#Elijah mikaelson x daughter reader
fandoms--fluff · 10 months
Hellooooo sorry to bother you but do you think can right one of Katherine Pirces were she has a baby girl y/n and she’s like 4 months old and the salvatores brothers finds out about her they use her to take Katherine dawn but they don’t now that she ask the originals but specifically Elijah help to save ther daughter
Mama's Girl
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Baby daughter reader x mom Katherine Pierce
Warnings: kidnapping,
A/n: I made a few tweaks in it, by making Elijah the father, but I hope you like it!
Katherine picks you up from your playpen which has two fluffy blankets and some stuffed animals. "You hungry baby girl?" Katherine smiles as you babble while nuzzling your head into her chest. "I'll take that as a yes" She kisses the top of your head before sitting down on the black leather couch beside the playpen.
She holds you with one arm and as the her other hand pulls a part of her black shirt down, releasing one of her breasts. She coaxes your head toward her full breast until you easily latch on. As you drink your mama's milk, she holds you protectively in her arms.
She doesn't know how the hell she had gotten pregnant, considering she's been dead a very long time. And it wasn't just her child, you, actually was growing inside her, but her body also changed for how it would when any other woman would be pregnant. ex. she produces breast milk. She's still confused but doesn't ask why anymore, just grateful that you're her baby.
The only two people who know about you are; Elijah and Kol Mikaelson. Kol saw Katherine walking around a park a couple towns over, obviously pregnant. He then later that day asked his big brother how he had managed to knock up Katherine, assuming that Elijah and she had hooked up. And he wasn't entirely wrong, Kol just doesn't need to know that. Elijah went over to her house and confronted her, they had a long conversation, deciding it was best to keep you a secret.
Or so she thought, not taking into account the two Salvatore brothers are staked out, across the road.
"How did Katherine get a baby? and she's caring? what the hell" Stefan says, turning over to his older brother.
"Well, baby bro, when two adults think it's time, they decide to start having se-" Stefan cut him off, "I didn't mean like that!" Stefan groaned.
"Whatever, this is our chance to have something to finally take the vampire bitch slut, down," Damon says, getting out of the car. Stefan sighs before following Damon down the road.
Damon explains the plan he made to Stefan, which they put into action.
Katherine looks up, something seems off. Before she can get a second thought, the front door is knocked off it's hinges and vervain grenades are thrown in. Getting into a coughing fit from the toxic herb, she sees a figure of someone coming over to her with a mask.
As soon as he gets close to her, Damon snatches you out of Katherine's arms and speeds out of the house. Katherine quickly stands up, adjusting her top back, but before she can go after him in a weakened state, someone grabs her from behind. The second person, Stefan, wraps his left arm around her neck until she can no longer breathe in air, passing out quickly from the vervain still in the air.
Stefan lets her drop back onto the couch and walks back outside, peeling the mask off his face. "Now what?" He asks Damon, watching as he tries to make you stop crying. His attempts are proven useless, making you cry louder about being taken away from your mama.
"Oh come on, can't you be quiet, you're going to make a scene with how loud you are" Damon whisper yells at you.
Being a baby and not understanding anything he's obviously saying, you just scream louder.
The brothers quickly get into Damon's car with you, Stefan having to hold you, insisting to Damon it's not a good idea to just throw you in the backseat and hope for the best. He drives off before Katherine has a chance to reawaken.
Coughing, Katherine slowly opens her eyes. The light shining through the windows tells her it's still daytime. Recollecting her memories of what had happened while she stands up makes her freeze. She quickly vamped around the entire house, not finding her baby, you, anywhere.
Damon and Stefan, the two names that come to her mind. They took you. All she can do is pace back and forth, a look of murder in her eyes. But she has to play this smart, if she just goes crashing in there alone, she's more than sure that there'll be everyone there. They'll obviously be expecting that.
She goes to the coffee table where her phone still lays from earlier and dials a number.
"Katerina, how are you doing?" Elijah's smooth voice emits from the phone as he picks up.
"Not well, considering the Salvatores found out about y/n, came crashing in, took her, and now are probably thinking of ways to take advantage of our daughter against me" Katherine exclaims, having no time for small talk.
Elijah's eyes widen and he reassures her everything is going to be okay and to meet her in the woods by the boarding house. Katherine follows his instructions clearly and immediately leaves the house.
Katherine gets to the woods in record time, she looks around before feeling a hand on her shoulder. She quickly turns around, ready for a fight. Though it's just Elijah.
"My apologies," Elijah says.
He starts explaining his plan of what they're to do. Katherine follows every bit and nods before heading to the back of the house, out of sight from anyone inside.
While she hides out back, Elijah goes to the front door. He knocks a few times before Damon opens the door. He gives a suspicious look towards the original.
"I believe this is the part where you invite me in," Elijah says.
He pauses for a second before stepping to the side, letting the older vampire inside.
As Elijah walks down the stairs into the library, he lays his eyes on you. You're currently being held by Caroline. She's been trying to cheer you up and to stop your crying but nothing has worked. You're not wailing anymore but there are still tears running down your tiny cheeks every now and then.
He puts on a facade, acting surprised at the sight of the baby. Caroline and everyone else notice this. Caroline walks over to the other side of the room and places you into an old wooden crib they had found in the attic.
"What's the occasion of your visit?" Damon all but growls, not happy about an original vampire being in his home.
"Just the fact that you have apparently acquired a baby in a short amount of time. I'm only curious" he says, trying to ignore your looks for him. You see the man in the suit is recognizable as your dada. He comes over a lot and holds you and cares for you, and makes your mama smile.
You hold your arms up in a grabby motion. Everyone hasn't noticed. They're all focused on Elijah as there was no way that he just happened to know two hours after they had taken you. Someone must have been watching them.
Damon and Stefan are standing in front of Elijah, whose back is facing you, the rest of the gang all stood behind the brothers.
Katherine watches from behind the door, knowing what to do next. She opens the door and makes her way inside, causing the gang's attention to go to her.
"That was stupid of you" She sneers, her vampire face on display.
As your mama distracts everyone else, your dada quickly goes over to you. He picks you up and vamps out of the room through the same door Katherine left wide open.
"What-" Elena started saying and turned around, seeing that you and Elijah are gone.
Everyone else followed her action and before they knew it, it was only them. You, Katherine, and Elijah, are long gone.
Katherine follows Elijah to a clearing in the woods. He's cradling you against his chest, slightly swaying you as you calm.
"I'm so sorry I let this happen, I never wanted anything to happen to her," Katherine tells him, feeling an emotion she hasn't felt in a long time, guilt.
"There's nothing to apologize for. There was no way for you to know what was going to happen" Elijah says, softness in his eyes. "Come, I have the perfect place for us. It's out of town and secluded" he smiles.
As they make their way there in his car, they talk the whole time as you're sound asleep in your car seat.
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el121a · 7 months
How do you think Elijah would treat his daughter's relationships?
Here are some bullet points!
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Being Elijah's daughter, you didn't talk about dating quite often. Elijah had 3 rules. The first one being "permission granted at 17. " in order to date you must've been of-age. You're kind of known for it.
Seeing Elijah and your mother only heightened your desire to be in a relationship.
If his daughter tried to keep it a secret, Elijah would be heartbroken at first and probably wouldn't ask too many questions. It didn't matter. This wasn't his girl, she had been influenced by another. As noble as everyone thinks Elijah is, deep down, he would be frightened that your lover turned out to be anything like him, especially with her type being vamps (especially a member of the strix- now that would've been rejected.)
If his daughter told him, Elijah would probably drop everything and listen to her many rants- just like her father. And if you told him he was going to meet them soon, his eyes would light up in accompany to his excitement.
Under both circumstances, he would open a bottle of bourbon and finish it. That same night.
"Dad, it's just a date" or anything that suggested it's unimportance was never muttered. Elijah listened carefully to your words, yet again, he generally payed detailed attention to all words. If it were "just a date" you would be admitting to Elijah you knew his judgements were right.
Elijah was strict. He doesn't prioritize much of your friendships, he loves when you interact with others, but you understand he doesn't care. He does prioritize family, and so you knew adding to the Mikaelson family would've been accepted by him.
If his daughter was interested in boys, his 2nd rule was more of question. Who asked first. Successful if the guy asked his daughter first. If not, he'd reject.
There's also the fact everyone in the supernatural community was scared of your family. You always guessed it was for the better anyways.
He gave them a terrifying speech. Only to give the compliment - he admired their bravery. if they were nervous he'd nicely and automatically reject them. No one has ever been brazen. You know this because, any guy you were interested in, he'd already met when picking you up from any event.
As daddy's girl, you were with your father at any time left of his busy schedule. He would take time off ,but he's an original and actually fighting creatures of the night. When you started drifting away from him he would try to fill the new hole in his heart with more drinks.
And when you admitted your interest in marriage, Elijah Mikaelson revealed his third and final rule "You last name stays."
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saltyluminaryvoid · 1 year
“Cold was the steel of my axe to grind.”
A story of a daughter’s newfound quest for her family. 
In which the daughter of Elijah Mikaelson and Princess Samira Parvati Agrawal is betrayed by her own and imprisoned for several centuries. When the hollow sacrifices Elijah it triggers unforeseen consequences onto humanity and the supernatural world. The escape of the dhampyre releases nearly a thousand years of blood thirst and unbridled rage onto vampire kind and anyone who stands in her way for revenge. 
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In the cool air of the August night, a woman moved gracefully through Agrawal Palace, tiny bells upon her ankles announcing her every step as she carefully balanced two trays one ladled with cold lemonade and the other with fresh bread and cheese. 
Parvati! a voice calls in the distance, ‘you could have called for me and I would have come to assist you.’ Sister, Parvati calls softly nothing will fall and be ruined, the golden-skinned beauty teases as she removes her hold upon the trays only to leave them hovering mid-air, ‘that’s the beauty of magic’ she softly demonstrates. Her baby sister a fiery red-headed Indian woman tsked her, ‘Well at least it would have given me something to do, while our sister occupies herself with her warrior training.’ Orrrr, Parvati begins to tease you can practise your English and allow your elder sisters some much-needed peace. Aarushi only pouts as she descends the stairway, the length of her silken saree flowing with the gentle breeze, Parvati follows into the large courtyard trays trailing mid-air alongside as she joins Aarushi under the large Willow happy with the reprieve the nights brought from the hot Indian summers. Her younger sister Lokirina  dutifully practices her sword fighting, clothed in nothing but dragon hide armour, no doubt kept cool  from the many magical runes inscribed onto her armour. 
Parvati sips her lemonade, half-mindedly listening to her sister prattle on about how pretty the Patel twins are. She recalls the many nights Lokrinia and father stalked and hunted the dragon which terrorised neighbouring lands. In her foolish bravery she remembers almost being killed for her hubris, her father’s broken cries as he cradled her sister’s burnt body. She’ll never forget the way fear and panic racked her body when the healers announced Lokirina now fully healed from her burns many never awaken as her mind had retreated too far for magic to heal. 
Parvati had never felt so useless, as the eldest child of the greatest coven to exist in the Vijayanagar Empire Parvati was the problem solver. The one her siblings turned to when they were far out of their depths, the one her father groomed to take up the mantle of Thakurani, the ruler who fell under the great Maharaj of the Empire. In her passing hopelessness, Parvati had assembled the greatest witches and warlocks of the empire and together they slayed the dragon and affirmed her position as the most beloved Kumari in history. Her sister’s dragon hide armour was carefully cut and within its skins, all manner of protective and tracking runes were sown.
She recalls her once loving father who made it his priority to be involved in the education and rearing of his girls despite still mourning his beloved wife and heading his kingdom. She knew he once truly loved her in the way he’d  patiently explain complicated theoretical magic, in the way he lovingly feed her bites of food when she was too caught up with her newest magical project or the way he hid the pain his face whenever she looked far too much like her mother or even the way he never resented her as she was the admissible evidence her mother’s heart would always lie with Elijah. 
Bitterly she thought, he didn’t love me anymore why else would he have plotted with the spirit Esther to seal her away? 
Why else would he turn the coven against her once he discovered the truth of what her father really was?
Why else would he punish her sisters alongside her when they refuse to turn against her?
Why else would he have thought of such a brutal prison to seal her away so she could never fully transition?
Because of him they were forever trapped within a prison world, doomed to repeat this one day until the end of time, she was doomed to live in an unending loop of fiery torment clawing at her throat. A torment which could only be sated by the dhampyre natural prey, a vampire.
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mrs-kmikaelson · 11 months
07| The Tribrid
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x daughter!reader, Marcel Gerard x mostly platonic!reader Summary: Trying to figure out a way to get Klaus to trust you, you reminisce over the past and how trust was earned in a similar situation. Warnings: none Words: 3.7K
a/n: does anyone know how i can fix the gifs from like not centring? it looks fine on my laptop but horrible on mobile😭
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Strobe lights went all across the room, music blaring, but I could barely tell what song was playing, too distracted by what I was doing—or, rather, who I was about to do. I ran my fingers through his hair while his hand crept up my skirt, our kiss getting more passionate by the second.
His name didn't matter. All I cared about was the fun we were about to have. 
"Why don't we take this somewhere more private," he mumbled in between kisses. 
I nodded against him, giving him one last kiss before whispering in his ear. "Back alley." The fact that I was drunk didn't stop me from leading us across the dance floor to the back where I'd been many times before. I knew the owner—who was also a really good kisser—and so I knew where to go.
I felt the cold air hit us as soon as we got outside, despite feeling so hot. As soon as the door closed, I turned around, intending on pulling him back in for a kiss, but I almost staggered back when I saw the same man I was kissing just moments ago with veins crawling underneath his eyes, fangs protruding in his mouth.
