#I had to blacklist his name and everything.
museenkuss · 10 months
My mother is watching The Crowded Room atm and I’m invested at this point, but for the better half of it I was just listening to the dialogue while doing my own thing. Point is, she’s watching in German and they translated “did he sound British” to “did he sound arrogant” which makes sense in the context I guess but that is so fucking funny.
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kwanisms · 8 months
More Than Just Friends — b.chris
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» stray kids masterlist «
➮ werewolf!Chris × f!Reader wc: 7.4k summary: Chris is a werewolf. His best friend is well aware of this. But what she doesn’t know is that during his heat, he often pictures pinning her down and breeding her. When she comes back home the day before his cycle is due to start, Chris finds it hard to not give into his urges when he smells she’s ovulating. genres/themes/au: fluff, smut; supernatural and lycanthropic themes, f2l (gasp and they were roommates); non idol au, werewolf au warnings: adult dialogue, female reader, alcohol consumption, Chris struggles with his horny thoughts and controlling his urges but can you blame the poor guy? Being in heat probably sucks when you aren’t getting laid 💀, sexual content (18+ mdni), see smut warnings under the cut! special taglist: @yoonguurt , @anyamaris , @wooyoungqueen , @kpop-stories-21 , @xsweetelegantdiasterx , @kookthief , @stardragongalaxy , @millennial-fangirl , @blankdyean , @imwithurmother , @bangchans-angel , @oreoqueen , @yjeonginlvr , @zdgx1 , @shuxsoo , @s00buwu , @queenmea604 , @pochaccomin , @katsukis1wife , @linos-catnip , @wh0r3mir4 Join the taglist! »» Closes tomorrow (30th) at 23:00 CST Strikethrough means I cannot tag you. MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. AGELESS BLOGS WILL NOT BE ADDED.
a/n: this was written partially for myself but also for my bestie, Sky. So you're welcome, bestie ily. We're nearing the end of this series so I'll take this time to announce that once I wrap up with Kinktober, the Tales from Camp Holiday Special will start back up with Jun and Vernon's part. If you’d like to sign up for the taglist, you can do so here. If you haven't read the first two installments, you can find those here. And if you have no idea what I'm talking about and read for SVT, you can read the OG Tales from Camp here! Thank you so much for reading and if you liked it, please consider supporting me on kofi (link on my pinned post) and reblogging or commenting! As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only.
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smut warnings: teratophilia (aka monsterfucking), unprotected sex (he’s a werewolf and he’s been dreaming about breeding his best friend. You don’t do that tho. You use protection), oral (both receiving), brat taming (f receiving), breeding, heat cycles, daddy kink, dom!Chris, sub!Reader, use of pet names (baby, babygirl, princess, etc), Chris is a very whipped man and loves Y/N very much. If I've missed anything, please let me know!
dialogue prompt: ❛ We’re not just friends and you fucking know it ❜
Chris is normally a very patient man. He never rushes things, always preferring to take his time in everything he does. He’s always been able to keep his cool, even when things get… a little hairy. As a werewolf, he’s gotten pretty good at controlling his urges as well.
Chris can recall the exact moment everything changed. He can trace his werewolf lineage back to the Joseon period. He is descended from werewolves. There was no camping trip or fateful night where he was stalked and bitten or mauled by some wolf-man beast. 
He was born with his condition, the bloodline being passed down from father to son. The women in the family carried the gene but it was only dominant in males. Only males experienced the Change. Chris was around 11 or 12 when it first happened. He was sitting with some friends, playing video games in the basement when it happened.
He remembered the fever, the sweating, his vision blurring, and then everything went black. When he came to, it was the next morning and he was lying in bed, a cool towel on his forehead and the sun creeping into the room via his window. His mother, who had come to check on him and found him awake, called his father in and the both of them sat down and explained to Chris what was going on.
He was a werewolf. Of course, Chris didn’t understand but as the days turned into weeks, he started to notice the Change even more. His first full moon was approaching and he needed to prepare himself. He started to crave raw meat which his mother was able to provide in the form of rare steak. Chris had never eaten his steaks rare before that point.
Most of the changes were subtle and manageable. The big one was unavoidable. Chris’ first transformation was excruciating but he somehow managed to make it through to the morning and his father told him he had a month to recuperate before it happened again. Chris had hoped that was the end of the surprises but as he got closer to his second full moon, the heat started.
His father had mentioned it but the effects still caught him off guard. He was still only in the beginning stages of puberty so Chris still had a lot to learn about his own anatomy as well as his wolf side. His father assured him everything he was feeling was normal. Every male in the family had gone through this at some point in their lives.
As Chris got older, he was able to manage the changes but the one he still couldn’t seem to overcome other than his transformations was the heat. The intense arousal that seemed to take over all other senses. From sunup to sundown the entire week before his transformations. The urge to fuck anything with a pulse that smelled even remotely attractive.
It was agonizing.
It was worse when he started dating. Once a month, he had to close himself off from his girlfriend for a week. Most of his relationships ended because his partner couldn’t understand and how was he supposed to explain it? How could he explain that he was a werewolf? They’d laugh at him and call him crazy. No one other than his family would understand.
Or so he thought.
Chris was in college when he met you his sophomore year in his economics class. You’d come to class only a moment before the bell rang and despite plenty of seats to choose from, you picked the one next to him. Chris had tried to focus on the lecture but your perfume was enticing. He was close to his heat that day and having such a warm body that smelled as alluring as you did was a horrible combination for him.
He had missed a week of classes after that, emailing his professor who was all too aware of Chris’ nature and understood. Chris’ heat was more intense than any he’d experienced before and he couldn’t keep images of you, the sweet girl who sat next to him once, out of his mind. He hated himself for fantasizing about you, when he didn’t even know your name.
When he returned to class, you were there, in the same spot you’d been before. Chris took his seat in a different spot in an effort to avoid having to look at you for the week’s worth of shame he felt. After the lecture, Chris had hurried out of class to make way to the fitness center for his break between classes until he felt a gentle hand on his arm.
Turning around, he was met with the sight of your smiling face and enchanting scent. ‘Fuck.’
You explained how you noticed he was gone and took notes for him just in case he was sick and then proceeded to hand over a folder full of detailed notes from lectures for the entire week he missed. To say he was shocked was an understatement. Here was a girl who didn’t know his name and she managed to take not only her own notes and complete her own assignments but she took time out of each day to copy her own notes to give to him.
Who did that? Chris was a flabbergasted mess, blushing profusely as he tried to decline your more than generous offer but you didn’t take no for an answer. It was the start of something Chris would come to cherish more than anything else. An unlikely friendship.
Sophomore year at university ended and summer break came. Chris went home to visit his family but kept in touch with you. He wasn’t sure if things would remain the same come junior year but he was pleasantly surprised to walk into his first class of the semester to find you already seated towards the back and pulling out your laptop.
That year was full of study dates at the student cafe, attending football games and cheering for the other team since your university’s team sucked. The holidays brought with it snow and Chris decided to invite you to spend Christmas with his family after he learned yours was going overseas until after the New Year. The drive to Chris’ family home proved difficult as it was only a few days before his heat.
That was the year the truth came out. Chris finally told you everything. He was ashamed but you surprised him even more by accepting him and reminding him that there are some things he can’t control. Chris knew right then that you were going to be a constant in his life. He leaned more on you after that, feeling grateful for the little things you did for him.
Your bond and friendship was made stronger for it.
After graduating, Chris landed a job in the city and was excited when you said you’d be joining him. You both went apartment hunting, agreeing that sharing an apartment was more cost effective than getting two separate places. You both found the perfect one close to both your jobs and quickly settled into a routine. The real challenge came when Chris’ first heat rolled around.
He had a much harder time controlling his urges when you were constantly around and so for the first year, you would spend a week in a hotel but soon that proved to be more than your budget would allow. You were lucky to meet someone at work, a female coworker who understood more than anyone else since her own brother was also a werewolf and she had the room to let you stay for a week.
This had been your routine for the last three years.
“You got everything?” Chris called as you carried your bags out of your room and into the living room where he was sitting on the couch, playing a racing game, his headset resting around his neck. “Yeah,” you replied breathlessly. Chris paused the game and tilted his head back to look at you standing behind him. “You sure?” he asked.
It wasn’t unlike you to forget things and Chris knew this. There were more than a handful of times you’d left for work only to return a few minutes later because you forgot something. It was an endearing trait you had and Chris liked to tease you about it.
“Yes, dad,” you jokingly said, tousling his dark curls. The nickname was meant to be mocking and joking but it always made something stir in his stomach when you said it. Chris would never admit it, even if you were his best friend, but the thought of you calling him daddy lingered in his mind, even long after his heat had passed.
Likewise, you’d never admit it to him but you often thought about adding the extra syllable to the name, if only to see his reaction. Chris wasn’t aware of it but you knew all about his… inclination towards the title. He’d let it slip one night while you were drinking at home, celebrating a promotion with a couple bottles of wine.
“It’s not that bad!” you said in protest as Chris laughed harder, cheeks red from both the action and from the alcohol. “Honestly?” he asked, his laughter subsiding for only a moment. You nodded, your own cheeks warm. “Then it’s not really a degradation kink, is it?” Chris asked.
“It is! But it also feeds into my praise kink,” you said, your filter long gone as you raised your half empty bottle of wine to your lips. It was your second one and both you and Chris had agreed to forego the glasses, opting to drink straight from the bottles.
Chris’ laughter started up again. “Praise kink? Like ‘ oh wow, good job sucking dick?’” he asked through laughs. You narrowed your eyes. “No,” you retorted. “It’s more like ‘you’re doing so well,’ or ‘you take me so well,’” you explained. Chris cocked his head. “So if I were to call you a ‘good little slut’ that would do it for you?”
His question was meant to be curious but you couldn’t control the way your walls clenched around nothing. ‘Shit,’ you thought to yourself as you felt your core heat up, knowing it wasn’t entirely the alcohol’s fault.
There was no denying that your best friend was hot. He’d been hitting the gym since before you met and had probably one of the best bodies you’d ever seen. He was insanely attractive with his strong biceps, muscular thighs and well formed ass. The term cake didn’t even begin to cover it with Chris.
Not to mention those dark curls and dimples that had you weak the moment you met him all those years ago in college. You’d been smitten with him long before even learning his name. And as time went on, you just fell deeper and deeper in love with your best friend.
You couldn’t help it. He was everything you wanted in a man. He ticked every box on your list. He was attractive, funny, smart, kind, and he made you feel safe and secure. He gave the best hugs and he was the clingiest person you’d ever met but you wouldn’t change a single thing about him. Not even the werewolf side of him and the heat that kicked you out once a week.
“Yeah,” you said finally, grabbing the bottle of wine from him and taking a swig. Chris chuckled, shaking his head. “Ah, it’s not that bad,” he replied. “I like being called daddy so, who’s the real weirdo here?”
You froze mid sip, swallowing the wine thickly before your eyes settled on Chris who glanced back at you. “Daddy? Really?” you asked softly. He nodded as he reached for the bottle which you handed to him without a second thought. “Yeah. Weird, right?” he asked before taking a sip.
You leaned in, one hand resting on the back of the couch as you looked up into his face.
“Oh not at all,” you started as he brought the bottle down, resting it on his thigh. “Daddy.”
Chris’ eyes snapped up to meet yours, darkening slightly when he noticed the smirk on your face. The two of you stared at one another before he shook his head. “Don’t play with me,” he said, his voice thick. 
“You’re playing with fire.”
[present day]
The topic changed quickly after that and the next morning you woke with a headache and the knowledge that your best friend had a daddy kink. He of course didn’t remember a thing. Not the sultry stare off or how you almost made the mistake of kissing him that night.
“When are you leaving?” Chris asked, pulling you from your thoughts of the past. He’d taken your hand from his hair and was inspecting your palm, gently running the tips of his fingers over your skin. Something that normally calmed you down but with the memory fresh in your mind, it was having another effect on you entirely.
“Kara should be here soon,” you replied, gently pulling your hand from his grip and picking up your bags to move them towards the door. Chris said nothing, instead looking at the tv. 
He’d never admit it but he had half a mind to ask you not to go. To instead ask you to stay but he knew if you stayed, he’d be unable to control his urges. 
For the last year, he’d been having very intense fantasies about pinning you against the nearest surface and fucking you. Even worse, he had vivid fantasies of breeding you. About fucking you raw, knotting your warm cunt, and filling it with his hot cum.
The thought of his cock buried deep inside your walls as he emptied his balls and then his cock swelling so none of it could escape occupied his mind most of the time when his heat approached. The wolf in him wanted nothing more than to breed you, turn you into his little cum dumpster and pump you full of his cum, hoping it would take and get you pregnant.
Chris knew it was his animalistic instincts, wanting to mate and continue the bloodline. He’d been able to control these urges for the most part. He still masturbated to the thought of breeding you, hiding his shame for a few days. He knew it was wrong to fantasize about you like that but he also knew he couldn’t control what the wolf thought but he could control what he did physically.
“Now you’re sure you have everything?” he asked. You nodded, looking down at your bags. “I’m sure,” you replied. A buzzing interrupted you and you gave your roommate a sheepish smile, moving to answer the intercom. “Come on up,” you said, pressing the button when Kara identified herself.
Chris got up and walked over to the door. It only took a couple minutes for Kara to reach the door, knocking when she did. You opened it and smiled at her, having just finished putting your shoes on. “Hey,” you greeted your coworker who smiled back.
“All ready?” Kara asked. Chris watched as you nodded and started to lift your bags. Kara taking a couple of them. “I’ll see you in about a week,” you said, turning to Chris who stepped down into the entry, hands in his pockets. 
