#I have in fact done my taxes thank you
deadsetobsessions · 7 months
Edit: thank you @tetranationaltortoise for pointing out that the Red Spot is on Jupiter instead of Saturn! Fixed it! You’re not nickpicking, you’re providing very appreciated constructive criticism (and a basic fact check I should have done lol) <3
Danny, as usual, hadn’t meant to become the local cryptid. Local being extremely relative, as his locality in this instance is… space.
He just wanted to have some relaxation time. He just wanted to do some homework, chill on Mars or something, and then call it a day.
This hero business was taxing and Danny took his breaks when he could. Take that, work-life balance! Just kidding, Danny had no work-life balance. His life is a mess and he's overworked.
What was it that Superman had said in that one interview?
“Evil never sleeps."
Apparently, that also meant Danny never slept either.
“Hrk!” Danny snorted awake, looking around wildly at the vast expanse of space to see what woke him.
Yeah, that’ll do it.
In front of him, merrily floating through space, is the battered remains of what used to be an asteroid and a mecha that’s a weird combination of Gotham’s vigilante hero, Batman, and Metropolis’ Golden Boy, Superman.
The vibrations of the collision had shaken Danny awake.
Danny got up, baffled as hell and half asleep still. He floated to the giant Bat insignia tumbling around, inching closer as he saw the- oh hell, that’s so cool, it’s a plane!- cockpit and the passed out hero inside of it. Danny clicked his tongue, the sound swallowed by the lack of air.
He shoved the plane closer to earth, passing it to a bewildered (and both beat up and stressed out) Superman, who did a double take at the glowing green boy chucking him the Toy-maker Batplane.
Danny had waved, blinked out of visibility, and had gone back to his nap.
After phasing inside the plane and nabbing a batarang from Batman’s pouch, that is. Danny will consider it payment for the clean up service he’d unwittingly signed himself up for.
And so went the first encounter.
The second time he met the so called Big Leagues, Danny had just come back from fighting Dan. He wanted a break, dammit, and if staring at Saturn’s gorgeous rings and gaseous formations helped him sleep better, then that’s what’s going to happen.
Then, a similarly green glowing Green Lantern “landed” to where he was floating curled up. Danny knew about Lanterns. Their council often tried to meddle in his court.
“Hello,” the Ring projected its Lantern’s words to Danny’s head. Danny tilted his head without looking at the Lantern. “I’m John Stewart. What are you doing out here, kid?”
Danny thought this guy had a nice, soothing voice. Powerful, as Latern tended to be, but infinitely kind.
Danny decided that this one wasn’t immediately on his shit list.
“Phantom.” He said, and the Lantern asked him to repeat it as the glow of his ring enveloped the halfa.
“Phantom. Are you lost, Phantom?”
“No, just dead.”
John Stewart paused. “…Dead?”
“I’m a ghost,” Danny raised his hands and phased it through the Lantern’s arm.
“Ah,” the man said, flustered. “Right. So… you’re just…”
“Hanging out.” As he talked to the Lantern, Danny had a rather amusing idea. He rotated himself- turned- towards Jupiter and pointed to the Red Spot. “That’s actually my grave.”
John Stewart paused. “I’m sorry…?”
“My grave. Don’t disturb it. It’s rude,” Danny lied through his sharp ghost teeth. “Your council disturbed my grave the last time they stopped by and it took ages to get it back right.”
The green Lantern shield enveloping Danny flickered as John Stewart went through the five stages of grief. To be fair, the council had last visited this solar system... a couple thousand years ago, so John was no doubt rapidly doing some mental math regarding Danny's age.
“The council disturbed your grave…?”
“Not that they knew it, those pretentious weirdos.” Danny pretended to be offended, just to see the struggle on John’s face as he debated defending the council or telling a dead child their grave didn’t matter. Because Stewart was a hero, he went with the latter.
“I see. I am sorry, on their behalf.”
“Eh, whatever. Just make sure they don’t do it again. So… what can that ring do?”
"Hi. Could you not litter in space, please?"
Wonder Woman whirled around, sword out and pointed at Danny.
"A... child? Who are you, child?"
"I'm not a child-! You know what, it doesn't even matter. See that?" Danny waved at the pieces of shattered meteor and smashed up alien tech floating outside of the watch tower. "Littering is not cool."
"How did you get in here?"
"I'm Phantom. This is kind of my neighborhood." Danny let his mouth run, sleep deprived and exhausted. "I'm dead, that's how I got in here. Could you not litter in my backyard, please?"
He had better things to do than cleaning after full grown adult heroes.
"Oh, you are the ghost child Lantern mentioned! I see! My apologies, the clean up will be starting in a bit." Wonder Woman slid her sword back into its sheath.
"Great. Nice meeting you. I'll stick around to make sure you young whipper snappers clean up properly."
With that, Danny sunk into the floor. After a moment's deliberation, he decided to take a nap in the floor vent.
Danny jolted awake once more. Ancients, like mentor, like mentee. Robin stared at him, awkwardly wriggling through the floor vents.
"I'm taking a nap here," Danny grumbled. "What are you doing in the vents?"
"Me? What are you doing in the vents? I'm allowed in here!"
"Wonder Woman knows I'm here," Danny replied. She knows... probably? "I'm Phantom."
"So... what are you doing?"
"Knowledge is power," Robin intoned, clearly imitating the Bat.
Danny stared.
"... You're stalking the JL?"
"Information gathering!"
"Stalking," Danny concluded, ignoring Robin's grumble. "Yeah, okay. If you need help, let me know, I guess."
"I don't need help." Robin paused, tilting his head to the side like a particularly curious bird. "Unless you're up for some pranks? Green Lantern's been getting on my nerves lately."
Danny frowned at him. "I like John Stewart."
"You've met- no, not him, the other one."
"Oh. What do I get out of it?"
Robin reached into his belt pouch and pulled out... a bag of marshmallows? How the hell did that-? Ah, right, hammerspace.
"Oh, wait, can you eat this?"
"I'm dead, not tasteless. I love marshmallows, hand it over. I'll help out."
"I swear to god, Spooky, there's something in the walls. It's even creepier than you!"
Batman grunted. He'd stop Robin if he went too far and it started affecting Lantern's abilities on the field, but as far as the Dark Knight was concerned, the Green Lantern had it coming. Robins were vindictive on a good day. If Hal hadn't learned that from Dick, then Jason's retaliation was well deserved.
"Oh, maybe it's the ghost!" Hal said, looking around with his ring glowing.
"I thought John said he was a godling?" Diana polished her sword as she looked on in amusement.
"The boy." Batman grunted. "Not human, his pointed ears and green skin is proof of that. Did J'onn say anything?"
"Not yet."
"Whatever he is, he saved Batman. He's welcome in the Tower," Superman tilted back as his hearing picked up on Robin's and Phantom's snickering.
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justmeinadaze · 2 months
Inescapable (Steddie X You)
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A/N: This is the events that ties in with this thing here :)
Please enjoy!
Warnings: Older (Early 30s) Prisoner Steddie & Young (Early 20s) Fem college student Y/N, SMUT, public smut, fingering, grinding, LOTS of dirty talk, daddy kink (cause I'm me), female masturbation, handjob (m & m), ANGST, cheating (reader is in a relationship), mentions of her parents not approving of her talking to the guys, reader also mentions bf parents don't like her, readers bf interviews the guys and vaguely mentions things from season 4 like the deaths and starts a fight with them, boys get jealous and angry when promises are broken, cliffhanger ending (because I can :) ).
Word Count: 8533
"You can build a prison of stone and steel, but you merely present the prisoner with a challenge. Any truly determined man will find a way out but love, love is the perfect prison. Inescapable."-- Wilson Fisk (Daredevil)
September 1996
The longer you waited for the system to transfer your call to their cellblock the more your nerves continued to build. 
You had been corresponding with convicts Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington for almost two months so it wasn’t like this was your first time talking to them but there were so many different factors that made you anxious. 
Becoming a lawyer was all you ever wanted to be and you constantly felt like you had to prove yourself since your family was so desperate for you to become anything else. When you were told to pick a case, everyone in your class chose the obvious candidates making your eyes roll especially since there was no challenge in it. So many well-known cases had not only evidence but confessions from the defendant saying that they did the crimes. Manson and Gacy had done interviews constantly incriminating themselves.
Eddie and Steve never once accepted any kind of invitation to do an interview whether it be media or print and they never once changed their stories even in the letters they wrote. A plea deal had been offered for them to plead guilty with Steve serving only 10 years and Eddie with 15 but they declined insisting on their innocence. 
The evidence was lack luster at best and it killed you that their lawyer didn’t do a better job at defending them. You genuinely believed them and what they told you. Add in the fact that their demeanors in their writing never conveyed any kind of hostility or rudeness. 
Both men were always polite and answered any questions you had. They could be intimidating at times but you thought maybe it was just because they were older than you and stuck in a place they never should have been. 
Oddly enough though, you felt safe with them. 
“Hey, Y/N?”, a soft voice flowed through your ears. 
“Yeah, um, hey. Hi. Is this, um, who is this?”
“I’m Steve and Eddie’s on the phone next to me. The prison has a way for three-way calls but don’t worry. We can pay for those fees.”, the man responds hoping to calm your nerves. 
“Hey, sweetheart. It’s good to hear your voice finally.”, Eddie exhales heavily.
Blinking, you hear what sounds like one of them being hit as Steve scolds his friend. 
“Stop it. You’re going to scare her.”
“He’s not…I’m not scared. It’s alright, I just…this is all new to me.”
“What? You didn’t expect to be on the phone with convicted killers?”, Eddie replied bluntly making you laugh a little when you heard the other man sigh in frustration. “You’re going to have to get used to it with you wanting to be a lawyer. Unless you want to be lawyer like Steve’s dad.”
“Oh, no thank you. Tax law isn’t exactly stimulating to say the least.”, you giggle. 
“Ah, I see you tried to reach out to my father.”
“Um, I did. I hope that’s ok. You didn’t say I couldn’t—”
“No, honey. It’s absolutely fine. I say tried because I imagine he ignored you?”
“He didn’t ignore me exactly. I told him I was a law student…I just left out exactly what type of law I was studying.”, you wince on the other end fearing it may alliant him before sighing in relief when they both laugh. “When I started asking about your case he politely told me to fuck off and your mom didn’t answer my calls.”
“How does one politely tell someone to fuck off?”, Eddie asked.
“He’s got his ways. I’m sorry he was rude, Y/N.”
“It’s not a problem. I’m kind of used to parents talking down to me.”
“Baby? Are you hungry?! Oh shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were on the phone.”
Your eyes squeezed shut as your boyfriend called to you in the background immediately silencing the men on the line. 
“Uh, no, Derek. I’m not hungry right now but maybe later?” After nodding, he disappears into your shared bedroom. “I’m so sorry about that.”
“No problem. Isn’t it like nine o’clock? You need to eat something, sweetheart.”
“It’s ok, Mr. Mun—Eddie…I had a big lunch.”
We’ve been writing for two months and you still struggle using our names?”, the man laughs. “You start your letters with ‘em!”
“I know. I know but it’s different.”
“Well, let’s shake out those nerves because I have a feeling we’re going to be friends for a while. You’re Y/N. Who are we?”, Steve instructs with a calm tone that makes you blush. “Come on, pretty girl. Who are we?”
“Steve. Steve and Eddie.”
“Good. Very good. Now can you say it a bit more confidently?”
Glancing around you, you make sure your boyfriend isn’t within earshot before sighing and replying, “You’re Eddie and Steve.”
“You have five more minute on this call.”
The automated voice startled you as you listened to them heavily exhale in annoyance. 
“Alright, princess. We’ll…we’ll let you go but feel free to call us whenever. Like I said…It was so nice to hear your voice. Compared to all the bullshit we hear in here…it’s a nice reprieve.”
You hear a line disconnect thinking they both suddenly disconnected before Steve’s voice flowed through. 
“All of this has been really hard on him, you know?”
“I can’t imagine…”
“But he’s not wrong. It’s been so long since we’ve heard a kind voice directed our way especially one as calming as yours… But, yeah, um, Eddie said call whenever but you know—”
“I can’t call after 10:30pm.”
“You got it, hon. Have a good night and we’ll talk to you later.”
“Good night, Steve”
 December 22, 1996
“Don’t let my uncle forget to give you the present we got you! We went to every store to find the perfect gift!”
You laughed hard at Eddie’s joke as Steve sighed in fake frustration into the phone. 
“Ok we didn’t but we did scan the Sears catalogue Wayne brought when he came to see us.”
“You guys didn’t have to get me anything.”
“Pfft, please. You’re our friend and you said you got us something so sue us.” You softly smiled when you heard Steve’s smile flow through. You imagined this time of year was exceptionally hard for them and wanted to do what you could, growing fond of them after all this time. “Are you still visiting Derek’s parents for Christmas?”
“That is the plan but I’m a bit nervous. This is my first time meeting them and I’m afraid they won’t like me.”
“Sweetheart, have you met you? They’re going to love you!”
“Shut the fuck up!”
This wasn’t the first time another inmate had interrupted their call. They explained to you that while the phones were in a private-ish area, the common area was still nearby. You never told them but you could hear the immediate change in their demeanor when it happened and it killed you. It was as if their old personalities would leak through before prison reminded them where they were. 
You wished you could have met the men they were before being incarcerated. 
“I’m sorry about that, Y/N. Everyone is a bit amped up with the holidays around the corner. He’s not wrong though. If Derek’s parents don’t like you than fuck them because obviously somethings wrong with them.”
“Steve? You don’t have to always do that… pretend like everything’s ok. Not with me.”
The silence on the other end was heavy but you could hear their steady breathing as they thought about what you were saying. 
“I have to. Not just for you but me to. If I don’t downplay it then—”
“We’re reminded that we are actually in a fucking prison we don’t deserve to be in.”, Eddie added breaking your heart. 
“I wish there was something I could do.”, you whisper. 
“Baby, you have no idea how much you do just by being you. We don’t deserve you, Y/N.”
“Yes you do, Eddie. You and Steve don’t deserve the hell you’ve been through. I wish I could at least hug you both.”
Again, both men were silent and the only sound you heard was your boyfriend in your bedroom as he finished packing the last of his things for your trip. 
“We wish we could hug you to, honey.”
“Yeah especially with the way your letters smell I always imagine you smell exactly the same…so fucking sweet…just like you.”
Their voices had dropped to a register you had never heard from either man before let alone any man in your lifetime. The sound had your heart fluttering as you licked your lips and exhaled.
“Are you, Y/N?”
“Am I what, Eddie?”
“Are you sweet?”
“You have five more minutes on this call.”
“Baby?! I got everything packed but I’m not sure if I’m missing something!”, your boyfriend shouts making you gasp as you jump.
“Fuck. Um, I have to go. I’ll call you guys when I can ok? Bye!” 
Before they even say a word, you hastily hang up the phone. 
January 12th, 1997
Biting the skin beside your nail, you glance at the other people in the visitor’s center waiting to see other inmates. Some women were dressed in low cut shirts showing off their cleavage making you a bit self-conscious as you adjusted the slightly baggy sweater hanging off your body. This was your first time physically meeting Eddie and Steve and you weren’t sure why but you wanted to make a good impression. 
Quickly throwing your sweater to the side, you fixed your hair before straightening the long sleeve shirt underneath that fit a bit better to your form. Not wanting to seem too eager, you chose jeans telling yourself it was also due to the cold weather.
You weren’t sure if you could bring anything but to be honest you weren’t even sure what would be appropriate. When you met Derek’s parents you brought a dessert that no one ate except your boyfriend as his mother constantly stared daggers at you from across the table. When you went to see your parents, you showed up with small gifts that they always seemed to awkwardly thank you for before giving you gifts as well that were things you could never use. Oddly enough the only person to react positively to you showing up with an item was Eddie’s uncle whose eyes lit up when you appeared at his front door with cake you made. You both shared it as he talked to you about holidays at the Munson household and answered some of the questions you had. 
What do you bring to people who lost their freedom?
