#I can't believe it's over o.o
OOP dang o.o
Yeah go off Aaron 😤😤😌
It's not like a friendship (though they kinda had one) but getting betrayed by your therapist must be such a weird hurtful thing :((
Ahh nice :o :D well at least we got stuff out of her :)) and while she's alive lol
Okay that's good <3
Phew :'))
And yeah Bailey xDD
I hope we don't have to deal with Jason tonight 😭 like before the end of this episode xd
Yeahh she's out there in the middle of nowhere somewhere 😬
Hmm unless she talks her way out of it again xD
Angela last time you did that your enemy vowed revenge and set a hitman after your husband and child xdd xD
Maybe let's not lol
The others want in though, you really did have to call dibs xD
Aww hey guys :'o :')))
Lol xD
Hey you deserve it, you guys both do lol
Weird elevator noise there, kinda satisfying though
Aww yeah :'))
Lol yeah xD it's nice that he can be honest about it though :')))
AWW yeahh :')) y'all :'D 😭😭❤️
AWWW honeyy 🥺🥺❤️😭
Ik they're not about to get back together but is he about to apologize and like, vow to make up for it?? Idek-
Awww 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭💔❤️❤️
AWWW honeyyy 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔❤️ :'(( DD':
Bro you're the one that broke up with her like yes what she allows but you can make up some of the distance you created yourself 😭😭
I'm struggling to express what I mean bc I know he is just just xdd like you broke up with her, it's not like she didn't want you around you know lol? Even if she's reasonably upset about it now xdd and you were fighting
Guagh anyway xdd at least we got some closure for them this season lol xd 😭
OOP hey guys o.o
Oughh noo 😭😭😭 >:((
Just them getting out of general xDD
But also. . . wesley angst 😏😌👀
Eh it won't be after this xD
Lol yeah xD
As if you guys aren't going to the same place xD
Unless he just goes off to some random place and disappears lol
That would be wild xD rarely or never to be seen again LOL
I sincerely doubt it but you know XD
Awww hey guys :'))
Lol fair Bailey xD though he did t exactly have a choice in the matter slfkjdgs
Didn't know that was it xD
Eh close enough
Oof lol
I know the feeling of a laugh pain xD from like being hurt in the wrong area lol (though I have not been shot in the side xD)
Aww ayy :'))
LOL she also compiled xDD
Awww y'all :')))
I was thinking you'd say what age lol, but yeah that's important too :o
Is it gonna be Jason as him o.o
OOPE no wait he's probably telling them of him getting out of jail O.O
And then he breaks in two seconds later lol xD not enough time of a warning
But eh maybe (HOPEFULLY PLEEASE) it is xdd
And good thing we're mentioning Oscar too o.o 😬😬
Yeahhh uh oh is right xdd
From their faces lol
Y'all I'm stressed xD
But also. . . once again. . . the angst 😏😏👀👀😌
I love me some good angst, especially involving Oscar even if it doesn't directly involve Wesley because I can pretend it does xD but also it might 👀👀👀😌 :DD
I know they said maybe or even probably not by the end of the season but my gosh 😭😭😭
Going with Xochtil or Samara y'all xdd not even a guess I'm just deciding lol /lh
Anyway I think we could get a Wesley/Wopez storyline out of this, especially since it'll be next season 👀👀 I mean it's been a while for them, right :D?
Although waiting for Elijah and Oscar at the same time could be cool, and we may want to wait a little longer for that lol. Maybe Elijah from prison, or Oscar laying low for a while? Aeh idk :))
Anyway! I've been chatting a lot lol, but official/full review coming out later (probably in a few days) :D
I love you all!!
See you next time for that :)) 🥰!
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theroundbartable · 3 months
I'm gonna be annoying for a second here, consider this:
It's been a few years since Lancelot's sacrifice, today is the memorial of his death and Merlin is feeling quite saddened, so, when the knights and Arthur invite him to the tavern (thinking, by Gaius’ accusations that he drinks regularly), he accepts, to wash out the sad thoughts.
Turns out Merlin is a hilarious drunk, and keeps doing lots of stupid things, like claiming the glass that fell over two tables away was his fault (it was), or that he caused that bird to shit on Arthur's hair (he did), even said he started the soft pouring outside that got them all wet on their way back to the castle (he didn't). The knights believed none of this, of course.
Before going to bed, he told Gwaine that he'd been missing Lancelot lately, and he might have brought him back. Gwaine only laughs at it at decides to take Merlin to the tavern more often, 'cause he's just hilarious.
Gwaine wakes up next morning, very early, but he's got a weird feeling that's not letting him sleep, so he goes for a while. Turns out Merlin did bring back Lancelot after all, and he has a lot of explaining to do.
After that Gwaine learns about Merlin's magic and now all three of them have a little problem, because of course they won't just kill Lancelot again, nor let him go, no matter how much he insists; they can't just walk around with a supposedly years long dead person either.
As they solve that problem, Merlin has Crush™ problems, because Arthur is for some reason acting all cold and distant with him, ever since he's started hanging out more with Gwaine and a disguised Lancelot. He's also been pretty mad with Gwaine and totally-not-Lancelot, and he refuses to tell Merlin what's wrong.
He's just jealous of how close Gwaine and that new guy are growing to Merlin, he doesn't like it one bit.
Idk I just like to share my silly thoughts with ppl I like, and I love your work and I just found out you had a Tumblr so ya. Consider this a lil' thank you gift for all the amazing works you've published, if you want, of course.
You're not annoying, this is wonderful :D Thank you so much for sharing!!!!
I love when Merlin doesn't have his magic under control when he's drunk! And also not knowing what he's actually controlling and what he isn't. :D and Lancelot accidentally being revived O.o And jealous Arthur, naturally ;)
I wish you a wonderful day! I really like your gift ❤️
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maochira · 1 year
I really have a Dad!Ego Jinpachi brainrot and this one has been bugging my mind lately...
Can I ask for Dad!Ego bringing his baby to the match between Japan U-20 vs Bluelock because the baby's nanny can't take care of them that day due to personal reasons. So while Ego is giving his speech to Bluelock players, his baby is just there sitting on his lap or being carried in his arms and the players are just looking at the cute mini Ego while listening his speech... also Anri babysitting the baby because Ego is too focused watching the match...
OOOH....SKSDSKJKJDSKSKSJSJS You know just right how to fuel my dad!Ego obsession, don't you??😭😭 Also I made his kid a toddler instead of a baby but!! HERE WE GO
Requests open! - dad!Ego masterlist
Tags: gn!toddler!reader, reader is Ego's kid (obviously), everyone who requests dad!Ego gets a kiss from me, no player is specifically mentioned except for Bachira
-Ego never mentioned or gave any hints of having a child towards the Blue Lock players, so you can imagine their surprise when Ego and Anri walked into the Blue Lock Eleven's locker room and Anri carried you in her arms
-of course, someone asked who you are. Ego took you into his arms and just answered "my biological offspring, my little (Y/N)-chan"
-it's a bit hard for them to believe because never in their life would they have expected Ego to be a father, but in their opinion it also weirdly fits him???
-you have the same eyes as your father (without the eyebags, obviously) so the way you stare at everyone is kind of scary but also cute at the same time
-Ego keeps you in his arms while he holds his speech to the players before the game and you just stare at everyone with an o.o face
-Bachira actually gets a bit of cuteness aggression and really wants to squish your cheeks but he holds himself back. At first, at least. He ends up squishing your cheek "for good luck"
-when the match starts, you're sitting on Ego's lap and he's gently holding you. But his arms around you always get a little tighter whenever something intense happens during the match. So basically every few seconds
-you try to get his attention because to you, watching the match is boring since you're too young to properly understand anything about soccer. But Ego is too busy focusing on the match, he can't properly give you attention so he just gives you over to Anri
-you're used to that so it's nothing that bothers you, plus you love Anri a lot, she's a bit like an aunt to you
-Anri actually struggles a bit with you because she has to pay a part of her attention to the match and another part of her attention to Ego as well
-but!!! There are still the benched players. You kind of won the heart of some of them, so they talk to you and give you some attention while Ego and Anri are busy
-in the last few minutes of the match, you're back on your father's lap and he squeezes you even tighter than in the beginning. Sometimes even so tight you barely get air anymore and Anri has to loosen his grip around you. Ego always feels a bit bad for accidentally squeezing you so tight, but the game gets too intense over and over he can't help but do it again
-even though you have no idea what's going on, you notice how happy everyone including your father is when the Blue Lock Eleven wins, and your dad being happy makes you happy as well!!!
-a bit later back in the locker room, Bachira actually gets to hold you and he lets all the cuteness aggression out by squshing your cheeks and tickling you. It also helps him calming down after the match
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satureja13 · 2 months
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After their picknick, they called the horses and showed Ji Ho the surroundings. What a stunning landscape!
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Noxee and Greg took a walk at the beach together. Greg drew a heart in the sand and they shared a steamy kiss. After Ji Ho woke up again, Noxee will leave soon and they are making the most of their time together. (The steamy kiss is one of the new romantic interactions from the Lovestruck EP)
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Poor Jack wishes he could unsee it. He hates Greg. And he hates that this beast kisses his precious Noxee. Ach - he feels like he's cursed. There's no love for him and Noxee, no love for him and Kiyoshi and neither for him and Lou... It had started so promising with Lou, though. Two of his painful spots had already vanished - and then he's together with Caleb?! Gods! Did Jack interpret the signs from Lou all wrong? Plus: Lou 'only' was an NPC in a game - his therapy game, at that. Sai never gets tired of telling him this. But what was the lesson for him to learn then? That there's no love for him? That he should start a new life after his ingame death and do better? And now he isn't even allowed to be 'just mates' with Kiyoshi... Jack sighed.
