#February writing
claraxbarton · 8 months
February Writing Accountability Thread
Feb 1 accountability:
0 words
Feb 2 goals:
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2soulscollide · 2 years
(FREE) CHALLENGE: February, write every day
Hello, hello! It's me!
This time I'm here to announce *drums*
A CHALLENGE! yay, another one :D
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I've been struggling with college, personal life, and writing, and just realized that what I'm actually needing is a nice challenge to motivate me to write every single day! and, since January is coming to an end and February is a short month, I thought it'd be a cool idea to do a simple challenge for this upcoming month, don't you agree?
What will we be writing in February, you ask...
Well, I've collected some nice prompts, and each day of the month we will have to follow the prompt! it will come with different levels of difficulty, and you'll earn points (we love a little competition!) through the challenge. By the end of the month, we will share our results with the community!! (Also, as soon as you enter the challenge, there's an excel sheet to help you with the point system).
How will this work?
You will receive a daily prompt by e-mail. then, all you have to do is to write!! you can keep it to yourself or post it on Tumblr (feel free to tag me / use the tag #feb2soulscollide)
Click here to access the challenge!!
I really hope you like this, and that it somehow motivates you :) I'll try to participate as well since I haven't been writing lately...
Note: This is my first time creating an e-mail challenge, so I hope there are no mistakes haha :')
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itsfirecat · 8 months
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(text description in ALT and below the cut)
Based on some rumblings I heard, I ended up quickly throwing together a fun little WIP bingo sheet! I'll admit I largely wrote the prompts for writing, but I think a good number of them should also apply to art!
Ultimately, the goal is to have fun, and finish whatever WIPs you can (without burning yourself out or having a bad time). If you needed a sign to pick up that project you've been putting off, the time is now!
3x4 Bingo square titled "Finish your fucking fics february"
the top three across left to right read "Update your oldest WIP", "Finish a WIP that's been buried deep in your drafts", and "Finish a WIP that you haven't posted yet"
the second row reads "Finish a recent WIP", "Finish a WIP you're scared of" and "Finish a WIP that's been haunting you"
the third row reads "Update a partially posted WIP", "Finish any WIP/Free Space", and "Finish the next WIP in a series you've been avoiding"
the last row reads "Update your newest WIP", "Finish a WIP that's been ignored for at least 6 months", and "Finish the next chapter for a fic you've been meaning to for months"
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givethispromptatry · 7 months
"You what?"
"I adopted some kids!"
"Who let you have kids?!"
"No one? I found them in the woods. They're mine now."
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crybaby-bkg · 3 months
you have no clue why you even signed up for something like this. it was a stupid fucking idea, and could cause so many problems and issues and—god, were there always this many people on your campus?
your school is having a fundraising event, and you’ve somehow gotten roped into doing the kissing booth. it started off innocently enough, but as the night went on and the people started getting drunker, you were growing tired of it all. you were looking for some reprieve; the other girl who was supposed to show up hours ago, is now nowhere to be found.
"Oh would you look at that, Suguru?" comes an infuriating voice, one you don't even wanna look up and greet. "Our last stop is about to make our whole night better." Satoru's voice is a purr, makes goosebumps crawl over your skin. you can't help the exaggerated roll of your eyes when you finally look up and greet the two evil little shit heads.
"I hate you both with every fiber of my being." you state plainly. Satoru feigns surprise, a hand on his chest as he gasps at you. Suguru only rolls his eyes with a small smirk, crossing his arms as he looks down his nose at you.
"I haven't even said anything, yet." Suguru teases, uncrossing his arms to lean against the front of the booth. Satoru matches his position, both of their too wide frames blocking out anyone behind them. it shadows the inside of the too small booth, makes you frown at them as you flip them both off.
"Either kiss me, or get the fuck out of my line." you hiss at them, but they only reduce you to a mere fussy little house cat. Satoru coos at you, reaching through to pinch your cheek as you try to quickly swat him away. Suguru takes that time to pull out a wad of cash, entirely too much for your one dollar per kiss sign.
