#I hope this is the anwer you were looking for
sigelfire · 1 year
Hey! Do you know where the behind the scenes footage for Havana Nights went? I can't find it on YouTube anymore. You're our only hope.
You mean this one?
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Coffees and tips
Civilian sighs as they wipe down the counter of the coffeeshop they work at. It's in a beautiful location on a not too busy street, and is known for its rather villainous clientele. Most people would turn the job down because of that last little detail, but Civilian would take villains over heroes any day.
Just the thought of their previous job at the hero-café made their skin crawl. Heroes would always assume they have some sort of special privilege. Most villains are less arrogant and leave better tips.
"Uhm, hello?” A voice brings them back to reality. “Yes?” they reply in their sweet, automatic customer service voice. “I think whatever is in the oven, is ready,” the stranger says, pointing to the oven behind the counter. “Oh, right…” they sigh, still not moving. It has been a long day.
“Maybe you should look…”
“Oh, shit!”
As they turn around, they can see smoke coming from the oven. They quickly turn it off and open it to reveal a bunch of burnt muffins. “Shit,” they swear as they put down the tray with the ruined baked goods. “I completely forgot about them.”
“Clearly,” Villain smiles at Civilian. “Would you like something else?” Civilian asks, hoping the Villain forgets about the muffins. Maybe if they change the subject, the criminal might forget this embarrassment.
“A coffee with sugar and no milk, please,” Villain answers without dropping their smile. “To go?” Civilian answers hoping the blush that is creeping up their neck quickly disappears. “No, I am waiting for someone to meet me here.”
“Oh, alright. You can pay over there and leave a tip if you'd like.” Civilian starts making the coffee and hopes that the Villain would forget about the muffins soon and just focus on their friend. They start making a plan to get rid of the burnt goods as subtle and quickly as possible. If they dump it in the trash and bring the baking tray to the kitchen they should be able to hide it from everyone. Damn it, how could they lose focus like that? They could've burned the entire café down. They were lucky Villain walked in…
They go grab Villain's receipt after they gave them their coffee and look at the amount they tipped. Their mouth falls open in shock. A 200 dollar tip on a 4 dollar coffee?! They look at Villain who found a comfortable spot in the meantime. Villain smiles back and winks at them. “I felt like you could use a little something to brighten your day!” They say loudly from their seat.
Civilian doesn't have time to answer as a new customer walks in. Unlike the Villain, this person has an arrogance in their step that makes Civilian hate them immediately. Arrogance that is peculiar to heroes. Even if they don't like them, they don't let it be known. Their sweet customer service voice gives nothing away. “Welcome! What can I get you today?”
The Hero in front of them gives an annoyed glare. “You can give me a coffee with almond, goat and cashew milk. Throw in 3 pumps of vanilla, 5 pumps of espresso, 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of demerara sugar.” Civilian has a slight seizure trying to understand the order. “Sure…right away. You can pay over there and leave a tip if you'd like,” they anwer, gesturing to the terminal. Hero huffs and gets their card out of their wallet. Meanwhile, Civilian is trying to find all the ingredients to Hero's coffee. Why were heroes always so specific about their coffee? Why couldn't they keep it simple like the villains? Villains were so much easier to work for. Plus, they got paid a lot more.
They finish the coffee and take a look at the receipt. A 11 dollar coffee with… no tip. They threw Hero an angry look. Oh, they definitely prefer villains.
A few minutes later they finish cleaning the burnt tray and walk out of the kitchen to see Hero yelling at Villain. Villain on the other hand, is just sitting grinning smugly at the Hero. “Ugh! I can't believe this!” They cry out and storm off. Civilian watches as Hero almost runs out of the street. Villain is just laughing silently to themselves. After they finish their coffee they walk back to the counter, both theirs and Hero's mug in hand.
“Thanks for the amazing coffee. I hope I see you around, you do a great job,” Villain says as they place the mugs on the counter. “Thanks,” Civilian mutters. “Hey, what was going on between you and Hero?” They ask. They rarely see a Hero freak out like that in public. “Oh, they are just mad that their sidekick chose our side. They asked me to bring them back to the Agency but I refused. They'll get over it, don't worry.” Villain answers casually. “Well, see you later!” They say over their shoulder as they leave.
It's only when Civilian is cleaning up the mugs that they find the money Villain left alongside a note:
Sorry for Hero. Take the money as an apology for the yelling and as their tip. I will have to come back soon though because now I've got a taste and want more.
Yours truly
Why does the possible return of the Villain make them feel something funny in their stomach?
Part 2
Hi! This one has been laying around for a long time and I finally decided to finish it. I struggled a bit at first but I think I like the way it came out. (I'm probably going to hate it tomorrow, but that's a problem for later)
My asks are open for any requests! I did one recently and I absolutly loved doing it. So please, give me something to write!
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samutoru · 8 months
"maybe i'm the problem" - osamu dazai x gn!reader
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pairing - dazai x gn!reader
warnings/contents - kissing, angst, death related subjects
summary - amongst the 3 way war starting, you and dazai had gotten into a fight. a visitor had came to ada (armed detective agency) and exposed dazai's past (when he was in port mafia). you got filled up with anger after finally knowing who he "truly" is. kunikida had sent you both to lure in the ability user who attacked the president but you refused to go with dazai, leading him to get shot by a sniper. later, kunikida breaks the news about to you about dazai undergoing surgery and you couldn't help but carry the guilt for not going to protect him.
story under the cut !
a/n : my first story ! so i hope you guys enjoy it :)
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"dazai! someones here to see you!" atsushi announced as he laid as stack of paper onto his desk. "already? it's only 10 in the morning.." he complained, getting up followed by a strech.
"it's a lady, she said she's known you for a while, she said she was hoping to reunite with you, but i don't know if she's telling the truth.." atsushi sighed as he kicked his feet back onto his desk and slumped back into his chair.
"oh! we're still going together later right? to lure out fyodor with his attack on the president right?" you asked dazai as your gaze fixated at the door then to dazai.
"yeah! i can't wait to see what he has up his sleeves" dazai snickered as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "oh, do you wanna come with? i don't wanna go by myself," dazai pouted.
"sure- just let me get these last few sentences in for our report from yesterday and then i'll be ready to go with you" you chuckled.
you and dazai weren't offcially together, but you felt that there was something going on between you two. the whole agency knew about you and dazai being close so they paired you guys up to be partners along with kunikida and atsushi. if the agency heard you and dazai saying that you two didn't have anything going on between you two, they would be in denial since you two would always do couple things with each other.
you even agreed to do a double suicide with dazai.
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"hi there! i'm dazai and this is y/n!" dazai greeted as he smiled at the woman in front of you two.
"i'm here to tell you about his past- how he's murdered people, committed fraud." the lady spat, hearing those words come out of her mouth left you shocked. you felt confused and you felt like the man right next to you was someone you've never known.
"dazai- what is she talking-" you turned to him for an anwer, anger filled up you up and it slowly felt that your heart was getting torn apart.
"we've known each other for years. i don't know why you're acting like we haven't met before osamu dazai" the lady interrupted you.
"but it exactly is what you think. aren't you his lover? the person he trusts with his whole life in your hands? i'm surprised he hasn't told you that he was in port mafia," the woman scoffed.
the woman had laid pictures all out for you to look at. it was dazai in a black suit and black coat holding his gun at a lifeless body.
"y/n, it's not what you think-" dazai paused as he looked at you but you interrupted him with a slap across his face.
his face was left with a mark from your hands, you stormed off from the room and headed back to the agency with a heavy heart. you slammed open the agency door and ran to the first person you saw, Atsushi.
"y/n what happend!" atsushi yelped at the surprise you were crying.
"he's so stupid!" you sobbed. atsushi opened his arms and wrapped them around your figure.
"i didn't- i didn't know that" you hiccupped. "i didn't know that he was in port mafia!" you coughed up the words with your tears running down your eyes.
"whaat! dazai was in port mafia?!" atsushi gasped. he hugged you tighter as you sobbed on his shoulders.
"he's so stupid!" you continued as more tears fell down your face. "i- i love him! and i was really stupid-- stupid enough to think that he f-felt the same way!" you continued.
"he's so stupid! he could've sat me down and explained to me what had happened but- but... i had to find it out this way..." you ranted, mumbling your last words.
"and i- i was the last person to k-know!"
atsushi was at a loss for words, he didn't know what to do or what to say. all he could do was offer his arms and his shoulder for you to cry in and on.
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you locked yourself in your apartment for about a few days not knowing what was happening outside. you stopped showing up to work because you felt that you needed to avoid dazai.
you went radio silent towards the agency. every now and then atsushi would let himself in and he would make you food, even begging you and feeding you to eat because he knows that you should be eating.
you thought that it was dazai's job to do that, but it was atsushi.
you were hoping that dazai would stop by your apartment to explain what happened that day that woman came to the agency and to clear things up with you and to explain what he did in the past.
you then heard knocking on the door, in excitement and nervousness, you forced yourself up from your living room couch.
you looked thought the peephole to see if dazai was standing out your door, but it was one of the last people you expected to see at your door.
you had no clue about the 3 way war happening either. not until you found kunikida knocking on your door, desperate for you to come out. "y/n please open the door! it's important! it's about the president and dazai," kunikida pleaded.
"y/n.. things are getting serious.." he paused. "dazai got attacked on his mission by a sniper and he's currently undergoing surgery-"
After hearing those words, you felt nothing but guilt.
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After Dazai had gotten shot and undergone surgery, he was unconscious for a few days. You couldn't leave his side, you were too worried to be fighting. You worried about him being attacked in the hospital but that was a low possibility of actually happening.
