#I hope I can get to super soon so I can meet frost
gatorgrumbles · 4 months
Hello! I just wanna say your drawings of Frieza are simply amazing! I don’t know if you take requests, but would you be willing to draw Frost too?
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I haven't met Frost yet but he seems like a nice boy so here's the chilly squad featuring Cooler
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razzlerdazzler · 1 year
hi! can I request a little mermaid inspired au for Jack Frost and reader? kinda like where y/n is ariel and she could be a human interested in the mythical world as a subversion?
Jack Frost X Reader/ Little Mermaid AU
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You two first met while you were in human form
He was pleasantly surprised when you noticed him, happy that you were a believer and that you could actually see him
However that happiness quickly turned into shock and worry when you jumped into the water
He was about to go in after you until you poked your head out of the water and a big, beautiful mermaid tail followed
After that encounter, you both quickly bonded and became fast friends, and soon started dating
He loves listening to you rant and talk about myths and folk tales
whenever you talk about your passion he's just staring at you with a lovesick smile on his face
He tells you about different spirits he's met that sound similar or are actually the characters from the folk tales or myths that you talk about
He even introduces you to Jamie and loves watching you both geek out over myths and different folk tales
He introduces you to the rest of the guardians, who are all very surprised and happy to meet you
He thinks its super cool that you have two different forms and always compliments you and tells you how amazing you are
Whenever you're in mermaid form he likes to admire your tail and scales
If you can sing then he loves to listen to you and always compliments you on how beautiful you sound
He also likes to lay his head in your lap while you hum or sing to him
He tells you about his sister and about how he died in a frozen lake
He also tells you about his experiences as a spirit and a guardian
He likes to call you nicknames related to your powers
He likes to watch you swim around and watch you do tricks in the water with your tail
Sometimes he splashes you, causing your big tail to splash him back, leaving him completely soaked
He likes to go ice skating with you and feels safe knowing that if anything happens while you're out ice skating then at least you'll be okay if the ice ever breaks
He likes to cuddle with you a lot, it doesn't matter whether you're in your mermaid form or not
He just wants to show you how much he appreciates and loves you
I'm so sorry it took me so long to get this done. I hope I did your request justice. I wasn't sure whether you wanted headcanons or a story, so I decided to do this. If you ever want a story of this, please feel free to message me or send a request. Also please feel free to send any other requests you have if you want to. Sorry again for taking so long, I hope you like it :)
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starrsarchive · 6 months
if you wouldn’t mind would you like. explain the first few resident evil games for me bc I wanna buy them but I’m so insanely bad at video games and I wanna know if it’s worth it
AAA i love this question!!! (sorry if i over explain things)
i'm gonna explain resident evil 0 and resident evil 1 because their stories connect really well!! (i'm gonna try not to spoil anything lmao)
re0 takes place in 1998, on the outskirts of raccoon city were there have been reports of unusual murders. the city's sends the bravo team from the special forces division (S.T.A.R.S) to investigate. while the bravo team is investigating the woods, they find an abandoned train car and decide to continue their investigation there. rookie cop, rebecca chambers, ends up getting separated from her team. while investigating, she's finds out there's been a zombie outbreak in the car, and the passengers are dead. rebecca ends up meeting ex-convict, billy coen, who hid in the traincar after the military transport vehicle escorting him was forced off the road by a pack of zombie dogs. the pair decide to team up and look for an escape after the traincar starts again.
re1 begins on the night of july 24, 1998. the S.T.A.R.S. bravo team (rebecca's team), which was sent out the night before to investigate the killings, has dropped out of radio contact with the alpha team. the alpha team is then dispatched to the arklay mountains in their own helicopter to find them. while searching the area, this random guy named joseph frost finds a severed hand still clutching a handgun. he is soon attacked by zombie dogs and killed. the other alpha team members flee back to their helicopter, but the pilot brad vickers had already taken off and abandoned them. spotting a mansion in the distance, the four remaining members (jill, chris, barry, and wesker) run toward it in hopes of finding shelter from the dogs. you have the option between playing as chris or jill, and both character's have their own advantages. jill (or if you play as chris, but i think jill is better lmao) is instructed to begin exploring the mansion, and she/he ends up discovering the mansion's secrets.
the first few games are relatively easy, there's quite a few puzzles that can be frustrating, as well as the weird camera angles, but nonetheless, i definitely recommend it. also sorry if the explanations don't make sense/weren't what you were looking for, i'd tried my best to explain without spoiling😭
i went into the games knowing quite a bit of the lore, which was really helpful, so if you do end up getting the games but want more context before playing, i can recommend a few videos!! (also after re0 and re1, the game order gets super confusing, so i can help with that!)
if you havw like anymore questions please please send me an ask🙏 (i am insanely hyperfixated on these silly games)
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silenceofthecookies · 3 years
Author san!!! Can I use my free pass for the Black bull team pleasee!! I am sure one piece requests will flood away but I wanna read about the black bulls team so much. Fluff/Romance HCs. It can be anything like first meetings or kiss idk what ever you wish and feel like writing. Its your choice. The black bulls, I love them so much especially Zora... I absolutely fell in love with his charecter design, his outfit and his personality. Sadly he is not that popular. Please do justice for him. Thankyou!!!
Hi Abhi! I’m so glad to see you requesting something for the Black Bulls, they are such an amazing squad! For this one I decided to go with first kisses, since I recently wrote more kissing headcanons and I think they’re surprisingly fun to write UwU Zora is up first, and since you mentioned him not being popular, I decided to put more of the less-popular Bulls in here! I hope you enjoy ❤
Zora Ideale
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Behind his though exterior, Zora is actually a little bit of a romantic. He doesn't quickly grow attached to someone, let alone fall in love, but it happened. Zora believes you deserve someone better than him, but you picked him so he'll just have to be the best version of himself for you.
He'll make sure the setting is right for the first kiss. Some place away from people, some please you can relax. Probably one of your favourite places. A first kiss should be memorable, right?
He'll place his hand on your cheek and lean In slowly, giving you enough time to turn away in case you'd be uncomfortable. He half expects you to punch him in the face or something.
The kiss is soft, your lips just barely touching. Zora is a little worried he'd hurt you or make you uncomfortable, and his pointy teeth may or may not be part of that worry. He's not changing them though, he likes them this way.
When he takes his hand off your cheek after the kiss there's a stinkbug on there. Zora wouldn't be himself if he was a perfect gentleman, right?
Charmy Pappitson
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Your first kiss with Charmy will be kind of spontaneous, a kiss that will surprise both you and Charmy. It will, however, also be a sweet one, in more ways than one.
You and Charmy will just be relaxing, eating something sweet Charmy has made. Cupcakes, donuts, anything. As you're both enjoying it and gushing over the taste, Charmy notices a bit of frosting/filling/whatever stuck just above your lips. She'll point it out, but instead of describing exactly where it is so you can remove it yourself, she'll grab her chance, quickly lean in and clean it up herself.
The kiss lasts about a second, it's over before you even realise what just happened.
Charmy herself is a little surprised at her sudden bravado and looks away with a blush on her face, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. She liked it alright, but what if you didn't like it?
She'll be so taken off guard by her own action, that you have the perfect opportunity to lean in and place a kiss on her lips, this time a proper one. Once your lips part, she will be laughing awkwardly, probably avoiding your eyes by looking at the sweets.
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“Y/n! Can I kiss you?!”
It's Asta's typical stressed/flustered way of shouting and even though he asked you away from other people, you're pretty sure anyone within the vicinity has heard him yelling.
Once Asta falls in love, he wastes no time getting his feelings across. He has no problem proclaiming them to you, be in privacy or in front of others. Once he knows you return his feelings, he will be so ecstatic that he forgets everything else. Including that he wants to kiss you.
So somewhere between 30 minutes and 3 hours after he confessed, he will be asking you if he can kiss you. When you say yes, he'll step closer to close the distance between the two of you, put his hands, which you can feel are a little sweaty because of the nerves, on your cheeks and slowly closes the distance.
The kiss itself is very careful, Asta has no idea what he's doing and he doesn't want to do anything wrong either. First kisses are special, right? He keeps his lips pressed to yours for a few seconds before pulling away with a big grin.
Grey, Henry, Luck, Noelle, Gauche, Gordon and Secre after the cut!
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Grey is just not doing it. She's way too embarrassed, and there's just no way she can get herself to ask you to kiss you. She'll consider catching you by surprise and just doing it, but what if you don't want a kiss? Or what if she does it wrong?
She's an absolute mess. She'll ask Gauche and Noelle for help, but their advice is simply ‘just ask it’ or ‘just do it’. It's no help to her, which only makes her believe even more that she's a lost cause.
She will make several attempts to ask you, but she just never can get any further than the word ‘can'. The stuttering already starts when she calls out your name to get your attention, and after a few attempts to ask ‘can I kiss you?’ the embarrassment becomes too much and she transforms herself into the big guy. She's not finishing that sentence and no matter how much you ask her about it afterwards, she won't complete it.
Ideally, she'll wait for you to kiss her first. It'll still be super embarrassing, but at least she won't be the one who has to make the moves.
Henry Legolant
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Henry is a little hesitant about kissing you, he knows what effect he has on the people who come too close to him, but he really wants to! So he'll think about it for a good while before hatching a little plan.
On a moment when nobody is around, he'll call out your name, step closer to you slowly so you can step away if you become uncomfortable, slowly leans in when he's close enough and kisses you. He has his arms around you to support you, in case he's draining too much mana from you.
The kiss is soft and slow, and he stays close to you for a few seconds, not wanting to part from you too quickly. He tightens his hold on you a little, enjoying the rare feeling of being close, certainly this close, to someone.
He'll then hand you a little plate of food he had asked Charmy to prepare for him beforehand and step back to give you some space. It's Charmy's special food to restore mana. Of course Charmy was in on his plan, he had to tell her to get her to make something for him, and unknown to you she's sneakily watching through the keyhole of the door to see if their plan worked.
Luck Voltia
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Luck didn't plan on kissing you today. Luck doesn't plan on anything. He always goes with the slow and his only goal is for the two of you to have fun. Aside from that, it really doesn't matter what happens. Though if fighting or pranks are involved, that's a plus! And that's exactly what put him in a good enough mood to kiss you.
The two of you had just played a huge prank and were running away from your poor victim, who seemed about ready to murder you. You were laughing like maniacs as you ran and you eventually lost them. The two of you now stood still, catching your breath and laughing.
That's when he does it, suddenly and unexpectedly. The kiss is story and sweet, gone as soon as you felt it. Just a little peck. Luck simply keeps smiling at you while you're trying to process what just happened. He'll start laughing at your reaction, and it makes you unable to stop yourself from laughing as well.
The whole situation is a little absurd, but there's no uncomfortable silences, no tension, no awkwardness. Just your boyfriend playing a little prank on you, one you certainly don't mind.
Noelle Silva
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Noelle is going to do everything in her power to make you be the one to kiss her first. She's a royal, she shouldn't be the one making the first moves. Right?
She's tried to a few times, but she just gets too embarrassed every time and chickens out. Hence her new plan: make you want to kiss her. You're already attracted to her so it shouldn't be too hard, right?
She'll put some extra effort into looking pretty, and she'll try to bait you with things like a subtle with pretty lipgloss, or by leaving a little bit of food hanging on her lip. She's not the most subtle person, so her message should come across pretty easily. It's up to you whether you want to tease her a little about it and pretend to not notice, or to just give her what she wants.
If you keep ignoring her hints, she'll eventually find a moment to just tell you that you can kiss her. Mostly likely when you've gotten her something or done something for her.
“You did good, as a reward, you're allowed to kiss me.”
No, even though she said it, she's still not making that first move herself.
Gauche Adlai
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Gauche is not a very subtle person. When he wants something, it's obvious. Usually he just makes sure he gets it too. You, however, are the one exception to that. The one person aside from Marie that he's careful with, about whose opinion he cares. So, instead of just kissing you right the moment when he feels like it, he waits a little.
He's not too worried about setting up a good romantic setting, that's not what matters anyway, it's the kiss that matters, but he does try to get some privacy for that moment. He doesn't need people commenting on him kissing you when he does, it's a pain in the ass.
But getting some privacy with the Black Bulls around is nearly impossible, and Gauche is struggling to even create such an opportunity. His patience runs thin pretty quickly, he just wants to kiss you already, so he pulls you away behind a corner, pulls you close to him and kisses you there.
The kiss is a little on the rough side, mostly due to Gauche's annoyance at the whole situation and at how long he had to wait. He calms down pretty fast though, now that he's gotten what he wanted.
Gordon Agrippa
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Gordon usually goes with the flow, letting you take the lead, letting you set the boundaries. It was like that in his friendship with you, and it will continue to be like that in his relationship with you. However, you two have yet to have your first kiss and he's getting a little worried about it. So this time, he decides to make a move.
When the two of you are relaxed and away from prying eyes, he'll just talk to you about it. Not in a sad or an accusing kind of way, but in a way filled with curiosity. Were you shy? Were you uncomfortable? Did you just not want to? Were you waiting for him to make the first move? Despite the somewhat weird topic, it's a comfortable conversation.
Once you let him know you're comfortable with it, be it during that conversation or later, he'll carefully cup your cheek in his right hand, put his left hand around you to pull you close and then he'll kiss you in a soft yet sweet kiss. Nothing too overwhelming, just a relaxed and loving moment.
Mind the lipstick stains though. The other Bulls will have a riot when they see them.
Secre Swallowtail
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Secre never really thought too much about kissing you. Sure, she loved you, but physical displays of affection are not really her forte, nor are they extremely important to her. She always figured that if you wanted to kiss, you'd come to her and kiss her, simple as that.
However, when Vanessa, be it in an alcohol-induced haze, informed her that kisses were needed to assure the other of your love for them, she got a little insecure. Was that the ramblings of a drunk woman? Or was there some truth in that and were you doubting her love for you?
She remembered Tetia and Licht, and how happy they seemed when they kissed, so there must be some truth in it at least, right?
So she asks you if it's bothering you. Expressing her emotions aren't her strongest point, but you can see some worry and uncertainty in her eyes. If you assure her you're fine, that's that. If you let her know in any way that you would like to kiss her though, she'll lean towards you and place a quick peck on your lips. The contact doesn't even last for a second, but Secre can't help herself from smiling. Maybe kisses were better than she thought.
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tu-sugar-mami · 3 years
Tales of the side of the road: Day #1)
You're an overworked, sleep deprived, tired barista at a pretty strange coffee shop. You don't really complain, since the payment is good and you have a lot of free time, with the shop being pretty much empty and customers walking in only once in a while. The place is big, well equipped, somehow there's wifi, and you love doing what you do even if sometimes you wish you could go home. You could say the building is placed in the middle of nowhere, in a road connecting two barely populated and pretty hidden towns. The only other building anywhere in a few miles is the convenience store, an old and beaten up OxxO across the street, the cashier doesn't speak much though.
The owner is a bit... how to say it? Cryptic, to put it slightly, but that doesn't bother you at all, you barely see them, and now that you think of it perhaps the only time you spoke to them is when you were hired.
You've seen your fair share of weird stuff in three years of working here, and you even made friends with the local cult, although with a rocky start when they tried to sacrifice you to their deity. It turned out for the best, since you gained regulars that always came in with the freshest gossip. And yes, you may have gotten a small curse because of the first encounter, but hey, being occasionally possessed by a dark goddess do come handy when one of the diverse side effects is super strength and you have to lift heavy boxes of ingredients for the drinks. Because, let me tell you, the drinks you make are not regular stuff.
You specialize in a very complex form of beverages, with basic color code names, but with a flawless, delicious, magnificent taste. At least to those who are meant for.
You see, customers here are very unique, and many have tried to eat you several times before you made it clear that you were not on the menu. They learned to not underestimate your skills manouvering a broom.
Anyway, today is a specially slow day. Not even Gary —a cultist of the highest ranks, who loves his double shot 'blue' coffee— has passed by yet and you can't help but wonder what or who held him back. Though your inquiry doesn't last long, when you hear voices outside and the approach of hurried steps.
It's almost nightfall and it starts to get chilly when you get ready for yet another endless night shift. You find it odd that other people aside from Gary would swing by the shop at this hour, but well, it is your job to serve them after all, and so you tighten your apron and ready your notepad.
Like i've said before you've seen a lot of not so ordinary stuff, and when an uncommonly tall —and absolutely gorgeous— lady along with three younger, shorter women wearing at least 10 layers of cozy clothes walk in you're absolutely unfazed and instead welcome them with the brightest smile you can muster.
"Hi! Welcome to Itsy Bitchy Spider, home of the best coffee in all 24 miles around. What can i get for you today?" You say, bringing the women's attention to you.
The tall lady seems a little thrown off by your warm welcoming. Or by the weird name of the franchise, or perhaps because she wasn't expecting a fragile-looking human to be behind the counter, who knows, but she usher one of the younger girls —a brunette one, who wears a creepy but charming smile peeking from under a thick scarf— towards the counter and clears her throat. "Hello, yes, my daughter got into a little bit of a situation earlier and she has to clean herself up. We're on our way to a very important meeting and she has to be presentable."
It's only now when you notice that said daughter has bloodied clothes, and when she lifts her head you can see that there's blood dripping from her chin too. But again, not the weirdest.
"Sure ma'am," You say with a smile, wich has her giving you a curious look. "the bathroom is on that black door over there." You point and the girl goes on her way, almost skipping. Kind of adorable, you think, like a small child would be, except much older and dangerous. "So, is the cult holding a meeting? That'd explain why Gary hasn't come by." You say casually. The woman is about to answer when another uh, you suppose is a daughter too, suddenly points at the pastries countertop.
"What's that?" A redhead girl asks. She looks excited and genuinely curious about a colorful piece of a cake. You don't make them, and honestly you don't want to know what's in them, but you know they're suitable for any kind of customer that walks in, so you pull out a piece and arrange it on a plate, decorating it with red syrup, the red syrup.
"Try it, it's on the house." You wink at her while sliding the plate towards her and she looks at you like you just handed her a priceless jewel.
"Really?" She says, but is more a formality since she's already pulling the plate closer. "Look Bela! Look what i got!"
"No, Daniela you shouldn't eat that. Your tummy will hurt, you know this." The tall lady says as she grabs the plate and pull it out of Daniela's grasp, which is easy given her height. "We're sorry, but we can't take this. We have a very strict diet." She hands the plate back to you.
You smile and gently take the plate away, aware of the sad puppy eyes the redhead is giving you. You discreetly, almost as if it wasn't your intention, you put the plate within her reach and keep talking. You pretend not to notice when the girl sneakily grabs the plate and runs back to her sister to share her prize.
"Ma'am, i assure you it is perfectly safe. You're not from around here, are you? Well, let me get you acquainted with the place." Not wasting any time you quickly prepare a concoction of 'red' coffee and top it with regular whipped cream while the lady's gaze is fixed on every move. "Here, try this."
"Try what?" The dark haired girl has returned from the bathroom all freshened up and looks curiously to the tall glass you slide on the counter. "Oooh, that looks nice!"
"It is nice. It's one of the house's specials. We call it 'red coffee' though it's up to you discover if you like it."
"Cassandra, i don't think we should..." The lady seems hesitant, but when you rise the glass as close as you can to her face and she takes a whiff you can clearly see her pupils dilate. "What... is that?" She asks, breathless, as if she's just found something she craved for so long and didn't even know it.
You smirk, knowing that you guessed correctly about what would work on her. "Why don't you take a sip and find out?"
"Mother, i think you should give it a try." The blonde girl, the one who hadn't said a word since she first entered says. You notice that there's some cake frosting right on the corner of her smiling lips.
"Perhaps i should listen to you, Bela. Let's see, shall we?" The mother takes the glass from your hand, tiny in comparasion to hers, and she guides the brim of the cup to her red lips. She cautiously takes a sip and as soon as the liquid touches her tongue and she tastes, the drink is downed in seconds.
"So, what's the veredict? You like it?" You say as you put the lid on the last of another three cups of the same drink that you finished making while the cup on the lady's hand was being emptied, ready to hand over to the girls.
"It's exquisite..." She says, and you can see the awe on her face. "How?"
"Well, that's a secret, isn't it? You can come by whenever you like, we're open all day, every day." You look behind the four women and spot a grumpy looking man wearing sunglasses and a hat just outside in the parking lot. Odd when there's no sunlight to protect his eyes from, but you don't judge. "Looks like someone is looking for you." You point past them to the guy.
And sure enough:
"Alcina! Where the fuck are you? Miranda is waiting for us, we're late!"
The annoyed expression on the lady's —Alcina, now you know— face almost make you laugh, but you don't want to be disrespectful and instead you just cough a little. "Looks like we have to part ways." She says, putting the glass on the counter delicately. Her eyes are glued to your own and you can see fire in them. "For now."
The lady turns around and walks away with determination and elegance in her stride and behind her the daughters follow with the grace of young gazelles. One of them, the blonde girl turns her head enough to see you over her shoulder and waves goodbye. You wave back.
"Have a safe trip!" You say. Much, much later you'll call this 'day one', when Alcina first entered your life, but for now:
Alcina... The name feels sweet like honey in your mouth and you smile. You can't wait to see her again.
@thejennystuttle here it is the first one i finished. I got carried away, srry. Hope u like it?
If you love my work, buy me a coffee?
