#I have had TWO gay guys crush on me who otherwise only liked men and that’s part of what made me realize that I’m demigender
mischieffoal · 15 days
Kugrash; Rat Jesus; Bruce Kugrich; you know him, you love him - is a repressed, closeted, gay man. In this essay I will… tell you why I think that, I actually wrote the essay. (It’s not an essay it’s a long text post, it doesn’t have an introduction or a conclusion or citations don’t come for me)
Anyway, I’ve just finished The Unsleeping City chapters 1 and 2 and Kugrash has infested my brain and wormed his slimy way around my heart. I don’t need to proselytise him, if you’re reading this post you already understand the appeal of a crusty, washed-up rat bastard of a terrible father who’s trying to make up for everything he’s ever done. What I particularly loved about him was that he is gay-coded in such a specific way that it makes the poor little meow meow of it all even worse. Was it on purpose? I doubt it. But it certainly is there. 
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(I doubt it was on purpose because the joy of D20 is that all the characters are kind of just pan unless specified otherwise and homophobia is only a thing that villains do in the first five minutes of a character’s introduction. So it’s like, I doubt Murph did this on purpose because he’s probably just being very queer friendly and it comes across this way because of the Kugrash of it all)
Evidence that I remembered to write down is as follows: 
Perry the Pigeon
Kug doesn’t actually want to date Perry, but he doesn't object to going to the wedding with him/sort of leads him on/definitely flirts with him/tries to let him down nicely. 
Murph did just choose the name Perry at random. Could have been a girl pigeon, but no. 
Perry is serious about Kugrash. Like, “still mourning him” serious. 
Perry isn’t only into Kug, he is an established gay pigeon who later marries another man (/rabbit)
2. The Kugriches
When the other PCs tell Wally there’s a pigeon with a crush on his dad, Wally immediately asks “What’s his name?”
Wally and David’s mum is out of the picture. David said that Bruce abandoned them when Wally really needed him, which I think implies she’s been gone since before Kugrash was cursed. Why? Who knows, Bruce was a bastard in many ways - but if his sexuality was so obvious that their son can only imagine his dad dating a male pigeon, it was probably obvious to Bruce’s ex. 
3. Lowell Masters
Kingston: finds out Lowell can Identify things by sticking them up his ass Kingston, two seconds later, pointing at his good friend Kugrash: “This man, what is this man?" Lowell: gives Kugrash an ass jacket Kugrash: “Yeah, yeah, sure thanks, appreciate it.”  Kugrash: “I smell like lube now instead of trash.” Kugrash: “We’ll link up at some point”
4. The totems
All men. When the Intrepid Heroes came up with what their totem animals would be in an Adventuring Party, they weren’t particularly gendered, but weren’t sentient either, so who knows what that’s worth
Perry (see Point 1)
The campest unicorn you’ve ever seen or heard in your life
5. Best friends with a hairdresser
6. “You goddamn beautiful boy, you fucker, you absolute arsehole.” I get it, Kug. Ricky does it to us all. 
To me, all of this implies Kugrash is gay, but quietly. He’s certainly not out-and-proud like Pete is, but his children know. Did he tell them or was it obvious? I don’t think Kugrash knows. I think he’s closeted to no-one but himself. A business man in the 1980s isn’t the most likely guy to have searched his soul for any sexual deviancy, and since then he’s been very busy being depressed/ashamed/a literal rat in the sewers. Misty and Kingston do a lot of work to pull him out of the underground and actually talk to human beings again. They know he’s gay, from the things they say about him (see in particular Point 3: Lowell Masters). I don’t think Kugrash would have ever had a “gay awakening” or a “gay panic” if he’d stayed on the mortal plane, I doubt his sexuality would be that shocking or confusing - I just don’t think he’s noticed. 
Being cursed into a ratman gives you the space to learn all sorts of things about yourself, and if that doesn’t quite work, you can always eat an everything bagel and become omniscient, when you can finally realise that Bruce Kugrich was in fact gay the whole time.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. 
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charliethedino-12 · 1 year
LGBTQ+ Gotham Headcanons
My gender, pronoun, and sexuality headcanons for Gotham characters.
Harvey Bullock - Cisgender, He/Him, Gay.
The GCPD isn't an accepting or supportive place to work so he sleeps with women to protect himself. He's trying so hard to come off as straight. I mean, he and Scottie were engaged within less than a year of being together. I headcanon Fish as his beard. He wants to kiss Jim so badly.
Oswald Cobblepot - Transgender FTM, He/Him, Gay, and Asexual.
He would be offended and confused if you thought he was straight. Oswald is very open about his identity and will beat the shit out of you for misgendering him. He doesn't care about sex but is fine engaging in it if his partner (Ed) wants to. Gertrude was the most supportive person ever and always gave Oswald unconditional love. When he was younger all he really wanted was to be a boy when he grew up.
Jonathan Crane - Transgender FTM, He/They, Gay, Demromantic and Asexual.
He knew he was a boy from a very young age. Realised he didn't mind using they/them when he was a teenager and started to use both he/him and they/them. He thought he was gay early on because of his lack of interest in girls but started to question if he was aroace when he got older. They realised they were demiromantic when he grew a crush on his best friend at the time.
Harvey Dent - Cisgender, He/Him, Bisexual.
I think he has a preference for women but only slightly. Definitely uses his two-headed coin to flirt with people and it actually works more often than not. Knew he was bi from a young age.
Ecco - Cisgender, She/Her, Lesbian.
She and Jeremiah are in a queerplatonic relationship. She could get a girlfriend if she really wanted but isn't interested at the moment. The most dedicated girlfriend you could ever have. Falls hard. Had an 'oh fuck' moment in high school when she realised she was a lesbian.
Sofia Falcone - Cisgender, She/Her, Bisexual.
Strikes me as someone who isn't focused on romance or sex but could get a boyfriend or girlfriend if she put time and effort into it. I think she has a preference for women.
Lucius Fox - Cisgender, He/Him, Gay.
Acts cool but is probably a gay disaster on the inside. Tries to flirt and is semi-successful when he does. Says he's too busy with work to find a boyfriend and is slightly lonely. Doesn't try to hide his sexuality and has no problem telling people he's gay.
Victor Fries - Cisgender, He/Him, Bisexual.
Preference for men. He isn't that open about his sexuality but still acts surprised when no one knows he's bisexual. Is very casual about it. I see him as a very quiet and respectful person when showing his attraction to both men and women and just prefers keeping his feelings to himself.
Nora Fries - Cisgender, She/Her, Bisexual.
No real preference for either men or women. Would try and flirt with women but it would be seen as something platonic. She and Victor had matching pride shirts.
Tabitha Galavan - Cisgender, She/Her, Bisexual.
Preference for women. I like to think the first person she murdered was a homophobe. Could pull any man or woman she wanted and no one can convince me otherwise. She either just kills any person who is homophobic or transphobic in her presence or beats the shit out of them as Oswald does.
Butch Gilzean - Cisgender, He/Him, Straight
Raised with respect. The two most important women in his life, Fish and Tabitha, were bisexual so he is very much an ally. Type of guy to tell somebody off for making an offensive comment, verbally or physically. He, Tabitha and Barbara were in a polyamorous relationship.
Jim Gordon - Cisgender, He/Him, Bisexual.
Preference for women. Growing up he had some internalized homophobia but he overcame it as he got older. He falls for any pretty girl who ever so slightly flirts with him. I think he likes men who are either mean with a soft side or just a bit of a bastard(Harvey and Oswald). He and Harvey are both in love with each other but are just too stupid to admit it to one another.
Barbara Kean - Cisgender, She/Her, Bisexual.
Male preference. Had some internalized homophobia until she killed her parents and became free. Went to an all-girls school where she had a few girlfriends before getting in trouble for dating other women. Probably pegged Jim.
Kristen Kringle - Cisgender, She/Her, Omnisexual, Greyromantic.
Male preference. To me, she only showed sexual attraction towards her boyfriends before Ed, even then I think she and Ed would've been better off as friends. She very rarely experiences romantic attraction but when she does I think she'd be a little awkward about it. Kristen definitely pegged Ed. She and Lee would've been cute together. They're very dear to my heart.
Selina Kyle - Cisgender, She/Her, Bisexual, Demiromantic.
Female preference. She's had crushes on both Ivy and Bridgit. Acts like she's annoyed by her loved ones but would kill and die for them. She's protective and caring even if she denies it. Has only had romantic feelings for her friends. She has trouble admitting her romantic feelings for people. Barbara and Tabitha are her badass bi mentors.
Fish Mooney - Cisgender, She/Her, Bisexual.
No preference. Flirts with everyone. Doesn't tolerate anyone's homophobic bullshit. The biggest eyerolls. The greatest gaydar in all of Gotham city. One look at Oswald and Harvey and she knew they were both lonely little gay men. Harvey's beard.
Edward Nygma - Transgender FTM, Genderfluid, He/She/They, Bisexual.
Preference for women. The king of internalized homophobia. His whole arc in the show was him denying his bisexuality and feelings for Oswald. The Riddler is sick of Ed's compulsory heterosexuality. Hated his female body and started to transition during uni. Ed was comfortable having a male body but didn't understand why he was only sometimes comfortable being seen and referred to as a man. This led to him discovering that he was genderfluid as an adult. Never told anyone until Oswald and only become open about his gender identity after he and the Riddler became whole in s3. The worst at flirting but simultaneously the sweetest.
Alfred Pennyworth - Cisgender, He/Him, Straight
Does his best for Bruce. And I mean does. Biggest ally you'll ever meet. If anybody bullies his boy for who he is be prepared to be slapped the fuck out of. All he wants is for Bruce to be safe and happy and if Alfred has to teach somebody a lesson in respect, so be it.
Ivy Pepper - Cisgender, She/Her, Lesbian.
Disaster lesbian. Had a fat crush on Selina when she was younger, and still does though slightly less. Her feelings have pivoted more towards Bridgit. The original plant lesbian. Oswald is her disaster gay role model. Expert in the language of flowers and gives personalised bouquets to her crushes.
Bridgit Pike - Demigirl, She/They, Lesbian.
Oblivious to people's interest in her. She never really got the chance to explore any romantic interest they had with the women in her life before being burned due to her home life. She doesn't really know how to deal with romantic or sexual feelings. They never really fully felt like a girl and felt that there was something else to them. So the use of they/them and she/her pronouns felt natural to Bridgit.
Jervis Tetch - Cisgender, He/Him, Biromantic, Demisexual.
Male preference. Had a fucking heart attack when he had his first male crush. He had no idea what to do. Felt so guilty about it. He's just kinda pushed his bisexuality down. He started to accept his bisexuality as he got older and fully accepted himself by the time Alice died. I see him as someone who thinks sex is intimate and I think he'd only want to perform sexual acts with a partner who he'd found a real bond with. Thinks he is really romantic but his lack of romantic experience says otherwise.
Alice Tetch - Cisgender, She/Her, Lesbian.
I don't know why I think this, I just do. It's just the impression she gave me. She and Bridgit could've been arson girlfriends. Always knew she was gay just never got the chance to have a girlfriend.
Leslie Thompkins - Cisgender, She/Her, Pansexual.
Growing up, she didn't really understand why gender was a big deal to some people, if somebody was attractive they were attractive, why did it matter? At university, she discovered what the term pansexual meant and realised that it fit her perfectly. Has three types, dark and badass (Jim and Barbara), sweet and adorable (Kristen) or a mix of the two (Ed).
Valerie Vale - Cisgender, She/Her, Bisexual.
Male preference. Flirts with her sources all the time. She and Lee gave me some gay vibes honestly. Nothing is more romantic than teaching your boyfriend's ex how to lock pick when trying to escape from her own home and a crazy man in a tophat.
Jerome Valeska - Cisgender, He/Him, Bisexual.
Chaotic bisexual with no preference. Flirts with almost everybody. Used to bully Jeremiah for being gay (not severely just little comments) and then cried when he had his first male crush when he was little. He's perfectly happy and open with his sexuality now, he was just a homophobic little shit instead of a gay little shit when he was really small. Never been in a real romantic relationship before so he's useless when it comes to real romance.
Jeremiah Valeska - Cisgender, He/Him, Gay.
Disaster gay. Always knew he was gay. Used to watch male guests at the circus from behind the trailers. Jerome made fun of him for it until he had his gay panic and joined him. Can't flirt for shit but tries his best. Touch starved. Kinda lonely. As I've said before he and Ecco are in a queerplatonic relationship.
Bruce Wayne - Transgender FTM, He/Him, Bisexual
Preference for women. Started to transition at the start of s2. Felt wrong being in the body of a girl since he was very little. The only therapist he's been to is a gender therapist from outside of Gotham. He's just a little sweetheart. He does his best to impress his crushes. Overall, he's just doing his best to cope with his romantic feelings for people (Selina). I like the idea of Jim and Lucius being his older queer role models.
Victor Zsasz - Cisgender, He/Him, Pansexual.
He just doesn't care what somebody's gender is. If you're hot you're hot and he's going to flirt with you. Very blunt when admitting his sexual and physical attraction. Difficult to decipher if he's into you or if he wants to annoy the fuck out of you when it comes to his romantic pursuits. Breaks into his crush's houses and does shit like drink all their milk. Clingy.
What do you think of my headcanons, do you agree or disagree? Let me know! :)
I apologize for any mistakes, I'm dyslexic so proofreading is difficult.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
My favorite character from the Owl House is Hunter because his character arc is so good and his relationship with Willow is adorable. (He literally fell for her at first sight)
And my favorite character from X Men is Kitty (I hate her relationship with Cyclops because she was a CHILD AND HE WAS A GROWN ASS MAN WHEN THEY MEET IN THE COMICS. Also can I just say that I hate that they make Bobby (the guy who does the ice thing) gay because that came out of nowhere and it only happened because an alternative version Jean Gray and her version of Bobby is gay so she decides that all versions of Bobby is gay and she needs to help them be their true self and Bobby who keep in mind has shown sexual and romantic interest in women up to this point 'realizes' he's gay and the rest of the comic is just him coming out to everyone one by one and hardly anything else happens. I wouldn't have minded so much if it wasn't for the fact that most media still treats sexuality like there's only two options gay or straight which completely erases Bisexual, Pansexual, Demisexual, Asexual, to name a few. It just grinds my gears you know anyway sorry for the rant. Kitty deserves a good love interest hopefully she gets one)
I feel like if reader had magic I feel like it would be similar to ether to Luz's or Eda's.
Hunter was so awesome, and he felt relatable, too. He and Willow are cute together, let them have plant and palisman babies!
I like Kitty, and I haven't read the comics (except a handful) so I didn't even know that relationship was thing. (Who the f*ck wrote that?!) I use my favorite X-Men medias as canon, along with head and heart canons, because let's face it: There are so many separate comics with different writers, different movies and timelines, even three (now going to be four) separate X-Men cartoons, whatever books and games they have for the various media, and even the anime and other Marvel shows where the characters show up from time to time. It is SO confusing. So, I just pick my favorite out of the bunch and roll with those (and usually it makes enough sense. Except the timeline changes in the movies. That STILL confuses me. Who is alive? Who is dead? Hopefully Deadpool fixes things).
And yeah, for Bobby, only one version of him was gay. It would have made more senses if they built that into a story arc, took it slowly, instead of being so abrupt. Let the guy be gay or bisexual, but at least make it make sense and not just be considered a quirk or passing fancy. Give it some development. Some thought. Make it mean something. Let it happen like how The Owl House portrays romance and self-discovery. (I myself am part of the asexual community, and that took awhile to figure out, and to this day I'm still finding out more about how I view relationships, platonic or romantic or otherwise. I'm not sure if I truly am interested in romance or not, but in the past I had a crush on a guy and girl, and later found out I just thought they were really great friends). This stuff can take time, it can get messy and feel gut-wrenching, but it doesn't make a person less for being bisexual or gay or lesbian or asexual or straight or trans. None are better than the others, and none are less than the others. It does help to realize all of this isn't back and white. It's a big, mixed canvas of grays in every shade of cloud and ash and silver and stone and eggshell and storm and smoke. (Point is, LGBTQA+ isn't back and white, neither is being straight, but these things are not just quirks. They shouldn't be treated that way, as those are valid beliefs and emotions that don't go away). (I hope I said this right, I'm not always great explaining my thoughts on this kind of thing).
Reader having a power similar to Luz or Eda would be so wild! Surprise, they have glyphs! Surprise, they're part owl beast! They have wild magic, they're blessed by the last Titans, they kicked an evil old emperor/hypocrite into dust! The series finale might have been a little rushed (thanks a LOT, Disney. You should have given them extra time! Extra episodes! A whole lot more episodes than just three for the third season!) but I thought it was still good for the constraints put on Dana and her team. They did good.
