#I bring up the fact that this can work well for fanfic because I'm actually writing one like that right now
kawarikisaki · 9 months
The only real problem I have with your theory is while we don’t know much about Toichi’s Kid him being responsible for a gang that does so much evil does seem a bit out of character but then again if Night Baron is based on his Kid and he’s also a murderer maybe he was a far darker version of Kid than his son. But he couldn’t have been too dark as Kid. But then a lot can change in 8 years. There’s another meaning to the string of numbers name he had before Yusaku gave him the name Kid. 1412. Since he refers to himself as his original title in the wallet. That and I’m pretty confident Chikage knows about at least Corbeau can’t see her being okay with her husband being the head of the most evil criminal group in the canon. (Though Toichi was totally taking a page from her book with his interaction with Shinichi and Ran.)Though he could be keeping that from her too. I really hate this. Because for a crack theory it’s pretty solid. He might already know his “older brother is alive” though wouldn’t he be upset that his subordinates almost murdered his son?
Alrighty, hope you're ready for a long one, because it's time to discuss what we know about Toichi/Kid the first, and just how easy it is to twist some of it into a sinister light. And also a few other marginally connected thoughts, because I may as well keep this mostly consolidated.
We'll start with Kid. You're right that we don’t have much on him, because we only have two direct examples of Toichi as Kid, one being the Phantom Lady flashback, and the other being the encounter with his 'older brother'.
The Shinichi encounter isn't particularly helpful for this, as he was very much putting on a character for a child, and even if Shinichi has a idetic memory we're getting a recounted version of the child's perspective ten years after the fact.
But Phantom Lady? Helpful, we have Toichi claiming to prefer more elegant methodology than those employed by Phantom Lady. And he also states that he didn’t initially intend for the white suit to be his crime outfit, it was meant to be a stage costume (though he may be lying here, why would he need a hanglider in his stage costume?), but knowing that it was meant to be for his 'civilian identity' and assuming that he's also Corbeau then we can assume that the black suit he'd have been able to fully plan matches his true tastes more.
But we can also make a few assumptions based on the fact that Nakamori-keibu, the closest thing to a Kaitou Kid expert that we can use for this (Yusaku isn't helpful he’s a gremlin, he would gladly confuse the situation for fun) and the fact that he was under the impression that new Kid and Old Kid were the same person means that Kaitou Kid’s MO didn't change considerably enough for Nakamori-keibu to question them being the same Kid. Which means that if Toichi was doing any murders as Kid then he wasn’t getting caught, since Nakamori-keibu is confident Kid wouldn’t murder to the point that if a death happens at a heist he just hands off the crime scene to the homicide detectives as "nope not Kid."
That said, I think that if Toichi is secretly Karasuma Renya then its likely that he wasn’t doing murders as Kid, but rather just playing around and taking the chance to lead a fun and fulfilling life. Karasuma Renya is supposedly greedy beyond compare, why not be a jewel thief, get a wife to place in his 'jewelry box', a humble home considering his fame as a performer (a sign that he's stockpiling his real wealth elsewhere?), and hey lets toss in a child too- people enjoy raising children. That is to say it was possibly just something being done on a whim.
And since you brought up the names... I've always thought of the "Kaitou 1412" number as like a police assigned case number or something, rather than a meaningful name that Toichi came up with himself. And, as such, i tend to view him signing with it as something akin to a formal signature. Though as for why he would use a formal signature on what was essentially meant to be a correspondence between friends... I don't really have an answer; perhaps the name 'Kid' was only recently established at that point and part of the purpose of this whole communication was too accept the new name (but I doubt that because i feel like if the name Kid didn't come up till that late in his carrer as a thief then it probably wouldn’t have stuck for long enough to be the primary name in use when Kid returned.) In any case here, I'm meaning to point out that he didn't get to name himself as Kid, so much like how the costume supposedly wasn't initially intended for crimes and therefore the black one is probably more planned and in line with his actual tastes- the name Corbeau was likely the same.
As for Chikage.... whether she and Toichi are acting as Corbeau together or Toichi is doing it alone there’s no getting around the fact that she definitely knows about it, and most likely she’d have to be in on it. Though whether that means she's also aware that he's a crimelord on an international scale on the side (which would be pretty hard to hide) isn't necessarily connected, after all the Boss and Corbeau could be two entirely separate crime-sonas he's got going on. For the sake of the theory it makes more sense if she's helping him; in the DCMK world people that are presumed dead can get away with a lot, but it'd definitely be easier with someone aside from just his underlings helping to make moves for him. Though don't know if he'd have told her that Kuroba Toichi is an alias and he's old enough that he should be long dead...
In any case, it's bad news for Kaito in so many ways. Not only is his dad alive, regularly in Japan, and not contacting him; as it turns out, he's also very much a worse criminal than Kaito originally thought. Kaito had already been somewhat shaken when he found out his dad was Kid. He hadn’t wanted it to be true and even resolved himself to follow the same path to understand. So what happens if he finds out his dad is murdering people- or at the very least ordering others to murder on his behalf so he doesn’t dirty his own hands? What happens if he finds out that when he almost blew up on a train doing a favor for his little detective that the people behind were acting on his dad's orders? What happens if he finds out that it was probably part of the plan for him to be brought into the 'family business'? I'd like to think he'd be disgusted... but there are darker paths that could be taken given what Toichi's skill set likely includes and especially considering how much Kaito loves and respects his dad.
As for what Evil Toichi would think about his underlings almost killing his son... well again the MK organization and the black organization are two different groups, but it is true that the crows have tried to kill Kid- even if by accident. I don't think that he'd be particularly upset about it, every time that Kaito has been involved with anything related to the BO he's gotten involved with of his own volition, and besides Kaito is plenty skilled enough to survive just about anything. Everything we know about Toichi from canon just leads me to think he's the kind of person who has immense confidence in his own skills, so if I'm gonna twist him into a villain I've just gotta push that a little farther, maybe he's holding Kaito to the same standard he holds himself and thinks that a 'little assassination attempt' would never be enough to even touch someone that he trained... And maybe if Kaito did die to such a thing he wasn't a worthy heir to begin with. Or maybe it's not quite that sinister and he sees Kaito almost dying as something like a training exercise. But whatever the case he must not be too concerned about it, given that as far as we're aware those responsible haven't really received any punishment.
Yeah, it's ridiculously solid, the fact that there's not really anything concrete that can be used to refute it is kinda wild to me even now. But I still consider it a crack theory because even if it's plausible it's not good if Kaito's story and Shinichi's story need to be two separate things. It's wonderful for the purposes of fanfiction because it very cleanly connects their stories, depending on how Kaito takes the news he can be disgusted with his dad's actions and join Conan to stop him or he can join his dad and become a villain.
But like I mentioned in one of my previous posts this would be messy for the narrative on a meta level if it turned out to be correct, and that's why I consider it a crack theory and not just a theory. If it's true then it's fine for Magic Kaito to become required reading for Detective Conan- it's a very different kind of story but it's short and it'd give important backstory, but conversely it's kinda unfair for Detective Conan to become required reading for Magic Kaito. Sure most people that are interested in one are probably already reading the other... but imagine a fictional scenario where someone is reading Magic Kaito after it's finished; it's around 50 chapters give or take, and the ending feels kinda hollow because even though Kaito found out his dad was a villain and resolved to bring him to justice but then the story just ended there... , then this person goes onto tumblr or reddit or some other fandom space and finds out that the real ending is locked behind reading 1752 chapters of a completely separate manga where Kid was a cameo character early on then eventually joined the main cast to take on the final threat. Plus it'd make things weird because it would feel like Yusaku should have a bigger role than he currently does if his old friend/rival is the villain...... unless Yusaku dies.
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Hello again, nonny!
Oh god, I'm so sorry how long this request took me to make.
I really wanted to make your request since you seem really sweet, but I struggled so much! I changed formats and ideas for your request at least 20 times and I'm so burnt out both creatively and in my personal life.
I'm not fully satisfied with my work, I feel like this piece could've been a bit better. But anyways I really hope you'll find the final results acceptable, and I'm again sorry for the way too long wait.
🍎🎶//Not such an awful colour after all...//🎶🍎
(Lilith and Lucifer x gender-neutral!imp!reader)
Type: Fanfic
Settings: Romantic
Genre: Fluff, though a bit of hurt/comfort feel,
!TRIGGER WARNING!: Reader is hinted to be lonely and maybe a little depressed, hints of Reader having been mistreated in the past, occasional swear words used, idk if it's a trigger but Lucifer is a little awkward at interacting with gender-neutral reader at first (but he's supportive!), mentions of typical Hazbin Hotel stuff like hell, violence, etc., I believe the interaction between Lucifer and Lilith will give you second-hand embarrassment (but I imagine them being this lovey-dovey with each other, sorry), reader is also quite awkward and you'll probably also have second-hand embarrassment from this, and maybe a bit of not-sexual predator/prey feel in some parts is you squint (really not intended in a sexual way), and that should be all!
Sidenote: Reader is written as gender-neutral as per request. But if reader seems to be leaning towards more feminine sense, it's purely unintentional and I apologize!
Sidenote: Lucifer's portrayal is based off what we've seen in the show. As for Lilith, she's written as how the fandom's been portraying her before official release,
Sidenote: It's possible that reader might be a little neurodivergent coded. I just wrote what felt natural to me, and since I'm not a neurotypical, it might've affected Reader's portrayal,
That should be all,
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Ah, those skies of red. Those sweet skies of red, they're all you've ever known.
Just those skies of red. And streets painted in blood, their shade makes you feel at home.
Skies of red, bloodied streets. As well as endless labyrinths bathing in the shade of ruby.
This is what makes up your entire world as a whole.
What makes up every twist, and every corner, even the littlest of crannies.
The colour of red - it seems to be an ever present companion.
A never leaving company, one that cannot be escaped no matter where you go.
Perhaps it is a punishment given to the sinners - to spend eternity in a sea of blood.
And only have a few distant memories of all the colours life holds.
A punishment to daily remind sinners of that one simple truth.
That just like the Pride ring is drained of colours, they themselves are drained of humanity.
At least, that's what's being passed on as the truth...
You yourself are not one of them, you're not a soul lost to sin and temptation.
And yet, you live the same exact way they do - in a single colour world.
Which is the only world you have ever known.
You may be an imp, sure.
You may have the upper hand over sinners, being able to travel outside Pride.
However, hell works just the same way the human world does.
At least in some ways.
Same as with humans, if you in hell don't have the means, the only travelling you can afford is taking out the trash.
And that's all. Nothing more, nothing less.
If we're bring honest here, you actually don't feel like you have the upper hand in this.
Especially considering the fact you're a lowly imp that can barely make a living.
If anything, you would say that sinners are the ones in the lead here.
Because they had experienced something you'd never have - a life outside of hell.
Before getting to hell, all sinners got to experience all the wonders of life.
Especially all those beautiful colours life could hold and come with - something you could only dream of.
You often wonder, though, just how it must feel to have everything you know taken away.
First having everything, and then ending up in a place that lacks most of what used to make up your whole world.
It's a pretty good punishment for sins if you think about it long and hard enough.
But you still don't think it's fair this punishment to see nothing but shades of red involves you too.
You never did anything wrong, and yet you live the same way sinners do.
And that's a fact you've still not accepted, and you probably never will.
The other imps in the Pride ring never seemed to be as bothered by this though.
They never really agreed with your desire of wanting more than just this.
Not even those that were the same as you - without the option to travel or move out of Pride.
Even your own parents always said that you were making this into too much of a big deal.
They didn't understand you, just like none of the other imps around you did.
That fact alone has always made you feel really singled out throughout your whole life.
You felt alone, and like no one really got you or your frustrations regarding living in a single colour world.
You felt like such an oddball - and the other imps didn't really help on that regard.
Most of them would point their fingers at you, and ridicule you.
You experienced that treatment especially when you were younger, still a naive little child.
Because back then you didn't know it was better to keep your mouth shut if your opinions didn't match what the rest thought.
You didn't know any better, but eventually, you've learned to keep such things to yourself.
You had to if you didn't want to continue being lonely and mistreated.
And so, you've pushed your distaste for the colour of red aside, never mentioning it ever again.
Or well, that's how it was until a really unusual and extraordinary day.
On one certain day, a beautiful, vividly turquoise rose was found in Pride.
And it was such an unusual sight that the petite little flower was taken and placed into a museum.
Yet, no one really seemed to care for that small little bloom.
No one really rushed to the museum building to see that little piece of miracle.
No one was excited about it.
No one except you.
It sure felt lonely all over again to be the only one there.
The only one standing in front of the flower secured behind the protective glass.
The only one eagerly wanting to take in every little detail of the flower with true and genuine enthusiasm.
But at the moment you finally got to live your childhood dreams, it didn't really matter.
It was not your loss, it was your gain.
And so, you stood there, gazing fondly at the petite bloom.
And as you did so, you eventually found yourself talking to the flower gently.
"Aren't you just the prettiest little thing all of hell's ever seen?".
You melted over the little miracle as if it could hear.
You spoke to it, letting those turquoise petals know just how much you admired them.
And you could've cared less about whether or not you looked silly.
This was a dream come true - and you've made sure that the little thing knew.
"You have no idea how much I've been wishing for something like you to happen here in hell...".
You found yourself confessing, telling the flower all you've kept inside for years and years.
All of what you've had to push aside and share with no one until this single moment.
And it felt amazing to finally let it all out after suppressing it all for so long.
Even if that small thing probably couldn't even hear or understand any of what you've shared.
Even if all you got in response was just and only deafening silence.
Silence that reminded you that you're the only one around.
The only one to have these certain thoughts regarding your hatred for the colour of red.
And your frustrations about your desires to see more of the colours life can hold.
You really were all alone on this one it seemed...
"Truly a sight to see, am I right?".
A voice broke you out of your thoughts.
And you then found yourself facing a stranger.
An ordinary height man - one with porcelain skin and golden locks for hair.
And two vividly yellow pools for eyes, with their centers of blood red.
Blood red - that one damn, awful shade that you held so much hatred for.
And yet, despite that, you had to admit that the man was quite the looker.
And he definitely knew how to dress - all fancy, and, dare you'd say, flawless.
Well, flawless if you ignored the presence of the colour red in his attire.
But nonetheless, he was truly something you could stare at for hours and not get bored.
And it was quite the surprise that such a man would approach someone like you.
A lowly imp - a creature beneath nearly all of hell kind.
"I wasn't talking about myself, you know?".
The man's voice brought you out of your thoughts for the second time today.
And as his teasing words settled in, you realize that you've been caught staring at him!
A blush immediately covered your face at that realization.
And you profoundly attempted to apologize, stumbling over your words as you did.
The stranger, however, didn't seem all too bothered, nor did he seem disgusted.
If anything, he looked amused, and the warm chuckle he gave reassured you about that assumption.
"Oh, it's nothing to get worked up over,".
The man silenced you gently, waving his hand dismissively.
"I am aware of the effect I have on women, men...".
He went on casually before pausing, and looking you up and down.
"As well as pretty little things such as yourself...".
He grinned at you seductively, but then you could almost see the gears turning in his head.
And as his eyes widened at what seemed to be a realization, his face shifted to a look of panic.
"Sorry- am I allowed to call you a thing? That's not offensive, is it?".
He questioned, making your embarrassment ease up.
He seemed as socially awkward as you at that certain moment.
And you couldn't help but smile as he sputtered some more.
"Fuck- sorry, would it be more acceptable to call you a pretty little person?".
The stranger asked, looking genuinely panicked about the situation.
But before you could reassure him, he went on a tangent.
"Wait- that's probably-".
He sputtered, stumbling over his words without catching a break.
It would be quite a comical sight to see - Him, a gorgeous demon - stressing over possibly having insulted a mere imp.
And to the point of nearly crumbling and begging for forgiveness too.
Truly a scene one doesn't get to see on the daily basis.
You might've even laughed at him if only you didn't feel quite bad for him.
He was obviously a decent person and meant well.
Which was not something you see in hell everyday either.
"Sorry! I've not romanced a gender nonconfirming individual before,".
The man chuckled awkwardly, nervously reaching out with his hand to fix his hat.
But then he almost seemed to choke back on his own chuckle before he, as if in a rush, added:
"-but I'm not actually trying to romance you! I'm just-".
He didn't get to finish his ramblings as you've decided to finally ease his nerves.
"It's all good, no worries,".
You gently cut the stranger off with a friendly chuckle.
