#I do agree with them about: Ship who you want with whoever. Don't like; don't read/Dead dove; do not eat
narmothewraith · 11 months
Introduction of my blog
My main rule is when interacting with me: just be nice and if you harass people for the content they like?? Just fuck off, this page is safe for the freaks. (I mean look at the warning) As long you're nice and you let me be me, I won't give a fuck who you are. So yeah that's all :)
~ I go by the name; Sam
~ I'm a masc person and while I prefer male pronouns I don't really give a fuck, so you can call me anything.
~ I'm 18 and post/reblog 18+ content now and then, so if you're uncomfortable with 18+ content or are a minor please do not interact with those posts... Thank you <3 Uhhh so basically I'm being horny on main...
⚠️ WARNING: I play DoL (Degrees of Lewdity) and I post/reblog stuff about it but it's a very fucked up porn game, so I will post/reblog dark content on here. I will try to tag accordingly but yeah. In general there will be some reblogs of dark content, so if you don't like that, well this was a warning ⚠️
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randomuzerthelozer · 6 months
I think we can all agree
"I prefer other ship over" Or "I like the art but don't like the ship"
Comments are annyoing?
But you know what's ANOTHER annyoing thing
When someone posts about ship A but then they procced to put down ship B in the same post
(If this is A ONE TIME THING, in which case it's related to the post, then I can stomach that. Or if it's like comapring the ships/etc)
"Idk about you all but Ship A is better then B"
"Ship A >>>> B"
"Ship B makes me rlly uncfomy"
In the desc or title, Like I didn't come to see ship B slander I CAME TO SEE A SHIP A POST
I get giving it it's OWN POST, I get getting comments like the 2 first examples and putting that in the comments and having to clafiry that you don't like those comments.
I get you want to make posts about the fact you feel prefer ship A
I Get the fact you want to make posts Slandering B
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pers1st · 3 months
let down - leah williamson x reader
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pairing: barca!reader x leah williamson
warnings: barça being broke
In truth, you shouldn't be nervous.
This conversation had been going on for months - it was no secret that Barça had many financial problems, and paying you, Alexia and Aitana as their midfield would always have been difficult. You had had countless conversations like these before - negotiating your new contract, negotiating your new wage, which you knew would be significantly lower. It didn't bother you, though. You would've picked up a second job if it meant playing for your childhood club, even if they refused to pay you.
This setting, however, seemed a lot more official than it should've, in your opinion.
You were still dressed in your clothes from training, and so was Jona, but the rest of Barça's management was dressed properly - in suits and leather shoes. They shouldn't have even been there yet. This conversation was meant to simply verbalize your new contract, not to sign it yet. You were in no conditions to take the usual photos and sit in front of the camera for an interview after the contract extension. It confused you.
"Y/N, we are so sorry."
That was how Jona started, and in that particular moment, your heart stopped. No, this couldn't- they wouldn't dare-
"We can't renew your contract."
Silence followed. Then, your shaky voice. Barely above a whisper.
This whole situation seemed too surreal to be true. Maybe in a few seconds, your eyes would open and you would find out that this was just a horrible dream. If it hadn't been for your manager's piercing gaze on you, you might've pinched yourself under the table.
"We don't have the financial means to pay you enough to stay. I know it's not what you want to hear, but-"
"No, Jona, we talked about this. You can cut my wage, I don't mind. I'll stay here, whatever it takes. Alexia said she would-"
But the man in front of you didn't let you finish.
"You are right, we talked about this. And I told you that you deserve more than what we can give you, and that you cannot let us undermine you. It's not fair to you, it's not fair to all the women who are-"
This time, you were the one to interrupt him.
"But this? This isn't fair to me!"
That was how the argument unfolded, and only after your voice was hoarse from crying and pleading, your cheeks stained with tears and your manager stained with guilt, did you leave the office to fall into Alexia's arms, who had been listening in from the other side of the door for God knew how long.
It was January currently, which meant that as soon as you silently agreed with them to sign you to whatever club payed the most, you were out.
Just like that, the chance to play in front of the Culers for one last time was ripped away from you. They received a half-hearted announcement via Instagram, you received twenty women in your apartment, ready to pack your things. In all honesty, you had wished for no one to see as you organized your life into moving boxes and shipped them over the sea for whoever from Arsenal to receive, mostly because it would've felt even less real. Mostly because then, the goodbye wouldn't have hit you as hard. Ona tried to offer you advice on how to get by in England, telling you all about her experience abroad. Mapi tried to lift the spirits by joking around. Ingrid held you as you allowed tears to fall, and Alexia made sure you didn't forget anything, offering to take care of the things you would leave behind in Barcelona.
It was only you and Alexia at the airport. Your best friend, since the day you had been selected to play for the senior team of Barcelona, had shared many angry words with the management, and at one point even threatened to leave if you really had to. But the papers were signed, and the boxes were packed, and there was nothing left to do for Alexia besides holding your shaky frame as tears clouded your vision for what felt like the millionth time.
"You'll be okay, bebita. You'll enjoy London, and then you'll come back. I promise, you'll come back."
The both of you knew that there was no way she could ever promise that - Barça's financial difficulties were far too severe to sign you back soon - the most expensive player in the world, currently. When, or if the smoke would clear up, neither of you could know. Still, her words soothed you the tiniest as you held onto the glimpse of hope your best friend gave you as if it was a lifeline.
"Enjoy London, okay?"
You nodded, although you knew that you wouldn't. What good was London compared to Barcelona? What good was the capital of England compared to your lifelong home?
"Vamos, carino", Alexia huffed as she let go of you, gently pushing you towards your gate.
"Call me, okay? ¡Te amo!", she yelled after you as you turned away from her, and the hurt in her voice made a new layer of tears stream down on your cheeks, but you knew that if you looked back at her now, you would never board that plane. If leaving to England was what it took for your club to keep functioning, you would. If playing for Arsenal meant that you would be back in blaugrana one day, you would wear that ugly red shirt and call yourself a Gunner. You wouldn't do it happily, though.
London looked ugly when you flew over it, and London looked ugly when you landed in Heathrow Airport. You had expected people from the club to be there to pick you up, wearing Arsenal clothes and a sign with your name on it. It was apparently standard procedure, as Alexia had told you, though neither of you could really know because neither of you had never left the country to play football if it wasn't with the Spanish national team. What you hadn't expected, however, was Laia waving at you excitedly from across the hall, with two women dressed in the same hoodie as her, one significantly smaller (you guessed she was Kim) and one Leah Williamson.
You had never followed English football much, likely why you hadn't recognized Kim when you'd first searched up your new team on the internet, but Leah was the kind of footballer everyone was just.. aware of.
Admittedly, she was even prettier in real life.
"¡Hola, guapa!", Laia shrieked as you strolled over to your new teammates (the word 'teammate' along with 'new' still left a bitter taste in your mouth), dragging your suitcase behind you tiredly. The plain ride had worn you out - in all honesty, the entire past week had worn you out. Ever since you'd been told that you would leave the club that you had bled for, you hadn't been able to close half an eye.
Still, Laia's excitement was unmatched as she pulled you into a tight hug, allowing your face to sag against her shoulder. You didn't allow yourself to cry anymore, and so you could see Leah and Kim smile at you softly from a few steps behind the other Spanish woman without tears clouding your vision.
Laia continued to speak in Spanish, asking you about the flight, about how the Barça girls were, about how excited she was that you were finally here and she wasn't the only Spaniard at the Arsenal.
If Kim and Leah thought it was rude that they were left out of the conversation entirely, they didn't say so. Still, you pushed Laia off gently, mustering the smallest of smiles you could.
Your English wasn't very good, but even you winced ever so slightly at the realization of how truly cold you sounded. You didn't want to be here, didn't want any of them to show you your new apartment, didn't want them to show you the club, to bring you to training, to give you a red jersey and call you a Gunner.
But you needed to suck it up. Life wasn't fair. And if Alexia's words held any truth, this would merely be a temporal situation.
"Hey", Kim smiled at you. Her English sounded funny, but her smile was more genuine than yours as she introduced herself and Leah. You hadn't needed her to, but it was a nice gesture anyways.
"It's good to have you here", Leah smiled as she gently lay her arm across your shoulder.
"Wanna see your new flat?", you nodded as Leah guided you out of the hall, your luggage left with Laia who strolled behind you alongside Kim.
Leah's confidence and her proximity to you, your side pressed against hers, was making your head spin ever so slightly. You had, admittedly, hoped that Leah, as co-captain and being about to return to the pitch, would understand how badly you didn't want to be at Arsenal, seeing as she bled for the club the way you did for Barcelona. Maybe she could grasp the idea of being forced out of her home, and sympathize with you in the slightest. And it seemed she did, as she pointed towards what you guessed was Kim's car, leaving you and Laia in the backseats as you drove through the city. London was different from Barcelona.
