#I feel like I’m making two seperate points here but fuck it this isn’t an essay they’re going in one single post
Thinking about how in The Hunger Games the management team was dressing and presenting Katniss and Peeta as a set from the start, even before Peeta told anyone he was in love with Katniss and that became then going strategy. It becomes clear throughout the series that all of them were or become active in the rebellion so it seems clear to me that the intention was just to be subversive. ‘Just the perfect touch of rebellion’ as Haymitch says.
And then of course it all helps them sell the love story.The prep teams would have probably mentioned how Katniss and Peeta reassured each other after the opening ceremonies, how Katniss kissed Peeta on the cheek. Any of the trainers could have spoken about how they were always together for all three days of instruction. There were almost certainly guards watching the two of them on the roof, talking to each other, Peeta giving Katniss his jacket when she’s cold. And there’s no way none of their classmates noticed the two of them watching each other in school through the years. Hell Peetas whole family probably knew about his crush, we know they all knew Katniss.
‘Peeta must have been playing that angle all along’ ‘mostly Peeta really, there’s no question he’s carrying this romance thing on his shoulders.’ Katniss just didn’t get to see all the interviews they did that were telling her side of the love story.
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abubblingcandle · 5 months
Word for the week: therapy, city, fire, knee
Therapy - A Treatment Room Doors Moment Extended Cut (basically before I decided that ATRDM would work best only in Roy POV I had some other scenes plotted out and so going to post them as a seperate thing)
“I just, I just want them to like me again you know,” Jamie sighs thumping down onto the seat across from Keeley. She sighed, carrying on typing on her laptop. She had hoped that Jamie seeming more emotionally mature and just being her friend not her boyfriend now would mean that she didn’t have to do this anymore. Jamie was sweet, it was what had drawn her to him in the first place, but his emotional regulation and maturity were rock bottom on the scale. As his girlfriend she expected to have to do some of the emotional legwork for him but as his friend, god she was so tired of it. She sent the email she had been working on a pushed her laptop shut. Good job they literally had someone who’s job it was to listen to Jamie whine. “Come on Jamie,” she sighed, getting to her feet and waving for him to follow her. “Oh ok. We can walk and talk,” Jamie shrugged and continued to make his point about how he just wanted people to notice he was trying to change. Keeley sighed again. She really didn’t have time for this. They climbed up the stairs and Keeley pushed the partially open door to Dr Sharon’s office. “Jamie, this is Dr. Fieldstone. She's a brilliant therapist and, unlike me, she actually gets paid to listen to you complain,” Keeley gestured to Sharon with a tense smile. “Oh, right. Um, sorry doc but I already go to therapy like,” Jamie stammered looking between Dr Sharon and Keeley looking like a kicked puppy. “Really?” Keeley squeaked before her brain caught up. She thought this was going to be a fight to get Jamie to see someone to talk to … not that he already had. “Yeah, she’s called Lucy and she’s ace. We chat on the phone now I ain’t in Manchester,” Jamie shrugs as if this was no big deal. “No offence doc. Just don’t really need two do I?” Jamie smiles awkwardly to Sharon.
City - from God Forbid You Leave Me (like everybody else did)
“This is a genuine question Jamie,” Higgins sighed, pulling over a far too small stool to perch by Jamie’s bed. He reached out to lay his hand on the top of the duvet that was covering the entirety of Jamie’s balled up form. “So I don’t want you to get mad,” Higgins added. Hearing no complaints from inside Jamie’s cocoon he decided to press on. “Do you actually want to go back to City or does that just feel like what everyone is expecting you to do?” “I gotta,” the mound mumbled. “Do you?” Higgins asked, starting to move his hand on top of the duvet trying to provide some comfort to the distressed young man. There was a pause, the feeling of the duvet rising and falling the only sign that there was something alive in there.
Fire - From Roll Call Ch3
“I’ve booked out basically a whole Travelodge for anyone that isn’t admitted and we are going to get to you as soon as it is safe to do so. Anything else I can do to help Colin?” Higgins asked and Colin huffed a laugh. “It’s all on fire Higgins. It’s all on fire. Everyone is so hurt and I’m not so I’ve got to help and I’ve only found two players so far, fat load of good I’m doing,” Colin mumbled, his breath catching in his throat after every word. “You are doing a wonderful job Colin,” Sam’s voice startles Colin. His head shoots up and he nearly drops the borrowed phone to the ground, only catching it with the tips of his fingers at the last second.
Knee - from The Richmond Job Ch14
“Roy, your knee!” Keeley hissed, pulling Roy into the stairwell before the real guard rounded the corner. “You are supposed to be in bed. God, you should be in hospital not just bed,” she rambled, holding his by the shoulders and checking he somehow hadn’t got more injured on the walk here. “I have been in bed long enough and no fucking hospitals you know that. You’re not supposed to be here either,” Roy growled, peering through the glass of the stairwell door to make sure they weren’t seen. “Well, it’s Rupert isn’t it. And Nate. They can’t win, we’ve got to complete the job,” Keeley sighed, tears welling up in her eyes. “We?” Roy questioned and she rolled her eyes with an exaggerated exhale. “I mean we’re both here. There’s no way the others aren’t as well. Casing the joint,” she smiled tearily.
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icythot68 · 7 months
Babe! I need toiletpaper! P2
sorry kids I had to take a lunchbreak but I will be more active, my requests and messages are open. I will post a seperate note of what I will and will not write but besides that let's get onto the story
-I headcannon he would be playful in a relationship
-So normally that would involve playing merciless pranks on each other
-He’s been a little too kind to you lately why not pay back the favour?
-Buying spicy takeout and using the bathroom just after doesn’t seem too suspicious at first
-It was the calling after him for toiletpaper instead of casually walking to the cupboard with your pants down to get another one
-But now he’s overthinking and contradicting himself because..It’s you
-He’s already got the toiletpaper and handing towards you
-With an amazing idea you pretend to look confused at his shirt and the clueless man he is, checks if he has anything on there. 
-Phase two activated 
-You flicked his nose wiping some nice wet PB on the tip 
-Stunned as he should be, he speedily goes to the mirror
-After a few minutes you got a bit worried. Was he really that mad? 
-Getting up you feel his shoulder and call his name then suddenly 
- yeah dude pale as a ghost falls to the floor unconcious 
-Has no recollection of what happened 
-This never happened 
-A confusing little nugget 
-He either likes something or he doesn’t both he isn’t vocal about 
-With that said you were kind of hesitant about it 
-Pretending to have diarrhoea is a lot harder than it sounds 
-Regardless he looks so concerned and you almost feel bad about carrying out with your plan 
-Instead of just giving you what you “needed” and leaving, he sits on the floor and keeps you company 
-You guys had such a nice time hanging out with each other that you even forget what you we’re doing in the first place. 
-”So I’m guessing your ‘stomach problems’ went away?” He says air quoting 
-”How did you know?” 
-”Because I came in here earlier when you we’re setting up your prank.” 
-”And you didn’t say anything?”
-”No, because I like hanging out with you.” he says before resting his head on your thigh 
-No because you actually did need to go to the bathroom with all that sweet crap that he keeps on making you eat. 
-He takes like more than half an hour to just fetch you a simple toilet roll because he “couldn’t find his liquorice” 
-I mean it was karma when he hit his head against the door frame of the bathroom door 
-When you reach for the roll he decided he wants to be a comedian and lift it so you can’t reach 
-Now this guy is like a whopping 6″10 like you’re literally never gonna get that roll 
-So you have to go for his bits... the liquorice 
-I mean he gave you no other choice? 
-Swear you never saw that man move faster for sweets than he does for basketball 
-He looks at the ‘poop’ on his treat 
-Then back at you
-Back to his treat 
-Then back to you again 
-Could fucking care less and takes a huge chomp out of it 
-I mean it wasn’t real shit but still that’s mad disgusting 
-7/10 (that says negative seven out of ten for those confused) 
-The stars we’re not aligned for this boy today
-You guys just came back from his basketball practise meaning man was going to go take a shower 
-This was the perfect time to not only see him strip BUT to also annoy him more than usual today.
-Once he was done cleaning himself you asked him if he could pass the toiletpaper that you guys kept under the sink 
-Begrudgingly he passes it to you 
-The poor guy got a armfill of ‘y/n’s forbidden peanut butter’ 
-There we’re not enough words in the human dictionary that could describe the phases of grief this man went through
-It’s been a few hours and he’s still salty about the whole ‘ordeal’ 
-Legend says he’s still not talking till this day 
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
how about when they first noticed ezra was a nervous and anxious baby ?
prompt: the moment when h and yn decide that Ezra needs to see a therapist.
warnings: angst
if you like the fic - please reblog, like, comment, or come talk to me in my inbox!
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enjoy 😊
It’s late at night, like 3 in the morning, and Harry was down in Atlanta for three games with the Braves.
Easton and Cash had long adjusted to their father being away for short spurts of time - doesn’t mean they don’t miss him but they know he’ll come back to them.
Ezra was another story.
YN felt dread anytime he went away for a game because her youngest got so anxious and had trouble sleeping.
He was usually okay during the day (Harry was gone for practice and obligations during most mornings and afternoons).
It was at night time.
She really didn’t want to call and bother her husband because he had just played a game that went into three innings of overtime and had gotten a gnarly bruise on his thigh from a ball hitting him as he batted.
When they’d FaceTimed after the game, about eight, he had been so exhausted in his hotel room that his eyes were nearly closing as he spoke to her.
Now at three, three in the morning, Ezra still hasn’t went to bed because of how fussy and tearful he was - babbling about his father.
“Daddy, daddy, daddy,” He was whining into his mother’s neck, his hot tears rolling down his cheeks and onto her skin.
“Ezzie, baby. We have to calm down. Mama’s here and daddy is okay, he’s just working,” She murmured to him for the hundredth time that night.
YN was sat in the den with him because she didn’t want him waking up his brothers or his little sister who just begun to sleep through the night for the most part.
At one point, she did stir for a night feeding, and as YN sat on her bed - Briar latched sleepily, Ezra was nestled tightly into her other side.
When it hit three-thirty, she began to feel herself get frustrated because she couldn’t fix the situation - no matter what she did.
She knew once tears began rolling down her own cheeks that she had to call Harry.
It was never that she was worried he would be mad that she called, she just felt guilty because he had worked so hard already that day.
YN reaches for her phone, taking a deep inhale before pressing his contact for facetime.
It rings three times before it’s picked up, completely dark in his room, and he rasps out drowsily, “Wha’s going on, mama? Y’alright? The babies alright?”
“I-I can’t get him to settle,” YN takes a deep breath, the sleep deprivation making her want to just break down and sob.
“Daddy? Daddy, daddy, daddy,” Ezra just chants, eyes wide on the screen, searching for his father to just appear but all he sees is darkness.
That causes him to just start bawling his eyes out when he can’t will his father onto the phone like he wants.
“Whoa, Ezzie. Sweet boy, c’mon. Y’gotta breathe s’daddy can understand you,” Harry coos, stirring to turn on the light and illuminate his pillow-creased face.
“Daddy!” His voice is shrill, high-pitched and it makes YN’s ears ring.
“Ezra Duke,” Harry says a little more firmly, “Daddy can’t understand you when you scream, okay?”
The little boy sniffles and tries to catch his breath, leaning into where YN is rubbing soothing circles into his back.
“Miss you,” His son whimpers sadly, bringing his voice down a notch, “Come home, please.”
“I am flying’ home tomorrow, bab. Daddy will be home around noon but you have to be good for mama,” He says, voice still smooth and calm.
“Now!” Ezra screams in a way he usually never does and then continues, “Now! Now daddy! Now!”
Both parents are taking aback, Harry with wide eyes and parted lips as he watching his son through his phone and YN just squeezes her eyes shut, exhaling out of her mouth.
“Mama, breathe,” Harry directs towards her, can tell how overwhelmed she is getting from all the chaos of his screaming.
“Daddy, daddy,” Ezra blubbers, green eyes angry and anxious at the same time, “Please, home!”
YN hears noise from behind her, to see her eight year old padding into the room with his unruly curls poking every which way.
“Mama, is Ezzie okay?” Easton wonders, knuckling his eyes sleepily and then Cash follows right behind him in his dinosaur pajamas.
“Fuck, he woke up the boys,” YN informs Harry tearfully, “I just…I don’t know what to do. I can’t do anything to make him feel better.”
The older boys peek into the screen to smile at their dad and Harry gives them a tense smile, “Hi boys, I know Ez is being loud but can y’two be good f’your mama and go back to bed?”
They agree, giving their upset brother a kiss and then their mom before talking quietly to each other as they walk up the stairs.
“Daddy? Home, please! Hold me!” Ezra wails, clinging to his mother’s neck tightly enough to hurt as he tantrums.
“This is the worst it’s ever been, he’s normally stopped before I’ve had to call you,” YN groans, rocking him swiftly against her for lack of a better idea.
“Wait…” Harry sits up, scrubbing a hand over his puffy face, “Has this been happening’ every time m’away?”
“It just started two to three months ago but he’s always been able to be calmed down within an hour or so,” YN replies, shushing Ezra as he babbles over and over again daddy, daddy, daddy.
Harry’s jaw tightens and his frown settles into a deep crease, “Well why a’ve you not told me that m’baby has been cryin’ for me when I’m gone? Do y’not think that’s important?”
YN recognizes his irritation and is running on less than five hours of sleep over two days and may he’s it back with an even sharper tone.
“We can’t change that you’re gone. I’m trying to handle it, Harry.”
“Y’not doin’ a bloody good job at it!” Harry bites back in frustration, heart pounding in desperation as he hears his son cry for him.
“Daddy, daddy, come on.”
Then YN looks at him with watering, hurt eyes, “I’m doing my best. You’re not here, I can’t make you appear. I’m trying to calm him down without having to wake you up.”
And Harry shouldn’t but he’s angry and misses his babies - all of them but especially the one who needs him the most right now.
“Y’dont think I deserve to know tha’ Ezra’s been acting like this?” Harry snaps before adding, “In this situation, y’best isn’t good enough because he’s still crying and y’still haven’t been able to settle him.”
And wow, those words hit her like a ton of bricks. It was instilling all the insecurities that she had bubbling in her chest.
In this situation, y’best isn’t good enough because he’s still crying and y’still haven’t been able to settle him.
Harry automatically knows that he spoke before he thought and he let his stressed out mind say untrue hurtful things.
He part his lips about to speak before YN cuts him off.
“If you can do it so much better than me, fucking good you. Then come home and fix this because I give up,” YN laughs without humor, finger finding the red button to hang out and disconnecting.
Harry tried calling back over and over and over but YN just hangs her head, sniffling, as she watches her tired, anxious little son finally drift off to sleep.
At some point, her phone stops ringing when he’s given up and it doesn’t ring again until for another thirty minutes.
She knew he was going to keep calling until she picked up - had been that way since they first started dating.
By now, Ezra was asleep in his room and YN was sat against their headboard - having tossed the tear soaked shirt she had on off and was feeding Briar once more.
The millionth facetime request comes through and finally she swipes to answer, he’s furious right as they connect, “D’you have any idea how worried I am? Y’cant ju-“
He stops himself when he sees his baby girl pop her head from her mother’s breast with puffy lips and look at the screen, “Dadadadada.”
“Oh, hi lil’ mama,” Harry changes his tone completely, face softening - “Did I interrupt y’eatin’? S’mama being so nice and feeding you?”
Briar just smiles with a gapped baby tooth smile, a dimple pushing into her left cheek as she does so.
“Guess I’m good for one thing, right? A fucking milk-maker,” YN scoffs at her husband’s opposite tone as she guides Briar gently back down to finish her meal.
Harry frowns, “Y’know tha’s not anything near the truth and tha’ I think you’re the best mama to our babies. M’just upset.”
“You told me my best wasn’t good enough, I can’t believe you would say something like tha’ to me,” YN begins to sniffle again.
“Sweetheart, m’sorry. I ju-“
“What did you call for, Harry? It’s nearly four-thirty in the morning and I haven’t slept for nearly two days now. I want to feed her and go to sleep,” YN’s voice is disconnected and exhausted.
“To talk, I didn’t say how I was feeling correctly-“
“When you come home tomorrow you can fix everything and I’ll let you because I’m not doing a good enough job,” His wife cuts him off again.
Harry starts to feel a ball of worry form in his throat as he hears how unemotional and distance his wife sounds with him.
He had totally said the wrong things as his wife was just trying to do her best at balancing four babies while he was away.
“Please, let me apologize-“
“I would like to go to sleep. Please don’t call back,” YN responds before ending the phone call and leaving the screen dark.
They rarely ever fought. Especially like this.
He’s man enough to admit that he cries after he tries calling back (even though she said not to) and it went straight to voicemail.
He tries facetiming in the morning, at around nine right before if flight takes off - surprised when it actually was picked up.
Harry only sees YN for a brief moment before she’s propping up the camera on the kitchen table so that Easton and Cash are in view eating pancakes and Briar is in her high chair with blueberries staining her chubby cheeks.
Ezra must still be in bed.
“Hi bubbies,” Harry greets with a smile as they’re curls shake as they look up with excited smiles.
“Daddy! You comin’ home?” Cash squeaks excitedly through a mouthful of food.
“Hi dad!” Easton chimes in, waving.
Briar is only half-interested, more taken by the fact that if she squishes the berries between her fingers they turn mushy, babbles out a, “Daddadaa.”
“I’ll be home in like three hours, ‘kay” Harry informs them - his heart aches to be there right now with theme
“Ezzie cried all night,” Cash let’s his father know.
“Mama cried too,” Easton whispers, like it’s a secret that he doesn’t want her to hear, “I think she is really sad.”