And you even offered a soft smile to add to your reassurance.
You genuinely didn't want for this man to stress himself out - he seemed quite sweet.
"You did pretty well for your first time,".
You added in a light-hearted voice, feeling the need to relax the man further.
And to your words, the stranger responded with a surprised blink of his eyes, and his mouth going agape.
But that reaction was short lived as he soon grinned, looking pretty proud of himself.
"I did?".
Was the following verbal answer your reassurance received.
And being the good-natured person you were, you nodded in confirmation.
You didn't get annoyed with him, you actually enjoyed this interaction a lot.
It was like a breath of fresh air to finally talk to someone real.
And someone who was friendly and not a mean-spirited bitch at that!
"Wow, that's... That's a huge relief!".
The stranger chuckled again, but this time it was less awkward, and more warm and relaxed.
"It sure wouldn't do my reputation any good if I were to insult one of my subjects,".
He mused casually while tugging a little at his coat and fixing it to his liking.
"even if by complete accident,".
He added, but then his previous words sunk in, and you had to do a double take.
What did he mean by 'subjects'?
"Um... subjects?".
You voiced your thoughts and confusion, to which the man, still grinning, raised an eyebrow.
"Well, yeah?".
The stranger said with a voice tone that hinted it should be obvious, as if there was no place for confusion.
But you only stared at the man, clearly not getting the memo.
Yet, the man didn't seem offended, he actually seemed more amused than anything.
"Wait, you actually-?".
He broke put into a short, yet hearty laugh as he gripped onto his hat.
He laughed, but he didn't seem to be ridiculing you or have any ill will.
He just seemed to find the whole situation entertaining.
"My- oh, my!".
The stranger's laughter died down, only a few low chuckles leaving him as he uttered those words.
"Now that's something I don't see every day! You don't really do politics, do you?".
He asked you with a playful smirk, his sharp teeth peeking out from under his upper lip.
And you answered with a shake of your head, confirming the man's suspicions.
"Ah, that explains it,".
The stranger mused as he casually leaned onto his cane in the shape of an apple.
"Well, fortunately for you,".
The man began after a short pause, his eyes half-lidded and relaxed.
With a laid-back grin to complete the look.
"I'm not really one of those stuck-up royals who quite literally lose their shit over people not recognizing them,".
He gave a warm chuckle, along with a look of the same warmth as his laugh.
Like sweet honey stirred into a warm cup of tea.
Then, the stranger with the eyes of ruby put his free hand on his hip.
And he casually crossed his legs, all while still leaning against his cane.
He made his pose look so easy, and completely effortless. Like he had no weight the cane needed to support.
It was quite impressive.
And you wondered whether the man really weighed close to nothing.
Or if it was some sleight of hand kinda deal used to gain admiration from others.
Well, whichever case it were, the cane was perfectly still and straight.
As if the handsome demon wasn't even leaning on it.
"Yeah, that's not really my style,".
You heard the male say, drawing your attention back to him instead of the spear-like cane.
And you looked at the male just in time, because you got to see him casually checking his nails at the end of his statement.
Or well, you got to see him looking at where his nails would be as the stranger had black gloves on, giving no access to his nails.
But still, the gesture got the point across.
You understood the action was to deliver his words in a more smug and careless fashion.
Like he saw himself as above the rest of the popular demons.
And maybe as if he looked down on the others.
Not others as in low class.
Others as in the other royals, those who felt insulted if one didn't recognize them.
But that's beside the point.
What mattered more than how he said it, was the context of what he said.
Because the message that sunk in was clear - this man was a high class it seemed.
"Oh... so, you're a royal...?".
You found yourself saying in a way that made it seem like you were asking.
Like you weren't just repeating what was said to you, but like you wanted to hear a confirmation.
But despite that though, the voice tone you spike in wasn't really impressed nor intimidated.
Unlike what would've been expected of you upon such a find.
But your reaction was genuine, contrary to what one might think.
You truly weren't really impressed or intimidated by the revelation - you didn't find any reason to be.
One could call you naive, but you didn't feel the need to cower or be in awe.
Because this handsome demon didn't seem to want that sort of thing.
At least, that's what you assumed based on your interaction so far.
For the demon acted like a normal and ordinary demon, an equal to you even.
And not just that - he's been sweet and considerate the entire time too!
Not to mention you never got just why were royals such a big deal.
So, your disinterest in the man's status was your genuine reaction, it was no act.
"Sure am,"
The stranger nodded in agreement with your words, a low grin decorating his flawless face.
And you couldn't help but feel this laid-back aura coming off him, he seemed like he had little to no care in the world.
And he gazed at you with soft eyes that welcomed you in despite how much you despised their colour.
Oh, and the way he looked at you...
It made you feel like he wasn't bothered by your lack of reaction or lack of appeal for the fact he was a hight class.
It actually felt like he appreciated it. And his next words seemed like a confirmation of that.
"but, you don't have to worry your pretty little head about it,"
He waved his hand dismissively before addressing you with a:
"my dear little any-colour-but-red enthusiast.".
And the way he's addressed you made you pause.
And as your eyes widened, you had to do a double take.
You needed to let the title he's given you fully sink in.
And oh, when it did, your entire being filled shame and embarrassment.
Because if you got it right, then the man's heard your one-sided chat with the flower!
That one embarrassing heart to heart conversation no one was supposed to hear...
You muttered, feeling your face beginning to heat up.
"you... you heard me...?".
You asked, and you couldn't even say anything more.
You were so embarrassed!
If one could die from shame, you'd be found dead right on your spot at least twice.
And yet, a part of you still hoped the male wouldn't confirm your worries.
A part of you still believed the situation wasn't so bad.
But then all your hopes were shattered.
"Mhm, I sure did,"
The handsome stranger confirmed much to your dismay.
And you were internally screeching.
You were caught sharing your frustrations with a petite bloom.
Talk about awkward.
You were surprised the stranger didn't run from you.
Fuck, this embarrassing moment was gonna stay on your mind til you die.
Even on your death bed this moment would be in your head on repeat.
"Oh my fucking-".
You sputtered and buried your face into your hands.
And you couldn't stop the involuntary, annoyed groan at the situation.
"I... damn... I'm sorry you had to see that...".
You eventually managed to tell the stranger after getting the courage to face him again.
"I would swear to you thar I'm not as odd as I may look right now,"
You went on, despite not knowing why exactly.
You felt the need to explain yourself, make yourself look better.
But you couldn't really.
"but I, unfortunately, do shit like that pretty often,"
Followed your confession.
Being true was the key, right?
Maybe it'd help in your case? You didn't count on
And yet, the friendly demon surprised you.
"That's quite alright,"
You heard him chuckle.
And just like you previously reassured him, now he was to reassure you.
"if anything, I think you're quite endearing.".
He reassured you, voice warm and sweet, just like his eyes and the look he was giving you were.
And you did feel a bit calmer after his words for sure, although you still couldn't get over the fact this man's heard everything.
After all, what you told the flower wasn't something you'd tell just anyone. Let alone to someone you didn't know at all.
But then, the male spoke up again.
"And, between you and me...".
He started, looking into your eyes.
And then, he said those words you've always wanted to hear.
"I agree with you, hell could use more colour.".
There it was. Those words no one's ever told you. Those words you've always craved to hear.
Someone was agreeing with you and sharing your frustrations.
It felt like a dream.
You needed to pinch yourself, just to be sure this was real.
Your ears weren't deceiving you, were they?
"You... you really think so?".
You asked the stranger, your voice low, words cautious.
You didn't want to risk anything.
Your thoughts were racing, you were all tense, and you almost held back your breath as you waited for the man's response.
The male was quiet for a bit, prolonging your nervousness.
But it didn't seem like it was deliberately to make you suffer.
Since his expression softened - his grin was less wide, less smug.
And his eyes held something in them that was hard to read.
It seemed like recognition or compassion...
And maybe if one looked close enough, they would see a hint of sadness and longing.
As if, long time ago, the man's lost something he cherished dearly.
You've never seen anyone look like that.
And maybe this was why you felt the stranger's words were true.
That he was sick of living in a world made of shades of red just like you were.
"Yes, I do,".
He nodded, melancholia taking over the demon's features.
"Losing the opportunity to witness all the colours life can carry is something I mourn over from time to time...".
He confessed to you as he stood straight again, hus stance no longer relaxed, and he gazed longingly at the turquoise rose.
"You know, when I'm in a certain mood...".
He added with a bit lighter tone and a soft smile sent your way.
As if he was trying to make his words seem more light-hearted and not bring the mood down.
His words made a few questions arise in your head.
He confessed to have known a world filled with colours, which would hint at him being a sinner.
But then again, he said he was a royal, so he couldn't be a sinner.
It was confusing, and you had several questions, but you didn't have it in you to ask.
Instead you remained silent, gaze fixating on those turquoise petals.
Yet, you didn't leave the stranger without a reaction.
It may have been daring, maybe even improper, to do this to a royal, but you felt it was the right thing to do.
And so, you gently placed a consoling hand on the man's arm.
And when the male looked at you with a surprised look, you offered a soft smile and eyes full of compassion.
A look to let him know he wasn't alone in this.
And that gesture seemed to mean a lot to the demon as he offered a light smile back, his eyes seeming more lively after your act.
And you two exchanged a gaze of understanding one another, both of you feeling seen.
And then, the two of you gazed back at the turquoise rose, both of you admiring it in silence.
But this time neither of you were alone. This time you both had someone there with you. Someone to share this special moment with.
This was a moment that meant more than any personal possessions - this moment meant everything.
Yet, getting to have everything at one moment doesn't necessarily mean you'll get to keep that everything.
Such moments were a matter of a few minutes, not a lifetime.
And the reminder of this simple truth, came in a form of a voice.
A female voice that awoke a sense of familiarity in you.
Yet, you could not remember where you've heard that voice before.
And and picturing the owner has proven to be even more hard - it was out of the question.
"Ah, there you are!".
A female voice rang through the empty museum halls.
The sound it carried was smooth and feminine, with elegance.
And it evoked a cozy feeling, if that even makes sense.
There was also this slight raspy quality to it, yet the voice was sweet.
Pleasant to the ears.
You and the handsome stranger both turned around.
And the sight you were met with - oh how to even describe it?
You almost found yourself doubting that you were still standing in hell.
Because you could've sworn you were literally seeing an angel.
The woman that approached was like a divine painting.
Her figure was well-endowed, with long and thin legs.
And her face was sharp and flawless, looking as if made up by angels.
As if to add to her beauty - she had blonde long hair.
And that hair draped over her body all the way to the floor.
Like a veil made of gold.
She truly looked like a being straight out of heaven.
And you would dare to say that she rivaled all the depictions of Eve you've heard of.
Though there was one thing ruining the divine image of hers.
And those were her horns.
Wine red, long and curled horns decorating her head.
The blond male next to you perked up.
He eagerly waved the woman over, a wide smile on his face.
His sharp teeth exposed.
His entire person appeared to have completely livened up.
Contrary to how solemn he was with you just a few moments back.
"My one and only! Where have you been?".
He asked the woman.
Or well, Lili - as he's addressed her.
And he gazed at her with pure adoration, excitement written all over his face.
And the demon stepped forward with a fond look.
"I could've sworn you were by my side the whole time before- poof- and you were gone!".
The handsome demon went on.
His pace of speech was fast and energized.
And he was almost jumbling his words together in the process.
And with his gesticulation coming on strong, the male had a truly disorganized look to him.
He looked as if his thoughts and emotions were all over the place.
As if they were going millions of miles per second.
It was quite a wholesome sight to see.
The previously seemingly well-composed man turning into a little ball of energy?
Just because he laid his eyes on the much taller demoness?
That was a truly cute and wholesome moment, a heartwarming moment even, if you'd dare to say.
"But that's not what happened, Luci."
The demoness responded to the shorter demon.
Or well, Luci, if we're going by how he was addressed.
And the female chuckled warmly.
She didn't seem bothered by the male's antics.
Instead, they seemed to be something she adored and held dear.
And the look in her lilac eyes held nothing but devotion.
Matching the one in the red eyes of 'Luci'.
Then, at her response, the male demon looked confused.
"It's not?".
He questioned, to which 'Lili' shook her head, chuckling again.
And then came the following answer:
"No, not quite. It was actually you who wandered off.".
'Luci' seemed taken aback by the reply,.
And pointing to himself as he questioned further:
'Lili' then nodded softly.
The fond look never leaving her face.
"Are you- are you sure? I don't remember it happening like that...".
The blond male then mused, his brows furrowing.
And gripping his chin in thought, he puckered up his lips.
He seemed genuinely confused about the whole thing.
Which made him look quite silly.
Though you yourself, personally, found the look quite cute.
And 'Lili' probably shared your view on that matter.
Because she chuckled melodiously.
Which was a truly heavenly sound to your ears.
And as she did, she seemed to almost melt over the male.
"And how do you remember it, dear?".
She questioned, and her lilac eyes held a comforting feeling.
Like that one of summer evening.
When it's getting dark and everything is cooling down.
Getting to breathe and rest.
With a campfire nearby, a good chilly drink in hand.
And the sound of crickets in the background.
A warm, yet still cooling feeling.
"Well, first we were holding hands..."
'Luci' began to explain to his female companion.
And as if on cue, his strong gesticulation began anew.
And with that, he followed through with:
"Then we stopped by those Lust jewels - y'know, those Asmodeus used to wear before eventually donating them here,".
Then he paused for a moment.
He seemed to be trying to remember the rest of the details.
"Then, I noticed the signs about the new expositions...".
He added after a moment of silence.
A pause, and then eyes seemed to sparkle.
Almost as if he's made some sort of accomplishment.
He most likely managed to remember more details of what's happened.
At least, that's what you've guessed.
"Oh, yeah!".
The handsome male chirped eagerly.
And he almost jumped on his spot as he went ahead to fill in the rest of what's happened.
At least according to him:
"And then I go: Look, Lili! The sign here says the turquoise rose is on the upper floor! Come!".
He said, imitating, what you assumed, were his previous actions and words.
"And I rushed upstairs while leaving you by the Lust jewels.".
The demon finished casually as he smiled.
He seemed so proud of himself for remembering everything.
But then, his yellow eyes widened, everything apparently sinking in.
"Oohh, yeah... It really was me who wandered off,".
He muttered as an embarrassed and disappointed look took over his features.
"You were right, yeah...".
'Luci' admitted, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly all while 'Lili' had a knowing look.
It was that smug 'I told you so' look, but without the ill-will in it.
Instead the look held a playful feel.
A playful feel like that of a simple lovey-dovey banter.
A lovey-dovey banter with no hard feelings.
"Oh, Lili- my love!".
The handsome male called dramatically.
And he took ahold of the taller demoness' hands, squeezing them.
"I have committed such shameful act! Can you ever forgive me, my queen?".
He asked in such a over exaggerated, over dramatic voice.
And he looked a few seconds away from dropping to his knees.
Possibly to loudly and unnecessarily plead for forgiveness.
But that wasn't all yet, because 'Luci' added to the scene.
'Luci' began planting soft kisses onto the female's hands.
Yeah, that wasn't really a scene you'd care to watch.
Talk about uncomfortable.
You just had to look away from the two.
And not only was the scene unpleasant to witness.
But you also didn't want to be seen as some kind of perverted freak.
Like, being caught watching this sort of scene?
Yeah, that wasn't on your bucket list.
And so, you directed your focus back on the turquoise rose.
You wanted to give the two the privacy they probably should have.
And surprisingly, it wasn't as hard to tune the two out.
If you focused on the little bloom hard enough, that is.
You were only brought back to the conversation when you heard yourself being mentioned.
"And who's your friend, Lulu?".
The blonde female asked as her gaze met yours.
Her lilac eyes flashed red for a moment and the shade made you really uncomfortable.
It made you want to shrink, if not straight up run away.
And it was hard to tell if you felt that way because of how much you hated the colour red.
Or if it was because the woman's gaze was suddenly so strict and intimidating.
She seemed to be sizing you up, analyzing, judging...
But before you could muster up the courage to introduce yourself, 'Luci' did it for you.
Or well, he attempted to do so.
"Oh! That! That's...".
He eagerly attempted to introduce you.
Motioning to you with his hand as he grinned wide.
But when the blond male realized he actually didn't know your name, he let his hand drop back to his side.
And he chuckled awkwardly.
"I actually have no idea!".
He chuckled awkwardly, making you feel somewhat more nervous.
