#He takes one look at that and he's like 'actually I will just double die.'
bonefall · 1 year
My only exposure to BB!Darkstripe is through your Leopardfoot post and I already love him in the df. Darkstripe my beloved. Actually all of the df demons my beloved.
I think it's going to be VERY fun in the end of TBC where Ashfur escapes to the Dark Forest and like half of the demons are like... "Who. Are you."
Arrives in the middle of a dinner party where they're eating black puddingcakes and sauteed rattails and Darkstripe looks up from his cauldron like, "i didnt make extra and im not feeding all of starclan"
He probably ate someone and that scared them into following him right quick... but, there's definitely a noticeable difference between the cats who are doing it willingly (Mapleshade, Adderfang, Houndleap) and the ones who are just scared of permadeath (Darkstripe)
Basically the DF is a whole faction now, just like StarClan.
And Darkstripe is actually going to give up when Rootspring gets possessed by the half-ghost of Hawkfrost. Man gives an effort but as soon as he realizes he's beat he's like, "oh this is bullshit. I give up. I'm so fucking done get off me im not doing this"
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ryin-silverfish · 4 months
A Guide to the Chinese Underworld (and what it isn't)
As many FSYY and fox posts as there were on my blog, I am actually a huge fan of the Chinese Underworld mythos. Mostly because I was once a morbid little kid that loved reading about the excavations of ancient tombs, and found the statues depicting hellish torture in the Haw Par Villa "super cool".
Apart from the aesthetics, the history of its evolution is also fascinating. Most of us, Chinese or not, only know the most popular version of the Underworld——the "Ten Kings" system, yet that isn't always the case. So today, I'll start off with a short summary of that.
In pre-Qin era, there was already this generic idea of a "Realm of the Dead" called the Yellow Spring, Youdu, or Youming, but we know very little about it.
Then, in the Han dynasty, two ideas start to emerge: 1) the Underworld is a bureaucracy, 2) the God of Mt. Tai ruled over the dead.
This early bureaucracy might not function as an agent of punishment; the main focus was on keeping the dead segregated from the living so they wouldn't bring diseases and misfortune to the latter, as well as using those ghosts to enforce collective punishments upon people for their lineage's wrongdoings while they were still alive.
Post-Han, after Buddhism entered China and took root, its idea of karmic punishments and reincarnation and the figure of King Yama was merged with folk and Daoist ideas of the Underworld bureaucracy, and, came Tang dynasty, resulted in the "Ten Kings" system that first appeared in Dunhuang manuscripts.
It was very rudimentary and far from well-established, as seen in Tang legends, with some adopting the Ten Kings system, some sticking to the Lord of Mt. Tai and some favoring King Yama, and overall little agreements on who's in charge of the Underworld.
But the "Ten Kings" system would become the mainstream version from then onwards, used in Ming vernacular novels and made even more popular by folk religion scrolls like the Jade Records (Yuli Baochao).
As such, most points in the following sections will be based on the fully matured "Ten Kings" system of the Underworld, as seen in the Jade Records and JTTW.
What happens when you die?
(This is a fictionalized walkthrough of the posthumous fate of souls under the "Ten Kings" system. I try to stick to the very broad progression outlined in the Jade Records, but many creative liberties are taken on the details.)
Let's say there's a guy named Xiao Ming, and he had just died of a heart attack. Bummers. What now?
Well, the first thing he saw would be the ghost cops.
There isn't really an unanimous agreement on who these ghost cops are: they may be a pair of ghosts in white and black robes, wearing tall hats (Heibai Wuchang), they may have the heads of farm animals (Ox-Head and Horse-Face), or they can just be generic ghost bureaucrats. For convenience's sake, let's say it was the first scenario.
"Who are you guys and where are you taking me?"
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"Glad you asked!" The taller ghost cop, being the cheerful one of the pair, replied. It wasn't very reassuring, considering that his tongue was dangling out of his mouth way further than it should. "I'm the White Impermanence, my sour-looking colleague here is the Black Impermanence, and we are taking you to the City God's office."
This City God, a.k.a. Chenghuang, is just like how it sounds: the divine guardian of a city, who also pulls double duty as the head of the local Dead People Customs Office. They are usually virtuous officials deified posthumously, and in JTTW, they fall under the category of "Ghostly immortals", together with the Earth Gods a.k.a. Tudi.
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So Xiao Ming went with the two ghost cops——not like he had much of a choice, made his way through the long queue at the City God's office, and was now standing in front of a gruff old magistrate in traditional robes.
"Wang Xiao Ming."
"Age and birth dates?"
"21, April 16 2003…"
After he was done asking questions, the City God flipped through his ledger, then picked up a brush, ticked off Xiao Ming's name, and told him to go get his pass in the next room. More waiting in a queue. Wonderful.
"I never heard anything about needing a pass to get to the Underworld," the girl in front of Xiao Ming asked the ghost cops, who were standing guard nearby. "Is this a new policy or something?"
"Yeah. In the old days, we'd just drag y'all straight to the Ghost Gate." The ghost cop in black said, then muttered to himself, "Fuckin' paperworks and overpopulation, man…"
(This "Dead People Passport" thing was popularized in the middle-to-late Ming dynasty, as shown by the discovery of such documents inside tombs in southern China. )
(It might have evolved from similar passes to the Western Pure Land in lay Buddhism that recorded their acts of merits. Which, in turn, might be traced back to the "Dead People Belongings List" of Han dynasty, to be shown to Underworld bureaucrats so that no one would take away the dead's private property down there or something.)
Anyways, after he received his pass, Xiao Ming departed together with the rest of the bunch, to be led to the Ghost Gate. It was like the world's most depressing tourist group, where instead of tour guides, you got two ghost cops in funny hats, and the only scenery in sight was the desolation of the Yellow Spring Road.
They weren't the only travellers on the road, though. Xiao Ming noticed other groups moving in the far distance, behind the fog and the flickering ghostfire, led by similar figures in black and white.
It made a lot of sense; realistically, there was no way two ghost cops could fetch hundreds of thousands of dead people all by themselves.
(SEA Tang-ki mediums believed there were multiple Tua Di Ya Peks——Hokkien name for the Black and White Impermanences, working for different Underworld Courts.)
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At last, the Ghost Gate stood in front of Xiao Ming, guarded by two towering figures. Normally, they'd be Ox-Head and Horse-Face, like what you see at Haw Par Villa's Underworld entrance.
However, older Han dynasty works like Wang Chong's 论衡·订鬼 also mentioned two gods, Shenshu and Yulei, as guardians of the Ghost Gate, who would use reed ropes to capture malicious ghosts and feed them to tigers, making them possibly the earliest incarnation of "Gate Gods".
So here, they were what Xiao Ming sees, standing side by side like proper doormen, silently watching herds of ghosts being funneled through the entrance.
The place was more crowded than a train station during the CNY Spring Rush; the ghost cops had already said their quick goodbye and left to fetch the next group of dead people, leaving the resident officials of the Underworld proper to maintain order and quell any would-be riots.
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Now you started seeing the Ox-Head and Horse-Face guys, poking at unruly ghosts with their pitchforks and dragging away the violent ones in chains. Among their ranks were other monstrous beings, blue-faced yakshas and imps, but also regular dead humans who look 100% done with their jobs, like the lady who stamped Xiao Ming's pass when it was finally his turn.
After this point, Xiao Ming had entered the Underworld proper, and his next destination would be the First Court, led by King Qin'guang. Here, his fate should be decided by what is revealed in the King's magical mirror.
If Xiao Ming was a good guy, or someone who had done an equal amount of good and bad things in life, he'd be sent straight to the Tenth Court for reincarnation. However, if the mirror, while replaying his life events, had displayed more evil deeds than good ones, he'd be sent to one of the 2nd-9th Courts for judgment and then punished inside the Eighteen Hells.
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Each of the Ten Kings was also assisted by ghostly judges. Many of them were righteous and just officials in life who had been recruited into the Ten Courts posthumously——Cui Jue from JTTW is one such example, while others were living people working part-time for the Underworld, like how Wei Zheng, Taizong's minister, works part-time for the Celestial Bureaucracy in JTTW.
We decide to be nice to Xiao Ming, so, after reliving some embarrassing childhood incidents and cringy teenage phases in front of a bunch of dead bureaucrats, he was found innocent and sent to the Tenth Court.
The queue here was almost as long as the First Court's, stretching on and on alongside of the banks of the Nai River. King of the Turning Wheel made his judgment without even lifting his head when it was Xiao Ming's turn:
"Path of Humans, male, healthy in body and mind, ordinary family. Next!"
Exiting the Tenth Court building, Xiao Ming saw the Terrace of Forgetfulness, standing tall before six bridges, made of gold, silver, jade, stone, wood, and…some unidentified material. Before he could get a good look at them and the little dots moving across those bridges, he was hurried into the Terrace by the ghostly officials.
Now, both JTTW and the Jade Records mention multiple bridges across the Nai River. In the former, there is 3, and the latter, 6. The bridges made of precious materials are for people who will reincarnate into better lives, as the wealthy, the fortunate, and the divine, while the Naihe Bridge is either the common option or the terribad shitty option.
However, the Naihe Bridge proved to be so iconic, it became THE bridge you walk across to reincarnate in popular legends.
Anyways, back to Xiao Ming. He found himself standing in a giant soup kitchen of sorts, with an old lady at the counter, scooping soup out of her steaming pot and into one cup after another.
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This is Mengpo, the amnesia soup granny; according to the Jade Records, she was born in the Western Han era, and a pious cultivator who thought of neither the past nor the future, only knowing that her surname was Meng.
Made into an Underworld god by the Jade Emperor, she cooks a soup of five flavors that will wipe the memory of the dead, making sure they do not remember any of their past lives once they reincarnate.
It tastes awful. Like what you get after pouring corn syrup, coffee, chilli sauce, lemon juice and seawater into the same cup.
Such was Xiao Ming's last thought, as he gulped down the soup, and then he knew no more.
Things you should know about the Chinese Underworld:
1. It's not the Christian Hell.
Rather, the Chinese Underworld functions somewhat like the Purgatory, in that there are a lot of torment, but the torment's not eternal, however long the duration may be. Once you finish your sentence, you get reincarnated as something else, though that "something else" is not a guaranteed good birth.
Other people can also speed up the process via transferring of merits: hiring a priest/monk to chant sutras and perform rituals, for example, or performing good deeds in life in dedication to the dead, or they can pray to a Daoist/Buddhist deity to save their loved ones from a dreadful fate.
Interestingly enough, a thesis paper I read mentions that, whereas Buddhist salvation from the Hells was based on transference of merits——you give monks offerings and pay them to chant sutras, so they can cancel out the sinners' bad karma with good ones, Daoist ideas of salvation tend to involve the priest going down there, sorting it out with the Underworld officials, and taking the dead out of the Hells themselves.
(The paper also stops at the Northern-Southern and Tang dynasties, so the above is likely period-specific.)
2. Nor is it run by evil demons.
Underworld officials are not nice guys and look pretty monstrous and torture the sinful dead, but they are not the embodiment of evil. Rather, the faction as a whole is what I'd call Lawful Neutral, who function on this "An Eye for An Eye" logic, where every harm the sinner caused in life must be returned to them, in order for their karmic debts to be cleansed and move on to their next life.
They can absolutely be corrupt and incompetent and take bribes——Tang dynasty Zhiguai tales and Qing folklore compendiums featured plenty of such cases, but that's a very mundane and human kind of evil, not a cosmic/innate one.
This is just my personal opinion, but if you want to do an "evil" Chinese Underworld? It should be a very bureaucratic evil, whose leaders are bootlickers to the higher-ups, slavedrivers to their rank-and-file workers, and bullies who abuse their power over regular dead people.
Not, y'know, Satan and his infernal legions or conspiring Cthulu cultists.
3. The Ten Kings are not Hades.
Make no mistake, they still have a lot of power over your average dead mortal. But in the grand scheme of things? They are the backwater department of the pantheon, who only show up in JTTW to get pushed around and revive the occasional dead people.
When Taizong made his trip to the Underworld, the Ten Kings greeted him as equals——kings of ghosts to the king of the living. If they see themselves as equal in status to a mortal emperor, then, like any mortal emperors, they are subordinate to the Celestial Host, and the balance of power is not even remotely equal or in their favor.
Also, it isn't said outright, but under the Zhong-Lv classification of immortals JTTW is using, Underworld officials will likely be considered Ghostly immortals, the lowest and weakest of the five types, much like Tudis and Chenghuangs.
Essentially: they are ghosts that are powerful enough to not reincarnate and linger on and on, spirits of pure Yin as opposed to true immortals, who are beings of pure Yang.
It's pretty much the shittiest form of immortality, the result you get when you try to speedrun cultivation (the Zhong-Lv text also made a dig at Buddhist meditation here), and if they don't reincarnate or regain a physical body, there is no chance of progressing any further.
Oh, and fun fact? In the Song dynasty, commoners and literati elites alike believed that virtuous officials in life would get appointed as ghostly officials in death.
However, the latter viewed it as a punishment. Which was strange, considering how they still held the same position and the same amount of authority, just over dead people instead of living ones, so there should be no big losses, right?
Well...it was precisely the "dead people" part that made it a punishment. See, a lot of the power and prestige they had as officials came from the benefits they could bring to their families and kins and native places, as well as the potential wealth and reputation bonuses for themselves.
A job in the Dead People Supreme Court would give them the same workload, but with none of those benefits. Since all the dead people had to reincarnate eventually, they couldn't have a fixed group as their power base, or keep their old familial ties and connections. At most, they could help out an occasional dead relative or two.
Like, working for the Underworld Courts was the kind of deadend (no pun intended) job not even living officials wanted for themselves in the afterlife. That's how hilariously sad and pathetic they are.
4. In JTTW at least, they aren't even the highest authorities of the Underworld.
That would be Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, who is technically their boss, though he seems to be more of a spiritual leader than someone who is actually involved in running the bureaucracy.
Which makes sense, since he has sworn an oath to not attain Buddhahood until all Hells are empty, and his role is to offer relief and salvation to the suffering souls, not judging and punishing them.
Now, historically...even though Ksitigarbha in early Tang legends was still the savior of the dead, he seemed to be unable to interfere with the judicial process of the Underworld, merely showing up to take people away before they were judged by King Yama.
However, in the mid-Tang apocryphal "Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha" (地藏菩萨经), he had evolved into the equal of King Yama, with the power of supervision over his judgements. By the time the Scripture on the Ten Kings came out, in artistic depictions, the Ten Kings had become fully subservient to him.
5. Diyu usually refers to the prison-torture chamber part, not the courthouse, nor is it the entirety of the Underworld.
And for the majority of souls that haven't committed crimes, they'll only see the courthouse part before they are sent to reincarnation. That's why I personally don't like, or use the name Diyu for the Chinese Underworld: I prefer the term Difu ("Earth Mansions"), which encompasses the whole realm better.
Also: even though historical sources like the Scripture on the Ten Kings and Jade Records seem to suggest that the dead were just funneled through this Courthouse-Prison-Reincarnation pipeline with no breaks in between, in practice, that isn't the case.
According to popular folk beliefs, after the dead were done with their trials/sentences, they stayed in the Underworld for a period of time and led regular lives, while functioning as ancestor spirits and receiving offerings.
Which would imply that the Underworld had a civilian district of sorts, populated by regular ghosts, making the whole realm even less of a direct Hell/Purgatory equivalent.
