#I just sit here while she's happily talking away about something she's told me 50 times
paladincecil · 7 months
Did a nice thing for my mum and bought her a decent-ish second hand phone for mothers day cuz she's been complaining about her phone not working
She took this as meaning "tell son about a whole bunch of traumatic crap"
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trueshellz · 4 years
Seeing your abusive ex: Bokuto Scenario
Based on something that happened to me today and ended with me having to call my auntie to calm me down while I cried hysterically in my car. This is based in my own symptoms but is not an extensive or absolute list. This cute boi is my comfort character from Haikyuu. If anyone ever needs to talk about stuff like this, I will happily listen. You are loved. You are amazing!
Warning: possible abuse triggers, some angst, anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD type symptoms, harassment, past abuse hinted.
You were sure the car behind you was one you had seen before, as it popped up four times on your walk home you started feeling anxious. The first time has been when you left work, it was parked across the road with lights turned off as you left the building. The second and third time were when you went and left the supermarket to get dinner ingredients that you had forgotten yesterday. This time however, you were sure it was following you as you walked home. And if you were right it belonged to your abusive ex-boyfriend, one that you hadn’t seen in over two years since you threw him out after you gathered the strength to do so.
You knew not to walk too fast or too slow, you were holding a deodorant can in your pocket and had your safety alarm in your other hand with your keys. Your main issue was getting home safe. If you went home, he would follow you and know where you live. If you went to a friend’s house, she could be in danger and you didn’t want anyone to experience what you had. At the same time, it was getting a little dark and being out after sunset was just as bad. You could feel the memories of the abuse flash through your mind like a film reel, the familiar feeling of terror as you re-lived what happened. Your breath was catching in your throat as you walked, not from exertion but from sheer panic. You tried the breathing techniques your therapist had given you, tried thinking about you lovely boyfriend and the happy memories you had made together, but nothing stopped the darkness clouding your brain.
On impulse, you dialled Koutaro’s number, knowing he was at practice there was a small chance he would pick up and if he didn’t, your best friend was next. Glancing behind you again, you stayed on busy main roads as you walked, willed and prayed to God that he picked up his phone. Weaving through people hoping that he would lose sight of you and give up, at least long enough for you to get home safely.
“Hey gorgeous, I was just going to message you. I-“
“Kou... Kou... I...l...”
Your voice broke off in sobs as you spoke, the world around you seeming too small and the noises too loud as you walked. You had a small idea where you were, relying on muscle memory walking around the city but right now, all you cared about was the car that kept coming in and out your vision.
“Baby, whats’s wrong? Where are you?”
Bokuto could hear your voice catch as you spoke, the sound hitting him right in the chest and making his heart hurt, he hated being on the other side of the city as he practiced for his upcoming match. It wasn’t often that he heard you like this, the nightmares had decreased and apart from the one time you opened up about a past relationship, you had never been this fearful.
“Baby, listen. It’s me, its Kou. Focus on my voice ok? Forget everything else. I love you. Tell me where you are.”
“I don’t know, Kou.” A pause as he heard you take a deep breath. “I’m scared.”
“I know, baby. Tell me what you see ok? You know this city way better than I do. Remember when I got lost on the way to your house? How late was I to our first date? I’m so lucky you agreed to a second one. You know this city like the back of your hand.”
You focused on the sound of his voice, the usual soothing melody as he spoke to you. The same voice that lulled you to sleep when you had a bad dream and screamed with happiness when you played games together. The one that groaned in your ear when he was too tired to moved or whispered how good it felt being inside you. Your bubbly, cute baby owl boyfriend. Remembering the instance he spoke about, he had gotten so lost that he was an hour late for your first date. You, thinking you had been stood up, had changed out your outfit and into a onesie. By the time he arrived, he had sweat through his shirt and looked like he’d walked about 50 miles. Being hesitant about the second date, he showed up with flowers an hour early and patiently waited outside while you got ready. His logic being the he could make the time up... somehow.
Telling him what you could see and reading out the name of the roads, you could hear his team in the background. Hinata being over-excited as usual, you could imagine him jumping up and down annoying everyone while Kageyama beat him up. While the other members were mumbling other background, Atsumu’s distinct accent was clear compared to everyone else. They were always so lively when you visited, jumping to talk to you or show you new moves, always thankful for the food and snacks you bought. Even if it made your boyfriend super jealous.
“Well done, baby. You’re doing so well. I’m so proud of you. Listen, you’re near Akaashi’s house ok? Remember him? He’s a year younger than me? We played in high school together. You met at our school reunion a while back. He’s a comic designer now.”
Casting your mind back, you nodded to yourself when you remembered the calm guy with dark hair that your boyfriend got along with so well despite being complete opposing personalities. The number of times you had heard ‘Akaashi’ shouted at various points, you had taken to copying Bokuto that night, much to Akaashi’s chagrin and your boyfriend’s delight.
“He’s expecting you ok? He’s a good friend of mine baby, I trust him with my life. He’ll keep you safe until I get there.”
Giving you his address, you started walking towards his apartment, it was near a main road and looking around you couldn’t see the vehicle anywhere. The panic from earlier still humming through your veins as you walked towards your destination.
“Kou, but-“
“Baby, don’t start saying anything. I know you’re thinking that you’re disrupting practice or ruining my game. That it’s a headache coming all the way over there when you haven’t even told me what’s wrong.”
His tone was calm and collected, but his words rang straight through your brain triggering your panic even further and the tears that had dried now coming back full force.
“Kou. I’m sorry.”
“Woah, hey. Don’t ever apologise. Ok? I never wanna hear you apologise for stuff like this. I’m leaving now. Go to Akaashi’s house and I’ll be there in as soon as I can, ok?”
“Ok, Kou. Thank you.”
“Welcome, baby. Love you.”
Waiting around for your boyfriend was making you edgy, you couldn’t sit still. What if your ex had seen Bokuto? What if he’d seen you come here? But you hadn’t seen him, a car was easy to spot right? What if he was tracking you? You had changed your number though? Akaashi had popped in twice to check on you, once to bring you a blanket and hot tea and the second time to ask if you wanted food. The tea was swirling in your stomach, the crying had made you fell nauseous and you were sure that your stomach would revolt against any food. Hearing voices from the hallway, your body tensed expecting the worst.
He found you.
He was going to hurt you again.
Instead, familiar grey-black hair popped up from behind the door and while your heart was still in your throat, the sight of him made the thread of fear loosen a little. Dropping his bag, Bokuto walked over to you before kneeling in front of you and holding your face in his hands as he leaned his forehead against yours. Thumbs wiping away any remnants of tears, he kissed you nose, cheeks and forehead before pulling you into his arms. The feel of his arms around you, the scent of his aftershave and faint smell of sweat from his sports wear eased the tension in your body a little but could do nothing against the sobs that broke free again.
“Shh, it’s ok baby. I got you. I’ll always have you. You’re safe now.”
“Kou... I saw him. He... he was behind me.”
Bokuto knew instantly who you meant, he wished he could personally do something about him but between his career and your fear, the idea of beating your ex to a pulp didn’t seem plausible. While he wasn’t super close with Daichi, he knew Kuroo was and was going to reach out and do something about it. Holding you at arms length, he brushed away your tears and kissed your forehead again, linking your wrists together so your couple bracelets latched on to each other. They were something you had seen on TikTok, two bracelets with magnets that would link when they were close. You thought he would reject the idea at first, but Bokuto thought they were the best way to show everyone you were his girl. Plus it gave him a great excuse to your hold hand when you went everywhere.
“See, baby? Look how these magnets find each other and attract one another. Just like you and me. Nothing could keep me away from you. I’ll always find you. Okay?”
You nodded, glancing down at the bracelets and then up at your boyfriend. His amber eyes full of worry but love and the way he held you like you were something so precious.
“Plus, if he tries anything I’ll beat him up, have you seen these muscles baby?”
You snorted as Bokuto flexed his arm, muscles straining against the sleeve of his tee and couldn’t help but fall into his chest giggling as he squished you. The tears from earlier forgotten as you embraced the loving nature of your gorgeous boyfriend.
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Life Without Colour {PART TWO}
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Soulmate AU: Your vision is in black and white until you meet your soulmate. You and your boyfriend, Steve Rogers, aren’t each others soulmates but you love each other. He introduces you to his friends, the Avengers, and a very odd thing happens.
Characters: Steve Rogers x Plus Size Female Reader, Bucky Barnes x Plus Size Female Reader
taglist: @domainoflostsouls​  forgetthisbull  handon-h-art  yourspecialcrush  giulsgotmusic
As morning crept in through the blinds, you opened your eyes. It had been a horrendous night. You’d slept for a couple of hours, if that, all in and every time you woke up, you felt like crying. You opened your eyes to see wonderous colour, everything was so colourful and it shocked you but my god, you wished that your vision was still black and white. If your vision had been black and white everything would’ve been fine and you would be happy. You would’ve given up anything to have black and white vision back. Black and white vision wasn’t so bad, I mean, it always felt like you were trapped inside a 50s sitcom but that was pretty cool! Though now with colour you could easily see what your clothes looked like...
Steve was still sound asleep beside you. His alarm would go off in an hour or so. Carefully, you got out of bed trying not to wake him as you went to wander through Steve’s apartment. You were grateful that Steve’s décor was darker and more muted colours; dark blues and browns (and you knew what colours they all were because during the night, you’d found some YouTube Kids videos telling you all the different types of colour. You liked red and you really liked yellow). You spend a while walking around the apartment and looking out the window, watching the sun come up. Your stomach flips and you feel sick as you see a photo of Steve and Bucky; the same photo that you’d seen so many times before except now it’s in colour and you can see Bucky’s dark eyes and Steve’s bright eyes. Taking a breath, trying to push the nausea away, you wish it had been Steve’s eyes that you saw. You wish Steve’s bright blue eyes had been the first ones you saw in colour.
Your mind refuses to stop picturing Bucky and that first moment of seeing colour crashing over you like a wave. The guilt hits you like a train as you stare at the photo. How could you love Steve Rogers and yet have Bucky Barnes be your soulmate? You needed help; you needed some form of guidance, someone to talk to that wasn’t Bucky Barnes. 
Steve finds you sitting on the couch, staring at the photo of the pair, fifteen minutes later. He pads over to you, realising that you’re in a daydream of sorts, “Sweetheart?” He says softly sitting on the couch beside you.
You tore your eyes from the picture and stared at him, once again the colour of his eyes surprising you. Quickly, you set the photo down and pull him onto the couch, “Steve, I have to tell you something.”
Steve brushes your hair out of your face, frowning in concern. He could tell something was eating away at you, he noticed it last night at the party. He’d hoped it had just been the migraine but now, seeing the fear in your eyes, he wondered if it was something else entirely. He asks if you’re okay, asks what’s wrong and you open your mouth and then shut it. You need to tell him. A relationship shouldn’t have secrets or lies and you had always been honest with Steve. Steve valued honesty and truth among all else, he valued loyalty and yet, here you were, keeping the biggest secret of your life from him.
He repeats the question, “What’s going on?”
You shake your head and plaster a smile on your face, “I was just thinking that I’d go see Nat today,” you told him, “She was telling me about her and Bruce yesterday but never got to hear much of the story before my migraine kicked in.” It wasn’t a lie, you were waiting to hear more of Nat and Bruce’s story but that wasn’t the only reason you wanted to go and see her. You wanted Nat’s opinion on everything; you wanted her to tell you what you were supposed to do.
Steve nodded his head slowly, “Are you okay, (y/n)? You’ve not seemed quite right since last night at the party.” No, I’m not right at all, Steve! My soulmate is your best friend! How do I tell you that? How am I meant to tell you that without destroying you?
“Yeah, everything’s fine, love,” you smile at him, “The migraine’s away but I barely slept.” He looks at you with that stare, the one where he’s trying to figure out if you’re telling him the truth, “Honestly, Steve, I’m okay. I’m absolutely exhausted but I’ll have a cup of coffee and go see Nat and I’ll be fine. Must’ve been the champagne last night, I only had one glass but you know I’m not a big drinker and you know Stark buys the expensive stuff.”
Steve relents with a sigh, he’s unsure but you seem to be talking a little more, “Okay, just remember that I’m here for you if you need me...” He stands up, stretching and you smile as you look at him. He is one fine specimen. He notices you admiring his muscles, “You think these are impressive?” He chuckles, “You should’ve seen me before the serum.”
You laugh, a real genuine laugh, and for a few seconds, you forget about everything. Things were just so real and easy with Steve, “I would’ve loved to have met you back then you know.”
Steve scoffs, “Yeah right. You’re way out of my league right now never mind back then.”
“I’m serious,” you say as you follow him into the kitchen, “Steve, you’re the best person I’ve ever met. I would love you in every lifetime and every size or shape. Skinny, pre serum Steve would’ve been just as perfect. The serum changed the way you look but it never changed the way you act or the way you think. That’s all you and what do I always tell you?”
Steve smiles as he makes the coffee, “You love the way I think.” He looks up at you and you smile at him. Everything was always easy with Steve; it always had been, even on that very first day.
The rain poured down, splashing onto the sidewalk. You pulled your jacket tighter around you as you tried to back further into the wall. You’d been waiting outside a café for over thirty minutes waiting for your date to show up. So far, nothing. You’d text and left a voicemail asking if he was on his way but no answer. You huffed as you shook your head, “Bloody men.”
You go to turn and walk away, knowing that you’d been stood up and didn’t want to hang around for nothing, when you almost bump into something or rather someone, “Sorry, I was going to ask if you wanted my umbrella.” He asked with a smile, “But you started cursing out men and honestly, it’s a little intimidating.”
You looked up at him and smiled, well he wasn’t your soulmate but that was okay, you didn’t need colour to know that he was ridiculously good looking,  “Sorry, I, uh, I got stood up so I’ve been standing in the rain for nearly forty minutes. I even went to the effort of putting on a whole new outfit and curling my hair!”
The man sighs, “I’m sorry to hear that, how about I buy you a cup of coffee?” He holds his hands up when you look at him concerned, “I just wanna be nice, that’s all. If you hate me, you never have to see me again.”
You find yourself laughing and shrugging, “Oh, what the hell- sure... I’m (y/n).”
“Steve, Steve Rogers.”
It hits you then. Of course, “You’re Captain America!”
Steve nods, “I hope that’s not an issue?”
You shake your head, “Not at all but... why does someone like you want to go on a date with someone like me? I mean you look like that and I look like...” you look down at your soaked outfit, “a drowned rat.”
His laugh is lovely, you realise as it comes booming out of him, “Someone like me? I look like this now but before the war, I was a scrawny five foot four kid with too many health issues to count and someone like you? You mean someone beautiful with a gorgeous smile?” He opens the café door, “Shall we?”
A cup of coffee with Captain America, you muse in your head as you sit at the table in the small café waiting for him to bring you back your drinks, your mom would have a field day with this one. You shrug your jacket off and hang it over the back of the chair, thankful that your jacket had kept the rain from soaking you straight to the bone.
Steve appeared a minute later, two coffees and two muffins, “I wasn’t sure if you wanted something to eat so I got us muffins.”
“Thanks,” you smile, happily taking a bite out of it. Steve sits down and you suddenly feel rather awkward as he smiles at you. You’re not soulmates. Your vision is still black and white so... what was the point?
Steve seems to read your mind, “We’re not soulmates... It’s okay.” You breathe a sigh of relief and Steve can see you visibly relax.
“Yours is still black and white?”
He shakes his head, taking a sip of the coffee, “No, I... I met my soulmate a long time ago.”
“Oh?” you pause and he can see your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“It was during the war we met,” he goes onto explain, “Things couldn’t really go anywhere since I woke up in the twenty first century... She died a couple of years ago.”
Well, shit. “Oh god, Steve, I’m so sorry. That’s... That’s horrible.”
Steve smiles, appreciating your genuine sympathy, “It’s okay,” he shrugs, “besides, I like to think I can make my own destiny; that there’s more than one person in the world that could be a match for me.”
A smile spreads onto your face. He was like a breath of fresh air, the way he spoke about things with such hope... it was inspiring. No wonder he was Captain America; everything America should have been, “I like the way your mind works.” And it’s true. You’d never met anyone who was so hopeful. Everyone you met followed the rules and stuck by them but Steve, despite his past and despite his definite trauma, he remained hopeful for a better future.
He asks about you and your situation, “Still black and white,” you tell him, “I have to send pictures of my outfits to my sister who met her soulmate years ago just to see if the colours go well together.” He laughs, “I’m in no rush to find my soulmate, if I ever find them. I don’t believe too much in it either.”
The pair of you look across the table at one another and smile and it’s an unspoken agreement of ‘are we going to do this?’. Steve takes a sip of coffee, hiding a bashful smile from behind the mug, “You know, I’m real glad your date stood you up.”
His kiss on your temple as he slides your mug of coffee over to you breaks you out of your trance, “Penny for your thoughts?”
“I’m real glad my date stood me up,” you murmur with a smile.
A slow grin spreads on his face, “Yeah, me too...”
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Once you’ve eaten breakfast, gotten dressed and ready for the day ahead, you text Nat and ask her if you can come over. She responds right away telling you to come by whenever. You get ready to leave and say bye to Steve, who’s using a laptop looking up something else that Sam told him about.
“I’ll be home soon,” you say, kissing his hair, “Text me if you’re wanting me to pick up anything while I’m out.”
“I love you,” Steve calls as you’re pulling on your sneakers.
A pang of guilt hits you and you take a deep breath, “I love you too, Steve.”
You leave.
The drive to Natasha’s apartment is a short one and it helps that you’re breaking most of the traffic laws to get there. You need to tell someone. Honestly, at this rate, you’ll be having stomach ulcers with the stress. Maybe you were overreacting, maybe this wasn’t such a big deal... Maybe you would tell Nat and she would roll her eyes and tell you that it would be fine, to tell Steve and don’t talk to Bucky again. You hoped that it could be that easy but really... would it be?
Natasha immediately knew something was wrong, “Have you slept?” She asked, noting the dark circles under your eyes and your stressed appearance.
“Couple of hours.”
“What’s going on?”
“Coffee and then we’ll talk.” Nat nods and goes to the kitchen so prepare the coffee. Her apartment is bare but stylish. It’s not very personable but she wasn’t very personable so it makes sense. Nat always told you that she was ready to up and leave if she needed to. You follow her into the kitchen to see her lifting down two blue mugs, “Actually, can I get that red mug that’s on the top shelf?”
Nat nods and reaches up. Then she realises what you just said, “No fucking way.” You sigh, sitting at the kitchen island as she stares at you, throwing question after question at you, “You can see colour? When? How? Who?!”
“Coffee first, please.”
Natasha Romanoff has never moved faster in her life as she makes that cup of coffee and has it sitting in front of you within thirty seconds. She demands to know everything, “When?!”
“Last night at Stark’s party.”
Natasha snaps her fingers, “I knew something wasn’t right! You left so early and didn’t even say goodbye, by the way. Tony said you had a migraine but I thought something was off.”
You nodded, “Yeah, the colour was overwhelming and it gave me a migraine. It’s still pretty overwhelming, to be honest.”
Natasha leaned forwards, elbows propped onto the kitchen counter, “Is it...”
You shake your head, looking at your hands, “No... It’s not Steve.”
She curses under her breath, “Damn... I’m sorry, I can’t imagine how difficult that is but... doesn’t mean everything’s doomed. Who is it?”
All of a sudden, you can’t say anything; all you can do is stare at the coffee. Natasha begins to list of names, “Stark? Thor? Galactica man? Fury? Parker-”
“Nat, he’s seventeen!”
She holds up her hands, “Wanda? Strange? Sam? Maria Hill? Oh my god, is it me?” You roll your eyes at her and then she says it, “Bucky?” Your bottom lip trembles and Natasha’s jaw drops, “Bucky?! Bucky Barnes?” A nod is all you can muster, “Holy shit! I knew the universe is fucked but I didn’t realise it’s this fucked!”
“You said it doesn’t mean everything’s doomed, tell me it’s not doomed, Nat.”
“What did Steve say?! Holy shit, I can’t believe that. No wonder you didn’t sleep.” She sees your eyes lower, “You have told him, haven’t you?”
“I tried,” you whisper, “I tried, Nat. I-I couldn’t.” She sighs heavily, “It’s bad, isn’t it? It’s real bad.”
She nods, “Yeah, it’s gonna be bad.” The two of you are silent as you sip at the coffee, trying to figure out what the next move is. It feels good to talk about it with someone; feels much better to share the load with someone who isn’t Bucky.
“I don’t know how to tell him,” you say eventually, voice cracking with emotion, “I mean, how do you tell your boyfriend that his best friend is your soulmate?” Nat doesn’t have the answers and you know she doesn’t. She can’t tell you what to do. Bucky couldn’t tell you what to do either. You have to figure it out by yourself.
“Tell me everything.”
