#I have FOUGHT to stay soft and passionate about the things I love
poppy-metal · 4 months
that therapy piece was so beautiful:( what if you DID end up divorcing or at least separating, art does end up joining patrick and tashi in their weird whatever the fuck, and we’re like. yeah. thought so. but little do we know that he’s an actual mess that can’t even function, let alone fuck, when he does manage to get it up he bursts into tears before anyone can cum, and as sad tashi and patrick are for their boyfriend they also really need to have a decent orgasm without some guy crying in the background so they have to like…parent trap you back together
the angst of this is so beautiful hold awn...... cause art WOULD be someone who wouldn't realize what an important force in his life you are until you're gone. in my mind, you and him knew eachother since you were kids. didn't start dating till a little before college and then you just..... stayed together. no breakups. hardly any fights. Its not like any love was lost between you two but, there was this kind of lack of...... well, fire. tashi and patrick lit apart of him up inside, and what you refuse to acknowledge is they kinda did the same for you two. you both kinda orbited around patrick and tashi in college, and similarly they orbited back around you. you just couldn't see your importance there - so you extracted yourself from that patricktashi part of your life to devote yourself to art, while he stayed in their lives because he cant live without the kind of passion they ignite in him. the anger, the jealousy, the excitement.
with you gone though its like...... hes floundering. you're so soft, is the thing. arts always depended on your softness. you dont hurt him. you dont make him angry. you're warm and gentle and he can rest his head on your lap and fall asleep like a baby fawn in the middle of the woods with no fear a wolf will come along and rip him apart. in a bad way, you're safe. in a toxic way, being with you is him choosing to not take a leap with patrick or tashi and feel anything uncomfortable.
but in a good way, you're his best friend. in a healthy way, you're his anchor. his north star. and usually thats seen as a bad thing, he knows, love is supposed to be passionate and scary but what about when he wants to be held and just at peace? you've seen him through everything and you stayed. he knows he can put his heart in your hands and you wont crush it. and he loves you for it. you're the most tender, beautiful thing that's ever happened to him.
so its like. those two needs. the fire and the passion and the softness and tranquility. and where art has messed up is seeing them in two different ways. he cant put all his scary, passionate emotions onto you in fear of rejection and ruining what you have. he cant depend on patrick or tashi completely either because he doesn't trust them with his heart like he does with you.
hes left you alone in that sense. because you need the passion too. you needed it from him for so long and maybe your part of the blame is never asking for it. for cutting tashi and patrick out of your life because you were too scared of it at the time. but the longer you spent with art, the more you craved it. the fights, the breakups, the makeup sex. all of that.
so when you leave arts comfort is gone. he thinks, well maybe its for the best. i can take a risk now, i can try this thing with tashi - and even patrick. but it doesn't feel right. the leap doesn't feel good. and he realizes its because it was a leap he was always meant to take with you, together.
all these things patrick and tashi do - he should've done with you. he should've fought with you when you pissed him off. he should've tried to be more sexually adventurous. when tashi kisses him all he can think about is how you should be here. he should've asked why you stopped talking to them - he should've pushed you - he should've - he should've - he should've -
he spends nights at their house because he cant stand being alone in the house you shared. in the empty fucking bed. he'll end up pulling one of your sweaters from the closet you forgot to take with you that still smells like you, vanilla and cashmere, and cry into it like a pathetic slob. hes miserable. he wants you back.
he wants you back so he can love you better. he wants to see you kiss tashi, kiss patrick, see you allow yourself to be consumed. and then he wants you to come to him and sink into his arms and onto his cock and look into his eyes and tell him you love him, so he can moan the words back into your mouth.
but he can't. because you left him.
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raspberryslxt · 10 months
Can you please do Katniss being a bitch to everyone but the reader please (this would make me fucking feral)
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Katniss headcanon
info: katniss x reader( i decided to make it female, bc I love idea of Katniss being bi)
warnings: mentions of blood, slightly sugestive content
you and Katniss knew eachother since you were children
you both always had a soft spot for eachother but as a kids u didn’t know what love was
she always was protecting you from boys when u two went to school, you always were a pretty girl so it’s nothing new that u got a lot of attention
at the school she got a bitch reputation, but it was fine because it was for you
when u both were at the age of 13 your mum was diagnosed with breast cancer, Katniss was always there for you making sure u feel good and that u get a lot of rest
she tried to make sure you were happy even when you were going through such a rough time
at the age of 14 your mum died, you didn’t had a father do the only option was foster care
they decided to move you into disctrict 6, katniss even fought a guard when they were taking u there
there was no way someone would try to take her girl away from her
you watched katniss get tinged by a paralisator, but she didn’t even scream, she told u she will find you one day
you lived your life in district 6, it was different, but it wasn’t better because katniss wasn’t there
at 74th Hunger Games you could choosen to participate, you knew you wouldn’t survive , you were a lot of things but not a fighter
at the capitol you weren’t even trying to train, you stayed in the shadow of your district partner and hoped that at leat your ladt days will be calm
that was before the presentation, when u saw her, on flames, she beautifull, she always had been
something in you made u believe that there was a reason why you were choosen, now you know why. her.
after a presentation u saw her arguing with Peeta
the boy really tried to work with her but she was clearly not interested
the moment you both made an eye contact you knew everything will be fine, the moment she realised it’s you she runned up to you and kissed u with passion
you twospent whole night enjoying each other presence, talking, watching and even something more
she told u about all the time u two were apart, how her sister got choosen but she volunteer
you knew she was a warior, always have been
she promised to keep u safe and to teach you how to shot a bow
you tought for a little while that maybe there is a slight chance you two would survive
at the gala you tried to present yourself as good as you could, you only earned 7 points, but it wad still more than expected
you and katniss both made good apparance
everyone was watching now Peetas interview, that’s when Katniss went feral
you knew everything what Peeta said was a lie, she wouldn’t have played you
you saw Katniss beat the shit out of him in a hallway and also slapping her mentor
after that you two went to her room to spent last hours before the game togather
she told u it would be fine, but you deep down knew that it’s not true.
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lanadelnegan · 1 year
My Past, My Future - Part 3
Negan x Reader x Daryl
part two here
part four here
Warnings: 18+, angst, kissing
Note: I thought this would be the final part, but clearly I lied. Part 4 WILL have smut, I promise.
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The only light in front of you is the one coming from your dimmed flashlight as you trek further away from Alexandria.
Your destination isn't far, but you're still hyper aware of your surroundings since the walk is risky at night. You finally reach the wood line, pushing through the limbs and brush before reaching the open path that you and Daryl have walked together many times.
The sound of running water from the stream up ahead tells you you're getting close and you finally spot Daryl sitting next to a small fire, blankly staring out over the water. You click off your flashlight as you approach him, planting yourself next to him in the dirt as he ignores you.
"Don't." He grunts. "Got nothin' to say to you."
"Okay. Then I'll talk and you listen." You begin. "You should have told me how you felt. I - I didn't know."
He chuckles sarcastically under his breath. "Doesn't' matter."
"It matters to me.. If I would have known how you felt before I started getting to know Negan, things might have been different."
His head drops defeatedly and you feel guilty for giving him hope for the past, knowing it can't change the present.
"Look.. it doesn't matter because what's done is done. And I love him, Daryl. But... I love you too. You're my best friend and as cliché as it sounds, I mean that."
He looks at you for the first time since you sat down, showing you the hurt behind his dark blue eyes. Yours drop to his lips for a moment, seeing him in a different way than before, knowing how he feels about you.
"Carol told me what you did." You say in almost a whisper. "..about volunteering to go with Negan... You didn't have to do that..."
He ignores you until you have no choice but to bring your hand to his cheek and make him look at you. Your eyes linger on his face, seeing him in a new light and tracing the scar on his cheek. You lean forward, slowly pressing your lips to his scar and closing your eyes as a tear falls from your face.
When you pull back, his eyes are heavy and on your lips. "Daryl.." You warn, but he quickly leans forward joining your lips together and kissing you passionately. You let your hand disappear into his messy locks of hair, pulling him closer to you as a soft moan escapes your throat.
"Daryl.. we.. we can't" You say in between breaths, trying to convince yourself more than him.
"Tell me to stop then." He says, pulling away from you for a moment, giving you a chance to reject him, but you pull him close again and kiss him even harder than before.
Your body turns towards his as you open your mouth slightly, allowing him to push his tongue through. His rough hand reaches up to lightly grip your throat as he groans at the taste of your mouth.
You battle internally with yourself as your heart is tugged in two different directions, but the sound of leaves suddenly crinkling close by distracts you, causing both of you to stop and look around. You expect to see a walker, but no one is there.
Negan's POV:
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Negan's heart sinks in his chest at the sight of you kissing Daryl, knowing he just lost you for good. He knows the old Negan would have stayed and fought for you. Maybe would have even 'eliminated the threat'. But despite everyone's beliefs, he has changed. And all he wants is for you to be happy, even if that means you being with someone else.
Leaves crinkle under his feet as he disappears from behind the tree, unable to watch the rest of whatever unfolds between you and Daryl.
Once you know it's safe, you turn your attention back to Daryl, who's already looking at you. You clear your throat as you look down between the two of you. "We.. we shouldn't have done that." You whisper, regretfully.
Daryl nods disappointedly as you rest your head on his shoulder. Moments pass as the two of you sit in silence staring over the water's surface.
"I want my best friend back." You finally say.
"Never left."
"But you did.. you came out here."
"Just needed some time, y/n."
Your fingers lace between his as you snuggle in closer to his shoulder.
"I need you to know something.." You begin. "There is no person on this earth I'd rather be sitting next to right now. When I'm with you, I feel like the best version of myself. Before I met you.. when the world first went to shit.. I wanted to die. Didn't see the point in living anymore. But you gave me hope.. gave my life meaning again. I wouldn't trade what we have for anything in this world. Every good memory I have... has you in it."
He wraps his arm around your lower back, bringing you closer to him and leaning his head on yours as you continue. "But, the love I have for Negan.. it's different. And I know that's not what you wanna hear. And I know you think he's awful, and maybe he was. But, he has changed... And he's my future."
Moments pass before Daryl finally speaks. "...... If he ever hurts you, I'll put a bullet in his skull." He threatens, pressing his lips gently to the top of your head.
"That's fair." You smile, feeling like a weight was just lifted off your shoulders.
You both make it back to the Alexandria safely, stopping in front of the gates until the guards let you in. The streets are quiet and dark as you walk hand in hand back to Daryl's house.
"You can stay if ya want." He suggests as you make it to the bottom of his porch steps.
"You know I can't."
He grunts. "I know."
You give him a kiss on the cheek before telling him goodnight and heading home to Negan.
Home to Negan. You repeat in your head, loving the sound of that.
You sprint up your porch steps, desperate to see him and make things right. You hate the way you left things earlier. Anything could have happened to you tonight, and you mentally scold yourself for leaving Negan on such harsh terms.
"Negan?!" You call out through the dark house.
The thought of him upstairs asleep in your bed makes your heart swoon as you rush up the stairs and open your bedroom door, only to find your bed empty.
"Fuck." You whisper frustrated, realizing he's probably still upset from earlier and decided to stay in his cell tonight.
You cross the street and practically levitate down the basement stairs, but your stomach drops at the sight of the empty cell before you. You leave the basement in a hurry, running straight to the guards at the front gates since everyone else is home asleep.
"You guys see Negan?!" You call out to them.
"He left." The guard answers back.
"Wh- what do you mean he left? When?" You ask, feeling your heart race faster.
They look to each other hesitantly before the other nods his head, looking down to you.
"Right after you did."
He followed after you.. Did he see what happened with you and Daryl? Why isn't he back yet? Your stomach tightens painfully as the negative thoughts fill your head.
"Open the gates." You demand.
"It's not safe out there. You're lucky you made it back alive the first time. Why don't y-"
"Open the damn gates. Now." You say again and they reluctantly listen, opening the gates for you as you begin the journey.. for the second time tonight.
Part four here
tagging a few of my babies: @loganlostitall @chaospossum @negansbabydoll66 @redqueenphoenix @n3g5nx @crustyweirdo @youngpersonaathletebear @sadgirlzluvdilfs @ilovebill-and-gustav @neganscumbucket @manipulatorpoem @im-a-goddamn-cat @raininhell
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imaginesinthewind · 8 months
Dating Regulus Black would include
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From anonymous: Hi love 🩷✨I was just wondering if you can write dating regulus black headcanons? Like the Sirius one (that I’m absolutely obsessed with btw).
A/N: Dear anon, I hope you will like this one. I'm sorry about the time it took, I just simply forgot to check my inbox 🫠. Gif above is not mine. Also, I'm trying more and more to write things in gender neutral. Feel free to comment if I missed something. 💛
- He has that poetic elegance that follows him like a shadow. He is beautiful, like a Dead Poets Society character, or like Dorian Gray.
- Shy boy at first. Let's not lie, Sirius takes so much space that our Regulus has to be the quiet, introverted one.
- You probably would have to make the first step.
- Lonely boy. Not because he doesn't like people, but because like every child who had abusive parents, he's just so anxious, scared of taking too much space. And just like his brother, he keeps his emotions to himself, and stays alone when he has a problem.
- Stolen glances and smiles across the classroom at first.
- He falls for you not because you are so beautiful, but because you are smart and insightful.
- He takes you on dates under the stars, to the library, sharing about his favourite poems or novels.
- When he doesn't dare to share about his feelings, he talks to you in French.
- "Tu sais que tu es jolie comme un cœur?"
- At some point, when he refuses to give you the translation, you ask Sirius, who is tempted to translate bullshit to you just to mess with his little brother. He doesn't, though. Because he knows how smitten he is with you.
- A.proper.gentleman
- Offers you his arm, kisses your hand, gives you his jacket if you are cold, opens doors
- Writes you beautiful letters with perfume on it
- Is the perfect dance partner
- You admire the way he speaks and writes so elegantly
- He plays the violin and piano, by education obligation. But when he notices how much you love it, he slowly grows to like it himself.
- He introduces you to his favourite cousin, Andromeda
- Shy kisses, passionate kisses, soft kisses
- So many kisses
- When Sirius leaves the family house/gets kicked out, things become heated.
- He keeps repeating how much he hates him for abandoning him. Deep down, you know that he still loves his brother
- Depressive episodes of feeling like he's not enough
- Tears and comforting hugs in the dormitories
- He tries desperately to fix things between his parents (understand by that Walburga), rather than step out for his beliefs
- A lot of pressure
- You give him shoulder massages and run your fingers through his black curls
- When he is given the Black family ring, after some time, he gives it to you because of the protection spells on it. He just wants to keep you safe.
- His patronus is originally Padfoot. After a while, it shifts into the same as yours, because no one makes him more happy than you
- He avoids the matter of the mark. But in the summer of his 16th birthday, when he suddenly stops answering your letters, you have a bad feeling
- That reveals to be true when you go back to Hogwarts
- You encourage him, again and again, to talk to his brother
- In the end, i like to believe that he proposed, and fought for his beliefs because he wanted to build a safe world for you and his future family
(a girl is allowed to dream)
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I never wanted this, but maybe it's not such a bad thing part 3 (Preath x Reader)
It's been a long couple of weeks, but I finally finished part 3! This is not edited so mind any mistakes. I'm not sure if I'll do another part yet, let me know what you think. There's a bit of a time jump at the end. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Smut
Part one, Part two
Words: 6.1K
As Tobin went to lie down next to Christen, I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her down in the middle and peppering her cheek with kisses. Tobin giggled, pecking my lips, "This isn't our normal order."
"Gotta spice things up occasionally. Do you want to come surfing with me tomorrow Tobes? I have a spare board and wetsuit, we just have to stop by my house. Maybe the three of us could get brunch after?"
Christen nudged Tobin when she took a while to answer. I appreciated what she was doing, but tonight was a big step already. I didn't want her to feel pressured. "You know what, I would love that. You can't judge how well I do though, it's been a while since I've been."
"Can I come watch?"
"You wanna watch us with our wet suits down Chris? I know Tobin enjoyed it once upon a time."
Tobin went red, hiding her face against Christens shoulder. Christen laughed, patting Tobin's shoulder, "You know what, I don't even blame her. There's no denying you have great abs."
"It's for the ladies, two in particular. You might know them, dark haired, insanely beautiful. Ring a bell?"
Tobin finally looked at me again, smirk growing, "Oh you mean those marine buddies of yours we met the other day?"
"Exactly." I kissed them both, soft and slow, "You two are the most beautiful people I've ever met. And I know people just say that, I know there are subjectively more attractive people out there, but to me, there's no competition, no one compares to you guys."
Tobin kissed me, filled with the same passion as the first time, "You're not so bad yourself."
Christens eyebrows furrowed,  "Agreed. What's gotten into you? I'm not complaining, I've just never seen you so sappy."
"I'm just happy. I've been in a lot of relationships in my time, some great, some not, but I've never felt this way before. We're soulmates, I know it's kinda the whole concept behind it, I just don't believe that's the only thing that influences this. You know I was terrified coming into this, that I would only feel the soulmate connection, nothing more. So yeah, I'm happy that's not the case, because you two are amazing. Sorry for being sappy, I'm just trying to be more honest. It's not always easy for me, I want us to last though so I'm trying." 
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with you being sappy Y/n/n. It's just different so I got a bit worried maybe something was wrong. We know it's hard for you to talk about feelings, but we're always here for you. Even if it's not always good feelings, you can always come to us, even if it's just one of us. We will never judge you or make you feel like you can't talk about it."
I fought back the tears, in all my relationships no one had ever cared about me as much as they did, I had never felt like I could open up as I did with them. I mean what I had already told them more than I had with anyone, Ali and Ash included, "Thank you. It works both way, anything you guys need, I'm here for you."
The movie had just finished, I knew it was late, but looking at my phone confirmed it. I kissed them both before reluctantly sitting up on the side of the bed. "It's getting late, I should head back to my room." 
A hand on my arm stopped me, turning around I found Tobin looking up at me with a small, unsure smile, "You could stay?"
"Are you sure? You don't have to push yourself Tobin. We've already made a lot of progress today. I don't want you to move too quickly and be uncomfortable."
"I know it's quick, but honestly tonight has been amazing and I don't want you to go. We would love if you stayed if you maybe wanted to."
"I um, I don't want to wake you guys up in the middle of the night with my nig-"
Christen came back from the bathroom, kissing me before I could finish, "We don't care about that Y/n, if you have a nightmare then we'll be here to help you through it. This is part of being with you and we're okay with that."
"Okay, let me go brush my teeth and get changed. I'll be back in a minute."