What the fuck?
I quickly sobered up, baring my own fangs at him. The atmosphere went from hot and sexy to dark in an instant. 
His eyes widened. While his voice was surprised, there was still an undertone of hostility. "You're a vampire?"
I narrowed my eyes. "You didn't know?" God, how drunk was he? I smelt that he was a night crawler immediately. Clearly, he thought I was a human and wanted to leave so he could suck me dry.
That wasn't happening. For obvious reasons.
He cursed under his breath. For a second, I thought we'd get back to what we were doing; I mean, I just cleared this up. I was gonna be generous and continue to make out with him in spite of the fact that he just tried to kill me, but this dude just had to kill my fun, too.
He tried charging at me, but my magic worked faster than even vamp speed. Quickly, I rushed, "Motus!" and he was sent flying into the wall. My eyes widened. Fuckkkkkk, man.
I just wanted to get laid.
I wasn't supposed to do that. I was supposed to punch him, maybe snap his neck—I was supposed to do something that a vampire would do. A vampire doesn't just move things with their mind.
I thought I was soberer than that, but it seemed that the alcohol was still affecting me because I just sent a fucking vampire flying. Shock was all over the guy's face, his pretty, pretty face that I just wanted to have a good time with.
Fuck. Now I'd have to kill him.
He remained against the wall, but he didn't wait much longer before firing questions at me. "What the hell was that-"
I cut him off, "Look, man, I wasn't planning on doing a lot of talking with you tonight." Annoyance laced my voice. He didn't respond as quickly, just looking at me with an extremely analyzing gaze. I didn't doubt that he was confused. People don't just come across people like me. 
He was silent until it looked like a light bulb went off in his head. "Tribrid," he muttered under his breath, almost like I wasn't meant to hear it, but I did.
My blood went cold. "What did you just say?" I asked, but he ignored me, continuing to mutter under his breath.
"I knew a guy once—he was half wolf, half vampire." If he didn't have my attention before, he sure as hell did now. Because I only knew one person that matched that description, and that was Klaus Mikaelson.
My body went rigid while the guy took little notice, seeming to put together a bunch of puzzle pieces in his head. "Yeah-" he paused, looking up at me, "I've heard chatter. Witches saying something about a... triangle: werewolf, vampire... and witch."
Chatter? He's heard chatter? A thousand things went through my mind at once. That was impossible. Nobody knew about me. I just got to this city; there was no way witches have managed to decipher a secret I've spent centuries keeping.
Against my will, my tone was now less calm. "I don't know what you're-"
"I think you do know what I'm talking about." The guy's eyes were hard as he stared right back at me. I thought he was just some baby vamp, but it appeared that he was proving me wrong. He took a step closer to me. "You're the tribrid, aren't you?"
I almost laughed, even though I was full of nerves while, just seconds ago, I was fine. "You must have a death wish," I remarked. Maybe I could've left him alone, convinced him to forget about my display of magic and just left town. But now he not only saw that, but he also knew exactly who I was and he'd go running to tell everyone else.
He had to go. It's a shame, though, I thought, he was such a good kisser.
I stepped closer to him and he immediately got the message, eyes widening again once he realized that I had the upper hand. "No, no," he said, raising his hands in surrender. "I promise you; you do not want to kill me."
I scoffed, "And why is that?"
"Listen, I hold a lot of influence around here-"
I scoffed again. "I really don't care." Throwing power around was a politician's move, and politicians only lied to you. I wasn't gonna take my chances.
I was walking towards him, taking one step forward for every step he took back until he blurted, "My name is Marcel Gerard." At this, I stopped. Marcel Gerard... I knew that name. I stood still, racking my brain until I realized why his name sounded so familiar.
Marcel Gerard literally ruled this city. I'd been in New Orleans for not even a few days yet you could hear vampires and witches alike mentioning him often.
Damnit. Of course, I not only meet the guy who the vampires in this city worship, but I also end up locking lips with him and have him find out what I am.
I just wanted to have fun.
He saw recognition on my face, causing his own to light up. "So, you know who I am." I nodded in response, exasperatedly rolling my eyes. All of this had completely caused my buzz to dissipate into thin air. "Look..." he trailed off, making a gesture with his hands.
I rolled my again. "Y/N."
"Look, Y/N, I know what you are. I figured it out in seconds. There's already speculation of a tribrid going around with the witches-"
"Get to the fucking point, Marcel, before I just decide to kill you. Believe me, I am not in the mood to deal with this right now."
He didn't waste any more time. "I can get the witches to back off and find something else to fixate on. I can bury just the thought of a tribrid being out there, Y/N," he emphasized. 
I wonder just how dumb he thought I was. I shook my head. "So you want me not to kill you, just so you can go blab to whoever you see as soon as I leave you alone?" He shook his head right back at me.
"I won't say a thing, trust me." He paused. "We can help each other."
"Oh, c'mon-"
"No, I'm being serious," he asserted, no longer looking like he was backed into a corner but much more assured than before. "Killing me wouldn't do you any good. My people would search relentlessly for my killer, and the witches would only keep digging, possibly striking gold at some point. You keep me alive, and I can get rid of that for you." 
I only stared at him with narrow eyes. He looked confident in the bar, that's what drew me to him, but I wasn't expecting anything like this. He had a point, but that didn't mean it was enough to stop me from killing him. And if I didn't like this city, then I'd kill him without any qualms and leave. But I do like this city. I want to stay here, and I knew I couldn't stay here with him dead and with the witches suspicious.
I couldn't afford to make enemies. Right now, what I needed were friends.
I'd already made up my mind, but Marcel didn't know that, still trying to get me to see a vision that I already understood. "We can make a good team, Y/N."
I didn't say anything for a few more seconds, thinking everything over in my mind. I could possibly be making the biggest mistake of my life right now, I thought. But I was already set. I kept my voice cold and devoid of emotion. "I'm giving you twenty-four hours to make this witch thing go away, Marcel."
A weight was lifted off his shoulders. "And I'll do just that." I wasn't gonna stick around much longer. This was already much more conversation than I was anticipating to have tonight, and we clearly weren't gonna have sex, so without another thought, I sped out of the alley.
Little did I know, that night marked the start of one of the rest of my life in New Orleans.
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I was pulled out of my reverie when I saw Marcel came into my vision, sitting down on the chair opposite to me. We started out trying to kill each other, and now look: we were meeting for coffee. 
I didn't trust him when I first met him, even after he made my problems with the witches disappear. That wasn't enough. And it also wasn't enough for him to insist I work with him. Those were things he was doing for his own benefit, so, of course, that didn't inspire my trust in him.
I only started trusting Marcel after he opened up to me about his past. Doing that, getting vulnerable with someone—that showed that you trusted them. And what better way to get someone to trust you than to show that you trust them?
I wasn't just reminiscing for the sake of it. The way Marcel got me to trust him was what I'd been forgetting throughout all my interactions with Klaus. I couldn't just ask him to trust blindly, the same way Marcel couldn't ask me to, or the same way I couldn't get the witches to.
I needed a show of good faith. The trick was just figuring out what.
"Hey, Y/N/N." 
I nodded back to Cellie's greeting, pushing a tumbler over to his side of the table. While I actually liked coffee, Marcel wasn't a fan. "Got you your drink."
He grinned. "Ah, have I told you how much I love you recently?"
"Definitely not enough," I quipped back. "Now drink." His smile only got wider as he brought the tumbler up to his lips, sipping from his blood while I worked at finishing my Americano.
It's been about a week since I gave the contract to Klaus and went out with Marcel and Cami, who were now accepting the title of "dating" (after lots of resistance from Cami's side). Things have otherwise been quiet. I've been over to the Abattoir a few times to speak with Elijah, sometimes speaking to Hayley, and rarely talking to Klaus, but everything was fine if you didn't count the fact that he was still staring at me every time I came over.
You'd think that I'd be the one behaving that way after constantly seeing my father, his baby mama, and his brother, but nope. I've been calm; the whole Mikaelson thing has been getting to me less, but Klaus would look at me like he was trying to pick apart everything I said or did.
Sooner or later, it wouldn't matter how well I kept my secret. He was just gonna keep digging, so I needed to stop him before he struck gold.
"How's D been doing?" He asked, and the Mikaelsons were instantly pushed to the back of my mind. Davina had that effect.
"She's been good. Doing her school work, getting better with her magic by the day. You should come by for dinner soon, actually."
"Yeah, I-" he cut himself off when a "ping" sounded. He glanced down at his phone on the table, muttering a curse under his breath. When he looked back up at me, his expression was a mix of annoyance at the disturbance and apology. "Sorry, Y/N/N, I've gotta-"
"No, no, it's fine," I told him. "Go on and deal with it." He gave me a silent thank you before getting up, kissing my cheek in parting.
"I'll make it up to you. Dinner at mine," he said, walking away backwards. I smiled, telling him I'd see him later, and then he was out the door. Although we'd been sitting for all of one minute before he had to go, I wasn't irritated. He was getting back into the groove with the Quarter's happenings, so I'd be fully supportive.
I got up, throwing my empty coffee cup into the trash and walking out of the little café, mentally running over my schedule: housekeeping, then dinner with Marcel and Davina later. Right now, I'd go game plan my pitch to the vampires.
Or not.
Just as I was about to cross the street, a black car abruptly skirted in front of me, making me jump back. Before I could make anything of it, two men stepped out of it. Their expressions were practically lifeless, not a trace of emotion in sight.
"Get into the car," one of them ordered, causing me to furrow my brows. What the fuck?
I voiced my concerns not a moment later. "Excuse me?"
The other one stepped forward as if he was threatening me. I looked him up and down. Who the fuck was he stepping to like that? "Ma'am, you're gonna need to get into the car willingly before we force you to." 
Force me to? I only stared at him, debating on whether or not I was gonna bash his head into the car he was threatening me to get into in front of any passers-by. I was then reminded of the exact thing I was on my way to work on: the peace pacts. If I exacted any violence, that wouldn't be setting the right example.
Still, though, I was tempted.
After a few seconds of eying them both, I realized I not only knew them, but I also understood what was happening here.
These were some of Marcel's old vampires.
And they were compelled.
Damnit. I glanced to the car behind them. I was willing to bet money that, inside that very car, sat Klaus. I rolled my eyes. A week ago, I would've been more put off by this, and I was, but I was more annoyed than anything.
I'd find some way to get him to trust me later, but if I didn't get into this car right now, then he'd only become even more suspicious of me, and I didn't need that.
I shook my head in disbelief that I was even gonna do this, gesturing for them to move so I could get into the car. One of them opened the back door for me and I got in.
I turned to my left, fully expecting Klaus to be sitting next to me, but instead I was met with the sight of a blonde with big, voluminous curls and bright blue eyes. Despite fitting into the dumb blonde mold exactly, I knew she was anything but.
This was Rebekah Mikaelson.
I (hopefully) hid my shock quickly, but my eyes still narrowed. My mind raced, wondering what the hell she could possibly want from me. I first jumped to conclusions, but I shut them down immediately, knowing that there was no way anyone knew I was related to the Mikaelsons, including the Mikaelsons themselves.
While I'd been visiting the Abattoir often, Rebekah was basically nowhere to be found. I never would've guessed that this was how I'd be meeting her, being pushed into a car by vampires acting like they were secret service. But, with the Mikaelsons, so far nothing has gone as I expected it.
When she turned to me, she didn't stop and observe me first like her brother did. I'd learned from my research that Rebekah Mikaelson was impulsive, possibly even more so than Klaus. So it didn't surprise me when she cut right to the chase. 
"You must be Y/N," she said. Her voice sounded like honey and a smile was on her lips, but it didn't take rocket science to know that it was all an act. "I'm Rebekah Mikaelson, but I'm sure you're already aware of that." 
I was. And so I said that. "I am." 
She hummed at my response, indirectly reminding me so much of Klaus. She pressed a button to her side, causing the partition to roll up, never looking away from me once. Her smile then quickly dropped. "What are you doing with Marcel?"
Now, I couldn't hide the surprise on my face. "What?"
"You heard me," she asserted, unwilling to elaborate any further and just continuing to look at me, waiting for a reply.
Out of all the reasons she could've pulled me into this car, that one had never even crossed my mind. I paused for a few seconds, thinking over how I'd respond. I knew Rebekah and Marcel had history, and Rebekah had created a reputation for herself as not only being a lover, but a rather possessive one.
Saying the wrong thing here could get me into a tight situation I did not want to be in, so I had to be sure that my words wouldn't piss her off. "He's my friend," I told her, but she didn't look very convinced.
"Really?" She questioned, sarcasm noticeable in her voice. "Are you so cozy with all of your friends? Because you both looked rather close in that café." So she was watching us.
I backtracked, remembering how he kissed me on the cheek on his way out. I see how that could look bad to some people, especially his ex-girlfriend who seemed much more attached to him than he let on. From the way Marcel told the story, him and Rebekah were over, but the way she was acting didn't suggest that at all.
Suddenly, Camille was brought to the forefront of my mind. "We are close," I defended. "I've known him a long time, and we're just friends." I could've left it there—should've left it there, but with Cami on my mind I couldn't help but add, "Besides, he has a girlfriend."
Rebekah narrowed her eyes at me; although, something told me she was already conscious of that little fact. Her jaw tensed, making me more alert. While Elijah and even Klaus wouldn't immediately deal with their problems physically, I knew Rebekah was a different story.
She was smart, don't get me wrong, but if there was something to know about her it was that her emotions overpowered her mind more often than not. She was impulsive, and so this could go real bad, real quick.
I had to get out of this.