6. It is located in a different realm, but still part of the Six Paths and doesn't exist outside of reality.
In Buddhist cosmology, like the Celestial Realm, the Underworld is part of the Realm of Desires and thus subject to all the woes of samsara.
The pain and misery of the Path of Hell may be the worst and most obvious, but becoming a celestial being isn't the goal of serious Buddhists either: despite all the pleasures and near-infinite lifespan they enjoy, they are not free from samsara and will eventually have to reincarnate.
So if, say, the world is being destroyed at the end of a kalpa, all beings of the Six Paths will perish alongside it, leaving behind a clean slate for the cycle to start anew. The dead won't all end up in the Underworld and face eternal damnation.
7. The Black and White Impermanences would not appear in the Underworld pantheon formally until the Qing dynasty.
The concept that when you die, you get fetched to the Underworld by petty ghost bureaucrats is already well-established in Tang legends, but these were just generic ghost bureaucrats in all sorts of colorful official robes, with yellow being the most common color.
The idea of there being two specific psychopomps in black and white would only become popular in the Qing dynasty. Mengpo is kinda similar: although she existed before the Ming-Qing era as a goddess of wind, venerated by boatmen, her "amnesia soup granny" incarnation came from the Jade Records.
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homunculus-argument · 5 months
My usual problem of "and then some other shit happens" is that they keep piling up on top of each other. This morning, I was just about to start work when
mail comes in. I've received a letter from the tax office.
I open the letter and get a Fuck No Way That's Right kinda bill.
time to hit up my accountant and ask what the fuck do I do now
realise that I haven't delivered my accounting stuff for like four months either, gotta apologise to her about that too
e-mail doesn't go through, double-check the address, re-type my whole apology and explanation again
four consecutive e-mails do not go through
fuck I gotta call them, where's my phone
just as I was about to make a phone call, I receive a phone call
forgot I had a phone appointment with my doctor, turns out I do not have a natural physical resistance to poison damage, and my medication resistance is something else.
confident in my ability to execute two unrelated tasks at once, I take a sip of my tea while on the phone. Naturally I fuck it up and pour the lukewarm tea on my lap instead.
figuring that since I'm unhurt and only poured enough to soak my clothes, not my chair, I'll just sit with the wet tea on my lap until the phonecall is over, and hang them to dry on the balcony later.
phonecall done, I remove my clothes and go hang them up to dry.
spot my little ficus tree cutting on the balcony, decide to water it since it's so hot and I don't want the thing to die.
coming back inside after leaving my clothes on the balcony, my boyfriend sees me undressed and wants affection.
he also wants to show me a video that he came upon.
make myself more tea
coming back to my computer, remember the phonecall I was supposed to make.
call the accounting people and tell them I can't e-mail the person I worked with, and get informed that the person I had been working with quit unexpectedly, and the one currently running the whole business on her own will look into my shit once she's personally out of the hospital. She meant to call me earlier about What The Fuck I'm Doing but unfortunately hospital.
promise her to deliver my accounting things today since it's the least I can do to not make her day any worse than it already is.
save through my paypal activities, log onto my online bank, check my account and do some math to confirm that I should more or less be alright until my next payday. Move some more money to my bank card account for groceries, and log out.
remember that the reason why I logged into my bank in the first place was the accounting, and log back in to get that data.
send my records to my new current accountant with apologies for not doing that for four months despite of being supposed to do it monthly.
finally done with that, satisfied of actually Getting Things Done, I suddenly realise I've spent the past three hours on random sidequests, haven't even touched whatever it was that I was planning to do today, and top of that I've completely forgotten what it was that I meant to do.
waste another half an hour writing a meticulous account of how I spent my morning doing everything else than what I meant to.
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madrone33 · 12 days
Number 1 Rule of adapting the Odyssey into EPIC is: if it can be more dramatic, it will be more dramatic.
The Greeks decide to throw the infant Trojan prince from the walls because they're scared he'll try to avenge his family? No, Zeus comes down to personally give Odysseus a vision of being killed and says his family WILL die. Kill the baby that reminds you of your son right now, it's the gods will.
Odysseus goes to greet the inhabitants of an island and gets trapped in a cave for two days by the cyclops that's eating his men one by one? Nope, we got BOSS BATTLE 30v1 in the Ithacans' favour until BAM fourteen pancakes are made by Polyphemus' club and oh shit Polites is DEAD-
Athena is just vaugely absent for the whole journey until the end? We got emotionally charged platonic breakups instead, with yelling and insults and "well I'm breaking up with you FIRST!"
Smooth sailing to Ithaca? STOOOORM-
Odysseus' great-great-great-grandfather giving him a speed boost to help him on his way home? Get ready for trickster wind gods, mischievous winions, and a game that was rigged from the start.
Random-ass suspicious and greedy crew mates open the bag? It's Eurylochus, his second in command, his brother-in-law, the man he trusted, Eurylochus WHYYY
Parking in the wrong harbour and getting boulders thrown at the fleet by angry man-eating giants while Odysseus backs away veeery slowly? Nah Poseidon himself pulls up to dunk on them, and Odysseus has to make a last minute getaway using the power of STOOORM to avoid being curbstomped like his fleet.
Odysseus gets some stronger drugs from a god to make him immune to the other drugs of a goddess? Well these drugs actually give him magic powers which he uses to engage in a Pokémon/Yu-Gi-Oh style BOSS BATTLE!
Get some closure with dead loved ones and acquaintances, and be the first interviewer of the fallen heroes of past ages? Nope, we just got TRAUMA and a whole boatload of guilt!
A neat outline of what the rest of the journey will look like, a warning against an island of cows that will slow him down, and the way to appease Poseidon? This Tiresias just says "Y'know there used to be a world where you made it home, BUT I DON'T SEE IT NO MORE. IT'S GONE. IT'S OVER. Also, your palace is fucked."
Sailing past the sirens while getting to be the first mortal to hear their song and live? M U R D E R
Sailing past Scylla to avoid Charybdis and accidentally getting six men eaten because he thought he could totally take Scylla, even though Circe said he couldn't, and then he realised he, in fact, cannot take Scylla? ... Eurylochus, light up six torches.
Eurylochus waits till Odysseus is out hunting and then goes behind his back to mutinously rally the crew and feast on some sacred cattle? Betrayal on both sides, stabby stab, K.O., and then Odysseus helplessly watches them make the greatest mistake of their lives as they ignore his pleas.
Quick clean and easy lightning-strike to the ship, leaving Odysseus to cling to some driftwood and paddle away? Zeus himself appears to the mortals, monologues, makes Odysseus be the one to choose, and then smites the whole ship leaving Odysseus to nearly drown anyway.
Telemachus gets advice from a disguised Athena to yell at the suitors and then sail away to look for news of his missing father? Telemachus gets into a full on beatdown with the suitors and gets FIGHT CLUB TRAINING from Athena!
Athena goes "dad I want my favourite mortal back? Did you forget about him? I think you forgot about him" and Zeus instantly replies "nonsense. How could I have forgotten that funny little mortal? Of course you can have him back my sweet favoured child <3" and then Athena skips off to Ithaca? "Father please-" "LIGHTNING BOLT! ANOTHER LIGHTNING BOLT! LIGHTNING BOLT TO THE FACE HOW DARE YOU ASK ME OF SUCH A THING!"
Poseidon does a double take "wait they let him go?? Oh hell nah!" and then sends a giant fuck off storm for Odysseus to swim through until he reaches the Phaeacians? No, Poseidon's just been there on Ithaca's shores, waiting for eight years, now get in the water BITCH- except Odysseus is just like "oh yeah? Fucking FIGHT ME"
You thought the suitors in the Odyssey were bad? Jorge really just said "dial that shit up to ELEVEN"
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hemmingsleclerc · 7 months
Reaction┃Charles Leclerc
summary: Charles finds out about Emma's interview on DTS
pt 2!!
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The racing season had come to an end and Charles was enjoying some well-deserved time off at home with his wife and young daughter.
One lazy afternoon, they decided to catch up on a recently released movie. They settled into the double bed that he shared with his wife, turned on the TV and were ready to spend an afternoon of relaxation.
As the movie started, Charles scrolled through his phone and casually checked social media. Suddenly, the familiar sound of his phone ringing interrupted the quiet afternoon. Confused, he picked it up and saw numerous notifications flooding in. Curiosity piqued, he opened Twitter and found himself tagged in a video from the latest episode of "Drive to Survive."
He clicked on the video and his confusion grew as the scene unfolded. The camera focused on a familiar face, but it wasn't Charles. It was his daughter, Emma Jules, standing in front of the camera with a small microphone and a huge smile.
Charles leaned forward and his eyes widened in surprise. The interviewer began to ask Emma about her father and what he was like outside the track. Innocent but revealing answers came out of Emma's mouth.
"My daddy is the best here," she began saying, her eyes shining with sincerity.''Sometimes he sings very loud in the car or in the shower. But you know what? He's not very good at it!"
''"He likes to dance while he's cooking with mommy, and he snores really loud when he's asleep. It's funny!"
Charles watched in horror as Emma talked about his private quirks and habits.
''He also cries a lot at Disney or animal movies, or is more interested in playing with my toys than I am. ''
Charles exchanged a bewildered glance with Y/N, who grinned, clearly finding the situation amusing. Emma continued, unaware of her father's growing embarrassment.
''Please tell me I'm dreaming, that Emma didn't actually just say that'' Charles said.
''Sometimes we tell mommy that we are going to grand-mére's house but in reality he takes me to buy new dolls or ice cream.''
''!Wait, what did she just say?'' Y/N asked with a frown.
''Nothing mon-amour, you know how children are, they invent everything'' Charles laughed nervously, trying to avoid his wife's accusatory gaze.
''So that's what they did on the weekends, huh?''
''I have no idea what she's talking about, I swear''
''He also likes to help me make friendship bracelets for my friend and also lets me do his hair and makeup with my princess makeup set that santa gave me for Christmas, he always says that he looks very cute.''
''Jesus Christ, this is not happening, I'm gonna die''
By this point, Y/N couldn't contain her laughter and Charles's face turned several shades of red as he tried to comprehend what had just happened. He didn't expect his daughter to become the star of "Drive to Survive" in such an unexpected way.
The camera then panned slightly, revealing Charles in the background, completely unaware that he was being featured in his daughter's candid interview.
"Looks like you've been exposed, my love."
''!Emma Jules Leclerc, come here right now! You're grounded for life!''
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kirain · 8 months
Wall of the faithless isn't canon in bg3. They changed alot of things actually. So no Gale isn't "scared" he's just an obsessed asshole who doesn't learn from his mistakes.
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There's really nothing I can say except: you're wrong. The City of Judgement and the Wall of the Faithless are canon to BG3. If you don't like Gale, that's fine, but you don't have to make things up or completely disregard the lore to do it. Larian Studios literally hired people from Wizards of the Coast—the company responsible for all the canon lore, characters, and campaigns in D&D—to help them with the story. It took them five years, I believe, to fully study and understand the lore. They constantly conferred with the team to double, triple, and quadruple check every slice of content they added to the game, and parts of the game are now considered canon to D&D 5E.
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As for Gale "not learning" from his mistakes ... when you first meet him, he literally admits he made a mistake with Mystra. Though personally I don't see it as the "power-hungry" move people seem to think it is. Gale simply wanted to be considered an equal to his partner (really his groomer), which is a perfectly healthy and normal desire for anyone in a relationship. Your partner should treat you like an equal, but Mystra very clearly saw Gale as a pet. A trophy. A worshipper. Subservient. Beneath her. A silly mortal with delusions of grandeur (which she cultivated), which is really rich when you learn she was once mortal herself. Mystra is a hypocrite.
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Gale tried to prove himself worthy of equality by trying to bring Mystra what he thought was a piece of her missing Weave. For anyone who doesn't know, the current Mystra was torn to pieces by Cyric and Shar, then put back together by her Chosen. Though back to full power by the events of BG3, she's still technically missing pieces of herself, and Gale mistook the Karsite Weave for one of those pieces. Instead of simply telling Gale it was corrupted Weave, she let him go on believing it was hers. Personally I think that's because she was tired of him (maybe he got too old for her 😒) and was hoping he would do something that, in her mind, would justify abandoning him—but I admit that's full conjecture on my part. What is true is that she knew the orb wasn't hers, but for some reason she let Gale think it was. Even after she abandoned him and left him to die, she never told him. Not until she realised she could use him.
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In Act 3, while the argument can certainty be made that he's thirsty for power, Gale ultimately becomes fed up with the gods because, as he knows better than anyone, they treat people like commodities. While I have no intention of ever ascending him myself, it looks like he actually makes good on his word. He doesn't threaten or toy with his followers, he inspires people to walk their own path, he only asks for prayers as payment (as without some form of devotion, gods in D&D cease to be), and if you romance him ... he ascends you into godhood as his equal. Mystra could have done this for him, she just didn't want to. And if you don't want him to ascend, it's genuinely so easy. I don't understand what people are complaining about. It takes one conversation with zero checks to convince him to completely abandon his ambitions. One. If he was truly "power hungry", it wouldn't be that easy.
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Again, I would argue that Gale's true goal isn't really power, it's freedom, and divinity gives him that freedom. He has many conversations where he makes it clear he doesn't want to live under the gods' thumbs anymore; which, in a world like Faerûn, is extremely understandable. As I said in my Wall of the Faithless post, he's scared. Eternal torment for a simple mistake, one of which could've been avoided if Mystra told him the truth or treated him like an equal? When your partner is a goddess, how can you not feel inadequate? And if you convince him to give up the crown, he's perfectly content with Mystra's forgiveness. Even in the Early Access, that's all he really wanted.
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Gale's far from perfect. He's arrogant and overconfident and insecure and he can be prone to emotional outbursts (most of which he apologises for, however), but he's nowhere near the heartless, power-hungry monster the haters seem to think he is. He is, in fact, one of the most compassionate companions in the entire camp, to the point that he accepts everyone, including Minthara. He votes for Astarion to stay when you find out he's a vampire. He gets mad at you if you surrender him to the Gur. He's one of the only companions who will openly marry/stay with you if you become a mindflayer. He's willing to sacrifice himself to save the world, and willing to damn himself to be with you. He loves every act of kindness, while hating every act of cruelty. I understand that the bugs from launch ruined a lot of people's perception of him ... and unfortunately some of those glitches are still present even now, but he is a good man.
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churipu · 7 months
ִ ࣪𖤐 featuring. gojo satoru, megumi fushiguro, itadori yuuji
ִ ࣪𖤐 warnings. just pure fluff :D
note. i was going to write some hurt comfort — but then i figured that i wanted to keep myself sane for today :>
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anything strawberry. scent, taste — anything strawberry.
gojo remembered when the first time he brought you home some honeoye strawberries after a mission since it was in season. the way your eyes just lit up at the sight of strawberries made him happy, and from then on — gojo looks at a picture of a strawberry or even smelled strawberry from god knows where.
he just thinks of you.
one time gojo saw a rabbit eating a strawberry while scrolling through his social media, and he wasted no time sending the video to you with a small message: "you <33"
or the other time gojo sees a bucket cap with strawberry motives and he just had to get it for you. the male waited in line for half an hour for that hat (and he had to "fight" a kid for it, he won in the end because the kid moved on to a duck motive hat instead).
