything Bill says that would validate a real world conspiracy theory is a lie; but, much more likely, I'm just never gonna talk about it so we can ignore it completely, especially if the conspiracy theory is antisemitic or racist. "A cabal of global elites secretly rules the world and has a really cool break room"? Bill's lying; but also, we're NOT gonna talk about that, just chucking it out the window completely. "Bill helped fake the moon landing"? We can crack jokes about that one but only to establish that Bill was lying. "The Egyptians made the pyramids look like Bill"? We're NOT gonna claim the Egyptians made the PYRAMIDS for Bill, at most they might have redecorated them; but we're probably not gonna talk about them redecorating the pyramids anyway; and we're gonna crack jokes about how stupid Ancient Aliens style idiocy is; and maybe we're just gonna minimize talking about Bill's relationship with Egypt entirely.
(A side note: one thing i REALLY appreciated from TBOB is that it clearly established that they did not build the pyramids for Bill, just temporarily redecorated them; they did not worship Bill, they thought he was a pest; and the book went out of its way to have Bill say anyone who claims aliens helped with the pyramids is a con artist. It didn't have to do that! But it really improved things a LOT.)
Anything not mentioned by Bill that alludes to iffy real world conspiracy theories, we're just not gonna talk about. "America is secretly ruled by someone other than the president and nobody knows," not gonna talk about that, I don't care that it's Santa. "Dapperly-dressed reptilian aliens," not gonna talk about that, I don't care that they were here to go dog sledding. "Mt. Rushmore is secretly a bunch of robots built to defend America from a future threat," NEVER gonna talk about that, Mt. Rushmore is a carving made by a racist on stolen land sacred to several Native American peoples, it does not deserve to be made cool.
and speaking of Santa: I don't care for Jewish characters getting shoved into Christmas stories, especially if they're "wow, it turns out the Christians were right about the existence of this folkloric figure associated with one of their most important holy days" Christmas stories, so there's a high chance I'm just never gonna mention the Krampus plot lmao. If I do, it'll only be because I need to acknowledge the relationship building Ford & Fidds got. (Or to acknowledge Ford's rage at being commanded to conform to holiday expectations, which is REALLY funny and he's completely right.)
Those are the things off the top of my head.
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taffycandyqt · 9 months
Hi, I was wondering for if I could submit this prompt when requesting. It’s kind of similar to ember’s and wade’s dynamic in Elemental and it’s slightly angsty but it’s mostly lighthearted.
-It includes Donnie from the 2012 show and the reader. The premise is that the two started to bond during the three months they were refugees at the farm during season three due to the Kraang Invasion, The reader starts to develop feelings for Donnie as the feeling is mutual, but he’s quick to deny it- due to fearing of being turned down again and having a complex where he views himself as a freak due to being a mutant turtle and not being able to fit in with society and happily accepted.
-the reader tries to confess to Donnie on how they love him in the woods but he’s quick to shut them down(even if it’s mutual) : saying that it could never work out due to them being different species and how he’s just a mutant and could never make the reader happy in the end. The reader comforts Donnie and they have a heart to heart and Donnie reconsiders the confession.
I was actually sooooooo excited to write this you have no idea!!!! Ngl tho this turned out way longer then I thought it would and I kept getting stumped and then taking like month long breaks so sorry this one took so long!😶
Okay, listen!
2012 Donnie x reader
Fluff! Slight angst, comfort
After the Kraang invaded New York everyone moved to live in April's old farm house you and Donnie ended up getting closer than you originally thought. You guys are friends but your feelings have changed. Donnie always thought you would be happy with a human partner so now you're left with a broken heart and no best friend.
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"Donnie, your not just a mutant," said April. Donnie had come to apologize to her about the way he acts towards her. Which is fair. While he didn't mean any harm it was good he was starting to understand boundaries.
You had been bringing groceries back to the farmhouse and saw April and Donnie talking. You could use some help with the bags so you decided to enlist Donnie's help bringing them in.
"hey Donnie, April!" You greeted.
"Hi y/n!" Donnie replied.
"O-oh hey, y/n." April seemed to feel a bit awkward.
"Hey D, when you get the chance could you help me bring in the groceries?"
"Oh sure y/n! Sorry what were you gonna say April?"
"Um- well... just that. I care about you Donnie, mutant or not."
You had made it inside after hearing that and set the groceries on the counter before turning to head back outside. Donnie met you in the kitchen and you two walked back out to the car to grab everything else.
Walking back to the farmhouse you decided to ask.
"You mind if I ask what you and April where chatting about?"
"Nothing really. I was just saying sorry for making her uncomfortable. And that I didn't realize what I was doing until bigfoot came along. Now I just feel like an idiot, ya know? Everyone told me it was creepy, even you!"
"It happens to everyone, sometimes people just need to learn things from first hand experience. Now you know and you won't make the same mistake again." You shrugged. You never did care for his shenanigans but you made sure to tell him when he crossed the line.
"Yeah, never again." He cringed at the thought. Even though he was relieved the situation with April was finally over he couldn't help the fact that it still hurt. Yeah, he understands that April doesn't like him and why. It certainly doesn't help, though, that this whole situation picked at a prominent insecurity of his like an old itchy scab. That being that he will probably never be loved that way.
Because he's just an ugly mutant.
As he helped you put everything away he became lost in his own thoughts. As a result, however, you couldn't help but notice his crestfallen expression. Racking your brain to find a way to comfort him only one thing came to mind. Out of all the brothers you were least close to Donnie. You guys never really had much to talk about. And as curious as you were about his inventions he was usually to preoccupied to answer questions or you were swept away by someone else before you could ask any.
Now though, there was nothing urgent or exciting (even if it was new) that would demand your attention.
"Hey D, you working on anything new since we got here?" You asked while putting the last of the food in the pantry. It was a simple question really, but you figured it was better than nothing.
"huh? Sorry did you say something?" He blinked.
"I said you working on any new contraptions lately or have you just been settling in?" Now turning from the cupboards to look at him. He stared at you blankly for a second more before confusion shifted into his face. He must not have expected you to ask. Makes sense, you never have before.
"I- Well I have been working on something but I'm not very far its a- well it's kinda like... it would probably just be better if I showed you. I- if, you want." He ran through his works sprinted through those stutters and punctuated his sentence with a swift look at the floor.
"Sure, I'm free right now, as it happens." You joked to lift the thin bed sheet of awkward that had seemed to settle over the two of you.
"Oh. Okay, uuuh follow me."
He didn't laugh. To be fair he didn't need to but you've been wondering for a while if you have a bad sense of humor soooo, ya know, that was fun.
Regardless you followed him to the old barn where he set up shop. Old tools and scrap metal where strewn across the desk he stopped at. He then promptly turned around and stepped out of the way to awkwardly present his unfinished work at the center of the desk. He was right, he was not very far with it at all. You had no idea what you were looking at. Regardless you stepped closer, gave it a good looksie without touching it, and then turned to Donnie.
"Explain it to me."
He looked at you like you had shown him the answer to all the worlds most complicated scientific questions. It didn't take long for him to knock back into reality though, and when he did oh boy. You opened a whole new book, and this book, it made you feel like you never learned to read. Luckily, Donnie was never short of words to help your understanding.
And that is how you bff-ness started. The two of you were practically inseparable, neither of you realized how well you meshed until that fateful day and how boy did you both of you feel you missed out. Infact, you went from being the least close in the whole group to being tweedle Don and tweedle Dum Dumb.
Not to say that you were dumb, you just did stupid crap and convinced Donnie to do it with you. At first, people either didn't care or was happy that you guys grew closer. However, as time went on people either wouldn't care, or be extremely annoyed by your guys' constant "experiments" in the woods.
(when Leo woke up though, he was just concerned tbh. Like: Ohmygoshnoooooooo😰)
And by experiments, well, there was the time you guys lit a tree up and almost started a forest fire. Or that time you insisted that you knew your mushrooms and convinced Donnie to help you make a soup with some, only to get yourselves massively sick. And let's not forget the time you jumped off a tall rock into a small lake only to realize that that small lake was infact just a really big puddle.
As April would put it, you two got along like a house fire. Which is another incident you two almost caused, just... ya know... in the barn. So its not as bad!
You and Donnie were chilling in the barn like you normally did when you weren't trying to get yourself killed (allegedly). Donnie had long since finished his explanation on this device for testing April's brain waves. You two sat in comfortable silence as you daydreamed tilting on your chair, legs propped up on the back of the sad excuse of a truck. Inevitably you tilted to far and fell to the floor with a loud WHOMP!