Inmates began slowly entering the room and the sudden sounds of partners and parents sobbing as they embraced them overwhelmed you as you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. 
When you opened your them again you were met with two tall men towering you. You had read about them constantly and seen their pictures numerus time in different place but having them both in front of you now abruptly overloaded your brain as you rose to your feet. 
They still physically looked more or less the same than the day they were arrested 10 years ago except Steve had a bit more facial hair and Eddie seemed to have more tattoos on his arms. Under their short sleeve white shirts, you could see their muscular arms and abs, again making you self-conscious as you pulled at the bottom of garment without looking. Steve’s hair was a bit longer but a bit frayed as if he had been running his fingers through it before coming into the room while Eddie’s long hair was pulled back out of his face showing off his soft features. 
“Is everything ok? You look scared. Don’t worry, honey, you’re safe in here. No one is going to UMPH—”
Steve’s hands flew up in surprise when you jerked forward and your arms wrapped around his waist. It took him a moment before his own limbs finally circled around you as his cheek rested on top of your head. 
“Fuck me… It’s been so long since anyone except Ed has hugged me.”
At the sound of his name, you released the one man to move to the other who without hesitation took you in his embrace and clung to you tightly as his fingers tangled in your hair. 
Feeling his hands shake against you, you pulled back into time to hear him clear his throat as he turned away from you to run his palms over his face. 
“Sorry, yeah, it’s been a while since anyone has come to see us. Well, except for Wayne.”
Their eyes never leave you as you take a seat and they follow you down making sure to keep their distance until you felt more comfortable. 
“I like Wayne. He’s been incredibly kind to me since I met him. Not that everyone else hasn’t…just hard to get a hold of people. Especially Nancy Wheeler and Dustin Henderson since they no longer live in Hawkins.” Shifting your gaze their way, you notice them staring at you with small smiles on their faces. “I’m sorry. I’m, um, babbling a bit. I’m just a little nervous I guess. Plus, you’re not what I was expecting…aaaaand I’m doing it again. Ok.”
Eddie’s hand gently reaches out to grasp your forearm that was resting on the table.
“It’s ok, sweetheart. There’s no reason to be nervous.”
“What do you mean by ‘not what you were expecting’?”, Steve smirks. “Were you thinking orange jumpsuits and tattoos on our faces?”
“No.”, you giggle. “I don’t know. I guess when you’re only familiar with pictures…seeing someone in person…”
“Yeah, we know the feeling.”, the long-haired man beams your way. “I was right by the way. You smell intoxicating.”
February 10th, 1997
You smile as both men continue to laugh at joke Eddie had made while they continue to nibble on the food you brought them. 
“I’m surprised they let you bring this in. Did you drug them with your own set of like pot brownies or—”
“Shhhh!”, you giggle as your hand reaches up to silence the metalhead who casually tilts back and captures it with his own making a silent mental note that you don’t pull away. “The guards here actually aren’t too bad. At first I was afraid to ask but when I did they told me it was ok to bring desserts but they have to inspect it, of course, and then it can’t be in like any glass.”
“And you said you brought this to Derek’s parents and they didn’t like it? I think these brownies are delicious.”, Steve grinned as he sucked some of the remaining chocolate off his thumb. 
“It’s not that they didn’t like it, they just don’t like me.” As you nervously chuckle and glance towards the window, Eddie’s own thumb caresses your skin comfortingly as the other man slides a bit closer to you when he hears the change in your voice. “Before me, Derek was dating this particular girl that his family found more fitting. Kind of like your parents Steve, his are high society and they’ve told him countless times that I’m ‘not a good fit’.”
“The fuck does that mean? You’re perfect.”
“Naw, Ed. Not to the ‘Hawkins Elite’.”, Steve sighs. “My dad was the same. Perfect to them had a particular meaning. It’s fucking stupid because you are an amazing woman.”
Your eyes lock with his as you thank them; his gorgeous honey irises burning into yours. When you notice Eddie is taking you in as well, you laugh hoping to break the tension that had suddenly built as you pulled your hand out of his grasp. 
“It’s…It’s not a big deal. He made sure that night to show me how appreciated I am on the dining room table so.” Your face promptly flushes with embarrassment as you try to hide behind your palms. “Why the fuck did I just say that?”
When you finally found the confidence to look their way, you noticed they were still staring at you but something else had replaced the earlier look in their eyes. Was that…jealousy? 
“Is that the kind of thing that gets you off? Doing something you shouldn’t?”
Trying to brush it off (and ignore the sexy sound of the husky drop in Eddie’s voice), you smirked as you lazily shrugged. 
“Isn’t everyone to an extent?”
“Hm…but not everyone is you.” 
“Y/N.” At the sound of your name, you closed your eyes as you tried to catch your breath. Feeling a shift in the atmosphere, you lick your lips and lean forward till your forehead lands on his. 
“This is wrong.”
“You like that though don’t you, pretty girl?”  His humid breath warms your tongue as you subtly open your mouth to contain the strong need to melt into the soft sound of his voice. “I bet if I put my hand between your legs that little pussy would be dripping.”
Closing the distance, his lips mingle gently with yours as his large palm cups your cheek. You can feel in his kiss that he’s holding back and the flutters in your stomach desperately want more. Another set of hands takes hold of your face and you’re met with another set of lips that taste like strong nicotine and sin. 
“Fuck, you taste so good. Does he appreciate you, sweetheart? You deserve to be worshipped.”
“Munson! Harrington! Why don’t you share, huh?!”, another inmate yelled pulling you back into the reality of your situation. 
“Fuck off!”, the metalhead shouted immediately rising to his feet when the other prisoner did the same. 
“Ok, ok, ok.”, Steve tried to deescalate as he quickly stood up and placed himself between both men. “Come on now, guys. Let’s just focus on our own visitors ok?”
Eddie and the man continued to stare each other down before turning back towards their table but to both their dismay you were gone. 
February 16th, 1997
“Hey, honey. Is everything alright? You sound like you’ve been crying.”
You sniffled into your phone as you pulled your knees to your chin. 
“Yeah, I’m alright, Steve. I, um, I just got into a fight with Derek and he stormed out.”
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. You can talk to us about it if you want to. We’re here for you.”, Eddie coos hating that he can’t just pull you to his chest and comfort you. 
“He thinks…I’m too invested in you two. That I spend too much time talking to you and visiting. He…he wants me to stop talking to you. Maybe—Maybe I should.”
“If…if that’s what you want, baby girl. We don’t want to make things harder for you.”
“Do you WANT to stop seeing us?”
“No.”, you sobbed making the metalhead’s heart burst when you didn’t hesitate. “I like talking to you. You both make me feel safe.”
“You know we’d never hurt you, Y/N. Not unless you wanted us to that is.”
When you laughed at his statement both men let out a sigh of relief. 
“What else do we make you feel, pretty girl? Besides safe.”, Steve asked. When you didn’t immediately respond, he took over as he lowered his voice. “Come on, baby. Tell us. Do we make you feel appreciated? Loved? Needed?”
“Do we give you tingles all over your body?”
“Yes. Fucking everywhere.”, you chuckled making the man smile. 
“Even between those sexy legs?”, Eddie adds, biting his lip when he hears your heavy breath. “Can you do us a favor, princess, and run those soft hands between your pussy? Don’t put them inside you though. Just tell us how wet you are.”
You don’t know why but as the brain fog takes over you do what they ask and slid your fingers between your folds making a loud squelching noise as the pads graze your clit. 
“F-Fuck…I’m—I’m soaked. I like the way you two talk to me.”
“Hm. Never had a man tell you what he wants? Trust us, honey. We fucking dream about how good our cocks would feel buried inside you. If we were free you’d never keep us off you.”, Steve groans feeling himself stiffen in his pants. “We know you like doing things you’re not supposed to. Maybe we’d show up at your school and fuck you in the library while you try to keep from screaming about how you can feel me in your stomach.”
“Go ahead, Y/N. Push two of your fingers in that tight little cunt and pretend it’s you fully seated on top on me in the back of your class as you try to pay attention. At most you can warm my cock the entire time until everyone leaves. I bet you’d like that, sweetheart, huh?”
“Mmm—yes, Eddie, I’d like that.”, you pant as you roll your hips. 
“Jesus Christ, I love hearing you say my name. Say it again, baby, please.”
“Oh God—fuck—I’m gonna…”
You moan both their names repeatedly as the coil snaps and you ride out your high as they listen to your heavy breaths. 
“Such a good girl. You alright, honey?”
“Yeah… I just…I wish I could hold you.”
“We know, baby. Fuck do we know especially with what you’ve been through tonight but we’re going to see you really soon right?”
“In a few days, yeah, but I’ll call you tomorrow if that’s ok.”
“Of course, princess. You can call us whenever you need to.”
April 19th, 1997
Eddie’s palm held down the corner of your textbook as the wind blew around you. 
Since it wasn’t as cold outside today you were able to visit with them outside near the courtyard at a picnic table under a nearby tree. You told them you were studying for an exam and they insisted you bring your materials thinking they could be of more help. 
“I mean we were punished by the criminal judicial system so you’d think we’d know some of this stuff.”, Steve chuckles. 
“I know a lot of it but when it comes to tests I struggle to retain any of it. It’s like I just panic sometimes.”
“I always had trouble focusing.”, the metalhead adds. “That’s why I failed so much. Oddly enough the GED wasn’t as difficult.”
“When you get out would you want to go to college?”
“Oh, sweetheart. What school would take me when I get out of here?”
“He’s got a point, babe. I tried so hard to get into a university after I graduated and even with my sports record no one wanted me. I doubt a prison record will make that easier.”
“That makes me so angry.”, you growl. “You two didn’t do anything wrong. When is your next appeal?”
“Mine is in a month and his is in three.”, Steve sighed. “Let’s not talk about that right now. How are you, Y/N? Beside the tests and school, I mean.”
“Everything’s ok. My relationship with Derek has been a bit strained. He went with me to visit my dad and my father just grilled him the moment he walked in. To remove the focus off of him, he told him that I’ve been visiting you two. That, um, that didn’t go so well.”
“What happened?”
“He just…he doesn’t approve.”
“Y/N, sweetheart, what did he say?”, Eddie soothed as he shifted his body closer to yours. 
“He’s afraid you’re going to kill me like that girl.”, you murmured, panicking slightly when you see the metalhead’s jaw tighten. “You know I’m not afraid of you right? I know you’d never hurt me like that.”
“We know, baby. We know.”, Steve coos as he leans down to kiss your forehead. 
“I wish I could do something to help.”, you reply in that small voice that drives them crazy. 
After quickly taking a look around, he glances down at your skirt and without warning subtly lifts your body as he adjusts it so its further up your thighs. Grasping your leg, Steve lifts it over his own and Eddie slides over till he’s pressed up to your opposite side. 
“Keep looking at your notebooks, honey. Don’t lift those pretty eyes from the paper unless we say ok?”
“Ok.”, you answer breathlessly as excited nerves fill your tummy. 
“Good girl.”, Steve praises as he kisses your cheek and you feel his palm ghost up your skin slowly between your legs. “Fuck me. Are you not wearing panties?”, he whispers making you clench at the needy sound. 
“No…I was kind of hoping…”
“Hoping what? That we’d touch you?”
“Such a bad little girl.”, Eddie teases as he reaches for your hand closest to him and kisses the back before placing it on the bulge in his blue sweatpants. “Just enjoy his fingers, Y/N. We can use you to take care of ourselves.”
“Oh my—”
“Shhhh! You have to be quiet, baby. Don’t want to get caught now do we?”, Steve smirks as you passionately shake your head. As he guides his index between your folds, your free arm wraps around his as you rest your cheek on his bicep. “Did you like that? Eddie saying that we’d use you… Oh Munson, she definitely did.”, he exhales as he wiggles and presses his finger against your clit. 
At the sound of you trying to hide your moan in his arm, Steve tugs your leg further up his own and you suddenly feel his stiff cock through his pants rubbing against your calf. To your left Eddie coughs to hide a grunt that wanted to break free as he placed his hand on top of yours and maneuvered it so you were stroking him over his clothes. 
They both would give anything to feel your body directly on theirs but they knew their window of time was short and unfortunately where they were there was no way to discreetly pull down their pants. 
Eddie’s nose smushes against your cheek just as his friend guides two of his fingers into your core. 
“We’re gonna get in trouble, Y/N, if you can’t control yourself.”, he growls as he presses your palm harder against him. “Fuck, your hand feels so fucking good.”, Eddie groans as he kisses your neck. 
“Goddamn, you’re so fucking tight.”, Steve whispers. “I would give anything to—mmph—feel your pussy squeeze my dick. We’re going to ruin you, little one.”
Clinging tightly to his arm, you pressed your face into him as you muffled the screams that wanted to be heard. 
“Cum, pretty girl. That’s it, baby.”, Eddie urged as the coil in your belly snapped. “Good girl. Fuck.”
After sucking your slick off his index, Steve offered his hand to his friend who without hesitation licked the rest of his middle finger. 
“I knew it. I knew you tasted fucking sweet, little girl.”, he grunted as his other palm roughly grabbed your wrist, holding your hand still as Eddie rolled his hips a couple more times before shuddering a bit as he came.
Utilizing both his hands now, Steve pressed your leg harder to his crotch, grinding as subtly as he could till he grunted and his face scrunched as he soon followed. 
Calloused fingers tenderly lift your head and you softly smile when the metalhead’s lips land on yours. 
“I love you, Y/N.”
Giggling, you rub your face into his neck as you inhale his smell of soap and cigarettes. 
“I think that’s the orgasm talking.”
With a firmer grasp, Eddie tilts your chin so his eyes lock with your own. 
“I’m serious. I love you, sweetheart, and I think you love us to.”
As you turn to face Steve, he gently places your leg back down and helps you adjust your outfit. 
“I love you to, honey…very much. You don’t have to say it back or anything. We know that loving us…carries a lot of weight.”
The guards scream out into the yard that visiting hours were about to end and both boys help you gather your books as they walk you back inside. Just like every time before their eyes remain on you not wanting to look away till you’re completely out of sight. 
Pausing halfway out the door, you swivel your body their way and flash them the most beautiful smile either boy had ever seen. 
“I love you both to.”
May 7th, 1997
“Please be nice to them. They aren’t what people say in the papers.”
“I certainly hope not especially since you talk to them 24/7.”, Derek sassed making you roll your eyes. “I’m sorry, baby. Look, I promise I’ll be good.”
When you don’t say anything, your boyfriend wraps his arm around your waist and tugs you to him, smiling when his lips attach to yours. 
The sound of a throat clearing startled you as a guard lingered in the doorframe with Eddie and Steve in tow. The pain that lingered in their eyes told you they caught your kiss and it killed you. 
“Alright Miss Y/L/N, you and your friend—”
“Boyfriend.”, Derek corrected. 
The officer huffed at the interruption as Steve sarcastically laughed under his breath. 
“You and your boyfriend have this room for as long as you need. We usually use it for interviews for the privacy and if you need anything I’ll be right outside.”
“Thank you, Bobby.”, you grinned politely and the officer nodded his head in return before stepping back outside. 
“Oh, first name basis with the guards. Some people would consider that a red flag, babe.”
“To be fair, her father is a cop so…”, Eddie countered as they both took a seat in front of the camera.
“He IS Mr. Munson but, to be fair, this isn’t exactly his jurisdiction is it?”
As you shakily sigh and your eyes close, you feel shoes lightly tap your shin and when you open your eyes again you are met with their comforting expressions. 
“All right, boys, the camera is now rolling. Are you ready to begin?”
Both their faces twitch as your boyfriend’s flippant tone as he takes a seat beside you across from them. 
“Yeah, kid. We’re ready when you are.”
At Steve’s equally annoyed response, you felt your body tense as you immediately began regretting your decision. The sparing match was about to begin and you were just now aware this wouldn’t be an interview but a fight for dominance like animals in the wild. 
“Perfect! So, Steven Harrington and Edward Munson, you were charged for murder in the deaths of some Hawkins student’s including Chrissy Cunningham who of course the entire country now knows thanks to people in the town spreading awareness and the foundation they created in her name a few years ago. So far, you both have served 11 years of your 25-year sentence… what has that been like?”
