aberfaeth · 1 month
this is not going to be well articulated but i think the reason i and lots of other people feel a bit weird about certain aspects of tonights ep is that like. the ratgrinders have literally never posed a genuine threat to the bad kids in any aspect of their lives—social, academic, relationships, even their physical wellbeing, any of it. they bodied the last stand, they bodied the dragon fight. the closest thing to a bad thing happening this season was kristen almost getting expelled and that was all bobby dawn who wasnt even a part of the battle! like i genuinely cant relate to people feeling catharsis at the RGs going down bc i was just sat there like. what did they even do other than be kind of a general annoyance and a little bitchy lmfao
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widevibratobitch · 7 months
is it normal that i want to watch the terror because of you? i dont even know what it is about 😭😭
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do it haha i mean what could go wrong right come on give me your hand come here come here dont be scared its alright you dont have to fight it anymore its gonna be just fine you just have to trust me just trust me okay its alright its gonna be alri
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dcmcboxers · 6 months
My shout-out to queer youtubers
Hbombs list was great but obviously not comprehensive. I watch a lot of video essayists and wanted to give a little love to the smaller channels that fall under the radar. Please feel free to add to this list!
let's talk about stuff/Sarah Zedig
If you've seen Jesse Gender's videos on the Matrix movies you may already be familiar with Sarah. She does excellent film and culture analysis with a lot of great conversations on paratext and outside influence in engaging with text. Her video on Tunic is one of my favorites.
No one makes videos like hers, which has the side effect making them a bit hard to describe. I will link one of my favorites which describes the disconnected temporality of being older when you discover you're queer.
Turbo Queer
Really really under watched channel. Skylar covers a lot of topics from video games, to anarchist history and modern events, to autistic life, to current politics. For a fun one check out her video on the SpongeBob strike episode.
Kaz Rowe
Kaz does a fantastic job examining modern myths and manufactured history primarily pertaining to western Europe, Victorian & Edwardian England, and 1800-1900s US. And of course, talking about historical queerness in all its ambiguities and evolutions. I highly recommend their video on Weimar Germany.
drapetomania interrogates the politics of low class and high class art and entertainment from a queer and Black perspective. Their art history videos alone cover many angles of white supremacist history I haven't seen anyone else discuss and I'm very excited to see more from them. They are also a very under viewed channel that more people should see!
I am error
Evelynn's channel primarily discusses video games in a presentation style and voice most similar to Action Button reviews. There's something just a bit more personal here though. I hesitate to say cozy since that word has a bit of an infantilizing connotation, maybe comforting is closer. She puts an immense amount of thought and empathy into the experience of playing video games and the personal narratives we build with them.
For more transmasc perspectives there's Swolesome. He has a lot of interesting insights into the more traditionally masculine and "broish" communities like fitness as well as commentary on recent trans issues.
Music, disability, and aggressively non-binary. Their video on gender presentation in heavy metal was really insightful. I would also check out the video "Why I Wear Gloves" for more insight on invisible disabilities.
Vivian Strange
Vivian delights in being a bit of a contrarian- something I really appreciate. She's probably going to challenge you and you're probably going to disagree at times, which is what makes her channel so important. Her video on Marquis De Sade is powerful and a must watch (if you can stomach the subject material, although I would encourage you to try). I haven't seen her most recent video on Saw yet but I am extremely excited to.
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directdogman · 1 month
Commenting on DT fan OCs!
Alright, I'mma take a look at some DT fan OCs! I've been sent quite a few, so I'll try to keep my comments for each one short 'n' sweet!
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great name, snappy dresser. diggin' the bowtie! the pins are also a fun accessory!
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Another snappy dresser! Tied well to an existing location in-game and the idea to explain the stickers is cute! attire is unique/memorable and the blues/browns compliment each other well. solid design. I do appreciate him!
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Yo, this guy was in the last one! what is this, a crossover episode???
the bandage on side of face is a nice touch! digging the pinstripe pants too! graveyard shift at a convenience store is also quite an authentic job for a DT side character to have too! very nicely done.
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Solid OC! well-drawn, unique job and her fit's stylish (it probably goes without saying that i'm a sucker for TV heads with dogs on them. that's gotta be a given, right?) The stickers on the back of the head are also a nice addition! well done!
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Stanley's a real cad, huh? pizza delivery guy with a novelty pizza phone head is genius - making him flirt with milves on the job is just inspired though. i almost wish i'd come up with this guy, as i can totally imagine people around town talking about him. excellent job!!!
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he's aptly named for an arcade dude! dig the fit too, especially the black + purple fingerless long sleeve gloves! the decals on the phone are neat too!
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I approve of his activities but the lack of a visible mouth threw me off, since i've seen these old toy phones before, ofc.
i was about to ask "how does he drink ocean water without a mouth", before realizing that id been bamboozled into asking the fandom-favourite question of: 'how does he eat without a mouth?', only to then remember that practically no DT characters have visible mouths.
i hope you know that you've strained my weary brain today. cool OC, though.
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banana phone's a fun concept! also, i must say your username's quite fitting. crept up on me from my peripheral as I gazed upon the banana phone, like a bizarre centipede of some sort. well, i'd assume so. in hindsight, most centipedes i've encountered have been pretty straightforward with me. i guess i should be grateful for that.
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i like mary's fuzzy phone matching the trim of her dress but martin's really got my attention. cool name, neat quirk (he kills people, that takes moxie. hell, even pizzaz too, dare i say?) The dial being a lil clock is a neat touch since it ties his interest into the design. also quite like the cord tail matching the phone head's colour. solid design!
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i like his head-type and the attire/pale skin gives a nice bit of contrast!
hard to say how randy'd feel about him, as someone who's only seen his design and 2 lines of dialogue (as someone's personality dictates randy's opinion on them far more than their appearance.) if you feel they'd get on though, you're probably correct! (randy isn't too picky, after all!)
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Funnily enough, one of the earliest sketches for crown has a similar bolted plate stuck to a mostly intact phone head. it was even sticking from one of the sides. or corners. i'd have to dig up the notebook, as it's been like 4 years since I came up with the character. Sorry, just made me remember since the earliest sketches had one too.
Copper phone head's a neat idea. Contrasts well with his attire as well (nice and complimentary.) if only his attempts to deter jesse from the za worked out as well, eh?
Alright, that's it for me! thanks for the submissions, these were real creative! good job, everyone!
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zexapher · 2 months
Vacuan Nights, Like Vacuan Days
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They’re just so great together! I’d love for Jaune and Weiss to get a little downtime in Vacuo to live out a moment like this. They really deserve it, and I’d love to see Jaune’s guitar make a reappearance.
The comic here was inspired by u/Silverstar1243’s excellent piece of art, A Serenade Under the Moonlight. Send some love to them on their twitter, commission some art if you’re willing and able, they’ve made some great stuff.
You folks may have noticed I threw in a couple of references for those in the know; the Golden Oreos behind Yang (double stuffed, I might add) for the trio’s ship, Weiss liking it rough for Mallobaude’s great fic, and of course I made a whole theme around the Arabian Nights Disney song. A song, along with its Aladdin compatriots, which I spent the better part of a day finding covers for just to listen to on repeat while I worked.
This one’s now officially my longest comic project, with 14 panels, two over the past record since I added the White Knight kiss at the end. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. Not sure I’d say it was more difficult than my Vanity of Vanities post, but for this one I actually knew how to use my editing software going into it (at least somewhat).
Put a lot of work into this one, been working on it on and off since February. Took a few breaks for vacation, to make my memorial post for Rooster Teeth, and another five meme edits or so, but I came back around to it. First half was pretty easy, relatively minor edits inserting characters into scenes and so on. The second half with Jaune and Weiss was tougher though, with color correcting, merging poses, redrawing features, drawing Jaune’s entire head to fix some lighting issues, etc. Really like how the edit to make Jaune strum his guitar turned out.
The time it took to make the whole comic got me down a little, until I did a bit of math. Including my side projects since starting this, all the scripting and editing and all, I’ve been pumping out a panel every two days. That seems pretty good to me, that kind of accomplishment makes me a little proud of myself.
Really need to get around to watching the second part of the Justice League Crossover movies. It’s got a few Vacuo scenes that might make things a little more authentic instead of me just using Saphron’s house and pretending it’s a suite in Vacuo. I do love taking yet more character stills from Jaune and friends experiencing deep trauma and turning it into something positive, been making that a bit of a personal habit. And I’ve got to say, the background for Jaune and Weiss’ scene is really beautiful, pulled it from when Sun and Neptune hear Ruby’s message about Salem. That’s just a really good shot all on its own, I even saved a copy for my computer’s wallpaper after editing out the two.
Posting a big RWBY White Knight edit, watching not one but two RWBY Beyond episodes, and all on the trail of the news that RWBY’s found partners that they’re negotiating with and that the creative team is expected to stay on. And I'm sipping bubble tea. Life is good.
Anyway, pardon the long write up. I’m invested in this one, and am quite pleased with how the comic turned out. I hope you all get a kick out of it as well!
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📚inch resting bits from the march twst manga updates📚 (octa, savana, & 4koma!)
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***Manga spoilers below the cut (with an emphasis on the Episode of Octavinelle, since that's my favorite dorm!)***
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The 4koma manga has dropped! Again, it centers around the daily lives of the NRC boys and is shown in a 4 panel gag comic format.
In the illustration above, we see the main cast with Grim's beloved tuna cans~
This month has comics about Ace going to a supplementary lesson (to learn how to manipulate brooms to do his chores) and Leona attending his art class. The comic depicts Leona, Idia, and Rook in the same art class though we're not sure if this is true in-game yet. However, the comics do carry over the continuity of Ace and Deuce being in Trein's class so maybe the art class thing is also true of Leona?
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I'm also really fixated on how this mangaka draws her lashes and hair, they're always bangers every time 💗
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Ruggie "bleh" face... Also???? That full page of him using his UM... and the visualization of the wildebeests racing with him like the people in the crowd, very Lion King.
