#I am losing patience
lastoneout · 1 year
catch me losing my mind trying to explain to people in my life that AI isn't one of those "there is no ethical consumption under capitalism so don't have a panic attack in the grocery store bcs you have to buy something in a plastic container" situations and is instead one of those "hogwarts legacy/eating at chick-fil-a/not wearing a mask in public" type situations where you are actively helping normalize and/or contributing to the financial viability of things that are doing copious amounts of real, tangible harm and you kinda have an obligation to like not fucking do that actually
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"It's not abuse when done in moderation >:(" oh right ok so when your husband slaps you across the face but doesn't choke you out, it'll be fine when the cops tell you they can't do anything because it was done in moderation? When another kid on the playground throws your kid into the dirt and gives them bruises and a nosebleed, the teachers can shrug and say "well, he didn't break his nose, it was done in moderation!"
You're completely sailing straight past my point. Whooooooosh.
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eroticcannibal · 4 months
You have got to all stop calling Jews zionists just because they are Jews.
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damian-lil-babybat · 18 days
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'Dead Poets Society' gang
Headcanon that these four drop poetry and literature quotes on their conversations unprompted.
Jason 'English-major-I-only-visit-the-manor-for-the-library' Todd-Wayne
Damian 'I-master-liberal-arts-unlike-you-plebs-PHD-holder' al Ghul-Wayne
Cassandra 'I-learn-English-thru-Shakespeare-as-god-intended' Cain-Wayne
Duke 'only-title-holder-of-vigilante-poet-and-will-cuss-you-just-as-poetically' Thomas-(future) Wayne
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nikibogwater · 6 months
I hope Eric is having a lovely morning. I hope he's savoring his mug of tea/coffee. I hope he lingers over a warm breakfast, surrounded by loved ones, and goes outside to breathe in the fresh air and stare up at the springtime sky and just Be for a while.
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territorial-utopia · 2 months
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Huzzah! It's birthday time! I'm slowly accumulating more and more things I like (latest additions this vest I made and a travel typewriter! Still need to fix the latter one though)
Sure has been a year.
#got my wisdom toofies out#well 2 out of 4#still got stitches#idk if this removal lowkey fixed my fear of the dentist?#it was so easy and painless#also finally i'm on anxiety meds jkahsdjash#i also got depression meds but i haven't tested them yet#I'm going to see the love of my life soon again!!!#only 2 more months to go....#i've also finally found awesome friends who don't make me feel like i'm insane for wanting to be cared for#the difference is like night and day#old friends saying hey let's surprise another friend of ours oh also i think it's your birthday on that day#new friends reminding me to pick a brunch place for us to go on my special day#i am sobbing#the right people are out there#don't lose hope#i've never felt this platonically loved honestly#also yes i'm working on the next dragon's lair aksjdhasjkd#just#a lot of things happening and i'm sooo burnt out#this piece was such a strain and i just#don't have patience for art rn#this is photobashed btw there's an actual photo of my typewriter under all those layers#i'm not about to spend 300 hours just to draw a typewriter from this angle kajshdjkasdh#ALSO ONE MORE THING CAN I JUST GUSH ABOUT THE ANASTASIA BROADWAY OKAY?!?!?!#I didn't realise until now that they made it way more historically inspired and i mean bruh BRUH#i have been having a recording of it playing on the background nonstop for like 3 days now#Vladimir Popov I want to inject you straight into my veins holy shit he is a perfect man#Vlad and Lily the love story that we don't deserve but need#their kiss is just perfect ajsdhajsdasdsf
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deoidesign · 28 days
Idk who needs to hear this but time and time again isn't over!!!
Webtoon removed the "time and time again will return!!!" Banner and I don't know why, but it's not over!!! There's still another 1/3 of the comic to go! There's a lot more stuff that I'm working on and it'll be coming back soon!
Please be patient with me, I know it's been a long time... But the stuff I'm making is really good and there's a lot of reasons it's taken this long. I promise I want it back more than anyone.