So you tell her everything. You tell her about seeing him, about going to get air, about Bucky finding you and having a secret conversation with him, about the migraine and about going home with Steve, “The worst part of it is... Bucky’s eyes were the first pair I saw in colour. How many times have I said to you even if Steve wasn’t my soulmate, how many times have I said I wanted his eyes to be the first ones I look into with colour vision? I feel like I’ve betrayed him.”
Nat’s hand reached out, clasping yours from across the table, “This isn’t your fault. I know that if you had your way, you would’ve seen colour with Steve from that very first glance. If not Steve, you would’ve picked me, obviously.” You laugh slightly, “Steve will understand that you didn’t want or mean for this to happen. His soulmate is someone else as well.”
“But his is dead. My soulmate is another Super Soldier who has a freaking metal arm and used to be an assassin!”
“Don’t knock assassins,” she scolds with a smile, “I’ve seen the way you and Steve are together and I know that you’re the real deal, soulmate or not. You know that too. Your talk with Bucky seems like you two are pretty okay with nothing happening between the pair of you and that’s a good first step.”
“What do I do?”
She squeezed your hand and gave you a small smile, “You know what to do.”
You let out a long breath and nodded slightly, “I have to tell Steve.”
Natasha smiled. She was one of your closest friends, she seemed to understand you pretty well. She understood your anguish and your pain and she would always listen to your problems. Steve was close with Nat for the exact same reasons. She helped and she listened. Natasha had welcomed you practically with open arms (except she hated hugs) when Steve introduced you to her. Straightaway she knew that you two were made for each other, even if the universe didn’t think it. She made a comment that stuck with you to this day,  ‘You both make each other a better person. You share the load and take turns of carrying the burdens. It’s not common that happens.’
To distract you, she updated you on her and Bruce Banner saying that he’d finally asked her out and their date was tonight, “I’m sorry. I know the last thing you want to deal with is my relationship problems,” you apologised as she told you.
“Don’t be silly, I’d rather help you than worry about what I’m meant to say on this date! I’ve not been on a date in years!”
“You’ll be fine,” you laughed, draining the last of your coffee, “You know that the pair of you are soulmates just... no work talk.”
Natasha looked like a deer caught in the headlights, “No work talk? What am I meant to talk about?!”
“I don’t know... the weather?”
The redhead rolled her eyes, “I’m not taking advice from someone who’s dating their soulmate’s best friend.”
“Low blow,” you said laughing. She did always know how to lighten the mood, “You’ll be fine, Nat.” As if on cue, you get a text, “It’s Steve... asking when I’m coming home. Can’t put it off any longer.” Standing, Nat tells you that she’s proud of you.
“It won’t be easy but... it’s the right thing to do.”
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In the car ride over, you had rehearsed what you’d say to Steve. You would tell him everything that happened, you’d tell him about Bucky, about the conversation you had with him, about the real reason why you had a migraine and you’d apologise for not telling him as soon as it happened. You were scared but fear isn’t a real excuse to not do the right thing. You hoped that he wouldn’t hate you. You hoped that he would forgive you for not saying something sooner.
As you open Steve’s apartment door, you hear laughter... You frown as you close the door behind you, “Steve?” You call out.
“(y/n), you’re home,” Steve replies, “We’re in here.”
“Who’s we?” You ask, kicking off your shoes and peering around the corner,  “Oh.” You don’t look at the figure sitting next to Steve. You can’t. You’ll lose your composure and everything will be a mess again.
Steve grinned, “Bucky thought he’d stop by, isn’t that great?”
You force a smile, “Amazing! I’m going to go make myself some lunch.” Quickly, you rush into the kitchen, trying to slow your heartrate. What the fuck is he doing here?!
That’s when someone clear their throat from behind you, “I brought the coffee mugs we used back...” Bucky Barnes was the last person you wanted to see right now and now, here he was, standing in your kitchen trying to make conversation with you?! Universe, you and I need to have a good long chat.
“Why are you here?” Your voice is harsher than it should be but you’re annoyed. You’d agreed to only see each other when necessary not randomly! You thought that you’d be able to tell Steve yourself without unwelcome guests such as Bucky.
“Steve said you were out and I thought I’d be okay to see him for a few hours!” Bucky’s just as annoyed apparently not wanting to see you much more than you wanted to see him. He’s annoyed that you’re annoyed. You turn to him, glaring into those blue eyes, “Look, I know you hate me for fucking things up but... I needed to see you.”
“Why?!” You’re whisper shouting at each other and you were so glad that Steve didn’t have super hearing.
“Because I- I can’t stop thinking about you!” He hisses, arms flailing as his eyes bore into your soul, “I never slept because I couldn’t get you out of my head!”
You’re breathing hard as you look at him. He couldn’t sleep because he was too busy thinking of you? “You couldn’t sleep either?” Bucky cocks his head in confusion, “Every time I closed my eyes, all I saw were yours.” You explained and you give a bitter laugh, “Forgive me for being annoyed but I wanted the first colour I saw to be Steve’s eyes, not yours so yeah, I’m a little pissed.”
Bucky rolls his eyes, “Oh, I’m sorry, princess,” he scoffs, “If I had it my way, I wouldn’t have picked you to be my soulmate. Plenty more people better.” The comment stings. You don’t know Bucky at all, all you know is what Steve told you of him but so far, he had made a terrible impression. Though to be fair, you’d said similar things to him so... Immediately, he groans and realises how big of a dick he looks, “I’m sorry. I- I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just- It’s-”
“Complicated. I know... I’m sorry that I’ve been a bit of a bitch. I never thought that this would happen. I’m stressed and I feel like I’m going to get a stomach ulcer from the stress.”
Bucky nods, “I’m sorry too... I’m sorry for showing up here too. Steve said you’d be out but I was hoping to see you again. I couldn’t sleep last night because I couldn’t stop thinking about what would’ve happened if I’d met you first.”
“Bucky...” Your voice is a warning. A warning to not break over that threshold because once you break it, there’s absolutely no fixing it. It’s a warning that nothing will happen between the two of you. 
He realises and quickly straightens, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. Just... Just don’t go there,” you say with a nod as you turn around and open the fridge. You pull out some leftovers from your dinner the night before and go to the microwave to reheat it. The pair of you are quiet; the only noise to be heard is the hum of the microwave, “We should tell him,” you say eventually.
Bucky sighs. He too felt terrible for lying to Steve but he thought that hiding it was the easier thing to do, “Are you sure that’s what you want to do?”
You nod as the microwave beeps, “We have to tell Steve.”
“Tell me what?” Steve asks, walking into the kitchen and placing some dirty dishes on the counter, “What’s going on? You okay?” Your eyes fleet between Steve who remains happy yet confused and Bucky who won’t stop staring at you with the deep stare. 
Oh, fuck.
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tabloid bs ~ eminem
word count: 1822
request?: yes!
@imaginesforjohnnydepp​ “hi! i was wondering if you could do an age gap eminem x reader imagine where the reader is a singer and is the daughter of a very successful actor and singer and there are rumors of her parents not liking marshall making the rounds in the tabloids?”
description: in which she decides to shut down bullshit tabloid rumors regarding her boyfriend and her parents
pairing: eminem x female!reader
warnings: swearing, age gap (totally legal though, we’ll say the reader is about 25)
masterlist (one, two)
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Being the daughter of two incredibly famous actors meant you were in the spotlight from a young age. Paparazzi, crazy fans, fake friends, none of it was new to you by the time you decided you wanted to try your hand in singing.
You were nervous at first, worrying that either you’d only blow up because of who your parents were, or that everyone would shut down your career because of who your parents were. You were happily surprised to learn that everyone genuinely liked you and your music, despite your parentage.
As your career began to skyrocket, you were contacted by none other than Eminem asking to make a song with you. Apparently he was so impressed by your talent that he wanted to get in contact with you and ask you himself for a collab, something that he only did with people who ended up becoming close friends of his (Skylar Grey, Rihanna, 50 Cent, Ed Sheeran, etc. etc.).
You ended up following this trend, except in a much more extreme way. You did end up becoming close with him, but not as just a friend. Within a month of doing your collaboration you found yourself going on a date with Marshall, and within a year you were basically living with him.
The press had a field day when they found out. You were 20 years younger than Marshall, and he was only two years younger than your mom. Of course people didn’t react to kindly to this at first, but it wasn’t as hard to ignore these things as you expected it to be.
The thing that was hard to ignore, though, was the constant stories that were published about your parents hating Marshall, and hating your relationship.
This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Your parents loved Marshall, both as a musician and as their daughter’s boyfriend. Your dad and Marshall got along really well, and your mom basically viewed him as a new best friend from the moment he walked through the door.
These rumors were harder to ignore when they were brought up so often in interviews and during livestreams or Q&As. You were starting to get annoyed with it and you wanted to make it stop.
Lucky for you, the person interviewing you at that moment gave you the perfect segway to shutting those rumors down.
“I know this is a bit of a private topic,” she started, “and if you don’t want to talk about it we can just move on, but there’s something circulating in the rumor mill regarding you and your boyfriend.”
“Of course there is,” you said, rolling your eyes in a playful manner. You were trying to remain lighthearted about it all, but you were feeling the annoyance bubble up inside of you already.
“There’s a story going around that you blew off your dad’s birthday because he wouldn’t let you bring Eminem to the celebration.”
You felt your face heating up with anger. Oh, so now the media was trying to present you as a bratty singer now too? Saying you skipped your own father’s birthday due to your boyfriend?
No, they were not getting away with that one.
You pulled your phone from your pocket and quickly opened it. The interviewer looked at you in confusion as you scrolled through your pictures before holding your phone towards the nearest camera.
“Here’s a picture of me and my dad two days after his birthday,” you said. “It was taken by Marshall, because the three of us had a special celebration alone. My flight home was delayed and I had to miss my dad’s actual birthday, in which my boyfriend was actually invited to, by the way. Dad specifically asked if Marshall would be coming, even jokingly told me that I had to take him. So no, I didn’t purposely miss my dad’s birthday because of my boyfriend, I would never miss dad’s birthday on purpose.”
“All you had to say was no,” the interviewer mumbled, regarding her notes to move along to the next question.
“No,” you said. “I’m not keeping this one short and sweet. I’m tired of all these stupid, untrue things being said about me and my boyfriend and my parents. Mom and dad don’t hate Marshall, I don’t purposely not see my parents because of him. There’s no hate at all between any of us, and it makes me angry that tabloids make those accusations without any evidence just for clicks. This is someone’s real life, not just some fiction for someone to fuck around with.”
“You sound very passionate about this.”
You scoffed. “Of course I am! Ever since Marshall and I have started dating people have been saying shit about him and my parents and I don’t understand why. There’s never been any ill will between my parents and Marshall, not even any implied ill will. People just like to make up stories so they have a good headline to get views and get people talking.”
“Well, although nothing has been ever been confirmed, you can’t say you don’t understand where those rumors came from. No one wants their kid dating someone who is basically their age, no matter how famous that person is. It’s only natural for a parent to be protective over their kid, especially from such an older person that may just be taking advantage of them.”
Your eyes were wide with shock. You could barley believe what this bitch was saying. She was really trying to spin the story and say that Marshall was trying to take advantage of you, a literal 25 year old adult?
You stood from my chair then and began trying to pull the microphone off of yourself. The interviewer looked at me with concern before trying to stop you.
“I’m done here,” you declared, pulling at the wire once I found it.
“You’re going to break the mic!”
“Send the bill to my people,” you retorted. “I’m not sitting here and having someone tell me that the guy I’m dating is trying to take advantage of me just because he’s older, or hearing you spill some bullshit about my parents. Newsflash: if someone is happy publicly with their relationship, then maybe they’re actually happy. No tragic behind the scene stories or ulterior motives, just two adults who are in love.”
You finally got the microphone off and basically threw it at the interviewer before turning and leaving the room.
You stayed at Marshall’s place that night, still partially fuming from the interview. You didn’t tell him specifics (especially not that you walked out in a fury the way you did), but you told him it didn’t go well.
You were awoken the next morning to your phone ringing. When you checked it, you saw your dad’s face and name light up your screen. You groaned when you noticed how early the time was before answering. “Hello?”
“Good morning sweetie,” came your dad’s voice. “Have you been online yet?”
“I haven’t even been out of bed yet,” you responded. “Why? What’s going on?”
“You’re trending for walking out of your interview.”
You sat up in the bed so quickly that it woke Marshall. He rolled over and looked at you in confusion as you put your dad on speaker and started frantically opening your Twitter app.
“Dad, you’re on speaker. Marshall is here,” you told him as you started looking.
“Good morning, Marshall,” your dad said.
“Morning,” Marshall responded, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “What’s going on that has (Y/N) wide awake at 8am?”
“She’s trending.”
“For what?”
There it was, your name at the top of the trending list. When you clicked on it, the first thing that popped up was your interview from the day before.
“Fuck,” you breathed. “I can’t believe they actually posted. It was so bad, I thought they’d just delete the footage and never think of it again.”
“You think too highly of people looking for a good scoop, honey.”
The title of the video read Singer (Y/F/N) Goes Off On Interviewer while Talking About Parents and Boyfriend Eminem. The entire interview was included, luckily enough, including everything leading up to your storm out. Marshall watched over your shoulder as your dad waited, silently, for you to see it all.
“You didn’t tell me what was said,” Marshall said. “Why didn’t you tell me they were saying that shit to you?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you responded. “I mean, it did matter, but by the time I got here I didn’t think it would matter anymore. Like I said, I thought the footage would be deleted and long forgotten.”
You were nervously biting at your nails as you scrolled through Twitter to see what people were saying. You were expecting a wave of hate and people believing that you truly were a bratty singer, until you started to see how much praise and love you were getting.
“Imagine trying to frame (Y/N) as the bad one in this situation when the interviewer literally said Eminem is trying to take advantage of her”
“Never believed those rumors about (Y/N)’s parents and Eminem. They’re all too tightknit for (Y/N) to date someone her parents hate”
“The way she told the interviewer to bill her for the broken mic that’s QUEEN SHIT”
“It doesn’t seem too bad,” you said as you continued to read. “A lot of people on my side.”
“Oh, I knew no one was against you on this one,” your dad said. “I just wanted to let you know you’re trending, and let you know I’m proud of you for finally putting an end to those rumors. It was getting really tiresome to read why I hated Marshall on any given day.”
You chuckled slightly. “Thanks dad. I’ll call you and mom later. Love you.”
“Love you, too, honey.”
Your dad hung up and you decided it would be for the best to put your phone away for a while. Even though you weren’t getting any negative attention for this, you were still overwhelmed by the fact that the interview went up at all.
You settled back into bed beside Marshall, taking your place in his arms where you loved to be the most.
“I’m proud of you, too,” he said, kissing your forehead. “I didn’t realize my girl was so badass.”
“Yes you did.”
“Maybe I did.” You giggled as you nuzzled your head into his chest more. “You know how much I love you, right?”
“Of course I know, babe. Don’t let that shitty interviewer and her bullshit get to you.”
“Oh she’s not,” he said. “I’m well aware your parents love me and I’m not taking advantage of you. I just wanted to remind you.”
I chuckled and shook my head. Shortly after, I drifted off to sleep, feeling proud of myself for what I had done.
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thomaslightwood · 3 years
I loved your gabrily fic can I ask for number two for then plesase?
2. A small, fleeting kiss - which is immediately followed by a passionate, hungry kiss + Gabrily
Thanks! And I can't write Gabrily in their time period without a reread, sorry.
From 50 types of kisses prompt list (request closed)
“Why you have to make everything completed?” Cecily rolled his eyes.
Gabriel puffed up while searching the pack Gideon has given him. “Babies are complicated.”
The little baby Barbara was calmly watching them with dark eyes, playing with the blanket in her lap.
“What is so complicated about them?” Cecily said. She made a face at the baby and she giggled. “They are just small humans you have to feed and change the diapers time to time.”
“You have to do it multiple times a day,” Gabriel said. He had found what he was looking for - the special toy with which Barbara was going to sleep every time.
“Chill,” Cecily said, sitting on a chair as she watched Gabriel bustling around their niece. “One day it will be our full time job, you need to calm down.”
He froze and looked at her with such terrified face like Cecily told him Barbara is an alien. “Are you trying to tell me something?”
“Oh sweet Raziel,” Cecily sighed. “We take the baby for a few days and you're already a sleep-dehydrated mess.”
She got up from her chair and took the baby's toy from Gabriel's hands.
“Go to bed. Now,” she paused. “Okay, this sounded less sexual in my head.”
“No! You need a rest. Go to our bedroom. I'll take care of Barbara.”
Gabriel ran a hand through his face and hair. He looked pale and had a dark circles under his eyes. He really needed a rest. “Okay. Okay. I'm going.”
He left the room, glancing one last time at the baby.
“Here you go, little lady,” Cecily murmured, wrapping her in the blanket. Barbara grabbed the toy and happily hugged it.
“I hope your daddy Gideon isn't like your uncle Gabriel,” she said. “Or Raziel help mummy Sophie.”
Cecily continued to quietly talking to her, gently stoking her head. She was definitely getting attached to this little human.
After ten minuets Cecily left the room, carefully closing the door. Gabriel was in the bedroom, obviously just out of the shower. His hair was a little wet.
He turned to her with questioning look.
“She is sleeping soundly,” Cecily reassured him. “The madam is a very good baby.”
His shoulders visibly relaxed. “Okay.”
She turned to the bathroom, grabbing a towel from the wardrobe.
“Hey,” Gabriel gently took her hands in his. “Thank you for this. I'm kind of freaked out my brother has a child.”
“No joke,” Cecily said but with a smile. She placed her hands on his cheeks and kissed his nose, a small, fleeting kiss that made Gabriel close his eyes. Then she crushed her lips into his. She wrapped her hands around his neck and buried his fingers into his hair.
“What would I do without you?” he murmured, his forehead against hers.
Cecily gave him one last, quick kiss on the cheek and pulled away.
“I'll take shower now,” she said, grabbing a towel. “When I come back, you better be asleep.”
With a smile Gabriel turned away and sat on the bed. He leaned back and sighed happily, closing his eyes.
When Cecily came out of the bathroom, he was soundly sleeping.
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 3 years
A/N: This is for both the @spnfanficpond's S14 Weekly Episode Challenge, week 20, and also this month's Alpha Reader Program with @deanwinchesterswitch! Kym is a great Alpha reader, putting up with so much babbling of ideas with me!!
Summary: Chuck is depowered, Jack de-poofed Eileen and Y/N, and they all rescued Cas from the Empty. (The finale never happened fight me.) Now, with no more Big Bads on the horizon, Dean needs to figure out what his happily ever after looks like. Once he does, then he needs to go get it.
Pairing: Destiel x reader
Warnings: Pining. Idjits in love. Canon-divergent after 15x19. Fluff.
Word count: 4311 words
Prompt: "I'll stop talking." "Probably a good idea."
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Dean watches her throw her arms around Cas’s waist and really snuggle into his embrace. It’s done. Chuck is depowered, Jack is in charge, Y/N is back, and now Cas is back. Everything is as it should be. Dean pats Cas on the shoulder, meeting his gaze with a smile he can feel is strained, locks eyes for a second with Y/N, and heads towards his room via the drink trolley. A little time resting in the only soft thing he’s ever been allowed to keep is definitely in order.
Sitting on his bed, back propped against the headboard and whiskey bottle in hand, he forces himself to consider everything he’s been trying not to think about for far too long. Cas will want to talk at some point, and Dean knows he can’t get it wrong. Well, no, he actually could get it all very disastrously wrong, but this time, he doesn’t want to.
And he has so very much to think about if he wants any chance to get this right. First, he needs to decide what “right” looks like.
If you’d asked him a few years ago what a good life looked like, he would have denied Cas’s place in it. There were just so many reasons why Cas couldn’t be a part of any picture he’d have painted back then. That was before, though. Before Cas told him, unequivocally, that he loved Dean in a way he thought he couldn’t have.
Maybe a year ago, if Cas had said those same words, Dean would have jumped into his arms and kissed the hell out of him. At that point, he’d finally admitted to himself that Cas was more to him. That Cas meant more than Dean’s fear of someone thinking he liked dick. Cas meant more than his hang-ups about how sex worked with a dude. Cas was more than a guy, and not simply because he wasn’t human. Angel or not, Cas was Dean’s person.
That was before, though. Before Mary died. Before Chuck had his little hissy fit. Before Dean acted like an ass… again. Before Y/N.
Now, Dean sits on his bed, not drinking the whiskey in his hand because he knows it won’t help. He needs to think clearly. He needs to decide how he feels. He’s loved Cas for years. But he’s beginning to think that maybe he loves her, too.
She appeared with the army of hunters that had arrived when Chuck opened Hell. She was relatively new to hunting, so when her partner died early on, she needed an experienced partner. With Dean barely speaking to him, Cas needed something to focus on, and he took her under his wing, so to speak. Which meant Dean barely spoke to her, either, outside of barking orders.
He was just so angry at the time, and it spilled onto her. Dean didn’t want Cas around him, but then he didn’t want Cas focusing on her, either. Or giving her that squinty head tilt. Hugging her while she grieved her partner. Talking to her about lore and weapons and sigils.