Donnie turned around concerned for you wellbeing, like a normal person. However before he can say a word you speak.
"Hey D, you ever use a magnifying glass to burn messages into stuff?" Staying put on your place on the floor not seeming to bothered.
At this you grin up at him and whipp out a magnifying glass from your pocket.
"Would you like to?"
Gosh that smile. He learned pretty quickly that whenever you smiled like that you were gonna do something. You were set to enjoy yourself wether he came along or not. Like the puddle incident. he tried to tell you it seemed to shallow but you did NOT care. He couldn't stop you from jumping but he could stop you from breaking your tailbone. And when he went to catch you the force of your fall threw him right on his butt with a loud splash. No one hurt, (yes you were, you just couldn't tell yet) just drenched. You guys just sat there laughing for a good while before you finally admitted you should have listened to him.
That's when he decided that even if is was stupid he'd at least tag along for the fun of it. And that's what led him behind the chicken coop looking for broken boards or thick sticks to burn creepy messages. You wanted to scatter them around the forest and see what would happen if the others found them. It seemed to be a harmless enough prank. That is until you actually got to burning the stuff.
You both began buring your messages on the sicks behind the barn. Donnie having chosen a classic 'I'm watching' with you deciding on 'you smell different awake'.
"You're so weird." Donnie laughed.
"Perhaps, but you can't tell me that the idea of someone sniffing you in your sleep isn't creepy."
"I feel like someone sniffing you awake without you noticing is the creeper implication there."
You both continued debating about wether it was creeper to be sniffed unknowingly asleep or awake. During said debate, without realizing, you continued to point the magnifying glass at perfect angle towards your stick.
And after a little bit of a back and forth between you and Donnie he stopped you.
"hey do you smell something burning?" You look back at your stick right as a small fire erupts on it. You were kneeling pretty far over you stick and the fire was almost right in your face. You freaked, jumping out of your skin and kicking the stick away from you.
Right. Into. The barn.
"Oops." Is all you said as the fire started to eat up the dry wood of the ancient barn wall.
You and Donnie kicked into panic mode as you both started frantically fanning the flames with your jacket in hope of blowing out the fire. Unfortunately for you the fire was already at the point of no return. Fanning it would only blow the flames further up the barn. After realizing that was only making it worse you started to kick the wall in hopes of stomping out the flames. Donnie, meanwhile, nervously shuffled in place looking for and thinking of anything he could possibly use to put out the fire. About to head in one direction before stopping and changing trajectory only to stop again to repeat the same panicked tango. Throughout this whole disaster you were both screaming at each other. Either about ideas to put the fire out or incomprehensible fear.
Eventually due to all the racket Leo and Raph came outside to see what the frick was going on. Leo, because he was trying to meditate, and Raph because you both needed to shut up.
When they saw what whas happening however, they went from annoyed to frantic real fast. Raph went inside to fill a bucket with water while Leo grabbed the hose to do the same. When Raph ran through the house he grabbed Mikey's attention as he was walking down the stairs. Then he got April and Casey's who were in the kitchen when he started impatiently filling said bucket.
Not answering any of their questions from the moment he got to the kitchen to the moment he ran out all three curious teens followed him to the smoking barn. There was no bucket by the hose so Leo had opted to just bringing the hose to the fire however the water couldn't quite reach so he was pouring water into yours and Donnies hands. You both threw water on the fire that had almost entirely engulfed flames. Safe to say, it wasn't doing much. That's when Raph splashed the wall with the contents of the bucket and put out a big portion of the fire. He then grabbed the hose from Leo's hands and began to fill up the bucket more. April yelled to you and Donnie, and motioned to Casey and Mikey. You all followed her to the basement where more buckets lie and ran back out side. Safe to say with all the water and everyone helping out the fire was finally quenched.
Luckily it all happened pretty quickly only the outside of the one wall was singed. April was not happy about it though and wanted an explanation. You were quick to confess and now your not allowed to touch glass.
Over the time that you and Donnie would spend together at the farm house you would continue to bring that incident up. While the others were less enthused about your jokes you and Donnie couldn't help but laugh.
On this specific occasion you were looking for frogs in the woods while telling Donnie a sleep a terrible dad jokes. Not a single one had made him laugh, but you knew what would.
"Stop, I think I'm gonna flatline from how bad your jokes are." Donnie motioned dramatically.
"Oh come on don't be like that. I'm on FIRE right now."
There it is.
"Pffffft. Nooo!" He giggled, "You can't just bring that up every time you tell a sucky joke."
"I don't know what you're talking about, I am incredibly talented when it comes to, lighting up a room."
A small pause was shared between you before the hysteria finally hit. Was it stupid? Yes. Was it really that funny? No. But you guys loved it.
Donnie loved it.
He loved your laugh. Your infectious smile. The way you looked at him like you really saw him. The way you listened to him like you were really hearing him. The way you would ask questions right as he was about to finish and egg him on further. The way you would say 'explain it to me', every time he showed you a new invention. Truthfully he could just start telling you but it made his heart jump in his throat in the best way. The way you would study whatever he was making trying to figure out what it is, only to turn to him with shiney eyes to say those four perfect words.
But honestly, these walks and in the forest were his favorite. Not all of them ended in disaster and when they didn't, they were usually quite comfortable. You two used to chat about your lives back in New York but eventually you both ran out of interesting things to say. So you stuck to talking about events at the farm house but there usually want much to talk about then either. Seeing as you two spent practically every waking moment together.
Even still, the silence was comfortable. It was easy to enjoy your presence. Man if he knew having a best friend would be this great he definitely would have focused less on his crush. His feelings for you were completely different from his feelings towards April in the past. He wanted to die every time he said almost anything to April, but with you? I knew he could say anything, stupid or not, and he'd be okay. And if he went to far? You told him, he'd apologize, you guys would move on, and vise versa.
"hey D?"
"How are you doing lately?"
"huh? What do you mean?... I've been doing, fine... I guess. Why do you ask?
"Well- I mean. Uhhhhhm. It's just, it's been like a month since the whole bigfoot... situation. Just wanted to check in. See how your feeling ya know?" You shrugged and kept your eyes trained on the floor while you kicked a rock.
Donnie look at you and then back forward. There's another thing you do. His family and friends care about his general well being but none of them go out of their way to ask him if he was okay randomly. He felt just fine in the moment and to most that was good enough.
"Yeah I'm feeling good. It was kinda hard at first, but I got over it a lot faster than I thought I would." Gosh had it only be a month? If you asked before then he would have told you that April was his soulmate. Now? She's definitely just a good friend. Maybe even a sister with the amount of time she spent with him and his brothers.
"Good good." You nodded. You were honestly really happy for him. You knew he was setting himself up for disappointment with April, your just glad it over.
You kept your eyes trained on the dirt in front of you. Not cuz you felt awkward anymore, that feeling was dismissed when Donnie answered your question. So no, not that. You couldn't look at him right now. Not when he basically told you, you might have a chance. Admittedly you've always thought he was the most attractive of his brothers, and you always admired his creativity and skill. But, he liked April, and there was no way you were A. getting in the middle of that whole mess, or B. signing up for having your exact house address known at all times down to the meter. However, not only has he realize that was overstepping, but he doesn't like her anymore! So can you really be blamed for smiling a little to wide at the news?
As you finished you walk and went back to the farmhouse you decided now was the time to start dropping hints. You want to be sure there was at least a 50% chance of him liking you back. Was that low? To some, maybe, but you could never be 100% sure unless he told you.
As you walked up the porch and approached the front door you leaned into Donnie softly. Like a gentle nudge almost. The first step would be to initiate more physical contact. You wanted to ease into ease into it. Jumping straight into cheek kissing like April did could end wrong in so many ways. Donnie looked at you with a quirked "eyebrow" and a slight smile like he was asking like you 'whatca' need silly?'. You simply shrugged to communicate you didn't need anything and walked into the house.
After dinner you and Donnie went back to the barn with some blankets, planning to spend a late night there. One for Donnie so he didn't get cold while he worked and one thick one for you so you didn't get cold while you sat in the truck and played games like two truths and a lie with him.
You both enter the barn and head to your respective places.
"This truck is such a lost cause." You chuckled.
"you say that everytime we stay up here."
"Because it's the truth! This truck is sad and in pain. It's old and decrepit and needs to rest. You and Casey need to let it die."
