#I don't really have an excuse for how long this took except that I did not like how Piper was coming out in the drawing at all!
townsfolk-triad · 1 year
Biggest fear? Probably zombie apocalypses. They're the number one thing in my nightmares-
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"I hear that stress does a number on the mind. I'd offer you a pastry, hon, but sugar makes things worse.
I'd advise preparation. Have you considered learning how to handle a range of guns? I can give you a few lessons~
...By the way, I appreciate your candid response! Not a lot of folks around here like to open up. Can you believe that?"
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cringe-but-proud · 22 days
Can I request headcanons for Kurt, Remy, Logan, and Wade reacting to his gender neutral crush kissing him because they're so in love with him before apologising when they realised what they just did please?
X-Men with a gn!crush!Reader who suddenly kisses them 🤯🤯🤯
Includes: Remy LeBeau, Wade Wilson, Logan Howlett, and Kurt Wagner
A/n: I love them a normal amount. This took me a long time to write because tumblr kept deleting all of my work 😋😋😋 But, it’s here now. Hope you freaks annoy it. Requests are OPEN 💜
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It happens one day when you guys are in the kitchen cooking together
Remy (ever the opportunist) is helping you out by occasionally guiding your hands or gently grabbing your waist/hips whenever he moves past you. And you're definitely not complaining
Overall, the vibes are very flirtatious and cutesy, and you sort of get caught up in it.
After the food is in the oven and Remy is washing dishes, you walk over and kiss him.
Remy damn near drops the bowl he was rinsing, but he manages to keep his cool and almost immediately starts kissing you back
You're the first to pull away because it suddenly clicks for you that you're kissing your friend, so you break the kiss to start apologizing
"What you apologizing for, mon Ami?"
"I kissed you."
"And? I certainly didn't mind."
Remy has liked you for a while. That was pretty obvious to everyone. Everyone except you, since you thought he was just being flirty with you like he was with nearly everyone.
But, that's obviously not the case. He makes sure to make that very clear.
Once all of your feelings are cleared up, Remy pulls you closer to him by your hips and smirks softly. "You wanna try and kiss me again? For real this time?"
His ass did NOT finish those dishes 💀
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L ogan:
He comes back from a long mission, exhausted and not really in the mood for dealing with anyone
Well, that is until he sees you walking down the hallway. Then he decides he can maybe deal with one more person.
You're happy to see him back, wrapping your arms around him in a warm embrace that he didn't know he needed
"Ugh, I missed you!"
“You say that every time I come back from a mission."
"Yeah, because it's true."
He missed you too, but you don't need to know that.
You pull back from him just to lean in and kiss him.
That's probably the last thing he expected you to do. I mean, yeah he really like you, but he'd always been certain that you'd never want a guy like him.
After a moment of shock, he starts kissing you back, arms tightening around you
You pull away to ask "is this okay?" And he doesn’t even let you finish, just pulls you in for another kiss.
Sorry. He’s just wanted this for such a long time.
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He's liked you for a pretty long time. But, he knows you probably won’t like him back with how he looks. And he tells himself he’s fine with that.
But, since you two have been friends for a while, you get curious. So, you ask if you can see his face.
He agrees eventually and pulls his mask off to show you.
Normally he doesn't get so nervous to show people his real face. But, it's different with you. He doesn't think he can just laugh off your disgust.
When he pulls his mask off and your eyes widen, he immediately assumes the worst
"Yeah. Hideous, I know. Not the chiseled supermodel that I sound like under the-"
"Wade, you're like, hot."
"Excuse me?"
He can't believe it. Actually, he doesn't believe it. After you repeat yourself, he starts telling you that he doesn't need you to lie to him and that's when you cut him off with a kiss.
He pulls away immediately just because of utter shock "Woah! Cool down, hot stuff. What are you doing?"
You tell him you've always liked him, and that you still like him (maybe even like him more) now that he's shown you his face.
He's over the moon.
"Well, why didn't you tell me sooner? We could've been doing this all along!"
"Doing what?"
And then he kisses you again. Heheheheehehehe 👅👅👅
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Kurt loves helping you with anything and everything whenever he can. It’s one of the ways he shows his appreciation for you.
So, when you receive a (very minor) injury during training, he’s at your side almost immediately
He drags you away and makes you sit down, treating your small cut as if it were a leg that had fallen off
“Don’t move, Schatz. I will be back with a first aid kit.”
“Kurt, you don’t need to-“
“Stay, please.”
So, you let him patch you up, and he does far too much for a wound that you could probably just slap a bandaid over
But, you don’t mind. You admire him as he’s crouched down to the floor, delicately treating the small cut on your knee
And then he looks up at you with those bright, yellow eyes and he smiles. And you can’t help yourself. You lean down to him and kiss him.
This poor boy is so surprised he can’t do anything. He just freezes up. So, you assume you’ve done something wrong and you pull away.
“I’m so sorry. I thought- I was just-“
“Please do that again.”
And you do 🧚‍♀️
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thevoidstaredback · 5 months
How To Balance Your Daytime and Nighttime Activities So That You Don't Burn Yourself Out More Than You Already Have
It had been a long few minutes since he'd opened the door and there were a lot of questions running through Dick's head. Most pressing of which was how this kid seems to have information he should not have.
"How did you..?" he asked, but the words wouldn't leave completely. There's so much he wants to know, so much he wants to ask.
"How do I what?" Danny tilted his head like the child he seems to be is.
"How do you know?" Dick knows he sounds weak. There's no hiding that, but there are a lot of implications in what the kid has said so far and none of it is painting a very happy picture for him.
"Oh!" Danny had the audacity to smile, "You want to know how I know you moonlight as a vigilante!" And of course he knows. Dick knows he knows, but he'd held a little bit of hope that the child Danny was mistaken. Danny's smile softened a bit as he explained, "Your hair and voice match up in both jobs almost perfectly. Not to mention your build and how you hold yourself. There's also the matter of your overall vibes, but that's not something living beings can normally pick up on." Excuse him? "Well, not living humans, at least, so no worries on that end!"
"Excuse me?" Dick was fairly sure his heart just stopped beating for a moment there.
"Anyway, I was a hero back home for a while, too. I know what it's like to have to walk the tightrope between maintaining a civilian cover and a hero persona. I know how it feels to have to keep secrets from everyone because anyone who knows will be in danger." he rambled, Though, admittedly, our circumstances are quite different. I was working as a hero all hours of the day as well as going to school. You only have to worry about properly balancing between day and night jobs. Either way, me having more to bounce between just makes me al the more qualified to help you!"
Oh. Oh he did not like that. He didn't like a single thing that just came out of the kid's mouth. Because that's what he is, a kid. "Are you...Are you alright?"
"Not in the slightest," Danny admitted with an even smaller smile. Then, it brightened, not quite to a grin, but to something similar, "But I'm here to make sure you are."
He gets points for being honest, but Dick felt his heart shatter. He knew for a fact that he'd never worked with this kid before. He also knew that the Justice League didn't know about him. If they did, he would've been picked up and dropped with either the Young Justice team or the Titans.
Dick wasn't going to ask why he became a hero because that's not his place. It's more of a 'third mission with the team' kind of questions, anyway. Most of the heroes didn't have many options when they took up the mantle. Asking what Danny can do is a more appropriate question, but he wasn't going to ask that, either.
"Now that that's out of the way," Danny turned a few pages from the table of contents to another one that was topped with 'Why Sleep Scheduling Is Important' in the blue glitter pen that Dick was starting to suspect he favored. "You're not getting enough sleep. Following you around - no one's been able to find me for a while, so don't worry about that - for the last two weeks has given me some really worrisome information on you."
Dick was worrying. He was worrying a lot and even more questions were coming to the forefront of his mind.
"Your dayjob is as an officer on the Bludhaven Police Force, or BPD for short." He was looking over the page he'd turned to very aptly and Dick realized that the kid had notes written on him. "The average hours per week for police across the country is forty hours. Gotham and Bludhaven are the exceptions. As a member of the BPD, you work a solid two days and two hours. Six nights a week, you work as Nightwing from eight in the evening to three in the morning. The last day, you take off, which is good. No deserable pattern, so good on you for that. Regardless, that's seven hour nights and ten hour days, with one day off and one day on call as an officer. Seven hours are now left in your day for personal time, eating, and sleeping. That's not a healthy way to live."
Oh, god, the kid had honest to god notes on him! What the hell!
Danny didn't even skip a beat as he pulled Dick's attention back to him and his binder. "I've drawn up a schedule for you to follow." The back of the page had a meticulously drawn schedule, complete with blocks of time to eat, sleep, work both jobs, travel, personal time, and still have a bit extra left over. It was titled 'Ideal End Result' in green marker. "Drastic changes right away will only affect you negatively, so we're starting off smaller." The next page over had another schedule titled 'Where To Begin'. "I've only pulled one hour from your Nightwing hours because I know important that time is to you and the city. I am, however, going to be having you submit an appeal to your boss to cut back your hours from fifty a week to forty a week. That way, you'll only be working eight hours a day and not ten. You'll still be on call for one day, and you'll have that last day off. Altogether, you'll be going be going from working seventeen hours a day to fourteen hours a day. Nine in the morning to five in the afternoon, and eight in the evening to two in the morning. Not including breaks at work or travel time. It opens up a few more hours for you to sleep!"
"You really think the chief is going to pull back my hours?" Dick raised an eyebrow in question.
"He will if he knows what's good for him."
"You know I can arrest you for that threat, right?"
"Yeah, but you won't." And, damn it, he's right.
Although, there was now another thing he had to know. "How to you plan on enforcing this schedule of yours?"
Danny seemed to have been waiting for this. He got a gleam in his eye as he pulled a black folder from his bag, not breaking eye contact with Dick. He placed it on the table and pushed it across. "Congratulations, it's a boy."
Part 1 Part 3
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kyeomofhearts · 10 months
Again & Again | C.SC
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+ summary: you caved in and fucked your best friend, but it was only a one-time thing… right?
+ pairing: scoups x fem!reader
+ word count: 4k
+ content: fwb!, chubby reader (love ya'll), friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, mutual pining, pussy drunk cheol, size kink, angst, fluff.
+ WARNINGS: smut, dom!seungcheol, sub!reader, rough sex, praise? pls lmk if I missed anything
🫧 AHHHHH this is my first fic on here! I tried proofreading it but I can only read so much :') I hope the people that see this, enjoy!
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You wished you had an excuse for last night’s events, you really did, because how are you supposed to tell your best friend of ten years that you didn’t want to fuck him again?
Okay, that sounds harsh… but it’s the truth!
It’s not like he was a bad fuck either because it was quite the opposite. The man was incredible in bed, plain and simple. But you know how these things go, someone proposes the idea of friends with benefits, and then boom! Someone ends up falling for the other and now the whole dynamic is ruined. And you knew that you would be the one that fell for him.
There's no denying that there was always something more with Seungcheol, he was just different from your other friends. Your 'reasoning' was that you two had known each other for so long that you naturally saw him differently. This was something you tried to push time and time again. And for the most part, you were pretty successful in hiding your attraction towards him... except for last night.
Which leads us to our dreaded present. You have come to terms that the deed has been done (well done if you might say so yourself). And you most definitely cannot deny that yesterday’s events occurred because then you would be lying to yourself and Seungcheol-
“Hello? Are you even listening to me y/n?”
“Hm? Sorry, what were you saying?”
Cheol scoffed and playfully flicked your forehead. He turned his whole body towards you, “I was saying that we should do this again. I really enjoyed last night so maybe we could make this a regular thing… if you wanted to that is.”
At least you knew he enjoyed last night, seeing how he wants more. But what if that's all he wants?
It’s now or never. You have to tell Cheol that it was only a one-time thing.
You turned your body to face Seungcheol and locked eyes with him. Even though you’ve seen his freshly woken up face countless times , it still brought butterflies to your stomach every time he looked at you. Especially his eyes, they somehow become even more droopier in the mornings. How could you ever say no to him when he looks like a lost puppy?
No. Stay on track.
“I don't know Cheol, I'm not sure if I can do that.”
And… here we go. You immediately see worry take over his face. His eyes somehow looked even more glossier than normal. You had to clarify yourself quickly or the damage would be irreversible.
You quickly throw your hands in the air for defense. “No, no, no… it’s not like that! I swear. I just don’t want to overcomplicate things Cheol. It’s just that I know how these things go and I seriously cannot bear the thought of losing you.”
He was about to say something before your hand went to his hair, going through his soft, fluffy locks. Seungcheol’s face seemed to relax with this gesture. You wanted to keep the atmosphere light and show him that nothing was going to change between the two of you.
It stayed like that for another minute or so.
He took a deep breath. “No I get it… But, my offer still stands you know.” He ruffled your hair while saying that last part.
God his morning voice sounds so raspy. Just how you like it. And it’s so tempting to just throw all of your self restraint away and fuck him again. But you know it’s for the best, I mean, it’s not that uncommon to fuck your best friend… right? Whatever. This whole thing will pass and you guys are just going to laugh about it someday in the future.
You giggled at that thought. But going back to what Cheol said.
“No yeah, of course. You know I would never turn down an offer to fuck you again.” This was a lie of course, but you had to keep it light. Although, this did make Cheol’s ears flush a bright red, which is very uncommon to see. Laughing, you were able to roll out of bed and start getting ready for the day.
Seungcheol’s eyes followed your frame as you went about in his room, gathering all of the lost pieces of clothing that you did not care for last night.
What you didn't know was that Seungcheol felt the same exact way about you. He was just as scared as you though, which is why he never pushed for more. Scared that he would lose you if he did so. He thought that maybe last night could lead the two of you for more, he just didn't know how to approach you about it.
He tried ignoring the sinking feeling in his chest. Your response worried a part of him because he knew that last night was for sure going to change your friendship, whether he liked it or not.
"Hey, I have to go now, but I'll see you later, yeah?" You said while waiting for him to walk you out.
"Yeah, for sure."
It will all work out, he thought. It has to.
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All good things eventually come to an end.
That ‘good thing’ being your resolve. One week. A total of seven days before you came crawling back to Seungcheol about that deal. Because at this point you did not care about what was going to happen next.
From: You
Hey, I know it’s late but are you home rn?
Sent at 11:42 pm
You were desperate at this point. You thought that maybe Cheol was “great” in bed because he was the only person you’d had sex with within the last six months. So naturally, you decided to hook up with a stranger from the bar, to test your theory.
Not the best idea.
When you guys got to his apartment, he was all over you, but not in a good way. It felt rushed and sloppy. What you had forgotten during your night with Cheol was that some guys really did not care about your pleasure. Because not even two minutes of making out, and the guy was already trying to stick it in! To make matters worse, the guy didn’t even know where your clit was, like come on! Overall, it was a terrible experience.
Which is why you were in your current situation. You had weighed the pros and cons of fucking Cheol on a regular basis. …And they weren’t too bad. If anything, the two of you had excellent communication so if a problem came up then you could just talk it out, no big deal.
But god did you feel pathetic. You were so quick to shut his idea down and now you’ve come crawling back to his-
From: Cheollie
Yeah what’s up?
Sent at 11:53 pm
Relax. If he says no, then he says no. Not a big deal.
From: You
Well, if you’re not busy… I was thinking about a follow up from last week?
It’s okay if you changed your mind about it! I was just curious if you were still up for it 🫣
Sent at 11:55 pm
You immediately put your phone on ringer and threw it to the couch. The thought of seeing his text bubbles in real time gave you so much anxiety. Maybe you should just take a lap around your kitchen, that always helps right?
Not even a foot away from the couch and… he was calling you?
You scurried over to your phone and accepted the call with haste.
“I’m coming over in ten.” And then he hung up.
Wow. That was pretty dramatic, he couldn’t have said that through text? Although, you couldn’t deny just how excited you were. It certainly didn’t help that he seemed to be just as ready as you were for him.
These next minutes of waiting were going to be hell for you.
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Needless to say, you were thrilled.
You figured that with the time you had, you could at least spruce yourself up.
Which is exactly what you did.
You changed out of your old pajamas and into something more presentable. By presentable you mean revealing because you really do not want to struggle to take off your clothes. Plus, you want to give Cheol a treat for being able to come out so late. So you also sprayed on that perfume he complimented you on a while back (totally not why you continued buying it). Maybe you should clean your apartment up? Seungcheol has seen worse but it never hurts you know.
You were about to go ahead and start cleaning but the doorbell rang.
Damn, he was fast.
The anticipation was eating you alive. You could not wait for what Cheol had in mind for you. Just the mere thought of him made heat rush down to your core.
Opening the door, you were met with Seungcheol. Not just his regular self though, he was in a black compression shirt with loose-fitting sweatpants. It was so simple yet so hot. You would have kept ogling until he cleared his throat.
“What made you change your mind?” He asked with a smug expression.
Ugh, if you weren’t so turned on you would definitely wipe that smile off his face… but you needed dick bad. Like really bad.
“Well I would lie to you and say that I thought it through but I’m really horny right now…”
You turned away from him to close the door.
“Well, we can always talk about it after… right? Or maybe you’ll be too fucked out to even talk.”
Now this made you turn swiftly towards him.
Which was a big mistake. His face was merely inches away from yours and you could even smell his cologne radiating off of his body. His eyes were dark, something you only saw when he would talk to girls at the club. Only this time it was directed towards you.
You went for the kill and locked your lips against his. You needed to taste him again, you were just that insatiable. His lips were so soft and plush against your own. You were always jealous of his lips, they were always somehow perfect.
Your arms slid over his shoulders to draw him closer to you. Now pressed as close as possible, your hands began to wander throughout his torso. You never truly noticed just how broad his shoulders were, never mind his chest. You wished that he never stop whatever he was doing at the gym, because clearly it was working.
As much as Seungcheol loved the attention, he felt the need to taste you again.
“Open,” he said with a low rasp.
You obliged and opened up for him, allowing him to nibble at your lower lip. He kissed you with the same amount of fervor. He raised his hand to tangle his fingers around your hair. Seungcheol’s fingers tightened their grip causing you to let out a small whimper.
Now that was a sound Cheol loved to hear, especially coming from you. He wanted to see just how loud you could get.
Carefully, Seungcheol readjusted his grip on your hair and firmly tugged on it once again. This was his way of testing the waters, since he didn’t know how rough you liked it.
When you whimpered once again, he made sure to take a mental note of that.
Things began to get increasingly heated by the second. Which is why you decided that it was (finally) time to relocate to your bedroom.
Once the two of you had reached the door to your bedroom, Cheol had suddenly lifted you off the ground.
Now you weren't necessarily a fan of being picked up, considering you weren't 'light' like others. Totally not traumatized from previous partners struggling to pick you up...
“Now why would you do that?" You tried to keep it cool but it was obvious that you were a little frazzled. It honestly scared you that he was able to lift you up so easily, like what was he training for at the gym?
“Just because I can,” Seungcheol said nonchalantly. His voice made you gush with wetness, it was just that deep.
After that, he gently threw you on your bed. Maybe he just wanted to show off his strength, you thought. It was still hot either way.
He slowly started stripping, starting with his shirt. Seungcheol was a big dude, and you knew that, but seeing him in all of his glory really did something to you. Though the lighting in your room was dim, the shadows did an excellent job of emphasizing just how big his chest was. He was undeniably handsome, you could see why everyone threw themselves at him...
You were staring again. Get a grip!
"Quit with the teasing and just fuck me," you were getting more desperate by the second.
This made him even more cocky, but he didn't say anything. Rather he tugged at your shorts for you to take them off. So you did, and your cunt was immediately hit by the cold air in the room.