Harry squeezes his eyes shut for a minute, “I know. Ezzie was sad last night. Can I talk to mama?”
Easton looks to his mother off camera as she must say something to him to repeat to Harry, “Mama said that she is busy and she’ll see you when you get home.”
He clenches his fist off camera, trying to smile but he knows it’s terse as he says, “Alright, I love you all. See y’when I get home.”
Meanwhile, YN gets all the children settled after breakfast.
Easton, Cash, and Ezra in the backyard - the two older ones digging holes for bugs and the younger playing in the sandbox.
Briar was snoozing in the cradle of YN’s elbow as she sat on a chaise - watching the kids.
She hits the number she was looking for, waiting for it to ring, and then she hears, “Hillside Pediatrics, this is Jess.”
The office knew the family well because Harry is Harry Styles and they have four children who visit there.
YN inquires about therapeutic options for him, resources, and if they had any recommendations for where to take him.
Like the super mom she is, she manages to set up an intake appointment that evening (which was a miracle on its own), call Anne and ask to watch the other children, and then take a deep breathe.
Harry steps through the back door, dressed in his usual Yankees hoodie, Nike shorts, and trainers looking tanner than before.
“Hi bubbies!” He greets, basking in when all of his children look up and squeal excitedly at the sight of their father.
Easton and Cash are the fastest, racing to cling to each legs and nuzzle into his thigh with a tight hug.
Ezra is slower, by the time he’s arrived to his father - there was no room for him to shuffle in and he automatically lets out an earth-shattering wail.
Just like before.
“Daddy! Hold me! Daddy, hold me please!” His youngest son begs desperately, stretching up his arms, and letting hot tears stream down his cheeks.
Harry tuts, reaching for him and popping him on his hip but Ezra has other ideas - scrambling until his nose is pressed into the curve of Harry’s neck with his arms wrapped tightly around him.
“Ezzie, c’mon now,” Harry titters softly, reaching down to give both of his other boys a kiss on the head before they dart back off to play.
“Daddy, miss you,” Ezra blubbers sadly, Harry wincing when his son yanks a bit in his longer curls by the nape of his neck.
“Y’okay, daddy’s got you. Relax, breathe bubba,” His father reassured him, swaying softly back and forth until he’s just sniffing.
“We have an appointment with a children’s play therapist for him later at five,” YN tells him, shushing Briar who’s squeaking from the noise.
Harry takes a deep inhale, “Okay, that sounds like a good idea. Can we talk now since y’been ignoring my calls?”
YN bristles at the attitude in his tone, “Excuse me if I’d rather not be critiqued on my skills as a mother when I am sleep-deprived and stressed out.”
He clenches his jaw, speaking lowly with firmness, “Y’bein’ absurd! I didn’t critique to you, y’blowing things out of proportion! Y’the one who didn’t tell me this was going on!”
“It didn’t get that bad until last night! I could handle it - he would just be upset for a little before bed but he’d never got that anxious before,” She justifies, returning the glare he’s giving her.
“Didn’t think y’could mentioned it to me? I have a right to know, he’s m’baby too. I could have fix this yet you were letting him suffer,” Harry bites out but know as soon as it’s out of his mouth that he wishes he could swallow the words back down.
You were letting him suffer.
YN doesn’t even argue back, just starts bawling because of how hurtful those words were and how could he even say that?
“Mama, fuck- I didn’t, I’m just-“
His wife gets up without a word, using Briar’s blanket to wipe at her wet cheeks, and vanishing through the sliding back doors.
Ezra was snoozing peacefully on him and he couldn’t leave the boys outside alone so he resorts to sitting down on one of the outdoor couches and curse internally.
He couldn’t believe he was being so cruel. He just felt so….betrayed that she hadn’t told him what had been going on and he felt like he was letting down Ezra.
It was a nasty feeling of guilt in the pit of his stomach because he was away so much from his family and it was stressful for everyone.
He wanted to cry at the idea of his son crying for him every night.
Harry starts to get anxious when YN isolates herself in their bedroom with Briar for the next upcoming hours.
He knocks softly, opening the door to YN turned on her side away from him, under the covers, with Briar asleep in her bassinet asleep.
“Mama? Y’awake?” Harry murmurs cautiously with a sandwich and chips since she’d disappeared and hadn’t been down once, water in the other hand.
“Are the boys okay?” YN asks quietly, not bothering to turn over to face him.
“Yes, babies are fine. They’re watchin’ Toy Story right now, eatin’ lunch,” Harry replies, eyes falling in his beautiful little daughter.
“If the boys are fine then I don’t want you in here,” YN tells him with an angry tone but low enough that it won’t disturb Briar.
Harry nearly whimpers.
“Baby, please. We need to talk-“
“If the boys are fine, I want you to leave me alone.”
Harry hesitates by the door, feeling helpless as he slips the plate onto the dresser in case she is hungry but he doubts she’ll touch it.
“Alright, I’ll leave y’be. Call me if y’need anythin’ or help with Briar,” He offers, trying to buy time in the room.
She laughs sarcastically, “Yeah, I’ll make sure you’re notified because I can’t do a good enough job myself.”
Harry sighs, running a hand through his hair, trying to conjure up the perfect words to fix this situation but it’s interrupted.
“Daddy? Daddy? Where? Hold me!” Ezra screeches as Easton stands outside the door with him, holding his hand.
“Dad, he won’t stop,” The oldest complains with annoyance as Ezra scurries to his father and up into his arms.
“Daddy daddy,” He chants into his father’s skin with relief.
“Thank y’East, Ezzie’s been sad lately. Huh?” Harry replies, thumbing at Easton’s cheek.
The oldest shrugs, “Not always. Mama cheers him up all the time with kisses and hugs.”
Harry gazes back to the lump under the blankets and feels himself getting choked up. He really really regretted his words.
He didn’t regret being upset with her. He regrets the cheap shots he took at his wife who’s just trying to be a full time mom to his babies.
“Mama?” Ezra squeaks at the word, realizing he hasn’t seen her recently and then he’s back to tantruming, “Mama, mama, mama. Where’s mama?”
“M’right here, Ez,” YN murmurs, flipping to her other side so that her youngest could see her. His face lights up and he scurries to the bed, scampering up until his mom is tucking him under the blankets with her.
Harry’s heart aches when Ezra whimpers quietly and burrows into her warm chest with happiness that he found his mother.
“Y’got him?” Harry asks, hand raking through Easton’s curls as he leans into his father’s side.
“Can we go play now, dad?” Easton asks impatiently, tugging his father out of the room and down the staircase.
Anne shows up and the two older ones are so excited, bouncing up and down as they tug her into the backyard to show her the holes they dug with Briar popped on her hip - gnawing on her shirt collar.
YN brings Ezra down the stairs, curls tamed with a bit styling mousse and a little adias x disney outfit that was the cutest thing ever. ***
Harry reaches out to take Ezra off YN but he whines and shakes his head, clinging to his mother like it was life or death.
“No daddy! Mama!” Ezra pouts angrily, glaring at his father with protectiveness.
He puts his hands up, “Okay, okay. Y’can stay with y’mama.”
The car ride is silent, Harry doesn’t know what to say and YN isn’t giving him anything to work with. He feels like he’ll just say the wrong thing again.
When they pull up to the building and Harry puts it in park, he’s startled when his wife just starts bawling into her hands.
Harry freezes for a second with wide eyes before rumbling, “Mama, sweetheart. Please don’t cry, it breaks m’heart, darlin’.”
“I’m…I’m no-not a good mom,” YN cries, “I wanted to tell you but I was scared. I don’t want you to think I can’t handle raising our babies.”
Harry pries her hands away from her face, cupping her cheeks and firmly staring, full conviction in his voice, “If I didn’t think y’could handle four babies then I wouldn’t have put them in you. I wouldn’t talk about putting more in you.”
YN’s eyes are watering, letting Harry swipe the tears away with his thumbs as she inhales deeply, “I am so so sorry I didn’t tell you. I don’t want you to worry when you’re away.”
Harry leans forward, kissing her harshly before whispering against her lips, “I don’t give a fuck about baseball in comparison to you and the kids. I’d give it up this second if y’asked. I want to worry because you’re the love of m’life and I’m y’husband - I’m here to support you and support our family.”
He continues, “I am a bit frustrated with you. I want you to tell me everything I miss when I’m gone even if it stresses me out or upsets me. Okay? But I shouldn’t have said hurtful things. You’re the best mama on this planet and y’treat our babies the best.”
YN nods, willing herself to stop crying as their appointment starts in ten minutes as she takes steady breathes.
“I forgive you. I’m sorry I let my pride get in the way. I just…I feel like you do everything for us and the least I could do is manage the kids,” She sighs with self-deprecation.
“Mama, just because one of our bubs needs therapy doesn’t mean you’re not doing a perfect job. We’ve always know Ezzie was an anxious baby. This is going to be good for him and for us, right?” He encourages, nosing at her cheek before she offers up her lips once more for a short kiss.
“I love you,” YN tells him, running a thumb of a light dusting of stubble on his jawline.
“Love y’more than anything,” He replies instantly.
Ezra is nervous as they step into the calming, peaceful office where there are neatly organized buckets of toys and shelves of books.
Patricia was a middle-aged woman with a kind smile who welcomed them in, she observed how Ezra had himself wrapped around his dad with hesitant green eyes peeking at her.
As they sit down, Patricia says softly, “This must be Ezra?”
They all wait for a moment before the toddler turns around to look at the woman and says timidly, “m’Ezzie.”
“Hi Ezzie,” The therapist greets and he gives her a cautious smile before nuzzling back into his father’s neck.
The discuss what has been going on. How Ezra has always been very nervous, anxious, cautious in a way that none of his other siblings are.
How he struggles when one of his parents is away from him, how he can get upset if he can’t find one of his siblings, or how much he worries about things most kids his age don’t worry about.
Patricia does an excellent job in calming down the parents, assuring them that it was nothing out of the norm, and that therapy would be beneficial for him.
She states that they’ll work a lot of feelings - being able to describe and recognize them. That will be one of the most important things.
Also working on his ability to calm down and cope with stressful situations, recommending once a week which of course his parents agreed to.
By the end of the intake, Ezra had ventured to take one of the baby dolls from a bin and bring it back to his father.
“Look daddy, s’a baby,” He lisps proudly, holding it up to show him.
“Good job, bubs,” Harry laughs, leaning to kiss his forehead - watching him toddle off to find more dolls to play with.
That night, after all the kids go to bed, and YN is finishing her final feeding with Briar in her nursery before putting in her crib.
Harry runs a nice, steaming bath with lavender bubbles and a candle burning with the lights dimmed low.
When she finds him, he slowly undresses her with warm kisses and praises of how good of a wife and mother she is.
They lay in there together, YN between his legs with her head rested on his chest, as his hands massage at her tummy and hips lovingly.
And yeah, everything is okay after that.
They get up the next day and everything is back to normal except now Ezra goes to therapy once a week with his parents.
(Ezra ends up working with Patricia until he’s in about sixth grade.)
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clouds-rambles · 3 years
Is it alright if i req hcs of kaeya, diluc, zhongli finding out they have a vampire s/o and they have all these cool vampire abilities and can be a bat and etc? Thanks 😊
Vampires go brr is all I say
Requests are back open! I’m planning that nth-hundred special thing soon but for the time being I’ll take more requests <3
Pairings; (Seperate) Kaeya, Diluc, and Zhonglii x reader
Warning(s); no explicity nsfw just mentions
Keep reading under the cut!
Man if he wasn’t already whipped for you the added fact of you’re a vampire is so cool to him. If it’s not a secret he’s definitely like “check out my s/o everyone rn, okay, do the bat thing”
Hickeys are interesting and Kaeya is far too down bad for it. He loves the feeling of your fangs literally anywhere on his body
He also loves the feeling of your fangs brushing up against his lips
If you turn into other animals Kaeya is just there like ‘holy shid my s/o right now’
Yelling ‘down bad’ at Kaeya is just apart of your common lingo at this point
Thanks to your aversion to sunlight midnight exhibitions and explorations are the best thing to Kaeya
He wants to know everything you can do and will likely test your limits
If you’re the floaty kind of vampire Kaeya loves being held in the air
If you’re the kind of vampire that can turn into mist please prank him when he goes into a hug, it’ll be funny to watch him eat shit 
Give him a kiss after though. It doesn’t matter how funny it is just remind the man you love him
If you’re particularly older than him expect him to ask what certain aspects of the past really are true and what’s just made up to keep the calm 
Do you still pray to the god of your homeland, be it Barbatos or any other. If not why? 
How were you turned? Were you born a vampire? Were you born in Teyvat or Khaenri'ah? If you’re from Khaenri'ah was it before or after the gods betrayed the people?
If you’re as secretive as Kaeya it’s interesting to see how much you can reveal while he continues to keep his cards to his chest
He has to be sure you’re not a threat to Mondstat before he even thinks about forming a platonic relationship with you, let alone a romantic one
Diluc isn’t sure what attracts you to him, probably the thrill of danger. The act of placing his life into a person who could snap him like a twig
Every brush or your fangs or scratch of your nails is a reminder of his fragility compared to your superior strength. 
He’s into it way more than he’d like to admit and you know it.
Your days are often spent sleeping, and usually Diluc will sleep the mornings with you sleeping, afternoons and evenings are strictly business time to him
If you help out with his Darknight Hero rounds he’s more than happy to have you about. And he loves seeing your raw power tear through Abyss Mages forcefields quicker than he can with his vision
It’s funny watching Diluc skirt about questions about your past, especially once you’re in a relationship. Though unlike other vampires, you’re more open to sharing your secrets with Diluc than others.
Diluc being a secretive person himself doesn’t speak of your own vampiric abilities
Diluc is the original hypeman in the shadows. Anything you do is immediately met with praise, especially when it comes to your vampiric abilities;
Turn into a bat or other animal mid battle to move the battle to your advantage after he’ll just tell you how cool the move was
Turn into mist to fuck with the abyss mages like they do everyone else? Hell yeah payback bitch
Teleport into an abyss mages forcefield to take em down? Number 1 hype man right here
Diluc will compliment you on all the cool things you did on the walk back to the winery and man seeing his face light up his the best thing
You can guess this is what he was like before his fathers death, this cheery smiley man. It’s a shame you don’t get to see it more
Zhongli knew there was something different about you, something not human and once he finds out about your vampiric status everything kind of melds together. The reason why you are never seen on lovely bright days
Though the fact you’re seen at all during the day is something to behold actually and the first question to leave Zhongli’s mouth is ‘why can you go outside during the day?’
You explain that you’re a particularly old and strong vampire, rivalling some of the youngest gods in age. You had once had a coven but many of it’s members but your kind had been hunted to near extinction by archon loyalists who saw you all as blasphemous 
Sitting at the table with other historians is always so much fun for both of you, especially with your contradicting opinions on the geo archon. Though your opinions aren’t necessarily bad but it’s more like you see them in a different light considering your age and knowledge of the world
Zhongli enjoys talking to you about divinity. So much so that you think that Zhongli is constantly dropping hints that he is the Geo Archon himself
You don’t question him but instead drop hints back at him that you know, small things that makes him question internally about it.
Its not often you or Zhongli go about fighting, the two of you much prefer to sit, drink tea and have a good chatter
Though the centuries of battling shows when the both of you are thrown into battle, you often bounce off of each other with ease. And with the added flare of your shapeshifting abilities your enemies will always perish
Around Liyue Harbour both you and Zhongli are friendly with the kids, often treating them to popsicles or games of tag and hide and seek. Despite the fact that the two of you don’t look a day over 30 many of the children give you sweet nicknames with any kind of relation to grandparents
The other vampires you have left you will visit often, usually when Zhongli is visiting his adepti. Seeing your children thrive in all corners of Teyvat without the security of a nest of vampires is admirable. Its no wonder they have survived this long
While you’re not as lively as the younger vampires both you and Zhongli cause your fair bit of trouble and have the most fun you can possibly can have
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rotshop · 3 years
hiiiiiii i have a disease,,,im gonna make a seperate post for 8 other characters i had in mind w/ this same prompt for the sake of me not dying <3
anyway here's a few random madcom characters + an animal s/o because im deranged <3333333
-this one is a LITTTLEE easy i will admit but,,,Cat,,,,,it just fits!!!!
-he's very good at just kind of. dealing with whatever it is that you kinda throw at him. if you randomly decide you wanna try and take up all the space on his bed (good luck, its fucking Big) that's ok, he'll just lay down next to you somehow. if you decide you wanna lay on him then whoops!! he's stuck there till you get up now lol. (the amount of times deimos and sanford come back from missions and just see him sitting on the couch with you laying on his lap is uncountable,,,each time he just makes a gesture for them to be quiet so they dont wake you)
-VERY gentle w/ you, especially after becoming a mag. he always pets you very carefully with his more normal hand because he's scared of hurting you (there was one time he'd accidentally nicked you a little with his claws and he felt SO bad, kept fussing and asking if you were alright afterwards)
-you both purr!! his is a little louder than yours naturally but he kind of. tries to force it to be quieter because he wants to hear you :[ you kind of. get him into the habit of not doing that so instead he just lays his head on your chest or stomach so he can hear / feel it
-he can pick you up so easily its really funny. exactly ONE time on a mission where you were about to get hit from behind while dealing with another grunt and he just like??? SWEPT you up off the ground and wrecked their shit. the entire time you're just kind of there like 🧍
-I'm so serious about this one dont even TALK to me. bnnuy.