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liron-ao3 · 3 years
Kiss to that
Destiel oneshot
"How long have you two been married?" Marcus asks as Dean and Castiel sit on the sofa in his living room where they want to find out if the man and his husband Louis are haunted by a ghost.
Dean moves to the side instinctively, not even sure why he and Castiel ended up sitting shoulder to shoulder in the first place, with the sofa big enough for them not to.
Castiel furrows his brow. "We're not married."
"Oh, sorry," Louis says. "You don't need a ring to prove your love, right?" He looks at them so kindly that Dean schools his features into a smile.
"Yeah. I mean, I'm happy for you guys."
Marcus nods and presses a kiss on his husband's cheek. Dean can see Castiel tilt his head and tighten his eyes as he watches the two men opposite them exchange easy affection. The corners of his lips curl up into a smile. Dean's eyes linger on it for a long moment.
"I think we have everything we need," Dean says, pulling his gaze away, and gets up. "Thank you for your time."
"It must be a homophobic ghost. Their queerness is the only thing the victims have in common," Sam reasons. "It's our best shot."
"I won't kiss my brother," Dean says firmly.
Sam rolls his eyes. "Me neither. Cass, would you mind making out with a man in public?"
Castiel looks up from the paper he's reading. "As a bait for the ghost?" Sam nods. "Sure. I've never kissed someone taller than I, though."
Dean rolls his eyes and pushes the memory of Castiel's tongue cleaning Meg's tonsils away.
"Just kissing, or do you think we need to do more to attract the ghost? The couples were all heavily 'making out' when they were attacked."
Sam snorts at Castiel's air quotes. "Nah, I think kissing will be enough, as long as it looks intimate."
Castiel hums in agreement.
The park looks suspiciously calm when Dean stops the Impala on the adjoining street that night.
"Are you ready for it, or do you need to practice first, buddy?" Dean asks, his nervousness hidden behind the thick mask of a grin that is so fake that it hurts. Kissing a crush is never a good idea. Dean learnt that lesson at 13, when he kissed Jenny McFarlane after spinning the bottle.
"We're going to be fine," Castiel states evenly.
Sam pats him on his shoulder before he slides out of the backseat and opens the door for him like a perfect gentleman.
When Dean steadied himself with several deliberate breaths, he walks around the car, ready to do what he hasn’t allowed himself for years now. His breath hitches as he passes Baby's hood. Sam and Castiel are standing there, their fingers already intertwined. Dean stares at their joint hands for an embarrassingly long moment before he clears his throat.
"I thought we—"
Castiel raises his eyebrow. "You're coming with us? I thought the third waited in the car as back-up?"
"Um," Dean replies eloquently and runs a hand over his face. "Mints, anyone?" Sam gives him a strange look. Dean shrugs. "Just wanted it to be good for you if you have to suck face and play gay."
"I'm not playing gay," Sam says.
"Me neither," Castiel adds, and Dean nearly topples over from the impact of both their impromptu coming outs.
"O—okay. I'm happy that sucking face won't suck that much, in that case," Dean replies, wincing at his own stupid words, his stomach tying itself into knots. Sam and Castiel will only fake a relationship. No biggie, right?
Sam chuckles and grins at Castiel. "We both know that we're not attracted to each other," he says easily as if this was a topic he had discussed with Castiel in abundance.
Wait! Have they?
Castiel nods in agreement. "Sam isn't really my type," he says, eyes turning glassy for a moment.
Dean swallows down the urge to ask him what exactly his type is. But his eyes fall on his watch. Dammit! Only two minutes until the usual attack time. The ghost is strangely scheduled. He ushers the 'couple' to the next best park bench and scans the surroundings, mainly for not needing to look at them as they start their smooching. But nothing happens for ten long minutes
When Dean is ready to call the whole thing off, Sam's phone starts ringing. Dean gives him an annoyed look. "Really?" he mouths when Sam looks guiltily at him. Oldest mistake since the invention of mobile phones. Sam raises his hand and motions to Dean to take his place.
Dean hesitates for a long moment, but then his eyes fall on Castiel's lips, glistening wetly in the moonlight. Dean sighs and walks to the bench, sitting down a little stiffly. He grabs Castiel's hand.
"Are you alright with this?" the angel whispers.
"Sure. I may not be gay, but lips are lips, right?"
Castiel nods quietly. "We should start then. Sam surely will get a good look at her so that we can find out which of our suspects it is. They are nothing alike."
Dean nods and wets his lips. "Okay. Let's do this." He cradles Castiel's face in his hand. It's weird with the stubble scratching against it. Weird, but not unpleasant. He runs his thumb over Castiel's lips, erasing any trace of his brother. Then, he leans in and brushes Castiel's lips with his own. It's not half bad, but Castiel isn't really reciprocating the kiss. Didn't have a problem when it was Sammy, Dean thinks, feeling sore.
"Go with it, man. It must be believable. Otherwise, the ghost will ignore us," Dean says, and Castiel complies.
Dean wouldn't have thought Castiel to be such a good kisser. This isn't a pizza man kiss. This one is passionate yet gentle. Castiel's hand ends up in Dean's short hair, and the hunter grabs the lapel of the angel's trench coat. It feels really, really nice, Dean has to admit. Better than he had imagined over the last years.
No, Dean hasn't lied. He isn't gay. Technically, his little brother and the multidimensional wavelength brushing his tongue through Dean's mouth with celestial intent aren't either. But hey, 'umbrella term' and all that stuff Charlie has taught him.
What a bad idea it was to kiss his best friend slash secret crush only registers when Dean hears Sam curse and a crowbar flies over their heads, right through the ghost that was about to attack them.
"Could've killed us with that thing!" Dean shouts.
"Thank me later." Sam grins. "Come on, it was the blonde. Let's get her salt'n'burnt."
Dean gets up from the bench, Castiel's hand still in his own. The angel doesn't move, a rapturous look adorning his face. "Come on, Cass. Before she returns."
Castiel blinks himself out of his daze.
They watch the bones go up in flames together. Castiel touches Dean's cheek and heals the cut that the ghost left there in a last attempt to keep him from bringing her haunting to an end.
"One less homophobic soul in this world," Sam says.
"I'll drink to that," Dean replies.
Sam smirks at him. "Better kiss to that. I'll get my own room," he says.
Dean blushes crimson, the red even visible in the firelight. "What is that supposed to mean?"
Sam shakes his head. "Only that there is a reason why it worked on you and not on Cass and me."
Castiel pierces him with his gaze, but stays silent.
Sam huffs a laugh. "You two are idiots! Can't you see that the ghost only attacked people who were truly in love?" He shakes his head and wanders off in the direction of their motel, not far away from the cemetery.
Dean looks at Castiel with shock-widened eyes. "I'm not—"
Castiel grins at him. "That's a shame. Because I am."
"Son of a bitch!" Dean presses out, and just like that, they are kissing again, in the middle of nowhere in front of an open grave. Who says romance is dead?
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sjw-publishings · 3 years
Counselling through the Snow
“Ugh, Caleb Benedict where are you?”
Leonard brisk walked impatiently, side by side on the pavement looking for his boyfriend who sent a message saying he would be an hour late due to some last minute coding assignment his teacher asked him to submit.
Its been way over an hour.
He had been patient for a year now, ever since his boyfriend got into that university, they exchanged fewer and fewer messages each month, with most of them being about his school.
And from the most recent messages they shared, it seemed like the university is having a deficit of staff as of late and there are rumours that the new Principal is in favour of shaping more... conservative staff starting next semester after the break.
Whatever that means, who knows. Because truthfully all Leonard cares about is being with his boyfriend who he has barely seen in person all year, despite living in the same town.
If anything, he hoped for a miracle for them to never be separated again. But he figured the thought of it would barely be able to counsel him unless it had happened.
“Ah! Leonard Morgan is that you?”
At the mention of his name, he turned around, expecting his boyfriend, but the baritone rumble that allured him sure spoke otherwise.
And lo and behold was a sight to feast on.
A tall man, clearly over 6ft, strode down towards him. Dressed in a completely dapper blue suit, which framed his broad...yet conservative sized shoulders excellently, like he was sculpted with delicate procedures.
Of course, the unbuttoned top row of buttons from the dress shirt tucked behind his vest definitely drew the eyes of Leonard, who could see the neatly brushed hair follicles over his tanned pecs.
And with the way they are displayed, its almost inviting him to wanna grab them if the man allows it. Not even his lean boyfriend could compare to how handsome this man was.
Yet the man remained plastered with a faint, yet confident smile. Like a confident man whose reassured of himself and his life,
Holding a medium sized turquoise laptop to the side, with a clearly distinguishable high-end watch brand watch which showed he is well-off. A far cry from the casual attire his boyfriend and himself would wear.
Coming nearer, he got a closer look at his facial features.
Squared jaw which framed his well-kempt beard over those luscious lips. Gelled dark brown locks over at the top, stylishly parting to the side with the rest of his hair being short and manageable, unlike Caleb’s messy long mop.
Finally, framing his lenses were dark blue square medium sized spectacles, the Metrosexual look only enhancing those manly brows and entrancing eyes which made Leonard just want to...stare at them forever. At this handsome hunk in his late forties .
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“Professor Francis Beaumont, a pleasure to meet you.”
The Professor extended out his left hand from his pocket, snapping Leonard out of his trance as he quickly shook his hand, flushing at his earlier thoughts.
He had a boyfriend, and while he found other guys attractive, he was never this flustered with anyone until this guy, whose faint Parisian roots and aristocratic scent just kept sending rumbles to his core...and his attraction meter to the roof.
Leonard had to check at least.
Glancing down, still in the firm, warm grip of the handshake,a silver glint stuck out from the man’s thick digit, the kind of hands that were warm and fatherly.
Which made sense, as a silver ring was encased over on his left.
It was...almost disappointing to the young college student, but he-had a boyfriend anyway...he shouldn’t be looking at another man like that.
Even if he is incredibly hot.
“My sincere apologies, my wife and I had... important duties to attend to back in campus.”
Although despite the stoic expression he tried to keep on his face, a sheepish grin rose to the professor as well as the rosy tints on his cheeks.
But before Leonard could notice that, the professor released his grip, opting to place his right arm over the young man’s shoulder as he guided him down the path into the park.
“I know I know, the open public isn’t the best place for counselling, but I assure you we won’t be bothered here.”
As they walked down the path, all Leonard heard was that of his voice. Smooth like honey, an American citizen...but with the unique flair of the french.
A warm and caring father, guiding him to a place just the two of them. He never knew how much...how much he wanted this, almost like his frustrations from earlier were nothing compared to being next to this man.
“Who...Who exactly are you?”
“Well you specifically requested me for counselling, so how could I refuse?”
Obviously, he knew it was Professor Francis. He had just told the young man his name...right? No, not just that, he heard of the
Computer science professor for quite a while.
A charismatic hunk that charmed his students from all across the modules he taught, and others from across campus. He was not a part of the University, but from the rumours of this man, he wanted to be a part of it because of this professor.
Was his boyfriend the one who told him about the Professor? It made sense if he was, they always crushed on other guys despite sticking by the others side.
“Yes...I really require counselling...”
The man was always open to help others due to his fatherly instincts. Having young adults at home, he somehow knew exactly what to say to help the students as a counsellor on the side.
That being said, there are rumours that he was a major conservative. Maybe Leonard could have recognised it with the slight and subtle glances he kept giving on the blushing youth, but most students completely brushed over that part anyway with how kind and understanding he was to their problems.
“Indeed...our session will certainly be life changing.”
They eventually came to a stop at an open bench, with no one else in sight other than the two of them. Sitting down, side by side, the fatherly grip held tight onto Leonard’s shoulder.
“Tell me about...your relationship with your boyfriend.”
Cutting to the chase, it kinda startled Leonard that the Professor could tell about his attraction to him, asking him to talk about it as their first session above all things-?
...No, that did not make sense right?
There were numerous text messages exchanged back and forth if he could remember. Talking about his problems freely as the professor guided him understandingly without charge. It had just been over a month too...yet it felt like forever.
Staring at the male, and his warm smile was enough for Leonard to fess up.
“He keeps...refusing to see me.”
Sighing to himself, yet again...his university boyfriend ditched him in favour of his ‘coding projects’ which he suspected to be seeing other men, not outright but from the way they chatted...it gave the impression.
Yet the fatherly assurance from the professor reassured him that everything will be alright. Not necessarily with his intimate relationship with his boyfriend, but to be fair, he had been pretty busy lately. Even if they lived close by, they were busy, but they made the effort to communicate with one another.
“He’s a part of your university and I’m not.”
Leonard spoke, mainly because he wished he had the grades to make it with his boyfriend to the Uni, maybe even campus mates, but growingly...he wished to have an easier way to meet with the Professor, it was difficult for outsiders to get a session with-
Of course sometimes Leonard did not feel like a part of the University, but his counsellor reassured him otherwise. His University boyfriend barely spent time with him due to being of different majors, but he liked what he studied.
“What are you studying again?”
The professor spoke, directing his attention to him once again.
What was he studying? The freshmen definitely preferred something artsy...but as he stared at the warm, fatherly gaze of the other male, he felt it sort of unpractical to pursuit that kind of path.
Like it was not him.
“Computer Science of course!”
“Indeed, you are one of my best students.”
Smirking to himself, sitting up straighter as he gained a few centimetres in height. Puffing out his chest as his ideals shifted almost instantly due to his professor’s praise.
He was a teacher’s Pet after all.
Which is why the professor even spent the time during the holidays to meet him. Exchanging texts to see if everything was alright, like a true father figure indeed.
Not to mention, his professor is quite the looker. Blushing to himself as the soft brushes from hand to hand, yet the confidence from the professor stuck by him as he sat up straighter. He was not a conservative, but it was a lie to say the professor did not influence his outlook in life for quite a bit.
“May I know more about the crush towards your friend?”
Friend? Did he meant...uh, Rancale? His buddy? Yeah he was cute, nothing compared to the professor but cute.
“He always talks about others like he’s so interested in them?”
They only get together for the past few months, and yet, his boy...friend kept talking about others over and over, and not in a ‘I want to be friends’ kind of way. The kind of thing you see from guys who are not together with another-
“Well I mean you aren’t together and it makes sense with your hormones on the loose.”
It made sense, with the way his best friend kept talking about other guys...and girls across campus, he clearly was not interested in him...
Though strangely enough, he felt content.
Honestly, the more he thought about his best friend like that, he felt genuinely uncomfortable despite being...gay, sort of? But when they chatted about potential mates...damn, where those hot.
“May I know more about what you think would impress another guy?”
Aleonar thought briefly, thinking about what his friend would like...before his eyes focused on the Professor once again.
If anything, he was far closer to the professor than that other guy, and he knew what the Professor liked.
“Well certainly a stronger physique...the kind of man who could jog for ages.”
As he spoke, he felt his thighs solidified beneath the skinny jeans he wore. Toning heavily as they struggled to show off their muscular depth below.
Next up were his feet, as they expanded beyond those soles at a powerful stomping size 12s. He definitely aced the tracks since when he was a youth, a star athlete with brains, a fitting combination as anyone would agree.
“Who also kept his upper body in shape...you know, like a real man!”
With that exclamation, his pectorals strained against the tee he wore, jutting out nicely as a lean yet obscure six pack could be seen below if someone took a closer look. He looked good, but felt like the goods were only reserved for bed.
And the rest up to imagination. With his biceps doubling in size, yet straining against his long sleeved shirt, guys and gals could only dream of seeing this teacher’s Pet unclothed, but too bad! Alongside those wide shoulder blades that rivalled his Teacher’s.
If anything, he could’ve sworn they were-
“Matured, around their late forties, but still looking good!”
Of course! His fellow colleague and him hung out a lot. Professor Bene..., Professor Beaumont and him were like two peas in a pod, ever since they were roommates back in college.
With that realisation, Professor Morganez felt proud of towering his over 6ft worth of experience, swinging his stronger arms over to his colleague as best friends through thick and thin.
As such, thick strains of fur layered over his chest, arms, and down below. Testosterone groomed in the older male, the way it ought to as a real man.
And both him and Beaumont were real men for all he knew.
“Mix-race, just like your good ol pal!”
With that remark, his skin darkened two shades into a healthy dark brown. Stretching all over as Professor Martinez smirked at his hispanic heritage, and even though he-like his buddy Beaumont, knew only traces of it as they were raised in American households, their mixed ethnicity definitely helped them stand out!
Especially towards their potential spouses!
“The kind of man who would wingmen the other any day!”