I decided to just say something instead of letting her make the first move. If I said something first, then I could take control of the situation and spin it before she could.
"Look," I started. "Marcel and I have a completely platonic relationship." Well, not completely, but I wasn't gonna tell her that. "After we met, I was just helping him keep things running smoothly in the Quarter, the same thing I'm doing with your family now."
While her expression remained blank, I could tell I was swaying her in the right direction. She just needed one last push. "We talk so often because of Davina. She's important to both of us, and we just want to make sure she gets the childhood she deserves." Her eyes immediately softened, and I knew I got her.
Davina was just a child. As ruthless as Rebekah could be, she still had humanity inside her—Marcel had told me this time and time again when he was under the influence. There was something in her that he fell for, and it was her ability to care when she really wanted to.
She finally looked away from me. "I understand," she said. If I knew anything about her, then I knew she was probably embarrassed right now. It turned out that Rebekah's emotional nature had actually helped, not harmed. "Sorry for the inconvenience," she apologized, but her eyes never met mine.
She rolled the partition back down, telling the driver to stop the car and unlock the doors. "You're free to go, Y/N." I stared at her for a few seconds, wondering if there was anything else I was supposed to say, but I came up empty. So I just got out of the car and watched as they drove away right after.
Once I could no longer see the car, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.
I just met Rebekah Mikaelson.
And I just barely dodged a bullet. I directed my thoughts away from freaking out because I just met yet another member of my family to how I was gonna fix the problem I had.
I couldn't keep tiptoeing on this tight-rope around the Mikaelsons. Sooner or later, I'd fall. I needed to do something to get them, all of them, to trust me. If they caught me at the right time, then everything could be exposed.
I had all of these thoughts running through my mind until a light bulb went off, and all of the puzzle pieces suddenly assembled themselves into a clear picture.
I knew what to do.
I had my show of good faith.
Taglist: @scrynexxtins @thisnameistaken1234 @honestlycasualarcade @xlittlestarling @thatgirljas13 @rosecentury
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klausysworld · 1 year
you can do a one-shot for yandere klaus mikaelson, where Hope is already a teenager and all her life she adored her parents and family and always wished that someone would love her like her father loves her mother *y/n*, but one day he was reading cases of people who had been missing for years and a case in particular of a girl who seems quite familiar to him, and he discovers that this girl is his mother years ago and he starts to investigate and discovers his father's obsession with his mother and that he kidnapped her and kept her with him until she fell in love with him, he also discovered the secret rooms of the mansion that have her mother's stolen belongings and her portraits. Obviously Hope feels cheated and disillusioned and wants to confront her father.
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Confusion, Fear, Horror.
Hope knew she was cherished by her family.
Her aunts and uncles fawned over her and brought her the best possible gifts at special occasions.
Her father always called her ‘his hope’ and made sure she knew she could always have whatever she desired.
And her mother…her mother looked at her like she was the only thing in the world that mattered. She calmed her father whenever he got mad that she was going out with friends. When Hope got home late, her mother would sort everything out. She was like a guardian angel.
So finding an image of her on a ‘missing person’s’ website was a shock. At first she thought maybe it wasn’t her, maybe a doppelgänger of sorts?
So she began to dig.
She certainly wasn’t expecting to find a secret passage way.
To find hundreds of portraits of her mother, stacks of pictures of her doing things as simple as walking down the street to standing in a towel in the window.
Clothes in boxes labelled by the year and dozens of love notes written to y/n from Klaus.
And then a note book…
Mondays ~ 2:30pm she has afternoon tea with male co-worker. Needs to stop.
Tuesdays ~ works until 5pm. Walks home alone. Possible opening.
Wednesdays ~ gets a lift home from work,, varies between three coworkers. Kill all?
Thursdays ~ tight schedule at work-forgets her lunch. Will come in handy when courting.
Fridays ~ half day. Possible date night?
Saturdays ~ often sees friends and/or family. Need to tear her away from this.
Sundays ~ lazy days. Great days to watch her.
She blinked in confusion and slight fear before turning over the page
Favourite colour=y/f/c
Favourite food=y/f/f
Favourite song=y/f/s
Dream job=y/d/j
Favourite things to do=f/s/t
And so on.
There were pages and pages of information on her.
Hope wanted to believe that he was just an amazing boyfriend. He just loved her so much he made sure write down everything she told him. But then she found the notes
At 2:36pm I watched her go into a mans house.
4:08 I eliminated the problem.
6:29 she had a shower. Left her curtains open.
7:45 she had her dinner. Alone this time-good.
9:13 she put her favourite show on
01:53 she fell asleep on her couch-it’s okay, I moved her to her bed.
She didn’t know what to think. With the amount of times he had written in these books, it’s safe to assume he watched her daily, nightly for months, years on end.
Even after he seemed to ‘get her’, court her, he still watched her. He suspected she would cheat on him, leave him. He was more paranoid than she had ever known him to be.
And the entry he made about ‘taking’ her mother completely through her off course.
She looked through security footage of the dungeons only to watch her own mother scream and fight against her father. They were both hysterical and Hope watched in horror as her father threatened and raged at her mother.
Over the weeks she watched her mother slowly become more obedient and affectionate towards Klaus.
She watched as her mother clung to him in fear that he would leave her alone for days upon end, she noticed her fathers manipulative behaviour from the “how do I know this isn’t some ploy to make me let you go?” To “I just don’t think you truly mean it” Watching her mother beg for him to stay, pleading for him to show her some sort of affection.
She saw how her mother became reliant on him, how she began to love him because he was all she had.
She saw the photos of her mother pregnant, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol and Freya all in the background as Klaus tended to her mothers needs.
Pictures of her as a baby and how her mother sobbed as she held her, the look she had in her eyes when Klaus took Hope from her arms, the fear they held.
Hope didn’t understand.
She saw her parents in whole other light.
Every time Klaus would take something from y/n’s hands and give her a look, the way she would lower her head and apologise and he would remind her to ask before she does.
The certain looks he would give her, almost warning like when she ‘stepped out of line’
It frightened Hope.
She tried to say something to her mother but as soon as Y/n realised she knew, the utter horror on her face was enough to stop Hope.
“Hope- please, you need to be quiet, please my heart, please I promise I’ll keep you safe”
The way y/n would hold her and cry until it was Hope holding her mother and convincing her it was okay
“We can run away”
“I know it’s difficult to understand but…I do…I do love him Hope…I just…do”
Y/n feared for both of them what would happen if Hope spoke out of term. Y/n would never let anything happen to her baby but her baby was strong enough now go protect her mother too.
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randomperson3736 · 10 months
Do you have a master list? Also where can the batfam fics be found? Love your stories btw!!
A/N: Yes I do. it's just below here
Who I write for
The summer I turned pretty
*Jeremiah Fisher as your bf
Spider-man into the spider verse/ across the spider verse
*Miles Morales as your older brother
*Earth 42 Miles Morales as your older brother
*Earth 42 Miles Morales spoils you
*Earth 42 Miles Morales as your bf
*Spider Noir as your father
*Hobie Brown as your older brother
*Miguel O'hara as your father
*Batsis and supersis met
*Batfam reacts to batsis keeping secrets
*Batfam reacts to batsis having a seizure
Avatar/ Avatar: way of water
*Neteyam as your bf
*Nimona as your older sister
Miguel O'hara
*I know, I know
*It's not her
Elijah Mikaelson
*Please wake up & Goodbye, my love
Evan "Buck" Buckley
*His first love
*Visit my dreams
The Fisher Brother's
*We're sorry
*Hello kitty stickers
*It's for the better
Miles Morales
*Waiting for him
*He was too late
*Arm day
*Gone too far & It's all my fault
The Sully Family
*I want to go home
Jason Todd
*It's too late
*Cooking skills
*You're a woman?
Damian Wayne
*Already Gone
*Fire of love
*Heyyy, oh my god
John B
*School Fight
Jeremiah Fisher
*Stars around my scars
*Straightener... maybe not?
Tk Strand
*She's not coming home
Luke Alvez
*What have I done to you?
Jay Halstead
Klaus Mikaelson
*Three times!
JJ Maybank
*What if I was?
Tim Drake
*Shit got weird!
*Love me for eternity
Bruce Wayne
*I don't know why I bite
Roy Harper
Spencer Reid
*Most beautiful girl
*Yin and Yang
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Err on The Side of Awesome
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(Not my gif)
Kol Mikaelson's Daughter Headcanons
Requested by: @katherinereilly19
Here lies my Masterlist
You were adopted by Kol and Davina Claire-Mikaelson at age six from a Catholic orphanage run by nuns who all thought you were some sort of demon child.
See, like your adopted father, you were a witch and had come into your power rather early. Davina had been sensing some odd power flares in the area and, when she and Kol had gone to investigate, there you were - a sweet, little bundle of mischief with more power than you knew what to do with.
To say that you had Kol wrapped around your little finger from the first second he saw you would be no exaggeration. Seriously. 
Kol had never thought himself fit to be a husband, let alone a parent. It still baffles him some days that Davina agreed to marry him - most days in fact - it just seemed too good to be true. They traveled the world for a while and then… Well, Davina, she…
She said she wanted kids.
She didn't say that she used to want kids or that she would have wanted them had she married someone else. Davina said she wanted to be a mom. With him. She said she wanted to have a kid with him and she wanted Kol to be that kid's dad.
At first, he almost thought it was a joke. Who in their right mind would trust him with a child? But no, Davina was serious. 
And it terrified him.
Kol is well aware of just how miserably his parents screwed up their job and he's pretty sure he couldn't do any worse but that doesn't mean he'd do well.
But the guy took just one look at you and he knew without a doubt that there was no alternative realm, no obscure future, and no minuscule probability in which he could cause you any harm.
For the first little while, you were convinced (thanks to the nuns) that you would have to be an absolute angel of a child in order to be wanted by your new parents. You helped clean things, refrain from using your magic, made your bed, brushed your teeth, and never asked for anything.
Three months in, you dropped a plate and broke down crying, begging Mr. and Mrs. Claire-Mikaelson (because you wouldn't dare call them mom and dad) not to send you back.
What began as your average Tuesday afternoon turned into a deeply formative experience when Kol sat you on his knee, looked you in the eyes, and said:
"Y/N, darling, I want you to listen to me very closely, alright? There is absolutely nothing on this earth you can do or say that will make your mother and I love you any less. There is no such thing as good enough - there is no bar you have to meet - only what you are. Now, a plate is infinitely replaceable, but you are our daughter and I will love you until the end of time. That makes you infinitely more valuable than a plate. Okay?"
"O-okay… dad?"
That was a day you never forgot as you grew older. 
Speaking of growing, no matter how old you get, Kol can and will pick you up by the ankle and hold you upside down. It never gets old.
Also, piggy-back rides.
You did go through a phase where you were convinced there was a monster in your closet.
"Dad! There's a monster in my closet and it wants to eat my toes!"
"Really? Well, I must applaud the audacity."
There were quite a few nights you spent cuddled up between them as Davina braided your hair and Kol told you a story until you fell asleep. 
Kol always refers to you and Davina as "his girls".
He's always willing to play with you, whether it be a game of tag or a complex drama plot with your dolls. (His personal favorite was when you decided to reenact the French Revolution in Barbie form.)
Daddy-Daughter Days are 100% a thing. The two of you are huge movie and arcade goers. Not to mention huge fantasy nerds. From Deltora Quest to Harry Potter to the freaking Wheel of Time - your fascination with the fantastical never fades as you grow. You never thought yourself too old to be read to at night, so Kol never stopped the tradition.
You're a little (a lot) spoiled. But not in a bad way. You're not ungrateful but let's just say you have quite a few pets.
Auntie Bex is always more than willing to babysit when your parents want some time to themselves. You remind her of Kol when he was a kid and she adores that.
Play-Dates with your cousin Hope mean quite a few headaches for your uncles Klaus and Elijah. Aunt Hayley thinks you're absolutely hilarious while Aunt Cami is convinced you're like 4 different varieties of insane. She might have a point there.
When you're old enough to be in school, you can always count on your parents to help you with your homework. You never would have made it through middle or high school without your dad, Kol is insanely good at math and chemistry. However, when it comes to anything to do with history or government, he passes the torch to Davina because even though he lived through it, he literally never paid enough attention to remember anything.
Parent-Teacher conferences are always interesting. 
"Y/N is so intelligent. Truly a joy to have in class."
"Is she now?"
Neither of them buys it for a second. You have a mischievous streak a mile long, the teacher just doesn't know that you're the one putting tacks on her chair. Kol is honestly proud and Davina may try to be the voice of reason but she can't help laughing at just how alike father and daughter turned out to be.
Now, if Hope is "miraculously well adjusted" then you're probably something like a thirty-year-old in an eight-year-old body. You're like the most chill child perhaps ever. However, just like your father, your maturity level varies with the situation.
For example, Klaus once decided it would be a good idea to whip out the "You're not even a real Mikaelson" card at a family reunion. It wasn't long before Davina had thrown Klaus into a wall and Kol and Marcel were at each other's throats. 
You honestly weren't even bothered. You knew your parents loved you and that was enough so you simply said:
"I'm sorry you feel that way."
And went back to eating your dinosaur chicken nuggets.
Marcel - apparently still a little touchy on that subject - was the last to sit down again. Little did he know just how proficient you had become with teleporting objects. Naturally, you were smirking when the whoopie cushion did its noble work.
Kol is terrified that he'll lose touch with you as you grow older.
This fear never comes to fruition.
The trust between you and your parents is something every other child ever would envy. They trust your judgment and, in turn, you trust the very few restrictions they put in place for you. It's crazy because they honestly never get mad. Like ever.