“Well, Derek, it’s been no picnic but we have utilized the time wisely. We read and exercise out in the yard. I’ve been reading up on law and we both participate in the group therapy options provided. Eddie was able to get his GED and graduate from high school.”
“Aw that’s nice. It only took a prison sentence for you to finally finish.”, he smiles showing all of his teeth in that sarcastic manner you know very well. “Now, in your own words, can you tell me what happened to those kids that died in 1986?”
Your eyes remained zeroed in on them as they explained what they had told to you and a courtroom numerous times. Someone else killed them and circumstantial evidence made it seem like it was Eddie while a vendetta made it seem like Steve was an accomplice.
“Were you surprised, Steven, when Hawkins Lap retracted their statements in regard to certain Hawkins events including their involvement of the death of Barbara Holland?”
Steve’s eyes fluttered as he tried to hold back the feeling that bubbled in his chest. 
“Yeah, I was.”
“I imagine they did that since Eddie’s lawyer insisted on using them as a defense in this case. There’s only so much a company will allow themselves to be blamed for. What did happen with Miss Holland?”
“Derek…”, you warned.
“She was best friends with Nancy Wheeler who you were dating at the time.”
“Is that why Miss Wheeler broke up with you about a year later? Or excuse me. She goes by Mrs. Byers now.”
“Y/N! You’re not their fucking lawyer so stop interrupting!”
“Don’t talk to her like that.”, Eddie growled as he sat up straighter. 
“Pfft or what? You’ll kill me to?”, Derek replied smarmily as he straightened as well. “Whether you like it or not, you two are criminals and apparently there was at least enough evidence for a jury to convict you BOTH of that. It honestly amazes me that my girlfriend can’t accept that fact.”
“She’s going to be a phenomenal lawyer especially since she doesn’t just look at what’s on the surface unlike everyone else in the town.”, Steve countered making you blush as a small smirk painted your lips. 
“Oh on the surface huh? So, Mr. Munson, you didn’t run after Chrissy was killed? Whether it be because you murdered her or someone else did, you ran and left her behind for your uncle to find, you pathetic freak.”
Eddie rose to his feet as his fists clenched but Steve hastily stopped him as he tried to calm him down. 
“When people go missing you just happen to be around, Mr. Harrington? Add in the fact that you both have similar scars that tells anyone with eyes that whatever you were involved in you did it together.”
“This is over, Derek. You promised me—”
“No, you know what’s over? This little infatuation between you and my girlfriend.”, the man rumbles as he squares his shoulders and faces them. “The letters and phone calls stop today as well as the fucking visitation.”
“Excuse me?!”
“No.”, Eddie repeated. “We love her and we aren’t letting her go that easy.”
“Oh please! What can you two offer her?!  You still have another 14 years in here and then what? Your lives will just be smooth sailing from there?! You’ve only known here for one year and I’ve been with her for three! Trust me, guys, she needs a real man. Someone who can take care of her in every way a man should.”
“Oh yeah, little boy? Is that why when you fuck her she’s thinking about us?” 
The room went quiet for a few moments before Derek sarcastically chuckled and shifted his gaze toward you. 
“You want them so badly? Fine. I can’t wait to see your face on the fucking news after they tear you apart. At least I can get a good story out of it. Better than anything else you’ve given me this past year, you fucking whore.”
You jumped, pressing your back against the wall as Steve abruptly flipped the table over with his hand before Eddie charged at the boy and tackled him to the floor. As they began to fight each other, guards ran in to separate them, pinning both men to the floor as they held Derek back against the wall. 
Neither man look your way as officers tugged them to their feet and dragged them out of the room. 
September 27th, 1997
Steve bounces his leg as they wait by the phone for your call to finally come through. You said you’d call last night but you didn’t and it killed them. They understood you were busy but you made promises to them that they desperately held on to because there was very little to hope for in their current predicament. 
“This really pisses me off, Harrington.”
“What are we going to do about it, Munson? She’s got school and her job—”
“Oh, I see. So her failing to keep her promises is only ok because we’re locked up. Got it.”
“Calm down, Eddie.”
“Don’t tell me to--! Don’t tell me to be calm. If I was free I’d have punished her already but…”
After coming to prison, Steve had a lot more time to get to know who Eddie Munson was and came to find out that they had a lot in common. Their dads were assholes, their moms weren’t present, and they seemed to have a common attraction to being the dominant partner. On nights when he was desperate and incredibly lonely, Steve would sit beside his friend and elaborate about fantasies he had, had in his head since he hit puberty. 
Both men continued to look at the brick wall in front of them as they continued stroking the other’s cock. 
“I just want to push a beautiful girl onto her knees and fuck her gorgeous face a-as she gags around my dick. I want to hold her down against the m-m-mattress and stuff myself so deep inside her till can’t walk.”
“Mmph—that kind of intimacy is…is fucking heaven. To have a woman submit like that…fuck… have you e-ever punished a brat before?” Eddie smiles when Steve shakes his head. “Fuck, man. It’s on a whole—fuck, I’m gonna cum—a whole other level.”
After thrusting his hips upwards, his release hit his friend’s hand but what surprised him was when Steve grabbed the back of his neck and pushes the man’s head onto his leaking cock. The metalhead doesn’t protest, bobbing at a quick pace as the back of his friend’s palm guides him. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. That’s it, baby. Take it. Take all of Daddy’s cum down that sexy fucking throat.”
As soon as Steve had given him everything he had, Eddie patted the man’s thigh before climbing the little latter to his top bunk.
“Hey, Ed?”
“You know when I talk about this stuff I mean…to like… a partner I’m in love with who consents to it. Like…I would never…hurt someone…”
“I know, Steven.”, the other man chuckles as he places his arms behind his head to stare at the bland ceiling. 
“Hey, Ed?”
“I didn’t cross a line tonight right?”
“No, Steven, you didn’t.”
“Good because, um, you’re my best friend and you’re, um, kinda the only thing keeping me sane in here. Not just because of the…but because…I trust you.” Steve rolled over to face the wall, closing his eyes as he heavily sighed. “Good night, Eddie.”
The mattress above him shifts slightly until he heard the light sound of socked feet hit the floor. An arm suddenly wraps around him pulling him back into an equally broad chest and another limb slides under his pillow under his head as calloused fingers looped through his. 
“Good night, Steve.”
They never told you about any of that because honestly that was none of your business. To them, it was survival and both men trusted each other more than anyone else. They had been through so much and knew truths that no one else did. This was sacred and special to them and they were terrified of people turning it into something dirty. 
Not that you ever would or mock them in any kind of way but they just weren’t ready to reveal that part of them to you and were pretty sure they never would. 
“We’ve never gone that far with her. I mean she said she likes it rough and we’ve said some things but we haven’t truly set up the dynamic. How do we even do that in here?”, Steve sighed. 
“Add in the fact that as soon as she calls us Daddy or Sir we’re going to want to fuck her which we can’t.”
Both men chuckle as a sad sigh leaves their chest. 
“Can’t we?” At Steve’s words, Eddie’s eyes flicked his way as he leaned against the wall behind him. “I mean a ton of the prisoners here have contraband brought in. There has to be a guard or two here who doesn’t mind bending the rules for the right price.”
“Steve Harrington, you’re playing with fire.”
“I know but—“
“Harrington! Munson! Call coming through for you!”
Both mean exchanged a glance before picking up their separate lines. 
“Hey! I’m so sorry. I know I said I’d call an hour ago but I fell asleep. I cut back some of my hours but still. These classes are so difficult.”
“We were really worried about you. We get worried when you don’t call and you missed our last visit, sweetheart.”
“I know. I’m sorry. This will never happen again. I promise!”
October 9th, 1997
Their demeanors were completely different this time than the many other times you had come to see them and you knew why. 
It was so hard to keep up with your school and work schedule as well as keep constant contact with two men who had a set schedule of their own set up by the prison. You were doing everything you could but you could tell from their fire filled expressions it wasn’t enough. 
“I’m sorry.”, you reiterated as they continued to glare at the table in front of them. “I really am. I’m doing my best to—”
“It’s not enough.”, Steve growled making you blink at the audacity. 
“I’m…I’m not doing this on purpose. I told you guys junior year was going to be a bit more demanding but I’d do everything I could—”
“You do everything you can yet you still make promises and don’t follow through.”
“I’m sorry I’m fucking busy, Eddie! I don’t know what else you want from me!”
Fingers dig into your bicep as the metalhead yanks you till your face is inches from his. 
“Lower your fucking voice, little girl.”
The action startles you for a second before your eyes glare back at him as your teeth clench. 
“You’re hurting me.”
As you yank your arm from his grasp, you can’t help but sigh as you see a slight glimmer of pain flash through theirs. They really did miss you and hate being away from you but unfortunately due to the circumstances they had zero control of the situation. 
“I really am trying to cut down some of the stress so I can call and see you both more. Like I said, I cut back on my hours at work and this kid in my class offered to help tutor me. He’s one of the top students in my year so I really think he can help me.”
“He?” Your head tilts at Steve’s question as both their energies shift into something new that both frightened and turned you on. “Well, that’s nice to know, Munson. First she’s working at a bar till two in the fucking morning with drunk men fucking flirting and eye fucking her and now she has a male tutor she’ll be spending her time with! No wonder we haven’t heard from her. Little whore as all she needs at home!”
Your mouth fell open as he shouted at you, feeling hurt before the anger took over. Rising to your feet, you grab your bag but as you start to walk away, Eddie grabs your wrist. 
“We are not done talking, Y/N. We’ve put up with the disrespect for the past few months because we know you’re going through a lot but missing calls, visits, and now this? No.”
“Let me go now.”
Without releasing you, they both rose to their feet and crowded your space till Steve’s nose was touching yours and Eddie’s lips were hovering near your shoulder. 
“You’re ours, Y/N.” Steve’s eyes scan your face as your breathing stutters at his low gravelly tone. “And you will listen, little girl.”
“I’m NOT a little girl.”, you grumble back. 
“Then stop acting like one.”, Eddie adds. “Now, be a good LITTLE girl and listen to what Daddy says. Sit. Down.”
The smirk that dons his friend’s face at the title has your pussy clenching as his eyes remain locked on yours. It feels like centuries before you finally collect your bearings and shake the fog that had begun to cloud your brain. 
“Fuck you both.”
After shoving Steve’s chest hard, you quickly powerwalk out of the visitor’s room. 
October 12th, 1997
You woke up with a splitting headache in a room you didn’t recognize with someone’s arms wrapped around you a bit too tightly. Prying out of the boy’s grasp, you throw on a nearby shirt and tiptoe to the bathroom. 
Your eyes were still heavy from all the tears you had cried these past few days. You missed Eddie and Steve terribly but you couldn’t bring yourself to reach out again. You couldn’t believe their sudden change in behavior and how they spoke to you. Had the signs always been there and you just never noticed?
They had admitted once that they weren’t jealous of Derek because they cheekily declared that “that little boy can’t make you feel like we do.” Why were they so angry about your tutor and your job? Maybe it was because school and the bar took up a lot of time whereas Derek really didn’t. Because of his own classes he was always coming and going and whenever he was present he always seemed distracted. 
To be fair, you did make promises you struggled to keep but it’s because you were so excited to finally talk to them you genuinely planned to go see them. You would literally count the minutes till your classes were done, promptly run home to shower and be ready by the time you told them but as soon as your head hit the pillow as you waited, you would pass out. 
Maybe you just needed to find something you could do on campus so you weren’t up so late at work. Yeah it would be a bit of pay cut but you could make it work. 
When it came to their attitudes, you hoped you could talk to them and tell you how it made you feel. How did it make you feel? Belittled, angry, annoyed, hurt, degraded…aroused… You had never experienced the brain fog with anyone else other than them. The headspace just seemed to come naturally when you were around them or listening to them talk. 
Even if it was them just listening to you chat about your day, you felt that giddy feeling dance through your body down to core. Any time they praised you especially after doing something you knew you shouldn’t be doing; you felt a high like no other. You hadn’t told them but you had had many dreams of them suddenly appearing somewhere you were like class or the bar and having them fuck you roughly as they spanked you, pulled your hair, and held you down as they made you theirs. 
Your favorites were the ones where they were in your bed and had you tied to the headboard as both took their time with you as you begged and pleaded with them to make you cum. Your lips would ghost their own as their rough hands roamed your body and left bruises you would welcome the next morning. Their eyes would never leave yours as they took from you they wanted and you would repeatedly moan, “Daddy, please.”
Eddie mentioned the title during your last visit and from Steve’s expression you knew he enjoyed it as much as you did but they had hurt you so badly. 
You sigh as you exit the bathroom and quietly grab your pants. 
I’ll give them a few more days to cool off and then I’ll go visit them so we can talk.
As you slide on your shoes, your eyes shifted towards the Polaroid camera resting on the bedside table. 
Fuck me. I hope I didn’t do anything stupid with that thing last night. 
October 13th, 1997
Eddie growls loudly as he tears up your letter and throws it in the trash can nearby while Steve continues to stare at the picture of you allowing this boy to kiss what was theirs. 
“Give me that, Steven. I’m going to fucking burn it—”
“No… No. She’s playing the game, Ed. She made this move because she thinks we can’t do anything about it.”
“Because we can’t. UGH! Maybe we jumped too quickly, man. It just fucking hurt us because we don’t get to see her everyday so when she says she’ll call and she doesn’t… “
“Yeah…” Steve taps his fingers against his knee while Eddie takes another drag of his cigarette. “Maybe it’s time to have a talk with her. Show her how much we do care and how much it breaks our hearts when she breaks a promise.”
“She won’t answer out calls or letters.”
“Then we should go to her.”
The metalhead blinks as he nervously chuckles before his friend’s straight face meets his. 
“Nope. Nope. Nuh huh.” As the man begins to walk away, Steve runs after him and tugs on his arm to stop him. “Do you know how much trouble we can get in for even having this conversation? You talk to one wrong person, Steven, and we could be stuck here for another 10 fucking years.”
“What if I found the right person?”
“How much money do you have?”
October 31, 1997
You faked a smile as you handed your cash to the cashier and grabbed your bags of candy as you headed for your car. Tonight, you were planning on a night in with some of your friends while handing out treats to some of the neighborhood kids. 
Truth be told, you didn’t want to do anything except curl up in bed and eat the chocolate you bought. You had tried calling the prison a few times but they informed you that neither inmate was accepting calls or visitors at this time. You sent a few letters but hadn’t received anything back as of yet. 
You missed Eddie and Steve so much and it killed you to not be able to speak to them. 
After pulling into your driveway, you hastily checked your mail before running inside to get everything together. 
Once your hair was styled and you slid on your red spaghetti strap dress to make you look like Cher in Clueless, you take a seat on your couch as you wait for your friends to arrive. 
Leaning forward, you decide to sift through the mail pausing suddenly as all the other letters fall to the floor. The envelope was marked from them like all the others and your heart did flips as you hugged the paper to you. 
As you tore the paper open, you half expected to see a lengthy note detailing how much they missed you to and when they’d want to meet with you so you could finally talk. Your stomach dropped as you read and reread the only two sentences written on the single page they sent. 
“Trick or treat, little girl.
See you tonight. 
--Steve & Eddie”
@lemme-slytherin-that-dick @micheledawn1975 @paleidiot @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @noooah @baileebear @dashingdeb16 @nailbatanddungeon
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look-at-the-soul · 8 months
Grandma knows best
Tommy Shelby x reader (+Grandma)
Summary: Thomas Shelby is a well known gánster, reckless, fearless, stubborn, restless… he might be a lot of things, but he wasn’t an inconsiderate man. Not specially with an elderly woman.
A/N: 🤷🏻‍♀️ grandmas definitely knows what’s best for us 👵🏻♥️✨ nothing but a fluff moment…
See the Grandma series here
Word count: 3,303
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Taking off you coat, you tried to rub your hands to warm them up. Announcing you just arrived, barely noticing an unfamiliar voice.
But to your surprise, once you stepped into the kitchen, you found the least person you thought that could ever be there.