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gotnofucks · 4 years
Master of His Own Fate-2
Pairing: dark!Steve x Reader, dark!Bucky x Reader
Words: 4.3k
Warnings: Non-con/dub-con, smut, jealousy, spanking, 18+ ONLY
A/N: Probably gonna be a four-part series.
Part 1
Why did it feel like everyone had to do their shopping exactly when you had to? You’d bet it was not this crowed earlier. Or maybe it had something to do with the two super-soldiers flanking you that drew people in. You should have just ordered stuff online since this was super embarrassing. Steve’s hand was in the back pocket of your jeans and Bucky was on your other side, pushing the shopping cart with one hand while holding your waist with other. You’re sure you must have made quite a picture, a little woman sandwiched between them.
“Can you remove your hand?” You asked Steve under your breath and he looked away from the cereals he was perusing to glance at you.
“No” He answered and then pinched your ass for good measure. You jumped, your face flushing and you vowed to look at the floor until you left. You had no desire to see what other people thought about you.
“Why are they so colourful? Why can’t it be simple? There are too many!” Bucky exclaimed and you almost snorted. The cereal aisle was like wonderland for Bucky and you’d been walking back and forth here for 10 minutes now.
“I’m gonna go with this” Steve said throwing in a pack of Cap’n Crunch and you rolled your eyes.
“Then maybe Bucky can get Frosted Flakes and we can leave?” You suggested. Steve chuckled, leaning down to press an affectionate kiss on your head while Bucky took your advice and got Frosted Flakes.
“I’m gonna eat them off of you” He muttered in your ear and you bit your lip, flushing dark. You let them lead you around the store, checking off items off their list. It was so domestic you felt sick. This was not normal, and you unconsciously kept scratching your soulmark hidden under a wristband. You tried not to look at it if at all possible.
Bucky had stopped in front of the shelves containing condoms and quirked an eyebrow at you.
“Chocolate or strawberry?” He asked with a sinful grin and you wiggled until free of their holds. You had to bear their presence at home anyway, anymore and you’ll be smothered.
“We’ve forgotten the cheese dips. I’ll go get some while you finish here.” You said and turned away before they could say anything. You heard them chuckling softly behind you and willed your tears of frustration away.
Your life had changed drastically in the past few months since the night Steve and Bucky marked you as theirs. Try as you might, you couldn’t escape them, not when they are two of the most powerful and influential people in the world. You lived with them in their apartment at the compound now, and to say life was hell would be an understatement. Steve and Bucky have separate rooms but most nights you’re sandwiched between them in one bed since neither wants to spend a night away. You’d had more sex in these few months than people probably did in years.
You veered left into the sauces and spreads aisle, absentmindedly looking at the display. It wouldn’t matter what flavor you got, it would end up spread all over you and licked by your two lovers. You randomly took a jar off the shelf and were about to go back when you bumped into someone standing behind you.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” You apologized to the man behind you. His hand took hold of your elbow for a second to steady you before he stepped away and shook his head.
“It’s alright miss, not a problem.” He said with a small smile. You got a look at his face and your heart skipped a beat. He was a tall man with broad shoulders and dark hair, his genuine smile framed by a well-groomed beard. You saw his eyes dart to the jar in your hand and his lips twitched in amusement.
“I’d advise against this” He said pointing to the jar and you looked down at your hands in confusion. “While one may handle blue cheese, you don’t want to try its dip.”
You winced once you realized what you had picked and the man behind you laughed a little as he saw you put it back.
“What will you suggest?” You asked him. This was probably the only normal interaction you had had in a long time outside of work. It did help that this man was what some would call daddy.
“Oh, I am not a good cook. I just stick to the basics you know, less chances of messing up a dish.” He answered and handed you a classic cheese dip. You took it from him with a smile and thanked him. You lingered a moment, for some reason wanting to stay. It seemed like he had the same idea for even though he had picked his own jar, he didn’t leave.
“You, uh – you should get nachos to go with this. They have them on sale.” You said and internally cringed.
“Oh, alright then. Will you show me the way?�� He asked and you nodded, leading him around as he followed with his cart.
“You new in the area?” You asked him since all locals knew the store layout pretty well.
“Ah yes, just moved here from Newton, Massachusetts. My name is Andy Barber” The man said and offered you a hand. Your smile vanished even as you mechanically accepted his hand and shook it. Andy Barber. AB. Like the initials on your wrist. Your hand squeezed around your wristband, your heart beating a mile an hour.
“Hey, you okay?” Andy asked and you realized he’d been speaking to you.
“Ah yes, yes I’m okay. Just lost in thought. Here we are, nachos.” You said and uselessly pointed at the display. You told yourself you were being silly, a lot of people with same initials existed. He may not even have a soulmark. Yet as you looked at him selecting his flavors, you couldn’t help but feel lighter than you had in months. You felt belonged, stupid as that may sound.
“So, you live around here?” You wished Andy would stop talking. The more he spoke, the more you wanted to stay and talk the rest of your life away with him.
“Yes, I am a doctor at the Avenger Tower.” You managed to say and saw his eyebrows raise appreciatively.
“Damn, that’s so cool” He said, and you couldn’t help but grin. “I am a lawyer, starting as a professor in NYU from next term.”
“Damn, that’s so cool” you mimicked him and you both breathed out a laugh. You didn’t realize it as you spoke to him that you were walking aimlessly with him around the store, telling him about the sites he absolutely must visit in New York and the best places to get coffee and hotdogs from. You had circled back to the spreads section and stood awkwardly facing each other.
“Uh, it may seem a little forward, but will you show me around the city?” Andy asked, fiddling with the cuffs on his shirt. You wanted him to take it off and see if your initials were tattooed in his skin like his were in yours. You were about to open your mouth when a hand wrapped around your waist from behind.
“There you are sweetie, you had us worried.” Steve’s words felt like a splash of cold water. For a few glorious moments you had forgotten your predicament, lost as you were in conversation with Andy. Your eyes met Andy’s and you saw him frown, his gaze narrowing on Steve’s arm around you and noticing how you tried to get out of it.
“I – uh, couldn’t decide so settled with the classic.” You showed Steve the cheese dip, but his eyes were fixed on Andy whose face was clouded with suspicion.
“Steve Rogers” He offered his hand to Andy, a useless introduction since most people recognized him with ease. You thought Andy would almost decline the handshake but, in the end, politely shook it.
“Pleased to meet you. Thank you for your service to the nation and the world.” His words were polite and yet there was a mistrustful edge to it. You hoped that he wouldn’t say anything and just walk away. You knew how Steve and Bucky could get about other men in your life, and right now you wanted Andy far away from here.
“Don’t mention it” Steve said preening and you took off his hand from your waist and laced your fingers together, trying to pull him away.
“We gotta go, lots to do back home. Thanks for the suggestion mister” You unnecessarily pointed at the jar again and tried to move back but Steve stood still. You were careful not to mention Andy’s name in front of him and you prayed with everything in you that this interaction would be over soon enough.
“Steve, you find her yet?” You closed your eyes in defeat and shame as Bucky walked from the other side and joined your little party. He closed in on you, hands cupping your face and drawing you in a deep kiss. You kept your eyes downcast, not looking at Andy and hoping the Earth will swallow you whole.
“Yeah, she’s was just having some trouble selecting the flavor until this gentleman here helped her.” Steve said and Bucky turned to look at Andy who was frowning harder than ever now. Andy’s eyes were searching yours, but you couldn’t let yourself meet his. Your shame and fear were profound and all you wanted was to leave.
Bucky’s eyes moved from Andy to Steve to you and he straightened, his arm curling around your shoulder, hand resting near your left collarbone just inches away from the scarred initials of him and Steve.
“Thank you, our girl here can be a little iffy when it comes to food” Bucky remarked affectionately but his emphasis on ‘our’ was not lost on either of you.
“Not a problem.” Andy finally nodded and took hold of his cart, ready to wheel it away. You almost sighed in relief, but your heart broke a little when he started retreating. Your eyes met for a brief moment and it seemed as if he would stop but then you looked away and he continued moving.
“What are we going to do with you Y/n?” Bucky muttered once Andy was out of sight. They didn’t care they were in a public place, both of them standing almost on top of you.
“I don’t know what you mean” You whispered and felt Bucky’s metal hand tighten over your arm. You hissed and tried to pull away but found your chin being raised up to face him with rough hands.
“Do you want another lesson on how to behave around strange men?” Bucky asked and your eyes widened, head shaking in negation.
“No, no Buck. Please, nothing happened. We were just talking” You begged, trying to convince him. You watched in horror as one of his hand outright cupped your left boob, fingers splayed so they pressed into the scars over your heart.
“You sure? I can show the whole store who you belong to my love.”
You were ready to start bawling when Bucky started fiddling with the neckline of your top, but it was Steve who saved the day. He gently pried Bucky’s hands from you and tucked you under his arm, pushing your head in his chest with a hand while the other kept Bucky away.
“Not here Buck, look at her. Honestly!” Steve started a swift walk towards the exit with you at his side and you couldn’t help but look back. It was one of those situations where you found the precious thing lost within a sea of garbage when you spotted Andy, his eyes not on you but your arm. You followed his gaze and suppressed a sob as you saw your wristband had shifted after your struggle with Bucky, bringing into view the initials that made your soulmark.
ASB: Andrew S Barber
You didn’t know his middle name but you couldn’t be any more sure of who your soulmate was when Andy’s eyes darted to his own covered wrist the moment Bucky shouted, “Steven Rogers and Y/n Y/l/n you both come back here this very second!”
Bucky was getting your stuff checked out, standing at the cashiers with his grumpy dad face on. Steve ignored him and continued dragging you away towards the exit. Your eyes watered and you tried to stem their flow so you could have one last glance at Andy without tears blurring your vision. You both stared at each other and just before you walked out the doors, even from the distance you saw Andy mouth a promise:
I will come for you
Fate was a cruel bastard, and you cursed your destiny as you lay curled in Steve’s lap after dinner. No one spoke much once you got home but you knew it was only a matter of time before shit hit the fan. You were wearing a short nightie, Bucky’s favorite and Steve’s hands were absently massaging you as he read through a new mission briefing.
“Wanda was asking about you again” Steve said, and you blinked at him. Just another thing you loved that they had snatched away from you. Wanda was obviously very suspicious when you announced you’ll be shifting from your apartment to Steve and Bucky’s since she knew you wanted to wait for your soulmate to show up. You would have confided in her had you not been aware of the damage your lovers could cause if displeased. Bucky had strictly ordered you to keep away from her until you were in control of your thoughts, which he was afraid Wanda would read. You had looked to help from Steve, who was softer out of the two, but he agreed with Bucky, “Better she not know anything than us having to eliminate her if she did.” They talked of death and violence with such ease it made your skin crawl.
“Can I see her now? I don’t think my texts are keeping her satisfied.” If only you could get a few hours away from their stifling presence maybe it would be more tolerable. The both of them clung to you like a babe to his mum, and your only respite were the hours you spent working.
“Do you think you’re ready to see her now?” Steve questioned you, finally looking up from his mission briefing. Before you could answer Bucky came behind you and plucked you from Steve’s arms like you weighed nothing and perched you in his own lap. Steve rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything.
“The better question would be if you think you deserve to see her.” Bucky commented, his hand fondling your behind under the silk nightie. You shifted under his touch and gaze, uncomfortable under the stern look.
“I’m minding my thoughts, I promise.” You whined and Bucky’s hand cracked against your ass suddenly. You squealed and he held you down with one hand, the second blow even harder than the first.
“You and I both know that’s not what I meant. I don’t like it when you act dumb.” Bucky snarled and you flinched as he raised his hand again. To your surprise, the slap barely had any force behind it and Bucky rubbed your ass softly as if in apology. You turned your face to peek at him and saw him and Steve locked in one of those silent eye contact conversations that you absolutely loathed. Steve was almost glaring at Bucky as if displeased and Bucky had enough grace to look a little ashamed.
“I wasn’t!” Bucky cried out suddenly, throwing his hands in the air and huffing. It was as if they were continuing a conversation that went from telepathy to verbal and your mouth parted in awe when Steve continued speaking too.
“You would have if I didn’t stop you.”
Your gaze moved from one man to another, confused beyond measure. In a flash Bucky was gathering you in his arms, holding you to himself like he was afraid papa Steve would take away his favorite toy.
“I know my limits Steve. She’s mine as much as yours. Stop it.”
You were sure if you tilted your head up you would see Bucky pouting but instead you observed Steve who was in classic captain pose with hands on his hips and disapproval on his face.
“Do you really? Because it sure seemed like you were about to strip her naked in a supermarket of all places.”
“I wouldn’t! I was teasing her.” Bucky said, his head buried in your neck. He took your hand and placed it on his head and you slowly scratched with your nails, making him purr in satisfaction. Steve didn’t look the least bit convinced and his eyes kept bouncing between you and Bucky. Finally, he heaved a deep sigh before getting up.
“She is sleeping in my room tonight.” Your head snapped up just as Bucky’s hold tightened around you in rejection of the idea.
“No, you can’t take her from me.” Bucky snapped and you resisted the urge to slap them both. It bothered you how they went on talking about you like you weren’t even present here.
“I’m not taking her away from you, pal. Just like she learns her lessons when she fucks up, so will you.”
Bucky didn’t look like he would want a lesson, but it didn’t seem like the first time they were having this talk because he said nothing more. He almost didn’t let you leave when Steve took your arm to take you away but finally relented.
“When can I have her back?” Yep, he was definitely pouting.
“When you learn that teasing is pinching her ass in public, not stripping her bare in front of strangers.”
It had been a while since there were two people in bed and not three. You stretched your feet out, glad to have some extra space. Even cuddled up in Steve’s massive arms, your thoughts returned to Andy. You had finally found him after years of searching, only to lose him on the same day. It was a cosmic joke to have you cross paths now when it was too late to do anything. Your hand unconsciously traced the letters on your wrist, a slight thrill running down your spine as you finally realized what and who these initials stood for.
It wasn’t just a legend anymore. They were right when they said that soulmates completed you. In those precious few moments you had spent with Andy, all your worries had fallen away. You both had built a bubble around yourself where the outer world was nothing but a distant blur and you saw only each other. Conversation didn’t sound strained and you felt so connected despite having just met. You wished you knew he existed a few months ago. How different would life have been then if you were laying in his arms and not Steve and Bucky’s?
You bit your lip when you felt Steve take your hand in his from behind you, his fingers too tracing the initials on your wrist. You stiffened and held yourself back from snatching your hand away. It was never a very good idea to resist when it came to them both.
“Bucky doesn’t know yet” Steve murmured in your ear as he tapped your wrist. You felt your heart drop in your stomach, your fingers curling in your palm. “He thinks it was just some man you were speaking to. His jealousy makes him sloppy and he doesn’t notice details.”
You were turned around to face him, your eyes locking on Steve’s which were a vibrant blue even in the dark. His hands played at the hem of your nightie, teasing it.
“I noticed of course. How could I not, I have never seen you smile the way you smiled at him” You didn’t seem capable of speaking or protesting when Steve’s hands slipped up your clothing and caressed your thighs and belly. His hands were moving but his eyes were fixed on you and try as you might you couldn’t look away. Slowly, gently like one does to precious cargo you were stripped, your body baring itself inch by delicious inch. The calluses on his fingers rubbed against your nipples and you let out a moan, your slick coating your walls and thighs. Your lips met his in a desperate kiss and you couldn’t help but make pathetic mewls as his tongue raced across your throat. He came to rest above your heart, tracing the scar over it. JBB and SGR
“How are these any different to those on your wrist?” He questioned as he entered you slowly, looking deep into your eyes like trying to search your soul. “If we carve your name on our body, would that make you look at us like you looked at him?”
You couldn’t answer if you wanted to, the heat of Steve warming your insides. You met in a familiar dance, bodies slapping, and moaning together until pleasure took over every cell in your body. Steve pulled out and released on your thighs, rubbing his essence in your skin, his breath warm on your cheek.
“I don’t think I need to tell you what will happen if I find you talking to that man again” It was not a question and you shook your head, tears travelling down the sides of your face and getting lost in your hair. “Good girl. We can forget it and Bucky will never know. Because if that happens, even I won’t be able to help you.”
You reminded yourself that Steve was just as much of a monster as Bucky was. He had taken you against your will too, and while he may as well be the lesser of the two evils, you could not trust him. You turned to your side, automatically curling into Steve out of habit when he held you. That is what this relationship felt like. A habit. It was a routine you were stuck in with no way out. You closed your eyes, seeking the escape of sleep and tried to sooth your broken heart over a love it may never find again.
Bucky was a terrible stalker and you wondered how he remained a ‘ghost story’ for all those decades. Steve had been hoarding you in his room for nearly a week and you knew Bucky was at his wit’s end. He wasn’t even pretending to hide anymore; he’d just stand across the med bay and ogle you like a roadway creep. You didn’t even know what to do, who should you listen to. Being caught in the crossfire between them is not fun.
You finally had enough and made your way over to him. You were a few feet away when he snatched you in his arms, crushing you to his frame and kissing you soundly. Pulling away, he put his forehead on yours and bit your lip.
“I’ve missed you baby.” He cooed and you sighed.
“Is that why you’re lurking here and scaring my nursing staff away?” Bucky nodded, pecking your lips once more before you moved away.
“I’m sorry about the other day you know. I just…lost control.” It was rare that he would apologize, and you were too smart to reject this small consolation. He will probably be kind and soft for the coming few days and you took what you can. You smiled at him, promising him you forgave him.
“I have just one public hour and then we can go home together. Sounds good?” You asked and Bucky’s smile was almost shy when he agreed. Sometimes you believed it when they say they loved you, but how can someone hurt whom they love?
“You asked me once what I see in you, but have you ever looked at yourself the way I look at you? Here you are, one of the most accomplished doctors working for the Avengers, and yet you give your time to general public to treat their common cold and flu. That’s what I see in you. Your kindness, that light, it guides me away from the darkness in me.” Bucky confessed and you looked away from him. He could be so sweet when he has to be. Both him and Steve. You wonder again if they could always be like that, will you be able to love them.
“I – uh, I’ll see you in an hour, okay? Wait in the common room for me.”
You watched Bucky go and returned with a perturbed mind. The hot and cold behavior almost gives you a whiplash. In the past few months, you have spent several nights crying, but just as many moaning in pleasure. Maybe it could have been easier if you’d given in and just accepted them, but love does not come by force. They can carve their names in your skin a hundred times over, and yet it won’t leave a mark on your soul.
Your assistant entered, informing you that general patients were waiting for you and you nodded. Tony gave you an hour free every day to treat patients outside the tower for free. You believed being a doctor your job should be more than saving just superheroes. One by one your patients trickled in, most with common diseases. Some you prescribed for additional testing; all costs covered by the Stark Industries.
“Your last patient ma’am”
You nodded to let your assistant know you heard her and entered the room. You were looking over a report as you entered, the door shutting itself behind you automatically.
“Hello, how can I help you today?” You looked up and the report fell out of your hand. Sitting in front of you was Andy Barber, his eyes crinkled at the sides due to the wide smile he supported.
“I believe I have a heart problem doctor. A beautiful lady stole mine.”
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gerrycoco · 3 years
Here are chapter 4 and 5 of the TOL fanfic I’m writing based on @nwarrior777 comic. I’d been meaning to post chapter 4 a while back but hadn’t been sure where my cut off was between these two chapters until I finished them today. 
Hope you enjoy and more should be coming soon hopefully! 
You can also read this fic on ao3
Chapter 4 
The weeks ticked away slowly but surely at the Academy, summer turning into fall and steadily veering into winter. I continued to have the best of fun with Tamara doing all sorts of shenanigans.
With the end of October came Halloween where she snuck us out to go trick or treating when Halloween came around. As we finished up grabbing as much candy as we could, I only half noticed how cold the weather was becoming.
A few weeks later there came the first snowfall, which everyone was super excited about. After a particularly big snowfall most of the residents of the Academy, myself and Tamara included, found ourselves in the outdoor courtyard making snowmen.
Given my nature of not being very good at anything, my own attempts at making a snowman were quite subpar. I could see others not far away snickering among themselves, probably whispering about how ironic it was that someone with ice powers was so bad at stuff involving snow.
I was rather preoccupied by my increasing discomfort at being in the cold to really notice them. Tamara, however, glared in their direction as she joined me after reappearing from having gone to get some extra accessories for our snowmen. "Don't listen to them, Demian," she said, "this isn't a competition or anything, the whole point is just to have fun."
"Yeah I know," I replied, trying to blow on my hands to get them warmer, which only made things worse as with my powers all I did was blow frost over my fingers. It was then that I realized that I didn't have to go about making a snowman the old fashion way. Stretching my hands out in front of me me I tried summoning the snow around me to form into a shape.
"Demian maybe that isn't a good idea," Tamara said, her voice filled with concern, "the doctors told you to be careful about how long you spend in the snow and you already look really cold. I think we should go back inside."
"Hang on, just give me a minute," I managed to reply despite my teeth chattering loudly due to how cold I was. A small crowd of others had come by to watch curiously and I was not about to give them another reason to tease me. Within moments I'd accumulated a pile of snow that I was twisting and bending with frost from my own hands. I’d stopped shivering by then so I ignored how painfully cold I was feeling and concentrated to finish what I was doing.
