teastarfall · 1 year
How did the hunter adopt mono & six?
hmmm the best way i can describe it is that mono and six kinda just showed up in the wilderness,, not at the same time though (id imagine it to be six first, then mono lol) hunter didn’t rlly have any goals to be a parent of sorts, he has barely any experience in parenting and he never even considered the idea of being a parent before so he pretty much took six in at first because he simply just felt rlly bad. so it was definitely a learning experience
six actually settled in quite easily at the cabin which did surprise hunter, he like half expected her to run off as soon as she was healthy enough. obviously there were the trust issues at first and six did keep her distance, but after hunter properly proved that he won’t hurt her she was able to just get comfy and things were pretty good after that yippee
mono was like,, a little less willing to stay at first?? as in he tried to escape once or twice and even after he stopped it took him a bit longer to rlly get used to being taken care of properly. But uhh yknow things worked out in the end and now we have the silly goofy family💥💥💥
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can’t forget a small lil doodle of the sillies :D
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tomatoart · 2 years
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this year was very influential in terms of finding out more of what i want to go forward with and continue using and learning for my style, i went out of my comfort zone and tried to branch out in graphics, design, shading, composition, and sooo much more that i realized are so fun to play with !! background attempter era as well LOL finally💥  anyways jerma meal was my fave piece this year!
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 month
how do u think the gang (and curly ig) reacted to pony (prolly) getting drugged out on aspirin
what do u think they did????
before i start, dont feel like explaining it fully but pony drugged out reminds me of jesse pinkman, burnt out and trying to ignore his issues but it rlly only makes him come face to face w it, ok???ok!!!!
darry & soda- they just feel like they failed pony, they feel like maybe pony was giving them signs but they didnt catch on, they just feel disappointed in themselves, like they were to blame to some degree and now ponys hurting bc of that
curly(ig🙄)- now im pretty sure its a common hc that the shepards mom has problems w substance abuse, and so to see it reflected in pony, curlys concern would come off as anger but thats only bc hes desperate, but bc pony would listen or stop, curly just distanced himself from pony bc it brought up his own personal problems yada yada yada, but he would still TRY to look out for pony from a distance
steve and dally- oh theyre pissed lmao, theyre mad that pony got in that situation and hes “throwing away” everything everyones done for him, its like hes just giving it up and not putting up a fight, just like curly they know ppl in their lives who suffers from substance abuse so it hurts close to home and it hurts to see the “golden child” of the gang fall to it cause hes supposed to be their hope, but they feel like if this can happen to pony, maybe they r just doomed
two bit and johnny- honestly, generally they feel the same way as darry and soda, so not MUCH to say w them here, however they does have that added feeling of denial, like a “it cant be pony, maybe theres something else happening”, and then w two bit w his OWN substance issues, he feels stupid for not seeing some signs sooner than everyone else, they both feel like ponys losing himself and theyre desperate to see pony be his old self and theyre stuck just trying to get pony into things he “used to like” to see even a bit of that old pony pop up
as for what theyd do??? theyd absolutely hide all the meds from this guy and keep someone in the house at all times, have someone always watching pony, and pony would def feel suffocated and exposed, like hes being put on blast, but theyre trying to do what they know or think is right
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queen-of-scissors · 2 years
I saw your "god of the multiverse" thing where reader tells them abt the other games theyve played and i just-- JFJSJFJEBOFJSNFEOFN I AM JUMPING SO HARD ON THIS HYPE TRAIN--
I only have two words for you.
Among. Us.
You're welcome.
BUT LIKE FR FR THO-- HOW WOULD THEY REACT?? Since the entire thing is literally cooperate or die for crewmate, or Eat Hot Chip And Lie / Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss for imp
And like, imagine them being named Dolos or Apate as a new epithet if they enjoy lying as crewmate to stir the pot or just regular lying as imp (dolos was the spirit of trickery, apate was the personification of deceit-- you can make either kaeya, albedo, ruebedo or dain give the title since theyre all from khanriah)
Or like-- they could also be rlly uncomfy with being imp and just being a model crewmate and they could be given the epithet Eleos or Anteros because of it
Just-- THSKFJSKDJWJ soooo many possibilities for reader/creator
The murder?? Theres gonna be a LOT
Sorry if there was a lot, i just rlly enjoy what you've written so far!! Have a nice day :))
First, explaing the game.
Everyones reactions will be diffrent about it, no matter how you explain it;
The scared ones
Noelle, Diluc (brother flashbacks),Barbara, Bennett, Razor (lupical PROTEC lupical!! NO KİLL), sucrose, Jean, Yelan (you... Kill your friends??)
The impressed ones
Kaeya, Childe, Venti, Hu Tao, Yanfei (sees it as a usefull skill), zhongli (MF is impressed by anything u do smh), Lisa, Ei, Yae miko
The confused ones (what why would you?)
Ganyu, Xiao, Diluc, İtto (doesn't even understand the rules), kuki shinobu, Kazuha
"İ WANNA TRY!!! oh wait does this count as blasphemy-"
Childe, Venti, Albedo, KLEE (actually thinks it like a game), Yelan (ok since you said its not actually killing them i wanna try), İTTO, Nahida (knows its a game), Heizou
Now if we were the imposter you are right. İt doesnt matter if you are bad at it, they are going to call you as some god that has been assosiated with trickery.
İ wrote a story about it. But didn't make the reader as imposter because no one wouldn't dare to say you are an imposter. Even as a joke
ESPECİALLY if it was a traitor!AU. Tough im not sure that they would even play if that were the case
İ made the story of how you got the title a bit long, i hope you like it :)
More under the cut!
"Have you guys ever played 'vampire'?"
Your voice echoed in the throne room, they looked confused, they weren't expecting your answer to be another question.
You were bored out of your mind. Watching people come and go in the room just for them to ask for your guidance about daily stuff was a pain, both phsicaly and emotionaly. So you opened your phone to get a bit of a downtime while no one was there to ask for your divine wisdom.
"Forgive my rudeness, Your highness. But... What does that have to do with it?" Said Albedo, who got there for your divine wisdom.
"You asked what i was doing in my device, so in order for me to answer, you must for answer my question."
"Vampires..." He mumbled "aren't those imaginary, humanoid monsters that drink blood to survive?"
"Ah, ok. i see that you never played."
"Play what exactly?"
"So its a game about a group of villagers trying to find a vampire/werewolf among them.
You choose one host, and that person controlls the whole game, The other players all close their eyes and the host walks among them, and picks a vampire.
Each night, the vampire chosses someone to kill and that person is eleminated, and each day, the other players try to find the vampire and kill them.
İf they choose the wrong person that person is also eliminated."
Acolytes look at eachother, that sounds so fun?!(deffinetly not the kill eachother without killing eachother one is the reason not at aaaallll)
"Ohh, İ see," Kaeya said, impressed "so this game also tests you ability to not get caught and lie, as well as finding lies. This is interesting!"
"...turnes out, you might have a chance after all, since the creator favors imposters and all." Diluc half whispered to him.
Lets pretend we didn't hear him for his sake.
"Yeah so on my phone im playing it but this version is harder."
"OHHH i wanna try!" Klee said exitedly!
Jean stoped her "Klee, the creators device is a holy one, so we cant just ask them to give it to us for our desires."
"Actually i dont mind! Does anyone else wanna play?"
The smartest yandere ones were having a light yagami moment ("if i agree to play they might think im a murderer and discard me but if i don't play they will think im avoiding these types of games because im a murderer myself and i would get discarded again. Oh i know, i will wait someone to take the bait and say 'of everyone is playing then i will too' then no one will suspect me hahahahHAHAHA İTS ALL ACORDİNG TO PLAN-)
"İm... Sorry your Grace but... İ think i will just watch." The depressed Yaksha said, he hates to dissapoint you but he doesnt want to kill people that he concidered friends, even if its fake.
Zhongli looked at you and his gaze softened.
"İ shall join if Your highness would join as well."
"But of course!!" There is no way you're going to miss THİS OPPORTUNİTY.
The game.
This isn't the game where you taught them how to play. (Which... Took like.... 3 whole days. İm not writing that)
Yae and Venti (a dangerous duo smh) asked for your permision to make the event prised. You agreed, this might make things more fun! They didn't told you what it was though.
PLAYERS: ChildE, Bombombaku (Klee), windbornbard (Venti), foxlady (Yae miko), Rockhead (zhongli(venti messed it up)), (your choise of player name), COOLGUY (itto), Al Haitham, Ei, Dreamy (Nahida)
İt started as you being a crewmate. The god team were immediatly on your side, attempting to keep an eye on you. But as soon as you shot them an angry glare from across the room, they left you alone.
you were a bit worried that the imposter was going to get too scared and not kill you for the whole game just because you are the creator, and having the gods in Real life be at your Side even in the game might scare them even more.
You watched as rockhead leave the caffeteria, Ei going to the opposite direction from him. But windbornbard did not move at all. Not even an inch.
You made your character walk up to him, wondering if he is having connection problems, just as you tried to get him to move, he killed you and ran away.
..... That smart mother fu-
Honestly, you weren't mad at all, (just a bit if you game rage alot like me) because this could help to ease tention in the first few rounds.
You followed windbornbard a little, wondering if he is going to get another kill. You both passed the boiler room and through security camera room. Seeing other players and fake tasking.
Your toughts were cut short as they discovered COOLGUY's body.
Windbornbard gasped "the creator is dead?!"
Your throne room was filled with whispers, and angry mumbling, completely forgetting that COOLGUY is also dead (poor itto).
"Who would dare such a thing?! İ tought the gods were going to be at their Side the whole game!" ChildE said panicing, as if you actually got killed.
Al haitham picked on quickly, "if there was an agreement on protecting them. That can only mean that one of the archons is the traitor."
"Maybe, both of the imposters are gods?" Foxlady spoke in her teasing voice, profably to see Ei's reaction. "After all, theres only one way that they can get away with this, trap them and leave no witnesses behind."