"The only way I let that truck die is if someone dies in it."
"Dang, I guess I'll have to make the noble sacrifice then."
"You say that like the car may or may not explode at any moment and you shaking into up isn't making it more likely."
At this you look up at Donnie and stop you settling into the rusty vehicle immediately. Surprise evident on your face served with a hint of actual concern. Donnie looked back at you with an unwavering expression of deadpanned unconcern.
"OH YOU JERK! I was legit worried I would actually DIE in this crappy car!"
"Didn't you call dying in that car a, what was it again? 'noble sacrifice'?"
"Oh shut up and work on your nerd thing!"
He stuck his tongue out at you and you stuck your back. You both chuckled and he turned to his work desk while you whipped out your phone. Eventually you started a game of guess the hummed song. You usually won since Donnie preferred to work in silence and never felt a need to develop a large playlist. It was fun none the less and ended when the night finally got too late and you fell asleep.
"There." He said as he finished up a part of his invention, "Hey y/n-". He paused when he noticed you fast asleep. Sighing as he moved towards you. You being fast asleep ment it had gotten too late, and while you both planned to stay out here late, he figured now was a good a time as any to go inside and get some proper sleep. He went to pick you up but before he could his breath caught.
You were deeply snuggled into your blanket rapping yourself tight in your makeshift cocoon of cotton. Your face smushed against the edge of the blanket with your body hunched as far in on itself as it can be. You looked so small and soft and... precious.
He couldn't start up that sort of train of though again. He just got out of a nightmare situation with April. He no longer sought her out in any romantic way and was perfectly content being friends. That, however, did not change the simple fact that you would never be happy with someone like him. He was a freak. Whenever you thought of a romantic relationship you probably thought of doing all that normal romantic stuff like going on dinner dates or to the movies. Normalcy is something he would never be able to give you. What he could give you? Was some stolen trash and alien tech welded together and a T-phone.
Donnie took whatever feeling your squishy sleepy face had ripped to the surface and shoved it right back where it should have stayed. For your sake, and his.
Unfortunately for him attempting to sleep after returning you to your room would prove to be quite the difficult task. Images of your smiling face and sounds of your voice plagued his mind. He could so perfectly picture your focused eyes trained on where ever he directed your eyes. The thoughts of you shook him to his soul and he began to realize how the difference between his feelings for you and April wasn't in romantic inclinations. No. Rather it was in sure intensity and comfortability. He realized a bit to late the sheer depths of his affections. This time however he was determined to keep them to himself.
The next morning you detached yourself from your bed later in the day than the others. When the time came to pull together some sort of meal for yourself, you decided to go the simple route and microwave a premade breakfast. Opening the freezer you greeted ice cream kitty with a pat on the head and in return, she handed you exactly what you were looking for.
As you stared at the microwave heating your mediocre food Donnie made his way into the kitchen. He looked much more out of it than you. You could only assume that after he moved you inside to get some proper rest that he spent the rest of the night at work.
"Sleep well Don?" You asked half teasing but still wanting a real answer.
"OH! Umm- well. Not really." His tone was awkward and skittish. He barely looked at you as he got out the necessities for cereal, only shoot you quick glances only to get startled when you caught him. You got fed up with this quickly.
"What?" Though it was phrased like a question your tone made it seem almost like a statement.
"Why are you acting like I killed your mother?"
"Wha- I am not!" Finally he was looking at you properly.
"Uh huh. That's why you haven't looked me in the eye till just now. I'm not blind Donatello, I see you glancing at me when you think I'm not looking"
"I wasn't!"
"You have the persuasionary skills of a first grader, you know that?" You deadpanned.
"look I'm just- out of it right now. It's nothing." You eyed him. Donnie was many things but a good lier was not one of them.
"If you say so."
You both continued in silence for a bit longer but unlike most silences between you two this one seemed heavy. Awkward and anxious.
"How bout' a walk later then?" The woods were always good for airing out bad vibes.
"... Sure."
Even with his previous reservations in regards to his feelings for you he still wanted to be your friend. Walks in the woods were a staple for you two. And who knows? Maybe it would be just the thing to get his mind straight.
Oooooor not.
Was it a bit optimistic of him to think a walk would help with you right next to him. Probably. You both had settled into the comfortable quite that had grown to become common. The gentle breeze sat on your skin and he watched as it brushed your hair one way and the other. The sun was shining overhead casting strong shadows on the two of you from underneath the trees. The air was warm and he was acutely aware of the close proximity between you both. His skin prickled at the sensation of your arm brushing his. The crunch of the leaves beneath your feet and tweets of near by birds did little to distract him. The more he though of it the more he regretted saying yes to this walk. His heart was drumming to the sound of your gentle breaths and he wrung his brain trying to focus on the scenery.
You could tell something was still off with him from this morning. He was stiff and way more interested in the trees than he ever was before. You stood closer to him in an attempt gauge what he was feeling. You however always struggled when it came to interpreting emotions. After a few moments of heavy silence you asked.
"Donnie? What's going on?"
"I don't know what your talking about."
You stepped back, "Oh you SO do." You knew something was up and you knew he knew too.
"What?!" He thought he was doing pretty well at keeping it to himself. Had he really been that obvious?
"Look Donnie I don't know what your dealing with right now but I know it's something. I won't force you to tell me but don't lie to me about it okay?" You patted him on the shoulder for some comfort and then backed off. You were aching to hug him or squeeze his hand but you couldn't. Not now. Not as a friend.
You both walked for a little while longer until Donnie abruptly turned to you.
He grabbed your shoulders.
"It's not- I- I don't what you to think-"
"Donnie. Breath"
He looked you in the eye like he didn't want to. He had so much he wanted to say and so much he knew he couldn't. You sat him down on a beach and crouched in front of him. He took a deep breath, seeming to come to a conclusion of sorts. This time he looked you in the eyes with conviction.
"Sorry. I'm just tired is all, I didn't mean to worry you."
You eyed him suspiciously but decided to continue on your walk. Things had seemed to return to their normal flow. Fun conversation and light teasing.
You both decided to take a break on a log after a bit before heading back to the house. The air was fresh and crisp. Aside from the chitter from the occasional bird, it's was quiet. The stillness really made it feel like it was just the two of you in this little bubble. You leaned on Donnie's shoulder and sighed.
"I love you."
It was a breathy and quiet confession meant to stay in you head. If it weren't for Donnie stiffening and his short "what." you would have though that's where you said it. You calmly moved off his shoulder to look at him, hoping all he heard was incoherent mumbling.
"What?" You asked.
"Did- Did you just say you loved me?"
Well that was unexpectedly direct and problematically uncharacteristic.
"I- I uhhhhhh-" you didn't want to lie to him. You couldn't. You couldn't tell him now though! This was the worst timing imaginable! But you had no choice, you wouldn't lie to him.
"... Yeah. You don't have to say anything I don't want to burden you when your clearly going through something I just, well, we were just-" your gaze drifted to your hands as you rambled.
"I can't return you feelings."
"What? What did you say?"
"I can't return your feelings so- maybe, um, you should hang out with Casey or April more. When we get back. Today."
You both walked back to the house in silence.
You and Donnie stopped spending as much time together after that. The others in the house noticed too but they didn't say anything. If someone did try to ask they would be met with silence or a short "everything fine."
Safe to say Raph was NOT happy about that. He had known you and Donnie long enough to know that you two not only had a thing for each other but that you were both unhappy with this arrangement.
So, he decided that if either one of you were gonna mess it up it would be Donnie.
"Alright. What did you do?" Raph questioned as he closed the barn door.
"Not now Raph, I'm busy." Donnie responded as he continued with whatever he was making.
"Oh I know. Since your too busy for y/n, you must be absolutely SWAMPED!" sarcasm dripping from his voice. This got too Donnie. Why was Raph acting like he's the bad guy?! Y/n would be happier with a human partner, they didn't know what they were saying! No one could actually LOVE a mutant monster like him.
"You don't know anything Raph, leave me alone."
"Educate me then."
"Could you not today? I'm really not in the mood."
"You know what I'm not in the mood for Donnie? Seeing you guys depressed everyday cuz you messed something up with y/n!"
"Oh so suddenly because they're human they're too good for us huh? Or are you trying to say that we're to good for humans?!"
"BECAUSE I- ..."
"Nothing. It doesn't matter. Go away." Donnie shooed Raph out and turned back to his invention.
"No!" Raph grabbed him by the back of his chat and spun him around to face am directly, "answer my question. Because. you. what?"
