#I hope you liked this random historical fact that no one asked for :)
suchine-toki · 3 months
Story time:
The other day I was on 𝕏 Twitter and saw this art from susu_gntm with an oddly familiar background:
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Turns out it's from a museum in my country lol
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Hi, I just recently came across your blog and I really liked it, well done, you write very well, I can't wait to read what you write next time. If I can make a request, then I would like to ask you to write the reaction of TFP Autobots and Decepticons (and maybe humans) to the fact that on one day both sides discovered the vital signals of both factions emanating from the Smithsonian museum. The Autobots arrive at the department of the museum with historical cars to find the Autobot Buddy in stasis in her altforem of the Red Cross car from the time of the First World War. And at the same time, the Decepticons arriving at the museum department with historical aircraft find the Decepticon Buddy also in stasis in his altforem of the World War One aircraft. Both Buddies were sent by their leaders at the beginning of the Cybertron war to explore new worlds suitable for the extraction of energon. And arriving on earth in 1915, they not only continued their war, but also to some extent became part of the human war until one day in 1917, they both plunged each other into stasis. I apologize in advance if there are errors or typos in the text, English is not my native language.
These Buddy's are going to be in for a shock when they figure out they had been gone for a while.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy's the Bot and Con waking up from stasis after being in WWI
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Bot is red cross car.
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Con is a red barron.
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Bot is name Red Cross.
Con named Deadloop.
They were both sent to Earth to scout energon.
Once they both land on the planet they are at each other’s throats trying to claim the planet it the name of their faction. Until they realize this planet is also at war.
“You have got to be kidding me!”—Red Cross
“War seems to be following us everywhere my friend…”--Deadloop
“I’m not your friend!”—Red Cross
“We are now! We’re the only Cybertronains on this planet at war. We need to look after each other whether we like it or not!”--Deadloop
“Hmmm…”—Red Cross
“What if we helped the good side of this war?”—Red Cross
“Don’t we have our own war to worry about?”--Deadloop
“And they’re lightyears away. I saw we help the good side win; we strike a deal for them not to hunt us down, take the energon reserves and when our sides come no one will be mad. Mission accomplished.”—Red Cross
“…Primus what am I doing… Fine! Don’t have anything better to do.”--Deadloop
After scanning random vehicles, the Cybertronains end up partnering up with Allied forces under a secret organization.
The organization made sure that not many people knew about their existence, which was fine by them.
Deadloop ended up helping arial strikes and dog fights.
It was confusing as they took the form of the infamous Red Baron, but it certainly struck fear in the hearts of the Central Power’s aerial forces thinking their Baron went rogue.
Red Cross ended up taking up learning more about organic medicine to help the troops, especially those who had just come back from the trenches.
They end up becoming good friends with each other and their fellow human companions.
Red Cross fixing Deadloop’s damaged propeller.
“You have to be more careful Loop. The supplies are low with propeller parts.”—Red Cross
Deadloop gives them a smirk.
“You should see the other guys. They’re practically in scrap metal.”--Deadloop
Red Cross shakes their helm a bit while reattaching the new propeller.
A human enters the hangar.
“How’s Deadloop Cross?”
Red Cross looks down at the nurse smiling.
“Mrs. Fowler, the propeller replacement is just about finished. How’s the Mister?”—Red Cross
She smiles a bit.
“He’s doing as good as we all are… There’s something I need to tell you two.”—Mrs. Fowler
Both look at each other before giving full attention to the nurse.
“…I’m pregnant.”—Mrs. Fowler
“…What’s pregnant?”--Deadloop
Red Cross’s optics widened.
“Your having a sparkling!? Loop! She’s having a sparkling!”—Red Cross
Deadloop looks at her wide optic.
“Congratulations!”—Red Cross
“Yeah… wow... did not expect that.”--Deadloop
The nurse looks down a bit.
“Mrs. Fowler? Is something else on your mind?”—Red Cross
“We’ve been talking, the mister and I, about making you two the godparents—”—Mrs. Fowler
Red Cross squeals a bit.
“I’ve heard about that term!”—Red Cross
They put their arm around Deadloop whose optics just grow wider.
Red Cross looks at Deadloop and they both look down at the nurse.
Deadloop kneels down and gently places a digit on Mrs. Fowler’s belly.
“Hey there tiny. This is Deadloop and Red Cross speaking, your grandparents. We can’t wait to meet ya.”--Deadloop
It would be a couple days after that news when Deadloop got shot down in no mans land. Red Cross moving to their friend trying to cover them from the shelling and the mustard gas that was clogging their vents.
The two eventually reverted into vehicle mode before going into stasis.
Us govt kept their bodies in a museum after many of the families and members of the secret unit refuses to burry them or burn them.
Now to present day…
The Autobots and Decepticon’s had recently come across two different signals coming from the museum.
Cons get there first and find the stasis signal coming from a red baron plane.
They take the plane and groundbridge out of there before the bots come.
The bots come and realize one of the signals is now gone.
But thankfully there’s one more.
The signal is coming from a car, and they take it.
After a bit of fixing the bot wakes up and is very startled to see their leader there.
Red Cross stretches a bit.
“Urgh… That hurts…”—Red Cross
They look up to see Optimus.
Their optics widened.
“Prime?! You’re here? Wait where’s Deadloop? Where’s Fowler? Where—”—Red Cross
“How do you know my name?”—Agent Fowler
Red Cross looks at Fowler with shocked expression.
“You’re not the Missus or the Mister… but they didn’t have any siblings that I know about…”—Red Cross
Red Cross looks carefully at their surroundings.
“This isn’t base camp…”—Red Cross
“It’s a good thing your sitting down then. There’s a lot you missed.”--Bulkhead
Optimus explains what happened.
Bot must sit down for a second realizing that all of their friends were dead and was once again thrusted into their own civil war.
They agree to work with them and mainly stay on base with Ratchet as their altmode isn’t suitable for the current times and a heavy limp in one of their pedes thanks to the shrapnel attack had gotten infected.
Red Cross looks sadly at Agent Fowler.
“You have her eyes… and you have his hair.”—Red Cross
“You really knew them?”—Agent Fowler
“Sure did! I met the Missus when she threw an egg at us the first day we met. That was some day.”—Red Cross
Fowler raises and eyebrow.
“An egg?”—Agent Fowler
“Yep! That little bugger gave us quite the scare first time around. Good thing I kicked it before it could hurt anyone.”—Red Cross
“…A chicken egg?”—Agent Fowler
“Chicken? No! An egg! What there’s a new word for that…”—Red Cross
Red Cross thinks for a bit.
“Oh! Grenade!”—Red Cross
“She threw a grenade!”--Miko
With cons…
Con wakes up and is ready to attack the first things they see.
Shocked to see Megatron.
They listen carefully and are slightly relief that their friend wasn’t captured.
But they are still worried for their safety now that Megatron has arrived to this planet.
There was no telling what the warlord would do to their friends.
“I expect to see you back in the sky’s at first light.”--Megatron
Deadloops propeller falls off.
“…Maybe after their not falling apart Lord Megatron?”--Knockout
Megatron nods and leaves.
Deadloop looks at Steve.
“Hey, how are the Granny’s here?”--Deadloop
“The what?”--Steve
“You know the Granny’s? Do we still have them shooting the basic blasts?”--Deadloop
“… Do you mean heavy guns?”--Steve
“Yes? That’s a Granny.”--Deadloop
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psychesalcove · 2 months
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Annabeth Chase x reader
a/n: HERES YOUR REQUEST ANON!! hope you enjoy some stuff about annabeth, i love her sm 😓 hope you enjoy!!
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ᝰ the two of you are basically a match made on olympus (im so sorry idk why I did that)
ᝰ she loves to talk to you about her architecture plans for olympus and other places she's doing
ᝰ if you guys have similar music tastes be prepared to be sharing headphones with her constantly
ᝰ she shows you her sketches of her ideas for olympus to see if you like them
ᝰ gelato dates 100%, the two of you sit outside on a patio eating your gelato and talking about whatever comes to mind at least 1 time a week
ᝰ shes a human calculator, so if you're struggling with math or science at New Rome, ask her and she will gladly assist
ᝰ be prepared to be going to historical sites and museums A LOT
ᝰ if there's a science museum nearby, you are going to be planning her birthday party there
ᝰ I think annabeth takes her sleep to another level, so when you start sleeping with her, know that your going to have memory foam pillows and mattress topper, cooling blankets, throw blankets and pillows, and stuffed animals
ᝰ you and annabeth for sure have the best sleep schedule out of the 7 (I headcanon that they are all still friends 😭)
ᝰ Barnes & Noble dates every other day. no questions asked.
ᝰ she has a tote bag collection and picks the one that best matches your guys outfit that day
ᝰ you two are regulars at this one Cafe by your shared apartment—it's the one with a library upstairs, so self-explanatory why you guys go there
ᝰ yk those restocking videos on tiktok of kitches? I feel like annabeth would be one of the girlies that do that, so be prepared to help her restock her snacks and fridge
ᝰ if your feeling to tired to highlight your notes for whatever college class your in, annabeth will happily color code your notes with her highlighters she paid 45$ at an overpriced art store
ᝰ along the topic of college, if you mention to annabeth you have a test, she will sit you down at the table and you'll be there for hours working on flash cards and other studying methods
ᝰ she will ramble to you for hours about the latest book she's read, especially if it's a historical or mystery genre
ᝰ you and annabeth have volunteered so many times at the local library that the staff considers you one of their own at this point
ᝰ and if you play UNO or any other game of the sorts, she will get competitive
ᝰ no exemptions—even if your dating her
ᝰ you'll sometimes come with her to her appointments to get her hair braided, so you get to listen to the gossip she shares with the person doing her hair
ᝰ she'll also ask you beforehand if you like certain beads or crystals and what would look best in her braids, or if she should just go natural for that period
ᝰ be prepared to have your mind boggled by the random facts she says at any given point, it becomes a routine in your day
ᝰ shes an amazing partner to have and is always going to be by your side
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pwhl-mybeloved · 1 month
~giveaway time~
I made this blog in Jan 2024 at the beginning of the PWHL season because I wanted to chat and post about hockey and Tumblr has been my fandom spot historically. I haven’t had a Tumblr in years but I made a new account, joined the tag, and here we are!