The way 'Lili' studied you left you quite uneasy and all tense, you were a little panicked.
Because suddenly a thought came to your head.
What if the woman could see you as some sort of homewrecker?
As someone trying to get with the male she so obviously dated?
That thought caused a tight feeling in your chest.
You found it hard to breathe.
And 'Luci' wasn't making it much better, despite not having any ill intent.
At least you hope he didn't.
"I guess we just got a little lost in our conversation,".
The male said.
He sounded much more casual with this statement.
And he fixed his hat a little.
"Isn't that right, my any-colour-but-red enthusiast?".
'Luci' addressed you with a grin.
Pulling you into the conversation without giving you any time to prepare.
Yeah, he wasn't making this situation any easier to handle.
And not having expected to be involved in the chat, your mind went all blank.
You had not anticipated that.
You were not prepared for this scenario.
So, the only reaction you could come up with was an awkward smile.
An awkward smile and a quick nod sent towards the tall female.
You really hoped that if 'Lili' was reading between the lines, she'd see it really was just an innocent interaction.
An innocent interaction and nothing more.
"Ah, I see... how sweet".
'Lili' hummed.
Unbothered, unphased - that's how you'd describe her.
She seemed so well-composed and proper in every way.
Even all of her movements were just so elegant and correct.
If that makes sense.
Natural - that's another words you'd use for the female.
All her responses seemed just so natural and right.
Especially compared to you.
Yeah, nothing about her said 'socially awkward', unlike how it was in your case.
And, as if that wasn't enough - she was also truly hard to read.
You couldn't tell what she was thinking, she was unpredictable.
She could be planning on tearing you apart and you'd never be able to tell!
And that made the demoness so much more intimidating to you.
Especially considering you had a feeling that, unlike you, she could read you perfectly.
That, or she could be potentially misreading you - that would definitely make things worse.
"And I take it your little chat must've been quite entertaining if you've managed to hold my dear husband's attention for so long,"
The blonde's lilac gaze bore into yours once again.
Her long eyelashes gave her eyes a thin and sharp look.
They were like two black, massive folded fans.
You couldn't tell if they were natural lashes or false ones.
Anyways, her words were followed by a smirk - one that made you feel unsafe.
Predatory, dangerous - that was the air her smirk carried.
And you felt like you were about to fall prey to the demoness.
Like you were going to meet the same fate a little mouse meets at the claws of a cat.
Even the female's pupils seemed to be cat-like slits, as if to only add to that feeling.
And you were so sure that 'Lili' would've pounced on you.
If only 'Luci' didn't chime in.
"Hey! My attention span isn't so bad!".
The male demon called, hands on his hips as he looked quite offended.
Yet, he smiled playfully afterwards.
So, it was safe to assume that he wasn't truly as insulted as it may have seemed.
And another argument for that claim would be the man's next actions.
For his body took a much more relaxed stance, and he added:
"But yeah, yeah, it was a good chat,".
And he then simply fixed his hat a little as it previously nearly slipped off his head when he so intensely perked up at his wife's little jab at his person.
But shortly just after fixing his hat, the demon perked up again.
Almost sending his hat flying off his head once more.
'Luci' jumped up.
He seemed to have recalled the exact context of the chat he had with you a few moments ago.
And suddenly, he no longer looked relaxed or casual.
Instead, in an blink of an eye, his calm demeanor switched up for a much more energetic one.
He acted like a little ball of energy once again.
"you won't believe it, Lili- but this little imp actually shares our passion!".
The blond male said with a wide grin.
And he started gesticulating strongly again.
Almost as if he was practitioning pantomime.
He seemed just so eager to share this with his female companion.
And he spoke so fast and excitedly that he almost struggled to breathe.
But after a long and deep breath, 'Luci' managed to sputter out the rest:
"They also think hell could use more colours! Isn't that- isn't that awesome, Lili??".
And at the mention of your desire to see more colours in hell 'Lili's eyes seemed to spark with interest.
"Oh, you don't say.".
She mused.
Her thin fingers grazed her face for a second, her eyebrows raising up a little.
And her expression softened.
Then, another light smirk appeared on her face.
But imposing isn't a word you'd call that smirk she wore.
This certain smirk was different than the previous ones.
This one seemed much safer, and almost friendly.
And 'Lili' had something more lively about her as she said:
"Well then, it seems we'll get along just perfect,".
And with those words, the blonde demoness took a step towards you.
"May I ask for your name? I'm sure that'd be much preferable than being referred to as any-colour-but-red enthusiast.".
The female told you with a short, yet warm chuckle.
And a hand casually rested on her curvy side.
Most of the intimidating demeanor she previously had seemed gone.
She seemed to have eased up.
Which gave her a more approachable feel.
And thanks to that, you yourself felt much more at ease being in the woman's presence.
So, it wasn't as difficult to muster up the courage to speak as it was before.
"Oh- y-yeah... I'd much rather be called by my name, yeah, that'd be much better, totally,".
You chuckled awkwardly.
And nodding your head with a light smile, you rubbed at the back of your neck.
You were rambling a little too.
You still felt a bit of unease.
But that was to be expected.
Considering you've not had this much of genuine social interaction in years.
But, 'Lili' didn't seem to mind.
She just looked at you with almost a motherly, compassionate look.
And she waited for you to introduce yourself with patience.
"Oh- damn- I'm rambling again, sorry,".
You said nervously after a short pause when you were processing your own actions.
And you almost started rambling anew before you caught yourself going that direction.
And you stopped yourself.
You needed to compose yourself.
You didn't want to drive her away by your social incompetence.
"Ahem, anyways, yeah, my name... I'm (Y/N),".
You finally introduced yourself.
And proud of your accomplishment, your inner self did a little victory dance.
Then, remembering how social interactions work, you added in:
"It's really a pleasure to meet you.".
You nodded with a smile before perking up and quickly saying:
"Ah- erm- both of you,".
And you sent a timid smile towards 'Luci', wanting to acknowledge him as well.
You didn't want for him to feel left out.
Your gesture seemed to be appreciated as the blond male smiled right back.
But instead of 'Luci' speaking up, it was his wife to follow though with the conversation.
"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well.".
'Lili's voice pulled your gaze right back at her figure.
And your full focus was on her once again.
"Truly it is, (Y/N).".
The demoness added in, nodding her head as if to confirm her statement.
After that, another smile formed on her lips, and she had this slightly amused look to her.
"Now, normally I would suppose that there's no introduction needed on our part,".
She mused, a hand resting on her chest while she leaned over a little, towering over you.
Her tall frame casted a bit of a shadow over you, making you feel much smaller than you actually were.
And she got so close that you could smell her expensive perfume.
But that was the least thing you needed to focus on.
You needed to listen to her words - which you forced yourself to do.
"but judging by this entire interaction, I would say you have absolutely no idea who we are,".
You heard 'Lili' say as your focus was back on the context of her words.
And her entire person was once again imposing as she finished her sentence.
She was wearing a light, entertained grin - one that exposed her pearly white fangs.
And despite her grin being quite pronounced, it did not take off her elegance.
If anything, it only made her more heavenly gorgeous.
And showing those pointed teeth some more, she asked:
"Am I correct in that assumption?".
With that question, she raised an eyebrow.
Her expression wasn't confused as one might have assumed, though.
No, the demoness seemed to already know your answer.
And that knowing look she wore only further confirmed that claim.
Perhaps you were right when you assumed 'Lili' could easily read you.
That realization alone made your eyes widen, and you sputtered:
"Oh- y-yeah- that would be right.".
You nodded your head with an awkward smile, feeling both nervous and embarrassed.
And your nervousness was, of course, affecting you, as you rambled a little just like you previously did:
"Yeah, I have no idea who you two are... I don't do politics and famous people... buuuut, you're... probably someone... important...?".
At your guess, both 'Lili' and 'Luci' chuckled, and they exchanged a glance.
"Oh dear, you have no idea,".
The blonde demoness stated as another soft chuckle left her lips.
Then she covered her lips with her fingers for a few seconds, looking amused.
And the way 'Lili' and 'Luci' were gazing at you left you unable to do anything other than smile awkwardly.
Their gazes were hard to describe, but you felt preyed upon.
Just like you previously felt with the women at the start.
Except it felt a bit different in a way you couldn't quite describe.
Not to mention that this time 'Luci' was a part of it.
The male demon's even gotten closer to you just like his wife did a while ago.
"They're precious, aren't they, Lili?".
'Luci' suggested as he stepped forward.
His gaze was focused on you, and he was giving a sharp toothed grin.
A grin that called for you - begged you - to read between the lines.
But that could be just your imp nature speaking, right?
After all, imps were used to being the prey to other demons.
So it made sense for you to be alert around other demon species, right?
Well, even then, the answer 'Lili' gave to 'Luci's question didn't help you feel safer.
"Quite so, Luci,".
'Lili' mused as her gaze trailed over your whole person.
She was looking you up and down with predatory eyes - like a snake looking at a little mouse.
Her gaze was unnerving, and the female didn't seem to bother with doing that action subtly either.
As if she felt no shame in doing so.
Almost as if she wanted for you to be aware of what she was doing.
And as if that wasn't alarming enough, 'Lili's gaze then trailed off towards 'Luci'.
The two looked at each other, exchanging a certain gaze.
You couldn't tell what kind of gaze it was exactly, but it made you feel so much more preyed upon.
It appeared as if the two were wordlessly agreeing on something, plotting even.
And you didn't like that one bit.
But before you could even think to perhaps run off, the couple directed their attention back at you.
"Well, dear (Y/N)... It seems an introduction is in order,".
'Lili' then told you in a smooth voice as she once agai leaned over you in one elegant movement.
Meanwhile 'Luci' stood aside, watching the further interaction with an eager grin.
"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Lilith,".
The blonde demoness introduced herself, a hand on her chest.
Then, she motioned to the male beside her with her hand.
And the demon in question stepped forward, placing his hand into the female's palm.
"And this is my husband, Lucifer.".
Lilith introduced the male, making you pause.
You needed a moment to do a quick double take on that information.
But before you could even questioned anything, the mentioned male spoke:
"Lucifer Morningstar. It's a pleasure to officially meet you, (Y/N).".
And with those words, the world suddenly seemed to stop and freeze in time.
Your mouth and throat went completely dry, and your pulse seemed to halt.
The room seemed to begin to spin, your body breaking into cold sweat.
And all you could hear was loud and painful ringing in your ears.
This couldn't be real.
You attempted to speak, your eyes wide.
You wanted to say something - anything!
But your brain seemed to have crashed and gone blank.
You were unable to formulate a single simple sentence.
You were at loss for words.
And at loss for breath too it seemed.
Your throat was all closed up, and all you could give was a pathetic little gasp for air.
"Oh? Oh? What is it, dear?"
Lucifer looked entertained - and it was the same for Lilith.
The pair watched you do a bit of your mental gymnastics with amused gazes.
Both were grinning.
Seemingly finding some kind of joy in you finally realizing just who you were dealing with.
"Do those names... I don't know... maybe ring a bell?".
Lucifer asked you in a sweet and seemingly well-meaning, yet still condescending voice.
He sounded playful, as if this was just some kind of a game.
But when the demon got no response from you, he grinned wide and turned to his wife:
"Why, Lili, I have a feeling those names do ring a bell to them,".
And Lilith, seemingly equally as amused, nodded along:
"Yes, it certainly seems like it, Lulu,".
You had absolutely no idea as to what to do in this situation.
Your brain was way too overloaded to figure out a possible solution for this.
Thinking was out of the question, so was talking yourself out of this situation.
You were so fucked.
And so, acting on default, you dropped to your knees, hands in a praying position, attempting to ask for forgiveness.
You didn't dare look at the two, your eyes being directed to the ground as your entire body trembled.
And you pitifully tried to verbally ask for forgiveness of the pair too.
But all you could force out were just pathetic little noises and sputters of nonsense.
"Now, that's quite a bit of an extreme reaction, don't you think?".
Lucifer mused all so casually, sounding unbothered by the display.
And Lilith matched the casual, unphased voice tone, saying:
"Come now, get off the floor, dear. The ground is way too dirty for you to be sprawling all over it like that,".
After that, Lucifer chimed in again, following through with:
"Yeah, and you might want to wipe off those tears as well, they're a bit too dramatic,".
Their words and reaction confused you so, and made you pause.
You didn't know what was going on - you've not expected this.
They were supposed to tear you apart, weren't they?
Because you didn't recognize them and talked to them so casually, right?
Well, not even Lucifer's next words made that any clearer.
In fact, you actually ended up feeling even more confused then.
"And I gotta ask: is your memory not working well?".
Lucifer asked, and a hint of disappointment lingered in the air.
You didn't understand his words, or his voice tone.
Both only made more questions arise.
And you cautiously looked up to him,
"wha- what?".
You muttered, voice barely loud enough to be heard.
You felt almost afraid to question what Lucifer's said.
You just can't help yourself but be fearful of the male.
Even if he's been nothing but pleasant to you the whole time.
But, could anyone even really blame you for your unease and fear?
He was the literal Devil, and you've treated him like an equal.
There was no way that Lucifer wasn't insulted or upset over this.
"I mean, I told you I'm not one of those royals who lose it if one doesn't recognize them, no?".
Well, it turned out your assumptions were all wrong.
These words that Lucifer's said have proven you wrong.
He didn't seem upset whatsoever, and his words confirmed that.
Sure, he sounded just a little disappointed with you in a way.
But he was not upset, which definitely was a relief.
However, you still had yet to properly calm down and relax.
"Y-yeah... you did...".
Was all you've managed to clumsily force out.
And your voice tone sounded just a little surprised.
That was because you've experienced a bit of a realization.
Truth be told, you've completely forgotten about your previous conversation.
You've forgotten just what kind of a royal Lucifer told you he was.
And when you remembered the male's previous words, your eyes widened a little.
Yet, your mind didn't feel any clearer, you still felt the same.
So, saying anything more was a task you could not achieve.
But, the devil went on with the conversation anyways.
"Then what's up with that reaction?".
He questioned you, an eyebrow raised.
He sounded almost judgemental at that certain moment.
He even looked the part - an unimpressed gaze, a hand on his hip.
Yet, somehow, there was still no feeling of ill-will to him.
Still, it wasn't any easier for you to think of what to say.
"I- I... well... y-you see...".
You clumsily attempted to explain yourself.
But a weak little mutter was all that you could give.
You couldn't say anything more, your brain felt too empty.
Everything that's happened just left you with a clouded mind.
And your thoughts and emotions were all over the place.
So, a soft mutter and a distressed whimper was the best you could do.
But Lucifer didn't seem to mind that, not even in the slightest.
"Nah, I'm just pulling your leg!".
He called with a hearty chuckle.
And he dismissively waved his hand as he added:
"I totally get the whole dropping to your knees thing!".
"I mean, we're literally the rulers of hell, so it makes complete sense for you to act this way,".
The blonde male went on and on.
He seemed to be having a good laugh at all of this.
And he gesticulated and spoke all enthusiastically.
But you didn't really catch any of what was being said.
Your brain was way too overloaded to be able to do so.
And the longer Lucifer spoke, the worse you began to feel.
Much to your relief though, Lilith finally chimed in once again.
"Luci, I think you're completely overwhelming the poor thing,".
The queen of hell noted.
She sounded a little amused just like the male was.
Yet, there was a clear hint of concern in the way she spoke.
"Oh, am I?".
The king of hell paused.
Finally, he took a moment to take in your state.
And when he did, he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and mused:
"Yeah... I think I am,".
After Lucifer noted that, Lilith focused and spoke directly to you.
"We apologize, (Y/N).".
She started in a gentle tone.
And her expression was not as amused anymore.
At that certain moment, she seemed almost apologetic.
But not too much.
"It's just that it's not often someone doesn't recognize us, and we couldn't help ourselves,".
The demoness explained.
And you could've sworn her eyes held genuine concern in them.
Although her overall stance didn't really change much.
The tall blonde was still perfectly well-composed.
And she still appeared mostly unphased.
Then she finished her speech with:
"all was meant in good fun,".
At that final explanation, you paused.
Your racing thoughts came to a full stop.
And processing Lilith's words, you said cautiously:
"S- so we're... all good?".
Your words came out slow and soft.
And you were careful with your wording too.
You were kind of testing the waters in a sense.
The two rulers of hell kept surprising you.
They were continuously proving to not be a threat to you.