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The moon was rising above the ocean when they returned to Verdantis. They cared for the animals and went over to the Screaming Mandrake, since Jeb needed to talk to them.
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Jeb told them how much he worries about Kiyoshi and how hard it had been to keep him by his side - and from going back into the tree again - during the time Jack left and lived at the beach house. And how much Kiyoshi prospered after Jack came back. That the periods where he was able to be in the here-and-now prolonged. And that he even started to talk. Saiwa still can't believe that Jack - for once - is not causing trouble but even is of a greater use ^^': "Do you really think it's because of Jack?" But Vlad also agreed. He'd seen first hand how far Kiyoshi drifted away again after Jack had left.
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Noxee knows how much Sai worries about Jack, he's like a younger brother to him and they'd been to hell and back together. And she still remembers how broken Jack was when he decided to finally end his relationhip with Kiyoshi. But is it fair to sacrifice the wellbeing of Kiyoshi to protect Jack from a potential harm? Jeb: "I don't want to push it on you, Jack. You're all grown up, but still vulnerable and I don't want you to fall back again." Poor Saiwa feels like he's caught in a very unpleasant dream. Between protecting Jack and letting him go living his own life and making his own decisions...
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Jack: "I mean, it's not like I want to go back where we've been. Like, never. I just really like Kiyoshi and I want him to feel better - I want to help him. I did my part too to ruin our relationship. I see that. But Sai, you can't protect me from everything out there in this wild world. Where will it end? I know I have my issues, but I think I also proofed that I evolved and learned, hm?" Saiwa is still not convinced: "You wanted a relationship with a non-existant person, Jack." Jack: "Who says Lou doesn't exist? He was aware, intelligent and sensitive. All this and more. And this makes him a person. He just wasn't in our reality." Jack, our little philosopher, might even be right. (If you want to dive deeper, check this article -> here)
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Noxee is bringing them back to topic again: "If you think it's ok for you, Jack, I will talk to Rita. We could at least try to confirm that you really have a good influence on Kiyoshi. Even she must see that it's of no help for anyone when he's in a state like this. Jeb is right. He's surely not happy. And when he has one of his brighter days again, he can go meet her and speak for himself, hm?"
Isn't it funny that in our reality, Kiyoshi would be considered even more crazy than Jack? ^^' A guy who isn't responsive most of the time and claims to be a demon/minor diety o.o
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It's already late and Noxee took them to the yard for their Yoga/Tantra practise. And to teach them a few more poses before she leaves.
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Jack and Sai are stunned how flexible Noxee is ö.Ö' But they are all doing so well after practising for so many months now.
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'You know I've seen a lot of what the world can do And it's breaking my heart in two Because I never want to see you sad, girl Don't be a bad girl But if you want to leave, take good care Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there But just remember there's a lot of bad and beware Beware
Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world It's hard to get by just upon a smile Oh baby, baby, it's a wild world And I'll always remember you like a child, girl'
Cat Stevens - Wild World (Live 1971)
As soon as they returned from their ride-out and dismounted, the horses immediately fell asleep ö.ö (Yang Mal sleeps standing ^^') Why are they so tired all the time? They live in another household and they can sleep whenever they want to. But no. Sometimes they even force the rider to dismount because they want to sleep - in the middle of the day -.-
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From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Here comes the Sun' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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fruit-sy · 1 year
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(Reading the Alien Space comic)
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HAHAHAH IT'S SO AWKWARD, both want to murder talk to each other, but they don't want to involve Himeko and are failing horribly
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HSR and HI3 Himeko have something in common, the people around them can't handle her food/drinks but refuse to tell her
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Dang welt O.o
Fatherhood, where you die/sacrifice yourself to save your children from a looming evil they will have to still face in the future 👍
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Extremely correct descriptions for Welt, Tesla
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After all the saccharine moments, it really hit us here with how much guilt Welt feels. He wanted to believe that not telling Himeko the truth about her dad was the best decision, but she still ended up devastated because of this. How could Welt say he killed the man with his own two hands, no matter how justified it was?
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It seems kindness is an integral part of who Welt is. He will always give hope and keep hoping himself, even though he perceived that his kindness may have been misplaced.
... Which makes me wonder why Welt's character profile lists his path as Nihility? A path for people who "admire laziness, exhaustion, and meaningless behavior."
Seems like the opposite of what I know of Welt so far
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chiconisroc · 1 year
I wonder, what do you think of those who say redeeming Philip even in fanon doesn't make sense because it "goes against his character?" or say that doing that is writing him very ooc (out of character)?
Some even say he'd rather die than admit he's wrong or grow as a person and that's the whole point of him. He's a bigot who doesn't want to better himself or can't be redeemed.
I'm glad you're making the "impossible" possible by writing your story by the way. It's kinda made me see him in a different light.
I believe it is reasonable to suggest that Philip may prefer death over admitting he's wrong or evolving as an individual. It is possible that is who his character is, o.o.
However, when it comes to asserting that such behavior contradicts his character 100%, I find myself uncertain. Perhaps I tend to perceive fictional characters as if they were real people while writing stories about them.
To those who claim that my portrayal of Philip is out of character, let us remember that the show has only exposed a fraction of Philip's persona, a merge glimpse on who he is. In reality, even therapists cannot instantly discern the true essence of their clients without ample time and exploration.
Some fictional characters tend to follow a linear trajectory. Philip, in my story, does not conform to such things as my narrative aims for a touch of realism and explore the possibility of a profound change within him. The touch of realism in the story have been noted by some readers while reading it.
Humans are complex beings. All individuals possess the capacity for change, given specific circumstances and considering their personal attributes. Moreover, one's experiences and mental state can significantly influence the extent of such change. I believe that believing in the immutability of fictional characters limits the creative mind's exploration of the infinite possibilities characters can embody. Furthermore, if one maintains the conviction that real humans are entirely incapable of change, even in the slightest sense, it obstructs personal growth as well.
Fanfiction stories serve as alternate universes, embracing the boundless potential of what a character can do or become. They create a space where all possibilities are welcomed and explored with open arms. These stories should be cherished and experienced purely for the joy they bring, rather than being confined by notions of what is deemed possible or impossible.
So, yeah, that concludes my response, hahaha.
And I'm glad you enjoying the story : ).
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animentality · 8 months
So I’ve been scrolling through the Durgetash tag and wtf.
First I’m fcking heartbroken that my Durge will not experience the moment of finding the letter/s to Franc in it’s original form or at all(?)
And THEN I FIND queerphobic posts and insane comments about Gortash “definitely not” being queer or “just having had a “business relationship” with Durge..? Even tho there’s enough evidence✨
Now… remember when we all adored Astarion and then more and more ppl started joining the tags, groups whatever and now it’s a whole toxic mess that you cannot scroll thru without getting a headache? (It’s sad the magic of it all is kinda dare I say gone.. I just look at it/him idk different, involuntarily at that, but I’m glad that Durgetash is giving all that back in insane amounts that let’s my adhd feet kick in dopamine fully-sated energy *incoherent babbling*)
I think the same is (bhaal forbid) maybe swapping over to Durgetash and I’m scared … cuz this, here… what y’all create! (art, hc’s, stories & just fun post’s overall) is so fxking special and so lovely🌷
And I really fxing hope that the ppl at bg3/larian have a REALLY good reason to *cough cough* meddle in each other’s I MEAN OUR affairs, when we already barely have anything, WHAT WAS THE REASON– just why, there’s enough bugs and crashes or other stuff that needs tending WHY TAKE AWAY?!
Good day and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us and without sugarcoating anything ❤️
I hope a build-a-bear lil dragon or whatever appears outta nowhere for you, that says stuff when you squeeze too hard (just like Durge–) like “ah my favorite bhaalspawn/ my favorite assassin” :)
First off, I hear that some people still see the letter, and others do not. Apparently, it's SUPPOSED to have replaced it, but some people just have computers that are built different, I guess. So you might possibly see it. Not sure.
As for if toxicity is spilling into the Durgetash fandom...maybe? I don't know. We were all pretty civil. I admit, I lost my cool for a minute there, but to be FAIR TO ME, I have not STARTED anything with anyone in literal years.
This was someone sending ME a reply that really pissed me off with its biphobia, like, absolutely ticked me off in one foul swoop.
But for the most part, it's not THAT Combative. But this note changing HAS divided people quite a bit.
So I don't know.. I want to believe durgetash and gortash love are still not mainstream enough to maintain the levels of toxicity that astarion fans seem to cultivate like horticulture.
We'll see.
As for why they changed it...I don't know?
Really seems odd. Maybe they didn't like the tone of it.
Truthfully, as much as I love that note for just being so out of pocket and weird, I admit it's more in character for Gortie to be a more serious guy...but honestly?
It's the fucking game's fault that they made Gortash a boring villain. They FORCED us to cling to his every note. To read more into his interactions with the Dark Urge.
To love that one iconic letter from him.
So they can't walk back on their weirdness....unless....they're planning on....expanding his role....
We'll see on that too.
Anyway. Thanks for the ask and glad I can entertain! By being an asshole! And a lunatic!
I NEED a Gortash plushie to keep my Dark Urge company!!!
If anyone knows where I can get one, I need that ASK or DM.
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fallloverfic · 7 months
Solo Leveling Episode 6 Thoughts
Excellent ep!!! Spoilery thoughts for the anime, novel, and manhwa below, also CW: blood, murder
The OP is still so good. Between Studio PPURI's animation and the song, just ahhh. I'm so excited for the Igris fight in the show T-T
Oooh more Go Gunhee and Woo Jinchul! It's fun to see how much more they're showing up, even more than in the manhwa! Jinchul looks really nice.