I’ve been so thrilled to connect with people over women’s hockey, I’ve learnt a lot about the history of the sport (previous to the PWHL I only really tuned into the Winter Olympics, and would watch exclusively the women’s hockey and then hibernate for another 4 years), I’ve learnt about the rules, the conventions, and the players.
I love the community on here, the game live-blogging is so fun to follow along with!
All that to say, I wanted to do a giveaway to celebrate how much fun I’ve had here this season!
I work within the card collecting hobby, so that’s the theme of the giveaway. If you’re a card collector or are looking to get into the hobby, I’m hoping the prize will be fun for you!
One of my coveted Miss Piggy hockey cards from the Muppets on Ice set (published ~1995)
Three PWHL cards from the Tim Hortons Duos packs (two base and 1 insert). These will be random/based on what I have. If you have a fave player and I’ve got that card, we can make it happen!
Two unopened Tim Hortons Duos packs, which could contain either NHL or PWHL players or both.
Two One-Touch Magnetic Cases and a stack of top loaders, as well as a pack of penny sleeves, & some semi-rigid card savers. These are all for storage and preservation of your cards.
I’m gonna do some PWHL bracelets so you’ll get one or two of those!
Rules/How to Participate
1 Like = 1 Entry, 1 Reblog = 1 Entry. To keep it simple, extra reblogging does not equal extra entries.
You can get a bonus 3rd entry if, when you reblog, you add in the tags your favourite team, your favourite players, and your favourite moment from the 2024 season so far.
This giveaway is limited to Canada/USA because international shipping is expensive and I’m not rolling in dollars
I will be drawing the winner of the giveaway on June 1st 2024.
You don’t technically gotta follow me to enter, but it’d be cool if ya did 😉
Things to consider!
If you win, you will need to be comfortable sharing an address for me to ship your prize to.
Please be 18+, for the simple fact that I do not want to be asking a minor for their shipping address.
Please shoot me an ask if you have any questions, and thanks again for all the fun so far on here 🥰
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ticklishraspberries · 10 months
Ren Faire (Eddie/Steve)
Summary: Steve, Eddie, and Robin go to a Renaissance Fair and see some interesting demonstrations. (This fic is for my lovely friend @gigglyrambles!! I literally just pulled this whole plot out of my ass and wrote it in one sitting, so I really hope you like it, LOL. Also, shoutout to @wordstrings because I know she has written something similar for Our Flag Means Death, I hope you don't mind me taking inspiration!!)
Steve isn’t sure how he ended up being dragged along to a Renaissance Fair with none other than Robin and Eddie, but he found it hard to say no to either of their puppy dog eyes and incessant begging.
His outfit is simple, consisting of a white, long-sleeved shirt with laces at the neckline, tight brown pants, and brown boots. He feels only a little bit ridiculous, but after seeing what his friends are wearing, he supposes he isn’t the weirdest looking one.
Eddie is decked out in black, an intricately detailed top with ruffles and buttons. A fake sword sits in a holder on his waist. Robin has gone for a more masculine look, a cloak over her shoulders and a bow and arrow in her hand.
“Screw historical accuracy,” she’d said.
“The fact that you’re a girl isn’t the problem, it’s that you couldn’t hit a moving target with an arrow to save your life,” Eddie had teased, and Robin had elbowed him in the ribs, making Steve laugh.
Now that they’ve arrived, Steve has relaxed a bit. He used to feel out of place whenever he attended events that he wouldn’t have been caught dead at in high school. Corroded Coffin concerts, DnD campaigns, and that one time he drove Eddie and Robin to the nearest gay bar in Indiana. It had definitely been more awkward sober, and before he realized that he’s bisexual, and could have totally had more fun if he’d been aware of and okay with that information at the time.
He’s sort of glad he wasn’t, though, because kissing Eddie Munson during a childish game of truth or dare was a much funnier way to have your queer awakening, and dating Eddie Munson is way more fun than hooking up with random guys in a bar.
“They have really good beer here,” Eddie comments, to which Steve holds up his car keys and jingles them. No medieval mead is going to keep him from being the designated driver.
“I can drive us home,” Robin says, absolutely joking, but Steve still gives her a horrified look and makes a show of sliding his keys back into his pocket, patting the denim for safe keeping. She sticks her tongue out at him, and he flicks her cheek.
Eddie does end up getting some beer, and Steve allows himself a few sips. They’ll be here for at least a few hours, he’ll surely sober up by then. He also samples the gigantic turkey leg that Eddie gets, and Robin wrinkles her nose in disgust at the messy nature of the food.
As they walk around, Steve finds himself getting into the spirit more than he had expected. They eat, watch musical performances, and shop at the little stalls set up by various vendors. Eddie buys a few rings for himself, and buys a handmade mug for Uncle Wayne. Robin indulges in candles and soaps, and even dares to see a fortune teller.
“She said that I’ll meet my future husband soon,” she says, giggling. “Clearly she’s a fraud, or she’d know I’m not interested.”
When Robin runs off to find a bathroom, somehow, Eddie and Steve end up standing around a demonstration about medieval punishments and torture, which Steve expects to be gruesome, and quickly finds he would rather hear gritty, gorey details than stand her and watch this happen.
A pretty girl, probably around their age, is locked into a pair of wooden stocks, and—
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Steve mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers.
Eddie looks absolutely delighted as he leans in close. “What’s wrong, Stevie? The demonstration isn’t bothering you, is it?” he asks. His cheeks are flushed, too. A few months ago, Eddie would probably be the one stuttering and staring at the ground right now, but ever since he introduced this little world to Steve, he’s gained a confidence about it that only comes out when he gets to tease Steve into oblivion.
“Shut up.”
“You shut up, I’m trying to watch. Maybe I can get some pointers from these guys.”
‘These guys’ refers to the two men who have started tickling the girl’s trapped feet, and frantic giggles fill the air and make Steve’s stomach flip.
“Oh, she’s handling this better than you would,” Eddie continues to tease. “I’d already be called every insult under the sun if you couldn’t kick me instead.”
“I will kick you right now,” Steve threatens. It’s a complete lie. He’s frozen to the spot on the grass, torn between watching and focusing on the grass. Everyone else in the crowd is behaving like this is so normal, no big deal, just a silly show.
One of the men has moved behind the girl to tickle her ribs, her arms secured above her head. Steve crosses his arms over his chest, subconsciously protecting his own sensitive spots, like just watching her could tickle him, too.
“You love that spot,” Eddie coos. “You make the cutest sounds when I tickle you there.”
“I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you,” Steve grits out.
“Sure you will, sweetheart. Can it wait ‘til after I’ve made you cry real pretty for me?”
Just then, Robin appears at his side. “This looks like my worst nightmare,” she says. “I hope this girl is getting paid well.”
Steve makes a noise of agreement, but can’t bring himself to look over. Eddie Munson is going to be the fucking death of him. Thankfully, Robin is immediately bored of the display and drags them off to explore. Eddie subtly gives Steve’s side a quick pinch as he walks past him, and Steve suddenly can’t wait to go home.
“You are a fucking menace,” Steve accuses the moment they’ve made it through the door.
His parents aren’t home, Robin was dropped off back at her house, and now, Steve is alone with Eddie for the first time all day, and he refuses to voice how excited he is for whatever Eddie’s got planned.
But Eddie just grins, tugging off the more elaborate pieces of his costume, leaving himself in socks, boxers, and a white t-shirt. He makes his way to the kitchen, comes back with two cans of beer, sits on the couch like he isn’t ignoring the clear tension in the room.
Steve gapes at him for a minute before joining him on the couch, kicking off his boots and taking a beer as well. Maybe Eddie’s changed his mind…Maybe he just isn’t the mood, and Steve isn’t going to pressure him into anything.
But…Well, he has a sneaking suspicion that isn’t the case at all.
“If you’re waiting for me to ask, it’s not gonna happen,” he says.
“Ask for what?” Eddie tilts his head curiously, but there’s a glint in his eye that proves Steve’s theory.
“Nothing,” Steve replies, playing along. “All that talk back there just made me think you had a plan for when we got home. But if you’re not interested, that’s fine too.”
“Did you want me to have a plan?”
Steve huffs. “Maybe. But if you don’t, then let’s forget about it.”
“Oh, c’mon baby,” Eddie says, throwing an arm around Steve’s shoulders and pulling him close. “All you’ve gotta do is ask if you want it so bad.”
His cheeks burn. Stubborn as ever, he shakes his head.
Eddie sighs with exaggerated disappointment. “If you insist. I guess I’ll just keep my hands to myself tonight…”
“Good,” Steve says, and turns the television on.
It takes two beers and a stupid scene in a film to break him. It’s a quick, barely there tickle, but the character’s laugh makes Steve perk up like a dog hearing a doorbell ring.
“Fine,” he says.
“What’s fine?” Eddie asks.
“Just fucking tickle me, you dick.”
Eddie grins and wastes no time, lunging across the couch and pinning Steve to the cushions.
“I knew you’d crack eventually, sweetheart,” he teases. “Sorry we don’t have quite the same set up, but I’ll hold you down real nice, okay?”
Steve is already grinning. He can’t help it, he’s so lovestruck by his boyfriend and desperate to laugh his head off. And laugh he does when Eddie goes straight for his ribs, scratching at the dips between each little bone.
“There’s that pretty sound,” he says, pressing a kiss to Steve’s jaw that is both sweet and ticklish under the current circumstance.