Soon I had made a full sized snowman, but this time shaped like an actual human. "Tada," I said, with difficulty, now that my whole face felt frozen, "say hello to snow Tamara!" The others all gasped as they came closer to inspect the near perfect snow and ice replica of my friend.
Tamara herself however looked at me, a very stern expression on her face as she grabbed my hand and teleported us inside. Once she was done she dropped my hand and glared at me, looking quite mad. "What were you thinking?! That was dangerous!" she exclaimed loudly.
"What do you mean?" I meant to ask, surprised by how angry she looked. I never got the chance to do so though as everything suddenly went dark.
"You got him here just in time so thankfully he's going to be alright," I heard an unknown voice say.
I groaned as I tried to stir, finding that my whole body was tingling from the sensation of me slowly defrosting. With difficulty I managed to open my eyes, to see that I was in the back room of the infirmary.
"What, what happened?" I asked, the words slightly slurred as my mouth and tongue still hadn't regained full sensation.
"You did something really stupid is what happened," Tamara spat out, angrily wiping tears from her eyes. She then ran out of the room, leaving me alone with who I now saw was a nurse.
“Tamara wait!” I called out. I tried to sit up so I could go after her but realized I was still too numb to do so.
“Woah take it easy there,” the nurse said, putting a hand on my shoulder to prevent me from trying again. “You need to stay lying down for a while longer, your body likely can’t tolerate going into an upright position just yet,” he explained to me. “Right now you need to rest. The doctor should be here shortly to check up on you to make sure you’re doing alright.”
I sighed unhappily but nodded in resignation. The image of Tamara’s face was burnt into my mind as I replayed the scene again over and over again. She had looked so scared and hurt, I felt terrible for putting her through what I imagined was a rather frightening experience.
My wallowing was interrupted by the arrival of the doctor, who I saw was the same I had met when first arriving at the Academy. “We meet again young man,” he said, though he clearly was far from delighted to be seeing me at the present. “That was a very foolish thing you did back there.”
“Yeah I know…” I replied, feeling the guilt weigh on my chest. Added to the fact that I fail at basically everything, I’ve also never exactly been known for being a particularly smart person. Even back at home, my family would usually avoid leaving me alone for extended periods of time.
“It’s a good thing your friend was there and that she was able to teleport you back inside when she did,” the doctor went on, his brows creasing into a concerned frown. He looked over at the monitor I’d been hooked up to and then picked up the chart on my bedside to examine it as well. “Thankfully you hadn’t gone far beyond moderate hypothermia and so your loss of consciousness was likely a form of rewarming shock.”
“I… I didn’t realize it had gotten that bad..” I said, feeling quite scared myself now that the reality of what had just happened was sinking in. “I wasn’t even shivering at the end.”
“Well that’s because shivering is only associated with the milder forms of hypothermia,” the doctor explained, putting the chart down and pulling out a small flashlight from his pocket. He then proceeded to point it in front of each eye and had me follow the beam with my gaze. “We already knew that you would be more sensitive to cold, but it appears now that because of your powers you’ve gone from warm blooded to cold blooded, no pun intended.”
“You mean, like a lizard?” I asked, my brain feeling a bit fuzzy as I tried to process what the doctor was telling me while spots danced in my vision from having the flashlight directed at my eyes.
“Yes precisely, or almost anyway,” the doctor replied, “cold-blooded creatures can’t internally cool themselves off while you have no problem with that. However, like them, you appear to have difficulty with generating sufficient body heat without some external help, which would explain why you progressed so quickly into an increasing hypothermic state.”
I simply blinked at him in response, his sciency explanations were too much for my thawing brain to understand. He appeared to see the look of overall confusion in my eyes and he gave me a small half-smile as he put the flashlight away in his pocket.
“The point is,” he went on, “from now on you will have to take extra special care to make sure you only spend short periods of time in cold environments.”
********************************************* I took the doctor’s word very seriously once I was allowed to leave the infirmary. Not only did I completely avoid going outside, I also made sure to always have an extra warm sweater as well as a hoodie wherever I went. While it might have been overkill, I didn’t want to risk anything happening again.
Mostly I kept to myself as the others gave me looks whenever I was in the common areas or the cafeteria. They had either been there to see me almost freeze to death or had heard about it as gossip spread rapidly around the Academy. I therefore spent the next few days in my room waiting for something new to happen so they wouldn’t be focused on me anymore. Time passed slowly though as I spent it alone seeing Tamara and I hadn’t spoken since the incident.
While normally she was constantly popping into my room to hang out, almost a week went by without me seeing her at all. She had obviously been very upset by my actions and I figured she was still mad at me about it. I really wanted to go and apologize, but, because of her teleportation powers, Tamara was very good at making sure she wasn’t able to be found if she didn’t want to be.
After a few days I decided it had gone on for long enough and decided to park myself outside her room. I figured if I stayed there at one point she’d have no choice but to talk to me. There was always the risk of her teleporting in and out of her room without ever having to use the door, but Tamara could usually only teleport so many times in a day before it started draining her too much and she risked ending up in the wrong place.
I decided then to go and wait outside her bedroom door after dinner time since she was more likely to be tired then and therefore less likely to use her powers to disappear on me. I’d been sitting there for a while, just scrolling on my phone as I waited, when I finally saw her walking down the hallway towards her room. She hadn’t noticed me yet, her head bent and gaze stuck around her shoes, looking about as miserable as I had been feeling.
“Tamara!” I called out, popping her out of her thoughts as her head snapped up at the sound of my voice. At this point she was about ten steps away from her door and I could see in her eyes that she was weighing whether it was worth it to try teleporting past me.
I stood up quickly and walked the distance between us, putting my hand on her arm. “Tamara, please,” I pleaded, “can we talk? I’d really like to apologize…”
She grimaced for a moment then let out a sigh. “Fine,” she replied, removing my hand and going to her bedroom door. I followed closely as she opened it, hoping that she wouldn’t dash in just to slam the door in my face. Instead she held the door open and gestured for me to come inside.
I went and sat down on the chair by the desk while Tamara shut the door before going to sit on the end of her bed. She glanced quickly in my direction before looking away and crossing her arms, visibly still quite upset with me.
I’d spent the time waiting outside her room going through how best to apologize to her, but in that moment all scenarios vanished from my mind as we sat in silence while I tried to figure out the best way to start. “So… I guess I’ll just start off by saying that I’m aware that what I did was really stupid and dangerous and I’m sorry for doing that to you…”
Tamara was silent for a beat before turning to look at me. “What were you even thinking doing that?” she interrogated. “Even without using your powers you’re more at risk when it’s cold, but with what you did you just made it 10 times worse! So what, you just couldn’t help but show off, right?”
I stared at her, surprised for a moment. It hadn’t occurred to me that by using my powers I’d put myself in even greater danger, although thinking about it now it did make sense. “No I wasn’t trying to show off, at least I don’t think so…” I replied, feeling quite uneasy. “I was failing at making a snowman the normal way just like I fail with everything else and then I remembered I have ice powers so, like, why not use the one thing I’m good at that’s actually relevant to the situation for once.”
“You’re telling me you made a snow person that looked just like me and it wasn’t just so you could look good in front of the others after they had made fun of you?” Tamara retorted, looking rather skeptical.
“I mean, maybe a tiny bit,” I admitted, “but mostly I did it because I thought it would make you smile. You’re always doing nice things for me so I just wanted to be able to do something nice for you too for once.”
“R-really?” Tamara asked, her tone now very different.
“Yeah, I just thought it would be funny for you to have a snow twin,” I said, letting out a nervous chuckle.
At this Tamara finally gave me a small smile before it fell away and she suddenly looked quite sad. “I guess I thought you had ignored my warning because you were too busy trying to impress the others. And maybe deep down a part of me was also scared that if it worked you were going to find new friends and wouldn’t want to hang out with me anymore…”
“What? Tamara no of course not…” I replied, getting up from the chair and going to sit down next to her on the bed. “You’re my best friend Tamara, you’re my only friend really. You’re also the reason nothing worse happened since you pretty much saved my life by teleporting us back inside when you did.”
“Damn right I did,” Tamara retorted with a smirk. “I hope you learned your lesson because I might not always be there to save your butt.”
“Oh don’t worry, I don’t plan on making the same mistake again,” I laughed. Tamara gave me a real smile this time and leaned over to hug me tightly.
“Okay enough talk about snow and ice now, how about we go get some hot cocoa?” I suggested.
“Good idea,” Tamara replied before teleporting us out of her room.
Chapter 5 
While I was quite happy to be hanging out with Tamara once again, our time together afterwards was somewhat short lived. Her one year at the Academy was coming to an end and shortly before Christmas she returned home to her family. Thankfully, during the holidays, the Academy made special allowances where they hosted an annual Christmas party and other fun events for family and friends. With this I was kept well occupied up until New Years after which things went back to normal, leaving me to find myself mostly alone once again.
I was able to see my family during visiting weeks of course, but I still wasn’t having much luck in finding any other friends now that Tamara was gone. No one really cared about me when I wasn’t using my powers and ever since my last incident I’d basically decided against doing anything ice related unless it was actually useful, which in the dead of winter it really wasn’t.  
Although my own one year milestone was still a good few months away, I figured I could start looking at different job possibilities to look forward to once I was able to return home. It was better than dying of boredom in the meantime. After all, the Academy had a department set up for the exact purpose of counseling and preparing those who wished to find themselves jobs once their time was up.
This didn’t end up being the most successful endeavor however. While the counselors were very nice and tried to look at different options with me, they had a hard time finding anything that would be a good fit. I’m not sure what I was expecting really, since by being not so great at basically everything I didn’t exactly have very many employable skills. The other issue is that usually the main solution is to try to find something that works with a person’s specific powers. In my case though, this didn’t pan out much since all the actual real jobs that would hire someone with ice powers involved working in very cold environments, and I was not going to make that same mistake twice.
“Unfortunately the only other option I can find is volunteer work,” Lenny, the counselor who had been assigned my case, informed me. “That means you wouldn’t be paid, but it would still be something if ever you’re interested.”
I left the employment center feeling quite disappointed as I headed towards the cafeteria. It was family visiting day and my mom would be arriving soon. Multiple parents and other family members had already started arriving as I entered the cafeteria and sat down at a table while I waited. A few minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder.
“Hi mom,” I said, doing my best to smile as I turned to hug her before she sat down next to me.
“What’s wrong honey?” my mom asked directly. “Something is up, I can tell.”
I blinked with surprise at this. I’d forgotten how perceptive my mom could be. “I… well…” I started, going on to explain to her my less than promising visit with the employment department. “So I might not be able to get an actual job once I’m done here…” I added, looking down at my hands, blinking my eyes madly as I tried not to cry.  
“I see,” my mother replied. She reached over to take one of my hands in her own and gave it a tight squeeze. I looked up at her to see her smiling warmly at me. “Demian, just remember that no matter what happens, whether you manage to find a job or not, you will always have a place at home waiting for you,” she said tenderly as her free hand went to wipe away a tear that had slid down my cheek.
I gave her a watery smile as I leaned in to hug her tightly. “Thank you mom, I love you,” I said, sniffling softly.
“I love you too sweetheart,” my mother replied, hugging me back just as tightly. “Always have and always will.
After the visit with my mother I felt somewhat better about my future beyond the Academy. Though I still didn’t exactly know how I would ever manage to find a job, I also knew that I couldn’t give up trying.
My mood was also greatly improved by Tamara’s sudden and unexpected return to the Academy mid February. She’d had an unfortunate mishap with her powers, although she hadn’t really wanted to talk about it much upon her return. Bottom line was that she needed to be monitored at the Academy for another year now because of it. While I found that extremely unfortunate for her, I was also, rather selfishly, quite happy to have her back around.
It was only about a month later that she was finally willing to explain to me what had happened. Apparently when she had gone back home she had bumped into a former partner she had been dating not long before she had arrived at the Academy. They stayed in contact for the first little while after she had discovered her powers, however the long distance slowly became a strain on their relationship.
“At that point we agreed it was best to take a break and reconnect once I was able to go back home after my year was up,” Tamara explained to me.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me about this?” I asked, feeling surprised and almost a bit hurt that I’d never heard about this before.
“I guess I didn’t want to get my hopes up too high just in case it didn’t work out,” she replied. “In the end that’s what happened because when I finally saw them again they were dating someone else…”
“Oh Tamara… I’m so sorry…” I said, gently putting my hand on her shoulder.
“It’s okay,” she said, though she had a sad look in her eye. “It was for the best really, I don’t think we would’ve lasted very long in the end. But this happened on Valentine's Day of all days so needless to say I wasn’t feeling great after that. After seeing them together with their new partner I almost ran home, trying not to cry. I tried to teleport back but instead of my room I somehow ended up on Mars.”
“Mars?! You mean, like the planet?” I asked, shocked and confused.
“Yep,” Tamara replied. “Luckily I quickly teleported back to Earth, first in Antarctica and then at the top of the Eiffel Tower. It took a few tries but I finally made it home before coming back here and begging them to put me on blockators. I felt like I was going insane.”
“Wow that’s crazy,” I said, not sure what else to say at this point.
“Yeah…” Tamara acquiesced, her gaze downcast. “I’ve never really been lucky with dating anyway so I guess it’s not really all that surprising. I am a bit much after all and I’m not really dating material…”
“Absolutely not!” I protested, offended that my friend could think so low of herself. “You are funny and adorable and super thoughtful and anyone would be lucky to date you!” I exclaimed, tapping the table with insistence with every new point I added.
Tamara laughed at my display, most of the sadness now gone from her eyes. “Thank you, I really needed that,” she giggled. “But that makes me think, what about you? I don’t think you’ve ever mentioned anything about dating either.”
“Oh,” I replied meekly, now that I was being put on the spot. “I haven’t ever really dated to be honest…”
“Really? Like you’ve never had a girlfriend… or a boyfriend?” Tamara asked, leaving the door open for me to fill in the blank.
I could feel myself blushing at this, feeling a bit embarrassed about the topic. “I, uh… I guess I’m not totally sure where I stand in terms of sexuality… it’s never felt super clear for me and I haven’t really had the chance to figure it out for myself quite yet.”
“That’s okay then,” Tamara said, smiling kindly. “There’s no rush for you to find an answer or anything. And if ever you do figure it out and feel like dating whoever it is will also be lucky to be with someone like you.”
“Thanks Tamara,” I said, smiling back at her.
“Just for the record, you’re great and everything, but you’re not my type dude,” Tamara stated matter of factly. We looked at each other seriously for a moment before both bursting into laughter so hard we were in tears.
**************************** Before I knew it there was only one month left before I was to leave the Academy. Poor Lenny was still doing his best to try and find me a job but unless I miraculously developed an actual useful workskill there was only so much he could do.
Of course I was allowed to stay on at the Academy once my time was up in order to volunteer and help with the newcomers. I would be allowed to room and board there by doing so but it wasn’t an actual job or anything and that wasn’t something that actually paid. Because of the laws and regulations put in place for awakened, there needed to remain a place for them to stay if they weren’t able to return to society for one reason or another. To avoid people taking advantage of that and using it as an easy way out to not have to work, the Academy stipulated that they would not pay permanent/long term residents. Instead it was a barter type system where those who wished to stay had to contribute in some form or fashion according to their powers or abilities.
Some people, both within and outside the Academy, still saw it as a lazy option while others saw it as the epitome of despair. I thought both those views were rather extreme and unfair. However, I also didn’t want to stay at the Academy forever. I wasn’t ready to believe that there was truly nothing out there for me, not yet at least. The only thing that made me feel better was knowing that Tamara was also still going to be around for a good few more months even if I did wind up having to stay at the Academy for longer.
There was also the option of going back home to my parents for a while before coming back to stay at the Academy. That way I could stay with them for a bit and then move back into the Academy the next time I would be coming in for my regular post one year check in to make sure my powers were still stable. As time went on I figured I would go with that option since I hadn't gone home in nearly a year and had mainly seen my parents during visits. That way I would get to spend some time with the rest of my family but also come back to be with Tamara for the time she had left at the Academy.
I was starting to pack my stuff when I heard an unexpected knock at my door. I was confused as to who it could be, since Tamara usually just let herself in at this point. Putting down the shirt I’d been trying to fold I went to open the door, surprised to see Lenny standing there. “Lenny, what are you doing here?”
“Hi Demian,” Lenny greeted me, “I know you’ve been planning on going home soon but I have some interesting news for you that might just change your mind…”
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atlafan · 4 years
Girlfriend - One Shot
a/n: I have no fucking self control! I was going to save this for Friday, but it’s fluffy and cute, so here we are. If you haven’t seen Charlie Puth’s mv for Girlfriend, I strongly suggest you watch it. It’s so cute, and so is the song, which inspired this quick little piece. Enjoy! 
Words: 2K
Warnings: FLUFF!
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“Do you want to come over for dinner Friday night?”
It was a simple question that he had asked, and yet he was the one ready to shit his pants. Harry had been seeing Y/N sort of casually for about two months. They had met through mutual friends. It was cute, actually, he was having a pool party and one of his friends brought her.
“Harry, this is my friend, Y/N.” Greg had told him.
“It’s nice to meet you, thanks for having me.” She smiled. She was so cute, and polite. She excused herself to go change into her swim suit, and put her drinks inside.
“Where have you been hiding her?” Harry asked Greg.
“We work together! She’s super funny, thought I’d bring her along. That’s cool right?”
“Yeah, of course.” Harry peered over to watch her walk inside. “Might have to get to know her myself.”
“Good idea, sort of another reason why I brought her. I thought you two would get along well.”
And they did, maybe a little too well because she stayed at Harry’s house pretty late. She was one of the last people there, Harry gave her a tour of the house, they somehow ended up in his bedroom, and one thing led to another. She didn’t spend the night, which was just fine with him, but he did give her his number in case she ever wanted to come over again.
They started doing more things as a group: going to bars, dancing, movies, and game nights. Most nights ended the same, going back to one of their places and shagging.
“You know…I wouldn’t hate it if you spent the night.” She had said to him one night just as he was pulling his boxers on.
“I really like fucking in the morning.” She said without missing a beat. Harry smiled big at her.
“Can’t say no to that now can I?”
He settled in next to her, spooned her all night long, and when they woke up she delivered. They had sex in her bed, and then had sex in her shower. They made breakfast together, and then he headed out. Harry was having so much fun with her he completely forgot he was sort of seeing a couple of other girls too. Unanswered texts and calls displayed on his phone…maybe he didn’t want to see them anymore. Maybe he only wanted to see Y/N. Did she feel the same way? Did she have a couple of other guys too? That’s what led him to ask her to a dinner at his house. Sure, she had been over for dinner before, but usually it was a long forgotten pizza as he fucked her on the couch.
“I’d love to come over! Can I bring anything?”
“Just yourself, babe.”
He took a deep breath after they hung up. He wanted to make her a fabulous meal, show her how serious he was about wanting things to move forward. Harry hadn’t had a proper girlfriend in quite some time, but he felt ready to take this next step with Y/N. He only wanted to be with her, he was sure of it.
He picked up a ton of ingredients to make a roasted chicken, and a ton of other sides. He was going to make mashed potatoes, and green beans, and…well…he didn’t let the potatoes boil long enough, so they were lumpy when he mashed them. He added sour cream and butter, but it looked disgusting. His chicken also was still frozen when he put it into the oven, so the skin burned.
“She’s gonna think I’m a fucking moron!” Harry was usually a pretty decent cook, but he was so nervous he couldn’t get any of the recipes right. “Fucking, Christ, get it together Styles.” He runs a hand through his hair and opens his drawer that he kept his takeout menus in. “Hi, yeah, I’d like to place an order for delivery…”
While Harry waits for his food to show up, he swiftly cleans the kitchen. He looked cute. He had a patterned short-sleeve button up on with a pair of shorts and loafers. His door rings, and he grabs his food. He takes everything out of their containers and plates it up to make it look like he made it. He essentially ordered what he wanted to make anyways. He gets everything onto the table and lights a couple of candles. He was happy with his work. His nerves were shot, but he was excited. Although, there was that little bit of fear in the back of his head that she’d just want to keep things casual.
When his door rings, he sprints over to it, and smiles when he sees her there. She looked adorable, as always. She was wearing a pair of jean-capris, and a peasant style shirt so her shoulders were exposed.
“Hi.” He says.
“Hi.” She smiles and holds up a bag. “I know you said I just needed to bring myself, but I brought dessert. I hate going anywhere empty handed.”
“You’re sweet, thanks.” He kisses her cheek, takes the bag, and lets her in.
“Wow, Harry.” She says as she looks at the table. “Fancy.”
“Expecting pizza?” He winks, and kisses her. “Please, sit.” He pulls a chair out for her and she sits down. He sets the dessert down in the kitchen, and then comes back out to sit with her. “You look really nice.”
“It’s just my usual.” She looks down at herself and then at him. She takes the glass of wine he already poured and has a sip. “Mm, my favorite, thanks.”
“Of course.” He takes a sip as well, maybe it would help him calm down.
“This looks really good, Harry. How’d you have the time after work?”
“Got some of it done this morning, it was no big deal.” He scoffs.
She takes her knife and fork, and cuts into her chicken. He watches as she licks her lips after and then dabs her mouth with her napkin.
“It’s delicious! Tastes like the chicken from that place we went to a couple of weeks ago with everyone.”