“There’s leftovers in the fridge, just reheat them. Do not cook,” you instructed and Chris rolled his eyes. “You act like I can’t cook,” he mused and you raised your brows. “Have you eaten anything you’ve ever made?” you asked, jokingly. Chris nudged you playfully.
“Make sure to drink water and please do not destroy anything,” you said, holding your hands together in a silent prayer. Chris rolled his eyes, pulling his hands from his pockets and pulled you into a hug, burying his face in your shoulder. “I’ll be fine,” he muttered.
Chris inhaled slowly. He loved the scent of your perfume. It was a scent he’d grown very fond of. His arms tightened around you. He didn’t want to let go. He didn’t want you to leave. He wanted you to stay but you both knew if you did, he might not be able to control himself.
“See you in a week,” you said softly, giving him a small squeeze. Chris reluctantly let go of you, forcing a smile when you pulled back to look at him. “Take care of her,” he said to Kara who sent him a sympathetic smile. “Of course,” she answered. “You take care of yourself too,” she added.
You grabbed the last bag, slinging it over your shoulder and looked back at Chris one last time, giving him an apologetic smile. He waved as you crossed the threshold into the hall and just like that you were gone for a week.
Another week of an empty apartment. Another week of hell without you.
Chris returned to his game, his heart not really in it as he half-assed his way through the campaign before logging off and shutting the tv down. He went to his room to try and get some work done but found that he couldn’t focus.
He was getting restless and he knew one of two things that could help.
He changed into some of his workout gear, grabbing his headphones, phone, and water bottle, and exited the apartment to head to the building’s gym. He usually could push through an hour workout and it usually managed to take the edge off.
He followed his usual routine, stretching, some light cardio followed by weights and then a walk to cool down. As he was on his walk, the door to the gym opened and another tenant came in. Chris had seen her before. She lived on the fourteenth floor. She had recently changed her hair from blonde to a medium brown with highlights. She had her hair pulled up into a ponytail and was dressed in a black sports bra and black leggings.
She looked up to where Chris was, smiling shyly at him as she made her way over to one of the bicycle machines. Chris returned the smile and looked down at the machine controls. He had about ten minutes left on his walk and then he could hit the showers and head back to his apartment and it would be dinner time.
He tried not to notice the scent of the other tenant’s perfume or the way he could smell  sweat starting to permeate the air. He closed his eyes, keeping his hands on the rails as he walked, willing time to move faster. ‘Eight minutes,’ he told himself, peeking at the timer.
He looked up and made eye contact with the woman who had gotten off the bicycle to fill her bottle. She was looking directly at him and Chris couldn’t control the way his body reacted. Heat radiated throughout his body, settling in the pit of his stomach, his dick twitching in his pants.
‘Come on,’ he scolded himself. ‘She’s looking at you. It’s not like she’s flirting. Calm the fuck down.’
Chris looked back up, finding she was still staring at him. ‘Shit.’ He glanced at the timer and saw he had five minutes left. ‘Fuck this. I’m done anyway,’ he told himself as he pushed the stop button. He couldn’t risk popping a boner in the gym simply because a woman looked at him.
He’d shower back at the apartment.
He sprayed a paper towel and quickly wiped down the machine before grabbing his things and heading for the door. He pushed open the door and exited quickly, heading to the elevator and pressing the call button. He waited, shifting from one foot to the other.
He could hear footsteps, and silently prayed for the elevator to arrive sooner. He let out a breath he forgot he was holding as the doors dinged and opened. He stepped into the small room, waving his card over the reader and pressing the button for his floor.
As the doors started to close, a hand shot out to stop them and Chris internally cursed as the woman stepped onto the elevator. He forced a smile, moving into the corner as she waved her card, pressing the button for the fourteenth floor.
The door slowly slid shut, closing them both in and Chris stared at the counter above the doors, ignoring the woman completely. Her floor would come before his. He just had to be patient.
“Hey,” a soft voice said and Chris knew she was speaking to him. He turned his head to find her looking at him. “Hi,” he replied. “I’ve seen you around a few times,” she said, a smile spreading across her face. Chris nodded. “I’ve lived here for a few years,” he admitted.
‘Come on, come on,’ he thought impatiently as the counter continued to rise. “I’m new to the area,” she said suddenly. “Are you from around here?” she asked. Chris nodded wordlessly, keeping his gaze on the numbers over the elevator doors.
“Maybe you could show me around some time,” she offered, moving closer. ‘Fuck,’ he cursed mentally. She was close enough that he could smell the arousal wafting off her. ‘No, no, no,’ he told himself. The moment her hand touched his arm, Chris jumped just as the doors opened on the thirteenth floor.
‘Fuck this’ he thought and pushed past as someone else stepped onto the elevator and he walked down the hall, heading for the stairwell. He’d rather walk than be trapped in a steel box with a horny woman this close to his heat.
Once he finally reached his floor, he made sure the floor was deserted as he headed for the door, letting himself in. He could breathe easily as he kicked his shoes off and headed past the kitchen, dropping his  water bottle on the counter as he headed for his room.
He stripped and got into the shower, turning the water on, letting the stream heat up and wash his body. Once he was done showering, he got out, dressed and sat down at his computer, putting his headset on and turning on some music and getting a headstart on some work.
When his stomach growled, he cursed, pulling his headphones off and got up, exiting his room and making his way into the kitchen. He grabbed one of the glass containers from the fridge and pulled it out to inspect it. ‘Lasagna,’ he noted with a smile as he took the lid off and scooped the contents out onto a plate to heat it up.
Once the food was hot, he carefully pulled the plate out and took a seat at the kitchen counter, grabbing a fork as he did and started to eat. He was eternally grateful for you, making food for him when you left for a week. It wasn’t that he couldn’t cook, he could. He just preferred it when you did.
As he chewed, he wondered what you were up to with Kara. Were you eating dinner as well?
“I can’t believe he still thinks you’re a lesbian,” Kara said, giggling as you took a sip of your wine. “I’ve told him numerous times I’m not,” you replied. “I don’t understand why he still thinks that.”
Kara shook her head. “Who knows,” she replied, glancing down at her empty glass. “Oh, time for a refill!”
She got up, waiting for you to down the rest of your wine and took your empty glass to the kitchen to refill them both. The two of you had ordered pizza, neither one of you wanted to cook, especially after you had cooked an entire week's worth of meals for Chris.
“What do you think Chris is up to?” Kara asked, pulling you out of your thoughts. “Oh, he’s probably playing video games,” you replied as Kara poured your favorite wine into your glass and placed the bottle back in the fridge. She walked back over with both glasses, handing yours over as she took a seat.
“So,” she started, taking a sip of her wine. “Let me see this presentation,” she added and you set your glass down, rushing over to your laptop bag and pulling it out, moving back to sit on the couch, setting your laptop on the coffee table.
Kara continued sipping on her wine as you opened your laptop and logged on. You signed into and pulled up the presentation powerpoint you’d been working on all week for Monday’s meeting. It wasn’t anything fancy but you were pretty proud of it.
Kara looked over it, complimenting your skills and work, making small comments on certain parts. “I really like this,” she said, pointing at one of the slides. “You really made a good point here.” You felt pride swell in your chest until your laptop dinged, a small notification indicating your battery was low.
“I swear, the battery on this thing dies so fast,” you groaned as you got up and headed over to your bag to grab the charger. You unzipped the pocket only to find your charger wasn’t there. “What the…” you trailed off, starting to check all the pockets of your laptop bag but no charger in sight.
“What’s wrong?” Kara asked. “I can’t find my charger,” you replied. “Did you bring it?” Kara asked, getting up from her seat and walking over. “I thought I did,” you replied, feeling annoyed and angry with yourself for forgetting when Chris had asked you multiple times if you had everything.
“You can use mine,” Kara said but you shook your head. “You have a Macbook,” you reminded her. “This is an HP.” Kara swore under her breath. “I gotta go back home,” you said softly. Kara looked up at you. “Are you sure?” she asked. You nodded.
“I need that charger,” you answered. “Especially if I’m gonna be here for a week.” Kara nodded and got up. “I’ll drive you,” she said and you shook your head. “You’ve had like a whole bottle,” you reminded her. “I’ve only had a glass. I’ll drive. You stay here. I’m just gonna run back and get it and then I’ll be back.” Kara nodded as she grabbed her keys and handed them to you.
“Be careful,” she said as you grabbed your purse, making sure you had your phone. You headed to the door, slipping your shoes and coat on. “I’ll be back in a bit,” you called and exited her apartment, making your way to the elevator and pushing the button.
You fished your phone out of your purse, opened Chris’ message thread and sent him a text.
You: i did what i said i wouldn’t. I forgot my laptop charger 💀
You: i’m on my way back to get it.
You: i’ll be quick. Just in and out
Placing your phone back in your purse, you stepped onto the elevator, pushing the button for the garage and waited as the doors shut and the lift descended, heading for the basement. You found Kara’s car, unlocking it and getting in.
The drive to your apartment didn’t take long and you pulled into the designated parking space in your garage, parking and shutting off the engine. You got out, leaving your purse in the car and locking it. ‘In and out, Y/N,’ you reminded yourself as you headed for the elevator.
The ride up to your floor was quiet, the sun had set and most people were already out enjoying the Friday nightlife. The elevator dinged, doors opening as it arrived on your floor and you stepped off the lift, heading for your apartment door.
You unlocked it, letting yourself in. You expected to see Chris but didn’t see him perched on the couch playing games. ‘Maybe he’s in his room,’ you told yourself as you walked through the apartment and to your room.
Turning on the light, you saw the culprit lying innocently on your desk and you glared at it, walking over to grab it and headed towards the door. As you exited your room, you heard Chris call out.
You turned the knob and looked into his room. “I thought I heard you, he said with a chuckle. “I sent you a text,” you answered, peering into his room. He was sitting at his computer, headphones hanging around his neck as he finished whatever he was working on.
“Forget something?” he asked, sounding amused at your forgetfulness. You nodded. “Yeah,” you replied. “I forgot my laptop charger,” you answered. Chris turned to look at you. “It’s always something,” he joked and you smiled sheepishly.
“Sorry,” you said, chuckling. “I’d forget my head if it wasn’t attached.” Chris smiled as he removed his headphones from around his neck, looking over at you. “It’s fine,” he said softly, moving to get up. You pushed the door open further as he approached you. “Do you need anything before I leave?” you asked.
Chris opened his mouth to respond but a sudden strong smell hit him. It was like someone had opened a bottle of vanilla extract and placed it under his nose. He knew that smell all too well. It made every nerve in his body burn. It made his pupils enlarge, his throat burn, and an intense heat form in the pit of his stomach. Lust and desire burned, the line blurring into the primal need to mate.
You hadn’t been careful enough. Neither of you had but then again this had never happened before. How didn't this come up? How hadn’t this happened before? Three years living together and this had never, ever happened? Either you were very lucky or you were always away when it happened.
Chris’ fingers curled into his palm, knuckles turning white as his nails dug into his skin in an attempt to ground himself but what normally worked had never been tested in this situation before.
Chris was about to start his heat and you… you were ovulating.
You watched as your best friend froze. “Chris?” you asked softly. You were surprised when he looked at you, his eyes darkening. “You need to leave,” he said, his voice low and dangerously so. “Chris? What’s wrong?” you asked, taking a step forward.
“Don’t!” your best friend growled. You froze, eyes widening. He’d never spoken to you like that before. “Chris you’re starting to worry me, what’s wr—” before you could finish your question, your best friend had closed the distance and grabbed you, pinning you against the wall next to the door.
“Chris!” you gasped, hands moving to his shoulders, gripping his shirt. “What’s gotten into you?”
His heat was close but it wasn’t supposed to start yet. He’d always been good about controlling his urges so what was different this time?
“I’m sorry,” Chris said softly, his head drooping as he struggled against his own urges. “This has never happened before.” You tried to push him away but he was much stronger than you were. “Why are you acting like this? You’ve always had a hold of yourself,” you continued. “You’re ovulating,” Chris interrupted. Your eyes widened.
“H-how did you know?”
Chris chuckled dryly. “I can smell it,” he answered. One of his hands moved up to your cheek as he raised his head. “I can smell it and it’s driving me crazy,” he continued. You felt one of his knees wedge between your thighs, pressing against your core. “It’s making me want to do things to you.”
You felt a shiver run up your spine. ‘Do things? What kind of things?’
“L-like what?” you whispered, swallowing thickly.
Chris leaned in, nuzzling against your cheek as his lips ghosted over your skin, stopping near your ear. “Would you be mad if I said exactly what I wanted to do to you?” he asked softly. You shook your head. Though you wouldn’t say it, you welcomed it, wondering just what was going on in his head.
“Tell me,” you replied.
You felt Chris nuzzle into your neck, sniffing eagerly. “I want to rip those cute lace panties of yours and stuff that sweet little pussy with my cock.” As if punctuating his words, Chris leaned in, pressing his thigh more firmly against your core.
You let out an involuntary whimper, causing him to groan in your ear. “I want to…” he trailed off. “No, I need to pin you down on the bed,” he said, making you gasp as he pressed his thigh even harder against you. 
“Pin you down and fuck you until I fill you with so much cum. I need to breed you.,” he continued, lips ghosting over your skin. “Breed you like you’re the one in heat.” You let out another gasp, feeling one of his hands move to grab your ass, sneaking under your skirt.
“And of course you had to wear a skirt, didn’t you?” he growled. “I bet you knew it would drive me crazy. That I’d be able to smell everything.” You moaned into his ear as his hand continued to knead your ass, nails digging into your flesh 
“I’ll bet you planned this, didn’t you? I bet your laptop charger isn’t even here,” he scoffed as if it wasn’t lying on the floor in the hallway where you’d dropped it. “Chris,” you whined, moaning as his fingers dug into the flesh of your ass. “Oh shit,” he groaned.