Donnie stares Raph down but didn't breath a word.
"You're a coward Donnie." was all Raph said before turning around and slamming the door behind him.
Little did he know this would bug Donnie way more than it should've.
Raph then made his way to you, you were in bad shape.
"Hey," He said, knocking on your doorframe. You were draped over your bed staring at your ceiling and shoving expired potato chips in your face.
"How ya feeling?"
"How am I looking?"
"Like a wreck."
All you did was snap your finger and point at him as a way of saying, "bingo".
"Look, I don't wanna bug ya but I know something happened between you and Donnie. Tell me what happened."
"You'll just laugh at me."
"If I wanted to laugh at you I would have done it by now. You don't exactly make it a hard thing to do."
"Gee, thanks."
"Come on, it might make you feel a little better."
You sighed, maybe it would. On the one hand, you haven't exactly told anyone about your feelings yet. On the other hand though, it isn't very often Raph is like this. This might be your best chance to get all of this off your chest. Deciding to take the rare opportunity you sad up and faces Raph.
"I... I don't know where to start."
"Try the beginning." Raph smiled at you. You eyed him nervously and nodded.
You had told him everything, and honestly, after saying everything out loud you felt...
Yeah, you were kinda embarrassed about your accidental confession but what the heck was Donnie's answer?! He didn't have to return your feelings but now he didn't want to hang out with you at all? WHAT THE HECK?? Left your bed and started you way to the barn were Donnie was.
"Hey, where are you going?" Raph asked, shocked at your change in demeanor.
"To kick Donnie's butt!"
Raph laughed but made no attempt to stop you. He deserved it.
A little before you reached the barn how we Donnie had decided that Raph was right. Avoiding you was cowardly and he needed to properly talk to you. As much as he forced the distance between the two of you, he did miss you.
Before you could open the door it swung open from the other side.
"Y/N! I uhhhhhh-"
"We need to talk D."
"Uh.. YES! Yes we do! Come on in." Donnie was panicking, you looked mad. Oh geez how was he gonna say this? He was so focused on fixing things with you that he forgot to think of anything to say that would fix it. Lucky for him you started.
"So, I should hang out with April and Casey more, huh?"
Or maybe not so lucky. What was he supposed to say?
"How come we never talk anymore? You don't have to like me back but that doesn't mean I'm suddenly unable to be your friend! You were friends with April the entire time you liked her!"
"Well his situation is a little different from that but I actually wanted to fix our friendship too." Donnie said hopefully.
"How is this any different than when you liked April?" You crossed your arms utterly DONE with Donnie's nonsense.
"Oh, ummm... Th- that's not important. What is important is tha-"
"Oh nononono. What's so different?"
Why did you have to get stuck on that detail?
"It doesn't matter y/n. Was matters is that I'm sorry for avoiding you and-"
"Well it matters to me Donnie! What makes this situation so different?!."
"I think I was wrong it is pretty-"
"Are you kidding me?"
"I... well I didn't plan on telling you but-"
You were in complete disbelief. Did he seriously just say that?
"Are you saying this because April rejected you? I thought with the whole bigfoot ordeal you learned it had nothing to do with your looks." You flatly responded.
"I- I know that." He told you, looking to the ground.
"Donnie, your a mutant. Not a freak, not a monster, and if I was really put off by your looks I wouldn't have become friends with you in the first place. Your a mutant. That's it. It doesn't change how I feel about you. Do you honestly think my feelings for you are so shallow?"
"I don't know. I don't know what to think. I'm just... I guess I'm just scared that one day you'll look at me and think that you made a mistake. That you picked wrong."
"For a such a smart guy your pretty dumb you know that?"
He looked back at you and in that same moment you hugged him.
"I decide my feelings Donnie. Not you. I decided to love you, and if you really do love me back, maybe we could try this" you gestured to the two of you, "before immediately assuming it wouldn't work out?"
Donnie smiled and hugges you back.
"I would like that. Thank you."
And it's done! Man that took forever. Honestly, I'm not sure what to think of this one. It for sure isn't proofread but I hope you like it!
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ID: A thread of tweets by PinkRangerLB, a trans lawyer, that say the following.
"We in the LGBTQ+ community must understand that our dead were real people. Vital, awake, worlds unto themselves, like us. They didn’t live and die for the sake of our learning, but they have a lot to teach.
I want to tell you about Hart Island and hope in the darkness. /1
When I say they were real people I mean I do not believe they are necessary sacrifices, or that our dead paid a cost for us. They loved, they feared, they had favorite TV shows and candy bars. They were here and it will never ever ever be okay that they’re gone. /2
They’re not symbols or metaphors. They had books to write, vacations to take, meals to cook, and the world would be better with them still in it. We aren’t enriched by death, but we can stand in their shoes and see the future. /3
Hart Island, if you don’t know, is where New York City buries bodies that aren’t claimed by a licensed funeral director. At the height of the AIDS epidemic funeral homes were urged not to embalm AIDS fatalities. /4
In New York, as elsewhere, stigma toward the queer community was at a level that even now it can be difficult to remember. Many queer people who died of AIDS had been disowned by their birth family because of their identity, their HIV status, or both. /5
To make matters worse, their partners and found families had no rights to their medical care or their bodies after they passed. The hateful families that could claim them often didn’t, and the families that loved them were powerless to see to their wishes. /6
You can read more about all this at the memorial’s website, here:
You can feel their weight, can’t you? The absence is heavy. And it’s important we understand that weight, because it’s a flat fact that current attacks on LGBTQ+ rights, trans rights especially, will kill people. There will be more absence, and it is not okay. /8
And when we say we have hope we are not saying it’s okay that they will be gone.
None of this ignores intersectionalism, higher rates of infection in targeted communities, death rates higher still. When I say things *can* get better I am not ignoring that improvement favors /9
the privileged.
Things got better. ACT UP and other activist groups organized and gained ground through community building, mutual aid, and grassroots action. Culturally, the tide began to turn. Federal action by Reagan and then Clinton contributed very little /10
(and in fact often caused harm). Direct action by activists galvanized AIDS research and the tide turned with very little government help.
In New York City, the death rate for HIV/AIDS patients fell by 62% from 2001 to 2012. So here’s what I’m saying. We’ve been seeing /11
an escalating backlash against LGBTQ people for years now. It gets very easy for us to come to expect the worst case scenario. Trump won, states are attacking trans kids, Roe was overturned. So now we say WHEN the Supreme Court overturns gay marriage, WHEN a national /12"
abortion ban passes, WHEN trans healthcare for adults gets criminalized.
And don’t get me wrong, those are all very real threats. We have to fight like hell. I am not pretending that times aren’t dark, that people won’t die, or that it will ever be okay that our people will /13
suffer and die. But things can, and do, get better when we fight, when we look after each other. The tide will not inevitably turn, but *we* can turn it. We can say that when the wall finally fell, our hands were there, pulling it down brick by brick. /14
And those we lost, if we remember them, honor them, we are their hands too. /15"
370 notes · View notes
What do you think you add? Do you think you make a poignant post better when after scrolling down through it we see someone saying it's "official"?
I'm choosing to interpret this ask as a genuine question (albeit one that's been worded a bit rudely) instead of a hate anon, because I wouldn't want to tarnish people's dashboards with hate anons.
Now, to answer your genuine question... The "Discworld Heritage Post" tagline I add to the end of posts has as much validity as I have authority to bestow it: none. Do I think my tagline makes posts better? Of course not! And I certainly don't think I make them official, (and neither my url or my pinned post claim that I do so).
I don't know what reasons other people had to start their own Heritage Posts blogs for other fandoms, but I will gladly tell you mine: I got into Discworld. I discovered the Discworld fandom in Tumblr. And, one day, while scrolling down some Discworld related tags, the idea just popped into my head. After checking that there wasn't a Discworld Heritage Posts blog already, I decided to make one.
I personally follow a few Heritage Posts blogs, and my reason to do so is probably the same as to why many people follow this blog: I wanted to see that kind of content. Tracking tags and being up to date on the most popular posts of a fandom is doable, but doing so for the dozens upon dozens of media I'm into is impossible, so I like to follow some Heritage Posts blogs to get some of those posts directly into my dashboard (it's also worth mentioning that sometimes, some iconic posts are made when people comment stuff on them, and those don't appear in the search tags, so following blogs that post about a certain fandom is the best way to come across some of those collaborative posts, because otherwise you'd rarely get to see them). So yes, I created a blog that, had it already existed, I would have liked to follow. Also, while other blogs with this gimmick usually limit themselves to reblogging, let's call them the "greatest hits", I've said since the beginning that I didn't care about how many notes something had. Be it cool art or a funny or insightful post, if I like it, I send it to my drafts.
