#HE DID IT ALL WITH ME // ship: Sam/Rafe
Broken Dreams On The Ocean Floor - Rafe Alder X GN Reader
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Title: Broken Dreams On The Ocean Floor
Rafe Adler X GN Reader
Additional Characters: Sam and Nathan (Mentioned)
Requested by Anon!
WC: 1,116
Warnings: Rafe is depressed, shaving razor mentioned (nothing bad), fire mentioned, Uncharted 4 canon violence mentioned, wounds/injuries mentioned, blood mentioned, hurt/comfort, Rafe needs cuddles, slight angst, and fluff
The razor gently scraped against Rafe's skin, as you shaved away the stubble on his cheeks. Rafe said nothing, completely despondent. His seafoam eyes were dull as he stared off into space. The only sound in the room was the occasional soft swishes of water as you cleaned the razor. You raised the razor once more, slowly, carefully shaving along his cheekbone, until it reached where the scruffy stubble met the smooth skin. You bit your lip, trying to concentrate on helping Rafe, but your mind wandered back to only a few hours before. 
You could still remember the flames, they haunted you every time you closed your eyes. You remembered the heat, the smell of smoke, and the fear that had once paralyzed you. The sound of wood burning, grunting, and swords clashing filled your ears. With the ship burning around you, all that was on Rafe's mind was that treasure. It had consumed him, body and soul. Though Rafe had become even more short-tempered than usual, that didn't stop you from trying to get him off that ship before it was too late. His hand held the sword with a death grip, breathing heavily as you slowly walked towards him, even as Nathan tried to yell to you, to stop you, you ignored him. Standing before the man you loved, you told him to drop the sword, to come with you. And you were glad he did.
But now, having failed to retrieve his treasure, Rafe was, in better words, depressed. Everything he had done and worked hard for... Wasted away into nothing but broken pride and bloody knuckles. You understood how he felt, knowing how much Rafe had wanted this... Needed this. Though, you couldn't help but just be glad he listened to you and followed you out of that ship. For the briefest of moments, you had thought he'd go down with the ship, the treasure along with it. 
Placing down the razor, you grabbed a fabric washcloth, dabbing away any shaving cream that remained on his now soft skin. You almost smiled, looking down at the man before you. But, Rafe just sat there, silently, his eyes remaining on the floor; a far-off look in his eyes. He looked so defeated, it broke you. You had never seen him like this. Your lips parted to say something, but you closed them, deciding against it. Taking his bloody hands in yours, you started the slow process of cleaning any and all of his wounds, making sure they were clean before you helped him into the shower, before helping him to the bedroom. Rafe sat on the bed, hair wet and dripping as you patted it dry with a silk towel. After, you fidgeted with the slightly damp towel, finally speaking up, "Rafe, darling, I'm going to shower. Do you need anything?" You asked, only to get nothing in response. You felt tears prick your eyes as you sighed sadly, wanting to do something for him, but you didn’t know what to do, or what to say… Turning back to the bathroom, you showered the smell of smoke off you.
Rafe was still where he was when you left him, he hadn't moved an inch. Adjusting Rafe's old college sweatshirt, your wet hair leaving small discolored spots in the wake, you wandered over. Sitting beside him, you stared at him. Rafe's lips were turned into a deep frown, and his brows were furrowed. His fists clenched tightly at his sides, but he looked so tired. After taking some time to study him, you decided to speak up again. "Rafe, honey, let's go to bed, alright?" He said nothing, and you tried again, "Please, my love, speak to me." You begged, but again, Rafe said nothing. You thought you saw a slight flickering in his eyes, but maybe that was just wishful thinking. Rafe didn't move. 
Rafe lay in his bed, the plush and warm blanket covering his waist as he stared up at the ceiling as you brushed your teeth in the bathroom. You peeked out from behind the door, checking on him for the fourth time, before quickly spitting out the toothpaste foam and dropping your toothbrush in the small glass cup on the sink. Climbing into bed, you tucked your legs underneath you slightly, peering down at the love of your life with such concern. Rafe's gaze continued to be vacant, not focusing on you at all.
He lay, unmoving on the large bed, his breathing steady. You pushed under the blankets, before scooting closer and closer to Rafe, before pausing. Reaching out, you hesitantly placed your hand on his far shoulder, pulling him into you; his head coming to rest on your chest. You wrapped your arms securely around him, hugging him as tight but as gently as possible. Trying to somehow send all your love through him, hoping that it would break him out of his depressing trance, but you knew that wasn’t possible. This was no fairy tale. Stroking your fingers through his short hair, you whispered softly, your lips brushing his forehead, "I love you, Rafael... So, so much." He still said nothing. Shaking your head, you muttered, "I'll always love you..." As you continued stroking his hair, "You've worked so hard, and you did all you could." You nuzzled your nose into his hair on the top of his head, the scent of his natural musk engulfing you. "There will be other treasure-hunting adventures, I know it." You kissed his forehead, before adding, "We can make this work." Rafe's eyes still remained open, only this time half-lidded. 
After a while of laying in the dark, your fingernails gently scratching Rafe's scalp as you hummed a soft tune, you finally felt movement. Pausing, you watched in shock as Rafe's hand rose, sliding across your waist and under your… His sweatshirt. His large warm hand pressed against your backside as he pulled you in even closer. You shivered as his warm breath tickled your neck, and you could feel him press his lips against your skin. His own little way of telling you that he knew... That he loved you too. 
You sighed in relief, holding Rafe close to you as you closed your eyes, hoping sleep would eventually overtake you both. You hoped he wouldn't stay awake all night, worrying about what happened to his treasure. You hoped he would finally rest, after so many months of chasing after a dream. But, you knew that in the future, Rafe would find some other treasure to hunt for. You knew that whatever happened next, you'd do everything in your power to make sure Rafe would come out alive. 
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marvelshifter111 · 2 months
Incorrect qoutes - Marvel DR
- i got a bit carried away
*the Avengers coming back from a mission*
Pietro: Luna, why aren't you sleeping
Luna: yeh, no. I don't really sleep much
Natasha: but all of your powers are dreams related…?
Luna: ironic, isn't it?
Loki: Luna, you're going to bed. Now.
Luna: okay, alright. I'm coming
Loki: you're annoying
Luna: stop holding my hand then
Mattheo: What should I do yo get my crush ask me out?
Luna: well you know how people say "just be yourself"? Well don't do that
Mattheo: *I'm gonna kill her*
Luna: remember that kid you kicked in the face last week?
Tom: which one? I kicked like three
Luna: the one who-... I'm sorry, what?!
Antonija: if i punch myself, and it hurts, am i strong or weak?
Marija: strong
Mattheo: weak
Luna: a dumbass is what you are
Steve: how did you sleep Luna?
Luna: with closed eyes
*Rafe (my brother) and me sitting on the balcony, he's smoking and I'm drinking coffee*
Luna: you're gonna get lung cancer
Rafe: you're gonna get heart disease
Tony: you are 15, going on 16
Marija & Antonija: actually we're 18
Luna: and I'm 19
Tony: wait, what-
Sam: she broke up with me!
Luna: you never had a girlfriend
Sam: i know, i just wanted to see if you'd care
Clint: that sounded like Luna
Antonija: no, no, it couldn't be her
Luna: *yelling at Thor in the kitchen* you ridiculously stupid moron!
Marija: …
Natasha: it's her
Antonija: it's her
Luna: i am at a lost of words!
Antonija: despite being lost for words
Marija: Luna yelled at us for 45 minutes
Luna: don't touch me, you'll burn-
Antonija: watch me burn, watch me burn
Luna: i will break your fucking arm off, I'm so-
Marija: biscuits or cookies?
Marija: he just doesn't respond to me!
Antonija: okay, so let's burn down his house
Marija: NO-
*on a meeting*
Marija: what if we steal his car and drive it into the lake?
Steve: no...
Luna: with him in it
Tony: NO
Luna: So i saw him talking to this guy the other day-
Yelena: *already taking her knife out*
Luna: put it down, it was his BROTHER!
*on a party*
Antonija: Luna, why'd you say you don't like Loki?
Luna: *drunk* i don't like Loki...i looovee him
Loki: *chuckles and hugs me tighter*
Wanda: oops, got your mental illness
Luna: give that back. That was a gift from my mother
Wanda: *laughs*
Thor: *looking at me and Loki* they're cute together, I'd put them on a boat
Marija: ...what?
Steve: isn't that how you say it?
Peter: you mean you ship them?
Tony: shit, we're gonna die
Steve: i don't want to hear the negative attitude
Luna: we're gonna die! Yeeeeaaaaa
Luna: is that blood?
Loki: don't worry, love. It's not mine
Luna: was that supposed to reassure me?!?!
Steve: women shouldn't curse
Luna: get fucked
Luna: where's that idiot anyway?
Thor: I'm here
Luna: no, not you
Antonija: I'm here
Luna: no, not you either
Peter: I'm fine
Luna: you sure? You look like you'll faint
Peter: yeah...you might wanna catch me
Luna: are you gonna help me or are you too pretty?
Loki: I'm too pretty
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contractterminvted · 4 years
~ tag dump ~
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infriga · 2 years
I actually managed to beat Uncharted 4 on crushing, and I only had to use auto-aim for 2 sections! One was during the Shoreline ambush in chapter 18, and the other was during first fight in chapter 20, those fights are just so hard even on lower difficulties and I made poor choices when conserving ammo prior to those fights so I was very low on ammo for both of them. Even then I still died a lot with auto aim lol. I had managed to get the ps5 upgraded version of uncharted 4 due to a friend being willing to get it for me, so I hadn't unlocked the bonuses yet, meaning I couldn't use that to get more guns and ammo (I might go back to try and beat them with more ammo at some point). Still, even with those two little cheat moments, I feel like it basically counts lol. I wasn't sure I'd manage, since I'm not usually someone who plays games on harder difficulties than normal, but I've gotten a lot better at playing games in recent years so I've been playing more games on harder difficulties than I used to.
Also, Rafe and Nadine are easily the best antagonists in the series. I mean, the villains in the first 3 games aren't all that deep or memorable to begin with, especially in the first game (with the exception of dear Eddy Raja may he rest in pieces lol), but the 4th game antagonists also just have a lot of moments and character quirks that not only make them more memorable, but also make them feel more like distinct characters who have their own desires and lives that exist outside of Nathan's circle of influence, and outside of the main plot in general. Plus for once this wasn't a case of bad guys fucking with supernatural forces beyond their comprehension and threatening the safety of the world, forcing Nate to have to intervene to save everyone. It was just some rich guy who wanted to find a treasure to prove his own worth outside of his inherited wealth. Nathan was only forced to get involved because his brother was a big fat dingus.
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victorsullys · 3 years
Uncharted Movie thoughts (spoilers):
-Tom Holland ok - why he look 12 and 30 at same time??
-Chloe. That’s it. That’s all.
-Liked sexy dance club scene too short.
-not enough cats. Too many cats?
-Auction scene too familiar. I was actually forgetting Rafe wasn’t there.
-I think they missed the part where Drake isn’t actually their name. They know that right? It felt like they did not.
-I understood the Scottish fella. Every word.
-just right amount of Sam. ie 1 scene is plenty.
-Music was boring until it wasn’t. Then I was just crying at the music but not at the movie.
-Antonio banderas borin af. They cast him and they WASTED him.
-Braddock… meh? More wasted potential.
-Sully and Nate headcanon from now on is that Nate takes sullys phone and closes all the apps sully leaves open 10/10 best scene
-Sully and nate cuddle fest
-Plane scene stupid af.
-Basically uncharted 4 without the detail
-Ok locations, pretty standard for uncharted
-Flying pirate ships??? tried too hard. Sorry.
-Nolan North cameo 100000/10
-naughty dog sticker in suitcase spotted
-Nate had good wardrobe. Sully looked wayyyyy too generic. That final scene in Barcelona and he was just wearing some generic grey gym top? Gtf outta here.
-Clues to treasure fun I guess. Too much Sam leading them.
-I enjoyed papa johns more than sully.
-Just not goofy enough - needed more Nate quips. I see that they tried but it just didn’t hit.
-the scene where he finds the pirate ships straight up looked like it had been taken from U4. I was REALLY expecting Rafe to show up.
-I honestly tried to ignore mark wahlberg as much as possible but the part where he ditched the treasure to save Nate was 👌🏻
-I don’t wanna talk about the post credit scene. If I try too hard to think about it it’ll ruin U3 Cartagena chapter for me
-End credits sucked ass. Worst ever. What was that song. M.I.A needed if sequel but maybe only Chloe deserve good tunes.
Final thoughts: it was… fine? Was it bad? No. Was it good? Also no.
The real treasure was the games we played along the way.
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trickkombowerskru · 3 years
Going On Adventures With Nathan
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Request: No here is the 12th day of the 25 days of trickkombowerskru! which goes to @simpingorajbby and they wanted hcs about Nathan Drake y/n going on all the adventures with him?
A/N: So uh this is faaaaar overdue and I am so so sorry thank you for being patient with me.
Warnings: None
It was never boring in your life knowing Nathan Drake
You had known him since you were kids
Orphanages across the street from each other 
And all you could always see when his order brother would come by
Soon enough he tangled you into their adventures
Sam saw you as someone who would look after Nate when he wasn't around
And since on the rare occasion the boys and girls homes intertwined you always did
Luckily you were there the night they got busted
So you skipped town with them and didn't look back
You weren't as knowledgeable as the boys 
But you always did your research properly to be prepared for finds
You were with the guys for years....
And then Sam died
That was really rough on both of you
It took a few years for you to get back into the game
Buuuut then you get a lead on Sir Francis Drakes treasures
And how could you pass that up?
You right off the bat liked Elena and throughout the adventure you and Sully were shipping in the shadows
Kinda being pissed at Nate when they broke up for the first time
But then Chloe comes into the picture and you two get along great
Being absolutely pissed at Flynn for his betrayal
While also being scared shitless of those blue guardian monsters
Also that Elena wasn't gonna make it
But thankfully she did 
And her and Nate got make back together even engaged at some point
Annnnd then they broke up again 
While you and Sully kicking the dust as you were the number one shippers
Your next big adventure dealing with Marlowe and Talbot...