The Small Heath devil, Thomas Shelby.
“Oh darling, there you are.” You grandma greeted you with a wide smile. “I was just telling Mr. Shelby about you.”
“Grandma.” You were paralyzed, frozen in spot.
Giving you a subtle double look, he had to force himself to compose, nothing your grandmother had said about you prepared him. Your beauty was beyond words. And over the last hour he had heard nothing but compliments and good things, he had to admit he had been curious about that young lady that seemed to be exceptional.
A long time ago you learned walking alone once is dark is a bad idea, but crossing your eyes with that man was worse.
“We haven’t done anything wrong Mr. Shelby…” you tried to explain as the man stared perplexed, his man spread as if he owed everything in that house.
“Sweetheart Mr. Shelby helped me with the groceries and bread, the basket was heavy and he offered to walk me home.”
Noticing the terror in your eyes, he cleared his throat.
“My job is done here Mrs. Barwick, it was lovely to meet you, thank you for the tea.”
Standing up, he grabbed his peaky cap, the razor blade caught the light and shone in your direction. But your grandmother had a different idea.
“What do you mean you’re leaving? You’ve to stay for dinner.”
“Absolutely not.” You rushed to interrupt. Looking down at the tone you just used to answer your grandma you mumbled an apology.
“I really appreciate the offer bu-”
“This is absurd, you can’t leave until you’ve had dinner Mr. Shelby, I must insist, and I need to know the rest of the story of that caravan trip you did.” She replied scolding him just like she did with you, in that motherly tone.
Frowning you looked from her, to the well known gánster. There was no way back now, he was staying for dinner.
“Now, would you like some more tea?” She offered to him, as Thomas opened his mouth to say no, your grandma filled the cup again. It looked ridiculous in his hand.
The most dangerous man in the country drinking tea from a cup decorated with flowers. ¡In your bloody kitchen!
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“Milk?” She offered, ignoring the fact that he could kill her anytime. You’ve heard all kinds of stories about him and the tortures he used among his enemies.
“Yes thank you.”
“Sweetheart, would you mind helping me here?” She pointed at the pot next to her knees, it was getting harder for her to bend down these days.
“I’ll get that for you.” He offered and in mere seconds he was crunching down to get it.
“Oh bless you.” Your grandma offered him another smile. “Why are you still standing there?” She called to get your attention.
Shaking your head a little, you were able to move past the initial shock, but still threw the man a side look just to make sure he wasn’t planning to blind your grandmother.
“Shall I cut these?” Mr. Shelby proposed pointing at the potatoes, after your grandmother nodded he produced a knife from his pocket, making you gasp. “Everything alright Miss Y/LN?”
“If you excuse me, I’ll come back in a minute.” She raised her eyebrows at you before she left.
“Listen it’s just the two of us alright? I pay the taxes and give money to church but I won’t pay you for protection.” You should have kept your mouth shut but for some reason, adrenaline made you talkative and you were nervous, afraid for your life, for your grandma.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not here to collect any money.” He raised his hands in defense. “Your grandmother is adorable.”
“What?” You asked perplexed, thinking of a possible way to get out of the house safely.
“You heard me, I’m not here to do any harm to you or her.” He clicked his tongue. “She said you’re a smart woman, you’ve nothing to worry about.”
“Then why are you here?” Confusion was written all over you.
“She offered me tea and cookies… oh! And dinner.”
“You can’t stay!”
“Y/N! Where are your manners? That’s no way to treat such a gentleman.”
You couldn’t help but scoff at her words. Thomas Shelby a gentleman. He narrowed his eyes, and gave you an offended look.
“Set the table, I’ll finish this.” She ordered.
Doing as she asked, you went to collect the plates.
“Not that ones! The fancy set!” She instructed pointing the spoon at you.
Tommy chuckled at your surprised expression, but quickly looked down to continue his task chopping the vegetables.
But he’s a criminal! He’s a gangster! You wanted to say. Yet, she wanted to use the delicate china reserved only for important occasions.
Placing the plates, you took then the silverware from the drawer. Seconds later you heard them laughing over something he had said, your grandmother’s voice praising him for his sense of humor. She had no idea who he was! Or what he had done.
“And what did he say afterwards?” He asked your grandma, you found him leaning against the sink, his body turned to face her.
“He said, I swore I saw you first, it had to be me the one who would make the first move.” Your grandmother stated proudly.
Here she was, seventy something years old telling the number one Birmingham’s criminal her love story with your grandfather.
“I told him, of course honey, you chose me. He always thought it was him, but it was me the one who chose him.”
“How long were you married?” He asked with interest.
“Over fifty years, most of my life. Can you believe that?”
“That’s lovely.” He admitted. The words sounded so wrong in his mouth, he should be cursing or shouting.
“Dinner is ready.” Your grandma announced. “Y/N help our guest.”
You wanted to roll your eyes.
“Food smells amazing.” He complimented.
“Would you like a piece of bread? Tommy?”
“What? He says I can call him that.” She defended.
“Please.” He smiled and you groaned internally. “I’m going to wash my hands.”
As soon as he disappeared, your grandma grabbed your arm. “You need to put a smile on that face my darling, can’t you see? An educated gentleman is visiting us, he smells nice, has a sense of humor, is polite and handsome… have you seen his eyes? It’s like a piece of heaven!”
“So what? He’s a-”
“You need to find yourself a decent man, Y/N.”
“He’s not a decent man.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Grandma, he’s an arrogant, selfish and dangerous-”
“May I have this honor?” He asked interrupting your little disagreement, offering his arm to your grandma, he guided her tenderly towards the table. He probably heard everything you said.
“So, Tommy what is that you do?”
“I’ve a business, we sell car parts in different countries.”He wasn’t lying.
“I’ve never used a car!”
“Then I should take you for a ride.”
You felt about to combust, he was charming your grandmother and she believed him!
Grinding your teeth, you placed the food on his plate.
“I really appreciate this.” He gave you a twisted smile.
Your grandmother’s hand came to rest on his arm. “I’m so glad I came across you this afternoon. It’s been lovely to share this meal with you.”
“I’m flattered you think that.”
“You don’t have a wife waiting at home, do you Tommy?” Your grandma asked bluntly and you almost chocked on your food.
“No, Mrs Barwick. I’m not married.”
“How is that possible?” She shook her head. “You deserve a good woman!” Then, looking at you she said; “what was that tale I told you to find a husband?”
“I don’t know grandma, I’m done with my dinner if you excuse m-”
But the look she threw in your direction, made you reconsider leaving the table. Sometimes she didn’t need to use her words. One look was more than enough.
You took a deep breath uncomfortable, and it only grew as you could feel Mr. Shelby’s eyes on you.
“Your grandma mentioned you sell books.” He asked to ease the tension.
“Oh but show him! About that collection you got.” Your grandma encouraged.
“What is it about? Eh?”
“She’s a great seller.” She praised.
“Oh.” Mr. Shelby’s eyes sparkled. He was having fun. “Really?”
He was the most irritating person you’ve ever met.
“It’s about the Greek mithology.”
“Fascinating.” He nodded. “Why don’t you stop by my office tomorrow? I’d like the entire collection.”
“That’s wonderful!” Your grandma beamed.
“All set then.” He ran his tongue over his lips and then, tilted his head. “You made me remember about my grandmother.”
“What was a she like?” Your grandmother asked, batting her lashes.
He had her eating from his palm deliberately.
Studying the man before your eyes, something changed inside you. How could he be so cold-hearted? He seemed like a total different person in that very moment, his guard was down, posture totally relaxed, he even had a smile on his face.
Catching you off guard, you had to look away from him.
“She was a gypsy princess.” His blue eyes filled with nostalgia. “Thanks to her I learned all about values like respect, loyalty. She showed me how to ride a horse and light a fire.”
“It must’ve been hard for her to be on the road.”
“Actually no, she loved to be free, said how nature provided us for everything we might need.” He explained all while his deep voice was dragging you into something you couldn’t name. “It’s getting late and I don’t want to keep you up. Thank you once again.”
“Thank you for a lovely evening Tommy, would love to have you again for dinner .”
He gave you another look, not so subtle this time.
“I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Not at all, right Y/N?” She pressed her elbow against your arm. “Walk him to the door my dear.”
Offering his hand to her, she whispered into his ear; “She doesn’t trust easily, you’ll need to work harder.”
Tommy tried to disguise his chuckle, after winking at your grandmother he thanked you too.
“I really enjoyed it, hope to see you around?” He arranged the peaky cap on his head and placed his hand on your arm.
“Goodnight Mr. Shelby.” Was all you could think of saying, still confused by everything that happened.
“Goodnight Mr. Shelby?” Your grandmother mimicked your voice. “You’ll need to do better next time, fix your hair, wear your new shoes… a little something! Y/N I placed him in a silver tray for you and you only said two words to him. Sweetheart you need to do something to catch his attention.”
Opening your mouth to protest, but she continued rambling. “But be discreet, you must stand out from the other women, don’t throw yourself at him, leave him wanting more,” her eyes sparkled in excitement. “A hand on his shoulder, hold his gaze… or pretend to brush something from his coat and then look at his lips.”
“Grandma, stop.” You blushed.
“Goodness, I can’t do anything else for you! He was right here!” She took the plates to the kitchen. “A smile might help, you need to ask him about his day, fix his handkerchief…”
“He was only here because you didn’t give him another option.” A sigh escaped your lips.
“My sweet girl, you’ve everything he needs,” she cupped your chin gently. “But you’re too shy! He kept staring at you…”
“I think your imagination is wild.”
“Y/NY/LN,” you stopped midway as she called your full name. Oh oh. “I like him to be my grandson-in-law… so you gotta do something soon.”
And knowing her the way you did, you realized there was no way back now. Once an idea got into her head, she wouldn’t let that slip away.
“I’ve been praying for this moment for so long!” You heard her say from across the room and then she mumbled something about that blue dress that suited you so well.
As you were about to clean the kitchen you heard a knock on the door. Opening, you were surprised to find the most terrifying man on your doorstep once more.
Your heart rate went up immediately, he was standing with his hands crossed in front of his body, head hanging low, you could only see his lips under the peaky cap.
“I’ll be waiting for you Miss Y/LN, tomorrow ten o’clock, I’ll make sure to send someone to help you with the books.”
“That won’t be necessary, I can carry them by myself.” You insisted, still unsure about his intention.
“Fairly well, as you wish.”
As he turned around to leave, something made you stop him.
“I want to thank you for helping my grandmother.” Never, in a million years you imagined you’d be grateful for something he did.
Lifting his jaw to stare at you with those piercing blue eyes that could set anyone into stone, he gave you a smile.
“I just did the right thing.” He cleared his throat. “You’ve nothing to be afraid of by the way, don’t believe everything you hear.”
“I just learned that, you can be considerate and charming sometimes.”
“Then consider yourself lucky,” he winked at you, “that doesn’t happen too often.”
Looking past your shoulder, Tommy noticed your grandmother’s head poking, moving her hands excitedly towards you.
Master list
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raineandsky · 14 days
The lock on the door is an easy pick, and with one final touch the door clicks open and allows the villain inside.
Now, the villain is usually well above petty crime. He’s done his fair share of thieving. He’s pick-pocketed, he’s robbed, and yeah, sure, he’s broken into places here and there. But his life is actually fun now, thanks to a villainous promotion and some less of the dirty work, and so stealing ended up rather low on his list of fun weekend activities.
It’s not a weekend, though, and it sure as hell isn’t fun either. This is business, and goddamn if the villain isn’t a professional.
He glances at the screen of the phone in his hand, checking and rechecking the picture he took of the supervillain’s instructions. If only the supervillain wasn’t trained to be a doctor, his handwriting might be somewhat legible. He is though, unfortunately, and the villain is wishing he’d just typed up the words when he had the time before.
I’ve had a ‘tip’ on [Hero]’s address. The villain can just about make the words out. It’s like a word puzzle, which he is notoriously bad at already. I have reason to believe she’s got some important documents in there. Infiltrate, find her stash of secrets, and bring it in.
Easy enough. The fun part of stealing was usually finding the most expensive object, though, and the villain has an inkling that some paperwork won’t exactly make him a millionaire. He tucks the phone into his pocket, taking a moment to adjust his eyes to the darkness before shutting the door behind him and exploring.
He finds a living room, a bathroom, a kitchen, the fridge, ooh she has good taste. The villain plucks a punnet of grapes from the fridge and tosses one into his mouth. The supervillain has him on late nights—he doesn’t have time for dinner at the moment. The hero will have to survive without her grapes.
The office feels like stumbling across a mine of incredibly boring, inexpensive gold. The villain takes to rooting through the piles of papers mounting on the desk. All plain, civilian problems—bills, taxes, a newsletter from the mayor. Nothing exactly incriminating.
“What are you doing in my house?”
Who the hell is awake at three in the morning? The villain wasn’t that loud coming in. He turns dramatically, expecting to make his first introduction to the hero, but he isn’t faced with the hero. He isn’t faced with a hero at all.
An old lady is standing in the doorway, her glasses perched wonkily on her nose and a baseball bat in her hands. The bat is kind of menacing, at first, but then she has to awkwardly adjust her glasses and the illusion is gone.
The villain’s mind is short-circuiting. That’s not a goddamn hero. What the hell has the superhero gotten him into? What the hell is he meant to do with a bat-wielding civilian?
“You’re deaf as well as unlawful,” she adds drily.
“No, no.” The villain's cool demeanour is slipping too fast. “No, I can hear just fine, thank you.”
“You haven’t answered my question.”
“What question?”
The bat taps pointedly against the woman’s palm. She’d probably injure herself trying to swing it at him. That thought alone is vaguely comforting. Only vaguely, though—she’s still wielding a baseball bat.
“What are you doing in my house?”
“I am here,” the villain starts slowly, “to rob you blind.”
He doesn’t know what else to say. He didn’t expect to run into anyone, much less a civilian, much much less a little old lady. He’s running on a bank of prewritten sentences he used in his thieving days, and for some reason the least helpful one is the one that wants to be said.
The woman’s face scrunches up in an emotion the villain can’t read. At first he thinks it might be distress, or perhaps fear, but then she raises the bat and he realises that, oh, no, that’s actually unbridled rage.
She brings it down in an arc and the villain just about dodges to the side. She doesn’t seem to mind the fact the bat absolutely annihilates her desk in his stead. Jesus Christ, is that thing made of steel?
He may be a villain, and villainy may require a certain amount of balls, but this is where he draws the line. The old lady swings again, crashing into the glass cabinet a hair’s width away from the villain’s face, and he decides that no, he’s not dealing with this shit tonight.
He scrambles for the window, throwing himself out onto the fire escape stairs with his new nemesis in tow. She makes one last swipe at him as he takes the stairs down two at a time.
“I’ll bash your head in next time!” she shrieks after him.
It’s only when the villain is safely on the other side of the building that he slows down. He pulls his phone out, sucking in a deep breath, and unlocks it to look at the superhero’s note again. Really scrutinises it. Then it clicks. He sees the problem.
That’s not a 6. It’s an 8. He was on the wrong goddamn floor.
He stares blankly at the screen for a moment. He’s too old to be putting up with this shit.
He shoves his phone back in his pocket, heaves a age-old sigh, and lets himself back into the building for round two.
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thejujvtsupost · 7 months
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Collar Crimes -> Torn Knuckles
So we’re back with some more mob Geto, this was heavily requested but I never got around to adding more to the series. So to everyone who requested it: ta-da!
Notes: F!reader, yakuza!Geto, casual violence, blood, Geto has tattoos, fluffy, pet names - bunny, reader is a sleepy type of gf & soft girl- think Sanrio/hello kitty aesthetic? Wound care and first aid.
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The sound of Geto’s fist connecting with its target echoed through the warehouse. “I don’t take half of anything, I take what belongs to me. This isn’t a negotiation.”
Hiro was a nuisance, interacting with him just wasn’t worth the trouble any longer. The fact that he was called to the warehouse in the first place had him pissed off. The exchange between Hiro and his men was supposed to be a smooth one, yet he was required to handle things himself. Apparently Hiro thought attempting to kill one of his men for leverage was a good idea.