With Jack and Rowena dead, Y/N filled the fourth seat in the Impala just a little too quickly for Dean’s liking. And it had nothing to do with how fondly Cas looked at her when she fell asleep on his shoulder. Yeah, he understood that she needed training and experience, but there were a million other hunters fighting ghosts and zombies with them that she could have joined.
Dean was so mad, Cas left. And she went with him. And no, Dean did not spend several sleepless nights wondering about the sexual orientation of angels.
She and Cas were hunting partners for a while, but then Cas went to Heaven, so she moved into the bunker and never left. Dean tried not to dump his shit on her, knowing that it was his shit and not hers and he was being a dick, but she was everywhere—cooking in the kitchen, beating up the heavy bag in the gym, shooting curse words into the paper targets in the range. Dean didn’t want to laugh when she slapped one on his chest that read “DICK” as she walked out the door. He also didn’t want to deck Fancypants Dean from the other world when he asked her to go with them to Rio and then kissed her, dipped her like a 50’s heroine and everything, right in front of him!
And he definitely didn’t want to miss her when she left again with Cas. They were gone, again. Alone. Soon, he realized that he missed the smell of her cooking. He stared at the taped-over hole she left in the heavy bag when she tried attacking it while wearing heels. He tried to forget how lethal she was in the gun range. He failed to stop wondering how many beds were in the motel room they were sharing each night.
He got better about not being a dick to her when they returned. He even shared his pie. The first time she gave him one of her hundred-watt smiles, he nearly melted. She offered to help wash Baby, and he accepted. Not being a dick got easier as they became friends.
Then Chuck killed her. Just poofed her into nothing. A finger snap and Dean felt like he was back on the rack, a knife slicing into his heart. Why? Watching Cas mourn her was almost as hard as admitting that he felt the same way. He shouldn’t feel this way. They were friends. But the pain and grief in Cas’s eyes were mirrored in his chest. Not that he could say that to anyone. She was Cas’s… something.
Yet, before the Shadow swallowed him and Billie whole, Cas still said that his moment of complete happiness was loving Dean.
After Cas was gone, Dean sat on the floor in the dungeon and wondered at the complete lack of black goo anywhere. It had seemed to be everywhere but had left no trace. His mind bounced against the image of Cas getting swallowed whole and ricocheted into the image of Y/N poofing into thin air. Sam’s face when he picked up Eileen’s car keys, phone, and wallet. Jack’s face burning brightly when Chuck killed him in the graveyard. Mom’s face when he wrapped a shroud around the body that wasn’t hers. Charlie’s face as she lay in that awful motel bathtub. Bobby’s face as he called them idjits one last time. Dad’s face when the doctors tried to revive him, but he was already long gone.
Dean went on autopilot. He got up from the floor, drove to Sam and Jack, and then, he … did what needed to be done. On the drive away from Chuck’s defeat, Dean tried to imagine the life ahead of him without Chuck’s influence. Just him and Sam and Jack. He pictured them in the bunker, all in black and white like the old photos of the Men of Letters in the archives. Nothing big to fight, only little hunts. Maybe there would be the occasional trip to Hell to visit Rowena. Maybe Rowena could use a hand down there? Hell sounded nice, this time of year. You know, when everyone else is dead….
Dean didn’t let himself complete that thought. He still had Sam.
Then Jack brought back Y/N and Eileen. Color returned to Dean’s world. It wasn’t perfect, but it was better than Heaven or Hell. With Y/N in his arms, all he could think about was Cas. Dean needed Cas back, even if it meant watching them ride off into the sunset together. When Jack said he couldn’t get Cas as easily as he’d gotten Y/N and Eileen, she ended up crying in Dean’s arms, letting him comfort her. She comforted him. They comforted each other.
Before the big rescue, Dean decided that if Cas and Y/N chose to go off and live a happy life together, he’d wish them well, even if it meant drowning himself in whiskey.
But now they’re both here. When their departure was hypothetical, it was easy to convince himself that he could be supportive. Now that he was up against the reality of it, he could barely breathe. Yes, the two of them alive and happy together without him is better than the two of them dead, but….
Dean puts down the whiskey and grabs an open bottle of what is probably very stale water off his desk. He drinks it down and then stares at the whiskey bottle. He tries to breathe through the pain in his chest caused by the prospect of visiting Cas and Y/N in their little country cottage with the white picket fence and beehives in the backyard. Oh, how he wants to drink something stronger than water and make this pain stop.
No. He needs to say this to himself completely sober.
“I want them,” he announces to the room, quietly enough that no one outside could hear, but the words still echo in his ears. “No, I don’t just want them. I want a bacon double cheeseburger with extra onions and a slice of apple pie with a scoop of ice cream on top. I need them. I need Cas, and I need her, and I need to stop acting like I don’t.”
Picturing the little country cottage once more, he shakes his head. “I have to try. Cas said he loved me. Y/N at least doesn’t think I’m a dick. I can’t do nothing, anymore. I have to try. I have to tell them both and at least ask them to give me a chance.”
Dean pulls at his hair and sighs. “But that’s not how the world works. I can’t have them both. I need to decide who to talk to first. I need to choose.”
The angel that literally saved him from Hell but wears a vessel Dean doesn’t know how to handle, or the woman who would be the complete package if he weren’t already in love with Cas.
“How do I choose?”
And that’s all assuming that either of them even (still) wants him. Cas may have changed his mind after Dean stood there stupidly and said freaking nothing while the Empty swallowed him whole. And she’s never really indicated that she wanted anyone but Cas. And Cas has always seemed perfectly happy to indulge her attentions. Hell, maybe they will go off together to that cottage in the country and leave him alone. After the way he’s acted, it’s the least he deserves.
“If I even have a choice, I can’t choose.”
Pacing the room, he kneads the problem in his mind like a baker would knead dough. After only a couple of minutes, he tires of rolling around a thousand “what ifs” in his head and stops in front of his bedroom door, hand almost grabbing the knob to turn it.
“What’s the worst that could happen?” he asks himself, trying to give himself the courage to move. “They both say they don’t want me, they only want each other, and I’m left alone, like I’ve always been. Nothing changes for me.”
Swallowing down the blast of grief that idea causes, he takes a deep breath and watches from outside of his body as he turns the doorknob and walks down the hallway.
He hears her voice coming from her room long before he reaches it, but he’s almost in the doorway before he can make out the words she’s saying. She’s chattering in that way she does when she’s excited or nervous about something, and his heart clenches as he wonders what’s got her so jittery.
“It’s just that there’s so much to consider and so many possibilities and I’ve been waiting until now to think about it and oh god now I’m rambling and we really need to come up with a better phrase for that now that Chuck’s not in power andfuckinghellIthinkI’llstoptalking.”
Dean watches her put a hand over her mouth to stop the flow of words and can’t stop his smile. She’s adorable.
Cas sees Dean in the doorway, gives her a gentle smile, and says, “That’s probably a good idea.” He nods his head towards Dean, and she turns to look at him. They’re both sitting on the side of the bed, one of her hands is encased in both of his, and Dean feels his heart wrench at what that might mean.
He tries to read their expressions, get a feel for what’s happening in the room, but his own feelings are overwhelming him. They’re both right here, staring at him, while he’s staring at them, and no one is saying anything!
“Uh,” he starts —oh, you’re doing great there, Dean, so eloquent— before clearing his throat and taking a steadying breath, “I don’t want to interrupt you guys?”
Cas smiles, but Y/N gulps and shakes her head.
“Hello, Dean,” Cas says in that way that always makes Dean feel warm inside. “It’s okay. What do you need?”
Dean tries again to read their expressions, but all he can feel is tension. Is it coming from him? “I, uh, need you,” he says to both of them, bouncing his gaze back and forth between them.
Cas stands up, letting go of Y/N’s hands, and pats her on the shoulder. “I’ll let you guys have some time alone. We can finish this later, right?”
Y/N nods, but Dean stops Cas from leaving the room with a hand on his arm. “No, Cas, I mean both of you.” Wishing that he could simply snap his fingers and have both of them automatically understand, he stares into Cas’s eyes like he’s done so many times before, trying to will his jumble of thoughts into the angel’s head.
Cas must only get static, though, because he smiles his same old fond smile, puts his hand on Dean’s left shoulder like he always does, and replies, “Of course, Dean. I’m always here when you need me. How can I help?”
Dean groans, wiping down his face with his hand while his shoulders droop. “Fuck, this is hard,” he mutters, then leads Cas back to where he’d been sitting on the bed, drags over the desk chair, and sits facing them both. “Look, I don’t do chick flick stuff, and you guys both know that, so bear with me, okay?”
Cas and Y/N both nod, and Dean wishes he had the whiskey bottle with him. Maybe a little in vino veritas would help him get through this. Staring at the two of them, he doesn’t even know where to start. He looks back and forth at each of them again, noting that they’re holding hands once more, and focuses on that.
“Look, guys, I know you two are,” he waves a hand around trying to indicate what he means, “together? Involved? Whatever you want to call it since we’re not in high school and we’ve all worked to derail an apocalypse or two. And I don’t want to mess with that. Well, not exactly. Wait, that’s not what I meant.” He takes a steadying breath and mutters, “Fuck, this is hard,” yet again.
He looks up and finally notices that both Cas and Y/N are now considerably less relaxed than they were a minute ago. Both sit stiff-backed, trying to look at anything but each other, and their hands are no longer linked.
“Wait, you guys are together, right?” Dean asks, suddenly questioning every moment he’s ever seen between them.
Y/N clears her throat and replies, “Well, that’s kind of what I was trying to talk to Cas about when you came in.” Her eyes bounce between Cas and Dean nervously and she shifts her position on the bed a little so she’s facing towards Cas a little more. “Cas, part of what I was trying to say is that I have, you know, feelings for you, that are, well, more than friendship.” Her words rush faster and faster until she gets to the end. “I held it in for so long, and then I was dead, and you were dead, and it was all awful, but now we’re back, and we’re here, and I can’t keep pretending I don’t feel what I feel.” She ends with a small gasp of much-needed air and then stares fearfully at the angel while she carefully exhales.
Cas tilts his head and squints, and Y/N slowly deflates a little bit more with every moment Cas takes to reply. Dean had no idea what he was walking into but somehow feels a little better knowing he’s not the only one feeling the need to put things on the table. The only concern now is that he might be watching the two people he wants so very much get together right in front of him, without him. Well, I’ll always have Sammy and visits to Rowena in Hell, he thinks.
“Cas? Please say something,” Y/N pleads, the panic becoming clear to Dean as her breathing quickens and her hands fumble in her lap.
“I thought you were in love with Dean?” Cas blurts out, leaving all three of them exchanging looks between them.
Dean sits up straighter and glances between Cas and Y/N, but focuses more on Y/N. “Really?” He can’t stop the word from leaving his mouth. He’s too excited by the possibility. Doing the math in his head, his heart starts to race happily. Half a chance Cas really loves him like he said, half a chance Y/N loves him like Cas said, that equals a whole chance he might actually get at least half of what he wants.
Completely ignorant to the social graces surrounding admitting other people’s feelings for other people to those other people, Cas just keeps going, turning to Dean. “Yes. I’ve noticed her engaging in some of the social actions that usually indicate romantic affection towards you. I assumed that meant she had feelings for you.”
Dean looks at Cas, then throws his hands up in the air. “Well, I’ve been watching the two of you cuddle up together all the time like two peas in a damn pod, so I knew she had feelings for you! And you’ve been cuddling right back, so I figured that meant the two of you were a thing, no matter what you said!”
Face glowing a bright red, Y/N interrupted the staring contest between the two men. “Well, I’ve been watching all the eye-fucking between you two since day one, so I thought you two were a thing! I mean, seriously, you two need to kiss or fuck or something so the rest of us can breathe clear air, again!”
Both Dean and Cas turn to stare at Y/N.
“What? You two had no problem talking about my feelings! Turnabout’s fair play!”
Cas takes hold of Y/N’s hand to ground her and says, “So, you have romantic feelings for both of us, then?”
Fear washes over her face as she nods, nervously glancing between the two of them.
Cas smiles. “And I have romantic feelings for both of you,” he states. The two of them smile at each other for a moment and then turn to Dean in unison. Their hands are clutched together, knuckles white with tension.
With two pairs of striking eyes staring at him, Dean squirms.
“Dean, we would very much appreciate you telling us what you’re thinking and feeling, right now,” Cas said, using his calmest and most caring voice. “I believe the phrase is, ‘this is a safe space.’”
Dean takes a steadying breath, looks at each of them individually, and decides there’s no use running now. He’s here. He knows there will be a soft landing when he jumps. He’s jumped into worse with less and come out winning. He can do this.
Dean takes Y/N’s free hand in one of his and squeezes it while he decides what words to use. She relaxes, her shoulders dropping, but Dean notices Cas stiffen out of the corner of his eye. Dean stiffens right along with him, bringing his eyes up just in time to see the flash of disappointment in Cas’s eyes before it disappears.
Fuck, he’s screwing this all up, already.
Words are still foreign things he can’t seem to grasp, so he decides to act instead. Still holding Y/N’s hand, he reaches with his other hand to grasp Cas’s neck and pull him in.
The kiss is awkward as hell. Cas’s eyes are wide open when Dean closes his, and then teeth clash, and Cas stays frozen while Dean tries to gently kiss some life into him. Right before Dean is about to pull away and question all his life choices, Cas melts. Cas’s hand is suddenly in Dean’s hair, pulling Dean closer as the kiss turns into the warmest, loveliest kiss Dean’s ever experienced. Cas’s lips are as soft as Dean ever imagined, the little bit of rough stubble a new but not awful feeling, and Dean’s pretty sure he could do this for hours and never come up for air. Maybe it would kill him, but he’d be okay dying this way.
Eventually, the kiss turns to little nibbles, and then they simply sit there for a moment, foreheads together and eyes closed, feeling the warmth of each other.
“I didn’t think you could feel what I feel,” Dean whispered. “And then you said you could, and you did, and then you were gone, and it was too late.” He shifts only enough to press his lips to Cas’s again one more time. “You can have everything you want, angel,” he says, pulling back enough to look Cas in the eyes.
Cas’s smile is as wide and happy as Dean’s ever seen it. They stare at each other for another one of those long moments where Dean swears Cas must be able to freeze time. Cas’s eyes shift away from Dean, and he’s reminded that he’s staring at only half of his happiness.
The other half is still holding his hand, watching him and Cas with wide eyes and a shy smile. With nothing left to lose, Dean leans in and feels the rest of his world click into place as his lips settle perfectly on hers. The kiss with her is different, and yet also the same in how right it feels. She opens her mouth a little, and their tongues slide together like they’ve done this a hundred times before. When they finally break apart, he doesn’t know what to say, so he just lets his smile loose. She smiles back, and he knows she understands.
Everything in him wants to keep going back and forth, kissing them both, but there’s always that little voice inside his head —which sounds a bit like Chuck, these days— that tells him that this isn’t real. It makes him slow down a bit, lean back in his chair, and enjoy looking at the two people in front of him. He watches the two of them kiss and is surprised when his gut doesn’t churn with jealousy this time.
Each time he had imagined what they did behind closed doors, he was miserable. Yet, here he is, watching them kiss, feeling happy. The part of him that was jealous and hurt now knows that they both want him, too. He’s not on the outside looking in, anymore.
The little voice that sounds like Chuck gets a little louder. ‘What is this, a three-way roll in the hay like with the Doublemint twins back before Hell, or those triplets with Lee? Yeah, this isn’t how real life works, pal.’
Cas and Y/N finally pull away from each other but continue to stare into each other’s eyes for a long moment. Now, Dean knows how other people have felt while he’s stared at Cas in the past. Part of him wants to laugh at that, but that evil little voice has convinced him that this is temporary. They’re all holding hands, now, like some kind of hippie prayer circle or Zen meditation thing, grinning like idiots at each other, and it can’t last.
Dean’s smile falters, and he looks down at their hands, trying to memorize this moment before it all comes crashing down. Before he has to choose. Before they have to choose. Before he loses everything.
Cas lets go of his hand and uses it to lift Dean’s chin so he sees Cas’s face again. “You can have this, Dean. We can have this, exactly like this. We don’t have to choose. It won’t be easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is, right?” Cas’s hand drops down and grasps his hand, again. “Polyamory is not unheard of and is accepted in many cultures.”
Dean looks back and forth between Cas and Y/N, gauging their feelings about this from their expressions.
Y/N giggles and shrugs when Dean looks at her, questions in his eyes. “I’m game to try if you are. I’m guessing it’s going to involve a lot of honesty and talking, but I could never choose between you.”
Dean’s shoulders relax and he takes what feels like the first deep breath of his life. He’s fallen, hard and fast, expecting the pain of a crash landing, but found a safety net instead. It’s thrilling, it’s scary, and his heart wants to burst out of his chest, but it’s all good.
Squeezing both of their hands, he grins. “Let’s do this, then.”
Later, when he and Y/N are curled into Cas in bed, who’s reading a book because he doesn’t sleep, Dean squeezes her hand on the broad chest between them and smiles when she squeezes back. When he’s asleep and dreaming about hunts and fights and beating the Devil, for the first time, when he falls, he lands softly.
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ssoojinism · 3 years
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Pairing ; criminal! Jimin x criminal! y/n
Genre : angst, nsfw (16+), crime au
Warning : alcohol consumption, kissing, graphic murder (pretty gory but some might find it isn’t, idk)
Plot summary :-
“you make this world a little wild, and we shout through crowded streets, turn up the noise and make it loud, and let the world fall at our feet,”.
The story of you living a reckless life with your boyfriend, Park Jimin as the most wanted criminal couple in the big city of Seoul. Inspired by Yuqi's Bonnie and Clyde and also the story of Bonnie and Clyde itself.
The atmosphere in the nightclub located in the center of Seoul is very noisy with the presence of young people dancing on the dance floor, enlivened with lively songs and colorful lights flooding the dark room. The smell of alcohol filled the space mixed with the smell of sweat from those who were still fiercely dancing at the middle of the club.
Meanwhile, in one corner, there was a woman sitting alone in a drinks bar accompanied by the alcohol she had ordered before. She was seen staring at another man who was also sitting not far from her sitting spot. The man who was also aware of her gaze turned around and carved a sweet smile, making the girl to shyly blushed. She then sipped on her drink to relieve the embarrassment before she got startled by a voice that suddenly greeted her out of nowhere.
“Are you new?” He asked.
His voice dripping with honey, not too deep and not too feminine as it’s sounds a bit raspy to her ears. A seductive smile and droopy eyes staring at her that had her heart beating a little bit too faster than usual.
“Kinda. I always want to try the alcohol here,” she said. He then stares at the glass in her hand.
“Martini. Nice one,” He complimented. “Whiskey sour is my favorite,” he added, showing her his half empty glass. She just smiled before he lifted his glass, signaling her for a cheer which she then clashed her glasses with his.
“What’s your name?” He asked first before sipping his drink.
“Cute. I’m Jimin,” He reached out for a handshake. Yerin happily accept it but when she about to pull back, Jimin tighten the grip of his hold while staring deep into her face, causing the girl to get flustered, especially when she saw the way his pupil dilated and get darker as he darted his tongue out to wet the bottom of his lips.
“I wonder if you’re…single?”
Her back slammed against the brick wall before Jimin once again hovered her to attack her lips for another messy, rough kiss. Yerin let out a breathy moan, her hands wrapping around his neck to deepen the kiss.
“Jimin, Jimin!” She tapped his shoulders for attention but he didn’t seem to listen when he continued to french kissing her like there is no tomorrow.
“Let’s get a room, yeah?” She suggested after she managed to get him off from her for a while. He pouted. “But I can’t wait any longer,” He whined.
Yerin blushed. “It’s embarrassing to have people watching,” She replied while looking around the alley. It was dark but anyone could freely walk in to them so she rather doing it in a closed area. “I will rent a room and I’ll let you do whatever you want, okay?”
Jimin’s lips curled into a mischief smile and nodded. He gets off to let her walk out from the alley towards the open streets but after like one or two step, her way got blocked by someone, judging from a strange silhouette in front of her.  
Yerin looked up and saw you, standing in front of her with switchblade in your hand, pointing towards her. Her brows connecting in a confusing manner.
She recognizes you. You are the woman sitting next to her at the bar back then. She remembers you ordering beer next to her and silently drinking while Yerin still busy having her great time with Jimin before.
But why are you suddenly show up like this? Pointing a knife at the base of her throat in a threatening manner like she doesn’t even know you!
Yerin doesn’t even get a chance to scream because you had slashed her neck open with the switchblade, the blood splatter on your black dress and some even landed on your face too.
The woman collapses lifelessly with her eyes still wide open. You breathe out meanwhile Jimin stepping out from the shadow with a grin.
“That was beautiful, baby!” He applauded, referring to the gruesome image in front of him. You sent him a glare before let out a grunt while walking away, earning a confuse look from your boyfriend.