Now there was a time
Wanting to dip with Chloe and Cutter when his leg breaks
But you knew you couldn't leave Nate right now
And in the end it all worked out
After nearly dying AGAIN you head off
Nate and Elena were finally FINALLY were back together for good this time
And everything seemed perfect
Over the next few years you too had settled down a bit
You had a steady job but still went on adventures with Chloe or Cutter every few months
You couldn't leave the life like Nate
Then what would you have known
Sam was somehow alive and came barreling straight back into your lives
Making the hunt for Avery's treasure officially on
Going against Rafe after all these years with a whole army not the best idea
But it was to save his life
Ooooor so you thought
Turns out his story was a load of crap and he was just too stubborn to let go of Avery's treasure
So much so it nearly got him killed
And then making it to barely escaping with your lives
After that you did settle for a few more years before going back since you still couldn't leave the life
At least not until Sam and Sully retired years later
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fuckthefireflys · 4 years
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SUMMARY: you being to see a side to rafe, that made you slowly fall in love with him.
SONG RECOMMENDATION: i found by amber run
CHARACTERS: drake!reader x rafe adler.
WARNINGS: mentions of parental issues/death, mentions of abusive father, swearing, mainly fluff.
A/N: in this, instead of nate and rafe fighting in the ship, the reader and nate managed to convince rafe to leave the treasure and go with them, allowing him to survive. this imagine is set after them leaving libertalia.
﹋ ﹋ ﹋ ﹋
It was six months after the whole Avery mess, your eldest brother was off on some job with Sully and your other older brother was back with his wife, officially retired now. As for you, you were somewhere you never thought you would be, sitting in a hotel room with Rafe Adler.
You and Rafe had been working a few jobs together, he had been hesitant to ask you, but he knew that you were the only one that could help him. Your brothers hated the idea of you working with Rafe, especially since you all tried to kill eachother, but you were a strong believer in second chances. Plus you liked all the fancy clothes Rafe would buy you for your covers.
Little did Nate and Sam know, you and Rafe often had to pretend to be married, as a cover for the fancy events you sometimes had to go to for the jobs. The two of you had definetly grew closer, physically and emotionally.
Your current job involved a rich con man, named Jonathan Waynes, who owned an artifact that Rafe had his eye on for years. After many failed attempts at trying to buy it off him, Rafe gave up and called you, wanting to now steal it from him.
You now sat in Rafe’s hotel room, you at the table and him on the bed, both eating the fancy hotel food he had called up. Never in a million years do you think you would ever been in this situation.
“So, how do you know Wayne’s?”
Rafe asked you, looking up from his food, a slight smirk on his face as he awaited the answer. The two of you had grown closer while working these jobs, and you started to see a side to Rafe you never had before. It was almost as if he had built this wall and was now slowly beginning to break it down.
“Oh, I, uh... I stole from him when I was younger.”
You smiled slightly as the man chuckled, secretly already knowing the answer.
“Really? How much?”
“$350. It was the most I’d ever been able to pickpocket form someone.”
You looked at Rafe, seeing that he was impressed.
“Not bad. If you don’t mind me asking, why?”
You hesitated slightly, not knowing whether or not opening up to someone like Rafe Adler was a good idea.
“After me and my brothers escaped the orphanage, we were pretty much on the run from the police. We ended up in some random town, no money or food, so we had to steal. We knew it was wrong, but we didn’t really have a choice.”
You kept your eyes down, staring at the food on your plate, not wanting to look at the man that sat opposite you.
After a few moments of silence, your eyes met Rafe’s, you struggled to read his face, but caught a glimpse of sympathy.
“I’m sorry you had to do that. It can’t of been nice.”
“Yeah, it wasn’t. That’s part of the reason why we got into treausre hunting, we were good at stealing and we needed the money. God, I would’ve given anything to live like you.”
He chuckled sadly.
“Yeah, well, it’s not all that nice.”
You watched as Rafe stood up, grabbing his and your plates and putting them on the tray they came on before sitting back on the edge of the bed. You hesitated slightly, before walking over and sitting next to him. He looked at you, smiling softly.
“How so?”
“I mean the money’s nice, I guess, not having to worry about anything. But you never did anything for yourself. Everything was handed to you on a silver platter, and I hated it. I wanted to do things for myself, earn things.”
“Is that why you became so obsessed with finding Averys treasure?”
“Yeah. I just wanted to be known for something I did, not my parents. I also wanted to prove to them that I was good enough. I wanted them to see that I didn’t need their money, or their business. They always did underestimate me, especially my father. Hell, I think he might of actually hated me.”
As Rafe spoke, he became more hesitant, almost as if he felt like he was saying to much. You could tell that he’d never opened up to anyone like this before and that he was uncomfortable with it.
“My dad was a dick too. I don’t remember him much, but from what my brothers have told me, he changed when my mom died. He got really depressed and started drinking, which only made him angrier and you did not want to be around my dad when he was angry. Eventually, he gave up and threw us in that God forsaken orphanage.”
He chuckled slightly at your final sentence, wondering how a Catholic orphanage could be described as God forsaken. Rafe would never have told you, but deep down he felt bad for you. He spent his life complaining about it, while you were out there stealing for food.
“A Catholic orphanage doesn’t sound so bad?”
“Oh, it was. You know, the nuns would starve us as punishment.”
“Well that’s not very holy of them.”
“No, it wasn’t.”
You sensed the playfulness behind Rafe’s words and laughed, the gloomy atmosphere being lifted, as he laughed along with you. Looking up at him, you suddenly realised how close the two of you were and honestly, you didn’t mind it.
“I never told anyone that before. The stuff about my parents.”
“Well, Adler, your secrets safe with me.”
He smiled down at you, moving his arm out of his lap and behind you, turning slightly so that he was now facing you. You lifted your legs up onto the bed, so that you were now sitting crossed legged, also facing Rafe.
You looked up at him, suddenly nervous under his gaze, as your eyes travelled slowly to his lips and back to his hazel eyes, his doing the same. The man moved his head down slowly, while you lifted yours, your lips touching. He rested a large hand on your waist, as yours snaked up to hold the side of your face. This kiss was slow, but passionate, something you had both been wanting for a while.
You hesitantly pulled away, not wanting the kiss to end but you were running out of breathe. You opened your eyes, letting them meet with Rafe’s, smiles planted on both your faces.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time.” He muttered, just loud enough for you to hear.
“So have I. I really like you, Rafe. I’ll be honest, I never thought I would, but these past couple months, I’ve seen a different side to you. One that I really like.”
“I’m glad you feel the same.” He smirked before kissing you again, pulling you on top of him and leaning back on the bed.
“You know my brothers are gonna kill you.”
“Yeah, how about we keep this to ourselves for a while?”
“I’m fine with that.”
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reegistrying · 3 years
Okay, what we think about Rafe and Nadine relationship? Was it s*xual? Professional? Romantic? I’ve see a lot of back and forth between them. What do you think?
Okay, so I dont know if I really have that much to say for this question. Their relationship is pretty ambiguous throughout the game and, although I have some theories, I couldn't really make big reflections or really bring myself to see much beyond the surface, but I'm gonna try my best with it!
I went into a little research on different forums for this one, mostly on reddit, but just as I suspected, getting into this spaces is diving into a territory where the line between "game analysis" and "misogynistic discourse" is as blurry as it can get. Most of them would refer to Nadine as a gold digger who hooked up with Rafe because she needed his money to keep her army afloat and that is, in my opinion, underestimating Nadine, if not straight up disrespecting her whole character.
So, that said, here are some of my conclusions:
Short answer:
Professional? No doubt.
Sexual? Maybe.
Romantic? I really don't think so.
Nadine and Rafe's relationship, although presented as strictly professional, heavily implies through the whole game that there is something more to it. The way they act around each other, the tension, everything brings us to think there is something there that we, as outsiders, are missing. 
The things is, this said tension, I really can't make out the nature of it.
There is a sort of complicity between them, that could either come from a complicated relationship they have, covered by the professionalism they both hold in their workplace, or by a twisted game of power to determine who is in control in this said "equal" partnership, where they both enjoy their little moments of triumph any time any of then gets the upper hand against the other.
I lean more towards the second option.
For example:
In Scotland, at the end of the cave scene where Nadine and Rafe argue about their disagreements of the methods each of them choose to carry out their search for the treasure, Nadine leaves Rafe completely speechless and then finishes their conversation with a simple "it's not personal" accompanied by an unusually gentle gesture of softly touching his face with her hand and a smile.
Now that gesture, placing her hand on his face so gently, did not come across to me as sweet in any way. It was purely provocative, not in a sexual way, but to show Rafe that she was right, that now she had the upper hand and that she was the one in control of this situation and finished making her point with a self satisfied smile.
Later, reaching the end of the game, when they find Avery's ship and Sam steals one of Rafe boats, they again find themselves in another heated argument: Nadine wants to quit, Rafe wants to keep going.
And here things start to reach its peak:
Nadine tells Rafe he doesn't deserve the treasure, that is a direct punch to Rafe ego, who gets to the point of physically striking her, not only in an anger outburst, but also to assert his dominance over a situation he's losing control of.
Nadine, as expected, strikes back, harder, in an attempt to climb back the step Rafe just pushed her off of. But Rafe had a trick under his sleeve and so Nadine finds herself with the guns of her own soldiers pointed at her head.
Now this takes Nadine by surprise and suddenly, he has the upper hand. Or that's what she lets him believe.
Her final and winning act is betraying Rafe and locking him on that ship to burn with the treasure that cost her her army.
In the end, none of them won. But Rafe is dead and Nadine is alive. It's too late for him, but she still has a chance to make something out of it and regain everything she lost to Avery.
Now their relationship... for me it's not a relationship, it's a competition. Aside from the auction scene, all their interactions denote a certain rivalry. It might have started as a partnership, but this is what you get when you cross two people with different mindsets but same level of pride.
If there was something sexual to it, we'll never know. But this is my analysis based on the things the game canonically shows.
Well would you look at that! Turns out I really DID have a lot to say about this XD
Thank you so much for sending this question, although I thought I wouldn't have much to say about it I actually ended up having a lot of fun writing this analysis. This two characters are incredibly interesting and haunting and this ask served me as a little push to take a closer look at them.
Hope you're having a great day and feel free to send another ask any time you want!
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thepaperpanda · 4 years
Baby Sister || Sam Drake x Adler!Reader
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Summary: You’re the baby sister of Rafe Adler. It’s been a while since he was imprisoned in Panama jail in an attempt to get a clue on his treasure hunting. Missing him dearly as he is the only family member that left you, you make your way into the prison to meet with Rafe. Unfortunately, he isn’t happy seeing you. The entire situation ends in you and Samuel Drake getting a bit too close to one another.
Warnings: Smut! ♥
Words: 4194
Authors: Cass & Rouge
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It has been half a year since the day your older brother, Rafael Adler, was imprisoned in Panama prison.
Missing him dearly, you begged the director of the facility to let you meet with your brother. It took you several visits to gain man's trust of not being smuggler of any kind, and in the end you've gotten a permit.
That day the gates of Panama prison opened for you widely, and two guards escorted you directly to a meeting room.
Dressed in a black, flared dress that reached half of your thighs, and flat, white sneakers, you stepped inside the outpost.
There was a horrible kind of climate of fear and paranoia there, it made a cold shiver run down your spine.
Some nasty comments addressed to you by prisoners while you were following the guards along a desolated corridor made your involuntary gag reflex harder than ever before.
Soon, the three of you have reached a huge, steel door. One of the guards opened them with a key that was previously attached to his belt. You were allowed inside, and as soon as you stepped in, you saw Rafael standing next to the window, he was peeking outside, at a prison yard.
"Rafael!," Your voice was nothing more but a quiet mumble.
Rafe wasn't happy, not even a little bit.
He knew there were problems coming when he heard from Vargas that there was a young girl begging to let her meet with a brother.
"What are you doing in here, huh? I told you to stay away from it, does your little female brain have problems with processing words?,” He growled, crossing arms over his chest. The last thing he needed now was his little sister dragging him and the whole job down.
Without regard for his rough words, you approached him and simply nuzzled to his chest.
The gap between the two of you wasn't too big, yet he was 5 years older than you.
Since when he was gone from your family home, you had to take care of yourself, and it was rather a thankless task. You didn't know what to do, and cried thousands of years after him.
Even though his attitude towards you was always harsh, you loved him dearly. He was your only family, and he was a role model in your eyes.
You and Rafe exchanged a lot of letters, he assured in them that he missed you equally much as you did miss him.
"It's been so long, brother. I was so scared you might be hurt... You stopped responding to my letters, so I did everything to be allowed in here... I just had to check whether you're in good health or not..."
Rafe rolled his eyes, he was getting annoyed.
"Are you done with yapping? I told you I am busy with Drakes, I am not going to waste my time on silly letters," man added, looking at you. "I left you home with everything you needed. I even hired this stupid butler just to make sure you won't die out there."
Rafe tried his best to get rid of you. Yes, you were his only family member, but most of the time you were a bit too much to handle for him. Following and nagging him. "Do you need anything?"
"I missed you... That's all," you whispered sadly and quickly took a place on a metal chair standing at the tip of a metal table. "The butler won't replace my brother, in any way. The house is so huge, so empty and cold without you being there," you lowered your head.
Anytime he was raising his tone on you, he was guilt-tripping you. You were only a girl, and even your desperate attempts in getting his attention (like trying to study all the stuff he needed in his so called work), you were always pushed aside in the end.
"If that's all you can go back home. I really don't have time for sensitivity, I didn't come here for pleasure. I. Am. Working. Here!," He said loudly, hands clenched in fists.
Rafe honestly had enough of you already. You're always coming to him because you wanted to show pointless stuff, or you needed something. It was driving him crazy sometimes.
Lowering your head, you bit your lower lip hard. You closed eyes for a moment, trying your best to hold the tears back. You never knew what you have done wrong in your lifetime to deserve such a treatment from his side.
When you cooled down a little, you got up, and not looking at him you walked to the door and banged them to let guards know the visit was finished.
"It was nice to see you all well after all," you whispered.
"Sit down," Rafe said suddenly, pointing on the metal chair. "Now," he ordered harshly.
Blinking and being taken aback by his sudden interest, you looked at him above your shoulder.
In the same moment one of the guards peeked inside.
In Spanish you thanked him and assured it won't take you long, because apparently your brother wants to tell you something.
As soon as the door was closed again, you took a seat.
"Now, stay here," he muttered, briefly patting the top of your head. "Don't even move," Rafe instructed before leaving the room, he knew the guard won't be a problem. Rafe paid a lot to get himself and Drake brothers in here after all.
A few minutes later the door opened again, but this time it wasn't Rafe. It was one of Drake brothers, the older one to be exact.
"Hello? Rafe said that there might be a nice lady to talk to?," Sam hummed and looked at you with a cigarette slipped between his lips. "Hey."