Yet one could never be fully sure - especially not in Hell.
And especially not as mere little imp.
Your question was met with a warm smile from Lilith.
And she nodded to your words, confirming them.
"Yes, we're all good".
She confirmed.
Relief washed over you then.
And you made sure to voice that.
"Oh- holy shi- I'm so relieved!".
You breathed.
And only then did you get off the ground.
You gave a breathy chuckle.
And you wiped some metaphorical sweat off your forehead.
You felt on cloud nine - as if you've escaped death.
So, you couldn't really control your vocabulary at the moment.
Not like it mattered anyways.
"For- for a moment I thought-".
You stumbled over your words a little.
This entire thing felt just so unreal.
You were overwhelmed again.
But this time not exactly overwhelmed in a bad way.
"For a moment I thought it'd be off with my head or something!".
You admitted.
And you gripped your head.
You needed a moment to fully process everything.
"Whaaat? No! No, we'd never do that!".
Lucifer called, pulling your focus back to himself and his wife.
He looked and sounded astounded.
As if not grasping just where you got that idea from.
But then he paused, and he gripped his chin in thought.
"I mean, we probably did that at some point, centuries and centuries ago...".
He thought out loud.
And that made your eyes widen a little.
You couldn't tell of he was just kidding around again or not.
And you almost felt your unease returning.
But then came the following exchange.
"Or did that happen only in a dream...?".
The Devil mused, confused and uncertain.
To which Lilith shushed him gently yet disapprovingly:
"Lulu, you're not helping,".
That was all she said.
She didn't deny or confirm anything.
And Lucifer perked up just then.
"Oh- yeah, right... that was a little beside the point I was trying to make...".
Lucifer admitted awkwardly.
He even gave a slight apologetic look for a quick moment.
But that expression of his was pretty much short lived.
Since then he relaxed and offered a friendly smile.
"Sorry, dear (Y/N), I tend to trail off sometimes.".
He told you, voice calm and pleasant.
And his words were even accompanied by a low chuckle.
"I can confirm that,".
Lilith voiced in, her tone just as pleasant, as well as humorous.
The mood in the room suddenly felt much better.
It felt easier to just be in the moment.
Lilith's little jab at Lucifer's expense made the male give a playful glare.
And to that, the demoness offered a playful smirk back.
Then, the blond male spoke again.
"Anyhow, I think we should properly apologize for how we...".
Lucifer trailed off.
Seemingly trying to find the right term to use.
"had fun at your expense?".
Lilith filled the rest in.
Helping her lover name what they did correctly.
And the male nodded in agreement:
"Yeah... that'd be the word,".
Then, Lucifer added:
"So, what can we do to apologize?".
The words of the pair had you astonished.
After all, they did give you a verbal apology already.
So, you'd just assume the situation was over.
It wasn't like you wanted anything more from them anyways.
After all, getting an apology out of someone as an imp was near to impossible.
And having someone want to do a selfless act to undo their wrongdoing?
That was twice as impossible.
No one really cared for imps.
Nor did they really see them as equals.
And yet, here were the two highest ranking demons in all of hell.
Both of them treating you fair and with respect.
You were so beneath them.
Yet they treated you more kindly than your own kin.
And maybe even more kindly than you treated yourself.
"Oh- no, no, that's completely alright!".
You dismissed the pair's offer.
You really weren't used to such treatment.
And you almost felt bad if you were to accept.
"No real harm was done! All's good!".
You went on.
You really didn't want for these two to burden themselves for your sake.
Honestly, it felt a little wrong.
However, your dismissiveness got matched.
Lilith and Lucifer weren't accepting of you waving it all off.
"No, no, we insist!".
Lucifer cut your efforts off.
And he matched your own voice tone.
Dismissive and insistent, and also a bit loud.
"Truly, we insist.".
Lilith nodded along, not letting you speak.
"After all, words are just so cheap - actions speak much louder".
She persuaded some more.
And the Devil was there to her aid, saying:
"So, even if we shall do just a simple act like buying you coffee... We insist,".
Of course, your first instinct was to keep declining.
Yet, something in you had you pause and think.
This was an opportunity like no other.
For you seemed to get along well with the two so far.
And the pair seemed to understand you like no one else.
After all, the two shared your view on Pride needing more colour.
Who knew if you didn't have more things in common?
And perhaps this was the moment you've always been waiting for.
Did you really want to sabotage yourself and throw it all away?
The answer was no.
No, you didn't.
And so, with a bit of hesitation, you stated:
"I guess... that coffee does sound good?".
And with your sheepish smile and answer the deal was sealed.
Because the king and queen both grinned.
"Good, I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about,".
Lilith hummed.
She sounded pleased.
"And we'll start with why Pride needs more colour".
Lucifer added in.
And he gave a playful wink.
Then, his red eyes met yours for a moment.
And the Devil smiled at you before calling eagerly:
"Off to a cafe we go!".
And with that, the male rushed towards the museum exit.
He seemed to completely forget about you and Lilith.
"You'll get used to it,".
Lilith told you with a smile.
And as her lilac gaze met yours, her eyes flashed red again.
But this time her red eyes didn't intimidate you.
You two then went ahead to follow Lucifer.
And on your way out of the museum, you had just one thought.
That being:
That now you couldn't really hate the colour of red as much as you used to.
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just-s0me-stranger · 4 months
I wish to make a statement regarding what happened on the 14th of April, 2023
I, at first, wanted to move on from what happened and start again
But, seeing as some people aren't willing to let go of what happened, I feel I have no choice but to give my side of the story
I'll admit, I haven't been perfect in all this
I made mistakes
Many I wish I could take back, and would do if it was possible
But, whether I'm forgiven or not isn't up to me
That being said, however, the person who started all this in the first place isn't innocent either
I wish to address the accusations against me regarding, defending a transphobic person, racism, me fetishising trans men in my Perfectly Imperfect roadrat fanfic, and my conduct with minors, in that order
First, the accusations of me defending transphobic person
These accusations were first brought against me on the 14th of April, 2023, when user @sodapoptisms dug up a tweet from someone who said the following
They then followed up with a quote tweet saying the following
Now, I knew the person being screenshotted
I don't defend how they said what they said
Out of context, it's very poorly worded
What I DO defend is the fact that I took issue with Soda wanting the roadrat fandom to "band together and force the bigot out"
In other words, Soda wanted to rally a mob against this person for their political beliefs
I took issue for several reasons
The first one being like I said, I knew this person at the time
I knew they weren't anti trans rights
But forcing someone out for not agreeing with every aspect of the trans community can cause someone to become anti trans out of spite
Which brings me to my next point
I knew not speaking out against Soda could have a detrimental effect on the support for trans rights on the grassroots level
Because this person had said they'd had many bad experiences with members of the trans community
Many people have sadly come out against the trans community for those reasons as well
Including many gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and even some transgender people
Clearly, bullying people for not holding your exact political views isn't working
And may actually be making things worse
That isn't to say that you win rights by coddling people's feelings
But you don't win people over by bullying and demonising them either
There is a balance that needs to be met, which isn't at the moment
You can't just demand people be your ally, then treat them like shit when they refuse, or don't live up to your standards
The second accusation I want to address is the one of racism
I was accused of this after writing an open letter to Soda shortly after what happened on the 14th of April, which no longer exists
But in it, I used the term Flying Monkeys to refer to the mob Soda had rallied against myselfand the other person
The term, Flying Monkeys, is commonly used as a nickname in pop psychology for the friends of narcissists
However, because Soda has many friends who are black, they twisted the words to accuse me of referring to them in a racially derogatory way
This was despite me pointing out the fact that I did not know Soda's friends were black, as even if they have that in their bios, I don't tend to read bios in detail, if at all. So, I was unaware unless I saw a photo of them
Thirdly, the fetishising of trans men in fanfiction
I never thought I'd have to bring this up
After all, no artist or writer should has to explain or justify why they made the choices they did in their works, but here we go.
Long story short, I tend to write stories with mpreg in it
You can think ill of me for it if you like, I don't care
But, I do not write these sorts of fanfiction for fetish fuel
I wrote Perfectly Imperfect for several reasons
The major one being that I have a lot of unresolved Daddy Issues
I won't get too much into my personal history, other than my father wasn't much in the picture when I was growing up
The few times he was in the picture, he was abusive
Not just to me, but to my mother, my sisters, & his previous two families, which he had left prior
I was estranged from him for eight years until I learned he had cancer, & I decided to reconnect with him two years before he died
I began writing Perfectly Imperfect a year prior to my father's death
Why use Mpreg to deal with Daddy Issues, you may ask?
The answer is twofold
I want to have my own family one day, & I tend to project that desire onto my favourite characters
I'm also fascinated with the father/child bond I guess
Particularly those that, while they may not be perfect, they at least are there for their child/ren, and don't abuse them
As for the fact that I've written Junkrat giving birth
That tends to be how a pregnancy concludes
But, I always focused on Junkrat himself, & what he's going through while giving birth
Such as his the pain he's in and how scared he is
How he looks to Roadhog for comfort
And how Roadhog helps him through it
It's about the emotion & vulnerability of the scene, in other words
Birth is messy, & can be gross, I can understand why many are squicked out by it
But it's a fact of life, much like death
Fourth, I'd like to discuss my supposedly inappropriate conduct with minors online
As many of you will know, I used to run Roadrat server. This server was an 18+ server, as I didn't feel I could, nor did I want the extra responsibility of, keeping minors safe within it
However, I would ask around to see if many people wanted to join, provided they were of age
As at the time, there was a content drought, & I wanted to keep the fandom as active as possible through it
Which I felt I could do through Discord
Unfortunately, not everyone has their age in their bios, which is fine
I understand not everyone feels safe showing people their age
But, it does sometimes mean I'm unsure, & have to ask about the person's age
This person there were a minor & then asked if they knew of any other Roadrat servers
I didn't really know of any that were as active as mine was a the time, so I made them an offer
They tell me when they come of age, & I'd let them into my server on the day
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As you can see, nothing inappropriate took place, & the conversation pretty much ended after that
So, that is the context of everything that happened
Lastly, I want to address @sodapoptisms aka @sodapopblast directly
I'm sorry
I'm sorry I ever had the misfortune of knowing you and your friends
I'm sorry I ever thought of you as someone worth my time
I'm sorry I never saw how much you use your gender identity as a sheild to bully and harass people who step out of line
I'm sorry I never saw how much of a manipulative and cowardly bully you are
And I pity your friends who don't see you for the worm you truly are
It's because of you that I've had to endure being mischaracterised and demonised by your false & deliberately misleading accusations
For months
I've endured multiple accounts of abuse, and many death threats because of you
I lost my standing in the Overwatch community
All of this took a major toll on my mental health & general well-being
It not only affected my ability to perform my job as a care worker, which I was so scared I'd lose because of you
But also my self-confidence & and self-esteem, which I had painstakingly built up by writing my Roadrat series over five years
Only for you to tear it down in the span of one day
I used to hold such ill-will towards you for a long time
But that's only stooping to your level
You deserve to get better as much as I do
But the sad thing is, you probably won't
You're way too comfortable where you are right now, surrounded by your fandoms & your Yes Men
I doubt you'll find true happiness while you're where you're at
And that's enough for me
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pascaloverx · 3 months
Sweet Love
Summary: You're an up-and-coming writer, congratulations. To protect your beloved job, you're willing to do anything. Even strike a deal with the devil, better known as your sister's neighbor. You and Dean Winchester don't really see eye to eye, but in a moment of desperation, you agree to collaborate with him for a greater good.
Author's Notes: Many characters do not belong to me but to the Supernatural Universe (2005-2020). I hope you enjoy the fanfic's story. The fanfic will contain strong language and future adult content.
chapter one chapter three
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It's been two days since you made your agreement with Dean, and there's no sign of him. You even thought about going to him, but he always seems to be busy screwing someone. Literally. Yesterday, a beautiful man left his apartment, and you gave up on going to Dean's place because you swore it was Castiel. Well, to put it briefly, Castiel is Dean's great love story. At least, that's what you think. When you moved into your sister's apartment, Castiel lived with Dean. They seemed like quite the couple, even though officially they said they were having a "casual thing." But about a year ago, Castiel broke up with Dean. Rumors say Castiel wanted emotional commitment, and that's Dean's biggest nightmare. So when you saw a handsome man very similar to Castiel and wearing a trench coat like Castiel used to wear, you thought they had made amends. But in the end, it wasn't Castiel. This makes you sure that Dean is avoiding helping you. It could be because he's quite stupid when he wants to be, or because he didn't see any benefit in helping you.
You then decide to try writing the long-awaited smut, describing how the male protagonist's skin smells like men's deodorant and cheap moisturizer, and how the female protagonist is intrigued by the male protagonist's eyes. You try and try, but your protagonists don't seem to want a physical connection. If only your publisher would accept this. But you're just a few steps away from becoming permanently unemployed. So, wearing a somewhat revealing nightgown and your Stitch slippers, you practically run to Dean's apartment door. But you can't bring yourself to knock on his door; courage is lacking. Or perhaps you feel humiliated.  You turn around, thinking about what you'll have to do to apply for any other job. Or how it will be to move back in with your mother when you're already too old for it to seem like a viable option.
"Do you make a habit of standing in front of other people's apartments?" Dean Winchester asks, opening the door to his apartment. You turn around delicately as if caught off guard. The feeling of embarrassment washes over you.
"No, actually, it's something I exclusively do with you, sweetheart. Can you explain why you gave up on helping me?" You speak, feigning confidence. Dean looks you up and down.
"You're going to regret this, you know?" Dean says boastfully as I walk further and further out of his apartment, you noticing that he's in a bathrobe and him apparently noticing that you're in a nightgown.
"Dean, I'm not a little girl. You don't need to protect me. I just want you to help me. Do you understand this?" You get closer to him. Your face getting closer to his. You feel the strange need to kiss him.
"Sam thinks our partnership is a bad idea. According to him, I'm taking advantage of the fact that your sister is away to try to lead you down the wrong path." Dean tries to explain the reason why he hasn't helped you yet.
"Is he right?" You ask, smiling mischievously as you keep your eyes locked on Dean's. He looks at you, as if calculating what answer to give you. You presume he's undecided between lying or not. In reality, it means he wants to take advantage of you.
"Probably is. The problem is, everyone knows you and me, it's not gonna work out. Either you'll give up on me, or I'll mess everything up." He says, looking intensely at you, as you hold onto the edge of the robe he's wearing and bring your faces closer together.
"I didn't come here to play cat and mouse with you, Winchester. Now, tell me how to start a romantic story with a bit of sexual tension and forget your worries." You say, cutting straight to the point.
"What are we doing now. Analyzing each other halfway between our apartments. Casually wondering if it wouldn't be interesting to take off the few pieces of clothing we're wearing?" Dean's suggestion sounds good, but in your head it sounds like a warning. What you and he are doing is building sexual tension. Analyzing each other's bodies, observing details such as what they are wearing and moving closer and closer.
"Are you saying this is the method you're going to use to help me? Try to fuck me?" You say, moving away from him a little and coughing falsely. That was letting you embarrassed, in a good way.
"What better way than to practice with you? Write about what you're experiencing right now, about your filthiest thoughts about me, you, and the floor of my house. Maybe the shower, or the mattress?" Dean says, approaching you step by step, making you lose your breath. Your head lightly knocks on your door. Or rather at the door of your sister's apartment.
"What's the next step in your help?" You speak almost in a whisper next to Dean who is face to face with you. His fingers then lightly travel around your waist, holding you steady. He wants to tease you. 
"Imagine that your character is going to do exactly what I'm doing, seduction works like that. But something good about seduction is knowing when to do things. Now it would be easy to win you over but leaving you eager for more, it's much better. " Dean says, letting go of your waist and composing himself.
"You're more useful than you seem. I hope you know you're going to need more than that if you want to help me with this book." You say trying not to seem affected by him.
"Get ready, kitten. I know very well how to help you. Just try to take it to the professional. I don't know how to deal with people who are in love with me." Dean says smiling and you roll your eyes. How arrogant he is. 
"I'll see you tomorrow, idiot." You say, opening the door to your sister's apartment and closing it in Dean's face. You then run to get your computer and write down everything about what just happened.