“Huh, you don’t say?” He takes a bite of mashed potatoes. “I’m glad we could get together tonight.”
“Me too.” She smiles and reaches to give his hand a squeeze. He stops her from taking her hands back to her fork. She furrows her brows at their hands and then looks at him. “Kinda need that to eat, Har.” She chuckles.
“I know, I just, uh, I wanted to say I like spending time with you.”
“I like spending time with you too, Harry.” She smiles. “May I have my hand back now? I don’t want this to get cold.”
“Right, sorry.”
“It’s okay.” She smirks. “You can hold my hand all you want after we eat.”
He smiles and continues eating. They both talk about their days and what they did at work. He loved watching her lips move as she spoke. He loved her toothy smile, and they she’d sometimes bite her bottom lip to suppress a laugh or two.
“I’d clean my plate, but I don’t wanna get too full. I promise it was really good, though.”
“No worries, gotta save room for dessert right? What did you bring?”
“I just snagged some cupcakes from the grocery store.” She shrugs. “Those ones with the lemon frosting you like so much.”
“Would you…uh…would you…” He was sweating, and so incredibly nervous. He just needed to spit it out. She was looking at him, waiting. “I really like you, and I haven’t been talking to anyone else, and you’re really the only person I want to talk to. I hope you’re not seeing anyone else, but I get it if you are since this has been pretty casual.” He rubs the back of his neck. Her eyebrows were raised, waiting for him to say more. “I guess what I’m trying to say is…I wanna keep seeing you, I wanna see where this goes, and, well, would you want to be my girlfriend?”
Her mouth falls open. She smiles and bites her bottom lip, but still she doesn’t say anything.
“Oh god, you don’t want to do that yet? Is it too soon? I’m-“
“Harry.” She puts her hand on his shoulder. “You’re a wreck.” She giggles. “Calm down, babe. I’d love to be your girlfriend.”
“Really?” He says with relief.
“Yes…I was sort of expecting this conversation with the way you asked me over. Usually you’re not so formal over the phone.” She takes a sip of her wine. “I’m not seeing anyone else, either. I don’t know what kind of girl you think I am, but I’m usually a one guy kind of person, even when it’s just casual.” She licks her lips. “Besides.” She stands up and sits on one of his thighs, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I don’t quite think another guy could satisfy me the way you do.” He wraps his arms around her waist, and hides his face in her chest. She strokes a hand through his hair.
“Can we have the cupcakes now?” He mumbles.
“I’d like that.” She kisses the top of his head and gets off of him. She helps clear the table while he gets them out of the container. They each pop a small cupcake in their mouths. “Mm, I didn’t like lemon much until you showed me these, but I like it a lot now.”
“It’s tasty and refreshing.”
She bursts out laughing and he loves the way it sounds. Her arms move back around his neck as she continues to laugh.
“So, what stereotypical girlfriend things should I do first?” She asks, playfully.
“You could tell me you secretly hate all my decorations and take me shopping. That’s a pretty good one.”
“Or I could ask you to clean out one of your drawers for me way too soon and make you panic thinking I want to move in already.”
Harry presses his forehead to hers as he laughs.
“Let’s compromise on the most important one.”
“Which is what?”
“Leaving tampons in my bathroom.”
“Oh, Harry, I already started doing that.”
“You did?! How’d I miss ‘em?”
“I just put them in the cabinet under your sink…”
“Oh…I, like, never look in there.”
“Exactly.” She taps her temple. “Always thinking.”
His hands grip on her hips as he smiles.
“Alright, alright, what about other toiletries? Leave all your shit all over my bathroom, I don’t care. And then I’ll do the same to your place.”
“Sounds good to me.”
She pulls him close to kiss him, and he swings her around in his arms, hoisting her up to sit on top of the counter.
“As long as the sex doesn’t stop being so hot, I don’t really care how we do things.” He says against her lips.
“Oh, so that’s why you wanna lock me down, for the hot sex?”
“You caught me.”
His tongue swipes along her bottom lip and she opens up for him, letting him lick into her mouth. She tugs at his shirt as his hands slide up her thighs. She wraps her legs around his waist to get him closer, but it still wasn’t close enough.
“Harry.” She nips at his bottom lip. “Take me upstairs.”
“So demanding.” He smirks as his hands grip her ass to lift her.
“And yet, you have no problem listening.”
“That’s what good boyfriends do, right?”
“Mhm.” She kisses him as he brings her up the stairs to his bedroom.
“What do I get for being so good?” He kisses on her neck as he sets her down, her pulling him onto the bed with her.
“Anything you want.” She whispers in his ear. “I feel so bad that you were nervous earlier.” She pouts at him.
“You make me really nervous.” He kisses on her neck. “Butterflies in my stomach and everything.”
“Aww, well, no reason to be nervous now.” She cups his cheeks so he’ll look at her. “I’m all yours.”  
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beansbeware · 3 years
Beans’ Bagginshield Recs
Here it is! My first rec list eight years since I first started shipping Bagginshield. When this lockdown started (and ended and started again) I found myself re-reading OG/classics and discovering new ones. Sifting through my AO3 history I realized I have read and already forgotten so much fic over the years. For a while, I though the ship had run its course but as we can see now, Bagginshield lives! Check back for updates as I discover (and remember) more fics. Pay attention to the tags and trigger warnings! 
I Sang In My Chains Like The Sea by orphan_account for lincesque, IronPanda
In which Bilbo is a Jaeger pilot candidate, and Middle Earth stands on the brink of destruction. (Pacific Rim AU) [Wasn’t sure how this one worked but man it did]
At the Turn of the Year by northerntrash
They say that strange things live in the woods, fair folk and things more spirit than man; don't step between the old oaks, parents mutter to their children, or they might find you, and eat you. Thorin never believed that, but now winter is settling into his bones, the shadows are growing longer through the hoar frost, and he is lost among the trees.
And it was there that Thorin met him, that strange, laughing creature, walking barefoot through the bracken.
Homeward Bound by perkynurples for 61Below
His life slips away from him on an elven boat carrying him overseas, and there is one last journey Bilbo Baggins must take if he truly means to arrive home.
Sansûkh by determamfidd
The battle was over, and Thorin Oakenshield awoke, naked and shivering, in the Halls of his Ancestors.
The novelty of being dead fades quickly, and watching over his companions soon fills him with grief and guilt. Oddly, a faint flicker of hope arises in the form of his youngest kinsman, a Dwarf of Durin's line with bright red hair.
(Follows the story of the War of the Ring).
The Great Shire Conspiracy by Avelera for Emsiecat
Ten years later, Bilbo can't even go to the Green Dragon without a dwarven tourist buying him a beer and sobbing over Bilbo's great tragic love affair with Thorin Oakenshield. Which would all be quite touching and heartbreaking, if not for one little thing...
Dark (generally not a fan but this one made the cut)
Pain-Bearer by lilithiumwords (unfinished)
In an alternate reality, Erebor was never taken by Smaug, and the War of Dwarves and Orcs never happened. The Orcs invaded the Shire, slaughtering hundreds and taking countless more as slaves. Bilbo is slave to Azog, the Dwarf King's mortal enemy... until the Dwarf King rescues him.
Dwarves! in the Shire
Selling to Hobbits by HildyJ 
Exiled from his kingdom and living on the mercy of others, Thorin is determined to make his own way in the world for him and his family. And the annual Summer Fair in Hobbiton sounds like the best place to sell enough of his crafted goods to do just that.
Oak and Mistletoe by HildyJ (series)
After a life dominated by a strange form of sickness, Thorin is sent to the Shire to seek a cure only Bilbo Baggins can offer.
Erebor - Nope, Never Fell 
A Most Sensible Idea by HildyJ
Bilbo Baggins isn't sure about this. Not one bit.
Frodo is definitely too young to enter into an arranged marriage with a dwarven king called Thorin Oakenshield. It's a good thing that Bilbo is there to chaperone him through their courtship.
After all, there's no chance that a fussy hobbit bachelor would ever catch the eye of a king.
Signs and Meanings by HildyJ
It shouldn't matter to Thorin that the visiting hobbit cook doesn't speak his language. But it does.
Per Aspera by northerntrash
Deep in the dungeons of the Kingdom of Erebor, in an old, unused storeroom, lived a Hobbit.
In which Bilbo Baggins, a strangely successful thief, makes a mistake, and meets a Prince.
Erebor - Rebuilding
Mother-Tongue by northerntrash for HildyJ
Forget-me-not: a small flower, with four petals, which are normally found in shades of blue with a pink or white centre. These are traditional flowers of intent in the Shire, used to express true love, and remembrance.
In which Bilbo plans to leave Erebor, and Thorin tries to understand why.
Previous Engagements by Lunarflare14
After the Battle of Five Armies Thorin and Company have a new task: rebuilding their reclaimed home. Suddenly Bilbo finds himself up to his ears in responsibility and he surprises himself with how well he can navigate negotiations with elf dignitaries, farmers in Dale, and a dwarf king who has patience for neither.
But as Spring approaches a caravan from the Blue mountains brings something everyone had nearly forgotten: the dwarf woman Thorin promised his hand to many years ago.
Which is fine. It's all fine. It wasn't like Bilbo was falling in love with the king or anything.
That would be tragic.
And I'm Your Lionheart by Lee_Whimsy
Bilbo lingers in Erebor while Thorin recovers from his wounds, and soon finds himself caught up in politics, romance, and the occasional kidnapping. Ensemble cast. AU. Eventually Thorin/Bilbo.
Fix-Its (Gawd we need them)
An Expected Journey by MarieJacquelyn
For years Bilbo has written about his adventures and told stories about his dealings with dwarves and dragons. To most it seemed like fanciful nonsense but to Bilbo it was all very real. A weight followed him home from his travels, one called regret. Now in his final moments Bilbo has a choice to make – go quietly into death’s embrace or go back again and face all the fear and pain for the chance to make things right?
Of course, change is a fickle thing and not everything can be done again as Bilbo is about to find out. In the end, it may not only be salvation that he’s fighting for.
though the stars walk backward by baggvinshield, killaidanturner
Bilbo wakes, always in Erebor, with dark shadows to one side and the first light of a terrible dawn to the other.
An Expected Journey by MarieJacquelyn
For years Bilbo has written about his adventures and told stories about his dealings with dwarves and dragons. To most it seemed like fanciful nonsense but to Bilbo it was all very real. A weight followed him home from his travels, one called regret. Now in his final moments Bilbo has a choice to make – go quietly into death’s embrace or go back again and face all the fear and pain for the chance to make things right?
Of course, change is a fickle thing and not everything can be done again as Bilbo is about to find out. In the end, it may not only be salvation that he’s fighting for.
Over Your Shoulder by northerntrash
The battle is over, and the lost have been counted. There is too much death, too much blood, and in the middle of it sits one small Hobbit, left quite alone but for a body on the ground and the memory of what might have been. But he is a tenacious creature, and if there is one thing that he has learnt, it is not to give up hope.
In which Bilbo Baggins goes on one last journey, and doesn't come back alone.
Historical Setting
The Ghost And Mr Baggins by perkynurples
They say that everything can be cured by saltwater - sweat, tears or the sea. Bilbo Baggins chooses the last option, taking his recently orphaned nephew and moving to the charming Oak Cottage, overlooking England’s grislier shores. The house charms him instantly, and though he knows nothing at all about the sea, or about making ends meet on his own so far from everything he’s known his whole life for that matter, he’s quite determined to stay, and see his nephew get better, odd sounds in the night be damned. He’s living in a modern world, after all, and the nonsense he’s been hearing about the house being haunted by its former owner, the mysterious Captain Durin, is just silly superstition… isn’t it?
Hobbit! Thorin
I've Grown a Hedge Around My Heart by pibroch (littleblackdog)
Thorin Brandybuck, just recently come of age, still lives in his family’s smial in Buckland, with his parents and two younger siblings. Thorin is an odd duck amongst his relations and neighbours-- unsociable, grumpy, shy, and awkward. And beyond that, he looks rather strange even for a Bucklander, strongly favouring the thick, dark haired build of his Stoorish blood.
It defies all sense and reason why Bilbo Baggins, an exemplar of all the respectable traits Thorin lacked, would ever desire a friendship with him.
Bilbo, as Thorin discovers, is not always as sensible as he appears.
Marriage (or something like it)
An Unexpected Proposal by Eareniel
As Bilbo sat smoking in his empty hobbit hole, he couldn’t help but wonder – when did his life become so boring? Or better yet – when did his old life stop being enough?
He suspected the answer to that question lay somewhere around the time when he had refused Thorin Oakenshield’s offer of marriage.
Something Blue by Lapin
Thorin marries Bilbo after the Battle of Five Armies, a marriage of convenience, not love. Slowly, they must come to make the best of it, Bilbo resolves. After all, he's a Hobbit. They make the best of things.
Magical/Super Powers
On Adventures and Other Forms of Conduct Unbecoming of a Wizard by manic_intent for beingevil
For as long as even the old Gaffer could remember there had been a wizard living in the hill at Bag End, overlooking the Shire. As wizards went, this one wasn't the wandering sort, always out to lure gentle folk out onto nasty adventures, or even the powerful kind, the sort that lived in high towers, reaching out into the ways of the world.
Modern Setting
Old Stone, New Fires by northerntrash
Bilbo was not sure what he had expected when he had agreed to supervise the restoration of Erebor House, on the lonely tidal island in the North sea, but it was not this. The winters up here are cold and harsh, and there is a strange feeling on the air, thick with the brine of the sea and secrets to which he is not privy; there is some part of the long and troubled history of the place that has not been spoken of, a shadow between the broken family gravestones and the caves beneath the cliffs, dark and dangerous.
Perhaps it is all in Bilbo’s mind, but as the nights grow longer, he starts to doubt it, and as Thorin sinks ever deeper into black and incalculable moods, he will have to find what has been lost, before it takes them all.
For This by northerntrash
Thorin Durin had lived in his new flat for approximately eighty four minutes when things started to go terribly, terribly wrong. The wrongness came in the form of a package, delivered to his door, wrapped in brown paper and string, with a small tag wishing him a very sincere welcome to the building.
Nothing Gold Can Stay by perkynurples
Bilbo Baggins led a rather peaceful life, thank you very much, until an old acquaintance decided to turn it upside down, and he found himself agreeing to take a job that’s… let’s say not exactly up his alley, and might eventually cost him a little more than his treasured cozy lifestyle. Who would have thought tutoring a slightly menacing monarch’s more than slightly overbearing nephew could prove to be such an adventure?
Love-In-Idleness by perkynurples
Taking Bilbo Baggins, a successful movie actor who is only just getting used to the perks and intricacies of becoming A Face People Want To See, and putting him together with Thorin Oakenshield, with his very traditional (read: slightly backwards) ideas about what constitutes Real Art and Real Talent, might very well be viewed as just some clothead’s idea of a joke. But there are jokes, and then there are carefully calculated risks the size of controversial reproductions of classic Shakespearean plays - for Bilbo, it is the chance of a lifetime to prove himself to all those who have ever deemed him too one-dimensional to even attempt stage, while Thorin has the opportunity to get out of the rut that’s been hindering his career for so long now, and shine in a role worthy of his talent once again. That is if the two learn how to share the same space for more than ten minutes without wanting to tear each other’s hair out. The course of true love never did run smooth, after all…
If There Were Water by stickman
Bilbo Baggins might be in over his head. He’s purchased an old stone house atop a hill overlooking a city he doesn’t know, and plans to live quietly, largely ignoring the rest of the world. But it’s early April, the rainy season, and the roof leaks, and there's something strange about Bywater House that he can't quite figure out.
Thorin Oakenshield is in his fourth month of trying to reconcile his own grief with his failures at anything remotely resembling a competent single parent, living out of a shoebox flat with Fíli (seven, sullen, and stubborn as hell) and Kíli (five, resilient but cracking), working crap jobs and hating everything including himself.
Under the cover of rainy afternoons and sleepless nights, roof repairs and building restoration, Bilbo and Thorin try to figure out how one navigates isolation, and how one breaks out of it. Every step they manage to take forward finds them dragged back again; every question asked has too many answers, or too few. This is a story about living in a world where everyone is on their own, always, and how things go on.
How the West Was Won and Where It Got Us by stickman
Bilbo is a harried 1st year British literature Ph.D. (early 20th century fiction) who happens to have an interest in spatial narrative structures, a lack of time-management skills, and a tiny apartment with a lot of books and very little furniture. He’s stressed, always, and doesn't quite know where he belongs. He tells himself that really, this is, in fact, what he wants to be doing. But sometimes, as much as he loves books, he gets an urge to do something with his hands.
Thorin is a disgruntled M.Arch. 1 in his last year who can’t be arsed to shave and frightens his students, and, frankly, his profs, but his work is top-notch so no one can really say much. They can, however, bully him into running a hands-on design workshop on Saturday mornings, which is complete crap, because he’s used to drinking his Friday nights into oblivion so showing up at Milstein at 7:45 the next morning and trying to teach in a room of wall-to-wall windows as the sun rises is not at the top of his list. Besides, no one ever shows up.
Except one morning, someone does.
The Boy You Met (At The Coin Laundry) by Lee_Whimsy
Bilbo accidentally spends a summer in Ireland. One rainy day, Thorin appears in the hotel laundry room, naked and dripping wet and about to propose. (But not, unfortunately, to Bilbo.)
Gandalf, Thranduil, and a handful of Spanish footballers all guest-star.
Hooked On You by Chamelaucium
Thorin should have learnt not to trust his brother and sister by now.
Come with us on holiday, they’d said. It’ll be fun, they’d said. A nice break from work.
Yeah right. All this holiday had brought him was being knocked around the head, acute hay-fever, and the biggest, most ridiculous crush ever on the cute, golden-haired fishing instructor.
One-Sided Conversations by northerntrash
"Thank you for listening," Thorin said, getting to his feet. "I hope to be able to return the favour, one day."
The man on the bed didn't respond, but since he'd been in a coma for longer than Thorin had known him, that wasn't entirely surprising.
you lick your lips (you taste like years of being alone) by perkynurples for stopchasingflowers
Thorin Oakenshield was born without the longing, and has spent his whole life merely observing others as they pursued a feeling unknown to him until they finally found their One. He has made his peace with the prospect of being alone, and has been faring well enough, but little does he know the fates have a different story in store for him.
Things We Grow Together by serenbach
Dwarves are born with a bone-deep knowledge of their One, but Thorin stops feeling the pull of his after the dragon attacks Erebor. Needless to say, he is surprised, and not initially pleased, to find his One living behind a round green door decades later.
Hobbits find a seed that represents their innermost self and can offer it to someone else to plant. This creates a bond as strong as deep roots in the earth between them. It is just like Bilbo, after years of thinking that no one would want his, to offer his soul-seed to a dwarf that does not understand gardening metaphors.
But just because they have found each other does not make the quest to reclaim Erebor any easier, and in the end a sacrifice is still made.
Thorin has to trust in the strength of the bond between himself and his One, because otherwise he will never believe that the sacrifice was worth it.
Colour-struck by northerntrash
Soul mates are like adventures, Bilbo had often consoled himself. Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things that made you late for dinner. It was no great hardship that he had never met his, even if he couldn't tell which of his petunias were blue and which were purple.
Discovering Mr Baggins by Eareniel
The story of a Hobbit, told through the eyes of the dwarves.
Thorin Oakenshield's Majestic Diary by Fruitsie
Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain and Totally Majestic Badass of Middle Earth, does not have a raging hard-on for Bilbo Baggins.
No, seriously.
Just read his diary.
Call You Home by northerntrash
In which the Company are entirely too nosy about matters that are supposed to be a secret, and Bilbo learns that being concerned about propriety is overrated when you could be making friends instead.
Time Travel (because walking Middle Earth is not enough)
Of an Arcane Binding by Salvia_G
An inexplicable magic ties Bilbo Baggins, hobbit of the Shire, to Thorin, dwarven prince of Erebor
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Hot Stuff (Tim Drake x Reader)
Words: 3k
Req: “can you do a fic where the reader has to get protected and she doesn't want to and thinks it's dumb but like otherwise someone is gonna try to kill her so a batboy (of your choice) has to protect her and they like realize they like each other? i just think it would be really cute sorry haha you can ignore me.”
I’m not gonna ignore you!!! this is adorable! also i let ppl vote not knowing the prompt and they picked tim hehehe so this will be fun! you really left me a LOT of creative freedom lmao so i tried my best but had a lot of fun lolz hope you enjoy angel!
It had been at least 5 years since you had ever shivered. And the last time it happened you were like 20 seconds away from dying so the fact that it was becoming a common feeling was definitely a problem. But your near death every couple minutes was a pretty dumb excuse to get you holed up in the batcave being watched over by none other than Mr. Batman himself. 
The whole problem arose when all the cold-powered super villains decided it was time for their equivalent of a crossover, deciding that if the world was frozen over they could... steal shit? Then unfreeze it or something? They were always a little slow (call it brain freeze if you will) but the beginnings of their plan worked and the temperature of the Earth was dropping steadily which didn’t bode well for a hero like you who’s powers revolved around heat and energy, the colder you got the weaker- making this the reason you were in a makeshift furnace set up discreetly in the Batcave. 