"What you are saying is unlikely," Dreamy objected. "if that were the case, one of the archons would be dead as well, as all of us promised to protect them, one of us would have to witness the murder and the second imposter would kill the other god."
"Uhhhh... Guys?? İm also dead??? HELLO???"
Rockhead cutted in. "Sadly, we cant make any assumptions on who killed our creator, since we all parted ways to do our tasks by ourselves when..." He trailed off in the end, Coughing to hide his emberrasment, he didnt want to admit that he got scared.
"Then im voting to skip the vote." Windbornbard said. Someone find this man, you can't deal with his smug face if he wins!!
And thus, everyone skiped the meeting an no one got voted out.
Next round you decided to do your tasks. That might help the crew a bit. While you go through the corridors you noticed Al haitham and windbornbard is going to somewhere together, and its not the first time you caught them walking Side by side. You're not sure if Al haitham got suspicious of venti or he is an imposter as well. Either way its an interesting duo. Maybe you should check the cameras.
You went to security room and looked through.
Blockhead was standing in the corridor, watchin Ei from a distance.
ChildE was avoiding everyone, immideatly leaving if the room has a player inside, he is taking it so seriously, he is profably not an imposter, you thought.
Klee was getting in and out of the rooms, Following random people and waiting just besides the door. İt suspicious but it could be that she is just exited to play.
You closed the security camera window, and looked across the real world room instead.
İtto placed the phone you gave him to his side and crossed his arms, pouting because he was the first one to die. Trying to look at other peoples phones from where he stood, to find the other imposter.
You could see the sweats forming at zhongli's forehead. He was SUPER concentrated. Why was he, amongst all of the other acolytes, being so serious about it anyway?
You looked at the traitor, who realised you were looking at him and smiled at you. You smiled back, at least one of them is having fun!
Suddenly his smile grew bigger and went back to his phone. Uh-oh he has an idea doesnt he.
"AL HAİTAM STOP FOLLOWİNG ME" he partly screamed.
"You misunderstand me, i was just following to make sure you are not a traitor."
"Oh realy?! Then explain why while we were in the room to the east, the doors were locked and you started to chase me?"
"...that did not happen."
Foxlady cutted in "now that you mention it, i do remember that one of the rooms that had my tasks was blocked by a door."
"İM VOTİNG AL HAİTHAM" windbornbard said. İts all going acording to plan hehehehehe. Some other started to back him up as well.
Everyone in the room turned to Blockhead.
"İ understand that all the evidence seems to be targeting hım. But i know my bard friend here for quite long, i can tell when he is being serious." He looked at windbornbard, "could it be that you are trying to blame Al Haitham for your crimes against our creator?"
"You seem to have quite the imagination old friend" he said calmly, imitiating him "it is as you say, we've known eachother for a few thousand years after all. So i too, can read your emotions."
Venti once again turned to you "your highness said so themselves, it is just a game afterall, so theres no need for me to treat it as a war between rivals. Of course im not in my serious mood."
He turned back to him "now thats out of the way, i must ask, why did you gets so offensive and tried to protect Al Haitham? Kind of... What was the world? SUS? don't you think?"
You almost burst out laughing, it was so funny hearing it from him, he sounded like a grandpa who is learning internet lingo, despite his youmg voice.
"Are you suggesting that, i am the one who killed the creator?"
"Now i didn't say that, you could be the one that killed 'COOLGUY', since you have strick policies when it comes to the creator."
They glared at eachother while Ei voiced her opinion. "What bard sais sounds very belivable, while mr Zhongli also made a convincing point. İ suggest that we vote Al Haitham, and if he does turn out to be an imposter, we can figure out from there."
"Well, it seems i can't get myself out of this one even if i try. İt was a very fun game." Haitham sighed. He accepted defeat, just like that? This isn't like him.
"İ expected for you to fight a bit more over this, not gonna lie"
"İ was more interested in the gameplay, rather than the prize itself. So being able to see the working mechanics was enough for me."
"Ah i see, maybe i can teach you sometime?" You asked innocently, not caring of the angry glares that turned to him as soon as you said that.
"İ belive the academia would bother us as soon as we got out, so that wouldnt be productive." He crossed his arms, knowing that this knowladge could profably get him killed. "But i do appriciate the tought, thank you, your highness"
Everyone hold their breath as the result was written in the stars.
Everyone, including the ghosts stayed in the positions they spawned in. What now? Do they do an emergency meeting again and vote zhongli off? But is this right to assume right away? Should they wait a bit longer for evidence?
Before the meeting cooldown ends, everyone finally made up their mind. They all went back to their tasks.
You almost finished all of them, but the bar was only half full. Acolytes are too busy trying to find the last imposter that everyone seem to forget doing tasks causes instant win.
This round was worse, the lights go out, random doors closing and opening, causing panic among people, but venti was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he is doing this because he paniced, He has to kill 6 players all by himself afterall.
Ei, Klee and Dreamy died
"hOLY shit- 3 people died?!" İtto screamed.
"This can only mean one thing.." childE said, he was the one that pressed the meeting button. "Mr. Zhongli, care to explain?"
Everyone in the room looked at both of them
"İm not sure what you mean, Childe, would you be as kind as to enlighten me?" He said calmly, but it was obvious that he was getting irritated.
"The whole round, the rooms were randomly opening and closing. İ can tell that was a trap to create confusion, windbornbard has experianced the same thing. Only the smart ones that are experianced with faking their identities can think of this trick."
Oh this was a personal attack-
"İ agree with your opinion, however, i suggest that you choose the next words carefully, afterall, there is only 3 players left. İf we happen to fail finding the imposter now. We might not win this game."
Foxlady stoped both of them, realising this conversation contains topics from Real life"now now, lets not fight, even though the prize is grand, it is just a game after all."
Yeah what is the prize anyway?
She added "But i must say, what you said is quite right, only the ones that has an experiance to fake their identities can in fact create confusion skillfully"
"See? She agrees with me-"
"Hey now, have some manners. Don't you know that it's rude to interrupt while a lady is speaking?" She teased. ChildE cursed himself for being overly exited while she continued;
"However, the reasoning for you to claim blockhead- ah i meant Mr Zhongli- is an imposter is not realy a strong one. Since everyone in this room have experianced acting as another person."
Venti jumped in "yeah, aren't YOU the one that uses a fake identity in the first place? Harbinger of shneznaya?"
"How curious," zhongli added "blaming people is exactly what the imposter would do. İf i hadn't known better, i would have said that you are the imposter that is trying to cover up."
Yae raised a Brow "hmm? Do you have something else to say?"
"Not that it matters of course, but i have noticed that my usually talkative friend seem to be rather silent." He eyed Venti "And we have accused hım for being an imposter before."
"İm just watching, as you guys make this whole game about yourselves. İ have been having fun with my tasks!"
"Oh realy?" Yae teased, "what was the last task that you have done?"
"İ... Uh... The wires?"
"Which ones?"
"İn the.... Upper part of the ship."
"İs there even wires on there?"
"Yes there is! İ meant the caffeteria!"
"You were having fun with matching colors? My aren't you childish~"
"İ uhh well- you asked me the last task i've done! Not my favorite one!"
"Why are you stuttering bard?" Zhongli pressed on.
"You never got questioned by the shrine Maiden?! She is scary" he whispered
"Of course not, unlike you, i am not someone that causes trouble."
"OH come on! Why are you all mean to me all of a sudden?!"
"Yeah im voting him." Said childE.
"İm only voting for you because you told me im scary and that hurt my feelings" she laughed.
"Well, Barbatos, any last words?"
"İ was sooo close, thats not fair ;;"
Crewmates win!!
Childe stoped you from leaving. "Your highness, do you have a moment?"
"İ guess? What is it?"
"Since this competition doesnt realy have öne winner. How do we know who won?"
"Zhongli, Yae miko and you won, because all of you survived untill the end."
"....does that mean you will go on a date with all of us..?"
"Wait what-? A date??"
"Fox lady said that the winner is going to have a date with you."
The whole tevat was mourning their loss. The day you were killed by the hands of someone they knew you held dear, there were offerings to your shrine, silent appologies were made.
The weather was rainy, as the world cried with your followers.
This is the scene you were greated with as you walked towards the shrine that made for you, after giving the winner the... Prize...
"Uhh guys.. im not dead?"
"Sometimes we can still hear their voice..."
Your acolytes was eternaly happy for your short visit ("guys i didn't leave-"). You never died. Anyone could still feel your presence when they looked at the sky, to the infinity.
You are the
The undying one...
"Oh your Grace welcome how have you been? :D"
"The game was fun and all, but do you guys have to make everything dramatic?"
"Speaking of the game, were you the one that found the imposter? But got killed because of it? "
"Man i wish. Maybe next time i won't die immediatly!"
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
This is riding off the language stuff in sagau but I just cant get it out of my head a reader who uses tumblr slang every once in a while. like they meet the Traveller and they're like "Omg I'm so cheesed to meet you!!" And the Traveller is just like "???" meanwhile Paimon integrates that into her vocabulary. And then maybe at some point, if the reader has a vision they're like "MAIMING AND BITING YOU" "THAT'S IT! I'M SENDING YOU TO EEBY DEEBY!" while their poor teammates are so confused. Just imagine going over to ppl like Razor, Klee, Chongyun and going "Awwww my lil scrunglos"
Just a very chaotic reader in general lmao
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Bro imma be honest i missed out on some slang on tumblr bc i was off of it for awhile before i refreshed this old blog 
So my reaction to these slang words (except for scrunglies/scrunglos ik that one) is just as confused but also its rlly funny that im in the same situation as them LMAO 😭
I would think honestly, even if ur doin it on purpose, 
I feel like some slang or refs r too ingrained into my soul to not make
So i would just accidentally use slang/memes, esp around funny ppl like Kaeya or Beidou, and then just give up eventually 💀
So i stg everytime Xiao shows up in a event or smth it surprises me everytime lol
With his teleporting ability i would guess that if ur just chillin around Liyue anytime, Xiao just… shows up lol
Tea with Zhongli? Oh jesus Xiao’s here now.
