doppoorochisimp · 2 years
One of the greatest things Doppo ever did was rip off the ribs from some random child murderer he decided to stalk because he's a freak like that
And one of the worst things he did was drop the f slur but it's ok he can reclaim it
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stormz369 · 9 days
☕💖 Can I Get Your Number? ☕💖 Ch 1
Jason Todd x Chubby! Reader (fem) A/N: I don't know what I'm doing here, I'm not even much of a DC fan, but Jason Todd has quickly become my latest hyper fixation character (Harley Quinn too, do I just have a thing for Joker victims???) so ... thank you for giving me a place to put this energy I guess! 😂 I'm not super confident on the characterizations, but I'm going with it because I like it. If it's wildly ooc ... that tracks, given that the only DC comic I've read is Batman: Wayne Family Adventures. Read it, or don't, I just needed to get the thoughts out of my head. The art doesn't belong to me, but the writing does. Please do not post elsewhere!
written with a female reader in mind, first person pov, no use of Y/N, starting out fluffy, will probably get NSFW later so minors DNI, let me know if there's anything else I should tag this with!
word count: 1.7k
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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In a city known for its masked fighters, you learn pretty quickly that everyone and everything is a potential threat. Every approaching stranger on the street, every loud sound behind you, every dark alleyway. Being bigger than me certainly isn't a prerequisite to being a danger, but it does have a way of setting off my mental alarms. I've found that big men are used to getting their way, and they get all sorts of bent out of shape if you deny them their wishes. Especially when they think they're doing you a favor.
It died down a bit after high school; I learned to exist in public with ‘fuck off’ stamped across my face. Headphones on, reading a book, intentionally seated at the table furthest from the other cafe patrons. All the typical signs of someone who wants to be left alone; nothing about me said ‘please come talk to me'. So I was understandably on edge when I noticed someone standing by the chair across from me. I look up just a bit, gesturing to the chair with a nod. Silent consent to take it back to his table and leave me to my book.
No such luck. The man simply smiled and mimed taking headphones off. Putting a bored look on my face, I moved one off my ear. “... Hm?”
“Hi! I'm sorry to bother you, but my brother thinks you're really beautiful and is refusing to come tell you himself.” 
I could feel my expression turning to stone. “... What is this, middle school?”
His cheerful grin faltered ever so slightly; “hey, I know it's a bit silly, but he's awkward around cute girls, so what's a brother to do, ya know?”
I stared him down; “... You're not fooling anyone. Move on.”
“... Sorry, ‘fooling anyone’?”
“It’s not funny, it’s not even hurtful the 20th time, it's just annoying. Go. Away.” It was a lie; it was always painful to be on the receiving end of these pranks. But that was what these guys wanted, so I wasn't going to tell him that. My headphones back in place, the guy slunk away.
Ten minutes later, another person was standing by the chair. I pretended not to see him, continuing to read my book, until he plopped down in the seat. I looked up slowly and he smiled, another oddly warm smile, leaning forward on his elbows.
An incredibly put-out sigh later, I slid the headphones off one ear again. “What?”
“Hi, I'm Tim! I'm not sure what exactly my brother said to you, but I wanted to let you know - we're not trying to prank you or something. Our brother is just way too awkward with girls. It's painful to watch, really, so we figured we'd give him a hand.” He spoke much too fast for me to get a word in. I blinked a bit, raising an eyebrow.
“... You frat boys are really committing to the bit these days, huh?”
“Huh? No, really, I promise!”
My headphones were nearly back into place when a child showed up. His impatient expression matched how I felt about the whole situation. “As usual, Drake, your plans are far too convoluted to be effective. Watch and learn.”
He turned to me, nothing about his demeanor changing; “hello. Todd said we shouldn't bother you because you ‘clearly want to be alone’, but I am convinced the only way to stop their nonsense is if he comes over. May he have a moment of your time?”
Frowning a little, I stared at the kid. He stared right back, neither of us blinking for a solid minute as we sussed each other out. His expression barely changed, but the boredom in his eyes turned into determination. “... Well, you're definitely not a frat boy. So I'll make you a deal; you may report back that he has permission to come say hi. If he doesn't choose to, that's the end of this little charade. And if either of them” I gestured to the one sitting at my table; “comes back over here, I start stabbing. Got it?”
The boy nodded once, and I thought I saw a ghost of a smirk. “You have my word.” He dragged the other man out of the chair by his shirt, pulling him stumbling toward their table. That was when I saw him. The only person at their table who hadn't come over yet. Even hunched over the table he was enormous, probably close to six feet tall; exactly the kind of man I typically avoided. The kid spoke sharply, pointing in my direction, and his head shot up to look in my direction. Even from across the spacious patio, I could see his face turning red. The obnoxious, cocky smirk I was expecting to see was entirely missing; instead he seemed almost confused.
Headphones back on but turned off so I could hear if he approached, I returned to my book. But I only got through a few pages before the first one shouted; “and offer to get her another coffee or something!”
I looked over to see the tall one frozen halfway between our tables, a look on his face like he was considering jumping over the patio fence to get away. His demeanor reminded me of a lost puppy, and I couldn't help the chuckle that rose up out of my throat. I bookmarked my page, set the book aside, and slid my headphones down around my neck. I really thought he was about to bolt until I lifted one hand, curling my fingers to gesture for him to continue toward me.
He stopped short by a good several feet, eyeing the distance between himself and the chair, and took one extra step back. It seemed as if he was hyper aware of just how much he loomed over me; the way he stood was like he was trying to will himself to be smaller, and he kept his hands at his sides. “Um … hi. … Sorry, this is … this is really weird …”
I nodded, watching him. “It is a bit. … Todd, was it?”
“Jay… Jason.”
“Not Todd?”
“Jason Todd. Damian calls me Todd, he thinks using people's last names keeps them at an arm's length…” Jason Todd. The name felt familiar, but I couldn't place why. He continued to ramble about how important tone was in determining whether this Damian kid was referring to you with affection or disdain, and I watched him. He was admittedly very cute; he had a sort of a bad boy aesthetic -leather jacket, dark clothes, a white streak in his hair, some unusual scars on his face and arms-, which juxtaposed interestingly with the gentleness in his voice, bright eyes, and awkward mannerisms. That was actually the thing that made the most sense about this situation; bikers are often secret teddy bears.
“... Jason?”
He looked up at me, one hand sheepishly making its way into his hair. “Yeah, sorry, you want me to go. I'll get them to stop harassing you, so sorry-”
“Actually, I was going to say you don't have to stand the whole time.” I gestured to the chair across from me.
He hesitated, watching me. “... Y- you don't want me to go?”
I smiled softly and shook my head. “Sit?”
He quickly obeyed, a hesitant smile on his face, which was almost immediately hidden by his hand when his brothers whooped from their table. “... God, I'm so sorry … th- they mean well, really, they're not trying to be weird …”
I laughed softly, “it's fine, that's what siblings do, right?”
“... I guess so … I've been sort of … away for a while, but I guess this is pretty standard sibling behavior. … Right?”
“I mean, a little more insistent than mine, but not too far outside the realm of what I’d consider normal.” I shrugged, finishing my chai latte.
He smiled slightly, considering that. “... Hm … um … c- can I get you another?” He gestured to my cup.
“... Sure, I've got time.”
The pleased grin on his face as he looked away to flag down a server surprised me. Then again, everything about him was surprising. Still, no one had ever looked at me quite like that before… 
The server sauntered over, clearly curious about my new companion. Jason smiled brightly; “Hi, can we get another for the lady? And I'll have a medium black coffee, sweet, please.”
Huh. He called me a ‘lady’. Not a girl, or a chick, a lady. That was … also surprising. We chatted for a little while, sipping our coffees, and tried to ignore his staring brothers. He was incredibly awkward, in a sweet, endearing way. I got the impression that he wasn't fully comfortable, but chalked it up to how weirdly this all started. After a while, the first one returned, a small grimace on his face.
I raised an eyebrow; “I'm pretty sure I told the little one that the next one of you to come over was getting stabbed.”
“I know, I know! I'm so sorry, but Jay, we gotta go. Bruce texted…”
That was when it clicked; why I knew the name Jason Todd. He was a Wayne … his death had dominated the news cycle for a week. His miraculous, frankly poorly explained, return was the story for at least two.
He looked, torn, between me and his brother. “Oh … um …”
The man I finally recognized as Dick Grayson leaned forward and fake-whispered, “the words you're looking for are ‘can I have your phone number'?”
Jason swatted him away, blushing bright red; “Seriously, Dick? … well, can I-”
His ears were turning red as I held my hand out for his phone. I added my contact info and, feeling unusually bold, I added ☕💖 after my name while Jason dropped a couple of bills on the table; I smiled a bit, realizing he was leaving enough to cover my first drink for me too. I passed his phone back, enjoying the look of wonder on his face when he checked the screen. The way he whispered my name, like a prayer meant only for god's ears, had my stomach doing backflips.
“thanks … I'll call you?”
“Sounds good. I'm a night owl, so not too early, yeah?”
He nodded eagerly. “Not too early, promise.”
Next ->
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purplecoffee13 · 10 days
i'm always feral for mmf threesomes when i'm ovulating. maybe y/n and her boyfriend pick harry up at a bar?
First of all, thank you for the request!🥰
Second of all, I feel like I should do something along the lines of apologize for writing this piece of absolute filth, and I would…
except I do not have an ounce of regret, so I will just say, enjoy!
Warnings: SMUT, threesome (mmf), bimbofication (a bit), possessiveness, jealousy, degradation,
Wc: 2.2k
If you had asked yourself earlier today how tonight would end, you would have guessed a lot of things, except for the actual situation you found yourself in right now.
Being fucked by your boyfriend, Aaron, and your old college crush, Harry.
You'd visited to your college city for a couple of days with Aaron to attend the wedding of a friend of yours who you'd met in college. It was there that you ran into Harry. Back when you were in college, you had a massive crush on him. You almost kissed once, but unfortunately nothing ever truly happened.
Aaron and Harry were apparently friends in college, you'd learned upon chit chatting with both of them, and they had stayed acquainted over the years, but really only on social media.
Harry still had that exact charm that you fell for in the first place. It was like time had stood still for him, as if no environment would ever affect the charisma that made him shine like a rare diamond in a sea of dull rocks.
You were lying to herself if you said you didn't feel that flutter in her belly as he spoke in that low voice and hot accent, or didn't feel the blood rushing to your cheeks when he flashed you that signature grin of his. He still had it. Dammit.
When he proposed to meet up at a bar on the last night you and Aaron were here, you hadn't thought that much of it. It seemed like fun.
And it was, it really was.
You talked, you drank, talked some more and drank more. You still have no idea when the conversation turned sexual, but you were sure it was somewhere after your question to Harry about whether he had a partner or not.
"No, I'm single." He'd said, and chuckled when you nodded slowly. "Don't take pity on me, I have plenty of fun."
"Yeah? Player. What kind of fun, hmm?" Aaron had asked teasingly, an arm draped around your shoulder. Harry shrugged.
"Oh you know, the usual. One night stands, threesomes..."
"Threesomes are the usual for you?" You'd asked, leaning forward a bit as a frown painting your face. The man in front of you only hummed, biting the inside of his cheek at the sight of your curiosity.
"Yeah, they are."
"So what, you just always have two people on speed dial for that?" You were aware that you were coming across a bit nosy, but you didn't care, you were intrigued.
"It's mainly couples I do it with, actually."
"Couples?" Aaron piped up.
"Yeah, they ask me to join. 'S pretty nice. Never have to worry about hurting someone's feelings, since they're already involved with each other, y’know?”
His answer was met with hums coming from both you and Aaron, and you’d thought, that was that. This part of the conversation was over, and it was now to be steered into another direction. That was until your boyfriend said something that made the hairs on your neck rise up.
“What would you think about having a threesome with us?”
It was solely because of the sheer shock that had taken over your body that you didn’t gasp aloud, and by the time you’d had some time to let his words sink in, a heated tension had already settled in your lower stomach that kept you from getting mad at your boyfriend for suggesting this out of the blue. Harry’s voice caught you off guard.
“You would want that, the both of you?” He asked, and you turned your head to look at him. His eyes were fixated on you, but the enlarged pupils and the unspoken words that had been hanging between the two of you since you met each other in college told you Harry wanted this, badly. That look alone made you swallow before nodding your head.
“Y— yeah, we’d want to.” You said, not daring to take your eyes off him. “Would you?”
His mouth curled up into a grin. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Harry had really taken that invitation as a challenge. You could vouch for that, because he was currently eating you out like it was a competition and the goal was to make you come as fast as you could. His skilled tongue licked at you like his life depended on it and the pressure he brought to your clit was indescribable.
You would've moaned out his name when he punched his clit, but your mouth with occupied with your boyfriend's cock, which he drove into you over and over, fucking your mouth.
The sensation was incredible. Aaron was hitting the back of your throat, something you knew was bringing him to his orgasm quicker. He loved sticking all of his dick inside your mouth, watching you choke on it as you sputtered for air.
When you felt that he was really close, you took your mouth from his cock and voiced your needs. Or, tried to, at least.
"I— I want to be fucked. I want someone inside me, please." You asked politely, trying not to let your sentence get swallowed by all the moans you were fighting from escaping your lips as Harry continued to eat you out as if you were a five course meal. He took his lips off of you, smirking as he looked over to your boyfriend, raising his brow.
"You're the boyfriend. What do you say, has she deserved it?" He asked, getting up, both men now towering over you. Aaron pushed you back onto the bed, and Harry spread your legs before they both leaned back to observe you.
"She sure wants it." Aaron lowered his gaze to your glistening pussy, muscles flexing as he crossed his arms. "Don't know if she deserves it, though."
"She's so greedy, isn't she? Has she always been like this?" Harry grinned as he took in your body, taking his bottom lip between his teeth. Your breathing picked up with each second that neither of them were touching you.
"Oh yeah, she can be a real slut for it. Can't you, baby?" Aaron asked you, and you nodded your head, not caring that they were talking like this about you. In fact, you loved it. It was so hot to have them speak about you in such a demeaning tone, it onlymade the tension in your belly grow.
"Yes, I'm a slut for it. Please, fuck me." You begged. The anticipation crawled at your skin as you watched the two men look at each other for a couple seconds. It was the simple raise of Harry's brow that had your stomach flip, as it was followed by Aaron positioning himself in front of you and ramming his cock inside your wet cunt.
You shrieked at the force with which he entered you, shutting your eyes and not noticing that Harry had sat himself next to you until he began playing with your breasts. You shivered when he brought his lips to your ears.
"Such a dirty girl, you are. Never would've guessed it back in college." You could hear the amusement dripping in his tone as his hand lowered further and further until he reached your clit. You clenched your walls as he began toying with it, earning a groan from Aaron.
"Look at you, taking your boyfriends' cock so well." He turned to Aaron. "Fuck man, you taught her well. She’s just laying there and taking it like it's her only option."
You whined as Harry pinched your clit, like he had before. Your legs began to tremble at the amount of sensations that were happening at the same time. You knew you were getting closer to your climax.
"She loves it." Aaron groaned, driving into your harder and making your eyes roll into the back of your head as he hit that toe curling spot.
"I can see that..." Harry hummed. "Are you going to come for him sweetheart? You gonna drench his cock?"
"F— fuck, yes! Yes! I'm so close!" You cried out, and Harry's fingers began circling on your clit faster at the sound of your proclamation.
"C'mon then, come for us." He growled, before closing in on your ear again and whispering softly: "If only I had known you were such a dirty girl, I would have fucked you much sooner."
A long, pornographic moan bellowed through the room as you convulsed around Aaron's cock, clenching around him over and over until Aaron himself was groaning and coming inside you as well. It felt good to be filled up with his seed, despite the fact that you had just mainly orgasmed because of another man's words.
Aaron stilled inside you for a couple of seconds, the both of you recovering from your intense orgasms. He slowly began to pull out, and you couldn't help but pout at the feeling of emptiness. Aaron smiled at you.
"You can fuck her too, if you want. Can tell she wants to be filled up all the way." Your boyfriend offered to Harry, who nodded as he got up from the bed. Aaron got in Harry's position, whispering in your ear.
"And when I'm hard again, I'll paint that pretty face of yours." He kissed your cheek, which heatened at that promise.
"You really don't mind if I fuck her?" Harry asked, just to be sure. He wanted to avoid any awkward moments. Aaron nodded.
"Yeah. I've always been a bit voyeuristic, and I've been wanting to try this for a while." He explained, looking at you as he stroked your hair. You nodded in confirmation. Aaron had told you about that kink of his. He loved watching you get off.
"Alright." Harry looked at you. "Are you okay with it as well?"
"Yes, I am." You smiled at the man in front of you.
"Would you like me to play into it a bit?" Harry asked Aaron carefully. After your boyfriend told him he could, a wicked grin appeared on Harry's face.
Without another word, he pushed his dick into you. Your eyes widened, and you bit your lip to keep yourself from yelling too loudly. Harry was big. Of course, you'd seen that, but you hadn't really calculated how thick he actually was. He stretched you out with every inch that sank into you, and you could almost feel yourself getting dizzy as a result of it. It was so much. Aaron sat back and began stroking his already semi hard cock.
"Fuck, aren't you a good little whore? So obedient, even when your boyfriend lets another man fuck you." He thrusted himself in and out of you lazily, building up his pace. It was a bit unfamiliar to you; Aaron would start roughly and get a bit more sloppy and slow towards the end.
"Ye— oh... oh!" The words that you meant to say faded as Harry's long strokes became harsher, knocking the wind out of you with each rigorous thrust.
"But you like it. Love to be filled all the way, like your boyfriend said? One man's seed is just not enough for you, is it?" He began to pick up the speed. His fingers were back circling your clit like before. You nodded your head furiously and looked to the side, seeing your boyfriend rub himself off with his hand as he watched the scene between you and Harry. He looked so entranced, so aroused by it all; he was loving it.
Harry took his hand off your clit and placed both his hands on either side of your head, leaning over you as he began to fuck into you deeper and harder. You felt like his cock might split you in two if he went on for long enough, if he didn’t split the bed in two before that.
"Now I'm gonna come inside you soon baby," Harry said so lowly that Aaron couldn't hear. You looked to your boyfriend, who looked to be having the time of his life watching you get railed by someone else. "and when I do, I want you to savor every fucking second of my cum coating your tight walls."
You bit your lip, keeping your eyes on Aaron as Harry murmured into your ear.
"I want you to remember how good this feels. Remember it at night when you lay next to him… remember how you could have this— have me every night." 
Harry didn't even give you time to process what he said, leaning back and gesturing for Aaron to come closer, instructing him to come all over your face like he said he would.
That's when Harry began to jackhammer into you. It was as if nothing was holding him back now. You weren't physically able to take your eyes off the man fucking you. You moaned and cried and whined until you felt liquid painting your face. Aaron's pained groan made you flick your eyes to your boyfriend, and when they traveled back to Harry, the lazy grin on his face took you out.
The feeling of your second orgasm was out of this world, and you felt like you were being thrown into space the second you felt Harry's hot cum spurting into you. The sound of Harry's own groan had you gushing around him like this was the first time you'd come in months.
It was so filthy that the circumstances around it had made you so worked up, but you couldn't care less as you rode out that euphoric high on Harry's cock, sight half blurry because of some of Aaron's seed that had spilled over your eyes.
Your ears were still ringing, Harry’s words racing through your head, when your boyfriend said:
“Well, that was fun.”
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carlsdarling · 1 year
Carl Grimes x Saviour! Reader where she’s Negan’s daughter………featuring hate sex
No Mercy
Y/N is Negan's daughter and is being held hostage in Alexandria. Y/N and Carl hate each other passionately. How will this end? Bit of a plot, then sex. Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: smut, nsfw, unprotected sex, slightly violent sex (consensual), abusive language
Annoyed, you looked up and dropped your book when you saw someone coming towards you. Of all people: Carl, the jackass himself.
After Rick and Daryl had found you injured out in the woods a few weeks ago, very close to the Sanctuary, and had taken you to Alexandria, you were confronted with Carl every fucking day. Like it was some special punishment they'd come up with for you because you were Negan's daughter. When Rick had found out your identity - that hadn't been particularly difficult, because your father had soon shown up at the gates of Alexandria, angrily demanding your handover - he had decided to keep you as a captive. While you were allowed to move freely within Alexandria, you had no access to weapons and were not allowed to leave the city. Neither alone, nor in company.
But the absolute worst thing was that you had to live in Rick's house, under the same roof as Carl, who made no secret of how much he despised you. He let you know and feel that every day. "It's okay Carl, I hate you too," you spat back at him for that reason as he approached now.
"Not as much as I hate you," Carl countered, sounding almost bored, which upset you even more. You'd retreated behind the horse stables with your book, where you'd been sitting peacefully in the grass reading until this menace called Carl had decided to bother you. Now he was standing right in front of you, his shadow falling on you, and as always, he was wearing that stupid hat.
"I can live with it if someone who dresses up as a cowboy, has just one eye and needs a haircut hates me," you retorted pointedly. "By the way, you're not half as badass as you think you are, Carl." Demonstratively, you turned your eyes back to your book, ignoring him. Of course, a Carl Grimes couldn't take that. He snatched the book from you and tossed it away. "Hey!" you shouted at him outrageously. "Fuck off and leave me alone!" You had stood up, and now you were facing each other, glaring angrily at one another.
"You have no rights to anything here," Carl claimed aggressively.
"Oh no?" you scoffed, "Your dad thinks otherwise."
"Yeah, because my dad's not a fucking psycho like yours," Carl retorted in a snarky manner.
"My dad should have killed you when he had the chance," you hissed. "You sure felt great when you broke into the Sanctuary and shot around. Oh, wow, Badass Carl is kicking some butts," you teased him maliciously. He stared angrily at you with narrowed eye. "But I guess that was a non starter, wasn't it? My dad dragged your little ass back to Alexandria and fed you spaghetti. As if you were a three-year-old“, you mocked him.
"At least I didn't get captured," he growled.
"Oh, yeah? As I recall, my dad gave you back voluntarily. Why would we want to keep an idiot like you? You're worthless. A real plague, an inconvenience,  that's what you are, Carl."
You orbited each other slowly, like two wolves, between you were only a few inches of distance. You fixated on each other with hatred. Carl was literally vibrating with rage, you could almost smell his anger. Confused, you realized that a certain excitement had taken control of you. Carl's aggressive aura triggered something in you. Carl seemed to feel the same way, because he brought his face close to yours, and without any warning, he kissed you roughly and forced his tongue into your mouth. You freed yourself. "What are you doing?" you hissed, scratching him across the cheek.
He didn't blink an eye, just licked his lips and approached you again. "You will not scratch me again, Y/N," he said in a hoarse voice. "Unless it's with pleasure while I'm fucking you."
"Excuse me?" you shrieked, "What kind of planet do you live on?" Again you looked at each other. You were both quivering all over, the air between you felt like it was electrified. The sexual tension was palpable.
Carl grabbed your wrist. "You want it too," he whispered provocatively. "I bet your pussy's dripping already," he said contemptuously, pressing himself against you. You could feel his arousal, and yes, damn it, he was right - you lusted after him even though you hated him. So you returned his stormy, aggressive kisses, and you enjoyed his rough hands on your bare skin as he rudely removed your shirt and bra.
"I hate you," you hissed excitedly as he caressed your nipples. The moisture between your legs increased. You peered toward the corner of the building. "Someone could show up here at any moment," you said, "We should go somewhere else."
"I don't care," Carl said dismissively. "We'll do it right here in the grass." Without further ado, he pushed you down to the ground, lay on top of you, and rubbed against you.
"Ouch," you complained, "you're hurting me, Carl." The buckle of his belt was aching on your hip.
"Shut up," Carl commanded carelessly, but at the same time loosened his belt and pulled down his jeans and boxers, shamelessly exposing his cock. It was of fair size and already totally erect.