Yes his buddy Beaumont was dashing...but it felt better if they stayed as friends you know. The kind of men that would stay by the others side.
Professor’s a charmer, but it was laughable to think they were an item when they were such good ‘brothers’ after all, not in a literal sense...but very similar in terms of personality.
Though Professor Beaumont must be the most clueless dad next door boomer to think he was 100% straight by only setting him up with only women throughout the years, or he’s doing it intentionally.
But how could Galeonar Martinez refuse offers from his bud?
“That and he ought to dress well always, in and out of work.”
With that remark, Professor Martinez stretched his arms widely, as the fabric went along with his movements.
First off was his top, as it simplified to a plain, but a somewhat high quality navy blue dress shirt. Nothing too fancy like his metrosexual bud, but it hugged his frame quite well. It kept his students’ attention during lessons, but not too much that it became a distraction.
Next up where the remaining traces of fabric over on his chest, as they slid down over to wrists, the left forming a similar branded watch to his bud, and a couple of beads and bands on the right to show his generally relaxed and chill outlook in life.
Down below, his skinny jeans loosened up to large beige dress pants, as they tightened up with cinching on a patterned belt, one that is not made of leather post transformation.
Holding his feet below are neat and polished brown dress shoes with winged tips. As his larger feet settled in typical white socks, ones that rested his aged feet in the ‘casual professionalism’ look he liked to maintain.
“So how are the kids?”
Kids? The Professor stared back at his colleague bud and best friend, who remained silent earlier as he discussed about...something?
It was not about children though...hence the conversation. Did Beaumont still insist he was straight after all this time?
Though for some reason...he kinda wanted to play along.
“They were...great?”
As soon as he said those words, a large goofy grin stretched across his lips as he clutched his head, feeling a massive shift in algorithm as euphoria surged within the computer science professor’s head.
His buttocks clenched hard, as his body jolted up STRAIGHT. Debugging the errors as the exit door narrowed to that of a ‘natural passage’, tightening his shoulders as they became designed to take care of offspring...rather than being dependent on a fellow father.
“How is your fatherhood?”
Lips licking below, his natural hair follicles brushed around his chin and upper lip, forming a tasty chestnut beard for the older male. The kind that was fertilised by a bunch of...juices from the opposite sex.
“Great as a payday raise!”
Dad jokes here, as his hair shortened and styled to a professional quiff. It felt...so good thinking about being a father, wait-he was a father! With offspring as a matter of fact.
He remembered when he used to...find guys hot? But damn, were women hotter. His conservative background certainly supported so, and certainly he was-
“How is...your wife?”
His pouch expanded in size, a powerful size 12 inches as thick wads of testosterone swirled in his powerful sacks. They were experienced in the art of pounding, not liberal arts, but rather ‘the art of masculinity’.
Pumping! Of course, his wife! His chasing days were over years ago, and now fully dedicated to ‘dear ol wifey’. Just thinking about her..., and the steamy sessions in bed, it made him wanna-
“She’s great as always!”
Professor Gale Martinez creamed in his briefs, letting loose any notion of being with another male as his cream trailed upwards, and around his ring finger. Solidifying the married professor that he always was.
Eyes blinking into a dark brown, neat strips of brows wiggling in a satisfied afterglow, as he continued with his casual conversation with his ex college roommate.
“From counsellor to counsellor, the students have been really gay lately.”
“Huh, shame they can’t be gay with their wives.”
The two of them laughed, still having their boomer sense of humour even after all these years.
Professor Martinez had to be reassigned to a different university after moving into a new town with his wife years ago, it wasn’t easy leaving behind the campus that he taught for over 10 years, even if it became more liberal than to his liking.
But after he stepped foot on the campus grounds, to his surprise, guess who greeted him?
His old colleague Francis!
They haven’t seen each other for years since they parted ways since graduation. They kept in touch, but family time and being across different states made it difficult to spend time with one another as pals.
But now that they’re back together, they’re sure to stick to the other like glue. And hey! Maybe if they did a counselling session together, they could probably set the campus youths straight!
“Remember the O’slogan we used to say when we were younger Gale?”
The married man stepped up, and placed both hands in his pockets.
Of course he remembered, and proudly exclaimed it in the middle of the park.
“Nothing beats making out with your wife!”
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
fetus jimin baffled me a bit. there's no doubt he had a crush on JK in the past, otherwise why would he always seek his affection, teases him, asks for kisses, say suspicious things like wanting to hold hands with him while walking on the beach or when he didn't deny when tae said jm likes men (tae shouldn't have said that tho). he rly gave me gay vibes. but what i don't understand is when jm said to hobi that men don't kiss eo. idk it's just a stark contrast to his actions
Hello anon,
I'm just going to start with a small disclaimer that the word "fetus" in regards to the guys makes me visibly cringe. Lmfao I know its a kpop thing referring to members when they were young but why did this start?! Can we not say baby JM? Maybe its the medical training in me but I cannot see the word fetus and not just picture a small, somewhat deformed alien-esque creature that has barely functioning organs... which is just not a flattering image for our guys 🙈😂 you'll probably only ever see me refer to that time frame as "baby jm" or "debut jm" or "in their younger years" lmao okay, tangent over. Sorry.
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Look, in the younger years there was a lot of push and pull between Jikook and with the members themselves, how they acted and what they said. You have to keep in mind they were Essentially still kids. This all took place in the time of Jimin being 16 to 19 years old basically. Thats still so young! That is still peak time to figure yourself out age. That is still peak, idk how im feeling or what I'm feeling. That is still peak, I was raised in a homophobic and conservative country and now we are expected to be an ideal for them. Some back and forth and conflicting comments are to be expected. You cannot and should not expect a teenager to have life or themselves all figured out. We were lucky enough that Jimin shared his journey of learning who he is and how to love himself with us. It truly is a heartwarming and inspiring and teary eyed type of journey.
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He is so much more comfortable in his own skin now, in who he is and in how he behaves. I absolutely love to see it, his confidence and self love is great to see and encouraging to others around the world. He is a wonderful role model! And when we all say he had a crush, I don't know if he actually had real romantic feeling towards JK in the 2013/14 time frame, maybe an attraction that he didn't really know what to do with. I think he thought he was cute, i think he had a serious soft spot towards him, there may have been feelings there too, which we can infer from his I want to go on a date with jungkookie comments. I personally think it was more a major soft spot and wanting to be even closer to him.
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And it was definitely two sided. JK adored him and they have always been close. JK even tells us in Rookie King that he likes JM hyung too much. Jimin tells us the same thing in a log in 2014 I think. Its definitely always been there for the both of them, even if it started as a good friendship and neither of them even knowing what it was or why it was. We may never know.
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I'll do a post series Jikook through the years and how their dynamics changed in my personal opinions at some point! I'm excited for that series
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tvfangirladdict · 3 years
Okay, so like, I'm new to the 911 fandom, but I finally gave it a chance now that I've got a hulu subscription and I fell in love instantly. I binge-watched all 4 seasons in like a week, and the only reason it took me that long was because of work.
But okay, I can't be imagining Buddie, right? Because like, I have a bad habit of picking OTPs (ie. Destiel and Sterek) that have little to no chance being canon, especially when they're slash because we're still not at a point where television shows want to take the risk of alienating part of their audience by introducing the possibility of gay attraction in leading male characters. Like, it's fine if they're introduced as gay from the beginning and they become the token gay character (Michael basically, or Hen), but God forbid one or two male leads develop romantic feelings for a guy when they've already had relationships with women on the show, because apparently bi men don't exist.
So anyway, I've gotten used to shipping couples that will never happen, and being excited for every little scene they have together, and reading too much into everything. Like, Sterek I love, but I knew was never gonna happen. I never got a vibe off of them together that made me think it was possible, I felt they were completely platonic, no matter how much I might've hoped otherwise. But then there's ones like Destiel where they definitely hinted at and literally addressed in the show, but I still had no real hope for becoming canon because the previously mentioned television cowardice. Which just made 15x18 mindblowing for me and I'm still in shock, but I'm not here to talk about that.
I guess I just need to know, like, objectively, is Buddie real or is it just more hopeful thinking? Because, like with Destiel they're addressing it in the show but they're not shooting it down right after and mocking the idea like in SPN. And idk if they're wanting to hint at it, or if they're just trying to normalize straight dudes who are comfortable with their sexuality, you know? Like when Buck just thanked the elf, was that a hint at a possibility of Buddie, or are they just trying to show how a straight, mature man could handle being perceived as gay? I mean, Buck calls him "brother" right before that. I've noticed this show is probably one of the most progressive I've seen, so I can't tell.
They just bring it up so often, I can't help but hold out hope. I got on here to write this after rewatching 2x18 and seeing those live stream messages for the first time, two of which talked about how they're cute together and should be a couple. Like, idk, continuing to bring it up by throwing in small stuff like that, and the throw away comment Maddie made about Buck's boy crush on Eddie because he really does talk about Eddie a lot, and two conversations they've had about Eddie trusting Buck with Christopher and it's just a lot. Like, realistically, does Buddie have a chance? Everyone can read relationships and body language and the unspoken aspects differently, so I know there will be people who believe it's real, but I want to know if it's possible that 911 will actually make it happen officially. Do we really think this show will take two of the male leads who have up to this point only been with women, and allow them to come together romantically? Or will they just continue to tease and torture us with it like SPN did with Destiel? Because I don't think I can wait another 11 years for one of them to finally get their shit together only to die right after. Like, once was enough thanks, I'd rather Buddie go the platonic Sterek route than to go through that dumpster fire again. Just put me out of my misery
@lemotmo I'm just so used to my shows queerbaiting that I have a hard time believing any of it is genuine, you know? I'm used to writers hinting at it to keep us hooked, so I'm not sure I have it in me to hope for it, so I really hope they make a decision in s5.
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northlight14 · 3 years
A love for love
Description: Roman loved love. He always had, even as a small child. So why was it so different whenever he was involved?
TW: panic attack, mention of making out but nothing is actually shown, cursing, questioning, unrequited love, let me know if I should add anything else
Ships: unrequited royality, platonic roceit, dukeceit
Genre: high school au
Prompt: prompt 6, aromantic (prompt by @pridewrite2021)
Roman loved love. He always had. Even as a small child, he'd watch wide eyed as Prince Charming leaned down and gave sleeping beauty true loves kiss, something so powerful that it was able to break an evil witches curse. He'd stayed up till early hours in the morning, squealing with excitement as he read about two warriors able to take on an entire army, motivated by their want to keep the other safe and stealing glances at each other as their metal swords collided with the enemies weapon. He'd sing his heart out when a romance song came on the radio, gushing about their love interest with such emotion that Roman adored.
Yes, Roman loved love.
So why was it so different whenever he was involved?
The earliest memory Roman had of this was when he was in first grade. Two of his classmates ran up to him giggling as they sang "Savannah has a crush on you!" Instead of feeling that overwhelming joy like the ones described in his books and music, he felt a deep cutting disgust in his stomach. Roman felt less like he could conquer the world and more like the world was going to swallow him whole. Rather than singing any great love song that he'd sang so many times in his room or in the car, he began crying instead while the two girls looked at him in confusion.
"It was just because I don't like her." Roman told himself.
But this feeling of being out of place only grew as his fellow classmates gushed about their boyfriends and girlfriends, crushes and which cartoon character they find cute. Granted, they were in second and third grade, so the terms "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" roughly translated to "they let me borrow their crayon at break once and now we're in love and going to get married." However, this love for love spread like a virus and Romans desire to fit in only grew. So, during a sleepover with his friends, Roman looked upon the TV, at the princess Aurora and decided 'She'd make a good crush.' Before announcing it to the crowd of toddlers, the words immediately sounding wrong as he spoke them, as if he'd spoken them in a foreign language. He decided that night to never speak of his supposed "crush" ever again. Roman liked Aurora with Prince Philip much more, anyway.
Roman was in fifth grade when he was talking to one of his best friends, Valorie. The two of them just laughing and joking when his friends approached.
"Who's your girlfriend, Ro?" one laughed, putting his arm around Roman. And he knew it was a joke. He knew that. But it still felt like the arm hadn't wrapped around his shoulders and instead knocked all the air out his lungs in one hard punch. This moment lingered in his mind like a haunting apparition, quickly causing any friendships with girls to become strained. First only talking occasionally while in class or on the yard, to only talking when his guy friends weren't around, to only texting outside of school to nothing at all. Roman mourned these friendships but it had been made clear that boys and girls couldn't just be friends and the idea of people thinking he was dating any of these people made him feel like a caged bird.
Later that year Roman decided, despite his love for love, he didn't want to date. The reason for this being...
"I'm just more focused on my career."
"I just don't see the point in dating right now."
"I've never really liked anyone so what's the point?"
"I just like being more focused on myself."
And any other excuse he could possibly come up with, repeating them as many times as he needed to to believe them. Roman had always been a good actor, after all. But, of coarse, with this supposed decision came "reassurance" from adults, as if they had the ability to see the future.
"You just haven't met the right person, yet."
"You'll change your mind one day, when you get a bit older."
"All kids say that at your age."
"Roman isn't interested in dating YET."
These invalidating promises made Romans blood boil the more he heard them. It was as if he was yelling while trapped in a soundproof box, unable to escape. But, despite what seemingly everyone around him was saying, Roman knew deep down that romance just wasn't for him.
He also remained thankful that this love for love hadn't infected his friendship too much.
That was until seventh grade when what was originally a few cases of a love for love became an epidemic. It seemed that all anyone wanted to know was "do you have a crush on her?" "Did you hear that Lily and Reese are going out?" "Do you find her attractive?" This soon made its way over to his friends as they talked about how hot the girls were and teased each other relentlessly about who they liked. Roman once again felt like an outsider in his friend group. His friends conversations about their girlfriends may as well have been spoken in Latin.
Then the day came when his twin brother, Remus, came out as gay and started dating a guy named Janus. It then occurred to Roman.
"Maybe the reason I haven't been feeling anything for all these girls was because they were girls! Maybe I like boys instead!" Roman had never been a very logical person but this definitely seemed to make more sense. If he didn't like women then that surely must mean that he liked men instead, right? Because otherwise...otherwise Roman didn't know what that meant.
So Roman tried. Really God damn tried to find boys cute, to fantasize about dating them, to relate to gay experiences. But all he was met with was the same foreign and hollow feeling he'd felt when he lied about having a crush back in 2nd grade. Roman quickly began feeling his love for the concept of love diminish.
So when Roman entered grade 9, he decided to put anything to do with his romantic feelings (or lack there of) in a little box in the back of his mind to deal with later. Instead putting his passion and good acting skills to use by joining his schools drama department. The moment he stepped foot on stage, he felt himself come alive. The crowd, the praise, the creativity, it was addicting.
And it was only made better with the more friends he made. There was one person who he grew partially close to. Patton Heart. The two quickly became best friends, often hanging out outside of rehearsals and texting non stop. And, for the first time in what seemed like years, Roman was happy and comfortable.
That was until 10th grade. Roman way lying on his bed watching Netflix on his phone when a message from Patton came through. Roman clicked on the message and was caught massively off guard as he read it.
Patton: hey, Roman. So I've been thinking a lot lately. In particular about us and about you. And over the past few months I've started to realize that I have a really big crush on you. You're really handsome, funny and talented and I love spending time with you. It's totally ok if you don't like me back, but I figured it's better to be honest.
It should've been it. The moment when one of the main characters confesses their feelings for the love interest and they proclaim they feel the same way. Sparks fly and their hearts beat faster with excitement. It all becomes so clear when they hear that confession in movies and books.
But this wasn't a movie.
Roman felt time stand still as he read the message, his hands shaking so much he didn't think he would be able to respond even if he knew how to answer.
He couldn't breath. Why couldn't he breath?! The edges of his vision went fuzzy as he desperately gasped for air.
"Patton's great." He thought through his suffocating panic. "He's funny and charming and sweet. You should like him. Why don't you like him? What's wrong with you?!" Romans thoughts yelled as he tried desperately to hold back the tears threatening to spill over.
Not sure of what else to do, Roman ran to Remus' room, hoping he'd know how to respond.
Roman knocked on his brothers door and Remus responded with a very annoyed "come in" after a few beats of silence. Remus and Janus were sat on Remus' bed and Roman could tell from their slightly red lips that the two had been making out. But he wasn't in the headspace to even pretend to care that he'd interrupted them right now.
"Ugh, what do you want?" Remus said, clearly too irritated by his brothers presence to notice his distress.
"P-Patton just messaged me s-saying he likes me and I don't know what to say." Roman barely stuttered out, trying desperately not to cry in front of Remus and his boyfriend.