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lakjdalj I know when Jinchul says, "Would it be all right if I asked for a bit of instruction? . . . It might be the kind of change of pace you need, too." (smile) he's saying, "let's spar" (it's a martial arts thing), but alkdjlaj I love this addition to the cute flirtiness of their relationship. It's very sweet. The novel gave us Gunhee asking Jinchul out for drinks, and now Jinchul is like, "let's spar :3". It's so cute.
Jinwoo v the dungeon boss is pretty cool. It's neat to see Jinwoo move so much, and the animation is gorgeous.
Jinwoo's jacket is giving me Seragaki Aoba DRAMAtical Murder vibes with its ridiculously wide collar lol (Doesn't help they're both that same bright blue).
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Gunhee's fond gaze as he faces Jinchul :3 Also it's neat to see Gunhee fight. We're not getting to the Frost Monarch this season, so it's a nice little preview of hopefully future seasons.
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They're so cute T-T
Jinwoo sadly accepting he'll get betrayed T-T He's so used to it T-T And Jinho standing by him!!! Love He :3 Even Jinwoo is like : D Jinho still calling him bro, bless.
O.O Park Heejin, Gina, and Lee Bora (had to look her up, since she's a manhwa-original character, and I believe only actually named in Arise) know each other??? And Gina is wearing normal clothes before reincarnation timeline??? Marvels, all!!! And they know Iron??? (And of course he's still a dick lol) This is so nice :3 Folks know each other :3 It's really wonderful world expansion.
Jinwoo with his necromancy shadow energy already, looks beautiful.
The song during the Lizards fight section (Dark Aria &lt;LV2> by Hiroyuki Sawano, lyrics by Benjamin) is gorgeous. I don't know why tumblr is screwing up the formatting here. The link works. It just looks bad.
Jinwoo using dash to appear in front of Kyuhwan was an amazing bit of animation that was honestly terrifying alkdjlaj His face alkdjalj It's terror time, indeed.
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Bye Dongsuk. Aww, poor Jinho, just getting nearly murdered and traumatized a dozen times, but hey, you get a sugar baby out of it kind of, so win-win?
I feel like learning a bunch of people died is the really wrong time to geek out over armor releases.
And a little peek of Dongsoo. Bleh.
Wonderful episode :3 Loved all the stuff they added! This series continues to feel like really fun fanfiction in all the best ways. The animation was beautiful! The music was great! Jinwoo is going through so many discoveries and revelations and realizing how confining and horrifying the system is in new ways, and Jinho is having all sorts of discoveries of his own. Can't wait until S01E07.
More episode thoughts:
S01E06 (you are here)
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grigori77 · 2 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 101 (Downfall, Part 3)
Where ... where are the others? It's just Tal and Marisha, what ... oh, wait, I think I know what's going on here ... yup, here we go ... Sam is so game, I love it. Of course now they're just full-on TORTURING him, but still ... XD
Marisha: "I'm so alone! It's so cold ..."
Matt disappears ... the other two freak out ... then Brennan appears ...yup ...
"Keep your mitts off my fucking cake!" Yeah ...
Okay, so here we go, then ... FINALLY ... because it was a SIX FUCKING HOUR EPISODE ... talk about having scheduling problems ...
Ah yes, so back in the speakeasy, then ... and it fucken wimdy out there ...
So ... is Cassida starting to regret her choice, maybe? Or is she just a bit ... overwhelmed?
Trouble in the club? Hmmm ... oh! Right! Turbulence, yeah, that makes sense ... yeah, that's right, nothing to see here! Go back to merry-making, folks! All's well!
Oh yeah, the traitor angel! OKay, then ...
Good point ... how DOES the Telepathic Bond thing work? Yeah, might not be the SMART move to download to everybody ...
We're all in this "together"? Are we SURE about that?
Calm Emotions? OKay, then ... yeah, this is NOT a very calming situation right now ...
Shit ... no, the Emissary IS NOT one of the bad guys ...
Charisma check for the Counterspell ... hmmmm ... 18? Yeah, JUST ... this is about to go REALLY BAD ...
Clearly she really IS on their side ... CAN THEY win her back to their side? Wow ... this is starting to feel like it's going to turn into a full-blown TRAGEDY ...
So the password is ... AURORA REX ... in theory, given things are likely becoming worryingly fluid ... hmmm ...
Yes ... time for some hard truths ... crap ...
A line between "those who matter and those who don't" ... oof ... NOT the best way to put it, if you ask me ...
Acastrial? Hmmm ... wow, this angel really DOESN'T LIKE THEM at all, do they?
A talisman? Intriguing ...
Ah, bargaining ... here we go ... I knew it was gonna go this way. It's all going to shit just like I thought it would ... yeah, she just doesn't get it, they're gonna destoy Aeor ANYWAY ...
The red thread? Oh ... wow ... that's intense ...
So what ... they're erasing the knowledge, but still planning on KEEPING it anyway? Hmmmmm ... yeah, THAT can't go well.
MIslead? Interesting ...
Through Dearest's eyes ... oh fuck yeah, this is just pure CHAOS ... it is SO TOTALLY FUCKED out there right now ...
Fuck! Impaled by his own staff! That is GNARLY ...
Aha! Vital information! Nice ... Seven Wards, yeah ... "disanimate" the Factorum Malleus? Hmmmm ... sounds like a suicide mission ...
She understands that she's marked to die no matter WHAT happens in this ... oh fuck ... yeah, this is weighing heavy on Trist and I am NOT surprised ... Ashley, you really are SUCH A TOTAL SWEETHEART and I wouldn't have it any other way ...
Good point ... HOW THE ACTUAL FUCK are they gonna get to the Genesis Ward IN THIS SHIT?!!!
Tishar: "This fun." Asha: "I don't know what that is." Tishar: "Urgh ... cannot believe you have more followewrs than me."
Yeah! Go off Wildmother! That is so awesome ... Asha (to Tishar): "I have SO MANY more followers than you."
It really is FUCKING WILD out there right now ... O.O
Wait ... they BLEW OUT the teleportation system? The ruling class fucked everybody else? OF COURSE they did. What else would we expect?
Ashley: "No! No! NO!!! I want a do over!" No shit, Ash ...
"The faithful executed for their crimes" ... oof ...
Protecting the tree EVEN NOW ... fucking SWEET MOVES, Asha ... you're STILL my favourite in this ...
The Emissary (to Cassida): "Not good, or bad. Family. Balance. Understand?" Hmmmm ...
Ashley: "This doesn't feel right, this doesn't feel right, this doesn't feel right ..." Man, I wanna give her a hug right now ...
Everybody's just tooling up for badassery to come, clearly ...
The first constellation? Sweet ...
Milo really is a massive prick ...
DRAGONS?!!! Fuck's sake ... O.O
Level B9 ... "benign"? Oh for fuck's sake ...
She has a point, you can't really DESTROY knowledge, not forever. You can only DELAY it ...
SPLITTING THE PARTY ... like always, I say it again, it's NEVER a good idea ...
Asha KNOWS that Emhira is using some trickery here ... and says NOTHING. Interesting ...
A distraction? Really? Ballsy ... I'm not sure SILAHA's really thinking this through right now ...
Oh shit ... Battlemap time? Cool ...
Holy fuck ... that looks like a fucking basestar from Battlestar Galactica!
And now we're one a break ... SO EARLY? Bloody hell ... the last stretch is gonna be FOUR FUCKING HOURS of solid combat, looks like ...
This fucking thing is CONSTANTLY ROTATING ... is that maybe going to make things a bit difficult for actual GAMEPLAY?
Yeah, watch out where you're placing those FUCKING GIGANTIC aeormatons, Brennan ... O.O
Deception? Shit ... ALREADY?!!! Not a good sign AT ALL ... 28? Okay ... uh-oh ... that fucking angel ... is this about to go south after all?
Divine Awareness? CRAP ... and so it's time to ROLL INITIATIVE!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
27 Initiative for the Emissary? HOLY FUCK ...
Whoa ... so as they start to destroy Wards their godly powers are gonna start to come through? SWEET ... but it also means if Brennan's gonne get a TPK he's REALLY gonna try for it in the first 20 minutes ...
The Emissary dashes in to reach SILAHA ... Arcana Check! 10? Oof ... they extend their Scales of Justice and just CHUCK 'em at the nearest Ward ... 31 to hit? Oh FUCK YEAH that totally hits ... it has to be at least 15 points of damage to cause ANY damage? Interesting ... Demolishing MIght? Sounds MAJOR ... yeah, definitely use that shit ... 18 points so that's DOUBLE damage ... nice ... so a warcry and then it goes SMASH!!! Yup, that just SHATTERS it ...
Holy shit ... that is a fucking SWEET bonus to unlock! Divine prowess INDEED!!! Yeah, get smashing, people!
Brennan: "Okay ... that happened A LITTLE FASTER than I thought it would!"
SILAHA and the Emisary BOTH need to make dexterity saves ... BALLS!!! Ooof ... so they're BOTH fails? Wow ... yeah, Acastriel is a RAGING BITCH ... and now WISDOM saves? Oof again ... 45 Radiant damage! AAAAAAAAHHH!!! And now they're BOTH stunned ... damn it ...
Here come the aeormatons, then ... crap ... squatting over more Wards? Hmmmm ...
A Glabrezu? What the sweet FUCK?!!!
A massive Nalfeshnee? Owww ...
Fucking hell ... people are taking damage and they're not even IN the battle yet ...
THAT FUCKING DRAGON!!! I fucking knew it! Fire-breath equals INSTANT 45 points of fire damage to SILAHA and the Emissary ... oof ... they're ALREADy starting to look rough ...
Zaharzht waddles in the best he can and manages to do NOTHING this turn ...