“I’m just asking for 15%, no 20% and I’ll carry out the rest of the deal for you!” Suguru couldn’t deny that he had balls, Hiro was already beaten bloody, missing a few teeth and still trying to negotiate. Shouldn’t the broken ribs be enough to shut him up?
Suguru’s expression and tone screamed danger when he bent to Hiro’s level to get in his face. “You have three seconds to get out of my sight or I’ll kill you. Pull any funny shit again, if you even breathe wrong; I’ll kill you. Don’t mistake my mercy for weakness or tolerance.” His hand was starting to throb from where his fist made contact with the idiot’s face. He sighed and didn’t bother to hide his irritation.
Hiro let out a whimper and scurried away, leaving Geto with Yuta and Choso. “Clean up the blood, I’m going home.” He left no room to argue- not that they’d try.
You had just gotten in the warm tub when you heard Suguru call your name. College was taxing and today was especially rough with your double lecture. Soaking in the giant tub with a bath bomb and bubbles was a good way to relax.
“In here!”
Suguru entered and greeted you with a smile before leaning over to kiss you. “Hi bunny.”
You felt sad upon seeing his hand on the edge of the tub, “You’re hurt?”
“It’s nothin’ to worry about, got room for me in there?” He stripped his suit off and briefly washed his hands despite the sting against his wounds.
You hummed and slid forward to create space, “I’ll take a look at it once we’re done.” He kissed your nape and pulled you back against his chest when he was settled.
“How was my girl’s day? You seem stressed.” It’d be dumb to think he didn’t notice your mood right away. He paid genuine attention to you, your feelings and your needs. Suguru knew you better than anyone. Everyone.
You groaned and leaned your head back to rest on him, “I had my double biology lecture today with my professor that never takes late work. I submitted my paper a minute past midnight the other day and I swear he was glaring at me. It was ONE minute, what difference does it make? He already took five points off automatically for the late submission so why am I getting the stink eye? I’ve already been penalized! He’s a hard grader too, there’s stuff I thought I understood but got wrong on the midterm and now I’m not up to my standard grade.”
The temptation to take care of, in one way or another, the professor giving you trouble was strong, but his absence of teaching would probably stress you out more. “I’m sorry bun, only a few weeks left and you won’t have to worry about him anymore.” Strong arms wrapped around your shoulders for extra comfort.
“It just sucks, I hate being a disappointment.”
“You’re never a disappointment, never. The guy obviously has a stick up his ass and takes it out on his students. You’re such a smarty pants, your grades are excellent. One professor in the grand scheme of things won’t matter.”
You didn’t realize how tired and tense you were until he reassured you. “It’s hard to remember that sometimes, thank you.” You turned your head and kissed him softly.
“Did you eat dinner yet?”
You shook your head and he frowned, it was pretty late and you hadn’t eaten. “Was waiting for you, and I couldn’t decide. I wasn’t too hungry anyway.”
“How about we get something delivered? You need to eat whether I’m home or not, it’s important.”
You curled in on yourself the slightest bit, “I know… I just really miss you sometimes and I like when we eat together. Can we have curry?”
“Curry it is then. C’mon let me get out first.”
Suguru stood up, got out of the tub and dried off before he assisted you and toweled you off himself. Your soft and fluffy robe was held out for you, which he also took the liberty of tying.
“Let me see your hand, your knuckles are all torn up.” Your face clearly showed your concern. He loved that about you, how you had your heart on your sleeve.
It only took a few minutes, but you took care in applying ointment and wrapping his knuckles so they would heal. You finished your job with a kiss over his hand and he’d never admit it but the action made him blush. He had no choice but to hug you immediately in thanks so you wouldn’t notice.
(You noticed. You thought it was cute.)
“Thank you bunny, you’re always a great little nurse. So, curry?”
“Yes please.” You nodded your head and followed him into the living room.
He called you the nurse but in your eyes, he took care of you way better than you could take care of him.
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thiswaytwoinfinity · 16 days
Emma's Epic Multi-Fandom Rec List: 'Top Gun: Bob' Edition
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This is technically like, part 3.1 since I've been working on pulling a giant 'Top Gun: Maverick' rec list together, with all the daggers. I wanted to have this done a little while ago (because August was when I joined the TGM fandom, etc.) but frankly everything has been nuts and so I just figured it was better to share what I had ready rather than wait for the whole thing.
Please cut me some slack, my puppy just got spayed and she insists I hold her bone for her while she chews so I have like one free hand and two brain cells at the moment
I do my best to reblog as much as possible but sometimes I miss it so this is my attempt to make up for that and give all of the amazing creators on here the credit they deserve. Thank you all so much for sharing all of your work with us. This past year has been a long and difficult one for me, especially mental health wise, and being able to escape into these stories has been so valuable and important to me. 
If you read anything on here that you like, please reblog and/or comment on these pics to show the creators some love! 
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: While not everything listed here will include smut, many of these authors have 18+ blogs. Please, please, please respect their boundaries and DO NOT INTERACT WITH THEM/THEIR CONTENT IF YOU ARE A MINOR.
Stories marked with ❤️‍🔥 contain NSFW content
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd 
Full of Surprises ❤️‍🔥 by @withahappyrefrain — You have to admire a fandom that takes one look at the bespectacled, quiet-seeming character and goes “This guy fucks.” I also had that exact thought when I first saw Bob Floyd (along with several other, increasingly filthy thoughts), so when I read this story for the first time I went “oh, yeah, definitely. This guy fucks and this is how he fucks.” Just like our beloved WSO, it starts out so charming and sweet and then gets so incredibly steamy and sexy. 10/10. And when you’re done, there’s an equally hot Part 2. 
Behave ❤️‍🔥 by @withahappyrefrain — Bob Floyd bicep choking. Let me repeat that, a little louder: BOB! FLOYD! BICEP! CHOKING! It’s even hotter than you think it is. 
Whodunit? by @attapullman — Fun fact: my absolute favorite genre of fiction (books, movies, games, you name it) is a whodunit mystery. So, naturally, I have been obsessed with this series ever since Mo started teasing it way back when, and I love everything about it. Bob and Fanboy are the perfect goofy amateur sleuths, the teasing hints of cameos from all of the other Daggers keeps you on your toes and there’s a dose and campy ‘80s nostalgia running through the whole thing that I adore. It’s just pure, giddy fun. 
The Neighbor!Bob Universe ❤️‍🔥 by @attapullman — I am on record as adoring every single version of Bob that Mo cooks up, but neighbor!Bob holds a special place in my heart. He’s so handy and confident and sexy and he needs help dodging the firtations of all of the older women in the neighborhood who are equally obsessed with him! My bff and I once joked that the perfect man could build you a table and then do both you and your taxes on it, and well, that’s neighbor!Bob to a tee. 
do you wanna make somethin' of it ❤️‍🔥by @theharddeck — Hi, hello, are you looking for a Bob fic so hot it will MELT YOUR ENTIRE BRAIN? This is that fic. Bob has a secret side hustle as your favorite audio erotica performer (username: BullRiderRhett) and he is just as brain-scramblingly hot in person as he is in your headphones. I finished this fic and said out loud, to nobody, “omg I need him.” And because the universe is kind, there is an equally scorching sequel. 
you don’t have to be a star by @sunlightmurdock — Sweet, perfect Bob deserves a sweet, perfect fic where he gets to hear all about how lovely and wonderful he is, just the way he is. Fluffy and warm and the kind of story that gives you the urge to kiss him all over his perfect little face. 
Something in the Orange ❤️‍🔥by @sorchathered — I’m a sucker for a “right person, wrong time” situation and this one is a gut-punch of angst followed by a swoon-worthy reconciliation. I imagine it would be impossible to ever truly move on from Robert Floyd. 
Delicate ❤️‍🔥 and I Want Your Midnights by @laracrofted — *Tyler Owens voice* Are y’all ready to pine? Bob Floyd is an absolute dream boy and he’s at his most hesitant and lovestruck in these two gorgeous stories. These give me the same like, sinking stomach-feeling I get when I stare at pictures of Lewis for too long — like just the tiniest bit of melancholy that makes the whole experience sweeter and more emotional. Does that make sense? It’s one of the highest compliments I can give. 
Covering the Classics ❤️‍🔥by @roosterforme — BOB AND ANNA! ANNA AND BOB! I COULD SCREAM ABOUT THESE TWO FOR HOURS! I love them, this is such a beautiful, heart wrenching, emotional roller coaster of a story about learning how to find yourself and your people after heartbreak and trauma. Anna is such an interesting, complicated character and Bob meets her at every turn with love and tenderness and the biggest open heart in the world. (And also the steamy scenes are BEYOND, like, damn, Bob, neither Anna nor I was ever gonna be able to resist you.)
I Heard Screaming ❤️‍🔥by @oncassette — Yes, it’s a classic fanfic trope — I heard noises and walked in on you enjoying some *private time* while thinking about me — but it’s a classic for a reason. I love it and I reread it all the time. 
Four Eyes ❤️‍🔥by @promisingyounglady — I’m going to quote what I wrote the first time I reblogged this wildly, delightfully, insanely filthy fic: “I need to sit in a dark corner and replay this fic in my brain like a movie now.” It’s that good
Misc. Lewis Pullman Characters: 
Dancing Beneath the Moon ❤️‍🔥by @delopsia (Rhett Abbott) — Del is *the* Rhett Abbott fic writer, in my opinion, and choosing just one of their fics was so much harder than I thought. But ultimately, I’m still so spellbound by this one, where Rhett is a ghost haunting the former Abbott ranch. It’s atmospheric and moody and gorgeous and the pining is top notch — as is the image of Rhett being a grumpy, mischievous house ghost. Also please check out their Floytt universe which I also adore. 
Coyote ❤️‍🔥by @delopsia (Miles Miller) — An omegaverse with a twist! The reader is a wolf being married off to broker peace with another prominent wold family … only to run away with the sweet, gentle coyote who works at the desk of the El Royale.  Dip You in Honey So I Could Be Stickin to You ❤️‍🔥by @laracrofted (Harrison Knott) — Harrison Knott, the man that you are. And the man that you are in this fic, specifically. I need him desperately. Carnally. In a way that is concerning to feminism.
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lizhly-writes · 5 months
staring at my sqh/yqy peak lord fiance ficlet. consider this! sqh is still consorting with demons while this happens because why not. mobei-jun still exists and is fully aware of the whole "haha i'm engaged to my shixiong and everything is so fucking weird" and sqh is muttering about this as he looks through some northern desert stuff.
it's just. come on, yue-shixiong. we're engaged, you don't have to keep chasing after your xiao jiu -- not that sqh minds!!! if you two get along, great, that's everything that great airplane god wanted! but like, it gets really awkward when you run away while you're on a date with lil ole shang qinghua, and then everyone starts feeling very sorry for sqh for having a fiance so obviously in love with another man, which, okay, sqh absolutely took advantage of to get paperwork done at first, but it's starting to get wayyyyy more awkward now --
mbj finds himself in the wonderful position of being able to give sqh dating advice. does mbj date? no. but does he know what dating looks like? hell yeah. it seems a shame that his best spy/advisor/friend(?) doesn't know the answer to this.
"hit him," mbj suggests.
"what," sqh says.
"three times a day."
and then we get into a discussion on demon courting and sqh going "haha that's nice but yqy isn't a demon" and mbj is like "i don't understand why you don't try it, how else are you going to get his attention".
"humans don't court by punching people???"
"you don't appear to be making any progress doing this the human way." and mbj says this super condescendingly, too. like hey, sqh, you're such a loser. you have no game. of course you have no bitches. how can you have bitches if you don't punch people in the face.
well, yeah?? fuck you too, my king! it's not like you've ever had a date, are you not launching a boulder while being precariously balanced on your glass peak (me: i'm paraphrasing bu-ding-talk, check them out)? sqh could totally make progress if he wants to! not that he wants to! who wants to make progress with yqy??
anyway, this gets buried until the next time yqy pays sqq too much attention and sqh had the most resigned fucking look on his face. like come on. this again?
lqg is there. sqh makes incredibly awkward small talk. like haha hey how's your engagement to sqq. good? bad? ahahaha yeah, actually, sqh didn't have to ask, obviously it's bad. look, our fiances are running away with each other. people keep telling sqh that he needs to keep yue-shixiong's attention somehow, but all the advice is weird. in fact this guy last week said that sqh should hit yqy three times a day, not that sqh is going to try that --
"hmm," says lqg. "that's not a bad idea."
sqh is abruptly reminded that he is talking to lqg, a man who probably would be more interested in people if they punched him in the face.
"is that what you're doing with sqq???" says sqh.
the answer is no, of course not, don't be dumb. but like, if sqq WASN'T a poisonous snake of a man and a decent human being, lqg would mayhaps have his interest piqued with a good fight. that's so much better than flowers and haircombs. who wants courting gifts when you can have a good punch in the face.
"hahaha thanks liu-shidi but maybe not i think yue-shixiong could probably kill me if i tried," says sqh and scurries away.
fast-forward a week or two, in which sqh is having a stressful time. maybe it's tax season. maybe it's a shitty night hunt that he has no business being on. either way, yqy is there with him and good god is yqy zoned out.
is yqy actually zoned out? eh, maybe not. perhaps he is actually fully paying attention, but also he takes a look at a stand for fans while sqh is talking to him and sqh is like "shit, is this sqq again?" exasperation turning into anger while sqh is just, super stressed, and he just needs yqy to pay attention to him just this once, and the thought occurs -- well, at least two separate people have told him that he just needs to hit yqy --
all this to say that sqh just fucking decks yqy
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Charm !!!! I owe you everything thank you. I used your theta state method and got into the void state and reality shifted with it. Sorry if my English is not good, it’s not my first language but I did manifest it was better in the void so please tell me if it’s better! I dmed you so you know who I am but I want to stay anonymous. Basically I played the theta waves like you said to. I repeated I am, And just cried because I couldn’t live like this anymore. When I got to the symptoms I imagined myself in water and they went away. This was where I always got stuck but once I pushed past this I got sucked into myself and ended up in a very weird state.
Anyways I ended up in a lucid dream and after reading your lucid dreaming guide I closed my eyes like you told us to and I was in the void state. I affirmed my list and then intended to go to my waiting room just to see if it worked and it did!! I sobbed for like 10 minutes seeing all my comfort chracters in my wr and the fact that it’s real.
I came back & eveything was here.
My void state list was
-master manifesting and being a fast shifter
-my parents winning the lottery, I took that inspo from you so thank you
-df and db
-eventually meeting my sp
-subliminal playlist results immediately just by looking at the title
-being very smart and having near perfect English after having to use a translator for so long (please tell me if it’s better btw)
-I won a New York lottery where I get 2k a week after taxes for life! I’m about to go to college this autumn so this is so exciting I can have my dream college experience
-acceptance to NYU
-revised my abusive family. I have my dad a hug for the first time and for the first time ever he doesn’t hate me. I cried and he was very confused as I revised the past but not my memory
-& a lot more
Regardless I just want to say it took me 2 yrs. Thank you so much charm for always answering my annoying repetitive asks nicely and telling me to accept I am god. I’ll be back soon, I wanna give back to the community but I’m going to live my life for a while. Thank you guys for everything 😇😇
To anyone doubting is this is real it is. No matter how bad your life is or how impossible it seems like charm says we are god!!! This is something you told me that really helped accept it. In the dms you said “I don’t know how or why it’s real, I have done my own research and have come to my conclusion on why this phenomenon is possible but you shouldn’t care bc it’s yours and you have access to it. Be the first person to do it if you think it isn’t real, because you can”
So i fucking decided I don’t care if everyone lied in this app !! I will be the first person to enter the void. Well now I know it’s real so everyone was telling the truth but I will tell this to everyone. Be the first to get your results if you have to. Good luck everyone 🖤🖤
Omggg periodt !!!!! Congrats on your success anon!!! I just saw your message and I’m literally so happy for you 🥹🥹I feel like a proud mom and I hope you have an amazing time at NYU 💓💓 also omg yes your English is perfect !!!!
don’t thank me for anything You did all the hard work yourself and now you’re reaping the benefits :)!!! Whenever you come back I’d love to hear your shifting experiences but until then have fun 🤩
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WIBTA if I asked for money instead of a car? (This one is low-stakes)
I have a car that I really, really love. A 2006 Ford Fusion. It's not a cool car, it's not fast and shiny, but it is my very first car and I love it. I've had my first taste of freedom in that car, I've cried in that car, brought my late cat to her final vet appointments... And it always starts right up for me.
