#I didn't expect to finish writing this today still but might as well throw this still out before I hop offline!
ghostofskywalker · 1 year
Don't Say "I Told You So"
Words: 1,739
Summary: Crosshair didn't need a relationship, and he had only agreed to this stupid service because all his brothers had done it as well. But a switch in his mind was flipped when he met you, he just doesn't want to admit it.
Note: this is my contribution to the fanfiction universe of @tcwmatchmakingau :) the canon divergence here is that the empire falls apart in its early days after palpatine bites it, which would still imply that crosshair spent some time in its service. i couldn't decide which clone i wanted to write so i picked six of my faves and rolled a die to decide - crosshair won :)
Clone Troopers Masterlist
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“What are you looking to gain from our service today?” The overly bubbly woman asked Crosshair as he sat with his arms crossed in a chair that seemed entirely out of place in a tiny office like this. She was not bothered one bit by the way he so obviously did not want to be there, and there weren’t many people in the galaxy that could look so nonchalant on the receiving end of his annoyed expression.
“To get my brothers off my back,” he answered dryly, watching as she started to type something on her datapad.
“So you’re not looking for anything serious then?”
“What do you think?”
The woman behind the desk (she had introduced herself before, he just forgot her name) looked up at him with a glare that matched his in its intensity, and for a moment the change actually caught him off guard. “I have half a mind right now to set you up with the person I think you would dislike the most and ensure that you have the worst two hours of your life,” she said, her tone sharp and unwavering. “But since I am a professional, I will not do that. However, I expect to be afforded the same courtesy. I have a perfect track record with my matches for this company, but that does not mean I won’t throw it away for the chance to make you miserable, and that is certainly a threat. Do we understand each other?”
A silence fell over the room as her words sunk in. “Fine,” he said, swallowing his pride and allowing her to continue with the matchmaking interview. There was a part of him that wondered if he did indeed have a perfect match out there, even if he was (mostly) here because the rest of his squad had already gone through the process. Because anyone that managed to find someone who could willingly put up with Hunter was clearly some kind of Jedi, and there was another part of him that wanted to be the one to annoy his brothers, just as they had annoyed him with their new partners.
The interview was soon finished, and he left the office wondering what was going to come of all this. The woman (who had reverted back to the insufferably bubbly version of herself from the beginning) told Crosshair that someone would reach out to him with details about his date soon, even though he didn’t know if he believed her. There couldn’t be anyone in their little catalog who would willingly go on a date with him, this had to be some kind of scam.
But somehow the unthinkable happened, and from what Echo said when he heard Crosshair had gotten a message, it had happened in record time. And even now, if it weren't for the fact that his brothers were all stationed outside the restaurant, he might have run away before ever stepping foot inside. Wrecker would have simply just picked him up and walked him inside anyway, and that would be ever more embarrassing than simply just accepting his fate and not trying to escape.
He wasn’t given much information about you or the date, other than your first name and the fact that a table had been reserved for you two at a restaurant on the top level of Coruscant. It wasn’t the nicest place in the world, but Crosshair appreciated that there didn’t seem to be an intense pressure to get perfectly dressed up, especially since he only had a limited amount of clothing at this time. He also had a sneaking suspicion that you had picked the spot, because none of the others had ever heard of the place when he told them where he was going.
Despite the fact that he didn’t really think any kind of relationship was going to come from this, he still found himself slightly worried about how you were going to perceive him. Even though the war was over and clones were fully recognized as citizens, it was hard for him to believe that anyone would willing want to go on a date with him. He could understand how his brothers were able to find romance, they weren’t as broken as he was, and they were having a much easier time adjusting to their new lives outside of military service.
When he gave the person standing at the front of the restaurant his name, they smiled and told him to follow, as his date for the evening was already here. He was hoping that he could get by without the staff knowing the true reason he was there, but it didn’t seem like that was going to happen. The sound of his comm device buzzing caught Crosshair’s attention, and he looked down at his wrist to see a message from Hunter.
Don’t kriff this up.
But of course he didn’t have time to send anything back before he had arrived at his table for the evening. Caught off guard by your beauty, he forgot for a moment that he didn’t reallu want to be there. “Hi,” you greeted him as he sat down. “It’s really nice to meet you.”
There was another version of him vying for control of his body right now, that was cruel and vindictive and could never believe that you were here to see him. And as much as he wished that version of him had died with the Empire, that was simply not the case, and he fought hard to push those thoughts away. Maybe he would never be as bright and as joyful as Wrecker, but you did not deserve to spend time with a sour version of him, especially when none of the issues he had were your fault.
“It’s nice to meet you too,” he said. “Why did you sign up to do this?”
You laughed. “Honestly? My friends pushed me to sign up for an interview.”
“My brothers practically forced me to do this,” he said, watching as a smile crossed your face.
“Wow, I guess we both don’t want to be here, huh?”
Five minutes ago, Crosshair would have earnestly confirmed your statement and suggested that you go your separate ways. But now, he found himself wanting to stay, even though he had no idea how to respond. “I suppose not.”
“But since this meal has already been paid for, I think we should stay.” Thank the Maker for that suggestion.
Of course, he had to keep up appearances. “I’m fine with that.”
As the date continued, conversation moved like one of the Coruscant Guard’s massif puppies: tentative but determined, and the more Crosshair spoke to you, the more he realized how much you complemented each other.
It was so much more complicated than the roles of sun and moon, because neither of you perfectly fit into either image. You had a macabre streak to rival the dry quips he often subjected his brothers to, but there was also a brightness to your personality that he found himself desperate to learn about. As you shared stories about past relationships and told him all about the work you do, he found himself wondering how in Sith Hells it was possible that through one interview (that he didn’t even take seriously) someone had managed to find him someone like you.
The food was certainly a step up from the things he ate during the war, and the two of you indulged in drinks that were brightly colored and sickly sweet. If this was 79’s and his brothers were around, he might have cared about what they would say as they watched him take sips of a lavender colored liquid. But here, the only person whose opinion mattered to him was you, and the way you smiled as you tasted the drink for the first time was something he didn’t want to forget.
When it was time to leave, he waited with you for a hovertaxi and waved you off before heading back to the apartment he now shared with his brothers. It didn’t seem like the rest of the squad had stayed outside the restaurant for the entire night (like they had threatened to do), and Crosshair was glad for the time alone with his thoughts.
He wanted to see you again, that much was certain. The two of you had exchanged comm frequencies, and there were already tentative plans in place for the two of you to see a holofilm together sometimes, but nothing was set in stone. He knew his brothers weren’t going to let him off without interrogating him when he stepped through the doorway, so he also prepared what he was going to say.
And like he expected, Omega was the only one not waiting for him when he opened the door. The rest of the team was sitting at the table, as if they were waiting for him, and the questions began to spill out of his brothers’ mouths.
“How was it?”
“Did you like her?”
“Are you going on another date?”
“We were right, weren’t we?”
Crosshair took a seat at the table and waited for the rapid fire questioning to stop. “It wasn’t terrible.”
Hunter scoffed. “Come on, you’ve got to give us more than that!”
“No, I don’t actually,” he said. “You all forced me to do this and now it’s done.”
Echo spoke next. “At least tell us if you’re going to go out again with her, then we’ll leave you alone.”
Crosshair sighed. He wanted to lie, but he knew that eventually the truth would find a way to worm its way out into the open, and the teasing would be worse then. “Nothing is confirmed, but maybe.”
“I knew it!”
“You all owe me 10 credits now!”
In the midst of his brothers’ joy, the sound of his comm device beeping distracted Crosshair. He looked down to see a message from a new frequency, which he immediately knew must be you.
If you were serious about going to a holofilm, do you want to see one with me tomorrow?
He couldn’t help but smile as he typed out an affirmative reply, and that tiny change in his expression did not go unnoticed by Hunter. “Aww look Echo, Crosshair’s in loooooooove!”
“Shut up,” was the sniper’s response, but he didn’t refute the statement.
Maybe these matchmaker services really did work after all. 
- the end -
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msnanu · 1 year
Life Twist 12 | JJK
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⏤banner by the talented and sweet: @archivedkookie ❣
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⏤summary ❧ After an enormous loss in your life and breaking a long relationship with your now ex boyfriend, you decided you needed a life twist. So you move into a new country to try restart your life and seek for your happiness. What you weren't expecting was someone like Jungkook entering into your life as soon as you got to Seoul.
⏤𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 ❧ jungkook x female reader
⏤𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 ❧ fluff, angst, smut, slow burn, 4 years age gap (reader is JK's noona)
⏤𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ❧ mature language
⏤𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 ❧ 10.2k+
⏤ author's note❧ It's finally here! 😌 - I'm so sorry for delaying this for such a long time, this past month has not been easy for me. When I was getting back into writing my beautiful furry friend decided to cross the rainbow. It took a while for me to feel better honestly. For now this will be the last chapter of Life Twist. I might continue it or not, I'm open to write some drabbles for this couple if requested. I loved writing the story of this two lovebirds and I hope you loved it as much as I did 💜 As always, don't hesitate on leaving your thoughts on the story, it makes my heart warm everytime I read your comments. FYI - I'll be working on new ff's! Love u guys and thank u for the love you gave to this story! 🥰 
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"So, you're saying he was totally unfazed about Minho?" says Aria sounding genuinely surprised while Emma added "Like, you did not even sense an ounce of jealousy coming from him?".
The three of you were in a corner of Taehyung's apartment talking or more like whispering about your little encounter earlier today with Minho and JK at the gym's exit. The rest of your friends - including Jungkook - were just a few meters away from you so you couldn’t be too loud with your conversation.
You shook your head and continued "I don't know how to describe it. I’m telling you, he was like another person, not the Jungkook I dated. I mean, for God's sake!" you exclaim shouting in a whisper to your two friends "Last time he saw Minho he kept glaring the shit out of him and now the two of them were acting as if they were friends!"
"Well, I'll be damn. I didn't think he could change this much in four months. Seems like therapy is doing its job" added Aria while taking a sip of her gin tonic.
"And how do you feel about all of this?" said Emma looking at you curiously.
You groan loudly, throwing your head back. "Ugh. That's the thing. I don't know. Every time I see him, I want to jump right on him" you say while watching Jungkook talking to Yoongi on the other side of the room and the girls giggle at your honesty.
"I just-" you stop yourself thinking how to voice out your thoughts correctly "There's a part of me that is full of fear. We are in a good place now, I mean... look we are in the same room, we are not pulling each other’s head off and everything's okay"
"But I'm still in love with him, so madly in love that it drives me crazy. I'm so fucking whipped!" you exclaim while sighing and rubbing your temples.
Both of your friends look at you with worried faces, you're clearly too stressed with the whole situation.
"You know I wasn't rooting for you to fix things up with Jungkook in the first place" starts Aria without any filter as usual.
Auch. That was harsh. But you know Aria means well and she's the type to give tough love.
"But that was Jungkook from four months ago, the guy that couldn't even stand to see someone looking at you. This Jungkook-" she says moving her head in his direction "The one that is doing therapy - even though we know he never was fond of it - in a way it feels like he's a whole new person. He is still the same goofy Jungkook we all knew but I think everything that happened with you made him more mature and maybe - I'm saying just maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing to give him another chance" she finishes giving you a sweet smile.
"I can't believe I'm hearing that coming out from your mouth, Aria" said Emma with an amusing tone.
Aria loves Jungkook like a little brother but since you two broke up, she sided with you. There wasn't any bad blood between them at all, but she made it clear that she wasn't happy with how Jungkook had treated you.
You were frowning for a while and seeing that you were awfully silent, Aria's comforting voice caught once again your attention "At the end, it's always gonna be your decision, Y/N. And whatever you decide, it's gonna be okay, we'll be here for you."
"I just don't want to feel any regret, I don't want to make the same mistakes again and again" you mumbled, while nibbling on your bottom lip "What would you do, guys?"
"It's too personal, sweetie. But if you want my opinion, if I were in the same position with Hobi, I would give him one more chance."
"I would too,” said Emma.
It's not like you don't want to give it another go with Jungkook. But it would be your very first time coming back with an ex-boyfriend and the thought of getting back with him and the possibility of your heart breaking up again, terrifies you. Even though, deep down, you know your heart is still with him, you never retrieved it. How could you? You never loved someone as much as you loved him, as you still love him.
And before the wheels in your head starts to work and roll, Aria's voice speaks up again. “That doesn't mean you have to give him a chance tho" she says running her arm around your shoulder and squeezing you a little bit "Maybe you need some more time for yourself, and things might clear up for you on its own"
"Or maybe you just need to go with the flow and relax a bit, don't stress that much overthinking everything,” said Emma.
"That's for sure, you need to calm down, sweetie" added Aria.
"Yeah, I think you're right... I should relax and go with the flow" you repeat - as if it was an easy task for you to do.
And that's the last thing they advised you before you moved on talking about Emma and Joey's honeymoon since they were going soon on a trip to the Maldives.
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"Ahhh, Jungkook-ah, stop with the puppy eyes, you're gonna give me a headache" Yoongi teases the youngest, wiggling his brows. Jungkook rolls his eyes although a soft grin spreads on his lips, clearly knowing he got caught staring at you. There's no point on denying it. He doesn't want to be creepy, but you look so beautiful, you always do and it's getting harder for him not to drool over you every time you're near him.
"I can't help it, hyung"
"Did you two talked again about... you know, your relationship?"
"No. We talk about anything but that" the maknae simply responds with a soft smile plastered on his face, reminiscing every single conversation he shared with you these last few days. Just talking with you makes everything better.
"And you're... fine with that?" he asks slowly, sounding confused and surprised at how calmed Jungkook is acting about you and your relationship.
Jungkook gives him a slow nod as he says, "I'm happy of being part of her life again, hyung."
It's obvious that he wants to be with you. But after being apart from you for two months when you broke up and not being able to talk or even see you, he knows that he has to appreciate that you're back in his life, even if it's not in the way he's yearning. If he wants to get you back, he knows he'll have to be patient.
"You know, I bought her a ring before we broke up" suddenly Jungkook confesses, sounding almost proud of himself which catches Yoongi off guard and JK sees it by the way Yoongi's lips part.
"A ring, like- an actual engagement ring?!" he asks right away.
Jungkook nods, pursing his lips in a deep thought before saying "Yes, I was gonna propose in our first anniversary but then all hell broke loose and there went my plans with it" 
"Wow. I didn't expect that."
Yoongi was actually the first person to know this. Neither of his other hyungs knew anything about the ring, not even Jin or Jimin. It's the first time he feels like he can properly talk about it without crying his eyes out. And even though Yoongi is not the most open person in terms of feelings, Jungkook always felt comfortable voicing out his thoughts with him.
"Maybe it was for the best, even if I had to go through an unbearable pain." says JK while he sees Yoongi frowning "Maybe I needed to go through all of that to become a better person, not just for her, but for me as well. She deserves the best version of me. I just wish I hadn't made her suffer in that process."
Yoongi stares in silent at Jungkook with a sense of proud and the youngest frowns while saying "What?" 
"Nothing. It's just...you are all grown up now" says Yoongi pinching the bridge of his nose.
Jungkook snorts finding very amusing Yoongi's reaction. "Hyung, every time I see you, you say that same thing."
"Because it's true! You've grown up so much!" he exclaims, smiling as Jungkook grins taking a sip of the glass of wine in his hand "Well, at least you already have the ring for whoever you'll end up with."
Yoongi sees JK gulping while he fights that lump that is stuck in his throat "That ring belongs to her, hyung. I know it'll end up on her finger sooner or later" he says, wanting to sound as hopeful as possible.
"You sound confident, Jungkookie."
"I-...I just know we'll end up together somehow, I have that feeling, you know?" he says softly, taking another gulp of his glass of wine.
Yoongi nods, listening to JK's words carefully before asking "And you'll wait for her no matter what?"
"Always. She's worth it." Jungkook responds quickly, without a single ounce of doubt.
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A few minutes later you were on Taehyung's big balcony, watching the stars illuminating the beautiful night sky. After gulping down what would be your second glass of wine, you were feeling warmer and relaxed. You could hear your friends' voices from inside, hearing Jimin and Yoongi's all-time bickering made you smile without even realizing.
"How was your physical therapy session, noona? Everything okay?" a soft and well-known voice resounds from behind pulling you out of your little world.
You turn around, your heart fluttering and your face feeling hot at the sight of your ex-boyfriend smiling at you. A thousand butterflies swirling inside your stomach.
Fuck. I love you I love you I love you - your mind is repeating non-stop. How is it even possible that such a gorgeous human being exists?
You purse your lips, trying to play it cool. "It was good" you respond after a while "It was actually the last session today, so I guess my hand is finally recovered." 
"Oh! Really?" says Jungkook with an enthusiastic tone "Let me see how it looks."
Your eyebrows furrow for a moment. He gets closer to you, taking your hand in his and looking at it, as if he was some kind of doctor and for some reason it makes you giggle. He looks down on you and suddenly you stare wide-eyed at him because of the proximity of your bodies. Jungkook notices how nervous you seem to be, he knows that look on you, he tries to hide his amusement but fails miserably when you see a little twitch on his lips.
And you can't stop looking at his lips. You are mentally screaming, throwing hands at yourself thinking how fucking weak you are when it comes to this man in front of you.
"I missed seeing that look on your face."
"Wha-What look?" you stutter a little bit. 
Fuck. Keep it together, Y/N
"The one that you had every time you were checking me out" he shamelessly says.
You stumble back a little bit as he tries to hold back a laugh. He always finds you adorable when you get flustered.
"You know, sometimes you're too cocky" you say trying to sound as unaffected as possible even though you know you're failing miserably.
"Maybe, but I also know you, Y/N. And I'm sure you were thirsting over me" he giggles before taking a step closer to you and making you freeze in your spot, then he leans in and whispers at your ear “And just to be clear, if it were for me, I would be kissing you since the moment you set a foot on hyung's apartment."
Chris voice is heard getting closer to both of you, Jungkook steps back a little with a triumphant grin on his face seeing how flustered you are. You gulp all the saliva that has collected in your mouth, touching your hot cheeks and trying to compose yourself to not look suspicious to your best friend who's now approaching.
"So, you two lovebirds, are you already back together or you're just busy flirting with each other?" said your best friend with a mischievous tone in his voice.
Is he fucking kidding?  You are sending daggers towards Chris with your eyes. Him and his inappropriate comments. Jungkook just giggles and shakes his head at his hyung.
"Oh- okay I-I just wanted to tell you something" says your best friend stuttering at first a little scared when he sees you looking at him as if you wanted to murder him "As you know my birthday is coming soon."
Jungkook and you just nod your heads waiting for your best friend to continue, since it is no news for anyone. Chris has been blabbering about turning 31 for the last month or so.
"I really wanted to do something different this time, so I rented a nice place in Gangneung right in front of the sea, for all of us to have a little weekend get-away."
"Wow, that sounds cool, hyung. I'll be there" Jungkook quickly replied. 
"I assume I don't need to ask you anything, if you are not there, I'll kill you with my own hands" says Chris towards you trying to sound intimidating.
"Oh!" you feign fear putting your hands over your chest with an exaggerated ironic tone "I'm so scared!”
"I'm so scared" repeated Chris in a mocking tone and you punched him in his arm.
"Fuck" he hissed grabbing his arm "That hurt.”
"My hand is good as new now so don't test me, Christian" you threaten your best friend as he sticks his tongue out to you and you repeat his actions.
Jungkook just laughed at the scene in front of him with you two bickering as always. Sometimes you two seemed to be younger than him.
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A few days later you found yourself at the gym again releasing endorphins and also observing your ex-boyfriend from afar while you are running on the treadmill.
It's not like you are a creep and you're just staring at him. You were minding your own business when you came across with your ex-boyfriend form, standing next to the benches. Jungkook looked visibly uncomfortable with some girl next to him that was clearly flirting with him. His doe eyes kept glancing towards your way as if he was mentally pleading for you to help him.
After seeing over the next few minutes that the girl wouldn't give up and leave him alone you thought - okay, I should probably help him - yeah, it's not like you're jealous or anything, he would help you too if you were in the same situation, right?
You stopped overthinking and you walked with determination towards Jungkook and that girl.
"Hey baby, are you ready to go?" you said grabbing softly Jungkook's arm.
Jungkook's doe eyes look right at you and a smile grew on his face while tugging you close to him. "Yes, gorgeous" he said. The girl in front of you widened her eyes, you could see how embarrassed she felt as Jungkook happily introduced you "This is Y/N, my girlfriend."
Girlfriend. You did not realize until now how much you were missing him calling you that way.
"Oh" the girl said giving you a nod "Nice to meet you. Sorry. I should go."
The unnamed girl disappeared quickly and when she was nowhere to be seen you realized Jungkook still had his arms around your waist. He must have realized too because while clearing his throat, he took his arm back and scratched the back of his head saying "Thanks, she was clearly flirting with me but didn't get the hint that I wasn't interested."
"No biggie, I could see a mile away that you were uncomfortable, I'm glad I could help."
He smiles sweetly at you and you're having such a hard time trying not to kiss him right now. Such a beautiful smile he has.
"Are you leaving already Y/N?" he says waking you up from your trance.
God. I hope he didn't notice me drooling over him again.
"Um, yeah in a bit, I have to finish my routine, but I guess in about ten minutes I'll be done with it.”
That sounded natural. As if you weren't spacing out thinking on a hundred different ways to bang him.
"Great, I'll take you home."
"No need, Kook. Don't worry about it.”
Kook. Oh, how he loved when you called him that nickname. He hasn't heard it in a while. It made him smile instantly.
"I wasn't asking, noona. You helped me, now I want to help you. Don't be stubborn" he said softly nudging his arm with yours.
"Okay, I guess" you said giggling.
Twenty minutes later, you are on the passenger seat of his car, giving him your new address since you realized that he didn't even know where you moved in.
Yes, you had moved out from Chris' apartment a few weeks ago. Although you were very comfortable while living with him and he made sure to let you know that you could stay with him as long as you needed, you really wanted to have your own place. Plus, even if he said that you weren't, you knew that somehow you were disrupting his life. 
He couldn't even have a proper date with Irene at his place because you were there, though you tried to go out with Emma and Aria as much as you could to give them as much alone time as you could.
As Jungkook parked in your building entrance he said "You are living really close to my place now, it's a walking distance. Cool"
"Honestly this is the best area out of all the apartments I went to check."
And it really was. It's not like you were looking for apartments near his place on purpose.
He nods. "And you have security at the entrance, that's relieving."
"Yeah" you say chuckling "That was essential for me and one of the main things that helped me deciding on this apartment." 
He smiles and says, "I'm glad you finally found your place here."
For a moment, you feel like you are already missing him even though he's right next to you. You don't want him to leave. You don't want to go upstairs alone to your apartment.
It's not weird if you invite him in, right? You are cool with each other, it's not like you can't control yourself. But maybe it would be weird for him? Ugh, you hate yourself right now. Fuck it. You'll just go with the flow.
"Do you wanna come upstairs for a drink? I'll give you an apartment tour." 
That definitely took Jungkook for surprise. But his smile grew from ear to ear.
"I would very much like that, yes" he said.
"Great, let's go then."
As soon as you entered your apartment building, the concierge - Kim Jin Hyuk - greeted you both and you introduced Jungkook. You told the concierge that JK should be included on your list of 'frequent guests' from now on, so he took JK's information to prepare his access card. 
Jungkook heart felt warm to know that you wanted to include him in the frequent guest list, even if it was a small gesture. Day by day he could feel you getting closer to him and opening a little bit more. 
If you were part of the frequent guest list, you were given a special card to be able to pass the access control system installed on the building entrance without having to wait for the concierge to call the owner - in this case you - and ask permission for the guest to be able to go upstairs. Of course, the card had to be also used on the elevator which would only take that person to the floor that was assigned to that card.
The security on this building was something else. And after the sad events with Ethan on your previous apartment, you were decided to move in into a place that made you feel secure in every sense, and this was it for you.
"Wow, this is amazing" said Jungkook as he entered your living room.
It's a four-bedroom apartment, a little bit bigger than Jungkook's but it shared a pretty similar vibe. And you were in love of every space on it. Specially the living room, it was big, with a modern marble fireplace - yes, a fireplace - and had a large window with beautiful views of the city. It was an amazing part of the apartment where you liked to spend most of your time in.
After giving him a tour for every single room, you finished in your bedroom with the huge en-suite bathroom.
"The shower is pretty big" you suddenly said, giving Jungkook a sheepish grin.
He smiled too. He knew what you were hinting on. The first time you slept together he had teased you saying that whenever you moved in together you would need a bigger shower. Another thing he missed about you. Your constant teasing. "Mmh, not so sure about that, maybe we should try it out." 
"Oh, I actually tried it with Chris and Irene" you responded with the most natural tone.
"Huh?" says immediately Jungkook with his eyebrows furrowed.
"Yeah, the first time I came to see the apartment they came with me and we tried it, Irene was like 'OMG this shower fits like four people' and she made us all - including the real estate agent - get inside the shower just to prove her point" you chuckled while reminiscing on that day and thinking how fools you've must look when you all were inside the shower.
"OHHHHHHHHHHH" Jungkook says as if he finally understands what you're talking about. What was he thinking you were talking about?
"Oh my God!" you exclaim giving him a punch on his arm "Jungkook did you think that I had a threesome in the shower with my best friend and his girlfriend? Are you out of your freakin’ mind?!"
You are both laughing nonstop until he says "Sorry! It's just that the way you said it, it sounded so bad."
"Such a dirty mind you have in that pretty little head of yours" you say shaking your head and still giggling.
"When it comes to you, yeah. It kinda ends up always in that same part of my brain" he said smirking and making you blush.
"Stop it!" you say as you start walking towards your living room with him following your steps behind and still laughing. 
Afterwards, you shared a few drinks and talked about random things, as always. It felt good. Like old times. But in the end when the night came, he had to go home, and you were left all alone in your apartment.
You were now laying on your bed, with your eyes on the high ceiling. You could hear a storm unraveling on the outside. As it was starting to rain, you felt the urgent need to talk with your dad. 
"I saw him a few hours ago but I still miss him a lot, dad. I miss us. But I'm not sure what to do. I wish you were here to help me; you always said the right words" you say as a sigh follows your words.
