#Don't act all high and mighty w/ me
seokmins · 2 years
A man be in an educating position and tell me (the class) you don't know what a po&am is huh???? You don't know what the CISSP is huh??? You don't know what the -
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kichiyosh1 · 1 year
What gives you the right to ignore me?!
Modern au! Scaramouche x reader
w:// this takes place somewhere from grade school to high school, and valentines day will be mentioned later on
When he tells himself that you aren't worth his time, but then starts hoping you don't think the same for him.
(it gets good the more you read it, I swear)
Scara being transferred seats for the 5th time this month because he keeps on picking on his former seat mates because he thinks of them as 'lowly worms'. Oh well, at least he should have some new form of entertainment now that he's seated next to— whatever your name was.
Not even a proper greeting was spoken when all he did was tap your shoulder. "and your name?", he has no need for such pleasantries anyways.
Sure he'd make fun of you later then go back to minding his own business the second after, but he at least would want to put a name to this person which he'd be stuck with for the whole school year(if he were lucky enough not to transfer seats the next few days later)
It took you a while to reply to him, eyes stuck scanning the pages of your book, then you gave him a small glance, and reply before going back to reading. "It's y/n", he's offended by how short of an answer you gave in return, but it's not like he asked for anything else other than your name, but the way you said it with such disinterest makes a shiver run down his back.
"Well? You should feel honoured that i have graced you with my presence. Don't get used to it though, don't think so highly of yourself just beca-","Didn't miss Kusanali transfer you here because you were misbehaving like a total brat? You act all high and mighty yourself when you can't even remember the name of your classmate that you've been in the same class with for awhile now." No ones ever stood up to him like that before, heck, you've completely gotten him off his high horse and all he can do is burn his stare at the side of your face, because despite all that, you STILL aren't looking in his direction.
He's not gonna waste anymore words with you. You're not worth his time anyways. Just another worm in the mud for him to stomp on, but for now he'll allow you to wiggle around in the comforts of soft soil, until it hardens and you have no choice but to dry up and die. Quite the poet he was, if not for his foul mouth and scheming mind.
He made it his personal mission to just ignore you. The only times where he's begrudgingly acknowledging you exist is when he's paired up with you by the teacher or when he REALLY has no choice but to confront you about something.
This would have came off as satisfying to him, the natural reaction of a person in his presence would be them wanting him to notice them, but you did not give an f, any f, at f'ing all.
He would hate to admit it, but he sometimes felt comfort in the silence you two shared, as there are also times where you would acknowledge he exists, like when he'd grumble about his broken pencil tip and you'd pass him a sharpener, or when he's about to fall asleep in class and you'd gently nudge him awake, but what irritates him is that you do all these little things while not even looking at him.
He didn't understand why he was getting frustrated. This is what he wanted, right? He got it, but it didn't feel as fulfilling as he first thought it would. Was he admitting that he wasn't quite fond of this mutual silent treatment? That maybe he'd prefer if you talked to him more, interacted with him more, hung out with him more?
"Like I'd admit to that!" it was after he suddenly blurted that out while standing and slamming his hands down on the table, that he realized the whole class was looking at him, giving him weird looks. A few laughs and chuckles were surfing throughout the room, but his attention wasn't on any of those pesks annoying voices. Once again, you weren't looking at him, but the small giggle that left your mouth had him staring at you in awe. "You look pretty when you smile", those words were lodged in his throat, and he'd rather choke then have those words spoken out for you to hear.
You're so annoying! would it kill for you to at least look at him when laughing at his misery? At this point he might as well admit he'll accept anything you're willing to give him, but it's not enough. He was never one to settle for less, so why now was he acting so shy. Might as well throw what he's thinking straight at your face, while twisting his words just a tiny bit, to save what little pride he had left.
"What gives you the right to ignore me, huh?!" "What law would I be breaking for 'minding my own business'?" You're insufferable, you really are, you must be so out of sync with your brain to have forgotten it was valentines day today, and he's so mad he doesn't know how he's supposed to give you the box he's been hiding behind his back, so in the end he never does. He hadn't realized he was storming out of the empty classroom (save for you two there) when he bumped into his homeroom teacher. She had no time to react when Scara was already shoving the box into her arms. "Eat it, give it to someone, throw it away, I don't care! To think I had my mom help me make those for that- that idiot! A waste of time!" he was already far off, still shouting his complaints, leaving a confused Kusanali standing in the hallway.
He wanted to cry, a part of him never wanted to see you again, but he already had the bare minimum of what he could get from you, what more if he wasn't there to catch a glimpse of your rare moments? Oh, and would you look at that, he's already at school earlier than what he's used to but he's doing this all for the sake of not having to awkwardly have to sit down next to you.
The classroom was already half filled when he heard the scraping of the chair next to him. He had his head in his arms, only allowing a small gap for him to take a peek at what you were doing. To no one's surprise, you were already taking out that same book, the one you were reading on your guys' first ever interaction. It was like he was back to square one, an ongoing routine of silence if not then it would be his one sided bickering. Too bad he wasn't feeling it today, but unfortunately, or fortunately for him, it was you who made the first move to speak.
Scared the sleep right out of him, his back straightened and staring into your— eyes? you? him? eye contact? when? eh? one look was all he took and suddenly he forgot how to blink. Presented to him at the palm of your hands was the same box he so carelessly gave to his homeroom teacher. "How did that end up in your hands?","Mrs. Kusanali gave it to me right before I left the school, but from what it says here, you are sender."
He took ahold of the box, and pasted right at its side is a small card that had 'To: y/n♥︎' and 'From: Scaramouche♡' written on it, alongside a very cringy love quote that almost made him want to gag.
"That wench!" He didn't even realize that card was on the side of the box, and from the hand writing alone he could already tell it was from Ei. His face scrunched up further once noticing the heart at the end of your names, even just that was enough for scara to look away out of embarrassment. "N-Not that I care if you liked them or not, but just know that I am NOT responsible for whatever THAT is."
The silence after that was just eating up at him. How did it go from denying you exist to having him here. He was holding onto the box too tight with trembling hands, it slowly crumpling just a tad bit his grip softening when your hands took place on both sides of his. "I think it's cute."
You had such a neutral expression on your face, but unlike before, your voice flowed smoother than any melody he's ever heard. "And thank you. Sorry I didn't get you anything, to make up for it, I'm letting you decide where we'll work for our next project."
He still couldn't believe you were actually talking to him and holding eye contact as well, he sometimes forgets you're human and not some unreachable deity.
He really couldn't take his eyes off you, and wanting to answer to a past question of yours, yes, ignoring him was most certainly a crime, if he wasn't able to spend these moments with you, it would be criminal.
"Hey, don't go ignoring me at my own house will you? or do you plan to just leave me there to finish the whole project without you?"
" I doubt you can, with you stealing glances my way for the majority of the time you'll be spending. What? think I didn't notice? peripheral vision exists you know."
"Like there's anything worth looking at you for."
"You did not just start—"
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For a few moments, all Adam could do was stare numbly as the crimson liquid traced a thin line down the side of his finger, forming small droplets on the edge of his knuckle.
Was that... blood? his brain wondered. 
Not knowing what else to do, he licked it. Yep, definitely blood. But whose blood? Where did it come from? He was the only one in the kitchen, and he would have noticed if someone had started to bleed all over him.
So where did it...
The realisation hit him like a hammer to the gut. He felt his legs give way under him and next thing he knew he was on the floor, his bleeding finger still held up as if he was pointing an accusation at the sky.
Red blood. He knew what that meant. Everyone did. Angels' blood was golden, hellspawn bled black, and red was for - red was for - 
'Demons'. The word echoed through his mind like a wicked laugh. 
Adam suddenly felt old.
Just how many millennia had it been since Eden? Could he even remember? He scrunched up his eyes tight in concentration but he knew it was useless. He'd given up counting long ago. 
How many of those years had been spent killing, he wondered. How many lives had ended at the edge of his blade? How much blood had he spilled? Sinners' blood. Red blood. Red like his.