The stupid shirt with the laces is pulled over his head and discarded on the floor, and Eddie pins Steve’s wrists and tells him to stay still before exploring each ticklish spot on his torso, making him shriek and cackle and snort like a fool.
He doesn’t stay still for very long, arms shooting down to his sides when Eddie attacks his belly with blunt fingernails, and Eddie scolds him but doesn’t stop.
As he squirms on the couch, giggling like mad, he wonders if they sell some of those bondage contraptions there. He thinks that they should go back to the Ren Faire sometime. 
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(gif by me)
Pairing : Ted Logan x reader
Summary : Just like every Monday, you study History with Bill and Ted. But during this lesson, Ted seems to be quite distracted, and you're not helping at all.
Warnings : none ! just a fluffy fic w/ Ted ! with some footsie under the table. Also tried to make it G/N reader ;)
A/N : I really like the idea of a reader who's a History nerd (kind of self indulgent there) and who helps them study so, yeah! that again for this fic<3
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Just like any other Monday afternoon, I was in the library studying with my two best friends, Bill and Ted. We always had trouble with school, not being very scholar people. But if there was one subject I'm good at, it's History ! I always found myself fascinated by it; mostly only watching period shows, movies, losing myself in period novels and loving to learn some random facts about History. Sadly, it wasn't the same for my two dear friends who were the complete opposite...No matter how hard they tried, they could not seem to learn a single fact correctly. I made it my personal mission to help them as best as I could, no matter how long it took. That's how "the excellent Monday studying day" came to exist !
As I was going through the history textbook with Bill, trying to choose a subject, I couldn't help but notice Ted staring at me.
"Need help ?" I asked, still looking at the pages. "Ted ?"
"Uh ?" He jumped slightly before rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh no no, still reading about that French girl !"
My brows furrowed slightly. "Which one ?" I looked up at him, right when he looked away.
"You know, the fighting one..."
"Joan of Arc ?" I asked, giggling slightly while Bill chose a page.
"Yup. That one." He let his hair fall in front of his face. "She's very..."
"Fighting dudes in skirts !" Bill exclaims, cutting Ted off. "They look so cool !"
"They're called Gladiator's." I laugh quietly, putting the textbook in front of both of us. "You want us to study ancient Rome today ?"
"Is that the one with the salad dressing dude, right ?" He ask, smiling at me proudly.
"Yup, that's the one." I smile back. "You ok with studying this Ted, or you'll do something else ?"
"Oh yeah no, salad dressing dude is fine !"
"Perfect then !" I clap my hands, straightening my back. "Let's get started then."
As the hour passed, Bill was as serious as ever, which really impressed me. I don't know what's so fascinating to him about gladiators but he seems to love it ! Ted was a whole other story; he was constantly making jokes and staring at me, always looking somewhere else whenever I looked back.
"Come on, Ted," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "We have to study, Mr. Ryan might give us a suprise history test this week."
Ted shrugged, smiling slightly.
"You've been awfully quiet during this hour..." I put my bag on my lap, opening it. "I hope it's because you were studying really, really hard."
I took out a stack of flashcards, one they both knew very well. Bill looked up at the sight of the bright pink flashcards, glancing at Ted with a smirk. "Good luck dude !"
Ted groaned, putting his face in his hands.
"Ok Ted; what was the name of Edward Teach's ship?"
"Who's that ?"
I sigh. "Blackbeard."
"Oh ! That dude !" He smiles proudly. "The Revenge ! Queen Revenge or something !"
I widen my eyes, smiling brightly. "Queen Anne's Revenge ! Wow Ted, good job !"
I continued quizzing him on various historical events, he was surprisingly knowledgeable, answering right at a lot more questions than I would have thought. But every time I caught him staring at me, he stumbled over his words, unable to respond even if he seemed to know the answer. And seeing how much of an effect I had on him by simply looking back was making me feel giddy...
"Um, can you repeat the question?" he asked, his cheeks turning pink. "I didn't, didn't really understood dude."
A smile start to appear on my face as I keep staring at him, letting myself hope. I quickly glance at Bill who's busy writing every information possible on the Roman Empire but, sometimes switched to important American wars. He's pretty concentrated... I looked back at Ted, an idea growing in my mind; how much of an effect do I have on him and his concentration? That's when this genius idea came to mind, why not play footsie with him under the table to try and distract him even more ? I always kind of knew that Ted had somewhat of a crush on me, he's not a very closed guy with his emotions, really bad poker face. And to be honest, I also have somewhat of a crush on him. We're best friends, always been, I don't know if it's a good idea to act on those feelings for now... But nothing say's we can't have some fun !
I try to contain my giggle as much as I can, lowering my head to try and hide it. Sadly, he sees my growing smile right away, probably because he can't stop staring at me every chance he gets. I let myself slide slightly on my chair to get closer to me while he frowns, titling his head a little on the right. He jumps the moment my foot touches his ankle, looking at me with wide eyes.
"What are you doing?" he whispered, his face turning a bright red.
"Just trying to help you relax," I lied with a smirk, feeling my heart beat faster. "You seemed tensed !"
Ted shook his head, clearly flustered. "You're making it harder for me to concentrate dude..."
I continue, letting my foot get higher and higher, feeling a thrill every time I see him blush and wiggle in his seat, going left and right, even up and down sometimes. Every Time I pull a new flashcard, he can't even form one word without stuttering, coughing and moving in his seat.
"Hey, guys, can we focus here?" Bill asked, tapping his pencil on the table. "Dude, stop moving so much ! I can't write if you keep moving the table !"
"Sorry !" I said, letting my foot go back on the floor, making Ted groan at the sudden lack of contact. "You want to try the flashcards, Bill ?"
Ted shot me a disappointed look, but I knew it was for the best. I helped Bill with some of the flashcards, trying to keep the conversation focused on history, but Ted couldn't help himself from trying to get my attention back.
"So, Y/N, have you heard the one about the Roman gladiator who walked into a bar?" Ted asked, stopping Bill from answering my question about the Roman Empire.
I glanc at Bill who's leaning in, clearly wanting to heard the end of the joke. I roll my eyes, unable to stop smiling at his playfulness. "No, I haven't. Tell me."
As Ted launched into his joke, I could see Bill glancing back and forth between us with a confused expression. I know I have to keep things light with him so he won't suspect anything, especially since Ted had no idea I reciprocated his crush.
"So, Bill, did you know that the Boston Tea Party wasn't actually a party?" I asked, trying to divert his attention back to studying while Ted sighed.
"Yeah, I think I learned that in third grade dude !" He chuckled. "Don't even think they had tea..."
I laughed too, glancing up at Ted only to notice him staring at me again but this time, with longing in his eyes. His cheek was in the palm of his hand, the light from outside making his brown eyes shine perfectly. I felt my cheeks burn while something tightened in my chest, making me look down. This time he kept looking at me while I looked away, how the tables have turned...
"Come on, Ted, focus !" I said, trying to bring his attention back to the History book by putting it in front of his face. "Learn this chapter."
"I'm trying, I'm trying," Ted said, putting the book down in front of him ."You're just too distracting..."
I sigh, turning my attention back to Bill next to me who seemed too focused on his textbook to notice what's happening. I continued quizzing Bill, on the Revolutionary War this time, during the rest of the hour. Then, out of nowhere, I felt Ted's foot brushing against mine under the table, as I try to hide the smile on my face. He's getting bolder and bolder.
"You're killing me, Ted," I said, trying to sound stern. "I'm trying to help Bill !"
"I can't help it dude !" he said, moving his feet higher. "I need help too !"
I blush and look away, trying to hide my smile behind the cards. I knew I had to focus on helping Bill with his History, but it's hard with Ted's footsie game distracting me. Payback I guess.
"Alright, Bill, let's see if you can remember when was the Battle of Bunker Hill over." I murmur, trying to ignore Ted's foot on my calf.
As Bill struggled to answer, holding his hair in his hands, Ted's foot moved higher up my leg, and I could feel myself getting more and more flustered.
"Uh, uh, uh," Bill stuttered, unable to come up with the answer. "It's, like, a date..."
I could see the frustration on Ted's face as I helped Bill with the answer, showing no sign of being flustered like he was, even if I feel warm inside. Hearing him puff, I look back at him once I finished with Bill only to look down at his foot who was just laying in my lap lazily.
"Your shoe is so dirty Ted !" I giggled, trying to push it away. "Get. it. ooooff !"
He puts his hands on his heart, pulling is other foot on my lap. "Calling me dirty, pushing me away, how cruel !"
Bill looked up, laughing at our banter. "Your shoes are dirty dude." He said, trying to help me push his feets off.
"Traitor !" Ted points at Bill, holding the table so we won't be able to get him off. "All of you, traitors dude's !"
"THE THREE OF YOU." We all jumped, even gasping a bit. "OUT."
After hurrying to take our textbooks and bags out while stuffing a laughter, we finally got out and burst out laughing, putting everything in our bags. I sling it on my back, looking down at my tights. "Ted !"
"What is it dudette ?"
"Look how dirty I am, thanks to you !"
Both of them looked at my thighs, laughing even harder seeing the dirt stains. "My bad dude !"
He rubs my thighs to get it off, not noticing my reddening face at this sudden contact. I feel the warmth of his fingers through the fabric, making the lower part of my stomach tingle. "It, It's ok don't worry ! It's ok !"
"Sorry 'bout that." He whispers, smiling up at me.
"Yeah no, don't worry !" I laugh nervously, rubbing my thighs just like he did without noticing.
"Thanks for helping me, Iléna," Bill said, smiling at me. "You're the most excellent babe to ever exist !"
"No problem, Bill. You're going to do great," I said, patting him on the back, blushing slightly at his compliment. "If Mr. Ryan ask's about gladiators I know you'll kill it !"