I like that the manga really shows us more emotional and intense moments the game cannot depict due to its limited assets. Here, we see the aftermath of Ruggie using his UM on the crowd. Even with Azul's magic-enhancement potion, Ruggie has taken a great physical toll from spellcasting. Falling to his knees, panting... This will make it hurt more when Leona almost poofs him to sand later 😭
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These panels remind me of like. Scar looking on from up high while the hyenas do his bidding. Ruggie's expression... it's so full of a desperate kind of hope has he gazes up at his "king".
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From the Episode of Octavinelle, we get to see Leona post-OB and recovering in the infirmary. Side note, I really love how the mangaka adds these cute little faces to let us know who is speaking in certain text bubbles. The little faces make some of the cutest expressions; just look at that cheeky chibi Leona head!
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Here, Ruggie is telling everyone about rumors that Azul and the twins purposefully prevent their clients from fulfilling their end of the contract so they can reap the benefits. I like how the scene shown is a boat tipping over (with the twins implied to have flipped it). Nice callback to the boat scene in The Little Mermaid!
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We have another The Little Mermaid reference here, where Floyd shares his UM with the gang?? The hypothetical man here reminds me of Prince Eric, especially in that white shirt and appearing as though he is drowning.
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Guys... Azul's been taking modeling lessons from Vil-- I really like these more quiet and contemplative moments of Azul; plenty of those are featured this month.
asdbhlfdbaifyoaiygoeia I WILL NOW ALWAYS ASSOCIATE AZUL THINKING HARD WITH SITTING IN THAT CHAIR... There's so many shots of him seated here...
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Yuuta continues to be my favorite manga!Yuu so far by diligently tidying up Leona's messy ass room for him... asfvkyadvfialf Grim looks so goofy helping out, that tower of clothes is half his size...
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FLOYD'S FACE IS SO siLLy HERE TOO (this is the scene when Ruggie recalls seeing his eel form during a P.E. class where they swam). The mangaka really decided to summon his gremlin energy here...
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Aaaaah, I love this shot; it sort of parallels Azul and Leona... It also makes me realize the difference between how Leona's hair is in Octavinelle vs Savanaclaw (due to the different mangaka). In Octavinelle, his hair is usually a solid black with white highlights but in Savanaclaw there tends to be a subtle gradient/screen tone on Leona's hair.
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Anyway, twins Twins TWINS
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kazz-brekker · 2 years
hotd episode 5 thoughts
rip rhea royce, you seemed cool so even though i knew your death was coming i’m a bit sad about it. at least you got to bully daemon before the end.
loved that we got to see larys strong do a bit of scheming and i am quite excited to see where his character will go.
house velaryon and driftmark seem extremely cool, hope we do end up getting a spin-off about them someday.
corlys i am TRYING to stan you but trying to marry off your daughter at 12 and saying your gay son “will grow out of it” is not great behavior.
i do love that rhaenys and corlys are a total power couple who clearly respect and love each other a lot.
i liked the the scene of rhaenyra and laenor walking on the beach and forming their alliance/friendship very much since i’ve always interpreted them as being friends.
i’m glad we got to see some of the relationship between laenor and joffrey before things went south, they seemed really good together and i do wish they had gotten their life of a king consort and his sworn bodyguard.
of the different rumors surrounding rhaenyra and criston cole’s falling-out i have always thought the one where he suggested they run away together and she turned him down made the most sense so i’m glad they went with that one.
i also appreciated that his bitterness towards her is not just “criston’s crush doesn’t like him as much as he likes her” but also his sense of ruined honor.
i Do Not Trust grand maester mellos, something is up with that man. please stop with the leeches i swear to god.
the velaryons entering the wedding was ICONIC, they are legends, they are the moment, i love them.
it was nice seeing seasmoke and meleys but where! is! vhagar!
lyonel strong remains the only person on this show with common sense.
daemon showing up to rhaenyra’s wedding feast despite being in exile was legendary, i expected no less.
also rhaenyra being mean to him when they were dancing and throwing his words back at him was excellent.
alicent entering the feast in her green dress and calling rhaenyra “stepdaughter” was such a power move i literally cannot wait for her villain era.
that wedding was So Fucking Stressful even though i knew going in roughly what was going to happen i was on the edge of my seat.
oh joffrey, if only you were not so good at sussing out who is sleeping together and criston could be normal about his break-up things might have had a much happier ending :(
was hoping we would get more than the few harwin strong crumbs that we did buuuut it seems like he’ll be important in episode 6.
i’m going to miss milly alcock and emily carey but i cannot WAIT to see emma d’arcy and olivia cooke, they are going to absolutely kill it
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xjustakay · 10 months
(8/25) prompt: gold — 1150 words (firefighter james episode 2: being a menace - pt.1, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5) @jegulus-microfic
Regulus loves photography, he does. It’s been a great hobby to pass the time and an excellent excuse for his mildly pretentious takes when it comes to ‘aesthetic.’
The thing is, he really should have thought this particular project through a bit more.
A day off from the coffee shop to work on a shoot, sure, great. In theory. In context? In the context of taking photos of oiled up firefighters in various states of partial undress for a charity calendar? Mistakes may have been made. He’s too gay for this —a realization made too far into the commitment to back out.
Really, it hit him like a fist to the face the moment James’ turn came up.
Stupid. Idiot. Absolute fucking fool.
As if Regulus didn’t know that the man he’s been steadily seeing and getting to know recently —the man who suggested he help with this project in the first place— wouldn’t volunteer to be part of the group for the photoshoot. Of fucking course James would; “it’s for charity,” he’d said.
Regulus is going to throttle him later.
Or mount him.
Could go either direction at this point.
They’re around the back of the station building, just the two of them. It was specifically stated that the individuals who were volunteering to take part in the calendar would have to utilize one of their rare days off to shoot their photos so the fire station wasn’t under-covered on staff. Regulus and James could be doing anything else in the world with this day, but no. No, they’re here, with James rubbing baby oil over his naked torso while Regulus tries to keep from literally fucking salivating.
He’s known James was fit from the moment he walked into the coffee shop and made a place for himself in Regulus’ life. Fully clothed, the man is unbearably gorgeous. Underneath his clothes? God, it’s worse. It’s painful.
All defined lines of muscle and warm tan skin. James works out on a regular basis, has to stay in shape for his job, but it’s more than that. Regulus has learned that James has always been athletically inclined. James prides himself on his body, and he’s not shy about it. 
Which is obvious in the way that he looks up from his own bare chest and catches Regulus staring, a knowing smirk instantly twitching at his lips.
“Care to help slick me up?”
“I should kill you.” It slips past Regulus’ lips without thought to pause, but all James does is laugh loudly, head tipped back with the lovely sound. Regulus huffs, shifting on his feet. “Are you almost done? I have other things I want to be doing.”
“Care to share?” James tosses the bottle of oil onto the grass, wiping off the remainder on his hands down the ridges of his stomach. “Don’t spare any of the dirty details now, love.”
Regulus manages to glare at him, but it’s weak considering the blush that colors his cheeks. “You’re a menace to society.”
“Public hero, menace to society.” James lifts his hands, leaning one direction then the next, like weighing an invisible scale.
“Fix your fucking suspenders.”
“Fix them for me.” Both dark brows lift over the gold frames of James’ glasses, a dangerous grin stretching across his face.
Letting his camera hang from the neck strap, Regulus lets out a dramatic sigh but crosses the small distance toward him. James positively lights up as he approaches, standing miraculously still to let Regulus do what he needs.
James is wearing the yellow turnout pants typical of his uniform, obviously sans a shirt. The pants hang suspiciously lower on James’ hips today, the defined line that narrows beneath his waistband on display. Attached to that band, though, are the usual thick red suspenders, hanging on either side of James’ legs presently. Regulus tugs one up fully over James’ left shoulder, actively working to keep his eyes from venturing to anything more distracting.
“Keep this arm bent against the wall.” Regulus handles him a little roughly on purpose, yanking his arm up as needed to pose him beside the brick wall.
“And this one?” James asks, sliding his opposite hand down Regulus’ side, squeezing at his hip when he gets there.
Regulus takes a slow deep breath through his nose before glancing up at James’ face finally. He swats at the hand on his hip blindly. “Keep it to yourself.”
A charged pause, Regulus’ head cocking to the side before:
“For now.”
James huffs a laugh, but the smug satisfaction on his face shines brighter than his amusement. Regulus loops the other suspender over James’ right forearm, hooking it in the crook of his elbow when he guides James to bend the arm. He presses James’ right hand against the top edge of his turnout pants, meeting his eyes evenly.
“Tuck your thumb into them a little,” He instructs.
James immediately follows direction and it sends a static through Regulus that makes him wish they weren’t quite literally outside James’ place of work currently. James tugs at the waistband slightly more than entirely necessary, exposing more of the sharp line that Regulus is definitely not thinking about tracing with his tongue. He’s being professional, damn it.
“Like that?” James checks, voice low.
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s perfect.” Regulus’ words come out breathier than before, and he catches himself staring downward with a jolt and a fluttered blink. He clears his throat and takes a much needed step back. “Now stare off to the right, look moody if you have to.”
“Thought that was your job.”
“Do less comedy.”
James snorts but stays in the posed position, turning his head as requested. Regulus takes another few steps back for the full shot and lifts the camera from his chest. As if knowing he’s already having a hell of a time doing this job, it’s like the universe itself is against Regulus the way that the sun shines perfectly, haloing James beautifully where he stands —a god damn wet dream being immortalized.
Maybe Regulus takes a couple extra shots. For… purely artistic purposes. Obviously.
Once again, before he gives himself the thought to stop from speaking his thoughts aloud, Regulus asks, “Can you wear this at home?”
He looks up from the tiny square screen on the camera toward James. It’s obvious that James is trying to refrain from laughing, having not been dismissed from his current pose, but he does turn his head to look at Regulus delightedly.
“Oh, so that’s what you’d rather be doing, huh? Wouldn’t have guessed.” James taunts, his playful arrogance never-ending. “Need to work out a bit of a fantasy for yourself, is that it?”
