#I am...only moderately happy with the faces. that's kind of what they look like in my head. enough to get the idea
daisywords · 1 year
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drawing the blorbos from my brain to procrastinate everything (including other drawings lol)
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d3arapril · 9 months
modern!abby headcanons
a sfw ver because i can’t get over the fact that abby isn’t real. Goodnight
⭐️ safe for all audiences. my inbox is open! any feedback, ideas or general chat is welcome <3
abby loves loving and she loves to be loved.
she loves her friends, her family and she loves you the most. she even thinks she loves the old, kind man that ran the small bookstore she’d been visiting since she was young
having lots of people around her is super important to her, she has a big heart and even though she looks like a lion she’s really just a little baby house cat that wants to make people happy <3
she’s a bit of a people pleaser sometimes. like she goes our of her way to do things for people even if she really doesn’t want to but she’s working on it 💪🏽
loves being around you but also loves time to herself to work out, read and drool on her pillow during a particularly deep sleep without being mocked by you every morning
ABBY SLEEPS LIKE A LOG. this bitch does not move during her sleep, like you could literally scream bloody murder and she’d barely flinch. she also sleeps on her front sometimes and has her face in the pillow ??? you often wonder if she’s even alive and breathing (she is) (she has little to no trauma and jerry is alive in my world so she doesn’t get nightmares etc. i want the best for her &lt;;3)
i think she’s very particular about looking after herself/keeping clean etc and it’s a super big thing for her. although she’s fairly masc presenting don’t be fooled, shes a lil girly girl deep deep down
her hair is long and healthy because she never uses heat and uses hair masks, she looks after her skin and uses the ordinary products (they work for her ok!), she exfoliates and shaves her legs frequently bc she feels like they look more muscular when they’re smooth and she enjoys feeling like a dolphin
she’s always got her hair in that damn braid and you try convince her to do other styles but she basically refuses
“you don’t like it?” she’s whining, faking it of course - she knows you like it. “no abs i love it, just wish you’d wear your hair down more. suits you”
“well that’s reserved for only you, babe” the soft kiss she presses to your temple and the brush of her hands against your hips makes you want to braid her hair forever until your fingers seize up
i feel like abby doesn’t have much of a dress sense lmao like girl just wears plain clothes and calls it a day. basically how she dresses in game but just less dirty and more kind of.. modern and put together. not the ugly brown boots tho ❌
she wears doc marten boots and adidas sambas. has 3 different pairs of sambas actually
prefers alcohol over drugs. she likes to get drunk in moderation and she can sink so much tequila (she blames manny and nora and says they are bad influences… abby is the one pouring the shots🙄) and she becomes a lot louder and clingy when she’s drunk and thinks she can dance. she can’t.
i kind of mentioned this in my nsfw hc’s but abby probably has an old like iphone 5c or something cos she doesn’t really care about upgrading it
girl hates video games so she probably isn’t big on tech in general. as long as she can call and text she doesn’t care too much
“you may as well just get a nokia, abby..” “what am i? a drug dealer? 🙄”
sticking to the theme, abby doesn’t really use social media that much. she refused to download tiktok because she didn’t want to fall into the trap of endless scrolling (she fell into said trap approx 20 minutes after downloading the app. now it’s “babe have you seen what i sent you yet?” every 10 minutes)
doesn’t care about/keep up with trends etc, confused when u ask her about the roman empire
“i mean, i’ve read about it? what kind of question is that??”
does have a burner instagram acc that she follows u and a few of her closest friends on (not mel)
also uses snapchat every so often to send u gym pics and u get excited thinking it’ll be a mirror pic of her flexing or something but instead it’s just an extreme close up of her sweaty ass red face with the caption ‘Help 🫠’
has an album in her photos called ‘Progress’ where she tracks her gains 🥰 its ur fav and u ask to look at the pics all the time 🥰 shes ur big muscly baby 🥰
abs can get a lil bit hot headed and irate sometimes so u argue every now and then but it’s never anything major, and she always buys u flowers and grovels until you’ve made up anyways
she usually just goes to the gym if she’s feeling some type of way and works out until she’s on the verge of passing out to make her feel better (you told her that she should deal with her anger better. she told you that she know’s what she’s doing…)
calls you babe but that’s kinda it, also likes to be called babe
likes to give u massages and run you a bath… and then gets in the bath with u and takes up basically all of the space
when u went on ur first holiday together she had to use the sicky bag on the plane bc of her fear of heights :(
she’s getting better now tho, just squeezes her eyes shut and holds your hand until the bones almost break… she then falls asleep for basically the entire flight and drools onto her neck pillow lol
refuses to watch anything but american dad at bedtime bc she really enjoys it for some reason
she looks after you with all she has and would go to the end of the earth for you if she could. there’s no one else like her
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amphiptere-art · 3 months
Black Star is sitting on one of the benches in the pizza plex. Seemingly almost falling asleep. Looks awkwardly painful but he seems comfy. He's awoken very abruptly by happy roars. Ravenous speeds past. Shaking the whole hallway. Black Star holding onto the bench to keep his balance until the rumbling stops. He lets out a exhausted sigh. Trying to comfy on the bench again. Ignoring the other footsteps that pass by. Believing there simply one of the others trying to keep track of ravenous. Although he stiffens in surprise on the footprints stop and a voice calls out to him.
Are you all right there? You don't look exactly comfortable? If you're taking a nap then shouldn't you go to your room and be in bed?
Black star snarls. Sitting up on the bench. His body tensing in an aggressive manner.
I'm fine where the fuck I am. Go chase your brother or whatever. Leave me alone.
DH Earth gets an angry face. Stiffening up and looking like she's going to follow Ravenous. Although she stops. She shakes her head with a snarl and looks back towards Black Star.
You know what. What is your problem!? I haven't done anything to you! I've heard a thousand times that you've had some issues in the past. Blue Moon's terrified of me. I'm not an idiot. But it's been months. It's been literal months and you still hold on to this anger. You fight with me and kick me out of every room! I have a right to feel comfortable here! I've been trying to respect your space. How about you give me some!
Black Star growls. Backing up further on the bench. Claws slightly unsheathing.
I don't have to give you anything! You already get everything in the world, All you earths do. You just have to stay away from me and my brother and there won't be any issues.
Well why don't you try and stay away from me for a change!
I have been!
No you haven't. The only time you do was when I am somewhere before you are there. But no if I walk in a room with you suddenly I have to get out.
That's fair! We're avoiding each other the same way.
And what if I have to go to the other side of the room. What if we're both invited. Every single time that's happened I'm the one kicked out. But no my brother gets to stay. Do you realize how much they whine about the fact I'm not there!
In my opinion they'd be better off without you.
Oh shut up! I'm not like your Earth. I don't care how similar our worlds are. I cared for a ravenous. I still care for ravenous! Why the hell can you not give me that!
Because all you Earths are a scam!
No we aren't! I'm an exception! I'm the difference! Every other Earth I've ever heard of is a kind, blind, bludgering idiot! Every other Earth in this goddamn multiverse can't even make up a lie for their own good. They might be truthful to a terrible fault, but they out of everyone are the most kind in this whole goddamn multiversal family! You're supposed to be the one that knows everything about the multiverse! How do you not realize this!
Black Star snarls. Standing up attempting to look intimidating to DH Earth. It does not come off well due to his smaller size. DH Earth holds her ground.
I do realize it and I don't care! I'm forced to be in your presence in three different dimensions! You could at least give me some care here.
Then can you give me some care!
DH Earth brings up her hands into fists. Clearly angry. Black Star attempts to back up. Falling down on the bench though forgetting it was behind him. Bringing his hands up defensively.
(And now I'm going to give a bit of a pause if you guys want to send over some sort of moderator. @digimonlover09 @sigery)
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
Eloped in Space
Danny glanced at his husband who just gave him that annoyed, displeased look. “Obviously, he’s not very happy about that,” Danny said with a grin before he looked back at his new step children. “Ya see, after being around for as long as I have, things such as life and death don’t matter as much. Moonlight here doesn’t fully understand that. He is still in that phase in his mortality where he believes that all life is sacred regardless of what he has done.”
“So… since you’re my new step dad, would you be mad at me if I killed the Joker?” Jason asked slowly, it was worth a shot at least.
Danny shrugged. “I don’t see why I would be. It’s very healthy for murder victims to avenge their murders,” Danny said with a shrug. “If I had been murdered when I died, I would have wanted to avenge my death as well.”
“So… I can?” Jason clarified. 
“Sure. I’ll help you if you want,” Danny offered, a happy smile on his face. This would be perfect! Bruce had been so worried that Jason would be the one to be less likely to accept Danny had his new step father! This would be a great way to bond with his new stepson. 
“Oh my god, you’re the best dad ever,” Jason exclaimed. He looked at Bruce and gave him the most withering, annoyed look he could. “That’s the kind of attitude a father should have when their murdered son wants to avenge their murder.”
“Shut it, Jason,” Bruce said, crossing his arms over his chest in annoyance. 
“I am just saying life and death really does not mean that much. Besides, once Joker is in my realm, he is subject to whatever I would like to do to him,” Danny said with a wave of his hand.
Jason grinned and looked at his siblings. “I dunno about you guys but I approve,” he said and fell onto a couch, crossing his arms over his chest as he gave his new step father an appraising look. 
“A father who approves of murder? I think that I am okay with this new change,” Damian stated before he looked Danny up and down. “I will not call you dad.”
Danny grinned. “What do you want to call me then?”
Damian let out a hum as he thought about this. He was more than okay with his father getting married and by the display of power that this Danny has shown, he was more than worthy of his father’s time. Not only that but Danny was more than okay with murder if it proved to be necessary. Not only that but he was a king of an entire realm and loved his father. He saw no true issue with this union. “Step-Father,” he decided. 
Danny gave the youngest Wayne an excited smile. “I’ll take it!” He looked at Bruce and took his hands in his own. “See my sweet Cassiopeia, you were so worried about Damian and Jason’s approval and they’re the first ones who are okay with us being together!”
The batman just gave his husband a disapproving look. “Because you just gave them both the go ahead for murder, of course they’ll like you,” he said in annoyance. Danny just let out a giggle and kissed his husband softly. 
“It will only be in moderation, right boys?” He asked, glancing at the two brothers. Jason and Damian both gave their father twin innocent smiles as they nodded their heads. 
“Of course, Father, in moderation,” Damian said smoothly. 
“If Dad gives us the go ahead first, I don’t see a problem,” Jason said crossing his arms. At this, Bruce let out a huff. Jason rarely called him Dad and usually only when he was upset or in need of comfort. Danny immediately got the dad name. He wasn’t jealous, definitely not. 