He was one of them now. The first human, the once-proud leader of one of the mightiest  forces in Heaven, was now just another cursed soul in a land bursting with them.
"Dammit!" he yelled, slamming a fist into the side of the counter he was sitting against.
The counter shook, there was a hum of something rolling across the top, and then with a thud it landed neatly in Adam's lap. It was a single, bright red apple.
Adam felt a smile begin to creep across his face and then, unable to help himself, he burst out laughing.
"Oh I see, is that how it is?" he said to the empty room.
With a grunt he pushed himself back up to his feet and waved the apple to the sky.
"Let me guess," he said, still laughing so hard his sides were beginning to hurt. "This is another one of your tests, huh?" 
He was in absolute hysterics now, the tears streaming down his cheeks and blurring his vision.
"Just another test, right? This is some cryptic vision, or prophecy of the future, or... or part of your big, cosmic plan, that totally exists."
The laughter died down as suddenly as it arrived. In its place came anger, an anger so hot that it threatened to burn Adam from the inside out. 
"Well you know what?" he hissed. "I am done playing your stupid fucking games."
He glared up at the ceiling, as if his anger was enough to pierce the heavens above.
"I did everything you asked, didn't I? I followed your rules, I looked after the garden, I did what you told me to."
A dam had been burst and now there was no stopping the words that raged out Adam's mouth. 
"And don't bring up that fucking tree, you manipulative piece of shit. You knew we'd eat it eventually, didn't you? You don't dangle something like that in front of your kids and expect them not to try. No, you knew exactly what you were doing!"
He hurled the apple he was still holding against the wall as hard as he could, and grunted in satisfaction as it exploded in a pulpy mess.
"Oh but that wasn't enough for you was it, you sick freak? You then had to go and act all high and mighty, like you hadn't planned all of this from the beginning. You took everything from me, do you hear? Fucking everything!
"You took Lilith, you took Eve, you took our home, you even took my fucking kids! What else could you possibly want with me, huh? What else do I have to lose before it's enough?"
"Well?" he yelled. "What's the matter? You too scared to even look me in the eye, you chickenshit?"
"Answer me, you coward!"
Adam fell to his knees once more and buried his head in his hands. Before long, the sound of muffled sobs could be heard through his fingers.
"Please," he begged. "Please, just tell me what you want. That's all I'm asking. Just tell me what I have to do."
Inspired by this comic by @rius-cave
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pendarling · 7 months
No Date For Valentine's Day
Wrote this in 20 minutes just now.
Villain snickered, "Of course, nobody has asked you of all people, out on Valentine's Day!" They wiped a fake tear in their exaggerated show of jest. "Just look at you!" Villain fell into another fit of laughter as Hero crossed their arms, annoyed at their act.
"I know, I get it. Are we going to do this or what?" They rolled their eyes and considered leaving for the day; they didn't have to be here and definitely didn't sign up for this odd behaviour from their adversary.
"Unlike you, my dear sad little Hero, I've never had such... complications when it came to holidays."
Hero understood where this conversation was headed, "Oh, so I assume you know your stuff then, huh?"
Villain eyed them for a moment, pondering on their following words carefully, their hand raised to their side as they slowly inspected their nails, "Well... I'm feeling pretty generous today. So I guess if you're pathetic enough for it, I will show you an example of how it's done." they stayed still, their face still smirked confidently, but still almost worried if Hero would turn them down.
Hero couldn't help but smile at the attempt to maintain their arrogant persona yet simultaneously brazenly ask them out incognito, "What? Are you serious?" 
"You know I'm only doing this to bring some joy to your miserable little world, Hero."
It was a cute attempt to see Villain think that Hero would let them get away with acting so high and mighty, but today, let it be known, they would be wrong. "And what if I told you it's not every year I'm alone?" they raised their brow.
"W-what?" Villain sputtered. Their face expressed that familiar look of jealousy, their mind racing with possibilities that maybe, just maybe, Hero was seeing someone else on such a special day. They'd assumed otherwise because of how easily they've gotten away with their blatant flirting in the past, but perhaps Hero was just toying with them along. "So? Who would stoop so low to go out with you, anyway? You don't even have a figure!"
"That's not what certain people tell me."
Villain's eyes narrowed, their words irretrievable. They mirrored Hero's pose, their arms crossed defiantly at the sudden revelation. 
"What's gotten you so fired up, Villain?" They knew it was because of their humbly implied relationship status. It wasn't true; Hero was not seeing anybody as of current. However, lying to get a reaction out of Villain was quite amusing for them. What did they expect? Flaunting that they were never alone on Valentine's was an equally cruel decision for Villain, so jumping to unnecessary deception was the right way to go.
"Don't taunt me." They pointed at them accusingly, "You're not even standard--"
They shrugged, "I don't understand why you're so bothered." They flicked their hair back. "Now, I think we've gotten off-topic. We should really get this started."
"Please, don't try to change the topic. Who is it anyways? Or don't tell me-- your sweet mother? That doesn't even count!"
"Listen, Villain, I'm not here to have a conversation about my life choices." They smiled coyly and took a few steps forward, too eager to stand so far away any longer. "If there's something you wanna say just come out with it already."
Villain blushed discreetly, their plan falling apart as usual in the face of Hero's unapologetic teasing.
"Enough!" they backed away, "You said it was none of my business, so I'm dropping the subject." They looked away; their jaw clenched tightly at the thought of losing control of the discussion so quickly; they'd been so confident in leveraging this as a way to continue ridiculing them for as long as possible.
"Aww. Did your plans backfire, Villain?" They cooed, measuring their steps just enough to rest their hand on their chest softly, "What's the matter? Where did all that bravado go?~" Villain's eyes paused to look back at them before flicking away again.
"I get it, alright... knock it off," They pushed them back gently, but Hero caught their hand and held onto it, a light squeeze bringing the attention back to them again; they locked eyes in a silent argument, each one waiting cautiously for a signal.
"Or did the big strong Villain get upset at the thought of me choosing somebody else?" They mockingly frowned and brought Villain's hand to rest on their cheek. 
Villain felt a warmth climb up their neck as they tried to take their hand back without much success, "You wish! I hardly even considered you a valuable partner. You'd probably run off with somebody else if you could!"
"Doubting my loyalty Villain?" They laughed shortly and let them stumble back from them again, "Don't worry I was only joking... I'm not seeing anyone."
Relief flooded Villain as their eyes widened nearly immediately, "Really?"
Hero nodded.
"Hah! I knew no one wanted to be with your unbearable personality," They teased again, "Well, I guess I should make due and help you in whatever way I can."
Hero tilted their head in thoughtfulness, "How kind, Villain." They stood straight, "So how does eight tonight sound to you?"
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shotokimchi · 2 years
When Their S/O Is a Seggs God
How would they react if their cute lover was like a succubus in bed LMAO Going through some hard stuff so wanted to drop this here to laugh a little JSDFHSDK-
A/N:Sorry for being inactive y'all i swear I'm not ignoring the requests, just preparing for an important exam this year, but I'll be back around Julyyyy
Little side note: Characters are aged up so don't come at me smh
part2 w/Dabi and Midoriya
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So we all know that this man doesn't sleep around randomly. My guy dates the "one" for him he's planning to marry you so if you aren't planning about settling down...
Too bad for you missy (Lemme see your ring finger bitch you gonna get wifed up💍)
After taking you out to meet his parents, this chili oil literally falls in love with you (i mean he already did but when he saw how you treated his momma and papa- boy was CHOKING ON HIS HEART❤️) so he decides to take your relationship to the next level.
Needs and excuse to leave early so literally tells his parents that he has a bad case of diarrhea ( Do ya'll know that video LMAO) and drags you out to his car
Lemme tell you he ran over at least 5 red lights just to have sex with you-
And you are just confused about why he's suddenly acting like a rabid dog i mean he's always acting like one but this time-
"Suki, why is your mouth foaming?"
On the way to your apartment, you had an inner conflict about actually taking him to a vet, you aint planning on telling him that tho.