It took me a long time to fall asleep, the worry of having a nightmare and waking them up running through my mind. Despite what they said, I didn't want want them to deal with it on the first night we stayed together. It was still embarrassing that after a year, I still had nightmares. 
To my complete surprise, I didn't have a nightmare. I had had one every night since camp started which was typical when staying in an unfamiliar place, but with them I didn't. It wasn't the longest sleep, but I had slept the best I had in a long time. Christen and Tobin were still asleep when I woke up so I kissed their cheeks and slipped out of bed to get coffee from down the street. Apparently everyone wanted coffee this morning so it had taken longer then anticipated. When I got back Tobin was the only one awake, she looked sad until she actually looked up at me. I guess it had looked like I had just left them. I gave her a long, slow kiss before handing her the coffee. 
"Good morning beautiful. I'm sorry I should have messaged you, the line was longer than I anticipated."
"Good morning baby, it's okay, I'm just glad you came back."
"There's no where else I'd rather be. We're going surfing remember."
Tobin pulled me closer so I was straddling her waist, "I admit I was scared you had just left us."
"Never. I promise if I was ever going and not coming back I will let you know. Do you want me to let you know even if I'm just popping out for coffee?"
She avoided my eyes, cheeks turning red, "Maybe, just for a little while at least. I'm sorry, I ju-"
I cupped Tobin's cheek, kissing her forehead, nose, cheeks and lips, "Don't apologise Tobin, if it makes you more comfortable then I'm 100% okay with it. All it takes is 2 seconds to send a text." 
Christen rolled over, sleepy smirk in place, "What's going on here?"
I brushed a piece of hair out of Tobin's face, before leaning down and pecking Christens lips, "Just some morning reassurance. I got you coffee."
Sloane ran up to me, cuddling into me as I picked her up. It had been a while since we had proper cuddles. At home we always end the night with cuddles before she went to bed. It was a routine I've missed. Ashlyn and Ali hugged me as well, before Ashlyn spoke up, "Hey Y/n/n, do you wanna get lunch with us today? It's been a while since we hung out. We miss you."
Guilt hit me instantly. I hadn't really seen them much recently with all my time going to Tobin and Christen. I also felt bad because they didn't know about us yet. Normally, I told Ash everything, but I had been so caught up in the newness of my relationship, I hadn't told them. Tobin, Christen and I had lunch plans, I couldn't say no to Ash though, I guess I had some making up to do, "I would love to."
"Awesome, meet you here in an hour."
I went straight to Christen and Tobin's room, nerves starting to rise as I waited for them to answer. I didn't know how they would react to me cancelling last minute. Christen answered with a wide smile,  "We really need to get you a key."
"Uh yeah."
Tobin eyed me suspiciously, "What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry."
"What for? What happened?"
"Um I need to cancel lunch. I'm sorry. Of course I wanted to have lunch with you, but then Ash asked me to have lunch with them because they miss me and I haven't actually spent any time with them lately and I actually really miss them and I feel like a bad sister and a bad girlfri-"
The rambling died as Christens lips connected with mine, "Y/n, take a breath. It's okay, we understand. Ash is your sister, you need to spend time with her. We can hang out after."
"Are you sure?"
Tobin was the one this time to take my hand and kiss me, "Yes, go have fun with your family. We expect to see you tonight though."
I pulled them down on the bed with me, both of them cuddling into my sides, "Wouldn't miss it for the world. I've got just under an hour until I meet them so we have some cuddle time."
Tobin cupped my cheek, lips gliding across mine, filled with passion and want. Her tongue ran across my bottom lip, slipping in as my lips parted. We fought for dominance with me quickly winning. Tobin pulled me on top of her, hand slipping under my shirt, resting on my lower back. After a few minutes of making out, I remembered Christen was there and slowly pulled away, breathing heavy. 
"Sorry Chris."
Christen just smiled, guiding me over to her instead, "Don't apologise, I don't mind a good show every now and then. Can I get in on the action though?"
I hovered just above her, lips brushing hers, "I suppose that could be acceptable."
I lost track of how long we were making out, but when hands started wandering, I reluctantly pulled away, "We need to stop because I need to leave soon and if we keep going I don't think I'll be able to stop."
Christen groaned as I settled between them again, "I hate that you're right."
Even though I was missing out on time with Christen and Tobin, I was glad that I agreed to lunch. It hadn't hit me how much I missed them until I was sitting with them, colouring a picture with Sloane as I talked with Ali and Ashlyn. We made it maybe half an hour before Ashlyn asked the question I was fully expecting, "So what's going on with you lately? You've been absent lately, is everything okay?"
"Uh yeah, honestly everything is amazing. I need to tell you something, I didn't mean to hide it from you, I just got distracted I guess. Christen, Tobin and I are together."
Ali looked confused, "Wait, as in girlfriends? I thought you weren't interested in the whole soulmate thing?"
"I'm not, but we talked that day in the elevator about getting to know each other before I shut it down completely. The more I got to know them, the more I fell for them. I've never felt this way before. I haven't had a nightmare in almost two weeks since I've been staying with them. I get so giddy when I'm around them, like I never want to leave."
"That's amazing Y/n. We're so happy for you."
"You're not mad I didn't tell you?"
Ash hugged me tightly, kissing my cheek, "Of course not, it's new, exciting, you got sucked in. I don't know if you remember, but I was the same way with Ali. I'm really glad you're happy Y/n, you deserve it. Even if it is with the soul mates you never wanted."
"Yeah well, they're not so bad after all. Tobin still has some worries that I'll change my mind, but she's trying and I'm doing my best to reassure her. I hate it that she doubts me, but she's worth it. Christen is pretty much what you see is what you get, but there's a side of Tobin that no one else sees. The soft, loving, shy, somewhat insecure side. I love that side of her and I want to be privy to it for as long as she'll let me."
We spent a few hours hanging out, eating and playing at the park before the kids started getting grumpy so we made our way back to the hotel. I went back to Christens and Tobin's room where we spent the rest of the night watching movies and cuddling.  
Camp had finally come to an end, meaning by the end of the day, all three of us would be in a different part of the country until the next camp. It was only just over a month, but I already knew I was going to miss them. I hugged them tightly, trying to keep my tears away. It wasn't working though, "I'm going to miss you."
Christen sniffed, hiding her face further against my chest, "I wish we could stay together."
I held her tightly, hands running along her back as she cried. My own tears slowly running down my cheeks. Over the last few weeks, I had gotten used to being around them, I loved being with them. The last thing I wanted was to be away from them. I know there was facetime and it was only going to be a month, but it wasn't the same as falling asleep next to them, cuddling with them, being around them. There was also a slight fear of something changing. We had only been together for a few weeks, what if the distance so early on changed something, affected our relationship. I tried my best to push that thought away, instead focusing on making the most of the time with my girls. I reached out pulling Tobin back into the hug, holding her just as tight as Christen. We cuddled on the bed with me in the middle, both of them holding me tightly.
Tobin had been quiet all morning, and I was starting to get worried. Christen had popped out so it gave me the chance to talk to her. I had a feeling I knew what was wrong. Despite the progress we had made, I knew she still worried that I would change my mind. I hated that she still worried, but I would keep doing everything I could to make her worries go away, even if it took a while.
"Hey, what's going on Toby? You've been quieter than normal today."
"My thoughts are going crazy right now."
I sat down on the ground in front of her, pulling her so she was sitting in my lap, "You have no idea how much I'm going to miss you Tobin. Just the idea of being away from you hurts. You can expect messages and facetimes every day, you'll be sick of me by the end of it. There'll be no going back though, you're stuck with me now."
"It's a good thing I don't mind then isn't it?"
"Definitely. You can call me anytime, I can't promise to always answer straight away, but I'll do my very best."
"Ditto. Thank you Y/n."
"What for?"
"For being so understanding. Most people would have ran for the hills if their girlfriend doubted them as much as I do you, but you've stuck by me."
"Hey, while I hate that you still doubt me sometimes, I understand why you feel the way you do. I'm serious about us so I'm willing to provide as much reassurance as needed for as long as needed. A bit of distance isn't going to change that."
Today had been crazy. Between practice, media and team bonding, I was only able to reply to maybe one or two texts from Christen and Tobin. I had made sure to tell them I was busy, but it didn't make me feel any better. As soon as I got home and showered, I made sure they were awake before facetiming. It was 2am and I was exhausted, but talking to them made it worth it. Tobin was the only one awake, her tired self answering almost immediately.
You look tired Toby.
I am.
You should get some sleep.
I wanted to talk to you first, I missed you today.
I missed you too baby. I'm sorry I couldn't reply much today, it was hectic.
It's okay, in our job it happens. Thank you for calling, even though you look like you're about to pass out. I know it's late, but have you been sleeping okay?
Our facetimes are my favourite part of the day, I wouldn't ever miss it if I could help it. Sometimes, the nightmares are back, not as frequent, but they're there and I miss cuddling with you two.
Aww baby, I'm sorry. Two weeks and we'll be back together. We can talk to coach about us sharing a room this time if you might want to? I mean you stay with us anyway, might as well not take up another room. 
I would love that
We talked for a bit longer before the yawns wouldn't stop and we decided it was best to get some sleep.
Can you stay on the phone with me?
Of course. Goodnight Tobin, I love you
My eyes widened at the admission that slipped out. Yes it was true, I had fallen in love with them both, but it wasn't supposed to come out yet. I had intended to wait longer before telling them because it felt too soon to have those feelings. I fought the urge to hang up and hide as a grin slowly appeared on Tobin's face.
I love you Y/n. Do you uh feel this way about Chris as well?
I do, I'm in love with you both. It wasn't supposed to come out this early though. Do you think I should tell her? 
Definitely, I won't be able to stop myself from saying it and I'm almost certain she'll feel the same way about you.
Okay, get some sleep and hopefully we can squeeze in a call with Chris in the morning
I was woken up by talking on the other end of the phone. It wasn't just Tobin. I peeked at the phone, seeing Christen had joined. It was 10:30am meaning it was only 7:30am for them. 
You're awake early
Good morning sleepy head, I woke up when Chris joined
Good morning baby, you looked like you slept well
I think knowing Tobin was there made it easier.
I'm sorry I missed the call last night
It's okay Chris. I need to tell you something
What is it?
I accidently let it slip out to Tobin last night, but you should know that I love you
A wide grin appeared instantly as she replied with no hesitation, I love you Y/n
Ashlyn, Ali and the kids had already left for the next camp having decided to spend an extra couple of days. A mini holiday of sorts. They had asked if I wanted to come, but I had some last minute work to finish. It had only been just over a month, but I was at the point where I really missed my girls. I had never expected to miss them as much as I did, but it was hitting me hard and I was just down. I didn't want to bring them down with my mood. I hadn't heard from Christen and Tobin today, besides a good morning text so I was drowning my emotions in work. 
The doorbell rang loudly throughout the house. I was tempted to ignore it, but decided against it and threw the door open, freezing when I saw the two girls I had been missing like crazy. When I snapped out of it, my arms wrapping around them both tightly. I sunk into their touch, pulling them closer when one of them tried to pull away. I didn't want to let them go yet. 
"I missed you so much. What are you doing here?"
"We had a few days off before camp and really just wanted to see you. I know a few days would have made much of a difference, but well we missed you Y/n."
I kissed them both soft and slow, savoring the feeling of their lips, "I'm glad you're here."
We cuddled on my bed for a while before Christen volunteered to get dinner while I finished up some work with Tobin cuddled into my side. It didn't take long to finish the work that needed doing tonight. Once I put my laptop down, I pulled Tobin onto my lap, kissing her softly, "I missed you two so much Toby. I'm really glad we're back together."
Tobin rest her head against my shoulder, "Us too Y/n. Thank you for all the random facetimes and reassurances. I know it meant a lot of late nights for you."
"Seeing you and Chris is worth endless late nights."
"I love you Y/n."
"I love you too Toby."
Kisses were placed along my neck, a quiet moan escaped as I angled my head to give her more room. Tobin straddled my waist, pushing me back before leaving slightly harder kisses across my jaw and down my throat until she reached my collar bone. I gripped her hips, moaning a little louder this time as she started sucking and scraping my skin with her teeth. "Fuck T-Toby."
I was caught up in the pleasure that I didn't notice that Christen had come back until a second pair of lips attached themselves to my neck. Before I could open my eyes lips attached to mine. I instantly knew it was Christen, "Welcome back Chris."
"How'd you know it was me?"
"You two kiss differently, both just as amazing, but different."
Christen ran her fingers from one collar bone to the other, "I see you two had fun while I was gone."
"Toby how many marks did you leave?"
"Just a few."
"Tobin! Everyone's going to see them."
"I didn't hear you complaining."
I flipped her over, "Paybacks a bitch."
"Fuck Y/n," Tobin moaned as I nipped and sucked at her skin, before she pushed my head down closer to her breasts. 
"Are you sure?" I asked looking at both Christen and Tobin.
Tobin nodded quickly while Christen reached over, slipping Tobin's shirt off with an innocent smile. I hooked my hand around the back of her neck, accidently gripping her hair slightly and connected our lips in a lingering kiss. Christen moaned quietly against my lips, making me smirk, "Don't think you're safe Chris. I know this side was you."
Christen just shrugged as I went back to taking in the half naked Tobin currently pinned under me, "You are stunning Tobin."
I lent down, kissing along her bra line leaving dark marks as I went. Tobin was squirming, trying to push my head further down. Before she could, I pulled away, moving over to Christen instead. Tobin whined, but watched closely as I started on Christens neck, leaving a few dark marks before moving down to the top of her t-shirt, waiting for her permission before slipping her shirt over her head, "How did I end up with two absolutely stunning women." 
As I attacked Christens chest, I felt Tobin's hands start to wander, drawing random patterns under my shirt, along my back and stomach getting dangerously close to the waist band of my shorts. I finally pulled away when Tobin tugged at my top. She pulled it off, both of them staring at my abs. Christen reached up, running her fingers down my stomach stopping at my waistband and playing with the draw strings, making me shiver at the feeling. I laced my fingers with hers, kissing the back of her hand.
"Are you sure you guys want to do this? We don't have to go past this." I didn't want them to think that they had to do this if they thought it was too early. Sex wasn't that important to me, I just wanted to be with them. I was also worried that maybe they were only doing this with me out of obligation and that they didn't actually want me as part of it. I had also never done it with 2 people before, I didn't know if I would be any good. It was a big step in our relationship and honestly, I was nervous. 
Christen squeezed my hand, as Tobin pecked my lips, "Baby, you have no idea how much we talked about you during our less than innocent facetime calls when you were busy."
"You have no idea how much we want you. We can wait if you want to, if you're not sure about this."
"Really? Y-you t-talked about me?"
"More than we would admit. We love you Y/n, we are so insanely attracted to you it's not even funny."
"I-I-I've never been with t-two p-people before."
"It's not much different to one, just do what you do, but double it. You'll figure out what we each like pretty easily and we're here with you every step of the way. There's no rush if you're not ready yet Y/n."
I looked at them for a second. I was ridiculously attracted to them. There was no doubt that I wanted them. I smirked, pulling Christen up and tangling my fingers in her hair, tugging lightly as I connected our lips, biting her bottom lip gently as I pulled away, "I think I already know what you like."
Christen moaned, nails digging into my back to pull me against her, "Y-y-you're not w-wrong."
Tobin smirked, running her fingers across Christens back, "It drives her crazy."
My lips attached to Christen neck as I pushed her back, working my way down her chest and reaching round to unclip her bra. My fingers ran dipped between her breasts, trailing beneath them. Her breath hitched, fingers digging into my thighs, "P-please."
I glanced at Tobin, feeling bad about giving all the attention to Christen. Tobin just nodded, moving to take one of Christens nipples into her mouth as I followed suit with the other. Christen gasped hands tangling in both of our hair. It didn't take long for her to turn into a moaning mess, bucking her hips and trying to push my head down. I pulled away, waiting for her to nod before slipping her pants and underwear off. I took her in for a second, admiring her long tan legs, toned stomach, small but perfect breasts and beautiful eyes filled with want. 
Before moving any further with Christen, I connected my lips with Tobin. I didn't know what I was doing with two of them, but I wanted them to both feel wanted. I took my time with Tobin, with the help of Christen, stripping her down and working her up. I couldn't get enough of their moans, their touches, their pleads for more. It was driving me crazy, but I wanted to focus on them first. I figured the best way to ensure pleasure for them both was to have us all participating. I guided Christen so she was hovering over Tobin's face.
Christen moaned loudly at the same time I licked a line through Tobin's folds drawing a muffled moan which drew another needy moan from Christen. As Tobin worked Christen closer to the edge, I focused back on exploring Tobin. My tongue circled her clit, her hips bucking for more. Two fingers slipped easily into her, a loud, muffled moan slipped from Tobin. I pumped my fingers slowly, curling every few thrusts as I pulled away, watching as Tobin wrapped her arms around Christen's thighs, eating her out faster and harder, muffled moans falling uncontrollably. Christen head was thrown back, loud, needy moans slipping out as she reached behind her, gripping the head board for support. 
As much as I wanted to get them to come at the same time, I wanted to take my time getting to know what Tobin liked, what drove her crazy. It didn't take long for Christen to tense, moans louder than before, legs shaking as she shook. Once her high passed, she fell back against the headboard, breathing heavy. My fingers never stopped, maintaining the same slow pace that slowly turned Tobin into a moaning, pleading mess. I lent forward, kissing Tobin, moaning at the taste of Christen left behind. Christen moved behind Tobin so her head was resting against her stomach, hands moving to play with Tobin's breasts. Her back arched, hips bucking. "B-baby p-p-please. I-I need-"
Tobin cut herself off with a moan as my fingers curled. I kissed Christen before moving back down, fingers thrusting harder and faster as my tongue flicked her clit. My lips wrapped around her clit, sucking hard. She tightened around my fingers, spasming and tensing as she fell over the edge. I helped her through before cleaning her up and pulling away. Christen took my hand cleaning my fingers as I settled beside them. 
"H-holy fuck y-you're amazing baby," Tobin managed between ragged breaths. I laughed, kissing her cheek and pulling her closer. 
"I aim to please."
After catching her breath, Tobin turned over kissing between Christens breasts before turning to me, "You've got way too many clothes on and we're so not done yet."