However, it will need some work done in the upcoming year. New battery, new fuse balls, new timing belt... This will be close to 1000 euros within a year from now, and I already spent 600 last month just to keep it going. And that's on top of the running costs of heavyweight car tax, as well as the higher cost of the more high-quality gas my older car needs.
My parents are getting a new electric car and have offered their Hyundai i20 to me for free. (For free!) I'm incredibly grateful of course but I am finding it very hard to sell my own car.
Relevant: due to illness, my financial future is uncertain and the smaller Hyundai with better gas mileage and lower weight tax would be beneficial. It is also great to pocket the sales cost of my Ford. This is the reason my parents offered me their car.
My parents are financially secure, but they are not wealthy by any means and will probably have a hefty mortgage until they die.
I also used to complain about my Ford because the cabin filter didn't work and so driving around in it gave me migraines (inhaling highway car exhaust is bad for you). But I recently found that replacing the cabin filter is doable. Also, I can in fact use the cheaper gas in my car so maybe the mileage cost isn't THAT bad.
Tumblr, would I be a total asshole if I asked my parents for the money they got out of selling their Hyundai instead of the car itself? Like, hey thanks for offering me your car but I'd rather have the cash? I feel like it would be rude, but they are offering it to me for free anyway so financially it will make no difference to them, and I will get to keep my beloved Fusion.
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hirayaaraw · 10 months
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Of Taxes and Marriage
Tags: friends to lovers; marriage for convenience / fake marriage; pining
It's Saturday and you were supposed to have to watch a movie downtown with your bestfriens Wonwoo but plans were changed. Here you are in his dining table with your laptop and cramming your tax file that is due on Monday.
"Why no one has taught this in college?" You complain while you were dizzy with the amount of payslips you got from your main job and side hustle. "I'm really sorry for cancelling our plans, Won."
"It's fine." Wonwoo said before sitting next to you and peek on your laptop. You can see his grimace on your peripheral view.
"Should I call my mom's secretary to fix your tax file so we can eat our dinner now?" You roll your eyes. Wonwoo, of course, the rich kid he is, knows and have anyone to fix your tax.
"I doubt you call them to fix yours."
"Well, right." And Wonwoo, the rich kid he is, doesn't like using his connection. He likes doing his stuff on his own. "I don't even want to call my mom right now because that means another blind date to arrange with another daughter of someone."
"Poor you." You said nonchalantly. You couldn't care less about his rich boy problem because when you saw the amount of tax you will be paying. "I'm doomed."
Wonwoo pulled your laptop as you try to process the fact that you owe the freaking government a huge amount of tax. "Woah. You made that much in your side hustle?"
"Made that much, gave away so much to my family, and now I need pay so much to this government." You stressed out as you comb your hair in frustration. You are thinking to delay the payment and paying the penalties. "Not to mention my monthly rent."
"You need some help?"
"No, I'm fine. I can handle this." You said and close your laptop. "What should we eat tonight?"
"Orange chicken?"
"That sounds nice. Do you the ingredients?" You stood up and went to his refrigerator.
"Yeah, I did some grocery when you said we gonna cancel the plan tonight." He said then start preparing the utensils that will be used.
This is how your weekends usually happen. Dinner with either of your apartments. Cooking together or if you both feeling lazy, you order pizza and do some movie marathon. This started during your college days as broke students and now you two are inseparable.
Once you are done cooking, you felt a bit better as you see Wonwoo become excited about the food. He prepared the table and pull you a chair.
"Thank you for the food." He said before closing his eyes to mutter a short prayer. "Finally a real food."
"If only you can stop being lazy about cooking."
"I told you I can't cook."
"Then what did we do earlier, Mister?"
"Well, I chop and you do your magic." Wonwoo said then ate a spoonful of rice. He continued explaining how shitty he is as a cook. You just agreed he is a bad cook and settled on cooking on weekends for him so he can stay alive or else he will live through instant noodles and canned goods.
Once you finish eating, you clear the table and he wash the dishes. He notice how your aura is still gloomy despite trying to make you laugh.
"You know I can help you if you tell me." He said while rinsing the plate.
"If the government can give tax break to corporations for doing charity, why can't they do it for single women who are breadwinners?" You whined at him. "If you happen to know who to contact to lower my tax bracket, then I will gladly ask for your help."
Wonwoo wipe the plates dry and put it on the cabinet. He bit his lower lip and turn to you.
"What? Do you know how?"
"Yeah" Wonwoo said in low voice. Unsure if he should say it.
"Really? You know how?" You said excitedly and you hugged him. Wonwoo gulped as he smelled your perfume. You pulled away from him and waited for this information.
"You need to marry someone to get a tax break." He said in a matter of fact tone. You groaned and slap his chest in annoyance.
"Where can I find a husband? I've been single since we graduated." You frowned at him while he smiled at you. He ruffled your hair to annoy you more.
"You can marry me."
You blink twice at him. It seems like your brain is playing at you. You scanned his face to see any sign if he is joking or what but Wonwoo is just smiling at you.
"What did you say?"
"I sad you can marry me." Wonwoo said in a very serious tone then gave you a small smile. You can feel your heart beat jumps.
"You shouldn't joke about marriage, asshole." You pushed him towards the sink and walk to his sofa. He followed you like a lost cat.
"Hey I'm serious." Wonwoo said when he caught your hand.
"Marriage for tax? Are you kidding me?" You looked at him with disbelief on how he came up with that idea. "Marriage should happen between two people who love each other."
"We love each other!" He said as if it is the easiest thing on the world.
"Platonically."You said and Wonwoo still holding your hand slowly kneeling on one knee.
"You get a lower tax bracket, my mom will stop pestering me about blind dates."
"You can pay me half of your monthly rent or even nothing if we get married."
"I can believe you are talking me through this and I am seriously considering it."
"Y/N, will you marry me? For the sake of taxes and everything that bothers us." He asked you with that endearing smile. How could you say no?
"You'll help me file my tax?"
"I will shoo away your blind dates."
"I am literally on my knees so please."
"Half of my rent and I cook for you everyday."
"I will be forever grateful."
"When's our wedding?"
That's how you ended up Monday morning at the city hall in your white skirt, coat, and strapped on heels. Wonwoo arrived at your appartment with a bouquet yellow tulips and to add the wedding vibe according to him. He looks handsome in his black tuxedo and slick back hairstyle.
Now you both stand in front of a judge as he precided your wedding. You drag a janitor and a court clerk to be a witness to your wedding. Wonwoo held both of your hands. You listen to the judge intenly while he looks at you endearingly.
"With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
You and Wonwoo's eyes widen in surprise. You forgot the part where you need to kiss each other. Wonwoo slowly remove the veil from your face.
He held your cheeks gently and you look at him before closing your eyes. This is not the first kiss you shared with him. However, this is is special as you are now his wife. He lowered his head and gave you a kiss. You can feel his smile against yours and you couldn't help but reach his face with your free hand.
"Congratulations, Mr. And Mrs. Jeon!" You pulled away and hugged him. Wonwoo laughed as he hugged you tighter.
Just two idiots who will never admit they love each other romantically.
2017 December
A day before you both leave the campus dorm to celebrate the holiday. You are sitting side by side in his tiny couch with a bowl of popcorn on your lap. Love, Rosie playing on the screen.
"Do you think we will be in love at each other like them?" You asked him out of the blue. Just pure curiousity.
"I don't know. Maybe? We don't what fate holds for us."
"But is that fine with you?"
"Fine with?"
"Falling in love with me in the future."
"Yeah there's not to love about you." Wonwoo said calmly as if it is a non brainer question. You put the popcorn on the coffee table.
You don't know what went on your mind. It is suddenly hazy. You turn to him while Wonwoo is watching Rosie confess.
"I want to know something."
"Can I kiss you?"
"Okay." Wonwoo looked at you. Without anytime waster, you pulled him towards you and kiss him. It took few seconds for Wonwoo to respond. His hand grab your neck to deepen the kiss. You were never kissed like this before.
You pulled away to breathe. He rested his forehead to yours before giving you a peck.
"Was it that you want to know?" He asked you with breathy voice. You stood up before you were completely trap by the spell he puts you in.
"Oh look. It's late. I have a bus to catch on tomorrow morning." You pick up your phone and ran towards the door. "Merry Christmas, Wonwoo!"
Your curiousity is satisfied. You just learned that Wonwoo has the ability to make your heart go crazy and your heart is ridiculously beating for him.
But no, you don't need love as senior college student clinging on scholarship. You set aside the feelings and burried it the whole holiday season.
It was the first but certainly not the last kiss you shared with Wonwoo as friends.
2019 July
Drinks flowing as the campus celebrated the night before the graduation ceremony. Everyone is inebriated as well as you and Wonwoo.
Wonwoo never left your side and his free arm is stucked in either your waist or shoulder. Both of you were laughing like idiots at the corner of your batchmate's house, you legs resting on his lap and your head on his shoulder. The party music blaring in the whole house.
When the laughter between the two of you ensued, you both notice how there is almost no distance between the two of you. You can smell the beer and his musky perfume.
Wonwoo raised your chin and you can see the hesitation in his eyes. You held his hand and took this as a sign. He kissed you tenderly. A little bit sloppy but you can feel his yearning as if he is scared that he will be losing you.
Once you are both out of breath, you rested your head on his chest. Hands still intertwined.
"Y/N" Wonwoo called you. You hummed against his chest. He felt that he has the whole world. He is nervous but it feels like a now or never situation. "Have I told you that I love you?"
He waited for a response but nothing came out from you. Wonwoo looked down just to see you sleeping on him.
If he told the 2019 Jeon Wonwoo that he will end up marrying you, his old self will never believe it. If he told his past self that you both spent the night of your wedding playing board games, his old self will laugh at him for being loser.
He is happy and content for what he has right now. His confession can wait.
Right now, you enjoy defeating Wonwoo in every scrabble round. Your heart beats like first time you both kissed. Just like the first time you kissed, you wanted to put aside your feelings and focus on the pressing matters at hand.
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matan4il · 7 months
Daily update post:
You might have seen me mentioning before the Palestinian Authority's "Pay for Slay" policy, where they pay Palestinian terrorists based on how deadly their attacks have been. Let me share something even worse: based on the Oslo peace accords from the 1990's, Israel collects the Palestinian tax money, and then passes it along to the PA. Which means, when Israel became aware of the "Pay for Slay" law (yes, turns out that it's a LAW, not just a program, that the Palestinian Authority pays terrorists... the same PA that now has the audacity to claim at the International court in Hague that Israel is committing a genocide, meaning the intentional destruction of, or a part of, a nation... I think a LAW that financially incentivizes terrorists to kill members of the Israeli nation fits), it also realized that Israeli authorities, paying with Israeli tax payer money for the work done by Israeli clerks tasked with doing this, has been collecting and passing along money that goes to pay Palestinian terrorists for having attacked, injured and murdered Israelis. In what world is that right? In what world is it moral to make a victim, through a "peace accord" participate in the payment to its victimizer? As part of the money collected by Israel and given to the PA, an annual 278 million dollars (!) are then passed by it to Palestinian terrorists for hurting and killing Israelis. The PA has already added Oct 7 terrorists, most of them Hamas members, to the list of those being paid thanks to the "Pay for Slay" law.
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The annual payment was revealed thanks to a lawsuit by the parents of 26 years old Dalia Lemkus, who was stabbed to death in Nov 2014 by a Palestinian terrorist (he also injured 2 others. Dalia herself had survived a previous terrorist attack in 2006. On the day she was murdered, another Israeli was killed in a separate terrorist attack. I don't think most people realize just how intense Palestinian terrorism is). The lawsuit was filed against the PA, which has been paying him 3,300 dollars a month. This is Dalia, may her memory be a blessing:
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I'm not gonna lie, I'm thinking about the fact that coincidentally, I've been at our Holocaust museum and education center since Nov 2014, with the purpose of helping to educate against antisemitism, racism, homophobia, every other type of generalized hatred that humans are capable of, and against genocide, which is the possible consequence of that type of hate. And a part of what's wrong with this world, is that even with me being a "veteran," I get paid less money a month than that Palestinian terrorist does for having murdered a Jewish woman based on that kind of generalized hatred. My income depends on how many tours, lectures or workshops I did that month, but in almost 10 years of working there, I have never had a month where I got a salary of 3,300 dollars, most months I don't make it to half of that, and I have had many months where my salary was zero (during Covid, and whenever the security situation is bad enough that no one comes to our museum). Don't get me wrong, I consciously made a choice to do this work, where my salary would be very low, because I wanted to do something meaningful, I'm not complaining, but I can't help thinking about the fact that a part of why antisemitism thrives, is because it IS socially and financially rewarded, clearly more so than fighting it. That was true before and during the Holocaust, and sadly has been true since as well.
I would love to understand how the evacuation of civilian Gazans out of the war zone is described as "ethnic cleansing" or worse, but not the evacuation of Ukrainian civilians out of those war zones, and not the evacuation of a Hamas-affiliated Al Jazeera "journalist" (who documented himself in southern Israel during Hamas' massacre), taken out of Gaza to Egypt, to be flown from there to Qatar, one of the two great financiers of Hamas (along with Iran). Qatar has not opened up its gates to wounded Gazan civilians. It's clear Ismail Abu Omar was given this special treatment precisely because he is a Hamas terrorist. What's scary about this possibility is that the IDF didn't know he was smuggled out of Gaza, begging the question, who else is Hamas smuggling out? Also, this is Hamas' middle finger to anyone claiming Gaza is closed off, and an open air prison or concentration camp...
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Speaking of Qatar, it is currently hosting the swimming world championship. Israeli swimmer Anastasia Gorbenko won a silver medal, a huge Israeli achievement, but she got repeatedly booed by the crowd, including during the medals ceremony. Anastasia has a childhood classmate who is currently held hostage in Gaza. She dedicated her medal to him.
A TV report by an Israeli journalist (source in Hebrew) is about a Hamas document dated May 2023, which the IDF found, the summary of a Hamas leaders meeting. It details some of the considerations for the timing of "the big project," listing 4 Jewish holidays as possibilities for the massacre (including Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish year, and Simchat Torah, when the massacre actually took place), so it's clear Hamas was always going to use our holy days against us. Another thing mentioned is that Hamas must strike before Israel deploys Magen Or (literally: shield of light, but most publications in English refer to it as Iron Beam), the laser-based defense system meant to complement Iron Dome. The system has been making a lot of progress, enough that by Oct 2023 there have been reports on it becoming operational soon. The document mentions making Israel used to Hamas conducting large scale exercises close to the border, so that the commotion ahead of the massacre wouldn't look abnormal, and it also mentions making use of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the second biggest Palestinian terrorist organization in Gaza. It wasn't included in the plans, but was being relied on. In recent years, all of Israel's operations in Gaza have been against PIJ, and Hamas chose not to join them, the document indicates that this was done in order to reinforce the idea in Israel that Hamas is more interested in the wellfare of Gazans, than in killing Israelis. At the same time, the document warns not to let PIJ fuck up Hamas' planned operation.
I did not write about the private initiative of family members to send medications through international mediators to Hamas, meant for the hostages, for the simple reason that I did not for a second believe Hamas would give the hostages these meds. I didn't wanna get my hopes up, when logically, I was sure such initiatives were futile. Now, thanks to the IDF's operation in the Nasser hospital in Khan Younis, we have confirmation that these meds were found in its pharmacy, with the names of the hostages on the unopened boxes, meaning the kidnapped Israelis never got them. We can assume the meds were kept in the hospital pharmacy, either to serve Hamas terrorists, or to be sold, with the money going to Hamas.