“Morning y/n let’s see how you’re doing” Tim greeted you with a wave, grabbing a tablet that was tracking your internal body temperature and other boring statistics on whether or not you’d live. “Oh man, okay, lemme turn it up” Tim tapped at the tablet while you folded another paper airplane and threw it at the glass. “I feel fine man, like really, I’m just chilling” you shrugged, incinerating the paper airplane with a small flame in the center of your palm while Tim chuckled. “Well ya see, you ‘chilling’ is actually quite a bad thing, but yeah a couple minutes with extra heat and you can come to breakfast!” you rolled your eyes at his smothered laughter. “How long you been sitting on that one?” you teased him. 
“Long enough Sparky, now warm up I’m hungry” Tim started you on a burst of energy while he moved on to the main BatComputer. “Whatcha solving today? Anything I can help with?” you squinted at the screen hoping for something interesting. “Bruce is going out to see if he can find the location of all the machines dropping the temp, and no, you’re definitely not going outside anytime soon” Tim chided you while you groaned and let sharp flames jutt from your clenched fists. “I’m not a child, I can regulate my temperature on my own, hell I can still make fire so clearly I’m fine” you said matter-of-factly holding up a flame and letting it dancing into a small burst. 
“And I’d like to keep you that way y/n let’s not risk it, now c’mon I think you’ve taken in enough energy” Tim opened the door to your little glass room, his eyes widening at the heat that brushed over his face. “Dude you ever got hot in there?” Tim questioned, fanning his face from the exposure. “Nope, I’m kinda like that all the time” you explained, casually taking his hand to show him how your skin practically radiated heat. “Oh- wow, you’re really warm but it’s kinda cool.” Tim mumbled, pushing your palm flush up against his, the tops of his fingertips curling around yours while he grinned, “your hands are so small” you snorted, “whatever Drake, I could cook you like a bird if I wanted to,” you laughed, racing up the steps towards the kitchen ready to warm up some breakfast.
That afternoon you were helping Damian through homework hoping for any excitement in the pure boredom. “Alright, done. I’m going to take Titus out you can come- uh actually nevermind.” Damian shot you an apologetic look before grabbing Titus’ collar. “No actually I can go! I’m super warm and got the go ahead!” You quickly stood up, telling yourself a little getaway was necessary. “Really? I believe Drake said-” you cut Damian off, “Tim is like never right about anything yaknow? Let’s go!” You zipped up a couple of your jackets with a grin while Damian led you outside. 
The air was crisp, like a fall day that was on the verge of shifting into winter. “You’re not going to die on me are you?” Damian glanced at you while you breathed in the fresh air peacefully. “No haha, this is just regulating my temperature using my powers for a little while, I get ill when I do it for too long, let’s go!” you raced down the street loving the freedom even though you could feel the cold creep in. 
“Y/n? Y/n? Guys I think her eyelids are moving! Y/N! Can you hear me?” a familiar voice buzzed over the white noise while you began to regain your senses. Slowly you blinked your eyes open to see Damian, who looked pissed, Bruce, who also looked pissed, and Tim, who looked worse than ever. “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING YOU LIED TO DAMIAN TO GO OUTSIDE THEN ALMOST DIED!” Tim was waving his hands and showing you charts of your warmth-cold ratios being at all time lows and spouting off concerning facts about your health while Bruce just looked at the ceiling asking ‘why me’. 
“I thought I’d be fine” you whispered, feeling your throat scream at it’s use. “It’s like freezing outside- freakin colder than winter- and you wanted to go outside???” Tim looked exasperated, he was in a loose tank top and shorts, it looked like he’d been sweating so he had probably been next to you for a while during your recovery. “I didn’t think I’d get so cold” you mumbled, flexing your hands while you tried to regain your strength. 
Eventually Tim calmed down, he went back to working on cases but you noticed him frequently checking to confirm you hadn’t left your new room. Damian chastised you for lying and told you how you essentially fainted a couple blocks into the walk, it was just way too cold too for you to function outside. But the small taste of freedom was worth it. 
“Hey hot stuff,” Tim gave you a little devilish smile at his new nickname for you. “Cute Drake, but what’s up?” you called back as he approached your makeshift oven-room. “Nothing much just thought I’d come hangout- warm up your cold dark heart for once” you shook your head at all his heat-centered puns. “Tough talk for a glorified shish-kebab” you said with a laugh, letting a little spark dance on your finger tips. 
“What does it feel like? The powers and being cold?” Tim asked, his eyes still staring at your palm. “Mhm it’s a part of me yaknow? So when it’s cold its like a piece of my being is being stifled, like choked out of me. But normally, it just flows through me and I can channel it and what not but right now it feels... rigid, like every ounce of warmth is being used to circulate through my own body” you said with a sign, missing the freedom and immense warmth. “We’re gonna fix this y/n you know that right? This is only temporary, I promise.” Tim whispered, inching closer to the glass. 
You felt a tear slip out, quickly you pushed it away feeling it evaporate in your hands you looked up at Tim who was inches from the glass, his cheeks were red from the heat radiating on him as he stood bundled in a sweater. Slowly he gave you a hopeful smile, putting his hand up against the glass. With a small smile you uncurled your hand up to meet his, for a second you just met his eyes and knew you were safe. Even when everything seemed so cold Tim was warm, and he was always there for you. 
A couple days later you were stable, but constantly needing reheating. You’d spent a lot of time with Tim who had set up a little workspace outside your room. He’d work on cases and talk to you, sometimes he’d catch a few minutes of sleep, his cheek pressed adorably up to the warm glass while you stifle giggles as his sleepy breaths fog the glass. Your situation was bearable with Tim, and you were really starting to enjoy his company.
“Red Robin we’ve got something” you watched Tim shoot up from his work as Bruce descended into the Batcave. “Barry Allen and the rest of Star Labs have reason to believe the frost machines aren’t actually underground, but their above us. Think pumping out cold air like an AC machine for the Earth” Tim nodded, sitting down at the batcomputer as he began typing rapidly. You were straining your neck against the glass to try to see what he was doing. 
“Got it, try here, here, and here” Tim was pointing wildly at a map while Bruce sent out the coords. “Suit up, if we’re right this’ll be a real fight” Bruce said as he left to go get the others. After Tim was in his suit he came up next to your room with a grin. You looked at him with hopeful eyes, “you think this is it?” you asked Tim while he flashed you a hopeful smile. “I hope so y/n, if we’re lucky this will be it” he answered, taking a deep breath and clenching his hands into fists. “Well you need extra luck” you told him, he nodded then stopped short when you burst out of the room, throwing your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. “My hugs are super lucky” you whispered into his chest while his hands wrapped around your back. “I’ll take all the luck I can get” he mumbled, lowering his head into the crook of your neck. The hug was easy and perfect- until you started to shiver. Quickly Tim deposited you back into your room, turning up the heat. 
“Guess I’m not hot enough for you” Tim snorted while you rubbed your shoulders. “Shut up dork, now go fix the world so I can give you a proper hug” you placed your hand against the glass again. With a nod he placed his hand to yours, “will do” he said, dashing off towards Bruce and Damian who were also all suited up. 
“Y/n I must inform you they have in fact found the base and will be going into battle shortly” Alfred called from the computers while he monitored the team’s location. “Yes!” you shouted, pumping a fist in the air while you paced around your room. 
The plan was clear, there were 10 giant AC machines pumping out the frost across the world, some heroes had been separated into teams each tasked with taking out their respective machine then any hero strong enough to lift the machines were in charge of bringing them to an undisclosed location on one of Bruce’s private islands for inspection and dismantling. Alfred had Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian’s vitals displayed on the screen as their suits were consistently monitoring them and you’d been craning your neck to keep track of the little bars. “god Alfie how do you take it? You can see every hit they take, every injury, you’re basically looking at it all going wrong!” you felt like tearing your hair out, watching the screen light up with every hit each boy took. 
“You get used to it Ms. Y/n you must have faith that they’ve seen worse and can survive anything” Alfred answered cooly but it didn’t stop you from wincing everytime Tim’s bar lowered or lit up meaning he took a hit. 
Over the comms you heard Bruce and Damian confirm their machine was sufficiently broken, as well as 8 of the other machines. As it turned out, Tim, Dick, and one of those annoying speedsters had been sent to the head machine, a few members of the league were at the other. You watched Tim take hit after hit, clearly him and Dick were struggling. “Alf is it just me or are Tim and Dick’s bars not going up” you were pounding at the glass of your room. Slowly Alfred nodded, abruptly standing up. To your shock he began moving around the cave, setting up what looked like a makeshift hospital room. “There will almost assuredly be some injuries after this battle. But how are you feeling Ms. Y/n as over half of the machines have been taken down” Alfred drew you away from the flashing bars as you realized you were feeling better, still not top shape but better than you’d been in days. “Yeah you’re right I’m definitely feeling better-”
“Hey Alfie Tim just got buried in snow any recommendations?” you heard Dick’s voice come over the speakers. Your head whipped to his bar which was flashing wildly as you shrieked. Alfred replied quickly, “Master Dick you must remove him immediately and wrap him with something warm as his suit cannot regulate him in freezing temperatures.” as he made his way back to the batcomputer, talking Dick through his next actions. 
“Will do, he’ll be okay but he’s kinda a popsicle right now” Dick’s voice came over the comms again while you let out the breath you’d been holding in as you saw Tim’s bar sliding back up. Shortly after they were aided by the rest of the league, promptly taking out the final machine and finding the villains hiding inside. 
Dick, Tim, and Damian returned to the cave shorty, Bruce was busy with league business interrogating the villains. Damian came in first, declaring he now hated the cold after how freezing that mission was. Following him was Dick who was walking with a slight limp as he called to Alfred explaining that he just twisted it when he dug Tim out of the snow. And last, Tim made his way into the cave. His hair was wet, clearly melted from being buried under snow. He was wearing a Star Labs sweatshirt and sweatpants as he held his waterlogged suit in his slightly shaky hands, and a towel was draped over his shoulders. “Alf you want my suit? Pretty sure I fried half the tech” he called as he shook his head, little water droplets flying from his hair. “I’ll see to it’s repair Master Tim” Alfred nodded, gesturing for Tim to place it next to him. “Also, might I recommend you spend some time with Miss Y/n as she is quite capable of warming you up” Alfred gestured towards your room before going back to examining Dick’s ankle. 
Tim nodded in agreement, giving you a little wave as he stumbled into the room with you. Letting the relief flood your head you quickly brought him into a warm hug, focusing on pushing some of your energy forwards to warm him up. “Mhm” Tim’s eyelashes fluttered shut against your neck while he melted into your embrace. “You’re so cold” you whispered with a giggle. “Yeah and you’re really hot” Tim groaned in reply, though you could feel his lips curl into a smile against your neck. “I think you meant warm” you tried to ignore the butterflies having a rager in your stomach. “Hm no I said it right” Tim whispered in your ear making your eyes widen at his upfront response. “Oh, I- uh, thanks? I think you’re pretty cool- no not cool cuz like that’s the opposite of hot- yeah you’re-” you were silenced as Tim pressed his lips to yours. Your eyes shot open at the feeling of his ice cold lips pressed to yours but they quickly fluttered closed when his hand wrapped around the back of your head, pulling you deeper into the kiss. His lips quickly warmed up against yours making your breath hitch when he slipped a cold hand around your waist pulling you flush against him. His fingers felt like ice as they grasped your back but you couldn’t but melt into his touch. 
You pulled away first, taking in gasping breaths while you couldn’t help but grin. “You warm yet?” you teased, pulling his hand away from your back and placing your hand in his, giving it a warm squeeze. “Mhm one more kiss” he pouted, leaning down to place a smiling kiss onto your lips while you scrunched your nose. “I should seriously freeze to death more often if it means I get to kiss you” Tim said while you rolled your eyes. “Or you could just not die and I might give you a good-job kiss?” you offered with a grin. “Will do” Tim nodded, giving your hand a squeeze. 
“Goodbye oven!” you shouted, practically kicking the door open as you finally got to leave the cramped room behind. Just a day later the Earth had returned to average temperature and you were free. “I am SO ready to go home, not that I didn’t like it here” you said, giving Tim a little smile as Bruce return all your belongings after a little over a week in Bat-Solitude. “Come back soon though?” Tim piped up with a hopeful looks. “Definitely, I won’t give you the cold shoulder” you snorted at your own joke while Damian groaned, saying something about being happy he’ll be free of your puns. 
Tim walked you out, chatting your ear off about his next cases and all the time he had to come see you, over the course of the frozen-adventure you’d found a best friend and possibly something more, maybe the oven was worth it after all? 
“Okay, so I’ll see you in a couple days?” you grinned as Tim nodded. “Yup! Now before you go, I need another good luck hug- they definitely work wonders seeing as last time I got buried in snow” Tim laughed, wrapping his arms around you as he chuckled into the hug. “Not my fault you turned into a snowman Drake” You gave him a squeeze before pulling away, locking eyes with him. His hand slipped to your chin again, but this time you wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling him in for a goodbye kiss, loving the way sparks danced on your lips. Pulling out of the kiss as the car arrived Tim opened the door for you like the gentleman he is, giving your hand a squeeze.
“See you later hot stuff” Tim winked at you, shutting the door and waving as you drove away, shaking your head at his never ending puns, you smiled to yourself as soon as he was out of view, loving the idea that you’d get to tease that cute dork for the rest of your life. 
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ficstoreadagain · 4 years
Heroes and Fools // Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Prompt taken from this list 
Summary: Reader is a badass, could be considered a little cocky, some might even say reckless. Izuku has had a crush on her for a while, but he’s teetering on the edge of the L-word. Basically, he’s a simp and thinks (Y/N) hung the moon. 
This is written more from his point of view as he observes the reader just fyi 
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Another day, another villain attack (as is the life of Hero Course, class 1-A), and with your backs against the wall someone had to come up with a plan. A plan to get past the villains and reunite with the other half of the class, and furthermore to hopefully survive until the pros arrived. 
And with villains rapidly closing in and pro heroes unaware of your predicament as far as the class knew, that’s exactly what you did- even if it was admittedly a tad impulsive. You had full confidence it would work, or at least your smile was assured enough to make it seem that way- Izuku couldn’t tell which one it was. Of course, some of your classmates that erred on the side of caution were quick to shut it down.
"We can’t be sure it’ll work, there’s too many variables!" Yaoyorozu shook her head, eyebrows furrowing with concern as she ran through your plan in her head. Iida nodded in agreement, a chopping motion accentuating his thoughts.
  "Our teachers will surely be here soon, we should hold position until then." 
"We don’t want to get in their way- ribbit." Tsu agreed, at least had the decency to look guilty she shot down your idea. Not that you really blamed them, the plan definitely leaned towards the improvised side and not everyone was on board with that. 
Mineta, who you didn’t so much consider careful as much as just a wuss, shook his head violently basically hiding behind Momo’s crouched body, whined fearfully, "This plan is so stupid, it’s gonna get us killed!!" 
"It’s only stupid if we die doing it." 
Your voice was strong, steadfast, and daring with a tenacious dash of that reckless abandon that made Izuku see their point of view (but also sent a delightful shiver through his body). Whereas they leaned cautious, you leaned reckless- though you preferred the term dauntless. Midoriya knew neither way of thinking was wrong, but dear god, you were a force of nature when you put your mind to something. It was almost scary. 
But then there was that wicked grin and flash of your eyes as you continued, meeting the gazes of the classmates you knew would follow you- Midoriya was proud to be one of them, but almost imploded with you sent him a devil-may-care wink .
"Otherwise, it’s heroism." 
Your confident wit stunned Izuku for only a moment, he was busy committing your brazen smile and glowing eyes to memory. When he snapped out of it, it was evident you had convinced some others with your sheer tenacity. Todoroki was nodding thoughtfully, frost already spreading over his right hand as Kirishima punched two hardened fists together with a sharp toothed grin. Midoriya couldn’t help but smile softly at you, you had a way of getting people to follow you just by being yourself. 
He’d noticed it the first day he met you (along with your reckless bravery, sarcasm, and other attributes), and had admired you ever since. It was a different kind of admiration than he had for All Might and definitely different than his admiration for Kacchan, no this was something almost otherworldly. Deku was so caught up in your confidence that he hadn’t even realized Iida’s raised pointer finger until you held your hand up. 
“Look. Some of us need to stay here to intercept the pros, let them know what they’re walking into,” You sighed with closed eyes, cutting off Iida before he could reprimand your ‘irresponsible philosophy’ as he usually called it. But when you looked up, there was a different fire in your eyes and a different set to your jaw, but your voice had lost some of it’s heat, showing a different side of you, a more raw side that Midoriya had only seen once or twice, “But someone needs to- I need- to make sure our friends are all right, and I can’t just sit here and hope they’re all right. Because if something happens, there’s no way I can live with myself if I stay here.” 
That stunned the arguments on their tongues, Iida, Tsu, and Momo nodding as they averted their gaze. Deku’s eye widened, somehow his regard for your character was even more heightened seeing that brave face crack to show how concerned you were- even if for a moment. He knew this wasn’t recklessness, or if it was, it wasn’t for glory or applause. He could tell in your heart you wanted to save your friends, plain and simple. 
You took one deep breath before painting that confident veneration back on your face as you stood. Izuku could feel it as you went, the air started to crackle around you as you prepared your quirk, eyes glowing for real this time and hair moving with the power your emanated. You looked so confident, so determined to be a hero, already walking away as you told them, “I’m going."
Midoriya knew in that moment he’d follow you anywhere, he knew he never wanted to without whatever you added to the atmosphere around you to be so addictive. There was no way he’d let you walk into a villain attack alone. So he couldn’t help it when he shot up so quickly, activating One For All like second nature, that the air blew your hair around. And he truly didn’t mean to grab your hand, but he didn’t let go. 
“Not alone, I’m coming,” His lime glowing eyes dimmed back into there normal emerald, but still burned with so much sincerity you could almost hear the hidden meaning there. He meant, With you, I’ll come anywhere with you if you’ll let me.  But he settled with his four word proclamation. 
Four words or novel length, he wasn’t prepared for the dazzling grin you shot back to him, eyes lighting up as you squeezed his hand in return. Of course, this burst of chivalrous confidence could only last so long before Izuku fizzled back into his characteristic blush- the problem only exacerbated when he saw how your eyes softened as you watched him. 
The exchange was only interrupted when Kirishima slapped a strong hand on both your shoulders, his sideways sharp smile almost teasing but subtly implying something else, “Of course (Y/N) isn’t going alone, you think I’m missing out on the action?”
“A group of four will be the most tactically effective, we’ll need to watch each others’ backs.” Todoroki chimed from behind the crimson haired boy, moving to stand on your other side. And just like that you had a team, Midoriya suddenly wondered if he wasn’t the only one who had taken a special interest in you, but quickly pushed the thought out of his mind- this was no time for jealousy. 
As the four of you departed from your safe haven to find your class mates, your threw another wild grin around the group before setting assuredly on Midoriya, “Well, let’s see if we become fools or heroes.” ___
this big suck but it was mostly self indulgent bc I too wish to be confident and have hot boys with super powers admire me
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lost-in-the-80s · 4 years
You Don’t Want My Love - Chapter 8
Pairing: Duff McKagan x reader
Words: 3,969k
Summary: Guns n Roses hires a new tour assistant, but nobody thought that Duff would fall for her.
In this chapter: Is Paris really the city of love? Y/N and Duff are about to find out.
A/N: This chapter is pure fluff! There is a line in French, but the translation is below in italics. The high school story is true btw, I was the one who stayed sleeping lol
Tag list: @roger-taylors-car @ladieswttda @teasid @metalheartofgold @slashscowboyboots @ginny-rose-sixx @rumoured-whispers @vinylvintage @metalupyourash​ add yourself to my tag list :)
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A week passed after that morning, nothing very exciting happened in Y/N's life. Guns n Roses did two successful shows in Scotland and soon after they got on the bus towards France.
They got there very early in the morning, after a long rainy night. Drops still dripped from the leaves of the trees and the asphalt had taken on a darker shade of gray, while the sun fought for space between the clouds that covered the sky.
Open-mouthed, Y/N admired the city through the bus window, her dream had always been to meet Paris, unaware of Duff's gaze fixed on her expressions, making a smile appear on the blonde's lips.
"I can't believe we're in Paris!" She exclaimed, her eyes shining with joy.
"Me neither," Slash said smiling, the realization that his band was touring Europe was still going on, and he couldn't be more proud.
"I always dreamed of coming here, but I never thought it would come true." She smiled, turning to the boys, her back facing the window.
“Well, we have the day off. You can enjoy doing what you've always wanted to do here! ” Izzy said, he was sitting next to her.
“I'm going shopping! Then I want to have coffee in one of those bistros that we see in the movies.”
"It looks like you already have a plan then." Izzy smiled slightly at her.
"Is there room for one more in this plan?" Duff asked. He was sitting across from her, smoking a cigarette.
"Sure! We can go out right after breakfast if you agree. ”
"It's fine with me!"
After a tasty breakfast, the two of them met in the hotel lobby. Duff in a leather jacket and black jeans while she wore a red sweater with jeans and black high boots.
Walking side by side, they followed the receptionist's recommendations, walking just a few streets before reaching downtown.
Entering a busier street, several people came and went along the sidewalk, making it difficult for them to move.
In a quick, almost unconscious movement, Duff took her hand, guiding the way through people until they reached a quieter street.
