#I don't love the spam bots tho
yellow-lemon-lime · 2 years
“Dad, why is my sister called Rose?” “Because your mother loves roses” “Okay, thanks dad” “You’re welcome DelilahSpamington80991″
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puraiuddo · 1 year
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im-a-goddamn-cat · 4 months
I found your post "sorry (not) sorry" where you talk about asexuality and aces who say they love sex etc.
That post ended up on my "for you" and I'm glad it did. I wrote a reply in that post but I was typing too quickly and it was a mess. So I deleted it and decided to write a message instead.
I have to say that I agree with your post 100% and it's quite sad that your opinion is "problematic" in ace community.
Can aces have sex? Yes. Some say they do it solely to please their partners, which sounds very RAPEY. It's interesting how little we hear about the allosexual individuals, who might masturbate instead of having sex with their asexual partners.
Nowadays, it seems like everyone is obsessed with labels and twisting words to fit their own narrative. I'm not against labels, just use labels that fit you. A lot of times I feel like allos just use asexual label so they can preach how they love sex & they can show aces that they can love sex too like every other "normal" person.
Sometimes when I see someone talking how they never want sex or that they are sex repulsed there always have to be some "ace" that screams BUT DON'T FORGET ACES LOVE SEX TOO! WE LOVE KINK! WE LOVE FUCKING!!!
It feels like you're being erased, but erased by someone who's not even asexual.
I come to ace tags a lot, because I would like to follow some people, (also I come to the tags a lot so I can block bots that started spamming the tags) but it's always the same story. I see people who say they are ace but they also say things that show me that they are pretty much allos. It's sad because these people made me avoid ace spaces... because it really feels like 60% of them are allos who just use ace label. 30% are aces who don't want to be rude and they're like "all are welcome, all can use ace label!!! No one can tell you that you're not ace" and then 10% people just don't say a word because they don't want drama.
This is why people won't take us seriously because a lot of people who don't know much about asexuality hear just "I'm ace but I still love and enjoy sex!. And this is why some people think being celibate and being asexual is the same thing.
Sorry for a long message & my rant but it's RARE that someone who's ace actually say things you said in that post out loud... and it's refreshing to see that.
I don't really know how much we have in common but I will follow you just so I can read more of your ace posts in the future. Because I really need that.
thank you so much for sending this message, i'm really glad that my post resonated with you. and i agree with everything you said. it's awful that the asexual label/community has been overtaken by this narrative that aces can have sex even tho it's just false. it's actually pretty scary bc, like you said, it sounds so rapey. you rarely hear ppl adovacting for allos to have sex just to please their partner or for allos to have sex with ppl they aren't attracted to bc everyone recognizes how disgusting that is, but for some reason, ppl think it's normal and okay to do this to ace ppl.
i hate being one of those ppl who tries to tell others what their identity is but i truly do feel like ppl who claim that their ace but still want/enjoy sex aren't actually ace, they're allosexual who decided to call themself ace for some reason. asexual ppl do not experience sexual attraction so they would not be seeking out sex with ppl nor would they enjoy it. if someone claims they enjoy sex despite being ace, i feel like there's a good chance that they're not actually ace.
i've also seen the argument that "asexuality is a spectrum" for why aces can have sex but i'm gonna be honest, it seems more like it's allosexuality that is the spectrum; there's only one way to not experience sexual attraction (asexual) but there's many different ways to experience sexual attraction and there's nothing wrong with that but it doesn't mean you're asexual. if you experience sexual attraction, you're not asexual.
i've also seen ppl get harassed for saying that they're asexual which means they don't want to have sex and/or dislike sexual content and i've experienced that myself. i've made posts just talking about my own sexuality and have had multiple ppl who jumped in to try "correcting" me by telling me that aces can have sex, which again is false, and it just shows how creepy this attitude is bc why do ppl always feel the need to try forcing this mindset onto any actual asexual person they come across? it really feels like ppl are just trying to pressure ace ppl into forcing themselves to conform to allosexual society's standards.