"Gluttonous," you murmur with a shake of your head, reapplying your lipgloss for the nth time that night. They look ravenous at the sight, both grinning like evil little imps, childish in how they try to slightly push the other one out of the way to be first. Suguru, not one for the childish antics, lets Satoru first, but you can't help yourself to fuck with the white haired man.
"Nah, he's first since he's the one paying." you shrug, watch the way Satoru's face falls at your words. Suguru pushes him without preamble, despite Satoru's whines about fairness and favoritism. his words go in one ear and out the other as you step up to Suguru, barely able to tell him the rules before he's pulling you in by the collar of your shirt.
his lips are softer than you expect, his kiss gentle in the way he presses his lips to your own. he's not greedy, but he does breathe against your mouth when you press against him a little harder than you probably should. after spotting the gap between your mouths, does Satoru interrupt, inserting himself between the two of you, pulling you to him with both hands on your cheeks.
now his lips are much juicier than you expect, and with a nip to his bottom lip, you already know that he's wearing your watermelon flavored lip balm. he grins against you, greedy, already running the soft pad of his tongue along the seam of your lips.
Suguru takes you back though, with a possessive hand on your nape, bringing your mouth to his own once more. he consumes you, sharp teeth pulling at your bottom lip with a tug, soothing over the sting with a lick of his wet muscle, gasping when he's tugged away from you once more. Satoru again, this time the greedy bastards slides his tongue into your mouth successfully through your surprised agape lips.
the fight continues on for entirely too long, as people behind them begin to complain. Satoru only flips them off, Suguru showing off the wad of cash, indicating they're determined to get every single kiss they paid for. Rich pricks.
They share you when they both get too desperate, their mouths on yours, on each others. someone's tongue runs across your gums, and someone else's teeth nibbles at the corner of your mouth. Suguru pushes the back of your head in Satoru's direction to deepen your kiss, his spit trailing from his mouth down your throat. Satoru guides Suguru by his bun to swallow your moans when he decides to nip at your throat.
you're standing on your toes, desperate to keep up with their addictive mouths when there's suddenly a clearing of someone's throat behind you. you rip away from their mouths, a thick string of saliva connecting you to them both, as it snaps away when you turn your head quickly. oh. its your replacement.
"get outta here," she murmurs with a smile when your dazed look keeps you rooted in place.
"yeah, we're not done paying for our kisses yet." Satoru complains on the other side of the booth, slightly breathless, his lips swollen and pink. Suguru is in no better condition than him, his bun halfway fallen out of its place, his bottom lip plush from your biting. you finally snap to reality as you start to quickly gather your stuff, squeezing your replacements hip as she gives you that kind of look.
"I'm breaking up with both of them," you mutter to her, ignoring both of your boys' complaints and snickers. she only laughs at you as she applies her lipgloss, turning to the next person behind the two.
"sure, that's what you said last week." she teases, and you can only flip her off as you make your way out of the booth. you're barely out before you're being swept up in a myriad of unrelenting kisses from your boyfriends.
"Never take a job like that again," Satoru whines, rubbing his cheek against your own like some overgrown cat. Suguru only agrees quietly, stealing another kiss from you before they whisk you off to cover you in kisses on another pair of lips for the night.
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lttledog · 8 months
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February 1st — from ‘The Diaries of Franz Kafka’.
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saltwaterconfessions · 2 months
please read asunder by kerstin hall it's the only thing that's come close to how gideon made me feel in the nearly four years since i read it
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vecnuthy · 4 months
@steddiemicrofic June prompt: stuff || wc: 483 || G || established relationship, moving in together, language, Eddie being chaotic
Confused, Steve grabbed the keys he'd just set down, and -- yep, right apartment number.