You were sitting in Dazai's hospital room staring at his face hoping and praying that he would wake up soon. It had only been a two days since he's been unconscious and you were starting to get worried for him. Worried that he wouldn't be able to wake up.
Just the thought of not him not being able to wake up, haunted you. you carried the guilt for seeing him the way he was, because he went alone on the mission that was assigned to the both of you.
You got up and sighed, leaving his room to grab a drink from the vending machine down the hallway. You stopped in front of his room and took a seat on the sofa next to his door. You opened up your water bottle, you took a sip, sighed again, and looked up at the ceiling.
You continued to wonder if he was going to wake up soon.
'Only if I had gone' were the words that repeated again and again in your head.
You two weren't together together, but your heart aches at the thought of him being hurt and alone. You sighed again and took another sip before going back into his room.
You walked back into Dazai's room, your jaw hung low and you were shocked. You walked into the room to find Dazai sitting up and his head turning towards the door, finding you standing right in front of him.
You dropped your half-drank water bottle, your heart skipped a beat and all your anxiety was wiped away after seeing him awake.
You ran and wrapped your arms around Dazai's neck, almost knocking him back down to his pillow. "calm down, belladonna" you heard dazai chuckle into your ear.
You felt as if you found your other half again, tears then formed at your eyes, "I'm so glad your awake," You sobbed.
Dazai had never seen you cry before. Seeing you this way was all new to him, he was shocked that you were even there to see him since the last time you two talked was when you both had that one-sided argument.
You blamed yourself for Dazai getting into the condition he was in right now. You blamed yourself day and night even although you knew he was going to be okay (from what the doctors told you), it was just that the guilt couldn't escape you.
"Hey it's okay, I'm okay," He whispered. "I'm here now," he continued. You two pulled away from the hug and Dazai cupped your cheeks and wiped away your tears from falling.
"You dummy," He chuckled, you gave him a warm smile in response. You sat down at the edge of his bed and explained the whole situation to him.
"Shouldn't you be out there fighting with them?"
You shook your head in response, then smiled softly at him. "I really couldn't..." You mumbled. "the moment I heard you were undergoing surgery-"
"My heart started to ache.." You mumbled again.
"Awww! Someone actually does care for me!" Dazai laughed.
"I do not!" you retorted back at him. "You sure do, belladonna"
"I told myself that I wouldn't leave your side until you woke up-" You finally told him. You looked down at the floor and there were tears foaming at your eyes again. The guilt washed over you again and you couldn't even lift your head up to look at dazai.
You clenched your hands into fists then you gripped your skirt, tears started to fall again. "I'm sorry for fighting with you the other day-"
"O-only if I had given you a chance-" You choked on your words. "only if i d-didn't act that way- only if i had gone with you-" You continued to sob, "Only if i had gone with you, you wouldn't be here"
He reached out for your face to cup your cheeks in his hands. He smiled at you then explained to you what he did in port mafia and why he did it. "I'm just really glad that you're here now,"
"to be frank, i'm actually surprised your here to see me, i wasn't expecting you to come since i had a feeling that you would still be mad at m-"
"because" you interrupted him.
"i came because-" you paused, you felt your words clogging up your throat again and you couldn't let them out.
"i came because i love you, dazai!" you finally blurted out as you looked up to see dazai's facial expression. You watched his eyes widen and his ears turn red.
After a few minutes, you expected him to say something but there was just complete silence. Dazai spaced out on your words and it was just repeating in his head.
You grabbed his hand resting your thumb on top of his to caress his hand. "Osamu- please say some-" You paused. He cut you off by pressing his lips against yours, his hand leaving your hand to cup your face.
"Well, you're in luck because I love you too," He admitted, pulling you in for another kiss. Your heart fluttered, you were waiting for the moment you were his and he was yours.
"Can I be your boyfriend?" He asked as he pulled you in for another kiss.
"Maybe?" You questioned, smiling into another kiss.
"What do you mean 'maybe'– it's a yes or no question!" Dazai complained as he pouted, crossing his arms right infront of you.
He laid down then patted the empty sppot next to him, he watched you go around his bed and he pulled you up to his head to make you the bigger spoon. You pressed a kiss on his nose and he nuzzled his face into your chest with his arms wrapping around your waist.
a nurse came in to see how dazai was doing, but then quickly left as soon as they realized that he finally had woken up. after a couple of minutes, you and dazai dozed off in eachothers arms.
"DAZAI! I HEARD YOUR AWAKE!" Kunikida yelled as he barged into the room along with atsushi beside him, "Dazai–San! Are you doing better?!" Atsushi asked as they both rushed into his room.
There was no response. Then there it was, silence again. Atsushi analyzed Dazai and the extra figure there. his eyes brightened when they realized you two had made up.
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indras-wife · 4 months
I was wondering if you could write one abt how the Uchiha men (+Indra) would react if their s/o saw them in their female form?
The one you wrote was hilarious 😂
Thank you for requesting it Anon! I had so much fun writing the first request lol. They were really having a hard time dealing with their new problem. For this request I had MORE fun lol. These men are in for another challenge with their s/o. If you want more Uchihas to be included in such requests, please let me know<3<3<3
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He would do EVERYTHING not to be seen by his s/o. Since his training was failed, he had no other choice but to be locked in his room all day, refusing to see anyone.
Unfortunately for him, he underestimated his s/o, because that woman will stop at nothing to see her lover. When she was in the compound, one of the students had to tell her that Indra was not in the mood to see anyone and she had to see him later.
She gets pretty worried for her man, wondering what happened that makes him want to be isolated. She waits till the student walks away and makes her way to his room. She was more than welcome in the compound so she didn't feel like intruding, since she was also pretty much visiting Indra and vice versa.
She knocked on his door multiple times, waiting for him to open the door. "Indra, its me!" she said loudly, hoping he would open the door. No answer...After not seeing any chance, she had to do the only logical thing: barge in his room and help her man.
When he opened the shoji and walked inside, her mouth dropped open in surprise. There was Indra, sitting down with a loose robe and with lots of books surrounding him. When he turned to see who dared to interrupt him, his s/o saw what he was trying to hide the whole day...His female body.
"Y/n...? Damn it what are you doing here..?! I told that idiot to make sure no one comes to my room..!" he said, standing up and tying the robe trying to hide what his s/o ahd already seen. Indra was worried..He knew his s/o would ask him millions of questions and he has answer to none of them.
"Your...uh...your body...what happened..? Why you have um..." she was stuttering hard while looking at him. Indra sighed, trying to find an anwer in his head. He was going to say something, but he felt his s/o touching his body all over. "OI...! Y/n stop that..! Don't touch me..!" he said flustered.
His s/o seemed o have taken a liking to his looks and body, as she was circling around him and scanning him. She was bold enough to even pull the robe from different sides to make sure he was INDEED a woman and this was not just a hallucination. She wanted to ask how he is in this situation, but knew her lover has no answer.
Indra has always been an attractive person, but for some reason...as a female...he became even more attractive in s/o's eyes. "I never thought I would be attracted to a woman...you somehow look even better than I do. Not fair Indra!" she said laughing.
At this point, Indra could say nothing and had to go back to his research while his s/o was touching him nonstop. She did really like his new body.
For this man, the circumstances under which his s/o found about his new body were very unfortunate. The day of the accident, he actually planned a big date, asking her to be ready at a certain time for him to pick her up. While his s/o was getting ready, Madara was struggling with his body, trying to undo the curse he was under.
As the time passed, Madara was no where to be found. His s/o waited for HOURS before she got tired of waiting. She was sad of course, but also curious as to why her lover didn't show up. Madara was a very punctual man and he was never late. This was the first time he was not only late, but did not show up as well, encouraging his lover to visit him.
She made her way to the Uchiha household, asking one of the guards to call him. After minutes, the guard returned, saying Madara cannot see her. This made Y/n even angrier. Who does he think he is? Leaving her waiting and not showing up, and now when she is the one that came to see him, he cannot see her? What a joke. Y/n would not take that as an answer and she pushed the guards aside, walking in the house and going to his room.
She did not care about any manners and walked in his room fast, slamming the door behind her. She was thinking that he was either having a very important meeting or cheating on her, but not even in her wildest dreams would she think that her lover was not able to meet her because of this...because of being turned into a woman!
Madara was walking around in his room angrily, crossing his hands on his chest. He was so occupied in his thought he didnt hear her enter. " I swear whoever is responsible for this will pay..." he said loudly. His s/o had to make a sound for him to notice her and when he did, he stopped walking around. Instead, his first instinct was covering himself, in hopes that she did not already notice his funny condition. However he was late as Y/n had noticed his body form when she entered the room.
Having no way out of this, Madara had to reveal the truth and explain why he was not able to be present for the date. He expected his s/o to have a mature approach, but instead of it, he had to have his s/o laugh at him for a long time.
It was annoying of course, but he also found his situation funny. "You became a woman..?! Madara no way on earth would I believe this if I didnt see it with my own eyes! This is the karma you get for being such an asshole to women!" she said. Madara rolled his eyes in annoyance, considering this is also what Hashirama told him.
He now had two problems to deal with: First was getting rid of this body and returning to his real one and second getting his lover to stop making fun of him and helping him find a way out. In both cases he was failing miserably. This was indeed a karma.
Unlike his brother, Izuna was taking this change very lightly. As he was instructed not to leave his room before this condition passed, he kept studying his body over and over. It was more fun than he imagined. Izuna was familiar with woman's bodies, considering he takes his time always with his s/o, but inspecting this new body was a very different experience.
At night, when everyone was asleep, Izuna was awake, his mind wondering about his s/o. He may not have his "destructive weapon" between his legs, but he still felt immense desire and passion for her. Unable to hold himself any longer, he got up and grabbed the nearest cloak. His new body would not stop him from having the fun he deserved to have.