“Say my name like that again,” he dared you. “Say that again, baby. Moan my name and I’ll take you right now.”
A thick silence fell over the two of you as Chris pulled back, eyes searching your face, neither one speaking nor making a move until you finally cleared your throat and spoke. “Chris, we can’t,” you started, looking between his eyes. “W-we’re friends,” you added, letting out a yelp as Chris quickly backed up to create enough space to turn you around to face the wall before pinning you against it, pressing his erection into your back.
“You feel that?” he asked, grinding against you. “You feel what you do to me? What you’ve been doing to me since that first day in economics?” he asked. “I’ve wanted you ever since you sat next to me. Wanted to fuck you raw and pump you full.”
“We’re not just friends and you fucking know it,” he growled in your ear. Moaning, you pushed back against him, earning another deep growl.
“Don’t play with me,” he snapped. “I’m not playing…” you trailed off. “Daddy.” The name caused a chain reaction. Chris wrapped an arm around your waist from behind, lifting you easily and carrying you over to his bed where he deposited you face down.
You tried to turn over but he was quick to stop you, pushing your skirt up to expose your lace covered core. He quickly grabbed the material and tugged, ripping it easily. “Chris!” you gasped but the next second you were crying out as he landed a slap to your ass.
“Don’t speak until I tell you to,” he growled. You felt his fingers glide up and down your slit, gathering your arousal before pushing into your cunt. You let out a groan as he started to slowly pump his fingers before removing them. “Chest to the bed,” Chris instructed. “But keep your ass up.”
You did as he said, lowering your shoulders until your chest rested against the mattress. In that time, Chris removed his hat, tossing it aside as he knelt on the mattress behind you, hands grabbing your hips. He leaned closer, taking a deep inhale. “Fuck, I’m gonna ruin this pussy,” he growled. His tongue ran along your slit, from your clit up and back down, toying with the bundle of nerves, his nose bumping against your entrance.
Your fingers dug into the sheets as you moaned, pushing back against his face. Chris pulled back delivering a sharp smack to your thigh. “Hold still,” he barked. “Do that again and I’ll fuck your hole and not let you cum.”
You whined, wiggling your hips in a silent plea for more. Chris pushed you onto your side before flipping you onto your back, grabbing your hips and pulling your core to his face, burying it in your pussy, tongue ravishing your clit. Your thighs tried closing but Chris wrapped his arms around your thighs, holding them open as he licked at and sucked on your clit, drawing you closer to your climax.
“Shit, Chris!” you gasped, your hand moving to comb through his curls.
“M’gonna cum.”
Chris didn’t relent, flicking his tongue against your clit until you came undone under him, crying out as your orgasm crashed over you. You tried to shy away from his mouth but he held you still, never stopping as he drew you to another orgasm.
As you came down from the second, he finally let go of your thighs, pulling back to wipe his chin and taking ahold of the collar of his shirt and yanking it off over his head, tossing it aside. “I want you to ride my tongue but it’ll have to wait,” he said in a husky voice as his hands moved to undo his jeans, unbuckling but not removing his belt before unbuttoning and pulling down the zipper of his pants.
“Come here,” he said, holding out his hand and pulling you up when you took it. “Open your mouth,” he added as he pushed his jeans down around his thighs. You did as he asked, keeping your gaze on his face as he pulled his erection free from the confines of his underwear.
“Keep your mouth open for me,” he added, taking his cock in his hand, giving himself a couple strokes before guiding the tip past your lips, the weight heavy on your tongue. His free hand moved to your hair, taking a fistful and guiding your head. “Get to work, baby girl,” he murmured.
“Show daddy how you use your mouth.”
Your scalp stung, eyes watered and your throat hurt by the time Chris finally pulled your mouth off him. He’d forced his cock down your throat more than once and even fucked your throat a few times, making you gag. What little makeup you had on was ruined, tear stained cheeks and swollen lips but to Chris you were stunning.
“Lay back for me,” he ordered, discarding his pants and underwear, watching as you pulled your top off and threw it aside, scooting into the middle of his bed. Chris crawled over you, taking your lips in a searing kiss as his hands pushed your knees apart to accommodate him.
Your hands moved to his hair as he guided the head of his cock to your dripping entrance, pulling back just enough to make eye contact. “I want to watch your face as I enter you,” he growled. “Watch your eyes roll back into your head as I fill you with my cock.”
You moaned loudly as he pushed into you, stretching your cunt with his girth, inch by inch until he was buried inside your walls, groaning about the warmth and how tight you felt. It was taking all his strength to not start slamming into you immediately.
“I’m gonna give you a few minutes to adjust and then I’m gonna hold you down against this mattress and fuck you until you cum,” he gave you a shallow thrust, enjoying the gasp that escaped you. “And then I’m going to flip you over, ass up and fuck you until I cum and fill this pussy. You understand me?”
You nodded silently but that wasn’t good enough for him. Chris grabbed your face. “When I ask you a question, you answer me with your words. Don’t make me say it again.”
“Yes,” you answered quickly. “Yes, what?” he asked, tilting his head. “Yes, daddy,” you whispered. Chris let go and smirked down at you. “Good girl.”
No sooner than the words left his lips, his hands were on your hips, holding them in place as he started to pull out and snap his hips against yours, driving his cock into your cunt repeatedly. Your thighs tightened around his waist, prompting him to growl and halt his movements.
You were about to ask what the problem was when he took your ankles and placed your legs over his shoulders. The new position allowed you to feel more, moaning louder when he pounded into you harder. “Oh holy shit,” you gasped, feeling the head of his cock hit the soft gummy spot that had you seeing stars.
“Right there?” he asked, angling his hips and hitting the same spot, making you cry out.
He repeatedly hit the same spot over and over, moving his hand to rub circles against your clit with his thumb. “That’s it princess,” he huffed. “Cum all over daddy’s cock.” You let out a mewl, walls fluttering as you came. One of your hands moved to grab Chris’ wrist, trying to ground yourself as the aftershocks of your orgasm rolled over you.
With each pass over your clit with his thumb, Chris watched your body seize up and chuckled before pulling his cock from your abused hole.
He quickly turned you over, pulling your hips up and taking himself in his hand, stroking a couple times before pushing back into you. This position allowed for all of his cock to fit inside you, making you moan into the sheets, fingers curling into the fabric.
Chris took your hips in his hands, pulling out and snapping forward, his hips hitting your ass with each thrust. He set a relentless and merciless pace, grunting with effort as he slammed into you. The sheets muffled your cries and screams of pleasure as he allowed his animalistic urges to take over.
‘Breed. Breed. Breed,’ the beast in his mind said. Chris let out a low groan, almost like a growl as he pounded into you. Leaning over your back, he slammed his hips into you, burying his cock deep inside your walls before he started to roll his hips, earning a deep moan from you.
“Once I’m done with you,” he panted. “You aren’t going anywhere. You’ll stay here and I’m going to fuck you raw every night. Pump you full of cum and breed you. Fill you with so much cum it’ll have to take. Fuck you until I get you pregnant and then you’ll be mine.”
You moaned, walls clenching around his cock. You felt his hand in your hair, fingers curling into a fist before he pulled back, lifting your face from the sheets and allowing your moans to fill the room. “You want that, baby? You want daddy to turn you into his little breeding bitch?”
“Oh fuck, daddy yes!” you whimpered. “Please fill me!” Chris growled, letting go of your hair and moving his hand to your shoulder, pinning your chest down. You turned your head to the side, each thrust drawing a whimper from you.
“Daddy’s gonna fill you baby girl, cum inside you until it spills out and then I’ll just push it all back in,” he grunted. “Don’t want to waste a single drop.” Your hand moved to grab the wrist of his hand that was pressed against the mattress near your head.
“That’s right,” he groaned. “You’re mine. All mine and no one else’s.” You lifted your head, managing to turn and make eye contact with him. “I’ve always been yours, daddy,” you breathed. Chris growled, pressing his chest against your back and sinking his teeth into your shoulder.
You moaned, walls clenching around his cock as he rammed into you over and over. He lifted his head, lips close to your ear. “Mine,” he growled. “Mine, mine, mine!”
You pushed back to meet his thrusts and screamed as he slammed into you one last time, groaning into your ear as he came, releasing thick strands of hot cum into your cunt. You moaned as more and more cum spilled into your pussy. You had never known a man to have that much cum but then again, Chris wasn’t an ordinary man.
At the same time he was emptying his load into you, his cock started to swell inside, lodging itself in your walls. “Chris,” you whimpered. “What’s—” You heard him shush you, pressing kisses to your shoulder. “It’s okay,” he said reassuringly. “It’s normal. It’s my body’s way of ensuring it takes.”
“Ensuring what takes?”
Chris chuckled, his lips ghosting over your skin. “Ensuring my cum gets you pregnant,” he answered. You let out an uneasy chuckle. “And if it doesn’t take?” you replied. Chris hummed and pressed several more kisses against your shoulder before leaning in to whisper in your ear.
“I guess we’ll just have to keep trying then.”
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ⓘ Graphics made by me. Content and support banners made using a template by cafekitsune. I do not allow reposts, translations, or continuations of my works. All writing and graphics are ©️ kwanisms.
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lacontroller1991 · 1 month
Feo, Fuerte y Formal (The Ghoul/Cooper Howard x F!Reader)
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Main Master List || Misc Master List
Summary: Cooper sees you again for the first time in over 200 years
Warnings: 18+ Strong Language, Sexual Suggestions, Divorce, Canon Typical Violence
Feo, Fuerte, y Formal. Words Cooper Howard spoke over 200 years ago back when he was at the height of his career. Back when he had a profitable career, a beautiful home, and a beautiful family. He had fame, wealth, and a future. Until it all came crashing down. When Vault-Tec had initially dropped him from their promotional team, he was relieved, glad to be done with the corporation that was planning the destruction of the world, but with Vault-Tec dropping him, Barb did too. Once Barb found out why her Pip-Boy was acting strangely, she had it double checked by the science division to confirm her suspicions before taking it to Cooper to confront him. His mistake was that he denied he had anything to do with it. If he had lied about this, what else has he been lying about? Yet, it was mutual. Both were caught destroying the very core of their marriage, trust.
The divorce was quick to follow. Despite having the best lawyer he could find, Barb had Vault-Tec, and Vault-Tec could buy out anyone, leaving him with a whopping sum of $30,000 - compared to his net worth of 2 million - and Roosevelt. 
Of course with the biggest name in the country dropping him from their team, his agent promptly dropped him, blacklisting him from Hollywood, ending his career. His one way of making money was no longer profitable. In a way, he was relieved. Hollywood wasn’t what it used to be. It used to be a beacon of hope, a place for everyone, the American Dream. What a load of bullshit. 
If there was anything to make it all tolerable, it’s the time he got to spend with Janey and you. You had come into his life when he wasn’t looking for it. Your bar had practically become his home, but when you got tired of seeing him drunk as all get out and passed out on the bar you quickly offered him a couch to sleep on at your place, and the rest was history. 
Until the bombs dropped, and everything changed. Again. Cooper doesn’t know exactly how he survived. He doesn’t know if it was sheer rage keeping his heart kicking, or if it was the drive to find you or Janey. He knew Janey was somewhere in a vault, safe with Barb, but had you been lucky enough to secure a spot in one, or were you part of the 90% that didn’t have the means to afford a spot.
200 years later and he still doesn’t know. 
Feo, fuerte, y formal. He has ⅔ of them on his belt. Ugly and Strong. Long ago are the days where he was dignified, not that he gives two shits. He did initially. His handsome features quickly hollowed out with his hair coming off in chunks, giving him a ghastly appearance. It took some time to get used to, but after 50 years, he learned not to care. Not like there were people lining up to be with him anyways. If anything, his ghoulish features gave him an edge in everything he does. No one really tries to mess with a 200 year old bounty hunter who has zero qualms about skinning you and eating you, alive or dead. Still, it’s lonesome walking the wasteland without anyone by his side, whether he likes to admit it or not.
The town is quiet by this time of night. From his best guess of the moon in the sky, it’s a little after 1 in the morning. Walking along the streets, he eyes the closed vendors, save for one on the corner. Piquing his interest, he stalks over to the stand, eyes focusing on the elder woman in a pair of dirty coveralls.
“Get lost Ghoul, before I kill ya.” It’s a threat that he doesn’t doubt that she’d act on. Taking a step closer to the stand, he raises his hands, eyes trained on the way she inches closer to the gun undoubtedly hiding below the counter. 
“I ain’t here to cause you any trouble. Was wondering if you had some vials.” Slowly, he places some caps on the counter. He still has four vials, but having more never hurts.
“I done told you,” the lady cocks her gun, pointing it at his head but he’s unfazed, “get lost ghoul.”
“Now Janet, is that any way we talk to customers?” The additional voice causes Cooper to freeze in his spot, his blood turning to ice. That voice, it sounds familiar. A woman moves from behind him to next to him, leaning against the counter. You’ve got to be kidding me. If his heart hasn’t beaten since everything went to shit, it sure is now. 
“We have strict rules, just because you’re special doesn't mean you can tell me what to do.”
Watching from the corner of his eyes, he rakes your body up and down as you sigh. You don’t look a day over the last time he saw you and you still have that radiant aura about you. He surely has to be hallucinating. 
“It’s your store, but wouldn’t you like more money? He’s obviously not feral, just help him out. For me?” Cooper watches as you bat your eyelashes with a smile while the older lady grumbles ‘fine’ and reaches into a bag, shoving vials onto the counter. 