anyways, i think you hit the nail right on the head, you're so right about everything. it seems that even the ace community has been overtaken by a compulsory sexuality and rape culture mindset and it's so sad. this is supposed to be a community for ppl to celebrate and bond over their identity and yet you have so many ppl either trying to coerce asexual ppl into having sex and/or ppl who aren't even asexual who are claiming the label and twisting it for their own weird narrative.
thank you so much again. 💕 ik it sucks and it makes me sad and angry that ppl do this awful stuff too but always remember that there is nothing wrong with who we are and that we should try to stay positive and fight against ppl's acephobia as much as possible. 💕
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l3o-lion · 2 months
refusing to report bots for posting sexual stuff if i can instead report them for spam- my problem isn't with nsfw stuff on tumblr, my problem is with the godawful bots
(still don't love encountering untagged/crosstagged explicit photos without community labels tho, bot or not, i just dislike bot posts more)
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tuesday again 5/23/2023
six sentences or less bc that's the kind of week it is
straighten up and fly right from the nat king cole songbook, covered by sammy davis junior. i have a lot of fondness for the nat king cole songbook bc my grandmother had a lot of fondness for it, and this one was very comfortably in our (contralto) ranges. really burrowing into the comforting familiar as we enter the Cross Country Move Hellzone (tm). spotify
lot of documentation for work bc i am trying to build a google sheet + calendar for our grants and reports such that when someone adds OR EDITS a row in the grant/report tracker it creates a new google calendar event OR UPDATES existing events. i may have to give up on that second half.
in non-work stuff, it is hysterical how many hackers brian krebs (infosec reporter/journalist/researcher) is able to interview. like when this guy was asked "yo is this your code targeting a specific mastodon server with a crypto scam" the response was
Clicking the “open chat in Telegram” button on Zipper’s Lolzteam profile page launched a Telegram instant message chat window where the user Quotpw responded almost immediately. Asked if they were aware their domain was being used to manage a spam botnet that was pelting Mastodon instances with crypto scam spam, Quotpw confirmed the spam was powered by their software.
“It was made for a limited circle of people,” Quotpw said, noting that they recently released the bot software as open source on GitHub.
we live in the stupidest possible cyberpunk future.
i don't know jack about shit about cars and i don't know what the fuck jennings motorsports on youtube is talking about 80% of the time but a friendly guy with a calm voice talking through how he's going to get some cars in the worst shape you've ever seen up and running again? yes good thanks, i've blown through his entire backlog in the last week in my second monitor while i've cleaned data. this man is essentially rebuilding this rare limited edition shiny holographic car from half a frame and a panel LOOK how fucked this thing is.
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love the Will It Run? videos bc the answer is almost always yes AND SOMETIMES HE EVEN DRIVES THEM DOWN HIS DRIVEWAY AND BACK even if the cars are barely holding themselves together. the horse souls in these machines can be coaxed back into resurrection with the proper burnt offerings and application of liquefied dinosaur
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the charm of Powerwash Simulator is somewhat dampened by its extremely buggy achievements bc i KNOW i could get all 40 so fuckin easy if they just WORKED. i didn't get the "main campaign completed!" achievement despite spending nearly forty hours 100%ing every job, so i think the rarity of the achievements is somewhat inaccurate, bc it's more like, did you happen to play through that level at a time when the achievement was working? despite all that, it has been incredibly effective at damping generalized moving anxiety and it's a tremendous catch-up-on-podcasts game. it's hysterical to me this was published by square enix bc this style of simulator game is usually published by Playway or a Playway company, a shadowy network of about a hundred small polish studios, many of which went public and had IPOs in order to hand over a controlling interest of the company to Playway. long history of annoying business practices such as remaking more popular games with the serial numbers filed off and making demos to gauge interest and THEN only making about one full game for every twenty demos, which is very irritating for players. not this one tho, it's in fucking brighton in the uk, no relation!