“Hey! At least get her wallet! Gosh,”
Jimin get into the car after he managed to retrieve the wallet and some jewelry belongs to their previous victim and he saw you wiping the remaining blood on your face, even trying to erase the red lipstick painted on your lips but Jimin was quick enough to stop you from doing so.
“Why are you trying to ruin your lipstick? You know I like it,” He whined, lips jutting into a disappointed pout.
“Uh huh. I know. That’s why I wear this for you but I always ended up seeing you kissing someone else. So, what’s the point?”
You tugged your wrist back while Jimin drew a smile. “Come on. This is not the first time we doing this. You kissed and seduced someone else too. Fair and square, isn’t it?”
“You think I enjoyed it!?” you barked.
“Woah, chill their babe. Okay, I’m sorry, okay?” He apologized, bringing both his palm together in an apologetic manner. You instead glared at him, brows still creasing together.
“Fuck you!” Your snarl doesn’t intimidate him at all that he replied with a wide grin since he knew that you didn’t mean those words at all.
“I love you too,” he reached out for your face to cup them in his palm, squishing your cheeks gently that even you automatically leaned in for more contact since you’re too used to his affectionate touches.
“Do you want me to kiss you?” His whisper makes your eyes flicked up to meet with his face, at the same time making your expression to soften as soon as you met with the pretty face of him.
“Yes please,” With a nod, you answered. He didn’t let you wait for any other second as he crashed his plump lips on your soft one. You quickly buried your fingers into the his light blonde locks, messing them a bit while your lips busy moving in sync to his kiss as if they just found their rightful home.
When he arrived at the scene, he could see group of people circling around the area. Seokjin padded his way towards the crime site, carefully slipping in between the crowds who chattering and whispering at the sight of the forensic team busy taking photos and collecting evidence.
“Captain Kim,” Seokjin immediately turned around when his underling coming from behind. Namjoon then handed up some pieces of photos to him. It was the photograph of the victims and some close up to the wounds that was believed to be the cause of her death.
“Victim known as Shin Yerin, 26 years old was found dead by the bartender of the nearer club this morning. The body has been brought to the forensic for autopsy. They however assumed that the victim had been slit in the neck by a sharp weapon, thus being the cause of her death. After a few more research, victims also lost her jewelries and purse which led it to a murder and robbery case,” Namjoon summarized everything he could get from his early investigation.
“I believe the crime was committed by the same persons,” He added. Seokjin pursed his lips.
“It’s definitely them,” He sighed. He obviously was talking about you and Park Jimin.
You and Park Jimin are the infamous criminal partners that are currently being at the top of the police wanted list. Based on some witnesses, both of you are known to be a pair of attractive that would seduce their victims, lure them into a quiet spot to brutally murder them – by slashing their neck – before proceeding to fled along with valuable things belongs to the victims.
“This is their fourth victim, Captain…” Namjoon said with worries painted all over his face. “We can’t let them roaming around any longer. They will put more people in danger,”
Seokjin was silent for a while, staring at the chalk outlines that used to mark the original position of the dead victim.
“What did she do in her past?”
Namjoon let out a sigh, as if he knew what is running in his head when his superior began to throw that question. Namjoon flipped the notepad in his hand to read another information he has written down before.
“Shin Yerin, has a history involving hit and run case. The case happened around 2 months ago where she ran over a 12 years old boy. The boy died. She was arrested but later was released with no specific reason. I believe it involved bribery,”
Seokjin smirked. “Heh, I knew it,”
One thing he are sure about this couple is that they didn’t target just random people. Majority of their victims are people that have criminal past that most of them managed to get away from getting the punishment they deserve. For example, their previous victim is a man in 50s, whose the occupation is a teacher at one of the private schools in Seoul. He was once reported to have sexually assaulted some of his students, both boys and girls but he was freed from being sentence as they said that he lacked of evidence.
A week later, he was found dead in a car with his pants half undone other than the familiar slash on his neck which obviously, it was your doing.
Namjoon let out a low grunt which it immediately distracted Seokjin. “But it’s still doesn’t justify their actions, Captain. Murder is still considered as murder. Those are crimes and they need to be charged over it!” Namjoon exclaimed.
“You know something about them, isn’t it, Captain?” The younger squinted his eyes at him. “You are the only officer that managed to see their face. Why you didn’t give out their details when we ask for your testimony?”
Seokjin glared at him with brows a deep frown. “I told you that I barely saw their face. I don’t know how they look. Do you really think I’m lying? You doubt me?” The older guy had both his palm on his hips while staring deep into Namjoon’s soul.
“I’m sorry, sir. I did not mean to offend you. I’m just making sure,” Namjoon lowered his head, cowering at Seokjin’s sharp stare that didn’t stop from penetrating his face. It made him realized that he probably has spoken something he shouldn’t. Seokjin snorted.
“Whatever. Send reports on my table once they are done with the autopsy. Call me if you guys need anything,” Namjoon nodded. Seokjin turned his heels around as he slowly walking away, with Namjoon bowing at him while telling him to have a safe journey. Seokjin quietly fishing out his phone out of his jeans.
He slammed the door of his car shut once he entered it with his eyes still glued to the screen of his phone. It was shown that he was calling someone with “***” saved as the ID of the mysterious person. Seokjin quickly pressed his phone on his ears while eyes looking out if anyone is watching him at the moment.
Hums and giggles can be heard throughout the air. Clothes can be seen scattering on the floor of the hotel room and there’s also two figures hiding under the thick white comforters before one of them decided to pop out to take a breath after being confine under it for a long period of time. Jimin later on followed that he appeared on top of you just to cup your face and smooched your lips again and again.
The kissing got interrupted when your phone on the nightstand rang but you decided to ignore it by letting Jimin proceed with the making out, not even bothering to shove him to answer the call or anything.
But as the time goes on, the ringtones start to irritates your ears that you told Jimin to hold on so you could check on whoever the hell that was bothering you at the moment. Your eyes rolled when you see the ‘Captain Busybody’ ID popped up at the top of your screen. You never felt this confident when rejecting someone’s call, especially from that person.
“Is it him?” Jimin asked. You nodded, lips pouting.
“Ignore him,” He dived into your naked collarbone to leave another mark even though your skins are already full with his love bites he made from last night. But you never complain, instead you enjoyed the way his lips trailing down your skins, making it way to your stomach, lower and lower.
“Yeah, Jimin. Please eat me out, will you?” You demanded, inviting a Cheshire like grin on his lips.
“Of course, m’lady..”
You leaned back on the pillow, relaxing your body and let Jimin do his work when another ringing breaking the moment, making your eyes to shot open. An annoyed groan emits from your throat as you rolled to get the phone and answer it because if you don’t, he will definitely not letting you leaving in peace.
“What the fuck do you want?” No hello or hi, you straight growling at Seokjin. The male’s guess was right though.
“Sorry. Did I bother you?”
“You always bothering me. Are you not aware of that?”
“Is Jimin with you?” His question makes your eyes moving lower to look at your boyfriend who just came up to comfortably lying on your chest, one of his hand fondling with one of your boobs, treating them like a stress ball. When he saw you looking at him, he just draws an adorable smile without saying any words.
“He is. Now, what do you want?” You replied lazily.
“We found another bodies today,” His unimportant information makes you to rolled your eyes once again.
“Okay and?”
“You two did it?”
“So, what if we did it? That woman is one of the scums on this Earth too. Sleeping with your higher ups in return for a jail bail. She deserves to get her neck slashed by me,” You glanced at Jimin who obviously was proud by your witty answer. But, of course, Seokjin was not having it.
“You still can get arrested, y/n. You are literally one of the most wanted criminals right now along with Jimin! Do you ever plan to stop?”
“Blah, blah. Are you done? We are busy right now. If that’s what you want to talk about, I’m hanging up,” You wish you could throw your phone away and let Jimin fuck you senselessly like what he supposed to do.
“I’m being serious, Y/N!”
“So am I,” This time you sat up a little bit but your boyfriend still clinging on your chest, burying his face into your skin despite you have those annoyed frowns on your face since he know, the frowns aren’t made for him.
“Look, Seokjin. We broke up ages ago. Back then when you barely care about me as you are busy chasing your dream to be a police officer. Now, you got what you want and I’m happy with my life too,” Seokjin scoffed at your last statements.
“Your life? Your life as a criminal? Are you happy with that?” His question earned him a chuckle.
“Yeah, so what? I chose this. I don’t care about your nags or if you disagree with my choice, just stop sticking your nose into my business like you are my mother. We are supposed to be done long time ago!” You ended the call with a loud grunt before tossing them to the side of your bed. Jimin’s snuggling into your neck made you to close your eyes and taking a deep breathe to soothe your anger.
“You alright?” Your boyfriend brushing some strands of your hair that were sticking on your face. You nodded, drawing a tiny smile at him. He never fails not to make you feeling calmer everytime you look at those eyes. The eyes that deceive lot of people despite on how innocent they look.
“Yeah. You know, Seokjin just bothering me like what he always does,” You let out a sigh while brushing your hair back. Jimin smiled as he once again snuggling into your skins like a cat which only make you to giggle when his breathe tickling your skins.
“Understandable. I mean, I, too, wouldn’t stop bothering if you looking this gorgeous,” You burst into a laugh when his ticklish touch spreading to your sensitive spots on your neck that make you to fall your back on the mattress where even Jimin immediately get on top of you.
You stuck your tongue out to licked on your bottom lips as your palms running down his bare chest, your fingers dancing on the inked skins at his abdomen.
“I love you,” You whispered. Jimin tilted his head, lips never stop smiling at you while he rests his forearms above your head to support his weight. He somehow didn’t respond you right away to planted a soft kiss on your lips before he finally whispered something against your lips.
“I love you too,”
A/N : This is pretty short bcs its just introduction to the characters haha next chapter would be a flashback to y/n’s early backstory
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soundofseventeen · 4 years
Midnight Visitor (Joshua Hong)
Hello so uhm. Whoever requested this one... Tumblr ate your ask so I do not know if it was an anon or I needed to tag someone... so... I’m so sorry (if it somehow pops back into the inbox I will tag you later) 💛
Requested by......... Someone
36 - “How did you get in here?”
50 - “Please don’t cry.”
52 - “Is that blood?” “...No”
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Joshua Hong had been sneaking into your room since you were about 14 years old. You had been neighbors for a while, but you never really got to know the kid next door. It wasn’t until you were 10 that you became friends with the boy, yelling at some kid from down the street who pushed him down and took his ice cream. The kid eventually just ran away, dropping the ice cream in the process. You then invited Joshua to your house for some new ice cream, which he happily accepted. 
You two slowly became better friends, starting from waving to each other when you crossed paths to running over to his house to show him the cool frog you found to knocking on each others doors almost every day to see if the other could come out to play. 
The first time he snuck into your room was when he had a bad fight with his parents. He had left his house angrily, saying he was going to Jeonghan’s, only to remember that Jeonghan was out of town that weekend. He had tried a few of his other friends, but it was pretty late at night to begin with. So, you jumped as he knocked on your window, confused as you opened it and let him in. Once he explained what happened, you were more than welcoming to let him stay. You found him some pillows and blankets, creating a little bed on the floor. 
He was gone before you woke up the next morning, but he silently handed you a banana milk at school, not really mentioning it. 
This became a routine for you two. Every once in a while, Joshua would appear at your window. Sometimes he gave you notice, but sometimes he gave you a heart attack (you did eventually learn that if you really didn’t want him to come over, you had to lock your window.) It was an odd relationship as you two grew older, running with different crowds at school. 
In fact, no one at school really knew you even knew each other. He ran with a… rougher crowd than you were used to. You usually avoided his friends, even him at school. When he was around them, he seemed a lot more intimidating. There were even times that when he looked in your direction, you swore he couldn’t give two shits about you. 
But then he would come over, and he would still be that 10 year old kid who cried over stolen ice cream. You guys would sometimes watch anime together, you finding yourself smiling at that dorky smile he would get when you two you talk about being kids again. Those were the times he really felt like he was actually your best friend. 
Then you would get to school and suddenly you didn’t exist anymore. 
Although, you had even stopped telling people you knew him. You even started denying it. People seemed to not believe you when you said you were friends, or would become concerned. So if Joshua was going to pretend not to know you, you might as well pretend not to know him. 
You sighed one evening, scrolling through your catalogue of shows to watch. You had been in a bad mood all day, and nothing seemed to make it better. Your parents had even noticed, making you your favorite meal for dinner that night. That only slightly brought up your mood though, something was still bothering you a lot. Therefore, you really weren’t in a mood to see anyone, even Joshua. So you locked your window and closed your curtains, a sign to him that you weren’t able to see him tonight. You curled up with some tea, trying to find something to watch as you went to sleep. 
Partially to your surprise, you heard your window open. You blinked as you looked at the ledge, confused as Joshua appeared in your room, hood pulled over his head. 
“Hey.” He said, shutting your window after him. “I know the curtain was shut, but I-”
“How did you get in here?” You asked, still frozen staring at him. Joshua looked at you, eyebrows raised. 
“...The window?” He said, almost as confused as you were. 
“I locked it?” You said, Joshua looking from you to the window. As he looked back at you, you noticed something else. 
“You need to fix that lock then.” He joked, you standing up. 
“Are you bleeding?” You asked, looking at him closer. Joshua took a step back, pulling his hood lower.
“What?” He chuckled, you still seeing his face. 
“Is that blood?” 
“...No.” He said, you pulling his hood down. Joshua winced as you did, looking at you through a black eye and a few cuts. 
“What happened?” You asked, going to your backpack to get your first aid kit. 
“Y/N, the less you know, the better, okay?” He said, giving you a soft look. “Trust me, it’s not as bad as it looks.”
“Then why did you wince?” You raised an eyebrow, turning to a smirking Joshua. 
“Because I knew you were gonna scold me.” You just blinked at him, Joshua’s smirk turning into a smile. “Come on, it really looks worse than it is. I don’t even feel it.” 
“Joshua, you’re bleeding.” You said, Joshua shrugging. 
“Hardly. Hey at least I’m alive.” He said, your eyes widening, causing him to quickly backtrack. “Not that there was a chance I wouldn’t be.” 
“How do you keep ending up like this…” You muttered, handing Joshua a bandage. 
“The less you know…” He smiled at you, you rolling your eyes and walking back to your bed to sit down. “You know if I put this on I will never live it down, right?” 
“You know if you don’t, that’s likely to get infected.” 
“Fair, but Hello Kitty?” He chuckled, holding up the bandage. “I kind of have a reputation, you know.” 
“Yeah sure.” You said, pulling your computer back to your lap, continuing to look. You glanced back up at Joshua, who was looking at you with his eyebrows raised. “What?” 
“You okay?” You shrugged, looking back at your screen. “Okay… Do you mind if I hang out here a bit? I’m not ready to hear my mom scream over this yet.” He joked, pointing at his face. 
“Do what you want. You usually do anyway.” You muttered, finally picking a show and settling back. You eventually felt Joshua sit next to you, but you didn’t really look at him. You could feel Joshua giving you weird looks, but you refused to look at him and tried to focus on the show. Finally, a part of your irritation bubbled up, you exhaling.
“Joshua, why did you come over tonight.” You eventually asked, Joshua looking at you. 
“Why?” He asked, you nodding your head. “Because clearly my best friend is going through something and I have to be there for them.” 
“How would you have known that? You didn’t talk to me all day.” You said, still trying to keep your focus on the screen. “Am I even your best friend?” 
“What kind of question is that? Of course you are.” You finally looked at him, eyes landing on the Hello Kitty bandage now on his face. 
“Dude, literally no one knows we’re friends. If I told people at school that you do this, they would either think I’m lying or… Nope, that’s it, they would think I’m lying. There’s no other excuse.” You said, Joshua tapping his finger on his knee. 
“Jeonghan knows we’re friends.” He muttered, causing you to laugh. 
“I’ve known Jeonghan since before you moved here, he’s been here for all of it. Of course he knows.” 
“Well, I don’t know, it’s our thing I guess.” Joshua said, looking at your computer screen. “You’re watching this again?” 
“Look just… I need you to trust me, okay? It’s much better that they don’t know about you.” 
“My friends and… not my friends. I know it probably doesn’t make sense, but you’re much better off not being associated with me.” 
“Then why didn’t you just cut off the friendship? Why keep it secret? Why go through all this to maintain a friendship.” 
“One, my mom would probably kick me out if I stopped being your friend. She loves you too much.” He said, you pushing his head, eyes widening as he silently winced. “It’s fine. Anyway, I don’t know I wasn’t ready to give you up. We’ve been friends for years and it felt dumb to end it just because we ended up on different paths.” He let out a sigh. “I don’t know, I like you. I don’t want you to get hurt, so if that means that I have to sneak over here in the middle of the night to hang out with you, I’m okay with that.” 
“Oh.” You said, looking back at your screen. Joshua looked back at you, eyes widening himself. 
“Oh god you’re crying. Please don’t cry! Why are you crying?” He said, half laughing as he wiped a tear from your cheek. 
“Shut up, I’m not crying.” You said, pointing at the screen. “This is emotional shit, it doesn’t have to do with you.” 
“Yeah okay.” He said, grinning at the screen. “You like me though, don’t you?” 
“I will kick you out.” You said, not having to look at him to know he had that dumb grin on his face. 
“Okay, okay, just watch your show.”
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lizzielikeborden · 4 years
(ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥ prompts for requests (>‿◠)✌
These are some prompts to use for requests. They have labels, so when you request be sure to use the label and the number so I know which section you got it from. Happy requesting!
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1. “Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?”
2. “It’s you, it always has been.”
3. “You’re everything I could’ve wanted and more.”
4. “Kiss me.”
5. “Home stopped being a place when you entered my life.” 
6. “You should probably go home.” “But I’m already home.”
7. “You’re an idiot.” “But you love me.”
8. “I’d do anything for you.” 
9. “You took all the pillows so I’m using you as one.”
10. “Stop moving and let me braid your hair.”
11. “I’m so proud of you.” 
12. “Could you say that again?” “Were you not listening?” “No I was, I just like hearing your voice.”
13. “I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much.”
14. “You are my family.”
15. “I’m right here.”
16. “Can you just please hold me?” 
17. “I’m pretty sure (you’re/she’s/he’s/they’re) my soulmate”
18. “You come here often?” “Well considering I work here, yes.”
19. “You know, I think my (mother/father/parents) would be proud if I brought (you/her/him/them) home.” 
20. “I just want to see you happy.”
21. “I haven’t seen (her/him/them) smile like that in ages.” 
22. “You made me a better person. Thank you.” 
23. “I’d rather live in the woods with you than in a mansion with some (girl/boy/person) I barely know.”
24. “This reminded me of you.” 
25. “Your hair is really soft.”
26. “You’re really warm.”
27. “Are you blushing?”
28. “Can I stay here tonight?”
29. “Because I love you.”
30. “I’ve been in-love with you since we were kids.”
31. “I’m never going to leave you. I promise.”
32. “Make a wish!”
33. “I love seeing you smile.”
34. “Why are you wearing my sweater?” “Because it smells like you.”
35. “I just want to be there for you.”
36. “I couldn’t get you out of my mind.”
37. “You’re just a softie.”
38. “You owe me.” “Fine, whatever you like.”
39. “You’re safe now, I’m here.”
40. “Why are you scared of loving?”
41. “You are crushing me right now.”
42. “Darling I love you and all, but please step out fo the kitchen.”
43. “I love you.”
44.“You’re an idiot.” “But I am your idiot.”
45. “Take my hand. Just trust me.”
46. “You’re hurt. Please just let heal it.”
47. “At least let me clean it.”
48. “I told you to take care of yourself.”
49. “You’re the only thing that matters.”
50. “Stay.”
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1. “I’m leaving.” “Of course you are, that’s all you know how to do.”
2. “You started drinking again, didn’t you?” 
3. “You promised you’d stop drinking.” “And you promised you wouldn’t hurt me!″
4.“But it’s my fault right?”
5.“I don’t want to feel this. I want to be numb again.”
6.“You’re lying to me again. Why can’t you just tell me the truth for once?”
7.“I love you.” “No you don’t”
8.“I can’t lose you.” “You already did.”
9.“Did it mean anything to you? Did I mean anything to you?”
10.“How was I such an idiot, to believe that you, out of all people, could ever love me?”  
11.“I loved you.” “Then why did you let (her/him/them) get in between us?”
12.“Maybe they were right, you never did change.”
13.“This is all in my head. It’s all happening in my head.”
14.“Don’t you dare walk away from this!”
15.“What gives you the right to just waltz back into my life after all the pain you’ve caused.”
16.“You’ve changed.”
17.“You win, happy?”
18.“Any other lies left to tell me?”
19.“Why did you wait until I moved on?”
20.“Don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” “Like you still love me.”
21.“Its (her/him/them), isn’t it?”
22.“It’s always been (her/him/them).”
23.“When did you stop loving me?”
24.“Let me go.”
25.“You’re not you.”
26.“I miss the old you.”
27.“What happened to their happily ever after?” “Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it’s just once upon a time.”
29.“Move out of my way before I make you.”
30.“I risked my life for you.”
