#I always get so excited I forget how to form words when I get asks hehe
joonsmagicshop · 1 day
Summer Lovin'
Summary: Every year The Park Family rents a cottage up in the mountains and every year they invite Taehyung, Jimin's best friend. But what happens when Jimin's sister is newly single and just wants some fun?
Paring: Taehyung/Reader
Work Count: 8K
Rating: M/18+ because smut
Tags: Brothers best friend trope, POV switch, Tae and Jimin are cute best friends and I love them okay, Fluffy haired Tae in a baseball cap, he calls her by a nickname, masturbation male and female, accidental walking in on someone naked, dirty thoughts, flirting, smut, dirty talk, fingering, sucking cock, fucking, cliffhanger ending, will there be more? who the heck knows!
Authors Note: Once again blaming Taehyung in a baseball cap for this.
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Taehyung adored The Park Family.
He had become like a second son to them after one fateful day in third grade when little Park Jimin whispered a word in his ear he didn’t know, so he did what he thought was right and flagged the teacher down to ask her what it meant.
He missed the way Jimin’s eyes widened and he kept mouthing the word no over and over
When the word left little Taehyung’s mouth the teacher gasped and flung her hand over her mouth and asked him where he learned it from.
Taehyung wasn’t a tattle so he said nothing but the teacher saw how his eyes quickly moved over to Jimin which landed them both in detention and staying inside at recess, which to two overactive eight-year-olds was torture.
Jimin apologized right away, saying he wanted to be friends with Taehyung and tried to impress him by knowing a “grown-up word”
And that was how they became best friends.
Taehyung and Jimin became inseparable throughout grade school and into high school. They seemed always to be attached at the hip, where one went the other did too.
Throughout school, other friends came into the picture, their group growing and shifting as they both got older but one thing was certain: Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung were friends for life.
Every year Jimin’s family rented a cottage in the mountains for an entire week in August. The house was an A-frame cabin with giant windows overlooking the front and back of the property.
The cottage was huge but had a rustic cozy feel, with five bedrooms, a huge living room with a fireplace, and a huge backyard with enough space for lawn game tournaments and bonfires.
The dock was Taehyung’s favorite part of the cottage as it expanded outward quite far and he had fond memories of himself and Jimin lathering themselves in sunscreen to sit out there all day and see who could catch the biggest fish.
This year would be no different and Taehyung was grateful to get a week off from his busy job and be able to spend it with The Park family.
His duffle bag sat by the front door of his apartment as he fished his phone from his pocket to double-check the time Jimin said his family would be coming to pick him up.
Taehyung was no longer a boy, he was an adult now, but still felt the need to text his parents and let them know he was once again going to the mountains with The Park Family.
Not that his parents were surprised, he had been going every year since he was twelve and he was now twenty-seven.
Just as he sent the text, another message came through from Jimin saying that they were about to turn onto his street and Taehyung let out an excited giggle and grabbed his duffle bag, throwing it over his shoulder. He looked around the apartment one more time before fixing his backward baseball cap and heading off to his favorite adventure.
As long as Taehyung lived he knew he would never forget the air in the mountains. It was crisp and cool even in the humid August weather and after the long five-hour drive Mr. Park rolled down all the windows and they all stuck their heads out breathing it in.
The sky was a beautiful blue with huge whispy clouds and when Taehyung stared across the shimmering waters of one of the many lakes, he could feel excitement bubble up inside of him which came out in the form of a huge boxy grin directed at Jimin who was sitting next to him.
The van had not even fully stopped in front of the cottage when Jimin unbuckled his belt and Taehyung followed suit. It was tradition on the first day to see who could race to the dock and jump in the water first and Taehyung was determined not to lose for the third year in a row as he threw open his door and ignored the protests from Mrs. Park.
Jimin managed to get to the dock first but Taehyung was hot on his heels and decided to play dirty as he grabbed Jimin’s tee shirt which was two sizes too big and threw him to the ground.
Jimin’s angry noises could hardly be heard over Taehyung’s giggles as he kicked off his shoes and sprinted down the old wooden dock, carefully holding out his arms as it swayed under him.
“You cheater!” Jimin called out as Taehyung ripped off his shirt and hat and threw them somewhere. He made sure to take his phone out of his pocket and place it in a safe spot too. He could hear Jimin behind him, way too close behind for being thrown to the ground and Tae plugged his nose and jumped into the cold lake water hissing as it nipped at his bare skin.
Another splash could be heard as Jimin hurled himself into the water right next to Taehyung and both boys came up gasping for air and giggling as they splashed each other with cold lake water.
Taehyung pushed his hair back from his face and grinned at Jimin who was grinning right back.
They both swam back to the dock and used the tiny ladder to climb back up. The towels were still packed away so they both sprawled out on the wooden chairs that were placed at the end of the dock and let the sun dry their skin.
Taehyung grabbed his hat and pushed his long dark hair back before placing the hat on his head to block out some of the harsh sun.
“You’re such a cheater Tae,” Jimin whined as he fished around for his sunglasses which got tangled in the mess of clothing left behind.
Taehyung snickered.
“You have played dirty that last couple of years Jimin-ah.” He reminded as Jimin gave a small huff and shoved his sunglasses on his face, tilting his blonde head back to soak up the sun.
Both boys lapsed into silence, taking in the sounds of the lake, the small boats that padded around, and the birds overhead.
Eventually, Taehyung spoke.
“Bug not coming up this year?” He asked Jimin as he smoothed his hands down his front and stretched his arms over his head.
“You know she hates it when you call her that.” Jimin scolded which caused Tae to smirk.
“You both know why I call her that.”
“Yeah. I still can’t believe we counted fifteen bug bites. All in one night too.” Jimin mused as Tae snickered.
“And her making your mom run to the store to get her ointment because she was scared she was going to claw her legs off with all the scratching.”
Jimin laughed at the memory and adjusted his sunglasses which were slowly slipping down his nose.
“Bug is going to come up tomorrow. She tried everything she could to get today off work but management wouldn’t let her and none of her coworkers would switch her. She’s doing half the drive tonight and the rest tomorrow.” Jimin explains as a boat zooms by with someone being pulled behind on an intertube yelling and having the time of their lives.
“She’s coming up alone? What about….Jung…whatever his name was?” Taehyung asked turning his head away from the boaters to stare at Jimin who scowled.
“Jungsoo? They broke up three months ago. Something about them fighting about stupid shit a lot.” He said shrugging.
Taehyung felt his heart ache for Jimin’s younger sister.
“Aww, I’m sorry to hear that. He seemed promising.”
Jimin stretched his arms above his head and let out a long sigh.
“Yeah, she said they were fighting a lot and just couldn’t seem to get along. I never asked what they fought about. But she seems okay. When I visit my parents she seems like my normal annoying little sister. I don’t think the breakup was too bad.” Jimin shrugs as he stands up and Tae follows suit.
“We should probably go in and help the parents.”
Both boys gather their things and head back to the house. Jimin is talking about some TV show he wants Taehyung to get into but Taehyung finds his mind is elsewhere.
The next morning Jimin shakes his friend out of a dead sleep and suggests they go on an early morning boat ride.
Even for August, the mornings are crisp so Taehyung wears shorts and a short-sleeved shirt, throws on a sweater just in case, and grabs his signature red baseball cap smoothing it over his bedhead.
Jimin writes his parents a note so they don’t worry and both boys silently slip out of the cottage and head back down to the dock.
Jimin doesn’t want to fish this morning and Taehyung is more than happy just to cruise around the lake and see if anything has changed since last summer.
The sun is just starting to rise as Jimin pulls the small silver boat from the dock and steers it expertly across the lake as he had done many summers before.
A soft wind ripples the water below as Taehyung pulls his sweater over his hands and takes out his phone to snap some shots of the sun rising over the mountains.
A light fog covers the lake as they both cruise around and everything is silent and peaceful.
The sun is high by the time they make it back and when they finally get the boat tied to the dock Mrs Park is calling them in for breakfast.
Both boys make it to the kitchen in time to see plates piled high with croissants, fruit, and toast with multiple jams.
What really shocks Taehyung is the fact that Jimin’s sister is standing in the kitchen buttering some bread.
Jimin shrieks and wraps his sister in a hug while Tae stands there as if he is a statue, unmoving, unblinking as he takes in Y/N.
Jimin’s sister is not how he remembers and he feels himself swallow nervously when your soft eyes land on his.
You seemed to have gotten taller, and grown your hair out and Taehyung suddenly felt disgusted with the thoughts he was thinking so he resorted to the only thing he knew how to do,
Light teasing.
“Hey, Bug!” He called as you came over and rolled your eyes at him, playfully smacking his arm and giving him a side hug.
“You ever going to let that one go? I was eleven.” You say scrunching your nose as Taehyung tries his best to seem nonchalant and not like he was ogling you.
You were Jimin’s sister after all.
“Nah I don’t think I’ll ever let it go Bug,” Taehyung responds smoothly as you once again roll your eyes and pull away from him to butter more toast as Jimin talks excitedly filling his sister in on the morning boat ride.
Taehyung keeps to himself and slowly fills his plate with food giggling along with Jimin’s story and trying to not stare at you too much.
There was just something about you, maybe it was the way the morning sun was hitting your bare arms or the way you tilted your head back and laughed when Jimin became more animated with his story but it was sending mixed signals to Taehyung’s head
You smiled along to Jimin’s story and unknown to you, your smile gave Taehyung that funny giddy feeling in his stomach that only came along with having a crush on someone.
But he didn’t have a crush on you
That would be ridiculous you were practically his sister after all.
And just because you came here looking good didn’t mean he had to indulge in these feelings.
There were no feelings anyway.
This whole thing was stupid
Jimin nudged his shoulder which jolted him from his thoughts and asked if Tae was up to some fishing on the dock today.
Taehyung found himself nodding and when his eyes met yours across the table his stomach did a silly little flutter again.
Well, shit.
The day was perfectly spent on the dock with Jimin as they chatted and soaked up the warm sun, catching hardly any fish but still having a good time.
Jimin brought a mini speaker and was in charge of music as the day went on, telling Taehyung he could play whatever he wanted to as long as it wasn’t jazz.
Jimin argued that Jazz wasn’t fishing music so they stuck to a mix of oldies and pop music singing along when they knew the words.
The sun was creeping lower in the sky when Mrs. Park called them to get cleaned up because dinner would be ready in an hour.
You had decided to spend your day up at the cottage on the hammock as you read your book and occasionally eyed Taehyung who was looking extra fine this year.
The way he called you by your silly nickname sent a shiver down your spine and you tried your best not to ogle him over the breakfast table.
He was your brother’s best friend after all
Just because Jungsoo spent too much of his time drinking and hanging out with other girls who were not you didn’t mean you had to jump at the first guy you thought was handsome, even though this crush on Taehyung dated way back when you were fifteen.
You tried to stare at your book, not absorbing a single thing as Jimin and Taehyung made their way over. You could feel them getting closer and you tried your best to stay cool, calm, and collected as you pretended to read.
Jimin playfully flicked your arm which caused you to close your book and hit his arm with it making Taehyung laugh.
A hearty laugh that went straight to your stomach and made butterflies erupt as both boys headed into the cottage to get cleaned up. Jimin claimed the upstairs shower and Taehyung settled for the downstairs one.
Your book was suddenly the least interesting thing as you stared at the pages but your mind was elsewhere.
To a certain dark-haired boy who would be taking a shower in the downstairs bathroom, where the lock can be faulty if you don’t close the door hard enough. What would he say if you slipped in with him? Would his eyebrows raise in shock? Or would he mutter a cheeky “finally” and pull you in for a searing kiss?
You had a sneaking suspicion that Taehyung would be a great kisser.
You swallowed hard imagining Taehyung under the spray and how good he would look soaking wet and so very naked.
Your core throbbed at the thought and you nearly screamed when your mom came up behind you and asked if you could help with dinner.
You followed her into the house placing your book on the kitchen counter as you got to work, grateful for a distraction. Soft music was playing from Jimin’s Bluetooth speaker as you cut up vegetables and set the table. You could faintly hear the sounds of Jimin singing over the sound of the running water.
Everything was calm and peaceful.
That was until your mom asked you to go downstairs to grab the potatoes.
You slowly made your way down the narrow stairs and tried your best to ignore the door that Taehyung was behind and instead focus on the task at hand.
“Potatoes, potatoes… grab them and leave, Don’t think about it. Grab and leave.” You muttered to yourself opening up the storage bins your mom brought hoping you could find them quickly.
“Hey uh, Jimin?” Came a deep voice that made the hair on your arms stand and you nearly dropped the bag on your foot as the door creaked open and you were met with a very wet, shirtless Taehyung.
“Oh shit sorry, Bug.” He said cheeks flushing which you were sure your cheeks matched as you held the bag against your chest as if it would protect you from his hotness.
Steam was billowing out from behind him and he looked divine standing there soaking wet as droplets fell from his hair and down his face. Your eyes narrowed in on a fat droplet that was currently making its way down his chest agonizingly slow.
“Want me to grab him for you?” You asked, grateful your voice didn’t crack as you stared at Tae who was half-hidden behind the door and grinning sheepishly at you.
“Uh, I mean. I was wondering if you could go to the laundry room and grab me a towel. Usually, there is one in here but I think your mom forgot.” He says shooting you a small shy smile and your eyes widen when you realize he is naked, fully naked behind the door.
Heat blooms across your face and you nod slowly and put the bag back where you found it in favor of going to the laundry room and grabbing a towel.
You take several deep breaths as your hand connects with the fluffy white towel and you fan your face to make the blush hopefully go down.
You can’t stop thinking about the way his dark locks hung on his forehead and beads of water ran down his beautiful face. His chest was sculpted and he looked like a model straight out of a magazine, and all he did was shower!
You grabbed the towel and hurried back to him desperate to get back upstairs and out of this situation and when you hand it to him you can’t help but stare when he uses one hand to push his hair back from his face.
This man was going to be the death of you.
“Thanks, Bug.” He said with a cheeky wink as you went to grab the potatoes again.
“You know that’s not my name.” You deadpanned shooting him a glare that had him laughing.
He wrapped the towel around his waist and opened the door fully which had you standing there frozen as you completely took him in.
You tried to keep your gaze on his face but found yourself drawn to his toned stomach and how the towel sat so tantalizingly low on his hips.
Right when you were about to open your mouth to say something Taehyung interjected.
“Nah I like calling you Bug. You look so cute when you're all flustered over it.” He says smoothly, leaning against the door frame with a cocky grin plastered on his face.
You don’t know what to do or say
Taehyung was so obviously flirting with you and you were messing it up big time.
Luckily for you, Taehyung interjected again making your stomach flip.
“Well, thanks for the towel Bug.” He teases with a wink before closing the door and leaving you standing in the basement breathlessly holding a bag of potatoes.
Dinner was peaceful as your parents decided to eat outside on the large deck that overlooked the grass and the water.
The sun was starting to slowly set and the air was getting cooler again which meant you were wrapped up in shorts and a sweater as you ate.
You were hyper-aware of Taehyung sitting next to you and tried your best to not stare at him too much as you as you ate.
Because you helped cook it meant the boys had to help clean so you decided to take a quick shower to clean off the day.
Showers were usually pointless as almost every night your parents had a bonfire but you still cleaned your hair and body, humming a song under your breath as you worked.
You turned the shower off and stepped out feeling refreshed as you took your time applying skincare and combing through your soaked hair.
You decided to throw it up in a clip as you didn’t want to go through all the work of styling it and then you sat on the bed scrolling through your phone aimlessly as you could hear the boys talking and joking in the kitchen.
Your thoughts drifted back to Taehyung and you couldn’t help but let out a dreamy sigh as you remembered how he looked out of the shower. How his face was so handsome and how he shot you a cute boxy grin when you handed him a towel.
You could feel your face heat up once more and a persistent throbbing between your legs told you liked the thought of a wet, naked Taehyung.
You checked the little black alarm clock that sat on the nightstand and grinned.
The bonfire didn’t usually start until the sun went down so you had some time to take care of things.
You slipped under the covers and carefully shucked off your pants. You knew you had time, but not enough of it to truly indulge so you gathered some wetness and played with your clit.
Your thoughts went back to wet, naked Taehyung and how he would look in the shower. With water droplets cascading down his chest and back, how his biceps would flex as he washed his hair and you could only imagine how his cock would look under the spray.
Your orgasm crept up on you quicker than you thought and before you knew it your muscles were straining and you were whining into your hand as you rode out your high, whimpering out Tae’s name as if he was the one to bring you sweet relief and not your own imagination.
You slumped down on the bed exhausted and pulled the covers over your naked lower half. You were too tired to get dressed just yet and softly closed your eyes.
The bonfire was raging as Taehyung looked out at the quiet lake and smiled to himself when he caught a glimpse of fireflies dancing on the surface of the water.
Mr and Mrs Park brought everything down for smores and Jimin was poking the fire with a stick as his hair fell in front of his eyes.
“Where’s Y/N?” Mrs. Park asked shooting a look back at the cottage as the smoke from the fire rose in the air.
“Jimin-ah stop poking at it it is fine.” Mr. Park scolded lightly.
Taehyung also looked up at the cottage and frowned, he had not seen you since after dinner and a part of him wondered if he made you uncomfortable when he asked you for a towel and flirted with you.
His initial plan wasn’t to flirt at all. However, something about the way your cheeks tinged pink when he winked at you sent a thrill down his spine and he found once he started flirting with you he had a hard time stopping
“I’ll go up and see. I want to grab some water anyway.” Taehyung announced as he stood up and brushed his hands on his thighs.
He followed the illuminated path to the deck and opened the sliding door.
The cottage was quiet and he opened the fridge and grabbed a couple of water bottles placing them on the counter for later, before making his way to your room.
Your room was at the very end of the hall and honestly, Taehyung was often jealous of it. You had a big bay window that overlooked the forest and a small sliver of the lake which would be the perfect spot to read or write, both of which he enjoyed.
He knocked on the door and waited, shifting foot to foot as he pushed his long hair back from his face.
He really should have gotten a haircut before he came here.
He frowned when you didn’t answer and knocked again, this time a little louder in case you didn’t hear him.
When you still didn’t respond he called your name a couple of times and eventually gave up and pushed the door open.
And what a sight you were.
Taehyung sucked in a harsh breath when his eyes met your sleeping form. It looked like you passed out right after your shower.
You sleeping wasn’t what shocked him.
It was how you were sleeping.
You were wearing a big baggy tee shirt that he was convinced used to belong to Jimin as it looked familiar. Your hair was damp and splayed out on the pillow as your cheek was cutely pushed into it.
You were half on your back half on your side as one leg was sticking straight out and the other was bent at an angle to show off the exquisite curve of your ass and the back of your thighs.
Which were on full display because you weren’t wearing any bottoms.
At all.
Taehyung felt the blood in his body rush south so quickly it made him dizzy and he held onto the door frame for support as his eyes roved your body.
You must have kicked off the sheets in your sleep as they were piled at the end of the bed and even from here Taehyung could see your pussy lips which caused him to let out a low whine and his cock to twitch in his shorts.
Taehyung stood frozen unsure of what to do as you slept peacefully unaware of the turmoil he was in.
He should just shut the door and leave.
Walk away.
Pretend he didn’t see anything
But what if Mr or Mrs Park came in?
Or worse Jimin.
You should at least be covered up.
It would be the right thing to do.
Taehyung sucked in a deep breath and entered the room. He walked up to you and nearly cried out when he got an eyeful of your bare pussy.
Your lips were wet and swollen and it looked like you had recently pleasured yourself as he could still see your arousal leaking out. He could see the little freckles that were on the back of your legs and felt every nerve in his body on fire when he realized how badly he wanted to kiss every single one.
Fucking shit.
You let out a small mumble in your sleep and shifted on the bed, Taehyung stood frozen heart racing in his chest.
What if you woke up and thought he was a pervert?
Taehyung grits his teeth as his cock twitched again in his pants, staining his boxers in wetness as he brought a hand down to his palm at it, just to ease the ache.
You looked so good like this, all sprawled out in bed, pussy exposed to him. He wanted nothing more than to dip a finger in and taste your wetness on his tongue. He had no doubt you would taste divine.
You muttered again in your sleep and shifted on the bed. This time laying on your back and opening your legs wide. Taehyung shoved his knuckles in his mouth to stop himself from moaning as he peeked down and saw your bare pussy on display.
His heart was pounding and his cock was twitching painfully in his pants. You must have pleasured yourself right after dinner. He wondered what got you so worked up and for a brief moment wondered if it had to do with bringing him a towel.
Taehyung snickered when he thought of you getting turned on at the mere thought of him naked behind a door and thought it was the sexiest thing in the world that you made yourself cum because of him.
He carefully grabbed the blankets and threw them over you before he took things too far as you smiled and hummed in your sleep.
Tae could feel the persistent throbbing of his cock as he tucked you in and tried his best to stay as gentlemanly as possible.
Once he left the room he made his way to the downstairs bathroom and closed the door. Within moments he had his cock out and was jerking himself off harshly as his mind replayed the image of you naked and wet in your bed, the way your pussy lips were all puffy and sodden with your arousal. For a brief moment, he once again wondered if you had cum at the thought of him and that alone set him off as he threw his head back and a broken moan left his lips, the veins on his neck bulged as hot ropes of cum coated his fist as Taehyung’s hips jerked as he rode out his high.