However, their disappointment is the worst thing you'll ever endure. 
 They told you not to go out one night because an old enemy of Klaus' was wandering around town. You went out anyway and you were attacked. Now, you were powerful enough to fight off your assailant and kill him, but you didn't come out of that fight unscathed. You had to limp home and tell your dad what had happened. 
"Are you mad at me?"
"No. I've done much worse in my life, for much dumber reasons. To be mad at you would make me a hypocrite. I just know you're better than this - Y/N, you've shown me that you're better than this. I'm not angry with you. I'm just extraordinarily disappointed."
It happens only once and never again.
Growing up with those two for parents ensured that you quickly mastered your magic and became one of the most powerful and skilled witches of all time. But don't think for a second that you would ever be used. They would never allow that to happen.
As you reach middle and high school, a rumor begins going around that your dad is a vampire. You just snort really loud and make no further comment. It leaves everyone wondering.
First boyfriend?
Heaven help the poor sod. 
"If you ever lay your hands on my daughter against her will, you will find that you no longer have hands. I will use the bones of them to fashion myself a new pen, with which I shall write your death certificate. Do I make myself clear?"
Once you're old enough, the basement becomes something of a witchy lab space.
Explosions are… frequent.
*Coughing* "Thank goodness your mother wasn't home for that one."
"Think again, Mikaelson."
"Oh shi-"
"Uh… Hi mom!"
You're probably the healthiest Mikaelson.
When the time comes for you to graduate, it's a hard dose of reality for Kol. He understands he has to let you live your life and he would never dream of taking that away as it was taken from him, but it's just hard.
You'll never stop being his little girl.
Special thanks to: @her-violent-delights
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Elijah x Daughter!reader - rest now
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Heya love. May we have another Mikealsons death scene (us dieing obviously cos attention) and it’s more soppy stuff however Elijah is are dad. And it’s just him and us as he cries on to our body as we lose our grip. :) I’m in a sad mood so everyone else can suffer - @genderfluidsanta 💜
TW: major character death
It all happened so fast, you don’t know how happened but as you looked down at the nasty wound on your arm you couldn’t help but feel the worry flood through you.
You didn’t want to go back home, but you didn’t know what else to do.
You wondered the street aimlessly until you finally found yourself outside the Salvatore brothers houses
Padding up to the steps, you lightly knocked on the door and waited.
“Finally, someone who knocks!” You heard Damon yelled.
He tossed the door open and the moment he laid eyes on your he glared at you.
“Why are you here?” He snarled.
You looked down and sighed. Shrugging your jacket off, you stretched your arm out.
“I.. I need help…”
“We can’t help you.”
You looked up, tears in your eyes as you looked at the oldest brother.
“Please Damon… I don’t want my dad to see me…” you whispered.
“Who it is?”
You watched as the rest of his crew all walk over, and the only one who came outside to look at you was Stefan.
He took your arm in his hands and inspected the bite.
“Where’s Elijah?” Elena asked.
You shrugged slightly.
“I don’t know… home maybe… please… I can’t let him see me like this…”
“Come in.”
Stefan walked you in and took you upstairs to his bedroom where he laid you down and they all looked around.
“Didn’t Klaus’ blood save Damon?” Jeremy asked.
“Yeah… but… I don’t know where he is… it was his hybrid that but me…”
“His own hybrid? You’re sure?” Bonnie asked.
They were confused, why would Klaus order his own hybrid to bite you? His own niece.
They tried everything to keep you comfortable, but nothing seemed to work.
Your temperature was through the roof, and you didn’t know where you were. You were hungry and sick all at the same time.
It hadn’t even been a day since you you’d been bitten, and the pain was spreading way faster than they thought.
It was Damon that came over, blood bag in his hand as he handed it over to you, letting you rest your head on his shoulder as you gulped it down.
You looked to the door, with your hazy vision you struggled to figure out who it way, but when the haze cleared you saw it clearly.
Elijah quickly walked over, taking Damon’s place on the bed.
He wrapped you up in his arms, inspecting the wound on your arm.
“Niklaus is coming back… you’re going to be okay…” he whispered.
You blinked, and you tried to get up, you tried to rush for Bonnie who was bringing a bowl into the room for you.
Elijah pinned you down, holding you still.
“(Y/N)! Stop!”
You fought against your dad, trying to break free from his grasp.
“I don’t want to be a vampire! Please! Don’t turn me!” You begged.
Elijah felt his heart shatter.
He remembered that night, hundreds of years ago where you were dying from a sickness and your parents begged him to turn you.
You didn’t didn’t want to turn, but he did it for you parents since he owned them a favour.
He was a man of his word and he kept it for them.
“Let me go please!” You begged.
Grabbing your dad by the shirt, you launched him across the room and quickly jumped up.
You looked at Bonnie before you ran from the room and out into the town.
You were hazy, and you felt like you weren’t really walking.
You aimlessly walked, bumping into people and objects until you finally couldn’t stand anymore.
“It hurts…” you cried softly.
You groaned in pain and rested your back against the wall you collapsed near.
Elijah was right next to you again, gathering your into his arms as he started to walk.
You grilled the fabric of his blazer tightly.
“I don’t want to die…” you cried.
“And I won’t let you, Niklaus will be here in a few days.”
You carried on crying, begging your dad to help you, to take the pain away.
It killed him to see you like this, to see you in so much pain, knowing that there was nothing he could do.
Getting back to the boarding house, he laid you back on the bed and held you close to him.
As the night went on you got worse and worse, you couldn’t drink the blood anymore, and if you did you threw it back up.
“How long until Klaus gets back?” Caroline asked softly.
They didn’t get along with you much, and they definitely didn’t like the Mikaelsons but to see you in so much pain it was upsetting for them all.
You were begging for someone to stake you, to make the pain stop.
“Please.” You cried, “please make it stop…”
“Just another day…” Elena whispered.
“No! No! Take it away!” You yelled.
Elijah held you tightly against him, letting you cry into his shoulder as you begged and pleaded.
Tears burnt his eyes.
“Why is she deteriorating so fast?!” He yelled.
“We don’t know, I’ve tried everything but nothings slowing it.” Bonnie whispered.
Elijah looked at you, there’s no way you were going to make it until the next day.
As the night slowly creeped by you got even worse, and you went silent.
“(Y/N)…?” Elijah whispered.
He gently shook you, but you didn’t stir.
He started to panic, but when you stirred slightly and opened your eyes to look at him.
You gripped his hand tightly.
“I don’t want to die dad…” you whispered.
“I know…” he whispered back.
Elijah leant down, kissing the side of your head as he brushed some hair from your face.
“He’s nearly here, Niklaus can help you.”
“I can’t do this…”
“Please, hold on for a little while longer…”
You shook your head, and tears brimmed your eyes again.
“I can’t… dad… I can’t do it…”
Tears slipped down Elijah’s face as he listened to you begging and pleading.
He wanted you to fight, and he knew you would for him, but to see you in so much pain hurt him.
“I want to… to let go…”
Elijah took a shaky breath, wiping your tears with his other hand.
“Then it’s okay, let go. Just rest, Niklaus will be here soon.. it’ll all be okay…” he whispered.
You looked around the room, eyes unable to focus on anything.
“I can… rest for a bit…?”
Elijah but back a sob, and pulled you into his chest, cradling you tightly.
“Rest… it’s okay…”
You have a weak nod and smiled.
“I love you dad…” you whispered.
“I love you too.”
He could hear your heart slowly, and your grip lacking until your whole body went limp and you stopped breathing.
Elijah buried his face into the side of your head as he sobbed heavily, letting out a pained scream.
The others heard it, and they all shared a look before making their way outside.
They didn’t want to disturb Elijah, and someone had to prepare Klaus for when he turned up.
An hour later a car turned up and Klaus and Rebekah quickly jumped out.
“Where is she?!” Rebekah asked frantically.
“There’s still time!” Klaus rushed out.
Everyone shared a look, and it was Caroline who walked over.
“I’m so sorry…” she whispered.
“No…” Rebekah whispered.
“You guys can go in. They’re in my room.” Stefan spoke softly.
Both vampires were gone, and immediately stood in the doorway.
They watched as Elijah sobbed over your body.
Rebekah walked over and dropped to her knees in front of the bed, her hand reaching out to take you limp one in hers.
Klaus walked over and inspected your arm.
“Elijah I’m so sorry…”
“Kill the hybrids…” Elijah whispered.
Elijah looked up to face his brother, nothing but pure hatred in his eyes.
“Rip each and every one of them apart aside from the Lockwood. Make all of them pay for this.” He snarled.
Klaus gave a small nod of his head.
“You have my word brother.”
Klaus gently placed a hand on the side of your face, running his thumb along your cheek.
“I’m sorry (Y/N)…”
No one had the heart to kick the originals out, not at this time, they all simply left them to it and let them grieve alone
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thedragonqueensblog · 2 years
Remember Our Memories Part One/The Originals and The Maze Runner Crossover
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You and your twin sister Hope are the daughters of Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall You two are love by everyone and your family are really overprotective of the both of you
Since Hope and You are twins your parents would always dress Hope and you up with matching clothing You both still do it
"Mom and dad, can we go outside?" Hope asked
"Yes but stay closer to the house." Your mother tells the both of you
You walked over to hug your mom and your dad who quickly hugged you back "what was that love?" Your father asks with a smile
You smiled back "I don't know, I just wanted to hug you both." Your father kissed your cheek "I love you so much."
You smile again, " I love you too dad." You were about to walk off but your mother grabbed your arm kindly "honey I love you so much."
You smile once again "I love you too mom."
Hope and you walked down the stairs "mom and dad were being weird."
"Sister, what do you mean?" You asked
"I don't know but how they told you that they love you sounds like something is going to happen." Hope answers worry
"Don't worry nothing is going to happen because mom and dad won't let it happen." You tell her with a smile
Hope smiles back "your right I shouldn't worry nothing is going to happen." Hope notices that neither of you bought water for the painting "I'll be right back. I just noticed we forgot to bring some water for the painting."
Before Hope left she gave you a hug "you give dad and mom a hug not me." Hope tells you before running back to the house
"Hey little one." a unknown person smiles
"Hi." You smiled
"I have two big dolls that I want to give to."
"I want it"!! you excitedly got out of the bench
"You see my sister over there." He points to his fake sister that has two big dolls in her hands. You nodded "walk to her and she'll give you the two dolls."
you ran to her as she was smiling at you "Hey want these two dolls."
"Yes, one for me, and the other for my sister." Before you could take the dolls you were picked by the woman. She covered your mouth so you weren't scream you struggled trying to get out of her grip. "If I were you I would stop." she said as tears fall down from your cheeks
Hope walked down the stairs smiling as she had a plate of cookies in her hand "mom barked us cookies and i brought cupcakes since she wanted to join us." But you didn't respond making Hope worry she looked around to find you but no sign of you "Come on Y/n you know mom and dad don't like it when we're away from the house."
"Where's your sister?" Your mother asked noticing you were gone
"I don't know where she is. When I came back she was gone." Hope tells her
"What do you mean gone? Are you guys not playing hide and seek?" Your mother asked worry
Hope shakes her head and she watches as Hayley runs back to the house
"Hayley what's wrong?" Klaus worry noticing Hayley was about to have a breakdown
"Our daughter is gone, someone took Y/n." Hayley tells Klaus in tears
"This has to be a joke Y/n's not gone She's with Hope." Klaus tries to calm himself down
Hayley shakes her head "I'm being serious, someone took our daughter."
"What are we waiting for? Let's go find her." Klaus quickly run out of the door with Hayley following behind
"Hope stay with your aunts and uncles." Hayley tells her
"But mom, I want to go with you guys to find my sister." Hope tells her back
"I know love but we need you to be safe, don't worry we're going to bring Y/n safe."
Klaus and Hayley went to all the places in New Orleans to look for you but no sign of you so they decided to go home and to see if Freya could track you down
"Where's my sister?" Hope asked unhappy noticing you were not here
"I'm sorry Hope we try finding her but we couldn't." Klaus says as tears were falling down from his cheek "we looked everywhere but no sign of her."
"It's my fault I shouldn't have let Y/n and hope go outside by themselves." Hayley says
"Hayley it's not yours or Niklaus fault this wasn't supposed to happen but sadly there's a lot of evil people in this world." Rebekah tells Hayley
"It's their fault Rebekah." Esther says mad
"Mother, what are you saying?" Elijah asked
"They're the reason why Y/n's missing. If one of them would have been with them this wouldn't have happened." Esther tells them
"Mother, how could you say that?" Rebekah asked disgust
"Well Rebekah it's the truth, they don't know how to be parents." Esther crossed her arms
"don't compare us to Mikael and you." Klaus tells Esther
"We're not talking about Mikael and me, we're talking about how bad parents you two are." Esther barks
"Mother enough of this I know it's our fault but don't compare when you haven't been a good parent." Klaus barks back
You woke up in a dark room you got up from the bed and went to the door but it was locked and you heard some voices
"Janson, she's too young to go up there." Lucy says
Janson raised an eyebrow "really cause you didn't mind sending them out there at a young age.”
"I know but she's different."
"Different? What's different about her?"
"Everything she's a special one if she stays here and the more she does she'll become one of us."
Janson smirks "I like where you're going."
Lucy smirks "so she stays?"
Janson smirks again "you have my approval."
Lucy smiles "you won't regret it, I know she'll become the best creator ever in the future."
"Hopefully not because I don't want it to happen again. I wouldn't want to send her out just like we did to those two people." Janson says as he gets closer to Lucy ear "if that would to happen I'll make you pay."