You frowned, but remained quiet, and didn't even shift in your spot. You observed the man, and you did recognise him after many of your brother stories. It was probably Samuel Drake, the older from Drake brothers. The one who had to be an expert in pirate stuff that Rafe needed so desperately in his work.
You licked your lips, and tilted your head a little. "Where's Rafe?"
Sam moved the cigarette from one corner of his mouth to another. "Um, I don't know. He said there is a nice lady here, and went on with his stuff. I'd come with my little brother, but sadly he is busy as well. You would love him, he is younger and more your age, but of course not as charming as I am," he winked and sat on the chair right in front of you.
In the first impulse you wanted to get out of the room. You were all alone with a complete stranger. Rafe has left you to the wolves again, you weren't even surprised. Instead, a rage was filling your soul.
But then a realization came to your mind; if this was one of Drake brothers, you could prove your brother your real value by trying to get some information from this man. You decided to play a little game.
You rested your chin on your hand. "So you must be the older from Drake duo," whispering, you tilted your head aside and smiled on h sweetly.
Sam nodded with a smile on his lips. "Yup! Samuel Drake at your service."
Sam heard about you, mostly about how annoying you were, but here he was, right in front of you. You were sitting in front of him in this beautiful dress, you looked cute to him. "So... He left you here? All alone?"
With a little shrug a little sigh came along. "As you can see," you looked down on your hands and rubbed them together. "My brother was never an effusive person, especially not when it came to me," adding, you slowly got up from your place and walked to the window.
Sam nodded slowly. "I can tell, we spent some time together and honestly I am surprised. I am an older brother myself, I would die for Nathan," he summed up.
Listening to his words, you peeked out of the window to see a few guards with guns patrolling the yard.
You turned to the man that was trapped with you in a room, slowly bending your ass against the low windowsill. "Your brother's lucky then."
Sam watched you without saying a word.
You decided to take over control. Knowing the place he was in, you assumed it must have been a great while since he held a woman in his arms. Playing with emotions was something you were thankful to Rafe for teaching you.
You walked to the man and simply took a seat on his lap. Gently playing with his sideburn, you licked your lips. "I've heard you're a specialist from pirates. Is that true? Are you currently looking for a treasure? My brother was telling me you're good at this."
It was happening quickly, but he didn't mind at all, they all were locked down there for a bit too long, and he surely missed the woman's company. "Yes, I am a pirate expert, and yes, we are looking for a treasure. That's why our asses are stuck in here."
"I was always interested in my brother's work, though he didn't want to share anything with me," you whispered in a sad tone. "Do you know where to look for this treasure or whatever it is?," You asked sweetly after a moment of silence. Your fingers trailed up and down his chest.
Sam chuckled, placing a gentle kiss to your cheek. "Listen, little one, I know you tried to find out something so you could tell your brother, but sadly that ship has sailed. Rafe knows about everything we do," Drake shrugged, patting your hip.
You blinked a few times, his words surprised you much. Shifting slightly in your place, you bit your lower lip, and looked him in the eye.
Sam grabbed your chin, his thumb gently stroked it. "What's wrong, Y/N?," He asked simply.
"I...," You mumbled and went quiet. You felt like a complete idiot. First, you tried to seduce the man to get information about him. And he figured your plan out so quickly.
Your eyes glistened as you gazed at him; he was a handsome man.
"Want me to get you out of here? I can walk you to the guard station. Just talk to me," Drake stated, rubbing your back.
You didn't know how to behave. Taking he was an enemy of some kind, you should have kicked him right in the balls. But on the other hand, he was kind to you all the time, even if you tried to mock him. "Yes, please," you asked politely.
Sam helped you get off his lap, then he got up and walked you to the door. Sam even opened them for you. "Honestly, pity you don't want to stay longer, but it was a pleasure to meet you after all."
You stopped him from opening the door fully. You didn't know why you acted this way, but an urge grew within your body. It's been a while since you were with a man as well. You didn't know why, but this guy was turning your head upside down. "No," you whispered and closed them, you leaned your back against the steel.
Sam chuckled. "Are you like one of those typical women that don't know what they want?," He teased you.
Blushing, you turned your head aside.
Thinking about your past, you knew you made a lot of mistakes. You knew it was wrong to blindly follow your brother's will, yet you did.
But now you wanted to decide for yourself. At least once in a lifetime. If he left you alone, like a prey you seemingly were to him, you had a right to use the situation as well, hadn't you?
You wrapped your arms around the man's chest and nuzzled him.
Sam wrapped his arms around you.
You were cute, the whole 'I can't decide' thing was getting into him.
Sam grabbed your hips and picked you up to take a good look at you. "Is there something you want to tell me, sweetheart?"
"I have never met a man as handsome and mysterious as you," you mumbled openly, giggling as he picked you up.
"And I have never met a girl as sweet and small as you," Sam said, surprised at how light you were. "So, what shall I do with you now, huh?," He hummed nuzzling to you. Sam was aware of your intention but he wanted to hear it from you.
"Put me down, that's first," you asked calmly, and as soon as he did, you looked up into his eyes. He was twice your height, towering over you like skyscrapers over a block. "Second," you pretended to be thinking hardly, "if I'm Adler, and if you're Drake, then we can think about some nice way to bury the hatchet."
"Well, that would be nice if we would have any 'hatchet' to bury, love, and we have none," Sam said, looking down on you. "I have never seen you before and if you will try to play around some more I will simply leave."
"What am I supposed to say?," You whispered.
"Tell me what you want, Y/N. Rafe told me to take care of you and I will gladly do this," Sam muttered with a mischievous grin.
You smiled at him and tilted your head aside. "Take me to my brother."
Sam rolled his eyes and lit the cigarette.
Soon, he led you out of the room and took you to Rafe.
"Oh, for fuck's sake, even Drake had enough of you?," Rafe asked deeppy annoyed as soon as he spotted you entering the yard.
As your brother was sitting with a few men, you excused them and tugged on his sleeve. "What the fuck was that?," You asked him in a lowered voice. "Who the fuck I am for you? A fucking toy you can toss everywhere and to anyone you want?," You asked him as you walked aside for a bit.
"I never asked you to tag along, you always followed me like an annoying little brat you truly are," Rafe growled. "You are an adult, go get a life and stop following me," Adler said, not even trying to be quiet.
Sam frowned at the whole situation. He didn't know you too long, but he was more than sure you didn't deserve such a treatment.
Clenching teeth, you swallowed hard. And shortly after, you aimed your brother a robust slap right in the face. Glaring up at him, you snarled. "You're deluded, brother. Think about this when you'll be fucking rotting here, all alone, with no one to reach a hand toward you. A fucking lone fool. Remember, there are still things you can't buy with your bloody cash."
You were surprised by your own behaviour and the fact you dug in your heels against Rafael.
The next moment, you stormed off the yard.
Rafe didn't take it to himself, he didn't care. "One problem less," Rafe summed up before returning to his mates.
Sam was the one to run after you. "Hey, hey. Wait, you can't just walk alone. Not here," he informed you simply.
"What can happen?," You snarled in a response. "If I'd vanish once and for all, he'd be the one to dance happily on my grave."
"You can get hurt here, and please, don't say that," Sam grabbed your arm to stop you. "You can't act like this only because he's a dick."
"I'm an adult, I can do whatever I want to," you turned to face the man.
"You are an adult, you are free to do what you want, but it doesn't mean you can waste your life just because your brother is a dick. You should show you are better than he thinks you are," Sam explained.
You listen to his words. The man seemed very wise and very down to earth. Definitely your type.
Without thinking too much, you climbed on tiptoes, pulled him by a collar, and crushed your lips on his.
Sam gladly kissed you back, after a moment he pulled away with a smile. "I did not expect that," he admitted.
Your fingers intertwined with his as you grabbed his palm. With a mischievous grin, you pulled him behind you. With a corner of your eye you spotted a guard leaving one of the rooms, and you decided to risk it all, pulling the man in that direction.
Sam wasn't really sure about it, they had things to do and they were treated like normal prisoners, but he followed you anyway. After all, you were sweet. Sweet enough to make him go after you. "You are a crazy, little girl."
You simply pushed him inside the room. You decided that if there would be anyone, you'd lie quickly that the man was leading you to the exit and you two messed the way.
Fortunately, the room was empty. As soon as the door closed right behind the two of you, you pushed the man on the wall. You once again climbed on your tiptoes to kiss him, this time you let your tongue dance with his one a little. And you had to admit that he was an amazing kisser.
Sam kissed you back, grabbing your waist. He gave you the possibility of dominating him in the kiss.
But then he picked you up and soon you were pressed to the wall. "Time to change places, sweetheart."
Humming willingly, you let the man press you to the wall.
As he broke the kiss, you gasped loudly, sadly, as the contact was lost.
Sam smiled at you before dropping to his knees, he wanted to take his time with you, but sadly he couldn't. It wasn't a five star hotel, it was a prison after all. "Let's see what are you hiding there, princess," Sam hummed before moving the skirt of your dress up.
You licked your lips and parted them, observing his actions. He was so sure of what he was doing, it impressed you very much. As the blush hit your face, you let your eyes closed.
Sam teased you through your panties, just a little bit to get you ready. Then he pulled your panties aside and attacked your clit like he was a starving beast.
You gasped and instinctively muffled yourself by putting a curled hand to your lips. He gave you a new sensation. Of course, you did have sex, but only oral one and only with your former boyfriend who was just as inexperienced as you. Sam, on the other hand, was playing with you wisely, discovering a new level of desire to you.
"You like it, huh?," Sam asked, playing with your clit.
He raised to his feet, looking at you with a cocky smile.
"I wish I could eat that sweet pussy properly but looking at our poor position. This needs to wait, you are wet for me anyway," Sam winked and picked you up, pressing you to the wall.
At this moment Sam was thankful that his prison uniform was loose and easy to remove.
A soft moan escaped your lips as he picked you up a little. Your legs wrapped quickly around his hips as your hands rushed to tug his pants down. Oh, how much he was turning you on! "I need you, so much!"
"Oh you will get it, babe. I can promise you that, you will get whatever you need," Sam assured you before pulling his pants down, he wasn't wearing any underwear and his cock was standing proudly. "How much do you want it?"
"So much!," you gasped and reached out to grab his erected cock. You gave it a stroke or two, your palm wrapped tightly around his shaft. You tried to guide him right inside of you.
"But keep your hands up here, babe. I'll do the work," Sam instructed, wrapping your arms around his neck. "You simply relax and sing for me."
After those words Sam started to slowly penetrate your sweet pussy, he could feel that even if you had sex in past, a guy did a poor job.
"Hell! Fuck!," You moaned quietly, right into man's ear. A cold shiver ran along your spine. "Fuck, oh God!," You were moaning louder and louder. "You're so big! I can't take it!," You kissed the man's cheek, and moved to suck on his neck. His skin tasted with sweat, but you didn't mind.
"Oh I can bet you can take it, “ he hummed, rubbing your belly lovingly. "And a bit more than just my cock. Just relax," Sam purred, giving you one hard thrust before returning to gently pace. He didn't want to hurt you in any way.
"Ah!," You mumbled and nuzzled to his neck. Instantly, as soon as he made a hard thrust, you felt how wet you became and that your walls got loosened a bit. You tried to cool your breath down.
"You see? I told you that you can take it. Such a good girl," Sam smiled at the nice feeling of your walls loosening a bit around him. Knowing this he started to move faster, Sam knew you can take it. "You are doing a great job, babe,” he hummed, moving his hand into your hair to pull them gently.
You wrapped arms tighter around his neck and gasped right into his ear. He felt so amazing in you. He stretched you oh so well! "Fuck, fuck, so good, so hot, fuck...," You raised your tone a little and rolled head back.
Sam chuckled at your moans and cupped your cheek to make you look at him. "Oh, I know this all, sweetheart and I can say that you feel amazing around my cock,” without more unnecessary words Sam pulled you into a kiss, he was getting close to his climax.
You cupped his face in hands and kissed him. The kiss was messy, rapid. You gasped for air when you broke the kiss. "Oh, God, something is.... Oh, my God!," You mumbled as your walls started clenching.
Sam smiled against your lips.
"Oh, you poor thing, no one ever made you reach your peak? Let me show you how the real man does it, you'll love it,” he hummed, his hand moved between your bodies to play with your clit. "Just don't hold it, babe."
You rolled head back, your eyes shut closed, your lips parted and thighs squeezing man's hips. Your nails dug into his back where you scratched him. "I'm cumming!," You screamed.
"Good girl,” Sam hummed into your ear. His hips didn't stop to move even after your climax. "Now, tell me, do you want to be a good girl or do you want me to fill you up?"
"I want to be a good girl," you whispered. "Please!"
Sam let out a sad sigh, he expected a bit more from you. "As you wish. Pity ‘cuz I am not a fan of good girls,” he slowly pulled his cock out of you, Sam gave himself a few strokes before painting your clothed belly with his warm, thick seed. "That was good."
You licked your lips and gasped, immediately you went down to your knees and wrapped lips around his shaft. You only smirked and bobbed your head back and forth, sucking on him.
He moved his hand into your hair pulling at them. "This feels nice but that's enough, Y/N. You sucked me dry, babe."
 You ran the tip of your tongue along his shaft for the very last time.
Sam chuckled and helped you get up. Pulling his pants up he looked at you, of course he pulled out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. "That was something girl," Sam hummed, puffing out some smoke.
You looked at him innocently. "Did you... Enjoy it? Truly?," You looked like you were seeking confirmation in his eyes. It was your very first time with a skilled man and you felt so exposed.
"Oh, I did enjoy it. Truly," he said and kissed your cheek. "I promise you one thing: as soon as we will be out of this hell - I will find you and we'll play some more."
"You somehow know where to look for me," you bit your lower lip.
At this moment the door to the room opened and a guard rushed inside. "What the fuck!"
"I told you she is here just wandering around. I knew she would be a problem," Rafe said to the guards with his back pressed to the wall, Nathan stood next to him completely confused.
You shrugged. "I pressed on him to go there, I thought this is where the exit is," you explained, laying smoothly
Everyone looked at you. The guards frowned and grabbed you, simply dragging you away.
Before you were pushed outside the outpost, you turned your head around. "Thank you for
guiding me
, Samuel!"
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drakesdevils · 3 years
That Night, Forever Burned (Rafe/Reader/Sam)
Summary: Rafe has a nightmare.