"No underwear?" Cheol said, trying to not make his surprise evident.
You felt like being bold today, who knows what he’ll do to you if you teased him enough.
"Why bother when you were gonna take it off anyways?"
That's when he knew you were going to be the death of him. How could he ever think about being with anyone else when you were perfect for him?
"Fuck, don't say shit like that."
Seungcheol was enamored with your body and everything that you had to offer. The soft plushness of your skin made him want to break you even more. But before he broke you, he had to give you a taste of heaven.
He started off by trailing sweet kisses on your thighs. He took his time on working you up. Eventually he reached your cunt, pressing light pecks on it.
He wanted to take his time here, remembering just how sensitive you got when he ate you for the first time. His goal was to have you crying by the end of the night.
“God, I forgot how good you tasted love,” he mumbled into your pussy.
Seungcheol used his arms to hoist your legs on his shoulders. His grip on your thighs now firm and steady.
He started off light, giving you slow and gentle licks on your clit. He wanted to slowly build you up to your first release (more like an excuse to tease you).
This seemed to please you, but not for long. You could only enjoy the slow pace for so long until you started craving for more.
Fortunately, Seungcheol had been growing his hair out, making it the perfect length to tug on.
You didn’t realize how good and bad this move would be.
This for sure got him to speed up his movements. Instead of gentle licks, he switched to harsh sucking. Occasionally groaning into your pussy, which brought you delicious vibrations. He was eating you out like a starved man, he just couldn’t get enough of you.
With his consistency, it was no surprise that you already started to feel the warmth in your lower belly. It's not like it was hard to make you cum either, that is if you knew what you were doing.
Seungcheol knew this, he felt the way you were beginning to twitch and tighten your legs around his head. God did he love just how plush and warm they were. He thinks he could stay here forever if given the opportunity. He began to speed up his efforts in hopes of bringing you to your first release of the night. The more releases, the easier it gets for him to slide into your (heavenly) pussy.
And just as he was thinking about this, you came.
But Cheol wasn’t feeling nice today, he wanted to push you past your limits. So even after you came, he still kept the same pressure and speed on your now sensitive bud.
You tried to get him to slow down, or at least just give you a little break. Tugging his hair didn’t seem to work, in fact, it worsened it. He would speed up every time you tugged on his locks. You were beginning to feel the same warmth in your belly. Two minutes haven't even passed since your first orgasm!
Just a few more licks and you were spasming against Seungcheol's head again. Finally, you pushed his head away from your overly sensitive cunt, this seemed to do the trick.
"Aw, is my pretty girl already tired?" He cooed while moving his face up to yours.
You didn't reply to him. Feeling spent from your first and second orgasms for the night.
"I hope you know that this is just the beginning love, I haven't even stretched you out yet," he whispered right before diving in to give you a kiss.
You have never tasted yourself before, it was a bit salty but nothing too strange. His hands roamed over your waist, just before going up to settle on your chest.
He softly tugged at your shirt so you would let him take it off.
Now Seungcheol was aware of how you felt about your body. Having heard your frequent frustrations with being on the chubbier side. And no matter how much he reassured you that you were beautiful, you still managed to doubt yourself. He never understood that which frustrated him just as much. He just wanted to show you just how gorgeous you were in his eyes.
So while he had the chance, he was going to show you how much he loved your body. He was going to worship you. Seungcheol peppered your chest with small chaste kisses, and he continued all the way down to your boobs. His tongue passionately flickered over one of your hardened nipples, with his hand softly massaging your other breast.
While his hand was working on your hardened bud, his other hand slithered its way down to your cunt. His thumb made slow circles on your clit, while two of his fingers teased at your entrance. Fortunately, you were wet enough to slide in with little resistance. He made slow scissoring motions to open you up for him. While he wasn't necessarily trying to make you cum, he did want to make this at this pleasurable at the very least.
But you were growing needier by the second. You loved his attention to foreplay, but god did you just want him to get inside you already.
"Please, Cheol, just get inside, I'm more than ready by now." Your face was burning, never have you begged someone to fuck you.
Your plea was more than enough and he quickly stopped everything he was doing. He got out of the bed to shimmy out of his sweats and underwear. And... god was he big. You were never the best at hiding your expressions, because one look at you and Seungcheol started laughing.
"Is something wrong?" He asked with feigned concern.
"Don't tease me right now!" You huffed with slight annoyance.
He chuckled while digging in his sweats for a condom. His smile quickly dropped when he didn't feel anything in his pockets.
Now it was your turn to laugh at him.
"I forgot to bring a condom."
You knew what you were going to recommend was dumb. But since you knew Seungcheol pretty well, you trusted him.
"We... can do it without one," you said, trying to make your voice sound confident enough.
His eyes grew wide, surprised to hear that you would let him fuck you without protection.
He took a deep breath before responding. "I know I'm clean, and I've never fucked anyone without one. I just want to make sure you are completely okay about this."
"I promise." Plus you were on birth control, it was going to be fine.
That being said, Cheol got back on the bed and settled himself between your legs. He gave his cock a few pumps before he settled it near your cunt. Within a few seconds, he slowly began to push the head inside. The initial push stung a bit, but it quickly dissipated once he went further inside.
His eyes fluttered shut at your tightness alongside letting a rough groan out.
Once he was fully inside you, he stayed there for a minute, just wanting to let you adjust to his size. After a beat or so, he experimented with a gentle thrust. You whimpered at the feeling, you wanted more so you decided to clench around his cock to let him know. Seungcheol started at an easy pace, one that was able to tame your neediness. He held that pace for a minute before he quickly switched gears on you.
He started pounding into your aching cunt, lifting your legs over his shoulders. Now this was on another level, it made it easier for him to hit that one spot.
You felt yourself clamp hard around Seungcheol's cock, feeling his thick veins dragging deliciously inside you. A whine was ripped from you as a wave of pleasure shot throughout your body. His hips started snapping into you, smirking every time you desperately cried his name out.
"Fuck, I think I'm gonna cum again Cheol-"
"Not until I say so," as he continued snapping into your hips. The grip he had on you was growing rougher by the second. It was for sure going to leave a bruise in the morning.
He continued with his animalistic pace, grunts occasionally leaving his mouth. He started trailing messy kisses along your neck, sometimes focusing on specific areas. It was getting harder for you to hold your release, you could only last for so long...
"Come on love, you can cum," Seungcheol mumbled against your neck.
You didn't need to be told again, feeling your body shake against his. The sudden gush of wetness running between your legs. Quickly following your release, Seungcheol pulled out and came all over your stomach.
Part of you felt disappointed that he didn't come inside you, but you tried to push that feeling down.
Everything started feeling hazy, you didn't even feel it when he got off the bed to go to the bathroom. Just before you fell asleep Seungcheol lightly tapped your leg.
"Let me clean you up, yeah?"
You flinched once the rag made contact with your cunt, it was just so cold. But it only lasted for a minute.
You felt the bed dip once again and Seungcheol covered the two of you with your blanket. He wrapped his strong arms around your body, pulling your back flush to his chest. He buried his face into your neck and lulled the two of you to sleep.
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You woke up to the feeling of fingertips lightly touching and tracing over your side. It was oddly soothing.
When you moved your eyes up to his face, he was looking at you with fond eyes.
"How long have you been staring at me, weirdo?"
"Only for a minute"
You let out a soft giggle. His face was so puffy in the morning, so cute.
"Did you want to come up with some ground rules for our arrangement?"
Crap. You forgot about that.
"Hmmm... I guess my only thing is not sleeping with other people."
Hopefully, he would agree to that. You just didn't feel comfortable messing around with someone knowing they have been sleeping with others.
"Yeah, I can get with that." He said with a gentle tone.
He added, "We should also let each other know when we are talking to other people."
"Of course."
Your arrangement wasn't too difficult. If anything the two of you could always opt out of it.
That should be easy right?
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Part Two: II
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kittythelitter · 2 years
Thinking about Steve getting disowned by his parents.
And he's talking to Eddie and Eddie calls him "Steve fucking Harrington." And Steve's like. "I'm not a Harrington anymore :( They took everything from me including my name." And he was like. Understandably sad about his name and his identity and the fact that his parents don't love him and all that.
And Eddie. In an attempt to cheer him is all flirty and offers his own name up for Steve to use. Steve sad laughs and says that if Eddie wants to propose he needs to do better than that.
While they're having this conversation Dustin is lurking and hears this and is outraged that Eddie thinks he can just. Give Steve his name without earning it. Steve should be a Henderson. He's basically Dustin's brother already.
Dustin complains about this to Will in front of Joyce and Joyce is like. Not if i can adopt him first.
Will mentions it to Lucas and Erica is like. Bitch he should be honored to be a Sinclair! And she tells her friends about it in front of Robin who's like. Excuse me. We are twins. He needs to be a Buckley.
Meanwhile Lucas mentioned it to Max and she's always down to compete with Dustin and also. Steve is her brother too asshat.
She complains to El about it. Hopper overhears and is like. Steve is disowned? Where's he living? I already adopted one kid in the past few years what's another.
Over the course of the next week everyone has decided that Steve is their family and he should live with them and/or take their last name.
They're all getting together just because they're all a bit codependent and need to get all together every few weeks or else they all start worrying.
Steve and Eddie are running late for whatever reason. (overslept. Steve's trying to do his hair. Steve found Eddie's 5-in-1 doesn't really matter except Steve and Eddie are together and Steve's been staying at Eddie and Wayne's new government issued house.)
By the time they arrive everyone is bickering, varying from Hopper quietly saying that Joyce already has two kids wouldn't it be better for Steve to have a parent who can give him more attention, to Max and Robin having a silent standoff to Erica and Dustin fully wrestling on the ground biting and scratching.
And Steve's like. "HEY! What the fuck is going on?"
And no one wants to admit how wild they've all gone in fighting to adopt Steve. So there's this awkward beat of silence before Dustin and Robin both break down and yell at Steve that he's their family and he should take their respective last name.
Steve is so overwhelmed he starts crying. And almost none of them have seen him cry. Like. Nancy and Robin. Maybe. And only when he's been pushed to his limit.
So everyone's like. Did we break him? Did we offend him? Did we accidentally remind him of his pain?
And he's just. Never felt this loved before.
Maybe he chooses one. Maybe he chooses all of them into a really long string of names. Maybe they develop some kind of elaborate competition to decide who earns Steve as family. Maybe there's some kind of rotation in place. Tbh I'd love to hear other people's ideas.
But I do know that the day it becomes legal, Steve's last name and Eddie's last name become the same. Maybe it's a hyphen. Maybe Eddie charges his name to Buckley-Byers-Henderson-Hopper-Mayfield-Sinclair-Wheeler (alphabetical was decided to be the most fair).
And no matter what Steve is so so loved and everyone makes sure he knows it.
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slayfics · 4 months
Heya! Can I get a comfort/fluff one shot with Kirishima and fem!reader? They like each other but are clueless about it, but are really good friends. He is in a sad mood, feeling insecure about his quirk compared to others. Reader comforts/cheers him up and it leads to him finally confessing? 😚
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Eijiro confesses his feelings for you.
1.1k words
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You walked back to the common room of the dorms after finishing showering. Ready to relax with your friends for the rest of the night. The usual group sat in their spots on the couches. Hanta was having an animated discussion with Denki, while Katsuki sat with his hands in his pockets, pretending he wanted to be anywhere else. Everyone was accounted for, except for Eijiro.
"Hey," you announced yourself taking up the empty spot next to Katsuki.
Hanta and Denki greeted you warmly while Katsuki grunted. The four of you had the usual conversations about classes, assignments, and training. You expected Eijiro to come down and join you all any minute, but he never did.
You waited for a natural pause in conversation to ask, "Where's Kirishima?"
"Said he was tired and went up to his room early," Hanta replied.
"Oh," you mused gazing at the ground. It was unusual for Eijiro to be sleepy so early, that was Katsuki's job.
"Yeah, I thought it was weird too, but it was a long day," Denki added. 
Hanta and Denki started up another conversation while you found yourself worrying about Eijiro. You knew he didn't do well in the training today and he had a tendency to be too hard on himself. It was likely being tired was just an excuse to wallow in his room.
"Go check on 'em," Katsuki said, so lowly you almost didn't hear.
"Hu?" You perked up looking at him.
"If you're so damn worried, go check on him," Katsuki huffed.
"I didn't say I was worried," You argued.
"Tch- ya didn't have to. Go," he demanded.
"You don't have to be so bossy about it," You rolled your eyes and stood up.
"Yeah, I do, or your stubborn ass wouldn't listen," Katsuki retorted. 
"Sorry, can't hear you," You mocked as the distance between you and Katsuki grew while you made your way to Eijiro's dorm. Katsuki huffed but didn't argue any further.
After the short elevator ride, you were in front of Eijiro's dorm door knocking.
"I told you guys I'm tired," he called from inside his room, responding to your knocks.
"Oh, sorry I didn't know," you called back.
Hearing your voice Eijiro rushed to his door.
"Oh hey! Sorry, I thought you were Sero and Kaminari," he replied.
"So, you're too tired to talk to them but not me?" You joked.
Eijiro's cheeks flushed slightly, "I uh-," he stuttered.
"Relax, I'm just teasing you," you said saving him the embarrassment. "Can I come in?"
"Of course," he said stepping aside to make way for you. "So, what's up?"
You thought for a moment before deciding how to answer. You figured honesty was the best. "I was just worried about you. I know you had a tough day today. So when the boys said you went to bed already, I just wanted to make sure you were ok."
Eijiro grunted as he plopped himself down on his bed, "Was it that obvious?" He asked, placing his hands over his face. His shirt lifted slightly revealing part of his abdomen. Your own cheeks flushing now.
You sat down on the bed next to him, "I don't think it was to anyone else!" You tried to comfort him. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Eijiro let out a sigh, "You saw me today... my quirk was worthless."
"That's not true!" You try to combat him.
"Yes, it was! There was nothing productive for me to do in that situation. It's just... never mind it's stupid," he said cutting himself off...
"No, tell me! I want to hear," you encouraged.
Another heavy sigh and some silence passed before Eijiro took his hands off his face and spoke to the ceiling, "I hate my quirk sometimes. You, Bakugo, Kaminari... all have amazing quirks that could be useful for almost anything. I've been training so hard to try and make up for that... but days like today just remind me how far behind I am from you guys... Sometimes it feels like I'm never going to catch up. Or even when I make improvements, it's not enough because everyone else has to so I'm still miles behind. I always wanted to be a hero and help people but, recently I don't think I'm even needed. The world has enough heroes ya know?"
"Are you being serious right now?" You said angrily at Eijiro.
"Hu?" He sat up looking at you confused.
"You really can't see how much of a difference you made for your team in the training today?!" You asked.
"They would have been fine without me; they didn't need me. The outcome would have been the same," Eijiro stated.
You shook your head no aggressively, "You're so dense sometimes."
"Ok ouch," Eijiro exclaimed.
"I just mean... the way Koda froze on your team; you all would have lost. The only reason he used his anivocie is because of you!"
"So?" Eijiro asked.
"Don't you get it? There's so much more to being a hero than just your quirk. There's your drive and the comfort you bring those you're saving. Even though you may have felt useless on the inside you hyped your team with your endless positivity, and it made everyone fight so much harder. Your team won because you were on it, and you believed in everyone." You explained.
Eijiro felt his eyes get misty, "You really think so?"
"I don't think. I know, and so does the rest of our class. You inspire everyone with your big shark smile and... the way you look up to all of us, makes us want to be that hero you think we can be. You bring a lot to our class, it's why you're friends with everyone. Even the hard-headed Bakugo. You're going to be a fan favorite hero someday because of that, I know it," you smiled at him.
"Man," Eijiro exclaimed taking in a breath. "You always know what to say, no wonder I like you so much."
"Hu?" You breathed out, taken off guard.
"No! I uh just mean-," Eijiro tried to backtrack.
"Don't... Please don't take it back," you said, gaze meeting his crimson eyes.
Eijiro bit his lip, attempting to swallow his nervousness, "You're right that would be unmanly. I meant it... You always check on me, and have this way of getting to me when I'm in my head... I can't help but... like you."
"I... feel the same way," you confessed.
"What?! Are you serious?" Eijiro asked stunned.
You nodded shyly.
"Man, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world right now... would you... want to go to my favorite restaurant after class tomorrow with me?" Eijiro asked.
"I'd love to," you replied.
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sinners: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee @derangedmango @reneinii @peachsukii @pastelbakugou @abadbitchblogs @deluluforcarlos55 @pinkpurpledreams @that-one-fangirl69 @dreamcastgirl99
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sughuru · 10 months
seventh of december
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- gojo satoru x reader
Satoru was never one to celebrate his birthday. Matter of fact, he actually hated it. Except on three occassions.
genres/warnings: fluff, birthday fic, kinda rushed tbh, not proofread
notes: happy birthday gojo, i know you're alive pls come back :((( anyways enjoy, i kinda rushed this bc i still have some school stuff to do so i hope you guys understand! as always, english isn't my first language so pls excuse my grammatical and spelling errors
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The seventh of December. A date to remember, a date that will go down in history. This is because it was the day Gojo Satoru was born. Born into the renowned Gojo clan, he is the first in 400 years to possess both the Limitless and Six Eyes. However, that’s all they ever celebrated about. The seventh of December was the day the strongest sorcerer alive was born.
Not merely Satoru's birthday, and he despised that. He loathed how his powers and name were incessantly brought up, dominating every conversation, overshadowing his personality and achievements.
All his life, he hated his birthday except on three occasions. 
The first birthday he ever genuinely enjoyed was celebrated with his high school friends, Suguru and Shoko.
Satoru checked his flip phone and noticed the endless SMS notifications from relatives to clan members he doesn’t even know the face of. He's well aware that these messages are only a formality, driven by respect and perhaps a tinge of fear. Deep down, he understands that some clan members harbor hatred at the fact that his parents were the ones to give birth to the next Limitless and Six Eyes user. He knows they all secretly pray for his downfall. Aside from that, if it wasn’t out of respect or fear, perhaps they wanted or needed something from him.
"Satoru," Suguru called to his friend, who was lost in thought on the sports court. Satoru looked up and acknowledged Suguru with a nod. In response, Suguru mouthed, "Come here," while waving him over.
The white-haired male walked towards Suguru, “hah? What’s this all about?”
Suguru brushed off his friend and kept walking, ignoring Satoru's attempts to get his attention. This annoyed Satoru even more. "Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me!" Satoru whined in the most grating voice imaginable, prompting even Suguru to question why he was friends with him.
Suguru shot a glare at Satoru, “maybe if you just shut up and follow me, we’ll get there sooner.” 
"Why can't you tell me now? Where are we going? Wow, are you here to take me somewhere quiet and kill me there?" Satoru quipped with a sarcastic tone.
"If you don't stop asking questions, yeah," Suguru replied dryly. Satoru rolled his eyes but continued to follow his friend.
Before long, they arrived at their classroom. Suguru opened the door to reveal a sight that surprised Satoru— all their friends were inside wearing party hats. Even Nanami and Ijichi were there.
"Gojo!" Shoko waved excitedly at the tall male. Suguru grinned, saying, "Happy birthday, Satoru," as he patted his friend on the back. He then led Satoru into the room to join the celebration with their friends.
It was a simple birthday, really. Celebrated among friends and closed ones. Nevertheless, Satoru regarded it as one of his favorite birthday memories.