Dick let out a hum and took a seat next to Tim and looked at his other siblings and their de-facto siblings, Barb and Steph. “What do you guys think?”
Cass smiled. “Bruce is happy. New Dad is nice,” she said, shrugging her shoulders before she looked at Danny. “Dad?”
“Dad,” Danny agreed, a happy smile on his face. 
“I mean, Cass is right. Bruce is happier than I’ve ever seen him and I bet Danny can keep him on his toes,” Tim stated, giving Danny a look. 
“I’m right here,” Bruce grumbled. Danny shushed his husband and looked at the siblings. 
“Do I pass?” He asked. Duke, Tim, Dick, and Barb all looked at one another before they shrugged. 
“Dad,” they all stated happily. 
“Will you be joining us on patrols?” Damian questioned, giving the man a hopeful look. 
Danny simply shook his head. “No, I’m just going to be Bruce’s happy little housewife. I’ll be here with Alfie, bonding and doing my own work. If any of you need me, you’ll be able to get a hold of me at any time. I’m more than happy to help but the vigilante thing isn’t my thing anymore.”
“What a shame,” Damian said with a tch. Danny just shrugged his shoulders and wrapped his arm around Bruce’s shoulders and kissed him again. 
“Love you,” he murmured, nibbling at Bruce’s bottom lip softly. Bruce just smiled. 
“Love you too,” he said in response, causing all of the siblings to stare in surprise. Bruce? Emotionally vulnerable? He could never.
Read part six here
@mynameisnotlaura @neverlandingbird @angelheartgamer @connorsbonez @quietlyscared  @kgne-k @namichanth @magificence12  @alinmenttreasure  @phantomskeep @themirrorghost @dragonmoon2995 @numbuh-7-knd @blacksea21090 @blankliferain @avenInfear @rentatsunagi @bytheoldwillowtree @michikoy-yuki @aro-acedumbass @legowerewolf @justwannaseesomebrozawa @starscreamlover @undead-essence @skulld3mort-1fan @random-shit-writing @yinari-uchiha @dragongoblet @lesling123 @ascetic-orange @pastalavistamf @illusionwolfwriter24r8 @drowningroane @jotaroslooseeyebrowhair @daemonlogical @jogjosmowwdkfs @markus209 @fox-sama97 @that-one-goblin @immakittybear @the-legal-shipper @blackstar-gazer @spoopyspoony @mj-arts-n-stuff @cloudminder 
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soufcakmistress · 1 year
In the Heat of the Night
A/N: Babies what is good!!!! I am so rusty but I’m so happy that I got this out for yall. Yall know I love me some Jonathan Majors, but I don’t write for real life folks. That’s just MY preference, no shade to those who do. Please comment and like and reblog to let me know how yall feel. Let’s get into it!
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The south side felt different duting the summer. Kids were out of school, frolicking in the streets and turning on the fire hydrants. The ice cream man made several stops throughout the neighborhood, the old heads played their card games and dominoes until the wee hours of the morning, and the bars stayed packed with ladies and gents to take a load off. Summertime Chi felt larger than life.
Delphine Freeman sat up in her bed and stretched her arms to the sky. Looking behind her, she saw an empty bed with nothing but a small note on her husband’s pillow. “Picking up some things for breakfast. Be back soon, my love.” She picked it up and held it to her heart. That man of hers.
Delphine remembers the first time she encountered Atticus. Her family had just moved from Virginia, and she was totally new to the Midwest. At first, it was hard making friends at a new high school in a new place. Her accent and bumpkin ways attracted the wrong kind of attention among these city folks, so she kept to herself. Until one day when Atticus was helping his club attract new members, and he passed a flyer to her in the hallway. “You should come. Who knows, you might find a friend here.” He had her, hook line and sinker with his gentle way and sweet smile.
Atticus looked like 6 days of beautiful creation from God above AND the seventh day of rest to her - she missed seeing his face this morning. Delphine laid back against the pillow that smelled like him and reminisced on their roller coaster ride of a relationship. Fighting entitled white people over magic and who it really belonged to and his birthright, his trauma from Korea and monsters straight out of a pulp book— nobody with sense would ever believe it. The storm was over now, and her and Tic lived in peace, as well as holy matrimony.
The memory of her betrothed looking so debonair in his suit on their wedding day made her heart palpitate. Her legs squeezed together, recalling those shoulders filling out that blazer and kissing those lips as they said ‘I do’. She especially loved the surprise on his face when the ceremony was over and she slipped her hand in his pants right outside their wedding suite and him allowing her to take what was hers. “Oooh, I love that man.”
She was feeling frisky now. The window was cracked with a moderate breeze flowing into the room but Delphine’s heat couldnt be contained. Flashes of him saving his entire family from catastrophe, him shirtless and bespectacled reading aloud one of his favorite pulp books while he laid in her lap, the look of adoration and love when they bought their home on the South Shore. Tic was all man….and all hers.
Sweat dripped between her large breasts, her coochie ached in the best way and she couldn’t take it anymore. Delphine took Tic’s pillow and put it in between her legs. The reflection of her in the vanity bureau with her slinky nightgown raised up on her hips made her feel like she was a bit unhinged. If she didn’t cum now, she would lose it. So she rode that pillow like its name was Atticus Freeman and he was the only thing that could satiate her.
Her clit hit the seam of the pillow so precisely, it almost took her over before she was ready. “Shit, shit….oooh Tic baby…damn..” She pushed the straps down from her nightgown to expose her breasts and she really got to moving.
The key in the front door lock clicked with Tic lumbering in with a couple brown paper bags of breakfast stuff. He went to the kitchen to put everything away, but could have sworn that he heard something from the shared master bedroom. He got the baseball bat they kept in the coat closet and inched toward the room. Tic pushed the door in slightly and what he was met with could have knocked him on his back.
His sexy ass wife rubbing her pussy in figure 8’s on his pillow. Tic made sure to be quiet putting the bat along the wall, and rubbing his crotch slowly to take Delphine in. He knew when she showed signs of her incoming orgasm— shaking her head back and forth, fingers tangled in her hair, stomach fluttering…..she was almost there. When she finally shouted in delight, he couldn’t take it anymore.
The sound of a zipper coming down and broke her out of her trance. Delphine gasped when she saw her fine ass husband staring with bedroom eyes and pouty lips that made her wanna howl to the moon. “Looking for this?” He pulled his dick out of his pants and a deluge of fresh slick coated the meeting place between her legs.
Delphine almost started up again on the pillow but when the object of her deepest affections was just as hungry for her, it would be criminal to not take advantage. “Damn straight. Bring yo ass over here, four eyes.”
BB King played on the kitchen radio, and the lovely couple made breakfast together. Tic already put on a hot pot of coffee, and he sipped on a mug as he fried up some bacon. Delphine stood next to him in one of his shirts and panties, making her famous blueberry pancakes. Both hummed along and caught cute ass glances at each other, floating on their sensual high. It felt so good. Not having to worry about what the next day held and being allowed to just live.
The phone rang while Tic started cracking eggs, and he wiped his hands on the tea towel. “Freeman Residence. Lester, my man! What’s shaking? Nothing much brother, just me and the Mrs. making some breakfast. She’s doing VERY well, I’ll let her know you asked about her.” Delphine turned around with feigned shock when he said that, knowing his subtext and that he blew her back out for the ages just twenty minutes ago. She walked over with a huge smile and popped a blueberry in his mouth and kissed his lips.
He pinched her butt when she went back to the stove and finished chatting it up with Lester. “Sunday? We’ll be there brother. See ya then.” Tic looked at the calendar on the wall next to the phone, to see if there was any extra obligations needed for the guidebook and his aunt Hippolyta. He also did some math and tried to remember his wife’s last cycle. “That’s why she’s so frisky…”
Lester had a block party over where he stayed in Bronzeville, and it was jumping! All kinds of rhythm and blues and guitar singers filled the south side with a plethora of food to choose from. Little girls playing jacks and double Dutch, little boys doing bike races, the teenagers making googly eyes at each others and the elders trading recipes for lemonade and greens. Everybody would pitch in and bring something for the community to enjoy. Delphine took all of Friday to make 5 sweet potato pies from scratch and Tic grilled so many slabs of ribs, it was insane. Irene, Lester’s wife was tight with Delphine; her and the other young women gossiped while sipping beers on their stoop.
“Uh oh, ‘Phine. Tic is over there getting rowdy at that card table.” Irene loved to tease—he was putting them back and with each hand he won, the louder his voice carried. “Oh hell. Lemme go feed my baby.”
Delphine made Tic’s plate with everything he loves — ribs, chicken, potato salad, cornbread, sausage dog with relish and an ice cold Budweiser. “Hey baby, you been doing a whole lot of drinkin but not a lot of eating. Come on now.” Tic acquiesced and moved with her away from all the men. She sat on his lap at an empty table and fed him some of the food before he took over, and started feeding her too.
Tic’s skin was all tan and his arms and pecs were bulging in his shirt. He didn’t even have to try to get her riled up. Delphine rubbed his back, and absentmindedly played with his ear. “All right now. You know that’s my spot.” They both had their fair share of alcohol that evening, and Delphine usually would have to beat Tic off with a stick. The shoe was on the other foot now. “Tic……I don’t have any panties on..”
He almost choked on his beer when his minx of a wife started talking so salacious like in his ear. “I like this Delphine. She takes what she wants. What you trying to do? Only if you say it, will you be able to get what you want.” Delphine’s skin pimpled because he meant every word. All the ruckus and commotion around them meant nothing in that instance. Just her and her husband. “I want you to take me in that alley…..and do whatever you want to me..”
That sinful jawline clenched, and she knew he would do just that. Wasn’t any more talking. He drained his beer, and dragged her down a few streets to a secluded alley. Delphine stood at the brick wall, flushed with the strap of her linen dress down her arm. Tic cradled her face and they kissed each other so deeply that they breathed for each other. She undid his pants letting them fall to his knees, and he picked her up.
Delphine was so wet, the slick was almost to the inside of her knees. Tic’s thrust was so strong, they both gasped aloud. “Yes Tic, fuck me hard!” His face lived in the crevice of her neck, licking and kissing. Just like every muscle on his sculpted body, Tic was rock hard and filled her up so deliciously. The same BB king song from the other morning played and they were able to hear it still. Everything swirled around the both of them and yet nothing at all mattered. His low grunts were so sexy and she could tell he was about to cum.
