#Fabian being the best big brother ever
foreos · 2 months
the bad kids rated by how much they would like sonic the hedgehog
a sequel to my hatchetfield version
- riz gukgak: 1/10 i don’t think riz even touches video games. i can’t imagine riz having any strong media interests because his life is so busy all the time so i doubt he would think about sonic the hedgehog at all. if he ever played a sonic game though i think he’d be like unnaturally good at it because he’s got great reaction times and it’s not hard for him to intuit what the best routes are. he’d probably only play in like a social situation though.
- kristen applebees: 10/10 kristen grew up playing sonic games with her brothers and she likes them. sonic is very very good for adhd brains and i think she likes running around really really fast. fucking AWFUL at the games though she has a dexterity score of four. she has never passed a quicktime prompt in her life but that does not stop her from booting up the games and playing the first three or so levels. doesn’t really engage with the media past the games but that’s just because if she had a comic book she’d lose it and while she watched some of the cartoons as a kid, it’s been a long time. probably hasn’t played in years.
- adaine abernant: 10/10 she did not know what sonic was until freshman year and at first she did not see the appeal. she’s never been allowed plain and stupid fun in her entire life and when confronted with it she’s just like…why? but i think as time passes i could actually see adaine really fucking enjoying it if she decided to suspend her disbelief and embrace it. i think in another timeline adaine is much geekier but much like the other bad kids she currently does not have time for that. there’s an alternate universe where adaine is a comic book nerd with sonic opinions but i don’t think any of us are ready for that. there’s probably other franchises she would possibly like better but i think she could get really into it.
- gorgug thistlespring: 0/10 video games frustrate him. his fingers are too big for the buttons and sonic moves way too fast. like kristen he cannot get past the first few levels and so he and sonic don’t really see eye to eye. he wouldn’t say he hates the guy or has anything against the franchise but he would probably rather do, like, anything else.
- fig faeth: 10000/10 i think fig would like it. while it does not match her aesthetic i think she definitely grew up with sonic games as a kid and is pretty good at them. definitely had to beat video game levels for gilear growing up. as i said earlier with kristen, sonic is very good for adhd brain and i think she likes to build as much speed as she can, plus sonic music is fucking dope and i think fig is a fan of stupid fun. sometimes fig finds herself wishing that he would go even faster, though.
- fabian seacaster: -100000/10 he’s scared of rodents and obsessed with being cool fabian does not like sonic. yes, i know sonic is not a rodent but like. fabian does not care that is a walking talking blue rat with one weird eyeball that has two pupils and he is wearing NO clothes. plus, sonic is considered deeply lame by the general public, especially high schoolers, so fabian would not be caught dead in even the same room where sonic-related activities are occurring. fabian goes out of his way to avoid any and all sonic media, which is a shame because when fabian was a kid bill seacaster impulsively bought Every Video Game so there’s probably a completed sonic collection somewhere in fabian’s house. like i think fabian owns sonic chronicles and tails’s sky patrol and sonic labyrinth and he has no idea. in another life fabian is a shadow fan.
- ragh barkrock: 1/10, like gorgug and riz he’s just not really a video game guy.
- ayda aguefort: 1000000000/10 she would fucking love it. she would love it so so so much. much like adaine i think ayda would be extremely geeky in another, less stressful life and i think if fig introduced her to it she would be all fucking in. comics tv shows video games, all of it. i think ayda would eat that shit up.
- cassandra: 10/10 blaze reminds her of kalina and she thinks it’s fun and i am desperate for cassandra to have fun.
- aelwyn: 0/10 absolutely not. she agrees with fabian that sonic is creepy and should wear clothes. she tries not to think about it, ever.
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motownfiction · 2 years
i saw you from afar
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Linda is hosting a family reunion this year. It’s a big step, according to Daniel, seeing as she’d isolated herself far away from her side when she was married to Frank. It’s been ten years since the divorce, Linda is now a grandmother, and she wants to make things right. So for the first time in years, she stops acting like Mrs. DeLuca, sprung from the suburban ground fully formed with a Kitchenaid mixer in her hands, and remembers how to be Linda, who grew up loved on the South side.
And, as the uncle to Linda’s first grandchild, Sam is invited to the reunion.
For the first hour, it’s a pretty good party. Lots of hugging, even and especially from people Sam has never met. Loud music, two and a half decades behind, which Sam doesn’t mind. He’s a big fan of Lou Rawls. Love is a hurtin’ thing, after all. Everybody takes turns holding his year-old nephew, Michael, and there’s a newly twenty-one-year-old cousin in the corner, pretending to like beer but dumping it into Linda’s plants whenever he thinks people aren’t looking. Sam smiles. He’s only twenty-four, but he remembers being that kid.
And then a fucking model walks in. Walks in and right up to the kid dumping his beer into the potted plants.
Apparently, this is the beer kid’s brother. Daniel’s cousin Eddie. He looks a little like if you brought a commemorative plate of Elvis to life, which, at five years old, Sam once tried to do. He’s gorgeous, and Sam can’t stop looking at him. When Sam asks Daniel about him, he says he’s twenty-six and working on a Ph.D. at Wayne State. His parents are really proud, Daniel says. And then he points at Sam in recognition.
“Oh, you’d probably like him,” he says. “He’s getting a Ph.D. in history, but he writes about music history. Something about the pop-star-making machine.”
Sam’s heart does the waltz clog. This can’t be fucking real.
Eventually, he walks over to Daniel’s cousin Eddie. When they make eye contact, they recognize each other. They know what to do. The conversation’s friendly, but they both know they’re flirting.
“So, Daniel tells me you write about pop stars,” Sam says. “How about that Fabian?”
Eddie lets out a surprised laugh. Sam couldn’t be prouder.
“You know, I think you’re the first person other than my dissertation chair to ask me about Fabian,” he says. “Most people want to know about Tiffany.”
Sam shakes his head.
“Why would I wanna know about Tiffany?” he asks. “I lived through Tiffany.”
Eddie laughs.
“I prefer to look at it as surviving Tiffany,” he says.
Sam shrugs.
“What can I say?” he asks again. “I’m a sucker for ‘Shivers.’”
Eddie winks at him and says, “What can I say? So am I.”
No matter where Eddie goes around the house, Sam’s eyes can’t seem to stop following him. And every time, Eddie seems to look back at him – to really see him there. Sam’s throat is dry no matter how much Coke he drinks, no matter how often he switches to water. This is different than Sadie’s friend Jimmy in ‘86, from other guys he’s met at concerts and record stores around the city since then. Something about the way Eddie looks at him. Something about big brown eyes and that smile – smart, smarter than most people, but not arrogant about it. Something that feels familiar even though they’ve only just met.
They find their way back to each other in the backyard, behind the garage. Sam takes back a few garbage bags, and Eddie leans up against the wall with a cigarette. He’s a few inches shorter than Sam, but he seems tall. No, that’s not it. He seems grand. After Sam throws the bags away, he leans up against the wall next to Eddie, just talking. The thing he’s best at. Eddie’s not bad at it, either. He’s got a lot to say – about pop stars, about living in Motown, about Adorno and Horkheimer (“Fuck anybody who doesn’t like jazz,” Eddie says, and Sam laughs. He’ll get along with Charlie, surely, if they ever meet. God, Sam wants them to meet.). After a few minutes, the conversation turns to dance.
“I always wanted to be a dancer,” Sam says.
“Why didn’t you?”
Sam sighs, the smoke from Eddie’s cigarette surprising him a little bit. He doesn’t care. Not every night looks like this one.
“I don’t know,” he says. “I said I was afraid people would make fun of me, but I think I was just afraid they’d figure out I wasn’t straight, which … I guess I’m just sorry it held me back.”
Eddie nods.
“It’s why I never told anybody my favorite movie is Singin’ in the Rain,” he says. “Guess the only person I was hurting was me.”
“Wanna know a secret?”
“That’s the reason I wanted to be a dancer.”
Eddie smiles like he’s been waiting to hear something like that. He reaches his hand out to hold Sam’s but retracts at the last second. Sam takes his hand, anyway. Doesn’t want him to be afraid. Not right here. Not right now. He lets old songs run through his head.
You are my lucky star … I saw you from afar …
“You know, I wasn’t gonna come to this thing tonight,” Eddie says. “My dad’s been pissed at Linda for as long as I can remember. I was gonna stay home outta … I dunno, solidarity, I guess. But when he said he was going, I thought I better come along, too. You know. Outta solidarity again.”
“Yeah,” Sam says. “My twin sister, she’s Daniel’s wife. That’s why I’m here.”
“Well, then, thank God for Daniel and his wife.”
Sam looks at Eddie for a long time, feeling his face turn red like he’s still a kid trying to keep his crushes under lock and key. But this isn’t like being thirteen and falling in love with Will, who couldn’t love him the same way. This is different. This is promise. This is hope. This is a real person, a real man, and he is holding Sam’s hand. They look around the backyard for family members, for neighbors, for squirrels and sparrows. They’re alone. Better that way. More ... once again, the only word Sam has is grand.
When they finally kiss, the night’s never felt younger.
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atlasdoe · 2 years
Only Survivors - Chapter One
Emmeline centered fic set after the war 
1981 - 1983
I should've known
I'd leave alone
Just goes to show
That the blood you bleed
Is just the blood you owe
/  /
Emmeline Vance had spent the past five years wondering what the first year without the war would look like. She imagined fireworks and parties. She imagined summer evenings getting drunk with her friends and family gatherings every holiday. She looked forwards to all of the weddings that she would attend, and the children she would meet now that everyone's fear of attacks was gone. Sometimes her mind went so far into the perfect war-free world that tears would form in her eyes at the mere thought of having all her loved ones safe and happy. She was so close to happily ever after, all she had to do was hold on for a little while longer and it would come to her.
At least that’s what she thought before Marlene died. Then Caradoc went missing. Then her father and brothers were killed, right before Fabian and Gideon. After them it was Edgar. Then Dorcas. Then Benjy. And finally, James and Lily. 
Never, did Emmeline think that she would be celebrating the end of the war alone. 
But she did. She went to the Leaky Cauldron when she heard the news. Already upon her arrival was the pub packed. She ordered a drink and kept to the bar mostly. Every now and then someone would see her alone and start up a conversation. They'd ask what her plans for life were, how please she was now, and if she wanted to join them for drinks. Her replies were always the same. Just finished my Mediwitch training. I’m delighted. No thank you but have a great night.
She waited to see if anyone else from the Order would turn up, but none of them did. Tom started kicking people out by 3 in the morning and by 3:15 she had found another pub in central London that still had its doors open. She stayed there until 5.
She took the train back home to Birmingham, rather than use wizarding transport. She liked long journeys and appreciated the time to think. She wondered if it was selfish to have celebrated with everyone else that night. Kingsley would’ve been at the Ministry going through the reports of Voldermorts demise and possibly Sirius’ trial if he was even getting one. She thought of Frank and Alice and how they must’ve spent their night together with baby Neville, thanking their lucky stars that it wasn’t them. And Remus, Gods Remus, she couldn't even imagine how he must've been feeling at that moment. She considered going to visit him but decided against it when she remembered that last she had heard Remus was all but missing. For all, she knew he could've been dead. Another loved one that Sirius Black had murdered.
Oh well, she thought numbly. Another one to add to the list I guess.
The next two months were a blur. She didn’t talk to anyone, nobody reached out except for Kingsley. He had sent her a letter a week after the war ended.
My dearest Emmeline,
                                    I’ve been debating about reaching out to you since I heard the news of the end of the war, I’m sorry it took so long but as you can imagine things have been heretic here at the Ministry. Either way, I hope this letter finds you well.
I’ve been thinking that it might do us all a bit of good to remain in touch with as many people as we can. Isolation is a deadly killer and I do not wish for you or anyone else to fall victim to it. I was thinking of planning a night out maybe. Nothing big just a few drinks between you, Gilderoy, Hestia, and I. Get the only gang back together you could say. Raise a glass for the others.
Please write back if you’re interested. If not, take care.
I wish you the very best, you deserve it,
She didn’t reply. But she wanted to, she wish she could. But she didn’t. She just held the letter close to her heart and let the silent tears fall down her face. 
Still, she hoped that Hestia and Gilderoy had got back to Kingsley. Her heart tugged at the thought of Kingsley all alone after being brave enough to take the first step. But to have a Ravenclaw reunion without half of them just felt wrong. 
Emmeline bumped into Pandora in mid-December. She was in Diagon Alley for the first time since the war ended. 
It was exactly like it was before. There were no shops closed because the roof had been blown off, nobody lurking near Knockturn Alley in hopes of hearing something that they shouldn’t, everything was as if there had never been a war at all. She didn’t like that.
Oh, how she wish she could. Emmeline would've done absolutely anything to act as if nothing had ever been wrong. She wished so dearly that she was here with her little brothers, looking for a gift for their father. If they had, they’d stop by Fortescue's where, if she was working, Alice would give them discounted ice cream with her usual beaming smile. Despite the cold, they’d eat it outside and people watch as they decided on a plan of action to which shops they’d visit in which order. As the day went on they’d run into their friends. If Marlene was there then she’d tag along. Marlene would’ve probably had her own younger siblings with her, they’d all accuse Marlene and Emmeline of planning this but they hadn’t. Though they’d act as they had. Jude and Thomas would at some point wander off on their own once they grew tired of all the teasing every time their hands intertwined. Then Marlene and Emmeline would also separate from the group, lying about how they would look for them (as they were in charge, of course, being the eldest and all.)
If The Marauders had chosen this particular day to do their own shopping (and knowing their luck they would’ve) then they’d surely make their way over to the girls purely to annoy them. Remus would offer them chocolate and Peter would ask them how their holidays had been going so far as they all watch James and Sirius complete a series of dares set by the others. 
They might’ve even seen Edgar, who would’ve definitely been there with Amelia, Fabian, and Gideon, and maybe Benjy and Caradoc. Edgar would smile and hug Marlene before greeting Emmelie like he always did. Wrapping his arms around her and kissing her cheek three times as he slightly lifted her off the ground. She would laugh and he would put her down before bringing their lips together, neither of them caring enough to react to the gagging noises that Marlene, Amelia, Fabian, and Gideon would make. 
In every interaction Emmeline would have, her heart would fill just a little bit more. And when she would get home, she’d kiss her father goodnight and fall asleep with a smile on her face; her mind replaying all the moments when she and her friends would thrive in the familiarity of their own. A comfort that Emmeline now feared she would never have again.
If she closed her eyes and really focused, maybe she’d be able to pretend.
Maybe, if she was alone, she would’ve. But there were far too many people around for Emmeline to be having mental breakdowns in the middle of the street.
Pandora had found her just as she was leaving Gringotts. She was not only with Xenophilius but also a baby girl who Pandora had introduced as their daughter, Luna Rose Lovegood, named after Pandora’s younger sister; another victim of the war.
They hadn't had much time to chat, but in the time they did have, they reminded Emmeline of the traditional Ravenclaw Christmas Eve Eve drinks that were held every year. Emmeline was about to decline when a memory of her and Marlene entered her head.
The Christmas Eve Eve drinks were a tradition for former members of Ravenclaw. A way for old classmates to catch up with each other before the holidays. Marlene and Emmeline had both always wanted to go but only managed to attend one until they were temporarily canceled until the war ended. 
“Please come,” Pandora pleaded when she saw Emmeline hesitate to answer. “Everyone has been asking about you Em, you’ve got people worried y’know?”
“I just don’t think I’ll be all that fun to be around right now,” she said, crossing her arms and shaking her head. “I’m a lightweight and when I drink I vent. Trust me nobody wants that.”
Pandora gave her a sad smile and pulled her in for a tight hug, the first hug that Emmeline had had since the end of the war. It took all her willpower to not completely melt in Pandora's grasp and burst into tears. How Pandora still had the power to make her want to spill her guts without saying a single word was beyond her. 
“You’re always welcome. Not only to the drinks but where ever I am. We still live in the same house as before, just pop in at any time,” she pulled away, still holding her by the shoulders, and locked their eyes. She had that motherly look on her face as she said firmly, “I care about you very much Emmeline. I’m always here - Always.”
Emmeline’s lips shook as she nodded. Pandora hugged her again and wished her well. 
She did, in the end, go to the drinks. Pandora had welcomed her with open arms the moment she saw her enter the small pub.
“I’m so glad you could make it,” she beamed holding her close. “I already got you a drink. C’mon, we’re sat over in that corner,” she pointed to a table in the back where Kingsley, Xenophilius, and Hestia were already sat. They waved when they saw her, she tried her best to smile back.
Hestia Jones was always someone Emmeline was unsure about. She was her and Marlene's roommate in school, but she spent much more time outside of the dorm than inside. Mostly because she and Marlene didn't get along. 
Emmeline couldn't remember when their rivalry began but over their years at Hogwarts Marlene and Hestia had probably said more horrid things to each other than they did nice. 
Emmeline had always been the middle man. It was clear to everyone involved that she was Marlene's friend first and foremost but she never took anything out on Hestia. She never had anything against her, in fact, Emmeline was usually the one pleading Hestia's case most of the time. If it wasn't for Emmeline then Marlene would've never put Hestia on the Quidditch team in ‘76. But Hestia didn't know that, and they had never really been friends.
Despite this, Hestia's smile was still wide as Emmeline approached them. She acted as if there was never any conflict between the two of them ever, and Emmeline guessed she was right, it didn't make it any less weird though.