Emhira sends a mote from her Crown of Stars up to try and hit one of the Wards up top. Okay ... 26 is DEFINITELY a hit ... the top Wards are a T25 threshold to even scratch it? Ow ... 32 points? SWEET!!! It's sparking now, not broken but definitely damaged ... okay, time Shatter on the nearest enemy ... six D8 of damage? Holy shit ... 27 points! Nice ... the aeormaton takes a big hit but manages to shake off the worst of it with its save ... the other ward is also still up but this one is ALSO now badly damaged too ... and now she's visible, too.
The Solar uses a Legendary Action to Teleport directly in front of her ... crap! Acastriel takes two swings at her with their greatsword ... 22 slashing and 27 Radiant damage ... OUCH!!! but Ayden teleports right in and takes the second hit himself instead ... Hellish Rebuke? Oh nice, Emhira ... meanwhile the illusory version of her with Trist and the rest just VANISHES ...
Asha rushes in and attacks SILAHA and the Emissary's opponent ... the demon is instantly STUNNED and takes a SERIOUSLY messy hit ... 21 points! Now she has advantage on further attacks ... another 9 points, and she takes Patient Defense to cover from the dragon.
ANOTHER FUCKING DRAGON?!!! Come on! I knew it, Brennan REALLY IS trying for a TPK!
Acastriel tries to mindfuck Emhira ... Con save! Oof ... wow, now she's BLINDED!!! Fuck!
Paralising dragon breath! FUCK!!! Con saves manage to keep people from getting SUPER-fucked, but still ... this is not good! Oh, and Zaharzht is instantly frozen ... crap ...
Tishar runs in and uses the angel as a stepping stone to leap onto the brass dragon, hacking down as she goes ... WOW!!!
Trist, back in the library, gets a message through her sending stone from her family ... oh boy ... something's going BADLY WRONG with them. She tells them to RUN. Fuck ... this sounds like something REALLY BAD is going on there ... she can't go back to them but she's DESPERATE for them to be all right ... oh this is so bad ... and now the stone is suddenly SILENT ... FUCK!!! Trist is PANICKING now and I can't blame her in the slightest ...
Yeah, Umleta really don't strike me as a hugger ...
Fuck ... what is she going to do now? Is she leaving the battle? She's going to join her family ... hmmmm ...
Great ... more archmages are coming to defend the weapon ... that's just PERFECT ... the Emissary barely avoids getting Banished ... meanwhile half the group are caught in a Cone of Cold ... thank fuck for magical resistances ...
Selena tries to Wish SILAHA away ... FUCK!!! The fake aeormaton BARELY shakes off the spell's effect ... but takes a halved damage of 60 Force points all the same ... OUCH!!! But that could have been SO MUCH WORSE ... O.O
Ayden decides he needs to start healing RIGHT NOW, so he casts Sanctuary on himself, then a 6th level Mass Cure Wounds to give everybody who's hurt 20 hit points back and himself for 25 ...
Emhira takes 17 damage from the Silver dragon's tail ... ow!
Milo arrives? Oh thank fuck ... I hate his guts but we really need him right now ...
ANOTHER FUCKING DRAGON? An UNDEAD dragon? Are you fucking kidding me? Basically EVERYBODY has to make dex and wisdom saves ... FUCK!!! The Emissary and SILAHA are now both FRIGHTENED ... and that's a fuckton of Necrotic damage across the board ...
Top of the round again, then ...
Automatic Hit? Fuck's sake, Brennan!
Thank fuck the Emissary and SILAHA are no longer stunned, at least ...
Taking all of the Emissary's damage, Ayden is EXTREMELY fucked up right now ... ouch ...
Brass dragon regains its breathe weapon ... damn it ... wait ... Noshir could use Luck to make Brennan reroll? Oh PLEASE do ... a 3? YES!!! No breath weapon after all! NICE!!!
So instead it just shakes Tishar off and bites into her ... 70 points of damage? FUCK!!!
Zaharzht is currently reeling under his permanent pain and therefore can't do anything ... balls ...
Emhira is BLIND, so she tries a Hail Mary to attempt to hit the higher damaged Ward ... Crown of Stars again ... 17? That's a miss ... balls ... okay ... so she just belches out a void of screeching darkness instead ... wow ... that's going to hurt friends as much as enemies ...8 D8 of damage? Fucking hell, Laura ... 35 points of Psychic damage? Ow ...
Okay ... so this inflicts HUNDREDS of points of damage to their enemies and causes a bunch of missed attacks, but Ayden also takes a bunch of damage too ...
Acastriel tries to cut Ayden down ... 15 piercing and 27 Radiant damage ... oof ... Emhira takes the damage instead and on a NAT-FUCKING-20 shakes off an INSTANT DEATH ... wow ... Matron of Ravens INDEED!!!
Family, man! It's a beautiful thing ...
Asha takes a leap to the lower damaged Ward, IN THE DARK, and TANKS the hit to EASILY land it ... BOOM!!! She lands a Stunning Strike on the construct to knock it back, both fail to have an effect ... shit, guess that was a fail, then ... she stays put to try her luck again later ...
Acastrial teleports out of the Darkness ...
SILAHA, no longer stunned, summons constructs to heal 100 hit points ... then they cast Meteor Swarm on THE ENTIRE PLACE ... if this works, they could take out FOUR OF THE WARDS in one go ... so long as the mages can't counter it ... Ademar fails ... Selena succeeds, but SILAHA Counterspells HER Counterspell ... AND IT WORKS!!! So that's ALL gonna hit, then ... O.O
Abubakar is clearly relishing the CHAOS he's about to unleash and I LOVE IT ... XD
20 D6 Fire damage AND 20 D6 Force damage ... sweet fuck ... this is going to be SO BEAUTIFUL ... 69 + 77? Bloody hell ... and this is TIMES FOUR, essentially ...
So the dragons are now FUCKED UP ... Selena manages to save, but Ademar is VAPORIZED!!! Holy shit ... and SILAHA is no longer grappled ... Acastriel FAILS his dex save ... O.O ... HDYWTDT?!!! The angel is FUCKING DEAD!!! Beautiful, SILAHA!!! It's a BEAUTIFULLY HORRIBLE death for the Solar.
Meanwhile Asha grabs hold of SILAHA and LITERALLY dances him out of the impacts of each hit on the top level ... that's so fucking cool ...
And now for the Greater Wards ... the damaged one INSTANTLY fails! Now TWO!!! HOLY FUCK THAT'S ALL THREE!!! Un-fucking-believable ... O.O
Wow ... Brennan is GENUINELY a little speechless now ...
Divine Magic ... fucking hell that one is SERIOUSLY OP'd ... Vitality ... I'm sorry ... restore ALL HIT POINTS? AUTOMATIC SUCCESSES ON DEATH SAVES? Sweet fuck ... Potency? Spell damage MULTIPLIED BY TEN?!!! Holy fuck ...
They are LITERALLY GODS right now ...
Trist SURGES into the battle, goes STRAIGHT to the Emissary and heals them with Mass Heal along with the others in range, INCLUDING Emhira's blindness! Sweet! Then she tries to Persuade the construct in front of her to destroy the nearest Ward ... oh shit ... Nat19 ... along with all the other advantages they now have that is a RIDICULOUS success ... and it punches it TO FUCK!!! O.O Tht's 60 Force damage ... the Ward SHATTERS ...
Divine Resistance ... Legendary Resistance x5? Massive immunities? Holy fucking shit ... that's another OP'd bonus ...
The silver dragon fails to recharge its breath weapon AGAIN?!!! Wow ...
More mages? Hmmm ...
Wow ... so Con saves are now, like, RIDICULOUS ... SO LITTLE DAMAGE now ... these hits are like pinpricks to them now ...
Another Meteor Swarm? Hmmm ... Spectral Wings from Trist? Nice ... dex saves all round, then ... I love how Ashley can LITERALLY just say NO to Brennan now regarding how much damage the Emissary takes ... XD
Ayden starts to rapidly age, doubling over before bursting up and casting Sunburst at 9th Level ... 12 D6 of Radiant damage? Wow ... 37 multiplied by 10? Holy fuck ... 370 points of Radiant damage ... which takes out A BUNCH of the mages ... and ALL THREE of the dragons? Holy fuck TWICE!!!
Now Ayden leaps up onto the platform, then Commanding Rallies the Emissary. Interesting ...
So the Emissary attacks the nearest Ward ... 160 damage? Oh that just ANNIHILATES the Ward ...
Divine Awareness ... Immunity to conditions including Charmed and Stunned? That's pretty sweet ...
Oh, so the talisman's finally come into play? What's Selena gonna do? She sends it to Oblivion? Some kind of spell ... this sounds complicated ... SILAHA is being presented with an agonising choice ...
Wish? Crap ...
It's the Emissary's turn, then ... they Rage and make the leap onto the platform, charges towards the remaining Ward, readying an action for when it goes down ...
Emhira Eldritch Blasts the last construct ... four GUARANTEED hits now, then ... 110, which just batters it RIGHT BACK off the Ward ... so she pours the rest into the Ward itself ...
Divine Vigour ... yet again this is thoroughly OP'd ... and that was THE VERY LAST WARD ...
The Emissary swings and hits the machine ... yup, I'd say that qualifies as disanimation ...
THey're no longer mortal, then ... EVERY ONE OF THEM is pure god, now ...
Who's in the cage? The Wildmother releases it ...
Trist says her goodbye to her family through the stone ... fuck ... wow, so that act literally saves her family from certain death? Crazy ... but also awesome ... oh, so they have power too? I mean they would, they're her kids ...
Ayden uses a Legendary Action to move an impossible distance at once ... SILAHA elects to stay and witness the destruction of the weapon ... Asha says her goodbyes to the Emissary and leaves FAST ... Emhira follows ...
Casting Calm Emotions, Trist comforts the Emissary before she leaves as well ...
Fuck ... Cassida's dead? Murdered by Ameris, Trist's husband? Wait, he's NOT him? Who the fuck ... IMPOSTOR!!! TRAITOR!!! Fucking Asmodeus ...