The sight made you suck in an excited breath, but all you said was, "Wow. He's not bigger than that?"
Carl snorted angrily, pressing you to the grass, shoving your skirt up and your panties down before pushing himself between your legs. "Like you don't want him," he argued. "You're so horny for me, look how soaking wet you are. Little whore." He played with your entrance and clit with his tip, but didn't penetrate you, instead watching your face with a gleeful grin as you began to whimper softly. A new flood of moisture was welcoming him.
"I can also pleasure myself if you don't know where to put your dick in, Carl," you said pejoratively. "I expected nothing else from you."
With a single, hard thrust, he penetrated you, making you gasp - half in pain, half in lust. For a moment he paused, and you stared at each other again, full of aversion. Your hearts were pounding heavily.
"What are you waiting for? Rail me," you then commanded. Carl closed his eyes and began with hard, ruthless thrusts; he wasn't being sensitive or tender, but you didn't want him to be, you wanted him hard and merciless, and you hated him fiercely, with every fiber of your body. You inflicted some deep scratches on his back, whereupon he angrily grabbed your wrists and held them above your head while he pounded in you even harder.
It was thrilling beyond description. "Harder," you gasped, "harder still. Faster." Carl moaned out loud, you were both glistening with sweat, and you felt a powerful orgasm starting to build. You arched your back, squirming under Carl's thrusts and whimpering with desire, when he suddenly stopped.
"You will not cum now," he said breathlessly. "I won't allow it."
"I hate you, Carl Grimes," you repeated, biting him in his left shoulder, whereupon he gave you a sharp slap in the face.
"Bite me again like the rabid dog you are, and you'll regret it," he threatened, his lips very close to your right ear before resuming his thrusts into you. "I'm going to cum now, so you may too," he announced a few seconds later.
"Pull out before you cum", you demanded, but he pinned you to the ground and just continued thrusting, unimpressed, faster and harder.
"Forget it," Carl whispered horny and licked your neck. He obviously hadn't shaved that morning, and it was irritating your skin. "I'm going to breed you. When your dad gets you back, you'll be pregnant by me. How are you going to explain that to him? It'll be fun," he panted before he started moaning loudly again, thrusting even harder into you and blowing his whole load deep inside you. You cum so hard you thought you were going to explode. The two of you lay together for a moment, breathless, before Carl stood up, pulled his pants back up, and tossed your clothes to you. "You'd best get dressed again," he said bitingly. "Not like anyone's going to show up and realize what a little whore you are after all."
"Screw you, Carl," you replied lazily.
He gave you a dirty smirk. "Okay. Tomorrow, same time, same place?"
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pepsiboyy · 4 months
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p4 ⚜ masterlist ⚜ p6
pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!reader summary: after moving to massachusetts from florida, y/n lives with her half brother, nathan doe, who is part of a small garage band. their sassy guitarist, chris sturniolo, can't help but get on her nerves. but there's something about him. warnings: use of y/n lol, cursing, fluff a/n: HIIII sorry for the wait!!! ive been adding to this chapter as time goes on and this is the final product because i know yall have been waiting for it <3 love you guys so much thanks for the support!!!
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"i got us a show!" nathan exclaimed, his eyes just as wide as his smile as he gripped a piece of paper, waving it in front of him.
i clasped my hands together in excitement, and smiled brightly. "yes!! where?"
"soundwave lounge!" nathan smiled warmly as he handed the paper to chris, who held it out for ben to see as well.
everyone had such a bright smile.
i smiled as i watched chris's excitement run through him.
"i think we're good to go, we just need a vocalist," chris mumbled, as everyone slowly averted their gaze towards me.
i blinked a few times as i chuckled nervously. "me?" i choked out.
"yeah, you'd be great!" nathan happily wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me in and looking towards chris and ben with a wide smile.
i stared at chris for a moment, who gave me a reassuring smile, before i spoke up. "fine, maybe."
chris and i had been seeing each other for about a week and a half now. he would often spend the night with nathan, who would fall asleep quickly, prompting chris to come to my room and spend time with me.
it was nice, having him around. i found out that the two of us have a lot more in common than i ever could have guessed.
we decided to keep it a secret from nathan and our other bandmate, ben, for the sake of keeping things private. that, and we had no idea how nathan would react.
"whatcha thinkin' about?" chris's voice rang softly, ripping me from my thoughts as he ran a hand through my hair softly.
i smiled softly at him as i shrugged and sighed. "i can't believe you guys want me as a vocalist." i whispered. "i feel like i can hardly sing."
"i'm sure you're great.. don't ever put yourself down." chris immediately reassured, his eyes fixated on me. he hated when i got into self-deprecating moods. which was often.
i sighed and nodded. "would i be singing the lyrics that you've been working on?" i asked softly, looking at chris as he shot me a quick shrug.
"probably. i don't really know. we can figure it out." he whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead as he sighed and sat up. "it's goin' on three o'clock. i should probably go lay down." he whispered.
i nodded softly as i shot him a quick smile. "sleep well, 'kay?"
chris stood to his feet and stood up, sending me a quick nod and a wave. "you too."
and just as he got to the door, he swung back around on his heel and quickly made his way over to plant a kiss to my forehead.
i reached up to press my hand to the back of his neck, pulling his lips against mine.
as he pulled away, i shot him a smile.
and then he left quietly.
my eyes peeled open at the abrupt sound of drums slamming against one another downstairs.
i rubbed my eyes and slowly rose from my bed, my hair in every possible direction. i didn't care though. what i cared about was the drums playing at fucking 10am.
"what the hell are you guys doing?" i stated loudly, but nothing was loud with the sound of them playing. i stepped a bit closer, where chris finally seemed to notice my presence and stopped playing.
before anyone could notice, he shot me a soft smile.
"oh hey, y/n," nathan stated, his body leaning over to set down the drumsticks.
"why are you guys playing so goddamn early?" i stated firmly, rubbing my eyes.
"we have to practice for our show. it's tomorrow!" nathan stated with a wide smile, making my jaw drop.
"tomorrow!? i was thinking like a week or something?" i sighed as i moved to sit between nathan and chris.
"same here, but most we can do is practice to the best of our ability." ben stated, his eyes averting to the side.
everyone seemed to share a glance. he was being unusual.
"right. well. i'm gonna run inside and get a drink. can i get you guys anything?" i asked softly.
they all shook their heads, except for chris, who begged for a pepsi.
i chuckled and nodded, making my way quickly to the kitchen to go ahead and grab chris and i both a pepsi.
the trip was quick. i tip-toed back into the garage as i wasn't wearing any shoes. "here ya go."
chris smiled warmly at me.
the way his eyes creased as he smiled, the way his teeth poked from his mouth as he bit onto his bottom lip softly and his cheeks grew a soft shade of pink. his hair slightly damp from playing in the warmth of the garage. god, he was stunning. his hand gently grazed mine as he took the pepsi, shooting shocks through my skin.
"thanks," chris stated softly, before turning back to his guitar.
i blinked a few times before i made my way over to my chair again and allowed my eyes to look over everyone, ben's eyes locked on chris.
a few hours had gone by. ben had left, and chris, of course, was spending the night.
his fingers gently grazed the guitar strings as he hummed to himself and played, his eyes glued to his own hand.
he was sitting at the edge of the bed playing quietly and occasionally glancing at me with a soft smile, where i couldn't help but sit and admire him from where i was. "how long have you been playing guitar?" i spoke up, sitting up slightly.
"mmm. since like junior high. i dabbled and got more interested as time went on." he smiled at the thought as he remembered playing a lot more back in high school.
i nodded as i listened and hummed softly. "you're really good."
we sat in silence for a few moments before chris moved to set the guitar down. carefully, he crawled towards me and rested his head against my chest, his body between my legs.
"i hope that once the stress dies down, we can tell your brother about us." he stated softly.
a warm smile appeared on my lips as i nodded softly and sighed contently as i moved a hand to brush through his curly, brunette locks. "i agree."
"i like you a lot." chris admitted softly.
i couldn't see his face from the position we were in, but i could see his ears growing red. i chuckled softly as i wrapped my arms gently around his head and pulled him infinitely closer to me. "i like you too."
we sat in a comfortable silence, my eyes locked on the ceiling with a soft smile until i felt chris's breathing slow to a rhythmic, peaceful pace. i smiled to myself as i continued to caress his hair gently.
and for a few hours, i let him sleep there in my arms.
nathan's tongue stuck out from between his lips in focus as he set up his drumset on the stage.
i, on the other hand, stood awkwardly. "can i help at all?"
"i think we got it," nathan would quickly reply.
the guys were setting up for their show today. they had practiced a lot yesterday and a bit before they began packing things up today.
my eyes couldn't leave chris. he looked great today. like every day. damn.
one of the managers of the event they were performing at stepped onto the stage, eyes glued to a watch on his wrist. "alright guys, doors open in fifteen. we lookin' good?"
everyone shot up, their eyes looking at the man before exchanging glances and nodding. "yeah, we should be good in just a few minutes," ben stated.
i shifted to move backstage. nathan ran off to the restroom with chris, and.. i'm not really sure where ben went.
"hey, y/n?"
i turned my head to the side and met eyes with the bassist, blinking a few times. "oh, hey ben. are you pumped for your show?"
he gave me a half smile before he stepped closer to me.
"hey, i really wanted to talk with you about something."
i looked at ben for a moment and swallowed. i nodded softly. please don't ask me for life advice. not really my thing.
"look, i think i really like you, i think you're gorgeous and-"
what the fuck?
my eyes widened as i attempted to regain composure. "ben, i don't think-"
"i'd really like to take you on a date. i know your brother is my friend and stuff, but-"
i lifted my hands to hold in front of me in defense as i felt my stomach turn. "ben, i don't-"
"would you consider?" he stated softly.
we sat in silence as i stared at him.
well this is awkward.
"i don't... really feel the same way."
i watched ben's shoulders slump.
"sorry." i quickly apologized. "i- uhh. you'll do great tonight-" i stated quickly before retreating to nathan and chris who had just returned from the restroom.
chris furrowed his eyebrows at me as i literally walked right behind him and stood there. he could tell something had happened, but decided to ask me later.
nathan, on the other hand, was so pumped.
"guys, we're gonna destroy this tonight!!" he stated quickly, giving everyone a fist bump. "y/n, cheer so hard from over here!" he smiled widely, and i nodded eagerly.
"i will, don't worry!"
as a few minutes went by, the boys got called to get ready to get on stage.
i wished them luck, and bit my lip as i watched them step out, some cheers heard from outside to hype them up.
what the hell just happened??
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p4 ⚜ masterlist ⚜ p6
taglist;; @sturnsxplr-25 @vampiree-555 @wh0resstuff @jetaimevous @sturnioloshacker @nickgetsmewetter @matthewsturniolosgirlfriend101 @chrissgirlsstuff @nsjsnshey @sturniolosarethebest @sofie-1 @sturniololol @veysxrge @587528382527 @sturniolostars @larnieboox88 @eliana-4200 @fratbrochrisgf @sturniolostars @chrisgetsmewet @55sturn
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arafilez · 4 months
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ー☆ㅤㅤ [ xikers hyung line x reader ] ㅤ੭𓂃 ㅤfluff, pg13 ㅤ𓏧ㅤ when you pull them by the collar and kiss them ㅤ warnings kissing ㅤ﹢ㅤ0.4k / mem wc ㅤ𓏧ㅤ maknaez
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੭ㅤ𝅄ㅤ ꒰ KIM MINJAE ꒱
You look at your boyfriend who is busy listening to samples and choosing new music for a song in Xikers’s upcoming album. You feel proud of him and impressed at the same time, loving the reactions he gives when he feels he has the right choice.
You sit quietly, turning in your chair slowly when you feel Minjae’s phone vibrate against the table and you pick it up. As soon as you notice the call from Hongjoong you tap him on his shoulder and hand him the phone. Minjae jumps at your touch making you roll your eyes as he talks to his senior.
“I am screwed,” are the first words you hear from him as he cuts the phone, you stare at him in confusion and ask, “What is going on?”
“Hongjoong hyung with Edenary are coming to check my samples,” he clutches his head as a groan rolls out from the back of his throat and he slams his head onto the table. “Min what the hell are you doing?” you gasp pulling him up by his shoulder as he lets out an exaggerated cry and falls into your arms.
You stare at him in shock before calming down and say, “Dude, these pieces are literally so good, I love them and I am sure they will too because you are talented baby.” Minjae lets out a dramatic gasp at your sentence saying, “Dude? Is your boyfriend ‘dude’ now? Great! My seniors are coming to check up on me, and instead of showering me with love you are calling me dude, how could yo-“
You don’t let him finish his sentence as you pull him by his shirt collar and kiss him willing to shut his ramble up. Your noses bump into each other and Minjae’s eyes widen for a millisecond before he kisses you back with fervour. His fingers trace down your nape and a breathy sigh intertwines your kiss as you enjoy the sweet taste of him.
You break off first, breathing heavily, as Minjae’s lips glisten in the low light of the studio and you lick your lips lightly. A light cough interrupts you two as Minjae’s eyes widen making you quickly let go of him and Hongjoong grins before saying, “Should I come back later?”
੭ㅤ𝅄ㅤ ꒰ PARK JUNMIN ꒱
You walk into the practice room where Junmin is going over his parts in “Die for You” for their upcoming concert. You sit down quietly watching him practice the dance in awe.
The perks of having a main dancer boyfriend are watching his smooth and clear moves and getting to learn them well. The cons of having him is restraining yourself from doing all the things in your head when he looks terribly hot after practice.  Beads of sweat drop down his defined collarbones and your eyes travel with it, shamelessly checking him out to add to your imagination unknowingly Junmin picks up his shirt from the waist and wipes his sweat giving you a dangerous glance at his defined abs.
You were so lost in your own ministrations you don’t hear Junmin calling your name and blink abruptly when you see him stand in front of you, slight concern in his eyes as he looks into yours and before you can second guess yourself you are pulling him by his shirt collar and kissing him.
Junmin’s eyes widen to an unbelievable extent as he stills from the contact of your lips and his brain short-circuits. Your conscience kicks back instantly and you don’t even finish the kiss as you let go of his collar coughing lightly. Your face feels hot as your eyes are fixated on his collar and Junmin stares down with a red face.
“I- wow, I,” his blabbers fall to your heated face as you two stare at each other with wide eyes and he licks his lips lightly remembering your confidence and bashfully loving it inside.
For a second you two just stare at each other flustered equally and suddenly Junmin is cupping your cheek and kissing you. It is so sweet and so him, it makes you melt into it as his hand rests on the small of your back. As soon as you two break it returns to shy giggles and heated faces as Junmin looks everywhere but your eyes.
੭ㅤ𝅄ㅤ ꒰ CHOI SUMIN ꒱
Sumin yells at you as he splashes the water in your direction making you flinch in shock. “Choi Sumin,” you shout at him and run through the wet sand towards him. A gummy smile lights up his face as he laughs and jumps in the water before going deeper into the sea. You giggle again as you throw a small amount of water at him.
Even though it does no justice to the amount he has drenched you earlier with his light playful scream makes your day. You walk deeper into the sea, towards him and the water slowly rises. Sumin’s eyes sparkle as he picks up something and walks towards you adorably and clumsily.
Wrapping an arm around your waist he somehow tugs your back to his chest and puts his head on your shoulder pressing a light kiss on it. He opens his hand saying, “For you, my love.” You giggle feeling shy and fiddle with the shell on his palm unable to make eye contact.
“Look at me,” he whispers breathily in your ear making you whine and lightly kick him at his teasing instincts. “Pretty,” you whisper softly and he smiles cheekily adding, “Like you.”
“Cliché,” you snort and he retorts, “Whipped.”
You look at him in shock and wide eyes before scoffing and saying, “I am not the whipped one here.” “You’re not?” a rhetorical question leaves his mouth as he slowly traces his finger down your jaw, angles your face towards his and raises an eyebrow challenging you. You try to move your face making him tease you more and finally your restraint snaps.
Pulling him by the collar you crash your lips to his, lips moving along each other with fervour and haze. Your lips part for a while for a short breath and his hands are cupping your jawline pressing your lips to his again. The sun hits your skin in a golden hue and the water creates a cool backdrop among the heat of the kiss.
You rake your fingers through his damp hair, parting a few strands again as the air feels like sweet love around silence. Pressing your lips together multiple times, your noses bump a few times making you giggle and laugh at the weird situation. The kiss is messy yet perfect at the same time before you two part for good.
“Cliché,” he snorts this time and you retort, “Whipped.”
੭ㅤ𝅄ㅤ ꒰ HAM JINSIK ꒱
“Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?” you roll your eyes as you can almost hear the grin in your boyfriend’s voice as he stands behind you. Pursing your lips you tilt your head and turn around asking, “Why?”
“Can’t a guy just simply love his partner?” Jinsik smiles, his grin widening innocently making you shake your head. You are here, standing in a sunny parking lot, sweating and waiting for Sumin to pick you two up and Jinsik’s idea of brightening the situation is apparently saying cheesy pick-up lines.
“Are you a parking ticket? ‘Cus you have got fine written all over you,” he winks as a weird sound leaves your throat sounding between a half-gasp and a half-groan making his smile widen more.
“Please Jinsik, I love you but shut up,” you say, pressing your head lightly against his arms but you know you are just talking to a wall when you hear the next sentence roll off his tongue again, “If I could rearrange the alphabet I would put U and I toge-“
Before he can eat your mind with another worst pickup line ever, and any more that are coming after, you turn your head, grab his collar and press your lips to his. Jinsik's eyes widen in disbelief as he stumbles from your grip and your conscience returns almost as soon as you do it making you abruptly leave.
“What- How,” he gasps as you look away, biting your lips, sinking in the aftertaste of whatever you did right now while his brain still processes what just happened. “Your stupid cheesy lines are stupid,” you babble, not being able to maintain eye contact as he blinks and slowly gains back his composure.
“Are they now?” he hums, his hand slowly sneaking around your waist and tightening as you try to let go. “Jinsik, we are in the public,” you whisper frantically but god knows what this boy has been eating as his grip grows tighter and a teasing grin etches his face.
“Yeah, but you conveniently forgot that when you pulled me by the collar and kissed me,” the mischief behind those innocent eyes makes you smack him lightly as he giggles and hugs you. Your whines die quickly as you wrap an arm around him feeling him press light kisses to your head and bask in his scent that is so him, well at least before you groan and hit your head against his chest again.
“Do you have another heart? Because mine just got stolen!”
Hyunwoo and you walk by the river quietly in the dead of the night. If your parents or his hyungs knew you two would not live another day. But that’s the thrill of it! The wind ruffles his hair lightly as you look at him and giggle making him smile with his pretty little eyes.
When he reaches your door and you two stand not wanting to let go of each other. It feels stupid almost and lovesick at how you two keep trying to prove yourselves as friends. “Good night,” he says softly and you whisper it back swinging your hands with his. “Same time tomorrow?” you giggle and he sighs knowing he can never say no to you.
The next day you wake up to the familiar knock in your windows and Hyunwoo’s face appears as you roll it up. He grins and you smirk back before letting him enter. “Practice ended late,” he says as he enters and keeps on talking about how Jinsik and he had to do a choreography all while hanging half-way from the window.
Your eyes widen in panic as he keeps talking and you decide to do the last thing on your mind. You pull him by the collar, even though it’s a bit hard and pull him inside your room. Hyunwoo stumbles from the sudden pressure toppling over the sill and falls over you and finally, his mouth shuts up as he stares down at your flustered face.
“Did not think you would do that,” he whispers and your eyes widen as you stutter out, “No other option, you talk a lot.” Your words come out a lot breathier than you want them to and he nods smirking, “Sure.” “I hate you,” you murmur out when his teasing words keep spilling from his mouth and you can’t take it anymore and something comes over you as you pull him into a kiss.
For the second time that night, Hyunwoo is silenced and flushed as he falls into the lips he has dreamed of so much. The kiss is soft, the low lights in the room being your only witness and it’s secure like a bond you two have shared for so long. When you part Hyunwoo’s flush reaches to his ears and warmth creeps down your neck as he says, “Didn’t think you would do that either.”
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ー☆ㅤㅤ [ ara's notes ] ㅤ੭𓂃 ㅤ sumin is my absolute fav lolol and jinsik one is off my head from a prompt in @/pirateeznet server ㅤ𓏧ㅤ library ㅤ xikers shelfㅤ navi
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੭ 𝅄ㅤ ꒰ TAGLIST ꒱ ㅤ⏤ㅤ @haneagerr (beta) ㅤ𓏧ㅤ fill this or comment or ask to be added.
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ㅤㅤ(ㅤㅤ© arafilez on tumblrㅤㅤ)
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xoxomoonlightxoxo · 9 months
Don't Get Attached | Part 2
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➪ Playlist (Spotify)
➪ W/c: 1137
No Strings Attached
I’m not sure what you would call what Jungkook and I are. Friends? Lovers? Friends with benefits, maybe? Labels are confusing, but as far as people around us are concerned, we are “dating”. If you consider physical attraction dating then whatever floats your boat I guess. The thing is that neither of us is seeking any other source of attraction, or even if we were then it’s clear that neither of us is willing to showcase it. Jungkook is the type to never have heard the word “no” so it’s easy for him to get what he wants. And currently, his fixation has been me, specifically the chemistry between us. But, I’m not the type to be played around with either, so with two strong-headed players it’s difficult to highlight the whole picture without missing the small details. Thus, we keep each other in place, allowing only surface affection to prevent deep-rooted emotional damage. Don’t get attached y/n.
Checking my watch for the tenth time, I shiver in my little jean jacket as the cashier at the ticket kiosk announces the final show times before closing. See, Jungkook and I planned to watch the new Spider-Man movie together, but the only problem is that he is nowhere to be found. Each one of my attempts at calling him goes straight to voicemail. Has he forgotten about our date? Not very on brand of him but maybe something has come up, so I decide to text him instead. 
y/n: Hey, where are you? The theatre closes in about 45 minutes. Are you ok? Please call me. 
No reply. Very strange. Actually, what’s more strange is the fact that his location has been turned off for the past 2 hours. Trying really hard not to go into a manic episode I focus on some deep breathing before succumbing to the sharp pain in my chest. Although my brain is telling me to stay calm, the heart never lies, right? Following my own delusion, I decided to stop by his apartment as there are a plethora of places Jungkook could be at right now, but this one just feels like a good start. 
“Thank you,” I say to the taxi driver before making my way towards Jungkook’s apartment complex. It’s now about 11 pm, so the streets are quiet. As the elevator doors close, the sharp feeling in my chest intensifies making it hard to breathe. Nonetheless, I shake away the nerves and knock on his front door. No one answers, so I try again before using the spare key he gave me to “keep just in case I missed him at night”. 
As the door slowly opens, my eyes scan the room for any signs of Jungkook. Although nothing was out of the ordinary, there was a sweet smell of cherry blossom lingering in the air, which did strike me as a surprise since he is more of a vanilla-scent type of guy. But, people change I guess, so I lock the door behind me before tiptoeing towards his bedroom. 
“Jungkook hurry, I miss you,” a woman's voice echoes behind the bedroom door before it swings open. My mouth slightly drops at the sight of a half-naked redhead who seems to be just as confused as I am. 
“Who are you?” she snaps, eying me up and down before turning her head towards the bathroom where Jungkook was currently in. I abrupt her attempt at getting his attention by pulling her out of the bedroom, slowly shutting the door behind me. 
“I … I just needed to drop off something, but now I see that it's not the best time so I'll just head out. Umm, no need to tell Jungkook,” words stutter out of my mouth as my body begins to fuel with adrenaline from the sudden rush of emotions. Folding her hands in front of her chest, the redhead watches me rush out of the apartment before turning her attention back to Jungkook whose wet hair was dripping down his exposed chest. 
“Who was that?” 
“Some girl, she said she needed to drop something off …” 
“Fuck y/n was here? Why didn’t you call me?” he snaps harshly, putting on a pair of grey sweatpants and a black hoodie over his freshly washed body before rushing out the door. 