31.“I never would’ve thought (she/he/they)’d end up with someone else.”
32.“They were perfect for each other.”
33.“I was happier with you.”
34.“I would’ve done anything for you.”
35. “I loved you. I loved you so so much but you hurt me.”
36.“They warned me about this.” “About what?” “You.” 
37.“Lie to me. I don’t care what you say, just lie to me. Make me feel okay again.”
38.“You broke me.”
39.“You just threw four years of friendship out the window.”
40.“Hasn’t this addiction done enough damage already?”
41.“Sorry doesn’t fix everything.”
42.“You promised.”
43.“I don’t need help! I need an end to this pain.”
44.“What am I in your life? Because as of lately I feel as though I’ve been nothing to you.”
45. “Leave”
46.“I can’t keep playing pretend.”
47.“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.”
48.“I wish we never met.”
49.“I’m sorry I’m not enough for you.”
50. “You scare me now.”
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1.“I love you.” “Tell me that when you’re sober.” 
2.“It’s pouring rain why are you here?”
3.“I love you.” “You shouldn’t.”
4.“Where are you?”
5.“What happened?”
6.“Have you been taking care of yourself?”
7.“Is that blood?” “Yes but that doesn’t matter right now, what does matter is-” “You are literally bleeding.”
8. “Is that my book?”
9. “Are they dead?”
10. “You want to play pretend? Well two can play at that game.”
11.“Did you know that you talk in your sleep?”
12.“Come back to bed. Please.” 
13.“You’re who they warned me about.” 
14.“Come back.”
15.“You should’ve listened to me.”
16.“I haven’t seen you in days.” 
17.“Are you jealous?”
18.“Cheers, I’ll drink to that.” “You drink everything.” “Cheers!”
19.“Why is there a lion in the room?” 
20.“Is that vodka? At 7 in the morning?”
21. “Can we take this home?”
22. “Hey, look at me. Focus on me alright?”
23. “I haven’t seen (her/him/them) smile in months.”
24. “(She/he/they) don’t belong with (her/him/them)!” “Than who do(es) (she/he/they) belong with?” “…..with me.”
25. Come home.”
26. “I hope you’re happy.”
27. “They don’t need to know.”
28. “I made this for you.”
29. “Why is arson always your first answer?”
30. “Is this really the time for jokes?”
31.“Wake me up when it’s over.” 
32.“You look happy.” 
33.“I’m sorry, do I know you?” 
34.“Why can’t I get you out of my head?”
35.“Do you want that?”
36.“Don’t let go.” 
37.“Just let me stay.”
38.“Can I at least tell my side of the story?” 
39.“Do you trust me?” 
40.“Are you flirting with me?”
41.“Is the weight of your sins too heavy?”
42.“Just let me see (her/him/them) one last time. Please.”
43.“Are you afraid to die?”
44.“Are they really ‘just a friend’?”
45.“I wasn’t lying when I told you that I loved you.”
46.“I won’t hurt you.”
47.“Have you been sleeping?”
48.“I didn’t know where else to go.”
49. “It’s not 8:00 AM, it’s 8:00 AM”
50. “We should just play our music louder, then we won’t hear theirs.”- “That’s so much noise.”
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Mental Health
1.“I didn’t know where else to go.”
2."you can talk to me about anything"
3."I don't understand but I believe you"
4."I'll stay with you as long as you need me to"
5."take a deep breath"
6."do you want me to give you advice or do you just want me to listen?"
7."you don't have to go through this alone"
8."I'll check on you again tomorrow"
9."you're not broken"
10."let's take a five minute break
11."I love you no matter what your brain tells you"
12."I'm always here if you need anything"
13."please don't talk that way about yourself"
14."let me know if you ever need a ride to therapy"
15."don't forget to take your medication"
16."it's okay to ask for help"
17."I'll go with you for moral support"
18."I don't know how to help you but I can help you find someone who does"
19."do you want to talk about it or would you like a distraction?"
20."you're safe"
21."there is always hope"
22.“I will do this with you, you’re never alone”
23.“No one is perfect.”
24.“I will sit outside this door for hours if that helps.”
25.“This is not your fault.”
26.“You do not owe anyone an apology.”
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Wordless Ways to Say “I Love You”
1.Holding their hands when they are shaking.
2.Tucking the sheets around them when they stir during the night.
3.Traveling long distances just to see them.
4.Making their favorite meal when they are having a hard day.
5.Giving them a kiss before going to work and they are still in bed.
6.Tucking your head into their neck during a hug.
7.Lightly kissing on top of a freshly formed bruise.
8.Buying them something unrequested because it made you think of them.
9.Participating in their hobby even if it doesn’t personally interest you.
10.Sitting in comfortable silence while eating a meal.
11.Telling them a dumb joke just to see their smile.
12.Following their family traditions that they enjoy.
13.Singing and dancing to their favorite song.
14.Calming them down when they have a bad dream.
15..Having a tickle fight until you’re breathless.
16.Folding their clean laundry and putting it away.
17.Sharing a soft smile across a crowded room.
18.Bringing them a plate of their favorite sliced fruit.
19.Washing their back/hair in the shower.
20.Sharing your umbrella with them in the rain.
21.Listening to them while they vent.
22.Taking a picture together to print and hang later.
23.Tracing your names together in the sand.
24.Wearing clothes in their favorite color.
25.Doing a chore for them that you know they aren’t fond of.
26.Leaving a plate of food in the microwave for when they have a late shift.
27.Sharing a drink with them from the same straw.
28.Tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face.
29.Helping scratch that itch on their back they can’t reach.
30.Pulling a chair out for them to sit down at the table.
31.Wrapping a blanket around them when they are sitting on the couch and watching a show.
32.Throwing away their piles of tissues when they have a cold.
33.Mending an item of their clothing that was ripped.
34.Running out in the middle of the night to get a food item they’re craving.
35.Helping brush their hair after a shower.
36.Making sure to be quiet while they’re taking a nap.
37.Letting them warm their cold hands under your shirt.
38.Giving them your dessert when you eat out because it’s their favorite.
39.Making a goofy face until they notice and laugh.
40.Giving them space when they express wanting to have some time alone.
41.Holding their hand while walking, even if there isn’t a crowd.
42.Holding shopping bags that are too heavy for them.
43.Standing between them and a busy road.
44.Rubbing the back of their hand with a thumb.
45.Giving them a back massage when they flop on the couch or bed.
46.Staying up half the night to finish a game with them.
47.Getting them a coffee just the way they like it.
48.Giving them a tight hug that makes them lose their breath.
49. Buying them a special treat when you go out shopping.
50. Watching shitty horror movies 
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valkyriesryde · 5 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: You've got some news but are too scared to tell Bucky but he’ll find out one way or another
Warnings: pregnancy, fluff, angst?, yeet
Word Count: 2kish
A/N: This one was requested by @cleocc and I’m so glad I could do this one for you hun I’m so sorry it took a while. Thank you for always being so supportive of me and amazing <3 also wow im uh back? 
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You sat on the couch, with your legs tucked up so your chin rested on your knees. You watched Peter, Bucky and Sam playing Mario Kart on the TV, they were laughing and joking, pushing each other and trying to distract one another from the game.
Every now and then Bucky turned and smiled at you, making sure you were all good and not feeling left out by the boys. You gave him a tight smile and ran your fingers over his back and he turned back to the tv. But your face dropped as soon as he turned away and you sank back into yourself. Fuck.
"Ahh dammit," Sam groaned and threw his controller onto the seat next to him while Peter and Bucky both laughed as they already crossed the finish line ahead of him.
Slowly and quietly you got up from your seat and started to walk out of the room, praying that Bucky didn't think anything of it or notice at all.
"Baby, you all good? Where ya going?"
"Just tired, gonna go lie down," you told him.
There was no reason for you to not tell him. It’s not like it was a new relationship, the two of you had been together for years. It’s not like you hadn’t talked about it. In fact you’d both decided, if it were to happen, it happened and that would be amazing. Neither of you knew if it was even possible. Bucky wasn’t sure if after everything that happened his bits still worked as they should. But when you talked about it you both decided that you would leave it up to the universe. Now the universe had spoken and you couldn’t even bring yourself to tell him. You couldn’t even say it outloud.
“Hey baby girl.” Bucky cooed as he crawled onto the bed and pulled back the cover that you hid under. “Wanna cuddle?” he smiles and nudges his nose into your cheek. You nod your head and open your arms and Bucky immediately cuddles into you, scooting under the covers and holding you close. “Tell me what’s up when you’re ready okay?”
Bucky was always good like that. He knew that it took time for you to make sense of what you were feeling. It always took you some time to be brave enough to say it outloud and Bucky knew that. Whenever you got down or something was bothering you he was always close by for you to cuddle into until you were ready. He got worried, sure but you always told him...right? Not that it hadn’t been two weeks and you hadn’t told him anything yet and he’s totally not worried out of his mind...nope.
Two weeks, you’d kept quiet. Two and a half weeks total since you found out. Bucky stood behind you as you worked, tapping your pen as you read through reports. You hadn’t noticed him yet and he took the opportunity to observe you and see if he could figure out what was going on for himself. You weren’t any more stressed over work than usual and you hadn’t really snapped at anyone which meant no one in particular was getting on your nerves. In fact, the only person you’d been weird with was him. You were distant at the best of times, at the worst you seemed to be straight up avoiding any alone time with him. You’d go to bed early to avoid him in your apartment.
Bucky was losing his mind, you’d never been like this before. You’d always been able to talk to him so what was going on?
You’re lying next to him fast asleep and he’s staring at the ceiling with tears in eyes thinking that maybe the end is coming? Maybe she’s finally at her breaking point and this is it. She’s done with him; she just doesn’t know how to tell him yet. Then your phone lights up and it catches his eye on your bedside table. The notification isn’t anything important. Just a reminder about a meeting you have with Natasha the next morning. But it’s the notification underneath it that makes Bucky reach over you and pick up your phone.
Kindle: What to Expect When You’re Expecting has fully downloaded
Bucky falls back into his pillow and peers and you from the corner of his eye before looking at the lock screen again. He unlocks your phone, not like either of you didn’t know each other’s passwords, and opens the app in question.
The more Bucky looks at your current reading list the more confused he gets;
The Mama Neutral Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth
50 Things to Do Before You Deliver: The First Time Moms Pregnancy Guide
Pregnancy Notes: Before, During & After
The list goes on, there must be at least ten different expectant pregnancy books and some of the older ones are at least halfway through…the pin drops and Bucky almost chokes on air as he’s grabbing for his own phone and opening his own version of the app and downloading the exact books you have. Then your phone is placed exactly where he found it, he buries his face into your shoulder for a second with a beaming smile and kisses your shoulder blade.
“Silly girl,” he whispers against your skin before lying back down and opening the first book.
Bucky gets no sleep that night. When he comes into the kitchen at 6am to run with Steve and Sam he’s got bags under his eyes as bad as when his nights were tormented with nightmares and Steve’s stomach would have dropped if it not for the spring in Bucky’s step or the cheerful “good morning punk” he offered him.
“I think he’s finally gone mad…” Sam stood beside Steve as they watched Bucky whistle to himself as he tied his laces.
“I really thought him being with Y/N meant we didn’t have to worry about that anymore…” Steve scratched at his beard.
“You two idiots know I can hear you right?” Bucky stood straight and though his voice was teasing he continued to smile brightly at them and make for the door to start their run.
“You going to tell us what’s got you so happy then Buck?” Steve called out after him, Bucky turned and jogged backwards as he held out his arms.
“Nothing’s confirmed yet!”
“It’s gotta be the no sleep he really has gone mad.”
When Bucky returned to his room he could hear the shower going and you singing along to the music that played through the bathroom. He sat at the edge of the bed, toeing his shoes off and stripping the sweat covered shirt from his back, using it to wipe the sweat from his brow and chest.
“Looks like you had a good run,” you stepped out with a towel wrapped around you and offered Bucky a small smile, making your way to your dresser to get dressed.
Bucky watched closely as you started to get dressed. He paid close attention to the way you carried yourself, how careful you were with your skin and your body as you pulled a t-shirt over your head. How could he have been so unaware before?
“Com’ere” he whispered but you heard him clear as day and pulled out a pair of jeans.
“In a second,” you mumbled but Bucky wasn’t having any of it.
“Darling come here...please,” he pleaded for you and you dropped the jeans back into the drawer and walked over to him. Bucky held out his arms until he could reach your hips and pulled you to stand between his legs. His fingers brushed underneath your t-shirt and over the fabric of your underwear up to the skin of your waist and back down. “Good morning my lovely,” he delighted as his hands went to the back of your thighs and he pulled you as close as you could get while still standing, his eyes looking up at your filled with love.
“Morning,” this was probably the most intimate the two of you had been in the last couple of weeks aside from sleeping next to each other and god you missed it. Goosebumps followed his touch and your body twitched to get closer to him until there wasn’t a part of you that wasn’t touching. You missed him and it was all your own doing.
“You know I love you?” He pulled at the back of your knees until you were situated on his lap and he held your hips while your hands brushed against his chest as if he knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted it too. “Love you more than I’ll ever be able to tell ya.” His voice was quiet and as his arms snaked around your back it got softer. “Really don’t like it when you close off from me because it absolutely terrifies me babydoll but it’s okay. It’s okay you can tell me whenever you’re ready, I just need you to know that I love you and I’m not gonna be going anywhere anytime soon alright?”
You choked back a sob as you nodded your head and tried to blink back the tears, his grip around you tightened and your hands held onto his shoulders. Bucky smiled through his own tears and leaned his forehead against yours.
“It’s okay baby. I know, it’s okay.”
“I’m so scared,” you whimpered and Bucky simply nodded his head. He didn’t want to think about what you were scared of whether it be him or his reaction or the situation in its entirety because he knew he had to be strong for you and he was going to do just that.
“I know I know, it’s okay. I got you, you’re not alone. We do this together.”
You hold onto him for dear life, nodding your head because you can’t quite bring yourself to speak anymore knowing that it would come out as a series of sobs and gibberish. Bucky holds you back just as tight and he wants to outright ask you to say it outloud because he needs to hear it but he doesn't want to scare you off when he’s only just got you back. So he falls back onto the bed with you still in his arms and you squeal as you fall.
“I’m so happy,” he breathes out without thinking. Before he can clamp his mouth shut and take back anything he’s said you’re sitting up and wiping the water from your face.
“You are?”
“‘Course I am, I’m gonna be a dad,” he whispers happily and you can’t help but beam at him and nod.
“You’re gonna be a dad.” And his grin grows until he’s giving you a toothy smile and pulling you back into him, rolling over and kissing every inch of your face. “You can’t tell yet!” You stop and he pulls back, looking at you confused, “we have to wait until twelve weeks before we can tell people.”
“How far along are you now?”
“About three weeks.”
“Darling...I’m being completely serious,” his face drops and he combs back the hair from your face. “I really do not think I’ll be able to keep my mouth shut for that long…”
“You’re going to have to baby,” you giggle, everything feels so much lighter now that he knows. You were silly to be so scared.
“I will...for you,” he shimmies down your body and lifts your t-shirt to uncover your stomach, “and you,” and then he's giving you raspberry kisses while you laugh loudly and try and push him away.
“Y/N OH MY GOSH CONGRATULATIONS!!” Clint runs up to you and envelops you in a giant hug a couple days later in the kitchen while you cook lunch for yourself and everyone else. “This is AWESOME! Gonna spoil that kid rotten!”
You look to Bucky who sits at the kitchen island and if looks could kill he’d be a pile of ash on the ground.
“Babe…” he starts.
“I just told Steve, he’s my best friend, I couldn’t keep it from him.” He points to Steve who starts to sink in his seat and your glare moves from Bucky to Steve.
“I just told Tony, he deserves to know in case something were to happen.” Steve shrugs as Tony stands behind him sipping a mug of coffee.
“...I told many, many people.”
Thank you for reading and I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
Permanent Taglist (open): @witch-of-letters​ @tonystankschild​ @buckysmischief​ @buckysdumbmetalarm​ @marvelsangels​ @momobaby227​ @weirdlyokaywithit​ @disgustangg​ @bucky-blogs​ @sebbbystaaan​ @geeksareunique​ @stuckonjbbarnes​ @ellieslifefails @mushyjellybeans​ @lovesmesomehiddles​ @nat-alia-novna​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @itsunclebucky​ @kitkatd7​ @lokisironthrone​ 
Bucky Taglist (open): @bxrnsfeyson​ @brilliantbellesoares​ @supraveng​ @chubby-dumplin​ @meganlikesfandoms​ @mood-pancakes​
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purpleyellow · 4 years
Make a deal
BTS extra member + NCT extra member 
Sunny’s Masterlist + Bee’s Masterlist
“Can this be considered an extra post?” 
a/n: This is basicaly 50/50 sunny and bee so I’ll just add it to both of their masterlists :p also, I had in mind to post it this weekend but life got busy so there you go. 
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“I didn’t know you and Sunny were friends” Jaehyun tried to make small talk as he and Bee walked towards the restaurant down the block. Both idols had long coats and masks to prevent people from recognizing them on the busy street. 
“We met a few times” The girl looked up at him before staring at the sidewalk and mumbling “I didn’t know we were friends either, to be honest”
“Friendships just happen. One day you met each other and in the other, boom, you’re friends” He gestured an explosion with his hands while talking, “She said she didn’t want to third wheel, so maybe that’s why she asked you to come”
“She would be third-wheeling?” Bee giggled at him and he wrapped an arm on her shoulders while opening up the door for them to go inside.
“Her words, not mine” Jaehyun rolled his eyes before scanning the place and pointing to a table in the far back “There they are, let’s go”
The place itself wasn’t well lit, and in the corner of it, there was a pool table along with some dart games. Both girls mentally noted that this wouldn’t be their first choice for dinner, the American college bar spirit was a bit too obnoxious for them.
“Sunny was dying so we already ordered,” Jungkook said after they went through the formalities of greeting each other. He and the girl sat on one side of the table while Jaehyun and Bee sat on the other. “Hope that isn’t a problem”
“That’s fine. I’m starving too” Jaehyun agreed without a second thought and gave a thumbs up to a waiter, who nodded and turned around to grab something. Looking back at the table, the boy placed a hand on Bee’s shoulder “You can legally drink, right?”
“Uh, I guess” She stumbled over her words with wide eyes “I’ve never actually drink before though, do you think-”
“Well, I’ll give you your first shot and we can make Doyoung jealous later” Jaehyun chuckled making her sigh nervously. 
“There’s a first time for everything right” Sunny gave her a gentle smile “You can try it and if you don’t like the taste we can order a soda to share. I’m not the biggest fan of soju myself”
Soon enough, the waiter came with a green bottle and four little cups, setting everything in the middle of the table and excusing himself off. Jaehyun taking the role to fill everyone’s cups and getting his own filled by Jungkook, who also started a cheer.
“To a very random dinner,” He humorously commented before the four of them downed their shots.
The two girls frowning afterward, Sunny from having alcohol on an empty stomach and Bee from the burn the liquid gave her.
“I don’t think she enjoyed it very much” Jungkook laughed as she opened and closed her mouth to get rid of the aftertaste.
“No, no. It’s not that is bad. It just. It’s different” Bee shook her head trying not to seem unpleased.
“Maybe you’ll like it better once the food arrives” Sunny laughed and then dropped her body on the chair, far too hungry to hold herself up anymore “Talking about it. How much longer do you think it’ll take?” 
“It should be coming anytime” Her member noded to the empty place “Hold up for a minute and don’t die on me, Jin Hyung will kill me if you do that” 
“I don’t know if I can, I already see the dark tunnel, it’ll take a second before the light shows up too” She rolled her head dramatically before fixing up her posture and sitting like nothing had happened. 
The food arrived a considerable amount of time later and the four young adults fell in silence while eating, it was only when half of it was already gone that Jaehyun and Jungkook began talking about a random topic and the two girls were left not knowing what to do next.
“Sorry if this felt sudden” Sunny placed a hand over her mouth to hide her chewing “Namjoon overreacted and had me tag along with Jungkook, so I thought if you came too it would make things less uncomfortable”
“No, no. It’s fine. I was a little surprised at first but I’m happy to be here” Bee smiled as she reached over to the dumplings “Some of my members say I should go out more too, I think I get what you mean”
“What? No, that wasn’t it. I mean the boys used to nag me into making friends before too but that wasn’t the case today” Sunny chuckled not paying attention to where she was going with the conversation “I didn’t have lunch today, that’s why he had Jungkook drag me out here”  
“You skipped a meal?” Bee frowned worried as the older waved her off like it was nothing.
“No. I mean, yes. But that’s nothing to mind really. Don’t you just… get carried away with work and forget to do the things humans need in order to survive?” She gestured with the chopsticks as she spoke and with each word, Bee’s eyes grew more worried. “Okay, I might have exaggerated a little”
“Unnie, I understand work is important but you don’t need to set yourself aside in order to get things done” The young girl started to talk, nervous that she might be stepping over a line.