"Aw, cute. Roro finally got a man." Remus joked but Roman was definitely not in the mood for that kind of humor.
"Do you like him back?" Janus asked, calmly, clearly taking more notice of Romans distress.
"Well, I do. But not like that."
"Ok, so just tell him that. It doesn't have to be this whole thing. Why are you getting so upset?" Remus said, looking at Roman as if he was stupid.
Which, to be fair, Roman did feel very stupid right now.
"He's my best friend. I don't want to upset him." Yeah, that was the reason Roman was freaking out. He just didn't want to hurt Patton. That was it.
"Well, just say you don't want a relationship right now or some shit. Besides, he's probably more worried now because you've taken so long to answer." Remus pointed out. Yeah, Roman was never coming to Remus with his problems ever again.
"Yeah...ok." Roman said. Slowly, he walked out the room, noticing Janus looking at him curiously but deciding not to focus on it.
Roman: I'm really sorry Patton, but I don't feel the same way. We can still be friends tho. It doesn't have to be awkward between us. Especially because I really like being friends with you.
Patton: Yeah, that's ok. This is kinda what I was expecting to be honest. But yeah, I still wanna stay friends.
A few days later Janus came over again for dinner. Afterwards, Roman went into the living room and sat on the couch, scrolling through Instagram.
To his surprise, Janus followed after him and sat next to him. "So, how are you feeling after a few days ok. Broken his heart yet?" Janus teased.
Roman huffed out a laugh. "Uh, yeah, we agreed to just stay friends. Which I'm happy about but it's also really weird. I honestly don't know where we go from here which sucks because I really like Patton. Just not like...that." Janus nodded in understanding.
"You must care about him a lot if you had a panic attack just because you didn't want to hurt his feelings." Janus said. Roman just shrugged in response. "So, does that mean you like someone else?" Janus asked.
"No...I. I don't know. I've...I've never really liked anyone. I don't think I ever will. And people say I'll change my mind but...it isn't like I've made a choice. I've felt like this my whole life and everyone around me has had a crush on someone by now. I just... don't think I was built for romance. Which I know probably sounds stupid but that's just how I feel." He said, so honest it almost hurt.
Janus nodded slowly, taking in what Roman was saying. "It doesn't sound stupid." He said before pausing, as if considering his next choice of words. "Roman...have you ever heard of the term aromantic?" He asked.
"No." Roman answered, looking at Janus curiously.
"It basically means someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction. So they don't get crushes and stuff like that." He explained.
Roman felt his heart leap and for once it wasn't because of a fight or flight reflex. "Wait, that's a thing?" He asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, a surprising number of people identify with it. I don't want to assume anything but I thought I might mention it just from what you've told me and what Remus has said in the past. Plus that panic on your face yesterday reminded me a bit of when I tried to force myself into romantic situations with girls." Janus smirked to himself.
That night Roman researched more on aromanticism than he did for his science test. The more he searched, the more it just made sense. Of coarse, he still had a long way to go towards self acceptance. Roman could feel himself already starting to mourn the idea that this was a choice he'd made ages ago and he was going to feel romantic love one day. It was an odd feeling, realizing that even though he knew deep down it wasn't a decision and he'd always hated when people made those comments, a part of him took comfort in adults promising that he'd change his mind one day. He was also horrified to realize that he didn't know what his future was supposed to look like now without romance. After all, media seemed to show single middle aged adults exclusively as depressed and lonely. But as he scoured through wiki articles to tumblr pages to memes, he knew this was a good start to unlearning any nonsense society had been shoving down his throat.
The more Roman learned and the more people he talked to online about it, the more he started to feel his love for love increase. But instead of it being centered on a prince and princess in a movie, two in love warriors keeping each other alive in a book or a cheesy love song on the radio, it was a different type of love Roman was finally starting to feel the more he accepted himself.
Self love.
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kaylorrehabcenter · 3 years
Rating Every Song on Fearless Based on How Gay it is
Hello friends! I still have a few song analyses in the pipeline (and one on Lover the album) but today in honor of Fearless (Taylor’s Edition) being announced and Love Story being released in a few hours I thought I’d do something fun to celebrate!
And you know what? Fuck my usual disclaimer, I am the word of god here. Try and change my mind about any of these. I dare you. (I kid I kid this isn’t that serious and you’re free to disagree <3)
1. Fearless 15/10
Everything about this song is so fucking gay oh my god. This isn’t a fruit, this is a whole ass edible arrangement. As a small rural town Gay (my hometown has a population of less that 4,000 and where I’m living now has a population of 2,500) this uh. Hits.
“And I don't know how it gets better than this/You take my hand and drag me head first, fearless”
The idea of falling in love with someone who makes you less afraid of your homophobic small town…….it’s getting to me.
“My hands shake, I'm not usually this way but/You pull me in and I'm a little more brave/It's the first kiss, it's flawless, really something/It's fearless”
This is making me emotional, I'll be honest. I see so much of my friends and my experience in high school in this song. 
This quote I found on genius is from when the album was released on BMR’s website.
“When I wrote ‘Fearless,’ I wasn’t dating anyone. I wasn’t even in the beginning stages of dating anybody. I really was all by myself out on tour and I got this idea for a song about the best first date. I think sometimes when you’re writing love songs, you don’t write them about what you’re going through at the moment, you write about what you wish you had. So, this song is about the best first date I haven’t had yet.”
This just screams baby Tay writing gay folklore to me, about the gay stories she wish she had. Notice how there are no pronouns in this song??? Fruity I’m telling you.
All that to say. I’m crying because the linear note says “I loved you before I met you” and I want to go listen to Long Story Short and cry now.
2. Fifteen 1/10
Objectively pretty straight as she’s singing about her and Abigail’s dating boys in HS. And Taylor got with a senior guy. Good for her I suppose.
Unless he was one of the shitty ones in which case.
“This is life before you know who you're gonna be”
This however, is a cute line and the whole song makes me warm and nostalgic. You can also hear her crying after the line “and Abigail gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind” which makes me emo and I’m sure will take on new depth after Abigail’s divorce and hurt me even more.
Other highlights that make me sob include.
“When all you wanted was to be wanted/Wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now/Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday/But I realized some bigger dreams of mine”
Bigger dreams of hers indeed :’)
(Also how can you say she’s a gold star lesbian when this song exists. She was obviously dating boys in high school and even if you think she’s a lesbian. Comp het is a hell of a drug kids.)
3. Love Story 8/10
Tried to change the ending indeed.
This is THE Taylor Swift song, and maybe it’s the nostalgia talking but damn I still love it. Written because she wanted to change the ending of Romeo and Juliet (how anyone likes RandJ enough to want to rewrite I have no clue.) and/or because her parents didn’t approve of a guy she was seeing. (according to genius, it would’ve been too early for Joe J so it could possibly be Boys Like Girls frontman, his image did clash with hers and they did release some cute songs together. However if you want my take it’s probably folklore about Emily, take for what you will)
This song has very oft gay vibes with the ‘They don’t approve of our love angle!’ but uses male pronouns so points redacted for that. HOWEVER this is a very early use of ~the male perspective~ in Taylor’s songs and for that it deserves all the love.
“ So I sneak out to the garden to see you/We keep quiet, 'cause we're dead if they knew/So close your eyes/Escape this town for a little while”
More rural town angst!!!
Nothing gets me more than rural town angst.
“Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel/This love is difficult, but it's real”
Originally the lyric was “this love is different”. Granted I do not remember the source, i’s just lore implanted into my brain, but make of that what you will.
“"Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone/I love you, and that's all I really know/I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress/It's a love story, baby, just say "Yes"”
Marry me Juliet from the male perspective :)
Also worth noting. This is Karlie’s (and Kim K’s lmao) favorite Taylor song which. While basic as hell. Makes this cover sad as hell to this former Kaylor. (thanks @swiftgron-get-married for the tears <3)
Also not to make this about a man AGAIN but the secret message is “Some day I’ll find this” AND SHE DID IM CRYING.
4. Hey Stephen 1/10
The one thing Camilla Cabello and I have in common is loving this song, so I have to live with that for the rest of my life.
This song is very painfully straight.
How can you think this woman is a gold star lesbian.
The only noteworthy thing is that this is one of the few songs she confirms who it’s about. The secret message is “Love and Theft” which is the name of a country music duo who went on to open her Fearless tour. Which, does make me side eye this song a little bit.
Still a cute song.
“Hey Stephen, boy, you might have me believing/I don't always have to be alone”
5. White Horse 1/10
Oh look. It’s track five. 
You know maybe this is just me being a bitch but in my ranking of track fives this is. Pretty low. Maybe on the bottom.
Like I don’t have a lot to say about it. 
She’s going through it over a guy. He was a cheating dickweazel. 
“'Cause I'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytale/I'm gonna find someone someday/Who might actually treat me well”
“Try and catch me now, oh/It's too late/To catch me now”
These lines hit though!!
And she found Joe!! Who treats her well!!!! And she isn’t the princess, she’s the prince who dropped her sword and knocked on her door!!! But this time if they come for them she’s ready!!!
Yes I will make every song about Long Story Short <3
6. You Belong With Me 5/10
Ah yes. The other THE Taylor Swift song.
You know. If I went to a high school with a cheerleading squad. And I had a crush on a cheerleader. I would blast this song. So for that it gets a 5/10. Otherwise. Fairly straight and fairly iconic.
7. Breathe 8/10
Well. We know this one is about a woman. (Emily Poe for those not in the know. Ha. A rhyme!) That alone has an 8/10. And it’s the first time she has a featured artist so bonus points for that!
It was nominated for a Grammy and it fucking lost to Jason Mraz. When’s the last time you thought about Jason Mraz.
I will not have Kaylor feels on a fucking Fearless song but damn is it VERY easy.
“Never a clean break, no one here to save me/You're the only thing I know like the back of my hand”
“It's 2 A.M, feeling like I just lost a friend/Hope you know it's not easy, easy for me”
Also this bridge? Goes off. HIGHLY underrated. 
8. Tell Me Why 3/10
You know. Maybe this album isn’t as gay as I once thought.
This song does bop though, not as good as her other angry songs on this album. But I can vibe with this you know. Why are you being an asshole mysterious man.
“You could write a book on how to ruin someone's perfect day”
This has to be one of baby Tay’s best burns. Damn. 
“Why do you have to make me feel small/So you can feel whole inside?/Why do you have to put down my dreams/So you're the only thing on my mind?”
Men ain’t shit kids. However, bonus points for the shade. 
9. You’re not Sorry 1/10
Ok, ok. Maybe this was a foolish endeavor.
Because yet again we have a very straight song. A good song. That was on Taylor’s episode of CSI. But oh dear. Very straight. Gets a measly one point. We started this post off so very very gay but damn. We seem to be nearing the end on a very straight note.
10. The Way I Loved You 20/10
Hey Remember what I said about this album being very straight.
Is this a comphet album or am I projecting.
This is one of my favorite baby gay Taylor songs. Her masterful use of pronouns (he is sensible! And so incredible! And all my single friends are jealous! But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain, when it was two am and I was cursing your name!) makes the other person she’s singing about completely vague, while we know she isn’t happy with whichever guy she’s dating.
Mayhaps an early reaction to PRomances?
Either way this song is so good, truly an underrated gay gem I mean. Look at it.
“Breaking down and coming undone/It's a roller coaster kind of rush/And I never knew I could feel that much/And that's the way I loved you”
AND THE BRIDGE. Do all of her gay songs just have kickass bridges?
“He can't see the smile I'm faking/And my heart's not breaking/'Cause I'm not feeling anything at all/And you were wild and crazy/Just so frustrating/Intoxicating, complicated/Got away by some mistake and now…”
Damn. I’m imaging this with 2020 vocals and fucking ascending.
Also please watch the live performance of it from the Fearless tour. It’s such a damn shame this got cut from the movie and some woman in the front row is wearing a cowboy hat. Everyone is holding up those cameras everyone had to have before smartphones. Taylor is being endearing. It’s a good time.
11. Forever and Always 6/10
Bonus points for the ~drama~ of it all. Added last minute to the album? The iconic throwing of the chair in live performances?? All of it very dramatique and for that we stan.
Still pretty straight.
Also Joe Jonas responded to the song and why do I find his response so damn funny. “It’s part of being a musician, I guess. You write songs about each other.”
This is another song where the idea of Taylor’s grown up vocals on this is………..whew
12. The Best Day 0/10
This gets zero points because it’s about her literal mom.
Still makes me cry.
God bless Andrea Swift indeed
13. Change 13/10
We start the official tracklist with a gay song. We end it with a gay song.
We will ignore that it was originally written for Scott and BMR and instead induct it into the hall of gay pride anthems, as it should be. 
“We're getting stronger now, finding things they never found/They might be bigger but we're faster and never scared/You can walk away, say we don't need this/But there's something in your eyes says we can beat this”
“This revolution, the time will come/For us to finally win/And we'll sing hallelujah, we'll sing hallelujah”
The music video is cringe though lol
14. Jump then Fall 10/10
This song is gay because I choose it to be. <3
Like. Picture baby Taylor writing this song and playing it on her guitar to a girl she has a crush on telling her that she’ll protect her and they’ll be safe and in love and happy together. Gah, maybe I’m ~projecting~ but this sweet ass song always gets me and is EASILY in my top five Taylor songs. Super underrated and hecking cute. 
“We're on the phone and without a warning/I realize your laugh is the best sound/I have ever heard”
Like. Look at this shit.
“I watch you talk, you didn't notice/I hear the words but all I can think is/We should be together”
Tell me this is about the first time you get a crush on a girl and she’s your best friend and she’s amazing and beautiful and you realize you kinda want to kiss her and you hope she wants to kiss you too.
“I had time to think it oh, over/And all I can say is come closer/Take a deep breath and jump then fall into me”
And she’s the Romeo who's going to protect her!!!!! She’s the knight in shining armor in this song and I love that for her??
“The bottom's gonna drop out from under our feet/I'll catch you, I'll catch you/When people say things that bring you to your knees/I'll catch you/The time is gonna come when you're so mad you could cry/But I'll hold you through the night until you smile”
I won’t divulge into full on analysis here because. This is what this post is about but PLEASE listen to this song more. It’s such a gay little gem.
15. Untouchable 9/10
How does she make a cover sound gay.
It sounds so gay.
“You got to come on, come on, say that we'll be together/Come on, come on, little taste of heaven”
16. Forever and Always Piano Version 1/10
This song gets 1/10 because I don’t like it. There. I said it.
17. Come in With the Rain 3/10
I can see why this is a bonus track. It doesn’t hit me as much as the other songs on the album.
But damn if I don’t want to scream sing this one driving down a high way.
18. Superstar 7/10
You can’t tell me this song is about a man. I simply won’t entertain the idea.
You cannot prove to me that this song is about a man. There is not a male pronoun in sight. 
19. The Other Side of the Door 6/10
Is this song about having a fight about being in the closet? Probably not. Will my gay little brain make it about that? Yep!
And that, funky little queer pals, is my gay rating of every Fearless song. Like and subscribe, #t3atmidnight
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Could I ask what your sexuality headcanons are? I love comparing mine with other peoples’!