The corridor towards the elevator seemed to never end as my steps got faster and my breathing slower. Pressing the 1st-floor button, my body finally gave in as I leaned back on the cold wall before resting my head. Looking at my reflection I can feel my eyes water, pathetic really. I told you not to get attached y/n. What did you expect from a relationship with no strings attached? 
Before my subconscious could answer, the inner dialogue was interrupted by Jungkook, whose tattooed arm was now holding back the elevator door from closing. Quickly wiping the tears from my face I move to the other side as he stumbles inside. 
“Y/n …” he lets out, voice raspy and deep. Turning on the emergency button, he turns his face towards me as the elevator halts. Feeling as if time had stopped completely, our bodies were still, eyes locked on each other. 
“Y/n, please let me explain,” Jungkook whispers, reaching out his hands before I push them away. 
“No need, I totally get it,” I snap, trying to maintain my composure as my throat tightens. Holding back the tears in my eyes I bite down on my lip, reaching out to press the 1st floor button again before I'm inches away from Jungkook's chest as his broad shoulders tower over my form. As my back hits the wall, goosebumps rise all over my skin from the sudden cold sensation. 
“Jungkook, move or else I'll scream,” 
“Do it. Scream, yell, I don't care, just please don't leave like this,” he says softly, pressing his forehead on mine as the scent of his body wash fills the small space between us. 
“What do you want me to do? Dance? Do you want me to skip from joy upon seeing a half-naked woman in your apartment? Huh?” I yell at him, unable to control the tone in my voice any longer. Trying to push myself out of his grip I gasp for air as my throat tightens again. 
“Shhh y/n please, you need to calm down,” Jungkook sighs, caressing the palms of my hands before meeting my teary eyes. 
“Don’t tell me what to do, in fact, don’t ever talk to me again. Forget we ever happened. Here …” I scoff, placing the spare key into his hand before finally reaching for the 1st-floor button. As the elevator gets back in motion, his grip loosens but doesn’t let go completely. 
“Hope she was worth it,”
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thecapricunt1616 · 7 months
The Bear & His Honey Chapter 6
Inspo: Lyrics - "Willow" (TS) "I'm begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans." Summary: (18+ ONLY FIC NO MINORS BEYOND THIS POINT) Winnie & Carmy have a late night phone conversation, Winnie contemplates her new situation with her closest friend, Winnie attends family night, Impresses Richies daughter with some Disney Princess behavior, Winnie admits she's learned more about Carmen then she's let on, Carmen and Winnie plan a night in together. W/C: 11K+ Posted: 02/16/24 A/N: Helloooo!!! It's here!! It's here!! Our first long juicy chapter!! I have realized with the pacing I've set, that the first of the smutty smut will happen *the next* chapter, sorry for the lead-on :( - but I promise it will be sooooo filthy and delish since I've made you wait for so long!!! Warnings for BTC: Heavy kissing, Swearing, Some fluff, some angst, thats pretty much it- smoking cigarettes? I guess.. and social drinking.
➜°✶ 🎀 𝒞𝒽𝑒𝒸𝓀 ♡𝓊𝓉 𝓂𝓎 𝑀𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉❣ 🎀 ✶°
➜ 𝓒𝓪𝓽𝓬𝓱 𝓾𝓹 𝓸𝓷 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮
Carm’s P.O.V -
As soon as she left I leaned against the door for a moment, rubbing my face and sighing deeply. 
What the fuck has been going on with me the last couple of days. What is my fucking fixation with her?
I grab the tray of dishes and open the door, looking at the time “Hey - you know your new toy thinks I’m a fuckin’ Berzatto” Richie laughs and I roll my eyes. “Very fuckin’ funny” I put the dishes in the sink. “I’ll be sure to fuckin’ straighten that shit out with her asap” I sigh deeply, looking over the kitchen and observing where everyone was in their prep for dinner.
“Chef” Syd says and I look over to her “Yo’ what's goin’ on” I clear my throat, hoping she’d forgotten about earlier. “I um- I just wanted to say sorry, ya know for - interrupting, whatever that-” I shake my head. “Nope, all good, all good. My fault I uh- sorry. It’s my bad, it won't happen again, work is more important.” she nods. 
“I was coming to um tell you - When I - anyway I was looking over the liquor order for tomorrow and I realized we really underordered, and I can't figure out where the math went wrong, and- “ 
“Syd” I sigh deeply, rubbing my chin. “Don’t worry, ok?” I said and took the clipboard from her. “Just go, go take a break- ok?” I said and she nodded slowly. “Are you… feeling alright?” she asked and I looked at her. “What?” I asked. “I don’t think you’ve ever asked me to take a break, I don’t think you’ve asked anyone to take a break. “ I shrugged. 
“Dunno, I just took one, a long break, maybe I’m fuckin refreshed. Go chef, go eat.” I said and made my way down the line. “Jeff” Tina said and smiled at me. “Yes, chef?” I raise my eyebrow. “So you’re not gonna mention the cute little thing that's pokin’ around here past 2 days? Who’s that you finally over your other girlfriend?” she asked and I swallowed thickly. 
“Chef,” I said sternly. “Not talkin’ about my personal life right now, where are you with your vegetable prep?” I asked, she rolled her eyes a bit. “Soo sensitive Jeff” She uncovered the 2 bowls in front of her already done. “Good. How did you see her anyway, we’ve been in my office…” I said curiously.
She smirked, “I have my ways, she’s cute, short, didn’t know you liked the small ones” she teased and I smiled a bit at the thought of her, “Tina, back to work and no more talk about who I bring around on my breaks, heard?” I ask. “Yes Jeff, loud and clear” she retorts. 
By the time the clock had hit 10:50, we were all cleaning, and Richie and Fak of course were shooting the shit as they cleaned their stations. “Dude so tell us about this Winnie the Pooh character man,” Fak says as he scrubs down the blacktop. “Firstly, don't fuckin’ call her that, secondly, none of your business- she's not a character, just a… a friend” I shrugged. 
“Hey Fak, do we nail?” Richie says and I glare at him. “We do not nail, have never, but you are totally nailing that chick, or want to.” I clench my jaw. “Cousin, why do you have the fattest loudest fuckin mouth in the entire kitchen?” I questioned. He shrugs, “Dude, it should call for celebration if you’re finally getting laid!!” I roll my eyes annoyed, “Shut the fuck up, just shut up about it dude you’re both pissin’ me off” I continued scrubbing down the sink. 
“Leave Jeff alone he can fall in love if he wants to love is beautiful Jeff I'm glad you're giving it another try after Claire that was so messy” Tina piped in and I groaned, “Tinaaa!! Stop! No can we all stop I have met this girl because she works across the fuckin street, she helped me with the menu because -” I try to come up with a reason that sounded better than ‘she reads’ when there are multiple members of the staff that read for fun. 
“Becauseee… she's cute?” Richie said and I threw my wet sponge at him. “Off my fucking back! All of you! “ I huffed and rinsed out the now sparkling sink. “I don’t know if I’ve ever seen you take a lunch break, Jeff, sorry! Thats last I’ll say” Tina teases with a smile. “ We aren’t in love but you know what I do love? Fucking sleeping! Can I get a clean fucking kitchen so we can all leave?” I ask and am hit with a chorus of “Yes Chef”.
By the time everything was said and done it was 12:40, Satisfied with the fact that I was off earlier than usual I got changed and made the short walk back to my apartment, I couldn’t help but glance at Winnie's apartment at the end of the street as I headed inside, all I’d been thinking about since she’d left was hearing her voice again, because even though the sour candy had helped, I felt like it had just pushed it further down, allowing me to hold it back for a more convenient time. 
I got in, taking a shower before crawling into bed for once. I took a deep breath, looking at my phone, not having realized Winnie had texted 4 hours ago now. I clicked on it and it opened, 
Sorry.. I just keep thinking about what happened earlier. Idk why I feel weird. 
I bit my lip, my mind darting between all the things she could possibly mean, was it the episode? Fuck I knew I didn’t let anyone see for a reason, but she seemed- like she would understand maybe? But why would I think that, I just met her, I don’t even trust Sugar like that. What if she was… rejecting me? I swallowed crossedly, and before I could realize what I was doing I had clicked on her contact and clicked call. 
I panic, not sure whether to just hang up and after just 3 rings I hear a sleepy “Carmy?” and my heart tightens. “Uh. Yeah- sorry, hey” I said smacking my palm to my forehead lightly idiot. “Hey” I heard her yawn. “How was work?” she asks softly. “It was..work. What do you mean about - why do you feel weird?” I asked and the line got silent for a moment, all I could hear on the other end is what sounded like rain. 
“Are you….sleeping in the shower?” I asked and she giggles. “Oh my god, so silly. It’s fuckin’ rain noise, a noise machine, it helps me sleep.” she said and I snort. “Oh thats…cute. But- yeah why d’you feel… weird?” I asked again and she sighs softly, getting quiet again. 
“I…don’t want to scare you away” she said finally and I furrow my brows in confusion, turning onto my side. “You couldn’t do that, Winnie, what’s wrong, talk to me” She takes a deep breath. “You know how… how you said you don't like being attached to anyone?” she asks quietly. I swallowed thickly, “Mmhmm” I hummed. “I get too attached, to people… and… I don’t think we’d be good for each other, now that you’ve told me,” she said sadly, and I felt my heart ache, my stomach turning with anxiety.
 “You won’t get attached to me though, if you meant what you said” I counter, looking at the shadow of the passing cars on the wall. “But I will, and - when you never want me I’ll hate myself.” she said quietly. “No. You’ll see who I am soon enough, and you’ll realize that it’s for the best that I’m not anyones boyfriend.” I said and rolled on my back, looking up at the ceiling. 
“It’s not about being my boyfriend! I don’t care” she huffed “Then what, Winnie?” I cross my arm over my chest “The day will come, that you meet a girl- and you do want her to be your girlfriend, and I’m going to be so attached to whatever we have, that it will break me for you to be with someone else.” she said softly. I chuckled a bit, “Winnie, I don't date. Ever” I replied, 
“How do you mean?” She asked, and I sighed softly. “I - I’ve never had a girlfriend, there was this girl I thought I wanted, her name was Claire, a-and I fucked it up with her last year, Really, really bad. She grew up with us, but she… I couldn’t - move. With her, you know?” I said. “She wasn’t letting you grow?” she asked softly, and I sighed in relief. “Thank you, exactly, yes.” I rub my jaw slightly. 
“But I did some really fucked up shit, and strung her along, and I fucked up at work a-and I can’t again, Winnie. I can’t “ I sighed, biting the inside of my cheek and cursing myself internally when it starts to bleed again. “I dunno.. Carm. I have abandonment issues” she said quietly and I snort. “You and me both” I said and sighed softly. “But… I -” I sigh deeply “Nevermind” I shook my head. “I’m sorry..f’waking you” I said.
“No” She replied “You did, because you wanted to, and you said you liked getting to know me..right?” she questioned. “Of course I do.. but - I don’t like answering questions as much as I like asking them to you…” I look over the bruised part of my arm that she had tended to last night and I hear her giggle. The sound sends butterflies through my stomach, and my chest lightened just a bit.
“Fine, question, for a question then, I’ll let you ask first” she mused and I smiled a bit. “So..you had alot of boyfriends growing up?” I asked, a bit nervous about the answer. I was not the most experienced in bed, I did Tinder in New York and had some god-awful experiences, but I was always willing to try things that were brought up, as long as they did the asking, I’d never share my internal desires with a hookup especially.
“Nope” she said popping the ‘p’ “My turn now?” she asked and I chuckled “No way! Hell no, if those are your answers I don’t wanna play” I said and she sighed, “Ok, ok, thought I’d give it a try…lets see, i’ve had 4 boyfriends total, 2 were in high school, so not sure if you can count those. One was more of a fling in college, and then my longest was my worst, learned my lesson about..older men.” she finished and I raised my eyebrows, “How much older?” 
She tisked “Hold it, it's my turn now” she said and I huffed. “Fine, what’s your question” I asked “And you better give me a solid answer like I gave you” she said and I snort “Yes ma’am, c’mon, ask away.” I said. “What did you do to Claire?” she asks and my blood runs cold, my stomach turning to lead and I swallow thickly.
“Uhhh” I said, trying to come up with an answer that sounded as least prick like as I possibly could. As if she could read my thoughts, she said “Pure, honesty, Carm. All of you. Remember?” I bit down on my lip. “Yeah I…kinda- I don’t- don’t take this the wrong way, I don’t want her anymore, just…” I lick my lips trying to find the words. “I’m…guilty” I said “I-I feel, guilty, for what I did, and it was because she…she wanted to be with me, and I-I saw her, as like a…jumping off point, and I never intended her to want me how she wanted me, and I” I take a deep breath, feeling that burning anxiety in my chest.
“So..you lied to her about how you felt?” she asked and I sighed, “Yes, horribly, fully lied. Winnie, and it’s so so bad… when we first opened last year, we had the first family, I was so-” I swallow hard, “Distracted, with trying to get myself to like her… that I fucked up, and didn’t call the fridge guy, and I locked myself in the walk-in, a-and” I shake my head, “And?” she said softly.
“I thought I was talking to Tina, one of my sophomore chefs- about how I felt, and I was honest, because shes Tina, and I told her that I- I didn’t want her, and I never did, and she was right fucking there.” I sighed deeply and she was silent for a moment. “Do- do you- Really want me to come to family, or do you want to prove to yourself that you have it in you to hide your feelings well enough again until you decide what you really want?” she asked, her voice just above a whisper.
I swallow, my chest tightening at what I was about to do but I didn’t want to answer that because I wasn’t sure how, “It’s my turn now.” I said and bit my lip. “N-no- you can ask two- answer, Carmen” she said her voice trembling and my stomach drops. “I don’t know Winnie, I- I don’t want to hide from you, i’ve never- I-I never did this with Claire, talked to her.” I said and sit up a bit. 
“Ask me your two” she said, her tone different then before. “No- no just one…” I said “H-how…why do you think our souls know eachother?” I asked, not even knowing where it came from before it came out. She quiets for a moment, before saying “I dunno… a feeling, like- why can we talk like this right now?” she asked and I think on it for a moment. “Not sure” i reply. 
“Why did you say you won’t talk to me every day, but we’ve been in such close contact the last 3 days?” she asked softly, I rubbed my chin in contemplation. “Because when I inevitably fuck up and piss you off, I’m not the guy that's gonna run to you and bring you flowers- a-and beg for your forgiveness because I won’t deserve it, so I’ll run and hide, and i’ll only ever try to get you to forgive me if you tell me you - like.. Want me in your life still” I sighed. 
“Well.. I won’t beg for your apology but i’ll ask you if you’re sorry if you hurt me” she replied, and I found myself smiling lightly. “You always know what t’say” I look at the clock on my phone, 27 minutes already. 
I heard her yawn, “Hey, I think you’re right Winnie, about- the soul thing..I was gonna let you go but just one more thing” I look at the flower on my arm. “I realized… that- you make me feel the same peace..that Mikey did, because…because - it’s so stupid, but when you poked my arm yesterday? You- you poked the flower that I got, for him. And I had one of those- attacks, before you got there…and after you were there- I realized, that… that Mikey used to help me outta those when I was little.” I admitted, the words spilling out like word vomit. It could be deliriousness from not getting much sleep the past few days and all the stress at work. 
“Mmm…see?” she mumbles sleepily “Thats how you know, that poke was Mikey tellin’ you,” she said softly. “Ye’...I dont usually think about shit like that but uh…I dunno- I wanted to tell you, thank you for being there for me by the way.” I said and she let out a sleepy “mmhm” 
“Alright, sorry again f’wakin’ you, I’ll see ya’ tomorrow ok? 4?” I asked. 
“4, Night Carmy” she said softly. “Night, Winnie” I said and hung up.
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ 
Winnie’s P.O.V -
I woke up to the sound of my usual 7 am alarm. I rubbed my eyes groggily, grabbing it and hitting the ‘stop’ button. Did I dream that Carmen called me last night and opened up to me? I hit my call log, to see a 29:28 conversation with none other, then Carmen. I bit my lip gently, 
You always know what t’say 
His voice echos in my mind. I sit up in bed, rubbing Sephys silky soft fur absentmindedly as I think. I sat there for a few minutes going over the parts of the conversation I could remember through my sleepiness, and before I knew it I was opening up my messages and clicking on his name.
GM, excited to be wined&dined tn, Chef. See ya @ 4 
I got up, getting my day started. I took my pills, showered, brushed my teeth, and put on some comfortable black yoga pants and a way oversized ‘Chiefs Kingdom’ hoodie, slicking my hair into a claw clip. I fed Persephone per usual, making myself some coffee. 
I was leaned at my kitchen island, watching tik toks while I sip my coffee, when my phone buzzed. My mind meets Carm’s notification at the top.
Morn - since ik you’ve never had Caviar, I think tn will be alot of firsts for you. 
I bit my lip, of course he meant ingredients, like fancy shit- he can tell I have an unexpirienced pallate. But… I couldn’t help but go to the more dirty firsts that I could be having. Getting fucked in a walk in freezer? Maybe…rough office sex? I shake my head, smirking at my own filthy ideas. But I still love to tease, and I can do that by leaving more to his imagination.
We can only pop so many cherrys in one night before I get worn out, Chef.
I smirked at the little delivered under the message, clicking back on to my tiktok live of this fabulous farmer who was always dancing with his animals. I finished off my coffee, grabbing my purse and taking my headphones putting them on. I just wanted to drown in music on this walk, to silence my thoughts. 
“Love you honey!” I called to sephy as I walk out the door. I bounce down the stairs, opening the door and taking a deep breath of the crisp march air. Spring was finally starting to bloom. I smiled, seeing my next door neighbor, Ms.Mendoza waiting for her little weenie dog to do potty in the patch of grass. 
I took off my headphones for a moment, “Good Morning Miss Mendoza, How are you?” I chirp and she smiles upon seeing me, her tan wrinkled skin crinking up at the corners of her eyes in a smile. “Good Morning my Sunshine, I am well thank you so much for bringing his dog food up, honey” she said and I pull her in to a hug, kissing her cheek. “Any time! I love this little guy and he’s gotta eat, right Kidlat?” I squat next to the little black dog and pet his head. He jumps on my legs making me giggle as he licks my hands. 
“Oh, Sunshine- I hate to ask you, but I need some more detergent, do you think you can get some for me?” she asked and I look up at her, nodding with a smile. “Course! I’ll be home early today, in a few hours actually. I’ll swing by the store on the way home” I stood up and she cupped my cheek. “You are such a good girl, Mahal” she said, causing me to smile. 
“And you are such a wonderful lady, Miss Mendoza, I’ll see you ok?” I said and gave her a quick hug before heading off. It wasn’t likely that she saw Carm and I with her bad vision in the dark, for that which I was thankful, because she hasn’t stopped pesking me about a boyfriend whenever I help her clean her apartment in the places she cant get down on her hands and knees anymore. And considering where Carmen stands on the word boyfriend - It would make me crazy to dodge all her questions with him on my mind. 
I hum along to my music as I continued down, mumbling the lyrics to myself. I finally get to the store, opening the door since my coworker, Sadie was already here. “Hey Pooh!” she said and I smiled. “SadieBug!” I said happily taking my headphones off. “How was Cape Cod?” I asked and she smiled. “Really great! I love seeing my grandparents, they’re awesome” she said. Sadie’s smile was so pretty. “You’re gonna have to show me pictures” I said, putting my purse down in my usual spot behind the counter.
“Totally, what’s been goin’ on with you? Alot change here in 3 weeks?” she joked. She’d usually expect nothing of an answer, especially because she was my only friend, we work together, and the only time I didn’t see her was on our days off which was 2 a week. “Uh.. not- particularly” I said the end sounding a bit like a question. 
“Okay, so tea? What’s goin’ on?” She asked and it brings a small smile to my lips. I feel so relieved. I completely forgot that Sadie was coming home this week, and would be starting back with me today. My ADHD makes it to where if I don’t see or hear from someone even someone I love as dearly as SadieBug they completely skip my mind. 
I silently thank myself for not calling her the other night at 2 am when I got back from my date with Carm, she hates being woken up. “So. Ok so on break on Tuesday I saw this hot guy smoking and so I talked to him and - he invited me in to his restaurant, you know, The Bear -“ She cuts me off. 
“The restaurant - that Sydney works at?” She asks and my eyebrows raise, jaw dropping and I smack my hand over my mouth. “Oh my god” I mumble into my hand, eyes wide. Sydney. That was where I’d seen that girl. She’s Sadie’s fucking cousin.  “Who - who.” She asks. 
“C-Carmen Berzatto” I said and she slaps her hand over her mouth. “Noooo” I whine “nooo- no. Sadie! Sadieee. What? What?!” I ask desperately. “Syd totally had a crush on him- do you remember last year when she was telling us about her super hot boss that she had a thing for but he was dating this girl he knew from childhood?” She questions and I run my hands through my hair in stress. 
“Oh- oh my god! Is she- she’s gonna hate me. I-“ my heart sinks to my stomach, my coffee suddenly wanting to make a reappearance. “She- I mean. Is dating…I guess” Sadie said and I groan. “DATING?! So? So one of my only friends- granted she works so much we’ve only hung out twice with you there but…but- nonetheless!! She had a crush on the only guy that I’ve like- MADE OUT WITH since moving here?” I looked around terrified, thanking the lord the store was empty besides us. 
Sadie starts to giggle “wait- wait…ok no forget Syd, you made out with the owner of The Bear ?! The guys loaded Pooh!!!” She said and I feel my cheeks heat. “I don’t- yes! We did. And I don’t care about his money.” I said and shook my head, walking over to relock the door since we were taking inventory today. “Okkayyyy but still. Is he..any good? Sydney wanted a piece of that Italian hunk sooo bad” she jokes and I snort. 
“He would die being called an Italian Hunk. But…yes. Very good. Can you believe he’s shy - like- he’s never had a real girlfriend” I said and she raised her eyebrows. “Mmmm- first red flag, noted and saved in my mental flag folder,” she cuts open a box of books for us to stock and I roll my eyes. “He’s just…passionate about work and stuff. And he- is like. So good. So good” I said and she nods. 
“Second red flag, the Carmen Berzatto folder has many do you know how many times Syd ranted to me about him and I just didn’t tell you because it was private conversations- but now since you seem to have a crush on him, I need you to be fully aware” she said and I sigh deeply. “Lay it on me then, because I’m supposed to be seeing him again tonight.” I said. She stood up from her crouched position on the floor. 
“Fucking family?” She asked and my head snaps in her direction “How- fuck!” I rest my hand on my forehead. “Yeah? I’m actually family- I should be asking how you got invited!!” She said and I bit my lip. “He doesn’t- invite…people?” I asked and she laughed, sarcastically. “Dude. The last time he invited anyone it was that girl he was dating, and he aired out all of his red flag shit- and she ran in the other direction!!” She said and I felt my heart thumping in my throat. 
“Claire?” I asked and her eyebrows raised “You know her too?” She asked and I shook my head, “no- no he…he told me about her..last night” I said and swallowed hard. “How many times have you seen him?” She asked “3…” I replied and she put her hands on top of her head, pacing in front of the counter. 
“He's- he’s not good for you and you should stop this, Winnie,” she said and I crossed my arms. “What if he’s changed, Sadie?” I ask and she stops, putting her hands on her hips. “Sydney wouldn’t have moved on if he changed. She was waiting for him to change to tell him her feelings and he never did - that’s why she started dating Alex” she said and I bit my lip. 
“He doesn’t even want anything…we’re just- we’re friends.” I said and she rolled her eyes “I’m not gonna play that game with you, Winnie. Here you go again, We’re just friendsing your way around a situationship- and then when he finally gets cold feet and runs in the other direction, who’s gonna be left heartbroken?” She asked and I sighed softly, knowing she was completely right. 