It was slightly less ugly now, with impressive buildings and a few bits of nature sprawled around as Kim maneuvered the car through the streets. It was cold, though, and as you were shivering slightly, Kim put the heat just a bit higher. It was grey, as well. Not a single ray of sunshine was able to break through the barrier of clouds in the sky, and it reminded you a lot of your current mood, though you were hesitant to show it.
Leah and Kim seemed genuine in their efforts to make this transition as easy for you as possible, given the fact that your apprehension to leave Barcelona was a very well known fact. You had dedicated an Instagram post with a very heartfelt caption to your departure, which made it very clear that you did not leave on your own accord.
Their dedication to welcome you, though, made you feel the tiniest bit of unfair. The women were genuinely trying, and they promised you during the car ride, when asking whether or not you were nervous, that the whole team was excited to meet you. Maybe you could try a little bit. Maybe you could enjoy this for the time being.
"Here we are."
You could see Kim's smile through the rearview mirror as she parked her car in front of an old building which you guessed was your new apartment complex. The car had left the central of London around twenty minutes ago, and at your confused expression, Laia had huffed that the club was in North London, not Central London.
"¿Es un poco feo, no?", (It's a bit ugly) you asked Laia as you stared at the shabby building. The walls were grey, and the parking lot was grey, and it seemed like everything in London was just.. grey. Plain.
"¡No, Y/N! Leah vida aquí también", (Leah lives here too) Laia huffed at your comment, shaking her head while chuckling at your statement. You shrugged, ignoring the way Leah and Kim furrowed their brows at your Spanish conversation while climbing out of your seat to retrieve your luggage.
You insisted on carrying your suitcase up the small flight of stairs as well, though Laia offered to do it for you. The two of you hadn't been super close when she'd still played at Barcelona, but you had been quite good friends, and having at least one familiar face soothed you.
"This is it", Leah smiled softly as the four of you stepped into the hallway, following your curious steps into the flat. It was plain as well, of course it was. For the first time since calming down on the plane, you had to fight tears again. The flat was nice, sure. The club had organized a quite spacious place, with lots of room and comfortable-looking furniture. But it was bare. You knew that shopping for furniture would be a hassle in the middle of the season, so you had rented it furnitured.
You missed your green couch, the thrifted, quite antique sideboard, the golden-framed mirror. You missed the framed shirts on your wall, the clothing rack with all of the shirts you had swapped with other players. All of those things were now packed away in a storage room somewhere in Barcelona. You missed Barcelona.
"Es pretty", you mumbled, dropping your keys on the white coffee table and turning around to look at Leah, who was still holding on to your large bag, the Barcelona badge imprinted on it. The look she gave you, eyebrows slightly raised, eyes looking somewhat defeated, told you that you hadn't been able to fool her.
Laia and Kim left quickly, with the excuse of having early training tomorrow and needing to run whatever errands, but Leah stayed.
"I live in the same building, so I could help you unpack if you want?"
In truth, you didn't want her to help. You didn't want her to swoop through your things, eyeing all of your personal belongings, all of the tokens of your previous home that you had left so promptly, but you didn't have the heart to tell her no. So, the two of you got to work, after a small tour through the whole unit, finding the bedroom, the bathroom and another room that you guessed you would use for storage. Your kitchen was small, after all, and it was filled with things you didn't know how to use.
"What's this?", you asked as you held up a scoop of some sort, that you had found while rummaging through your cupboards.
"It's a tea scoop, for making loose tea", Leah explained with a chuckle, taking the utensil from your hand to showcase how one scoops.
"I don't drink tea", you huffed, taking the scoop back and shoving it into the back of the cupboard before closing it a little harsher than you would have expected.
"You're in England now, you're gonna drink tea."
You decided to ignore her comment, instead opening the next drawer.
"I have a microwave", you pointed out, moving slightly to the side so that Leah could look. She was awfully close to you again, and it made you nervous.
"So you can make paellas", Leah snickered, nudging her hips against yours playfully. At that, you turned towards her, taking a shocked step back.
"Joder, you don't microwave paellas! What is wrong with you? Mujer loca", (crazy woman) you exclaimed, nudging her back playfully before diving into the next cupboard. Maybe London wouldn't be as horrible as you thought.
notes: this is baaaaad honestly but we move
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yamujiburo · 5 months
Some of this might sound intentionally hostile in text and I apologize.
I'm saying this as an abuse survivor mind you - don't throw "abusive ships" under the bus so easily - at least, so long as they're not actually glamorizing the abuse. I lived that irl and I personally find someone overcoming it, slowly having enough of that bullshit and getting out over time, and the other person having to wipe their own butt for once after they've made the damn mess, very refreshing. Maybe that's not a ship in the traditional sense. It's no happily ever after bc it shouldn't be, but I find stories like mine shyed away from so often because even the portrayal gets considered a "canon ship". ... that's just how media works now, I guess? I very rarely See a fictional relationship not called a ship in literally any context now so that's the definition I'm running on.
I wish more people were willing to portray the hardships of finding acceptance outside of "whoever you can find will accept you" very much, and finding the better things after. I wish people weren't terrified out of portrayimg situations like mine.
Jessie.. is not a good person in canon. You expect me to believe she moved into to hanamusa seamlessly, without falling on her ass? I never see you talk about Jessie's abusive tendencies in canon. You never talk about the inherent meanness she needed to get over to get there. She's quite aml lot like my ex in canon, actually.
What do you mean you're going to just remove from the character that she is abusive to those around her. Jessie hits people. She takes her own junk out on others all the time. Do you even like the character then, are you actually invested in her growing, or are you just making an OC at this point?
Idk. Do you, boo. But you are posting about a character who, whether you like it or not, is canonically abusive. I just don't buy that dating Ash's mom alone fixed her. That isn't... How that works. It would be excellent if it did. Part of my love of hanamusa is that it signals Jessie's change - but she could have changed for anyone before now.
What makes Delia different? How is she specifically a turning point for Jessie? Because Jessie's flaws go well beyond just bossing people around.
I would love if my abuser had the same outcome as your Jessie. I adore your portayals of hanamusa, where she's still flawed but still strives to do better. That's all I ever wanted from my ex.
What the fuck got her there tho.
Anyways I've been watching a lot of Bojack Horseman lately -
I agree with you! I don't think abusive relationships (or any tough subject matter in general) should be shied away from in media. It can be powerful when executed well and written by folks who are equipped to tell those kinds of stories. I do think it's sad when people treat it as off limits. But the ask I got was definitely more about which ships I have where I actually like the relationship between the characters. I think the semantics of the word "ship" are kind of vague or rather, over time, got so specific to only mean "absolutely love together and want them as endgame" (for most people anyways). So that's usually what I take the word to mean when people ask me about it.
I can 100% appreciate how an abusive relationship is written and handled, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna ship an abuser with their victim (that falls into the glorifying you're talking about). Love Bojack Horseman! Big fan! I think the way they handled Bojack and Sarah Lynn was beautifully and tragically well written. But does that mean I ship Bojack and Sarah Lynn? Absolutely fucking not.
I've talked about Jessie's character plenty on this blog and the way she's handled in earlier seasons specifically. This is kind of a summary: If we look at it on surface level, yes we can say she was abusive. But I think it's important to acknowledge and take into account the medium, time period and culture. Slapstick and cartoon violence was HUGE in anime and animation in the 90s (and prior to that too). Characters were always cartoonishly slapping each other around with giant mallets, folding fans, etc. Looney Tunes style. These slapstick bits were always distinct from real abuse and hurt (for Pokémon, Jessiebelle comes to mind). Mean slapstick wasn't a character trait exclusive to Jessie either. We saw it in Misty, James, Meowth, characters of the day and pretty much any character who got mad. It was a visual shortcut to show anger.
This type of slapstick has since (thankfully) died out and it hasn't really been a part of the Pokémon franchise since the early 2000s. However, Jessie was a notably special case. One of my favorite fun facts about the Pokémon anime is that there was a point in the series where Megumi Hayashibara (Jessie/Musashi's seiyuu) told the writers that moving forward, she no longer wanted Jessie to be violent or to be shown hitting James or Meowth (source: her memoir "The Characters Taught Me Everything"). She thought it directly went against the vision Takeshi Shudo had for Jessie, James and Meowth, when he created them, which was that they are good natured villains. If you watch from DP and on, Jessie never lays a hand on either of them. I think it was a such a good move on Pokémon's part to change her character like that and I'm forever grateful that Hayashibara said something! Whenever I write Jessie now, I always keep that in mind. She's mean, shouty and stupid but would never genuinely hurt those she cares about.