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This is Matan ben Ari, the last Israeli injured on Oct 7 (out of thousands) to be discharged from the hospital on Dec 1, almost two full months after Hamas' massacre. People spontaneously gathered around to applaud him as he was making his way out:
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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@ doting husband Bruce I vote scare the parents. Go ham. Scare the shit out of them so they'll never bother her again. I support this course of action.
"Yes, Sir?"
"Be prepared to call the police," he said calmly. "This might get messy."
"I will not have my wife uncomfortable in her own home. And I won't have her spoken to like that. By anyone."
"I wasn't going to tell you not to," he sniffed, "I was going to ask where I might find Mrs. Wayne now."
"With Dick. They're in the kitchen... It was furthest away from here."
"A woman of incredible judgment," Alfred said exhaling slowly. You'd told Dick that they wouldn't be back for a long time- and to a little boy, a week might qualify. But, if it didn't the fact that you were with him might keep him from worrying. or thinking that you couldn't keep your word. He was given to understand you'd been working very hard to gain that trust. And he turned to go and find you- and make sure that the pair of you weren't making too much of a mess.
"Where is our daughter-"
"Enough," Bruce barked. Waving their words away with an impetuous gesture. Ignoring the impending hysterics from your mother playing the wounded martyr and the bluff and bluster from your father.
He'd had a week to do his homework. And you weren't the only one that knew how to find what you needed in this house. And what he found only made this easier. A week ago, when you'd sobbed against his chest, he'd been willing to stay out of it. He'd been willing to back whatever play you were going to make- trusting you to protect Dick.
But, when he'd leaned against a door and skeletons had fallen out. Well. That changed things.
"Step foot on this property, come to her office, call her phone, email her- send a carrier pigeon for christ's sake and I will expose every. single. thing. You've ever done."
"We've never-"
"Tax evasion. Stealing your daughter's identity to take out lines of credit... No wonder her interest rates for her loans were so high. Taking money from her to pay for bills and home repair and spending it at the casinos?"
"How dare-"
"Try me. I'll create a legal snarl even Y/N can't get you out of. Just be thankful she's a kinder person than I am. She could have taken you to court at any time for damages of somewhere over 30 grand."
"Can we at least talk to-"
"If she ever decides to speak to you again I won't stop her. But no. You won't be speaking with her today. She's spending time with our son."
He's not-"
"You can leave of your own accord or I'll be happy to call the police. I'm given to understand that both Harvey Dent, the DA and Police Commissioner Gordon both find my wife delightful."
And Bruce would be lying if it were not incredibly satisfying to watch them slink out. And he was glad he didn't have to expose worse things. He didn't want to prod at wounds you hadn't exposed to him yourself.
"Well done, Sir," Alfred said, drying his hands on a tea towel.
"Thank you, Alfred- how are-"
"Thick as thieves and making a devil of a mess," Alfred said, less irritated than he might be otherwise. Dick was completely unaware and for the first time in a week, you looked like yourself again.
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ihatedtoadmit · 6 months
Silent solitude
pairing: Han Jisung x gn! reader
genre: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: self-hatred; possibly too much adoration for this man, but I am dying inside and unapologetic
word count: ~1.2k
summary: You still hated the days where talking felt impossibly tiring, but now they felt bearable with him by your side.
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It was supposed to be a normal day. A day filled with nothing out of the ordinary, a day of comfortable habits and practised motions.
And yet, it wasn’t.
When I first woke up, I hadn’t realised it yet. I hadn’t noticed that harrowing feeling, that urge, creep in yet, no. Everything was normal. Sure, my joints cracked as I started moving after sleeping peacefully all night, but that was nothing out of the ordinary. Neither was the notification mountain that greeted me after I unlocked my phone, although that was mostly thanks to the group chat my chaotic friends shared and joked around in.
As I started my morning routine to look at least a bit presentable for a long day of work ahead, I scrolled through the messages slowly, quietly laughing at a few specific ones. It took me a while to go through every single person and message, only done by the time I was ready to leave the house, yet I still took the time to respond to all of them. I didn’t want to worry anyone, after all, especially not my hardworking significant other.
Work was the same as always, draining and demanding, but again, I was used to it. There had always been an army of emails to check, a mountain of papers to go through and analyse, countless datasheets needing to be filled and changed. It came with the nature of the field I chose to work in, I knew that all too well when I decided to study for it.
But somehow with every person that came to me for something, be it work-related or just a quick and friendly chat, I felt more and more empty. As if a gaping hole that had been sealed away long ago was slowly being released, gradually taking over every single cell in my exhausted body.
At first I didn’t really notice it fully. Merely chalked it all up to being tired, or that it was just one of those days once again.
I only registered this distressing feeling when it was too late, my mind annoyed by every small and seemingly useless chat, my mouth shut and feeling too heavy to operate. By then, my tongue had long been stuck to the roof of my mouth, an uncomfortable pain coursing through me as I peeled it off slowly.
In a way, I was right. It was, in fact, one of those days, just not one where I was in random pain or feeling anxious or even depressed. No, it was one filled with silent solitude, something that always came and went suddenly, with no explanation. I hated these days, where talking felt too taxing, something that should have been a basic human function, easy to execute. Days where I sought after other’s trusted presence, yet couldn’t bear to actively communicate with them.
I hated myself.
And so, immediately after work I cocooned myself with a soft blanket and laid down on the plush cushions of the sofa, mindlessly watching some kind of random kdrama on Netflix. I couldn’t find the energy in me to watch anything truly engaging, to watch a show that would certainly get my mind to think and spin stories for it out of adoration.
I’d stayed like that for hours, for the rest of the day, only realising how late it had gotten when I heard the door open and close. His voice called out, greeting me, and I mustered up all the strength I had in me to hum back just loud enough so he could hear it.
The thud of his bag hitting the floor could be heard, followed by a tired sigh and approaching footsteps.
“Hey jagi, how are you? Long day at work?” - Jisung asked, our eyes meeting on the black screen of the TV that must have turned off while I was spaced out.
I hummed back once again, slightly curling up on myself further as I watched his eyebrows furrow at my silent answer, expression saturated with worry and concern. He watched me for a few more seconds, as if debating something, and I hated how I couldn’t bring myself to ask the questions I wanted to, to ask about his day and if he enjoyed his time with the boys. I despised it.
Jisung sputtered out an ‘I will be right back!’ and before I could even attempt at acknowledging it, he rushed off, feet heavily hitting the floor in his rush. It was my turn to furrow my eyebrows, but more out of confusion rather than concern, not really knowing what the cause could have been for the idol’s sudden actions.
Although I didn’t need to ponder for long, his dishevelled form appeared just a few minutes later before my bundled up one, a bright smile sitting permanently on his face. I watched carefully as he made himself comfy on the sofa beside me, his own fluffy blanket around him and nearly swallowing him whole. And just as I thought he was done, foolishly, might I add, his arms reached towards me from underneath their hiding place and pulled me flush against him, my head resting comfortably atop his steadily beating chest.
He laid down, arms gently cradling my curled up form, that beloved heart-shaped smile never leaving his lips as he started talking about his day, completely unprompted. I nearly jerked at the sound of his first sentence, my grip only strengthening over his clothes once I had realised what he was doing.
I didn’t need to ask him for it.
I did not need to utter even a single syllable for him to speak to me, for him to so lovingly cradle me to his chest, hand carefully gliding through my hair in a perpetually repeating, soothing motion. My lips wobbled as I felt the dam inside me slowly crumbling, the world becoming blurry in my tired eyes. I couldn’t help but seek refuge in the crook of his neck, listening to the slight hitch in his voice that otherwise kept steadily talking.
And so I laid there with him, hidden underneath a sea of blankets, safely caged inside his gentle hold and surrounded by his adored voice. Never once did he stop, to pry out the reason for my state, not a single time. He continued telling me stories, laughing or grumbling at whatever had happened, leaving behind tender touches on my skin.
By the time he’d stopped talking, I was near the lands of sleep, his presence comforting my broken soul.
“It’s okay to feel like this, you know. Even if you find talking difficult on some days, I know you’re still the same person who cares about us, about me. Your love isn’t bound to your words, jagi. Besides, if you want to tell me something, you can always just send a message to me on your phone, I understand. Love you, jagiya.” - he murmured out, pressing a soft kiss to the top of my head that lingered there long enough for my chest to squeeze painfully out of pure love and warmth.
I slipped into a deep slumber with tear-stained cheeks, his final sentences completely destroying the fragile dam residing inside, letting that warmth-filled rain to break free.
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staytinyville · 9 months
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ATEEZ poly!ot8 x Reader
Cowboy AU / Wild West
Series Masterlist
Warning: none
A/N BETA READ (@mariana-mmtz). PLEASE EXCUSE THE LATE UPDATE. It's holiday week so it's been a bit much. I don't have the chapters saved like I used to so I have to write them out day of. PLEASE FORGIVE. Tomorrow's update might be late too. SOOO probably not until Monday.
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You never really thought of your own home to be something that you would be coming back to. You thought you would still have a while before leaving the house fully. But now standing in front of the building that you grew up in with your four other siblings, you realized how much you really miss home. 
Your time spent with the boys never really made you call for it but now that you had been gone for a few months things were falling on top of you. It didn’t call for stress on your part, in fact, it made you want to strive for more. Made you want to finish things quicker so that you could keep everyone safe. 
Especially your family. 
“(Y/N).” Your mother called out when you walked into the house, seeing all the boys following behind you. “What's going on?” She asked, wiping her hands on her apron from the dinner she was making. 
“Mom, I need you all to come with me.” You explained to her, looking at your sister who had been helping your mother. “Things are going to get rough and I need to keep you all safe.”
“Get rough?” Your mother frowned. She took another glance at all the boys who had somber looks. “(Y/N), what are you doing?” She asked you quietly. 
“Nothing that will get me harmed.” You immediately answered her. “I'm going to take father out of jail.” You sighed looking at her. “I need to protect you all.” 
Your older brother wasn’t in the home so you knew he was going to be in the hotel. But either way, it was best that your mother would take all four of them someplace that would be out of harm's way. You hoped things wouldn’t reach that point and maybe they wouldn’t, but just to be on the safe side. It was best to send your family away from Cromer. 
“You don't have to do anything.” Your mother shook her head, not understanding you completely. “You are our daughter and we are here to protect you.” She said pointedly. 
“Now it's my turn.” Yeosang spoke up behind you. “You've done all you can. You've raised such an amazing daughter and we can't thank you enough for that.”
You turned to face Yeosang, your chest hurting less from the guilt as you watched his soft expression. Each one of them had one as they looked at your family. Just as they cared for you, you knew they would care for them as well. Make sure with everything they had they would be safe. You were all in this together now. 
“Where will we be going?” Your sister spoke up, giving you a look when Yeosang said we. 
“We have a safe house in Hala.” Hongjoong spoke up, coming to the front to speak better with your mother. “It's not that far from here and there are people there going to take you in.” He explained.
“A safe house?” Your mother looked at you incredulously. “What kind of people are you?” She asked as she frowned looking over at the boys. 
“The ones who are trying to protect this country.” You stepped in front of your mom, defending the boys. “We were the ones who took the money from city hall.” You told her with confidence, not caring about spilling that big of a secret. 
“(Y/N)?!” Your mother gasped, while your sister only looked at you with wide eyes. 
“Mother, you have to understand we didn't do it out of malice.” You immediately began to explain your case. “The money we took we gave it back to the people.”
“But those are taxes the mayor asked for—” Hongjoong cut your mother off.
“And they weren't used properly.” He said. “He doesn't need that much money to support the city. He was sending it to Strickland.” 
Your mother began to frown as she took in his words. “Strickland? Isn't that a town by Aurora that helps people?”
You frowned at how she could have possibly thought of something like that. While she was right to say it was a town near Aurora that meant she must have heard of it before. 
“Not at all. It's a cult that's creating drugs.” Yunho answered her. 
“How do you know?” She asked him. 
“Because we used to live there. Everything you've been told about is a lie. It's not a sanctuary people claim it to be.” Yeosang explained to her. 
“How do you know about it?” You asked. 
You watched as she sighed quietly, looking away from you. 
“It was where Quaid told your father to send you.” Your mother looked down. 
You had to think about it for a moment before dropping your shoulders as it hit you what your mother was talking about. You can remember the time when your parents had been calling you names and thinking you were someone who slept around. 
This so-called place that was meant to help you turn into the proper wife was supposed to be Strictland? You understood now how it was they were going to turn into just that. Obviously all they were going to do was drug you into becoming emotionless. 
You could only imagine all the other people who their families send to that place. All those poor kids who were only doing what they wanted. If your parents were going to send you on the speculation that you were out with a lot of men, you could only imagine the harm that comes to the ones who actually were forced to go. 
“Why did he go to Quaid? My personal life has nothing to do with any of those people.” You scolded, looking appalled. 
“We know that now.” Your mother looked remorseful. “Hendricks was the one who told us Quaid could help.”
“Never liked that guy.” Jongho sneered, rolling his eyes. 
At the mention of Hendricks you automatically made a face. This man was starting to get on your nerves from how much he seemed to be butting into things he shouldn’t be. If all of this was just now coming to light because of a fraud of a judge, you could only imagine the kinds of bribes and the likes he was doing before. 
You sighed once more as you turned back to your family. You didn’t know what kind of person Hendricks was but you had an inkling that there was a large amount of things he would be willing to do if it came to money. You had to get things moving along before they caught wind of who were the real thieves. 
“Mom, please.” You grabbed her hands and held them to your chest. “Take the others and go to Hala. We'll go and get you when we can.”
“What about the hotel?” You mother shook her head. 
“You have the other employees. They'll handle it. It's just for a day.” You assured her. 
You watched as she took a glance at you before turning to the boys all waiting for an answer. Yeosang was the one who stood behind you as he watched the interaction but from afar your mother wasn’t blind to the looks the others had. 
They all had their eyes on you, soft looks within them as they waited for what your mother had to say. She could see–even from a distance–that you meant something to all of them in some way. 
“I'll go.” She sighed quietly. “But I want you to be truthful to me. Who are these boys to you?” She asked you.
You sputter for a moment, getting caught off guard by her question. “They are Yeosang's friends—”
“I'm not talking about Yeosang.” She stopped you. “I'm talking about you.”
She was your mother–the person who carried you within her stomach for nine months. You knew compared to others, your mother was still considered a bit odd by others for the way she raised you and your sister. Here you were barely getting married in your 20s while other girls had gotten married back when they were teens. 
Their mothers scolded them, made them turn into the perfect wives who would provide all that their husbands needed. Your mother never told you to find someone. She joked and laughed, but never forced. The other ladies would often talk about her. Claim she didn’t teach you and your sister right. Brought the both of you up to act like men who worked and brought in money. 
But she didn’t care. It was how her own mother raised her and it was how she was going to raise you. Coming from a household of nothing but women, your mother had to hold her own against men because she had to defend her sisters as they did her. She taught you and your sister everything that came with being a wife, but she also taught you how to be an individual person. 
Maybe there were points she did regret it, but looking at you now–seeing who you were meant to be made her feel proud. This was who you were meant to be. Someone much more than just a wife or a hotel worker. This was the life meant for you and she wanted to hear you say it. 
“They're special to me.” You explained softly. “They mean a lot and I want to go wherever they go.”
Your mother looked at the boys again, almost breaking her character as she saw how each one of the boys smiled and blushed at your comment. They tried to cover it up quickly, not wanting to be caught for having feelings for you. They didn’t want to make things worse with your family.
It was unconventional and something she might not ever get used to, but she was your mother and you were her daughter. She would love you regardless of who you were with or what you did. You knew right from wrong–she didn’t teach you them for nothing. But looking over all those boys made her see that not matter where you went they would always take care of you. 
“You're an adult.” She turned to you. “I can't stop you from doing what you want. But please stay safe. I know you've always been an independent person and have your own wants and needs. But please keep me in mind. I don't want to get a letter saying something happened to you.” She finished, running a hand along your cheek. 
“We will protect (Y/N) with our life.” Hongjoong spoke up from beside you. “You have my word–as captain.”