Regulus blushes again, but he meets the teasing evenly this time. “Why do you think I started dating you?”
This time James does laugh, unhelpable. Regulus sneaks a picture of that, too, just for himself.
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a-random-whovian7 · 1 year
What your favourite Doctor says about you (just like the Master and Companion lists, this is all just jokes and my own terrible takes, absolutely no offence intended towards anyone). This is gonna be a long one, so good luck:
One (I think):
Is somehow able to sit through The Keys of Marinus whilst completely sober. Their feelings on Twice Upon a Time completely depend on whether they are able to accept that TV shows made in the 1960s will inevitably have some outdated bits or not. Loves slow-burners and less science-heavy stories, and wishes the Doctor would go back to trolling his companions again. Prays every night for The Celestial Toymaker and Marco Polo to be found. Hates the Timeless Child with a burning passion.
Two fans deserve a lot better. Despite a large chunk of their era being limited to surviving audio, PowerPoint presentations telesnaps and the, er, mixed bag of animated reconstructions, they still contribute a lot to the discussion of Classic Who and are usually well versed in the lore of the EU. 2nd Doctor fans are remarkable, as they are able to get along with pretty much every other group of fans. However, there is plenty of infighting thanks to the UNIT dating controversy and which story should be reconstructed next. If they ship Two/Jamie, they have fully earned your love and are surprisingly good if you pass them the aux.
Pretty much blows a gasket whenever some idiot says that the modern era is 'too political'. Like, I'm sorry, but was the "England for the English" scene in the Claws of Axos a little too subtle for you? Were Malcolm Hulke's scripts absolutely apolitical in your eyes? Does the mere existence of The Green Death mean nothing to you?! Oh, well maybe you should try WATCHING THE SHOW and DOING YOUR RESEARCH before you start claiming that it's become 'tOo pOLiTiCaL' because the main characters aren't always played by Whiteguy McStraight now, shouldn't you?! YOU AND YOUR MEDIOCRE OPINION SHALL COWER BEFORE MY KNOWLEDGE OF THE THIRD DOCTOR'S ERA AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME!
It is for this very reason that 3rd Doctor fans get along particularly well with 13th Doctor fans. Perfectly nice people with a great sense of humour and an excellent taste in episodes, unless a conversation resembling the above occurs, at which point you will see how much damage the repressed urge to do Venusian Akido can do. Refuses to admit that The Ambassadors of Death is two episodes too long.
Either a child of the 70s or chaos incarnate. Yes, 4 is pretty much the universally recognised Doctor, but that doesn't stop him from being one of the most unhinged Doctors. Loves more gothic horror-themed episodes and can ignore the somewhat questionable production qualities of early Baker stories. They have almost certainly attempted to make The Scarf at one point; whether they were successful or not entirely depends on their talent for knitting. Is surprisingly ok with admitting that Tom Baker stayed for a little too long and that his later seasons were a little underwhelming. Hasn't stopped them from watching every version of Shada though.
The tired parental figure of any group they are in. They immediately related to this Doctor when they saw 5 trying to hold it together whilst his multiple adopted humans argued, whined and got themselves trapped on doomed freighter ships. Has tried to play cricket once, but a general confusion over the rules and a few broken windows stopped that. You can take care of the cinnamon roll that is the standard 5 fan by providing them with cups of tea, giving them lots of hugs and removing all copies of Time Flight from your house.
Best fashion sense out of all the fans... somehow. Their favourite episodes are usually Vengeance on Varos or Revelation of the Daleks (both bangers), although they lean more heavily towards EU and Big Finish material, where the stories are more consistent and the costumes are less yikes. Either the best or worst fan to be around, either giving fair balanced views on the show or just being an absolute arse. Loves cats. Hates Michael Grade. Kind of ambivalent towards Mel.
If 2nd Doctor fans are well versed in the EU lore, then these individuals are fucking academics. Constantly annoyed that 7 had two of the best seasons of Classic Who and was the darkest Doctor but is only remembered for Time and the Rani for some reason. Their favourite companion will always be Ace, which is what motivated them to watch Power of the Doctor. Usually excellent taste in stories, but is completely capable of dragging you to the depths of the EU. Wishes the Doctor would commit a few more genocides. Their religious beliefs can be summarised in the phrase "Cartmel Master Plan". Still annoyed that the most strategic Doctor was killed by the two most American things (guns and bad healthcare), but gets along well with 8 fans despite that. Somehow understands Ghost Light after just 3 rewatches.
Big Finish fan. Basically willing to explain the entire plot of Dark Eyes if you ask them. Thinks the TV Movie is just OK, and has rewatched Night of the Doctor too many times to count. Loves a sad boy, and has definitely referred to 8 as a "poor little meow meow" at some point. Wishes 8's TARDIS interior was still intact and that he'll get his own live action series. Had an actual heart attack when he appeared in Power of the Doctor. Usually a bisexual from my personal experience, and looking at Paul McGann in the 90s, I can see why.
War (or is it Nine?):
We're stepping into the depths of the Moffat cult with this one. Wants a more traumatised Doctor, and kind of wishes we saw more of the Time War beyond the laser battle in Day of the Doctor. Content to sit back and watch due to the fact that the War Doctor had the perfect arc in his one episode, although they are happy that the War Doctor still pops up in the EU. Bridging the gap between the modern and classic series means they get along well with everyone except Shalka fans.
Nine (the Curse of Fatal Death one):
Does this one count? Just loves the classic series. Still praying for Joanna Lumley as the Doctor. Nowhere near as obnoxious as the Shalka fans and surprisingly funny.
Nine (the Scream of the Shalka one):
They pride themselves on being 'against the trend' and being fans of an overlooked bit of Doctor Who history. Doesn't quite realise that Scream of the Shalka was basically an B-tier Big Finish story with janky animation. Wants Richard E Grant to show up again. Constantly attempting to upset Eccleston and Hurt fans, only to get angry when everyone forgets Scream of the Shalka existed. They definitely listen to Weezer.
Ten, no, another Nine (the Eccleston one):
The word "fantastic" is permanently superglued to their vocabulary, and yet it never gets old. Owns a leather jacket too. Wishes that the BBC hadn't been stupid and Eccleston had stayed on for another series, but doesn't hold it against Tennant. Knows the Daleks were at their best in S1. Really wants the Reapers to return, and was utterly distraught after Chibs kind of ruined 9's role in the wider arc by blowing up Gallifrey again. Major nostalgia for the 2000s with this one, and is slowly becoming a member of the Big Finish cult thanks to Eccleston's return. Understandably forgot Adam was a thing. Both loves and hates John Barrowman.
Ten? Eleven? Ten and a half? The Tennant one. I hate numbers:
Their first experience to Doctor Who was during the golden age- wait, no, sorry, the RTD cult has threatened to terminate my membership if I'm not honest with this one.
Either a child of the 2000s, a member of the aforementioned RTD cult or someone who just likes the show to be more emotionally resonant. Well, that or they are the blandest person alive. If they acknowledge how good 10's arc was in terms of deconstructing the Doctor and setting up his fall from grace via misplaced attachments and vanity, then absolutely someone to be around. If they simply say "because he was popular", definitely bland. We all know Tennant was popular, it's still not one of the many valid reasons to love him. They have an easygoing relationship with 4 and 11 fans, and otherwise OK relations with the rest of Doctors fan groups, although there is a bit of friction between 13 stans due to 10 being dragged into a lot of 13's media post-2020 to boost ratings. They didn't like it because it cheapned 10's return and era whilst also overshadowing 13. 13 stans didn't like it because it basically gave the message that the BBC had given up on 13 before her era had finished.
Definitely excited for the 60th after the regeneration and the announcement of RTD's return. Has tried owning a pair of converses, only to find out that they aren't exactly cheap. Has fought for the Ten/Rose ship on multiple occasions. Tried hair gel once, with disastrous consequences.
Huh. This one was incredibly easy to write. All I had to do was look in a mirror.
Thirte- no, Eleven:
Major ADHD energy in the best possible way. Saw the chaotic excitable Doctor and immediately fell in love. They will not rest until they have forced every former Doctor to read the "Hello Stonehenge" speech. They have also cosplayed the most out of any fan, due to the availability of fezzes and bow ties. Definitely the most fun to be around at a party. Was disappointed by Matt Smith's decision not to return for the 60th, especially after the absolute banger that was Day of the Doctor. If they ship 11 with River, they're cool, even though 11 was very asexual in S5. If they ship him with anyone else, then yikes. Wishes for the show to return to a quirky fairytale tone again.
If they were present during the SuperWhoLock days, keep an eye on them. You're only one drink away from dragging us back to 2013, and I ain't reading any of that fanfiction again *shudders*.
Fourte- FUCK, Twelve:
A certified member of the Steven Moffat cult, or just someone who likes some of their stories to have a slightly more mature tone. Has tried to play the electric guitar more than once, only to be forced to stop by their partners or housemates. Either willing to admit some of the flaws of the era or strongly defends it, with no inbetween. Absolutely correct in their assertion that S9 and 10 absolutely slapped, although this cam be undermined if they try to defend Sleep No More. If they ship River and 12, then you can trust them with anything, and they will offer you good relationship advice. If they ship 12 and Clara in a romantic way (which is strange to me cos i always got platonic BFF vibes from them, but that's just me), they definitely have relationship advice, although waiting 4 billion years to get your memory wiped is a questionable means of resolving conflict. They have a pair of the sonic sunglasses. Cried when Capaldis majestic floofy hair got shaved off for a superhero film.
Thirteen? That's right? Phew, finally getting the hang of this. Ok, Thirteen:
There are two types of 13 fan. The first is cinnamoniest of rolls. Is just happy to sit back and have fun, thus allowing them to enjoy pretty much any episode (something that a lot of people could learn from). Immediately realised that Jodie is an amazing Doctor and deserves more praise and justice. Definitely shipped Thasmin, and are the best at constructive criticism, recognising what worked and didn't in a respectful, polite way (again, something we could all learn from). Wierdly enough, they get along well with all the Doctor fans, as they are a wholesome ray of sunshine that reminds us that every era has something to offer, no matter the general consensus.