From then, her character becomes much more bearable. She's still bossy, mean and vain (typical cartoon villainess attributes) but I'd hesitate to say abusive. She'll still yell at James and Meowth, they all yell at each other, but in more of a sibling way (imo) rather than a "i'm actively trying to hurt your feelings way". The show makes a point especially in later seasons to show that Jessie, James and Meowth are not beyond being redeemed. From conception the whole POINT of the Team Rocket trio was that they are redeemable but their persistence and obsession keeps getting in the way of them seeing that there's a better life for them out there.
I won't deny that Jessie was unsavory in earlier seasons, but when I write her, I choose to write the version that Takeshi Shudo and Megumi Hayashibara had envisioned from the get go. She's still incredibly flawed and makes plenty missteps but wants to be better as you stated! My favorite part about Jessie is that she's a piece of shit LOL and I enjoy writing the changes she goes through to be better (but then still showing her default so some of her evil tendencies). In this AU, Delia doesn't fix Jessie. Jessie fixes Jessie because she is with someone makes her want to be a better person. She's already in the middle of turning over a new leaf before even meeting Delia, after leaving Team Rocket. Writing Jessie as legitimately abusive I think could work, but that's not my story to tell and if someone who were more equipped to tell that story did, I'd be very interested to take a listen!
I hope this doesn't come off as trying to deny or invalidate your experience. If you see that in Jessie, I hear you! This is just how I've interpreted her character over the years, having watched every episode of Pokémon and reading Japanese interviews from the cast and crew. She's such a compelling character and I love how messy she is
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avocadorablepirate · 2 months
What Do We Call This? - 01
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mini masterlist || next
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
Summary: On a quest to find what you've been looking for, you acquire the help of the Straw Hat pirates, who've agreed to let you temporarily join them. There are however many challenges that come along with your temporary recruitment - an alliance with a certain Trafalgar Law being one of them.
Word Count: 1.9K
Warnings: fluff, angst, kinda slow burn, swearing. OP spoilers (especially in this chapter). Probably shouldn't read if you haven't watched/read the Punk Hazard Arc.
A/N: 16 year old me is rolling in her grave, ready to resurrect from the dead, unalive me, and take my place because both she and I cannot believe that we are back here writing fics about a fictional man. We also cannot believe that our writing style has not changed one bit. It's honestly quite disappointing.
Anyway, this chapter kinda sucks (proof read, but for sure there are mistakes somewhere there), and the others probably will too (all I've written after this is my favourite part, the rest is up to fate and my willpower to continue writing). But, if it comes to it we can always just erase all of this, and act like none of this ever happened.
Why is it called 'What Do We Call This?" you ask? Because I honestly don't know what the fuck to call this.
She found herself being welcomed onto the pirate ship, despite the fact that just a few days ago she was after their lives. It was truly a strange turn of events that had unfurled in the blink of an eye.
"If that's where you want to go then we'll take you! If I'm going to be Pirate King I'll have to visit every island anyway!" The captain had said without a second thought when she had asked them whether she could tag along for a short while.
To put it briefly she had met the crew at Fishman Island, initially with the intent to get rid of them. However, after certain explanations about memories that she did not want to dive into for the 2nd time that week, and some forgiveness on the part of the pirates, she was now onboard the Thousand Sunny, on her way to the new world, fulfilling her initial goals.
The Straw Hats ship had docked at Punk Hazard on getting a call from someone on their Den Den Mushi. Luffy having picked it up without any hesitation had decided that he was going to help whoever it was.
A lot had happened since then. You had been captured along with Nami, Sanji, Chopper and Franky, and had found yourselves in a metal chamber along with the head of a samurai who was somehow still alive, despite lacking an entire lower body. Franky and Sanji had managed to break open the cell, allowing for your escape, but as all of you looked for a way out you ran into some children in what looked like a nursery. You had then escaped with the children, who had begged you to take them with you, but on exiting from the front you ran into a pirate named Trafalgar Law and the Marines. The group's interaction with the two was short, quickly choosing to find another exit.
Law, you thought to yourself as you kept running. You had heard the name before but couldn't quite remember when. You were however pulled out of your thoughts when from the corner of your eye you saw a thin blue orb surround the four Straw Hat pirates. You watched in shock as the hearts of the pirates were switched.
What had just happened?
You took a quick glance at the people behind you, had this been the work of the Marines or the pirate Trafalgar Law?
What you found was the pirate, frozen in place, staring at you as if he had seen a ghost. He had been caught off guard perhaps, not realising that there was someone else with the Straw Hats. But, he was quick to snap out of it, turning away and focusing his attention on the Marines at hand. You too turned back around, a small smile on your face despite the situation. You remembered now, where you had heard the name. What were the chances that you would finally meet him after all these years, you thought to yourself as you lightly touched the strap of your hood.
Everyone was now hiding out in a cave behind the research facility you had been trapped in, the situation having completely changed.
You had reunited with the rest of the Straw Hats and Trafalgar Law had also joined the group with the intention of forming an alliance with the Straw Hats. You couldn't help but laugh to yourself when Luffy had readily accepted, thinking back to when he had gladly welcomed you onto his ship, despite the few protests from the rest of the crew.
Your laughing caught the attention of the captain of the Heart Pirates, and you were quick to regain your composure, giving him a quick smile as he eyed you. His attention then turned back to Luffy, but his hand pointed at you, "Who's that?"
Luffy looked from Law to you and back, his smile stretching from ear to ear, "Oh! This is (Y/N). She was trying to kill us," he says, his smile not letting up while Usopp and Nami yell at him for the introduction while you, Robin and Franky laugh, Chopper too stunned to speak. Usopp then explains to him that you've temporarily joined them, not going into further details.
Trafalgar Law was obviously not expecting that for a response, almost in complete shock that someone could be dumb enough to welcome an assassin onto their ship. However, he didn't address it, there were other things that needed to be dealt with, he would just have to be wary of you.
You, Nami and Usopp had volunteered to stay back and watch over the children. However, Caesar Clown himself had come to attack you. Unable to land an attack on him the three of you were knocked out and he took the children back with him leaving the three of you and Brownbeard behind. Luckily, the four of you had managed to escape and were now back inside the research facility with everyone else.
It was a strange group of people; pirates, Marines, a few of Caesar's subordinates, and whatever you were. However, given the situation everyone had decided to work together to escape the gas, defeat Caesar Clown and save the children. But you sensed that Trafalgar Law had other intentions as well.
Initially with the task of helping find the children, you stuck with Nami, but watched intently as Law went off on his own. You quickly made the decision to follow him. Unsure of whether he had any ulterior motives to form an alliance with the Straw Hats, you felt it would be a safe bet if you kept an eye on him, in turn protecting the Straw Hats who you were indebted to - incase he tried anything.
"Nami, I'm going to follow Trafalgar Law. Maybe I can find something that can help the children," you say, and quickly follow behind the other pirate, not giving Nami the chance to protest to your decision.
You kept a safe distance from Law, you couldn't let him see you. Following him through various corridors he finally stops at a room filled with huge tanks, the words 'S.A.D' painted on each of them in big bold letters. What is this place?
Law's voice draws your attention away from the tanks, and you notice the same blue orb from earlier surround him. You're taken by surprise when you see a translucent cube with what looks to be a heart inside it appear in the palm of his hand. Then suddenly Law's flung back and in front of him stands a tall man in a white coat and shades, the cube now in his hands. He looks vaguely familiar.
"Ver-go," Law tries to say as he stands up but the man squeezes the cube causing Law to fall back down and yell in pain.
Your eyes now focus on the heart, is that Law's? How did Vergo get his heart?
This time Law tries to land an attack on Vergo. He's able to hit him but it doesn't seem to do much. Vergo once again squeezes at Law's heart, harder this time, and you watch as Law falls on his back, unable to get up.
Shit what do I do? You scan your surroundings trying to find some way to help Law. You're not one for close combat, or combat at all for that matter, so running in and attacking is not an option. Just then you see the Marine from earlier, and you let out a sigh of relief, you could hold off on intervening for now.
Things however seemed to be taking a turn for the worse. Vergo had the upper hand, Smoker almost completely knocked out, yet you had a sliver of hope when you noticed Law dragging himself across the floor to reach for his heart. But, just as he was about to reach for it Vergo picked it up. You looked back to see Smoker lying still on the floor. Then you heard Law scream. A gasp fell from your lips, but you were quick to duck behind a wall before anyone could see you. Your body was shaking, Law's screaming was bringing back the memories.
Prison cell.
Dragged out.
More screaming.
You try and take deep breaths to calm yourself. There's no point in remembering those things. You're free from it now, you try and tell yourself, You need to do something, if you don't, no one gets out.
Three deep breaths. You swore to yourself that you would never do this again, but maybe that wasn't the best idea when you had decided to associate yourself with pirates.
You outstretch your arm, and focus your attention on Vergo while still trying to hide yourself. From the corner of your eye you can see Smoker slowly starting to get up. You have to time this right.