"baby, look what i got you — strawberry scented bath bomb. it was the last one on stock, and i had to argue with a lady over it," he happily bursts through the door, boasting while raising what seemed to be a bath bomb.
gojo just knows when you change your usual brand of strawberry lip balm. it took him a peck and he asks you, "did you change your brand? this one tastes weird," he wipes his lips.
"they were out of stock, 'toru."
"why didn't you say so?" he cooed, kissing the bridge of your nose, "i'd go to the other side of the earth to get you one, y'know?"
you chuckled, "or, i could just wait for it to stock back . . ."
the smiths.
he finds it amusing when you start quoting that one scene from 500 days of summer, "i love the smiths . . ." and he just unexpectedly replied with, "sorry?"
but that time — he didn't know that he was "unknowingly" going along with it. confused, he had to question you about it, and when you told him it was from a movie. megumi finally understood and thought that maybe you really liked the movie.
he was wrong. it wasn't the movie, it was the smiths. so now, every time he sees anything or hears anything about the band, he finds himself thinking about you — but he'd never actually say that. megumi often listens to their songs just so he could understand when you talked to him about it.
also, quoting the movie was now a habit for you two. you just go, "i love the smiths," out of the blue and megumi will continue it (even if he says that it's pretty corny).
megumi loves it when you listen to the smiths out loud, singing softly to the tune. the male tries really hard to get you unofficial merchandise, official merchandise for the smiths are actually so hard to find today — so he just had to go and make it custom for you.
"and when the double decker bus, crashes into us . . ." he heard you sing, both of your ears jammed with earbuds from the earphones, "to die by your side."
that, was your favorite song. and megumi made it into a custom painting of you and him as if the two of you were in that one scene in 500 days of summer. i'm not kidding.
mochi skin. the texture, the flesh. it just reminded him of your cheeks — it's so squishy and soft. every single time he buys a mochi, he makes sure to do something that he calls a squish test.
where he squishes the mochi, and then squishes your cheeks. if they don't feel the same, yuuji gets rid of the mochi and gets another one (he eats them).
"it doesn't feel the same y/n, i don't like it," he whines out softly, tossing the mochi into his mouth — he angrily takes out another bill of cash to buy another mochi.
"yuuji, why does it have to be the same again?" you asked him, hands inside your pockets.
"because . . ." good point. why?
the male prompts to ignore you and buy another one (three others) to make sure they are the same texture as your cheeks. it's something he does — if a mochi he buys doesn't feel the same way like your cheeks does.
he eats them or lets you have them.
if it does.
he also eats them or lets you have them.
it's just something he does for fun, so he could always remember you. and when you're not there with him — yuuji makes sure to buy at least five before coming over to visit you so he could do the test.
when he's not feeling like it but he misses you, he takes a video and sends it to you with a caption: "i miss you."
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weaselmcdiesel · 6 months
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ok so it's not a comic hope thats ok with you but instead it's karkat n nepeta but designed by someone whos madly in love with them both
some more au explanations + transcript beneath the cut
they're maybe around 30-40 yo? This was mostly just an exercise to give both of them adult designs. uh. i'm only calling it an au because I made bs some explanations behind their designs while i was drawing them. so uh, in this universe, sburb never happens + things that happened because of sburb don't happen either, but the alternian society is relatively unchanged. i dont actually know.. what.. karkat does.. like i cant figure out why he wouldnt be culled but it doesnt really matter i just wanted to draw him looking cool! (i am. open to hear about speculation if you have any). also i figured that Kanaya would go to the brooding caverns after her lusus dies, bc the wiki said her lusus would die regardless of the game taking place n whatever, and probaly do something with the matriorb there idk. thats all tho! ill prolly draw them more and maybe develop more lore as i do ^^;
i don’t know what their dynamic is in the canon of this au… but that won’t stop me from making them kiss :]
The Vigilant adult karkat on alternia
new highly developed shoosing skill
honestly has a calmer demeanor because he’s learned what’s worth exploding about… though he probably developped a crazy resting bitch face
pleased (arrow to karkat with a neutral face)
The sash doubles as a sling for when he visits Kanaya in the brooding caverns. He’s also very tranquil around grubs because they don’t cause unmanageable problems. He’ll get mad if someone else bothers one
(yes i’m obsessed with dilfkat that’s why i drew this)
The Predator adult nepeta on alternia
Taller than karkat <3
still a silly goober, but better at getting what she wants
she probably got her title from a history of single-handedly slaying fearsome lusii. she likely takes assassination type of jobs because of her stealth. one of the more easy-going trolls from the group
also! fun fact. i was having trouble designing kk's outfit so i looked in an old antiques catalog book from the internet archive to get inspiration from objects that had the same colors as those that i wanted to use in his design? not sure why i did that. just had a hunch that it would be fun. so this is the object i found that strangely enough inspired kk's fit
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haha.. and i also found one for nepeta, though it was easier to design her fit and i didnt actually need a reference object
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the book was "Antique Trader antiques & collectibles 2009 price guide"
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baby-yongbok · 6 months
Take My Offer?
Boyfriend!Bang Chan x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Smut? It's suggestive but also sweet?? Words Count: 1k + Fake texts Warnings: Jealousy, Mentions of cheating note: Chan is referred to as Chris + No use of Y/N a/n: This started as a fake text but then I thought it might be better if I wrote it? So I did both.
✧ Masterlist ✧
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You thought it was a good idea to bring Chris to your best friend's housewarming party. He’s never really met your full circle of friends so you figured that this would be the best opportunity to show him off. You’d never admit it to anyone but you were really looking forward to seeing the look on your not-so-close friends' faces when you walked in with Chris on your arm and their reactions certainly did not disappoint. Almost everyone had to do a double take when you introduced them to your man but the glowing crown of victory was swiftly knocked off of your head when you saw her.
The girl that makes it a mission to flirt with or even steal anyone’s boyfriend that she can and of course that’s the girl that Chris ends up bumping into in the kitchen. He left you on the couch to grab you both a brownie from the snack display and now he’s got her laughing about god knows what with that damned smirk on his lips. That smirk is for you only. Why is he giving it out like candy to women he doesn’t even know! 
That was enough for you to text him and now you’re here, watching with crossed arms as he excuses himself from the conversation, nodding his head towards her politely before setting his sights on you. He’s quick as he crosses the room, taking his previous seat beside you and sighing when you turn away from him.
“What was this about me cheating on you?” His breath is hot on your neck as he whispers to you. The feeling mixed with the sound of his voice is almost enough to sweep your annoyance under the rug. Almost. 
“Don’t act like you don’t know.” He snakes his arm around you and pulls you into his side, ignoring the ogling eyes of your friends scattered across the living room. “You seemed real comfortable over there.”
“I was being friendly, baby.” His light chuckle earns an eye roll from you. “I never pinned you as the jealous type.” 
“I’m not jealous.” 
“Then why did you insinuate that I’m cheating on you with a woman that I just met?” 
“You were smiling at her.” He raises an eyebrow as he takes a second to study you. Are you really upset at him? “Look at me.” His voice is soft but there’s a certain ring to it that you can’t quite put your finger on but that doesn’t matter because you don’t plan to listen anyway.
“Babygirl.” He calls for your attention and sighs when you continue to ignore him. You part your lips to speak but the words die on your tongue when he takes your chin between his thumb and pointer finger to turn your gaze to his. “Listen to me, okay?”
You huff a breath that you weren’t even aware you were holding as you maintain eye contact with him. You’re still mad but looking deep into Chris’ honey eyes is not something that you could ever pass up. They’re just sparkly and pretty and - what the fuck, you’re supposed to be mad at him.
“I’m yours.” His voice is loud enough that anyone standing by you could hear him and you’re more than positive that a couple people around you did actually hear his profession. “Only yours, always yours. No one else here catches my eye.” 
You’re hanging onto his every word like velcro and you can’t help but to feel your heart - and something else - flutter at the sound of his voice. “Want me to stop smiling at people?” He asks, a smirk adorning the very lips that your ‘friend’ was staring at. 
“Just her.” You huff another breath as you allow yourself to melt a bit into his touch. He moves his hand from your face so that it’s resting on your thigh. Tracing over the skin peaking through the slit in your skirt. “She’s a total homewrecker. Can’t be trusted with anyone’s man.” 
Chris nods his head slowly as the information sinks in. “That explains why she asked how long we’ve been dating and if we live together.”
“She did what?” Your blood is boiling in an instant and your eyes start darting around the room to find that ratty woman but Chris steals your gaze back before your eyes land on her. 
“Don’t worry about her.”
“But she -”
“I don’t even remember her name, baby.” He scoots a bit closer to you which seems impossible with the way that he’s practically a part of your body already. “I don’t remember anything about her. Every other woman is featureless compared to you.”
The blush on your cheeks lets Chris know that he’s successfully talked you down from your ledge of anger but you keep your fake attitude to maintain the edge that you had before. You can’t let him off that easily. “You can stop sucking up to me now.”
“Do you believe me?” He smirks down at you and you avert your gaze to avoid smiling like an idiot. Maybe you can let him off that easily cause he’s sweet and he loves you or whatever - Ahh gosh he totally loves you. “Yes, I believe you.”
You roll your eyes with a smile and Chris laughs at your attempt to sass him. “I have an offer for you.” You stare back at him with pinched brows but his smile doesn’t waver. “Let’s get out of here and I’ll show you that I don’t care for anyone else but you.”
You smile in an attempt to distract him from the way that you shiver in his hold. “What did you have in mind?” He leans closer, his lips brushing the shell off your ear.
“Take a picture of me tasting your pretty cunt.” Your thighs press together, his filthy words and his husky voice whispering in your ear can and most likely will turn you into niagara falls if he keeps it up. “Then send it to whoever you think wants me.” 
“Are you serious?”  You whisper back and he pulls back to catch your gaze. He doesn’t even need to verbally confirm his offer, the look in his eyes is telling enough. 
“So serious.” He leans in, placing a quick kiss to your lips. “Wanna take the offer?”
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Thanks for reading! Reblogs, Comments and Likes mean the world to me and make my day!
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lihhelsing · 4 months
"Can I get your coffee order?"
STWG daily prompt 6/2/24 (let's pretend it's not two days late): Coming Out Pairing: steddie | tags: coming out, coffee shop au, modern au, meet cute, fluff
Eddie was used to seeing the same guy in the coffee shop every day. It was impossible not to notice him because he was gorgeous and Eddie was a simple man who liked to admire beautiful things. 
So Steve would come in every day and always at the same time, ordering the same thing. Double Espresso with a shot of Vanilla. It suited him, Eddie thought, but he would always see him looking at the menu as if he was considering ordering something different, just to end up with the same thing every day. 
It was kind of cute. 
Sometimes he would sit alone for half an hour, face buried in his phone. Sometimes a loud brunette girl would join him but then they would never stay for long. Eddie didn’t like those days even if he thought she looked like a nice person. 
And then sometimes Steve would come in and order for two, then he would proceed to sit at a table and in a few minutes a girl would join him. Always a different girl, which told Eddie none of them were his girlfriends. 
One could even think this was some sort of job interview because it was pretty clear Steve wasn’t fully into the conversation. He was trying, sure, but after an hour the girl would inevitably excuse herself and leave. Steve would hang out for a few more minutes and then leave too, not looking back. 
And he’d do it all over again on a different day. 
Eddie couldn’t even feel guilty about paying attention. Steve always came in when the rush hour had passed and the coffee shop was mostly empty, and Eddie didn’t have much to do. And yeah, sure he was also a little obsessed with him so he was curious what was all that about. 
Surely Steve didn’t seem the kind of guy to have dating issues. 
The day Eddie noticed something was different was when Steve came in and ordered a Chai Latte. For anyone else, this might mean nothing, but Eddie knew better and he had watched Steve for long enough to know that if he finally changed his order after months, something was up. 
He didn’t want to look like a creep so he smiled like he always did and thanked the fat tip Steve left him, like he always did. And maybe Eddie flirted a little, but who could blame him? Steve was just too handsome for his own good and Eddie was just a man. 
Eddie gave him his drink and politely waited for a few minutes just to make sure Steve wasn’t expecting anyone, and then he finally moved in. 
“Hey, how’s your drink?” Eddie asked, trying to sound as casual as possible. Steve looked up at him through thick eyelashes and Eddie wanted to die a little. 
“Oh, it’s good. I never had one of these so I can’t really compare it to anything else, but I like how it tastes.”
Eddie hummed, “Well, tell you what, I make a mean Matchá if you ever feel like broadening your horizons.”
Steve chuckled and nodded, “I might take you up on that, actually.”
They stood in silence and Eddie was ready to accept his defeat when Steve spoke again. 
“I just… Started to realize I might want to try different things.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow, “how so?”
“Well, I used to drink the same coffee every day and it was good, don’t get me wrong. But I kept looking and looking and it felt like I was... Missing something,” Steve frowned as he spoke, almost as if he was talking about coffee but thinking about something else. 
“It’s what they say, don’t knock it til you try it, am I right?”
Steve chuckled and Eddie was under the impression he was just being polite. 
“For sure. It’s just hard sometimes, to try new things. Even if you are… Curious.”
“I say just go for it. The worst that can happen is you spend a few bucks on something you will never want to drink again, but if that ever happens I got you. I’ll get you something different on the house,” Eddie said and then he winked because he was a sick little man. 
The blush that crept onto Steve’s cheek was beautiful, though, so he was only half-sorry. 
“Oh, what if… It’s not coffee that I want to try?” Steve said, not meeting Eddie’s eyes. 
Eddie smiled and motioned his hand to the drink menu, “Lucky for you we have an assortment of drinks like refreshers and matchá and even some teas-“
“I mean, what if this isn’t about drinks?” 
Now Eddie was completely lost. He looked back to meet Steve’s eyes and there was an intensity behind them that gave him chills. 
“What do you mean?”
“I, um…” Steve looked around as if making sure the place was empty and still lowered his voice a little. “What if I’m not as straight as I always thought I was?”
Eddie tried to contain his surprise and forced his expression to remain neutral, not wanting to spook him. 
“That’s ok, too. Lord knows I’m gay as it comes and it took me a few tries to figure it out,” Eddie chuckled, but Steve’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline. “I mean, you don’t have to be gay either! You can be bi or pan or-“
“Sorry, I made this awkward. I’m sorry. I’ve just been having these feelings and Robin says I can always talk to her but it feels that if I even ask it will be real and then if I turn out to be just confused then she will be disappointed because she always said I was her straight token friend but I know she would be happy if I wasn’t-“
“Hey, hey,” Eddie moved his hand and touched Steve’s shoulder lightly. He just hoped he wasn’t crossing a line. That definitely wasn’t the first time a customer said something incredibly personal out of the blue, but it was the first time someone was coming out to him like that. 
Steve looked up at him with huge brown eyes and Eddie felt his insides melting a little. Here it was, this cute guy having a sexuality crisis and just looking even cuter. 
“I don’t know you and obviously don’t know this friend of yours. Robin, is it? But if she loves you, and I’m assuming she does, she will love you no matter what. Even if you have to come out to her as… Straight?” Eddie said that and got a snort back from Steve. 
At least that was better than the desolation he had in his eyes before. 
“I guess you’re right,” Steve said, nodding his head. 
“And hey, you can definitely try things out and figure out you were straight all along, but from my experience, straight people don’t usually question their sexuality or even feel the curiosity to do so. They just are. So my best bet would be on you being one of us. Assuming your friend Robin is also not straight.”