The following year, Suguru left, and once again, he hated his birthday. Shoko was there to celebrate with him but it wasn’t the same without Suguru. After all, the trio did everything together.
“Happy birthday.” Shoko hands him a bag of kikufuku picked up from a store down the street. Before he could thank her, she was already off to treat some first year who got injured on a mission.
Oh right, they’re third graders now. The final year and final step to being a true Jujutsu Sorcerer.
After Suguru left, Satoru met with two kids and took them in. Megumi and Tsumiki, aged five and eight, respectively. While Tsumiki was generally well-behaved, Megumi proved to be a bit troublesome due to his sharp wit and sarcastic nature. Satoru couldn't help but wonder if he had been similarly mischievous as a child.
The second time he enjoyed his birthday was when he went home that day.
“I’m home…?” He was about to call out the kids, but heard someone bustling in the kitchen. Kitchens clanging and the water running.
"Don't touch that, Gojo-san said we shouldn't use the stove!" Tsumiki warned.
"Well, how do we make something before he gets home then?" Megumi interjected.
"Should we just serve it like this..." Tsumiki examined the plate before her. Megumi deadpanned at his older sister, "A banana on a plate?"
“Shhh! I hear him coming!”
Satoru giggled to himself, hearing their whole conversation, he peeked in the kitchen, “woah, what did you guys do while I was gone?”
Tsumiki and Megumi froze before slowly turning around, “s-surprise!” the two said.
"Happy birthday, Gojo-san. Thanks for taking us in!" Tsumiki presented him with... a banana on a plate.
Satoru smiled, charmed by their efforts. "Aw, did you two prepare this for me?" He didn't want to hurt their feelings, and truthfully, he was genuinely touched by their gesture.
“We also have our own gifts too aside from the cake-” 
“Banana.” Megumi corrected.
Tsumiki was the first to present her gift to Gojo. "I hope you like these!"
As Satoru received the gift, he couldn't help but recall the evening a few weeks ago when Tsumiki had asked him to accompany her to get origamis, claiming it was for a school project. Little did he anticipate that those origamis were intended for him. Tsumiki had crafted a jar filled with meticulously folded paper stars, each one carefully placed inside.
Megumi was next, shyly handing Gojo a birthday card. "Happy birthday," he muttered, avoiding eye contact with Satoru. Satoru couldn't help but smile, affectionately ruffling the younger boy's hair. "Oh, you're so cute. Let's see what you drew, hm?"
Opening the card, Satoru observed that Megumi's handwriting had improved. The small card read, "Happy bday Gojo." It was evident that the boy hadn't quite figured out how to spell "birthday" yet.
Satoru promptly hung Megumi's card on the fridge door and placed the jar of stars in a cabinet alongside other souvenirs for display. "Thanks for making my birthday great, guys."
The trio gathered for a photo to commemorate the moment. In the picture, Megumi frowned at the camera while Satoru and Tsumiki beamed with smiles. To this day, that photo remains tucked in Satoru's wallet, a cherished reminder of his first celebrated birthday with the kids.
After hearing Shoko and Megumi's stories about how they used to celebrate your boyfriend’s birthday, you found yourself pondering how to surpass the efforts of those two. You bought a small cake from a local bakery shop recommended by Nanami.
“That girl was really nice, I should go visit again next time.” you muttered to yourself as you walked back home. 
Satoru shouldn’t be home for another hour so you got to work. You printed pictures of him in high school, his baby pictures, pictures of him and the kids, students, pictures of you two; you transformed them into small cake decorations. Carefully pasting each one onto a wooden stick, you inserted them into the cake.
"Babe, I'm home." Satoru tossed his keys onto the table and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "Today was such a long day at work," he whined.
You kissed his cheek. "Aw, is my baby tired?" you cooed, to which he nodded and began smothering you with kisses.
"Well, I hope you're not tired of blowing out some candles." You handed him the small birthday cake adorned with pictures of his face. Satoru's eyes immediately lit up. "You did this all for me?" he exclaimed in pleasant surprise.
"Well, I know it doesn't compare to what Shoko and the kids did, but..." you started to say.
Satoru immediately cut you off, his eyes filled with genuine warmth. "But it's perfect. No comparison needed. This is the best surprise, and it's all from you." He pulled you into a tight hug, expressing his gratitude and affection.
"I can't believe you went through all this trouble for me. You really know how to make a birthday special." Satoru continued, planting a sweet kiss on your forehead.
"Come on, let's have some cake before I start crying from how sweet you are," Satoru teased, leading you over to the table.
As you both enjoyed the cake, adorned with those little memories on sticks, Satoru couldn't help but comment on each photo. "Ah, high school me, can't believe you found these. And look at Megumi's grumpy face, classic!" His laughter filled the room, creating an atmosphere of joy and celebration.
As the evening unfolded, you exchanged stories, shared laughs, and basked in the warmth of the moment. It might not have been as elaborate as previous celebrations, but the personal touch made it uniquely special. Satoru couldn't stop expressing his gratitude, making you feel that all the effort was more than worth it.
"There's one more thing," you said, leaving the table briefly and returning with a bag. "It's not the best, but..."
You handed him the bag, and as Satoru peeked inside, he found a red scarf carefully knitted by you. His eyes widened, and a genuine smile spread across his face as he ran his fingers over the soft fabric.
"Did you make this?" he asked, with admiration in his voice. The warmth in his eyes showed just how much he appreciated the thoughtful gesture. "I love it, thank you." He wrapped it around his neck, a cozy addition to the perfect birthday surprise you had prepared for him.
The seventh of December. A date to remember, a date that will go down in history. This is because it was the day Gojo Satoru was born. Born into the renowned Gojo clan, he is the first in 400 years to possess both the Limitless and Six Eyes. However, that’s all they ever celebrated about. The seventh of December was the day the strongest sorcerer alive was born. Not merely Satoru's birthday, and he despised that. He loathed how his powers and name were incessantly brought up, dominating every conversation, overshadowing his personality and achievements. All his life, he hated his birthday except on three occasions.
The first occasion was when Suguru surprised him with his friends. The second was when the kids, Megumi and Tsumiki, brought a touch of innocence and joy to the day, making it about connection and family.
And now, as the day came to a close, the third occasion unfolded. You, with your thoughtful surprises and genuine affection, turned a day usually marked by the weight of power into a celebration of love and connection. Satoru found something he hadn't expected — a day to cherish, not for his abilities, but for the people who chose to celebrate him simply for being him. Satoru no longer hates his birthday, and he looks forward to his upcoming birthdays.
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1d1195 · 1 year
Right Here
Hi, idk if you all know this about me, but I love tropes. ALL of them. All. of. them. So here they all are: one bed, nightmares, enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, childhood "friendship," coworker Harry, grumpy/sunshine (I'll let you guess who's who), etc. etc. etc. (Don't look too close this is Zipper but reveresed)
Other warnings: angst
9.2k+ words
“Business or pleasure?” The driver asked.
She stated “business,” immediately. Whereas Harry said, “a bit of both,” with that devilish smirk of his and looked at her with delight in his eyes. He seemed to get more enjoyment out of his comment as she glared at him.
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In Year 2, Harry was playing with a few of his friends by the slide. He wasn’t really aware of what was happening but there was a girl in his class playing with a couple of her friends when the screaming started. There was a huge to-do; parents were called, the principal was involved, and the girl that seemed to be at the center of all the drama would not stop glaring at Harry.
But Harry didn’t like girls. He was six. He wanted to hang out with his friends at recess and maybe learn about the shapes and the planets if he had time. So, he didn’t really care that she glared at him. Or that he had to write an apology letter (that his mum told him how to write in his six-year-old scrawl). It was just another day in the life of a Year 2 student. He didn’t even know why he was writing the little note to her. He didn’t know what happened or why he did something wrong.
Year 2 turned to Year 3 and soon Harry was kissing and hugging his mum and sister goodbye as he went off to university. He was studying English Literature and Communications. He wanted to be a book publisher—mainly because he wanted an excuse to read all kinds of books. Moreover, he could read really good books before everyone else did. Eventually, he hoped to open his own publishing company, but he would need a business partner for that.
That was still a long way down the road. For the time being, he would enjoy university: friends, girlfriends, classes, his part time job, and everything in between. His only downfall was listening to his professor who suggested he get a minor in business—especially if he planned on own his own company. Even if he didn’t fully run the business side of things, it was good to have a general idea. Some key words and concepts would be helpful. More so, if the business partner wasn’t someone he trusted.
But Harry was awful with his business classes. The very first one he took was the bane of his existence. He strongly considered never opening his own company, he would just get the other person to handle it. Needless to say, he was recommended for tutoring two weeks into the class.
That’s where he found the glaring girl. Obviously, no longer seven. She was twenty, like Harry. And she was lovely looking. Except for the scowl on her face directed at Harry. Surely, she hadn’t harbored a grudge toward Harry since she was seven?
Oh, but she was. She was curt while she tutored. Everything Harry did was wrong. She managed to correct his mistakes kindly, but he could tell it pained her. There was a lot of sighing and eye-rolling involved. But she was good, he’d give her that.
Harry tried to be friendly, but she clearly wanted no part of it. “I am not here for small talk with you, Harry,” her voice was flat. She didn’t want to talk about the weather, or parties, or anything that wasn’t part of Harry’s class. When she came to help him at the designated time in the library with tears in her eyes, she sat down, took a deep breath, sniffled, and started her help with his homework.
“Hey, we don’t have t’do this now, beautiful. You’re obviously upset—”
“What do you care?” She interrupted.
“Jesus,” Harry shook his head in disbelief. “What is your problem?” She rolled her eyes, tearfully. “Y’can’t seriously still be mad about Year 2.”
She shook her head. “Just...shut it,” she snapped and turned her attention to Harry’s assignment. He sighed, looking at her like she was on the verge of a breakdown but did as she wished. Listening intently to her lesson, Harry felt this pull of how sad he was by her anguish, and he didn’t even know what it was. He kept watching her expressions, judging her tone, in between her explanations. He was worried there was something seriously wrong.
Despite her anger towards him, he didn’t want her to be upset. He worried someone had hurt her or upset her in some way—in a way that he could fix. It didn’t occur to him why he wanted to help her until well after three other classes she tutored him in for his minor over the last two years of university.
He got very little information out of her about anything that didn’t pertain to his classes. He knew she was grumpy in the afternoon and much preferred to tutor in the morning when her mind was fresh. That was when he got a glimpse of her gentler side—for only a second. She liked coffee a lot, she smelled fresh of her shampoo, and her eyes were brighter. She would ask if he had a good weekend or if he had any fun plans. It was the only time she offered up anything to him.
If it was any time past two in the afternoon, she wanted nothing to do with pleasantries or Harry, it seemed. But she was paid to tutor him, and she did it well. Harry never would have made it through his business classes without her. He was forever thankful for her help, even if she didn’t want to be thanked.
“Harry, would you like to go to this conference?”
He looked up from his desk where he was reading a riveting historical fiction novel that was passed up the chain to him. Harry thought it would be a NYT bestseller for sure. “Me?” He asked, clearing his throat and putting his pencil down. One thing he hated was marking up people’s hard work in any color pen—but especially red. It felt very secondary school of his coworkers to do it that way. Someone pored over this writing and of course no one expected it to be perfect, not even the author. But there was something so ugly about red ink marking up something that your blood, sweat, and tears went into.
Harry would quit writing if he saw even one smidge of red ink on his work.
Which is why he edited and didn’t publish his own work.
Harry had been a senior editor for four years, now. He loved his job. It was everything he hoped for: he read so many good stories and felt he was still learning so much. He was promoted from junior editor to senior editor after two years. He still hoped to own his own company one day.
“Yeah,” his boss rolled his eyes. “Who else would I send? Someone from the business administration team will attend as well,” he explained.
Harry smiled; he knew the second the title left his mouth exactly who would be attending the conference with him. She was going to hate it. “I would love to go,” Harry nodded excitedly. “But between you and me, I don’t want anyone t’get jealous that m’going. D’you think y’can keep it a secret?”
“Yeah, sure,” he shrugged. Harry loved this office. It was so carefree. When he had his own company, he would want it to be exactly like this. If he could own this one, he would. He liked all of his coworkers and would want to keep them alongside him.
Including the girl from the admin team that constantly glared at him during work parties, meetings, and office breakroom run ins. If she wasn’t there, then it wouldn’t be worth it.
When Harry saw her interact with their coworkers, he couldn’t help but fall more in love with her. She was so utterly beautiful, funny, and of course, absolutely brilliant. There wasn’t a question she didn’t know how to answer. There wasn’t any advice she couldn’t give. She was never condescending and was extremely helpful. Even when Harry needed her help—which was so rare he only recalled it three times in the entire seven years they worked together. She didn’t sigh, didn’t roll her eyes although he was sure she wanted to.
So, nothing made him happier than annoying her to pieces.
He told everyone he had known her since Year 2. Left notes for her on her cute little lunch box in the fridge, would constantly send random items to her office (his favorite was the look on her face when he sent her a bouquet of balloons. It didn’t do anything, but people said Happy Birthday to her all day, and she had to say it wasn’t). He would tell people they were best friends and watch her blush bright red trying to get out of it. There were so many fake secrets he told the person he was near making direct eye contact with her, just to piss her off.
It worked every time.
He worshipped her, honestly. How could he not? She was brilliant and beautiful. The whole package. Even when she was a bit crabby, he thought she was simply the cutest and went on adoring her from afar.
Harry couldn’t imagine how fun a work trip would be with her.
She hated flying. It was necessary but she hated it. The space was almost too small. It was stuffy and gross in a lot of ways. The seats were cramped, and it was just awful. She had her headphones in place, a relaxing, quiet playlist, a good book, and her travel pillow around her neck. She was more than ready to begin the flight. The conference was a treat, it was shorter hours than her regular workday and then she could meander the town as much as she pleased. It was going to be a great trip and she had been looking forward to it for the last two weeks.
But then Harry sat right beside her. “Hey beautiful,” he smiled sweetly. She stared at him. This had to be a joke.
“You’re kidding?”
“What?” He smirked impishly stowing his bag beneath the seat in front of him. “Excited t’see me?” She flushed that beautiful shade of red that he loved so much on her cheeks. “Ready for our vacation?” He asked. “Bring a good book?”
The plane was suddenly even smaller. She thought she was going to be sick. A whole five days with Harry. Five. She was going to lose her mind. She closed her eyes as the plane jolted forward. Harry was doing all the things he wasn’t supposed to be doing. Fidgeting with the tray table and the like. She wanted to scream.
How could she possibly get stuck with him?
Harry didn’t say much to her throughout the flight. At least not after asking if she was comfortable, which was objectively nice if she couldn’t stand him so much. He grabbed her bag from the bin overhead, made sure she didn’t get lost on her way to baggage claim, and held the door open for her when they reached their Uber. “Business or pleasure?” The driver asked.
She stated “business,” immediately. Whereas Harry said, “a bit of both,” with that devilish smirk of his and looked at her with delight in his eyes. He seemed to get more enjoyment out of his comment as she glared at him.
She really wished Harry wasn’t so goddamn hot. It should have been a sin to make someone so alarmingly attractive. Soft brown curls that looked like they were made to slip between her fingers. He had green eyes—how was that even fair? Those dimples made her stomach flip. He was incredibly tall and so fit; she thought about falling at his feet every day she saw him at work and just ending her silly grudge.
But she never forgave him for that day in Year 2. Call her stubborn, call her stupid. She didn’t care. It ruined a huge chunk of her young life and made her miserable.
Four days and twenty-two hours. She could survive.
“Me and the missus need a place t’eat, do y’have any suggestions?” he asked, reaching for her hand like they really were a couple. She yanked it out of his grip. She wanted to kill him. More so because she hated the way her heart took off when he touched her and the idea of being “the missus” was...ugh.
She was worried Harry wouldn’t survive the next four days, twenty-one hours, and fifty-eight minutes.
They arrived at the hotel and Harry was once more a gentleman, even though she didn’t want him to be. He grabbed her suitcase and sweetly pushed it through the lobby to the front desk. “Hi,” Harry said cheerfully. She wanted to shower, get out of her plane clothes, and get away from Harry. His chipper attitude was making her grumpier than normal. “I have a reservation under Styles,” he explained. “Here for the convention,” he added.
The man behind the desk nodded, smiling pleasantly as he tapped away on his computer. “It says two guests for your name,” he informed him. Her heart dropped to her feet.
“No, it doesn’t,” she murmured, but she knew it was right.
Harry was smiling like an idiot. This was too good to be true for him and his endless bouts of annoying her. “That’s correct,” Harry nodded.
“Are there any other rooms?” She asked. She already knew the answer, but she would kick herself if she didn’t at least check.
“No, I’m afraid we’re really booked with the convention.”
She didn’t dare ask if there were two beds because she already knew that answer too.
“It’ll be fine, lovie, don’t worry,” he promised. Part of her thought he really meant it too, sensing how upset she was. She was so overcome with frustration; she almost didn’t notice the new name he gave her. That it wouldn’t be torture for her to be in the same little space as Harry for the entire five days. Her heart started erratically beating at the thought. It felt like the sides of her brain were caving in like the walls surely would be when they got to the room.
She would lay ground rules. She would go buy a roll of tape and cut the room in half. Harry wasn’t going to ruin her little reprieve from work. He continued to be kind and pulled her bag to their room. “I would like to shower,” she told him as she eyed the single, king-sized bed in the middle of the room, mocking her. He settled the bags on opposite sides of the room. He chose the side closer to the window for her.
“I’ll be right in,” he winked at her.
She felt the heat rise to her cheeks, which she knew was exactly what he wanted. “What if I don’t want the window side?” She asked instead.
“Well, that I don’t really care, lovie. M’taking closer t’the door in case someone breaks in. Wouldn’t want you t’get hurt.”
She just wanted to annoy him the way he always annoyed her. Maybe make him move the bags around and then move them again which she informed him she did want the window side. But she didn’t expect him to be so nice. Didn’t think he would give a reason that was kind enough to care about her well-being. Even when she was grumpy toward him.
If her cheeks were going to be red the whole week, she was going to lose it. “Don’t come in the bathroom or I’ll murder you,” she rolled her eyes.
“I would never do that,” he rolled his eyes right back at her. “I was jus’ kidding.”
Unfortunately, she believed him. He seemed genuine, as much as she wanted to kill him.
The shower helped her relax marginally. At the very least she got the feeling of the plane off her. “I ordered some pizza. Y’like peppers and onions on yours, right?” Harry, knowing exactly what she liked, furthered her agitation.
“Yeah,” she mumbled.
“I’d like t’shower too. D’you think y’can get the pizza when it arrives and actually get mine too?” He smiled at her knowingly; like he thought she might not take his pizza from the delivery guy in protest of the whole situation.
She rolled her eyes but had to hand it to him because it did sound like her. “Yes, Harry.”
“Hey beautiful?” he said softly. She hated that she looked up, answering to his pretty pink lips calling her ‘beautiful.’ She shouldn’t have. First and foremost, she thought he was wrong. Maybe it was because of all the drama of Year 2 but she never had boys of any age fawning over her after the slide-incident. Not the way they ogled and adored her friends. It did a number on her self-esteem. While she tried to put up this front that she didn’t care about whether she was beautiful or not, it was hard to believe someone like Harry would recognize her as even pretty.
Secondly, it made her stomach flip when he said it and she hated that. It was unfair he was pretty and unfair he could make her crazy with just a word. “M’not so bad,” his face looked apologetic—like he felt bad for existing. “I promise, it won’t be that bad this week with me.” She nodded sullenly, ran her brush through her hair. “’Ve left some notes on the table there for the pizza,” he tilted his chin toward it.