“Well…I dunno Sadie. We’ll see! Right- tonight. And if he…if…if it doesn’t feel right I’ll stop it ok? I’ll- I’ll tell him I don’t want to see him anymore” I said, wanting it to be true but knowing how I felt when it was just Carmen and I. She shrugged “I know you, Pooh, and you love a man who needs fixing.” She said and I rolled my eyes. 
“Okay!! Reading me at fuckin, what is it” I look at the clock “9:17!! He doesn’t- okay. He needs to fix himself and I will remove myself from the situation if he treats me poorly! Because broken people deserve love while they’re putting themselves together” I echo my therapist's words to her. She rolled her eyes. “That only works if you actually follow through and don’t give him a million chances when he hurts you and then doesn’t immediately correct the behavior,” she said.
I squat next to her, scanning each new book as I put it on the bottom row of the cart. “You’re right, and I will if he hurts me I’m out! Peace the fuck out and never look back!” I said and she smiled “okayyy..hopefully you mean that” she replied. The next few hours were filled with light pleasant conversation about her trip to the cape, how her family had been doing, and running back and forth to the stock room with stacks of books. 
Our half-day went by quickly, even with no customers to fill the hour's conversation with Sadie seemed to make time pass well. I stood behind her as she locked the door to the shop and we continued our conversation about a video on tik tok she saw “And so I don’t even know how people could say that they would have done something different, if I was in her shoes I’d have punched her too!” She said and I laughed “We both would have. Fuck that bitch” I roll my eyes. 
“Well. Here’s where we part.” She said and I pouted “I know…but see you in a few hours right?” I said and she nodded “Yup, I’ll save you a seat- just….if Syd is a little weird don’t - don’t take offense ok? The Carmen thing is still fresh for her and I know she’ll be happy he’s moving on it’s just…it’ll be raw that it’s with someone she knows” she said and I nodded quickly, swallowing hard. 
“Course- I’d never hold it against her. And I- I hope it doesn’t…make things bad for us. I really like her.” I said and she pulled me into a hug “She’ll get over it, don’t worry, you know how we don’t respect men- we’d never let them come before our girls” she said and I giggled “100% chick. I gotta go grab detergent for Ms.Mendoza, I’ll see you there” I said and she nodded, heading the opposite way down the street. 
I head the other way, going into a CVS and grabbing the tide scented pods that Ms.Mendoza liked before heading home. I put my headphones on and hum softly to myself swinging the bag next to me. I finally hauled up the 3 flights to my floor, slightly out of breath. I approached Ms.Mendozas door, knocking slightly and Kidlat starts barking. “One second” she called and I heard her shuffling over to the door. 
The lock clicks and she opened it, her grey hair up in curlers “oh! Sunshine, thank you dear” she said and I handed her the bag, she stretches a $10 bill to me and I push it back towards her. “No- it’s ok, you’re always makin’ me dinner” I told her and she smiled warmly. “You need to eat better young lady” she said and pinched my cheek, causing me to smile. “Do you want to come in and have some lunch?” She asked and I shook my head. 
“Sorry, I’d love to but I’ll be having a big dinner tonight, I’m going to a restaurant to meet a friend,” I said and her eyes lit up. “A boyfriend?” She asked and I blushed lightly “No- no not like that, he’s just… a nice friend,” I said softly and she nodded. “Well…the best boyfriends always start as friends, Mahal,” she said and I smiled, “that’s right Ms.Mendoza…I’ll see you,” I said and headed into my apartment. 
I greet Persephone, giving her a few pebbles of treats and flicking her mouse around for her for a few minutes before heading to my closet to pick out an outfit. I bit my lip, looking over the choices. I finally settled on a little black dress, complete with fluffy cuffs and a black ribbon to tie in my hair. 
I headed to the bathroom, singing and dancing along to Taylor Swift as I blew out my waist-length red hair to perfection, adding in some frizz serum to make it extra soft and silky, as well as smell like milk and honey which I loved. I used to hate my red hair, my brother and I both got bullied for it when we were younger. I’d heard every name in the book, carrot top even followed me into adulthood when I met an immature prick now and again. But since I’d grown, I’d made it my thing. I got it highlighted with blonde in the winter to match how it looks in the summer naturally, and in the summer those pieces get even brighter giving me a sunkissed look. 
I look at the clock, 3:04 doing ok on time. I heard my phone buzz and the little ‘pop’ notification sounding over my speaker. I pick it up, clicking on the text from Carmen. 
Don’t worry, one thing I am good at is delayed gratification - wouldn’t want to overwhelm you on your first time ;)
My stomach flutters in excitement, my core twitching and growing hot with arousal. Fuck. I swallow thickly. 
Leaving in 30! 
Was all I sent back and locked my phone. I did light face makeup, like usual letting my freckles that spotted my cheeks and nose shine through, and added highlight to the high points of my face. I did a sharp dramatic wing, and put on some whispy lashes. Completely transforming myself, from a doe eyed sweetheart- into a sultry Jessica Rabbit. I put on my Haus red liquid lipstick after putting on a deep maroon liner, knowing that once it dried it wouldn’t be moving no matter what direction this night took me until I wanted it gone. 
I went in to the bedroom, putting on a lacy red thong and push-up bra set, adjusting my chest to look full and robust before carefully slipping on my sparkly black nylons. I put on my dress, zipping up the side and smoothing it out, I went over to the mirror, taken aback by myself. I look stunning. It wasn’t often that I allowed myself to go all out, I didn’t like the attention it brought since I was more of a casual person. But this. I understand what people mean when they say you feel sexy. 
I put on my favorite perfume, one that I saved for extra special occasions. It was a French perfume that my grandmother bought me when I was 15, I couldn’t pronounce the name- all I knew was that my last spray I’d use on my wedding day, and I’d only use it when I really needed confidence any day before then. I spray on my pulse points, letting it dry down before gently inhaling the smell of honeycomb, dark rum, vanilla, and sandalwood. It was the best smell in the world to me, I love this perfume. 
I switched over all of my contents to a small black leather night bag I had, going and grabbing my phone off the charger. I slipped on some black stiletto heels, buckling around the ankle and I headed out to the kitchen where Persephone was lounging on the couch. 
“Hi missy” I said and she meowed, getting up and stretching before walking over to me. I crouched down, petting her. “Dinner time early tonight,” I said softly and she darted into the kitchen causing me to giggle. I go in, putting her food in to the bowl and setting it down for her petting her back. “Be home soon yeah?” I said softly and check the time on my phone. 3:48. I stood up, giving myself one more look in the hall mirror. 
Knock ‘em dead, Win’ 
I heard Christopher’s voice in my mind and I smiled, adjusting my hair. “Knock ‘em dead…” I whisper to myself before heading out the door. 
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
I got to the front door of The Bear and knocked gently, Richie looks over and smiles, coming and unlocking it. “Hey you! You look snappy huh? Nice dress!” He said and I smiled big. “Why thank you, you look very handsome, Richie” I said and gave him a quick hug as I head through the door. “Thanks! Clean up pretty good don’t I?” He jokes and I giggle “very, where’s little chef boy?” I asked and he snorts “back in his office, fucker came in extra early this morning we’re running 2 hours ahead of schedule for once” he said and a little girl comes racing from the kitchen. 
“Daaaddyyy look at this!!” She squeals and he picks her up admiring he picture she was proudly holding. “Look at that munchkin!! Is that you and Cousin Carmy in the kitchen?” He asks and she nods “making pancakes!!” She said happily and I smiled warmly. “Who’s this little tatertot?” I asked and she giggled. 
“My daughter! Meet Eva” he said and I smiled, holding out my hand to her. “Wonderful to meet you, Eva.” I said and she takes my hand shaking it gently “My name is Winnie” I smiled. “Winnie like Winnie the Pooh?” She asked cutely and I giggle “yes! Exactly like that!” I said and she wiggles away from Richie to get down and looks up at me. 
“Are you princess Ariel?” She asked, causing me to giggle “well I wish” I crouch down to her height. “You talk like a princess” she said and I smile “wanna know a secret?” I whisper and she leans in, nodding. “When I was in school…I learned how to sing like a princess, do you want to hear?” I asked and she gasped. “Yes!! Please please!!” She begs.  I nodded happily. 
“Do you like Princess Ariel?” I asked and she nodded enthusiastically. “Ok..” I clear my throat, taking her hands in mine and softly started singing to her 
“Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat? Wouldn’t you think my collections complete? Wouldn’t you think I’m the girl, the girl who has everything? Look at this trove, treasures untold, how many wonders can one cavern hold? Lookin around here you’d think-“ I poke her belly, causing her to giggle before I continued “sure, she’s got everything! I’ve got gadgets and gizmos aplenty. I’ve got whosits and what’s its galore- you want thingamabobs? I’ve got 20! But who cares, no big deal- I want more” I finished and she claps, Richie staring at me intently. 
“Well shit.” He said “daddy! That’s a bad word- will you marry her? Be her prince Eric!” Eva said and tugged his pant leg. I giggled “sorry sweetheart, I’m no real princess. But I’m happy to sing like one for you any time” I said and got up, smoothing down my dress. “She’s right you might be a princess I’ve never heard someone sing like that before” Richie said causing me to blush. 
“Well, I was in theater all my life so.. yeah” I clear my throat with a shy smile. “Uh I’m gonna-“ I point to the kitchen and he nods “yeah- yeah f’sure. Sorry didn’t mean to keep you” he said and I shook my head “no! Not at all. Love a little song I don’t get to do it much anymore” I extended my hand to Eva, shaking hers gently. “It was a pleasure to meet you, young lady.” I said and she smiled. “Will you sing for us at dinner?” She asked and my cheeks went beet red “honey-“ Richie started “no- no honey she’s here to enjoy the food with us yeah?” He rubs her shoulder and she pouted. 
“Someday we can sing together okay?” I told her softly and she nodded happily. I went back to the kitchen, opening the door. Surprised to see trays upon trays of food sitting under the warmers waiting to be plated, and all the staff except for Carmen was standing around the large island talking. When the door swings shut they look up at me, Sydney’s eyes widen and I swallowed thickly. 
“Uh- Winnie?” She said “Syd!!” I said and smiled, hoping if I acted happy to see her she’d do the same. “What are you…oh- holy shit.” She said realizing. “You- you were” I shook my head a bit, widening my eyes hoping she got the message. “Yeah. Just..Here. For..for Carmen.” I get out awkwardly and she nodded. “It’s nice to finally meet you!” A short woman with black curly hair says. “I’m Tina” she comes over extending her hand to me. 
I smiled and shook it gently “Winnie” I said softly. “Carmen’s in the office you can go on back” Sydney said flatly and I swallowed hard, nodding “thank you.” I said meekly and walked back, feeling the burning stare of their eyes on me as I headed to the office the only sound being the buzz of the lights and the click of my heels. 
I should have went out back and texted him. Why on earth would I want to meet everyone on my own instead of him introducing me?!
I opened and shut his office door behind me, desperate to get their prying eyes off my back and Carmen looks up from his desk, his eyes widening a bit as he racked over me. I look at him and smile a bit, he looked so hot. His Chefs Whites were ironed to perfection, his curls were slicked back neatly and he looked a bit rested for once. “Hey” I said softly, finally breaking the silence. 
“Hey…” he replied, eyes continuing to rack over my frame “you look…” he said, swallowing thickly. “Nice- r-really pretty” he said and I smiled, nodding a bit. “You look really handsome” I said and approached him, “thank you” he said softly a blush creeping in to his cheeks. “So…I met- like. Tina. She introduced herself. And - well. I know Syd.” I said and his eyes widened “you- you know Syd? How?” He asked. 
“Oh- ah yeah her cousin, Sadie? She’s come for family before…she works with me” I said. He nodded a bit, eyes unable to read. “C’mere” he opened his arms and I stepped forward, wrapping my arms around him. 
He rests his hands on my waist, pulling me into his lap causing me to giggle “woah! Hey I’m in a dress remember” I keep my knees together and he holds my legs for me nearly cradling me in his huge chair. “Thank you f’comin” he said and kisses my forehead sweetly. I blushed at the sweet, domestic like gesture and nod. “Course…how could I say no to some denied gratification… is that how you said it?” I said softly and my eyes flicker to his lips. 
He smiled a bit “thats it” he strokes my thigh gently “these are nice” he said softly and I adjust his chain. “That always stays front and center when you’re around” he said and I look up at him with a smirk on my lips. “Gotta make sure you don’t loose anything” I whisper and he leans in a bit, stopping just above my lips. 
“Am I gonna ruin this lipstick if I kiss you?” He asks softly, his breath hot on my lips. I pull him in by his collar, kissing him hard and running my tongue along the bottom of his lip. He hums and opens for me, and my tongue meets his immideately, tasting the reminence of a cigarette on his tongue. I hummed in satisfaction, nuzzling my nose against his sweetly and I feel him smile against my lips. I pull away and smiled, fluttering my eyelashes playfully. 
“How’s the lipstick,Chef?” I asked and made a kissy face. “Perfect. Wow. Where’d you get that stuff?” He asked and pecked my lips for good measure. “Lady Gaga darling” I said dramatically and got up off his lap, fixing my dress. “Let’s go smoke” I took his lighter from my bra that I’d lifted from his pocket while we were kissing “robbed ya” I smirk and he chuckled. 
“You are a sneak” he got up patting my bum with his hand and I squeak at the contact “you are getting too aquainted with my ass, Chef” I giggle a bit and he shrugged “you have a nice ass” he said and I rolled my eyes tugging the door open. I felt the lump in my throat as all eyes in the kitchen turn to us. He looks at the clock. 
“Alright uh- appetizers let’s get em plated, I want everyone at their stations. Let’s keep up with the housekeeping tonight so we can get outta here on time yeah? We’ve been ahead a’schedule let’s keep it that way.” He tells them. 
“Yes Chef” they said getting to work Sugar comes in the kitchen “Bear- oh! Hey!! Wowww you look cute!” She said with a smile. I blushed a bit. “Thank you, you look cute too” I told her. “What’sup Sugar” he looks at her. 
“Oh I just wanted to say- great job tonight. Everything is like…perfect.” He nodded “thanks…” he muttered and tugged my arm gently “be proud of yourself, Bear. Really. Be proud.” She said sincerely and he nods. “Thanks, Sugar” I followed him outside and he sighed softly. 
“She’s…right. You know that, right?” He took his cigarettes out, putting one between his lips and I lit it for him. “It’s not all me” he said once he exhaled. I crossed my arms over my waist “it is though, Carmen. You are the first one here and the last to leave, you are the person everyone looks to, when we walk out- it’s like sheep waiting to be told what to do next. They respect you Carmen. No one back talks you, no one asks why- they trust your decisions in there” 
He takes in my words, looking down at our shoes as he smoked. “You run a beautiful business, Carmen. Really” I said honestly and rest my hand on his bicep. His cheeks heat, the bridge of his nose turning pink with blush. “Thank you” he said softly. “Really, means a lot” he said and I nodded, smiling a bit. I took a joint out of my purse, leaning in and lighting it on his cigarette before taking a drag. 
“So, Chef Berzatto what do you have in store for me today?” I asked and he smirked at my words. “I wouldn’t want to ruin all the surprises” he said and I took another drag. “Fine but get me in the mood, make me wet, chef- my palate. You know.” I said in a sultry teasing tone. His mouth dropped at my words getting a giggle out of me. “You have a dirty mouth” he leans in and kissed me deeply, I hum in to the kiss, gently playing with the pendant around his neck. 
“Maybe you have a dirty mind” I said when he pulled away and he shook his head with a smirk. “For an appetizer” he started and took a drag of his cigarette “Gladolia Petals, and spicy violet pearls, and grilled leek, aubergine, and mushrooms” he said smoke spilling from his lips in tendrils. 
“Flowers?” I questioned and he nodded with a amused smile that I was interested. “Mmhmm, edible ones of course” he said. “Hm” I hum. “No wonder you’re so fit, eating like a king all the time” I teased, taking another drag of my joint. He laughs a bit “no- no. I don’t eat- I taste. I eat…honestly I eat like shit” he said and I furrow my eyebrows. 
“You don’t have a super nice lunch like we had together every day?” I asked and he shook his head “oh- no way. I eat when I get home and it’s usually like” he snorts “a fuckin pb and j or a microwave burrito, I eat like..pure shit.” He said and I look at him puzzled. “Why?” I asked and he shrugged, taking another drag of his cigarette. “No time. Well - not worth it to have groceries im not home to use I guess.” He said and leaned against the wall. 
I lean forward, squeezing his bicep “so…peanut butter and jelly diet huh?” I said and he chuckled. “Well yeah. I just….i work out when I can’t sleep so. Yeah. Guess it pays off being an insomniac” he smiled and I rest my head on the wall, taking another drag off my joint. 
“You’re fascinating” I said softly. He smirks “why’s that?” He asked. “Well for starters- I did google you, considering when I looked up this place- there were all these articles about how you’re this decorated chef with alll these achievements and titles. And so I was like who is this big-shot? And I googled your name…and I filtered it by oldest- and it’s like you didn’t- exist. Before 2016. Nothing. Nothing in school, no sports, no clubs, no community service. But then in 2016, there was an article about you in your culinary school paper, how you were top of your class that semester. And then all these articles about how you just won award after award, and…. I just- how? How did you do it, Carmen? Where did you come from?” I asked finally. 
He took a deep breath, “A lot of it has to do with my brother, let’s talk about it tonight ye’? I promise, promise I’ll tell you” he put out the butt of his cigarette and I dropped the end of mine crushing it. “Ok…are we- am I gonna be able to see you tonight?” I asked and he nods. “ ‘course baby don’t worry. I’m gonna bring you your food and everything yeah?” He pulls me to him, resting his hands on my bum. I nod and look up at him, “like…after-can we…hang out?” I asked. 
He nodded a bit “sure- sure if you wanna. I don’t have to work tomorrow but I’m probably gonna be outta here at 11” he played with the hemp of my dress. I bit my lip, contemplating asking for a moment before I just bit the bullet. 
“Come over? To mine? You can meet Persephone…” I said and he smiled a bit “didn’t know you had a pet” he said and I gasp “I never showed you?” I dig my phone out of my purse excitedly and open my phone showing him my Home Screen.
 “Your eyes are just like hers” I giggle and he smiled, blushing a bit. “She’s super cute.” He said and I put my phone back in my bag. “Sure. I’ll probably need to shower first so how’s like midnight?” He asked, pulling me back to him gently. “That’s fine.” I said and leaned in, kissing him sweetly. The door opened and Richie pokes his head out. “Hey- sorry lovebirds. It’s 5:02 everyone’s gettin settled in. Winnie you might wanna go sit so you don’t miss appetizers.” I nodded “thanks” I said and look at Carm again. 
“Kick ass out there, Chef” I said with a smile and head back in after Richie. 
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
I sat down at the table with Sadie and her boyfriend, Mitch. “Hey guys” I said smiling “hey! You look cute!” She said and I smiled, looking at her lavender dress. “So do you! Love that color on you” I said and Sydney came over with a tray of drinks. “From Chef Carmen.” She said evenly, placing a cup in front of me. Spicy mint margarita with a pink umbrella, just like we had the other night. “Thank you” I said softly, putting my straw in and she sets down Sadie and Mitch’s dark blue looking drink. 
“This is the house cocktail, coconut rum, vodka, and cream soda” she told them, Sadie nodded “Thanks Syd! This looks awesome” she said and Sydney nodded, smiling a bit. “I’ll be back with your appetizers in a moment.” She said and went off to the kitchen. I tried my drink, looking over at Sadie. “So…” she said softly. 
“How’d it…go” she asked and I bit my lip gently. “Good…we talked, apparently we’re gonna eat flowers” I said and Mitch scrunched his nose. “Babe your cousin is in to fancy shit” he said to Sadie and she rolled her eyes “We talked about this, if you’re still hungry when we go home then we’ll stop” she said and Sydney approaches our table once again with a platter of plates. 
“Gladioli’s petals with spicy violet pearls” she places a plate in front of Sadie, then Mitch, when she places a much bigger one in front of me I gasp softly. The same sauce that was in tiny dots atop the petals had been painted in to a portrait of Winnie the Pooh, ‘Winnie’ written in beautiful cursive on the side of the plate. 
“Holy shit” Sadie whispered, admiring it. “Compliments of Chef Carmen, Enjoy.” Sydney went off back to the kitchen and I bit my lip to contain the smile that was forming. “Well that dude is dick-whipped” Mitch says, earning himself a kick in the shin from Sadie. “Shut it!” She hissed. “That is actually like…cute..Pooh” she smiled a bit, causing me to blush. 
“Yeah…” I said in response, carefully eating around the art. “Wow” I muttered “This is weird, tastes like spicy garlic” She said and I smile. “I’ll be sure to give the chef your notes” I nod. “It kinda does though, I agree.” I hum. I slip my phone out of my purse, taking a photo of the plate and sending it to Carmen.
Here I was thinking you weren’t a romantic type, you’re a sap Berzatto!! 
I smiled as I hit send, putting my phone back in my purse. I finished off my drink, and when the next round came out there was a waitress with curly brown hair bringing us the food. “Hello, I’m sure you were greeted by who invited you this evening, Here we have the second part of the appetizer, grilled leek, aubergine, and mushrooms with a cream sauce.” She puts a plate down in front of each of us. 
“My name is Tara, I will be your waitress for the rest of the evening. Miss, would you like another of your cocktail?” she motioned to my drink, I nodded “Uh- sure! Yeah, thank you” I smiled and handed her my cup and she went off to the bar. Sadie scrunches her nose in a way I knew she would at the dish which makes me laugh. “Sadie!” I whisper between giggles. “Stop- we have to try it, if Syd sees our plates untouched shes gonna be so mad!” I said and she started laughing quietly but I could tell she was holding back by the little squeaks that were coming out.
“Ssssadie!!!” I cover my mouth to cover my laugh. “Stop it!” I whisper and pick up my fork, cutting a piece of it and putting it in my mouth. “Ok, it's not bad just…earthy- you’re not gonna like it” I said and she pushed her plate away. I took one more bite before deciding it wasn’t for me and pushing it aside. Bussers came to all the tables taking the empty plates and the waitress comes back with my drink. 
“Thank you” I smiled, “Of course- The head chef requested he personally bring out your meals to this table, it should be out momentarily, in the meantime would you like another drink?” She asked Mitch, since Sadie had barely touched hers. “Yeah sure but um- a beer is fine, just Miller lite” he said and she nodded, taking his empty glass to the bar and coming back with the beer before returning to the kitchen.
“Oooo he’s comin’ to bring you your food - we didn’t even see him last time I was here” she said and I felt my cheeks heating “See! I told you he’s nice, and he’s gonna ask how we’re liking everything, and you better not laugh!” I give her a look although I was trying to hide a smile. She starts giggling again “Then don't look at me!!!” she said causing me to laugh and the door swings open, the waiters and waitresses all filing out to tables and Carm was at the end of the line.
I smiled at him, before breaking my gaze and looking at Sadie shooting her a don’t giggle! Look. He approaches the table “Hey you” He said softly and I smiled, “Everything is awesome, Carm” I said quietly for only us to here and he smiled “I’m glad you’re enjoying” he puts the plates down in front of us. “So we have for your main course, Roe Deer in a salt crust, crunchy Cavolo Nero, a Hazlenut pesto, and Celeriac” he said and I furrow my brows, He leans down “It’s really just deer steak, kale, pesto, and grilled celery root baby, we just say it fancy” he whispered in my ear and I smiled looking at him, my whole body covered in goosebumps by the use of the intimate name.
“Chefs, are the art bro’s of food” I said softly and he chuckled a bit. “Enjoy your meal” He told us and went back to the kitchen. “This taste like a potato” Sadie said, eating some of what I now knew was celery root. “I guess its a fancy celery root” I said and cut up my steak. I hum at the flavor, our whole table growing quiet as did most of the restaurant as we enjoy the meal. At the end of the course the buspeople came out again and collected the empty plates, before the waitresses came shortly after with the dessert.