As he jumped out of the window, he started running towards his s/o's house. Midnight meetings were nothing new for them, as they would often sneak out together and watch the starry sky. When he reached the house, he jumped near his lover's window, knocking lightly on it to get her attention. And it did indeed get her attention. She walked to the window and opened it, allowing him to jump inside.
"Love, why are you here? I dont remember us planning any star gazing date today" she said. Izuna removed his cloak, his attire exposing his female body to his lover. It was a surprising sight for her, as she let a gasp seeing him.
"Something CRAZY happened to me and I had to show you before it goes away..hopefully" he said. His lover, now recovering from her shocked state, stared at him. She was unsure on what to say, but she was eager to see and hear more about this phenomena.
Izuna explained everything to her, from the moment he woke up till this one. He hid no detail from her. Y/n was not that surprised knowing he took more time in discovering his body rather than finding ways to reverse this situation. He was always one to take literal hours in studying her body during intimacy.
Y/n, now being more interested, expressed interest in touching him to which Izuna wholeheartedly agreed. He took his clothes off, wearing only a silky light robe his s/o gave her.
He was very calm during the inspection by his s/o, in fact he was even enjoying it. He may have thought of initiating intimacy with her in this body, but was not sure if she would agree or no. So he had to just sit and patiently take his s/o touching him. Y/n could not help but be jealous of him, because he somehow had better and bigger chest than she did. Izuna of course noticed this and reassured her that her chest is better than his. After all, his new body is temporary, while hers is forever.
At the end, being the crazy hormonal beings they are, they could not escape the desire building up between them as they ended up having a long intimate session. A body change could not step them and frankly, it was a new experience for them both, which they liked. (Izuna even wished he could change his body whenever he wants just to spice up their sex life)
His s/o was however very helpful and understanding, as she herself tried to find an explanation and a way out for Izuna in the morning when she woke up.
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kpop1magines · 6 months
I'm back!
Concept: High School drama, fluff
Pairing: Jeongin (Stray Kids) x Reader
Part: 2
Warning: If you haven't read part 1 already, please go read it.
Foreword: Okay, hi again! I'm back with part 2 of this story. I hope that you liked part 1 and I hope that you'll enjoy part 2 as well.
You were still smiling when you stepped into the house, but it was quickly ruined by your mom screaming at you. "Y/n! Do you realize what time it is? You're 12 minutes late! And was that a boy who was in front of the house with you? How many times do I have to tell you that you're not supposed to have any guy-friends? Let alone boyfriends! They're just going to distract you from your studies!" You sighed. Why was your mom always overreacting? "I'm sorry. And the boy is a new student in our class and I just told him important information that he might need to know. And besides, he lives in the house over the street." The last fact made her a bit calmer. It was because the neighborhood you lived in was only for the richest people of the city. She started to speak after a quiet gap in your conversation: "Well, but you were still late. And I wanted you to babysit your baby sister as well. You remembered that, didn't you?" You quietly nodded and said: "Of course I didn't, mother."
As you stepped into the room, you slammed the door shut and said to yourself: "Why does she always have to be like that? Like what's wrong with having a guy-friend? And who cares if well fall for eachother and start to date?" You were still mad, but then you noticed the number on your wrist that Jeongin had written and you decided to call him. As you were dialing his number, you suddenly stopped. 'It would be kinda weird if I called him now, I'd sound like a obsessed girl' you thought to yourself. And after that thought you decided to just save his number in your contacts.
Your alarm started to ring and you stood up. It was finally Monday and you were able to go to school again. And now you even had made a friend. You got ready and put on a cute outfit. You didn't even know, why you were dressing up, but you didn't care. It was going to be a good day. You felt it. When you were almost ready, you decided to call Jeongin. "Hello, Jeongin!" you said happily. "Oh, hello y/n! Are you ready to get going to school?" he asked. "Yeah, I'll meet you outside!" you anwered and hung up the call. A thing you didn't notice earlier, was that you were smiling, you only realized it when you were almost out the house, when your mom started questioning you: "What are you so happy for?" You groaned. Not her with her bad mood again. "Can't a person be happy now. I'm pretty sure that it's not against the law." Your mom looked shocked when you talked back to her and you started to grin. She wasn't going to make you feel bad because of her bad mood.
Afterword: I hope you enjoyed part 2! I'll be back next week for part 3. Luv u sooo much! <333
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eleni-cherie · 1 year
among thieves ✨ || bts • pjm - chapter 0.3
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"what even am I to you? your rival, your lover, an obstacle or am I supposed to be your coffin?"
about two thieves who can't live with nor without each other. and a joint past that comes back to threaten them.
© 2023 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, very flirty jimin, friends/rivals/exes to lovers (it's complicated, ok?!) f2l e2l ex2l all members play a role in this story!
Tokyo, Japan
"Say, Jimin-" Taehyung adjusted his grip around the bag that was slung over his shoulders. Glancing at his friend. "Why are we after these monkeys?" "Not all," Jimin corrected him, "Just one. The one with the sapphire in his embrace." He stopped when reaching the well in the basement. After getting rid off their cleaning stuff disguise, he laid out the blueprint on the ground. "Yeah, that. Why are we even bothering?" "Because that along with the document we got will lead us to the actual treasure, duh," he frowned. His finger tracing over the piece of paper until eventually finding their current position. He touched his earpiece then. "Yoongi, you hear me?"
White noise was heard before a bored voice anwered. "Yeah, in position." "Alright. Did you see anyone out of place?" "Yeah, tons of cops pretending to be normal gallery visitors." "Huh, so pops did find out after all," he smirked. "He may be an idiot sometimes, but he isn't that dumb," Taehyung mumbled then, "It was a quite easy one." "Indeed," Jimin shrugged, his lips tucking into a smug grin, "But that was on purpose. He surely didn't notice the second one. He felt probably too proud of himself to question it." "Let's hope you're right." "I'm always right!" Yoongi laughed out on the other end of the line, while Taehyung gave him an irritated glance.
"Fine, maybe not always. But ninty percent of the time." "Sure." "Yoongi, we'll switch off the lights for exactly five seconds. You sure that's enough time?" An annoyed groan was heard. "Did I ever need longer?" Jimin rolled his eyes. It was true, Yoongi was fast as lightning when it was about cutting something with his sword. This time it being disguised as a cane, perfectly fitting his own disguise of an old man. Like his in-ear which looked like a deaf-aid. Hopefully this wouldn't be an exception. "Alright, I'll count down. One.." His finger hovered over the switch. "Two.." It touched it. "Three." And pressed it down.
Before anyone even understood what was going on, the lights were back on. And Yoongi walked away like nothing had happened. "Done."
"Did the cops react?"
"Yeah, some are nervously -and not obvious at all- speaking into their collars." He chuckled amused. "Okay, my cue," Jimin said and pulled out a walkie-talkie, switching it into the right frequency. Clearing his throat, he prepared his voice. Disguising it perfectly when speaking. "We were just informed by the maintenance team this small electrical abnormaly was normal due to a light earthquake causing this. No need to let your guard down."
"Roger" someone answered.
He turned off the device, chuckling contently. "Yoongi, did they buy it?" "Seems so. They're back to pretending being normal visitors and observing the art pieces." "Good. Now phase three. Taehyung?" "Yeah, yeah. On it," he smirked and put the bag down. He got his Magnum out of his holster and put the silencer on. Shooting precisely three times on the three studs of the security bars on the top. Knocking them out. Meanwhile Jimin rummaged in the bag until finding the screwdriver set. He checked his watch then. "Eight minutes till they'll start asking everyone to leave. Before pops shows up and the cops come back in, invading the place."
Taehyung nodded and Jimin climbed on his shoulders to reach the top and took off the security bars. Starting undoing the screws inside. Taking off the lid then he gave it to Taehyung who was trying his best not to lose balance with the additional bodyweight. The ceiling wasn't too high, but Jimin needed him for the next step. Taehyung straightened himself more and so Jimin could grab the edges of the vent, pulling himself up into the subceiling. He breathed out deeply and looked at his watch. "Five more minutes," he informed. Pressing his earpiece again. "Yoongi? Did you also cut the other thing?" "Yeah, yeah. I'm waiting for you guys at the car."
"Thanks," Jimin cooed happily. Three minutes. He crawled a meter to the right, patting the top until finding the spot on the ground that Yoongi had cut for him. Waiting patiently. One minute. He calmed his breath, clearing his mind. He had a few seconds to due the exchange, nothing new. But also still nerve-wreckingly exciting. The loudspeaker announcement was finally heard dully through the floor. First in japanese then in english.
"The museum is closing in ten minutes. We ask all visitors to soon make their way to the exit."
Shuffling and steps were heard above. Knowing their object of desire was in the far back of the room, he dared to push the square-shaped cut out. Peeking his head between a tall plant and the exhibition show case. The room being empty. They knew were security cameras were placed and this was a blind spot. As long as he didn't go beyong the glass cube or the plant, he was save. So he slowly crawled out.
"Now!" Jimin whisper-yelled and instantly the lights flickered shut thanks to Taehyung at the switch downstairs. Giving him exactly ten seconds to switch off the real sapphire with the fake one he had prepared. And thanks to Yoongi cutting off the wires of the warning system, without cutting the actual electrical wire which would have immediatelly caused an emergency alarm, he was able to pull it off within the time limit. Disappearing into the hole on the floor right when the lights flickered on again. Carefully he put the piece of floor back on and fixated it before going back down the vent. Taehyung already waiting at the opening to help him get down. Jimin quickly screwed the lid on again and put the security bars on before jumping down.