Suddenly a box that was on top of the closet falls, scattering on the floor all the things that were inside of it.
You had seen that box too close to the edge of the closet a few days ago but you were too lazy to grab a chair and move it to a proper place where it couldn't fall.
"Fuck. I knew it was a matter of time for that to fall" you whispered as you got up to gather it.
When you started gathering everything, your attention gets caught instantly to certain picture. You pick it up and can't help to smile at the sight in front of you. 
It was your first picture with Jungkook. The one he took when you went for a hike when you were staying at Hobi parents’ cottage. And it hits you like the lightning that you just heard from the outside.
You want him. You love him.
"I got your message, thank you dad" you say looking up and quickly getting out of your apartment without thinking for a second. 
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You ring the bell of the apartment once. A few seconds after, Jungkook opens the door and as he sees you standing in front of him, his face lights up with a huge and welcoming smile on his face until suddenly he realizes you are soaked and his eyebrows furrow as he looks at you with worried eyes.
"Bab- Y/N are you okay? You shouldn't be outside with this storm. You're soaking wet."
"Oh" you mumble and chuckle while looking down to your clothes "Yeah, I forgot to bring an umbrella."
"Did something happen?" he asks quickly.
Yes. I love you. You were right. We are end-game. I'm sorry it took me all this long to accept it. I was scared. That's what was going through your mind, but you didn't say anything.
You shake your head, and your body moves on its own going straight into hugging him, enveloping his huge body to yours "Please, hold me" you simply say, and it doesn't take him more than one second to hug you back tightly.
With your nose pressed against his chest, you notice his shirt smells just like him, his favorite fabric softener, and that amazing cologne he always wears. That Jungkook scent, the one he always holds, the one that smells like home. 
"Kook," you murmur while you look up to his doe eyes, "Can we please talk?"
"Of course, Y/N" he gives you a small grin as he drags you inside his apartment "Come with me. I still have some of your clothes in my closet, you should change the ones that you have now, you'll catch a cold if you don't." he says, a worry flashing in his eyes as you just nod and follow him.
A few minutes later you were already changed into one of your summer dresses, you didn't even remember that you had left it here. Sitting on his sofa, right next to each other, he decides to speak first.
"So…what do you want to talk about?" he asks lowly as you suck in breath, heart racing against your chest.
Being able to see and talk to each other these last two months, for a moment it had made too easy to believe this chapter with Jungkook was closed when nothing was forcing you to read it. But now it was too late to pretend everything was fine. It wasn't. You couldn't be his friend. You didn't want to be his friend. You needed more.
"You were right, in the end. About you and me, we should be together, we—" you caught yourself, your heart heavy. "I cannot do this anymore; I can't pretend that I'm okay. I don't want to be without you. Since that day when we broke up, when I broke up- I've been trying to convince myself that it was the right thing to do, that I didn't love you anymore, but I can't keep lying to myself or to you."
His eyes looking straight to yours. Sparkling with hope and so much love. His eyes always tell so much.
It was the first time you'd brought up your break-up fight in the past four months. It had been ugly, and shameful for you. You never screamed at each other before that day, but the events unleashed by Ethan and Lina plus Jungkook's lack of confidence, turned into the biggest fight you had. Coming to think about it, that day you both did things you weren't happy about. And you, unlike Jungkook, you hadn't apologized not even once to him.
This was your opportunity to both heal and move on from the past. If you had a slight chance to build up again your relationship, having a sincere talk with him was the best way to start.
"Y/N, I..." He hesitated for a second, but when he spoke again, he sounded more self-assured. "I was wrong back then. I'm sorry."
"I'm so sorry, too, Jungkook, I..." you said looking down and remembering your actions that day you felt ashamed of yourself "I never actually apologized for slapping you on the face that day and-"
"No. I mean, yes, we both—but I—" He cleared his throat. "I should have supported you. And I should have apologized before the wedding, I should have gone to Chris' hyung apartment and talk to you but I feared it would be unwelcomed. I know I said this before, but I'll say it again and as much times as it's needed. I'm sorry, Y/N. I really am."
You could feel the weight of his gaze on you, but you didn't move. You hadn't realized how much you'd needed having this talk with him. Even if he had already apologized on the wedding. Even that being totally honest, after the break-up, you couldn't stay resentful for long. You'd forgiven him long ago. But hearing him admit his faults was still a relief. Somehow it gave you reassurance.
"Thank you, Kook." You offered him a soft smile. 
"You know, for a moment, I thought that you would hate me forever for how I treated you that day, I was so afraid of you hating me, but you are such an angel-" His voice broke. He scratched the back of his head, then went on sighing. "I should have been there for you, Y/N."
The regret in his voice was painful. It sent your mind flying in all directions, down all of those roads you never dared to tread. You'd always been good at reading him when you wanted to. For the last few months, you'd refused to. But just then... just then, his walls were down. It was impossible not to see... not to wish...
Right then, seeing him this vulnerable you realized, you were tired of hiding your feelings.
"I still regret pushing you away" you said voicing out your thoughts once again.
This, Jungkook could find a way around. He could tell you it was fine and that you'd done nothing wrong. He could pretend he didn't understand that you were still deeply, shamefully in love with him. But his breath caught, and for a long second, he said nothing.
"Do you...?" He bit his lip. Your heart was pounding so hard you were sure Jungkook could hear it. "I never stopped loving you, Y/N. I... You know this... If you want, that is, I want to... I want to give us another chance. It doesn't have to be now, if it's not the right time. It can be... if you need more time..."
Jungkook trailed off and looked away. The blush on his cheeks had deepened. He seemed so angry at himself for his embarrassment that your already heightened senses were sent into overdrive. There he was, telling you what you'd been wishing to hear again, and absolutely being himself while at it. So unapologetically himself, too, that you could have never even resisted even if you'd wanted to.
"I don't need more time" you finally said.
That was enough for Jungkook. His shoulders fell in relief as a smile lit up his face. You could've sworn he outshone the sun. It made you smile, too, but then a small, nervous laugh escaped you.
"This is not what I had in mind when I came over," you admitted.
"What did you have in mind?"
"I don't know. I left my apartment feeling like I was going insane, and you could always keep me from spiraling too deep. I just... I needed to be with you."
Your words struck Jungkook. He shifted, taken aback, his mouth open far before any words could come out.
"I don't want to spend another day without you," he finally said. “I know who I want to be. And I hope -” He takes in a breath, eyes shining with hope and sorrow and everything in between. “- I hope you’ll be there with me.”
You swallowed. There was that awkwardness about him, that feeling of not knowing what to do with his hands, or with himself sometimes... it emboldened you. Jungkook didn't want to force contact on you when you were so upset, but his unsure stance told you that he wanted it as much as you did. With this in mind, you didn't hesitate in scooting closer to him.
Jungkook's arms were wrapped around you in an instant. Everything that was weighing down on you no longer felt so heavy. You let your head fall on his shoulder, breathing him in, and the tears you didn't know you'd been holding back were now flowing freely. He didn't pay it any mind until your stilted breathing gave you away, and he pulled back to look at you.
"No, no, don't cry" he said with worried look while running his thumb over your cheek.
"I'm sorry." you said, wiping your eyes, smiling in a way you knew to be unconvincing. "It's just been... too much."
"It's alright." He gave you a little peck on your forehead while his hands had dropped to your waist, refusing to let go of you. "Feeling better?"
You nodded and leaned back into his arms. Just like that, it was like no time had passed between you two. The closeness, the intimacy, it all came back to you with alarming speed. You're so ready to seize this moment once and for all.
"I can't believe it's been four months" you said.
"I know. It feels like forever."
"In a way, yes... but it feels like nothing changed at all."
"It did," he contradicted you with confidence. "We've grown. We've learned. Specially me. This time, I know how to make this work."
"No screaming, then. Or doubting each other" you stated firmly.
Jungkook laughed softly, sending chills down your spine.
"It's a promise."
You stayed like that for a few more seconds, enjoying the closeness. But you wanted more. Jungkook's arms were safe, he was so warm, and he smelled so good that you couldn't stop yourself. You only had to raise yourself a little to get yourself a kiss - so you did.
Your lips found his without trouble, and your heart exploded when he immediately kissed you back, as if he had been expecting, hoping for this already. He was tender, but intense, just as you remembered. It felt like home. You'd missed him so much, too much, and it was driving you insane even as you didn't have to long for him anymore.
He cups your face in gentle manner, tucking a strand of hair behind your hair. "I love you so much, Y/N" he tells you. His beautiful Bambi eyes hypnotizing yours.
"I love you too, Kook" you softly respond, his smile growing wider as ever as you lean in kissing him once again.
Having his soft, pliant lips against yours was igniting a fire within you. Your kisses grew desperate, bold in their familiarity. Your hands were no longer cautious. You were tangled in his hair, traveling up and down his back, and Jungkook was pressing you against him with a resolve that almost took you aback. It was impossible to miss how Jungkook's body was reacting to this kiss. He'd always been easy to ignite, but you hadn't expected to be thrown back into that whirlwind so quickly and you weren't expecting to crave it so desperately.
His teeth dragged on your lip, maddeningly restrained. At the same time, his hand dropped down, brushing your bare knee. The contact against your skin made you gasp, and his hand, stayed there for a second before going back to your waist. No. You couldn't have that. His featherlight touch had made you wish that his long fingers would trace their way up your leg, straight to where you were starting to burn. And that's how you knew that you were too far gone. You weren't supposed to want reconciliation sex with your ex-boyfriend. You weren't supposed to moan so wantonly between kisses and brazenly open your legs for him, silently begging him to slip his hands under your dress and inside —
 Jungkook froze. For a split second, you feared you'd gone too far, too fast... but he was disheveled, eyes blazing, voice hoarse and tense.
"Are you sure about this, baby?"
That freaking petname. Dear God.
Right then, when you were so full of raw emotion and pent-up desire, denying yourself was not an option. You wanted Jungkook all around you, and you wanted not to feel this heartache anymore.
"Yes. Please."
That was all the encouragement Jungkook needed. His hand went up your leg exactly the way you wanted it too, hot and heavy and leaving a trail of fire. His mouth was now on your neck, nipping and sucking on your blazing skin just carefully enough not to bruise you, even though you didn't care, you just wanted all of him. You let out a whimper when his fingers finally reached between your legs, above the fabric of your lacy underwear. You moaned, encouraging, dropping your hands and twisting around so you could open your legs wider.
He was looking at you intently, no doubt absorbing the sinful image you presented. He reveled in your whimpers every time he pressed or caressed just the right spot - but he never stayed there for long, and the fabric between you two was only making you more desperate.
"You're so beautiful, so, so beautiful" he said.
But before you could answer, he was in contact with your hot, wet skin. His eyes widened, and even you were surprised at how easily his fingers slipped around, making you gasp, your body shocked awake. Fuck. You were so ready. You had been ready for all these months without him. And Jungkook... Jungkook was absolutely gorgeous. He always had that piercing look in his eyes that never failed to make your legs feel weak, but right then, with his cheeks flushed, his lips slightly parted, he looked obscenely divine.
After running his finger lazily up and down a few times, he slowly pushed it inside you. You were holding your breath, trying to hold on to every single second of this - but once inside you, he curled his finger just so you cried in delight, and then again when his thumb pressed on your clit, working you in a slow rhythm that was threatening to drive you insane. His other arm was around your shoulders, giving them both balance and pulling you closer to him so he could go back to kissing your neck. The steady pace was sending you one jolt of pleasure after another up and down your spine, finding place in your belly and curling up onto itself, more tense with each passing second.
But Jungkook had other plans. He removed his hand, but you didn't have time to protest before he knelt in the floor in front of you, a questioning look in his eye. You nodded without thinking, and his grin widened into a hungry expression that made your throat tighten. You wanted it so, so badly. Since the breakup, more than once you'd tried to imagine how Jungkook's tongue would feel again as it brushed against your most sensitive areas, and every time, you'd blushed and pushed the thought away.
There was no need for that now.
While you got used to the idea, Jungkook yanked down your underwear. It was the hottest thing you'd ever seen - Jungkook, down on his knees, his face between your legs and eager to please, always. You watched in awe as his tongue reached out tentatively, barely touching your already stimulated clit. You squirmed. He did it again, this time more slowly and firmly.  Oh, how you missed this. This felt good. Too damn good. His smug, glinting eyes were locked on yours, as he kissed all around your most sensitive areas, everywhere except where you needed him the most. He teased your exposed skin as if he had all the time in the world. It felt like heaven, but he was still refusing to give you the relief you—
The air was forced out of your lungs when Jungkook's lips latched onto your clit, sucking it with the same sort of leisurely care he'd been giving you so far. Fuck. It was nothing like you'd imagined these past months and everything you'd wanted. You couldn't keep up. His tongue and lips were doing wonders, sucking, licking faster, and faster, until you were a gasping, moaning mess, grabbing locks of his hair and pulling him closer against you.
Without warning, he buried a finger inside you. Your head fell back, eyes closed shut. This overstimulation short-circuited your senses and sent your whole world spinning. Jungkook didn't slow down, didn't let up, and once again you found yourself reaching for paradise, hoping for release from this delicious torture.
"Jungkook..." you breathed out. "Jungkook, please..."
That's when he stopped. Your eyes flew open.
You knew his game. Jungkook had always loved bringing you to the brink of an orgasm and no further time and time again, until you were sufficiently wound up and could no longer keep a hold on yourself. You'd always trusted him to deliver, so you only sighed in frustration, a frustration that was short-lived as you watched him wipe his mouth with his sleeve. Your heart stopped. Fuck, that was hot. All you wanted was to push him to the floor and ride him to oblivion right then and there.
Jungkook, however, always put up a fight. He always had a trick up his sleeve. He stood up, his arms now underneath you and lifting you from the sofa. He carried you bridal style the few steps that separated the living room from his bedroom. As you reached his bed, he didn't quite lay you down, but didn't quite let you fall - somewhere between gentle and desperate, considerate and wild, and the second you touched down he was already on top of you, kissing you fiercely, his hands all over your body, trying to reach as much as he could.
You were reeling. Jungkook's weight on you was numbing your good sense. You wanted to touch his naked body and feel his burning skin pressed against yours so badly that your hands found themselves under his clothes on their own accord, sliding up and down his back, grabbing his ass, pressing him firmly against yours, pulling, tugging on the fabric as if that would make it come off.
Jungkook's kisses grew hotter, deeper, until he broke apart for a second. You were hypnotized by the sight of him sitting up and taking off his shirt. You let your fingers catch on his waistband and pull down resolutely. Jungkook shifted to allow you to take off his pants, but you were greedier than that, hooking your fingers on his underwear as well. Everything came off, and just like that, Jungkook was stark naked on top of you.
You were gaping. Jungkook's arms were defined and his chest strong. He was fully erect, clearly yearning to take you, and your need was so overpowering that you almost missed the ravenous look in his eyes. And you couldn't handle it. You slid one of your hands against his chest and your other hand found him, hard and ready, and you were starting to return the pleasure he'd just granted you, when he pulled away carefully, as if it cost him his life. His voice was dangerously uneven when he spoke.
"I want you, Y/N. Now."
He didn't need to say it twice. You felt yourself almost aching with anticipation as he positioned himself between your legs... but he didn't enter you. He was instead grinding against you, basking in just how wet you were for him, this friction seemingly enough for him. You gave him a pleading look that made him smirk.
"You're not playing fair." He spoke. His hands slid up your legs, grabbed your ass, then continued their way up under your dress. He was lifting the fabric as he went, still rolling his hips against yours when he reached your breasts, at which point you had to lift yourself up to allow him to pull your dress off. His arms caught you on your way back down, his long fingers finding the clasp of your bra and undoing it in an instant.
Only then did you lay back down, this last piece of cloth disposed of as you did. He tossed it aside, never taking his eyes off of you.
"Much better."
You had to agree. After all this teasing, your nipples were reacting to the slight change of temperature and the feeling of freedom. Jungkook brushed his fingers against them, sending chills down your spine. Then he squeezed them softly before leaning down to catch a hard nipple in his mouth. You let out a surprised breath. Jungkook's warm tongue drew circles on your skin, his teeth dragging gently against it, alternating this attention between your breasts. And then he was grinding faster, still outside you, his breath heavy with pleasure against your sensitive skin. You couldn't take it. Your muscles were itching for relief and this throbbing emptiness was almost painful.
"I thought you wanted me now," you complained between moans. You were in paradise, but your body still screamed for him. This was not enough. It was maddening.
"And I'm having you, am I not?" Jungkook barely lifted his head as he said this. Your head rolled back when his mouth found your nipple again, this time sucking hard.
Now you were moving too.
"Jungkook, please... I want... I need..."
And then, only then, then he pushed in.
He went in slowly, allowing for the long-forgotten sensation of fullness to wash over you. It was almost enough to make you finish. You were expecting some discomfort after all this time, but your body was too worked up, so you wrapped your legs around him to pull him deeper into you without care. You both gasped. You could almost, almost taste the kind of pleasure that you needed. You rolled your hips once, twice, making him shudder.
"Fuck, Y/N..."
He shifted, leaning back to kneel between your legs, the sudden movement sending a wave of pleasure through you. Your ankles locked behind his back as he started moving, his thrusts shallow and tentative at first, but he gradually pushed longer and harder until you felt him just right, just in the precise way that made you lose control of yourself.
And then it was chaos, and bliss, and everything you had been so desperately craving. Jungkook was moving inside you with a delirious abandon that paralyzed you, the pleasure spreading to every inch of her body. You were being stretched and fulfilled and spread thin, and your control over your actions was slipping away fast. Jungkook was grabbing your legs, clutching you as his own pleasure grew. You wanted to touch him, too, so you reached for him. However, he wouldn't come to you, so you tightened the hold of your legs.
"Come here," you panted.
"I want to see you." His hoarse voice, also tinged with pleasure, only made you more desperate.
"I want—" The thought was disjointed. What did you want?
More. You just wanted more.
"Please, Y/N."
You couldn't deny him anything, so watch you he did. Sweat covered your body, your face felt hot, and your breasts bounced in time with his thrusts. There was no point in feeling self-conscious around Jungkook. Instead, you felt wanted, desired, needed, and it only made your own lust grow tenfold. He was also a glorious sight, his dark hair in disarray and his muscles flexing with the exertion.
This was too much, not enough, and the tension inside you was both growing and begging for freedom. Your legs fell to the bed, open as wide as you could, allowing you to touch yourself without shame. His hand quickly replaced yours, circling your clit in time with his thrusts. Jungkook was going in deeper now that he could move more freely, hitting that sweet spot within you again, and again, and again, with enough power to make you scream for him.
"You said no screaming...?" he said breathlessly in a teasing tone.
Incoherent sounds were being drawn out of you, and it was hard to answer among them.
And the cheeky grin he gave you in return was everything. It was all you could do not to come undone then and there, the sensations hitting you one after another too fast to process. You were rushing towards your breaking point, and you could focus on little else beyond it. Your eyes clamped shut. You were all rapture and burning skin and he sensed it, his pace quick, wild, constant, his fingers also working on you without reprieve. All you could do was whimper, grab the bed sheets tight in your fists, and beg for mercy.
"Jungkook..." You were repeating his name, over and over. It was the only thing you knew. It was the only thing you wanted to know. "Jungkook, I'm..."
You screamed. Your body flared up in an orgasm so long-awaited, earth-shattering and mind-numbing that it hurt. Electrifying waves of pleasure took over your body, and you were pulsing, trembling, screaming, out of breath and gratified beyond all reason. Your muscles contracted firmly around him, heightening your pleasure and making him throw his head back in ecstasy.
Jungkook slowed down as you came, but once your body relaxed, he started pounding into you and pinching your clit more fiercely than before. You didn't have time to recover. You were being wound tighter again all at once, as if the coil within you had never subsided. You couldn't do anything other than enjoy the sight and let him do your in, until he pulled out so swiftly that you were thrown over the edge a second time. 
He looked at you, his gaze telling tomes of his plans to pleasure you until you pleaded him to stop. You broke the eye contact to look at his cock that was throbbing against your thigh.
"You like what you see?" he smirked, clearly full of himself and the way you gasped at his cock as if it was your first time seeing it. Before you could respond, he kissed you full on the mouth, his tongue slipping through your lips as he did so. You could still taste yourself on his lips, mixed with that taste of him that you could never quite forget since that night he first kissed you.
His lips pressed against your neck the moment his thick cock managed to enter you once again. You gasped, your fingers wrapping around his arms tightly as he nestled himself deep within you, the head kissing the entrance to your womb. Sparks of pleasure ran through your body. Your eyes widened; it just felt like you were thrust into a brave new world, where everything you had ever known ceased to mean what they used to.
He stilled himself for a moment, as if he was allowing you to adjust to the sheer size of him before he went any further. Your eyes fluttered closed as you started to feel like everything you had ever done led up to him, in this moment. Your lips parted in a voiceless moan as you gripped his arms tighter, your fingers sinking into his flesh.
"Oh baby," he whispered in your ear, his voice almost sounding like a moan as he brought his hand to your face to cup your cheek. "Please look at me..."
You opened your eyes, and he gave you that sweet, warm smile as if you had never grown apart. You couldn't help but smile back, finally realising that this was what you were missing out on all this time: a serene, placid love that accepted you for who you are despite your faults, despite everything you've lacked and viceversa.
His hips started moving again, sharp thrusts drawing hushed moans from you as you gripped his shoulders this time, eyes intent to keep their gaze on his. Your hands roamed downwards: down his back, his waist, his hips until you grabbed his tight bum.
You gave him a mischievous smile, and pressed his forehead against yours, laughing a breathy chuckle.
"You're such a naughty girl, baby," he said, his tone coloured with a playful warning as his hands cradled the sides of your face. "We're flipping."
Before you knew it, your back was pressed against his chest. Your limbs were sprawled out under you to support yourself on all fours, however any effort you made to hold yourself up was practically made useless by Jungkook's arm, which wrapped around your waist and pulled you even closer to him as his other arm held you both up.
Jungkook started thrusting again, wilder this time as his cock nudged deeper and deeper against your womb, grinding against spots you never even knew existed. He placed wet kisses all over your shoulders and the crook of your neck, stopping there for a moment as he nuzzled you there.
He stuck his neck out to look at you, hoping to see what you looked like as his cock pushed repeatedly into your depths. With your eyes closed shut as the pleasure overwhelmed you, you couldn't see how captivated he was as he gazed upon your face contorted ecstasy. An errant thrust went deeper than it should have, and you bit down on your lip to stop a loud moan from escaping,
"I wanna hear your pretty little moans again, don't hold back" he whispered in your ear, his deep voice almost sounding like a growling din as he accentuated his last word with a deep thrust back to the depths of your cunt. You couldn't take it anymore; you screamed to the high heavens, and he let out a breathy chuckle, evidently happy with himself and the way he could make you scream.
His fingers found their way around your breast again, toying with your nipple as he suckled on your ear, and you knew that you were going to come undone soon. Your cunt clenched around his cock, and he groaned as his hips jerked harder, faster against you.
"I know you're c-close, baby. I- I'm close too," he moaned, his thrusts speeding up as he became desperate to push you over the edge. "C-cum for me, gorgeous" Jungkook whispered, gripping you even closer to him.
With his last words, you gave in, your cunt spasming wildly around his cock as you threw your head back, another orgasm tearing through you as you screamed his name. The sound of his name coming from your lips pushed him over the edge, his arms holding tightly onto you as his cum spurted deep inside you. He moaned your name, and you felt another surge of pleasure come over you until everything faded to black.
For that instant, time stood still, and nothing was wrong with the world.
You were both sweating, gasping for air, thoroughly satisfied and drunk with pure joy. You were only aware of Jungkook moving away, reaching toward his nightstand's drawer to pull out wet wipes. You couldn't stop thinking how beautiful he is, how lucky you are to be with him here, once again.
This was Jungkook. Your Jungkook. The one you'd been yearning for, and you were never going to let go of again.
"What is it?" he asked curiously, seeing that you were spacing out. You took him in, his hair messy and humid from the sweat, his skin almost shimmering. Being that stunning should be illegal.
"Nothing," you answered truthfully. "I'm just so happy."
"I'm really happy too, baby."
Jungkook offered you a sweet smile and gave you a little peck on the lips, then walked away to throw the wipes in the nearest trash can. This gave you a full view of his perfect body. After what you'd just done, you would've hoped your desires would've gone back to where you kept them locked up - but there they were, alive and present, and if you had to be honest with yourself, you were ready for this new normal.
This new normal was better than the old normal, where you had to endure your pain with your aching heart alone. Everything was easier when Jungkook was next to you. It hadn't escaped you notice that tonight he'd barely let you touch him, at least not as much as he touched you. He'd been focused on you, wanting to make you feel the best that he could... It was a good thing, then, that you knew for a fact there would be a next time.
Jungkook caught you staring again, but you didn't look away. He just stood there for a second, seeming puzzled at your expression, then asked,
"You don't... you don't regret this, do you, noona?"
"Not at all," you answered quickly. "Do you?"
Jungkook came back to you, lying down and wrapping his arms around you. That was all the response he was going to offer, and that was all you needed. You adjusted your position to be able to hold him too and kissed him. He responded in kind, his lips soft and tender. His body against yours was like an oasis in the desert. All you wanted was to live in the sheer bliss of this moment for as long as you could. You were together. That's all that mattered. This way, you could pull through anything.
But the moment was over eventually. Jungkook broke the kiss, touching his forehead against yours, and gave you his boldest grin.
"So... what do you say you give us another chance?"
Your smile was the brightest he ever saw. There wasn't even a need to respond. He already knew your answer was without a doubt 'Yes.'
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Something warm pressed itself against your forehead, waking you up. You turned around to find that it was Jungkook, his arm wrapped you as he smiled at you. Everything that had happened rushed back to your half-asleep brain, and you remembered blacking out wrapped in his arms.
"Did you sleep?" you asked him, sitting up as you looked around. In the night, he had clothed your torso with his shirt while he had remained bare chested. Show off.
He shook his head, sitting up with you to fold you up into his arms.