Once Taehyung was all cleaned he went back upstairs and knocked on your door loudly. He could hear you wake in your room and he announced that the bonfire was on if you wanted to come out. He didn’t wait for you to answer, instead, he grabbed the bottles of water and headed out with a knowing smirk on his face.
The next morning Taehyung was awoken early once again.
He fully expected it to be Jimin wanting to go on another early morning adventure but he was shocked to see it was you leaning over his bed and biting at your lip shyly.
Even though Taehyung had jerked off last night it seemed his body was still prone to morning erections and he scrunched up the blankets to cover his lap as you stood next to the bed in shorts and an oversized sweater.
The memory of yesterday played through his mind as you stood there and it took him a moment to realize you were speaking.
“Sorry Bug I’m not awake yet. Repeat that?” He said sitting up but keeping the blankets firm on his lap as his erection throbbed.
“I wanted to go on a boat ride and wanted to know if you would come with me. I tried to wake Jimin but he’s dead to the world right now.” You said in a small voice running a hand through your hair and looking nervous.
Taehyung felt his heart hammer in his chest as he nodded.
“Uh yeah sure. Just write a note to the parents and let them know I’m coming with you. Let me get changed and I’ll meet you in the kitchen?” He said in his deep morning voice as you shot him a dazzling smile and left his room.
Taehyung willed his morning hard-on to go down as he stood up and stretched his arms over his head. He stared out the window to see the first rays of the sun and quickly got changed into some mesh shorts and a shirt, opting once again to bring a sweater as he threw his hat over his head and exited the room.
You were scribbling a note on the small pad kept in the kitchen and Taehyung sucked in a breath when he saw the shorts you were wearing that hardly covered your ass and the baggy sweater that made it look like you were wearing nothing at all underneath.
Just like yesterday.
Taehyung forced himself to think about anything else but that as you smiled up at him and you both made your way across the dew-covered grass and to the dock.
The sun was casting a warm glow over everything and Tae quickly shucked off his sweater and left it on one of the chairs as you got to work getting the boat unhooked from the dock.
The only sounds on the lake were the cicadas and the birds overhead as Tae sat in the front and let you steer the boat as you easily navigated the small channels of the lake expertly.
“Dunno why they won’t let you take the boat on your own. You're a natural Y/N.” He musses as he smiles back at you.
“What it’s Y/N now? And not Bug?” You tease as Taehyung feels his face flush and his blinks slowly at you.
Were you…flirting with him?
Yesterday you were all flustered at his flirting and now you were beating him at his own game.
The alarm bells were going off in his head. Last night was hot as hell and he would remember it forever but the morning had also brought a painful realization. This was Jimin’s sister. This was someone he grew up with… a family he could almost call his own. He didn’t want to ruin things or make them awkward by thinking something was there if it wasn’t.
But the way you looked at him when he innocently asked for a towel. The way he walked in with you half-naked sprawled out on your bed. That had to mean something…right?
A new-found confidence surged in Taehyung as he decided to test out his theory.
“Well, I think you're getting a little old for Bug now. You're a grown woman after all” Tae mutters as a fish jumps a couple of miles out and you both startle.
“Glad you finally noticed I’m grown up. Took you long enough” You tease back as you navigate the boat further away from the cottage until it is a pinprick in the distance.
Taehyung feels hot all over and is grateful he ditched his sweater.
“Of course I noticed. You aren’t our little bug anymore.” He responds dipping his hand in the cool lake water as you turn the boat.
“Our little bug or your little bug? You were the only one to call me that Taetae.” You muse as his eyes widen and he licks his lips.
This is flirting
This is definitely flirting.
The alarm bells are still blaring in his head because this is Jimin’s sister after all but Tae can’t help himself as he scoops up some water and flings it backward successfully hitting you and making you shriek which echoes across the lake.
Taehyung throws his head back and laughs until you scoop up some water and fling it at him soaking his bare arms and making him shiver.
“Bug!” he whines as you throw your head back and laugh and navigate the boat to a small inlet parking it safely on the shore and getting out before a full-on water fight can break out.
“Thought I was too old for Bug? No takebacks now!” You call out hopping out of the boat.
Taehyung scrambles after you and you giggle as you throw yourself on the ground and sit back on your hands tilting your face up to the bright blue sky.
He flops down on the dewy grass and adjusts his cap as you smile at him and pull the sweater over your legs to cover them.
“I’m gonna keep calling you bug if you play dirty like that. Flinging water at me. Aren’t you supposed to respect your elders?” He teases tilting his head playfully as you grin.
“That’s not playing dirty Tae. If I wanted to play dirty I’d do this.”
Before he can think you are on top of him tackling him to the ground and pinning his hands over his head. You push your entire weight into his body to keep him down and both of your giggles can be heard echoing over the quiet of the lake.
Your hands are so small and dainty as you pin him down and when you grin down at him in satisfaction Tae can’t help but feel his heart thrumming rapidly in his chest.
“That’s all you got?” He goats as he easily flips you over so this time your back is pushed into the grass and he takes your arms and expertly holds them over your head. His hands are so large he can hold both your wrists with one hand as the other holds onto your shoulder to keep you pinned.
“Now you’re playing dirty!” You whine as Taehyung shoots you a grin and his eyes wander over your face.
From the mischievous gleam in your eyes to your hair which is splayed out on the grass, to the little freckle right under your lip.
His eyes widen when you lick your lips and he comes to the sudden realization that you are under him.
He is holding you hostage with one hand and you are under him
And his cock is achingly hard and pressing into your side.
Holy fuck.
By the look on your face, he can tell you feel his hard cock pressing into your hip and you both stay frozen in time staring at each other in shock.
Taehyung opens his mouth to apologize though he isn’t sure what he is even supposed to say in this situation, this was what he wanted after all, but you stop him by pushing your hips up to make his hard cock press into you harder.
Taehyung lets out a shuddering breath and his eyes flutter closed as you smirk and try to shift under him to get his cock to press into your core.
Taehyung doesn’t know what to do. Or say. He feels like his brain is short-circling and his lips are dry as he licks them and continues to stare at you.
Everything seems to move in slow motion as you both stare into each other’s eyes. You feel the hard ridge of his cock pressing into your stomach and when you grind against it Tae lets out a low groan that goes straight to your core making you throb.
“Taetae.” You breathe out breaking the silence as he finally blinks and slowly pulls away as if the trance you had him in is suddenly broken.
He pulls away from you forcefully and sits beside you bringing his knees up to his chest and burying his face in his hands. This is more than innocent flirting and even though every part of his body is screaming at him to get his hands on you the rational part of his brain takes over and reminds him you are Jimin’s sister. This was more than innocent flirting. And this could go really bad really quick.
You slowly sit up and feel flushed as you look over at Tae who is taking off his hat and messing with his hair again.
“I-we gotta. I should. Fuck I should apologize I’m so sorry about that. Ohmygod.” Tae stammers as he finally looks at you.
“Taehyung you have nothing to be sorry about.” You say softly as the wind makes the boat knock against the shore and the sun peaks higher over the mountains.
“I didn’t mean to-I mean you were under me- and I- I swear it was an accident.” He stammers as a blush coats his cheeks making him look so sweet and cute.
The poor boy was so flustered from getting hard it made you smile.
“Tae you had me under you and you got hard. It’s biology. It’s normal. I’m not mad I’m actually flattered.” You admit raking a hand through your hair
“F-Flattered?” He asks still looking agonized over the whole thing so you scoot closer to him and grin.
“Yes flattered that my brother’s sexy best friend somehow got even hotter this year and gets turned on when I’m pinned under him”
Taehyung’s jaw drops and you can’t help but let out a giggle at his reaction.
“If it makes you feel better I think it was hot as fuck to have you on top of me.” You admit shyly as Taehying stares at you.
“I-Uh I’m sorry I think my brain is malfunctioning you think I’m hot?” He asks biting at his lips.
“Of course Taehyung you have always been hot.” You say as if it was a common fact.
“Well fuck.”
“And correct me if I’m wrong you think I’m hot too.” You tease wiggling your eyebrows at him as you gesture down to his lap.
Taehyung swallows thickly.
“You're also Jimin’s sister.” He says firmly.
“I don’t see him around do you?”
Taehyung bites his lip and looks conflicted so you decide to take charge.
“Taetae. I’ve always found you attractive. I almost jumped you when you asked me to hand you a towel. I was so flustered and turned on at the thought of you being naked. Dear god the things you do to me.” You say boldly as you slide your body closer to his and run a fingernail up his bare arm.
“I-You can’t say stuff like that. I’m not gonna be able to control myself.” He groans which makes your pussy throb and your heart race.
“Who says you have to control yourself? Isn’t giving in so much more fun?”
Taehyung swallows hard and feels his cock harden once more, straining against his shorts and aching painfully.
“Want to know a secret? I didn’t control myself last night. I came on my fingers at the thought of you wet and naked in the shower.” You say voice dropping low as goosebumps coat his arms and he shivers.
“I-I know. I came in and you were sprawled on the bed…n..naked and I saw. I’m so sorry I covered you up right away.” He says throat bobbing nervously.
“Mhmm did you like what you saw Taetae? My pretty pussy on display for you. Soaking wet for you”
Taehyung can’t handle it anymore. His cock is hard, his balls ache, and the thought of you touching yourself because of him makes the cord snap and he throws all his morals out the window as he grabs the back of your neck and pulls you in for a harsh kiss.
You moan against his lips and tangle your hands at the nape of his neck when he kisses you. His lips mold to yours perfectly and he tastes sweet, so Taehyung, you can’t help but push harder into him desperate for more.
You rip the hat off his head and tangle your fingers in his hair and he grunts in your mouth when you pull on them slightly as you shift your body so you are now sitting on his lap.
You can feel the hot ridge of his cock pressing against you and when you grind down on it Taehyung pulls his lips away from yours and moans against your throat.
“I-I want you so bad.” He growls as he presses hot wet kisses to your neck. You cry out his name and tilt your head back to give him more access and you continue to grind slowly against his clothed bulge.
“Take me Tae. I’m all yours.” You whimper as he pulls away and cups your cheeks with his long fingers.
“What about Jimin? He’s my best friend. I mean. I think we should talk this out first.” He says as he gazes at you softly.
“Tae I’m going to be honest I want you to fuck me. Right now I don’t want a relationship I just want a good fuck. Something my ex could never give me. Show me how good it can be?” You plead batting your eyelashes.
“He didn’t fuck you?” He asks softly as one hand leaves your face to trace lines up and down your thighs.
“He did…doesn’t mean it was good though.” You admit sadly.
“That fucker.” Tae swears and you smirk as you lean forward to press kisses to his neck.
“This doesn’t have to be a big thing. We both get to have mindblowing sex and that can be it. As for Jimin. He doesn’t need to know Taetae. It can be our secret.”
Taehyung nods wordlessly and grabs your jaw to tilt your head back. He begins to pepper kisses along your jawline and you moan and grind down on his cock, giving him the delicious friction he craves.
“God you feel so good on top of me.” He whines out.
“Thought you liked me under you?” You tease.
Taehyung cocks an eyebrow and within seconds you are under him once more and his hands are grabbing at your sweater trying to pull it off your head.
You help him get it off and he lets out a low whine when he sees you are only in a crop top with no bra and the cool morning air has your nipples poking through the shirt.
“You did this on purpose didn’t you?” He asks as you bite your lip and squeeze your legs to help with some of the ache.
Taehyung gets his large hands under your shirt and begins to palm at your nipples making electricity run down your body and your pussy pathetically throb. His fingers are so long, so perfect against your skin it makes you gasp as he rubs your nipples expertly.
You are sure you have soaked your underwear at this point and when Taehyung lifts your shirt higher and leans his face down so he can suck at your nipple you know you are a goner.
Your hands tangle in his hair as he sucks and licks at your nipples humming against your skin making you arch into his warm wet mouth.
He presses hot open-mouthed kisses down your body and when he gets to your shorts you lift your hips as he pulls them down in one swoop taking your underwear with them.
“Fuck you are a vision all spread out for me.” He says shamelessly squeezing his cock over his clothes as you reach to take off his shirt to see him too.
You are met with miles of tanned toned skin and your mouth waters when he shoots you a cocky grin.
“Can I stretch you out so you can take my cock? Is that okay baby?” He asks before slotting two fingers inside your body causing a broken moan to leave your lips and your body to arch up into his touch.
Taehyung’s fingers are long and dainty. When they pump in and out of you and stretch out your walls you find yourself moaning out his name and he grins devilishly as he brings you closer to your high.
“Fuck you are squeezing my fingers, baby. Gonna be so tight on my cock.” He growls as another finger comes up to slowly play with your clit and you throw back your head and cry out his name.
Just as the sun clears the mountains you cum around Taehyung’s skilled fingers.
He coaxes you through it with ease and you whine and thrash under him as your whole body is taken by your orgasm.
You are slumped in the grass breathing heavily when he finally pulls his fingers out and when he pops them in his mouth you swear your pussy throbs again as if you didn’t just cum.
He lets you take your time coming down and when you finally regain your breath you sit up and flip him over with ease straddling his lap and clawing at his shorts to get them off.
Taehyung assists you in getting them off and when his heavy cock slaps against his stomach you nearly moan at the sight.
His cock is rock hard and flushed the prettiest red color. The head is shiny with arousal and the vein that runs on the underside is thick and slightly throbbing.
You waste no time circling his cock with your hand and Taehyung moans when you start to jerk him off expertly running your hand up and down his velvety shaft.
His cock is impossibly hard in your hand and when the head leaks more precum you can’t help but lower down to lick it from Taehyung’s cock making him claw at the ground under him and whine out your name.
“Fuck I- I touched myself to the thought of you last night. Came so hard” He admits as you snicker and begin to jerk his shaft in longer strokes causing him to arch into your touch.
“I-You gotta- You gotta stop I don’t wanna cum like this.” He grunts as you ignore his pleas and instead surprise him by bringing your mouth to his cock and sucking him down hallowing out your cheeks and soaking in all the noises that are leaving his pretty mouth.
“Y/N P-please.” He cries out as you pop off of his cock and grin down at his fucked out expression.
“I-I gotta be inside you.” Taehyung pleads as he sits up and lays you back down on the grass. You open your legs and Taehyung swears under his breath as his long fingers come to jerk off his cock as he positions it at your entrance
“Wait. I don’t have anything. Fuck.” He says lightly smacking his forehead.
You giggle, reach for your discarded sweater, and grab the condom that was hidden in the front pocket. You grin as you hand it to Taehyung.
“So you had this all planned out huh?” He taunts as he expertly rips open the packet and rolls the condom on his hard length, giving it a couple of long slow strokes.
“I said I wanted to be fucked properly I was hoping it would be by you.” You tease back as he presses his tip into your entrance and you hiss when he pushes himself inside.
Even though you came on his fingers his cock still stretches you out and when he finally bottoms out you can feel your walls clamping around him.
He hovers over you and brushes the hair back from your face delicately as he presses small soft kisses to your forehead and cheeks.
“Relax for me love. I can’t fuck you properly if you are so tense” He coos as you take several deep breaths and slowly shift your hips to adjust to his size and girth.
Taehyung looks so handsome on top of you with a soft smile on his face and his curled locks falling in front of his lust-filled eyes.
“Fuck me Tae. Please god fuck me.” You cry out when your body adjusts and Tae smiles wickedly as he pounds into you sending you moaning on the grass.
Taehyung alternates between ramming his cock into you and circling his hips seductively to get his cockhead to hit that spot inside you that makes you see stars.
“Such a slut for me Y/N. Getting yourself off last night. Bringing a condom today. You wanted to be fucked so bad by me I bet you couldn’t stand it could you.” He coos dangerously low in your ear which makes you shiver and cling to his back.
“What were you thinking of when you touched yourself? Tell me, Bug.” He demands as another thrust of his hips makes his cock hit that spot inside you that has you whining out his name and feeling your orgasm build in your stomach.
“Y-You in the shower. Naked.” You cry out as one hand comes down to play with your clit as he continues to drag his cock in and out of you making you cry out his name.
“Mmm you were all big talk a couple of minutes ago and now you’ve gone dumb on my cock. How cute.” He teases as he thrusts harder and his hips stutter a bit causing you to once again cry out his name.
“Tae please mo-more. Fuck me dumb.” You sob out as he does as he’s asked and begins to thrust into you harder. He grabs your hips and pins you to the ground holding you there as his hips fuck wildly into you making your orgasm approach rapidly.
“Fuck baby you are clenching around me. Gonna cum already? Being so naughty fucking your brother’s best friend. Such a slut.” He muses.
Every drag of his cock against your walls brings you closer to the edge and you can’t help but close your eyes and throw your head back as Taehyung continues to give you the best fuck of your life. His mouth is sloppily peppering kissing along your jawline and he is groaning in your ear as he pounds into you harshly.
“F-Full… so full of your cock Tae fuck you are so big” You whine out as he grins.
“Who’s making you feel this good huh? Who’s fucking your pussy this good?” He demands as his fingers dance across your nipples making you cry out.
“Try again bug. I want the whole lake to hear who is fucking your pussy this good.”
“Taehyung fuck!” You scream as he chuckles darkly in your ear.
You gasp when he grabs your jaw and forces you to stare at him. He looks dangerous on top of you. Eyes gleaming with lust, lips drawn into a knowing smirk and when his tongue comes out to lick at his lips you swear you are done for as you feel your pussy flutter around him.
“I want you to keep those eyes open bug. Want you to see who is fucking you right. Shit. Your fucking ex wishes he was buried in this pussy right now. You are so wet for me.” He moans.
The noises between you are obscene making you cream his cock even more and when his hand comes down to play with your clit it sets you off.
You can hardly cry out his name before you are arching up and clamping around his cock. Your orgasm rips through you like a hurricane and you close your eyes and bury your face in his shoulder as you ride it out.
“Close,” Tae warns you as you come down from your high, and when you smirk and thrust your hips down to meet his sloppy thrusts he loses it and cums hard inside you.
His grunts are music to your ears and he sounds heavenly as you feel his cock twitch deep inside you.
You rub his back and let him ride out his high and when he slumps against you a giggle leaves your mouth as you feel giddiness bubble up.
Taehyung slowly pulls out, discards the condom in a nearby trash can, and sits back down next to you. The sun fully rises as you both silently get dressed and when you head to the boat Taehyung can’t help but hold your hand.
You make your way back to the cottage as if nothing happened and when you finally get the boat tied to the dock Taehyung stares at you.
“That was incredible Y/N. I’m kinda sad it’s a one-time thing.” He admits shyly scratching the back of his neck.
Before you can answer Jimin is making his way down the dock and you both straighten up as he approaches.
You and Tae were both careful about not leaving marks but you wonder if your brother will be able to see the blush that is currently staining your face.
“A boat ride without me? Really? I wanted to go.” He whines hands on his hips as Taehyung chuckles.
“I tried to wake you, believe me, Chim you were dead to the world. Taetae came with me though.” You said nonchalantly as you grabbed your sweater from the bottom of the boat and sent a cheeky smile Taehyung’s way
He came with you alright.
“You’re lucky I saved you breakfast at all. You tradiors. Also, Y/N what’s with your hair? It has twigs in it?” Jimin asks suspiciously as you swallow hard.
“I was steering and thought it would be funny to run Bug into a low-hanging tree branch.” Taehyung covers as you shoot him a grateful look and Jimin laughs.
Him calling you bug takes on a whole other meaning after he fucked you and you can’t help but feel arousal pool in your panties at his words.
“You two are such dorks. Come on breakfast is ready.” Jimin says turning his back and heading back up to the cottage.
With your brother’s back turned you take a chance and grab Taehyung’s arm to pull him down to you, just enough so you can whisper in his ear
“Who said it was a one-time thing?”
You giggle when you take in his shocked expression and you skip ahead to catch up with your brother.
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I wanna ask.. How did you discover SPM or have you known it since it came out?
Personally I encountered it through MOTI (Man On The Internet) after hearing the O'Chunks music :)
Really just wanted to know bc I don't see many ppl in the fandom and I absolutely adore the characters :3
!!!!!!! I found spm the same way!!!! I stumbled across MOTI’s covers from the game and immediately latched onto Dimentio and scavenged the Internet for content. I ended up finding lizadale’s tumblr and the next thing I knew I was obsessed. Very soon afterwards I discovered that I actually own the game. And had played up to chapter 5. And just didn’t remember ANY OF IT except Mimi being horrific and the O’Chunks fight. (How did I forget Dimentio?????? How dare I???? At least I didn’t have to remember Francis...)
I am so glad to know I’m not the only one who fell into this fandom through MOTI. It feels so weird when the game is 15 years old and I’ve only been into it for like 2 and half years (which, to be fair, is a pretty long time for my fandom obsessions). I always feel like a squishy little baby in this fandom because so many people played this game (and actually remembered it) when they were younger and have been into it for years.
....wait it’s only been 2 and half years? *looks at au list* *80 AUs stare back at me accusingly* good Grambi what have I done...
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quimichi · 11 months
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Fontaine boys x Creator!Reader
"You're my good boy Lyney aren't you?" Lyney nods, barely able to repress his excitement. He smiles widely and scoots a little closer to you. "If I weren't your good boy, what else would I be?" he says softly. Your perfect little magician, putting in a show for you daily if youd asked, Lyney thinks to himself. He leans into your touch, relishing the sensations. Your hands on his cheeks are like a warm, reassuring hug, one that he has long pined for.