The second type masquerades as the first, but gets all hipster-y and more than willing to use the term 'overrated' when RTD or Tennant are mentioned (so basically a healthy 80% of the #antiRTD tag).
Both are convinced that the Chibnall Era will receive a massive reappraisal like the 12th Doctor's era did, despite the odds of that happening being the same as an on-screen Thasmin kiss. I'm so sorry, that's a really mean line to end this bit on. Let's instead end by saying Haunting of Villa Diodati is an absolute banger of an episode.
Loves the admittedly cool concept of a mystery incarnation. The rest depends on their theory of where the Ruth Doctor fits in. If they use the season 6B theory, then they have an encyclopedic knowledge of the classical series and the EU regardless of whether they have watched it or not. If they use the Timeless Child/Division theory, then they basically settled for the easier version of 6B after looking into the insane asylum that is classic who and EU discourse (wise choice). If they think she's from an alternative universe, thinks that she's Omega, Rassilon, The Rani, The Master or any other figure, then they practically have a gold medal in Mental Gymnastics. Either way, all of them don't like to admit that they are unfortunately limited to 4 episodes (three of them being fairly mid, the other being a mild car crash) and a pretty good comic. Cool fashion taste. Gets along with 13 stans and, surprisingly, 2nd Doctor fans.
Fourteen- oh for fucks sake:
Fourt- no fifteen- no, fourteen- BBC, HAVE MERCY:
Only in the Doctor Who fandom can a Doctor who has only appeared in a brief clip and some photos have a fully developed fanbase. I should know, I've already joined it. Ncuti's photos in that suit sealed the deal. Either an RTD cultist or someone just looking forward to a fresh new direction. Also very fashionable. Has a somewhat complicated relationship with 13th Doctor fans due to the fact that Ncuti's first season and casting completely overshadowed S13 and the specials, but Ncuti also had to deal with the same levels of toxicity from the same 'fans' who threw temper tantrums at Jodie's casting in 2017. Best haircuts out of all the Doctor Who fans. Strange but true.
Full Fathom Five:
Y'all scare me.
Y'all terrify me.
The Watcher:
Y'all confuse me.
The Valeyard:
Has wanted a darker series since god knows when. Was kind of annoyed when the Time Lord Victorious arc wasn't dedicated to a whole series. Also, the Valeyard is the Shadow the Hedgehog of the Whoniverse. I refuse to elaborate any further.
The Curator:
"Alright gang, let's see who the Curator fans really are!"
Pulls off mask
"Fourth Doctor fans?!"
All jokes aside, they just want a more experienced Doctor. Accepts that the show will have to end one day, and is cool with that, since they already have the perfect ending. Either cool grandad vibes or an actual grandad. Good knitwear. Their response to everything is simply putting the kettle on.
Doctor Moon:
Now these ones are very, very rare. I personally love the theory that Doctor Moon is a future version of the Doctor who is keeping River and the Library safe, but limiting your favourite Doctor to two episodes and an endorsement of the theory from Steven Moffat? Now that takes guts, and I like it. Usually partial to classy clothes, and talks in a very formal tone. Their best subject is usually maths.
Dr Who (Peter Cushing):
Unashamedly insane. Saw the absolutely glorious cheese-fest that was the 1960s Dalek movies and ended up loving one of the most unique versions of the Doctor. Is absolutely fine with bypassing 90% of the TV shows lore, making them really fun to talk to. Time Lords? Nah. Sonic screwdriver? Nope. Their Doctor is a wacky grandpa who built a multi-dimensional time machine in their back garden, and they love it. Is a sucker for Alternate Universe stories and usually loves classic B-movies. Knows that the movies kind of suck as adaptations, but as pure 1960s camp, they are unbeatable. Absolute legends.
All of Them:
The glue that holds this fanbase together. Enlightened individuals who have to check in every now and then to make sure that we mere mortals are behaving ourselves. They just simply enjoy the show and hold no biases. Absolutely infuriating to talk to for that very reason.
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spotlightlowlife · 4 months
Alastor hazbin let down
By overhype and a lack of tone setting.
He isn't creepy
Try as they may, the glitchy effects just tell me that this is a quirky character, only most of the cast are quirky in character just not too flashy.
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Nobody is particularly menacing, including Alastor who so far has been a bit menacing to a character who isn't going anywhere and unnamed extras who not even Charlie 'everyone is worthy', 'these are my people/family' cared about.
His secrets mean nothing to anyone
Where has he been for seven years? The same absence period of Lilith? Who cares?
What Alastor knows is what the audience and clueless Charlie doesn't, but others do.
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All someone else's talk
In the pilot it was Vaggie who let us know who exactly Alastor was and ehat he was capable of, she wanted no part of him around, but nothing to loose, no opinion in the matter Charlie did.
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Mimzy in her passing visit told us more about him, she actually bought his character down to earth a little which was actually a good thing, Mimzy let us know that Alastor could be fun, reminded us that he had a whole life, she offered us a time frame of his existence and let us know he has friends/acquaintances/connections.
Though the 'bringing down to earth' negative aspect would happen too this episode, through no doing of Mimzys but entirely of Alastors. Unfortunately Alastor appears to have cut off Mimzy as a friend, leaving him with a shorter reach.
Any other reputable character steals his spotlight
Alastair was outshone by Mimzy, who literally interpreted his song baiting the actual devil. In this episode he showed that he wasn't all too composed when not in control of the situation or when outclassed, his attitude to Lucifer case in point, who he can't possibly topple any time soon in any way. All would be fine if we got to see what he did about it when he had time to himself or what he would do when things escalated, a missed opportunity being in the last episode he would lose to Adam, which was great, Alastor gave off overconfidence and lack of interest as usual, but by now we have seen how much he wishes to insert himself among those higher, only for him to treat Adam like a nobody - how did he feel about the looming danger he was in and not being in the same ballpark as someone who felt confident enough to challenge? Who knows, he as good as drifted away like piss in the ocean.
We didn't learn of any particular interest or reason for lack of in Adam, for someone who does so much research.
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Between these encounters, Rosie too managed to stand out more than him as his confidant who successfully run an operation, had a clear goal, seemed unconditionally helpful, a people person and got through to Charlie with nice enough advice and a ear to listen.
He struggles to keep up an act, something that's not utilized at all when it could be
Being overactive to Lucifer, showing dislike for no apparent reason and dropping the bomb seems like it was meant to get a laugh out of the audience, only for Alastor to go on to continue tormenting Charlie's dad and to build a rivalry. If a rivalry was the intention then the usual composed attitude would have fit. If there's a reason for a hatred he struggles to contain, it's a shame the time wasn't made to delve into this.
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Significant characters could have done with more time in general honesty.
In other media we have Good omens had composed and sweet angel Azraphale drop an unexpected but very understandable fbomb (which may have been the first of the series) when he accidentally lost his body of 6000 years. There was a build up of the looming end of the world, years of preventative work going to waste, nobody listening and a pest in his home.
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HH really missed a beat in having a character like Alastor first snap for no particular reason.
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In other media, Durarara did excellent at deconstructing and humbling an unbothered and mysterious troll character, this being Izaya. In this supernatural series he would manage to stand out and consistently be a strong villain/antihero, managing to not become lesser dispite going from a menace holding a number of cards who claimed to love humans, to being proven to be a human with the introduction of his sisters, his very uncomplex backstory and generally getting dealt with by the series's most illusive gangsters.
Coherence could make things work, hopefully there's less going on next time and the ensemble cast can be dispersed out a bit better.
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Better luck next time Alastor
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specialagentartemis · 7 months
Fics about SecUnit 3 to Read Before We Get All Our Headcanons Jossed
Three! SecUnit 3! System Collapse comes out in one week and it seems like Three will feature prominently!
Three has been the subject of so much speculation and fascination for the fandom. We have a lot of different ideas about who it may become and who it might want to be.
Before all of that gets debunked by the new book, here's a rec list and roundup of some of the excellent fics that center Three!
Ficlets About Three and Murderbot Figuring Out How To Interact With Each Other
"Feedlog" by OnlyAll0Saw. 599 words. NR, Multi.
ART is a bit of a bully on the feed. MB is having none of it.
A well-done codefic that imagines the rocky early days of Murderbot, Three, and ART all figuring out how to get along with each other.
"Murder Mode Modules" by FlipSpring. 948 words. G, Gen.
3 what the fuck is ‘Murder Mode Modules, Do Not Touch Except For Situations That Necessitate Lots Of Murder?'
Hilarious, great voice, and surprisingly emotional for such a short space and silly tone :') Two excellent podfics!
"Real Things" by ArtemisTheHuntress. 715 words. G, Gen.
Three admits that it doesn't understand the appeal of fictional media.
This one's mine :) Murderbot and Three discuss media. There's a podfic!
Meatier One-Shots about Three Contemplating Its Identity, Who It Is, And What It Wants Now
"pink and green" by CompletelyDifferent. 5,100 words. G, Gen.
During a diplomatic trip to the university's home system to better establish the newly-formed treaty with the Preservation Alliance, Three tries to figure out who it is. Between exploring new hobbies and its sense of fashion, it attempts to figure out what its relationship with Murderbot 1.0 is, precisely. (Murderbot 1.0 ignores this, until it doesn't).
Hot Springs Episode! CompletelyDifferent @elexuscal writes character interactions SO well.
"Uncatalogued and Uncategorized" by lick. 3,033 words. G, Gen.
SecUnit 3 discovers that a hot shower is a good place to work out tangled thoughts.
I loooove this one and return to it regularly. The introspectio makes it a fantastic balance of character study, past trauma, and total confusion of what to do now with itself and its life. Includes a podfic by the author!
"Unacceptable Topics of Conversation" by lick. 4,500 words. Teen & Up, Gen.
Murderbot gives SecUnit 3 a haircut. They discuss the governor module.
lick does it again! The feelings are so fraught, the conversation held so gingerly.
Long, Plot-Heavy Stories About Three Finding Itself In The Universe
"Heuristic Analysis" by thefourthvine. 11,000 words. G, Gen.
