#General ironwood
rwby-encrusted-blog · 19 days
Ironwood: ALRIGHT MEN! ALIENS ARE REAL! First; We must treat them with respect from a distance; Secondly! We must wait for our scientists to collaborate until we can determine the physical compatibility of our immune systems and Microorganic beings! Which means now handholding, no hugging, no Kissing and no Sexual intercourse!
Ironwood: Yes Private!
Ironwood: You WHAT!
Jaune: I Have done nothing but Fuck an Alien for the past three days!
The Squad: ...
Qrow: ... What was it like?
Jaune: You really Don't know?
Qrow: *Also definitely fucked an alien* ... No.
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lord-of-rain · 5 months
Ironwood: And that concludes the situation update. Any questions?
Ruby: *raises her hand*
Ironwood: I swear to the fucking brothers. If you suggest that you and Arc make more silver-eyed warriors again, I will shoot you.
Ruby: *lowers her hand*
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but-a-humble-goon · 5 months
Some Atlas techie was like “this arm’s supposed to be for civilian use right? You said she was a student? Is the gun really necessary?” and presumably Ironwood who’s been looming over his shoulder ruthlessly monitoring his progress the whole time was like “I’ve known Yang Xiao Long for five minutes give or take so I can say with absolute confidence that she’s going to want a gun in this thing.”
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notmaplemable · 7 months
Ironwood: The previous grimm attack was devastating, but as long as the spirit of Atlas remains, we shall fight on.
Winter: General, the caffeine reserves were destroyed.
Ironwood: Then all is lost.
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tumblingxelian · 3 months
OK I am just gonna say it.
In regards to the whole "The writers said Ironwood sacraficing his arm means he is giving up his humanity" thing?
I think that they are 100% talking from Ironwood's perspective there.
Now hear me out.
Ironwood is one of the people who most dehumanizes Penny. Yeah sure he's superficially 'nice' when everything is going his way. Be he explicitly had her made as a weapon and the moment its more convenient to treat her as a tool than a person he does so.
Ironwood is fucking weird about his prosthetics. He is always trying to hide them until they are too bulky to cover up with clothing. He's clearly deeply uncomfortable with them and defaults to blaming them for his own behavior.
Compare & contrast to other characters. All of the heroic characters constantly emphasize Penny's personhood and even when disagreeing with her never start couching their language in commands but convincing arguments as they would anyone else.
What's more, Yang, Maria, Fox, Pietro & hell even Tyrian all wear their prosthetics or disabilities very openly and without shame. The shows framing, theme & narrative do not present these things as some kind of loss of humanity or otherwise as a negative. If "Prosthetics eat your soul" was a thing the writers actually felt, it would be more obvious.
Note: I am unsure whether the writers regard Penny as disabled, so I didn't put her with the others.
Penny's new body. Much for much-ness is made about Penny "Becoming a real girl" as though the show hadn't consistently treated her as one from her first moment on screen. & while ignoring the fact that her new body was clearly a magical/Aura construct given it was made up of wobbly green energies under a scan not flesh and bone like other characters.
Even if we ignore all that, when it comes to her new body and that whole angle, while she did show an appreciation for her new tactile senses, she was also shown to be far more vulnerable & generally to be struggling with the new body & it ultimately led to her fall.
This is very much not on brand if we were meant to regard her mechanical form as some kind of problem outside of how others used it to mistreat her.
One of Atlas's core themes' is dehumanization. The people pf Mantle are dehumanized into a faceless mob, a few city blocks that can easily be crushed beneath Ironwood's heel.
Cinder Fall was "adopted" into child slavery where the rights of her abusers to own and harm her always took precedence over her humanity.
The Ace-Ops are trained to regard themselves, their fellows & everyone else as inherently expendable. Cogs in a machine that can be replaced and should not be cared for or mourned.
& most integrally, when Ironwood sacrificed his arm so he could beat Watts. When he had Watts dangling over a lava pit & said he would sacrifice anything to beat Salem. Watts smirked. Because Watt's knew Ironwood's penchant to view harming himself or others as "Ruthlessness" and thus pragmatism was alive & well & would destroy him. Which it did.
The 'other' statement. There is one other line people point to, namely Yang's V8 line, regarding "The mechanical bits are just extra" as somehow ableist. Even ignoring as I said before that I am unsure CRWBY even regard Penny as disabled, or as equivalent to a person using prosthetics. The fact is, I can only view taking that statement as dehumanizing Penny by virtue of her mechanical nature as at best, misinterpreting Yang's statement.
