#Herbs And Spices
wandoffire · 5 months
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hiswitchcraft · 1 year
do you know of any sort of herb/spice masterlist with the properties? id love it as a resource <3
A Few Guides Regarding Herb Safety
A Modern Herbal
The Extremely Large Herbal Grimoire
The Complete Herbal by Nicholas Culpeper
83 Herbs & Their Magical Properties
Herbs by Correspondences
Herbal Lore
If you are going to burn an herb, ingest it, add it to a bath or have pets PLEASE be very careful with the herbs you pick. Also Libby is an app that lets you access books from your local library digitally! You might easily find some information on plants and such there. If you don't have a library card go get one 🔪
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kingzaceofsims · 14 days
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The Following Plants have been updated for DX11 compatibility and to have the current tunings for the game.
Aquatic Plants
Flower Plants
Fruit Plants
Herb and Spice Plants
SCCO Plants
keep up to date with all plant updates on my Updates page on my wix site!
Updates Page
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curiouscatalog · 6 months
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Just in time for the holidays, some cooking help from James Beard.
From: Beard, James. The fireside Cook Book. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1949.
TX715.B36 1949
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mundane-poll-time · 20 days
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koroktree · 2 years
A Jewitch's Guide to Herbs & their Properties
A list of the more common and easily accessible herbs and their magical properties for witches and baby witches alike. Plant magic is an age-old art form that reaches its occult roots from way back to the Ancient Egyptian times. Herbs can be used for many purposes such as love and lust spells, and protection, each plant has its own different magical properties, and can be used to add power to any types of spells.
Acorn: Protection, wisdom, personal power. A dried acorn is a wonderful amulet for keeping youthful appearances.
Allspice: money, luck, healing, obtaining treasure. Provides added energy to any spell. 
Almond: Wisdom, money, fruitfulness, prosperity. Provides magickal help for overcoming addiction.
Aloe: Protection & luck, place on the grave of a loved one to promote peaceful energies. Thought to relieve loneliness and helps with success.
Apple: Love, garden magic, immortality, friendship, healing. Use in  rituals to honour gods and goddesses.
Ash: Sea spells & rituals, protection from drowning, general protection, luck.
Bamboo: Hex breaking, wishes, luck and protection. Carve a wish into bamboo and bury it in a secluded area.
Barley: Love, healing, protection. Scatter on the floor to keep evil at bay.
Basil: Love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy and protection. Dispels confusion, fears and weakness. Drives away hostile  spirits.
Bay leaf: Protection, good fortune, success, purification, strength, healing and psychic powers. Write wishes on the leaves and then burn the leaves.
Buckwheat: Money, protection, and fasting. Use in charms and spells to obtain treasure, riches, and wealth.
Chamomile: Love, healing, and reducing stress. Add to a sachet or spell to increase the chances of its success. Sprinkle an infusion of chamomile around the house to remove hexes, curses and spells. 
Cinnamon: Spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength, and prosperity.
Clove: Exorcism, love, money, and protection.
Cumin: Fidelity, protection, and exorcism. The seed is thought to prevent the theft of any object which contains it.
Dill: Money, protection, luck and lust. Used in love & protection charms. Effective at keeping away dark forces, useful for house blessing.
Garlic: Magickal uses include healing, protection, exorcism, repulsion of vampires, and purification of spaces and objects.
Ginger: Draws adventure and new experiences. Promotes sensuality, sexuality, personal confidence, prosperity, and success.
Holly: Marriage, dream magick, luck, and love. Planted around the outside of the home for protection.
Honey: For attraction and solar magick.
Jasmine: Uses include snakebite and divination; good for charging quartz crystals. Use in sachets and spells to draw spiritual love and attract a soul mate. 
Lavender: Magickal uses include love, protection, healing, sleep, purification, and peace. Promotes healing from depression.
Lemon: Cleansing, spiritual opening, purification, and removal of blockages.
Lime: Purification and protection, promoting calmness and tranquility, and strengthening love.
Marigold: Attracts respect and admiration, provides good luck in court and other legal matters. 
Mint: Promotes energy, communication and vitality. 
Mugwort: Carried to increase lust & fertility, prevent backache and cure disease & madness.
Oregano: Joy, strength, vitality, and added energy.
Paprika: Use to add energy to any spell or mixture. 
Pepper, Black: Courage, banishing negative vibrations.
Poppy Seeds: Pleasure, heightened awareness, love, luck, invisibility.
Rose: Magickal uses include divine love, close friendships, domestic peace/happiness, and lasting relationships. 