"I couldn't sleep. I was afraid you'd get away from me again," he admitted, looking down to hide his wistful eyes from yours.
Moving quickly, you freed yourself from his arms and straddled his lap, taking him by surprise as you cupped his face and kissed him, the passion of last night resurrecting with a passion.
You broke the kiss and looked at him with compassion. "I'm not going anywhere, Kook."
His smile broke out into a full grin, and his strong arms pulled you down so that your head lay down on his chest again. He held on to you, eyes tearing up with joy as he finally had what he had always sought to have.
"Except..." you uttered, and the grin on on his face turned into parted lips, waiting with a sense of dread for your next words.
"Now that the sun is up, and the storm is over... would you like to go over to Chris' birthday party get-away with me?"
Oh. Right. Chris' birthday is this weekend. Jungkook had already forgotten that Chris had rented a place in Gangneung for you to celebrate with him.
"Yes, yes!" he exclaimed, scrunching his nose with that bunny smile you adore, his heart swelling with relief and joy. "We should go to your place though to pick up your stuff for the weekend."
"Well then, let's get going! Let's re-introduce us to the world, my handsome bunny," you replied, a gentle smile forming on your face as a beautiful future you had once thought of imagining with him began to unfold.
You both scrambled to your feet, as you clothed yourselves and got ready to leave.
He looked at you with so much pride, as if you were the one to be shown to world with rekindled hope. You locked your arm into his as you walked to his car, taking a moment to sink in everything that happened in the last few hours.
You were finally together, as JK had always wanted. He was right; you were meant to be in each other's lives. Giving it much thought, you realized that you still wanted the same things that you used to, except now you wanted his hand in yours each step of the way. Try as you might, you just couldn't escape him. But in his arms, you never felt more free, and you never felt more loved.
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alphabetboyluvr · 1 year
bad decisions - jjk | twelve
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You take a second to breathe. Let your cheeks plumpen as air exhales from your lips. "Alright. Let's try it. The bird that fell today, let's try it, and see how it goes? If it's too weird"— "We can back out," he nods. "No harm, no foul." "You got anywhere to be? Wanna wait with me while I finish up and then..." The beat of your heart is so rapid that you think you might have a heart attack—but as Jungkook makes his way up the stairs, it seems to settle. This is fine. "And then?" "Then we'll do the damn bird."
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Bad Decision #12 - An Agreement
warnings: THE BALL IS ROLLING! solo masturbation that is, on a technicality, mutual masturbation (soulmate behaviour!). plot is also plotting! artist!tae is doing thingggssss. jk is getting bold! and sexy!
soundtrack: fuxxin' love (2019) - OoOo
wc: 7.4k
bd total wc: 370k (on-going)
minors dni | wattpad | series masterlist |
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There's a lingering silence as Jungkook sits across from you on his bed. 
You're both crossed-legged, looking at the unfolded bird between you. His back is perfectly straight, posture pristine as always, but yours is a little more slumped. In all honesty, you just want to stop looking at the words written down on the paper, but it's like watching a car crash in slow motion. You can't look away.
His curtains are drawn shut. It's a change to his normal set-up - but the sun has already risen. If either of you stand any chance of sleeping, they need to be closed. The lamp on his bedside table currently illuminates you both, a warm glow only adding to the intoxicated haze you're still looking at the world through.
"Okay, so I think our birds are quite different," Jungkook finally says. His voice is contemplative, but then he laughs. The lamplight catches in his eyes. He's serene. "Byeol, what the fuck?"
You groan and flop down onto his bed, nose nestling into his ever-freshly laundered sheets. "I didn't know we'd ever be reading them!"
Since the first bird fell, you've known that agreeing to share them was a mistake, but you had also forgotten just how many of your birds had been plagued by your desire for a sex life that didn't feel so tragic these days. 
Jungkook leans a little forward, outstretching his arm to ruffle at your freshly bleached hair. He still hasn't mentioned it, and you find it odd. Had expected at least a remark regarding the fact it had changed, but instead he's simply acting as if that's how it's always been.
Anyone who does mention it has their compliments dismissed, with you insisting on pointing out just how patchy it is, so at least it saves making even more self-deprecating comments.
"I think we should veto it," you mumble into his duvet.
Frankly, Jungkook is amused by it all.  He's also still got some of those tequila slammers in his bloodstream, which makes him throw caution to the wind a little more than usual. "Your choice, Byeol."
You huff, forcing yourself back up to face him. The origami paper stares at you. Is screaming. 
It's partially your fault for choosing to write your birds in full capital letters. Jungkook had written his like a normal human being, and they feel far less confrontational. 
"It's an interesting one," he notes, before reading it out loud: "Mutual masturbation. The four exclamation points really add a certain... je ne sais quoi."
"Oh my god, shut up," you whine. "I was just thinking of the most intimate things you could do with a person, yanno?"
"And you chose mutual masturbation?" Jungkook holds back a laugh. Doesn't hold it very well. Splutters one out regardless.
"Well, yeah?" You furrow your brows together, confused by the fact he doesn't deem it to be the height of intimacy. You think it's potentially the most vulnerable you can be with another person. "Getting off is so... personal. Doing exactly what you like... I don't think anyone's ever seen me... yanno?"
"No, I don't know," Jungkook taunts, a cocky smirk gracing his pretty lips. You decide that alcohol is the worst thing to have ever happened to him. "No one has ever seen you what, Byeol?"
"You know what."
"No, I don't," he shrugs. "I don't know how you touch yourself."
You bury your head back into his duvet. "Oh my god, shut the fuck up. This one - this bird - is vetoed. We're not doing it. You never saw it."
Your ears are as pink as your cheeks, embarrassment taking hold of your features. It's really not like you to be bothered about such things, but the fact that Jungkook's birds are all so.... innocent has you feeling a little mortified.
"Since when have you been such a prude, Byeol?!"
"I'm not! You're just... you." The way you say it - with such disgust - is exactly why he's winding you up. He doesn't expect the bird to be carried out. It's just funny to watch you squirm. "I'm not discussing my vagina with you."
"Is that not what friends are for?"
"Bet you'd discuss it with Danbi."
"Yeah, because I can trust her not to get a boner," you huff, sitting back up to face him. He's got the stupidest grin on his face, and even though you're trying to seem annoyed, he can tell that you're fighting one too. It's in the way your lips are twitching ever so slightly, brows easing from their furrowed state.
"I'm very capable of not getting a boner," he protests, but you don't care.  Just tell him to go to bed. You've got shit to do in the morning after you've slept the alcohol off. A job to get to in the afternoon. Can't be up all night.
He laughs to himself for a little while in the sanctuary of his pillow swamp. You tell him to shut up, and throw one of his pillows at him. Jungkook just simply tosses it back up to you. Tells you goodnight and settles into a comfortable position. 
'Because I can trust her not to get a boner'.
Now that he's thinking about it, he's a little offended. He quite literally showered with you earlier and showed not even a hint of getting a hard-on. 
Then again, he wasn't actually facing you. Had refused to let himself think of what you'd look like half-naked under a stream of running water. Had focused his mind entirely on the grout between the tiles, considering whether or not it would look better grey instead of white.
Truth be told, he probably wouldn't have gotten hard anyways. Was too nervous. Scared of doing or saying the wrong thing. Scared that you'd reject his offer. It's not like he was getting anything out of it - it really had been to help ease you into the idea of sharing a shower not being absolutely terrifying to you - but rejection is never nice in any capacity. 
You shuffle beneath his sheets and sigh in such a way that he's almost positive you're asleep. Strange enigma of a woman, he thinks as he smiles to himself. You're so mild-mannered and peaceful in one moment, then causing chaos in the next.
He's glad to have you around. Glad that Jimin was a little crap in bed. Glad that you didn't want to hang out with Jimin all the time instead of him. Glad. Just glad.
But then his mind starts to wonder. Starts thinking about what could have happened if he had gotten a boner. Would you really be that repulsed?
He shakes his head. Tries to rid himself of the thought. It's completely inappropriate. The time spent together beneath the cascading water of his shower had been such a vulnerable moment for you. He's thinking about it as his cock is getting hard. It's so wrong. He feels like a shitty friend. 
Palming at his crotch, Jungkook tries to stop the chain reaction that is happening. It's fruitless though.  The contact only makes it worse.
Jungkook says nothing as he gets to his feet and excuses himself from his room. He can't think straight. Decides the alcohol is at fault - but as he looks in his bathroom mirror, he can't help but curse.
There's no denying how hard he is. Not even a little firm. He's solid.
"Fuck," he groans, resting his palms on the counter, hanging his head between his shoulders. He shakes it. Knows that his current predicament is just circumstantial.
It's not that he actively thinks about you in that capacity, but the conversation you'd been engaged in has his mind wondering. Has him thinking about what the realities of the vetoed bird could look like. The way you'd close your eyes. The way you'd moan. The movements of your body; the squirm of your hips. The scent. The taste.
One of his hands drops from the counter. Palms at his crotch. Dips into the waistband of his boxers. "Shit."
He can't picture anything. Not really. He's never seen you in that capacity, so it's a little hard to imagine it - but he can seem to imagine the sensation seeing it would make him feel. How he'd get a little breathless. How he'd watch you as you watched him. He thinks about your eyes. Thinks about your glitter. Thinks about how it would shine with every movement of your body.
He untucks from his boxers, and strokes gently. Once, twice. "Fuck." Three times. A fourth.
There's a tightening in his chest, as if his logical mind is trying to make him stop. He pulls at his cock, bringing himself closer and closer to release. Once he cums, it will be fine. Just pent-up frustration. He wouldn't even be thinking about you like this if he wasn't clearly horny. He probably could have gotten laid tonight had he not drawn himself away from the girl in the club. 
That's it, he decides. That's what this is. Just a misplaced need for release.
It's a shame he doesn't know how restless you are beneath his sheets. How your hand crept down your body the moment he left the room; mind plagued with the idea of getting off with him. How you toy with your exposed pussy, wearing only his shirt.
You know you shouldn't. You're in Jungkook's bed. He has to sleep in here. His sheets smell like him. 
Yet as you tell yourself no, it's the reasons why you should stop that seem to spur you on more. It does smell like Jungkook. Smells like safety. If that isn't the best environment to get yourself off in, then what is?
You think about his back, and then you think about his arms wrapped around you and—"fuck"— it's not even the idea of him that's getting you wet; it's the idea of safety. Yes, it was his arms, but it's not the fact they're his which have you feeling this way; it's the fact you know they wouldn't drop you. And even if they did? You'd not be falling from some great height.
Realigning your mind, you let your mind wander to where it usually does in the early hours of the morning; Seokjin's kitchen, and the time he took you from behind when you'd been making dinner. 
It's your failsafe. Always gets you off remembering it. You think of his hands - strong, wide - and how they'd gripped at your waist. You think of his lips - soft, plump - against your throat. You're thinking of the view across the city from his apartment. Thinking about the way he'd turned you round; carried you to it. 
His apartment had been in a high-rise in the heart of the city. Not too far from Jungkook's, actually. The windows spanned the entire wall, and you'd always been envious of the fact he got to wake up to it on the daily. 
He'd put you down; turned you back around to face it. Had stripped you of your clothes. Pressed you against the window. Fucked his cock into you with such aggression that it almost seemed as if he wanted the glass to break. Fucked you so well that when you came, it felt like you were freefalling, even with the glass intact.
It's thinking about that orgasm that always gets your pussy clenching around your toys at home - but you're without them, and your hands just aren't doing the trick. Your brain jumps from thought to thought. Lands on the reason why you don't have your toys: you're at Jungkook's place. And then, because it's just as annoying as you are,  your head is just ribbiting his name at you. 
"Go away," you whine, but continue to play with your clit regardless. You're so close. "Just let me finish."
And it's funny, 'cause Jungkook's in his bathroom looking at the mess in the sink with a face of pure disgust. It's not the fact he got himself off that bothers him. Not the fact he whined a little too loud when he did so. Nothing like that at all.
It's that he'd been trying to think about the kiss he'd had that evening—the smell of her perfume, the softness of her lips—wanting it to be in his head when he came. He grew closer, and closer, and then—"oh, fuck"—why are you there? Why is he thinking about your gaze from the bar? And why is it that his brain always locks into one singular thought whenever he cums?
He just really hopes you didn't hear him curse out your name as he did so.
But you didn't. Were too busy having your own dilemma—one of which you're only just coming back down from when Jungkook re-enters the room. You wonder if he'll know. Wonder if he'll be able to smell your arousal. Wonder if he'll even figure out that's what the scent is.
Neither of you greets the other. He just gets back into his little pile of pillows. It's kind of funny. If weren't so paranoid about him knowing, you'd make a joke of it. Doesn't feel very funny, now.
Silence consumes the room. You don't even know if he knows you're awake. It's so awkward you quite literally wanted to shrivel up and die.
Okay, so you're being dramatic, but it really does feel that catastrophic to you. As if irrevocable damage has been done. As if you've ruined the friendship all by yourself - but then it has you thinking. He'd been gone for just the right amount of time for you to draw a release from yourself. It wasn't long, but it wasn't entirely speedy, either.
Jungkook shuffles. Lies on his back. Hands linked over his stomach.
"Kook..." Your voice whispers into the darkness.
He sounds sleepy. Sounds well spent. You know you'll regret it, but you just kind of have to know.
"Did you... just..."
He pauses. Takes a deep breath. Finishes your sentence for you. "Get myself off?"
There's silence. It lasts no longer than a few seconds, but it feels like a lifetime to you.
"You want me to lie?" He asks, clearly wanting to avoid the truth.
"Depends on what the lie would be."
Silence resumes. Is broken with a sigh.
"No," he says - and then he clarifies. "'No' would be the lie."
You nod, understanding exactly what he means, crown of your head patting against his pillow.
And yet still, you push. You want a clear answer.
"In that case," you say a little shakily. "I'd like the truth."
"Okay," he replies, voice much stronger than yours. " Ask me again. Full-sentence. None of that trailing-off bullshit you do. If you want a direct answer, give me a direct question."
And so you do.
"Did you just get yourself off?"
"Me too."
He laughs. Feels a weight ease. Can't fight the smile that's beaming even in a dark room. What a fucking relief. "Did we just... do your bird?"
And then you're laughing too at how fucking ridiculous the situation is. "In a way."
A peaceful quietness settles over the pair of you. Calmness. Contentedness. You're on a level playing field.
"Hey Kook," you say after a moment.
"What now?" He moans, but you know he's smiling.
"What were you thinking about?"
And then rather suddenly he decides, "That's enough of this conversation. Night, Byeol."
"Oh my god, no," you protest, sitting up in his bed to look in his direction. The low-light level obscures him, but it doesn't matter. "What were you thinking about?"
"Byeol," he scolds. 
Although, in a way, it's kind of the answer.
"Jungkook," you scold right back.
"Wasn't thinking about anything. Go to sleep."
His denial is a silent scream. You think you know. Think it's fucking hilarious.
"Were you thinking about me?"
"No," he lies. "It'd make me go soft—hey!" Jungkook laughs as one of the pillows from his bed smacks against his face. "Well, were you thinking about me?" He banters back.
You laugh. "You forget I've fucked your housemate."
You smile, all rather pleased with yourself, knowing it will play on his mind. Good. Serve him right for being a petulant little shit. "Night, Kook."
"Have nightmares," he says, and you just continue grinning as you snuggle up in his sheets.
"Already living one."
You don't discuss the night before when you're getting ready to leave a few hours later. You've work in the afternoon, and really want a proper shower at your own place before you rock up with blue poster paint still down your neck.
Jungkook feigns a hangover worse than it actually is. Says shit like, "I barely remember it," just so that you won't ask questions about why exactly he felt the need to excuse himself to the bathroom. 
He's not even really entirely sure why he did it. Obviously, he knows it's because he got himself too excited, just not why he got so excited. Just knows that he needs to figure out what's going on himself before he can breach the topic of conversation with you again.
You tell him you had a good night, and he says the same. It was nice for him to be out with you for once, instead of being an outsider looking in.
When you arrive at work that afternoon, Hoseok is tapping at his wrist. "What time do you call this?"
You roll your eyes, but your smile is warm. "Time you got a watch. How many painters we got in?"
"Full house," he says. "Only a few more prebooks for the rest of the day, though. No one booked in after eight, at least."
You ask him about his day, and let him babble on as you set about cleaning up the palettes he left for you to clear. He's been in work since midday, so has had to work through the heavy flow of customers coming in and out. Still wet, the chalky alkaline scent of the paint takes you back to the night before.
Has you thinking about Jungkook; his toned back, and the rivulet of green-tainted water you'd watched run down it. Funny, how he'd been hues of blue—cerulean strands of hair, emerald caught under the ridge of his jaw—whereas you'd been a peachy daydream, pinks on your skin to match your lips.
The palettes turn the sink water a murky brown. Looks a little like dirt. You wonder if that's what the hues of you and Jungkook would make together. Decide it's a good job you'll never find out.
But daisies push through dirt, you consider. There could be growth there. 
You let the water drain out, and rinse the boards off a final time, before you get to work on the brushes. Hosoek is greeting customers—"I love it. That shade of blue? Perfect. Come again soon!"—leaving you to your own devices, until a deep voice pulls your attention from the canvases you're organising. 
"I'm actually here to enquire about using the gallery space for a sho- oh. Hey," the owner of the voice says as he spots your eyes on him. 
Talk, dark and handsome, Kim Taehyung looks even better in the daylight. 
Dressed down in a white shirt and a pair of slacks, he's unassuming, but a frame like his commands attention. How Danbi is able to resist, you'll never know. Half think that maybe it would've been better if he'd been the one to have first caught your eye in Dionysus - but you're sure if Jimin was here instead, you'd be marvelling at how you'd landed someone as ethereal as him. The curse of attractive boys.
"Hey," you smile as you wipe your hands on a slightly paint-stained cloth. You whip it over your shoulder, and Taheyung smiles back. He wonders if that was something you did before you met Jungkook, or if he's rubbing off on you. "Watcha doin' here?"
"Bit of a strange request, actually," he prefaces. "I'm looking for gallery space."
"Gallery space?" You question, reaching over for the thick diary kept behind the desk. You keep your eyes on his as he awkwardly begins to explain, pulling the diary pencil from the pages it's currently lodged between.
"Yeah. I'm looking to exhibit some of my work—a few artists' works, actually. All local." He holds up a black folder and taps it. You reach out your hand to receive it, and pass the diary over to Hoseok. "It's all in here. Concepts, artists, pieces. Even pre-written a press release for you."
You flick through the pages of the folder. It's typical of artists who request to use the space to provide you with something like this, but you can really see the care put into it. It's a collection he's curated, with the intent of finally getting his name out there in the art world.
The title page is a singular word: Requited.
"It's a study on the conflicting meanings of the word," Taehyung explains, and you can see what he means instantly. Many of the pieces photographed in the exhibition pre-guide are dark - reds, deep browns. Passionate. "To avenge; to love."
You nod, flicking through the pages, still. It's an impressive collection, and you recognise one of the art styles from an account you follow on Instagram. "Why here?"
Taehyung grits his teeth together in a way that you just know means a lie is coming. "We want our work to be shown in a place that emulates the feeling of creation - we could host workshops during the exhibition period. Runs promotions with you, help"—
"Cut the bullshit," you grin. "C'mon. This is a solid collection. Solid pitch. The folder, at least, your delivery could use a little work-"
"Hey, I'm only acting relaxed 'cause I know what you look like after one too many drinks."
"You want to exhibit here or not?" You tease.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He laughs, holding his hands out, but not reaching over to touch you. "Honestly? The bigger galleries have dismissed us. I think they're holding out for bigger collections, and the smaller galleries are booked up till Christmas."
"You're trying to get in before the end of the year?"
"Ideally, yeah," Taehyung nods, a little apprehensively as Hoseok hands you back the diary. You swap, and he flicks through Taehyung's folder, nodding in appreciation. "End of October, start of November."
"Hoping for holiday sales?" You ask, to which he nods again.
"If we're at the start of the season, hopefully we'll be the one that buyers come back to," he explains. "And I meant what I said about the workshops. Your peak must be the winter months, right? People looking for something to do indoors?"
You nod. You've actively been enjoying the summer lull. Aren't looking forward to the upcoming season - at work, at least. You love autumn in your own time.
"We could host events," Taheyung suggests. "Charge a little more than usual for guided workshops. You could get a nice Christmas bonus."
It's not a bad idea by any stretch of the imagination, and if the boss agrees to it, it could actually make the upcoming busy season a lot more bearable for you if it's more structured. 
"If it were up to me, I'd say yes," you tell him. His eyes light up like embers from a smoking fire, but they simmer quickly. He knows it isn't up to you. "Is it okay if we hold onto your folder? See what the boss says?"
He nods like one of those dog figurines your grandfather used to keep on his windowsills. His enthusiasm is sweet, and you hope that your boss is just as keen as you are.
"How long until you know, do you think?"
"Give us a week, maybe?" You say. "There's space in the diary between events at the start of November. Hopefully if I structure a plan, make it easy for my boss, there'll be no reason to say no."
"You're a legend," he beams.
"Don't speak too soon," you remind him. "Still gotta get approval first."
"I know, I know," he nods. "You guys are the first place that's actually given us a look in, though. When Jungkook suggested here, I kind"—
"He suggested this place?" You smile a little bemused.
"Yeah," Tae confirms. "Didn't say you worked here, though."
"Well," you say with a scrunch of your nose. "I do. Surprise."
The biggest surprise, you think, is that Jungkook remembers.
"I'm glad you do, though. Feels like the collection will be in safe hands."
You know that he's mostly glad because it means the chances of Danbi coming to the exhibition will rise quite significantly, but you're not well-acquainted enough yet to tease him like that, so you just smile.
"I'll let you know, okay? I can give the folder back to Jungkook for him to pass on if I don't see you before the end of next week."
Taehyung doesn't question it, but Hoseok glances over, eyes a little narrow. He knows there's something going on there. Just isn't sure what.
"Legend," Taehyung says again despite your previous protests. "You're the best, Disco Ball."
"Stop calling me that!" You call after him to no avail. 
He just waves back and heads out the door, into the afternoon sun. You tuck the folder beneath the diary and put it into the desk organiser that the boss always checks, before scribbling out a post-it note to explain. 
Their presence in the cafe is so infrequent that you never know when they'll next be in, and you worry that you'll miss it. Sure, you could just leave it in the hands of Hoseok, but you don't entirely trust him to relay all the important information.
He clocks out just after seven, leaving you to deal with the wind-down of the day shift. It's been quiet, only a handful of customers coming in throughout the evening. The last couple in— teenagers on a first date, by the look of things—leave at nine. 
It's perfect timing, as the last entry is also at nine, meaning you don't have to worry about any latecomers staying till eleven. You can close up early, which is always a dream—especially on the shifts after a night out. The sooner you can snuggle into your own bed, the better.
It's not that you don't like Jungkook's bed. His mattress is perfectly firm, and his pillows really are to die for. It's just that nothing compares to home.
The closing routine is more work than you really care for. Restocking, cleaning, making sure everything is operational for an easy opening in the morning. 
Occasionally, you'll work a morning shift and spend the entire time finishing off jobs that staff from the night before neglected to do. It pisses you off. You've been known to leave passive-aggressive post-it notes on occasion. Always signed with a  smiley face and a kiss. Hoseok tells you that one of the other girls is gonna bitch slap you one day. You tell him good—would like to see her try. But what's a shitty job without a little drama?
It's as you're thinking about this potential conflict that your very real source of contention shows up at the door. He's dressed down, wearing a jacket that looks big enough to fit his entire friendship group within it, and a black baseball cap to hide the fact he hasn't styled his hair. 
There's something nice about seeing him like this—you so often get him in the gym, or at work— that it's pleasant to see Jeon Jungkook as a normal person. See him as other people do.
You won't clue him in on this, though.
"Last entry was twenty minutes ago, Jeon."
The grin on his face as he leans against the door frame is something he's unable to hide—and why would he? There's no need to play games. Not here. Not with you. "Ouch, last name basis? What have I done?"
"Nothing," you say and smile back. He really hasn't—you're just trying to create distance. Reinstate boundaries that had been made a little blurry. "What brings you here?"
As he walks into the room—uninvited, may you add—he looks thoughtful, eyes all wide and inquisitive. He's never visited your place of work before. You've seen his workplace what feels like a hundred times over, so it's nice for him to finally have a visual of yours. 
He won't mention that Taehyung talking about your workplace had made him curious.
It's not what he expected. For starters, he imagined there'd be far more mess—though he does notice the cleaning cloth in your hand, and how it's saturated in all shades of acrylic, so perhaps you're just diligent. 
Up two flights of stairs, the cafe occupies the top unit of a commercial building. There's a hairdresser on the floor below and a deli on the floor below that, so the entryway normally either smells like peroxide or pepperoni - no in between. Occasionally it smells like paint, too, but it's a far less intrusive scent. 
The walls are covered in canvases - ones left by customers, prints of famous works, offerings by local artists. Easels are scattered around the room, set up in pairs with small tables for the art supplies between them. Jungkook decides very quickly which spot he likes most - the easels by the window in the far corner. Thinks if he ever took a girl here on a date, that's where he'd like to sit.
Then again, he won't be doing that anytime soon - not unless one of those damn birds tells him to.
You follow his gaze to the window seats and smile. 
It's your favourite spot. S'why there's a cushion on the chair. It's for you. You sit there on your break with a book when it's quiet.
"Nothing," he says, but pulls a piece of carefully folded paper from his back pocket and tosses it down onto the counter. You glance down at it. Another fucking bird. Can see the wings don't line up. Say nothing, but slowly look back up at him. "Well, this has something to do with it. Fell while I was at the gym. Was waiting for me when I got home."
You nod. Run your tongue along your teeth as your lips purse. It's barely been half a day since the last. Hardly fair.
"Have you read it?" You ask, moving behind the counter. You're creating distance all over again. Jungkook notices. Creates his own by retreating to one of the waiting room stools, where he takes a perch.
It's gotta be a big one. He wouldn't be here if he wasn't.
He sits, hands between his legs. Seems a little agitated. Doesn't seem quite himself. "One of yours." 