She placed my plate down last again, this time, my chocolate cake had a heart drawn in chocolate sauce next to it, causing me to smile and blush. “He’s… like- actually in to you, Winnie” Sadie said, observing my plate. “I dunno- it’s it could be flirting” I shook my head with a smile, taking a bite of the delicious cake. “Wow… this is great” Sadie said and I nodded “mmm- absolutely…I’m gonna need Carmen to give me some of this again” I said and took out my phone, seeing he’d replied to my text.
Only with extra pretty girls who share their sour candy 
I smiled at the thoughtful reminder of yesterday, quickly typing and sending a response.
Can’t wait till 12 to see you- can I pay my compliments to the Chef before I go?
I slipped my phone back in my purse, continuing to talk with Sadie and Mitch about different pop culture things and the gossip of what's going on in our lives at the moment. I nibbled on my chocolate cake, feeling fuller by the second and knowing I’d never be able to finish it. 
I heard my phone buzz in my purse and put my fork down, fishing it out and looking at Carmens response
Course I just have to thank everyone for coming & everyone says their goodnights 
I locked my phone again, “Sadie- Gotta go to the bathroom, comin’?” I asked and she nodded, getting up and following me back to the womens room. I pushed open the door and she followed behind me. “Ok, well I will say he’s being sweet, and way more romantic then Syd said he was with Claire” Sadie said as I touched my makeup up in the mirror. “Told you, he's changed” I touch up my face powder and she huffed, leaning against the wall.
“Or he could be in his honeymoon lovebombing stage, and wanting you to fall for him so he can go all cold” She said and I rolled my eyes. “Yes” I replied, partially annoyed, “But, he could also be into me, and showing it! Like a nice guy, like you said- he has this place, and I googled him before- you’re right. So why not…ya know” I shrugged. She sighed a bit “I guess” she opened up the stall door to use the restroom and I waited for her near the door.
“You’ve been texting him the whole time, doesn’t that say lovebombing to you?” she asked as she pulled on the toilet paper roll. “Oh- the whole time” I laugh a bit, rolling my eyes. “I texted him first, we’ve exchanged like 2 texts!” I said and she flushed, opening the stall door and coming out to wash her hands. “And I assume you’re seeing him tonight…” she raised her eyebrows.
“Yes…and?” I said and she giggled “I will say it with my chest like Ari!” I said causing us both to laugh. I opened the door to the bathroom for us and we went back to the now cleared table, sitting down. There was soft chatter throughout the restaurant and all the Chefs came out. “Alright I just wanted to thank you all for coming tonight, Means alot- and Without further do- Chef Sydney, who created the main course tonight” Carmen said and we clapped. 
“Thank you all so much for coming, I hope you enjoyed the dish I worked very hard on it, and I hope to see you all next time, stay safe!” She said and we gave her a round of applause before the Chefs broke off to their respective families, to my surprise- Carmen and Sydney both came up to our table. 
“How was it?” He asked and I smiled wide, so happy he was wanting to show off to people that he invited me. “So- so good, Chef Sydney- you are so amazingly talented, I’m so grateful to call you a friend” I said honestly and touched her hand. She looked at me a bit surprised and grasps my hand gently with hers, “Ye-Yeah, yeah, totally, thank you, Winnie- really” she nods. 
“Ok- what the fuck was that appetizer- mushroom shit” Sadie asks Syd and I can’t contain my laughing at her usual boldness. Carmen’s jaw drops and Syd’s eyes widen, and my giggles caused Sadie to start laughing herself. “What do you mean oh my god Sadie! That is my boss” she said and I gasp in laughter, leaning in to Carm’s side. 
“Don’t worry Syd, Carmen,” I look at him and his shocked expression just makes me laugh harder. I caught my breath and wrap my arm around his bicep, “Sydney and I are both sorry for Sadies outburst, shes picky” I giggled and he shook his head, chuckling a bit. “I can see why you two are friends” he said and I raise my eyebrows, “Better be a good thing Chef!” I giggle and he nods, “Course, 2 firecrackers I’m sure you two cause lots of trouble, c’mon I need a cigarette before we clean y’comin?” He wrapped his arm around my waist and I nodded “Thank you again, Syd - Sadie- see ya monday” I told her.
She gives me a look as Carm tugs me away, my purse tucked in my arm, and gives the ‘call me’ sign and I giggled, nodding and taking his hand as we slinked through the kitchen to the back alley. As soon as the door shuts, I leaned against it, pulling him by his collar into a deep kiss and he hums softly, cupping my waist with his hands and lightly squeezing. I swipe my tongue over his bottom lip and he opens for me, our tongues meeting roughly, a needy wanting kiss. His hands travel down and cup my ass, squeezing. He pulled away after a moment, lips swollen from our kiss, us both slightly out of breath. 
“That was so fucking amazing Carmen, holy shit you are fucking amazing” I breathed and kiss his neck, biting gently at the skin under his jaw and he gasps softly, his hands trailing up to the small of my back, “What was- dinner? Or the kiss?” He asked, “Both” I breathe in to his neck, kissing the pulsepoint below his ear before nibbling his earlobe “Oh- okay” He said softly. “I- I wanna keep doing this with you but I have to get back inside, baby” he said lowly and I pulled away, pouting a bit. “Ok” I said, taking his lighter out of his pocket while he found his cigarettes and lighting it for him. He leans against the door and exhales in a sigh, rubbing his hand over his face. 
“That actually went really fuckin’ well” He said and took another drag. I leaned on my shoulder, watching him. “I’m glad.. It was all so, so good Carm, it was delicious” I said and held his other hand, kissing the tattoo of the chefs knife gently. “Guess you’re my good luck charm yea?” he teased and I smiled, cheeks heating slightly. “No- that would be you, you’re the lucky charm” I kiss over each one of his knuckles gently. 
“Could I…maybe take you up on that massage tonight? If you were serious that is.” He said and I smiled, “Of course, Would you like to make a reservation at Winnies Massage Parlor for 12 midnight?” I asked and he chuckled, “I would actually, I tip very well” He teased and I smiled, my heart picking up. “Sounds good, I’ll see you then” I said and he stomped out the butt of his cigarette. 
“Thanks f’comin honey, I really mean it” He said and wrapped his strong hands around my waist. I smiled, “Of course! Carm, anytime” I said and he leaned in kissing me sweetly. When he pulled away I look up at him. “Twelve?” he asked. 
“Twelve, I’ll text you my apartment number” I said and went down the step “See ya, Chef” I winked and he gave me his priceless smile as he went inside. 
➜ 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃!
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the-gayest-show · 2 months
Operation Birthday Takeover Review/Analysis
I wanted to include this in the review bomb but decided against it because the episode would take too much yap compared to the others to summarize properly, let's go!
(sorry if these screenshots have the player on them I couldn't find a better way bare with me this is better than the easier route i'd have taken)
Second of all and most important, this was a MAJOR Dev episode. Well, obviously, since it's his birthday, but we got to see more of him being nice while it lasted anyways, and we also got to see more of Dale's neglect and it's affects on Dev.
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You can see he's clearly disappointed about his dad paying no attention to Dev at all, preferring to work on "Project H" instead of his own son. Will throw hands on this man fr.
Throughout the episode we see more hints of this disappointment, like when Vicky gets invited to the party (Dev doesn't even like princesses! DUDE!)
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Now that I'm really rewatching as I go, Hazel seems to be very aware of it and very empathetic towards Dev, I like that about her. She's looking out for her friend! Good on her!
On the other hand (to move the plot forward and thus this review), I love seeing the fairy family back in action again!
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I love their dynamic even more! Also I swear to God half of the iconic lines come from these interactions I swear to God.
"Time to see what's so secret about this room!....... On second thought never mind" SOBBING LAUGHING
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Having the three of them slowly find out that project H is actually Project Hazel is so wild. THEY LITERALLY WROTE DOWN IMPORTANT INFO ON THE BOARD LIKE THE FAIRIES THING. COSMO! WANDA! WHYYYYYYYYY
The sad part of the matter is, Dale was fixated on Dev's friend of all people simply because she was... content? With fairy godparents? It's so sad actually for Dev... he REALLY needs someone to care about him
I wanna get into Vicky though now, and the surprising amounts of references to the OG series that were made in less than 2 minutes apart from each other? Crazy!
First of all, she's back! An interesting character to return for sure, considering she mostly acted as Timmy's babysitter in the OG series, but the continuity of this show never ceases to surprise me!
She's somehow similar looking? Like, correct me if I'm wrong but shouldn't she be older now? Significant enough to be changed visually for sure. AJ was 10 in the original series and now he's like 30 something. By that logic shouldn't Vicky be closer to her 40s? Does that age a person significantly from 16? That's what I thought anyways... She's still into the "conning little children for money" thing. She's literally 30+ at least, did she not try to up her game somehow? IMHO she totally could have extreme power like that over adults if she got gullible enough ones, could've been worse, but I guess people of Vicky's personality don't truly change unless there's a major life breakthrough that happens. You know what they say about peaking in high school...
Icky Vicky the song (and thus the episode it was in) is canon to the FOP A New Wish universe. I could swear the song sounded slightly different than it did when it was sung in this episode, but I'll blame that on the song coming out 10+ years ago and voice actors being too specific to nail down (I think the guy from one direction played the Icky Vicky singer? No wonder they couldn't invite him back). The song being referred to as "old" got me cringing a bit. I didn't grow up with the show but I get the feeling people who did felt themselves aging in real time with Jasmine's comment...
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Poor fairy trio though, they're all traumatized by Vicky, even Peri (who thought she was some weird ass dream, dawg I wish 😭) and immediately they're cowering with fear at the sound of her name. They got PTSD or something from all those years in original FOP...
What's funnier is them being able to stand up to Vicky by just. transforming into humans, which works bc that's always worked in FOP canon (when parental figures showed up in the OG), but somehow Wanda and Cosmo didn't fucking know that? Truly, Wanda, it would've been nice for y'all to know that some decades ago.
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"That's Vicky for ya! Making Kids Miserable Since 2001!"
Actually it would be 1998 if we count the Oh Yeah Cartoon Pilot and subsequent episodes, but I guess we're only counting actual FOP as canon 😔
I wanna really talk about the last scene though, where Dev finds out that Project H was Project Hazel. It REALLY tears him up inside to see just HOW bad his father doesn't give a shit about him.
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LOOK. LOOK AT THAT FACE AND TELL ME THAT ISN'T DEVASTATION! Even as he's recounting all the times that his father talked about Project H
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The emotional neglect really runs deep with this one.
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He lashes out at both Peri and Hazel (her especially since he's under the impression that she faked being his friend or something) and even wishes for Peri to leave him alone. So basically he's closing himself off from the 2 people who cared about him the most, likely as an emotional response. And then he goes and crosses off everything on the board in anger and leaves.
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I've noticed Peri's behaviour towards Dev has changed a bit again since the Dimmsonian episode. I think in that episode initially he seemed more tired, and he's probably still tired, but if he is, it's not shown as much here. I think personally Peri seeing more of Dev's life might've changed his attitude towards the child, but he still remains semi optimistic. He cares about this kid. It's shown even in just those few seconds of hesitation before he leaves that Peri was kind of heartbroken/sad at the request to leave Dev's side, but was willing to do so since he asked/wished. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I really do enjoy their dynamic and really wish to see more of it, especially after this.
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This is all 100% driven from his dad's actions affecting his emotional state, and I think this is actually a perfect setup for the episode where Dev and Irep take over Fairy World. Especially if Irep finds Dev like not even seconds after this scene, he's more vulnerable now than he's been throughout the whole series thus far, so a manipulator like Irep (if he is a good one, but heck even if he was dogshit at it) could defo make him change his thoughts on things.
Overall this episode was great and there's lots to love about it!
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kywaslost · 2 years
Hello ! may i please request for Hawks with an autistic kid ( arond 13-15 years old with any gender + platonic ) that hates adults
They have lots of interest like biology life, but most imporatntly the Winged hero Hawks !
sorry if this was too detailed request, so thank you !♡
Platonic Hawks x Teen Reader w/ Autism
A/N: hi! Thank you so kuh for the request! I really enjoyed writing it. It hope this is what you were looking for. Please send it any more Hawks requests if you have any!
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Hawks had met you though the sports festival at UA. After witnessing your match against Tokoyami and observing your quirk, he immediately took an interest in you. When he talked to Aizawa about you and Tokotami interning with him, though, he discovered something interesting.
“They don’t like adults?” he asked in disbelief. But then he shrugged. “Bad home life, I guess?”
Aizawa shrugged tiredly. “I’m not sure. From what I can tell, they have a decent home life. But they did tell us teachers that they’re autistic.”
Then it clicked for Hawks. “Oh, well that won’t be an issue!” he said with his signature smile. “I’m sure we’ll get along great.”
After talking more to Aizawa, both men agreed that it would be easier for you if you met Hawks before making any decisions on where you wanted to go. So they decided that Hawks would come to the dorms one evening to get to know you.
When that evening finally came, he walked into one of the private study rooms on the first floor to see you sitting alone with your favorite fidget toy in hand. Aizawa walked him to the door as they spoke. “I talked to Y/N,” the older man said. “Turns out you’re part of their hyperfixation at the moment.”
Hawks’ eyebrows rose in surprise. “Really?”
Aizawa nodded. “She’s been hyper fixating on anything biological. Their Biology grade has gone up a whole letter grade. All of their free-choice essays in English have been something biological. Their latest essay was on you and your quirk.”
They approached the door and turned to look at each other. Hawks smiled. “I have a feeling we’ll get along great.” And with that, he stepped into the study room.
You glanced up to him quickly before looking away, bouncing your leg. Hawks noticed how apprehensive you were towards him, and took things slow. “Hi,” he said softly. “May I sit?” You nodded slowly, and Hawks took a seat across from you. “I’m Hawks,” he introduced himself. “And you’re Y/N?” You nodded again, only glancing up every once and a while to meet his eyes. You messed with the fidget in your hands. There was a moment of silence before Hawks spoke again. “I understand you’re apprehensive of adults, yes?”
You hummed softly.
Keigo smiled gently. “Well, I’d just like you to know that I’m the most childish adult out there,” he said with a slight chuckle. “And I’d like you to come intern with me and my agency. But only if you’re comfortable.”
“Can I touch your wings?” you asked out of the blue, looking at his red wings hopefully.
Hawks was startled by your question, but smiled nonetheless. “Of course.” He extended his wings across the table between the two of you. Your soft hands gently brushed against his feathers, then pet them.
“I’ve been studying your quirk,” you said more confidently, making eye contact with Hawks for the first time. His sharp golden eyes soothed your worry. “I’ve been hyper fixating on biology, especially quirks like your’s and Miriko's, who mix human anatomy with animal biology.”
“That’s awesome,” Keigo smiles.
“I think that’s why I don’t hate you as much as I do other adults. I just don’t like them.”
“That’s totally understandable,” Hawks reassured. “If you’re ever uncomfortable around me, don’t be afraid to say something. I want to help you become a better hero, but I also want to help you become a better person. To help you get more comfortable with other people.”
You drew your hand back from his wings, offering a small smile. “I think I’ll join you,” you said quietly. “I think I can trust you.”
The longer you worked with Hawks, the more comfortable you became with him. And the more he learned about you, the more he did to make you feel comfortable with him. He kept fidget toys in his office at the agency. He even kept a few in his jacket pocket for if you needed one during patrol with him. Hawks’ favorite time spent with you was while you, Tokoyami, and himself were flying across the city, or even just sitting on a random rooftop, and you’d ramble about anything biological (he wouldn’t admit it, but he even started studying biology just so he could chime in every once in a while).
Keigo never made you interact with any adult you didn’t feel comfortable with. There were even times when you didn’t want to talk to him or be around him, so he’d let you stay behind at the agency with some of his other interns and learn how to do things that went along with running an agency.
Keigo was very flexible, and he made sure you were always comfortable around him.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
ya it can be a bit confusing at times lol. anyways, can i rq yan saiki with a darling whos also very quiet and prefers to be a bit more reclusive? sorta like saiki with the whole “wanna be normal” thing
Oof... this show is so hard for me to understand sometimes but I'll give this a shot :) Aged up as usual. Sorry if I got his character wrong....
Yandere! Kusuo Saiki with Reclusive! Darling
Short Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Isolation, Projecting feelings, Denial, Stalking implied, OOC probably.
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Well, at first he's relieved there is not another person to pester him.
When he first comes in contact with you, he's surprised to find some who shares similar desires.
You prefer books, video games, and staying out of people's way.
He doesn't think much of it.
Sure, he finds himself drifting towards your thoughts out of curiosity...
Yet he's just doing it by impulse, must be....
Kusuo never really thought he'd be close to you.
Not friends and especially not more.
Although when he is around you more, he notices an uncharacteristic fondness he holds towards you.
You aren't annoying, in fact when you do interact, he relates to you.
Kusuo, not being one for attention, may be secretive with his care towards you.
He feels to deal with this fondness he'd vent it from afar.
You'll notice this through unspoken favors by him.
Suddenly you're getting good grades, others give you space, and things seem to be going well for you.
A dream you and Kusuo both share.
He hates to admit it, but seeing you happy and calm makes him feel similar.
He doesn't call this obsession.
Watching you be happy and keeping you like that is normal... caring, right?
It's strange how seeing you alone makes him content.
You're happy, so...
He'll keep it like that.
Kusuo slowly finds himself fixated on you.
He wants to consider you at least a friend.
Even if he doesn't stick around you long....
In a way, he's projecting a bit.
He's making you live a life he wants with his power.
You're so similar to him he thinks you'd be happy with what he likes.
It takes awhile for him to actually approach you.
You may be reclusive but he knows you have to talk to someone.
Why not him, he guesses, might as well.
He actually feels happy when around you.
Kusuo just tries to meet you alone to prevent uneeded attention.
Last thing he needs is rumors.
Despite everything he does for you, he still refuses to call it obsession.
Even if knowing what you're doing at all times brings him happiness.
You have no idea that every thing that happens to you traces back to him.
Even if you become closer to him, he never admits it.
Kusuo just seems like someone who understands how you feel and helps you out sometimes (all the time, but best you don't know that).
You find yourself mutually respecting him due to that.
Especially since he's the only one you "talk" to, strangely enough.
Luckily, you don't know how deep his care for you goes or everything he does for you...
He plans to keep it that way for some time.
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ghost-b0i · 11 months
Pro hero Deku × pro hero gn reader
Warnings: not sure if there's a need of a warning on this one but there's a mention of a burning building, a dead kid and a woman.
**comforting Izuku after a bad mission**
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"Knew I'll find you here" You spoke calmly as you walked over to the edge of the building, stopping behind Izuku to give him a hug from behind. Your hands sliding down from his shoulders got his attention and he quickly looked up at you. A few tears were wailing up in the corner of his eyes, causing his to eyes sparkle at the light from the sunset. Izuku pressed his cheek against your arm, finding comfort in your touch.
You gave his forehead a small kiss before moving to sit next to him on the edge of the building.
It was silent for a moment, you looked over at the city. You could see all of it from up here, from the ocean slowly swallowing the sun to the park next to the building you were on. You watched as the sky switched colors, the stars slowly coming into view as the purple and pink was fading away from the sky.
"You we're never good at keeping things from me you know?" You asked, turning your gaze to him. "It's because the mission we had today doesn't it?"
He nodded and you started replaying the event in your head. There was a fire, a massive one. It burnt down a few buildings. You had to rescue civilians but as far as you knew you rescued them all.
"Something happened" You staited "something only you knew happened" He nodded in response, his gaze still fixated at the setting sun. "You wanna talk about it?" You asked, grabbing his hand and giving it a comforting squeeze.
He took a deep breath and sighed "there was this lady" He said softly "she lived on the eight floor. I tried to get her out but she kept trying to run back to her apartment, she tried to grab a teddy bear from one of the rooms. I tried to run after her but the whole building was starting to collapse on itself at this point. I was trying to get her out but she said this teddy bear was the only thing she has left from her son. There were pictures on the wall of her and a bold kid in a hospital gal on the wall I'm guessing he was sick... When she said that I finally let go of her hand and she run to the room and was running back to me with it in her arms..." His voice was starting to break as tears stated to wale up in his eyes "but I wasn't fast enough.. " He started to sob and you gave his hand a squeeze,trying to comfort him "she died when the ceiling fell..." He was sobbing now, his voice shakey "I didn't even have time to get her corpse out so she could be buried" He broke down, starting to sob uncontrollably. You hugged him trying to reassure him it'll be okay. His head rested on your chest as he cried, muffeled sobs escaping him.
"I keep thinking that if I was fast enough maybe I could have saved her" He sobbed "maybe she could still be here if I was just fast enough"
You petted his head, running your hand over his hair in an attempt to calm him down a bit.
"Sometimes it doesn't matter how fast we are" You said and pressed a kiss to his head "sometimes no matter what we do, we will never be fast enough.. But even so, it just means we can get better you know?" You stroke his hair with one hand while the other stroked his back "for now... Focus on who you did save, like the pregnant lady and her other four kids, or that ugly chiwawa who looked like he was on something" You both chuckled softly "or that fat orange cat that constantly had his tounge out, or that Lady who was so hooked on her book she was still trying to read while you saved her" He chuckled softly and looked up at you, you placed your hand on his cheek, wiping away a tear with your thumb. "You have to remember the people you did save, and when you can you can try do what I do"
Izuku smiled softly "and what do you do?"
"Well, for started, if I wasn't able to save someone I donate blood. It helps me when I know I might didn't save that one person but maybe I saved someone else's. But if I lost no one and I just need to cheer myself up I buy some stuffed animals and go to the hospital to give them to sick children, seeing them smile makes it a little easier, knowing I did something good for someone else.. It just makes easier you know?"
Izuku kissed the inside of your wrist "I think I should do that" He smiled softly. "I'll go donate blood tomorrow so I could save someone else's life"
You smiled at him, wiping another tear "maybe we can go together?" He nodded.
"Thanks for making it easier on me" He spoke "you always find a way to make me smile when I'm sad"
"That's why you proposed to me" You smiled "you saud, and I quote 'you make everything better' "
He chuckled "I did, didn't I?" He looked at you "well it's true, you always find a way to make me smile when I get like this"
You giggled "I know, that's my magic" You looked over at the now dark sky "we can stay here a bit longer if you want to"
"I think I wanna go home" He smiled "take a cold shower and get ready for bed"
You nodded "okay"
Okay, just to clarify when I say an ugly chiwawa I mean this:
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Hope it made you laugh like it made me lol.
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falseroar · 6 months
Murder on the Warfstache Express
Part 11: Spoiler Alert
((After discovering Wilford's not the only stowaway on this train, Abe decides it's time to gather everyone together and finally solve this murder, even if he doesn't like where it leads.
Just a warning beforehand: This is definitely the longest chapter in the series. Read more link, please don't fail me now.
Link to Part 10: A Ticket to Ride, and here's one to the masterlist for the series that I finally got around to making.))
“Who the hell are you?” Abe and the stranger pointing his own gun at him asked in almost perfect unison.
“Oooh, jinx! You both owe me a soda!” Wilford declared, and Abe spotted a flicker in the stowaway’s eyes before she focused on him again.
Maybe she’d been distracted by Wilford’s nonsense, which he was becoming worryingly used to, or maybe she was eyeing the doors on either side of him that led directly out into the darkness and snow, weighing her options for escape if she managed to get past the two men standing in the doorway of the mail car she’d been hiding out in.
Abe on the other hand was rather fixated on his gun, what with not being used to seeing it from this angle.
“I’m supposed to be on this train, which I’m going to go out on a limb and guess is more than you can say,” Abe said, his voice only a little bit strangled before he recovered from the initial shock. “I thought train bandits went out of style along with cowboys, but you’ve definitely updated the look, whoever the hell you are.”