Lucy cleared her throat "trust me I'll never make it happen."
Janson shrugs "hopefully not because you sure don't want to end up just like your old teammate Annie."
"I'm not dumb and softly like Annie that got all softly over the teenages that we have I don't get all softly I'm strong and hard I promise to make Y/n the best creator ever that everyone in here is going to be jealous of her."
"Let's see about that Lucy duck."
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its-a-secert01 · 2 years
Not So Noble ~ Part 5
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Some say you know when you find your person I was never really one to trust that theory
I meet someone I thought was the one and he hurt me and then I end up falling for his brother.
Klaus was willing to wait for me and in the meantime, he was determined to heal me from the pain his brother caused.
I had gotten my place back in New Orleans the only person who knew where I lived was Klaus.
We were curled up on the couch watching a movie I looked over to see Klaus fast asleep it caused me to grin, he painted himself out to be this evil monster that killed and ordered his way through the centuries.
But he had his good side to him and it came out, even more, when Hope was born.
I was broken from my thoughts by a knock at the door, Klaus started to move but I reassured him it was ok "it's probably just the pizza I order, you can go back to sleep." I said.
I got up and made my way to the door the last person I expected was standing there.
"Elijah?" How did he know where I was?
"I know you don't want to see me, but I must talk to you."
I stepped outside into the hall closing the door behind me trying not to wake Klaus, "How did you even find me?" I asked
"I followed Niklaus."
I sighed "Of course you did."
"Y/n please let me make everything up to you, everything will be forgotten I'll prove myself."
"Elijah you didn't come to look for me in Mystic Falls until Klaus did and you only did that because you didn't want me with your brother."
"I love you."
I shook my head "if you loved me we wouldn't be having this conversation right now."
Before I could say anything else Elijah pushed me against the wall and forced his lips to mine.
I kept trying to push him away but I couldn't he was stronger than me, and as I struggled a gust of wind blew by, and Elijah was pushed off of me.
I look over at Klaus was now on top of him pounding his fist into the side of his face over and over again.
"Klaus stop!"
"I'll kill you!" He yelled, "I've daggered you once and I'll do it again!" He added
"Klaus please stop!" I shouted
By now the Neighbors were peeking their heads out their doors.
"Klaus please people are looking!" An older lady came out and placed a hand on my shoulder "should I call law enforcement dear?" She asked
"No no that won't be necessary just a family issue we'll handle it," I said she nodded and went back to her apartment.
"Klaus enough!"
"If you ever touch her again I swear I will rip every limb off your body and feed them to you in the daylight!"
Klaus said he stood up off of Elijah and turn to me.
His knuckles were all bloody I rushed over and hugged him tears falling from my eyes, "it's ok love." He said wrapping his none bloody arm around me.
Elijah had gotten up and run off the min Klaus turned his back.
We went back inside and I helped clean him up.
"I don't understand I've been back in New Orleans for months; why now would he show up?!"
"I don't know but I meant what I said I will kill him; If he touches you again."
I sat down next to him and placed a hand on his cheek.
"What is it, love?"He asked I shook my head.
"I don't want to lose you," I said he looked at me confused
"Why would you lose me?" He asked
"You'll find out I'm too damaged and wanna leave."
He shook his head "I'm damaged to way more than you could ever imagine trust me I don't plan of going anywhere." He bent towards me and pushed his lips to mine.
Now, this kiss was welcomed.
I would like to do a Thanksgiving post for the story! So if anyone has any ideas, please feel free to comment or send me a message!
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fandoms--fluff · 7 months
Can you do an elijah x teenager Witch daughter reader
Teen Thoughts
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Mikaelson daughter reader x Elijah Mikaelson
Warnings: swearing
A/n: Both angst and fluff
"I hate the world!" You groan as you flop onto the couch, your bag now forgotten on the floor
Elijah walks into the living room and goes over to you. He sits on the couch and lays a hand on your shoulder.
"What happened?" He asks a smile quirking at his lips, knowing how you're bound to exaggerate things.
"School" You look up at him, your face stone cold as if it were obvious. "It's a literal living hell. And you expect me to make it another 1 and a half years alive?! I mean seriously! It's not like I really need it. All they teach is things that you'll never use outside of that torture chamber. For example, history. Now why the hell do I need to learn about irrelevant history that there's no point in learning, and if I do want to know about it, I live with a bunch of old people who have quite literally lived through everything those stupid teachers teach!" You rant to your dad.
"You need to graduate high school, it's important" He wraps an arm around your shoulders. You lay your head against his chest.
"No, what's more important is knowing who my mom is" You look up at him. "We've been through this before-"
"You still haven't told her, who her mother is? How cruel can you be!" Kol stops in the doorway, hearing your rant a couple minutes prior.
"Kol!" Elijah glares at his little brother. "Yeah!" You exclaim, agreeing with your uncle.
"Y/n!" Elijah looks at you, before turning his attention back to the younger original. He gives him a look that makes Kol immediately leave the house.
"I'll tell you when the time is right, okay?" Your dad rubs his hand up and down your arm gently.
"Whatever" You cross your arms. And the next second, the unlit fireplace bursts into huge flames, along with any candles in the room.
"Hey, you need to remember to have control of your magic. It's very strong and will react to strong emotion if you're not careful" Elijah tells you, his eyes widening a bit at the reaction.
"I purposely did that" You sink back into the couch, extinguishing the flames. "And it's not like I'm gonna go all witch bitch crazy like Dhalia and Esther and try to kill you all" you mumble, but your father can hear it perfectly fine.
"Oh, I know, sweetie" Elijah pulls you into his arms and you lay your head against his chest.
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saltyluminaryvoid · 1 year
His Saving Grace
Chapter Two
1114 Klaus x future daughter reader
I recommend re-reading chapter one as I made some major changes. I know I promised this update two years ago, but university got in my way and when I came back to these old stories a lot of re-vamping took place.
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The year is 2030, Y/N the daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall. A powerful young witch which threatens the survival of Malivore. In retaliation Malivore unleashes a time fay to return to the past and kill Klaus to ensure his survival.Y/N is Hope’s younger twin, now that no one remembers who she is the job is left to y/n to stop Malivore.
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                   “You still live in the silences between my thoughts.”
Y/N resisted the urge to sign impatiently as the crowds around her soared and rejoiced as the pastor preached. The loud voices screaming into her sensitive ears, highly agitating her short temperament. Y/N hated church, she was by no means an atheist but she was a witch and a woman living in a time where she could be hanged for simply defying authority. So with that in mind Y/N had begrudgingly entertained Alaric, to keep up the role as godly saints whom attended church every Sunday. 
For the past weeks tempers were high within the household, Alaric and Davina could only watch as she battled silently with her demons.  Putting up a saintly farce everyday in the village as boys swarmed for her hand in marriage and village girls scowled jealousy. As someone who was influenced by the strong women in her life, to always be true to ones self and to never shape shift into society's ideal, the pretense (and the besotted men) were killing her. Alaric was getting far too accustomed in his daily ritual of turning away marriage proposals from haughty mothers and corpse like men. 
Pulling her away from her thoughts was the strain of her far too tightly, bonded corset. Thank the old gods she was from a thousand years into the future. Now Y/N realized why her Aunt Rebekah mostly if not always bit the heads off every man she met. If I had to suffer almost seven hundred years in such a tightly wounded corset which restricted most movements I would have done the same Y/N thought impatiently. As the preacher vivaciously expelled the devil with the crowd, Y/N reaching a breaking point silently casting a notice me not charm and made her way to the exit, silently huffing as she straightened her ankle length, grey dress which carried a turtleneck-like neckline. She wore a pristine, white shirt underneath whose sleeves puffed loosely around her arms but knotted tightly below her elbows. On top of her grey dress carried a loose brown corset of sorts held together by a length of ribbon criss-crossed. This corset did not converge in the middle, rather it showcased about five inches of the grey vertical striped pattern upon the bust and midriff as to emphasise her figure. Stitched upon her grey skirt was a length of brown which stopped at least six inches above her grey ankle length skirt, but it was gauged elegantly upon her right thigh allowing an elegant stylish slide flow. After all she was her Aunt’s niece and secretly she hoped it pissed off the conservatives in the crowd. Oh yeah! that speech about playing the part was not translating so well into her everyday life. 
Finally reaching a safe distance, out of sight from zealous fanatics just upon the edge of the forest, she dropped the spell. Huffing a sigh of relief all Y/N now needed was a pack of cigarettes or some weed to make 1114 much more bearable. 
“That’s quite the trick you pulled back there, little strega.” Now that snapped Y/N from her inner thoughts. Spinning around in a quite unlady like fashion, for this period at least, more than ready to confront the intruder. Only to be left dumbfounded to the stranger standing before her. But with a practiced ease which came from years of sneaking out and around  the Salvatore Boarding School, Y/N layered on her oh so innocent Mikaelson charm. “I’m sorry, what did you just call me?, I have to say I’m not aware of that particular term!” Lies, her mind rang out. Play cool, Y/N thought, talk him up just to get close enough and wipe his memory. Now that particular trick was her favourite. The stranger smirked coyly at her, “I think you know exactly what I mean, liten heks.” Y/N paced herself now, he knew old norse. Whomever this stranger was, he was clearly quite wealthy at that judging by his smooth velvet and silks in comparison to her simple cotton dress. Now she had to thread carefully, wealth clearly meant high influence and political sway in a community as small as this one. And that meant possible exposure, this man was a threat, Y/N deemed carefully.
“Now, now liten heks, the stranger went on, I mean yours truly none harm.” My heart is void of ill contempt and malevolence for one with such great power and beauty. As he spoke he drew closer towards her, his face now completely unobstructed from the mist of the early morning. Y/N exhaled softly, the stranger a man’s whose face see had seen everyday in her New Orleans home, a demon who hunted her from birth, Finn Mikaelson. But if he was standing before her, that meant the brotherhood had not yet daggered the Mikaelsons. This younger and less vengeful ghost was still a threat to her but quite possibly an accomplice. The fae had yet to reveal itself it was either supplementing its diet with animals or news of children going missing had been covered up. 
The fae according to the texts preferred a warm tropical climate, for if their wings were exposed to cold they would simply fall apart. A fae’s lifeline was linked to her wings, losing them could kill the fae but iron to the heart worked just as well. All in all, the upcoming winter was now days away and left no time for procrastination which meant Y/N directly disobeying Alaric to seek the creature out herself. A venture she had no luck in, the fae who boasted of powerful magics was able to cleverly keep herself hidden. 
“Not one for much words I see.” Finn Mikaelson was now standing toe to toe with her. That’s quite alright, he continue as he played with a stray curl. Y/n flinched away slightly as he stared into her eyes, carefully examining the details of her face. “If I didn’t know better, I could have mistaken you for my Freya.” Finn whispered as he continued to tug upon her curl. It was low and if not for her keen hearing it would have been swept to the winds.  Y/N kept her head high and passive, thinking to herself how much of a leering creep her elder uncle was becoming. Quite unlike all accounts of the uptight, wet blanket her uncle Kol always described. As his hand came up to caress her face, Y/N instinctively jumped back, conjuring fire within her palm which she kept safely tucked behind her. Finn only smiled sheepishly, “I seemed to have forgotten my manners, in the presence of a young lady.” I deeply apologise, I do not know what came over me, my lady.
Y/n relaxed slightly and utterly confused as the man introduced himself. As he began to speak on what not, Y/N could only stare at his face in a daze. It would take her some time to sort herself out, only to realize he had disappeared only to leave behind a simple envelope in her hand. Y/N thought back to the genuinely baffled daze Finn fell into as she made her way into town. To onlookers her face was almost dreamy, as if paying much more attention to the envelope she twirled in her hands rather than her path. But rather Y/N was silently contemplating the latent abilities of the fae and just how she could manipulate Finn into helping her.The fae a creature in the future known for its deceitful ways but that though made her wonder just how much accurate Alaric’s information truly was. It was done before, the supernatural popularized lies like silver bullets and garlic to throw suspicion off of them so what if the same was done with the fae? As Y/N ventured into the town’s market lost in her thoughts many eyes followed her, women and young girls gossiped of her weird behaviours and wayward thinking.
Bloody hell, Y/N thought to herself. Now while the young witch prided herself on being a fashionista, dresses were her absolute nightmare, well behind her murderous grandparents and malivore of course. I do have my priorities in order, thank you very much.
Somehow Davina had managed to convince the stubbornest Mikaelson into another deathtrap these humans called corsets. Y/N huffed, begrudgingly following her “parents” out of their temporary home. While she was ecstatic to receive the dinner invite to the Mikaelson home hours prior from Finn which came in the form of the mysterious envelope he left behind, she still heavily detested that damn corset suffocating her. There was just no space to hide her knives!, What’s a girl in multiple skirts and a stuffy attire supposed to do to defend herself when all her knives were confiscated on this occasion. 
But nevertheless Y/N compiled it only to see her family again while also plotting to defy Alaric once again on his no knives at the dinner table rule. I mean, its not really a family reunion if someone didn’t have a devious plan in the works. 
Servants scattered frantically to the sides, keeping their heads bowed as the feared Mikaelson hybrid descended the grand staircase stepping onto the foyer. Holding an impassive mask, Niklaus surveyed the immediate area ensuring the preparations to his liking. Stepping to the right of the grand foyer Niklaus strolled into the grand sitting room which doubled as a music room, the soft notes of the harp eased his twirling mind. 