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bunnakit · 5 months
Top 5 Manner of Death scenes/moments? 👀
ask me my top 5 anything 🌸
AAAA JAMIE YOU JUST GET ME - and i promise not to talk about the novel vs show differences too much
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inspector m and his big idiot crush on bunn and complete lack of game. he fumbled such a bad bitch like bunn but it's okay because he ended up in one of my favorite ships ever (yes i acknowledge it's just crumbs of a ship but i adore them.) i'm obsessed with any fanfics that have them being best friends after everything settles down because the groundwork was definitely there.
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i want him to squish me like a bug. i just enjoy this is one of the few scenes where we really see tan's dam side come out and see this side of his life. it's easy to forget that tan is a criminal and has been working for a crime family, it's his love for bunn that brings out his sense of justice and protective side.
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i've talked about the shower scene before but ugh. UGH. give me more soft, caring moments like this. like, this is behavior i'd expect from a couple that has been together for a while and i love that. so many shows are all about a couple getting together and the lead up to that but i like the adult relationship we get from tan and bunn and these little moments of love and maturity we see from their relationship. (and this is one of the few scenes actually in the book too lmao)
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i thought for SURE his confrontation with gun was going to end up a cringy 'i'm taking you into the station' bullshit but LMAAAAO. nope, m just unloads his ENTIRE CLIP into this man. god that was so sexy of him, chasing him down while holding in his guts and taking his revenge. fuck yes baby. and just keeping that cold stare the whole time? oughghgh.
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"Why do you look like this every time I come to see you? You are stubborn, you know? So stubborn that I don't want you to leave my sight. So stubborn that I don't want to let you go anywhere. I'm really sorry… for not being by your side. It's my fault. I'm not so stubborn as you. If I had been more stubborn and followed you… If I had shared half of your stubbornness, you wouldn't have been hurt like this. Please give me one more chance. Please let me protect you. Come back and be my stubborn baby."
imo this is some of max's best acting. this scene really drove home tan's absolute devotion and pure love he has for bunn. all he's ever wanted was to keep bunn safe and he feels like a complete failure because he didn't. and then to add in that at this point in time bunn is still very much angry with him but he doesn't care, bunn can be angry with him because at least that means bunn is alive and well. UGH. TANBUNN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
bonus because they're like one of my top 3 ships:
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the fact that this is one of the handful of times we see inspector m smile, much less laugh. i just know if we'd been given a sequel they would've been the cutest fucking couple. i need more moat fic to exist in the world.
(this was so hard and im SURE i forgot some of my fav scenes but these are what stood out while i was flipping through eps)
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theloganator101 · 10 months
Another thing from the Vent ask anon - see this is the thing. BNHA is something I spent both time and money on and the fact that it has turned into something worse than most fanfictions (the Jeart! as a key example) is purely insulting.
Spending time on a fanfic that goes a bit wonky is mildly annoying because it's like "ugh ok I thought this was going to be good but it's not going the way I like so I'll try something else." Nothing is really lost because I can find another work with characters and tropes I enjoy and no money was spent.
But with an actual series like MHA that I'm monetarily putting something towards that goes to shit it's like ok so now I've wasted my time, my money AND my investment! If I'm paying for something I expect it to be written well (like I expect any product I'm paying for to perform well) when it feels like Hori is dunking on us (the fans) a lot of the time now.
Key examples:
The Jeart - of all the B.S ways to bring Bakugou back this takes the cake. It's dumb. They sacrificed the number 4 hero Edgeshot for a teenager who probably won't be able to get up and fight again any time soon.
Just...AFO now - a massive let down (I've already ranted about him separately so won't do so again.) For a villain that started so promisingly too. I want the old AFO back.
Bakugou's redemption. - Satou's comments of "All that character development and he still hasn't changed" feels like he's deliberately clowning on the Anti Bakugou's who see this POS for what he is. Because deep down Hori seems to also see this explosive clown as a POS but doesn't care because he brings in the cash.
Endeavor's redemption - everything about this, all the retcons to make him more palatable, all the blame shifting (on Rei and Touya respectively) and now even the reporter lady feeling bad about reporting negatively about him. Lady! You shouldn't! This guy is an abuser! Seriously it shouldn't be controversial to hate on him - hell even AFO clowning on him was good but a villain voicing the Anti Endeavor arguments means you are (narratively) meant to disagree with them.
Just... shouts into the void "Hori why did you do this?!"
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is-nini · 10 months
Once Upon a night
(Alhaitham x Reader)
I hope you enjoy this little fanfic I made! I am sorry for suddenly disappear but I'm back! And uhm... Yeahhh me hope you enjoy! I apologize if it's bad tho.. uhm.. yes!
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You are known to be the sun around the Akademia. A bright girl who radiates warmth and kindness everywhere you go. Bright eyes that seem to glimmer endlessly below the sunlight of the sun. It is as if you are a part of the light itself, warm to everyone who gets close to you.
Although you never really got into a high position at the Akademia, your presence around the Akademia is quite helpful especially when it comes to communicating with strangers or with any other tourist which helped the economy quite a lot.
Knowing all of this it is no wonder when the Scribe, Alhaitam refused to be the Acting grand sage, you were the one who is called to try and pry him to get him into at least consider the offer. So here you are, looking around for this man called Alhaitam.
You sigh as you ponder about the task that you have been given it is such a tiring task... Isn't it obvious that he doesn't want to be the Acting Grand Sage? Why even bother to ask you for help? Although you very very hesitantly accept you never promise a successful communication between you and Alhaitham.
You stopped at your track as you look up to the sky, seeing the sun slowly set. You started to make your way to your usual place to unwind for the day which is the calming place that you found near one of the lakes around the outskirts of Sumeru City.
The night has always been your favorite time of the day, it's calming to know when everyone is asleep and you're alone with your thoughts. You skipped a bit with happiness, with freedom, letting the wind caress your hair, letting the scent of the water waft around you until you finally take a rest on the green grass beside the water. You enjoyed every time you spend around the lake, too much actually that you didn't see a white hair man walking in your direction.
Alhaitam enjoy his time in peace but the same scene can get boring, he is also not in the mood to meet any Akademia students right now so he decided to take a walk around the outskirts since no one would spend their time there.
He walks with a destination in mind, he knows where he wanted to go but once he got there, it seems like the place is taken by someone. The irony, he wanted to avoid the Akademia students but ended up meeting one of the students... The one that was asked to look for him nonetheless.. though that was the case, Alhaitam just kept walking, not caring about you, why would he? He'll just reject your offer like the rest and then you'll leave him alone.. or that's what he thought.
Once you realize the man who you should be looking for made his way to you, you immediately stand up and nodded respectfully towards him in a calm manner. "Hello Alhaitam" you called out softly, very softly in fact that it took Alhaitam by surprise because of the contrast between what he's seeing now and what he heard about you is different.
Alhaitham nodded at you and proceed to put his attention back to the scenery in front of him, the twinkle of the firefly and the distant sound of the frog, the cricket is like.. as ironic as it sounds, it is like a piece of calm music.
The both of you just stay there in silence. Alhaitham doing his own thing while you are doing your thing. Alhaitham took a small glance at you, he expects you to bring up the topic of him being an Acting Grand Sage but no, you just stay there, quiet. Oh well, he doesn't mind after all, it's all the better for him.
You stare into the water, calm water, just you and your thoughts, of course, there is Alhaitham beside you but since it's not working time, you don't feel the need to talk about it regarding his status. You took a glance towards him, seeing him just standing while reading a book. You clear your throat a little, gaining his attention. "You can sit here if you want," you said as you pat the place beside you, he looks at you before walking and sitting beside you, not too close you notice but still, it's a good thing he didn't find you vile or annoying.
The two of you just sat there in silence, Alhaitam for some reason feels calm.. your presence is not suffocating, he can just do his stuff in peace... it's actually nice having a companion. Although you and Alhaitham are not close ,it's not bad having you around. It is quite out of character and rare for him to enjoy a companion but for once it is a good sensation. His thoughts were cut short as he heard shuffling beside him. He looked beside and saw you are not in your sitting position anymore.
You slowly stand up and stretch abit, feeling a stare from the person beside you, you also look back at him. You smile towards Alhaitham "it's pretty relaxing around here right? Hehe, I enjoy this place too" you let's out a smile at Alhaitham. He put away his book, also stand up and nodded. "Goodnight then, see you around!" You said while walking away, leaving Alhaitham looking at you slowly disappearing into the night.
Alhaitham is intrigued by you, your demeanor is nothing special but he enjoyed the night. He actually enjoy spending time with someone from Akademia- if you exclude Kaveh. That night Alhaitham went home with a calm mind and a weird thought.. for some reason he keep looking forward to meet you.
The day went by normally for you, once the night time come, you immediately went to your favorite place only to find it occupied by the silver hair man. The only difference is rather than sitting right beside the water, he sat below the shade of the tree. You walked towards him without a word, your steps make his head turn towards you, and you immediately smile and wave toward him. "Enjoying yourself?" You asked while taking a seat beside him under the tree. "Quite. It's nice around here" he said in his baritone voice.
Whenever he talks, you always shiver. His voice is very soothing. So thus the night went, the night after that, and the night after. Not a lot of words, just pure silence but in a comforting aura surrounding the two of you. You let yourself lost in the scene that the topic of Acting Grand Sage left your mind for a while.
A tap fell onto your arm while you were looking at a book on The House of Daena, you turned around to see one of the few Akademia students who sent you to talk to Alhaitham in the first place "So, how was the progress?" You looked at them in a confusing manner, they looked at your expression and then sigh "The Acting Grand Sage thingy? Y/n, tell me you remember" You forgot but you know the consequences if you tell the truth so you say "Yeah, I tried and nope, he didn't accept" It is very bold of you to assume AND to lie but you knew the answer. Although you are not close to Alhaitham, you know he is the type of person who is not interested in power or fame. Just like any other, he wanted a comfortable life but without a high status.
The person looked at you disappointed by your answer. “try again” the person said with a stricter tone this time. You sigh and look down at the ground, you know that this is an important matter but in the end, you don’t understand why you have to be the one to force him to do it. Little did you know, as you seep into your thoughts the man who you just discussed is right beside one of the darker corners of the library, listening to the whole interaction. He doesn't understand the weird crunch at his heart seeing you look so… dejected. His feet started to guide him towards you before he stopped himself, why does he care? What benefit will it give him? none of this was answered and thus he, once again looked at you slowly walking out of the library after picking yourself up.
once the night came, you walk towards the usual spot. As per usual, Alhaitham is already there but something is off.. he is in front of the lake, hands folded in front of his chest, this time rather than reading he looks like as if he’s wondering something. Hearing your footsteps, he immediately looks in your direction. “hello Alhaitham..” you greeted while trailing off, he stares at you for a while and with a straight look on his face he said, “If you have any questions, say it now”. You look at him confused, you don’t recall having any question for him specifically so you ask him the first question that came to your mind “Are you ok Alhaitham?” you asked, he stare at you and closes his eyes for a while. you, looked at him with full confusion, did you say something weird or wrong? “I am fine, thank you for asking”.
Alhaitham looks at your face filled with confusion, he can’t stand it, the way your face turns according to your emotion, the way you tilt your head a little.. he doesn’t want to admit it but it is.. cute.
“I have no intention of being the Acting Grand Sage and I will not consider it” You immediately look up at him, and after connecting his answer is when you finally realize the fact that he knows what one of the students ask you to do. Before you say anything, he added “And you are not responsible for my answer. No one can change my mind. Tell the student who asks you that whatever answer I give doesn’t correlate to your action” You smile up at him, very brightly and say, “Yes sir!”. Alhaitham has seen you smile multiple times but this one for some reason makes his heart thump. He turns his head back to the lake, hiding his slightly red face.
“How did you know?” you asked, tone filled with questions, looking at him expecting an answer. "It would be embarrassing for me to not know what's going on in the Akademia" He said with a low grumble. Hearing him grumble you immediately look down, scared to look up at him, thinking that you have offended him.
Alhaitham notices your behaviour and turns his body fully towards you "you don't have to look scared. I am not offended by you. The students around Akademia have always wanted things to go they're way" you nodded a little while slowly looked up at him "th-then thankyou Alhaitham… for answering the question.." you said as you locked eyes with him.
The both of you stayed like that for a while. The wind is blowing softly around the two of you as you both still look at each other deeply.
Alhaitham took a step, getting close to you as you stood still, looking up at him in awe. He touches your cheek softly caressing it. He closes the distance between the two of you. "May I?" He whispered softly. You didn't answer anything, instead you erased the distance between his lips and yours.
Below the moonlight, the two of you share a soft, loving kiss for a couple of seconds before you pull away, looking up at him with a smile. "Very daring Mr. Alhaitham" you tease him.
He gave you one of the rare smiles he has. "I'm not the only one who is daring, love" he said before he kissed you again on your nose this time. You giggle as you pull yourself up to a tiptoe and hug his neck "does this mean we are dating now?" You asked. He stares at you for a while before shaking his head 'no'. He then hugs your knee and pulls you up as now you are sitting on his hand. "Y/n, Would you like to be my girlfriend?" You laugh with a red face as you nod your head. "Of course!" You confirm before he gives you a peck on your lips. "Ok, now we are dating" he said as he stroked your face lovingly before putting you back on the ground.
After that night the student never pesters you again about asking Alhaitham to be the Grand Acting Sage. Alhaitham makes sure they won't disturb you or make you sad but you don't have to know that.
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~ Chapter 6. 02 ~
I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes and how poorly written this fanfic is. English is not my first language and together with my dyslexia ass things can go wrong I'm sorry.
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I lean my head against the wall letting out a sigh. I need to be alone, after what Ji-su told me earlier today.
I hadn't seen Miss Im yesterday evening. The kids and Mister Han were okay and here, but she wasn't. I wanted to ask Ji-su or Jae-heon about it, but they were both already asleep when I came back from guarding the door.
In fact, everyone was already asleep except Eun-hyuk, Jae-hwan who had to go take over guard duty from me, and Sang-Wook.
I think.
I hadn't seen them sleeping with the others, but he didn't seem the type to sleep among them. My best guess is that he's somewhere on the first floor sleeping.
I didn't want to sleep now. I was tired of everything that had happened, but I was scared I would have a nightmare again.
So I just sat in the hallway all night. I finally found Ji-su the next morning. Her face changed when I mentioned Miss Im and asked where she was.
She was hesitant to tell me, but eventually, she did. She had turned. When we went downstairs she had turned in the bathroom. Ji-su told me that she didn't hurt anyone and that she was actually harmless to others.
I could feel myself choking up while my eyes began to burn from the tears that wanted to come out. I wanted to know more.
I wanted to know what happened and if she wasn't in pain, but looking at Ji-su I could tell that she didn't know much as well.
The only ones I could ask were Mister Han, Hyun-su, or the kids. I didn't want to ask the kids. I don't even think they let them see her.
Mister Han was busy making sure every entrance was secure and safe, so I didn't have to change to ask him. The only one who was left was Hyun-su, but he had left this morning to go upstairs.
Just like me, it seemed like he didn't sleep well or at all. I wanted to yell at Eun-hyuk to give him a break, but that would change nothing, so I just gave him a death glare when he looked at me.
I began to even get more angry when I found out that the residents gave him more work. They had given him a list of things that he had to bring with him when he came downstairs.
So not only is he risking his life for supplies so that we could survive, but now he's also risking his life for stupid shit.
After watching the door close behind Hyun-su I needed a break from everyone or it wouldn't end well for any of us.
“So this is the place you have been hiding.”
I looked up and saw Eun-yu standing in the closet doorway.
I shrug my shoulders before speaking up.
“It’s better for everyone if I sleep here. I don’t want to annoy anyone by waking them up if I have a nightmare.”
I asked Eun-hyuk if I could stay here at night. Like I explained to Eun-yu I told him that I don’t want to scream everyone awake. I know that they didn’t know about my nightmares, but I rather tell them than if they have to find out when I actually scream at night.
“I got scolded at when I wanted to sleep somewhere else,” Eun-yu said with a sigh before sitting down next to me.
It’s not like I’m having a room for myself. This was just a little walk-in closet that had some stuff in it. It had enough space for me to lay in, but that’s it.
"Why do you have that 'I'm angry.' look on your face?"
I look at Eun-yu with from brows.
"What are you talking about?"
She sat down beside me before answering.
"You always had that look on your face when someone makes you angry and you want to kill them." I rolled my eyes letting out a sigh.
"Because I am angry and want to kill people."
She nodded her head looking away from me.
"Is one of those people my brother?"
I looked at her with an 'are you kidding me look.'
"Don't look at me like that. You have my blessing to kill him though. Besides I understand why you would want to."