“You don’t need to know who I am,” the bandit responded, after taking a moment to acknowledge the compliment. In the lanternlight, Abe had mistaken the black band around her eyes for the traditional bandit mask, but as she stepped closer he realized it was some kind of…makeup, maybe? Or a tattoo? Even what he first took to be an eyepatch appeared to be a strange device with an assortment of lenses, the purpose of which he suspected had something to do with how she got into the safe to steal his gun. Her whole getup in fact, the black and brown leather and cloth with straps everywhere, as much as she pulled the look off it felt…wrong.
Out of place.
Like a few other things Abe had seen tonight, now that he thought about it.
It was one of those things he had in mind when the bandit gestured with the gun, saying, “Move, now, stay where I can see you and maybe we’ll figure this out without anyone getting hurt, huh?”
“Anyone else,” Abe said, moving slowly with his hands up. She was directing them into the mail car, where he could see bags and boxes of mail piled up haphazardly around a snug nest she’d made for herself back here during the trip.
“What?” she asked, reaching for the door to the mail car behind Wilford as he shuffled in behind Abe. Once that door shut, how long would it take for the others to notice he was gone? Wilford wasn’t even supposed to be here, but surely someone would look over and realize Abe wasn’t in the dining car anymore and start searching for him, right?
But a lot could happen, in between now and then.
“You do know why the train stopped, don’t you?” Abe asked, watching her carefully. As much as she waved that gun around, her grip wasn’t quite right, her finger not even close to the trigger. He didn’t doubt she knew how to wield a weapon, but her inexperience with this particular one showed.
“Yeah, that idiot up there got distracted and ran us into a snowbank or something,” she said, once again training the gun on Abe. “What have you heard, how long until this thing gets moving again?”
Abe shrugged. “Hard to tell. Help probably won’t come until daylight, and with the murder…”
“Murder?” The surprise on her face looked genuine enough, especially when she shook her head and said, “Oh no, I know what you’re thinking, and whatever drama you people have going on has got nothing to do with me.”
“No, you’re just here to steal that rock of the professor’s, aren’t you?” Abe asked and the bandit shrugged.
“Maybe, maybe not. What do you know about it?”
“That it wasn’t worth killing Happy over,” Abe said quietly.
“Agent Apless,” Abe corrected himself, but if anything, the bandit looked even more puzzled.
“The USA agent?” she asked.
“I don’t know where he was from, but his ID wasn’t exactly from any American group I know of,” Abe said, glancing at Wilford who just shrugged.
“No…no,” the bandit said without listening to him, her brow crinkled as she tried to reconcile this new information. “No, he can’t be dead. Believe me, it takes a lot more than that to kill a guy like him.”
“A lot more than what?” Abe asked and she visibly hesitated.
It was just a second, but that’s all he needed. Abe’s hand moved faster than thought, trained by years of practice to reach for the weight in his pocket, and in that single moment of distraction the bandit found herself looking down the barrel of Happy’s gun.
A moment of silence passed as both stood there, “borrowed” guns trained on each other, until Wilford made a noise and patted down his own pockets before belatedly drawing his gun and waving it back and forth between the detective and the bandit.
“Didn’t feel right, being the only one here not pointing a weapon at somebody,” Wilford explained.
“Point it at her, not me!” Abe snapped before catching himself. “Actually, don’t point that thing at anybody!”
“Why don’t you both put your weapons down?” the bandit suggested, keeping Abe’s gun trained on the detective despite being visibly concerned when Wilford shrugged and began to lazily spin his gun around on his finger with a nonchalance that personally made Abe break out into a cold sweat. “No need to play games here, right?”
“This isn’t a game, and this thing isn’t a toy, even if it looks like one,” Abe answered, hoping that was true for this stupid-looking thing he’d found on the agent’s body. He had never actually got around to testing the thing, after all. “But you knew that already, didn’t you?”
She glanced down at the strange gun in his hand and he swore he saw a flicker of recognition there.
That is, until her lips twitched into a sneer and she asked, “Do you even know how to use that thing?”
A sneer that slipped when Abe shrugged and said, “Got a trigger, doesn’t it? Beyond that, I guess we could find out together if you don’t drop the piece, now.”
“The—your gun—my gun,” Abe corrected himself, pressing forward in his irritation until the barrel of the sci-fi looking blaster was pressed up against the underside of the bandit’s chin, his own gun pressed up against his chest in turn. “Drop it, or test me.”
The bandit’s eyes narrowed, searching his for any sign of a lie. “Do you even know what setting it’s on?”
Abe shrugged one shoulder up and down, keeping the blaster steady without looking down at the settings on the side. “Couldn’t even begin to tell you. Might be on whatever Happy had it set to last, might not be. Again, do you want for us to find out the hard way?”
An involuntary gulp on the bandit’s part tested Abe’s grip on the trigger, and she shuddered at the sound of the gun slipping out of her open fingers and hitting the metal floor of the train car.
“Okay, okay! I give, alright?” She raised her empty hands and stepped back, giving enough room for Abe to bend down and pick up his gun.
Which is what he would have done, if his hands weren’t full between the lantern and Happy’s blaster, neither of which he was particularly eager to put away or set down while she could take advantage of it.
Instead, Wilford dipped down and straightened up with the detective’s gun in his other hand, only to find Abe pressing the blaster against his chest now.
“What?” Wilford asked, all innocence.
“You know exactly the hell ‘what,’” Abe said. “Do you really think I’m going to let you walk around this train armed? With my gun?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Wilford said, gesturing with both occupied hands while he spoke. “I am nothing if not a responsible—”
The gun went off in his hand, Abe and the bandit both shrieking while Wilford himself jumped a little as though surprised by the noise or the new hole in one of the overstuffed mailbags on the floor near Abe’s foot.
Abe stared at the smoking gun in Wilford’s hand, extremely aware that it wasn’t his gun that just fired. “…What happened to that one being a toy?”
Wilford studied the gun before shrugging and saying, “Must have forgot to put the safety on, my bad.”
“That doesn’t—” Abe struggled to find the words to explain how that didn’t explain how a gun could fire a flag one moment and actual bullets the next, and settled on, “As if you even know what a safety is!”
“…Fair enough, I just kind of made that up,” Wilford admitted, shoulders dropping when Abe stuffed Happy’s gun in his pocket and gestured toward him to hand over the gun.
“Both of them,” Abe insisted, holstering his gun and holding his hand out for the other.
“Aw, come on, I’ll be good,” Wilford said, pouting when the detective refused to budge but ultimately handing over his gun. “But I’m keeping the knives.”
“Knives? As in plural?”
“Well, of course, what kind of gentleman doesn’t have a selection at hand?” Wilford asked.
Meanwhile, the bandit rubbed her eye and muttered to herself, “This is so stupid…”
“Oh, the stupid’s just getting started,” Abe snapped. He gestured for her and Wilford to go through the door first, explaining as he did so, “We’ve still got to go back to the others and figure out what the hell’s been going on around here, after all.”
The bandit took her time walking out of the car, determined to hold on to some of her dignity even as she looked back over her shoulder at him and asked, “That was a bluff, right? It’s still set to stun, isn’t it?”
Even that much bravado slipped a little when the detective looked her in the eye and asked, “What kind of gun has a stun setting?”
Benjamin, Dorene, the chef, Mack, and Richard M. Bags all turned as the door to the lounge car burst open, letting the trio in from the freezing cold between the cars.
“We got the power back on!” Professor Beauregard announced with a beaming smile, matched by those of the conductor/engineer Peter and Illinois.
“Yeah, we kind of noticed,” the chef answered, gesturing at the lit lamps on the walls around them.
The professor deflated slightly and said, “Well, you don’t have to go and sound too excited…”
“Thank you very much, dear, this light really does make everything much more bearable,” Dorene said, smiling gently but turning a questioning eye on the engineer. “And does that mean we have a chance of getting moving again?”
“About that—” Peter started, only to be interrupted by the sound of the door sliding open again, only this time from the opposite end of the car.
“Oh, good, you’re all already together,” Abe said, ignoring the bandit’s weak protest as Wilford took her arm and led her toward the plush seats. Although the snort she made when Wilford whispered something in her ear on the way there was a bit harder to ignore, he forced himself to stay focused. “That makes this all a lot easier.”
“Who the hell is that?” Chef asked, those others who had been seated around the lounge also rising to stare, the bandit returning their stares with a sneering smile while Wilford beamed and waved.
“I don’t remember getting your tickets,” Peter said slowly, his confusion changing into recognition and outrage. “Hold on, you’re the one that threw those snowballs at me!”
“Only because you wouldn’t let me on the train,” Wilford protested. “And after I gave you a very good bribe, I might add.”
“All you needed was a ticket! I even pointed out where you could get one and everything,” Peter whined.
“Now hold on here,” Benjamin said slowly, staring at Wilford with a furrowed brow. “Is that man...?”
“The guy I told you was on this train from the beginning, and you didn't want to listen to me?” Abe asked. "I don't know, why don't you tell me?"
“Colonel, is that you?” Benjamin asked in a tone of disbelief, Chef's head whipping around at that name.
“Only my friends call me that,” Wilford said, the response so quick and natural that it must have been purely instinct. And then he titled his head, a faint smile playing around his lips. “Do I know you?”
“Do you—” Benjamin sputtered before pointing a gloved finger at the offending man. "You—you cad, you scoundrel! You...”
“Asshole!” Chef supplied.
“You don't remember us? From the manor?” Benjamin scoffed and said, “Well, that should hardly surprise me. After all, you couldn't even be bothered to attend the funeral of one of your oldest friends!”
“And that would be...?” Wilford prompted, fishing for some kind of hint.
“Master Mark, of course!”
“Mark had a funeral?” Abe asked. Did they ever even find a body to bury?
Chef shrugged and said, “Yeah, it was okay. Food was pretty decent, paparazzi hanging all over the place, Benjamin cried like a baby, about what you'd expect.”
“Right, right, of course,” Wilford said, before grimacing and giving the others in the room a look that clearly said he still had no clue who the two of them were.
Abe stared at the former butler and the chef, trying to make sense of this complete underreaction and failing. “Are you...are you telling me you're mad at Wilford because he skipped out on a funeral? That's it?”
“Well, there is that, and that time he shot Master's prized vase,” Benjamin answered.
“And he still owes me twenty bucks,” Chef added.
At those answers, Wilford's face lit up in recognition. “Oh, that's right! Good times, good times. I’m good for the money, I just have to fetch a bear first, you know how it is.”
“But...but he...” Abe stuttered, looking from them to Wilford as though he would actually help explain things. It's like they didn't even know, but how could they not know?
Except...except he'd kept his suspicions close to the chest, like the bullet that would replace them. Sure, he'd pointed his fingers, same as the rest, but when it came down to working out the details and piecing the evidence together, well, it didn't do to share too much until he could be sure who to trust.
And these two hadn't been there, when he confronted the Colonel, had they? When he laid it all out, when he told the Colonel he knew all about the affair, that he knew he was the one who killed Markiplier.
And the Colonel had returned the favor by shooting him and the only other witness.
“Detective, are you okay?”
Abe blinked, the room slowly pulling back into focus at the sound of Dorene's voice, and she wasn’t the only one looking at him with obvious concern.
“...No,” he muttered. But what did that matter, when there was still a murder to solve, right here and now?
“This is everyone on the train, all together in one place,” Abe said, looking around the room as though to confirm that fact for himself.
“Minus the agent,” Wilford corrected him.
“...Yeah, minus the dead man.” Abe had been from one end of this train to the other, he'd checked everywhere, which is why he felt confident enough to continue, “All of us, and one murder to explain. And I'm going to tell you all right now, no one is leaving this train car until we get that explanation.”
At his words, they all stared at him, and then at each other as the realization sank in.
The crew: Benjamin, Peter, and the chef whose name Abe still hadn’t managed to catch after all this time and for all he knew might actually just be named “Chef.”
The passengers: Richard M. Bags, his assistant Mack, Dorene Whitacre, Illinois, Professor Beauregard, and himself, minus one Happy.
And the stowaways: Wilford Warfstache and the Bandit.
“Well, I can’t speak for anyone else here,” the bandit said, although her look around the room before landing on Abe suggested she could certainly judge them all the same, “but whatever issues you people have going on, it’s got nothing to do with me. I’m just along for the ride, that’s all.”
“Eh.” Abe made a face at that and said, “I think Professor Beauregard would disagree, even if Happy can’t.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Beauregard asked with a confused chuckle. “I don’t know this person at all.”
“But she knows of you, or at least that rock you’re traveling with,” Abe said. “That’s why she snuck into the baggage car after we were all asleep to try and steal it.”
The looks on both women’s faces were enough of a reward to compel the detective to continue. “She went for the weapons safe first since it’s the only safe on the train, but turns out the only thing in there was my gun. Despite the many, many other weapons everyone else was allowed to bring on to this train.”
He pointed a glare at the conductor, but Peter just stared back at him owlishly and asked, “Like what?”
“Like these?” Abe said, drawing Happy’s gun from his pocket and gesturing with it before dropping it on the table, then following it with Wilford’s gun. His own he decided to keep in his holster, just because they had been apart for far too long. “Not to mention whatever the hell else Wilford’s got on him, or the blaster in the professor’s room, or Illinois’ whip, seriously, who travels around with a whip?”
Peter held up a hand and said, “Hold on now, it’s not exactly my place to go and judge what things a man might be into.”
“Very good of you,” Illinois said, struggling to keep a straight face as he continued, “But for the record it’s…it’s just a whip. It helps out a lot on my adventures.”
“I’m sure it does, buddy, I’m sure it does,” Peter said, giving Illinois a reassuring nod.
The detective sighed and decided to let it go for now. “The point is, she looked in the safe first and not the big, obvious crate covered in locks because she knew what she was looking for is only about…yay big, would fit in the palm of your hand maybe? That sound about right?”
The bandit stared at him and said, “You can’t make me admit to anything, and you have no proof I ever left the mail car.”
“Proof like how I found you holding my damn gun?” Abe asked. “Or how about the postcard that got stuck to your shoe until you lost it in the baggage car?”
He held out a hand without looking and Wilford, after a delayed second to realize this was a cue of some kind, passed him the postcard he’d found.
“One postcard, from a Herr Ring to a Norbert Moses, found in the baggage car with a shoe print on it,” Abe said, flourishing it for the others to see before glancing at the bandit. “I thought I’d stepped on it, but how much you want to bet the print matches your boots and not mine?”
“…Okay, fine, I snuck up front and picked the safe,” the bandit said, thankfully not calling Abe’s bluff on that one. “When that turned out to be a useless bust—”
“My gun is not useless!”
“I started picking the locks on the crate, but if you look you’ll see it’s still locked, the crystal’s still there,” the bandit said with a shrug. “What can I say? The train suddenly slammed on its brakes and I panicked and went back into hiding. For all I knew, the crystal wasn’t even in the big box.”
“How did you even know it was on the train in the first place?” Professor Beauregard asked. “The only ones who knew were me and—”
She stopped short, hand going to her mouth and so obviously not trying to look that Abe took pity on her and said, “You and the guy footing the bill to research the rock, Big Dick Moneybags over there. And Mack knew too, I’m guessing?”
Mack opened his mouth, but before he could start denying everything Richard shrugged and said, “Sounds about right. I’d trust Mack to keep a secret, and the professor’s under the strictest NDAs money and a team of lawyers can devise. The investors we’re showing it to in a couple of days have been properly teased, but I find it best that the less they know, the better.”
“No one else knew about the crystal except you three?” Abe pressed, catching the briefest of doubts in two sets of eyes. “Moneybags?”
“Well, okay, I did have a supplier,” Richard admitted. “Guy who passed me the crystal with a few recommendations to ‘look into what it can do,’ but he’d have to know it was traveling with us to tip someone else off. Besides, this guy isn’t exactly the kind to go around sharing secrets with just anyone.”
“Oh, really, and how could you tell that?” Abe asked.
“I am an excellent judge of character,” Richard said, completely failing to miss the general disbelief at that in the train car. “And the man struck me as a trustworthy, well-dressed gentleman.”
“What does being well-dressed have to do with anything?” Abe asked.
Wilford shrugged and said, “You may not know anything about that kind of thing, but a nice white suit can be very persuasive, believe you me.”
Abe wondered when Richard had mentioned the color of the suit, but instead asked, “And do ‘trustworthy’ people generally go around handing out rocks that blow up if they get hit?”
“It didn’t blow up,” the professor protested over the alarm of the other passengers. “It just got a little…excited when it absorbed a blast of kinetic energy and, uh…knocked out the train’s power system, that’s all.”
“You’re the reason we’re stuck in the snow?” Benjamin asked and the professor shook her head.
“No, no, I packed the crystal properly so it would be exposed to as little outside influence as possible, it’s not my fault someone went and shot at it! I told you it was potentially dangerous, but you wouldn’t listen to me—”
She directed the accusation at Richard, who shrugged and said, “If I stopped doing everything just because it could be ‘potentially’ harmful, I wouldn’t be the outrageously rich man that I am today.”
Once again, the rich man was painfully oblivious to the mutters and general atmosphere in the room around him.
“Which is why a responsible, sensible person might alert certain…authorities to a potential hazard,” Abe suggested slowly. Unlike Richard, he was well aware of the warning look the professor gave him at those words, but that didn’t stop him from deciding to screw it and say, “Which is how Agent Apless ended up on this train in the first place.”
“What?” Professor Beauregard shook her head, the nervous laughter back. “I don’t know where you’re getting that from. I mean, do we even know he was actually an agent?”
“Oh, I know,” the bandit said, at the same time Abe pulled Happy’s badge out of his pocket and showed it to the room before dropping it on a nearby table alongside the postcard. “He was with the USA, for sure.”
“You keep saying that,” Abe muttered even as he pulled out Happy’s letter. “If you know so much, can you tell what this says?”
The bandit took the sheet of paper and scanned it over. “It’s a mission brief from the agency, telling Agent Apless to keep an eye out for any…rogue elements, and to make sure the energy source reached waiting agents at the next station for retrieval without any mishaps. Also, there’s a reminder at the end to change his password for some reason. Don’t know what that’s about.”
“We’re just going to take her word on that paper says?” Mack asked.
“Not like we’ve got anything else to go on, unless you feel like deciphering it,” Abe suggested, a prospect that the assistant looked a little too interested in actually following up on. “Either way, we know Richard didn’t tell this agency about the rock. What about you, Mack?”
“Of course not!” Mack protested, and all eyes turned on the professor.
“…Okay, fine, I blew the whistle,” the professor admitted before laughing. “Wow, it’s actually a relief to get that out, do you know?”
“You traitor!” Richard said, managing to sound genuinely offended.
“Yeah, like I was going to let you have access to an unknown, potentially unlimited source of energy that from all of my study appears to have an undue influence on its surrounding environments or even on the nature of reality itself?” The professor rolled her eyes and looked at the others. “I mean, come on, really?”
She sobered up quickly and added, “But I had no idea that man was with them. I mean, all of the agents I saw were very ‘men in black,’ you know? And I was told Agents Wubba and Bubba would be waiting to pick up the crystal just before the investor showcase, not that they’d have somebody on the train or at the station.”
“Wubba and Bubba?” Benjamin asked in disbelief.
“Code names, maybe?” Beauregard suggested, although she didn’t seem too sure about that herself.
“Clearly the plan changed,” Abe said, gesturing at the letter. “Maybe because they suspected word had gotten out about the crystal?”
He pointed a look at the bandit, who didn’t dignify it with a response aside from dropping the letter on the table alongside the guns and Happy’s badge. Her hand skirted toward said guns, and after spending half the night with Wilford Abe didn’t even think twice about smacking her hand away.
“Happy was scoping out the train and its passengers all day, and he knew enough about your work to comment on it,” Abe continued while the bandit scowled and moved to lean against the bar instead. “He also knew the rock could be dangerous and a target, which is why he went to the luggage car in the middle of the night and caught our bandit here just before she could get through the last lock and found her armed with my gun. Cue the shootout.”
He gestured toward the agent’s toy-like gun on the table.
“That piece of his is set to ‘stun,’ apparently—just enough to knock someone out when it hit, but I’m guessing it’s not so kind to inanimate objects, which explains all the blast marks on the crate.” A glance at the bandit confirmed the statement and Abe said, “The agent shoots at the bandit, who’s hiding behind the box, and he accidentally hits the crystal, knocking the power out. Meanwhile, she managed to get her own shot in, but my gun doesn’t exactly fire blanks.”
“So she did kill him,” Mack said, his smirk fading before her scowl.
“I did not! Even if the bullet did hit him, it didn’t stop him from coming at me in the dark! He was still alive when I managed to get away from him!”
“And how did you get away from him?” Abe prompted, before turning on the engineer. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”
“I don’t know anything about anything, anyone could tell you that,” Peter said without a trace of shame, looking to Benjamin and the chef to back him up and getting confirming nods from both.
“Really? You didn’t hear the gunfire going on literally feet behind you? You didn’t pick up that giant wrench you’re holding right now and go into the baggage car when the lights out, or start swinging that wrench around when someone lunged at you in the dark? That wrench right there, which I might point out still has the man’s blood on it?”
Peter glanced down at the red stain on his wrench, obvious and hard to miss now that the power was back on, and tried, awkwardly, to hide it behind his legs. “…Okay, so see what happened was—”
He stopped in the face of Abe’s stare and sighed, sinking in on himself. “Yeah, that’s exactly what happened. Felt the thump and all, but then I realized the train was still going in the dark and ran up front, which is when I pulled the brakes. By the time I went back and looked, there was no one there, and it’d been so dark at the time I thought…”
Thought, or hoped, that he hadn’t actually hit someone with a piece of metal big and thick enough to easily split a skull.
Benjamin spoke up and asked, “So this man, shot and bludgeoned with quite a large wrench, managed to drag himself back to his room before expiring?”
“Eventually,” Abe said. “But he wouldn’t have had time to get back before we were all out in the hallway, or before you and I went up front to see what was going on. He was there in the luggage car when we walked through, hiding in the dark until the coast was clear before making his way back to his room.”
He’d felt it then, hadn’t he? The presence in the darkness, the sense of eyes watching him. He just had no clue it was the gaze of a dying man hiding for his life.
“Now, hold on.” Illinois, who’d been quietly nodding along with this explanation of events, spoke up at this. “I seem to recall you saying you saw our dead man walk into his room before that.”
“I thought it was him at the time,” Abe admitted. “I saw his door close, but that doesn’t mean he was the one to shut it. Our bandit here may have gone haring off as soon as the conductor accidentally whacked her assailant, but that doesn’t mean she would have had time to get through the passenger car before people started waking up. You should know that, Illinois, you bumped into her in the hallway.”
“…Pardon?” Illinois said, his usual calm faltering slightly.
“I heard you, telling someone to watch where they were going,” Abe said. “Same as I heard more than one set of footsteps running around, even though by the time I opened my door nearly everyone was still at or near their room. In the dark it would have been impossible to tell it was someone who shouldn’t have been there, just as she couldn’t have known that the very first unlocked and unoccupied room she came to just so happened to belong to Happy.”
“Okay, well that still settles it, doesn’t it?” Mack asked the room at large. “We know she shot him, and that guy hit him in the head—either one alone would have been enough to kill the man, so at least one of them has to be our murderer.”
Abe, Benjamin, and the chef all froze at his words, sharing a knowing look amongst themselves when the rumble of thunder failed to happen. Wilford, meanwhile, was the picture of ease, his feet kicked up on the chair opposite while he watched the reveal play out, as though all he were missing was a tub of popcorn to enjoy it with.
The detective shook himself and recovered enough to say, “It would, if Happy had just been shot and bludgeoned.”
“There was more?” Benjamin asked in disbelief. “What else could the man have been put through in the time it took to get back to his room?”
“Yeah, about that…” Abe sighed and rubbed his face. This was the part where things were going to get really complicated. “God, where do I even start?”