“You owe me big time missy.” With a smile, you take a hold of the vials, nodding your head in appreciation.
“Of course Janet. Just let me know when you want to cash in that favor.” Grumbling again, Janet scowls at Cooper before slamming the window shut and turning off the light. “Here you are. Don’t normally see new folks around this area.” Cooper tilts his head lower, allowing the cowboy hat to cover his eyes as he takes the vials from your hands, your soft looking hands. Oh how he misses those hands. Without a word, Cooper shoves them into his coat pocket and turns around, wanting to get the hell out of there before you try and make more conversation. There’s no way it’s her. She’s been dead, long dead, he thinks to himself, footsteps making a quick pace but you catch up to him, stopping right in front of him with a hand to his chest, causing him to growl. “I understand you probably want to carry on for the night, but why don’t you rest for the night? I have a couch in my living room and some fresh water. I don’t know if ghouls drink water, but I have some.”
He halts for a minute, his hat still covering his eyes and he sincerely hopes that your hand can’t feel his heart beating through his chest. She’s still too pure for this world. “Ain’t you scared imma eat ya?” 
“Pfft no. If you do then oh well. If there’s anything I’ve learned in this world, it’s to take things as they come.” With each passing moment, he feels his resolve breaking. He’s spent years looking for you, and here you are, offering him a place to crash like the first time. Is he going to deny you this time? “Just for the night?”
Sighing, he thinks about it for a moment. He’s ugly now and burnt, there’s no way you would remember him. “If it’ll get you to shut the fuck up.” 
“Welcome to my humble abode. It’s not much, but with how shitty this planet is, I say it’s pretty nice!” Cooper takes a second to look around. It’s not like your previous apartment with sturdy colorful furniture and plants in the windowsill with Cash playing on the radio, but it’s still oddly, you. Barely noticing your disappearance, your reappearance in front of him causes him to lightly jump. How the hell did he not hear you? “Sorry to startle you. I brought some blankets.” “I don’t need blankets,” he grumbles, eyes still hiding behind his tipped hat, one that you wore from time to time when you would roleplay with him. From behind the rim, he watches as you shrug your shoulders, setting the blankets down on the couch before clapping your hands.
“Don’t blame ya. It’s hot as hell out there. Can I get you any food? Water?”  His eyes follow your frame as you pull out a chair from underneath the table, gesturing for him to sit while you grab food from the cupboard, fixing him what seems to be a PB&J? 
“Why are you being nice? Nice people get killed up here.”
“Believe me, I can handle myself. I’ve killed. It’s hard not to up here.” You set the plate down in front of him, taking the seat to his right. Picking up the sandwich, he inspects the bread, hesitantly taking a sniff before taking a bite, moaning softly as the creamy texture of peanut butter balances out with the fruity jelly. Did PB&J ever taste this good?
“Where the hell did you even get this stuff?” You shift in the seat next to him, crossing your arms while he munches on the sandwich. Fuck, he misses actual food. “Stole it from a vault.”
“A vault?” It’s abrupt. She’s been in a vault this whole damn time? 
He can tell that he struck a sore spot, but now he’s too intrigued. Seeming to notice that he won’t drop the subject, you let out a sigh, cracking your knuckles. “Yep. I was there when the bombs dropped. Went to my dad’s house to check on him but he dragged me with him to a vault and put me in a cryogenic pod. Woke up two years ago, found out some fucked up things, left with a shit load of food and weapons, never looking back. I mean… the stuff down in the vault… FUCKED up.” 
Cooper leans forward, swallowing the rest of his PB&J. “Go on.”
“Well, different vaults have different experiments. Mine was an interconnected vault but something always seemed off. Now I get being nice to your neighbors or whatever, but there is no reason the people in that vault were that nice. It’s like they were overly optimistic. So weird.”
Cooper huffs out a laugh, memories of you always supporting him no matter what flooding through his brain. “You were always optimistic.” The words slip out of his mouth causing the both of you to freeze. Internally cringing, Cooper wishes that he was strapped to the tip of a nuclear bomb and exploded, 20 times over.
“I’m sorry, have we met before?” He can feel your eyes raking over him, trying to make a connection and he wonders if you have yet or not.
“Not until today.” Shoving the plate aside, he quickly gets up and makes a move toward the door but he has to give credit where credit is due. You’re fast and standing in his way, gun cocked and aiming at his head.
“Not so fast cowboy, who the fuck are you and how do you know me?” He avoids making your gaze but you’re unrelenting. 
“I ain’t no one, you’d be wise to let me leave.” He tries to move past you again, but you block his path, using your gun to knock off his hat, revealing all of him to you, his hazel eyes meeting yours, causing you to gasp. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. She knows. “I can explain.”
The gun decocks with a soft click and drops to the floor, a pair of arms flinging themselves around his shoulders, dragging him into a soft body. She’s even softer than I remember. It takes everything in Cooper to not sink in your grasp. It takes everything in him to not take you in his arms and make up for lost time. 
“I thought you were dead.”
“I thought you were too. You still making it a habit of inviting strangers into your house?” His arms hang by his side, not daring to return the hug, afraid of what would happen if he did. Seeming to take the hint, you let go of him and he doesn’t miss the hurt in your eyes and he wishes he can take it away, but it’s better this way. You don’t want to mess with him. He’s a monster. It’s all he’ll ever be. The Cooper Howard that you know is long gone like the world that you both knew. You deserve someone who doesn’t eat ass jerky. You deserve someone who isn’t addicted to drugs. You deserve someone who doesn’t have one foot constantly in the grave. You deserve someone who is handsome, not ugly.
“Only handsome cowpokes like yourself,” he would smile at your jest, but now he’s insecure. 200 years of living on his own forges him to be as tough as steel, removing any feelings he may have had, but one hour in your presence? It has the old him rearing his head, but a thought creeps in his mind, and he runs with it. Surely you’re mocking him.
Sneering, he takes a step toward you, opening his posture to make him appear larger. “You can’t really mean that. You think it’s funny making fun of me?”
“Calling me handsome? I ain’t handsome.” He can tell that you can see right through him and his bravado. He knows that you can see his feelings behind his mask. 
He hesitates as you take a step toward him, hands reaching up to take his face between your palms while his breathing hitches. He hasn’t had tender affection in a while. “Cooper, it’s clear that time hasn’t been kind to you, but if you think that I really care about looks then you’re not as smart as I remember you. When have I ever cared about your appearance?”
“You digged my hair if I can recall.” He tries to play it off, but fails and you know it, so you call his bluff.
“If your skin is this rigid now, I can imagine how the rest of you must be.” He blushes, hard. “I’ve missed you.” He moans softly as you place a lingering kiss against his lips, his arousal growing rapidly in his pants. The kiss ends too soon and you’re pulling away, eyes blown wide as he gets a good look at you. 
“I’ve missed you too. More than you could know. What say we use that couch for reasons other than sleeping?”
“Sounds mighty fine.”
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evilmario666 · 9 months
Hello, this is Philip; I was one of Broghan's Genshin Impact LARPing buddies back in Oregon before I moved to Texas and started blacklisting every Hoyoverse game because they fucking suck. He dropped the payphone and I heard sirens, he was hysterical. I guess it's the fact that the guy changing his identity and everything (he calls himself the "disappearer") wasn't giving him his Lamictal for a month. He was telling the sheriff about how his fursona is a ram named Carl who's a giant stoner and loves playing video games and getting stuck in House of Leaves-style torture matrixes as they were putting handcuffs on him.
As it turns out, the sheriff also had a fursona. He said his fursona was a neon fox twink, and Broghan spat on him and called him "basic". Honestly I'd do the same.
He left the phone dangling for 10 minutes, nobody bothered to put it back up. I'm going to be flying to Alaska to try to get the court case settled out in a month or two, but considering Venti's money and lawyers (he's attached to the CIA after all) I'm not sure how valuable my testimony would be. As for the charges, they refuse to fucking tell me? I think it's some shit Venti fabricated. Probably pinning him as a drug kingpin as revenge for some petty squabble they had over Star Rail because, y'know, Oswald.
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azereus · 2 months
Wedding Headcanons !
Ghost / Gaz x Gn! Reader ( Separate )
Warnings; Technically None besides potential occ and small mentions of Ghost's past ? Just fluff and getting married otherwise ^^ ( I don't know shit about weddings )
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Ultimate Pretty Boy ( Gaz );
The most sappy boy ever before, during, AND after the wedding
Almost fainted when you said yes to his proposal
His hands were so fucking shaky when he slipped the ring on your finger
Legit is the happiest man on earth, he feels so euphoric during this phase like he is on cloud nine and doesn't want to come back down
He is planning out EVERYTHING with you, and by everything, I mean EVERYTHING. The venue, the suits and dresses of the party, down to the flowers of the bouquet if you let him go that far
That one crappy aunt that gets in your business and makes everyone uncomfortable? Blacklisted
That very distant family member that would totally wear white to your wedding just for attention? Blacklisted
His mom? Blac- actually no, his mom is very nice. She adores you
It gets tiring but he looks so happy while doing it. He has a goofy smile on his face as he asks you about what type of cake you want
He isn't one for church weddings, more so outside of it isn't overheating or rainy - but he will do it if you want one
The day before the wedding he nearly passes out because HE is getting married to this wonderful person that is somehow his partner and soon-to-be spouse??
Yeah he is head over heels in love with you
Poor boy gets choked up when he sees you walk down the aisle and nearly trips over his own two feet during the vows
Very quick to say 'I do!' aswell
Gives a very nice speech, how he met you, some nice moments, compliments, etc.
Safe to say the honeymoon phase will be extremely nice
Ghostface ( Ghost );
How do I even start this ?
He went all out for the proposal, mentally preparing himself for weeks. He wanted it to just as planned
The wedding, now, unlike the proposal, was smaller and tamer and he wasn't racked with anxiety. Just close friends and family
The Taskforce, your family, and a few close friends on both sides
Just a small wedding that had a lot of thought put into it
Though it did have it's stressful moments
He and You planned it out together, having light arguments when you couldn't meet eye-to-eye. It was fine otherwise
But He almost had a heart attack when he saw you walk down the aisle. It dawned on him that, yes, this was really happening and he was marrying you. A small bit of normalcy for once was happening in his life.
Honestly him being happy and treating his soon-to-be spouse better than his dad did to his mom is probably one of the biggest 'fuck you's to his dad ever and he enjoys it a lot
Soap was his best man. That is all
He is honestly on board with wherever you want the wedding. Beach, church, home? You name it and he can ( probably ) do it
Throughout the whole wedding he was so excited to dance one-on-one with you. Soap teased him about it and got a smack on the back of the head in return
He is extremely happy throughout the wedding, having a small smile on his face the entire time up until the end
He spent a lot of money on the honeymoon, so you better like it 🔫
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mochinek0 · 1 year
The Al Ghul Family
Lila glared at the evidence in front of her. She quickly wet the papers she had in her hands and threw it in the trash.
'Dammit! If only I had never heard her say the name 'Al Ghul'.'
Lila gripped the sink in the girl's bathroom as hard as she could. She glared at her reflection in the mirror as if it could turn back time. It wasn't her fault that she heard Marinette talking on the phone to someone and calling herself an Al Ghul. Lila had searched up the Al Ghul's and learned they were tied to a dangerous lineage of killers in the past. There wasn't much about them; it was almost as if they were ninjas. The only thing she knew about Marinette was that had some type of Asian heritage. Sure, if she asked around she'd probably know, but she didn't really care.
She felt like she only closed her eyes for a second, as she sighed. When she opened them, Marinette was standing behind her, smiling.
'Speak of the devil.'
"I hope you enjoyed your little game, Layla." Marinette smiled.
"What are you talking about?" Lila questioned, peeved by hearing that name.
"You figured it out by now, right?" Mari continued, cornering Lila like she had done to her long ago, "You were never a threat to me. You do realize that don't you? Gabriel Agreste has always said yes to me. You have to manipulate people to get your way. I could have had you murdered at any moment, but I chose for you to live. I wanted to see what a toy could do when the thought they were in charge. Step out of line again and an accident will happen."
"I'll tell everyone!" Lila hissed.
Marinette stepped back and giggled, "You-You think they'll believe you!"
Lila smirked, "They already do."
"It wasn't hard to find out about you Layla Agetha Vincourt Rossario."
Lila froze and took a step back. She felt the color drain from her face.
"When I show everyone the mess you made at your last five schools. I mean, Audrey Bourgeois wants me as part of her staff. She may not love Chloe, but a national security risk? She'll make sure everyone knows." Mari ranted off, "Think of all the problems you would cause for Gabriel: stocks would plummet and all the recalls. Poor Adrien will be drowning in photoshoots to make up for the publicity. Not to mention, them blacklisting you. To a thief, a liar, and a murder in the eyes of the boy you want."
"I didn't-" Lila began.
"The evidence stands for itself." Marinette shrugged, "Maybe it was an accident that you poisoned the Minister's nephew, but all the people they talked to. All those people who heard you pull the same shit that you do to me? How you cried about being bullied and how his girlfriend was hurting you for just being friends? Do you really think the Minister of Italy won't catch the first flight over to arrest you when he hears you're doing the same thing to a poor baker's daughter. Imagine how much news it will make when people learn about you and your doing the exact same thing in Paris! It'll make international news! How a murder was trying to gain the attention of a famous model and lied her way into is father's graces."
Marinette smiled, "All it would take is one little phone call to the Minister of Italy for him to know where you are now. I don't even have to be the one to make the call. Your poor mother, losing you and her only source of income. Your father is in America with his new wife and new family. I hear his new daughter is everything he ever hoped for."