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this is going to be cleaning and move prep for the next six weeks. i deep cleaned (even mopped!) my kitchen and bathroom last weekend bc it uh. really needed it, and that's the most exciting thing i did. no progress on cleaning the flip clock radio bc i do not currently have the patience to sit down with qtips and get in all the little grooves.
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What are your thoughts on spam likes? (Like not intentionally but someone stumbling into your blog and reading and liking lots of stuff) because I just saw few blogs that said account will be hard blocked if you spam like more than 5-6 posts and I'm so confused like do they want engagement or not? Should I stop liking posts? I don't wanna be blocked just because I liked some posts that were genuinely nice. Someone also said theyll block account for spam liking because they get anxious if they see same username in notifications and someone else said they'll block because notifications from likes annoy them and I'm just so baffled. WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO?
erm i looked it up bc idk i’ve never really cared when people have spam liked me? i think it’s sweet but APPARENTLY tumblr does not!
i guess spam liking can cause tumblr to think the acc (the one ur spam liking) is a bot or has a bot which then leads to tumblr shadowbanning the acc n their works won’t show up under tags n only to their followers? APPARENTLY! that was just after a quick google search but idk i’ve never had that happened to me and i’ve had quite a few people spam like me through out my years being here so? … knock on wood tho i don’t wanna get shadow banned tumblr plz i love u
anyway i think the general like consensus for like… what some/most writers want or prefer? is like reblogs bc that’s what like shares the post around and helps with engagement and gets other people to see it yk? unlike other sites tumblr is a reblog>likes kinda situation…
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dragoncxv360 · 2 years
Aight, makin a new pinned post
I'm sorry for the lack of image IDs on most of my art, I just don't really have the spoons to write them most of the time
Any nsfw posts will now go on a sideblog. Suggestive stuff will still go here (with tags of course)
Comissions are open
Here is the commission sheets
(Drawing requests are closed unless I specifically ask for requests)
You can find my art on here under the tags my art or ellery's art
Also also, asks are welcome! I'd love to chat about stuff! Keep it sfw and free of gore tho please (also I usually have anon asks off in case of harrassment so sorry about that for the people who get anxious off anon)
Update 2/7/24, asks are going to be off until further notice because of the fucking spam bots
Any fnafics I post will be on my ao3 (I will list them under the cut) Sadly due to ai bullshit I have locked them to registered users only. (Sunflowers and Stardust is cross posted on ffn but it is the only one I have cross posted for the time being so if you see any of my other stories on there, they were not posted by me and are therefore stolen)
Currently looking into other options for my stickers since I’ve decided I don’t wanna use teespring anymore. You can support me on kofi
Also I have a few poems and stuff posted here under the my writing tag (also under the ellery's writing tag)
Info post on my security sun au
Info post on You're Everything I'm Not
I have my ocs tagged by their name (eg. All my art of Pinky is tagged as Pinky Roth) so it's easier to find other art of them. I also have the tag you're everything I'm not for ocs from that story
Do not repost, trace, or edit my art. Do not repost or edit my writing. This includes translations and dubbing/narrating my art or fics. I especially do not want reposts with all this AI bullshit data scraping.
Please ask before using my art as a pfp or banner or anything like that
(if it was made for you you can use it as a pfp or banner)
Using my art as a phone/tablet/computer wallpaper is totally ok though
Do not fucking feed my art or writing to ai, you will be blocked and blacklisted from my comissions and anything else involving me on sight. This includes using my art, writing, and/or characters in chat ai bots, it's not ok and never will be.
Do not roleplay my ocs or use my character art and/or writing/worldbuilding for your own story or dnd character or campaign.