“How about we go back to what that man was doing running around in the hallway at the same time as our potential murderess?” Richard asked, gesturing at Illinois.
“Huh?” Abe stared at him for a second before answering, “Oh, he was just stealing something from your room, he didn’t have anything to do with what was going on with Happy over in the next car.”
“What?!” Richard looked from the detective to the adventurer, who for once looked visibly shocked by this turn of events. “You were in my room? You stole something, from me?!”
“You told me yourself you heard someone walking around,” Abe said. “And if any of us could have gotten around in the dark and found what he was looking for without a light, I think it’d be the guy who goes into strange caves or temples or whatever to take things for a living.”
“And sometimes to return things,” Illinois said, shrugging at the compliment. “But you searched my room, friend, and you didn’t see anything stolen then, did you?”
“No, but then I didn’t exactly get a chance to search that trunk of yours after you had to go and show me that…thing from Ohio,” Abe said, the professor barely able to repress a shudder at the memory. “And for someone who’s never been inside his room, you certainly had an opinion about the quality of Richard’s collection on display in there, didn’t you?”
Illinois cracked a faint smile at that and gave the detective the merest tilt of his head.
“I demand you return to me what you stole, now,” Richard said, stepping forward to poke the adventurer in the chest only to shrink back when Illinois fixed him with an unblinking stare.
“You mean what you paid to have stolen from its rightful owners?” Illinois asked.
“Acquired is the word you’re looking for, and do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?” Richard spun around to look at the detective for help. “Detective, Abe, tell this—this thief what will happen to him when we report him to the authorities!”
“We? Well, you can make a report at the next station, and I’m sure as long as you can provide proof of purchase and point them to the forgery Illinois replaced it with, they’ll have cause to search him and his belongings,” Abe said. “Shouldn’t be that hard, right?”
At his words, Illinois stifled a laugh, causing the rich man to turn on him again.
“Do you think that’s funny?” Richard asked. He snapped his fingers at Mack and said, “We have receipts for everything in that room, right?”
“Er…” Mack’s hesitation made Richard turn to stare at him, forcing him to explain, “Not…all of them are exactly…compelling.”
“They’re receipts, shipping manifests, whatever the hell, they’re not supposed to be compelling!”
“I mean that they wouldn’t stand up to close scrutiny. And might, in fact, uh…suggest some things you may not wish to have…uneducated law enforcement making assumptions about.”
“Uneducated in how certain art and antiquities buying and selling might look incredibly illegal to those not in the know?” Abe suggested and Mack nodded, so obviously glum and downtrodden that Abe almost wondered if it was his imagination, how tight the man’s lips were as though struggling not to smile.
“Oh, actually, don’t discourage the man from seeking help,” Dorene said with a wicked smile that she was definitely not trying to hide. “I would love to see how that played out.”
“I’m starting to feel like I’m being ganged up on, even though I’m the victim here,” Richard protested.
“No,” Abe said, his quiet voice still making all eyes turn on him. “The only victim here was Happy, although you’re right about everyone ganging up on you. After all, no one here meant to kill Agent Apless, but they all sure as hell wanted to kill you.”
“…What?” Richard asked, his mouth turned up in a disbelieving smile. “You’re joking, right?”
The stare the detective gave him more than answered that question.
“Why would any of these people want to kill me?” Richard protested.
Abe shrugged. “You said it yourself, you’ve made a lot of enemies on your way to the top. And funny thing, aside from our thief over there, literally everyone on this train either works for you or has been offered employment except for Dorene and Wilford. Hell, you just met me and Happy yesterday and you tried to hire us both to save you from a murderer.”
“I create jobs, it’s what I do,” Richard said, shrugging with palms up and looking around as if expecting everyone to agree with him. “That hardly seems like any reason to want to kill me. Quite the opposite, in fact.”
“…Wow. You really are clueless, aren’t you?” Abe asked over the murmuring of the others. “Okay, let’s start with Illinois: you’ve tried to hire him multiple times to ‘acquire’ something of value for you, right? Only he has what the rest of us like to call ‘standards’ or possibly even ‘morals,’ if you’d like to look those words up later, and he always turned you down. Cue him discovering you actually managed to get your mitts on a real artifact that rightfully belongs to someone else and performing his little heist.”
“Now, of course, Illinois could have been working on his own, but it’s risky and getting caught stealing would put his career in jeopardy, not to mention get people questioning all that stuff he’s donated to museums in the past. Sound about right, Illinois?”
“That it does, but it also sounds a bit like you’re working against yourself there, friend,” Illinois answered.
“Good thing you found an ally on the train then, isn’t it? A Ms. Dorene Whitacre who also prefers museums over private collections and who’s funded a few of his expeditions,” Abe continued. “And she happens to have employed a certain chef in the past, who like the other employees on this train isn’t happy with the new owner’s slash and burn way of making a profit out of the railway. That already starts looking like the right combination of people who’d like to pull one over on our rich idiot.”
Said chef snarled and said, “You better watch yourself there, detective,” while Benjamin said, “Hold on now, these accusations are rather baseless, are they not?”
Abe sighed. “Are you all really going to make me spell it out?”
He waited a beat, but then he was already on a roll here. Might as well finish the job.
“A plan gets made, to make sure Illinois doesn’t get interrupted while getting the artifact, yeah? A little something, just to make sure the mark stays asleep despite being paranoid that someone’s out to kill him, what with all of the threatening letters and murder attempts.” Abe pulled the empty bottle out of his pocket and placed it on the table, explaining as he did so, “Potent sleeping pills from the butler—sorry, bartender’s room, empty despite only being filled a few days ago. Put enough of those in someone’s drink and I’m sure they could sleep through anything. Add a few more, and they never need to worry about waking up again.”
“While I don’t need to explain my prescription medication to you, I’ll have you know I…accidentally spilled those pills the other day and had to toss them out,” Benjamin said, his hesitation not doing his bad lying any favors. Seeing the detective was less than convinced, he added, “And aside from that, while I may have served drinks at the bar and during dinner, the only time I gave Mr. Bags anything to drink was the wine from the same bottle I poured out for everyone else, yourself included, detective, and you didn’t seem to have any problems with it then.”
“I seem to recall you taking that wine from me,” Abe shot back.
“Because you preferred a whiskey, and I was trying to keep you from overindulging! Again!”
“Pardon me from interrupting this riveting argument, but what’s this about threatening letters and murder attempts?” Illinois asked.
“Oh, did Mack not tell you about that?” Abe asked. “Yeah, someone’s been trying to kill the rich guy over there for weeks now, and failing at it. Probably why he had to resort to working with you all.”
“What?” Mack chuckled in disbelief. “You honestly think I had a hand in any of this?”
“And like any of us would go along with anything that little snitch tried to talk us into,” Chef added. “He’s practically Big Dick Moneybags’s shadow, you seriously think he has the spine to do something like what you’re talking about?”
And if Abe hadn’t been sure before, the chef of all people vouching for Mack (admittedly by insulting him) confirmed it. It was all the detective could do not to laugh, even if none of it was particularly funny.
“Yeah, sure, maybe you all just happened to be on the same train as the mark and the stolen piece, and you just happened to have the sleeping pills on hand. This poison though, that requires a bit of planning ahead,” he said, pulling the bottle of poison out of his pocket and dropping it on the table, followed by the smaller bottle from Dorene’s room. “Same as the antidote to go with it.”
“Poison?” Benjamin said, his surprise genuine enough. “What does that have to do with any of this?”
“Same thing that the booby trap I found has to do with it,” Abe said, looking around before realizing that he left the spring-loaded knife trap back in the dining car.
Or at least, he thought he had, but once again Wilford helpfully dropped it on the table amidst all of the other evidence, the clang of metal and the flash of the blade encouraging everyone in the room to take a healthy step back.
“What the hell is that?” Chef asked, but he wasn’t the one Abe was watching for a response.
He had to give it to Illinois, the man had one hell of a poker face.
“Murder weapon, same as the gun, the poison, the wrench, all of it,” Abe answered. “Agent Harold Apless was poisoned, shot, stabbed, and bludgeoned before he died. Knowing that, does anyone else want to step forward and confess to the other bits we haven’t gotten to yet?”
A silence filled the lounge car, broken only when Abe sighed.
“Fine then, how about I tell you all what happened, and we see how close to the mark I am?”
Easier said than done when he suspected most of it would be him filling in the gaps with his own guesses, but confidence could go a long way. And if there was one thing Abe was good at, it was plunging in blindly and confidently until he hit that rock bottom.
“Richard over there, as he’s told me many times since we met, has a talent for making enemies. Comes with being a rich asshole, nothing I haven’t seen before. He starts getting threatening notes, a couple near misses on his life, and decides to take the train to this big investor meeting because every other vehicle he gets in has a tendency to crash lately. Whose idea was it, to take the train?”
“I’m sure I came up with it,” Richard said, and Abe raised an eyebrow and looked at Mack.
“I might have suggested it, but it was Mr. Bags’s idea to follow through on that suggestion,” Mack said carefully. “We knew the train was going that way, as Professor Beauregard had already made plans to travel with the crystal via railway.”
“Mack and I talked it over, and it seemed the safest way at the time,” Beauregard chimed in. “But that was ages ago.”
“And any potential assassin might think twice about disabling an entire train just to get at one man, instead of another car,” Abe said, getting a confirming nod from Mack. And yet here they were, on a train stuck in a snowbank, but he held his tongue on that point. “At the same time making it a whole lot easier for any potential thief than trying to get into a high-class hotel, considering Bags has a habit of traveling in ‘style’ with the choicest bits of his collection even if it means making the rail staff completely overhaul an entire compartment just for him.”
“Three,” Benjamin muttered. “We had to combine three compartments just to fit his specifications.”
“And now that space is much more valuable to future riders, so you’re welcome,” Richard said.
“Unfortunately for Illinois, all of those death threats and murder attempts tend to leave even a guy with that kind of ego paranoid and suspicious,” Abe continued. “Not helped when he almost drinks a glass of poisoned wine while trying to hire me to protect his life.”
“Hang on,” Mack said when all eyes turned toward him again. “I know what you’re suggesting, detective, but I really had nothing to do with that! I just opened that bottle because it’d been left sitting out on the bar as a welcoming gift when we boarded, I had no idea there was something in it.”
Benjamin paled, one gloved hand going to his mouth, the small motion all Abe needed to zero in on him.
“Got something you want to say about that?” Abe pressed.
“This bottle…perhaps, did it have a yellow and pink bow on it?” Benjamin asked and Mack did a double take.
“Uh, yes? I thought it was a little odd, not matching the train colors, but I figured it was just the winery’s colors.”
“What do you know about it?” Abe asked.
“What—nothing! He gave it to me, ask him!” Benjamin said, pointing a finger at Peter like a little kid tattling.
Peter shrugged. “I don’t know anything about it, except it’s one of the things that guy tried to give me instead of a ticket. Didn’t know what else to do with it, and Benjamin’s the bartender so I figured he’d like it.”
All eyes traveled in turn to Wilford, who also shrugged. “It was just a joke?”
“You could have killed someone with that stuff!” Abe shouted, mostly remembering how he’d been given a glass of the wine.
“It wasn’t very good wine, was it?” Wilford admitted. “My bad, next time I’ll get something that will really put the hair on your chest.”
“…I think I’m good,” Peter said slowly.
“…Okay, that explains that. I guess,” Abe said, his mind struggling to shift gears after that little detour. “Longshot of it is, Moneybags doesn’t finish his glass of wine at dinner, and doesn’t get the full effects of the sleeping pills put in it. No full dose meant he woke up earlier than expected, while Illinois was still in the room. Meanwhile, I’m guessing the rest of you barely even sipped your wine over dinner, which is why none of you had any trouble getting up after the train suddenly stopped either.”
Certainly not compared to him, who’d fallen to the floor and could barely operate a door in the first few minutes after being jolted back into wakefulness.
“Did you drug my drink at the bar too?” Abe asked Benjamin.
“Don’t be ridiculous! Even if I had slipped some sleeping pills in the wine, which I’m not saying I did, I certainly wouldn’t give you a triple dose—”
“Triple—” Abe stopped, eyes closing as it sank in. “You put a double dose in my whiskey, didn’t you? That’s why you took away my wine.”
Benjamin wavered and looked at Illinois before breaking. “They were just sleeping pills, detective. No one was exposed to enough to cause any lasting harm, and to be frank I rather thought you could use something to help you relax.”
“And if I just happened to doze off in the lounge car and spent the whole night there, it would mean one less potential witness to spot Illinois entering Moneybags’s room using one of the staff copies of the keys,” Abe said, trying to ignore the sick feeling in the back of his throat at Benjamin’s words. “And maybe you and Illinois would have been fine leaving it at that—Illinois retrieves a stolen item he can return to wherever it belongs, while you have the satisfaction of knowing your terrible boss has had one pulled over on him. But that’s not enough for everyone.”
The chef bristled when Abe’s gaze turned on him. “Watch yourself, dick. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Really? So you don’t know anything about this poison?” Abe asked, picking up the bottle of poison on the table and glancing at the label. “Bit stronger than sleeping pills, that’s for sure.”
“What the hell, man?” Chef asked. “You think I go around putting poison in perfectly good food?”
“Not even to kill that guy?” Abe asked, gesturing toward an affronted Richard.
The chef hesitated and Abe said, “When we woke you up and told you someone had been murdered, you said, ‘that dick.’ Didn’t think anything of it at the time since you hate nearly everyone, but I never told you who was dead. You were surprised when you got to the lounge car and saw Big Dick Moneybags over there still alive, right?”
Chef bared his teeth and said, “Yeah, maybe when I heard you talking about someone getting offed I hoped another rich asshole was dead, but that don’t mean nothing. Benjamin can tell you, I don’t know which plate is going to which table, and you all got the same food but only one of you is dead. You’re not telling me you all didn’t eat that delicious dinner I provided, are you?”
“No, chef,” nearly everyone in the car answered when he looked around at them, Dorene and the professor in particular throwing in a couple of compliments about his cooking.
“Funny thing about this poison,” Abe said, shaking the bottle so that the viscous red liquid sloshed around. “It’s only lethal when ingested and takes a while to kick in, but if prepared correctly there’s hardly a taste at all. You wouldn’t even know you’re poisoned until the symptoms start kicking in.”
He set the bottle back down and traded it for the smaller antidote as he added, “All you have to do is make sure the antidote gets to everyone who ate the dinner except the person you want dead. Those cookies you made really were delicious, Dorene.”
She smiled and said, “There really is no problem a plate of cookies can’t solve, isn’t there?”
“Problems including rich assholes who won’t get their comeuppance just because one trinket goes missing, no matter how valuable,” Abe said, and her smile didn’t so much as waver. “I found the antidote in your room, but the poison, now that ended up in my bag. Of course, the chef could have easily planted it there after dinner while I was sleeping in the lounge, but what kind of sense would that make? If anyone on this train would know enough about this poison to guess how it was used when Moneybags turned up dead, it would be me.”
The chef shrugged. “Don’t know what to tell you. I don’t have those keys to get into the passengers’ rooms like Benjamin does, why would I need ‘em? And you got no proof I ever even used the poison in the first place, considering that dick over there is still alive, in case you hadn’t noticed.”
There it was again.
Abe sighed and put the bottle back down, his hand hovering over the trap but careful to stay well out of range. “And then there’s this. Illinois, what do you know about this thing?”
“You called it a booby trap,” Illinois answered. “Looks to me like a pressure-sensitive trap that attempts to stab anyone who activates it.”
“It looks to you?” Abe repeated. “This isn’t yours?”
“I don’t seem to recall you finding that in my room.”
“No, I didn’t. I found it in Mack’s, but he claims someone must have hid it in there after he went to stay with Moneybags after the power went out,” Abe said.
“It’s the only logical time it could have happened,” Mack said.
“Yeah, I guess logically you would be the one to know that,” Abe shot back. “Considering you were the one who hid it there in the first place, after retrieving it from the bed you’d hidden it in before then.”
“Now why would he do that?” Illinois asked, slow and calm as ever. “So far all these plans you’ve been cooking up were laid against Richard here, but I don’t see how Mack would be able to get a trap out of the man’s bed without him noticing.”
“Because it wasn’t in Moneybag’s bed,” Abe answered. “Mack hid it at the same time he planted the bottle of poison in my bag, right after dinner when most of us were still here in the lounge. My guess is Dorene took the bottle from the kitchen and passed it to Mack during dinner at the same time she was handing out those cookies, knowing he would have the easiest time getting rid of the evidence as soon as possible.”
“Like I said, you’re assuming a lot, detective,” Mack said. “Even if I had any reason to hide evidence to a murder—one that I told you before would only hurt me—why would I plant a trap in your room, only to remove it later, knowing it had failed to kill you?”
“You also think I’d trust that guy with evidence that I’d killed someone?” Chef asked. “What, do I look crazy to you? Not to mention you’re accusing Ms. Whitacre of being involved in this!”
Murmurs of agreement went around at that last point at least, even though so far Abe was sure Dorene was the only who hadn’t denied being involved in the plot to kill Richard.
“Mack, wasn’t it you that suggested a double blind before? Something about complicated knots and simple solutions?” Abe asked. “Because I think the simple solution here is that one day, you reached your breaking point. Maybe it was realizing how dangerous that rock the professor is working on in Richard’s hands, or maybe you saw the agents she’d tipped off following you one day. Or maybe you just know all of those investigations Happy mentioned back at dinner are going to turn up something. You said it yourself, you’re Mr. Bags’s right-hand man, as wrapped up in all his dirty business as he is, except when the hammer comes down, you know he’s not the one who’s going to suffer for it.
“So you hatch a plan, find some like-minded people, and contrive events to make sure they’re all on the same train as you and Big Dick Moneybags. And like I said, some of ‘em are fine with the idea of just taking the artifact back, maybe even playing the game so that he gets caught on insurance fraud or starting an investigation into just how he got the thing in the first place. Something good that’ll make his wallet and maybe even his pride hurt a bit.
“But Chef’s got experience working with a rich asshole, enough to know it takes more than that to really drive the knife in, and I’m guessing Dorene’s been around enough of the same type to know the tricks he’d pull to slip through any real trouble and end up right back where he started. So you three decide to take it on yourselves to take a more permanent option, figuring the shared meal would provide enough of a cover and alibi.”
After Abe finished his spiel, Mack smirked and said, “Clever, if a bit too simple. You forgot the booby trap, remember? Where does that fit into all of this?”
Abe shrugged. “Maybe you just wanted me dead after I immediately fingered you as a suspect?”
Mack laughed and rolled his eyes. “Please, like I would resort to something as crude and unreliable as…whatever that thing is.”
“It doesn’t exactly have the highest success rate,” Illinois admitted.
True, that answer didn’t exactly sit right with Abe even as he’d said it.
Double blind, he’d said.
“Or maybe you expected me to find the trap after Richard was dead,” Abe said slowly, sounding the idea out. “You talked to Benjamin at dinner, maybe you knew he was planning to give me a larger dose of the sleeping pills and expected me to pass out before I ever made it back to my room. Trap like that would be easier to spot in the morning, in the light of day, especially if I’m on high alert with a dead body on the train.”
“Again, what would be the point, detective?” Mack asked, the tone of his voice annoying Abe into thinking harder.
“To get me pointing fingers at Illinois, like you tried to do when I showed you the trap earlier. Would make sense, since it came out of his room, except then you’d be pointing the finger at one of your accomplices…” Abe trailed off, remembering that wasn’t the only thing Mack had planted in his room. “At the same time, everyone would be ‘looking’ for the poisoner, and lo and behold the poison’s in my bag. So I’m pointing the finger at Illinois, while I’m guessing Dorene and maybe even the prof over there would be ready and willing to vouch that they saw him return to his room and never left it last night to cover for the theft, while Happy, knowing that I’d turned down the job to protect Moneybags, would be suspecting me. A few more false leads and you could have us all accusing each other with not enough real evidence to convict anyone by the time we reached the next station and the authorities there have to sort it out.”
Richard surprised Abe and everyone else in the train car by suddenly breaking out into laughter, a high, nervous laughter that suggested someone very close to the edge of losing it.
“Oh, bravo, detective! That is quite the theory, but there’s one key problem with it: Mack would never do something like that. I’d trust that man with my life, he depends on me for everything, he’s simply not capable of throwing all that away just to, what, kill me? What good would that do?”
“Yeah, I seem to recall him saying as much when I questioned him earlier,” Abe admitted, but he was watching Mack closely as he continued. “He’s well-paid, he’s put all of his money and investments into your companies, and all of that will tank if something happens to you. All the financial motives in the world to keep you alive and well. What more reason could a man need?”
“Exactly!” Richard answered, tone deaf as usual.
Abe looked Mack in the eye and asked, “And how much of that would you give, to make sure Richard M. Bags paid for everything he’s done?”
“…All of it,” Mack answered, wiping that smile off of Richard’s face with just three words. “Even if you saw through all of it, even if I had to take the fall, it would have been worth it.”
“…Mack?” Richard said, all trace of color washed out of his face as he stared with wide, disbelieving eyes.
But Mack didn’t even look at him as he shrugged and said, sounding a little too-cheerful about it, “But I guess we failed, huh? All those plans, and nothing to show for it.”
“I wouldn’t say nothing,” Abe said. He looked around the room, trying to tell who had pieced it together yet and who hadn’t, but no luck.
He sighed again, feeling the weight in his chest more strongly than ever.
“Agent Harold Apless was on this train because he was sent here to protect that blasted crystal, thanks to the professor’s warning. Over dinner, he asked me to switch rooms with him, saying he needed a double—I’m guessing now because he thought he might need the extra space to restrain and hide the person after the crystal without alerting the other passengers,” Abe said, tilting his head toward the bandit. “That’s also when he drank nearly two glasses of wine, his own plus Richard’s since Moneybags was still freaked out from nearly drinking Wilford’s poisoned wine. On top of that, I offered him my whiskey after only a few sips since something about it tasted off.”
“My heavens,” Benjamin breathed quietly, adding up how many sleeping pills that would be. “That much would have surely…”
Abe nodded. “He ate the same food as the rest of us, only he felt sorry enough for the sadsack over there to give him his cookie when Dorene ‘accidentally’ missed him when she was passing them out.”
For the first time, Dorene looked visibly shaken as she and the chef shared a look of horror and guilt.
“After dinner, he hangs out around the bar for a bit before heading to the compartments, where he switches our belongings but not the trap Mack planted in the bed no one was supposed to use. Maybe he tried to sleep then, maybe the sleeping pills and poison had numbed him to the point he didn’t even realize he’d been stabbed by the trap. But he still has enough in him to go to the luggage car when he hears someone moving around in the hallway, to get shot by the bandit trying to steal the crystal and bludgeoned by the engineer who thought he was fending off an attacker. While Benjamin and I go up front to talk with Peter and check out the damage outside, Happy returns to his room—to my room,” Abe said, faltering a little.
If he hadn’t given him his whiskey, if he hadn’t agreed to changing rooms…
Abe plunged his hands into his pockets as if hoping to find another piece of evidence hidden away there, something to help it all make sense, but all he found was his light, a pack of cigarettes, and a couple slips of paper which he pulled out to have something to look at besides all the faces around him.
It was his ticket to ride the train. His ticket, and…
Abe looked at Wilford, feeling the hopelessness sink in as he finally said the words that had been lurking in the back of his mind all this time.
“We all did it.”
“Every one of us is the reason Agent Harold Apless is dead, in one way or another,” he said, and there wasn’t a single objection in the room. He took a deep, sucking breath, and then asked the world at large the question he still hadn’t found an answer to, after years of trying. “Now what?”
((End of Part 11. Thank you for reading!
Thanks to Wilford (and the original story), we all knew where this was going, but hopefully this mystery's still been fun even with the built-in spoilers? Meant to post this one a lot sooner, but wound up doing a lot of rewriting. Final chapter coming soon, I promise.