The first hour or so was spent talking about anything other than the war. Multiple people came to their table to catch up and take pictures but none of the five ever went looking for anyone themselves. However, Emmeline quickly learned that with her and Kingsley as members of the Order of the Pheonix most people found themselves putting them on some sort of podium for actively fighting in the war. After that, it was easy to figure out who exactly needed to be at the bar to get drinks brought for them. 
In total Emmeline had fifteen drinks brought for her that night (Kinglsye twenty.) She was on her fourth when the war was finally brought up.
“Did you ever find out what happened to Caradoc?” Was the question that brought the conversation of war up, asked by Pandora who Emmeline was sure wouldn’t be asking so casually if she was sober. 
(When Emmeline thought about it when she got home that night she remembered how close Pandora had been with Caradoc and figured it was a question she had been dying to ask all night.)
“No, we never found out,’ Kingsley answered. “He’s presumed dead, but there was no body to bury.”
“There was also no family to bury it,” Emmeline added in a mumble. “Parents were killed weren't they?”
Kingsley nodded while Pandora sighed, leaning back in her chair. “It would’ve been nice for Benjy to have the closure though.”
Emmeline shook her head, “Would’ve done him no good. He didn’t die long after that.”
“A month,” Kingsley supplied. “A week after Dorcas.”
“Still,” Pandora continued. “Maybe things would’ve been different if he knew.”
They were silent for a second and Emmeline thought that the subject would be changed. But after quickly drinking all of what was her fifth drink she realized that this would probably be the only opportunity she got to properly discuss everything that had happened, and get any answers that she needed. So she asked the question that had been on her mind for months.
“Is Remus dead?” she asked bluntly.
Hestia, Pandora, and Xenophilius all turned to look at Kinglsey who shook his head but kept his eyes on his glass. “No, he isn’t dead.”
“I thought Black had killed him,” Xenophilius commented.
Kingsley finally looked up and finished his drink. “You and everyone else in the fucking wizarding world - Nah, Black didn’t kill him… Not physically anyway.”
“Have you seen him?”
He nodded, “Briefly… We had him come into the ministry for questioning. Y’know with Black and all it could’ve been possible that he knew something that we didn’t.”
Emmeline nodded along as he spoke, her chin now resting in her hand as she held onto his every word. “People in the Order thought he was a spy,” she said, remembering the arguments that had gone on during some of the Order's last days. Nobody trusted anyone, and with Remus constantly going in and out it seemed like the only person to trust him was Dorcas. Even the Marauders were keeping their distance.
Kingsey nodded again, “Apparently we worried for nothing,” he told them, anger filling up his voice slightly. “Dumbledore knew what he was doing the entire time. He just never told anyone.”
Hestia’s face scrunched up when he said that. “Why wouldn’t he tell anyone?” she questioned. “If Dumbledore had been honest about Remus then maybe someone would’ve been able to spot the differences in Black.”
Kingsley only shrugged before getting up. “I need another drink,” he announced. “What’s everyone getting?” 
They all gave him their orders and he left to the already crowded bar.
Once he had left Emmeline wasted no time with her next question. “Do you reckon Mary knows? Do you know if she’s come back yet?”
Mary MacDonald, a Gryffindor in the year below Emmeline, was a dear friend to most of the Order. She was a muggleborn and after she was attacked in her fourth year at Hogwarts became very active in muggle's rights. In 1979 she was set to join the Order with the rest of them but sadly didn't make it past her first mission.
Emmeline was on the mission with her. The two of them, along with Lily, Alice, Marlene, and Dorcas, were sent to Lestrange manor to save a family of muggles who was being held captive there. This family of muggles in particular were relatives of the current Minister of Magic and freeing them was anything but a walk in the park.
They had failed the mission and the family had been killed right in front of them. If it wasn’t for Dorcas’ quick thinking the witches would’ve never made it out alive themselves. They had gotten too cocky and because of it, four innocent lives were lost. They all took it to heart, but none like Mary.
Emmeline had never seen anyone truly break down before that night. She hadn’t known what to do when Mary fell to the floor of the Orders headquarters screaming and sobbing as she clung to Marlene like she was some sort of life jacket. 
It was possibly one of the most heartbreaking sights she had ever witnessed, and the stuttered gasps that left Mary's mouth were more warning of how hard this war was going to be than Dumbeldore had ever given them. 
Marlene and Lily took her into the other room for privacy and when they came out they told the others that Mary had decided to not officially join the Order. The news left everyone on edge. Mary was the best of them, she was confident and proud and fearless. Mary was braver than any one of them, she was Gryffindor's lioness, to see her cower away was something that nobody was ever expecting and her departure caused more members to question how far they were really willing to go for the war. 
Emmeline wasn’t surprised when Marlene told her that she was one of those people. Marlene was a lot of things, protective, clever, and the strongest person Emmeline knew. But a fighter she was not. If Marlene was seeking justice she was making signs, having important conversations, and preaching rights. She wasn’t dueling strangers and she definitely wasn’t putting everything she held dear on the line because an old guy told her that it was the only way. Marlene wanted to find another way, and she could’ve - if Mary had never sent out those goddamn letters.
She had sent out five. One to James, one to Lily, one to Dirk, one to Remus, and one to Marlene. Emmeline didn’t get to read any of them in full but from what she gathered they all said around the same thing.
I’m leaving the wizarding world. I refuse to put my family in danger. I love you. I will be back once Voldermort is gone.
Upon hearing the news Emmeline had been fearful that Marlene would follow, but instead, she had done the opposite and decided that the sooner the war was over the sooner Mary would come back.
Marlene had pledged her allegiance to the Order the next day.
And now it had been almost two months since the end of the war, and Mary still hadn't come back.
“She must’ve heard,” Hestia said. “It wasn’t like anyone was trying to hide it. There were reports on the muggle news about shooting stars and owls, only an idiot wouldn’t have figured it out.”
“But maybe Mary didn’t see the news,” Xenophilius added. “Did she say where she went?”
All three girls shook their heads. Xenophilius nodded and took another swig of his drink.
“I don’t think she would’ve stayed in England,” Pandora said. “Or anywhere in the UK for that fact. There's no point in running away when the death eaters were attacking up and down the country.”
“Could she have gone to Ireland?”
“No,” Emmeline responded quickly. “No, Ireland wouldn’t be safe. Marlene was from Ireland and she was killed in her childhood home.”
“Who did kill Marlene?” Hestia asked suddenly. 
Emmeline looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. “I don’t know,” she told her in a small voice. “I was never told. I didn’t want to know in all honesty… Didn’t want to do something stupid.”
Hestia let out a small chuckle, “Well that didn’t stop Dorcas did it? From what I heard at least.”
Emmeline’s eyes hardened as Pandora's hand reached out to hold her knee. She was asking her to bite her tongue, to let it go, and maybe if Marlene and Dorcas were alive she would’ve. But neither of them had given their lives to the war for a prat like Hestia Jones to make jokes about it.
“Bold of you to laugh about a war you didn’t fight in,” she said as calmly as she could muster. Emmeline had never liked conflict, she could feel her heart beating out of her chest already. Still, she went on. “Remind me again why you chose to just sit by and watch the world go up in flames.”
Hestia didn’t look phased; like she had been expecting it. “Because I’m not an idiot who will do anything Dumbledore will say,” she said simply.
Emmeline opened her mouth to respond, but Hestia wasn’t done there.
“I understand that some people are so scared of being irrelevant that they will join a war just to make their lives interesting, but unlike you, Vance, I don't need a thumbs up from the Ministry to make me feel good about myself. Because later on tonight while you’re still here finishing off all those drinks you got brought for you I will be home with my very much alive family and friends thanking all the gods above that we didn’t let our egos get us killed.”
Neither girl hesitated when they saw the other move. They both stood up, pushing the table slightly towards each other. Emmeline didn't know if she wanted to hex or hit Hestia, but unfortunately, she didn't get a chance to do either as the moment they stood, Kingsley came back with the drinks.
“You two better not be leaving,” he joked. “These drinks just coast that gentlemen at the bar 15 galleons.”
“No,” Hestia said confidently before sitting back down. “I’m not leaving.”
“Neither am I,” Emmeline added, also sitting down but much more slowly.
“...Okay then,” Kingsley drew out clearly sensing the tension. He put the drinks on the table and also sat down, keeping his usual smile stitched onto his face. “What are we talking about?”
Pandora didn't miss a beat, “Barty Crouch,” she said, quickly adding, “Jr. Have you heard anything on him?”
Emmeline took note of how Pandora’s voice lifted slightly, her eyes were wide as Kingsley shook his head. “No. Why? Should we?”
“Yeah, wasn’t he friends with a bunch of death eaters?” Hestia butted in.
Hex her. Emmeline wanted to hex her. With a really good one too.
Pandora shook her head vigorously as Xenophilius took her hand from beneath the table. “I was friends with him during school, wasn’t I? Was just checking that he was okay, he’s been… quiet.”
“Probably to do with his father,” Kingsley replied and a cheerful tone. “He’s starting up at the Ministry for the new year.”
“But he was friends with a bunch of death eaters,” Hestia repeated. “Shouldn’t you look into that?”
Kingsley shrugged, “I don’t see why. He was a Slytherin he was bound to make friends with death eaters. That doesn’t mean that he’s one, just look at Dorcas and Benjy.”
“Yeah, but Dorcas and Benjy had friends outside of their house, from what I know Barty didn’t.”
“Barty did,” Pandora snapped, her face going bright red. “Barty had me.”
Hestia rolled her eyes but backed off.
They had changed the subject after that, never even mentioning the war again until Hestia, Pandora and Xenophilius had left. Kingsley and Emmeline had attempted to leave at least twice each but every time they went to standup yet another person would come up to them offering to buy them a drink.
It was one in the morning when they finally managed to get out, and despite them heading separate ways, Kingsley insisted on walking her home. 
They walked in silence for the most part, until Emmeline spoke up. 
“Do you regret it?” She asked as they entered her street. “Joining the Order.”
Kingsley shook his head without hesitation, “I helped take down one of the darkest wizards the world has ever seen. I prevented so many deaths that it would be selfish of me to want to take any of it back.” 
Emmeline took his answer to heart. 
Maybe that was why she didn't tell Dumbledore to fuck off when he called her into his office on New Year's eve.
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the-witching-ash · 3 months
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@randomestfandoms-ocs This’ll be all over the place and probably not cover everyone but I’ll give as many headcanons as I can. 🥺 (this is getting to long so I’m going to put Fabian-Tiara in a second post 😅)
Andrew & Ani
First of all Andrew loves all ten of their siblings, he’ll never say it out loud but Ani is his favorite.
Andrew and Rose really want Carlos off the isle as much as Ani does.
Once Aziz & Ani are public, Andrew definitely gets the “protective brother” speech from him.
Andrew & Griffin & Viatrix
They all bond over being some of the few non-royals at Auradon?
Cillian & Elise:
Siblings siblings siblings he loves his big sister so much 🥺
He likes Evie the best out of the core four VK’s, he’s absolutely rooting for Elise to date her in the background
He absolutely wants to know if he has her approval if/when he ever works up the courage to ask Jane out.
Cillian & Topher
Sorry not sorry Chad but Topher is Cillian’s favorite brother
Same with Elise, he’d absolutely want to know if he has Topher’s approval if/when he ever works up the courage to ask Jane out.
He already loves horses, but he joins the equestrian club when he starts at Auradon prep because of Topher being in it?
He just wants Topher to be happy 🥺
Almeria & Harmony
Almeria has very vague memories of Harmony from the times the mermaids visited Ariel & Eric’s kingdom before she disappeared, but still recognizes her by name when she arrives with the VK’s?
Edmund & Alina
Look I know this list is supposed to be platonic but ship ship ship
That’s it head empty vibes
Edmund and Blossom
Besties Besties Besties
*Listen* Edmund is also best friends with Ben, butvthinks he’s stupid & desperately wants him to just realize he’s in love with her.
He thinks Blossom would make a much better future Queen of Auradon then Audrey
Edmund Chad’s roommate and did the most work out of anyone in helping him write his big “your in love with each other” speech
Edmund & Fitz & Finley
Look I just know these three used to be inseparable when they where little before Beast sent Finley to the Isle.
Ben maybe one of his bestfriend’s, but he never fully forgives Beast for sending Finley away.
Idk if they’re fully platonic or a future thing™️ but Edmund & Fitz are roommates?
Ben tells him he’s bringing Finley off the Isle & back home when they’re working on the degree to get the VK’s off the isle. Edmund cries.
Edmund does not get the interest in Tourney but he goes to every game to support Fitz (Also Ben and Chad, but mostly Fitz.)
Edmound & Griffin & Viatrix
Idk just little siblings/older brother energy?
Envy & Beatrice
don’t ask me about how this works or how their diffrent races I’m not doing dealing with logistics.
Beatrice & Ben know the Enchantess has a child on the Isle, she was one of the first ones they agreed on should come to Auradon
Envy doesn’t know she has magic until she gets off the isle, Beatrice offers to teach her how to get better control.
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sibunaranks · 3 years
HOA Characters and the pets they would have....
Nina - It’s confirmed Nina had Guinea Pigs when she was little named Bubbles and Squeak. I totally love this for her as I too was a guinea pig owner. I could see Nina being pretty pet free until she has children. When she does have children I could see her getting two more guinea pigs for her kids as family pets. She suggests some Egyptian names but is shot down and they end up with the name “Lovie” and “Cuddles” . She likes how sweet and calm they are and forgot just how much she loved them. 
Fabian - Fabian’s family never had the most money, and what they did had went to things more important than a pet. Despite proving how responsible he was, he was never given a pet. He ends up making his own Pet rock named Albert. He brings it to Amun and is immediately made fun of for it. He tells everyone he threw Albert away but secretly he’s in the back of his sock drawer. Fabian never grows up to have any other pets due to his devotion to his work. 
Amber - It is confirmed Amber had a Dalmation named Precious. She got Precious for her birthday and loved her dearly. Amber also has the cat in the house for a while. Amber stumbles upon an adoption event later in life and spots a cat that looks just like the one she cared for at Anubis. She adopts her and names her Victoria after Victoria Beckham and loves the cat. She loves her so much in fact she makes her her own Instagram account. 
Alfie - Alfie was never allowed a pet with such strict parents. He was also allergic (confirmed) to cats and dogs which did not help his case. He’s pretty much allergic to anything with fur. He and Willow each get fish when they go to college and he realizes caring for animals is a lot of work (Willow is a god-sent for always checking with him that his fish is fed). He names his fish Sparky to match Willow’s fish’s name (listed below). Later in life he gets a bearded dragon as a good solution to his allergies and enjoys him very much. He names him Houdini after his love of magic and even includes him in some tricks. 
Willow - Willow wished for cocker spaniels to talk because her family had one. She was an old dog but Willow loved her dog Lucy very much. Willow had a fish tank full of exotic fish with amazing colors as a kid, and was very good at caring for them. She is the one to show Alfie how to care for a fish in college when they get matching fish and names her Sparkles. Willow eventually gets a parrot, loving their colors and spends her whole life with her beloved bird Sunny. 
Patricia - Patricia and Piper’s parents decided they’d get their daughters a pair of kittens when they were around 9 years old. Piper was more excited than Patricia but Patricia grew to adore the cat. Both were black cats who were brother and sister. Piper got the girl and named her Viola after the new instrument she was dabbling in. Patricia named her’s (the boy cat) Salem, thinking a witchy name was fitting for the goth girl. She is totally a cat person and gets multiple cats later in her life naming them all after witchy things (Jinkx,Voodoo,and Hex to name a few) and to honor her first cat even though they aren’t all black cats. (She also still has her invisible dog sniffles but she won’t tell anyone about that)
Eddie - Eddie had a dog growing up. His name was Rex and he died a few years before Eddie came to Anubis. Rex was a big dog mutt Eddie got to pick out from the shelter as a young boy, his mom thinking it would help fill the hole that was left by his father leaving. He of course also co-owns all of Patricia’s future cats and loves them but is forever a dog lover due to his first pet. As soon as him and Patricia’s kids start asking for a dog he jumps on board and they wear her down. They let the kids go to the shelter, just like Eddie had, that being important to him and they pick out a Pittie-mix and name him Sammy. Sammy gets along really well with the whole family include the current cat. Sammy even wears down Patricia and while she still prefers cats likes her new dog too. 
Mick - This man can barley take care of himself. He had a fish once and it died soon after. He avoids pets due to this and isn’t even that big of a fan of animals to begin with anyways. Pets don’t seem to like him anyways. Fabian suggested he try a rock but he shut that down quickly. Amber suggested he get a low maitentence plant but even something as low maitenence as a cactus was killed by his hands. bringing it up just makes him mad. He thinks it’s like a curse he can’t care for things.
Mara - Mara has let down (confirmed) her big cute dog! She takes let down with her to college as she lives off campus in her Sophmore year. When let down dies she takes it really hard and begins to volunteer at the local shelter. She ends up adopting multiple dogs throughout her life. Big, small, old, young. She claims that dogs don’t let you down, and so always having one (sometimes she even has two) is important. Not to mention the scientific benefits for humans owning a dog.
Joy - Joy adopts a pair of bunny’s at the fair one year. She names them Romeo and Juliet and loves them more than life. She has social media for them and is a huge advocate for free roaming your bunnies. She even has leashes she takes them outside on. She spends more time on them then most other things. 
Jerome - Jerome has a family cat (semi-confirmed) . It’s really Poppy’s cat she had found out in the bushes by the family home. She names her Fluffy and is her best friend. Fluffy however dislikes Jerome for some unknown reason. He tries to tell his family the cat is evil but they don’t believe him despite the scratch marks. Poppy wouldn’t care regardless. Jerome said he wouldn’t ever get anything with claws again and he never did. He’s not big on animals. 