Watching Xinyan and Yunjin play? Hes on the roof.
Picking ingredients with Xiangling to help her cook yall some amazing food?
Hes in the tree u were just picking Sunsettias in-
So ur in Mondstadt, and ur like,
“oh well no Xiao here, huh kinda feels weird now”
eventually ur dumbass trips over nothing and goes tumbling down a hill, u know, as u do
Ur at the bottom like, 💀 
And its kinda hot and ur tired, and r selfaware of ur own goofiness so u just-
“I can see the end of the horizon, is this an internal dialouge-”
Xiao comes around the hill ur splayed at the bottom of.
“??? No. It’s me. Xiao. The Yaksha Adeptus, my liege?”
U see those scary ruin machines the ones with the fucking legs in Sumeru,
Cyno is ur bodyguard for the day, 
And at first he doesn’t see it, like its behind him, but it just like came around a corner, so it hasnt locked in on yall yet
(i headcanon that even if u r the Creator, these are machines, and dont have the sentience to even be self-aware let alone process wtf u are, ig if Khaeynriah made hella AI that is aware maybe it could fathom u)
And u try to warn him but not scare him, so
Cue Cyno like
“A horse??? In the desert, Greatest Lord what the fu-”
Almost gets stomped on 😭 rip.
U see Scara for the first time and u befriend him
Ur the only god besides Nahida he’s ok with aw
and one day he’s bodyguarding u around Sumeru 
He gets a little too into it and goes ham on several ruin machines
Like full on elmo burning anarchy meme, he's literally cackling floating above the pile of flaming metal-
And ur just clapping like: “that’s my skrunkly :) <3"
He literally interrupts his own cackle, its the most expressive youve ever seen him 
😶 😑 😶 ?????¿¿¿??¡¡?!!
U usually define the words/memes as best u can but u specifically just call him that and never explain LOL
I dont even mean just replying with a real thing^
I probably couldve posted ur ask w/o even adding onto it tbh
I dont think its anywhere near as chaotic as what u described but ya boy isnt the good at writing 😔
so i just focused on the memes 🤲
Have a good week anon :O !!
🌒🌧🌊 💀Aquarius ♒️🌌🌘
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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shiemori-writes · 2 years
Can I request about them doing pocky stuff,almost kiss each other but MC just stop right there?(About Ace,Deuce,Riddle and Idia)
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"Hey hey! Wanna do the pocky challenge?"
—In which MC decides to do the pocky challenge~
CHARACTERS: Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Idia
INCLUDES: gender-neutral reader, sfw, fluff
notes: trying a different format! honestly im rlly indecisive 😞 nayways, enjoy reader! hope this request was to your liking~ also i made dif endings based on the characs, hope thats ok! Also whoa i just found out it was pocky day today lol since my country doesnt celebrate it hehe- its a bit late since its prob not gonna be pocky day when i post this but student things😞
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"...The WHAT!?!?"
Okay he didnt mean to yell, he really didnt, but seriously mc do you know how inappropriate this is all the sudden?!
His cheeks flushed, were you really trying to fluster him? Good cuz it's working, and he hates it
He's pretty aware of the challenge since he sees Cater scrolling through some once in awhile, and it makes his head spin
It was pretty cute watching him go through the 5 stages of grief just from your question alone
though you'd never say that, you'd rather not get collared right now hehe
If it was anyone else he would have collared them immediately for making such ridiculous requests but...If it was you, he supposed he could be a bit lenient, but- just this once okay!
He sighed, I mean, it wouldn't hurt, right? He supposed you deserved to be indulged every once in a while, after all he always did have a soft spot for you (not that he'd ever admit that)
His face felt hot as you explained the rules, listening intently while nodding, his cheeks flushed
"I don't see the appeal of this challenge..." he muttered under his breath, but decided to accept your challenge nonetheless, after all, he isnt one to lose, and judging by your teasing grin right now, he'd have to win. (also he may or may not wanted a kiss)
Shakily taking the pocky from his hand he bit a piece, watching you do the same
His heart was doing backflips with how closer and closer you were getting
Your face was barely an inch away from him, and it was making him crazy
You leaned in closer, deciding to tease him, just a bit
His eyes widened, closing his eyes as he anticipated for a kiss when—
"I win Riddle~!" you declared, grinning at your victory while Riddle just stares at you in disbelief
D-did you just?!
He looked away from you, crossing his arms as he shakily replied
"Th-that wasnt fair!"
Really, he"ll get you back for this, but for now..He'll just enjoy the look of adoration you give him and your laughter.
It was his favorite sight to see, afterall.
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His ego just inflated by tenfolds what have you done /j
No but he's actually really thrilled, after all, his bestfriend, his bestie, his partner-in-crime wants to do this cute challenge? With him?? Haha you must be so smitten with him!
^ Is what he tells himself but hes actually giggling on the inside like a little schoolgirl dont let that teasing grin fool you
He knew that often the challenge end in the two winning by kissing, so he was really smug about it
Ohoho sweet mc, you were just oh so in love with him werent you?
^ You threatened to do it with someone else when u got fed up with his smugness so he stopped a bit (he wants that kiss after all)
Anyways for him you didn't really need to explain the rules since compared to Riddle hes a little (a lot) more aware of the challenge, which brings us to the current predicament
Him happily taking the end of the pocky stick while waiting for you to do the same
When you did take a bite he started getting a bit (alot) flustered when you got closer and closer..and..
....Seriously prefect!! hes supposed to be teasing YOU not the other way around!! You're stealing his thunder y'know!!!
He decided he needs to be more bold if he wants the last laugh so he holds your chin with his finger as he went closer until..
Smooch! ♡︎
He closed the distance between you, not even hiding the smile that was forming in his face while doing so, time seemed to slow down, as cliche as it sounded, being greted with the sweet taste of your lips on his, a sweet short peck
A kiss was stolen that day, not that any of you were complaining to be honest, it was pure bliss (and rlly sweet too, literally.)
"Heh! guess this means I win (name)~ What's the prize? Your heart?" he joked and you punched him playfully
"don't ask for something you already have, idiot"
He really couldnt wipe the smile of his face that day
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"H-huh??? Really- ah alright!!"
Now ... What was that challenge again-?
He was pretty thrilled to be able to spend some quality time with you since you both were pretty busy that week (he misses u a lot) so without thinking much about it he accepted the offer but..
Cue flustered boy #2 oh boy here we go
W-well he supposes...No- he cant back out now!! Alright mc he'll do the challenge and you'll have the time of your life he swears!
He doesn't really care much about winning, honestly as long as he gets to see you laugh its enough for him :)
Sweet boiyo <3
The smile you sent his way has his head spinning
The challenge hasn't even started yet and his hearts already beating like crazy
You decided to take initiative and grabbed your pocky stick and hummed for him to do the same
He nervously bit the end of the pocky stick, a look of determination on his face as he got closer, until—
....He bit too hard on the stick DAMN IT-
YOUVE MESSED UP DEUCE is what he tells himself until he heard you giggling quietly to yourself, eventually the giggling turned into full blown laughter
He pouted, mc its not funny :(
You patted his back in reassurance because oh god that was so cute pls Deuce its okay
"It's okay Deuce! we can always have another round!"
He swears he wont mess up this time!
You grab another stick and both bit the ends, both laughing quietly at your muffled teasing on who'll win this time
He didn't notice how close you've gotten until he could feel the hot fanning of your breath on his cheek
He felt his face heat up, (it really did not help that he had a major crush on you)
startled by the sudden closeness of the two of you, closing his eyes instinctively when you went closer, just about to kiss when you stopped
You bit the stick in half, humming in victory while Deuce just kinda 🧍 kinda stands there awkwardly
"O-oh..Yep! you won prefect..good job- ahaha.."
He tried and failed to hide the embarrassment evident in his voice, avoiding your gaze while he tried to calm his heartbeat
Expect a very shy Deuce for the rest of the day, and mayhaps a conffesion too? hehe..
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It was a peaceful evening (cough 11pm) And you just decided to oh-so-graciously ruin said peace with your fits of giggles in the room, he didnt pay much mind to bc he was doing quests but then you just had to ask that question..
Congrats! you broke him /h
ok but like getting asked to do such a "normie" challenge out of the sudden?? Really mc he expected better from you...He did not pause his game for this mc smh..
^ Hes lying hes in denial hes rlly flustered
His heartbeat highkey skyrocketted off the roof (so much so ortho was vv concerned cuz, is he dying???)
Turns out he isnt!!..Not yet anyways! he feels like passing out <3 (just like me fr)
He'd sputter out numerous snarky complaints through it all saying that there's no point and he's not a normie yk yk but he rlly cant deny you when you keep hugging him like that...dear lord youre gonna be the death of him someday, he swears.
Anyways, he's another one who rlly doesnt need you to explain the rules since yk hes a weeb, man knows everything /hj COUGH
Which now brings us here to the present, Idia pausing his game and shakily bringing his face to the stick, jumping slightly at any movement, hair flaming pink and- oh god why were you getting closer mc, no- sTOP
You decided to tease him a bit and go the closest you can manage, (barely 1 inch away from his face now)
Yep hes gonna die annndd-
"Hehehe,! guess I'm the pro gamer now huh Idia? I win~!"
K.O! MC used tease, it was very effective! -10000 hp
He burried his face in your neck in a desperate attempt to get you to stop cooing at his blushy state..mc pls his heart cant take this
Expect him to get you back the next time you play a game mc.. For now he's just gonna..sit there and try to endure your teasings
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russetfoxfur · 29 days
so i dont usually do liveblogs because i never show up to streams and also im not very good at reacting to stuff. However. i will make an exception because HGCZ IS OUT!! and i have seen so much hype about it that id be a fool to not at least read it. livereact will be under the cut for spoilers and. stuff.