Things were getting hard. Not with Christen and Tobin, we were still going strong almost two years into our relationship. Things weren't always easy. Between navigating a three person relationship, living in three different cities and them spending some time playing overseas, we had our struggles, but we were stronger for it. The problem was, I was really starting to struggle with the distance. We saw each other as often as we could, facetimed pretty much everyday even when they were overseas. It sucked, but it was manageable until recently that is. All I wanted was to be with them, but it didn't seem to be possible. I was almost constantly down, irritable, distracted if I wasn't with or talking to them. I cried after hanging up with them and crying wasn't something I normally did. 
This was something I had tried my best not to let them see. There was nothing that could be done and the intensity of these feelings would likely fade in a few weeks, so I didn't see the point in worrying them. Ashlyn and Ali had picked up on my mood change, they hadn't brought it up yet, but they had been trying to take my mind off it without pushing too much. They knew I would bring it up if I wanted to. 
"Hey, you okay?" Ali asked sitting on the deck chair next to me. I had just finished talking to Christen and Tobin
"I'm not, but I will be."
"I'm here if you want to talk about it Y/n."
I sighed, "I just miss them, more than I know how to cope with right now."
"I get that. Have you talked to them about it? Maybe they can help make things a little easier to cope with?"
"There's nothing we can do about it, I don't want to worry them. I'm sure it'll pass, if not I'll figure it out. Thank you Ali."
The next day, I was sitting down on the beach after surfing, knees pulled up to my chest as I watched the waves. It was the spot where things were most peaceful, where my mind wasn't quite so loud. I was completely zoned out when a hand landed on each knee. I recoganised the ring on one of the hands. It was Christen. I didn't look though, they weren't supposed to be there so I had convinced myself that I was imagining things. When nails ran down my back, I snapped out of it and actually looked beside me. They were actually there. Sitting beside me, looking rather concerned. I lent against Tobin's side as Christens arm wrapped around me. I couldn't bring myself to say anything or even really be excited that they were there. I was too stuck in my head. 
Tobin kissed my forehead, "What's wrong my love?"
"You don't have to tell us right now, but you've been off the last little while and we're worried."
At that I couldn't stop the tears from falling as I cried against Tobin's shoulder. They had seen me cry a few times, but it was normally short and quiet. This time though, I let everything out, not that I could stop it anyway. 
"I'm struggling."
"Can you tell us what with?"
"You guys not being here. The distance. I miss you so much it hurts. I just want you guys here and I'm having a hard time dealing with the fact that you're not."
Christen laced her fingers with mine, kissing my temple, "We're not doing much better. We actually wanted to talk to you about that though."
"About what?"
Tobin was the one to speak this time, hand still running across my back, "Moving in together. I know there's quite a lot of logistics around that, but when we were overseas, living together and seeing each other everyday, we realised how much we actually wanted to be close together, live together permanently. It was great, but there was one major thing missing."
"You Y/n. Every day we would wake up and go to bed, wishing more than anything that you were with us. I know there's a lot we would need to figure out, like where, when, that sort of thing, but will you move in with us?"
I pulled them both into a hug so quickly that we fell backwards. Maybe it wouldn't be the easiest thing to figure out, but all I wanted was to be with them, "Yes, yes I would love that. I don't even care where, I just want to be with you guys." 
I held them for a minute before finally realising that they weren't supposed to be here, "Why are you guys here? Don't you have training?"
"You haven't been yourself lately, as much as you tried to hide it, we noticed. You weren't smiling, laughing or joking as much, you looked tired all the. We got worried, Ali and Ash said something was up but you weren't talking to them. There was only one day of training before we had a few days off so our coached let us go. It's only for a few days, but we wanted to come see you, see if we could finally get you to talk to us."
"Thank you. I really needed to see you both. I love you."
Tobin kissed me, filled with passion and want as always, I sunk into it, holding her close. The first kiss once I saw them again was always the best. The sense of peace and calmness that washed over me when I kissed them was a feeling I never wanted to go away, "I love you Y/n. I know you didn't want to worry us, that was the one thing Ali could tell us, but please just talk to us next time. You not talking to us, worries us more."
I left a lingering kiss against Christens lips and resting my forehead against hers, "I'm sorry, I didn't want to worry you. I promise to talk to you in the future. Thank you for coming."
"I vote LA." Tobin spoke up making me pull away from Christen confused as to what she was talking about. "I vote we move to LA. Warm weather, good surf and I know Angel FC might be interested in signing me."
Christen looked at Tobin, smile slowly making it's way onto her face. I guess they hadn't talked about it, "R-really? You'd want to move to LA?"
"I know how much you love Angel FC and LA, I wouldn't ask you to leave that. Besides we know Y/n is obsessed with surfing."
"I wouldn't be opposed to that, I can work from anywhere. Only thing is Ash, Ali and the kids, I don't want to miss seeing them grow up so it would mean frequent trips to see them. If you can deal with that then I'm all for LA."
"Of course we can, they're your family. We'll figure it out in time."
"Sooner rather than later please."
They both held me tightly as I watched the water once again. I felt lighter, like a weight had been lifted. Not just because of the idea of moving in with them, but because they knew I needed them and they didn't hesitate to fly out for me. At one point they were the people I didn't want, but now I couldn't imagine my life without them. Maybe things weren't always going to be easy, there will be up's and downs, change and sacrifices. With them though, it would all be worth it. 
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lookingfts · 5 months
"I wish we could stay like this."
"I think the parking would get rather expensive."
I wonder if Kate always wistfully verbalizes how she wishes she could stay every time she's in London, and Anthony always either says nothing or plays it off because their current reality means that can't happen, so he doesn't like talking about it. Especially if he's resentful about her moving, as hinted at in the first snippet.
How am I so invested in this already? Haha.
Lovely off the cuff writing.
100%. That's our avoidant Anthony. (I apologize for the angst but if it helps, I'm pretty sure I am going to write this story.)
"Why do you always do that?"
"Do what?" Anthony braced himself. He and Kate had always bickered, even fought passionately about things that were important to them. But this was different. They had never picked at each other like this, as they seemed to find themselves doing so much lately.
"Every time I say I wish I could stay, you play it off," she said, sounding so hurt that Anthony had to shut his eyes and focus on his breathing. "Do you not want me to stay? Are you...are you unhappy that I'm here?"
He opened his eyes, staring up at her. A few minutes ago she had been warm and sated and loving, wrapping herself around him like she was trying to merge their bodies so they could never be apart again.
And he'd fucked it all up. "You think that's how I feel?" Anthony asked, his own voice injured, his hand coming up to cup her soft cheek. "It's killing me when you're not here. You're all I think about. But you can't stay. You and I both know that. You made a commitment and you have to see it through, so...so why talk about it like it's an option? If it was an option, we would be together. Why make me live in that fantasy when you're just going to turn around and leave again?"
Kate looked crestfallen. She climbed on top of him, burying her face in his neck and her hands in his hair. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I know. I'm sorry."
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anna1306 · 2 years
@hrefna-the-raven @rosedreamer44
Long time ago you both asked me for some fic with Travis, and after a long time here it is. Hope you will like it and if anything, request more, I can and will write it c:
Travis Hackett x Reader
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You never considered yourself a brave person. You never fought with anyone, let alone gather courage and get yourself into dangerous situation. But everything changed in an instant, it seemed.
When you found yourself befriending Travis, you couldn't imagine what could happen next. You knew he was a brooding, standalone policeman, probably the only one in the whole area (which was strange, but you didn't question it at the time). You were a delivery person, who always made sure he wasn't entirely alone in his station. And with time you broke his facade enough for him to smile and laugh at your jokes.
Another thing was to break his walls enough to get to his heart. It wasn't your ultimate goal, but with time you noticed how different it felt, when he was looking at you. How his every smile charmed you more. How your heart flattered, when he was telling you about something, whispering in the quietness of his office.
But you two were scaredy-cats. And after spontaneous, but passionate kiss on his working table in the police station, you both hid from each other.
It took some time for both of you. For you - to gather courage and show up on his porch to talk and admit your feelings. For him - to get over some of his problems he had and agree to try something with you.
"I... My life is complicated as it is." He admitted, sitting at his desk, with hot coffee in his hands. You fiddled with the spoon in your tea, too nervous to actually drink it. "And I want you to understand that it isn't... Easy for me to let you in on everything that is going on."
"You sound like a character from a movie." You tried to lighten the mood, but Travis was too serious at the moment. He looked at you as if he was almost in pain.
"Y/N, I am serious. It could be dangerous for you. Just trust me. It is up to you, but... I'd rather have you as far away from it as possible."
"Do you understand what you are doing?" You scoffed, making him look at you. "Travis, I confessed to you that I love you. That I care for you..."
"I feel the same, that's why we are having this talk." Travis interrupted you, emotional as always.
"You are telling me that your life is dangerous for me and you want to keep me away from you. But it's not dangerous to you?" You pressed the matter. Hackett leaned back on his chair and shook his head.
"It is extremely dangerous for anyone, but..."
"Then you don't have the right to tell me that I need to stay away." You stated straight in his face. He looked at you in surprise, not expecting this from you, so soft and kind usually and not assertive in any way. "You, the person I love, is in danger. I can't stay away or just not care about it."
"Y/N, I can't..."
"It is my decision, Travis. It is my life. And if I am to stay away from you, I would be sick worried to my stomach about your life. This would be dangerous as well." You reached to his hand, covering his fingers with yours. He didn't look at his face, even if you stared in his eyes.. "You don't have to tell me the truth. Just... Promise that you won't leave me alone after telling me all about this danger."
He watched you silently for a moment, taking in your face, slowly tracing it with his gaze. Heavy sigh fell from his lips, as he stood up and went around the desk to be close to you. When he sat before your chair on the floor, crouching, you looked at him questioningly, expecting him to say anything.
"You are the most bravest, shyest and pretty idiot with no sense of self-preservation, you know?" Finally said Hackett. And while it wasn't the most romantic line, you still giggled, cupping his face with a hand. He wasn't good with romantic stuff obviously, but this lack of beautiful words felt just right. It was a sign of affection from him.
"If you have me this way, I am okay with that." You smiled, watching him close his eyes and snuggle to your fingers.
"I promise you that I won't let any harm come your way." He whispered. You shook your head. You knew he was strong enough, but you didn't want to think about bad things. You didn't want to think that he could risk his life for you, even if you were sure that he would protect you.
"I know. If so... Can we repeat that evening?.. With kiss..." You shyly asked, feeling how your cheeks burnt red. Travis smirked, reaching for your lips readily. Who he was to deny you?
It was sweet after this. He made soft gestures to you, giving you flowers or making you go on some picnic. He was soft towards you, accurate in his actions and words, but at the same time passionate in kisses and physical affection. Travis was the best in your book, whether it was about dating or listening. His advices were the best.
You didn't raise the theme of danger level in your relations for a long time. You knew there was something, as Travis didn't answer the phone on some nights and even told you to stay away from the station and the forest. But he always came back to you.
And then... The Night happened. It was one of those days, when he told you to stay away from him and from the station. You didn't question anything. Not then, not when your phone ringed in the middle of the night. You just jumped into your car and went for the police station. You thought Travis needed help (ignoring the fact of silence in the phone). But you definitely didn't expect big monster jumping in front of your car. Before you could scream or before this creature could do anything, there were two shots, scaring the monster away. Travis ushered you inside the building, trembling, as he looked at you with mix of anguish, anger and fear in his eyes.
After one long explanation, dozens of angry curses and three cups of coffee you found out the truth. Of why it was so dangerous for you to stay near Travis. Of who exactly was this creature. And why you should have never went out in night on the full moon.
It took some more time. For Travis to talk it over with his family and make a decision of what to do next. For you to process the thought that your boyfriend was connected to... Werewolves. To disappearances of tourists. To some horror stories of the past.
But eventually you moved in to Hackett's house. You wanted to help him, he wanted you to be safe and under his protection. It was for the best for both of you.
While friendly from the start, Hacketts became more strict with time. You helped with housework - cooking, cleaning. Your own job let you sometimes get out and go for a ride, but still you felt isolated from the world for the most part. You understood the reasoning behind it, but couldn't help it...
If it wasn't for Travis, who was attentive, kept his more or less romantic tone with you, helped you sometimes, you would get bored pretty quickly. You could now fall asleep with him, you could snuggle up to him, kiss him whenever you could. You got to see more relaxed, home Travis. But...
At the same time you got to see how he always gave all of his time and consideration to family. Every free minute, every free second, free cent went into helping the family. You became all too wary of his mother, when you understood how strict she really was.
Nothing could be good in her book, unless it was perfect. Got some meat for the meal? You should have gotten more. Shun tourists away? They shouldn't be here in the first place. Were gone for three days and nights in search of the White Wolf? Well, why didn't he trapped yet?
There was always nagging, always comments, grumbling and reproaches. You kept your mouth shut for a while. After all you were just a newcomer in this house, not part of the family, even if Travis' niece, Kaylee, and Bobby were very warm to you.
But your heart still clenched every time Travis managed to got on her bad side. He looked guilty every time. Like he really did something bad. Even if there wasn't anything. He was always the guilty one in his family.
This evening you were reading the book, resting after long day of job deliveries. The full moon was in two weeks, there were still people in the camp, and you had nothing to worry about, everything was good and safe.
You were too deep in your thoughts about quiet evening with Travis, since he promised he would come back earlier that day. You were already imagining his soft scent, warm hands and kisses, full of love. You almost didn't notice the screams. Almost.
When you heard his mother's voice, you furrowed your brows. Maybe there was going on something important, and you were missing out on the information. You stood up from the armchair in your and Travis' bedroom, hastily going out and heading towards the living room, where the commotion was.
"You lost him again!" Constance was fuming, according to the voice. You carefully entered the room and sighed. Travis was standing before his mother, looking anywhere, but at her. His face was unreadable, you knew that expression all too well. Usually emotional, he never let anything express on his face in front of his mother. He always closed off and went inside himself mentally.
"The boy is fast. Even in normal days, you know that." Chris started, trying to defend his brother, but was cut shortly by mother's stare.
"Your brother always fails." She sharply turned to Travis. "Everything you do is failure." She spitted almost hatefully. Travis didn't move from his spot. You sighed, slowly coming into family's view and walking to his side. Man shivered, when you took his hand, raising his pained eyes on your face.
"Are you okay?" You quietly asked him. He nodded and glanced at his mother.
"There was no way for me to catch him today. I wasn't in a car, I was on foot. And only had couple of silver bullets."
"You could, if you tried! But you preferred to stay safe and not protect your family!" You looked at Constance angrily. "You always choose yourself. Became a policeman, because you wanted to. Brought this... Person into our house. Spilled our secret! Now you can't even protect our family! You should have went straight to this beast instead of thinking about hiding."
"Would you prefer Bobby to find his dead body in the morning?" You suddenly asked before you could stop yourself. Constance shot you an angry look. Travis gripped your fingers, trying to stop you. But you were done at this point.
"Care to repeat?" She dared you. You pursed your lips not caring for her sharp look.
"Would you rather have Travis dead?" You repeated your question louder. "You are going on and on about what he should have done. About how he is the failure. How he is nothing and should do better for his family. But he is doing everything."
"You stay out of this. This is family business, and you are noone here." She warned you.
"I know that I'm noone. And you are still kinder to me than to your own son!" You exclaimed. "Travis knows the situation, he was there, and if he chose to hide and stay safe, then he didn't do it selfishly, he did it because he knew that it was the best choice."
"He is coward!"
"He isn't coward in the slightest! Travis wants nothing more than to save this family!" You screamed back at her. "He would die to protect you all! But there would be no point in risking his life if in the end he wouldn't get the wolf!"
"He could have!"
"How do you know?! You weren't there!"
"As weren't you. Yet here you are, raising your voice at me, ungrateful slut!" The woman almost got red in face, screaming at you.
"You can degrade me and call me names, whatever you want, I don't care." You laughed loudly. "But don't you dare scream at your own son and make him the scape goat. He is doing everything for you, yet you are blaming him for every little misstep."
"He deserves it."
"He deserves a good family and loving parents, that trying to fix the situation with him together, not guilttriping him after he tries to defend himself. He deserves a good night sleep, and not jumping in the middle of the night and going out in the forest. He deserves a good, calm job, and not the one, where he should hide the bodies of tourists and lie to others about the situation around here!" You blurted out all of this in one breath, looking furiously at his shocked mother. Travis took you by shoulders and turned to him so you would look at him.
"Y/N, calm down. Don't..."
"No, I'm tired!" You shook your head, getting out of his hands. You looked at him almost offended, you tried to prove a point about his well-being, yet here he was, trying to calm you down, as his mother wanted. "I'm tired to see you stressed out! I'm tired that the man I love the most in this world is being degraded by his own freaking family! That you are never here! I try to help you as much as I can, but I can't anymore hear everyone blaming you again and again, when you are the one who protects them from everything! And you know what sucks the most? That I can't help you! Even my today words won't reach your mother, nothing would change, she would only hate me more and would tell you how I am the bad person!"
You didn't notice you started crying. Travis froze in his place for a second and then stepped to you, hugging you tightly and pressing your face into his chest. He knew how much you hated showing your feelings to others, plus he didn't want your emotions to go overboard completely. You pressed yourself into him, whimpering, crying not because you were tired or pained, but because of him. You were crying for him, like it was you who was constantly degraded and put down. It sure as hell felt like it.
You didn't know how long you stood there. Consumed by your emotions and thoughts, you lost the sense of time or other world or people around you. When you felt your fingers getting numb by your grip on his shirt, you slowly pulled away. Travis looked at you wary.
"Sugar? You alright?" You nodded, feeling a bit lightheaded. You noticed there was noone around you.
"I need to apologize to her, right?" You asked quietly and hiccuped from all the tears. Travis sighed, pursing his lips.
"I don't know. I have never seen her so conflicted. Ever." He admitted, cupping your face and wiping your tears with his fingers. Travis looked at you attentively, making you sigh.
"I'm sorry. I know you love her to death, but she just... Her constant anger at you... And your look, I just..."
"Thank you." Travis suddenly said quietly. "Noone stood up for me, really. And I didn't need anyone to. She didn't listen to anyone. I'm surprised she didn't throw something at you." He scoffed, making you smile weakly.
"You know that I love you, right? I want the best for you. And it is so unfair, that you try and try, but in the end..." You stopped yourself before you could go on another rant, shaking your head. Travis kissed you on the forehead, closing his eyes.
"I know. You are the best thing that happens to me in this cursed place." He whispered to you, as if it was a secret. "I promise. Once all of it ends, I am going to marry you and get out of here as soon as possible."
"Now I want to go out to this forest and kill the bastard myself." You joked, making him laugh and hug you again.