However, none of those reasons are the main reason why I made this blog. The main reason is that I did it for myself. After exhausting all the content that showed up in the Popular Posts tab, I couldn't help but think of all the gold and treasure that wasn't there, buried and hidden due to the way Tumblr's search engine works. If you're familiar with the Discworld concept of "lies-to-children", that's what the "top posts of all time" is in Tumblr. A 20k post from 2016 will not be there, but a six month old post with 400 notes will show up. Surely there had been amazing Discworld posts and art posted in 2015 and 2013, but I wasn't going to find most of them unless I expressly went looking for them. And this blog was the perfect excuse to do so. As of replying to this ask, there's nearly 600 posts sitting in my drafts, and if I didn't have this blog I would have never discovered 90% of them. And those are the ones I've seen. I still have dozens of places I haven't searched.
I know that if I reblog a month old post with over 2k notes, a lot of people in the fandom will have already seen it. However, a 2k notes post from 2014, or a drawing with 40 notes from 2012 is something that is less likely to have hit people's dashes recently, or at all. When you come across the "Discworld Heritage Post" tagline in a post, please don't picture me as an uppity monarch performing the Tumblr equivalent of a knighting ceremony, or a stuffy museum curator deigning a piece worthy of being included in an exhibition. Picture me as a kid enthusiastically jumping and flailing my arms around while yelling "holy shit guys check out what I just found!!", because that's how I feel running this blog.
Ultimately, whether one of my posts does better or worse is indifferent to me, because they aren't my posts, or memes, or drawings. I'm just the intermediary. That being said, of course it's not indifferent to me, because more engagement means that was a post many people hadn't seen before, or had forgotten about, and one of my goals was to run a blog that would allow people to find those hidden or long forgotten gems.
When all is said and done, Heritage Post blogs are just another one of Tumblr's gimmicks. If we're not your cup of tea, you're free to ignore or block us. If you want to reblog something and don't want the tagline, you can reblog it directly from OP (or from another reblog if OP has deactivated their account).
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wolfdrawer · 5 months
Alright so, who's ready for a cowboy au!!
General premise of it:
Gideon Coal is on the hunt for the hobgoblins that took his family away from him and has left him a permanent scar. With the help of a crew he hired, he'll finally seek his revenge.
All characters are their normal races just not their classes. So...Avantris that got hit with the western stick. Just so there's no confusion.
And they all have different nicknames but I haven't thought of much...still a work in progress.
Gideon Coal:
•The leader who's fiery revenge is gonna make for a mighty risky plan.
•His outfit is like Orville Peck's if it was more chaotic and messy.
• (Thank you @obsidiancreates for this idea) He looks like a mess on purpose, since he's had too many people doubting him, might as well adapt to it. His guns doesn't look clean so people assume he's got no game and will get himself killed.
•His fine weapon of choice is his Pappy's trusty shotgun and a dingy revolver that was left behind when the hobgoblins invaded. He's a tank that likes to go head first and do as much damage. Although he's not fully advanced with the revolver, he gets the job done with it.
•He's a massive risk taker, getting into fights with the wrong people to get what he wants and a big shit stirrer whether it's flirting or sleeping with another man's girl or just pick pocketing from his winnings. If it's a risk, it's already worth it.
Kremy Lecroux :
•The proud owner of the Hungry Catfish after running away from his old employer. When he's not making sure the patrons of his bar aren't ripping each other to shreds or causing mayhem or doing finance, sometimes he likes to go down and give a show. Whether dancing or singing, he'll put on a show for his patrons.
•He's the only one not affected by the hobgoblins because he runs away whenever he's paranoid and feels like they are too close to his business or his life. But he knows too many stories.
•He can be a flirt but it never goes far because although he doesn't look like it, he's a fighter.
•He's the closest one that maybe has magic, however, it's all just a magic trick, smoke and mirrors as he performs.
•His performing outfit consists more of a regular button up, a corset, leather gloves, normal leather pants, and a big jacket. And his actual outfit is something I have to get drawing on. He does wear his makeup for each outfit, his performing outfit more of the typical voodoo paintings and then when he's out, it's a hand made skull mask he made.
•Weapons of choice would be his two ranger guns that sit on the lower back of him and his cane that doubles as a hidden sword because I do love me some hidden swords.
•You can make a deal with him, whether it's getting him for a heist or helping you get the money you need from a game, he's your man as long as you can pay him with as much as you got. (60 - 40 like he said)
Morning Frost:
•A working farm hand that got his knack for shooting things across the way when he had to quickly grab his mom's rifle and snipe a hobgoblin that was about to grab his friend. He got a few more shots in before the hobgoblins finally got away from his village. He was regarded as a hero and forced to learn the ways of the world pretty harshly. Now in the future, his knack for the rifle has landed him to be able to turn off his emotions in a pinch to get the job done, although it bleeds through when the going gets tough.
•His outfit, and this may be obscure, is going to be a sort of ref to Tigerclaw from the 2012 TMNT, just without the eye patch and adding a few more details to make it more cowboy aesthetic.
•His weapon of choice of course is his mom's trusty rifle that he cares for deeply and makes sure it's in tip top shape everyday.
•He's calculated, knowing risks and how dumb it would be to do something, but he's not above going in and sniping for a job if he desperately needs the money.
•He still lives in his village, now a protector of sorts and still practices his shooting to hone it even though he's already good, but good just isn't enough.
•He has 2 lockets around his neck that his mom and dad wore, each containing a faux gem that he feels represents them with a picture of each them. I will say the jewels later but I have to do my research on jewels.
Gricko Grimgrin and Hootsie T. Grimgrin:
•A man in the midst of woods and barely any civilization, Gricko lives for the hunt. With his daughter and trusty companion Hootsie, they scavenge all they can for their meals. Unlike the rest of the guys, they are so far into the woods, that they don't know any stories about hobgoblins nor have they even heard anything that sounds like a train. What is a train to them?
•Because of hunting, he's mastered the art of traps and the usefulness of materials. Everyday, he makes a new trap or stocks up on old ones, just to be ready. On his scavenging, he finds things that people who venture too close have and makes more of his weapons like makeshift bombs or fixing himself a knife as best as he can. Basically a wild man.
•Weapons of choice would be his makeshift bombs, think of Sokka's bomb from Avatar, and a janky knife he tried to make using bullets he found on a random corpse. It does it's job and that's all that matters to him. I am debating on whether or not to give him a gun, but I want to get everyone different guns. Still debating.
•Hootsie was going to be one of Gricko's marks, but Gricko does understand nature more than anything and took pity on the owlbear cub that lost its momma, and now he raises her as his own, inseparable. Now, she helps with scoping out prey and sniffing out when people are near.
And that's what I have so far! Hopefully I can fully get more of an idea for them and can get the map fully to really scope out how much these hobgolbins have fucked with everyone, but for now, take these disconnecting things. Torbek and Twig will be here as well, but I'm also trying to figure out their backstory and their roles in this without overlapping a bunch. The drawings I will have to add later because Gricko's and Frost is something I have to workshop. Especially Gricko because I want to make him a wild man but not a savage, anyone catch what I'm putting down, you know. If not it's fine, but I just have to think of his outfit. Anyway Enjoy!
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chemicahs · 4 months
TF2 is unplayable and most people don’t know
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Graphs showing the absolute Mariana Trench of idle bots farming for items - inflating the player numbers of TF2 on Steam’s counter (white line) vs an independent data count of actual players active in a server (bottom yellow line)
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70-80% of “players” counted on steam are bots. There’s over twice as many players now as in 2012 when the game was popular? How is that possible when the game hasn’t been touched by a major update in years?
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Only 3% of the bots shown here are of the cheating kind, infesting the waters of casual servers making it impossible to enjoy a match of tf2 without being instantly killed stepping out of spawn.
These sniper bots not only spread hate in the chat and just genuinely ruin the beloved game out of malice, but their hosts are actually doing illegal things such as using a youtuber’s voice to train an ai in order to make it speak vulgar threats, leading to this person getting police sent to his house.