- ok we arent even on the actual ZINE and the opening dedication?? "Of the arts, storytelling is one of the oldest: humanity weaves an endless tapestry of heart, hope, and home that continues to shape us all to this day. To tell a story is to bridge the gap between yesterday and tomorrow; to tell a story is to inextricably connect us all." THAT OPENING PARAGRAPH DUDE
- interesting premise. im intrigued. though i am a little concerned about the "classist violence" and "body modification" warnings. I suspect this is not all Fun and Games
- "I gotta say, "Hot"Guy, this is pretty disappointing. You can be AverageGuy. MediocreGuy." "Oh! "Guy"!" the best part is this is so in-character for them to do
- the ENTIRE EXPLANATION bit omg. joel trying to interject and comic-style getting talked over, lizzie robbing cats instead of cash... and her backstory...
- i. that sudden style shift is not in fact comical and i am now eyeing the unreality warning at the beginning of the zine with sudden alarm. should i be alarmed by this? maybe this is fine. lets say its fine
- JELLIE! hcing her supername is HotCat. she DEFINITELY needs a matching HotGuy costume. and i am somewhat more reassured!
- wait hold on. went back to that first hotguy comic to see the warnings (hidden in the title, missed them) and. WAIT WAS THAT REWRITING FUCKIN MIND CONTROL
- :0 cuteguy appears! doody did rlly good work on this one!
- CUTEGUY IS AWESOME!!! those WINGS... agh i love comic bubbles they just have so much personality and those icy words... and cuteguy pointing HOTGUYS OWN ARROW back at him..... you could not have made a better introduction holy shit
- and then he just flies off. awesome. we should all aspire to be the same level of cool as cuteguy.
- ren would be able to just say hotguy like that. also sidenote i am hearing all these lines in my head as im reading so writers youve all done fantastically!
- is pearl... a journalist? or is this the wrong gal? if she is a journalist then good for her!
- oh :( everyone hates unionizing the vigelantes. sad but realistic :(
- sweetferaline (bahm bahm bahhh)
- ok this is incredibly funny. teeth dog ftw
- and the reply sections are always a cesspool! glad they got that right
- and now permit office grian! we are going through so many different iterations of grian... imagine we get poultry man next
- is that GEM??? IS GEM A VILLAIN? also i dont really know who the hippies are... idk its just hard for me to recognize this artstyle ig
- WAIT. HAS GEM BEEN SPYING ON GRIAN'S DETECTIVITY? or am i just reading this all wrong? i might be reading this all wrong
- alright i might have to reread that one-- WAIT MORE MIND CONTROL. AND BODY MODIFICATION??? THE MISSING CUB... guys if this is sculk!cub im gonna maul someone
- AAAA BEHIND YOU HOTGUY (i called it)
- also love how i instantly went "oh a tibbycaps comic!"
- ok i LOVE this panel where they figure out Arson. the way both conclusions are reached in tandem! and also YAY WOOO ARSON THIS BITCH UP 🔥
- "i use sculk to season my pizza" ah. I see. typical cubfan behavior. carry on
- "None of us are perfect, despite what you say might feel when you look at me" this Bdubs email is SO IN-CHARACTER
- " i replied to some of these but then i kinda got bored and started sending links to cool space facts instead" honestly this is what i would do too. and i would be happy to get cool space facts in return for my hotguy email. i dont see what the issue is here
- oh is cuteguy taking issues with the supernovae. skill issue tbh
- this whole cuteguy-cub email chain is HILARIOUS. scratch that this whole email segment is hilarious jesus christ. grian is being SO BITCHY and im HERE FOR IT
- PEARLIPOP IS A REPORTER! YES! and zedaphs in this au! he isnt even going under wormman??? shocking (< says a zedaph fangirl who is completely fixated on one passing mention of him)
- oh my god this is the best storytelling format ever. the panicked exchanges between cuteguy n cub, pearl reporting as she is wont to do... genuinely i love this so much i am giggling so much im actually gonna stop liveblogging because i just want to read this. ill be with yall in a moment
- actually never mind "if he waits too long to answer it starts to play the whole Lilo and Stitch movie audio" cub i love you so much. hgcz i love you so much i almost forgive you for that very jarring first comic
- it looks like we have seven or so more years before hotguy becomes a reality... new reasons to live. also the chatter discourse is insane from what ive seen doc does just act Like That on twit/chatter
- "sumagram" well i guess we know who owns that now
- THE AWKWARD EXIT. i love it
- SHIRTLESS SCAR.... im aroace but like. i can still admire a shirtless man cant i. artist did a good job
- horsegirl hotguy... wild stallion cuteguy... someone needs to write this au. i should write this au. actually hold on *scribbles furiously in my "crackfic ideas" notes* carry on
- update: now listening to scheming weasel for atmosphere.
- “Who’s the more foolish: the fool, or the fools who follow him?” stellar line. only a certified HotGuy can produce lines like these
- "after a tick or two" if hermitopians measure time in ticks like minecrafters do then thats such a cool worldbuilding detail
- testing of new weapons montage! i know hotguy is the star of the show here but god i love cub so much more. can cub be the "protagonist" here instead actually
- i. i have suspicions that cub is not sculk-free. or is this a flutterbat situation where it is all dealt with but its not but actually it is but it also kinda isnt? yknow. im gonna write this off as a flutterbat thing but i will still be keeping a very close eye on cub
- *snort* deep enough to hold twelve pieces of bamboo (i am such a sucker for in-jokes)
- grian is warming up to scar... also hotguy bandaids
- AND I GET THAT REFERENCE TOO!! very clever! grian shut up its two in the morning! "Scar doesn’t seem to know how to react, his mouth falling open and then promptly shutting again." same grian why would you bring up the nose hair incident and to an unsuspecting hotguy no less smh learn sone manners
- you know what if grian can learn first aid from the nose hair incident in alaska then scar can get injured in a volleyball incident (i have never watched scar which yes is a skill issue but also if this is also a reference i would not get it). beloved desertduo who cannot lie to save their fuckin lives
- alright im gonna take a break from liveblogging rn! i will be back in (my) morning with scheming weasel and a renewed spirit. goodnight yall! <3
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spacehostilityy · 1 year
NNT Rewatch s2ep1-6
(This was written weeks ago but was in my queue. I am moving back to my college town Saturday so busy days are to come but now I have things to procrastinate 😈)
So YAYAYAY time for season 2 (my fave season overall) !! I’ve rewatched this one before, so i actually remember some of this lol
Ban: I quit
Meliodas: your face is the only joke we can handle
i love both of diane’s orange fits, but s1 leotard hits different
i have thots abt the introduction of power levels that will be told beneath the cut
i mean it’s all very dragon ball (which i love, but in a very different way). I feel like they are just better executed in manga format, because saying the numbers out loud just kinda breaks up the flow of dialogue and action. Plus the numbers never stay accurate since the characters are always powering up and nakaba lowkey just stops using them at one point. so like assault mode!Meliodas has a power of 142,000. BUT he defeats enemies with powers higher than that and is shown to gain even more power. But this is the highest number we have for him. Overall, theyre clunky, not updated enough to be accurate, and just kinda cheesy :/ I feel like plot could have been added to justify and explain the eye of Balor (AKA Drole if i remember correctly) but it’s just used as an excuse to quantify the characters’ strength since this season is mainly focused on physical and emotional growth, as seen by the Ishtar Arc (one of my fave arcs hehe)
merlin’s friendship with hawk is actually so cute tho
so Meliodas’s beginner stats (still missing his powers) are magic 400, strength 960, spirit 2010. The way I see it, his insane spirit strength could mean one of two things: bitch is just hella determined in his quest to end their curses and protect his friends (likely) or merlin taking away his power only affects his strength and magic since spirit has to do with your mind (also likely) anyway what do y’all think?
how the fuck is gowther’s strength 500??? The average person who can lift 50-100 lbs has a strength of 30. HOW IN THE FUCK?? IS GOWTHER SECRETLY SWOLE????
Meliodas being like “no idk who the ten shadows could be haha” when he and merlin literally formed the sins to fight them and HE WAS THE LEADER OF THE 10 COMMANDMENTS is so funny like so tru king lie to their faces
the first thing Zeldris says is “3000 years... please tell me that he’s still alive” which tells me two things: 1) he doesn’t know about Meliodas’s curse, which could explain why estarossa kills him when he’s just going to come back a rival to the throne of the demon king and 2) the listed life expectancy of 1000 years for demons is probably not accurate lol
maybe it’s driven down due to number of battle deaths like the mortality rate of the middle ages lol
we are introduced to a demon who hopes mel is alive, shares a voice actor, AND HAS THE SAME FACE yeah the brother coding is very thick
ban’s refusal to get jericho’s name right makes me laugh every time
Jericho: is scared and runs to Ban
Ban: 🤨 yeah. i don’t remember asking you to grab my arm🙄
im sorry but king rlly was a bad fairy king like mans didnt even know the forest was there 😭 its ok tho i love that for him
King hating Ban at first bc he “killed elaine and destroyed the fairy kings forest” only for Ban to pull THE BIGGEST uno reverse on him will never not be funny
wait does that mean ban is technically the 4th fairy king and king is both the 3rd and the 5th bc that would be rlly funny and does happen quite a bit historically
I love how as much as a smug asshole Ban is, he’s not rubbing it in King’s face and is showing him he’s still his friend
so if Gil is Margaret’s guard and Griamore is Veronica’s, does that mean Howzer was Elizabeth’s ?? bc that would be so fucking funny
Helbram got King’s ass with “and you’re short”
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Best girls Melascula and Derieri fr
i love that they said slader is gay, how can we let the audience know and then gave him the smoothest, gayest voice imaginable
merlin calling og gowther a great magician when we know he was the one to train her is actually so sad, i want to give baby merlin a hug
slader is hot, thanks for coming to the ted talk
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how the fuck does he walk like this tho??
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is there a reason i just don’t remember why they never really bring up albions again or do they just ~disappear~ conveniently from the story lol
So the whole concept of sacred treasures is really cool to me because they are clearly something unique to the Sins, despite all of the sacred treasures being very different and made of different materials. I mean Gowther’s is straight up made of light Still, them having weapons that serve as a constant and grow with them as they become more powerful is just a neat concept to me. I just wish we could have seen Ban use Courechouse more than just a few episodes. There really isn’t a plot reason he couldn’t have had it beforehand.