-HE JUST THINKS UR CUTE!!!!,,,,ur a lot smaller in comparison to him (dont even get him started on how you look standing next to hank or any mag agents) and it makes him go :] ,,, on that note 9/10 he's carrying you around, he just likes picking you up and holding you since it's real easy and its a way of keeping you close to him (also he likes showing off his strength to you a little bit but shhh)
-rip to you though because you've got more sensitive hearing and. if you've heard his voice lines. then you know. this man. isn't always the quietest. BUT as soon as he noticed how you kinda flinch whenever he's yelling something on a mission or to one of the others then he apologizes a bunch and does his best to keep it to a minimum around you,,
-deimos is a menace and he would try and get san to confess to you a bunch'a times and it would usually just end in him trying to like. cover your ears or something so he can tell deimos to stfu. it barely works but its funny as fuck to see your confused expression and sans flustred one to dei
-all in all he just thinks you're really cute and kind of funny...sometimes you just kind of. sit down next to him and kind of stare because you want him to pet you lmao. on that same note at some point you just kinda. got into the habit of coming to his room to lay down with / around him and he just <:']
-You're incredibly sly and fast, directly complimenting his more flighty nature. he is a coward who avoids danger and you ARE said danger, u are fucking deranged <3. at first he kinda thought of you as an enemy because you kept swooping in and saving him but the entire time you kind of. dragged him around like a ragdoll SJFFDJWCDS,,,you're running off as you pull him by the hand to follow you and you like. looked over your shoulder and gave this fanged smile back at him and he just . his brain fucing exploded you killed him. he didn't stop thinking abt it for like 3 days.
-anyways. you run circles around him its crazy, you two playfight and roughouse a lot. however he did have to ban you from biting too hard because you accidentally drew blood one time,,,,,u were apologetic and you kept checking the wound to make sure it was ok and that he was doing alright,,he wont admit it but he thought it was funny to see you all worried abt him, teases you about it but you just bare your fangs (jokingly) and threaten to do it again. he just gets flustered and rolls his eyes with a little scoff.
-you make a lot of like. squeaks and yips when you're excited or otherwise kinda worked up and he thinks they're real funny. he tries to imitate them but he ends up failing and 10/10 you hear his voice crack BUT he still considers it a win when it makes you laugh so :)
-admittedly he does poke and prod a lot lmao. he likes to trace your paws and to kinda. brush against your claws a little because he thinks they're really cool. also again this mans fucking weird, he's stuck his hand in your mouth before because he wanted to fuck w/ ur sharp teeth again. you bit him. he does not do this anymore.
-(looks at a very specific mutual) hey. yeah no hof cat s/o lol
-he just!!! thinsk you're neat :) he really likes how sweet you can be and also still be evil and fucked up if you so please. you cause problems on purpose and he has to get you out of trouble lmao, SO...most times you just kinda stick around him (unless u have ur own work to do) and watch what he does. sometimes he'll have you help him out with certain things, eventually you kind of just. start picking up knowledge abt this and the first time you say something before he almost messes up on something he's just kinda 'oh yeah ur right....HEY WAIT YOU REMEMBERED-' he doesn't know WHY but it just makes him happy
-it is. admittedly. a little nerve wracking. to be nonhuman. in a lab that sometimes experiments on people. and nonhuman people. for some kind of obvious reasons. so he gets a little nervous about that sometimes. he does his best to kind of keep you out of serious trouble bc of that, keeps you away from phobos or any of his higher ups like him as much as he possibly can because he's scared of what they might do to you :[
-ON A MORE LIGHT HEARTED NOTE,,,u two stay up pretty late at the lab a lot. you just kinda help him out and you both get carried away. it's not an uncommon sight to any night guards or janitors to see you both talking in the dark with only like. a kinda dim lamp on as you both work. its like 1/4 you actually getting things done and 3/4s you two just talking about whatever comes into mind, he shows his more casual and laid-back nature in these moments especially. also not uncommon for people to see you both passed out in his lab curled up against eachother lol
-pets you absentmindedly a lot,,he isn't sure why he does it he just!! does!! he just kinda subconsciously reaches for you (sometimes you have to kinda. put your head under his hand for him which he appreciates). also likes messing with ur paws and claws a little, he's a lot more careful though since he's nicked himself on your nails before
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mortedeveles · 4 years
Mha anon here! I'm on a roll lmao! Could I ask for something (oneshot,hc, whatever you'd like! ^v^) with Tenya/Baku/Izu/Kiri(seperate!) and a crush/so who's very cuddly & clingy? Like they always hug/kiss their cheek when they greet them, or they play with their hair, random fists bumps and when they sit next to them they like to lay their head in their shoulder/maybe even their lap! Catch is s/o gets super flustered if they hug/give affection back! Hope you have a nice day btw! Love ur writing!
hey there mha anonnie! sure thing! thanks, hope you have a nice day as well! i’m glad you enjoy my writing <3 as always, please leave a like, reblog, follow and/or comment if you enjoyed! 
PLEASE READ: my requests are closing earlier than sooner! I will close them on the 12th :( so submit whatever you’d like until then! i have several writing projects planned and i’m going to be focusing on those. school is a week away as well so it’ll take a lot of my time as well. I will receive up to 2-5 requests! 
Pairing: Iida Tenya x gn!reader, Midoriya Izuku x gn!reader, Bakugou Katsuki x gn!reader, Kirishima Eijirou x gn!reader
THEMES: fluff, pining, humor. [DRABBLES]
TW: cursing
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Tenya is a boy with good manners. He's respectful towards anyone and isn't particularly affectionate or indulges in physical contact in public.
That being said, Tenya would probably scold you the first times you're affectionate with him. Whether you're clinging onto his arm, hugging him as a greeting or sitting so close to him he can see your the flecks of color in your eyes, all of this is pretty new to him.
He grew up in a sophisticated and rich family, which meant that he was expected to have a good image and be mindful of his actions.
You'd probably have to explain why you're constantly engaging in physical affection with him. He eventually understands, but that doesn't stop him from feel flustered. It doesn't help that he's harbored romantic feelings for you for a long time, so being so close with his crush, makes him....feel things.
''Go-good morning, L/N!'' he stammered, feeling his face warm.
''Good morning, Iida-kun!'' you skipped towards him and hugged him tightly.
Iida's mouth closed and opened- and closed again. He was in the middle of reprimanding Mineta for disrespecting the girls when you came up and hugged him. 
He became painfully aware of Mineta's gaze, even Todoroki and Ochaco were watching him and you! After a while, you pulled away with a smile and walked to your desk.
''You don't respect any of us, Mineta. Ribbit. If you wanted affection like Iida, you would ask for it, not touch us without our consent.''
''Why don't the girls let me hug them like that...?'' Mineta whined next to him.
Next to them, Tsuyu replied.
Iida was still too flustered to agree with Tsuyu, his cheeks were warm and he could still feel your warm body pressed against his. 
Maybe your constant affection wasn't so bad after all...
In an attempt to thank you for being affectionate towards him, Iida would approach you one day and pat your hair. You'd freeze- Iida rarely touches others on places that aren't shoulders. Even though it's a small pat, it makes your face warm and your heart sings with joy.
''Iida..?'' you'd shyly look up at him, confusion written on your face.
His face would grow warmer when he'd meet you gaze. Swallowing, Iida fixed his tie.
''I just wa-wanted to thank you, L/N! You're always engaging in physical contact with me but I never initiate it!"' he'd nearly yell.
After understanding his intentions, you'd laugh loudly. Iida ignored the stares of his other classmates and smiled when you thanked him quietly.
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Bakugou is very explosive and aggressive towards-well, everyone. So you'd probably have to hide your affectionate attitude or pipe it down until you're close friends with him.
Even then, while he won't push you off, (you're his crush, he's not going to waste an opportunity of being so close to him,) Bakugou will probably whine and snap sarcastic remarks.
 ''Eh?!'' he'd look at you with shock. ''What do you think you're fucking doing?!'' despite his crude words, his face would grow warm and his heart would race.
''Stop whining and let me hold youu...'' you'd mumble into his chest. His face would grow incredibly hot and red at your comment, and you were too busy smothering your face in his chest to notice how his face was as red as his eyes and how his hands began to sweat furiously.
If you were to engage in physical contact with him in public, around Class 1A, he'd probably glare daggers at whoever stares at the two of you- or shout at them to mind their own business. Bakugou doesn't want them to embarrass you and make you pull away. 
You're a very affectionate person and even though Bakugou never returns your affections, you don't mind. He doesn't blast you when you hug him and that's enough for you.
Hugs and fist bumps aren't a big deal to him; at most he'll grunt and his face would redden slightly, not enough for anyone to notice.
However, one day you're flustering him so much to the point that he's plotting revenge. In the morning, you walked towards him and kissed him on the cheek, leaving him silent with burning red cheeks.
During lunch, you sat in his lap. Who was he to deny his crush's wishes? The entire bakusquad stared at him during lunch, but he ignored and avoided their gazes. You ate your lunch with a joyful smile, chatting with the others, oblivious to the fact that you were making him a blushing mess.
The next day, Bakugou decides to give you a taste of your medicine. In the morning, he wraps his arm around your shoulder and walks with you everywhere. He doesn't notice how you froze as your face heated up or how you're strangely quiet. Instead, he focuses on glaring daggers at anyone whos stares at the two of you. Katsuki has to admit, being able to hold his crush this close without any hesitation felt great. Touching you soothed his body.
You confront him at lunch. Instead of walking towards the table where you sit with the others, you drag him into an empty hallway.''Bakugou...'' you start off slowly, staring into his eyes.
Suddenly, he feels his heart drop to his stomach. Were you...bothered by him? Why was there such a serious expression on your face?
''Are you feeling okay?'' you lean close and press a hand on his soft cheek.
The blonde grunts and averts his eyes from you. He hopes you won't notice how his cheeks heated up when you touched him.
''Course I am. Why do you ask?''
Your face gets warm. ''Well... you've been particularly...touchy today. Why?''
Katsuki's eyes widened. He scowled. ''What? You don't like it?''
''Ah! N-no!'' you notice how his eyes narrow. ''Fuck! No! I mean y-yes, I like it, I'm just not used to i-it...'' 
Bakugou snorted. His heart warmed at your silly stuttering. With a grin, he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer.'
'Is that so?'' he says in a haughty tone. ''I think you should get used to it, Y/N.''
Your eyes widen and you begin to trip over your words again. Katsuki smiles at your nervousness and pushes your head on his chest, rendering you silent. 
If you got this flustered by his physical affection, Bakugou was sure he would do it all the time.
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Out of all of them, Midoriya is probably the one to get flustered the most.
Since he's been quirkless most of his life, everyone has looked down on him. He's never been in close contact with someone he likes romantically. Hell, he feels nervous whenever a girl talks to him. 
But if you do it constantly, he'll probably adjust, though it'll take him plenty of time. And if you do it around a lot of people or teachers, he'll probably blush like the first time you touched him.
So if you're affectionate with him, he'll probably pass out the few first times.
You can approach him during class and hold his hand or ruffle his green messy hair, and he's bound to combust. His face will turn so red it defies Kirishima's hair and he'll probably faint on the spot.
On one lucky day, you approached Midoriya, who was talking to All Might. Your friend hadn't noticed you approaching and when you laughed out his name and held onto his hand, he nearly squeaked and dropped on the floor.
All Might laughed loudly, his eyes twinkling in amusement as he watched his student get so flustered over you. You would smile sheepishly at All Might, who would send you a knowing look. 
Midoriya would stammer and trip over his words for several minutes until he'd regain his composure.
Although you're not aware, Midoriya gets so flustered because just like you, he has romantic feelings for you. And feeling your skin brush against his makes his face warm and his heart flips and somersaults in his ribcage.
His friends know about his crush on you and encourage him to confess. After taking Todoroki's and Ochaco's advice, he confesses to you after school.
When he's done talking- which took easily half an hour- he'd stand painfully still, face burning as he waited for your answer.
''Oh..'' you were shocked and couldn't find your voice to say anymore. Since you were better expressing yourself through affection than words, you stepped forward.
Midoriya's eyes widened as your fingers tangled in his hair and you pulled him closer into a kiss.
He's bound to freeze for a couple of seconds- but he's quick to react and although he's inexperienced, he makes it up with his eagerness.
When the two of you pull away, your lips are swollen and your face is warm.
Midoriya feels like he's on heaven; kissing you is an ethereal experience. 
Afterward, the two of you became a couple and he became comfortable with you being affectionate. He loved being so close to you to the point that he began initiating physical contact with you. The first time he initiated it, your face nearly combusted and you stuttered for several minutes until Izuku managed to calm you down with one of his charming smiles. 
After knowing that you aren't used to receiving affection, Izuku makes sure to be more affectionate with you.
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Kirishima thinks it's great that you're very affectionate. He's very open to physical contact and doesn't mind at all. 
And the fact that you're his crush? It makes the experience even better. Every day at U.A is better when you're around him.
Admittedly, it does make him a bit flustered. But not too much. He's happy to please you with a fist bump, a hug, or to let your soft hands run through his spiky hair. Kirishima's eyes always close in bliss when you touch his hair.
Since you're his crush, he's very anxious to be just as affectionate as you are. But he doesn't want to overstep your boundaries and keep his wishes to himself.
Until one lucky day,  Kirishima arrives at the U.A classroom with heavy eyelids. He spent too much time working out yesterday that he barely got a wink of sleep.
As always, you approached him with that same cheery smile that makes his heart warm. 
''Good morning, Kirishima,'' you said. He hummed in response and closed his eyes. Your voice was music to his ears and he never wanted to stop hearing it. 
''Kirishima?'' you asked, concern fueling your voice. Kirishima mumbled and sleepily opened his eyes, reaching out for your hair. 
''Pretty...'' he mumbled. You froze, feeling your skin prickle. Almost everyone was watching you, even Bakugou. He was biting down a laugh.
''Um...'' was all you could say. 
With a tired sigh, Kirishima pulled you closer for a hug, burying your face in his chest. He murmured and placed his chin on the top of your soft hair. 
''So soft and warm...'' he said with a smile. You yelped in surprise, but your yelp was muffled by his chest. 
''Class has started. I don't want to see any more lovey-dovey nonsense during the rest of today. Break apart, you two.'' Aizawa's sharp voice snapped. 
While you immediately flinched and stepped away, Kirishima groaned and slowly opened his eyes. 
''What...?'' he whined. But once he noticed he was not dreaming, his eyes widened. Everyone began to giggle and murmur as his face warmed up.
''Oh....'' his eyes drift to you.
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haikyuuwaifu · 3 years
It’s You
Pt. 5
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Cheating, Attempted Manipulation
Y/N sighed as she made her way into her office, a pile of paperwork stacked high in her hands. Moving over to her desk, she grinned at the sight of her best friend sprawled lazily across her couch. “Get lonely sho?” she asked, setting the stack down and taking a seat. He merely waved an arm, pulling the blanket around himself. “Wake me when you’re finished, I want to try that new Chinese place you’ve been telling me about.” he whispered, shutting his eyes and letting sleep take over.
Two hours later found Y/N scrolling through her phone. She had taken a break from her work and found her phone full of messages from her boyfriend and his best friend. Opening the messages she couldn’t stop the peals of laughter that left her lips at the ridiculous photo’s Shinsou had taken of Katsuki and vice versa. A knock on her door brought Y/N’s attention away from the text and at the interruption her eyes widened marginally. Standing in the doors of her office was Izuku Midoriya, someone she’s barely spoken to since the night of his proposal.
Izuku himself had no idea what he was doing standing outside her office. He had simply heard that Katsuki was out of town, and subconsciously, his feet dragged him there. “Hey!” He mumbled, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. “Can we talk?” Y/N nodded, motioning for him to sit in the empty seat in front of her desk. “I don’t have a lot of time, so don’t make it to long yeah.” Y/N mumbled, answering a few texts and setting her phone down.
“What did you want to talk about?” she asked, eyes sliding over to the couch. From where she was sitting it looked like a lump of blankets, so Izuku was probably unware that someone was actually laying on there. Shoto himself had just woken up, and decided he’d stay still in case the green hero decided to do anything odd to Y/N. “I uh, I really miss you.” Izuku started, folding his hands in his lap. “I feel like, I hardly ever see you.” Y/N snorted, tapping her fingers against her desk. “Of course not. Being the number one hero is a lot of work you know. I can’t just drop everything.” “I know that.” Deku answered, unsure how to say what he really wanted. “I just, I see you and Kachan in the news all the time; so obviously you have some time?” he questioned, eyes raising to meet Y/N’s. “I would hope so, he’s my boyfriend after all. It helps that our work crosses since we’re in the #1 and #2 spot.” 
Izuku nodded along, only half listening. “Isn’t it...kind of dangerous for the two top heroes to have such a public relationship?” he asked, eyes trained on the photo of Y/N and Katsuki sitting on her desk. They were in bathing suits so he assumed they must have been at the beach that day. “Whether it is or not isn’t any of your business Izuku, now tell me what you’re really doing here.” Y/N demanded, her voice a low whisper. “I don’t know, honestly...my feet dragged me here. And I just...can’t understand what someone like you is doing with someone like Kachan.” Izuku grumbled, unfolding his hands. “You’ve never once told me you were interested in him and I’m your best friend. When did you stop caring about me? about us?” he questioned, clenching and unclenching his fists. “Kachan is selfish. He’s always been selfish and all he cares about is being number one. Who’s to say that he’s really with you because he loves you.” Izuku questioned, continuing on his tirade completely unware of the look of disgust on your face. 