Three makes some choices.
Three travels to Mihira with ART and its crew, gets involved in an AI Rights related mystery, and, as advertised, makes some choices. Well-written with some interesting worldbuilding concepts about the Pansystem University of Mihira and New Tideland!
"Seeking Safety" by petwheel. 57,000 words. Teen & Up, Gen.
Three assumes a new identity on Preservation, only to discover someone wants to kill it. To figure out who and why, Three has to delve into secrets from Preservation's past.
A plotty mystery, suspenseful and extremely creative, with some bold and unique takes on Preservation's history - and how Three can fit in.
"Function" by FigOwl. 65,000 words. Teen & Up, Gen.
"I have worked assignments solo before, and I have gotten used to the absences of SecUnit 01 and SecUnit 02. But I have not reconciled myself to the absence of Murderbot 2.0, though I know it is not logical. 2.0 made its choices, and fulfilled its purpose perfectly, and it seemed satisfied with that. I wish that I had any amount of such certainty and resolve." The continuing adventures of SecUnit03. How does a newly freed SecUnit make sense of everything without having consumed 35,000 hours of media for context?
Three goes off on its own self-actualization adventure after Network Effect.
Three On Preservation
"words left behind" by torpidgilliver. 4,400 words. G, Gen.
"How do you stand it?" Dr. Gurathin's tone is slow and even when he asks, "Stand what?" - SecUnit 3 shares its feelings with someone who might understand.
Three meets Gurathin. Also, a cat. Delightfully soft and gently sad.
"Social Competition" by scheidswrites. 2,100 words. G. Gen.
It's been a while since the last attempted murder/kidnapping, and life is good. Everyone is gathered for a celebration on the Mensah Family Farm. The rogue SecUnits invent a new sport. Drs Mensah, Gurathin, and Overse talk about work on their day off.
SecUnit sports! Murderbot and Three bonding without being too awkward about it! I love this.
"The Tree That Owns Itself" by BoldlyNo. 865 words. G, Gen.
There is a tree in the FirstLanding University Botanical Gardens that Murderbot is not thrilled about.
Murderbot and Three have conflicting feelings about a tree.
Miscellaneous But Also Worth Highlighting
"As Your Legal Counsel" by i_have_loved_the_stars_too_fondly. 1,000 words. G, Gen.
Pin-Lee informs Three of its options and legal status, should it choose to come to Preservation.
This one is so fun and sweet! Directly after Network Effect, Pin-Lee talks to Three about its options. Three is a little overwhelmed. Two podfics of this one, one by me :) Also @ilovedthestars your AO3 name is hard to type
"Past the Breakers" by Thylacine_Wishes. 5,300 words. G, Gen.
When Three is badly injured protecting ART's crew on a mission, Murderbot finds itself disagreeing with the safety protocols that it had written. It was supposed to be the SecUnit meat shield, not Three. It doesn't have time to figure out how it feels about that before it's diving in (literally) to rescue Three and maybe coming to terms with some things along the way.
Action! Adventure! Edge-of-your-seat drama written SO well! Almost drowning! Murderbot caring about Three!!!!
"Team of Three" by Lillow. 5,500 words. G, no category.
How Three of three became Three of many.
The tags say it best: the real team was the friends we made along the way. Or is it the real friends are the teammates we make?
Either way, Three finds a team, and people it belongs with.
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eshithepetty · 2 years
EXCELLENT CHOICE to actually show ???%'s expressions a little instead of them just being a black void with white, blank eyes. Especially since we don't get their internal narration like we do in the manga. Gives a nod to the fact that this is a person, not just an unthinking entity,,, i love it
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[ID: two screenshots of Unknown Percentage from season 3, episode 10 of Mob Psycho 100, where they're first shown to be glaring, teeth gritted, then raising their head, eyes widening in what looks like surprise. End ID.]
Also, anyone else get the sense that here, ???% was leaning in to Teru to check if..... well, maybe not if he's okay, but if he's alive at least? Whether or not that means they care for Teru's well being, I'm not sure, but I find it interesting. In the least, it does show that they are aware that they are hurting people, and not just doing it indiscriminately, so that's something.
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[ID: a screenshot of Unknown Percentage eerily leaning over Teru, who is prone. End ID.]
In light of that, it's also interesting to consider exactly what ???% kept attacking Teru for then. This part is gonna get a bit long, though (as ???% is my childe and I have many a dozen thoughts about them), so I'm putting it under readmore.
(Also, there are gonna be manga spoilers on account of me getting way too deep into it, so beware !!)
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[ID: a screenshot of Unknown Percentage, facing away from the viewer, looking up at the sky where Teru's bag is exploding where it floats. All the following images are screenshots as well. End ID.]
1 ) First thing first, ???% immediately destroys Teru's bag. I don't think there's much to this one, but you could consider this a sign of hypervigilance - they saw Teru drop something, and immediately went to destroy it, perhaps in fear that it was aimed for them. So it quickly becomes obvious, that ???% is quite distrustful.
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[ID: In the first, Teru is in side profile, looking to an off screen Unknown Percent, saying, "I'm not sure what happened," and in the next image, he is facing front, his face still relaxed, but now illuminated by the white light of Unknown Percentage's powers, saying "but if I'd suffice, I'd be happy to lis-" then cutting off. End ID.]
2 ) Next, Teru says this, and ???% immediately gets angry... I think. The first part, the implication from Teru that 'something must have happened for you to act this way' is what annoys ???% more. Because to them, they're just finally acting as they've always wanted to.. This isn't a bad thing to them. And they're frustrated that Teru, this person that acted much like them not even that long ago, is looking to talk them out of it.
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[ID: In the first, we see Mob's bouquet of flowers, Teru off screen saying "Oh, you bought flowers! That's great!". In the next, he's smiling as he says, "But it might be a little dangerous going as you are right now.". In the third, he is illuminated by that same light, only brighter, his hair sweeping back, his expression turning panicked. End ID.]
3 ) Now this one... manga readers will know, ???% wanted to see Tsubomi as much as Mob. And so Teru denying them that chance here... well, suffice it to say, they feel a bit rejected here. Reigen told Mob in the previous episode to show his 'true self'. And in ???%'s eyes, they are the true self. To let Mob simply continue on, lie to Tsubomi as they see it, and keep pretending ???% wasn't a part of him, as if they weren't the whole reason he was even still alive right now... ???% probably would find that unbearable.
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[ID: In the first, Teru is frowning and sweating, saying, "You leave me no choice." In the next, the background behind him has turned an ominous purple, his expression intense, Unknown Percent's shoulder seen in the corner as Teru restrains them with his telekinetically powered scarf, and says "I'm gonna have to keep you restrained until your powers calm-". And in third, we see his vacant face, flying through the clouded sky, his noise slightly bleeding. End ID.]
4 ) Once again, Teru is denying ???% being a part of Mob, being Kageyama-kun, instead labeling them as just Mob's 'power'. Fitting for Teru, who just in this episode said, "[Kageyama-kun taught me], how important it is to accept yourself without any psychic powers." For Teru, accepting himself without his powers was essential, since he hinged his everything on them to an unhealthy degree. But to Shigeo, the opposite is true. And ???% has had enough of being restrained.
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[ID: In the first, it's closed up on Teru's trembling hand, which he is clutching with the other, saying "Kageyama-kun...." The second image is a closeup of Teru's eye, slightly serious, as he says "Stop this. You should head home for the day." And third is a similarly composed closeup of Unknown Percent's eye, glowing a bright white against his shadowed skin, as Teru continues off screen, "It's for your own good." End ID.]
5 ) The same as in the third point, except this time, there's the added salt of Teru saying "It's for your own good", as if he even knows the slightest thing about ???%, and, by extension, about Shigeo (as ???% sees it). Logically, we know that it truly doesn't do Shigeo any good to let ???% just keep rampaging like this. But ???% doesn't. Feelings are often irrational. And in this case, ???% just feels scorned.
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[ID: In first, it is closed up on Unknown Percent, them turning back to the flowers flying behind them, their mouth slightly open in alarm. Teru in the background is staring wide-eyed, aura glowing. In second, Teru is looking more serious, saying, "If I destroy those...". In third, it is focused on the flowers, Unknown Percent and Teru in the background, as the bouquet gets enveloped in Teru's powers, seemingly exploding. In fourth, it is closed up on Teru's gritted teeth, as Unknown Percent grips their hand around his throat, choking him. End ID.]
6 ) Once again, same as third point... ???% is very determined to do this one thing 'right'. The fact that Teru almost took that chance entirely away from them probably scares them. And, of course... there's the obvious parallels with the choking.... this follows Teru's little inner monologue about how Mob has changed him. So even though I am still undecided on whether this was an intentional act of revenge on ???%'s part or not, the narrative meaning of this is pretty clear... they are, as Mob said all that time ago, the same, in that Mob needs to deal with his feelings involving his powers just as Teru did.
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[ID: In first, Teru is noticeably beat up, expression worn and concerned, as he asks, "Kageyama-kun, are you having some kind of episode?". In second and third, it pans the back of Teru's head across the screen to reveal more of Unknown Percentage, a he says "To think you, of all people, would go berserk and lose control of your powers...". In fourth, the background has turned to a splash of warm yellow, as Teru disjointedly smiles, points a finger at them and proclaims "I guess you're pretty average, too! I'm a bit relieved, honestly.". The fifth is a closeup of Unknown percent's eye, staring angrily. And the next, the lines shadowing them get more intense, and Teru in the background lets out a "No..." End ID.]
7 ) Whoooowgh,,, this part..... it's hard to hear, but ???% gasps a little after Teru calls them average. I think... this runs deeper than Shigeo's relationship to Teru and their collective view on a person's worth. I think, this traces way back to Reigen. When he told Mob, right after he hurt a loved one with strength beyond any 'normal' person all by accident, that he's 'just like everyone else'. That he's average. I think... this talk. Was instrumental to the born divide between Mob and ???%, just as the actual violent act was. Because how do you reconcile the fact that you're apparently just some normal, average, harmless little kid, with the fact that you can also kill people without even trying? While not even aware?