“Oooh I love this pussy baby, I love this pussy….I fuckin love you!” Atticus filled his wife up all the way that it spilled down her legs and the heat of it all triggered her to orgasm. She pulled him in even more and he expelled more of his love inside her. Tic brought her down to her feet, and she stumbled immediately. Tic steadied her and stuck his tongue down her throat yet again. “Atticus Freeman….the man of my dreams..”
The guidebook was doing so well.
Atticus and Hippolyta had been able to come to an agreement on operations; Atticus would be able to make final edits and handle submissions to the publisher and Hippolyta would be able to do most of the trips to update the stops. She acquiesced to Tic’s request that he would join her to assuage his nerves if she went more than 3 states away.
The book was flying off the shelves and Hippolyta had been able to meet some publishers in Kansas City and Detroit to put in some local Negro owned shops and apothecaries. It was the second Saturday in August, and the entire South Side would be at Washington Park for the Bud Billiken parade and festival. Delphine and Tic packed up their station wagon with fold up chairs, a cooler full of beer and pop, and more food to last a winter. Dee was finally feeling better and she rode with you guys to the Bud as she was Delphine’s favorite little cousin.
Everybody was rocking and rolling to the marching bands and majorettes. Delphine and Dee looked at all the floats and picked their favorite one. “Oooh Dee, you see the grand marshal? That’s a good lookin man!” She made sure to say it in earshot of Atticus; she loved him a bit jealous and possessive. He cut his eyes at her, smirking behind his beer. “All right now, don’t get in trouble.”
“Baby, there is nothing more that I would love to do than be punished by you.” Delphine stuck her tongue down her husband’s mouth, and Dee gagged at the public display of affection. “Y’all are so gross I swear!”
The grand marshal announced who had the best float and the best marching band in Chicago, and the party went on until late in the night. “Come on, dancing queens, let’s get y’all home.” Atticus loaded the car up and Delphine and Dee fell asleep in the backseat holding each other. Atticus looked in the rear view full of gratitude and unbridled joy at his two girls. He stopped at Hippolyta’s house and carried Dee inside.
Delphine moved to the front seat after and waited for her husband to drive them home. The angles of his face illuminated by the streetlights made him even more handsome in the low light. She couldn’t help but to stare. That same feeling from that other morning came back with a fierceness. He felt her eyes on him and winked at her. “You looking like you still hungry for something…..”
“That mouth on my body…that’s what I need.” Delphine sat with her back to the door and lifted her dress, pulled her panties off, and put them in his lap. Tic took them and sniffed them and was instantly engorged. That station wagon moved a little quicker then.
Fireworks were being shot near the lake and Tic and Delphine had a clear view from their balcony. “Ooooh let’s see baby! Her ass clapped in her dress and Tic had to grip his meat walking after her. “Lemme make sure the shoggoth is okay first. Keep it tight for me baby.”Tic went to the basement and fed the shoggoth and calmed him down since they were gone all day. He had it down to a science now. Feed him a racist white man a day, and he would cooperate.
Delphine was out on the balcony totally enthralled. She jumped like a little kid when several popped at once, entrancing her with the bright colors. Standing at the window, he just gazed upon her. How did he get so lucky? Tic joined her on the balcony, wrapping those muscles around her waist. All the kisses behind her ear made her giggle just like how he intended. While she was off guard, he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, and lifted her dress in one motion. “Now what you doing back th—OH!”
He slipped right into her pussy with the most earth shattering intrusion Delphine could ever experience. “Shhhh shhh. We have to be quiet. Now Mrs. Freeman…..I think I know what’s gotten into you cuz I did the math. It’s that other time of the month, ain’t it?”
A breathy yes fell from her lips and it clicked for her. She was always incredibly horny and with shiny hair and skin at this particular point of the month. “You tryna have my baby?” Tic whispered in her ear, and pinched her nipple as his hips stroked back and forth. “Delphine, are you tryna make me a father?”
She loved when he got rough with her, especially when they were at risk of being seen in the act. “Yes, Atticus give me your baby.” His hands gripped hers on the railing and he let her have it. Delphine had already came twice but Tic was always generous; he wanted his wife to be satisfied. “Here it come..” Atticus held her right to his chest and gave her devastating thrusts and came deep inside her. Her head rolled back on his shoulder and they stood together still united as one as the fireworks show gave the finale. “I love you so much” they both said in unison and gazed at the sky.
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writingwhimsey · 2 months
Hiya dear!
I saw your Smut is In the Air! event and I physically could not restrain myself for this.
“I want to count every one of your freckles with my lips.” with Theo and a moderate spice level! Like, a 3/5 on the spice?
I might actually (not) die on the spot from happiness from this so.
Thank you so much for the request! I am happy to hear you were excited by this event and I do hope you enjoy it. Turned out a bit fluffy as well as spicy.
Smut Is In The Air Event
Suitor: ikevamp Theodorus
Prompt: "I want to count every one of your freckles with my lips."
NSFW 18+ content below (not super explicit but very spicy)
Work of Art
I sat at the vanity in my room, getting ready for the art exhibition I would be attending with Theo. I sighed as I picked up the various makeup items Comte had purchased for me. I had asked him if he could find me something that was guaranteed to cover up anything. Of course, when I had asked him this I had had a giant hickey on the side of my neck, courtesy of my lover, Theo.
Naturally, Comte assumed that the hickey was why I wanted some kind of concealer..which with how frequently he gave them to me, it wasn’t a bad assumption really. But that wasn’t the only thing. There was the occasional pimple that popped up, but what I really wanted to hide were my freckles.
I had a small smattering of them on my face from being in the sun. Many more along my shoulders and others scattered various other places of my body. Though I knew it was somewhat silly…I couldn’t help but to be a bit self conscious about them. Depending on the beauty trends of the time and region…well they could actually be considered fashionable… or other places and times they were considered a blemish, an imperfection.
I sighed as I slathered on the makeup, careful not to get any on my dress. Thankfully I wasn’t going to be exposing my shoulders so there was no need to worry about those freckles. Just the ones on my face and the few that dotted my chest.
Once I had finished, I inspected my reflection, making sure that I had them all covered. I wanted to look my best at the exhibition tonight. I was going to be by Theo’s side after all and I wanted everyone that supported him to see he had a good partner. That meant presenting myself in the best possible way.
Once I had finished getting ready, I headed down the stairs to meet Theo. “You took a long time, Hondje.” Theo said as I descended the stairs.
I smiled at him. “It just took me a second longer to figure out my new makeup.” I answered.
Theo took my hand. “We better not be late. This is a big night for Broer and the other artists.”
“I know.” I replied.
We exited the mansion and headed out to the carriage. Once we were sitting down inside, Theo looked over at me, his blue eyes taking in my appearance. “Something seems different…” He said.
I shrugged. Though I knew. “Just a higher quality makeup…”
Theo moved in closer, his expert artistic gaze appraising me up close. “Your makeup is too thick, Hondje.”
“It’s not that much.” I replied.
Theo was then reaching into his pocket and pulling out a handkerchief. “I can’t see your cute little freckles.” He said, lifting the handkerchief to my face.
I grabbed his hand to stop him. “That’s the point…and they’re not cute…”
Theo’s eyes went wide. “Hondje…why would you…why do you think that?”
I shrugged. “I just…I’ve never thought…and well, growing up the other kids made fun of me…”
Theo for all his teasing nature, listened to me with the utmost sincerity. “Hondje… not everyone has the artistic eye to appreciate true art.”
I blinked at him, surprised by his words. He could be a terrible tease…but when he was kind he was unbearably so. “Art?”
“Yes.” Theodorus replied. “Now, I need to wipe off this makeup off.”
“Why though?” I asked.
“I want to count every one of your freckles with my lips.” Theo answered. “I can’t do that if they are hidden beneath all of this makeup.”
I didn’t stop Theo’s hand as he brought the handkerchief to wipe the makeup from my face. His movements were so gentle as he did so. As soon as he cleaned off a section, he was leaning in to place kisses on the freckles he exposed. Starting with my cheeks and my nose…the ones across my forehead.
“Better already.” Theo murmured as he continued to pepper kisses over my face. His lis were soon trailing down to the side of my neck. “Can’t forget this one.”
I felt my heart pick up its pace as his breath tickled my skin.
I felt Theo’s fingertip trail to the neckline of my dress, sliding my sleeve wider and began to kiss along my shoulder. “Mustn’t forget these either. They are some of my favorites.”
I let out a gasp at the touch of his lips to my tender flesh. “Hmm….Theo…” I half moaned, half whined.
“Mmm…and I must get these too.” He said, kissing along my collarbone and moving to the other side to kiss the freckles on my other shoulder.
“Mmm…Theo…you’re not playing fair…”
“I never claimed to.” Theo replied. He was then taking my hand and lifting my arm, removing my gloves before kissing the freckles that dotted my arms in places. “I love every single one of these freckles.”
“I just…don’t understand why…” I found myself saying.
“Because they are part of you.” Theo answered. “And I love every part of you.”
I melted right on the spot, completely becoming putty in his capable hands as he held me close, his lips still touching my my freckles. “Theo…”
“I plan to make you love them as much as I do.” Theo said, moving so that he was kneeling down on the floor of the carriage in front of me. He reached for my leg, lifting my skirts and then pulling down my thigh high stockings, revealing my leg to him. “I can’t miss these either.” He leaned in, kissing a freckle that was on my ankle, finding another on my calf, two more on my knee, another on my thigh.
My legs began to tremble as electric thrills of pleasure began to flow through my body from every point Theo’s lips touched.
Theo was then going to my other leg, starting with a freckle that was on the top of my foot, another at my ankle, three on my calf, and four on my thigh. “Hmm, you’re starting to think naughty thoughts, Hondje.”
“H-how can I not?” I asked, looking down to where his head was currently between my thighs, kissing the freckles along the inner thigh. “I mean…look at where you are…” My face was beginning to flush.
Theo grinned at me. “I know that there is another freckle between your breasts that I adore.” He said. “And a few on your tummy.”
“Th-Theo…w-we will…be there soon.” I said.
Theo grinned. “There’s enough time to enjoy some things.” He said, before bringing his lips to my inner thigh once again and a moment later I felt him moving removing my panties before I felt his lips and tongue where I wanted them most.
I brought my hand to my mouth, biting my knuckles to keep my moans from getting too loud and alerting the carriage driver as to what we were doing. I just hoped I could be composed and put back together by the time we reached the exhibition.
Taglist (I remembered on the initial post this time!)
@zulablaise @kisara-16 @otomewonderland5 @tele86
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anjelicawrites · 1 year
Finally, the ice dildo story. NSFW and individual triggers under the cut! 18+ only.