“He slept with Uraraka you know. While we were away, he slept with her. He’s made his way through a slew of heroes and you’re stupid enough to date him?” Izuku questioned out loud. “I thought you were better than that and I just don’t understand what you see in h-” “That’s quite enough.” Shoto snarled, tossing the blankets to the floor. “What the hell are you doing here?” Izuku hissed, standing up to his full height. “The fuck do you mean? I’m waiting for my best friend to finish her work day. Funny how you thought if she were alone you could say all that bullshit.” Shoto answered, shoving the taller man. As Deku moved to grab Todoroki Y/N screamed, effectively shutting both men up. “This fighting isn’t necessary, I’ll tell you what you’re so dying to hear.” Y/N snarled, seperating the two heroes.
Turning toward Izuku, she smiled menacingly. “You know why I choose to be with Katsuki, Midoriya?” Y/N questioned, tilting her head. When he shook his head no, she smiled even wider. “He’s nothing like you. That’s why.” she answered, moving to sit back in her seat. “You stopped being anything of importance, the day you told me you loved me, only to come back here and fall back into Uraraka’s arms like what we had...like I, didn’t matter in the slightest.” Y/N grumbled, placing her hands on her desk. “I stopped caring about us, the day we got back to Japan, for you to tell reporters we were just friends. Like I wasn’t walking around with your cum inside me.” “I stopped caring about you, the day you decided you were going to propose to Uraraka and leave me stranded and alone.” Y/N answered, her eyes never leaving the pictures on her monitor. 
“For most of our lives, I’ve given you every piece of me I’ve had to give. I’ve watched you throw everything I’ve given you away. I was only ever important when you needed something or when Uraraka didn’t want you.” Y/N answered truthfully, eyes never leaving the picture of her and Katsuki. A huge grin on both their faces. “Katsuki is selfish, but he doesn’t care about the number one spot. He cares about me. He would burn this city to the fucking ground if I asked.” Y/N mused, smiling softly at the sweet words he whispered the night before he left for his out of country press tour. “You’re so sweet and innocent looking that no one could believe you were as vile and vicious as you really are.” Y/N hissed, finally meeting Izuku’s eyes. “I don’t care who Katsuki was with before us, they don’t matter considering I’m the one with his attention now. I don’t care about how you feel concerning my relationship, because it’s my relationship.” She hissed, emphasizing the word “my” with a slam of her fist against her desk. “What you and that simpering bitch do is irrelevant to me Midoriya. You can’t have it all, and I refuse to play second fiddle anymore. Now, since you’ve gotten your answers; get the hell out of my fucking agency before I have you escorted out.”Y/N snarled, pointing to the exit behind him. “Don’t bother coming here again without an appointment.” she called, watching as he stumbled his way out of her office. Shoto snickered, as he waved his phone in his hand. “Let’s go get take out and beer. I’m sure Shinsou and Katsuki would love to be made aware of this whole interaction.” Y/N could only shake her head and agree shoving her paperwork into her desk drawer and following her friend out.
Part 4|Part 6
@dabilove27 @victory-is-here @iamagalaxy @that-chick212 @amberalisa @its-the-aerieljeane @chefakari @simpparty @oppositesunchild  @marajillana @letmebreathepls @nightlygiggless @black-rose-29 @prettyinblack231 @kentarosbaby
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carlosxhook · 4 years
The Law Of Total Madness ~ H.H
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Pairing: Harry Hook x Reader (yes I wrote Got7 into this sue me) + (please don’t I’m broke 🤦‍♀️)
Y/N’s P.O.V
Being Chad Charming’s twin sister was an interesting occurrence, Ben being your best friend for your whole life and growing up around Chad expectation of the perfect sister was exhausting this was where you found your love for singing and dancing thanks to Ben. He also introduced you to your other best friend prince Yugyeom originally from Jypnation and 6 other his friends who made music together the 8 of you were always glued together, you stuck together and turns out it was good for you to get away from Chad he may of been your brother and yes you loved him but god was he unbearable! Even better the 8 of you talk in korean to confuse anyone trying to ease drop Princess love to be some nosey bitches, you were a hip hop dancing, princess role breaking rebellious free soul and Chad HATED that. Perhaps the icing on the cake was that you were secretly dating a Scottish pirate, the only son of Captain Hook, the love of your life Harry Hook. It happened when you and Ben were kidnapped with Ben after convincing him you should go with him for “protection” when really you just wanted to wag chemistry class they kept you and Ben seperate and you and Harry ended up in a long make out session about 15 minutes before the most epic battle you’d ever witnessed, Ben announced that after 6 months since Dizzy, The Twins and Celia came to auradon that 3 more vks would be coming over! Hoping it would be Harry, Uma and Gil you talked to Gil while ‘kidnapped’ you two were close it was nice he seemed genuinely like a good guy, it was nice that he’s loyal to his crew and today was the day they were to arrive. Ben, Chad, Mal, Carlos, Jay, Evie, Doug and I were all gathered around waiting for them to show them around and such, the limo pulls up and all three vks get out my chest gets tight thinking about seeing him again yeah we starting “being a thing” very quickly but I liked him a lot I knew that much “Welcome to Auradon” Ben smiles “Try not to break anything” Chad snarls and I smack him over the head earning a deep chuckle from Harry as he smirks at me “it’s very colourful here” Gil smiles he’s too pure omg “well I would love too stay and help but I promised NaNa I’d be at practice 10 minutes ago, it was lovely too see you all again.” I wave before running off towards the school dance hall and quickly issuing magic to get changed into a red crop top and some high waisted black shorts with black converse, damn I was too cute for my own good sometimes, poor Chad never got any magic my parents had me enchanted when I was little so I could protect myself.
Harry’s P.O.V
“I apologise for Princess Y/N’s departure she’s preparing for a very important event and competition as a representative for Auradon, if any of you need her she’s typically in the dance hall!” Ben hints looking towards me it’s not like her and I were seriously anyways, yeah I liked her, a lot but I’d barely say I thought about her. That’s a lie everyday that stupidly gorgeous girl plagued my mind and she just runs off before I can have her in my arms again, how selfish? Does she even still care about me, about us, we had a connection fuck I knew feelings and l..l...lov that l word made you weak, how pathetic I thought I had a happily ever after.
We go through the entire of auadorn and finally reach the Dance Hall we hear loud music coming from within and I peek in seeing Y/N practicing “let’s watch!” Ben opens the door and we stand at the back my eyes fixated on the gorgeous girl dancing her heart out, “she’s gonna win” Chad laughs at Gils proud statement “please who does she think she is this isn’t the isle she should be in a castle or locked in a tower” Chad snorts “I’m sorry say that again Princey” I growl “cool it” I hear Uma whisper “you wanna get found out huh” she follows. “He’s an ass” I mutter focusing back on the events in front of me Y/N walking towards us with a big smile “what did you think?” She asks as her sparkling eyes meet mine before Chad can even open his mouth I reply “Ye did very good indeed” winking at the now blushing princess “anyways” she chirps “we need 3 more female dancers to back up Yugyeom and I’s duo for the competition, because as much as I’d love too see Jackson, Mark and BamBam in skirts with wigs and heels... I don’t wanna frighten the audience” she giggles looking behind her at the 7 boys now making their way over once they reach us the throw Y/N a questioning look before speaking in what I can only assume in another fucking language.
Y/N’s P.O.V
I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss Harry I did and as much as I wanted to run into his arms and breathe in his scent and glory I know I can’t, I lean over to Uma to get closer to Harry “Hey Uma, I don’t know if ben told you but we are sharing a room, I’m barely ever in my dorm so don’t worry I won’t bother you!” I smile and she just scoffs she’s not the biggest fan of me I mean she did kidnap Ben and I after all, I couldn’t blame her though the Isle was shocking I would wanna get out too I am kinda thankful cause of it I found Harry. That was if he still even liked me, I heard from Mal he’s a player and no good that he flirted with anything that moved I mean one of the old exchange students Nana did that too, and he was harmless I was just hoping Harry’s flirting was too.
“Yugyeom, can we finish I wanna show em to the dorms?” I smile to the fluffy haired boy sweat dripping down his white shirt making it slightly see through “only this once ya, usually I’m the one to try cut practice shorty” he laughs “sweet, don’t forget we go all day tomorrow with the boys!” I point to our 6 other friends and wave shooting them a wink before turning around seeing everyone but the pirates had left “well I’ll shall show you to your rooms I guess” I lead the way to the dorms it’s a bit awkward and the silence burns.
“So Y/N” Gil cuts the air “what’s this competition?” He smiles coming and placing an arm around me I hear Harry growl but I just let Gil rest his arm on me “well it’s a multi-kingdom performance competition, we must sing and dance and the winner’s kingdom hosts a massive party and a heap of important musical performers come for all necks of the woods too play and come watch!” I smile getting excited just thinking about it “Yugyeom and I have a duo, I have a solo and so does he, then a boy group performance and then a girl group performance if we win 3/5 of the categories Auradon will host its first ever K fest, it’ll be amazing!” I stop abruptly “our duo performance is gonna be the best we’ve ever done, and we’ve done a lot” I chuckle “anyways this is the boys dorm 701 Gil and Harry are here and then just down the all at 690 is where Uma will be if y’all need her. Your belongings will be inside for you if you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask” I turn around and walk to my room Uma in tow “so Y/N, been a while huh?” She laughs “indeed it has, how’re you feeling about all this?” I ask pointing around “it’s where I’ve always wanted to get my crew, I got Gil and Harry here, now I need to work on the rest” I see a glint of sadness in her eyes “I’m only really here because I care about those boys and they don’t deserve to rot on an island, yeah they’re dicks and trouble but they’re loyal to me so I am loyal to them, they fight for me so I fight for them. Always!” I was shocked Uma was really caring I didn’t expect this side of her “I’m only telling you this because I know you and Harry are a thing” she pays my back “wait we still are?” I ask hopeful “yeah, the moment he gets you alone he’ll be all over you like a hungry wolf, watch ya back” she laughs I take a deep breath “thank you Uma I wasn’t sure he even still knew me” I lay on my bed and my stomach grubmles “girl you’re so busy dancing you don’t eat” Uma scolds “come on” she grads my hand “were getting you some food!” Running out the door she takes me too the kitchen and starts making food “I used to have make chips all the time at the shop, so hopefully Auradon sir makes them taste better than the grubby isle ones” she scoffs “Uma, can I ask something?” I nervously fiddle “sure princess what’s up?” She says cutting up potatos “Did Harry’s father ever abuse him?” She seems taken aback “it’s just I remember telling Harry I’d stay behind he just had to pretend he had me at sword point, and he said he’d never even pretend to do such a thing because he wasn’t his father.” I wipe a few tears I was confused was Harry harmful “Harry gets his father’s temper or therefore lack of, he had outbursts, I’m sure he’ll still have them, yes to put it shortly his father before he was in the crew would often abuse him. But it wasn’t uncommon, not in the isle love is a weakness.” “Then am I weak for loving him no matter what Uma” why was I even opening up to her “no because I think you could be good for him, just don’t turn him” she jokes “or I’ll use this” she holds her shell out “yes captain!” We laugh. “Maybe finally having a roommate won’t be so bad aye” I smile as she cooks Uma might actually be a really great friend and she knows more about Harry than anyone else maybe Hook and I could work.
*The Next Day*
“Those boys I swear are always late” I mutter to no one in particular “now what’s a gorgeous girl like you doing standing ‘ere all alone?” My heart jumps hearing his voice again “Hi Harry” I turn around smiling “ye know isle got boring without a princess to kiss” she smirks “is that so, awe Harry did you miss me” I joke about he moves closer “believe me or not love, I actually did. Let’s say you left a bit of a mark on me so to speak” I giggle “now come here babe” I pull him in for a long and heated kiss “Lovely doing business with ye princess” he smirks spinning around and walking out. What the actual fuck was that, what is he playing at I’m not just some toy, I turn on the music and start dancing to Bonnie & Clyde by Dean nothing can distract me not even Harry.
Harry’s P.O.V
I fucked it up I panicked and played fuck boy player again the confident fascade is what I’m know by I must keep it up, show no emotion, no weakness. Sorry princess. It’s just how I am.
I walk to uma’s room and knock on the door “yeah what” I hear her shout “it’s me” and like that the door flies open “Where’s Gil?” She questions “running round with Jay apparently they’re besties or whatever I’m just letting the dog loose” I plop myself down on the princess’ bed “geez Auradon beds are comfy” I sigh “I don’t think your little girlfriend would appreciate your smelly leather and metal scent over her sheets” Uma jokes “not me girlfriend” I point out “I’d watch it if I were you then, she gushed on about that Yugyeom boy for a very long time, of she ain’t yours surely she’ll be his I mean they’re never not together.” As if on cue in walks Y/N “Hey Uma did you see where I put my tablets, the ones with the orange jar, I’ve got a massive headache.” She rubs her head still unaware I’m laying on her bed “yeah left hand side of the bathroom counter top” she smiles did I miss something what are they all of a sudden so... friendly...
“Thank you so much oh and by the way I’ll be back late tonight so don’t wait up I’ll sneak in, Yugyeom and I have to rehearse til late cause Ben wants to come watch us and make sure it’s all good” I watch as she leaves then I close my eyes and drift off too sleep surprisingly.
“Harry wake up omg” I hear as I open my eyes too see Uma standing above me “what?” I ask rubbing me eyes then picking up me hook “get off of Y/N’s bed and wake up she’s gonna be here soon” she scoffs “surely she wouldn’t mind a handsome looking lad in her bed waiting for ‘er” I laugh.
Y/N’s P.O.V
“Ben I don’t really understand?” I question “you want us... to kiss?” I point between Yugyeom and I “yes the chemistry is there I’m telling you it’s the winning touch, the performance is so dynamic it just needs the big ending, it’ll leave everyone shocked, stunned and more importantly it shows how well you work together.” The king smiles “are you sure this is a good idea?” He’s gone crazy completely mad oh this is not going to end well “let’s call it a day you two need to eat and back again tomorrow for more practice” Ben smiles holding the door open for us both, “he’s not serious right Y/N” Yugyeom whispers “I hope he’s not, but something tells me he is, it’s fine gyu we are the best this is nothing!” I smile placing a hand on his shoulder “what about that boy?” He asks in a small voice “we aren’t dating he made that very clear, who cares this is our dream we are so close!” I smile side hugging him and briefly laying my head on his “fighting!!” I smile before grabbing his hand and walking to my dorm he always walks me to the door of my room when we practice late “Thanks Yugyeom!” I smile “let’s work hard tomorrow!” I hug him really tightly saying goodbye and open the door to find Uma working on something and Harry asleep on my bed “I don’t remember ordering a strange man in my bed, Uma I think this ones for you.” I point to the pirate passed out on my bed “he’s been like that for hours, I don’t think he’s sleeping at night” Uma shrugs “I’ll be back I have to go try round up Gil watch the scot” I laugh before going to change clothes in the bathroom I walk out no more than 10 minutes later and he’s still there snoring away. “Harry I told you if you were struggling to come find me” I play with his hair and carefully remove the hook placing it right next to my bed I grab the spare blanket from the cupboard and put it over him and when I go to walk away I hear “Please, just stay with me love” he says almost way too soft “I’ll explain later just please” I notice he’s shaking must be nightmares or ptsd “it’s okay Harry I’m right here, I’m always gonna be okay” I smile placing a soft kiss on his forehead and jumping into the free slither of bed he’s left much for my surprise he moves and pulls me close with his arm around my stomach before I know it I’m fast asleep.
Harry’s P.O.V
I woke up and there she was in my arms and it felt right, it felt like nothing could ruin this moment until once again I panicked I’m not used to feeling this I grab my hook and leave her all alone, pangs if guilt hit me but I ignore them I’m a pirate the best one I don’t need feelings they make you weak and I will never be weak. I will make my father proud he will call me his son and I’ll finally have a family, I don’t need some stupid princess to distract me.
Y/N’s P.O.V
I woke up alone in my bed with nothing left but the memory and slight scent of metal and the ocean, or was it leather? Doesn’t matter now he used me again and I let him, I need to watch myself no distractions that would discredit all of Yugyeom and I’d hard work I’m letting Harry ruin this for me. That being said another day another practice T-minus 1 week until we gotta rock this competition he’s obviously gotta work himself else I ain’t here for his amusement ugh, today there’s a big school meeting where we perform some songs as a taster for the school and our sister school (team) Ateez High are sending over their recruits to perform, I can’t wait we have had these prepared forever so we got this in the bag.
{Might do a series on this one, kinda proud my first imagine for Harry Hook x Y/N reader I had to add something kpop okay just bear with me! Got a few requests so I’ll be getting right into them⚡️🤍}
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mettywiththenotes · 3 years
That Lost Child I Once Saw
When Izuku enters the Void, he’s expecting a lot of things.
For Shigaraki to be strangled by All For One, like the first time they did this. For Shigaraki to be immobilized by shadows, just as he once was within One For All. Even for Shigaraki to be unconscious within his subconscious as the possession takes hold.
What he’s not expecting to see is a little boy, about 5 years old. The crying child he saw before.
He looks like Izuku did at that age. He’s seen himself in his mother’s photo albums, how small he was and his big mop of hair.
The only difference is that this child isn’t smiling. This is a child that needs saving.
He didn’t expect this to be the first thing he saw, but nevertheless, he walks up to the boy. The kid seems way too aware of his surroundings, and when he hears Izuku’s footsteps, he turns around panicked, small eyes widening in fear.
The Hero’s footsteps falter at the action, but he carries on until he’s stood in front of him. The child watches him nervously, and fidgets with his hands.
Izuku can’t help but take note of the scars on his face; across the bottoms of his eyes, and no doubt spreading over the child’s forehead, it’s unmistakable. Though there is no scar over his eye or lips, like Shigaraki already has. But that mole is way too familiar to mistake.
“... Who are you?” Izuku tries to ask nicely, even though he already knows who this is.
The child watches him, but doesn’t speak. He looks afraid, and he’s shaking.