They quickly gathered their belongings and put their disguise back on. Going the same route back which they had come from. Disguised as cleaning stuff they made their way to the backdoor. Walking fast down the back alley and out to the street. When they turned a corner, they started running. Already spotting their car. Yoongi, still dressed as an old man, sitting on the backseat. Eyeing everyone that passed by.
"Took you long enough," he simply said as the two slid inside into their seats and Jimin started the engine. "Right on time I'd say," he said when spotting multiple police cars driving past the street in front of them, to the direction of the museum. "They'll now get onto position. And in five hours they'll notice we're already far gone with the jewel," he chuckled and drove off.
"What did you write on your note?" "My note?" "Yeah, the one behind the fake jewel." "Oh, that one," Jimin said, the cool breeze of the evening brushing against his face, "Just explained that not only the gibberish was meant to be read taking five steps back. The time written in cursive as well."
As they turned into the ring rode, a black suv appeared behind them. Jimin noticed from the driving mirror. As he took the exit and left the ring rode, the suv followed. Whenever he turned into a road, the black car also turned. "Gentlemen, seems like we got a tail." The two other guys took a quick glance behind them as well. Easily spotting what we meant.
Seeing they got discovered, the windows of the black suv cranked down and its passengers started shooting. The rear window broke and Yoongi sighed, pushing the blade out of the sheath as he slid down, taking cover. "Gotta cut something unworthy again," he quietly mumbled and turned around. Fending off the bullets with his sword. Giving them cover and Taehyung time to get his Magnum out once again. "Don't disappoint me, baby," he whispered to his gun before also cranking down the window. He gave Jimin a nod, which he understood instantly. "Hold on!" Taking a sharp left turn, he gave Taehyung a good angle to aim.
He shot all his six bullets. Hitting the windscreen. But it didn't crack, seemingly being bulletproof. He reloaded his magazine, three by three at the same time. He aimed again and shot exactly twice. Perfectly hitting both car tyres, causing the suv to lose control. And another shot, hitting the motor. Sparks popping out from the rimes scratching the road surface and smoke coming from the motor as it hit a light post.
Jimin floored the accelerator, escaping further while dodging the cars in front of them and overtaking them. Sirens being heard from afar all of a sudden.
"Great," he groaned, "Those guys got us unneeded attention."
He turned into a sidestreet and then another. Gearing down. He turned into another street and into a parking lot. "Time to change cars."
"Who were those guys?" Taehyung frowned, looking at his friends then as the car came to a halt. Seeing them shrug. "Not sure, but they did leave us a souvenir," Yoongi said and picked up one of the bullets he had cut from the floor. Holding it between his thumb and index finger. The metal shining in the light. Making a carving visible. He squinted his eyes, trying to decypher the symbol. "What is this?" Taehyung grabbed the bullet. Inspecting it. ".308 semiautomatic," he noted. He turned it a little. Also seeing the little symbol carved on the side. "Is this some bird?"
At the mention of a bird, Jimin perked up. Becoming all ears. "May I see?" He took it from Taehyung and indeed. It was a bird. An owl, to be precise.
"Crap." He slid the bullet into his pocket and immediately grabbed his phone out. Starting dialing a number.  "What is it?" Yoongi asked, confused about his sudden reaction. Jimin's lips parted to explain but right in that moment the ringing tone stopped and his call got answered. "Bella-baby? We got a problem."
next chapter: 0.4 here
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cowboyjen68 · 2 years
Hello and happy Lesbian day!
I've just discovered your blog, and I'm so happy i did!
My country is Quite homophobic, so are my relatieves and even many of my peers. Sometimes i feel very lonely, especially considering that i've never met another lesbian in the wild (and i've been around for 20+ years!), not even to mention butches
However, you give me hope and the thought of growing up to be as inspirational (at least in the looks) for younger generations as you are warms my heart. Thank you for sharing your life and being who you are!
Even though being gnc and a lesbian can be hard sometimes, i am really happy with the way i am and i wish everyone felt that way about themselves too
I am glad you found me as well!!
The Western World makes in hard enough to be a lesbian, expecially a visible on, ie butch or gnc or a maculine woman. To exist in places where it is truly dangerous and punishment is doled out by both society and the government is almost beyond my comprehension since I have not experienced that to any degree.
I think often of my friends who exist in other counties like Iran, and how much effort they put into being as unnoticed as possible. I hope for them to someday to have a place where they can thrive and be surrounded by the support and love of other lesbian, bi women and even some family members who reject the teachings of their own culture when it comes to gay people.
Even in my part of the world, I pushed back hard against the idea that I was a lesbian or that my masculinity was permanent, an innate and intregal part of me. I tried to think of being "butch" as a passing phase, a lingering aspect of Tomboyhood that would fade as I matured. I questioned my interests, my actions, my clothing and my connection with other women. Was I broken? Was I supposed to be a boy and something got crossed or messed up? Why could i not just like what girls are supposed to like?
Then I listened to other girls, and women, and realized that many of them were playing a game. Pretending to love what our society said they were supposed to in order to garner the support and rewards that come with conforming. It just so happened that my very phyical presence was not ever going to fit in. It was not as simple as putting on a dress, because THAT made things even more obvious.
Once I learned the word butch and met lesbians of all ages who talked about how great it was to be one, to hear other women say they "look for the butch in the room as a safe person" I started to think of myself as unique but not "not like other girls".
I want to be that beacon in the world to others, expecially other lesbians and butches who don't see us in "the wild". Who otherwise feel isolated, alone and like a fringe element of society because they see no others who can relate to their experiences.
I often write with 14 year old me in mine. What did I need to see?? What truths about being a lesbian would have been benefitial for me to love who I am earlier?
I am doing my best and my promise is to be as honest and open as possible, even when things are hard to hear or not the anwer people want.
I am so glad you love and embrace yourself in a place where you have to be your own cheerleader, for now. I wish for you to find support from others in your life someday and I have every hope that it will happen.
(photo me in a dress, trying to NOT look butch---FAIL. And WHY did I think puffy shoulder were a good idea??) Circa 1984
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askeataiho · 2 years
Blind Channel advent calendar
Day 10: “🐻 in the backyard“
While working on a new tiktok video alone on the couch of their LA house, Joel quickly became distracted by a message plopping up in the group chat:
Tommi-🐻:  There is a bear in the backyard
A bear? In their backyard in LA? Or in their backyard at home? What is that supposed to even mean? And how did Tommi even know this?. All those questions were going through Joel’s head, after reading the message from Tommi.
„Guys what does Tommi mean by „There is a bear in the backyard“?“ he called out into the house.
„A what?“ and „Tommi?“ were the anwers he got back.
„Yeah he wrote in the group chat: „There is a bear in the backyard“. And I don’t understand what that means“
Suddenly a lot of commotion started around the house and the only answer he got back was „Oh Joel…“ coming from what sounded like Allu, but he wasn’t too sure about that. It also sounded like the others were quickly going to the backyard door, and the next thing Joel heared were excited yells of „Tommi“ and „You are here“  coming from the others.
That’s when it clicked in Joel’s mind aswell. A BEAR IN THE BACKYARD, I am such an idiot he thought. While his cheeks heated up a bit in shame, because how could he not get the connection while all of the others did instantly it seemed, he still joined the others in the backyard quickly to go look at the bear that was out there.
And a bear he did find, the best of them all. „Tommi, what are you doing here?“ he asked excitedly, quickly joining the cuddle pile that had built on top of their beloved bear.
„Well“ Tommi began while laughing, quite relieved that his surprise was a success. „My truth or dare advent calendar told me to go spent time with the people I love the most so I had no choice but coming here“
„You came here because an advent calendar told you to?“ Olli asked confused.
„Actually no. I came here because I am clearly needed here it seems. With Niko’s message and those Tiktok’s I saw… I mean what even are those?“
Suddenly Joel got the perfect idea…For a new tiktok video…
- 🦋 wearing a santa hat
I hope you don't mind me leaving this with you. If you don't like it I can write another one for you aswell
Oh it's so cute! 🥺🥺🥺🥺
There's a 🐻 in the backyard! (and he's come to try to keep his beloved band in line. 💓)
Thank you 🦋
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domjaehyun · 1 year
hello jewel! i'm the one who recently asked if u liked matcha and you do! (I'm sure you've been asked that before) butttt since i am to your blog and see these shades of green, i asked that randomly and...you like matcha too and turns out you were drinking one while anwering my ask!! kskdksdkaksk, that's cuteee.