"Shut up!" growled Lila.
"She's a straight A student, popular, dating a musician that her father approves of."
"Shut up!" Lila repeated.
"You're just jealous of your little sister because she's everything you're not. Too think, she's only one year younger than you? I heard she took after her mother, but you took after your father. He cheated on your mother didn't he? He lost his job because he was employed by your mother's family. Then, he married into his mistress's family. Of course, none of it is his money; it belongs to his wife and daughter. If he doesn't behave, he doesn't get an allowance. Smart of her to make him sign a pre-nup. He cheats and he's back to being broke." Marinette laughed, "Your mother would hate you if she knew you were just like him. She has sole custody. Your father didn't even want you."
"Shut up!" Lila screamed, before charging after Marinette.
Marinette yawned and easily flipped her onto her back.
"You're nothing, but a disappointment." Mari hissed, "Weren't those his last words to you?"
Lila laid there and sobbed.
"You truly are disappointing; I expected more of my so-called bully." Mari sighed, "Make sure you behave from now on and if you decide to make me your bully again, well, Mommy will find out just how much of a Daddy's girl you really are. I'd be careful with my next move if I were you."
Marinette walked out of the school and smiled. I was great to see a familiar face
"So?" Damian questioned, as Marinette towards him.
Marinette smirked, "Mother always did say innocence was my best look."
"Think the liar will listen?" Damian asked.
"Eh." Mari shrugged, "I'll call you if she doesn't. Just forward everything to her mother and let me know. I don't want to miss the fall out."
"What about Gabriel?" he asked.
Marinette smiled, "He has two years to change. If not, I'll burn his company down or buy it out; I haven't decided yet."
"What about Junior?" her brother questioned.
"I've already convinced him to give up modeling and Agreste Senior agreed, but that bitch doesn't know that." his sister commented.
"Sometimes I wonder if I should be convinced how much you think like Mother, but look like Father." Damian stated.
"A female isn't needed on the throne." she shrugged.
"That was Grandfather's mistake." Damian growled, "Mother was just as deadly as him. What about coming to the manor?"
"Not yet. Father is still adjusting to you." Marinette declared, "He may know of me, but that doesn't mean he views me as his. I don't want his legacy and that's all he cares about. He thinks I'm 'safe' so we'll keep it that way."
Damian smirked, "Gotham would likely be destroyed in an instant if we both took it on."
"You know how to reach me if there is ever anything you need." Mari commented.
"I gave Todd your number for emergency use only." Damian declared, "If I can't call, he will."
"You better be dead if he calls me." Marinette frowned, glaring at her brother.
'Just as dramatic as Mother.'
Damian noticed someone walking towards them and changed his demeanor.
"Thank you." he spoke and began to walk away.
Marinette watched, confused, at least until she heard some footsteps.
"Who was that, Marinette?" Adrien questioned.
Marinette blushed at his sudden appearance by her side.
"T-Tourist." she smiled, "Um, lover. NO! I-I mean louve. He wanted to know about the louve! Where, um-"
Adrien chuckled and listened patiently, as she explained the stranger's presence.
"Think I can walk you home?" he asked, taking her hand.
Damian watched as Marinette turned red and looked away from the blonde.
'Adrien Agreste, hmmmm. I'll still never get over how scary like Mother she is. She always knows what she wants and how to get it. I doubt she'll slip anything into his drink, though.'
"Welcome to the Al-Ghul family, Agreste." Damian smirked.
TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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spicyseonghwas · 1 year
confidence boost | choi san
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pairing :: choi san x male reader rating :: 18+ ; sexual content genres/au's :: smut content warnings :: dom!top!reader x sub!bottom!san, heavy cursing, name calling, slut shaming, degradation, body worship, breeding, rough sex, kitchen sex (on the table), marking, choking, spanking, bulging kink, thigh fetish, possessiveness on san's part, slapping cus reader is extra, extra kinky word count :: 1,286 a/n i genuinely just have no idea how the security system works for backstage passes so bear with me :| requested by anon [ask] network tag@preciousillusions-net pt.1 ; pt.2
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"l/n m/n?" the security guard asked. you nodded, giving him your id when he asked for it. he looked it over, passed it back to you, and knocked lightly on the door before opening it a crack to let san know you had arrived.
your heart started screaming in your chest the moment you heard san's voice calling you to come in, and the security guard gestured you inside before shutting & locking the door behind you. you spent nearly all your willpower to keep your face from turning impossibly cherry-red as you sat down on the couch per san's silent gesture.
awkward silence...
lots of very tense, awkward silence.
"so... three hours, huh?" san said, breaking the silence after a while.
"heh- yeah..." you giggled sheepishly, scratching the back of your neck awkwardly.
"i get you all to myself for a whole three hours..." he said in a quiet, almost worryingly chipper voice.
"i… y-yeah," you stuttered, turning away.
"c'mere, come play a dinosaur game with me." san said with a happy smile, patting the couch cushion to his left and waving his phone in the air.
"s-sure," you said, pulling out your phone and opening ark- assuming that was the game he was referring to. (a/n: indeed it was. ark is the only game i know a lot about so its ark. author's rules, shut up.)
the offer did make you blush, yes, but it was more so the words that came out of his mouth next that shook you to your core. the words that started the nagging in the back of your mind; that little voice that insisted that something was off.
you gave san your username and he invited you to a private server he'd created, and you and him played the game for about thirty minutes, the silence between you and the man of your dreams finally beginning to feel comfortable. until san rent it in two and left the pieces to rot between you and him.
"y'know, you're awfully quiet and shy for someone walking around giving off such a loudly pronounced aura."
you had nothing to say to this, so you shifted in your seat a bit and tried to continue playing the game, trying your best to ignore the fact that san was quite obviously a) hitting on you, and b) scooting closer and closer to you.
"oh come on, i know you have an answer to that." he sniped playfully, putting his phone down and shoving your shoulder gently with the strength of his.
"san, everything i have in mind to say in response to that would get me blacklisted from everything ateez ever does for the rest of my gay, miserable existence." you said back sassily before continuing your game once more.
"oh you like men, do you?" san teased, "am i your type?"
you stayed silent.
san leaned in and sent a shiver down your spine as you felt his breath on your neck.
"'cus you're definitely mine."
this is when you lost your last ounce of self control.
"god fucking damn it all, choi san, you and your fucking rizz." you spat, throwing your phone aside onto the floor- it was an iphone, and the case was pretty durable… right?
tossing aside every drop of dignity you had, you turned, looked san right in the eyes for a fraction of a second, and the pounced. your hands made identical beelines for san's chiseled face and your lips connected with his in what could very well have been a car crash, your tongue forcing its way into his mouth and your hands tangling into his soft black hair. you ate up the needy groan that ripped through his throat, tangling your tongue with his and feeding him a growl of your own as his hands went up under your shirt and began to roam your back and shoulders. a small whimper escaped your lips when he raked his nails down your shoulders and upper back without warning; he smirked smugly into the kiss and gestured impatiently for you to be rid of your shirt.
he wanted to see your body.
san yanked softly on your hair and leaned down to whisper in your ear.
"y'know, i could really use a bit of a confidence boost, little prince..."
you giggled into san's ear, gladly indulging in the things he was asking for.
"oh san, the things i could say... where do i start?" you hummed, "mmm... your jawline, first off. you could literally cut me with this bitch and i would pay to have it done again."
san chuckled, nuzzling into your neck and biting down on the skin there.
"keep talking and you might get something out of it, pretty boy." he purred into your ear, starting to leave bruises all over your neck.
you giggled again, leaving a bite mark of your own on san's throat before continuing your speech.
"and you're literally shaped like a fucking dorito," you snapped in a loud voice, "and for what? for what, san?? are you trying to become aphrodite?? 'cus it's working like a fucking charm..."
san's pride had already been flying through the roof (probably for no reason at all, honestly), but hearing you talk about him the way you just did honestly had him twitching in his pants. he put his hand over your mouth to shush you, immediately replacing it with his mouth and shoving his tongue into yours. he wrapped his arms tighter around your waist, leaving brand new, stinging, scorching hot scratch marks down your back and shoulders, and his eyes rolled back into his head when you growled hungrily into his mouth.
"f-fuck, san..." you whimpered, wrapping your legs around his waist.
san broke away from the kiss, rolling over into the back of the couch and nuzzling into your neck again.
"well," he said smugly, "i've got the confidence boost i wanted... but now you've given me another problem to deal with."
your eyebrows nearly disappeared into your hair.
"yes, darling?"
"are... are you asking me to suck your dick?"
"yes." san decided after a couple moments. "yes i am."
that was the only answer san needed.
"fuck..." san whimpered, "fuck, right there, YES, FUCK--"
"yeah?" you cooed, slapping san's face softly and listening happily to his high-pitched whining as you continued dicking him down into oblivion. "you like that, bitch? you're such a nasty slut, you like this, don't you? you like being slapped around..."
"y-yes sir," san whimpered, "f-fuck, it feels so good- fuck, right there, please-"
"such a pretty little fucking slut..." you growled, wrapping your hand around his throat and squeezing as hard as you could.
"m-m/n, fuck, right there, yeah-"
"what was that, bitch? what'd you say?"
"fuck, sir, right there..." san corrected himself in a high-pitched voice, as quickly as he could through the fog that was taking over his brain.
"good boy, that's better." you purred, laying down on top of him and speeding up your ministrations as fast and hard as you could without hurting yourself. san made a sound that was somewhere between a moan and a high-pitched whine as the tip of your dick hit his already-abused prostate.
"fuck, fuck, FUCK, sir, right there, shit- breed meee," san groaned, burying his face in your shoulder and let the feelings of you fucking your load into him hit him like a subway train. he groaned into your neck and bit down as hard as he could, screaming into your neck as his orgasm took him and flew away into the clouds with him.
"you're such a pretty boy," you praised, "you took my dick so well..."
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© seonghwas-lighter 2023-2024.
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huntedhauntedhunter · 7 months
I have TADC agere headcanons...if anyone cares (prolly not haha)
Posting on art blog because I post my agere art here sometimes, so why not headcanons and writings too?
Will be tagged properly so you can blacklist it if you want.
Age regressors: Gangle and Pomni (FT. YOU)
Caretakers: Jax (yes and I will explain more later), Ragatha, and Zooble
Grandparent who spoils the agere and helps the caretakers: Kinger
I don't have...a spot/hc for Caine yet...sorry...feel free to tell me what you think he'd be good as though, and why/how!
🎀Agere Gangle: Its kind of obvious and she's not oblivious to it or in denial. She loves agere and finds it comfty and safe. She loves to draw for hours and have playdates with Pomni (she actually convinces Pomni its ok and to do it.)
I HC her caretaker as Zooble, who can be romantic or platonic! I just think Zooble would be a good caretaker for her.
📐Caretaker Zooble: Zooble is...meh about it on the surface. They don't care and they don't think they need to be so public about it. But once in the headspace, they're kind of like...a cigerette mom? Where they're sarcastic about everything, and they question almost all of your choices with a specific type of judgementalness...but they really care and if anyone (Jax) fucks with their baby, it's gonna go down.
Having Gangle as their little really opens up a protective side they didn't know they had in them. Beating the shit outta Jax becomes a more common occurence.
🤹🏻‍♀️Agere Pomni: Pomni is def in denial, and it takes a LOT of convincing from Gangle (and gentle coaxing from Ragatha telling her it's ok) to really let themselves get into it. She is very shy and anxious about it. At first she was paranoid about others finding out (namely Jax), but one Jax finds out and she becomes accustomed to...him, she really gets into. I feel Ragatha would be the best caretaker, whether platonic or romantic (altho I personally lean towards romantic!)
🔪Caretaker Ragatha: (Knife emoji is for a few reasons haha) I've seen everyone under the sun HC Ragatha as a caretaker...and so they've pretty much already said everything and I agree! Gentle, loving, sweet, but also firm and no nonsense. Her and Jax get into a LOT of fights over the littles...like, a lot. It's like watching two parents at a sports event scuffle over whose kid is better.
♟Grandpa Kinger: I HC Kinger as a grandpa figure. He isn't really a caretaker, but he spoils the littles and plays along with everyone whether he actually knows whats going on or not. Def lets them hide in his pillow fortress, whether to play in, sleep in, or be naughty and hide from their caretakers in. Teaches them about insects...plays silly games with them...etc.
🐇Caretaker Jax: OK...this one is purely for me and I have a lot amusing scenarios with Jax in which I think he'd be a fun and unique type of caretaker...So hear me out...(Since I don't see him as a caretaker for anyone in the circus, section will be xreader, sorry! I made him a caretaker for me, but if anyone does read this and enjoys it...here you go.)
It'd start with him finding out about you being an agere. And in typical Jax fashion, he would mock, berate, and tease the hell out of you every single chance he got. He would def make you cry and be paranoid, because he would go through your room and nitpick anything and everything he found.
Slowly though, and I mean SO slowly you wouldn't even notice it was happening...he would insert himself as your caretaker. Like, I'm talking he would just find amusement in teasing you and playing the part, making you upset and then saying shit like "what, aren't I a good daddy?" when he "helps" you fix the problem he caused...or sushing you by sticking a paci in your mouth, or threatening to spank you if you annoy him just a tad.
He would eventually just. Go to the playdates and sit between Zooble and Ragatha and just...start pretending he's your parent. Behind your back. You wouldn't realize he's doing this or talking about you in this way for awhile. You'd only realize it one day, when you Pomni and Gangle are having a fun competition, and you hear Jax yell at the others about how "his kids the best and gonna win", or some sports dad shit.