After finally throwing you onto the shared bed like a sack of flour mf flies for a second in the air like a bloodthirsty mosquito- (the only difference is he's thirsty for the ✨All-mighty pussy juice✨)
Dw tho man asks for your consent because he loves you a lot and doesn't want your first time to be scary and all-
Wait did i say first time?
YES MF THINKS YOU'RE A VIRGIN- but guess what he's about to find out...
Before he can start kissing you, you push him onto his back and rip off his pants and leave a small peck on his lips before riding him like you are in a horse race- Good news gurl you are about to win, no one can compare
Poor man is speechless bc you are literally singing on his dick like you are the headliner in a choir...
And while you are singing you are rhythmically bouncing too LMAO
He aint scared no he just swallowed his tongue by accident- cuz you know...
He decides to grab your hips to slow you down a little bc you are causing an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9
but instead of slowing you down now you are making him jump on the bed with you too LMAOAOAOAOAO- imagine someone breaking in and seeing two floating figures on the bed
He's like "SLOW DOWN Y/N-"
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But nuh uh you are too caught up in your own horny world so you continue to milk him (Fr tho calm down queen aren't those legs tired?🦵)
After cumming for the 5th time he tapped out LMAO-
You gave him a concussion bc of making him bounce for too long KSJFHJSDKFGSDKJHSD- POOR KATSUKI
He was laying there, unconscious with drool dripping down his mouth and it took you three full minutes to realise that he passed out (OMG I'm gone-)
Fly high Katsuki Bakugo 🕊️🕊️
Dw tho you made sure to pamper him the morning after, bringing him a breakfast tray filled with pancakes and a cup of coffee. A cute innocent smile plastered on your face
"Morning, baby!"
Needless to say, he was shocked ( pretty sure he thinks it was the hottest night ever but doesn't wanna hurt his own pride by telling you that)
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So both of you are lovebirds obv because Todoroki would be the most caring boyfriend ever (i'll fight you about this one 🥊🥊🥊) so its impossible not to be in love with him
So pretty baby thinks it's going to be all about kisses, vanilla, sweet loving, him showing how much he cares about you etc.
Todoroki being a virgin is such a turn on he trusts you enough to give his first time to you (aw❤️🤍)
...but you didnt know that he was a virgin
I mean come on look at him how can he be a virgin while looking THAT PRETTY
So one time, while you guys were chilling on the couch watching Titanic and snacking on some strawberries together he decides to make the first move and gently holds your hand while whispering sweet things to your ear and then you hear the magical word (open sesame zimzalabim this coochie 🔮)
"Y/n, I wanna do it."
BIG MISTAKE SHOTO VERY BIG- So being the horny queen you are the wicked horny grin makes its way to your lips and baby is concerned Before he can say anything you immediately grab a strawberry and stuff it into his mouth and quickly try to get him off of his sweatpants
Then you work your magic on him by giving him the best and first head of his life ✨ and trust me he is enjoying it very much
Mmmm yes that famous glock glock 60000 GOBBLE UP BABES don't let em Santa Claus looking pubic hair get into your nose tho🎅
Pretty moans were filling the living room while his fingers lock with yours
But the baby was too lost in his own pleasure so he accidentally bit the strawberry and took it out of his mouth
But you noticed so you grabbed a new one and harshly shoved it into his mouth
"Dont. swallow. the. strawberry."
Babies eyes went wide
he %100 looked like this-
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So now he was drowning in his own pool of saliva trying not to bite into the strawberry while his eyes were rolling at the back of his head (bc of your amazing tongue skills)
Spot the difference between your mouth and a vacuum cleaner
When i tell you, you were sucking him DRY
like the next Todoroki generation got to the point of extinction
at this point he was trying to pry you off of his dick bc the overstimulation was TOO much lolol
Poor baby accidentally covered the couch with small burns
when you lifted your head to check up on him you were met with a sobbing Shoto
Literally thought of bringing him an oxygen tank but decided against it bc he calmed down after receiving your loving kisses You layed his head on your chest while combing through his locks with your fingers, you made sure to give him a great aftercare
"Are first times are this rough?"
You choked on Casper the ghosts dick
"WHAT-" Literally mourned for two hours bc of treating him so roughly LMAO
A/N: I'm done- sorry for the typos if i have any, i was too lazy to edit :p
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fanficcrakkith · 1 month
hehe, horny dream, hehe
WC: 915
Pairing: James Wilson/Gregory House
Mentions of; Wet dreams
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House pants softly, purposely avoiding looking in the mirror so he doesn't have to feel as humiliated as he would if he did look up.
       "Uhuh.." Wilsons tuts, pulling at House's hair. Forcing him to see himself in the mirror parallel from the two of them.
       "No looking away, House. That would take the fun out of the mirror being there." He said with a head tilt. His gaze traveling over House's body as he looked at him through the mirror.
The two of them observe House's body. Wilson appreciating the hickey's and flushed face. House, on the other hand, simply forced to watch his face contort with pleasure as Wilson dragged his hand down at an agonizingly slow pace.
       "Look at yourself. Panting like a bitch in heat.."
House lets out a defiant huff, his breath quickening as Wilson's grip tightened in all the right places. Drawing out grunts from him as Wilson did so. He struggled against the rope bound against his wrists.
       "You act all high and mighty. Thinking you're above making human error," He mutters, "thinking you can defeat God. It's pathetic, House." Wilson says credulously.
House inhales sharply, "Don't be a, hypocrite, Wilson-" He started, his hair being tugged harder to stop him from continuing. Eliciting a gasp and some pants from him.
       "Did I say you could speak?" Wilson challenges, waiting to see if House would respond. Only earning another defiant huff, "..That's what I thought."
       "..Can I at least-"
Wilson let out an annoyed huff, "God, always so defiant. Can't you just do what you're told?"
House let out a quiet chuckle, "I thought that's what you liked about me, Jimmy.."
       "Well? No comeback? No hair pulling for being 'defiant'?" House challenges with another chuckle, feeling Wilson's grip loosen around his hair. Making him able to turn his head to lock eyes with Wilson, his usual cunning smile adorning his face. The kind of smile that Wilson hated seeing yet somehow adored at the same time.
       "We both know you like me being a bit of a bitch when it comes to this. Also, would it kill you to shut up and fuck me already?"
And with that, Wilson's eyes snapped open.
He immediately sat up, his face flush with embarrassment and a disturbing amount of arousal that dream caused.
       "...Oh God.." Wilson mumbles, looking down and seeing an unfortunate way to wake up, some would say.
Especially since he didn't have a lot of time to get ready for once.
Later in the day, Wilson is sitting in his office. Ignoring House the majority of the day due the dream he had.
House huffs out a breath of annoyance as he enters Wilson's office through the balcony. Causing Wilson to briefly glance up before looking back down at his paperwork.
House brings his cane up to Wilson's head, tapping it against his forehead.
       "You've been ignoring me, why?" He questions, leaning against his cane as he places it down on the floor again.
Wilson sighs, "I have the right to not talk to you, y'know?" He said in a snippy tone.
       "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Cool it there bucko..." House said with a raised hand and small smile. Which soon fell when he realized Wilson's demeanor hadn't changed.
       "..I'm just wondering, you usually eat with me at lunch. You ate here. In your office. Alone. And, you're quiet. Which means you're thinking about something. But you've also been avoiding me, so, it's not medical."
Wilson stuttered over his words, "You- You're overthinking it.. I just wanted a quiet afternoon," He excused quietly, feeling his face beginning to flush. "Is that so ba-"
       "So, it's personal then?" House asked, cutting Wilson off.
       "It's, not- You-"
       "And it's about me isn't it?" House interrupts again, absolutely cheesing at Wilson stammering over his own words.
       "You've been dreaming about me, Jimmy? How naughty.. Was I naked?" He questions crassly.
       "How the hell would you know it was a dream out of all things? Maybe, I'm just upset with you in general! Ever think about that!?" Wilson snapped.
House shrugs, "Just an assumption. Easy thing to jump too since you're as red as a bleeding rectum."
       "God, alright fine! Yea, I had a dream, and it was about you. Happy now? You were, sitting on my lap and," Wilson trails off, running a hand through his hair before sighing.