Taking a seat on a velvet cushioned armchair, with hands clasped elbows resting on his knees and eyes closed Niklaus thought back to the hauntingly familiar pup no he corrected himself, child. Days had passed since their first encounter and thoughts of the child haunted him. In the strangest of ways he craved her presence, but not in a way a lover does. But this vastly unfamiliar pull deep inside him yearning and pushing his self control. But if Niklaus didn’t know any better he would have called it fatherly love and as unbelievably usurp that idea sounded in his head, he couldn’t help but let his mind linger on the possibility. Barr the facial similarities and attitudes that crossed with his, perhaps it was her life that resonated with him he knew all too well the struggles of an abused orphan. 
Just maybe when he meet her today, try not to give away how he always crept away at night to watch over her. By the old gods, what would Elijah think of his stalker like behaviour. If his enemies only knew of this attachment, if he only knew. Niklaus sat and wondered of the possibilities, so lost in his thoughts he nearly missed his guests arrival. 
Dinner surprisingly went smoothly, Klaus was utterly entertained by the ideas and thoughts of the young woman before him. Her guardian agitated him deeply with his distrustful glances and cold demeanor. 
Y/N on the other hand was on edge for an entirely different reason. As much as she wished to truly enjoy the rare company of her family, she could not help but be worried about the whereabouts of Finn. Given the  strange behaviour she witnessed earlier from him and his sudden disappearance she could not help but ponder the worst, especially given the current circumstances. It could be entirely possible Finn had aligned himself with the fae in order to rid himself of Klaus and the others. As far as she recalled, Finn had never been too particularly fond of the vampiric lifestyle and it is certainly within his motives to fix the balance of nature and forever end the vampire lines.
The rest of the night in the company of the Mikaelsons continued smoothly, with the exception of Kol getting a little too drunk and flirting with Davina. Y/N was able to enjoy the company of her lively Aunt. Soon came the peak of the full moon and the makeshift family slipped away to trap the fae. As Davina gathered the necessary ingredients for a binding ritual and Alaric his iron weapons, Y/N shared her suspicions of Finn and him possibly knowing her true identity. Both had agreed that Finn would be a potential suspect in aiding and plotting with the fae to get rid of the Vampire Sire line, him included. With caution in mind, the trio made their way towards the woods where Y/N last spoke to Finn. Since, Finn was most likely aligned with fae, the two would track him using Y/N’s blood, a plan which quickly came to a stop when the magic revealed the family together in their manor. 
Relief didn’t last as the winds picked up around the trio and both Y/N and Davina picked up the excited whispers of dead witches. The brotherhood so it seemed had finally succeeded in crafting the daggers it was only a matter of time before they used it. Huh, maybe it was her paranoia seeping in earlier and Finn was just too ashamed of his earlier behaviour to make an appearance at dinner.
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mrs-kmikaelson · 11 months
05| The Tribrid
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x daughter!reader Summary: As you settle back into the Quarter, you juggle your personal and new professional life—but with the Mikaelsons, it was almost as if there was no difference between the two. Warnings: none Words: 5.6K
Masterlist | Part 6
a/n: i see this series getting long, guys; just letting you know. btw, i'm pretty much unoccupied, so u can expect new posts for this series and possibly other imagines like every 2-3 days. and tysm for all the support! anyway, i'll let you get to reading now.
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I walked into the Abattoir with a façade of confidence. I was now completely sober, facing the repercussions of my drunken actions. It'd been about a week since my agreement with Elijah and he'd only just called me in to speak with him yesterday.
I was currently cursing my drunk self, but at least Marcel was now allowed back into the Quarter without any fuss. Of course, he wasn't allowed back into the slaughterhouse, but he did compel himself a nice little townhouse a few minutes of human-walking away from my place.
In New Orleans, it was always better to live in the Quarter than anywhere else. This was the heart of the city's supernatural happenings. You were both safest here and also at most danger. But I guess, if you had enemies, you wanted to be in the Quarter because, if you had a crew to roll with, then nobody would really try you.
That's how it used to be at one point in time, and that's what the factions were trying to achieve now.
I was immediately greeted after making it past the gates. "Y/N," Elijah said, walking towards me, hands held out. He wrapped an arm around me, walking me to the couches in the middle of the courtyard. I tried not to show any discomfort at the physical touch. "It's lovely to see you."
I chuckled a little. "Feeling's mutual," I replied, causing the nobleman to let out a little laugh himself. I sat down on one of the couches while he sat on the other. "So, what have we got today?"
He sighed, "The withes are unhappy because of- all due respect, Marcellus' actions."
Right. Marcel forbade anyone to do magic. While I understand his reasoning, trying to protect a little witch by the name of Davina Claire, it was cruel. To ask a witch to go without magic was like asking a human not to breathe; it was damn near impossible.
Even though I get what he was trying to do, I still didn't agree with it—but that didn't mean that I agreed with what the New Orleans witches were doing either.
"So I've heard. But I'm sure you're aware of why he did what he did." He was; otherwise, I wouldn't have brought it up. I wouldn't do anything to endanger Davina; she'd become like a family to me. I knew that the Mikaelsons knew all about Davina, the harvest, and whatnot.
"Yes, of course. To protect Davina, I understand. She is special, without a doubt." Elijah's voice with filled with nothing other than conviction; I'd expect nothing less when people were speaking about Davina.
I smiled thinking about her. "Yes, she is."
"However, it still hasn't done us any favours on a community-wide scale." Elijah ran a hand through his hair. "The witches' spokesperson, Genevieve, is just about furious with the treatment they've received." A look suddenly appeared on his face. "And considering the... interactions my family has had with her, I wouldn't want to anger her further, especially since Hayley is with child."
This was the first time my heart didn't stop at the mention of Klaus' unborn baby. Instead, I was too focused on the witch Elijah named: Genevieve. Now, this was a name Marcel had somehow neglected to inform me about, but I was well aware of who she was.
From my understanding, Rebekah Mikaelson killed her the same year the Mikaelsons fled New Orleans, sometime in the early 1900s. Marcel spilled the whole story to me one night when he was drunk.
Genevieve died. Yet, according to Elijah (and I know this is not a coincidence) she's alive leading the NOLA coven.
I responded after a beat, bringing my hands together. "Okayyy, so what are we doing?"
"Making the witches happy, love."
Now my heart stopped.
I turned my head to see Klaus just finishing walking down the stairs. "Elijah tells me you're our new... fixer." He shrugged, making his way to the minibar. "So fix it."
"Get a grip, Elijah. I don't think I'm offending the young woman," he said before turning to face me. "Am I offending you, love?"
I skipped the whole processing bit of this situation and dived straight into my persona. "Not at all."
Klaus made a gesture to me with his hand, turning back to his brother. "See, Elijah. Marcel's right hand has tough skin." Elijah responded with a much more exhausted sigh than before, rubbing his hand on his face. Klaus ignored this, turning back to me with a bottle of bourbon in his hand. "Want me to pour you a glass, Y/N?"
"It is ten o'clock in the morning, Niklaus."
"All the more reason," he quipped back. "Y/N?"
I tried to loosen up, but my smile probably came out a little more tense than I originally intended. "I'm good; thank you."
Klaus looked at me for a few seconds before shrugging and pouring his own glass. Elijah took this opportunity to continue, but not before letting out another sigh. "As I was saying before my brother so tersely interrupted us, Genevieve has agreed to meet with us after I told her that you—Marcel's right hand, as Niklaus put it—were going to be representing us."
I tried to focus all my attention on the task at hand instead of my absent father who kept looking over at me periodically. I remembered what this was like when I did it for Cellie; I just had to get back in the game. "So, if you are looking to make an agreement of some sort, what are you willing to negotiate—give up, even?"
Just as Elijah was about to answer, Klaus briskly cut him off. "Oh, that's all on you, love." I narrowed my eyes slightly and he elaborated. "You decide then and there what you think is fair." He shrugged again, and although he looked carefree, he also had a smug look on his face that I doubt he was even trying to hide. "Ball's in your court." This was a test.
I didn't ponder on that for too long, nodding to him. "I can do that."
Klaus nodded back. He looked like he wanted to say something, but a quick look from Elijah seemed to make him want to hold his tongue. Thank God.
While I seemed like I was coming a long way, just the mere idea of holding a conversation with this man was terrifying. There were so many things I was holding my tongue about. It was just lucky that I so happened to be 500 years old. A few, quick conversations with my dad who had no idea I was his illegitimate child would not break me. Maybe it fucked with my head, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.
I'm here after all, aren't I?
Elijah cleared his throat. "Well, it seems to me that we've discussed everything we needed to discuss for today." He stood up and I followed suit. "Again, it was lovely seeing you, Y/N."
"Likewise." I shook the hand he held out, once again ignoring the weird original rush I felt. "I'll see myself out." Couldn't get out faster.
I walked toward the exit before Elijah could say something gentlemanly about escorting me out and before Klaus could say something that'd boggle my mind even further. I assumed he'd text me the details about the meeting later.
I took a deep breath immediately once I was far enough from the compound that I was sure they wouldn't hear me. I had no idea how I was going to get used to any of this, but it was too late to go back now.
In the meantime, I decided to take my mind off the Mikaelsons for a bit by visiting someone who I've yet to see.
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I walked into the old church with caution. It wasn't like I had a problem with Kieran; I just felt awkward whenever I talked to him, so I'd rather avoid him. I've had enough awkward situations in these past few weeks to last me a lifetime.
To my luck, he was absent and so I just walked straight upstairs, dodging cobwebs as I went until I made it to the attic's ajar door. A girl sat on a stool in front of an easel, painting a landscape. She was so focused she didn't even notice me push the door the rest of the way open.
I smiled, leaning on the door as I looked around the room that'd changed since I last saw it, now more decorated and screaming it'd been touched by a teenage girl. "So Marcel's still got you holed up in here, huh?"
She instantly spun around with her jaw dropped. "Y/N?!" She ran toward me, engulfing me in a tight hug that I'm sure would've broken some bones if I was human.
I chuckled, "Hi, Davina. I've missed you, too."
She pulled back, looking over me with disbelief visible on her face. "Oh, my God- when did you get back?"
"A little while ago. I'm sorry I couldn't come see you sooner, but I've been absolutely swamped. I promise, though—going into the future, I'll make time to see you." Davina smiled, pulling me back in for another hug. Her happiness spread to me and I started smiling so hard that my cheeks hurt. I think this might be the first time I've been this happy since I got back to New Orleans.
Davina was an amazing kid. I was supposed to meet up with Marcel the night of the harvest when he saved her, and so I ended up meeting her a few months before I left. She just so happened to be one of the few people who know my secret. She was incredibly gifted and reminded me so much of my younger self. I felt like I owed it to her, to myself, to be there for her. In the short time I've known her, she's become something like a little sister to me, if not a daughter.
When we broke from the hug, we both ended up sitting on the bed. I let her catch me up on what's been happening, even though I already more or less knew it from Marcel's summaries. "Okay, so if the witches aren't trying to hunt you down anymore, why are you still hiding away in this attic?"
"Well, I'm not hiding away anymore," she replied. "Marcel just figured it'd be safer for me to stay here instead of with them. He still doesn't trust them and, honestly, neither do I. They've been acting kind of weird since the witches were resurrected, but I just deal with it and go there everyday to practice."
I hummed. I understood Marcel's reasoning; keeping Davina at the church was actually pretty smart. I wouldn't trust her with a bunch of vengeful witches, either, especially after they tried to kill her once. But this attic was far too small for a little girl to spend her days in.
I looked around the cluttered room, thinking before I said screw it and decided to propose my idea to Davina. "What if you didn't have to stay here?" I asked, looking back at her.
She furrowed her brows. "What do you mean? It's not like there's anywhere else I could go, besides with the witches."
"Not necessarily true." I sat up straighter. "I mean, my townhouse has three rooms, and only one of those rooms isn't empty." I shrugged, gesturing around the room. "It's bigger than this place, so all your stuff would fit."
She sat up too. "Wait, are you being serious?"
"Hell yeah, I am. And the protections on my place are a lot better than this church's, trust me."
"You want me to move in with you?"
"Yeah, Davina, that's what I've been sayi-" I was cut off when she threw her arms around me in the tightest hug she'd given me since I entered the attic, and that was saying something.
"Oh, my gosh! Yes, of course!" 
I giggled at her enthusiasm, hugging her back before pulling away to pull my phone out of my back pocket. "Okay, I'll drop you off at the apartment now and I'll text some people to come pick up your stuff and bring it to you." I glanced back up at her for confirmation, looking back at my phone when she giddily nodded. "You can just make yourself at home and get settled in. I'll be home a bit later; I just have a business meeting first."
"Yeah, sure." Davina then stood up, looking around and clapping her hands. "I'll start packing!"
I laughed for what felt like the umpteenth time since I've seen her, standing up too. "Alright, D. I'll see you later," I said, but she was already far too engrossed in packing her things, giving me a distracted goodbye. I shook my head, the corners of my lips going up even higher as I left the room.
Thank God I wouldn't have to come back to this creepy ass church anymore. I really hadn't even thought of asking Davina move in with me; it was such a spur of the moment kind of thing, but I had no doubts then and no doubts now. She'd be safer with me than here, with the witches, or even Marcel.
At the though of my friend, I went to text him about this new development, coming across a message from Elijah along the way.
Elijah M. We'll be meeting the witches at 7:00 PM at the compound.
You OK, I'll be there.
I stuffed my phone back into my pocket after responding to Elijah and texting Marcel about Davina. Seven was two hours away, so I had time to go home and freshen up before the meeting.
I wasn't nervous; I'd already been here before, already done it all, but I did feel a weird pressure to do this well. Something in me said Klaus was counting on me to fail, so it was my job to prove him wrong.
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I walked right into the compound later without standing out front for ten minutes like I did this morning. I was gonna have to get used to this all eventually and I'd prefer that'd happen sooner rather than later. 