TW: Blood, drowning, implied s*icide
A/N: Thinking about making a collection of Rafe/Reader/Sam oneshots 🤔
Rafe felt the lick of the heat all around him. A blinding headache, something slick and dark running down the side of his face. His chest and arms burnt with searing pain, each movement cut a little bit deeper, a little bit further. And then there was a crash, the most weight he had ever felt in his entire life, he felt his bones snap and crush. And then there was the water, cold water. Deep and strong enough to pull him and his mind under. He could not scream, there was no sound. Only the water and a paralyzed body floating slowly to the bottom of the cave, he watched from above. Tendrils of darkness leaked from his body as he fell to the cave floor. There was no light. There was no one to save him.
When he hit the floor he was back in that godforsaken ship. Like he had suddenly been pulled back to the mortal world. He was present, but he was not in the room, instead watching as a spectator. You were there, laying next to Sam. Sam had freed himself from the beam, but that sword wound was anything but pretty. Blood pooled around the two of you, the bright red blood made you look almost like a painting. There was a gloss on your eyes reflecting the burning ships and the glittering gold.
“Fuck, baby,” Sam croaked out, trying to pull himself up to crawl over to you. His shirt darkened with crimson red. Water began filling up the ship as he tried his damndest to hold you.
“Hold on, sweetheart, I’m coming.” You were only a few feet away from him, sprawled out, looking up to floating cargo like it were the stars.
He pushed himself up with one arm, feeling searing pain rush through his entire body. He felt light headed, but his body felt heavy. Sam groaned as he crawled to you, leaving a trail of blood in his wake.
“Hey, hey, come on, baby. Come on wake up.” Sam shook your body lightly, his eyes not daring to look further to the blood. The water was rising faster and faster.
“Come on. Wake up,” He said firmer, shaking you harder. His head hurt like a bitch.
“Fuck. Hey, hey come on! Wake up! Come on baby, wake up!” He pushed you harder, finally allowing his eyes to look over your body. There was so much blood. It curled around him as the water rose, staining his arms and pants a deep red.
“No, no, you’re not leaving me. I’m not letting that son of a bitch take you from me. You’re not,” He began to choke on his words as he realized what had happened. “You’re not leaving me like this.”
You remained still, your eyes still opened. Lifeless you lay. Almost like a doll. Your hair splayed out as the water continued to rise. And Sam almost cursed himself for thinking you looked beautiful dead.
There would be no more time for tears, the numbness washed over him like the water would in a few short moments. He pulled out his gun.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
“Sam! Fuck! Wake up, Rafe’s having a nightmare!” You shouted, nearly stirring Rafe from his doom. You held one arm across his chest so he would not thrash.
“What?” Sam asked groggily. Rafe tried to twist and turn in his sleep.
“Help me!” You shouted again.
“Oh shit,” Sam mumbled and propped himself up, immediately pulling Rafe towards him and into his arms. You quickly pressed your chest against Rafe’s back, waiting for him to wake up. He was like a ragdoll sandwiched between you two.
You heard him gasp and then shudder. Rafe pushed you both away from him with force you didn’t know he was capable of. Sam fell off the bed with a thud. “Ow.”
Rafe looked wildly around the room, only seeing you. He looked dazed, like he was still existing in some horrible nightmare.
“Oh my god, what- where is Sam? Oh god please don’t tell me he’s-”
“I’m right here, sweetheart,” Sam replied, pushing himself off the floor and back onto the bed, he hugged Rafe from behind, nuzzling his face into Rafe’s neck.
“What happened, Rafe?” You asked softly, hugging him in front this time. “Where did you go?”
Rafe stayed silent as he tried to calm his breathing. He breathed in and out at the same time as you and Sam, making sure you were both here and alive. Inhale. Exhale. He had to remind himself how to breathe.
“Someplace dark,” Rafe mumbled, you smoothed out his hair that had become messy in his sleep.
“We’re here, baby,” Sam said, his words muffled by Rafe’s skin.
When his breathing slowed, Sam and you both fell back down into the bed, leaving an empty space between.
“Come lay back down, love.” You patted the space softly. Rafe crawled to the edge of the bed and shook his head. He felt his eyes begin to sting. Fuck. He thought. Why was this happening now?
“Just lay with us, you don’t have to sleep,” You whispered to him, feeling helpless at the sight of Rafe wading through the deep waters of his suffering. Rafe tried his damndest to hold back the tears.
“Come back to bed with us,” Sam told him. Rafe remained still and silent. The only noise came from the clock ticking on the wall. 4:28 AM. Far too early for him to be up.
Rafe’s body shook. “I thought you had both died. I thought I killed you,” Rafe said, his voice barely even a whisper, it was strained, like it was the worst sentence he could have ever said in his entire life.
You looked at Sam. “We’re here, sweetheart. We aren’t going anywhere. Not today, not tomorrow,” Sam said, leaning up against the bed frame, you curled into his side, biting your lip. What had Rafe seen?
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked him, unsure if he wanted space or you to comfort him.
Rafe shook his head, he leaned forward, head faced downwards. He almost scoffed. “I don’t even want to think about it.”
“Come back to bed, Rafe,” Sam spoke to him, his words like a sweet lullaby.
“I can’t.” Rafe dragged his hand across his face and tried to quell the heaviness attempting to pull him further down.
“Then just lay with us.”
“No,” He said firmly.
“Why?” You asked.
“I thought I killed you. I already told you that.” Rafe took one more shaking breath, exhaling slowly.
“We’re past that, Rafe. It was just a nightmare.” You crawled next to him and leaned against his shoulder. His body still lightly shook. He turned his face away from you, praying you would not see him in such a weak state.
“See, I’m alive,” You said. You pulled Rafe’s hand up to your heartbeat. He felt the deep rumble travel through his hand, he slowly turned to look at your chest. Damn the tears.
“It felt real. I watched you and Sam die on that ship.” Rafe’s eyes were dull as he stared at your chest, he saw the flashes of blood and water and the ring of a gun in his ears.
“We’re here, Rafe. We’re right here with you. Come back to bed,” You repeated. You were worried Rafe would run off to the kitchen, or hide out on the balcony, too scared to face his demons again in the night.
Rafe shook his head again. “You died. I killed you.”
“It was just a dream. I’m right here, I still love you. Sam still loves you. Whatever you saw wasn’t real,” You spoke quietly, looking deeply into Rafe’s hazel eyes, like you could pull the true Rafe out of them and back to you.
“No, I think I’m going to go get some air, or make some coffee, or something,” He trailed off, standing up. You didn’t release his hand.
“Don’t leave us, the bed is still warm,” Sam told him. Rafe looked in between you two.
“You’ll be tired in the morning.”
Rafe slowly nodded, you let go of his hand. You kissed him on the cheek and gently led him back into the bed, waiting for him to get under the blankets first.
Sam draped his arm around Rafe’s chest, you curled into his side.
“I’m going to call Dr. Schultz in the morning, okay?” You mumbled into his side.
“We don’t want you to have any more nightmares, we want you to get help,” Sam said, his voice already becoming heavier with sleep.
“I know.”
“Goodnight Rafe, I love you.” You leaned up and kissed his cheek once more, hoping his fears would lessen and he could sleep for the rest of the night.
“G’night Rafe.”
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liber-what-ia · 2 years
The crooked kind (Part 1: Wasting time) {Uncharted - Rafe Adler x Nathan Drake}
Summary: Rafe is a riddle to Nathan – a potentially dangerous one. And nothing calls to Nathan Drake like some good, old-fashioned danger. This time, though, his luck might be running out for good. (Or, some alternate version of what happened in – and after – Panama).
Warnings: smut, non-con/rape elements, dubious consent, toxic relationship, language, psychological trauma, death&grief (other sensitive topics/trigger warnings will be highlighted with every part I publish) + headcanons. There's some wholesome stuff among the angst if you squint hard enough
Word count: 3.1k
Author’s Note: just me experimenting a bit with new ships, new topics and new angles. The angst is the same as ever though. I’m not a native speaker so feel free to point out any mistake! Also, be warned: the first few chapters are all giddy smut and/or light-hearted, but this will get Darker Than You Think™
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38081011/chapters/95124304 feel free to leave kudos if you enjoyed the read ♥
 ⪼ Next Chapter ⪻
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Oh, crap. He’s hot.
That’s the first thought that crosses Nathan’s mind when he sets eyes on Rafe Adler.
He shakes his hand in the most natural way he can manage as Sam introduces them, a stiff smile forcing its way on his sealed lips. Rafe doesn’t smile.
He just shoots him a pointed look, as if he were perfectly capable of reading him on the spot like an open book.
Nathan really wishes he’s not that open about the hormonal dysfunction this guy has caused him in a matter of mere seconds. He hates his body right now.
They sit at the table Rafe reserved for them and start talking business almost right away. It’s clear he and Sam have been discussing details way before meeting here in Panama.
Nathan knows the drill, at least roughly, and only half-listens as he flips through an old ledger Rafe has provided, along with dozens of other documents he managed to hoard on his hunt for Avery’s treasure.
It’s more than he and Sam have been able to put together in years, and a clear sign that partnering up with him might not have been a bad choice after all – despite everything that Sully grumbled about when he heard the news.
Nathan steals a glance at Rafe, feigning interest in whatever he’s saying – something about “secret” marine routes through the Indian Ocean that Sam probably knows by heart. He’s wearing a simple light blue linen shirt, his expensive silver Ray-bans pinned on the neckline. He keeps his hair combed back, though some locks tend to slip on his forehead, giving him a sort of disheveled, yet tidy look.
Nathan promptly sinks his eyes to the ledger when he sees him take a sip from his glass of chica morada, licking away the faint purple shade it leaves on his lips. He tries to rip that sinful image from behind his eyes.
Alright, he’s definitely hot.
Not in a Harry Flynn kind of way. Flynn might be good-looking, but has the power of killing him right in his pants as soon as he opens his mouth and shows off the sole two, uncultured brain cells he has left. It makes Nathan want to strangle him, not fuck him.
Rafe has quite the opposite effect on him, as he swiftly rambles on about seventeenth-century buccaneers and their lost bounties. He talks in a very educated way, which is to be expected given his upbringing, and has a way of lightly waving his elegant hands around when he explains something.
It’s not just an act: he knows his stuff and did his research. Even Sam, the “Pirate Master”, doesn’t interrupt him once and just adds a remark here and there.
Nathan just listens quietly. Usually, he would’ve already plunged himself into the conversation trying to take the wheel – solely for the sake of annoying Sam with some obscure pirate facts he gathered around.
Now, he just feels like anything he’d say would prompt Rafe to raise his eyes. He doesn’t want his attention just yet. There’s something about him that puzzles him, in the way an alleged trap in an Egyptian tomb would puzzle him.
Nathan keeps nursing his pipa fría, hoping the sweet coconut water will cool his head down – as well as other areas of his body that are starting to feel way too warm right now.
He steals a look at their surroundings, still not entirely comfortable with consulting three-century-old maps and papers in a public space. The cozy Panamanian fonda they chose as their rendezvous is all but deserted, though. 
Nathan has the strong suspect Rafe booked the whole place on a whim to leave it empty for them. He must also have bribed the owner and customers with a lot of balboas. Just small change for him, who can count on a family fortune and has chosen treasure hunting as a hobby and not as a means for survival.
That’s the kind of man they’re sitting with – the crooked kind. They’re crooked too, alright, minus the money.
Nathan tries not to think much of Rafe, even though Sam has made it very clear not to cross him. Sully was pretty disgruntled as well when he heard about their new partnership – and Nathan has learnt the hard way to always trust his advice.
He finds himself staring at him again, trying to decipher his very much unreadable expression, every emotion concealed behind his sharp features. He acts aloof, even though Avery’s treasure should be the thing he desires the most in this world.
There’s just a small wrinkle between his eyebrows, suggesting he might be a tad on edge – or maybe it’s just the sticking tropical heat bothering him. He swats away the lock of brown hair constantly sliding on his forehead and Nathan suppresses a sharp exhale.
Luckily, Rafe is too busy consulting various papers on the desk to notice his insistent gaze. More of an ogle, by now. Which is now definitely pinned on his lips as he reads some excerpt in Latin, observing how they move and curve to form the words, and, occasionally, on the line of his neck when he adjusts the collar of his shirt.
Rafe leans a bit on the table as he traces a route on an old map just out of his reach, and in doing so the neckline loosens a bit under the weight of his sunglasses. Nathan can see his collarbones now, and a hint of his pale, lean body – is he doing this on purpose?
He feels a tug at his lower belly, and he shifts uncomfortably in his seat. This draws Sam’s questioning look, at which he just shrugs discreetly.
“You have some questions, Nathan?”
It’s the first time Rafe speaks directly at him, voice sharp and mellow at the same time. For a moment, Nathan doesn’t even know his own name. He just blinks quizzically at him, probably looking very dumb.
“Sam told me you always talk his ear off; I feel like you’re being unusually quiet?”
Thanks, Sam.
That was not really a question; more of a suspicious statement. Nathan silently clears his throat, grasping at straws as he blurts out the first thing that comes to his mind:
“Uh, pirates are not really my area of expertise.”
He wills Sam to take that stunned look off his face and he proceeds to clarify:
“I’m more of a pre-Colombian and Eastern Asia geek. And a Francis Drake graduate, of course,” he adds, patting the ring necklace resting on his chest. “I know my stuff, but Sam’s the expert here, I'm leaving him the spotlight,” he shies away with a quick smile, gesturing at the mess of maps and papers covering the table.
Sam laughs in an artificial way, sounding faker than a knock-off gold doubloon.
“Yeah, yeah, he’s just being humble here," he says then, playfully shoving him away with his elbow. "Sullivan has brought him one time too many across jungles and deserts… he has just forgotten how to approach true civilization.”
Not this shit again, Nathan finds himself thinking.
“Mayas and Incas were more than ‘civilized’, last time I checked their waterworks,” Nathan retorts, raising an annoyed eyebrow at him. “Surely more 'civilized' than the uncouth pillagers we’re tracking.”
Sam scoffs and shakes his head, shooting an almost apologizing look at Rafe – what the hell, since when he's the one in charge?
“Can you please act your age, for once? We’re not looking for a history lesson.”
He stares at him with that frustrated expression of his that could just draw a punch out of him in the blink of an eye. Nathan clenches his jaw, taming the urge.
Rafe discreetly clears his throat.
“Under other circumstances, I’d be willing to listen to some history lesson. Besides, he’s been talking my ear off about his prodigy brother for months,” he quickly points at Sam, “so I’m intrigued to see just how much about you is true and how much has been overstated by Samuel’s brotherly love.”