       "You, were naked, and were enjoying every second of it." He mumbles out, a look of shame and embarrassment on his face.
       "..Was that the answer you were hoping for?" He questions in a snappy tone, looking up at House with a peeved expression. House's face showing a minimal amount of shock.
After a painful amount of time had passed, about less than a minute, House tossed his cane to the side as he spoke, "Well! No need for dreams to stay dreams, Wilson!" His tone surprisingly cheery as he sat himself down on Wilson's desk.
       "What," Wilson started.
       "Uhuh, open your legs, Doctor." House ordered, seeing Wilson's face turn into a more vibrant color of red.
       "HOUSE." Wilson protested as House moved his chair back slightly with his good leg.
       "Oh, come on. You can't just brush me off now. You had a full on dream about you having me take you up my ass! You cannot not expect me to move on with my day after such a big confession." House's tone only irritated Wilson instead of persuading him.
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00belle00lovely00 · 7 months
okay- okay- I'm shy to ask this but- got any headcanons for CraftyCorn×KickinChicken? it's just- these two has something special I promise you I'm not insane trust me gurl-
B E S T I E.
Opposites attract, you guys. Maybe not like Dogday and Catnap in that sense, but LITERALLY in their social status and personality are they opposites.
Kickin would've totally heard from someone else that Craftycorn had a crush on him, which in this case she didn't YET, but BECAUSE of that fact he would play all high and mighty and say that he would act "hard to get". So at the end of the day, he would go around and try to send indirect pickup lines, hoping she would get nervous and ask if he was serious only for him to reject the thought of it. BUT INSTEAD. Craftycorn is completely confused by the comment and thinks it's just a playful joke from Kickin. Then she attempts to laugh it off to not make the situation awkward for herself, AND GUESS WHAT. JUST BECAUSE OF THAT ONE ACT, JUST BECAUSE SHE GIGGLED TO IT. HE INSTANTLY CRUSHES ON HER. AND NOW DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, BECAUSE HE TOLD THE ENTIRE GROUP HE WOULD BE ACTING HARD TO GET.
I'll never stop head canonizing Craftycorn doodling the people she crushes on.
A very nice thought I would get from these two is Craftycorn asking Kickin if she'd like to hold his hand. At first, Kickin dismisses it, then reluctantly agrees, only for Crafty to witness how downright NERVOUS this man got. Like- we are talking about taking feathers, sweating beads dripping down his forehead, and even getting chicken skin WHILE BEING A CHICKEN. As she notices it, she attempts to comfort him and check if he is all right but just makes matters WORSE.
Picture this: The whole group are in a basketball competition on the beach/backyard of someone's house. Kickin's team are all struggling to keep up the energy. So, noticing this, Bobby brings in the idea for the ones not participating in the game to be the cheerleaders. That of course, one of them being Craftycorn. She declines the offer, once, twice, even so many times because she is too nervous to do such a thing. But once she decided to do it, all Kickin had to hear was "Uuuh... go team, go?" from Crafty and INSTANT WIN. INSTANTLY.
Let's all just agree that this is not looking-for-attention artist x looking-for-attention superstar.
Whenever there's a group activity, Craftycorn would usually invite everyone over to her house to do arts and crafts. She is somewhat of an art teacher for all her friends. That included Kickin, but due to his pride and wanting to heavily impress Crafty with his skills, he would deny any help and try to do EXTREMELY difficult art pieces. Which, obviously always ended up a crappy mess. Soon enough, when Kickin feels like giving up on his masterpiece and downright frustrated by not catching Crafty's interest, Crafty decides to step in and help him little by little. Soon enough, Kickin finds out that this is a much better way to catch Crafty's attention and finally enjoys doing something together.
Hoppy wouldn't leave him alone the moment she found out he liked Crafty. And the same thing would go for Craftycorn with Bobby.
Craftycorn, as a way to show her appreciation to others without saying words out, would usually go around and paste stickers to the things she likes. Now just imagine Kickin's shock the moment she begins to put stickers ALL around his body.
Craftycorn rarely gets angry at people, not because only is she soft-spoken, but she is rather very collected with her emotions. But when she gets ever so PISSED with people, she begins to regret it rather instantly. Sometimes she would lock herself in a room, and not come out for DAYS. This of course made Kickin very worried about her. Instead of going downright bursting into the door, he promises Crafty that he will be sitting at the other end until she is ready to come out. For a few bunch of minutes, there's a bit of a comforting silence until Craftycorn decides to open the door and let him inside. Now let's be honest, both of them are terrible at speaking their feelings out. Maybe Crafty is much more open about it, but it was clear she didn't want to make things worse than they already were, so they majorly only hold hands and stick together, the silence much more comforting than they thought it would be.
Let me make this easy for you'll to understand what I mean: Crafty + papercut = Kickin instantly falling into panic mode.
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howlingday · 8 months
Jaune: Okay. Is everyone here? ...Good. It's time we talk about the elephant in the room.
Ruby: ...E-Elephant?
Jaune: Blake? Could you tell everyone what's going on?
Blake: Thank you, Jaune. It has come to our attention that one of us is committing larceny.
Nora: ...What's larceny?
Blake: ...It means someone has been stealing all of our money. It's gotten so bad, we can afford to match Ren's dialogue to ours.
Ruby: O-Oh my god...
Yang: Alright. So we're broke. Now there's only one question we have left.
Yang: (Smashes fist on table) WHO THE HELL IS TAKING ALL OF OUR MONEY?!
Weiss: ...W-Why is everyone looking at me?! I'm a victim in this, too!
Pyrrha: Well, yes, but you're also the only one of us who has more lien than all of us combined.
Oscar: H-Hang on, let's not jump to conclusions. I mean, who's to say that Weiss still has her money after cutting ties with her family.
Weiss: Yeah! What the peasant said!
Oscar: Yeah, what the- ...Oh, you son of a-
Ruby: (Holding Oscar's mouth shut)
Jaune: Well, if it wasn't Weiss, then who else would be irresponsible enough to spend that amount of cash?
Nora: ...W-Why are you looking at me?!
Blake: In your defense, Nora, we're not assuming you'd use our money maliciously, or even on purpose. We'd understand since you're not exactly the brightest here.
Nora: (Gasps) Oh, you wanna talk about bright?! Okay, then how about how ironic that you say that when you spend all your time inside and spending all your lien on gacha games! Maybe you should take that lien and buy some mouthwash, Mist Cat-Breath!
Blake: ...It's Miss, not Mist, actually. Besides, at least I have screen time. Nobody even likes you!
Nora: What?! What does that mean?!
Ruby: Guys, don't fight! And besides, don't act so high and mighty, Nora! Most of your fans either write you as an actual cat, or as a covert racist who's into raceplay!
Blake: Oh, fuck off!
Jaune: Alright, alright. Enough about who's the worst girl of both teams. Can we get back to the fact that we have no money?
Yang: Yeah, sure. Let's how about we just make the money back by working some extra jobs between missions? Weiss getting some amount of lien from her folks and me winning games at the bar, it just isn't enough to support all of us.
Weiss: What about Pyrrha? I'm sure you have some model contracts left in you.
Pyrrha: I could, but modeling always felt so... off with the people who work there?
Nora: Then just go private, like those girls on OnlyHunters.
Nora: What?
Jaune: Nora, do you know what OnlyHunters does?
Nora: I... know that most models end up doing it.
Weiss: You're... not completely wrong. But I think it would be better for you to look it up instead of us telling you.
Nora: I mean, I don't know what was wrong with what I suggested, but okay.
Yang: Oof... I do not envy you.
Nora: ...OH MY GOD! (Runs to bathroom)
Jaune: And we lost her.
Ruby: Okay! It's time for me to step up as a leader! Blake, go work at the video game store.
Blake: Aren't video games a dying industry?
Ruby: ...Be that as it may, they work in cash and people barely go in these days, so it's a win-win for you! And... maybe you could take Nora's advice and buy some mouthwash?