Also I don't currently feel comfortable with other people writing fics for my aus (or ocs). I know most people are ok with that but I just currently am not quite 100% ok with it
Making fanart of my aus and/or ocs/stories is totally ok, just please keep it sfw and free of heavy gore. I am aware my fics and/or art often includes such topics but I'm not currently comfortable with other people drawing those things for me. If you would like more specific rules for my characters, you can check my artfight
If you are heavily inspired by my story/stories for one of your own fics (by heavily inspired I don't mean stuff like wanting to write a genderfluid Sun too or even wanting to write a fic with a similar plot such as a fic with Sun dying and Moon dealing with the grief of that loss, I mean stuff that copies multiple and very specific aspects of my stories) please send an ask or a dm to me, I'd be happy to discuss what is and isn't comfortable so that we can work something out. Please note though that I may say something is too heavily inspired to be comfortable for me. I'd most likely be happy to help give you pointers on changes you can make so it's comfortable for me though.
Fics are listed in the order they’ve been posted (based on the first chapter for multichapter fics). Please look to ao3 for reference to which au each fic belongs to and what order they’re in (they’re listed in chronological order unless specified otherwise but you don’t need to read them in that order or read all the fics in the series)
Blood and Oil
Major character death, graphic depictions of violence
Sun x Moon (past, sort of), Moon x Monty (there are other background ships but these are the main ones)
Incomplete, ongoing
This fic deals with or eventually will deal with: death, murder, grief, ptsd, trauma, nightmares, hallucinations, self harm, dissisociation, and toxic relationships and coping habits. It will also deal with sex and sexual themes, including sexual hallucinations. While this fic will deal with complicated feelings around sex and self worth in relation to sex, it will NOT deal with rape/non con. Please use caution when reading this story
Moon is patrolling one night when he comes across an intruder with more violent intentions. Things go downhill fast and just when he thinks he's going to die and this is the end, Sun sacrifices herself and saves Moon. Now left in a world without his lifelong partner and other half, Moon must figure out how to survive alone.
Good Girl
No archive warnings apply
Sun x Moon, Sun x Moon x Monty
Complete, 1 chapter
Wordcount: 5,081
Sun accidentally calls Moon a good girl during daycare hours and Moon likes it more than he thought he would
Don't Cry, Firefly
No archieve warnings apply
Sun x Moon
Complete, 3/3 chapters
Wordcount: 10,904
He felt his face heat up as he realized what was going on. He was about to walk away to give Sun some privacy when he heard them whimper, "M-Moonlight, I need you."
Moon froze. It wasn't the first time he'd walked in on Sun masturbating, but it was the first time he'd ever heard them say his name during it.
Claws and Teeth
No archive warnings apply
Sundrop x Moondrop x Eclipse x Nova (oc)
Complete, 1 chapter
Wordcount: 4,447
Eclipse couldn't believe how he'd ended up in this position. Everything had started as a normal night with his partners, watching a movie and playing games, and now they were making out with him on the couch and biting him.
Eclipse has a fun night with his partners in a role he doesn't normally take, the sub
Stitch Me Up
No Archieve Warnings Apply
Eclipse x Nova (oc)
Complete, 1 chapter
Wordcount: 1,565
After being sent to the hospital for a bad panic attack that resulted in self harm, Nova comforts Eclipse with some soft sex
This fic mentions depression, anxiety, and self harm. Please don’t read it if you are sensitive to those topics
Sunflowers and Stardust
Graphic depictions of violence
Sun x Moon, other relationships to be added
Incomplete, ongoing
The main fic for my security Sun au
Starting a few months after the virus has been fixed, this fic will explore Sun and Moon's future over the next 11 years, and delve into what the prior 10 years were like for them. There will be lots of shenanigans and lots of self discovery as they grow and heal. The glamrocks, Foxy, and DJ will be in the fic but won't be focused on as much as Sun and Moon. There will also be lots of relationships explored in this fic as most of the characters are poly in some way. I will update the relationship tags as needed.
Any smut will be contained to separate fics so that people who don't like that stuff don't have to read it. However, there are discussions of Moon’s sex repulsion and Sun’s lack thereof, meaning there are vague mentions of how Sun feels. There will not be any explicit sex or masturbation scenes in the fic though, merely discussions of boundaries on these sorts of things.