As we started walking to go back home, I felt Ted's hand brush against mine after he bumped my shoulder into his. I look up at him, and he give's me a shy smile, trying to hide behind strands of his hair.
"Hey, do you dudes want to grab a pizza or something?" Ted asked, trying to hide the eagerness in his voice.
"Sure," I said, trying to sound nonchalant. "That sounds like a good idea."
"I'm starving...." Bill sighed, putting his palm on his stomach. "Could we also get slushies ?"
"Oh yeah, slushies !" I said excited.
I glanced at Ted, noticing him staring at me again, his burning hand still brushing my cold one. Suddenly, Ted slips his hand into mine, and I feel my heart skip a beat at his sudden boldness.
"To the pizzeria we go !" He exclaimed, starting to run.
I yelped, catching Bill hand quickly before he dragged me too far away. We all ran togheter, laughing and smiling.
Maybe I'm not ready to confess to Ted how I feel but, at least, I know that no matter what, he will always bring me with him.
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skolworthy · 2 years
Time Knows No Bounds (A series)
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Hello, this is the first part of my brand new series Time Knows No Bounds. I am not entirely sure, how long this series may end up being, but I will say that I am bound and determined to be writing it for the long haul.
There are simply not enough Ragnar fanfics out there, and I know that I cannot be the only one that is completely enamored by him. I have never written for Ragnar Lothbrok, so I hope that I am able to portray him well enough for everyone's liking. So please, sit back, grab an ale (or whatever tickles your taste buds) and enjoy.
Warnings: None in this first segment
Info: When the font is like this, it means Ragnar is speaking in his native tongue. When he is speaking English it will just be italicized. The reader's text is just normal and anyone other than Ragnar or the reader will be in bold.
Spoilers: None, because this is completely my creation (apart from the character/legend of Ragnar Lothbrok and other historical names) it has nothing to really do with the tv series.
Plot: Ragnar, in this series, is unattached to anyone romantically. No Lagertha or Aslaug or any other baby momma's out there. No children. He has met and learned with Athelstan, because that contributes to his ability to speak with the reader. Other than that, he's just a simple gorgeous viking that lives on his farm in Kattegat, dreaming of adventure.
Summary: Of all of the places that you had expected to move to, Denmark was near the bottom of that list. Yet here you were, eight years later. It was your love of Norse history and mythology that brought you to the area in the first place, completing your education of those subjects in Copenhagen. You then took a full time job as assistant curator for one of the smaller and less well known museums just outside the capital. Many had asked why you simply did not take a job in the capital in one of their famous museums, but the fact that they seemed to be in it more for the profit than actual knowledge and history, deterred you. However, when the main museum contacted your boss about a potential gold mine of a dig sight, you jumped at the chance to aid in this archaeological adventure. Never in your wildest dreams, did you think that you would unearth something this spectacular.
At first glimpse, Hvide Klint offered little hope of bringing about the excavation discovery of a lifetime, but something told you that this was it. This place...there was something about it that spoke to you and sent chills running up and down your spine and goosebumps to rise upon your flesh. While all your team had managed to find on the first day was a few broken pieces of pottery and the random spear head, you knew that this was just the beginning. There was something greater out there and you were going to find it. Your coworkers had left for the day, they were done searching for what they deemed was not there, but you opted to stay behind and continue to look. There was a train station that was not too far from here that you could easily take back home, albeit there would be many stops along the way, but that didn’t matter. What mattered was that you had this place all to yourself, which is how you liked it. Being one with the site, finding things that others may have missed and just...enjoying the feeling that you were in a place of such historical importance. You watched as they left and then turned back around and began to walk down the shoreline, your boots sinking down into the wet sand a bit as you walked, until you finally came to an area that had seemed to almost call to you from the moment you arrived. There was a stone pillar that jutted out of the ground, obviously it had been placed there some time ago, it was worn from the weather and from the fjord. The others had shrugged it off as just an old mile marker, not wanting to stay in the cooler autumn weather a moment longer. Your eyes scanned over the ancient looking stone, taking in every crack and discoloration and then your eyes moved to the base where you noticed something sticking partially up out of the sand. Leaning down, your fingers brushed the sand away from it, revealing that it was a part of a blade, but from what, you were not sure yet. Gently you picked it up and then you gasped when the rest of it came up from under the sand, seeing that it had been the blade of an ax. Not just any ax either, but you could tell from the carvings along the handle and a bit on the blade, that it was a viking ax. Yet, it looked as if it had not aged a day? Clearly this must have been something someone had made recently, for there was no way that it would have been in this condition if it were an artifact from the viking era.
The sound of thunder brought your attention upward toward the sky, where once it had been a clear bright blue sky overhead, now there were dark clouds swirling above you. Literally, above you. It seemed as if those clouds were swirling around the pillar itself and for a moment you thought you could hear a faint voice speaking over the sudden wind that was also swirling around you. You stood up, still holding onto the ax in your hand and then you gasped when the wind suddenly propelled you forward some, causing you to stretch out your free hand and place it against the pillar in an effort to catch yourself. A moment later, a crack of lightning filled the air and you looked up in time to see it strike against the top of the pillar. You shrieked as suddenly you were knocked backward a few feet, losing your balance and falling upon your rear end as that bolt of lightning disappeared, along with the freak storm entirely. The sun was shining, the clouds were gone and there was nothing but the sound of calm waves lapping against the shore as you leaned up with your hands behind you, one of them still clutching the ax handle. What had just happened? You were about to stand up when you noticed something stir that was on the ground on the opposite side of the pillar from where you were, seeing after a moment of thought, that it was a man. He too was on his rump in the sand, looking at the pillar in bewilderment before he looked around the area and then his eyes finally landed upon you. Even from the distance between the two of you, you could tell that his eyes were the brightest shade of blue that you had ever seen, and as cliché as it sounded: it were almost as if they could look into your soul. He stared at you silently for a moment, before he pushed himself up to his knees and then finally to his feet, his eyes scanning the area curiously, though flicking back to you now and then as well.
You leaned up a bit as you watched him curiously, wondering where he had come from so quickly, and without you noticing him approaching. Had he seen the random storm brewing around, seen you standing there and he had hurried over to try and move you away? Why else would he be there, when he had not been there before? The man moved closer to the pillar, reaching out with his hand to touch it only to yank it back quickly, sucking in a breath between his teeth as if he had been burned. He stared at his hand and then at the pillar curiously and then his eyes slowly moved over to you where he then tilted his head a bit to the side. His gaze drank you in, moving from your feet all of the way up your body until his eyes met yours once again and you gave a slight shudder from the chills this had sent through you. When his eyes caught sight of the ax in your hand his eyebrows furrowed together and he took a step forward, pointing at you. “Where did you get that? That is mine.” he said as he took a few more steps forward, his eyes now moving to the ax in your hand. The language that he was speaking was something familiar to you, and yet you also could not place it. At first you could have sworn that it sounded like Old Norse, but it had been awhile since you studied that language. Suddenly he thrust his hand forward, his palm up as he gestured to the ax in your hand. “Give it to me.” You tossed the ax away from you gently, sending it to the sand next to his feet, your eyes on his without wavering as he then knelt down and picked it up, brushing the sand off and inspecting it before he placed it on his hip in a loop on his belt…wait...what was he wearing? Your eyes scanned over him slowly, taking in the boots and the leather pants, the simple belt that hung loose around his hips, along with another wider belt that was around his waist that had a weaved pattern around it and then the long dark brown tunic that fit him well. Your eyes then moved up to his beard, short, yet still unkempt and then the smooth skin of his scalp until it came to the top where long braids were pulled back and cascaded down behind his head, coming to a stop between his shoulder blades. When he turned his head, you noticed tattoos that ran behind his ear and down the back of his skull. If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought that this guy had walked out of a Viking Renaissance fair.
He must have noticed that you were looking at him so intently, for a slight smirk appeared on his lips as he watched you, and then, he unashamedly did the same to you. His eyes starting at your feet, though as they slowly took in your clothing, he gradually moved closer, his head tilting this way and that, his eyes narrowing and his eyebrows knitting together as he did. Instinctively you began to scoot back as you were seated upon the sand, each step he took, you would move back until suddenly he moved quickly and knelt down to where he was hovering over you slightly. You took in a sharp breath, your eyes widening at this sudden closeness as you watched his eyes roam over your body before they came to your face, moving from your chin to your lips, then the freckles that dotted your cheeks and finally to your eyes where he gazed at you intently, yet there was a curiousness in that gaze. The sound of an airplane caught his attention and his eyes glanced around, his head tilting to try and pinpoint which direction the noise was coming from and it wasn’t until he glanced upward for a moment that he paused and stared at the plane as it went by over your heads. He tilted his head back more, slowly bringing himself up to a standing position as he watched it, his face contorted in utter confusion. When the plane had disappeared from sight, the sound still present, he began to very slowly turn and look around the area, the curiosity falling from it and replacing with disbelief, maybe even fear? He stopped when he saw the building that was farther down the shore, then he noted the skyline of buildings past that along the treeline and finally he looked down at you. ”Where am I?” he said softly at first, but you were too preoccupied with trying to figure out what was happening to hear him. “Where am I?” he said a bit louder, taking a step toward you as you sat upon the ground looking up at him. That simple phrase you were able to decipher and you swallowed hard before opening your mouth, which you found had gone dry. “H-Hvide Klint. F-Frederiksværk.” you managed to stutter out.