But then his posture eases. He sighs. Pulls a second bird from his jacket pocket, and holds it up. "One of mine..." he opens it. Bites his bottom lip as a laugh exhales, his eyes skimming over it. With a shake of his head, he reads it aloud: "Suggest an idea you know will get rejected."
He lingers on the final syllable, but then casts his eyes up to yours. The way he stares, so piercing and domineering is an absolute head fuck. He can be so soft and gentle in one moment, then completely unrecognisable in the next. It's what has your voice so quiet as you finally give a reply.
"And have you?"
Wouldn't be here if he had, you think. Stupid question.
He confirms this.
"I'm about to."
And for some reason, it has you smirking. Heartbeat racing. 
That's the thing about Jungkook: he's unpredictable. 
You had heard from Yoongi the night before that he's started acting out of character, though in a way, it's apparently reminiscent of his 'old self'. You can't say definitely because you never knew him before he was broken, but it feels like perhaps he's healing.
"I'm intrigued," you tell him, which doesn't earn the smile you think it will.
In fact, he looks deadly serious as he says, "Promise me something?"
You're tepid as you nod. It's a no-brainer—of course you'll make a promise with him—but you can't help but be fearful of why you'd need to promise anything ahead of time. Does he not trust you?
He looks to his feet, where the toes of his right foot are perched up on the toes of his left. He's in his hightops again following a stint at the laundrette to tumble dry them. Behind the counter, so are you. "You'll hear me out first?"
"Of course I will."
"You and I..." he begins slowly. "Our friendship is good, right?"
You nod. Stupid question. "Right."
"And it's just friendship, isn't it?"
"Well, yeah?" You half-laugh. Still haven't discussed the events of last night yet.
And then almost out of the blue, Jungkook decides to really reinforce the broken boundaries.
"You fucked Jimin."
The way you cringe is borderline insane; face all scrunched up, cheeks flaming red. It was just sex. You don't know why Jungkook mentioning it seems to bother you so much. 
"Thanks for the reminder, yep," you say through gritted teeth. "I did fuck Jimin."
Still, it's not like it's the worst fuck you've ever had. There's just room for improvement. Maybe he'll redeem himself one day.
"And we're both completely emotionally unavailable?"
"Speak for yourself."
"Byeol," he smirks, amused by how often you seem to talk out of your ass. Conversations are never straightforward with you. Not entirely.
"Okay, okay!" You relent with a firm roll of your eyes. "I'm a little emotionally unavailable."
"Thanks for admitting it," he says, choosing not the question the 'a little'. You both know it should be 'completely'. "I have a question. A question before I make my suggestion."
"Go on.." you hesitate. 
"The birds. Are the birds helping?"
"Your intimacy issues. Like say you hooked up with a randomer tomorrow, would you be able to think clearly if they suggested a shower?"
It's a good question. One that you really don't know the answer to. 
"Maybe?" you say, voice a little higher than typical. "My heart rate definitely feels a lot lower than it normally does when I consider it."
It's not a lie. Normally your hands would feel a little itchy, but you've barely broken a sweat.  You are, admittedly, thinking about the shower with Jungkook, and how platonic it had been - but maybe that's exactly it. Maybe equating these big moments to nothing scarier than friendship is what helped.
"Okay, that's good," he replies before taking a second to gather his thoughts. "The birds... They're helping me. I never would have gotten that girl's number without them. Without you."
"You're welcome, Cassanova."
"And I'm thankful," he smiles, and you can almost feel his sincerity. "I really am. Been chasing my tail for far too long."
This admission silently delights you. It's rewarding to help someone through their healing process, no matter how large or small. To be included at all is an honour.
"So?" You lean your elbows on the counter. "Your suggestion?"
He sighs. As uncomplicated as he finds your company, he still doesn't find any of this easy. There's a massive mental hurdle for him to overcome.
You get it. You really do. Even though your troubles are different, they still come from the same place. They're matters of the heart, and they're by far the hardest things to untangle yourself from. Seokjin's still got a grasp on your puppet strings, and Jungkook's former fling still has a hold on his, it would seem.
"Hey," you smile. Jungkook thinks you look warm. Homely. "Nothing to be scared of. Just me. Just us."
His brows furrow and ease all within the same second. He knows those words. Knows he used similar ones on you the night before. Perhaps he really should start listening to his own advice, because it's just what he needed to hear.
"I think... I think maybe we should just...," he pauses. Looks to his hands and then back up to you. "Say fuck it?"
You grin, bemused. "Fuck it?"
It's not an instant yes. Jungkook can't blame you for it - but it just reminds him that he has to be specific. He'd grated you about that last night, too. He can't be a hypocrite now.
"Okay, so... The birds, right?" He asks, but he isn't really asking anything. Just forming his words. Still, you nod. Encourage him to go on. "Whenever they fall, we're always like 'oh fuck,' right?"
 Again, you nod. 
"I just... I think the only reason we're hesitant to do your birds is 'cause we think we shouldn't do them. Like we think it will be a recipe for disaster... But... why? It's not like there are any confused feelings or ulterior motives. If I did your birds with you, I wouldn't be doing anything for like... my own gain? Just like you aren't with mine."
You stop yourself from interrupting. He's clearly struggling to form the words, eyes darting to his hands every time he catches your gaze.
"I know, I know," he rambles on. "You shouldn't fuck your friends. Shouldn't shit where you eat. But it's not fucking for the sake of fucking - and like, honestly, I don't actually know if any of your birds include fucking-"
"They do."
"Okay, brilliant, so they do," he laughs. Somehow a weight seems to ease. If anything, that admission should add more pressure. "It doesn't matter. Look all I'm saying is that I'm okay to do your birds, no matter how obscure they get. If that means me getting you used to sharing a shower with someone, so be it. It doesn't have to be sexual, even if the end goal will be used in that capacity."
You understand the sentiment, but there's one undeniable; your birds are all about sex.
"Kook, I wrote some pretty..." You pause. It's your turn to struggle, now. "How do I say this? ...Intimate things on my birds."
"Fear of intimacy," he nods, and then he smirks. "I know. I'm not naive to what that entails. I know I'm a boy, but give me some credit, Byeol."
The smiles you exchange are delightfully insolent, just like the make-believe fairies you imagine are dancing around you right now, tickling at your skin with miniature wee pinches just to get you giggling. So childish of the pair of you to behave this way in such a serious conversation.
"What I mean is that it's being done with a purpose. It's not just sex for the sake of sex, or whatever it may be," he says. "Like if I'm fucking you, it's not fucking. It'd be like... therapy?"
"I think you'd get fired if you were my therapist," you grin. "It's so weird hearing you talk about sex knowing that you're talking about having sex with me." 
It really is all a bit strange.
"But that's the beauty of it. The stakes are at zero. There's no worry of disappointment, no worry of getting heartbroken, no worry of anything that could go wrong - the birds tell us what to do, we do it," he explains, finally able to get his words out. "And look - I won't lie - I've been out of practice for a while, so it'd probably help with my confidence, too."
You scrunch your nose a little. "That doesn't fill me with hope for your skills."
He rolls his eyes. "It's not about my skill level, Byeol. That's beyond the point. It's about your association with sex and intimacy. If we can separate your association with certain sexual acts from intimacy, then they'll seem a lot less daunting in future relationships. Like, call me crazy, but I really think this could work."
"Okay, so you are crazy... but," you begin. He laughs, knowing that you're never able to resist the role of devil's advocate. "Hypothetically speaking- we get you a date. We get you a girl you're really interested in, but there are still a fuck tonne of birds? Then what?"
"Well, by that point hopefully we'll have worked through enough of our respective issues. I'm not gonna magically become a lothario overnight, am I? It will take time," he emphasises. "By the time I'm ready for that, I'm pretty sure you'll also be ready to explore this shit with someone you actually care about."
It's funny. You do care about him. Wouldn't even be considering this if you didn't.
"I'm not convinced," you say. It's a nice idea, but there's no way your timelines will be linear. Your breakup is far fresher - but you don't realise just how deep his wounds go. Perhaps it will take him just as much time.
He nods. Appreciates your honesty. Rereads his bird. "Suggest an idea you know will be rejected. I didn't come here thinking you'd agree, Byeol, but I also don't think it's a bad idea."
"And if I do agree?"
"There's a bird already waiting," he gestures towards the one on the countertop. It's sitting, untouched by you, in a very sorry state. You really are terrible at origami. 
"Can I... have some time to think?"
His proposition is a big ask. Jungkook knows this. So far, you've been dancing around the notion of a somewhat unconventional friendship, but escalating things will really cement it. There'll likely be no going back.
And so he says, "I have a lot of trust in our friendship, Byeol. I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't think we could handle it. I know it's a lot though, and I've already wasted enough of your time tonight, so I'll leave you be, okay?" He gets to his feet, and places his bird down on the counter. It's yours now. He's set it free. "Text me when you get home? Not for like, anything in particular, I don't need an answer now. Just so that I know you're home safe."
"Okay," you nod as he walks to the door. "Bye, Kook."
He glances over his shoulder and presses his lips together, his silver lip ring flipping ever so slightly. "Bye, Byeol."
There's a shift as he leaves. The air feels colder; the light dimmer. You're left with your thought and nothing but a little regret simmering in your stomach. The feeling of safety that comes with Jungkook leaves when he does. You don't like it. Want it back.
"Shit," you curse, tossing your own bird down onto the counter. Running for the door, You call after him. "Hey! Kook, wait!
By the foot of the stairs, Jungkook turns. Take a single step back up. Stops himself from walking the full distance. 
"You gotta promise me one thing," you say, but it's posed more as a question.
He'll promise you whatever you ask - within reason. "What?"
"If we do this, it won't fuck up your friendship with Jimin?"
"Why would—Ohhh," he snorts. "'Cause you fucked him."
"Yes, again, thank you for the reminder. I'm sure the entire building needs to know that."
"Shut up, there's like no one else here."
"It's the principle."
"The Jimin thing is fine," he says. He wouldn't have suggested this if he thought it would impact anything within his existing friendships. He cares about Jimin probably more than he cares for you. It's in slightly different capacities, admittedly, but that doesn't matter. "No offence, but he doesn't sit there lamenting the way you left him that night."
"Yes he does," you challenge, knowing Jungkook is absolutely correct. "Don't lie."
"Will it make you feel better if I pretend he does?"
"Okay, fine, he stares and the door and pines for your return like a lovesick puppy—happy?"
It's funny, 'cause it's probably what Jimin would actually say about Jungkook instead. Always a little mopier after his time spent with you is finished.
"Much happier," you grin. "But I'm serious. I don't wanna cause you issues."
"I'd be causing myself issues," he insists. "It wouldn't be your fault. But no, it'll be fine."
You take a second to breathe. Let your cheeks plumpen as air exhales from your lips. "Alright. Let's try it. The bird that fell today, let's try it, and see how it goes? If it's too weird"—
"We can back out," he nods. "No harm, no foul."
"You got anywhere to be? Wanna wait with me while I finish up and then..."
The beat of your heart is so rapid that you think you might have a heart attack—but as Jungkook makes his way up the stairs, it seems to settle. This is fine.
"And then?"
"Then we'll do the damn bird."
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eaglefairy · 8 months
This is more like it! I finally have more to write about than just "we did sidequests"!
Started with a bang today, as Tranquil Morax locked on and started a battle immediately upon loading the game. I was expecting to hear the Sword Valley theme and nearly jumped out of my skin at instant You Will Know Our Names
Not sure if I've mentioned it before, but my roommate has quite the abysmal talent for the platforming in this game. Mechonis Field has many edges just perfect for falling (or accidentally jumping...) off of so our progress is going slowly, to say the least
Ok confession time: I've only ever used sword drones on Fiora, so I had no idea what shield drones or gun drones did. Shield on just Fiora is...cool? I guess?? It happened to be useful in exactly the battle we tried it out in (Hush Chop moment) but we both agreed that we wouldn't use it again
Then we tried gun drones and now my roommate won't use anything else
I wasn't actually looking at the screen when she did it, so all I heard was a truly massive number of hit sounds and my roommate's gleeful cackling. (She showed it to me again and I can agree that it is in fact spectacular)
First-ever use of a fall defence gem recorded when my roommate (extremely fall-prone in-game as discussed) went down the great battle scar for items
oh this is a mess. This is just terrible.
So to explain: joysticks are funny like that in when you're shopping, it's very easy to nudge a direction and buy the maximum number of equipment pieces when you meant to buy just one. So that was 1 million+ gold down the drain
And of course selling back to the shop does not give you what you paid for it so I was like "just reset, it autosaved when you discovered the machina refuge"
Well first she loaded the last manual save again as opposed to the last autosave, so there was that minor heart attack again
Upon loading the autosave we found ourselves...at the great battle scar. Not at the refuge. Apparently it doesn't autosave when you discover that secret area?
Well no problem, we can just go back. Two steps taken and Sharla is sailing off the edge of the Mechonis. I die laughing forever
My roommate's takeaway from the Sharla flashback cutscenes is that Reyn isn't Gadolt, he's better than Gadolt
Oh good news she's completely forgotten who Zanza is. Egil mentioned him in the chapter 14 intro cutscenes and she literally said "who's that?"
This is the point where Alvis first brings up the true Monado stuff while Shulk is dreaming in Memory Space and I can tell she didn't quite know what to think of it. She was definitely startled by Zanza being "the progenitor of the Homs"
What intrigued me though is the implication that Vanea might not actually know the truth about Zanza and Arglas. Of course, it's likely she's being purposely obtuse so as not to overload the party with information while they still don't trust her (or so that the writers don't give the game away to the audience too early)
Vanea's design is absolutely throwing my roommate off. (I am long since used to the robot titties so it doesn't faze me anymore. and it's definitely not worse than anything in the second game!)
And we finished the night by doing a little affinity grinding to get Sharla and Fiora and Fiora and Melia up to pink (but not, unfortunately, Sharla and Melia) and a little colony 6 reconstruction. Overall a very productive day!
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newt-and-salamander · 9 months
Okay, time to go and overshare online because that's a very healthy coping mechanism and also impeccable internet safety.
Soooo, I had this job as a student assistant for 2.5 years. I worked for a professor (lets call him Mr. J.) and we got along quite well and I am very sure I carried out my tasks very efficiently and well. He repeatedly told me so.
Last year in January I received an offer as a student assistant for a different project (with Mrs. S), and also a different Professor (Mrs. Y) asked me if I would be interested to be her PhD student after I finished my degree. I was overjoyed because I was extremely interested in Mrs. Y's work and had meant to ask her myself but couldn't muster the courage. As Mrs. S worked in the same field, it was clear I would take her job as well.
So I talked to Mr. J and told him I would take a second job and I would need to lower my work load with him from 40 h/month to 30. He was ... not happy. I remember him literally saying "If Y wants to throw her hat into the ring, who am I to stop her", and in what I considered to be honest career advice, he told me not to go into her field as it was not very promising for a university career atm.
Fast-forward to June: It became clear to me that I wouldn't be able to work 60 h/month while writing my Master thesis starting in September, so I went to Mr J. and told him I would need to quit in autumn. It made sense, because the project I worked on with S was very much adjacent to the topic I chose for my thesis. Again, J was not overjoyed to hear this and told me it was "hard to find good people", but I took that as a compliment.
I finished all my tasks in time and I spent several hours in September showing my successor how to take over from me.
I then wrote a long email to J, thanking him for the 2.5 years we had worked together and everything he had taught me - because it was true, he had been a good boss and I had learned a lot and I knew he had made sure to give me interesting tasks. He had even sent me to a work trip to Paris to do some research in some archives there. I appreciated that a lot and I told him (and I had told him before), and wroteI regretted that I had to leave the job, but that I had had a great time. I also asked him if he could write me a employer's reference as it was pretty much my first proper job.
I didn't expect a bouquet of flowers or anything, but I thought he might write back with something like "thanks for your work, good luck with your thesis". All I got back then was a one liner saying he would write the reference.
I already had the feeling back then that he was sulking, but I brushed the thought away as him being very busy. I met him once on the corridor since then, where he very obviously had no time for me. And today I got the employer's reference, 3 months after I had asked him to write one.
It was a generic text about the university, then a list of my tasks which I provided and then 2 paragraphs, of which the first one said also the very generic things about my work behaviour, including 2 typos, and the whole second paragraph was dedicated to how I quit the job because I got another attractive offer and how he regrettet to let me go.
And ... I get it. These things are always very gerenic and maybe I'm reading too much into it. But tbh reading this, I feel very bad, because I think the only effort he put into it was to make sure I knew he was not happy about me leaving, and also this sounds like I left on a whim, while I told him 4 months prior. I am also very disappointed because he never once said thank you or good bye to me, and - as a person who is generally not very sure of herself - I think this letter understates my actual performance. All the time I thought I was overinterpreting his behaviour, but now I think it's safe to say that he's offended. And I don't understand why. I was only his student assistant. I think I did my job very reliably, but at the end of the day it still was scanning books for his seminars and going to archives to take photos of documents for him. I did not betray him in any personal way. I don't see why he would react in such a way. (And I can't stop thinking about the "throwing the hat into the ring" comment. If he felt I should in any way be more loyal (???) to him and IF he had maybe thought of offering me a PhD position, he could have done it then and there. I can't read his thoughts. I am suffering from impostor syndrom anyway, I don't think anyone would willingly want to take me on for a doctorate.)
Anyway, I'm confused and hurt and I wrote him an email asking very nicely to correct the typos. Let's see if that takes him 3 more months.
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starsmuserainbow · 2 years
Okay, so, since I'm asking this everyone that I'm starting new threads with these days, I figured instead of typing the whole stuff everytime anew, I could also simply make a post that I then can link whenever I wanna ask these things.
Please don't reblog this post, I'm not writing this with the intention of having it be a widespread PSA or the likes (I dread the notification-amount I would get if it became one), it's just a post where I place the questions and answers I'd like to offer those I wanna talk to this stuff about. I mean, honestly, if we're mutuals I might/would likely be okay with you reblogging it, if you wanna keep it on your blog or something. But please, at the very least if we aren't mutuals, don't reblog it. Link others to it, if you must, but please don't reblog. I really don't want the mess of notifications.
The rest below the cut, but as for the question I'd be asking before sending you this:
Do you know of the new way of cutting posts, and/or about Xkit Rewritten?
First off - this is not a very detailed tutorial or the likes. I'm not giving a illustrated step-by-step or anything like that; if you want one of those I can recommend this one (I've linked it to a few people before).
Okay, so, I'm trying to start at the beginning.
What is Xkit Rewritten?
You know Xkit? What you confirm with 'yes' right now probably refers to what's called 'New Xkit'. That already, as the name tells, was a remake of an earlier version of Xkit - or so I assume at least. Now, Xkit Rewritten basically is the new 'New Xkit' - I think it's only maintained by one person of the original Xkit, but again, that's just from how I understand it.
In other words, it's the extension/addon you need if you want Xkit's features to keep working (at least those that get adapted over). If you don't know of Xkit Rewritten yet, you'll have found at least some - if not by now all - of Xkit's extensions not working anymore. Like the mutual checker, "shorten posts", and probably a lot more but I quite honestly never used that many of them so I wouldn't even know if a good bunch doesn't work anymore. Xkit Rewritten has at the very least some of those extensions - the mutual checker for example - as well, and since it's the newer Xkit, those actually work.
I'm sure you can find it easily on your own, but in case not, here's a link which will forward you to your needed place of downloading, depending on your browser.
Does it work on mobile?
I'm rather certain it does NOT work for the app. I have no idea if you can install extensions in the mobile browsers (I doubt it though), so I can't tell you about that. If you can install extensions, perhaps you could also install Xkit Rewritten. I don't know, sorry.
Why would I need it? The old way of cutting posts, the way we all know, still works!
Well. Yes, it does, but only when you do the opt-out of the beta editor. (I think by now you can use the beta editor on old-way-cut posts after you cut them and saved them as draft? Although I'm not sure if that was just a glitch of sorts or if that's actually the case - but like, same thing, you still need to use the legacy editor to actually use the old cutting)
As much as some might have disliked the beta editor when it first came out, or perhaps you still do - the fact is that eventually, it will be the only editor. I assume that that will still take a while, since there still seems to be a good bunch of things that they wanna fix or still need to make the beta editor be able to do, but, one day it's gonna come. Personally, I'd advise to get used to the new things as they come (or like, shortly after they are brought to us), because it'll probably be nicer when you already know what to do once the switch fully happens, instead of panicking then and starting to learn your way through a new method.
Also, but recent experiences of my own allowed me to use the beta editor on old-way-cut posts too, the new editor does have a few nice little things that you don't have right away available in the buttons on the legacy editor. Colored text, for example, and those fancy text types. You don't need to go into coding for those anymore with the beta editor.
And another reason - I'm not sure, but I think that glitch is still there where, if an icon is at the end of the reply, the next person's first part of the reply will also be indented (or, I think, look like it on the dash at least? Something like that). Since the trimming (aka the new cutting) works a little different than the editable reblogs (aka the old cutting), that won't be happening anymore. In fact, you won't be able to edit your partner's reply at all anymore. Which also means that, if you were doing that so far, you can't edit in the name of the partner-muse in the url, or do similar changes to that part.
One last thing: As far as I understand it, you are able to trim the post later too, as in after writing your reply, even after posting. Just click the little symbol, and it's trimmed down to only the previous reply.
What do I need to use it?
Basically, nothing else than you always needed. Your computer, your browser, the Xkit-Addon (just, now the new one - I recommend keeping both for now though).
Take care to make the start of a new thread in the beta editor though, the new trimming can't work with legacy posts. If you want to make older posts of yours edittrimmable through the new method, you will also need the mobile app to make a change (non-visible is enough even, like adding a space somewhere after a sentence or so) to the very source-post (aka the very first part of the whole thread) - or you just make a new post and continue from there.
How do I use the trimming?
Okay, so, first off, you need to make sure that above point is checked. Either it's a post you made or edited on mobile, or it's a post you make new (I think you need to do that with the beta editor for it to work), just, it has to be of the right type.
Once you have that, and I assume you have Xkit Rewritten installed and "Trim Reblogs" activated within that, it really isn't that much of a task.
You reblog a thing like you always would. Press the reblog-icon on the post (or on the blog or whereever), save it as draft, or whatever your action of choice is. (You can also write on it right there, if that's what you do, though I can't guarantee you that that works, but given the trimming still works when you have already posted your thing, it should still work if you type your reply right away and only then draft/queue/post it.) Now, you go to where your post is now. In my case, that's usually in the drafts. There, in the post-footer (where you also find the symbols for deleting or editing the post) you will see a little scissor-symbol. Click on that, and voila - you're done. Your post is trimmed, and you can now edit on it or leave it there or whatever exactly your next step is.
So should I just remove 'new Xkit' already?
I wouldn't do that yet. A lot of people are still using the old cutting of posts. It has problems, and causes things, but people are used to it and if you switch entirely to the new method, you won't be able to cut the posts that people with the old cutting cutted.
I personally very much prefer the trimming, but I still use both Xkits - and whatever trimming/cutting that I need for a thread - in order to keep my things cut with some people adapting and some keeping the old cutting.
Does it cost me anything to use it?
Outside of the fee for your internet, and, like, the electricity of your computer and so on? No. (Although if you have the money to spare, I'm sure the one that put in all this effort of coding Xkit for us, making it a whole new version of it and so on, would appreciate some financial "thank you", or however to call it. You would need to look that up yourself though.)
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faeryarchives · 2 years
I really like your writing headcanons. It's really good to see a TWST x Genshin headcanon crososvers. I might as well ask for a request, if you don't mind. Can you do Savanaclaw with a Gorou like s/o?
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hi hi omg thank you for the compliment >< hope you enjoy ~
savanaclaw with a gorou like gender neutral s/o!
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: ̗̀➛ leona kingscholar
oh the lion and the dog
you would absolutely despite with each other because of your conflicting beliefs and mindset. you don't like the way how he looks irresponsible with his dorm mates while leona didn't like you because you are too friendly and just radiate sunshine energy.
expect that very time you see each other its either you will growl at each other or one will just walk out.
"oh so that's why my nose had been twitching since earlier, this place reeks of a dog."
"do you hear that leona?"
"hear me not listening to your shit."
you two would literally fight everyday that is why it's a huge shock to everyone when the word of you and leona dating got out 🤯 !!
enemies to lovers troupe me thinks
as you and the lion get closer especially during your relationship - you will eventually realize that you balance each other!
like if leona sees you super stressed from the workloads your crow father gave you, he would pull you next to him and cuddle without hesitation
"leona, i still need to finish this today!"
"crowley and his stupid request can wait, you need to sleep."
"no please i re- did you just literally fall asleep while talking to me?!"
"zzz... 😴"
it is a must to bully the lion whenever cheka comes around, you were known to be great with kids that is why you and the cub would prank leona in different ways.
"ahehe sorry leona."
"you are so lucky i love you (name)"
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: ̗̀➛ ruggie bucchi
i actually think just like in leona's part, the two of you wouldn't get along first 😭
during the events before the magift tournament, when you learned that ruggie was the one who injured the other players including trey? he never imagine the sincere and kind prefect of the ramshackle dorm could be that scary!
but you eventually forgave the hyena after growing a little closer over the time, and boy he was amazed when he learned that you once lead your troop in a battle against your archon. like, how cool was that?!
"can you believe that they rub my ears for victorious luck? how ridiculo- hey what are you doing?!"
"shishishi! i want to try if i would have the top dog's(name) luck!"
"not you too!"
slowly, not only the two of you become closer as friends but you got together! the two of you would always talk about your siblings and cousins from your hometown!
when you decided to go with ruggie in his hometown one day during summer break, his cousins and grandmother loves you so much!
"ne, (name)! when will you come back?"
"can't you just stay here with us?"
"hey don't steal my soulmate you little hyenas!"
"granny ~ ruggie is being mean!"
"haha, you guys are so cute!"
knowing how stressed your boyfriend could get from balancing school works and running errands for leona, welcome him with hugs and donuts! ruggie's stress would instantly melt away 🥰
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: ̗̀➛ jack howl
you are the best of friends from the start no further arguments!
the moment you two share your compassion it was like fate, nah kidding but jack like the look in your eyes when you told him you were going to find the culprit behind the accidents
you two would be training buddies 🤺🤺🤺 because you want to be more experienced with fighting people with bigger build while jack needs to fight someone as agile as you
"i didn't expect you will throw me over your shoulder!"