KT - KT goes back to America and her and her girlfriend live in a tiny farm house. KT has a horse, having ridden as a child, that she named Robby after her great grandfather. She also has some chickens and a collie her girlfriend named June (after both pride month and the month they got her). It’s small and quaint and KT loves it as it’s a nice medium to her girlfriend’s country roots and her suburban roots to just meet in the middle. 
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wonder-womans-ex · 3 years
Curtain Call
Act One, Scene Eight 
“I’m home!” Sirius calls, unlocking the door. 
It takes a few seconds, but then, “In here!” comes James’s voice from the living room. 
(‘Living room’ is probably a bit of a stretch, really, because ‘living room’ implies that there are also other rooms, and the fact of the matter is that they have two bedrooms and then a kitchen with a couch and a TV in one half and a table in the other.) (James is, evidently, in the designated couch half of the kitchen.) (Sirius had originally suggested calling it the ‘lounge,’ and it is a sad sign of how determined James is to grow up at least partially that this suggestion did not become a reality.)
Bending down to unlace his combat boots, he shrugs his backpack off and leaves it there on top of James’s checkered Vans and a pair of black sneakers he doesn’t recognize but probably belongs to him. 
He walks past the fridge, glances at the schedule held up by the J and S magnets they got from Peter when they moved into the apartment, and makes a mental note that he has his first rehearsal for Oliver tonight. 
“What’cha watching?” he begins, noticing the flicker of the TV screen, and then stops dead. 
There are a few moments of silence before Sirius grabs one of Elvendork’s catnip mice off the floor and chucks it at his younger brother. “You fucker!”
Regulus sits up from where his head had previously been resting on James’s lap. “Hello to you, too, Sirius.”
“You came to visit! And you didn’t tell me!” 
“In my defense, I didn’t even know I was coming until, like, ten this morning. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision.” 
“Hey, they didn’t tell me, either. Just showed up at the door an hour or two ago, knocking like their life depended on it. I thought it was the police coming to tell me you’d been arrested. Or found dead in a ditch.”
“Shut up, James,” Sirius says, rolling his eyes. “Of course they didn’t tell you—I’m his brother.”
“Well, I’m the love of his life.” 
Regulus buries their face in James’s shoulder. “Why did I tell you that?” he groans, and Sirius glances between the two of them, blinking. 
“Wait. Are you two—”
“No,” they say in unison, which clears up absolutely nothing.
“...I think I’m missing something.” 
“You’re definitely missing something.”
(Yes, but what?)
He watches nervously as a significant look passes between them. It’s a conversation, really, but instead of words everything is communicated with eyebrow raises (mostly Regulus) and exaggerated winks (all James). 
Finally, Regulus lets out a huff of breath. “All right,” they say. “Fine!” 
James protests when Regulus climbs off the couch—not at the climbing off the couch part, but because he takes the blanket with him. The two stick their tongues out at each other, and Sirius feels his heart swell. He loves them both so fucking much, and he’s never been so glad that Reg managed to get out of that house, too. He’s not sure what he’d do without his little brother. 
The walk in silence towards Sirius’s bedroom, and Regulus immediately jumps onto the bed once the door is opened. They bounce slightly when their body hits the springy mattress, and they flop over onto their back to stare at the ceiling. 
“I came out to James,” he says, not bothering with pleasantries or preamble. Regulus never has been one for that—straight and to the point is the only way they really know how to do anything. 
“You dated James.” Tact, Sirius, he reprimands himself immediately inside his head. Just because your brother is a conversation heathen you don’t necessarily have to stoop to their levels. 
“Yes, I know I dated James. But… I’m not gay.” 
“Okay.” Sirius pauses, waiting to see if Regulus is going to elaborate further. They don’t, so he prompts, “Do you know what you are?”
(So they’re doing this the hard way, are they? All right—Sirius can work with that.)
“I’m not gay,” Regulus says again. “I’m not pan or bi or any of those things. I’m… I’m asexual. And aromantic.” 
Sirius blinks. He takes this in. He nods. 
He says something that, in fifteen years, he will look back on and want to dunk his head in very cold water for. “But… James.”
“James.” Regulus nods, sighing heavily. “James is different. I don’t know how to explain it—I don’t love him anymore. But… I did. I used to. And I haven’t felt like that about anyone else, well, ever. Yeah.”
Before Sirius can say anything, Regulus starts talking again. “It’s like—what was it you used to say? In high school? ‘Having a crush on James Potter doesn’t make you gay. It makes you human.’ I loved James, but that doesn’t make me allo. Make sense?”
“Yeah. Wait, actually, one thing—so, James is the only person you’re ever loved? Romantically?” 
“Uh huh.”
“And you told him this?”
Regulus brings his hands up, covering his face. “I know. It was a mistake, okay? I should have known it would only inflate his ego even more. I feel like an idiot.”
“Yeah, because you are an idiot.” Sirius reaches over, swatting them on the shoulder. “But at least you’re not as big of an idiot as the guy who knowingly and willingly flirted with his ex today.”
“Mm hmm. But that’s a story for another time.” Smirking, Sirius glances over his shoulder before beginning to walk backwards out of the room. 
“You fucker!” 
Reg chases him all the (admittedly very short) way back to where James is sprawled on the couch, clearly making good use of his friends’ absence. Finally, Sirius can see what’s playing on the TV—it’s Ocean’s Eleven, and it’s already at least a good half hour in. He and Regulus look at each other, identical smirks etched onto their faces. Together, they jump, and James yelps. 
“Oh, don’t be such a baby,” Regulus tells him jokingly, and there comes a muffled groan from where James’s face is smashed into the pillows. 
Sirius makes sure that James can actually breathe before he starts to make himself comfortable. He’s perched on the small of James’s back; Regulus is settled in the gap between James’s feet. 
“Is this really,” James laments, “how you want to treat your best friend?”
“Yes,” Sirius says, and smothers a laugh. 
“And you, Reggie—have you no respect for the love of your life?”
Regulus pretends to think for a moment, then, “No,” they say. 
The muscles in James’s back tense suddenly, but Sirius doesn’t think much of it. He should, really, because barely an instant later, James heaves himself over, tipping both Black brothers onto the floor. 
“Ouch,” Sirius says, pouting. “My ass hurts.”
Regulus has an unbelievably shit-eating grin on their face. “Loser.” 
“I thought you were on my side!”
“I’m on no one’s side but my own.” 
This is a mistake, and Regulus knows it. His eyes widen when James and Sirius look at each other, nodding, and lunge forward. There is only one weakness to Regulus Arcturus Black, and the two of them know it better than anyone else in the world. 
Because Regulus may be coolly confident with a sharp sense of humour, but they are also extremely ticklish. Their shrieks and laughs are interrupted by the occasional ‘No!’ or ‘Mercy!,’ but it does nothing to quench Sirius and James’s combined ruthlessness. They are unstoppable, and Regulus can do nothing to beat them. 
George Clooney is shouting about something onscreen, but the three young men tussling pay him no mind. The movie plays on, forgotten, and Sirius lets himself forget—just for a moment—that Remus or heartbreak or that fucking writing class exist at all. 
“So,” James says through a mouthful of chow mein, “How was the class?”
“It was good.”
Regulus raises an eyebrow. “‘Good?’ You sound like a kid coming home from school to overly inquisitive parents.”
“Yeah, ‘cause you’d know all about that.” 
“Fuck off, they didn’t talk to you, either.”’
“Go on, Sirius,” James breaks in. “How was it?”
“It was better than last week, at least. Worse, too, I guess, but then it was better.”
He’s glad for the excuse to. He needs to talk to someone, and therapy’s an obvious no because he doesn’t have the money and also he has a bad track record of scaring therapists away on the first session, so James and Regulus are kind of the only options. (He’s not kidding anyone. He’s been dying to tell the two of them, specifically, for like forever, but Regulus hasn’t visited in ages.) “Well, I found out why Remus broke up with me. And then I met up with his friends at Frankie’s, and apparently they’re my friends now, too, which is cool, because at the moment my only friends are, well, you guys. Oh, and I helped set Marlene up with a girl.” 
There is a pause as both Regulus and James look at him, taking in this information. “Okay,” James says. “Do I want you to tell me more?”
Sirius pokes at his rice with one chopstick. “I dunno.”
“I—um—you mentioned you made some new friends?” continues James. Regulus stifles a laugh, and Sirius has to admit that the phrase ‘make some new friends’ sounds more fitting for a conversation with a grade three than a university student. “What are they like?” 
“Well, there’s Dorcas—the one who’s into Marlene—and she’s, like, the most extroverted extrovert to ever extrovert. Then there’s Frank, who doesn’t talk much, and Mary, who talks even less, but Mary’s got dyed hair so she’s all right, I guess. Alice is pretty cool, too, and then there’s Lily, who’s pretty but terrifying. Oh, and Fabian, who seems to be allergic to not being a nice person, and Caradoc, who I’m almost positive is related to Angelia Jolie because his cheekbones are just that sharp. And Remus, of course, but I’m sure I’ve told you guys enough about him to last a lifetime.” 
When he’s met by only silence, he scrambles for something to say. “They all strike me as the kind of people who would wear ‘gay rights’ t-shirts unironically, which is sort of my only prerequisite when it comes to friendship. Our resident emo not included, of course, because I would never want to force them into anything that isn’t some sort of My Chemical Romance merchandise.”
Regulus looks down at the shirt he’s currently wearing—it’s got the American Beauty/American Psycho album cover on the front—and then back up at Sirius. “Actually, this is Fall Out Boy.”
“Same difference.”
“How dare you.” 
Laughing, James spears another piece of broccoli and gestures with it between the two of them. “Reg, you can’t exactly blame him for his ignorance around your obsolete music tastes.”
“Says the guy who listens to the fucking Monkees—” 
“Fuck off! The Monkees were an icon; a legend—”
“The Monkees are trash.” 
“You’re trash!”
“Whoa, there,” Sirius breaks in. “I dodged a bullet when my only two friends in the world had a friendly breakup instead of an unfriendly one, and the last thing I want is to find out that that bullet is actually a boomerang.” 
Regulus groans. “Okay, first of all, we’ve always spent like fifty percent of our time arguing about music, even while we were dating—which you’d know if you hadn’t started avoiding the two of us like the plague the instant we got together.”
“Shots fired,” James says under his breath, but he’s immediately silenced by a glare from Regulus. 
“Secondly—and more importantly—if you ever make another analogy remotely like that one, I will hurt you. Are we clear?”
“Crystal,” Sirius assures them, but he’s struggling to hold back laughter. 
There’s a pause, and then Regulus crosses his arms, pouting. “What?” 
“You’re laughing.”
“Because you’re funny.”
“I’m not funny!”
“You’re cute.”
“I am not cute!”
“Yes, you are!”
Regulus turns on James once more. “James, am I cute?” Clearly, they think better of this, because they quickly add, “Wait, no, don’t answer that.”
“See, you’re cute! And you know it!”
“I give up!”
Sirius sits back in his chair. “You’ve lost, Reg. Admit it. And then get me a fortune cookie.”
“All right. Fine. I’ve lost. But I hope your fortune cookie tells you you’re going to get struck by lightning tomorrow.”
“Sweet; maybe I’ll get cool powers.”
“It doesn’t work like that, moron.”  
“Whatever you say.” 
For a moment, he thinks he’ll have to get the fortune cookies himself, because Reg isn’t going to, but then his little brother stands up and reaches into the brown paper bag on the counter. “Here,” they say, tossing the cookie at Sirius’s head. 
James gets a cookie, too, but his is placed on the table in front of him, not at all a threat to his health, well-being, and quite possibly his life. Sirius points this out, labeling it ‘favouritism,’ but Regulus only takes a bite of his cookie and calls him dramatic. 
“You first,” James says, nodding at Regulus, causing Sirius to gasp in betrayal. The other two pay him no mind, however, and Regulus clears his throat. 
“You will,” they say, “come into fair fortune or good will in the near future.” 
Almost immediately, James starts clapping. It’s tradition—after a fortune cookie reading comes the raucous applause. For them, it’s half the fun of ordering Chinese food. 
“All right, my turn.” James squints at the slip of paper in his hands. He holds it up to the light, and then, “Something will happen soon that will change how you look at the world.”
This time, Sirius and Regulus know to wait before they applaud. James always adds something funny after his fortunes, and they’re curious to see what it is he’ll come up with this time. 
“What,” he says, after a brief moment of thought, “will my glasses prescription change or something?”
Sirius looks at Regulus, and they both laugh as they clap. It’s cheesy, entirely too predictable, and basically the most James thing possible. Neither of them knows what really caused them to want to befriend James all those years ago in—oh fuck, it was grade four, wasn’t it?—but it sure as hell wasn’t his sense of humour. 
“Sirius?” It’s said like a question, and Sirius is quick to answer. “On it, Reg,” he says, and breaks his cookie in half with both hands. (Well, he says ‘half;’ it’s really more like a quarter and then the other three.)
He reads out his lucky numbers first, without even looking at the fortune itself—that’s his tradition; he’s the only one of the three of them who does it. “Three, thirteen, seventeen, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, forty.” 
“Isn’t that, like, the fifth time in a row you’ve gotten thirteen?” Regulus says. “That’s gotta mean something.”
“Shut up,” Sirius tells them, and finally he lets his eyes find the tiny lettering that is his fortune. 
Without letting himself hear the words in his head first, he reads them out loud. “You have forgiven easily in the past; it is time to do so again.”
There’s a silence. What is this? It’s not a fortune; it’s a statement. Advice, maybe, but even that’s stretching it a little.
“Well.” James says, and claps, Regulus following quickly after, but Sirius can tell it’s strained. They’re all obviously thinking about the same thing—Remus. 
Somewhere in his head, he knows that this doesn’t necessarily mean anything. It’s a fortune cookie, after all—what does it know? But… maybe it does mean something. He’s not sure which he’s hoping for. 
Seemingly just for something to say, James asks, “Don’t you have rehearsal tonight?”
Sirius is, in a way, glad for the excuse to stand up. “Yeah,” he says, “at seven-thirty—which is twenty minutes from now—so I should probably get going.”
“Probably,” agrees Regulus, as they begin to clear the table. “Need a ride?”
“Nah, I can take the bus,” Sirius begins, and then stops. “Wait, why are you offering? You don’t have a car.”
“Reg, is there something you aren’t telling me?” 
“You have a car?”
“I mean, technically it’s a rental, so no, but—”
“Whatever.” Sirius doesn’t need to hear any more. “Yes, please, take me to rehearsal.”
James makes a noise of protest. “What, and leave me here alone?” 
“Yes, James; you can survive on your own. You’re an adult.”
“I don’t feel like one.”
“Or act like one,” Sirius adds under his breath, which earns him a definitive not helping look from Regulus. 
“You’ll be fine as long as you don’t burn the house down. Goodbye.”
Sirius grabs his script and his blue hoodie with the picture of a rubber duck on it from his bedroom, and when he walks back through the kitchen to the front door, Regulus looks him up and down once and hands him his backpack. 
The only sound that accompanies their walk down the hall and subsequent elevator ride is the faint jingling of the key ring in Regulus’s hand. It’s not until they’re in the car and pulling out of the parking lot that Regulus says, “And you’re all right with this?”
“All right with what?”
“Me being… you know.”
“A total asshole? No. Aroace? Yeah, of course. I’m your brother. I’m here for you, Reg.”
“Thanks, I guess.”
(Sirius ignores the ‘I guess.’) “Is James cool about it? Because if he isn’t, I’ll kick his ass.”
“No, he’s fine. He’s great. He made a couple jokes about himself having raised my expectations so much I could never be with anyone else, but that’s just James.” 
“That’s just James,” Sirius repeats. “And you know that you can always talk to me, right? If anyone tries to mess with your head?”
“Yeah. Now, enough about me. Let’s talk about the guy who ‘knowingly and willingly flirted with his ex’ earlier.”
Damn. He’s hoped Regulus had forgotten about that. 
For a moment, Sirius is trapped between the want to stubbornly refuse and the need to actually talk about his feelings. He settles on the latter, but not until they’re close enough to the rec centre where rehearsals are held that he knows he can hop out of the car and walk the rest of the way if need be. “He’s just… he’s everything, you know?
“And I know that he doesn’t want to get back together, and I know that we really shouldn’t even if he did. But he’s Remus. And I’m constantly flip-flopping back and forth between wanting to be his friend because we’ll never be anything more than that, and…”
“And what?”
“Being so in love with him it hurts.”
Regulus glances away from the road ahead for a split second, eyes flickering over Sirius's face, their expression unreadable. “Sounds like a you problem,” they say finally. 
“Not helping.”
“I just—my eyes basically turn to hearts whenever I look at him, but it also hurts, you know? Because he broke up with me, obviously, but also because today I found out that the reason he broke up with me was that he kissed someone else, so obviously that’s kind of shitty, and I don’t know how to feel about any of this because he’s basically the nicest person in the world, and can one mistake really change who a person is? But he also hasn’t tried to make up or anything, and we’re apparently pretending we’ve never met, and did I mention he’s got a fucking tattoo of the Sirius constellation that he never told me about, and… this is my stop.”
Regulus pulls over, wincing a little as the tire grates against the curb, and then turns to meet Sirius’s gaze. “So, it sounds like you’re not in a great place right now,” he says. “And I get that. You know this goes both ways, right? You can always talk to me, too.”