You close your hands into a tight fist, and twist your wrist to the right.
Vergo suddenly screams, an excruciating pain surging through his right arm, and he drops Law's heart just as Smoker hits him from behind.
You unclench your fist and bite down on your hat that you had already placed between your teeth, trying your best not to let out a gut-wrenching scream of your own as you slide down against the wall to hide yourself.
The problem with these powers? You feel the same pain you inflict onto others, only it's far worse than what they feel.
Law's surprised by the way Vergo is suddenly gripping at his arm, but he immediately looks to his right, he heard that gasp from earlier. He knows you've been following him, watching him, but until now he wasn't sure why. You're gripping at your right arm as well, from your expression he can tell you're in pain, did you do that? He doesn't know what to make of it. However, he takes this as his chance to get his heart back, and just in time - Vergo's attention is back on him.
Trafalgar Law, you say to yourself, eyeing the man who's sitting by himself away from the rest of the group. He's different from what you had heard about him. Given, what you had heard about him was from a long time ago.
After the pain had subsided you had decided to get away just as Law laid his final attack on Vergo. You didn't want him questioning why you had followed him, and you definitely wouldn't have been able to explain why your right arm was limp. Instead, you headed back to the Straw Hats and acted as if you never saw or heard anything.
"Hmm?" You turn your attention to Sanji who's holding out a bowl of food.
"Could you give this to Tra?" he asks, and you nod your head as you take the bowl from him.
Law's staring at Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats, annoyance etched on his face. When he sees you his eyes do a quick scan from head to toe, but you notice how they linger on your right arm, which you quickly hide behind your back, shoving the bowl towards him.
"Here, Sanji wanted me to give this to you," you say, and he takes the bowl from you, nodding in thanks. You stand beside him for some time, waiting for him to say something, anything, but not a word comes out.
"Well, if you need more let me know," you say, quickly scurrying back to the cook who's all too happy with your company.
A/N: Now you're probably wondering after reading this, why the fuck are you writing? It's very simple actually - because what's the point in living if you don't keep adding to the list of things you're embarrassed about <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠> ..... anyway see you next time....unless I choose to dip after this.
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shadowystan · 8 months
YANDERE! celebrity x f!reader – he's so pretty, so popular (you really don't wanna be his sweetheart)
No but YANDERE!celebrity with a toxic fanbase.
It's not him you should be scared of. Not his bodyguards or his influential family; not his obsessive ex or crushing best friend.
The fanbase.
Jealous fans would cloud your life. If you have social media, you'd be hacked a few thousand times a week. If you block them, turn off your comments and go private, you'd get doxxed. Plain and simple.
It's upsetting. It's suffocating. And it's downright terrifying whenever you're out in public. Death threats at your face, stalkers outside your door. No peace of mind, none whatsoever.
But of course if you're pretty enough...
YANDERE!fans who want nothing but the best for their idol. Only someone as dazzling as you could deserve him.
(It's set in stone. You have no choice.)
YANDERE!fans who're the epitome of degeneracy. Writing dirty, smutty fanfiction on the side while making ship edits with you and their celebrity. It doesn't matter how many times you've streamed live, asking them to quit it because the both of you weren't official or how much it makes you uncomfortable.
YANDERE!fans who instead of agreeing and respecting your wishes, go as far as to send you everything. Gone are the rules of RPF. They're spiteful, they're overbearing and most of all, they want you to know you have no power.
YANDERE!fans who litter whoever you try to date with messages of "kill yourself <3" or "jump off a roof. respectfully." on their social media comments or DMs.
YANDERE!fans who spread elaborate rumors about you when you do something that remotely doesn't meet their standards.
The air was soothing. The atmosphere lively. You heard the chatter of the birds, the laughs of the couples, the giggles of the teen girls-
"-Let's say she assaulted someone!"
Leaning slightly to the left, you nonchalantly readjusted the dark spectacles framing your eyes. Hoodie pulled over your face and a lone piece of lettuce peeking out of your lips, the thought that someone might recognize you left your mind for the briefest of times.
And you focused on the task at hand. Eavesdropping on the conversation happening two tables to your side.
They were being rather loud. And concerning. Quite concerning.
"-That's too much, Sana." A puff of air left your mouth, a reassured smile curling in it's stead. At least Sana had wise friends-
"I mean how bad would it look for Iseul's reputation? He can't be dating an assaulter!"
You froze.
Iseul. Iseul. Iseul. Iseul Iseul Iseul Iseul-
That damned name.
A bunch of collective "oohs" and "aahs" splattered. The teenagers nodded in agreement, being particularly vocal.
"Let's say she bullied one of us!"
"Or that she has been to prison!"
"We caught her shoplifting?"
A fry was thrown at whoever said the last word. Useless bickering followed by rolls of their eyes, the girls easily overcame the little hindrance and got back to brainstorming.
You sucked in a breath, spoon limply hanging off your fingers.
They were definitely talking about you.
Whatever. Whatever. Whatever. It's not a big deal. This is normal-
"We should break into her house or something. The address is leaked anyway."
The table screeched, you stood up.
Legs having a brain of their own, you paced out of the restaurant, the memories of the girls fibbing and bickering and planning like no tomorrow kept echoing through your mind. Like a broken record. Since when had your life turned to such shambles?
God. Why were things like this for you?
Releasing a shaky breath, you gulped, burying the insecurity deep inside of you. Whipping the lopsided glasses away, you stop caring for a moment.
You don't care. For sure. But then your hands are moving and they're looking through your pockets, seeking for something and my goodness, since when did your phone start feeling so heavy?
Unfamiliar and hesitant, you went through your contact list, heart beating so fast that you felt like it'll rip right out of your chest. Your lips quivered, flushed skin feeling hotter and hotter by the second. A fever? Or was this anger?
You shivered, ignoring the tears and the salt and the aching, aching feel of your soul. You fiddled for a moment – just a moment – but then you're harshly pressing the call button and wiping snot off your nose before placing the phone to your ear and waiting like a madwoman. Impatient and uncalm and-
"My love! You called!"
Him. Him. Him. Him.
How you hate him.
"I'll-I'll do it,-" You spluttered, very much on the verge of choking on your own spit and mumbling strings of curses at him and them and every single person who's so, SO mean to you- "I-i'll make it official. We.. we will! Just..- just please.."
You've perished. You've perished until this second, this moment and you'll continue perishing but-
"J-just.. make them stop."
Don't you deserve a break too? With everything he puts you through?
A tsk from his side was heard. Iseul sounded amused, almost cross with you. Almost pouty. Almost smiling.
"Really now? This easy? Things were only just getting fun."
You wanted to gut YANDERE!celebrity. Brutally.
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((The movie ain't even out yet but here I am-))
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• The big bad turtle monster falls in love easily. When he first laid eyes on you, he knows you're the one for him. His one true love.
• Bowser doesn't have a type, he generally goes for anyone whoever he deems a perfect partner for him.
• Does NOT take "no" for an answer from you. If you try to resist or ignore his advances, he will forcefully take you as his. Stealing you away in the middle of the night on a flying ship. Luckily, two Italians lend a hand to help set you free.
• If you agree to advancements like his gifts and terrible cheesey poetry, Bowser will be head over heels for you even more than he was before. Someone FINALLY loves him back! Oh great joy! Bowser might just not destroy another kingdom for a while ;)
• Bowser will take you on extravagant and expensive dates. He'll take you to dinner, an amusement park, a museum, anything! Your wish is his command. Bowser only wants to make you happy. The dates always have to be perfect. Always. If something goes wrong, say the waiter forgets your drink or someone accidentally bumps into you, Bowser will flip his lid. He'll start shouting that to the person that they're ruining his date. You have to hold him back from hurting the poor bystander.
• You're the only one who can calm him down. If Bowser is having a temper tantrum or a fit, you have to comfort him before he destroys the whole castle. He quickly lightens up whenever you're around. Dropping one of his poor servants and going to you like Bowser is your lap dog. The best way to calm Bowser is to let him lay his head in your lap as he grumbles about what's been bothering him. Usually, something about the koopa troopas or the Mario brothers.
• Wants LOADS of kids. TONS. Bowser had always desired a big family when he was younger. So, be prepared for a bunch of little ones keeping you up at night or having to separate fights. Ah, but you'll love them regardless.
• No question asked, he is the big spoon in bed.
• Bowser will sing for you during one of your many romantic dates. He did a whole concert for you at one point! And he'll do it again. If you're into music too, Bowser is going to want you to sing and preform with him. You can't say no to him, he'll beg you too.