Making Starlings
No Archive Warnings Apply
Sundrop x Moondrop x Eclipse x Nova (oc)
Complete, 3 chapters
Wordcount: 9,941
Moondrop plans a fun night of movies and sex with their other partners, Nova and Eclipse, for Sundrop, but gets worked up before the movies even begin.
This fic will deal with the begining of pregnancy in later chapters so be aware of that
Why Am I So Hot?
No Archieve Warnings Apply
Sun x Moon x Monty, Sun x Moon
Complete, Chapters 3/3
Wordcount: 6,747
Sun goes into heat and Moon and Monty help him
Chapter 2 is Moon's heat, chapter 3 is Monty's heat
Sometimes Things Start With Love And All We Get Is What's Left Over
No Archieve Warnings Apply
Sun x Moon, Sun and Moon and reader (platonic, not romantic or sexual)
Incomplete, ongoing
Fantasy au where Sun and Moon run an odds and ends shop and meet y/n when they come in looking for lavender. Moon is instantly smitten and Sun teases his partner endlessly about it.
Lune and Moon
No Archive Warnings Apply
Sun x Moon, Moon x Monty, Moon x Moon
Chapters 2/3
Warning: contains spoilers for the end of Blood and Oil
Completely non canon thing where the two different versions of the security sun au cast meet and both Moons fall for each other
Lune is the Moon from Blood and Oil, she's transitioned and changed her name
Language, Darling
No Archive Warnings Apply
Sun x Moon, Sun x Moon x Eclipse
Complete, 1 chapter
Wordcount: 3,011
Eclipse gets worked up after Sun and Moon tickle it and they end up fucking it
Wreck and Recovery
Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Eclipse x Nova (oc), past Eclipse x Monty
Complete, 2 chapters
Wordcount: 4,633
The first chapter does not deal with rape, the second chapter does. Please heed the tags as the second chapter is violent.
A prequel of sorts to the Organic/Recovery au's current fics, explaining Eclipse's past with Monty and initial relationship with Nova
(Also, I shouldn't really have to say this but no I don't condone this shit, and this is likely the only time I'll write it actually happening instead of it being an attempt and being stopped)
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Eclipse x Nova (oc)
Complete, 1 chapter
Wordcount: 2,460
I wanted to write a bit more detail about the aftermath of Wreck and Recovery so I wrote this
CW: mentions of past abuse and mentions of past rape
Set 3 or so months after Wreck and Recovery, Eclipse and Nova are working through the complex emotions they're both feeling and trying to talk to each other about new boundaries
And I'll Love You Softly
No Archieve Warnings Apply
Eclipse x Nova (oc) x Sundrop x Moondrop
Complete, 1 chapter
Wordcount: 9,148
“Did you wake up like this?” he repeated his question from earlier.
They nodded. “Y-yeah. I was really hot and—ohhh,” they moaned as their clit slid at the perfect angle across his thigh, “a-and really horny,” they finished. “Nngh, just wanna be bred,” they whined, wiggling their hips in circles.
He frowned, brows furrowed in a mix of confusion and concern. “It's almost like you're in—” he cut off, eyes going wide. “Oh…” he said quietly. “I…didn't know that would happen.”
“Th-that what would happen?” they asked, unable to stop the whining building up in their throat at the spike of anxiety and confusion coursing through them.
He bit his lip, blushing and looking away. “Y-you're in heat,” he finally said, cupping their cheek in his hand as he glanced back up at them.
Eclipse goes into a pseudo heat
I also have a handful of short stories that I wrote in like 2019 on there
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Hey, what's up! I'm just a random gremlin who loves Transformers way too much. Welcome to my tumblr page of doom, or whatever.
Call me tfp-is-my-lifeblood-lol or "Timll," since that's easier :) I would've put my name first, but tumblr's being glitchy and keeps deleting the whole first paragraph when I try to edit it loooool
-Be nice! Think of this blog like Maccadam's Old Oil House in Cyberverse: No fighting, or I'll turn into a giant robot with weapons coming from every part of me 😊 (jk, I wish, though. That would be sick)
-Please be patient with me, as I have no clue how Tumblr works yet lol
-Rules for Headcanons and Matchups are specified in their own separate categories
-Have fun!