Seriously, they are talking about the fact Penny will still have a soul. IE the very metric of personhood that's used to define every person in universe! It'd be no different if she was made of clay or cloned flesh.
Conclusion. As I said above, if the writers really felt that way about prosthetics, it would be much more overt than one off hand statement that very much seems to reflect Ironwood's thinking not the writers. Ironwood thinks giving up his arm and replacing them with prosthetics is something that makes him less human, a trait he explicitly admired in/projected onto Salem. It makes so much more sense for the writers to be commenting on Ironwood';'s thought process here given it thematically does not align with the rest of the show at all otherwise.
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I just- no matter how “joking” this is meant to be I cannot comprehend calling an in universe minority and a triple amputee “trash”. They’d probably argue it’s because they’re “eViL” ignoring how the crafting of their stories and how they became “evil” is rooted in racism and ableism.
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
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Remember how people claimed that team rwby had no plan, that ironwood was the real hero, and that ruby somehow had a messiah complex?
The Finale of V9 basically showed every Ironwood Simp that Ruby’s plan worked!
Team RWBY made the right call, and Ironwood failed.
Somebody pick up that phone, because I FUCKING CALLED IT!
@instantbee thanks for the screenshot!
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Jaune: I can't believe I'm gonna have sex on the desk of the Atlesian General.
Penny: It's somewhat Exhilarating, yes? So long as we ensure to disinfect the area, we should not be caught! I will access the Cameras so we are not seen, and the door will remain locked until we leave!
Ironwood: *Looking around suspiciously*
Ironwood: ... Someone Fucked in here. No alcohol, so it wasn't Qrow ... No Perfume, so it wasn't Winter ... The Ace-ops were out on a mission, so none of them could've done it ... Robyn wouldn't have bothered to clean up.
Ironwood: So who had sex in my office?
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rnlacc · 9 days
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Vacuo James Ironwood.
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totallyrwbyquotes · 6 months
Camilla: Uh, s-sir...!
Ironwood, looking at Salem's invasion: I've been told... To think about the ocean, when I'm stressed, and i look at THAT, and I'm REAL stressed. *Turns around*
Camilla: Sir, you're the General!
Ironwood: Imma go to my room, imma think about the ocean... Bye guys, I'm peacin' out. You guys can handle this. *Leaves*
Camilla: Sir, you are the RULER of this kingdom, you have to ACT!!!
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 1 month
More Overwatch/RWBY Crossovers
Rammatra: So Your kind has been subjugated by Humans as Well?
Adam: Yes. And I will make them Pay for what they've done.
Rammatra: Finally! Someone that Makes Sense on this Planet.
Brigitte: I hear you've got a large Family Too?
Jaune: Yep! Seven Sisters, and I love 'em no matter how many times they braid my hair or put me in dresses.
Brigitte: *Giggling* I've got Seven siblings too, but I can't imagine growing up the only Girl.
Jaune: Being the odd one out is always a hassle.
Moira: My, My, what an interesting Attempt at Grafting.
Cinder: *hiding her Grimm arm* I am not One of your experiments!
Moira: If you keep that Attitude up, you will be.
Ana: It's always nice to meet another that Fights the Good Fight.
Maria: *Chuckling* It's Always nice to get into a Good Fight!
Ana: That it can be, That it can be.
Sh4d0w: Nice Organization Sparky. It made it Real easy to find what I needed.
Arthur: *slams fist on Desk*
Cassidy: I Had a Boss like you Once. Didn't Like 'im all that much.
Ironwood: So long as you follow my orders, there won't be a problem.
Cassidy: That's Funny. He'd say the exact same thing.
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sarahshoots1st · 8 months
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but-a-humble-goon · 1 year
Love that RWBY Volume 7 said you can take your ruthless "pragmatism" and shove it up your ass. A humanity that chooses expediency over morality, that has decided the innocent are expendable, that has reduced human lives to statistics, that has thrown away everything that seperates us from the literal soulless monsters clawing at our walls out of fear is not a humanity worth fighting for. Our strength isn't in what we're willing to sacrifice, it's in what we're not.
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notmaplemable · 6 months
Jaune: General, I have a question.
Ironwood: Then please, ask away.
Jaune: Why do all of the military huntsmen have the rank of specialist? Doesn't that just make everything confusing?
Ironwood: No no no, you see Arc, the reason is- Is that a pack of MILFs!?
Jaune: Where!?
Ironwood: *Runs out of the room*
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metalgearkaiju · 10 months
rwby doodle requests!
just a quick thing for some moots <:
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Instagram introduced me to a new template and I had some fun with it lolZ.
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