“You don’t need to pay for me.”
He smiled. “Course I do, lovie. S’my treat.”
She hated the way she answered to ‘lovie’too.
She sat in comfortable silence while she ate her pizza. While eating, she looked at the itinerary on her phone. Made plans in her mind and thought about some of the things she wanted to do during her free time.
“Oh good, m’starving. Smelled it while I was showering.”
She did a double take, her jaw falling open instinctively. She nearly dropped her pizza on her lap and then her phone right after it. Harry was hurrying across the room to get to his pizza. A towel low on his hips showing off glistening, taut muscles. Her heart hammered against her chest. “Jesus,” she whispered to herself looking away.
“Did y’say something, beautiful?” He asked, taking a bite of his pizza. She shook her head. Once more, angry she answered with the word ‘beautiful’.  His hair was dripping, and she followed the little droplets as they slid down his broad shoulders and across his defined pectorals. It wasn’t fair. She wanted to hate him easily. But his pretty tattoos and his gorgeous body were making it so difficult.
“I’m think I’m going to sleep on the floor,” she told him. He frowned around a bite of his pizza. When he finished chewing, he had a bit of grease on each corner of his mouth. She wanted to reach out with a napkin and wipe it away.
Or lick it away, along with the rest of his body.
“I’ll be the perfect gentleman,” he promised. “M’not gonna let y’sleep on the floor, lovie,” he rolled his eyes. “If you’re that uncomfortable, I’ll sleep on the floor.”
She couldn’t help but feel bad that her awkwardness, her annoyance for Harry, would have him sleep on the floor. He didn’t truly deserve that. This was a work trip for him as well, after all.
Maybe if he was fully clothed, she would have taken him up on his offer. Accepted him sleeping on the floor in her place. But her modern-woman, intelligent brain that she had spent years cultivating so she was independent, and worked so hard to make sure she didn’t go ga-ga over a man was malfunctioning from travel...and knowing she was stuck with Harry in such close quarters for almost a week.
Plus, Harry had the prettiest stomach she had ever seen on a man.
Her primal brain, the one that seemed to be screaming from between her legs, couldn’t help but feel bad for him.
“It’s…fine,” she mumbled focusing on her pizza and phone again.
“Are y’sure, beautiful? I don’t want t’make y’uncomfortable.”
She believed him. He seemed so eager to please her and ease her worries. She nodded. “It’ll be fine,” she was telling herself in hopes it would be true. “But I’m making a pillow wall.”
He smiled around his pizza.
“Would y’prefer I sleep with or without a shirt?” He asked. Harry went to use the hotel gym and then took another shower. She used the time to read her book and sit on the balcony while the sun was setting. It wasn’t a picturesque view or anything, but the sky was a bunch of beautiful hues of pink, blue, and orange.
When Harry exited the shower, it was awkwardly silent for a bit. Harry tended to his after shower-care. She was looking at her book but not reading. She yawned, and that was when Harry asked his question. The inquiry felt like a double-edged sword. If she said with a shirt, it might imply she wanted to hide him from her view because she couldn’t help but look at him. If she said no, it would make it seem like she wanted to see him. “Whatever makes you comfortable,” she decided on.
He smirked and pulled his T-shirt off. “‘Fraid you’re not privy t’that sleeping habit, lovie.” She wondered if anyone had ever been murdered with a hotel phone cord. She felt extremely self-conscious about her t-shirt and leggings combo. “Feel free t’do the same, beautiful,” he grinned wickedly at her as he slipped into his side of the bed. She had two pillows under the blankets and two on top. She was certain that even if she had her own room, it wouldn’t be enough distance between them. “What if I want another pillow?” He asked mischievously.
“Go fuck yourself, Harry,” she grumbled.
He frowned. “C’mon, lovie. S’not so bad.” She didn’t say anything in response and turned to her side facing away from him. She scrolled mindlessly on her phone. “D’you want t’watch something together?” He asked.
“No, thank you,” she murmured quietly. “You can though,” she shrugged. “I’ll sleep through most anything.”
He nodded. “Okay...well...good night, beautiful. Sleep well,” he said sweetly.
She didn’t fall asleep right away. Instead, she imagined the nice museum she saw online. The picturesque street about a mile away with cute little shops. There was the coffee shop she wanted to go to. All the things that Harry couldn’t ruin with his annoying little remarks.
Or his stupid hot body.
Other than some gentle laughter, she didn’t hear or worry about Harry sleeping less than six inches from her own body. The pillows provided the perfect barrier between them so that she could sleep easily knowing that he wouldn’t bug her.
Only four days until it was over. She could do this.
Harry heard her phone drop from her hands to the floor about an hour later. He hurried to her side of the room and made sure her alarm was set, locked her phone, and placed it on her nightstand. He saw the way she seemed to shiver in her sleep. Probably because she was right under the vent. The space between her brows puckered due to her discomfort. He draped the blanket that was at the end of the bed over her. Almost immediately, the skin between her eyebrows smoothed back out. He wanted to kiss her in the very same spot but of course would never do that without her permission.
The movie Harry was playing was funny and he enjoyed it immensely. True to her word, she slept through his laughter and the sound of the movie itself. She was wiggly when she slept. The pillows and blankets balled all around her and Harry wondered how she slept like that each night. It looked nearly painful at times.
Of course, the movie came to an end, and she was still sound asleep when Harry finally turned the TV off and hunkered down into his side of the mattress. He tried not to disturb her pillow wall, but she had managed to throw all of them every which way. He smirked to himself, shaking his head at her.
Harry must have gotten only an hour of sleep under his belt when he woke up to her kicking and mumbling under her breath. The light coming through the window allowed for his eyes to adjust a bit to the darkness against her figure sprawled in the sheets. He shook his head glancing over at her in complete disarray.  Her body was still twisted around the pillows and blankets. Harry was left with just the sheet. He smirked at her.
He threw his arm over his eyes and ignored her fitful movements. But they kept going and going. The mumbling too. He felt bad about whatever she was dreaming about, but he didn’t dare touch her. If she woke up to him touching her, even if it was for comfort, he was certain she would kill him.
Harry was a pretty heavy sleeper himself, so her fussy movements didn’t bother him in the slightest. Whatever she was dreaming about had to be a kick for sure and for that he felt bad.
But then Harry heard small whimpers coming from her and he felt his stomach knot. It felt like he was dying at the mere sound of her discomfort. The anguish he felt coming from her was brutal and he wanted nothing more than to hold her and fix it. “Oh, hey,” he hummed, sitting up against the headboard. He looked her over and thought incurring her wrath would be well worth it if he could stop her from whimpering miserably. “Lovie? Y’okay?” He gently shook her by the shoulder. She seemed to be fighting whatever she was dreaming about, and the blankets were keeping her trapped. Harry grabbed the pillows that were on top of her. Her arms were nearly swaddled against her body with the blanket wrapped around her and pulled up to her neck tightly.
Harry flicked the light on his nightstand so he could get a better look at her.
The poor thing was glistening with sweat around her hairline, tears were leaking from her closed eyes, and that space between her brows was cinched together like she was in pain. “Oh, no,” he murmured and crawled out of his side and came around to her side. “Hey,” he cooed. He crouched in front of her and began tossing the pillows to the floor. He unraveled the blankets from around her. “Lovie,” he murmured. He called her lovie at the start of the evening and he couldn’t stop. He loved to call her beautiful and enjoyed how readily she answer to it. But something about her sweet face just made the word ‘lovie’ roll right off his tongue. It was effortless; like it was the only thing he should call her. Once she was without the swaddle of blankets, and the pillows attacking her, she was practically gasping for air in her sleep. “Lovie, you’re having a bad dream,” he gave her a good shake causing her eyes to flash open. Harry gazed at her in alarm. She squeezed her eyes shut trying to hide from Harry. But it was far too late for that. “Are y’okay, beautiful?”
She ignored him. Her breathing evening out. She turned away from him. “Lovie...”
“Would you stop calling me cute names?” She asked, the exasperation thick in her voice. But she was still distraught. He could tell. He was quiet for a minute letting her work through whatever just happened. “Please don’t tell anyone about this,” she whispered.
He blinked. He felt so sad she believed so little of him. “I would never tell anyone anything ‘bout you—”
“You whisper about me all the time,” she snipped.
His mouth fell open in disbelief. “Lovie, you have t’know I don’t whisper anything ‘bout you. M’telling them how pretty I think y’are and how you’ll get all flustered that m’whispering nothing ‘bout you. They know I adore you and think nothing short of wonderful things ‘bout you. Y’seriously don’t get it do you?” He felt so utterly annoyed by her, himself. He thought she was lovely and yes; she was fun to annoy but he would never say anything about her that hurt her reputation. He was sad she thought he would. It never made sense for her to dislike him so intently. He never really cared and turned it into a joke. But knowing she truly didn’t like him made his heart heavy.
She refused to look at him. It was silent for several beats. Harry stared at the back of her t-shirt, her shoulders trying to find an easy rhythm. He wanted her to explain it. Right now. In the middle of the night when they were stuck in a small hotel room together. “Why did you trap me in the slide?” She whispered.
Of all the things he expected her to say, that was not one of them. “What?” He shook his head.
“In Year 2? You and your friends trapped me in the slide, now I’m embarrassingly claustrophobic. If I have anything covering my face, I have a meltdown. It feels like I can’t breathe. If someone...holds me the wrong way for too long, I get overwhelmed. It’s ruined so many relationships and it’s...” she sniffled, her shoulders staggering a bit at the effort.
He frowned. “Is that why you hate me?” He whispered. She didn’t answer him. “Lovie, I had nothing to do with that.”
“Well, they blamed you.”
He sighed. “So, all this time you’ve hated me, and it wasn’t even my doing?” He asked.
It seemed to appeal to the logical part of her brain. She was still for a moment longer, her breathing evening out. But then she rolled to her other side and stared at Harry. He hated the tears that stained her cheeks. That little crease between her eyebrows. He reached out and pressed his fingers there to smooth it out and she let him. It didn’t even bother him that she hadn’t liked him for so long.
Her lips rolled into her mouth as she thought over the last twenty-something years of their lives. It may not have bothered Harry but now it bothered her. “Why have you liked me even though I’m so...crabby toward you?”
He smiled excitedly. Like he was getting a Christmas present or told he won a raffle. “What isn’t there t’like ‘bout you, beautiful?” His hand cupped her cheek and his thumb gently rubbed at the stain of salt on her cheek. The back of her head was warm with sweat and if it wasn’t so late at night, she would feel more self-conscious.
“You’re a glutton for punishment.”
It was progress though because she didn’t push his hand away from her face. “Can I get back on the bed? I won’t touch you, but I don’t want you t’have the pillows and blankets attack you.”
“You can touch me,” she mumbled.
He wiggled his eyebrows at her. “Oh yeah?” He rose from the floor to head back to his side of the bed.
She rolled her eyes at him. “I hate you.”
“I don’t think y’do, actually,” he said smugly.
“Are you going to annoy me the entire time?”
Harry turned off his bedside lamp and crawled under the sheet. “Probably.”
She sighed; he imagined her pretty eye roll the way she always did. Harry put his arm behind his head, closed his eyes and tried to drift off to sleep. “You really didn’t trap me in there?” She asked.
Harry turned to his side and looked at the shadow outline of her staring up at the ceiling. He wanted to reach out and trace the shape of her profile, follow it down her arm and hold her hand. “Even as a six-year-old, lovie, I couldn’t hurt you. If...I knew...I would have gotten y’out of there so fast,” he promised. “Poor baby,” he murmured and bravely reached out and grabbed her hand. She didn’t pull from him. She let his fingers fit between the spaces of hers, gave her a gentle squeeze.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t know why you were mad,” he shrugged.
“You were really just going to let me hate you for the rest of our life?”
“Hate and love are very close together in the brain,” he said knowingly. “Given y’said the rest of our life,” he smiled excitedly, “I had a feeling y’couldn’t keep it up forever. And I’d wait forever for you, beautiful.” He sounded so arrogant she wanted to hate him just to spite him. But she couldn’t argue with him. It was exhausting hating him. Being in the hotel room with him—especially when he was in a towel—was ruining her grumpy front. Even with sleep still on her brain, she couldn’t help but think about how gentle he was with her and her anxious mind. He was so utterly accommodating and kind to her. He would have slept on the floor if she asked. But she rather enjoyed the feel of his fingers holding hers. “Do you have nightmares a lot?” He asked, interrupting her thoughts.
She shook her head. “Not anymore...Only when I get all twisted like that. I usually sleep better with a weighted blanket to help my anxiety about it. It also keeps me in place, mostly. I’ve had a lot of therapy to help cope with it and the blanket usually helps but obviously y’can’t really travel with a fifteen-pound blanket.”
“Can you snuggle?” He asked.
She blinked at the darkness in front of her. “Can I what?”
“Can you snuggle with someone?” He repeated.
She bit the inside of her lip. “As long as my face isn’t covered,” she muttered. “But it’s definitely been a problem in past relationships if that’s what you’re asking me ab—”
Harry had his arms looping around her and he pulled her toward him so quickly, she barely had time to process. His body spooned behind her, one arm snug beneath her neck and the other draped around the front of her hips. Her heart rate had to be approaching a hundred and fifty. “Is this alright, beautiful?” He murmured into the back of her hair. She was speechless, truly. Harry holding her like...like she didn’t just have a major meltdown. Like he adored her still. “Lovie?” He said, nearly releasing her when she didn’t answer. Worried that her heart rate was too high—he could practically feel it through her back pressed to him. Maybe this was too much.
But right as he started to pull away, her arm pressed against Harry’s. She sighed softly. “No...m’fine,” her voice was quiet.
“Are y’sure? I don’t want t’upset you,” he promised. “Been dreaming ‘bout snuggling with you... but not at the expense of your comfort or anxiety,” he assured her.
“You dream about cuddling with me?”
“Among other things,” he spoke to the back of her hair, his lips smiling against her head.
She rolled her eyes. “You’re an idiot.”
“I really didn’t think y’could hate me forever, lovie.”
She was quiet for a few moments. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. It was the first time she ever apologized to him. His heart skipped a beat.
“I know, beautiful. How would y’have known, though? I wish y’told me, but I know why y’didn’t.”
More silence. Harry’s bare stomach was touching her t-shirt, his legs were crooked up against the back of hers. They fit like puzzle pieces. She bit the inside of her lip feeling exhaustion pull over her mind. How was she supposed to sleep knowing Harry was sleeping right next to her?
“Good night, lovie,” he murmured.
She sighed, relaxing, and drifting to sleep almost immediately.
The first day of the conference went by quickly with not much to really show for it. Harry enjoyed it immensely and had a thousand new ideas that he suggested to her over their lunch together. She enjoyed it as well but after her night snuggled up to Harry nothing else seemed remotely important.
“Hey, lovie?” Harry said, trying to retrieve her attention. “Did y’have plans this afternoon? M’gonna catch up with a friend,” he nodded toward another table. The idea of Harry leaving her alone actually saddened her, but of course...they’d have the night.
Unless the friend was a girl. In which case he very well could not come back to their shared room. She nodded. “Yeah, I’m good. Have fun,” she encouraged.
He smiled and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Keep the bed warm for me, yeah?” He winked at her as he pulled away.
She thought maybe killing him would still be an option.
She perused the little picturesque street taking a whole bunch of pictures and stopping in nearly every shop on the street and making a purchase in almost every single one. It was actually really nice. Not too hot, not too cold. She even sort of wished Harry had gone with her on her little adventure. She thought he would have liked some of the shops as much as she did.
It was precisely when she wished Harry had gone with her that she realized she really liked him. All this time.
Maybe he was right, and her brain mistook her affection for him as hatred. She wasn’t ready to say love yet. Even if her subconscious was screaming about how lovely he was.
Even last night when Harry was comforting and gentle about her phobia. He didn’t make her feel bad...in fact he made her feel normal and wonderful. The new information about the slide was a revelation. She had spent so many years with ill-harbored feelings toward Harry. It seemed wasteful after last night. He was kind, understanding, attractive—
She was not in love with him.
She couldn’t be, right?
He was annoying. Even if he wasn’t whispering about her, he was still making her feel grumpy. The constant gag gifts and deliveries were vexing beyond compare.
But those dimples when he smiled? They could undo all those negative emotions she felt. She was certain that there was some pheromone or chemical released in the air when he smiled. One that made her mind momentarily forget that he had been the cause of the slide thing.
However, that wasn’t true anymore.
No. It’s like meeting someone for the first time. You don’t love him.
Not when he called her beautiful or lovie. Not when he openly flirted with her or held her against his warm body in the middle of the night and kept the nightmares away. She did not love him.
But maybe she just really, really, really, really, liked him and wanted to spend all her extra time with him now and show him the little shop she found because she smelled three different kinds of soap that she thought he would enjoy.
Obviously, that wasn’t love.
She looked more like some shopping bag monster than girl, when she made her way into the hotel elevator. Harry was already in the room when she got back. “Have fun?” He asked, putting the new file he brought with him and his pencil aside. His smile was so bright she really wondered how she could have ignored him for so long.
“Did…you catch up with your friend?” She asked. She was gone for almost three hours, she worried that she would come back to find Harry with someone, or someone in the shower...
Or in our bed. One part of her mind was grumpy at the thought. Not our bed. The one brain cell left on the rational side of her mind shouted back.
Harry began untangling her wrists and fingers from the bags she held while her brain had its own conversation. The bags left angry red marks on her skin. He nodded, placing the bags on the floor. “Yeah, jus’ had a quick stop at the pub for a drink,” he gently massaged the inside of her wrists. “I missed you,” he said cutely. She stared at him almost suspiciously. Like maybe all of this was a trick. Her distrust seemed palpable because he frowned. “I did, beautiful. Really missed you,” he brought her wrist to his lips and pressed a kiss on the soft inside skin. She missed him too. Even before she went to the shops, she was dreading leaving his side, but she wouldn’t tell him that. Her face must have softened a bit because the left side of his face turned up in a gorgeous half smile. It made her wonder how Harry had decided on editing and publishing and not modeling. “Would y’like t’get dinner with me?” He asked.
“Like a date?” She blurted out before she could stop herself.
“Yes, lovie. Like a date,” he rolled his eyes.
She frowned. “I don’t really have anything...date-worthy to wear.”
“Well, y’could go naked, but they might throw y’out.”
“Shut. Up.”
“Y’look beautiful now. I’d take y’out in the sexy pajamas y’wore last night.”
She wondered briefly if Harry had ever been hit in the head over the years and suffered irrevocable brain damage. “Sexy?”
“Your leggings?” He smiled mischievously. “M’almost jealous of ‘em touching all of your legs.”
Definitely hit in the head.
“Can I just...have a few minutes to touch up?” She asked, ignoring his comment.
“Course, beautiful. Not that y’need it.” He was good. She would give him that. He was very good at making her feel gooey and pretty. Harry said all the right flirty things. Dinner would be fun, and she was quite hungry.
She exited the bathroom after touching up her makeup and switching out her casual business blouse for a tank top with a cardigan. She swapped her slacks for a pair of jeans. The flats she wore stayed to complete her outfit.
“Will you marry me?” He sighed dreamily as she exited the bathroom.
He was going to give her an aneurysm.
“Shut up, Harry.”
“Ve’been waiting for this date for...” he smiled. “Oh, I don’t know, lovie. Least since university.”