“Oh, definitely not,” Steve said, laughing and he just looked so much better like that. 
“Well, ok Steve, then my job here is done! I’m sure Robin will have much better advice to give to you, but you can always count on me to try different coffees,” and there it was, the fucking wink again. Who did Eddie think he was? 
Steve blushed again and now Eddie could see they were pretty damn close. He slowly pulled his hand from Steve’s shoulder as to not make him uncomfortable, but it seemed that Eddie’s pep talk had done the trick because now Steve had this glint in his eyes. 
“Can I buy you coffee?” he asked, smiling slowly. 
“Uh, what?”
“You know, since I’m already trying things I thought it would be nice to try uh… A Matchá, you said? And a… Date?”
Holy fucking Jesus. Steve was fucking smooth. Eddie felt his cheeks getting warm and he looked around to conclude they were still alone at the coffee shop. There was not a single reason for him to turn this down even if Steve ended up figuring out he was straight. Yeah, fat chance. 
“Lead the way, big boy,” Eddie motioned for the counter and Steve smiled, nodding and following him right into their first date. 
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venomdol · 9 days
Bsd Characters as your boyfriend headcanons
Featuring: Chuuya Nakahara, Osamu Dazai, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Akutagawa Rensuke, Atsushi Nakajima
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Chuuya Nakahara
At first he kept denying it when he was falling for you.
When he finally realised it, bro went full gentlemen to you.
Would let you wear his coat whenever you're cold.
You sometimes braid his hair in the morning.
Of course he'd always act like he didn't like it
But he did.
Expect him coming to your door in the middle of the night to take you out on a motorcycle date.
Gets REALLY cheesy when drunk.
"Ngh... I'm the luckiest man in the entire world because of you..."
I recommend dating him. He's definitely a green flag.
Osamu Dazai
If he ever finds out he has a crush on you, he would not hide it.
Persistent as hell
And that's what led to you dating him.
Would actually keep all his problems to himself.
Like whenever you are worried about him, he'd always put a smile in front of you just to not get you worried.
Always talks about double suicide.
But like he would never actually have the heart to see you die because of him
Sweet nicknames like 'Belladonna' or 'princess'
Isn't really jealous about most things.
But if he sees a guy flirting with you or making you uncomfortable...
Yeah, things won't end well with the guy.
I don't really recommend him much, but I believe he'd be a good boyfriend.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
If he ever has a crush on you, he'd manipulate you to like date him.
Yandere tendencies .
Would prefer a submissive girl.
Even though he gives out yandere vibes, he's also pretty romantic at times.
Would let you wear his hat.
Kisses your neck while you're sitting on his lap.
Would teach you how to play the cello.
Says seductive things on russian to tease you.
"Я не могу поверить, что одного предложения достаточно, чтобы ты промок."
It's mostly hard to surprise him since he can always read your emotions.
Sorry, but I do not recommend it. He'd mostly manipulate you and stuff...
Akutagawa Rensuke
You were the first one to confess your feelings.
You guys give of 'She fell first, he fell harder'
Would be embarrassed in showing affection in public.
Pretty blunt when it comes to romance.
Would use cuddling as a way to releive stress.
Actually pretty possessive.
Will kill anyone who looks at you too long.
Would secretly like it if you praised him for something he did.
Again, he's extremely jealous and possessive.
Would act like he doesn't care about you.
But he actually does.
Has a soft spot for you.
Atsushi Nakajima
When you guys firts started dating he was VERY awkward.
"Uhm... should we hold hands?"
But got pretty used to it.
His favorite activity is definitely cuddling.
Can clean like a househusband.
Will love having you pet his hair.
Cheaper dates because he's broke.
He doesn't really get jealous since he can barely tell when someone is flirting.
Random surprise hugs.
Would actually cry if you say you love him.
Please give him lots of kisses.
Would accidently push you off the bed.
And take the blankets.
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theglassofmiddleearth · 3 months
Imagine breaking the dwarves out of the dungeons of The Woodland Realm.
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Ori: "We're never gonna reach the mountain are we?" *He laments*
Bilbo: "Not stuck in here, you're not." *Jingles the keys*
Y/N appears, eating a cake?
Y/N: "Didya know they were having a feast? Bloody good food they have. And the wine! You guys want any? I think I can go-"
Balin: "Bilbo!"
*All erupt into excited chatter*
Y/N: "Wha- What am I? Chopped liver?"
*Munches angrily*
Kili: "It's okay Y/N I'll share with you!"
Fili: "Yeah, come on give us some!"
*Y/N grins and breaks the cake into three pieces.*
Bilbo: "Shh! There are guards nearby!"
*One by one they escape down to the cellar.*
Bofur: "You're suppose to be leading us OUT! Not further in!"
Bilbo: "I know what I'm doing."
Bofur: "Shh!"
Bilbo: "Into the barrels! Quickly now."
Dwalin: "Are you mad? They'll find us."
Bilbo: "No no, they won't I promise you. Please, please you must trust me"
Thorin: "Do as he says."
*They clamber in and Y/N stays out.*
Y/N: "Go Bilbo. into the barrel with Thorin quickly."
Thorin: "Y/N, what are you-"
Y/N: "I will see you at the gate."
Balin: "What gate?"
Y/N: "Hold your breath everyone."
*Y/N pulls the lever and they are all dropped into the river.*
Y/N: "Well, that was fun! Now, let's play some hide and seek shall we?"
*Y/N slips past the guards and out of the palace and up into the light. They spot the dwarves in the river and begins her run towards them*
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Legolas: "Shut the gate" (in Sindarin)
Y/N: "No no! Don't do that!"
The guards look at her strangely before beginning to shut the gate.
*Y/N groans and mumbles*
Y/N: "This is gonna hurt like a bitch isn't it. Where's Tauriel when you need her. Stupid world doesn't even have her in it. Stupid movie made me think she was an actual character"
*She huffs while running towards the gate*
*A guard is stuck by an arrow.*
Y/N: "Fucks sake."
*The Orcs rampage through the top of the closed gates, persuing fights with the Elven guards.*
Bofur: "Orcs! Watch out!"
Bolg: "Slay them all" (Dark Speech)
*Y/N fires an arrow at him, striking him in the arm*
Y/N: "Take a shower, you STINK."
*Y/N runs towards the fighting dwarves.*
*Kili spots the lever to open the gate.*
*Y/N dashes towards him while he gets up to pull the lever.*
Y/N: "NO."
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*Bolg pulls out Y/N's arrow from his arm and draws his own, notching it in his bow. He aims it at Kili.*
Y/N: "KILI."
*Y/N lunges towards Kili, pushing him out of the way, the arrow strikes her through the leg. With a gasp she doubles over, clutches onto the lever and pulls it down.*
Y/N: "Ah, fuck."
For continuance sake, don't read ahead if you want to follow the normal story line. However if you wish to read this as a separate imagine read ahead!
*She gasps and struggles to stand. She bites down on her lip and forces the arrow out, snapping off the feathered end and pulling it out. Kili drags her over the edge of the gate and Y/N slips into a barrel with him below*
Kili: "Y/N! Y/N I'm so sorry I should have listened I-"
Y/N cries out in pain as they tumble down the stream, each knock jolting her wound.
Y/N: "Apologies later. Escape now."
*The company battles the Swarm of Orcs from the stream whilst drifting down the stream, aided by Legolas and his army.*
Thorin: "Anything behind us?"
Nori: "Not that I can see!"
Bofur: "I think we've out run the Orcs."
Thorin: "Not for long. We've lost the current."
Dwalin: "Bombur's half drowned."
Thorin: "Make for the shore! Come on let's go!."
Øin: "Glóin, help me brother."
Kili: "Y/N is hurt. Her leg needs binding."
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Y/N Groans quietly before answering.
Y/N: "I'm fine. Not able to die, Just hurts. Better me than Kili. Orc pack on our tail, Need to..
*Y/N grits her teeth*
Need to keep moving."
Thorin: "To where? There's a lake between us and that mountain you need that rest."
Y/N: "A barge, a man will have a boat. Help me up, I'll show you the way. Let's go."
*Kili and Fili lift her up and they hobble away.*
Y/N: "I should do this more often if it means two pretty men will carry me."
Thorin: "I think not. Next time, I will carry you over my shoulder and you will have no say."
*Y/N blinks owlishly.*
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
Okay, you know that hc where Tim Reincarnates as The Trash of the Bat Family? It got me thinking of him scamming and making the "Real League of Assassins". He integrates Pru, Z and Owens early, makes them his people (or assassins disguised as servants).
"Where's the coffee?"
Owens, pouring chamomile tea, "We're all out of coffee, Sir."
"Energy drinks?"
Pru, throwing a trash bag away. "All gone too, Sir."
He integrates Kon before he experiences the SA with Tana Moon and other ladies, and Kon becomes his bodyguard.
"Are we doing something bad?"
"Oh, we're doing something veeeeery bad. To Lex Luthor."
Tim rescuing Damian.
"You're Damian Al Ghul Wayne. You're an Al Ghul and a Wayne. You can do whatever you want. I'm not taking care of you."
Damian, not trusting this lying bastard, secretly follows him around. Tim knows Damian is, and begrudgingly just accepts Damian into his fold until he reaches Gotham again.
"If you die, Timothy, I will dominate the world, kill everyone, and then myself."
I love these additions so much!!!
The "Real League of Assassins" is such a petty name, and I live for it. Just Tim as a kid and his little League of Assassins (depending on how far back he went into the past and how soon he aquires the OG best assassin squad). It would be double hilarious if his "Real League of Assassins" doesn't actually kill anyone, but I also respect Tim's right to commit murder however he deems fit. I like to imagine how mad Ra's would get at the name.
Part of Tim's asshole cover comes from Pru. There's two ways this can go. One, Pru is her complete self in front of everyone (she will break someone's nose no matter their price tag). This causes major scandals and issues for Tim cause how could he hire someone who behaves like that? Or Two, Pru is creepily pleasant and respectful around other company, and Tim continues to act like usual around her. This causes people to pity Pru for having such a horrible boss.
I also live for Bodyguard Kon AUs. You know the two of them are playing a "I know your sickly Victorian child looking ass can beat me up, but I will pretend I don't know this until you tell me why" with a "please stop saving me from every small things because I know you know a sunburn isn't going to kill me." It's dealer's choice on how soon Kon finds out about Tim's vigilante gig. Also, if Kon is a bodyguard in this, is he also Superboy or the equivalent? Does he become a superhero once he finds out about Tim's heroism? There's no way Kon would stick around Tim if he believed the persona Tim kept up.
Cue Tim accidentally forming the YJ again, but this time it's hidden from the JL radars and is a closely guarded secret.
As far as Damian, I absolutely love that quote you included. It's so Damian coded and I live for him threatening to take over the world. I also want to see Tim's reaction and how concerned he is over Damian threatening to kill himself. As an older brother, he legit could care less about Damian managing to kill the entire world. It's Damian wanting to die that scares him.
As far as the AU, Tim is trying so hard to distance himself from the Waynes that his dumbass shouldn't have picked up Damian in person. He was probably too anxious to leave it to someone else, but now he has a tiny suspicious assassin who reluctantly became fond of him.
There's a few different ways this can play out.
One, Tim picks up Damian in his vigilante costume and never unmasks to Damian. The little tot starts to think of this vigilante as maybe a brother before being given to Bruce (angst of abandonment tied with identity shenanigans. How soon does Damian realize that Timothy "Trash" Drake is the one to save him from the League?).
Two, Tim starts off with his secret identity in tact but reveals himself while traveling back. They bond, Damian is left at Bruce's, and, to the surprise of literally all the Waynes, the kid is seen constantly talking to the complete jerk Timothy Drake. Damian is actually nicer to this douchebag stranger than he is to some of his family members. What's equally shocking is how kind Tim is to Damian. Tim hasn't been cruel to children before, but he hasn't gone out of his way to be nice either. This cues investigations into Tim by the batfam.
Three, Damian refuses to go live with his dad and sticks around Tim when they return to Gotham. Depending on when Tim rescues Damian, Tim's fake uncle adopts Damian, and they become brothers legally. When Bruce finds out Damian is his son, he doesn't take the excuse, "I found him on the streets!" from Tim seriously.
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memento-rory · 3 months
✭ 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐭. 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐚, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒍.
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✭ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: when your best friend amelia asked you to be her maid of honor, you were ecstatic… and then you found out her fiancé’s best man would be schlatt, the one person on this earth that you can’t stand, for reasons you would never tell a soul.
✭ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: schlatt’s a fuckin’ brat. that’s all.
✭ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: ~1.9k
✭ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: eee first installment of the best man!schlatt series is finally here. can’t wait for you guys to embark on this journey with me. as always, no beta. we die like men here.
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“I’m expecting you to be on your best behavior this week.” Your best friend Amelia says, and it takes everything in you to not roll your eyes at her.
The two of you are sitting at the airport, waiting to board the plane to St. Lucia for Amelia and James’ destination wedding.
“I don’t know what you mean. I’m literally always a delight.” You say, and Amelia actually does roll her eyes, before shooting you a pointed look.
Of course you know exactly what she means, and honestly, it’s an unnecessary warning. You are absolutely capable of being on your best behavior, there’s no question about it, but you know for a fact that Amelia’s fiancé’s best man can’t be trusted to do the same.
Schlatt’s always had a knack for getting under your skin.
“Don’t be like that,” Amelia says, as if reading your mind, “James is giving Schlatt the exact same talk in their Lyft right now.”
“Yeah, well, he’s the one that needs it, not me.” You point out, but Amelia just shakes her head.
“You know I love you,” Amelia starts, and you can’t help the frown that spreads on your face, “But when you get around Schlatt you get so… aggro. It’s weird. So I’m asking you kindly to rein that shit in.”
Damn. If only she knew.
You hadn’t realized it affected Amelia that much.
“I swear I will be an absolute angel.” You tell her sincerely, not wanting to ruin her week of relaxation and celebration.
Amelia stares at you blankly, like she doesn’t believe anything you’re saying.
“…Okay, fine. I will try my best.” You concede, and it’s good enough for Amelia, who just smiles at you in response.
Amelia immediately changes the subject then, satisfied with your answer, to talk about the itinerary for the week. She grills you on what you’ve packed, making sure you haven't forgotten your bathing suit or sunscreen, double checking that you’ve packed clothes for nights out (“because we will be going out every night.”), checking that you have everything you need for a smooth plane ride. You’ve gone over everything several times before James comes running up with his carry-on, all but tackling Amelia in excitement and peppering her face with kisses.
“Who’s ready to fucking party?” James exclaims, beaming, wrapping his arm around Amelia’s waist.
You start to answer him, but stop short as you finally notice Schlatt sauntering up behind him, taking his time. You avert your gaze as quickly as you can, diverting your attention back to the happy couple.
“What?” Schlatt smirks over at you, “No hello for me, toots?”
You resist the urge to grimace as Schlatt acknowledges you. Don’t fucking call me that, you want to say, but instead you go with, “Hello, Schlatt,” keeping your voice level.
Schlatt’s smirk grows as he raises his eyebrows, no doubt surprised you weren’t trying to tear his head off, and he opens his mouth to say something but Amelia quickly interrupts, moving to hug Schlatt hello.
“Hey, Mel,” Schlatt greets her softly, pulling her in with one arm.