Reigen does say, after all, upon seeing this. Upon actually witnessing ???%, Mob's power in it's entirety, that he didn't know about this. He didn't know. He had no idea, and he was just speaking out of his ass about things he didn't understand... so while that advice did help Mob immensely in a lot of ways, people aren't wrong about that... I think. A lot of people are also missing that this advice Reigen gives isn't the full picture. That it is, just like everything about the conman, flawed. Just as Reigen influenced Mob positively, he was also one of the negative influences in his life, that led to this point. To Mob splitting himself in halves, and paying the price.
Everything and everyone, after all, has two sides to them.
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[ID: First is a closeup of Teru's eyes, the background being a stark white, everything illuminated in a haunting red glow. His expression is horrified, he is bleeding from his nose, and someone in the background is yelling "Help!". In the second and third, Unknown Percentage turns to Teru wordlessly, as the people around them continue to shout "Look out!" and "Save me!". End ID.]
8 ) And you can see it here. The way ???% is staring at Teru, almost asking him, "Do you see it? What I am actually capable of? Is this really 'the average' you speak of?" because I have the feeling, Shigeo is tired of people brushing past his very real concerns of being more than capable of hurting people, to a disastrous extent. To deny he is different in any way, is to deny his capabilities are different, and that what he needs is different as well. He cannot go on living just as any other human without powers, or as any other esper even. Because although he is equal to everyone else on a human level, he is not the same as everyone. This desire to fit in, to not stand out, to not acknowledge his unique fears and desires and feelings, is the entire reason 'Mob' as a persona got constructed. And ???% is finally finding the chance to unravel all of it.
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[ID: two shots framed from low perspective, the background being a cloudy, gray sky, as Unknown Percentage first looks down at an off screen unconscious Teru, then turns their back, beginning to walk away. End ID.]
It is meaningful, then, that after this, ???% just lets the people Teru saved float, and leaves the boy to lay on the ground, to continue on. It wasn't really their intention to hurt people just to hurt. They certainly don't care that much about their pain right now, either, but. It was for a point. It was all just to prove a point, to Teru, to the world. That they're not something to be stifled. That their desires deserve to be heard, too. And, more than anything... I think it was a way to get back at Mob, at this person that has shunned them all this time, and say - you think you're the only one who deserves to be happy? You think you can be happy, with me continuing to writhe underneath the surface, unacknowledged, like this? How long are you going to go on? How long, until I'm able to exist freely again? And how long, until you realize, that what happened 4 years ago, wasn't a fluke?
Because they're not the one who hurt Ritsu. It wasn't some otherworldy entity, this power that is inhuman and uncontrollable and unreachable. It was Shigeo. Shigeo, who is comprised of Mob, in all his desire for self control, and ???%, in all his desire for freedom. And only through them meeting together, can they fulfill both, and learn to not repeat those same mistakes.
Because Shigeo is human. And Shigeo is the protagonist of his own life. For better, for worse <3
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an-spideog · 26 days
Do you have any reccomendations for shows/music/etc. in munster irish?
The largest volume of stuff would be in radio shows (which you can get as podcasts too), and a lot of this will be a bit Kerry centric since it's the strongest area of the Munster Gaeltacht. So you've got An Saol Ó Dheas which is a local (to the Munster Gaeltacht) news show, puts out a 50m episode 5 days a week, so there's a lot to use there. The presenter, Helen Ní Shé has excellent Irish and listening to it is a great way to build up your listening skills and get better with the munster dialect. Then there's also Cartlann Bhóthar na Léinsí which is a show which airs once a week (and also one rerun I think). Its presenter, Dáithí de Mórdha, also has excellent Irish, and he picks out interesting recordings from the radio archives (stuff from 30 or 40 years ago usually), so you get older and stronger speakers on there a lot, but much worse microphones and recording quality lol.
There's also Eachtraigh Dom, with Pádraig Ó Sé, but that one isn't released in podcast form so you have to go onto the website or listen live, so I don't have much experience with it.
In terms of music, there's lots of trad stuff from the Ó Beaglaoich family, here's Rosc Catha na Mumhan by Máire and Séamus Ó Beaglaoich. I also quite enjoy the rap music by Súil Amháin. In terms of TV shows in Irish there's not a huge range of stuff, and even less in Munster Irish specifically. Seal le Dáithí is a talk show hosted by Dáithí Ó Sé who has Kerry Irish, you can find it on the TG4 player, some portion of the cast on any season of Ros na Rún will speak munster Irish, though it's usually not a huge portion. The kids show "Seó Luna" had a Munster actor for the main character for a while, but I think they've got a Galway actor now.
There's also a lot of books written quite dialectally in munster Irish, stuff like Séadna (Cork), Peig - A Scéal Féin, Greenhorn, Leabhar Mhaidhc Dháith (Waterford). Kids' books too, stuff like Orla Uan and Mábúis.
Personally I've found listening to the podcasts to be the most helpful, just for the sheer amount of exposure you can get from them, it really helps you develop a sense of what people tend to say, what's common and what's uncommon.
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silvers-smuttery · 2 months
Commission: Bribing with Bodies
Ruby finds out Oscar has a magazine featuring her and Penny on the cover, the result of a wild night out. To what lengths will they go to have him keep it a secret between them?
How did it come to this? Ruby was panicking. Her semblance carried her from one corner of their Atlesian Quarters to another in the blink of an eye, muttering how her life has been ruined over one silly moment of weakness. Oscar could only watch Ruby's episode in shocked embarrassment. He really didn't mean for this to happen while he packed his bags to go on this adventure. But really, Ozpin could have warned him when he chose that one exact obscure Mistralean smut magazine to take with him on his journey. But honestly, how could he know? He bought the damn thing way before he ever met either Penny or Ruby. And with trade between kingdoms taking a massive hit after the Fall of Beacon, the magazine was never even distributed anywhere outside of Mistral.
Months ago, when the Vytal Festival had just started, Ruby took her dear friend and very real human girl Penny out for a night in Vale. They had a great time in Junior's club, dancing and laughing and singing. But dumb mistakes were also made that night, such as drinking a bit too much alcohol. And maybe wearing a bit more revealing clothes than what was appropriate. And of course, the biggest dumb mistake, taking a "reputable" photographer up for his offer to do a photo shoot for some extra cash, as the two of them had spent theirs already. To be fair, he DID take their pictures in his studio/loft, and the way he touched them afterwards did feel good - really good -, but the two of them had barely a way of knowing that the photos were going to be published in a magazine. At least the sleazeball had the decency to censor their faces. Or rather their eyes. The girls' very distinctive hair was still fully shown, along with Ruby's perky breasts, and Penny's curvaceous figure.
The hair was the main giveaway for Oscar to finally recognize the two of them, when they reunited in Atlas, making him blush crimson when he realized not only did he buy the magazine, but was actually carrying it in his backpack. A little later in the Atlas dormitory the teams would be stationed in, and after a small accident causing the contents of Oscar's bag to spill, the cat was finally out of the bag. Before Ruby's and Penny's feet laid the result of their night out. "Thiscan'tbehappeningThiscan'tbehappeningThiscan'tbehappeningThiscan'tbehappeningThiscan'tbehappening!!!!", Ruby muttered, face flushed as crimson as her cape, all while spilling rose petals everywhere.
Oscar only stood frozen, unable to move or even say anything while his blush matched Ruby's in intensity. What should he say? Should he explain that he brought it even before getting to know them? Or why he even brought it along?
Penny was the only soul in that room who remained calm about the situation, even picking up the magazine. "I do need to say, this gentleman really captured your appeal friend Ruby!", Penny giggled, though her friend wasn't listening.
"You! Can! Not! Tell! ANYONE! OKAY?!" Ruby's fluster finally dissipated enough to direct it at a target, Oscar, as she grabbed the collar of his shirt and shook him violently. "BURN IT!"
"Now now, friend Ruby. It is clear Oscar finds great enjoyment in this magazine. If you demand he get rid of it, you should offer adequate compensation!", Penny chimed in from behind Ruby. The magazine showed signs of wear and tear, but was still in excellent condition. Obviously he cared for it, taking it this far to boot.
All movement in the room came to a sudden, abrupt halt when Ruby and Oscar realized what Penny had done. The android had reached around her friend, clutching her corset dress, only yank it down and reveal that Ruby's breasts had a perky bounce to them. Ruby's face lit up in the color of her namesake whole Oscar's complexion darkened even more with a pink tint. "PENNY! WHAT THE-" RRRIIIIP
Ruby's cry was cut short by the loud tearing of a pair of pants echoing off the walls of the dorm, followed by another round of silence. Ruby felt a heat between her legs. She felt it lift her skirt, smacking right against her covered pussy, only to be held there by her instinctively clutching her legs closed. Sweat formed on her brow. If she hadn't kept her eyes locked with Oscar's, her gaze would have been drifting downwards to stare at…
"Oh my, that is quite the erection. I had no idea you were a Horse Faunus, Oscar", Penny broke the silence in her usual voice. It usually conveyed innocence and naivety, but in this context, it just sounded like a girl excited for a big, meaty cock. Penny's synthetic hands grasped the flared cockhead poking out from Ruby's skirt, inadvertently rubbing it along Ruby's throbbing mound. Her actions elicited a moan from both the dumbstruck teens still gazing into each other's eyes.
In the blink of an eye, Penny had swept the two of them off their feet. Ruby now laid on top of Oscar, rubbing her pussy along his ever hardening shaft. For a moment still, the two only let out panting moans, before Ruby spoke up. "So uhm…think we could do something to make you… forget about that magazine?"
"Uh-hUH!" Oscar's plea was accompanied by a splash of precum erupting from his dick, splashing onto Ruby's skirt. Another twitch of the hard rod was enough to soak her entire back in hot, gooey liquid, which she simply decided to ignore. If she even looked at this massive horse cock, if she as much as acknowledged that it was there and as abnormally huge as it was, there was no doubt in her mind, she'd get second thoughts and chicken out in the end. So she ignored it. Not that Penny was much help in that as Ruby stood up to line the tip of his cock up with her pussy.