"anything unexpected should be expected in a fight (name)."
from the start you guys are already pretty close that is why it isn't a surprise you two got together.
your past time will be talking about jack's plants which you will be happy to listen to because in your previous world you didn't get the chance to enjoy other things rather than training with your troops.
hhis love language will be words of affirmation and quality time, this wolf would try giving you hugs from time to time especially in your rooms but in public, he is very shy
in which you tease him about that all the time
"(name) what are you doing?"
"giving you a hug?"
"yeah, but why though?"
"because i love you silly!"
why am i tearing up 😭 your relationship is so wholesome like i read somewhere wolves would only have one partner for life and you two will experience your first dates, hugs, meet with the parents, and other more events together
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fueledbyapplepi · 3 years
Hii I was wondering if I could rq Mikey, Baji and Mitsuya with a gn! s/o who is the sole provider in their household? and the guys only find out because they saw their s/o while they were at work? but they didn't know they even had a job bc they kept it a secret? it's perfectly okay if you aren't up for this rq! I hope you have a good day/night!!
Given it All | Mikey, Baji, and Mitsuya
- The boys with an s/o who's a breadwinner of the family.
warnings: mentions of family problems
genre: fluff, angst
A/N: Writing this made me kind of emotional because I have friends who are the main providers for their family and I see them work very hard. This one's for all the independent and hardworking people out there <3
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Mikey (Sano Manjiro)
Another day. Another one.
Mikey loves feeling your hands. They're soft and smooth against his calloused fingers. He'll feel the palms in your hands every moment he gets. He always felt like a baby being caressed by your soft hands.
But there seems to be a detail in your hands that he can't miss. Every time you two see each other, Mikey would notice the burns and red marks on your hands.
"Y/N, what happened to this?" he asked.
"Oh, it just got itchy again. You know, the usual," you replied, trying to brush off the topic.
It has always been like that. Each time that Mikey points it out, you always try to avoid the topic or reason out that it's just a scratch. And it's not like he's saying that you're a liar, he just knows that there's more to that than just a mere scratch.
Which is true.
You didn't really want to lie to your boyfriend. It's just that, it's something that it's hard for you to open up and talk about.
At a young age, you were forced to live by yourself. Your mother died at a young age, while your father was a drunkard - eventually getting out of the picture.
In order to provide for yourself, pay for rent and other fees necessary to make a living, you worked hard. Currently, you're working full-time at a family restaurant where you're assigned at cooking. Although this was a daily task for you, you never fail to get yourself burned from the boiling oil.
It wasn't an easy life especially living alone. But at least, you have your boyfriend by your side to get by.
Now that you're shift has finished, you were tasked to throw out the trash at the back before you leave.
As you were about to walk away from that alleyway, you heard a familiar voice.
Looking at the source, it was your beloved boyfriend with a questioning look on his face.
"Mikey? What are you doing here?" you asked, anxious about how you'll explain this to your boyfriend.
"I just finished beating up some guy," Mikey said as he pointed out to a dude who passed out on the further part of the alley. "How about you?", he continued as he looked at your uniform and an obvious face that's waiting for an answer.
You knew this day would come. You just didn't expect that it would be today.
Sighing, and taking deep breaths, you explained to Mikey your story and why you work here.
"Y/N, why didn't you tell me?" Mikey asked as he caressed your cheek.
"It's hard for me to talk about it. I'm sorry for not telling you," you said as you looked down.
"Hey, it's okay," Mikey said. "I have a better idea,"
"What?" you asked
"Why don't you just sell Dorayaki and I'll buy all of them every day. Then you'll be rich," Mikey said jokingly.
You looked at him with a deadpan expression.
"But seriously, live with us!" Mikey said with such a happy look on his face.
"Eh?" you asked confused.
"Live with me, Emma, and gramps! I'm sure they'll be happy to take you in, you're my s/o after all," Mikey said, "Plus, you wouldn't have to work this hard if you don't have to pay for rent," he continued.
Your heart felt like it's floating in the air. How can you have such an adorable and loving boyfriend?
"I love you, you know that?" you said.
"Thank you so much, Mikey,"
"It's nothing," your boyfriend said as he kissed your hands. "You're like family to them after all,"
Maybe, the true family you've been looking for was always been by your side.
Keisuke Baji
You sleep early but the bags under your eyes were noticeable for your boyfriend.
Baji always thought that it was weird that the eyebags under your eyes were evident. Not like it's a bad thing though. You're still beautiful as ever in his eyes.
It's just that you always tell him that you sleep at 8 in the evening. Yet here you are, looking like you pull an all-nighter every day.
Maybe it takes you hours before you actually go to sleep? That's possible. But what if you just don't want to spend the rest of the night with him? Is it possible that you're getting tired of him?
It's only been months since you've started dating, but Baji couldn't blame you if you get tired of him.
But it's not like you don't want to hang out with your boyfriend. Hell, who doesn't want to hang out with theirs and experience late-night dates and night rides right? Especially if it's with Baji.
It's just that, you don't have the luxury of spending the night with your boyfriend. Being the eldest of a family of four, you have to work and provide for the needs of your mother and your two younger siblings.
To help your family, you work two part-time jobs every night. One is being an employee at your local convenience store and the other is being a kitchen staff at a local pub. Two jobs might be heavy, and tiring for you, but it's what helps you and your family to get by.
Your boyfriend knew nothing of this. You know that Baji's a great guy, but you're afraid of embarrassing the 1st Division Captain of Toman, so you just try to hide it and make lame excuses.
Tonight's the usual night. Same excuse. Same job.
Currently, you're responsible for the counter at the store. It's past midnight, and you wish you can catch up to some sleep. But you know you can't since you'll be unable to get your minimum wage.
As you're looking at the countertop, someone suddenly handed Peyoung yakisoba.
"Baji's favorite" you smiled as you thought to yourself. Oh, how you miss your boyfriend.
"And that'll be 145 yen," you said as you look up at the customer.
Well, that was unexpected.
"Baji?" you said, seeing your boyfriend's face.
"Y/N? You work here," Baji said, with a confused look on his face.
"Sadly, yes," you said.
"Well, care to share this with me?" Baji said as he pointed out the Yakisoba.
"I have a 15-minute break. Sure," you agreed. Thinking now's the time to explain.
As you and Baji met at the small parking lot, you immediately explained.
"Look, Baji. I'm sorry for hiding this. I want you to know that I'm the breadwinner of the family that's why I can't hang out at night with you. I didn't tell you because I don't want to embarrass you," you rambled as you look anywhere but Baji.
"Embarrass me?" Baji said, walking closer to you.
"Y/N, I'll never be embarrassed at you. I'm proud of you, okay?" your boyfriend said, reassuring you. "I just wished you trusted me more,"
"I'm sorry, Baji," you whispered as you hug him. "I love you."
"Text me okay? I'll pick you up so that you won't have to walk," Baji said as he smiled at you.
"Thank you," you said, with tears threatening to fall.
"You're welcome," Baji said as he kissed your forehead, "Now, let's eat okay?" your boyfriend said, excitement laced in his voice as he opened the Peyoung yakisoba.
Mitsuya Takashi
You're a busy bee. That's for sure.
Whenever Mitsuya invites you on dates on the weekends, you weren't available because you're busy.
When he invites you to have dates after school, you always have to decline because again, you're busy.
He understands it though. Mitsuya knows that you have to study hard for your siblings and that you have to take care of them as well. As someone who always looks out for his younger sisters, Mitsuya knew that it can be hectic sometimes.
What he doesn't understand though is the fact that it's evident that you're trying to hide something from him. He's not that oblivious when it comes to you. Especially after dating you for months.
You're bothered with it too. As much as you love your boyfriend, you're embarrassed about the job you have. But it's not like you have any choice. The job pays well and is enough to make a living for you and your two younger brothers.
After school and on the weekends, it is true that you're busy. Busy with the maid and butler café that you work on.
It's embarrassing enough to be dressed like this. But being seen by the love of your life? That's a different level of shame.
Now that you finished with your shift, you felt the exhaustion on your body. Standing and serving customers isn't a joke anyway. You didn't even bother to change out of your uniform. You just wore a hoodie over it, not caring about the frills of the clothes peaking underneath.
As you were walking home, you heard the familiar sound of an engine. Turning around, you saw a familiar face.
"Ehhh? Y/N?" Mitsuya said, stopping his motor beside you.
"What are you doing?" he continued, eyeing your clothes and looking at you as if he's waiting for an explanation.
"Mitsuya, I can explain," you said as your face reddened from embarrassment.
"Hmmm, I'm listening," your boyfriend said with an unreadable expression.
"Well, uhm, you see, I work at this café that requires us to dress like this," you said as you pointed out to your clothes, "But I don't do anything bad though! It's just we dress like this," you further explained, waving your hands.
"You look cute," Mitsuya smiled "I kind of hoped you just told me sooner. I would've made you some clothes,"
"Huh? You're not mad?" you said, surprised.
"How could I be? My s/o's working hard. Plus, I get to see you in cute clothes. What's there to be mad of?" Mitsuya said as he smiled at you.
"Baby, I love you," you said as you looked at your boyfriend with adoration.
"I love you too. But take me there someday okay?" Mitsuya replied grinning.
You just nodded and blushed at the idea.
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bloody-bee-tea · 4 years
Your lan Quiren defending Jiang cheng fics, ARE THE BEST. I DIDN'T KNOW I NEEDED THEM TILL I READ THEM. THEY ARE FANTASTIC. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING THEM!! If it were up to me I would read 30 different stories about Lan Quiren being the real father figure JC rightfully deserves. Pleasw please could you continue with the moder!AU, in which LQ offers his house in case JC ever needs it? I just need a continuation based on JC going to LQ home and having some hurt/comfort.
Thank yoouuu
Anon: Please please can we have a continuation for that moder Au fix with JC and Lan Quiren?? My heart exploded from all the love. I just want good things for Jiang Cheng. 💚💚. 
Anon: With JC day 7 all I can think about is the next family meal when LX and LW come over just to find Jiang Cheng setting the table 
JC Love Month 2020 Day 17
Loneliness and Thoughtfulness
It seems like this idea was really popular, since three people asked for a continuation of this, so have at it ;) Day 17 of JC Love Month brings more found family with Lan Qiren, who continues to drag Jiang Cheng into his own home, and this time even his nephews get in on this as well. It follows JC Love Month 2020 Day 7.
Jiang Cheng is not at all surprised when Wei Wuxian bounds up to him during one of their breaks.
“Listen, Jiang Cheng,” he starts and Jiang Cheng is rolling his eyes at him before he even goes on.
“Yeah, yeah, I know, you’re not coming home tonight,” he says and he tries to hide just how much that hurts.
Ever since the last fight Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian got into, Wei Wuxian has unofficially moved in with Lan Wangji and his brother. He only comes home sporadically to get some of his shit, but he never actually brings it back home again, and Jiang knows that it’s only a matter of time until he announces officially that he’s moving.
Jiang Cheng is not looking forward to that day.
Jiang Yanli has moved in with Jin Zixuan much more officially and she even cleared out her old room. She barely drops by anymore, not that Jiang Cheng can blame her much, and instead opts to invite Wei Wuxian and him to her new home.
She hasn’t invited Jiang Cheng in almost a week and he tries to not let that get to him.
But when he’s sitting in his own room, the whole house quiet and empty, because his siblings moved on and his parents simply don’t care enough to come home, it’s hard to pretend that everything is alright.
Jiang Cheng has only seen his parents once since he got the cast on his wrist and he’s not entirely sure they didn’t just buy a new house and simply forgot to mention it to Jiang Cheng.
He wouldn’t put it past them.
“You’re right!” Wei Wuxian excitedly says and brings their shoulder’s together. “Will you be okay?” he then asks, much more subdued and he lightly taps the cast still on Jiang Cheng’s wrist.
“Of course I will be,” Jiang Cheng scoffs, even though he’s not sure about that.
Cooking with one hand is damn hard and for the past few weeks when he’s been alone at home—which he is more often than not—he opted to eat take-out or prepared dishes.
It’s not the healthiest lifestyle to have, Jiang Cheng knows that, but the loneliness is getting to him and he can’t get himself up to cook anything, less alone do it with only one hand.
“Good,” Wei Wuxian says, clearly not picking up on Jiang Cheng’s lie and then his gaze strays over to Lan Wangji.
“Go over there already,” Jiang Cheng huffs out, already annoyed with the love sick gazes they throw each other even though there are only a few tables between them.
“If you say so,” Wei Wuxian beams as if he needed Jiang Cheng’s permission to leave his side and then he’s already gone again.
Jiang Cheng stares down at the food in front of him and it feels like the key in his pocket is burning a hole into the fabric.
He knows he could go over to Lan Qiren’s place, but Jiang Cheng doesn’t want to do it too often. He’s scared Lan Qiren will get fed up with him rather quickly if he shows up there every other day, and so Jiang Cheng has tried to limit himself to only go there once or twice a week.
It’s not nearly as often as he wants to go there but he figures it’s better than nothing.
With how today is going, he might have to make use of the key again, because for the first time this week his parents were home during breakfast and while his father didn’t spare him a glance, his mother berated him about how long it’s already been with the cast and she made an appointment to get it taken off.
Jiang Cheng is pretty sure the doctor in the hospital told him it would take six weeks, and it’s barely been four, but he didn’t dare to argue with his mother.
And now Wei Wuxian isn’t coming home either, and Jiang Cheng can think of nothing worse than to go back there; either to an empty house or to see his parents, so really, that only leaves him one choice.
“Dinner is at six,” Lan Qiren suddenly says from behind Jiang Cheng and he wonders where he materialized from. “I expect you at four, so you can help me prepare it.”
“Okay,” Jiang Cheng says through the lump in his throat because he has seen Lan Qiren cook before.
He doesn’t need any help; doesn’t even accept it because he prefers to do it on his own, so clearly, this is only for Jiang Cheng’s benefit.
Jiang Cheng doesn’t make a detour home after class, because a few of his own things have migrated to Lan Qiren’s places as well; mostly stuff he needs to sleep in case he ever stays over again so Jiang Cheng doesn’t need to pick anything else up.
When he gets to Lan Qiren’s house, it’s still dark, so Jiang Cheng uses the key to let himself in. Once inside he sees light from Lan Qiren’s study and Jiang Cheng has to take yet again a moment to himself.
Lan Qiren deliberately let him use the key again, so that Jiang Cheng can see that it’s still working, that Lan Qiren didn’t change the locks or anything else completely ridiculous that Jiang Cheng can’t stop fretting about and Jiang Cheng presses his eyes closed for a second.
Jiang Cheng almost opens his mouth to yell “I’m home” but in the last second he bites his lips.
He shouldn’t take liberties, he shouldn’t assume. It’s not a home; it’s shelter at best.
“Ah, you’re home,” Lan Qiren says just at that moment, completely wiping Jiang Cheng’s mind blank but Lan Qiren doesn’t seem to notice.
“Keep me company in the kitchen,” he says and Jiang Cheng nods before he trails after Lan Qiren.
“I can help,” Jiang Cheng offers, despite knowing how this will go and Lan Qiren sends him a very pointed look that tells Jiang Cheng to shup up, sit down and do his homework.
Jiang Cheng does exactly that.
Lan Qiren is an efficient man in the kitchen and it’s not long before everything is ready; he’s certainly done faster than Jiang Cheng is with his homework.
“Do you have a problem?” Lan Qiren asks when he turns around and sees Jiang Cheng frowning down at his book and Jiang Cheng flushes.
He shouldn’t need help with this; they covered it in class, Jiang Cheng remembers it, so he should be able to figure it out for himself.
“Let me see,” Lan Qiren demands and comes around to look over Jiang Cheng’s shoulder.
“It’s this problem,” Jiang Cheng whispers and points at the passage that trips him up.
Lan Qiren reads it over and then he turns a few pages back, pointing at an entirely different passage. Jiang Cheng reads it over and finds that it’s exactly what he needs to solve the problem he’s working on.
“I’m sorry,” Jiang Cheng whispers, expecting to be scolded like his mother used to do when she was still overseeing his homework, but Lan Qiren only shakes his head.
“Homework is there to learn, there’s no need to be sorry for not immediately understanding a concept,” he gives back and Jiang Cheng can only stare at him.
No one ever actually told him that it’s okay to not get things on the first try and Jiang Cheng ducks his head.
“Thank you,” he whispers and that seems to please Lan Qiren much more.
“Finish up here, and then set the table,” he says, squeezing Jiang Cheng’s shoulder, who nods. “We’ll be four people tonight.”
“Four?” Jiang Cheng blurts out and he goes cold.
“My nephews will come over for dinner today,” Lan Qiren says as if nothing is wrong with that and Jiang Cheng scrambles to get his things together.
“I’ll get out of your way, I’m sorry for intruding today,” Jiang Cheng rushes out, his heart heavy in his chest and he only stops his frantic movements when he realizes that Lan Qiren is staring at him.
“What are you doing?” he demands to know and Jiang Cheng looks down at his book, so he doesn’t have to meet his eyes.
“Getting out of your way,” he lowly says. “Leaving you to your family dinner.”
“Four people, Wanyin,” Lan Qiren reiterates and Jiang Cheng briefly wonders if Wei Wuxian is allowed to come.
He and Lan Wangji are certainly at the boyfriend meets parents stage of their relationship.
“And I don’t mean Wei Wuxian,” Lan Qiren then says and Jiang Cheng’s head snaps up.
“I can stay?” he unsurely asks, because surely Lan Qiren would want to be alone with his nephews but when Lan Qiren nods he sinks down on his chair again.
“Oh, okay,” Jiang Cheng whispers.
“Family dinner is for those I want to have around,” Lan Qiren says, and now he’s not quite meeting his eyes anymore. “And that includes you.”
Jiang Cheng’s eyes immediately start to burn and he’s so tired of always bursting into tears when someone is nice to him, but he can’t help himself.
He didn’t have a chance to build up a tolerance for it yet even though Lan Qiren is very relentless in trying to rectify that.
“Okay,” Jiang Cheng says once he’s sure that his voice will hold and he turns back around to his homework.
He’ll get it done and then he’ll set the table, just like Lan Qiren asked of him.
When the doorbell rings, Jiang Cheng flinches. He thought Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen would have a key but maybe it’s just common curtesy for them to announce their arrival differently.
“You have a key, so you will use it,” Lan Qiren tells him before he marches off and Jiang Cheng sits back down again.
There are low murmurs and then Lan Qiren leads his nephews into the room. They both freeze when they see Jiang Cheng at the table.
“I wasn’t aware we’d have company this evening,” Lan Xichen mildly says though he gives Jiang Cheng a small smile.
When Lan Wangji only stares at him, he sinks further into his chair.
“Wanyin will attend family dinners from now on,” Lan Qiren decides and Jiang Cheng’s eyes get big.
He had thought this would be a one-time thing.
“Alright,” Lan Xichen says easily and then goes off to help his uncle carry the dishes over to the table, something Jiang Cheng can’t do yet, because of the cast on his hand.
“Wei Ying said you went home,” Lan Wangji says after he sat down, a small frown on his face and Jiang Cheng shrugs.
“I didn’t,” Jiang Cheng gives back and when Lan Wangji only glares at him, he looks down at the table.
He really does feel like an intruder.
“Wangji,” Lan Xichen chides his brother when they get back from the kitchen and even Lan Qiren seems displeased by Lan Wangji’s icy glare.
“Don’t mind him,” Lan Xichen says to Jiang Cheng sitting down next to him. “He doesn’t do well with changes, especially unannounced ones.”
“I see,” Jiang Cheng whispers even though he doesn’t.
He steals a glance at Lan Xichen, because it feels safer than to look at Lan Wangji again, and he startles when he finds Lan Xichen already looking at him.
Jiang Cheng doesn’t know Lan Xichen well at all, because he is already attending university and has been ever since Wei Wuxian took an interest in Lan Wangji which really was the start of all of this, Jiang Cheng thinks.
Jiang Cheng is curious to know what exactly Lan Xichen is studying, but he can’t bring himself to ask before they start with dinner, and Jiang Cheng knows enough by now to keep his mouth shut while they are eating.
Lan Qiren’s reprimand the first time had been almost gentle, but Jiang Cheng is still very careful to never forget it again.
Once they are done, Lan Qiren asks Lan Wangji to go with him to his study, leaving only Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng behind.
Jiang Cheng doesn’t dare to think that Lan Qiren wants to speak to Lan Wangji because of how he treated Jiang Cheng this evening, but he fails to see how else he could interpret Lan Qiren’s many glares at Lan Wangji during dinner.
“Join me in the kitchen?” Lan Xichen asks as he gathers up all the dishes and Jiang Cheng nods, before he reaches out to take his own bowl.
“Give that to me,” Lan Xichen says before Jiang Cheng can pick it up and then Lan Xichen looks at his cast. “How is your wrist?”
“Okay,” Jiang Cheng says and then winces. “It doesn’t hurt at all anymore, it’s mostly annoying,” he admits and gets a smaller smile for it, though this one seems more real than the others.
“Will it come off soon?” Lan Xichen wants to know as he gets started on cleaning the dishes and Jiang Cheng shrugs.
“I have an appointment with a doctor on Friday,” he says, still hearing his mother say how he better not miss it and Lan Xichen stops.
“It’s only been four weeks, though, right?” he questions and Jiang Cheng presses his lips together. “A broken bone needs longer than that. You shouldn’t rush it,” Lan Xichen advises him and Jiang Cheng almost lets out a bitter huff.
How is he supposed to take the time to heal properly when his mother will only take it as one more weakness from him.
“Uncle said you’re going to attend family dinner from now on?” Lan Xichen eventually says when it becomes clear that Jiang Cheng doesn’t have a reply for him.
“It seems like it,” Jiang Cheng says, still unsure about it, because he cannot believe that Lan Qiren would want him to come back again.
“It’s good,” Lan Xichen says and then he turns around towards Jiang Cheng, instantly putting him on edge.
“Uncle mentioned that you have a key, but barely use it,” Lan Xichen says and Jiang Cheng grimaces at that.
“Jiang Wanyin, if he gave you that key he wants you to use it,” Lan Xichen gently says and Jiang Cheng shrugs, because Lan Qiren said the same, but it’s still hard for Jiang Cheng to trust it.
“Uncle has been lonely since Wangji and I moved out,” Lan Xichen says almost out of the blue. “He would never admit to it, but it’s true. He misses coming home to someone. Wangji or I were usually home before him and one of us would cook. Uncle misses that the most, I think. A homecooked meal by someone who cares about him.”
“I—” Jiang Cheng starts and then doesn’t know how to go on, because it feels presumptuous to offer to cook for Lan Qiren when he doesn’t know if Lan Qiren would even want him to.
“I could show you his favourite dishes,” Lan Xichen offers and Jiang Cheng finds himself nodding before he can give it a conscious thought.
“Uncle likes his food light and without many spices,” Lan Xichen says and Jiang Cheng scoffs, because yeah, that he noticed already.
“He keeps some spices and chili sauce for you here, did you know?” Lan Xichen asks and before Jiang Cheng can call him out on his lie, Lan Xichen opens a cupboard and true to his words the spices and chili sauce are all there.
The thoughtfulness is enough to bring Jiang Cheng to tears again and he only feels slightly ashamed when Lan Xichen steps close and puts a hand to his shoulder.
“Uncle wants you here,” Lan Xichen says. “He’s not doing it out of pity, if that is what you think. He has always spoken very highly of you and he was worried long before he learned about your situation at home,” Lan Xichen says and Jiang Cheng burns with the knowledge that even Lan Xichen knows that his family home is shit.
“He didn’t go into details, but it’s clear that he wants to take care of you. He’s not good at saying it, he and Wangji are much alike in that, but he means it. So please come home more often,” Lan Xichen softly finishes and Jiang Cheng tries to hide his face when a few tears roll down his cheeks.
“I’ll try,” he chokes out and Lan Wangji and Lan Qiren choose that moment to come into the kitchen.
“Xichen,” Lan Qiren exclaims and is at Jiang Cheng’s side a moment later. “Do not be rude,” Lan Qiren chides him but before Lan Xichen can say something Jiang Cheng shakes his head.
“He wasn’t. I’m fine,” he says, even though it’s clear to everyone in the kitchen that he’s not.
Lan Qiren still hovers at his side and Jiang Cheng almost thinks that funny, but then Lan Wangji clears his throat.
“See you next week, Jiang Wanyin,” he awkwardly says and it’s as much of a peace offering as Jiang Cheng will get from him so he simply nods at him.
“See you next week. Do not say hi to my brother for me,” Jiang Cheng says, because he’s not quite ready to have Wei Wuxian ask questions about it, and Lan Wangji seems to understand because he nods.
“Well, until next week then, uncle, Jiang Wanyin, have a pleasant evening,” Lan Xichen also says and pushes Lan Wangji out of the room before anyone else can say something.
“Family dinners are weekly,” Lan Qiren explains, yet again not quite looking at Jiang Cheng. “Plus a monthly brunch on the last Sunday in the month.”
It’s not quite an invitation, but by now Jiang Cheng dares to presume that it actually is an invitation and so he nods.
“I will be there,” he reassures Lan Qiren who strokes his beard.
“See to it that you are,” he says and then makes his way into the living-room.
Jiang Cheng remains in the kitchen until he feels at least a little bit composed again and then he joins Lan Qiren, who is practicing on his guqin.
Jiang Cheng has found that it’s excellent background noise to do some reading for class, so he settles down on the couch with his book and an approving look from Lan Qiren.
It does feel a little bit like home.
Next part!
Link to my ko-fi on the sidebar!
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helloalycia · 3 years
worth the wait [three] // daisy johnson
summary: when you're out chasing a story that leads you to the unanticipated hands of HYDRA, you certainly don't expect to be rescued by a girl you presumed dead for nine years.
warning/s: descriptions of violence, torture, injuries.
author’s note: here’s the next part, hope you all like it!
part one | part two | part four | part five | part six | masterlist | wattpad
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Nine years later...
