#I could go on all day
tim-per-tantrum · 7 months
What's my favorite pastime you ask? Absorbing the plot of a show I've never watched via fanfiction osmosis. You think I've watched that show? Wrong bitch.
I read a convoluted fanfic, looking up characters as I went and then binge read half of AO3 and determined the plot based on what stayed consistent.
I will join every fandom and not ever interact with the source material and nobody can stop me
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arrowheadedbitch · 6 months
Somebody called Duke a mutant (as a slur) in front of Tim (or a different brother with a different mean/horrible name, it really doesn't matter) and the guy was "coincidentally" given an archaic lobotomy that night.
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ghostpebble · 2 months
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In this scene, when Hiro and Tadashi are midair, Hiro looks at his reflection. On a base level, he's experiencing the joy of weightlessness and catching air time on a red vehicle. But, he's also excited and still in the mindset that this is one of the most exciting thing he's ever done. He hasn't developed resolve as a character, and hasn't found anything concrete in his life. This moment where he whoops just from the air time shows his innocence.
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And then, after Tadashi's death and the formation of Big Hero 6, he finds himself here again: experiencing the same joy of flying and weightlessness (and he's riding a red vehicle, LOL). It's different, though, because now he's grown. He's not relying on Tadashi, he's relying on himself. He's grown as not just a character, but a teenager who's understanding how life doesn't always go the way that you plan. He's still excited, but it's more internal here, because he's gained more deep thoughts and feelings from the experiences he's gained from his friends, Callaghan, and the loss of his brother.
It's such a great parallel that's so easy to miss. It's not long, not thrown in your face quite so much, but it's just a moment almost for Hiro himself, not the audience. It's just a moment for him to see how far he's come and for him to be proud of it.
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escapismisaddicting · 7 months
“My heart was fashioned to be susceptible of love and sympathy, and when wrenched by misery to vice and hatred, it did not endure the violence of the change without torture such as you cannot even imagine.”
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“Why did I not die? More miserable than man ever was before, why did I not sink into forgetfulness and rest?”
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“I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe.”
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“but the iron had eaten into my flesh, and I sank again, trembling and hopeless, into my miserable self.”
“Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful.”
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
obey me brothers as taylor swift fans pt. 1
what's their favorite album? their favorite songs? are they a vocal fan or is taylor a guilty pleasure of theirs?
characters included: Lucifer, Mammon, and Leviathan
i have. so many thoughts on this. i had to expel this from my brain before it drove me nuts. part 2 will include the younger brothers. i will probably make a part 3 with the dateables once i think on it a little longer. my credentials: i've been a swiftie since the debut/fearless era, so i know my shit. obey me swifties rise up
content warning: very brief discussions of death
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Lucifer: The Evermore Fan
let it be known that this is not his fault.
lucifer really only listens to his beloved classical vinyl records. he's not one to keep up with musicians, especially not musicians from the human world.
he spent one afternoon retrieving asmodeus from a coffee shop in town. it was a quaint little establishment known for incorporating touches from both the human and celestial realms into its theming. the cozy, bookish sitting area wasn't exactly where he expected his flamboyant younger brother to be, but to each their own.
an unfamiliar song from the human world played over the speakers of the coffee house. a low, pleasant female voice drifted through the murmurs of the coffee shop. lucifer didn't stick around for very long-- he only a small snippet of the music that day. then why was he still thinking about it more than a week later?
he couldn't get that damn song. out. of. his. head.
he's tapping his pen against his desk to the rhythm. the snippet of the lyrics he caught is playing on repeat while he does the laundry. it's driving him absolutely fucking nuts.
through a few nonchalant questions and some digging in his free time, he finally got the name of the song and the artist (note: it was willow). with a bit more finagling, he finally got his hands on a vinyl for the deluxe version of evermore.
he finds an evening where all of his brothers are out of the house, pours himself a glass of demonus, and puts the vinyl on. at the very least, even if he hates it, he can at least purge the song from his head that'd been lingering for the past few weeks.