• Depending on who you are as a person, Bowser might become better or worse. If you're good, he'll try to do good things for you. Like stop invading other kingdoms and learn to control his temper. It'll be a drastic change from who he originally was. Bowser would do it because he loves you very much. Heck, he might even apologize to the Mario brothers and peach but don't get your hopes up now. If you're bad, mamma mia, you're essentially encouraging his behavior. Bowser will destroy an entire civilization to make you happy! Steal goods and jewels, giving it to you as a present. He'd create a new galaxy and make you it's queen/king! You two are the worst villian couple known to exist.
• Bowser loves showing off for you. Whether it's proving his strength or how tough he is, Bowser wants to make sure that you know your "hot boyfriend" isn't scared of anybody.
• has the koopas build you a custom throne right next to his throne. He wants you to be with him at all times and he thinks it would make for a great birthday present.
• Bowser's partner only gets the best clothing, food, and jewelry throughout all the kingdoms. Feeling peckish for something sweet? His bakers will make you five layered cake of your favorite flavor. Perhaps wanting a new outfit? Bowser purchases the entire goddamn mall so you can have a shopping spree. Maybe feeling a bit cold? He's got you covered, just wrap your arms around him and you'll warm up soon enough. Bowser doesn't mind at all. He'll work in some new plans or arrangements while you hold him tightly.
• Kamek didn't like you at first but eventually grew to. As long as you make Bowser happy, he's happy.
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00belle00lovely00 · 3 months
Well, since poly ships are now an option, curious to see how you'd view DogDay x CatNap x CraftyCorn 🫢
(I don't personally ship those three together btw. Just curious 🧡💜🤍)
OH! OF COURSE! I've noticed as of late that this ship in particular is VERY popular.
And yes! Poly ships are very much welcome since I'm poly myself. And to be completely honest with you, the majority of the ships I mention don't specifically fall into my favourites, but boneless I still love these concepts you'll give me! Hey, even you could say it helps me improve my writing skills!
shy x extrovert x introvert
Wouldn't it be downright hilarious to picture Catnap and Dogday being Craftycorn's muses for paintings? IT'S A CUTE CONCEPT, YOU ALL KNOW IT.
Could we all just agree that she carries and costume-made diary everywhere she goes?
Both Dogday and Catnap in my head would've probably intimidated yet striked Craftycorn's interest in every way. Catnap, even though somewhat too quiet or too lazy to go on with the day, is a very calming type of person who rarely gets angry at others or anything for that matter. And as for Dogday he's legitimately a sunrise and smiles kind of active guy, which in a way Craftcorn found them both endearing. And BECAUSE of that, she would've had a crush on them both at the same time and battled with her own feelings the whole time in who she liked the most, or in some way, even hoped she didn't since her nerves would be the end of her.
Craftycorn would too take her feelings out in drawing, just like in anything for that matter, and what would be her biggest fear? Catnap and Dogday seeing the things she has drawn at the end of the sketchbook.... don't ask what it is. We all know what it is.
Their date? Literally a cosy sleepover.
Their favorite activity? STARGAZING!
Wanna know what's ironic? While Craftycorn would be all insecure and overthinking about the whole situation, Dogday and Catnap would be noticing these patterns of nervousness and literally girl failure, and start to equally agree that they find that strangely attractive. And amusing. But that's Catnap talking.
They both also think she's pretty as hell.
And yes. they talk about it all the time because ✨communication and consent is the best romantic gesture✨
Even though Craftycorn is a very shy and soft-spoken girl, she's SURPRISINGLY VERY capable of defending herself and others she really cares about. And I'm talking both verbally and physically. She'd be able to pull out a punch on whoever complains about ANYTHING related to Catnap, Dogday or even her. You go, girl!
Okay... actually, changed my mind. She would do it but feel INCREDIBLY guilty later.
They watch My Little Pony and Carebears together on a date. Change my mind.
Could you all imagine how GOOD it would smell the air of their houses was every time they hung out? Like- you're telling me the air would be jasmine scented on one corner, vanilla to the other, and then lavender in every cushion? MY GOD.
I wonder if they do PDA. Craftycorn and Catnap would be most likely to do it but very lowly (like holding hands or wrapping an arm with each other), while for Dogday he would WANT TO... buuut he doesn't want to cross boundaries. So he'd keep it to himself. And probably crying inside not to pounce on top of the two of them into a tight hug.
They love it when Catnap helps them to sleep, especially lullabies.
OH IMAGINE THIS. What if Craftycorn knew Spanish and called Catnap "Lunita" (little moon) and Dogday "solsito" (little sun). NO- IM-... IM NOT SAYING THIS BECAUSE I'M HISPANIC AND I ADORE HEADCANON CHARACTERS THAT RELATE TO MY COUNTRY- THAT IS NOT-
(for context to the next headcanons):
Catnap in my own interpretation is a selective mute. All due to the 'red smoke incident' that occurred a few nights ago. He was so terrified of how not only his lavender gas was transported into that horrendous gas that made his friends laugh ever so hysterically and dementedly, but his body acted in a way that made no sense whatsoever. His movements were strange, creepy, and terrifying. So much so that it scared Catnap beyond thought. Even though all argued that it was just a 'collective nightmare' they had due to the circumstances of the storm. It didn't change anything Catnap went through. Everything he saw...
And at the end of the day, he decided to make a silent vow. Where he wouldn't let that smoke ever come out of his mouth again, even if it cost never to open his mouth. Never to speak again.
DogDay and Craftycorn after hearing about Catnap's vow, they were EXTREMELY worried about him. On some occasions, they tried to speak some sense into him about the mere thought of never talking again, but at the end of the day, they had to respect Catnap's decision. SO IN EXCHANGE, THEY WANTED TO LEARN ASL TOO! AND IT IS SUPER CUTE AND- KAINFIYLIAHDFCHASKDCFHNAKSJDCFHALNKUH-
Craftycorn also thought of teaching Catnap how to draw, with of course Dogday coming in to learn well. Since it was an alternative and temporary idea on communication while everyone else was catching up on Bubba's lessons on ASL.
For some reason, singing doesn't accidentally make the scents of any of the Smiling Critters out of their mouths. So whenever Catnap can, he tries to open up from his comfort zone (with the encouragement of the others) to sing them to sleep with a nice lullaby.
I swear to god my AO3 fans are out for blood now. They probably gonna be mad asf if they find out I'm wasting so much time on this than the fanfic chapter I'm writing.
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theheirofthesharingan · 2 months
You know I feel most of Sasuke shippers tend to hate Itachi a lot. They think whoever they ship him with is a better for Sasuke. I'm a sns stan myself but most sns stans hate Itachi, it also the same thing with ss stans.
It's not Sasuke shippers, it's his fans in general that hate Itachi. My interaction with SNS fans hasn't been negative (so far) so can't say, but I agree with you on SSers. You're right that they view Itachi as some kind of a competition for their respective ships because there's always a desperate attempt to magnify his flaws and deny/ignore the rest of the context because it challenges their notion of him being irredeemable.
A longish rant ahead. Haters are free to not interact. SSers too.
Majority of Sasuke fans hate Itachi. Some hardliners hate nearly everyone that isn't Sasuke. The only ones exempted from their hate are Mikoto, Team Taka, Fugaku (sometimes), and Obito and Madara (for some reasons - idk why). Itachi, Kakashi, Naruto are the worst people to be around him with no redeeming qualities who existed to make his life worse, instead of, you know, responding to their own traumas much like Sasuke did.
Some "generous" ones even though hate him/don't like him, aren't that extreme as the first ones, but there's also a weird kind of aggressiveness to them that's similar to the former ones. They may or may not ship Sasuke with others but the hate for Itachi is certainly constant.
None of them view Itachi as a human. Largely, the audience's perspective on Itachi relies heavily upon how Sasuke sees him. He doesn't see Itachi as someone breakable. The one memory of Itachi crying he assumed was his imagination. Even after learning the truth there's no memory of Sasuke recalling Itachi's vulnerability even though there would have been plenty of moments where he broke down. Just not in front of Sasuke or anyone else.
It doesn't mean Itachi was all what canon shows him to be. It's entirely the third person perspective without getting into Itachi's head that we see. Maybe more people would see him differently if we got more of him? Because a lot of fans too reduce him to just a powerhouse that's capable of taking down all the enemies singlehandedly. He's capable of being both vulnerable and strong. Those aren't mutually exclusive.
Coming to the shippers, I have a special beef with SSers because I've seen too many of them who claim to "love" Itachi, but the first moment they need to defend her or the ship, the first person they choose to shit on is Itachi. I don't dislike her, but imagine hating on Itachi to defend her? The only hate/criticism about her that I disagree with is Naruto fans hating on her for not choosing him. The rest is spot on.
SSers want Itachi to be "punished" and enumerate all the things he didn't deserve forgiveness for. And how S*kura would never put Sasuke through what Itachi did. I mean, that is a fair point, but how much more do you want Itachi to be punished more than he already was?