As soon as his skin touched hers, she lost herself, her legs still moved in rhythm with his, but her mind moved as fast as a hummingbird's wings.
His fingertips were dry and callused against the thin, smooth skin of her hand. Her fingers were so small compared to his that they almost disappeared during the gesture.
However, Duff didn't realize what he had done until they arrived at a peaceful avenue full of shops. He felt her hand tightly holding his and a small smile appeared on his lips. For a few seconds, he feared she would let go of his hand, after all his help was no longer needed, but she didn't.
In fact, she only let go of his hand when they entered the first store, needing both hands to feel the fabric of a sweater and go through the hangers.
They visited many stores and although Duff thought he would be bored to go shopping, he ended up having fun. Not because he liked to stand beside her while she went from hanger to hanger, or because he liked to carry the bags for her, but because he was with her.
Every time she left the dressing room asking for his opinion, he couldn't contain the small smile that formed on his lips.
Leaving what appeared to be the thousandth store, she suddenly stopped in front of a window. Its glasses had frosted glass details and clothes in shades of black and brown were exposed.
"What's it?" He asked worriedly.
"It's Chanel." She said with a sigh.
She looked at him and saw his brows furrowed. "It's my favorite griff."
"Let's go in then!" He said, pulling her hand into the store.
The floor was light marble and the walls were white, there were adorned pilasters in the corners and the ceiling was very high, decorated with a large crystal chandelier.
Passing slowly on the hangers, Y/N touched each fabric subtly, feeling the material against her skin and smiling without believing that she was in Paris, personally looking at the fine clothes that inspired her so much to study fashion.
"Bonjour je peux vous aider?" A middle-aged saleswoman wearing a bun approached with a friendly smile.
"Good morning, can I help you?"
"What?" Duff asked.
"Oh sorry, I didn't realize you were tourists." She smiled gently. "Do you need any help?"
"I'm just looking around, I studied fashion in college, I always wanted to see your store in person." Y/N smiled.
“You have a degree in fashion! That's great!" The saleswoman raised her eyebrows in admiration.
"Yes. Chanel has always been my favorite griff, it influenced me a lot to choose the fashion college. ”
“In this case, come with me to the second floor. We have beautiful dresses from the latest collection there, you will love them.”
The saleswoman guided them up an arched staircase with marble steps and black handrails to the second floor where the dressing rooms were and a session full of dresses and party clothes.
“This one is one of Karl's favorites, do you notice the ruby ​​details on the collar? They're from Australia.”
"It's beautiful!" Y/N responded, lightly touching the white dress that the saleswoman was showing her.
Passing the countless hangers, Y/N lifted her hand to her mouth when she saw a red dress, full of small sparkling stones. The dress was the most beautiful she had ever seen.
“Ah, this is Louise. It is inspired by Italy. ” The saleswoman approached explaining. "These little stones are quartz, they fit a lot, don't they?"
“Yes, they really do. It's the most beautiful dress I've ever seen in my life.”
"Try it," Duff said, drawing the attention of the two women.
“Yes, you should try it, dear! I'll see if we have one in your size, I'll be back in an instant. ” She smiled leaving the two of them in the room.
Putting the hanger back in place, Y/N turned to Duff. He smiled in her direction and she almost forgot what she was going to say.
"Duff, you know I can't afford a dress like that."
Before he could answer the saleswoman returned.
"I think this one will look perfect on you." She went into one of the changing rooms, hanging up her dress and turning on the lights for her.
Reluctantly, Y/N entered the dressing room, changing her clothes for the dress. The saleswoman offered to help her with the zipper, entering the dressing room and closing it quickly.
"Wow, it looks beautiful on you, dear!" She exclaimed.
She wasn't lying, the dress was really beautiful on her, fitting so perfectly that someone could think it was made especially for her.
"You need to show it to your boyfriend!"
"Oh no, he isn't-" Before she could finish the woman opened the door, stepping out of the way so Duff could see her.
"Wow." He sighed. "You look beautiful!"
She felt her cheeks flush as she murmured a "thank you".
“You should take it, dear! It looks great on you. ”
"Oh no, I can’t affo-"
"Here." Duff took the wallet out of his jacket pocket, offering the saleswoman a card. "Use this card please."
Smiling, she took the card and went down the stairs.
"Duff, you don't have to pay for the dress for me!" She crossed her arms, she didn't like to depend on others.
"I don't need to, but I want to."
"But Duff."
"Y/N, the dress looks beautiful on you, it would be a mistake not to take it."
She stopped for a moment looking him in the eye. "Fine." She said subtly before entering the fitting room to remove the piece with the help of the saleswoman who had already returned.
"What do you want to do now?" Duff asked when they left the store.
“How about we go get something to eat? I'm starving."
"Finally you talked about food, I was almost eating one of my fingers," Duff said laughing, looking at his fingers with a weird expression.
Arriving at a bistro, they chose a table on the sidewalk of the establishment, so that they could admire a little more of the city while eating.
"It's beautiful here, isn't it?" Y/N said when she finished eating.
"Yes, very beautiful," Duff said, filling his mouth with what was left of his croissant, making her laugh slightly.
"What do you want to do afterward?" She asked.
"I don't know, we could go to that park." Duff pointed to a park directly in front of the bistro.
"Good idea!" She smiled
"I'm going to pay, then we go, okay?"
“No, no, no! I’m paying." She stated, looking for her wallet in the bag.
"Why do I get the impression that you are going to buy me coffees until you match the value of the dress?"
"Because that’s exactly what I am going to do." Getting up, she walked quickly into the bistro.
The park was extensive, its trails were made with small white cemented stones and the trees around it seemed to be very old, although they had lost all their leaves during the winter.
They walked for almost an hour, admiring small art exhibitions and talking about long stories from the past.
The temperature started to drop and the sun started to set over the horizon, bringing a purple-gray color to the city.
Y/N had her arms crossed in front of her, trying to keep her warm, while Duff rubbed one hand against the other in hopes of warming his cold fingers.
“My class was super excited, their dream was to go to that exhibition, while my best friend and I were just going to miss two days of school” She was telling him the story about her trip in her senior year of high school.
"We spent the whole morning in a park and while everyone went to take pictures, she and I stole two scooters for hire and we kept walking around the same block of the park all morning."
"What? You stole a scooter!? ” Duff said laughing. "I never thought you were like this, Y/N!"
"What could I do? We were bored! .... And in the afternoon it got even worse! We spent an hour and a half visiting the exhibition, after that we got tired and realized that we had 5 more hours free, but nothing was interesting to do. We sat in a less busy area and I read while she slept.” She laughed at the memory.
"So you didn't enjoy the trip at all?" He asked laughing.
"My God." He laughed. "And where is this friend of yours?"
“She lives in Norway now. We speak in letters every month, but we haven't seen each other in years. ”
"It’s a shame." He stopped in front of a fountain. "Maybe it’d be possible to visit her after the tour."
"Maybe." She smiled slightly.
"Three days is not enough time here, there is so much I wanted to see." She sighed.
He didn't answer, and she turned to face him, he was looking at her, his eyes full of a glow that she had seen before, but she couldn't identify.
"What's it?" She said softly, putting a lock behind her ear.
He took a step closer to her, their bodies mere inches apart.
"I want to kiss you..." He said in a low tone, licking his lips, as he leaned slightly towards her.
"But I'm only going to do it if you want to." His hand touched her face, his cold fingers making a shiver grow on Y/N.
His lips were so close to hers, she could feel his hot breath against her skin.
She froze, her heart raced and she couldn't formulate words so she just nodded slowly.
Closing the distance between them, Duff pressed his lips gently against hers, moving away after a few seconds.
She opened her eyes and saw his gaze fixed on hers. He still kept his hand on her face, waiting for some kind of reaction.
Gathering all the courage she had, she stood on her tiptoes and pulled him closer by his jacket, smashing her lips against his and enveloping him in a hot, passionate kiss.
One of Duff's hands found her waist, bringing her even closer.
His tongue asked for permission to invade her mouth and after getting it, their tongues danced in synchronized ballet, as if they had already rehearsed hundreds of times.
"You don't know how long I waited to do this." He whispered when they pulled apart.
The way back to the hotel was quieter, the night had reached the city and the cold wind was blowing against them through the streets of Paris.
Duff had his arm around her shoulders the entire way, while she hugged his waist.
Arriving at the hotel, they walked slowly through the corridors, so slowly that Y/N could have counted all the chandeliers on the walls.
They had all the time in the world and weren't ready to say goodbye yet, but the number 25 appeared, it was her room.
"We’re here." She said calmly, looking into the blonde's eyes as she came out of his embrace.
"See you tomorrow?" He took her hand, intertwining their fingers.
"You know you will, Duff." She leaned against the door, lifting her chin to keep her gaze fixed on his.
A light laugh left his lips as he remembered that fateful night in Scotland.
"I had a dèjá vu" He smiled, putting a lock of her hair behind her ear.
"What do you mean?
"That night in Scotland."
She frowned.
"Don't you remember?"
She shook her head slowly. "No."
He laughed again. "You were standing just like this." He stroked her cheek with his thumb. "Asking me to kiss you." A smug smile appeared on his lips.
"Oh my god!" She closed her eyes, wishing it had just been his imagination.
"It would have been an interesting proposition if you weren't so drunk."
"I'm not drunk today, am I?" She bit her lower lip, smiling.
A smirk appeared on Duff's lips as he leaned down to kiss her again.
"Good night, Y/N," Duff said as he backed away.
"Good night, Duff."
He leaned down kissing her forehead for a few seconds before slowly letting go of her fingers and heading towards his room.
The next morning Y/N woke up with the biggest smile, she still didn't know what was going on between Duff and her, but she was happy.
Entering the hotel's restaurant, fear took a hold of her heart. She didn't know if Duff had told the rest about them, and the last thing she wanted was for them to be making jokes, like that night when they slept together.
The first thing she saw was Duff, he looked up from his plate, looking her straight in the eyes, almost as if he had felt her presence before he even saw her.
He gave her a small smile as he followed her every move.
Taking a cup of coffee and a slice of pie, she sat between Steven and Slash at the table.
"Woke up late today, Y/N," Axl said. "Did you come back too late yesterday?"
"Not really, I arrived around seven."
"We passed at your room around six, we were going to a restaurant, but you weren't there," Steven said.
"Ah, it’s okay, I ordered room service." She smiled slightly.
"What made you wake up so late then? You are usually the first to arrive." Axl insisted on the topic.
"It took me a while to get to sleep last night."
She looked at Duff, seeing him smile slightly. "Something like that."
The afternoon soon arrived and Y/N left her room to go to the soundcheck with the boys.
Looking across the hall she saw Duff, propped up against his door.
"You’re beautiful today." He whispered as he approached her, leaning over to steal a small kiss.
"Thanks." The compliment had made butterflies rise in her stomach.
A door opening made Duff take two steps back.
"Were you waiting for me?" Steven asked, smiling as everyone walked towards the elevator.
"Uh-huh." She said quickly.
Arriving at the lobby, Y/N was stopped by Izzy.
"Y/N, I need you to do something for me."
"Sure, what’s it?"
"Erin will be arriving at the airport in about an hour, I need you to pick her up and go with her somewhere."
"What do you mean?"
"Don't take her to the soundcheck."
"Why?" She frowned.
"Axl does not concentrate when she is there, we have to do everything twice ... Go with her to a beauty salon or whatever."
"Fine..." She answered slowly.
"Here, take the band’s card." He handed over the card before heading towards the bus.
"Ah!" He turned around. "Here... for the taxi!" He handed her 50 euros, finally leaving the hotel.
In the distance, she could see Duff looking at her without understanding what had happened.
She shrugged, offering a small wave before Izzy pushed him into the bus and closed the door.
The day was starting to get boring. Erin's flight was delayed by almost an hour and all she could think was that instead of being with Duff, she would have to spend the rest of the afternoon with her.
Not that she could complain much, Erin was a nice girl, kind of an airhead, but a great company to have fun with.
But she would rather be watching Duff playing his bass while wearing his Cowboy hat.
Her flight finally arrived, and Y/N moved to the line of people waiting for passengers, holding a papal with Erin written with pink lipstick.
A thin scream filled the airport when Erin identified Y/N, making people around look at them.
She took a few leaps until she reached Y/N, wrapping her in a hug.
"Hi, Erin!" She said hugging her back.
"I missed you!" She smiled.
"I missed you, too, Erin!"
"I was upset that you never called me when you were on vacation." She pouted, making Y/N give a nasal laugh.
"Sorry, I was very busy."
"I forgive you, but only if you promise to call me next time!"
"I promise, Erin."
"Let’s go then? I'm missing my little redhead." She started walking.
Y/N took a deep breath not to laugh at the nickname. "The plans have changed, we only go to the arena when the gig’s about to start."
"What do you mean?" She stopped, turning to the other woman.
"Izzy told us to have a girls' day. I thought we could use a massage."
"Izzy said that?" She frowned.
Y/N nodded in agreement.
"That's weird."
"Weird or not, I have the band's card." She held up the card, showing it to the girl.
"In that case, let's go! A full massage can take more than an hour!" She started walking quickly, making Y/N quicken her pace.
After nearly an hour and a half at a massage parlor, Y/N and Erin went to a coffee shop, ordering cake and hot chocolate.
The place was small and cozy, the walls were painted in shades of cream and the chairs had flowery green cushions.
Taking a table by the window, they started talking.
"Has Axl given you a lot of trouble?" Erin asked.
"No, he's been calmer these days. The biggest problems are Izzy and Steven."
Erin looked her in the eye, encouraging her to continue.
"Izzy is a pain in the ass when he's high, and Steven doesn't even know where he is when he uses it, I have to act like his mother."
"That sucks! Good thing Ax doesn't have any problems like that. But I think it's just because they're on tour, as soon as it's over they'll get better."
"I hope so," Y/N said smiling. "And how are things between you and Axl?"
Erin stopped with the cup halfway, not knowing whether to speak or not.
"Things with him are ... complicated…. He can be romantic and kind when he wants to, but most days he ends up taking his anger out on me."
"What do you mean?"
"We fight a lot, but I love him, and I know he loves me, so eventually we will get better." She gave a small smile before bringing a piece of the cake to her mouth.
Y/N nodded as she sipped her hot chocolate, deciding not to dwell on it.
"And how’s Duff going?" Erin smirked.
Y/N's eyes widened. "What about Duff?"
"The last time I was here he was hopelessly in love with you. Axl said he spent all day talking about how beautiful you are."
A smile appeared on Y/N's lips.
"Don't tell me he hasn't made a move yet?"
"He actually did." Her smile got bigger.
Erin propped both elbows on the table, looking intently at the girl in front of her, curious to know more.
"He kissed me yesterday."
Erin shrieked, smiling at the news.
"The boys must have gone crazy!"
"They don't know yet."
"Why not?"
"Because even I don't know what we are yet. Besides, I work for them, I don't want to say anything before I'm sure it's serious"
"Yeah, it makes sense. Do you want me to be quiet about it then?"
"Relax, my lips are glued together!" She said laughing.
Arriving at the arena, Y/N walked calmly through the countless corridors next to Erin, while listening to her chatter about the Christmas party at her father's house.
She stopped in mid-sentence when she saw red hair entering a room.
"Axl!" She screamed, running towards the door when he stuck his head out.
She threw herself into his arms as he hugged her tightly, mumbling how much he missed her.
Y/N smiled at the scene when she was pulled by the arm into a room.
The light was off and the only illumination present was the reflection of one of the stage spotlights that reflected through the window.
Adjusting her eyes to the brightness, she could see the figure of Duff in front of her, covering her with his height.
"I missed you." He said before pressing his lips against hers.
His hands found her waist, pulling her closer as her hands went up to his hair, tangled in its strands.
Their tongues danced together as he guided them until she leaned against cold material.
Using one hand to feel the surface, she realized it was a table. They should be in a dressing room.
Y/N sat on the table, increasing her height in a few inches, making Duff's job easier.
She tangled her legs around his waist, bringing him closer, while he lowered his hands to her ass, squeezing her flesh tightly, making a small moan leave her lips.
Starting to apply kisses to her neck, Duff was interrupted by a loud knock on the door.
"Duff!" It was Slash.
"What!?" He pulled away from her neck, shouting towards the door.
"We have to go on stage, we’re already late!"
"Shit," Duff murmured. "I'm on my way!" He shouted for the door.
"I think I'm going to have to leave you alone now." He smiled, stealing another kiss from her. "Come and see the gig."
"I'll be there in a minute, I promise." She smiled at him, kissing his lips one last time before he walked out the door.
Alone in the dark, Y/N sighed, her fingers went to her lips and a smile appeared on them.
"Well, I think I can get used to it." She murmured.
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BuB Season 10 Episodes 4-7
It’s a rainy long weekend here, and I managed to catch up on the Bringing Up Bates recaps. From Christmas to making plans for Valentine’s Day, the Bates family is quite busy with four babies on the way and three budding romances. 
*Episode 4: 'Tis the Season For Surprises
Katie is teaching Ellie, Addee and Callie how to curl their hair. Katie says she is the only older girl in the house right now, and so she wanted to do a fun bonding activity. Ellie, Addee and Callie are not sure about learning themselves, but Katie says they should learn now before she leaves. The girls say they will miss Katie, but Callie is looking forward to having her own closet in the girls room. Travis will be coming soon, and Kelly says engagement is inevitable. His sister is recently engaged as well. Kelly asks Katie if they have any timeline, and Katie says she'll know when Travis talks to her dad, since he'll tell her mom and her mom will tell her. Everyone laughs, but agrees that Kelly isn't great at secrets. Kelly says Nathan is bringing his girlfriend as well, and everyone is excited to meet them. Katie is glad the pressure will be shared. The family will be spending Christmas all together, since Alyssa is due in February, they're not sure she can make Valentines.
Meanwhile, the guys get to work decorating the house outside of the house. Jackson is just back from Alert and wants to get the lights up. Jackson is glad to be home for Christmas after Alert, and Zach is there to see Jackson but got put to work on the lights. Nathan pulls up with Esther, and the family is excited to meet them. The work stops, and everyone rushes over to meet her. Esther is excited to meet everyone, and Whitney in particular is glad to meet them. Esther is also from a big family, and she says "the more the merrier!"
The couples (also Trace) gather for a bonfire, and also for a chance to meet Esther. Nathan teasingly makes Carlin move so he can sit next to Esther. Everyone works together to try to start the fire, and John jokes that the fire just needs "more people with more ideas to get it going." Eventually it starts burning, and Carlin asks for Nathan and Esther's story. They met at a mutual friends wedding, and Nathan thought she had the bluest eyes he'd ever seen. A week went by of them chatting, and Nathan wanted to be more than friends, and they kept talking everyday. Esther told him she wanted to be with him as well, and they've been talking for about a year. They waited a bit to go public, but they seem very happy. Carlin says she wanted to support them, and they're all glad that Nathan is so happy. Nathan asked Esther to be his girlfriend on her birthday, and Nathan says they'll see about the timelines but Nathan knows Esther is the one. Nathan genuinely seems thrilled, and the night is a success.
At Zach and Whitney's, they are decorating gingerbread men for a gender reveal. Whitney says she is excited for their fourth baby, and the plan is to give blue or pink cookies as a gift to the grandparents at the Christmas family photos. There is going to be multiple announcements at that time, Zach says. Bradley hopes for a boy, and Kaci wants a girl (shocker). Whitney is excited to tell everyone at the party.
Josie and Kelton arrive at a parking garage to do their gender reveal with Willow. Josie is excited to share that they're having another baby, and they don't know if it is a boy or a girl. They are going to find out by doing a photo shoot with her friend. This time, they wanted it to just be their little family finding out together. So, they twist the poppers and celebrate, but the episode doesn't show the color. They plan to tell everyone at the Christmas party.
It is time for the Christmas party, and Kelly says they have tried to be careful during covid (ok) and so Tori's family is sick and unable to make it, but everyone else was healthy and there. Zach and Whitney get their cookies ready, and then it is time to head out for pictures. The family pictures begin, and then it is time for the big family photo. It is very cold out, but the family gathers together for the photos. Then, it is announcement time. Josie goes first, and gives her father-in-law a gift. It is an ornament, and one side says "Baby Girl" and the other says "Hazel Sloane Balka." Everyone celebrates. Zach and Whitney go next, but Zach gives them one without color first as a prank, and then they get the cookie with the blue frosting. Bradley is so happy to have a brother. Erin is announcing on behalf of Tori and Bobby, and Kelly is excited to learn they are having a girl named Charlotte Raine. Everyone gets out of the cold, and Gil gathers the family to talk about Jesus. The family then sings carols. Gil says there are four new babies on the way, and two new relationships in the works, and there is a lot to celebrate.
*Episode 5: Home Sweet Home & Nathan's Love
Michael is at Tori and Bobby's new house, and Zach, Whitney and kids walk over to knock on the door. They are excited to be neighbors. Bobby says it was time to look for a house, and they haven't had a lot of luck until Whitney let them know the house two doors down went for sale. Bobby and Tori jumped on it, and they got the house since the original homeowners loved Zach and Whitney. The cousins are so excited to be close, and Bradley in particular is excited. Tori has asked Erin and Chad to decorate the house. Bobby has been working from home, so he has a desk in the bonus room that will eventually be Charlotte's. The boys have a room, and then Tori shows of their room. Brandon and Michael are thrilled for the new homeowners, and Bobby and Tori are so excited to be close to the family again.