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Valve, The multi billion dollar company, says it’s “too hard” to beat a couple guys with computers in their basement, and don’t care about their reputation for their most well known game. How embarrassing, people think this game is still flourishing with “increased” player numbers and many many fans, while in reality Valve is just letting illegal shit happen in their game because it makes them a couple cents. Tf2 is such a good game that the community tries to brush off the fact the bots even exist, which is why you probably haven’t heard about it.
This game that everyone loves and thinks is doing fine isn’t in danger of losing numbers, it’s actively a cesspool of malicious bots run by real people making the game unable to be enjoyed. TF2 is NOT thriving and will continue to go downhill unless we tell more people what is going on.
An entire game has been ruined by a handful of assholes party pooping everyone else’s fun (and creating real life danger) for YEARS.
The #SaveTF2 movement of 2022 brought attention and started trending, but most people used it to say how much they love the game, and many fans still had no idea what was happening INSIDE the game. This time we are informing people about the bots and nothing else.
What can we even do? What can Valve do? There’s only one way to find out.
Screenshot credits:
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yzafre · 11 days
who wore it better – 2003 v 2012 episode comparisons
I said I wanted to do this in my 2003 thoughts post, and I’m gonna. I've been picking away at this for a couple weeks now.
I’m focusing on places where they actually recycled a storyline rather than adapted general concepts.  Fugitoid and the space arc is an example of the second method – Robot Scientist with a connection to a Dangerous Machine is a shared concept, but the stories are different.
“Ohhh how did we end up here we’ve GOT to figure out how to get home, our Dad might still be in danger” versus “we HAVE to collect the McGuffins before the enemy or earth is going to EXPLODE. AGAIN.” You know?
Comparing those types of adaptations could be done, but it’s not what I’m interested in here.  I specifically want to look at the places that made me think “oh, 2012 just copied this” while I was watching 2003.
Now, obviously this is extremely subjective.  So take this as me defending my nominations for winner in these categories, rather than some sort of objective truth.  I am presenting my dinky power-point on why you should vote for my favorites.  Ect.  Your preferences may be different!
My ramblings on the episodes got long (should I have split this into parts? maybe! didn't though), so uhhhh...
tl;dr: Scoring got weird at 3.5 to 2003, 3 to 2012, and two draws.
Key takeaways: 2003 better matches my personal tastes, and what makes 2012 good is the stuff specific to its iteration, rather than copying 2003
With all that taken care of, here’s my opinions, in very messy order.
Meet Casey Jones vs The Good, The Bad and the Casey Jones
So, this was the very first episode that made me sit back and go: wait.  This is just.  The same thing? 
Raph loses a fight, loses his temper violently over it.  He then goes out to get some air and runs into Casey, getting into a fight.  Raph goes back and apologizes to his brother, and then they have to deal with the Casey situation.  Eventually they’re friends.
That being said, they do handle things a bit differently inside of those plot points, in a way that makes me very split on which one is better.
So, this episode is doing two things: introducing Casey (at least to the turtles, in 2012’s case), and spotlighting Raph’s anger issues, and the shows handle both of them differently.  So let's look at them:
Raph and his anger
I want to start with the positioning of the episode within the wider series.
This is the 4th episode of 2003.  At this point, they’re still setting up the characters and your understanding of them – so this is really here to say hey, our Raph has a temper, that’s going to be a thing going forward. (I'm watching '87 right now, and while I've heard Raph gets more of his anger late in the series, at the beginning he is... not that. So signaling this for people who might have watched the previous show is valid.)
After this, I don’t remember there being other episodes that are Explicitly About Raph’s anger issues?  That’s not to say there aren’t any – there very well could’ve been some that were just so boring I don’t remember them, which would be a whole other issue – but what I remember of him being, to quote the show, a “hot-head” is integrated into other stories.
For 2012, this is nearly halfway through season 2, and is one of 3 episodes I can think of off the top of my head that at least start out framed as a lesson on Raph’s anger issues.  (The one with the guy that turns into a spider mutant, this one, and…. Okay so I don’t remember the details but I’m Pretty Sure I remember there being another one post-space arc).
Now, in theory this is good – having a sort of long-term journey recurring throughout the series.  In practice… eh. 
This is very subjective, but from the way the topic was constantly put on the shelf until they wanted to use it for an episode, to the way it was all extremely surface level and used mostly for jokes, it didn’t do much for me.
That aside, let’s look at the content of the episode itself:
Raph's anger issues have two different tones here.
2003 Raph’s snapping at Mikey is framed a lot more seriously – and a lot more dangerously – than 2012 Raph going at Leo.  And, accordingly, ‘03 Raph is a lot more horrified at his actions, whereas ‘12 Raph is more petulant, unwilling to fully own up to his mistake.
That carries over to when they’re “getting some air” - ‘03 Raph is blatantly angry with himself, where ‘12 is complaining about his brother’s not getting it.  I do think some of that frustration with himself is buried underneath, but it's interesting to note the difference between how aware of it they are. (Of course, ‘12 also didn’t try to brain his brother over the head with a metal pipe.  So.)
The two different versions also shifted what they chose to have “spelled out” versus implied.  What I mean is.... okay, so ‘03 had Raph explicitly say “What is wrong with me” – that frustration with himself I mentioned earlier – where it’s kind of buried underneath for ‘12.
On the other hand, ‘12 Raph flat out says he wasn’t angry, just “determined to win,” when explaining himself to Splinter, whereas with ‘03 the reasoning comes from Raph’s “You think you’re better than me?” line during the fight (and a bit of Mikey’s taunting, the menace), allowing you to (very easily, let's be real, I don't know that you can really count this as subtext) connect the dots on how it escalated.
So, that leads to their fight with Casey – where they both get carried away, before coming to their senses and questioning what they’re doing (and subsequently getting surprise-attacked).  The difference here is that ‘03, upon calming down, went back to trying to talk some sense into Casey (using the lessons he’s obviously trying to absorb himself), while to me ‘12 Raph just kinda seemed disoriented by it all?
Which. Fair.
Next step: the apology.  VERY different receptions.  The ‘03 brothers greet Raph with worry and care, and take his apology quietly and warmly, whereas for ‘12 they act like this is another Tuesday, a bit dismissive, and tease and taunt him through his apology.  I’m not trying to disparage the ‘12 turtles here – not exactly – more so observing the difference in tone once more.
When people say the ‘03 turtles feel older, I think this is a huge part of it – the ‘12 turtles’ behavior feels very “stupid teenager”.  And I mean that in a genuine, fairly affectionate way.  I remember being that age, I was dumb.  You don’t know how to handle all these strong feelings, you have no impulse control. Also around 2012 I remember being genuine being deeply uncool, so. But ‘03 are demonstrating a higher level of emotional maturity, compared to that, and it does make them feel older.
Anyways, after that you get the reunion with Casey, having very different tones.  ‘03 purposefully tries to reach out and rehabilitate help Casey get himself under control, whereas ‘12 diverges into a surprise attack by the Foot where Raph and Casey bicker their way into teamwork.
Overall, ‘03 takes a more... introspective? Approach to Raph’s anger, where ‘12 flickers between being slightly emotional and using the situation for humor or cool action scenes – it feels like setup for an arc that I never felt we got satisfying payoff for.
For my tastes, I think I prefer ‘03 for the Raph part of the episode, if only because it remains thematically cohesive till the end.  From start to finish, Raph is trying to impart the lesson he wants to learn to Casey.  With 12, it feels like the “Raph’s anger issues” thread got a bit lost/abandoned in building up the Raph-Casey dynamic.
Speaking of...
Casey Jones
I think ‘12 is the better Casey intro episode.  There, I said it.
I know, I know!  It’s not technically where we meet Casey, we already saw him interacting with April (also scenes I like), but... although having finished 2003 I think ‘03 has the better overall Casey (mostly because they give him like. Actual personal connections to the world), ‘12 has the better initial burst of character, in my opinion.
His little intro monologue is so stupid, and I love it.  The skates and the little taser-gloves he obviously put together himself (and the fact that we only got one episode of Donnie and Casey bonding over this kind of engineering is criminal???).
The initiative to follow Raph down, his reactions to Splinter, the entire subway tunnel chase scene, where his and Raph’s rapport is building up... it’s good stuff!  I like it!  Maybe there’s a bit less depth in some places – we don’t get the personal connection with the Purple Dragons, how it ties back to his family – but his character voice, his initiative and impulsivity, and his creativity all come through.
It’s such a shame they didn’t do more to add to his character throughout the series in ‘12, because he had a fantastic early showing.  But then, that series didn’t seem interested in doing that for any of their characters, to me.  Sigh.