Warnings: ice dildo usage (duh!), ass play, hints at cunnilingus, anal sex, blowjob, a dash of edging, overstimulation, p in v sex, mentions of abuse, a dash of angst
When Aemond excitedly shows you his online purchase you aren't sure how you are supposed to react. The phallus is of moderate size, cool to the touch and with a wide base. When he tells you that it can be put in the freezer to cool, you ask him if he's sure about it and he beams at you, happy and excited.
You don't like the cold in general, you like it even less in the bedroom. It's not a trigger, even though you had bad experiences with it you have used ice cubes on Aemond more times than you can remember, but the idea of having something that cool inside of you? No, thanks a lot. When he sits back next to you, after having stashed the dildo in the freezer, you can see Aemond vibrating with excitement. He's grown so much more bold in his sexuality, in expressing what he likes and you couldn't be more proud of him; on the other hand, you still have that strong protective instinct towards him, so afraid for him, you'd put him in your pocket for safekeeping forever.
Later that day you are washing the dishes when Osferth hugs you from behind, the warmth of his skin seeping through your clothes.
"Have you seen Aemond's new purchase?"
"I did - you try to school your voice to neutrality - he's pretty excited about it".
It's delusional for you to try and hide your feelings to Osferth, who can read you like a book.
"What about you? Our boy is growing up and being adventurous".
When you don't answer, he delicately grabs your hips and turns you around to look into your eyes, you avoid his. Osferth knows the full extent of the abuse you suffered, Aemond doesn't, for the simple reason that he would do something unreasonable about it and you don't want his hands red with blood. On the other hand, you still have chilblain scars on your feet and had pneumonia twice, because of your ex, thus treading waters carefully when there's extreme cold involved in the bedroom.
"I am happy for him - you say - I truly am, but I am not sure if I am projecting my traumas on him or I am just succumbing to the urge to keep him safe".
There, you said it, now it's out in the world and off your chest. Osferth cups your face in his big hands, the rough texture familiar against the softness of your cheeks.
"You know you should give Aemond more credit. He's less of a glass figurine that you make him out to be"
"I know that. I am just so afraid of hurting him by mistake. God knows how much I have fucked up with you..."
"Shh, non of that - he says, his thumb soft on your lips - if anything I was supposed to tell you to stop and I didn't. Shh, shh. I was bottoming for you, it was my job to tell you we were going nowhere, you were the one working through her traumas, not me".
You hug him, hiding your face against the side of his neck; you don't deserve this kind man, his softness and patience with you. You can feel his hands under the cotton of your shirt, warm and big, soothing you with delicate motions on the back of your rib cage.
"Do you think you can manage? You don't have to participate if you think it might hurt you"
"It will not hurt me and I am sick and tired having still to deal with the ruins, that piece of shit left in my life" you bite back, anger flaring up in your chest.
One of Osferth's hands cups your face again, making sure you are staring into his eyes.
"If anything feels wrong we stop. Shh, I am not asking and Aemond understands better than I will ever do how trauma works"
"I will tell you. I promise I'll safeword my way out"
"Good girl" is a rumble in his chest.
With a fluid motion Osferth sits you on the kitchen and falls on his knees, then he spreads your legs open, a smirk on his lips when he notices you are wearing no panties.
"What's this for?" you ask breathless
"I am but a humble traveler who is starving. Will you be so cruel to deny me my nourishment?"
"Never - you answer pushing your hips closer to his waiting face - come feed until you are sated".
Your lives are random and far less organized than anyone would believe; the dildo stays stashed in the freezer for days, not forgotten but God damn it! Sometimes your jobs are such a pain in your collective sides! Come the weekend you are all tired and done with your lives in general, not truly eating dinner because you are all tired. But Aemond looks stunning, then again, when doesn’t he look ethereal and angelical? Good enough to eat? 
You stare at Osferth who, you just know, is having your same thoughts. It doesn’t help that Aemond is wearing one of those ridiculous crop tops and sweatpants that ride low on his hips, leaving his delicious tummy and belly button bare. Dark thoughts flash into your mind and you know the same is happening in Osferth’s.
You and Osferth share another long look; you two don’t really need to talk when it comes to jumping Aemond’s bones, to read him to know he wants the two of you, like he does right now.
You take his hand, entwining his fingers with yours to kiss his palm, before helping him on his feet to kiss him properly, your body plastered against his, your tongue searching for his. Aemond moans in the kiss, his hips kicking against yours when Osferth starts playing with his nipples, slowly and leisurely, as if he has all the time in the world to drive Aemond crazy with need, and he does, who’s stopping you two from kissing and playing with his body until he begs to be fucked? You assault the skin of his neck not covered by the collar, sucking kisses there that make him keen, his cock as hard as stone, trapped between your bellies as you slowly back him to the staircase. He sucks on your breasts the moment you shed his old university t-shirt almost falling on you when Osferth helps him remove his sweats and socks. By the time you three are halfway up the stairs, there’s a trail of clothes behind you all and you are all sharing hungry kisses, Osferth’s finger in the metal loop on Aemond’s collar to direct his steps. You three fall on the bed, fingers, hands, mouths and lips going everywhere to caress and suck and bite, your bodies pushing against one another, their precome and your juices everywhere on your bodies, the heath and need unmistakeable. Osferth grabs you hair to kiss you hungrily, his teeth biting the soft skin of your lips and you know where this is going, where he is going; for a second he stares into your eyes, searching, before you nod, his fingers caress your cheek and you mouth him to go fetch the thing.
Before Aemond can say anything, you attack his lips again, one hand in his hair to keep him against you, his cock nestled in your wetness as he ruts between your lower lips. Lube, you need lube and you need to prepare him. 
“Turn around my sweet boy - you murmur against his ear - ass up in the air for me”
“Kostilus, please” he begs, rutting against your core, he doesn’t want to leave your warmth, he wants it to surround his aching cock
“Be a good boy and you’ll get a nice surprise” 
“Skoros iksis ziry? What is it?” 
“Do as I say and you’ll find out”.
He’s eager in positioning himself the way you’ve asked, his delectable ass up in the air, his arms stretched in front of himself, beautiful and submissive for you. Painstakingly slow your fingers follow the long line of his spine as he moans, needy for you, your lips kissing the nape of his neck, leaving small love bites on his perfect skin, his hips pushing against the bed sheets, cock red and engorged. Slowly you uncap the lube and pour a liberal amount between his cheeks and he moans, the lube cold against his burning skin; his fingers grab the bedding when you start breaching him, his hips following the thrusting of your digits, slowly fucking and scissoring him open, ignoring his prostate when the begging starts. He’s so close already, his cock engorged and heavy between his legs, he calls your name and you order him to turn on his back, he does so with a sob when your fingers leave his hole.
“Kostilus qogralbar nyke sir! Please fuck me now!” he begs arching his long back
“Not yet - you murmur, your fingers entering him again, lips focusing on his nipples and he screams, his orgasm so close he can almost taste it - don’t come just yet, be good”.
He closes his eye in frustration, hips buckling under your body, ass clenching painfully around your fingers. He needs to come badly, at least once to take the edge off, please! You ignore his pleadings and curl a hand around his cock like a vise and he screams, hips pistoning wildly, forcing your fingers even deeper into his ass. He’s so ready, you can feel it around your digits, you can see it in the way his cock weeps for you; you need to slow down, you just know he’d want to come on the dildo and not on your fingers. He whines when you remove your fingers and you have to hold him tight, caressing his hair as he tells you he doesn’t want to be edged, not tonight, his eye big with need for you. You hold him, telling him he has to be patient and his surprise shall arrive immediately. 
Speaking of the devil, Osferth arrives silently, hands behind his back, Aemond doesn’t see him because his face is burrowed against your chest, your soft smell calming him, his lips kissing the delicate skin of your breasts, the contact of your skin the only thread that keeps his sanity together. Gently you ask him to close his eye and he does it immediately, his trust fully yours and Osferth’s, who just mouths you if you are ready. You are not sure if you’ll ever be, some scars run deep and their symptoms are the most unpredictable; in the twilight forest that’s your heart sometimes, your love for Aemond, and for Osferth, is your only guide, your only ray of hope. You nod back to him, your hand reaching for his, your trust in him stronger than the one in yourself. 
With a gentle, but stern voice, Osferth tells Aemond to keep his eye closed until instructed otherwise and to open his mouth. The kiss they share is hungry, Osferth’s free hand tight on Aemond’s jaw, his tongue hungry and unforgiving as he steals moans of pleasure from him, his need stark. When their lips part, Osferth doesn’t give Aemond time to recuperate, he slides the dildo on his red lips and he responds with a surprised yelp, his cock jumping against his contracted abs. Aemond doesn’t even need to be told what to do, obediently he opens his mouth for the dildo to fuck, animal sounds escaping with every push and pull, the shape of the sex toy visible in his throat when he finally manages to swallow it to the base. Mesmerized you crawl to him and kiss him the second the dildo is moved down his slender neck, he moans at the change of temperature, even more when your lips follow the cool trace left by the dildo, warming his skin where it froze cold, sucking on his pebbled nippels as the rounded edge of the toy runs circle around them. He moans, dark, animalistic sounds coming from his chest, a rumble of pleasure as he arches towards the double sensation, hot and cold on his feverish skin. When the dildo moves up and down his cock, his hips need to be pinned to the bed, he pumps violently against nothing as the cold feeling spreads, being immediately replaced by your and Osferth’s warm tongues, licking his shaft, kissing wherever the sex toy leaves a cold trace. It’s too much, he’s going to come and has no way to tell you two, his brain incapable of forming a coherent thought; he screams when you curl your hand around his base, stopping his orgasm, his frustration short lived when his ass is breached again by Osferth’s fingers, quick and deep, until he is ready to be taken. You are not sure you want to see, imagining the cold where Aemond burns wildly scares you; Osferth makes this decision for you, one hand in your hair, with a gentle voice he reassures you while he makes you look as Aemond’s ass swallows the toy greedily, your lover’s screams of pleasure deafening as he’s fucked slowly, his hips following the rhythm of the dildo against his prostate, his face contracted in pleasure like you’ve never seen before. He comes untouched, ropes and ropes of semen staining his belly, a continuous string of “Tolī, more” escaping his lips, his desire satisfied as Osferth’s fingers breach him again and you start licking his spent cock, until he’s hard once more, his refractory period uncharacteristically short. The dildo breaches him again and fucks him faster, his hips pistoning violently has you lick his cock, the contrast between your warm mouth and the dildo in his ass drives him to madness, until he comes down your hungry throat. This second orgasm leaves him speechless, air entering his lungs in greedy, desperate gulps; your fingers slowly breach him to scissor him open and he pathetically tries to follow your movements with his tired hips, his cock spent against his abdomen. It’s when you are three fingers in, that he begs for the dildo again, this time you fight your own fears and slowly enter him again, the base of the dildo firm in your hand. You take your time, avoiding his prostate as you fuck him following the leisurely rhythm of Osferth’s lips around his cock; you drink the way Aemond’s body moves, his hips undulating shamelessly, his arms stretched to grab the bedsheet, feet planted on the mattress to help him move. He begs you, broken and pathetic, begs for another orgasm, eyes still closed like the good boy that he is. Osferth has to pin his hips on the mattress when you focus on his prostate with fast pushes, the rhythm unforgiving, until he comes down Osferth’s throat, spasms ravaging his whole body as he wails pitifully. 