... it's a much better record than he expected.
something about the combination of the earthy instrumentals and the artist's heavenly alto really soothes the soul.
the evermore vinyl becomes one of his favorites-- one that he keeps stashed at the back of a cabinet, of course. he had no interest in hearing any questions his brothers might have if they happened to find it in his office.
the complexities of the melodies and the poetic lyrics speak to him. he has a particular fondness for marjorie-- a song about losing a loved one and carrying them with you as you continue on in life. i don't feel the need to spell out why he likes this one in particular.
evermore is an album lucifer never thought he'd find, nor did he believe he'd enjoy. but now it's become a good record to turn to when he's alone and has a free night to himself. he might not know much about the artist (she is a human world musician, after all, and he's much too busy to keep up with human culture), but he holds such fondness for this soothing autumn-y record.
favorite songs: champagne problems, marjorie, evermore (feat. bon iver)
Mammon: The Reputation Fan
mammon, like his brother asmo, prides himself on keeping in touch with all the latest trends that pass through the devildom. after the exchange program began, a renewed interest in human pop culture took roots in RAD.
very few pieces actually stuck, but mammon took it upon himself to get cozy with all that lame human stuff. he has a lame human back at home, y'know? what kind of friend would he be if he didn't at least know a little about what's popular up above? so he spends a free afternoon digging through the newspaper's recent post on devilgram about what humans supposedly like.
... taylor swift, huh? well, mammon isn't going to deny that she's hot. especially in that sparkly black leotard on stage... what, is that like, a tour or something? is she popular enough to tour? this is... the reputation tour. huh. seems interesting enough.
what started as interest through thirst quickly became interest in earnest as he watched some of the tour performances. he's like a crow, drawn in by flashy lights and sparkles. this little endeavor, originally meant to take no more than an hour or two, ate up the rest of his night.
suddenly it's 2am on a thursday night-- he's supposed to be asleep, yet here he is, deeply entrenched in the reputation lore. what a jerk that kanye guy is, interrupting her on stage like that! then to lie about her on social media with that fake phone call-- oohh! he's pissed! mammon ends up more mad about the taylor drama than taylor herself. it's been years. people have moved on (another day, another drama, drama). not him, though (all he thinks about is karma).
we all know that mammon, despite all appearances, is a massive simp. so it makes sense that he would really like an album full of love songs. reputation is an album about falling in love at your lowest, about someone finding you broken and loving you through it all. he's a sucker for that sort of messaging.
this obsession-- stanship, fan behavior, whatever you'd like to call it-- is, of course, private. he's a cool, slick casanova. unfortunately for taylor, she doesn't quite mesh with that image. no worries, though. their connection is strong, even if it is kept just between them. (she's his ruri-chan)
reputation holds a special place in his heart because it's the moment when taylor finally finds her one true love (which he found through his intensive research) and accepts being the fear and happiness that comes along with it-- what? no! he's not crying! there's just... dust in his eye! yeah! dust in his eye, and new year's day just happens to be playing, coincidentally, totally unrelated--
so his interest might have started out surface-level. he might have been drawn in by flashing lights and glitter (plus the appeal of understand the human's culture better than his brothers), but by the end of it all, mammon is a certified swiftie. not that he'd ever admit it, though.
favorite songs: don't blame me, king of my heart, call it what you want
Leviathan: The Fearless Fan
... hear me out. i'm well aware this is sort of an odd choice, but i stand by it.
leviathan doesn't really... date. like at all. he's very content fixating on his 2D waifus and distancing himself from normie stuff. and that's all fine and good. but those times when he lifts his head up from his game to see his brothers getting close with others, while he locks himself in his room and shuts everyone out? it stings a little.
you remember that old rudolph movie, the one with the little blonde elf dentist? specifically, his line "you can't fire me, i quit!" in one of the songs? i promise i have a point here
i feel like levi has that sort of complex about love. i think there's a hopeless romantic somewhere deep in there, buried under all the layers of deflection he uses to keep everyone out.
all of this to say: he loves old taylor swift music.
taylor's early works revolve around the highs and lows of young love, woven together in fantastical stories that cast a rose-colored light. levi lives vicariously through this music.
it actually fits him well because he can experience the complex emotions of love packed into a three minute song, all from the comfort of his room and without fear of rejection!
that being said: if anyone were to catch him jamming out to taylor swift in his bedroom, he'd end it all right then and there.
he's very careful to hide this interest from his brothers. anime? video games? sure, they can understand that. but girly, lovey-dovey taylor swift? they'd never let him hear the end of it!
make no mistake, though-- he is a diehard fan. he watches her live performances on deviltube. he knows all her biggest hits. he'd have merch if any of it was subtle.
fearless is his favorite album because it throws itself into being hopelessly, passionately, clumsily in love. he admires how unashamed it is to be so, y'know... normie. cringe, in his eyes. vulnerability? yikes!
he likes the love songs best. sure, there are plenty of good breakup songs on fearless, but he's here to imagine himself lost in young love, not getting dumped. he likes the idea of romantic tension, of dancing in the rain, of friends finally becoming lovers after secretly pining for one another for ages-- especially that last one. he hopes one day he might get caught in a friends-to-lovers plot and fall in love with someone he knows like the back of his hand.
levi knows he is a simple hopeless romantic. but when he plugs his headphones in and turns on taylor's music, he feels, just for a moment, like maybe the pursuit of romance isn't so hopeless after all.
favorite songs: fearless, love story, you belong with me
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[psst... yeah, you. did you want a link to the spotify playlist? here it is. it already has the songs for part 2 on there, so beware of spoilers for the next post!]