Living his entire life in exile, being hated by Sasuke despite loving him so much, a terminal illness, the guilt of all things, and eventual death, with zero chance at life. What kind of sadism it is where you think he deserves more punishment than this?
If it's not enough, Boruto seems to be more about SS than Boruto himself. There's just too much content on SS (or is it just my Twitter feed being stuffed with it? Idk) where they're the main focus, where Sasuke loves his family and all that. And where is Itachi in all this? How many times does Sasuke think about Itachi, if at all? Some anime scenes have them, yeah, but I'm assuming they're fillers.
I'll never, ever begrudge Sasuke for moving past Itachi and his memories, but it is heartbreaking that his memories have been abandoned in favour of someone Sasuke didn't even love and a family he didn't ever want.
He deserved better than this. And if Sasuke ever dies, there's literally no one that would remember Itachi. Unless of course they bring in a twist or something for the next gen. But I hope not.
Congratulations, shippers, you won. *claps*
It may or may not be the same for SNS fans, but if there's a lot of hate in that circle too, they can also rejoice for the same reason. Itachi doesn't exist anymore. It's been almost 20 years since his death in canon. The people Sasuke has been around are those he's shipped with. So, it's a win for both?
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mstrickster · 10 days
For you ships: what's one thing one half does that drives the other crazy? Could be crazy with annoyance or crazy with love lol
Thank you for your ask! So, I am going to break this down by fandoms. Enjoy!
The BatFam:
I'm starting with my favorite family of Cryptids. I believe that anyone who's ever been in a relationship with one of the bats has generally the same thing that annoys the crap out of them. In fact, I'm sure there's plenty of things. However, I want to talk about two. The first would be the bats and their paranoia, and the second would be their willingness to throw themselves in the line of fire on TV or with no backup plan that they can admit to having.
Like whoever you ship the bats with you can guarantee that there has been a moment in that relationship where they have had to go and either save them from a villain or save them from falling out of the sky. Only for their bat to go, "I had it."
All of their current and past love interests have so many gray hairs.
Also, to love a bat is to endure their contingency plans. They will have a way to stop you if you turn evil. In fact, they have several, and no, they won't tell you.
On the flip side, I could see the bats being annoyed for the pettiest of reasons.
Like Damian gets annoyed with Jon because he refuses to let him sleep in the barn with the animals...during winter. He also gets annoyed when Jon tries to treat him fragilly. Many arguments have started from that and ended with "IM THE SON OF THE BAT!"
Dick is better. He got most of his gremliness out as a child. However, he will get extremely annoyed if you eat his stash of cereal. Or if you take his siblings' side during an argument.
People do joke that Jason is always annoyed. He isn't, but he also doesn't see a point in hiding his frustration. However, he gets annoyed to death when someone goes into battle unprepared. He is resourceful and will chew people out for getting hurt in a clearly avoidable incident.
Tim is a lot like Jason, where annoyed sometimes feels like his default. However, he only gets annoyed when people talk over him. Or that one time that Bernard told him he couldn't punch his way out of all problems and Conner agreed with him. Tim pouted for like a week. Bernard is constantly annoyed when his boyfriends are late for a dinner date because they stopped a criminal. There's two of them and they both had to get sidetracked? Ridiculous.
Cass doesn't get annoyed, really. Of course, not many people would be brave enough to annoy Cass. Steph can be ridiculous, but Cass usually looks on in fond amusement rather than annoyance. She does love seeing Steph go all superhero mod, though.
The Mighty Ducks
Banksway: There are definitely a couple of things that drive Adam crazy with annoyance but also crazy with love at the same time. One thing is when Charlie truly believes something, he will stubbornly follow his beliefs even to the point of ruin. Like I could see Charlie coming out because he is so intent on his feelings for Adam and he's like "I'm not going to fucking hide you!" It's so endearing but but Adam really wishes he would just listen to him. He also gets annoyed with Charlie stubbornness. Especially since a lot of the times if Charlie thinks he's right he will act like he's right. Until he's proven wrong. However if he is proven right he will rub it in Adam's face a little bit. On the flip side when it comes to Adam Charlie gets annoyed that he doesn't always voice how he really feels. Like unless you push Adam to the breaking point, he will conceal; don't feel his way out of most things. It's not that animal won't fight for things it's just that a lot of things you just doesn't see the reason to put in the effort. He's very good at following rules, and Charlie wishes he wasn't.
Gerreau: I don't think there's much that Connie and Guy get annoyed with each other about. It does drive guy crazy with love when he sees Connie do her leadership thing. Like he loves to see her take charge. He doesn't know it but Connie does the same thing with him. She loves to Hype him up and she just adores him. Like he could bake cookies and she would just be so madly in love because he did that. It is truly adorable.
Hazbin Hotel
Now you didn't specify fandoms, so I'm including this one because these are some of my newer ships.
Obviously, Husk gets annoyed when Angel is fake. It drives him insane when he tries to hide how he's actually feeling behind his facade. However, it also drives him crazy with love when he gets to see Angel do something he really loves, like dancing. He just gets all warm and fuzzy all over. For Angel, it drives him mad when Husk thinks badly of himself or thinks that he isn't worth redeeming. He gets very passionate and will scream affection at Husk. Saying things like how he is worth more than any of those other lowlives outside the hotel. Then he will hug and cuddle Husk until he agrees with him.
I feel like a better question is what these two do that doesn't drive the other person crazy. Like Alastor can stand slightly different and Lucifer will think he's doing it to annoy him. Which is exactly what Alastor is doing. They are constantly butting heads, and that's why they work. No one pushes them to outdo themselves like the others! Sometimes, they even push each to be better, if only on accident. They are a disaster, and that's why I love them.
I don't think it's a big annoyance, but I do feel like Vaggie gets a little annoyed at Charlie's willfulness to trust almost anyone. Vaggie is always on edge if there is even a chance someone will betray them. However, Charlie isn't like that, and it can be frustrating. However, that's also why Vaggie loves her. It drives her insane with love when she sees Charlie tap into all her power and show the world who they are messing with. For Charlie, she kinda gets frustrated with Vaggie's trust issues, but she tries not to express it. She is driven mad with love when she sees her girlfriend fight for the hotel.
Anyways, that is all. Thank you! 😊
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aloyxtilda · 1 year
I need to say something. The saltiness I have seen against Seyka. The negativity to Aloy and Seyka's relationship even. It's hurtful and sad. I am so sad to see this from such an amazing community that I love very much. A lot of us LOVE Seyka. Attacking her character, claiming she is written badly etc. Please stop. All that is a salty opinion that some people may agree with but doesn't mean it's true for the rest of us. And it's hurtful to see everyone attacking each other over it. You are allowed to be critical of the story. But attacking each other, lashing out, being mean is wrong. I love all the characters in Horizon. All of them! And it's fine if you don't. But be polite and respectful.
Aloy is confirmed bi/lesbian. Can't we all be happy for her at least? Your fantasy still continues on with whomever character you ship her with. It doesn't need to be canon. That's not what this story is about. It's not about your fantasy. It's about Aloy's growth and her learning about love. It was beautifully and respectfully told too. So relatable as a lesbian for me. Everything. And in my opinion, It wasn't rushed at all. It felt natural. Realistic. 🌹💞
Then you got the saltiest ones saying. "But Aloy has built up all these other characters who mean something to her and putting Seyka with her as her lover is like tossing the rest of the characters under the bus." 😒 Really? So That's like me saying. I got all these people who are into me sexually and friends in my life who I made deep connections with. That means I should and must date them?? 😬 Red flag alert! No!
Sorry kids but that's not how it works. Seyka just happens to be what Aloy wants and opens her heart at the right time. It's realistic, natural and her own decision. I feel like Tilda and Lis' tragic love story helped to make Aloy realize something deeper in herself. It's Guerrilla's story and they are telling it beautifully. Not some cheap dating sim. Look, I ship Tilda with Aloy. I get it. But I am not upset that Aloy never got with her. Specially since it was canon that Tilda was totally obsessively in love with Aloy and Lis. Then she went and died. (Left up to speculation of course. 😌) Spite whoever Aloy is with romantically, I just want Tilda to be in the 3rd game.
It's fiction and supposed to be fun. But people are legit shitting on Seyka and each other! I find Seyka is an amazingly well written character. People are more upset that Aloy didn't get forced into being with their favorite character. I understand we love our favorite characters but the negativity saltiness around it is toxic. Aloy can be with whoever she wants and Seyka is her girl she chose. Seyka also represents girls out there who look like her for once. Another plus. And if you chose for her not to be with Seyka...it doesn't change her sexuality or who Aloy is and what she likes. Sorry if that upsets you but not sorry. She's B/L and we should really be happy about this. Sometimes it's our own community that can stop more industries from making games for us. Since it's always easier to go the straight route. Then it's typical and the drama stays out of it. Is that what you want?