Fuck, ANOTHER fight? Right now? Crazy ... roll Initiative, then ...
Trists casts Guiding Bolt ... 110? Oof ...
The Lord of Hells? Shit ... but she aims for THE SCROLL ... 12 D6, then ... 50 x10 ... 400 damage, then ... oh shit, yeah, that thing's just INCINERATED, then ...
The Emissary blows ...
Wow ... so Selena's Wish gives EVERY MAGE IN AEOR the knowledge to recreate the weapon ... and tells them to RUN ... that's fucked, man ...
Yeah ... that is a whole lot of stone to be dropping out of the sky all at once ...
Meanwhile every one of these mortal gods is DESTROYED ...
Fuck ... Noshir and Laura make us cry with the Emissary's passing on ...
At least Cassida's boy is saved at the last ... that's sweet...
Asha becomes a wolf again before she's destroyed ... yeah ... I love that ...
Ayden wishes he could have saved Aeor instead of this ... even at the end he was trying to do the right thing ...
Wow ... Asmodeus is just as much of a drama queen as I expected him to be ...
The Wildmother and the Crawling King really do have a very complicated relationship ... but there's something quite beautiful in it, too ...
Trist heals Cassida's body again, and at least they can bring her peace. Her heart's breaking, she wishes she could've done more ... fuck ... finally she lets go after an embrace with the Matron, and she's the last to become what she TRULY is ... the Everlight ...
Ah ... family ... even in suffering, it's sweet ...
So that's it for Aeor, then ...
The Lawbearer: "We killed them for being good." Ouch ...
Wow ... so even after all this, they're STILL going to go back to war with the Betrayers ... oof ...
Goodbyes all round, then ... oh boy ... more tears ... great ...
The Threads of Fate ... fuck ... that's still beautiful ...
Right to the end, then, the Dawnfather remains the most human of all of them. Always THE BEST of what they can be. That's powerful ...
Classic Brennan Mulligan epilogue, then ... and he's gone ...
Welcome back, Matt ...
And so we segue back into the main story of Campaign Three all over again ... setting things up for the next session, then ...
Is it Thursday yet?
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katsushika-division · 2 months
It was only a few hours after receiving the gift from Max that another gift would come knocking on the door...is what Rintaro would wish had happened but instead it was something much worse. It was surprising how the house was still standing with how much it was shaking as the entirety of Death Row Block plus Akari immediately ran outside only to see a...punked out aircraft slowly descending on their backyard.
Akihisa and Rintaro were the first to immediately act, pulling out firearms and aiming at the pilot section of the aircraft which slowly opened to reveal...a guy in punk rock clothing wearing a LED chemion mask, his "eyes" cutting through the cloud of smoke the aircraft made upon landing. When seeing that he was about seconds away from being swiss cheese, the mystery man put his hands up in a sign of peace. "Whoa whoa whoa! Hey! I come in peace! I brought gifts!" (O.O)
Before either of the older men can react, thankfully, someone came to his rescue. "Trickster?!" Akari yelled out, face lighting up as it was indeed her fellow pyromaniac friend. The mystery guy, now apparently called "Trickster", perked up at the sound of Akari's voice, waving wildly at the younger girl. "HEEEEEY CINDER! LONG TIME NO SEE, BUDDY!" (>.<)
Rintaro snapped his head towards his little sister, confused and a little pissed off. "You know this guy, Akari." It came out more as a statement than a question but Akari answered nonetheless, looking back at her brother with a serious look. "This is the guy I told you about, y'know, about that." Rintaro's eyes widen as he looked back at Trickster still sitting in the pilot's seat, swaying side to side, like he was dancing to some hidden tune the rest couldn't here.
Once more, Akihisa took action, still not lowering his gun and sternly demanded. "Who are you and why have you come here, answer quickly or I can't say it will end well for you."
Trickster shivered but there was no real fear behind it, only plain amusement as he slouched in the seat, comfortable and unfazed. "Well, you've already heard it from Akari but the name's Trickster, Tricky for short, I'm from a neat little terrorist cell called Scorpion Den, you might have heard of it, we're actually hella famous." (^.^) Trickster "beamed" with pride at the fact that he just mentioned that he is a wanted terrorist before continuing.
"I meant what I said earlier, I'm here for peaceful purposes, Akari mentioned that it was his" he pointed at Rintaro. "birthday today, I wanted to do something nice so I got him gifts." (o.o) He reached back into the backseat despite Akihisa's warnings and pulled out a black duffle bag. Keeping his left hand up in surrender, he held the bag out in his other hand. "Here, you can check yourself if ya don't believe me." (-.-)
Having enough of the situation already, Rintaro walked passed Akihisa and snatched the bag himself, sending a suspicious glare at Trickster who only 'blinked' owlishly at him with his LED eyes. Shrugging as Rintaro headed back to his team and little sister, Trickster waved once more and got more situated in his pilot seat. "It was nice meeting ya, Rintaro! Maybe you can hang out with Akari and me sometime! Happy Birthday, dude!" With that, Trickster started up the aircraft again and the Katsushika team could only watch as he flew away to god knows where.
- Later -
Rintaro sat in his room, looking over the gifts that "Trickster" guy had given him, the first gift he opened revealed to be...
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...A full arm gauntlet with a flamethrower device built into it.
The second gift revealed to be...
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...A dragon-oni fusion mask.
And the last and final gift revealed to be...
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...An assortment of unidentified chemicals.
Happy Birthday Rintaro! 🧡
“So that was him?” Rintaro questioned staring directly into his younger sister’s eyes. A rare air of seriousness around him. 
“Yep. That was Trickster.” Akari nodded. “See what I mean what I said about him?” 
“....How positive would you say you are Akari?” 
“Around 90% but….”
“Rin-nii…I once accidentally saw Trickster without his mask and he looked a lot like…him.”
Rintaro clenched his jaw his thoughts running a mile a minute at that statement. If that was true along with the other things he had heard he now knew why Akari had expressed her opinion about Trickster to him. 
I want to meet him.” Rintaro declared. “...I just wanna see myself, ya know?”
“I can ask him next time I see him,” Akari promised. “He seems to think highly of your work as the “High Rise Bomber” so I think he’d agree. If…if it is true then what?” 
“We’ll burn that bridge when we get there,” Rintaro sighed. “Even dead we still have to deal with one more surprise from him. I’m just itching to burn something right now.” 
“Well Trick give you that,” Akari pointed to the gauntlet. “Why not take it for a spin?”
“Where? The Old Man isnt going to let me use it in the backyard?” 
“Wait here,” Akari smiled before running to grab something from her room. Rintaro could hear her door slam open and just as quickly as she left Akari came running back into his room a large silver suitcase in her hands.
“I was saving this for later but no better time than now!”  Akari cackled glee evident on her face as she handed her older brother the suitcase. “Open it!” 
Rintaro now extremely curious as to what had Akari so excited opened the case. Much to his shock inside was a copy of Akari’s suit she used as Cinder but made to fit a male taller than her minus the mask she usually wore but Trickster’s gift already had that covered. Turning to his sister Rintaro saw that a deranged smile was spread across her face.
“You can join me now!”
“And the bomb? They track me using that shit.”
“The suits got a jammer that’ll make it look like you’re inside the house. It’s not a full removal yet but it’s something! So come on the night is still young!”
Rintaro was stunned for a moment before he began to laugh. Louder and insaner he laughed until he was full-on psycho laughing. The thought of running around with his younger sister had set his pyromania off badly and nothing was going to stop him from doing just that.
“Now what are we waiting for then?”
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donaviolet · 4 months
ya see that? That shit is Reigen x Komaeda KyoSaya animatic idea thingy.
so, imagine this:
Nagito got a wish to see Sans again, and he did. just... not in the way he wanted. He gets news where he learns Sans got slashed in his stomach due to a... Disagreement. He's been visiting him everyday since. and when it finally comes time, the Stand-Up special where he'll perform; he finds out he's been hanging out with Toriel more than he thought. Why? just.. WHY?? Nagito thought. but then again, he shouldn't be jealous. he just sits there in the audience, occasionally laughing at the jokes ; trying to hide his increasing jealousy. after the show, he walks up to them and tells them that he's happy for them while turning away; his eyes slowly breaking into tears as his soul gem slowly gets more and more dark and muddy. On the way home, he senses a witch and transforms to go fight it. who does he see in the witch field?
That's right, Reigen. God. he REALLY dislikes him. but not to the point of hate, no. he had a sort of fondness for him. Even though Reigen was a Fraud and also slightly Annoying to Nagito, he sort of..enjoyed their time together. He wondered if they could maybe be friends... Heck, maybe even more! Oh, what is he thinking?? there's no way Reigen would ever hang out with a guy like HIM! at least that's what he thought after fighting that witch with him. he felt a slight pain in his chest for some odd reason, turns out it was Kyubey stepping on his newly-purified Soul Gem. Kyubey breaks the news to him in his room, making Komaeda finally fucking snap. he did all that only to turn into a WITCH!? he couldn't believe his ears. he refused to believe his ears. he tries forgetting about it by maybe..doing his homework! yeah, he'll do his homework to take his mind off the truth!! But it didn't work. it didn't work at all. he thought about his wish, how he oh-so wanted to see Sans again, how he missed him, only to learn that he's already got someone. what a joke. he sold his soul in that contract for NOTHING!? how could've he been so STUPID!?