The family goes on an outing to the zoo, which is one of Kelly's favorite places, for Layla's first birthday. Everyone is wearing masks, and Carlin is excited for Layla to see the animals. The family walks through the zoo. Kelly says the monkeys are her favorite, since they're so active. Carlin says she can't believe Layla is a year old, and she remembers all the memories they have made. Carlin says that Layla is their sunshine, and they are obsessed.
Alyssa and John are getting ready for their new arrival, and Alyssa says you would think they would be ready but technology keeps advancing and they keep getting cooler new items. Alyssa says this time around, she will be in the hospital with a doctor instead of a birth center with a midwife. The hospital rules are strict because of Covid, so Gil and Kelly will have to meet the baby at home. They set up their swing, and Alyssa says they have reversed the order with having kids young so that they will be able to enjoy their adult kids and grandkids younger too.
At the Bates Sisters Boutique location, Chad and Zach are working on getting everything functional for the boutique. Whitney says they are lucky trying to run a small business with all the talents in their family. The sisters arrive, and they are impressed with all the work that has been done. Erin says she has been sick and missed a lot of what has been going on, but she is excited to get to be part of the progress now. They go into another room to discuss the location of the photo shoot wall, since that is very important to their online branding. Erin suggests a location, and talks about how to turn the storefront area into an actual storefront. Everyone is excited by how far the boutique has come in such a short time, and they are excited to see where it will go.  
Zach is back to doing tree work with the family, and he says it is like no time has passed. Nathan is there, and he says he isn't home very much but it is satisfying getting to do tree work with his siblings. Zach says he forgot how much work tree work is, and Zach says he wants to be 56 and moving around like his dad instead of 33 and moving around like he is. Carlin says her dad is getting older,  but he is still the man. Jud and Jeb joke that is is getting too old. The tree job goes smoothly, and the guys start talking about Esther. Nathan says he wants to be with her forever, and he is thinking about the ring. Nathan thinks about a spring engagement and a fall wedding. Nathan says he is ready to change her from a girlfriend to a fiance. Nathan wants to fly her to the Bahamas, and they talk about ideas, but Nathan says he thinks he should run them by some girls to get their opinions. They get back to work, so Nathan can catch his flight out.
*Episode 6: A DIY Date and a Delivery Day
Erin and Chad and Bobby and Tori are on a couples getaway in Gatlinburg. It was a gift to them from Kelly and Gil for Christmas. While there, Erin has brought them to a place called Board & Brush, where you get to DIY home decor. First up, they begin distressing their wood. Then, they stain it. They talk about Tori's pregnancy- she is just about halfway, and feeling good. Chad asks Bobby about having a girl, and they are excited. The instructor spends some time showing them how to use the drill, which Tori thinks is useful for herself and Bobby, but not that useful for Chad. Chad tells them about the boutique project, and they are looking forward to moving in in a week. They complete their projects, and Tori is excited about hanging it up in their house.
Alyssa is preparing for her baby, and she has her daughters pack their bags to get ready for when the baby comes. John comes in to help them, and he says being a girl dad is a lot of fun. Alyssa starts handing out plastic bag filled with outfits for them to go. They finish packing, and Alyssa says they picked the name Maci Jo, Maci they just liked and Jo is for her mother and grandmother Betty Jo. Kelly is super excited to have a grandchild named for her, and says she can't stop saying the name.
Effortless Beauty Co is doing a stylized shoot at Castleton Farms, and they are thrilled about the opportunity. Katie gets to work on makeup, and she makes conversation with the models about looking forward to her wedding. Katie says she is ready for the ring. The shoot goes well, the bride loves her makeup, and Katie says she can't wait until she gets to be in the client chair.
Brandon and Michael arrive at Zach & Whitney's, bearing lasagna and homemade bread. Zach and Whitney are thrilled to get to enjoy Michael's lasagna. Zach & Whit's house is crazy, since the boutique is taking up half their house right now. Michael talks about her sewing business, which took the back burner during school but it is growing fast. Michael is volunteering at children's hospital for now while she figures out what is next. Everyone agrees that it was a fun dinner and they need to do it more.
Alyssa calls her mom, and says she thinks she is in labor. Alyssa wants to give her mom some time to make plans. Alyssa is just in early labor but she wants her parents to start heading their way so they can meet Maci. Alyssa gets everything ready to go, but now she is wondering if it is labor or not. Alyssa starts walking because she just wants labor to get going so she can be done. Alyssa has usually had shorter labors, but this one is taking its time. Alyssa has been having contractions for a while, and so she is heading to the hospital to see if they can help her progress. In the hospital, Alyssa gets an epidural and is making quick progress. The doctor lets John help deliver the baby, and he is thrilled he got to help.  Alyssa is pleased with her hospital experience, but she is excited to go home and introduce Maci to everyone. Gil and Kelly arrive in Florida to meet Maci. Everyone is thrilled for the Webster family and wants to meet Maci.
*Episode 7: Lawson's New Love and the Boutique's New Digs!?
Chad has been working on an old camper since he loved camping as a kid and he wants to do it with his family. The camper is old, but it has good bones and they are completely redoing it. They step inside the camper and talk about what they want to change. Gil and Kelly joke that they are going to make the camper incredible like they always do. Erin says that with 2020, they look forward to getting out there and making new memories all together.
Kelly is preparing for Valentine's Day, but Kelly isn't as prepared as she usually is. Nathan and Lawson walk in, and Kelly says they need to pick about the theme. They debate different ideas, and Katie walks over to get involved. One of the little kids suggested animals, and Kelly facetimes their group text and Zach gets on to share his opinion. They joke that no matter what, Zach will come as a cowboy again, and Lawson jokes that he will be a better cowboy. Zach says he won't, since he doesn't have a girlfriend-and Kelly says Lawson actually might have some news in that department. Zach asks if he is bringing Nathan again, and Lawson says he has upgraded in the beauty department. Kelly says Lawson was traveling a lot to California, and she thought he was working but she then learned that there was a girl in California that he liked. Everyone agrees on the animal theme, and Kelly is glad to start getting to work on the party.
It is Boutique moving day, and there is a lot of clothes being transported to the new location. There was a huge moving sale where 5,000 dresses where sold which enabled them to move. It was a huge group effort to move the product. Trace and Chad load up a truck load to take to the new location, and then the team goes into the new location. Everyone is so excited by the new space- Chad has built a beautiful packaging station for the boutique. There is a lot of work still to go, but they are excited for the new space for their store.
Lawson and Trace are looking for Duke, Lawson's dog. Trace jokes that Duke likes Trace better than Lawson since he is spending more time with him. Lawson is preparing to take him to training for a few months. Jackson comes out on the porch, and he has unfortunately broken his arm snowboarding in Colorado. Jackson had surgery with 13 screws and two metal plates put in his arm.  Trace mentions that Tiffany was on the trip to Colorado, and he has been spending a lot of time in California. Lawson said his girlfriend Tiffany joined him on the trip. Lawson says it is early in the relationship but a great trip. Lawson says she is coming to Valentine's Day, and everyone is thrilled about that. Gil and Kelly are looking forward to spending more time with her. Nathan is glad they're both in relationships at the same time, and they are excited to see how this pans out.
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violet-t-9 · 3 years
Checking in on my (not very realistic) wish list for episode 133
1. Continued dungeon crawl starting with a relatively easy victory against the frost salamander thingy.
Fjord you battle genius! That was pretty easy I totally knew it-oh never mind lol there is another one. Also, Capeleb my beloved. Still pretty easy first combat though considering they took both salamanders out in 2 rounds.
2. They discover more about the nature of the “coldness” they experience in the ruins that keeps making them do constitution checks (is it just the brown mold? I don’t trust it).
I mean, seems like regular brown mold to me at this point! We got a full explanation of their effects as well! (Still don’t trust it though.)
3. Maybe they can discover some more cool relics/clues to what happened to Aeor, the nine eyes, its history or arcane and this mysterious ward.
They found the city proper! Cool stuff. They also found mummified bodies and pretty architecture. A weird body with metallic features and runes! A smooth orb power core? Weird blue and teal lights and dome. Who is that woman?
4. Confirm (via commune perhaps, let’s go team clerics) that the TT are in fact still gathering their crests/just got them so M9 still have some time to relax/plan.
Yay Jester! Go Jester! Shoot they are less than a day away though... but they still got some time to rest/plan. At least Trent and Co. are not pursuing close. Ah never mind they are actually here-
5. Seeing more of Essek’s cool dunamancy spells in combat and for other things (Matt please give me more of that delicious dunamantic flavour yum), also seeing his other fancy magical items.
Magnify Gravity hype! Magic missile description was also cool (love the colour scheme)! Sending stones made an appearance again! (Rip those rangers)
6. I will continue waiting for the Essek and Caleb one-on-one conversation until it happens eventually (manifesting). (Bonus: Essek meets winter Frumpkin)
Yes! It happened! They talked, in private. Literally everything I have ever wanted for weeks now, thank you critical role.
7. More Essek realization moments as he gets more and more convinced that he is surrounded by super powerful idiots. (Bonus: Essek gets either super impressed by M9′s battle skills or joins in their fun afterwards)
I’m counting the Capeleb moments lol, low int Capeleb is low int. (Again, Capeleb my beloved.) Also Essek joined them in their heroes’ feast and expressed his love of beef stew so I’m going to assume he had fun.
8. Finding a place they see fit, coming up with and deciding on a tangible plan for ambushing the TT and actually setting up the traps. (Bonus: discover the place where the TT plans to use to go to the astral sea)
I love ambush planning! They actually set stuff up! Wonderful wonderful. Did not expect them to actually confront the TT so soon, but hey, 3 down 2 to go. The real problem is the bonus part. 
9. Widogast’s Nascent Nein-Sided Tower (with renovations) the next night (let Essek see it before fighting the TT, come on). (Bonus: water slide woooooo)
Ayyyy “impressive” indeed! Caleb even gave Essek a short tour. What fun that this episode just keeps delivering. Water slides even got an honorary mention (they are in the rooms of requirements).
10. Dome cuddle pile shenanigans on this night, maybe some more one-on-one conversations between people on watch. (Bonus: the couples cuddle)
I mean technically yeah there was the dome too! Essek and Fjord had a very intense one-on-one conversation that I loved... so I’m counting it.
11. No more red eyes on Beau and Caleb in their long rest (I’m still hoping that their amulets are helping with that, honestly though that’s unlikely).
Well they never got a long rest, but no red eyes I guess so l will take it.
12. Caleb (from casting polymorph) and Veth’s (from spider climb) wild magic rolls from last episode have their effects revealed. (Bonus: the effects turn out to be not horrible or harmful for them)
I mean, no news is good news! They have been using a lot of magic but are fine so far. Hope that they keep getting the casual “you are fine”.
13. Fjord and Jester having more powerful battle couple moments (since last episode they were being very cute and flirty). (Bonus: Jester heals or refuses to heal Fjord)
Fjord and Jester were such a battle couple this episode! All the fire damage from Fjord, spiritual weapon and toll the dead from Jester. It was really awesome to see. They also went in first against the TT!
14. Yasha and Beau having more cute and flirty moments (since last episode they were being a super powerful battle couple). (Bonus: they kiss)
“Come on babe this is the hottest you have been” lol it worked! The strength check worked guys! It’s the power of love. Beau also gave Yasha a little kiss! 
15. Cad and Veth each gets at least one nice RP moment or battle moment (would love to see them interact more honestly, they have an interesting dynamic).
Cad got to fly around Aeorian town as a stealth agent, fun! Veth had a little moment with Caleb when they were doming up. Also, she got to kill Otis, so I’m sure she is pretty happy right about now.
16. At least one of the party members gets tempted by a strange, powerful or magical item/location/opportunity etc. and attempts to push the button.
I mean, Fjord was really tempted by exploring the rest of the Aeorian cityscape. Who could blame him though.
17. Everybody stays relatively happy and very much alive by the end of this episode (probably will end on a terrifying cliffhanger, AGAIN).
Hey, I will take that as a win! The cat-and-mouse game starts again, except this time they are the ones on the offensive! Most impressive.
Score: 14/17 fulfilled, this episode fulfilled almost everything on my wish list and delivered even more excitement! Wow, what an episode. I’m so excited for how this is going to turn out!
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
10x18: Find Me: Bethyl Template - Part 2
***As always, spoilers for 10x18 abound below. Don’t read until you’ve watched! You’ve been warned!***
Then one year later, when he met Dog as an adult and then Leah, he didn't have the eye scar yet, and he does still have the wing. At this point, six months later, this is where the eye scar shows up. So, third flashback. Then we see it. It's very red and swollen, so it's obviously fresh. It hasn't actually scarred yet.
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I honestly couldn't tell if he had the wing here because he was wearing a poncho. I watched the whole thing and it never shows a shot of his vest. So, I don't know whether the wing was there or not.
But during this flashback, we see him sitting alone at his camp and he's setting out his knife. The fact that it shows the knife is probably important, but all we see him do is set it on a stump in front of him. He hears rustling behind him, and it startles him. He picks up the knife to defend himself, but it's just Dog coming to see him.
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As soon as he sees Dog, he kind of smiles and gets happy. He says, "hey. Where have you been?" Guys. I honestly think this represents him reuniting with Beth. He hasn't seen dog in a long time, and he's pleased to see him. The camera pans outward when he starts playing with Dog and we get this massive shot of the sun. It's almost washing everything out. I think it’s super-significant that the eye scar shows up during this representation of him being reunited with Beth. Because a scar over the eye is a Sirius symbol. Return. Reunion. Resurrection.
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So, I’ve seen people complaining that they didn’t show us how he got the scar. I hear ya. I want to know, too. And maybe they’ll still show us at some point. I kinda think they will. But what’s important here is WHEN it shows up. In conjunction with his and Beth’s reunion.
Then he takes Dog back to Leah. This is kind of where the romance part starts and I also think it's where the symbolism gets really, really complicated. Daryl and Leah have this back-and-forth banter that's kinda cute. And we definitely see Daryl looking happier. So, she says thanks for bringing them back and she says, "he likes you.” Daryl smiles and says, "he's just a dog. He doesn’t know any better," which is both self-deprecating and endearing. And Leah says, "yeah, well." Which I take to mean that she likes him too. This is where he asks her what the dog's name is and she tells him that it's Dog. He razzes her about it, and she says, "you got anything better?" He says no, but then he says, "at least you won't forget what he is." I feel like that’s a really on-the-nose way of pointing to Dog and telling us to notice the symbol.
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Now, the reason I say it's complicated here is because I feel like the symbols start to mesh and it's really hard to disentangle them from here on out. Because I still think the Dog = Beth, but to some extent, Leah also = Beth. I mean, obviously this doesn’t point to Daryl having a romantic relationship with Leah while Beth (Dog) sits in the corner slobbering, right?
So, I think both of them represent Beth, but in different ways. I think at this point, the Leah and Daryl stuff become both a foreshadow of what’s to come, in terms of the CRM and the spinoff, but also a foreshadow of Daryl’s eventual relationship with Beth. And it’s also retelling some of Beth and Daryl’s arc from S4/S5. So yeah, it’s complicated.
But let’s look at the sequence so far. Daryl meets baby Dog. Daryl loses Beth, storm like Them. Then Daryl meets Dog again and he’s much older. Dog lead him to Leah, who also symbolically represents Beth. Then we see a second representation of him reuniting with Beth/Dog, and then this romance blossoms. So Leah is just a stand in for Beth and Daryl’s romance with Beth.
Much of the time, Leah represents Daryl and Daryl represents Beth, at least in the retellings. In the foreshadows, Leah more often represents Beth.
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So, we get another eight-month time jump. This is when Daryl is surrounded by walkers and Leah helps save him. They both hide in the copse of trees. Okay, this is a replay of Beth and Daryl being in the trunk in Still. I get that this is gonna freak people out a little bit because they’ll think it's taking the symbolism from Beth and giving it to Leah. But that's looking at it backwards. It's not that Still was pointing to Leah. It's that this is a replay of Beth. It’s a template for Daryl’s arc. 
So on TTD, they described this scene with Leah in a way that you could also describe Beth and Daryl being in the trunk in Still. They say it's sort of this forced intimacy where they’re thrown together to hide from the walkers, much like in Still. And because they are pressed up against a bunch of trees, we get actual tree trunks instead of the trunk of the car. Interestingly, Daryl actually rejects Leah at this point.
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You can tell Daryl felt the sexual tension between them and it freaked him out, so he basically told her to go away and leave him alone. This is a defense mechanism for Daryl. 
Originally, I told my fellow theorists that obviously Daryl wasn’t that harsh with Beth when they got out of the trunk in Still, but he was still emotionally unavailable. They disagreed with me, saying, “The thing about that scene with the trunk and they made note of this on TTD, that they never spoke to one another, not a sentence was said between them, there were nods and indications but no dialogue. And when the next day when they're ready to leave Daryl looks at Beth as if not seeing her, "you looked at me like I'm a dead girl." He walked away as if she wasn't even there there's a long pause and then she follows at a distance. I always thought that was about him leaving her behind at Grady, thinking she was dead. So I think you could compare that to him walking away from Beth just like he walked away from Leah. Another comparison with Beth from the episodes Still and Leah.”
I hadn’t thought about it that way, but I agree. I think they’re spot on about that.
So yeah. Callback to Still.
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We have another three-month time jump. And this time, we clearly see that the wing is gone from his vest. He goes back to Leah and throws the fish at her door. The joke on TTD that this is his idea of a first date. To throw a dead fish at the girl’s door.
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It took me a while to pin this one down, and actually it was my fellow theorists who did it, remembering details I didn’t. Daryl doesn’t throw a fish at Beth, but he does throw a bottle of water when she says she wants a drink. He’s very flippant about it. She gets mad and throws it back at him, saying “not that. I mean a real drink.”
Here, he throws a fish at Leah’s door. She gets salty and comes to his camp and throws it back at him, saying she doesn’t need him to fish for her. That parallels to Beth’s, “I can take care of myself,” and “get my own damn drink.”
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Are we seeing the replay?
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In the scene, Daryl is warming his fingers by the fire and Leah recognizes that he has frost nip. This a “frosty cola” sort of symbol. Leah takes him back to her cabin where it's warmer. We might see it as her healing him or sort of giving him medical treatment. Not really treatment so much as just a building where it's warm, but it did sort of cure his frost nip.
He sleeping and wakes up because he hears glass breaking (broken glass theme). She accidentally dropped the picture of her son in the glass frame broke. This is where she opens up to him and tells him about her son and her past.
Here, we have more Beth-related details. She’s thinking about her son, Matthew (biblical name) because today is his birthday. Birthday mentions are a Beth/Still thing. Leah talks about how she found the family after the apocalypse first happened. They fought together and gave her hope. This could very easily be Daryl talking about finding Rick's group.
Here’s the thing: The story Leah told tells Daryl is a major head cannon I've had for Beth. I've often thought that because of the child and baby symbolism we see around her, Beth will have either a child or children with her when she returns. I've always kind of wondered if it would be a matter of her taking on the children of other people who have died. So, I can see her having had a best friend, a surrogate sister (just as Maggie and Kelly are surrogate sisters now, Beth finds one as well) and she's taking care of that woman's baby. (The whole Jocelyn/Scars template plays into this as well.)
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But that's exactly what Leah says here. But her best friend or sister had a baby and she started taking care of him because the sister died. I 100% think this is a foreshadow of Beth when she reappears. She’ll tell Daryl a very similar story. More evidence? Leah says, "this doesn't matter. He's gone."
She then said that she got separated from her family and ran. And eventually ended up at the cabin where she realized her son had been bitten.
Okay this is going to sound really weird, but I do think it’s a thing. @frangipanilove​ picked up on the fact that Leah says Dog was born on the same day her son Matthew died. That’s a major resurrection symbol, guys.
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I had to sit and think about how this all fit together. I'm kind of thinking that in this scenario, Leah represents Daryl and both Matthew and Dog represent Beth. It's a little weird is because it suggests that Beth is Daryl’s daughter, which we obviously don’t believe. Just in terms of the sequence, we had that the group scattered and Daryl ran from the prison with Beth, just like Leah ran with her son. The boy was bitten. A lot of us believe Beth was bitten on her way to Grady. And then, the boy died just as the Dog/Sirius character was born. So we have a representation of the young, weak character dying and the stronger one being reborn. Meanwhile, Matthew was very young when he died. And we’re back to Emily’s “I’m a baby” post.
It also put me in mind of the song Beth sings to baby Judith at the prison in 4a. It has lines like, "I don't want to grow up," and, "I wish that I could be a dog."
Leah says she’s been alone ever since then, until Daryl showed up. Well, Daryl’s been alone ever since leaving Beth, until he met Leah. (Who symbolically, is Beth.)
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Then we see Leah fishing just as Carol did, and she's good at it and we see them smiling at each other. This is where they’re actually kind of happy and where the romance happens. Again, I feel like this is just indicative of Beth and Daryl. Her being good at fishing is a whole lot like Beth being good at the crossbow. Daryl kind of teaches Leah to fish as he taught Beth to use the crossbow. And he’s impressed at her immediate skill.