You knew it would be hard. Knew that you should go and apologize later. Knew that you would have a long talk with his mother. Maybe she even understood something. But you weren't worried about it at the moment. All you cared about - Travis' warm and soft arms. All you wanted to do - let him know that he was loved and cherished.
Thankfully to you, he knew that now.
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gracev0609 · 1 year
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Room Key
A Josh Kiszka X Queer Plus Size Reader X Danny Wagner story
TW: Adult themes 18+, MINORS DNI, it's filthy y'all, m/f, m/m
Word Count: 3,500+
You had a handful of vacation days left and you decided to join the boys on the last few US dates of the Starcatcher tour. You could feel fall in the air as you stepped out of the car sent to pick you up from the airport. It was a gorgeous day in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. You oggled the historic looking architecture within the old hotel they were staying in that was close to the venue. Josh had texted you that he was heading to the elevator to come escort you to the hotel room he was in, room 143. You heard the ding of the elevator door and a voice that you have only heard through the phone over the last few months.
"Hi, love." Josh greeted you as he came over with open arms.
"Fuck, I've missed you so much." He said muffled in your hair. 
Leaning away from his embrace you told him that he has been killing it on stage and that you've been watching live streams. 
"Keeping tabs on us huh?" Josh asked, grasping your hand and leading you towards the elevator to go up to his room.
Once Josh unlocked the door you hurry him inside, dropping your bags at your feet, pushing your body against his. Tangling your fingers in his hair, pulling his mouth to yours, kissing him passionately. You've been spending your nights alone thinking about his pink plush lips.
Groaning Josh pulls away from your kiss," As much as I want to continue this, I was in the middle of hanging out with Daniel, and I told him that we would go back to his room."
" You've been hanging out with Danny huh?" You asked him with a mischievous glint in your eye.
Josh chuckled," Yes, hanging out. We are still friends and bandmates." Cocking his head to the side," Is that what you've been imagining, Danny and I together again? Have you been getting off thinking about us while we've been away sweet girl?"
You bit your lip and nodded yes," I want to watch Josh."
Josh stares at the ceiling for a moment before looking you in the eyes," Then we better get over there so you can tell him that."
He ushered you down the hall to room 147.
Josh opened the door exclaiming," Knock knock! Look who I found!"
You found Danny laying on one of two Queen size beds in the room, playing on his phone. 
"Y/N! I missed you babe!" He held his arms open for you to crash into. Danny wrapped his arms around your waist anchoring your body to his. Feeling his warm, toned frame underneath your own softer one had your mind swimming. You were touch starved and desperate. Nuzzling into the crook of Danny's neck you experimentally stuck out your tongue and ran it across his sensitive skin. You heard him suck in a breath and let out a shaky,"Woah." Placing a soft kiss on his warm skin you heard Josh laugh from behind you and say," Watch out Danny, she's feisty today."
Danny sat you up in his lap and you fought the urge to press yourself down onto him. Knowing the only things separating your core from his cock were your thin biker shorts and his sweatpants.
Danny held your hips in place and spoke," Yeah I think horny is more like it. Haven't you been doing your job Josh? As her partner you've gotta send her sexy videos and pictures. Have phone sex, ya know? Gotta keep her satisfied."
"We have, but it isn't enough." You told him with a pout. 
Josh sat down next to Danny on the bed," I think now is a good time to tell Danny what you told me."
Both men looked at you expectantly," I want to have another threesome. And I uh, specifically want to watch you and Josh together."
A crooked smirk appears on Danny's face," Well, I think I can make that happen."
You lean down to capture Danny's lips between yours. The feeling of his thinner lips was becoming familiar. After getting into a rhythm Danny swipes his tongue across your bottom lip asking for access to your mouth. Opening for him his tongue made contact with yours and it sent a shock straight between your legs effectively making you wet. After a few minutes you feel a nudge against your side, disconnecting your lips from Danny's and you look to find Josh's eyes blown out with lust. " It's my turn now baby." You slid off of Danny's lap for Josh to jump in your place. He dove forward passionately kissing his friend. Josh started rutting his hips against Danny's. Both men whined once they nudged their erections against another. It was music to your ears, and you felt a surge of wetness between your legs. If a heated make out was turning you on this much you couldn't wait to see more.
Quickly the door opened and you heard Sam walk in," I can't believe I forgot… my .. camera." He stood in the open doorway looking at the scene unfolding in front of him. You were pressed against Danny's side, and his brother perched in Daniel's lap. "What cha doin?" Sam asked your group as he walked over to the other side of the room as he retrieved his camera from the bag next to the other queen sized bed. 
Josh replied quietly," Just hanging out."
Sam laughed a boisterous laugh," Jake and I are going to a guitar museum a little ways away. Feel free to keep hanging out. We'll take a while." With that he closed the hotel room door and went on his way. 
Once you heard the door lock Danny let out a breathy laugh. " At least they'll be gone awhile."  Danny's hands found purchase on Josh's hips and pulled his body into his hips, eliciting a groan from your partner. "Keep going babe, our girls got a show to watch."
Josh grabs the hem of Danny's cotton shirt and pulls it up over his head before licking a hot stripe up his sternum. 
Danny moans at the contact and you can't wait anymore, you take your hand and shove it into your shorts attempting to relieve that desperate ache. Your fingers slide up your slit to circle your clit, it's hard and throbbing from the physical and visual stimulation you've been receiving. You watch them tear each other's clothes off. You stared at the beautiful men before you on the bed. Toned bodies and beautiful cocks. Earthly beings sent from hell destined to perform sinful acts with you, for you. 
" Sweet girl, why are you still dressed?" Josh asked you with a drawl in his voice, evident with arousal. 
Halting your movements on your clit," I was uh, I was watching."
"Babydoll I haven't had you in months, I want to fuck you too." Josh comes over and pulls off the oversized band tee you were wearing for your flight. Not giving a single fuck that you were in a sports bra, he lifts your heavy breasts in his hands, thumbs caressing your nipples. He dives his face into your cleavage pressing into the soft skin as his tongue laps away, setting your skin aflame. Not soon enough he releases your chest from the confines of your bra. You noticed Danny quietly staring at your chest with his cock in his fist. 
"You good Danny?" You ask him as you slide your shorts down over your ass, revealing to them that you didn't wear underwear today. 
"Yeah, they're just beautiful. Can I titty fuck you? I so badly want to see my cock disappear in your breasts, babe." You loved his confidence. 
"Tell him where you want him." Josh spoke surely.
"You can stand in front of me. We can do it that way."
*Danny POV*
I got up from the bed and went to my luggage rummaging around for the bottle of lube I keep stashed away. 
"Don't keep her waiting Daniel, I have a lot of plans for this evening." Josh spoke from the relaxed position he was in on the bed.
It was clear that Josh was calling the shots tonight. You don't want to overstep, but you're nervous about your role in his plans. A lot of secrets are shared on tour, one being that Josh doesn't like to bottom and his time with you was a rare one. Another secret spilled is that Y/N can't help but zero in on your mouth during your drum solo. There was one secret that you hadn't told him yet, you almost did after giving him a drunken blowjob in Las Vegas, but nothing else transpired that night due to your over indulgence. The secret you didn't tell was that you haven't been underneath a man before.
Finding the bottle you were searching for you went over and stood in front of her. She lifted her breasts creating the perfect valley to place your hard cock in. You took in her figure as she waited for your next move. Her thick thighs that touched constantly, hiding away her glorious cunt for safe keeping. A soft round stomach littered with marks, up to her full breasts studded with metal bars. The sight of her was enough to make your knees buckle. You knew not everyone would agree, but it didn't matter when she had two men ready to worship her at her whim. 
You popped the cap open on the bottle and drizzled the lubricant on her chest. Grabbing your hot length you let her wrap her body around you. She was soft and warm and wet. The visual you were getting was enough to make your mind spiral. You saw the tip of your cock peek out of her cleavage while she gave you her best fuck me eyes. Pushing your hips towards her you were enveloped in pleasure. You heard her moan and you opened your eyes to find Josh sitting behind her reaching his hand around with his fingers deep in her cunt. 
"She's squeezing my fingers so tight. Push her over the edge." Josh cooed over her shoulder.
You gathered all of the saliva in your mouth to sit on your tongue before sticking it out and letting it drool from between your lips. A thin stream of spit dripped from the tip of my tongue to the tip of my cock. She stared at the display you put on for her before her eyes rolled back signaling her release.
" That's it, cum on my fingers. Good girl." Josh spoke directly into her ear.
As she was coming down from her high you pulled away from her body and watched Josh tap his fingers against her sensitive clit.
" You're going to overstimulate her, " you stated.
Josh locked eyes with you and smirked," Exactly, she likes it."
You shook your head in response before kneeling down in front of her and diving your tongue between her folds. You'd be lying if you said you haven't thought about tasting her again. You swirl your tongue around her entrance, causing her to clench. 
Removing from her core you taunted her," So desperate for something to fill you up huh, pretty girl."
Instead of giving her what she wanted you wrapped your lips around her clit.
"Fuck Danny!"
You slid your ring and middle finger into her soaked cunt. Scissoring your fingers, stretching her for what's to come. Finally you curled your fingers up to press against her sweet spot while you simultaneously lapped at her clit.
"God Danny I'm cumming, fuck!" 
Once she was through her second orgasm of the night you withdrew your fingers. 
"You're so pretty when you cum for us." You praised her. 
She blushed before speaking," I'm a little spent, I think it's time for me to watch now."
"Get comfortable sweetie. Danny go lay down on the bed." Josh spoke commanding the room.
Laying down on your back against the pillows Josh was quick to follow, pressing his hips to yours, blanketing himself overtop of you. You moaned into his mouth as his hot length made contact with yours causing your cock to twitch. Josh kissed down your chest, down your stomach, right down to the skin above the base of your member. Trying to control your breathing you grabbed your length in your hand holding it still for him to do as he pleased. The anticipation was killing you, you haven't felt his mouth yet. You knew you were in for it based on the crazy things he does with his tongue on stage, the total control he has over his voice, all by manipulating the muscle. 
His hands came to rest on the sensitive skin where your thighs meet your groin, teasing the area with his fingertips. You peered down at him, he was taking in the sight of you exposed to him. He was so beautiful it made your cock twitch against your palm.
"Josh… please." 
Josh leaned forward and licked the bead of precum from your slit. 
"Keep going" you groaned. 
Again he licked the head of your cock, similar to licking a lollipop. The little licks across your slit were driving you insane, he was teasing the fuck out of you. You pressed your hips into the air chasing his tongue.
"For fucks sake do I have to beg Josh?" 
He chuckled in response before nibbling on the ridge of the head of your penis.
You reached forward grabbing a fistful of hair," Fucking please for the love of God, suck my cock!"
Josh opened his mouth and took your length down his throat eliciting a gasp from you and Y/N. 
He swirled his tongue down your length, as he bobbed his head up and down. He worked your length deliciously, you swore this was some of the best head you've ever had. After a few minutes you felt yourself grow ever harder, your release building.
"Josh stop, I'm getting close."
He just took your length even further down his throat.
'Stop! I won't be able to cum again. Please stop." You whined. 
He popped his spit soaked lips off your penis. 
"Fine, I'll just use my mouth elsewhere." He pushed your legs further apart and nudged your balls up out of his way. Sending his sinful tongue between your cheeks.
"Oh fuck!"
He swirled his tongue around the rim, activating your pleasure receptors. Your mind was spinning, everything he did felt soo good. You lulled your head to the side to find Y/N pleasing herself. 
You whispered to her,"Let me help."
She leaned over your face and gave you a soft kiss," No baby, just enjoy yourself.'
Breathing a soft, okay, as she got in a comfortable position near your head. 
You felt one of his fingers prod your hole, asking permission to enter you. 
"Please, more." You moaned sounding fucked out already. 
Josh grabbed the lube that was discarded on the bed, and squirted some on his fingers.
You felt the familiar sting of being penetrated as he let you get adjusted. Soon he slowly withdrew his finger almost completely out before softly thrusting it back in again. After a little bit he added a second finger, thoroughly stretching you.
"You're being such a good boy, taking my fingers so well," He praised kissing your inner thigh.
You were so incredibly turned on. Watching Josh pleasure Danny was a sacred experience. There was something so sexy about watching Danny's strong confident demeanor transform into soft submissiveness. 
Moving so you were sitting cross legged with Danny's head in your lap, his wild curls tickling your skin. You slid your fingers into his hair gently scratching at his scalp.
"That feels good. Everything feels so good." Danny whined, looking up into your eyes. 
"I know baby, Josh always makes it feel so good." Digging your nails a little harder into his scalp, sending a shiver down his spine.
Josh then removed his fingers and sat back on his knees. You watched as he grasped his length and rubbed it against Danny's slick hole.
Danny grumbled a low, fuck. 
Josh pressed his hips forward enough to apply more pressure. Danny's head shot up," Josh wait!"
Josh's head snapped up to look at Danny's face," What's wrong? Do you want to stop?"
" No, I want to keep going, it's just….. it's just that I haven't done this before." Danny rests his head back down in your lap and he closes his eyes.
" Wait, you mean you've never fucked like this before?" Josh asked him.
Danny was in quite the compromising position laying on his back with Josh bare at his entrance. 
"No. I've always been the one to do the fucking." Danny smiled sheepishly from below. "I've used toys and stuff, but never the real thing."
You lean down to stroke the damp curls off of Danny's forehead, " You trust him, don't you baby?"
Big brown eyes look up into yours,"Yeah of course I trust him. I've always trusted him."
You leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips," He'll be gentle with you. Don't worry."
Josh nodded his head before slowly pressing himself into Danny.
You felt yourself clench around nothing as you watched Danny's eyes screw shut.
"Let me know when you need me to pause," Josh grunted out.
"Hold on!" Danny panted. You continued to run your fingers through his hair, helping him relax. You looked at Josh's face, he wore a pained expression, evidence of having his cock in a virgin hole. Danny took a deep breath to steady himself.
"You can keep going. All the way in Josh."
" Are you sure? I'm only halfway -"
"Just fucking do it"
Both men groaned as he pushed the rest of the way in. 
You felt your pussy convulse as you watched the scene unfolding in front of your face. Moans and whines echo in your ears, skin slapping skin, sounds of pleasure. 
You shot up on your knees and leaned over Danny's body to capture your partner's lips in yours. Josh's tongue slipped into your mouth as his hips continued thrusting. 
From below you heard Danny warn that he was getting close. Josh mumbled a, me too, in between kisses. Danny's hands came up to wrap around your thighs as he pulled your pussy to his face. 
"Fuck!" You cried, grinding down onto his tongue.
You reached your hand down and grabbed onto Danny's cock, as you started frantically jerking him off. 
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum. Where-"
"Inside!" Danny cried from in between your legs.
The coil was already tightening in your stomach and watching Josh's jaw go slack and his eyes roll back into his skull as he came was your tipping point. 
A deep moan erupted from Danny's chest as you felt his cock pulse in your hand, spilling his hot cum onto his stomach.
You sat back onto the pillows utterly spent. Danny's eyes were closed, your cum glistening on his lips and chin. Josh slowly pulled out, lube and cum dripping off his tip. He crawled up to Danny and gave him a passionate kiss before turning to do the same to you. He got off the bed and wandered into the bathroom to get washcloths to clean up with. He came back to bed with the steaming hot rags, he gently cleaned between your legs. Once he was satisfied, he grabbed the second towel and wiped Danny's face before wiping his stomach and between his legs. 
"There ya go."
You curled up into Danny's side. Reveling in your post orgasm bliss. Josh got into bed and curled up on Danny's other side, sandwiching him between your bodies.
After a bit of silence Josh spoke up," I know this is really unorthodox but I," he took a deep breath," I want to date both of you, together. I really like the way this makes me feel. I, I feel whole when I'm with the both of you."
" I agree with you babe. This feels so good and natural, like we belong this way." You replied honestly," Danny, whaddya say?"
A crooked smile forms on Danny's lips," I would love to call the both of you mine. I love the both of you so much."
Leaning forward you kissed both of your boys, feeling the most content you have felt in ages. 
Hearing Danny's phone vibrate you picked it up and saw an unread message from Sam.
4:57PM: Just giving you a heads up, we're just getting back to the hotel now. I'm also just going to stay in Jake's room tonight. Hope you're having fun 😉
"It looks like we're having a sleepover." You showed the boys the message.
"Good! I wasn't ready to let you go yet." Danny said, wrapping his arm around your waist pulling you even closer to him.
Love is love baby ❤️ there's plenty to share
Next Story
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🌙 Hi!! Can I please have a Tolkien, Harry Potter, Marvel and a Star Wars romantic matchup?? Thank You! (and forgive me if I make a mistake in the writing, I'm not fluent in english yet♡)
I'm pansexual and genderfluid, that uses all the pronouns.
I'm a brazilian, my house is Slytherin (but I have LOTS of Ravenclaw qualities), my sign is Leo and MBTI is INTJ. I have tan skin, dimples, brown eyes, straight black hair that goes below my waist and bangs. About my body, I think what stands out the most are the really thick thighs and the hands and feet that are really small. I wear glasses (I have astigmatism and myopia, my grade is VERY high); where i live is SO hot but i really like to wear sweats and pants so sometimes it's kind of hard but i think i wear any kind of clothes? I like to experiment with new styles and I really want to dye my hair but I didn't have the opportunity; I'm absolutely addicted to wearing necklaces, bracelets and especially rings, I'm always wearing several.
I have a quiet, observant, sarcastic and motherly personality, although from a distance it seems that I will be rude to you, I will actually be very calm and give you soft smiles. I can get stressed out easily but I don't show anything but glare, and above all I NEVER raise my voice, even in a fight the only thing I'm going to do is keep my voice calm with a firm, authoritative tone. I LOVE protecting and caring for people and listening to them talk about what they like, I always give them my FULLY attention. My love language is 100% touch, I am always touching the people I like and care about. Another thing is that I'm not a submissive person in a relationship, like NO, AT ALL; and i absolutely hate going into water, like, sea, pools, lake, I don't know how to swim and I panic.
I'm completely in love with all kinds of art, especially dancing (I'm ALWAYS dancing while listening to music, which is pretty much all day long) and drawing/painting (sometimes I end up doing a whole drawing and not even realize it). I love reading and I always have a book with me, physical or digital. I love animals, I have cats, dogs, parrots, turtles and cockatiels, and I would give my life for them all without a second thought. Oh, I also love anything horror related with passion and bake, most of the time I don't even eat, I just bake and give it to people because I love it when they say they like what I made.