Again, there's multiple reads to what he just uttered. It sounds like a menace mixed with genuine interest – along with some degree of condescendence.
Nathan feels the tip of his ears become scorching hot at that jab, and wills himself to look at him directly. Rafe locks eyes with him for a long second, which feels like an entire hour. He has cold eyes, the kind you don’t really want to look into because, despite them being crystal clear, they still manage to hide everything under their surface.
Nathan feels a quick shiver chilling his spine, and it’s almost nice, given how warm he feels under his clothes – specifically, under his pants – but he tries to divert his thoughts. He doesn't even know if he's bothered or aroused by Rafe’s demeanor, at this point, and maybe he's both.
He finally gestures at the papers lying around, trying not to rasp out his next words:
“Let’s just… get back to the subject.”
“Yeah, let’s. We don’t wanna waste any time here, do we?”
Rafe laughs and his eyes don’t, as he picks up the map again. The shiver running down Nathan’s spine is all but pleasant, this time – and yet, it leaves a burning tingle behind.
You don’t wanna waste my time, sounds loud and clear between the lines.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
Sam’s words are just shy of a yell and leave his mouth as soon as they enter their hotel room. Nathan sighs, fights the impulse to walk away, and just shuts the door behind them. He knew this was coming.
“Elaborate, please. Your question has multiple answers.”
Sam walks straight up to him, anger lighting up his face. His brother is quick to lose his temper, but his outbursts are very rarely aimed at him. Only when he’s really pissed, and Nathan feels he maybe underestimated his degree of annoyance back there with Rafe.
“You think I’m joking? Do you know who that guy is?”
Nathan rolls his eyes and walks past him, nudging him in the shoulder in a passive-aggressive way.
“You told me about seventy-three times already, yeah.” He senses Sam’s gaze bore a hole between his shoulder blades and goes on: “Rich daddy's boy with virtually infinite wealth and, probably, infinite means to obtain what he wants? Did I get that right?”
Well, this does make him seem a little less hot, at least.
“Right,” Sam nods, his palms waving mid-air as if he’s spreading some sort of clarifying diagram in front of him. “And knowing that, you think it’s a good idea to get on his bad side?”
As he talks, Sam fishes a packet of cigarettes out of his shirt pocket and quickly sits one in his mouth – Nathan knows he’s not smoking on the small balcony as he usually does just to get on his nerves. He flicks the lighter, not drawing any flame.
Nathan lets himself fall on his bed, staring at the ventilator slowly moving on the ceiling, and stretches his arms upwards, his back still cramped up from the long and bumpy flight.
“I wasn’t getting anywhere and you’re overreacting, as per usual,” he mutters after a few seconds, his voice straining along with his movement.
At that point, Sam takes the cigarette back out again and stares at him in disbelief.
“For god’s sake, Nathan, you have any idea about how much I insisted to be in on this job? To bring you along? And you go around telling him you’re a… a newcomer, a beginner treasure hunter?”
Nathan bends his neck forward and shoots Sam a piercing look as he flicks the lighter again. He locks his fingers behind his nape, sustaining his head while looking at him with a peeved frown.
“I’ve been doing this shit since I was twelve, mostly better than you.”
Sam doesn’t answer right away as he finally succeeds in lighting up his cigarette. He inhales a clearly much-needed dose of nicotine and puffs out some smoke, along with his words:
“Well, you came off like a total rookie back there. And you weren’t even listening to a word he was saying.”
“Oh, I was,” he says, letting his head fall back on the mattress.
From a certain… anatomical point of view, alright.
Sam flings his hands in the air again, then props himself against the cheap wooden bureau sitting in the corner. Several puffs of smoke later, he finally manages to talk in a neutral, only slightly-vexed voice:
“I don’t like him either, if that makes you feel any better.”
Nathan’s gaze shoots up to him before he can even think about it. He sits up on the bed, crossing his legs, unsure how to react – he’s tempted to laugh, and he almost does.
“That’s… not really the problem, believe me,” he just scoffs dryly, tugging at his ring in a nervous gesture.
Crap, are they having the talk? That’s not how he planned to break the news to Sam – if he’d ever planned it at all, since he didn’t really think there was a need to. Why would Sam care about who he sleeps with anyway?
He senses his brother’s questioning look even if he’s keeping his eyes low, fixed on the blanket’s linen texture.
This is gonna get awkward.
“I find him… distracting. Let’s leave it at that.”
Sam gestures in circles with his cigarette, dismissing what he just said and drawing faint rings of smoke in the air.
“Yeah, alright, he has pretty eyes, nice hair, and all, but listen to–”
This time, Nathan lets out a tiny, nervous laugh, feeling himself sink at the mirth in those words.
“Sam, I don’t think you get what I–”
“Nathan, I get it. Really,” Sam just firmly says, as if he is just stating for the millionth time that the Earth is round.
Nathan stares at him for a long moment, trying to rearrange the screeching cogs in his head that just came to an abrupt halt. Something tells him that Sam is saying exactly what he thinks he’s saying.
When did he tell him? He didn’t, right?
“Wait, did Sully tell you?" and he knows it can't be as soon as he says it out loud.
Sully’s the one who got it even before he did. When they were in that club in Brazil and he was sixteen, and Sully practically spent half the night talking him into hitting on a dancer, only because Nathan let it slip and said he was "rather handsome".
The only comment Sully had to offer when he actually got a date with him had been "be careful, don't be late, and bite if it gets hinky" – and that was it. No questions asked.
But he never felt the need to tell Sam about the boyfriends, along with the girlfriends.
Sam sighs. He takes a step towards him and taps him on the forehead with his free hand as if he read his mind:
“Nope, no one told me. I’ve known since you were twelve and stole the principal’s fountain pen for that boy’s birthday. That was like a dead giveaway. Can I get to the point, now?”
Nathan blinks, feeling as if someone just hit him in the head, hard, with a marble statue. Or with an entire Greek temple.
“W-wait, really? How did you even–” He almost bites his tongue and stops dead in his tracks.
At twelve, he had barely known where to find it in his pants, let alone what to do with it or understand if he was crushing on someone. He had been slow on that subject since, well, strict catholic orphanages didn’t really endorse any sexual education. The nuns had taught him to label anything falling under that definition as “sinful thoughts”.
He’d become more aware only after he left that bigot hell, but still, he never read much into that anecdote with whatever-his-name-was and the theft of the principal’s fountain pen that won him a month of suspension. That Sam picked up on that when he had already been kicked out of the orphanage is almost unbelievable.
Sam seems to have read his mind as he half-smiles. If Nathan had felt threatened up until a second ago, now he knows he’s not being judged – something he had lowkey dreaded, he can’t deny it.
“I’m your brother, how should I not know what or whom you’re into?” His smile fades as he presses the half-smoked cigarette in the ashtray. “And now that that’s out of the way, allow me to say this much: I don’t care who you get laid with, but don’t even think about getting laid with Rafe.”
Nathan all but rolls his eyes. He stands corrected: he is being judged, just from a different angle. That’s Sam Drake for you.
“Okay, hold your pirate… sea horses or whatever right there: I just said he’s distracting. By the way, I’m twenty-two and I can take care of my sexual life, thank you very much,” he adds, his voice getting just the slightest bit louder.
“Yeah, yeah, you said the same two things when you went after Chloe, and I had to mop up your tears for a week.”
Sam tuts to himself and Nathan scowls at him.
“Now, that’s a low blow. And a lie. I didn’t–”
“What I’m trying to say,” Sam suddenly walks up to him and grips his arm just above the elbow, “is that Rafe is not a nice person.”
“That means that Chloe is? We’re all thieves, y’know?”
“Yes, and Chloe has her edges, but she would never hurt someone who gave her no reason to, especially out of her line of work and surely not over a break-up. Rafe would, even just because he can.”
Nathan tries to scoff at those words, then catches Sam’s dead-serious stare and the way his hazel eyes have darkened. He has their mother’s eyes, and they always make it difficult to ignore whatever he has to say.
“Wait, when you say ‘hurt’… are we talking figuratively or physically?”
Sam slightly tilts his head sideways.
“What do you think?”
Nathan’s throat suddenly goes a bit dry, and he can’t tell if it’s because he’s taken aback by that information – no, it doesn’t really surprise him, to be honest – or because Rafe’s appeal just shot up in a way that makes his stomach twist.
“Just promise me you won’t get… involved with Rafe," Sam says, nudging him. "He’s not worth the risk. Alright, little brother?”
Nathan nods, unconvinced, as Sam lets him go with a relieved smile.
“Yeah, alright. I’ll try.”
He lets himself fall back on the bed again, staring at the swirling ventilator.
Rafe is dangerous, apparently. He knew that much.
Dangerous things have never been a good enough deterrent for him – on the contrary, they just make him want to find out more about them.
⪼ Next Chapter ⪻
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Dean Winchester x Reader
// Anon request:  Hi could I get a Dean×reader where her and the boys grew up togehter and the reader could also be a hunter, hunting with them and kinda always flirting with Dean (and him flirting back, also Sam ships them lowkey). Anyway, my point is could you write like how they finally get togehter and what lead to them admitting their fellings to eachother. Thanks! xx   ///
A/N: I hope you like it!! Thank you for requesting :) xx 
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
I am currently taking requests for:
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson
Damon Salvatore
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Supernatural: (I’m only up to season 2 at the moment, so please don’t give requests with spoilers)***
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Outer Banks (Netflix): 
 John B Routledge 
JJ Maybank 
Rafe Cameron 
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNER
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You’d met the Winchester boys when you were only 13. Your parents were killed by a demon and the Winchesters were the ones who found you huddled in a corner of an old abandoned warehouse. Well, it was actually a 15-year-old boy named Dean who was the one that had found you. For some reason, the demon kept you alive, carrying you to the abandoned warehouse after slaughtering your parents. You had no other family. Your Grandparents were gone, both of your parents were only children so no aunts and uncles you could live with. The Winchester men became your family.
John wasn’t too sure on how to take care of a girl but luckily you were already old enough to basically care for yourself. He taught you how to fight and hunt demons just like he did his boys, treating you as family. It never felt you were an outsider, the three welcomed you with open arms. You had to admit, living in hotel after hotel and driving city to city got old after a while, but you learned to love it.
You and Dean were always close. You believed you connected with him right off the bat because after suffering such a tragedy, he was your knight and shining armor. He was the first person you saw when you opened your eyes in that warehouse. He was the first person that you spoke too after days of not saying a word. He was also your first kiss. However, that is not spoken about anymore.
After you grew comfortable with the boys, John sat you and his boys down for a discussion. The boys were to treat you as if you were their blood sister and you treat the boys as your blood brothers. There would be no kissing, no feelings, nothing like that. The three of you were siblings now and that would not be tolerated. So, that’s what you believed for years, however, there was always that little spark between you and Dean.
You were 16 and Dean was 18 at the time. Living on the road, never gave you a chance to interact with other boys which meant you were 16 when you finally had your first kiss. During a innocent game of truth or dare with Dean one night. “Truth or dare,” Dean had smirked, sitting across from you on the bed. Sam and John left to grab dinner and you didn’t feel like going, so Dean offered to keep you company in a brotherly matter of course.
“Truth,” You sighed, picking at your fingers. You didn’t really want to play this but Dean insisted it would be fun. The beginning was at first. He’d been dared to prank call people, run down the hall way in his boxers and to knock on the doors of peoples rooms before running away. You’d chose truth every round.
“Oh come on y/n,” He groans, “You’ve chosen truth every time!”
You shrugged, looking up from your fingers, “I didn’t want to play in the first place.”
He sighs, nodding, “Fine. Okay, have you ever…been kissed?”
Your eyes went wide and you quickly shook your head, embarrassed that he would ever ask a question like that, “No gosh… never.”
“Well, do you want to be?” He’d asked. He hadn’t meant anything by it, however secretly he’d hoped you say yes.
You gave a small shrug, “I mean yeah.. if it was the right guy.” Your eyes meet his and the way he was looking at you made you blush.
He nods, before clearing his throat, “Your turn..”
“Truth or dare?” You whispered quietly.
You gulped, “I dare you to kiss me.”
His eyes were wide as they looked at you. You didn’t have to tell him twice. He scooted closer to you, his hands going to your cheeks, “Are you sure?” He whispers against your lips, his thumb gently caressing your cheek.
Your eyes glance from his lips to his eyes before nodding.
“I need you to say it baby girl.” The nickname he’d always called you. It made your heart melt every time he said it.
“Yes, I’m sure.”
Then his lips softly met yours. He couldn’t believe it at first, he was actually kissing you. This was what his dad ordered to never happen, but right now all he could think about was the feeling of your soft lips against his and how good you were. He wanted your first kiss to be memorable, so he was soft and gentle, making sure he wasn’t needy with the kiss. Oh, how he wanted to be though.
It was the sound of a key in the door that made you two pull away, quickly scurrying to separate beds. You’d grabbed a magazine and opened it, Dean grabbing the TV remote. The two of you never spoke about that night again. That didn’t stop you two from flirting though.
You stood in the motel bathroom, fixing your hair. The three of you were getting ready to leave on a hunt, but first would be impersonating agents to find out information.
“Can you help me with this?” Dean walked in, his shirt buttoned but his tie hung loosely around his neck. He stood behind you, looking at you in the mirror.
“Why can’t Sam help? I’m still trying to get ready.”
“Sam stepped out to take a phone call. And maybe I wanted you to do it.” He smirked.
You rolled your eyes, before turning to face the older Winchester brother, “Sam’s too rough when he ties it, isn’t he?”
He nods, “Your much more gentle.”  
You blush a little and shake your head, beginning to tie the tie.
Dean watches you in admiration, your tongue on your lip in concentration. He was close enough to kiss you right now and he couldn’t lie, he was tempted. So tempted.
“You look good.” He whispers.
You roll your eyes again, “Stop it.”
“You do.” He clears his throat, “Your hair looks good like that.”
You glance up at him, patting his tie after finishing, “you don’t look so bad yourself.”
He fixes his collar over the tie, giving him his famous smirk, “I know I do sweet cheeks.” He gives you a wink before stepping out of the bathroom.
“You’re so conceited!”
After the hunt was over, Dean of course wanted to go for a round of drinks at the local bar.
“You guys go find a table, I’ll go get drinks.” Sam announces, pointing to the bar. You nod before following Dean through the crowd of people. He leads you to the table, his hand at your lower back.