When Steve had left their brand new apartment that morning, he'd known that Eddie and Wayne would be relocating their things from point A(ll yours now, Wayne!) to point B(abe, this is ours. Ours.), but Steve didn't realize--
The apartment had been completely empty that morning when he'd left for work, the mattress that Steve had tied to the top of his Bimmer ("I'm not sleeping on the floor.") and yesterday's clothes being the only things left behind. Now, however, Steve wondered if there had been some kind of mistake with a hypothetical delivery service that he knew Eddie and Wayne definitely did not hire, because there were mountains of boxes in front of him. Towers. A miniature King Kong would have a field day in this apartment, and Steve could only stare, overwhelmed by the amount of....everything.
Until, finally, a familiar head of hair popped out from behind one of the towers.
"Eddie, is this really-?"
And then Steve's face fell, lips pursed at the sight of his boyfriend, blissfully oblivious to Steve's presence, absolutely jamming to the music blaring from the headphones clamped over his ears. Steve bit back a laugh at the guitar solo that Eddie vocally mimicked with his eyes closed as his air guitar got downright shredded.
Eddie bumped into a stack of boxes, then paused, hands held out placatingly to the swaying stack, and said, "Excuse me," before he went back to wailing along with the guitar in his head.
Steve could have taken him right then and there.
He settled for a light touch to get his attention, since it was obvious that Eddie would otherwise remain oblivious to Steve's presence, but when Steve touched his arm, Eddie's eyes flew open and the guitar wail turned into a banshee shriek, his arms flailing wildly as he fell back and into a tower of boxes in surprise. Steve tried to grab him, but it was no use. He followed Eddie to the ground, and the boxes crashed next to them.
"Jesus fucking CHRIST," Eddie cried, starfished on the floor, his chest heaving under Steve's hold. "Damn, Steve, you scared the shit out of me. I think I just lost five years of my life."
"I'm sorry," Steve couldn't help but laugh.
Eddie, winded, grinned back then winced and turned toward the toppled boxes next to them. "Hope those didn't have records in them."
Steve frowned at words scrawled on the toppled box. "It says The Prancing Pony?"
Eddie relaxed. "Sheets and stuff."
Steve's confusion only grew when he saw other names across the other boxes, until he landed on one that said Rivendell.
He knew that name.
"Why is Rivendell on that one?"
"That, my liege, houses aaall of your hair care stuff," Eddie smirked.
"....Eddie, no."
Eddie grinned wider and winked.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
I got stuck in a tiny tunnel in a cave. To pass the time until my death, I wrote fanfiction in a notebook I had in my bag. I died right before finishing the last sentence, and the content of it became a major source of dispute across all of fandom.
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youkaigakkou-tl · 9 months
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why you should read yohaji: the powerpoint
send this to ur friends ur family ur hamster tape it to ur forehead etc etc
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zephyrchama · 9 months
An idea for around lesson 41~ in OG Obey Me! when the brothers come to the human world.
In their first week, they all go somewhere with MC to celebrate. MC is very used to going out and drinking demonus alongside them, as it does nothing. So nobody thinks twice about ordering a round of drinks for the table. Maybe two rounds. Maybe just keep the drinks coming. It's a happy reunion, after all, and the house is close by.
MC drinks enough to get absolutely plastered by the time anybody realizes what's happened. You now have a table of seven very flustered, concerned demons and a human who can barely sit up in their chair.
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obstinaterixatrix · 7 months
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here are all the recs I posted for femslash february 2024...! each individual rec post can be found in my femslash feb recs tag. I actually thought I wasn't going to be able to do this because work got super chaotic, but in the end I couldn't bear to skip out on a leap year. that's a whole extra day for yuri.
last year I focused on official releases, so this year I wanted to focus on series that aren't technically officially available (plus a french-japanese film). fan translations are always a dicey for artists/translators/publishers/etc because obviously they need to get paid... but yuri's already such an overlooked genre that—in an official capacity—we end up with a couple drops from what's already a pretty small pool. I read hana to hoshi about a decade ago, and I keep submitting it to the seven seas survey for licensure! and yet!! no dice. and even when there are official releases, sometimes they just... disappear!? wish you were gone was licensed and then taken down, so for a while the only way to read it (if you missed out on buying it) was the fan translation. I think it's important to support artists and official releases, and also, to appreciate the thankless endeavor(/crime) of scanlation.
hope yall find something you like!