"Golly, that was a big load. I take it you haven't released your seed in quite a while", the Android mused as she dove down to his crotch, cradling Oscar's balls like a kitten playing with yarn.
"You're not helping Penny!", Ruby said through gritted teeth, just before the gynoid slipped the reaper's panties down. Ruby's pussy was met with the wet heat of both their genitals meeting and mixing, pulsing through her body and no doubt his as well. Ruby kept looking at Oscar's face, panting as she ground his flared tip against her soaking pussy, trying to slip it inside. The boy clearly saw her struggling and interjected
"R-Ruby, you really don't need to fo-HOOOH!" Just as he tried to plead to her to go easy, Ruby managed to finally fit it in her cunt. The wide head stretched to the entrance of her womb beyond what she could have possibly imagined.
"This is normal! This is normal! This is normal!", Ruby winced in a breathy high pitch over and over, her legs and muscles locking in shock. Fingers twitched and toes curled as her body got his with her first climax, sudden like a lightning bolt hitting her. Was she really this turned on already? No time to think about that, this was for Oscar after all. As soon as her legs could move again, she started descending more, filling her birth canal to the utmost limits. Slowly and bit by bit, did her pussy grow accustomed to the size she was accommodating. More moans escaped her the further down she went. This felt so good, and watching Oscar writhe underneath her in pleasure was making her smile as well. Especially when he began to grip her thighs to help her bounce.
Soon Ruby could take him halfway inside her pussy. His flared tip kept hitting her womb while her lips kissed down on his medial ring. The moment was perfect. There was nothing else left but the two of them in unison. The sound of their breaths and moans and whimpers, the pumping of his dick in and out of Ruby's pussy, the rumbling of his balls churning with cum, ready to flood Ruby's womb any moment now…
"Ru-Ruby, I haven't… cum since I left on my journey…", Oscar admitted through his whimpers of pleasure.
"Bu-but that was like, two months ago…", Ruby retorted, finally shocked enough to look over her shoulder at his balls. Aside from Penny kissing them, sucking the leathery skin, Ruby was shocked at the sheer size of the sack, rivaling grapefruit with its girth. The reaper couldn't deny the flutter in her stomach when imagining this cum factory unleashing its load into her womb, but rational thought still won out as she started sliding the dick all the way out of her. "O-okay, I'll just finish you with a handjo-"
"Nope. You have to give it your all. Or would it be, 'take his all'?", Penny declared with a firm grip on Ruby's waist. Both sex partners grew a shade paler when they realized her intent, but could do nothing to stop it. Penny pushed down with a force Ruby's wobbly legs could not hold up against, buckling and yielding as Ruby got slammed down. The medial ring forced its way inside her cunt, Oscar's back arching from the sudden jolt, which only drove his hips closer to Ruby's. Her womb shifted in her stomach, driven further up by the immense, hard length inserted in her.
The moment her pale ass smacked against his olive lap, the seal on his balls shattered, unleashing a torrent of virile, thick spunk into the reaper's core. Ruby threw her head back when the scorching flood hit her womb, pumping it full. She clutched her stomach, feeling the distortion of it growing every second. Every pump of his dick seemingly added another month of apparent pregnancy to her bulging belly, until she looked like she might pop out triplets any moment. And then it stopped.
Oscar and Ruby both were frozen in the bed, too sensitive to move, too meek to try and do anything on their own, until Ruby finally collapsed backwards. Oscar's horse cock finally slid out, letting the sweating pair catch their panting breaths for a moment while cum streamed out of the reaper's gaping hole.
"Oh my, that was quite the load", Penny chimed in off to the side. The android let her hands roam over the pair, from Ruby's inflated stomach to Oscar's cock and balls, still hard and full. "This is nothing compared to our night with the photographer, but I am glad I got him to take those pictures so I could witness this."
Ruby's breath stopped when Penny's words hit her ears. Tearing her eyes open, something in Ruby clicked. Penny was an Android. A Robot. She couldn't really get drunk. Did Penny know from the beginning what that smut journalist would do? No, she just admitted to convincing him to use the pair as models while Ruby was off her rocker. A primal rage filled the as she leaped upwards at the ginger, seemingly undeterred by her heaving stomach.
"Get her, Oscar!", Ruby ordered, as she pounced on Penny, smacking her cum-stiffed cunt right over the android's mouth if she liked it or not. Her hands shift to Penny's bare tits. She had no idea when the gynoid undressed, but it didn't matter, as she dug her fingers and nails into the synthetic boob flesh. "Punish this foul witch! Make her pay for her transgressions! Punish her with your mighty horse staff, AND GIVE HER EVERY INCH!", Ruby cried out as Oscar's cum seeped into Penny's maw. Slaps resounded off the walls as Ruby let out her burst of fury by smacking the robot's fun bags, pulling them, stretching them like dough. L
Oscar of course didn't object, in part from Ruby's intimidating aura, in part because he was simply too turned on to turn down the offer of sticking his dick in the other girl featured on that fateful cover. Too turned on that none of them noticed their respective teams coming back through the door and witnessing the obscene display.
"Let's give them some more privacy."
Despite Ruby's intentions of punishment, Penny seemed to relish in slurping Oscar's cum from Friend Ruby's snatch. Moans reverberated not just through Penny's mouth into Ruby's pussy, but through the entire robotic body, down to Oscar's oversized horsecock. The sensation was divine.
Oscar had thought about using onaholes before, though never found an acceptably priced one to suit his needs, but never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined the kinds of pleasure these two girls were giving him. For his first time to boot. "Ruby, come here. Right now!" Overcome with passion, Oscar grasped Ruby's shoulders, pulling her in for a deep kiss. His partner accepted his tongue in her maw without question, yelping and shaking from too many things stimulating her at once.
"I think grunt I'm close again", Oscar moaned out in between breaths while making out with Ruby. Not once did his hips stop hammering away at the redheaded android though.
"Waitwaitwait, not like this!", Ruby yelped out as she shoved the horse boy away. Her stomach had deflated significantly by that point. Apparently, Penny had cleaned her out well so far, but now it was her turn. "Get up, slut. Now you get the filling!", the crimsonette grinned as she sat Penny up. She shoved her fingers carelessly between the ginger's teeth, prying her mouth open for her man to stick his dick deep inside her throat. Oscar understood and complied right away. Without a natural gag reflex, Penny could take all of him down without issue. It was only a matter of if her mouth could stretch that much around him. And it did. Ruby watched with sadistic glee as Penny's throat distended to the horsecock shoved in and out. Artificial spit flew everywhere, while Oscar kept thrusting away at her face, harder and faster with every beat until his balls could no longer take it. The dam broke, Oscar's dick exploding with another sea of orgasmic jizz, right into her stomach.
"Wow, she's… really good at it…", Oscar huffed and puffed as he drew each sensitive inch out of Penny's maw. To him, the girl looked beautiful, sloppy and slimy with synthetic lubricant and cock juice.
"Of course she is!", Ruby couldn't help but chime in. Still, a little anger dwelled within her. "She was probably made for this. Why else is her whole body so lewd and fuckable? It's like she's just a living sex d-"
Looking back at it, Ruby was glad she couldn't finish that sentence, given Penny's complexes about being a real girl. She was grateful to her friend for shutting her up at the right moment. Even more so since it happened by method of another loving tongue deep down her throat. Ruby's protests were short-lived as her eyes rolled back into her head, lost in blissful madness induced by the android with the ginger locks. "Stoooop~ I'm trying to be mad at yoouuu~~~", Ruby protested, but Penny only kissed her harder, her heavy, synthetic tits squishing against Ruby's more modest pair while their cunts mashed against each other.
Oscar felt like he was in a fever dream. Like the sight in front could not be real. But instead of running from it, trying to make sense of it, the horse boy simply threw himself at it and indulged himself. Seeing Penny's phat ass jiggle and sway, he grabbed them, fingers sinking into the fake, bouncy meat, giving one a swat and the other a backhand, grunting either way. Penny certainly didn't mind, not when she only raised her ass more at him. His dick throbbed, ached to use that back door of hers, as he watched Ruby spread Penny's cheeks apart. "She is an android, this should be nothing!", He had to tell himself as the flared tip of his cock pushed up against her puckered asshole, soon to be swallowed and gobbled up with one more push. Penny couldn't help but scream into Ruby's mouth, but still dropped her ass down further on that dick.
It was madness. Between screams and moans of pleasure and the senseless smacking of flesh, the entire room devolved into a debaucherous scene aiming to drain as much cum from Oscar's pent up balls as they could. Another climax approached for each one of them. Ruby's voice hit another octave, grinding on her friend. Penny was the only one mildly aware of the fact that they had neighbors just on the other side of the wall, but her circuitry was too busy firing sparks off in all directions to mention it, let alone stop. Oscar's balls clenched again and again, swelling up, before he blew his biggest load yet into Penny's ass. The hot seed traveled up inside her artificial intestines and bloated her stomach, squeezing it tighter against her friend underneath her as his dick plugged her ass tight. But Oscar wasn't stopping his thrusts, and neither was his orgasm. His equine equipment kept firing his hot load until it eventually traveled up Penny's throat. Ruby let out another shriek of surprise when she realized the sticky surprise oozing from her best friend's mouth, but quickly shut up as she tasted Oscar's seed again, shoving her tongue even deeper into Penny's throat to lap up as much as she could.
None of them knew the time when any of them could no longer go on. Nor could they say how long any of them slept, or how they got neatly into bed. Eventually, one after the other simply collapsed from exhaustion, only to wake up to the teasing glares and snickering laughter of their companions.
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fallloverfic · 3 months
Me: I read/watch Delicious in Dungeon for The Plot The Plot (spoilers for S01E13: Red Dragon III/Good Medicine, and CW: blood):
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Thank you Trigger for adding this, this was not in the manga, blessings be upon you and your families. I did not know that last episode Chilchuck asking if they'd never escape the crotch would be prophetic alkdjalj
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Listen, if I told you how many screencaps I took of Laios in his civvies/pajamas... well. He looks beautiful. 15/10 great job, Trigger, thank you.