Gerheade being a bitch to Ban bc he’s a human makes literally no sense when we learn her backstory with Rou. Like NO sense at all lol
I honestly love that Meliodas destroyed the albion on his own. Like yes, he is my OP blorbo BUT he’s also supposed to be incredibly powerful in canon, which we haven’t seen him go all out with an enemy yet. Not only does he know all about albions (bc he’s a demon), but as leader of the 10 Commandments, he probably was on the controlling side of the golems. Then, as a member of Stigma, he fought against them. Not to mention, this is when he finally gets Lostvayne (the DEMON sword) back. This moment for me is when he gets to show off the perks of him being a powerful and high ranking demon. Might fuck around and do a full post later on Meliodas’s relationship to his own race and what/who he is lol
Ban screaming “you bitch!!” is... a wonderful experience
Yass king (hehehehe get it? bc his name is king? hehehe)
Galand petting Gloxinia is actually so cute lol
Merlin covering Arthur’s eyes 😭😭 she’s his mom fr
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“its been a while meliodas” oop galand just let the Meliodas is 3000 years old cat out of the bag ehehe
(stay with me bc im about to get delusional) WAIT so galand says “to think that after all this time has passed youd still be in that form” in this essay i will prove that Meliodas looks like a young teenager because he essentially is biologically young for the demon race. Galand doesn’t know Mel was cursed, so he would think that he had aged in the past 3000 years. Plus, I think the demon king’s possession of Meliodas AND Zeldris can be (somewhat) compared to Sariel’s aging up of Solaseed. Anyway, i feel like this can support my hypothesis of Zeldris and Meliodas are just babies who will eventually look like adults. Also, I think them being super young just enhances the angst quite well.
everyone is fucking terrified of galand but hes just a silly foolish little fellow to me lol
ban and king being brothers-in-law makes my heart happy like theyre so cute
Ban threatening Gerheade and actually being pissed and serious has suddenly reminded me that if i saw a grown ass man who couldn’t die and was a 7 foot tall violent alcoholic i would be fucking terrified
like a demon 14 year old? creepy ig but not a 7 foot tall masochist with an 8 pack
I love how hard Diane always goes for the ones she loves, she’s just so devoted and passionate Best Girl tm behavior
*Merlin being incredibly confidant and nonchalant starting a proposition*
Meliodas doing the same thing Hendy did by reattaching his fucking arms using Darkness and the sins still being like wait?? is Meliodas?? a... demon ??? 🤨
okay so we DO see him in this mode again. But what is it called? and why does he become no thots head empty? its not like he died. and even in assault mode, he has thoughts and emotions (when they’re not stuck in purgatory) 
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Im ngl, i forgot everything about this episode entirely lol
obvi i hate that derieri died, but at least the souls she fucking ate got returned lol
do we think arthur has a tiny teenage gay crush on meliodas? Discuss.
(the answer is yes ehehe)
gowther walking around with his dang a lang swangin hehe
Gil crying in annoyance and defeat as griamore and howzer bicker is literally so hashtag real
very suddenly realized that Hendy’s probably only like in his 30s. Mans is just not that old
exactly 3 seconds after I had that though Howzer calls him old man LOLLL
i forgot about hendy’s childhood trauma. damn. thats actually rlly sad :/
look how cute he is tho 😭😭
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hendy and dreyfus are in love. thanks for coming to another one of my ted talks
so do we think dreyfus is half druid (and zaratras is full) or zaratras is half druid? i mean they’re half brothers but only one is a called a druid sooo
IM SORRY BUT THIS IS THE FUNNIEST FUCKING SCREENSHOT ASDFFHSLDH elizabeth scandalized, meliodas accepting his fate, slader leaning in closer and blushing ITS JUST SO GOOD
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The ass shot of Diane 🤨😑
Damn Idk how i never realized that all of them pretty much only call Meliodas captain. Merlin, Ban, and Elizabeth are the only ones who will call him Meliodas, but even merlin and ban typically go with captain.
“im a giant, why arent you afraid of me?” hes a fucking demon. lol
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Ok, I’m sorry but, what in the flying FUK!?!???!
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Godaiin my boy, you are the only friendly face I trust, actually no, it seems like they brainwashed you, Paku pls save us.
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Dude her entire family is dead I fuking can’t
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Their current uniforms remind me of the ones they used on that first chapter, with the adult versions of Izumo, Ryuuji, Koneko and Shima.
(Can't find the damn cover thing, gah)
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Like, I actually prefer Satan winning over that.
WHERE ARE YUKIO, IZUMO AND RYUUJI!?!??? How the fuck did Shima survive??? He was right there with them?? They must be alive Kato cannot simply kill off the entire cast of main characters like nO.
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Like, this is Angel- and Angel is alive cuz he got dragged out of the battlefield and has been fighting a temptaint since then??? fak cant remember. This is what happens when you take a long break and the manga gets a hiatus out of nowehere.
Shura, dear, is that you??? Pls tell us what's going on, where is Yukio, Ryuuji, Izumo and Koneko, Lewin??? Osceola?? Lucy, Liu?? WHERE IS EVERYONE?!?!?!
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Anything but a time loop please, Mephisto, you had ONE JOB, ONE JOB SIR! TALK TO US!!! YOU CAN SEE US, EXPLAIN WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!
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No, no, like, TELL US, don't just smile stupidly there please, goodness...
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Angel said that Satan is returning...
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Is Satan still the Demon King/God??? Is Rin now the Demon King or is he just a Demon King? He has black hair I-
Where the heck is Shiemi?!?!!?? And her mom?? I just-
I rlly was like: ok then, a war, fine, I will try not to think about all the psychological consecuences it can cause on the body and mind of a bunch of 16 year old kids, is fine...
and Kato was like: Nah bich, a time skip with hints to a time loop, everyone is gone, Shima is doing advertisements, Angel has a temptaint, Mephisto disappeared and Rin is now the Demon King.
Ma'am. Is barely 10am. I just-
That last page gave me the vibes that Rin came to rescue Paku ??? gsgsg pls Rin tell us you are a good guy, imean, this is Rin we are talking about but still. I'm confused.
Ok wait.
I think... somehow Lucifer is inside Angel's body, he's running over the True Cross, but that wouldn't explain the rampant demons ugh (Astaroth/Reiji, dears, where are you? I wanted to see you fight, ima start crying... )
but it would still explain the weird brainwashing we saw with Godaiin, *gasp* is all this part of Shiemi's creepy uncle's plan?! Ye, I don't think Lucifer is inside Angel's body but again, he didn't have a reserve body during the war, I just-
Ok idk.
I'm just stressed over the fate of everyone. Maybe they made a resistance or smt?? Imean, Satan is returning, for the second time in this manga, they have to reunite to fight him again no?? Gods, did Rin finally train and obtain complete mastery of all his powers??? Hell yissss!
Yukio, you better be managing the entire Resistance at this point please, with Lewin and Osceola as mentors. Ryuuji, Izumo please be safe, stick with Yukio, can't wait to see you two kicking demon a$$, please T.T.
SHIEMI MY QUEEN, WHERE ARE YOU DEAR!?!?!? ima start crying, i hope she's alright, gods.
This is a two year time skip, they are all fresh 18 year old adults, gods, they grow up so fast T.T, asghshss.
This chapter is a mess, so many things to discuss but dear goodness, I loved it!
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okdeedee · 2 years
to know him is to love him
cassian andor x gn! reader - part of latch (takes place after as i was saying)
masterlist an: ok i will not lie i wrote this in 3 hours getting progressively wine drunker but honestly im rlly happy with it so. letting her fly out into the world.
warnings: i don't really use pronouns at all, it just doesn't come up in my writing style atm, so this is gender neutral. andor spoilers, obviously. some mention of death. some deep yearning. and even deeper trust. fluff. lots of fluffy physical contact.
wc: 2.4k
For only the second time in his entire career as a commissioned officer of the Rebellion, Cassian has a paid day off. He’s not quite sure what to do with himself.
The only idea he had was turning off his alarm last night, which he did, but his strict body-clock refused to let him sleep in. 
So he got up at 0800 and tried to relish the relaxed pace at which he walked to get to the mess hall. It’s coming out of the rainy season on Yavin 4, so Cassian stood in the clearing just outside of the temple that serves as headquarters and tilted his face up for a couple seconds to feel the sun. 
He actually sat down for breakfast and ate the hot food option instead of his usual ration bar. 
Then he checked his datapad, on which there was nothing new or interesting. 
Which brings him to now, at around 1100.
Cassian has become a task-based creature, so a day off is not really what he needs; especially when he has nowhere else he really wants or needs to be other than here. 
He thinks he might go back to sleep, or try, at least. So, he makes a purposeful turn halfway through his aimless walk down a random corridor and starts to make his way back to his room.
But then when he looks down to check the time for the first time this morning, he sees the date on his chrono, and everything comes to halt. 
Suddenly, he’s back standing on a beach in Niamos, watching the horizon as the sun sets. He remembers even the minute details from that moment. The flapping of his pants against his legs in the wind. The near silence of the waves that came in to shore. Xanwan’s modulated voice coming through the public phone.
Cass, I’m sorry. Your mother’s dead.
He remembers Melshi asking if he got through, and saying very calmly, although he was falling to pieces, “Everything okay.”
Cassian has known loss since he was a child. He knows how it clings, how it hits like a punch to the gut at the strangest of times.
He naively thought that it would get easier, a year, two years after Maarva’s death. He doesn’t quite know why. His natural parents’ death never got easier. Neither did Clem’s. Neither has the loss of Kerri, wherever she is now.
But he had hoped, against everything, that it might be different with Maarva.
That’s just love. Nothing you can do about that.
Cassian feels a little like his chest is about to explode with pressure of everything in it. He wants to stop one of the many people walking past him in this corridor. Someone shouts near his ear at someone running past, and he wants to shake them, tell them, explain it. Everything he wishes he could have done.