i am enjoying your stories. You write so well that it's making me feel a lot of things. Looking forward for your future works!!! i hope you have a great day/night <3333
I HAD MATCHA YESTERDAY AND TODAY OMG thank you so much for the lovely compliment :’) i am also looking forward to my future works i rly hope i can write something soon!!! THANK YOU MY LOVE 💖💖💖💖
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mushroomwriter · 3 months
(pt1) The hermanos really live in my head rent free askfhfkd and once again, I must thank you for being so sweet and inviting! I hope you enjoy the rambles ahead 》 Hi, hermanos anon back again! I'm finally done with my exams, thank you once again for all your kind wishes <3 I've even had a little holiday and travelling (which stresses me out) and I was rotating your answer in my head all the while... Yesss, that scene with Sergio & Martin is so painful. The emotions on both their faces are so raw and real and uff, I really love how you can see the way both of them have been hurting and grieving despite the *years* it's been since Andrés died. They truly loved him so much and I am never gonna be over it 🤧 And yes that scene on the ship where he's giving them instructions gets me too, especially this one moment where when they reach international waters everyone is cheering and going wild and Sergio smiles for like half a second before the smile just drops from his face and he looks in the distance... and you can just tell he's thinking of his brother who's not there to celebrate with him :'(
(pt2) This gets long so if you can feel free to put even my asks from here on under a cut (or maybe answer them separately? idk I hope i'm not annoying you or your followers with the wall of text and again I am SO sorry for how long this got 😭)
Now about the hermanos' childhood, I must say you've really done some magic with your words because for the past 2 years, I have clung stubbornly to my half brothers headcanon. I cannot emphasize enough how much I never vibed with the full brothers scenario. BUT. After reading your thoughts, something in me slowly softened to the idea (which I repeat I thought was impossible) and then I was reading this novel at the same time, with 2 brothers in it, and one of them is more "evil" than the other, meaner, likes to play tricks and the other is more good and kind and idealistic. Anyway, there was this one passage in the book where the mean brother lies down in his bed at night praying, begging God to "don't let me be mean" and wanting to be nicer and loved by his brother. and my brain replaced that with the hermanos growing up, and my heart squeezed in my chest and thats the moment I finally converted to the full brothers headcanon. Thank you for opening my eyes to the possibilities. Of course, the half brothers headcanon will always be first and special to me, but OMG the FEELS with the hermanos growing up together as little kids!!! I'm just taking their backstory as Shrodinger's Headcanons, since Pina clearly isn't interested in giving us anwers lmao. After this tangent, let me reply to your actual thoughts asdfjsk
Ah, I can see why s3 gave you that impression. Maybe I watched that interview before s3 becz my mind was always clear that they shared a father, so Andrés mentioning him makes sense but he also always had this kind of distance/coldness when talking abt him, even saying "He was *your father*" to Sergio in s2 by the fireplace (which makes sense if the said father abandoned him), while Sergio was the one who always sounded more fond and grieving. And when he mentioned "Mama's illness" I thought it's only Andrés' mother cause neither of them ever seemed very concerned that Sergio could have inherited the illness too? But it's interesting how preconceived notions affect the way we interpret a scene, you and me both had such different conclusions LOL. I understand, it was just the opposite direction for me, I didn't want to 'embrace' the full brothers headcanon 😅
(pt3) Yeah they even never clarified what he was sick with for HALF HIS CHILDHOOD/YOUTH!, let alone how he got better. But I'm so with you, the idea of Andrés taking Sergio to Russia and saving his life has my whole heart. Yes, you can work in the Andrés raising Sergio bit, especially because i think with their father dying and their mother's illness, they were probably orphaned at a young age either way and obviously the responsibility for Sergio would've fallen to Andrés very young, and like you mentioned even when their mom was alive he still might've been expected to look after his hermanito while they were busy trying to manage expenses. Oh, idk if you've heard of another hermanos headcanon that was popular at the time, basically that Andrés started stealing/got into a life of crime to pay Sergio's medical bills, but again, I love the idea that he used every means- legal or not to save Sergio. (Andrés' past intrigues me very much, I wish the spinoff had actually given us some answers 🥲)
OH, I loved your analysis of both scenarios and Andrés' reasons to resent their mom/Sergio. It makes all the sense, and it's heartbreaking. I also agree that it's very interesting he doesn't resent or bear any grudge against Sergio, when he easily could have. Once again, the fact that despite his unforgiving harsh personality in general, Sergio is the exception and he can see that Sergio really was just a helpless child and doesn't hold anything against him, melts my heart. AND YASSS, that's exactly one of the reasons I love the half bro hc so much. It's a Choice, and what a selfless one. Raising the son of the father(or mother) who abandoned you. I don't think many ppl would or could do that. And the fact Sergio was a sickly child too, but Andrés still took him in and didn't treat him like a burden but a beloved brother <3 I also just fell in love with the idea that Sergio thinks he's all alone in the world and then Andrés appears on the scene. Learning to trust each other. Andrés also thinking no one could love him (abandonment issues) and then he's suddenly the parental figure for a kiddo who looks to him and depends on him and loves him unconditionally, the way a child does.
(pt4) YEP, regardless of scenarios I also love the idea that it was Andrés who saved Sergio's life (and ofc, Sergio would think he can do anything. don't get me started on how Sergio would've felt when Andrés told him of the myopathy. Definitely some of his denial comes from the fact he thinks Andrés can defeat the illness, no matter if there's a cure or not) Gosh yes, Andrés would've been so proud and extra protective, we see that in the Bella ciao scene. I really think he didn't mind if he died as long as Sergio got away and gets to live a long and happy life ;___;
I would never stop screaming either if we got a new hermanos scene!!! Keep the hope alive 🤞 Hehe, I'm glad you appreciated the #hermanos angst! Oh that's great!!! As always, I am very excited for any hermanos content and I would love any gifset you make. What a coincidence lol, Richard Siken really was writing about them XD Awww, I love how you put it, that scene really does overflow with familiarity. Thinking of Toledo makes me emotional too, I'm glad I got to ramble about it with you, you made me smile too :') And if I ever get around to writing it, I'll let you know!
Omg, you're too kind, I'm relieved you don't regret the invitation yet haha. And you're happy to see my silly little rambles?? 🥺❤ So so glad our talks give you a serotonin boost too, and I hope you've been doing well. Take care, and please take your time replying to this essay 😭
PS I've read 100 years of Solitude too just last year! Feel free to tell me what you think of the book so far, I'm thinking of doing a reread <3
First of all, I'm sorry it took me SO LONG. Real life has been so busy lately, and I wanted to give you a proper reply, not a hasty one... especially considering I SO ENJOYED your rambles!!
I'm glad you managed to have a little holiday (which I hope wasn't just stressful) after your exams! If you're studying for some other exams now, well, I wish you good luck!
That scene with Martín and Sergio is definitely in the top painful scenes... Andrés is still such an open wound for both of them! Oh man, yeah, I do remember that moment of Sergio just... grieving despite the cheers and relief and it breaks my heart :(
So under a cut is it! Don't worry! I can't talk for my followers but I'm not annoyed for sure :D
What can I say... I'm happily impressed to know I softened you a little to the full-brothers scenario 💕💕 Also because I was maybe a little worried I rambled a bit too much about that scenario, so I'm glad you did like it! And please, associating that quote to the hermanos fcking killed me :( YES I think Shrodinger's Headcanons is the best way to go for their childhood! Like, as I said I went "naturally" for the full-brothers headcanon but there are aspects of the half-brothers headcanon that really melt my heart, so I want to keep them both! lol, Pina decided to give us NOTHING and so now we decided to take double the answers!
Yeah, it makes so much sense... it's truly interesting to see how the same scenes can be interpreted in different ways and how one preconceived notion can, as you said, make us end up with totally different conclusion...
I KNOW! I absolutely expected they'd let us know something more about Sergio's childhood illness, but nothing lol! I don't know if I had heard of the "Andrés got into stealing for Sergio" headcanon, like I definitely had that thought but I can't remember if it was because of fandom influence or not... either way, I'm so ON BOARD with it! (I guess the spinoff at least leaves us very free to headcanon at our hearts' content...)
I'm happy you loved my thoughts about Andrés and the reasons he'd have to resent Sergio, it's something I love to chew on! And YEAH EXACTLY, I mean, especially considering Andrés' whole character, 'selfless' is not exactly the first word that comes to mind to describe him, so thinking of him deciding to take care of this sick child he didn't even know, son of the parent who abandoned him, when Andrés himself was probably still pretty young... ahhhh! And little Sergio thinking he doesn't matter to anyone anymore, he's nothing but a burden now, but then Andrés appears and takes him in... I'm melting. And now you're making me crazy with the thought of Andrés, whose experience in terms of relationships is really not great, who considers himself really hard to love, getting this kid who loves him unconditionally and trusts him and looks up to him... woah. He was probably flabbergasted. "what's this??? UNCONDITIONAL LOVE??"
The idea of Andrés saving Sergio's life also ties nicely with Sergio's reaction when he learned about Andrés' illness, he was there like "let's forget about the robbery and let's go abroad in search of a cure" he wanted to do exactly what his brother had done for him!! And yeah, I think even after Andrés crushed that idea a part of him never stopped holding a bit of hope! As for Andrés, he would absolutely consider "I die but Sergio lives happily" a great scenario and I want to scream!
I'll keep hoping for new hermanos scenes 🤞 Thank you! That gifset is still a work in progress, I got a bit stumped because the scenes I picked are all so dark and my attempts to colour them have been pretty disastrous lmao but I'll try again! Also just so you know, I keep thinking about "you wouldn't be there to catch me" in relation to the hermanos' relationship and I CRY. (Thanks about the fic!)
I'm SO HAPPY to see your silly little rambles you have no idea 🥺❤ Also when I got these messages specifically I wasn't feeling great, like, physically (I had a bit of a migraine), therefore I was pretty unhappy, but your words really lifted my mood! And again, I'm so so sorry it took me so long to reply this time, I really hope you'll see this answer anyway...
PS. Oh, nice! 100 years of solitude is one of the things I had to put on hold lately, but I really want to get back to it because YES I was really enjoying it! I'm also lowkey obsessed with the opening lines, it's really the kind of beginning that makes you want to read the whole book immediately to find out how's that Aureliano ended up there! (We also had to translate that first part for class and later analyse the official Italian translations and I enjoyed it so much...) What about you? Did you end up doing that reread?
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mirawritesstuff · 8 months
The Cleric Pt. 2
Pt. 1
Gavyn and Enid make their way through the orc village the chief's quarters, which was settled into various caves in the mountains, some of which were natural, others of which appeared to made by the orcs themselves.
“I do apologize for my subordinates. I know they contribute to the stereotype that orcs are brutish and aggressive.” Gavyn spoke to the elven cleric as she led her to her quarters.
Enid blinks in surprise as she looks up at the tall orc. “Oh… It’s quite alright.” She spoke. She had so many questions running through her head, but she didn’t know which ones to ask, or which ones would be appropriate to ask.