“I get it, you don’t need to worry” Sunny laughed a little uncomfortable that she had brought up that topic. Cleaning her throat she shook off the matter “I just wasn’t on top of my game today, that’s all. It’s a little weird but I do enjoy working” 
“As long as you’re fine” Bee gave her a tight-lipped smile and Sunny snapped her fingers at her, nodding happily as she chewed on her noodles.
The two boys sitting next to them excused themselves since they were already satisfied and walked to the pool table, leaving the girls by themselves, which wasn’t much of a difference for Sunny, considering they were already having two different conversations. 
Bee on the other hand sighed and stretched her limbs, feeling much more comfortable than before. Noticing the older had raised an eyebrow at her clear relief, the girl cleared her throat and fixed her coat like nothing had happened. 
“You and Jaehyun aren’t close?” Sunny tried not to laugh at her change of behavior and Bee inevitably became flushed.
“It’s not that… We’re- I guess, it’s awkward but it’s okay” She stumbled over herself and ended up giggling at her own reference of the NCT content. “I’m sorry, we’re just not the closest people. Also, I might have made him mad earlier this week”
“I get it. You have too many people around, it can get overwhelming. Sorry for assuming you and him were friends” The older smiled fondly, very amused at how the girl found trouble to explain the weird relationship.
“Thank you for it actually, we should be bonding more now that all of us are going to be promoting together” Bee laughed along with her “This might have been the second time we even talked this year”
“Well, I’m happy to be part of this bonding exercise” Sunny winked at her before leaning over the table “It must be hard to deal with that many people”
“You get used to it earlier than expected” She shrugged her shoulders while feeling her cheeks with her palms. “I mean, it is hard to keep up with how everyone is with you, but I’m getting by”
“What do you mean?” The older asked, interested in the different dynamics found in their groups. 
“It’s like, event X happens, and then after it’s over you have three groups of people. The first one got over it with you, the second seems wary but lets you live normally. Then the third group seems unable to let it go and constantly reminds you of it” Bee talked with her eyes fixated on the table, trying to make as much sense as possible “It is pretty hard to keep track of who belongs in which group”
“Are you talking from experience? You can share more if you’re comfortable” Sunny smiled as Bee stole a glance at Jaehyun, who had his back facing the table the whole time.
“I had this crush on a groupmate” She mumbled making the older hiss “Yeah, it’s bad I know”
“Things can get complicated, I can see that” Sunny nodded trying to explain herself “But there’s nothing illegal about it, feelings can’t be controlled” 
“Well, it didn’t last long enough to develop into something more serious if you’re worried” Bee chuckled at her covering up her reaction “But like I was saying, some of the boys still look at me like I just lost a limb or something”
“Wait, so like, the twenty-something of them know about it?” She gasped when the possibility hit her, the younger laughing at her wide eyes. 
“No, well, not that I know at least. And it’s only just two of them who make me feel pitied. Not that big of a deal now that I think about it” She shrugged her shoulders again making Sunny frown.
“But it is. You told them you’re over whoever it is right?” Sunny asked and she nodded “Then that’s all there is, they don’t need to make you feel bad for it”
“I mean, I can see that they don’t mean to harm me or anything” Bee tried to defend her words “I get a little annoyed but I try to move on since they aren’t” 
“Oh, totally. It’s coming from a good place, but at the same time, your business is yours to take care of. For some things, your word needs to be final and they need to understand that” Sunny looked firmly at her “It can be tricky to find a balance in sharing things with your friends but not letting them overstep on your life”
“I guess I’m lacking on the later” Bee smiled sadly before turning into a surprised face “Oh, we can make a deal”
“A deal?” The girl frowned at her happily nodding.
“Yeah, I’ll be firmer with my words and you’ll take care of yourself” She clapped making Sunny laugh despite wanting to be serious.
“What’s with everyone thinking I don’t care for myself?” She rolled her eyes grinning at her expectant face. “Okay, deal. But I’m going to check in to see if you’re actually doing it”
“That’s fine by me” Bee giggled while shaking her hand. Remembering what JAehyun had said in the begining of the night, she hapily said “I guess this is our Boom moment”
“What?” Sunny frowned but got waved off by the younger.
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thomaslightwood · 4 years
“I didn’t know where else to go” kitty🥺❤️
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I want to apologize to both of you - you send these requests before the Gabrily and Charlotte x Henry ones but to write three KitTy fics in a raw would be a little too much for me 😅 (I also hope you don't mind I mixed your requests and made them second part of another fic 😅)
Also - thank you ♥️ I hope you enjoy this!
Part one of “I'm leaving” fic (it's not necessary to have read it to understand this fic)
PROMPTS: (50# general) “I didn’t know where else to go.” + (25# fluff) “Your hair is really soft.”
After the mission Kit waited, along with a few other Shadowhunters for Portal to London, so he could leave.
When he tried to talk with Ty, he looked at him with a weird expression and told him to go.
Kit was confused. Ty kissed him and said they needed to talk but now he acted like nothing happened. What Kit was supposed to do?
Someone yelled the Portal to London is open. Kit looked at Ty one more time. He looked pale on the moonlight, his shoulders tense. Kit got worried. Did he get hurt without Kit noticing? Or had it something to do with Livvy? Or because it was noisy here?
Or maybe he regrets that he kissed me and avoids me now, Kit thought bitterly and stepped in the portal. He wanted to go home.
It had been a few hours since the mission. Kit took a shower, ate.
Jem and Tessa were awake, waiting for him to return. Mina was asleep. They noticed something was wrong. Of course they did. But Kit told them everything is fine and he was just tired. This wasn't untrue. He was tired and wanted to rest. But remembering that Ty kissed him and then acted like he didn't want to look at Kit hurt him like a knife.
A terrible thought crossed Kit's mind. What if Ty did it for revenge? To hurt Kit the way Kit hurt him? By leaving him? But he immediately rejected it. Ty wasn't like this. He wasn't manipulative or mean. He wouldn't do this to Kit. Or to anyone.
Kit decided he was done with overthinking. He had to do something, to distract himself from thinking about Ty. So he went to train.
But even before he could put on a gear, he heard something. Steps. Kit tensed immediately and grabbed the weapon closest to him - knife.
He quietly approached the place the sound was coming from. He could see a person's figure. Was this...
Kit thought he was hallucinating but it really was Ty. On their mission together he couldn't see him properly because it was night, but Ty stepped into the light now.
He was taller than Kit now - he noticed it on the mission too. But he noticed something else now - Ty looked stronger, with more muscle and more... mature. His skin was pale as Kit remembered it. And his eyes, grey as steel, was looking at his collarbone.
Kit put down the knife. His heart was beating fast, aching, but he came closer to the other boy. Ty's expression was dark. He was wearing other clothes, not gear, but mundane t-shirt, jeans and jacket.
“What are you doing here?” Kit asked, sharper than he intended.
“I didn’t know where else to go,” Ty said.
“What happened? Why... How did you get here?”
“I asked Ragnor to open a Portal for me,” Ty said. “He wasn't happy about it but I convinced him.”
“This is not important," Ty said, sounding somehow urgent. “I came here because of Livvy.”
“Livvy?” Kit was confused. He hasn't seen her for so long. “Why? Where is she?”
“I don't know,” Ty said and frowned. “This is the problem. At least one of them. I felt that... that something is wrong with her. At the mission. I wanted to come back to the Scholomance to check on her but she wasn't there.”
Kit's stomach tightened. He remembered what happened when she was here the last time.
“I thought that she may be here because you're the only one who can see her besides me.”
“I'm sorry,” Kit shook his head. “I haven't seen her.”
Ty signed and ran a hand through his hair. His hair was longer now.
“We may search the house,” Kit said hesitantly. “She probably wants to be around people or something like that.”
Ty didn't seem convinced but he didn't have a better option.
They went to Kit's room first, in case Livvy was waiting for him there. Then the kitchen. The garden.
“We may check Mina's room,” Kit suggested. “She's a baby but is a heavy sleeper. Unlike Jem and Tessa.”
Ty agreed, looking desperate.
Kit put on a soundless rune and slowly opened the door to Mina's room. Ty was behind him.
There they saw Livvy. She was sitting in the corner of the room, Mina's toys all around the floor. She was looking at the sleeping Mina. Her expression was sorrow, guilty and so sad that Kit looked away. It felt too private.
He didn't dare to look at Ty either. He just closed the door as slowly as he opened it.
“She knows I'm here,” Ty said quietly. “She'll come when she's ready.”
Kit nodded. “Let's go to the kitchen until we wait.”
Ty agreed, without looking at him and Kit led the way. He asked Ty if he wanted something to eat or drink. He said only water. Kit got them glasses of water and sat on the table, in front of Ty. The dark-haired boy took one of the cups and drank the water. He didn't let go of the glass.
“I'm sorry,” Ty said. “If my leaving offended you. I was worried about Livvy.”
“It's okay,” Kit said and looked at his half-full glass. “I understand.”
Ty took a breath. “What I wanted to talk about is actually... what happened three years ago.”
Kit squeezed the cup. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Ty repeated. His glass was already empty so he slowly ran fingers all around it. “Back then I terribly misunderstood the situation.”
Kit looked at him, confused. “How?”
After a few seconds Ty said, “I thought that you're helping me bring Livvy back is because you're in love with her.”
A shock hit Kit. God, Ty was thinking...
“You have got the twin wrong,” he said, not without bitterness.
“I saw how you two kissed,” Ty just said.
Kit took a sharp breath.
“That's not... It was not what you think.”
Ty looked at Kit, at his nose. “What was I supposed to think, Kit?”
“We didn't do it because we liked each romantically or something,” Kit tried to explain, anxious. “Just... she asked me. She wanted to know what's like to kiss someone. This was the only reason. I... I thought she's pretty, of course. But nothing more. There weren't any feelings from my side. Not for her.”
And you're the one I think is beautiful, Kit thought but didn't dare to say it out aloud.
“Boys?” The very sleepy and very surprised Jem was standing at the kitchen's door.
They both stand up, Kit nerves like he was caught making out with someone.
“Ugh,” he said. “Good morning.”
Jem blinked. “Good morning, Kit.” He looked at Ty. “Ty Blackthorn. Nice to see you again.”
“Likewise,” Ty said and was Kit imagining it or he sounded nervous too?
“What are you doing here? Visiting our Kit?”
“Something like that,” Kit murmured.
“Then why in the middle of-”
“Jem, we're good,” Kit hurried to explain. “Ty, ugh, didn't realize the difference between time zones. Or he would have come at a different time.”
Kit hated lying to Jem but what could he tell him? That they searched for Ty's dead sister?
“Our time zones are only two hours apart,” Ty murmured, but thankfully Jem didn't hear him.
“If you say so,” Jem was looking at them, still a little stunned. “Ty, I don't know if Kit already did it, but I can prepare a room for you.”
“There is no need,” Ty said.
He was gonna go soon, Kit realized. In the moment Livvy returned, they were gonna go back to the Scholomance. This was an unexpectedly painful thought.
“Oh, then you will stay in Kit's room?”
Wait, what?
Kit looked at Jem but he was already turning away, saying he came only for water and will leave them alone. He looked at Ty who had the same stunned face as Kit.
“I will tell Tessa you're here,” Jem said. “In the morning we can have breakfast together,” he smiled and left the kitchen.
Kit hid his face with both hands and murmured, “I'm so sorry. Jem is too friendly sometimes.”
“Well,” Ty said. “I will just sleep here then.”
“Are you sure? Don't you have classes or something?”
“No. Tomorrow is a free day.”
“Okay,” Kit said and nervously looked everywhere but Ty. “Will we wait for Livvy?”
“We don't have to. We're close to each now and she can find me.”
“Good,” Kit said. “Then... Shall we go?” He still couldn't believe what just happened. He was going to sleep in one room with Ty. Probably in one bed as well. When they were fifteen they used to do this but this time, he thought, it would be different.
Ty looked at him for a second. “Okay.”
At the next morning, Kit was strangely cozy. His whole body was warm and in a comfortable position. He wasn't cold or sore like he usually was after intense training or demon hunting.
His mind didn't realize what was happening. He was lying on someone - he could hear a beating heart and touch skin. His face was in someone's neck. He signed happily.
Kit felt someone's hands on his back and then fingers in his hair.
“Your hair is really soft,” a murmur. This voice...
He raised his head with reluctance to look at the other person. For seconds, a very few seconds he met grey eyes, grey like a storm.
Kit jumped from his embrace and sat on the bed. His heart was beating faster than ever and his throat was dry. He was sure his face was red.
He was sleeping on Ty, for fuck's sake. And Ty let him, he just let Kit snuggle into him. Kit was so embarrassed he could die.
Ty sat on the bed too. He could hear the smile in his voice. “Sorry, I didn't want to startle you. You slept so peacefully that I just didn't want to wake you up.”
“He is not bothered by that.”
Kit looked up at Livvy, who was grinning at the other end of the room, probably watching them for a while.
Kit flushed. “Shut up,” he murmured. “Jem and Tessa will wait us for breakfast,” he said and got out of bed without looking at Ty. He couldn't forget his intense gaze.
It wasn't like they were doing anything. Just sleeping and cuddling. Nothing happened.
“I'm first in the bathroom,” Kit said. He heard Livvy's laugh behind him.
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phoenix-downer · 3 years
Autumn Mending Chapter 3: Firelight Confessions
~1650 words. Romance, Angst, Pining, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Comfort, Healing, Making Up. For SoKai Day 2021.
Sequel to Kisses and Lies because I couldn’t just leave Sora and Kairi hanging, now could I?
Happy SoKai Day!
Summary: Sora and Kairi are still broken up, but with the help of old friends and Twilight Town’s fall festival, the spark between them just might be rekindled.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
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Sora felt lightheaded from the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside his heart. So much had happened today. Kairi had shown up here on Twilight Town and had apologized for breaking up with him. Was it possible she still loved him? That she still cared? 
The way he kept catching her looking at him sure made it seem like she did. And now this hayride. He didn’t want it to be over. He wanted her to be snuggled up next to him, holding his hand, for the rest of his life. 
But while his heart and body cried out for joy and begged him to be closer to the one he loved, his brain was yelling at him to put on the brakes, to slow down, to be cautious. What about that guy he’d seen her with? What about the past year and a half of anguish and torment? Could all of that really be forgotten in a single day? 
He wanted to forget. He wanted to put it all behind them. He wanted to forgive and move on and mend things with her. Even if it meant risking getting hurt again. The chance of being with her for good was worth it.
So all that kept his mind occupied to the point he was barely listening to the ghost stories. Before he knew it, the hayride was over and it was time to pile out of the wagon. A pang went through him when Kairi had to let go of his hand, and he wondered if she was as starved for his touch as he was for hers.
Hopefully they’d get to talk about it soon. Hayner, Pence, and Olette had rented one of the campfires nearby for the evening, and that was enough to temporarily distract him. Their little group spent the next couple of hours hanging out, cooking hot dogs and roasting apples and making s’mores. Sora loved sitting by the crackling campfire and spending time with his friends, but as the minutes ticked by, his eyes kept wandering to Kairi. She was seated across from him, and she looked really beautiful in the flickering firelight. Their eyes met, and she smiled and looked at him the way she always used to look at him. 
“Oh gosh, I almost forgot!” Olette said, clasping her hands together. “Our pumpkins! We should grab them so we can light the tea candles in them.” She stood and stretched. “Hayner, Pence, come with me so we can grab everyone’s pumpkins and bring them back.” 
Hayner and Pence finally got the hint and followed after Olette, leaving Sora and Kairi alone. He stood under the pretense of roasting another marshmallow, but really, he just wanted an excuse to sit next to her. He loved being close to her, and her natural scent mingled with the campfire’s smell in a way that reminded him of all the times they’d gone camping as kids back home. 
“The embers are best here,” he said to explain his sudden change in position, and she smiled and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. 
“Oh are they now.” 
“Yeah.” A few seconds passed, and he added, “Listen, Kairi, about earlier—”
“I’m still in love with you,” she blurted out, and he dropped the marshmallow and stake into the fire. Didn’t even care about them anymore. Something far more important was at stake here. 
“But—I saw you, with that guy—It’s why I left again—”
Kairi shook her head, and her eyes watered. “After our mission, I was hoping you and I could work things out, but I felt like you were avoiding me. I figured you didn’t love me anymore, and I couldn’t blame you. So when that guy asked me out, I thought, why not give it a shot. Why not try to move on and give you your space. But then he tried to kiss me, and I just… I couldn’t.” Her voice broke and she was crying in earnest now. “All I could think about was you,” she sobbed. “How badly you’d be hurt if you knew. How wonderful it feels when you kiss me. And I knew I was still in love with you. I knew my heart would always be yours. I knew it was pointless to try to move on.” 
Sora stared at her, his heart pounding in his chest. Kairi still loved him? Kairi still wanted to be with him? That guy he saw her with was nothing more than a quick fling that made her realize the one she truly wanted to be with was him? 
She wiped her teary eyes. “Say something, please.” 
He gently caught her hand and tugged it away from her face. She searched his eyes, and he smiled and cupped her cheek. 
“I love you too, Kairi,” he said, softly, tenderly, then brought his lips to hers. He kissed her with all the pain and homesickness he’d felt the past year and a half, all the pining and aching and longing, hoping she’d realize just how much he wanted this, how much he wanted her. And she kissed him back, so unguarded and wild and joyful that his pain started to fade away. What had happened couldn’t be undone, but it could be mended and healed, could be turned into something beautiful and good, could become another part of their love story. 
When it was over, he wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her head. She leaned against his heart and gently touched where his scar was hidden under several layers of clothes. She knew it so well that she didn’t even have to look to know where it was. And he didn’t have to look to know where Xehanort had struck her down either; his hands had held the very spot countless times before and remembered exactly how to comfort her.
“I love you,” he said, his voice full of emotion. 
“I love you too.”  
He kissed her head and stroked her hair. “I’m gonna make you a new promise,” he said. “You mean everything to me, and I want to settle down with you, get married, start a family. The past several years, I’ve been saving up munny so we can do just that. Maybe we should go to college first though, that would probably be good. We’ve gotta provide for our family and for each other somehow. And I know it’ll be an adjustment for me. I’m not naive enough to think it won’t be. But you’re more than worth it.”
She sniffled and clutched his hoodie. “I’m sorry for doubting you.” 
“It’s okay. You had a lot of reasons to be concerned. I’ve left you behind too many times before.” 
“But you always come back to me,” she said as she looked up and searched his eyes. 
“That’s right. I made you a promise, to always return.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out her lucky charm. 
She teared up again and curled his fingers around it. “Keep it till we get home. For good, I mean. Then, and only then, will I take it back.” 
He tucked it back into his pocket and held her and kissed her and comforted her. He shared his hoodie with her too because even with the campfire nearby, she was getting a little cold. Plus it was just nice to be this close to her. He’d missed her, so much. And something about the fire was cozy and calming and enchanting. He could hold her like this and stare into it forever. 
Well, until Hayner, Pence, and Olette returned with the pumpkins. They had big smiles on their faces, and Olette told them to close their eyes. Sora heard the lighter flicking a couple of times as their friends lit the pumpkins, and then when he and Kairi opened their eyes, he could see why Olette had wanted this to be a big surprise. 
Kairi had carved the same drawing of him that she’d drawn in the Secret Place when they were kids, complete with the paopu fruit she’d added to it years later. It matched perfectly with his pumpkin because he’d carved the drawing he’d made of her with the paopu fruit too. A big smile lit up her face as she saw the two pumpkins side-by-side, and he grinned and kissed her cheek, only for her to kiss him properly on the lips. There was much whooping and hollering from Hayner, Pence, and Olette, much to he and Kairi’s amusement. 
“Operation-get-the-lovebirds-back-together is a success!” Hayner crowed, high-fiving Pence. 
Sora raised an eyebrow. “Wait, you guys planned this?” 
“Maybe,” Olette said with a teasing lilt to her voice, and Hayner and Pence both had triumphant smirks on their faces. 
“I can believe you did,” Sora said to Olette, “but these two interrupted Kairi and I so much tonight I was convinced they were trying to keep us apart,” he finished, jabbing his finger at Hayner and Pence.
“Reverse psychology, it works wonders,” Pence said. “We figured it would get you more desperate to talk to each other.” 
“I guess it worked then,” Sora said wryly. “Because as great as that hayride was, it was not worth all the interruptions.” 
Hayner, Pence, and Olette laughed, and Kairi giggled and nuzzled his cheek. Sora soon joined in with the merriment. He couldn’t hold the scheming against his friends, especially because it had worked. He and Kairi were together again, and while it would take time to mend all the hurt between them and forge a path forward, he knew they would. Tonight was a good start, and he was determined to make this work and so was she. 
When their eyes met, he knew something else, too. He loved her and she loved him, and that was more than enough for them to make their own storybook ending and happily-ever-after.
A/N: Last year I wrote nine kiss prompts for SoKai based on this list, and I wanted to write one more to hit ten, so, this story fits... 
11. ...in joy, 
30. ...as comfort, and 
50. ...out of love.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!