I was apparently earlier than everyone else because there wasn't a Mikaelson or red-haired witch in sight. I checked my watch: 6:30, it read. Earlier than I expected, but that was fine with me. I wiped the imaginary dust off my outfit: slacks and a tight white dress shirt that I'd unbuttoned just enough to not look like a female Elijah. Resemblance to the Mikaelsons was not what I needed right now.
I was just about to pull out my phone to keep myself busy when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around, my eyes meeting the mother of Klaus' kid. "Oh, hi," she greeted, a surprised look on her face. "What are you- oh, right, Elijah told me you guys were meeting with the witches tonight."
"Yeah- it, uh, appears that I'm a bit early." I chuckled, making small talk even though I really didn't want to have any unnecessary conversations with anyone that lived in this building.
"No, it's a good quality. Elijah's like that," she told me. I nodded, ignoring my thoughts which were questioning her relationship with Elijah. Something told me it was a lot more complicated than it seemed. "I wanted to thank you, by the way."
My brows furrowed. "Hm? For what?"
"For covering me that day with Elijah- and for saving me from that vampire that day, too," she expressed with an almost bashful look on her face. "I realize I was pretty rude to you, but I was really just having a bad day, and-"
"And I'm a vampire, so you were just being careful." She let a small, embarrassed smile form on her lips which I reciprocated. "It's fine, I get it. I'd do the same if I were in your shoes."
"Thank you for understanding; I really appreciate it." I told her it was no problem, resisting the urge to be nosy and ask why she didn't wanna tell Elijah what happened; I didn't want to risk her growing suspicious of me.
Before Hayley and I could fall into an uncomfortable silence, Klaus and Elijah strolled in through the gates into the courtyard. Klaus' eyes narrowed between me and Hayley, probably in a protective manner, while Elijah greeted me. 
"Y/N, sorry to have kept you waiting-"
"Oh, no, it was no biggie." I gestured to Hayley. "I had good company, anyways." Hayley smiled, excusing herself after wishing us luck with the witches, but I doubted I'd need it.
I was good and I knew it. Half a millennium alone in the world taught you how to negotiate, how to get your way when you had no one else on your side. Really, I was less worried about the witches and more worried about being in Klaus' presence.
Speak of the devil.
"The witches should arrive soon," Klaus announced, glancing down at his watch then up at me, a smirk arising on his face. "And then you'll be able to play your hand."
I stopped myself from narrowing my eyes or doing anything that showed I felt the shade he was so obviously throwing my way. Clearly, without even having really spoken to me, dear old dad has decided he doesn't like me, much less trust me. I don't know why that hurt because I don't even want to be talking to him period. I guess there's just a part of me that disagrees with that.
Like this morning, Klaus didn't waste a second before walking over to the bar. "Can I interest you in a drink whilst we wait, love?" He poured himself a glass. "Some... liquid courage, if you will."
He's being a jackass on purpose.
I declined, "No thanks." I shook my head. "I don't need it." And I also don't need to be under the influence around the Originals.
Klaus chuckled in an almost sardonic manner. Like the night I met him, he had a dark air around him that he barely cared to conceal. Klaus wanted people to notice that about him; he wanted people to be scared. And I was, but for entirely different reasons.
However, I'd sooner die before letting him know that. If he wanted to play hard ball, then I'd be the best damn batter he's ever seen.
Klaus turned around, tipping his glass to me. "You're quite confident."
"Well, I can back it up," I quipped back. In response, he sarcastically smiled, taking a sip of the brown liquid in his hand. From the corner of my eye, I saw Elijah glancing in between us watchfully.
"So I've heard- and you know, it got me thinking, what exactly is it about you that makes you so special?" This-
I was given time to pause by Elijah's interjection. "Niklaus."
He held his hands out in the air. "What, Elijah? I'm just curious," he reasoned.
I cut Elijah off before he could say something more in order to respond. "No, it's alright, Elijah; I understand the skepticism." I looked back to Klaus whose eyes just so imperceptibly narrowed. "The reason why people are more inclined to listen to me is because I don't operate with a desire to instill fear in others, just respect." I maintained eye contact with Klaus, hoping he was picking up what I was putting down. I knew he got the message when I saw his jaw clench.
He looked like he was going to say something else, but before he could, the gates to the compound opened. All three of us looked toward the entrance to see Genevieve and two other witches walking beside her, like a little entourage.
Elijah seemed to let out a sigh of relief at the intrusion. "Genevieve," he greeted, walking toward them. "Thank you for agreeing to this meeting. Please, take a seat. Can we interest you in any beverages?"
While Elijah was clearly doing his best to mediate, Klaus didn't say a word, only burning a hole into the side of Genevieve's head with a hard glare while he drank his scotch.
The three of them sat down on one couch as Elijah and I sat on the one parallel to it. "No, that'll be alright," she said, crossing her legs. "I know you appreciate verity, Elijah, so I'm gonna be honest: I wouldn't have agreed to this meeting if it weren't for the woman sitting next to you."
Elijah nodded. "Yes, I'm completely aware. Y/N is here to make sure that we both get what we want and to ensure that the future of the Quarter, and everyone in it, is prosperous."
I smiled, holding my hand out. "Hello, it's lovely to meet you. I've heard many good things about you." That was a lie.
Shaking my hand, she responded, "Likewise. The elders of the coven are practically smitten with you. I've never seen witches so eager to deal with a vampire."
"Well, I hope that, after our discussion, you will also be more eager to work with the Mikaelsons."
Genevieve almost scoffed at what I said. In my peripheral, I saw Klaus roll his eyes—at me or her, I'm unsure. "Please, Y/N—I'm sure you're aware of who exactly these people are and what they've done. Even though you're a vampire, you have to admit it's outrageous." Her voice was incredulous.
I really don't understand what she was making a big fuss about. From the way the story was told, Genevieve used to have a huge crush on Klaus back in the day—ew—but I wasn't gonna actually use that against her. I didn't want her to resent me; I actually needed her to like me for this to work.
"I understand where you're coming from," I told her, managing to muster up a sympathetic expression. "But we all want the same thing: peace. That is the final destination; there are so many stops along the way to get there, so if peace is where we truly want to be, then we need to be willing to put aside our differences."
The redhead sighed. "I hear what you're saying, but how can we expect peace while working with these people? How do you expect us to trust them?" Now, Klaus scoffed, causing both Genevieve and Elijah to look over at him, Elijah with a more stern look in his eyes. I, on the other hand, ignored him altogether, focusing completely on the witch in front of me.
I said her name to get her attention back onto me, thus causing Elijah to look away from his brother, too. "I am, in no way, asking you to trust blindly. We're willing to negotiate; just state your terms." I knew this was dangerous, giving her the opportunity to ask for whatever she wanted, but the witches had been recently oppressed; giving them the chance to ask for what they wanted was like an apology of sorts, one that I felt they'd appreciate.
Genevieve looked hesitant, glancing at both of her associates, to Elijah, Klaus, and then back to me. Even without looking at him, I could feel Klaus staring at me, probably questionably. None of them were expecting that move. 
See, because I was representing the Mikaelsons, Genevieve expected me to state their terms first then negotiate since they were more powerful. So, of course she was surprised.
After a beat of silence, she finally spoke up. "We want to practice freely."
"And we want to celebrate our festivals without a hassle."
"Of course."
"And we want to reclaim witch territory for ourselves and ourselves alone, like the Lafayette cemetery." 
"Reasonable," I noted, waiting for her to say something else. When she didn't, I asked, "Is there anything else we can give you? You don't have to answer right now; we'll take some time then I'll get a contract drafted-"
"Esther Mikaelson's grimoire." At her interjection, the room went silent. I didn't even wanna know what Klaus looked like right now, but Genevieve sure as hell seemed to have regained her confidence. "We want Esther Mikaelson's grimoire." That was one ballsy request.
"Are you out of your mind?" For the first time since the witches walked into the compound, Klaus spoke. I looked over at him to see a look of shock adorning his face as if the redhead just tried to kill him—and, I mean, was he that far off?
You don't ask for the Original Witch's spell book without wanting to kill or at least having the ability to kill if you so need it.
Elijah seemed to recover from a shock of his own, trying to calm his brother down. "Niklaus-"
"I am not giving you my mother's grimoire." Klaus had set his drink down, walking toward where we were all sitting. Smoke might as well have been coming out of his ears. I knew that, if I were one of the three witches sitting across from me, I'd be shitting myself. "After what you tried to do to my family, you expect me to hand over-"
"Niklaus." Elijah cut him off, but more firmly and this time Klaus actually listened, turning to look over at Elijah with hard eyes. His eyes flickered to me for a split second before looking back at Genevieve—or glaring, rather.
While Genevieve looked slightly startled, I saw the dead-set expression on her face. It'd be hard to try and convince her that Esther's grimoire wasn't what the witches wanted, but it was possible.
Gears turned in my head as I thought it over until a quick idea popped into my head. At that moment, I began, "I'm sorry, Genevieve. We can do everything else you mentioned, put it in writing, but Esther Mikaelson's grimoire is a no-go." I saw her shaking her head before I even finished.
"Then no deal-"
Elijah cut in, "Genevieve, please-"
"I can give you the next best thing." I caught Genevieve's attention easily, along with everyone else's in the room. In seconds, I had come up with a quick fix; it was a gamble, but if you aren't willing to go big, then go the fuck home. "I currently have a Bennett grimoire in my possession." I paused, gauging her reaction. Clearly, this night was full of surprises. 
I suppressed the urge to glance over at my relatives; I had a feeling that I already knew what their faces looked like.
Genevieve struggled to compose herself, so I continued, "It's yours, so long as you accept." I understood what was happening here: the witches or the spirits or whatever were already decided, and they wanted the Mikaelson grimoire, but how could they be upset with what I was offering? A Bennett spell book was a damn good replacement if I ever saw one, and if anyone knew that, it was Esther's children themselves.
I knew the history—I've spent my life learning it. Ayana taught Esther everything she knew; the Bennett bloodline was one of the strongest, maybe even stronger than the Mikaelsons. And although I doubt Genevieve knew the lengthy Bennett history, she quickly got her bearings and responded, "I- we accept-"
I cut her off, smiling, "Great. Now our turn." I clasped my hands together. "You guys can keep your sanctuaries, the cemetery and whatnot, but in shared areas like the rest of the Quarter, we ask that you remain peaceful and avoid altercations with other factions. We're asking the same of the other factions, as well. Similarly, the Mikaelsons don't want conflicts, so we'd also like to avoid altercations in that area." 
It seemed pretty simple because it was. It was like what Elijah said to me that night in Rousseau's: everybody wants power, and the witches were no different. They didn't agree to this meeting for peace; they agreed because they wanted power, and the Mikaelsons struck this deal for the same exact reason, even if that's not how the nobleman would've phrased it.
While I didn't provide the witches with the same prepared list of terms, what I was asking for would have the same effect. The Originals were already on top, so what more did they really need to ask for?
Genevieve, once again, looked over at the two girls sitting next to her who both nodded at the silent question she was asking. When she turned back to me, the smallest of smiles was on her lips. "You have yourself a deal."
I reciprocated her expression as we both stood up. I shook her hand. "Pleasure doing business with you. I'll work on getting that contract drafted in more detail, so please, come to us with any other requests you may have."
Genevieve nodded, letting go of my hand, and Elijah took the pleasantries from there, walking them out of the compound. This left Klaus and I alone momentarily.
I looked over at him to see that he was already staring at me. I felt a chill go down my spine from how intently he was looking at me, my mini adrenaline rush dying down. It looked almost like he was picking me apart with his gaze.
I didn't want him to think I had something to hide, so I held his stare. We were both silent until Elijah walked back. This time, he didn't seem to sense the tension in the room—that, or he just chose to ignore it. 
"Thank you, Y/N," he said. I looked away from Klaus to smile in response, but the second I did, he broke his vow of silence.
"How do you have a Bennett grimoire in your possession?" Klaus' voice was cold and accusatory, just as his eyes were. Elijah just might have frozen had he not been a thousand-years-old; hell, I probably would have, too, but I'd already been crafting an explanation as soon as the idea popped into my head.
Not the real explanation, but one that made more sense.
I shrugged, feigning nonchalance. "I met one a few hundred years ago. She died after she was in the wrong place, wrong time, but she left that book to me."
Klaus didn't look sold. "A Bennett witch left her grimoire with you, a vampire? Not with her family?"
"Well, to be fair, she wasn't in touch with her family at that time," I retorted. "And I was human at the time so, yes, she left it to me because she knew it could come of use one day."
Klaus didn't reply to me, instead choosing to continue staring me down. However, his glare was now lessened, so I knew he sort of believed me, even though he had doubts.
In the time that Klaus wasn't saying anything, Elijah cleared his throat, bringing the attention back to him. When I looked over, he smiled and tried to further de-escalate the situation. "Thank you, again, Y/N."
That was my cue to leave. "No problem. Are you okay with meeting up tomorrow to discuss the contract?"
He nodded. "Of course. Lunch?"
"Sounds great," I said, grabbing my bag that I'd left on the armchair next to me. "I'll see you tomorrow then."
Elijah bid me farewell while Klaus remained mute, but I still felt him staring at me, even as I was walking out; only when I'd walked two minutes away from the compound did I finally let go of that feeling
I didn't speed all the way home this time like I had been doing recently after exiting the Abattoir. Instead, I decided to take this time to think since I really haven't gotten a moment alone all day.
The excuse I gave Klaus wasn't too far from the truth—I only warped it slightly. I didn't know who he knew or how well he knew my mother before he slept with her, but I knew that if I gave him the real story, there was a possibility that he'd find out who I was.