To hear you say those words— my one and only good boy— is his greatest joy, enough to make him think of nothing more. He forgets his past and future when he's with you. All he sees, is his grace, no one and nothing else matters.
Lyney smiles brightly. "Your Grace, I think— no, I *know* that I am your one and only good boy," he says confidently. He looks up at you, his gaze soft and adoring. He reaches up to cup your cheek in his hand as you had done for him moments before, and gently strokes your face.
"You have no reason to doubt that I am yours," Lyney says softly, what a charmer "I will always be yours, and no other's. I have sworn it to myself"
"Oh, have you now?" "I have," Lyney replies with a warm, almost smug grin. "I have sworn to be yours forever," he says confidently. "No other God is more important to me, no other...powerful being, and no other love will ever supersede the one I feel for you, my love."  
The great magician's expression and tone are both soft and tender. He gazes at you like you are the single most precious thing in the world. "And no one could ever dare take me from you...I will put up the fight of my life for you"
(Clearly not me thinking of Arlecchino here nouuu)
"You can come as close as you want, Freminet" Your soft voice is enough to make Freminet obey, lurr him in like the depths of Fontaine.
He moves closer, his hands clasping the fabric of your robes. As he does so, he meets your gaze for a moment, before his eyes slowly start to drift shut. The closer he gets, the warmer he feels... and the less painful his life is.
He remains silent for several precious, peaceful moments, before finally whispering, "Have I pleased you, Your Grace?"
"My good boy always pleases me" Freminet feels tears well up in his eyes. To be called 'good' by you, to please you, to belong to you, to belong to someone who actually loves him...
Freminet closes his eyes as tight as he holds Pers close to his chest, and bites back a sob. His entire body shakes with happiness and emotion. He grips your robes tighter, and buries his face into your lap, unable to stop himself. You let your hands go through his hair, to comfort the distressed boy. Your fingers are enough to calm him. Freminets tears dry up and his body slowly calms beneath your gentle touch, his breathing growing quieter and his heart slowing. Maybe the ocean isn't his only comfort anymore?
Eventually, Freminet peeks up at you. He tries to form a smile, but it's only tentative... and it breaks apart almost immediately. He glances away, ashamed but also wanting to make you proud.
"I— I'm sorry for crying, Your Grace," he mumbles. "Never apologize for having feelings"
You're exactly what he needs, and craves.
"My good boy, please come to me" you coo the moment he stepped into the hall "Y-Y-Your Grace...?" Your voice, full of warmth and love, causes him to startle. It almost feels as if his heart has skipped a beat. A small smile creeps onto his face that only you can see. "What is it you require of me?"
Neuvillettes voice is soft, filled with affection for you. This is no different from how he treats his people in Fontaine, yet your position makes it all the more special. Your commands cannot be ignored. "My, you look stressed are you well?" Your voice is gentle. You have always been gentle with him, caring and loving. This has not gone unnoticed.
Your words seem to cause him to pause. He thinks for a moment before nodding slowly. "Y-Yes, Your Grace... I am well but stressed"
He swallows, glancing back up at you. He can never hide anything from you, which is why he's always so honest. "I... am worried for the state of our nation, and our people."
"Does my good boy need a hug?" a simple thought, but it made his heart skip. "A hug... I suppose a hug could help ease my worries, Your Grace."
After he's spoken, you can see him shift in place. You can't be sure if it's nervous energy or genuine anxiety, but he seems uncertain. Perhaps he's afraid to approach you after your last few weeks away. He would never admit it, not even to himself, as he's too prideful. But every night you don't spend in his chambers leaves him restless. Your presence eases him. You have always been his comfort.
Like the softest summer rain.
"Oh good, youre back. Come here now" He does so without a second thought, and his eyes fix upon yours. He is close enough to touch you, if he so chooses. He has no fear— he is loyal, devoted, and a fanatic. And maybe hes a simp. "What is it, Your Grace?" he murmurs, his hands clasped tightly in front of him. "I just wanted my good boy in my presence or am i to greedy?"
His entire body seems to relax as soon as you speak. He nods immediately. "I am here, Your Grace. Nothing you do would ever seem to greedy." He looks up at you, his eyes brimming with an almost unhealthy amount of devotion. When you call him your "good boy," his ears prick up and his cheeks flush with the heat of passion.
"Then stay with me please"
Wriothesley nods again, and remains on his knees at your feet. His hands clench tightly together, and his blue eyes watch you with something close to reverence.
"Your wish is my command, Your Grace."
(I'm bad at writing him I'm so sorry)
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pastryfication · 2 months
hungary ‘24 | landoscar
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pairing: lando norris x gf!reader x oscar piastri
content warnings: me getting out my frustrations about the race 😝 also not proofread!! and maybe a bit weird bc i’ve never written poly before i’m sorry
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you were pissed to say the least. this was supposed to be an amazing weekend; you had cleared your calendar, getting the whole weekend off to come support your boyfriends in hungary, and this was how it turned out?
the weekend had started amazing, a 1-2 start for your boys who were both beaming with happiness when you got home to the hotel later. laying between them in bed while they were practically buzzing with excitement for the race was incredible.
the race turning out how it did wasn’t incredible, though . . .
race day had dawned bright and clear. the paddock had buzzed with energy, the air filled with the scent of fuel and the sound of engines revving. you had been standing on the grid, watching the final preparations. lando, starting on pole, had been grinning beneath his helmet, his eyes sparkling with determination. oscar, right beside him in second, exuded a calm confidence that belied his nerves. you had exchanged encouraging words with both, wishing them good luck with the usual pre race kisses.
as the lights went out, the roar of the crowd was drowned out by the scream of twenty engines launching forward.
everything had gone downhill from there.
lando’s bad start, the teams terrible decisions, and finally the call to let oscar pass by lando.
“lando, let oscar through," came the message over the team radio. you watched the screens, holding your breath, waiting for lando to comply. but he didn't. he only pushed harder. lap after lap, he stayed ahead, ignoring the increasingly urgent requests from the pit wall and you felt a knot forming in your stomach.
the tension was almost palpable, and when lando finally relented, it was with visible reluctance.
oscar reclaimed the lead, driving flawlessly to the chequered flag, securing his first f1 victory and the garage exploded in celebration. you rushed to congratulate him, your heart bursting with joy for his achievement, almost forgetting the drama on the track in favour of the pure proudness you felt.
you could cry of happiness right then and there. your excitement certainly made up for your boyfriends lack thereof, but there was an undercurrent of unease. lando's face was a mask of forced smiles and tight-lipped politeness. he joined in the celebrations, but his enthusiasm was clearly strained. on the podium, he walked right past oscar, starting his spray on lewis in favour of his best friend. his teammate. his lover. you wanted to stay neutral. you always stayed neutral when it came to track drama, but the light flicker of hurt you saw in the australian’s eyes broke your heart.
later, in the motorhome, the atmosphere was tense. you sat between lando and oscar, trying to bridge the gap. lando was brooding, his silence heavy with unspoken words, while oscar was trying to remain gracious, though his patience was wearing thin. you were in a dilemma. keep the spirit high to celebrate oscar or comfort lando who so clearly needed it? in the end, you chose to address the elephant in the room.
"lando, what's going on?" you asked gently, placing a comforting hand on his arm.
he shrugged it off, avoiding your gaze as he pushed himself further into the couch. "nothing. just tired."
oscar sighed, running a hand through his hair. "come on, lando. you know it was the right call. the team made the decision, and you should've respected it."
lando's eyes flashed with anger. "easy for you to say! you weren't the one ordered to give up a position. i was leading!"
"you were leading because of a mistake." oscar shot back, surprisingly aggressive. "it wasn't earned on track, and you know it."
"guys, please," you interjected, trying to calm the rising tempers. "this is supposed to be a happy moment. oscar won his first race. can't we just . . . celebrate that?"
lando's shoulders slumped, his expression softening slightly. "it just . . . it stings, you know?"
oscar nodded, his frustration easing. "i get it. but we're a team, lan. we need to support each other, especially in moments like this."
you turned to hug lando tightly, feeling his tension melt away. "i know it's hard, but you can’t be mad at oscar. be mad at the team. it was their fault. not yours. not oscar’s. the team’s. let's celebrate oscar's win properly without your brooding."
lando took a deep breath, then nodded. "you're right. i'm so sorry, osc. congrats. you really deserved it."
oscar quickly smiled, relief washing over him, joining the hug to hold both of you close to him. "thank you. we're both going to have more chances to win."
the three of you stood there for a moment, the weight of the day's events lifting. finally, lando broke into a genuine smile. "alright, let's go celebrate. oscar's buying the first round."
laughter filled the room, and the tension dissipated completely. lando leapt forward to envelope oscar in another hug that was enthusiastically returned and you smiled at the sight.
the rest of the evening was filled with joy, camaraderie, and the shared thrill of victory, as you clinked glasses and toasted to oscar's success’s. he deserved to celebrate, and celebrate you were gonna do.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 month
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Part 1 here
Tag list: @catr4dora @girlyteengirl18 @pheesfanfics @theilluminatidragonqueen @ryoiii @hehegerms @notsocuriousgeorge @mxr-lvn
You and Stan were enjoying your date so far that Mabel had set you up on, it was a cute little picnic near the waterfall and you were both sat in the perfect spot to over see the entire town. It was perfect and you would have to thank Mabel when you get back before midnight, seeing as she poetically pushed you and Stan out of the shack and told you both to enjoy your date and not to be back before midnight as she shuts the door.
She was a good kid with a big heart and you loved her for that as you fiddled with the bracelet she made you once with small smile.
‘How come we didn’t think of this before? Going on dates I mean.’ You asked as you took a sip from your drink, eyes racking over Stan’s form and admiring how dashing he looked in a burgundy shirt with a couple of buttons undone to show the gold hanging from his neck, accompanied by a matching grey blazer and trousers. With the way he cleans up it was enough to make anyone swoon for him, especially when he wears the cologne you’ve always liked the smell of, the same cologne that he was wearing right now actually as you rested your head against his shoulder.
‘Maybe because we’ve been too busy lying to everyone for thirty years, while also trying to get my brother back that we forget the simpler ways to convince people we’re together.’ Stan replied as he then playfully nudges your side. ‘And here I thought you were the smarter one of us both, toots.’
You swatted his hand away as you smiled sheepishly. ‘I’m smarter in other fields than the romantic one, it’s always alluded me to be fair as I’ve never been on a date before or had anyone express interest.’ You admitted, feeling a little exposed under Stan’s gaze.
‘You’ve never been on a date?’ He asked.
‘Nope.’ You tell him. ‘I was too nerdy and geeky for the most people but too smart and intimidating for others.’
‘Not even my brother?’ Stan then asks with a slight strain in his voice and your brows furrowed.
‘No? Our relationship was strictly platonic and professional. He is a smart individual but we had little to no emotional attachments to one another outside of considering each other a friend.’ You said. ‘Though that maybe due to how isolated we were from everyone else with our research but that comes with the territory of trying to make a break through within the field of paranormal discovery.’ You then added out of a need to provide a logical explanation as to why you and Ford were close.
‘Why you ask?’ You then found yourself asking him this time and Stan scratched the back of his neck as a blush crept across his face.
‘I dunno, just find it odd how someone like you hasn’t been on a date. You’re pretty, smart, funny, albeit a little awkward but that’s what made you cute and endearing, also how you would get this look in your eye when your talking about something you’re passionate about that you have to start moving other parts of yourself because your excitement for it is that great.’ He shrugs as he then looks back at you with the softest look in his eyes as he chuckles. ‘I guess I get bragging rights about taking the most beautiful/handsome smart ass on the perfect date.’
In your eyes Stan looked beautiful in that moment as the butterflies made themselves knowing within your stomach. He knew you inside and out and loved every bit he saw and you couldn’t help but reciprocate the feeling as you found yourself laughing and smiling a lot more in his presence. Stan made you feel as though you could drop being smart for a second and allow yourself to breathe and take in life while you can, he was a smart man who had a way with words when it came to conning people, but here he looked almost as if he were an awkward teenager on his first date.
‘Don’t sell yourself so short Stanley.’ You tell him as you placed your hand atop of his own, squeezing it before intertwining your fingers as you took the moment to recognise that being with Stan just felt right, it felt as though you were meant to be by his side and found yourself waiting impatiently for him to hold you at night and smother you in affection during the day. ‘A date with you is a date I’ll take over any other I would’ve hypothetically had in an alternate reality.’ You admitted, feeling a blush creep across your face as you felt yourself about to admire to something you’ve always had an inkling about, but just didn’t believe it until recently.
‘And why’s that?’ Stan asked, mentally having of the edge of his seat as he hoped you were about to say what he thought you were about to say, for he too had made a similar discovery, which was only amplified and proven right whenever he looked at you in hopes of seeing you smile at something he did or confined yourself in him.
Even now as he looked at you he couldn’t help but smack his younger self for not realising what he felt sooner, he was jealous that his brother got to spend a lot of time with you, but he wouldn’t change anything that had lead you both to where you were now as you have done nothing but brought a sense of happiness to Stan’s life that he had been devoid of since he was kicked out by his father.
You looked at him like he was something and he looked at you like you were everything because to both of you it was the truth. You were what the other needed most and now it had finally come to light all this time later, and after constant adamant denial that you could actually come to like each other, only for you two to do just that and find yourselves liking each other in a way that made words like ‘like’ and ‘love’ not a strong enough description.
‘Because I actually like you Stanley Pines. I really do.’ You confessed and the weight on your chest that had been there for while had suddenly lifted. ‘I really like you Stanley Pines and time and time again I’ve been finding myself falling for you harder than originally thought. I didn’t think I’d ever find someone but here you are’. You finished, frightened as to what Stan would think but found your head being lifted by your chin and looking Stan directly in the eyes.
‘And here I thought I’d live life as a lonely lousy man until I found you toots.’ Stan says softly as he looked back on his life with fondness while hopefully seeing his future in the depths of your eyes. ‘You’ve made me a happier man than I have been in a long, long time and I don’t want to let that go now, so what do you say sweetheart? Be mine officially?’
You held his face in your hands as you pressed a kiss to his slightly chapped lips, humming in delight when you felt him reciprocate the kiss, feeling his hand move from your chin to the back of your head to keep you engaged in the kiss, as if you had any desire to depart from the man you once thought as a nuisance but now a loving reminder that you were allowed to love.
How and why it took you both this long to realise wasn’t of importance anymore as you both got lost in the feel and taste of the others lips, feeling happier then you have ever been in a while. You didn’t need some paper to tell people you were in love, everyone could see that already form how you’d look at one another, a love so rare between two people they can’t help but stop and stare at you and Stan as they wished they had what you had.
You and Stan were perfect for one another and that night you both slept deeper then ever before within the others arms, knowing that what you felt was mutual that you slept with goofy smiles on your faces with a giddy feeling within your chests.
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bokutosbiceps · 9 months
don't be afraid to catch feels
eustass kid/monkey d luffy/roronoa zoro/trafalgar d water law/usopp/vinsmoke sanji  x gn!reader | fluff | ~2k words
warnings: some suggestive/18+ themes but nothing explicit
a/n: idk i just really wanted to write so THIS was born !!! how some of the one piece boys realize they have feelings for ya !!  might do this for other fandoms too…actually yeah i will LOL probably if i don’t forget
NOTE: i end them after their confession on PURPOSE so you can choose your own adventure 😆 also there’s more dialogue for luffy’s + usopp’s so they’re a bit longer !!
18+ MDNI | under the cut for length
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eustass kid is angry. he's angry that he developed a crush on you. it's so stupid, he thinks. so outta character.
everyone on the victoria punk knows it, including you. and much to kid’s dismay, so does killer. killer talks to him about it everyday, trying to coax a confession out of him in the most gentle yet firm way he can. he wants his captain to be happy, and he knows that you can make him happy, because you already do without knowing it.
kid is completely docile in your presence, and protective. he’s more quiet, because he wants to hear what you have to say. he’s around more, because he wants to keep an eye on you. and maybe because he likes being in your presence.
kid tells (threatens) the rest of his crew that, even though they’re like brothers to him, they’ll be ripped to shreds if any of them so much as glance at you the wrong way.
luckily for you and unluckily for him, you’d heard his very public threat to the kid pirates, save for you. 
you ask kid what the hell all that was about and he simply shrugs, rolling his eyes and trying but failing to keep his cool. you scoff and chuckle at his indignance. you continue to press him till he finally gets annoyed and locks eyes with you, his pupils dilated and his lips spread out into a crazy grin.
“jus’ claiming what’s mine.”
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monkey d luffy is seeking out the smartest person he knows, and once he sees her, he’s barreling toward her at lightning speed. hands appear, arising from the wood of the sunny’s deck and forming a net right in front of robin, effectively catching luffy and recoiling him flat onto his butt.
“robin! what was that for?” luffy whines, adjusting his straw hat and tilting it back so that he can look at robin.
“i’d prefer to not be crashed into, captain.” robin shuts her book and gives luffy a gentle, almost maternal smile. “now, what has you so excited?”
luffy is thoughtful as he opts to lay back down on the deck, tilting his straw hat over his face to shield his eyes from the sun. he’s not excited, kinda confused, actually. 
he’s good with his feelings, because he knows his feelings. he's familiar with them. but these feelings—the ones he's been feeling for the past couple of weeks or so—are new. he doesn’t know them, but he wants to learn about them. so here he is, ready to learn with the smartest person he knows.
“well…i wouldn’t call it excited, ya know?” luffy stretches his arms overhead before folding them behind his head. robin chuckles quietly, already aware of luffy’s feelings before he'd even realized them himself.
“what would you call it then?” robin asks patiently.
“like…i dunno! it’s different! it’s different with ‘em…” luffy trails off, sinking back into his thoughts.
“different with who?”
“y/n!” luffy chirps, feeling himself smile at the mention of your name. “i’m really happy they’ve joined the crew!”
“happy like…you’re happy that i joined the crew?” 
“nuh uh, like…i always wanna be near ‘em. i like when they laugh, when they’re happy. their smile’s real nice, too.” luffy pauses. “it’s a lot of fun to be alone with ‘em! makes me feel good…”
robin takes her time explaining what these feelings mean, that that bubbly, queasy feeling in his stomach was not, in fact, indigestion. once robin’s words seep into luffy’s thick, rubber skull, he jumps up off the deck and wraps robin in a tight hug, grinning the whole time and whisper yelling i gotta go tell ‘em!
luffy finds you instantly, almost like his body contains a homing device that always leads to you. you notice way too late that you are in the direct path of the tornado that is luffy, and he tackles you, causing you to fall back. luffy is quick to catch you, stretching an arm around your waist and bringing you to his chest, looking at your face with such intensity you can’t keep your face from heating up.
you’re breathless. due to the adrenaline from almost cracking your skull against the wood of the ship, and from the i’ve got feelings for ya! robin says they're love feelings! do you feel the same? that rushed out of luffy’s mouth.
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roronoa zoro is confused. honestly, more confused than he’s ever been in his life. then he’s annoyed. why did he have to develop feelings for a crewmate, let alone you? it would just get in the way of everything. he wants to focus on his dream, on luffy’s dream, and sometimes even on sanji’s dream.
he doesn’t consider himself a particularly selfish person, but he wanted to focus on himself first. 
but then he sees you smile. he hears you laugh. he watches you work and hone your craft, a look of ecstatic determination on your face and the tip of your tongue peeking out between your pursed lips as you focus. suddenly, he realizes it’s really not about him anymore. it’s about you.
he starts to avoid you like the plague—he figures that if he can’t see you, you can’t see him. but he’s oh so wrong. 
when you decide you've had enough of this, you stop zoro, your hand gripping his shoulder and pulling as hard as you can. zoro raises an eyebrow at you and turns around, crossing his arms and waiting for you to explain yourself.
“you’ve been avoiding me.” you state, leaving no room for disagreement or excuses.
“says who?” zoro is very good at playing dumb.
“says me. and luffy.” you huff a bit as you remember your encounter with your captain. how his lips had twisted to the side and how his eyes had shot up to the sky when you’d asked what zoro’s problem was.
“luffy doesn’t know—”
“know why you’ve been avoiding me?” you step closer to zoro, your eyes locked on his and staring into his soul, searching for answers. “i’m sure we’d both love to know.”
zoro scoffs and rolls his eyes, taking a step back from you and turning his face to the sea. the cool ocean breeze feels nice against his burning face. he grimaces as he turns back to you, figuring he might as well get this over with.
“ilikeyou.” zoro mumbles, the words rushing out of his mouth and stopping quickly as they had started.
you shake your head and lean closer to zoro, turning your head to the side so his lips are inches away from your cheek. 
“can you repeat that, please, roronoa?”
“i like you.” zoro says the three, short, quipped words. he’s frowning and his arms are crossed and pulled tightly against his chest, in hopes to dampen the hammering of his heart.
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trafalgar d water law is no stranger to stuffing his feelings deep inside of his chest and leaving them there to rot. so he’s wondering why in the fresh hell these annoying feelings for you keep resurfacing. they crawl up his esophagus and reflux into his mouth, leaving a bitter taste behind and making him scowl every time he feels them. 
and to you, it seems as though every time the two of you lock cross paths, he narrows his eyes at you and stalks away. he rarely talks to you anymore, although the conversations you'd shared before were usually very short, yet somehow still meaningful.
you decide to confront him about it, byway of bepo, who happened to know exactly why law was seemingly scarce around you. 