He narrowed his eyes at you, tilting his head, clearly not understanding what you had just said. Then he put his hands on the top of his head and gripped his hair with his fingers and let out an aggravated grunt before he walked over to the pillar, going up to it and smacking it with his hand suddenly. “This is not Kattegat.” he said before smacking it again with his palm and then he circled it, looking the pillar up and down before he looked at you and pointed at the pillar. “How is this here, but my home is not?” You stared at him a moment and then you finally began to get up to your feet, brushing the sand from your palms as you watched him, your body poised to run should he come at you once again like he had before. “I’m sorry, I’m having a hard time understanding you.” The man looked at you, his eyes narrowing a bit before he lifted his chin a little, his eyes flicking up and down your body once again, which you couldn’t tell if it were in an insulting manner or if it were to take in your figure. “You are Saxon?” this time...he spoke in decent English. You stared at him silently for a moment before you brought your hands up and hugged them around your torso. He pointed at you. “English?” “In a sense.” was all that you were able to say. Being from the Midwest in America, honestly would probably go over this man’s head. Either he was deranged, or there was something else at work here. Something that was beginning to make your skin prickle with intrigue. “What is your name?” you said calmly and slowly, so that he may understand better. He stared at you silently before he took a few steps toward you, bringing himself to be within a few inches from you, which you noted now (considering earlier) that he had no regard for personal space. Either an intimidation tactic or just flat out cockiness. “Ragnar Lothbrok.” Upon hearing that name, you were hit with the knowledge you had gained over the years of living in Denmark, the legend of Ragnar Lothbrok being one of your favorite things to study and delve further into. You had spent quite a bit of time in school here, devoting your studies to that of the vikings, especially when it came to the tales of the Lothbrok clan.
Your eyes quickly scanned the surrounding area, almost half expecting a hidden camera crew to be hiding somewhere, having just helped some of your colleagues and friends pull quite the prank on you. There was no one around, not unless you counted the fishing boat that was off in the distance, though you doubted they would be getting very good camera shots from there if this was indeed a prank. Yet, if this was not some sort of ruse, then what was happening right now? This man had seemingly (to you anyway) appeared out of nowhere, the moment you had been knocked back by the force of that lightning hitting the pillar, when he had not been anywhere within sight, prior to that. Your feet moved you around him, bringing you to the pillar in question and you reached up, tentatively tracing your fingers over some runes that you had not noticed before. They were etched deep, but they were also worn from the weather and from what you could make of the symbols, it had something to do with ‘time’. Lost in time? Far through time? Ugh, it was too worn for you to tell at this moment. You quickly reached down into the pocket of your cardigan and pulled out your notebook, ripping a piece of paper from it and then brought out your pencil. Holding the paper against the pillar, you used the lead of the pencil to scratch against the underlying etching of the runes, bringing to light what you were unable to see. Staring down at the symbols you had managed to capture with the lead, you wracked your brain for what it might say when you jumped suddenly at the fact that this ‘Ragnar’ was beside you, and close, once again. He had come up somewhat behind you, his face leaning over your shoulder some to see what you were holding and his breath you could feel against your cheekbone slightly as he spoke. “Time knows no bounds.” he said softly. Clearly, he was able to read this. And you jumped for joy inwardly that you at least were correct in knowing it had said something about ‘time’. “My great grandfather carved this after losing his first wife, knowing that one day they would be reunited in Valhalla.” You lifted your gaze from the paper in your hand and looked at the worn carvings upon the pillar for a moment, before you turned your head to the side and your eyes widened, having forgotten how close he was standing. The smell of fresh pine and rich soil wafted up to your nose. “I never received your name.” He said in a soft tone, his eyes daring to move across your facial features, resting on your lips a moment before going back to your eyes. You took a step back quickly, trying to create some space between you and for the love...he moved with you as if anticipating you would do this, keeping that space to its same bare minimum. The cockiness and unashamed way that he kept looking at you, was enough to bring color to your cheeks as you looked at him. “Y/N.”
“Y/N...” he repeated your name and you would be lying to yourself if you said that it didn’t give you chills when hearing it fall from his lips. He studied your face once again and then he gave a small smirk, showing off his white teeth and then he took a step back from you, bringing his hands together in front of him where he clasped them together as he continued to look down at you. “I say again, y/n...where am I?” he said, that smirk upon his lips still. He gave a soft sigh as his eyes moved around the area again. “Or perhaps...I should say 'when'?” This brought your stomach to tighten a little. He was registering the fact that this might not be his home, and not just that, his time period. If this were the case...if he was really Ragnar Lothbrok, then something insane, mysterious and magical had brought him through time, to this moment and place. Your eyes moved to the paper in your hand once more. The words ‘time knows no bounds’ echoing around inside your head before lifting to look up at him. “Denmark. It is the year, 2022.” you said quietly, watching his reaction. Either he had a great poker face, or this did not surprise him as much as it should have, for he gave no indication of emotion as he looked at you once you had admitted the year. He looked down at his hands that were clasped and he gave a slight nod, before keeping his face turned downward, but lifting those blue eyes of his to meet yours again. “Then my home is long gone.” he said, giving a sigh through his nose. He then moved over to the pillar and placed his hand upon it, as if he were expecting it to transport him once again, home. Like the silly little optimistic girl you were, you had half wondered if it would work, but there he continued to stand for many a moment before he let his hand fall down to his side limply. You hesitated and then moved closer to the pillar, getting close to it with your face so that you could study it better, in case anything might have been missed. You then came around to the side that he had been close to when he ‘arrived’ and you noted there was more runes there only different from what had been on your side. “What does this say?” you asked, bringing your finger to point just under the first symbol. Ragnar took a step closer and squinted, lifting his hand up to run his fingers along the engraving, your body tingling when his fingers lightly brushed over yours a moment. “A year and a day shall send you back on your way.” he said as he removed his hand from the pillar and rested it upon the blade of the ax that was holstered at his hip.
“A year and a day?” you said, repeating it under your breath. “Oh fuck, does that mean whatever happened...wont happen again for another year and a day?” Ragnar’s eyebrows shot up into his forehead a bit when you cursed, but there was a glimmer in his eye and the corner of his mouth went up slightly as he looked at you. He then reached up and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand as he looked at the runes on the pillar. “My great grandfather enjoyed his riddles...and his rhymes. Yet, it was exactly a year and a day before he too, entered Valhalla." You jumped when suddenly your phone began to ring and you nearly dropped the paper in your hands as you fumbled in your other pocket to try and get to it. Ragnar was highly confused by the sudden sound, but he watched with interest when you pulled out your phone and then hit the answer button, bringing it up to your ear. It was one of your colleagues, Klaus. "Hey, just wanted to let you know that we made it back. You still at the site, or did you wise up to the fact there's nothing there and leave?" You cleared your throat as Ragnar came closer to you, his head tilted as he looked at the phone next to you head as you then began to talk into it. "Oh you know me, stubborn as a mule. So naturally, I am still looking around." "Oh for Christ's sake, y/n." You could hear him sigh and your eyes widened when Ragnar reached for your hand and brought the phone forward, pressing his ear against it curiously, his eyebrows shooting up when you heard Klaus's voice ask if you had found anything. You quickly took Ragnar's wrist and brought the phone back to your ear. "No, nothing. I'll be heading back soon."
You still had hold of his wrist as you continued to talk to Klaus, though when you suddenly felt his fingertip gently touch the side of your face, you raised an eyebrow at him. Ragnar just smirked as he watched you and did it again, which caused you to shrink back some, though trying to keep your ear against the phone that he was still holding onto. Clearly this man had no qualms when it came to making someone feel awkward, unless this was his way of flirting? Regardless, your face was flushing and you quickly pried the phone from his hand, using your free one to gently swat his fingers away as you took a step back, making him smirk more. Here he was, in a different time period and yet he was getting such enjoyment of making you feel uncomfortable. "Just be careful, there are weirdos out there." Klaus said, which made your gaze flick to Ragnar's. "You know I can handle myself pretty well." Ragnar's eyebrow raised. "I'll send you a text when I'm home." At that, he hung up and you lowered the phone and before you could slip it back into your pocket, Ragnar's hand caught your wrist and he gazed down at the device in your hand. "How does it talk? Magic?" You gave a snort and shook your head as he continued to look at the phone in your hand. Gently you pulled your arm back toward you and unlocked it, bringing about your home screen which showed a picture of you and your friends on your birthday, smiling and laughing. He looked at it intently, looking from your face in the picture, to your actual face in front of him. You could tell that he was highly confused. "It's called a 'phone'. You can use it to talk to people, keep in touch with loved ones that are far away. Among a lot of other things." You then switched on the camera and held it up, looking at him through the screen and put a smile on your face. "Say cheese." He stared at you. "Why?" "It means to smile." He hesitated and then gave that smirk of his and you snapped a picture, turning the phone around to face him after.
Ragnar stared at it, his eyebrows knitted together as he looked at the picture of himself, taking your wrist and bringing the phone closer to his face, his eyes looking at it curiously. You then turned to where your back was facing him and you held the phone up in front of you, flipping the camera around to where you could see both of you on the screen, taking a short video of you waving and him just standing there behind you, mesmerized. You took in a long breath and then turned to face him, pursing your lips in thought before your eyes then moved to the pillar that was behind him. "I need to do more research on this. You said your great grandfather placed this pillar here? What was his name?" He told you and you, to the best of your ability, jotted it down on the piece of paper you had used to copy the runes on. "Perhaps we can get you home faster than a year and a day, if we figure out more about this thing and what happened and why it happened." He looked at you as you stared at the pillar with curiosity and he gave a small smile. "It is the will of Odin that I am here." You gave a small chuckle. "Well gee thanks, Odin, now I have to figure out what to do with you." you said as you looked at him. To be honest, why should you even get involved in this? What if it were all some sort of joke? Though on the inside, you knew that it wasn't. This was something real, and it was something fascinating and you wanted desperately to get to the bottom of it. You lifted your phone up once again and sent for a taxi before looking back at Ragnar. "It will probably be best for you to come back home with me, until I can get more answers." He gave that damn smirk of his as he looked at you and then nodded his head. "Is it a far walk?" You grinned and nodded your head. "Yes, quite far. But we will not be walking." He followed after you as you walked back up the hill to where you and your coworkers had parked earlier and then kept going until you came upon the road. Your phone dinged and you saw a message from the nearest taxi driver, stating that they were driving down the road and wanted to know where to look for you. You messaged them back and within a few moments, a car came down the road toward you, pulling off onto the side of the road for you to get in. Ragnar backed up a bit, putting his hand upon the ax at his hip, eyeing the large black thing that had just stopped before you and you gave a smirk. "It's okay. This will be taking us to the train station." He just stared between you and the car and you held your hand out to him. "Do you trust me?"