Rosemary: Carried and used in healing poppets for good health, used in love/lust spells, worn to improve memory, used in dream pillows to prevent nightmares, burned as incense for purification and removing negativity. 
Saffron: Aphrodisiac, love, healing, happiness, wind raising, lust and strength. 
Sage: Used for self purification and dealing with grief and loss. Carried to improve mental ability and bring wisdom. Used in healing sachets & incense.
Sea Salt: Uses include cleansing crystals, purification, grounding, protection magick and rituals.
Thyme: Attracts loyalty, affection, and the good opinion of others.
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thealanwrightblog · 5 months
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This was so good. No idea what you would call it.
Got the bread yesterday so had to doctor it a bit. Tzatziki with the tarted up tomatoes on and boom!
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cloves have high concentration of antioxidants ♥
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wandoffire · 7 months
HERBS for Digestive Health🌿
To help improve and ease digestive disorders and issues.
widely used to treat nausea, bloating and soothe digestive issues
used for digestive weakness and inflammation
helps settle inflammation and anxiety related stomach issues
great to reduce bloating, cramping and relax stomach muscles
helps break down food
helps regulate circulation, blood sugar levels, and digestive function
supports healthy digestive functioning
Increasing your consumption of some of these even slightly could make a big difference over time! Should be used with caution.
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ahedderick · 2 years
   I am sweating waiting for the canner to cool down so I can unload the jars of chili sauce. The canner will (eventually) cool down. No word yet on whether I will cool down. Ever. It is hot. The chili sauce is chock-full of cumin and garlic and chili pepper and cayenne powder and paprika and bell pepper and onion. All pureed in with many, so many tomatoes. It smells divine.
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cassandrasage · 11 months
The magic of herbs and spices around the home
This is my first post shared to Tumblr, hoping the witchy community will give it a read and make me feel welcomed!
Using herbs and spices outside the kitchen. Greetings Ladles and Gentlespoons! Did you know that while herbs and spices are popular for flavoring and preserving food, they are also useful in other parts of the house? For this blog post, we will be focusing on using herbs and spices to clean the home. While some of the natural remedies I have found are a little outdated and struggle to compare…
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gramarobin · 1 year
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thenorsepaganwitch · 9 months
#Herboristerytips : Where can you find herbs pt.2/2
Hi there, it's Ash ! In this page, i will continue my advices about finding herbs and incences. If you haven't read the first part yet, i invite you to, it's where i give all of my free tips ^^. Let's imagine know, that you specificly need a plant that you don't own and cannot find outside.
My first advice is to go looking in your local supermarket, in the spice aisle.
You can find a large panel of dried plants and spices, which is perfect for conservation, and the larger pots are quite often the better economic option that you can use in cooking and witchcraft. You can also check the infusion aisle : be careful, however, to choose infusions without artificial flavors, or blends with other plants that you don't need. Some aromats are selling fresh too, it could be useful on a very ponctual use, however, the price is higher compare to the dry ones. If you cannot find some of the plants you need, you can try specialized supermarket that sells different kind of spices than the regular ones, like asian or middle east supermarkets. You can also find some plants at some drugstore/pharmacy, but they are a little more expensive.
Another option, if you have some outdoor space, is to go to a plantshop.
I recomand you to buy the plants of the herbs you use all the time. You could have an illimited acces to it, for a quite cheap price if you think about it :you will have to possibility to dry them for autumn and winter, and use them fresh during spring and summer. But, there is an implicit requirement : you have to keep your plant alive : if you are not a great plant-parent, this solution might not be for you, however, we can only be learning if we try...
We enters here into the more expensive stuff ; herboristery and witchcraft oriented shop.
Don't get me wrong, I love those kind of shop. But, their products are way more expensive, and when you use a lot of plants in your daily pratice, you cannot fill your apothicary at those places all the time. You will however find a almost exhaustive good quality herbs and incences that you cannot find elsewhere. You can also get some great advices, that will help you to pick the most appropriate herb for your projet.
Well, dearest reader, this is where my list is ending. For the person who needs to know : yes, i volontarely did'nt include any kind of websites in this checklist. The reason why ? I don't use that kind of approvisionement. But, if you do, and that your happy with the quality of your herbs; please, share the name below ^^ Until next time, take care,
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spookyurwitchymom · 2 years
The FIRST witches ball Yule ornament of the season !!!!! Ahhh 🥹💖🌲
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These are filled with specific ingredients (herbs/spices/florals/etc) to aid in whichever intention you choose… this one is for self love
Head to my shop to commission one of your own!shop in bio
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