Harry had to have a death wish. “You’ve...liked me? Even though I was mean to you?”
“A glutton for punishment, as it were,” he winked bringing her words back.
She grabbed her little cross body bag and Harry followed her out their hotel room door. Since the slide incident, she had been to at least four different therapists to help alleviate the worry and fear she had. In all honesty, she was much better than she used to be. The airplane was a little daunting during takeoff but that could have been due to a fear of flying, not claustrophobia. Her small attic or the cramped closet in the hall of her place didn’t bother her any longer. Being on a train in public transport rush hour—even when the train came to a standstill in the middle of the dark tunnel—didn’t really bother her anymore. It was only when her face was covered for too long without her ability to get out quickly, sleeping, plagued with nightmares, or swaddled in her blankets too tightly that she felt the waves of anxiety suffocating her like that day on the slide.
Or when the elevator clanged to a stop and jolted her so hard, she nearly fell into Harry.
It was three seconds of pure silence before she realized what happened. Before Harry realized.
“Shit.” Harry whispered.
“Oh no,” her pulse quickened. Her head started to ache, and it felt like the elevator was suddenly the size of an Amazon box and she was crammed inside. It took her a moment to realize the wheezing was coming from her.
“Hey, hey,” Harry quickly grabbed her shoulders. Her eyes welled with tears, and she was heaving on her breath. One of his hands reached for the emergency button causing a monotone ring to take over all sounds in the small space; the volume was louder than her heavy breathing. “Lovie, tell me what t’do,” he begged. “M’sorry,” he whispered. She felt lightheaded and scared. So scared she obviously was having trouble breathing. She worried that she would pass out right into Harry’s arms.
“M’scared,” she croaked.
“I know, beautiful,” he squeezed her shoulders. He held her away at arm’s length afraid to bring her closer in case it would make matters worse. All he wanted to do was wrap her close and console her. “But...s’okay,” he promised. “Really, s’okay.” It wasn’t; he wasn’t trying to make light of her fear either. He knew how bad it was because he had spent the last twenty years waiting for this moment. For her to say she didn’t hate him. For the last ten, he longed for a date. One measly dinner to change her mind. But the broken elevator was going to ruin it all. Honestly, that didn’t even matter to him. All of it didn’t matter. He had to try something to ease her worry. Something to help her scared mind. “I would never let anything happen t’you. Would never let anything hurt you,” he was gazing right into her eyes. He definitely didn’t cure her, but she could feel how devastated Harry felt. He meant it; he wouldn’t let anything harm her as much as he could possibly control. “Deep breaths? Does that help?” He asked. She nodded. She tried but it was hard, the air she sucked in and released was shaky and not very deep. It was hard to think about breathing deeply when all she could think about was dying in this tin box. “Easy, lovie. S’okay,” he squeezed her shoulders again.
The alarm was plain on his face, and she wondered if he wanted to hold her. She wanted to be held but wasn’t sure it would work. Her stomach felt so knotted. Thought maybe she would throw up and she couldn’t imagine a worse first date with Harry than throwing up in an enclosed space. She sank to the floor, her legs scrunched up so she could rest her forehead against her knees. Harry crouched in front of her, clearly still nervous and unsure of what to do. The one part of her brain that still had some rational thought left thought it was a travesty that she would lose Harry from this. She thought if she made it out, she would have to just go home. She couldn’t share a bed with him.
“They’re probably getting someone t’help right now, beautiful. S’okay,” he placed his hands on her ankles. It seemed like the safest option. He was so mortified this happened. To her of all people. The ringing of the elevator seemed to die down with the ringing in her ears. “Lovie?” He asked; he felt anxious that she was breathing so hard. She looked at him, her vision blurred by the tears. “Tell me what t’do,” he begged. He felt so useless. So worried that she was going to pass out or have a meltdown that she would inextricably link to him and never forgive him. After he just made some progress.
He thought about her six-year-old self. Trapped in that slide, her little brain all terrified. He wondered if that little version of herself still existed inside her. It hurt him to think about that poor little girl scared to pieces. He leaned forward and pressed his lips on her forehead and kept pressed there for a moment. That moment in time seemed to stretch on for eternity. But, as he kept his lips on her skin, he noticed her breathing slowly calmed. Her muscles seemed to relax.
“That feels nice,” she murmured almost serenely. He smirked against her skin. Slowly, he pulled away. Her eyes watched Harry with worry, but he slid beside her before he moved too far away. The shaky breathing picked up just a little. Her heart still fluttered with anxiety. She rested her cheek on her knee facing him.
“I...I could...do it again if y’want. If y’think it would help,” he suggested, turning toward her a little more head on. She lifted her head, it felt so achy and heavy. Harry cupped her face and pressed his lips on her skin again. She sighed softly. The ache seemed to ease at his touch.
Ugh. Harry was medicine that she didn’t know she needed. He dragged his lips across her skin, peppering her hairline with soft little presses. She wondered if he would always be this gentle with her.
She still wasn’t sure how she felt about her mind thinking about things like always with Harry. She was fairly certain she would die of humiliation the moment her brain returned to normal once they got off the elevator. There wouldn’t be an always after this. Harry would think she was nuts or ridiculous. There wouldn’t even be a sometimes.
 “Are y’okay, lovie?” He hummed against her skin. “As y’can be right now?”
She nodded, feeling utterly safe with Harry beside her. She enjoyed the way his hands felt on her skin. His lips on her face. It was too bad she didn’t know all these years he had nothing to do with her childhood trauma. She thought she really could be in love with him.
It took an hour, but they were finally freed of the metal tin. The moment she had fresh air, she felt infinitely better. Harry could see it on her face and in her body language. She was entirely at ease. Back to normal. After a flurry of questions and the hotel offering a few extra nights, they left for a nearby restaurant. Harry held her hand, fingers twisted together. He didn’t say much, because he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say after that. He knew she had to have felt so exposed and vulnerable.
“We...don’t have to go out, if you don’t want,” she mumbled.
Harry frowned and stopped the pair of them in the middle of the sidewalk. “Do y’want t’go back?” He asked.
She bit the inside of her lip. “I’m sorry.”
He blinked in surprise. “For what, beautiful?”
“For being crazy?” Did he forget what just happened?
“Crazy?” He repeated in surprise. “Lovie, s’not your fault. M’glad you’re okay.”
“You’re not...you don’t think I’m...weird?”
His heart felt such sadness for her. “No, lovie. Course not. Think you’re lovely. I was so scared y’were going to hurt yourself in all the worry. M’so glad you’re okay. M’sorry y’had to—why are y’crying, beautiful? Are you alright?” He asked, her eyes spilling with tears. He thought he might cry right with her. Harry had a good six or seven inches on her and he bent his knees a bit so he could be eyelevel with her teary gaze. His hands cupped her face just like on the elevator and he looked pained that she was crying.
She shook her head. “I’m sorry,” she whimpered. “I’m so sorry.”
He didn’t know why she was apologizing. But he let her and pulled her toward him, careful not to cover her face with his embrace. She sobbed into his chest. Harry kissed the top of her head. “S’okay, beautiful. Don’t know why you’re apologizing. But s’okay.”
It felt so embarrassingly awful that she and Harry would never be.
They ordered takeout, had a drink while they waited—barely speaking as they did, and headed back to the hotel. Of course, they took the stairs. She didn’t even feel like eating as she sat across from Harry on the balcony. He ate his veggie stir fry quietly while she poked at the pasta in her takeout box. “That’s pasta, you remember?” He smirked at her. “You’re supposed t’eat it,” he encouraged. Trying to joke so she would feel a little better.
She couldn’t even muster an eye roll for him. Ending before they started...after a whirlwind of one night and day of the convention seemed utterly unfair.
“Lovie?” He asked quietly. She didn’t respond. She was worried she would cry. “Beautiful,” he murmured setting his food aside, crouched beside her seat and pushed her food to the side as well.
“I...I think I really like you,” she whispered.
He smiled. “Well finally, lovie. But y’don’t have t’cry ‘bout it, m’right here,” he gave her knee a gentle squeeze. Like he was consoling her.
She shook her head. “S’not fair to you or all that time I wasted. And I’m so weird.”
“You’re not weird, lovie,” he promised.
“Yes, I am, Harry.”
He shook his head. “Y’seriously going t’continue pushing me away when m’literally on my knees in front of you, beautiful? I don’t care if y’weird or not. I don’t care if y’cry on elevators or if y’sing in the shower. You’re m’favorite person t’annoy and I want t’do it, knowing I can kiss you after every joke,” he looked up at her eyes from his crouched position. “Y’don’t have t’waste any more time, lovie. M’right here.”
She bit the inside of her cheek, worried she was going to say no or something just because she was so nervous about all of it. It was twenty years of disliking Harry (well, not really, but yes really). That was twenty years of hating small spaces of getting nervous in crowds and explaining to boyfriends that she couldn’t attend some events even when she wanted to.
But Harry didn’t care.
And she believed him.
She should have begged him to leave her alone because it wasn’t fair to him, and she truly believed that. Harry was so much kinder than she ever, ever imagined. Now he was right, of course. He was right here. Right in front of her. Literally on his knees telling her he wanted her. Despite everything. So instead of opening her mouth where she might say no, she nodded slowly.
He sighed with relief and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her toward him. He carefully squeezed her rubbing his hand up and down her back so soothingly she wanted to cry some more. Harry had the gentlest touch, and it was melting her—inside and out. She sighed into his chest, arms wrapping back around him. She even pressed her face right into his T-shirt and didn’t feel the creeping sensation of doom surrounding her. Instead, all she could smell was the scent of Harry’s laundry detergent and the very essence of Harry.
“Thank you, beautiful,” he sighed into the top of her hair, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head. He pushed her away from his body but kept her in between his arms. He really loved touching her face. “Can’t wait t’join you in the shower, now,” he winked.
She rolled her eyes. He wasn’t going to quit, that much was certain. “You should be better than that detachable shower head,” she murmured.
He stared at her fully for at least half a minute, unable to speak. He cleared his throat after what seemed like a lifetime and then kissed the center of her forehead followed by the tip of her nose. Right before he kissed her lips for the first time in their lives, he whispered, “that I have t’see, lovie.”
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use
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nyxyxx · 10 months
Godly Desires - Part 2 -
So yeah here's the second part. A little rough but the next few should get more interesting. I. II. III. IV.
As usual this story will contain yandere themes and religious themes so please proceed with caution.
"For you"
An apple? You blinked twice, confused. You hesitantly reached up towards the mitachurl's hand and took the apple in both of yours. After gazing at it for a while, as if looking for permission - you took a bite of the apple. It was delicious. It tasted so real it almost entirely discarded your belief that this was a dream.
You sat in the hilichurl camp there for a while, as they kept gifting you with seemingly random food and materials, but they seemed overjoyed with it regardless. It was an odd feeling. Despite the fact that they were known as dangerous monsters, they showed such kindness to you. You were almost compelled to just live among them for as long as they'd allow you to stay - but you knew you had to keep going.
You had to continue down the path, to find out how exactly you got here, and why. So, after a long time of playing with the hilichurls, you said your goodbyes, and they said goodbye too - or at least you think they were saying goodbye. You weren't exactly the most knowledgable on hilichurlian.
You walked down along the beach, trying to figure out where in Teyvat you could be. It didn't take very long for you to notice the tip of a very recognizable cathedral. So you were in Mondstadt. That made sense, you supposed. It was where the traveler first woke up, so it would make sense that you would appear here too - except you were on the opposite side of Monstadt.
It would take a while for you to reach Mondstadt just by walking, and you weren't even sure what you should do when you got there, but you might as well start now. You turned back towards the hills and kept walking, resting by trees when it got too dark, or hanging out in more hilichurl camps - where they always seemed to welcome your presence.
It was safe to say that you did not go hungry. Though, you could really use a change of clothes. They were starting to feel all gross. You luckily were by a lake, and well - you might as well take this opportunity to bathe and wash those clothes.
You were a little worried about being spotted, but figured you were in a quiet enough area that it was unlikely. Or if it were monsters, you had little fear of being attacked by them. So you carefully stripped down and submerged yourself in the lake, trying to adjust to the cold temperature of the water.
When you were finished washing yourself - you reached back up to the rocks to grab your clothes to wash them as well, only to find that they were gone. Wait...gone??? Panic began to set in as you realized that you were currently naked and stuck in some lake in the middle of nowhere. What were you going to do...?
You stared at the water for a while, tucking yourself as closely to the edge of the water as possible, as you just thought mindlessly over what you were going to do next. That is, until you heard a voice.
"Excuse me, by any chance do these clothes belong to you?" A voice called out, and you instinctively hid yourself lower into the water. "My bad, I don't mean to invade your privacy. I'll just leave these here." The man said, before you listened to his footsteps get more distant. You slowly lifted your head up to look, only to find the man in the distance standing behind a tree, facing the other way, waiting for you.
You looked back to the ground and found your clothes returned, though in a slightly worse condition, but regardless, you hastily threw it all on no matter how wet they were going to get. Once you were done, you ran over to the man in the distance, who slowly turned his head.
"An animal must have stolen them," he began, "I was out for a walk and saw them on the ground by the grape vines. The animal must've left them there after it realized there was no food in them." He smiled.
You were sure you knew who the man was, but that suspicion was only confirmed when you glanced down, and saw the pyro vision hanging from his belt. "...Diluc?"
"Ah right, yes I'm Diluc Ragvindr, at your service." He seemed a little surprised that you knew his name, but internally, his mind was on fire. You, of all people, knew his name. He could barely contain his joy, although it was nearly impossible to tell from the outside.
"Oh. Nice to meet you. Thank you for helping me there." You said, a little taken aback. at your service? what did he mean by that? Regardless, you felt like you might as well thank him for helping you.
"Please do not mind it, I am only doing what should be done." He said, only showing as slight smile. "If you would like to thank me properly, how about I invite you for a drink?" He asked. He hoped you'd say yes.
"Oh sure. Lead the way then." You failed to notice just how exuberant he actually was that you agreed. It has been a while since you've last talked to - or even seen - someone, so you were a little bit lonely. You also figured that you could get some helpful information from him, so you might as well take this opportunity.
soon we're actually gonna get into the more entertaining parts but that's it for now. The next part is gonna have a lot more Diluc which is nice but also terrifies me I'm so not prepared to write him. Taglist @mmeatt; @iamapotatoe; @clavichordcleffa
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julesthequirky · 4 months
The Choice: Chapter Thirteen
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All my work is purely aimed at those 18+ so minors kindly, DNI.
Summary: You find three of your favourite characters in your home. It shouldn’t be possible, but there they are. In the flesh. How the hell did they get there? And surely there’s a way to get them back? But as you get close to each one, the thought of sending them back proves difficult to comprehend.
Characters: Fem!Reader, Dean, Beau, Soldier Boy/Ben.
Warnings: Female masturbation, female fantasy, language, typical Soldier Boy behaviour, cheesy euphemisms.
W/C: 1,596
A/N: I can only apologise for how long it took me to get this chapter out. I don't really have any excuses, except for the fact that I had a bit of a break, wrote some other ideas knocking around, and then had another break. I wish I could keep a schedule, but they don't work for me. I struggled with this chapter, struggled to push the story forward to get to where it needed to be.
A/N 2: I can't believe it's only day three! As a writer, I, too, forget the concept of time within the story. And it's not until I read past chapters that I realised how slowly time goes by.
The hot water splashed down, and you leaned your head back, getting a face full of the spray.
Was Ben right? Was Dean jealous? Or perhaps he had just been mad. He slept in the next room. A wall was shared, after all. He had to have heard everything. But Dean had no reason to be jealous. He hadn’t shown any inkling that he wanted anything more than platonicness.
Ben knew how you felt about Dean. About Beau. He’d seen all your interactions with the hunter and nearly bitten your head off in Walmart when he found them ‘impersonating’ him. Ben was an enigma. One moment he was flirty and casual, bantering with you, and the next, he was aggressive and damn near violent, threatening anyone that gets on the wrong side of him. And it was him you had fooled around with first. Not Dean. Not that you initially intended to mess around with any of them.
Water ran down your body in rivulets, and your hands followed the flow. Again, Dean, in complete ecstasy, slipped into your mind. Would he grip the shaft tightly? Would he squeeze to feel the intensity of pleasure? Would he stroke his thumb across the slit, rubbing pre-cum across the mushroomy head of his cock?
Below, you throbbed, and again, your mind turned to comparisons. Would Dean be as wide? Would the head of his cock feel so pillowy against your entrance? Would it pulse as strongly? Would he feel as heavy and as thick as Ben?
You shuddered, arousal burning through your body as you tried to wipe those thoughts from your mind. It didn’t feel fair. Dean was his own person. But…Jensen…Jensen was the man who played them all.
Your hand reached for the shower head. It unhooked from the wall attachment, and you changed the head settings. The water sprayed out powerfully in a more concentrated manner.
You gripped the shower head and the shower bar with your other hand. And before you could think yourself out of it, you turned the shower head upside down.
You gasped. A sharp inhale of air. Your hand tightened, gripping the shower bar. The jet of water shooting up from the shower head pelted your clit with intensity.
You bowed your head, hair dripping into the shower floor, pulse spiking as Dean masturbating occupied your mind.
You changed the angle of the shower head, and your knees almost buckled. Your toes curled, and you shook as you fought to contain yourself.
Your pussy clenched.
Your eyes squeezed shut. Dean, touching himself, left your mind, and Ben replaced him. You shook your head, trying to get Dean back. But Ben stayed. And he stood in all his glory, shameless, hand wrapped around his cock and giving lazy strokes, wearing that damn smirk.
Then, his words from yesterday came to mind.
“Would you suck me off as prettily as you suck my fingers?”
And in your mind’s eye, you were on your knees, pleasing Ben, wrapping your lips around his cock. You saw yourself sucking, could feel the weight of him on your tongue, could taste the saltiness of him.
In your mind, you watched as the rapture completely took over Ben. His head leant back, eyes closed, and his fingers fisting your hair. He cursed under his breath as you slowly dragged the man’s soul from him.
Would Dean react the same way? Or would he watch?
Heat swamped your gut at the thought of Dean watching you suck him off. Your body shook, edging closer to that inevitable brink.
You’d please him. Who? All of them.
Beau. With his cheeks tinted pink, and looking at you hungrily sent you hurtling over the edge and crying out, your legs almost buckling from the strength of your orgasm.
The shower head clattered to the floor, continuing to spray upwards. You leant against the steamed-up shower wall.
You hadn’t done that in a while. Not with a showerhead.
The TV played in the background. Some football game Ben had put on that Beau was absorbed in. With three men living with you, sports were perpetually on.
After breakfast, Dean excused himself and headed upstairs with a coffee, claiming he needed to decipher the language on the frame’s box, reinforcing the idea that maybe he was mad at you. He’d asked to use your laptop to aid him in his research, and you were compliant, handing him the device and the cable. You had written the password on his hand, desperately trying to ignore the sparks rushing up your arm.
Trying to read with Ben glancing at you occasionally was nigh-on impossible. All you wanted was to relax with a steamy romance between a Rugby player and a sassy fan. At least this one wouldn’t come to life.
Ben nudged you from where he was sitting beside you. You glared at him as he rudely pulled you out of the world where fans have hot instances with insanely built Rugby men.
He leaned his head closer.
“If you needed help installing a pipe in your bathroom, you could have come to me.”
What the shit?
You tilted your head in confusion. What the Hell was he going on about?
“You know….”