You don't know how to confront him, TBH...I'll let you insert how you'd personally confront him.
He's super teasing, loves having excuses to "punish" you (usually puts you in a poorly made baby jail), and acts like a mix between a deadbeat dad who only intercepts when he feels like it, and a protective dad who feels like he has to fight everyone about you being better than all the other "brats".
(Sorry the Jax part is so long, I just have lots of feelings about it...and IK the fandom would see "caretaker Jax" and laugh at how absurd that is which is fair, it's meant to be absurd! That's part of the fun and why I enjoy the idea so much.)
Anyways...yeah...that's it...just need HCs for Caine and Bubble and I'll be set....Sorry for how long this is and if you for some reason decided to read it...wow.
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aromantic-luigi · 7 days
hi there!!! my name is almond (he/him), this is an aromantic positivity blog ive decided to make
i am aroace and while i do think that theres a severe lack of ace, aroace and aspec representation and education as a whole i feel like aromantics especially lack representation. this blog is a way for me to show more aro pride and make myself (and hopefully other aros) feel happier and more recognized!!! 💚🤍🩶🖤
this is intended to be a safe space for all aros - loveless aros, arospecs, alloaros, aroaces, questioning aros, romo repulsed aros, aros in romantic relationships, aros who want romantic relationships, everything else and all in between <3 i will not tolerate ANY aphobia on this blog whatsoever!! aphobes will be blocked immediately
proship/comship will also be blocked on sight
More about me/this blog under cut
About this blog
i plan on posting about a lot of stuff on this blog regarding aromanticism! i imagine ill mainly be reblogging posts, though i may make my own positivity posts, character headcanons, flag icons, art, etc.
my askbox is open for anything!! questions about aromanticism, your own experiences, your own headcanons, requests for flag icons, silly comments, etc :] although im not great at answering asks in a timely manner i will try to answer every ask to the best of my ability!
(for flag icon requests: only requests for flags under the aromantic umbrella will be used, sorry!! a combination is fine though (for example: alloaro/lesbian, aroace/gay/trans, aro/bi and the like are all acceptable as long as it still includes some sort of arospec flag). no real people, no fandom blacklist. if im not comfortable with it i wont answer the ask)
About me
as stated before, i am aroace :] sex repulsed ace and.... confused with romance. ive had a very complicated relationship with my aromanticism and went through a LOT of denial, though after learning more about what aromanticism really means, im prouder than ever to say im aro. which is part of why i made this blog! i hope that through sharing my experiences and positivity i can also help some fellow aros who struggle with their identities<33
i am also in a romantic relationship with another aroace person. neither of us know what the fuck romance is but we love each other and i think its great<3 i love my partner in a way that im not sure is romantic but is nevertheless deep and meaningful. our love is romantic but also not but also very romantic see.
why luigi? ummm. i like luigi and hes green
my other blogs if youre interested:
@walnutcookie (fandom/personal blog)
@doctor-sunshine-is-dead (mainly reblogs)
tagging system:
#my posts - posts that are made by me, not reblogs of others
#💚 icons - flag icons ive made
#💚 colorpicked - colorpicked flags ive done
#💚 requests - requests ive done (icons, colorpicking, etc)
#💚 talking - my own text posts
#💚 asks - replying to asks
#💚 submissions - submissions from others
#💚 art - my own art
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comics-and-fanworks · 2 years
ML Career Choice Part 2!
Is this how you tag people I have no idea what I’m doing.
Turns out when you yell at someone in a café demanding they fix a mess they didn’t cause people are likely to record it. Especially if you happen to be a model who just fell from grace and are yelling at a soon-to-be Mrs. Todd-Wayne. Gotham was a mix of emotions, mostly elated that their power couple would be getting married, surprise that the woman who’s helped redesign and rebuild major cities is a major force of fashion, and fury at just what she had to go through. Adrien made the mistake of messing with someone who Gothamites considered one of their own, and Gotham was determined to make sure Marinette would get a chance to tell her side of the story. Vicky Vale had her booked on her talk show that very night, under the guise of discussing a way for the city to reduce its smog levels. 
Marinette and Jason were sitting next to each other smiling as Marinette proudly discussed ways to make Gotham’s air cleaner, Vicky began her real interview. “Marinette, I hate to spring this on you so suddenly, but I’m sure you’ve seen the video of ex-model Adrien Agreste harassing you and your fiancé- congratulations by the way- He mentioned something about fashion?” Marinette sighed, and Jason squeezed her hand in comfort, “When I was younger, it was my dream to be a fashion designer. I had, and still have a few big name clients like Jagged Stone, Clara Nightingale, and the Wayne family now that I’m marrying into it. I had even caught the attention of some big names like Gabriel Agreste and the Style Queen, I thought everything was going so well, until Lila Rossi came along.” Jason leaned over and pulled Marinette into a side hug, gently rubbing her shoulder. Mari took a deep breath and continued, “She began lying about anything and everything, and I didn’t believe her, she somehow got into Gabriel’s good graces and began spreading all these lies about me. Saying I stole my designs, I had other people do the work for me, all kinds of things that didn’t really make sense. It was one of the many things she did to me. I don’t know how she convinced him, but she got Adrien to back her up. The worst part is, he knew all along that she was lying, but helped her ruin my reputation and get me blacklisted from something I loved!” 
At this point, Marinette was in tears, so Vicky cut to a commercial break while Jason tried to comfort his fiancee. Eventually they both agreed it would be best if Jason handled the rest of the interview. When the live feed returned, Vicky decided to lighten the mood by asking about his engagement, “So Jason, is there anything you can tell me about your upcoming wedding?”
“Well Vicky, can I start off with saying how excited I am? I met Marinette when she had just moved to Gotham. It sounds crazy, but we were actually in a hostage situation and I got to watch Little Ms. Magic macgyver her way out of it, and that was the moment I knew she was the one. I won’t say much about our wedding, the ceremony’s going to be a private affair, but the reception is going to be quite the party. Everyone who’s Anyone will be there, Mari did make a lot of connections through her work as an engineer. Name a country and I promise she knows someone there.”
Needless to say Marinette’s former tormenters were shocked when they did not recieve an invitation, mostly because Adrien had assured Lila and his father that Marinette would definitely invite them. Even though Lila still despised Marinette, but she admitted that her rival was well connected and with her reentry into the fashion world, her empire was only growing. If Lila could make a show of apologizing to Marinette, she could potentially save her career, and hopefully eventually worm her way into the multi-talented woman’s good graces. Gabriel wanted to attend in order to try and save his company’s reputation and smooth things over. It looked bad enough when he blacklisted a child, but now that it was exposed that he did so on lies and didn’t even attempt to confirm them it looked even worse. He hoped that by the end of the evening he could make a few new famous clients (who were fighting tooth and nail for the very limited commission spots Marinette opened) and announcing a partnership between himself and Marinette.
Adrien wanted to go because he was convinced he could convince Marinette to leave Gotham to return to France and restore the status quo. None of his old friends were speaking to him, after finding out that he knew Lila was lying and helped ruin Marinette’s future. Many of them reached out to her to apologize, and in the months leading up to the wedding were able to repair their bonds with her. Adrien was confused, why should they apologize when in his mind Marinette was in the wrong for attempting to expose Lila as a liar? It didn’t help that Ladybug was giving him the cold shoulder as well, he thought she would see it how he wanted her to, but apparently not. To add insult to injury, she got an invitation while Chat Noir did not. 
The three of them decided to crash the reception, mostly because they were confident that they wouldn’t get kicked out. They still remembered Marinette as a people-pleasing pushover, so they figured that even if they did get caught they’d be fine. What they didn’t know, is that the Wayne family runs a secret side business, in which they teach future family members confidence, raise their self-esteem, and other healthy life skills, and Marinette had happily taken those classes. When they arrive, Adrien darts off to find Marinette, Lila and Gabriel try to do damage control. It’s not long before they’re being thrown out by security and a VERY pissed preteen with a katana. The Wayne lawyers were truly in a different level of their own, because by the time the terrible trio got back to their hotel, they were served with restraining orders.
Life was going well for Marinette, it was great actually. She was head of Wayne Engineering and working on starting up Wayne Fashions. Marinette was even asked to join a board of engineers, architects, and designers on ways to further protect people and buildings from magical and nonmagical threats, when her phone began to ring.
“Mari! An earthquake just hit Gotham! The government is withdrawing all aid! They’re not going to rebuild the City. Little Ms. Magic I don’t know what-”
“I’m coming! Tell your dad he better be ready to reach deep into his pockets. They may have abandoned Gotham, but we haven’t, and we never will.”
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miniscule-meow · 3 months
Prologue: New Beginnings (Charlie and Felix)
Writing Masterpost Word Count: ~1.2k Next Part Exposition, World building, Me remastering this story again.
“Rosehill University is a prestigious institution, whose fundamental purpose is to build up, and exemplify those with superhuman abilities as altruistic helpers,” Dr. Eric Brune sits behind his desk, resting his chin against his steepled fingers. He adjusts his thick glasses before continuing, “Your abilities should not be treated with flippant disregard for the safety of others. You have a responsibility, especially considering you are one of the most capable young supers to have ever walked these halls, Mr. Westwell.”
Felix resists the urge to roll his eyes as this self-important bastard prattles on about the importance of being an upstanding citizen, blah, blah, blah, the pillars of personal character, yadda, yadda, yadda. He lost track of how many times he’s been called into the Dean’s office just to hear this same spiel. At this point, he’s simply pretending to pay attention so he can say his apologies and get out of here. I’m sorry Dr. Brune. It won’t happen again, Dr. Brune.
“Which is why the Board has decided it would be best to transfer you to Bayshear University. Dr. Brune declares.
“I’m—” his rehearsed apology dies on his tongue, “Bayshear? That’s- but that’s a mundane college,” he states, leaning forward in his chair. He’s the most powerful super this school has ever seen, and they’re about to toss him to a mundane college? Like hell they are.
“Yes, we’re aware. The general consensus from the board was that some time outside of the Hall of Supers might be good for your mental wellbeing. You should feel very lucky, Mr. Westwell, Many people are bending over backwards to ensure you still have a future.”
“And my future is that I’m getting expelled? Exiled to some Mundane community” he asks, his hands gripping the arms of his chair so tightly his knuckles turn white. Dr. Brune doesn’t even blink.
“Only if you choose to look at it that way. I would think of it more as an opportunity for personal growth.” Dr. Brune’s sallow face looks like it’s never known a smile, but Felix could swear that delivering the news that he’s getting expelled almost brought him to a grin. Felix knows this bastard has never liked him. Since day one Dr. Brune has had it out for him, and here he is doing everything in his power to ruin his life.
“I am the top super in this whole school,” Felix fights to keep his voice measured, biting back the choice words he truly wants to say. “You can’t—”
“Mr. Westwell, I most certainly can. In fact, the decision is already final. Your conduct here has been completely unacceptable. If it were to continue as it has been, you’re in for a true expulsion, you’re in for being blacklisted from every super organization in this state, if not beyond. And, heavens forbid, if things were to get any worse well, son, you’re looking at your abilities being dampened or being sent underground,” Underground. Probably not a thinly veiled euphemism for being offed by the government. It’s somewhat of a legend amidst the Supers, a looming threat to keep everyone toeing the line, crossing their T’s and dotting their I’s, making sure that everyone is on their best behavior. It is a creatively named facility that harbors the Supers that become major threats to the public located, you guessed it, somewhere underground. “You understand that, right?” Dr. Brune finishes.
“What I understand is that you and the board are all just afraid of a power that you can’t control,” Felix can’t hold back the snarl from his voice.
“No, Mr. Westwell. It’s the power that you can’t control that is the concern.”
“I control my powers just fine,” Felix swears the edges of his vision tinge with red. He did not work so hard to become what he is now, just to be told by some pompous desk-warmer that his powers are out of control. He’s about to say more when Dr. Brune flops a file down on the center of his desk, flipping it open and adjusting his glasses once more.
“15 classmates sent to the infirmary, Damage to 3 historic buildings around campus, requiring repairs, and 5 visits to my office. All happening within this semester, mind you. You’re noted as being incredibly short tempered and quick to use your power as an intimidation tactic. Son,” he takes his glasses off, tossing them down on the open folder, “the Mundanes don’t take too kindly to supers that they perceive as threats. In fact, they already see most supers as threats anyway. It’s my job to ensure that the students graduating from this school aren’t going to go out there and become problems for the Mundane world. I cannot, in good conscience, let you continue on the path you’re on. The decision is final. We have your paperwork to send over. Once you graduate from Bayshear, if there is a moderate change in your behavior, Rosehill will gladly consider you for our graduate program, if you choose to continue your education. And, of course, we are willing to re-evaluate this decision going into your senior year if there is a remarkable change. Consider this your wake-up call, not the end of the line. Though, it is important that you understand, this will be your final chance.”
After he’s dismissed, Felix grips the manilla envelope in shaking hands as he numbly walks himself out of Academic Hall. Everything he’s worked for, pulling himself up from nothing, clawing his way to the top and fighting to stay there. What was all of that for? Just like everything else he’s ever had it’s just been ripped away from him in the blink of an eye.
This is it then. This is the day his life ends.
Two years of community college, two years of scholarship essays and grant applications, two years of countless rejections. But this time, this is her time. She can feel it. She grips the envelope in shaking hands, adrenaline skyrocketing her pulse.
She takes a deep breath.
She tears the letter open, unfolding it and quickly pressing it to her chest, squeezing her eyes shut.
Please, please, please, please, please.
As if her wishful thinking could somehow alter whatever is written on the page.
“Stop stalling and just read it already!” She whispers harshly to herself to read the page.