Thank you so much for requesting a matchup! I hope you like it! (And I have a turtle too! His name is Turbo) <333
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🦌 You met Thranduil with the Company, the Elf King was immediately awestruck, he had never really seen anyone quite like you, like an deity; instead of throwing you in a cell, he went and asked your questions
🦌 The questions about your reasons of being with the Dwarves slowly bubbled into asking you about your hobbies and interests; even though you were a bit wary of the King, you told him that you were a huge baking fan and loved to dance and listen to music
🦌 This interested the King, he was almost tempted to ask you to ditch the Company and throw a ball, he wanted the chance to ask you to dance; but before he had the chance to say or do anything, the next morning you and the Company were gone
🦌 You saw Thranduil again during the battle, helping him with the orcs came a bit too close, you and the Elf King fought side by side, back to back; together you were unstoppable
🦌 In the end of the battle, when all orcs were dead and gone, Thranduil asked if you wanted to stay with him in his kingdom, and of course, you said yes; only then did Thranduil told you about his love for you, and only a few weeks later did you become a ruler beside him
Harry Potter;
Lucius Malfoy:
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🐍 You met Lucius back in Hogwarts, being in the same year and house as him, you did interact with the young man, but his ideals soft of spooked you; but that didn't stop you from being civil with him, though you were a Slytherin, you were kind to all and didn't believe in all the pure blood stuff
🐍 Lucius on the other hand, disliked you to a point, but by the end of the fifth year, he almost seemed to change, but that all seemed to crash down after he was arranged to marry Narcissa; he went back to being cold and cruel, and then you didn't see him for another ten or more years
🐍 As the new DADA professor, you ran into Lucius when he came to the school to talk to Dumbledore, and you were shocked; you froze actually, greeting each other awkwardly as your minds raced with unknown and mixed forgotten feelings, (you hadn't gotten over him)
🐍 When you saw Lucius again, he came to your class during your break, he asked about his son and how he was doing until the conversation went to what the two of you have done since your days at Hogwarts; it was... Nice, sort of, and you could almost see that sweet old Lucius with every gray glint in his eyes
🐍 That was when he said he got divorced a couple of years ago, or well, Narcissa left him, sharing custody of Draco, and Lucius wanted to let you know about the feelings he felt for you that he pushed away during your school days; you both didn't want to speed through any relationship, so day by day you both allowed yourselves to get closer, and really, everything went perfectly (until Voldy came back)
Erik Killmonger:
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🔪 You were partners with Everett, staying back with him in Wakanda to help the Queen, Princess Shuri, and T'Challa; but, you had a secret that not even Everett knows about
🔪 You used to know Erik, yeah, awkward... and he recognized you too, you never thought you'd see him again, after so many years; and even though Erik was a somewhat cold and calculating person, his old feelings for you resurfaced
🔪 He was panicking a bit actually, he had pushed himself for taking over Wakanda and avenging his father that when he saw you again, he sort of freaked out as his heart began to race and his mind ran with only thoughts of you; you were feeling the same, and you were going to do something about it
🔪 Sneaking away from M'Baku's people, T'Challa, the Queen, and Everett, you sneaked back into the kingdom, where you almost got skewered but Erik stopped his new royal guards; you both slid away for a more private conversation, where you both talked about what had happened, and you asked him if he'd stop trying to take over Wakanda, Erik seemed hesitant but agreed, (for you)
🔪 Erik surrendered, and you were happy that he wouldn't get killed, and since this was probably a big blow to his pride, you stayed with Erik as much as you could and made sure he was alright; he was grateful for you and grateful that T'Challa understood him as well (he loves the sunsets here when he watches them with you)
Star Wars;
Anakin Skywalker:
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✨ You met Anakin when you were a Jedi and he was still a Padawan, being friends with Obi-Wan, you were introduced to Anakin; immediately when Anakin saw you, he was like, "Wow, look at those dimples," and you were like, "Wow, can't wait until he's a Jedi and he grows out that hair,"
✨ You were sent on a lot of mission with Anakin and Obi-Wan, during that mission you were sure to protect Anakin as much as you could when you saw him struggling, (which was hardly ever); Anakin did the same, also feeling a need to protect you, (which you also hardly needed)
✨ After one particular mission, you confessed to Anakin that you had feelings for him, and good thing for you, he felt the same; and that's when you and Anakin began courting/dating
✨ When you two weren't busy, you and Anakin would walk about whatever planet you were on, looking at the nature while you spoke about animals, books, music, and food; most of the time you'd joke around and play childish games together
✨ You knew you truly loved him when he saved you from Palpatine, knowing that the man was tricking him about you; after the huge battle and feeling thankful that most Jedis found a way to escape, Anakin found a small hut to call home with you, and as a promise of his everlasting love, he bought you a necklace
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heyoo!!! I’m in love with your writing and thought ab requesting something!
Ok, what if reader is engaged with lamanbur, but Eret is in love with reader? But like, reader doesn’t love them, and Eret is like, madly in love with Wilbur’s SO? How would Wilbur deal with that, and reader? And the story is set in the final control room part?
(I’m really bad at describing things so sorry ab that!)
Thanks!! <33
I'm getting Shawn Mendes Treat You Better vibes 👌🏻
Title: Treat You Better
Warnings: One-Sided Love, Violence
Pairing: Reader x L'manbur
A/N: So instead of everyone being in the control room when Eret betrays them, it's just Wilbur and Y/N. The rest of them are outside.
For a little backstory, you and Eret had been friends for decades. Well..a decade. They had helped you through countless heartbreaks and reserved the spot as your #1 Ride or Die best friend.
"Y/N, I love you."
So when they said this?
"Aww, Eret I love you too."
It didn't seem as much of a shock. Eret didn't seem hurt. He didn't seem distraught over such reaction.
Eret didn't seem upset.
That was until you fell in love. Real love with none other than the Commader himself.
"Darling, why are you sitting out here? It's freezing, come inside." Wilbur was sweet and passionate. Wilbur was your world and L'manberg was his so you fought for it. Eret was still your friend and each passing day he seemed more and more spiteful to the man in charge.
"Are you okay, Eret?" The two of you sat on a hillside and watched the clouds.
"Why do you hang around with him so much?" Eret blurted out almost instantly.
"Wilbur! He's so occupied with L'manberg he doesn't notice the literal personification of perfect flirting with him." Eret growled.
"Eret you know how I feel about being compared to perfect. Everyone's flawed and I know Wil's life is L'manberg and hey when we win I'll get to stay in it forever with Wilbur." You chided.
"That doesn't matter, Y/N! It's that he's playing with your heart but his is elsewhere!" Eret sat up and their voice stretched across the meadow.
"Eret, calm down, Wilbur knows he can't give me his full attention right now and we've discussed that! He's not going to hurt me."
"It's not about if he hurts you or not it's that he doesn't deserve you! He doesn't know your favorite constellations to find or flowers or even music disc. He doesn't know anything about you and isn't caring enough to even try to find out!"
"Eret I'm done with this conversation. You can chill the fuck out or leave me alone until you do. Wilbur means we'll and I understand him chasing his dream. He'd do the same for me." You leave the hill side and as you cross the river back to L'manberg you see birds flutter up from the trees and an echo of something booming across the air.
"How was Eret?" Wilbur asks as you step into his van. Wilbur knows you and Eret have been friends for forever. He knows Eret views him as neglectful of your relationship.
"Uptight. He thinks you're underappreciating me." You sigh and lean into Wilbur as he hugs you, pressing a kiss or two or three into your head.
"Well I am. L'manberg is taking up so much of my time I haven't even taken you on a truly proper date." Wilbur smiled and caressed your face. His uniform was soft under your cheek and the hat he usually wore was crooked on his curly brown hair.
"I enjoy our little night strolls quite a lot really. L'manberg is your dream. Please don't take any energy from chasing it to please me."
"You deserve better, Darling, I'm so lucky." Wilbur kissed you and wrapped his arms around your waist keeping you close. The two of you stayed in that van cooking potions and preparing for whatever onslaught Dream had planned for you next.
Eret's blood boiled. She hated Wilbur Soot but not what he stood for. She hated that he had you in his arms as he fought for a nation doomed to fall.
Eret threw rock after rock across the pond and cried out to the dimming sky of his troubles. The sun fell and the sunglasses slipped from their nose. White eyes stared at the water and furious tears slipped into the stream.
"It's a shame." A voice startled the revolution fighter and glasses were fitted back into place. "Y/N really does deserve someone who will treat them like the royalty they are." Dream fingered a blade of grass between sleek black gloves.
"Dream. What do you want?" Eret stood straight and bit down the remainder of their stinging breakdown.
"I want Y/N to be with someone who won't hurt them. Wilbur's radioactive and Y/N doesn't know what they're doing. They don't see the danger he poses to them." Dream reasons and the pieces echo with Eret's own thoughts.
"I know this, what are you going to do about it?" Eret spits out and watches as the masked man stepped forward with a button laid out in his palm.
"I want you to make sure they're safe. I'm going to destroy L'manberg in the end and I'd hate for anymore blood to be shed than necessary." Dream offers and Eret stares at the wooden contraption. So simple with potential to destroy hundreds.
"Why do you care about Y/N?" Eret asks slowly before even reaching for the button.
"Because Eret, they're a good person wrapped up in a not so good situation. I enjoy them truly, and I don't want this SMP to be without them for a very long time." Dream said slowly and placed the item in Eret's hand, closing her knuckles over it.
"The choice is yours. Let Y/N get hurt or save them and give them the life they deserve. Do so and you'll be rewarded like a King." Dream’s smile seemed to broaden in the darkness and when Eret looked down at the button and back up he was gone.
"I'll treat you better Y/N. I'll treat you as you should be." Eret vowed.
Wilbur slid the silver ring onto your finger and kissed your hand.
"Now, once this is all over there'll be nothing stopping me from marrying you." He smiles and you kiss him. The sun sets behind you both and the wind breezes by like a fairytale.
"I love you Wilbur Soot." You smile and wrap your arms around his neck. His forehead pressing to yours.
"And I love you Y/N. For forever." Wilbur smiles widely. "Now let's go tell the others some good news before Eret beats us to it."
Wilbur hoists you up into his arms without a hesitant breath and your laughter rings out as the sky begins to dim.
This. Wasn't. Happening.
You weren't engaged to that fool. You weren't glued to his side with a smile so bright only he'd been able to enact for the longest time.
Eret's blood boiled and his fingers itches to destroy. To wilt the nearest flower in his hands and crush its remains into a fire.
Wilbur would never be able to love you like they did. Wilbur would never compare if you would just give him a chance.
"Congrats General." Eret bit through a smile and avoided your eyes. Sunglasses stayed focused on Wilbur as jokes and teases were exchanged between him and the General.
"Can't wait to see what you've got for us tomorrow." Wilbur winks and walks off with you on his arm. Eret spots the ring and nearly laughs loudly.
Its poorly made and the rock in the middle could hardly pass for just that. A rock. In his coat that laid with Dream there was a ring twice as grand and beautiful. He'd spent weeks down in caves surrounded by stone and dirt looking for diamonds to accent the gold and silver jewelry.
The next day comes bright and early and you wake up with Wilbur below you. His jacket is discarded and his shirt ruffled where you'd been asleep on it.
The ring on your finger catches the dawn and you sit up with a stretch. Wilbur stirs below you and he too yawns and awakens to the morning light.
"Well hello fiancé." He smiles and it makes a grin split your face.
"Good morning fiancé." You say in return. You lean down and kiss him. The light streaks over L'manberg's walls and through the windows of the van.
"Did you sleep okay? I tried to put as much padding as I could." Wilbur's voice is laced with worry and he sits up on his elbows before coming up completely with a hand brushing down your cheek. Instinctively you lean into his hand, the palm opening to you welcomingly.
"I slept fine Wil, now c'mon. Lets get the morning routine in before Eret's surprise." You kiss his lips quick and hop up with a long stretch.
Eret secures the last of his trap and exits the hole just as dawn begins to break.
"Busy?" Dream stops him dead and Eret's hands find a sword handle with ease.
"Just making sure it all goes right." Eret bites out. "What're you doing here now?"
"I came to give you this." Dream reveals a crown of gold. Gems of sapphire and topaz and emerald gleam in its golden divets.
"What-" Eret stutters out but Dream cuts them off.
"After this is done you'll be King of the SMP. I'll still be supreme but you'll have all the power you'll need to take what is yours." Dream's voice reveals a smile behind the haunting mask and Eret nearly chokes.
"How do you know I won't back out?" Eret is hesitant but their eyes remain on the crown. Power pulsing in the air around it and they so desperately want to reach out and snatch it away. Something in their chest calling in like to the adorned headpiece.
"You're doing this for power. For love as well." Dream states dully. "I know how aggressive one of those motivations can be." He adds on and Eret's head snaps up to the masked man.
"Promise Y/N will be safe after this." Eret asks, no, demands.
"As long as you keep them out of the crossfire." Dream assures and Eret is convinced that's the best he can get.
"Thank you, Dream." Eret takes the crown with steady hands and examines the craftsmanship.
"Thank you, Your Majesty." Dream sinks low in dramatics and Eret's soul shines with approval. A King given his rightful throne.
Eret was cheerful to say the least as he led you and Wilbur into the hidden room. Everyone else awaited outside and the newly engaged followed alone.
"I thought about it a bit and decided, what the heck, you make Y/N happy so you might as well be alright. So, I got you guys an early wedding gift!" Eret beamed and flipped a lever to reveal the obsidian clad room with a large chest at the end.
"Eret you really didn't have to do that." You smiled and hugged your best friend. Something tensed and they clung on tightly before you pulled away and back to Wilbur's side.
"Really though, thanks man." Wilbur smiled and patted Eret on the shoulder.
"My pleasure." Eret gritted out and stepped back to a small corner with a wooden button mounted into the floor. He watched as you opened the chest up and picked up the piece of paper resting inside.
"Eret?" Wilbur turned to him with a confused and frightened expression.
"Let's be honest here, you never would've been able to provide for Y/N Wilbur. You're too focused on L'manberg." Eret smiled and you clutched the paper in your hands. Hands that held him in times of need.
"What're you on about?" Wilbur stepped in front of you and took control of Eret's gaze.
"This is the end of the revolution, Wilbur. This is my turn in the spotlight and I'm taking Y/N with me as it is supposed to be." Eret raised his hand up to press the button.
"You were never meant to be." He growled and pressed the wooden contraption as soon as Wilbur darted forward.
Dream stepped out and raised a sword to Wilbur's chin.
"Wilbur!" You shouted out and something clasped over your mouth and held your arms behind you. Eret smiled as Wilbur was forced to back up.
"Way to time it Dream." Eret said and summoned the crown from his inventory before fitting it onto their head.
"Well can't have my King dying on his first day." Dream said smugly and Eret saw a glimmer of rage turn Wilbur's eyes a fiery red
"You traitor! You just can't accept Y/N's happy." Wilbur snarled and Eret narrowed his eyes behind the shades.
"Y/N will never be happy by your side. You will constantly have another goal overshadowing them. They deserve someone who will put them before everything." Eret shot back.
"Someone like you? Who decides against what they believe in for someone who doesn't even want them?!" Wilbur bellowed and the sword tip pressed to his throat.
"Someone like me who's willing to sacrifice what they believe in for them." Eret corrected and waltzed over to you. Sapnap held you captive and with a nod of Eret's head he let go. Ropes bound your wrists and your mouth remained free.
"Get the fuck away from them!" Wilbur took a purposeful step forward and Dream quickly intercepted with Sapnap close by.
"Eret why-" You stuttered out to your best friend. Someone who knew your secrets inside and out.
"Because I love you Y/N and I can't stand to see you beside him anymore. He doesn't love you like I do and he never will. L'manberg is his love and once it's gone he'll have nothing. You deserve everything." Eret's gloved hand trailed down your face and whimper escaped you.
Adrenaline shot into your veins and with a swift kick to the stomach Eret stumbled back. Dream was caught off guard and Wilbur clashed a sword against his own with a shield coming up. You ran behind your fiance and out the open door.
"C'mon Wil!" You shouted back and heard a crash of glass and shouts of rage. Daylight split through your vision only to be met with a battle raging before you. Dream's army was against yours and with every clash of weaponry the lead changed.
Potions flooded the air and with the single shout from Wilbur, the L'manberg Revolution retreated.
"It's okay love, we're all safe now." Wilbur held you as you cried.
"Everything is going to be fine." He promised with a kiss to your hair.
Eret clawed down tapestries and shouted out his grievances to the sky.
"I'll have you Y/N, and you'll see how much greener the grass is here." He vowed.
Fun right? It's a bit rough and took a while but I thought I did good 😁.
Happy holidays everyone!
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rowan-sins · 2 years
𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖚𝖕 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖒𝖞 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉 @theluckychemist​
𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔦𝔰 𝔰𝔩𝔬𝔱 (2) 𝔬𝔣 (10). 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔞𝔯𝔢 (8) 𝔰𝔩𝔬𝔱𝔰 𝔩𝔢𝔣𝔱
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You are so bright and excitable, and Persospero finds himself wishing to cherish and nurture your spontaneousness and protect you from it at the same time. He adores you though. You’re soft, you’re sweet, you’re like a taffy that makes your saliva sickeningly sweet before you swallow.
He’s a cuddle bug through and through. Loves sitting you on his lap while he works, he loves feeding you sweets (he eyes the way your lips wrap around a jaw breaker before it pops into your mouth), and he loves having you close. Sometimes he just drops by to visit on your lunch while you work. (He obviously brings you food… sweets).
He’s a great listener too! He loves listening to you talk about whatever; it helps keep his mind off of the things stressing him out. Even if you’re just ranting about your coworker who steals your pens, he never, ever makes you or your problems feel small. If you need support, he’s there, if you need solutions, he’s bringing out a whiteboard on wheels and you’ll both find a solution to it. He’s too stubborn to leave you hanging. “I think giving him fake candy pens was still the best idea, my love.” “I’m considering it, I truly am, but I need to look into lab safety protocols before we resort to something so… drastic.”
Sometimes, you’ll need to drag him away from his work and his duties. Luckily he’s not too hard to distract when you know how to do it right. He’s very physically affectionate once he gets the chance so trailing your fingers up his arm gets him itching to hug you. “Come to bed darling… it’s late.” “Just a few more minutes, my love.” “We both know I can’t sleep unless you’re holding me.” And then you’re off to be cuddled.
He’s not too much of a gift giver, but if you tell him you’re in need of something it’s in your hands before you can go off to buy it. That new graphics card? In your computer before you order it. That new plushie you’ve been eyeing? It’s on your bed, against the pillow when you go to your room to change into your pajamas. He does randomly give you candy though. He quickly figures out your favorite flavor too. Your dentist hates him.