When she pulls back, he puts a hand on her shoulder. “You sure you still wanna marry this fuck?” He gestures at James, “Now’s the time to back out. I’m sure it’d save me a couple thou this week.” He jokes, and Amelia just smacks him in the chest.
“Yes, I’m sure, asshole.” Amelia laughs, smiling over at James.
“Where’s everybody else?” Schlatt asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
“They’re all showing up in a couple days. Couldn’t get the full week off.” James answers.
“Besides, we wanted some time with our favorite people before getting the whole group together.” Amelia grins, squeezing both you and Schlatt on the arms.
You plaster on a fake smile. You were hoping to at least have someone as a buffer so you wouldn’t have to engage with Schlatt at all, but of course, you can’t be that lucky.
It’s just for a couple days, you remind yourself, taking a deep breath.
“It’ll be fun.” James says, though it sounds like he’s trying to convince himself rather than actually meaning it.
“Of course it will.” Schlatt grins, looking over at you. “We can play nice, can’t we, doll?” He asks you, reaching over to pinch your cheek. You slap his hand away.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” You spit out, and Amelia shoots another look in your direction while James elbows Schlatt in the side.
“Now boarding flight 52B to St. Lucia.” comes over the intercom and you let out a sigh of relief.
At least you’d get nine hours of peace…
…Or so you thought. As you board the plane, you realize Schlatt’s seat is right next to yours.
You notice this after he pushes past you through the door of the plane, marching directly to the row you’re supposed to be seated in. He wastes no time making himself at home in his spot, stretching his legs out and leaning back against the cushioned seat, completely blocking you from getting to your seat on the other side of him.
You take a deep breath to steady yourself before politely saying, “Can you move your legs, please? I need to get to my seat.”
Schlatt shakes his head, a dismissive look on his face. “Nah.”
You huff, turning to look at Amelia for help, but she and James are too busy stowing their carry-ons.
Realizing that no one is coming to your aid, you make a show of shrugging at him. “Fine,” You say, stepping over his legs, swinging your body just so, so that the backpack on your back smacks into his face.
Schlatt grunts, reaching out to push your backpack away from him, the sheer force causing you to spin out and fall into your seat.
“God, I can’t stand you.” You hiss at him as you right yourself.
“Feeling’s mutual, toots.” Schlatt winks.
You just roll your eyes, turning your body as far away from his as possible, staring out the window. As soon as the plane gets ready to take off, your headphones are in your ears, drowning everything else out. You miss a lot of the ‘safety measures' spiel, but Schlatt elbows you toward the end of it.
“What?” You scowl at him, pulling one of your headphones out.
“The lady said to make sure all small things are securely fastened.” Schlatt smirks, and you know exactly what he’s about to say, “Do you feel securely fastened or do I need to help you?”
You don’t dignify him with a response, you just simply roll your eyes, putting your headphone back in.
The first few hours go by pretty fast, and Schlatt manages to keep to himself, thank God. You’ve had your nose in your book the whole time, getting some much needed reading time in.
Around hour five, you hear a little bloop! in your ears, signaling that your headphones are close to dead.
Realistically it’s not that big of a deal — they’ll be back to a full charge after spending about twenty minutes in their case, but that means you won’t be able to drown anything — or anyone — out for twenty minutes.
You dare to peek over at Schlatt at the thought, but you’re relieved to find him sound asleep.
There’s a good idea, you think, for once.
You put your headphones back in their case and get comfortable in your seat, resting your head against the window. Sleep comes to you surprisingly easily, and you drift off as the plane quietly drones on.
You get a good three-ish hours of sleep, and you probably could have slept even longer, had you not been woken up by the tell-tale sound of a phone camera shutter in your face.
Your eyes flutter open to see Amelia sneakily peering over her seat, her phone just barely above her headrest, pointed directly at you.
“What are you doing?” You ask groggily, and Amelia’s eyes dart from her phone screen to your face.
“Nothing.” She says, looking over in Schlatt’s direction, before gazing back at you quickly.
Your shoulder suddenly feels very heavy, and when you turn to look at Schlatt, your face bumps into the top of his head. He’s still dead asleep, his arms crossed over his chest, and his head resting on your shoulder.
“Delete it. Delete it now.” You demand, hurriedly shrugging Schlatt off of your shoulder. He grunts, but doesn’t wake up, moving his head to the other side.
“It’s kind of cute, actually,” Amelia grins, a devious look on her face, and you jump at her, trying to grab her phone.
Amelia lets out a yelp and moves her phone just out of reach, turning back around in her seat.
You scowl at the back of her headrest, simmering in silence despite how badly you want to reach around her seat and pry her phone from her.
It’s late evening when the plane finally lands, and you don’t bother waking Schlatt, crawling over him to get out of the aisle. You’re one of the first off of the plane, eager to get away from Schlatt, if only for a moment.
And it is only a moment, because about twenty minutes later, you’re squished in the back of an Uber with him, but at least James is sitting in between the two of you.
The three of them (James, Amelia, and Schlatt) all discuss what to do first come morning, and you just listen, still stewing about the picture Amelia took. You wish she didn’t find so much joy in keeping it. It’s bad enough that you have to spend time with Schlatt, you don’t want it memorialized forever.
“What do you think, (Y/N/N)?”
You look at Amelia, who eyes you from the front seat. Maybe you weren’t listening, because you have no idea what she’s referring to. “Yeah, Ams, sounds great.” You say, because this is her shindig after all. Whatever Amelia wants, Amelia gets.
Once James and Amelia get everyone checked in and James hands you your room key, you’re off to your room without waiting for anyone else. Maybe you’re being a little immature about this whole thing, but all you needed was an hour or so without having to be near Schlatt to recharge.
The rest of your group takes a minute to familiarize themselves with the resort, which will give you plenty of time to relax. You unlock the door to your room, marveling at the size of it — it’s a whole-ass suite. There’s a little den area, a kitchenette, and then the bedroom. Amelia and James are definitely spoiling you, and you feel a little bad about just ditching them the way you did. Can’t take it back now, you suppose.
You’re unpacking your suitcase when you notice the balcony, overlooking the ocean with a bucket of champagne chilling on a glass table. When you finish unpacking, you’re heading straight for that bottle.
After you’ve gotten everything hung up or nestled nearly in a drawer, you’re doing exactly that. You pad out onto the balcony, the warm wind whipping through your hair, and you let out a peaceful sigh. You take a minute to bask in the night air, holding your arms out, letting the salty scent of the ocean engulf you.
“Hey, toots.” You hear, and you stiffen, turning your head towards the sound.
On the balcony right next to yours stands Schlatt, taking a hearty sip out of his own bottle of champagne. He swallows, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, before grinning at you deviously.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
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✭ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 →
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silvers-not-home · 2 months
rewatching double life right now but through jimmys pov and just realized how violently ill rancher duo makes me /aff
like there's no way there's a duo THIS healthy in this series. the whole fucking point of the life series is betrayal and deception and blah blah blah all that jazz but rancher duo never did any of that. they always told eachother their plans, ideas, schemes, where they were going. and even if they didn't cough cough jimmy going into the deep dark cough cough he still came clean and told tango anyways. we have someone who's death is such a staple in the fandom/series that it's become a whole thing and someone who's death you go "oh yeahhh i forgot about that one, how'd he die again?"
they're both so ignored and the fact that they pay so much attention to eachother literally makes me sick to my stomach /hj /aff
like i don't know much about flower husbands but like. i know it probably wasn't.. the healthiest of any of the ships so take my words with a grain of sand here. jimmy was practically invisible to scott no hate love him to death but c!scott IS on my hit list and tango is just so blatantly ignored by the watchers and other members sometimes i literally forget he's there and when i do my autism shoots up like a firework.
jimmy is mocked in a /lh way but we're talking abt their c!versions so that might not be as lighthearted as you think c!jimmy sorry bud so much to the point no one takes him seriously and tango is so forgotten that no one takes him seriously. though they might not be taken seriously when they're together they're still known throughout the server. jimmy has what tango doesn't: patience and less impulsive thinking. and tango has what jimmy doesn't: rage and more tactical thinking.
while tango is going absolutely apeshit over the ranch burning down and everyone is basically taunting him, making him even more upset as if either of them need that jimmy is the one to hold tango back. he doesn't want him rushing in not because they share health and trying to keep himself safe desert duo im looking at you, you toxic bastards /aff but because he genuinely CARES about him. because when they go after scar and grian they want to be prepared and logical about their attacks. he'll still listen and follow through with tangos plan but not when they don't have one, he was so excited to bring the warden to grian and scar because he genuinely believed that they would get revenge the safe way (as safe as you can get anyways)
and when the plan backfired he didn't get mad or upset at tango. he helped him through it with the knowledge they could both die just by one small slip up but damnit if he's gonna take them out he's standing tall next to him.
they never got mad at eachother. not when the plans backfired or when jimmy died and lost all his stuff and had to travel across the whole server just to not get his stuff back or when jimmy went into the deep dark, putting them both in danger or when tango got them both killed in the FIRST EPISODE, activating his curse again (i know it wasn't technically jimmy that died but he still lost a life so i'm counting it anyways shut up)
because grian would've been pissed (talking about character versions still stick with me here) at scar if the roles were swapped, probably would've kept him at their base for the whole damn season actually. but jimmy listened to tango, obviously he was upset but never at tango. he just wanted to know what lead up to that and from that they made a plan.
the difference between team rancher and desert duo is when scars falling grian yells out for him, not because he cares about scars safety but because he cares about his safety.
meanwhile when tangos falling jimmy jumps after him while screaming his name, making sure that if he's going to die it's tangos name staining his tongue and without the selfish intent of keeping himself safe.
because when grain looks into scars eyes he only sees himself. meanwhile when jimmy looks into tangos eyes he sees tango looking back.
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samandcolbyownme · 11 months
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Summary: Anon request - "omg wait. request idea for sam and colby as ghostface smut :0 like billy loomis and stu macher OG ghostface"
Warnings: This one shot will contain smut and gore. There will be talk of death, murder, suicide, and blood, along with forceful acts such as choking, gagging, hair pulling, stabbing, and other malicious acts. The smut parts of this will contain, semi forceful actions, unprotected sex, fingering, hair pulling, choking, knife play, oral (both), double penetration, dirty talk, and f i l t h
Disclaimer: I'm putting my own twist on this. There will be references from the original Scream, but I am going to make it a tad more modern and my own and make it so instead of SnC wanting to kill y/n, they're going after a specific group of people from one particular event that involved y/n and of course, wanting y/n all to themselves.
Side note: Italics are when Sam and/or Colby are in ghostface mode.
Word count: 25.9K but I had to break it into two parts due to tumblr's character limit. The link to part two will be at the end of this.
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"You call, Sam." Colby says pushing the phone into his chest, "I need to make this little bitch suffer for what he did to her."
"We gotta keep it clean, Colby." Sam looks up at him, "I'm just as pissed about this as you are, but more or less, we can't afford to get caught."
Colby scoffs, "You're going to sit there and tell me that you don't want to rip his guts out for forcing y/n into something she obviously didn't want to do?"
You unknowingly, and drunkenly told Sam and Colby about what happened at the party you went to without them. You told them about  Levi McCallum forced himself onto you while his two other friends and Nina, his girlfriend watched, and that didn't sit right with either of them.
No one gets to hurt their girl and have zero consequence.
Over the last month, Sam and Colby have been plotting, in secret. Trying to find out just what to do exactly, which didn't take them long at all, and tonight, Nina and Levi are first to be crossed off the list.
Sam's anger boils as he thinks about what you went through, quickly turning infuriated, "Fuck them. They need to die."
"There we go." Colby grips Sam's shoulder, shaking him gently, "We're doing this for her."
"For her." Sam takes a deep breath and looks over at an older car coming up the long dirt road, "There he is. Good luck, brother."
Colby slips his gloves on, getting out as he grabs his mask from the dash, "Good luck, brother."
Colby disappears into the woods as Sam pulls out the burner, dialing the number to Nina's house. He listens to it ring before pulling the voice changer up to his lips as Nina answers with a mellow, "Hello?"
"Why don't you want to talk to me?" Sam asks in the raspy changed voice.
"Who is this?" Nina asks confused.
"Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine." Sam rests his head back against the seat of the car as she declines, "um, I don't think so."
Sam hears her shaking something in the background, "What is that? That noise you're making."
"Popcorn." She says with a slight laugh and Sam rolls his eyes, "I only eat popcorn at the movies."
"I actually am going to put a movie on, my boyfriend.." she emphasizes, "Is coming over to watch it with me."
"You like scary movies? What's your favorite?"  Sam asks, trying to buy Colby more time to get Levi restrained.
"Oh, um, I don't know. I guess I never really thought about it." She sighs, "Probably Halloween? Maybe. The one with the guy in the white mask that kills the babysitters on Halloween."
"Uh huh." Sam nods to himself, looking around as he quietly gathers his tools.
"What's yours?"  She asks, surprising Sam by keeping the conversation going.
"Nightmare on Elm Street?"
"Didn't that guy have knives for fingers? Freddy Krueger?"
Sam knows all about horror movies, as does Colby, thanks to you. You're always making them watch a different movie or series, especially around Halloween time.
"Yeah, him. The first one was alright, but the rest just absolutely sucked." She clicks the lock and Sam sits up slightly.
"So you said boyfriend, is it anything serious?"
"Why?" She laughs with a flirty tone, "You want to take me out on a date?" 
He rolls his eyes, "Maybe. All you gotta do is tell me your name."
"Why do you want to know my name?" She giggles and Sam's demeanor darkens, his anger taking over, "Cause I wanna know who I'm looking at."
She goes quiet, the tone in her voice drops to scared, "W-What did you just say?"
"Because I want to know who I'm talking to."
"That's not.. that's not what you said." Nina goes around looking out the windows and Sam squeezes the phone, "What did you think I said, then?"
She flicks the back light on, catching Sam's attention, "What?"
She doesn't say anything, so he asks again, "Hello?"
"I-I.. look.. I gotta go."  Nina flicks the light off and Sam quietly gets ready to get out, "Wait, no. I thought you said we were going to go out."
"Nah, I don't think I want to. Creep." She hangs up as Sam tells her not to hang up. The call ends and he gets out, quickly disappearing into the woods to make his way up to the house.
He sees Colby holding onto Levi with a knife pressed against his throat. Sam slips his mask on, bringing the phone back up to his ear and slipping the voice changer into his mask, calling Nina again.
He watches her through the window, seeing her stop as she stares at the phone before answering, "What the fuck do you want?"
"I told you not to hang up on me."
"What do you want, then? Huh?" She asks slightly frantic, "Huh?"
"I told you. I just want to talk."
"About what? What could you possibly want to talk to me about?" Nina runs a hand over her face, on the verge of tears.
"About what happened at that party two months ago."
"Call someone else. I'm done." She hangs up and that's when Sam moves up to help get Levi in the pool chair, duct taping his hands behind his back.
His yelling is muffled through the several pieces of tape keeping his mouth closed.
Colby grips his throat, squeezing until his eyes roll back and he's not making any noise. Sam taps Colby, indicating to let him go, that he needs to be alive for Nina to see him die.
Sam makes his way around the house, quietly getting in through the one window she didn't have locked before calling again.
"Listen asshole." Nina screams into the phone and Sam cuts her off, anger dripping from his words, "You listen to me you little bitch, you hang up on me again and I swear to god I'll gut you like a fish."