I pressed my lips together debating if she was serious or not about killing him, but I don't think she really wanted that.
"Yes," I answer looking back outside.
I felt her move beside me before answering.
"What?" She asked confused.
"Yes, your brother is one of them."
I could hear her click her tongue, but it was silent after that. Which was odd for Lee Eun-yu. I looked at her to see what she was doing, but she was just looking in front of her. I could see on her face that she was in deep thought.
I wanted to open my mouth to ask her what was bothering her when she beat me to it.
"So, are we gonna talk about those pictures?"
I turn to her surprised that she brought up those pictures. Only Sang-Wook and Eun-hyuk had seen them.
"How do you know about those?" I whisper.
"I found them in the office. I wanted to ask my brother about them thinking that they were his, but seeing that they were taking like the person was hiding while taking them I don't think my brother took them." She explains looking intensely at me and making me look away.
She is right about the hiding part.
"Besides my brother is maybe weird, but not this weird."
A little laugh escaped my lips before I shook my head looking at her.
"It wasn't him." I pause for a second letting out a sigh.
"It was Yoon-jae. He took them."
"That creep from 802?! I know that he was a pervert. That explains why that gangster killed him. I knew he had a good reason." She spoke looking away from me to think.
"That was not the only reason he killed him. There were pictures of little girls." A grimacing expression appeared on her face when those words left my mouth.
"Some were just normal pictures but others were them beaten up, tortured, and dead. He killed those innocent kids. I don't know how Sang-wook knew, but he did."
I wanted to talk with Sang-wook about it and thank him for what he did, but I hadn't seen him. Also, I don't know if he even wants to talk about it or me. He doesn't seem the person to talk much
"I took this from the security room. I didn't know if you would have wanted this or not. I had thought that maybe you would have wanted to destroy them yourself." Eun-yu took the pictures out, handing them to me after that she stood leaving me alone to think.
It felt wrong to hold them and I wanted to rip them apart or burn them the moment I had a chance.
Nevertheless, looking at them now I don't want to destroy them all.
The pictures of me with other people I actually wanted to keep. In times like this everyone can die in just a snap of a finger, so why would I throw something away that would remind me of them?
Besides the pictures of Eun-yu and the kids, there were also pictures of me with Miss An at the store. She was smiling at me while I gave her one of her favorite foods I had gotten from my job.
She didn't always have the chance to eat it because of her husband, so when she mentioned it one time I knew I had to get her some from my job.
In another picture, it was Ji-Su and I coming back from work with our guitar and bass cases on our backs and some takeout in our hands.
Even though it was late and we were exhausted we were still smiling.
Another picture showed me and Eun-hyuk talking while waiting on the elevator. Then there was a picture of me standing in front of Mister Han at his doorway. I must have probably helped him by bringing some stuff to his apartment.
All those pictures actually made me smile. The time I had lived here was the best time of my life. It doesn't seem much or just ordinary to everybody else, but for me, it was peaceful and I was genuinely happy for the first time in my life.
It's just sad that it didn't last long.
My smile disappeared when I took the next pictures. It was a picture of Miss Im. She had just come back from a walk with her so-called baby when I came back from the store.
We began to talk while we walked to the elevator. My finger moved over her face and I could feel a tear running down my cheek.
I didn't have much time to grieve when the sound of a whistle came from somewhere on the floor. After putting the photos in the pocket of my dress I jump up taking my axe from beside me.
Eun-hyuk had told me I needed to carry it around with me just in case something happened. When I came around the corner I saw Eun-hyuk running out of the security office with a bat and the others were standing all together on the other side.
I moved forward trying to get a glimpse of whatever the monster was. Slowly, a long-haired look figure came from around the corner. It was moaning and groaning, but it didn't seem like a threat to me.
Sang-Wook was about to take a step forward when Miss An stopped him.
"It's my husband. I have to do this." She walked toward him with the steel pipe tightly in her hands.
"Pull yourself together, Kim Seok-Hyeon." It was the first time I heard that tone in her voice.
She wasn't afraid of him like she was before.
"Kim Seok-Hyeon"
Her voice was louder than before when he came closer and closer.
"Pull yourself together!" She now yelled before swinging the steel pip at him.
For a second I thought that it didn't affect him, even when that horrible sound went through me when the pip made contact with his head.
It did stop him from moving.
"You're back." Her voice sounded cold and without any regret from hitting him.
"Do you have any last words?" I could hear him breathing hard, but after a while, a voice came through the mop of hair.
"Please kill me. And."
It took him a second to say it and the word that came out of his mouth was a surprise and one I had never heard him say before.
"I'm sorry."
Miss An. Let out a cry before swinging the pip down at him. This time it did hurt him. A shiver ran down my spine when I could hear it go through his head.
Even when he fell down on the floor Miss An didn't stop. I had seen and heard a lot of horrid things these past couple of days, but for some reason, a chill ran up my spine when I heard her hitting him.
At some point, I had closed my eyes turning my head to the side. She's killing her husband. Yes, he was a horrible person who deserved to die like this, but still, it made me think.
If I could end up like this in the future. Just because I have some control of it now doesn't mean I will forever.
Just yesterday I attacked Eun-hyuk without actually trying or realizing it. Could the people here easily kill me as Miss An could kill him?
Would it be one of the residents of don't really care about me? Or Eun-hyuk, he is serious about protecting everyone, so would it be easy for him to kill me?
If they really had to would Ji-su or Jae-heon do it?
Mister Han?
The kids?
Or Hyun-su....
Would he kill me if they asked him?
Or.... Could I kill him if he turned and hurt someone?
'I can guarantee they will kill you the first moment they have a chance." My hands turned into fists when I heard the voice again in my head.
Shut up.
'Just wait and see. They are just the same as the people in the orphanage. Only thinking about their own wishes and desires without caring who gets hurt in the process.'
I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone brushing past me making me open my eyes.
To my surprise, Hyun-su had returned.
He was looking down at the scene just as intently as I was.
Is he thinking the same things as me?
My eyes followed his figure while he wobbled back to the room. To be locked up and alone.
Previous Chapter ~ Next Chapter
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zukaang for the ask game
Thanks for the ask, anon! Also you made my day because I rbed the ask game (both here and on @chocomd) really really hoping that someone would ask me about Zukaang 😂
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did:
I'm pretty new to the Zukaang ship, but I've loved their relationship ever since I first watched ATLA in 2021. Then I got into fandom mostly for Kataang, but Zukaang always pulled at me. After a while I could see Aang and Zuko together romantically, but I never quite shipped them...until I started writing Zukaang into fic. The first time was in a Kataang fic, when they were so close (but still only friends) that people mistook them for a couple. And then last month I wrote a short fic, Nebulous Roads, that actually WAS romantic Zukaang...and yeah I became obsessed. It's like I've been peering over the edge at Zukaang for the longest time and someone finally pushed me in 😂
my thoughts:
Every enemies-to-lovers ship wants what Zukaang has!!! I'm not even talking about the infamous z.tara...I'm talking any ship, any fandom. Narrative foils who are uniquely isolated in their lonely destinies, connected to each other spiritually, antagonists even in their past lives, destined to meet again as enemies only to heal the world as friends, each one bearing scars that carry such emotional baggage, they give each other hope even while they're enemies, the way they are perfectly yin and yang...ugh I could go on.
So I find a lot of enemies-to-lovers ships not very compelling because the "enemies" part is either watered down or they hate each other so much that the ship isn't convincing (to me), plus I need more than chemistry to ship a pair. But Aang and Zuko were truly enemies and the animosity between them wasn't watered down (Zuko sincerely did try to harm or kill Aang lmao), but they grew to see each other as something more and were actually drawn to each other, and their path to becoming friends in canon is done so amazingly well. And while some of their romantic tension comes from their chemistry as antagonists, it's WAY more than just "argue/fight then kiss because I think you're hot." Anyway, enemies-to-lovers generally isn't my thing, but wow does it work for Zukaang!
What makes me happy about them:
The healing that Aang and Zuko find in each other. The rupture between them started with Roku and Sozin and with the Fire Nation wiping out the Air Nomads, and ends with Aang and Zuko finally closing that rift and bringing peace to the world together. Plus all of the trauma they both went through in their own lives mirrors the other like yin and yang mirror each other (and yet they each possess a piece of the other), and the way they find healing in each other makes my heart ache in the best way 🥺
What makes me sad about them:
That it's challenging for them to openly be together in the canon ATLA world (which I am very attached to since the canon story is what drew me into the fandom in the first place). Even if Kataang and Maiko didn't exist, there would be major political consequences if the post-war world found out that the Avatar and the Fire Lord were in a relationship. Plus there's the fact that Zuko needs to continue his family line, and Aang would need to find a way to bring back the airbenders (although I can see him giving up that particular task to the universe to figure out). I'm also very attached to Kataang, my other ATLA otp, and I don't love the idea of cheating in either relationship, so a world where both Kataang and Zukaang might exist would be very complicated...although I do have a solid idea for a fic that includes both ships (and it's not Zutaraang lol).
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Not something that annoys me exactly, but a lot of fics seem to focus on Aang being there for Zuko's needs, and less so the other way around. And I get that, because Zuko is kind of a mess lmao. But Aang is human before he is anything else, and he has suffered both emotional isolation and unimaginable loss. Relationships aren't transactional, but I have a hard time seeing Aang in a romantic relationship with someone unless his own emotional needs are met as well - and I would love to see more of this in fic!
things I look for in fanfic:
I love fics that explore Aang and Zuko's connection in a way that pulls on the things that make Zukaang...Zukaang. I love their intensity, their tenderness, the history between them that stretches from the present and all the way back into the past one hundred years, how they can't stay away from each other even if they tried.
I also love fics that aren't afraid to explore the things that make their relationship complicated. What does it mean for the Avatar, the last airbender, to be in a relationship with the Fire Lord, the scion of the dynasty that committed the Air Nomad genocide and started a worldwide war? This would make for a lovely political and social mess, at the very least. And what about the fact that Zuko was indirectly involved in Aang's death in CoD and sent an assassin after him to make sure he stayed dead? There's so much to explore even with this point alone - how would the past haunt them while they're still figuring out their relationship? Or even when they've been together for years? (Btw I'm firmly in the camp that Zuko really was That Bad because his character needs that for his redemption and for the ATLA story to work.)
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
Aang with Katara; Zuko with Mai (or Jet, though it probably wouldn't last lol)
My happily ever after for them:
Hmmm...for those who know my taste in stories and fic, I am very ok with not having a happy ending and sometimes that's what I prefer. HOWEVER. My happy ending for Zukaang is that their relationship in the canon ATLA world would be complicated and they can't fully be together (because we're following canon here). But after they both die, they are reincarnated, and 1000 years later they find each other again - not as the Avatar and the Fire Lord, but as two people without such heavy expectations riding on their shoulders, who can freely share their lives together at last. (This is happy I guess? But sad before it gets happy? 😅)
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
They would take turns being the big spoon! I ship them when they're older, so Aang is a little taller and loves being the cuddler. Sometimes it's Zuko, especially when he just wants the reassurance of holding Aang in his arms 🥺
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
They would get into some silly shenanigans 😂 Like riding an air scooter together with their eyes covered or have dumb contests like "bet you can't do this without bending" lmaooo
send me an ask about a ship or character, or 5 characters you want me to rank!
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moranice-solvej · 6 days
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Thank you for the tag, @rifle-yes <3
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Got introduced to fanfic through an old forum dedicated to a TV-show I was low-key obsessed with as a teen all the way back in 2008. Around the same time I started to get an urge to express myself in writing as I was an avid reader and always had a vivid imagination, so the sheer fact that people just wrote stories to celebrate their favorite stories captivated me.
Since then, there were many attemps to write fanfic and original works alike, very few completed, and only my obsession with Rogue One that started after watching the movie and reading the novelization had put me on the path of publishing my writing and finally being able to complete writing projects.
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
Started in a TV-fandom a long time ago, but never had anything I wanted to publish, so mentally I don't even count it. None of those scraps of written down ideas remain; I deleted them and never once looked back. That leaves Rogue One and technically Star Wars as my sole writing fandom. I dearly love many other shows and movies and games, but none of them make me want to write in their universes.
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Technically 16 years. Yes, comprehending this number makes me terrified.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I used to read tons of fic before I came back to writing in earnest. Now most of my free time goes into writing.
In addition to that I have ran into a loathesome problem of not being able to find stories that I'd love to read. The ceiling has gotten too high. Now that I can finally shape the kinds of stories I want to read to life, I crave more stories with such premises, themes, writing styles, and character archetypes, and these days I struggle to find them in fanfic and in original books for that matter. My gremlin brain simply cannot connect to the vast majority of tropes that dominate modern-day fandom and culture. :(
Thus, I'm firmly in the mode of be-the-change-you-want-to-be-in-the-world and producing stories for myself to satisfy that need. Even if it routinely takes me over a year, usually two to finish a single story with a monster wordcount and create something I can one day re-read with glee.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I am now able to move an idea from a general concept and a set of pivotal scenes to a fully-fleshed out story and actually finish it. This used to be my achilles heel for ages and it feels mightily gratifying to finally get rid of it.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Origins of blood transfusions in human history. Plus a large variety of niche questions of when thing a or thing b was first invented. Most of the times the setting of my current writing project allows me to disregard our reality and wing it for the sake of the vibes or plot, but I still like to research what we as a species develop and when to try and create a somewhat believable ancient fictional world without modern technology.
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
I have a soft spot for readers who pick on teeny-tiny details of my writing and show their appreciation for it. I end up with monstrous word counts because I'm an extremely context- and detail-oriented writer, and knowing that my passion for it is noticed and enjoyed brings me joy in return.
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
My current project centers around a warrior woman in her mid- to late forties who makes peace with her trauma of motherhood and loss, finds new friends and love and new home, defies her nation's traditions and becomes the force of change for her people that will bring them out of stubborn isolation and little by little shatter their callousness and mold it into empathy.
I am well aware that the sole audience of this story is myself and my best friend whom I'm lucky to have along for the ride, but it has took over my heart and it will not let go until I finally bring this epic saga to a close.
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
I am simply incapable of writing a traditional short story. Every one-shot I ever made was a stepping stone in a larger verse, and even so the smallest one is over 8k words. Anytime I try to write something small, I either need to put it down because it gets out of hand, or I need to finish it and by that time it grows into a monster.
My last attempt to write a short story within a story has spawned an epic saga that currently sits at roughly 380.000k words and will likely end up over 500.000k words when I'm finally done with it.
10. What is the easiest type?
Monster-sized epics. I think my creative brain cannot function in any other way but go-big-or-go-home.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I've used MS Word for writing ever since I got my first laptop and keep at it. Started using Scrivener lately for establishing character sheets and writing down my notes.
For years now I write almost exclusively over the weekends, with occassional editing in the evenings after work. Between working, needing to keep my apartment clean and myself fed, and dedicating time to mastering my fourth language, I have no brain for creativity after I'm done with all these chores and I use whatever remains of my evening to read, or watch shows with my best friend, or do some gaming.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
In the story I am currently writing, one of the secondary main characters is an ex-slave and a rape survivor. There is no shortage of hurt/comfort stories about a female character's experience with such kind of abuse, and in all my years of reading fic and books I often find that trauma stemming from it is either glossed over or healed through the power of true love. Even when a story follows a road to healing, it often ends in sunshine and rainbows after the all the travails. Well, for a long, long time now my gremlin brain wanted to explore what such trauma can do to a stoic male warrior, as well as to study how sometimes there is no easy healing from such ordeals, how deep these souls scars lie, and how they will keep poisoning the relationship he will pursue down the line and present major obstacles to both non-sexual and sexual intimacy with the woman he falls in love with. I'm a sucker for happy endings and I will not turn away from it, but this is going to be a scarred happy ending because those ghosts are never going to stay completely quiet in his soul.
I am daunted by the prospect of writing this spin-off like I've never been before, scared of not doing it justice, but something in me has latched onto this idea and really, really wants to at least try it.
13. What made you choose your username?
I needed something unique as a username and I have a habit of making up new names out of thin air for my writing. I liked this one and it had stuck. :)
If any writers who follow me would like to join in, you are welcome.
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prophet-of-calamity · 25 days
Red & Spinel : AU Apocalypse SU Fanfic
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Beach City's destroyed, infested by it's newly transformed corrupted gems.
A new form of corruption, more powerful and dangerous than ever before.