But... just looking at the episode itself, I'd give the Casey have to 2012.
So... draw?  Great way to start off, I know.
Shredder Strikes Back vs The Invasion (or: Leo gets thrown through a window)
So, this is a tough competition, we’re gonna have to take this point by point, I mean -
2012.  It’s 2012.  Are you kidding me.
Okay, look.  2012 already has an advantage just on moving this from halfway through season 1 to the season 2 finale, but, I mean... come on.
With 2003, there was barely any build up with the Shredder.  We’d seen him sort of being in charge of the various villains since early on – but the turtles didn’t see that!  For them, he showed up, tricked Leo, Splinter gave some back story, they fought and then Splinter seemingly killed him.  It just... wasn’t that dramatic? To me??
So when you have Leo thrown through the window, whispering “he’s back”, I was just like... I see no reason for this level of dread.  It doesn’t feel that personal, or important, or.... anything, really.  I know 2003 came first, but having watched 2012 beforehand this was kind of a letdown.  Didn’t feel earned.
Now, 2012 on the other hand....
Shredder has been a constant, ever-increasing threat since the moment he showed up in Season 1.  It was already personal with Splinter, yes, but then he also became a subject of looming dread for the turtles themselves.  And it doesn’t come out of nowhere. 
Like, yes, we, the viewers, were aware 2003 Shredder survived, but otherwise he was just hanging out off-screen, doing who knows what.  He wasn’t on the mind.  2012, on the other hand, showed the way Shredder was slowly amassing power, planning for something.
And then you add the Kraang on top of it.
Like, seriously, making this a two-prong threat is. Mwah!  The boys are falling apart, stressed by the time-limit of the upcoming Kraang invasion, disagreeing on how to handle it.  And then the argument gets cut short by their home being discovered – they don’t even get a chance to choose their path together, because they have to run, and everything’s chaos, and they’re still focused on the Kraang.
And that’s when the Shredder comes in.
This is insult on top of injury with everything going wrong that possibly could.  This is an immaculate payoff to the set-up they’ve been doing all season. This is fantastic.
And when Leo is thrown through the window, you feel it – the dread, the horror, the regret.  It really feels like the breaking point of “we can’t take any more” that leads to them retreating.  It has a weight to it that 2003’s version was sorely missing.
When it comes to Leo getting thrown through a window, 2012 takes the win, hands down.  The stakes, the drama, and my investment are all so much higher than they were in ‘03, no contest, it’s my favorite part of ‘12.
What comes after, on the other hand....
Tales of Leo + The Monster Hunter vs Season 3a (or, the Farmhouse Arc)
Maybe it’s unfair to compare 2 episodes to 8 episodes.  And maybe this is diverging from my “only episodes that are directly connected” rule I stated in the beginning, but I need to get this off my chest.  Because I just.  I’m not impressed by 2012’s farmhouse arc. 
Warning: rant ahead, this is VERY subjective and heavily based in my personal tastes.  Reminder that I do genuinely enjoy 2012, I just think the farmhouse arc is the lowest point in the whole series and is representative of what I find to be the weakest aspect of the series’ writing across the board.  That being said.
I see what 2012 was trying to do, by drawing out Leo’s recovery over all those episodes, giving the characters some space to breathe.  But they didn’t do it well in my opinion, and honestly the whole thing.  Flounders. 
2012’s best feature is its plot writing, how one episode tumbles into the next, Rube Goldberg machine-style, across an entire season.  But at the farmhouse, they’re removed from the greater plot, and that’s not doing the writing any favors.
And it’s not that the episode ideas are bad – I generally think they’re pretty interesting!  It’s just that without the inter-connected plot, they need something else to push them from “okay” to “exceptional”.  Usually, this would be where deeper characterization and relationship building would kick in instead, but uh.  I don’t personally think 2012 is great at that.
They under-cut the message of the episode with Big Foot, the Casey and Donnie friendship doesn’t really go anywhere after this, every other episode where inter-personal issues are only dealt with on a very surface level become even more obvious and a bit annoying without the greater plot to distract from it. Yes I know this is a kids show, but A:tlA had already finished airing at this point, also on Nickelodeon.
I think there’s a consistent issue with character writing in 2012 where they do what looks like set-up with no intent to ever give a meaningful pay-off or significantly change the status-quo, and that’s very much on display here.
And it’s not that there was nothing good in the season – I liked what they were doing with Raph, and how he was trying to help/encourage Leo, while somewhat bungling it in very realistic ways.  It was a fascinating look at what this Raph acting at his best as the Lancer trope could be, and I genuinely wish they leaned into it more later down the line.
Also, I’m always thrilled to see the Leo-April friendship get some focus, so Eyes of the Chimera was a favorite.  But across the board... the season didn’t wow me, and the longer it went on, the more I could see the cracks.
It all tops off with Vision Quest, which was my biggest disappointment in the entire series, the point at which I had to really stop and reset my expectations on what kind of story the writers were interested in telling.  The summary describes them having to go on a spiritual journey to really face themselves and their weaknesses, and I was so excited!  But then it was just.  Really surface level.  And occasionally confusing.
Raph needs to work on his temper, sure – but how is this any different than any of the other episodes about it?  Do we look at all at where his anger comes from?  A deeper way to handle it?  No, of course not.
Mikey needs to focus, stop getting distracted – I mean, yeah sure I guess.  Not a particularly interesting way of handling it, though.  Also, even if he manages it here, I know it's not going to pan out to the rest of the show, they’re not giving up their easy source of humor for the younger demographic.
And Donnie needs to... stand his ground? What?  I was so caught off guard.  It’s not that it’s completely out of touch, we see him coming up with complex paths to his goals, trying to think his way around of problems, ect, but... it was never really highlighted or presented as a real problem other than maybe the episode on instinct over thinking too hard?  It just felt really disconnected from anything else they were doing with him.  A genuinely interesting pay-off scene, with no solid set-up.
And Leo.  Oh jeez.  My friends.  WHAT is up with how they handled Leo’s knee injury?  The pain is just in my mind? It's not real??  Really???  No, thank you.
Like... I think this was supposed to be a riff on what Splinter says about ‘03 Leo’s coma, and him being trapped in his head due to fear – but because in ‘12 they tied it to an actual, specific physical injury, the execution falls apart. 
(Especially when they use the same flash-effect they used on Leo having issues with his knee of Splinter having issues later in the series but I probably shouldn't take that into account here.)
I mean, his quest is the closest to being satisfying, because they had lain interesting groundwork with his struggle with recovery and his insecurities in previous episodes, but then they just completely bungle it at the end! Argh!
I was so excited for Vision Quest, but this didn't tell me anything new about the characters or progress the characters in any meaningful way! It had no effect on how the characters are written going forward. So – other than some admittedly very cool fight choreography – what was the point?  Was there one??  It felt like putting on the trappings of an emotionally deep story without any of the actual, you know.  Depth.
I am clawing at the walls. Look at all the potential you wasted.
And yes, I’m aware this is all very subjective, and again part of a show for kids, but that’s how it hit me.
The 2003 farmhouse arc, on the other hand, was very short, and I think it benefited from that.  It had two episodes, and it knew what it was doing with both of them.  They felt purposeful, in the larger arc of the story.
First episode: they make their way to the farmhouse, Leo’s in a coma (according to Splinter, one driven by his fear), and his family tells stories of when he was brave/strong as a little kid to try and bring him out.
Wonderful, amazing, I love this episode.  So much character work – both in the past and present!  By going back to when they were kids, it helps us contextualize the turtles’ relationships by making them simpler.
In showing early memories that probably started cementing their views of each other, we see the core around which they developed.  By seeing which memory each brother chooses to present, we get some insight into how they each see Leo.  It gives us a point A to our current point B, which allows us to extrapolate the line between the two, how they developed.
And then you also get the little moments of how the brothers are handling this catastrophic event, how they react to the stress, to seeing their brother so hurt – Raph especially!  It’s pure character work and I love it.
After that, we get one episode of shenanigans, which is both representative of that “space to breathe” after Leo woke up, and also gives space for the B-plot (which is the truly arc-important plot) of Leo, now awake, dealing with his own handling of this stressful situation.
Is the A-plot of this episode quite as good as some of the ideas for the 2012 episodes?  Honestly, no, but just the fact that it’s carrying the Leo recovery story pushes it ahead.  We see Leo struggling with his failure, Raph stepping up to herd him back on the right track – the idea of physically remaking his swords to remake himself!  And, though we don’t know it yet, how hard Leo takes this is great foreshadowing to how he reacts going into his season 4 breakdown.