“It’s okay... I’m a Hero. I want to help you.”
Something flashes in the boys eyes, an emotion much older and experienced that Izuku has seen before. It almost mirrors in the child’s expression, face scrunching in anger and hate, and his hair starts to whiten at the roots, slowly inching down dark curls. Quick as a flash, though, the anger is gone, and what replaces it is a sense of wonderment. The white strands regress back to black and everything goes back to normal. It takes Izuku aback, resisting the urge to pull away.
What the hell was that?
“... A Hero?” The child looks up at him, his eyes now shining. He’s stopped shaking too, thankfully.
Izuku nods “That’s right. Could you tell me your name?”
For a moment, the child seems confused. Raising his palms, he looks at them as if they have all the answers. He doesn’t speak, searching, searching his mind.
“I... I’m not sure... My name is... TeOnMkUoRA, I think?”
A second, older voice morphs with his own, echoing from around the void along with the smaller one.
“I’m sorry, what did you say it was?” Izuku is becoming more nervous with this atmosphere, but still he presses on.
“ TeOnMkUoRA .” The child repeats, and still the two voices mix, but the child seems to look more sure of his answer.
“What was that? Tenko? Tomu-” Izuku stops midsentence with the realization and stands straighter. Was that who that second voice was? He whips his head around, looking at the shadows in the distance. “Shigaraki?” he asks the void, as if it will answer back. And of course, only now does it choose to shut up.
This is getting a little too creepy. Where is All For One? Where is Shigaraki? He needs to find answers now, or else he could get trapped here. Or else All For One could steal One For All.
He looks back at the child, a little more shaken. Or maybe... maybe this child is also Shigaraki?
Is that where the dual voice is coming from? From him? But how? And why, why is Shigaraki in this form?
A lost child that needed saving... That’s what Iieda had said about him at Kamino, right? So maybe this is the same, except more literal?
Gulping, Izuku tries to confirm his suspicions.
“Tenko? That’s what you said, right?”
“That’s what I said.” Tenko nods, a small smile now appearing on his face.
“R-Right...” Izuku blinks.
This child indeed seems to be the younger version of the Villain, but it’s also possible that he is only another version of him, and the real older Shigaraki is somewhere else in here. He can’t rule that out. He is basically sharing a mind with Shigaraki after all, and All For One could easily be luring him into a trap.
“Hey, have you seen anybody else around here? A guy with white hair, um... might be shirtless, and he has scars all over his face... kind of like you.”
Tenko thinks for a second. “In here?” he gestures to the surrounding environment. When Izuku nods, the boy shakes his head.
“Ah... what about a tall guy in a suit? And he uh... he has no face. Well, he has a mouth, but no eyes, or hair. Or ears? He smiles a lot.”
Tenko once again shakes his head.
“I’m sorry. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone like that. Or I don’t remember...” The child suddenly holds his head and lets out a low whine, like he’s in pain, and Izuku crouches down to him.
“I’m sorry... I always have trouble with my memory... I don’t think I can-...” Tenko begins to tear up, and tugs at his roots in frustration.
Izuku reaches to the little boys hands and gently guides them away, cradling them in his own hands palm up.
“It’s okay. We can search together. We’ll figure it out.”
The boy sniffles and the Hero’s heart aches for him. Was this really Shigaraki? He seemed interested in Heroes, in both a good and bad way, but he’s so tiny...
Izuku thinks back, briefly, to the first time he’d seen the crying child in the void - little Tenko crying in a garden of some kind. And he was hugging a dog?
What had this child-... no, what had Shigaraki been through to become like this?
Izuku stands and offers his hand. He has to hurry, but he’ll keep Tenko with him, and confirm whether this is, in fact, the real Shigaraki in a smaller form.
He wonders if the child has his quirk by this point, but when Tenko shyly places his hand into Izuku’s, nothing happens.
It doesn’t feel real, that the Shigaraki he knows could be this small. Of course, everyone has been a child at some point, but he’s always known the Villain to be all encompassing and tall. In the mall, he’d towered over Izuku and kept a strong hold on him. He could fit his entire hand around Izuku’s neck. And when he’d shoved his hand at Izuku in the war, it was almost as big as his face.
Now, in a twisted turn of events, Izuku’s hand looks so much bigger in comparison to the tiny one holding his.
The knowledge that this child, who is so small and fragile, could turn into such a violent Villain... it made Izuku shudder.
What even happened to Shigaraki back then?
Together, they walk off into the shadows. Izuku doesn’t know what will happen when they finally find All For One, or even if they’ll find the older Shigaraki, but he’ll make sure to protect them. Both of them.
He just hopes All For One hasn’t done too much damage to Shigaraki’s mind.
Hi uh I decided to try writing a small thing on here lol. This is based on a fun [and angsty] little concept of Izuku meeting Tenko in the void that I like to think about now and again.
First time sharing! And thank you for reading :)
For those confused as to what is going on, please read under the cut: 
This is based on a concept of Izuku entering the void, but instead of meeting AFO and Shiggy again, he comes face to face with Tenko.
The way I see it, the void operates on a state of subconsciousness, so I wonderered if Tomura could possibly regress into his younger self, stuck in his memories of what had happened, constantly replaying the events and wandering for however long the possession lasts as little Tenko in the void.
I actually made a post about it here!
With the morphing, I just really love the idea of a creepy effect where Tenko gets triggered by the sentence of “I’m a hero. I want to help” because of Tomura’s own experiences, so his hair starts to change and that hatred is back, almost like a hardened adult face on a baby face, but only for a moment. An effect of once repressed memories coming back to the surface and also reliving the experiences he had as Tomura with Heroes.
Idk I think Tomura being in his subconscious for so long would fuck him up a bit, and lead his memories to mix up, so much so that he takes on the form of Tenko but wonders about his own memories.
I feel like Izuku would wonder whether this is actually a seperate Tenko away from his real older self that the subconscious conjured up, or whether this is actually Tomura taking on the form of Tenko and he’s just been possessed for so long that he doesn’t remember why he’s like this, or if this is just AFO up to his old tricks and trying to lure Izuku away with something and distract him so he could take OFA.
Also! The name thing with the dual voices, if you can’t read it, is the names Tenko and Tomura mashed together. I just put the letters inbetween each other and bing bang boom - a creepy two-voiced garble lol
Bleh anyway enough explanation. Thank you for reading!
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Brothers with Mc Who Has PGAD (Pt 1 of ?)
This is going to be different then my other headcanons. I tried doing them like usual, but it didn't sit well with me. This is only like the first two chapters?? Idk how to explain it. It's hard to show the issues with PGAD in a relationship without just rehashing my chronic pain ask. I might be a bit rusty because I'm playing off and on right now, so please forgive if anyone is OOC.
Also, I want to state that this is NOT a representation of everyone who has PGAD. I couldn't possibly fit all the symptoms, feelings, and causes in here without contradicting myself. There are many causes in the female sex though (Deposits built on the clitoris, slipped disc, hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, misfiring signals from the brain/nerve, ext). I have a fucked up nerve somewhere along the line. I'm a rare case of a rare disorder where I was born with it and haven't experienced a day without PGAD. These are only how I expect someone with my exact symptoms would react, and how the brothers would react to that. Also! If you have PGAD, and don't know ways to help out, I'll give you some tips. Just hmu baby 💞.
Warning! Sensitive Content!
Coming to the Devildom is just as you'd expect it to be, it's literal hell.
You're stressed, like, majorly so. You don't have your medications on you, you've been seperated from your phone, and these demons are telling you you'll have to stay in their realm for a year, doctor's visits be damned.
The emotional connection between your pain and your reactions is rising by the second. It's clear on your face, and most probably by the way you dig your nails into the palms of your hands, attempting to draw your attention away from the growing burning sensation.
You don't feel comfortable being set up in a strange house with seven strange demons. They're rowdy and rude and it just sets you on edge to the point that you're very near jumping everytime one of them speaks to you.
They don't speak to you often, thankfully. If you refuse to engage with them, they're fine with keeping their distance. Sometimes you'll hear something from Mammon, your appointed guide, and the blonde seems to enjoy commenting on what books you're reading, but that's about it.
But then you're expected to go to school, five days a week, whilst fulfilling a stupid task list everyday, and all that pressure really weighs on you before it's even begun.
You can't sit down for eight hours, let alone sit on a hard surface in such a toxic that is highschool without being put out of commission for a few days. This will really mess with their whole plan, and you doubt you'll get cut any slack if you don't actually let at least one of the council members in on your condition.
It shouldn't have to be that way. You shouldn't have to justify your state of wellbeing to people you've barely known for two days, but the only way out of here is by playing the game, so you target the eldest brother.
You explain to Lucifer your condition. It's very professional, straight-forward, and he doesn't ask many questions besides the obvious.
The two of you eventually come to a pretty decent arrangement. On the days when you're in too much pain to handle things, you can stay home, and do whatever you can to catch up. It's not exactly the best option, considering you have different teachers online and in person, but it works for the most part.
He does require you to do some studying with the third eldest though. Leviathan, you learn, is a shut-in. Most his schooling is online, and since you're situation tends to make you miss many days of school, Lucifer wants him to help you out.
The two of you don't exactly get along at first. Leviathan is the type to work alone, and he's not the best at explaining. So during the first two days, you kinda flounder from paper to paper, task to task. It's just more stress on your plate. You snap at him when he gets impatient with you, and he'll return the gesture with some mumbled insults.
Eventually the two of you get to a state where you can at least work together without arguing over something small, but he's still a little annoying to you.
Satan kinda steps up here too. He knows Levi isn't really the best at explaining things that aren't dipped in a convoluted storyline, so he tries to help out when he sees you in the library, often searching for information for your assignments.
And Satan is incredibly patient. Even without knowing of your condition, and that's kinda the support you need. Learning with PGAD is hard, because any sort of frustration just puts you in pain. He doesn't get offended if you snap, or if you're a bit stubborn because of this. Something about him recognizes that desperation in your eyes; the want to do things, but he just knows there's something holding you back. He's not sure what, and he doesn't ask out of respect for whatever you must be dealing with (Which is such a breath of fresh air).
Mammon, on the other hand, isn't as graceful in his approach. He doesn't really pick up on your vibes and that proves to be a bit unfortunate when you're having a hard time translating your feelings.
He takes most things you say a little too personal, despite also having a tendency to blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.
You two get on each other's nerves pretty equally. The stress that results makes being in his presence a bit difficult.
But no one makes your life worse then Asmodeus.
Sure, he's sweet. He probably picks up on the fact that you take baths as often as he does and gives you some fancy soaps/stuffs, but he's a little too touchy.
And a bit too sexual.
You try to distance yourself from him, and it has mixed results depending on how persistent Asmodeus is feeling that day.
The only one who you don't interact with much is Beel, and that's kind of a blessing in disguise. You're hardly a few days into your residency in the Devildom and you're already struggling to keep up with school and the brothers (as well as the voice coming from the attic...but you try to push that and Lucifer's threats to the back of your mind.)
Things only get worse when you make your pact with Mammon. In fact, the only good thing that really comes out of it is that you are able to help out Leviathan. Everything else feels like a shitstorm.
There was the expected teasing. The "Mammon was dumb enough to get played by a human" bit that really got old after the first time and a few offers to make some more pacts from lesser demons at school (which you always turned down). All the attention made your day stressful as fuck. You could hardly think without feeling strongly in some sort of way, and having a stabbing pain zeroing in on your pelvis.
And to your suprise, he can totally feel it.
(Personally I like to believe pacts go a bit deeper then the 'oh I can make you do things'. I feel it should be considered more, given how much power is given to them, and how often it's stated that the guys don't just give them out. If they were just about control, I have no doubt Mammon would have probably used it in a moment of desperation. In fact, it's kinda out of character that he hasn't at least made the mistake ONCE, so I headcanons there is a emotional/physical bond that comes with it.)
It's not completely there. He doesn't get all the pain and strife you do, but there's enough for him to kinda put the pieces together. He's not delicate in approaching you about it, however he thankfully does pull you aside after dinner, saving you the embarrassment of talking about genitals at the dinner table.
You explain to him what exactly PGAD is. That your body is feeling a sexual desire, but you mind isn't. So, instead of being pleasurable, it's painful.
He's not exactly sure what you're saying, but he becomes a lot more protective over you from now on.
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winx au: what causes each character to gain charmix/enchantix/gloomix/disenchantix? does Stella get her two at the same time or only progress in one? is her witch form always the basic one? does she ever ise it? do the witches and fairies gain the power ups the same way? does riven ever get one? T (sry bout all the questions)
Okay! So!
Yes the powerups are earned the same way for Faeries and Witches. They are parallels of one another.
Stella does use her Witch Form a few times in the first few seasons. In Season 1, it's mostly a "this form is stronger at Night" deal, but she stays in Faerie most often. She uses it a little in Season 2 because her Faerie Magic doesn't do well underground, being literally Light Based. Her Witch Form isn't the best option, but doesn't drain as fast in darkness. By Season 3, her Witch Form is at an actual disadvantage compared to her Faerie Form so she only really uses it once to make a point. She will have to earn each form seperately when she trains her Witch powers.
Riven wasn't intending to get more Forms, but kinda... Gets them accidentally? Like. In the next chapter of that fic, he's starting on actually working at being able to use his Magic. He'll be caught off guard by Charmix in Season 3. And because Enchantix is earned by confronting some personal stuff, as soon as he does some major character momet he gets that. By Season 5 when everyone else is getting Harmonix/Discordix, him and the rest of the guys are helping them with getting all that so he's just like "well since I'm in on this anyway...".
Charmix/Gloomix is earned mostly by making major progress in actually training your Magic. One could use their Base Forms many times, but actually training and honing their skills would lead to earning Charmix/Gloomix. It's not exactly an entirely new form, just a sign that they're ready to earn Enchantix/Disenchantix.
So the "confronting something personal" plot is moved to Enchantix/Disenchantix instead. Because that makes more sense than "sacrifice your life to save someone from your homeworld" for many, many reasons!
As for how everyone gets their forms!
As said, Charmix/Gloomix happens on it's own and is earned by training your Magic. While Echantix/Disenchantix is "character developmemt". The Winx all get theirs in Season 3, and others get them at various times. I'll start with the Winx though!
Bloom's had a hell of a time finding where exactly she belongs. On Earth, she always subconciously knew she didn't "belong" there. Then she learns about a whole ass world of Magic she does belong to. Only to find that her birth family and homeworld were destroyed. So she feels this disconnect.
She tries to connect to the handful of survivors from Domino. But that makes her feel even more like an outsider because theres a whole planet/culture she doesn't remember. And it doesn't help that Valtor is specifically using this feeling to manipulate her.
Eventually, she comes to realize that she doesn't have to "belong" to some place because she already belongs with her friends and family.
Stella has a lot of pressure on herself and tends to ignore her problems by pretending she's not bothered because she should be able to handle all this!
She eventually opens up about all that. Just. Admitting that she is stressed and being reminded that she can rely on the people who care about her.
So. I bumped up Musa's mother's death to just before she left for Alfea in Season 1.
Musa has been pretty much running away from facing that for the past two years. Not even going home during breaks from school because it hurts too much to be in her home without her mom.
In Season 3 she gets to meet Galatea and the two just talk about their homeworld. Musa misses it. A lot. But going home means facing all that.
Eventually she does. Having a bit of a breakdown but properly processing the grief.
One of Tecna's issues is that she's... Not good at communicating or interpretating emotions. It's partly on her and partly just that Zenith culture is very blunt with emotions. So she won't understand what someone is feeling unless they say it point blank, but also won't always show what she's feeling outside of saying it out loud(which... Doesn't register to others)
She never realized how much of an issue it is until her and Timmy have tension because of it. Nothing bad! Just that their love languages are very different and both begin to feel unappreciated because of the lack of communication on the emotional front.
It's the decision to actually begin learning that has her earning her Enchantix.
Due to her very isolated childhood, Aisha is still new to having such a large friend group. But she quickly fits in with them. However. Right when she got the group, they seem to e drifting apart.
Not in a bad way, of course! But everyone has their own adventures and subplots this season, which leads to the whole group not always being together. And as they plan for the future and what may come, it's likely that they'll have to go their seperate ways.
Aisha is scared that she'll be alone again. And It's only after voicing these fears and being reassured that even if their lives have them seperate, they'll always be ready to come back together and be friends. They're not going away forever.
Flora's insecurity comes from feeling like the weakest of the Winx.
She's not, of course! But... Bloom and Aisha are their main powerhouses. Stella is also quite powerful, and uses both Faerie and Witch Forms. Tecna and Musa have much flashier powers. And Flora is over here with her plants.
Plus. One of their main opponents is Icy. Whose powers are naturally very effective against Flora's abilities.
She begins to feel very useless. Like she shouldn't even bother fighting because what difference would it make?
Eventually, she does kind of snap. And realize 1.) She's not weak and 2.) Even if she was, it doesn't mean she shouldn't do what she can to help.
She actually gets her Disenchantix at the end of Season 1(all the Trix start Season 1 on Gloomix because they're in their third year at Cloud Tower).
It's solidifying that she won't break her morals to obtain her goals, even to the point of fighting against people she loves and fixing her mistakes.
Hers happens off screen because she disappears in Season 2 and shows up again in Season 3. But sometime during this she realizes that her current methods of trying to get anything she wants isn't... Really working. She manages to sort that out but I'm still thinking about all that.
Oh boy. My girl has a lot of issues. Especially relating to her mom.
99% of people she meets that know who her mom is either judge her, or want her to pick up where her mom failed. And Icy has internalized a lot of that shit. About having to complete her mom's goals because what else is there for her? If she does, she'll have the wonderful life she was promised way back then. She'll be... Worth something.