Ragnar looked at you, his hand still on the ax and then noticed that there was a person inside the big black thing and his eyebrow raised a bit, before he looked back at you. "I do not trust easily." "Yeah, well...I can just leave you here then?" you said as you lowered your hand and opened the back door to the car and moved to slide in. "Wait." He said, taking a step forward. "At least explain what this is." he said, gesturing to the car with his free hand. "It's called a car. Think of it like a carriage or cart, but without the horses. It will take us where we need to go." He looked at it once again, his eye landing on the very confused and also irritated that this was taking so long, person inside. "Car." he said under his breath, before he gave a nod and then removed his hand from the ax and he moved to where you were, watching as you slid in and across the seat and then gestured to the seat beside you for him to take. He hesitated and then finally sat down, his eyes peering about the inside of the car before glancing at you. "Where to?" the driver said. "Train station, please." you said as you then leaned over to Ragnar and took the seat belt and wrapped it around him, having to move the ax to buckle it. He stared at you curiously and you gave a smile. "Keeps you safe." you said before giving the belt across his chest a pat and then you did the same for yourself, giggling when as the car then moved forward, Ragnar's hands moved to the seat beside his legs and gripped hard, his eyes widening. "Just wait until you are on the train. It goes even faster." you said, smiling at him when his eyebrows rose a bit as he looked at you. Once the car had been moving for some time, you saw that his body finally relaxed and you watched as he gazed out of the window as an entirely different world than the one he knew, passed by.
*Gif does not belong to me, credit goes to its lovely creator: vikings-ragnar
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iheartchv · 5 months
Only do this if it’s no trouble to you please!! :)
Can I get a romantic COD matchup?
So my description is:
I’m 5’8-5’9-ish, I’m pretty strong, but it doesn’t show, I’m normal weight (literally I’m in the middle of how much I’m supposed to weigh), I dye my hair a lot, but right now it’s a navy blue, almost black. Despite the fact that I dye my hair so much, because of the hair dye I use and my amazing genes, I have really thick hair and it’s soft. My hair is semi curly, I’m pale, I have blueish grey eyes, and I have scars on my hands from playing guitar.
I work at Hot Topic right now so I mostly wear band shirts and Hot Topic pants. My favorite bands are Korn, Slipknot, and System of a Down. I have ADHD and anxiety (mostly internal). I can stay alone for very long periods of time, but I like having a background sound. It can be very quiet in a room and I’ll think of some random meme or something funny and I’ll start laughing, or I’ll stare off into space and zone out and when someone asks what I’m thinking about my dumbass goes “no one plans murder out loud”… so in my free time I research historical murders and tragic history facts! I also have a deep love for horror movies and I have an Irish accent.
Anyway, hope this finds you well and you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. :)
🤔 hmm... I match you with...
Simon "Ghost" Riley
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I think Ghost would be the best match
You both are alike in some ways
But you two are actually opposites that compliment each other
From time to time you'd see Ghost walk by when you were working
It was hard to not remember him because... who else wore a skull balaclava out in public?
He became acquainted with you as he rescued you when you were picked to be a random hostage by someone working for a terrorist group
You knew who he was and was surprised that he was a member of the SAS
That was when you learned his name: Ghost
Thinks you have a great taste in music
He'd hear what would be playing loudly from your earphones
But at the same time would probably tell you to turn the volume down
"You're gonna burst your eardrums"
I think you two would have fun with the witty banter
Very much like with him and Soap
Except when you try to be flirty with him, and it's like he malfunctions
If he catches you zoning out, and notices something off about you, he will ask if you're alright
He will sit and watch a horror movie with you, just because you begged him
He likes holding you against him
Likes playing with your hair
It calms him
Actually, being around you brings a sense of peace to him
When you play your guitar he'll listen to you
He can tell when your passionate about it
He'd feel the music just sink into his soul, pull him into a world of serene bliss
He wants that, with you, even if its just for a moment
When he's sure about his feelings for you, he'll tell you that he really cares for you
And that he wants to protect you and keep you safe
...And wants you to be his
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If you'd like a love letter from Ghost, check out my Valentine event💗
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mr-president · 1 year
what is fear and hunger it looks cool
CW: gore, blood, and body horror; some spoilers for F&H 1 and Termina
It is very cool!!! Fear & Hunger is basically an indie rpg that reimagines historical “turning points” in a lovecraftian horror aesthetic. Counter to other indie rpgs (like undertale or omori), F&H revels in its ethereal, gorey beauty:
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The gameplay further sells the “horror” aspect of the game by being extremely punishing—one missed line of battle text or failed coin flip, and you could be sent right back to the beginning of the game with nothing left. Not to mention, items in the game are few and far between, randomized to add that extra level of difficulty. The enemies are challenging as they are terrifying in design—everything about this game screams “horror.” If you want to learn more abt F&H’s incredible game mechanics, SuperEyepatchWolf already did a video that goes in depth abt it:
For me, other than its mechanics, what makes F&H so good are its characters, particularly in F&H: Termina. There are 14 main characters and 8 playable characters, but each are distinct from one another and even if you don’t play as all of them, all 14 are bound to make an impact in your run.
For example, one of the biggest shocks in the game is when Tanaka, the salaryman, inevitably dies in your first run. He’s not a bad dude, in fact, he’s probably one of the kindest characters in the game. He’ll put himself in danger to give Olivia, the botanist who cannot walk), a wheelchair, and he’ll help you out if you’re an idiot and get stuck in a well.
But his sudden death (be it beheaded by bonesaw, being shot by German revolver ocelot, or transforming into a lovecraftian monster after being driven to insanity) shows how the world of F&H is indifferent or even hostile to average people. Tanaka’s death is often the first wake-up call to the legitimate cruelty of F&H; very easily his fate could be yours or another character’s.
Which makes it all the more remarkable when you somehow do keep Tanaka alive and he forms a friendship with Marcoh, the boxer, and Marcoh teaches Tanaka how to fight! And if you fight Tanaka after this, he’s legitimately stronger.
If Marcoh mutates into the Monster, Tanaka will be nearby, but rather than being kind of a pathetic little bitch, his resolve is steel and he wants to avenge Marcoh for the gods’ injustice against him.
And this all happens OFF SCREEN. Without much player input (aside from keeping Marcoh and Tanaka alive).
And there are many of these interactions (Marcoh and Olivia, Marina and Levi, etc) where the player is rewarded for keeping characters alive via unique interactions keying into their personalities/philosophies. I haven’t even discovered them all, but each party talk and playthrough reveals more and more abt these characters. And in a game where knowledge is so essential, that’s beautiful.
F&H 1 doesn’t have explicit character interactions, but what is there is fucking hilarious. Cahara the Mercenary, will ask Ragnvaldr the Outlander not to “destroy my anus with those big muscles of yours” when they fuck on a ritual circle. When you get thrown into the primordial green soup, you find Enki the Dark Priest in a random hole in the ground, and instead of acknowledging that, he just spits lore at you before rejoining your party.
Moonless, a dog that looks like this
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protects the little Girl in this hellscape. This game is just as committed to its gameplay as it is the characters living through this hellscape, and that’s why I love this fucking game.
You have to be a masochist to play it, but god dammit is it worth it to see these silly little characters have their silly little interactions, being human in the face of absolute terror and starvation.
This answer is probably completely deranged and nonsensical, but hope it helps? :3
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the-second-sage · 9 months
SUMMARY ↪ I PROMISE THIS IS ONE OF THE LAST HC POSTS B4 I POST AN ACTUAL LIKE ONESHOT; price with reader who randomly drops history facts
WARNINGS ↪ none?
EXTRA ↪ no use of y/n (price is so pookie)
INSPO ↪ none
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↪ hcs
» finds it interesting what the next thing your gonna tell him his
» he looks forward to it everyday
» imo, he looks like the type of guy that just studies and learns about random historical events while listening to music
» eventually picked up on replying to your facts with another fact
"Did you know that Portugal was a pioneer for travel to Asia over water because of Vasco De Gama and his trip to Asia; he went South around Africa and the Cape of Good Hope before making it there?"
"Since we're on the topic, d'you know that Christopher Columbus actually made four trips from Spain to the Americas?"
"I mean- since we're talking about him, did you know that he wasn't actually Spanish? He was just hired by Spain because he convinced the king and queen that a fast trip to Asia would be by going West"
» learns something new every time
» strives to be able to tell you something that you somehow don't know
» loves to ask you questions about your extensive knowledge of history
» enjoys any little rants you go on
» gaz and soap once caught the two of you having some discussion about the oldest city in the world
"Captain? You should know what the oldest city in the world is, you lived there once"
» they ran out before price could comment on it
» loves it when you recommend him your sources, like if its a book, a textbook, and yt channel
» sometimes he'll just sit with you while you're reading something
» the silence is never really awkward, just very soothing
» one day you weren't on base to give him his daily history fact (he was kinda upset- he'd never admit it tho)
» so when he walked into his office to see a note with a fact on it- he was happy
'in the battle of pelusium, the persians knew the the egyptians worshipped cats and were forbidden to kill them, so they used them as shields'
yeah this is kinda self indulgent, im a MASSIVE history geek
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lazyflan · 2 years
Hi! If that's okay could i request Leona, Silver and Malleus with a chatty s/o? Like they always have something to talk about bc of their adhd and jump from topic to topic?