I am so happy for Aloy and her story. I am proud of Guerrilla for telling the story they want. (Spite all the backlash now from all sides.) And not listening to any particular group who think they deserve the favoritism. Instead they gave us something new and fresh. A new character who vibes with Aloy and gives her confidence who she feels equal to but also only knows her as the girl who fell to earth. Not the savior. Not the outcast and I prefer that. I just see it as the more the merrier. Seyka is just another beautiful character we can ship Aloy with in fanart/fics. But some people rather be angry about it all and cause drama, even use it to hate on other shippers. Like fine, do that if it makes you feel better. But it looks salty and really raised a red flag for me.
Also as a middle aged elder gay who works in the gaming industry and sees so much bigotry, this behavior doesn't help and looks bad on the lgbtq+. I've seen some amazing devs already be talked badly about because of their decision. We really need to be more supportive of each other and characters that represent us and companies who risk a lot to tell stories made for smaller minority groups. The game industry is still far from being a healthy environment for women, PoC and LGBTQ+. Let's not make it worse. ❤👏 Thank you.
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ms-cartoon · 3 months
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So I saw some more fan art of something like this and people are still hating it, calling this person homophobic for erasing Vaggie's sexuality and shipping her with a boy version of Charlie. Alright look- I can understand why they wouldn't like it, there's nothing wrong with not liking it, but it's absolutely crazy to me when they call someone homophobic especially when they said they loved Chaggie despite their sexuality and gender. Like-- this is literally just a thought that they had and they wanted to draw it. That's all that is. They don't dislike Vaggie being a lesbian, they don't hate that she and Charlie are girls and together. This was just a "what-if" drawing. It doesn't hurt the canon whatsoever. Y'all are being overly dramatic about this honestly.
And it totally confuses me cuz . . . Y'all will ship a straight character with their same gender and NOBODY will bat an eye at that. Nobody will judge you for it. If anything, they'll agree. Like, say someone shipped Naruto and Sasuke (and a lot of people do) and drew romantic art of them. You don't see us going, "Umm Naruto and Sasuke are straight and they're boys. You can't draw them together. That's weird."
We definitely can't say things like that, cuz it'll come off as homophobic, wouldn't it?? Or if people draw something like this--
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Changing Naruto's gender and making fanart of him and Sasuke together. Making fanfictions of a girl Naruto and shipping him with Sasuke. They ship these two boys (who aren't even a couple) but would prefer if one of the genders were switched. Didn't nobody make a big deal over this (as far as I know anyway) no matter if they were a part of the lgbt community or not. Nobody cares if they're straight, what gender they are, or if they were a couple or not. All they know is that they like the thought of them being a couple.
So why is it when someone switches up a queer character's gender and sexuality to heterosexual, it's suddenly criminal???
Here's another example--
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(Sorry to whoever drew this. I don't mean to repost your art. I just found it off google.)
Angel Dust is gay and Vaggie is a lesbian; PEOPLE SHIP THEM!!! There are a lot of fans who draw these two together despite their sexuality. You don't see nobody going, "Uhh Angel Dust is gay. He can't like Vaggie and Vaggie can't like him."
So shipping a gay character with a lesbian character is fine and shipping straight characters with the same gender is okay. So why is it wrong for the op to make fanart of something like that??
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elvisabutler · 1 year
#15 Fluff prompt with army! Elvis where you know he’s been seeing other girls and you just met him but he actually really adores you/makes time for you. Kinda took inspiration from the Anita phone call where he’s nagging her about calling, this is different, he wants her to visit and call.
called ya, didn't i?
fandom: elvis presley | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: t for some implications but again pretty tame pairing: elvis presley x female plus sized reader word count: 1249 warnings: mentions of elvis and his ladies' man ways. mentions of the reader deciding men are trash. minor insecurity on the reader's part, nothing too woe is me, more practical than anything else. reader is of age ( i mention her daddy so it needs to be said. ). author’s note: thank you for this anon! this was adorable and after the- smut army elvis prompt i got i discovered he's actually quite fun to write. hope you enjoy this! this is done for my 1k gala, based on fluff line “just call me whenever you like.” y'all know the drill, real elvis or austin elvis works fine for this despite the moodboard.
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If there's one thing, and one thing only that your parents have taught you, it's not to be stupid around boys. It's to know that most boys are stupid and don't have your best interests at heart, instead they have their own interests at heart and are slaves to their own desires. Army boys- be it the ones you've grown up with on bases in various places or the ones who've been shipped off to fight in wars or to just be a peacekeeping force- are ten times worse. Something about the fact that they know they can be shipped away at any time makes them practically caustic with other people's feelings and hearts. No, you know better than to fall for an army boy.
Or at least, perhaps you you did. You thought you knew better and then Elvis Presley came strolling into your life and you- oh, you feel that God has to be mocking you. He has to be mocking you because there's no way Elvis Presley would show interest in you. You're confident enough in your figure, it errs a little too much in the rotund direction for some but you like it just fine. Figure that whoever you want to be with would do the same, tell you how much they enjoy the plushness of your stomach and of your various parts. You know the type Elvis goes for, however, and you- oh you- are most definitely not it.
Yet, here was Elvis sending you letters and finding out your phone number from other people because you're so charming every time he talks to you. He never gets to talk for long, someone always pulling him every which way but it's fine, you think. It's fine because he's got all those other girls, the nice refined girls who look good in the papers and even the ones that just look good, even if no one but you and half the base know about them. No, it's better this way, better that you don't call him and you just leave him be to the other girls. Leave him to charm them like he kind of charmed you.
Except Elvis keeps making time for you. He keeps pushing aside whatever girl he has on his arm at any given function to come and say hello to you. It's not unwelcome but it's strange, it's strange to see Elvis Presley making time for you. It's even stranger still that one night he asks you on a date. A date your mind tells you that you should accept, you shouldn't accept because he's going to inevitably toss you aside like you just watched him toss the other girls aside. It's a date you do accept though, one that's filled with dancing a little silly till the slow songs start and he's twirling you as if it's the most natural thing in the world. It's a date filled with so much joy you almost forget it has to end until Elvis is on your doorstep placing a chaste kiss to your cheek.
"Gonna let me take ya out tomorrow night?" He murmurs, his hands against you cheeks, his thumbs rubbing them slightly. "Please, darlin'."
You agree and your life becomes a whirlwind of dates and phone calls and Elvis getting sent to Paris where you know he's got another girl so you don't call. You don't call for over a week until Elvis calls first. Your instinct is to remain sweet and charming because even if he's got another girl probably in the next room over but you can't help the way you pout just a little.
"Why are you calling me? Don't you have a pretty French girl to kiss and spend your time with?" The hurt seeps into your tone despite everything. You knew better and yet- yet you thought maybe this was different. "I didn't call you for a reason, 'Vis."
There's a silence on the other end of the phone call before you hear a muffled curse before he groans. "Baby, I ain't got any French gal. I got you, but no French gal looking to be mine." He pauses. "Ya really think I ain't- Baby I'm mad as hell ya ain't here wit' me. Why would I- That's why ya haven't been callin' me? Ya think I got someone else?"
It's your turn to be quiet on your end of the line as you listen to his breathing and hear a slight huff of a laugh leave him before you answer. "Well what am I supposed to think? I know how you are and how girls are and how I'm cute and pretty but not your-"
He cuts you off. "Not what I go for? Darlin'- now I want ya t'listen. I jus' call me whenever ya like. I wanna hear ya voice, wanna hear 'bout ya day. Wanna get to know ya real well. Thought I made that pretty clear 'fore we went to Paris but I'm guessin' I didn't now."
"Oh Elvis." Those are the only two words that cross your mind at the admission and you're struck by a faint rush of embarrasment that you had read the situation so wrong, that you had allowed your judgment to be a little clouded when it came to him just because he was Elvis and just because he was a boy in the Army. It makes your heart twist a little before you finally gain up the courage to speak again. "You really mean it? You aren't teasing, are you? I know you do that too and I don't think I could handle you doing that to me. It'd be real mean."
"Baby. My mama'd- God rest her soul- she'd ask God to smite me if I lied about this. No lyin' I want to get to know ya better 'fore my tour's over. 'Fore they send me back home. If I get to know ya and we like- we enjoy each other more, ya can come home wit' me. Already want ya to visit me more often. Wanna see ya. Hear ya."
A laugh leaves you, a soft little thing that Elvis thinks is something a little bird might sing before you speak. "I- Okay. Alright. I'll- I'll call tomorrow night, how about that? Because I got to sleep, Elvis. And we'll talk and I'll see if my daddy can help me see you."