Sam watches the two of you from the bar. He figures Dean said something funny because the two of you bursted into laughter, your hand going to his arm. Sam smiled and shook his head. He wasn’t stupid, he knew Dean liked you and he figured you felt the same way. The way you two flirted, it wasn’t like siblings. It was more. In all honesty, Sam was for it. He could see a difference when you around Dean. Dean was happier, smiling and laughing and he was respectful. Dean was a completely different guy with you. He wishes the two of you would just admit it already. Dad was dead, so nothing was holding the two of you back.
The hunt went bad. Dean and Sam had been captured by vampires. They’d told you to wait in the car while they handled it but they underestimated the number of vampires inside, resulting in their capture. You had run in, using yourself as an offering, more of a distraction while Dean cut himself lose. It was a dangerous move on your part and Dean almost didn’t cut himself lose in time. Luckily, you’d managed to walk away with only a bite on your shoulder.
“Are you an idiot?!” Dean had screamed at you as soon as you stepped outside. The three of you managed to kill all the vampires, but now it was time for a lecture.
You rolled your eyes, hand over your wound, “I saved your ass, Dean. Both of you!” You defend, looking between the brothers.
Dean tosses the machete in the trunk, slamming it shut, “Yeah and you almost got yourself killed in the process! I almost didn’t make it in time.” Quietly, Sam had slipped into baby, this wasn’t his argument. He wouldn’t get a word out anyways. When the two of you went at it, there was no interrupting.
“I was fine, Dean. I had it handled.”
“Yeah? You had it handled?” He stalks over to you, pointing to your shoulder, “That’s what you call having it handled?! He could have killed you!”
“It was only one bite! I’m fine!” You begin to turn away from him and get into the car, but he grabs your arm, pulling you back to him.
“Don’t walk away from me. I’m not done talking.”
You rip your arm out of his grasp, “I’m not a fucking child, Dean! I can handle myself just fine. Why are you being like this!”
“Because I love you, y/n! That’s why!” It slipped out before he could stop it. No take backsies now. It was out on the table. The truth was out. You gasp, your eyes wide as you stand across from him.
You shake your head, “Dean. You better mean as in brotherly love.”
He takes a step closer to you. Now or nothing. “You know damn well I don’t mean brotherly love.”
You look up at him, eyes on the brink of tears, “Dean…”
“That night I kissed you for the first time, it meant something to me. You’ve always meant something to me, y/n. I know, dad always said we’re supposed to treat each other like siblings, but I say screw it.” His hands cup your cheeks, his thumb wiping a tear from your eye.
“Dean.” You whisper, your hand coming up to his cheek.
His lips are within inches of yours, “I need you to say it baby girl.” That one sentence.
“Kiss me Dean Winchester.” His lips come at you fast and hard, but the kiss is tender, just like that night in the hotel room.  
“Finally!” Sam cheers from the impala, causing you two to pull away. You look at Sam, blushing and giggling.
Dean groans, “Way to ruin it, Sammy.”
“Sorry!” He winces, giving a sheepish smile.
Your hands go to his shirt at his side, giving a small tug, “I love you, Dean Winchester…” He presses his forehead against yours, his hands on your hips, pulling you close as you smile, “My knight and shining armor.”
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Reunited at last (6/6)
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Part: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
A grim expression plastered on his face as he looked around. His eyes finally landing on me. Shock filled his eyes as tears filled mine. As if the world was about to end he approached me and cupped my face in his hands. Before I could speak he kissed me. At first I was shocked but soon melted into the kiss.
Wrapping my arms around his neck I pulled him closer, afraid to lose him again. ‘’doll, You have no idea how long Iv’e waited to do this.’’ a smirk formed around his lips. ‘’I think I can.’’
Behind us someone cleared their throat. ‘’I hate to brake you two love birds apart but we have to go, I want to get of this rock.’’ It was my father. ‘’Wow what?’’ Sam didn’t seem to like this plan, at all. ‘’We are going home, brother.’’ Nate said, he sounded tired. ‘’No, we are so close to finding Avery’s treasure.’’ A sigh left my lips and that is when the bickering started.
Everyone had their own opinion on what to do next and no one agreed with the other. ‘’Sam please, leave the treasure. Nate and I almost died not so long ago, I finally got you back, why don’t we just go home.’’ I got him to agree with me and we all left for the plain.
It was a long and difficult way back, obstacles blocked our way several times. We had to cross a small ravine, we were able to do so but one of us needed to get down somehow and pull us across. Nate offered himself to do it. The rest of us got on a platform and waited for Nate to pull us.
Once my father, Elena and myself where safely on the other side Sam waited on the platform to pull up Nate. Once the two got onto the platform it broke. Holding onto dear life the climb what was left before it collapsed completely.
Right as the platform collapsed Nat jumped toward us while Sam jumped to the other wall nearest him. Looking up he saw the maintains beak in which the treasure was supposed to be. ‘’Sam, don’t you even think about it.’’ I yelled at him. ‘’Please just jump, I will catch you.’’ Nate tried to encourage him. Sam only shook his head.
‘’I am sorry I got you into this. All of you.’’ He really would choose the treasure over his family. ‘’That doesn’t matter anymore, just jump goddammit.’’ My anger got once more the best of me. ‘’I gotta see this thing trough.’’ He turned around to head to the maintain. ‘’Sam, listen to me, if you do this I won’t be coming after you, you hear me?!’’ Nate’s words made him stop and look over his shoulder. ‘’Just promise me you will keep y/n save, please.’’ He looked at me shortly before disappearing out of sight.
Nate yelled after him a couple of times but without use. ‘’He is going to get himself killed, come on.’’ I said with a sigh before heading to other direction. Looking for a way to Sam. In a small clearing between the ruins stood a wagon, we could use that to climb a wall in order to head of Sam.
The wagon was heavy and it took all four of us to push it to the wall. Once we were satisfied with its placement Nate set it on its breaks. Only it snapped because it got aged over the years. The wagon fell back wards and my father and Elena held it back. ‘’Hurry Nate.’’ Elena said trough gritted teeth. Nate jumped on the wagon and I quickly followed. Together we jumped to the wall right before my father and Elena couldn’t hold it anymore.
The wagon smashed itself against a fountain and the two front wheels broke. ‘’How are we suppose to get up there now?’’ my father questioned. ‘’We don’t have enough time.’’ Elena stated. ‘’I am not letting you to go alone.’’ My father tried to protest. ‘’You just said it yourself, we are not alone, we have each other.’’ I was not about to abandon Sam. Not now I knew he was alive.
My father didn’t like the plan at all but there was no way he could stop us from down there. So we went.  It took allot from us to get there, we had to climb, jump, swing and dive before we got down at the cave.
Hiding in the water below a dock we waited for Nadine and Rafe to pass. Nate had to restrain me before I did something stupid. But I didn’t saw Sam, which worried me. Swimming closer to the ship an explosion stopped us. It was a cannon that broke trough the ships bow.
All I could think of in that moment right after the explosion was Sam. Hoping he was not hurt. ‘’We need to hurry.’’ I told Nate while swimming to the boat. He followed me closely definitely remembering his promise to his brother.
We entered the ship trough the hole. Stepping inside our eyes locked on the many treasures that filled up the place. Smoke slowly filled the room from numerous small fires. Looking around I noticed a small door. ‘’Nate in here.’’ I whisper yelled, not wanting to alert who ever might me on the other side.
Careful Nate opened the door and we both walked inside. ‘’Sam?!’’ Nate yelled out, but no answer. A cough could be heard coming from within the smoke, belonging to Rafe. Raising my gun towards Rafe I watched him descend from the smoke. ‘’Hello Nate, Sweetheart, you are just like the brothers. They don’t die that easily either.’’ pulling back the safety of my gun, he made my blood boil with anger. ‘’Where is Sam.’’ I asked harshly, trying to stay focus on what was most important right now.
Walking completely into few I could see Rafe was wounded. He had a cut on his for head and was holding onto his side, limping as he walked. ‘’He is right there.’’ he nodded to his left, while keeping his gun raised at us.
Following his gaze I saw Sam, trapped underneath a wooden support beam. It must have dropped on him in the explosion. ‘’Sam!’’ I yelled hoping for a response. ‘’Don’t worry, he is still alive.’’ his words calmed me a little. I tried to get to Sam but Rafe didn’t like that idea so much. ‘’Not so fast, sweetheart.’’ His gun was now pointed directly on me.
Stopping in my tracts I turned to face Rafe. ‘’Take the treasure Rafe, I don’t care anymore. But let me save Sam.’’ We found the treasure, we proved ourself that we could find it and we know now it was real and not just a legend. But Sams life was more important to me then some stupid gold.
Shaking his head he scoffed at me. ‘’After everything he has done, how noble of you, but no.’’ The smoke started to fill up the room slowly. It got caught in the back of my throat, making me cough. ‘’If we stay here any longer we all die!’’ I spat at him trough my coughing. ‘’Is that what you want?’’ Nate asked him. ‘’That is not what I said. What do you think Nadine?’’ he asked smirking.
Nate and I both looked at each other before turning to the door. Nadine walked out with her gun raised. ‘’Be a dear and relieve Nate and y/n form their guns.’’ he order Nadine.
Not knowing what to do I kept my gun raised at Nadine, while Nate had his raised at Rafe. ‘’Hand them over.’’ she said sternly. ‘’You really think you can trust him?’’ I asked in disgust. ‘’Not your concern.’’ she tried not to show any emotions but something was lurking from beneath.
Slowly we started to circle each other. ‘’Now, why are you trying to instigate? Nadine and I are partners… I don’t screw over my partners.’’  Nate had given Nadine his gun, he wasn’t here to fight. He was here to save his brother. ‘’Get over there. You too sweetheart.’’ I followed Nate, gave Nadine my gun and stepped aside. ‘’You and your brother, though… Right from the start, you took advantage of my generosity. You tried to cut me out and it’s high time you learned--’’ he stopped mid sentence because Nadine had put her gun against the back of his head.
A look of betrayal was spread across his face. ‘’What are you doing?’’ he asked rather annoyed. ‘’Now you give me your gun.’’ scoffingly he said. ‘’Nadine,’’ She pulled back the safety of her gun. ‘’I won’t ask again.’’ he let out a sigh and handed over his gun.
Nudging Nate in his side I nodded towards Rafe and Nadine, hoping he would get the hint. If he could distract them I could check up on Sam. I tried to move away but Nadine’s yelling stopped me in my tracts. ‘’Look at them!’’ pointing towards two skeletal remains. ‘’Looks like two skeletons to me, so what?’’ looking at the two I immediately knew who they were.
‘’I don’t know much about history as the three of you, but I got a pretty good idea of who these to are.’’ Nadine took a step on the first step of the small stairs. ‘’Well, enlighten us.’’ Mocked Rafe. ‘’Avery and Tew, they killed each other.’’ I spoke up before any one els. ‘’Good for them, what does it have to do with us.’’ Rafe clearly missed the point of this all. ‘’Every one obsessed with the treasure gets what they deserve.’’ She turned around and walked to the entrance of the room.
Panic filled the room. ‘’What, you are just going to leave us to die?’’ Nate asked, knowing she was about to walk out on us. ‘’Im just leaving. Whether you die or not, I don’t really care.’’ She walked out and closed the door behind her, leaving us trapped.
Rafe walked to the door and yelled after her. ‘’It’s no use, we need to find another way out.’’ I said while walked towards Sam with Nate. We needed to get him out of there. Fast. ‘’Just give us a hand and we all be getting out of here.’’ Nate added but Rafe made up his mind. He picked up a sword from the ground and slowly made his way toward us. ‘’Rafe, we don’t have time for your fencing classes.’’ Nate got up from his position on the ground to lead him away from Sam and me.
They danced around each other, Nate unarmed. I tried to cancel out there conversation while I tried to free Sam. But of course I didn’t had the strength to do so. I looked over to them and saw Nate on the ground, sword broken in two pieces next to him. Rafe towering over him ready to strike. ‘’If you want the treasure so bad, you can have it.’’ I spat trough gritted teeth and grab the dagger that was hidden in my right boot.
Anger was written all over Rafe’s face as he glared at me. ‘’All. Of. It.’’  I spoke emphasizing every word, before cutting the rope that held up on of the many nets filled with treasures. It came crashing down and landed on top of Rafe.
The next minutes all happened in a daze. Not believing what I just did. Smoke now filled the room and numerous fires threatened to burn us alive, still trapped with no way out. A second explosion snapped me back to reality. The room was now flooded with water, rising quickly. ‘’Help me with this beam!’’ Nate yelled as Sam was almost under water. I sprinted towards them and helped him lift the beam, making it able for Sam to swim out.  
The three of us made it out the cave alive. Elena was waiting for us on land and helped us get out of the water. Right away she signaled my father with a flare gun and soon after we were safely on board back to main land.
Looking for warmth and comfort against Sam, my head resting on his shoulder and his arm around mine. ‘’Please promise me something.’’ I asked Sam out of the blue. ‘’Hmm.’’ he hummed, letting me know he heard me. Looking down at my face while I looked up and lost myself for a second in his eyes.
He tilted his head slightly. ‘’You were going to say something, doll?’’ snapping back to reality. ‘’Uh yeah.’’ clearing my throat I dropped the question. ‘’Don’t ever die on me again, you hear me.’’ Sternly I looked at him, scared to loose him again, and this time for good.
A smile stretched a gross his face. ‘’Don’t worry, I’m never leaving you again.’’ He leaned down on me and placed a soft kiss on my lips.
There we were, reunited at last.
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mariinara · 4 years
A/N: Well, this one-shot is late. BUT HERE IT IS, FINALLY. I hated writing this :,) I feel awful.
Request for: @samdrakeftw (ENJOY!)
Tags: @missdictatorme , @the-drakeboys , @the-winchesterboys , @hrgnm , @purplezebra68
Prompts: "Don't die on me." + "Don't make this harder than it is."
Warnings: Angst, death.
Word count: 2,416
(Part 2 here!)
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"There she is!"
You quickly whipped your head towards the source of the voice and the sounds of multiple, heavy footsteps, startled, "Oh, shit.."
You glanced down at the Shoreline soldier, whom you stabbed to death and, quickly, you ripped a part of his t-shirt away, took his Para .45 gun, and sprung back on your feet, starting to bolt towards a plausible refuge. 
'This was a bad idea..'
You thought to yourself just when bullets of different calibers started to rain behind you, causing you to flinch and duck away as you ran, losing balance a little and stumbling onto your feet but, luckily, your strong desire to survive carried you and you continued your sprint through the ship graveyard. Your feet were sore and the gushing bullet wound through your hand was not helping you. 