Steven and the Crystal Gems are nowhere to be found.
Everybody else, either presumed dead, missing or corrupted, an apocalypse.
A dark past buried deep in history, threatening to uncover and upend everything we know about gemkind...
And a mysterious Red gem at the center of it all.
How can Spinel, and less than a handful of others can save the world and the people they love?
Credits to the amazing @zoe3py for making this wonderful art of Red and Spinel! You can find more of her works/follow her here:
Author's Note & Q/A's:
Hey there! My name's Mor, and welcome to my SU Fanfic of Spinel! I've made this blog as a way to post updates on my fic, post lovely art for SU, and as a way to interact with the fan base!
But mostly, to spread the word out for my fic bcuz it is my pride and joy and I want people to read it :3
I know it's been 4+ years since the show ended, but I think Spinel deserves her happily ever after>:) and I want to give her that, even if it is only in the realm of fanfic.
The show means a lot to me, and I'm sure most of you feel the same way with me when I say that Future season wasn't all that fulfilling. I just think that there are some storylines that haven't ended yet, like Spinel's, and some ships that are in need of development, like Lapidot. This fic aims to do that, and I hope you'll have fun reading it!
Q: What inspired you to write the fanfic?
Aside from the aforementioned reason of making it a better ending, the major reason would be a dream I had 2 years ago, specifically one scene with Spinel.
I don't wanna spoil, so let's just say I was so captivated to the point where I was sobbing in my sleep, screamed at the top of my lungs in my pillows, fist pumped in the air, celebrating in the bathroom as to not be embarrassed, grabbed a notebook, and spent the next 5 hours writing down every little detail of that dream to make sure that I don't miss anything, that I just HAD to make the fic. It's that amazing, and it is taking all of my willpower to not spoil every single one of you of the ending.
Q: Is it any good?
I'd like to be modest and say that I am NOT so good in writing. Literacy isn't my course, in fact it's quite the polar opposite really (Accounting) and my love for reading books and SU is HARD CARRYING this fic.
But I'll let you be the judge of my work :3 this is my first time in like, ever, writing something so commentary would be appreciated!
Q: What day do you release/how often?
Once every 15th/30th of the month.
... supposedly. I'm not very good with schedules lmao, but I'll be sure to update every so often! It all depends on the schedule of my classes, and whenever I have free days.
Q: Can I repost/draw fanart/write fanfic about your work?
Yes, absolutely, most definitely.
In fact, I implore you to interact with me, because my dumbass decided to get into the fan base long after the show had ended.
I crave interaction, hits and kudos are the lifeblood of an author, and you don't know how much joy a comment brings to an up-and-coming smalltime author.
So if your willing, please leave a like and repost this on your blogs! It would mean the world to me 🫶💟
(That's all for now! I'll probably add more stuff in the future if ever I forgot/the situation calls for it)
There's currently 3 chapters out as of now! So hey if you're still reading at this point, might I indulge you to read the actual fic, hmm? Thank you for your time ♥️ 🩷
Edit: An image description as requested:
(Image Description: A picture of two pink colored women side by side each other. On the left side, Red, wearing a pink and white fancy dress, makes a cute pose, her right hand next to her face showcasing her Red gem. Her red-pink ponytails point upwards, braided to shape like drills. She exudes an adorable aura, sparkles and roses float around her happy expression, a playful smile between her cheeks. On the right is Spinel, holding a scythe at her right arm, the scythe's blade made of light above their heads. She wears a jet black scarf covering her mouth, flowing to the bottom of the picture, enveloping them. She wears a dark pink coat, showing her upsidedown heart gem on her chest. Her dark pink ponytails are messy. Her pink eyes glow menacingly, black mascara tears flowing down her cheeks, a pink bloodstain streak across her cheek. Her face visibly darkens, having the look of a predator staring down at its prey intimidatingly. A princess and her dark knight.)
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mania-sama · 4 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "mania-sama "?
Hi!! Thank you so much for sending me an ask!! I will answer the story behind my name first, and then I'll get into the fics!
mania.sama comes from a couple years back when I was making my first online persona account. I had my regular Instagram account with my real name, but I didn't feel comfortable with people I knew in real life knowing the content I engage with and want to post (fandom-related and gaming clips). At the time, a couple of my beloved friends had these Instagram accounts all starting with a mental disorder and ending with a Japanese honorific. Weird combo, I know, I don't know how the trend started, I don't ask questions around here. Anyway, we brainstormed and decided on the mania, as in the manic disorder, and sama, a Japanese honorific of high respect. I would change it since I'm well aware it's kinda cringe since I have absolutely no Japanese heritage whatsoever, but it's too iconic to change now. All of my online persona accounts have this name, and people have called me "Mania" for far too long on Ao3. I'd hate to switch it up on people. And besides, I think it's grown on me after all this time.
Now for the fic!! So, I'm going to be so, so for real right now. I only have three fics I have bookmarked publically on Ao3, and they are my only favorite fics. Three. This comes from the fact that I read mainly one-shots that I forget as soon as I read them. I don't really have the attention span nor want to read long-form works most of the time. So, I did a lot of digging to come up with the rest of the seven, but I want to list favorite three first because they are actually my favorite. They aren't ranked in any particular order, they are just above the rest of the seven (which are also in no particular order).
These following three fics are also the only fanfics to ever make me cry. I've come close to a few of them, but these, of all my years reading and writing fanfic, are the only three to manage to bring tears down my face thus far:
Come Morning Light by SharkbaitSekki -> Haikyuu | 354,105 words | 15 chapters -> Teen and Up | Completed | Locked Work -> Summary: All in life will come and go. People and places will ebb and flow. Fate's dealt cards can't be foreseen. Safety is obsolete. When a nuclear blast on the island of Japan destroys all of the families and dreams within its radius, all that is left in the aftermath is to rebuild something -anything- out of the debris. Back to back, heart to heart, it's a long way up for the kids who have seen their lives go down in flames. But once at the top, for those who have made it, there is nothing left to do but admire the view. In which all of the aspects of their future are uncertain, except for the fact that unity will always lead them home. -> Thoughts: This was the only fic I had as my favorite fic for a long time, and the only one of the three to have an objectively sad ending, though it's listed as ambiguous. There isn't a dead dove tag on here, but there should be because this fic is gruesome, horrific, and downright traumatizing. And you know what? It's amazing, every single 350k words of it. The way some of these characters died, the trauma they experienced, and the ways they didn't or did move forward. It's all so impactful, and each character has a special focus. Not a single one goes without a spotlight. It also says it has ships, but none of them are actually canon, just vaguely implied. I don't really know how to explain this, but everything they go through, all of the places they go to, and the events that occur because of the nuclear bomb itself (such as acid rain and food poisoning) are all so well done, original, and thought-out. A town where all crime is legal at night but you must remain perfectly civil in daytime (as well as not talk about said crimes committed the previous night), radio broadcasts, refugee camps, trafficking, and more. There are just so many stand-out concepts and scenes that will stick with me forever.
one hundred miles by No_one_you_know -> Dream SMP | 126,898 words | 3 work series -> Teen and Up | Completed* -> that's, like, a hundred miles | 60,444 words | 12 chapters | Completed -> he's my brother, i just raise him | 7,034 words | 1 chapter | Completed -> as long as i'm here | 59,420 words | 14 chapters | Completed -> Summary (using the first fic): Dream would kill him. Dream was going to kill him- he was going to- no, he wouldn’t. Dream was his friend- friends don’t hit each other- Dream was supposed to take care of him- Dream /was/ taking care of him. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to think. He couldn’t clear his thoughts as he stumbled to the family computer, pulling up a tab on google and frantically typing the name into the search bar. The words Technoblade Watson stared back at him, the little black bar at the end of the letters blinking slowly, mocking him. Why, of all people, did it have to be Technoblade? in short: the one where dream sucks as a parental figure, tommy runs away, and visits his least favorite family member technoblade -> Thoughts: I KNOW. I know what you're thinking. Dream SMP? Really? Listen. It was a different time, lads, and I, for one, refuse to be ashamed of my history with Dream SMP. I read and wrote fics and enjoyed it. What gives? Anyway. I chose the entire series instead of one fic because all of these fics are so good, and I feel that if you read the first one, you should read the others. This is the ultimate series of "Healing is not linear." It's a work on the failures of society, of the justice system, how life can be repeatedly cruel over and over again. All of the doubling back, the mental fight, the complex relationships, morally gray actions, and the brilliant display of the way trauma can effect children, and the way that adults can get away with so much abuse. I think about how he walked a hundred miles only to wind back in the same place again. Obviously, it ends positively (relatively positively), but it takes just as long to get there. Secretely, though, adoption fics are a guilty pleasure of mine and you can't take that away from me. EXTREMELY well written. * the series says it's not completed, but it sure feels like it is. Very conclusive ending, I don't think the author intends on ever updating again, so I think the "Not Completed" status is simply a mistake on their part.
When I Awake by wildflowertea -> Bungou Stray Dogs | 235,960 words | 23 chapters -> Mature | Completed -> Summary: Dazai Osamu has been in a coma for exactly one year, seven months, and twenty-two days. But Death still refuses to take him. Trapped in the space between worlds, and unable to die, Dazai waits, killing what precious time he may have left and hoping—praying—that his family will pull the plug and move on. He doesn't expect someone to move into his old apartment instead. Nakahara Chuuya, two-time Grammy awards winner, and freshly unemployed pessimist, has never believed in fate—much less the supernatural. But the lively—if a bit annoying—ghost of his apartment's previous tenant, might just change everything. -> Thoughts: What isn't there to say about this? I have written many comments under this fic, so if you want to hear my full thoughts, they are all there in the last chapter. I also added another comment months later, and will probably add another one in the future. This fic single-handedly changed the romance genre for me, set the bar too high, and I can't tell whether I should love or hate it for that. I'd go as far as to say this fic isn't really about romance, either; it's been every kind of relationship there is under the sun. It's about death, it's about hope, it's about tragedy, addiction, failures, and family. It's everything. I love, love the idea of the soul separating itself from the body being used as a symbol of a person at the ultimate crossroads: Should I live, or should I die? And death giving that person a second chance to make their final decision. I love this fic. Everyone and their mom needs to read it because it's truly life changing. I cried three times reading this. THREE. Not a single word is wasted here.
Here are the rest of the seven. These are all fics I enjoyed immensely and love dearly:
Running on Air by eleventy7 -> Harry Potter | 74,880 words | 17 chapters ->Teen and Up | Completed -> Summary: Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects. -> Thoughts: Genuinely, this fic ALMOST made joined the other three in my favorites. The only reason it didn't is because it didn't leave the same impact that the others did. But the writing, the plot, the romance, the characterizations, are all amazing, and the fact that it could've been a fourth edition to my favorites without the additional impact should be a testament to how good everything else is. I love a good investigation fic where I have no idea what's going on, but eager to learn more. I love the way they handled Ginny and Harry's relationship, how they were both never really good for each other as lovers, but humanizing them both. Ginny isn't a villain in the way of the gay relationship (I hate that trope, as we all do). Harry was just as bad in their relationship. And there are just so many good quotes, and every time I'm in the car for too long, staring at the road, I think to myself, "What if I just kept driving? What if I didn't go where I needed to go, but instead left everything behind and kept going?" And I really think this fic is in part to blame for that. Phenomenal work.
Oyasumi by monozayn -> Identity V | 6,210 words | 1 chapter -> Mature | Completed -> Summary: Oyasumi, Oyasumi Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream. . . . Eli Clark was something. But at the end of the day, Eli Clark wasn’t Naib’s something. A short story about giving too little, too late -> Thoughts: I had a VISCERAL reaction to this fic when I read two and a half years ago. I think I can contribute most of my feelings to the fact that I myself wasn't in the best mental state at the time, so it just hurt more than it should've. I think if I were to read this today, it wouldn't make it onto this list at all, but because of the strong memories I have tied to it, it's keeping its place here. I do remember really liking the characterization of Naib, who, despite being the MC, is entirely blameless and often really comes off as creepy, especially in the beginning. It was really interesting.
Food for the Heart by SharkbaitSekki -> Haikyuu | 28,486 words | 1 chapter -> Teen and Up | Completed | Locked Work ->Summary: Enter Oikawa Tooru, the middle-class citizen who has everything he needs, but who does not eat. Enter Iwaizumi Hajime, the homeless young man who barely scrapes enough to eat every single day. One chance encounter is all they need to start turning things around. That is, if they actually do want to bring change to their comfortable, destructive routines. -> Thoughts: If I'm gonna be honest, this fic is kinda like a fever dream to me. It's actually the only fic on this list that I've read twice, that being I really don't reread or rewatch media in general outside of gently skimming or rewatching certain episodes/scenes. I always lose this fic, and it came as a surprise to me to see that it was written by the same person that wrote Come Morning Light because I did NOT know this until I found it again for this fic. Thrice I have found this fic and thrice did it escape my attention. Now about the actual fic and not the mythical legend that it truly is, it's just such an interesting take on the characters. Less so that it's a perfect characterization but a wonderful insight to homelessness and privilege, into complex relationships and eating disorders. It shows that all people are different, they can be selfish when trying not to be, that life sometimes just really rocks our shit. I've struggled in on and off periods with eating myself, so this fic really drives home a nail into face that it might not for other people.
the path to paradise by roadtripwithlucifer -> Bungou Stray Dogs | (currently) 73,250 words | (currently) 11 chapters -> Explicit | Work in Progress -> Summary:
To think that there’s a gifted in this world who can transport others to a ‘Hell.’ Not even a particularly hellish hell. For all Akutagawa had experienced in his life, this is obnoxiously tame. Pleasant, even, if he was to ignore the centaurs hunting him for sport and the fact that he’s kneeling in an open grave.Still - if Akutagawa was given such an ability, he’d have no shortage of significantly more creative punishments for creatures as loathsome as himself.
Akutagawa goes to Hell. Atsushi follows. Neither return the same. -> Thoughts: This is one that is being updated quite regularly, so I have complete faith it will be saw through to the end (as the author has seen their other longfics to the end, too). This has some of the best BSD characterizations I've ever seen, especially Akutagawa. This fic scratches a very specific itch, since it's literally a Dante's Inferno AU, and where else are you gonna find one? One that's actually well-written, no less? It satisfies my constant hunger for tragic, painful things to happen to my favorite characters without ending poorly. They find comfort in each other. I love that. I love this fic. I can't wait to see how it ends. I like the use of their Dante and Virgil as "OC's", too. I don't mind OC's in most fics, but this is one the first to truly make me like their OC's. The author also puts in a whole lot of research, and they use this cool system of endnotes (that I WILL be stealing for any future long-form projects) to express their research. I just love reading their thoughts, and you can clearly see how much passion there is here.
Tommyinnit's unbeatable method of avoiding sudden death by eneliii -> Dream SMP | 79,922 words | 30 chapters -> Teen and Up | Completed -> Summary: “I uh,” Tommy starts, not knowing how to break this to the hero lightly. He hates to be the bearer of bad news. “I think your powers are broken? It’s not a bad thing of course, but like, I swear you tried to mind control me and it like, totally failed. Which is fine, honestly, don’t feel insecure. Everyone’s power stop working sometimes… I think.”  Sheesh, this is very awkward. Why is no one else talking? Why is Philza looking at him like he grew three heads? Why is the Blade staring at him so intensely? Why is Willow still frozen? “Did I, did I hit a nerve? Yikes,” Tommy hisses, “Well um,” He steps back, bracing his legs and bending his knees, “This was like super fun, but I’m - I’mma head out.” or, in which Tommy manages to annoy the hell out of Phil, Techno and Wilbur by being both impossible to catch and irritatingly endearing. or or, a crack fic where Tommy is a vigilante and Phil, Techno and Wilbur are the heroes hunting him down. -> Thoughts: I read this fic while it was coming out. I was also in therapy, so imagine my surprise and utter devastation when those chapters started coming out (if you know, you know), because I was, indeed, reading it to make myself feel better and not be sad all the time. I haven't read it in a hot minute, so I'm not sure if the humor would match up to mine today of if it would just be really cringe but I remember always finding it very funny. If it had just been funny and random, it may not have made it on here, but the overarching plot makes it a work of art. I won't spoil, because I do think you should read it, but it's a very good plot twist that I didn't see coming because I hadn't read any of the other works. Everything in that fic has a meaning, and everything is beautiful, and everything hurts. The concept itself is something that I think about often, too, even before I'd read it. Great execution.