“c-captain? our captain?” bepo stutters, bringing his paw up to his mouth and feigning surprise. “wow! i have no clue why he’d do something like that!”
you frown at bepo. it’s painfully obvious he knows everything about the answer to your question. “spill it, bepo.”
bepo starts to make gestures with his hands and little struggle noises with his mouth. he has no clue how to get out of this one. so he does, indeed, spill it. 
a few minutes later, after bepo was done with his rambling and law’s confession, you approach law with a smug smile on your face.
it doesn’t take a genius to be able to tell why you’re smirking like that, and law immediately pinches the bridge of his nose and tilts his head down.
“that damn bear…”
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usopp is sweaty. he’s sweaty, he’s wringing his hands, twirling his hair around his fingers, readjusting his goggles on top of his head. he can’t sit still. he’s been thinking about how on earth to deal with his feelings: does he just shove 'em deep down inside or does he shout 'em from the crow’s nest? he hasn’t had romantic feelings for anyone since he left kaya, and he simply cannot deal. 
“usopp…” nami says softly, touching usopp on the shoulder. he jumps, then flinches at his overreaction to his best friend’s simple and gentle gesture. “can you just tell them, please?”
“n-no! why should i?” usopp frowns at nami and furrows his eyebrows, knowing full well that it’d be best for his health and the crew’s sanity to just come out and tell you.
“if you don’t…” nami grins at him, slowly and mischievously, “i’ll tell them myself.”
usopp immediately springs up from his chosen sulking location and mutters an okay, okay! behind him as he leaves nami. he’s back to sweating, wringing his hands, playing with his hair, and fidgeting with his goggles.
you notice usopp looking particularly dreadful and wait for him to get closer to your position on the deck. you reach out and catch his hand, giving it a light tug so that he’s moving closer to you. he seems so deep in thought that he doesn’t even notice.
“usopp?” you tug on his hand twice, trying to get his attention. usopp meets your gaze and stares at you blankly before shaking his head and becoming aware of the situation. he tries to withdraw his hand from your grip but you’re holding on tightly, and he realizes he’s trapped.
“y/n! fancy seeing you here!” usopp laughs loudly, trying to mask the way that he’s absolutely crumbling and melting.
“what’s on your mind, usopp?”
“you.” usopp covers his mouth with his free hand immediately after the words come out of his mouth. what was he thinking, being so forward? he quickly looks away from you, directing his eyes to the clouds above. “i mean, nami was talking about you earlier. that’s why i’m thinking about you. no other reason!”
a small smile spreads across your lips. “oh, yeah. she told me something super interesting about you earlier today…” you say, drawing out the last few syllables and relishing in the way usopp looks at you in utter horror.
“nami told you that i like you?” he breathes.
“no, but you just did.”
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vinsmoke sanji is aware that he actually likes you. that you're not just another pretty face he admires. he’s always known you were gorgeous, the apple of his eye, the object of his affection. you never noticed that it different, though. thinking back on it, you’re glad that you didn’t notice, because you might’ve thought it meant something bad. quite the contrary, in fact.
sanji knows he loves you when he feels calm in your presence. when he’s not acting like a fan boy and when he spends hours talking with you while he cooks or does the dishes or plans the crew's next meal. you’re always around, and yet, he’s never nervous. 
when he really realizes it, though, it’s when he catches a glimpse of nami’s naked silhouette through the crack in the bathroom door and he doesn’t even flinch. not a tingle, not a single palpitation. it’s not you, and his heart knows it, so he’s calm. this is when he knows he has to confess.
“y/n…darling…” sanji says, grasping your hands in his own and looking you in the eyes. “i have to tell you something—something i’ve never told anyone before.”
you look at him, an eyebrow raised in skeptical curiosity. sanji looks worried, and he almost never looks worried. your mind is going a mile a minute, your brain flipping through pages and pages of things he could possibly say to you within the next minute. because of this, you miss the way sanji squeezes your hands, and the way he sucks in a deep breath.
“i’m in love with you.”
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taglist: @usoppsstar (i literally can’t remember anyone else rn lolol, i just knew i wanted to surprise ya coco) | @kingofthe-egirls | @pileofmush | @anemptypuddingcup
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wososcripts · 4 months
Face to Face (Part 1)
Fridolina Rolfö x reader
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Summary: After months of a toxic back and forth with Frido, things reach a breaking point.
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: I know it's been forever but that's what being a full time uni student will do! I hope you all enjoy this fic as much as I do, its been a wip for a while now!
As usual this is all fiction and in good fun! Nothing is meant to represent reality. All italicized dialogue is in a language other than English, and I promise... things will get better in this fic eventually.
Warnings⚠️: unhealthy situationship lol, injury, light medical description
"Get out!" You screamed, repeating it over and over until you were alone in your bedroom.
You hated yelling. Absolutely hated it. You couldn't remember the last time before today that you had actually yelled in someone's face. Plenty of people in your sport lost their tempers and shouted on the pitch—whether at a ref or another player—but it wasn’t your style. You always managed to keep your cool. It was your sport, yes, but not your life.
You'd been yelled at too much as a child to think it had any productive effect on a situation, which may have been part of why you immediately felt horrible once Fridolina left the room. You pulled your comforter around your half-naked form, wishing you were less exposed.
This was the end. Whatever you and Fridolina had, it was over. Finally.
You'd been trying to build up the will to make this happen for weeks, and yet your heart felt like it was being strangled with every moment you sat here alone. The worst part was, you knew Fridolina didn't care. She was probably angry, sure, but she was not feeling the heartbreak you were.
You weren't sure how you were going to make it through the next few days. You had to fly to Germany tomorrow for national camp—and then on Friday you were playing Sweden in a friendly. It was hard to imagine that you had been excited to get the news about the friendly last month. It meant you got to be around Frido more, got to see a few of your old teammates from Chelsea like Magda and Zećira, and you genuinely enjoyed being around the German girls. It was still home to you, there, even if you hadn't played for a German league in nearly a decade.
Now you just wanted to stay in Barcelona while Frido left. You wanted to call Alexia, or Patri, and ask them to come over and comfort you. You wanted Patri’s jokes and Alexia’s solid presence, but you were afraid of the questions they might ask. Your eyes were red now, tears running down your face, and your room was a mess. Everything had a trace of Frido, and you hated it.
Ingrid and Mapí, who you would usually call if you wanted to get your mind off of things, weren’t an option either. Though you were fairly certain they wouldn’t ask any pressing questions, Ingrid was Frido’s best friend. And that made her off limits for now, for anything regarding this.
You just had to make it through the night, and the next morning. Then you could collapse into the familiar arms of your national teammates, your family, your language, and try to forget all about this.
Your mother knew something was off the second you appeared on her doorstep, Laura in tow.
She wrapped her arms firmly around you, holding you tight for a minute. It had been three months since you were home for Christmas, and you hadn’t seen each other since then. You melted into her, wanting nothing more than the comfort of her protective embrace after all that had been swimming around your head lately.
Your mother greeted Laura next, and you were instructed to bring your bags up to the guest room. You’d have to share, but it wasn’t all that big of an issue. You and Laura often shared rooms when you were at national camp anyway, so this wouldn’t be much different.
“Wie ist Barcelona? Gefällt es? ” Laura asked you quietly that night, rolling over in the bed to face you.
It was late, too late to still be up. Tomorrow you’d have to be at training bright and early.
“I love it there.”
Something about your voice must have been off, because Laura stayed silent. You knew she fretted over you. She was protective too, something you experienced first hand when people were rough with you on the field—Laura hated most of your exes too. You’d known each other since secondary school, when you were barely tall enough to reach the top of your lockers.
“I’ve always wondered if it’s difficult, fitting in with the Spanish girls…”
“And I’m shy, which doesn’t make it easier.”
Laura laughed lightly.
“Well I wasn’t going to say anything!”
You poked her side playfully, and smiled.
“They’re all very welcoming. It can be intimidating when you don’t speak Spanish at first, but I’m pretty good now so I don’t have many issues.”
Laura began playing with strands of your long hair, putting it in small braids.
“What is it, Lau?”
“I can tell something is bothering you. In your texts, the way you looked when I picked you up at the airport, something is off.”
You weren't sure what to say. Laura didn't know anything about you and Frido. Nobody did. You'd have to explain the whole thing, start to finish. You'd have to explain why you stayed even when she treated you like garbage. Why you made excuses for her, compromised things you told yourself you wouldn't.
"It's hard to explain…" you mumbled.
Laura continued to play with your hair, pushing a few wisps back from your forehead.
"You don't have to if you don't want to."
You needed an ally in this, you realized. Desperately.
"Just be prepared, it's kind of a long story."
And so you launched into how you and Frido had been attracted to each other immediately when she was playing at Bayern and you were at Frankfurt. How you had danced around each other when you were signed in Barcelona. How she kissed you one day after a game, before she was even out of her relationship, and then ignored you for weeks—a pattern you didn't realize was going to dominate your life for the next year.
By the end you were crying. You hadn't cried in so long it felt foreign. Everything had been building up for months and nobody had been there to help you carry the weight of it until that moment.
Laura pulled you into her arms, rubbing your back in soothing circles as you sobbed into her neck.
"It's okay, you're okay," she whispered.
"I feel like a fucking idiot."
"She's the idiot for treating you like that, not you. Not you at all." Laura looked at you sternly. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that all by yourself…"
You snuggled closer to her and kept quiet.
"If you need someone to accidentally slide tackle her on Monday let me know…" Laura teased.
You giggled into her hair, and she couldn't help but smile in return.
You were nervous. Typically friendlies didn't worry you much, but you didn't want to see Fridolina. You had been playing well in training sessions, but your teammates could tell something was on your mind.
"Hey—" Sara's voice broke you out of your thoughts. The two of you had played together at Frankfurt for a little while, and she was like an older sister to you. She placed both her hands on your cheeks and pressed her forehead to yours. "Whatever it is, put it out of your mind. Leave it here and just play. Just for a few hours."
You closed your eyes and listened to her, letting her voice ground you. You squeezed her hands and nodded. Just a few hours. Then you could avoid Frido for an entire week before you had to fly back to Barcelona.
You assumed your position on the pitch, the roar of the German fans filling your ears. That was the benefit of playing at home. You spotted a few of the Swedish girls you knew: Magda, Zećira, Stina, and Rebecca. All of whom gave you small smiles.
In the few seconds before the match began you closed your eyes, counting down from seven as you always did before a match. Then the whistle blew and you began.
It was a tough match between the two teams. Where the Germans were weak the Swedish girls pounced, and vice versa. You were constantly fighting for the ball, the defenders packed onto you. Stina was the first to score, slipping the ball into the box amidst a chaotic mess just the way she was good at.
From there on out you were determined to score. You were playing all out, more than necessary really. It was a throwaway game, but you just had to get a point on the board.
When your quick pass to Lena had the ball soaring into the back of the net you thought you might explode from joy. You jumped into her arms, letting her twirl you around, laughing. In your head you might as well have won the Olympics.
At halftime it was still 1-1. Your heart was pounding. Laura made you drink some of your water, massaging your shoulders in an effort to get you to calm down. Popp was side eyeing you, considering pulling you out. This behavior wasn't like you.
The second half was considerably more intense than the first. Both teams wanted to score, and the more physical players on both sides were pushing hard. It was a miracle nobody had been carded.
And then suddenly you had the ball at your feet. There was a golden opportunity in front of you. Eyes facing forward, you raced down the pitch, completely blindsided to the weight that slammed into from the side. Suddenly the world went sideways and you were slamming into the ground, not enough time to even think about trying to catch yourself. Your hip and shoulder took most of the initial impact, but something about how you'd been standing, or how you'd been hit, meant your head followed, hitting the ground with a resounding thud.
You came to a few seconds later. Someone was kneeling next to your head, and their hands were on your cheeks.
Fuck. Everything hurt. You kept your eyes closed, thinking maybe that would lessen the next wave of pain you knew was coming. At first you weren't sure what had happened.
"Are you okay?" You heard Zećira's voice in your ear.
"Zećira?" You mumbled. "What happened?"
"You went down and hit your head."
You had gone down near the goal, that was right. Things were a bit blurry. You figured it was a bad idea to move your neck, what with the severe headache you could feel blossoming, and opening your eyes seemed to run the 50/50 chance of you vomiting.
"Do you remember that now? Do you feel okay?"
So you gave her a weak thumbs up, hoping it was clear you needed the medics.
After a moment in which you gathered your resolve and swallowed your nausea, you opened your eyes. There was Zećira looking worriedly down at you. She glanced upwards, probably at the medical team that was surely coming.
"Fuck, fuck…" you heard another voice, those of your German teammates beginning to filter into your awareness. And further away, the sharp sound of yelling.
The medical team finally arrived, clearing the space around you. Your hand shot out, grabbing onto Zećira's you gave her a look that said it all. Fear and panic met in equal amounts as she squeezed your hand lightly.
"You're gonna be okay, älskling, everything is gonna be alright." If anything, her tone scared you even more. You knew Zećira, and she wasn't someone you would describe as warm and cuddly. For her to be using that tone with you meant something had gone wrong.
"Okay, we're gonna sit you up now." The medic warned you, and you felt two pairs of hands rest on your body, one on the back of your neck, slowly pull you upright.
Your nausea came back in full swing, and you fought to keep your breakfast in.
"Can you hear me?" You nodded.
"Can you understand what I'm saying?" You nodded again, resisting the urge to roll your eyes.
"Can you squeeze my hand?" You squeezed his hand tightly.
"Okay, I'm gonna shine this light in your eyes for a moment, can you try and follow it for me?" You did your best, but it wasn't easy.
"Okay," he put the light away and you thanked whatever God in the universe for that. "We think it's likely you have a pretty bad concussion. We'll have to run a few more tests to be sure, but she definitely has to come off."
He must've been talking to your coach at that point, because the next thing you knew Zećira and the medic were helping you up to your feet, the man supporting you heavily with your arms draped across his shoulders.
"I'll visit you after the match, okay?" You heard Zećira assure you, to which you gave another thumbs up.
You cringed slightly at the sound of the crowd cheering you off.
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stars1997 · 14 days
Pls do a long freaky Quinn smut:)
sorry that I that i haven't been posting. i will be doing my best to get to all my request! hope you enjoy this one!
Paring(s): Quinn x reader
Warnings: (18+) smut, shower sex, jerking him off, unprotected sex, vocal Quinn, oral, some spanking, some hair pulling
(Not edited)
2.2K words
Summary: Quinn and you visit his family for Christmas. Quinn and you end up doing it in his childhood bedroom.
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This year you and Quinn were going to spend Christmas with his family. Last year the both of you spent it with your family. Even though you and Quinn have been together for two years now you haven’t really spent much time with his side of the family. You never really understood why. Whenever he went to go spend time with his family there was always stuff stopping you form going. College was a big reason why.
But you graduated this summer so now school isn’t in the way, and you don’t start your job till the beginning of January, Quinn to this opportunity to bring you home with him for Christmas this year. You obviously said yes. Excited to finally spend more than one day with his family.
But now as you pack your bag you grew more anxious. Your foot taps fast against the carpet. You mumble to yourself about what else you should be packing when a pair of arms wrap around your waist. You let out a gasp.
“Quinn!” you turn so you’re now facing him.
“I could hear you tapping your foot all the way in the living room. Why are you nervous? You have meet them many times and they love you.” both of his hands rest on your lower back keeping you pressed against his body.
“This is the first time that I’m spending more than a day with your family. What if they change their minds and end up hating me.” You pout. He kisses the top of your head.
“Now why would that happen?” you shrug your shoulders then rest your head on his chest.
“I need to finish packing.” You mumble.
“You should pack that one dress that I like.” He smiles down at you. his hands squeeze your butt making you gasp and smack him on his chest.
“Get out so I can pack in peace.” you try to push yourself out of his grip. But he doesn’t let up.
“How about I help you pack so I can pack all the things I think you should wear.” You laugh, shaking your head before responding.
“If you packed my bag the only thing that would be in there would be my lingerie. So no, but if you want to stay in the room feel free to sit on the bed and don’t distract me because I will forget something if you do.” You poke his chest as you talk.
“Yes ma’am.” He does a little salute before letting go of you to go sit on the bed.
By the time you finished packing it was almost dinner time. You and Quinn order take out form your favorite Greek place and spent the rest of the night watching tv. You both ended up falling asleep on the couch. You woke up the next morning to Quinn shaking you awake.
“Honey its almost time to go so we can get on the plane. I already put the bags in the car and laid out your clothes for today on the bed. You just need to get ready then we will be on our way.” His voice was soft as he talked to you. you sit up on the couch taking a minute for your eyes to adjust to the lights that were on in the apartment.
You look out the window to see that it’s still dark out. You let out a little huff before getting up off the couch. Whenever you have to wake up early for something Quinn is always gentle with you. he knows that you’re not a morning person, so he always does things to make your morning just a bit easier.
It didn’t take long for you to get ready, no more than fifteen minutes. the car ride was quick too. when you finally got onto the plane and settled into your seats you were asleep with your head resting on Quinn’s arm.
When you got to the house you were greeted by everyone. Luke and jack helped Quinn bring your bags to your room. Ellen grabbed your hand and brought you inside. She was talking your ear off and asking you a bunch of questions before Quinn made his way back to you.
“Mom, leave her alone.” Quinn huffed out as he wraps his arm around your waist pulling you into his side.
“Fine I have to finish making dinner anyway. Everyone be in the kitchen for six o’clock please. Now you guys go change and shower to get the planes germs off you.” Ellen gave you a soft smile before Quinn pulled you upstairs and into his childhood bedroom. Quinn basically pushes you into his room closing the door shut behind him.
“You and I are so having sex in here before we leave. That’s a promise.” You let out a little giggle at his serious tone. “Don't laugh at me. 16-year-old me would high five me for sleeping with such a hot girl in my room.” You giggle again.
You have been with the Hughes family for a few days now. Christmas passed and they all got you a present. The rest of the family is out grocery shopping. You said you were going to stay behind to pack up your bags because you have to leave in two days. Quinn said that he was going to stay behind to help you, no one batted an eye and let the two of you stay behind.
You were bent over the bed putting Quinn’s cloths into his suitcase right above yours. Quinn comes up behind you giving your ass a hard slap.
“Exactly how I wanted you. your ass looks so good in these leggings baby. Fuck I’m getting so hard just looking at you.” he’s now standing behind you his hands on your hips.
“Fuck. Baby, please can I fuck you. I need you so bad right now.” he grinds his hard cock into you as he kisses your shoulder.
You would be lying if you said you didn’t want him too. you grind against him, matching his movements. he moves you over so he can push the suitcases out of the way before he bends you over the bed.
He spreads your legs with his hands before getting down on his knees. He grabs the seam of your leggings and rips them. You let out a gasp. he moves your underwear to the side before he dives right in to eating you out. His tongue sliding in and out of you a few times before he moves his mouth to suck on your clit.
“Fuck Quinn. Don’t stop please. Need more, please.” He was quick to answer your request by sliding two fingers into you. you scream his name your hands gripping the sheets.
His other hand comes up to slap your ass. Quinn loves eating you out he could do it all day if you let him. but Quinn knew that you had limited time. He pumped his finger a few more times before completely standing up. you hear shuffling behind you but only for a second.
His cock now resting on your ass for a second before he lines his tip with your entrance slowly pushing in. he didn’t wait too long before he started pounding into you.  you let out a moan. Reaching one of your hands behind you to grab on to him.
one of his hands rest on your hip as he thrusts into you his other hand now holding onto your wrist. he slows his thrust down a little so he can spread your legs wider.
“Give me your other hand. good girl.” you bring your other hand behind your back. his hand now wrapped around both of your wrists.
“Now you got to keep quiet for me. Do you think you can do that?” his thrust now picking up again. you nod your head in response not able to form any words. he gives you a little slap on the ass.
“Fuck. you like this don’t you? you liked being fucked knowing that my family can come home any minute. You like the idea of being caught don’t you baby? That why you always make me fuck you in the car after a game.” all you could do was let out little moans with every thrust. His words turning you on even more.
“You know you’re the first girl I have ever fucked in my room. Aah fuck. You’re squeezing my cock so tight baby, fuck.” He let go of your hands so he could grip your hips with both of his hands. He starts pulling your hips to match his thrusts. You could feel yourself getting closer to your release.
Your hands grip the sheets your knuckles turning white. You have to bite your tongue to keep from letting out a moan.
“Good girl. Fuck your doing so good baby. Cum for me, fuck.” You let out a moan. Quinn was quick to follow behind you. his movements stop as he cums inside you.
He grips your hair and pulls so your body is now up right. He turns your head so he can see your face. He kisses your lips.
“You did such a good job baby. Your always so good for me. How about we go and take a shower and ill help you get cleaned up.” you give him a lazy smile and nod your head.
Luckily for you guys’ Quinn had a bathroom that was connected to his room. You followed Quinn into the bathroom. He turned on the water and after a few minutes stuck his hand in to feel the temp of the water. When he took his hand out, he turned around to look at you, you were taking of your bra.
He pulled you closer to him by your waist, kissing you all over your face then moving down your neck. His lips stop between your tits before he grabs one of them and wraps his lips around your nipple. He flicks his tongue a few times before sucking. Your head fell back as your hands move to his hair.