Blake: ...Really? You're really commenting on my lack of hygiene and abusing my introversion? You really are the best leader, Ruby. ...But if it means bringing in lien, then I don't have much choice, do I?
Ruby: Okay! Yang, Jaune, and Oscar, you three go find a farm and work together on it for a while! With our two strongest members and someone with the expertise of working on a farm, I'm sure we'll get more lien than we know what to do with!
Yang: Makes sense to me!
Jaune: That sounds like a good idea.
Oscar: Okay, but I'll need to get some stuff from around here first. You two go on ahead.
Ruby: That's fine. Nora!
Nora: (Groans)
Ruby: Uh... When you're done in there, why don't you help Oscar, Yang, and Jaune.
Nora: ...Okay.
Ruby: ...Okay then. Everyone else, let's get out there and get some jobs! TEAM RWBY AND JNPOR!
WBYP: (Leave)
Jaune: (Walking out) You know, I can't help but feel like we forgot about the reason for why we're getting these jobs. (Leaves)
Oscar: ...You are such a bitch for not telling them how you basically embezzled them all out of their money.
Ruby: Sh-Shut up! It was for a good cause!
Oscar: Buying Overlook 2 skins is not a "good cause".
Ruby: R-Ren! You're still here?!
Ruby: N-Now Ren... Let's not do anything rash here...
Ruby: ...Fuck.
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
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People can be childish. You know this, but you expected better of your coworkers. You had been nothing but kind to them. Always lending a hand or helping them with their work. You never talked badly about them, and you were nothing but polite. So why?
It all started a month ago. You were part of the film crew for The Sunny Time Crew. You enjoyed the work, and seeing the smiles on the kid's faces made it even better, but because you saw the actors all day every day, you started to admire the lead actor Joesph. He is handsome to boot and has major charisma skills, but to top it off, he worked amazingly with the kids when they visited the studio. To you, he was the whole package, and as much as you wanted to tell him how you felt, you knew he wasn't interested. He heard the conversations he and Jean would have. He didn't want to be tied down now that he had a life again. So you decided to keep it a secret tucked away.
Or so you thought anyway. Little did you know your coworkers had caught on and thought it was the funniest thing. It started with hushed whispers behind your back, to chuckles when they caught you staring till finally, they approached the actor himself with a proposition.
“How much to get you to fake date them.”
Joseph rose an eyebrow at them, a frown already on his features “Not enough to hurt someone like that.”
They gave an exaggerated sigh while rolling their eyes “Come oooon! It's practically a free check, and it will help you get that bike you've been saving up for~”
Joseph hated the song in their voice, but not as much as how right they were. It's not like he hasn't done something of this nature before, but he was trying to be better than that. On the other hand, however….he wanted that bike. There was no telling when someone would come snatch it before he did. He gets close to them, his voice barely above a whisper “Fine but I want the ALL of the case, and no longer than a month.”
The next day, to your surprise, Joseph asked you for a date. With a red face, you agreed, already looking forward to the weekend. The date went great. You felt like you got to know each other better, and you even felt a connection. He seemed to think the same thing since he asked for a second date. Then, a third. And by the fourth, he had asked you to be his partner. You felt over the moon the more time that had passed the happier you became. He was so sweet, always showering in compliments, always listening when spoke, and just treated you like someone special. You could see a future with him.
Meanwhile, Joseph was freaking out. The first few dates were what he knew he had to do, but as time went by, he found himself liking you. To the point where nothing was fake anymore but genuine. He even started to spend nights at your house because he missed you. The end of the month was approaching, and he hoped that maybe he could get his money and keep you. Unfortunately, the day he got the money, you ran into the two of them.
"Oh? What's going on?"
They smirked, putting a hand on their hip "Oh just paying him for a job."
You raised an eyebrow "a job? What job?"
"Why not ask him."
You turned to Joesph questiongly, who wore a pained expression. He knew this was it. He HAD to tell. "I was paid to…..date…you."
He watched as your brows furrowd as you looked down trying to understand what he had just told you. "w-what…?" Despite the you voice being a whisper, it still rang in Joseph's ears.
The other let out a taunting laugh as they stood beside Joesph "I paid him to date. Whew you should have see your face."
Joesph growled as he pushed them away from him "can you fuck off."
They looked at him baffled before glaring at him "oh don't act high and mighty now! This is something you're used to! Besidessss now you can get that bike you wanted!"
You look at the two horrified "so this was all….for money? …..you didn't actually like me?"
The other person cut him off laughing, throwing their arm around the actor "of course not! You've heard the man doesn't want to be tied down! It was all a harmless little prank. If you really think about it's more like helping yo-"
Joseph pushed them off of him and onto the floor a glare focused on them. "That's enough out of you….so why don't fuck off like I said." The two glared at each other before the coworker got up grumbling and quickly left.
It was silent between you two before a sniffle from you broke the silence. "I thought you liked me….God…" you tried leaving not wanting to see him anymore, but was quickly stopped by a hand grabbing your wrist
"Let me explain…..please." you didn't face him, but you didn't pull away either so he continued "Yes it started off as something I'm getting paid for, but that's not what it was in the end." With his other hand he grabs your shoulder Turing you to face him. He hated how broken you looked. "I fell in love with you. I'll admit I wasn't sure of it myself at first, but the more I was around you the more I hated being alone." Using both hands he cups your face making you look at him. "I know I don't deserve to ask, but please…give me another chance."
"I don't know if I could ever be the same…I need time."
He nodded letting fo of your face "take all the time you need. I'll wait for you."
You stepped away from him before Turing your back on him. "we will see." You walk away still reeling from everything.
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blues-of-randomness · 7 months
You didn't know but from the angels perspective
Adam: but we were there, Charlie. We witnessed the harm that they've caused. We watched them fall, Charlie. Did all the things that you think don't matter once they line your halls. Doesn't matter if blood has stained the walls
Charlie: It's not as simple as you think, not everything is spelled in ink.
Abel: It's not fair, Charlie.
Lute: Careful, Abel, keep a cool head.
Abel: NO! Don't you care, Charlie! That just because someone has "changed" it doesn't mean the hurt they caused is healed. We can never escape the hell that's in our heads! I'm sure you wish it could be so, but there's so much that you don't know.
Vaggie: What are you even talking about, some fued that's be over for centuries. You cut him off like the apples you ate, your rebuttal is selfish and petty.
Vaggie and Charlie: There's to point these dumb rules, There's jewels among the coal, we will show you that hells not forever.
Charlie: There's room for their mistakes, we'll see you in one month. Gotta say I can't wait for...
Lucifier: Charlie...
Charlie: Cain to reunite with you..
Abel: . . .WAIT!
Charlie: Shit!
Abel: What are you saying, let me get this straight..You're redeeming them no matter the crime..
Adam: You didn't know.
Charlie: Whoops
Vaggie: Guess the truth previals
Charlie: What's the big deal?
Abel: Lucifer tell me that you didn't know
Lucifer: I thought, "It's my daughter, It's my dream to nurture."
Abel: No..
Lucifer: Abel listen, Your father would do the same. We wanted safe the them, the pain that takes to, suffer for eternity..
Abel: I see why father hated you, well, we don't need your condescension. We're not your puppets to abuse! Talk of redemption, is just pretension. Was I too naive to expect you to see both sides of your proposal
Adam: That's what the fuck I've been saying.
Adam and Abel: If Hell's not forever the Heaven must be a lie.
Lucifer: Abel-
Adam and Abel: If demons can do whatever and return to the skies. Our death's become a stain if we can't escape the pain. When the ones who made us suffer can come up and hurt us again!
Abel: I was told not to trust in demons...
Charlie: By him?
Vaggie: HA! He would know.
Adam: W-we should go!
Abel: No, we're so close, Dad! look at them fighting their at each others throats!
Charlie: Don't you act all high and mighty, Did you ever wonder why you've never seen your mother up here?
Adam: Don't Charlie, Please!
Charlie: What's the fuss, Why hide that Eve's a demon just like us?