Spiderwebs and Secrets by fi_niamh -> Genshin Impact | (currently) 89,103 words | (currently) 14 chapters -> Teen and Up | Work in Progress -> Summary:
Albedo, usually one for blunt and quick actions, was struggling to determine how he should continue. On one hand, marking the death as suicide, as it very much appeared to be, would immediately close the case and give the bereaved family some much needed closure. But could Albedo really do that when so many things didn't line up? Sitting back in his chair Albedo let out a deep breath. He scanned down the page reading the provided boxes. ... He was really going to do this wasn't he? Picking up quill with a steady hand, Albedo marked the fourth and final box with a neat cross mark. Death under suspicious circumstances. Albedo stood, waiting for the ink to dry before gently picking the piece of paper up. Albedo had a new assignment. As head of the Knights of Favonius Investigation Unit, Albedo was not going to let the cause of Diluc Ragnvindr's death go unknown.
When Diluc is reported dead as what appears to be a suicide, Jean struggles to keep it together, Kaeya is left in shambles, and Albedo begins to uncover the web of secrets and lies that Diluc left behind. -> Thoughts: While this fic hasn't been updated in a long time (and admittedly I haven't even caught up to the latest chapters, but that's not because the updates were bad, I just have this mental block that occurs with every multi-chaptered fic I read that I always have a really hard time breaking through). Anyway, this fic has the best characterization I have ever seen of any of the title characters: Kaeya, Diluc, Albedo, and Jean. It hurts so bad and so good, and I love me a well-written investigation fic that keeps me on my toes. So, so good. Did I mention that this hurts? Because it hurts. Hurts like a knife digging into your stomach and being twisted, but you keep pushing it in because the pain is addicting.
Butterflies and Storms by Chalily -> Bungou Stray Dogs | 36,524 words | 14 chapters -> Teen and Up | Completed -> Summary: “That girl in the back! She’s getting away!” Chuuya whipped around to see that his men were right — one of their assailants was an ability user, and she was using her power to escape. Shit. Mori had been painfully clear when he’d assigned this mission. He expected no survivors. Chuuya dropped his ability’s hold on the six or seven people around him, then kicked off of a nearby wall to propel himself at the girl. She was slowly dissipating into light, vanishing upwards into the ceiling, but before the edge of her coat could vanish Chuuya shot by like a dark bullet, reached out, and just barely grabbed it. // Chuuya gets transported to the past! Watch him struggle to figure out what the hell’s happening, then enlist the help of a young Oda to get back. But with the past altered, will he return to the same future he left behind? -> Thoughts: This fic has the perfect blend of good plot, characterization, and humor. Mainly the humor part, because it's always so effortless and it astounds me how easily they were able to write it. It's so natural, and I only wish I was half as funny as they are. This fic also reminds a lot of BEAST, and I am under the personal opinion that BEAST is better than the actual manga. Because it is and I'm correct. The OC they used for this and her ability is actually a book I'd read before, so that was also an added bonus for me. Very, very enjoyable fic and criminally underrated.
Honorable Mention: I KNOW you said only 10, but I have to mention this one fic that I can't for the love of me find, but I think about nearly every time I'm writing. It's a Dream SMP one-shot. If I remember correctly, it was somewhere between 1-3k words, and it was an absolutely masterpiece. I would've booted one of the fics I have listed to fit this one, but alas, I cannot find the fic. It's about the SBI, but all of the brothers get drafted to World War I or II, I can't remember, leaving Phil alone in their shared house. It's so. Good. Whenever I write, I try to emulate the emotion that author put into their fic, the way they were able to convey the lived-in, homely feel of the family as each one of them were ripped away, as they died. They described things in such a simplistic manner, and instead of focusing on faces or words, they talked about how the knob to the cabinet door was broken, the scratch marks on the table, the squeaky tiles on the floor. Amazing. I wish I could find it again.
Again, thank you so much for asking me!!!
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writeshite · 2 years
Hi there, I just read your soldier boy fic and when I say I'm deeply in love with it I mean it! So I wanted to request something for the soldier boy with ftm reader...
{this is a small plot} Ben could be meeting reader through one of his friends or something and instantly has feelings for reader which progress to smut and after a time skip you see them getting married. Sorry if this too specific and if you don't feel comfortable writing it, it's okay. Thank you ❤️
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My Love, My Life
“Actually, he’d need to have a child to be classified as a DILF,” Frenchie voices. “What the fuck’s a DILF?” Ben asks. You and Frenchie exchange a look, then shrug, diverting the conversation elsewhere. You turn and lean over him to grab the TV manual and toss it at his face. You snicker, “Asshat.”
Soldier Boy x FTM!Reader
FTM!Reader | Fluff | Marriage | Falling In Love | A Wee Bit Of Smut
Words: 920
Author's Note:
I've decided to take fanfic titles from ABBA songs because they're a bop. I left the Reader's body description as vague as possible - mainly to avoid my own dysphoria 😭.
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“Don’t even think about it.”
Butcher’s not scary enough to deter Ben from doing what he wants; really, he only sticks around the guy and his crew because he has nowhere else to go, so telling him not to hit a hot piece of ass isn’t going to register in his mind, You’re one of them, on the run, probably traumatized and occupying Ben’s thoughts. Butcher told Ben to fuck off and play nice with his right hand; he was very adamant that you stay as far as physically possible from him. That went into one ear and out the other, “How do you work this thing again?” 
Ok, so playing dumb was a low blow, but it worked. You turned your attention to him, mock irritation on your face, “I taught you how to use the remote yesterday,” you stated. Ben shrugged, handing it over to you; he leaned closer, arm set on the back of the couch, “See this button up here, the red one, that’s the power button,” you explained in a child-like voice.
You point to the numbers on the remote, “And if you click these ones, you can type in whatever channel you want.”
He rolls his eyes, “I’m not a kid; you don’t need to explain it like that,” he jokingly sneers.
You pat his head, “I know, I know, but when you get around your age, things get confusing.” When he smacks your hand away, you laugh, settling back onto the couch; you shift closer, “Ok, jokes aside, just type in the numbers of whatever channel you want; it’s not that different from the TVs of your time.”
“My time…I’m not that old, asshat.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” you quip, “Though it would kinda make you a DILF then, wouldn’t it?”
“Actually, he’d need to have a child to be classified as a DILF,” Frenchie voices.
“What the fuck’s a DILF?” Ben asks. You and Frenchie exchange a look, then shrug, diverting the conversation elsewhere. You turn and lean over him to grab the TV manual and toss it at his face. You snicker, “Asshat.”
It’s always like that; the two of you dance in some limbo; it takes some dutch courage for either of you to make a move. One that leads to the most mind-blowing sex Ben cannot remember; he wakes up to find you scratching your head and glancing around the room in confusion. When you look over at him, it takes a second for your brain to catch up before your eyes widen, “Holy shit.”
“Holy shit, good, or holy shit bad?” he inquires, sitting up as well; your eyes dart down to his bare torso.
“Definitely good,” you respond, shuffling close; you walk your fingers down his torso, “So….”
“Are we fuckbuddies now?”
Ben purses his lips, pulling you close by the hip; he doesn’t answer the question; in fact, he does anything but - bringing you in for a kiss, leaving new love marks on your skin, and drawing out moans from you as he fucks you like there’s no tomorrow. Ben does remember this sex, he also remembers Butcher threatening to claw his balls with his bare hands, but that’s not important.
You arch your back when Ben hits the spot with his dick; he holds your waist, your legs around his own, and your hands around his shoulders. His hair skims against your skin with each thrust, your head is tilted back, and the headboard practically rams against the wall. Ben isn’t going fast or slow, but he teeters on the edge of both inconsistently, driving your sense through the roof; when he cums he holds you close, head above yours as he pants.
The important thing is you, and he add fucking to the equation.
“You’re a dick; you know that,” you groan, stretching your arms; Ben rolls over, arms under the pillow. He smiles that cocky little smile of his. “Thank god; we don’t have anything to do today.”
He chuckles, kissing your hip, “Even if we did, I’d still fuck you nine ways to Sunday.”
Missions get a little complicated; yes, Ben is aware you can defend yourself just fine, doesn’t mean he can’t help. For everyone’s peace of mind, the two of you get paired together when necessary; after missions are amazing because it’s just happy sex - happy that you both came back in one piece. He draws shapes on your skin as if to reassure himself you’re still alive, and when it tickles you, Ben will sigh, kiss your forehead and snuggle close. It’s during one such night that Ben looks you in the eye, “Marry me,” he says.
You draw back and look him in the eyes, “What?”
“Marry me,” he repeats.
You nod, the surprise look on your face morphing into joy as you hug him tight. The news goes about as well as one would imagine, mixed reception, but overall not as bad as you’d have thought. Neither of you feels the calling to a chapel; you kinda shotgun it, quick trip to Vegas. Ben slips the ring on your finger, it’s not much, but he doesn’t give a shit; when the Elvis impersonator announces you, husband and husband, Ben dips you in a kiss. Your hand comes up to his cheek, stroking it as you seal the deal; he whispers the wedding vows as you part and get back up, “Always.” It’s one word, and it may not mean much to anyone, but to you, it’s a promise.
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End Note:
Hope I did alright, it's my first time writing Trans!Reader. Anywho, stay hydrated.
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writing-biting · 8 months
Just pick a random one, based on vibes. Or read these bad summaries
three little words: lego monkie kid, kind of a warm up for practicing the characters, shadowpeach is horrible at communicating, wasn't supposed to be more than a one shot but temptation got my ass. G rn, but with communication and boredom, might shoot all the way up to E
Get the Key, Stop the Krang: rottmnt, Casey Junior ends up going back to before the show and proceeds to get help stopping the Krang from the unlikeliest of places because the turtles are like two years younger than him and he thinks he can do everything himself. I think this is T, but it might be M for the violence
Pull the Strings (Mine or Yours): Undertale AUs, I haven't touched this one in ages because I've kind of lost the thread of the plot. Was supposed to be an origin story for an au I have. M for violence and kidnapping and starvation and abuse
Icarus: rottmnt donnie ends up in 2012 tmnt because he 'flew too close to the sun'. he sucks at existing in 12 because of incompatible physics and has to relearn everything, and recover from really shitty lab accident injuries. Might be a timeloop fic, we'll see. M for violence
What Do We Fight For?: bay and 2012 (and eventually 2003) end up in rise, specifically in the Battle Nexus. M for Major Character Death and violence.
Tang Sanzhang thing I haven't named yet: I may have made an 'everything is shittier' version of the LMK version of Journey to the West, and this is in exploration of my version of the Gold Cicada's character. (used the word version too many times oh well) unrated
Tmnt fairy reboot: draxum, a chemistry student, makes a very cool ooze and runs right over to an wildlife rehabilitation center to show his boyfriend Yoshi. Yoshi is like wow, nice ooze, stop bringing your chemistry to my job you're gonna get me fired and Draxum is like, it's literally fine, nothing will happ- and then the beaker explodes in their faces. It covers the turtle section of the center, and get everywhere. Now, the turtles are growing hands and feet and shit. Instead of facing the consequences of their actions, they grab the turtles and book it. They run away to, idk somewhere cold that has forests, uhh Minnesota, and move into a small town that doesn't ask too many questions next to a fairy infested forest. Honestly I'm not actually sure how this is a tmnt reboot besides the fact that there are turtles, but still. Probably gonna be T if it ends up existing, we'll see
other???: probably gonna grab one of the aus off the ol' brain shelf, write something and then show it to no one.
Help me. Hit a random button 🙏 do it for your local gorgeous dykeboy 💗💓🥺
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probablygayattorneys · 2 months
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So, according to my text log, today marks my third Ace Attorney-versary (well, of rediscovering it, unfortunately we'll never know exactly when I originally got into it). Hard to believe that in just three years, I've played 22 puzzle games (and am in the middle of two more), made friends, got back into sharing my writing and have posted 31 fanfics for a total of 326818 words publicly (and that's not even counting my trio of secret fics that I published anonymously, or the ones I'm still working on), made a semi-successful blog dedicated to puzzle games of the early aughts (I'm sitting at about 400 followers, which is not nothing!), moved (twice!), watched my nuclear family start to fall apart (my mom’s receipt for the divorce lawyer’s retainer is on the fridge, being held up by a magnet of the attorney’s badge), even gotten a tattoo (and am in the processing of working with someone to design a second one), and got semi-engaged and my temporary engagement ring (unfortunately my man has the AUDACITY to live on the other side of the country so I have a different ring than the one he'll actually propose with to signify that I am officially off the market) is even based on Wrightworth colors.
I'm not going to lie and pretend all of the games were incredible feats of the genre (they weren't) or that I've had the best time (in fact, the lowest lows of my mental health have been in the past three years), or that everyone I've met has been so wonderful and welcoming (you asshole anons and certain characters know who you are) but considering that I didn't plan any of this, I basically just stumbled into owning a switch and then @vaptainhammer, knowing that I used to love Ace Attorney, bought me the switch port of the originally trilogy and shoved me down the rabbit hole in the process, I'm grateful I had the experience. Here's to Phoenix, to the Laytons, to Ashley and Kyle, and to Vivian, Abby, Zieg, Ash, everyone else that Sissel dragged in, and of course, my love, my first and my last, my alpha and my omega, my number one puzzle assistant, my personal google, the one who started all of this is the first place and has stood by my side through all the ups and downs that life has thrown at me over the past three years, Blayne. I love you so much, forever, and I can't wait until we're able to bring the government into our relationship and I can start the rest of my life as your hersband, Mx. Vaptainhammer.
Can't promise I'll be helming this blog for another three years, but thank you to everyone who had climbed aboard at any point, and welcome to everyone who will, I hope you've enjoyed the thoughtless shitposts and the thoughtful and deeply cared about edits and meta posts, and are ready for more because I've got a full queue that grows every day. I may not go down with this ship but for everything else, I've had the time of my life fighting (the Defiant) dragons with you.
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kimmimaru · 3 months
I don't know if this counts as a spoiler? But will put it under a cut anyway just in case. Its about Cloud in Rebirth.
Honestly they did such a good job of making Cloud's mental state fucked up. There are hints of it in the Remake but in Rebirth its very frequent. I'm talking about the times Cloud acts like a child. I can think of one instance in Remake, when he thinks the man in the black robes was Sephiroth and he pins him to the ground, his voice gets higher and he PANICS. In Rebirth it gets worse. When he brings Sephiroth the key to the black materia, his voice changes again to that of a kid. Its the same tone of voice my child uses when she brings me a cool rock she found. And honestly? That is so fucking disturbing. I can't get it out of my head. And now its slightly worse because he has a similar sort of tone when speaking to Aerith's ghost. The man is well and truly broken and he doesn't even know it. Its so apporpriate but god, I can't stop thinking about it, it makes me ill. It is fiction and there's not a lot of stuff that really gets to me in fiction, but this? Its awful. I spent the entire time playing those scenes with a tight knot in my stomach and its just so damn good. I was very impressed. Cloud does the same thing when he finally gets to reuinite with Zack, his voice gets infinately softer and more child-like. And again, this is apporpriate since he was unconcious for at least five years of his life, he never actually grew up mentally. Inside he's still fifteen/sixteen years old and in the OG its difficult to really get that across, but they did it perfectly in Rebirth. I don't know if its affecting me worse now because I am a parent myself, so it didn't really affect me the same when I played the OG (I was a kid myself so I missed a lot of the nuance I suppose, not to mention the technological restrictions on the PS1) or if its just that it has voice acting now so its a bit more obvious, I dunno. Its not just Cloud either. Like, even Tseng was a teenager and working as a Turk. Shinra put guns in the hands of children and its just sort of glossed over, I don't really see it mentioned much in fanfic and stuff. Yuffie: sixteen years old and trying to assasinate Rufus. Zack: Seventeen and sent into a war to kill people. Sephiroth: a living weapon from birth. The only character to ever even mention this is Reeve in one of the Novellas when he's speaking to Denzel. The WRO won't recruit children because of what Shinra did. I suppose because its so normalised in their world that no one else would even blink at it, but Reeve does and I like him for it lol. Basically, it makes sense that the characters themselves don't think about it, since its normal for them but I think it makes for interesting plots in fanfic. I've put it in a few times with the Turks and stuff. Anyways, sorry for rambling, my point is is that Rebirth does a great job of really driving home the fact that Cloud is still a kid inside. A teenager with a big sword and a broken mind.
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