Your grip on his hair was tight. Pulling hard on it as he continues to suck on your nipple. He lets out a grunt with every harsh tug on his hair.
“Quinn, please.” You breath out.
You don’t know exactly what you were asking him to do but you needed him again so bad. he took his lips off you before pulling down your pants and then taking off his cloths.
You both make your way into the shower. the nice warm water hitting your skin. you put your hair under the water before reaching over to your shampoo putting some in your hand before rubbing it into your hair.
You and Quinn took the time to just enjoy the quiet but all your brain could think about is repaying the favor. You grab the soap and lather it up on the scrubby, rubbing it up and down Quinn’s back. you bring both your arms around the front of his body bringing both your hands to his chest. You scrub his chest, brining your other hand down to his cock. you wrap your hand around the base of his cock stroking it slowly, your thumb swiping over the tip. His hand wraps around yours, moving your hand faster.
“Fuck, yes. God your hand feels so good. I love when you jerk me off. I love your hands on me baby.” You squeeze his cock; he lets out a hiss.
“Fuck, baby, don’t tease me. You know just how to get me off, you always have.” You let out a giggle. You focus on his tip for a second before going back to stroking him.
“Yes, oh god yes. I’m going to cum.” He grunts his hands move to the wall in front of him so he can support his weight as he cums.
He turns to face you, smiling at you. he grabs your face and kisses you hard.
“I love you so much!” he kisses you again. before pulling you under the water with him letting the water run down your face.
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Sweeter Than Revenge 6
Fandom: Twisters, Tyler Owens, f!reader, Scott's Sister!reader Summary: Today is the day! You are riding with Tyler and Boone directly into a tornado. Get ready for an experience you'll never forget. Word Count: 3303 TW: Flirting, Kissing, Developing Feelings, Storm Danger, Scott Sucks, Language Notes: A massive thank you to @blue-aconite and @green-socks for reading this over for me and for all the constant support! And to @mayhem24-7forever for always answering my late-night panicked messages
Divider created by me (please ask/credit before using)
Series Masterlist
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After breakfast, you helped Dexter and Lily clean up and prepare to leave for the first chase of the day. You gathered up the trash bags, jogged the short distance to the dumpsters, and tossed them in. When you turned around, you jumped as you found Tyler standing in front of you.
Clutching your chest, you swore, “Damn it! Why does everyone have to keep popping up and scaring me!”
He grinned, swaggering forward as he said, “I saw that little show you put on with Boone. It seems like you might not be over that revengeful streak of yours after all.” He stopped a few feet from you.
You lifted one shoulder as you tilted your head down so you could look up at him from under your lashes. “What can I say, some habits are hard to break.” Stepping closer until your chest almost grazed his, you lifted your head and stared unwaveringly into his eyes. “And sometimes people need to be reminded they aren’t the only ones who can tease or play games. Or that maybe they aren’t as smooth as they think they are and others can see through their bullshit deflections.”
Tilting his head, almost in a sign of deference, he murmured, “Good to know. Maybe you should take your own advice.” 
He leaned his head closer to yours…then pivoted and walked back towards his truck, once again leaving you flustered and your cheeks burning. As you silently cursed him, he yelled over his shoulder, “Oh, you might wanna have a talk with Boone about that little act before he shows up at your room with flowers and a box of chocolates.” 
You rolled your eyes and trudged after him.
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It turned out, Tyler may not have been exaggerating. When you made it back to the camper van, Boone was there waiting for you, asking if you needed any help or if he could carry something for you or if you wanted something to drink or—
You couldn’t see Tyler, but you swore you heard him snickering somewhere nearby. 
As politely as possible, you explained to Boone that while you appreciated his offers, you were fine and that you hoped he didn’t get the wrong impression from your hug earlier. Boone’s face flushed as he stammered out a few “‘course not”s and “we’re cool”s before excusing himself and slinking away. You felt really bad at essentially using him, especially after he had been nothing but kind to you. Once again, you kicked yourself for allowing the old you to come to the surface and not having the self-control to stop playing games. 
Luckily, everything seemed to be forgotten by the time you joined Tyler and Boone at the red pickup a few minutes later. Boone was back to his usual excitable self as he prepared his camera and showed you how everything worked. Between his handheld with the live stream and the several other cameras mounted in the truck capturing video to be edited later, it was actually more complex than you had imagined. It seemed as if you really had underestimated Boone, and that made you feel even worse for involving him in your scheme earlier.
Then suddenly, it was time to roll out. You had been so focused on your behavior that morning that you hadn’t thought about what was about to happen next. As the last of the bags were stowed away in one of the vans and Dexter did one last run down of the current weather patterns, a knot began to form in the pit of your stomach. Telling yourself you would be driving into the middle of a tornado today had been one thing. Now facing the very real fact it was about to happen, you wondered if you should have skipped breakfast. 
On trembling legs, you walked over to Tyler’s truck and reached to open the back door. But just as your fingers closed around the handle, an arm draped itself across your shoulders. “Nuh uh, sweetheart. You’ve got shotgun.” 
You turned to face Tyler, the knot that had been forming in your stomach tightening. “But I thought Boone—”
“Boone can get plenty of footage from the back. But this being your first time wrangling a storm, we want to make sure you have a front-row seat to the action.” Tyler opened the passenger door for you. When you hesitated, he raised an eyebrow. “Unless you’re having second thoughts about riding with us? There’s always room for you in one of the other vans.”
Swallowing hard, you said, “No. I-I can do this.” 
You started to climb in, but Tyler grabbed your arm. Positioning himself so no one else could see you between his body and his truck, he softly murmured, “Listen, it’s okay if you don’t want to. You don’t have to do this to try and prove something to anyone, even to yourself. Just coming with us after the storm like you did yesterday already puts you on the list of the bravest people I’ve ever met. And no one—not me, not your brother—no one can ever take that away from you. But—” he leaned over so the brim of his hat brushed against the top of your head and his thumb caressed your arm “—if you do want to go, I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. It’s your choice.”
The sincerity in his tone left no doubt that he meant what he said. If you decided to ride with Lily or Dani and Dexter instead, there would be no judgment. Tyler wouldn’t look down on you or think less of you for it, and that was all you needed to make up your mind.
Shooting him a grateful smile, you said, “Thanks, but I really do want to do this. And I always feel safe with you, Tyler, so I know this time won’t be any different.”
He grinned. “Alright then. Let’s go wrangle us a tornado.” 
He squeezed your arm one last time before helping you climb into the truck. Then he shut your door and hurried over to the driver’s side. Boone hopped in the back seat with an excited whoop just as Tyler’s door slammed shut.
You quickly buckled your seatbelt—trying to not think about the thick harness you hadn’t noticed the last time you rode up here—and settled back into your seat. But you froze as you looked out the windshield and saw Javi and Scott standing the Storm PAR vehicles still parked next to the main office. They were both staring right at you: Javi’s expression somewhat concerned yet accepting while Scott’s was nothing but pure apathy. 
You wondered if Javi told Scott the two of you had talked last night, though you hoped he kept it to himself. Not for your sake (you doubted it would have changed Scott’s opinion of you) but you didn’t want Javi to put himself into an uncomfortable position playing mediator for his business partner and said business partner’s sister. 
Tyler noticed who you were staring at and asked, “We good to go?”
You sighed. “Let’s do this.”
He nodded and started the engine. Easing the truck forward slowly, he rolled down his window and when he pulled alongside the group from Storm PAR, Tyler shouted, “Hey, Scotty! Make sure you watch the stream today so you don’t miss out on your sister’s first time driving headfirst into a tornado!”
You maintained eye contact with Scott, waiting for him to demand you get out of the truck or refuse to let you do something this dangerous. But instead, he just scoffed as he folded his arms across his chest. “Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it. She was scared of thunder until she was a teenager. Trust me, she’ll be begging you to turn the truck around before you get a hundred feet from a storm.”
Lowering your eyes, you sunk further into your seat. Not only had he shaken the little confidence Tyler had helped build up in you, but Scott had just revealed something utterly embarrassing to your new friends. It was true that you had cowered under your covers or hidden from all windows in the middle of bad thunderstorms well into your teenage years, but you had gotten past it. However, you didn’t want the people who faced some of nature’s most dangerous weather on a daily basis to know that!
For a long moment, Tyler just stared at your brother. Then, shaking his head, he asked, “What is wrong with you?” before pulling out onto the road. 
Once the motel had disappeared in the rearview mirror, Tyler reached over and rested his hand on your knee. “Hey, don’t listen to him, okay? He’s just trying to get under your skin. You got this.”
You nodded and tried to smile at him, but you could tell it didn’t look as confident as you hoped. 
From behind you, Boone let out a low whistle. “That dude’s really your brother?” You nodded. “Dang, no wonder you decided to hang out with us instead. He sucks.”
The unexpectedness of that assessment caused a burst of laughter to escape your lips. Tyler glanced over, grinning and squeezing your knee. Your smile widened, feeling less forced and more genuine. Looking at the other storm chaser in the visor mirror, you chuckled. “Yeah, Boone. He really does suck.”
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Tyler had mentioned he was looking for a smaller EF1 or EF2 for your first time out. However, the storm the Wranglers ame across looked much bigger than that. It was at least twice as wide as the tornado you saw yesterday, yet Tyler and Boone didn’t seem the least bit concerned. If anything, they seemed more excited than you had ever seen them before.
As the sky grew darker and the truck began to sway slightly in the increasing winds, you dug your fingers into the interior of the truck so tightly that your knuckles cracked. Scott was right. You weren’t brave enough for this. What the hell were you thinking wanting to go on a chase? It wasn’t a game. Thousands of people were injured or killed in tornados every year and now you were going to just drive up next to one? Possibly even into one? This was insane!
Seemingly sensing your mounting fear, Boone leaned forward, his head poking between you and Tyler, as he looked at his friend. “You sure she’s ready for this, T? I mean, no offense, but this one might be a little much for someone who's never done this before.”
But Tyler just grinned. “Nah, she’ll be fine. Won’t you, sweetheart?”
You nodded, your eyes wide in terror as you stared at the approaching storm. “Y-yeah. I’ll be fine.” 
Your voice betrayed the anxiety that was flooding every cell of your body, but Tyler reached over and took your hand, prying it carefully off the center console and giving it a tight squeeze. The small gesture instantly caused the panic rising within you to mellow slightly. The idea of what you were about to do still terrified you, but knowing Tyler was behind the wheel made it somewhat bearable. 
He nodded to the harness hanging limply on the sides of the seat. “We won’t need those for a bit, but you might feel a little more comfortable if you strap in now. You know, just in case.”
Immediately, you slipped your hand from his and began fumbling with the harness. It seemed pretty straightforward but seeing how your hands were shaking, it’s more difficult than you initially thought. Without taking his eyes off the road, Tyler reached over and straightened the strap that was twisted across your chest. Then he helped you click it into place before taking your hand once more. However, this time, he raised it to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the back. It was more demure than the kiss he had placed there last night, but it still sent the same thrill through you all the way down to your toes. You quickly glanced in the visor mirror, but luckily it seemed Boone was too preoccupied with getting his camera set up to see what had just occurred. 
Tyler continued holding your hand until rain began pelting the windshield, the storm now looming so large in front of the truck that it seemed to block out everything else. You heard Boone starting his video introduction in the backseat but you didn’t register anything he said as you sat frozen in your seat staring at the approaching storm. It wasn’t until Boone nudged your shoulder rather forcefully that you realized he had been speaking to you. 
Shaking your head, you asked, “What?”
Boone chuckled nervously, glancing from the camera to you. “I said introduce yourself to the chat.”
“Oh, sorry.” You quickly said your name then continued to stare into the lens like a deer caught in the headlights as Boone left it focused on you, unsure of what else he wanted.
Luckily, Tyler came to your rescue. Grabbing Boone’s hand and swinging the camera to focus on him, he said, “Y’all probably remember me mentioning our newest Wrangler in yesterday’s stream. Well, she handled that storm like the pro she is so we thought we’d give her a shot at the main attraction today. Ain’t that right, sweetheart?” 
Tyler winked at you before turning the lens back in your direction. You smiled and nodded. “Yep! We’re gonna…wrangle us a tornado!”
It felt a bit stilted, but the pride and warmth radiating from Tyler as he looked at you made you feel like you had just given an Oscar Award-winning performance. You bit your lip and looked away as you felt the heat rushing to your cheeks. But then you remember what Tyler had said about you hiding your face when someone compliments you so you turn back and look him dead in the eye. The warm look on his face only intensified before he turned his attention back to the road ahead.
A few minutes later as he pulled the truck into the path of the storm, Tyler slowed to a stop. He flipped a few switches on the center console and pressed the red button on top of the joystick positioned there. You heard a whirring sound and the truck seemed to sink into the ground slightly. Tyler must have deployed the augers to lock the truck in place. Dani mentioned yesterday that they had never failed since they were installed and you prayed today wasn’t the day that changed.
But as the edge of the storm grew closer and closer, you felt a fresh wave of terror grip you. Placing both of your feet on your seat, you wrapped your arms around your knees, curling into yourself as much as the safety harness would allow. You focused all of your energy on your breathing, trying your hardest not to start hyperventilating. But as the tornado finally hit the front of the truck, you let out a small squeal and buried your head in your knees.
However…nothing happened. The truck didn’t flip wildly out of control. The windows didn’t shatter into a million pieces. The augers didn’t give out. 
Slowly, you raised your head. The entire truck shook and vibrated around you, the sensation sending tremors throughout your body. Outside, random bits of debris struck the truck but nothing seemed to be able to break through its upgraded structure. As the initial wall of wind passed by the truck and you found yourself deeper into the storm, you actually found yourself relaxing slightly, unfurling yourself where you had tucked into a tight ball. If something bad was going to happen, it would have been when the tornado first hit the truck. Right?
Tyler leaned over until his lips brushed the curve of your ear and he whispered. “Look up.”
You could just make out the words over the howl of the storm but you did what he said. Tilting forward, trembling as your face neared the windshield, you squinted up into the wind. For a moment, all you saw was dirt and debris swirling around. But then you noticed a smaller, tighter vortex dancing through the center almost as if there was a tornado within the tornado. And as you followed this swirl up, you gasped as you caught just a glimpse of the sky peaking through the opening of the funnel. It was one of the brightest blues you had ever seen and it was utterly magical. 
You looked over at Tyler. His face was beaming as he watched you and, in that moment, he was even more breathtaking than the storm. Time seemed to stop and nothing else existed besides the two of you. Not the storm, not Boone, not the camera, nothing.
Your eyes met…then so did your lips. You weren't even really sure who initiated it and you didn’t care. His lips molded against yours perfectly, his tongue dancing across the entrance of your mouth as he tested his boundaries. But when you parted your lips further, he slipped inside as he wrapped his hand around the back of your neck and drew you closer. He tasted like coffee with just the hint of peppermint. And as his stubble scraped across your skin, you hummed at the shiver it sent racing down your spine. 
The kiss was everything you had been imagining and so much more. 
Needing more, you tried crawling across the center console to straddle his lap but something hugging you tightly across your chest stopped you. It was only then that you remembered the harness holding you into your seat. Your fingers scrambled against the buckle, finally unhooking it—
“And they say there ain’t no love in Oklahoma! Well, if that ain’t love, I don’t know what is!”
You and Tyler both jumped apart, startled by Boone’s joyful exclamation from the backseat. Horrified, you realized he had just filmed your kiss and broadcasted it live on the Wranglers’ YouTube channel. You buried your face in your hands, only peeking through the smallest crack to see Tyler’s reaction. 
He ran his fingers through his hair, brushing the fallen strands off his face as he muttered, “Boone–”
But his fellow storm chaser paid him no mind. “You saw it here first! The tornado wrangler himself has been wrangled by a new beau.”
“And if any of you out there has ever wondered if two people could kiss in the middle of a tornado, I guess we have our answer!”
“Boone!” Tyler shot you an exasperated look and you lowered your hands, chuckling softly at the silliness of the whole situation. It was only then that you also noticed the storm had passed and everything outside the truck was now calm. Too bad the same couldn’t be said for inside the truck.
Tyler reached into the backseat and wrestled the camera out of Boone’s hands. Then, he took a breath and aimed the camera at himself as he plastered on a smile. “Well, I guess that’s it for today, folks. Things took a bit of an unexpected turn but in the middle of a storm, you never know what might happen! Thanks for watching and as always, if you feel it—” he leaned across the center console until his face was next to yours in the shot “—chase it.” And he pressed his lips against yours once again.
You could feel Tyler grinning against your mouth as you returned his kiss. Without pulling away, you reached out and covered the lens of the camera with your hand. The world had seen enough of you and Tyler for one day. However, if you had your way, the two of you were just getting started. 
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Part 7 coming 9/23!
Tag list: @green-socks, @mayhem24-7forever, @blue-aconite, @hederasgarden, @writercole,
@ryebecca, @heart-0n-fire, @nerdysuperchick, @ohtobeleah, @slightly-psycho-multifan,
@sunlightmurdock, @xoxabs88xox, @superchatnoir07, @love2write2626, @smoothdogsgirl,
@rebecca0may, @hereiamhereigo, @nerdalicios, @28cnn, @obsessed-fan-alert,
@ddarling-ddearest-ddead, @sehnsuchts-trunken, @taorislover94, @sweetdayme4427, @marisha-3,
@hopeurokays, @lonelysoul50, @bobfloydssunnies, @rebra1863, @mirrorball-6,
@phoenixhalliwell, @mysticalfuncollectorus, @hellkaisersangel, @stoneyggirl2
@how-what-why-huh, @axolotllover225, @holybatflapexpert, @princesssterek, @autumnleaves1991-blog
@cevansbaby-dove, @mrsyixingunicorn10, @fandomprincess1994, @wpdarlingpan, @maverick-wingman
@unknowntoyou2205, @child-of-of-the-sunshine, @dream03, @djs8891, @puttyly
@loserbaby66, @mylovelykelsifer, @onlyangel-444, @omgbrianab, @allonzigiga
@lonelyghosts-stuff, @lindsayjoy444, @clairewritesandrambles, @lukeevangelista, @hookslove1592
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rinwritingcorner · 2 months
May I ask the software you use to write?
Congratulations on getting so much done!
Thank you so much. And, of course.
I use the Reedsy Book Editor for all of my writing projects, and I've been using it for about three years now. I also have experience with other amazing softwares, and I would love to create more tutorials on them if you need me to.
Here's a quick tutorial on how to use the Reedsy Book Editor.
When you visit the website, the first thing you'll come across is this page. It's a completely free writing tool with a fantastic interface. All you need to do is sign up with your Google or Facebook account.
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After you've completed the sign-up process and provided some information about yourself, you will be directed to this page. Please locate the "Books" option in the website's header.
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Feel free to give your book/WIP (Work in progress) a title. Remember, it's okay if it's not your final title, as you can always change it in the settings of your book later.
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Once you've created it, you can take your time and when you're ready, you can click "Write.”
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Once you click "Write," you'll be directed to the next page. There, you'll find your chapters, the space to write your manuscript, and a sidebar with various helpful features provided by Reedsy.
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Then, you can choose any name for your chapter that feels meaningful to you.
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You can also track your writing goals for your specific manuscript or book. This feature provides insights into your writing habits, such as the days you've written and the number of words you've written. You can also set a target word count goal for the manuscript, and you also have the option to set manual writing goals. Additionally, you can check the word count in your current chapter from the bottom of the widget.
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You have the option to set a deadline and choose the days that work best for you to write. This will help Reedsy estimate a realistic word count goal for you.
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Remember that on Reedsy, there's a new beta feature that allows you to plan and outline your novel without having to leave the website. It offers note cards for you to jot down the plot and scenes from your novel, which can serve as a helpful guide and provide a simple outline to support your writing process.
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Also, don’t forget the various features available to you when creating your book in Reedsy. For instance, you have the option to include preset formatted pages such as a dedication page and an epigraph that resonates with your story. These features can add a lot of value to your book, and I encourage you to explore them further.
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Hopefully this can help you understand the basics of Reedsy Book Editor. One of my favorite writing softwares that is completely FREE!
Hey fellow writers! I'm super excited to share that I've launched a Tumblr community. I'm inviting all of you to join my community. All you have to do is fill out this Google form, and I'll personally send you an invitation to join the Write Right Society on Tumblr! Can't wait to see your posts!
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jadeoru · 2 months
13: so casual -> prev / mlist / next
now playing: in my head - the mysterines 🎶
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“Hey, stranger."
His head immediately turned to the source of your voice, the sound of each word that left your mouth sent chills down his spine. “Hey.” He almost whispered, the ghost of a smile on his lips. He missed the way your name tasted on his tongue. “You look nice.” He sunk into himself, seeming as shy as he was the day you met him for the first time. It was cute. A sweet smile found its way to your lips. “Thank you! You look nice too.” Your voice was sweet and soft, a stark contrast to how it was when you were onstage: loud and powerful. Your head had to tilt upwards to look at him properly. Has he always been this tall? You should’ve worn your boots after all. He muttered an awkward thank you, his hands stuffed in his pockets. They moved in a way that made his nervousness clear: a subtle fidgeting with the lining of fabric. You had to take control of the conversation. “You ready to become friends?” You asked, a playful smirk on your face, almost wide enough to show your teeth - Almost wide enough to expose how excitement was gnawing on your core, in the form of butterflies. “Yeah.” He nodded his head. He regretted each dry response that fled from his lips, but he didn’t know what else to say. He was terrified of somehow messing everything up - again. Your eyebrow creased with hope that he’d loosen up as the day went on; that he’d actually say more than one word at a time. Otherwise, this was gonna be one awkward afternoon. “We have a lot of catching up to do.”