My mother died two years and a few days ago, and I found out two years ago today. I didn’t find out till a couple days after she died because I was in prison for something I didn’t do. I argued with her the last time I saw her, and she said it was alright, but it’s not. It’s not.
Melshi is on a mission today. Anyone else here that he’s known for that long, he doesn’t want to tell.
He takes one step, and then another. His mind feels vacant like he’s underwater, or like a vacuum has taken all the air, and therefore the sound, out of the galaxy.
So he walks and doesn’t think for a couple minutes, and when he comes back to himself, he’s standing in the upper hangar.
He presses his hands over his face, scrubs his forehead with his hands. He squeezes his eyes shut and only just suppresses the urge to slap his own cheek a couple times.
He opens his eyes and the first thing that he sees is you.
You’re doing some tune-ups on the T-65B’s. There’s an astromech he hasn’t seen before milling around the same X-wing you’re working on, and it chirps at you as you both work.
He can hear faint music coming from the little radio at your feet.
He watches with rapt attention as you make funny movements with your shoulders in time with the music. He feels his face go warm when you start to move your hips in time. You chuckle at something the astromech says, and he finds himself walking over to you.
As a rule, Cassian doesn’t seek out other people for help. It’s just not in his nature to have that kind of vulnerability.
But he trusts you, now. He’s pretty sure it’s been a little over a year since you got here. You’ve only ever been kind and warm and bright to him.
“Hey,” he says as he nears you before he can talk himself out of it.
You turn and see him, and your familiar glowing smile takes over your face. “Cassian!”
You hurriedly dump several tools in the toolbox at your feet and reach out your hand, which lands on his upper arm. You give it a gentle squeeze as you respond, “Hi! What’s up?”
Cassian is so fragile right now that he almost melts at the feeling. He lets out the deepest sigh of his life, and your eyebrows furrow.
Suddenly, he doesn’t want to tell you, and this all feels stupid, and he should have gone back to sleep or opened his stash of spotchka or really anything but this.
You scan his face worriedly. “Cass?”
His throat has closed up and he is at a complete loss for what to say. He sort of wants to turn and run.
You, warm and attentive as always, know intuitively how to help. You take his arm and sling your other one around his shoulders and walk to the corner of the hangar. You sit him down so he's leaning against the wall, and then you sit down next to him.
You smooth his hair that is sitting haphazardly across his forehead. You take his hand and stroke it with your thumb very softly and slowly.
Stars, how he wants you.
Not sexually; not in the state he’s in.
But he wants your touch every day. All day. He wants to hold your hand for hours. He wants the warmth of your smile the second he wakes up and he wants to bask in it until he falls asleep. He wants your laugh to echo in every space he occupies, not because it’s haunting him, but because you’re always walking in tandem. He wants it to be his responsibility to take care of you. He wants you to take care of him, too, which is very new for him.
He looks at your joined hands, and then at your dear, concerned face.
“You don’t have to tell me. We can just sit here.”
Cassian feels a rush of affection for you so deep that he almost forgets why he came here in the first place. 
But then a minute or two passes in silence, and the hollowness in his chest comes back, so he takes a breath and opens his mouth to speak. 
“My mother died a couple years ago.”
You breathe in a little sharply, and he can hear the sorrow in it.
“I- hm. I found out she died two years ago today. She’d already been dead for a few days. They couldn’t reach me to tell me.”
“Oh, Cassian.”
He can’t look at you, doesn’t want to see whatever heart-shattering, empathetic expression is on your open face, so he stares at the ground. In truth, he doesn’t know where to start. He could stay here for three hours and talk about Maarva and only get through the first couple years of their life together.  
He doesn’t know, but you’re waiting, and he trusts you enough to listen to whatever he ends up saying. 
“Her name was Maarva. Maarva Carassi Andor. She… I- She saved my life.” 
He stops. You squeeze his hand in support. 
“I was born on Kenari. It’s a Mid Rim planet that the Empire took over for mining projects. It’s toxic, now. Too many accidents. My sister and I… Our parents were killed early on.”
He tells you the story of the ship that crashed. He tells you about the leader of his little orphan community being killed. He tells you about creeping into the ship, about destroying the control panels in childish rage.
“How old were you?” You ask, when he pauses. 
“Maybe ten?” 
You gasp softly, and he looks at you. Your eyes are shining with what look like unshed tears. He clears his throat. “And your sister?” 
“Around five.” 
You put your other hand around the one of his you’re already holding. “Stars, Cassian.”
He remembers not hearing the sound of anyone in the ship until he saw a movement in the reflective panels in front of him. He tells you as much. He tells you about turning around and seeing Maarva and Clem, being terrified. The struggle and being tranquilised. Waking up on their ship without his sister, the sun in his eyes. 
“They raised me on Ferrix. I didn’t speak the language, so I lashed out. I learnt Basic, but got into fights at school, I didn’t have friends at first. I made their lives so difficult. But they loved me.” 
You stare at this man you’ve known for a year now. You’ve seen him tired, or high off adrenaline at the end of a mission, you’ve seen him care for his squadron and stay by their sides in the medcenter. You’ve seen him smile, wide and carefree, maybe three times. You’ve seen him barely containing his rage. 
You’ve seen him in a hundred different states, but not this one.
The thought that this almost unfailingly stern man contains this much love and pain is half unimaginable and half the only answer to the questions you’ve always had about his nature. 
He tells you about this amazing woman, his mother. Her wit, her generosity and care, her faith. Her patience in teaching him to use a comm, a datapad. The way she’d fume and fuss after a tedious meeting with the Daughters of Ferrix when she was president. 
How, when she got older, she wouldn’t turn the heater on. How cold she was when he’d come home after days away. Despite her frailty, the way she always had a fierce love and protection of this son of hers. 
He mentions the money they stole, his plan to go somewhere warmer with her, his leaving without her after their argument. He stops for a little, then starts again. 
“I got told over the phone that she’d died. I was … I couldn’t get back to Ferrix fast enough to see her. They’d put her ashes in brick by the time I got back. And then I missed her funeral because the Empire was torturing my friend and I had to get her out, and-” 
His throat is burning from holding back tears. “Another friend repeated what she said to tell me before she died.”
He tells you what she said. He doesn’t know why. He didn’t plan any of this. 
Tell him he knows everything he needs to know, and feels everything he needs to feel. And when the day comes and those two pull together, he will be an unstoppable force for good.
Tell him I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong. 
He trails off. He feels less like something is trying to pry its way out of his chest, and more like he might be able to breathe again. 
There is a minute or so of silence. You’re still stroking his hand. 
“She’d be so proud of you.” 
Cassian huffs, a bitter smile on his face. 
You remove one of your hands from his and place it on his cheek, turning his face toward you. 
“Cassian Andor, listen to me.” 
His mouth falls open a little in awe of your fervent expression. 
“Your mother would be incredibly proud to see you where you are now. You experienced incredible pain and loss, and you didn’t let it consume you. You risk your life every day to fight against a ridiculously powerful and remorseless system. You care so deeply for everyone - your squad, complete strangers, K-2, even me.” 
“Of course I care about you.” 
You stroke his cheek with your thumb once, as you chuckle. “Nice try. This isn’t about me.” 
Your hand drops from his face, and he resists the urge to pick it up and place it back. 
“You are an unstoppable force for good. You…I…You are the most incredible person I know,” You say almost painfully earnestly.
Painful only because Cassian wants to lean in and kiss you breathless, but doesn’t think it’s the time. 
Cassian closes his eyes to imprint that moment in his memory for the rest of his life. He hears a ship take off outside, hears the faint buzz of your music that’s still playing nearby. 
“Thank you for sharing that with me. Your childhood, her memory.” 
Your faces are quite close, now. Cassian can’t avoid looking down at your lips for a second. It feels like his skin is about to jump off him, or like he’s been electrocuted. You bite your bottom lip contemplatively for a second, and he’s about to lean in, but there is an announcement over the speaker in the hanger, and it makes you both jump. 
You both laugh a little at the change in the energy of the moment. Then there is a lull, in which you look like you’re preparing for something. You let go of his hand, take both of yours and cup his face. Then you move his head down just a little, and gently touch your foreheads together. 
“It’s an honour to know you, Cassian.” 
“My name.”
You draw back and look at him questioningly. “Kassa?” 
“That’s my birth name.”
Force, you love this man. 
The thought hits you like a blaster bolt and paralyses you for a second, but you recover soon enough to not raise suspicion. You hope. 
You open your arms wide and pull him toward you. Like liquid, like choreography, his arms wrap around you, and you sit there on the floor like children, holding each other tightly. 
“It's one of my life's greatest joys to exist at the same time as you.” 
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celestie0 · 2 months
ellie my love,
it is time i shower you in praise because god damn you DESERVE IT ALL 🥺
you deserve ✨ ALL ✨ the love and praise you get and you ✨ARE ✨an incredible writer.
god, i admire you so much, and it’s such a shame there are people out there that are making you feel less than you’re worth. it pisses me tf off, like seriously let me at em. 😤
people can be really inconsiderate unfortunately…it’s really not easy to write such a fleshed out story and yet you manage to do it with grace.
the amount of care and love you put into your stories is so fucking evident in the way you write, i can absolutely FEEL the love and the passion radiating from your stories as i read them.
i really hope these asshats don’t make you lose that passion 🥺 you literally have a gift, and they are ignorant to how hard it is to write.
the characters feel so real, the tension is built up beautifully, the dialogue is so organic and entertaining as hell. girl i literally fucking LIVE for the banter you write, i eat that shit up 🤭 i would read paragraphs of just that, i dun even need no smut that’s just a plus for me 🤷‍♀️ a little cherry on top.
i can imagine how much ihm means to you, considering that you’re a med student yourself. that itself makes the story even more incredible in my eyes because you are sharing a beautiful piece of your own life experiences and perspective with us.
just want to say…thank you for blessing us with your writing. i will always love and respect the work you do 🫶🏻🥺 im here for the long haul girl, always in your corner cheering you on.
much love 🫶🏻
- aly 💗
hi aly oh this is such a sweet message and i appreciate you so much for your kind words 😭 i can’t even really explain what it means to me, just know i feel like a PHYSICAL warmth in my chest upon reading this hahah
i’m so happy u can feel the love and passion from my stories :’’) i just was feeling so down yesterday bc of the anon ask (and i got another similar one too which i initially deleted n then when i got the second one i was like 😃 ok it’s on sight…no more mr nice guy LMFAOAOO) but yea like i just really felt like oh my efforts must be goin nowhere if ppl still want smut so bad 💀 so to hear your praise like this i really don’t know what i did to deserve but i’m so grateful for it 😭…i know how passion can be such a fickle thing, and i definitely don’t want to lose it to ppl that don’t deserve the time of day. but i feel so replenished w passion after reading this!!