Ms. Charlotte Beauxregard,
On behalf of Dr. Bailey Vargus, President of Bayshear University, we are excited to inform you that you have been selected as a Bayshear Presidential Scholar. Please allow us to express our sincerest hope that you will join our Community, and become a Brilliant Bear.
Go Bears!
Tears stream down her cheeks, the shaking in her hands becoming uncontrollable. She leaps off her bed, and swings open the door. Her brother Marshall was hovering nearby in the hallway, no doubt waiting to hear the news. He jumps when he sees her.
“You didn’t get it?” Marshall asks. “Char, it’s okay. Maybe the next one—”
“No,” Charlotte gasps, “Mars, No, no.”
“Don’t get all pessimistic, so what—”
“Look!” Charlotte shoves the letter towards him, he scans the letter quickly, a beaming grin spreading across his face.
“You got it! Congratulations!” Mars ends up tackling Charlotte with the biggest hug of her life.
The evening is a blur of phone calls to everyone she knows, and happy tears. She has so much to do. She needs to pack, she needs to apply for a job on campus, she doesn’t have classes yet, but she already needs to be studying.
This is it then! This is the day her life begins.
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louisisalarrie · 3 months
i guess he’ll have to stop singing “i love him, i hate it” then. who else would it be about? simon cowell? like please.
This whole thing is weird, everything about it.
yep! Such an obviously timed denial that it’s basically transparent. I will reiterate my points here again, because this has frustrated me dearly as someone who is actively in the industry and has seen successful pr stunts and coverups. His team can’t crack the larries tho.
1. Timing - pre recorded denial dropped for promo as he left LATAM to go MIA before going back to tour in a few weeks + everyone will cool off by then
2. Urgency - there are no current media publications or any GP chats suggesting Louis and Harry are together, and there hasn’t been for a long time now, so there’s no damage control to be done (unless something hasn’t come out yet and it’s in preparation for said thing, BUA perhaps)
3. Content - drops the “my son Freddie” during it as well, boosting that stunt because it’s been pretty quiet since AOTV and a couple of tweets ages ago. again, no explicit denial and poor body language
4. Blacklisted Topic - we saw the other interviewer shut down the F thing, and he’s had many interviews where Larry and F aren’t brought up at all. It’s a topic put in there when it’s useful
5. Relevancy - not relevant to tour or current media presence whatsoever
6. Consistency - all interviews we have gotten recently have been strictly about his career, his festival, tour, inspirations etc., and we have one very personal and touchy topic randomly brought in with no context whatsoever
But I think what is making people stressed about this particular denial is because there was nothing calling for it. No media stir, no mentions of their names together or directly tied in media, no scandal or damage control (unless something breaks), so it seems more genuine and not just like he’s trying to clean up a mess like so many times before. But it’s also very obvious promo. Dropped as soon as he leaves LATAM? And everyone will cool off by the time he’s back. Absolutely standard and poorly done PR.
I don’t think managers know what they’re getting into when they start handling a 1d boy, frankly because our fandom is truly one of a kind. But, as much as I hate to say it, the Azoff’s have done what louis’ team should have done too. Stay silent about it, it’s not necessary to comment unless something big happens and it needs damage control. you’re only attacking your fans here, bud.
so, anyway… the patterns of every other denial have led to a BUA, a scandal, or their names being tied together and Larry being of public interest. Or have come from those things prior. However, this denial will probably pick up in the media, and tie louis’ name to Harry’s once more, to boost him a bit to sell some tickets.
everything was going so well, it was great to see him not talk about his personal life. so, it’s foreshadowing and a poor promo move, or just a poor promo move.
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kwanisms · 1 year
Kinkuary 19 Soobin — drunk sex // dirty talk
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➥ best friend!Soobin × reader
summary: Best friends Soobin & Y/N get a little too drunk at a friend’s house party and end up back at her place after drunkenly confessing their feelings for one another.
wc: 3.2k
warnings: afab reader, adult dialogue, alcohol consumption, friends to lovers, sexual content (minors dni!): oral (f receiving), protected sex (at least they remembered lol), lowkey love making cause they're so in love with each other, use of pet names (baby, honey, angel, bunny, etc), dirty talk (like a LOT of dirty talk because Soobin can't shut up), big d!ck!Soobin, admissions of 'I love you' 'cause they're sappy af. I think I got everything but let me know if I missed any!
a/n: psa: drunk sex isn't always consensual and I know that. Everyone should know that. This is fantasy, don't use this as a guide whatsoever lol that being said, the reader and soobin have been pining over each other for close to a year and are down so bad for each other that once they drunkenly admit their feelings, they're all in. Thank you for reading and as always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. banner made by me. I do not allow reposts or translations of my works. All my works are ©️ kwanisms.
Permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @candidupped @dejavernon
Kinkuary full taglist: @baldi-2 @wonderfulshinee @lacie220900 @sup-dallyboy @drunk-on-dk @violagoth @mixling-blog @kosmoreads @yourfavoritefreakyhan
Txt taglist: @niktwazny303 @rapmonie2047 @rdiamond2727 @kangfication
Join the taglist!
How you ended up here, you'd never fully understand. One minute, you were standing in the kitchen at Yeonjun's apartment with your best friend, Soobin, and the next you were under him, your back pressed to your mattress as his lips attacked yours.
You remembered standing in the kitchen as you got yourself another drink when Beomgyu poked his head into the room and called over to you that a game of Paranoia was about to start and Soobin was saving you a spot.
You don't remember walking into the room or sitting down between your best friend and Taehyun who smiled at you as you accidentally bumped into him and waved off your tipsy apology.
You knew this game very well as you actually taught it to this group of friends. One by one, one person would whisper a question into the ear of the person sitting next to them. The person would then answer the whispered question out loud.
To find out what question was asked, the person who was asked had to repeat it or take a shot. Normally you'd flip a coin for this but it was a party with alcohol, of course the house rules would include shots, that was just Yeonjun's rules.
It was Taehyun's turn to ask you a question and he leaned in and asked you so clearly. "Do you have feelings for anyone in the circle and if so, who?" You sat up straight and without missing a beat, you said your best friend's name aloud.
Soobin looked from you to Taehyun who gave the older man a wide grin, looking rather pleased with himself. "What was the question, Y/N," Yeonjun asked, leaning back against the couch, arms crossed over his chest, a knowing smirk on his face.
Did everyone know what Taehyun had asked you? Was this all some sort of elaborate set up? Your mind was so focused on these thoughts that you hadn't even heard Soobin asking if you were okay. When you finally came back to reality, the game had moved on past you and Soobin. You apologized but Soobin dismissed it.
Finally it came back to you and Taehyun now had a devilish grin on his face as he made eye contact with Yeonjun who seemed to have the same expression as Taehyun leaned over. You weren't sure if it was your imagination or the alcohol but the way Taehyun placed his hand on your knee as he leaned in felt oddly intimate.
"Do you want to sleep with anyone here, if so, who?" he whispered in your ear. Your eyes widened almost comically, making others sitting in the circle laugh at your response and speculate what was asked while you processed the question and how to answer it.
Truthfully, you did have someone you wanted to kiss and he was sitting right next to you, all 6'1 of him crammed into a small space between you and some guy whose name you forgot two drinks ago. You licked your lips, suddenly aware of how dry your throat seemed.
"I need water," you croaked out, making several people boo as you got up, ignoring their protests and demands you answer the question. The last thing you saw before entering the kitchen was Soobin's concerned face. You opened the fridge door, grabbed a bottle of water, twisted the cap off, and took a large gulp.
"You okay?" you heard the gentle voice of your best friend as he approached and greeted him with a fake smile. "Just peachy!" You lied, taking another sip. Soobin reached out for the bottle and you handed it to him, averting your eyes as he took a large drink.
"You're a terrible liar," he muttered, handing the bottle back to you. You took another sip and then another, trying to finish the bottle as quickly as possible to escape whatever awkward conversation was about to happen only Soobin was too fast.
"What did he ask you?"
You cursed yourself mentally, you should have known he'd ask you this. Anyone would honestly after the way you reacted to Taehyun's whispers. If you had been in their shoes, you'd be curious, too.
"It's nothing," you said quietly. "Let's just forget it, please."
You moved to cross the room but Soobin's large hand closed around your wrist, halting your escape abs pulling you back in front of him. "I'm your best friend, Y/N. I can tell whatever he asked is affecting you, so please," he said softly. "Don't push me away."
You felt tears burn the corner of your eyes. "Please Soobin," you whispered. "Don't ask me to repeat it." Your best friend's eyes widened upon seeing your reaction to being pressed and sighed, pulling you into a hug. "If he said anything inappropriate, I swear I'll kill him," he grumbled.
You shook your head. "It's not his fault."
"Don't you dare protect him, Y/N. He clearly asked something to make you uncomfortable on purpose. The look on his face made it obvious," Soobin said, hugging you tighter. There was no way he could hear your heart hammering in your chest but he acted like he couldn't hear anything. "He just asked…" you started softly.
"If I liked anyone in the circle," you finally blurted out. Soobin pulled back to look at you. "And you do? Is that why you panicked and had to leave the room?" he asked softly. You shook your head.
"No, that question was if I wanted to sleep with anyone," you answered. Soobin's brow furrowed. "He asked both of those questions just now?" he inquired, looking even more confused when you shook your head. "No. The question about liking someone was earlier," you replied and then covered your mouth with your hand.
You just let it slip, inadvertently, that you liked your best friend. You hoped he wouldn't catch on but luck, it would seem, was not on your side. Soobin's voice was soft when he spoke.
"You… like me?"
You sighed, nodding slowly. "Yes," you replied softly. You felt him cup your cheeks and tilt your head to look at him. "And what was your answer to the second question?" Soobin asked, eyes boring into yours. Your cheeks burned under his intense gaze.
"Y-you," you answered, voice trembling.
Everything that happened next was so fast. Soobin crashed his lips against yours, tasting the drink you'd made yourself on your tongue. You whimpered against his lips as he backed you up against the counter, hands grabbing the front of his hoodie to stabilize yourself.
When he finally pulled away, resting his forehead against yours, he sighed, letting out a couple laughs. "I've been wanting to hear that for so long," he admitted. "I like you so much, you dork," he added, pulling back to look into your eyes.
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You don't remember the ride to your place, only remembering Soobin telling the others he was taking you home and that you were tired and needed to sleep. You remembered him supporting you in the elevator down to the lobby then suddenly you were walking into your building lobby.
"How did we even get here? I don't remember being in a taxi," you said, pushing Soobin back so you could speak. "You fell asleep in the car," he answered, moving to caress your cheek. "And then you woke up when we got here."
You accepted this answer because it made sense and you trusted Soobin to tell you the truth as he's always done. You pulled him back down into another kiss, moaning against his lips as you felt him roll his hips against yours. "Fuck, it feels huge," you whimpered as he grinding against you.
"Does it?" he asked, lips ghosting over your cheek and down your neck. "Think you can take all of it?" he murmured, his lips tugging into a slight smirk. "You wanna try?" he asked, grinding against you again. "Hng, Soobin," you groaned.
Your best friend sat up, pulling his hoodie off and leaning over to undo your jeans. "Wanna find out if you can take all of this cock?" He asked softly, tugging your jeans and panties off in one go.
"Soobin," you whined, pressing your thighs together, hiding your glistening sex from him. He pushed your knees apart slowly. "Don't hide from me, baby," he said softly, eyes focusing on your most private parts. Parts of your body he's never seen before.
"Fuck, you're so wet, Y/N," he muttered, sliding his hands up your thighs to your hips and pulling you closer to him. "Can I taste you?" he asked, glancing up as you nodded, cheeks heating up under his dark gaze. "Yes," you whispered.
He settled onto his stomach, his head nestled between your thighs and arms curling up around your thighs, holding your hips in place as he kissed the inside of your thighs before licking slowly up your sex to your clit, pushing his tongue past your lips and teasing the sensitive nub with the tip of his tongue.
You let out a moan, one hand moving to his hair, holding tightly as he delivered lick after lick, the lewd sounds of him licking and sucking filling the room along with your breathless gasps and moans. You felt one hand move up your side to cup your breast over your shirt. Before Soobin slipped his hand under the material.
Your back arched off the bed as his tongue continued to pleasure you, his hand kneading the soft flesh of your breast. "Mhn, Binnie" you whimpered, your muscles tensing under his touch, your thighs shaking as he drew your orgasm closer and closer with his tongue.
"You gonna cum for me, baby?" he asked, pulling away momentarily but continuing to draw circles on your clit with his thumb. "Y-yes," you gasped. Soobin hummed in response, leaning his head against the inside of your thigh.
"Then cum for me, angel," he murmured, replacing his thumb on your clit with his tongue, giving it quick flicks before sucking and driving you over the edge. Your thighs tried to clamp around his head but he was quick to hold them open, licking and lapping at your clit as you came, moaning his name and tugging on his hair.
Soobin pulled back, wiping his chin with his shirt as he watched your chest heave with each deep breath. You were a sight to see. He never thought he'd ever get to see you from this angle.
He pushed himself up, moving up to hover over you. "God you're so pretty," he mumbled, leaning down to kiss you, tongue slipping between your parted lips and making you taste yourself.
You groaned, grabbing at his shirt and trying to pull it off him. Soobin chuckled, grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling it off quickly, tossing it aside and capturing your lips once more.
"I want you so bad," you whined, hands moving to undo his jeans. "You want me inside you?" Soobin asked as you unzipped his pants, your hand pushing past the waistband of his boxers and wrapping around his thick cock. He let out a moan, forehead resting against yours as your hand slowly stroked him.