“I know you have questions. Wait until we meet with my fiance, we will anwer your questions together.” Gavyn said, a soft chuckle coming from her.
“Right… You said your fiance’s name is Niamh, correct?” Enid asked. If she was remembering correctly, that was the name of the missing elven princess that her and her party were recruited to find.
“It is. I take it you recognize the name, little elf?” Gavyn asked with a soft sigh.
“I do. My party and I were hired to find her, if she’s the same Niamh I’m thinking about.”
“She is. An elven princess, correct.”
“It’s… A long story, one that’s better told by Niamh herself. Trust me, all will be revealed when you meet her.” Gavyn said, looking down at Enid.
“Okay…” Enid said, a bit unsure. But the look in the orcs eyes… Something about it made Enid feel a bit more at ease.
“Oh, where are my manners? I have yet to introduce myself. Chief Gavyn of the Góra Clan.” The orc said, making a fist with her right hand and putting it over her heart. “And you are?”
“Enid Llewellyn, Cleric of Lunellis.” Enid said, introducing herself and bowing respectfully. After their introductions, the two finally make it to the Chief’s quarters, where Niamh was residing, going over various wedding preparations.
An orc-made wall covered the mouth of the cave, protecting it and its inhabitants from the elements outside. The walls and floor were covered by various animal pelts, likely an attempt to keep the warmth in. There were torches in the cave, so it wasn’t so dark for Niamh’s wedding planning. Enid took notice of the large desk that Niamh was sat at. It wasn’t as refined in terms of design as many elven or human furniture, but it looked a lot sturdier, smilar to dwarven furniture. There were many papers scrawled out in front of Niamh, and a journal of sorts directly in front of her. These were likely notes for wedding planning.
“Love, we found a cleric for the wedding.” Gavyn spoke, walking over to the elf, who was much smaller than her.
“Oh! That’s wonderful!” Niamh said, hugging her fiance gently before walking over to Enid. “It’s so lovely to meet you! My name is Niamh!” The elven princess said before noticing the holy symbol. “Oh you’re a cleric of Lunellis! That’s perfect! I’m also a devout follower of hers you know!” She continued on excitedly.
Enid smiles softly as the royal elf, kneeling down as a sign of respect. “I am Enid Llewellyn. It’s an honor to meet you, your majesty.”
“Oh stop! No need for that!” Niamh said with a scoff, helping her up. “I revoke that title. I’m never going back to Faeluna.” She said, crossing her arms with a bitter look on her face. Though, it was clear it wasn’t directed at Enid, just at the thought of going back to her kingdom.
“Your family is quite worried for you, your majesty. My party was hired to find you for them, though I was accosted by some other members of this tribe before we could set out on our quest..” Enid grumbled softly, rubbing the back of her head, which was only a little sore now.
Niamh lets out a soft sigh. “They’re not worried about me, they’re worried about their image…” She said, looking down slightly as a frown makes its way onto her face.
“It’s okay, my love.” Gavyn said, resting one of her large hands on Niamh’s shoulder, causing the elf to smile a little again.
“I hope you don’t mind me asking, your majesty, but, what is going on? I know you’re getting married to an orc, a chieftain at that, and I know you don’t want to go back to the elven kingdom. But what’s the full story?” Enid asked, raising a brow at the two lovers.
Niamh looks up at Gavyn who nods at her, and the elf sighs softly. “I guess you are owed an explanation since you’ll be marrying us after all. Have a seat, my dear.” She said as Gavyn grabbed a few chairs for the elves.
“To start from the beginning, about a year ago, I ran away from Faeluna. From my family. I just, the pressure to be perfect all the time, to maintain my composure. It was getting to me. But, what really set me off was the fact that they went behind my back and betrothed me to an elven prince in the other continent, as a way to unite the two elven kingdoms I guess. But, I didn’t want to marry him. I wanted a choice in who I married. So I ran. And kept running until I couldn’t.” Niamh paused to take a deep breath. “I ended up in the mountains. I was cold, scared, and lost. I found a cave somewhere and just sat there, crying for gods know how long… And that’s when Gavyn found me.” She continued, smiling up at her beloved who returns the smile.
“I’ll admit, at first I was scared. Growing up in the palace I was sheltered, and I had only ever heard bad things about orcs from my family. So I was prepared to be killed, or taken prisoner, but instead, she knelt down in front of me, and gently put her furs around me. I guess she could tell I was cold..” She said, her smile growing at the memory. “At that moment I looked up at her, she asked if I was okay, I shook my head no. I told her I was cold, and lost. It was getting late so she asked me if I wanted to accompany her back to her tribe to stay the night and I accepted. I stayed the night, Gavyn made sure I was fed, and warm, and she offered to take me back home. I told her I didn’t want to go back to my home. And she let me stay as long as I wanted. Though, that only lasted about a week before some of her warriors came home, injured because some of my parents royal guard had been searching for me, and the were looking for me… This is when I finally told Gavyn who I was.”
“It was a hard descision but I decided to go back to my family, I didn’t want more of Gavyn’s people getting hurt because of me. Especially if they started to think that the orcs kidnapped me, it would only bring war to Gavyn and her people. So Gavyn helped me find my way back. It’s safe to say I was smitten. For the next year, I’d sneak out and go meet up with Gavyn in a secluded area of the forest that seperated these mountains and Faeluna. About once or twice a week we’d do this. Then… The date I would be sent to the other kingdom was drawing near. I.. I ran away again. I left a note this time, explaining I had fallen in love with another, and that I couldn’t marry this man that I didn’t even know.” Niamh said as she clenches her teeth, bitterness lacing that last sentence. “And, since the night I had run away, about a month ago, I had been living here with Gavyn and her people.” Niamh said, smiling at her love again. “It’s been the best month of my life.”
“I love you, dear.” Gavyn said, leaning down to kiss Niamh’s cheek gently.
“I love you too.” Niamh said, looking up at her betrothed.
As Enid listened to the story and watched the two, she could tell they truly loved each other. Niahm wasn’t a captive, she wasn’t forced into this. She wanted to marry Gavyn, she wanted to stay here with the orcs. Her eyes soften a little. “So your family wants my party to find you to save face…”
“Exactly.” The princess said, huffing a bit.
“Well, it is an honor to bless this union.” Enid said, smiling at the two.
“Thank you. Now! Let’s get back to planning!” Niamh said, excitedly clapping her hands together with a wide smile.
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organchewer · 10 months
Throwing a rope into the ocean from your desolate place hoping the sea creatures will give you all the anwers
They can console you and tell you it is not fair
But they cannot change how it is
They can't take away the merciless waves and they cannot change the sky
They can only give you a fleeting sense of hope to hold onto as you wait for a ship to ferry you away
You know the ship will not come
Yet you hope it will
I wish i were a bird so that I could sail away on a light breeze
I wish the island would look at me and try to understand.
I wish the ocean would take a moment to see how I am
I wish the sky did not blame me for making it worse
I do not know what I did wrong
I try so much yet the island turns a suspicious eye on me
The ocean asks me why I am being so kind
I am tired of feeling defensive
I am tired of the skys cold stare
I am tired of having to turn away from it all
Because if I don't then a black hole opens within
If I don't then the overwhelming sadness comes back
And in those moments letting the ocean take me away seems less like a passing thought and becomes more of a desire
My desire to throw the rope to the sea creatures has faded
There is no point and nothing will change
I will have to hold on until the sea finally pulls back
Or until I finally become too tired to hold on
Or until a ship comes to take me away
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foundationsbuilt · 2 years
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❝ I honestly don't understand why @tricursed would waste your precious and never-to-return time to teach a bunch of challenged students when you just escaped the tedious hours of a classroom yourself. ❞ Wednesday stared at them, unblinking. Suspicion of a new face among the teaching staff was not, she believed, entirely unreasonable given that her previous teacher had been plotting to sacrifice her. ❝ Yes, ❞ she anwered the undoubtable question that would follow — have you been looking into my history, that is confidentiality, Wednesday. ❝ I looked at your records. There is quite a history around here and I would prefer to know who surrounds me. ❞
The records were not forged, she had made sure of that, and the existence of another supernatural school was an exhausting thought. Miss Hope Mikaelson herself was an interesting study in what happens when there is a combination of species, and Wednesday was interested in seeing how exactly she worked. Starting with why she would ( willingly ) spend her time teaching adolescences.
❝ Surely there is better things to do. A whole world to see. Murder and mayhem, perhaps. Your father was fond of it, was he not? ❞ Gaze locked on the other, Wednesday searched for any clink in the armour, shot fired.
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kampfkuchen85 · 3 years
Say you won't give up - Part 7
Characters: Keisuke Baji, Takashi Mitsuya, reader
Note: the story takes places during the time when Toman was just founded, so the boys and Y/N are ~13 years old
Genre: Angst!
Part 1 - previous - Part 7 - next
A week has passed since you saw them again. Baji invited you to a day at the beach, nothing special - just hanging out together, swimming in the ocean, laying lazy in the sun, playing some funny games.
All of them were already there when your aunt brought you there with her car, ready for a fun day in your new shorts, a shirt, your sunhat and a bag with some snacks.
Mitsuya was the first who saw you and so he arrived first by your side, taking your bag while greeting you.
“Nice to see you again, Y/N.”
He offered you his arm.
“It's difficult to walk in the sand and I don't want you to fall.”
You accepted his offer with a small smile, murmuring a quiet thanks.
He looked at you from the side secretly while you walked to the place where the boys had spread out their towels, observing you - you looked a little bit pale, but that was all he could notice. Maybe today was one of the good days, that's why you came here.