Ok second half of this; this is just like. non-students who i Actually have thought about HJBAFV not at all a comprehensive list. Again disclaimer i write all these chars as bi in my fics, also i am bi myself so the vast majority are also bi, and also leaving a lot of these vague so u can imagine ur favorite ship or urself or w/ever
ok lets start this off with Aizawa. I think....... hes another one who's rlly unlabelled, doesnt super care to think it through and define it, but calls himself gay bc his interest in women is very, very rare and it's just way easier to say than explain all that. Definitely do buy into the idea that he had a crush on Oboro in hs but i do NOT buy into the easermic agenda sorry. Definitely not someone who goes looking for dates, but doesn't say no if someone asks him and hes interested (also im not gonna give her a whole section but i saw a hc a while back that the Ms. Joke stuff is literally that shes a lesbian and hes gay and shes fucking with him and i love that so much i just wanted to put it out there)
on the topic of the erasermic agenda: Hizashi's pan and knew it before HS, had a sudden & intense crush on Aizawa for the first month they knew each other and then immediately got over it in favor of a similar sudden, intense, and then immediately fading crush on Midnight. Hizashi and Aizawa r just rlly good friends imo; maybe they messed around for a bit in their twenties but it never went anywhere serious. He dates around a lot, not even necessarily to settle down just to have some fun
Midnight is aro/ace but does get in qprs & gravitates towards women wrt that. Most people dont read vigilantes but theres a woman in that, Kazuho, who i imagine she's been in a long-term qpr with; her relationship with aizawa and hizashi leans a little more towards a qpr than a normal friendship, too, but it's not rlly defined that way
All Might is married to justice queer but v much not interested in relationships. He and that one guy from the first movie are ABSOLUTELY exes and i won't hear otherwise; it's the only relationship he's ever had, and they broke up bc he had to go back to japan. He was heartbroken but did eventually get over him; his lack of romance afterwards is from genuine disinterest and not being hung up on his past. I can see him finding someone else in his later years, after he's retired. Definitely feels like he's not worthy of it tho
Hawks is bi but unfortunately didn't get to figure that out until like Now in the timeline...... if youll let my dabihawks history shine through i think dabi was the reason JHBASFGJHB he was basically brainwashed by the commission to become a hero so he didnt have time to Figure That Shit Out; he knew he was into women bc that was easy & what the commission expected from him but then he started this undercover assignment and met dabi and realized Oh...... Fuck. Hawks is hard tbh, bc i think between the control that the commission has over him and his own convictions as a hero he doesn't pursue any romance (tho he does get crushes or find people attractive) and most of his flings are done to keep up his prettyboy act, not out of genuine interest in being a fuckboy. Can't imagine him having a relationship until well after canon but I do see him being interested eventually
Onto the villains, Shigaraki is unlabelled but probably would call himself queer if asked. Definitely admires women more but isn't very interested in romance; AFO actively encourages him to pursue the things interested in so imo if he were he'd talk abt it more lmfao. I kinda see him as demi as well, not the type to fall immediately but requiring a friendship beforehand; tho unlike Bakugo as i said in my last post I dont think it happens suddenly but rather slowly. Y'all know im a big fan of shigaraki being absolutely whipped for his s/o so i do thing hes a big piner, tho he's also pretty bold and unashamed of his affections. I'm a big fan of him falling for a member of the league or a civilian; definitely can't see him falling for a hero unless the hero was already halfway to turning sides already. I think he's also attracted to intelligence and someone who pushes him to think more abt his ideology...... maybe im just projecting at this point JSHDFBVAJKSHD but my point is that the gender of his partner is definitely the least of what he considers/notices
Dabi is bi and, here's my bold take, demisexual; not interested in sex unless its with someone he loves. Absolutely doesn't even think abt romance for most of the years where he's on his own. He's got revenge to plan. By the time he joins the league that hasn't changed much, and he's demi so he's not interested in sleeping around, plus he rlly denies any attachment to people at all. As I said in that other ask tho I do rlly like the idea of him with Magne, so I think they have a fling for a bit before her death :( it's one of the things that leads him to isolate himself further, unfortunately, even from Jin and the other League members with whom his relationships aren't romantic. I can see him dating someone post-canon bc i think hes gonna be redeemed lol. It could be someone he knew before but they probably didnt date again bc he was v guarded; i think magne was rlly the only person he dated
Magne is pan and heres the kicker: I think shes t4t, which led to a little moment just before she and dabi got together where he was like "she wouldnt be into me :/" but she was into him anyway so all was good. She got around in her circles, mostly casual stuff tho she yearned for something more serious.
Spinner's bi & trends towards women but does occasionally get things for men and they're almost always intense. He thought he was straight for a while even once he joined the league and then suddenly got a crush on Shigaraki (around the time of MVA) and realized otherwise LMFAO he's definitely a hopeless romantic type, the whole mutant prejudice thing makes it rlly hard for him and i can see him being rlly happy with another mutant-type; i feel like as he matures he starts to gravitate towards them
Toga is canonically pan to my understanding, iirc her interest in Uraraka and Deku is the same (and romantic) in canon tho i might be wrong. Poor girl just needs therapy. I like the idea of the two of them becoming her friends over her being involved with them but i totally can get behind her having a thing with Uraraka (and maybe Tsu) at some point post-canon (presuming she gets redeemed), tho I think a qpr between the two/three of them would be longer lasting. And again presuming she gets therapy i can see her settling down with someone, gender irrelevant
Jin is unlabelled bc he hasn't much thought abt it, definitely had a thing for dabi and for hawks which does make me sad on both counts. I think he likes women slightly more abstractly/aesthetically and gets crushes more on men,. The dabi thing fades as they get closer and start to view each other as brothers. In his later years he doesn't rlly care about romance, I think he enjoys the experience of crushing but doesnt like dating people; his found family in the League is far more important to him. But i can see him falling head-over-heels for someone quite suddenly and having a bit of a whirlwind romance. Also someone for whom gender isn't much of a factor
Mr Compress is also queer and also hasn't rlly thought abt it. Definitely leans more towards women; he's like 30 but i like to think he also goes for older partners, 10 or 15 years his senior KJBADSJFHB idk he just has that Vibe with the way he calls himself an old man etc. A lot of the league i cant see sleeping or dating around much, i feel like they prioritize each other, but I do think mr compress gets around more than the others. i can see him having a bit of a fuckbuddy who he catches feelings for
Kurogiri is fun; as Oboro I do think Aizawa's crush was reciprocated, tho he wasn't around long enough for them to act on it :( he's bi, tho kurogiri isn't supposed to have personal interests. I like to imagine the brainwashing isnt as good as AFO wants it to be tho so I like the idea of him falling for someone anyway. I also like the idea of the heroes managing to undo the nomufication and I 100% can see him, aizawa, and someone else (someone he was involved with as Kurogiri) ending up in a triad as a result of aizawa and the third partner helping him through the aftermath of all that shit
Lady Nagant is a manga-only minor character but im in love with her so imma talk abt it. Shes bi and leans VERY heavily towards women, probably spent years questioning whether she was rlly bi or a lesbian before finally having a fling with a guy that she genuinely enjoyed. Has only ever been in long-term relationships with women and I v much think she has a gf at home who stayed even when she was arrested 🥺
Finally imma talk abt Natsuo bc i love that boy. He's one of the few unmarried chars with a love interest and he canonically has a gf. I do see him as IDing straight in canon ngl, but the kind of straight where he might actually be bi but his preference leans so heavily towards women and he grew up in a bad home so he just doesnt rlly think abt it bc hes v happy with women anyway. In shiganatsu thoughts shigaraki is the first man he has a thing for; i rlly can see the two of them in a triad with a woman specifically, who helps the two of them find each other and is the one who initiates bc its definitely a weird situation for natsuo
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liathgray · 3 years
Ranking fmab characters worst to best
(Please don’t take this seriously)
1. Khymbleigh
- Lives in the sewers
- Committed mass murder
- Has a silly idiot hat
- Called me a dyke :(
2. Shou Tucker
- fuck this guy.
- Electric chair
- Also hes balding what a loser
3. Dwarf in the Bong
- mike wazoski lookin ass
- Literally the greasiest motherfucker on the planet
- Was one of the only characters introduced by NOT beating up Ed or Al..??
- Smells like rotten cabbage
4. Moy Rustang
- Incel
- Has stupid hair
- War criminal
- Teen dad
- Canon fat tits
- Useless🥰
5. Envy
- a bitch
6. Whorehenheim
- deadbeat
- Has never taken a shower in his life
- Only wears glasses because he thinks its quirky and cute
- Took the fattest bong rip of all time
- Also killed thousands
7. Tim Marcoh
- doctor and deserted the military
- honestly pretty chill
- But his name is Tim so... *cocks gun*
8. Bradley
- :/
- Killed a lesbian and thus is homophobic
- He wears an eyepatch despite having both eyes.
9. Elicia and Gracia Hughes
- tax evaders
10. Jean Havoc
- cool dude
- Cohntry boyy i luv youuu
- Did not look respectfully
- Smokes. Must be executed
11. Gluttony, pride and Sloth
- assholes but also what the fuck
- This boy like 10
- Wheres his babysitter
- fast????????
12. Armstrong
- his arms are strong
- Lil bitch
- Got his ass beat my his hot lesbian sister
13. Lust
- is sexy
- Murderer :(
- Big tibbies so she gets extra points
- She was just checking if roy and havoc were cake
14. Scar’s brother
- Truth took his cock.
15. Truth
- took Scar’s brother’s cock
16. Barry the chopper & the slicer
- criminals
- Almost killed Ed and Al
- Kinda sexy tho 😳
17. Greed (OG)
- greasy garbage man
- Got cucked after two eps
- Has dumb hair
- Was funny
18. Yoki
- He yo the ki or whatever
- I dont remember him
19. Fu and Lan Fan
- Legs for days!!!
- Breaking and entering
- Lan fan smugly cutting off her arm and saying “I beat you” awakened something in me
- Fu got shanked :(
20. Rose Thomas
- Maybe im gay. What of it?
- Almost shot Ed lmaooo
- Probably owns a ukulele
- Local
21. Greed 2.0
- stupid
- Beats the fuck out of Bradley
- Might’ve eaten dirt
- Went camping for five months instead of being helpful
- Aphobe :/
22. Ling
- freeloader
- Diabetic??????
- Smells like broke
- Gay little bitch boy
23. Sheska
- haha nerd
- I’m in love with you
- Was only in two episodes :(
24. Captain Buccaneer
- Off his shits always
- Took ten years to die lmfaooo
- MLM but a gatekeeper
25. Major Miles
- His facial hair is atrocious
- Otherwise? King
- Sunglasses indoors... ur on thin ice
- Turn around bright eyes...
26. Father Cornello
- So theres this middle aged man...
- Won the sexiest character poll on twitter
- Re🤢🤢 l🤢🤢. r-r-religous🤢🤢🤢c-cor🤮🤮 religious corruption
- Got gunched lol
26. Kain Fuery
- Has watched pulp fiction
- Haha glasses
- Probably volunteers at a animal shelter
27. Vato falman
- Skinny legend
- Genuinely cool and has development at briggs
- Go white boy go
28. Heymans Breda
- Has a moped
- Could crush my spine but wouldnt ❤️
- Crew cut 🤢🤢
29. Xiao Mei
- small and filled with rage
- Has good taste
- Gunch??????
- Literally so small please be careful
30. Gay chimeras
- cottagecore
31. Pinako Rockbell
- has been high off her ass for the past three years
- Sultry doctor who lives in a faraway town 😳😳😳 hello ma’am 😳
- Hair is definitely a weapon. Shits pointy
- Home wrecker
32. Sig
- wide
- Very wide
- Kiss kiss
- Only eats potatoes
33. Riza Hawkeye
- big arms big arms big arms biG ARMS BIG ARMS
- Would kill roy on sight
- she should kiss me
- rn
34. Maes Hughes
- had a band in highschool named frog soda or some shit like that
- Pretty cool! Nice to ed and al and winry
- Good dad
- Dead lol
35. Olivier Armstrong
- goth gf
- Sword.... sword hot.....
- Killed a dude for being annoying and I respect that
- Snorts snow and says its coke to freak people out
- Gay ass....
36. Ed Elric
- ok gay boy
- Makes everyones life hell. Good for him
- I’d steal his lunch money
- No tiddies?
- :/
- Short king
37. Maria Ross and Denny Brosh
- wlw mlm solidarity
- maria ... hold my h-hand...
- literally had nothing to do with this but got McFcuked anyways
38. Scar
- acab
- Was right
- Dilf
39. Al Elric
- likes cats so he’s automatically superior
- Malnourished 😔✌️
- Cha cha slide in full armour
- Mean but only to Ed ❤️
- I love when he *king noises*
40. Izumi Curtis
- kiss me sexy woman
- Stole from briggs because fuck the military
- .. m...milf..
41. Paninya
- fucking superb you funky little lesbian
42. Winry Rockbell
- NERD!!! NERD !!
- Curb stomps her enemies
- Acab but also stole Riza’s look so 😳
- Is she.. u kno💅
43. Mei Chang
- her life is a YA drama
- gained a dad by being perfect
- bullies Ed
- is better than everyone
And finally..... the best character in fmab...
Resurrected Trisha
- 😳😳😳
- Yes i do the cookin yes i do the cleanin
- 😩😩😩
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hp-nextgen-fest · 3 years
2020 HP Next Gen Fest Reveals!
The time has finally come for the 2020 @hp-nextgen-fest reveals! Thank you so very much to everyone who has made this fest such an amazing success! We were incredibly impressed with the overwhelming enthusiasm you all have for our favorite Next Gen characters. Everyone who submitted stories and art, and those who read, reviewed and recced: You guys are amazing!! It's been really great seeing everybody's fantastic creations, and we hope you all enjoyed the fest as much as we did! Without further ado, here's a list of all the amazing participants who worked so hard to create fabulous things for this year's fest!
@miakagrewup drew AcciDental Magic [Rose, Hugo, & Grandparents | General] Hermione and Ron are called away for a case and left without their usual child-minder when Molly falls ill. Hermione’s parents step up to keep Hugo and Rose, in spite of Hermione’s warning that the two little ones have some big issues with accidental magic. The story is told comic book style, with illustrations and voice bubbles.
@eleonorapoe drew Woke up married! [James Sirius/Teddy | General] They get well and truly bladdered at Albus's stag do and wake up in bed together with matching wedding bands...
@mad1492 drew Sunday Practice [James Sirius/Teddy | General] Teddy thought that morning practice on Sunday was going to be something he would soon regret, but things may turn more interesting than expected.
@julcheninred drew Introduction [Albus, Severus, & Albus Severus | General] Albus Severus Potter gets to know the men he's named for by asking them about the experiences, memories, and motives that shaped their lives.
@garmrr drew Eyecandy [James Sirius/Teddy | General] After months of extensive Auror training, Teddy comes with the Potters to the beach. James. Cannot. Stop. Staring. At. Teddy. Shirtless.
@cassiaratheslytherpuff wrote We Keep Loving Anyway [Albus Severus/Scorpius | Explicit | 7.1k] After Albus finds out Scorpius is part vampire he can’t stop thinking about being bitten. He can’t stop thinking about Scorpius in general, but that’s been the case since he was fifteen. At least, when it comes to Scorpius he’s used to not getting what he wants. He’s happy with what he has, or at least, comfortable. That is until he accidentally asks for it, then it all starts to change.
@polly-darton wrote The perks of Veritaserum [James Sirius/Teddy | Explicit | 5.1k] James drank a long-lasting version of Veritaserum and is miserable and Teddy is having the time of his life. That is, until they’re both having the time of their lives.
@gracerene09 wrote Thunderstruck [Charlie/Teddy | Explicit | 2.6k] There’s not a lot for dragon tamers to do when stuck inside during a storm, but looking at this particular new recruit―well, Charlie can’t help but think of a few ways they could pass the time.
Quentin_threepwood wrote Hair Today, Hair Tomorrow [Albus Severus/Scorpius | Mature | 1.7k] Away on a book tour Albus Severus Malfoy grows a very creepy mustache, much to the horror of his still at home husband Scorpius Malfoy.
vitruvian8008 wrote Mission in Nairn [Draco/Lily Luna | Explicit | 7k] Lily Luna Potter is paired with Draco Malfoy for her first Auror Mission. On their last night, she decides to act on the lingering tension that had been building up between them.
@nerdherderette wrote No Other Alpha But You [Albus Severus/James Sirius | Explicit | 7.1k] Scorpius Malfoy has applied to be Albus' heat partner. There's no way James is letting that happen.
@aneiria-writes wrote The Scorpion King [Albus Severus/Scorpius | Explicit | 3.8k] Scorpius Malfoy, AKA the Scorpion King, has ruled Britain ever since his father turned his sights to conquering Europe. With his right-hand man and most trusted advisor, Albus Potter, Scorpius has a life of elegance and power. But he's had enough of the beautiful women that usually grace his bed. Scorpius has decided he wants something else in bed. Something more. Scorpius Malfoy wants Albus Potter.
@motherofmercury wrote Islands of the Upper Air [Lily Luna/Luna | General | 1.5k] Lily Luna has never liked her namesake, or her strange and sometimes absurd way of looking at the world. But a weekend full of ancient rituals and mountain forests is an eye opener, in more ways than one.
@shipperysails-bookofspells wrote Expecto Patronum!! [James Sirius/Teddy | Mature | 45.7k] James Potter had always known exactly what he wanted; to open a pub of his own, maybe travel the world, and live a simple life with the only man he’d ever loved. For years he waited, quietly determined to help Teddy see what could be between them. But just when everything he’d ever dreamed of was finally within his reach, it was ripped away in an instant. With Teddy missing, and presumed dead, James is left to pick up the pieces. John has no idea what he wants. He doesn’t even know who he is. But when he hears a strikingly familiar voice – on an otherwise ordinary day – he sets out to discover everything he can about the man that occupies his dreams. And Harry, well, Harry just wants to put his failures behind him. Until a series of unexpected events forces him to reexamine a case that he’d given up on solving. With the help of an unexpected ally, he just might find the answers he’s been looking for.