Like one minute they're talking about the weather, then killer whales and next thing they know they talking about Dante's Inferno (or any piece of literature really LMAO).
And they love to info dump them weird/criptic history facts randomly, they could be cuddling and they go "Hey, did you know that in my world in the 19th century people ate mummies because they thought they had healing properties and this is why we have so few of them now?" (Real thing btw, look it up).
Hi Dear! Of course I can write this! I also have an adhd brain that infodumps wayyy to many historic facts, tbh the eating mummies thing caused a whole debate on the morality of eating mummies in my friend group lol.
I wrote this in class with half a brain on it, so it may feel short and kind of ooc, sorry about that lol
Feel free to drop more request in the future tho, I swear sometimes I have a whole brain while writing!
Anyways, hope you enjoy!:
-This man has no patience and enjoys his sleep, but for you? He would listen to you as most as he can, even if it means losing a couple of minutes of his nap.
-Though he may act like he isn’t listening or acts like he sleeps through your talking, he’ll ask questions on the matter every once in a while.
-For the most time he is able to keep up with every topic change, but he is not ashamed of asking about what you are talking at the moment if he ever gets lost.
-Very amused when you two somehow find yourselves talking about ancient civilizations in depth during lunch hours, he insist to you that you should skip the next class so you can finish the discussion.
-He may be a prince, but you have managed to surprise him with information of his own country’s history he didn´t know about.
-Give him creepy/weird facts for him to scare people off.
-Tries so hard to not to fall asleep when you are going off.
-It has a 90% success rate, but if he is very tired due to his duties, he will let you know and promptly fall asleep.
-Apologizes a lot if he does fall asleep, he will bring you flowers as apology.
-Hangs on every word you say, it doesn’t matter the topic, or the fact that you jump between topics.
-He doesn’t know how he keeps up with the topics, but every once in a while, he will find himself talking with you about frogs at midnight, after starting to talk about the plans of the next day.
-He appreciates the small history facts, will keep them on mind for future talks, he may run them through Lillia for him to put his own input so he can add to the conversation.
-Finds your chatter endearing
-Can never get tired of hearing you talk.
-Enjoys when you go off on random topics during your night walks.
-He’ll take the opportunity to talk about gargoyles and other topics with you.
-One time you dropped a random gargoyles fact he didn’t knew about, and he was ready to ask you to marry him on the spot.
-He loves the range of topics you can talk about with him, makes him feel like he has your trust and loves it.
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footprintsinthesxnd · 4 months
Misc Tag Game
thank you for the tag @ronald-speirs , @yeahcurrahhe-e @grumpy-liebgott @blueberry-ovaries @hesbuckcompton-baby @1waveshortofashipwreck @l13bg0tt @executethyself35 and @theflyingfin
Favorite place in the world you've visited?
I loved visiting Belgium with my dad last October. It was a really special trip we shared together seeing where Easy Company were during the Battle of the Bulge and we shared some really special memories together.
Something you're proud of yourself for?
Getting through everyday. Since Christmas it’s been pretty tough between work and final exams and it’s been super stressful. Luckily I have some really supportive friends. Honestly I’m just glad I got through the last month and that I’m getting through February.
Favourite books?
- Parachute Infantry- David Webster
- The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
- The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald
Something that makes your heart happy when you think about it?
My dog Finan. He’s the light of my life, no matter how bad something is he’s always there and he’s always such a happy little boy.
Favourite thing about your culture?
This was a tough one but I do love how much history Britain has. There are so many historical places from all different time periods and there are also lots of events held to celebrate/commemorate historical events.
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
So I first watched Band of Brothers in about 2014/2015 roughly. I then watched the Pacific about two years after that. Then Gen Kill last year. I didn’t join the hbowar fandom on tumblr until last year though.
Have you read any of Easy Company's books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
I’ve read so many of them 😂 my favourite is David Websters Parachute Infantry. I know I’ve spoken about it before but he has such a way with words and describing the scenes, as well as his fellow paratroopers.
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
It’s gotta be my baby boy Gene Roe. I love him so much. One of my favourite scenes with him is in Bastogne when he talks to Renée outside the aid station.
My other favourite scene is when he does the whole ‘you’re officers, you’re grownups, you outta know’. That’s probably one of my favourite scenes.
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
I write fics and I make moodboards/ edits.
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
I don’t really have one specific favourite actor or actress to be honest, there are lots I like and lots of movie I like.
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
It’s not really a quote but it’s a saying my dad and I say to each other when things get tough
‘It could be worse, you could be in Bastogne’
Random fact your mutuals/followers don't know about you?
If you're a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader)?
I do not have a beta reader. I sometimes ask friends to read my work but if anyone wants the job it’s open.
Three things that make you smile?
1) my dog Finan
2) long summer days
3) my besties @malarkgirlypop @georgieluz and @mads-weasley
Any nicknames you like?
I don’t really have many nicknames but @georgieluz calls me Jessie which I love.
List some people you love to see around on tumblr:
@georgieluz @malarkgirlypop @mads-weasley @ronsparky @samwinchesterslostshoe @liptonsbabe @liptonwashere @supervalcsi @iceman-kazansky @next-autopsy @holdingforgeneralhugs @softguarnere @grumpy-liebgott @hesbuckcompton-baby @heystovepipeboys @blurredcolour @blueberry-ovaries and there are so many others
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
I’d like to think I wouldn’t die instantly. I feel that I have pretty decent survival skills and medical skills so I’d last a while I hope 😂
Favourite Movie?
I don’t have one favourite movie really, there are a lot of films that I enjoy. I like war films, historical films, romcoms, comedies etc so I can’t pick just one 😂
Do you like horror movies?
I’m not a fan to be honest. The only scary film I’ve seen and liked is ‘Woman in Black’ and still I spent a lot of time hiding behind a pillow the first time I watched it.
Tags: if feel like most people have already done this so I’m tagging anyone else who wants to participate
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queerprayers · 2 years
your faith is barbaric and homicidal no matter how many layers of fake progressivism and fancy labels you try to mask it with.
Ok, this is a super interesting ask, beloved—I made a deal with myself that I would only put energy into negative messages if I thought they or I had something worthwhile to say, so… congratulations on having the creativity to not be immediately deleted! It's so refreshing to read hatemail that's not just telling me to die. :)
First of all, I think I get what you're saying. I think there's something worthwhile here. Let's see if I can tackle it in a way that does your opinion justice. Apologies if I misunderstand/misrepresent you at any point, or my assumptions miss the mark—you've only given me a sentence to work with, in my defense.
I'm intrigued by the word "barbaric." Merriam-Webster tells me this can mean a few things: One, you could be calling me alien or from another, inferior culture, especially a primitive/less sophisticated one. Two, I could be "marked by a lack of restraint" or "bizarre." Or three, I could be committing "barbarous crimes," that are "mercilessly harsh or cruel." I have some time on my hands (even if there might be better uses for it), so let's go!
I don't love the implications of calling anyone's culture primitive/inferior, and historically this has not been a good sign, to put it lightly. Since I'm a white USAmerican, I'm not too worried (do I have enough of a culture to insult?), but there are millions of Christians from many different cultures whom it would be racist to imply this about. While I support criticisms of religion, one has to be cautious, partially because of the fact that religion is cultural and ethnic as well as a personal worldview.
I love this definition, mostly because they quoted Whitman's "barbaric yawp" line in the dictionary example, and like any good Dead Poets Society fan, this brings me much joy. I don't have an issue with having a lack of restraint or with being bizarre. Cheers.
This is the one that I think is most relevant and realistic. There are mercilessly harsh and cruel Christians, there always have been. I'm not gonna do the whole "not all Christians!" thing (even though I definitely could), but I will say that I do not blame you for this opinion, and I do not begrudge anyone anger toward Christianity's crimes. You are justified in your wariness of Christian institutions, and in your disgust of evil. While I hope you remember that there are countless kinds of Christians with varying opinions and actions, and I don't approve of going up to random Christians on the Internet or in real life to accuse them in such a way, I'm not going to argue with you over this point. I mourn every day what Christians have done and are doing, the same way I mourn the crimes of my white colonizer ancestors and my current white peers. Their actions are not my fault, but they are my responsibility. Part of the reason this blog exists is because I saw how much harm I had suffered at the hands of the church, and I wanted to share that experience—and eventually I devoted myself to giving support to others with similar experiences. The obvious question from many is… why not just leave? Why look at something that has hurt you and try to bring love to it? And my answer may not be something you relate to, but it's this: I have hope. I believe good can come from building communities based on love and shared trust in the universe. There is so much culture and art and love that comes from Christianity that I think is worth saving. You don't have to agree, but there it is. As much as I joke about not having a culture, I do, and it's been passed through the centuries into my hands by good and evil people alike. And like a lot of culture, it's hurt me and nurtured me, and I belong to it. I could leave, and create a life for myself outside of it, as many have done. But I firmly believe I am better off creating a life inside my culture, cultivating what I love and putting to rest what hurts. I encourage you to think about what you come from and the parts of your past you cherish—I have no idea who you are, but I'm willing to bet the cultures that you call home have done harm as well as good—and maybe you hate it all and have left it, which I respect, but maybe, just maybe, you're trying to live a good life without cutting off everything that came before. You're not better than me for coming from a different culture, or having a different worldview, and you're not better than me for not believing that there's still good in things. We find our own meaning, and create our own lives, and I'd rather make the world better with you than without you. I hope you won't give up on creating community with people who differ from you.