You are so wet for him, unexpectedly so, you can feel your own juices flowing down your legs, your cunt empty and hungry. You’d never expect this reaction  from your own body, not when cold is involved, but your body hungers for more, hungers for him.
“Open your eyes” it comes out breathier than you expected
“Can you give us another one?” Osferth hugs you from behind, his chin on your shoulder, arms protective around your waist.
Aemond stares at the two of you lost, arms crossed at the wrist on his forehead, chest heaving violently. His whole lower half feels sore and cold, the muscles of his abs and thighs are pulling, still he needs you two.
“Kessa, yes - he moans, torso arching - Jaelan tolī.  Kostan tepagon ao tolī, I want more. I can give you more”.
Gently you caress his marred cheek, him leaning to your soft touch where his skin is always numb and hurts. Your fingers caress the length of his scar as Osferth kisses his unmarred side, chapped lips following imaginary lines on his skin. Aemond’s nerves are still reeling from the contrast between the coldness of the dildo and your warm bodies, your combined touches sending shockwaves of pleasure wherever they land. Both your lips kissing his, your tongues languidly playing with his reignite the fire in his belly against the coldness he feels wherever the dildo has touched him. Gently you two kiss him everywhere, sucking hickeys on his perfect skin, he moans, his hands slotting in both your mops of hair, scratching the skin of your napes, until you two are both at level with his growing erection. With soft kisses and teasing licks, his cock grows again, red and leaky against the porcelain skin of his abdomen, your tongues following the thick veins there, trying to kiss one another while playing with him, until he begs, hands fisting his own hair in desperation as both your fingers and Osferth’s prepare him again, slowly, gently coaxing his opening to accept Osferth’s cock. You cradle Aemond’s head against your bosom as he moans, his back arching at the intrusion, the warmth of Osferth’s manhood a stark contrast with the coolness of the dildo you two have used on him repeatedly. You can hear Osferth curse at how tight Aemond is, his strokes languid, wanting to help him lose up and Christ it’s hard, Aemond’s muscles curl like a vice around his manhood. When you gently shed his cock inside your warm cunt, Aemond curses in High Valyrian, his nerves still remembering the coolness of the dildo and his ass clenches with a long moan of pleasure.
Neither you, nor Osferth are in a hurry, you two take your time in savoring every glorious inch of his splendid body, pushing inside of him slowly and steadily, riding him so he cab feel your cunt opening up for him, his fingers entwined with yours in the vain attempt to keep a sliver of control, when he has none, his body dependent on yours and Osferth’s for the pleasure he feels growing in his belly, far more destructive than anything he’s ever felt in his life. As both your paces quickens, the flames inside him burn him hotter than ever with every push of Osferth’s thick cock and stroke of your delectable pussy around his manhood. He can’t buckle, he can’t trash around as pleasure engulfs him and he comes with tears in his eyes, taking the two of you with him.
it takes a long time for the three of you to leave the bed, too preoccupied with cuddling under the covers, kissing and caressing your still singing bodies, sweat be damned! For the longest time Aemond lies curled between your two, his face against your chest, fingers curling in the skin of your back, legs entwined with Osferth’s who mouths a quick “Are you ok?” in your general direction, you can only answer with a smile.
Everything taglist: ​@ilikeitbetterangsty
Poly taglist: @notyour-valentine @fan-goddess
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generalluxun · 8 months
Fanfic Author 20 Questions
Thanks to @erisluna35 for sending this along! 1. How many works do you have on AO3?
On AO3? Right now 63, soon to be 64(tomorrow probably) and a couple on FF.net
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,020,860 on AO3 plus another ~86K fic I never ported over to AO3, as my 'recent' stuff, starting back in 2021
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Miraculous Ladybug, I did others a long time ago before joining AO3, but that was a long time ago. I've considered a couple others recently too, but nothing yet.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
At The Gala- A Chlonette fic inspired by fanart, and actually the sequel to my #2 by Kudos. This is just a cute series of strange interactions with Chloe from Marinette's PoV, culminating in understanding and discovery on a fated evening.
Slippery slope- Little Chlonette ficlet inspired by a fanart. Very short, it's about how a single unexpected moment can change someone's entire world.
Ever After- A long chapter fic set more than a decade post-canon that looks into the idea that 'Ever After' can be a long time, and that expecting life to be solved at 14 is a recipe for eventual disaster. Yet at the same time life continues to offer new experiences, new possibilities, and new ways to grow. Ships include Adrienette, Chloadrien, and Felinette.
Showing Love- An alternate ending to Queen Wasp, where instead of reuniting Chloé with her horrible mother by highlighting everything horrible about her (seriously, what?) Marinette comes face to face with the reality that a mother really *can* not love a child. Being Marinette she can't let such a thing stand, even if it is Chloé. Marinette&Dupain-Cheng family goodness.
What Do you See?- Adrigami fic that kicks off right in the middle of Kuro Neko. While Adrien is struggling with the pain of giving up Cat Noir, one thing crosses his mind. He can finally give one important person the truth she deserves. After all, he *Was* Cat Noir, not *is*. The two both struggle to navigate the ramifications of this revelation, especially when Plagg shows up once more with the ring. (there's a little bit of eventual Lukanette)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to most, especially any questions or curiosities. I love engagement.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh heck this is so not fair. I am in love with bittersweet ending, and have a couple of doozies.
I can't decide between three.
What Happened- The 'real reason' Chloé Bourgeois's redemption arc failed. What do you di when you do everything right, only to find out your happiness causes the end of the world, in every timeline?
A Modest Proposal- Marinette is happily impatient for Adrien to finally propose to her. Little does she know, a secret long kept is going to come back to haunt her. It's worse than you think.
The Risk Outweighs- A look into someone else's life during the episode 'Risk'. The courage to do anything finally gives Chloé the strength to break from the cycle. But the Ladybugs must set things right, and a few moments of clarity weigh nothing against a lifetime.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, lots with happy endings, though I prefer 'open' endings, so...hmmm
Cafe Noir- has an unambiguously happy ending, but I specifically set out to write a romcom so that feels like cheating.
Dog Daze- probably has the most comprehensively happy ending, Adrien's dad even managed to try to parent. They do go through a lot on the way to the happy ending though.
In Direct Opposition- My latest work, seems to end on a solidly happy note for all involved.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Ever After drew some upset people that expected their OTP to be the main ship. I never tried to deceive anyone, but a few people were just really upset.
I also had this weird thing where someone thought I was someone else, and stalked my comments for a while. That's why I use moderation now.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've done M rated fics. I'm not sure 'smut' works for them, even if there's lots of sex narratively, it's usually mentioned rather than being detailed. I did one single 'this will be a smut fic' fic. And even that ended up with like, 5K words mostly plot, and about 2 paragraphs of (I think emotional and important) sex.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nah, I've never had the crossover itch. I generally find each world intriguing enough on their own.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yep! I had someone ask if they could translate one of my fics to Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. Talked about it before, but never went through with it. Not against the idea. I do a lot of rubber ducking for my friends though, so some of my ideas can end up in their finished fics.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I'm going ot have to go with adribrina, my goobers. I like exploring all kinds of ships, and these two I threw together on a whim but Oh, they're so comfy! I wrote Puppy Love to see how they would work, and then that evolved into Dog Daze, my Largest work to date. I had *intended* for them to amicably break up and Sabrina to be a wing-woman to Adrien in the canon ship of Adrienette.... but they just did not want to break up. Even if they wouldn't admit they were dating, they were just too *comfy* together. These two make me happy. (Marinette ended up okay though, she's happy!)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
A third fic in my Senti-Sentai AU. 'Worlds Collide'. It was set in 'vague eastern Europe country in the middle of violent conflict' and then that suddenly got too real, too quickly.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character voice. I write third person limited, and I've been told many times that I do a very good job of writing characters as their canonical selves, just in different situations that bring about different outcomes or changes in them. I consider that a high compliment, because the characters are what I am here for.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Brevity. Even simplistic plots 'enemies to friends road trip' become detailed 'Marinette manipulates Chloé into chasing Adien and Lila across the globe to prevent Lila from wheedling an arranged Marriage out of Gabriel' and then that blossoms into a 98K fic.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I feel like my last of understanding grammar and colloquialisms for another language would have me sounding like bad google translate. Singular words used? Viable.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
SWATKats. My first ever fanfic was a 30K fic about that show.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
They are all my babies! This is so not fair. I've spoken about some of my favorites earlier though, so I'll use this spot to mention some other ones :)
He's Perfect- Gothic Horror Adrienette! It even has a sequel and an entire AU in my head if I can circle back.
The Orphan and the Marionette- Written to feel like one of Grimm's fairy tales. Chlonette(kind of) with a heavy dose of magic and a surprise appearance from Marianne.
There are so many more but I'll plug Dog Daze again, because I to like how it flows and the alternate S5 we get from it. It also inspired a raft of 'post story' one shots, and I have another chapter fic waiting in the wings to continue the AU. There's plenty of stories to tell here.
@taketwoinink Tag, if you would like to play.
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A Huge Update Post!!!!!!
Hi everyone, @thattoastygecko (your moderator) here. It is me.
This bracket has been quiet recently but now it is time to resume it. But I have a buncha changes to make bc let's face it, this bracket? It's an unorganized mess lmao
Congrats to our last winners!
Tumblr media
Also I was thinking of going back to doing 2 groups of contestants at a time again, y'know 8 votes at once. Because let's face it this bracket is huge & honestly some of the entrants I kiiiind of wish I didn't put in.