I write:
I write for:
-Rescue Bots
-I do SWF and non-romantic headcanons only. I know it's a weird rule, but trust me, I SUCK at writing romance and NSFW. You do NOT wanna see me try😂
-Self-inserts and OCs welcome! However, be aware I may not write anything that wouldn't make sense in the show's world (like, if your OC is a half-human-half-werewolf, or something)
-Try to be very specific with your request. If you want me to write about a sassy human reader, give me an example or two of them being sassy. This helps me make the request more fun and interesting
-As always, please don't spam me with requests, or beg, or harass me. I'm a busy gal, and I might not get to all of them.
-If I do a request post, but it says my requests are closed, that means I'm catching up on old requests (I know that can get super confusing).
-NOT a rule, but I would really appreciate a nice mix of Decepticon and Autobot characters in requests. Just cuz I love them all. I'm asking out of pure selfishness looool. You don't have to tho :b
You can be matched with a character, and/or I can tell you what your alt mode would be, if you were a Transformer.
-To request a matchup, tell me about yourself (BUT nothing too personal-- like, don't dox yourself). Instead, tell me about who you are.
For example:
-Your overall personality
-Fun Facts
-Favorite movie, animal, color, song, etc.
For a character matchup, you'll get:
-Matched with a character
-Headcanons and maybe a scenario
-Possibly a song that fits you, if I'm feeling inspired
For an alt. Mode matchup:
-Please describe your personality as you, yourself, a human (rather than as a Transformer). You can include "if I were a Transformer, I would *insert anything you want here* (specifying which faction you side with is also fine) but I'll need your actual human description, too. It helps me match you up better.
-You can be specific, like: "What would my Maximal form be?/What would my Predacon form be? What type of car would I be?" Etc. or you can ask for an alt mode in general. Up to you!
-I'll tell you what you're alt mode would be! Yay🥳
Note: 1 fandom per matchup, at least for now. I've never done this before, so I wanna start small. But, you can ask for a character matchup and an alt. mode in one ask.
So yeah. Thanks for reading this far! You get an imaginary sticker!
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moonykore · 2 years
So... RIP twitter, hi everyone on tumblr.
I’m Moon! I am an hispanic content creator, specifically streamer on twitch, tho I'm trying to start posting on YT. I am a big rookie on this so imma add just that i am a "starter cc".
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I'm neurodivergent but I try my best to focus and be happy while streaming.
I focus on minecraft and some indie games but I play whatever my PC can run, which will be a lot more soon since my sis bought me a graphic card (i love her so much)
I would say that the vibes of my streams are dumpster on fire, and I like that. I like the mess, the chaos and the unavoidable tendency that I have to be annoying, oblivious and an absolute dork.
I don't wanna trauma dump but I started streaming when I was in my lowest, but found some joy on certain cc's that made me laugh when no one could.
I never felt at home in my house but I believe that happiness is something that I can build so... That's why I am here now, to maybe give some comfort to someone or make them laugh. I've always thought that even if one person is positively affected with something that I do I am succeeding so... feel free to join!
If you want some more info about me you can read more here:
I am 21 years old. She/her. Bisexual (so obviously we are an lgbtq+ friendly place!)
I love horror with all my heart! (But no, I won't play subnautica bc I am too scared thanks.)
I am a mythology, books and music nerd. I love any art that can tell a story. I'm a lil slut for storytelling what can I say.
Two of my biggest interests are astronomy and bothanic.
I also love anime and manga (+webtoons, manhuas, doramas etc) my favorites being HxH, one piece, Detective Conan and anything with a magical girl on it.
My (mental and physical) health is pretty fucking bad, but I try my best so if you ever catch me a lil down no worries!
Minecraft is my comfort game, but I am shit at competitive.
My favorite games are FFVII, dragon quest IX, and a looong list of rpgs and graphic adventures of point&click.