She doesn't say anything and the feeling of power takes over Sam, chuckling slightly, "Yeah."
"Is this a joke?" She whimpers out.
"More of a lesson about karma, really." He pauses as he hears her moving slowly, "Can you handle getting your karma for what you did, blondie?"
"What did I do?" She asks, trying to sound innocent and Sam just laughs, "More or less of what you and that sleezeball boyfriend of yours did."
Nina takes off running, locking all the doors she can get to. She looks out the window of the front door and puts the phone back up to her ear.
"Can you see me, Nina?"
She's breathing heavy, crying, "I'm going to call the fucking cops. This isn't fucking funny anymore."
"They'd never make it in time, look at where we're at. We're in the middle of no where." Sam moves to another room and she pleads, "Just tell me what you want, fuck. I'll do anything, please."
"I already told you, you need your karma. But I also kinda want to see what your insides look like." A sinister smiles grows behind Sam's mask as he listens to Nina sob and hang up.
Colby quickly walks around to the front, ringing the door bell a few times before running off. Nina screams, "Who's there? Fuck, I'm calling the cops, I'm not do-"
The phone rings as she picks it up, and she screams, crying as she brings to her ear.
"Don't you know not to ask who's there, fuck. You should know all about that from the movies you watch. Asking who's there is a death wish, and I'm feeling generous enough to grant it for you."
"Look.." she gasps for air, "You've had your fun now so I think.. you better just leave me... the fuck alone or else I-"
"Or else what?" Sam taunts, "What could you possibly do to outsmart me? Hmm?"
"My boyfriend will be here any fucking minute and he'll find you, and rip you apart for messing with me." She screams into the phone and Sam laughs, "Your boyfriend is a pussy, Nina. He'd do anything to save himself before you, now why don't you just walk on over to the back, look out at the pool."
"Fuck you. Fuck you."
"His name wouldn't happen to be Levi.. would it?"
She gasps, "How do you know his name?"
"Go to the doors, like I said, and turn on the fucking lights.. again."
Sam makes his way downstairs, knowing that she is focused on a bloody and beat up Levi. Still on the phone, he hears her sob, "Oh god, no. No. No. Levi!" She scratches at the door to unlock it frantically but Sam on the phone makes her stop, "I don't recommend doing that."
"Where the fuck are you?" She pounds on the glass of the window, "Where the fuck are you?"
"Guess. I could be anywhere."
"Please don't hurt him." She pleads, "I love him."
"Really? You love someone who goes around, using girls for his own drunken pleasure at parties they should have even been at?"
"What are you ta-"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about bitch." Sam growls, "Now, if you want him to live, play a game with me."
"What game?"  She whimpers and Sam chuckles, "Turn off the light." Levi screams behind the tape and Nina leans against the wall listening as she turns off the lights.
"What party were you at two months ago?"
She thinks for a moment, sniffling as she does, "I-I do-"
"Don't tell me you don't know because I know for a fact you know exactly what I'm talking about." Sam snaps, "if I have to ask again, your pussy of a boyfriend dies."
"A party. It was Xander's party." She sobs, "Please.. don't kill him."
"What happened at Xander's party, Nina?"
"I don't.. I really don't know.." she lies, pleading for Levi's life, "I don't know, asshole. Fucking kill me if you want, but leave Levi alone!"
Sam is quiet for a few seconds, "Wrong answer." Sam hangs up and Nina goes to the door, screaming as Colby plunges a knife into his abdomen, spilling his guts into his lap, leaving Levi dead where he sits right as she flicks the lights back on.
Colby vanishes, making his way back into the woods incase Sam needs backup.
"Hey." Sam says catching her attention to the phone again, "We're not done. I still have one final question."
"Go the fuck away. You already killed Levi, what more do you want from me!?"
"Which door am I at? You got a fifty fifty chance of picking the right one.." he pushes as he listens to her voice shake, "Unless I'm already in the house."
She drops the phone as Colby throws a chair through the window, making her take off into the kitchen, grabbing a knife from the block. She backs up slowly, gasping as Sam crosses the hallway in a swift motion, making his way into the other room.
She slips out the patio doors, shaking as she looks back in to see Sam stalking around the house. She moves over, getting ready to take off until he busts through the door, tackling her to the ground.
She gets up fast, but so does Sam. He chases her across the yard, grabbing her to pull her back and he plunges his knife deep into her chest, twisting it before throwing her down on the grass.
She's gasping, hyperventilating as she runs her fingers over the stab wound, trying to plead for her life once more. Sam moves on top of her, pressing a hand to her throat so she doesn't make any noise.
She ends up kicking him, making him fall back as she desperately tries to crawl away. With his adrenaline pumping, he gets back up, crawling over and stopping her.
He rolls her back over. She tries to scream for help but her voice is a strangled whine, "H-he-hel- help."
Sam shakes his head, gripping her throat again as she reaches up and rips his mask off. He stares down at her, giving her a smirk before stabbing her again.
And again.
Sam smashes the phone and leaves to find Colby before a car comes in from the other direction.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
It wasn't unusual for you to share a bed with Sam or Colby, you guys have been close for many, many years which developed into this relationship that made you not want to look for anyone else. You were content with them, so you didn't need or even want a boyfriend, it was like you had two.
But it wasn't official or anything.
What was unusual, was that you woke up to it just being you, "Sam?" You call out hoping for an answer, "Colby?"
You swing your legs over, standing up as you grab one of the sweatshirts that's on the floor, checking your phone to see a message from Sam, Drug Colby with me for a run. Be back soon.
You sigh, feeling relieved as you now know they aren't in any kind of trouble like they have been in before. In the middle of responding, you hear the door open and you quickly make your way down the steps.
"Good morning, gorgeous." Sam says winking at you. You smile, "How was the run?" You look at Colby and he shrugs, "it was actually very exhilarating, I think I'm going to start running with Sam more often."
"Wow." You raise your eyebrows, taking the coffee Sam hands you, "That's not like you at all."
Colby chuckles, "Yeah, well. It is now I guess. Gotta stay in shape so I can fight those demons all night long." He motions to his Currently Fighting Demons hoodie and you roll your eyes with a laugh, "You really are a walking advertisement."
Sam smirks at you, "I'm going to go up and shower, but after that want to go out to eat?" You nod, "Mm." You swallow your coffee, "Yes please, I'm starving."
Sam jogs up the steps and Colby walks over to you, "You doing okay?" You sip your coffee and look up at him, "I was just worried that you two got arrested again."
He chuckles and shakes his head, "No, no. Just went for a run. We aren't going anywhere." He tucks hair behind your ear and quickly kisses your forehead, "I'm going to shower, too."
You smile turning as you go into the living room. Right as you sit down, your phone rings, "Hey, Soph."
"Are you home?" She asks, her voice shakey, "Y/n."
"Yes. Yes. We're all here, what's up? What's going on?" You sit up, "Sophie?" There's about knock on your door, "I'm here." She yells, still on the phone.
You get up, quickly walking over to unlock the door, "Hey, come in."
"Levi and Nina are dead."
Her words shock you, "I'm sorry." You laugh slightly, "what did you just say?"
She takes a deep breath, "Nina and Levi are dead. Y/n.  Gone."
"What the hell? When? How? Why?" You run a hand over your hair, kinda acting more sad about it than you actually were because Sophie doesn't know what happened to you, "What can I do?"
You walk over and hug her as she breaks down in your arms.
Sam and Colby slowly walk down the steps, giving you a confused look they point to her. You shake your head, giving them a frown, "Levi and Nina are dead."
Your voice is quiet as you wipe the tears from her eyes, "I'm so sorry, Soph."
"Nina was like a sister to me. I mean obviously you too.." she laughs nervously, "Fuck, you know what I mean."
"It's okay. I understand." You walk her to the couch and sit down with her, her head laying in your lap as she starts sobbing again, "Who.. would do t-this?"
"I don't know, honey. But they'll find them. I'm sure.." You rub her back, unsure of what else to say.
You hated them with your full being, yes, but you never wanted them to die or anything.
"What happened?" Sam asks walking over and Sophie snaps her head up, "Two of my friends were killed, she just told you, what don't you understand?"
Sam clenches his jaw and Colby walks up, "Whoa. Hey. He just asked what happened."
Sophie rolls her eyes, "Do I need to reword it for you? Nina and Levi were killed. Gutted. I don't u-"
"Okay." You say loudly, cutting her off, "You just need to calm down, for one, and two.. They didn't do anything wrong, just asked what happened and you're snapping their heads off for no reason."
Sophie breaks down again, falling into your lap as she whimpers, "Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry."
Sam and Colby's eyes are on you. The way you stand up for them without any hesitation, no matter who it is, is one of the things they love about you.
They both knew that if you found out, you die for them before they got caught. 
And they were right.
"Exactly." Colby motions to you and sighs as he walks back upstairs. Sam shakes his head, "I'll leave you guys to it, then." He follows Colby and Sophie sits up, "I didn't mean to yell at them."
You hug her head, "I know. It's okay. They know you're under a lot right now."
"I think.. I think I'm going to go down to the police station, to see if I can get any information," she sniffles and looks at you, "Will you come with me?"
"Why don't you come to lunch with us, then we can go? We can talk about everything." You brush her hair from her face and she shakes her head, "i have to go see Eli."
"Eli? As in-"
She cuts you off, "Levi's best friend, yeah. That's who I've been seeing."
You raise your eyebrows, trying not to let your anger answer for you, because as said, she doesn't know he was there that night too, "Is it going good?"
"It was until last night. He won't answer my calls now, so.." she sniffles and stands up, "I'll call you later." You walk after her, "I can drive you if-"
"No. I just need a minute.. to think... about all of this." She lays her head on her hands, sobbing before quickly pulling it together. She walks over, hugging you tight, "I'm so scared."
You wrap your arms around her, "I know. I know. I am too." You rub her back, "They'll figure it out. I promise." She leans back, wiping her face before turning away, "I'll call you then."
"Just come over tonight. Stay here so I know you're safe too." You walk over to the door and she spins around, nodding, "O-okay."
You nod, giving her a small smile, "Okay." You watch as she makes her way to her car and you shut the door, Sam and Colby standing quietly behind you, "Jesus Christ."
You jump and lay a hand on your chest, "I need to put a bell on both of you."
They both laugh and Colby points to the door, "is she okay?"
You nod, "Yeah, she didn't mean to snap on you. It's all still so fresh, I can't imagine what she's going through."
"Did you hate Nina?" Sam asks raising his eyebrow. You nod, "And Levi, but that didn't mean I wanted them to be murdered or anything."
"Yeah, no right. I don't think anyone wishes for just anyone to die." Colby nods, "Did she tell you what happened exactly?"
You pull your phone out, "I can find out. I'm sure the news is alre-" your mouth drops slightly and your hand goes over your mouth as you read the gruesome description of how they were found.
"What, y/n?" Sam asks as he moves over to you, looking down at your phone, "Oh shit."
"Worse than Sophie said it was?" Colby walks over, looking over your shoulder, "Oh.. fuck."
"They said Levi was found out by their pool, taped to a chair and he was.." you cringe, "Literally gutted.." you rest your phone down by your side, "Nina was found the same way just outside in the yard.."
You close your eyes, shaking your head, "I can't imagine what her mom must of felt. She's the one who found them."
"Who ever did that obviously had a resentment towards them.." Colby glances at Sam, "Apparently."
Sam fights off his smirk and wraps his arm around you, "Are you okay?" You nod, "Yeah.. I mean, they bullied the hell out of me, but at the same time.." you take a deep breath, "Karma is a bitch.. I just didn't think of it being this big of one. I'm honestly kind of scared, like there's a killer on the loose and no one knows anything about it."
"It'll be okay." Colby wraps his arm around your shoulders, gripping Sam's hoodie, "you know we won't let anything happen to you."
You didn't remember that they knew about what happened at the party, and they wanted to keep it that way.
"If you don't want to go out, we can just stay here." Sam whispers, "Whatever you want to do."
You sigh, "I really want a wrap from Bardoe's." You laugh slightly and Sam smiles, "then we'll go to Bardoe's."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Hey, y/n."
You set your food down, looking up as your friend, Noel, comes over, "How's Sophie?" She sits down across from you.
You shrug, "As bad as you'd think."
"She about bit my head off when I asked what was happening.," Sam says taking a sip of his drink. You nod, "Yeah, she stopped by before we came here, but she said she had to go see Eli."
She leans back, "Did you just say Eli?"
You nod, "I know, I had the same reaction you did." You laugh slightly, "I mean, to each their own. Her type is just assholes, apparently."
She raises her eyebrows and Henry, Noel's boyfriend comes over and sits down, "Colby. Sam." He nods to them and they nod back. He looks at you, "Y/n."
Henry stopped everything that night and you made him promise not to say a word to anyone, but Sam and Colby already know that, too.
So he's safe.
"How you doing?" He asks and you shrug, "I'm fine, worried about Soph." He nods, "Yeah, her and Eli are taking it pretty hard."
You nod, "I seen her this morning, she said she was going to the police station to ask questions, but I'm sure she'll only find out what they want them to."
You lean back, resting your head on Colby's arm that's extended over the top of the booth.
"How do you even gut someone like that?" Noel asks as she takes some of your fries, "Honestly. It's overkill if you ask me."
Colby shrugs, "The only way I can imagine, is that they took a knife or something sharp, then cut them from groin to sternum.."
Sam looks at Colby, "Hey. It's called tact, fucking idiot."
Colby holds his hand up, "I'm just saying that it would be an awful way to die." You stare at the table, nodding as you think about the pain they endured.
You hated it, but that little sick and twisted part inside of you liked it. You liked that they endured more pain than they had caused you, but you still felt bad.
"I heard they found her liver in the mailbox, how sick is that?" Henry says changing the subject, "Next to her spleen or some other organ."
"Oh that's so gross, I'm trying to eat y/n's fries, Henry. Stop it." Noel groans and pushes him. Colby smirks, "Yeah Henry, liver alone." He laughs and you look over at him, trying not to laugh.
Sam reaches behind you, smacking Colby's shoulder, "Dude."
"What? It's a joke, let her, liver? Liv-er alone?" He laughs with Henry and you just shake your head.
"Henry. Did you used to date Noel?" Colby points towards him. Noel looks at Henry and he laughs, "Yeah, until I found out just how psycho she was."
"What do you mean?" You look up at him.
He shrugs, "She was just nuts. I couldn't talk to anyone because I was-" he puts air quotes, "Cheating."
"Were you?" Noel looks at him and he looks at her, "Not at all." He looks at Sam, "Didn't you know Levi?"
Sam shakes his head, "Not like you'd think. I played basketball with him, but he was always a preppy everyone needs to love me kinda person and I couldn't be around that."
Henry raises his eyebrows and Sam tilts his head, "What? You think I did it?" He leans forward, resting his hands on the table, "I didn't kill anybody."
"No body said you did." Colby stares at Sam and he tilts his head smiling at Colby, "Aw, thanks buddy."
You rest your hand on his arms "Sam, that's not what he's saying. We all know you didn't. You have no reason to."
Noel laughs, "Yeah Sam, just because you and Colby hunt ghosts, that doesn't mean you could pull something like this off."
Henry laughs, "Right. That's how I know it wasn't you."
You can tell Colby is getting pissed because Henry just basically accused him of killing people, and honestly you were, too.