@lovealpenglow wrote lily's potter [Lily Luna/Lysander & Lily Luna/Draco | Mature | 8.3k] "But what if I keep it? What’s the contingency plan there?” She took a seat next to Lily. She spoke slowly, as if she was thinking about it for the first time, too. “Well, I mean, you keep your baby. You raise it. You love it. It goes on to do wonderful things because it’s a Potter.” Lily snorted. “It’s a Potter?” “Why not? I mean it’s just as much you as whoever is the father. Why shouldn’t it be a Potter first?”
@micheleblack wrote Snaked a Claim [Albus Severus/Scorpius | Teen | 1.6k] Everyone knew Albus was gay from age five when he would dramatically swoon every time Goncalo Flores the Quidditch player was mentioned. Twenty years later and Harry still tells the tale - much to Al’s embarrassment.
@ladderofyears wrote And I Fell Heavy (Into Your Arms) [James Sirius/Teddy | Explicit | 9.1k] When James Sirius Potter travels to America for three weeks, the turquoise-haired Healer Teddy Lupin misses his boyfriend very much indeed. Luckily, Teddy has (sexy) floo calls, charmed obsidian pendants and hastily made chastity promises to keep him busy. Based on the following prompt: Absence makes the heart grow fonder... Right? Smutty phone!sex? Longing letters? All up to you!
@veelawings wrote Dirty Duelling [Albus Severus/Draco | Explicit | 6.1k] Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want (Or — fucked up Dirty Dancing with wand fights)
@eleonorapoe wrote Albus’ Private Lesson of Sex Education [Albus Severus/James Sirius/Teddy | Explicit | 4.5k] Albus has some doubts about sex. Luckily he has an older brother, who can initiate him. How does this lesson go? James will be the teacher, Albus his good and obedient student and Teddy will be more than happy to serve them as a learning tool. In which a delicious Teddy sandwich is served.
@faeheyjesper wrote Four Reasons [James Sirius/Teddy | General | 8.1k] There were a couple of things James should've considered more seriously before coming back to work at Hogwarts as the new Flying Instructor. His dad being the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor there, for one. The fact that he hadn't really flown since a career-ending injury had put an abrupt end to his Quidditch fame two years ago, for another. His ridiculous, teenage crush on Teddy Lupin, his friend and Hogwarts' newest Charms professor, perhaps most of all.
@26timesbrighter wrote An Interlude [Lavender/Victoire | Explicit | 4.9k] Victoire is supposed to be chasing a serial killer, not shagging her uncle’s dead ex-girlfriend.
@drarryruinedme7 wrote Mint & Apples [Harry/Teddy | Explicit | 4.3k] Teddy Lupin's not-quite-wolf has chosen Harry Potter as his mate, that's all. He hasn't got a crush on his best friend's father, really. He also definitely isn't obsessed with Harry Potter's scent.
crazyparakiss wrote This is Love [Albus Severus/Scorpius | Explicit | 24.8k] Most of Albus’s bad life decisions can be summed up in a word: James. When he got a shitty tattoo in the Fifth Year—done by some bloke in a dirty flat—well, that was James’s idea. When he got picked up by Aurors for doing hallucinogens—James was the one who’d convinced him to do them at a party. That time they stole the flying motorbike Dad gave to Teddy—James was the one who insisted it was a rite of passage to drive it over London at dawn. Neither Dad nor Teddy was impressed with that explanation. Now, here Albus is living another bad choice that was born of James’s influence.
@gaeilgerua wrote The Balance Between Studying and Relaxing [Rose/Teddy | Explicit | 3.7k] Rose has been studying non-stop for her upcoming barrister exam. With Hermione attending Hugo’s Quidditch trials for moral support and Ron away on business, there’s only one person available to keep an eye on her. And Teddy is only too happy to take the role.
@r00wscribbles wrote The last ones to know [Albus Severus/Scorpius | General | 5.2k] Albus and Scorpius have a very close relationship. Everyone can see it. Perhaps they are the last ones to know jus how close they are.
@ohdrarry wrote You've Got A Second Chance (You Could Go Home) [James Sirius/Teddy | Teen | 16k] “What about James?” James, dear Merlin, not James, not again. His boy, his son, the brightest star in the constellation of Harry’s patchwork family, not him. “I think he’s relapsed.” – They tried this when James was nineteen and Teddy was twenty five. It crashed and burned. Teddy ran away to Finland and James... well Teddy's about to find out what happened to James, now that he's back two years later.
@maraudersaffair wrote Falling for You [James Sirius/Scorpius | General | 1.2k] Scorpius didn't care about Quidditch until he saw James Sirius on a broom.
@diligent-thunder wrote Heart-Shaped Ottoman [Draco/Teddy | Explicit | 6.3k] Draco has had interns before, but none so bothersome as Teddy Lupin.
@whenshereads wrote Living With Our Eyes Half Open [James Sirius & Scorpius | Teen | 5.5k] James didn’t mean to get his brother-in-law kidnapped alongside him that morning, but that is definitely what happened.
@shiftylinguini and @gracerene09 wrote Faim [Albus Severus/Scorpius | Explicit | 9.6k]  "So, this is the city of love!" Scorpius declared, adjusting the straps on his backpack. Albus wrinkled his nose. "City of pigeons, more like," he corrected, stepping around another fat, grey bird Or: Scorbus go to France.
@articcat621 wrote Unexpected [Lily Luna/Pansy | Explicit | 1.2k] Draco and Harry's engagement party brings about an unexpected, but not unwelcome, event.
@fidgetyweirdo wrote Remember to Forget [Albus Severus/James Sirius | Mature| 17.5k] The moment they kissed, James and Albus knew that they'd never be able to live without this -- too in love to walk away. Years later, and well into adulthood, the possible repercussions of their relationship feel very real and very scary. Without the strength to break it off, they're left with a single solution: a company that specializes in erasing and altering memories. Now the only thing left to do, is to say goodbye.
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coeurdastronaute · 4 years
Essays in Existentialism: Troublemaker (Before)
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Previously on Troublemaker
“See! You’re having a good time!”
The music pulsated through the streets, and Lexa didn’t care that her sister was gloating because she really was having a good time despite all intentions otherwise. The sun was bright and glaring without a cloud in the sky, and downtown was brimming with all colors, alive and vibrant, celebrating. And she as swept up in it, proud and overflowing with the music and freedom of being completely herself and being completely unknown in the crowd. 
It’d been a hard fought battle for her to agree to come with her sister to Pride, but she didn’t have anything else to do, and because of Anya’s need to be an overachiever, something they both ascribed to genetics, she was going to be doing an internship and leaving soon enough, thus cutting their summer together incredibly short. The guilt and her sister’s incessant need to prove a point brought them downtown for the day, and Lexa was almost okay with it.
“I knew you would like it,” Anya gloated, dancing around with her sister in the pulsating group of bodies at the concert in the park. 
“Is it always like this?” 
A gaggle of scantily-clad men moved through in nothing but speedos and suspenders, and Lexa let one of them grab her and twirl her around. The entire day, she’d been absolutely adored and adoring of everyone around her. An inundation of love and support was enough to make her unsure of how to go back to real life.
Her sister watched as Lexa danced, hands up, smiling wide and overjoyed. She enjoyed the fact that her sister came out to her and she could actually do something about it. Though straight, Anya spent her first two years of college taking a crash course in gay when her random roommate was a very out and very proud girl who liked to use Anya as a wngman. She was incredibly helpful in coming up with things to help Lexa feel normal and supported, and Anya was going ot be the best big sister possible. She was that type A.
“Pride is always like this,” Anya promised. “And you get to be super gay anytime you want. Isn’t that great?” 
“You’re worse than mom and dad. They’re like oddly proud to have a gay kid.” 
“Nah, just because you’re you.” 
“Shut up,” Lexa rolled her eyes and moved, wiggling around, goofy and carefree. 
For the entire day, the sisters moved through the crowds, checking out vendors, eating delicious food, listening to speakers, and got decked out in glowing necklaces and rainbows painted on their faces. It was exhausting to be so gay, but Lexa finally understood what she’d been missing in her fear of joining the GSA, and her fear of being out at school. She hadn’t thought about how wonderful it would be to not have to worry about hiding, or at least, not actively living. 
“Thank you,” Lexa offered, as the pair stood on the side of the road for the parade. She hugged her sister as the sun began to set between the tall buildings. “This has been the best day of my life.”
“You’re a sap.” 
“I am not.” 
“You are.” 
“I’m not,” she smiled and danced around, her sister not used to such a carefree girl in front of her. “I’m just super gay-- Oops, I’m so sorr--”
Lexa stopped moving after bumping into someone behind her, not paying attention and living her life too widely and too queerly for such a confined area. She gaped and stared at the body she bumped into, more mortified than she’d been in her entire life. 
The body came attached to a pretty face. A familiar face. A face with bright blue eyes, and a mischievous grin and a messy bunch of wavy blonde hair. A face that had a tongue ring. A face that was attached to the girl who protested the Sadie Hawkins dance, the pep rally, and last year single handedly turned the swimming pool pink for women’s history month.This was the same face that Lexa couldn’t help but stare at anytime she walked by in the halls at school. This was the face that didn’t even know she existed. 
Clarke Griffin stared back in equal parts amazement at the girl who did the bumping. In all of her wildest dreams, she never imagined Lexa Woods, class president, Academic Decathlon team captain, Student of the Quarter, perfect attendance-winning, overall adorable nerd, would be standing next to her at Pride. And not just standing-- dancing, covered in rainbows, and smiling in something other than a primly put together button up shirt with a schedule strapped to her chest. 
“Clarke,” Lexa gulped, unable to say anything else, unable to hide her fear and confusion. “I-I-I… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bump into you. I was just… um… ” 
“It’s okay. Kind of close quarters and you were just being super queer,” she returned gracefully as she eyed the entire being of Lexa on summer break. “I didn’t think I’d run into anyone here. I thought everyone left for summer.” 
“What are you doing here?” 
“Oh, I’m always recruiting people for my zine. Intersectional politics and good music with a queer tint. Honestly, it’s whatever anyone submits. We set up a tiny booth,” Clarke explained, rambling slightly. “And I’m kind of gay.” 
“Kind of?” 
This was incredibly new and important news to Lexa, even if she didn’t know what to do with it.The entire school knew that Clarke ran with the same crowd, a crowd Lexa didn’t know anything about other than idle gossip. And it always looked like she was very close to Bellamy Blake. Romantically close. 
“You have to go?” 
“No-- no… I’m bisexual.” 
Lexa felt her face burn and she wanted to melt into a puddle, right there in the early June evening. Maybe disappear into the sewer and wash away into the sea for the rest of time. But she didn’t. Instead, she just stood there, in front of the biggest badass tough guy hot girl she’s ever seen in her entire life. 
It was the longest they’d ever spoken, and she’d ruined it in under three minutes after learning that Clarke was gay-ish.
“That’s cool,” she finally managed, earning a small smile. 
Clarke pushed some hair away from her face and scratched her neck, using the pause to look at Lexa’s legs. She couldn’t help it. She didn’t try too much. 
“Is this your first Pride?” 
“Is it that obvious?” Lexa sighed, bashful at her display. 
“No, you look cute. I like the festiveness.” 
That didn’t help anything at all. Lexa looked around for her sister who made herself busy talking to other people and not at all available to bail her out of saying anymore words. 
“I’m gay,” Lexa finally blurted after a prolongued moment of silence. 
“That’s cool.” 
A shout reached them over the noise of the parade, and both looked in that direction. 
“I have to um,” Clarke looked over her shoulder at the group that was calling her name. “I have to go catch up with my friends.”
“Right, yeah, definitely.” 
“It was good to see you, Woods,” she grinned as she backed away. “I hope I get to bump into you again.” 
“Right, yeah! Me, uh. Me too,” Lexa nodded.   
With another wave, Clarke was gone, swept up by her friends as they moved through the crowd. Lexa caught the look that Clarke gave her over her shoulder and she smiled because she got a look back. It might not have meant anything, but it still felt kind of good. 
“Your first Pride, and you’re getting chatted up by a grade A hottie. I’m impressed,” her sister slung her arm over her shoulder. 
“That was just a girl from school.” 
“She was not what I pictured for your type.” 
“I don’t-- I don’t have a type,” Lexa furrowed. 
“Everyone does. It just so happens that yours seems to be punk baddies with probable daddy issues.” 
“There’s no way you could know--”
“She was digging you too, by the way.” 
“There’s no-- I don’t-- She wouldn’t-- That was-- No,” Lexa shook her head. 
“Trust me. I’ve seen gay relief, and that girl was gay relieved you were gay.” 
“That’s not a thing.” 
“Don’t be mad because i have my ear to the ground in the gay community,” Anya shook her head. “I’ll have you know that Kaitlyn said I’d make a great lesbian.”
“Please let me die right here.” 
The library on Fourth Street was nearly always empty around the end of lunch time. It seemed to empty out come the hottest part of the day with the normal crowd of parents and kids looking to stay busy during the long summer hours came in for story time and craft projects. 
With no particular impetus to move quickly, Lexa pushed her cart of returns through the aisles and rearranged any messy or disorganized stacks she found. But her head wasn’t particularly in it. 
Instead, Lexa thought about Pride, and replayed the entire interaction with a certain mild degenerate who had a pretty smile, who called her cute, she realized, halfway through overanalyzing it again for the hundredth time. All she could wonder was if this is what having a crush felt? And if so, was it possible to have crush after just three minutes? Nothing really prepared her for this. How could it? He didn’t have time for a crush. She only had to focus and get into the school she wanted. And then she could be who she thought she might want to be. 
“Hey Woods.” 
Lexa stopped as she turned to the next aisle, only to find the exact subject of her internal debate. There was a book tucked into her elbow as she retracted an arm reached out to grab something on a top shelf. Lexa looked to her bare arms, and then to her hips where a flannel was tied, and only subtly hiding her short shorts and some of the long legs and Lexa was gay. 
“I know it’s a library, but I’m sure you can talk a little bit,” Clarke smiled. 
Sunglasses tucked and holding her hair up out of her face, the girl had a motorcycle helmet tucked into the same elbow as the book. 
“Hey,” Lexa managed. 
“You work here?” 
“Yeah, just doing some little things, stacking, kids story time and stuff.” 
“Sounds fun,” Clarke nodded. She leaned against the shelf behind her and watched Lexa push her glasses up on the bridge of her nose. This was the Lexa she was used to seeing, and it did nothing to make her less interested, which was insanely weird. 
“Here for anything good?” 
“Uh, just some of the summer reading for Lit. And I’m kind of interested in a few SAT practice books. I took it already, but there’s one more that I can take before applications are due, and I’d like to see if I can do a little better.” 
It certainly wasn’t the reason Lexa expected, but she should have known better to expect anything from someone she really didn’t know other than through stories of stories of stories from other people. 
“Sounds like you have a busy summer planned.” 
Clarke laughed and ducked her head and Lexa tried not to be entranced by the action. 
“Have to keep busy between the protests and debauchery.” 
“Right, same.” 
“Everyone kind of left for the summer, it seems. It’s kind of nice, isn’t it?” 
“I was thinking the same thing,” Lexa agreed. “I miss my friends, but I’ve gotten a lot of things done.” 
“I’m sure you’re already done with the summer homework.” 
“No… well, just most of it.” 
“We’re two weeks into summer break, Woods,” Clarke pretended to admonish. Lexa shrugged, slightly guilty. “We’re going to have to find something to keep you busy.” 
“I think work will take care of that.” 
“You’re forgetting that I saw you at Pride. I know that you know how to have fun,” she teased, wiggling her eyebrows slightly. “And I know that you find me absolutely irresistible and cute.” 
“How could you possibly know that?” 
“So you admit it then?” 
“What? No,” Lexa shook her head and pushed her cart down the row, looking for the place to put the next in her pile. 
But Clarke wasn’t ready to leave, and she hung around, pushing off of the shelf only to follow Lexa and hover closer than Lexa could almost handle. 
“You checked me out at Pride.” 
“I did not.” 
“You did. I saw it. And you let me know you were interested in girls. If you didn’t know yet, I’m a girl, so the math seems to be adding up.” 
“Correlation does not imply causation,” Lexa responded quickly. “Your logic is not at all close to sound.” 
“So you don’t like me?” 
“I don’t even know you. If anything, I just find your face and,” Lexa moved her hand in Clarke’s direction, “that, all, pleasing.” 
“Good to know.” 
“Who even walks around telling people that they find them attractive. It’s maddening to have that much confidence.” 