You can hear the relief and the smile in Elvis's voice when he answers you. "You better. And- I know you're a good girl, I do, but I wanna kiss ya on the lips sometime soon. Can we-"
"Maybe. Play- Play your cards right, Elvis. I'm not so easily swayed you know." You answer is a little cheeky and earns a loud bellowing laugh from him in response.
"Best answer I'll get from ya. Alright." He pauses and hears someone yelling for him before he curses yet again. "Listen. You 'member. Tomorrow night. Gonna be right by the phone waitin' for ya."
He has to hang up before he gets confirmation from you. But the phone call he gets the next night and the night after that and the one after that might just be enough of one. Enough of one to take you on another date when he sees you and one that ends with a proper kiss. And perhaps it's just maybe enough of a confirmation to talk about taking you back to Memphis with him.
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hot-take-tournament · 2 months
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Submission 644 & 746 (64.1% validated)
buggy isn't hot
he’s just not. look at him. yeah yeah he’s got tits and a detachable dick but he’s so cringe and fail. i would not fuck him personally.
buggy the clown is not fucking hot
HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN. HAVE YOU LAID EYES ON HIM. i’m extremely homosexual for men and yet i have not even an inch of attraction to this little blue haired and pronouned bastard. yes he has three boyfriends but if you see me as one of them shoot me, that’s an evil clone, i would never willingly put my penis inside of buggothy theodore clownsworth.
Submission 515 (63.7% validated)
if you must ship Jesus with one of his disciples then at least ship him with John
look I'm a Christian (but like not the bad kind) and I don't personally ship Jesus with anyone cause that feels a bit too much rpf-y for me but I see people (jokingly, I assume, for the most part, but also this is the internet so I know some people are very serious about this) ship Jesus with either Judas or Peter and like....... tell me your knowledge of the Bible is the few Bible stories you remembered from sunday school as a kid without telling me that your knowledge of the Bible is the few Bible stories you remembered from sunday school as a kid. like yeah sure there's all these great stories about these guys that kids learn about! everyone who has some basic knowledge of the whole easter deal knows Judas and if you've learned any stories about Jesus with the disciples then you probably know about Peter. but like........ John is the guy. like go read the book of John if you don't believe me. like this is the guy who is canonically (fun reminder that the term "canon" originates from people discussing the Bible long long ago) "the disciple who Jesus loved." like Sufjan Stevens, king of "is he talking about his boyfriend or Jesus" refers to John & Jesus' relationships in his song "John My Beloved" which is hella gay and like it's all right there!!!!!! like this is so strange for me to be invested in because I'm not like someone who actively ships them but like if I wasn't religious and all I would be all over this and the fact that people keep being like "hehe Jesus and Judas~~~" when there's like no textual evidence for that!!! it's just people seeing the kiss of betrayal and liking some dramatic stuff!!! and the people who bring up Peter instead are the same!!! like you're just applying fanfic tropes to a dynamic and deciding that you like it instead of like looking at what's actually there in canon!!!!!!!! like at least do cool blasphemy or whatever I hate that I care about this. I hate that I wrote all of this. I have no dog in this fight. whoever wins I lose because I don't want to care about this in any way but I do and it's horrible and I just wish people would at least talk about the guy who when having to read his gospel like a year ago for something, I was left with the thought of "huh....... if I didn't know any better I'd say that there was something going on here"
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Propaganda is always encouraged!
And remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure!
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gojosbf · 3 months
What do you think about the answer to this https://www.tumblr.com/gojuo/742796780522061824/is-satosugu-a-queerbaiting-ship?source=share ?
Each to their own, though I would like to add that it isn't "manipulative gaslighting" to see certain characters and their interactions through queercoded lenses and talk about it so much. I understand op's pov about how some stsg are annoying and send death threats to people who just want to have fun and ship gojo with whichever character they want because at the end of the day they're all fictional!! Let people think however they want and ship whoever they wish to!! But this argument also coexists with let stsg shippers make theories and art and memes and have fun without shitting on them so much just because you think it isn't canon. Fandom interactions are what makes a fandom, and fandom is a backbone of the series, I am sorry but that's the truth! You cannot separate fandom and the manga but sure you can choose not to interact or look away if it isn't what you like. And yes it's not canon but if a person chooses to view their interactions through queercoded lenses it's on them and you don't have any say in that. The artists and writers who take these characters base their art/fics around them are doing so because they love it, it can be delusional for you but that's how fandoms work, you take the characters and the interactions you like and choose to add onto that and it's fun!! Most fandoms do this, why do you think there are so many fix it, time travel, hurt-comfort fics? Sure it might get annoying because that's the most prevalent and loud part of this fandom and yes I agree shoko didn't get enough screentime and gege really fumbled with her (let's be honest he fumbled with all the potential his female characters had) but there are still some of us who root for them and wish to see more of her but thinking that just having more interactions of the trio would somehow "force" us to focus on "her dynamic with other characters in a meaningful way" as an argument against how that'd lessen the focus on ship is honestly very dumb. We have people dissecting the single panels of geto/shoko and gojo/shoko interactions, we have pages of thesis on "i was there too" panel, we have people writing and wondering about how everything effected her and we have art of her with both of them together, upon that if we had more of the trio the fandom would've simply shifted their focus on the trio+the ship, neither is going to lessen the focus on other. Her presence wouldn't take away but rather add more and fleshen out more personalities and quirks which inevitably would've led to more stsg content, just think about it. At the end of the day people who feel strongly about certain topics will continue to feel them and a stranger on internet stating their opinions isn't going to persuade them to do the otherwise easily, so think what you will!
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belong2human-kind · 8 months
Hey guys, Clara here!! How are you??
I'm here to talk about something more serious right now. But don't worry!
As someone who is deeply in love with the SW Rebels saga since even before the first airing and someone who has accompanied all of the development of this amazing expansion of the Star Wars' universe, I want to say that this is one of the most diverse community I've met, and this makes me really happy about how so many different beings share the same interest and passion for this show as I do 🧡
So.. my profile won't lie huh? I'm down for a ship of this show so so bad, and if you, person on the other side reading this, still don't know what I'm talking about, let me tell you: I'm a biig sabezra shipper and fan! Since the first time I saw these two interact, I feel in love with their dynamics. And as the show continued, the sentiment that they could be one of the healthiest pairings of the entire saga only grew more. I love both characters individually, Ezra and Sabine, and also love them as a couple.
Joining tumblr and being active here about them, I entered the community and even dared to share my weird thoughts and stuff and own creations about this universe I love so much. I was so so so motivated by amazing people who gave me support to show my little creations, and I made truly wonderful friends here on the ship community that I'll cary for life. I won't lie that I am very eager about this ship so whoever I see engaging in Sabezra, I tend to follow XD (I hope this isn't too weird heh ^^)
I'm here to talk about two things.
1. I am very thankful for the friends I've made on the ship community and the series community as a whole too. Also, the majority of people I interact with are absurdly amazing, kind and sweet, and as I said, it's really touching and heartwarming to me to know that such a different and diverse community is united by one specific passion about SW. You guys are amazing, stay awesome 🧡💜
2. This being said, unfortunately, things can get a little heated up about some topics, specifically the ones involving pairings. So, I'm here to talk/ask, all of the people who, like me, are part of this community, to just remember that, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter who you support your character with or without: we are still united by the same interest, this one being the love for those characters with such deep, unique and touching stories.
The Ghost Crew is a family, and we, the fandom, are kinda like a big one too. So what I'm here to ask is: Hey, be kind to each other 🌻 Different opinions exist, but this is not only fine, this is amazing. It'd be boring if everyone on earth loved Rebels or even my favorite ship, sabezra, because if everyone did then it wouldn't be something so unique and especial, and it is. As I said before, this community is so diverse! We can enjoy different things, we actually should do that! But, by the end of the day, we're just a bunch of people who love star wars. I think we can all agree on that ^^
That being said, I also apologize. I try to not engage with any hate spreading messages, and I know that there are quite a few here on both the shipping communities and the entire community too. Nothing can really justify being mean to someone (at least that's what I believe and try to hold myself on) but I know that we never know what's really happening behind the screen for someone, even if they share. Life can be tough, I know this myself. So I apologize for all of my friends and community colleagues that might have hurt on others, and also, apologize on myself as well if I did let this happen too. As much as I try always being kind, I'm still a human, with ups and downs and one that can make some mistakes too. I try my best to make people around me (physically and virtually) to feel comfortable and embraced because I think everyone deserves that. But at the same time, we can hurt people intentionally and unintentionally so easily :( So yeah, I apologize for that. And I hope we can interact with each other with kindness and respect. I think this is one of the most important things to do as a human: be gentle to others and the nature around you.
Uhh I speak so much :'n It's 2am now and I have class tomorrow, my adhd brain is still running on circles on my head LOL so I'll be off for now. Keep awesome guys! And stay safe 🌻
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