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writtenbyevie · 2 years
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Flower Language Based Prompt List I made instead of writing 💐
I tried to make the prompts relate to each flower’s definition per the Victorian Flower Language without getting too repetitive.
The prompts are all fairly open ended and I figured people could use them for their own inspiration or request games!!
You know the “send me a ship and flower and I’ll write something.”
Anywho, if anyone does end up using this I’d love it if you’d tag me so I can read what you’ve written!! Either way, I hope someone can get use out my procrastinating 💖
Click here to view an unedited version of the document: The List
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givethispromptatry · 7 months
"You mean to tell me you've kept every single note?"
"Everything? Even those stupid pun ones?"
"They aren't stupid!"
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thepromptfoundry · 8 months
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The prompt theme for February 2024 is a Fannish Fest February!
Come, join in the party, celebrate your fandoms, fandom history, and community!
If you use this list, please tag me here @thepromptfoundry, I’d love to see your writing and art!
Feel free to combine different days' prompts with each other, or combine them with other seasonal events. Respond to as many prompts as you want or as interest you, don’t worry about missing or skipping any. Remember, this is supposed to be fun!
If you have any questions or musings, check our FAQ, and if you don't find your answer, shoot me an ask.
Plain text list below the cut:
1 Your First Fandom 2 Your Current Blorbo 3 A Character Who Deserves More Love 4 Your Favorite Bit Of Fannish History 5 Characters Swapping Clothes 6 A Fannish OC (yours or someone else's) 7 Patching A Plot Hole 8 A Fanfic Trope You Always Love 9 A headcanon with canon support 10 A headcanon with no canon support 11 Cosplay 12 A Character Who's Totally Not Dead 13 If The Characters Found The Fanworks 14 Your OTP (or OT3+) 15 A Crossover 16 A Fanfic Trope You're Very Picky About 17 A Ship You Don't Ship, But Do Respect 18 The Sequel We Deserve But Never Got 19 Different Versions Of The Same Character 20 A Friend's Blorbo 21 A Fandom You Didn't Expect To Get Into 22 A Non-Human Character Made Human 23 A Human Character Made Non-Human 24 A Rarepair 25 How You Would Do A Gritty Reboot 26 A Villain Who's So Good At Being Bad 27 Your Smallest/Least Active Fandom 28 A Bit Of Backstory 29 What The Future Holds (Post-Canon)
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myreitha · 6 months
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I think everyone's gotten theirs by now, so please enjoy the linocut I designed, carved, printed on cards and sent out for February's International Correspondence Writing Month :)
[Image Description 1: A black linocut print featuring a moth with sparkling star eye patterns on its six wings and surrounded by a starburst of lines and small stars. End description.]
Some process and more details under the cut - including the other stamps I carved to go on the envelopes and inside the cards!
Please enjoy my chaotic printing station and my beautiful stack of shelves, baskets, and my baking racks being used as a place for all the prints to dry (well, most of them)
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I also carved individual stamps of the starry eyeballs based off the eye shapes in the moth's wings. I love love love love how they came out, and also had a lot of fun with the variety of little star stamps I made to embellish things with.
[Image ID 2: A photo of my kitchen table overtaken by a precarious stack of wire shelves and racks that are covered in drying prints. In front of the drying prints is my printing surface where the ink, roller, and the linocut are visible. Image ID 3-4: Photos of the envelopes used to send the cards, they've got stars stamped on the front and a large starry eye stamped on the flap. The eyes are two different variations of a similar design and match the eye pattern on the moth's wings. End Description.]
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For funsies, please also enjoy how gorgeous this design came out on brown paper
[Image Description 5: Another image of the same print, this time on brown paper intead of white]
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