He didn't let you go off his arm until you arrived at the only lounger they could get, the whole time making sure that you don't drip.
He couldn't take his eyes off of you, there was too much going on inside his head, which caused the other boys to yell some stupid comments.
“Look at Mitsuya.”
“Oh, is there someone in looove?”
“I can already hear the wedding bells.”
“Should we leave you two lovebirds alone?”
The only one who hasn't said anything was Mikey, instead he was just looking sternly at Mitsuya, knowing what was on his mind.
“Shut up, losers”, teared out of his thoughts, “I'm just a gentleman. I just want to make sure that our guest is comfortable.”
“Thanks Takashi. I'm fine.”
He blushed when he saw your sweet smile, but he didn't want the others to see his pink cheeks so he finished your conversation abruptly by running into the water like a madman.
“Come and join us in the water, Y/N”, Kazutora yelled, already standing in the water while dunked down by Pah.
“Maybe later, guys”, waving them off, “I just want to enjoy the sun right now.”
After a few minutes Mikey was the one who joined you at the towels, not wanting you to be all by yourself the whole time. He observed you the same way Mitsuya did before, but he did it more obviously.
You couldn't ignore it anymore, he was staring at you like a creep.
“Mikey? Do I have something on my face or why are you looking at me like that?”
“I just wanted to make sure if Mitsuya was right with his assumption or not.”
He laid back on his towel and closed his eyes, leaving you there confused beside him.
“Huh? His assumption? What do you mean?”
“He said you´re sick. Baji said something about ‘one of the bad days’ and Mitsuya said that it's a term used for sick people.”
You went silent in an instant, looking in another direction to avoid eye contact even when Mikey had his eyes still closed. The lump in your throat was hard and you couldn't swallow it down.
He was waiting for an answer or a comment, but when there was nothing but silence he opened his eyes again, leaning up on his elbows.
You put on a fake smile this time, hoping he couldn't see the difference.
“Do I look like I'm sick?”
You didn't wait for his anwer, instead you took off your shorts and your shirt, revealing a swimsuit underneath, and ran into the ocean to the other guys, leaving Mikey alone. You knew that this would cause some of the bad days, it´s like that each time you exhausted yourself too much, but you didn't want to talk to Mikey about this topic at the moment.
He waited at his spot on the towel till you came back, a look of worry on his face when Baji gave you a piggyback ride out of the ocean. It looked like you hung limp on his back,but you still had a smile on your face.
Baji put you down from his back when you finally reached the lounger. Your knees were weak and you hoped that no one would notice how clumsy you had fallen on it. You took a quick glance to Mikey, noticing that he was watching you the whole time, so you avoided eye contact again, acting like everything is fine and putting a towel over your shaking legs.
“Hey, does anyone want some snacks?”
You faked it really well, so good that only Mikey and Mitsuya noticed that there was something wrong, while you searched in your bag for the promised snacks.
Should he ask you about it? What if you get mad? Do you even want to talk about it? Do you want to keep it a secret? Does he make you uncomfortable when he asks the wrong questions?
He missed his chance to talk to you privately, because your aunt picked you up again, only two hours after your arrival. You excused yourself by saying that you still got homework to do, a plausible excuse. It could be true.
When you were gone he pulled Mitsuya to the side, talking to him in a low voice so the others couldn't hear them.
“Have you seen her shaking legs?”
“Yes, I did.”
Mitsuyas eyes were filled with the same worry as Mikeys.
Taglist: closed
@amajikisupremacy @satsuri3su @bontensbabygirl
Don’t copy this story to another website nor translate it into another language without asking me first!
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desperate-daydream · 2 years
👹 Stranger Things
❀ Byler (Will Byers x Mike Wheeler) ⚣︎
A/N: I just wanted some Byler fluff. Without hate or murder. Just everybody being happy.
tags/warnings: after season 4 so spoiler warning!, actually like after they killed off Vecna and won, Max is alive + in a wheelchair and blind (no sad, she's a badass queen), Eddie is alive too (getting cared for by Steve), El is happy and great, fluff, Will my bby is happy, they all just hang out at the Byers-Hopper-Home (it's a big cozy house), Steddie being Dustin's dads, Jonathan identifies as nonbinary and uses he/they
side ships: Jopper, Lumax, Dustin x Suzie (what's their ship-name??), Steddie, Ronance, Jargyle
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They're what?!
It had been a quiet day at the Byers-Hopper-Home. Well, as quiet as it can get when you almost constantly have multiple teenagers and adults over.
It became a ritual that at least once or twice a week everybody would come around. They all had been through so much and especially Joyce and Steve were absolutely worried and panicking as soon as they hadn't heard from everyone the last few days.
So they would meet up, exchange stories from the last days and check if everyone was doing okay. They would order food or sometimes do a barbecue in the garden - the first time there had been a fire, definetly not including Hopper just wanting to take care of everything with Steve, Dustin and Argyle hovering around him (plus Jonathan trying to get their boyfriend away from the fire).
Today was one of those big check-in-days. Everyone was somewhere in the house or garden, doing things like talking while preparing food (Joyce, Nancy and Steve), checking out some new comics (Max, Lukas and El), nearly breaking something (Dustin, Eddie and Robbin) or making out (Jonathan and Argyle).
"Shouldn't Hopper and Murray be back by now?", Steve asked while checking the clock. "He's probably spotted something else that we 'definetly should try today'", Joyce answered mimiking her husbands voice while contuinuing to cut the pepper.
"I'm not gonna eat another one of those 'new various meat sticks'", Nancy clarified thinking back to the day Hopper had come home with two boxes of those things.
Joyce laughed. "Well, I gave these house ban so don't worry." "That doesn't promise that he won't buy some other new weird thing", Steve clarified. "Yeah", Joyce sighed, "I guess we'll just have to hope."
They contuinued chatting for a bit while finishing the vegetables. And soon they heard a "Come here, you little burglar!" coming from the living room plus laughter.
It was Eddie who just caught Dustin and tried to get his wallet back that the other had snatched from him to look at the photo of Steve that he kept in there.
"Naw, look at that", Dustin showed the photo to Robbin standing next to them and laughing her ass off. "The lightning and everything. He looks like a god. And is that a heart you drew there?", Dustin contuinued while still struggling to get out of Eddie's grasp.
Steve quickly went to end their little fight, not without a small blush at the things Dustin had just screamed technically for the whole house to hear. "Come on Eds, stop suffocating our child."
The hair, as they still jockingly called him, finally managed to sepperate them and directed his boyfriend to the sofa. "Sit down, your wounds are still not fully healed." "Only a few on my stomach", the metal head protested.
"And what about your knee?", Steve began massaging just that and gave him a knowing look at the small hiss. "I just don't want you overstraining and hurt yourself", Steve softly wispers before leaning in to kiss Eddie.
An "Ew" came from Robbin and her best friend shot her the finger before remarking: "As if you're not just hanging at your girlfriend's lips right now."
"Actually not", Nancy said, "She's hanging at my neck right now." "Thanks for defending me, babe", Robin grinned looking up." "Always", the other woman anwered before kissing her.
That was a sign for Steve to have his turn on the "Ew" and both Nancy and Robbin to give him the silent anwer. The other three just laughed at the scene, Joyce shaking her head at the teenagers.
"Man, now I miss Suzie even more", Dustin pouted. "Naw, if you want we can sing the song for you", Steve said grinning getting ready to sing. "Nooo!"
Meanwhile El and Lukas were taking turns at reading the new comic they had just found to Max. El read the dialogue and partly described the scenery while Lukas jumped in at the whoosh's and kapow's making Max laugh every time.
When they were finished El put down the comic and leaned next to Max who had gotten out of her wheelchair to sit on El's bed. Lukas was already sprawled out on the floor looking up at them.
"Sooo El, tell me", Max started, "What's that now with you and Mike?" El was confused for a second. "Me and Mike?" "Yeah, I mean. What happened? Are you in a fight? Did you dump him again, or what?", Max asked excitedly.
"No, we're not and I didn't. We're just not together anymore." "Wait, really?!", Max and Lukas simultaneously gasped. "Yeah", El shrugged, Max feeling the movement on her shoulder. "Okay, why?"
"We just both came to the conclusion it would be the best. I'm actually not really ready for a relationship since I'm partly still trying to figure out who I am."
"Mhm, understandable. And what did Mike say?", Max contuinued her investigation while Lukas had his eyes closed still laying on the floor but also attentively listening.
"Well, he totaly understood that and said he too had just recently figured something out about himself and not liking girls. It actually was what I kind of assumed and hoped for with him and Will. I mean the way the way they have always looked at each other, it's kind of obvious. So, we decided to stay friends and that's basicly it."
It was quiet for a few seconds before Max started again. "Okay, wait, what do you mean with him and Will, what were you hoping for?"
"Will and Mike like each other. They're together now. That's what I was kind of hoping for because I had noticed how much Will was hurt by seeing us. He's so happy now."
Lukas shot up: "Mike and Will are dating?! How can I not know that two of my best friends are in a relationship?!"
"Oh my god, it really is obvious if you think about it", Max whispered. Then louder to Lukas: "Well, you're really oblivious. Especially with your friends."
"Because I'm trusting them to trust and tell me when something's up", her boyfriend countered.
"Oh, do you think they maybe didn't want other people to know?", El asked concern in her voice. "We'll just ask them", the red head said at that, "Help me get in my wheelchair and then we'll get to Will's room. That's where they are, right?" "I guess so."
After a moment they got out of El's room and went down the floor. But before they got to Will's room they made a stop at Jonathan's.
After knocking shortly they opened the door to find Jonathan and Argyle hanging on each others lips. "Get a room you two." "You are literally in my room. What do you want?", Jonathan said looking at them.