Sometime in Season 3 she meets some characters who, despite who her mother was and what Icy has done since then, are willing to care about her. And She's also reminded that Darcy and Stormy did care about her, but she pushed them away for her own goals. And that even the Winx gang are willing to help her get away from... All that.
It's a lot of progress and she probably won't really get Disenchantix until Season 4 when she actually feels genuinely loved for who she is and despite everything.
Oh boy.
So. I.... I will go into this more after I post the next chapter of that thing. However!
I will say that his Enchantix is either late Season 3 or sometime in Season 4. And It's a very cathartic, facing childhood truama, "god do you have any idea how much that fucked me up?!" Moment.
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vlindervin7 · 3 years
Here’s a short little extra scene for my ‘all the poets’ au! Read it here or on ao3 <3 
Kieu My awakes to the sounds of birds chirping and rays of sunlight piercing the drapes in front of the window. She shuffles around her bed a little when her arm bumps into something warm and solid. She’s disoriented for all of two seconds, before remembering she’s not in her own bed, but rather in Fatou’s, where she had fallen asleep with her after hours of discussing all the things that had happened and laughing and getting to know each other all over again with all the facets of their identity in the open. And also making out.
She opens her eyes, a smile already on her face before seeing the axolotl in space stuck to Fatou’s wall and smiling even harder.
If she hadn’t physically been in Fatou’s literal bed right now, she probably would’ve believed it had all been a dream.
The clock on the bedside table says it’s 11:15. Kieu My isn’t really surprised she slept in that late when usually her biological clock wakes her around nine no matter the day of the week. After staying up most of yesterday night composing the scrapbook and making it the best she could, and then spending a whole day in school stressed out of her mind for what she was planning on doing in the afternoon, though, her body really needed the extra sleep.
Next to her, Fatou seems to still be fast asleep and Kieu My takes a moment just to take her in, now that she can without fear of being caught out or coming on too strong. She lets her eye linger on her cute nose, and the wisps of curly hair that are too short to be contained by her bun, and her soft pink lips that she now knows taste just as sweet as she’d always imagined, just as sweet as Fatou herself is.
She doesn’t know if Fatou’s lips are just that special, or if it’s a side effect of being with someone she actually has strong feelings for, but kissing had never felt as good as it had last night.
God, she still can’t believe Fatou actually likes her. Not picture perfect Kieu My, not pretty Kieu My, not party Kieu My, but just Kieu My and all the sides of her she doesn’t usually show people. It’s such a surreal feeling that she can’t help but laugh at the absurd turn her life has taken. And all because of a physics assignment.
At that moment, Fatou shifts a bit beside her, and Kieu My stays very still hoping she didn’t wake her, but it’s too late. Fatou blinks awake like a kitten and her face breaks open into a smile the moment her eyes land on Kieu My, rays of light warming her up all over.
‘Hi’, she croaks with her small voice still full of sleep.
‘Hey’, Kieu My answers and then they just stare at each other in disbelief for a moment before breaking out in giggles.
Fatou shuffles a little bit closer to Kieu My on the bed, burrowing deeper into the blankets and taking her hand, lacing their fingers together before bringing them to her mouth to press a kiss against it. Kieu My doesn’t know how it’s possible for such a small gesture to have the power to make her feel so gutted. An image pops into her brain of a small rock triggering an avalanche. An ocean of feelings.
‘Have you been awake long?’
Kieu My glances at the clock again. ‘About twenty minutes maybe.’
‘And you’ve just been lying here? Why didn’t you wake me?’, Fatou asks with a small furrow between her eyebrows like it genuinely bothers her.
Kieu My shrugs. ‘It’s okay, you looked so cosy. I was thinking.’
Fatou looks a mix of bashful and amused at the answer. ‘Your enormous brain just never stops, does it?’
‘Careful or I’ll eat yours, Axolotl Girl.’
Fatou laughs when she kisses her. Kieu My distantly wonders whether it should feel gross when they’ve just woken up. It doesn’t. It’s just as sweet as yesterday.
When they seperate, Kieu My says: ‘I feel weird not wearing makeup.’
She’s not sure why she chose to say this when there’s so many other things she could’ve gone with, but it’s what she was feeling and she always finds herself being uncharacteristically honest around Fatou.
The girl in question doesn’t seem to think it’s a weird thing to say, just looks at her like she couldn’t think of anything better to do in the world than get to know Kieu My. She’s always looked at her like that, she realises, and it makes Kieu My feel like she can be brave. So, when she asks ‘why’, Kieu My answers:
‘I’m not used to letting anyone see me without. Makes me feel vulnerable. Like I have less control over the situation, I guess. I don’t know.’
Fatou humms, like she’s thinking it over. ‘I think you’re just as breathtaking with or without makeup. But I don’t really care what you look like. I mean -- I do care, because you’re beautiful, but it’s not important to me. I mean --’, and then she cuts off, bringing the hand not holding Kieu My’s up to her forehead to tap it in embarrassment. ‘Wait, let me try again.’
Maybe in a little bit of a mean move, Kieu My lets her flaunder through the explanation, when she thinks she probably knows what she’s trying to say, but she just looks so cute. And she can’t lie and pretend it doesn’t feel nice to have someone do their very best to reassure her of something she struggles with. She does smile, though, to let her know she’s not offended or anything else that’s not completely, overwhelmingly happy right now, because she’s not that mean.
‘I just mean I always think you’re beautiful, no matter what, but that’s only a very, very small part of why I like you. You’re so much more than that.’
Despite knowing what was coming, the words still make their way straight to Kieu My’s heart, and embarrassingly, she thinks that if she let herself linger on them, they’d find their way to her tear ducts, too. But not today.
‘Most of the boys I was with before only liked me because they thought I was hot, or because they’d never ‘made out with an Asian girl before’. Or they only liked me at first at parties and such, but then when it turned out I’m a real person with flaws and problems and emotions, they’d grow tired of me.’
She’s never talked about how much it hurt and how useless it made her feel, like some toy that’s only fun until you get used to its tricks and the excitement dies out. She’s never had to verbalise it to her friends because they were there for most of it, but somehow it feels necessary to talk about it with Fatou. She wants to share everything with her.
She turned her gaze to the ceiling when she started speaking, too aware of Fatou’s eyes on her, so she doesn’t know how she’s reacting until Fatou squeezes their interlaced fingers tightly, twice, and then once more, and it gives her the courage to go on.
‘That’s one of the reasons I freaked out on you, too. I’m not really used to people being interested in me for more than my looks, so when you said you wanted to meet Zombie Woman, but also made it clear you weren’t interested in the real life version of me... I panicked. It’s the complete opposite of what always happens to me, and I figured you’d be disappointed, or didn’t like me, after all, or… I don’t really know what I thought exactly, just that there was no way it would end well.’
Her voice is getting a bit wobbly near the end, so she stops talking, having said everything she needed to say. She resolutely keeps her gaze fixated on one point on the ceiling for fear of her eyes spilling over. She hadn’t cried yesterday, but lying here next to Fatou in her bed right now, and verbalising everything she’d been feeling when it all went wrong is a lot, the relief she’s suddenly feeling so fucking strong, and it’s more than she can reasonably handle with a straight face.
‘Hey’, Fatou says, then, reaching out to lay her free hand on Kieu My’s cheek in a gesture asking her to look at her, and while Kieu My’s resolve not to cry right now might be strong, the effect Fatou has on her is infinitely stronger, and she’s powerless in the face of her gentle encouragements. She turns her head, and the sight of Fatou’s kind face really is a much better one than the white ceiling had been. ‘It did end well. And I like all of you.’
The tears do spill over at that, just two or three, but they rush down her cheeks in a stream of relief and happiness and, she can’t say it out loud yet, but love. ‘I like all of you, too.’
Fatou turns her over so she can climb on top of her, and then she’s peppering Kieu My’s tear-stained face with kisses, and they’re both laughing, carefree and uninhibited.
Kieu My never knew it could be like this.
She feels so still inside.
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littlemessyjessi · 3 years
“A Deal With Cupid”: James Fleamont Potter: PS Reader: Chapter 11
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(A/N: Reader has a very cute/kawaii aesthetic to her and is all about the pampering.  I was originally gonna make her an oc but I know a lot of you have been missing reader content so I figured this would be a good compromise.  A reader insert with all that that entails but with a little bit of a theme, lol)
Also, big thank you to Delilah for comish-ing this chappie! I hope you enjoy it love! 
James was positively buzzing with excitement.
Y/N has finally overcome her sickness...and period...with the help of the four of them mother henning over her.
And, of course, with the help of Madame Pompfrey's potions.
And just some good old fashioned rest and relaxation.
James discovered something about himself during the whole process.
And that something was that when Y/N got sick... he turned into the biggest sap in the world.
He hated it that she was sick.
Absolutely hated it.
But also...he kind of loved how needy she was and how she wanted him to hold her constantly.
Which he was more than happy to do, honestly.
The only time it was particularly gut wrenching was when he had to leave for classes or quidditch.
And of course, the absolute misery that was when McGonagall came to investigate about the sick girl and found them curled up in his bed.
To say that James panicked would've been the understatement of the century.
But the professor simply gave him a stern look and reminded him of the rules that she was sure he'd no doubt break before telling him to inform her that she is to return to her dorm when she wakes up.
James had whined incessantly but relayed the information none the less.
He walked her as far as he could before she simply pecked his cheek and went to bed.
He didn't even see her for two days but it would seem that bit of of uninterrupted rest was exactly what she needed.
That morning, he was up with the first rays of sunshine and on the Quidditch pitch for practice.
They'd spent the early hours running drills and preparing to absolutely slaughter Ravenclaw next weekend.
So he fully intended on having a shower and collapsing in his bed for a quick nap before tracking down his girlfriend to check on her.
When low and behold, he opened his dorm room and the scent of orange and cream filled his senses.
Music was coming from the door to his lav and he could smell the familiar scent of that vanilla candle.
Y/N was here and taking her bubble bath it would seem.
"Love?" James called out to her gently, as not to startle her.
"In here, James!" she called back. "I'm in the tub!"
"Oh alright, love.  I'll be out here when you get out!" he called back.
He was fighting with himself because he missed her and wanted to snatch her into his arms but he also wanted to give her her space and be respectful.
"Ok, but I mean, you can come in her, babe.  It's fine.  I'm covered by the bubbles anyway." she said and James went rigid.
"Bubbles pop, love." he chuckled nervously.
"Not these." she giggled.  "They're my own invention.  I'm a frickin genius."
"And so modest." he teased poking his head in the door to see her sitting there in a tub almost overflowing with bubbles.
She shrugged and grinned mischeviously, "Even if they do pop I think we're past that stage.  You held my hair while I puked for the past week and literally cleaned snot out of my nose."
"Yeah, that was gross." he said finally stepping into the lav and taking a seat on the edge of the tub.
Her head was wrapped up in a pink scarf, protection her hair from getting wet and there was a purple face mask covering her skin.
James couldn't help it as a soft smile crawled onto his face.
"What?" she asked furrowing her brows at him, making the mask crack a bit in places.
"Nothing." he said with a chuckle.
She splashed some water at him, "Tell me."
"Nothing." he said reaching in and splashing him back.  "It's just, I love how comfortable we are with each other.   We haven't even had our first kiss yet and here we are.  I'm covered in mud and I stink from Quidditch and you're literally sitting in a bubble bath.  You don't seem concerned with that at all."
She shrugged, "It's cause I know you won't hurt me and I know I can be myself with you."
"Me too." he smiled. "Mud and all."
"Eh." she shrugged again and pointed at her face.  "You have your mud and I have mine."
"I guess that's true." he said.
"Do you want to get in?" she asked and James nearly fell in the floor.
She giggled wildly, "I just meant because you need a bath, James.  You've been to practice.  It doesn't have to be weird if we don't make it weird. It's just a bath."
"Yeah, but we'll be.."
"Naked.  Yes." she said.  "But again, it's a bath.  If you're not comfortable that's ok.  It was just an offer anyway."
"No, no, I'm ok with that.  I just don't wanna- what I mean is- I don't want to ever make you feel like- ugh, fuck- I can't - I just don't want to-" he stammered.
"James, I'm the one that brought it up." she said pointedly.  "If I had a problem with it, then I wouldn't have said anything."
He nodded with a gulp.
"Er, uh, ok?" he said.
She tilted her head, "James, if you're not comfortable it's ok.  There's not pressure. I'm cool either way."
"No, no." he said. "I'll have a bath with you.  I just have to."
"Oh right." she said closing her eyes and creating a shield with her hands.  "Ok, go ahead.  I can't see anything."
James chuckled as he undressed, "I wasn't really worried about that but thanks for the thought."
"What do you take me for?" she teased.  "Someone who would take advantage of you in your vulnerable state?"
"And what state is that?" he asked dipping into the hot water of the tub opposite of her.
"Exhausted from Quidditch, of course." she giggled.
James snorted as he moved some of the bubbles around to cover him.
"Alright, I'm covered." he said and she moved her hands to reveal her grin.
"Helloooo." she said impishly.
"Hello." he said.
"Want some face mask?" she asked holding out the purple tube to him.
"Maybe later." he said leaning his head back on the edge of the tub.  "You know, I'd planned on a shower but I think this is much better."
"Well a soak is usually great for aching muscles.   A massage is too.  Come here and I'll rub your shoulders." she said.
James' eyes snapped open and he went rigid again.
"Uh, what?" he squeaked.
"Oh, James relax." she laughed.  "I was just gonna rub your shoulders. I know you hold a lot of tension there."
"Are you sure?" he asked, searching her eyes for any speck of hesitation.
"I won't bite." she grinned. "Unless you ask me too that is."
James narrowed his eyes at her.
"Don't you start." he said before slowly making his way over to her.
He checked her face once more for any sign of discomfort but she only smiled at him.
He turned around and she slowly pulled him back into her.
He had to work to ignore the way his skin felt against hers.
"See there." she said, placing a kiss to his jawline. "And you were scared for nothing."
"I wasn't scared, love." he admitted, relaxing as he felt her fingers gently massage his shoulders.  "I just don't want to ever do anything that hurts you or makes you uncomfortable.  You mean way too much to me.  I'd never do anything to-"
"I know, James." she said, kissing his cheek and running her fingers through his hair.
He sighed and continued to relax until he was leaning against her heavily.
She soaped up the wash rag and gently washed his chest, letting the bits of dirt slide down into the bubbles concealing them.
James continued to let her wash his hair and rub his shoulders for a bit before he leaned back to look at her.
"Thanks, babygirl." he said. "I didn't realize I needed that but I did."
"I got you." she said.  "Just like you've always got me."
He nodded, "Couldn't get rid of me if you tried."
"A week ago I might not have believed you if you said that to me but you did put up with me while I was sick AND on my period. I'm a terror when I'm like that." she admitted, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and placing her cheek into his wet hair.
"You just felt bad, love." he said, kissing the back of her hand.  "You couldn't help it."
"Still." she shrugged.
"You weren't that bad, honestly." he said. "You just wanted a lot of cuddles. But I'm always more than happy to provide that service."
She giggled behind him and he couldn't help but grin softly.
"Hey James?" she said and he leaned his head back to look at her again.
She was looking at him differently and he was mesmerized by the twinkle in her eyes.
"Yeah, love?" he asked.
She didn't say anything as she leaned in to connect their lips.
James' stomach turned and flipped as they melded together.
He never would've imagined it to happen this way but it couldn't have been more perfect.
They finally seperated and James opened his eyes to see her looking at him oddly.
It was only when she started giggling when he noticed the mask on her face was smeared everywhere.
"There's purple all over my mouth isn't there?" he asked but her giggle told him everything he needed to know.
He splashed his own face with water to wash it off before a mischevious glint took over his features.
"James Fleamont Potter, don't you dare!"
"Too late." he said and send a tidal wave of water crashing into her.
The purple mask leaked off her face and her hair wrap was soaked to her head ... but she was smiling.
She pounced on him, trying to drown him in the bath water.
It was in that moment, when she was laughing wildly and simulataneously trying to murder him that James wondered how he'd ever gotten by so long without her.
She was the love of his life and he never wanted to spend another moment without her.
------- Chapter 10 Chapter 12 coming soon ---------
Hey loves! Thanks for stopping by to read!  I hope you enjoyed this and I would love to know your thoughts! Thank you again to the lovely lass who commish this chapter! If you’d like to commission a story or future chapter of stories, please reach out and I would be happy to answer any questions you have!   Love, Kenny
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People Pleaser (sub!spencer)
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CW: penetrative sex, face-sitting (kind of), oral sex (female recieving), choking k!nk, hate-fuck, semi-public sex, degredation, heavy petting, teasing, begging, dub-con
AN: hey guys! I hope you enjoy this one shot! I MAY post pt two to drunk words are sober thoughts, but I honestly am not sure.. Anyway, I imagined seasons 1-4 reid for this one shot. I imagined the reader to be around 24 and spencer to be 24 as well so I know that technically y/n couldn't have taken over Hotch's spot, but for the sake of this story, she did lol. enjoy <3
(season 4 cast, but hotch is out of the bau)
Reader's POV:
Working as the head unit chief of the BAU was a dream.
I mean, I loved the work, although upsetting because of the cases, I was passionate about it.
I loved solving the cases and helping people.
And I loved-no, I adored the team.
Well, most of the team.
Doctor Spencer Reid had had a problem with me since day one.
He was... difficult to work with.
I was told that he was bitter towards me because I took the position of Agent Aaron Hotchner, however, that still didn't excuse the cold shoulder he'd give me each day. It wasn't my fault Agent Hotchner had left, but it was probably easier for Spencer to blame his absence on me.