HAHAHA i’m so happy u enjoy the banter pls i have like a gigantic doc of JUST banter written for ihm 😂 they rlly be quarreling like toddlers. and yes :’’) i wasn’t a nurse but i did work the night shift as an emergency department scribe while i was in college and also worked at an oncology clinic, and like even though reader being a nurse n her mother being sick are technically “side plots” to the romance, i still feel so therapeutic in getting to channel some of my opinions of healthcare and my experiences w it as well, esp as a future physician
thank u, omg, i just feel really wonderful to know that i have you as a reader! it’s such an honor, seriously
sm love -ellie!!
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bluehwale · 1 year
which ateez members do u think ur moots could/would pull?
tbh i think all of my moots could pull any ateez members bcs they're just that hot ‼️😋 but man i just had to go to delulu town for a bit and get specific for a few of my moots below!!:
(this list is in alphabetical order!)
@a1sh1teruu — i can’t explain why but my brain immediately went 💡‘yeosang and mingi’💡 i just think u’re very sincere and kind while also funny and sweet (damn!! leave sum for the rest of us 😔) u seem like a very interesting person and i feel like u’d attract minsang for that reason <3
@ad0rechuu — i feel like jongho would be the hardest to pull but just ur presence alone is already so comforting and u’re so lovingly cute and funny (thank god we’re married😫) that he’d be all gummy smiles for u </3 not to mention that u can also be endearingly charming :3 damn, jongho just lost the tug of war bcs he’s pulled!! 🤭
@diorwoo — u’d definitely pull wooyoung omg u’d match his energy so well!! u’re very sweet and bubbly but at the same time u’re also comfort personified <3 🥺 i also see u pulling yunho bcs i feel like he’d be so endeared by u and u two would hv the sunshine (you) & sunshine protector (yunho) dynamic!!! ❤️‍🩹
@feltednettles — im not an atz member but u’d pull me uHm!! 😳 anyways!! i think mingi would fall in love w u on the spot ‼️ u’re such a lovable person and it’s so easy to talk to u and i feel like mingi would be charmed by that + by ur humor!!! just one (1) of ur iconic jokes/ puns and that man is down 😮‍💨 (both literally and figuratively)
@hwaightme — the only correct answer is seonghwa and i fear this one is not up for debate!!! like,, u’re so elegant and well spoken and so gentle and kind with a hint of chaos and all of that combined screams seonghwa to me; the way u carry urself is so devastatingly beautiful so i can def see hwa going heart eyes for u (me included🤭)
@jaehunnyy — U ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER TO THIS ok first of all,,, u’d definitely pull san bcs i juST KNOW that he’s got a thing for someone who’s super sweet and innocently cute!! (i think it’s why he’s so down bad for yeosang) also, u can be so soft while simultaneously girlbossing so i think ur big brain + ur cute personality would definitely, a hundred percent, pull the park seonghwa !! 😋🫶
@legohwas — u honestly remind me of my big sister; u’re very wholesome and caring and, idK, anything u say feels like a big warm hug and conversations w u are so fun 🥺 i’d say u would totally pull yunho bcs i think he’d be a softie for that </3 and also lowkey tsundere! hongjoong would also be rlly soft for u (he needs u in his life!!) 😫
@starrysvn — if i could only describe u with one word, it’d be cool!! i just think u give off this cool vibe but u’re also such a sweet person and that’s fr the best combination ever <3 you’d definitely pull yeosang bcs he’d be in awe :O at u buT also hongjoong bcs i feel like u’d share a lot of similarities with him!! 😼
i hope this didn’t somehow offend anyone!! it’s not my intention at all!! 😭😭 also i swear im not delulu this is just for shits and giggles (also to discretely confess my love to some of my moots oops)
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this is gonna be a long ass rant about my 'friend' feel free to ignore, i just need to get this out somewhere cuz im literally shaking she makes me so mad <3
i have this friend, S, and she always goes on about how we are so close and she loves me and she hopes college (im in the uk so its college for 16-18) doesnt separate us and that we stay close etc etc.
but then shes such a bitch and i rlly dont know why im still friends with her. shes rlly insensitive about sh, i mentioned to her when i was younger that i did it and she was supportive, but now she makes jokes about it all the time and she doesnt know i didnt stop at 13.
i have a lot of family issues, and shes well aware of them, but she always tries to make me feel guilty about stuff e.g my mum has adhd and my younger brother has autism & adhd (im considered a young carer) and they both have physical health issues, so it can take ages for me to be able to leave the house if im getting dropped off. theres no bus that goes direct to her house (and i dont want to have to walk over an hour everytime i see her. i could but adding on the bus journey i would spend about 2 hours travelling just to see her, and she always insists i go to her so it would be rlly unfair. (i cant have friends over due to multiple reasons and omg does she bitch about that. she could still come to my town with me but she never has)) and i cant afford to uber all the time so my mum often drives me but we are late a lot. ive told her countless times that i cant control when i leave since there are so many outside factors out of my hands, and she always complains when im late and says its disrespectful that i dont turn up on time among other things.
shes an only child and lives with both parents who do everything for her, so she cant even begin to understand how stressful basic things can be for me and my family. my dad doesnt live with me (he also is undergoing treatment for brain cancer which she doesnt give a shit about, and even says stuff like "oh well you can still go out even if hes visiting, its not that big of a deal" if i tell her i cant go out cuz hes over on a break from chemo)
now shes mad at me because we are going to a mutual sleepover tmrw and she wanted to host pre drinks (which i honestly think is kinda pointless) with another friend before walking to the sleepover together. i asked my mum if she would take me and she initially said yes, but then she changed her mind because its easier to drop me to the mutual friends house from mine, and she doesnt see the point in driving further just for me to have to walk 30 minutes from S's house anyway. when i told S, she said that i was making excuses cuz i didnt wanna go, and that i dont make enough effort since if it were her she would just go anyway (ofc she would bc her parents do whatever she wants in fear of her having a tantrum). no matter how much i tried to explain that i cant change my mums mind, and that if i walk the 30 minutes to hers and then walk with her back to where i was dropped then 1. thats over an hour i have to walk for with my big overnight bag which i dont rlly wanna do, and 2. we will be late because im getting dropped when the sleepover starts.
she also brought up the fact that im often late to her, and said i shouldnt cancel the night before but i messaged her in the morning and she didnt reply, and also i only found out my mum would take me today so theres nothing i can do???
she tried to excuse it by saying shes frustrated that i cant go, and i told her thats not an excuse to suggest its my fault or to say im making excuses, and she left me on read.
shes such a bitch i cant wait to go to college and never have to see her again shes so self absorbed.
i get that its annoying, dont you think im fucking annoyed and i have to live it. and i havent even listed all the issues in this post. she only cares about how my life effects her, and never once has she checked if im ok despite me saying im stressed. i get shes not obligated to check on me, but she constantly goes on about how she loves me and she really doesnt act like it. even friends that i barely talk to have checked in on me after hearing about my home life.
i rlly do like her, and we could be so close if she was just less self absorbed. i cant bring myself to see her as a real friend, because she cant accept a giant part of my life and it really fucking hurts.
she makes me feel like im a terrible person, but theres nothing i can do to fix it. i fucking wish my life was more normal but its not and it never will be so highlighting that its not normal does nothing but make me feel like shit.