Tag list: @silver-owl413 @asteriuszenith @withjust-a-bite @blackaquokat @catgirlwarrior @neverisadork @luna1350 @oh-so-creepy @95fangirl @a-bit-dapper @randomartdudette @cactipresident @hotcocoachia @purple-star-eyes @shyinspiredartist @avispate @autumnrambles @authorracheljoy @liafoxyfox @hidinginmybochard))
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joz-yyh · 4 months
Love Host - Ch. 8 (Preview)
SUMMARY: Miles and Waylon meet up for some diagnostic testing that takes a very drastic turn. No beta. Read at your own risk.
RATING: T (for this chapter ONLY!!)
PAIRING: Walmiles (WalriderxMiles)
A/N: Doing my best to keep focused on these two long enough to finish another chapter. Comments and likes are very appreciated.
Clang, Clang, Clang--!
Waylon looks up from his computer chair at the pedantic knock, knowing who his pertinent guest should be, double checking the security feed just to be sure Murkoff wasn't paying him any surprise visits.
There on the monitor, is a quiff of black hair and ugly olive jacket he'd recognize a mile away. Speaking of Miles –
Waylon opens the bean hole to the main door, the grinning blue eyes of Miles fucking Upshur waiting for him on the other side.
“Hey there, WayWay, I am here for my check up,” he greets with a smile, the wave he offers just out of sight, “Oh yeah, and Wally’s here too.”
The words barely register before the nanomachine has its whole face pressed against the peephole, staring back at Waylon, completely eyeless.
The techie nearly jumps out of his skin, shutting the slat out of paranoid instinct, body wrecked by a wave of heebeegeebees.
He can see it. Why can he see it when he couldn’t as much before?
“Heeeeyy,” Miles whines, voice dampened by the steel barrier between them, ”I am still waiting out here.”
Waylon internally groans, trying to collect himself enough to unlatch the many bars securing the entrance shut.
When the final lock cracks loose, Miles is too busy comforting the Walrider to notice, holding its caricature of a face and daresay, petting it.
“Ah, you can c-come in now,” Waylon offers, standing in the doorway, watching on with morbid fixation.
“There, see,” Miles exclaims, a consoling note to his voice, “He wouldn't invite us in if he didn't like us.”
Waylon swears this scene must be slowly melting his brain from the inside out.
“Hey, Way,” the brunette asks, turning his attention to his fellow asylum survivor, “could you tell Wally that you like him, please? He thinks you're scared of him. Isn't that silly?”
He isn't scared, he's terrified.
“Yeah, s-sure. I like him,” Waylon offers weakly, swallowing down his dread.
This was absurd. A machine couldn’t have feelings and even if it did, they were none more important than his own.
“Told you! Everything's fine,” Miles chippers, the Walrider finally appeased by this discovery.
The machine gazes toward Waylon again, breaking it’s body down into smaller pieces, swooping in close to swirl around Waylon knees, then higher, drifting in a cyclone of miniature storm clouds up to his shoulders.
“Uhh, hello again, I guess,” the engineer offers shakily, trying to appear fearless and brave, even lifting a finger to touch the nanite mist surrounding him. It feels like water.
“Thanks Waylon,” Miles says, patting him on the shoulder in good sportsmanship, stepping inside.
“Yeah, sure. No problem.”
And just like that, the nano machine leaves him to follow it’s host, the dazed software engineer reminding himself that he needs to rearm the door.
Before the reporter can poke his nose in further, Waylon locks the paddock, turning on the electric fence to deter any unwanted trespassers.
“So this is where you’ve been holding up,” Miles asks, taking in the abandoned barracks, a dimly-lit trailer filled with a junkyard of abandoned tech.
The Walrider is equally curious, ghosting around the layout, dosing the army green interior in supernatural mist.
“Not quite,” Waylon amends, running a hand down his face, feeling overwhelmed by the quirky demands of his company, “This is where I work. Keeps me a safe distance away from Lisa and the kids in case anything happens.”
“Safety is important. I am sure there are no OSHA recordables in here,” the snarky brunette remarks, dodging under a duct of loose wires.
“Ha ha funny,” the blonde remarks, devoid of amusement, “the device I want to show you is over here.”
Waylon grabs him by the wrist cuff before Miles can slip away to snoop, escorting him to the testing room.
“Aren’t you going to give me a tour first,” the sleuth whines, taking in as much of the space as he can, “you can’t tell me you have a secret lair and not show me around.”
“There's really not much to see,” Waylon growls, noting his companion’s inquisitive fingers, “Also please stop touching everything.”
“Awwww,” Miles whines, dragging his feet in disappointment, a frown setting in.
“Fine, maybe later,” the techie relents, his stride persisting, “We're kinda pressed for time.”
“Oh, somewhere you gotta be,” Miles asks, perking up at that confession, raising a brow at his companion, letting himself be tugged along more easily.
“Yeah, I’d prefer to be home every night to be with my wife and kids.”
A long pause, their combined footsteps echoing off the iron grates that line the floor.
“Am I invited,” the reporter asks, smirking at the back of Waylon’s unkempt head of hair.
Another aggravated tug on his sleeve.
“Let’s just get through the testing first.”
They arrive at their destination, the very back of the bunker, a T-shaped hub. One of the doors is sealed off, making Miles wonder what could be hiding in there, the rest of the room encased by steel shelves filled with gutted parts, radios, computers, phones and the like.
In the center is a chair outfitted with restraints, a litany of auxiliary cords hooked up to various loadouts, a desk and computer terminal set up in the corner, no doubt to collect the data of whoever sits in it.
“So … this is it,” Miles says judgmentally, unimpressed, “Looks like an electric chair, but somehow more revenge of the nerds-esque.”
Waylon smacks his lips and rolls his eyes. He won’t deny it bears a striking resemblance to Mount Massive’s brainwashing devices, ones he had the untimely pleasure of experiencing for himself.
“Yeah, everyone's a critic. Just get in.”
“Is it safe,” Miles asks, skeptical of the bad vibe he was getting just looking at the creepy thing.
“As safe as any of this experimental tech is gonna be.”
Miles supposes he can’t complain, given the circumstances. He doesn’t get any of these gadgets, but there was no one else he could turn to (aside from maybe Wernickle) who could give him the answers he seeks. Still, the reporter can’t help feeling a bit uneasy about entrusting himself to diagnostic tools on a budget.
The Walrider manifests itself as a disembodied head, whistling through it’s cheeks, seeking to reassure it’s host with a trill of sound. Miles smiles, close-lipped, stroking the odd contours of its face with a gentle hand.
“Alright. I mean we’ve come this far. What other choice do we have?”
With that, the anxious human hybrid takes a seat, the next test subject for this experimental apparatus going on torture device. Waylon straps him in, tying the buckles too tight to be comfortable, but Miles suspects it's punishment for trying to pry into the engineer's private life. His head too is bridled in place, another belt across the forehead to keep him securely in an upright position.
“This will monitor your heart rate,” Waylon says, electrode pads stuck to Miles’ temple, and then after a moment a disclaimer, “I am not a doctor, though.”
“You’ll be able to tell me more about the Walrider, right,” the brunette asks, nervously clenching his hands on the arm rest.
Waylon hesitates, less than confidently offering a, “Yeah,” in response.
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this-is-all-unreal · 1 year
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My Dear Friend
Part 3
Part 2
Part 1 and summary
        I tucked myself as far under the desk as possible. As the men spoke.
        "You sure you want to adopt another kid? You just met her and you just adopted Tim."
       "Dick, just wait till you meet her. She needs some help. 5 families in 3 years she needs some stability and I have all the resources she could ever need." 
        "If you are set on this I know I can't stop you I'm just worried. You probably scared the hell out of her with the suit." 
        "I don't know about that. Just meet her and you'll see what I mean. Come on, we can change once we are down there. I just left her. She should still be sl-" he stops speaking abruptly. I hear some shuffling and then I hear the office doors close. My heart begins to pound. I didn't even have any time to process the adoption comment. Maybe they left, why would he just stop talking like that? I slowly crawl out from the desk but before I could make much progress I feel someone jump on me. I scream at the top of my lungs as I try to buck him off of me. I'm not sure but I think we rolled a few times over each other. I even heard a laugh come from my attacker. 
       "Cut it out you two." I hear as I'm flipped on my back. I pant staring up at a tall man in a fancy suit. I blink for a few seconds before sitting up to see a man, no maybe he's a boy. He was younger than the taller man. He was chuckling. He was the one who attacked me. I pushed myself away from him. 
        "Sorry about that. I was trying to grab you but I thought we were playing." He said as he sat on his knees in front of me. "I'm Dick." He adds as he holds his hand out to me. How on earth did he think we were playing? I was screaming for my life. I look at his hand and stand up. I press myself against the wall behind me wishing I could melt into it. 
        "Margaret, do you know who I am?" The taller man asked. 
        "It's Batman. Batman is rich? I guess that makes sense."
         "B-batman" I squeaked out looking up at him. He almost looked surprised but smiled. 
         "That's right." He says. He looked proud. "I wouldn't have left you down there alone if I thought you were going to wake up anytime soon. You only slept for an hour." He looked back at the grandfather clock hatch. "How did you get out?" He asked as he touched the bent exposed metal of the frame of the hidden door. 
         "Felix did it. I didn't know he was going to." I say quickly not wanting to be blamed for it.
         "Who's Felix? And how did he break that thing open?" Dick says as he points to the hatch. 
         "It's alright Margaret. It all can be fixed. Well now that we are meeting officially face to face, I'm Bruce Wayne." Bruce holds his hand out to me with a small smile. I knew that name somehow. My stomach growled loud enough I knew they had to hear it and I was reminded how hungry I was. "You probably are hungry. You were down there for almost a day and Arkham isn't known for its food. Follow me. This is a good opportunity to show you the kitchen." Bruce said as he started to open the doors and walk out. Dick got up and followed him. I waited for a second trying to make sense of it all meanwhile Felix was screaming at me about the circus. He picks the most random things to fixate on. 
         I soon walk with them out into the hall. It was like something out of a movie. The ceiling was high and the long rug on the floor was probably the most expensive looking thing I had ever seen. We pasted many busts and paintings of people who looked just as fancy as the house. As I walked I could feel Felix tailing close behind. He wasn't going to miss a moment of this. We reached a kitchen the size of the last home I was put into. There was an old man standing at the oven with his back to us. 
         "Alfred, this is Margaret. I told you about her." Bruce says as the gray haired man turns around to greet us. He had an apron on that said kiss the chef. 
         "Oh hello Miss Margaret nice to meet you." He says before turning back to the meal he was making. "Do you like steak?" He asks. 
          "Yes." I say shortly. In truth I don't think I had ever had steak before but of course I knew what it was. 
           "Well good it should be done soon. Take a seat." He said motioning to the long line of stools at the bar. It almost looked like it could be a diner. I climbed up one of the stools as Bruce and Dick followed. I wasn't sure how to react. I didn't know if I should trust any of this. 
         "You look bored. Just wait till Tim gets home from school. He's around your age and he has lots of game consoles. You guys will get along great." Dick says as he leans on the counter to look past Bruce. 
         "Will Master Jason be joining us for lunch?" Alfred asked Bruce as he started to lay down plates in front of us. I stared down at my plate. I wasn't even sure if any of this was real. I have had very vivid hallucinations before. Maybe I'm still at Arkham in a bed drooling on myself. 
        "Just put his lunch in the oven. He is probably still sleeping." Bruce responds. A well done steak is placed on my plate, the smell pulled me from my thoughts. I grabbed the fork and knife and started to try and cut my steak. Without saying anything Bruce took his knife and fork and started to cut up the steak. I should feel embarrassed I needed help cutting a steak but I was too hungry to argue. He cut some pieces up and then started to eat his own food. I gave him a small grin before trying mine. It was incredible. I thought with how hard cutting it was it would be hard to chew but it practically melted in my mouth I smiled and started to eat quicker. 
         "This is great as usual Alfred." Dick said in between chews. 
         "It's just something I whipped up. He said as he spooned some potatoes onto our plates. I wasn't sure if he was a butler or a chef but he seemed really nice.
          "What nice people, what do they want with you?" I ignored him as I continued to eat. This food was probably the best I have ever had. While I worked on the potatoes Bruce cut up the last bit of steak. 
         I finished my food first. With a full stomach I could think better and my mind came back to what they were talking about in the office. Adopt I didn't want to be adopted. Could he even do that? Should I bring it up? Before I could say anything Bruce began to speak. 
          "You really do like steak. Well that's good. Great source of protein. Do you want to see the family room next?" He asked as he cleaned his mouth on a cloth napkin. I stare at him blankly. I wish I could say what I was thinking but it was like I couldn't speak at all let alone say anything useful. "You will like it." He said as he stepped off the stool and thanked Alfred before ushering me through two large double doors. 
          "Wait up guys!" I heard Dick yell from the kitchen. The walk seemed so long. Each room was more extravagant than the last. Finally we reached a huge room filled with books and sofas. There was a flat screen up on the wall and under it must be the game consoles Dick was talking about. There were even toys in a fancy wooden box and smaller easels with art supplies on the table and a yoga mat of some kind. The windows were ceiling to floor just like the offices. 
            "What do you like to do? We have something for everyone." Dick says as he runs and jumps on one of the sofas. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. A loud gun fight was playing on the TV when it switched on. I screamed and turned around to look at it horrified. He fumbled with the remote as he tried to turn it down. "Sorry sorry! Must have been Jason in here last." He said with a chuckle. I looked back at Bruce. He was already looking at me. 
         "Go on, make yourself at home." He said as he walked to the other sofa and sat down. I slowly walked over to the box of toys. Maybe he has younger kids as well. Dick was way too old for these and if Tim was my age he's too old for them as well. Maybe Jason is younger. I grabbed a turtle figuring. I held onto it as I moved to the bookshelves. I never was a big reader but some of these books looked so old. 
          "Now's your chance ask Dick about the circus. Go on he loves them!" I looked at Dick who seemed distracted by the movie. "No go ahead he will be so happy about it. Haly's was his favorite as a boy."
          "Hey Dick? What's so special about the Haly's circus? Does it have elephants?" I knew I was tricked as soon as I saw his face. 
         "Excuse me?" He asked as he looked back at Bruce then to me again. 
        "Dick, she-" Bruce was interrupted by Dick.
        "What do you know about it?" I stood there frozen. Felix was laughing as I racked my brain trying to think how to make it better. 
        "I um Felix said you liked them." I said which only made my friend laugh even harder. My face got hot as I felt myself become embarrassed. 
         "It's alright Margaret." Bruce said as Dick turned and looked at him. He had a look of betrayal.
         "Yeah it's alright. I'm just gonna go to my room." He said quickly changing his face back to the more cheerful one he had all day. He got up and left. 
           "I'm sorry I thought he liked the circus. Felix said he did." 
           "It's okay. He does like the circus. It's just a bittersweet place for him. So this Felix, you said he knows stuff? How does he know these things?" Bruse asked  
           "I think he just kinda knows. I never asked. He used to not lie so much though." I say as I look down at my feet feeling guilty for listening. "Sometimes it's hard not to listen to him. Before I know it I'm doing what he said." 
          "Like an intrusive thought?" 
          "I guess he gets mad sometimes if I don't listen as well." I look back up at Bruce. He looked like he was thinking. 
         "When did he start lying?"
         "When the Jeffersons gave me back."
         "I see, that was the family who raised you right?" I nod, I try not to think about them. Whenever I do Felix gets agitated. "Do you think he misses them?" Bruce asked 
          "No, he's mad at them. He said it's all my fault but he says that alot."
         "And Felix has been with you your whole life?" 
          "I think so. Mrs. Jefferson said he was my imaginary friend but he doesn't feel imaginary. He feels more real than anything else sometimes. He is real." I say as I clench the toy turtle tighter in my hand. 
           "I understand he feels real but is he?" Bruce asks but as he does a pair of kid scissors come flying at his head. He ducks and they stab into the wall behind him. 
            "I'm sorry I'm sorry he didn't mean it!" I say running behind Bruce and grabbing the scissors. I hold them close to my chest so Felix wouldn't try and take them back. Bruce turns around to look at me. He's so calm for someone who almost lost their eye. 
           "Okay Felix I understand you are real. I was just making sure. It was rude of me to press the issue." Bruce says to the air as he sits back in his seat. He didn't seem scared or like he was trying to appease Felix. I slowly walk back in front of him and push the scissors under the sofa seat as I sit down. "Does Felix need food, a bed or clothes?" Bruce asks me with a straight face. Not a hint of mockery. I shake my head no 
         "He doesn't like food and I don't think he needs sleep. I have never noticed him sleeping.
      "Well that's easy enough. Any toys or games he likes?" 
      "He's not a child."
      "I thought you couldn't see him?"
      "Sometimes in my dreams I can."
      "What does he look like?" He leaned forward, interested in the answer. I went to answer but the words wouldn't leave my mouth. I just shook my head. I looked down at the turtle in my hand and smiled as I set him on my knee. 
         "Do you like turtles? That was mine when I was a boy. There should be a whole set of reptile figurines in there." Bruce says with a grin. I was thankful he could pick up on that I wasn't able to tell him, I couldn't really talk about what Felix looks like.
           "I do like turtles. They are cute. I like that anywhere they go, they have a home. They are lucky little critters." 
            "That's true I never thought of it like that. Speaking of homes, have you thought about where you will go after we sort this all out?" I shrug. He had to know I heard him and Dick talking about adoption. 
           "Real subtle. Tell this freak you're not interested Margaret. I wanna leave."
            "I heard you and Dick talking when I was hiding in your office. I don't want to live here. I just want to be left alone." I say as I look away from him. Bruce nods like he understands. He puts his hands in his lap and wrings them together as he thinks. He almost looked sorry. 
          "He's already made the calls. We're never leaving this prison." I try to stay calm as Felix runs through the worst outcomes possible. 
         "The problem is Margaret, I have already contacted the adoption agency. The paperwork is being pushed through as we speak. I was hoping you'd like it here and ask to stay." Bruce said in an empathic voice. The remote was thrown at the wall so hard it shattered into pieces. My head felt like it was going to explode. I put my head in my hands and pressed on it, scared it would burst like a dam. "I know you are upset but I also know you will be happier here, safe. We can protect you, you can be a norm-"
         "Stop talking!" My voice almost didn't sound like my own. I felt like my throat was closing but it didn't matter, I couldn't take a breath anyway. More things started to fly in Bruce's direction. I felt tears roll down my face. I didn't want him to be hurt but I was so mad he did this. I could hear Felix talking. I wasn't sure what he was saying. "Why would you do that! Leave me alone! Get out!" I wasn't sure where that voice was coming from. It wasn't mine, it was too deep, too raspy but it was my words. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I looked up and Bruce had stood up and was looking down at me completely calm as many of the items in the room spun around the room circling. 
         "You do what you have to but I'm not going to leave you alone like this." He batted away the occasional object that broke free from the circle. I looked away from him trying to calm myself down as Felix continued his fit. I rubbed my eyes trying to dry my tears. I choked back a few sobs as the circle of projectiles slowed and fell to the ground. 
        "I don't want to stay here." I say in a whimper of a voice. 
        "I understand. We will work it all out. The weather is going to get bad tonight, there's going to be a lot of snow. I'd feel better knowing you weren't wandering the street cold or worse." He said as he put his hand on my head to fix my hair a bit. I couldn't argue with that. I couldn't stand being cold. One night won't hurt. I nod still sniffling. 
        "I'm sorry about the mess." The room was in shambles. 
        "It's okay, just needs to be picked up a bit. Do you want to help me clean it up?" He asked as he kneel down and started by handing me the small toy turtle. I grabbed it and nodded. We slowly picked up what we could. Some things broke. I felt so bad, something like that normally doesn't hit me so fast. I wouldn't let Felix know this but Bruce almost made me feel brave enough to tell Felix off. I foolishly thought he could somehow stop him. I love my friend and don't want him to leave but he can be scary. 
           Looking at Bruce now without the mask he seems so normal. No one would ever guess what he did at night. His eyes even change when he's Batman. He's completely unrecognizable.
         The room was mostly clean now. Some time had passed and we sat in the family room in silence together. It was nice, I was thankful he didn't seem phased by any of it. Part of me wondered how much he could handle. Would he really want me around if I cried all night and kept everyone awake, or if I locked myself away for days. What if Felix hurts me. Can he be so unflinching if Felix hurts one of his other children. I don't see how he can justify the risk for a complete stranger like me. 
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cyaranide · 2 years
mighty glad you stayed
for the prompt icemav + karaoke!
ice has raised an eyebrow at him from the threshold of their backyard, impassive and unimpressed. but maverick only grinned, long immune to the icy exterior of tom kazansky to actually give a damn. his fingers danced lightly on the piano, deft and graceful, the notes ringing beautifully in their shared home.
“come on, ice,” he crooned, one-two-one-two notes accompanying his voice. his grin split his face, carefree as always. “has anyone told you you look like jim morrison?”
“i have no idea where did that come from,” ice frowned, but he walked closer nonetheless, eyes seemingly transfixed on maverick's hands constantly weaving the melody. “and if that's your way of telling me to sing, that's the most terrible one yet.”
and that's the thing with pete mitchell, see. he has this laser eye focus on his target; as sharp as a missile lock, as relenting as a barrage of ammos. ice hummed a song once in the shower and maverick had made it a lifelong mission to get iceman to sing.
the piano now was a nice touch, tad better than the last time maverick tried to cajole him to karaoke along to 'footloose' on the crowded o club. maverick never played the instrument often, only when bradley came over to teach the young kid to play, and it was evident from the way he warmed up to the tuts, feet still wiggling a bit awkwardly on the panels. but the slight frown between his eyes was a proof of his concentration, and ice would find it endearing if it's not for his expense.
“why are you so fixated on this?” ice stood beside the piano now, staring down at maverick—not giving up, yet, curious still. “it's just singing. not a big deal.”
“but that's the thing,” said maverick, stubborn and headstrong in his conviction. if only he showed this kind of enthusiasm for paperwork and not for mundane stuffs such as this. “it's your voice. i wanna hear it, ice. properly, not in the goddamn bathroom.”
“you got a kink for my voice, mitchell?”
“maybe i do,” maverick grinned wider then, the music slowly taking shape in a familiar melody that ice recognized. “come on, i'll sing along to sooth your nerves.”
“please don't, your voice is terrible.”
“then you might just start singing before i rupture your eardrums,” he smiled, wider again, so sure of the victory in front of his eyes. when maverick opened his mouth, he started to hum, “i've got this feeling down deep in my soul that i just can't lose."
lionel richie, how classic. maverick stared down for a moment before he looked back at ice, green eyes bright and smile almost bashful. “guess i'm on way.”
sappy bastard.
“needed a friend, and the way i feel now i guess i'll be with you till the end,” maverick continued on, his voice lulled softly with the accompanying melody. maverick's voice might not be the best out there, but—he played the instrument naturally like it was an extension of his limbs, a display of heartfelt emotions and gentle melodies.
there was always this heat, being around maverick. a great ball of fire, coming from the sky, melting down those who dare to stand in his way. or the crackling ember in the hearth, bright and comforting in a middle of the night.
and the flame would always melt the frozen.
“i'm stuck on you,”
and ice—tom, because maverick had that way with him, chipping away at the cold armor with endearing stubbornness and earnest feeling, until he was iceman no longer and just tom; tom, who loves quietly. tom, who would never deny those bright green eyes anything. tom, who learnt to live with his heart on his sleeves because pete has trusted him enough to do the same.
“been a fool too long,” maverick's eyes widen in delight when ice started to sing along, “i guess it's time for me to come on home.”
it was sappy, tooth-achingly sweet, but the words was sung softly; like a secret, like a confession.
“cause this time, little darling,” ice leaned down on the wooden piano, gazes never leaving each other. maverick missed a few notes, but neither one cared enough, too lost in each other. “i'm coming home to stay.”
“guess i'm on my way.”
mighty glad you stayed.
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