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yonpote · 5 months
I need to know why and how you were anti-phannie from 2014-2016
alright here we go i get to talk about THIS shit now.
i was generally anti-rpf at that point, and honestly? i think it was for fair enough reasons as some people were a bit too eager about showing (general) youtubers stories they wrote about them sucking and fucking their friends. i think i was also pretty high and mighty about being a somewhat oldhead phannie tbh, like ugh do these gaming-channel-only people even know about dan being super edgy and offensive 🙄 and lowkey it was a lot of subtly misogynistic "i'm not like other girls" type shit like i was sooo much better than yall cuz i hadn't watched that video (yet.)
i was generally not into these sorts of fandoms to begin with. i wasnt on the superwhopotterlock side, i was on the homestuck/dangan ronpa/anime of the month side of tumblr, if that gives you an idea of what i was like lol. around 2014-15 i was very much in a community that is kinda similar to what you might see on twitter now, where if you had any interests in media that portrayed anything problematic, that means you are in full support of that problematic thing. if dan howell said something racist in 2010, it doesn't matter that he wasn't being racist in 2015 he's still racist and liking him makes you a racist etc. and of course, rpf is included in problematic topics. if you ship real people, even if said people say they don't mind it, you are a sick pervert and you should be in the loony bin for being so depraved. and if you write or read any fiction that has immoral acts, it means you support those acts in real life too and you are trying to normalize abuse and SA (yknow as if whitecishetpatriarchy hasnt normalized that enough) and you're a danger to children and you deserve to rot in prison (yknow as if a queer person writing stories about queer people hasnt heard that one before)
now here's the real kicker. in 2015-2016 i ran a game grumps fan blog where i did talk about shipping the grumps. "wait how were you anti-rpf if-" well have you ever heard of this thing called Lying? or perhaps even, Cognitive Dissonance? i HAD to run a separate blog for this interest, because if my friends knew i consumed slashfic about arin and danny they would stop being friends with me and think im this evil horrible monster etc. genuinely that was where my brain was at, and is a little bit the reason i decided to this day, to make my phannie accounts completely separate from my main accounts.
nowadays, none of my non-phannie friends actually give a fuck and i do occasionally talk about dnp being silly gay white boys w them! at this point i dont post about em on main just out of respect like "hey im sure you dont actually want to hear about british yaoi constantly regardless of our level of friendship so i'll keep it over here okay?"
also, yeah i grew out of thinking consuming media with deplorable acts makes me deplorable. my favorite tv show is hannibal. i know its shocking, but i dont actually support serial killer cannibals. i will say, i dont fuck with "pro/anti" language with regards to what is considered "problematic" or having that be an identity marker. i think that people are free to write fiction as they please so long as its all properly tagged for people who dont enjoy that kind of content to avoid. but i also think there can be and often are problems in the way these stories are written, and yeah if all the romance stories you read growing up involve some sort of force or danger, that CAN normalize this sort of action as inherent to romance stories/real life romance. but i think thats an issue with like, society at large, and it's not on an individual fic writer to be educating teens who read their dead dove fic despite the explicit rating and tags.
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onigiri-dorkk · 2 years
Pls help me if you can. There's this chapter of the manga I recall where Levi is walking around with Sasha and Mikasa and these creepy old dudes are saying that Levi is acting high and mighty with "women in tow" or something like that. One of the guys even leans towards Sasha while Levi is looking at Mikasa. I think it's supposed to parallel Sasha stitching up shirtless Levi's wounds but he's looking at Mikasa instead. But I have a feeling I just made up the first chapter I described because I don't know the chapter number.😭
Fret not, fandom friend!! That’s actually funny because I literally just reread these chapters yesterday randomly! (I was just looking for the Levi/Dimo Reeves conversations, which I love and will forever be sad about WIT omitting it from the manga)
Anyway, the first moment you mention is in Chapter 57 right before “Eren and Historia” (Jean and Armin) are kidnapped.
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I’ll include the full page/panels here because WIT also leaves out a fantastic detail of Levi being fixated on a poor mother and her child — reminding him likely of his own mother who suffered in the Underground, also reminding him that all people of Trost could suffer and go to ruin if they fail. This becomes a central push point for how he convinces Dimo Reeves to team with the Scouts willfully — to save Trost, Dimo’s town.
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The anime really rushed through all of that, skipping these details made it a little confusing why the Reeves company complied w the Scouts so easily… such a shame!
Lastly, the second moment you mention is in Chapter 59! This is after Squad Levi kills people for the first time; Armin is having a hard time coping with having killed someone. Mikasa comes back in to switch watch-guard shifts with someone. It almost feels like Levi wants her attention while he’s shirtless 🤣 Another freakin panel WIT robbed us of!!!
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I don’t think these are meant to parallel each other but it is fun to see both these panels honestly kind of emphasize Mikasa (and Sasha) being women (and the only women) around Levi. I’m now curious if the Sash/Levi ship exists (I can’t imagine 🤣 He’d be so annoyed w her) but to me? I’m biased and think it emphasizes Mikasa is the best and closest woman to him 😭 As a comrade and a human
Thx for the ask, anon! I love talking about S3 corresponding chapters. Really wish they had animated everything 😭 Friendly reminder for everyone to reread the Uprising arc!! There’s even a panel of Dimo praising Mikasa to Levi, and Levi having thoughts about it 🤭
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adiabolikpastel · 2 years
Diabolik Lovers ~ Tormented Reverie ~ Yuuki's Prologue [part 2]
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Yuki: (Tell them... but I don't even know the answer.
Why are they all staring at me like that?
What do they even want me to say?)
I... well...
Boy w/ Teddy: Would you please hurry up?
Waiting for you to explain is upsetting Teddy.
Yuuki: Oh, sorry...
I am not sure why I am here - to be honest.
A man - he took me from my house, and then left me here.
Boy who was 'Asleep': Huh, the hell is that about?
Boy w/ Hat: A pimp perhaps~?
Boy w/ White Hair: Disgusting!
Boy w/ Glasses: Honestly...
No one is simply left on our door step for no reason. Surely there is some of explanation.
The brothers bicker amongst themselves. Yuuki can't help but take a moment to glance around. This place felt larger on the inside, though that could just be because it was dark outside.
Yuuki: (What am I going to do?
These guys seem weird... and I should focus on calling the police.
Maybe I could sneak past them to find a phone...?)
Yuuki moves to creep into the other room, but is stopped by one of the boys. He towers over her, his red eyes glaring down.
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Boy w/ White Hair: Where do you think you're going?
You are the one who woke all of us up - doesn't seem fair trying to running away.
Yuuki: Ua - well I just-
Boy who was 'Asleep': For once Mr. Punchy is right!
You woke Ayato-sama up, time to pay for it
The corpse from before appears behind Yuuki. His lips smirked as fangs descend into view.
Yuuki: W-woa now just a minute...
Boy w/ Hat: Not fair Ayato-kun~ I did say that I would take her, nfu.
Boy w/ Teddy: I would like some too, after all, we were woken up as well, ne Teddy?
Yuuki: H-Hold on a minute...
What are you guys talking about...?
(They're aren't planning to -!
No no no!
Someone please help me!)
???: Ah... that man was here earlier
Just as the boys began to touch Yuuki, a new voice makes itself known.
Boy w/ Glasses: Useless thing, when were you going to tell anyone?
The glasses wearing boy descends the stair case and walks into the sitting room. The other boys fallow his movements, stepping away from Yuuki. Laying on one of the coaches is another boy, though he looked still asleep.
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Sleeping Boy: A few days ago... said "a debt paid" or something.
She is supposed to stay with us.
Yuuki: ah! Y-Yes!
They said that to me as well - something about a debt...
The boys all turn to face Yuuki. Emotions mixed among them, but their eyes all seemed to be looking at something delicious.
'Mr. Punchy': Why didn't you say something at the start!?
Boy w/ Glasses: Goodness, seems there was a reason.
In any case, she is not to be eaten, it would seem.
Yuuki: Eaten!?
Is that what you were going to do!?
No way, I wont stay in a house of cannibals!
Sleeping Boy: We're not cannibals... vampires
Ayato: Shu what the hell!