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solar-halos · 4 months
please forgive me bc even though i won’t be planet of the apes posting i WILL be apes posting which i think is arguably worse
i am like so obsessed w learning abt apes rn. which is probably bc of how much i’ve been enjoying the planet of the apes movies but also they’re just interesting in general. so here are my thoughts
1. ok so i literally just learned the difference between an ape and a monkey just a couple weeks ago (most notable difference is that *most* monkeys have tails and no apes have tails) but it’s still a pet peeve of mine when there’s a youtube thumbnail that’s like “monkey reacts to [whatever human is going]” and it’s literally a shot of like a gorilla or chimpanzee or something. but also im a hypocrite bc i still use those terms interchangeably in my head
2. chimpanzees are fucking crazy. maybe this will be a bit about planet of the apes bc why’d they switch the personalities of caesar and koba 😭😭 like were they tryna bring up a nature vs nurture debate or WHAT bc koba was stacking up BODIES and not in a sexual way. which might sound weird until you realize that bonobos (aka koba) settle all their problems with sex. two bonobos want the same piece of fruit? sex. two bonobos having an argument? hug it out. two neighboring bonobo societies? the meetup is fucking obscene. chimpanzees on the other hand will literally create organized groups and if they see a lone male they will beat the shit out of him. infantcide is also rlly common (against neighboring societies i mean, chimpanzees live in a polygynandrous (or however tf u spell it??) to avoid that problem). also did u know that bonobos were originally called “pygmy chimpanzees” bc they looked so much like a smaller branch of chimpanzees we just thought they were the same species? i literally thought that koba was a chimpanzee too lol
3. gorillas are literally chill as hellll. take what im saying w a grain of salt though bc i’ve only done research on chimpanzees (in my defense it was for an assignment ok im not THAT obsessed) but i think it’s so cool that they’re not only aware of how strong they are but that they know how much force to use around smaller animals so they won’t hurt them. im explaining that horribly but basically let’s take koko as an example. ill get into the ethical issues w koko later but basically she was a gorilla born and raised in captivity that was taught sign language and there was one handler that she spent ALL her time with. she was also fed a human diet but that’s beside the point 😭😭 she was like 300 or 400 pounds (something like that…) and like even when she got excited when she was playing or leaned on her handler to give her a hug she was SO gentle about it. i think there was only one instance i saw where her handler was like “gentle, koko, gentle” but i think that’s when koko was little. also, her obsessions w kittens was cute but it did make me anxious watching her hold them. not cos i thought she’d crush/hurt them, just cos it reminded me of that kid that invades a kittens personal space until that kitten snaps, which koko was very much giving
4. with that being said, i don’t believe koko could actually talk. i get that if gorillas/apes in general could speak english they probably would just say “i would like food, please” but to me i feel like koko signing that she wants food is the same as when my dog used to wake me up and tug at the seal of her dog food. like, koko is absolutely communicating her needs, but she’d do that with or without sign language. also, the handler does do a good job of explaining kokos vague signs and assigning more complex meaning to them. like, do i think koko was smart? absolutely! do i think she needs to know human language to be smart? no. also i read something that was like “research about teaching apes asl has been declining recently” like.. yeah. i sure hope it has. like i’m not gonna sit here and say that koko was abused or whatever bc at the end of the day the only thing i know about her handler (aka penny) is that she was a fucking weirdo and bought michael (kokos bestie) and another female gorilla through some SKETCH poacher, but idk how she treated koko specifically. i do think it’s fucked up that koko spent her whole life basically alone though, esp since gorillas are such social animals. i think we base so much worth around if an ape is smart “like a human” that we ignore the fact that gorillas will never be human and humans will never be gorillas. again im not explaining this well but even though we’re human that doesn’t automatically mean we’re gonna be better caretakers for a literal gorilla. also about koko wanting a baby… girl i have no doubt that she did and i think it’s rlly sad that she never got one. but at the same time i think it’s so funny that her handler was like “we negotiated hella with other zoos but they just WOULDNT send over a male gorilla” um yeah girl prob cos you’re sketch as fuck… just a thought
5. anyway enough about koko. orangutans are so chill. like the chillest. maurice is my fav ape from planet of the apes and its literally cos he says so much yet so little. male orangutans have fatty cheeks but some males choose not to have them so i convinced my family that raka was a female orangutan. idk why they literally didn’t care one way or another so that was kinda fucked up. they’re also the epitome of solitary creatures they kinda only meet up when they wanna reproduce.
6. tbh that’s it. i had more to say when i was in my very fleeting lions and tigers era so like maybe im not as obsessed w apes as i thought. but looking back i did type a lot of stuff so i guess that’s just the consequence of being single. i’m kinda like an orangutan that way. also here’s my fav orangutan video bc imagine you’re just a single mother trying to provide for ur family and some fucking freak of nature tries to conspire against u. it’s like the fnaf of the animal kingdom
7. i guess there’s something else i wanna bring up. the original planet of the apes movies focus on three apes in particular: gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans. the gorillas are soldiers, portrayed as aggressive and brutish and dumb, which… i get it. guerrilla (aka gorilla) warfare. clever. very smart. i’m still clutching the stitch at my side. then the orangutans are political leaders, which… huh? like i remember in divergent the author was like “it’s best to give power to those who don’t want it bc then they’re least likely to abuse it” but like… that orangutan bitch was so obsessed w keeping the power exactly where it was. and then the chimpanzees being pacifists… what? like idk maybe they were making a joke or something bc they had to know that chimpanzees are brutal asf for no reason. or maybe they just needed to pick an ape to be a pacifist and they chose that one
8. speaking of the movie… the bit where they all worshipped the atomic bomb was crazyyyy. rlly shows u where their heads were at in the 60s. what i think is interesting tho is that the original planet of the apes are rated G (at least where i watched it) and then the new ones are pg-13 even though taylor literally was like “ummm yeah we had a female astronaut with us and lucky for her she died bc if she did survive we all would have had sex with her and made her have all our children.” um… okay! now that i’m thinking abt it modern planet of the ape beastality enthusiasts need to get on the original movies bc there’s literally three separate instances of apes kissing humans! but maybe they wouldn’t like that bc the ape characters are obviously just humans in costumes, which i bet would ruin the appeal for them. with that being said, im done with this rant now
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jadedharleys · 1 year
jade harley. what song!!!???
ok i forgot .to answer this ages ago but . jade harley songs. and holy shit oops this is like an entire fuckin essay with half of the songs on my playlist. enjoy
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grown ocean by fleet foxes
its the. "children grown onthe edge of the ocean" like her growing up on an island in the middle of the ocean. and like. the bits about dreaming. "in that dream i could hardly contain it all my life i will wait to attain it" waiting and waiting for the day sburb will happen after so long alone... "i will see you someday when ive woken ill be so happy just to have spoken ill have so much to tell you about it" her letter to john about wanting to see prospit with him one day when hes awake.
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^ cries. but like its so similarly worded...
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empty room by arcade fire
once again. "my life is coming but i dont know when" and shes so used to being alone but one day shell see her friends and she knows so much more than she lets on. its the caption on this -> art
also it reminds me of her talking about meeting alt calliope
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like. her life is coming her purpose will one day make sense but she is put to the side to wait to have a reason for so long. first with her childhood on the island waiting to meet her friends and play sburb and then on the retcon yellow yard when she
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theres just something so tragic about her being so resigned to that sort of existence. the endless waiting for a purpose and meaning. and when she does gets the satisfaction of having that realized but she still . yknow what i mean.
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ghost adventure spirit orb by chloe moriondo
listen its always the escapism dream sleepy sillygirl songs with her but this one also mentions frogs so its even better. remember when my url was @ghostadventurespirit0rb on my main lol.
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trees (hallway of leaves) by sleeping at last
oh my god this is just like such a homestuck song in general ok but very much jade perspective. the mystery of it all as everything she knows about starts to happen yknow. the epic adventure unfolding as things fall into place. and shes dreamed of it for so long but theres something left out still even as she thinks she understands everything that leaves this tragic underlying dramatic irony like how hopeful and excited her letter to john was. i want to do a lyricstuck to this so so bad one day
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youth by daughter
another general homestuck song but. this verse is so jade. i drew a like super short mini lyricstuck thing her with it at 1 am once that basically expresses my feelings about it
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glowing by the oh hellos
this is very godtier ascension vibes with those last couple lines but its jades godtiering particularly to me bc it rlly has her vibes. "talking at the house plants all on your own" idk its her energy. and like her calm knowing powerful awesomeness when she does all her awesome stuff in cascade feels so fitting to the way the "i guess it would feel like rebirth out of some kind of dying to see yourself so glowing" jade harley is so cool tbh
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five by sleeping at last
the whole song is about space which gives it jade points ofc and what i specifically picture with this is. cascade. "i want to break it into pieces small enough to understand and put it all back together again in the quiet of my private collection" her shrinking the planets to bring to the new session and all. "living behind this one way mirror" the wall rewinding homestuck panels idk.
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human by daughter
ok this is like. grimbark . to me. in angsty sadstuck ways. idk what to explain about it. ig the "i think im dying here" line is like. yeah. her dying and getting a just death even tho she wasnt being herself :( i captioned this art with it btw
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runaway by aurora
once again dream escapism vibes. but some specific lines are "i had a dream i was seven ... saw a piece of heaven waiting impatient for me" prospit imagery tbh. ok and also. "i was painting a picture the picture was a painting of you and for a moment i thought you were here but then again it wasnt true" is very. the reveal of the events of the new timeline. with calliopes drawings and everything? but also fits her waiting to meet the other kids in the medium one day after knowing it was gonna happen eventually
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but with this way the . "for a moment i thought you were here" line idk its like. the timeline being different idfk. also i was like so confused when i first read this so its like the. hold on wait wtf . sorta moment. like bro what do you meannn they sploded. and "ive been putting sorrow on the farthest place on my shelf" is so . the prospit flavor of emotional repression. im very skilled at it i understand
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west by radical face
ok this one is some more of that tragic vibes i talked about with empty room and her role in the story and her waiting and everything. "a quiet life...one where are hopes and dreams are attainable things" "dont stop to think just chase the dream were chasing" she is just so . jade harley . waiting for the fulfillment of her dreams and for the purpose she doesnt even know yet? but then . more grimbark vibes at the end. "the dogs came at midnight guns drawn and eyes bright i heard them laughing black voices scratching" as about . her. spooky silly evil dog girl .
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jade harley.
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mrkis · 1 year
dude idk if im ab to ask smth too difficult ok i dont wanna bother u, so feel free to not answer me if ur not in the right mindset pls🙏🏻 but can u give me some advices on writing here? Cuz these days i feel the urge to write a drabble/fic/whatever to free my mind, but i dont rlly know where to begin, like how do i make my blog pretty, where do i write, how to use hashtags n stuff like that- i feel like a fish out of the water rn ._.
no its cool, you can ask me whatever you're comfortable with asking.
first off, any writing urges you get, definitely note them down somewhere so they wont be forgotten. (even if they're messy notes, its completely fine).
some backstory is always good to start off with; to explain the scene, explain the situation, how you got to a certain point, why this certain thing is happening or going to happen etc. BUT. you don't always have to start off with backstory. the majority of my writings start off with dialogue because thats where i find it easier to begin and others i just jump straight into the scene.
writing will always be a trial and error process. you'll have some works that you've vibed with and others you're unsure on, and thats ok. as long as you're having fun while creating whatever you want to create, thats the most important part.
with 'making the blog look pretty', its all abt your aesthetic and style. pinterest always has some good pictures to use as headers and profiles (or you can use your own!) but if you ever need it, i'd be happy to help out.
hashtags are pretty simple. for example, if you're writing smut abt nct. you put down #nct smut. if it's abt a specific member (lets just say mark), you put down #mark lee smut. i hope that helped and i'm sorry for rambling so much. but honestly? once you do it for the first time, everything falls into place so easily. you got this!
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