As much as you attempted to maintain a tough facade, you felt terrified. There you were, running away from an entire army of soldiers, who seeked you to avenge their fallen comrades. 
It was because of you that so many Shoreline soldiers were taken down, and you reckoned that Nate and Elena took down their own, generous share of them, which was why Rafe was pissed and sending more guns behind you.
But you were on your own.
You'd parted ways with them to cover more ground to find Sam and, after a long argument with Nathan, you were able to bolt away, with only a switch-blade, a revolver, and your will to both save Sam and punch him into oblivion.
And there you were, teasing death with your absolute perseverance, your feet padding strongly on the ground as you rippled through shipwrecks. You were thinking about nothing else but your own survival. 
'You're gonna be okay..'
You assured yourself, heavy breaths escaping your parted, cut lips as you vaulted over a stack of piled wood, barely avoiding the bullets that ostensibly came at you from every direction. 
Your eyes scanned the environment and, when you saw a coming turn, you decided to take it, slipping a bit when you made the sudden shift. But in no time, you were on your feet again.
You quickly whipped out your gun just when the sniper aimed right at you and took your shot, clean through his forehead. For a second he looked stunned and he fell over, and when you wanted to take a large step forward to take the sniper gun, more men appeared in front of you, stopping you in your tracks.
Your eyes flickered in both directions, back and forth, and it seemed like you were trapped for a good couple of seconds. There was no way through the ship next to you, but there was a small opening that you could squeeze through.
Without wasting another second, you inhaled deeply and squeezed yourself through, breathing heavily and wincing when your wounded hand made contact with the splintered wood and gunshots fired incessantly, putting holes in the ship, but you ran through it, ducking your head away. 
'Just breathe.'
You reminded yourself. God, why were you doing that in the first place? Why did you think, for a second, that this was a good idea? You were mad at Samuel for lying and putting your lives at risk, yet there you were, throwing yourself in the face of danger for the same man who'd broken your heart.
But you couldn't bear to lose him again. 
Not after you'd just gotten him back.
And that was your only drive. The incentive that was so strong that it controlled your body for you. You'd stabbed and dodged and parkoured your way through Avery's bullshit, and sometimes, you'd be so stunned at your own actions that you'd ask yourself: "How the hell did I do that?" 
You had no clue that you were capable of inciting such chaos– to elicit such rage, frustration, and desperation from Nadine and Rafe to the extent that they'd be so threatened so as to send a whole battalion after you.
And as much as that brought you satisfaction, you'd wished that it was all over. You just wanted any sign that Sam was safe and sound, and once you heard guns blazing from a distance and saw that he was there, alive and well and making a beeline from Shoreline, you were instantly back on your feet to retrieve him.
But, oh, how could that ever go according to plan with military men being at every corner?
A loud groan came from you when you jumped on a lower cliff, right below the shipwreck you were running through. 
Ahead of you, a battle cry could be heard just as a soldier rounded a corner to surprise you and swing the back of his shotgun to knock you out but you quickly dodged him and ducked, pulling out your switchblade and plunging it into his jugular. 
He stopped struggling and fell to the floor, allowing you to take over his weapon. After strapping it to your back, you continued your sprint and, you couldn't deny it, you were pretty sick of yourself.
You'd left this career for a reason.
Inflicting harm upon others had become more of a nightmare to you. For days, you wouldn't sleep properly when you'd remember how you so effortlessly slashed someone's neck or riddled their body with bullets.
You loved treasure hunting but everything came with a price and this was one you were no longer willing to pay.
With a loud grunt, you slammed your entire weight against yet another wrecked ship, getting your body through the moldy wood easily. You caught yourself when you nearly fell over and your eyes skimmed your surroundings. 
'There. I can take cover there.'
You quickly jumped behind a pile of excavation boxes and sat down, your back propped against them. You tried to stop shaking and quickly pulled out the cloth you'd ripped from the soldier earlier, tying your hand with the flimsy fabric.
You let out a soft whimper as you applied pressure to your wound, clenching your fist when the cloth was secured around your palm, "Ah, fuck.." You whispered to yourself, resting your head back and trying to catch your breath, swallowing to dampen your dry throat.
"Careful. Lots of hiding places out here."
They were coming closer. And if you didn't get yourself together in the matter of less than a minute, you were going to be a goner. 
'God– What was I thinking!?'
You mentally scolded yourself whilst reaching for your thigh holster for your gun, which you pulled out and checked for ammo. 
'One bullet. Perfect. Might as well put it in my own head.' 
You quickly pushed the magazine back into the handgun and unwrapped your shotgun, adjusted the safety, and clung to the weapon with tight, shaking hands and closed eyes.
"You check over there. I'll stay here to lookout. She can't have gone too far."
"Roger that."
Your eyes snapped open again as the men separated to cover more ground and your guard was up again. You sat in a crouching position so you'd be able to bolt away if you wanted to easily.
You held your breath as you heard footsteps approaching the boxes you were behind. Slow, careful ones, as if the soldier just knew you were there. As if he knew that just the slightest, wrong move from him could trigger a reaction from you that he might not like.
Suddenly, and out of nowhere, gunshots could be heard, and the men's attentions were diverted elsewhere, but you flinched at the flying bullets, ducking your head behind the boxes and holding your head in your hands, not daring to peek lest you lose your head.
You'd had enough. Your lungs were filled with the suffocating humidity and you were trying so hard to keep it together but you were sure you were about to lose your mind. You've been fighting your way through Libertalia on your own for a long while and all the assaults, the attacks, the bullets, the punches, they all left both physical and mental scars in you.
There. Was. A. Reason. You. Quit.
But, for Sam, you were prepared to go through just about anything and you'd often wondered if he'd do the same. If he even felt the same. 
You were such a coward. 
You could handle yourself, hold a gun, shoot people and impale them with ease, but you could never bring yourself to look him in the eyes and tell him what you've wanted to all those years back. 
That you loved him. That you always have and probably always will. He died and left you to wallow in your misery for fifteen years and now that he was back, it was your chance for a redo. 
But, once again, you couldn't do it and you just didn't know what it was about him. His intense, yet warm gaze was probably it. It made you shake with fear. The fear of not being adequate enough for him. You've seen what type of women he hooked up with and you were nothing like them. A voice would tell you that it was probably a good thing. That Sam was actually waiting for someone like you to impact his life. To cause that dramatic shift within him. To make him wonder what life would taste like with you, tucked in his arms.
But another voice told you "Don't. He's not looking for anything." 
And you'd changed your mind. You'd shaken your head with a thin smile and a soft 'nothing..' before turning away from him, leaving him confused yet intrigued. And that was the last time you had any interaction. After that, his lie was exposed, and you didn't know why, but as much as your heart broke because of it, you couldn't find it in you to be mad at him. 
Sure, punching the daylights out of him was a priority, but at that moment, you just wanted to find him and never let him go. 
Startled, you let out a loud scream after being taken into a pair of strong arms. You struggled, feeling the person turn you, saying things that you couldn't quite hear over your low growls of resistance.
"Let me go!" You yelled, trying to push them away. You couldn't see anything except the blur of your own tears. You didn't even know why you were crying.
"Hey!" The person's sharp voice came and something in your brain clicked. That voice. It was so familiar and it slowly brought you out or your trance. You were breathing heavily, your stamina suddenly feeling low, "It's me.. It's just me.." He comforted, cupping your cheeks in his hands and tilting your head up, wanting to look at you.
You stared at him for a couple of seconds, studying his deeply concerned expression. You were overjoyed. He was right there, holding you. And it'd dawned on you that the bullet sounds ceased completely. That you could only hear the heavy winds and you and Sam's erratic breathing.
When he realized that you were back to him, he let out a sigh of relief and smiled, making something burst inside of you and you felt the tears rushing to your eyes. The contortions your face suddenly made hurt every deep cut in your skin and you couldn't help but wince before letting out a sob.
Sam knew that reaction was coming and he knew you. He knew that you were relieved to have him right there in front of him. He knew that you came after him alone and as much as that worried him sick, he was sort of glad he had you there. And yet he had no idea what he'd done to deserve that. 
Gratefulness suddenly overcame him and he took you into an embrace as you cried and all you could do was surrender and close your eyes as your face pressed into his chest. One of his hands was holding the back of your head, his fingers deep into your hair. His other arm was around you, and he let out a soft sigh of comfort, just basking in your presence.
"It's just me.." He repeated, his voice barely above a tired whisper, "It's okay.."
Slowly, you started to calm down. Your sobs were no more and you only started to sniff and hiccup lightly and Sam pulled away, only to look at you. Your beautiful face. The face that he so dearly loved. You had the ability to make him feel warm and it was almost embarrassing how many times he'd catch himself staring into your observant, curious, lively eyes. 
And your smile.
Oh, what he wouldn't give to see you give him a smile and one of your coy laughs. You were such a blessing.
But, much like you, he was a coward. He couldn't bring himself to look you in the eyes and tell you how you made him feel. He wanted to tell you that he's imagined you jumping into his arms and kissing him on more than one occasion but he just couldn't and he too had no clue as to why he felt so timid around you– it was extremely out of character for him.
"You okay?" He asked you gently while wiping away your tears with his thumbs, staring into your lost eyes.
You nodded with a small hum, feeling yourself unable to form the words just yet, like you were brain-dead. If you'd even opened your mouth, nothing articulate would come out.
"We gotta go, alright?" He spoke gently, tucking stray strands of your hair behind your ears, his hazel eyes warm, assuring safety. Quickly, you nodded. After that, his hands left your cheeks so he could reload his gun, "Stay close." He instructed, jogging ahead already. 
You stared at him as he did, your shoulders sagged in defeat and your eyes still welled up with tears. You wondered just how much you truly loved him. You let out a shaky breath when you realized that it hurt when he wasn't cupping your cheeks anymore or playfully quipping. 
You remembered how hard it was to live for such a long time without him. 
And you knew that, as long as he was next to you, there was nothing you couldn't do. That thought alone pushed you to jog and catch up to him, feeling your stamina get back to you.
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nxsmss · 4 years
Movies I watched in February
fyi, I have zero knowledge on how to professionally rate or review a movie. I am not gonna pay attention to every little detail. these rating are simply based on how much I enjoyed/liked the movie
Follow me
In Time
Avengers Age of Ultron
Star Trek
Step up all in
Project Almanac
Ant Man
Space Sweepers
Christiane F.
Jurassic World
Jurassic World the fallen kingdom
1. follow me
A social media personality travels with his friends to Moskow to capture new content for his successful vlog. Always pushing the limits and catering to a growing audience, they enter a cold world of mystery, excess, and danger. 
starring: Keegan Allen, Holland Roden, Denzel Whitaker, Ronen Rubenstein, Pasha D. Lchnikoff
the end was very predictable and i pretty much already knew halfway through the movie what was gonna happen. but it still was quite thrilling and I did enjoy watching it
2. unhinged
After a confrontation with an unstable man at an intersection, a woman becomes becomes the target of his rage. 
starring: Russel Crowe, Caren Pistorius, Gabriel Batemen
hm idk, I didn’t really like it, my sister didn’t really like it but my mom did, I think. it just seemed so, no overdramatic but just too much in a way
3. in time
In a future where people stop aging after 25 and need to buy time to live, the rich become immortal while others cease to exist. So, Will is on the run with a hostage in a desperate bid to survive. 
starring: Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Murphy, Olivia Wilde, Alex Pettyfer
yes, such a good movie. Ireally like the concept. can recommend
4. avengers age of ultron
When Tony Stark and Bruce Banner try to jump-start a dormant peacekeeping program called Ultron, things go horribly wrong and it’s up to Earth’s mightiest heroes to stop the villanious Ultron from enacting his terrible plan. 
starring: Robert Downy Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johanson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Paul Bettany
hell yes, one of my favourite marvel movies. Wanda and Pietro.. Hawkeye.. all the little jokes throughout the entire movie and of course the scene where everyone tries to lift thor’s hammer, what’s not to love about this movie
5. songbird
In 2024 a pandemic ravages the world and it’s cities. Centering a handful of people as they naviagete the obstacles currently hindering society: disease, marital law, quarantine, and vigilantes. 
starring: K.J. Apa, Sofia Carson, Demi Moore, Bradley Whitford, Peter Stromare, Alexandra Daddario, Craig Robinson
I really enjoyed watching this. yeah sure, the ending was obvious but I was still glued to the screen. I also felt super weird watching this, kinda surreal because we are basically living a more harmless version of this rn. I really liked seeing sofia carson in such a movie, I’ve only seen her in the descendants so this was a bit of a change haha. I’m not that big of a fan of kj but he was great as well and i really loved his characters style.
6. star trek
The brash James T. Kirk tries to live up to his father’s legacy with Mr. Spock keeping him in check as a vengeful Romulan from the future creates black holes to destroy the Federation one planet at a time. 
starring: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Leonard Nimoy, Carl Urban, Eric Bana, Bruce Greenwood, Zoe Zaldana, Simon Pegg, John Cho, Anton Yelchin
I put it on because I wanted to have some background noise while playing sims but I ended up playing like 20 minutes and then just watching the movie haha I forgot how good it was, and the others as well, aaand I totally forgot carl urban was in it, so that was a little surprise. anyways, can recommend watching them if you’re into sci-fi action movies but at the same time, if you’re into that I’m pretty sure you’ve already watched them.
bonus: I also watched star trek beyond the other day but this time I was barely paying attention so I can't really say too much, but it's also quite good👍🏻
7. step up all in
All-stars from the previous Step up installments come together in glittering Las Vegas, battling for a victory that could define their dreams and their careers.
starring: Ryan Guzman, Briana Evigan, Adam Sevani, Misha Gabriel Hamilton, Sephen Stevo Jones, David Schreibman, Mari Koda, Alyson Stoner, Izabella Miko
definetly one of my favourite dance movies. highly recommend it!! I’d like it more without the romancde but it’s fine, I guess, I can live with it haha and the last performance... wow just wow that’s all I can say to that. y’all go watch it
8. project almanac
A group of teens discover secret plans of a time machine, and construct one. However, things start to get out of control.
starring: Jonny Weston, Sofia Black-D’Elia, Sam Lerner, Allen Evangelista, Virginia Gardner
okay... I did enjoy watching it! the beginning was a little slow imo but then it just got more and more intense which was kinda nice. god, at some point the main guy kept making the wrong decisions and that was very frustrating to watch. the ending was alright, spoiler ahead (I guess) I would have liked the ending more if it was the exact same as the beginning, meaning that the movie is just one big time loop and the events from the movie were about to repeat themselves. but that's just my opinion🤷🏻‍♀️
9. ant man
Armed with a super-suit with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, cat burglar Scott Lang must embrace his inner hero and help his Mentor Dr. Pym, plan and pull off a heist that will save the world.
starring: Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, Evangeline Lilly, Corey Stoll, Michael Pena, Bobby Cannavale, David Dastmalchian, T.I.
another one of my favorite mcu movies. it's just fun and easy and doesn't have a lot of pain in it. the giant ant it's my favorite part haha I want it as a pet
10. space sweepers
Set in the year 2092 and follows the crew of a space junk collector ship called The Victory. When they discover a humanoid robot named Dorothy that's known to be a weapon of mass destruction, they get involved in a risky business deal.
starring: Song Joong-Kim, Kim Tae-ri, Seon-kyu Jin, Hyang-gi Kim, Richard Armitage, Ye-Rin Park
I really loved this movie. I cried like 6 times haha, which came unexpected. (or maybe it's because I'm suppose to get my period any day now) I did not think I was going to enjoy this movie as much as I did, at all. it was fun, it was exciting, it was sad (even my dad said that) the plot was good, the visual effects were amazing, it did feel like I was watching this movie for like 5 hours but not in a bad way and I am now kinda emotionally attached to the characters haha (I might do a rewatch). another thing I really liked was the language/synchronization. in the original version they speak mostly korean and english but also some other languages and it's the same in the synchronizations. the dialogue of the main characters is in the language you pick but every other character (I guess) is a different language and I absolutely love that. I highly recommend watching this!!
also, its was super weird seeing Richard Armitage not as a dwarf hahaha
11. christiane f.