And then, having done the character work they wanted to accomplish, the writers go back to the main story.  The characterization here matters (and also is good) in a way that whatever is going on in the 2012 farmhouse arc just.  Isn’t. 
In my opinion.
Okay, rant over, winner is obvious, moving on.
Again, we’re not comparing most of the space arcs, as that’s apples to oranges, but there are two episodes that caught my attention:
Rogue in the House vs Dinosaur Seen in Sewers!
Here we've got two episodes where the turtles find a Very Confused Triceraton and trick him into helping them.
I like the 2003 one better.
Honestly, it comes down to the context of the episode.  Rogue in the House comes after the turtles have been in space and when they know more about who the Triceratons are.  2012 on the other hand is a sudden introduction to a new arc.
2003 also... questions the ethics of their decision more, by the end.  It’s a bit more empathetic?  And I appreciate that.
I will give 2012 credit that translating “we’ve been dropped into the middle of a war where both sides are bad” over to be attached to the Kraang, which they’ve built up already as a powerful alien threat, was clever.  It doesn’t have the same edge of commentary that “and one of these sides looks just like us humans” has, but it is clever use of their existing world-building, and I like it.
The Arena vs The Arena of Carnage
The most obvious connection in the 2012 space arc – the turtles get thrown into a gladiator arena.
Now, 2003 does have an unfair advantage in this comparison, as The Arena is heavily bolstered by the set-up work done in The Big House, giving you a sense of place, stakes, connection to the other characters...
That last bit is where my bias and personal taste shows: I really love the turtles making any kind of meaningful connection with other characters, and I find this more convincing in the 2003 version than the 2012 one.
But 2012 also weakens itself in its own right by doing some setup here with no long-term pay off.  You’ve got your fellow prisoner, who turns out to be a Triceraton who objected to the leadership's decisions... and after this episode, that means nothing!  Cool, okay.
Like I get that was a part of the episode they’re pulling from, but if they’re not planning on reusing that long-term story, then they really could have cut that aspect all together.  I know they have enough creativity in them to adapt the concept of “stuck in a gladiator arena” to do something more interesting, they’ve proved they have it in them.  They just... didn’t, and the plot point didn’t translate well.  Ah, well.
2003 also wins this one.
City at War vs... City at War?(???)
Look, I am only comparing these because they use the exact same name.  Otherwise, it’s nowhere near a fair comparison.  For 2012, this is actually part of a couple episodes where they talk about there being a power vacuum after the Shredder is out of the picture, but...
Can we be so real?  They don’t even get close to the scale of 2003.  Like with the farmhouse, it’s not that they don’t have any good ideas – I like the Don Visioso episode quite a bit – but it never gets to the depth or scale I want it to. 
Like, 2003 made it visually obvious that the city is falling apart, that things are really out of control, in a way you can feel. Though, honestly, I’m not even sure 2012 could reach the levels of 2003, because they never put as much effort into making their NYC feel... real?  I guess?
Also, the 2003 City at War arc is just.  It’s really good, guys.  It did such great work on Leo and Raph’s characterization, the danger in the city is palpable, the tension is thick, and then you add Karai on top of it all?
You’d think 2012 could push this, given the added dimensions to Karai and her connection to Shredder, but it ends up falling short.  Point again goes to 2003.
What a Croc! Vs It Came From the Depths (Leatherhead)
So. I am painfully biased, because It Came From the Depths is my favorite 2012 Mikey episode, and I thought What a Croc! was... just okay.
I frequently bemoan that 2012 didn’t lean more into long-form character arcs for their story, and this is one of the central episodes that defined my desire for Mikey’s arc.
The instant compassion and understanding he has for Leatherhead – the way he recognizes and is willing to work with his trauma responses, but also is childishly impatient with the process when it gets messy later on, showing he still has some maturing to do – it's great, and I love it.  I didn’t find the same kind of depth in the 2003 episode.
On the other hand, long-term I like Leatherhead better in 2003, just because he’s more present as ally, friend, or even family.  2012 Mikey’s always excited to see Leatherhead, but you don’t exactly see them hanging out.
But this is about the episode, and for that, I’ll give it to 2012.
Renet (Time Travails + Return of the Savanti Vs Turtles in Time + Tale of the Yokai)
I’ll be real with you, 2003 gains points with me just because this is another example of 2012 poorly shoving in romance. I would like to make it clear – I don’t have an objective issue with the turtles being in romantic relationships.  It’s just... don’t put it in there if the writing's going to be so... bad. And boring. And unnecessary.
Additionally, this particular example put me off a bit more because... hm. Okay, the episode starts with Mikey going “I'm never gonna get caught up in all that!" Only for the show to do the writing equivalent of saying "of course you will, as soon as the right person comes along. And here she is!"
And uhm.  Okay, so, I’m asexual with a big ? when it comes to romance.  So that framing is..... nghghghgh I don't like it. Like I get the joke, but it still gave me the ick.
Also it was another infatuation-at-first-sight situation like Donnie which. Is a romantic trope that is So Stupid, you CANNOT tell me that's how it actually works, I don't believe you, and also it makes for stupid, boring writing. So there.
Once you get past that, there’s points to be made for both episodes.  The way the 2003 turtles find Renet just kind of tiring but can’t help going along with her anyways is very funny to me, but 2012 lets them do Tales of the Yokai, and I enjoy the concept of them getting to see what Actually Happened Back Then, rather than just hearing subjective stories of it.  Adds some texture.
I dunno on this one – if it’s Time Travails vs Turtles in Time, 2003 wins, but once you move on to Tale of the Yokai I give it to 2012.  Call it a draw?
Loosely inspired by
Okay. So. These are things where I can’t say “Oh, they were just doing this story again”, but where I think there might have been some heavy inspiration.  Your mileage may very on these, and you could think I’m completely wrong, but I thought they’d be interested to talk about.
Even if they are from Back to the Sewers.
The Engagement Ring to The Power Within Her
April gets magic jewelry that possesses her, goes on a rampage?  Admittedly, the set-up is very different, as is the tone, but... well, you have to wonder.
I thought The Engagement Ring was one of the better episodes of Back to the Sewers, but as entertaining as it was, I’m still going to give this to 2012, I think.  I like things that have more build-up to them, and they did pretty good at setting up this episode ahead of time, building up that dread.  And it just did more with the concept, you know?
Also, it fit well into my interpretation/re-write of April’s character, so.
Identity Crisis to Brain Worms
I mean.  Turtles get brain-washed by the Foot, have to be broken out of it by being reminded of memories/who they were.  Methodology of the brainwashing is very different, admittedly, which is why I put this down here rather than in the main section!  But it’s similar enough for me to connect them.
This is another situation where I think 2012 took a concept and further developed it.  The brain worms are fantastically gruesome, and really treated like the existential horror it should be.  The amount of fics I’ve seen expanding on the brain-worms concept is proof of how it hooks in people’s brains.
Another point to 2012.
So let’s run a tally.
I'm not sure the two Back to the Sewer episodes count, but I also maybe have broken my rule on the farmhouse arc... I guess we could count those as half points?
Casey Intro: Draw
Window: point 2012
Farmhouse: half-point 2003
Lost triceraton: point 2003
Gladiator arena: Point 2003
City at War: point 2003
Leatherhead intro: point 2012
Renet: Draw
Losely inspired: cumulative point 2012
So that's... 3.5 for 2003, 3 for 2012, and two draws? Pretty close.
Realistically, I think these should be the two takeaways from my opinions:
First, 2003 better matches my personal tastes. I'm a character arc girly, and 2003 gave a lot more attention to that aspect of their writing than 2012 did, and that affects my opinions. See: the Vision Quest rant.
Second, what makes 2012 good is the stuff that’s specific to its iteration.
The way they adapted the Hamato Yoshi backstory from 2003 to be about Splinter and Shredder, making Karai Splinter’s stolen daughter, and how that whole plot line plays out.  The way they make the Kraang a whole organization, and their alliance with Shredder.  The full season, Rube-Goldberg machine buildup of plot.  These are all the thing that make it excel.
So... yeah. That's my thoughts. Your opinions might be different, and - if you're nice about it, please - I would love to hear your thoughts on what I've said, which episodes you like better, and why you like them! Shows hit different people, well, differently!
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