"Fuck, that feels so nice," Soobin groaned as your hand moved faster. "I'll bet it feels even better inside," you mumbled, your free hand moving to the back of his neck and pulling him down, tongues meeting in a sloppy and rushed kiss as you continued to stroke him.
"Where do you keep your condoms?" Soobin asked, breaking the kiss suddenly. "Over there," you muttered, pointing towards the bedside table. Soobin reached over, opening the drawer and grabbing one and sitting up.
He pulled your hand out of his underwear, much to your dismay and rid himself of both his pants and his underwear before pulling your shirt off finally exposing your chest to him. His hands moved up your sides, moving to cup your chest.
"Have I ever told you how absolutely breathtaking you are?" he asked softly, making your cheeks burn at his compliment. "I'll tell you every day for the rest of my life if you'd let me," he admitted as he grabbed the condom, opened it and rolled it down his length.
You barely had a chance to catch a glimpse of it before he was guiding the tip to meet your slit. "I'll go slow," he said, looking up from where your bodies were about to meet to catch your gaze.
"I don't want to hurt you," he added, rubbing the tip against you slowly. "Spread your legs for me a bit more, baby," he continued, watching as your hands grabbed your thighs just under the back of your knees and spread your thighs further apart as he instructed.
"That's it," he cooed, pressing the tip of his cock against your entrance. "Such a good little bunny. So responsive and willing to take my cock. I'm gonna ruin everyone for you. Make you so desperate for me and that my cock is the only one you want," he hissed, pushing forward just enough for the tip to slide in.
You let out a whimper. "S-soob. It's s-so big," you moaned as he slowly slid in, inch by inch, stopping to allow your body to adjust to him. He knew it would take a bit to get his entire length inside you but it felt like time had stopped for the two of you and you had all the time in the world now.
"You okay, angel?" Soobin asked softly, thumbs caressing your hips as he held you in place. You nodded as you relaxed. "It doesn't hurt now, it's more of an ache now," you answered. Soobin slid further in, groaning as your walls squeezed him as he entered you.
"Almost there," Soobin said softly as he continued to move, keeping his eyes on your face to watch for any sign of pain or discomfort but saw nothing but pleasure. He finally stopped, buried inside your tight cunt. "Fuuuuuck," he groaned. "You feel so good, baby."
You whimpered as your body adjusted to the sheer size of his cock. You'd never taken one so large before. "F-feels so good," you moaned, your voice thick as your body relaxed. Soobin pressed a kiss to your forehead. "You're doing so good. Taking my cock so well," he said sweetly. "I'm gonna move, okay? Just relax for me."
A loud moan left your lips as Soobin pulled back and thrust into you slowly. He had to hold back the primal urge to ravish you that surged through his body at seeing you bare under him, taking everything he gave you.
He didn't want to hurt you. You were far too precious and important to him.
His slow back and forth movements progressed into a steady pace, thrust into you, filling you with each stroke. "God Soobin, it's so f-fucking big!" You whimpered, eyes burning with unshed tears.
"God I love you so much," Soobin murmured, lips pressing against your forehead. Your heartbeat a little faster at his admission. "You love me?" you asked softly, drawing his attention. Soobin nodded, not ashamed of his words. "I do, baby. Fuck, I love you so much."
You let out a small sob. Soobin's eyes widened. "Oh no, baby, did I hurt you?" He asked. "I'm so sorry!" You shook your head. "No, I'm okay. I just- I love you too," you admitted. "So so much, Soobin."
Soobin captured your lips in a passionate kiss. "You really mean that?" he asked softly, smiling when you nodded. "I love you so much Soobin. I wish I had told you sooner," you said sniffling.
Seeing you so emotional, Soobin cupped your cheek, his thumb caressing the skin. "It's okay, baby," he whispered. "I know. It feels so good. I'm not hurting you am I?" he asked, smiling when you shook your head. "Doesn't hurt. Feels so good. So full."
"You gonna be a good girl and take it all?" Soobin asked, wiping the only tear that managed to escape. You nodded. "Yes, yes Binnie." You let out a cry as his pace quickened, snapping his hips against yours, his thighs hitting your ass as he thrust into you.
"God you look so good under me like this," Soobin groaned, eyes fluttering shut as he lost himself in the feeling of your walls around his cock. "I want to remember this forever. How you look, how your tight little cunt feels around me. I don't want this to end."
With each thrust, moans fell from your lips, your second orgasm approaching as Soobin pounded into you. "Look at you," he cooed. "Can't even talk, can you? Does my cock feel so good you can't even talk?" He asked, voice trembling as his hips faltered for a moment. He was getting close.
"Fuck, I'm close," he cursed. "You gonna cum with me? Gonna cum on my cock, baby?" You nodded vigorously, unable to speak. "If you cum first, you gonna let me use this hole to get myself off? Like a sweet little slut. Are you my cute little slut?"
Your cheeks burn at his words, not expecting such dirty words to come from your best friend. "So tight and wet," he groaned, the wet sounds of his cock pounding into you filling the room overshadowed only by the sound of his skin hitting yours.
"All mine," he moaned. "You're all mine. Only I get to fuck you and see you like this, right, baby?" You nodded again as your orgasm started to roll over you in waves, your body shaking as you moaned out his name, thighs tightening. "Oh fuck baby," Soobin grunted, his hands moving to your thighs and pushing them down as he angled his thrusts down, hitting a different spot and making you see stars.
"Ugh, I wish I didn't wear a condom. I wanna fill your pussy so fucking bad. Cum inside you and fill you until it spills out onto your sheets. I wanna ruin you," Soobin growled, his movements becoming more erratic as his own orgasm hit him.
He continued to thrust into you, riding out both your highs until he shuddered, the sensitivity taking over and he pulled out of you, falling onto his side next to you.
"Soobin?" you whispered, turning your head to look at him. He opened his eyes sleepily. "Hey," he said with a grin. "Are you okay?" he asked suddenly, propping himself up on his elbow. You nodded with a smile. "I'm okay," you said, brushing your fingers over his arm. He relaxed, falling back onto the bed.
"'M so tired," he mumbled as you pulled the blankets back and slid under them. "Get under here, " you whined. Soobin sat up quickly and pulled the used condom off, tying it and tossing it into the wastebin beside your bed. "Where did you go?" he asked turning around to find you.
"Under here, you idiot," you mumbled, pulling the blanket down to show him your face. He crawled under the blankets, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. "You're sweaty," you whined. "Only cause I'm naked," he protested.
"No, you're sweaty cause we just had sex," you retorted.
"Well, yeah. That too."
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 4 months
Random anon here, we’ll to those who are mad at Chris, let me ask you all, what should he have done?
It’s easy to say not gotten into This mess, duh, but he’s in it and deep in it.
It’s easy on the outside looking in to say just leave but umm like the marketing anon stated….it’s a business and one thing you don’t fuck with is people’s money especially those with more power and influence than you.
See I’m not making any excuses for Chris but I see people ragging on him but never stopping to realize we don’t have the full scope of this, huge missing pieces are left out and many are inserting their opinions and speculation as facts.
Be mad sure, but had Chris said no who’s to say this man wouldn’t have ended up blacklisted, lost everything he’s worked for etc. also he’s human and the pandemic scared at lot of people, even Scott stated Chris was worried about money during a podcast in 2020, Scott laughed but I never forgot that. Pr is easy money I’m sure. Things start out looking simple and then go left, again it’s easy to say well he would have said no, at least he’d had his integrity and morals, okay…..but if he ends up on a where are they now and homeless, severe drug addiction or mental issues due to losing everything then what.
My point is we don’t know shit and it’s easy to act like we do. Chris isn’t an idiot so I assume there’s more to this and he’s stuck because no way in hell things would be playing out the way they have nor would he be looking like a shell of his former self if he had power to end this or if this were real.
He’s human, be mad but don’t act like you haven’t ever fucked up in life either. I hate the high and mighty bullshit posts from people over shit you have no knowledge of.
Hollywood is a fucked up place and let me drop a bomb on you all, majority of the shit people sit online discussing is purposely created to keep people engaged from random headlines to bs from tv shows, news stories, movies, celeb drama, we’re all entangled in the web.
Example: Marketing is creating a story about two celebs fighting or dating and in reality the celebs never met but the rumor is now out there and they test to see the reactions.
Many feel Chris image is fake due to this mess but was it? I’m sure he would have revealed himself years before this mess if this was who he truly is.
Use your brains people, don’t fall for bullshit and don’t waste time fussing and cursing Chris everyday because you think this is some simple PR stunt he chose to do or that he’s actually with her.
Truth always come to light so don’t take anything personal and sit back and just watch until it all explodes. Lies can only last so long. 💅
An🫶n, you make an excellent point. And I wholeheartedly agree with you.
Chris may be a celebrity, but he's also a guy who needs to keep money flowing in order to live.
A big possibility, purely speculation, but the PR contract must have been tied to a lot of money. Money that post pandemic, he definitely needs. So, he's selling this, failing, but selling to get the check. And as shallow as that is, he definitely needs the money like any other grown up with bills.
So, let's cut Chris a little slack. And let's not wish him harm, because I heard from the grapevine that someone in the Fandom has wished him harm.
Not naming names. But that's fucked up, and you're no better than the people on the other side, whoever you are.
As for the fans that only want the best for Chris, let's ride the waves, hang in there, and continue to call 'em out! Or ignore certain tantrum-like antics. Whatever the occasion calls for 😌
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trashyangelic · 4 months
Got an idea if anyone wanna test this out as a prompt for miraculous ladybug!
This got me thinking for a while after the incident with the theft as in Lila placing her necklace just to frame Marinette for stealing. Salts are Lila, Damocles, Bustier, and Adrien.
What if there is a possible way that Damocles has been using the school funds for his favorite sport team and his superhero owl stuff instead of upgrading the school like the lockers, fixing the CCTV cameras that is all over the school grounds for safety reasons, and the clubs equipments that the students even Marinette made a complaint about it?
As for Chloe and Sabrina not realizing what is going on in their school but after they had witness that the lockers were not upgraded as they should be when hearing this from other students outside of their class it became highly suspicious to them now.
Even Alya realize what is going on in the school but she had no proof to show it after she knows that Marinette is Ladybug from Season 4. Alya is still pissed at Lila for lying to her and for trying to make her best friend to look as a bad guy when its the other way around. But when Marinette told Alya that Adrien's knows but also told her about the advice he gave her just only made Alya really mad as hell.
Anyway, Alya told Marinette otherwise to record anything that Lila says to her without her knowing it so that way they can find a way to show proof in her blog hopefully it will help save their classmates from Lila's clutches without Adrien's help. Alya told Nino everything last night he was not happy being lied for so long he agreed to help but was upset that Adrien knows but did nothing to help.
Now for Bustier lets say she knows that Lila is lying but decided to give her scot-free but scold Marinette as she did this before in her teenager years where she is the bully while her classmates are the victims to her. Unfortunately for Bustier she is a criminal in the shadows but also mastermind of manipulation where she turn out to be a prisoner who had escape in her teenage years and changed her full name without getting caught again. Back then she was blacklist on her first try when becoming a teacher after ignoring of joining the Anti-Bullying Course she got into a lot of trouble with the school board that time before moving to Paris.
Damocles doesn't even do fact-checking on both Lila and Caline's background when they decided to change names to save their facade behind the mask.
So what do you guys think? Are you willing to take it and try it cause I don't mind reading your progress on this but be sure to tagged when its completely done? Sorry if its too much to ask.
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twopoppies · 7 months
heyy, i think my ask got lost but:
regarding the rob stringer ask that you answered, i was wondering why is rob stringer such a big deal.? also, this kinda got me intrigued, curious and angry(blacklisting of louis from uk radio) so i went on to research for myself and i fumbled upon this article: https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-51360192
it was the very first article that showed up, i didn't even need to dig, and it's directly by BBC, so is this BBC not the same as BBC radio or what..?
it's a little confusing for me cuz in my country nobody really pays any mind to radios and what they are playing and we usually stay tuned to our fave artists via tv shows, social media or simply music apps etc etc
Hi love. Rob Stringer is “a big deal” because he was head of Columbia when 1D were together and then head of Sony (parent company of Columbia) when Harry went solo (and Louis got stuck with Syco). So he’s had his fingers all over whatever contracts were signed by all of the guys, and most likely had plenty of decision making power over the closeting of HL and the blocking of Louis’ solo career.
BBC Radio and BBC TV are both divisions of the British Broadcasting Company. Louis having that disastrous interview on the Morning Show wasn’t the beginning of his being blocked from BBC radio. I think his blacklisting and image damage extends as far back as XFactor and Simon Cowell. There are many people involved and I don’t know if you can really point a finger at Simon or Rob Stringer and say that’s this is the key person responsible for it all. But, him appearing on that show and that article being written is just part of a very complex pattern of abuse he’s been subject to.
As for radio being important… I really don’t know why it seems to make a difference. I do think being nominated for The Brits or The Grammys doesn’t have without radio airplay and even if we know The Grammys are bullshit, it’s still great advertising and it’s still seen as prestigious in that you’re “accepted” by the music industry insiders.
But I think when people complain about him being blacklisted, they mean that he’s almost entirely absent from everything—radio for sure, but also radio concert events like Jingle Bell Ball/Summertime Ball, British talk shows like Graham Norton etc., British award shows (even the Rolling Stone UK award show was tainted by his performance being removed and his interview being publicized using Harry’s name).
I don’t buy into a lot of the stuff some solo fans talk about in terms of Louis’ career blockades, but for an artist who has such an ardent fanbase to be shut out of so many ways of advancing his career, you can’t help but assume there’s something underhanded happening.
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