After finding an empty table next to a window, in the corner of the quiet café, sakusa sat down - waiting for you to return with the coffees you ordered. He glanced out the window, head in his palm. He silently hoped that you were thinking the same thing he was; you felt the same nostalgia that he was feeling. This was the exact same place you used to sit together every day after school. The same scratch marks littered the painted wooden table. The same table that witnessed pivotal moments of your friendship. After finding where he was sitting, you carefully placed your coffee down onto the aforementioned table, placing his in front of him immediately after.
After sitting down, you brought the straw to your lips, taking the first sip of your drink. You let out a gasp that quickly garnered his attention. “Oh my god, I forgot how good their iced coffees were!” Your voice boomed with excitement, quickly taking another sip. He stifled a laugh at your childish enthusiasm. If he squinted, he could probably see the heart-shaped pupils in your eyes. “Yeah? That’s the caramel one right? Is that still your favorite?” He asked, shuddering when you held eye contact. He regretted his words the second they left his mouth, quietly beating himself up for how obsessed he sounded. He was pathetic. Your voice quietened, a teasing expression taking over your face. He already knew he was fucked before any words left your mouth. 
“You know, for someone who hasn’t talked to me in years, you seem to remember all of my favorite things.” An embarrassed flush spread across his face, heating his cheeks at the implications. He cleared his throat, sitting up straight. “Well, you always did have bad taste. It’s hard to forget that.” He excused, lying through his teeth. It would be impossible for him to forget your favorite things, considering the amount of times you used to beg him to get them for you back then. He knew you more than he knew himself. You gasped again, feigning offense. “How dare you! Iced coffee is delicious!” you raised your hands as you spoke, outraged. He let out a huff of air: an almost-laugh. “Coffee should not be cold!” He spoke incredulously. He matched your tone, although he looked way more calm than you did. You rolled your eyes at him, “Coffee is best when it’s cold!” he opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off, “Clearly you haven’t tried this one!” You spoke matter-of-factly, waving the plastic cup in the air to structure your point, careful not to spill any. He scoffed, taking a sip of his own drink. “I don’t need to try every variation of iced coffee to know it sucks.” He stated, rolling his eyes at you. He gently placed his cup on the table, looking back up to you and noticing the outrage plastered across your face. He missed your dramatic banter. He was sure that if he really wanted to, he could close his eyes and pretend that nothing happened between the two of you. Because in this moment, it felt like you never stopped being friends. “Here- just try it!” you demanded, shoving your cup in his face, angling the straw in his direction. He stared for a moment, almost to make sure you were being serious, before taking the cup from your hands, and taking a sip of your coffee. His lips lingered on your straw for the longest second of your life.
He was silent for a while, putting you under the assumption that he was analysing the flavor. He didn’t give two shits about the coffee. With shaky hands, he placed your cup back down in front of you. His heart was racing. He stared at the table, not trusting what would happen if he made eye contact with you after what had just happened. He could feel his face twitching, trying to fight the blush that crept onto his ears. Your elbows rested on the table, barely inside his field of vision. You propped your head up, both hands under your chin as you waited for his feedback. Was he losing it, or were your hands trembling too? He cleared his throat again, his mind spiralling as he thought about the feeling of his lips on your straw. He was overreacting, he knew it. But he couldn’t help feeling this way when it came to you. You always found a way to make him feel like this. He hated it. How were you being so casual right now? Was it not as big of a deal as he thought it was? You laughed accusingly. “Look at your face! I knew you liked it!” You pointed at him, an evil grin filling out your cheeks. He didn't know much about how he was feeling in that moment, but one thing was for certain: it wasn't the coffee he liked.
"It's not terrible."
The rest of the afternoon went perfectly. Thankfully, despite the time that had passed, conversations between the two of you flowed as naturally as they used to. You stayed at the café until the second it closed. And if you had things your way, you would’ve stayed until the sunset. Every time silence passed over you, Sakusa rushed to fill it. Knowing that if he was left with his thoughts for even a second, he’d go back to replaying the indirect kiss you shared over and over again in his mind. Were you going as crazy as he was over it? He didn’t want to think of it. Before you went home, the two of you stood outside of the café doors, exchanging goodbyes. He didn’t have a chance to blink before you pulled him into a quick hug. It lasted maybe 3 seconds at most. It was one of those sweet embraces that caused you to squeeze him tightly right before pulling away. He would sooner die than admit to leaning into your touch.
“See ya next time, kiyoomi.” You spoke quietly, almost whispering.
He had his girl back.
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a/n: SORRY FOR THE DELAY!!! i hope this chapter makes u guys as insane as i am because i was losing my mind while writing this LMAO
TAGLIST: @gojoed @anianurst @itsdragonius @sleepy-writer84 @yuminako @wolffmaiden @tenjikusstuff4 @juie13 @ilyless @arachnoia @choizzn @3lectraheart @sugarrhiccupp @bbybibi @diorzs @le000xxgrd @aboveasphodel @petrus1989 @aria-in-wonderland @walllflowerrrsss @wave2mia @loveelylacey @marimisses @alpha-mommy69 @thepurpleempath @theauthorunicorn @v1oletfury @iluvmang @slashkxe @theycallmenanamisgirl @dailyakira @lunarlunaire @iovetooru @ryukumi @soupofmushrooms @megmercury @renardiererin @violetesensou @wtfdudewhydidyoutakemyusername @ast4rg1rl @dazqa @yoshit-he-dinosaur
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vacayisland · 10 months
Id be so happy if u could write some Branch x reader!! I love when he acts apathetic or like he doesn’t care but in the end will always end up helping the people he cares for. And has a weakness for the one he loves. Secretly insecure but loves looking for ways to impress them.
I dont have anything in particular to ask for, just would love to see some more branch x reader content!
@!; Bakin' with Love! Branch / Baker! Reader
"Summary"! In which Branch met Poppy's baker friend at the grand opening of their bakery and has a self realizing moment. "Tags!" Fluff :( I love Branch so much, he deserves so much better.
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@!; "Oh come on Branch!" Branch was, reluctantly, following Poppy across Troll Village; Well, in fact, he was being more tugged along than anything, as Poppy was basically trying to sprint while Branch did his best to keep up, despite being unamused at the lack of explanation he has received. It was, usually, never a good thing when Poppy was dragging him off to some unknown direction. Branch has learnt that from experience, "Poppy! Where are we even going?" And that seemed to get Poppy to stop, digging her feet into the ground as she spun around to look at Branch. Which set him off, coiling away a little as he took in the shocked, jaw-dropping, exaggerated look Poppy held. Did he forget a holiday, an anniversary, a birthday? Branch didn't know, nor did he know of anything special happening on this specific day. There wasn't anything in his colander, which spans the next few years. He hasn't heard anything by mouth of other Trolls, which were always excited to word vomit about anything that might be happening the next day. So Branch only shrugged when Poppy asked, waving her arms around to emphasis her question, "Branch! Do you not know what today it?"
Which seemed to make Poppy ever so more shocked, which was slightly amusing. Though Branch also knew in the next 5 seconds Poppy was going to explode and basically word vomit what was happening to him; in an over-the-top way that he had to learn how to listen to. More like how to break down and make sense of, because sometimes Poppy made no sense when she just pukes words. "Branch!! Troll village is finally getting a Bakery and one of my very, very good friends is opening it! It's the same person who usually makes the cupcakes or cakes or baked good for any of the parties we have thrown recently. They're an amazing baker and it's always been their dream to open a bakery! I cannot believe you haven't heard about this, it's all everyone has been talking about." And there Poppy went, right on time, waving her arms and yelling with the most excited tone in her voice. "A bakery?" Though that wasn't the answer Branch had expected, and he couldn't help but cross his arms and cock an eyebrow up at Poppy. "You're dragging me across the village for a bakery?" "Not just ANY bakery Branch! This is the a bakery by the best baker in the village!" Branch snickered a little at Poppy's excitement, the way she bounced on his toes. He rolled his eyes, knowing and expecting, Poppy to grab his wrist again so they could b-line it for the bakery. "And she's opening today and we cannot miss getting her double fudge, triple chocolate, licorice cupcakes! Oh, oh! Oh her glitter ball cupcakes or- OR ANYTHING!" And Branch, again, was right as Poppy grabbed his wrist and began to rush over to the other side of the village; dragging Branch over to a little half-stand and pod-like building on the ground. There was already a crowd formed around the entrance and inside, with other Trolls sitting around and eating baked goods they had gotten. Branch watched the trolls and their desserts, noticing a wide arrange of different pastries. Some on the more simple side and others more complex, such as cupcakes, brownies, cakes, bread, croissants, and even chocolate souffle. Now that made Branch do a double take, not having expected such a high-skilled dessert coming out from a bakery that just opened. "AH! Branch, this is so exciting!" Poppy was basically jumping up and down on her toes, grinning from ear to ear. And she wasn't the only one who shared the excitement. As Viva, who seemed to come out of no where, popped up besides Poppy with the widest grin. Branch had to coil back a bit, scrunching his nose, as Viva squealed along side Poppy, "I KNOW RIGHT!" "Hey, this is different!" Floyd, with Clay in tow, walked over to Branch, Viva, and Poppy; seeming to have been following Viva before she rushed off to her sister. "It's a bakery," Branch couldn't help but shrug as the line moved forward. "So many trolls can bake, or poop out baked goods. I don't really see the fuss about it." "Well, one it's actually the first bakery we have in the village-" Floyd would start, hoping he could get his brother to understand the excitement a little better. Yet Floyd was cut off by Clay, though he didn't mind much, "And I've heard that their baking is like, THE best in all of Pop Troll village! Viva came back with a dozen of their cookies one time, I had to physically restrain myself from eating them all!" "Oh, great." Clay tilted his head at Branch's sarcasm. "You know anything anyone eats here is sweets, right? I mean it can't be that healthy." The group would reach the front of the line as Branch crossed his arms and shook his head, wondering why the village would need another output to feed such an addiction. Yet, he was only met with a hand on his shoulder from Floyd as Clay rushed forward to order alongside Poppy and Viva.
"Just be happy for everyone else, yeah?" And Branch softened a little, seeing Floyd's small smile and sincere eyes. His hard stance broke as Branch relaxed his shoulders for a moment before he shrugged softly and nodded in agreement. "Alright, yeah, okay." Branch mumbled, receiving a pat on the shoulder from Floyd and a slightly bigger smile before he turned to go order. Branch decided to hang back for a bit before he followed, standing next to Floyd as he watched Poppy and Viva basically drool over the confections behind the display case. They chattered and debated which sweets they should get, and whether or not they should just buy one of everything; which Clay was trying to disagree to, claiming it was a waste of money, yet it was obvious he also couldn't choose what to get. Floyd was the first to notice when Branch walked around behind everyone to stand behind Poppy and Viva to look into the display stand. He noticed there was some steam that rose from products, which he guessed where more fresh than others; though he could also deduct that they were all baked between yesterday and today seeing as the scent of everything was so fresh. "I think, for the most bang for your buck, you should get some of the cookies that are slowly crumbling or the ones under steam." Branch pointed out from behind the sister, which caused them to pause and glance over at him. Both confused yet intrigued at his answer. Poppy placed her hands on her hips, giving Branch a challenging look, "Branch! I didn't know you knew sweets!" Branch only shrugged, "Well, the ones still steaming are likely the freshest, and the ones slowly crumbling have a desirable texture of a soft cookie. They're stiff enough on the outside to hold their shape but soft on the inside where they're slowly breaking, a nice balance." "And here I thought you were a crunchy cookie type of man." Viva added, pointing up and down at Branch. Yet they couldn't speak for long, as the back door of the bakery, which separated the kitchen from the front floor, swung open and a Troll carrying a cooling rack of sweets rushed in. They apologized for the wait, not taking a moment to look up, before they opened the display case and slid in the hot batch of cookies. When they finally looked up to greet everyone with a, "Hello! Welcome to Pop's Cookies, my name is (Y/N), how may I help you?" They stopped mid-sentence upon seeing Poppy and Viva, in which the three would share an excited squeal. "Oh my god Poppy! Viva! Hello you two." You exclaimed from behind the counter, moving around the display case and towards the register. Poppy and Viva would follow, "What are you doing here?! I thought I told you two that you didn't have to come!" "Did you really think we wouldn't come to support you?" Poppy quipped as Branch noticed the gleam in your eye. For some reason it made him pause and stare, so much so he didn't realize his brothers coming to stand near him. Floyd softly spoke to Clay about getting a strawberry shortcake brownie slice as Clay tried pitching that he was going to get an almond-cherry explosion cookie. Though they both knew that Clay would much prefer a cherry-lime cheesecake, yet was trying to keep up his 'professional' attituded. "Oh! (Y/N), have you meet Branch?" Poppy's voice pulled Branch out from his thoughts, causing him to blink and shake his head a little. That's when he noticed all eyes being on him. Well this was awkward... and he had to save it. "Hey!" Branch waved his hand once, giving you the only type of smile he could muster on such a short notice. In which, he could tell was a little odd and off, seeing as Poppy and Viva started at him a overly questioning look. While you, you stared at him with a quizzical look; Tilting your head to the side, as you stared at him like you were trying to read the very structure of his being. It was off putting how he felt like you could see right through him and at the same time see him. Branch glanced at Poppy for some sort of help, but she gave him a nervous smile and waved him off.
Branch tried to gulp back his nerves, wondering if he was being tested on his reaction or if you were simply judging him for not being as excited as everyone else about your bakery. It's not like he didn't support it or anything, he just wasn't the overly outward excited type and he hoped someone would explain that. And Branch saw Floyd glance over, seeming ready to say something or hopefully stand up for him. Yet he didn't seem to have to after a big grin grew on your face, "Say, Branch, you look like a soft double chocolate chip cookie with a fudge center type of guy to me! Would you like one? "Oh- uh- sure!" Branch answered with a small smile, somehow feeling rather relaxed despite his earlier anxieties. Though he did notice the shocked look from the others, you didn't seem shocked or disturbed he had agreed. In fact you seemed proud, for whatever reason, as you quickly grabbed a bag, fluffed it open, grabbed a wax paper and opened the case. You mulled over which cookie to select for a moment before taking the one you deemed as 'perfect' and began to bag it. "Braanch!" This is when Poppy spoke up, "You like double chocolate with a fudge center? How come you never told me!" And to that, Branch only shrugged his shoulders once more, "You never asked, Poppy." Branch explained as he walked over to the counter and accepted the bagged cookie. Later, when everyone had ordered and they decided to take a seat inside, Branch took out his cookie and couldn't help but look at it for a moment. Everyone around him was laughing and talking, eating their sweets at the same time, and he couldn't help but feel oddly seen. And by a complete Troll never the less. Usually people assumed he would like hard cookies, or the boring almond and nuts. Usually people assumed a lot about him because he was so different, and despite your slightly unsettling stare you had correctly guessed one of his favorite cookies. One he didn't even realize you had baked every time Poppy brought a dozen over to his bunker. So then that brought up another question in Branch. Did you just correctly guess his favorite cookie or did you remember it from the countless times Poppy (most likely) told you. Either way, why and how? That's probably what confused Branch the most. It's what made him turn around in his seat and look at you, watching as you served another costumer. A chipper smile on your face and an excited gleam in your eye. You weren't doing that guessing game or glare to anyone else. . . was he somehow special? Nah, probably not. But it did make him think as he took a bite into the cookie you had given him. Maybe he should come back tomorrow and talk to you about it. Yeah talk to you about the incident and for nothing else. Just clear up the air and all. Yeah... and maybe get another cookie.
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.ᐟ this work is published and owned by @vacayisland. please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, reblogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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Congrats on your huge milestone, K! You deserve it as so much more.
Can I request Tommy with 11. “Isn’t it beautiful out here?"?
I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Congrats again 🎊🎉✨
Thanks so much, Ace!! I hope you like what I’ve done with this one — of course I couldn’t help but use a gif from this scene! Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k Celebration — find more stories here!
A Clear Mind On A Cool Day
Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: none … maybe Tommy being ooc, but who cares, right?
Word Count: 790
Summary: Tommy is able to clear his mind as he spends some time outside with his family.
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Tommy eased himself down onto the chair, tipped his head back and almost immediately closed his eyes. He could hear his children playing nearby. The sounds of their excited screams added to the relaxing atmosphere. For the first time in a while, Tommy was calm.
He was sitting this exact same way when (Y/N) approached him some time later. A smile formed on her face as she stopped beside him. “Hi, Tommy,” she said softly, wanting him to know she was there before she gently placed her hand on his shoulder.
“Hi,” he responded in a whisper, not opening his eyes because he knew who it was from touch and voice alone. Instead, he brought his hand up to rest it on hers.
“Isn’t it beautiful out here?” (Y/N) asked as she moved to sit in her own chair.
“It is,” Tommy responded, sucking in a deep breath, loving the crispness of the autumn air. It did wonders in helping him clear his mind.
“How long have the children been playing?” she asked another question, finding her two boys in the middle of grabbing piles of fallen leaves and throwing them up in the air.
“For some time,” he couldn’t give a definitive answer. For once, (Y/N) didn’t mind it. “James came out first. He sat with me until Jacob came out, and then they both went to play with the leaves.”
(Y/N) nodded her head even though she knew Tommy couldn’t see her. She continued watching her children, basking in the comfortable silence that had fallen around her and her husband. If only every day could be like this, she thought to herself. She yearned for calm, domestic family moments like this one. She savored them when they happened because they were few and far between due to her husband’s business endeavors.
“Thank you for taking the day off,” (Y/N) broke the silence as she looked over at her husband again.
Her words made him open his eyes and look at her. He noticed her soft smile. Seeing it made the corners of his lips turn upwards. God, he needed to take more days off.
A cool breeze blew through the trees then, shaking the remaining leaves and making some of them fall to the ground. This made the two, young boys shriek in excitement as they ran to catch them. It also made (Y/N) shiver involuntarily. She silently cursed herself for forgetting her sweater inside.
“Cold?” Tommy questioned after he noticed his wife’s reaction to the wind.
“I should’ve brought a sweater with me,” she indirectly answered his question, a sheepish smile on her face.
“C’mere,” he ignored her sheepishness, tilting his head to the side as he gestured for her to come over.
(Y/N) didn’t need to be told twice. She stood up with a smile and made her way over to the chair Tommy was sitting on. She sat herself down sideways on his lap and nestled her face into the crook of his neck. Warmth overcame her instantly. She was jealous of how Tommy radiated so much heat, but it gave her the excuse to always cuddle closer to him on the colder days and nights….so really she couldn’t complain too much.
“Better?” he asked once she was settled on his lap.
“Yes,” she nodded the best she could with her head on his chest. “Although the arm of the chair is digging into my back slightly,” she pointed out a small gripe, her lips curving into a smile as Tommy shook his head and chuckled.
“Try not to lean against it then, love,” he proposed a solution. (Y/N) wiggled slightly to get away from the chair’s metal arm, so much so that Tommy was able to bring one of his arms around her back while the other draped loosely over her legs.
“Better,” she affirmed once she was comfortable. “And much warmer too,” she added, lifting her head to press a kiss to his cheek.
“Good,” Tommy hummed, tipping his head back so that he could close his eyes again. He reveled in the comfortable silence and the cool air, his mind completely clear and now focused on the feeling of his lady sitting close to him.
The couple stayed in that spot until the sun started to set. James and Jacob came running over then, effectively distrubing the silence, but not completely taking away from the peaceful feeling that had encapsulated their parents.
The family decided to go inside then so that they could get ready for dinner. As Tommy walked hand in hand with (Y/N), he silently said a ‘thank you’ for the ability to have a clear mind on a cool day.
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Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @theshelbyslimited @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @gypsy-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @dlmlufics @forgottenpeakywriter @cljordan-imperium @areyenotfondofmelobster @little-diable @thomashelbyswife @iambored24601 @shaddixlife
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Kiss It Better Pt. I
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x reader
Summary: Melissa engages in a game of kickball with her students and takes a nasty tumble. With the help of her colleagues, she makes her way to you, the school nurse.
Word Count: 4.6k
CW/TW: Mentions of hospitals and injuries
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Although Melissa was a seasoned teacher, sometimes it was challenging to get into the swing of things after a nice vacation. While she was used to instructing two classes, the job still came with its fair share of tough days. The holiday break was much needed, considering it gave her time to recuperate from the first semester.
Originally, she hadn’t planned on going anywhere, and was fully content with spending two weeks at home with her feet kicked up. That was until she heard you complaining about the brutal winter weather. You weren't native to the north, and though you'd lived there for some time, you hadn't adjusted to the seasonal changes.
The more you mentioned it, the more she realized the feeling was mutual. She decided it wouldn't hurt to ring in the New Year differently, so the two of you brainstormed destinations and settled on a spur-of-the-moment trip to Florida. She had a guy who could get her discounted plane tickets and a hotel room for little to nothing. Before she knew it, she was getting sunkissed on Palm Beach. She’d be making a ton of ziti to return the favor, but the bottomless margaritas and adrenaline-filled nights at the casino were more than worth it.