“I know. Love you.” He grabs his backpack, making sure it’s got everything he needs in it—phone, script, highlighter and pencil for notes and directions, bottle of red Gatorade—and closes the door. 
The window rolls down slightly, and Sirius watches his own reflection disappear with it and be replaced by his brother’s faint smile. “Love you, too,” Regulus says, and then he is gone.
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grasslandgirl · 2 years
pleaseeee director's commentary on the figbian lounge singer au
i simply think figfabian is an underutilized and underappreciated dynamic!!! do i think they'd ever happen in canon? no. do i WANT them to happen in canon? NO. do i think its a fun relationship through which to explore au ideas and characterization? YEAH!!
the incredible thing about this fic is that my dear darling beloved friend jamie @gilears is WILDLY talented at book binding and offered to bind my big bang fic i wrote this year, and when they mailed me that fic, they also mailed me a surprise- a tiny bound copy of my figfabian lounge singer au. when i tell you its one of my alltime prized possessions. its SO beautiful and SO well constructed and she put in little illustrations of a piano and a couple dancing at the very beginning and the very end and. SWOON! SOB! WEEP! its one of the best things i own and it blew me out of the water to recieve bc i didnt even KNOW jamie had READ THE FIC IN THE FIRST PLACE. anyway. i just wanted to flex and cheer about my good dear friend their kind wonderful gift <3
this is one of my FAVORITE passages from the fic: (fabian adaine ALSO an underappreciated dynamic, both platonically and romantically, but that's a post for another time iykyk)
Fabian pressed a kiss to the top of Adaine’s head as he passed her to grab his phone and wallet off his dresser. “Thanks, Addy,” he muttered, avoiding eye contact, “I, uh, thank you.”
“Of course.” He could hear the smile in her voice, soft and gentle and warm. “You’re like my brother, I’m not just going to let you have a crush-break down alone. You’d eat all my ice cream by yourself.”
Fabian scoffed, “It wasn’t a break down, Adaine. It was- whatever. I’m the cool older brother, and I’ll eat all the ice cream if I want to.”
“It’s my ice cream!” Adaine argued, laughing.
“It’s our ice cream, Adaine, I’m entitled to my fair share of it.”
“Fair share,” Adaine muttered disbelievingly under her breath, “you ate two full pints.”
“Fiiine,” Fabian groaned, “I’ll pick up more after work, happy?”
Adaine jumped off his bed and brushed past him into the hall, hip checking him as she did. “So long as it’s the butter pecan I like and none of your weird rose petal and chardonnay shit, yeah, I’ll be happy.”
Fabian rolled his eyes at her retreating back, but couldn’t keep the smile off his face; he already felt better about going into work.
He owed Adaine a pint of ice cream.
i just think!!! fabian calling adaine "addy" makes me WEEP. ETERNALLY!! theyre FAMILY.
also only hinted at in the fic is the fact that gorgug, riz, AND zelda are all trying to matchmake fig and fabian from her end the WHOLE duration of the fic!!
and!! hidden easter egg, the unnamed friend who gives fig awful tea to drink before shows [Fig elbowed her way into Fabian’s life, texting him at all odd hours about music or bizarre patrons or the new tea her friend had given her to try. (The teas were always, without exception, awful; but Fig drank them without fail, and, on the rare occasions she’d shove a thermos into Fabian’s hands at the beginning of the night, he did too.)] and [It was this: Fig’s mouth tasting like strawberries and the disgusting lemon tea her friend brewed for good luck before shows.] is none other than kristen applebees!!!! i don't know what she's doing in this fic, but i know she's being supportive and making her friend tea <3
send in a fic and ill give you some “director’s commentary” about it!!
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velvetthunder1999 · 4 years
All the time on Earth
Part 22 - Saying Goodbye
Summary: You know the twins are going to leave soon, but saying goodbye was never easy for you. George knows this and leaves you with a present that will remind you of him when the two of you are apart
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.1K
George Weasley x Reader
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After your battle with Umbridge had seemed to die off, your mood definitely changed for the better. You and George were not arguing anymore, and with evenings that you didn’t have to spend at detention you were able to catch up with your studies as well. All was well, until one morning in February you opened the Daily Prophet at breakfast and choked on your eggs and bacon.
“What?” asked George immediately. You shoved the paper in front of them as Fred leaned closer, too.
“Escaped Death Eaters?” said Fred. “Look — They blame Sirius for it!”
You looked at the pictures of the ten Death Eaters who — according to the paper — had broken out of Azkaban last night. Your eyes fell upon an extremely nasty one.
“Antonin Dolohov,” you read. “Convicted of the brutal murders of Gideon and Fabian Prewett… Is that —?”
“It is,” said George darkly. He exchanged looks with Fred.
“D’you think your mum’s all right?” you asked carefully. “Maybe… I don’t know, maybe you should write to her.”
“Why?” asked Fred.
“To make sure she’s okay! It must be horrible for her!”
“Sure,” shrugged George darkly. “If you think it’s a good idea.”
“I think you’d make her feel better.”
George stroke your cheek gently before standing up from the table.
“You’re so kind, you know that?” then he left with Fred to the owlery.
After reading the article about the prisoners you felt a certain sense of danger. Evil was approaching, and you wanted to do everything in your power to be ready when it arrives. During the DA lessons you worked harder than ever, and when you started combat training, you always made sure to give the best performance you could. Numerous times you were practising with Ginny, eagerly watched by others how the two of you sent curses and counter-curses at each other; just like how in a real battle would be.
You watched enviously as Ginny’s silver horse was running around above your heads. You had just started the patronus charm and more and more people in the room were able to conjure their own. Ginny looked at you, nodding encouragingly.
“Just think about something happy.”
“I’m trying,” you said with gritted teeth.
“Think about my brother,” she said with a teasing grin.
“Never mind that, I just can’t stay focused long enough.”
“Try again.”
You scowled in concentration. You were searching for memories in your mind. The first that came to you was when the two of you had been walking in Hogsmeade, feeding a big black dog.
“Expecto Patronum!”
Silvery smoke puffed out of your wand. You looked at it hopefully, fighting to forget how you had been lying in bed after that certain Hogsmeade trip, devastated, thinking that George doesn’t like you a bit.
Your smoke wanished.
“That wasn’t a really good memory,” said Ginny.
“Shut up, let me think.”
You looked around in the room, looking for the twins. They were standing next to each other, investing a great amount of work into the spell. You smiled to yourself. Even though they did not care about a lot of things, they worked extremely hard for those that they did.
George realised you were watching them and looked up, grinning. You beamed at him. He winked and you let out a small chuckle. You remembered the spell you had to say. ‘Expecto Patronum’.
You felt a sudden vibration from your wand and a very nice, warm feeling throughout your  whole arm. You looked down in surprise and saw the silvery smoke again. You had almost done it. Just a little more… You concentrated and said the spell out loud again.
“Expecto Patronum!”
A beautiful form of light in the shape of a greyhound burst out of your wand and shot gracefully into the air. It ran a circle around you and Ginny, then lowered itself to the floor, standing next to you. Your mouth fell open and Ginny shouted in excitement.
“Amazing, Y/N!”
You looked back at George who was watching your patronus in absolute delight. He raised his wand, too, looked deeply in your eyes and let his silver coyote join your greyhound, Ginny’s horse and Fred’s hyena. Maybe it was due to the patronuses in the room, maybe because of something else, but you were sure you had rarely felt happier than in this moment.
Weeks flew quickly as Umbridge’s new regime took over the school. After she had busted the DA and Dumbledore had left, Fred and George made sure to welcome the new Headmistress accordingly. Fireworks on corridors and loud bangs in the middle of lessons were usual at this point; just as the night time celebrations in the common room after particularly efficient pranks.
Easter holiday was about to end; you had just recieved Mrs Weasley’s chocolate eggs which were filled with delicious caramel. You had eaten the last piece of them on Sunday morning, before you headed down to have breakfast. You were still half asleep as you reached the Great Hall, but jerked awake the moment you saw an unfamiliar face next to a very familiar one. A Ravenclaw girl — who you rarely saw on corridors but once had asked you how was it being together with a Weasley twin — was having something with George which just didn’t seem like a friendly conversation at all.
He was eating with one hand, writing on a parchment with his other, deep in thought, while the girl was talking eagerly about something while leaning quite close to him. He nodded rather absent-mindedly and mumbled something in response. The girl took it as a good sign to touch his shoulder and giggle loudly. You frowned and walked towards them; when she saw you she said something to George then went back to her own table. You eyed her with a frown until she sat down, then joined your boyfriend at the Gryffindor table. When George saw you, too, a smile appeared on his face and he reached for a mug to pour you some coffee.
“Morning, sweet — ”
Your lips cut him off as you kissed him, tasting coffee and butter on his tongue. He froze with the mug in his hand, but didn’t hesitate much; he kissed you back just as quickly, pulling you closer by the nape of your neck. When you pulled away, he looked dizzy.
“I could get used to this,” he mumbled dreamily. “What was that for?”
“Who was that?” you said sharply, taking the mug from his hands.
“Who was who?”
“That girl.”
“What girl?”
“That Ravenclaw girl, she was just here.”
George shrugged.
“I don’t know. Some Liz or Louise… She wanted to buy our Skiving Snackboxes.”
“She clearly fancies you,” you said with a tone.
You wondered why was this sentence so familar to you; then you remembered that George had said something similar to you when McLaggen had been nagging you. George’s lips curled into a cheeky smile; he seemed to remember, too.
“Witty?” he said, smirking.
“What?” you snapped.
“Shut up,” you said, rolling your eyes. He wheezed.
“My sweet baby,” he kissed you on the cheek.
“Shut up,” you said again, but this time softly. He had smiled against the corner of your mouth before putting another kiss there. Then he sat up straight, his face turning serious.
“Listen, can I talk to you later?”
You looked at him with a start.
“Something’s wrong?”
“No, no, everything’s fine,” he sad with a reassuring smile. “I just want to tell you something but I don’t have the time right now. Meet you before lunch? The Room?”
He was already standing up, ready to leave. You nodded.
“Okay. Meet you there.”
You were supposed to focus on your homework but you were just too interested watching the wind blowing a loose piece of thread stuck on the windowsill. Down in the park you saw a couple of boys and girls throwing a frisbee around, racing each other on who’d get it first. You chuckled in silence.
The common room felt unusually empty and quiet and you knew very well why. You were hoping, though, that you were wrong; but you knew the twins that much to read the signs. You just wanted to push the thing aside for as long as you could, but George had already arranged meeting with you. There was no way back.
You left for the Room with a heavy heart, but you didn’t want to make him wait. Thirty minutes to lunch, you pressed down the handle of the door behind which you were expecting the news.
You saw him at once; he was waiting for you, standing in the middle of the room, his hands in his pockets. When his eyes met yours he smiled warmly and opened his arms to invite you into his embrace. You did not hesitate; leapt over the distance between the two of you and let him welcome you in a hug.
The two of you stood in silence for a minute. George was acting as though he didn’t want to start talking just yet. Maybe he had figured out… he had realized that you knew and was scared of your opinion? Or were you just paranoid and he was just about to talk about something completely different?
It was you, who broke the silence.
“Just tell me.”
“I’m… I’m sure you know already.”
“I want to hear it from you.”
But he didn’t answer. He let out a deep sigh and placed his cheek on the top of your head. He was still holding you close in his arms. You bit your tongue, but forced the question out anyway.
“You’re leaving, aren’t you?”
You nodded and he started gently stroking your hair.
“I knew it was gonna happen,” you said. “I’ve had this feeling for a while. Since you were banned from quidditch. I knew the day would come. Is today that day?”
“No. But soon.”
You nodded again. You didn’t want to think about it too much, you just wanted to accept it and move on.
“I won’t stop you,” you said. “I know you don’t want to stay.”
“How about you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you want to stay?”
You looked up at him, at his freckled face, into his beautiful brown eyes. You tilted your head with a sad smile.
“You know I can’t go. I still have next year to finish.”
“I know. It was worth a try.”
He gently brushed your cheek with his index finger.
“I’m really going to miss you,” he said.
“I’m really going to miss you, too.”
“Will you remember me?”
You snorted.
“What kind of stupid question is that?”
“Just curious,” he reached into his pocket and pulled out something what seemed like a necklace with a small stone. “But perhaps this’ll remind you, that you have a handsome ginger chap  waiting for you somewhere.”
You chukled and took the necklace into your hand. You examined it curiously. The little stone was shaped like a trapeze and in your palm it turned into a nice shade of light pink.
“So what’s this?”
“It’s a crystal, a very rare one. I have it’s only true pair on me,” he showed you his wrist on which was a bracelet with a small stone identical to yours in both shape and color. “The two exist as one. They’re connected. Whenever you touch it and think of me, mine will glow. Same thing goes for yours.”
“Show me,” you said, throat dry.
He closed his palm over the tiny crystal and closed his eyes. For a few seconds nothing happened, then you started to feel a growing heat from the crystal in your hand. Its color was changing as well, it became more and more of a bighter pink.
“Every time one of us thinks of the other —”
“They’ll know,” you whispered, totally in awe. Then your expression darkened.
“What’s wrong?” asked George. “You don’t like it? I thought —”
“No, it’s not that, I… I love it, but… George, where did you get this, this must’ve been very expensive…”
“Never mind that,” he said, closing your fingers on your crystal and kissing your hand. “It was worth every last sickle.”
“Well, I don’t want you to spend your last sickles on me.”
“It’s all right love. This time next year we’ll be richer than the Minister for Magic,” a certain kind of excitement came back to his face. “I cannot wait to show you the shop, it’s gonna be brilliant.”
“Oh, I know,” you nodded. “As brilliant as you are.”
You kissed him lovingly, standing on your toes. God, you were going to miss him so much.
“You have to say goodbye before you leave,” you said sternly. “Both you and Fred. You might as well tell him that.”
“I will,” he said. “I’m sure he wants to say goodbye, too.”
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keepmeinthedark · 3 years
To The Top || A Marauders Band AU
Chapter Two: You Gotta Not
Read here on A03
So Lily Evans brought a big asset to the band?
Only if you consider Remus Lupin to be a big asset, which I do.
Did Lily introduce them?
In time.
What happened in the meantime?
Before Remus joined the band there was just James, Sirius, and Frank. They lived together in this house called Maxwells house. It belonged to these twins Fabian and Gideon and they opened it up to anyone who needed a home. 
And what was Remus doing? What were you doing?
I was in Germany at the time, Remus was at university. But he had been friends with Lily since they were young and even though he was staying in a student accommodation he wasn't too far away for their friendship to change in any way.
Lily and Remus had spent New Year's Eve together. One of Remus' classmates held a party which they attended and stayed until the clock struck midnight. By the time they had made it back to his accommodation, it was three in the morning. They had both slept in Remus' bed without bothering to change their clothes or even take their make-up off, which then lead to one of the worst mornings in both of their lives.
It was eight in the morning when Remus's phone went off. He groaned when he saw his twin brother's name appear on the screen and held the phone to his ear.
"Re, where are you?"
"What do you mean?" he paused. "Am I supposed to be somewhere?"
He could practically feel Rom rolling his eyes. "You and Lily both promised Mum that you'd help with the fate. Remember? The fate? The one that Mum has been stressing over for weeks?"
"Ohhh yeah, yeah I completely remember god who do you take me for? Yeah me and Lils are on our way now, well be like five minutes tops I promise." and with that, he quickly hung up.
Shit Shit Shit Shit.
"Lily come on, we have to go," Remus said quickly as he shook his best friend awake.
Lily only groaned as she lifted her head off the pillow, she watched Remus rush around the room to grab the makeup wipes and cleaned off the smudged eyeliner he still had on. 
Lily didn't wait for an explanation, she just got out of the bed and found her way towards the nearest hairbrush.  It wasn't until they were waiting for the bus that Lily had asked where they were going.
"My mum's thing, remember? We said we would help."
Lily didn't look like she remembered but she nodded anyway. 
 "How long do you think we'll be?" 
Remus shrugged, "No idea. Why? Got somewhere to be?"
Lily rolled her eyes, "Got a hangover to cure is more like it."
 They had gotten to the fate twenty minutes later and immediately regretted not faking a sickness to get out of it.
Hope Lupin was a powerhouse and an amazing mum, she was loving and caring, and gentle. But she was a single mum who had raised three boys and was in the middle of raising another, which made her incredibly scary when she was stressed.
"There you two are!" she exclaimed when she saw Remus and Lily making their way down the field where the fate was being held. "I was about to send Petunia off after you guys, honestly why are you so late?"
Remus panicked, "Headache," he said.
Hope placed her hands to her hips and raised an eyebrow, "Is headache code for a hangover?" 
They both nodded.
Hope sighed, "There's coke, bananas, and water in that tent over there. Go and tip half of the water out of a bottle, fill the rest with coke, drink that, and eat a banana. I don't have time for this." she told them, quickly adding, "Its a hangover remedy," after seeing their confused faces.
"Where was this remedy all the other times we've been hungover?" Lily asked, acting offended.
Hope shrugged, "You never asked." 
"Still could've been useful." 
"How am I supposed to know that you're hungover if you never tell me!?" Hope exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air and turning her back on them in order to do other things.
"You're Mum!" Remus yelled back. "You know everything!"
"Two minutes! Get a move on!" was all that Hope yelled back.