A teen girl in 1970's Berlin becomes addicted to heroin. Everything in her life slowly begins to distort and disappear as she befriends a small crew of junkies and falls in love with a drug-abusing male prostitute.
starring: Natja Brunckhorst, Thomas Haustein, Jens Kuphal, Christiane Reichelt
I binged the series the other day and after the last episode this movie was in the "watch next" thingy idk and I thought "well, why not" and watched it. good movie, definitely!! I really liked that they didn't show the highs of doing heroin but focused on the negative effects it has on someone and what it's doing to your body. it is a super realistic but very very dark movie. the actors were all about 15/16 years old and looked very young which was a good and kinda disturbing thing because christiane and her friend were like 13/14 when that all happened and it made you realise that there were kids doing all that stuff
12. jurrasic world
A new theme park, built on the original site of Jurassic Park, creates a genetically modified hybrid dinosaur, the Indominus Rex, which escapes containment and goes on a killing spree.
starring: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Ty simpkins, Nick Robinson, Irrfan Khan, Vincent D'Onofrio
13. jurassic world fallen kingdom
When the island's dormant volcano begins roaring to life, Owen and Claire mount a campaign to rescue the remaining dinosaurs from this extinction-level event.
starring: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Rafe Spall, Justice Smith, Daniella Pineda, Isabella Sermon
I am tired and don't really want to say all that much other than both of them are very good and I do like them. good action/adventure movies. can definitely recommend them. I definitely like the first one more because it feels like (just a little bit) that the main story in the second one is the same as in the first one, someone creates a new dinosaur species to make more money and something goes terribly wrong along the way. but it's still entertaining!
jurassic wolrd: 7.5/10
jurassic world fallen kingdom: 7/10
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unchartedterritoria · 5 years
Dangerous (Sam Drake x OC) - Chapter 29
Previous Chapters: Chapter 1 * Chapter 2 * Chapter 3 * Chapter 4 * Chapter 5* Chapter 6 * Chapter 7 * Chapter 8 * Chapter 9 * Chapter 10 * Chapter 11 * Chapter 12 * Chapter 13 * Chapter 14 * Chapter 15 * Chapter 16 * Chapter 17 * Chapter 18 * Chapter 19 * Chapter 20 * Chapter 21 * Chapter 22 * Chapter 23* Chapter 24 * Chapter 25 * Chapter 26 * Chapter 27 * Chapter 28
As always, you can read the story thus far on A03  HERE
Tags: @jodiereedus22, @shambhalala, @missdictatorme
Reviews and comments are always appreciated!
A hard knock on the door of the motel room announced Sully's arrival. Still cautious, Sam hastily threw the garish, flowery comforter over the assortment of weapons he had gotten from the Ricker brothers just an hour earlier. He gave a quick glance through the crack between the heavy drawn drapes, enough to see the casual short-sleeved style button-down that Sully always preferred.
"It's me, open the door," Sully's gruff voice came from behind the door as he noticed the slight rustle of the window coverings.
Sam closed his eyes and sighed, running a hand through his hair, feeling the dark cloud of inevitable guilt-laden ass-chewing that lay behind the door in the form of Victor Sullivan.
Sam undid the flimsy chain lock and deadbolt, opening the door. Before he could begin to argue and explain his actions in vain, pain ricocheted through his head, the unexpected punch to the nose, making him stumble backward. Tripping awkwardly over his own feet, he landed square on his ass next to the bed.
Sully strode through the doorway, looking the rather imposing figure despite the cane in his right hand, which he used to slam the door closed behind him.
A few drops of blood caught on Sam's upper lip. He wiped it away gingerly with the back of his hand, careful not to touch his nose.
"I deserve that," He said, getting to his feet after a moment, sure that the bleeding had stopped and that his nose wasn't broken.
“You deserve a lot more than that,” Sully threatened.
“I know I do.”
“What kind of shitstorm have you gotten her into?”
Oh good, getting right into things.
"Something a lot bigger than I thought it was," Sam sighed sourly, leaning back against the door. His hand reached up occasionally to touch his nose while Sully paced elliptical patterns through the tiny motel room Sam and Faith shared. "Sit down before you fall down old man, you're looking a little pekid," He told Sully. Taking his own advice, he pulled out a chair and sat down at the small table.
"Don't tell me to sit down! I'm just fine," He said defiantly. Sully took a few more obstinant strides around the room. A layer of perspiration shone on his pale face before finally, he resigned himself to the chair across from Sam, muffling a gruff groan as he sat.
“How's the leg doing?” Sam asked.
“We'll talk about me later,” Victor answered quickly, shutting down Sam's meager attempt at small talk, “Now tell me what's going on.”
Sam took a readying breath. “How much did you find out from Nathan?”
“The high points. Lincoln's treasure. Springfield. Something about a goddamn barrel here in the Keys... Remy St. James,” He added the name of their fallen friend last. A stoic sadness in his dull green eyes, it was the hardened gaze of a man experienced with death and loss. “Damn shame. He was a good kid.” Sully reflected.
"That he was," Sam said, his face guilty and ashen as he shook a cigarette out of the pack next to the half-full ashtray on the table.
"Well, if that was the highlights, they don't tell me squat. Give me the play by play," Sully asked, adjusting his injured leg under the table.
Sam spent the next half hour chain-smoking and retelling the events of the last 67 days. The activities and finds in Springfield, the horrible and harrowing situation that had unfolded in the basement of the abandoned Edwards house, the previous three weeks of searching for any clues and finally finding a lead at the Martello Museum. Sam made the decision to keep what brought them to the museum, treasure hunter pillow talk that morning after Mother's Day, to himself.
“And that's when he grabbed her?” Sully asked.
“And you are absolutely sure it was Jasper?”
“Oh, I know it was him. Son of a bitch even left me a goddamn note,” Sam said bitterly, stubbing out the butt of his cigarette in the overflowing ashtray. Anxious, he pushed himself away from the table and strode around the space.
“A note?”
"Oh yeah, 'I've taken your queen, your move,'" He mocked in a thick Georgia accent. Sully frowned.
“Your queen?”
"Yeah, like it's a fuckin' chess match. You wanna see my move, Jasper? You wanna see my move?" Sam ranted to the warm air, giving the bed a kick with his boot, it made the weapons of his makeshift armory clack together. "Yeah, I'm gonna take these guns, shove them up your ass and leave a giant fuckin' divot where you stand. How's that for a fucking move?" Sam snatched the comforter from the bed, leaving it in a crumpled heap as he started to stuff the weapons in black duffel bags.
Your queen. Sully turned the line over in his brain. He scanned the room, his greying eyebrows furrowed.
With Sam having stowed his small arsenal away, Sully could see the large, singular dip in the middle of the mattress. The dip one could always find in the beds of an old married couple.
Samuel, please tell me you didn't, he thought, looking around the room again for another sign. The small pile of clothes that looked haphazardly thrown to the ground included Sam's t-shirt with a shiny aqua bra strap poking out from beneath it. That was all he needed to see.
“Samuel, I asked you two things, keep her safe and keep your hands to yourself.”
“Huh?” Sam poked his head up.
"I told you, I warned you, and you still couldn't do either!
"Alright, you know what, Victor?" Sam huffed, hastily zipping closed the last bag, and throwing it next to the door. "You got to ask your questions, now you're gonna answer mine. Who is Faith, and why is she so goddamn important to you?"
“Sam-” Sully said quietly, staring blankly at the table.
“No,” Sam interrupted. “No, this who time all I've gotten out of you is keep her safe and keep her out of my bed. I wanna know why.”
Victor silently drummed his fingers on the worn Formica. "You don't know," He said softly, the hint of sympathy in his voice made Sam cross his arms in confusion.
“Should I?”
"Where do you keep your whiskey?"
Sam went to the single cupboard above their sink/stove/fridge combination and drew out a bottle of Jameson and a glass. He put them both in front of Sully and sat back down in his chair. Sully grabbed the bottle and poured a third of a glass of amber liquid. He slid it in front of Sam.
“You're gonna want this boyo.”
Sam eyed the old man guardedly. “Is she your kid, Victor?” He asked, finally getting out the question that had been floating in his head for weeks.
"You've never given two shits about who I fool around with, and now suddenly, you're acting like you're gonna chop my balls off if I touch here. Something like that, it's a dad thing to do; So I gotta ask, is Faith, your daughter?" Sam challenged.
“No, she is not my daughter,” Sully said with a mirthless chuckle.
“Is she your granddaughter?”
"No, now be quiet for a minute, and I'll tell you," Sully huffed with some annoyance before he continued. "Faith's grandfather was a fellow squid. We served together in the war. During one tour, our ship took two torpedoes in the side. I got knocked around pretty good, and Hank, that's Faith's grandpa, made sure I got my bruised, broken, and bleeding ass off that rig. Fella saved my life."
Sam leaned back in his chair, his head cocked to the side in interest. Victor Sullivan rarely spoke about his time in the Navy and his time during the war specifically.
"Hank was a hell of a guy. After we got out of the service, we'd get together a couple times a year and knock back a few. Talk about the old days, catch up. On one of these visits, he asks me for a favor. His daughter and her husband were looking to go on vacation. Somewhere that wasn't too touristy, but that was still a nice place to visit. He knew that I traveled a lot for my work and asked if I could hook him up with something nice for Sussi and her husband. Hank had never asked me for more than a quarter in almost 40 years, not to mention I owed him my goddamn life. So I took care of it for him."
Sully stopped for a moment. He rubbed his mustache and let out a deep sigh. Sam began to wonder with some annoyance where this story was going and when Victor would get to some concrete answers.
“I took care of all of it for him. I even had a place in mind when he'd asked. I'd just been down there, doing a little recon for you, Nate...and Rafe Adler.”
Sam's chest tightened at the mention of Rafe's name.
“Two full weeks in a king suite. Beachfront. In Panama. 18 years ago.”
Sam gripped the glass in front of him with both hands to steady the tremors that rolled through his body.
"You ever really get a good look at Faith's eyes? I swear they're the exact same as her mothers," Sully added after a moment, not sure if he should continue ripping the scab off the double decades' old wound that still oozed and throbbed for Sam in the night.
Sam could picture Faith's face perfectly. Her high, full cheeks. The small upturned nose that she called her ski jump. And her warm brown eyes that had stared right through him just that morning as they lay naked together quietly. Her eyes always seemed familiar to him, as if he had seen her his whole life somewhere.
Disbelief and denial crashed over him as he, at last, realized where he'd seen them. In his dreams. In his nightmares.
“You can really see it when she's angry,” Sully added quietly. The last nail hammering the truth home. The loud bang of the spike bringing on the memory of the night Sam had met Faith Spencer 68 days ago. When she had gotten in his face about family, her eyes ablaze with anger.
The same eyes of the woman that had called him a fucking animal those 18 years ago.
Sully smoothed the tops of his tan slacks with his sweat heavy palms. “I didn't have a clue until I dropped in on Hank two months later and found Sussi sitting at his kitchen table feeding Faith's father his dinner through a straw.”
Saliva flooded Sam's mouth as the bile rose in the back of his throat. He swallowed it back hard.
"I asked if they'd caught the guy," Sully continued. "When she told me he'd died in an escape attempt with two other men, I put two and two together." He sat back in his chair, his hands folded across the slightly bulging belly that had come with his old age. "I'd created this perfect clusterfuck of a storm, and of course, I blamed myself. Hank and Sussi, even Everett forgave me. Never blamed me in the first place cause that's the kind of people they were. Good people. Still didn't stop the guilt, it turned my visits from every couple of months to every couple of years."
Sully sighed, his lips tight together, but the heaviness that was in his eyes was gone, the burden of keeping this information to himself lifted.
"And this wasn't just about keeping Faith from finding out; it was about keeping it from you too."
Sam's jaw clenched, his head lowering in anger. None of it gone unnoticed.
"Before you go flying off the handle, let me finish. There was no sense dredging up the past and its accompanying bullshit. Not for you. I know you still have nightmares, Samuel. I've heard you wake up yelling in the middle of the night enough times to know that."
Sam dropped his head, unable to hold Sully's gaze as a rush of unnecessary shame shaded his neck red. Unaware of what he did in his sleep, he had always tried to keep his nightmares private. He figured, no info, no questions; No autopsy, no foul.
"I thought that if I could just keep a distance between the two of you, I could keep the past in the past." Sully leaned forward and grabbed the untouched glass from in front of Sam. "Guess we both failed pretty spectacularly, eh?" He muttered sarcastically before taking a swallow.
The seconds past. Sam still sat motionless, staring blankly at a random fixed point on the chipped table. The silence eventually proved too heavy for Sully to take.
“Christ, will you say something?”
"I'm leaving at 6AM. Be ready by then," Sam uttered in an emotionless monotone as he stood and strode out the door, closing it behind him quietly, leaving Sully and his cigarettes sitting at the table.
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