Example of what I mean: Hanamusa. Don't get me wrong I love that ship, they've brought me so much comfort. But honestly they got like 600 votes. & Something about seeing them bring in THAT MUCH ATTENTION but none of the other polls got anywhere close to that kind of attention & knowing they'll probably just completely sweep the entire thing makes me think putting them in was not a great move. If only because it's gonna be super unfair & also makes me a bit sad that none of the other parts of the bracket are gonna get that much attention. I SWEAR IF I EVER TOOK THEM OUT IT'S NOT BECAUSE I HATE THEM IM HAPPY IF THEY WIN ITS JUST
seeing the rest of the poll get ignored so hard in comparison just makes me sad bc i feel like it means i did a crummy job on the rest of the tournament when it doesnt involve them, it's entirely my fault & just how my brain is, so pls understand that
But ultimately I am gonna avoid doing this, because I also don't wanna remove anyone. I mean if any character is in this poll, its because they damn well earned the right to be in this poll. They all mean something to me even if its just very very barebones like "they look cool"
I mean I put my own OCs in this fucking poll ffs & I know all of those guys are probably gonna lose. I love Oddworld but that series is obscure & I know they won't win.
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Please pray for this poor cat guys, he's gonna need it. Because he's struggled to get the love he damn well deserves & by god I want him to win at least one match on this poll. He deserves at least that much.
I'm gonna try to not remove them tho bc I would feel bad if I did too, bc it's my fault for not realizing how immediatley biased this site is gonna be in their favor. I think it's just on me for not thinking that through, but I promise you guys
I PROMISE YOU AINT GONNA BE LIKE THE MODERATOR FOR THAT SAPPHIC SHIPS BRACKET THAT CANCELLED THE WHOLE THING BECAUSE THEY WERE WINNING & THEY WERE IDK SALTY OR WHATEVER???? LIKE OK BRO BUT IF YOU DIDNT WANT THEM TO WIN YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE PUTTING THEM IN BUT IM AT LEAST ADMITTING ITS MY FAULT FOR PUTTING THEM IN HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE KNOWING HOW BIASED IT WAS GONNA BE GIVEN ALL THE CONTEXT BEHIND WHAT THE SHIP WAS BUILT WITH. Aka being kickstarted by a well known popular storyboard artist with a big following & being yknow on here of all sites and etc. Like yeah it's gonna instantly be a landslide in their favor to some degree. It's like putting Rise Donatello in this bracket & being angry when he is gonna start sweeping too. Because we all know Donnie is gonna be winning several rounds at least. I know he will. & I love Rise Donnie so I'm okay with it. Donnie Nation strong. I AINT GONNA BE A BITCH LIKE THAT OTHER POLL THO NO MATTER WHAT. Like No I aint gonna cancel the whole bracket over them, if Delia & Jessie win? Fuck it I mean I put them here I knew it was gonna end up this way the second they were in the limelight. But no matter what happens I ain't gonna disqualify them for existing. I guess it's more just the fact that they got so much more attention & I cvan't help but put myself down for it.
I just kinda wanted to vent about it a bit because I was being overly mean to myself & I know it's just my brain being a jerk. So I'm gonna keep my spirits up
Also I mean heck the attention picked up a bit. Rayman fans apparently felt seen in my statements so thanks rayman nation for that. I too am salty about ubisofts treatment. Speaking of:
Thanks to your votes: MURFY IS BEING PUT IN THE BRACKET!!!
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MIKU IS BACK!! & After discussing it with some friends in group chats, they told me I should team her up with one of my OCs. So I went with my MAIN OC ZOEY!!
Speaking of Zoey:
1. My blog @thornsboroughcomic is a thing Zoey is the protag also thanks for voting her it means a lot to me I cried a few times ngl
ZOEY GOT A FULL REDESIGN A BIT AGO: Behold Zoey's current design. :]
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And now Hatsune Miku has been brought back from elimination after you guys voted her to come back!! And Zoey is a huge Miku stan so she's very excited to team up with her.
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And while I'm here: I'm gonna reveal to you guys some of the new contestants entering the bracket!!
I might also consider bringing back more old contestants who got eliminated via voting & maybe I'll start having team ups happen periodically that you guys vote on. I want this bracket to be just, I'm gonna embrace what a total mess it is. It's unorganized, chaotic & nonsensical & I think we just gotta embrace the pure chaos of it all. So that's what we're gonna do!!
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yikesbin · 21 days
13 ways of looking at a fat girl : a review from an actual fat girl
**CW: eating disorders, body image, fat phobia, sexual fetishizing
Mona Awad invented the "fat girl gaze" with this book. Or at least, she put it into words.
I have never felt more seen & understood through a work of fiction in my entire life. I've struggled with body image and its effects on my females friendships since I hit puberty. And although I have never been an actual bitch straight to the faces of my skinny friends, this novel captures a perfect rendition of my internal monologue. Here's some of my thick girl thoughts about some of the themes discussed!
The Fat Girl Sexual Experience™️ :
The fat girl sexual experience is highly discussed throughout most of this book, and it is as similar to real life as it disgustingly could be. Because what is being a fat woman if not constantly being perceived as a piece of meat merely used for fucking? Or maybe it's the constant older-male sexual gratification that seals the deal. Either way, Awad does not shy away from the raw truth that dating as a fat girl is packed with weird fetishizes & the constant stripping of innocence. And something I find that this book does well, is explaining how fat women lean into a sexualized culture. Although that is not a want or a goal for me, it almost feels like I've had to appear from sexual to get any "attention" from men at all. Even if I'm not wanting to be sexual. And if attention is received, it's almost always in a negative, two-toned connotation, because apparently being a woman with boobs means I'm only here to fuck you. You can throw interpersonal communication out the window - my top says "skip the gentleness & just get to work!". So you lean into it. You become a sexual fantasy. At least you're not alone anymore. It's easier this way.
The Fear of Fat Loss :
But then comes after. Awad paints a picture of one my my greatest fears; losing my all my weight & somehow becoming more mad at the world than before.
When scrolling through many weight loss videos online, I often am reminded of how cruel society is, in ways that seem almost ingrained into the start of a person. How people become kinder to you after the weight is gone, or how those around you seem to keep the fat girl you once were in the back of their head. People hold open the door for you now, or they smile at you more.
And then I'm remember that looking at myself after weight-loss would be more grueling that being fat itself. Because you now feel foreign in your own body. You begin to judge others that looked like you at one point, and question how they can live such a happy life when they look like that. I finally got what I wanted, why am I so miserable? The truth is, you are not happy. Because skinniness does not equal happiness. It merely makes shopping easier. And maybe you can feel like you fit in with your friends more. But it's hard to accept yourself as skinny and happy when it took you bitterness & internalized fat phobia to get there. "Congratulations!" they say, and you sit there wondering how strange it is to congratulate someone on their own self-hatred. You are haunted by the fat girl inside.
As a final conclusion, I'll state that these are my opinions based on experiences I felt connected with the topics addressed in this work of FICTION. You don't have to agree, and I don't care if you disagree. Be kind. I'll leave this post with some one my favorite quotes, feel free to analyze them in the comments.
*Content Warning Reminder : eating disorders, body image, fat phobia, sexual fetishizing
“I’d spend hours hunting for something—anything—that would render me moderately fuckable. And if not fuckable, something in which I could grieve over the fact of not being fuckable with unbaubled dignity."
“Later on I'm going to be really fucking beautiful. I'm going to grow into that nose and develop an eating disorder. I'll be hungry and angry all my life but I'll also have a hell of a time.”
“My father has always felt that being fat was a choice. When I was in college I would sometimes meet him for lunch or coffee, and he would stare at my extra flesh like it was some weird piece of clothing I was wearing just to annoy him. Like my fat was an elaborate turban or Mel’s zombie tiara or some anarchy flag that, in my impetuous youth, I was choosing to hold up and wave in his face. Not really part of me, just something I was doing to rebel, prove him wrong."
“There was always that shadowy twin, thin when I was fat, fat when I was thin, myself in silvery negative, with dark teeth and shining white pupils glowing in the black sunlight of that other world." - Margaret Atwood
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hopeswriting · 2 years
ahh, your view on mukuro is so on point. i am super biased but i always felt that my precious psycho is very highly misunderstood. yes, he can be cruel and see the world in black and white, but it is not his choice, not like he was able to create his own opinion on mafia, family bonds or the world in general. he was created to be a monster by people who only viewed him as a potential weapon, and it is quite unfortunate that manga ended without an arc dedicated to him to allow him either a redemption or at least a better view into his real personality. the shimon arc and the arcobaleno arc helped a lot, but with the focus on so many other things mukuro's development was kind of lost. but i am so glad you do the analyzes and see him as a person with a lot of potential rather than a simple villain from the early arcs with few cameos. again, i am highly biased and will never stop thinking about him, his life and his personality. manifesting a manga only about him in the future kufufu
[either in reference to this post or this one.]
hi nonny, thank you for the ask!
you know what, personally i actually wouldn't say he's misunderstood per se. it's more like people don't care to see past the cruel boy who's willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goals, which i'd say it's actually fair too, because he is that cruel boy. unapologetically too. but i agree he's definitely more than that, and more relevantly here, like you said, he wasn't that boy once upon time and was made to become that boy. unfortunately almost everyone is all but too happy to judge him at face value without ever caring for the bigger picture.
(that said, i'd still say again it's still kind of fair of them, because like, mukuro has done some pretty damn terrible things, and to them specifically, but it doesn't make him any less of a nuanced, complex character, you know? which i think is one of the biggest appeal of his character.)
i also find it interesting how you said he sees the world in black and white. i've never thought about it before, but i have to agree with you he does. which is interesting because even if the mafia as a whole is obviously firmly and deeply in the black category, there's still people like the vongola first gen in it, like nono and all the moderate vongola bosses before him, like tsuna and dino, and like lancia and his family. lancia who looked after him and cared for him like family, and presumably was nothing but kind to him after his boss took mukuro in, and mukuro still (presumably) didn't hesitate to wipe them all out. by using lancia no less, and then he kept using him to do terrible things.
by which i mean, lancia's family taking him in could have been the start of some kind of healing process for mukuro, but of course it was never going to be enough to make up for what he went through, and at the end of the day they were still mafia too. which means they must have committed their fair share of sins too, and it's less that there are "good" mafiosi, and more like some mafiosi aren't all but too willing to use the excuse of being mafiosi to be the worst excuses of human beings on earth (see estraneo). so like, yeah he may see the world in black and white, but is he wrong seeing it that way? when it comes to the mafia at the very least? when the mafia does so much wrong on the daily for whatever "good" it might do once in a while?
and incidentally, i personally don't think mukuro was in need of a redemption arc at all tbh. i think what amano did, humanizing him by showing him to be more than the villain tsuna first faced and had to take down, giving him understanding by sharing his circumstances and making him go from villain to tentative ally that way was the right call. because mukuro's methods were wrong, for sure, which are explicitly condemned both by the characters and the narrative, but i don't think his motives were ever condemned in any way by either the characters or the narrative. because they shouldn't be.
i don't think mukuro ever needed a redemption arc or needs one by the time the manga ends, because he was never any kind of an irredeemable villain to begin with, not by a long shot. from all the khr villains, i actually think his motives are the most righteous ones actually. and like, objectively the most good ones too, you know? the mafia should be burned down to the ground, and i'd say the shame here is that we never got anywhere close to see that happen lol.
thank you, i'm glad you enjoy my analyses! 💕
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eggcompany · 4 months
A broken Dwarf and a Curious Elf
Kili getting cared for by Tauriel. Cuddling? All of the cuddling. Tauriel just wants to learn about the smaller creature and help this one heal.