 As Hope had promised the flat coke and bananas had helped their hangovers but unfortunately didn't make them any more prepared for the long day ahead of them. Remus' parents had divorced three years ago when Lyall had admitted that he had fallen for someone else. Remus doubts that his parents have ever been in love. They had his older brother, Lycus when they were in their twenties and before they were married. They did get married not long after he was born and three years after that they had Romulus and Remus, the twins also weren't planned. Neither was Macca, Remus' younger brother who was only 2 years old at the time of the divorce. 
His father's new girlfriend didn't last very long and got intimidated by the fact that he had four sons. Romulus has always said that he was certain that there was no girl, to begin with, they had never met her and their dad wasn't exactly someone who had luck when it came to romance. Romulus swears that he made her up to use as an excuse to get a divorce. Lycus believes him. Remus doesn't. 
Hope and Lyall still remained close friends and the boys are allowed to stay with either one of them as much as they like, but they spend the majority of their time with Hope, or at least Lycus, Romulus, and Remus do. Macca, who is now five, spends Monday to Thursday with Hope and Friday to Sunday with Lyall in hopes that he will grow up to have a close relationship with both parents.
Remus had nothing against his father, he was a good dad and never failed to make Remus feel loved. But he wasn't yet out to his dad yet and wasn't sure if it would go well if he did come out to him. He likes to think that his dad would try to be supportive but still doesn't want anything to change between them. Not only that but he preferred his mum's cooking.
Lyall worked as a teacher for a primary school near where he lived and Hope owned her own florist in town but would always pop into the other shops there to see if they needed any help when she had the time, which is what led to her helping out with the local coffee shops fate in order to help raise money for cancer research. This wasn't the first time Hope had dragged her children out of their usual routines to stand in a field in the middle of winter and most certainly won't be the last. But they always came, Remus would never admit it but he quite enjoyed these things. Hope had always wanted to help with certain school and church events and Remus was proud to have a mum who was so loved in the community, even if she was scary when she got into her boss mode.
By the time Remus had finished their drinks and properly woke up, there was already a crowd of people going around each stall, Remus had seen Romulus surrounded by little kids. He called them over when he saw them.
"Remus! Lily! You two are captains get over here!"
"Oh bloody hell," Remus said under his breath, noticing the football that he had in his hands.
  Sirius felt like his figures were going to fall off. It was January 1st, who set up an outdoor event on January 1st.
They had only just got there and he already wanted to desperately go home, he didn't dream his parents irrelevant and leave his whole family behind at the age of 22 just to play in the freezing cold, but James had insisted that this would be worth it and he seemed so excited for every gig Sirius could never say no.
It was during their first set that Sirius had seen her.
She had been all that James had talked about since their gig at the pub on Christmas eve, he could recite her description by memory.
Dark red hair that reached her chest.
Emerald green eyes.
Plus size
A smile that glows.
Exactly a head smaller than James.
Two piercings in her ear lobe and one in her cartilage.
A tattoo of a small tattoo of a wolf behind her ear.
And she was wearing white Doc Martens.
Yep, that was her. It had to be, she ticked every box (apart from the tattoo as she was too far away for Sirius to get a proper look. But she looked like a girl that would have one.)
Sirius' heart leaped. James was going to be so excited, all he could talk about throughout Christmas was how much he regretted not asking for her Instagram. He had to tell him.
He was going to tell him.
He had it all planned. He was going to give James that smile that only James got, the one that said "I know something you don't know," James always got so excited at good news. 
Then he was going to ask James once more how Lily Evans looked, and James would go on a ramble, giving out as much information about this girl that he could remember. Then he would spin James around and point her out and knowing James he would probably scream. Sirius couldn't wait, he was a hopeless romantic after all.
As they went through each song he couldn't take his eyes off her, he had to make sure that he knew where she was when he told James. And he was going to tell him, he was certain of it.
That is, he was certain of it until he saw him.
Now that's a sight that he will never be able to get out of his head.
Short blond curly hair.
Thin, yet still had a bit of muscle.
Crooked nose. 
Amber eyes.
And a large scar going across his face, from his right eye down through his nose and ending just before his lips.
God his lips!
As they played on Sirius began to notice more and more about this mystery boy. He seemed to be friendly with Lily, they were playing football with a group of kids and it was obvious that he was pretending to not be good for their sake. There was another boy with them who had similar features. Must be a brother, Sirius thought.
The boy was dressed in a Queen t-shirt, a white one with a long-sleeved black shirt underneath, and his jeans were ripped. He wore eyeliner, his nails were painted black and he had multiple rings on his figures.
Sirius had never been more turned on until he saw him take a five-minute break to smoke a cigarette.
Sirius could never date a smoker. James was enough trouble, Sirius had lost count on how many times he had told him that he ought to quit but he never listens. Smoking kills everyone knows this so why did some people think that by some miracle they could be the exception.
Sirius was about to give it all up then and there, make his eyes go back to following Lily around, or maybe even have his brain focus on what he was actually supposed to be going. But once the boy had put out his cigarette and rejoined the group of kids one of them had fallen over and hurt their knee. The boy crouched down to their level and talked to the boy until he laughed while Lily got a wet paper towel and a plaster.
Damit, Sirius thought. Why do guys with kids always have to be so damn attractive?
 For the rest of their set, the only thing Sirius could see was him.
He had forgotten all about Lily Evans until they had finished. When they had gotten off the stage James had been bouncing up and down. His smile was the widest he had ever seen it. 
"It's her," he said quickly.
"Whos her?" Frank asked, looking at the crowd confused.
"Her, her. That girl I met a the pub last week. She's here."
"Go talk to her then." And while you're at it get me her mate's number?
James began to pale, "I can't just go up and talk to her," he told them shaking his head. "What if she hates me?"
Frank raised an eyebrow, "Why would she hate you, I thought you hit it off?"
"We did!"
"So go talk to her!"
James looked at Lily and then back at Sirius and Frank. He had now started picking at his figure nails, slowly picking one off and throwing it onto the ground.
"What do I say?" He asked, desperately. 
Frank seemed very confident. "Mate, you've just played for the entire day she surly noticed that it was you at one point. She's probably begging for you to go and talk to her."
James looked confused, "Then why hasn't she come up to me?" His eyes suddenly widened. "What if she really isn't interested? I mean I know I didn't ask for her Snapchat or anything but she didn't ask for mine either!" he said in one breath. Sirius was sure he may faint if he thought anymore.
Both James and Sirius looked at Frank who rolled his eyes. "She's the girl. You're supposed to be the one to ask her out and make the first move. Most girls are scared to ask out guys cause guys suck." He said it as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "Just take a deep breath, channel your confidence, and swipe her off her feet. You've got this."
James took a breath and nodded before making his way towards Lily who was having a conversation with a much taller boy. He looked a bit like Sirius' mystery boy but older, taller, and with darker hair and no scar. Maybe another brother.
Sirius and Frank both watched James approached Lily in silence. They watched him ask to talk to her, Sirius didn't miss the smile that appeared across her face. Unfortunately said smile began to slowly disappear once James began talking and before anyone could realize that this was indeed a bad idea, Lily had slapped James across the face and had begun to walk in the other direction. 
James all but stomped back towards Sirius and Frank, his glasses had fallen to the tip of his nose and his face had gone nearly bright red, though Sirius couldn't tell if it was from anger or embarrassment. 
He mumbled a "Let's go" and grabbed all of his belongings before making his way towards the van. All Sirius and Frank could do was stare at each other in disbelief.
"This is why we don't leave him alone unsupervised," Sirius mumbled. 
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sebastianshaw · 3 years
@littlemeangreen I”m a dumbass who somehow forgot you asked for a FABIAN AND SHAW CHILD and designed you a Jennifer/Shaw one at work yesterday, SORRY. I’ll still give you the one you asked for, but CONSIDER THIS A BONUS Name: Clover Sue Shaw Gender: Trans woman General Appearance: 6’5 on her own, 6’8 in her specially reinforced heels. Very muscular but not beyond a certain point; if she gets bulkier than that, it triggers dysphoria. Voluminous black hair with a slight wave and a green streak, and the prettiest pair of hazel eyes you ever did see. Carved jawline with a delicate chin. Unlike her mom, she always wears shoes and they’re always pretty. Absolutely SENSATIONAL smile. Personality: Vivacious and congenial, Clover was an adventurous child who withdrew into insecurity and hermithood during adolescence when her body got really big, but re-blossomed into her current open, sunny disposition after transitioning. She’s now every bit the “Sensational She-Hulk” her mother was, with the bouncy energy to take on anything with a smile and keep swinging with the same. Clover knows she’s intimidating and her size/appearance/the reputation of a Hulk can put people on edge, so she’s very invested in making a good impression and putting people immediately at ease with her. She believes in reaching out and fostering goodwill, and she takes it upon herself to be the first to do so, even if someone doesn’t look the friendliest---especially then, in fact! Sure, you could tell her that’s not her responsibility, but she feels like it is. Same as how she feels like she needs to hide it when she’s down. Yes, she’s got a bright happy personality, but everyone has dark moods sometimes. But Clover feels like she should cover it up when she does, because she remembers how worried her mother and other loved ones were when she was so depressed and unhappy as a teen. And every time she acts down again, she can see that those same loved ones, who remember it, are getting worried she’s about to slide back into that state again. And she doesn’t want them to worry. So Clover feels that she has to pretend she’s never having a bad day, or else it’s her fault making everyone else fret. Which isn’t to say that her happy demeanor is fake---it’s not. Most of the time. It is how she REALLY is. Just, it’s also how she feels she HAS to be sometimes. She just doesn’t want anyone to feel bad on her account ever, in any way! Clover is easily bored and always needs some exciting new stimulation, be it mental or physical. Because of this, she’s always trying some new daredevil skill or looking up some esoteric topic, and she’s acquired quite a lot of good stories and diverse knowledge. She has a naturally interrogative mind, and it’s in her nature to analyze everything and ask questions, always asking why a plan, building, robot, rule, statement, whatever, is the way it is, what’s the purpose of this, why was this constructed this way, and so on. She’s extremely detail-oriented and picks up on a lot of things that most people miss. It’s made her indispensable at superheroing because she can find the weak spots in strategies, ways inside “impenetrable” buildings, the most subtle of missing links or hidden hints. She’s far, FAR more than the dumb muscle cliche for sure! Special Talents: Honestly, loads. As mentioned, she’s always trying new things and learning random stuff, so it’s almost a running joke that it’s IC for her to just be like “oh yeah I know the history of zombies in cinema” or “of course I can Egyptian stick-fight” or “yeah teeth-blackening was considered beautiful in Japan until the end of the Meiji period” or “what you DON’T know how styrofoam is made?” or “yeah I can play the theremin” Just all kinds of shit. But one thing she’s NEVER managed to do is work a combination lock. She just. . . .can’t. Who they like better: Jenn, she and her mom are best friends and talk all the time, though I think she still has a more positive view of her father than she should Who they take after more: Jenn for sure Personal Head canon: - Clover actually is a morning person, but very specifically bright sunny mornings at around 10 AM with a leisurely breakfast of black coffee and a simple pastry - Speaking of pastries, she always brings donuts to meetings---superheroes, business, just friends meeting up-- and they’re always from small family-owned bakeries, never chains - Absolutely despises herself for secretly liking paisley print - Her skin is impervious to tattoos, which allows her to endlessly fantasize about what she WOULD get if she COULD without ever having to actually commit - Loves Lorde’s music, which is retro by the time she’s listening to it - She has a brother, Walter Shaw. I couldn’t get rid of the idea of “Walter” being her name, as a shoutout to her mother’s surname, but I had already decided she was a trans woman. So I was like, ok, that’s her deadname I guess. But Walter himself became a character in my head instead. Like her, he’s a medium-tone white guy with black hair and a single green forelock, and HE’S a very intense business guy. Not as evil as Shaw but still intimidating and shady. He’s also very very big, but not as big as she is, and most people don’t realize he isn’t a normal bulky human in a black business suit. Face Claim: N/A
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manage-mischief · 4 years
The Negative
Part 2: Useful Words
Read on AO3 here. 
Summary: Two-shot inspired by the song from “Waitress.” In which Tonks knows something’s wrong—she just doesn’t want to admit it to herself. Good thing Molly and Fleur are there to offer some support (Chapter 2 is AU: Everyone lives)
Tonks hadn’t moved from the Burrow’s long kitchen table. She remained seated, hoping that the two black lines on the stick in front of her would magically become one. It was no use. The two persistent little symbols remained as clear as ever.
Molly and Fleur had been wrong. Knowing was so, so much worse. She’d rather have lived in denial, blissfully ignorant. “Merlin, I need a drink.” She stood up, her knees bumping into the kitchen table. The sudden movement seemed to snap the other women out of their shock.
Molly got up quickly and hurried over to her. “Dear,” she said gently, placing her hands upon Tonks’s tense shoulders, “I don’t think that’s such a good idea right now.”
Tonks blinked. “Oh. Erm. Right.”
Goddammit. As if this day could get any worse. Panic rose from her core, threatening to bubble over…Oh wait…that wasn’t just panic…
She barely made it to the kitchen sink before the spilling the contents of her stomach.
“Oh, poppet,” Molly cooed and rubbed her back as Tonks continued to vomit, her hands gripping the counter like a vice. “Here, let’s get you some nice warm peppermint tea. It always helped me when I was pregnant.”
It hit her like a ton of bricks. Pregnant. She was pregnant. There was a human being growing inside of her. Eating all that she ate. Feeling all that she felt. She remembered hearing other women talk about the sensation as magical, beautiful, awe-inspiring. But right now, all she could think about was that Muggle movie Alien—when that creature burst out of that guy’s chest. The thought did nothing to mitigate her queasiness.
Closing her eyes and steadying her breath, she slowly composed herself. There was no going back. Only forward. And there was obviously one path forward that she knew she was going to have to take.
“I need to talk to Remus. Warn him that our lives are over…”
This time, it was Fleur who offered words of comfort. “Do not think that way. You love Remus, correct?”
“More than anything.”
“And ‘e loves you. It is clear to anyone who knows you both,” her voice was soft and gentle.
“I know,” Tonks sighed. “Being with him, it really has been incredible. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love Remus. I sometimes think I’ve imagined everything. That I’ll wake up and this will all have been a dream and Remus will still be refusing to be with me and I’ll still be alone. I guess that’s why I’m terrified. I don’t want anything to change. Especially now. Especially with what’s going on.”
“But you know, you will not be alone. Whatever ‘appens, we shall be there for you. Right, Molly?”
Molly took Tonks’s hand in both of hers. “You know, Arthur and I got married during the first war. We were both young and in love and, like you and Remus, decided to allow ourselves to be happy, despite not knowing what the future held. We didn’t exactly expect to have children right away, and when we found out Bill was coming, we were both scared out of our bloody minds!”
Tonks had forgotten about that. “How did you cope?”
“Well, after the news had sunk in, we decided that we weren’t going to let fear stop us from living our dreams. People makes plans all the time. But life rarely allows us to follow them. Often, the universe comes up with funny ways of bringing us to where we want to be. It’s not the path that matters, it’s the destination.” Molly inhaled deeply before continuing.
“You know, I lost my two brothers in the first war. Gideon and Fabian. They were my best friends, my protectors. I always believed that they were invincible. When I found out they had died…I thought my life was over. I was pregnant with Ron, caring for my other boys, and trying to scrape by paycheck to paycheck with Arthur. I couldn’t bear the thought of raising my children in a world that was so cruel that it had taken away the kindest, most wonderful people I knew. But, out of my grief, I realized: happiness is the best revenge. If we can allow ourselves to experience joy, despite all of the suffering—if we allow ourselves to keep living—we show our oppressors that they have no power. That they can’t snuff out our light.” There were tears in the older woman’s eyes, yet she was smiling.
Tonks was speechless. She had never heard Mrs. Weasley speak so freely about the war, or about her brothers. She was always under the impression that Molly was a “carer,” not a fighter. But now, she realized that caring—that love—was Molly’s own way of fighting back. To Tonks, that was a beautiful thought.
“Oi, Teddy, get down here! They’ll be arriving any minute!” Tonks yelled up to her son. A few moments later, she heard a loud crash followed by a pair of feet stomping down the stairs. Laughing to herself, she turned just in time to see her eleven-year-old son slide into view, knocking over a vase in the process.
“Sorry, Mum!” He glanced around the kitchen. “Did you do the cooking?” he asked, apprehensively.
“Merlin’s balls, of course not! You think I want to kill our guests?”
“Dora, language!” Remus’s voice chided as he walked in from the garden. Teddy gave a small “oooooh,” delighted to see his Mum get scolded by his father.
Tonks smiled lovingly at her husband. “Sorry, dear. Good thing I have you here or else Teddy’d be a heathen!”
“Mum! I would not!” Her son indignantly replied. Remus chuckled.
“Don’t be offended, son. It runs in the family.” Remus dodged Tonks’s playful attempt to smack him with the dish towel.
“In any case, no, your mother didn’t do the cooking, I did. We don’t need to worry about our guests being poisoned tonight.”
“Hey, I take offense to that! I make a mean tomato soup!”
“Yes, very mean. I do believe the last batch tried to bite off my nose when I leaned over the pot.” Remus wrapped his arms around her from behind and planted a kiss on her nose for effect. Tonks attempted to pout, betrayed by her grin. She planted a kiss on Remus’s lips.
“Ew, Mum, Dad!” Teddy groaned. “Get a room!”
“Be careful what you wish for, Ted,” Tonks teased. “That’s how we ended up with you!”
Her son’s face and hair both flushed a deep crimson.
Remus saved him from more of his mother’s teasing. “Alright, alright. Enough of that. Teddy, go wash your hands before dinner. They should be arriving at any moment.”