Lexa jammed the book into the shelf as Clarke leaned beside her, grinning that grin that meant she was amused. That was also maddening. All of it suddenly was maddening, and Lexa missed the quiet of her shelves and wished she could go back in time and not let herself go to Pride. Then she wouldn’t have to see Clarke Griffin. 
“I like to have a healthy opinion of myself.” Lexa snorted. “And you should have one of yourself. Want to know a secret?” 
It was the smile that did it. And the eyes. But Lexa looked at Clarke and softened somewhat. It was due to the proximity, she told herself. Nothing else that she could control. 
“I didn’t really need these books,” Clarke offered. “I mean, I could have just ordered them online like a normal person. And I live closer to the Redwood Branch.” 
“Then why’d you come here?” 
“Hard to imagine you’re the valedictorian,” she chuckled. “I came to see you.” 
“Yeah. I saw you at Pride and was intrigued. Thought I might feel it out a little bit.” 
“Why are you telling me this?” 
“Why not, Woods?” Clarke sighed. “I’ve got nothing but time and… well, I didn’t know you were into girls.”
“How can you be so just… How can you just say what you’re thinking?” 
“Lots of practice,” she smiled. 
“I could never imagine just… just… just…” Lexa waved her hands around slightly as she tried to explain what she couldn’t. “I couldn’t just do that. What if it went badly?” 
“Is it going badly?” 
“No, but-- wait. Maybe. What I mean is…” It didn’t help that Clarke was leaning closer and Lexa was stuck in the stacks with a girl that was flirting with her and she’d never had that before and it was way better than she could have ever imagined. “Wouldn’t ou have been embarrassed if I just ignored you or something?” 
“Oh yeah, big time,” Clarke nodded. “But my dad used to tell me to do one thing every day that scared me. Figured I’d get it done before dinnertime today.” 
She was charming and honest and refreshing and unlike anyone Lexa had ever met. It was a whirlwind. 
“I have to finish this before my shift ends,” she tore her eyes away from Clarke’s and looked back at her cart. 
“Right, yeah, definitely,” Clarke agreed. 
“I should do that.” 
“I should go check these out.” 
“Maybe I’ll see you around this summer.” 
“Yeah,” Clarke grinned. “Maybe.” 
Lexa stood there as Clarke turned back toward reception.
“Clarke-- I um,” Lexa watched as she turned around. “I’ve never flirted… with anyone, really.” 
“That is surprising news.” 
She could tell from her tone that it wasn’t news, and Lexa pursed her lips and set her jaw. She stood a little straighter, steeling herself. 
“I hope I see you around.” 
“We do seem to keep running into each other.” 
With a final smile, Clarke winked and disappeared. 
Standing outside of the house on the corner, Clarke looked at the perfectly trimmed hedges and the flag that hung by the door. The lawn was manicured and neat, the house was beautiful, lit up and glowing with life inside in the waning light. It was in the suburbs and insanely suburban. A tire swing hung from a giant oak. A basketball hoop hung over the garage. 
For the life of her, Clarke wasn’t sure how she ended up here, except that she made herself stand awkwardly in front of Lexa Wood’s house. Three years ago, she met Lexa as a freshman, and instantly had a crush on the girl who argued with her in history class. But Clarke also decided to avoid having a crush on the cute girl who pushed up her glasses and tried very hard to be absolutely perfect. 
She still kind of always had a crush, despite her refusal to admit it. For the past three years, Clarke tried to make Lexa smile from time to time. She’d do something stuipd and make sure Lexa was watching. 
But Pride was one of the few times in the past year they’d spoken. And Clarke was certain that now was her chance, so she took it. And after the library, she spent every day for a week and a  half showing up at the library. She brought Lexa lunch a few times, followed her around the stacks, chatting and fully developing a crush. It was easy to do. Lexa was funny, and serious, and witty, and quiet, and smart, like ridiculously smart, and she wasn’t afraid of Clarke, or intimidated. She debated her with vigor, had opinions, had plans, and more importantly, had dreams. 
Clarke knew why she was standing on Lexa’s front porch, and she knew why she was slightly nervous to knock, she just hated someone being able to do that, in equal parts as much as she craved it. 
She took a deep breath and reminded herself that this was good before she knocked. 
“Hey,” Lexa greeted her, smiling and pushing up her glasses as she does her best to not look winded from running to the door. 
“Hey,” Clarke sighs,  matching her grin, forgetting all of the thoughts of before. “You look really nice.” 
“Thanks. I, uh, you too. I like the black eye in particular.” 
“Oh, this?” she motioned toward the eye that had a little bruising. “Just, um. Bopped myself in the face while working out.” 
“What were you doing? Boxing?” 
“Krav Maga. My partner got a little overzealous.” 
“I’ll try to be extra charming to make up for my disfigurement. I hope your gentle eyes can make it past my horrible appearance.” 
“I’ll do my best to look past it.”
“Good,” Clarke smiled and handed over a helmet. “Are you ready for the first date?” 
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” 
They walked toward the motorcycle sitting near the curb. Clarke pressed her palm to the flat of Lexa’s back. She handed over a helmet and Lexa looked at it curiously. 
“For your protection. Have you ever ridden on anything like this before?” 
“I’ve driven go karts.”
“Not the same thing,” Clarke chuckled. “Here, I’ll help.” 
The helmet eclipsed her, but Lexa tilted it upwards so that Clarke’s skilled fingers could tighten the strap beneath it. She lifted the visor and watched Clarke work. 
“I feel like a badass.” 
“You are.” 
“Do I look the part?” Lexa asked, smiling slightly as Clarke hopped on the motorcycle and put on her own helmet. 
“Very much,” she promised, flipping down both of their visors. “Hold on tight.” 
The date wasn’t anything fancy, but Clarke was hoping it was enough. They drove to the park, with Lexa’s arms wrapped tightly around her, and she took the long way, nice and slow, just for that reason. 
The park was busy, fully of people ready to enjoy the evening and a movie. Clarke unloaded a blanket and her backpack full of snacks, fully prepared to show off her dateable skills. From what she knew about Lexa, she assumed it was her first first date, and she was going to set the bar extremely high. 
Before the movie started, they talked about nothing in particular, and Clarke was careful to get in a little teasing, which Lexa returned, smiling the entire time, challenging her. During the movie, Clarke let Lexa lay her head on her lap, and shivered because she gave her the only sweatshirt she had. 
Even after it ended, they remained, hanging out in the twilight and talking, hovering, close and unsure and happy. Later into the night, after another trip back to Lexa’s, Clarke bashfully stood on the porch and earned a hug and completely bungled the kiss, unable to read Lexa and unable to make herself that brave. 
“Did you have a good time?” Clarke ventured, leaning against the railing. 
“I really did. Thank you.” 
“Maybe we could do it again sometime.” 
“I’d like that.” 
“Great,” Clarke grinned. 
It was almost like a game at this point, for Lexa to stumble upon Clarke somewhere in the library during her shift. Rarely was it in the same place twice, and rarely was it when she was expecting it, though she found herself always looking forward to the smile and girl that sometimes brought her snacks. 
For the first month of summer break, Lexa didn’t even realize she’d spent most of it talking to or spending time with Clarke Griffin. It just kind of happened, and she found herself getting attached. She found herself flirting, or so she thought. She definitely found herself flirted with, which was still so wonderful. 
Clarke wasn’t what she’d thought. She was insanely frustrating and still too hot for her own good, and smarter than she wanted anyone to know, while at the same time being absolutely addicted to her moral code and her’s alone. 
In a month, Lexa learned that Clarke was not in a gang, despite everyone thinking it was a gang, but rather had a close knit group of friends that occasionally contributed to shenanigans of a disruptive nature. She learned that she was a hell of an artist, sketching things here and there, and when they ventured out on a hike or spent time lounging around, showed her sketchbook very timidly. She learned that Clarke’s father died three years ago, and that was where she disappeared to freshman year. She learned that Clarke liked to work on her motorcycle herself instead of taking to a shop because she wanted to feel closer to her father. Lexa spent an entire afternoon learning parts of the bike and helping with an oil change. 
For an entire month, Clarke pushed Lexa. She pushed her to go on dates. She pushed her to jump off of the old bridge foundation at the river when they went swimming. She pushed her to watch a few movies she wasn’t sure of. She pushed her to egg street signs for the first time ever. 
“Excuse me, but I’m looking for a book about a cute librarian who has a crush on a girl named Clarke. Know where I can find that?” 
Lexa smiled despite herself as she turned the corner in one of the farther aisles in the library’s second floor. 
“I was just thinking about you.” 
“All good things I hope.” 
“More or less.” 
That seemed like good enough for Clarke who returned Lexa’s smile. The two stood there, close in the tight aisle, but used to the proximity. 
“I was wondering if you’d like to come over tonight. We could watch a movie and you could read my essay and give a million edit suggestions. I’ll even let you use your red pen.” 
“It shows up better.” 
“Yeah yeah,” Clarke humored her. 
“I’ll be over after dinner then.”
“Were you leaving already?” Lexa furrowed as Clarke shoulder her backpack and shifted instead of getting comfortable or even grabbing some of the books to help her put back on the shelves. 
“I have to see a guy about a thing.”
“Just a drive by today, and no snack?” 
“Like I would ever leave you wanting,” Clarke tsk’d as she dug in her bag and pulled out Lexa’s favorite assortment of gummy bears. “I know what you like, Woods.” 
“You’re spoiling me. I’ll have to start working out more often or I’ll be too slow for track.” 
“You’re fit. I mean, you’re--”
“Sometimes,” Clarke shrugged. 
Lexa held her bag of snacks in her hand and smiled at them softly. She saw Clarke’s shoes nearly touching her own, and when she looked up, she realized how close they truly were. But she didn’t move. She just stood there and tried to figure out what Clarke’s eyes were saying, because they were furrowed until they weren’t, and then there was a peace there, a decisive calm. 
Lexa felt a hand on her shirt, grasping it near her heartbeat. Clarke paused before she did it, waiting for Lexa to pull away, asking for permission. Only when she got it, did she lean forward and kiss Lexa enough to take her breath away. The only thing Lexa could hear was the blood thumping in her ears, but she ignored it and kissed Clarke back eagerly. 
“Thanks, Woods,” Clarke murmured after a few seconds. “I needed that.” 
“Yeah, no, yeah.” 
“I’ll see you later.” 
“Right, later, mhm,” Lexa nodded and ran her thumb along her bottom lip as Clarke moved, leaving her rooted and blushing. 
“If you liked that, we could do it more often,” Clarke offered as she walked backward out of the shelves. 
“Sounds very good to me.”
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nat-20s · 4 years
ooh can i have some reluctantly soft hcs about jon pre s1-s2? (maybe even some about pride??)
okay so we gettin REAL soft tonight babes!
-so for pride Sasha and Tim have officially formed the Taking Martin To His First Pride Team and all three of them spend like a week going back and forth on whether or not to invite Jon bc a: he’s a bit surly and b: he might?? be the Token Cishet? (he’s neither, but they don’t know that.) and while a token cishet can be supportive of his friends at pride they also don’t know if they?? qualify as his friends??
-There’s a conversation that basically goes like
Tim: im sure even as a straight guy he’d like to at least be invited. Wait. Is Jon straight? Do we know?
Sasha: I dunno. I get a Vibe from him that says otherwise
Tim: really??? but he’s not receptive to my charms???
Sasha: believe it or not Tim not being attracted to you specifically is not a conclusive indication of heterosexuality.
Tim: sources???
Martin: guys he’s..probably straight. even ignoring just, god, statistical probability, i kind of?? want to?? hold his hand???
Sasha: and that means???
Martin: i pretty much only ever get crushes on deeply unavailable men. Hence why Tim does not make me swoon.
Tim: now that just sounds like a challenge. ALSO I’m pretty sure Jon counts as deeply unavailable regardless of whether or not he’s straight. Not exactly the most open person around. 
Sasha: i say we invite him anyway! if he’s shitty about it I’ll make sure his email doesn’t work right for a month! 
Tim: Sasha you terrify me. I love you.
Sasha: 😘
So Tim casually knocks on Jon’s door and is like “hey boss we’re going to pride this weekend would you like to come with?” and Jon goes through a whole Face Journey because while, at this point, he Knows he’s trans, is pretty?? sure?? he’s bi, and is aware of being ace but not of like the word or that other people are Like That, pride is still..a lot. Especially when he’s not out to any of them. Reluctantly he ends up agreeing to come along and actually DOES and it’s good? it’s weird for him but it’s nice. It’s really nice and it feels safe and joyful in a way that he’s not used to. He’s doesn’t pick up any merch but the fact that it exists, that there’s people like him out here and living life? it’s lovely to watch. Doubly so to see his coworkers all having a blast. It’s not like any of the other three are particularly dour at work, but here? the three of them THRIVE.
non pride related
-Before he is just so stressed all the time constantly Jon used to sing to himself quite a lot! You can pry “Jon is a good singer” from my cold dead hands. before he becomes Boss Man he’s willing to keep singing even when a coworker walks in and sasha in particular is like woah! that sounds really nice! After shit goes down he kind of stop singing, which sucks because it’s something he really enjoys but it just. Doesn’t come out anymore. Until Scotland at least. Martin is extremely taken with it. 
-There’s a point where Jon walks in on Tim desperately trying not to fuck up the Other Eye when it comes to putting on eyeliner and after about 7 minutes of struggling because it’s just one of those days Jon is like “jesus christ”, grabs Tim’s face, and applies a FLAWLESS, symmetrical cat eye in like .2 seconds. Tim is DELIGHTEDLY like “Jon what the fuck??? :DDD” and Jon is like “i went to college” even though it explains NOTHING and Martin, who’s been watching this exchange the entire time, is a Touch Starved Gay Icon with the World’s Dumbest Crush who thinks nothing but “jon. Hands. Face.” before saying “I Would Also Like Eyeliner” and Jon is like GROANS you would wouldnt you and then does it anyway. Jon doesn’t realize he cataloged the feeling of martin’s face under his hands until like. two years and one soppy dream later
-Jon establishes himself as a clothing thief in season 1 while martin is staying in the archive. one day he accidentally takes Martin’s hoodie and DOESN’T even notice even though it’s a: blatantly not the cardigan of the same color he thought he was grabbing and b: oversized on him. Martin sees him and is like “is that?? my hoodie??” and that’s when jon finally looks at what he’s wearing and just replies, “Yes.” Martin asks, “Can I..have it back” and since Jon is Pissy and Sleep Deprived and generally not in his right senses and also his animal hindbrain is like hhhg hoodie smell good he flatly responds, “No.” And Martin finds it a very confusing mix of deeply annoying and deeply endearing. 
-other items jon has stolen:
one of roises big ol hair clips
a scarf of sasha’s
a pair of Tim’s pajama pants?? how did he even get those???
Like half of Georgies wardrobe at some point or another
-Before he became archivist, he had a favorite little reading nook in the institute. It was private and sunny and quiet and HIS and he spent many a lunch there without anyone knowing, back when he got to read for fun 
-for all the shit that he tries to give Martin about letting a dog into the institute, over the course of his career there he has temporarily snuck in three different stray cats and also a very sad looking hedgehog because he’s a bleeding heart with the rest of em
-he’s not the best baker but when he DOES manage to make something really well, he would almost always bring it into work to share, with a note listing ingredients and a “feel free to eat” note, but absolutely making sure no one knows it was him that dropped it off. Sasha recognizes his hand writing every time but they have a silent agreement that he always sneaks her the best of the batch and she doesn’t say anything
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Wrong Numbers and Useless Gays Chapter 6
Who the F*ck’s Rebecca? OR How the 3 Gays got Together
Virgil learns about Roman’s childhood, specifically his sister and how he ended up dating Patton and Logan.
Warning: Misgendering of a character (but no one knows that the character is trans)
Yes, Roman and Remus are brothers. Explanations are listed at the bottom
Chapter 5 | Masterlist | Chapter 7
V- (2:07 PM) Let it Go was the best song in Frozen and you cannot convince me otherwise
R- (2:07 PM) I respect your opinion, but hear me out: Love is an Open Door
V- (2:08 PM) No
R- (2:08 PM) What about Fixer Upper?
V- (2:09 PM) Still no.
P- (2:09 PM) I really liked Olaf’s song about Summer!
L- (2:10 PM) I personally enjoyed the reprise of First Time in Forever.
R- (2:10 PM) You like almost any song with a reprise
L- (2:10 PM)I will not argue that, as successfully executed reprises are “lit.”
R- (2:11 PM) Ah, and who among us could forget the absolute BOP that is… that weird ice-cutting song.
P- (2:11 PM) I don’t know, Roman. I think that song is, pretty COOL
R- (2:11 PM) Oh, lookout
V- (2:12 PM) What? He’s just saying it’s a CHILLED out groove.