"I'm meeting with my contact now. He said he knows something about the weapons."
"Okay, just make sure you're safe, Y/N."
I smiled with amusement. "I always am, Taylor. I think this could be the source to break the story though. I'm gonna try and get them to speak on the record."
"Just be careful," he warned.
"Will do," I promised, before checking my watch for the time. "Okay, I gotta go. See ya."
"Good luck," he finished, and I hung up before putting my phone away.
Looking around, I saw the village was quiet seeing as it was pretty late and everyone was in their homes. It was the perfect place to meet with a source for my story on human trafficking.
I headed down the street and waited outside the apartment building for my source. I had no idea what he looked like, but nobody else would be out this late into the night, so he couldn't be hard to spot.
A few minutes passed before I saw a guy approaching me, holding some files in his hands. I straightened up and held his gaze as he stopped before me. He glanced around before looking me up and down.
"You are Y/N?" he asked with a Burmese accent.
I nodded, speaking fluent Burmese as I said, "Yes. You must be Ohnmar? We can speak Burmese if you prefer."
"Okay. We talked earlier, but it wasn't safe then. I have information on the missing residents," he answered in Burmese, before shaking the files. "It's all in here, but you mustn't open it until you get home."
I accepted the files and nodded, though was mildly confused. "Is it about the labour they're doing? I have a theory, but I have no proof. I... I think it might be HYDRA."
He pursed his lips and I figured he was confirming my thoughts, which concerned me.
"I'm right," I realised, before moving to open the file. "I need to–"
"You should've stayed away," he suddenly said in English, and I looked up in confusion.
Before I could question him, he pulled a gun from behind him and hit me on the head, knocking me to the ground. I tried to blink my eyes open, but my vision was blurred and I eventually blacked out, unable to stay awake any longer.
I woke up in a dark room with an aching head and confused mind. It took a moment for me to catch myself up, but I soon realised I'd been tricked by my contact. I was so easily fooled and I felt stupid as I hadn't seen it coming, instead too blindsided by my need for information.
Looking around, I realised I was tied to a chair. The only light in the room was from a single electric lamp plugged in the corner, shedding light on the damaged walls and, to my dismay, a HYRDA logo.
"Well, fuck," I mumbled, before shaking my wrists to try and get free, but they were tied pretty tightly with rope, making me shift uncomfortably at the chafing.
Panic started to set in when the door slammed open in front of me, flooding the room with light and making me close my eyes with discomfort. I heard another slam and opened my eyes when I saw the door closed behind whoever entered.
Two people were in the room and one of them turned the lamp, shining it in my direction and also revealing my assailants' faces. One of them was Ohnmar, my contact, which I guess wasn't his real name. The other wasn't anybody I recognised, and they were both wearing uniforms with the HYDRA logo on the pocket.
"I wouldn't try to escape if I were you," the fake Ohnmar said.
I clicked my tongue and looked between the both of them. "I'm guessing I got a little too close to the truth which is why I'm here. Right?"
"You've been putting your nose in where it doesn't belong," the other guy said. "Did you really think you would get away with this? That we'd let you write about this?!"
I flinched at his loud volume before clearing my throat. "I didn't think I needed your permission. And in case you didn't notice, it's my job to report on this."
Fake Ohnmar scoffed. "We don't care what your job is. Now tell us what you know and what you've told your superiors back home."
I narrowed my eyes. "Do you really think this is the first time I've been captured? I've spent nine months in this village. If you think I'm going to throw that away for you, you better think again."
Fake Ohnmar's friend cracked his neck, pacing with discomfort, before pulling out a gun. I chewed on the inside of my mouth, nerves settling as I tried not to show it.
"We have someone going through your electronics as we speak," he told me, gripping his gun. "Your superiors will get their updates as expected, but you won't be giving them."
"Look, you're gonna kill me whether I tell you or no–"
I was cut off when he smacked me across the face with his gun, making me see stars momentarily. I felt something warm gush from my nose and realised I was bleeding.
"You have no idea who you're dealing with," he muttered, his face inches from my face as he stared me down threateningly. "Now tell us what you know of the missing villagers."
I wiped my nose on my shirt the best I could and chose not to speak. They couldn't do much without knowing what I knew. Everything I'd learnt had been sent back home to the news organisation I worked for, and if I didn't get back to them or call them, they'd know what happened.
"Two things I despise," he mumbled with irritation. "Journalists and Americans." He waved to his friend dismissively. "She won't talk. You know what to do."
Fake Ohnmar nodded obediently before suddenly punching me in the face, once again, leaving me dazed. This went on for a while, him beating me up as an attempt at torture, before the two of them left me alone to 'think about' if I wanted to tell them.
I had been in this situation, surprisingly, two times before in my journalistic career. Both times I was able to get out either by escaping myself or managing to get found by the authorities. Of course, in this case, the latter seemed impossible, so my only hope was escaping myself.
I looked around, but realised I was in too much pain to hatch a plan right now. They'd done a good job on me, and I was sure my ribs were bruised pretty badly. Honestly, I didn't expect nine months of investigative journalism in Myanmar to lead to HYDRA of all places.
"You've beat me, starved me..." I coughed because of how dry my throat was. "I'm not talking."
Fake Ohnmar placed something rectangular on the table in front of me. I realised it was my laptop – they must have taken it from where I'd left it in the room I'd been renting downtown.
"You're clever, I'll give you that," he said, crossing his arms and shaking his gun impatiently. "Where did you learn such complicated encryptions?"
I couldn't help but smile when I knew he couldn't get into my laptop. At least not the parts that exposed what I'd learnt so far.
"You do what I do and you learn from past mistakes," I told him, making him clench his jaw.
It wasn't much, probably the only trick in the book I knew as I wasn't exactly an expert with computers. Clearly it was benefiting me today though.
He slammed his hand on the table suddenly, making me jump. "Tell me the password, now!"
I licked my dry lips, choosing to stay quiet. I began to wonder just how advanced these guys were if they couldn't even afford to get a hacker to break through.
"So it's gonna be like that," he said with a shrug, before pointing his gun at my face.
He flicked off the safety and I closed my eyes as calmly as I could, already saying my goodbyes in my head. A few days in a HYDRA cell was like weeks anywhere else. I'd accepted my fate.
I expected the shot to go off any minute now, wondering what things would be like afterwards. Would it hurt? Would it be an instant death?
I certainly didn't expect my left ear to be ringing as an excruciating pain shot up my neck from my shoulder. My eyes opened and I tried to breathe through the pain whilst hoping my ear would stop ringing. The man began to laugh, but I couldn't hear him, only see his evil smile.
When I looked down, I saw blood seeping from a bullet wound in my left shoulder. Despite my experience in this profession, I can't say I'd ever been shot before. It certainly hurt a lot more than I'd imagined.
"You talk and I get you patched up," he said when my hearing returned to normal. I looked up and saw him watching me with narrowed eyes. "You stay quiet and we see how long it takes for you to bleed out."
I swallowed hard, squeezing my eyes shut to contain the pain, before opening them again.
"You're gonna move operations," I realised aloud. "You want to know whether you can. Because if I've told them about you, you know you can't stay here much longer. And if I haven't, you just get rid of me."
He squeezed his gun with irritation, watching as I spoke the truth.
"But either way I die," I repeated. "So why the hell would I want the last thing I do be to help you?"
He grabbed the laptop before kicking the table away with anger. "Call when you feel like talking. We can make your death quick and painless or long and painful."
I smiled bitterly as I watched him leave the room, slamming the door behind him. I released a deep breath as I looked down at my shoulder, trying to make out the damage. I didn't know much about first aid, but I was pretty sure there was no exit wound meaning the bullet was still in there. That was good, right? Or wasn't it...? I couldn't remember. I just knew it hurt like hell.
Hours had passed and I began to hallucinate. Silly things like cheeseburgers and dancing water bottles – lack of food and drink, the blood loss and the heat was making my head spin. I wasn't sure if this was where I wanted to die – in a small, dirty, hot room by myself. Was it worth it? Dying over a news story?
Of course it was. I pursued this story after some social media posts about disappearing villagers in Myanmar. I stayed here nine months with each day leading me closer and closer to the supposed human trafficking that was going on. I got to where I was because I wanted to get justice for those who suffered and stop anyone else from suffering. Yet the only people who knew were my editors back home, and I wasn't sure they'd ever know the full truth.
It was better than helping the enemy though.
Just when I thought cheeseburgers were the worst of my delusions, I saw a face I hadn't thought about in a long time. A person who I least expected my mind to drag up in a time like this.
The door opened and I was sure I was going to be questioned again, but in ran none other than Skye. The same Skye who had ran away all those years ago and wasn't to be found.
She looked a little older with her shorter hair, but otherwise she was just as I remembered.
"Hey, I'm gonna get you out of h– Y/N?" she started, before furrowing her eyebrows with confusion.
She even sounded the same, and if I could feel anything at that moment, I'm sure I would've felt my heart beating quickly at the sight of her.
"Can you hear me?"
I began to laugh with what little energy I had left. Is this what it was like to die? Seeing things that you'd pushed down for so long to stop your heart from hurting? It was strange. Why was my mind playing with me like this?
"Y/N, look at me, can you hear me?!" she asked quickly, grabbing my face and forcing me to meet her eyes.
I continued to laugh because it all felt so real. Her touch, her voice, her eyes that peered into me. I wished it was because maybe after all of these years I could have made things right.
"Miss, can you hear me? Y/N?"
I blinked the tiredness from my eyes and opened them, trying to remember what was happening. But I was confused and my body was numb and nothing made sense.
"Y/N, sweetie, can you hear me?"
I turned my head, realising I was laying in a bed. There was a woman beside my bed – a doctor, I presumed – staring down at me with a friendly smile on her face. I nodded slowly, my mouth dry.
I couldn't remember getting out of that cell, being rescued. Unless I wasn't rescued and this was still a trap.
At this thought, I widened my eyes and tried to move, panic setting in, but I was attached to a bunch of tubes and my body was still numb.
"Hey, it's okay, you're okay," the doctor tried to reassure, resting her hands on my arm, trying to keep me still. "You're safe here. You're on a S.H.I.E.L.D. quinjet. That's like a plane...? We got you out of that HYDRA cell and I've bandaged your wounds. You don't need to be afraid anymore."
I wasn't sure whether to believe her, but something about the way she spoke and the kindness in her eyes made me relax.
"My name is Agent Simmons," she introduced as she grabbed something from beside me, "but you can call me Jemma."
I opened my mouth, but no words came out. On cue, she held a glass of water towards me and helped me sit up enough to have some from the straw. It felt good to have actual water in my system after not being given anything the past two days.
"Not too quickly," she said gently. "Take your time."
I listened to her before laying back down. It took a few tries, but I managed to get out, "Thank you, Jemma. I'm Y/N."
"Y/N Y/L/N, investigative journalist for the New York Times," she stated before an apologetic expression crossed her face. "Sorry. Facial recognition an' all... I hope that doesn't freak you out."
I sighed, not the slightest bit surprised. I knew enough about S.H.I.E.L.D. to know they had the resources to know exactly who I was.
"I don't remember you getting me," I said with confusion. "How did you I know I was there?"
Jemma took a seat on the stool beside my bed. "Well, technically it was Quake who got you out. We had reports of HYDRA activity in that area for a while and we knew an American journalist had been taken, but we didn't know it was you."
I nodded, though I was still confused. "Who's Quake?"
Jemma chuckled, thinking I was joking. But when I met her eyes with confused ones, she lost her smile.
"You're serious? You don't know who Quake is?"
I shook my head. "I've been in Myanmar for nine months, and not in the most advanced areas. I haven't had much access to American news."
"Seriously?" she asked with disbelief, before putting her arms out and shaking them. "Earthquake-causing, vibration-manipulating, tremor-shaking superhero Quake?"
I raised an eyebrow judgementally, making Jemma lower her arms sheepishly.
"Oh, well, she's a hero that works for S.H.I.E.L.D.," she explained.
I nodded slowly, deciding that was something to ask more about later on. For now, I was more concerned about my story.
"You said S.H.I.E.L.D. had been watching that area for a while," I recalled. "Does that mean you found out what happened to the missing villagers? I got as far as working out HYDRA had been using them for some sort of forced labour, but never beyond that."
Jemma got up from her stool and busied herself with other things. "I, er, that's actually classified...? You see, it's not good if we tell you, especially as you're a journalist..."
"But it's my story," I countered with annoyance. "I've been trying to work this out for almost a year. I deserve to know the outcome. Did you save those villagers? Were they all alive? Did the local authorities know?"
Jemma seemed to be getting uncomfortable the more questions I asked and I forced myself to sit up, groaning at the ache in my shoulder.
"You can't hide this from me," I told her. "Please, just tell me."
She grimaced. "It's not my place. I'm not in charge–"
"Then tell me who is!" I shouted with frustration, before taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I just– I've put a lot of work into this and it can't just be taken away. I need to know what happened."
She nodded, avoiding my eyes for fear I'd get angry again. "Look, I can talk to my superiors and find out what I can say. For now, you should really be resting."
I leaned back and breathed out slowly, already feeling my fatigue catching up to me.
"Okay," I said quietly, before asking, "You said we were on a plane. Where are we going?"
"That's actually classified as well," she said regretfully, making me sigh. "We're going to our headquarters. But after that, we'll be taking you home or wherever you want us to take you."
At the mention of home, I grew hopeful. It had been so long since I'd been back. I wasn't exactly in the right state to be living by myself, so I was glad that I had made the choice to leave my flat and move in with my parents before leaving for Myanmar. Plus, I had missed them dearly. To be back there was almost unimaginable.
"Can I ring my parents?" I asked hopefully. "Just to let them know I'm okay? And that I'm coming soon?"
Jemma nodded, offering a small smile. "Of course, Y/N. I'll go grab you a phone."
She left the room momentarily and I took that as my chance to get a good look around. It looked like a hospital room you'd find anywhere, except without windows and with card-activated doors that had tiny glass windows showing a narrow hallway. I didn't get to look around for too long as Jemma returned pretty quickly, handing me (what looked like) a normal mobile phone.
"I'll give you a moment of privacy, but please only call your parents," Jemma warned as politely as she could.
I cracked a small smile. "What – are you guys tracking the phone or something?"
She chewed on her lower lip as she looked down, making my smile fade as I realised that's exactly what they were doing. I wasn't surprised, I guess.
"Right, okay, no other calls, got it," I agreed with a nod.
She left me to it as I dialled my mum's mobile number and eventually spoke to both her and my dad. It was emotional to say the least, as I tried not to worry them too much without withholding the truth. They knew when I was lying so it was better to just be honest. Of course, they were happy to have me stay at theirs until I was back on my feet and the call ended with my mum scolding me for not resting as the doctor recommended.
Finally succumbing to the tiredness I was feeling, I fell asleep for God knows how long, but when I woke up, I felt more refreshed. Similar to before, Jemma was in the room, checking some charts. She caught my eye when I woke up and smiled reassuringly.
"Feeling better?" she asked, setting down the chart and rounding the bed.
I nodded. "Yeah, thanks... how long was I asleep for?"
"About six hours," she guessed, waving her hand. "We've landed at S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ and our agents are debriefing. Once everything is sorted here, we can take you home to New York and arrange a driver to take you to wherever you want."
"My parents' house," I clarified.
She smiled and nodded. "Right. Your parents' house. How are you feeling?"
I tried to sit up and she helped me as I smiled gratefully in return.
"I'm not gonna lie, being shot hurts like a bitch," I admitted, grimacing as I glanced at my shoulder and arm in a sling.
"First time?"
"And hopefully the last," I retorted, before looking to her. "How long will this take to, y'know, get better?"
"Well, I'll need to keep you here for observation over the next few days," she explained. "When I'm happy with the outcome, I'll send you home and you'll need fortnightly checkups at the hospital. Overall I'd say a month? Maybe more if there's no... er... other issues."
"I know you mean PTSD," I told her bluntly, before frowning. "Doing what I do requires knowledge of that."
"There's going to be support available for you, both here and back home," Jemma reassured, resting a hand on mine and offering a small smile. "You're not alone, Y/N."
I nodded, clearing my throat. "I know... I know. Thanks."
She nodded and moved to the other side of the room to grab something, before wheeling a tray of food over to me.
"Hope you're hungry," she joked. "It's nothing fancy, but it's pretty good."
I smiled and accepted the food. "Means a lot, thanks."
I took a bite out of my sandwich as I remembered something. When I finished chewing, I wiped my face with the napkin before looking to Jemma who was at her desk.
"Er, Jemma," I called, making her look up. "Did you find out what happened to the villagers?"
She pursed her lips and nodded. "I've spoken to my superiors. I know you've been working on this and I'm only permitted to tell you so much."
I waited patiently, not wanting to snap at her like last time.
"The missing villagers were in fact taken by HYDRA, like you predicted," she explained. "They were forced into labour at a facility that was under the guise of a food warehouse."
"What was the labour?" I asked curiously.
She ran a hand through her hair. "I can't tell you much, but I can say that it was a nuclear weapon that could've hurt a lot of people. S.H.I.E.L.D. managed to stop it before they could finish it, which is when we found out that a journalist had been taken. That was when we came for you."
I released a deep breath, definitely not expecting that. At least they had been stopped.
"Did the missing people return to their families? Were they okay?" I asked hesitantly, remembering the many families I spoke to of the missing. I'd grown attached and I don't think I could have taken more bad news.
"Most of them, yes!" she exclaimed hopefully, but I could tell the following news wouldn't be good. "But not all of them were okay. There's some psychological damage and unfortunately physical damage, too. HYDRA did a number on them."
I massaged my head with my right hand, trying not to get upset, but the guilt in the pit of my stomach wasn't helping. I had one job, literally, and I couldn't even do it right.
"Do you have a list?" I asked, cutting her off. "A list of who made it?"
"Y/N, I don't think–"
"Please," I pleaded. "I spoke to the families of those who were missing. I got to know them. I need to know who's not getting their loved ones back."
She frowned, but nodded slowly. "I'm sure I can do something."
I sighed and my shoulders sunk with disappointment. Just another day on the job.
It had been a few days since being rescued by S.H.I.E.L.D. and I was itching to get home, but Jemma insisted I be observed for at least another day.
Under different circumstances, I would have been eager to explore the quinjet and get more information out of Jemma about her place of work, but I was too exhausted to care. Instead, I revelled in being taken care of and having a break from work.
I was laying in bed, reading a book, when Jemma walked in and caught my attention. I tried not to bother her as she was clearly working on other stuff, but it got pretty boring sitting in a room by yourself all day.
"Hey," I greeted with a smile, lowering my book.
"Hello," she returned as she took a seat at her desk, going on her computer. "You doing alright?"
"As alright as I can be, considering," I said, shrugging with my right shoulder. "Just a bit bored."
"The book not good?" she asked, nodding to my hand.
"I've read it," I admitted. "I just didn't wanna be a bother and ask for another one."
She chuckled. "You could have said something."
"It's okay," I assured her, before leaning back. "So, up to anything fun?"
She gave me a knowing look. "Are you seriously that bored?"
I nodded, pursing my lips, making her laugh. Eventually, she stared at me curiously.
"There's actually something I wanted to ask you," she admitted, crossing her arms and leaning back on her chair. "If you don't mind."
Wanting any distraction from my boredom, I nodded. "Go for it. I'm all ears."
"I've been reading some of your work," she shared. "You're really talented and you've been through your fair share of tough scrapes."
I chuckled. "I guess, yeah. And thank you. What's the question exactly?"
She looked at me like it was obvious. "What made you want to do this as a job? Investigative journalism?"
I played with the corner of the book as I answered thoughtfully, "Well, I guess I've always enjoyed writing and delving deep into stuff. The important stuff, y'know?" I looked down at my hands as I remembered Skye. "There was actually this girl I knew back in school. She was a friend and she, er... she was always wanting to find and expose truths. About herself, the world... I guess she kind of influenced me in a way."
I chewed on the inside of my mouth as I remembered my hallucination. Skye seemed to be coming up a lot more in my life lately, more than I was prepared for.
"I'm guessing she isn't with you anymore," Jemma realised, expression softening. "I'm sorry."
I forced a small smile, looking up and shaking my head reassuringly. "It's okay, it doesn't matter."
Jemma smiled in return, but I could see the pity present in her eyes. "I'm sure whoever she was, she'd be proud of you now. For everything you've done."
"Thank you, Jemma, but I... I'm not too sure about that."
"I am."
I froze at the sound of a familiar voice. Was I hallucinating again? No, that couldn't be. I was getting better. But that sounded so real...
"Proud of you, that is," the voice continued, and I risked looking towards the door where I saw none other than Skye standing there with a nervous smile on her lips.
When I met her gaze, I knew she wasn't a figment of my imagination. Those piercing brown eyes couldn't be fake.
"Hey," she got out, barely a whisper.
I licked my lips and tried to look away, but my heart was suddenly racing in my chest. She was just how I saw her last, but I guess that had been real now.
"I should give you guys a moment," Jemma said, pulling me from my reverie and making me look away.
She walked out, past Skye, leaving us both alone. I was still in shock though, too startled to say anything.
"How are you?" she asked gently, and I still couldn't believe I was hearing her voice after all these years. When I didn't say anything, she continued, "I know this is strange, but–"
"Strange?" I finally found my words, eyebrows raised. "What exactly is strange? The part where I'm sure I'm seeing a ghost right now as I you presumed you were dead after not being able to find you for years after you left, or the part where you've probably been at S.H.I.E.L.D. the whole time and didn't bother to tell me you were okay? Which part is strange exactly?"
She frowned guiltily, eyes falling to her shoes. "When I left–"
"Ran away," I corrected her, bitterness slashing through like a sharp knife, surprising the both of us.
She glanced at me, nodding. "Right... when I ran away, I left you a message."
I almost laughed, a sarcastic smile on my lips. "Don't even get me started on the excuse veiled as a message you left me. The cowardly way out you took because you couldn't face me."
She met my gaze nervously. "I didn't think you'd be this angry after all this time. It happened so long ago."
"Of course I'm angry!" I shouted with frustration, making me grimace at the pain in my shoulder, but I didn't stop. "You left without a single trace of Skye or Mary left behind! You left me with nothing but concern for your wellbeing! I thought you were dead!"
I hadn't realised how I angry I was after all this time, but it made sense. When she first left, I always imagined what I would say to her when I found her again, what our reunion would be like. But when the years went on and I accepted she was truly gone, all of that worry turned into bitterness and resentment. And now, seeing her here... I was furious.
"Y/N, I know you're upset, but–"
"Just get out," I told her with a glare. "I appreciate you saving me and all, but get out."
"Y/N," she pleaded, but I looked away and pressed the button on the side of my bed.
Jemma soon returned and looked between Skye and I with confusion and reluctance.
"Everything okay here?" she asked.
I looked up and met Skye's guilt-filled gaze. "My shoulder hurts."
Skye seemed to get the hint and nodded once more before finally leaving the room. I breathed out a shaky breath, before swallowing the lump in my throat and letting Jemma help me.
I couldn't believe she was back.
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tuiccim · 4 years
The Partner Trap
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader     Word Count: 1438
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, sass
Prompt 31. Pranksters trap Person A and Person B together.
Summary: You and Bucky have an abrasive relationship at best until your teammates decide to trap you together.
A/N: This is for @adorkably​ 100 followers writing challenge! Congratulations, Angelcake! ILYSM!
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Tony had bought out the entire fair for Stark Industries and the Avengers. The fairgrounds was alight with music, laughter, and squeals of delight. The Avengers team laughed as Bucky and Clint competed at water guns. Clint proudly carried his prize around and needled Bucky as much as possible. You and Natasha danced around to the band playing. Steve told stories about Coney Island. Sam dragged everyone to the wildest rides. The entire team had a blast as you went from ride to ride together. 
The only sour note was the bickering between you and Bucky. Today, it had started when the two of you were forced to sit together on one of the rides and Bucky purposefully took the seat you wanted. It got to the point that Tony threatened to duct tape both your mouth's shut. Natasha and Clint were sent in to separate the two of you. 
As the day was coming to a close Nat dragged you to the Mirror Maze. The two of you giggle as you got lost and confused by the maze. You hear someone coming around the corner and turn with a grin expecting Natasha. However, you run into Bucky.
"Ow." You say as you slam into his broad chest. 
"Such a whiner." Bucky grouses.
"Such a jerk." You brush past him.
Suddenly, the lights in the maze turn out and you hear doors slamming. 
"What the fuck?" You say.
"Hey, you two still in the Mirror Maze." Tony's voice comes over the loud speaker. "You didn't make it out in time, so now you get to stay here until tomorrow morning. Why don't you figure out why the hell you have such a problem with each other. Good night, losers." Half the lights come back on as Tony finishes.
"Tony!" You yell. 
"I'm gonna kill you, Tony. Clint, too!" Bucky yells. 
"Why Clint?" You ask.
"He's the one that drug me in here." Bucky says.
"Nat made me come in. Those three assholes planned this." You look around at the predicament you find yourself in. Stuck in a disorienting maze with the biggest jerk on the team. "Payback's a bitch!" You yell.
"They're gone. Why are you still yelling?" Bucky snarks. 
"Because I fucking want to!" You shout.
"Why are you so annoying?" Bucky yells.
"Why are you such a jerk?" You holler back. 
"Whatever." Bucky walks away from you. 
"Yeah, go! Go find a way out." You say.
"If I do, I'm not bringing you." Bucky throws over his shoulder.
"Ditto, asshat." You wander through the maze and make your way back to the beginning. There's no way out you can find and the doors are padlocked from the outside. Turning back, you wander until you get to the end where you find Bucky. 
"It's padlocked from the outside." He says.
"Same at the front." You say, deciding to try to be civil. 
"I could try to punch through it. Metal doesn't seem too thick."
"Oh, yeah, that'll work. I mean we'll be cut to ribbons as the mirrors around us shatter, but go for it." You snark.
"Well, what do you suggest, princess?"
"Don't call me princess, geezer." You lean on one of the mirrors and cross your arms.
"You're the one that started the name calling."
"I believe you called me whiner first." You shoot back.