Nagito just... Goes to sleep so he can forget about it all and just go to school tommorow. and yet again, his jealousy gets worse and worse. he's now at a point where you can barely tell what color his soul gem is due to the overwhelming despair consuming him.
he comes back to his room, finding a note near his balcony. It's from Reigen, he wants to hang out if he doesn't mind. he....reluctantly agrees. The next day, he walks over to the café where Reigen told him to meet up. There he was. Him and his stupidly cocky smile. Him and his shiny.. golden orange.. hair...Him and his.. really..soft looking..face.. N-Nevermind. He takes a seat and has a chat with him, talking about whatever's been going on around. He notices Nagito looks a bit distraught. He asks why; kind of feeling the same way considering the fact that he...remembers the reason why he wanted his wish. Oh, turns out the guy he liked ended up with someone else. What a bummer, he feels bad for Nagito and gives him a bit of advice. wait.. Is.. is his soul gem ok? it looks really dark. Nagito just brushes it off as he leaves. he can't fucking take it anymore.
Reigen, still at the café drinking suddenly senses a witch nearby. he stares in shock as he watches Nagito, his GODAMN frenemy turn into a witch before his eyes. He transforms and gets ready to fight. He's not even sure if there's even a shred of him left in there. He just attacks and attacks, while also trying to see if that thing; that fucking witch in front of him was still Nagito. oh shit. ooh fuck. He's messed up. He's about to die. Right before he does, he confesses that.. Nagito isn't really that bad of a guy after all, was he? as he releases his final attack, and his gem shatters.
Oh and um another concept thingy, this time about their Magical Girl forms: don't you notice how they sort of have a thing with superstition?
Well, I feel their magical girl costumes would be based on what kind of superstition they're usually associated with!
Like for example, :
Nagito's could probably be based on luck while Reigen based on evil spirits!
I feel like Nagito's weapon would be a shit ton of like... Hands n stuff like the black hands from the Watashi Wa Enja Desu by HikkieP MV!!
While Reigen could probably make Salt Crystals grow out of the ground and impale people!!
ok enough Reimaeda rambling, hope you enjoyed the magical boy AU or whatevah!!! ヾ(^-^)ノ
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lilac-gold · 1 year
Imagine,,, Sweetheart and Rococo as kids,,, exploring Orange Oasis,,, and finding the sacrifice chamber,,,,, and just breaking into the safe,,,, and SWH sacrificing one of two moles for the ritual,,, and them meeting the Unbread Twins
Sweetheart and Rococo get into another argument that escalates as quickly as they always do, resulting in Rococo running away from her, as he always does. Frantically looking for a place to hide, he runs towards the Man on Fire area. SWH follows him, tapping on the risen pieces of bread since she likes the noise they make.
Then, a passageway opens up, and SWH insists they go down it, forgetting their argument immediately. Rococo's not so sure but agrees anyway, not having the energy to start another fight.
They walk down the passage, discovering the sacrificing area. SWH wonders what would happen if they sacrifice one of the actual moles, so despite the fact that Rococo's vehemently against it, she does. Then, they fall through the floor, landing on a bunch of flour, and realise where they are.
They know the stories of Breaven, of the Unbread Twins, and believe them. Of course they do, they grow up with the twins as deities. And as far as SWH's concerned, she's just gotten them into the home of two gods by accident.
They walk into the holy kitchen, incredibly excited to meet the gods that Orange Oasis worship, and find... Two kids. Only a little older than them. Baking bread. Alone. In a holy kitchen.
D&B don't react well, freaking out about people having invaded Breaven and saying that they should have implemented those booby traps they'd wanted to. Then Rococo pacifies them (having had plenty of experience with calming down SWH over the years) and they just,,, stand in silence for a little bit
Needless to say, everyone's a bit confused, especially when Biscuit speaks and Rococo & SWH understand him perfectly. Learning his language was mandatory for them as citizens of O.O., and they're very happy that they've found him and Doughie
SWH can now claim that she's met gods and has been to Breaven. Rococo's just happy that he has a chance to make some new friends :)
The twins' idea of tentatively offering friendship is handing Rococo and SWH rolling pins and telling them to get to work. SWH is furious at being ordered about but she can't exactly object because hello, gods. Rococo's a little disheartened but sets to it anyway, and the two of them start to enjoy making bread.
The Unbread Twins start answering their questions when asked, the group learning trivial things about each other (and less trivial things, like the twins' experiences over the millennia they've been alive for) as they get to know each other better. The twins, socially awkward as always, declare them friends and say that they look forward to meeting the two again before abruptly sending them out of Breaven.
From there, at random points, Rococo and SWH find themselves face-to-face with the deities again, or being whisked away back to Breaven, Waking up there becomes a regular occurrence, they're chill with it and the twins like sleepovers & surprises (when not aimed at them). Doughie and Biscuit learn of Rococo and Sweetheart's flair for the dramatic, while they discover the twins' enjoyment for playing jokes.
I'll probably want to write more on this tomorrow but I'm tired and want to get it out there. Share your thoughts! I just love these little sillies and want to see more content of them out there :D
The four of them would make such an unstoppable group and also be chaotic emotionally unstable messes together. Change my mind <3
(Oh, wait. You can't <333)
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Sadder than I have ever been
Okay that's exaggerating but
With a tv show one of the saddest xd
A MEMORIALLLLLL 😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
Okay okay I can calm down
About that at least
I swear Shaun if you focus on other stuff even to avoid your pain I will die
Yeah I get it Lea :'(( that sucks
And yeah I am sorry Shaun xd
OH GOSH that's awful o.o
Uhhh not this time xdd 😭😭💔
Oh noooo :'(((
Bro he literally can't operate xd
Oh gosh this is all so chaotic 😭😭💔 not good stuff xd
Not gonna lie kinda angry that we have a big event to be focusing on when Asher literally just died but maybe it'll help distract me xd
The Good news is
The Rookie couldn't possible go worse
Knock on wood
I'm just sitting here in silence
My gosh
Gosh xd
Okay, that's the last my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
. . .
I really loved this episode!! I don't think I can ever watch it again xdd
I want to do this while my emotions are fresh (and it'll distract me) but also I don't know if I can bear to
Especially sitting here (not literally) in the emotions of it all
Maybe a quick one
He deserves better than that though also xd
Maybe quick with a longer one later?
. . . I want to just go forget about it
But I think I need to process it
Because I'm still shocked and denial
I genuinely did enjoy this episode. I thought it was really well done, and I really liked the storylines in it. And, even though I am absolutely heartbroken, I'm glad Asher at least had good final moments, and the drama his death deserved.
Here's what I'll say about what I knew.
This morning, I woke up and saw and article along the lines of "'The Good Doctor' kills of lead. . ." or something along those lines. I quickly swiped it out of the way and stressed xd. Later, another one came (and here's the surprising part that I did not mention earlier, I believe in my review of last episode) that said something similar, "'The Good Doctor' kills of. . ." (something along those lines) and then, under that, something like "Related to: Jerome Martel". Genuinely, the most likely thing I expected was for Jerome to die. I later saw another article that I quickly avoided sight wise, then covered as I scrolled by down to swipe the notification away. And I glimpsed a picture and Asher and Jerome. I really thought Jerome might die.
I'm glad he survived xd.
But I also believe I thought to myself "I'd rather anyone else. I mean, not Asher, or" and then basically thought of "okay I don't want anyone to die" xd.
It's been 25 minutes since I finished the episode xd.
Okay, a few quick things about other people
So, I guess,
Onto the individual parts
Dom! Missed you today buddy ❤️. Sure you're slaying, see you again soon :).
Shaun and Lea! Oof on the what's-it-called-ing Steve xd. It's rough and I think they may want to let up sometimes but hopefully it helps them <3. I also hope the complaint doesn't affect Shaun too much, but at the same time, he has been treating Charlie unfairly. Anyway, love them.
Charlie! Segway xd. I feel bad for her. She genuinely was doing really good, and she just made a mistake at the wrong moment. I think Shaun should've been calmed, but I do think she needed to learn that that was not the moment to ask. It sucks, I hate the feeling of being told that I need to stop because someone's trying to focus and I just made a mistake. But she needed to, and I think this is an iffy thing to push her over the edge and make a report. At least I hope the report is on other things, not that specific event. She had some good moments this episode though, love her.
Park! Not too much going on, but he slayed on the case :). It sucks the way it turned out for the patients :(. Also, him at the wedding was sweet :')). Love him <3.
Morgan! Again, not too much, though her conversation with Lim was hilarious lol. Poor Lim in that conversation xD. Of course Morgan's hears all the tea though lol. I also like that she defended Charlie sharing her story :). Anyway, she slayed <3. Love her.
Kalu! He slayed today too :)). Glad that he too- well, not really defended Charlie, but was kinda on her side sometimes. Like they said, they're looking out for the interns :')). I really liked the bit where he quickly explained and she was cool with that - I think it just shows that she can be worked with, if you put in the effort and listen and be patient. Anyway, love him <3.
Glassman and Lim! I'm glad they worked everything out in the end, and that it did help Lim with her mom :'). I'm thinking this was mainly for that, and also so Glassman can have someone to be with in the last season. I still think it was a funky thing to do xd, but I'm glad they're happy lol. And I think it's good what he told Lim, that she can start getting closer with her mom :')). And I'm so sorry for Lim, that she and Clay broke up :((. Her line about being alone nearly broke me (though don't worry, I just had to wait for later for that) 😭❤️. I'm glad it's hopefully going to get better <3. Love them :).
Jordan! Didn't notice till she showed up that she hadn't been there, but I'm really bad at noticing that xd. I thought it was a cool way, a good scene and stuff, of working her in :). And her advice to and conversation with Asher was so good :'DD. I do wish she was here, considering what the episode was and how close and Asher are, but I'm glad we got to focus on his relationship with Jerome. And that at least she was still here ❤️. Love her <3.
So. It's time. I'm going to talk about the rest of the episode first, and then say a little bit. Then, I'm going to go cry a bit more probably, maybe have emo thoughts, and distract myself before I go to bed xd.