"Alright, I think it's time we leave. Yeah?" You look at Noel, "You should come over later. Soph is going to be there."
She nods, "I'll call you then." She stands up, pulling Henry up with her, quietly yelling at him about saying what he did to Sam.
You turn to Sam, "Are you okay?"
He nods and looks over at you, "Do you think I did it?" You shake your head, "As I said, you'd have no reason to." He takes a deep breath, "If he starts saying shit like that, I'll be the one they throw behind bars."
"I won't let that happen." You and Colby say in unison, causing Sam to smile. You smile and lean in, "I promise, I won't let anything happen to you." You lean over to Colby, "Or you." You sit straight, "Because I like whatever this is."
"We like it too." Sam pulls you in, kissing your head as he stares at Colby, "Let's get out of here."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Hello?" You say as you pick up your phone.
"Hello, is this y/n?" A man on the other end of the phone asks. You sit up, "May I ask who's calling?"
The man on the phone chuckles softly, "Right, yes. My name is Officer Tylers. I'm calling to see if you'd come down to the station to answer some questions for us."
"About the murders?" You pinch the bridge of your nose and he sighs, "Yes. So if you could, the sooner the better, but no rush. I know this is a-"
You cut him off, "I'll be right there,"
"Great. Thank you."
You hang up and sigh before yelling, "Colby." He jogs down the steps, "What's up, babe?" You smiles slightly and stand up, "I just got off the phone with an Officer Tylers. They want me to come down and answer some questions."
He raises his eyebrows, "Really?"
You shrug, "I don't know why.. I just.." you sit back down and Colby walks over, sitting next to you, "Hey. You'll be okay. They probably are just doing a routine questioning to everyone she went to school with. I'm sure Sam and I are next to be questioned."
You laugh slightly, "Might as well just come with me." You look around, "Where's Sam?"
"He went to meet the guy to talk about our next investigation." He tucks hair behind your ear, "You're so pretty."
You smile and tilt your head, "Why didn't you go with him?" He smiles, "I figured you didn't want to be left alone."
You nod, "Yeah, you're right. I just have to text Soph and Noel to let them know i won't be here for a little bit."
"I'll text Sam, let him know that we're going to the station." Colby takes his phone out, tapping his screen quickly. You text Sophie and Noel, letting them know exactly what's going on.
"I told them the key is under the mat if they get here before we get back." You look up at Colby, "Is that okay?"
He looks up and nods, "Yeah that's fine. Are you ready?" You nod and stand up, "What did Sam say?" Colby shakes his head as he slides his phone back into his pocket, "Just said to be careful."
"He doesn't have to worry about that." You laugh and grab Colby's keys, handing them to him, "Here ya go." He takes them from you and pulls you into him, "Everything is going to be okay."
You smile, "Thank you for being so calm through all of this, I'm actually freaking out on the inside." He chuckles, "I know. I think you're forgetting I can read you like a book, y/n."
You lick your lips, looking up at him. He leans in, pressing his lips to yours as he pulls your body closer.
The door opens and Sam walks through, stopping when he sees you and Colby, "Whoa, whoa." He laughs and walks over, wrapping his arm around your waist, "Excuse me."
You laugh slightly and look up at him, "I thought you were meeting with that guy?" He nods, "Yeah, it was an easy meet up, he wants us to investigate there, so he was excited."
"So it's set then?" Colby asks and Sam nods, "It's set."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Wish me luck." You mumble before reaching for the door handle. Sam and Colby both wish you luck and you get out, taking a deep breath before crossing the street.
"Hi, how can I help you?" The lady behind the glass asks and you rest your hands on the counter, "I got a um.. call from an Officer Richards. He told me to come down to answer some questions."
She nods, "Y/n y/l/n right?"
You nod, "Yep. That's me."
"You can have a seat right over there, I'll let him know you're here." You mumble a quiet, "thank you," before walking over to the chair and sitting down.
Not even a minute later, a tall man dressed in a police uniform walks over to you, "Y/n?"
You look up at him, immediately pissed, "Yes." You stand up and shake his hand, "Been a while.. You can come with me this way." You follow him through the barracks and into a room with only a table and four chairs.
"Have a seat. Do you need anything? Want anything? Water, coffee?"
You look up at him from the chair and shake your head, "No, thank you. I'm good."
"Alright, we'll just jump right into this then." He sits across from you after closing the door, "Did you know Nina and Levi?"
"Why are you questioning me? Isn't that conflict of interest or whatever?" You cross your arms over your chest and he shakes his head, "Not technically family, so no. Anyway, did you know Nina and Levi?"
You tilt your head, "I did, but I wasn't really liked by them."
"Can you elaborate on that for me, please? What do you mean exactly? Why didn't they like you?" He scribbles down notes on the notepad.
"I'm friends with Sophie Frank, and she's friends- or was friends.. with Nina, and Sophie and I are so different, I think she thought I ruined the popular girl image, and eventually just pushed me out." You explain, "And Levi, well he was the quarterback of the football team and got a college scholarship, so he was Mr. Popularity."
"Were you jealous of that?"
You laugh slightly, "Excuse me?"
He holds his hand up, "I know that sounds bad, but it's just routine or whatever you want to call it. Let me reword it.." he thinks for a moment and looks back up at you, "Were you jealous that Sophie was friends with her? How did her pushing you out make you feel?"
"I mean I didn't really like it, so I just stopped hanging around Sophie when I knew there was a chance Nina would be there, but I didn't want her to die if that's what you're getting at." You stare at him and he nods as he scribbles some more, "I liked Nina, we were friends before high school, but high school really changes a person I guess."
"Did it change you?" He asks right away, "I mean, you didn't go to college, correct?"
You shake your head, "No, but what-"
"You're living with two guys who do videos, both are handsome looking dudes, you didn't feel.. I don't know.. threatened by Nina in anyway?"
You scoff at his question, "No, Officer Tylers. I was not threatened by Nina."
"Where were you last night?" He leans back in his chair and you sigh, "I was home. Asleep by ten with Sam and Colby."
"They were there?" He tilts his head, "They didn't leave the house?"
You clench your jaw, sighing because you don't like to talk about your private business, especially with people like Officer Tylers, "They were in bed, with me, until about seven this morning. They went for a run."
"And that's normal? What time did they get back?"
"Yes." You sigh, "Sam is training for a marathon, and Colby likes working out." You shrug, "About eight thirty." You sigh, "Are we done? Can we be done please?"
"Almost." He holds up his finger and scribbles down more words, "Is ghost hunting all Sam and Colby do? Do you join them sometimes? I've never seen their videos beside so I don't really know."
"Besides doing photo shoots for their merch launches and making their own coffee, yeah. That's all they do."
He's quiet for a few moments before he looks up, "Don't leave town, stay in touch if you see anything, but yeah. Were done. For now." You stand up and he grabs your arm, "Just be careful, y/n. Your dad told me to look after you, and that's exactly what I'm trying to do."
You pull your arm away, "Well, you're not my dad so." You walk away and he stands up, watching as an officer leads you to the front of the building.
Officer Tylers, better known as Dave Tylers, was your dad's best friend and your dad told him, on his death bed, that he was to make sure you were okay.
You've always gotten weird vibes from him, even when you were younger, so you kept your distance.
You get into the car, plopping down with a sigh, "That was fucking pathetic."
"What happened?" Sam asks as they both turn around to face you. You shake your head, "We can talk about it at home. I need to make sure that fucker didn't bug me."
"Huh?" Sam whips back around as Colby drives off and you laugh slightly, "The officer that questioned me was.." you sigh, "He's who my dad asked to look after me. I just get a weird feeling with him, so I've kept my distance and he was like, asking me if I was at home in bed with you two last night. Like it was just weird."
Colby clenches his jaw, "You don't owe anyone an explanation about us."
"I know, Colby. I felt like I had to because of the way he was drilling me with question after question." You thud back against the seat, "I just don't understand who would want to actually go through and kill someone, let alone two people at once."
You rest your head back, thinking about the answers you gave Dave. Anxious because you lied, you guys were drinking and you got a little too wasted, passing out, so you weren't really sure if they went to bed when you did, but it doesn't matter because one, Dave didn't need to know that, and two, Sam and Colby aren't killers, they're ghost hunters.
"Did you guys go to bed with me last night?" You ask kinda quiet and Colby looks back at you in the rearview, "Of course we did. We wanted to make sure you were okay."
"I mean, I edited our latest video a little bit after you fell asleep but I was only down at the end of the bed." Sam looks back at you, "Are you doubting us, ms y/l/n?"
You laugh and shake your head, "No, no. Dave just gets under my skin and I don't know, I hate him."
Sam and Colby glance at each other, looking away before you look back up at them, "Sorry. I just-"
"You don't ever need to apologize to us, y/n." Sam smiles back at you, reaching for your hand, "I promise, everything is okay."
You take his hand and watch as he pulls you towards him, bringing your hand to his lips, "We got you."
You smile at him, jumping slightly as your phone rings. You look down, hitting the green button, "Hey Soph, I'm on my way-"
"Eli got arrested. They think he had something to do with Nina and Levi." She says frantic, "I'm not going to be able to come over tonight. I'm sorry."
"No, no hey. It's okay. Take deep breathes a- hello?" You pull your phone away seeing she ended the call, "Okay, bye to you, too."
"What's going on, babe?" Colby asks glancing over his shoulder. You sigh as you shrug, "I guess they think Eli did it. Soph didn't tell me much, all she said was Eli got arrested, she won't be able to come tonight and that she's heading to the station and hung up."
You text Noel, Eli got arrested. They think he had something to do with the murders.
"You're only trying to help her, I really don't understand why she's being this way towards you." Sam says, "She's only going to get hurt if she keeps messing around with Eli."
"You don't have to tell me." You roll your eyes, "She changed, and I'm not saying that's bad thing, but I've definitely been put on the back burner.."
"Hey." Sam lays his hand on your knee, Colby parks in the driveway and does the same. You look up at them and Sam smiles, "If they don't come tonight, screw them. If they can't see that you're only trying to help, then that's on them."
You lay your hands on theirs, "I don't know if I told you guys this lately, but I love you both so very much and I am so glad that we're whatever this is." You smirk slightly and Colby squeezes your knee, "You're our girl, what can we say?"
You smile and get out of the car, walking inside, "We should just have a movie night, chill out. Forget that we're living in fear right now." You set your bag down and turn towards them, "What do ya say?"
"I say.." Colby walks over, grabbing your hand and spinning you into him, "Let's do it."
"I second that. Or third that in this case." Sam laughs as he presses a kiss to your temple, "Now go change into something comfy then we can get this party started."
You smile all the way up to the top of the steps. You can hear Sam and Colby whispering but you think nothing of it.
You're in a mood.
A mood for them.
You throw on a bigger tee, no pants, and walk back down the steps. Their eyes immediately on you and you blush, "What?" You walk past them to the couch and they follow you like a magnet.
"Where do you think you're going?" Colby asks as he sits beside you, Sam on the other. You smirk, "You said to change into something comfy, and I'm most comfortable without pants."
"I think you got comfy confused with sexy, there babe" Sam bites his lip as he drags his hand up your back. You lean back slowly and Colby pulls you back against his chest, "Makes me want to rip you apart."
His words send a shiver of excitement down your spine, "Do it." His hands slide down, raising your shirt with his fingers, "The way Sam is looking at you right now.." Colby tilts head up to look at Sam, "I think he wants to."
Your eyes meet Sam's stare, "Please."
Colby spreads your legs, one pushed up against the back of the couch and he has his hand under the knee of your other, holding it up.
Sam moves in, kissing down your neck and under your boobs until he reaches the top of your panties. He bites them, pulling his head back and letting go so they snap against your skin.
Your breath hitches and Colby chuckles deeply in your ear, "You like that, baby girl?"
You nod, whimpering as Sam kisses up your thigh and pressing his lips to your pantie covered clit, "So much."
"Can you beg for him? Hmm.." Colby gently bites down on your earlobe, "Tell him what you want."
"I want you to eat my pussy." You moan as he presses another kiss to your clothed clit, "Please, Sam.." you whimper, "Please."
Sam looks up at you, pulling your panties to the side and runs his finger against your soaked slit, "Someone needs us."
You nod, "I do.. yes.."
"Say it again, baby." Colby whispers, eyes meeting Sam's as you moan out to the feeling of Sam's fingers dipping deep inside of you, "I need you."
Colby slides his hand down, gently massaging your clit as Sam slowly pushes and pulls his fingers in and out, "You're so fucking wet."
"No one is ever allowed to touch you again, got it?" Colby gently bites your neck and you moan out, "No one but you and Sam."
Sam reaches up, turning your head so you look at him, "Who's pussy is this?"
You furrow your brows as you feel your orgasm coming on, "Oh fuck." You whimper, "You and Colby's."
"Say my name, baby." Sam bites his lip as he works up to a faster pace, causing you to clench around his fingers, "Sam and Colby's."
Your back arches off of Colby's chest and you moan, "Fuck, fuck." Colby adds more pressure, "Cum for us, baby."
You roll your hips slowly, growing closer and closer until there's frantic knocking on your door, "Y/n!"
You don't want to stop, but you reach down to grab Sam's wrist but Colby grabs your hand, pinning it to the back of the couch, "Don't try it. You're going to cum first."
Your eyes roll back as you work back up to where you were, biting your lip to muffle your moans.
The knocking and pounding on the door continues and Sam curls his fingers just right, sending you overboard. You grind your hips against their hands, pressing the back of your head into Colby's shoulder.
"Good girl." Colby reaches up, gripping your chin so he can kiss you. Sam pulls his fingers out and brings them to his own lips, "Were not done." He says with a smirk.
You smirk and shake your head, completely forgetting about someone at the door. You jump up, fixing your panties as you walk to the door, "Who is it?"
"Fucking Sophie. Now open up."
You open the door and she barges in, "Someone fucking planted shit on Eli, I swear to god." She paces back and forth, "I don't.. oh fuck.. I don't know what to do.."
"Well, if you would have listened to me before you hung up on me, I told you to breathe so why don't you try doing just that?" You walk over to the fridge, grabbing her a water and handing it to her.
"What if this was Colby? Hmm?"
"Does no one believe that I'm capable of murder?" Sam holds his arms out and laughs, causing you to smile, "Of course we do sweetie." You look back at Sophie, "No I know. It's easier said than done. I was a mess when Colby got arrested and no one knew what was happening."
"He got arrested for trespassing and having fake id's, y/n. That nothing compared to what Eli is possibly facing." Sophie sets her water down and sits on the stool, "Eli didn't do this."
"If anyone isn't capable of murder, it's him, Soph. You don't have anything to worry about. Where was he last night?"
She shrugs, "he was home."
"And you're sure of that?" You tilt your head slightly, "Why didn't you tell the police that?" She sighs, "They said they'll talk to me once they're done questioning him. This apparently is a big fucking thing because every cop is out patrolling every area around here."
You look over at Sam and Colby who are quietly talking to each other and back to her, "Well do you to-"
"Why don't you come with me? We're going back to Nina's, well sneaking back there so we can try and figure this out ourselves? We can meet Noel at her place?"
You shake your head, "I just really wanted to stay in tonight, kinda the reason as to why I told you and Noel to come here."
"Don't you want to help find the killer? I understand you didn't like Levi and Nina, but at the same time.. don't you want to help find who did it?" She looks at you and you just stare at her.