“Oh you are a soft little creature aren’t you? Like a little bundle of a soft hearted mush.” Said the elf as she dried the short creature. She was drying his face and squishing his cheeks. She just helped him get out of the tub. She really ended up lifting him from the tub and putting him back down on the floor to dry him off. The wound on his leg still looks open and nasty but she would clean and bandage it after he was dried. She had washed his hair and cleaned his face, hands, and his feet. She thought it was quite pleasant, being able to help make the little man feel clean/feel better.
The dwarf looked so small. So innocent in a way. His eyes were doughy and big. He was all relaxed and calm. After a big meal and an actual bath he felt safe in the hands of the she-elf.
The elf continued to dry him off until he was fluffy dry.
“There we go little one. Let’s get that leg patched up and then dressed.” The elf said as she wrapped a new clean towel around his waist.
She got him back to her room and quickly tried to gently clean and bandage his wound. She could tell by the way Kili was tensing that it was hurting him and she cooed lightly trying to calm him. Once she had a dry clean bandage wrapped around his leg she helped him put on his now clean underclothes and his trousers. He managed his own tunic as she put away the medical supplies and cleaned the area around the bath.
Soon the she-elf sat on the floor with her legs crossed in front of her. She had a snuggle dwarf in her lap. He was dressed in a blue tunic and baggy navy trousers.
She gently ran her hands through silky black hair and scratched lightly behind his ear.
“My leg hurts” the small man whimpered and snuggled a bit closer into the warm arms that wrap around him.
“I know. I know titta hon, it is getting better though.” The elf spoke in a gentle way like talking to a baby or a scared little animal. She supposed Kili was in a way a little animal.
“I’ve never spent time with dwarves before so I am unsure of when you will heal. You are the first dwarf I’ve ever touched or cared for. You look quite heavy but you don’t weigh too much, perhaps it’s the layers of clothing you wear. Are you a healthy one? Weight wise that is.” The elf was curious about the creatures she just met. They all looked so different. She didn’t know if the others liked bathing or would crawl into your lap like this one did. Maybe this one would like to talk while he... did whatever he was doing. Perhaps he was meditating or sharing body heat or maybe he just wanted to be protected.
“I am moderately healthy given I’m getting over being poisoned. I weigh... as much as I should I think. I’m pretty heavy actually.” Kili said in a quiet tired voice. It was nice being cared for by someone so gentle and warm hearted. The elf hummed a bit and thought.
“Are all dwarves like you? Are they soft and affectionate after food and baths?” Asked the elf. If Kili wanted to talk she was happy to learn from him. He must have the most knowledge about his own kind even thought is the youngest.
“I don’t think so. They don’t show it at least. I think they all enjoy it and it makes them happy but they wouldn’t be affectionate unless they are sick or wounded.” Explained the dwarf as he turned a bit to try and hide himself from the chill of the room. The moisture that settled in under his skin made him feel each shift of the air like whipping winter wind against him.
“You are only being affectionate because you are wounded?” The elf attempted to cover the wounded man more but her arms were only so long. If he didn’t seem so comfortable she would get him a blanket.
“No... I like you and you were so kind to me. I am wounded and I am unhealthy so I might be more brazen in my actions.” Kili said and yawned.
“What do you like to do when you are wounded? Am I to do anything to help you relax? Would you like me to braid your hair or rub your back?” Tauriel said as she combed her hands through his hair and rubbed gently at his back, feeling the surprisingly thick muscles move.
“...can I have a blanket? Will you keep holding me if we sit on the bed?” The dwarf said sheepishly. Like he was ashamed almost. Tauriel supposed that dwarves have an oddity when it comes to physical affections with anyone who isn’t a dwarf. Void the tiny man with the fluffy hair who doesn’t wear shoes.
“Yes of course, up we go. You should stay warm. Will that help your healing? Do dwarves require heat?” The elf carried her patient to the bed. She gently placed him down and curled the blankets to fold towards the foot of the bed. She then sat next to him and he situated himself in her lap once more. Tauriel then pulled the blankets up so they went to her shoulders effectively covering Kili’s head.
“Well... being cold won’t help but being warm just helps me sleep. Being warm is nice, don’t you think?” Kili mumbled from under the nice warm dry blankets.
“I suppose this is nicer than the floor. Are you like a babe? Do you need physical contact to heal?” The elf said and pulled the shorter as close as he could get to her. He curled up and smiled and let his eyes drift shut.
“Not necessarily but it is highly welcomed.” The small one whispered and fell asleep in the wonderfully warm strong arms of his savior.
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rolling-restart · 1 year
seb/kimi with #11 from the prompt list!
Pairing: Seb/Kimi
Prompt: 11. things you said when you were drunk
Tags and content warnings: Implied/referenced alcoholism.
Why it's always the Germans who are sober?
Not beta-read.
"I was embarrassing, wasn't I?"
Seb stopped in his tracks to look at Kimi. He had been looking for their car keys for the past couple of minutes and it almost felt like his jacket was spawning new pockets the more he searched for them.
"I didn't mean to get that drunk, you know?"
Sebastian considered what to say for a second. This had been an eventful Gala for both of them and he would be lying if he said he wasn't worried about the tabloids tomorrow. Kimi drank an amount that would most possibly kill a moderate-sized horse and committed a couple of shenanigans throughout the night.
It would be a fun opportunity if Kimi wasn't on track to almost complete sobriety for the past year. It would be an amusing story for most people, maybe they would have a laugh about how easy-going the Ice Man was or how they shared jokes over a glass of champagne. But not for Sebastian.
He knew Kimi had been trying so hard, not giving in to the stress and generally doing a good job regulating himself throughout the 2018 season. It wasn't easy for him to stay on track while also dealing with people and the press and Sebastian knew very well that he became overwhelmed easily.
That was the exact reason why Sebastian was dreading this night. Kimi didn't like interacting with many people at once in a crowded area and he tend to shut down after an hour or so. Therefore, he resorted to the only way he knew would relax him for sure, unlike certain other healthy but not-so-reliable coping mechanisms.
When Sebastian saw the first glass in his hand, he knew they lost the battle for the night and they needed to fall back to damage control. As they said, one was always too much and two was never enough.
"I know, Schatz, also no, you weren't embarrassing."
Kimi stumbled on his feet before leaning on the wall.
"But why people were smiling at me like that? People don't normally smile at me. My face makes them uncomfortable."
Sebastian reached to him and held him by his shoulders.
"Liebling, there is nothing wrong with your face. They were just happy to see you relaxed."
Sebastian knew it wasn't all true and some people indeed find Kimi's predicament amusing but he wasn't about to make his lover more anxious and uncomfortable with the fact.
"No, I might not be the best at understanding people but I know when someone makes fun of me. And they were making fun of me."
Sebastian sighed and gave his shoulders one more squeeze.
"If they were, that's their shame. It is not polite what they did."
Kimi squeezed his eyes shut.
"I shouldn't have given them any reason. I embarrassed myself, and I embarrassed you. I'm sorry, kulta."
Honestly, Sebastian couldn't care less about what other people thought of Kimi. Kimi was kind, wise, talented and amazing in his eyes. Anything else that goes along his name was due to people refusing to understand his preferred mannerism and his relationship with alcohol. He didn't care about what people thought but he cared about how it might affect his dear Kimi.
"No, you didn't, Kimi. You were just having fun and celebrating. Maybe you shouldn't have drunk but it is okay. A mistake doesn't erase all the progress. We will try again tomorrow."
Kimi's shoulders were slouched and his happy self Sebastian was enjoying until a couple minutes ago despite everything had disappeared. Sebastian hated seeing him disappointed in himself more than anything else.
"Hey, it's okay, it's all fine. You did well, despite the whole chaos of hundreds of people in the same room. You managed to stay calm and were a little silly at times maybe. But it was cute."
Kimi lifted his head to meet Sebastian's eyes.
"You thought I was cute? What am I? A puppy?"
Sebastian scoffed.
"Hmm, let me think. You were more like a wolf cub. Or like a husky puppy."
"Fuck off." Kimi was smiling.
"Do you remember what you said to Mick?"
Kimi immediately frowned again.
"Was I talking to Mick?"
Sebastian couldn't suppress his laugh.
"Oh, yes you were. You talked to him until the kid's ears gave out."
Sebastian knew Kimi was trying to remember with all his might.
"Oh yes, I was telling him about the prank we pulled on Jenson with his father. Do you remember?"
"Yes, I do."
Sebastian couldn't help but smile fondly at the guy he loved so dearly for so long. He was going to miss the luxury of spending all their time together once he left for Alpha Romeo.
"I will try harder, kulta, I will be better. I know how much you care. And I know how I look like I don't care, but know that I do."
"I know you do."
Sebastian didn't know if he preferred a sappy Kimi or a nonchalant Kimi but either of them was better than a guilty Kimi, deflated Kimi so he would take it.
"You know, you don't have to show anything in a way that people expect. I will always understand you. I will always see you."
Sebastian couldn't interpret Kimi's expression as a response to his words. He looked... thankful. And enamoured, maybe, if Sebastian wanted to push his luck.
"I don't deserve you."
Sebastian rolled his eyes.
"Yes you do, now let's go back to the hotel."
A sudden reminder of a comfortable bed and the chance to sleep the possible headache off made Kimi's eyes glow.
"So, can I drive?"
Sebastian shook the keys he finally found in his pockets in front of Kimi's face.
"Absolutely not."
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elysialm · 2 years
“  i think it’s okay to be lonely sometimes.  i think that’s when you learn the most about who and what you are.  and who you want to be.  ” from zhongli !