Alright, if you mean "homicidal" in that Christians have a religion around death, you'd be kinda right. We call a day "good" that remembers a guy's death every year, and we call countless people's deaths "holy." This is uncomfortable to many people with different worldviews. I will acknowledge this and laugh about it. Personally, though, I'm glad I was brought up with this view of death. An honest one, an accepting one. Death is as much a reality as life, and honoring those who have died, and living knowing we will die, are good and holy things. If you mean "homicidal" as in, Christianity has killed countless people, you'd be right there, too. Already did my spiel about our crimes. I won't pretend innocence at the accusation of homicide. But the faith I practice, the ones the Christians I know practice, does not seek the death of anyone.
"Fake progressivism" is a fun one—"progressivism" being "a way of thinking that holds that it is possible through political action for human societies to improve over time." I'm not really sure how to fake a belief? Like, I do believe that? (I would add more nuance to the statement, but it does have value to me.) I guess you're just gonna have to trust me on this one. As a white person privileged in many ways, and as someone really just beginning a lifelong journey of political belief and action, I will not claim perfection or complete knowledge, but then I suppose no one can. I've never lied about my beliefs here, and while my actions don't always completely line up with my values (like everyone's), I try my hardest each day to live them out. I am an imperfect progressive, one that values tradition even as I seek to replace much of it, one who still has a lot of learning to do, and one that really needs to stop ghosting their local DSA out of anxiety! But I'm not faking any of it.
Not sure what labels I apply to myself/my faith that are "fancy?" "Christian," "leftist," and "queer" are purposely broad labels, with huge amounts of diversity of thought/experience within them—I elaborate on my experiences/beliefs within these labels all the time on here! I call myself a Lutheran, and have a little background/disclaimer in my pinned post about that, because I do have a complicated relationship with it, but I'm not masking anything. I'm a lesbian, is that fancy? I've actually considered myself a pretty open book in this regard, so let me know how I can make things more clear!
Alright, hopefully I've addressed your grievances. I won't say I'll pray for you, because you would never believe I wasn't being passive aggressive, and anyway I doubt you want me to. I'll send love your way, though, and I do hope I'm the only random blogger you accuse of barbarous homicide.
<3 Johanna
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monstersinthecosmos · 7 months
For the ask thingy...(sorry, my emoji died and i never made any attempt to revive.)
What is a fic of yours you feel people didn't "get?"
What is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
(writing asks!)
sdgkjlsga is it obnoxious that since I've answered these I will pick 2 random other questions that no one asked yet???? 😂
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
So oddly enough, VC fics are really breezy for me and come to me easily, I think? But the three I can think of that I worked like SUPER FUCKING HARD ON were The Lotus Eater, So Falls the World, and Gallows Bird. Each of these took me MONTHS to write and like, I'm kind of an insecure writer so I tend to crash in the middle of fics and think I'm fucking it up beyond repair and think my writing sucks blah blah. So these fics that take longer to write make that phase even harder because like, something that takes someone a half hour to read was probably a part that I stared at every night for weeks and agonized over every detail and when you stay with one scene for that long you start convincing yourself that it's extremely boring.
So I'm not sure if "no one would ever know" because I hope that like, you can tell I work hard and think deeply about my fics LOL, but I struggle a lot in the middle and I really get upset with myself about like, understanding all the meta and understanding the character motivations and I always convince myself that I read canon wrong and that I'm being a fool and that everyone is going to know I'm illiterate LOL.
Since it's the most recent and fresh in my memory, I'll say in Gallows Bird I was really struggling a lot with characterizing Armand and I was convinced that he was out of character and I was like really agonizing over how much to say about him and I still don't know if it makes sense but I did my best. 😂
🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
Everything :D
I always worry that my fics are boring or that I'm saying something that's very obvious, like when I ask myself "why don't people talk about xyz more" I ultimately decide that it's because everyone knew it and it was so obvious that no one felt the need to talk about it and I'm just a weak reader with stupid ideas. :) I ALSO ALWAYS WORRY ABOUT MY HISTORICAL RESEARCH and I know for a fact there are things in my fics that no one would ever notice (like the time I looked up the set list for Depeche Mode for the specific night of the concert I mentioned to make sure I name dropped the correct songs and also that I looked up the local beer for that area at that time period) but like I'm so paranoid I'll miss something or get something wrong and everyone will laugh at me and I'll be banished from fandom 😂
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Hello! You have been ✨chosen✨ by ✨boredom✨ to name 5 fun/cool/interesting facts about your DR(s), then copy and paste this into 10 of your shifter mutuals’ askboxes. Have fun!
I love to see this ask ‘cause I got it on my main and didn’t know how to post it here 🩷
stating ahead that this will be long and probably hella embarrassing so buckle up 🫡
1. stranger things | this one is so random, but i scripted that there is a book series called ‘the originals’ which is about Mikaelson family from the series here. there multiple books, the first one going over their human lives and transition, then the rest is each from one of the sibling’s pov, going from the oldest to youngest. it follows their lives trough the centuries and ends by Bekah’s pov in late 1910’s. and as this one introduces Freya, there is additional one called ‘Long Lost Sister’ about her life-
it’s so dumb but jesus christ i’d kill for this kind of series so i’m making it real at least in some reality 💀
2. mcu dr | as i’m a basic bitch and Tony’s child, i’m basically a nepo baby and sort of IT girl 🤭 people be going crazy over the most random things i do & i have ton of followers on insta because i’m attention whore
3. fame dr | this is planned for future ‘cause i want easier start but i’ll have an HBO series which i’m writing, producing & starring in. me and sebastian <3 are the main couple and will probably sweep all the awards available
4. mcu dr | this one is even stupider than the rest istg but i’m being honest here <3 Elon Musk has a beef with me. now hear me out- he was in IM2 movie and so in my mcu dr he’s very much ‘Tony wannabe’ and later on tries to claim he’ll be the next Iornman or some shit, to which I’m coming to scene like “bitch you wish 💀” so eventually he’s just beefing over a title that’s already claimed with a girl in her early twenties
I hate the guy with burning passion here so I’m making him look like a clown there 🤭
5. the originals dr | oh boy- so i basically scripted that back in the day me & Kol ran away from Nik, under the threat of a dagger and became pirates (iykyk-). at that time i got a girlfriend who spend a ton of time with us (eventually we ended up in coffin again so idk where she ended up). then moving fast forward we’re in 21st century and historians found enough evidence to make me sort of historical sapphic icon and I’ll know that because Josh tells me-
lmao bye- hope you enjoyed cs now i kinda feel embarrassed 💀
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evilwickedme · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you for tagging me <3
How many works do you have on ao3?
69 lmaooo
what’s your total ao3 word count?
407,178 which is. A lot
What fandoms do you write for?
My current main fandoms are DC comics and marvel comics, but I've also been writing a lil btvs. Historically I've written a fuckton of Harry Potter, The Witcher (TV), a decent amount of leverage and daredevil (TV), the raven cycle, all for the game, and a few other fics in some random fandoms
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
before we get married, I need to get permission from batman; hang on til the chaos is through; in which an entire university becomes far too involved in Pankratz and Vengerberg's love life; This is all just HR paperwork waiting to happen; and The Sound Of My Own Voice (Asking You To Stay)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to every single comment, with exactly one exception, that absolutely haunts me. The person just kept replying to me no matter what I said and I couldn't make them stop
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending
Mornings, for sure. One of my first ever spideypool fics back from 2016. Peter dies at the end. know we're not together (but I won't forget you) is a close second though
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh I don't know, I have a lot of happy endings but they usually follow a fuckton of angst. Maybe in which the daily planet staff are 100% convinced that the kent-lanes are fucking superman, but I wouldn't call that a traditional ending
Do you get hate on fics?
Nah, although I've had some unnecessarily harsh public bookmarks
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh yeah. My first ever smut sucked but then I wrote so much in 2021 for the witcher that I actually got pretty good at it, or at least as mlm sex. I have some body dysmorphia issues around vaginas and I never feel like I write that well. Anyway I tend to go for excessively sweet or incredibly kinky and borderline unhealthy fics
Do you write crossovers?
Only the buffy/jason fic, unless you count daredevil tv and marvel comics or itsv and marvel comics to be crossovers
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not as far as I know
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!! It's incomplete unlike the original fic but someone translated most of I'm a mess (but I'm the mess that you wanted) into Russian. This wasn't the question but @flowerparrish also podficced the first chapter of my jaybuffy fic!!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes but I removed it from my page following an extremely brutal and somewhat traumatizing fight with some of the people I was cowriting it with
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Mmmm I don't know, that's a good question. For a long time I would've answered jily. Spideypool is probably the main contender now, although spuffy could give it a run for its money - despite the fact that I've only written one fic for them (and implied them in my jaybuffy fic), I've adored them since I was 13, which is. Over 12 years ago fuck
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Mmm I'm always hoping I'll finish my wips, but the ones I doubt the most are my yennskier fic (no progress in over a year), my literati fic (although I did make some progress about a month ago), and I don't plan on going back to my drarry Hogwarts professor au for obvious reasons
Edit: OH ALSO the Witcher s2 outsider pov is never ever getting finished I'm sorry I know I promised it to a lot of people in the comments but it's not gonna happen
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and characterizations imo
What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions my fucking God I struggle so much with them
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm fluent in Hebrew and my first ever fic was in Hebrew, so if that came up I'd feel pretty comfortable with it. Anything else I'd have to approach someone who spoke the language, and I'd rather just write it in English and say it was in the other languages
First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter and again, it was in Hebrew. I recently described what it was about to a group of friends who called it, and I quote, "adorable". I was ten or eleven at the time and I do not plan on reposting it.
Favorite fic you’ve written?
That's a toughie. I think probably I'm a mess (but I'm the mess that you wanted), but Under the Pink Hood, Of Three Times Lily Evans Changed Her Mind About James Potter, and know we're not together (but I won't forget you) are all honorable mentions
I'm not a tagger - I usually don't even participate in these kinds of posts - but I guess @not-the-blue @supergirlboy @penny-anna and any other mutual or even follower are invited to participate if you wanna
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