Asher and Jerome!! Y'allll I loved the content we got for them this episode :'DD. I mean I hate a fight but, hey, I love angst too lol 👀 xD. Still, I love any screen time for them <3. I certainly didn't agree with Asher's wildin opinions in the beginning xD, but I was still having a fun time. And I'm glad everything worked out (regarding the fight and that stuff). Asher helping with the wedding was so sweet 😭😭😭💔❤️❤️🥺🥰. And the talk he had with the rabbi :'DD :')). I loved that, I know that feeling <3. Also AAAHHHHH their kiss after the wedding 😭😭🥺❤️. I'm not okay <3. At least they got a kiss at a wedding :')). Where the arch thing was and everything xd. Random note that I mentioned in the liveblog, I love that they cook together so much. Anyway, AAAHHHHHH JEROME WAS GOING TO PROPOSE!! HE WAS HIDING THE RING!!! AAAAAHHHHHH :DDDD WHOO 🥳🥳🥳🎊🎉🎂🎂🎂🎂!! Asher found it too 🥰🥰🥰. He was stressing, aww poor babey <33 :'(, but I'm glad he finally made peace with it and made his decision :')). Also, regarding. . . everything, I'm glad that he knew <3. Also, Asher immediately going to get Jerome a bandaid was so good <3. Loved it :')). They were seriously so good this episode, it was great :'D. I love them so much <333.
The stuff xd
I was freaking out at the end. Until that yelling (even for a half second into it), I thought it would be Jerome. I was honestly terrified as well that it was a mislead and it still would be. But even more scared for Asher.
I like that he came full circle. I think he deserved that. Deserves.
I read a few articles after finishing the episode, and one, I think something from a writer, said "His last line is "I am a Jew. A gay one, too, and I'm calling the cops" " (or something like that). That he finally truly accept both parts of himself. I'm really proud of him for that, and I'm glad that's how it ended for him <33. It also makes me think of how his literal first line was about that very thing. He grew up Hasidic, before he decided that "if there was a God, He was nothing but a cruel being that I held nothing but contempt for". Then he says "That's when I started going to medical school. And also dating men". Or, something along those lines for all of that. I like the symmetry.
I do appreciate the commentary of it being a hate crime. We as queer people, and Jewish people (though I am not Jewish) are still facing so much bigotry. But I do kinda of wish that I didn't have to see it in the show as well. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I like to just feel that catharsis, and sometimes I just want to see the good sides. That it's not a tragedy.
Like I've already said though, I do appreciate that it got the drama it deserved. Asher went out fighting for what's right, accepting himself, and standing up for people. That's kind of what he's always been about :'). He also went out with an episode that focused largely on him and his journey, along with his relationship, and he got a good music moment at the end lol. Not to mention the angst of it all. And, of course, in the next episode his funeral. Though I do wish there wasn't a huge emergency as well. But (especially with the description specifically saying they'll all be dealing with their personal tragedy as well), it should be interesting to see at least. And again, it'll distract me and then xd. I just think it would also be interesting to see them trying to go through their normal lives as if this huge thing didn't just happen.
Also, something more lighthearted lol, imagine being at a funeral and then half the guests get up and leave 💀. Even knowing they're doctors it's awkward xD, especially since they're some of the people who cared the most about him (😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔❤️❤️❤️❤️). But it's like, that's what happens when you're a doctor xD. I just find it kind of funny lol.
Anyway. I think, if he had to die, Asher went out the best way he could here. At least he was fighting for something, unlike the tragedy of Melendez's pointless death. It's still absolutely heartbreaking, but that does bring some comfort <3.
Also, in those articles, I saw that the reason Asher was killed off is apparently because Noah Galvin wanted to move on from the show.
I love you sir but I am kinda angry xD.
Nah but for real, I do understand it, and I'm happy he gets/got to go back home and stuff, but I am like ". . . it's the last season" xD. Maybe he asked before it was cancelled lol, I don't know. If that's the case that kinda upset some more, because he might have been willing to stay for just like 5-19 more episodes xd. Anyway, slightly salty about that lol (how could you do this to me Mr. Galvin <33 😭😭😭😭💔💔❤️❤️ :')) :'(( ), but I am happy for him. And he's had a great run on this show, as has Asher <33.
. .
I want to say a little bit.
I know I've said a lot xd, but something specific.
I wish Asher was still alive.
I know that's obvious, and it makes sense, but there's layers to it xd. Yes, he was my favorite characters (nearly said one of lol - he is, but my favorite in the show). Is, that is. Yeah, correcting the opposite way of what you'd expect there lol. Anyway. Yes, he was my favorite, and I absolutely wanted him and Jerome to get married. It was something I was sad about missing with the cancellation, but apparently we could have had it (which I did think of earlier xd). Or at least the engagement xd. We really tried on that one lol - we were so close xd. But, I also just wanted him to live. And I wanted to continue seeing him xd :(((. I still do.
But beyond all that, Asher means something to me. Every character in anything I love does, but he is a very specific character.
He's a character I don't have anywhere else.
We are not exactly the same. But I don't think I can express the importance to me of a queer religious character. Even though he scorned religion, even though he was no longer practicing, it meant something to me. I said a lot, especially in this episode, that I understand it. I do. I understand questioning if you can live your life in your religion and be queer. I understand doing more research than most cishet people ever have to do, finding the scriptures that cry your acceptance and not your punishment. I have watched my religious community on Tumblr receive disgusting death threats because of what we believe. I have heard my religion made fun of my friends. I have fought to defend myself and my culture and my beliefs at every turn, from queer people and religious people and people in between. I have hidden and kept quiet because I was scared.
I am very proud of Asher for what he did.
And I hope that, if I were in the same situation, I wouldn't hesitate.
But especially after an episode where I was starting to see a character that I could maybe relate to even more. A queer character who wanted to keep religion in his life, who was going to maybe re-explore it. After that, I mourn him even more.
There will never be another character that can replace Asher for me. And that, at least, is an honor to him.
Thank you Noah Galvin for giving us this beautiful, wonderful character over all these years. About 3 or 4 now, gosh xd. I truly appreciate it, more than you could ever know.
And I thank you to the writers and everyone else on The Good Doctor. Even if I am not happy with Asher's death, I have been given storylines of him for 4 seasons. I miss him already, but at least I have the time we had <333.
Asher is a passionate, strong-willed, brave, often inexperienced, and caring character. All of that is a part of him, and all of it is important to me. I love him so much 😭😭😭💔❤️ <3. And there is truly not another character like him :'). I will truly miss him, so, so much <33.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. I also despised it with my entire being and will not be able to rewatch that horrific ending for years xd. But I'm glad he got what he did, plot wise and drama wise. I know I've already said it a thousand times, but Asher deserves that. He deserves drama, horrific, even if I do want him to have nothing but happiness. He deserves that, he deserves to live, but he deserves to go out with the importance that he had, and I'm glad he did <3. I understand losing someone close, and I am absolutely devastated for everyone else as well :'((. I'm scared and kind of excited (for the angst and the catharsis lol) to see how everyone reacts and copes next episode. If they show me the immediate aftermath I will die, but I will love it. I will also despise it, so I'm glad that I don't think they will xd. Loves everyone this episode, I hope the Shaun and Charlie stuff gets worked out soon, and I'm glad the Lim and Glassman stuff started getting sorted out <33. And you know what? I'll say it. Asher and Jerome got engaged :')). I'm so happy for them <3. AAAHHHHH YAYY WHOOOO 🥳🥳🥳🎊🎂🎂🎂🥰😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥺❤️🥰🥰. Because I can celebrate their love if I dang want to. I'm gonna miss them so much <333 😭😭😭😭🥺💔💔💔💔💔❤️❤️❤️. Nonetheless, it was a really good episode. I really loved Asher planning the wedding and the conversion ceremony, it was just so sweet of him to do that :'). And seeing him connect with his roots was great <3. I'm glad the ending- no autocorrect. no. . . lol. I'm glad the wedding worked out :). Everyone was great this episode <3.
So yeah! I absolutely loved this episode, it was so amazing. I also hate it and will never forgive it and them lol. Still, I'm hanging onto that engagement! I am so devastated and excited for the next episode. This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 7, Episode 5: Who at Peace
It was so beautiful. The next episode looks super interesting, and emotional, so I am excited to see it! I think it'll be really good. I'll be back here next week with my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 7, Episode 6: M. C. E.
See you next week!
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blackjackkent · 6 months
OK, so I don't know why I *didn't* expect we'd have to fight the dragon, in retrospect, but I didn't, so.... SURPRISE BOSS FIGHT REPORT.
Starting state of play: he a chonky boy. Absolute unit.
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Our buddy Ansur has 400 HP and is level SEVENTEEN to our twelve, so this is not going to be easy per se. (For comparison to recent boss battles - Orin and Cazador were both level 12, Viconica was level 11, and Gortash was level 9. So yeah. Ansur is CHONKY.)
Examining his features and such, we see that he's immune to lightning and poison and resistant to necrotic. All of this is basically fine. His Great Wyrm's Scales reduce all incoming damage by 2, he can't be polymorphed, and he has advantage on most saving throws.
None of this seems insurmountable, and his AC is a quite reasonable 19, so there is perhaps reason to believe that Hector and Karlach can battering-ram their way through most of his health bar. It would also, however, be quite reasonable to assume that as soon as he gets a turn, everyone is going to be having a Bad Time. Those are some big claws.
There are also two water myrmidons on the field at 127HP each, which honestly feels kind of unnecessary but I'm not sure how scared of them to be just yet.
The combat log opens with the single line "Ansur was resurrected" which is metal as fuck.
Round 1:
Since our initial strategy is As Much Damage As Possible As Fast As Possible, I have Jaheira cast Haste on Hector. Lacking any other immediately obvious plans for her bonus action, I have her toss a grasping vine behind Ansur's butt as a potential distraction. Astonishingly, despite all of Ansur's advantages, he immediately biffs the saving throw and gets Entangled by it, because Jaheira is a fucking badass.