"Not what I meant, genius." Bucky throws out. 
"Oh my God! When are you going to get over that! I called you Mister instead of Sargeant when I met you. It was a slip of the tongue! I wasn't calling you a name." You exclaim.
"It was disrespectful." Bucky growls as he stares into you. 
"So was refusing to shake my hand." You spit.
"Well, after the looney bin comment you really expected me to?" Bucky comes toe to toe with you. 
"Is that what made you so mad?" You say in disbelief. "I didn't know you had such great love for Senator Nichols. I'm so sorry I offended you." You roll your eyes. Being a supporter of the senator gave you another reason to dislike Barnes. Senator Nichols was an egomaniac with delusions of grandeur. 
"What are you talking about?" Bucky looks at you and you see some of his snark melt into real confusion.
"Senator Nichols. I said he needed to be in the looney bin, not joining us for a party. That's why you hate me so much? Because I made a stupid comment about a senator I don't like?" You look at Bucky and watch his face move through an array of emotions. "Barnes?" You try to snap him out of his thoughts when the realization hits you and your mouth drops open. "You thought I was talking about you. You thought I meant you?"
"I, uh, yeah." Bucky says contritely.
"No wonder you hated me. I wouldn't be too keen on me either." You say, reining in a smile. 
“So, that comment really wasn’t about me?” Bucky asks. 
“I’d never met you. Why would I say something like that about you?” You ask incredulously. 
“Because I was a brainwashed Hydra assassin?” Bucky says.
“Well, I guess that’s true. Some asshat might make that comment because of that.”
“Why did you hate me so much then?” Bucky asks.
“Uh, let’s see. You refused to shake my hand, reprimanded me for calling you mister instead of sergeant, and proceeded to treat me with disdain every time I was anywhere near you. Didn't make you very likeable."
"Guilty. I, uh, I'm sorry." Bucky says while rubbing the back of his neck. 
"Thanks." You look at him for a second. "Want to start over?" He asks. 
"I don't know. I'm pretty good at hating you now. I mean I could do a dissertation on your faults." You grin at him. 
"Come on, Doll, give me a chance to prove I'm not a total jerk." Bucky holds out his hand.
You stare at it for a second before putting your hand in his and shaking. "Okay." You smile. 
Eventually, the two of you end up sitting across from each other and talking. A few hours go by as you talk, laugh, and learn about each other. You find Bucky sweet and funny. You can tell Bucky's opinion of you shifts as well. 
"You're shivering, Doll." Bucky notices.
"It's a little cold." You flash a smile.
"Come sit with me. I'll keep you warm." Bucky grins. You move next to him and cuddle into his side as he wraps an arm around you. "That's better, right?"
"Yeah, thanks." You look into Bucky's eyes. He stares at you and then his gaze drops down to your lips for just a second. You lift your chin and his lips brush against yours lightly. 
"Is this okay?" Bucky asks after he pulls back.
"No." You say and reach up to cup his jaw. "I want more." You smile as his lips descend on yours more firmly and his tongue finds its way into your mouth. 
Abruptly, the rest of the lights come up and Tony's voice comes over the speaker again. "Okay, you two, that's enough. Break it up. Time to go. You didn't really think I was going to keep you here all night?"
"Still gonna kill you, Tony!" You say as the exit door opens revealing a grinning Natasha and Clint.
"Hey guys. Have fun?" Clint laughs.
Bucky smiles at Clint and then takes off in a chase.
"Won't take Bucky long to catch Clint. Hopefully, he doesn't actually kill-OW!" Nat cuts off when you punch her in the arm. 
"Really? You lock us in together?" You seeth.
"Yeah. Did you finally figure out why he hates you?" Nat asks.
"Yeah. He overheard the looney bin comment I made at the party." 
"Oh, crap. Did you apologize?"
"For what? I was referring to Senator Nichols with that comment." You smirk.
"No, you weren't. You… you lied to Bucky?" Nat furrows her brow. 
"Better than grovelling." You shrug.
"You have to tell him the truth. Apologize." Nat says.
"No. We're in a good place now. He and I can finally be friends. And more." You grin devilishly. "And you won't tell him either."
"What's to stop me?" Nat says.
You simply raise an eyebrow at her. 
Nat's eyes widen, "Fine." She says as she stalks away. 
A few minutes later, Bucky reappears, "Clint will think twice before pulling a stunt like that again."
"So will Nat." You laugh. "Ready to head home and maybe we can continue our discussion there?"
"Sounds good, Doll." Bucky says as he wraps an arm around your waist.
Part 2?
Permanent: @bubbabarnes @badassbaker @thefridgeismybestie @strangersstranger @cherthegoddess @buckyluvrs @sherlocksmanwatson @cap-n-stuff @finleyjayne @caplanreads @connie326 @daydreamerinadazedworld
Divider by @whimsicalrogers
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spooky-mister · 3 years
So I am definitely continuing I Am A God when I have the time, but for now, have a tooth-rotting Spiralshipping fic <3
This fic is set the morning after Zeke was supposed to meet his dad for takeout/Will claimed to be sleep training his son.
Also this is my first time writing for these characters so be nice :)
One Of The Good Ones
Fandom: Spiral from the Book of Saw
Paring: William Schenk x Ezekiel Banks
Genre: Tooth-rotting fluff
Word Count: 1,545
Potential Triggers: None I'm aware of. Feel free to comment <3
Spoilers?: Yes
One Of The Good Ones
What happened to dinner with his dad?
William Schenk slowed his steps to a stop as he gazed into the meeting room, appreciating the sight of Ezekiel Banks asleep on his work with a soft smirk of amusement. It was a good thing he was the first in. Zeke's fellow cops didn't seem like the sort to let him get away with sleeping on the job - even if they weren't worth half of Zeke's integrity and dedication. Will sniffed, glancing over his shoulder before slinging a large flask of coffee under his arm and meandering over to the table. He shuffled to a stop beside Zeke's sleeping form before huffing a laugh and tapping the detective's shoulder.
"Hey, Banks," He mumbled, voice gruff with fading sleep. His schedule didn't leave much room for rest. "Wake up, partner."
Zeke reacted with a near comedic intensity, dragging an audible laugh from Will as the rookie took a step back. Zeke cried out and thrashed his arms, soon setting his eyes up on Will with a mix of relief and embarrassment.
"Shit, Man - don't do that!" Zeke scolded, running his fingers through his rough hair. "Never wake a man while he's sleeping! Jeez…"
"Yeah, well… Better me than Fitch," Will retorted in good humour, hesitating before setting himself down next to Zeke. "Are you okay? What happened to dinner with your dad?"
"Old man cancelled on me," Zeke explained as he rubbed sleep from his eyes. He looked exhausted, Will noticed. How long had he been sleeping? “Came back in to work the case. Must have gotten too comfortable."
“You could have called,” Will offered with a frown, setting down his flask and letting his bag slide off of his shoulder. “We could have worked the case together.”
“What about sleep training?” Zeke muttered in response, eyes drifting to Will. Will paused at that. Right. His… Family. He didn’t have time to retort before Zeke spoke again. “You worked hard yesterday - you deserved a night off. Enjoy your family while they last.”
“You’re just a beacon of romance and optimism, aren’t you,” Will teased, appreciating the glimmer of a smirk received in return. “Well… Thanks. Did you at least get to eat last night?” Zeke’s hesitation didn’t seem to bode well for Will’s throw-away concern. Will arched a thick brow. "...Zeke?"
"I was gonna order something in," Zeke reasoned. "I left the takeout my dad ordered at his place so he had somethin' when he got back. But then I guess I-"
"Fell asleep," Will finished for him, taking in the sigh and the nod as Zeke started shuffling through papers again. Will was feeling oddly involved in this minor inconvenience. Why did he feel so compelled to take the mantle of caretaker? Zeke was an adult. Older than him, even. But Will felt the draw to guard and care for his partner as a skilled gardener would cultivate a flower they planned to pluck. "Well, that's no good. How are you supposed to lead an investigation on an empty stomach?"
"Jeez, mom - I don't know," Zeke huffed a laugh, looking Will over. "What's got in your head all of a sudden - I can take care of myself." Clearly. "If you hold the fort, I'll run out 'n grab a… Coffee and grilled cheese or somethin'."
"No need," Will sighed as he hiked his satchel up onto his lap. He could see Zeke's puzzled expression as he rifled through before drawing a plastic tupperware - still beaded with hot steam. He hadn't been able to let it cool before leaving for work. He sniffed and set it in front of Zeke with a fork and his tall flask. "...Homemade frittata," He explained with a gesture of his hand towards the box. He smirked at Zeke's baffled expression. "I made it for me, but… Y'know, I actually ate last night."
"...Nah," Zeke shook his head, pushing the food back towards Will. "I ain't eating your breakfast, Schenk. I-" He paused when Will put a firm hand on the tupperware, locking eyes as the younger detective slowly slid it back in front of him. He bit his tongue before letting out a sigh and popping the lid off of the plastic. "Thanks," He muttered, taking hold of the fork and poking around the fried egg and vegetables.
Will watched Zeke's apprehension with muted amusement for a moment before speaking up. "It's egg," He explained. "Egg, cheese, spinach, garlic… It's nothing bad, Zeke. I'm not trying to trick you." He got a kick out of the look of minor embarrassment on Zeke's face, chuckling.
"I didn't…" Zeke went to defend himself before sighing and scooping a large piece of frittata onto his fork. "Thanks, Schenk." He shovelled it into his mouth, chewing it with a hum.
"Will, please," Will reasoned, watching the detective's changing expression with a growing smirk. The 'Mmm' sealed the deal as Zeke wiped his mouth with a hand and reached for the flask. "Good?"
"Shit, man - that's… You made that?" Zeke raised his eyebrows and pointed at the frittata. He was baffled at Will's confirmation. "Jeez… You really are the full package, huh? Your wife must love you."
"Yeah… Maybe," Will mused with a smile, admiring Zeke as the man ate. Part of him wondered why he'd even developed that lie… It just created one more barrier between himself and Zeke. But he couldn't go back on it now. "Maybe I can cook for you again sometime."
Zeke hummed in agreement, slurping down the breakfast with only half a mind on his manners. "Haven't had many homemade meals since mom left," Zeke explained between mouthfuls, sensing Will's sudden tension. "Knew the number for the pizza place before I was potty trained."
"Just… You and your dad as well, huh?" Will mumbled, watching Zeke closely. "Yeah… I know how that is. But my dad wasn't… Around much by the time I got to middle school - I learned to take care of myself." Was that giving away too much about himself? No… If anything, it was pulling Zeke closer. He could tell by the familiar concern in the detective's eyes.
Zeke floundered for a response for a moment. He was never good at conversations like this. The feelings were difficult to process… So instead he turned his attention back to his meal. He scooped up a forkful and switched his gaze to Will. "You wanna share?" He asked, an attempt to change the subject. "Today will be pretty intense… You wanna get fuelled up."
Will moved to hesitate, but… this was a moment of tenderness. Of sincerity. He could tell this was Zeke’s way of letting his guard down, so he smiled. "Sure," He agreed, leaning towards the fork. Zeke seemed taken aback by the movement, clearly expecting Will to take the fork, but he quickly adjusted - moving the fork to Will's mouth and watching the young detective take it into his mouth. It was weirdly intimate… Or maybe it had just been a while.
Will pulled off of the fork and knitted his brows, chewing through the mouthful of warm eggs. He shrugged slightly and reached for his flask to wash it down. "I've made better," He commented before flooding the taste out with coffee. He tried not to focus on Zeke’s scoff.
"Made better, huh?" Zeke muttered, turning his gaze away from Will and digging his fork into the tub. "Might have to prove that one, man - this is pretty fuckin' good…"
Will perked up at that and smirked. "...Are you inviting yourself round for breakfast, Detective Banks?" Will teased, biting back a laugh as he watched Zeke's face drop. He let Zeke fight for a retort for a moment before shaking his head. "I know what you meant." Will was just indulging in a little wishful thinking.
Zeke cleared his throat, pushing around the rest of his breakfast with a fork before offering it back towards Will. "Uh… Thanks, Schenk. I needed that." He offered before getting to his feet. He could feel a growing, undefined tension between them… And he wasn't a fan.
"Will… please," Will corrected, licking his lips as he watched Zeke readying himself to leave - probably to get his own cup of coffee. But… Will didn't want him to leave. He swallowed dryly, leaving Zeke to gather up his jacket and step away from the desk before quickly reaching for the man's wrist. He met Zeke's puzzled expression with apprehension. He… Wasn't completely sure why he'd done that. "I'm… Glad you enjoyed the frittata. Sorry." He moved to pull his hand away.
Zeke smirked, chuckling softly and reaching to playfully ruffle his young partner's hair. "Man, don't say sorry…" He hesitated before leaning over and delicately pressing a kiss to Will's head. "You're one of the good ones, Will… Now get to work."
Will bubbled into giggles as Zeke gently batted the back of his head on his way out, unable to stop the colour in his cheeks or the grin on his lips. Shit - did Zeke really just… He felt like a giddy school girl. And as he glanced back to watch Zeke leave, he could have sworn that he saw a smile to match his own on the senior detective's face.
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cherry-ber · 4 years
“You notice how wine makes people wanna feel, like sexy?”
Pairing: idol! Mark Lee x female reader
Plot: Lonesome creeps into everyone's mind, even those who seem to have it all.
Genre: fluff mostly, angst.
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, extremely painful for me to write this since I feel lonely idk if that triggers you too.
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A.N: inspired by the first draft of too drunk to fuck and my bff's dependence of wine to exist 😳 this took me 10 hours to write but it might still be pretty shit. And yeah Clueless some how
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After a long, long week of continuous recordings, dance practices, re-recordings and photo sessions, all he wanted to do, was sleep for twenty hours straight. He knew that he was a very lucky man, he was really living the dream. Not everyone was able to do what they loved, with people they genuinely liked, and still get payed for it, but he was. He had always been grateful, he knew the real value of things in real life, and sometimes he felt like he didn't even deserve it.
An insane amount of people knew his name, knew him, and constantly made sure that he knew how appreciated he was, but he couldn’t understand it at all. Sure, he proved himself over and over again how great he could be, and he was proud too, but why did people really loved him? Sometimes it's easy to lose yourself, but lately he was struggling even more, he felt lost and unworthy, he felt guilty, even, because he shouldn't feel this way.
Mark was home alone, after his friends went out to have dinner and drinks. He excused himself out of the reunion saying that he would call his parents and then heading straight to the bed. He wasn't lying at all, he did have a small call with his family, and then went to his room, expecting that he'd fall asleep soon and forget about what he was feeling, he was done with that for today.
He played a movie in his computer, knowing that whatever it was, he wasn't paying attention anyway. He hated to admit it, but he felt like he was missing something, rather, someone. He felt ridiculous, knowing how much people loved him, how many friends he had, but he couldn’t help it, he would be lying if he didn't say he could use a little company. Mark was busy most of the time, which, although tiring, was an escape from his loneliness, it was moments like this where he'd have enough time to sink in this small puddle of angsty feelings, that just grew until it was as big as an ocean. He couldn't explain why he felt so bad, he had enough friends to count on, and even when he considered he was only in need of a physical affect, it turned out to not be the answer, even when he masturbated, when he was finished, those feelings were still there. As the movie went on without him noticing, he turned his head to the side, and imagined someone next to him, wearing his clothes and stealing his blanket. He giggles, imagining cuddling someone to sleep, their heat making him feel home. He finally closes his tired eyes with a smile, hoping his dreams will be sweet and last long.
He wakes up in a bad mood, and doesn't really want to talk to anyone, his older friends notice, and decide to let him be, they know that if something is really wrong, he'll come to them eventually. After a quick shower, he decided he needed some privacy, some time alone, despite being scared of being stuck with himself, and went out on his own, ignoring the texts on the group chat, where everyone wondered where he was going. He had breakfast in a small Cafe, went to a movie matinee, an art gallery, a theater play, and then to a mall to buy himself expensive clothes. He had an okay day, and he grew a little bit of joy, finding himself alone and still almost enjoying his time, but mostly, ignoring his mind when he saw a couple, and wished he could have that too. He enters a restaurant, intending to order something take out for his friends, as an apology for being moody and worrying them. He waits stand up next to the door, with a cup of coffee they offered him, until he suddenly turns around after hearing his order being ready, and ceashes with someone as he does. He spilled his drink over his and their clothes. He starts apologizing, but all he gets as a response is a soft, sweet giggle. He looks to the stranger's face, and is met with a fond smile.
“It's okay, go get your food, I can fix myself”
He's caught off guard, and all he can do is shake his head yes and do as he is told, coming back to them, apologizing again.
“I'm such an idiot, I'm so sorry” he's totally embarrassed, and he feels a blush running through his face.
“It's alright, it wasn't your fault”
The stranger walks inside to take a table, and he rushes out, walking back home. That giggle makes its way to his mind a couple times as he arrives.
After eating, he goes to bed, feeling somehow full with himself, but he doesn't know if it was after forcing himself to like him, or if he was so desperate for someone that a small interaction like that would get him sleepless thinking this person would be his person.
On that same week, he founds himself running into that same stranger everywhere. When he goes get coffee with his friends, when they go to buy groceries, when he heads to the studio, and he wonders if he should be worrying, but decides not to.
Surprisingly, he founds her again, when he is entering a new coffee shop, and she walks her way out. He opens the door for her, and is met with her fond smile again, that grows larger as she recalls his face. She mumbles a sweet 'thank you' and keeps walking. Some courage grows inside Mark, and blurts out whatever his brain was fast enough to say.
“Thanks for not spilling that coffee back” the young lady finds the sentence, although awkward, funny, and turns back to him to reply.
“Maybe I should pay for your coffee, though, you were enjoying it until I crashed into you” Her melodic voice is enough to put Mark in a trance, and loses control of what he's doing, disconnecting from his awkward self.
“Actually it was my fault” he giggles remembering how sweet she was, even after Mark probably just ruined her day “Did you get a horrible stain?”
She walks closer to him, small steps that make his heart beat faster.
“It wasn't horrible, I wouldn't say that, it was just, slightly bad”
“I don't want to be a weirdo, are you busy right now? I could use some chatting, and I really owe your laundry money”
She was never an outgoing person, but she was flattered by his proposal. She was meeting someone, but she figured it wouldn't be important enough to not cancel.
“I would love that, but you owe me nothing” she giggles and walks beside him into an empty table.
“I'm Mark, by the way”
“I know that” she laughs it off, attempting for things not to be awkward “My name is Y/N”
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It was only after several months, that Mark found himself, again, over thinking about how lonely he was, and how desperate he was for it to end. Whenever he had the chance, he'd spend time with his new friend, and for some weeks, thats was enough, until he realized that, all she wanted from him, was a friendship. His friends noticed, too, how after a while, that wasn't enough for him, but he was terrified he'd lose her, but they'd often try to help him out in whatever way other men would think was best, teasing her when she was at the dorms, insinuating how cute of a couple they'd be, and shamelessly asking if by any chance, she'd have feelings for him, never really giving away Mark's crush on her, not explicitly at least.
One afternoon, when they were all watching a movie together, when suddenly, Johnny and Taeyong convinced everyone to go out and have dinner, even after Mark suggested they just called the restaurant, because he was too tired to go out.
“Oh” Taeyong said, grabbing his keys and putting on a hat “then you can stay here with Y/N and order something and we can take our time”
The girl was a little disappointed, she loved spending time with the other guys two, but she agreed, knowing that Mark wouldn't want be convinced to leave the couch.
She sees then leave, and turns around to look at her friend, somehow aware of what his friends were trying to do; leave them alone, after last night they discussed Mark should just accept the reject, and confess. The boy asked, pleaded and begged them not to leave them alone, after he opened up about his feelings, but of course, his friends thought they'd know better.
“Can you order pizza while I take a shower?” his attention called back to where he was, as the sweet woman walked into the living room, with a bottle of wine and two cups. Mark chocked in his spit, when the thought of her showering, and how much he'd love to enter the scene, crossed his mind.
“Yeah, sure” he watched her walking away “Do you want some clothes?”
“Well, if I could steal one of your hodies tonight, I wouldn't mind”
He does as he's asked, calling a pizzeria and taking off his hoodie, hoping that she'd appreciate the smell of his cologne, that he wears only when she's coming around.
When she comes out, wearing her jeans and tank top, he throws the sweater at her, she puts it on and sits in the couch next to him, ready to start eating, reaching out for the bottle to serve them a cup after the first bite.
“I don't want to drink that” he'd never been a fan of alcohol, he knew he could use a boost, but he was still afraid of it.
“Huh? Why is that?”
“I don't drink wine” She recalled how he'd often drink with Johnny and her, whenever Johnny wanted to open a bottle, which happened quite often, but decided not to insist, although she did pour a cup for herself.
Mark, and any other men, really, always wondered what could she be thinking about, she was wild, energetic, but calmed and peaceful, she was always kind, but wouldn't hesitate to start a fight if to defend herself or someone else, she was never scared, but she was sensitive and fragile. He couldn't help the sigh that left his body, remembering why he had feelings for her in the first place. He knew how much she'd hate to be in a relationship, they had already discussed it, after some girl confessed to Mark, and she mentioned how relationships to her were useless, since she got all the love she wanted from her friends, and that way, she made sure that all the love she gave was reciprocal. When he told his manager about his feelings, expecting him to give him helpful advice, he just told him to forget about her. “women like her are too complicated, it's not worth it”. He wondered then, how many other guys would think the same, and refused to be one of those.
They were both full, and cuddling in the couch, she was sipping her second cup, when Mark suddenly poured a cup for himself too, and drank it in one large sip. He felt a rush through his body, his face flustered, and a numb sensation in his limbs. He was trying to keep himself still, but the sudden alcohol in his body made him bubbly and the woman next to him realized. The cheesy romcom that was playing on the back made him giggle in every other scene, and with every minute that went by, he felt looser and looser. He served another cup and drank it just as fast as the first one. Soon, he found himself leaning towards the body that sat next to him. Y/N pat her thigh, inviting Mark to rest his head there, which he did, while fidgeting with his fingers.
“You notice how wine makes people wanna feel, like sexy” he lets out in a serious tone.
Giggly, his friend shakes her head no, and places her cup in the table in front of them. “Do you feel like sexy?”
He sits himself back, eyes wide open, same serious expression in his face.
“I guess so?” he laughs at how dumb he must sound “I feel... Jiggly”
Her sweet, loud laugh fills the room, and Mark is proud of himself for making her so happy.
“Love, you should go to sleep already” he feels his face hotter and hotter, and can only imagine how red he must be “you were already tired, I'll clean up and meet you in your room-”
Mark bursts out of his bubble and speaks
“Don't do that” he says softly, as if he was genuinely hurt by her words “Please, don't do that”
Worried, Y/N walks closer to him, “Do what?”
He looks down to his feet, feeling tears forming in his eyeballs, product of his low alcohol tolerance, and his overall emotional state. “Dont call me love. You don't love me”
She reaches for his hands, attempting to make him look straight at her eyes “Of course I love you Mark”
“Not the way I want you to”
She had never been good with other people's feelings, especially romantic feelings, she had a hard time catching indirects.
“In which way is that?” hesitant, Mark stares at her for a couple seconds, before staring at her lips, too numb to do better, he grabes her chin and pulls her closer to him, a sweet, slow kiss surprising her as much as himself. When he pulls away and expects a response of any kind, all she can do is try to look at him.
“Oh, Mark” she finally manages to say “is this the way you feel?” he nods, still nervous but hopeful that she'll feel the same “You're drunk, go to sleep” she turns around as she cleans as quick as she can, as mark makes his way to his room, or to the first room he sees open.
Before the other men living in the dorms arrive and ask questions that she doesn't want to answer, she leaves, leaving a post it note in the fridge for Mark”
“Drink water and have a painkiller,
I had to go home. Thanks for the wine
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Too many weeks after, Mark calls her phone one more time before he enters the dorms, wondering if he had really done the worst thing in the world, for her to ghost him like that. He let a tired sigh out, grateful that he was home alone again. He goes to his room, ready to sleep for as long as he can, but when he opens the door, the lights are on, and in his bed sits what could be only described as an angel, beautiful as always, smiling and kind Y/N, with a cup of wine in her delicate hands, and another one on his nightstand, that she offers him as he's taking off his shoes and sweater.
With pain and regret in her eyes, as he's taking the first sip, she attempts to break the silence. “You ever notice how wine makes people feel sexy?”
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gaymershigh · 4 years
This isn't a request but just something I thought thoughtful do for Trey's bday! I might do this everytime it's someone's birthday if I'm not lazy don't have a burnout~
Triggers: none
Returning the favor with a little twist: Trey Clover x M!Reader {Birthday Special}
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The both of you have been college sweethearts ever since your first year in Night Raven College. You never expected to have someone as amazing as Trey as your lover or even a lover in general in such a prestigious place but you were clearly proved wrong.
You couldn't love him more than ever. He's very selfless, kind smart, mature but he has a side that can make you giggle, what else do you want? He's the ideal husband any women and even men would want in their lives. He's very affectionate just like you also, it's the perfect combo.
But that doesn't stop there. He's always surprising you with his delicious homemade sweets that he made all by himself. You don't even ask for it yet he will always pay you a visit you with a tasty pastry on his hands. He even makes tea just for the two of you to spend some quality time together.
Speaking of sweets, you want to return the favor by making a homemade birthday cake with a little surprise inside it. Even though you both know you have two more years left in this academy, why not just do it now? His reaction will hopefully be worth it.
Unfortunately, you don't have the same skill level as your boyfriend but you wanted to do this for the sake of showing how much you love him will all your heart. You sighed as you had to dial up your troublesome friends and Riddle for help. It's not how you wanted it to be, you wanted to do it by yourself but there is no way you can finished a giant cake all by yourself if his special day is tomorrow.
The process of making the delicacy was unsurprisingly, chaotic as usual. Ace and Grim kept throwing the leftover batter at eachother to the point Riddle had to behead them. Deuce was an incredibly slow learner and can't hold something without his hands shaking like an earthquake. Nonetheless, he's trying his best. Cater wasn't even trying in the first place, he kept taking pictures and occasionally does his tasks if Riddle's keeping him in check. Fortunately, you manage to finish preparing the cake just in time despite how difficult it is to supervise the others.