Also, it's not like I hated him, because truthfully, I took a great liking to the young doctor. However, when he would roll his eyes at me whenever I spoke, a great ball of rage would burn in the depths of my stomach. I hated that he was disrespectful to me. I hated that he hated me. And most importantly, I hated that I didn't stand up for myself.
I guess you could say I was a people pleaser, as I tried every way I could to get him to like me, however, nothing seemed to work. I mean, I tried sparking up a conversation about things he was interested in, showing him that he and I had common interests, but instead, he would give me a slight condescending look. And if I thought his subtle disdain he had for me was enough to pissed me off, his look of being better than me made my fists ball and my jaw clench.
He was cocky.
Too cocky.
And he needed to be put in his place.
So one late night at the BAU, when everyone in the building had left, I was still working hard on the excessive amounts of paperwork that piled up on my desk. However, around midnight I started to become drowsy, my eyelids feeling as though they were weighted. Yawning, I stood up from my desk, heading out to the bullpen to snag another cup of coffee. Upon opening my office door, I saw Spencer, hunched over his desk, his nose buried in a book as his fingers traced down the column of the page he was reading, his eyes flicking from line to line as he flipped through each page.
I found the doctor to be a very interesting person in all honesty. I mean, his IQ was through the roof, he could read extremely fast and still had the ability of processing the information that was given to him, and he held a record amount of BA's and PhD's. I had never met anyone like him.
"Hey, Reid," I greeted, slightly surprised by how late he decided to stay here. Grabbing a mug from the cabinet above the coffee machine, I turned my head to look at him. "What are you doing here so late?"
Spencer glanced up from his book, looking at me, before pushing his glasses farther up the bridge of his nose. "I was just doing paperwork. However, I decided to take a quick break," he responded, looking back down at his book with pure boredom. After flipping through three pages that took him about 2 seconds to read, he sat his book down, swiveling his chair back around to face his desk.
"Don't worry, I'm starting on it now." he grumbled, picking his pen up and beginning to scratch down information on the excessive amounts of papers that lie in a pile in front of him.
By now, I had finished making my coffee, so I made my way over to him, sitting on the corner of his desk, crossing my legs.
I would like to think I was trying to get on his good side, I mean, I had this weird obsession with trying to get him to take a liking to me, however I believe that I was doing one of the main things I did best besides my job: procrastinating.
Spencer looked up at me, his eyebrows raised in slight confusion.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"Taking my own personal break from my paperwork." I answered, shrugging nonchalantly.
"Well can you do it somewhere else? I'm trying to work."
I rolled my eyes, placing my mug down on the edge of his desk.
It was quiet between us.
Still, I sat on the edge of his desk, my legs crossed over one another as I leaned back on my hands that were placed behind me.
Sighing in a very dramatic way, Spencer looked up at me; obviously piqued by my presence. His face remained relatively stoic, however, his cheeks were kissed with a slight blush as I leaned my body forward to take a better look at him.
"You know, I think you should get an office." I remarked, taking a sip of my coffee. I felt his eyes on me as I swallowed the warm liquid.
"I don't mind working in the bullpen. An office creates opportunities for secrecy."
I raised my eyebrows, laughing softly. "What, do you think I keep secrets from you and the rest of the team?"
"It's a natural default to having a seperate room from the rest of us. You know what goes on with us when we're here, but we have no clue what goes on with you when you're here behind your office doors." he shrugged, adjusting his frames that sat so perfectly on his nose.
"Well I can assure you, Doctor Reid, I am not an advocate for secrets. Sure, I think some things are healthy to keep to yourself, but hiding things from others that could ultimately lead to negative consequences? Definitely not healthy." I hoped to match his elusive energy. I wanted to beat him at something other than the hierarchy of this job position.
Spencer turned to look at me, scooting his chair in front of my body.
"Everybody has secrets."
Surprisingly, his eyes stayed locked with mine, as though he were searching for something inside of them. His aloofness slightly melted as though it were a facade he'd created, and I was finally able to look at him with a new point of view.
Spencer was taciturn when it came to his personal life. There were many things I didn't know about him, and many things he didn't know about me. This realization made me yearn to learn more about him.
However, I stuck with our previous conversation about him getting his own space.
"I still think you should get your own office," I began, but Spencer gave me an accusing look. I sighed. "However, judging by your expression you probably think I'm only offering you your own space as a means to finally make you stop hating me."
"I hope not," Spencer droned back, seemingly bored and slightly bitter. "My loyalty cannot be bought."
Ha, doubtful.
"It's not about the money, Spencer," I purred, pulling his red, silk tie to me as I tangled it between my fingers, Spencer clearing his throat nervously as he watched me intently. Regardless of how much I breached his personal space, he remained relatively calm; only getting a little slightly pink in the face, his knee bouncing up and down. I continued, "It's about security. Comfortability. Authority."
Spencer's apathetic demeanor was shattered by a low laugh. "Authority?" he asked sarcastically, "You think you possess authority?"
"I do." I stated simply, Spencer still laughing at the idea of me being in charge of something.
I didn't see what was so funny.
None of this was even the slightest bit humorous to me.
I was the one who kept the BAU afloat when it came to managing the team.
Anger bubbled in my gut.
His tie was still tangled between my fingers as I ran my fingers up the silk, tugging on it harshly, eliciting a slight choking sound from Spencer. I pulled him close to my face with his tie, his wry laughs stopping immediately as we were inches apart.
"I hold more authority than you do, Doctor Reid. I may be different from your 'daddy', Aaron Hotchner, but I still demand respect. So you give it to me, or you get out.. Understand?" Spencer gulped, nodding fervently, his pupils dilating as I flashed him a sweet smile. "Good boy. Now, finish your paperwork and come get me when you're done." I see his face get red, his eyes glancing down at my lips then back up to my eyes.
I let go of his tie, standing up and beginning to walk away before Spencer made another comment.
Y-you know, it'd be nice to get some respect from you."
I laughed sardonically, turning back around to face him.
"Oh, you want my respect now? Respect is something that needs to be reciprocated and as far as I can tell, I've tried my best to respect you. I just won't be nice to someone who isn't nice to me no matter the circumstance." Crossing my arms in front of my chest defensively, I stalk over to Spencer, who is now redder than a tomato.
"I-I'm just saying that you were the one who--who started all of this. This quarrel between you and me."
Is he fucking kidding me right now?
"I'm the one who started this? Spencer, I'm the one who walked in here with a positive attitude, excited to meet you all.. You're the one who was- and still is- upset that Hotch left. I'm just an easy blame for your daddy issues." I huff, feeling my blood boil in my body.
How dare he blame me for all of this?
He was quiet for a moment, his hand gripping his pen tightly.
Once again, as I was completely sick of this bullshit (and had lost my remaining patience), Spencer said one more thing that really got on my nerves.
"I think that it would be best if we both apologized to one another."
Did I hear him correctly?
He wants me to apologize to him?
What the fuck did I even do?
The answer: nothing.
I tried my best to be nice to him.
And he ruined it in the end.
These thoughts swarmed my mind like hornets flying around one another when someone sprays their nest with chemicals.
I walked over to him, bending down to look at him as Spencer tried his best to keep his eyes on me and not.. Wander off.
"You want me to apologize to you?"
Spencer nodded slowly, his golden irises flashing with a certain look I couldn't quite decipher.
I looked at him a little bit longer, realizing that he was completely serious about this.
He wanted an apology? An apology he'll get.
Slowly, I dropped down to my knees, my gaze still fixed on his face; Spencer's eyes growing wide.
"Oh, Doctor Reid. Please forgive me!" I begged dramatically, clasping my hands together in front of my chest. "You are so correct, even though you view me as an abhorrent being, I give you all of my respect and apologizes."
"Y-Y/n, I-I didn't mean it like that." he said flusteredly, his hands balled into fists that sat on his thighs, grasping the fabric of his slacks tightly.
"Oh, but didn't you? Don't you want someone to get on their knees in front of you and beg for your forgiveness? Don't you crave that kind of power? You know, the kind of power you don't get on a normal basis?" I asked, dragging a hand softly up the back of his calf, Spencer's hand immediately shooting to cover his crotch.
"N-no, I-I just-"
"What, Doctor Reid? You just, what?" I interrupted, a mocking pout crawling over my lips.
The sexual tension in the room was palpable. I could practically feel the hateful lust that was omitted from our bodies.
Now, dragging my hand up his thigh, Spencer's eyes watched my hand attentively, his breathing getting shaky.
"I-I just, you know- want someone to- well I-I'm not sure." he stuttered nervously, whimpering softly as I uncovered his hands from his evidently large bulge that tented in his tan slacks.
I dragged my other hand softly up his thigh, all the way to his crotch as he gripped the arm rests of the seat, his knuckles turning white as I slowly dragged my hand across his clothed dick.
I felt like a girl possessed, my mind no longer held the ability to control my body.
"You know what I think, Spencer? I think that you're the one that wants to get on their knees in front of someone. I think you would like it, wouldn't you?" I asked, beginning to massage him through his pants.
Spencer was quiet, his breath hitching in his throat as he tilted his head back; his mouth agape as I began rubbing my hand harder against him. He bucked his hips lightly as I continued to massage him through his slacks.
I began to grow impatient, wanting an answer from him right away. Although I knew what the answer would be, I loved watching how beautiful he looked when he became enraptured by my touch.
I let go of his crotch, tugging his tie down so he looked at me fully. He whimpered softly, Spencer's glasses drooping slightly on his nose.
"When I speak to you, you answer me." I snapped, wrapping his tie around my fingers as I did earlier.
"I-I'm sorry miss. T-to answer your question: Yes. You-you're right." his voice came out an octave higher than normal, which made my stomach flutter.
Our lips were centimeters apart from one another as Spencer leaned in, trying his best to initiate the kiss before I took charge. In an instant, I tugged him closer to me, eliciting a small whine to slip past his lips as we kissed one another with so much passion. Anger that had been rising between us fueld this kiss, our lips meeting together feverishly, our tongues beginning to massage against each other as I mindlessly stood up from my kneeling position, climbing onto Spencer's lap and straddling him as he groaned lightly into my mouth. I tugged on the hair from the back of his head, Spencer whimpering in response as he pushed my ass farther down on his lap, his hand gripping my thigh, his other hand wrapped around my body to hold my waist tightly.
I began to rock against him, my clit throbbing for attention as small mewls escaped my throat and passed into his mouth, Spencer's small whines and whimpers vibrating against my lips.
As I rocked faster on him, my lips still smashed against his in a fervent manner, he reluctantly pulled away, grunting.
"S-stop doing that," he groaned, my clothed core rubbing against his tented slacks.
"Stop doing what, Doctor Reid?" I asked, kissing his neck, sucking on his skin lightly; sure to leave marks.
"S-stop rubbing y-yourself against me or else I-I'm gonna- or else I'm gonna cum." he whimpered, digging his fingers harshly into my thigh.
"You're right.. I don't want to make you cum until you make me finish first." I said, kissing his lips softly.
I pulled away, glancing down at his lips which were now red and swollen.
God, he was so cute.
"B-but what about the security cameras?" he asked.
I pondered his question before getting up from his lap with shaky legs, grabbing his tie and yanking him behind me as though he were a dog on a leash. "Follow me."
We walked quickly into my office, and I shut the office door with my foot, my lips instantly finding their way back to his.
He bumped into my desk as we kissed, his lips chasing mine as I whirled him around, sitting myself on the top of my desk as I pulled him close to me again.
Reid quickly unbuttoned part of my shirt, sucking on the tops of my breasts as I threw my head back.
"Spencer," I said breathlessly, combing my fingers through his hair. "Get on your knees."
Spencer scrambled down to get on his knees in front of me, his hair unkempt as I combed my fingers through it. I brought his hands up to the hem line of my skirt, allowing him to hike the material up my hips. He eagerly brought a hand to my clothed pussy, his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth as he drew lazy circles on my clit as my hips rocked against his hand.
He surprised me by slowly pulling my panties down to my ankles, my black heels stopping them from falling to the floor. Sucking up my thigh, he bit the soft skin as I tugged on his hair.
Spencer licked his swollen lips as he looked at my arousal, his eyes wide and greedy.
"Go ahead, Doctor Reid," I prompted him to dip his head under the remaining portion of my skirt, his tongue licking a flat strip up my core as I cried out, my fingers still intertwined in his hair. He began grasping onto my thighs, shifting closer to me as he still stayed on his knees, humming against my cunt. "Sometimes you just need to- ah!- Sometimes you just need to shut the fuck up." I growled, my chest heaving as Spencer's tongue circled around my clit, then thrusted in and out of me as obscenities flew from my mouth.
I felt my orgasm already building in the bottom of my belly as I grasped onto Spencer's hair harder, making him grunt against me which made me begin to teeter off of the edge of release. I could feel the cold lenses of his glasses pressed against my warm thigh as he ate me out, my moans echoing throughout my office.
"Good boy, keep going." I moaned, my mouth opened slightly as I began to grind my hips on his mouth. Spencer spread my legs open wider, his hand crawling up the top of my thigh to my breast as he squeezed it, his hand flexing, causing the veins to become more prominent.
In a matter of seconds, I fell into a sea of euphoria as I came on Spencer's face. He used his tongue to lap up the excess arousal, his mouth still sucking on me even after I had ridden my high out. I pulled him up by his hair, the sight in front of me enough to make me cum again.
There the young doctor stood, his eyes looking into mine for approval. My arousal, which had been mixed with his spit, dripped down his red, swollen lips, dribbling to his chin as he breathed heavily. I crashed my lips with his as I pushed him onto the chair in front of my desk, straddling his thighs.
Quickly, he reached between us and undid his belt, then his pants as I pushed his boxers down to relieve his length which lightly tapped his lower belly. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of it as I swiped my thumb over the tip, his dick leaking with precum.
I began to massage him, biting my lip softly as I gauged his reactions.
"P-please, Y/n," he begged, small groans falling past his lips. "P-please, fuck me."
"I don't know, I don't think you want it that badly quite yet." I said, grinding my hips on his thigh, the friction causing my pussy to clench around nothing.
He whimpered, gripping onto my waist firmly. "Please, I-I want it so bad. I n-need it."
I raised my eyebrows, grinding my hips faster on him as my core throbbed. "You need it?"
Spencer looked at me through a half-lidded gaze, nodding his head feverishly as I stroked him faster. "Y-yes, please! I need it so bad."
I would've dragged it out to be an even longer, torturous process, but the truth was that I was getting needy too.
So, I lifted my hips up, rubbing his tip against my core before sinking down on him.
Moans slipped past Spencer's lips as I began to bounce on him, my own sounds escaping my throat.
"Fuck," I whined, secretly thanking myself for wearing a skirt today. "I knew you'd like this, I knew you'd like begging for me.. Did you like it, Doctor Reid?" I asked, slamming myself back down on his cock.
"Y-Yes, ma'am," he gasped, leaning his forehead on my shoulder as he watched himself go in and out of me. "I-I loved it so much."
A small smile crossed my face as I pulled his head back, wrapping my hands around his throat as he choked lightly.
"Ugh!" I groaned, squeezing the sides of his throat gently as he bucked his hips upwards inside of me, hitting my sweet spot repeatedly. "You're such a little bitch, you know that?" I asked, laughing softly as my eyebrows drew together in pleasure.
Spencer looked at me through his slightly closed eyes, his mouth agape as I leaned forward, his hips thrusting more rapidly into mine as he hit every perfect spot inside of me, my orgasm building in my lower belly once more.
"Answer me." demanded, Spencer sucking his bottom lip momentarily before answering.
"Y-yes, miss. I-I'm a bitch." he gasped, his dick twitching inside of me.
My thighs began to burn as my bouncing became rapid, more uncontrollable moans seeping past my lips, Spencer whimpering and crying out every so often.
"Fuck, miss.. I'm gonna cum." Spencer sobbed, crying out more when I pressed my front against his, tugging his hair back.
"Hold on, I'm almost there." I breathed, feeling my orgasm overflow in my belly like a rain barrel. The euphoria I felt wracked through my belly as my cunt continuously clenched around Spencer's cock, him immediately cumming right after me.
Our bodies trembled and shook as I slowed my bouncing down on him, his hips thrashing upwards every once in a while that completely milked my orgasm to last longer.
"Fuck." he grunted, still gripping my hips with his hands as he held me down, emptying the rest of himself inside of me.
As we both came down from our highs, Spencer kissed my shoulder, biting on it gently which made me squeal.
It was quiet for a moment--not awkward, not tense, just quiet and.. Calm.
Finally we each caugh our breaths, my hand still woven between his now extremely messy (but extremely charming) hair.
"So my own space in the office, huh?" he asked as I began to redress, Spencer following along with me.
A small laugh broke from my throat as I stated sarcastically, "What convinced you?"
AN: hey guys!
lowkey hate this but tell me if you guys liked it!!
i hoped you all enjoyed and more stuff to come soon!!
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forthehpfanboys · 4 years
Weasley’s Wild Ways
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Pair: George Weasley x Reader x Fred Weasley; he/him.
Summary: You, a head strong Hufflepuff, stands up against Umbridge once and catches the twins attention, which most would say was a bad thing. What happens when they swap from sweet to sour and back again?
Warnings: Manipulation, abuse, swearing, probably more, god I’m bad at this.
Notes: Requested and I’m so sorry this took so long and it’s low-key cringy! And it’s super long, to be honest. I’ll edit it tomorrow? I’ve been having a lot of computer problems and second guessing myself on stories. I’ve been rewriting them at least once lately. 
You really should’ve noticed when they noticed you.