"Did you know that Will and Mike are dating?", Max asked straight up. "Yeah, why?" "We didn't know", Lukas exclaimed. "Well, Will was so happy and releaved and I just came to the conclusion. So I asked him and he said yes. Soo, will you leave now?"
"Alright", El turned but then faced her brother one more time, "Don't you have the three inches rule too?" "Oh, shut up and get out", he said, "And close the door." El just laughed at that and maybe left it open a little bit.
They eventually got to Will's room and knocked again before barking in. Will was sitting on his carpet. Art utensils splattered around him. His sketch book in his lap with a picture he was just working on.
He quickly put his finger to his lips. "Shhh, he's been sleeping for the last thirty minutes", the boy pointed at Mike sound asleep on his bed. He had his raven hair open and a few strands fell in his face while one of his arms dangled of the bed.
"You drew him?", El asked getting closer and looking over her brothers shoulder. "Yeah, he hasn't moved at all and he strated silently snoring too. It's so funny." A small giggle left the boys lips.
"We actually wanted to ask you both something", Max said getting back to the reason they came there. "What is it?"
"Well I kind of told them you were dating-", El started and was cut off by Lukas, "And we want to know if that's true." "And also if it's okay that I told them", El said shooting a small glare at Lukas.
"Oh, yeah, we are. And it's okay you told them", Will answered smiling widely even though there was a small worry of not getting accepted that he quickly brushed off again.
"Why didn't you tell us?", Lukas asked a bit offended. "Well, we figured it would be obvious from time to time and we didn't want to shout it out."
In the meantime the livingroom-group had went upstairs and was now standing behind the three teenagers in Will's doorway.
"Hey, Hopper and Murray should be back any minute and we're finished too", Nancy said. "What's up in here?", Steve asked with suspicion.
Lukas turned to Dustin: "Did you know they were dating?" His friend looked at him confused. "Who?" "Mike and Will", Lukas gestured wildly between the two boys - one still inocently sitting at his carpet with his sister now perched next to him and the other still slightly snoring.
"Whaaaaat? Really?" Dustin wasn't the only one with a surprised look on his face. "Oh that little shit, he didn't tell me", Nancy remarked while Robbin just gave a nod and grin at Will who returned that. Steve got out a confused "What?" just like Dustin.
"Well I knew that mini-Byers had something for mini-Wheeler", Eddie said leaning on his boyfriend, "I just didn't know they were actually dating."
"They're what?!", echoed from behind them. Everybody equally scared for a second turned around to see Hopper, Joyce and Murray standing there. It was Hopper who had just screamed.
Will was the first one to turn away because his boyfriend had been startled by the loud exclamation and now satup halfway, a confused sleepy look on his face. "What?", he asked his eyes squinting and trying to figure out, why everyone was standing in one room.
"Noo", Will whined, "Why did you have to wake him up. Not even my sketch was finished." That got a second "What?" from Mike that Will just waved off with a small blush.
Hopper turned to his wife standing next to him. "Did you know that?" "Of course I knew. I'm his mother. He didn't even have to tell me for me to know."
"And why didn't you tell me?", he asked her. "Because I knew that you would want to strangle Mike." The boy instinctively sild back a bit at the mention of that.
Murray just stood there. He had by far probably known the longest that the two boys had feelings for each other and if they wouldn't have managed to sort it out themselves he would have Murray'ed them soon.
"Yeah, no shit", Hopper said now before turning back to Mike, "Why always my kids, Wheeler?!" Mike looked at him with big eyes, his still half asleep brain trying to comprehend what was happening. "U-uh, sorry", he muttered out.
Meanwhile El and Will were sitting on the floor trying to surpress their laughter before bursting into giggles at the situation happening.
Mike being sulky said "Thanks for your back-up" to his boyfriend. "I'm s-sorr-rry", Will got out through his giggles, "It's just-" That's when another wave of laughter hit them and the two siblings dubbled over again.
"Did y- did you see-he-he his face-", El got out before bursting once more and Will actually fell over, happy that his carpet was so big.
Mike looked away at the others: "I feel slightly insulted right now." "Oh, you should feel more than slightly insulted", Hopper said pointing at him. Joyce just calmly put a hand on his arm. "Come on leave the boy alone. We have a barbecue to do."
One after one left the room. Their friends kind of gratulated Will and Mike while Will still laughed. But that eventually died down too. El whiped the tears from her eyes before standing up. "I'm gonna leave you two now too. Bye." She even closed the door fully behind her.
Mike got up from the bed and went over to his boyfriend still laying on the floor. "Have you laughed enough about me now?", Mike tried to stay insulted but the grin on Will's face made him forget everything.
He sat down and then grabbed the other's hands to pull him into a sitting position too. "You're happy", he remarked whiping some of the laughing tears from his boyfriend's beautiful face.
His hands stayed on Will's slowly blushing cheeks. "Is that bad?", he asked slightly nuzzling into Mike's palm. "No it's great. You're great." Will smiled wholeheartedly at him before gripping his shirt and yanking him forward.
Their lips met in a soft kiss and it felt like little fireworks exploded in their stomach's making the boys giddy. One of Will's hands went up to grip into the dark strands and he let out a small moan at the feeling of Mike's tongue.
After another moment they parted slowly and leaned their foreheads together slightly panting.
"I love you, William Byers."
"I love you, Michael Wheeler."
They giggled before going into the next kiss.
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tommydarlings · 4 years
Spill your guts or Fill your guts
pairing: Tom Holland x actress!reader 
warnings: a few swear words, using of the word “daddy” ? 
w/c: 0.8k 
Requests: OPEN
Summary: Tom and y/n got an invetation to James Cordon show “Spill your guts or Fill your guts”. Who would have thought that Tom and y/n are so dirty? 
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Tom and I are now in a Relationship for already 6 months and we are so happy together. Tom´s new movie the devil all the time and my new movie just came out. Last week we got the invetation to James Cordons show Spill your guts or Fill your guts and Tom and I immediately agreed to it. Currently Tom and I were in our cabin and gave our look the last touch.
„I´m kinda scared darling“ I said to my Boyfriend who stood next to me. He looked at me and answerd „why? It will be fun baby!“ He told and with a huge smile on his face. I just answerd him a quick ´okay´ before we got called on stage where we greeted james with a hug. Tom, James and I went then to the Table where the ´delicious´ food already wait for us.
We all set down on our chairs and James told us what for food we have infront of us. „So, here we have, Cow tongue, Bird saliva, Bulls penis, Fish smoothie-„
„I hate fish!“ i shouted with a laugh at James. „I know, thats why we took it“ He laughed. „Then we have here Ant yoguhrt, Pig flesh meat Jelly, Giant water scorpion, Raw clem shot with vienna sausage juice and thats it guys!“ James finished. Tom and i just looked at each other with disgusted faces. „That sounds all really tasty James“ Tom said. „I know, i´m really exciting!“
„Should we start?“ I asked the boys. They both nooded and i started to turn the tabel. „I give you, dear James…the Cow tounge“ I said and turned the Table so the cow tounge laid exactly infront of him.I picked up the card where the question was written on. „Who was your least favorite celebrity on the show?“ i asked him with a serious gaze. Tom and James both laughed before James answerd. „I´m sorry but i really can´t say that“ He took the cow tounge and made a bite.
„OMG,NOOOO“ I said and looked away while Tom just laughed it off. James drank Water and Tom turned the Table so the Bulls penis was infront of me. „Why Tom, why?“ I said with a whiny voice. „Because it looks tasty, y/n!“ he laughed and took the card.
„We are allowed to ask these kind of Questions, seriously?“ he said with a shooked impression. „Omg, help me dear Lord“ i said. „Okay, here we go y/n… Did you ever c-called Tom i-in Bed d-daddy before?“ He asked between laughter. „WHAT THE FUCK?!“ i yelled and then started to laugh too. James sat there with his mouth wide open.
The crowd freaked completely out and clapped and laughed, some of them even screamed. Tom and i looked at each other for a second before i took a pice of the bulls penis and shoved it into my mouth. „You could have just answerd the question darling.“ Tom said to me as i chewed the bulls penis. James laughed and said „Okay, i think we all know the anwer now guys“.
„That was the worst Penis i ever had in my Mouth“ I said. James laughed so hard that he nearly fell oft he chair and Tom completely froze for a quick second. The crowd just laughed and screamed.
Now it was James turn the table and ask tom a Question. He turned the Table so that the Ant yoguhrt was infront of Tom. „Thanks you James, thats really nice of you“ Tom said to James. „No problem mate, i know how much you like it“ He said and took the Question. „Oh, thats a pretty good one“ James laughed and read the Question. „How many times do you and y/n have sex in a week?“ He asked and Tom and i both froze.
Tom looked at the Ant yoguhrt infront of him and then at me. I just shrugged with my shoulders and suddenly Tom said it. „about 5 times a week“ I looked at my Boyfriend with wide eyes and James gasped. „5 FUCKING TIMES IN ONE WEEK?!“ he yelled at the top of his lungs.
„Ist hat true y/n?“ James asked me. I just nodded with my head and looked down. James gasped again and said „I have maybe once in a week sex with my Wife.“ The crowd started to laugh even harder and Tom and I couldn´t stop laughing too.
After that Tom and I both said our Goodbyes to James and the crowd and left. When we were home at the Hollands house everyone stood in the living room excactly infront of us.
Suddenly Nikki shouted at us „5 TIMES A WEEK?!“
„Hold on a second, that was live?!“ Tom said
Let´s just say that the rest of the day everyone was quiet.
 a/n: Hope you like this one! When you should´t know what spill your guts or fill your guts is, just type it in,in yt and u will find it :) ily, liz <3
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