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simpsiren · 4 years
sticky notes: the story
mark lee x reader
main masterlist
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description. you use sticky notes to get into contact with your soulmate.
genre. soulmate au, high school au, strangers to lovers au
warnings. nonee
a/n. so some people requested for a full story of this so here it is! i really liked making this because the concept is just so cute cudndn oh and i did include the same idea as what i did in my previous post but i had to change it a little so that it would fit the plot. this is a really really long ff since its a slow burn typa thing so please try to stick with me on this one HAHA anyways enjoyy! :D
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“you actually believe that?”
you lift your head up from your notes to look at soyoung. she nods her head and hum eagerly. you rub your temples from seeing her respond. “i do believe soulmates exist. but sticky notes to talk to them? what’s social media for then? and how is it even scientifically possible?” you question soyoung, bringing your eyes down as you continue to do your homework.
“that’s the beauty of soulmates, ray!” soyoung whines. you shake your head. “you’re dumb to believe it without confirming the information with other relevant sources.” you mutter out bluntly. you hear soyoung letting out a ‘tsk’. “here you go again being a history student. i swear im glad i never took it.” you scoff and slam your pen on the table gently.
“excuse me, woman! at least i dont have to memorise the whole textbook and only having 5 pages of content coming out in the exam.” you stick your tongue out playfully to tease soyoung. “i cant get over the fact that valcanos didn’t come out eventhough i memorised so much for it.”
the both of you laugh, knowing that the two of you can never stop debating on whether history or geography is the better subject.
“ray complete your homework at home. we cant stay in the classroom for long you know?” soyoung stands up to get to her seat, which is 2 rows down yours since you were sitting right at the back. you liked sitting at the back. it allowed you to always be able to use your phone in case you get bored in class. you still cant believe that your teachers think you’re a good and obedient student. you figured they only assumed that due to your high grades.
you sigh “that’s true.” you turn around to grab your back that was hanging in your chair and start packing your materials. once you were done, you grab the class key and walk over to soyoung’s seat, waiting for her to finish packing. you notice soyoung has finish packing and went to switch off the lights. you allow soyoung to step out first before you close the door behind you and lock the classroom door.
you and soyoung walked down the hallway silently, you were looking out the window to watch the sunset while soyoung had her eyes on her feet. only your footsteps could be heard as almost everyone has left the school grounds except for some teachers who were working late. the school normally closes at 7pm and you’re walking out at 6:50. to break the silence, soyoung opens her mouth to start a conversation.
“okay if you dont believe me why dont you try it yourself? like write a simple introduction to your soulmate.” you raise an eyebrow as you shove your hands into the front pockets of your mom jeans. “why dont you do it?” you fought back as you huff. soyoung bites the inside of her cheek as a moment of silence passes for her to think of an answer.
“because i believe it. and you do not. so you should try it.” you smacked soyoung’s arm, making her flinch back and shouting a loud ‘ouch’. you roll your eyes, knowing you didn’t hit her hard and she was just overreacting. “brilliant excuse,so. but if its going to make you stop talking about it, i might as well.” soyoung face lit up as she jumps happily and starts skipping ahead of you. you laugh and pull the handle at back of her bag to keep her explosion of excitement to the minimum.
“you owe me brown sugar milk tea. large.” you taunted. soyoung waves her hand lazily. “i’ll buy you one after school tomorrow. but you better update me during math.”
you wanted to say how you could just text soyoung to update her, but you remembered the fact that soyoung’s mother took away her phone since she didn’t do well for this year’s midterms. although to you, soyoung’s grades were decent. unfortunately for her, soyoung has to live up to her asian mom’s high expectations. the thought of this made you want to frown, but you showed a bright smile regardless as the two of you finally made it to the school gate, waving to each other and bidding farewell before walking down opposite paths.
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once you arrived at home, you took out your phone from your back pocket. you saw a notification from your mother saying that your parents would be home late. you shrug your shoulders as you walk to your room. “as always.” you breathed out.
you did your normal routine of showering and eating leftover dinner that you needed to heat up at the couch while you completed one episode of the anime series you were so hooked on. you continue watching but with the amount of homework you have, you might finish them all by midnight if you dont slack.
you turned off the tv and washed your plate before heading into your room. as you close the door behind you, your eyes immediately went to your desk, which was pretty messed up since you had a test to study for yesterday that you completely weren’t prepared for and had to squeeze in as much information as you can. hence, the scattering of notes and textbooks.
you stroll over to your desk and sat down. you take out your homework from your back which was beside the desk. looking at the stack of homework, you groan in despair as shove it to the back of the desk till it hit the wall. “ah fuck it! im just going to ask kun for help.” you admitted your defeat depsite thinking you would be able to gain some energy from your dinner. you also thought about how you’ve done your homework in the morning plenty of time so i shouldnt be a problem unless kun doesn’t offer his help.
you jump to your bed and lay down, bringing your phone out and immediately start scrolling through instagram. as you swiped your finger up to look at the posts of the people you follow, you stop at one. a picture of a couple who met through the sticky note theory. or so they claim. your thumbs hover over the screen as your eyes look up to the ceiling, starting to remember what soyoung asked to do to get your bubble tea.
yoy tap your index finger on the side of your phone as you constantly started to think whether you should do it or not. you’ve heard the rumours. but are they even true? the more you thought about it, the more intriguing the idea got. but at the same time, you also thought of how stupid it sounded and was probably made to fool people.
after contemplating and having in a debate in your head that felt like forever, you finally place your phone down beside you and take a deep breath. “ill do it.” you groan to yourself, letting curiosity take over your other feelings.
you gather up your strength to stand up from your bed and walk over to your desk. you push all the papers and textbooks aside, grabbing a yellow sticky notepad from your stationery organiser. you had other colours too like pink and purple, but you figured that you should go with the classic.
pulling out a random pen that was laying in between the pages of one of your textbooks, you tilt your head to the side as you start thinking of what to write, unconsciously biting the end of your pen in the process.
you bite the side of your cheek and shrug, deciding to go with the plan of writing whatever that comes to your mind.
um hi? i dont even know if you’re going to see this. its funny, really. i heard a rumour that you can communicate with your soulmate through sticky notes. it’s probably just fake news and im writing to a nobody. that would honestly be embarrassing but it’ll be like love letters.. to myself(?) or my soulmate. write back? haha
you read over what you wrote an endless amount of times, thinking if you should make changes. you groan and immediately stick the sticky note onto your wall, giving up on giving second thoughts about what you call this ridiculousness.
you went about your night, forgetting you have left the sticky note on the wall. as you were on you bed scrolling through tumblr at 2 in the morning, you hear something. it sounded like a piece of paper had fallen from your desk.
unable to see in complete darkness, you turn on the flashlight from your phone and walk around your room, trying to find whatever it is that fell. it didn’t take you long to find a small yellow sticky note that you accidentally stepped on.
you pick it up, remembering that you wrote on the sticky note and thought that it was yours. however, once you were able to get a closer look, you noticed that the words on the sticky note have changed. so has the handwriting.
holy shit. i dont know what is this. but apparently a sticky note appeared on my wall saying i have a soulmate. my friends told me i should write back because of some rumour. so here i am trying. hi im mark. i dont know your name, but hope you’ll tell me once you recieve this. you’re in luck because apparently the rumour is true. im just as crepped out as you are.
you froze in your spot. your fingers shaking as you read the note again. you scratch your head. being too tired and unable to think straight at 2 in the morning, you place the sticky note on your desk and went back to bed to play with your phone. you soon forget about the fact that your soulmate has replied to your message that you have written on your sticky note.
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as you got ready for the next period which was math, soyoung immediately runs over to you, dragging the chair from the desk beside you and taking a seat. you flinch a little when you suddenly see her close to you. 
“so did you try it?!” soyoung asks, her voice filled with enthusiasm . you brushed a few pieces of hair behind your ear, nodding your head as you take out your textbook from under the desk. “did you get a reply then?” 
your mind started to take you back to the mysterious encounter that you had last night. “mhm.” you reply simply. “though the only thing i remember because it seems to be the only relevant information is that the person’s name is mark.” soyoung gasped loudly, making you crease your forehead as you watch her overreacting again. 
“your soulmate’s name is mark then.” soyoung concludes, folding her arms confidently as if she made a great discovery. you laugh, rolling your eyes sarcastically. “isnt it obvious?” soyoung frowns fakely. 
your mouth gapes open as you hit soyoung’s arm lightly. “buy me my milk tea!” you demanded with a wide smile. soyoung places her notebook on your table and nods constantly. “i will you addict.” she groans. you happily say thank you as your teacher comes into the classroom and class began. 
“what are you going to do about it now though?” as you recieved the question from soyoung, you kept silent for a moment, giving time to think of an answer.
 “ill write something back? i dont know.. ill have to read the letter again when i get back home.” you whispe to soyoung. she nods in reply as the two of you payed your attention to the front again. it surprised you that soyoung was paying attention but you only assumed that she wanted to do better in class and shrug your shouders, writing down the notes youve missed while talking to soyoung.
as for you, your concentration in class dipped slightly because now, the thing that is occupying your head the most is the thought that the sticky notes theory might actually be real and you cant say its not possible anymore, making you even more shocked than you did last night.
lucky for you, today is the only day of the week where your class ends the earliest, along with two other lower ranked classes. you and soyoung quickly pack up to go to the mall to get your reward. after soyoung buys you your drink, you and soyoung went your separate ways.
after about 30 minutes of taking the bus and walking, you finally arrived at home. you place your drink on the living room table and proceed to place your bag in the room and head for the showers.
once you were done showering, you walk out of the bathroom to head to your room while drying your hair with a small towel. opening the door, you enter and went straight to your clothing rack. just when you were about to grab a shirt from the hanger, you heard the same noise last night. another piece of paper has fallen on the floor.
you turn your head and look down. this time, you found another sticky note right in front of your feet. the colour of the sticky note changed from yellow to a light blue. you tilt your head as you pick up the stick note from the floor, finding it odd as you wonder how the colour of the sticky note changed.
you take a deep breath before reading it, noticing that the handwriting was similar to the one you read last night. a little messier, but still readable.
hi again.. im not sure if you’ll recieve this since its the afternoon and i know people are busy with work or school. i skipped school today so haha. um i just wanted to write to you, despite me not knowing a single thing about you. its odd really. its like i feel the need to write something to an unknown identity that people assume to be my soulmate. i still dont know your name, so i hope youll reply soon. take your time and take care :)
- mark
“skip school? what is he, a bad boy?” you scoff to yourself. you try to take in whatever’s on the note, but another thought comes to mind. you walk over to your desk and saw that the yellow sticky note with mark’s reply was still there. you find everything about this weird and just odd in general. a lot of questions sprouted, but you didn’t want to think of it since you were afraid you would complicate your thoughts and just throw yourself into a stress hole.
you continue to dry your hair with one hand while the other held onto the light blue sticky note. you bit your lip and gulp. after letting out a long sigh, you place the sticky note next to the other one and changed into your clothes, as well as bringing your drink from the living room table to your room, placing it on the desk as you sat down.
you take out your pencilcase from your bag and brought out your fresh new black pen that you just bought at the school’s stationery store. the previous pen you had was full of ink till soyoung was dumb enough to drop it, spoiling the pen and was unable to be used again.
peeling off another yellow stick note from the stack at the edge of your desk, you were about to put your pen on paper when you realise you dont even know what to write. what do you say to this person you barely know about? you continuously tap the edge of the pen against your desk as you take a sip of your drink. you look over to the two sticky notes with the messages that the person has left. its funny how you have to think so hard just to write a short message.
hey again. i actually ended school early today. my name’s raven. but my friends call me ray. i honestly don’t know what to say to you. im still dumbfounded over the fact that you’re my soulmate and we’re here communicating over sticky notes. the world really does work in a strange way. if you dont mind, i guess i want to know how old you are and you’re education status?
you held out the sticky note in front of you and sigh in satisfaction. why? it’s because of your neat handwriting. it was always a trait of yours that you deeply appreciate. you place the sticky note on the wall and advert your attention to the other sticky notes, placing them on the wall beside the new one you have just written.
“will this drive me insane? i might end up with a whole wall of this.” you say to yourself, rubbing your face with your palm before going to your bed and laying down, wanting to have your evening nap.
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“this is awesome!”
“no its scary.”
mark and his group of friends stared at the sticky note that has a message written with beautiful handwriting. mark flinched when he felt an arm on his shoulder, turning around to notice it was chenle’s. “when did you write your previous sticky note?” renjun suddenly asked. mark tilts his head as he tried to find an answer.
“less than an hour before you guys came i guess?” mark shrugs, standing up from his desk and taking a seat at the edge of the bed beside jaemin and haechan. “this raven girl is your soulmate then.” chenle walks towards mark and stands in front of him. mark nods slowly. the room grew silent again with everyone having the similar thoughts.
“you know what would be funny?” haechan smacks mark’s thigh, the sound making everyone turn their attention to mark and haechan. “what?” mark asked with a sigh, running a hand through his hair.
“why dont we prank her and say you’re a sugar daddy and live in a mansion?!” everyone gave yuta weird looks, making haechan laugh hysterically. “are you crazy? do you think i want to chase my soulmate away?” mark scolded haechan, smacking him hard on the chest, resulting in haechan’s back falling onto the bed.
“you’re always asking for a beating i swear.” renjun comments, walking towards haechan and balling his hand into a fist and acting as if he was about to attack. jaemin laughs to try and calm them down. “kids let’s not fight.” jaemin announced, looking over to jeno only to find him standing there watching quietly.
“go ahead, mark. you should write something. we cant keep her waiting.” jeno finally spoke up, grabbing the sticky notepad and a random pen from mark’s table and passing it over to him.
mark stared at the blank paper while the others were talking about what to have for dinner. it didn’t take him long to decide what to write. when mark starts writing and began to be in full concentration, everyone crowds around him to see what he’s writing.
sup raven! i wont call you ray since we aren’t friends yet. im still shocked. like the possibility of things like this being possible is just another possibility that can possibly happen. but anyways, to answer you question, im a high schooler from dream high. im in my third year. its kind of awkward for me while im writing this since my friends are reading every word im taking down. i guess i should ask you the same question back then. hope to hear from you soon.
“will you guys stop being nosy?” mark groans, standing up and pasting the sticky note on his wall, along with the other sticky notes he received from you. “you didn’t have to say that we’re here.” haechan retorts. mark rolls his eyes. “jesus..” mark mutters under his breathe. “anyways, yall are paying for dinner since you guys bribed me to write back.” mark sticks his tongue out playfully and runs out to the living room. everyone follows suit.. except for jeno.
jeno slowly walks towards the wall and leans forward to get a closer look of the sticky notes, specifically the two others beside the new one that mark just wrote. “raven? why does that sound so familiar? the handwriting...” jeno brings his finger up and lightly hovers them over the uniquely written words. it looked like calligraphy, and retro looking. jeno felt as though he had seen it before somewhere, or knew someone who wrote like that.
jeno snapped out of his deep thoughts when jaemin called out to him, making him walk towards the door and glancing at the sticky notes once more before joining the others in the living room.
you were currently video calling your friends when you heard the crackling of a piece of paper. of course you knew what that meant. you peered down the the floor from your bed and reached your hand out to pick up the sticky note. “ray?” doyoung called out to you when he noticed your face wasnt on screen. you lay back down on the floor and brought your phone up to show your face.
“what was that sound earlier?” lucas asked, currently sounding hyper. “the mysterious mark sent me another sticky note.” you reply sarcastically, waving the sticky note to the camera to let everyone look at it. everyone nodded their heads at the some time, some letting out a long ‘ah’ as well. “read it out loud!” yuta shouted.
“the fuck no!” you shouted back. you stared at the sticky note, but didn’t bother to read it. you thought of doing that once you’re done video calling them.
“how was today for you guys?” you asked, wanting to know how they’re doing.
“its tiring! we had dance practice, then we have to do recordings for our new albums. we barely get any sleep.” ten whines, his tone filled with stress. you laugh loudly. it made everyone frown and pout. you sigh. “pursuing your NCT world domination is never easy.” you commented, highlighting the word ‘world domination’ with a change of tone.
everyone lets out a long sigh and started to complain one by one, making the whole video call chaotic for almost 10 minutes. you could only smile and shake your head.
after about an hour or so of talking about basically everything and catching up with each other, everyone decided that they should end the call here since it was beginning to get dark and they needed to start practice soon. you bid your goodbye to them once more and ended the call.
you now adverted your attention to the sticky note. reading the letter, you raise both eyebrows. “dream high? that’s not far from here..” you mumbled to yourself. you started to think about everything you know about dream high. you know it’s was about an hour’s journey from where you live. it wasnt really well known either. the overall vibe of the school was mediocre.
however, you felt like you were missing something. something about that school is somehow related to you. you just couldn’t think of an answer despite squeezing all thoughts that you have in your brain. you groan and stood up from your bed and to your desk, proceeding to wanting to write a reply to mark.
hey. sorry if you get this quite late. i was busy video calling my friends. to answer your question, im a third year as well from jookin high. i would ask for your number so we dont have to do this all the time but my friend would scold me saying “but you’re removing the fun out of it.” but anyways, mark aka my soulmate, tell me about yourself, to start off.
you stick the note onto the wall, looking at the row of messages you’ve had recieved so far. you found it weird how the first time you’ve sent the note and got a reply back, it was on the same sticky note, just different handwriting. but you had to write on a new sticky note to send a new message only to get the same sticky note with a different message in return.
you only see his answers lined up on your wall. you started to wonder how this mark guy looked like. is he good looking? what are his hobbies? his attitude towards school? you really wished you could just text him through instagram and not have to go through all this trouble. but that option would earn you a large smack on the back by soyoung and your really didn’t want that.
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“do we really need to be here now? like now?!”soyoung whined, while pushing the cart and following behind you while you tossed some packets of frozen bacon. you stopped walking and turn around, nodding your head intensely. soyoung groans and took out her phone, proceeding to use it while still pushing the cart.
you walk around the supermarket, trying to find the ingredients listed on your notes in your phone. it was the weekends and you’re parents were going to be away for a business trip for a week so you thought of inviting soyoung over and making home cooked meals as a bonding session for you two.
after about 30 minutes of gathering the ingredients and having soyoung constantly screaming and fangirling over tiktok edits of jaehyun from NCT. one note: she has yet to know that you know them and that they’re your friends. you figured that it would be best to not let anyone know so as to avoid any situation that would put your friends in a tight spot, since well they’re idols, you were looking for one last item that you had trouble finding.
“soyoung help me! stop watching tiktoks!” you groan, snatching soyoung’s phone away and shoving it in her back pocket. soyoung rolls her eyes lazily and the two of you proceeded to scan the different isles and shelves, looking over every item.
while you were too concentrated looking at the bottom shelves, you felt that you have bumped into someone. you squat down, letting out a soft ‘ouch’ before standing up and looking to see who you bumped into.
“wait. jaemin?” you furrow your eyebrows as you tilt your head, pointing your finger at the guy in front of you. “raven!” you noticed that it was jaemin after all, and both your faces lit up and the same time, grinning widely at each other.
“uhhh..” soyoung says out loud, you and jaemin turn your heads to face soyoung who was behind you. “oh! this is jaemin. we used to be neighbourhood friends before he moved out 4 years ago.” you introduced jaemin to soyoung. jaemin nodded and gave her a bright smile. soyoung only shrugged her shoulders and took out her phone. you turn your attention back to jaemin.
“why are you even here? dont you live quite far?” you ask, your fingers interlocked behind your back. jaemin nods, running a hand through his hair.
“well yes. but we came here to find something that only this supermarket sells.” jaemin replied back, his warm smile never leaving his lips. you smile, reached your hand out to ruffle his hair, laughing softly afterwards. “we? who’re you with?” you stared at jaemin with eyes of suspicion. jaemin started pinching your cheeks, making you whine and begging him to let go.
“with my friend, ray chill. im still single.” jaemin pulled away and folded his arms, pouting. “im sure you’ll find one soon.” you reached out to ruffle his hair and give off a wide smile.
while you and jaemin were catching up and being in your own world, soyoung got too bored of watching the two of you and decided to walk around the supermarket, leaving the cart behind you.
just as she was looking at the drinks isle to get her favourite sweet drink, she sees someone picking up a bunch of bottles one by one and placing them back on the shelve. out of kindness, she decided to help, picking up a bottle and placing it on fhe shelve before looking up to face the guy, who had a straight face while looking at her.
“i was just trying to help. im soyoung.” soyoung smiled, reaching her hand out and waiting for thr guy to greet back. he looked at her but doesn’t respond, proceeding to pick up the last bottle that was seen on the floor. “im jeno.” jeno stands up and nods his head to greet soyoung. soyoung nods back, walking down the isle to grab her drink from the shelve. “have a nice day.” soyoung says before leaving the isle and disappearing out of jeno’s sight. he only shrugged in response and went to do his own thing.