He kept his voice low so as not to capture Beau’s attention. This was something he wanted to keep between you both.
“I’m just saying you could have come to me.”
You shook your head.
I shake my head and try to get back into my book.
“You need installations in your bathroom? Y’know I’m a dab hand at DIY.” Beau asked, finally turning away from the TV.
“What, no.”
Ben snorted and shook his head.
“Ya hear that, Y/N? Beau is a dab hand at installing pipes in a bathroom.”
Ben’s tone was a little sarcastic for your liking. And whatever he was alluding to, you just weren’t getting. Ben wasn’t one to mince his words, so why was he being so elusive? It didn’t make sense.
You sighed, closing the book you’d barely read anything of.  You placed it down and stood up.
“Ben, could I see you in the kitchen, please?”
You saw Beau’s quirk of his eyebrows in your peripheral vision as you started walking out of the living room.
 Ben followed you into the kitchen. He closed the door behind him, a smirk on his face. You stood there, leaning on one hip, arms folded against your chest.
“I don’t know what you’re playing at, but it’s gotta stop.”
Ben’s smirk grew wider as he stepped closer.
“Aw, c’mon. I’m only messing. Besides, maybe next time you have a solo flick fest in the bathroom, you should remember that some ears are far more acute than others.”
You stood stock still. Shit. He’d heard everything. That’s why he was teasing the Hell outta you.
“So, c’mon, what prompted this solo session?”
Your cheeks burned. Could you tell him? Probably should. He was only gonna bug you otherwise.
“It was what you said about Dean…”
He grinned wickedly.
“Doll, if a man beating his meat has you wetter than the Pacific Ocean, then baby, I don’t mind doing a little corn shucking just for you.”
You blushed. You actually blushed. Maybe it was the cheesy euphemisms, but Hell, they made you redder than a tomato.
“You gunna listen to him?”
You scratched the back of your neck, unsure. Honestly, you didn’t know what you were gonna do. The thing was, Dean wasn’t the only one concerned. Beau was, too. That meant that Beau thought the same as Dean. Or similar. Beau had mentioned intentions, and it was such a dad thing to say.
“Because, if you did, it’d be real shitty of you.”
Fuck. This was all you needed. Ben would hold a grudge. You knew that. But Dean. Dean had your heart. It was stupid. And yeah, you wanted to make him happy. But the real question was: what would make you happy? And that you didn’t know.
Sighing and easing yourself in a seat, you rested your head in your hands. Your phone buzzed. You slipped the gadget from your pocket. Your brow furrowed upon seeing a message. It was from your mother. Wondering what she wanted, you clicked it open.
Mom: Dear Y/N, Mark mentioned to your father and me that he saw you in Walmart with a man. He thinks it's your boyfriend. Is he? Why haven’t you said anything to me? I’m your mother. Your father and I insist on your presence at dinner tonight, 7:30 PM. Don’t be late. Dinner will be at 8. Your father said texting you was more likely to get your attention. He also said to bring your man. Sincerely, Mom.
Fuuuuuuuuck. You didn’t need this right now. You groaned, letting the phone clatter to the table.
Fucking Hell.
“She can fuck off.” You muttered.
Ben snorted, taking a seat beside you.
Yeah. At this moment in time, you had too many problems. You were not bringing Ben around your mother and her partner. However, it made you smile at the thought of her clutching her pearls when Ben cussed like a sailor as he spoke with his mouth full. Then it faltered. Ben, behaving as he does, would double down her efforts to get you with Cole. No. It would be best to pick someone else. But who? And would Ben understand? Probably not.
You faced him.
“Yeah. My mother’s invited me to dinner and wants to bring my so-called boyfriend.”
Tags: @yvonneeeee, @curlycarley, @angelbabyyy99, @sassy-pelican, @k-slla, @deans-spinster-witch, @ashdoctor, @eretsupremacy89, @fanfic-n-tabulous, @deans-number-one-fan, @afro-hispwriter, @tiredstrangerr, @zemosdarling228, @justjensenandhisalteregos, @ladysparkles78, @nescavaneck, @winharry, @stellasfictionalworld, @mishkatelwarriorgoddess, @freefallthoughts, @realityshifter111, @slvtforhotchner, @hobby27, @grxyveins, @emily-roberts, @jamerlynn, @mimaria420, @kr804573, @just-levyy, @leigh70, @eexphoria
If for some reason you aren't tagged, or I've missed you as I went through to update my tags, lemme know. And A, we'll grumble about Tumblr together, or B, I'll chide myself and update the tagsheet.
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delic7te · 1 year
sweet dreams | kaz brekker
kaz brekker x reader
summary: after an exhausting day, kaz lets you spend the night in his office
a/n : sorry for not responding to reqs, life was kinda happening. anyway here's something I wrote a long long time ago
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Kaz caught himself looking at you for what seemed like the hundredth time that night, as if you might fall into the ground if he averted his gaze away from you.
The Crows were heading back to The Slat, worn out after a risky heist that ended up being a success but left them all exhausted and weak, eager to go lay back for a good sleep.
Except Kaz. The man was almost always wide awake and on watch, busy with something buisness related. He allowed you to tag along with his work at times because you had quite a gift for things like he did, even though he hired you as a weapon more than as a mastermind. But you became both and Kaz trusted you enough to let you help him out with planning heists and managing the Dregs, as you were in the buisness almost as long as he was. Of course, you had your own reputation and jobs, sometimes working for Kaz but mostly for yourself.
Still, Kaz and you partnered up at times.
When you were finally at the Slat, everyone drifted into their rooms immediately and shortly fell sound asleep. But Kaz needed to get some work done as always, which meant he would take you with him.
"Y/N, come along", he told you when you came through the door, glancing down at you again. You looked like you hadn't slept for weeks, your eyelids threatening to shut down any second now. "Huh?"
"There's some paperwork left if you don't mind", Kaz explains as he limps up the stairs, you following behind.
"Alright." A quiet sigh leaves your lips. "I planned on staying up a little anyway" , you lie.
Kaz felt bad for keeping you up even though he knew all you wanted to do was to lay back on your bed and give your mind a rest, but he still kept a straight cold expression when you both sat down in his office.
You took of your coat and put it on the couch by his window, sitting down on a chair opposite of his at his desk. Kaz sat right down, picking up files and spreading them all over the desk. "Where were we?"
You let out a yawn, covering your mouth with your hand. "Are you sure this can't wait until the morning?"
It could. He knew it could. Yet something in him told him to keep going and keep you by his side for as long as possible.
Tonight, during a job, Kaz got really concerned for you. It was dangerous, bloody and filthy out there and even though you fend for yourself perfectly in jobs like that, he still sometimes saw you as a butterfly whose wings are about to be torn off by vultures and the cruel world.
He hated that. He hated feeling that type of cautiousness. But when you were in his office, working by his side, he could have an excuse to be in your presence while you were perfectly safe. He would never admit that to you, so he would rather keep you occupied and close to him.
"Hang on for just a few minutes, can you?"
With no choice and a small nod, you get back to all the paperwork scattered on the desk before you. "Atleast we got what we needed tonight."
After some time of silent working together, Kaz stands up from the desk. "Excuse me for a minute", he says as he limps to the bathroom.
Kaz shuts the bathroom door, taking off his gloves. He splashes his face and gloves with water, refreshing himself.
His thoughts shift back to his partner in the next room. When had he begun to trust a person like this? Maybe it were your talents: your fighting skills, your calculated moves, your bright, sharp mind. Or it was simply your charm and wit that enchanted him whole.
Those few minutes of peace with you were all he wanted for the rest of his life. It frustrated him, how much space could someone take up in his head.
Kaz walked out of the bathroom, when he saw you lay your head over your crossed arms spread out on the desk. Your eyes were shut and you looked as if you just passed out.
He realized how he kept you up for no reason, just his selfishness, even though you were tired out of your mind. This time he didn't want to wake you, but he figured you won't be comfortable if you fell asleep in the position you were currently in.
"Y/N?", he whispers softly, careful not to startle you.
Your head rises from the wooden surface. "Sorry", you mumble, rubbing your eyes.
Kaz sits back down. "Don't be. You can stay here overnight, if you wish. My room is open to you."
You shook your head. "No, I'll go back to my place, I'll be fine."
He scoffs. "Just accept something for once. We don't want you to pass out on your way out, do we?"
There was silence after you sighed, burying your face in your hands.
"I insist", Kaz finally says, and you didn't want to resist anymore because you knew that in the end he would make you stay.
"Where would you sleep?"
"I don't need to, yet. Don't worry about me."
"Even geniuses need sleep, Kaz", you frown, standing up from your chair.
He shrugs. "Exactly why you're gonna stay here and get some rest."
"I'll just take the couch here."
When you finally layed down on the couch close to his desk, none of you said anything for a long time. Kaz kept scribbling with his pen, which lulled you to sleep even more.
"You did a good job tonight", Kaz breaks the silence, surprising you.
Your eyes find his and you gaze at each other for a moment. A small nod of appreciation was all you left off before letting your eyelids close and the darkness take over.
Kaz was finally done with working for the night, which was slowly turning into the morning. It was really late, and you had been asleep for about an hour on the couch, eyes shut and eyelashes spread over your plum cheeks.
You looked relaxed, pleasantly at peace. It was a sight Kaz couldn't take his eyes off.
Before heading to his room, he noticed that it was getting chillier in the space and that nothing covered your body from it.
There was an old blanket hanging from the end of the couch and he picked it up, placing it on top of you and protecting you from the cold in the air.
He admired you one last time. "Sweet dreams, Y/N/N", he whispers, turning around to leave the room.
"Night, bastard", replied a sleepy voice behind his back. Kaz freezes, slight embarrassment washing over him.
He was now glad he wasn't facing you, because he couldn't contain himself from letting his lips stretch into a wide smile.
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livingformintyoongi · 5 months
Yoongi and yn: friends.
They are playing truth or dare (the spicy kind, but ALL VERY CONSENSUAL!!!!!) with some friends at this pool party (note: they are all in swimwear).
Their friends know they like each other so they dare Yoongi to kiss her inner thighs, and yn to kiss his happy trail.
Next round they ask him to kiss her 🍒 and her to put her hands inside his swim trunks and stroke his 🍆 (again, ALL VERY CONSENSUAL!!!!!!!!)
She gets very horny by it so she excuses herself to one of the rooms and Yoongi follows her, they have a bit of a talk about what happened back there and he tells her that he was left wishing he could finish what he started and she tells that she can finish it now. He uses some of that 👅 technology with her and then fucks her silly (Yoongi is kind of obsessed with readers big🍒,she is older by 1year)
When they are done, their friends are waiting for them outside laughing and saying that their plan worked
thankyouuuu 💕💕💕💕
Pool Party
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a/n: This is literally the longest thing I've ever written lol. I had quite a lot of fun making it, hope you liked it ^^. Sorry it took me so long, I wanted to make the dividers for this request myself, mostly because it takes me a long time to find one I like for the shots. Here is a photo of Yoongi and Reader's swimsuits, so that you have a clear picture of what they are wearing. warnings: a kind of semi public sex (?, Big dick Yoongi, Reader is a year older than Yoongi, blowjob (f gets), a little praise kink, Yoongi and reader throw in a joke or two during sex, unprotected sex (please don't do this, always use a condom), drunk sex. wc: 4.7k
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"What did you say?" you looked at Soyeon, feeling your heart race at her comment.
"Did I speak too softly? I'm sorry," she smiled that Machiavellian smile you knew so well. They always meant trouble, "I told Yoongi to kiss your inner thigh, is that a problem? Because if it is I can take back the challenge" she pointed to a bottle of vinegar next to her, "you can always have a shot of vinegar in return".
You looked at Yoongi, both of you looking slightly uncomfortable with the idea, but not exactly because you didn't want to. Yoongi was dying to bite your thighs, and you were dying to feel his lips against it, the problem was the situation. You didn't want him to kiss your inner thigh on a dare.
You sighed in defeat, hoping that would make everyone think you didn't want to do it. None, with the exception of Yoongi, believed it.
"You don't need to do it if you don't want to," Yoongi muttered, taking the bottle of vinegar, trying his hardest not to grimace.
"Wait!" You snatched the bottle out of his hands, tossing it to Taehyung, who had no problem catching it. "I absolutely refuse to let you drink that shit, Yoongi."
Everyone fell silent, staring at you. 
"Do you need me to spread my legs?" you looked at Yoongi, blushing heavily as you realised how bad that sounded, "Because of the challenge, obviously, it'll be a lot easier that way."
"Sure" he looked away from you, shaking his hair with his left hand.
You couldn't help but be even more embarrassed to see that Yoongi had also blushed at your answer. From now on you will keep your mouth shut until the game is over.
"Alright, stop making us wait, the night is long, but not forever" Soyeon shouted, laughing softly as she watched you and Yoongi move around rather awkwardly.
How was he supposed to kiss the inside of your thigh? Should you stand up? Lie down? Lean back a little?
In the end you opted for the last one. You waited until Yoongi was in front of you before you leaned back, supporting yourself with your forearms. You grimaced as you felt the small stones on the floor bury themselves into your skin.
"Are you really comfortable with this? I don't mind having a bit of that stuff." Yoongi grabbed your calf, lifting it just enough so that you could rest your heel on his shoulder.
You discreetly licked your lips as you felt your mouth suddenly go dry. Yoongi had no idea of the power he had over you, and that pleased you as much as it frightened you.
"It doesn't bother me, really, it's just a stupid challenge anyway". You nodded quickly, trying to let the gesture imply that you didn't really have a problem with the situation, because you really didn't.
"Good" you smiled as you watched his shoulders relax. He gently caressed your calf, bringing his mouth close to your leg.
For a second you completely forgot that you were in the pool of Jiah, one of your best friends, surrounded by all your other friends, who were pretty focused on your interaction. Everyone was sick of the tension between the two of you, seriously hoping that in this game one of you would take the next step.
He moved down until his nose brushed against the inside of your thigh. You felt a shiver run down your spine, and had to bite the inside of your lip to keep from gasping when Yoongi placed his lips against your skin. You mentally crossed your fingers, hoping he hadn't noticed the sudden spasm you felt from the touch of his lips on your leg.
It felt good. You wouldn't tell him.
"I thought you would never finish," laughed Jiwon, taking a sip of his beer, she shared a knowing look with Soyeon, but both you and Yoongi were too distracted to notice, "It's my turn to ask someone to do the next challenge, right?
Jungkook, her boyfriend, nodded fervently, grinning from ear to ear. He seriously thought the next challenge would be for him, and would involve something like what you and Yoongi just did.
Poor fool.
"Yoongi, stay there," her smile grew even bigger as Yoongi turned to see her with a slight frown, "I need you right there for my challenge," she muttered, drinking what little was left of her can and passing it to Jungkook. He was quick to take it and exchange it for a completely full one. She didn't finish speaking until Jungkook opened the new can for her. "Kiss his happy trail," she murmured, taking two straws and slipping them into the beer can.
"You want me to do what?" you looked at Jiwon, choking on your saliva. She definitely hadn't just asked you to do that.
"You heard me perfect, don't play dumb, I know you're not" she laughed mockingly, or maliciously, you weren't sure, both seemed like perfect words to you to describe the horrible way she had just teased you. 
You looked at Yoongi, noticing how he also seemed surprised, and quite embarrassed, by the challenge Jiwon had given you.
"You know, it's kind of like an eye for an eye, it's pretty much the same thing he did for you, I don't see what's so hard about it." She extended her beer to Jungkook's side, waiting for him to take some from one of the straws she'd put out earlier. You hated how quiet she looked, so comfortable with her bunny-faced boyfriend. You'd get your revenge for this.
"Fine," you grunted, glaring at Yoongi. You crawled on your knees until you were face to face with his abdomen. You regretted it almost immediately as you felt the stones scrape your knees. This was all Soyeon and Jiwon's fault. They were terrible friends. Awful. 
"Uhm, Noona, I..." muttered Yoongi, stumbling over the words.
You looked up, seeing his face. It was red, too red, from his cheeks to his neck and ears, his lower lip trembling slowly, as if he was trying to say something and his nerves wouldn't let him speak. There were no words to describe how cute you thought this boy was. 
"I'll make it quick, don't worry" you tried to smile at him, not wanting him to notice how nervous you were too. When was the last time you did this with a man? You didn't really remember. You tried to push the thought out of your head, pushing your hair aside. 
Yoongi for his part had no idea what to do. You were on your knees in front of him, wearing a bathing suit that showed off your figure too well, and you had just arranged your hair as if you were about to give him a blowjob. He really wanted you to give him one right now.
His whole body trembled as he felt your fluffy lips kiss his lower abdomen. They felt so good, so soft, so wet. He couldn't help but wonder if you were wearing that strawberry lip gloss you always carried in your handbag. He always wanted to taste your lips with that lip gloss on. He'd want to taste them with or without.
He clenched his hands at his sides as he felt your mouth barely brush against the elastic of his swim trunks, he wanted so badly to grab your hair and shove his cock in your mouth. It was a shame that there were 12 other people here watching. If it wasn't for that, he would have done it without a second thought.
"Ready" you muttered, sitting back down on the floor. You took a big breath of air as discreetly as you could. You were starting to get hot. "Easy, isn't it?" you smiled at Yoongi.
He smiled back at you, sitting down next to you, just like you were before Soyeon started with the odd challenges. "Easier impossible.”
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It had been two hours since Soyeon and Jiwon had done their challenges. Everyone was much drunker than they were then, and as the rounds progressed the challenges had become more and more intense. Jungkook and Soomin had to separate Jimin and Soyeon at some point in the night.
It was now two forty-five in the morning. The vinegar bottle was still full, and none of you had any intention of emptying even a drop. Perhaps that was why Yoongi did not hesitate to accept the challenge Jungkook had given him a few seconds ago.
"I'm only supposed to kiss one?" he muttered, looking at Jungkook with dilated pupils and slightly flushed cheeks. You thought he looked really cute drunk.
"Unless you want to kiss both of her breasts, yeah, just one," he laughed teasingly, resting his chin on Jiwon's shoulder. They had gotten that way after Namjoon dared Jungkook to do a "private" dance for her.
"Fine," he nodded. The alcohol had given him all the courage he'd lacked the previous times.
You looked at him with drunken eyes, probably looking the same or worse than him. He didn't seem to care, so who cares?
He bent down to your height and grabbed the sides of your waist. You gasped as you felt his cold fingers brush against you.
"You're cold," you muttered, frowning at him. Your features trembled a little as you saw a mischievous smirk on his lips. 
"Sorry, I promise my lips aren't as cold... probably" he whispered against the skin of your breasts. You shivered slightly without being able to help it.
He followed the challenge just as Jungkook had said, he only kissed one, but you didn't expect him to kiss it in such a lascivious way. You even gasped as you felt his warm tongue brush against the cold skin of your breasts. You felt so embarrassed as you remembered that your friends were watching this.
"Ready" he murmured, watching as the skin he had kissed glowed in the moonlight. He felt so proud of himself.
"My turn," exclaimed Taehyung excitedly. You turned to look at him, grimacing as you saw how his gaze was fixed on you. You hated everyone in this room, everyone was participating in a conspiracy against you. "Y/N."
"Taehyung" you raised your eyebrows, staring at him. You were sure it wouldn't be that bad, it shouldn't be.
"I want you to touch Yoongi's dick," he gave you that shit-eating grin he only gave when he knew what he was asking you to do was a load of shit. 
You had to take a second to process what he just said.
"You want me to touch his cock?" you furrowed your brow in confusion, why was he asking you that?