As if on cue, the Lupin fireplace lit up with green flames. Seconds later, four figures came tumbling out.
“Uncle Harry!” Teddy cried and launched himself at the young man.
“Teddy! Good to see you, mate!” Harry grinned at his godson and slipped him a chocolate frog. “Remus, Tonks,” he regarded the couple, brushing the soot off of his robes.
“I’m so glad you all could come,” Remus embraced his best friend’s son. Ginny hugged Tonks tightly with one arm, the other holding her one-year old baby girl.
“Aw, look at Lil’, she’s getting so big!” Tonks praised. “She’s gonna be a Quidditch star, just like her Mum and Auntie!” Ginny beamed.
As the Potter boys gained their bearings, all hell broke loose. Five-year-old James and three-year-old Albus squealed in delight at the sight of their older cousin. Tonks laughed as Teddy turned his nose into a pig snout for their amusement. Teddy’s metamorphmagus abilities made him a hit with the younger kids. She knew Teddy loved every second of their adoration.
“Boys,” Ginny said. “Go wash your hands before dinner!”
“Ok, Mum,” the Potters obeyed. Teddy followed them to the bathroom, leaving the four adults (and baby) alone.
“I can’t believe Teddy’s starts at Hogwarts tomorrow!” Ginny cried. “It seems like yesterday he was just a blue-haired little baby!”
“Excuse me, he still is a baby, thank you very much” Tonks said, matter-of-factly. Remus smiled as he put an arm around her.
“I can’t believe it. Time goes by so fast. I remember when you first told me you were pregnant,” Remus shook his head in disbelief.
“Oh yeah, and you ran for the hills?” Tonks slapped him playfully.
Harry and Ginny laughed. “Never going to let him live that one down, huh?” Ginny asked.
“Would you?” Tonks replied.
“Good point.”
Just then, the fireplace crackled to life once again, and four more figures emerged.
“Tonks! I am so ‘appy to see you!” Fleur embraced the metamorphmagus and planted kisses on both of her cheeks. Bill waved sheepishly next to her, holding the hand of their nine-year-old daughter, Victoire. Tonks squeezed Fleur’s hand in greeting, but was soon engulfed by another hug.
“Oh, Tonks, dear, I’m so happy you’ve invited us! It’s been far too long. Arthur and Ron have been so busy at the shop, they’re sorry they couldn’t make it!” Molly Weasley gushed. “I brought us a treacle tart for dessert!”
“Gran!” James and Albus had returned with Teddy from the bathroom, and all three of them excitedly greeted Mrs. Weasley. Molly insisted on acting as pseudo-grandmother to Teddy, since she treated him as part of the family. She patted the boys’ cheeks affectionately. “There are my handsome lads!”
After Molly had finished doting on him, Teddy turn to Victoire. “Hi Teddy,” the little girl blushed. “I like your blue hair!”
Her son smiled proudly. “Thanks! Wanna see what else I can do?” Teddy scrunched up his face and caused his hair to flicker nauseatingly in multicolored patterns. Victoire laughed.
Tonks eyed her husband. “What a charmer,” she whispered.
“Indeed,” Remus replied. “He gets it from his mother.” He planted another quick kiss on Tonks’s lips, then turned to the crowd in the Lupin living room. “Now that everyone’s here, we can move this party to the dining room! I’m starved!”
The family crowded around the small dining room table, eating and chattering away about their lives.
“Is your mother joining us, Tonks?” Fleur asked.
“No, she couldn’t make it tonight. She’s been traveling for work. But, she’s coming over tomorrow to help see Teddy off.”
“Oh, that’s lovely,” Molly replied.
At the other end of the table, the kids were having an extremely animated discussion about Hogwarts.
“I can’t believe you get to go tomorrow! You’re so lucky!” James remarked in awe.
“What House do you wanna be in?” Albus asked excitedly.
Teddy puffed out his chest. “Hufflepuff. Loyal, Brave, and True. Like Mum!”
“That’s my boy!” Tonks beamed with pride, then stuck her tongue out at Remus. “Take that!”
“I know better than to argue with you,” he conceded.
“Do you have a wand?” Victoire asked.
“Yep! It’s right upstairs with the rest of my things!”
“Oh, can we see, can we see?” James pleaded. Teddy glanced hopefully at the adults.
“Have you all finished eating?” ask Ginny.
The four heads nodded.
“Alright then. Take you plates to the kitchen and then you can go see Teddy’s new school things.”
In a flash, the four children raced from the table and thundered upstairs—Teddy in the lead, followed by James and Victoire, with little Albus toddling along as fast as he could behind them.
The adults moved back into the living room to enjoy their after-dinner tea. Tonks leaned comfortably against her husband’s chest, their fingers intertwined.
Molly and Fleur looked at each other, and then at the couple, smiling knowingly.
“Teddy’s a wonderful boy, you two. He’s going to make a fine wizard,” Molly said, tears in her eyes.
“He really is, isn’t he?” Tonks remarked. Remus nodded.
“We did alright, I’d say. I just hope he enjoys school as much as we all did.” Remus mused.
“Well,” Fleur said, “Let’s send some good vibes with ‘im! We shall keep our focus on the positive.”
“Yes,” Tonks grinned, looking around the room at all of the people she loved so deeply. “We shall.”
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remywrites5 · 4 years
Angst 10 and 14 please! Thank you💚
Remus knew he was making a mistake going to the party but Lily was practically forcing him to go.  Lily had recently gotten over her hatred of James Potter and had decided to give him a chance. They were going to James’ party so that she could finally tell him she fancied him. She’d threatened Remus with bodily harm if he didn’t go with her for moral support and he knew Lily was the type to follow through. It was a month before Graduation and there was a party pretty much every weekend as people got ready to never see each other again. Normally Remus wouldn’t have had an issue attending a party with his friends except that his ex-boyfriend was going to be there.
Remus and Sirius had had a very intense on again off again relationship for the past two years.  The whole school liked to talk about them and follow their relationship, something that Remus wasn’t wholly comfortable with. There was actually a twitter that followed whether they were together or not. And if that wasn’t accurate you could usually tell by Sirius’ Instagram. When he and Remus were together he hardly posted pictures about anything else. When they were apart his Insta was mostly pictures of him and James, football practices and selfies.
It wouldn’t have been so bad except that during one of their good periods Sirius and Remus had decided to live together during University. There were both going to the same school and so it had made sense. Remus had saved all his money from his part time weekend job just to be able to afford the security deposit, which they had already put down on the flat. They had yet to talk about what they were going to do about it seeing as it was a one bedroom and neither of them could really afford it on by themselves. Maybe Sirius could if the Potters helped him out but Remus certainly couldn’t.
Their most recent breakup had been because Remus had dared to mention in Sirius’ presence that he thought Fabian Prewitt was fit. It had been an idle comment and one he hadn’t thought would be a big deal except that Sirius Black was a jealous prick and a drama queen. It wasn’t like Remus had wanted to get off with Fabian Prewitt, he had just been making an observation. It had been blown out of proportion and ended in a huge row that resulted in yet another breakup.
Sirius was guaranteed to be there seeing as it was his best mate’s party and was also being thrown where Sirius currently lived after running away from home. Remus knew he was playing with fire stepping into the house but between the two of them Lily was much scarier than Sirius.
As they walked into the party, Remus stayed close to Lily. It was fairly crowded already for still being early in the evening and Remus hoped he’d be able to make it through the evening without being noticed by Sirius. Pretty much everyone he had ever known was crammed into the house with loud music playing. He thought maybe he could make it through the night without seeing the one person he was most dreading.
All his hopes were dashed as they made their way into the kitchen to find drinks. Sirius was sitting on the kitchen counter, his legs dangling over the side, with James standing beside him and laughing. Sirius grinned until his eyes settled on Remus and suddenly all trace of mirth was gone and his face fell.
Remus really hated the affect Sirius Black had on him even after all this time. He had his long hair swept up into a messy bun, pieces of it falling down and framing his handsome face. He had on his favorite pair of ripped jeans, a Bowie t-shirt and his usual leather jacket. Remus shoved his hands in his pockets and looked away quickly, unable to continue to meet Sirius’ gaze. Why couldn’t help love someone a little less complicated?
“Alright Remus?” James spoke up. “Evans? Can I get you two something to drink?”
Lily gaze Remus’ hand a squeeze and then disappeared with James to go procure some alcohol. Remus felt himself immediately start sweating at the idea of being alone with Sirius. Just a few minutes into the party and his worst fear was coming to fruition. Sirius huffed and knocked his drink back, finishing what was left in his cup. He slid off the counter and got directly into Remus’ personal space. “You’ve got a lot of nerve showing up here.”
“Lily dragged me,” Remus said, narrowing his eyes at Sirius, not backing down. “It’s called being a good friend.”
Sirius snorted in derision. “Yeah? And what about being a good boyfriend?”
Remus resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “We’re not going to go through all that again, are we?”
Sirius scowled at him in response. “I’m sure Fab’s around here somewhere if you’re looking to pull.”
Remus couldn’t resist anymore and rolled his eyes. “I’m not interested in Fabian Prewitt.”
“Then why did you say you were?”
“I didn’t,” Remus said for the umpteenth time. “You’re infuriating. You can think someone is good-looking without wanting to fuck them. Like you for example. Still think you’re fit, don’t want to fuck you.”
Sirius stepped closer and Remus took a step back. “That’s a load of bollocks if I’ve ever heard it.”
“You’re an unbelievable dickhead.”
Sirius’ gaze flickered to the floor and suddenly his bravado from a moment before was gone. “Do you even still love me anymore?”
Remus took another step back, caught off guard by the question and the earnestness in which Sirius had asked it. “Pads, you’re the one who broke up with me.”
Sirius shrugged. “We do that all the time, though. It’s like a game we play with each other. But – but we had plans, Moony. We were going to have a future. Our flat –“
“You don’t get to just bat me around like a tennis ball and think I’ll always come back,” Remus said, interrupting Sirius. He couldn’t help being annoyed and angry that Sirius thought he was always just a sure thing. That he could treat Remus however he wanted because Remus was a sucker who couldn’t resist him. “That’s not fair, Sirius.”
“I know,” Sirius said softly, finally lifting his head up, his grey eyes soft and sad. “But youdon’t get to hurt my feelings and expect me to just shrug it off.”
Remus groaned and tugged his fingers through his curls. “For the last time, I don’t want to shag Fabian Prewitt! I had no idea your ego was so fucking fragile, Pads.”
“Then why did you say it?” Sirius shot back, crushing his red solo cup in his hand angrily. “We’re just deliberately trying to be a wanker?”
“It was just a dumb fucking comment!” Remus said defensively. “Like oh that was a tough maths quiz. I could really go for some Chinese Food. Fabian Prewitt is kind of fit. It wasn’t like I maliciously thought oh I know what I’ll say something to make my boyfriend feel bad. Won’t that be fun?”
“Maybe I just selfishly want my boyfriend to not talk about other guys in front of me. Wouldn’t that be novel?”
Remus took a deep breath and let it out slowly to try and compose himself. “It’s a good thing we never moved in together then. We’d kill each other within a week. It’s for the best that we ended things when we did.”
Sirius’ eyes went wide and he looked more hurt than Remus had ever seen him. Remus had to fight the urge to reach out to him and offer him some sort of comfort. “Right,” Sirius said, schooling his expression. “For the best.”
Sirius turned on his heel and rushed through the party, disappearing into the crowd. Remus pressed himself back against the counter and buried his face in his hands. Well done, Lupin, he thought to himself.
Remus had decided to ditch the party early and just go home. Lily had disappeared somewhere and things had gone horribly with Sirius. All Remus wanted was to just go home and wallow in misery and maybe chain smoke some cigarettes on the walk back to help calm him down. But when he started towards the exit, someone grabbed his arm.
Remus whirled around to find James. “What do you want?” Remus asked, knowing that James must be seeking him out on behalf of Sirius.
“Look, I know things are bad between you two right now but please go talk to him?” James asked, his eyes wide and pleading behind his glasses.
“I already tried that,” Remus informed him with a deep sigh.
“I know,” James said, releasing Remus’ arm. “He’s upstairs sulking. There’s only a few weeks left of school. You two are only going to have a limited amount of time to fix this. He loves you, you know? Maybe even more than you realize. I know he’s a difficult sod but he’s absolutely mad for you. Why do you think his Instagram becomes nothing but the Moony show when you’re together?”
Remus chewed his bottom lip as he considered it. He knew that Sirius and James were practically brothers and James would always stick up for Sirius. But that also meant he knew him better than anyone else. He did have a point, Sirius did become nearly obsessive when they were together. When things were good between them they were really good. Remus just wished one or both of them weren’t so bloody stubborn all the time.
“Fine,” he said, glancing towards the stairs. “I’m not guaranteeing anything but I’ll go speak to him.”
“That’s all I ask,” James said, grinning at him. “Thanks Moony.”
Remus made his way through the crowd of people, being careful not to bump anyone’s drink, and finally got to the stairs. He found Sirius in his bedroom, sitting by the window with his knees pulled up to his chest. He didn’t say anything as Remus entered the room and came to sit down beside him.
“Sirius – “
“Come on – “
“I said no,” Sirius said, uncurling himself and dropping his feet onto the floor loudly. “Just shut up for once in your fucking life, Remus.”
“Fine,” Remus snapped, standing up to leave. He worked his jaw for a moment and then sat back down obstinately. “You know what, no.”
Sirius glowered at him. “This is my room. Get out.”
“I’m still in love with you,” Remus told him, staring him down. “And if you don’t stop you’re going to run out of chances.”
“Me?” Sirius said incredulously. “It’s not just me, Remus. Don’t pull that shite. You fuck up just as much as I do.”
“Okay fine, I’ll admit that,” Remus said, conceding that just as many of the breakups had been his doing as well. “But we can’t keep up the way we’ve been going because eventually one of us is going to stop coming back. I’m not going to let you keep pushing me away. We have to get better at talking to each other and not just exploding. I don’t want to keep doing this, Sirius. I want things to be good.”
“I want that too,” Sirius said softly, reaching out and taking Remus hand, lacing their fingers together. “Every time we break up I’m a fucking mess. You can ask James.”
“Then stop breaking up with me, you plonker.” Remus lifted their joined hands up and kissed the back of Sirius’ hand tenderly. “We might have to actually learn how to apologize to each other,” he managed to joke.
Sirius chuckled quietly and gave Remus’ hand a squeeze. “I still want to live together.”
“Me too,” Remus said, giving Sirius a small reassuring smile. “It’ll be a disaster, but fuck me, I want it.”
“It’s only you, Moony,” Sirius said, wiggling closer and kissing him sweetly. “For me. It’s only you. We’ll figure everything else out but I want you to know that.”
Remus slipped his free hand into Sirius’ hair, resting it on the back of Sirius’ head, bringing their lips together again. “I don’t want anyone else,” he whispered against Sirius’ lips. “Even though most of the time you drive me fucking crazy.”
Sirius smiled and pressed kisses along Remus’ jawline before burying his face in Remus’ neck and nuzzling him affectionately. “I’ll try my best not to drive you crazy anymore.”
Remus laughed and pressed a kiss to Sirius’ temple. “I don’t mind as much as I let on,” he confessed. He supposed that was just the nature of being in love with Sirius Black.
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 3 years
‘wreck my plans’ chapter 4: moments that we stole
FFN | Ao3 | Buy Me a Coffee?
                It was Saturday evening, the dark sky dotted with what little stars could be seen. The December air was crisp, freezing Sherlock down to his toes. In the courtyard, he waited impatiently for his brother to arrive. As soon as they snuffed out the murderer, he planned to return home. In an effort to keep busy, he had been helping John and Mary organise their wedding to an almost obnoxious degree, he was sure. Lately, he had been allowing his emotions to get the best of him, failing in every effort to thwart them.
               When Mycroft had come to him with this particular matter, Sherlock had turned it down immediately. It was tedious, boring. As much as he loved to dance, this ball didn’t sound the least bit enticing—not without the one woman he wanted to dance with. She’s ruined him he thinks. He only stood here now waiting for his brother to join him on this case because Mrs. Hudson had threatened to change the locks to keep him out until he talked to Molly.
               Didn’t anyone see? This was the only way to give her everything she wanted. It wasn’t as if she was reaching out to him. If she didn’t want to speak with him, who was he to not respect her wishes? He and Molly walked a fragile line now. Had he not gone and fallen in love with her, it wouldn’t have to be this way. It was painful being on the other end of unrequited love—he now knew all the pain he had unintentionally put her through in the past, and felt very sorry for it. It wasn’t that he didn’t care about her, for he always had, but Sherlock was very adamant about keeping everyone at a distance. The sociopath façade was for everyone’s sake, including his own. It protected him from his heart, which felt too much, and it protected them from his enemies.
               One of his brother’s cars rolled up much to his relief. “About time,” he muttered. The door opened and her name rolled off his lips in a breath, of which was currently being taken away by the sight before him. A pair of strappy heels on her small feet, Molly Hooper, her hair swept up into a chignon, began to stride towards the stairs leading up to the main doors. Her petite form was perfectly accentuated in a ruched aubergine chiffon dress that swished around her legs. The sweetheart neckline modestly highlighted her décolletage. His mouth went dry at the sight of her. This was much better than taking this case with his brother, who no doubt, set this whole thing up. She probably thought Mycroft was going to escort her.