She smiled gratefully giving one last glance over all the boys. “Please get your father out.” She told you.
“Of course.”
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Series Masterlist
@thefrog3223 , @iarayara , @0rangemilk , @explorewithd , @detectivedoodle , @bangtanxberm , @a1i33a , @loveforred , @drunken-deitence , @0325tiny , @the-ghostest-with-the-mostest , @atinyreads , @atinytinaa , @lexiigom , @smilingtokki , @mismatchfluffysocks , @brain-empty-only-draken , @sousydive , @alex-tinyy , @h3arteyes4mingi , @onedumbho3 , @popcatx0 , @blue1amory , @mommahwa1117 , @sunnyhokyu , @cloudieclair , @puppyminnnie
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elizabeethan · 6 days
Not With Haste
An Overboard Conclusion
Oh hi, where the hell did this come from? I'm wondering the same thing. in reality, @donteattheappleshook talked to me about oarfish maybe 2 years ago and I started writing something stupid. I always intended to finish it and post it for @the-darkdragonfly's birthday, but I never found it in me to complete it. Then tonight I found that stupid thing and I finished it. You never know when that funny little creativity bug might bite, I guess.
I've always wanted to write some form of conclusion for Overboard because it's one of my favorite things that I've written. I first published Overboard way back in May of 2021, and looking back, I've grown and learned a lot and there are things I would probably do differently if I started the story over again, but I can't see myself ever editing it because I love what I wrote. Would I rewrite it into a novel and really flesh out the story and the characters? A girlie can dream, never say never, you never know when the creativity bug might bite, etc.
I hope everyone here is well, I know I am for the most part, and I'll never stop being grateful for this little community that I found all those years ago. More than that, I'll never stop being grateful for the feeling of being able to come back after a time away. It's been fun to log back in to everything and pick up where I left off as if no time has passed. (It's been so long since I've done this so if the formatting is all messed up, I'm really sorry, but I barely knew what I was doing.)
Long story short, this story is finally complete. It's barely edited and it's not beta'd, so thank you for giving it a chance.
Rated T I think
~2300 words
Read on Ao3
Read my Other Stuff
Even after sixteen years of marriage, Killian often finds himself wondering what on earth could possibly be going through his wife’s head. 
  The thoughts of wonderment and confusion strike him at the oddest of times, always in response to something she’s said or done and never with any sort of answer. The first time he knew he was in trouble was fifteen years ago, when he returned home from a trip to find she had adopted a rottweiler. Still, Ripple refuses to retire from her post as the Jones’ Harbor Tours’ mascot, and Emma often tries to convince him that it’s because she’s as stubborn as her father. 
  In truth, Emma Jones is the most stubborn person he has ever met in his life, a fact which will likely never be contested. 
  He finds himself confused so often that he can barely recount any examples of her free spirited nature. (She calls herself a wild child, although she often shouts at him whenever he uses the term in bed.) There was the time she impulsively began tearing up the tile flooring in the bathroom after watching three whole YouTube tutorials (her words), only to sob into his already sea-soaked sweater when she realized how physically taxing reflooring an entire room is without any experience, general tiling knowledge, materials, or help. Then there was the time she randomly asked him if he would still love her if she was a worm, and then became irrationally angry when he found himself unable to answer without first asking clarifying questions. And the incident when she questioned his loyalty to her when he refused to hunt down and kill the person who bumped into her parked car and drove off. He later discovered that the question came after she had finished some romance novel about the mafia. He chose not to dig any deeper into that one.
  All this to say: Killian’s wife is a free spirit, a wild child, a confusing, strange, barely-readable woman who stole his heart in one breath and has yet to give it back almost two decades later. 
  And, he has no idea what the bloody hell she’s talking about more than half the time. 
  He wouldn’t have it any other way.
  Emma (Trophy Wife): have you ever see this??? In the wild??????
  Emma (Trophy Wife): Attached: 1 Image
  Killian: What are you doing?
  He shakes his head, as exasperated as he is filled with a warm sense of comfort, just like he always is whenever he sees the name she gave herself the moment their vows were exchanged pop onto his phone screen.
  Emma (Trophy Wife): they inhabit the atlantic ocean. *vomiting emoji*
  Killian: Stop watching National Geographic if it’s going to make you nauseous. 
  Emma (Trophy Wife): that’s where you worked!!
  Killian: That’s also where we live.
  Emma (Trophy Wife): you never saw one in your sexy fisherman days? LOOK at that thing. 
  Killian quickly discovers that she’s referring to an Oarfish. They’re the longest known bonefish and inhabit very deep water, are rarely seen or caught alive, and are thought to be generally harmless. Still, he knows that these facts will not prevent his wife from overreacting, so he chooses not to bother. 
  Though she’s always hidden it well, Emma has a strange fear of creatures of the deep, as she often calls them. She’s told him that the tuna he used to pull onto the deck of his boat didn’t bother her– even though they were often almost twice her height in length and weighed upwards of 1,000 pounds– because they were no longer in the water. But the thought of running into one of those slimy bastards while swimming gives her panicky symptoms— her words. He hasn’t bothered to point out the absolute impossibility of her ever running into a giant bluefin tuna while swimming, either. After sixteen years of marriage, he’s learned which battles are better left unfought. 
  Of course, there are times when his correcting her drives her absolutely mad, often to the point of her feeling compelled to kiss him in order to shut him up, and he navigates those moments very carefully and with a smirk on his lips. 
  Killian: They aren’t known to be predatory.
  Emma (Trophy Wife) disliked “They aren’t known to be predatory.”
  Killian: Attached: 1 Image
  Killian: You see? They have small mouths and no teeth. Harmless.
  It’s unlike her to wait so long to reply, as she’s often glued to her phone at least when she’s mid conversation. But it’s almost a full two minutes that he finds himself standing in front of the display of pasta sauce, looking like a complete fool and blocking the path of an elderly woman, breath bated as he waits for a response from her. Bloody hell, he thinks to himself as he shakes his head. He’s known the woman for eighteen years and he still can hardly breathe in anticipation of whatever adorably inane thought leaves her mouth without any sort of filter. 
  Emma (Trophy Wife): Attached: 1 Video
  Lovely. Even as he watches the attached video of her silently dry heaving, he’s desperately in love with her. He watches it again. 
  Her blonde hair has gone lighter over the years, streaks of white coloring through the gold in a way that makes her look somehow even more sexy and playful than when he first laid eyes on her. There are soft creases beside her eyes as she squeezes them shut, her mouth open and her tongue out as she pretends to be so violently offended by the image he sent her that it’s made her ill. 
  Emma (Trophy Wife): expect consequences when you get home. even if you get the good mac and cheese. 
  Emma (Trophy Wife): you KNOW how i feel about serpents and sea monsters. 
  Killian: I do. 
  Emma (Trophy Wife): … and????
  Killian: I’m sorry for traumatizing you with my serpent. 
  Killian: And for how that just sounded. 
  Emma (Trophy Wife): if you’re not home in 34 minutes i’m not touching your serpent for two whole days. 
  Killian: Well, now that I'm familiar with your gag reflex… 
  Emma (Trophy Wife): 33 minutes. 
  Ripple is the oldest dog Killian has ever known. Her silver snout and eyebrows catch in the setting sun, and it’s painfully obvious from her gait how sore her joints are, but still, at his arrival home, she hurries her way towards him with as much enthusiasm as she can muster. 
  Their vet has told them that she’s the healthiest dog he’s treated in a while, considering her age, and Emma uses that as a point of pride for their perfect child. 
  “Hi, darling,” he says when she finally reaches him, her soft smile lighting up her face once he drops the reusable grocery bags in order to give her a scratch behind the ears. Killian’s getting up there in age, too, but he still manages to squat down to her level and kiss her nose. 
  The two of them make quite the pair while Killian struggles back into a standing position and then they both hobble towards the front door. His fishing career was lucrative and rewarding, but dammit if it didn’t lead to stiff joints that his wife pokes fun at. She’s never met a “my husband is older than me” joke she hasn’t loved. 
  “I’m glad you both made it,” she happily chortles from the kitchen, making him smile. He’s never smiled more widely than he does with Emma. 
  “The abuse I’m subjected to,” he mutters as he drops the bags on the floor for her to peruse. It’s a deal they made years ago; Killian does the shopping because the grocery store makes Emma too itchy, and she puts the groceries away in exchange. 
  She snorts when she pulls out the bag of goldfish, sending Killian a playful smirk. “Looks like a good haul.”
  “Aye, love. I thought you might enjoy a fishy treat after our conversation.”
  “Always so thoughtful,” she murmurs as she makes her way to him. The kitchen is small, but they’ve always had just enough space for the three of them. 
  “It’s a difficult cross to bear,” he nods, catching her wrist as soon as she’s close enough to pull towards him. “But anticipating your needs is one of the many responsibilities I take very seriously.”
  Emma’s hands land on his neck, fingers tangling with the silver hair at the back of his head while her thumbs trace along his jaw. She likes to call him a silver fox when she’s feeling playful. “My perfect husband,” she says softly, voice syrupy sweet in that way that still manages to get him excited. 
  “I couldn’t be a perfect husband without my perfect wife,” he answers, earning a beaming grin that he barely catches before her lips press to his. 
  It never ends. The way he wants her has been an inferno so intense since the day they met, and it hasn’t been snuffed out in all these years. The moment she’s near him, his blood starts to simmer, and once she touches him, kisses him like she is now, he’s a goner. 
  Her tongue is soft as it sweeps over the seam of his lips, lazily working to deepen the kiss they share. She kissed him with urgency, but not with haste, never rushing but always desperate. It’s enough to have him pushing her backwards, her lower back softly pressing against the counter before he lifts her onto it. Emma’s legs part seemingly without her even thinking about it, and before either of them have a chance to put the rotisserie chicken in the refrigerator, he wonders if he should just carry her to their room. Part of him has this never ending need to show her just how desperate he still is for her. 
  But then, she speaks. 
  “Wait,” she breathes, chest rising and falling rapidly as her warm breath fans over his mouth, her forehead still pressed to his and her fingers clinging to the collar of the light sweater he wears. 
  “Yes, love?” he asks, perfectly prepared to answer whatever silly question she likely has as long as he can have her after. 
  “About the oarfish…”
  He fights a groan. “I promise you, there is absolutely no chance of you ever seeing an oarfish for as long as you live.”
  “I know, I did plenty of research while you were gone.”
  He breathes out a soft laugh, his smile growing when she kisses it. “What’s wrong, then?”
  “Would you still love me if I was an oarfish?”
  His world stops for just a moment. Just a second, really, as he tries to right his mind and will a tiny bit of blood back to his brain so that he can answer this very unimportant and yet somehow very vital question correctly. 
  “If you were an oarfish,” he starts, hand sliding up from her hip to her ribs before finding her cheek, “then I would be an oarfish. And we would be married and have a pet… eel, perhaps. Named Ripple. And we would live in a tiny oarfish cottage and be happy and in love for as long as oarfish live.”
  Emma sighs, the softest smile on her perfect lips making him crazy as her arms wrap around his neck in one of his favorite hugs. 
  “I love you,” she whispers into his ear. He’ll never tire of this. Of the soft, almost unfathomable way that the love they have for one another strikes at the most random times. 
  “I love you, too, Swan. Always. No matter what species we are.”  
  “And I love you, no matter how much older you are than me.”
  He grabs her then, hoisting her against him to the best of his ability as her ankles cross at his back. “Disrespectful,” he murmurs, carrying her from the kitchen and happily forgetting about the frozen broccoli florets, not cuts she made him buy. 
  “You better teach me a lesson, then,” she taunts with a smirk, as if that isn’t exactly what she was after. 
  “Don’t act like that isn’t exactly what you want, love.”
  “Don’t act like you don’t get off on giving me exactly what I want.”
  To that, he just returns her smirk and offers a quick smack to her ass before dropping her onto the bed they share, because he knows she’s right. For the rest of his days, he’ll be happy, as long as he has his family. 
I'm using my old tag list from 2 years ago. If you don't want to be tagged, I'm real sorry and let me know if I should remove you
@kmomof4 @stahlop @klynn-stormz @laschatzi @emelizabeth88 @lfh1226-linda @timeless-love-story @captain-emmajones-blog @gingerpolyglot @ebcaver @ilovemesomekillianjones @teamhook @superchocovian @tiganasummertree @gingerchangeling @jrob64 @onceratheart18 @winterbaby89 ​@ultraluckycatnd @love-with-you-i-have-everything @shireness-says @snowbellewells @hollyethecurious @the-darkdragonfly @donteattheappleshook @jonesfandomfanatic @wefoundloveunderthelight @qualitycoffeethings @batana54 @sailtoafarawayland @deckerstarblanche @zaharadessert @pirateprincessofpizza @killianslefthook
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pebblestar · 2 years
Raphael x reader
【 Focus 】
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"Woman. Your going to work yourself into the ground."
Raphael nudges you on your back with his foot and your quick to swat him away with a look of pure annoyance.
"I'm trying to focus. I'm almost done with this stupid report but..."
Your words trail off as you bite at the cap of the pen with clear frustration.
This report for work had been taking you forever to finish. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't concentrate on your own work and it'd already been two of hours of practically glaring at the paper in front of you.
It's a wonder how you haven't cried yet due to just frustrated you were becoming.
Raphael had obviously made sure you took breaks, but knew better then to tell you quit working- You were just as stubborn as the turtle was after all.
It's two more minutes of glaring at the paper in front of you, until a sudden idea hits you suddenly.
"Raph. Come here."
There's a sigh from the turtle before he's slipping off of the couch and settling down next to you on the floor.
"Look if your gonna ask me about taxes, I ain't got a clue on how to do 'em. You can try askin Don tho."
You chuckle at his words before shaking your head.
Instead you reach out your hand until your grasping Raphael's hand in your own.
With your free hand, you start up where you left off, jolting down what you needed to fill out by the end of the week for your job.
"...What are you doing?"
Raphael questions after a few minutes, Clearly confused by your actions.
"What do you mean?"
You respond back without taking your eyes off of the paper.
"Why are ya holding my hand?"
He watches you write for a bit longer and when you finally respond his face just about turns the shade of his own bandana.
"...Helps me focus. Especially when we're out in public and my anxiety is through the roof...It just calms me down. Makes me feel safe."
You pause in your writing before glancing over at Raph.
"Sorry. I can let go if you-"
Raphael's immediately cutting you off before he can even think properly on what he's even saying.
"Uh... I just uh mean if it helps ya focus then whatever."
The turtle is quick to play it off like it isn't a big deal, but on the inside his heart feels fuzzy at the fact that he's able to make you feel that way.
God. What have you done to him?
He's never felt this way about anyone until you had came into his life.
You take notice of how the turtle scouches closer until both your shoulders are now pressed together.
"Thanks Raphie. I love youu~"
You coo at him and place a gentle kiss onto his cheek.
Then you return your attention back to your work, All the while Raphael felt like he would explode at any given moment with all the affection you'd just given him.
It takes maybe a hour or so for you to finally finish up your work but as soon as your setting your pen down, Raphael is pulling you onto his lap.
You voice your confusion then feel his hands cupping your cheeks bringing you into a kiss.
A small noise of surprise leaves you before your closing your eyes and returning the kiss with a content sigh.
"Someone's clingly."
You tease once Raphael's parts away from your lips.
He huffs at you, Arms coming to wrap around your waist as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
"I guess you can say I've tamed the beast. You really are a teddy bear, raph."
"M'not, Shortcake."
"It's cute really. I like seeing this side of you. Well your rageful side is pretty hot too but-"
A quick kiss is pressed to your lips to silence you before Raphael buries his face into the crook of your neck.
He's mumbling something you can't quite catch.
Then you pick up on his soft yet embarrassed.
"...Love you."
A soft smile finds its way onto your lips and you press a final kiss onto his cheek before allowing yourself to cuddle into the turtle.
At the end of the day and through his grumpy little exterior, Raphael really was just a giant cuddly teddy bear at heart. And the best part was that this side of him was for your eyes only. No one else's but yours.
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