It was now a week later and with her mind still on island time, she hoped for a relaxed first day back. The class was rowdy when they arrived, but that was to be expected. They were excited to be with each other after a couple of weeks away, but luckily they could themselves down without much of her guidance. So far the day was going well, and she was teaching her last morning lesson before recess.
The class was reading silently, making it the perfect time to catch up on some emails. Most of them were from parents, but she had one from Ava with the schedule of upcoming meetings for the remainder of the year. The first one was tomorrow morning meaning she had to wake up extra early.
She rolled her eyes, and the expression only intensified as she skimmed through the rest of the message. According to the principal, breakfast would be provided. However, the last time Ava promised to provide food, the “breakfast” in question was fun-sized boxes of cereal from the cafeteria. She would definitely need her extra-large Stanley Tucci mug to get through tomorrow morning.
She had one last email to read and was delighted to see your name attached to it. The message was marked as a priority, declaring the content to be urgent. It was a reminder for all teachers, asking them to collect and return the forms the students received before the break. As the school nurse, part of your job was ensuring that the kids had updated health records on file.
As for Melissa's class, just about everyone remembered to have their guardians fill out your forms, and she planned to give them to you later today. That prompted her to text you so she could see what your schedule looked like.
M: Hey, I’ll bring those forms to you during my planning period
↪ You sure? I don't mind stopping by your class later
You knew someone was bound to forget to deliver the forms, so you’d have to snag them at the end of the day.
M: I’ll bring them, hon. One less trip you’ll have to make.
Truthfully, the redhead wanted an excuse to see you, and her planning period conveniently took place when your day came to a lull.
↪ Thanks! You’re amazing!! 
Melissa’s lips curled upward at your compliment.
M: I might sit with you for a few when I come down. Is that okay?
She was considerate of your job, and no matter how much she wanted to see you during the day, she never wanted to interfere with your work.
↪ Of course that’s okay. You’re always welcome. Just let me know when you’re headed down
For the most part, your relationship was under wraps. Everyone who needed to know was informed, and everyone else was left to assume. And assume they did, because your affinity for each other was a hot topic around the school. Abbott loved to talk, but Melissa had eyes and ears all over–literally.
She’d become acquaintances with a couple members of the camera crew, and their knowledge combined with Barb’s allowed her to obtain information from virtually every square inch of the building. Just about everything that was said made its way back to the source. However, it didn’t bother either of you. If anything, it was amusing, and you found fun in keeping everyone guessing.
Engaged in her reverie, Melissa didn't notice the child standing directly beside her until the small voice spoke. “Ms. Schemmenti.”
Startled by their presence, she nearly jumped out of her seat. A hand clutched at her chest causing the young girl to laugh. “Jeez, Mya!” 
“Sorry.” She motioned toward the clock on the opposite side of the room. “Isn't it time for recess?
Melissa looked to where her student was pointing and saw it was 11:20 AM. Crap. They were supposed to be gone five minutes ago. She thanked the girl for telling her, then stood up to alert everyone else.
"Alright, my little eagles, it’s time for recess! We’re a little late because I got distracted, but you guys aren’t surprised, right?” A unison of “no” echoed around the room. “That was a rhetorical question, but thank you for the enthusiastic responses.”
She answered queries about the meaning of ‘rhetorical’, while everyone got their coats on. It was considerably cold, but not cold enough for the school to cancel outside activities. Melissa didn’t mind since this was her kid’s way of getting their energy out and she always made sure everyone had enough clothing on to protect them from the chill.
Once everyone was ready, they walked down the hall in formation. Melissa’s class was large, and while it could be hard to wrangle them all, they did a pretty good job at keeping each other in check. 
“I can’t believe we lost a whole 5 minutes,” Daniel whined from the back of the line. It was quiet, but Melissa still heard, so she slowed her steps to meet him once he strolled by.
She wrapped an arm around his shoulder and said, “I’m sorry, buddy. I’ll make it up to you, okay?” When he didn’t respond she spoke again. “How about this? I’ll do a class vote, and then youse can decide what I owe you.”
Even though the boy accepted her apology, he still hung his head low. Melissa squeezed his shoulder for good measure, then let him free as they approached the doors that led outside.
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“Melissa!” Janine shouted, waving the redhead over to her. “I was looking for you guys. What happened?”
“Hey, kid. I was reading emails and lost track of time.” Melissa explained as she walked over to the second grade teacher.
“I had a lot of those too! Did you see Ava sent that one email, like, three times? It was so weird,” she laughed and Melissa agreed. “I bet your kids were sad about being late, huh?”
“You shoulda seen their faces when I told them they lost some time,” Melissa shared. “I might as well have told them Santa wasn’t real.”
Janine stuck her bottom lip out in a pout, knowing the exact look Melissa was referring to. “If it makes you feel any better, I’m still getting used to the flow of things too. The first day back is always a little rocky for me.”
“I’m usually okay, but I don’t know what happened today.” Melissa shrugged, looking off into the distance (Except she knew exactly what happened, and it was you).
“Well, they seem pretty happy now that they’re out here, so that’s good,” Janine noted.
“Yeah, but I’m sure I’ll be making it up to them for the next few weeks.” Melissa sighed and Janine nodded in agreement, knowing how relentless kids could be.
“Oh, one of your students is coming over here. I spoke too soon, it looks like he has a bone to pick with you.” She nudged the woman in her side.
Melissa narrowed her eyes before turning toward the student. “Hey, Daniel. What’s up?”
“Can you please play with us?” The little boy asked politely.
She looked across the playground and saw a group of students eyeing her expectantly. She couldn’t deny that it tugged at her heartstrings to see them so eager. However, playing with them wasn’t exactly on the agenda today.
“Oh, I don’t know, hon. There isn't much time left, and I’m sure you don’t want me slowing your game down.”
“Please, we really want you to play. And you said you’d make it up to us, remember?” He reminded her. 
This wasn’t her ideal way of making it up, but when Melissa looked down at the boy’s big, hopeful eyes, she couldn’t say no. She looked toward Janine and of course, she was looking at her with just as much expectation as the kids. The next thing Melissa knew, she was involved in a lively kickball game.
“Ms. Schemmenti, Ivy’s cheating!” Tyler yelled as soon as Melissa stepped up to the makeshift base. “I caught the ball, so that means she’s out!”
“I’m not cheating! The ball slipped out of your hands, so I’m still in the game!” Ivy yelled back at him.
“Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater!” He teased. “You’re out!”
Melissa knew that it wouldn’t be an elementary school game if there wasn’t a little drama, but she had to hold her laughter back as she listened to their banter. “Okay, that’s enough, guys. Now, Tyler, tell me what happened again.”
“Ivy kicked the ball and I caught it, so that means she’s out.” He explained to her.
Instead of handling the situation herself, she decided to play the mediator. “Okay, How many people saw Tyler catch the ball?” Almost everyone raised their hand, so she turned to the girl to give her a sad smile. “Sorry, hon. You gotta follow the rules.”
“No fair!” The girl crossed her arms over her chest and began to stomp away.
Before she got far, Melissa gave the child a proposition. “Hey, how about I let you run the bases for me? That way you can stay in the game.” Quite frankly, she wasn’t in the running mood, and due to the cold, her joints were stiff. She also didn’t want the child to be in a bad mood for the rest of the day. This way, everyone got what they wanted.
“Deal!” Her mood instantly changed, and Melissa received a wide grin and a high five.
“All right, Ivy’s gonna run for me.” She announced to the group.
“I think that’s against the rules.” Someone piped up from behind her.
“Well, I’ve got a bad knee, so I ain’t running anywhere.” The teacher emphasized her point by wagging her index finger from side to side.
“Well, Ms. Schemmenti, you did say we have to follow the rules.” Ivy recited the woman's recent words.
Melissa closed her eyes and released a sigh at the girl's remark, now regretting using that exact phrase. “Alright, Alright.” The teacher relented. As much as she wanted to disagree with the girl, she was right, and it would be unfair to go against her word. “I’ll run, but go easy on me.” 
“Okay, everyone get into position!” Tyler yelled, alerting his classmates that the game was about to start. He rolled the ball down to the teacher, and the woman gave her best kick without using her full power. They were undoubtedly faster than her, but she was certainly stronger, and everyone needed a fair shot. 
She then ran to first base and was pleased with herself at how quickly she got there. She hadn’t played a game like this in a while, so it was gratifying to see that she still could. The confidence boost allowed her to make it past the next two bases. Tyler hurled the ball in an attempt to get her out, and she dodged it.
Melissa soon realized that was a mistake once she tripped. The heel of her boot got caught on an uneven patch of grass and she failed to regain balance. Her ankle rolled inward and she collapsed with a thud. A series of gasps filled the air, and within seconds she was surrounded by concerned children. They were too scared to touch her, but that didn’t stop them from getting help.
“Teacher down! Teacher down!” A shrill voice shouted at the top of their lungs.
While Melissa was thankful for the effort, she was unhappy about the attention she now received. Embarrassment was an emotion she rarely felt, but today it was warranted. Listening to her students' frantic chatter gave her something to focus on other than the blush burning her face. 
“Okay, let’s back up! Give Ms. Schemmenti some space, please!” Janine's voice of reason rang through all the chatter.
The kids inched away, but only far enough so Janine could have access. It was clear they were protective of their teacher, as they wouldn't take their eyes away for a second in case something were to happen.
Janine held her hand over her mouth as she kneeled in front of the woman. “Oh my God, Melissa! What happened? Are you okay? Can you get up?”
Once the crowd dissipated some, the woman felt she could move freely. She sat up, dusted her hands off, then brushed the debris from her clothes.
“M’fine,” she muttered in response to Janine’s frantic questioning.
“Are you sure? You fell pretty hard.” Janine noted her flushed cheeks and she could only imagine how she felt. Being that she’d embarrassed herself countless times, she had an idea, though she’d never been in this exact situation.
Melissa smoothed her hair back into place, ignoring the sympathetic look on the younger woman’s face. The expression made her want to crawl into a hole and never return. “Thank you for that riveting statement.” 
She reached out for Janine’s hand, a silent invitation for her assistance, and felt herself being tugged into an upright position. She hadn't felt it at first, but once she planted her right foot on the ground, a searing pain shot through it. Reflexively, her arm slung across the shorter woman’s shoulder to keep herself steady. She hissed, then hung her head low in an attempt to conceal the pain on her face. 
“What’s wrong?” Anxiety laced the junior teacher’s voice, but Melissa just ignored her, unable to simultaneously be in pain and answer questions. She took another step, thinking she could walk it off, but she was sorely mistaken. A groan slipped from her mouth and the sound shocked her as much as it did Janine. 
The latter's steps halted, almost causing the injured woman to topple over. “Okay, you’re obviously hurt. I think you should go see Y/N.”
At the mention of your name, the redhead straightened her posture. There was no way in hell she would go to your office and interrupt your day for something minor like this. She wasn't bleeding or dying, so she wouldn't have you fussing over her when you had students to care for. “I'll be okay. I just need to make it to my classroom.”
Janine bit the inside of her cheek, a telltale sign that her worry was increasing. “I don’t know, Melissa. I think you should let them take a look at it.” 
She tried to stand on her own to prove a point, but she simply couldn’t do it. The pain only grew with her efforts, and tears began to prick at her eyes. “Just let me sit down for a bit, okay? I’ll go see Y/N after lunch if it still hurts.”
Janine settled for the compromise and recruited a teacher to watch their kids while she got Melissa inside. It was a challenging effort, but miraculously, they made it back safely. They received a few strange looks from other staff members, but Janine warded their concerns away with a smile. Once they arrived, she helped Melissa get settled at her desk.
“Don’t worry about your class, I’ll bring them back,” Janine assured her. “Do you need anything while I’m here? I could get Barbara if she’s–”
Melissa immediately shook her head. The very last thing she needed was for Barb to find out. “That's okay.” 
Janine gave a wary look in return, as she wasn’t expecting her coworker to deny that offer. “Are you sure?”
She huffed, sick of the questions, and took a beat before answering. “Just bring my kids back, please. That’s all I need right now.”
She wasn’t in any position to argue with that, so she accepted the task. “Okay, I’ll have them back in no time.”
“Thanks, pipsqueak,” Melissa said, causing the woman to take on a disgruntled look. Though she wasn't happy about the circumstances, she switched her tone to show her true appreciation. “Really, Janine, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” She smiled, happy that she could complete a good deed for the day.
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Moments later, Melissa was reunited with her rambunctious class. They came pouring in, not even bothering to take their coats off as they filled the empty space around her desk. Despite the considerable change in climate, they were too invested in her situation to care. 
“We heard you fell.”
“Are the second graders in trouble?”
“Did you break your leg?!”
“Are you going to the hospital?”
“Who’s gonna take us to lunch?”
She broke her silence to address the last comment. “Really, Elijah? That’s what’s on your mind?” 
“I’m sorry, Ms. S, but I’m starving.” He rubbed his belly in broad strokes.
“Don’t worry, you’re gonna get to lunch on time.” While that was great news, it only answered one of their burning questions. They continued to stare her down and she caved at the sincerity. “I know I probably scared some of you, but I’m okay. My leg is not broken, and no, I will not be going to the hospital. Most importantly, no one is in trouble, capisce?”
When she received answers of understanding, she moved on to the next order of business. “Now, let me see who’s gonna walk youse to lunch.”
“Ms. Teagues can take us, or Mrs. Howard!” A student announced excitedly, waving in the direction of the door where both teachers were standing. However, Melissa was so focused on consoling her class and making sure they got fed, that she didn’t notice their presence.
She tried to roll toward the class phone, but it was on the opposite side of the desk. The feat was too large, so she grabbed her cell instead. She scrolled to Janine’s contact, internally swearing that this would be the last favor she asked of her. “Mrs. Howard might be busy, hon, so I think Ms. Teagues is our best bet.”
Elijah grabbed the woman’s attention again. “No, she's not. Mrs. Howard is right there.” He nodded toward the outskirts of the crowd. 
Barbara’s deep eyes shone with concern as they met Melissa’s, but the redhead could only scrunch her face in confusion. What the hell? she thought, but it all made sense once she saw Janine sporting a guilt-ridden expression.
Her lips thinned into a smile as she tried to keep her composure. “Ms. Teagues, do you mind taking them to lunch? I’d appreciate it so much.”
Janine knew what that look meant, so she was quick to speak. “Not at all! Come on guys, grab your lunches if you brought one today.” Once everyone was ready, they made a swift exit because she didn't want to face Melissa’s wrath.
As the last footsteps trickled out, quiet fell over the teachers. Barbara’s eyes never left her best friend, inspecting her from head to toe, watching as Melissa twiddled her thumbs. It irked Barb that she wasn’t paying the slightest attention and she would not tolerate being blatantly ignored. “Melissa Schemmenti! Are you going to tell me what's going on?”
Melissa proceeded to avoid eye contact. She picked up a pen along with a stack of papers as if she were about to grade them. Her petulance sent Barb over the edge. If she didn’t want to tell her, that was fine, but she was tired of this little game.
“You know, I was trying to give you a chance to tell me yourself, but it seems you would rather act like a child.” The woman smirked, knowing her next words would get a reaction. “Janine already told me what happened.”
“I told her to keep her mouth shut!” Melissa curled her hands into fists and banged them against the wood. “I’m gonna kill that girl!”
“Not with one working ankle, you won’t,” Barbara quipped.
“I'll find someone to do it for me.” She shot back, not in the mood for jokes.
Barbara just rolled her eyes, disregarding her friend's dramatic nature. “So what’s your plan? Are you going to roll around in this chair all day?”
“Just leave it alone, will you?” Melissa was getting tired of the third degree from everyone. If she wanted to sit in her room all day, why did it matter to them? It was her injury, not theirs.
“I will not leave it alone! Not until you go see Y/N.”
She looked the older woman directly in her eyes for the first time today. “I’m not goin’, Barb.”
“You will, or I’ll tell them to come to you. Better yet, I'll drag you to an urgent care.” Barbara crossed her arms and gave Melissa a daring look.
“Oh, now you’re out of your mind,” Melissa scoffed. Even though they were in her classroom, if she could get up and walk away, she’d leave Barb right there with her delusions.
The woman gasped audibly at the insinuation that she was crazy. “Trust me, you haven’t seen me out of my mind.”
“You sure? 'Cause that sounds pretty insane to me.” She twisted her pen in a circle near her head, showcasing how absurd the idea sounded.
“No, Melissa, what's insane is you sitting here with an injury, making no attempts to seek medical attention, when there's a perfectly capable nurse in the building!” Her hands moved fervently as she spoke, the pearls around her neck rattling from the action. “Since you won't go on your own, I’ll get someone to take you.” With that, she marched out of the room, having had enough of her obstinacy.
“Barb, don’t you dare!” She yelled, but there was no use as the woman was halfway down the hall due to the speed she was walking.
She groaned in frustration, not faring well with having one working foot. The dull ache was a constant reminder of what occurred, and though she knew it was in her best interest to see you, she wasn't in enough pain to seek your help. But leave it to her colleagues to put their noses into her business.
She reached for her purse and rifled through it before pulling out a compact mirror. If she was going to be seen in this state, she wanted to make sure she looked presentable. As she met her reflection, she frowned. Her hair was out of place, her eyelashes were wonky, and there were a few spots where her makeup had smudged. She fixed what she could, applying lip gloss to finish her look. As she ran a brush through her strands, footsteps approached her room.
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” She threw her head back as Gregory came through her door. “Why are you here?”
Gregory almost looked as confused as her, and as he prepared to speak, Barb cut him off.
“To escort you to Y/N's office.” She smiled kindly, directing her pearly whites in Gregory's direction.
Melissa side-eyed the man, adding a mean mug to show her dismay. “But Barb, I don't need—”
“Ah, ah, no buts." She held a hand up to silence her. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go teach, but I expect you to have your injuries mended when you return.” She didn't walk away until she received final confirmation from Gregory.
“Oh, yeah, I'll make sure of it,” he promised. Though he was content with minding his business, he'd only agreed to this because Barb wouldn't take no for an answer.
Melissa sighed as the man moved to stand behind her, in preparation to wheel her out. She turned around so he could understand the grave meaning behind her words. “Just take me there. Don't ask any questions and don't tell anyone what you saw.”
“Oh, I already know how you roll.” After receiving another dirty look from the redhead, he noticed his poor choice of words. He tucked his lips into his mouth, then bowed his head before saying, “I'm sorry.”
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You didn’t expect the first day back to be so crazy, but it had been jam-packed with injuries. Nose bleeds, headaches, fevers, stomach aches, you name it. You didn’t mind though because it made the day go faster. You had one more student to tend to before your break, so you decided to clean your office before their arrival. You disinfected the cots and countertops, as well as your little waiting area, and then you took inventory of your supplies and stocked up on whatever you’d need for the last half of the day.
“Hey, nurse Y/N!” Melissa’s student, Daniel, waved excitedly as he entered your office. He gave you a quick hug before retreating to his original spot.
“Hey, buddy! How was your break?” You loved hearing about what the kids did during their time off. He told you about the trip he took to visit family in New York, and how he got to spend the holidays with his grandmother who he hadn’t seen since he was a baby. He also mentioned all the good food he ate and the presents he received. “That’s awesome! It sounds like you had a great time.”
“Yeah, it was pretty great. What did you do?” The curious boy asked.
“I went to Florida,” you said casually, hoping to get a reaction out of him. When he gasped in shock, you flashed a grin in his direction.
“No way! That’s so much cooler than New York.” Daniel was infatuated with Florida, on the account of Disney World, and he made it known that he would save every penny ever given to him in hopes of being able to afford a ticket to the attraction.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t go see Mickey Mouse without you.” You knew the question was on the tip of his tongue. “But it was a pretty cool trip.”
“Ms. Schemmenti went to Florida too!” He informed you, still looking at you with stars in his eyes. 
You smiled as he told you the bits and pieces that Melissa shared with his class, minus the details of her gambling adventures. However, you weren’t sure she left out 100% of the details, because Daniel recalled her saying that she would incorporate some new card games into their math lessons to “teach them some new strategies”. Leave it to Melissa to teach her students how to outsmart each other.
“It sounds like she had a lot of fun!” You exclaimed, taking in the events as if you weren’t there to experience them firsthand. Her students were ridiculously smart, so you were ready for him to catch on to the similarities in your story, but he didn’t. 
You busied yourself with preparing his medication so he could make his way to the cafeteria. Daniel had cystic fibrosis, so he took pancreatic enzymes to aid his absorption of nutrients. He took them before every meal and snack, so he was a frequent flyer in your office. “Alright, dude, I got your pills ready. You just need to get some water.” He gladly accepted the paper cup from your hand and walked toward the water fountain. 
You looked around the room as he took his meds, and the absence of another child caught your attention. Normally, Melissa utilized the buddy system to ensure that her students made it to their destination safely. “Did you walk here by yourself?” 
“No, Ms. Teagues walked us to lunch today.”
You scrunched your eyebrows in pure confusion. “Why was Ms. Teagues taking you to lunch?”
“Ms. Schemmenti hurt herself so she couldn't take us,” he explained.
Hearing Melissa’s name in the same breath as the word ‘hurt’ made your heart rate pick up, but you kept a poker face. “Really? How’d that happen?”
A guilty expression crossed his face, and he released a deep breath before speaking. “Well, we were playing kickball during recess and she fell. It was kind of scary, but then she got up and everything was okay. At least I think she’s okay.”
“What makes you say that?” You tried to get as much information as you could before the bell rang, signaling that it was time for the younger kids’ lunch. 