Boy w/ Glasses: Hopeless.
Yuuki: Vam...pires....?
Boy w/ Teddy: What more is there to explain?
Are you stupid?
Boy w/ Glasses: Enough of that, now that we know she is supposed to be here - who will be in charge of watching her?
She cannot be allowed to simple roam about.
Boy w/ Hat: Nfu, Laito-kun has no problem keeping this Bitch-chan.
Ayato: I was the first one to be woken by her -
That means her blood belongs to Ayato-sama!
Mr. Punchy: Always so high and mighty!
We were all awoken by the yelling, you're not special!
Yuuki: Hold on...
My blood doesn't belong to anyon-
Boy w/ Teddy: Food shouldn't speak, unless it wants to be eaten faster.
Shu: Do what you want - just keep it down...
Boy w/ Glasses: This wont do, simply choose someone if it is that much of an issue.
Yuuki: Choose someone?
You can't expect me to make that kind of choice without knowing any of you.
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Boy w/ Glasses: So troublesome.
'Mr. Punchy': Just pick someone!
Boy w/ Glasses: Acting as though your blood is that precious, such arrogance.
It has been a while since we have had a woman to educate.
Very well, a trial run perhaps will speed things along.
Ayato: Trial run?
What does that mean?
Laito: Ooo a game of pass the Bitch-chan~
Such a dirty mind Reiji-kun, nfu.
'Mr. Punchy': Don't be gross!
Yuuki: (A trial run?
Something like that might be fine...
Then again, being passed around by six vampires...)
H-How long would I have to decide?
Shu: The next new moon...
Reiji: Ah, so that was tonight.
That should be fine then.
Introductions are in order so that you may choose accordingly. I am Reiji- the second son.
Over on the coach is Shu, the eldest.
The triplets, Ayato, Kanato and Laito.
Then lastly, Subaru, the youngest.
Present yourself to us then. Since we will be housemates from this day forward.
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Yuuki: Oh...
(This situation... it's all because of that man.
He must be the one they are talking about too.
I guess for now - I don't have a choice.)
it's Yuuki...
Yuuki Koishikawa.
-- END --
[part one]
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musekicker · 2 years
If you’re still doing the prompts, how about Scar starting a stupid fight (like, “water is not wet” levels of stupid) with Donald solely to see him get angry because it’s amusing to him. Muse is So Tired and just wants to go back to fishing.
It was a good day to fish. And Muse was in the meadow, about to cast her fishing line when a ear splitting and familiar sound startled her.
"I wonder what upset Donald this time." Muse said to herself.
She would soon enough figure it out. It was hard to not know what was bothering Donald when he was bothered for very long.
Donald's shouting was getting louder and more angry in tone. It was normal to hear Donald all across the valley when he was upset but this volume could probably heard beyond the meadow.
A quick look showed Donald near the stairs leading to the meadow. He was shouting at Scar it looked like. Not a particularly promising combo. Muse took a moment to listen in.
"If you don't take that back-" Donald said.
The last of Donald's sentence got garbled in his angry sputtering. For the best for those over hearing this conversation. Muse could still tell it was something that she would not want to happen. 
Looked like this had become her problem now.
Muse sighed, put away her fishing pole and walked over to the lion and duck argument that was soon to end with one of them ending up dead. She wasn't sure which would be which considering Scar's claws and fangs and Donald's berserker strength when angry.
She put herself besides Donald and Scar and spoke up.
"Okay, what's going on here?" Muse asked.
Scar gave a withering look in Muse's direction and then a long sigh.
"Oh.. Muse. I suppose you feel like you need to stick your nose into this conversation." Scar said.
Muse knew Scar's expression was one of disdain. His default expression Muse noticed. And normally that didn't bother her. But when trying to diffuse Donald's anger, it was not the expression she wanted to see on the one who had probably started the whole thing, face.
"Yes. I am." Muse said. "Especially when I can feel the fact that Donald's about to snap all the way from the fishing pond."
Donald was absolutely looking like he was on the edge of snapping. He was clutching onto his fish pole so hard that Muse could hear the pole begin to creak, close to breaking.
"Good senses for a human." Scar said.
"Thank you. Now what is the problem here?" Muse asked.
"I was only telling Donald here that the tuna isn't a fish." Scar said.
"And I keep saying that that's not true!" Donald shouted.
Scar, smirk still on his face, yawned in a bored fashion.
"I dare say that it is true." Scar said. "It's not my fault that you are not smart enough to know these things."
Donald now looked even more angry. Muse sighed, now aware of what Scar's game here was. Of course he knew full well the tuna was a fish. He just knew that saying Donald was wrong was a easy way to rile Donald up.
"Why do you do this?" Muse asked Scar.
Scar smirked.
"Partly because it's so very easy to wind him up." Scar said.
Muse expected this kind of answer really. She attempted to look as stern as she could, hands on her hips and a glare in her eyes.
"Just because it's easy doesn't mean you should do it. Especially when the result will be someone getting hit at some point." Muse said.
"As if I am afraid of what that duck can do." Scar said with yet another hint of disdain in his voice.
Muse was pretty sure that
"I just want to go back to fishing, please." Muse said.
She knew now that she would not be getting back to fishing anytime soon.
"Okay. You are being a jerk." Muse said.
"Oh don't act all high and mighty with me." Scar said. "You were the one who told Gothel that you thought you saw a wrinkle on his forehead."
"Hey! You don't know if I did or didn't!" Muse snapped. "And this is different."
"I don't see how." Scar said.
Donald by this point was starting to calm down a little. Enough that he might not fall into his normal temper tantrum mode. Scar knew this and made things worse.
"The gold fish isn't a fish." Scar told Donald.
Donald let out the loudest squawk at that.
"I mean it Scar, stop it." Muse said, no humor in her voice.
Scar clearly did not appreciate that as he glared at Muse.
"Do not speak to me that way!" Scar said with a vicious growl.
Muse was ready to summon her shovel that she had nicknamed lion hitter by this point. She did not need to bother because for Donald the light threat was enough for him. In the next second,  Donald lunged at Scar.
Scar's wide eyed expression was that of one who did not expect to see consequences for his actions. He wasted his escape time being frozen in shock. Now it was too late. Donald tackled the lion.
Now Muse could had immediately grabbed hold of Donald and try to pull him off of Scar. She did however knew that Donald could handle himself and Scar deserved to get a few punches from Donald.
"I'm just going to give this a few seconds..." Muse said.
She counted up to eight seconds before she finally moved over to the fight and with all her strength pulled Donald away from Scar. Donald either did not realize he had been pulled off, being in such a blind rage. Or he did realize and he was still trying to get to Scar only to scare him. Either way it was working. Scar looked scared and was backing away.
"I'd go if I were you." Muse told Scar.
Scar didn't even attempt to continue the fight. He ran off back to his lair, tail between his legs. A wise move, Muse thought.
Muse kept his grip on Donald in case he wanted to give chase. Thankfully he did not. In fact he had stopped straining to break free of her grip for a bit now.
"Feel better?" Muse asked.
Donald was still breathing deeply, coming down from his rage. But he had the presence to nod.
"Good. At least Scar probably won't bother you for awhile. Not unless he wants another punch to the jaw. That was pretty brave by the way. You literally fought a lion."
"He made me mad." Donald grumbled.
"I know, I know. Want to get something to eat at Remy's?" Muse suggested.
That seemed to cheer Donald up and already he was starting to come down from his rage.
"Boy oh boy! Getting a snack sounds great." Donald said.
And off to Remy's restaurant they went. And the story of Donald's battle with Scar was spread as they ate.