"Fine." She throws her hands up and walks towards the door, "I'm just saying.. if you showed up missing or dead, Nina would help figure it out too, she wasn't as bad as you thought."
Yes she was. You wanted to tell her in that moment just how bad they both were, but you just watched her leave.
You look over at Sam and Colby who are staring at you, unhappy about the interaction, "You okay?" Sam asks standing up, "That was uncalled for." He motions towards the door.
You shrug, "I just don't think Levi and Nina were good enough people for me to put life at risk, you know what i mean?"
Sam walks over, pulling you in for a hug, "I know, sweetheart. It's okay. Everyone deals with these things differently and it's okay."
Colby walks up, pressing a kiss to your temple, "Fuck em."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Later that night, as you're sitting on the couch, Colby lets out a groan, "My head is killing me."
"Aw. Did you take anything?" You reach over and gently scratch the back of his neck. He shakes his head slightly, "No, but I think I'm going to and then I'm going to head up to bed." He stands up, bending down to kiss your forehead, "I love you."
You smile and lay your hand on his cheek, "I love you." You press your lips to his and lean back, "You guys ate awfully lovey dovey lately."
You look between them and they smile, "Can't help it if we're just happy when we're around you." Colby punches your chin gently, "Wake me up for your run in the morning, Sam."
Sam nods, "You got it, bro."
As of right now, it was Sam's job to distract you. Make you forget about the world for a little while.
"Why don't we..." he slides his hand up your bare thigh, "Pick up where we left off?" You bit your lip, turning towards him, "Won't Colby feel left out?"
He shakes his head, pulling you to him, "We made a deal, I get you now. He gets you tomorrow morning."
You bite your lip, leaning in. You stop just as your lips are about to touch his, "So you have a schedule?" Sam chuckles and presses his lips to yours, "Only trying to keep it fair, you know how we get."
You stand up, "Take me to bed, Mr. Golbach."
Sam stands up and takes your hand, "If I ever say no to that, make sure I'm the one who's gutted next." You perk up slightly, but not from fear.
Something about his words makes you wet, "I'll give you something to murder." You both laugh at your words, "Someone is feeling frisky."
You bite your lip, "Maybe a little." Sam slides his hands down to your ass, squeezing, "Let's go." You pull him with you up the stairs, going into his room and shutting the door.
His hands slip you out of the tee, tossing it on the ground and looking at your bare chest, "You're so fucking hot." He lifts you up, your legs wrapping around his waist, and he walks you over to the bed.
Colby quietly sneaks out of his room, making sure to shut the door as quietly as possibly before making his way down the steps and out the front door.
"Sam.." you whimper, "I need you."
He pulls away from kissing your neck, "I want to taste you first, babe. Can you be a good girl and let me do that?"
You smirk and nod your head, "Yes."
"That's my girl." He winks and kisses down your body, making your breath hitch as he sucks little marks into the skin under your boobs and down your stomach, "Don't tease."
"That's my favorite part, besides hearing you beg for me." His fingers brush over your clit and you gasp quietly, spreading your legs further apart, "Sam.."
Colby makes his way to where they parked their car before, slightly deep in the woods, but with an easy exit. He takes a deep breathe before getting out of the car and stalking through the woods towards the house, mask on and ready to kill.
For you.
Sam slowly pulls your panties down, too slow for your liking. You go to take your legs out and Sam crawls up, "I want to take my time with you, y/n. Been a bit since I had you to myself."
You melt into him, nodding, "Sorry."
He leans down, pressing his lips to yours, "You don't ever have to be sorry. You're impatient, you need to be touched. I get that." He smiles down at you, "I'm going to do just that, okay?"
You nod and watch as he moves down your body, "I just want to take you in for a minute." He kisses down your thighs, making you wetter with each kiss.
Colby takes the burner from his pocket, dialing a number.
"Hello?" Henry picks up the phone.
"What are you doing back here?"  Colby asks in the low raspy tone from the voice changer, "You guys shouldn't be back here."
Colby watches Henry spin around in circles, "Who- yo. Who the hell is this?" He stops and looks at his phone, but no luck, "What a bitch, calling me from a restricted number, you know what. If you're trying to scare me, it ain't gunna work, dude."
"What if I told you I knew who killed that bitch and her liar boyfriend, hmm?" Colby slowly makes his way around to the side of the house.
You moan, rolling your hips against Sam's face, "Fuck, fuck. Sam, I-I.." you arch your back, moaning out as you cum around his tongue, "Fuck, fuck fuck." You whimper and tangle your fingers in his hair, "Yes, yes, yes."
"How do you know that?" Henry asks and walks over to where Colby killed Levi, the dark red mark from his guts dripping still stained on the concrete, "Did you do it?"
"I did. And it felt so fucking good." Colby chuckles lowly, "He died like a bitch."
"Fuck you. I'm not do-"
"You leave that spot and your girlfriend dies next." Colby threatens, "Now, I want you to tell me something."
"What." Henry scoffs.
"What is one of your biggest secrets, Henry? I know you probably have a lot of skeletons in that dusty closet of yours."  Colby moves around, still making sure to have eyes on the house with Noel and Sophie in it, and Henry.
"I don't have any." Henry laughs, "Honest."
"Fucking liar. Do you want to die just like Levi?"
"N-no. No." He keeps his voice quiet, "Fine." Henry takes a deep breath, "I cheated on Noel, okay."
That's not what Colby was expecting to hear, "You're pathetic, just like Levi."
Henry freaks out quietly, "Fuck you. I'm nothing like Levi okay."
"Oh yeah? Do tell." Colby pulls his knife out, "I'd love to know how you were better than him."
"Again, baby. I want you to cum on my face again." Sam moves up, lying down as he pulls you to sit on his face.
"I don't know what has gotten into you.." you look down at him, running your fingers through his hair, "But I like it." He smirks up at you and pulls your hips down to meet his face, his tongue lapping at your clit.
You grip the headboard, leaning forward as you're engulfed in the pleasure once again.
"I don't just go around, throwing myself onto girls who are way too drunk to say yes or no. Okay. Is that what you wanted to hear?" He spins around, looking to see if anyone else is around.
"You're still pathetic, cheating on your girlfriend.." Colby tsks a few times, "Still doesn't make you a good guy."
"Fuck. Sam.." your legs start to shake and your eyes roll back, pulling his hair as you cum again, "F-fuck." Sam eats you out through your orgasm, heightening it in a way that's never happened before, "S-shit."
You roll off of him, laying on your back as he rolls on top of you, "Such a good fucking girl." He crashes his lips on yours and you moan against his lips as your tongue swipes the taste of yourself off his lips.
Colby moves once he knows the girls in the house won't see, and quickly grabs Henry, covering his mouth with his glove covered hand and stabs him in the back a few times quickly, before spinning him around to slit his throat.
He stares at him for a few seconds as Henry gargles and chokes on his own blood before pushing him back, his body splashing into the pool, turning the clear water red.
"Fucking bitch." Colby mumbles before disappearing into the night, listening to the screams of horror, which can only mean that he has to get the hell out of dodge.
Sam gets up, stripping his clothes off before moving back to lay between your thighs. Your knees rest against his hips and you look up at him, "I love you."
"You have no idea how much I love you." Sam whispers and pushes his cock into you, groaning out as he interlocks his hand with yours and squeezes it, "You have no idea."
Colby starts driving, a smirk resting on his lips as the thought of what he did and why he did it.
Over and over again, the vision of Henry falling lifeless into the pool thrills him.
Henry disrespected Sam, so this kill wasn't just for you this time.
"I could do this all day." Sam groans lowly, "All night." He kisses down your neck as he slowly thrusts into you, trying to hold himself off for as long as he can, "You drive me fucking insane. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you."
"I'd die for you." You cup his cheek with your free hand, "You and Colby, you both.." you arch your back, moaning as you approach another orgasm, "I love you both so.." you gasp, arching your back, squeezing his hand, "So fucking much."
You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer as his cock hits that sweet little spot each time he slides in, "S-Sam."
You moan out loudly, squeezing his cock tightly with your walls, "Fu-" you basically scream for him, clawing up his back as you cum.
He groans, thrusting all the way into you, "Fuck, as much as I love when you do that, don't." He kisses your lips, "I don't want to cum yet."
Colby pulls into the driveway and makes his way back inside, closing the door quietly. It was times like this where they were very thankful that you wanted a house that was kind of secluded from everything else.
You left your phone downstairs on the coffee table, so you didn't know it was blowing up with missed calls and texts from both Noel and Sophie.
Colby walks over, picking it up to look at the notifications on the lock screen, smirking as he reads the messages,
Missed Call Soph (25)
"Fucking. Bitches." Colby mumbles and sits down on the couch, waiting until he knows you and Sam are finished.
Sam pushes his cock all the way in, pumping his cum deep into you with a moan, "Fuck." He sighs with a smile, "You, my love, are absolutely perfect."
You smile up at him, only to have the door bursted open with Colby running in, "You phone is blowing up, babe."
He hands you the phone and your heart sinks, "No. no, no. No. No." You cover your mouth, fumbling around to call Soph.
"What happened?" Sam asks looking at Colby.
"Henry is dead." Colby shakes his head with a sad look on his face.
"Now you wanna fucking call me back?" Sophie yells and you clench your jaw, "I can't really answer when I'm asleep. Now stop being a bitch and tell me what the fuck is going on."
She's taken aback but you calling her out and she sighs, "Henry was killed, y/n. While Noel and I were in the fucking house.. Henry was fucking... killed." Her voice cracks and you can't help but to feel guilty, "I should have been there."
"No, it's not your fault it my fault. We shouldn't have came here. He tried to talk us out of it, but Noel and I pushed.." her voice cracks, "Fuck. I-I don't.. Noel is a mess. I don't.. oh my god.. can you come get me?"
"Yeah, no of course I can. I'll be right there." You hang up and stand up. You grab a sweatshirt and sweatpants, throwing them on before looking around, "Henry is dead?"
"I'm sorry, babe." Colby pulls you into his chest. You wanted to cry, but you felt like you couldn't, "Why is this happening?"
"I don't know.." Colby sighs, "Starting to freak me out, too."
"Do you want me to go with you?" Sam asks standing up and you look at him, "Yeah, please." You look up at Colby, "How's your head?"
He sighs, "Still hurts, but I thought you needed to know this."
"Thank you. Now go back to bed. I'll let you know what's going on."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You held onto Sam's hand the entire way to the scene. You squeezed his hand the more the blue and red lights filled your view.
The coroner loading the zipped up body bag into the van.
The police talking to Noel and Sophie.
Your heart was racing.
"This is awful.." you mumble as tears well up in your eyes, "Fuck.." you wipe your face and take a deep breath, "I'm going to get Sophie and see where Noel is going."
Sam nods, "I'll be here."
As soon as you get out of the car, you're greeted by Officer Tylers, "Isn't it a bit late for you?"
You roll your eyes, walking past him as you make your way to the girls, "I'm so sorry." You whisper and they both fall into you, sobbing hysterically, trying to speak but it's just mumbles and gasps for air.
Tears stream down your face, "We're going to figure this out. I promise." You lay your hands on the back of their heads, "Come on." You look at the officer, "Are they.. can we go?"
The officer nods, "Yeah, they're good."
You walk them to Sam's car, and of course, Dave is still standing there, "Get home safe now." You ignore him as you help the girls get in, Sam talks to them as you turn to get up front.
"Hey, y/n. Where were you tonight?"
Without any hesitation, "I was home, getting railed by my boyfriends." You shoot him a glare, "Now leave me alone." You get back into the car and Dave walks around to Sam's window, tapping on it.
Sam sighs, rolling it down slightly, "Can I help you, Officer?"
"go easy on this one. She's been through enough already, alright?" Dave motions towards you and Sam keeps his lips together, giving him a forced smile, "No need to worry about that. She's in good hands."
You avoid looking at him the entire time Sam turns around in the driveway, "That dude is a fucking creep."
"Was that Dave?" Sophie sniffles, "I didn't know he was an officer here."
You nod, "Neither did I until he questioned me at the station yesterday."
"That dude has always been weird with you." Sophie adds, which catches Sam's attention, "How so?" You shake your head, "We don't need to talk about that right now. Please?"
Sam gives you the, we'll talk about it later, look and takes your hand into his as he focuses on driving you guys back to the house.
It was quiet, all but the sniffles and sobs from the girls in the back. The whole time, you kept thinking about why you didn't really feel remorse for Nina, Levi, and now Henry.
It surprised you. You were usually a person who cared so much, and now you're putting on an act so no one questions you.
"I'm sorry, Sam." Sophie says from the back seat. Sam looks at her in the rear view, "For snapping at you and Colby. You guys were just trying to figure out what happened and I didn't need to be a bitch."
Sam shakes his head, "no worries, Soph."
"I'm going to tell Colby, too. You guys didn't deserve that." Sophie leans back, rubbing Noel's back, "Are you okay?"
"I think I'm going to puke." Noel lays a hand over your mouth and Sam stops right as she opens the door, spitting on the ground outside.
You turn around, holding onto the seat as you reach out, holding what you can reach of her hair back, "Let it out. It's okay."
Sam admires how caring you are of your friends, the people you love. But to him, that's not an invitation for them to take advantage of that, be nasty then expect her to pick up right where they left off, forgetting it even happened.
Sam believes you're too good for everyone in this town. Hell, him and Colby sometimes tell each other that you're too good for them, but you make them realize that they need you, without even realizing it yourself.
They're obsessed with you.
Your body.
Your personality.
The way you carry yourself, even on the worst days.
You're the reason Sam and Colby get up everyday.
You're the reason as to why they started killing.
At first, they wouldn't have even thought about committing a murder, but once the words about what happened left your drunken lips, they vowed that from that day on, you weren't ever going to get hurt again, and if you did, they'll hurt who hurt you, ten times over.
Henry's death was more personal, as said. He disrespected Sam, and that's not something you do when Colby is around.
They've fantasized together about you killing with them. Thinking about seeing you pull one of their knives out, plunging it deep it into someone flesh and twisting.
I wasn't until you tapped Sam's cheek, snapping him out of his thoughts that he realized he was staring, "Hmm. Sorry." He chuckles slightly and faces forward, starting to drive once your back in your seat correctly.
His hand goes to your leg, and he squeezes. You bite your lip, laying your hand over his.
"Who would want to kill Henry?" Noel whispers as she starts to sob, "Why him? He didn't do anything wrong." Her hands fall into her lap and she leans on Sophie, "I loved him."
"I know you did." Sophie sniffles, "We all loved Henry. He was such an asshole, but he was one of the funny, good assholes."
You laugh slightly, "Yeah, that he was."
"You guys hungry or anything?" Sam asks looking back and they shake their heads. Noel laughs slightly, "I don't think I'm ever eating again, honestly."
"I've never seen a dead body, and the fact-" Sophie takes a sharp breath, trying not to cry again, "I'm so mad."
You thought it was a little strange that Sophie was so distraught, like yes. They were all friends and always hung out, but she's acting like it was her boyfriend that died.
"Any news on Eli?" You look back at Soph and she nods, "Nope. Still in holding." You frown, "Well they can't hold him. He obviously didn't do this because Henry died while he was in there."
She nods, "You're right. They can't keep him because this proves it wasn't him." She sighs, "Fuck. This whole thing is a fucking mess."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
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