I am also still soft for the siblings.
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He is so worried about her.
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Laios do have a lovely back, though.
Shoutout to Trigger for keeping all the times Senshi and the other characters faceplant in each other's crotches for this whole little arc lol I took so many screencaps of Laios though, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for them to animate this.
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Unconscious luggage Laios is the best. Love how Senshi carries him (and that all three guys are standing behind Marcille, who is protecting them).
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Just laser-focused for me.
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And the party pile alkdjlaj I was waiting for this so much alkdjalj Poor unconscious Laios, with Senshi squishing his crotch. Poor Marcille, stuck beneath both their tank and their bulky damage dealer and their rogue, all after fighting an army of blood dragons and using ancient magic to revive someone. Life's never fair for the mage.
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I always loved the way Chilchuck just lifts up Laios' leg alkdjlaj The tall-man is literally too tall for him aldkjalj
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I have been specifically waiting for them to animate this for months lakjdlaj This whole sequence is one of my favorite parts of the manga and ahh they did such a good job!!!
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They kept the chest push, just incredible. Bless.
I just love how Kui really explored how races of different sizes and heights interact with each other and how it changes different things. Laios is literally a tall-man and the tallest member of their party, and the buffest in a different way than Senshi is (Senshi is sturdier and generally far stronger, but Laios is their tank for a reason). And despite Senshi's strength, and Laios being badly injured, they still cannot fully compensate for the fact that Laios is still the biggest of them all.
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Also they added this alkdjla And I love it so much alkdjaj In the manga, Laios has his left leg pulled back a bit to make room for Chilchuck (or maybe just because it's how he sits down after Senshi and Chilchuck finally push him over), but here he's literally between Laios' legs in part because Laios is just so tall and Chilchuck is just very small by comparison.
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I just ahhhh Chilchuck trying to keep him seated just kills me...
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Ahh these shots just end me. They all look so good and I love how they're arranged. I love how desperate Chilchuck is to appeal to him, because Chilchuck doesn't want him to die T-T He knows how much Laios is hurting over Falin, both mentally and physically (he is still recovering from when she hit him), but...
Overall this was a phenomenal episode, and it was adapted really well. I loved how the characters played off each other, the voice acting and music were wonderful, the animation was excellent, just... ahhhh
Other delicious Plot:
The Plot in Episode 3
The Plot in Episode 7
The Plot in Episode 9
The Plot in Episode 11
The Plot in Episode 13 (you are here)
The Plot in Episode 14
The Plot in Episode 15
The Plot in Episode 16
The Plot in Episode 17
The Plot in Episode 18
The Plot in Episode 20
The Plot in Episode 21
The Plot in Episode 24
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absolutebl · 2 years
10 High Quality & Cinematic BLs
Ones that are very well made with a tight narrative and no cringey dialogue. For example: Old Fashion Cupcake or His. Japan knows what tf it’s doing, okay? You don’t come from a tradition that gave us Kurosawa and fail at broad scope cinematography. 
High Quality & Cinematic BLs + Comfort & Joy 
These are the ones that I love even though they’re artsy, but they also end happily and didn’t hurt me too much.
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1. Old Fashion Cupcake 
(Japan 2022 Viki)
This show had me from the moment they broke the egg yolk with the chopsticks in the opening credits for episode one. It’s about a younger man with a long cherished crush on his boss (ten years older and going through a mid life crisis) who decides to save and seduce said man with pancakes. It’s wholesome, comforting, sexy, and a very necessary narrative about still having hope, interests, and openness to affection at any age. It’s coming of age/queerness packaged in a subtle critique of expectations around masculinity and love and loneliness... and it’s beautiful. Full review.
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2. Restart After Come Back Home 
AKA Risutato wa tadaima no ato de (Japan 2020 grey)
Atmospheric study in rural Japan meets complex family dynamics built on a romance framework of city boy meets country boy. It’s beautiful and icy sweet. Slow moving in places but ultimately worth your patience. Full review here.
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3. Life: Love on the Line 
AKA Life Senjou no Bokura (Japan 2020 Viki) 
This is a beautiful movie and a good BL, if a bit adult and gut wrenching at times. Goes through young love, break up, and reunion - but it’s actually a saga of self acceptance. You want the director’s cut. Like His, LLOTL is an exploration of suppression and the limits we impose on ourselves when we’re dishonest about who we love. In high school, serious and self contained Ito fell in love with Nishi, the manic pixie dream boy of the dream he didn’t know he had. Nishi, emotionally and mentally fragile, struggled to fit into the world. Ito, however, found it all too easy, except for the whole - ya know - gay thing. This movie is about Ito’s willingness to sacrifice not just himself but his love (and even Nishi himself) to social and familial expectations and the misery that results. It has a hard fought happy ending that then follows them through the rest of their lives in a (slightly unnecessary but welcome) epilogue montage.
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4. A Tale of Thousand Stars 
(Thai 2021 GMMTV YouTube)
With great casting and cinematography this drama nods at BL tropes but manages to elevate them (and itself) with a strong mature story concept about a spoiled rich kid who gets a heart transplant and becomes a teacher it order to pay out survivor’s guilt. On the way he falls in love with a local park ranger and contends with his own classism and escapist tendencies. Everyone seemed to perfectly suit their roles and GMMTV made the most out of its stable. Combined with excellent production (and post production) values, 1000 Stars is without question GMMTV’s most mature, charming, and smart BL series. I think it should go down as one of the top BLs of all time. I feel safe recommending this one to friends and non BL watchers.
High Quality & Cinematic BLs + Work & Angst 
These are ones that I watched but were really difficult for me for personal reasons. Some may not have happy endings. I tend to call these moody arthouse smackdoodle. They like to pretend that "ambiguous" is somehow unique and special rather than bog standard commonplace for narratives of this type. Hold onto your psyche, these dramas will test you. But they very well done. 
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5. His the movie 
(Japan 2020 Viki)
His is about being a grown adult and still struggling with coming out as gay. It addresses the consequences of life choices disingenuous to identity. Nagisa turns up on Shun’s doorstep with his precocious daughter in tow. This is a touch confusing to Shun since they were each others first love. Shun has retreated from society, rejecting the world before it can reject him, already brokenhearted because without Nagisa he never had a reason to fight. Nagisa went the opposite way, tried to pretend to be something he was not and ended up with a daughter he adores and a wife who hates him. This movie is beautiful and the setting is unique and interesting but I'm not wild about the ending.
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6. I Told Sunset About You 
(Thai 2020 grey) 
I don’t have a ton to say about ITSAY because I’ve never managed to finished it. This one was too close to my own queer journey and it seriously messed with my head about 2/3 of the way through, so I stopped watching to protect myself. However, I can tell you that the production values are unreal for Thailand, using a soft lens, diffuse lighting, and a nostalgic atmosphere, paying close attention to framing, and forgetting neither background nor close-focus expressive detail. It’s a remarkable piece of work. I caught no mistakes in makeup, wardrobe, body positioning, reflection, or boom mic placement - so they clearly had continuity eyeballs during filming and on final product (which most Thai BLs don’t spring for). So yeah, the filming, directing, and acting is insanly good, but what’s really stand out in ITSAY from a film perspective is their smooth as butter invisibly perfect editing. Post production on this series must have been a BEAST.
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7. Your Name Engraved Herein
(Taiwan 2020 Netflix)
This movie is fantastic but it is also seriously depressing, it’s a self acceptance journey, but if you wanna wallow in high quality acting and serious gay drama, this’ll do it. 
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8. Goodbye Mother AKA Thua Me Con D 
(Vietnam 2019 Netflix)
Like YNEH or Dew, this is a great movie but it deals openly with homophobia, bashing, family trauma, and social acceptance. 
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9. His the series 
AKA His - Koisuru Tsumori Nante Nakatta AKA I Didn’t Think I Would Fall In Love
(Japan 2019)
Boy goes to visit his absent father, ends up kinda homeless on the beach, gets adopted by local family, falls in love with the boy working and living with them. Lots of long drawn out glances. 
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10. I Want to See Only You
AKA Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai (Japan 2022 grey)
This is a beautiful piece of cinema well acted, about two boys who are opposite personalities and grew up together. Gifted and serious Sakura (Kura Yuki from His the series) and outgoing eccentric manic pixie dream boy, Yuma. It is very pretty and this is the kind of atmospheric elegantly performed BL that only really comes from Japan (complete with dead fish kisses - what you though Korea invented them? oh no). For me it was lovely but slightly unmemorable. Full review here. 
More Like This From Japan 
The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese AKA Kyuso wa Chizu no Yume wo Miru (Japan 2020) - obsession, cheating, breakup, reunion, then break up again, explicit.
Does the Flower Bloom? (Japan 2018) - May/December romance about an artist student, the house he inherits from his dead parents. and all the people around him who are obsessed with him, including an older man.
Junjou: Pure Heart (Japan 2010) - I shoudl probably rewatch this one, it’s been a while. 
Silhouette of Your Voice AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru (Japan 2017) - It’s not as good as any of us wanted given the beautiful glory of the original manga (I Hear the Sunspot). Also it doesn’t really end happily. Disappointing. 
Eternal Yesterday AKA Eien no Kino (Japan 2022 Gaga) - After Mitsuru’s cheerful outgoing boyfriend Koichi is killed but stay’s walking around, everyone else begins to forget about him. Mitsuru recalls their romance while trying to understand what’s going on, hold onto his love, and come to terms with loss and identity. Sad and creepy but somehow still beautiful, Japan spending all its pennies on pain. 
Darker BLs and more thoughts on Moody Arthouse Smackdoodle here. 
Tangential blogs posts:
10 Best Uses of Cinematic Storytelling in BL
Top 10 Highest Production Values in Thai BL  
Some Noodling on BL Production Houses & Studios
This post the result of an ask from @theklutzymaniac, updated end of 2022. 
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