He nodded with a big smile, "Under the bathing suit, if you do it on top you must drink half a shot."
"You're shit, you and everyone else," you pointed at them all, snorting, "except Soomin, Yoori and Hobi, you are too good for this world, and this group." 
"Wait, are you really going to do it?" Suddenly all the drunkenness went out of Yoongi. You were going to touch his member right at this moment, you had never done it before, not even in his wildest dreams (he never got to the foreplay part, his brain always skipped that part).
"I don't plan to drink vinegar, Yoongi" you looked at his crotch and then his face, "Or do you want me not to?".
"No, it’s okay, that must taste awful" he mumbled quickly, watching every move you made.
A lump formed in his throat as he watched your hand move closer to his lap.
"Okay" you moved a little closer, trying to get your hand past the waistband of the swimsuit. It was not lost on you how his abdomen tensed at the feel of your fingers.
Your hands were also terribly cold. He seriously tried not to let you notice how good it felt to feel your fingertips run delicately over his pelvis.
You tried not to look at his face as you lowered your hand. You felt too nervous to do this. You wanted to look on the bright side of the situation, maybe this would help you get along much better in the future. 
"Where-?" you interrupted yourself with a gasp, turning to look at Yoongi with your mouth open.
He too turned to look at you, just as red and surprised as you were.
"What? what happened?" Soomin, whose eyes Taehyung had covered so she couldn't see anything, spoke in confusion.
You wanted to answer her, you really did, but how the fuck were you telling her that you had just touched the biggest dick of your life? And that wasn't even erect, what did Yoongi eat to have a member like that?
"N-nothing" you mumbled, pulling your hand out carefully. Now you would never look at Yoongi the same way again. You definitely wouldn't think of him the same way. Neither of him nor of his member. "I'm going to go lie down, I'm a little tired" you excused yourself, getting up and walking as quietly as you could inside the house. You knew that if you were still there you would be given stronger challenges than you had already been given.
You walked to the guest room, one of the many in Jiah's house. You always stayed in the same one, you even had a change of clothes in the closet. You were very grateful for that right now.
As soon as you opened the door the sound of footsteps behind you made you stop. You turned to see who it was. You were a little surprised to see Yoongi standing a few steps further than you. 
"Noona" he mumbled, hesitating a bit on whether to move closer to you or not.
"Yes?" you cocked your head slightly, waiting for him to say whatever it was he wanted to say.
"Do you think we could talk? It'll be short, I promise."
"Sure" you smiled at him, hoping it really would be something short. You needed to tend to yourself soon. Your crotch was starting to ache.
He nodded his head by way of thanks, moving the remaining steps to stand next to you. It didn't take him long to enter the room you were going to stay in.
You closed the door once you were inside, you hated having the doors open. You stood watching him from there, you were quite confused, but you knew Yoongi wasn't one to ask to talk to someone for anything, so you waited patiently.
"I wanted to talk about what happened downstairs" he mumbled, sitting down on the edge of the bed you would be sleeping on today. 
"Did you feel very uncomfortable?" you grimaced, scratching your neck nervously, "I'm seriously sorry, I wasn't-".
"I want to continue," he interrupted you mid-sentence, glaring at you. You had to lean against the door to keep from falling.
"Continue?" you whispered, watching as he gave you that mean smile again that he had put on a few minutes ago. He stood up again, moving close enough for you to feel his breath collide with yours.
"Don't you want the same?" he moved to your shoulder, kissing the bare skin.
You closed your eyes instinctively, letting out a barely audible sigh. You brought your hands to his waist, grabbing his black shirt with white sheets. You crinkled the fabric between your fingers as the kisses on your neck began to get messier. It felt so good.
"You smell so good" he whispered next to your ear, his hands snaking around your waist until they reached the bottom of your bathing suit. He didn't hesitate to fiddle with them, making as if to reach under the fabric with his hands.
You growled under your breath. "I don't like being played with, Yoongi."
He chuckled softly in response, lowering his hands until he reached your thighs. You squealed as you felt him lift you off the floor and carry you in his arms to the bed.
"Good, then there will be no games," he said as he pulled his shirt off over his head.
You dropped your gaze almost instantly. You loved Yoongi's body so much. He wasn't thin to an extreme level, nor was he overly muscular. He had just enough and just enough, and that was what you found most attractive about him. That and his skin. 
You always thought his skin was perfect for marking or biting. It was so white and sensitive, so inviting. 
"Red looks so good on you" he murmured, taking your leg and lifting it. As soon as he was the right distance away he kissed your calf. His other hand took over caressing your other leg.
His kisses went up until they reached your inner thigh. Right at the point where it all started. Yoongi licked his lips, looking at your swimsuit. "May I?"
You nodded quickly, biting your inner lip as you watched him start to pull down the bottom of your swimsuit. You couldn't help but moan softly as you felt the cool air hit your core.
Yoongi paused for a moment, taking his time to observe your femininity. He was quite surprised by the fact that he wasn't doing anything yet and you were already wet. He ran his fingers around your entrance, gathering your juices and spreading them around your entrance.
You curved your back a little, closing your eyes tightly as you bit your tongue. You weren't the only ones in the house, you couldn't make a sound. 
You listened as he let out a mocking laugh. "Noona, are your moans usually loud? why are you covering your mouth? Most must know we're fucking in the guest room anyway, don't you think?" he moved his face closer to your entrance, smiling as he watched your pussy clench around nothing.
"Shut the fuck up and do something" you growled, grabbing hold of the first thing you could find. Well, actually you just used that as an excuse, you really wanted to grab onto his hair.
Yoongi shrugged his shoulders and listened to you. He stuck his face between your legs and, just as you asked him to, he put the horseplay aside and started fucking your pussy with his tongue.
The scream you gave had probably alerted everyone in the house to what was going on between the two of you. 
You covered your mouth as fast as you could, pulling with all your might on Yoongi's hair. You'd heard he knew how to use his tongue well, but you didn't think he'd be so good at this. The son of a bitch deserved a prize in honor of this.
Yoongi's tongue touched the exact spots that made your whole body tense and tremble at the same time. It was so overwhelming and addictive at the same time. You tried to lift your hips to feel him closer, but his hands held you in place with just enough strength not to cause you harm. 
"Yoongi" you gasped, closing your eyes tightly, "you’re so good at this."
He only answered you with a grunt that caused your whole body to stir in place. He liked being complimented by you much more than he thought he would, the fact that his cock got even harder just hearing you say how well he was doing it gave him an idea.
"Faster" you moaned, tugging on his hair. This was so much better than any one-night stand you'd had in the past.
You frowned as you felt his tongue flick out of your pussy. You thought you were going well, you were enjoying it, he seemed to have been enjoying it, or at least you felt that way with the way he had just eaten you.
"Why did you stop?" you murmured, watching him stand up straight as he wiped his chin covered by your games with his wrist.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't find it sexy.
"Spread your legs."
You nodded, still confused, but ready to accept whatever he was going to give you. Except you weren't as ready as you thought you were. 
He took off his bathing suit, leaving it somewhere in the bedroom. 
It was inevitable not to see it, I mean, how could you not see that thing? 
Yoongi laughed as he noticed that your eyes were fixed on his member. "Scared?" he said teasingly, kissing your collarbone.
"Oh, yeah?" you replied with obviousness, looking at him with raised eyebrows, "I really don't give a shit about boosting your ego, but man, that thing seems to have a life of its own, I'm surprised you're surprised I'm scared of it."
"I'm trying to be serious here" he laughed softly, lining up his member at your entrance.
"Yeah, I'm serious too, you know? Besides- Oh my god" you moaned, slapping Yoongi's back.
He thrust his member all at once inside you, did it hurt? A little, did you like it? Absolutely. You were more than sure that never, with any other man, had you ever felt so full. You could get used to this feeling.
Yoongi took both your legs, putting them around his waist. "I'm going to start moving, okay?".
You nodded barely, taking a deep breath. You wanted to keep all your concentration on not moaning as if your life depended on it. 
Yoongi, on the other hand, wanted to make you scream loud enough to let the whole neighborhood know you were fucking. Or at least that's what you thought he thought when he started ramming you roughly.
"Y-yoongi, wait" you gasped, clinging to his back. You'd probably leave some nasty scratches. "I-if you do it this hard I won't be able to..." you bit your tongue as you felt his tongue start to play with your nipples. He seriously wasn't going for teasing.
"Stop holding back" he murmured, pulling on your left nipple hard as his tongue and teeth tended to your right nipple. You hadn't even noticed that he had removed the top of your bathing suit. "I want to hear you moan my name, why don't you? Everyone here wanted us to end up like this anyway, I don't see what the problem is in letting them know I'm fucking you."
When he noticed that you were willing to keep quiet to maintain your dignity in front of your friends, Yoongi didn't hesitate to make his onslaught faster and harder, enough to make the bed move and the backrest hit the wall.
Whether you groaned or not, one of them would notice what was happening just by the sound of the bed.
You were going to kill Yoongi after this.
You let your head fall on the sheets of the guest bed. You hesitated a bit at first, but decided to listen to Yoongi, he was right anyway, it was your friends who wanted this to happen, now they couldn't complain.
As soon as you stopped holding your moans, Yoongi started to get even more out of control, as if that were possible. He grabbed your waist with one hand while with the other he continued to amuse himself with your breast, smiling as he noticed that they were big enough to not fit in his hands. 
You whimpered as he bit your nipple and pulled hard on it. You couldn't help but squirm under him. 
"Yoongi" you moaned in his ear, clinging to his back as if your life depended on it.
"Yes?" he murmured against your chest, starting to suck on it and leave little kisses around your nipples. 
"I... it's... I don't know if I can..." you growled under your breath as you realized you couldn't finish the sentence even if you wanted to. Every time you finished a word, Yoongi gave you an even harder thrust than the last.
He smiled, lifting his face to come face to face with you. "Are you close?" he whispered against your lips, lowering the hand he had on your waist to your femininity. It was only enough for him to touch your clitoris for your entire body to tremble and melt at his touch. "Don't worry, I got you."
You sighed, looking up at Yoongi. He was enchanted by the sight. He'd dreamed of this a lot before, but to have you under him with your breasts bouncing and glistening from sucking them earlier, to see you with that look that screamed out in leagues that you were having the best fuck ever, your pussy clenching his cock every time he tugged or sucked on your nipples. This definitely far surpassed your imagination.
"I'm going to-" you moaned loudly, closing your eyes tightly. Yoongi had rammed against your G-spot too hard, and you seriously regretted that. He wasn't going to let it go, you noticed as you saw his teasing gaze fix on yours.
Just as you thought, Yoongi kept hitting your sensitive spot, increasing the speed of his thumb on your clitoris. At this point you weren't even straining to close your mouth anymore, you were hesitant to even be able to do so. You felt Yoongi's cock start to twist inside you and smiled to yourself. You were glad you weren't the only one reaching her limit.
"Fuck, you're so beautiful" he growled in your ear, quickening the pace of his onslaught as his gasps and hoarse moans grew louder. "I waited so long to be able to fuck you, I dreamed of this so many times."
Yoongi gave a low moan as he felt you squeeze his cock too hard, "I-if you do that I won't be able to take much more" he murmured, brushing the sweaty hair off his forehead and looking up at you.
You laughed between gasps, hugging his neck, "It's okay, I got you" you smiled at him, repeating the same words he had given you earlier.
It only took those words and the sight of your smiling face to make Yoongi come inside you hard, pressing his hips with yours until absolutely all of his cum came out of his member.
You came soon after, moaning softly as you felt yourself finally reaching your long awaited release. 
You both stayed in each other's arms for a few minutes, waiting to come down from your euphoria.
"I think we're going to have to change the sheets" you laughed softly, stroking Yoongi's lower back.
He nodded in agreement, leaving a soft kiss on your collarbone. "I'll go get a towel to clean you up, wait here," he said softly, pressing a kiss to your lips. It was sweet and slow, and you liked it so much you came within an inch of begging him to stay and forget the stupid towel. You weren't able to.
Yoongi came out of you gently. You both groaned before the sensation. You were starting to miss the way his cock felt inside you. He grabbed his bathing suit and carefully put it on, leaving the room but not before you checked the hallway. He didn't want to open the door and have someone see you in that state.
He went downstairs and walked to the closet where he knew Jiah kept a couple of towels and sheets. He took the opportunity to pull out some clean ones.
"Yoongi, you're here" Soomin approached him. She was bringing two glasses of strawberry juice. He was still touched to see how she totally refused to drink alcohol at parties just so she could bring Taehyung home safe and sound. "I thought you wouldn't leave the room after all the fuss you made."
Yoongi felt his whole face light up beyond belief. He totally regretted asking you moaning out loud.
"Here," she extended one of the glasses in his direction. Still a little confused, he took the glass with his free hand, "She must have a bit of a dry throat, ask her to drink some," Soomin smiled kindly at him, taking her purse and pulling a pill out of it, "I don't think you want to have children at the beginning of your relationship."
He felt a tightness in his chest as he thought about what Soomin said. The beginning of a relationship... It sounded amazing to him.
"Thanks, I owe you one" he smiled back at her, hurrying up the stairs to come back to you. He smiled internally at the thought that this would be the first of many nights together.
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kelppsstuff · 7 months
Lute and Adam simultaneously having a love at first sight with angel reader
Both of em just going around heaven, doing their work or whatever until someone passed them
It's like time stopped as both of them, at the same time, turned their heads to the stranger who looked so damn jaw dropping and simply minding their own business
These two have my heart in their palms you don't understand
Warnings: poly, fucking short work
Adam x Lute x reader
Taglist: @fandomsbookclub @leathesimp @sashaphantomhive @ladyninggs @carylinflors @strangerthings36 @adamsfavoritesinner
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Once a year there is a party, hosted by Adam. It’s usually for the extermination, covered up as a yearly activity.
It was the most booming event of the year. Everyone in heaven was invited to his luxurious house. It was there where Adam and Lute saw you.
You entered the giant house and immediately went to the bar with your friends. It was your first year in heaven. You questions on why there was a party that was filled with alcohol and poker — and other concerning contents — were dismissed.
Adam and Lute looked away from each other to the loud laughed that echoed across the room. The two in sync slowly turn the heads to the woman taking a shot at the bar.
The two felt their breath hitch and their hearts stop. You were enchanting.
What stood out to Lute was your laugh that felt contagious.
While what stood out to Adam what your smile. It shined like the golden rays of the sun.
You looked up and saw the two angels staring at you. Adam titled his glass to you, taking a sip while Lute winked. This would be interesting.
You took a seat at the poker table, the dealer dealing you in. Adam took this chance to also take a seat at the table, across from you.
Adam was pleased to find out you knew how to play pretty well. It wasn’t long till you were taking everyone’s money.
Adams eye twitched as he saw Lute lean down and whisper in your ear. You blush was enough for him to know he had some competition.
That night you didn’t go home with Adam. You went home with Lute. The very next day Lute was quick to brag about her night and the new number in her phone.
Adam found it annoying, but he also found it hot. Like two hot chicks just… y’know? Adam took another sip of his drink and his question had Lute chocking on hers.
“Who topped?” Adam knew Lute was a top, so he was curious on how the night went.
Lute eyes glanced down, an embarrassing golden flush going to her cheeks, “she did.”
Adam eyes widened. Only Adam had been able to get Lute to be bottom so now he was curious. For all it’s worth, he didn’t want his place for most dominant to be wreaked.
You found yourselves genuinely liking Lute. You two would go on dates, and laugh, kiss, have sex. All that jazz. There was only one thing putting you off. Her boss.
You’d caught them making out once. Lute only excuse was we haven’t been made official — after that you were. Normally you’d have enough self respect to not be with someone after that, but seeing the act, it hadn’t filled you with rage. More so lust.
After that every time you saw Adam — more often than you would think — he would flirt. Eventually it was getting harder and harder to ignore.
“I’m loyal to Lute, Adam.” You said voice stern.
Adam only response was a scoff paired with, “come on babe, you really think she’s loyal? She wants it all. Just last week she wanted me and got me. Lutes a selfish woman, I say, why not see why.”
Flashes of Adam and Lute having sex cross your mind, but you liked what you saw. It didn’t hurt, it actually felt… nice?
After that you would sleep with Adam. Lute knew, you also knew about her “meetings” with Adam. None of you commented on it. Both happy with arrangement. Except for one. Adam
The three of you were hanging out. You and Lite were holding hands and Adam was unusually quite. He’d been starting at your hands, tuning out your voices with one thought. I want to hold their hands.
It irked him that he couldn’t call either of yours outings a date. That he wouldn’t wake up with the two of you. That he could kiss you two in public.
“I’m being used.” Adam spoke. Now he didn’t feel used, but he decided to take the dramatic route. “You two use me for sex, and comfort, and kisses, and hugs, and—“
“Is there a point?” You and Lute said together, both your arms crossed, brow raised.
Fuck Adam thought that was hot. “You two get to hold hands and kiss and be all lovely in public, but I can’t be, and I’m being kept a secret!” Like a slut, and honestly Adam was more than happy being your two slut.
You and Lute rolled your eyes and pulled him by his coat. Kissing the cheeks of his mask. “Better?” Lutes voice asked him.
“How would you like us to apologize?” You pulled his belt buckle, pushing him more into the two of you.
Most wouldn’t think of you to be a freak, but you were quite the wildcard.
After that you three were always together. You three never went anywhere without the other two — unless forced — It felt nice, for all three of you.
Most in heaven frown upon your relationship, but you guys couldn’t give a damn. When receiving glares — usually from older woman — Adam would flip them off, kissing whichever was on the right and grabbing the tit of whichever was on the left. Leaving you and Lute too roll your eyes lovingly.
Fuck this was short. I’m so so sorry if it wasn’t what you were thinking! I was trying to force myself to write the second half. I do have others, I’ve been working on like 7 works at the same time lmfao. Anyways thank you darling for the request and I’ll probably will rewrite this when I have the creativity for it. :)
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 5 months
Hiya!! (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) I love your stories and your OCs a lot and i read them everyday. Especially loving your Damon, Knoxx, and Eros 😘. Would you mind to write a scenario when Y/n teasingly calling them "husband" one day when talking to their friends like : "Oh, me and my husband just doing something" and their reaction to that lol. Thank you very much (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Yandere! Jock, cowboy, and Villain with their darling calling them "husband"
This is really cute djadjasdja like if ya'll watch tiktok, you know that one trend where the gf "mistakenly" calls their boyfriend husband? THATTTT I like that trend. It's sweet and cute (except for that one viral boyfriend who obviously hated it. I felt bad for the girl ;-;)
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Damon was a bit inebriated that day.
After the gruelling day's work of grinding his ass off, proving to his coach that you aren't a bad influence on his sports career, all he wanted to do is lie by your side and kiss your soft, supple cheek. Maybe cuddle, touch... Run his rough, calloused fingers down your skin, tease the hem of your shirt...
He tenses, feeling the blood rush between his legs. He needs to calm down if he doesn't want to scare you into ignoring him again.
Ah, those days were quite painful.
Speaking of, did he feed Venus that day? He can't remember.
Drinking more of the beer one of his teammates offered, he wiped his lips dry. They were celebrating the fact that they got in the preliminaries for the national team. Just one more step and--
"Pah!" Damon exclaimed, his throat bubbling deliciously from the froth. "That's a good beer. Hmm~ I want to see my cute darling..." He even used that dastardly nickname he uses for you.