R- (2:12 PM) Ugh
L- (2:12 PM) We might need you two to leave this chat if you don’t stop.
Virgil laughed, throwing his phone on the bed and stripping out of his clothes. He just finished jogging home from Janus’ (he didn’t own a car right now, preferring to walk or have Janus pick him up). It was a lazy afternoon in late September, and all Virgil wanted to do was get out of these sweaty clothes and maybe take a nap. He heard his phone go off multiple times as he got dressed, probably Patton and Logan arguing about the purpose of puns. He flopped down onto his bed and grabbed his phone, checking the new messages.
P- (2:14 PM) Lo, the Princes are calling.
L- (2:14 PM) Tell Roman not to answer, Patton. We’ve been over this.
P- (2:14 PM) They’re asking about us, Lo.
L- (2:14 PM) Tell Roman to hang up. They’re not worth it.
P- (2:15 PM) They’re yelling now, L. They brought up Rebecca. What do I do?
L- (2:15 PM) Just walk into another room, Patton. Ignore them. Do you want me to call you?
P- (2:15 PM) No, I’m good. Just keep texting me. I need a distraction.
Now, Virgil had no idea about what the fuck was going on. But he knew how to distract someone. He’d just have to trust them to tell him later.
V- (2:16 PM) Did you know that octopi have 3 hearts?
L- (2:16 PM) What
P- (2:16 PM) That just means they have more love to give!
V- (2:17 PM) The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds
P- (2:17 PM) Such a good bird!
V- (2:17 PM) Babies do not regularly produce tears until they are 1-3 months old
L- (2:18 PM) Ah, I think I understand now
V- (2:18 PM) A ‘jiffy’ is an actual unit of time. It stands for 1/1000th of a second
L- (2:18 PM) Falsehood. A jiffy is 1/100th of a second
V- (2:19 PM) Sorry, my hand must’ve slipped.
L- (2:19 PM) You would be unable to walk on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune because they have no solid surface.
L- (2:20 PM) An asteroid about the size of a car enters Earth’s atmosphere roughly once a year. However, it burns up before it can reach us.
L- (2:20 PM) The highest mountain known to man is on an asteroid called Vesta. It is approximately three times the height of Mount Everest.
P- (2:21 PM) I think they hung up. Thanks for keeping me company, Kiddos!
L- (2:21 PM) It was not an issue, Patton.
V- (2:21 PM) Yeah, no problem Pat. Now can someone explain what just happened?
L- (2:23 PM) As you can probably tell, I am not home at the moment. Apparently, Roman’s parents decided to call him and an argument broke out. The rest is not my place to say.
Virgil bit his lip, refusing to look at his phone screen. Did Virgil have the right to ask about that. It was obviously a very sensitive topic, and Virgil had only known Roman for about 3 months now. Virgil felt like he knew a lot about his 3 crushes (their quirks, their favorite sweets, their goals in life), but he knew very little about their lives before Virgil had met them. Which was fine; they knew very little about Virgil’s life, too. But he desperately wanted to help Roman; to make him feel happy and safe and loved. Virgil sighed, setting his phone on his nightstand. If Princey wants to tell me what’s going on, I’ll listen. If not, I’ll just have to deal with it.
Virgil woke up from his nap to the sound of his phone going off. He blindly felt around for it, his face still firmly planted in his pillow. He finally found it, turning it on before he lifted his head to read the text. It was a private message from Princey.
R- (3:02 PM) You’re probably wondering what happened today.
V- (3:02 PM) I am, but you don’t have to tell me if you’re not comfortable. I’ll respect your privacy.
R- (3:02 PM) As much as I appreciate that, you still deserve to know.
R- (3:03 PM) Do you mind if I call you? This doesn’t feel like a conversation to have over text.
Virgil thought about it for a moment. He originally never wanted to call Roman, simply because he might recognize Virgil’s voice as Anxiety’s. However, not only was Virgil 99% confident that Roman had never even heard of The Dark Sides, Virgil’s head was still foggy after his nap. Before he knew it, he was already calling Princey’s phone.
“Virgil?” Roman didn’t sound as… grand as Virgil expected. His voice was subdued and slightly hoarse, probably from the screaming match with his parents.
“Heya, Princey.” Virgil cringed at how gravelly his voice sounded. He’ll need to get some water after this conversation is over.
“You sound so tired. Oh my stars, did I wake you up? I’m so sorry. I’ll let you get back to sleep-”
“Princey, it’s okay. Just finished my nap. Might not talk much, but ‘m all ears.”
“Alright. Where do I even begin?”
“Take your time. ‘m not pressurin’ you or anythin’.”
“(sigh) You’re right. I guess I should start at the beginning. I grew up in a very... conservative household. My parents expected me and my sister, Rebecca, to be perfect. ReeRee was my partner in crime. We did everything together up until highschool. My parents expected me to get a football scholarship and date the hottest girl in school. I did those things, not because I wanted to, but because they wanted me to. ReeRee was a different story. When my parents signed her up for cheerleading, she tried to join the football team instead. When they told her she should wear her hair in a ponytail, she cut it off to match mine. I didn’t understand, and it made me angry. It was like looking in a funhouse mirror; she was starting to look more and more like me, and yet each change made my parents angrier. Why was looking and acting like me a problem? I thought they liked this version of me! One night in the summer before junior year I was really frustrated and I took it out on her. I told her to stop acting like me. I knew she didn’t deserve my anger, so I went to Patton’s place to cool down. By the time I came home, my parents refused to acknowledge that I even had a sister. I pushed her away, and now I’ll never get her back.
After that, things changed. I was so angry, and everything I saw reminded me of her. I quit the football team, because every time I went down to the field I expected to see her. I dyed my hair, because every time I looked in the mirror I saw her staring back. I stopped caring about what my parents thought, ‘cause it was their opinions that dragged me into this mess!
I had already been friends with Patton since Freshman year, but me and Logan had been at each other’s throats . We were always bickering about something, and sometimes I used our arguments to vent out my anger at whatever was wrong at the time. I didn’t even realize how much I had cared about Patton and Logan until I learned about the LGBTQ+ community. My parents were super strict, and Patton and Logan didn’t exactly flaunt their relationship. I had no idea that liking guys was even an option . Once I learned about it, my parents quickly tried to shut it down. Everyday, they’d start their day telling me that ‘homosexuality is a sin’ and ‘God made you to be the gender you were born with!’ If they had told me that before ReeRee left, I might’ve believed them. But by this point, I didn’t care about a single thing they told me.
So one day, I’m arguing with Logan about who knows what, and suddenly we’re inches apart, and I remember pa saying ‘ a boy should never kiss another boy.’ And just think, ‘Fuck it.’ And now me and Pocket Protector are suddenly making out behind the school building. Microsoft Nerd asks why the hell I decided to make out with him of all people, and I break down right there. He agreed to keep it a secret, but he refused to do anything more than a simple make-out session until he had Padre’s consent to do so. Which I understood, consent is important, cheating is bad.
Now we’re having these ‘sessions’ at least once a week for almost 4 months. Patton eventually walked in on us and he was understandably upset. I explained what had happened and that I’ve had a crush on both of them for a while. And they’re like ‘cool, we’re polyam.’ And now I’m starting senior year dating two men, which mom and pa were not okay with. I told ‘em to fuck off and we moved away as soon as we graduated. They still call occasionally, asking when I’m gonna get my life together and get over losing ReeRee. I haven’t blocked ‘em yet in case they find her or change their minds.”
Roman finally took a deep breath. “Sorry about the rant. Didn’t realise how badly I needed to get that off my chest.”
Virgil snorted. “Don’t worry ‘bout it. Told ya I’d be a good ear. And Princey?”
“You don’t gotta do anything to impress someone else. You bein’ you is good enough. And if Rebecca could see you, I’m sure she’d be proud as hell. And don’t be ‘fraid to hit me up if you need someone other than your SOs to rant to; I’ll always be here for ya, Princey.”
“... Thank you, Virgil. I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear that until you said it.” He sighed, and Virgil could hear the sound of running water. “I’m gonna go drink some water. My throat burns like a bitch right now.”
“Same. Catch you later?”
He could hear Roman chuckle to himself. “I guess you shall. Farewell, Storm Cloud. And pleasant dreams!”
Virgil blushed. The way Roman said his nickname… it made Virgil’s gay heart nearly explode. He quickly hung up and buried his face back into his pillow. I’ll get water later. AFTER my heart stops racing.
Now, for those of you wondering about why Virgil doesn't realize that Roman and Remus are brothers, I'm gonna put a quick explanation here, 'cause I don't know how to casually fit this into the story. 1.) Remus has never told Virgil his deadname or his last name. He's probably told Janus (since their pretty close) but Virgil doesn't know. 2.) Remus has never told Virgil that his brother's name is Roman. Additionally, when Virgil is talking about the 3 gays, he only calls them "Pat, Lo and Princey." 3.) Roman's parents didn't tell him that Remus transitioned, so he doesn't know that Rebecca now goes by Remus. Also, none of the characters have actually sent pictures of their faces, so none of them have any idea what the other looks like. 4.) It is a total coincidence that both twins moved to the same town. Remus believes that Roman still lives in their hometown, and Remus could be dead for all that Roman knows. There is no logical reason for them to think "maybe Virgil's friends with my long-lost sibling" 5.) Virgil would NEVER out his friends like that. He tells Janus and Remus everything, but he would NEVER betray Roman's trust like that. Same thing for telling Roman about Remus. Roman might know that Remus is trans, but he doesn't know about Remus' background. ONE LAST THING: Roman and Virgil will eventually see each other face-to-face but WON'T recognize each other's voices. This is because during the phone call Virgil is still groggy from waking up and Roman is still hoarse from screaming.
Taglist: @bisexualdisaster106 @self-taught-mess @itawalrus @arodynamic-enby @sanderssides-angst
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Blissful Cuddles
I was discussing how my idea machine was malfunctioning with Holly, and then I realized, oh my god they were roommates and one bed. The only question was Roceit or Moceit?
Warnings: Swearing (it’s me, it was gonna happen), gay panic, a surprised bear, this is mostly fluff but there may be things I missed.
Summary: Janus Declan Jones really wished he hadn’t agreed to the roommate road trip. 
Words: 1,061
“Dee pleaaaseeee?” Pat begged, employing his famous puppy eyes to get the smallest roommate to agree. DJ really hated how much they worked on him.
“....fine” He mumbled, hiding his blush by ducking his head away from the tall pudgy man. There were cheers from the technically sole owners of the house. The Roy brothers were really big softies but they were so loud to DJ’s sensitive ears. 
“Careful with my brother, he’s fragile” Virgil appeared, smiling at his twin. 
“Only cause you took all the strength and height in the split, my dear fraternal twin” DJ sniped back, glancing to the chair where V’s partner was reading quietly. Logan ignored the other five roommates, instead choosing to look over the details of the trip. 
That was how DJ ended up in squished between Roman and Patton, the boys who both Logan and Virgil were well aware DJ was crushing hard on. They were busy discussing something from a musical, which had flown over DJ’s head from the sheer gay panic he was in. 
“Deeeee. Got any snacks” Remus poked the back of DJ’s head. 
“Ew. Ask your brother or your boyfriend” That was the other thing. Remus had already claimed Patton, and DJ did not want to butt in on that relationship. Sweet Patton balanced Remus out. 
“Already tried. They wouldn’t give me any” Re whined, draping his arms over his longtime friend. 
“Come oooonnnn little brother. You’re such a rotter, we agreed we wouldn’t eat until the rest stop, and switching drivers” Roman batted at the black-nailed man. 
“Actually, we are pulling up now Roman” Logan informed the backseat, saving the others from an epic Roy brother fight. Roman would be taking over driving, while DJ moved into the back, leaving Pat or Remus to claim shotgun so the lovebirds could nap. Remus immediately pounced on the snacks after they returned from the bathroom. 
“I claim shotgun!” Pat immediately called, saving himself from his boyfriend’s mess and preventing any arguments between the brothers. 
“You good back there Dee for the last hour of our drive?” 
“If they made cars for comfort rather than money, I would be more comfortable. However, in the circumstances presented, yes I will be okay” DJ responded automatically.
It ended up being an extra half an hour after a bad accident on the road. The boys arrived a little stiffer than expected, but otherwise fine. 
“I claim the master bedroom!” Remus immediately shouted, pulling Patton after him to plop their bags on the sheets. 
“That leaves the rest of us in here and here” Logan pointed at each room in turn before continuing. “Any preference? I would like to room with Virgil of course” 
“That one” Roman pointed to the further room after a thick silence. 
“Satisfactory. I’ll start dinner once I have unpacked” Logan called over his shoulder as he carried in his bags. The other duo moved towards the room for the week, not looking at each other. 
“Oh no. There was supposed to be another bed. REMUS” Roman paled as he saw the singular bed in the room. 
“No, no! it’s fine. We can switch who sleeps in the chair and who gets the bed, or I can share V’s bed” DJ quickly interjected. 
“What” Remus shambled over, his hair in disarray. No doubt he had already dove into the bed to either make it into a nest or a blanket fort. Time would tell. 
“We’re missing a bed” Roman pointed to the room.
“Huh. Guess we are. I’ll call the guy we’re renting from, but he doesn’t work weekends, so you’ll have to share for at least the weekend” Remus shrugged, turning back towards his own room.
“I’ll take the chair” DJ immediately volunteered, plopping his bag on it.
“No, no. That wouldn’t be chivalrous of me. I’ll take the chair until the problem is sorted out”
“Chivalry. Not a common word anymore” DJ snorted to hide his panic. 
“Well, my lord, you’ll find I live by it. Though, by now, I would have expected you to realize” Roman bowed. The man bowed. Who the fuck does that?!
‘I’m gonna explore. I’ll see you later!” DJ shouted, running from the room. He threw open the front door, racing barefoot into the woods. 
“Wait! Dee! There’s a bea-” DJ screamed as Roman’s warning came too late. There was indeed a bear. He was sniffing around a campfire from the previous renters. At the commotion, he stood on his back legs from shock. DJ stopped a few yards from him. The two eyed each other silently, before Roman caught up.
“Roman, no. Back away slowly, don’t meet his eyes. And do not turn your back to him” DJ instructed softly, his heart calming at last. He followed his own advice, backing up a step at a time, watching the bear’s feet. After a huff, the bear lowered himself to four legs and went back to searching for food as the men reached the open door. They closed it, gasping in relief. 
“I...forgot you work with..trails. You didn’t need a knight in shining armor...just to calm down” Roman panted, sweeping his hair from his brow.
“Yea. Yea. I just didn’t expect a bear so close to an inhabited location. I’m going to have words with the owner of this place. Either him or his renters are not treating this area with respect!” DJ stood up, storming over to the phone. 
“REMUS give me the number of the owner” DJ yelled, tapping his foot impatiently. Roman finally reached him when Remus did. The boys gaped at the side of DJ they rarely saw. He really cared for wildlife, and was working on a degree to work with them. A fact they often forgot./
“Look. He’s going to thro-”
“I don’t care. I will call the people in the area to make sure they know of this. This is not acceptable, and the wildlife rangers here need to be aware that bear could become a problem. So either I start with the owner, or I start with them. Choice is up to you, will you give me the number or not?” 
“Wildcat, can you wait until the morning to speak with the owner? Call the rangers, and wait for them to give you the facts” Roman suggested. The nickname replaced some of the anger with gay panic.
“Alright. But I’m calling them now” DJ turned to the phone and dialed the number.
Dinner and a movie left all six of the men sleepy. DJ had finally calmed after handing over the problem to the rangers. They would call the owner and figure out the root of the problem while figuring out how to handle the bear itself.
“Come on sweetheart” Roman murmured, scooping up DJ in bridal style and caring him to bed. He was already in his pj’s, so he was just put in bed.
“Nooo. Come sleep with me” Dj made grabby hands and pouted. Roman chuckled softly and obliged. The two cuddled as they drifted to sleep. Roman was the first to wake in the morning. He immediately melted at the adorable sight of Dee sleeping. He pulled the smaller man closer, burying his face in his messy hair.
“I want to wake up next to you every morning” He breathed, not realizing the extra warmth had woken DJ. 
“Then make a move, coward” In a moment of sleepy boldness Dj piped up. There was some spluttering before the magic words appeared.
“Date me?”
“Yes you big idiot. I’ve had a crush on you since high school when Re brought us over that first time” DJ snuggled closer,smiling blissfully.
“Well, this solves the singular bed situation. No need for a second bed if we love each other”
“Shut up and let me sleep. My anger yesterday drained me”
“Yes sir” 
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