“She told us she wasn’t in pain, but I don’t think that’s true.”
You hadn’t assessed the woman yet, but you agreed with his statement because you knew how Melissa was. She worked hard to keep up her tough persona, but even the students could see past it sometimes. “You guys really roughed her up out there, huh?”
The boy shrugged sheepishly. “We didn’t mean for her to get hurt. She’s one of our favorite teachers, and we just wanted to have some fun.”
You could see he truly felt bad, so you attempted to cheer him up. “It was very nice of you guys to include her. I’m sure she appreciated that.” You smiled. “Don’t feel too bad, okay?”
He nodded, and with that, the bell rang. You walked him to the exit and sent him on his way, but now without a hug goodbye. “Have a good lunch. I’ll see you later for a snack.” 
Once he made it down the hallway, you focused on the sight directly to your left: Melissa sitting in her desk chair with Gregory at her side, standing against the wall, as if he were her bodyguard (though that would be a pointless duty because everyone knew Melissa didn’t need a guard).
You motioned them into your office so they'd be out of the crossfire of hungry kids. The pair looked at you with blank faces, and you stared at them with your hands on your hips. “Well, what do we have here?”
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A/N: Hey, how are ya? It’s been a while and I’ve missed writing immensely. I'm a little nervous about posting again, but I hope this was worth the wait. Let me know what you think, and thank you for reading! P.S. Special thanks to everyone who voted on the poll <3
237 notes · View notes
m1ckeyb3rry · 4 months
CHAPTER FOUR WAS SO GOOD UGHH literally the only fanfic I have ever loved so much and wait for updates like this. Am so excited for the next one!!!
On the topic of finally opening requests, I was wondering if I could ask for head-canons of what a relationship with Seishiro and a female reader would be like. If we want to be specific, maybe related to the fanfic? Like, how you would imagine their relationship would have been like back when they were still in high school, young and with Nagi’s past soccer career and all. Don’t feel pressured to write this, and good luck with everything!😽😽
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Synopsis: Headcanons about having Seishiro Nagi as your boyfriend.
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Event Masterlist
Pairing: Nagi x Reader
Word Count: 0.9k
Content Warnings: none really, just generally fluffy and silly
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A/N: AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON i hope you like where i go w the story in the future!! and hehe now that we’re in the past arc of peregrine you will actually get to see all of the nitty gritty details of their relationship in the fic itself so i won’t spoil it 🤫 but i love nagi ofc so i’ve added some general headcanons on what i think he would be like as a bf
Additional: part of my 500 follower event! see the event description and rules to make a request of your own.
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no matter how the two of you get together, reo is somehow involved LMAOAOAO like bro is ALWAYS at the scene of the crime in some way shape or form just because i don’t think nagi would really pick up on the fact that he has a crush on you without outside intervention
it would also definitely be a jump scare when he confesses!! you would have zero idea it’s coming because he literally hasn’t changed how he acts towards you whatsoever
canonically he doesn’t really interact with a lot of people or have a lot of friends and he’s not aggressive with romance so i just don’t think he’d really know what the appropriate method of telling someone you like them is
would probably say some shit like “reo says i have a crush on you” and would be so nonchalant about it meanwhile you’re like “???” because you did not even realize he knew your name and also why is reo being brought up
i honestly think he would not be a bad boyfriend. yes he is lazy and unmotivated but he does what he needs to do and if something is important to him he generally puts in effort for it
that’s another reason why it would take him foreverrr to ask you out — he would have to like you enough that he realizes he does in fact want to have a relationship with you even if it is a hassle
he doesn’t have social media though so don’t expect there to be an official announcement that you guys are together or anything like that HAHA
he would probably forget to tell anyone that the two of you are dating and it’s not because he’s ashamed of you or is trying to hide you or anything he literally just does not care what other people think and would prefer not to talk them if possible so it never comes up
you’ll show up to an event with him and everyone’s like “omg nagi who is this” and he’s like “this is my girlfriend” and someone (probably otoya tbh) is like “since when have you had a girlfriend” and he’s like “it’s been two years 😐”
i think he would be fire at insulting people just because of how many video games he plays…that man has seen some of the worst sides of humanity
the world is lucky he’s a pacifist and avoids conflict because he has some vile stuff stored away (i will never be over him asking barou if he practiced kneeling because he’s about to make him his servant)
this particular quality makes him the BEST person to talk shit with
he’s not a gossipy boyfriend in the sense that he doesn’t have anything juicy of his own to contribute to the conversation but i’m pretty sure he mentioned he watches dramas at one point so you know he’s locked tf in if you need to complain abt someone
he will sit there and be so invested in the tea…def would not give any useful advice but he will make fun of anyone bothering you so you still end up feeling better
i don’t think he would get jealous honestly
the thought of you cheating on him doesn’t cross his mind at all because why would he date someone he didn’t trust fully???
i would say he expects the same from you because he would but at the same time he voluntarily talks to one (1) other person besides you and that’s reo so the opportunity for you to be jealous just wouldn’t even crop up
definitely super clingy and cuddly
loves being babied too
according to epnagi he has this whole automatic system in his apartment to clean and do laundry and i think he’d be fine if you appropriate that so no more cleaning!! but you will have to cook because that man literally only eats fruit jellies
genuinely how is he so built and not dying of malnutrition SKJFDSHKJ
he probably is terrible at coming up with date ideas so it’s up to you to plan things
again it’s not malicious i think for him just spending time with you is his ideal date!! like he doesn’t see the point in getting dressed up and going somewhere fancy when you could just eat at home and be comfortable together
but if it’s an important day or you tell him that you want him to suggest something for once, he WILL go all out (which means calling reo for advice and doing what he tells him to)
overall communication is key with him. he’s not particularly sensitive or in tune with other people’s emotions so being passive aggressive or expecting him to read your mind will honestly just end up making your mood worse because he will not pick up on the fact that something is wrong
but if you tell him what you want him to change he will happily do it!! he just needs to be told very clearly if you’re upset or need him to do something different
honestly it would be very refreshing. there are zero games with nagi and he doesn’t really try to hide anything — what you see is what you get 100% of the time
overall 10/10 would date idc haters dni he’s a sweetheart and he’s doing his best
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158 notes · View notes
Sweeter Than Revenge 6
Fandom: Twisters, Tyler Owens, f!reader, Scott's Sister!reader Summary: Today is the day! You are riding with Tyler and Boone directly into a tornado. Get ready for an experience you'll never forget. Word Count: 3303 TW: Flirting, Kissing, Developing Feelings, Storm Danger, Scott Sucks, Language Notes: A massive thank you to @blue-aconite and @green-socks for reading this over for me and for all the constant support! And to @mayhem24-7forever for always answering my late-night panicked messages
Series Masterlist
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After breakfast, you helped Dexter and Lily clean up and prepare to leave for the first chase of the day. You gathered up the trash bags, jogged the short distance to the dumpsters, and tossed them in. When you turned around, you jumped as you found Tyler standing in front of you.
Clutching your chest, you swore, “Damn it! Why does everyone have to keep popping up and scaring me!”
He grinned, swaggering forward as he said, “I saw that little show you put on with Boone. It seems like you might not be over that revengeful streak of yours after all.” He stopped a few feet from you.
You lifted one shoulder as you tilted your head down so you could look up at him from under your lashes. “What can I say, some habits are hard to break.” Stepping closer until your chest almost grazed his, you lifted your head and stared unwaveringly into his eyes. “And sometimes people need to be reminded they aren’t the only ones who can tease or play games. Or that maybe they aren’t as smooth as they think they are and others can see through their bullshit deflections.”
Tilting his head, almost in a sign of deference, he murmured, “Good to know. Maybe you should take your own advice.” 
He leaned his head closer to yours…then pivoted and walked back towards his truck, once again leaving you flustered and your cheeks burning. As you silently cursed him, he yelled over his shoulder, “Oh, you might wanna have a talk with Boone about that little act before he shows up at your room with flowers and a box of chocolates.” 
You rolled your eyes and trudged after him.
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It turned out, Tyler may not have been exaggerating. When you made it back to the camper van, Boone was there waiting for you, asking if you needed any help or if he could carry something for you or if you wanted something to drink or—
You couldn’t see Tyler, but you swore you heard him snickering somewhere nearby. 
As politely as possible, you explained to Boone that while you appreciated his offers, you were fine and that you hoped he didn’t get the wrong impression from your hug earlier. Boone’s face flushed as he stammered out a few “‘course not”s and “we’re cool”s before excusing himself and slinking away. You felt really bad at essentially using him, especially after he had been nothing but kind to you. Once again, you kicked yourself for allowing the old you to come to the surface and not having the self-control to stop playing games. 
Luckily, everything seemed to be forgotten by the time you joined Tyler and Boone at the red pickup a few minutes later. Boone was back to his usual excitable self as he prepared his camera and showed you how everything worked. Between his handheld with the live stream and the several other cameras mounted in the truck capturing video to be edited later, it was actually more complex than you had imagined. It seemed as if you really had underestimated Boone, and that made you feel even worse for involving him in your scheme earlier.
Then suddenly, it was time to roll out. You had been so focused on your behavior that morning that you hadn’t thought about what was about to happen next. As the last of the bags were stowed away in one of the vans and Dexter did one last run down of the current weather patterns, a knot began to form in the pit of your stomach. Telling yourself you would be driving into the middle of a tornado today had been one thing. Now facing the very real fact it was about to happen, you wondered if you should have skipped breakfast. 
On trembling legs, you walked over to Tyler’s truck and reached to open the back door. But just as your fingers closed around the handle, an arm draped itself across your shoulders. “Nuh uh, sweetheart. You’ve got shotgun.” 
You turned to face Tyler, the knot that had been forming in your stomach tightening. “But I thought Boone—”
“Boone can get plenty of footage from the back. But this being your first time wrangling a storm, we want to make sure you have a front-row seat to the action.” Tyler opened the passenger door for you. When you hesitated, he raised an eyebrow. “Unless you’re having second thoughts about riding with us? There’s always room for you in one of the other vans.”
Swallowing hard, you said, “No. I-I can do this.” 
You started to climb in, but Tyler grabbed your arm. Positioning himself so no one else could see you between his body and his truck, he softly murmured, “Listen, it’s okay if you don’t want to. You don’t have to do this to try and prove something to anyone, even to yourself. Just coming with us after the storm like you did yesterday already puts you on the list of the bravest people I’ve ever met. And no one—not me, not your brother—no one can ever take that away from you. But—” he leaned over so the brim of his hat brushed against the top of your head and his thumb caressed your arm “—if you do want to go, I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. It’s your choice.”
The sincerity in his tone left no doubt that he meant what he said. If you decided to ride with Lily or Dani and Dexter instead, there would be no judgment. Tyler wouldn’t look down on you or think less of you for it, and that was all you needed to make up your mind.
Shooting him a grateful smile, you said, “Thanks, but I really do want to do this. And I always feel safe with you, Tyler, so I know this time won’t be any different.”
He grinned. “Alright then. Let’s go wrangle us a tornado.” 
He squeezed your arm one last time before helping you climb into the truck. Then he shut your door and hurried over to the driver’s side. Boone hopped in the back seat with an excited whoop just as Tyler’s door slammed shut.
You quickly buckled your seatbelt—trying to not think about the thick harness you hadn’t noticed the last time you rode up here—and settled back into your seat. But you froze as you looked out the windshield and saw Javi and Scott standing the Storm PAR vehicles still parked next to the main office. They were both staring right at you: Javi’s expression somewhat concerned yet accepting while Scott’s was nothing but pure apathy. 
You wondered if Javi told Scott the two of you had talked last night, though you hoped he kept it to himself. Not for your sake (you doubted it would have changed Scott’s opinion of you) but you didn’t want Javi to put himself into an uncomfortable position playing mediator for his business partner and said business partner’s sister. 
Tyler noticed who you were staring at and asked, “We good to go?”
You sighed. “Let’s do this.”
He nodded and started the engine. Easing the truck forward slowly, he rolled down his window and when he pulled alongside the group from Storm PAR, Tyler shouted, “Hey, Scotty! Make sure you watch the stream today so you don’t miss out on your sister’s first time driving headfirst into a tornado!”
You maintained eye contact with Scott, waiting for him to demand you get out of the truck or refuse to let you do something this dangerous. But instead, he just scoffed as he folded his arms across his chest. “Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it. She was scared of thunder until she was a teenager. Trust me, she’ll be begging you to turn the truck around before you get a hundred feet from a storm.”
Lowering your eyes, you sunk further into your seat. Not only had he shaken the little confidence Tyler had helped build up in you, but Scott had just revealed something utterly embarrassing to your new friends. It was true that you had cowered under your covers or hidden from all windows in the middle of bad thunderstorms well into your teenage years, but you had gotten past it. However, you didn’t want the people who faced some of nature’s most dangerous weather on a daily basis to know that!
For a long moment, Tyler just stared at your brother. Then, shaking his head, he asked, “What is wrong with you?” before pulling out onto the road. 
Once the motel had disappeared in the rearview mirror, Tyler reached over and rested his hand on your knee. “Hey, don’t listen to him, okay? He’s just trying to get under your skin. You got this.”
You nodded and tried to smile at him, but you could tell it didn’t look as confident as you hoped. 
From behind you, Boone let out a low whistle. “That dude’s really your brother?” You nodded. “Dang, no wonder you decided to hang out with us instead. He sucks.”
The unexpectedness of that assessment caused a burst of laughter to escape your lips. Tyler glanced over, grinning and squeezing your knee. Your smile widened, feeling less forced and more genuine. Looking at the other storm chaser in the visor mirror, you chuckled. “Yeah, Boone. He really does suck.”
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Tyler had mentioned he was looking for a smaller EF1 or EF2 for your first time out. However, the storm the Wranglers ame across looked much bigger than that. It was at least twice as wide as the tornado you saw yesterday, yet Tyler and Boone didn’t seem the least bit concerned. If anything, they seemed more excited than you had ever seen them before.
As the sky grew darker and the truck began to sway slightly in the increasing winds, you dug your fingers into the interior of the truck so tightly that your knuckles cracked. Scott was right. You weren’t brave enough for this. What the hell were you thinking wanting to go on a chase? It wasn’t a game. Thousands of people were injured or killed in tornados every year and now you were going to just drive up next to one? Possibly even into one? This was insane!
Seemingly sensing your mounting fear, Boone leaned forward, his head poking between you and Tyler, as he looked at his friend. “You sure she’s ready for this, T? I mean, no offense, but this one might be a little much for someone who's never done this before.”
But Tyler just grinned. “Nah, she’ll be fine. Won’t you, sweetheart?”
You nodded, your eyes wide in terror as you stared at the approaching storm. “Y-yeah. I’ll be fine.” 
Your voice betrayed the anxiety that was flooding every cell of your body, but Tyler reached over and took your hand, prying it carefully off the center console and giving it a tight squeeze. The small gesture instantly caused the panic rising within you to mellow slightly. The idea of what you were about to do still terrified you, but knowing Tyler was behind the wheel made it somewhat bearable. 
He nodded to the harness hanging limply on the sides of the seat. “We won’t need those for a bit, but you might feel a little more comfortable if you strap in now. You know, just in case.”
Immediately, you slipped your hand from his and began fumbling with the harness. It seemed pretty straightforward but seeing how your hands were shaking, it’s more difficult than you initially thought. Without taking his eyes off the road, Tyler reached over and straightened the strap that was twisted across your chest. Then he helped you click it into place before taking your hand once more. However, this time, he raised it to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the back. It was more demure than the kiss he had placed there last night, but it still sent the same thrill through you all the way down to your toes. You quickly glanced in the visor mirror, but luckily it seemed Boone was too preoccupied with getting his camera set up to see what had just occurred. 
Tyler continued holding your hand until rain began pelting the windshield, the storm now looming so large in front of the truck that it seemed to block out everything else. You heard Boone starting his video introduction in the backseat but you didn’t register anything he said as you sat frozen in your seat staring at the approaching storm. It wasn’t until Boone nudged your shoulder rather forcefully that you realized he had been speaking to you. 
Shaking your head, you asked, “What?”
Boone chuckled nervously, glancing from the camera to you. “I said introduce yourself to the chat.”
“Oh, sorry.” You quickly said your name then continued to stare into the lens like a deer caught in the headlights as Boone left it focused on you, unsure of what else he wanted.
Luckily, Tyler came to your rescue. Grabbing Boone’s hand and swinging the camera to focus on him, he said, “Y’all probably remember me mentioning our newest Wrangler in yesterday’s stream. Well, she handled that storm like the pro she is so we thought we’d give her a shot at the main attraction today. Ain’t that right, sweetheart?” 
Tyler winked at you before turning the lens back in your direction. You smiled and nodded. “Yep! We’re gonna…wrangle us a tornado!”
It felt a bit stilted, but the pride and warmth radiating from Tyler as he looked at you made you feel like you had just given an Oscar Award-winning performance. You bit your lip and looked away as you felt the heat rushing to your cheeks. But then you remember what Tyler had said about you hiding your face when someone compliments you so you turn back and look him dead in the eye. The warm look on his face only intensified before he turned his attention back to the road ahead.
A few minutes later as he pulled the truck into the path of the storm, Tyler slowed to a stop. He flipped a few switches on the center console and pressed the red button on top of the joystick positioned there. You heard a whirring sound and the truck seemed to sink into the ground slightly. Tyler must have deployed the augers to lock the truck in place. Dani mentioned yesterday that they had never failed since they were installed and you prayed today wasn’t the day that changed.
But as the edge of the storm grew closer and closer, you felt a fresh wave of terror grip you. Placing both of your feet on your seat, you wrapped your arms around your knees, curling into yourself as much as the safety harness would allow. You focused all of your energy on your breathing, trying your hardest not to start hyperventilating. But as the tornado finally hit the front of the truck, you let out a small squeal and buried your head in your knees.
However…nothing happened. The truck didn’t flip wildly out of control. The windows didn’t shatter into a million pieces. The augers didn’t give out. 
Slowly, you raised your head. The entire truck shook and vibrated around you, the sensation sending tremors throughout your body. Outside, random bits of debris struck the truck but nothing seemed to be able to break through its upgraded structure. As the initial wall of wind passed by the truck and you found yourself deeper into the storm, you actually found yourself relaxing slightly, unfurling yourself where you had tucked into a tight ball. If something bad was going to happen, it would have been when the tornado first hit the truck. Right?
Tyler leaned over until his lips brushed the curve of your ear and he whispered. “Look up.”
You could just make out the words over the howl of the storm but you did what he said. Tilting forward, trembling as your face neared the windshield, you squinted up into the wind. For a moment, all you saw was dirt and debris swirling around. But then you noticed a smaller, tighter vortex dancing through the center almost as if there was a tornado within the tornado. And as you followed this swirl up, you gasped as you caught just a glimpse of the sky peaking through the opening of the funnel. It was one of the brightest blues you had ever seen and it was utterly magical. 
You looked over at Tyler. His face was beaming as he watched you and, in that moment, he was even more breathtaking than the storm. Time seemed to stop and nothing else existed besides the two of you. Not the storm, not Boone, not the camera, nothing.
Your eyes met…then so did your lips. You weren't even really sure who initiated it and you didn’t care. His lips molded against yours perfectly, his tongue dancing across the entrance of your mouth as he tested his boundaries. But when you parted your lips further, he slipped inside as he wrapped his hand around the back of your neck and drew you closer. He tasted like coffee with just the hint of peppermint. And as his stubble scraped across your skin, you hummed at the shiver it sent racing down your spine. 
The kiss was everything you had been imagining and so much more. 
Needing more, you tried crawling across the center console to straddle his lap but something hugging you tightly across your chest stopped you. It was only then that you remembered the harness holding you into your seat. Your fingers scrambled against the buckle, finally unhooking it—
“And they say there ain’t no love in Oklahoma! Well, if that ain’t love, I don’t know what is!”
You and Tyler both jumped apart, startled by Boone’s joyful exclamation from the backseat. Horrified, you realized he had just filmed your kiss and broadcasted it live on the Wranglers’ YouTube channel. You buried your face in your hands, only peeking through the smallest crack to see Tyler’s reaction. 
He ran his fingers through his hair, brushing the fallen strands off his face as he muttered, “Boone–”
But his fellow storm chaser paid him no mind. “You saw it here first! The tornado wrangler himself has been wrangled by a new beau.”
“And if any of you out there has ever wondered if two people could kiss in the middle of a tornado, I guess we have our answer!”
“Boone!” Tyler shot you an exasperated look and you lowered your hands, chuckling softly at the silliness of the whole situation. It was only then that you also noticed the storm had passed and everything outside the truck was now calm. Too bad the same couldn’t be said for inside the truck.
Tyler reached into the backseat and wrestled the camera out of Boone’s hands. Then, he took a breath and aimed the camera at himself as he plastered on a smile. “Well, I guess that’s it for today, folks. Things took a bit of an unexpected turn but in the middle of a storm, you never know what might happen! Thanks for watching and as always, if you feel it—” he leaned across the center console until his face was next to yours in the shot “—chase it.” And he pressed his lips against yours once again.
You could feel Tyler grinning against your mouth as you returned his kiss. Without pulling away, you reached out and covered the lens of the camera with your hand. The world had seen enough of you and Tyler for one day. However, if you had your way, the two of you were just getting started. 
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Part 7 coming 9/23!
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