Today is th day, October 25th. You were a bit- no, very nervous. What if he doesn't like the cake and it actually taste like crap? What if there's chaos right before the party? Grim and Ace are in the same area and they're always the elixir to destruction. You ordered Cater to blindfold and lead him to the garden so all you can do is just pray that everything goes well.
“Ok, Trey! I already took off your blindfold so you can open your eyes now!” Cater cheerily stated as he grabbed his phone to record his reaction. Thank god it's exactly what you wanted and hoped for, the mix of shock and happiness as everyone cheered out 'Happy Birthday' in unison.
Everyone took their turns to give their presents to your lovely boyfriend to thank him for being an amazing vice dorm leader. You told him to eat the cake first before giving him his gift. He thought nothing of it at first and obliged to your words as always. Everyone chatted happily as they eat the delicious cake, Trey even complimented how it's very good for a beginner, thank god.
You ushered him to eat the last slice of the first tier of the cake, he was confused but he does as he was told since he loves you very much. When he tried to cut it off, there was a sudden feeling of ahard surface inside it. You took the knife and cut off a box shape inside the cake and took the mysterious object inside.
You took the glass casing off and it caught Trey off guard. It was an..engagement ring!? Nobody else besides you knew about this little surprise so the area was filled by silence and everyone looking at you, flabbergasted. You kneel down on one knees and placed the box right in front of your darling.
“Trey, will you marry me?”
His flustered silence was soon followed by a small chuckle. “Darling, we're still young. We still have a few more years before we're ready.” but that didn't mean he didn't want to fully reject you, he wore the beautiful clover shaped emerald ring anyways.
He grabbed your hand to make you stand and softly left a kiss to your lips. “Someday, we'll get married, ok? Just wait for it, it'll be an amazing and memorable day.” he wrapped his arms around you as everyone started crying, tears on Riddle and Deuce's face as Cater is recording everything.
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Writing the proposal part with the Beastars piano and classical version playing in the background really gets me in the feels..
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professorsnape394 · 4 years
The Potions Master’s Apprentice
Chapter Nine: Letters, Lovers and Loyalties
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A/N: This is the ninth part to my fanfiction ‘The Potions Master’s Apprentice (Severus Snape x OC)’. Chapters 1-16 can be found already uploaded on Wattpad under the same name. Feel free to leave requests in my inbox for anything Snape related you want me to write. Leave a comment below if you wish to be added to my tag list.
Pairing: Severus Snape x OC (Dumbledore’s Granddaughter)
Summary: A talented young witch is employed as an apprentice professor at Hogwarts, but who will she be working under? Severus Snape is not best pleased with his new responsibility of taking on an apprentice, however she is relentless to create a friendship between them. Will she be successful? Or might the friendship just go a little two far? With the eyes of her grandfather constantly watching over them, an attempt at a relationship might not be in the cards for Aria Dumbledore and Severus Snape.
Word Count: 2185
Warnings: n/a
Credits to Gif Creator
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Yet another letter dropped into the lap of Aria Dumbledore as she sat absentmindedly sketching. Dropping her quill back into the small pot of ink which balanced on the arm of her chair, a small sigh escaped her lips. She had been expecting another to arrive any day now.
Aria allowed herself a small glance in the direction of her desk where the ever growing pile of unopened letter sat gathering dust. Disregarding her drawing, Aria traveled to her desk, fingers fumbling with the edge of the envelope. Admittedly, Aria's mind had been focused on that small pile of letters the past few days, and consequently the man who sent them. She couldn't bring herself to reply to his constant inquiries, but she had considered there was no harm in opening a few of them. She longed to hear from him, though she had been in denial for so long now she wasn't sure what to expect from his most recent letters.
Waiting no longer she ripped the paper from its wax seal, her eyes quickly scanning every word on the page.
My dear Aria, Though I know you say you cannot reply to my letters, I write them all with the hope that you will find the time in your busy schedule to at least read them. As always things are quiet here without you. Too quiet. I miss your voice. I miss hearing you sing to yourself in the shower thinking no one can hear you, I miss hearing you hum as you wander aimlessly through the house, I miss watching you draw as I pose for you, but most importantly I miss holding you in my arms. I long for the end of the school year when we will be reunited and I will have nothing to miss except maybe writing these letters. I long for a response to my letters, my darling. I simply must know that you miss me as I miss you. In the mean time I will continue to write to you to keep myself distracted from everything terrible happening in the world, by simply thinking of you. All my love, S.
Aria couldn't help but feel a great pang of guilt in the pit of her stomach for ignoring the letters, but she couldn't bare the thought of reading them, while she was still coming to terms with how she felt when she decided to leave for Hogwarts. She knew immediately she would not be able to maintain a long distance relationship with him. Though he was the first man she had ever loved she had been too cowardly to confess her feelings for him in person, let alone on a piece of parchment. She knew she was a pathetic coward from the moment he told her he loved her and she could not find it in her to return the favour. Her cowardice was more than proven the day she left for Hogwarts. Aria had planned to break up with him, to avoid further heartbreak down the line. But she could not even find the courage to do that.
Instead she was living in denial. In her mind they had broken up, and refused to face up to whatever she was truly feeling until it was absolutely necessary. Her plan had been to distract herself as much as possible, suppress her feelings and just forget about the situation completely. And to be totally honest her plan had been working for her, with the exception of a few off days such as today. However when it came time to wake up and face the music she had no idea what her plan would be then.
Leaving the letter open on her desk she took a stroll around the grounds of Hogwarts to clear her mind. The time to figure out all of her problems was not now. She was still a young, carefree woman and she didn't want the burden of guilt stopping her from living her life however she so wished.
Arias walk led her to the village of Hogsmeade, and after working up a light sweat, the young professor opted to pop into the Three Broomsticks to quench her thirst.
Unsurprisingly for a late Tuesday evening the place was barren. Besides for a drunken wizard practically falling off his bar stood, a crazy witch whispering to herself and two well dressed men, sitting out of place in a side booth, the place was completely deserted. Planning to only stay for a pumpkin juice Aria took a seat at the bar and begun chatting to the same barmaid who had served her and Severus all those weeks ago.
"Busy night?" Aria joked, rolling her eyes at the drunk to her right.
The woman laughed in return, handing over a glass of pumpkin juice. "This is pretty much the standard, at this time." She shrugged, polishing off a perfectly clean glass, to keep herself busy. "That one over there doesn't even order anything, but its not worth the hassle kicking her out." She gestured to the old hag in the corner, her perfectly polished nails glistening in the dim bar light.
"I wish I could say I felt sorry for you, but a break away from the chaos that is Hogwarts is a slight relief." Aria sighed. She was still not used to being around so many people all the time having spent the past few years alone, besides her mother, she often needed time alone to breathe.
"Oh, then you must be new. I've had my fair share of lonely professors spend an evening behind my bar, and I usually remember who's spilled their whole life story to me. Though you do look familiar, what do you teach?" She finished up with her glasses, leaning her elbows on the bar to get a closer look at the younger woman, her breasts practically falling out her blouse.
"I'm just an apprentice for now. I'm the new Potions Mistress." Aria smiled, taking a small sip of her drink.
"Oh yes, now I remember. You came here with that Severus. He's not unfamiliar with our whiskey selection, if you know what I mean." Both women rolled their eyes in unison. "He doesn't seem to talk much though, I can't say I know anything about him. I must admit I was surprised to see him with a gorgeous young witch like yourself."
"You weren't the only one." Aria scoffed, finishing off her pumpkin juice.
"Well it makes a little bit more sense now." She laughed, a set of pristine pearly teeth emerging from her red glossy lips.
It seemed Aria was not the only one who had been admiring the woman's beauty, and almost right on cue the drunk decided to look a little bit more lively, demanding another pint. Reluctantly the barmaid obliged, shooting Aria an apologetic look.
Aria couldn't help but notice the gruff looking man practically throw himself over the bar in order to get a good gawk at the barmaids behind. The slightly older woman seemed unfazed by the mans actions, in-fact Aria wasn't entirely unsure she wasn't enjoying the attention. Choosing not to interrupt as neither party seemed to object to the altercation, Aria kept her mouth shut.
That was until the man's attention turned to her. The barmaid disappeared from view, presumably to refill the barrel the drunk had practically drowned himself in. "Haven't seen you around here before." He started harmlessly, though Aria did not miss the way his eyes seemed to scan the whole of her body.
"Just moved into Hogwarts, haven't seen much of Hogsmeade." Aria admitted, but made the conscious decision to turn away from him, hoping not to engage in any further conversation.
"You a friend of Ros'" He asked, intrigued, while downing a good half of his pint.
"Not really, no." Aria shrugged. "I didn't even know her name until just now."
"Rosalind Rookwood." He edged his seat closer to Arias. "Fantastic barmaid, though I wouldn't say it was her best profession." He winked.
"I'm sure I don't know what you mean." Aria turned her nose up at the man, just praying he would leave her alone.
"Well, you know, bein' a barmaids fine an all, but it doesn't always pay the bills. Miss Rookwood's got her fair share of stories to tell, and not all of them her own." He laughed, the potent stench of his alcoholic breath suffocating Aria as he leaned in closer, wrapping a heavy arm around her shoulders. "If it turns out teaching isn't for you, just know you'll have a loyal customer in me." He hiccuped, his free arm, reaching down to stroke the woman's exposed thigh.
Instinctively Aria gripped onto his wrist, forcing it off of her. "What the hell do you think you are doing!?" Aria exclaimed, pushing the man away from her. "Don't you dare lay your hands on me again."
The drunk showed no sign of guilt or remorse, he simply chuckled to himself, revealing a shocking lack of teeth. Disgusted, Aria made to move but found herself cornered against the bar.
Fortunately the altercation had caused enough disruption to alert the two men having a casual evening drink. Instantly one rushed over to her aid, stupefying the old man. The second man followed suit and made it his business to remove the frozen figure from the bar.
"Are you alright?" The first man asked, his brow furrowing with worry.
"I'm fine, thank you for stepping in." Aria smiled, brushing herself down, as though she was riding herself from the drunks disgusting touch.
The man returned a boyish grin, his eyes bright blue and full of kindness. Aria had never seen anyone like him. His presence was almost cartoon like, with positivity radiating from him. Aria couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh, her smile growing just by looking at him. His energy was contagious.
"Is... is there anything I can do to thank you?" She tried your shake herself back to reality though remained entranced by him.
"Nothing at all. I'm just glad I was here to help." He extended a hand, almost nervously, introducing himself. "Alexander Turner, pleasure to meet you."
"You too." Aria blushed, unable to break eye contact with the man, and was now incredibly aware of how dumbfounded she must look. "I'm Aria" She stuttered, the sound of his friend retuning sending her back to reality. "I apologise for staring, but I just can't seem to take my eyes off you, you have an enchanting aura about you. I'm sorry if I may seem a little strange."
"There's no need to apologise, I get it all the time." He laughed, though not arrogantly, it was sweet and innocent. "My mother's a Veela." He added, almost embarrassedly, upon noticing the slightly look of confusion appearing on Arias face.
The couple shared an awkward smile, both at a loss for words.
Alexander's friend passed by the pair silently, slapping him encouragingly on the shoulder before disappearing behind the bar, Rosalind following closely behind.
Aria noted the difference in both attitude and appearance in the two men, finally able to distinguish between the two. The friend was tall and broad shouldered, his hair messy though not long. He gave off a sort of American football, "bro", fratbroy vibe. In other words kind of arrogant and full of himself. Clearly he saw himself as the one in control. Alexander on the other hand was more slim, but not skinny. Tall but not lanky. Innocent but not naive. His clothes appeared similar to his friends but presented more neatly and well put together. She assumed he felt sorry for his friend, knowing his Veela parentage would gain him lots of female attention, and in return Alexander simply allowed himself to get pushed around to boost his friends ego.
With a roll of his eyes Alexander practically confirmed her theory and Aria couldn't stop herself from laughing once more.
Knowing that while Rosalind and 'Braydon'; as he turned out to be, would not be returning any time soon, Aria and Alexander chose to occupy one of the booths and get to know a little bit about each other, where Alex truly confirmed all of Aria's suspicions.
Upon Braydon's return, he flashed his rather large biceps, kissing each one in turn as he flexed them, before letting out a hearty growl, presumably this was a display of male dominance among his kind. His kind being; douchebags.
With another roll of her eyes Aria bid farewell to the men, thanking Alexander once more for his heroic rescue.
"How about a date?" Alex called nervously as Aria had just about reached the door.
"I'm sorry?" She replies, caught off guard.
"A date, here, with me. What do you say?" Aria shook her head unable to look away from that damn charming smile of his.
"I'll agree to a few drinks." She clarified. "Just send me an owl, you know where I'll be." And with that she disappeared once more down the path to Hogwarts, the grey sky above all the while threatening to rain down on her.
Taglist: @ayamenimthiriel @lizlil​
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Attention and Care
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pairing: Jimin x female reader
genre: angst, fluff, established relationship au
word count: 2.8k | reading time: 14 min
warnings: none
summary: Jimin must be the only person in the world who complains about his girlfriend not complaining... When Amy doesn't pester him to come home early (like the rest of the members) he starts thinking she might not care for him as much.
A/N: Amy=y/n basically, she’s the reader, I just wanted to use a name instead of y/n. It comes from Army! This is the first fic I write on here. I will post more soon and probably create a masterlist after I have a few. Also, there could be a smutty part 2 if you guys like this one!
Masterlist  |  Read on AO3
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Yoongi's phone vibrated on the table. The screen lit up and illuminated his face as he peeked over it. The rest of the boys groaned.
"Is it your girl?" Hoseok asked with his mouth full. "Are you going to leave already?"
"No, that's not it…" Yoongi mumbled, picking up his chopsticks again and going for the barbequed ribs at the center of the table.
"Ah, hyung. We don't even get to eat all together anymore," Jungkook complained. "Don't go yet."
"What are you even talking about, we're together all the time. We work all day."
"Yes, but we don't eat like this. You all go back to your girlfriends or whatever," the youngest continued, pouting.
"Well, what did you expect?" Jimin laughed, covering his mouth with his unoccupied hand. "We want to spend time with the people we love, too."
Jin waved his hands around. "Ah, leave him. He's just sulky 'cause he's still single." Immediately, he let out a short, high-pitched scream when Jungkook punched him on his side. As the two continued arguing, Yoongi's phone vibrated again. This time he picked it up and read through his texts, and before he could even reply to his girlfriend, the members spoke up again.
"She's really impatient, isn't she?" Hoseok joked.
"Does she miss you so much? Are you going to go to her?" Taehyung added.
"Honestly, it's getting somewhat late. I'll leave in a bit too." Namjoon seemed to take his hyung's side, although in reality, he knew someone was waiting for him, too.
"Ah… sorry guys," Yoongi said and got up, eyes still glued to his phone. "I'll leave first."
There were a couple of sighs and complains, but he didn't stay long enough to listen to them. He grabbed his coat and was out of the room. It wasn't like they weren't used to this, anyway. Every time they decided to hang out like this, someone would bail or call it an early night for the sake of spending time with their partners. Whether it was Yoongi the one to go first, or Hoseok, or Namjoon, once someone broke the group, the others seemed to disappear very easily.
"Oh, come on, Jimin," Taehyung looked at his best friend with sympathetic eyes. "You know how it is- she'll start getting jealous and be moody if I stay here too late. She hasn't seen me all day, you understand that, right?" He talked while he put on his coat.
"Neither has my girlfriend, but it's not like she'll make a scene because I'm out having dinner with my friends," Jimin replied.
Tae glanced at him one last time. "Well, what can I say? You have a very cool girlfriend. Goodnight!" he called and left.
"Yeah right!" Jungkook scoffed. "He's only using his girl as an excuse. I know he really just wants to go see her instead of stay here."
Jimin looked down at his mostly empty plate. He took a deep breath as he played with the leftovers, pushing them around in circles. "I don't know…" he mumbled. He quietly took his phone out of his pocket, under the table. It was 10:13 pm and there were only three of them left. And he had no texts, no missed calls. He put his phone back in his pocket and looked at the boys again. "You see how they always get calls and stuff? Maybe they really are waiting for them at home. What if they get in trouble?"
"For what? Having a late dinner with their members? It's not like we're hanging out with other women, anyway."
Jin suddenly stood up, earning a death stare from the maknae. "I'm leaving too. I promised I'd be back by 10, I don't want her to worry, you know?"
Jungkook didn't even protest. He just looked at the only other member left there with a defeated look in his eyes. "Jimin…" he sighed. "You're the only one who doesn't dump me. Even though you're in a relationship, you still find time for me. I appreciate that."
The older boy bit his bottom lip aggressively. He rolled his eyes and went back to playing with his food. "Sure. I have a girlfriend, that doesn't mean I'll stop hanging out with you," he said sounding almost angry. Jungkook just thought he shared his frustration.
"Exactly!" he exclaimed, stuffing his mouth with whatever meat was left on the table. Jimin eyed him, momentarily wondering how he could still be eating. He took out his phone again, just enough to check the screen, and sighed when there was nothing new.
"You really do have the coolest girlfriend, hyung," the boy spoke after he swallowed. "She never complains, right? I like Amy. Should I just come over to hang out with you two after this? Since everyone else left?"
His eyes widened at that and he whipped his head to the side. "No!" he said before he had come up with an excuse as to why. "Uh… well... I'm really tired today, Jungkookie." He lowered his voice and started rubbing the back of his neck for extra effect. "I want to go to sleep. Maybe you can come tomorrow?" But Jungkook just narrowed his eyes at his lame act. "Amy will have probably fallen asleep already, anyway. That must be why she hasn't called me yet."
That seemed to convince him a little bit. He dropped his shoulders and pouted. "Alright," he agreed. "Let's go home. Tomorrow all three of us can watch a movie or something after dance practice, right?"
Jimin was already on his feet before Jungkook finished his sentence. "Yeah, a movie sounds good. Let's go."
He arrived outside your shared apartment at 10:54 pm. Looking at the closed door, he wondered whether you had actually fallen asleep. He knew you were quite a night owl, but he just thought maybe that would be a decent excuse. Or maybe it'd be worse.
"Oh, you're here?"
He almost didn't hear your voice, lost in thought as he were. But it brought him back to earth, and he noticed you sat at the corner of the couch, a lamp by your side and a book in your hands. You smiled warmly and marked the page you were at before closing your book and getting up to walk to your boyfriend.
"What's with the long face? Did something happen?"
"Huh?" Jimin's eyebrows shot up, only then letting go of the door handle he was clenching. He ran a hand through his hair, avoiding eye contact. "Uh… no, nothing."
You tilted your head to the side and gave him a playful but incredulous look. You put your hands on his waist and pulled him slightly towards you, but he didn't come as easily as he normally did. "You sure? Because you're literally pouting right now," you remarked, placing a peck on his puffy lips.
"It's just that…" Jimin ran a hand over his face, rubbing his eyes. He pulled away, his shoulders heavily going up and down as he sighed. He looked at you with the corner of his eyes. "What did you do while I was out?"
"Oh, well…" Your eyes lit up and you cracked a cocky smile, swaying slightly as you smoothly started walking towards the kitchen. "I don't know if you noticed anything when you walked in, but I actually–"
"Did you even care if I came back?"
You froze in your place. Your smile dropped, a frown taking its place in your face. "Jimin… what?"
He just gave you a casual shrug, as if he was just spitballing. "I don't know, did you care when I came back, or if I came back at all?"
"What are you even talking about?" You walked closer. "What do you mean?"
"I mean… Do you care whether we're together or not? Do you care about me?"
You placed your hands on his shoulders to look at him better. He wasn't avoiding your eyes anymore; instead, he was piercing through them with his unblinking, watery ones. "Jimin, baby, did you drink? Of course I care about you, what kind of question is that?"
He simply said: "Oh," and munched on his bottom lip. You grabbed both his cheeks, but he pulled you away. He turned around, not to go anywhere. He just stood there, facing the wall.
"Baby, why would you ask me something like that?" you repeated.
"Oh, no reason. Just 'cause you never seem to care if I'm with the boys instead of you. You never care if I work all day or don't see you for weeks. You don't even care when I have to work with other women. That's why I'm asking; do you even care about me?"
You closed your eyes shut and shook your head. Did you hear that right? "Wait… When you say I don't care about you, you mean I don't complain and I don't get jealous?"
Jimin finally turned back around. He ran both his hands through his hair, pulling at it. "I- I'm not saying I want you to complain, I just– I mean, why don't you ever ask me to spend more time with you?"
"Because I know you have work and other responsibilities! I respect that. Did you not want me to be understanding or something?"
"No but… like, when I'm not working. You could say we have to be together all the time. You only get to see so little of me, and you don't even want that?"
You laughed. How was this even a real argument? You looked towards the kitchen and your laughter turned bitter and stopped abruptly. "Are you serious right now?" Jimin's eyebrows dropped at the sudden change in your tone. "You think I like that you're working all the time? That we can't even go on a date, that I only get to see you with the stopwatch? When you leave for months to go on tour, do you think I throw parties back here? No, I go to sleep every night alone, with nothing to distract me."
Jimin took a step back. He hadn't expected you to talk back like this. Or actually, he hadn't expected you to have thought about this before, which you clearly had. "If you feel like that, why don't you show it? Why don't you say anything?" he said trying his best to keep his sulky posture.
You took one look at his pouty lips and remembered it wasn't your place to get angry right now. You had admittedly gotten a little offended that your boyfriend would even think something like that, but you should be reassuring him he's wrong, not opening up a new argument. You sighed while slightly rolling your eyes. Your hands found his chubby cheeks and you pulled him close.
"Because I know this is difficult. I knew the moment I decided to get into this relationship." You caressed his cheekbone and moved a hair strand away from his eyes. "It's difficult for me and it's difficult for you, and I didn't want to make it even more so by complaining all the time. Jimin…" you whispered his name as delicately as you could, giving him no other choice but to look at you, "–of course I want to be with you as much as I can. If it was up to me, I'd be with you 24/7. But I understand you can't spend all your free time on me. What do you want me to do, keep you on a leash? Ban you from seeing your friends or anyone other than me?"
Your boyfriend looked down and kicked his foot, his tongue probing at his cheek. "That'd be better than not even sending me a text while I'm out…"
You started sulking, too. It was true, you didn't send him any texts that evening. And maybe, just maybe, that could be an excuse to feel a little neglected. But it just happened so, and he was reading too much into it. "I knew you were with the boys, I didn't want to disturb you…" you mumbled your explanation.
Jimin didn't raise his head, but raised his eyes, looking up at you, still with that same pout. "All the other guys constantly get texts and calls from their girlfriends asking them to come home, it's not like one more text from you would be a hassle…"
You bit your lower lip. "I didn't know…" You pulled him closer and left a tiny peck on his lips. "I'm sorry, I didn't know baby." You pecked him again. "From now on, I promise that I will text you anytime I miss you, just to let you know. And if you can come see me, even better."
Although his expression didn't change much –his frown might have gotten even deeper, actually– you could tell that his mood had taken a 180° turn. Jimin made a sound of contentment in the back of his throat. His small fingers crept up your pajama shirt and grabbed it tightly. He quickly pecked your lips, too, as if he was trying to do it before you could stop him.
"You don't need to worry about seeming clingy, Amy. Give me all the clingy you got, I really don't mind," he spoke sheepishly.
You chuckled. "You don't mind? You seem like you desperately need it, actually." You managed to get a glimpse of your boyfriend's blush before he buried his face in the crook of your neck. "Ah, what am I going to do with you…" you laughed, fluffing his hair and rubbing his back. "You know, you must be the only person in the world who complains about his girlfriend not complaining."
Jimin pulled back looking all offended. "I'm not complaining! I'm just- it's just, you know, complaining is a lot better than not saying anything. If you don't say anything then I'll just think you don't care."
Before he could pout again, you grabbed his face and squished his lips together. "No… You know, I can't always tell you everything," you said. "And sometimes it's better that we're not together." Jimin's eyes looked like they were going to pop off his head. You just went over this whole argument, and this is what you decide to say? He opened his mouth all wide and round, ready to go off in his thick satoori accent, when you squished his lips even more and hushed him. "Tonight, for example, just because I didn't text you didn't mean I wasn't thinking about you." You finally released him, taking his hand into yours and walking towards the kitchen. "I tried to ask you this when you came in but… didn't you notice anything?"
Jimin frowned. He looked around, perked his ears, sniffed the room… His mouth formed a tiny 'o' and he looked at you innocently. "What's that smell?"
You pouted at him, trying to look a little hurt, while you opened the oven. "Well… while you were out with your buddies, I got kinda bored. And I decided to bake you a cake for when you come home."
"A cake?" Jimin chirped and moved immediately to grab the pan from your hands. It wasn't anything too elaborate, a simple chocolate cake with no decorations or anything. You just liked baking stuff when you had nothing much to do. "For me?" your boyfriend asked, suddenly regretting ever starting an argument with you.
"I'll eat too, what did you think?" you chuckled.
After you had cut a few slices, warmed up a couple of cups of milk to go with it, too, you watched your boyfriend munch on the warm cake from across the counter. You noticed how he was sitting, with his legs spread out and his arms supporting most of his body weight. He looked tired, something you had missed when he walked in due to his energetic temper. You stuffed your face with the last bite of cake and stared at his thighs. He wanted clingy, right? You got up and walked to him, sitting on his lap while making sure you didn't put too much weight on him. You snaked an arm over his neck and used your other hand to feed him a few more bites.
"So…" you purred. "Do you think I should make you feel good tonight to show you how much I care about you?" Jimin stopped chewing, looked in your eyes, and swallowed. A smirk started forming on his lips and he almost opened his mouth to talk, when you continued. "Or should you make me feel good as an apology for ever doubting me?"
Your fingertips fondled with the tiny hair at the back of his neck and you felt how he got goosebumps just by that. Not ever looking away, he clapped his hands together to rid them of any crumbs, and grabbed your waist, urging you to straddle him. His smirk appeared on his lips again and his stare got darker, pupils dilated, head slightly lowered.
"Hmm… I think we got time for both."
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