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The journey to find one self, a familiar talk and a familiar memory that was repeated twice upon her first appearance out of nothingness. A daughter with no mother, a person with no backstory, a maiden with a desire to learn her reason for being here. She does not deny Zhongli’s words, instead smiling to his face while listening to his calming voice. He isn’t one like others, she knows this through experience and understanding of this land, its gods, and its citizens. The familiar gaze of knowledge and intelligence, a familiar difference that sets him away from the common folk. A star in the dark, a leader who knows how to stand in the front lines and lead the masses towards a destined fortune. It sets her mind at ease, brings out a sense of warmth and adoration upon knowing someone like him is ever-present in this world. A rock for his people, a baseline that supports everything that is built atop of it. The strength that radiates from his warm amber gaze lets her know enough: he is a wonderful soul, a presence she wished to learn more about. 
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“ Mhmm, I agree, but I also think that too much loneliness can be bad as well, ” she talks with a softer tone, looking forward with her hands clasped together in a lock. “ Sometimes, being alone for too long can cause rifts in understanding, cracks in your true self, make you overthink. We all need our ‘me time’ so to speak, but... not everyone can find themselves through a lonesome journey. ”
Elysia found herself studying the world alone, traveling alone, being betrayed and hurt but also witnessing such immense human kindness it touched her heart. She did not find who she was during her lone times, but she found herself in the company of her dearest comrades. Loneliness could isolated and make one terribly saddened, Mobius was such a person. She would close herself in the laboratory, never allow anyone to enter aside from select chosen... or those who would force their way into it. If you spend too much time in the loneliness, sadness would envelop you. However, Elysia understood Zhongli did not mean such extreme cases and only meant being lonely in moderation. All that is in balance should be good, but she would not agree. Her love was not balanced, it will always overflow and there will not shame or guilt over it. 
“ Did you find yourself on such a journey, Zhongli? I personally found who I am thanks to those I deeply cared about. With them, I became ‘real’. ” A ‘flawless human’ Elysia, the “Impeccable Human” Elysia as Kevin said. The creator of 13 Flamechaers, as Eden spoke. The Daughter of God, as Aponia would put it. The one who deserves to have her story remembered, as Vil-V mentioned. “ A noble soul, a beautiful soul... I’ve seen so many of those here. It makes me happy, this world is filled with stars that will never stop shining. ”
How strange it must be to hear her speak in such a soft tone, shoulders relaxed and her stance straight. Elysia is one who usually shows her delight and energy, but there were moments when she would look away and speak such tender yet intimate monologues as if she were opening her whole heart to the world in a whisper. A soul that is noble stands next to her in his full glory, eyes of gold just like Eden’s shine with wisdom and knowledge, a gaze that knows this world’s deepest secrets and its sacrifices. Will he let her reach for that light and embrace it just as she wishes to embrace all there is in this world? Love everlasting, given to all with a smile of tender devotion. Her love, endless and sincere; a pristine touch of light. 
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erorbis · 6 months
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Build Showcase: Poison - Dexterity/Arcane
Build: Dex/Arc Tarnished: Fanti
One of my favorite builds. Utilising a lot of different facets in Elden Ring's combat for a fast-paced fun experience. Relying mainly on offense and poison buildup (whilst looking the part), this build makes for great way to quickly dispatch multiple unsuspecting foes.
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The Dual Katars are very fun to use. Changing the Battle Art to Quickstep for a more mobile build since its fun to jump in with. Accompanying it with poison grease allows for decent poison buildup. Even using drawstring poison grease in tight situations, you are able to get decent poison output.
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For long range, I used the Serpent Bow. Using regular arrows for their abundance still works, but the damaging effects are empowered when using any kind of poison arrows. This weapon also scales with Arcane!
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Lastly using the SerpentBone Blade in the right hand, alongside the Wakizashi. Even though the Wakizashi is classed as a "dagger", the left-handed strikes work in conjunction with any katana-based weapons, creating a wonderful flurry of attacks.
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This build rewards successive attacks, as many dex builds do. Coating the Katars with Poison Grease and barraging your foes allows for quick Poison buildup and quick damage. Working with the Rotten Winged Sword Insignia (or Winged Sword Insignia) and The Kindred of Rot's Exultation Talismans, you are sure to get a lot of damage off if you commit to the offense.
And with the deftness in dex builds, using equipment is a fun and moderately unconventional addition to combat. I particularly like using the "Fetid Pot" (as digustingly bizarre as that may sound). Not only does it go along with Fanti's unusual ways of fighting, but it also scales well with Arcane! Poison darts are a swift alternative, alongside your run-of-the-mill throwing knives or fan-daggers.
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Now for the "fashion-souls" segment.
I like the use of the Guardian Set (minus the helm), especially with Fanti. Mixed with the deep color of red and purple of Fanti's appearance, I feel they complement each other nicely.
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Mixing that with the Dual Katars and the Bandit Mask, it gives a swift assasin look. The association also with the Guardian enemies who adorn this set is very closely linked with Poison as is one of their attacks.
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Even just having the Wakizashi sheathed and arrows holstered on the back really adds to the wide variety of an assasin's arsenal.
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Yeah, Fanti is brutal...
Minor Location Spoilers! (for build items)
I did this build pretty late on in my game, but I believe a good majority of the weapons can be found within Caelid, along with some of the Talismans.
The Guardian set, you can go past the spot where the dragons are in Caelid. Going north of there, there will be a lower path along cliffs facing the water where many Guardians spawn close to a Site of Grace. This spot is also a great place to farm runes for the majority of the game. Bonus points if you are levelling Arcane as it boosts Item Discovery!
However, some things are a bit further along in the ER journey to find (and Caelid is always scary). The SerpentBone Blade being a weapon you get doing Tanith's questline at Volcano Manor, which isn't exactly early game.
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Anyway, I am happy to share this build! Its a big part of how I build my characters based on what kind of builds they use and how they adapt/evolve into other ones.
If it interests you I'd highly recommend this build, especially if you want to add some flair to your gameplay.
Feel free to share or even modify it to suit your liking. I'm always curious about new builds and discovering new gameplay tidbits.
As for the blog, I am still currently figuring out what to do next. May focus on more builds, or character builiding. At least for now it will be focus on my Tarnished OCs themselves. Maybe in the future I may delve deeper into the profilic characters in the story (the demigods, other tarnished etc).
Thanks for your time, really appreciate it!
Fanti's method of fighting may seem to many as vulgar. Yet these uncouth methods yield devastating results. Fanti does not harbor any regret for the unmaking they sow, for there is no reason to feel it. Maybe there is a morbid fascination with experiencing the transition between life and death, broken as it is. Knowing not why they act, Fanti does not deny their natural inclination, for there is so much to uncover in this world.
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Dumbest Thing I've Ever Heard: 8/14/2023
Fifth Place: Dean Phillips
Another day, another Democrat trying to push for somebody--anybody--to come out and primary President Biden for reasons that never make any fucking sense. Of course, Phillips is a "moderate Democrat" (read: Republican) who clearly wants Biden out of the way because of how progressive the President is--and honestly, I think Biden should welcome the hatred of people like this. I also cannot believe we live in a world where Joe Biden of all people is too progressive for some Democrats, but here we are.
Mind you, Biden is much more well liked not just among the insiders of the Democratic Party but also among the rank and file members who actually would vote in a primary. Meaning any chance of a primary against him is unlikely to be successful, but the fact that these idiots keep trying to run to Biden's right while assuming that's what the Democratic voter base wants (a large chunk of Democrats are too the left of Biden) is just sad. And that's not even getting into how Biden is seen as some sign of the status quo by these people--while they constantly want alternatives who are too his right and would more than likely continue the status quo, albeit with a younger face.
Of course, this fear about Biden being old is a totally manufactured concern by the political class. The average voter doesn't care how old a politician is--in fact, back in 2016 and 2020 the youngest voters went for Bernie Sanders, who is even older than Biden. This is all just bullshit designed to scare Biden into not running for re-election, and I am very happy he has not fallen for it.
Fourth Place: Kurt Schlichter
Speaking of primary challengers that have no chance of going anywhere, Ron DeSantis is still running for President--and Kurt over at Townhall firmly believes he'll be the nomination. You see, according to Kurt, the real reason why DeSantis isn't leading in the polls is because nobody has heard of him yet:
Remember, this is a primary race, not a Twitter popularity race. The simple fact is that the polls in July 2023 do not reflect the real situation on the ground in 2023, much less 2024 when the actual voting happens. You know who are active right now? The activists. And those aren’t polls of activists. Those are polls of regular people living regular lives who think “Yeah, I like Trump and Trump’s getting a raw deal from the scumbag prosecutors, and he’s the only guy I really know about, so I’m going to put his name down.” They haven’t had to think hard about it yet. They haven’t had to weigh the facts. They haven’t really looked at Ron DeSantis’s record – if they’re looking at Twitter, they’re going to think that he parties with Paul Ryan over at George Soros’s crash pad. That kind of dumb lie is easy to dispel, and when people see that they’ve been lied to, they’re going to look deeper to find the truth. 
You mean four years of the media shoving him down our throats hasn't been enough time for the average person to know his record? And none of this is even getting into the stupidity of assuming that people who are political enough to vote in the Republican primary also haven't taken the time to know who DeSantis is.
Mind you, more exposure to DeSantis does not seem to be helping him--if anything, the opposite seems to be the case. Remember two years ago when DeSantis was seen as the 2024 frontrunner? Some were even predicting that he'd replace Donald Trump as head of the Republican Party by the midterm elections--and that never happened. That is because people saw exactly who Ron DeSantis was, and they didn't like it.
Third Place: Ron DeSantis
A short follow up on my last entry, it seems like Ron has trouble keeping the attention of the people who already know of him. Here's some reporting from Mediaite:
Donald Trump literally overshadowed Ron DeSantis — with planes – at the Iowa State Fair on Saturday, flying over the event and prompting the throngs of GOP voters to chant “we want Trump!” while the Florida governor was flipping burgers and trying to woo support.
This man seriously thinks people want him to be President.
Second Place: Karl Lake
The former Arizona candidate for Governor challenged somebody to "milk a bull" in order to prove that there are only two genders. Of course, given people aren't steer--and people assigned male at birth can produce milk if they have enough estrogen in their system, by the way--this comparison was seen as really dumb, because it is.
Winner: Merrick Garland
I talked Friday about Merrick's choice to create a special council to investigate Hunter Biden, which was little more than an attempt to appease Republicans--and said attempt has failed as many Republicans, including ones who asked for the exact special prosecutor Garland picked, are still upset with him.
So Garland has lost all Biden supporters and Biden critics--this is the most Merrick Garland move of all time.
Merrick Garland, you've done the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
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