He's so proud to have you as a lover too. He’s not afraid to show you off and he openly brags about you. You two are the power couple of the Charlotte family. She was iffy about you at first but as she saw how you made her son stronger, happier, more determined; she knew you were here to stay and not only made peace with it but would make war with your absence.
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A determined woman for a determined person. She’s the kind of person that paved her own way in the world and is proud of the path she made for those to follow. She’s as kind as she is merciless, as nurturing as she is apathetic, and as powerful as she is vulnerable. She’s follow of contradictions that make sense only with her, and you hold her together.
Late nights in her chambers, the steam from her bath between the two of you, she would share her most secret thoughts, and listen as you share yours. She lives for your softer moments, when your eyes light up and your smile spreads from ears to ears. She can’t help but be drawn to your excitement, to your passion.
She’s scared to touch you at first. Like this thing you have with her is made of glass, like one mis-step will shatter her whole reality with you. That she’ll be left on her throne with only her purpose, and nobody to share it with her. Nobody to share herself with.
You love how bold she is. Demanding even. As soon as she knows it’s safe too, she’s quick to take the reigns of your relationship, giving in to your whims, no matter how small. She views herself as a provider in a sense. A shelter for you. You’re worth protecting, just like everything else she fought to have.
When she wraps her arm around you, the world loses its mind. The most beautiful woman in the world is finally in love. But how could she not when you saw her for the person she existed as beyond her looks and title. You saw her heart, beating and begging to be known but also afraid. You held it in your hands and loved it with a warmth that rivaled the sun.
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How could I not pair an evil scientist with my friend who could be an evil scientist if they really wanted to. Caesar Clown towers over you in more ways than one: height, power, intelligence. But he finds you cute, endearing even. Sharing a laboratory with you isn’t as obnoxious as having any other of his numerous assistants around.
And so, a reluctant friendship blooms into a full-blown obsession. One day he wakes up and you’re all he can think about. The way you walk, the way you talk with your hands. It consumes him wholeheartedly like a kerosene fire.
Give him a chance. Look past the fact that the flowers he grew for you himself look like they’re breathing. Look past how disastrous the first date was. Because listen, he’s going to put effort into this. Because he cares. A lot. He let you braid his hair into pig-tails once! He truly does.
His main love languages are acts of service and words of affirmation. Tell him how much he means to you. Give him a shoulder rub. Pack his lunch. You already have him whipped. Just give him a reason to throw it all away and he will. Or don’t, because helping him in the lab is so much fun. Especially when he rewards you for your hard work.
Either way you guys are QUITE the couple. For the history books even. This man will make you evil!madame curie.
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d4bi-gf · 2 years
demolition lovers.
demolition lovers by my chemical romance is sooo dabi coded, you can’t convince me otherwise.
warnings: fighting, blood mention, violence, death
word count: just under 1.5k
you and dabi were comparable to a modern day bonnie and clyde; always on the run, never stayed in one place too long, and had a list of crime as long as the lives that you two have claimed. you were ready to spend the rest of your life as on the run squatters if it meant you could stay by his side. he tried every day to show you how much you mean to him, and after all the things you put each other through he would drive on to the end with you. 
racing down the road, he takes your hand into his, intertwining your fingers with a tight grip on you. he slightly turns to look into your icy blues. he gives you a sly grin and brings your hand up to his mouth to leave a soft kiss against it.
hand still against his lips he speaks, “with this trunk of ammunition, a liquor store or two will keep the gas tank full.”
you laughed wickedly and leaned over the console to hold his arm and give him kisses leading up to his cheek. the drive back to your current abandoned location went by quickly and the two of you were immediately connect by your mouths as soon as he slammed the door shut. as it shut he turned your back and pushed you against the door, leaning into your kisses with your fingers running through his dark hair as he picked you up and held you by the butt, moving you to the couch and throwing you (gently) onto it. your love was passionate every time, you two got drunk on each other with your sloppy kisses and muffled moans. it was like this every night and you couldn’t complain. as good as the love you two shared was, there was always the bad. 
“god, dabi, you are such a dick!” you’d scream. you two fought about twice a month, but they were always frightening. “i cannot fucking believe you sometimes, if you’re so annoyed with me why don’t you just kill me?!”
he ran up to you and slammed his hand against the wall, “are you fucking mad? i mean really, what would even compel you to say such a stupid fucking statement, seriously?!”
he never hurt you physically, he knows the trauma and pain of abuse, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t pick up on some of his dads bad habits and anger issues. even with the person he loved more than himself, he snapped every so often. that action was enough to have you sliding down the wall and start crying. you hated fighting with dabi but you loved making up. he went down with you, muttering a bunch of no’s and pulled you into him as you cried into his chest. he’d pat your hair and whisper in your ear, “it’s okay. i’m sorry i scared you. let it out, please. i love you.”
he felt like there was nothing left to do but prove himself to you. this time he meant it, he would let you know just how much you meant to him… until the end of everything. 
you’d start to calm down and your lips would meet his, passionately fighting for dominance although he would always win it. he moved you onto the floor laying on your back while he was holding himself above you, pressing himself into your crotch as you grind back at him. you loved this, you loved him. and he loved you too, you knew it. nothing could break you two away from each other. 
your life of crime continued the next few months, your passionate love only grew stronger, and the fighting got worse. neither of you knew why it was like this, such a toxic yet addicting love. maybe it was the way both of you were raised but neither of you cared enough honestly. with every fight, he made sure to try again to let you know how much you mean to him. he felt like nothing was ever good enough and you would never be able to feel the burning love inside of his chest for you. 
“until the end.” he would say. you didn’t know exactly what he meant by that, and neither did he, to be honest. all he knew was that he’d love you til then, maybe it was a feeling he had but he suspected that it would come sooner than later. whether it was from you finally leaving him or one of you dying, he was never going to leave you willingly. 
tokyo, your birth places, was the last place either of you wanted to camp out for the night. dabi having to see his dads face plastered everywhere and the pressure of being caught by the police and/or heroes of the area. to unwind dabi grabbed some liquor from the trunk and decided to relax with you quietly in hiding. you had such a gut feeling something was going to go wrong tonight as you decided to stay at a beaten down motel in the area he used to meet with the league. there aren’t many places to make a base out of so you two had to settle for this, knowing the risks. 
little did you know that was your mistake. 
and the alcohol induced stress dabi felt that night. 
“dabi, i’m begging you to keep it down, seriously! there are other people in the rooms around us… they could call the police.”
“let them call them, doll! we’ll show them how much we mean—“
you pleaded, “you sound fucking insane! i can’t deal with this right now.”
you left the room to get some air and to think. you sat on top of the stolen car and tried to calm yourself down. dabi slammed the door open and shouted toward you, “i’m trying! i’m trying to let you know how much you mean..” 
he makes it down the stairs to you and keeps going on his drunken ramble, “all we are… is bullets.”
you exhaled at his idiocy while shaking your head, you never knew what he meant but you didn’t care. you still consoled him and helped him onto the hood of the car to calm him down. dabi rested his head on your shoulder and wrapped both of his arms around you.
“as days fade, and nights grow… we’ll show them..”
“okay, dabi,” you said while rubbing his back. “whatever you say.”
it was peaceful. your worries were put to the side as you two laid on the car hood and held each other’s hands while gazing into each other eyes and having slow, hot, and heavy make out sessions.
abruptly, the sound police sirens echoed throughout the area. you immediately felt your heart fall to your ass as you jolted up and grabbed dabi, trying to run up back to the motel room before they could make it. 
but you couldn’t. the red and blue lights blinded you as you fell the ground while holding dabi who stayed standing up with his head down. you felt your eyes swell up with tears, begging him to get down. you didn’t care if you two were thrown away for good, he was not in his right state of mind and you were terrified of what he was going to do. 
“stay right there!” officers shouted. dabi just laughed. he laughed like the maniacal criminal he was — to the public at least. 
“this time i mean it, i’ll let you know how much you mean..” he says just loud enough for you to hear. dabi knew what he had to do to prove himself. 
he raised his hands up and started walking towards the officers. they knew who he was, but not you. he was going to save you from this life he brought you into, despite your muffled pleading, crying, and begging. once he got to a good enough distance away from you, he turned around and gave you one last smile. he snapped back towards officers and awakened his quirk to burn them all off, but these weren’t regular police officers. they have been waiting for this moment. before he could activate his quirk fully, lead rains passed on through his phantom. the force turned his body completely towards you and you saw his blue eyes shine one last time.
your adrenaline allowed you to regain control of your legs, running to hold onto him as he hit the asphalt ground. as you’re falling down, in this pool of blood, and as you’re touching hands, you meet his eyes and lean in to give him one last desperate kiss mixed with your tears.
with the last of his strength before he completely withered away, he meets your eyes and says, “i mean this, forever.”
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ffntroco · 8 months
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*Deep Sigh*
A lot on my heart, but no one to talk to about it or not feeling safe. Everyone labels me as the bitch, but in reality my heart is so soft and pure. The drama. Why do boys make it so difficult and why do they claim to like you, but try to put you through hell. If you’re that nigga for me why try to inflict pain in me. If you wanna sleep with me why would you talk to me like shit? Why don’t you uplift me. Instill confidence. Passion. Joy. Inspiration. It’s like the goal is to shake up my confidence. I’m exhausted and quite frankly is why I choose to stay single. I’m young and don’t wanna waste these years chasing men. Young and wealthy is my goal. Multiple streams of income and all that. I don’t know who I can trust sometimes and I don’t even know if I can trust myself and after I fought for this healing. This peace. This self love. I still find myself weak because of I guess my craving for love in my lonely little world. But I am scared of if it.
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Where’s the loyalty? The appreciation? The respect? The real desire to just be a real person. And it’s no hate in my heart no malice or ill will, but I will no longer let ppl sit and play in my face. Fine you don’t want me then bye. Compare me to others? Go play like you don’t see this divinity elsewhere. I am beautiful and deserving of a beautiful life. So if we cannot add to each others beauty then so be it. I’ve had so many people trying to tear me the fuck down guys. Like it’s been difficult and sometimes it’s hard not to let it not get to you especially when physical violence is involved. What I’m learning is to not get entrapped by someone else spells anymore and stay hyper focused on the blessing that is my life. That’s how you end the mind games and the playing around. And the drama. Like Maddie said in Euphoria. Out of sight. Out of mind.
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I hate attention guys. Like I hate it, but people for some reason make me the center of attention by dragging me into problems. I’ve healed. I don’t wanna argue. I spent most of my childhood confused, alone, isolated(which is why it’s hard to make friends for me), abused and neglected. I don’t entail that being in my adulthood since I’ve already been robbed of my childhood and at some point we all have to grow the hell up. You cannot suck on mother’s tits. In taking this time to invest in myself, my future and my loved ones. I have to deem what’s important. What’s important for me is making sure I will be okay. What I’m learning is I have to be okay with not involving myself into other ppls dramas anymore. So many ppl hit me below the belt because of where they are and I’m learning that’s not my fault and I’m learning it’s okay to admit I felt hurt, betrayed and you broke my trust and I know that you don’t care but it’s okay because I do. When we push our feelings to the side in that defense mechanism we’re just telling ourselves we don’t value ourself. I’ve been needing to speak for so long but we live in a world where ppl like me however you may interpret it do not to have a voice a voice in the space of the fact that alot of us queer folk need to take the time to heal. We’re taken advantage of, beaten, neglected, abused, and made to be something we’re not all because of the egotism in masculine energy. It’s like when your feminine the only thing you amount to is being viewed as pleased and I have to accept it because you think I’m sexy. But this sexy mf also walks this thing called life as well as sometimes I’m not feeling it just like you don’t be.
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I had to hermit myself. I had to go love on myself. I had to go value myself. I had to protect myself. That’s all I been doin. Lovin me. Valuing me all of me and I’m actually not afraid so say damn okay im not that bad of a person lolz. Stay beautiful.
0 notes
spooki-ghoztzz · 3 years
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( This is a..somewhat big project I’ve decided to work on! I also wanted to add these take place throughout Volume 1 to maybe 3, before he leaves to change his identity. )  ( But anyways hope y'all enjoy it!)  (also,this may be ooc sinc this is more like me testing on how write yandere will-)
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
William is a passionate person so you’d expect fo his love to be that but nope,it’s aggressive. He wants you to always remember who is your one and only. He’s a clingy man, never leaving your side and making sure you know that he loves you! surely..
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Oh,VERY. He will do anything and everything for his dear plus he doesn’t mind a big mess! He’s made them before and cleaned them,trust me he can do it allll again. He’ll hurt just about anyone that looks at you or him wrong,or even touches you. How would he hurt them? stalking.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He treats you like an angel at first but he eventually gets more and more aggressive. He’d mock you for sure but at times he’ll treat you like you’re a porcelain doll as if you’d break from a simple touch. Like i said,it’s back and forth depending on his mood but due to his mood swings, you can’t even know when he’ll be sweet to you.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Leaving the house is a big one but he doesn't tie you to a chair or anything unless you misbehave. He wants you to feel at home, like you’ve been with him for years! He isn’t that harsh but he’ll make you stop talking to a lot of people even your own family. He knows what you’ll do eventually.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
You make him soft and weak..of course he’d show some vulnerability around you. If you beg him to at least let you come out of that dark room he keeps you in,fine. He’ll let you out for a few hours only to cuddle up with him as you’re just grateful to be out of there for a while.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
That was a mistake. He’d act shocked but he know this would happen. “ Luv..what in the ‘ell was that? Did yew really try to fight back? You know what happens now. “ He feels hurt once he has to lock you away again, he doesn't understand why you’d fight back when he gives you everything you want! Love, food, a new home. You’ll learn to obey soon enough at least he hopes so.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He loves watching you run but then again, it isn’t a game to him. He thinks you’d actually wanna stay with him but he does love a nice game of hide and seek with you! He always catches you,though.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Him getting the bright idea to give you some remnant so he could carve his initials into your arms,legs,chest..hell even your back. They’d heal for sure but it’ll end up being a burning reminder you’re his..his little play thing.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He was never sure,but he did love the idea of getting married and leaving Hurricane together. It’s simple but he knows he’d have to find a way to MAKE you agree to marry him and live with him for the rest of your life.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
It’s a mix of both. How does he cope? He keeps himself away from you and works on future designs for animatronics and he never did lash out at you. It was more at his children and sometimes you but hell he does that anyways.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He’s not as rude and stubborn. He’s loving, almost to the point where it’s disgusting and just seems like it isn’t even William.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
It started off as him being nice around you, unlike other people. He always had a soft look on his face when he was around you till he had an urge to keep you to himself..he didn’t know if it was love or him being selfish but he knew what he had to do.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
William acts harshly around others but he treated you so nicely right before he made you his play thing. He isn’t a nice man, he’s rude and snappy.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
As said before, locking you away in a dark room with no lights and blocked off windows. He knows it’ll either work or make you hate him more..but like he cares. This is for his own sick pleasure.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
I already said this but a lot of things. He won’t let you leave the house without him, cutting off all contact with family members and friends. The only people you can even speak to are either him, Michael, or Liz but you aren’t even around them often.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Enough,is what he thinks. He can only take so much till he lashes out and screams at you for not caring for what he’s done for you. You don’t wanna make him upset,do you?
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Yes and no,he can’t explain how he’d feel but he’d surely lock himself away in his “office” for days and days on end to try and ignore how much he want’s you again..how does he cope? Making something to remind himself of you.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Oh gods no! He loves you too much to just let you walk off and never look at him in the eyes again. He needs you to stay with him,be loyal and close to him! He wouldn’t even let you leave if you begged and got on your knees for him. 
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
He’s a murderer,what do you expect? I think he finds joy in seeing others hurt but when it comes to you it was curiosity..he wanted to see more of you. I’d also think childhood but..it depends.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He loves hearing you scream and loves seeing you cry. He’s heartless well..somewhat but if you ever did try to keep yourself away from him he’d just force himself onto you not even caring if you force him away. He knows you love him.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He does it both for his pleasure and well..to fill a void in his heart. Yeah, he lost Sunny and seemingly didn’t care but he needed another person to be his lover. He needed another Sunny to hold close and possibly break.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Possibly nothing. He acts like a dumb brit at times but i have to remind you this is a man that had the brain to create robots to KILL children,he isn’t that stupid but he does slowly trust you enough to leave the room he keeps you in. You better not fuck up that..
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Yes and no, like i said he has carved into your skin but right after he cleaned you up and whispered sweet nothings to you like “ I’m sorry luv, but it’s the only way to make you understand “ and “ I love you so so so sooo much, buttercup “. It's sweet but..sickening how it’s so back and forth.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He worships you like a god/goddess,before he took you he would spoil you to death with small things but when it seemed like it wasn’t working it would get to the point he’d blow his money of jewels or expensive earrings he KNOWS you’ll like but he's an impatient man. He wanted you fast.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
A few months,two at best. He is a patient man at times but when he sees you with another man or either WITH one he snaps, especially if it’s someone he hates with a passion. (Either it be Boseman,Henry,ect.)He has killed for you,but he’d sure as hell hurt the man you’re with before taking you.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
He would never try to, if he ever did then he’d feel like the worst person in the world. He never would want to, if you were going to be his wife soon he needed you not to seem like some mindless slave. He loves you way too much for that to happen to you.
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plush-rabbit · 3 years
Aphrodisiac Induced Villains
Request: im obsessed with your aphro induced brothers !!! can i request the same scenario with the leave of villains + overhaul and chrono?
Word Count: 1K each
A/N: Sorry for it being so late!! I love aphrodisiac plots and I think I’ll never stop thinking about them. (esp moth shig and spinner during a heat)
Every breath is like water that fills his lungs, suffocating and one step closer to some hellish end. They aren’t usually so clumsy, so blindsided by rage. They’re tactical, able to evade heroes for as long as they live and yet- here they are, slumped over some alleyway, dirt sticking to their clothes and the noise of the outside so deafening that they can’t even hear their own blood rush in their ears. It’s horrific, even more so than anything they’ve ever endured in their life; this need to feel so cold and hot at once, their body so off putting that you’d think he’d shed his skin and become a new man simply because they are unable to think of anything coherent at that very moment.