It wasn’t a coincidence that Umbridge’s classroom all but melted into ashes and smoke the day after you stood up against her and her squabbling little butler and got detention. It should’ve been clear when Draco and his gang apologized not even an hour after teasing you about your family, their faces covered in bruises and small cuts. 
You probably should’ve noticed how your friends held their tongues around you, how teachers avoided you and how two shadows seemed to follow you between classes, how your usual bullies left you alone and so much more. There was a lot you should’ve noticed, but with the pink toad and her helper turning Hogwarts into actual hell, you were far too stressed to focus on others. Stress on uniforms being perfect, staying 8 inches from the opposite sex, doing hypothetical school work instead of actual spells. 
While there was a bucket load of stuff you didn’t notice, there were a few things you did notice, like how the Weasley twins paid attention to you during your shared classes. Like the time you got called on by Snape for a potion ingredient and one of the brothers, you assumed it was George, but you didn’t like assuming, slid you a ripped piece of parchment stating the one you forgot, just about saving you from losing house points.
How you caught their attention, you weren’t even sure. You were a Hufflepuff, they were gryffindors, but everyone knew they should’ve been put in Slytherin, judging from the reputation they held up. In the end, it made sense, they were quite brave, especially since they could look Umbrigde in the eyes and cuss her out if she was doing something they weren’t fond of to friends or family. However, they did become fond of you.
They used to see you as a small, stereotypical, soft Hufflepuff but that changed when you stood up against the pink disaster. You caught their eye, you intrigued them and that was a feat in itself. Everyone, except you apparently, could tell the red-headed twins wanted you and no one exactly stopped them from getting what they wanted, which led to their next move.
You just entered the dining hall, text books in arms, and moving across to your yellow themed table to join your friends. You sat in the usual spot, and greeted them with the usual cheery hi and a bright smile. Your group nodded at you, casting a nervous smile and quick hello your way.
You watched the faces of your friends turn pale when the room grew ever so darker and they fled like cockroaches exposed to a light. You looked around at the now empty benches before turning around to check out what the big fuss was. What you say made your own reflection turn pale. Your eyes met red and gold robes before glancing up at two identical, freckled faces.
“H-Hi?” You stammered out, your voice shaky as you fiddled with your own robes. “Um- Can I um- help you?” Your brain was wracking over what you might’ve said to gain the attention of the Weasleys. Oh fuck, was it over what you said to Jordan Lee yesterday? “I-if this is about Lee? Because I was just joking!” 
The twins let out a chuckle at your panic before sitting, one on either side of you. 
“No, no, this isn’t about that. Lee can take a joke.” The one to your left spoke up. Your eyes frantically bounced between the two red-heads and it dawned on you that you couldn’t tell them apart if your life depended on it. 
“Besides, we’d never target you. You’re perfect. We’re just here to see you, dove.” Leftie spoke up, chuckling as he rested his chin on his palm. His blue eyes looked you up and down before glancing at his doppelganger.
“Oh thank Merlin!” You sighed out, your shoulders relaxing slightly. You couldn’t help but think their chuckles were actually quite charming. “T.. Wait, see me?” You could feel your body heating up. 
“Godric, I knew we picked a good one.” Leftie spoke up again as Rightie scooted closer to you.
“Hush, mate, don’t give us away that easily.” Rightie was chuckling close to your ear as he wrapped an arm around your waist, scooting you closer.
“Oh, come on, Georgie.” Leftie Fred stated as he also advanced into your personal bubble. “Have a little fun.”
“Just don’t wanna scare him, is all.” George shot you an easy smile. The room was starting to feel like an active volcano to you.
“Right, right, Hufflepuffs scare easily-” Fred’s voice was filled with sass. 
“We do not! Don’t you dare fall into that trap!” You pressed a finger into his chest, your face pulled into a sneer. “Hufflepuffs can be just as brave as Gryffindors. I’m sure Cedric and one Dora Tonks proved that very well, wouldn’t you say?”
“Ohhoo, feisty! I hit a nerve.” Fred was smirking now. You should’ve known he would’ve wanted a reaction out of you. Fred was like that; always pushing buttons, trying to piss people off and see the reaction. One could say it was his favorite thing above quidditch, but that might be a stretch.
“Fred, apologize. We’re not here to patronize him, remember?” George smiled, gently patting your head to try to get you to calm you down. 
“Alright, alright. Love, I’m sorry. Now between you and me, I don’t really believe someone’s house defines them.” The tall red-head leaned in close to you. Probably too close, but you could see the flicks of green in his eyes. You knew your face was turning bright red. 
“Fine. Whatever.” You grumbled out, pushing him back. You turned away, only now remembering the hand around your waist. “Oi, let go.” You gently bapped at his hand away. “And what exactly did you mean by ‘picked the right one’?” You shot Fred a glare.
“Don’t worry about it, muffin.” George grabbed your chin and made you look back at him. “You’ll find out soon enough.” With that, both the twins just.. Left.
They got up and left like they didn’t call you three couple-esc nicknames and fluster the shit out of you. You spent the rest of your lunch mulling over what just happened and barely eating. You were anxious for Potions class to happen.
You had every right to be anxious. Snape had changed everyones seats, mixing up the houses against his better judgement just to separate the two Weasleys. He was convinced that the two trouble makers managed to cheat, even with the none cheating quills and seperate seats during the test. 
Anyway, the dark glares the Weasley’s kept shooting toward Snape were terrifying to say the least. Snape had unknowingly moved them away from their price and away from each other. Fred was sat next to some sour Ravenclaw who was forced away from her friend while George was sat next to one of your Hufflepuff friends, who was literally sweating bullets.
You didn’t know the two were fuming with jealousy or feel them glance your way every now and then to make sure the Slytherin sitting next to you didn’t cause you problems or touch you the wrong way. Luckily, you managed to recreate the potion skillfully, even helping the Slytherin every once in a while. 
When class finally dismissed after what felt like forever, you gathered your books into arms and began to follow the crowd of students. You could barely get out the door, however. A hand grabbed your arm and pulled you from the crowd. You looked up to see one of the twins grabbing your arm while the other walked behind you. They couldn’t stand seeing you next to that green branded snake anymore.
“Guys?” You looked between them, once again losing track of who was who. When you didn’t get an answer, you spoke up again. “What’s going on?”
“We did mention how we picked you, right?” The one behind you spoke up while the other tightened his grip on your wrist. You nodded your head as the twin in front of you stopped walking. He observed the hall before opening a hidden passageway and dragging you in. “Now that we have privacy we can explain.” 
The passageway was dark, except for the few torches that lined the watts. The shadows of the twins loomed over the pale yellow walls, making you feel so, so small. You looked along the arched pathway, an audible gulp heard in the near silence. You jumped back a bit when they took a testing step toward you.
“But what about our other classes?” You stammered out, biting your lip as they took steps toward you. You took one step back for every one they advantage toward you until your back bumped against the wall. “We shouldn’t be late.” You looked back at the bricks your back bumped against, patting it with your palm to make sure you were, in fact, against a wall.
“We can just make up the classes, doll, relax.” One put a hand against the wall by your head, leaning over. “Just listen to us, will ya?” 
“Freddie and I have been watching you for a while now.” George spoke up as he leaned in a little himself. Ok, that isn’t creepy at all. “And we’ve decided, well, your ours.”
“..What?” You stared at them before shoving yourself between them and walking down the hallway a little bit. “Excuse me? I’m sorry- I’m yours now?” You put a hand over your chest as the red-heads glanced between each other. “Hold on, let me get this straight.” You clapped your hands together before continuing. “You have been watching me for the past couple of- well, who knows how long and have just decided, out of blue AND without asking me, that I’m just yours?!”
The twins glanced between each other for a second time, before nodding at each other, turning to you and nodding again.
“Yeah, Pretty much.” They spoke in unison, moving their hands in a so-so manner. A wicked grin appeared on both boys, causing you to feel uneasy.
“Hit the nail on the head.” Fred spoke up, turning to his brother.
“Should’ve been a Ravenclaw.” George crossed his arms over his chest. 
“Still, pretty sma-”
“You have no right to decide that!” You shouted, hands balled into fists at your side. Both twins snapped their heads to you, their faces barely lit under the light provided by the torches.  “I’m a person, ya know, with feelings and opinions and right now, I’m starting to think I don’t you should go fu-” You were cut off by Fred grabbing your neck and pushing you into another wall. You grabbed his wrists, groaning when your head snapped against the brick. He wasn’t squeezing your neck hard enough to choke you, but just to hold her still.
“Finish that sentence, dolly, and you may end up on our hit list.” Fred’s voice was deeper than you’d ever heard before and it was causing panic to flood inside your veins. 
“See, (Y/n). When we want something, we get it.” George spoke up, his head popping up over Fred’s shoulder. “And what we want is you.”
“Whether you come with us, be ours and do what we say is up to you.” The man holding you still let out a deep laugh. “And if we can’t persuade you with our.. Reputation, I recommend you just remember one thing,” Fred paused and leaned into your ear, “We can do a lot more damage than that pink toad can.” He gave your neck a squeeze while he spoke, causing your squeak to echo in the empty hall.
“So what do you say, love?” A sinister smirk was across George’s lips. Fred’s grip eased up, allowing you to take in a big breath. You wanted the thumping of your heart to not be in your ears.  
“W-Well- I- Uh-” You stammered out. Your brain was trying to figure out the correct response to ‘Hi, we own you now and if you fight back, say goodbye to your future-’. “I-I-I think, um-” Suddenly the hand around your neck was leaving and instead straightening out your uniform. 
“Where did our manners go, Georgie?”
“Your right. Mum would kill us for disrespecting someone so soft.”
How do they act like they aren’t threatening you all? How are they acting so calm when Fred’s hand print was surely on your neck?
“Reckon we should give him some time to figure out what side he’s on?” Fred finished fixing your uniform for you and backed up, putting his hands in his pocket.
How were they smiling like they didn’t hurt you?
“Sounds like a splendid idea!” With George ending the conversation, they both left the way they came, leaving you on the cusp of freaking out as they strolled to their next class. 
You slid down the wall, a shaky hand going to your neck to feel any kind of damage. You stared blankly at the wall. You mulled over words, sentences, expressions- everything. In the end you had several questions, just like earlier, but one stuck out the most.
Why you?
You weren’t sure what time it was when you left the hidden passageway and, frankly, you didn’t care. You strolled down the hallway, hand rubbing your sore neck as you walked to the Hufflepuff common room. You tapped the barrels the same way you had for the past 7 years and slipped inside. You immediately went up the winding staircase, to your dorm and plopped yourself down on the bed.
You didn’t get a lot of sleep that night. You mostly stared at the ceiling thinking over your options. It felt like you only had two. A; be their whatever and stay with them until they get bored and live in hell or B; say no and live in hell.
Either way, hell was coming for you. 
You stared out the window, watching the sun come up. You didn’t want to go to breakfast but you haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday and your stomach was deciding to go to war with your tired brain.
You dragged your body out of bed, heading to the bathroom to do bathroom things and got dressed.. Kinda. You ended up buttoning your shirt wrong and not even bothering with your tie, letting it just dangle awkwardly as you walked to the dinning hall. You were faarr too tired for this shit and it wasn’t even noon yet.
Your tired legs led you to the nearest empty seat at the Hufflepuff table. You shoved the plate away and opted for letting your skull thump against the table. You didn’t bother looking up when you heard a familiar chuckle, instead you just closed your eyes, ignoring the two warm bodies pressing into your sides.
“Aw, come on now, dove. You gotta eat.” A sickeningly sweet tone that you recognized as George’s voice whispered to you.
“I’d rather sleep, thank you.” You spat out, your lips pulled into a grimace.
“Wait, you didn’t sleep?” Fred spoke up, his mouth full, you could tell. “Why didn’t you sleep?”
“Fred, relax. I’m sure he has his reasons.”
“Just stress, guys. Please give me space.” You grumbled out. How the hell do they expect you to sleep with what happened yesterday? The hand print on your neck had faded, thank god, but still. You were surprised when they scooted away from you a smidgen. You should’ve noticed them sitting beside you. Of course they saved you a seat- or did they? Who cares. 
“Was it over our offer?”
“Offer? Was it really an offer? How the hell could you consider that an offer?” You lifted your head, shooting one of them a glare before sliding the plate back in front of you and biting into a slice of toast. 
“Still so feisty, especially for someone half asleep. Ow!” Fred rubbed his arm after George hit him. “Ok, ok.” Fred fiddled with his fingers before reaching out to gently caress your neck, causing you to flinch away every so slightly. “I’m glad it healed up some. I’m sorry I lost my temper yesterday. I didn’t mean to hurt my little dove.” 
“It’s, um.. It’s ok?” Of course your statement was more of a question. It wasn’t ok that he nearly choked you out against the wall, but at least he apologized. You couldn’t help but smile a little when he smiled brightly at you. You didn’t want to admit his smile was cute.
“So did you decide?” George spoke up, his head tilted when you turned to look at him. 
“No.. I.. I need more time.” You turned back to your plate, gulping quietly. You went back to eating, trying to get rid of the small bubbles of anxiety in your tummy. The flip flopping of the twins personalities had your head spinning. Maybe they were only being nice for appearances and would beat the shit out of you later. You ate as much as you could handle, hoping it would counter the sleep your brain was begging for, instead it only seemed to make you more tired. 
You let out a small huff when one twin wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into his side. He gently directed your head to lay against his shoulder, only confusing you more. You opened your mouth to question him, but he interrupted you.
“Nap. I’ll wake you up for class.” His voice was soft. Seriously, what the fuck? You licked your lips anxiously. You tried to fight it, but his warm body and your full belly dragged your eyelids down.
You were woken by loud chatting and someone shaking your shoulder. You blinked a few times, adjusting to the light before rubbing your eyes and stretching. You looked around, realizing you were in transfiguration, your first class of the day. You furrowed your brows before looking to your side and seeing George next to you. 
“Good morning, muffin. How did you sleep?” He smiled at you, patting down any stray hairs on your head.
“Good, I guess.” Your voice was rough and scratchy, showing how out you’d been. “How did I-”
“Georgie here decided it’d be better to give you a few extra minutes of sleep instead of waking you up.” Fred turned around in his seat, shooting you a classic Weasley Half Smile.
“Oh.. Thank you.” You casted the younger twin your own small smile just before McGonagall came in and started going on a long tangent to herself about students being inappropriate attire in the halls, making you question what the poor witch had seen.
Class mulled over as it always did, slower than a snail racer. While McGonagall was going on about the many uses of transfiguring a log into a tiny hut to hide from shelter, you were busy in your head. Suddenly the twins weren’t as bad as everyone said, but.. But at the same time they were worse. You were brought back to reality when Fred slipped you a note. When you opened the folded paper, you covered your mouth to stop yourself from giggling. It was a moving drawing of McGonagall as a cat, all fluffed up in the rain, running in a circle trying to avoid the droplets.
Before you knew it, you were in potions with Snape again, but it was different this time. Fred and George had done something, apparently, leading the three of you allowed to sit next to each other once again. George repeated instructions to you without judgement while Fred showed you the proper way to add the ingredients, and of course they made you laugh with cheesy jokes while doing it all. The three of you ended up making a pretty stable potion by the end of the hour.
The day went on relatively uneventfully after your classes finished up and you soon found yourself all but passing out in your dorm room after dinner. As days passed you grew closer to the red-headed beaters and soon forgot the mishap that happened when they cornered you all but a week ago. So you gave them your answer, not that you had much of a choice. 
The twins were nothing but sweet to you after that. Fred would carry your books between classes, even if you told him not too. He’d help you finish long assignments and take the blame for your failed potion projects if it was needed. George would leave small gifts on your pillow, usually treats they swiped from Honeydukes. He’d remind you that you are, in fact, human and need to rest after hours of studying.
Everything was going great! You three were giggling and joking, occasionally pushing each other, trying to knock the other off their chair, disturbing the piece in the library when it came to a halt. It came to a halt when a fellow hufflepuff girlie literally wiggled between you and one of the freckled quidditch players. She went on to ask for help about some magical creature care homework she’d gotten. Before you could answer, the twins swept you out of the library, grumbling about how their mom would give them an earful for hurting a girl, so Ginny would have to do it. 
“Oh, babe, no! Not again.” You spoke up, trying to pull your arms free. “Come on! No need to be jealous.” You giggled. Yup, the truly had you wrapped around their fingers.
“But dove, we’re just-” They spoke at the same time, turning to look at you.
“Trying to keep me safe, I know! She just wanted help!” You smiled at them, standing on your tippy toes to give them a short kiss on the nose. “Relax, guys. If I feel uncomfortable, I’ll tell you.”
“Will you?” George asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Of course! Have I ever lied to you before?”
“No.. Alright. We trust you, muffin.” Fred pressed a hand against your lower back, shooting you a sweet smile. “Now, how about you scuttle ahead, hmm? Head off to the Gryffindor common room; password is chalk dust. We’ll meet you right there.”
“Are you sure?” You looked between them but let out a tiny gasp when Fred gently pushed you forward with the hand on your back.
“Of course, (Y/n). We’ll be right behind you!” George spoke up, the usual sugar coated grin across his face. With that, you nodded your head, practically skipping down the hallway. You were oblivious to the dark glare the twins shot the Hufflepuff girl who awkwardly excited the library before heading to find their little sister. You should’ve noticed when Ginny came over to them with some bandaged knuckles and a small cut on her lip the next day, but you didn’t. You were too wrapped up in the sugar quills George gave you that night and the cute compliment filled note Fred left by your wand on your bedside table. 
Honestly, the Weasley Twins had you wrapped around their finger. They were wild individuals who always got what they wanted and no one could stop them. They had their ways, some painful, some humiliating, and no one fought against them, not even you.
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