The real story was that my mother was best friends with a Bennett. Almost like history repeating itself if you thought about it; Amelia Bennett was to my family what Ayana was to the Mikaelsons. She was both a mentor to my mother and me.
In reality, we were a lot closer than I made it sound. She was a lot closer to my mother than she was with the rest of her family. We were in Salem; the witch trials were just beginning, so any witch in the area was either preparing to leave or to die. She was anticipating the latter, so before she died, she made sure to leave the assets she had to my mother. 
The other Bennetts didn't dispute this, fleeing west. The rest of the story, I try not to think about. I needed to be strong, for Davina, for Marcel, for Amelia, for my mother, and for myself; otherwise, everything I've sacrificed would've been for nothing.
With that thought, I had a new resolution.
This, what I was doing here in New Orleans, could not fail. I have not lived the life I've lived just to fail. So from this moment forward, I decided to be better, to be stronger. No more quivering at the mention of my father or his baby, no more getting shaken up by conversations with the Mikaelsons.
Walking toward my apartment, I made myself a promise.
This city will not break me, no matter what.
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magicalqueennightmare · 4 months
Better at Baking
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Klaus Mikaelson x "Little Witch" Reader
Just Fluff
Klaus watched from the doorway as you worked the comb through Hope's hair then began to braid it as she colored the page in front of her. Either you, Hayley or Rebekah always made sure that her hair was done beautifully.  
He loved seeing your relationship with her. There were times he swore she preferred your presence to his and he couldn't find it in him to be jealous. He was overjoyed to know just how many people his daughter had who was willing to fight for her and he'd seen first hand the fire that would ignite in you when Hope was threatened. 
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He'd seen witches first hand for most of his life and when Hayley first told him she'd called you for help he'd been hesitant. Witches always had their own agenda but the moment you stepped foot in New Orleans he'd seen a weight lift off Hayley's shoulders the moment she hugged you in the bar all of you met in. From the first day you'd let every witch in the Quarter know you were there and why. 
He should've known he'd end up falling for you. He remembered vividly the day he realized you were unlike any other witch. Hayley had been taken, some coven intent on ripping Hope from her womb. You'd found her long before anyone else. When he and Elijah had gotten there you were between Hayley and four witches, a shield of your magic around her as you took the effect of the spell. 
The set of your jaw and the blue of your magic turning the usual hue of your eyes. You'd been in pain but refused to admit it until hours later. 
He'd found you in the kitchen of the compound and you were attempting to make tea but a light whimper fell from you when you tried to lift your arms to retrieve a mug. He'd ended up retrieving the tea for you and offering his own blood to assist in your healing. You hadn't taken it stating the tea you were making would help but thanked him still. 
He watched you as you ground herbs and put them in a steeper. You were so focused on your task that he'd gotten the chance to study you in a way he'd yet to. There was a silent strength to you, the way you maintained yourself even when anger rippled through you. How you could pull a smile from nearly every member of his family and how you were one of the few people who barely blinked an eye at him. You were a remarkable woman, witch or not.
Soon he stopped thinking of you as just some witch. You became a friend of sorts then as the two of you grew closer Rebekah became a thorn in his side "You've fallen for her brother" "Where's your little witch brother" "careful if you keep waiting someone may make her their little witch instead"
Long before he admitted it to you he admitted to her how he felt for you. She'd nearly buckled under her laughter but encouraged him to pursue it with a simple shrug "She may feel the same"
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“Klaus” you spoke his name softly and it was only then he'd realized you noticed his presence. Hope turned towards him with a mirror of his own smile “Hey daddy”
You patted the floor next to you “Want to color with us? I'm not as talented as you and Hope but I can manage to stay within the lines” 
Hope laughed leaning her head over on your arm “It's not that bad! I think your picture is pretty” Klaus walked over to sit on the other side of the table you and Hope were sitting around and you cut your eyes at him barely containing your laughter at how his eyes tracked over the page you'd been coloring “Hush you!” You warned but he held his hands up “I wasn't going to say anything love”
Hope tilted her head at your drawing, her eyebrows furrowed before pointing to something on the page “Is that a cat?” You shook your head “It's a car!” Her eyes widened and he saw the moment your resolve broke right before you started laughing “I think I'm better at baking than coloring” 
Hope who'd started laughing as soon as  you did nodded “The cake you made was really good” Klaus looked between the two of you “What cake?” you glanced towards Hope, both of you grinning before you shrugged “Oops? Not our fault, Kol took the rest!” 
“Betrayed by my love and my daughter!” He teased and you nudged Hope “Should we bake daddy something?” She tapped her chin for a moment then nodded and stood, grabbing your hand then reached for one of his “But he has to help”
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randomperson3736 · 11 months
Character's I write for:
-Avatar & Avatar: way of water
*Jake sully
*Bruce Wayne
*Damian wayne
*Jason Todd
*Dick Grayson
*Tim Drake
-911 & 911 Lone Star
*Evan "Buck" Buckley
*Eddie Diaz
*Tk strand
*Carlos Reyes
-Spider man into the spider verse & spider man across the spider verse
*Miguel O'hara
*Miles Morales
*Earth 42 Miles Morales
*Hobie Brown
*Spider Noir
-The originals
*Elijah Mikaelson
*Klaus Mikaelson
*Kol Mikaelson
-Criminal Minds
*Luke Alvez
*Spencer Reid
*Derek Morgan
-The summer I turned pretty
*Jeremiah Fisher
*Conrad Fisher
-Chicago fire & Chicago P.D
*Jay Halstead
*Kelly Severide
-The outer banks
*John B
*JJ maybank
-Slytherin boys (Harry potter)
*Theo Nott
*Mettheo Riddle
*Enzo Berkshire
*Draco Malfory
-The 100
*Bellamy Blake
What I write:
*Charcter death
*Child! Reader
*Daughter!/son! Reader
*Twin!/brother!/sister! Reader
*Pregnant! Reader
*Male!/fem! Reader
*Wife!/husband! Reader
*Sad love
*Short imagines
*Disability! Reader
*How characters would react
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athenamikaelson · 5 months
hii i was wondering if you could do a imagine where the reader is klaus daughter and she is a tribrid like hope and her boyfriend died or something like that (you can change it idc) and she turns her humanity off and she is all badass and he tries to turn it back on also i love your blog
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Klaus Mikaelson x Daughter!Reader
Summary- Reader is Klaus’ daughter and also a tribrid, her boyfriend gets killed which results in her flipping the switch. Klaus is there to get her to turn her humanity back on. Also, I didn’t know whether to add Hayley as her biological mother so I’m going to leave that up to you guys and just write the character as someone who had a mother-daughter LIKE relationship. Hayley is also still dead, RIP Queen. 
Word Count- 1.6k
A/N- Thank you for the request! And thank you for the compliment!!! <3
Warnings- Blood, Reader has no filter and no cares, mentions of death and killing, body parts, alcohol, swearing, Klaus and the reader have unresolved issues, Reader digs on Hope. (I love you Hope, no one can make me hate you.)
Blood drips down my lips as I throw the body of some rando onto the floor of the dusty-ass bar I’m in. I bring my hand up, wiping the stray crimson liquid off my chin, and bring it back to my lips. I sigh escapes my lips at the taste. Feeling a moment of euphoria; well technically as much euphoria as someone with no emotions can experience.  
I catch the sound of the bar door opening from behind me and turn prepared to kill whomever decides to walk in. Unfortunately, the biggest earsore decided to grace my presence. If I could feel annoyance at this moment, I would. I let out a sigh of annoyance as I stared at my father. He stands at the entrance of the bar and casts a glance at the piles of bar patrons, or more truly the bar patrons' body parts, that are scattered across the floor. 
“Well, it appears you’ve been busy.” He says with a smirk and slight tilt of his head. He kneels and picks up the head of a man by his hair and glances at me with a raised eyebrow. 
“You’ve been hanging out with your Uncle too much appears,” he says as he tosses the head back down as if it’s trash. 
I just raise a shoulder as I walk behind the bar and pour myself a glass of bourbon. 
“Says the man with the nickname, Klaus the Mad.” I shoot back as I down the brown liquor. 
“Touche, Little Moon. I do have to say your,” My father pauses as he glances at the bodies around the bar, “habits, definitely come from my side of the family.” He appears to smirk in fatherly approval and then quickly covers it up with a shake of his head. 
“Your Uncle Elijah wouldn’t approve of this you know?” He says as he reaches for the bourbon bottle. I watch as he pours himself a drink but before he can grab the glass I speed to grab it. I stare at him as I down the drink and then give him a thoughtful look, “Well why doesn’t he tell me that himself?” My father’s smirk drops and we stare at each other for a moment before I lean back onto the counter and raise my hand in a matter-of-fact movement, “Oh, right. He can’t. Because he’s like dead.” My father just rolls his eyes.
“You done?” He asks me with a look of disapproval only a father could master. I stare at him for a moment, tapping my chin and pretending to be in deep thought.
“Well I mean there’s like countless other dead relatives I could bring up,” I bring my right hand up and start counting on my fingers, “Josh, Hayley, Cami, Jackson.” I ponder some more thinking of all the other people that have died because of my family. 
“Your boyfriend. Don’t forget to add him to the list.” I freeze for a split second as I hear my father’s words. I look at him and he’s staring at me with a knowing look. It takes me only another fraction of a second before I let out a laugh. 
“I’m not turning it back on,” I tell him as I cross my arms and lean back against the counter. He stares back at me and taps his chin in the same way I had done moments before. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, turn what back on, Little Moon?” He says with a tone that makes me want to stick a white oak stake into his heart. 
“Let me guess, Hope calls you crying to Daddy that her sister is going off the rails and hurting and killing people and needs to be stopped. Even though like a month ago she was going around telling everyone, “I’m the big scary tribrid I can’t be killed” and then goes and kills our friends?” I say in a matter-of-fact tone at my sister’s hypocrisy. 
My father lets out a sigh as he goes to walk behind the bar next to me, he comes to stand next to me and I subconsciously take a step away resulting in my father stopping and staring at me. 
“Y/N, Hope regrets everything she did and only wants you to know that turning your switch off is only a temporary fix.” I pretend to put a small smile on myself before dropping it and laughing in my father’s face.
“God Dad, you’d do a killing at a TED talk, maybe next you can tell a group of teenagers with anxiety to just “chill out”  and that it’s all in their heads. Also, why the fuck did Hope get you to do her dirty work, why can't the big bad tribrid come and face me herself?” 
“OK first, I have no idea what the bloody hell a TED talk is. And second, your sister called me worried and we both thought it would be a better decision that I come and talk to you. We both know that you have the emotional capacity of a Mikaelson. Just like your father.” He says with a small smile on his face. 
“I remember once when you were 11 Kol told you that he wouldn’t teach you a certain spell because he said it was too advanced for you at that age. In retaliation, you went behind his back, stole the spell, and tried your hardest to do it. But as much as I hate to give your Uncle Kol any praise and I deny this if you ever tell him, Kol knows too much about spells and witch stuff so he was right about the spell being for a higher age level.”
I stand there remembering the exact story he’s retelling. 
“No, it wasn’t.” I deny. He stares at me and raises his eyebrow.
“You caught your hair on fire, all of it burned off and Hayley had to buy you a wig. The wig was also an atrocious purple color.” 
I just stare at him for a second and then nod remembering that the purple wig really was a horrible decision. For a split moment, I felt a light feeling in my chest at the memory but as quickly as I felt it I pushed it away. 
“Let that feeling in, Little Moon,” he tells me as he reaches his hand out to touch my arm, but in a split moment, I grab his arm and push it back to a breaking point and push him away speeding to the edge of the room away from him. 
“Don’t even try it, Dad, giving me a funny childhood story isn’t going to make me instantly turn it back on. One funny story doesn’t amount to all the other shit that went on,” I look at him in anger, “Do you remember why Hayley had to be the one to buy me the wig and not you?” My father’s face falls and goes to say something but I stop him. 
“Hayley had to do it because you weren’t there. You. Weren’t. There. You had to hear this story from Hayley’s letters to you. Letters you never responded to. Just like the phone calls you never responded to me. Waiting by the phone every birthday, waiting for my father to call me, or watching the other girls go to the Daddy daughter dances while my father is across the world killing innocent people. So don’t for a second try to doting father act. I have every right to want a break for one second in my fucking life. Y/B/N dying was just the cherry on top of the fucked up ice cream that is my life.” I finish yelling at him as he stares at me with noticeable regret and heartbreak in his eyes. I watch as he picks up his hand and goes to reach out to me but drops it once I flash my tribrid eyes at him in warning. 
“I know I wasn’t there for most of your childhood and I will always regret that,” My dad looks down at his hands and for the first time in my life I see the most feared man in the world look as little and humane as a mortal man, “but I’m here now Y/N. And I’m not going anywhere. You can flash your eyes at me, bite, and yell at me, even threaten me but I’m not going anywhere. I’ve lived a long time and have seen many people go through what you’re going through Little Moon. And I know you’re hurting and I know I’ve left you before and I will spend forever making up for that. And right now you need your family and, I’ll follow and annoy you until you’re ready to flip that switch. Always and forever, My Little Moon.”
When my father is done with his monologue I place another solemn look on my face and walk over to him and give him a small smile. My father seems to lighten up at my approach and goes to meet me but as he comes to pull me into a hug I speed behind him and snap his neck dropping his dead body onto the ground. His body blends with all the other dead people that are already scattered around the bar. 
“You can take your Always and Forever and shove it down your throat,” I say to his dead body as I walk out of the bar.
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