               Despite the anger he felt towards himself, it suddenly dissipated. It was replaced by a new feeling. The warmth that bloomed in his chest upon setting his eyes on her calmed his racing mind. It was as if her presence, alone, comforted him. “Molly,” he said lovingly, his eyes softening at the sight of her.
               “Sherlock…” her tone matched his own, flabbergasted to see him again. He was donning a pair of rectangular framed glasses, a midnight blue tux, his hair gelled back, a few curls still making themselves known. Oh, he was ever so handsome. “Where’s Mycroft?“
               He couldn’t keep his eyes off her. God, she’s beautiful. “Off, having a laugh I’d wager.” There was no stopping the nervous laugh that escaped him. This was wrong. She was engaged. Mycroft practically set them up on a date. What would Tom do if he found out she was here with someone other than his big brother? He hated himself for it, but the next words out of his mouth were callous. “You shouldn’t be here. Get back in the car, Molly. Go home to your fiancé. Start planning your wedding—for God’s sake pick a date already—and forget about me. ” The cruelty in his words stung as he said them, and he knew if she stayed, there’d be no stopping whatever else might come out. He turned to go inside.
               “No,” Molly said firmly, gripping his arm. His words cut her like a knife—the one that was burying itself deeper into her chest. “William Sherlock Scott Holmes, I haven’t a clue what’s gotten into you, but if you think I’m going to let you go it alone, you are sorely mistaken. Besides, Tom knows I’m here; told me to have fun. Damn it, I’m here to do just that, because these last few weeks without you have been shit.” Molly felt the trickle of her tears falling down her face. “You said I’d always have you. Was that a lie?”
               He stood there, a lump in his throat, his own eyes welling up. The last thing he had wanted to do was make her cry. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, and gently wiped away her tears. “I’m sorry, Molly. I can’t seem to ever do right by you. Of course, you have me. Always. Come on,” he looped his arm through hers. “We’ve been freezing out here for too long. Besides, I’d like to show off how ravishing you look.”
               She half-laughed, half-sobbed wondering what could have changed his mind from giving her a verbal lashing. They stepped through the doors together into a warmly lit ballroom. It seemed most everyone was simply socialising, only a small handful of people dancing. It was a lovely scene before her, but Molly soon realised she hadn’t been told the specifics of the case. As if reading her mind, Sherlock leaned down and whispered in her ear, his breath hot against her skin, “It was a crime of passion; quite violent, so we’re most likely looking for a jilted lover.”
               God, she thought, could his voice be any more enticing??? Her thoughts were soon interrupted, probably for the best.    
               “Hello there! I’m afraid we haven’t been introduced! I’m Fabian Quill,” a joyous plump man greeted them.
               “I’m William Knight, and this,”—he wrapped his arm around her waist protectively—“is my beautiful fiancée, Margaret Holmes.”
               Molly tried not to react to his choice of surname for her. The sound of her name interwoven with his sent chills through her body. God, it sounded so perfect.
               “Holmes?” Quill questioned.” Any relation to that detective?”
               She laughed lightly, humorously, almost awkwardly. “Oh, goodness, no! I do get asked that a lot.”
               Fabian welcomed them, told them to enjoy the festivities, and bid them good evening before he continued making his rounds. Molly let out a sigh of relief, noting the smug smile on Sherlock’s face from the corner of her eye.
               “Shall we dance?” he asked her, opening the palm of his still freezing hand.
               She nodded, taking his offered hand.  They took three steps forward, and turning to face her, Sherlock placed a hand at the small of her back as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Their steps were in perfect tandem as they glided across the floor. The other guests couldn’t help but take notice. He spun her outward and spun her back into his waiting arms.
               His eyes never left hers, the irises nearly as dark as his suit. For the first time since their crime solving day, Molly allowed herself to let go and enjoy the moment. She closed her eyes as he tilted forward to lean his forehead against hers whilst they moved around the ballroom. It was easy to forget the rest of the world, the case, and other commitments. He had been so cold toward her for God knows why, but it was as if that icy exterior had melted away in favor of holding her in his arms.
               Sherlock spun her outward once more, and when she turned inward this time, he lifted her in his arms briefly and set her back down on her feet.
               “Been saving that one?” Molly asked breathlessly, her face flushed. That sparkle in her eyes was there just as he had hoped it would be.
               His warm smile reached his eyes, crinkling them at the corners. “Only for you, Molly Hooper.”  His low, rumbling voice sparked a flame within her. Their gaze never strayed from one another, full of ‘what ifs’ and ‘what could have beens.’ They had been almost lovers—and what a sad word it was, almost. It implied that everything they had ever wanted had been so close within their reach. He faked his death. She helped him do it. He returned. She had gotten herself engaged just months before. The only regret he ever had was not kissing her goodbye, asking her if she’d wait for him. He suspected she would have.
                Right as the music reached its coda, Sherlock dipped her, resisting the urge to press his lips to her slender neck. He had to stop himself, for the action felt natural in the moment, and pulled her back up, safe and sound. “Shall we snuff out our killer?”
                Lowering her voice, she replied, “Sherlock Holmes, you say the most charming things.”
                “I do, don’t I?” he quipped.
                Her laughter bubbled up, sounding like sweet music to his ears. This was the happiest Molly had felt in…well, three, nearly four weeks. It was just beginning to occur to her that the man beside her was the connecting factor. She had missed him so much. He was her best friend; someone she felt she could talk to about anything, even if the subject matter wasn’t necessarily interesting to him.
                They took a turn about the room, making conversation with the other guests. One woman asked them how they met, claiming they made such a beautiful couple (who would inevitably make beautiful children.) Molly had blushed at that. As for the story of how they met, Sherlock was quick on the uptake and talked of having met in Uni. 
                “I was nursing a whisky in the pub when I saw her,” he had told her. “She had just had a fight with her boyfriend at the time—he was a scoundrel, never deserved her. It was a pity such a lovely girl was so sad. I thought she deserved to smile, so I covered her next drink and had the bartender slip her a note which I am glad to say cheered her up.”
                “Well, go on,” one of the women encouraged, “what did the note say?”
                Molly smiled graciously despite the heat flushing her cheeks. “Oh, it’s been an age, I can’t possibly recall it.”
                “Oh, nonsense,” Sherlock remarked, “she’s just being modest. I wrote, ‘You deserve better than that—someone who makes you happy. If I were so lucky, I would treat you as the goddess you are. Oh, my darling, let’s be adventurers and make this world our own.’”
                His words had left her breathless as he recited them. The story itself was completely false, but those words…he hadn’t prepared them in any way. He hadn’t even known she’d be here tonight. This was Sherlock speaking from the heart and it was so beautiful, it made her want to cry. Was he just that poetic? Or were these words he wanted to say to her but never could? Molly so desperately wanted to believe the latter, but she didn’t want to get her hopes up. And why should she? Her fiancé was probably awaiting her return, unable to sleep until she was back safe and sound. Most likely not.
                 There went that knot in her stomach telling her something wasn’t right. She felt she might be sick. She clutched her belly in an effort to settle it. And then, pulling her aside, Sherlock placed a hand on her waist, his eyes boring into hers. “Are you feeling alright? Do you need to go home?”
                 Before she could answer, his soft, warm lips were pressed to her forehead. It’s just to feel your temperature, she had to remind herself.
                 “Hmm, you’re not warm,” he murmured. “Do you need to sit down? Would you like some water? What do you need?”
                 For the oddest reason, tears welled up in her eyes. She wasn’t used to someone taking care of her. “I’m alright, really. I’ll be fine. I want to keep investigating.”
                 Sherlock was hesitant. She had looked so pale a moment ago, but the color appeared to have come back as quickly as it left. “Well…if you’re sure. Just tell me if you’d like to go, and I’ll make arrangements for you.”
                 Molly smiled sweetly, almost lovingly. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary, but thank you. Come on, we’ve many more guests to talk to.”
                 As they jumped from groups, couples, and esteemed friends, it was a pair of gossiping women they had heard mention the deceased, Mister Archibald Hale. “Oh, I had heard what happened,” Molly told them. “Awful business, that. You don’t reckon he had taken a lover?”
                 One lady laughed at the notion, the old engagement ring hanging from a chain around her neck gleaming under the lights. “Oh, Archie definitely had one. Don’t know who she was, mind you, but either his wife offed him or his mistress did. Either way, the man was a lesion on society.”
                 “A despicable one, he was,” another woman added, taking a sip of her champagne. “I heard his wife knew about the whole sordid affair. I bet she bided her time before doing away with him.”
                 Sherlock stepped in, then. “Hm, and what if there was a third person involved? Not the wife or his lover? Anyone like that you know?” The women shook their heads, though the first who spoke to them—Elsie Brown—appeared a bit on edge. “Well, good evening to you ladies. I think Margaret may need some fresh air, don’t you, darling?”
                 Molly nodded. “It is quite stifling in here. It was a pleasure to meet you all.” She took Sherlock’s arm as he quietly led her through the crowd and onto the balcony.
                 “What do you make of Elsie?” he asked her once they were alone.
                 “I think she knows something,” Molly replied. “Maybe she did it, though we know she’s not the wife.”
                 Sherlock nodded. “Nor the lover, I’d wager. No, I think this is far more personal. The murderer is a jilted lover as I suspected, but one from long ago.”
                 A light went on in her thoughts, and excitedly, she grabbed Sherlock’s arms. “Notice how she called him ‘Archie.’ There’s a level of intimacy there. Perhaps they were in love once, maybe even betrothed, if that ring around her neck is anything to go by, and he left her for another woman. It wasn’t the wife that bided her time, but Elsie, who was probably planning this for years!”
                He smiled warmly, so in love with the woman excitedly solving his case. Though, of course he had already solved it. Sherlock thought it would be nice to let her have this one. It was the least he could do after the fight they had. Never did he want to make her cry again, not that he had intended to. “Excellent work, Molly,” he praised her as he sent off a text to Mycroft. “I’ll make a detective out of you, yet.”
                They rode back to her flat together in one of Mycroft’s cars. Sherlock wanted to be sure she got home safely. When she began to let herself out, he placed his hand on hers. “Molly, wait.” He now had her immediate attention. “About earlier…I am very sorry for the way I snapped at you, and for what I said. Furthermore, I shouldn’t have disappeared on you. I hurt you, and that is unforgivable in my book.”
                Molly shook her head. “Not unforgivable.”
                He smiled sadly. “You’re too kind to me, Molly. If there’s any way I can make it up to you…”
                “You can start by forgiving yourself,” she told him. “You’re much too critical for your own good.” And she leaned in, leaving him a kiss upon his cheek.
                Sherlock could barely breathe, though he managed one last sentiment. “As you wish, Molly Hooper.”
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Harry Potter OC Masterlist
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Tag: oc: amoretta tonks
FC: Crystal Reed
Love Interest: Cedric Diggory / Fred Weasley
Story: Twisted Fates
Summary: Life was good.
Amoretta Tonks headed into her 6th year at Hogwarts with that thought to her mind. Life was good. She had finished her OWLs the year before with good marks, and had figured the only thing ahead that she had to worry about this year was what sort of trouble Harry Potter would bring to Hogwarts. Though really even that she worried little over, it hardly ever reached her sphere of Hogwarts with her being older and in an entirely different house. Really she just had to worry whether it’d effect quidditch or not.
Plus she had Cedric. Finally, after years of friendship and crushing and pining, she had him.
So life was good.
But then the Triwizard Tournament is announced, and feeling settles over her that something bad was coming. Dreams wrack her mind at all hours of graveyards and death. And when Cedrics name is pulled from the Goblet she is struck by an all encompassing dread that grows and grows as they pass through each task.
But life was supposed to be good.
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Tag: oc: beatrice dursley
FC: Kaylee Bryant
Love Interest: Ron Weasley
Story: State of Possession
Summary: Beatrice Dursley grew up fairly unobtrusively. With her older brother demanding—and getting—most of the attention from their parents, and her cousin drawing— however unintended—the ire from them. She was left to her own devices for the most part, enjoying her own quiet room or the front garden where she could play about the flowers. She knew odd things happened occasionally around her, but she never really noticed them. 
Then letters come for Harry and she learns that there is such thing as magic in the world. She doesn’t pay it much mind, sure it was rather funny to see Dudley get the tail, and the giant man that came to see Harry didn’t seem as bad as her father seemed to rant on about. But it didn’t have anything to do with her, until the start of summer when she turned eleven and a witch showed up at Privet Drive with a letter just like Harry’s for her.
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Tag: oc: cadence hearthorn
FC: Bella Heathcote
Love Interest: Sirius Black
Story: And Into the Woods I Go [Ao3] [FFN]
Summary: Cadence Hearthorn doesn’t truly understand her relationship with Sirius Black.
Her relationship with Regulus is quite clear to her, they’ve been the best of friends and each others anchors in the political mine-field that is Slytherin house since their first year. The both of them striving to secure their spots amongst their peers. With Regulus working hard to detract attention from his brothers rebellion against their family, and Cadence struggling to bring her families name back to reputable status as the first magic user in generations.
But Sirius Black has confounded Cadence since the summer before her fourth year when she stayed at Grimmauld Place and met the elder Black brother more surely than she had ever before. He challenges her views and ambitions, and at the very least it seems she sparks his curiosity much the same. Especially after he wakes her from a dream where she saw the truth of one of his best friends deepest secrets.
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Tag: oc: cassiopeia malfoy
FC: Jenny Boyd
Love Interest: George Weasley
Story: Mischief & Manners [Ao3] [FFN]
Summary: Cassiopeia knows what’s expected of her as the daughter of a pureblooded house. She knows that after Hogwarts she’ll get married off to a rich pureblooded wizard of good standing with whom she’ll be expected to have proper pureblooded children. She’ll be a good pureblood witch and follow her parents example and she’ll show that despite her more rebellious youth she can do as is expected of her, that it was all just a simple toeing of the line but not any serious deviation.
Cassiopeia knows that if it were entirely her own choice she’d make use of the N.E.W.T.S that she knows she’ll score perfectly on and become a healer. If it were her choice she’d continue on with Fred and George for the rest of her life and help them with their developing line of prank products even after their school years have ended. If it were her own choice she’d tell George her feelings and be with someone she chooses rather than someone chosen for her. If it were her choice she’d make something of her life that was challenging and brilliant and utterly hers.
Cassiopeia knows that for all her wants and rebellions she’ll do what she can for her family in the end, even if it means sacrificing her own choices.
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Tag: oc: dahlia potter
FC: Holland Roden
Love Interest: Draco Malfoy
Story: Dream to See [Ao3] [FFN]
Summary: Twin to the Boy who Lived, Dahlia grew up alongside her brother Harry under the care of the Dursley’s. She always did her best to keep herself happy while also protecting Harry when she could. Thus when the twins acceptance to Hogwarts comes she is ready to move forward, away from the apparent hatred from their relatives and into the magic that a part of her had always known she held.
But then Harry goes into Gryffindor, after she had already been put in Slytherin. Leading her to deal with the fact that she’s separated from the brother she’s always strived to protect. She is left to the house that had held the man who killed their parents, to strange dreams that have haunted her for as long as she can remember, and to the blonde haired brat who seems determined to either get her to love him or hate him. 
Despite it all Dahlia Potter perseveres through her years at Hogwarts with a determination to succeed.
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Tag: oc: evie tatters
FC: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Harry Potter
Story: TBD
Summary: Evie Tatters is a witch.
Her parents had always said there was something special about her, but she’d always chalked that up to being a thing all parents told their children to make them feel special. But when a tall woman came to their home on Privet Drive telling her that she was indeed special, in comparison to muggles at least, Evie was determined to prove her entirely right.
It was just an added bonus that her best friend Harry also proved to be special. Though apparently he was special even in the world of magic. Not that she would let that affect her view of him, or if she could help it let it affect his view of himself, no she was simply overjoyed that she wasn’t going to a school where she’d know absolutely no one all on her own.
Of course then she gets put into a house that tells her she’s not special, rather she’s wrong and bad and does not belong.
Of course, that just makes her all the more determined to prove each and every one of them wrong and show them just how special she is.
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Tag: oc: jeanie prewett
FC: Sophie Skelton
Love Interest: Marlene McKinnon / Nymphadora Tonks
Story: TBD
Summary: Jeanie Prewett was a witch, in her own opinion, who was exceptionally gifted. 
Thus, it only made sense that she’d join up with the Order of the Phoenix come leaving Hogwarts.
Jeanie Prewett, in her own opinion, was quite skilled at fighting death eaters. And she had a bloody good time doing it as well. Alongside her brothers Gideon and Fabian she did her duty to the Order, and the greater wizarding community, and worked hard to end the reign of terror the Dark Lord was bringing to Britain.
Thus it only made sense that she was with her brothers when they died. But Jeanie Prewett did not die that day. No matter what was presumed when her body was not found. 
Because Jeanie Prewett was an exceptionally gifted witch who enjoyed experimenting with difficult magics and had, a few weeks prior, found an illegal time turner that she kept for private research. Thus, when her brother’s and her were set upon by death eaters, she in a spur of reckless caution turned the piece in hopes of saving the day. 
Of course, it wasn’t a regulation time turner and she had tinkered with it some. And so, in a dizzying sense of magic (that felt very much like falling upwards) she found it had nowhere near the effect that she’d hoped for. 
Jeanie Prewett was a witch who opened her eyes to find herself stood in an entirely unfamiliar time that was heading into a very familiar war.
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Tag: oc: lyra black
FC: Phoebe Tonkin
Love Interest: Remus Lupin
Story: TBD
Summary: Lyra Black has been hearing things she’s not supposed to all her life. 