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allofthebeanz · 10 months
Re-watched Mountie and Soul for fic research purposes, and I just really love the buildup to the motb conflict. It's so fascinating to watch because Ray feels So Much and expresses that, while Fraser keeps his emotions at bay - he's stoic. Not only that but it's so interesting to watch their cultural differences play out, because Ray - while being emotionally intelligent - is still in this American Macho mindset. Fraser's still in his arrogant 'I'm Canadian so I'm smarter than Americans' mindset. And we know over the course of the show they both break away from those things. (Seriously love how Ray's already getting under Fraser's skin and Fraser gets that 'you are such a dumbass but I'm restraining myself from screaming' tone. And Ray saying he's gonna pop him one and Fraser not wanting to hit Ray - foreshadowing)
I also found it a little heartbreaking in that scene when Ray's getting beat up by Mason it's supposed to be a joke, but to me it looks like Ray's coping mechanism is pain? Like, there's a running theme with Ray where a lot of the ppl he trusts betray him or leave him. Hmmm... perhaps that's why he and Fraser get along so well?
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caleblandrybones · 1 year
tell us ur favourite lacho headcanons
when they're lying in bed lalo likes to rest his head on nacho's chest, and nacho likes to circle lalo's back with his arm and pet his hair. lalo stands behind nacho with his own hands over his while he teaches him how to cook. lalo's hand is at home on nacho's thigh when he drives them around. lalo is mesmerised when they shower together because of the water droplets caught in nacho's lashes. lalo likes to run his thumb over nacho's bottom lip before kissing him. lalo always wakes up before nacho does, but he likes to stay still for a bit and take in the other man's slow breathing. he feels at peace. the one time nacho catches lalo still asleep he does the exact same thing and never brings it up
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whensecretsrise · 2 months
Whats your favorite monster?
I'm a huge slut for werewolves. That primal need for affection and sex. The soft brush of fur, the wet pressure of teeth and the tongue that licks away the blood.
Don't get me wrong, tentacles are soooo fucking hot and the thought of them makes me squirm in the best way, but they are second only to werewolves.
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midnightfreeway · 1 year
kawi, i know you're insecure, but there are many subtitlers out there who are brilliant, smart, amazing, capable and just overall lovely people. and they're certainly not as invisible as you might think.
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pandaemoanium · 8 months
growing up with fighting games explains so much abt why i turned out this way
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oedonchapeldweller · 2 months
you can really tell when a fictional matriarchal society is written by men
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silverspadesss · 1 year
what we really need to talk about is how rabbit heart by florence and the machine belongs to riz gukgak and only riz gukgak /nsrs
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satorhime · 2 years
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i’m suing 💔😭😭
before the cops come n detain me !!!!! nanami’s little bean waiting dejectedly by the front door in their little costume, an empty pumpkin candy basket next to them. you can see the tears of disappointment in their eyes and they keep asking you to try nanami’s cellphone again!!! he was supposed to be home at 6:00 and trick or treating is almost over. but how do you tell your child you got a call from their father in shibuya twenty minutes ago telling you he loved you both and saying he had to work overtime for a little while longer this time-
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gummybugg · 9 months
Happy Storyteller Saturday!
Today I'll send two questions (which are connected):
Question 1 - Imagine that your characters enter a magic labyrinth that shows them their biggest dream (s) come true. What do they see? Is their dream something they can achieve in real life?
Question 2 - In the same labyrinth, your characters enter a room that puts them face to face with (an illusion of) the person they hate the most or their worst fear. How do they react? Are they able to put up a fight against the illusion or do they need to be rescued? How do they feel in the aftermath of the confrontation?
Thanks for the ask! I actually learned quite a bit more about my ocs!
I have put off answering this because I did have to think about it for a bit, so here it is!
Answer 1
Blair: I think what he seeks is to be Understood, which isn't exactly something physically obtainable, but yeah!
Elijah: has always wanted to be a teacher! He genuinely wants to help people, especially children, since he didn't have a very fair childhood.