Their hand cups over their face, bumping and squishing their nose and the scent of the damn quirk is still strong, still heavy against their body. It’s sweet like vanilla, and strong like peppermint, sticking to their skin and invading their body. His eyes flutter to a close, thinking of the scent that is consuming them, burning them from the inside. The sweet aroma that filtered out of the hero’s body like perfume. The way that their defenses dropped, how their mouth salivated, and the only thing on their mind was primal, something so animalistic that has now taken over. What type of fucking hero even has an aphrodisiac quirk? What good is it unless you want a bunch of salivating and aroused villains in your custody? The other hand clutches over where their heart should be, where they hold on so tightly to their shirt that they stretch the fabric and ruin it. His heart beats erratically, pounding and bruising their ribs, and this quirk truly is ruining them from the inside and out.
Slowly, their hand falls from their face, bumping into their other hand that falls from their chest and they rest heavy on the ground, weighing him down like anchors. He can’t think straight, not with this burning desire inside of him that makes it so impossible to think. With a groan, he stands from the floor, uncaring of the dirt and mess that has stuck on him, uncaring of how sweat falls and drips from their nose and chin. The only thing on his mind right now is to rid himself of this quirk, to ease the ache between his legs and stomach, to finally think straight. At this very moment, the only thing on his mind is to go to you, to stagger and kiss your lips and have his own desires just flood out of him.
Bubaigawara Jin:
There hasn’t been a time in his life where he hasn’t had to fought for survival. He’s been in desperate situations before. Clawed and fought his way through and for survival, for the sake of not only him, but for his sanity. He’s been through the worst of it all. He’s felt betrayal, felt blood rush and blind him as he stayed strapped to a chair, unable to even realize if he was real or not, and yet, it’s the aphrodisiac that makes Jin fall to his knees just before your door. He’s knocking rapidly against it, banging the end of his fists against your wooden door and your name is a godforsaken cry that tears through his throat. He can’t think of anything else but you at this very moment, to collapse onto you and rest his weary head on your shoulders. The only fear that courses through his body is the fear that you won’t answer the door. Jin is at your door, his erection bulging against his suit and every movement is sweet friction that his heart racing and blood rushing. You open the door to him and he does just as he pictured- he falls into your arms and holds you tight while he kicks the door close and pushes you further into your home.
When you bring him, your hands wrapped tightly around him, it doesn’t take much for the man to confess what happened. All the details told to you without question- the scent of the aphrodisiac, the strong sensation, the way that he feels so pulled apart and grounded all at once. He is a weak man at the very end of it, wanting nothing more than to bring you and him down to your knees, as he;s held in your arms. You pull him to your room, telling him to not worry as you’ll be here for him and he knows that you don’t know the severity of the aphrodisiac. The way that it pains him, how nothing is on his mind but the way that your lips look so cute when in a pout, the way the soft pink muscle flashes out to wet at your lips and he can only nod. The back of his knees hit the bed and your hands are coming up to his neck, peeling off the mask and he’s so drunk on lust, that he doesn’t even realize that the simple graze of your knuckles against his neck is enough for him to fall to his back on the bed.
Depravity is not the thing that ails him. It’s the burning desire to be by your side, to continue to feel your hand knits through his and the gentle way that you call his name. He can’t remember when his name was said with such adoration, and now, it just makes his cock throb and he’s thankful for wearing black or there'd be such an obvious stain on him. The bed creaks under his weight and the scent of you on the sheets is enough to replace the scent of vanilla and peppermint. It’s much sweeter, stronger and much more intoxicating. You reach over and your hand is curved over his forehead, the scar pressing against your palm and when you pull away, he grabs your wrist. He can’t be alone. Not right now. Not when his erection is aching and causing the worst pain that he’s ever felt. Everything is too much at this moment. Coming to you was a mistake, but it was the best mistake that he ever made. You’re the only thing keeping his grounded at this very moment.,
With your wrist in his hand, he pulls himself up, and pulls you closer to him, your knees bumping against the edge of the mattress and he pulls you down. His lips are on yours and it’s messy, spit slipping between the corners of the lips, his hands clawing and tugging off your clothes and he doesn’t have the patience to take off his. His bulge is pressed against your thigh, rocking back and forth. It’s a steady motion at first, something so sweet and slow that it leaves him groaning out your name filled by a lovely curse. Soon, everything becomes filthy. Heavy rocking motions that leaves him panting and drooling over your shoulder as his hands palm over your breasts and tease at your nipples and his face i flushed, a deep red that paints him in a heavenly glow and he’s begging for you to remove his suit, to touch him and kiss him. You cry underneath him, try to latch onto him for another kiss but his eyes are half lidded, his hips thrusting until he’s he’s crying your name and holding you close, his breathy moans echoed into your ear and it’s the sweetest thing when he looks at you, and his first thought is kiss you once more as he shudders above you.
Jin wonders how he must look to you. So desperate enough that you’d listen to him without another command. You’re quick to pull his clothes off, the black suit leaving nothing to the imagination already exposes his muscular body, but without it, he stands proud with a dark blush over him. He’s beside you, and his cock springs free, pre-arousal drooling onto your stomach as he rises above you. Sweat is already on his body, faded scars that curve around him and he’s toned, sharp and rugged while you are soft and everything nice. It makes his heightened arousal feel all that much filthier. He’s a gentleman no matter the situation, his lips on yours as he shares a passionate kiss with you, sucking on your pink tongue as he fingers at your hole and he’s so close to spilling when he hears you squeal and open your legs, stretching your hole to fit more of his thick fingers and he spills over your stomach in hot seed, painting you white. His fingers leave you and he can feel your hole flutter against the tip of his cock and it takes just a single push to bury himself inside of you, your back arching and hands clamping down on his biceps as you call his name. His smile is wide, charismatic and holds all the charm of the world as he ruts against you.
Dabi is burning, his body is hot and it’s absolute torture. His erection is pressed against the inside of his jeans and His body is hot and it’s not in the way that it is, so consuming so heavy, full of dread and he goes to you because in the end, he has you all to himself. The man who tries to hide all his emotions is breaking, ripping apart- figuratively- and he’s racing towards you, running and pleading to make it you and he’s knocking on your door, trying to fight the urge to seem so desperate and pathetic when you don’t answer. He can’t seem desperate, not when you’re so close, not now. He’s lasted for this long, he can last for just a few more seconds. The moon is high above him, and his clothes smell like vanilla and peppermint mixed with cheap alcohol and smoke and it makes his stomach churn and acid laced on his tongue. He knocks once more, his nails scratching at the door and he doesn’t beg, but the plea is so thick in your name, that he might as well be on his knees and ask for forgiveness if it meant you’d welcome him into your arms.
The door opens and half his face is shrouded in shadows and the other is illuminated by the dodgy street lamps in your neighborhood. You welcome him inside and he brushes your touch away and he’s never been so thankful before to wear a jacket. He isn’t sure how he would react to having you touch his bare skin, not when it's painful enough for him to touch himself. Concern is laced thick in your words and he shakes his head, trying to fend off your worry as goes to your bedroom. His straps are staggered, his hand on the wall as he walks to your room, and in the room, the scent of the aphrodisiac shifts into else- something more than the basic churning in his stomach and into him having to sit down and remove his jacket, the heat finally catching up to him. Your shadow stretches into the room and when he looks up, you’re already walking towards him, kneeling before him and grabbing his hands in yours. He isn’t sure how to tell you that he got hit by a quirk that’s making him lose his mind, that’s making him picture you dressed in nothing, and when your hand slips from his to cup gingerly at his jaw, he leans into your touch. It takes nothing more than for you to call his name, a soft whisper that he can barely hear through his beating heart that echoes and pounds in his ears, to confess what it is that's making him act in such a way. It’s embarrassing for him. He doesn’t want your worry, he doesn’t want your gentle touches and the way that you coo his name. He can’t stand how you sit beside him and refuse to leave him. It's making him feverish and you gently nudge his face so he’s looking at you.
Even looking at you proves to be too much. It’s too hard for him- his erection pulsing in his pants, the lack of air in his lungs, and his mind so foggy that the only thing he can do is stare at your lips that move in soundless words. He can’t focus. Not one bit, not with the quirk and you being so prevalent in him when he’s this close to you. There is nothing he can do but to kiss you. His lips meld against yours, his hands twisting into the shirt and staining the fabric with his hands, and he keeps you close, not wanting to pull air for air even if his lungs really are starting to burn. You’re so close to him, so soft and delicate under his touch and he’s lowering himself, bowing before you just to kiss your lips. You’re beside him, the bed dipping under his weight and you’re just here with him, so real and touchable, he can’t help but rush to touch you.
Clothes are removed, limbs entangled and knees bumping into each other. It’s sloppy and rushed, and it’s enough for him to climax and leave his thighs in white and dark purple and peach. His hands hold onto your body, never once leaving your body without his touch. His body burns and there’s a stinging pain in his abdomen, and he isn’t sure if it’s the aphrodisiac or his quirk that’s making him so feverish. Your hand wraps around his cock, massaging at his balls and slipping upwards to the base. Your thumb slides the arousal down, slicking it around his cock until he’s pleading in your ear to touch him. Everything is just too much- there’s too much emotion that is bubbling inside for him to even fathom, the sensations making his head spin, and the taste of you fading from his tongue. He wants you, he wants you in a way that is dependent and obsessive. Ever so needy, he’s kissing you harshly, sucking on your bottom lip and orgasming from a simple handjob. He pulls away from the kiss, his eyes half lidded as he nudges you with his shoulder, falling into his back, his cock still erect and bubbling with semen that drips off of him in shining pearls. He’s naked on your bed, his climax strong and enough for the lights to blind him and he can’t think of anything else when you climb above him.
You run your hands against a trail of staples, and it’s enough to make goosebumps appear over his body as you lower yourself onto him. His entire body is sensitive and sex fills the room and he can taste just how sweet you are, and he’s deep inside of you. He smiles sweetly, and you feel so good on him, so nice and soft, and he’s swiveling his own hips, aching to feel you deeper and deeper. His climax is flush, his body burning and hands reaching for your thighs, holding you close to him. When you lean down, he captures your lips in a kiss, smiling against you. Dabi’s own climax is burning against his skin, his scars tingling under your touch and your lips pressed against his jaw and his eyes are wide, his hands clawing around you and he pushes himself deeper, and even with you on top, he’s doing the work. Deprived of everything sweet and overflowing with bitterness, he can’t help but keep you close to him. Scarred and muscular, his arms wrapped around you and keeping you close to his chest, as he just soaks his cock in you. There is nothing but pain that feels, and yet, he feels all of you, so warm and soft compared to him.
Iguchi Shuichi:
With the aphrodisiac settling inside of him, he rushes towards you, eager and fearful of all the arousal that is bubbling and consuming him. Shuichi is running through the night, his legs sore and muscles begging for rest, but he can’t stop, not until he’s by your side, not until he’s safely nestled in your arms. The burning desire inside of him is making his lungs burn, more so than all the running he did. It’s a chill that enters him and makes every breath sharp, a chill that runs through his body. He stands in front of your door, and he’s catching his breath, hands on his knees as he breathes in and out, his claws digging into his knees and when he stands, he’s already knocking at your door. He’s shakily grabbing and jiggling at the handle as he calls your name in a hushed whisper. There isn’t much that he can say other than he needs you to open the door, quickly, before someone other than you sees him in such a shameful state.
There’s many advantages to having a mutation quirk- especially one that’s a variant of an animal, and that is that most, if not all, your senses are heightened. He can hear your careful steps before he can see your shadow between the door and the floor. He can faintly smell your dinner, the sound of the television in the background and he can smell you, something mixing with the aphrodisiac until it’s just you at the very end of it. You’re the one filling his lung with the shape and painful scent, replacing the vanilla and peppermint, something so thick and wonderful gone in just a simple breath, only to be replaced by you. The effects of the aphrodisiac are still in effect when you open the door and they're heightened even more. You stand in front of him, the light illuminating you in a heavenly glow and with worry creasing your features and he’s the one to take the first step and lean into you.
It’s the gentle look that you give him, his name on the tip of your tongue, and already so weak, he falls into you, letting you hold him as you struggle to close the door and he’s little more than dead weight against you. His hand already having snuck to cup his sex in an attempt to avoid having you feel it, but the pressure is more than enough for him to hiss. You ask what’s wrong and he doesn’t know how to tell you what happened to him, but when you run your hands through his hair, the words are already rushing past his lips. He speaks faster than he can think, the story mixed with events as he rushes through it, while he palms himself through his jeans. He can’t look at you while he does something so humiliating, but he can't pry himself away from you either, his snout pressing against the soft curve of your neck as he presses the heel of his hand further into himself. He’s gasping, and whimpering, acting so painfully shy that he even whispers your name is something perverse. You continue to stroke his hair, and it’s panting, whining and humping against your leg that he can’t take it, that the sensations are just too much at the moment. He needs for you to touch him, to just do something more than pet him.
The points of his teeth nips at your shoulder and he’s struggling to keep his moan muted as his body shakes against yours. He’s apologizing and he’s ashamed of his actions to palm himself in front of you, that he can’t look at you. When you cup his face and have him look at you, he’s apologizing, and telling you that it just felt too good and that he can’t think with you so close to him. You pull him onto the couch, the television shutting down and for a brief second, silence fills the room. You sit on the couch, the cushion soft underneath you and your hands grab at his as you pull him close to you. The aphrodisiac is making his mind muddy and slow, and he can only watch as your hands carefully and tantalizingly slow undoing his zipper and he’s flustered. With tears in his eyes as his own shaky hands grabbing at your wrists but it does nothing to stop you. You undo him, and you're so soft against his cock, freeing it from the confines of his pants. Your warm hand is wrapped around the base, giving it a few slope strokes where the friction makes his leg jerk. His head is thrown back, hands covering his mouth as you wrap your lips around his cockhead. Soon into the rhythm, his hands are on the back of your head, pushing you down to the base of his cock, your spit soaking him and something salty and thick squirting down your throat. The soft feel of the inside of your cheeks press against his side, hollowed cheeks as your hand grip onto his thighs and your little whines and whimpers make him thrust haphazardly into your open mouth. He keeps you there until you pat against his thighs and when you look up at him with tears in your eyes and drool running down your chin, his eyes go dark.
Shuichi goes for you, pinning your back down on the couch as he captures you in a kiss, his tongue thick and slimy inside of you, and he’s pulling your shorts down, rubbing his coarse fingers against your slit, spreading your arousal around the entrance of your hole. He’s animalistic, holding the traits inside of him, dominant and needing to breed, the want to push himself deep inside you overtakes him and he muffles your moan with a kiss as he unsheathes himself in you. Your sex pulses and throbs under him as he frantically ruts himself against you. He’s nipping at every exposed inch of skin, ripping your clothes off and suckling on your sweet breasts, his head buried in your chest and when he rises, your chest is covered in a thin layer of drool. Your hole is soft, gummy walls that wrap around him, twitching when he hits a certain spot and he can’t think, can’t even make out a sentence, and only your name is the most coherent thing that is said as he fills your hole with his seed.
Sako Atsuhiro:
There is nothing worse for Atsuhiro than what is happening now. He holds an image to the public, to his comrades, to you- and that is that he is composed, he’s a showman and when in the public eye, he maintains his appearance. Yet, the quirk, something like a perfume that wrapped around him, has stuck. The aroma was- or rather is- sweet and no matter how far he runs, it just won’t leave him. It’s humiliating. This is one of the worst things that has ever happened to him and he’s seen and participated in his own share of hell. His pants have become too tight, his cock straining and begging for release and even just the idea of pleasuring himself leaves him with a hot face. Without a second thought he rushes to you, his steps quick until he’s running and sweat beads and makes his clothes stick to him. He doesn’t want you to see him in such a disheveled state, but then again, you’re the only one that can see him like this, that can see him as anything less than him. He’s running and breathing roughly and his heart is pounding against him and there is nothing more that he can think of than to go to you, ignoring the stares and fighting his way through his own personal inferno just to be near you.
The lights are on and it gives him all the motivation to rush to your door and knock frantically; he’s begging to be let inside like it’s death that is chasing him. The lock clicks and when you open the door, he’s quick to rush past you, removing his mask and giving a kick to close your door as he captures your lips in his. Everything is so easy with you, and yet, standing just in front of you and kissing your lips proves to take his breath away, it drains him, and he’s drowning all over again. Peppermint leaves his lungs burning, and with your lips on him, it’s replaced by sweet hibiscus, flooding and sprouting from his lungs and he never wants to let you go. He holds you close, his hands on your waist and when he parts from you, you look at him stunned and he can’t help but laugh. It’s soft, a simple chuckle that grows as he buries himself in the curve of your neck as his laughter grows. Your hand rests at the nap of his neck and your fingertips tease at the edge of his balaclava. The simple graze of your skin against his has him press his weight against you. His hands haven’t left your sides and with a tired voice, he tells you what happened- the quirk, the scent, the way that his only thought was to be with you. It’s all so draining to just be in front of you, and with his erection tucked in his pants, he isn’t sure how much longer he can wait until he’s creaming and staining the inside of his clothing, to be so humiliated in front of you as he pleasures himself, but he can’t hold back, not when you’re in front of him and the feel of your tongue is making his length throb in his palm.
Your nails scratch along his neck, trailing over the bumps of his spines and a shock runs down his body, his breath catching in his throat and his hands squeezing down on your sides. Slowly, he lifts his head as his balaclava is lifted and removed, his hair is left ruffled and curls left messy. He leans towards you, trying to capture you in a kiss once more, but when you pull away, he lets out a groan, bowing his head and resting it on your shoulder. He’s begging for you to touch him, to just let him kiss you one more time. It's too much heartache to go without you for a second longer. You coo his name and lift his head, brushing back his hair that is stuck to his face. It’s too much to feel your gentle and cool touch against his burning body and he’s shaking his head, grabbing your hand and pressing it to his chest where his heart beats against your palm. It’s too forward of him. He knows that this isn't him whatsoever. He’s a gentle lover, your needs are put first because even just seeing your blissful expression is enough for him to feel the familiar knot in his stomach. This, however, is just too much, to have you touch him so softly, a ghost over his skin and your lips brushed against his, he’s dying and gasping for breath, reaching towards you as a hand unbuttons his pants and he’s massaging his cock over his briefs.
It doesn’t take much for him to spill in his briefs, to his hand moist and sticky and his body shaking and moans filling your mouth as he continues the motions. He needs the sweet friction that is making everything much too sharp and too powerful for him to just lay there. He’s dying and pulling you close and the way to your bedroom is messy. You’re already on his lips and he won’t lose that feeling again, not until the bed is underneath you and his hands are on either side of your head. The covers are wrinkled and his clothes are discarded as he eagerly touches you, having them disappear into nothing but glass in his palm. You’ll pout and reprimand him for ruining your clothes, but for now, he’ll muffle your annoyance with a kiss as his lust clouds his mind.