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reeedvelvet · 3 years
Hi there hope you have a great day!♡
If your still taking request may I have pure vanilla, mint cookie, red velvet with a s/o who likes to cover them in lipstick kisses when they're stress, and sometimes pull them into a long agresive kiss when they're angry
(This idea have been stuck with me forever)
wait that's a great idea anon!!!1!!111!!!!!!1!!!!!!11
a bit suggestive btw-
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『•• Pure Vanilla Cookie ••』
❣ He tries to help you with your stress and anger- but uh- he can't even help himself when you attack him with kisses-
❝ I just can't believe Dark Enchantress did that- ❞ a pair of soft lips touched with yours, it totally caught you by surprise- he pulled away and continued to read the book in his hand like nothing happened. Oh two can play this game- your frustration got better of you ❝ pure- ❞ his eyes widened, slightly alarmed at your sudden moment ❝ l-love-? ❞ you grabbed his cloths and pull him towards to yourself- damn what a beast you are (Name) pull me like this will you 😳
❝ (N-Name)- m-must y-you kiss me l-like that- ❞ ❝ Yes, stay still will you? Stop squirming around ❞ ❝ mmmm ❞ melts
❝ We're not done yet, where do you think you're going? ❞ ❝ (Name) i can't breathe- ❞
❣ One time, when your lip stick stained- he was with gingerbraves team that day- ❝ uhhh P-Pure Vanilla cookie? W-Whats that-? ❞ gingerbrave asked- ❝ p-pure v-vanilla-!? ❞ strawberry cookie hid herself in her hoodie, ❝ Custard you're too young to see this- ❞ wizard raised his sleeve to hid custard's eyes ❝ wh- whAT HAPPENED- ❞ ❝ (Name) again- pppFFFFTTT- ❞ ❝ E-Excuse me for a moment- ❞ he never go out again-
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『•• Mint Choco Cookie ••』
❣ He hates it smh. Like, (Nameee)- ur lip stick stains i have a performance tonight- and whenever ur lipstick stains his reaction is always the same: a high pitched (name) scream.
❣ His biggest nighmare, a angy (name) in front of him. No no, its not cause hes scared of you, babe- ur lips stick stains and i have a performance tonight- no kissy kissy- pls- (name)- nokjdaskjfg-
❝ (NamE)- i- i have a performance tonight- ❞ ❝ So what , dont even think 'bout escaping ❞ ❝ hhmmmmhm(nameee)- lET ME GOOO- ❞
❣ But when ur angy, oh boy- help him he can't survive when you kiss him that deep- He like,, lasts two or three seconds- if u can keep him in his place, cause like- boy squirms around ur grip alot- then he faints- ❝ wh- wHAT R U TRYING TO KILL ME!? HUH ❞ ❝ actually, yes. I didn't let my tongue down your throat did i? This time atleast. ❞ damn was that a bit suggestive?????????? whatever enjoy-
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『•• Red Velvet Cookie ••』
❣ Ohoh, boy loves it a little too much. Just to annoy you, he will start something really stupid, all to annoy you- ❝ You're doing it on purpose aren't you? ❞ ❝ heh of course. ❞ he'll say with a smirk- ugh go ahead and punch him, with love of course.
❣ He'll nudge your arm with his, act all sassy and shit, all to annoy you- and guess its working. ❝ Thats it. ❞ he'll smirk wide while watching you come to him ❝ Oh? What? Did i get onto your nerves- oomp- ❞ hah get suprise kissed-
❝ *wheeze* E-Enough- ❞ ❝ No ❞ ❝ (nAME)- ❞ the all and mighty cake prince red velvet, how the defeat tastes like-? ❝ (N-Name) i-i really can't- ❞ ❝ You're weak. ❞ ❝ yes to you ❞
❣ Actually likes when you kiss him hard- ❝ Babe- babe, kiss me like you usually do ❞ ❝ ...which one? ❞ ❝ uhm- the- the long nd agressive one👉👈❞
❣ This mf shows off when the lip stick stains- like alot- smirks wide when the other cookies of darkness stare at the lip stick stains on him- ❝ m-m-must b-be g-go-good t-to h-ha-have a s-s/o- ❞ ❝ Red velvet cookie what is the meaning of this- ❞ ❝ ... ❞ yeah, he definitely likes when the attention is on him.
This post belongs to @/rainyycake do not steal or use.
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zodiacs-web · 3 years
Hello, Can you write a RoR fanfic about a meeting with all alive human fighters? Qin Shin Huang gets lost looking for his waiting room and encounter Sasaki, Jack and Fem fighter. Would be fun see their conversations or Qin fell in love when looking at Fem fighter's fight. Thanks
Strange Meeting
Sasaki/Jack/ Qin w/F!Reader
Synopsis: Qin gets lost and meets the other fighters
What's in the web: Qin Shi huang crushing on reader, platonic with the other characters
A/n: No I did not watch an hour worth of a dude pissing off a scammer (I did) while making this.
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Munching on the snacks you've been given, Jack couldn't help admire your appetite. Sasaki equaled in hunger yet didn't feel hungry at the moment. You bathed in the food, eager to eat more than you can chew.
You've just met Jack and Sasaki after accidentally bumping into both of them. They were surprised to see the only female fighter on the roster. You were famous yet, many believed you wouldn't win in any way. You were happy to at least win your match by a hair.
The three of you knew you were supposed to be watching the current match, but you couldn't help but speak to one another.
"Man, that Poseidon guy was rough, poor guy." Sasaki groaned, feeling sad for the stuck-up god.
"I don't understand why you're treating him like this!" You questioned, "Didn't he treat you like shit?" Though this was rounds ago, you all couldn't help but talk about the god.
"Truly, some men can't let go of their pride." Jack chimed in, walking ahead of you and Sasaki.
"Didn't you act so high and mighty?" You retorted. The gentleman chuckled, amused by your sudden attitude.
"I have done no such thing, dear." He answered, teasing you along the way.
Sasaki chuckled, clearly amused by your bantering.
"Man, I wonder how the other fighters are." Sasaki pondered. "We've only seen the others, yet I'm sad we couldn't talk with them."
"Yeah, I wonder what our "father" would've thought of us."
"Ah, Adam! I suspected that he would've "loved" us." Jack chimed in once more. "You scared of being loved, Jack?" You teased.
The man ignored your joke, focusing on a much more strange matter at hand.
"Would you look at that?" Jack said, getting you and the samurai's attention. You stepped to the side of Jack, along with Sasaki, and noticed a broken wall.
"What could've happened here?"
"Who knows...." You looked inside the hole. "Maybe the gods fought since we are close to their side."
"Should we leave it be?" Sasaki asked you and Jack."Perhaps, wouldn't want the blame to be put onto us, would we?" Jack walked over the fallen wall, acting as if it was not important. You followed the man, Sasaki following, hurrying a bit in case someone arrived.
Unexpectedly, your group heard footsteps. Thankfully, all of you were away from the mess, though you didn't expect this person to arrive. Silently staring at a blindfolded man, you were all confused.
"Who're you?" Sasaki asked, placing his hands on his hips. "Are you another god?"
"Me? Why would an emperor want to be such a thing?" He smiled. You couldn't tell if he was joking or if he was lying after a smile like that, to be honest.
"Let us diverge from this topic and indulge in another one, yes?" He smiled -placing his hands behind his back and leaning in- acting like an excited child. You couldn't help but love such a childish attitude.
Unfortunately, even the child was distracted from his original thought. He stopped all other thoughts from coming out once he fully noticed you. Repositioning himself to fully notice you.
"Oh? Aren't you that woman fighter?" His curiosity, itching to know you. "Yes, I am." You answered, placing your hands on your hips. "Why do you ask?"
The man smiled devilishly. You were taken aback, confused about his intention.
"You were lovely in that arena. I couldn't take my eyes off of you. It was very distracting."
Sasaki and Jack felt like they shouldn't be here with the way he was speaking.
"Hmm? Are you interested or what?" You teased.
Sasaki, though wanting to leave, felt the man wanted something else. "Uh, do you need something else, or did you want to speak with (Y/n) over here?"
Qin stopped his flirting for today, he needed to find his room after all.
"Oh! Right. Where is the waiting area for the human fighters?"
All three of you looked at each other. You, unfortunately, didn't know the way. Sasaki only knew the human's side but said it must be similar to other side. Jack knew the way, but it was fun messing with you all for a bit. Not today, there was a tournament on the line.
After Jack helped the poor man, he was sure he would get lost. Even if he looked for help once more, that what be futile.
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