He smashed the can to the floor and stood up, excited to find you. "Don't you dare all follow me. I want to see my darling alone." He threatened to his teammates who only chuckled at his antics.
He skipped towards the Education building, drunk and confidently giddy. He doesn't care if he's caught drunk, but he just wants to see you.
Then, there you are. Talking to your friends who were asking for help in their Lesson Plans.
"Darling!" His eyes lit up like lights blaring down, bounding towards you. The ground shook a bit even due to the sheer force of his powerful legs and weight. "I miss you..."
He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, burying his face and nibbling on your outfit a bit.
"Ah..." you blinked, not expecting this. Is he drunk? Well, he smells like it.
The friends flushed red from the sudden display of affection and looked away, excusing themselves as they decided to run away. Annoyed, you looked at Damon. It's the first time you saw him drunk.
Wanting to tease him a bit, you gave him a gentle pet on the head and hummed. "I miss you too, my husband."
He froze, his whole body rigid as your words took 10 seconds to register.
You just said husband, right?
He looked up at you. And sure enough, you are giving him an affectionate, almost domestic look as you hummed a bit. "My husband is so drunk. Hah, I don't really like drunk people."
Oh god. He's sober now. He cleared his throat, washing his face with his hands. He can feel the heat running through his body and to his neck, then his face.
"Ah... W-wife..." He whispered, holding your hand. He feels extremely shy now, but really happy.
Knoxx has just finished feeding all of his horses.
It's been a long day of rounding up his animals, patrolling the whole town, talking with the mayor, interacting with the residents, helping them with their shit...
Knoxx can't even take a break.
Seriously, who's the sheriff or mayor here again? It sure ain't him.
"Sorry, boy." He whispered as he caresses the mane of his horse, Red. "I didn't mean to neglect ya. We'll have our walk tomorrow mornin'. How's that sound?"
As if to answer, Red whinnied and huffed out air from his nostrils.
Knoxx felt his body ache from the whole day of activities. All he wants is to rest on his bed, sleep, and dream of nothing. He looked down at his muddy work boots and pondered if there's something he forgot.
"Ah shit... Darlin..." Knoxx groaned, feeling ashamed that he forgot about you.
He can feel the bile rising to the back of his throat. It's a date night too. And it's already 7pm, way past the meeting time. His skin crawled from the cold air and the quiet air. He just knew he fucked up.
He slowly slid down to the floor, burying his face on his knees. He's so overwhelmed that it's not even funny for the usually calm man. He can feel his ears ring, his heart hurting from the fact that he forgot about you. Fuck this day, fuck the mayor, fuck the people, and fuck himself for forgetting you.
He can imagine your disappointment painting your face as you thought he stood you up, waiting in your beautiful dress as the people wondered where he is. His fingers and toes curled as he buried his face deeper to his knees.
He'll just explain to you tomorrow. What time will the florist be open again? Also, where is his mother's cookie recipe sheet?
He shakily stood up, chuckling weakly at Red's attempt to nuzzle him. "Not now boy. Dad's kind of... Sad. I stood up your mom." Red whinnied again, perking at the word mom and started looking for you.
Knoxx sighed again and pat Red once more before walking outside of the building.
As he sluggishly opened the door to his home, he froze when he realized it's unlocked. And is that stew he smells?
He looked down to remove his shoes and froze again. A pair of shoes. Shoes that are so familiar. He trembled.
Not bothering to remove them entirely at the front, he stumbled as he ran to the kitchen. His heavy footsteps echoing on the floorboards as it creaked.
And there you are, stirring the stew you cooked with a smile on your face.
"Hi Knoxx." You giggled, a bit shy. "I saw how much you ran around the town today. ANd I kind of knew that you're not gonna be able to attend our date. So I decided to surprise you by cooking. You were working so hard too."
You wiped your hands on the apron and approached him. You gently grabbed his face, cupping his cheeks. Instantly, Knoxx melted at your gentle touch and leaned to his left, the stress leaving his visage.
"Wife..." He muttered lowly, making you blink and chuckle.
"Husband..?" You said, a bit unsure but giggling at the face he showed.
Red, shocked, shy, and happy. The previous look in which he looked like the world collapsed on him, was exchanged with a look that says that you're the most precious thing in the world.
Eros has done it again.
He threatened Yuno once more because of his stupid mouth.
It was just supposed to be a nice, relaxing cup of tea with the Empress. She just wants to catch up, see if she can weasel her way into how's Eros' mind work. After all, with Yuno's position as a crown prince being shook due to the scandal, the Empress wanted to see if there's a way to make her son the crown prince again and not that arrogant Callisto.
But the Empress found herself trembling at the presence of Eros. He may be lowkey these past few months, but he's still a warlord of intelligent standards. That cold, calculated look in her eyes always struck fear in her. She also remembered how Eros exposed his own mother, a pedophile, and had her executed sadistically with a rusty axe.
The Empress then discreetly called for Yuno, excused herself, then placed Yuno in that uncomfortable spot to "reconcile".
What's there to reconcile when Yuno's ex-fiancee is rumored to be dating the Duke?
Yuno was trembling as he watched Eros sip his tea calmly, a bloodthirsty glint in Eros' eyes.
"Yuno, may I know what's going on in your head?" A line of a polite man, but the distant coldness in his tone was surfacing. Yuno gulped and decided to talk his annoying mouth again.
"So, y/n..."
Eros gripped the teacup in his hand. small cracks forming.
"Did they seduce you that much? Or are they pregnant that you have to take responsibility?"
The sound of broken porcelain, a terrified shriek, and the sudden influx of dark mana spreading around the vicinity of the greenhouse.
"Do not talk to y/n like that." Eros gravely tone came out. "I do not like filthy pigs like you being hypocritical about the situation."
"B-but how did the two of you even know each other? There's no other way to explain it really. They were really head over heels with me too!" Arrogant yet wrong, Yuno blurted out stupidly and that made Eros even angrier.
And that's how he found himself. His arm, with pulsing veins running across the muscular appendage, wound itself on Yuno's collar. His eyes filled with bloodthirsty rage that one cannot fathom the depth of the emotions in them.
The air was full of tension. As if one wrong move will make Eros ballistic.
Then, the door opened and a familiar voice made Eros falter slightly.
"Yes, your imperial Majesty..." You inwardly sighed. You were just supposed to visit the Imperial library to know more if there are other cases of reincarnation like you. But the Empress knew of your entry and had to rush off to where you are to convince (command) you to talk to Yuno. Talk about luck. "I will talk to Yuno..."
When your eyes finally landed in front, you froze from the scene in front of you. The air was thick with dark mana too that you can even feel some pour inside of you despite not intaking them. That's how thick it is.
And you saw Yuno suffocating from the dense mana that seems to clash with his. So, in a panic in not making Eros a royal murderer and you an accomplice, you rushed towards the still Eros and tackled him in a hug.
"My loving husband! You're here! I've been looking everywhere for you!" You can feel sweat pouring on your back as your lips trembled from telling those words.
You somehow know that Eros adored you greatly. Maybe romantically. Well, not maybe. You know that he's deeply attached to you for some reason. You had suspicions that he remembers the past too, so you have to get close to him no matter what.
Even if it meant being brash like this.
Yuno's jaw slacked, his eyes wide. Husband? The fuck you mean husband?
"COUGH! COUGH!" Yuno coughed out saliva and spittle when Eros' grip loosened and he fell to the ground. He looked at you once more, betrayal on his face. "W-what do you mean husband?!"
Eros finally moved. He moved in front of you protectively and held your hand. "Yes. Husband. We were supposed to announce it at a later date, but we got married secretly. An elopement if you will." Eros lied smoothly. But gods is his heart pumping so fast that it's embarrassing.
He doesn't know why you called him husband. It honestly confused him. But he loves it so much. It rang true in his ears, and is intending to make it stay that way.
So, with a kiss on your hand, he took you away from that greenhouse with a triumphant, calm smirk on his face.
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tnt-kokoo · 6 months
Can you do Sae x female reader x Rin? The brothers are fighting for her love
OHHHH YESSS thank you for the ideaaa- I am not sure what kind of story you expected but I'll think of one!! Hope you'll like it ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
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Itoshi brothers
Sae itoshi × fem!reader × Rin itoshi summary: Visiting your old childhood friends not knowing both of them had a crush on you was sure interesting.
warnings: sibling fight, cursing
Walking out of the airport, your eyes searched for something,
or rather someone.
After you heard about the U-20 game with both of your childhood friends, Sae and Rin, you just had to visit them and that's that's you just planned to do. It was more of a secret only you and their parents were involved with.
They really had to make sure that both of their sons wouldn't murder eachother while living in the same house. So now, the Itoshi father was waiting for you outside with a sign spelling your name out, while the mother was at home preparing delicious meals and making sure the boys don't do anything.
'Welcome home Y/n'
Seeing the man that made sure you were always welcomed into the family waiting there with a smile, you couldn't help but run to him.
With a nice welcoming, both of you got in the car and made your way to the Itoshi residence.
Opening the door carefully the two of you made sure no one was there and when walking inside the house you could already smell the food that made the nostalgia bigger. Hearing some footsteps walking down the stairs you look over and see the one and only Rin Itoshi. The boy who was a bit younger than you and always part of your games back then.
When he saw you, he couldn't believe his eyes...
His long time crush was back??
Oh man, the younger boy had the biggest crush on you and would willingly let you hug and style his hair, something only you were permitted to do (except for his brother ofcourse). He stood there infront of you still not moving and making sure he wouldn't blink because he was afraid that if he would blink, you would dissappear.
Not wasting another second, you made your way to him and gave him a warm and comforting hug and his arms started to move and enclose your figure as well. His eyes started to get wetter as he himself didn't know the reason why.
Was it because he completely trusted you? Or was it because even after he lost Sae, his brother, that even you had to leave him?
Whatever it was, it was enough for him to start losing a few tears and his parenst, as well as you started comforting him.
The noises made the older itoshi brother confused as he came down the stairs like his brother did moments ago. Still a few stairs up, he looked at the two holding eachother and instantly his eyes widened as he realized it was you who was hugging his little brother.
"Y/n?" Sae Itoshi said.
Stepping away from the tall dark haired boy you noticed your other friend waiting for you. With a smile you opened your arms for his and he took the chance to embrace you within seconds. This made Rin clench his fists as jealousy took over him. After their big fight, he couldn't even stand to know that Sae felt the same for you like he did.
"I have missed you two so much!" You said this while letting go of the older one.
"I missed you too."
"I missed you too."
As both of them said the same thing at the same time, they couldn't help but glare at eachother. This wasn't left unnoticed by their parents and yourself. After that mama Itoshi made an excuse by saying you should go wash your hands since food will be done in a moment.
At the dinnertable you sat next to Sae who had to (discretely) fight his brother for the place. While Sae sat next to you, Rin hoped to atlesst get a place infront of you, but sadly that place was reserved by his mother who was there first so now he sat infront of sae.
"Say Y/n, how have you been?" The itoshi mother asked to which you responded with, "I have been kinda overworking myself so I am even more happy to come back and see my best friends again." Giggling, the father responded by saying something while both of the boys were daydreaming.
'She came just to see me' Rin though as his eyes started glistening.
Sae on the other hand though 'If she were my girlfriend she wouldn't even need to work'
Both of them took a quick notice about the one sitting infront of them and already knew what they were thinking about so Rin started by kicking his foot against Saes leg who kicked back as well. While trying to not catch the attention of the others they couldn't help but glare at eachother.
The boy was now giving his whole attention to you as Sae kicked one last time to which the dark haired one couldn't help but grunt slightly.
"What did you say, Y/n??"
"I was just saying congrats for winning the U-20 game.. but are you alright?" Your worry for him made the younger itoshi blink as his ears reddened. You cared for him? He knew you loved him more than his brother!
Even if asking such a normal question, the boy couldn't help but think you were trying to tell him that you liked him back. Before his daydreams catched up to him he answered back a 'yea' with his normal emotionless face trying to stay calm.
"So Sae, I've heard you're the star player of your team? Didn't expect any less of you." You smiled at him as the older felt his heart beat faster,
"Thank you Y/N.." He didn't knew how to handle a compliment coming from you.
After dinner the boys got ordered to help you bring your stuff to the guest room. Walking behind the two boys who fought about who could carry more of your stuff wasn't the most amusing scene. This time it was Rin, who carried more since he stepped on his brother's foot before he could grab the rest of your stuff.
As you entered the guest room, you could hear soem whispering behind you from the two boys.
"Leave her alone pipsqueak"
"I am taller than you, asshole"
"Uhm, thank you..?" You say unsure after noticing the tense atmosphere around you.
With them stopping their fight they quickly and left you alone to unpack.
While you unpack, the two were arguing outside,
"Why can't you just stop?? You already have everything- you don't need Y/n as well??" Rin said, "And that why I need her. Because she IS my everything." Sae began and finished with, "But what do you know, she just thinks of you as a little brother." After that Rins eyes widened in shock and anger.
He wanted to say more but was interrupted by Sae "Did you never notice? Plus, you only know her because of me so forget it. Forget her." Jealousy was visible in the older itoshis voice as Rin clenched his fist and bit on his lips to stay calm (as calm as possible that is).
As the red hair wanted to continue, Rin couldn't hear it anymore and pushed his brother against the wall, to which the older one reacted instantly.
After their little physical fight, a familiar eternal voice interrupted.
"What is your guys problem?!?"
Pushing them apart and waiting for an answer you stood there with both of them feeling embarrassed.
"I like- no, I love you, Y/n" Sae said first since he was afraid that if he was just second too late, Rin would take his chance. But it was completely different. The younger one was rather shocked at his sudden confession and chocked out another confession himself.
Now standing there with no sound around was a plague to the itoshi Brothers as they feared they scared you away.
"Who will you choose..?" Rin asked.
ᯓᝰ: So idk if this ehat you hoped for but I couldn't think of another scenario
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notyourhetloki · 1 year
Ken's NSFW Alphabet
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Reader: gender neutral
/NSFW Ken x Reader/
A/N: You know what? I ALWAYS wanted to make one of these... I literally have no excuse for it I just need him carnally ok pls don't judge me NSFW Alphabet originally found here.
Warnings: this Ken has genitals lol, top!Ken, lots of sex talk, no images just text, very explicit!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
I think Ken would be a very caring lover, making sure you had everything you needed and that includes aftercare! He would draw a trail of kisses down your body to your legs, massaging them while asking if you're ok, then would take you in his arms and keep you there for all the time you needed. Ken would even clean you up if necessary, joining you in a nice shower, combing your hair... Yeah, he's the KING of aftercare!
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I think Ken really like his arms, they're amazing to show off his muscles and strength and even better for carrying you around!
And his favorite part about you is definitely your beautiful face! But most especially, your lips. Ken loves when you kiss him all over his body, it never fails to make him shiver.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically...)
Well, because he's a doll, I don't believe there would be a risk of diseases or pregnancy (particularly if you live in Barbieland/are a doll as well) so… yeah he would cum inside you pretty much every time. The feeling of you around him while he cums is intoxicating enough, but he would make exceptions for when you asked him to cum over your face… that vision was also fantastic.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Ken has a very big fantasy of fucking you while he wears his mink, or seeing you suck him off while he wears it… anyway, he wants to wear the mink!! But he feels a little silly about it…
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Before you, I don't think he had any experience, really. He knew about sex from the media he consumed (he even read a few books on it, out of curiosity) but sex was not really a priority especially in Barbieland. That is until he visited the Real World and you showed up...
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Cowgirl/boy. Ken loves to have you on top, seeing you bounce on top of him while he grabs your waist is SUCH a turn-on. And that way you also could control the pace... yeah, he adores it.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
It depends... are you making love after a whole day spent together? Yeah, he could be goofy, wanting to see you laugh at every opportunity he can. But are you fucking after spending the day apart, needy and desperate? No time for joking around.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He's a doll so I'm pretty sure he's just shaved down there... nothing really to be worried about!
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
Ken is so needy... so needy he would embrace you during the whole thing if he could. He's the type of guy who says "I love you" during sex, and he's ok with it! As long as you say it back... and you always say it back.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Masturbating was not really a thing dolls did, but he would do it occasionally out of curiosity. And after you came around, he couldn't help himself a few times... humping a pillow before sleep and dreaming about your body. Yeah, he masturbated quite a lot then, thinking about you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
PRAISE KINK this one's obvious… the guy could nut only from being praised if you took the time to do it. If you praise him during sex while looking him in the eyes, oh… his cock immediately twitches in anticipation. It's adorable, actually.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Because he's very jealous and protective of you, he only does it inside of your house (or his mojo dojo casa house) somewhere no one can see you, so yeah… not very adventurous in that aspect.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Besides the praise, just... being your boyfriend. Matching clothes with you, holding your hand... kissing you immediately turns him on, and being called names like "baby", "love", "blondie" makes him go wild. He just loves the attention and of course, loves when you're turned on as well.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
I don't think Ken would enjoy rougher sex... don't get me wrong, he can definitely pick up a fast pace from time to time, but... ROUGH as in, slapping you, calling you names... nuh-uh, he don't likey. He hates the possibility of hurting you in any way.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Ken honestly doesn't have a preference. He loooves eating you out/sucking you off and the praise that comes with it, making sure you finish so he can taste you. But oh, there's something just as endearing in the wet sounds you make while sucking him, the feeling of your lips tightly around his dick... oof! He loves both ways!
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
At the very first time you had sex I think Ken would be slow and not really in rhythm, so overwhelmed by the sensation of being with you… So you'd have to take control and guide him. He would eventually get the hang of it, and the more confident he became, the faster he went. So yeah, when he's feeling sentimental he goes slow, taking his time with you. But if he's feeling confident, he likes to show off and fuck you raw.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He's pretty neutral about quickies, I mean... Ken likes taking his sweet time with you, but if you're both feeling naughty and there's not really much time, he would definitely go for it!
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Hmm, I would say he's not really into taking risks. Ken probably waits for you to suggest something before he suggests it himself. He doesn't want to scare you off or anything like that.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
Baby, he's a DOLL... He can go as many times as you desire! LOL But oh, on the first few times you had sex, he didn't last very long... he was too overwhelmed but soon he felt better! Now he lasts a reaaally long time.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Not sure if there are sex toys in Barbieland, but if yes, sure! He would definitely have a vibrator to use on you. Anything that helps you cum is a treasured tool for him, because getting you to cum is his top priority during sex!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Besides lasting for an absurd amount of time, he loooves to tease as well. Kissing and softly biting on your skin before slowly going down on you, looking up at you with puppy eyes while humming and moving his tongue around your sex... yeah, he's a tease.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Fuck, Ken's loud. He learned to tone it down a bit by muffling his sounds with his hand, but he continues to be a loud moaner. He whines and groans a lot, too... calling your name while being super vocal. "Oh, my... yes. Yes, (Y/N). Please don't stop, ah..."
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Ken still gets emotional every time you make love, holding your face while kissing you deeply, your bodies moving in tandem feeling so good he could cry. He probably did cry the first time, but now he holds back trying to not seem too sappy.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants.)
I MEAN... hear me out. I think he's pretty damn hot, like... maybe around 7 inches? And like, girthy as well LOL He's a dooooll he has to have a pretty perfect dick, right??? (don't look at me)
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Again, not really high before you came around. Now he thinks about sex all the time, looking for excuses to be alone with you and get his hands all over your body. 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Ken would make sure you were fine (and had finished), do some aftercare if needed and then he would fall asleep rather quickly, rolling over into a little spoon so you could hold him. In your arms, he feels safe and sound.
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