Darcy: no one cares about his dreams He thinks his dream is to serve humanity even at the cost of his and others' lives, but he truly wants to receive forgiveness from his loved ones/those he pushed away as a result of his arc
Frasier: to visit a flower field! A very peaceful experience, very far removed from a bustling city life & responsibilities
Answer 2
Blair: would be face-to-face with his high school bullies and/or his ex's. Anyone who has ever called him/treated him like a freak. In many scenarios, instead of fighting, he would curl up in a ball and surrender. Blair is an unusual character to write, as he either has 100% bravado or none at all. Depends on the situation. At the end of the day, he generally wears his heart on his sleeve.
Elijah: Facing Darcy, aka the reason for his outstanding debt. They have a tumultuous relationship, being the mayor is lowkey-highkey homicidal. Doesn't want to fight him, but if pushed, yes he will. Prefers to keep a low profile, but if pushed, Elijah will smite a man. Elijah would go in regretting the fight, but come out very relieved it wasn't actually Darcy.
Darcy: worst fear is hurting those he loves. oops, this may have happened a few times already! perhaps he gets haunted by the spirits of those he killed. I think he would come out of the labyrinth more depressed than anything else (he carries a lot of stress from his past).
Frasier: He is one of those guys that just shows up at the right place at the right time, so it's only natural that his greatest fear is being too late, i.e., missing the death of a loved one. Receiving a phone call that a loved one has died. Coming out of the labyrinth, I think would be very traumatizing.
🚗 Want to rot your brain with each sporadic Crater City post? Join the taglist! Maybe I'll finish this wip someday, who knows! (ask to be added/removed):
@writeouswriter @lyra-brie @digitalsatyr23
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magical-jazzical · 1 year
Shut up before I add you to my kin list.
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Top 5 Poutine moments (or photos, your choice)!!
oh my god oh my god yes okay STORYTIME
poutine is my daughter my sunshine the light of my life who does not pay rent and sleeps on my chest nightly. i adopted her right after graduating college during the pandemic in 2021. the majority of college was a long traumatizing crawl through hell for me, and by the time i graduated, i had lost hope and passion for my desired industry of like a decade (as well as gaining a general hopelessness for my future and the future of the world). i had no idea what i wanted to do, what i COULD do, and where i belonged. so my single goal, post-grad, was to create circumstances in which i could adopt and support a cat.
unfortunately my mother is deathly allergic to cats, so in order for that to happen i had to prepare myself with a stable post-grad living situation and a job. early in my senior year i signed a lease for a studio, move-in june 1st, and lined up a retail position closer to graduation. re: my mom, it does make her sad that she can't visit my apartment, and it sucks that i have to leave poutine behind during short trips, but i'm like eight hours from my hometown and my mom understands how happy poutine makes me. we're okay.
anyway, after graduating i moved into the studio apartment and started the retail job (i have since found work in my area of expertise, and i'm moving to a nicer place in june as a result of that job change) in the same town as my college (i genuinely love it here). i adopted poutine a day after graduation, which i did not attend because pandemic, and she's been my best friend ever since.
my life has gotten so much better since 2021, mostly because i've made several intimidating and difficult choices to improve it. but adopting poutine will always be the best decision i've ever made, and it's one i made and executed even in the seemingly unescapable depths of hopelessness. i've found that after each success i only feel more emboldened to tackle something scarier--and adopting poutine, in a way, was like the first domino in that sequence. and she's been here the whole time since, keeping me company, letting me know i'm loved and that i'm capable of loving. also that she's hungry and just used the litterbox.
anyway, here are five Epic Poutine Moments in no particular order:
The Mister Saga
i live in a city so outdoor cats often wander around at night. because my apartment is on the ground floor and Poutine cannot be deterred by blinds, she has no choice but to acknowledge these cats when they stop by. back in august of this year, an outdoor cat named mister started visiting her, which at first was very upsetting to her AND me, because he'd be out there serenading her at like 3am. but after a few months i think they actually got used to each other, and just started to enjoy vibing together with a window between them. although poutine goes on walks on a leash, i unfortunately can't let her meet mister because i don't know if he's had his shots and i'm not risking her safety for the bit. even more unfortunately, a second unnamed cat started coming around a few weeks ago and ATTACKING THE FUCKING WINDOW, and now poutine seems agitated at mister again too. this saga is ongoing and i think she's like a regency romance novel heroine and it's all very unthinkably stupid and i had to buy a hormone diffuser recommended by the vet so she'd chill the fuck out about all these outdoor cats on the porch
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2. she likes catnip
she likes catnip :P my supervisor at work gave me a cutting of his catnip plant for my office so i can bring it home for her
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3. found footage poutine
i have a pet camera for when i'm away from home. this means i have a lot of cursed cat images
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4. this photo
idk it just makes me laugh and it's zelda so here
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5. various other photos
no context just take them
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