I'm trying to come back around the end of October. I'm doing my best to get everything ready in time, so no promises, but I'm on track to do so! I'm just one person writing and drawing everything, and my editor was fired so I'm not even getting any notes anymore. It's literally just me. I'm doing my best I promise!
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kiilttis-art · 9 months
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” I’m you. ”
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frobby · 25 days
rin 1000000% has a list somewhere of things hes good at that yukio is bad at
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respectthepetty · 3 months
Warning: I'm about to be real crazy about Wandee Goodday's eighth episode.
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I knew love was coming because of pink = 💕love💕 but they are framed in purple
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Because their colors are purple and yellow!*
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Yak's color is yellow.
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Not brown.
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And Dee's color is purple
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So why do I keep getting attacked by this damn blue!
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It's purple, Dee!
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It's yellow, Yak!
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So why can y'all not get your shit together?!
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Why am I seeing these fake colors?!
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Why can we not figure this out?!
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And that damn brown?!
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Next week, Dee is going to call out Yak for not being himself.
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And they are going to end up in a space that fits both of them
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So after that, can we please stop with these fake colors?
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Yak already said that he loves Dee, so it is about damn time for him to put on Yak's purple!
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If the colors do not color the exact way I think they should, I will not enjoy this show any less because I am greatly enjoying it so far, but . . . either I see purple on Yak's body the next time they kiss on the lips or in the finale because if not, I'm going to turn into Miley Ray Cyrus and come in like a motherfucking wrecking ball to destroy EVERYTHING!
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*I could be wrong. Their colors could be brown and blue. They could be bi-colored. Yeah, and Bojangles Bo-Berry Biscuit could not be the best biscuit that ever existed at any chicken joint. I'm always open to the possibility that I'm wrong about stuff. I don't think I have everything right all the time. I've been wrong before. This could be another instance of that. But if I'm wrong, then the whole team is wrong, and that seems . . . wrong.
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We can't ALL be wrong?
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napping-sapphic · 11 months
I talk so much about how i want to fall in love for all the things i could do for someone and all the things someone could do for me but deep down, if i’m being honest, i want to fall in love because i just so desperately need to know that love is actually real and that there are people out there capable of truly loving me
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torque-witch · 7 months
I think the worst part about chronic pain is not knowing if I’m a little bitch or not
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obitohno · 2 years
thinking about coming home from work and sneaking beneath the covers to touch yourself, knowing full-well that as soon as bakugo finishes his patrol, he’s going to absolutely ravage you for the lewd photos that you dared to send him during your lunch break
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bittsandpieces · 5 months
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I’m missing Geordi.
Just a tad bit :)
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vitasexualiiis · 1 year
highkey obsessed with this series of events:
Dazai having an emotional reaction to remembering Mori as "the embodiment of rationality. Like a math equation, he stays cool and commands the situation."
Dazai learning that Mori wants him back.
Dazai DEFENDING HIMSELF ("Cruelty? Come now. Just part of the procedure. It bores me, really.") when Higuchi brings up his past cruelty. "Your blood is as dark as the Mafia itself."
Dazai learning that they're there on Mori's orders to protect him.
Dazai learns that they are protecting him from Q, who he is obviously absolutely terrified of for reasons we don't quite have explained to us.
This means that Mori (the paragon of rationality in Dazai's mind) intentionally released Q, which Dazai thinks is absolutely fucking stupid and terrible, to the point where he doesn't even believe it at first.
Dazai experiencing Atsushi under Q's control.
Dazai letting Q leave despite telling Q he's going to kill them and pluck their heart out.
Dazai (looking fucking exhausted by this point) thinking about how he can't take the time to ponder the morality behind the ADA's plans. (And assumedly the PM's as well.)
Dazai tenderly taking Atsushi by the face only to viciously slap him and tell him to stop pitying himself.
Like goddamn my boy is having a TERRIBLE 20 minutes here. I have no idea if I'm off base here, but it almost makes me wonder if Dazai's little speech toward Atsushi is also directed at himself a little bit 🙃
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