Nimble hands tease against your slit, spreading your nectar around and massaging at your entrance, the tips of his fingers slowly spreading you and familiarizing the stretch of your hole.. The feel of your plush walls has him tight, his muscles tense and body feeling as if it were about to curl in on itself. His cock is erect, standing at attention, his tip tinted with red, blushing and bashful as milky white pours from him and drips against your entrance. He enters you with a euphoric moan, so sinful and depraved, that he stills for a moment, his muscles rigid as he tries to not to ejaculate so soon. Atsuhiro has just entered you, he can’t waste this opportunity when your hole is cushioned around his cock. The moans that leave your lips are rich in lust, his own muddled with sobs as if entering you is pure ecstasy. Ever the gentleman, he's always made sure to give you the first orgasm, but he can’t now. He’s already taken away that first pleasure, and as greedy as it is, he can’t stop. His hips move faster than he can think, skin slapping against skin as he moans your name, filling you with his seed and continuing even when you squeeze around him and claim that you’ve already reached your own climax.
Shigaraki Tomura:
It’s terrifying to know how much control one can have on another. Tomura is upset, a frown on his lips and the anger in him is quickly snuffed out, replaced as soon as it came with lust. It wraps around him in a thick smoke, encasing him and filling his lungs until he’s unable to breathe. An aphrodisiac is such a cheap trick, and he hates it. Embarrassment courses throughout him and he’s left doubling over, his hand so close to his erection until something metallic is on his tongue. He’s a man of many depravities, but he’ll be damned if he touches himself in an alleyway simply because of a quirk. He already has you and he’s chasing you, running through the street with you on his mind and his hand outstretched as if he could actually touch you. The friction of the seam of his pants has his breathing more rugged than if he were just running. He knocks, and he tries to avoid raising his voice, but the pressure is building, and he’s already undoing his jeans and reaching past his briefs to release his erect cock.
The door opens and you stand there with a smile to greet him only to recoil in surprise when you see what he’s in the middle of. You make a joke and if it were any other day, maybe he would laugh and reply with something of his own, but he can’t. He pushes past you, kicking off his shoes and removing his clothes, sweat so heavy on his body and his body so hot that the cool air of your air conditioner is leaving him in goosebumps. It’s cruel how you touch him, your hand over his bicep and when he looks at you, his cheeks are pooled red. Every touch is electric, his mind numb and body moving on its own before he can register what he’s doing, he leaves your touch behind him. He goes to your bed, collapsing and removing his clothes on the way, leaving a trail for you to find in your home. You follow him, his name on your lips and hearing you call for him just leaves him laying on your bed, removing his briefs and fisting his hand around his cock. Your hand curves over his forehead and you tell him how he is burning as if doesn't know that. You date a killer, and you’re still so naïve and it’s adorable in a way that makes him want to ruin you. He doesn’t waste time- he tells you what happened and grabs your hand, moving it beside to touch the side of his face and he watches how your lips part ever so slightly, commenting on how red his ears are. He laughs and moves your hand closer to his mouth. You’re real, touching him and there is worry laced into your features and words, and it’s so genuine that he feels a heavy hand wrap around his heart.
Time is ever passing, continuing on and never returning and he’s hot, and begging, his cock erect and balls full with unspent semen. Pain is etched around him in scars and bullet holes, and he’s telling you in a broken whisper how it hurts, how he’s in pain and with how reddened his cock is, you have to believe him. Your fingertips touch against his chapped lips, his tongue peeking out to lick at the tips before he slides your hand down. Your hand curves around his neck and you linger for a moment where his heart is beating eagerly, rapidly as if threatening to pound out and leave him bleeding before you. Lust is clear in his eyes, his mouth parted and you kiss him, and he eagerly returns the gesture, releasing your hand to grab your face and deepen the kiss. Your hand moves on its own- sliding down his chest, brushing against his pebbled nipples and lower against his stomach and falling to his crotch to wrap around his pulsing cock and tug on it, spreading the pearling bud over him until he’s panting with his head resting on your chest and mouth open.
Thick ropes of white coat your hand and your name is sung out in a groan, depraved and everything bad. It isn't enough to just have your hand wrapped around his cock, to be given a handjob, he wants more. He craves it like a sinner to their vice. He’s erect, and his breath fans against your lips. Begging has never been so immoral as it is right now when he pleads to you, begging for you to touch him more, to let him do more than kiss you. It’s you that he cares for you, and even with your kiss and his climax, he wants something more, he needs to feel you underneath him. He pulls you close to him, your body clad in just your underwear and he's grinding above you, his spent cock over your underwear, his mouth latching on a breast and toying the nipple with his tongue. He grinds and it’s harsh, your underwear slick with your and his arousal, a string of semen connecting him to you as he pulls away and hastily removes your remaining clothes.
Your face scrunches in pain and you let out a whimper when he grabs your legs and pushes them to your chest, his cock aligned with your fluttering entrance. He watches as your expression changes from pain to pleasure, your sex tightening around him. Clicking fills the room, your entrance allowing him to slip in his body twitches in response, every nerve and hair on it’s end as he feels your insides wrap around him. It’s animalistic, his hips moving on their own, the rhythm barely there and he’s only interested in his own climax. His mouth is slick with saliva and he’s above you, with your legs bent on your chest and his hips rocking back and forth. The inside of you is gummy, molding around the shape of his cock. It’s as if he’s going to leave your sex in the mold of his cock, never to have you forget who it is that is making your heart beat and sex tighten. Your hands entangle in his hair, threading his hair together as he buries his cock inside of you. He’s chasing his high, mouth open in a moan as a thick trail of drool drips from his mouth and coats over your collarbone. It’s filthy and degrading, but to him, seeing even a small portion of you covered in his spit has him spilling his seed inside of you. Tomura kisses you and it’s wet and messy, but it’s perfect as his lungs are deprived of oxygen and he gets to feel your hands claw at his back.
Chisaki Kai:
Filth clings to him so easily, that painstaking amount of time that he wastes to keep himself pristine is all for naught at the end. All ruined because of a simple quirk. His mask is lost, a casualty of the fight and all that he can breathe in is the air of the sick and depraved, the air of something sweet and intoxicating. Kai hates it all. When the drug is perfected and in the masses, he’s sure of who will get one of the few. The damn reminder of what and who it was that brought him to the floor of some alleyway so rotting that it makes his anger boil, his face hot and whether it’s from frustration or anger, he isn’t quite sure. He covers his mouth and nose, and the poor attempt at a mask is just that- a poor attempt. He can still breathe in everything, still taste the air that is filled with smoke and the dewy weather of the night. It’s horrific. He forces himself to go to you, because at this point, it’s either touch and ruin people and risk getting himself covered in more filth, and go to you and do what the quirk is making him do.
The cheap paint touches his knuckles as he knocks at your door. He doesn’t want you to be late in answering the door, you have to hurry up. Hurry up and get him out of this sickness outside. Hurry up and bring him inside where he can shower and rid himself of these clothes that have been sullied by everything but you. You open the door the second he raises his palm, a frantic and desperate attempt to let himself inside, to fix some cheap wood just as quick. Why he hasn’t moved you in with him yet is unbeknownst to him, but after today, he’ll start to push for it. When you open the door, he walks inside, kicking his shoes and ridding himself of his clothes before you can lock the door behind you. You call his name and his eyes snap towards you, bright golden irises that hold the fury of the sun behind them and he’s breathing heavily. He’s not in the proper state of mind, but damn it all. He tells you, and with every passing second, he becomes angrier. Stalking and following you throughout your home, until you’re backed up against a wall. At this very moment, he has lost his control.
You’re scared and that should be his top priority but he can’t think. He can’t focus on you when his erection is strained between his pants and your breath that smells like mint is against his own. Your eyes flutter to his crotch and when you catch a glimpse of his erection, his name a soft murmur of your lips, he pushes himself into you. His erection presses into your thigh and he can feel the shift of your muscles, the tightening and the jump, the feel of your breath changes into a shaky gasp and exhale and he’s in front of you, silent and face spoiled red. You reach out to touch him, your hand slowly going upward but just as you're there, just as he can feel the warmth of your hand hover against the side of his face, you retreat. He reaches for you immediately and places your hand against his face and he’s out of his mind, too consumed with lust to ever focus on the filth that once touched him, and too focused on you and the way your fingertips flutter against his cheekbones.
It’s an intense moment where you touch him without the feel of the mask or gloves, and he’s so soft. And when you blink, his mouth is on yours. Everything about him is all about control and precision, and yet, with this simple act of kissing, he’s sloppy, too forward and bumping his teeth against yours, trying to nip at your bottom lip only to give up and focus on your neck. Your hands have moved, cupping his face to curving against the back of his head and knotting your fingers into his hair, your own body grinding into him and pressing against his erection. His own hands wander through your body, touching underneath your shirt and cupping just the underside of your breasts to leave and trying to undo his own zipper, aching to release his dripping cock. Exploring your body in such a drunken state is new to him, every movement slowed down and leaving his knees weak and body filled with needles and pins- he can’t get enough. Your hands bump against his and the friction is enough for him to spill onto your shorts, staining it with a pearly white that is thick like cream and drips onto the floor.
His cock is in your hands, slick with his cum and just the right amount of friction to leave him moaning into your mouth. Clothing pools around you and him and his bare skin is touching yours. It’s rushed, knuckles bumping into each other, his cock teasing against your sex, and the sensation is elevated with the aphrodisiac of the quirk and it’s making his mind blurry and jaw wet with saliva. Your body and his are sticky with sweat, sweat pooling in joints and crevices and he’s disgusted but when he pinches around your pert nipple and you let out a sweet moan that has your nails digging into his biceps, he ignores all of it and focuses on you. Kai is high with lust, elevated and drunk and his lips are on yours as he enters your hole. It takes nothing more than a few pumps to get him to spill, to fill your sex with his cream and let it drip onto the floor as he pounds into you, too focused on his release and your quivering sex to focus on how you call his name. His face is flushed, sweat that curves down past his cheeks and drips onto your body as presses you deep against the wall and lets the aphrodisiac take control.
Kurono Hari:
There is no time to waste as he rushes to your home. The heel of his shoes click against the concrete and he must look like a madman as he runs through the night. The night is humid, sweat causing his clothes to stick to his body and the mask is held in his hands, the confinement of it all making him unable to breathe. Hari needs to go to you now. He needs to see you before his legs give out and he collapses onto the ground before him. It’s the damn quirk that is making him act so unlike himself, ruining his image and tainting his composure with such filth that perhaps there is truth behind eradicating quirks just for being wicked. He’s lost, his mind hazy with lust, corrupting the very essence of him, and it’s perverse. He doesn’t know how to take it. He reaches your door and he stands, catching his breath, his heart beating against the confines of his body, and he’s standing there, willing for the door to open, and unable to move his hands. It’s just then, that he notices his cock that throbs in excitement. He takes a deep breath and reaches for the key to your home in his pocket and quietly, he opens the door.
The inside of your home is cool, and it feels as if he’s been transported somewhere else, everything moving in slow motion as he walks through it, wading against the pool that is your home, his hand touching and never leaving the wall as he follows your singing. It’s loud and at certain points you mumble, but it's you. He’s growing closer, and closer until he finds you with your back turned, undoing a blanket and laying it down on the bed. You don't hear him as he walks behind you, and when he wraps his arms around your torso, you yelp and laugh when you realize that it’s just him. He isn’t sure what the aphrodisiac did to his mind to make it feel so out-of-body, but he enjoys how you press against his erection, how the sensation is doubled and when you give him a cheeky smile, he captures your lips in a kiss.
His hands are clawing at your body leaving lines in its wake, removing your shirt and grabbing a hand that cups his face to his erect cock. His lungs are burning, the kiss hasn’t broken since you’ve removed your shirt and he’s currently kneading at your bum, his hands removing your shorts and when you step out of them, he only pulls you closer to you. His fingertips tease at your rim, and you’re already dripping with arousal, staining the tips of his fingers with your sweet essence. You’re the one to pull away first, gasping for air and falling to rest on the bed, and you look up at him, your eyes wide and body naked as you glance down to his erection giving him a kitten-like grin. His hand reaches upwards and wipes at his lips, thick with saliva and full of the taste of you. Slowly, he removes his clothes, not wanting to waste time on such little things and he lets them fall onto your floor. His lungs crave for air, taking in as much oxygen as they can fill, and he’s leaning towards you, his hands on either side of you as you rest on your forearms, your grin now a mixture of nervous and excited as you ask what’s gotten into him. It's true, he's not so obvious in his advancement, not so needy to touch your body, much rather having you beg for him and grind yourself on his thigh, but with the aphrodisiac coursing through his veins, his composure is lost and damned to hell. His smile is sadistic, eyes piercing into yours and his answer is simple, as he whispers it to you, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear- “the cause of an aphrodisiac quirk.” He’s above you, jerking himself off in front of you and within just a few tugs, he’s spilling his seed over your stomach, watching it spurt out of his cock and slowly end in a drool that falls onto your pelvis.
It’s so damning to see him as anything less than who he is and how he presents himself and yet before you is a degenerate who gathers his semen in two fingers and pushes it inside your mouth, letting the taste fall onto your tongue. His grin is wide and he’s above you, pushing you down on your back and he captures you in another kiss. He wants you. He needs you at this very moment, more than he needs air, more than he needs anything. It’s just you that he wants. He ended you to kiss him and to run your hands down his body. He’s a degenerate, but he’s desperate, whining for you and grabbing your hand and letting it curve over his breast. He says nothing, but it’s a big enough clue to let you know to inch his nipple between your index and thumb and pull on the sensitive bud. His whine is echoed in your mouth and his erection is drooling on you once more. A blush creeps from his chest and onto his face, coloring him pink as his lower half is tipped with red and pearls that adorn his shaft. He aligns himself until his erection is pressed against your thigh, warm cream dripping and sliding off of you.
Your pillowy thighs pinch around his cock, and he hides his face in your shoulder, his hands gripping at your biceps as he pleasures himself using your thighs. Soft clicking sounds sound from him using you, his orgasm shaking through his body as he leaves open-mouthed kisses on your neck, grabbing you and pulling you close to him. To lose himself in pleasure is something he’s never allowed himself the pleasure to do. Hari would much rather prefer you with a drunken look of ecstasy on your face, your face in a heavenly blush and your hole leaking with his semen, but now he realizes the pure joy of it all. To mindlessly hump at your body and kiss your mouth and touch your warm body that squirms for him. Your hand curves over his cock and he moans your name, arching his back and hiding his face as you press it to your entrance. He slips inside, and the feel of your gummy insides makes his mind go blank, only the need to release is clear in his mind. He rocks himself inside of you, and the degenerate is gone, only a desperate man who wants to orgasm remains with a blissful flush and your name on his lips.
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rent-a-bat · 3 years
Hi! Would it be cool if I requested “breathless kisses” with Jason Todd, please?? If it’s not a problem, could you throw in words? Idk I just like when words are punctuated with pecks 😊
I was kind of lost on how to do this, but I like how it came out. Thank you for requesting it!! @honey-im-hotdog hope you like it!!
"I'm sorry y/n, I don't think I can make it tonight either."
"It's okay."
"I'll make it up to you."
"Jason, it's fine. Don't worry."
"I'll see you soon."
"I love you." You said just as the call ended.
Today was your anniversary, or at least the celebration of it. The real one had been almost two months ago, you wanted to celebrate, but every time, a new mission would come up, and your plans were thrown away.
Guess some things we're more important. Missions were important, and you knew that, you understood. The perks of dating a vigilante. Still, you couldn't help feeling lonely.
Worst part of it all, never once had you heard him say "I love you". It was breaking your heart, making you ache inside. You knew he didn't have to say it back, that it would happen when he was ready, and that no matter what, your feelings for him won't change, but the fact it wasn't returned, even after so long, was one of the worst things in the world.
Every time you talked about it with your friends, their answer was the same. That it was time to move on. No point in sticking with someone who may never return your feelings. Better find someone who does and settle down.
Maybe they were right.
You can't remember the thing that made you snap. So lost in the emotions to clearly think about it. The pain it caused the only memory you had.
You opened the door of your building, the only barrier keeping you from the freezing cold outside. The building was silent, not even a whisper could be heard, he wasn't coming for you. Before you could think it further, you stepped outside and began to walk.
Barely a few steps down the sidewalk, a voice above you shouted your name, something behind you falling with a heavy thud.
"I'm leaving Jason." You said without looking back, resuming your walk.
"Please, wait." You heard his steps on the sidewalk as he tried to reach you.
"No. I've waited enough." You said, head falling down. Hugging yourself to try and shield you from the cold, or at least that's what you told yourself. "It's okay, Jason. Really. I know you don't feel it and I'm not gonna force you to say something you d-"
"I love you." You stopped on your tracks, unable to finish talking. Slowly, afraid it might disappear, and the words you just heard were nothing but a dream, you turned back.
"What?" You asked in disbelief, like a plea, a plea for it to be true, still not sure of what you heard.
"Y/n..." Your name sounded like a prayer. He closed the distance between the two, arms stretched toward your as he ran, holding you tight once he reached you, still unmoving.
Crashing his lips against yours in a searing kiss. Arms tight around you, pulling you close against him. There was no rhythm to his movements, only passion and desire as he claimed and claimed your lips, over and over.
You parted away to catch your breath, still safe in his embrace. Your foreheads pressed together, both panting from the lack of breath, sharing the heat as you both fought to stay warm.
The smile on his face was dashing as he looked at you, so clearly satisfied with himself when he dived back, catching your lips again.
"I do." The last kiss was just like the first. Long and filled with love and desire. His tongue explored your mouth, not claiming but marking you as his, only his.
"And I'm sorry, for all those times I didn't say it back. I didn't want to hurt you, but I ended up doing just that every time I held back." He shook his head, hair falling over his face.
"Please, forgive me." He said at last, closing his eyes, moving back to give you space, waiting for your answer, whatever it was.
"Say it again." You finally said after a while. The smile he gave you warming you all over as you answered him, his eyes looking at you like you had given him the moon.
Grabbing you by the waist he pulled you back, arms tight around you in s sweet embrace. His nose brushing against your face, breath hot against your ear.
"I love you." He whispered, his lips soft as he kissed you again.
Tag list under the cut (message me if you want to be added - This is also a general tag list so tell me if you don't want to be included)
Tag list: @togasknifes @thelindalorian @fizassyeda @apric-t @brightjimini @candlestudy @dickgraysonsscrumptiousbooty @profoundgreenturtle @little-miss-naill @drebi-san @truly-dionysus
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