I love the DSMP, hermitcraft and a lot of MCYT more!
In relation to that, I know I'm not as funny, charismatic or skilled as some of the creators there, but being kind is like my only talent so you are always going to be welcome on my community! (even if I call you bitches sometimes! It's like an affectionate bitch. An endearing one. And if I say something about ur mom I probably mean an imaginary mom).
If after reading this you decide to join me here is my twitch, and here is my linktree if you wanna check my other socials! (Twitter is the best way to see my personality so run there and yell at me if you want)
Also PD: for the economic status of my family, if you donate anything, I'll probably use it to help at home, improve my setup or have a lil trait for me or someone that I love. But my bot always spams the link of the donate to the sarcoma fundation so if you want to spend money, you can do it there and not in me!
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oh-katsuki · 1 year
Hi cal!! I need some advice since I see you as that cool mom I see often on the dash LOL,, I’ve written ALOT of self indulgent fics but haven’t posted them anywhere, I want to but I have a massive fear of my works getting stolen especially since I don’t even have an account for posting yet (;__;) my blog here is to just reblog other writers posts and i don’t have any moots or followers in my blog except spam bots.. should I start interacting more with people then post my fics ?? Idk tho I have social anxiety eughh but anyways your advice would mean so much to me!! Thank u sm in advance cal !! <33
hi nonnie!!!! cool mom LOLLL that's such a compliment
i think that if you feel like you want to make friends before you post, you absolutely should, but i don't think it's super necessary! sharing your fics with the internet can be something that you just do for yourself (ie; posting while not thinking about interaction and stuff like that)! that being said, interaction with your work can feel really good and validating, especially when it comes from people you consider friends!
honestly though, i don't think making friends on here is a requirement at all in order to post your work! just do whatever feels right to you and the rest will follow!
good luck with posting your writing if you decide too and i hope that it all goes well <33 i would love love love to see it if you do!
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ectoamerican · 1 year
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Name / Alias: Spooky Pronouns: he/they Blog type: single muse | Multi-muse | non selective | semi selective | selective| mutuals only | private | other (specify) Type of muses: canon | OCs | both | other (specify)
GENERALITIES ! Triggers people MUST tag: animal death Interest tracker / checker: I have it and it's mandatory | I have it, it's not mandatory but I'm more likely to follow bad / interact with the people who fill it | I have one and I prefer it if people fill it in | I have it but it's to people whether to fill it or not | I don't have one | other (specify) Reblog karma: I practise it | I practise it sometimes | I don't practise it | I always reblog memes from the source | indifferent | other (specify) Rule passwords: I have one and it's mandatory | I have one and it's optional | I don't have one | I send passwords | don't sent passwords | I have to hype myself up to send one
please read my rules
please be patient with me. irl stuff can get in my way or leave me too drained to do stuff, even if i WANT to write
the basic stuff, no metagaming, godmodding, infomodding, etc
I am 100% okay with my rp partner not matching my reply length. Be it shorter or longer. (heck, if they make it longer then I'll feel better abt my next reply being longer.) HOWEVER, if I give a paragraph or two, I will expect more than one line. which is what I actually got one time.
if my rp partner goes into a thread with me assuming something about my muse even though I make it clear that my muse is canon divergent. I'm absolutely free to IM if you have questions! I'm friendly and don't bite, i promise. QwQ
when i can't figure out your blog. please, readability is the most important thing to me. which is why the most I do is small text. I will change my theme if I think even one thing is making it unreadable or even slightly harder to read. bright harsh colors as well, makes the blog a mess to read anything on.
not trimming your posts. it makes it hard to follow whats going on sometimes. even if tumblr now makes long posts auto readmore. (at least it does for me)
i do prefer that ppl tag their posts most of the time, but that's not really a requirement if it's not like for a trigger or something. it just helps me search for stuff on their blogs if i can't find it through our notes.