We also see him walking away from her with the map and with Dog, presumably to look for Rick. So, the suggestion is there that he continued to look for Rick while he was with her. We also get the sex implication here. Again, a foreshadow of Beth and Daryl. And I honestly think the reason we didn’t see more of a sex scene is specifically because this isn’t his major, true love relationship. They didn’t want to put that much importance or emphasis on it. We’ll probably see a lot more when it’s really him and Beth. More on that in tomorrow’s post, because the writers actually do (kind of) confirm this on TTD.
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During this part, we also see them lying on the refrigerator watching the eclipse. I’m not going to go into tons of detail about this right now, but just know that it’s an important Beth symbol for two reasons. 
1) Gimple once used the word “penumbra” to talk about Beth and Coda. Check out the post about it HERE. The penumbra is literally one part of the shadow cast by an eclipse. That’s a very simplified definition, but just know that we have it from Gimple’s own lips back in S5 that eclipse = Beth. It also ties to Maggie in Them saying, “this is just the dark part.” I always knew that line had more meaning.
2) There are a lot of symbols from Alone going on here. They’re lying on a fridge. In Alone, Beth peers into an empty fridge in the kitchen. The eclipse represents a cosmic/solar event. The one-eyed dog in Alone represents Sirius, the returning Dog Star. Here we have Daryl and Leah cuddling. In Alone, we have the “Oh” moment. See what I mean?
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Then it says 10 months later. The two of them are sitting at the table eating. Lots of details here. This parallels the Alone dinner scene. One major difference is that Daryl and Leah sit across the table from each other rather than side by side. Why is that important. Because side by side they assume the positioning of the Holy Grail. This is really complex symbolism, but think The Da Vinci Code. The angle between Beth and Daryl here is the same angle between Christ and Mary Madeline in the famous Last Supper painting. (Remember how Daryl looked at that in Gabe’s church in 5x02?). This represents true love or soulmates. And since Leah and Daryl sit across from each other, on a macro level, it simply shows she’s not his true love.
By now, I hope you’ve accepted that. But @frangipanilove​ found way more detail on this scene. In Alone, Daryl suggests they stay at the funeral home and make a life together. So, it’s equal but opposite here. Leah wants him to stay with her full time, and he doesn’t want to. In Alone, there’s no question of where he belongs. He belongs with Beth. Here, when Leah asks him where he belongs, he gets teary-eyed and says he doesn’t know.
But think about that answer as well. She asks him a question, and the answer is, “I don’t know.” In Alone, Beth: “What changed your mind.” Daryl: “I don’t know.” (Indistinctly mumbled).
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Are we seeing the parallels and anti-parallels? In all the important ways (Daryl doesn’t love Leah like he did Beth) they’re anti-parallels. But they’re also a complete replay of Beth and Daryl’s arc. And we constantly see Daryl trudging along the river. Along the pathway that will eventually lead him toward peace.
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That’s another big theme here. Carol wants him to find peace. He says he’s glad she found peace. Guess what’s at the end of Daryl’s river, folks? Beth. All roads lead to Beth.
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So let’s repeat, because it bears repeating, that when Leah gives him an ultimatum, he very obviously doesn’t choose her. Then we see Daryl back at his camp by the river. When Carol shows up to talk to him, he doesn't seem at all upset or lonely or teary-eyed. It's like he's made a decision and he's at peace with it. Is he in love with Leah? Not so much.
So, we really thought that Carol telling him she wouldn’t be back for a while would be what spurs him to go back to Leah and leave the note. Because he’d feel lonely and abandoned, but that’s clearly not the case. He leaves Carol with calm resolve and determination. Not despair or loneliness.
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And the next part makes no sense at all. At least, within the episode, it doesn’t. He’s walking through the woods and, for no apparent reason, he suddenly stops and his face changes. It’s like he had some sudden epiphany and realization. And that sends him running back to Leah’s cabin.
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So, of course people are going to interpret that as Daryl suddenly “realizing” he’s in love with Leah. But I promise that’s not what this is about. 
Okay, I’m about to get super abstract on you. Deep breath. Here goes.
Because the first thing I thought of here was 6x03. Anyone who’s followed me very long has heard me harp on The Weirdness of Daryl in 6x03. You can read my (super old) original post HERE. In that episode, he’s with Sasha and Abe, leading the walkers away, and he hears Rick get attacked by the wolves. He freaks out and leaves them to go look for Rick and help him. So we literally have him on his motorcycle, feverishly searching for Rick.
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At one point, he stops the bike and puts his head down, looking super-conflicted. Then, at the end, we see him calmly return to Sasha and Abraham, with no explanation for why he stopped looking for Rick or what his thought process was.
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Yeah, that’s weird. Almost out of character for Daryl.
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 But I always thought that, whatever that represented, would lead to Beth, because the next episode we see about Daryl is 6x06, which we all know is chalk full of Beth symbolism. And CRM symbolism. And is a representation of him finding Beth.
Well, we have the exact same foreshadow here. Think about it. Daryl is looking for Rick, along the river. Some mysterious epiphany pulls him away from that search, and he goes to Leah’s cabin. When he gets there, he finds Dog (Beth).
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So, here’s what I’m almost certain this is telling us. 
1) When Daryl and Carol hop on his bike at the end of S11 to kick us into the spinoff, they’ll be looking for Rick. I don’t know how/why. They’ll hear some rumor or possibility of him being alive. I even think it may just be a rumor, and Daryl won’t know if it’s true. But that won’t matter to Daryl. If there’s any chance at all, he’s gone. Looking for Rick. And Carol will be like, “Scoot. I’m coming.”
(Side note: Every time they say the spinoff is going to be a road-trip, monster-of-the-week Daryl and Carol romp, that’s absolute bullshit. That’s not what it’s going to be. It’s going to continue the story from the main show, and they’ll be searching for Rick. They’re just describing it the other way right now because they don’t want to give spoilers.)
2) Daryl and Carol will part ways at some point. Daryl will want to continue looking for Rick, and Carol will want him to come with her, probably to go find Ezekiel. (So Daryl and Carol’s arguments in the flashbacks are also foreshadows. She wants him to stop looking for Rick and find some peace. She’ll probably say something similar to that to him in the spinoff, but like he does in 10x18, he’ll tell her to go find her peace (Zeke) but he’s going to keep searching for Rick.
3) For the whole epiphany part, I was thinking that whatever Leah represents (let’s say the CRM, just as an example) that will pull him away from his search for Rick. And the reason we don’t get his thought process, the reason it doesn’t make sense here, is because it foreshadows what’s happening in the spinoff, and they aren’t going to give us too many clues about that. But whatever it is that pulls him away from his search for Rick (i.e. going to Leah’s cabin), he’ll meet Dog (Beth) along the way.
But then, while I was writing this, another powerful parallel leapt to mind. While thinking about this, I started phrasing it in my head as Daryl changing his mind. Something will change Daryl’s mind about looking for Rick.
And then it clicked.
Where have we heard that before? At the Alone dinner.
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 Beth: What changed your mind?
Daryl: I don't know.
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Beth: Don't mm-mmm. What changed your mind?
So, this is going to be a HUGE moment in the arc. For the spinoff, Daryl and Carol will be looking for Rick on his bike. (Incidentally-but-not-so-much, he's looking for Rick on his bike in 6x03.) He’s going to have to change his mind about looking for Rick before he can find Beth. And we have the answer laid out for us during the Alone dinner. Gimple is seriously a freaking genius.
It made me realize I was overcomplicating what I thought would happen in the spinoff. I said Daryl would be searching for Rick, but something would pull him away from that search and when he left it, he'd run into Beth. (My logic was that he went to see Leah, and met Dog. So whatever Leah represents, it will pull him away from his search for Rick, and THEN he'll find Beth.) 
But again, that was overcomplicating it. Because symbolically, Leah IS Beth. And think about his answer to Beth's question. "What changed your mind?" And he just STARES at her. Because the answer is Beth. It's always Beth. She is literally the only thing that would pull him away from his search for Rick. The ONLY thing. So, it all amounts to the same thing. And that's why it doesn't make sense in 10x18 or 6x03. Because they can't tell us it's Beth and they can't come up with anything compelling enough to pull him away from searching for Rick that wouldn't be completely contradictory to Daryl's character. It's just...Beth. It always is.
So we pretty much have the entire dinner scene from Alone replayed. The dinner, the questions, What made you change your mind? I don’t know. Beth wanted to leave a note in case they came back. Daryl left Leah a note in case she came back....
But to come back to 10x18, it’s also important that Dog stayed behind when Leah disappeared. Because Dog = Beth, and Beth said, “I’m not gonna leave you.”
Here are some rapid fire details I forgot to include:
There’s a small game trap hanging on Leah’s cabin, like the one Beth stepped on in Alone.
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Leah’s cabin is built to look like the moonshine shack. Look at the windows and the porch. At first, I thought they’d used the same structure. But then my peeps reminded me that they actually burnt down the moonshine shack while filming Still. So this isn’t the same one. It’s just meant to look like it.
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He speaks to Leah of his brother (Rick) in this episode. In Still, he spoke to Beth about his brother Merle.
At the end, Carol says losing Leah “is not on you.” Which is exactly what Rick said to Daryl in 4x16, when they talked about the Claimers and then Beth.
Leah says, “beautiful, isn’t it?” of the eclipse, which equates to Beth saying, “Don’t you think that’s beautiful?” in Alone.
At the end, after leaving the note, Daryl says to Dog, “we’re gonna get her back.” Which he doesn’t. Daryl said that same thing to Carol in Consumed about Beth. So that’s a bit of replay of Consumed. And he didn’t get Beth back like he wanted, either.
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Other random but relevant things AK said: She said this episode is very much about incompleteness and longing, about memory and things left unresolved. Obviously that applies to Leah, but it also very much applies to Beth.
She also says flat out that Dog is an important tie between Daryl and Leah. She's hinting at the symbolism there. She Daryl wanted to find peace with Leah and he goes back but it's already too late and she's gone. If nothing else, Leah is definitely a proxy for Beth in that way. Because we believe that when he went back, Beth’s body was gone and he probably searched for her. Same thing happened with Leah, but it doesn't look like his search was nearly as expansive for her.
AK also says that Daryl’s time on the mountain with Leah is over. He has turned his back on it. So I think if Leah showed up again in the present, he would be drawn to her little bit just because there's a history there, but he wouldn't want to go off somewhere and live with her either. Angela said he's accepted that he needs now to be at home. He has people he cares about and they’re his responsibility now. She said that's one of the reasons he gets so angry with Carol. He wants her to choose that as well. To choose to be at home helping take care of people. But she keeps trying to run away. So, he's calling her out on that.
Do you see? Do you see why I’m perfectly okay with this episode? Do you see why, even though I don’t like Leah or her relationship to Daryl, I actually feel better about TD after watching this episode than I ever have?
 Once again, this episode shows us Daryl’s entire arc toward Beth, from when they left the prison together in S4 to how they’ll reunite. It shows his path and how it’s always moved him slowly but consistently toward his peace, which is with Beth. It replays their arc together with these beautiful aerial shots. All while Daryl trudges with his bow along the river.
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renaerys · 4 years
PPG One-Shot: Form 8938 (Brick/Blossom)
Summary: Blossom returns home after a very late night spent working, only to find Brick still awake working on their tax return. She decides to help...
This one is for @genovah for the PPG Secret Santa! This Reds one-shot is highly NSFW so please read at your own discretion. Happy New Year, simps!
Brick was angry.
Blossom could tell from the way he said “It’s fine” when she apologized: like he was appraising the mediocre fifteen dollar table wine a guest brought to dinner to be polite. She glanced at the digital clock on the microwave behind him: 12:24 a.m. Yes, it was very late for a Wednesday. Her client was hoping to close an eighty million dollar Series D financing in the morning, and Blossom was all but fending for herself and the junior associate she’d sent home early out of sympathy for the girl’s personal life. Must be nice to have one of those lately.
“I am sorry,” she apologized again, dropping her bag in one of the empty chairs at the kitchen table where Brick was hunched over his laptop and a scattering of paperwork and receipts. She brushed her long, red bangs out of her face. “We’re closing tomorrow. It’s always herding cats at the eleventh hour.”
“I said, it’s fine.” Brick busied himself organizing papers that didn’t need organizing and didn’t look up at her. There were lines under his eyes. His tie was missing, and his collared shirt was aggressively unbuttoned as though he was too hot. His short hair was mussed. He looked tired, yet determined. He looked like he wouldn’t be sleeping tonight until their tax return was finally finished.
Blossom appraised him, considering. It was late. She was exhausted. A hot shower beckoned her out of her high-waisted skirt. But she felt a warm flutter down her spine at the sight of his fingers gripping his hair, a pen tucked behind his ear, and all this work he insisted on doing himself because it needed to be done right. If he was going to be up, he might as well be up with company.
She plucked the pen from behind his ear and chewed on the cap as she pulled the nearest document toward her. “Instructions for Form 8938,” she read the bold, black typeface and quickly scanned the first page. “Foreign financial assets.” She glanced at Brick, who watched her over his laptop. “I take it this is the first year you’ll be reporting your offshore accounts.”
“I’d rather not get nailed for tax fraud, of all the things.”
“How romantic.” She examined the report he’d begun filling out in his neat script. “Says here there’s a seventy-five percent penalty for fraudulent underpayment.”
“Fraud is hard to prove.”
She held his gaze. “Not that hard.”
The challenge hung over the kitchen table between them. Brick closed his laptop with a click. Blossom returned her attention to the IRS instruction printout and ignored the skip in her heartbeat.
“Let’s see.” Blossom leaned over the printed out instructions and Form 8938 itself neatly stacked next to them. “Line 3, Specified Individual…” She took a moment to review the defined term in the instructions and smiled to herself. “Married, filing jointly.” She checked the appropriate box.
The sound of Brick’s chair sliding across the hardwood floor and his footsteps coming around the table stirred something in the pit of her belly, but she didn’t look up, feigning total focus on her task.
“Part I. Foreign Deposit and Custodial Accounts Summary,” she read aloud. Splayed across the table in tidy piles were more print-outs: bank statements in English, French, and Spanish from a number of different institutions around the world. She selected the nearest one for an account in the Cayman Islands and stared for a long time at the healthy balance summary.
A sudden flush of heat hit her back through her silk blouse, and she shivered. He was right behind her. “I already did the math, over there.” Brick’s hand closed over hers and pushed it to a notepad full of his handwritten calculations. Blossom followed the parade of numbers to their robust summation, and she bit her lip. “Do you need me to check it?”
His voice was a murmur very close to her ear. “I already did.”
Of course he already did.
When his other hand found its way under the hem of her skirt, Blossom’s breath hitched. His fingers were unconscionably warm as they swept over the back of her thigh.
“What’s next?” he asked.
Blossom pressed her lips together to keep silent as his brazen fingers crept higher up her thigh beneath her skirt and his other hand pulled her bangs from her face.
“Next?” she asked, intensely focused on his thumb brushing the bottom curve of her ass.
He tucked her bangs behind her ear and pressed his lips to the shell. “You promised you’d help with the taxes.”
Goddamnit, she had promised that.
Returning her attention to the Form 8938 instructions, Blossom read aloud: “Part III. Summary of Tax Items Attributable to Spe—” She cut herself off in a breathy gasp when Brick pressed two fingers against her sex.
“Attributable to…?” His voice gave away nothing.
Blossom clenched her fist to get her bearings. He didn’t move his fingers at all, which was downright petulant of him. The instructions swam in her vision, and it took all of her willpower to resume reading. “Attributable to Specified Foreign Financial Assets.”  
His breath was warm at her neck, but his fingers were warmer as they hooked around the edges of her panties and dipped into her heat. Blossom went slack-jawed and closed her eyes. The urge to close her thighs and keep him there where she needed him most was almost overwhelming.
“Enter the following assets,” Blossom managed over the slippery sound of his fingers shifting.
“Can you be more specific?” Brick spoke for confirmation, because he was as pedantic as he was attractive.
Blossom moved her pen to the first line item: “Interest,” she said.
His hand in her hair yanked hard, and she hissed.
“Dividends,” she breathed.
He pressed a kiss that was more teeth than lips to the tender flesh behind her ear.
Brick’s slick fingers pulled out and swept over her clit, and her elbows gave out along with her voice. Her body writhed, but the hand in her hair anchored her with a warning push of power that scattered down her spine in a thousand crimson sparks. Regrettably, he abandoned his impulsive detour and sank his fingers back inside her.
“Record the interest on my Cayman account,” he said conversationally, like a jerk.
Blossom’s hand shook as she picked up the pen she’d dropped and, miraculously, didn’t disintegrate it with her powers as she wrote down the number he’d previously calculated in his notes. “Can we just—”
“Move on to the next part. I don’t have anything else to disclose under Part III,” he interrupted, quiet but stern.
Tractable and much hotter than she was used to feeling, Blossom pinched her painted lips in a grimace and searched for the next section. Was she so pliant? So easy? No, never, that wasn’t her. She felt out of character, out of body, out of control…
And she reveled in it.
“Part VI. Detailed Information for Each “Other Foreign Asset” Included in the Part II Summary,” she read as he continued to massage her with languid resolve. “Enter a description of the account or asset. If the asset is stock or securities, include the class or issue of the stock or securities.” Blossom’s breathing deepened and frost froze the hairs on the back of her neck, but Brick’s warm lips melted it as soon as it bloomed.
“Example 16,” she delivered with iron goddamned resolve. “You own 100 shares of XYZ Company, an Italian S.A. A sufficient description is ‘100 shares of Class—ah Brick!”
He rubbed the pads of his fingers directly over her clit like he was out to unravel her, and he was absolutely succeeding as she lost her tenuous grasp on reality and shame and pushed back with Super strength. His free hand abandoned her hair and flew to her hip to lock her in place. Pressed flush against the growing bulge in his pants, Blossom tossed her head back on his shoulder and whimpered.
His voice in her ear was honey over hot iron. “You’re fucking soaked.”
Rare were the occasions when Blossom lost her head. She’d lost more than that when Brick walked back into her life after years out of sight, out of mind. But she had long ago accepted that a part of her had always belonged to him and always would, until the demise even their deified powers couldn’t save them from caught up to them, as it catches up to all mortals.
But for now, she could lose what remained of herself in his strong arms and that wicked mouth that challenged her dominance even now. Especially now, as she let him hear her pleasure while he fucked her with his fingers.
“I’m not clear on that last bit,” he said in that same, smooth baritone because he was once a villain and would never let her forget it.
Blossom snapped the pen like a twig and shoved her hips back against him. “One hundred shares of Class D stock.”
His laugh was not so smug anymore as long as she could feel his erection straining against the small of her back. “That’s my girl.”
He gave her exactly what she needed with a few serious strokes that snapped the taut coil in her belly and had her spilling her pleasure in his hand and her voice to the farthest corners of the room. Writhing, Blossom’s legs threatened to give out until Brick’s hands steadied her hips and wrenched her ponytail once more. His damp fingers left a dark stain on her skirt that she could not have cared less about right now.
She made a haphazard attempt to shove the ordered piles of paper and notes away, but gave up a couple seconds later when he’d gotten his belt unbuckled and entered her completely without hesitation. Blossom choked on a wanton sob and arched lower over the table to give him a better angle.
Behind her, Brick finally began to crack in earnest. “Fuck, Blossom… I’m not going to last—”
Blossom pushed back to meet his thrusts, her knuckles smoking with pink power as she held her angle and thanked their foresight for bolting this table to the ground in case of spontaneous Super sex after midnight on a Wednesday.
She smiled, euphoric, as their power mingled and she felt him near his brink. “So don’t,” she dared him, and floated off the floor and inch for a deeper angle.
Brick made a choking sound and came hard with his fingers knotted in her hair. Breathing hard, it took him a minute to recover from his stupefied high. Blossom hummed and sat up on her elbows as he slowly pulled out and adjusted his pants.
“Were you really listening to the instructions?” Blossom asked, pushing her sweaty and fast-freezing bangs out of her face.
Brick looped an arm around her waist to pull her against him. “Were you?”
His fingers brought her jaw in line with his, and he kissed her as deeply and longingly as a man who had much more than simply the carnal urge for release on his mind. The tax forms were hopelessly disheveled across the table’s surface.
She looped her arms around his neck. “Not really. We may have to go over them again.”
“Mm.” His red eyes were a dark carmine in the low lamplight, and Blossom felt her heartbeat quicken all over again to have his full and undivided attention.
“It’s after 1 a.m.,” she said.
“They’re not due until Monday.”
“Plenty of time to go over the numbers again.”
He chuckled, low and thrilling. “Only you could get me hard over following rules.”
“So I’ve noticed.”
His eyes fell to her lips. “The return’ll take up the whole weekend.”
“Well, I do have bootcamp with Bubbles on Saturday—”
“Skip it.” He gave her ass a promising squeeze, and Blossom gasped softly. “Some rules are better off broken.”
“You’re terrible,” she accused, as she often did.
“I’m right,” he returned in familiar, teasing kind.
“So you are.” She rose up on her toes to kiss him one more time. It would be a tired night and an early morning back to work, and the weekend couldn’t come soon enough.
After all, they still had the rest of Form 8938 to fill out.
That tax form is a real IRS tax form the I read carefully in its entirety all in the service of accurate simping. I copy-pasted the most titillating parts of the instructions into this fic. The shit I do for this ship, y’all…
Happy holidays, fellow simps!  
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