When she was little she heard of Bellatrix’s plans for the muggle family that lived down the way. She heard of Andromeda’s secret friendship with a muggleborn. She heard of Narcissa’s secret hiding spot for her things that she didn’t want her sisters to touch. 
She heard other things too, just thoughts passing through the heads of those around her. 
Her mother and Bellatrix insisted it was a gift. A thing most wizards and witches would have to work years and years to have even the base natural skill Lyra shows. A gift Lyra knows Bellatrix thinks is wasted upon her. 
But it was a gift she didn’t particularly want. And thus since she was little, Lyra Black tried very hard not to hear things she was not supposed to. 
But sometimes her focus slips and things slip through the cracks. Sometimes she sits beside a tired looking boy in Transfiguration and hears his pain and wonders on it just the second needed to see something she was never supposed to hear.
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Tag: oc: tristram crouch
FC: Richard Harmon
Love Interest: Hermione Granger
Story: State of Forgetting
Summary: When Tristram Crouch enters his fourth year at Hogwarts he’s acutely aware of one pressing issue. He’s missing something. He’s certain if he got his hands on a remembrall it would smoke up faster than the fireplace in the Hufflepuff common room on chilly days. But he’s also certain it’s not an object that he’s missing.
No. He’s quite certain that whatever’s missing from him is missing from his head. A memory, he thinks, lost from his mind and leaving him rather pissed at its absence. And it’s not something small. No, he thinks it’s actually rather big. Which only pisses him off further.
So, he turns to the most brilliant witch of their age (at least that’s what he’s heard plenty of people call her) and asks for her help in figuring out memory magic in order to get whatever it is back into his mind where it belongs.
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camelliacats · 4 years
Our family could’ve been bigger
Another random oneshot, done for a friend's bday.
Fic: "Our family could've been bigger" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Gideon Prewett/Regulus Arcturus Black, with cameos from Victoire Weasley & Dominique Weasley
Rating: K
Words: ~1,510
Additional info: romance, gen fic, slash, family, angst, Maydayverse, Marauder era, Next Gen era, 3rd person POV
Summary: When asked about their uncles by Bill's daughters, Bill and Charlie don't think of just Fabian and Gideon, because there was someone else, too.
               "Dad, what was it like when you were young?"
               Bill glanced over his newspaper and peered down at his two little daughters, Victoire and Dominique. It was interesting to him, them asking him such a question. When he thought about when he had been young, he thought of himself as a child not all that much younger than the girls' current ages of six and ten. He glanced over at his brother, Charlie, who pulled himself up from the floor after the girls had finished using him as a human jungle gym. "What do you mean?" the father asked.
               Victoire and Dominique exchanged a look, and Victoire looked between her father and uncle. "Well, we were wondering—we've got loads of aunts and uncles and cousins and all that. We know that you guys had cousins, too, but what about your uncles and aunts?"
               Charlie shook his head. "We never had many aunts. But we had plenty of uncles. Your Uncle Ron—his middle name comes from one of our uncles, Bilius."
               "What about your other uncles?" Dominique asked. "Weren't there two Grandmam Weasley knew?"
               Bill and Charlie glanced at each other again. "She didn't just know them, Dominique," Bill told his younger daughter. "They were her brothers—twins, in fact."
               "Like Uncle Fred and Uncle George," Victoire realized.
               He nodded. "Yes. Their names were Fabian and Gideon. They were a lot like Fred and George, though my brothers never really knew them." He smiled warmly. "They were great, though Uncle Gideon didn't let us get into as much trouble…er, mischief as Uncle Fabian would." Charlie chuckled. "Actually, the summer after they graduated from Hogwarts was probably the best summer we ever had when we were kids…" Bill looked at Charlie, and he knew the same memories were playing in his brother's mind.
               A memory that Bill recalled best was of the first time Gideon had taken them to a beach. Bill and Charlie had been seven and five at the time, so Bill knew he could recall more of it than Charlie could. It'd been a whole day of fun, full of swimming, laughing, playing, and just general fun. Gideon had been there, and Bill and Charlie—but not Fabian. No, instead someone else had been there.
               …Uncle Regulus.
               Even now, it was somewhat of an absurd thought. Harry had told only Ron and Hermione at first, but those who knew the truth about Regulus Arcturus Black had come to include Molly, Arthur, Bill, and Charlie, as well as Kingsley Shacklebolt and Minerva McGonagall. And, yet, only those few Weasleys would ever know the other truth about Regulus.
               Bill vaguely recalled the summer before Gideon and Fabian's last year of school. They had butted heads for once, something about Fabian being too much of a big brother towards Gideon. Bill hadn't thought much of it at the time; all he'd known back then was that he'd never lord it over his younger siblings (which had included only Charlie, Percy, and the twins then,) that he was the eldest. Still, Gideon and Fabian got along well, and Bill and his brothers awaited their uncles' return for the break that Christmas.
               It was such a surprise, then, when only Fabian came home. He acted as though nothing were wrong, but Bill sensed that Gideon should've come home with him. Molly hadn't said anything about it, but Bill had known even then how Fabian's mind worked; they were both big brothers, and Fabian had been concerned for Gideon. Why, Bill's young mind couldn't comprehend at the time.
               Bill had known Gideon had written to Molly somewhat often. Time had flown as letters arrived at their own pace, and then it felt so sudden, when Molly and Arthur had collected their children and paid a visit to Hogwarts. It was the time for Gideon and Fabian to graduate from Hogwarts. Things had felt bad between their uncles, but Bill had acted strong in front of Charlie; he couldn't show that he had been worried about their uncles, because he hadn't wanted Charlie to think that they might be the same way someday.
               Gideon had been sour that day, and Bill had asked his mother why that was. "I'll tell you when you're older, dear," a younger Molly had told her little boy.
               The next time he'd seen Gideon, his face had been so bright, Bill had thought it would hurt to look for too long.
               He'd wondered why Gideon was so happy. He'd just left school, hadn't he? He'd just left behind all of his friends. He'd probably never see them again or at least for a long while. So what could've made Uncle Gideon so stupidly happy?
               The answer to Bill's question had arrived one summer day, when Gideon had appeared, asking to take Bill and Charlie out. Molly had been more than happy, for she'd been on her feet all week. Bill and Charlie had left with Gideon.
               But they had returned to Gideon's flat for the night with Regulus in tow.
               Regulus had called himself Gideon's "friend." Bill hadn't known anything could be insinuated by such a word. Instead, young Bill had admired Regulus, for daring to have long hair, for daring to be a nice Slytherin, for daring to have fun with them (because, even as a child, Bill had been struck by the idea that Regulus was not accustomed to smiling so much or to having much fun). And, at the end of the day, a sleepy Charlie had ended up in Uncle Gideon's secure arms, and Bill had dared to take Regulus' hand.
               It had been a warm hand, a comforting, close one. Even if Regulus had called himself only Gideon's "friend," Bill had decided that he liked him. And he knew Charlie had, too.
               That summer, Bill and Charlie had spent more time than usual over at Gideon's place. Every time they had gone, Regulus had been there. He had been awkward towards them at first—Bill had suspected that Regulus wasn't used to company, let alone the company of children—but he'd warmed up quickly enough. Bill had thought it was his influence. He had always tried starting conversations with the Slytherin and had had luck. Regulus hadn't treated him like a little kid; he'd spoken to both Bill and Charlie as though they were on the same level as him and Gideon. It had made the boys feel good, and Bill had thought that Regulus…actually fit into their family.
               It'd made sense. Regulus and Gideon had almost never been without the other. Bill and Charlie had gotten along great with him. Bill had liked to draw pictures for Regulus, though he'd only ever gotten to give him one. And, and there had been naptime—Bill had loved curling up in the crook of Regulus' pale, frail arm with his little brother nearby. Bill had known that Gideon hadn't minded that at all, for Gideon had taken a photo of one such nap with a Muggle camera he'd gotten for his birthday from Molly.
               All too suddenly, that summer had ended. And, with it, the idea of an even larger family had disappeared from Bill's mind. When the summer had ended, Regulus had returned to school for his final year, and Uncle Gideon had slipped into a terrible funk, and nothing had felt quite right anymore. Playing with Gideon after that hadn't been as fun, not without Regulus—Uncle Reg—around, but that had turned out to suit Gideon, because he went off to do his own thing, and Bill had known so little.
               But, despite what he hadn't known then, he recalled the last time he'd seen Gideon and Fabian. They'd been arguing about something called "The Order," and Bill's mum had been crying and arguing with them.
               It wasn't long after that when Uncle Gid and Uncle Fab just didn't come around anymore.
               It wasn't much longer after that when Molly and Arthur had confessed to their children that their uncles weren't coming back.
               It wasn't very long after that when Bill had asked his parents if that had meant that Uncle Reg wasn't coming back either. Their silence had been answer enough.
               Still…though they were far away, almost out of reach, the memories from that part of his childhood were still prominent in Bill's adult mind. A part of him still longed for the good part of that summer, when their uncles had been alive and happy and there and family.
               Charlie coughed, picking up where Bill had left off. "It was a fun summer, girls, and we met our other uncle then, too."
               "Oh?" Victoire prompted, curious.
               "Yes. His name was Uncle Reg."
               "Wow!" Dominique said. "There really are a lot of Weasleys!"
               The wizards exchanged a look, definitely thinking of that time when ten-year-old Bill had told eight-year-old Charlie that he knew he'd once seen Uncle Gid kiss Uncle Reg in the same way that their parents did. Bill grinned sadly, as did Charlie. "Yes, Dom," Bill finally said, "I suppose there are."
:') I didn't know how this was going to end until the fic ended itself! :O But I think it's one of my better endings. Bittersweet, yes, but still…GAH! :'))) This is another one of my "missing moment" fics for Mor's "we will be the last ones standing," because I love filling in the blanks with what the other charries thought of Regideon. I remember *squee*'ing so badly when I beta'd the summer part mentioned with little Bill and Charlie, so I was so happy that I got to write this! X333 I hope you loved this fic, Mor—it's just for you! :')
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: HA. BYE. *overwhelmed with feels* Um, so, this 2012 fic is another of my pairing-thru-another's-eyes stories, a type which I love to write, but this. This just shatters my heart to reread and edit it 5 yrs later (for minor typos/things). Picturing little Bill and Charlie getting along with Regideon like that just makes my heart hurt so bad, tho I'm so glad this is part of my overall headcanon. It just. It explains a lot. :') And if y'all haven't read Mor's fic yet—DO IT. It's still and will always forever be one of the best stories—not just fics—I've ever read. *happy sigh* :3c
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Blue Kitty au
N/A: Thinking about Kitty as Kymri thanks to a conversation with Danny and later another conversation with djinmer4 where the idea of Kitty being blue would change a few things in canon. Ok, first Kurt will be tsu tsu here (not unlikeable one. I promise) also, the shade of blue I´ll use is Baby Blue for her skin(her eyes and hair are still brown) and of course, she is 18 here (a perfect age for this story). Another point in this story is how it will show Rogue x Dazzler X Longshot.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @bamfoftheundead @everykurt @muninandhugin
It starts rather innocuously if Rogue can say so or if one can believe something can start innocently when a robotic creature from outer space- to be precise as Cyclops likes to be, sometimes, the creature comes from the MojoVerse-decides to attack the X-men because, well, it will increase the rates and please the bosses. Longshot, the resident alien knows how to defeat the robot, but, Longshot lack words to explain the weakness of the foe. So, he turns to Rogue and asks. "Can you...?" the question is polite and Rogue would chuckle if the foe wasn´t a real danger.
However, when she did touch him...Her eyes widen and her mouth opens comically. "I can touch you..." she speaks mesmerized and in the end, thanks to Longshot´s lucky power and a bit of Colossus strength...the day is saved.
Rogue is not sure if she did something in that particular fight-she only recall this monumental moment- and when Northstar was passing by asking if she´s alright in his aloof and in the Canadian way if she was alright all Rogue offers is a big grin. "I can touch him..."
Northstar is gaze at her in a deadpan way. "Good for you, I guess...But I think you´ll have competition" Northstar now looks to the other side where Dazzler, Alisson Blaire, is talking in a chipper way with Longshot, and Rogue stops the grin.
"Uhm...are you sure this is ok?" The voice of a younger woman breaks the silence of the car to look at the two women who are guiding this new adventure-Ororo Monroe did explain a few hours before in the Ice Cream shop about the X-men and how their missions are to protect humans and mutants and Jean Grey was there to promote the idea of co-existence with humans and as Kitty observed is not completely far fetched in some places- and her question did make the older women gaze at her. "I mean, I´m all up to be a heroine and all that, but, is everything ok with blue?" Kitty asked subtle looking at the driver who didn´t look to any one of the X-ladies.
Ororo simpers as she knew this would be an issue and her mind is drifting to the few blue residents in the mansion, Jean, on the other hand, doesn´t need to read her friend´s mind to know who she´s thinking and what she´ll say right now.
"I didn´t tell you this before...but, we have one very famous blue mutant and trust me, no one has a problem with him" Ororo promised and Jean looks to the other side and mentally adds. 
Ororo...you don´t know the curse of knowing what people are thinking and that´s a blessing.
"Wait...No one makes a big deal about him being blue?"
"Nope, and he´s very popular"
Jean would like to inwardly add Kurt´s popularity may not be the best fame an 18 years old woman needs to know, but, then again...Kitty's only interaction with azzure people is her father and one evil alien who wanted to kill people in Chicago. 
Maybe, Kurt is the best option here...
Ororo can´t read minds, yet, when it is about Jean Grey she truly doesn´t need as she looks at her exasperated for a moment and Jean changes the topic of the conversation before Ororo lecture her again about Kurt´s past and not being too judgmental.
Dazzler is over the moon and it shows on her body language and even on her voice- right now, she´s making something in the kitchen and is more energetic than normal- and it attracts attention from Betsy Braddock and Kurt Wagner. The British woman claps her hands and can´t help herself. "Oh, someone is happy...good news or really good news?" Betsy asked as Dazzler aka Alisson Blaire give her attention.
Kurt will never say this to anyone-for obvious reasons that his denial shield can´t let him forget- but Alisson´s hair looks a lot like Amanda´s and is soothing as it is painful to see. Stop, Kurt...is just hair and they´re two different people altogether.
"Oh, someone is coming here. Remember one of those girls I was mentioning another day? She had a great voice and is a mutant just like me....anyway, she is coming here and we´ll get a new mutant" now Dazzler looks at Kurt with a mock stern face. "Kurt, I expect you to be nice to my friend. 
Kurt flashes a smile and is charming as always. "If is a friend of Dazzler...then she must be a lovely person and a great addition to the X-men"  and Kurt tries to imagine how this person will be. 
Kitty Pryde finally enters on the mansion-baby steps as she hates to admit she´s nervous but she can´t lie very well- and inside meet many people. A Russian man named Piotr and his cute little sister, Cyclops aka Scott Summers and one face she already knew. "Dazzler!" she exclaims in her joyful way. And Dazzler responds by saying Kitty´s moniker in the same way. "Shadowcat" and a hug happens.
"Welcome to the X-men, Kitty, hope you can survive the experience" and Dazzler laugh and Kitty inwardly hopes this is a joke- she looks around to see if is a joke, but no one is confirming or denying anything- oh...what hell I get myself into? She thought slightly panicking. 
The next one to introduce herself was Elisabeth Braddock-a, proper British lady if Kitty ever saw one- wearing purple and pink and makes no mention of Kitty´s tone of the skin.
And finally, her doe eyes meet one person in the high section of the staircase who is petrified, yet, he´s blue like her. Indigo and Baby Blue are still blue in the end.
"Hi" Kitty begins with stars in her eyes, and at the same time, caution. She won´t come to him-the alien lady did make Kitty went to her...she almost lost her life that day- "Are you Nightcrawler?"
And Kurt nods using his words as Ororo and Jean are frowning at him and Jean is putting her hands on her waist- and Kurt notices how the others are slowly drifting away from Jean and Ororo, even Scott Summers who is married to Jean- and Kurt clears his throat as he looks at the azzure man.
"Hello, nice to meet you" Kurt replied bowing imperceptibly at Kitty and offering to kiss her hand-her hand is so soft and smooth. Raven´s hands are cold, but, then again...Kurt suspects cold blood is what her frozen heart pumps-"What´s your name, fair madchen?"
Kitty blinks and makes one question. "My name or my moniker? If is the later my name is Shadowcat" and Kurt recalls how Mystique always introduces herself as Mystique. And Kurt spends the rest of the day peering at Kitty Pryde-is her name as she later told him once she got his stare and Kurt was forced to ask for her real name- and he is deeply confused.
She´s blue.
She´s beautiful.
She´s...not Mystique.
Kurt deviates his thoughts and attention from Kitty Pryde to focus on his sister-not that sister, never that person...and his mind prefers to think about Blue Kitty than that person again- who is looking at Longshot talking to Dazzler about something. She sighs dreamily.
"Rogue?" Kurt asked in concern. Did Longshot hurt her? Rogue looks at her brother-not that brother, she disowned Fabian Cortes from her life just like he did with her- and doesn´t even register in her mind to lie to Kurt.
"I think I´m in love with Longshot..." He can touch me
"Oh...well, in that case, why stay here sighing and suffering? You´re Rogue..." Kurt said that forgetting about her powers but she flashes a nice smile at him.
"You´re right...I'll not suffer. Kurt...I can touch him" she giggles excitedly as this is a present from Christmas and off she goes to get Longshot´s attention. Meanwhile, Kurt is back to the Blue Kitty.
She´s blue...not like me...and not like HER?
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