if the blog looks like a bot in some way
if it's a personal who has repeatedly reblogged something after being asked not to
if it's someone i've known in the past to make me uncomfortable
ooc drama between people, vague posts, bullying
minor/adult ships
very rarely, if they're spamming TOO MUCH ooc stuff, untagged or other wise, in a short amount of time. I mean like, many posts that are actually ooc not having anything to do with their character. not like aesthetic posts, headcanons, or art. I'm also not talking abt like, PSAs or updates on the mun's health/lack of energy. i get that it's your blog. but i didn't want to follow a blog that's being treated more like a personal blog.
also very rarely, if my dash is going too fast and it's clear someone isn't going to interact with me i might unfollow just to make things easier for myself to keep up with. but again, that doesn't happen very often.
if it's clear a blog has been abandoned. if they show signs of activity later tho, i may refollow. bc i know irl stuff happens, u kno.
if their muse is from a series i am uncomfortable with. (used to love HP, but i can't look at anything from it now. for example.)
if they ASK why i haven't followed them back. just feels weird, man. I will then not follow out of spite for how uncalled for that question is. nobody is owed a follow. not even me.
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
Hi, i was looking through your blog and i saw what it says on your bio. I just wanted to let you know that Tumblr doesn't shadowban you for getting massive amounts of likes or notes like other platforms. If it's because you don't like being clogged by notifications, I'm pretty sure that at least on mobile when a post gets too many notes they stop notifying you and you only see how much it was when you go into the app. That's all, hope you have a nice day!
thank u babe 🥰 i know that and i believed it at first until i got shadowbanned again for spam liking :/, tumblr probably detected a bot activity or something and shadowbanned me :/ and ngl it's also kind of annoying cuz it's always the same ppl who spam like me and they just like the posts where i interact w my babes and never support my writing :/
thank u tho 4 being so nice, love u💓
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ffsg0jo · 2 months
Hi! Just wanted to ask, I send you an ask like months ago, it wasn’t a request or something, just some feedback. I was really curious to hear your thoughts, but it never was posted. So I was just wondering, maybe you deleted it or maybe tumblr fucked up, no pressure tho xx
hey nonny, i've only got a couple of asks left and i'll be answering them soon enough, if i still haven't answered yours then i'm afraid i probably never received it. my ask box has been really dodgy and i have no idea why, sometimes asks show up on desktop that i've never seen on mobile, which is why i usually answer asks on desktop now.
i don't delete asks at all, unless they're asks that are spam/bots or just hate asks with nothing constructive in them. i'm 100% sure your ask isn't any of these so i would've had no reason to delete it.
just keep an eye out and if you don't see it them im really really sorry but i do really appreciate you reaching out to me and taking the time to share your thoughts with me regardless.
i hope you have a wonderful and lovely day nonny and thank you for stopping by <33
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
Rejoice! Salvation Is Free, Just Accept Jesus Into Your Life Today!
if jesus were real i would call him down right now and ask for the chance to murder his father with my bare hands
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re-bon-bon-san · 5 years
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hollowsart · 3 years
Do you know about the Spamton Acid-Shrinking theory??
yes. I think everyone who likes Spamton probably knows about that theory.
I don't necessarily subscribe to that theory, but it's fun to think about. in terms of like.. him shrinking, it would have to be mostly just his arms and lower half that is shrunk, since the rest of him is pretty similarly proportioned with the addisons, minus the fact his head is just a pixel or two taller. (also I did talk about this theory a bit in another ask before! [here's a link if you're interested])
there was another theory I saw earlier today that was "Spamton's actually the oldest of the addisons" and honestly?? yeah. I love that, I subscribe to that.
[email marketing theory]
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Anyways, here's my sprite edit for fun of Spamton for your trouble.
I wonder if toby fox will say anything about Spamton and stuff to really verify what happened or not. I'm genuinely curious and would love to learn more about this little spam bot trash goblin.
I've had a heck of a time back in the UT days, I don't really like to theorize on stuff much anymore from those experiences LOL aahh, but a few little theories and stuff I've seen people post about with Spamton look and sound like fun tho.
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