Wyll gets Armor of Agathys because he is now the squishiest of the party rather than Jaheira, and attempts to clock Ansur with a flourish that completely misses.
The Myrmidons have a semi-AOE "explosive icicle" attack that is not immediately terrifying but definitely seems like it's going to add up RAPIDLY. With this in mind I decide to put Karlach on myrmidon duty so Hector can focus on the dragon.
The grasping vine manages to entangle one of the myrmidons; so far it's done more work than anyone on the field.
That changes on Hector's turn, however, as he (already loaded on cloud giant strength from before the fight) blazes forward, avoids eating shit on the ice surface left by the myrmidons and, due to his hasted quadruple attack and two successful flurry of blows, knocks Ansur immediately down to half health.
And.... now it's Ansur's turn. o.o;
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"THE WAITING STORM IS ARISEN!" he bellows and takes on a "Hoarding Energy" status while glowing with lightning. This does finish his turn, though; whatever he's hoarding energy for is coming on the next round, I assume.
Round 2:
"Hide!" Jaheira shouts as her turn starts. "Crawl under any rock you can!" That sounds ominous.
Let's take a look at what Ansur just did.
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OK, that clarifies nothing. But Jaheira's exhortation seems to indicate we need to get everyone behind something, and who am I to argue with her? The only obvious cover is the various crystals in the room, so we'll try and end everyone's turn standing behind one.
I try to have Jaheira put Insect Plague behind Ansur where it will hit only him. It does NOT go where I thought it was going to go, and now everyone, particularly Hector, is having a bad time. Jaheira, presumably mumbling apologies, runs behind a nearby crystal.
Wyll finishes off one of the myrmidons and misty steps over to join her.
The other myrmidon chills all entangled on the other side of the fight because Jaheira is, as mentioned, a badass.
Ansur is suddenly resistant to Everything while in this hoarding energy state, so I just have Karlach run and hide behind a crystal also.
Hector's turn gets skipped because I'm an idiot who CONSISTENTLY forgets about concentration mechanics, and Jaheira dropped Haste for Insect Plague and he's now lethargic.
This means Hector is standing out in the open when Ansur does, uh. This:
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This is apparently called Stormheart Nova, and was hands-down the most alarming attack I have witnessed in this game so far. It blasted Hector almost apart; he's downed in the center of the field. Bright sides: everyone else was protected by the crystals and it's now Jaheira's turn so she can drop the stupid insect plague. Ansur is also no longer resistant to stuff. Bad news: literally everything else.
Round 3:
Jaheira drops Insect Plague.
There are several Lighting Strike attacks now lined up on the field targeting our folks plus some random areas. They are at the end of the initiative order, so moving and healing Hector is suddenly top priority. Jaheira, who is having actually a pretty great fight aside from the stupid Insect Plague, which was my fault not hers, casts Heal on Hector for a full 70 HP and sidesteps out of the lightning that is targeting her.
Wyll also steps out of the lightning attack and uses the special skill on the rapier he got from Mizora to summon a Helpful Cambion onto the field. He then promptly eats shit to a myrmidon icicle and looks kind of done with the whole situation.
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Karlach gets back in the fray and promptly double-crits on Ansur, standing over Hector's prone body in what we can safely say is a moment that is romantic as fuck.
Hector, who is suddenly having a very long day, can't take an action this turn due to having almost been killed, but because he is awesome, is still able to do 99 damage purely with his bonus actions.
Ansur's turn. Much less terrifying this time; he only ("only") does a multiattack on Karlach and then flies across the field to stand menacingly next to Jaheira. All the lightning strikes go off, none of them hit anyone; they do, however, retarget, so we have to keep moving.
Round 3:
Jaheira, sadly, eats shit on some lingering ice while I'm trying to make her retreat and consequently can't do the group heal I was going to have her do. D: She also fell IN a lighting area which is concerning.
The cambion, who has been here almost a full round probably wondering what the fuck kind of trouble Mizora just got him into, crits with one of his Rays of Fire. Ansur is very close to downed.
Wyll, tragically, doesn't quite have the damage to finish him off - but Hector does, landing the finishing blow!
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"BALDURAN..." the dragon's dying voice hisses into the storm-tossed air. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE..."
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amugoffandoms · 2 years
Cruising on Hope
Writing using the canon dialogue and my writing because Sora and Yoruko <3 :D! (Soruko soruko soru-)
This is from the cutscene that happens in the image below!
Might post this on AO3, who knows o.o?
Also, I CAN WRITE STUFF THAT ISN'T ANGST, IM EXPANDING LET'S GOO (I say as I wanted to add an ending that was sad relating to the ending of sdra2)
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Yoruko grins as Sora stares out into the sea. "Aaah~! This feels amazing!"
Yoruko walks over to the railing and leans as the gentle wind hits her face. Sora follows behind, grabbing the railing as she looks out.
"Everywhere you look is the sea. I guess the Monocruise really did start sailing." Sora hums. "The interior feels so much like a hotel that I kind of forget this was a ship."
Yoruko nods as she turns to Sora. "I know, right? And it's going by so fast! I remembered what Monocrow said last night, so I ran straight to the window when I woke up. Then, as I was leaving my room, I noticed this door had opened up, too!"
Sora looks to Yoruko, a curious look on her face.
Yoruko slowly gazes at the sea. "And, well... I thought you might want also to see the view of the ocean."
Sora softly smiles and nods. "It really is refreshing... I feel like just for this moment, I can forget everything and relax." Sora looks away from Yoruko for a moment. "By the way, Yoruko."
Yoruko blinks as she turns back to Sora. "Huh?"
"Weren't you suspicious of everyone? Because of Void and everything."
Yoruko tilts her head before shaking her head.. "Eh?! N-No, I don't like suspecting people and stuff. Nikei and Hibiki were at it with us, so that's the only reason I got upset."
Sora nods, allowing Yoruko to continue. "I mean, I agree entirely with Setsuka and Shinji. It's just that I couldn't quite control my feeling. So, I acted harshly without thinking."
Sora looks at the water, crashing against the cruise. "...To be honest, when Nikei said I was the most suspicious out of all of us, I felt a wave of worry rush over me." Sora exhales. "I have no memories... Maybe.. Maybe I really am a Void, who's forgotten their purpose..."
Sora's frown deepens and she grips the railing a little bit.
"No! No way!" Yoruko's voice drags Sora out of her thoughts. "I-I mean... well, I can't be certain of course, but..." Yoruko walks over to Sora and places a hand over Sora's. "I refuse to believe you're a Void. Besides, even if you are... Well, it's like Shinji said. I'll become your closest friend and save you from Void." Yoruko beams. "So, you don't have to worry about anything. No matter what happens, I'll be there for you."
"Yoruko... Can I... hug you?" Yoruko blinks and completely fails to find words.
"Wh-What?!" Yoruko finally sputters out.
"My heart just skipped a beat. " Sora beams back.
Yoruko just stares at the other in complete disbelief, mouth almost wide open. "Sora-!! S-S-S-Stop iiit! G-Geez, you sometimes say the weirdest stuff, y-you know...?"
Sora laughs at the other's embarrassment. "Well, I wasn't lying, was I?" She teases.
"Sorraaa!!" Yoruko blushes. "You're not funny-!!" She walks to the other side of the balcony and crosses her arms.
Sora grins and walks over. "I'm just joking, Yoruko. I love you, too."
If someone's internal systems could crash, Sora could completely tell it just happened to Yoruko. Yoruko stares at Sora and sputters.
"I- I.. Um-!! S-Sora!!!" Practically red now, Yoruko turns away from Sora. "Y-You can't just say stuff like that just out of the blue! Don't play with my heart like that!!"
Sora raises an eyebrow at that. "Oh? I'm playing with your heart now?"
The other immediately realizes what she says and starts to sputter. "Sora-!! S-Stop it!! I didn't mean it like that when I said-!! Geez!"
Sora leans to try and see Yoruko's face. "You know, you don't have to get all defensive with me. You're a really great friend, Yoruko."
Yoruko visibly relaxes, as she exhales and nods. "I'm glad you're my friend, too. One of my closest."
Sora smiles. "You're one of my closest, too."
A brief moment of calm washes over them.
"..I wish I could be someone like you, Sora... You're so smart and brave.. I don't know how I'll get through this killing game." Yoruko takes a deep breath and stares back out to the sea.
"Well, we'll get through it.." Sora holds Yoruko's hand and shows her. "..Together."
Yoruko blinks before smiling. "Together." She nods.
"..But, Yoruko.. Um.."
"Hm..?" Yoruko hums.
"..Was that... Um, a confession?"
Yoruko looks at Sora in confusion. "......? .....what?"
Sora looks back at her, confused about how Yoruko didn't know what she said either.
Yoruko's eyes widen as she realizes what she said. "....!!! Ah, aahwoahwoahwaitwaitwait this is...!!!"
Yoruko is back to blushing. "That's-!! That's- not what I meant!! That's not what I meant when I said together, aaaa-!!"
Sora shakes her head. "It's alright. I know what you meant. But.. If you really mean it that way..."
"Whenever you're ready to confess, I'll be right here." Sora softly smiles and turns to leave.
Yoruko just watches as Sora is about to leave the balcony.
"Oh, and, Yoruko..? I love you."
Yoruko watches as the balcony door closes and she's left alone with the wind and water.
She turns to the sea. "...I love you, too, Sora."
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weonbullshit · 2 years
Colored a couple practice drawings for O.O Cody in the future. It looks plain to me. I have a few ideas on how to make it closer to what I imagine though. But I'm not doing them now because I just don't feel like coloring.
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Can't believe 2022's about over (or totally over for some of y'all) Happy New Year folks! Be safe out there!
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