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“you met who?!” haechan asks as he takes a sip of his ice cold water. everyone had their heads turned to jaemin, who raised an eyebrow at everyone’s weird expression. “i met my old friend raven. what’s so shocking?” jaemin asks back casually, picking up a few pieces of fries and dipping it into the sauce before shoving it in his mouth.
“dude that’s the name of mark’s soulmate!” haechan screams, making everyone flinch due to the loud noise. “i highly doubt it. there’s plenty of girls in the world with the name raven.” jaemin protests with his mouth full and chugging down gulps of coca cola.
“i mean that’s true. jeno you were with jaemin, right? dont you suspect anything?” renjun starts to question jeno, who was silently playing with his phone. looking up at the others, he gulps.
“i didn’t know he met his friend. i was picking out drinks. i just met a girl named soyoung.” jeno shrugs, taking a bite of his burger. mark scratches the back of his head, now starting to think of the fact that jaemin might have met his soulmate. though he also thought about how that could not be totally possible.
“nah i dont think its her. like really ‘raven’ could be anyone.” mark says, siding with jaemin. haechan tilts his head in awe. “jaemin do you know what school she’s going to?” jaemin only shakes his head.
“i lost all contact with her when i left her neighbourhood. plus we were young. i barely knew her honestly.” the living room falls silent, everyone trying to think of a conclusion to this.
chenle groans, standing up from his seat and slamming his hands on the table, gathering everyone’s attention as their heads shot up. “instead of pondering as if yall are solving some crime, why dont mark just ask her through the sticky note god dammit?” chenle pinches the bridge of his nose.
everyone’s mouths gape open as the room was suddenly filled with ‘ah’s all over. chenle shakes his head. everyone was now looking intensively at mark. mark furrows his eyebrows. “okay guys hold up ill grab the stick note.” mark stands up and takes one bite of his burger before going into his room for awhile and coming out with a sticky note and a pen.
jaemin noticed jeno being silent the whole way. and althought thats normal since its jeno’s nature and personality to not be so outspoken like the others, jaemin could sense that jeno was off and seem to be in deep thoughts.
and jaemin was right. jeno couldnt stop thinking about jaemin’s encounter with ‘raven’. the name sounded so familiar. he tried to recall every girl he has came into contact with during his life. why did he feel like the name was tied to the handwriting he saw on the sticky notes?
“jeno.” jaemin nudged him in the shoulder. jeno mumbled a soft ‘oh’ before turning his attention to mark just like the others. “she didn’t send me a reply after my last one though.” mark says, looking up.
“its fine. she probably didn’t see it. just write already.” chenle says in anticipation. mark shakes his head. “calm the heck down its not like we can get an answer immediately.” mark rolls his eyes and began to write.
hey raven. um i know this may sound weird. but have you gone to a supermarket and met a guy names jaemin? im not a stalker i swear. its just that he’s my friend and apparently you know him. though i dont think that such a coincidence and come by just like that. hope you hear from you soon.
jeno stared at the sticky note that mark proceeded to place at a random wall of the living room while everyone continued to eat and chat. his thoughts finally linked and a imaginary lightbulb appeared on above his head when he finally realises why he was so drawn to mark’s soulmate.
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you were focused on wanting to solve a math question when the sticky note above your desk’s wall had fallen in front of you, revealing a new message. you place your pen down and let out a sigh, remembering that you hsve forgotten to write a reply and that mark probably sent you another one.
you tied your hair in a messy low bun before picking up the sticky note to get a closer view. you blink your eyes rapidly as your eyes furrow in awe. what the note said really shocked you and made you freeze in your spot. jaemin is friends with your soulmate? there’s no way.
you sat there for awhile as you constantly read over the words, still in shock with your moutb hanging open. you just couldn’t believe it. was it really what it seemed to be? another thought came to your mind as well. the thought of just who is this friend of jaemin’s? could it be mark? was your soulmate literally in the same place as you yet you never knew?
you grab a fresh new piece of sticky note and proceeded to write a reply after staring at it for so long and thought that it was finally time that you do something.
okay what you wrote really was weird. jaemin’s my old neighbourhood friend. its such a coincidence how you know him. i guess the connections are there. so haha yeah. damn. im very mind blown right now.
you take a look at your handwriting again, smiling to yourself. “i really do love my handwriting.” you mumble under your breath. you stuck the sticky note on the wall and resumed doing your homework, hoping that mark would reply soon.
while the boys were immersed in the horror movie they were watching on friday night, everyone turned their heads to each other when they heard the noise of a piece of paper falling onto the floor. in unison, everyone turned their head to where the noise came from and seeing the sticky note that fell.
jisung grabs the controller and pauses the movie. “we’re watching a scary movie and creepy stuff like that happens?!” jisung asks, stuttering out of complete fear.
mark decided to be the brave one after seeing everyone’s terrified face and stands up to pick up the sticky note, going back to take his seat on the couch soon after. “d-does that always happen?” mark shrugs. “well duh. that’s how i know she sent a reply. it wouldn’t be this scary if we weren’t watching a horror movie.”
everyone’s heads once again gather around mark as he read the note out loud. everyone gapes their mouth open, some covered their mouths while jeno could only stare at it in disbelief. “i guess we’ve confirmed its her.” mark breathes out, placing the sticky note on the table.
jeno reaches out to grab the sticky note to have a look. the unique handwriting that he suspected would belong to you really was yours. out of anger, he tears the sticky notes into two. everyone had their eyes widened at jeno’s sudden shocking action. mark snatches the now torn note back, looking down at them before facing jeno.
“what the heck was that for?!”
“dont talk to her anymore. she’s trouble.”
everyone lets out a sigh in unison except for mark, looking at everyone’s weird reaction. “what do you mean trouble? and why does it look like you all know something except me?” mark furrows his eyes as everyone exchanged glances continuously for a moment.
“she’s just not someone you should be with. that’s all.” jeno stands up and walks to his room, slamming the door shut and produring a piercing noise. the room was silent for awhile until mark speaks up.
“what am i missing here you guys?”
no one replies.
“we’ve been friends for a year and you guys are all keeping secrets for me?” mark scoffs in disbelief, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“we arent in the position to tell you. its jeno.” jaemin murmurs under his breath, looking down on the ground just like the others.
marks keeps silent and stands up from the couch, the palm the torn note was in is balled into a fist as he goes into his room as well.
haechan sighs. “jeno has to tell the truth. he’s been holding onto that grudge almost forever now.”
everyone nods their heads in agreement. “if not, he’s going to live in despair now that he knows she’s his best friend’s soulmate..” jisung adds on. 
everyone could only silently hope that things could go well. 
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after that day you’ve sent a reply, you havent heard from mark since. you dont know why. due to your lack of information on him, it felt as if he disappeared into thin air. although only a week has past by, you felt concerned and somewhat worried for him. did something happen to him? what made him cut off his connection with you? its not like you did anything wrong. 
out of pure desperation, you decided to skip school today. youve never skipped school before, and you felt so rebellious and bad. why did you do this? so you could go to dream high and meet mark in person. youve had enough of the sticky notes. you just wanted to see how he was like in real life, not having to think about it through notes. 
with a little help from jaemin by texting him on instagram, you knew that mark’s class should be ending by 4pm, and you were there at 3:50 in the canteen where jaemin told you to wait. funny how the security guard lets a student from another school come in with a pass or anything.
you slowly start seeing groups of students going down the flight of stairs that lead to the canteen which had a path leading to the front gates. some eyes glanced at you as they notice someone who doesnt belong at their school, you couldnt care less though. your thoughts were only filled with mark. how he looked like, how he would carry himself. your anticipation was the only thing you felt.
you wore your headphones yet you could suddenly hear a lot of squealing and shouting. you look up, turning you attention to the stairs. a large group of girls crowding around another group of people, who you assumed to be guys. you scoffed, thinking about how there’s always that one group of good looking guys all girls seem to go crazy for. you watch as the group of guys push through the large crowd.
once you got a closer look, you tilt your head to the side. you slowly bring your headphone down from your ears and let them rest on your neck, getting intrigued by how the girls were getting so crazy, even more crazy than the ones from your school.
“its mark! he’s so cute!” 
you widen your eyes as you heard the word ‘mark’. you stood up from your seat, peering your head up to find which one is the girl referring to. you only see two guys walking. one smiling sheepishly while the other kept a straight and cold face. just which one is mark?
suddenly, you felt an arm grabbing yours and pulling you back. you jump out of fear and turn around noticing it was jaemin. you calmed your breathing as you look at jaemin. 
“meet mark under the block nearby. its too hectic here for you to talk to him.”
jaemin dragged you out of the school grounds and to a secluded block where only a few students where walking past and left you there. you were lost in confusion but decided to trust whatever jaemin was doing, sitting down at a random bench.
“jaemin told us to meet him here where is-” 
you immediately stood in front of the two guys you saw at the canteen as you notice a familiar face. you werent able to get a clear look at them before, but now you realise that you knew one of them. “jeno..” you look at a different direction a you tried avoiding his gaze, though you knew you couldnt, forcing yourself to meet his eyes.
mark looks at the both of you, utterly confused as his attention shifts from you to jeno constantly. “this raven?” mark points at you, tilting his head. you nod slowly as your turn your head to face mark. you observed his body up and down. he was good looking, just like jeno.. yet his aura told you that he was way more outgoing and open than jeno. 
“you look...”
everyone was silent.
you gulp in nervousness. “im busy. bye mark.” before jeno could go, mark pulled on his arm to bring him back to stand beside him, earning a glare from jeno. the one you could never forget. “stay. i know something happened. you were always quiet whenever we talked about this girl. and i also know you all kept something from me.”
you slowly turned to jeno. you could he was annoyed whenever he looked at you. you felt it through his eyes, and it was terrifying. jeno took a deep breath in, folding his arms and placing his weight on one leg. 
“if you remember clearly, chenle told you that before we became friends with you, we had a fight and didnt talk to each other for a long time. we didnt tell you this, but it was her who caused it. she brought chaos into our group. everyone forgotten about it clearly, but i cant. after what she did.. i cant forgive her.”
you opened your mouth, wanting to reply but your words were somehow stuck in your throat. you didnt exactly know what to say or do in this awkward situation.
“it.. it was a long time ago jeno, please. my feelings for you were real, even if we werent meant to be. i dont know how many times you need me to say sorry.” you pleaded, biting your lip as you waited for jeno’s reaction.
jeno sighs and runs a hand through his hair as he lets out a huff of rustration. “then why did you leave? you left me stranded, and because of you, i almost left my friends becaused i lived in agony since i missed you so much. i almost pushed everyone away.” you shivered as jeno’s voice started to raise. 
 you also glanced at mark, who still kept his confused expression on his face. through his gaze never left you as you felt his eyes scanning you body up and down. 
“you two used date?” mark asks. you nod in reply.
“we were kids. we didnt know about all this soulmate stuff. but now..” 
“you know what? be together. im not going to leave my friends just because of my pent up grudge and feelings. i cant control fate either.” 
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years had now past since you met mark. it really was fate. the two of you became close in no time and now.. you were fianally married. you couldnt be more happy to be with mark. who you were destined to be really was made for you, and you only. and to think this all escalated due to a note you sent out in pure curiosity.
you still remember what happened with jeno after that day, despite the lack of interaction between you two, jeno was open enough to accept you as his friend again. you are now living a happy life with mark, and always being able to hang out with his group of friends. today was no different. 
“haechan get the chilli sauce!” you hear mark shout as you smile widely, feeling his arm snaking around your waist to pull you close. having a barbeque was a great idea to celebrate jisung’s birthday. 
you soon see haechan with the bottle of chilli sause, placing it on the table where everyone gathered around the table which had jisung’s birthday cake. “before we do anything with the cake, let me announce my wish.” jisung announces proudly. you raise an eyebrow. “you cant say you birthday wish out loud!” you scolded jisung, but everyone laughs.
“his wish is something we all know.” jeno says, winking playfully at you. you tilt your head in confusion when you suddenly feel mark’s arm leaving you waist. you look over to mark who was shoving his hand into his pocket as if to find something.
you were completely clueless when mark nods towards jisung, to show some kind of signal. “i wish for mark and raven to get married!” jisung shouts. 
you gaped your mouth open in shock when mark pulls out a small box, opening it in front of you to show a ring. you cover your mouth in disbelief. “did you guys really-”
“please marry me, raven. my sticky note soulmate.” you hear everyone clapping s a tear of happiness drips from your cheek. you quickly wipe it away as you heard the nickname that mark gave you. “we wouldnt normally do this but it was jeno that suggested this.”
you look over to jeno who had a soft smile on his face as he nod his head. looking back at mark, you grin widely as more tears started flowing out. “of course ill marry you, you dork.”
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50 Christmas Ornaments My True Love Gave To Me
Summary: It was Christmastime in the Stark-Rhodes-Potts’ household, with Tony, Rhodey, Pepper, Peter, and Morgan all sitting at the table. Jingle Bells was playing quietly in the background, and each one of them was working on decorating a clear plastic christmas bauble, a growing pile of colorful ornaments in the center of the table.
The Iron Family gets carried away making Christmas ornaments, and Peter talks to his dad about asexuality
Taglist: @phahbiyah @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars @clevermuffinalmondpeach @stuck-in-a-fictional-universe @canonismybitch @freckledmountain @hold-our-destiny @not-your-housekeeper98 @misskirkstark @iron-loyalty @skeeter-110 @m3ga1nsp1r3d @nazezdha321 @peterparkerspidgeons @fallenstar07 @baloobird
Let me know if you want to be added/removed! I don’t mind at all either way! Also thank you to @baloobird for beta-reading this for me!
Read on Ao3!
“This was the best idea. Peter, remind me never to doubt you again,” Tony said, gazing at his newly made red and gold Christmas ornament. It was Christmastime in the Stark-Rhodes-Potts’ household, with Tony, Rhodey, Pepper, Peter, and Morgan all sitting at the table. Jingle Bells was playing quietly in the background, and each one of them was working on decorating a clear plastic christmas bauble, a growing pile of colorful ornaments in the center of the table. 
“I told you it would be fun!” Peter said with a laugh, carefully pouring a bit of red glitter into his own ornament. 
“Told you!” Morgan echoed, despite the fact this activity had been a complete surprise to her and she had told Tony no such thing. Morgan reached forward suddenly, grabbing the white glitter. 
“Oh, dear you need to be more careful with that,” Pepper said as Morgan spilled some on the table trying to pour it into her ornament. “Here baby, use the funnel.”
“Finished!” Rhodey said suddenly, nearly startling Peter into flinging glitter everywhere just as Morgan had done. Rhodey held up a bauble that had been painted in three stripes of red, blue, and grey, with “T+R+P=‎⎊” painted in black overtop. It took Peter a moment to realize that the colors were representing each of their Iron Suits, and he said “Awww” along with the rest of the family. 
Both Tony and Pepper kissed Rhodey on the cheek, Tony on the left and Pepper on the right, and Peter laughed at the sheepish but adoring smile Rhodey gave them in return. He placed his bauble next to the others and gazed fondly at the colorful pile. 
“I think these are my favorite ornaments,” he said with finality. 
“Ha! You sure about that? You like them even more than your special War Machine one Pep gave you?” Tony said, an eyebrow raised skeptically. 
“He’s a close second of course, but these are my favorite since we made them together as a family,” Rhodey said, grinning happily. 
“Aw, you’re extra sappy today, Pops,” Peter teased, putting the top on his ornament, and smiling at the layers of red and white glitter in his candy-cane themed bauble. 
“Are you implying that I’m sappy all the time?”
“Not even just implying. You’re sappy. You’re a sappy, mushy, lovey-dovey, man,” Peter said, scrunching his nose at his father, and sticking out his tongue childishly. Rhodey made a mock-offended gasp, and pressed his hand to his chest. 
“I’m deeply offended by this. You know I’m not sappy, right Little Mo’?”
“Super sappy,” was all Morgan replied with, clearly more interested in stuffing bits of ribbon in her ornament than she was in the conversation itself. The rest of the family laughed as she continued to fill her bauble, and Tony threw an arm around Rhodey’s shoulders. 
“Nah, I think I actually agree with you, Honeybear. These are probably my favorite as well, I can’t believe we never did this before. I almost wish we could make more, we were each only able to make five,” Tony said, looking down at his completed ornaments beside him, a slightly disappointed look on his face. “I had a lot more ideas for what to design.”
“I did too,” Pepper said, looking down at her own baubles, neat and elegant, all themed with the colors of white and gold, unlike the rest of the family, who had gone a bit more wild with their designs. 
“Well… who said we’re not allowed to go back to the craft store and get some more?” Peter said tentatively. When all three parents raised an eyebrow he quickly went on. “I mean we have plenty of paint and glitter and ribbon left! We could probably just get some more baubles and have enough supplies to make more--I mean what else are we gonna use this stuff for? Might as well use it up on more ornaments so we don’t waste it, ya know?”
The three adults were now wearing varying convinced facial expressions, though Morgan’s response definitely worked in Peter’s favor. 
“Yes! Let’s do it! Pleeeeease???” she said, looking up at them and giving them her best puppy eyes, garnished perfectly with a little sniff. 
Peter was grabbing his coat before they even said “yes.” 
“Ya know, I distinctly remember you saying all we had to get was more ornaments, and that we already had enough supplies to make another batch,” Tony said, frowning at Peter, who was gazing at the rows of glitter on the shelf. 
“Yeah yeah, I know, but we only got christmas themed colors last time! What if we got something else besides the red, green, white, and blue?”
“Well we got gold and silver too, and a little black--”
“You know what I mean,” Peter groaned with a roll of his eyes. “We could do so much more with some extra colors--Ooh look!” Peter snatched four containers of glitter off the shelf and presented them to Tony. “We could make pride flags! You and me could have personalized asexual pride ornaments!”
Tony sighed at the sight of the bottles. 
“Well… that would be cool… I dunno kiddo…” Tony said slowly, pushing his hands in his pockets as he thought. 
But Peter suddenly realized what he was doing and his face turned red with embarrassment. He really shouldn’t be asking for things right now, especially when he only wanted these colors because he was feeling a little insecure. That’s not a good enough reason to be spending money on glitter they were never gonna use again. 
“I--Um, nevermind, sorry,” Peter said, his hands shaking a little as he reached up to put them back. 
“What? No, Peter, I was--”
“There you two are!” Pepper said suddenly, making them both jump and turn in her direction. She made her way over, Rhodey and Morgan trailing behind. “What’re you doing over here?”
“Well the kid’s twisting my arm into getting us some pretty ace glitter,” Tony responded, and Pepper glanced at the bottles Peter was still holding. Peter grimaced inwardly, wishing Tony hadn’t said anything. He didn’t need Pepper to explain to him they can’t just buy whatever he wants just because he’s a little upset. 
But she wasn’t angry with him. She snorted, rolling her eyes at Tony’s pun. 
“Well if you two get your pride flag then I want mine too,” she said, reaching over and grabbing some pink, purple, and blue bottles, the colors of the bisexual flag, and throwing them in the basket with the pack of ornaments. The knot of nervousness that had formed in Peter’s chest instantly unraveled, and he suddenly felt a lot more at ease about putting his own bottles of glitter in the basket. 
“Hey don’t forget mine!” Rhodey said, reaching for the pink, yellow, and blue bottles, the pansexual pride flag, and putting them in too. 
“Oh, you guys need the polyamorous flag too!” Peter chirped, snagging the blue, red, and black bottles of glitter. “We can use the gold paint back at home to put the pi symbol on it too!”
All three parents smiled warmly at him, and Rhodey reached forward to ruffle his hair affectionately. Peter remembered when Pepper and Tony had first started dating Rhodey, they’d been so nervous to tell him because they were scared he wouldn’t like it. Peter was only about ten when they told him, and he could tell they had been very worried. Peter colored a picture of the three of them holding hands the next day, and hung it up on the fridge. He found out later that Tony had given it to Rhodey, and Rhodey keeps it in his wallet now, taking it everywhere he goes. And when Rhodey eventually moved in and got married to Tony and Pepper, Peter was extra enthusiastic in helping him get settled, to make sure he felt welcome. 
Peter’s always done his best to make sure his parents knew he loved them, and accepted them just the way they were. 
But Peter was suddenly snapped out of his memories by Tony’s voice. 
“But what about Little Mo’? We can’t have her feel left out!” he said, gazing down his daughter by his feet. But Morgan suddenly held up a large colorful bag, showing off the contents to her fathers, mother, and brother. 
“Pom poms!” she squeaked happily. The bag was filled with hundreds of colorful pom poms of varying sizes, some of which were definitely too big to force into the ornaments, but Peter knew that wouldn’t stop Little Mo’ from trying. 
“Oh yes, you forgot, Dad,” Peter said, scooping up his little sister and resting her on his hip. “The ‘P’ in the acronym doesn’t just stand for Pansexual and Polyamorous, it also stands for Pom Poms.”
“Oh yes, that’s the new one isn’t it?” Tony said with a snort, now sorting through the glitter in the basket to get rid of repeated colors. 
“Yup. Maybe I can get MJ to design a pride flag for it,” Peter said with a smirk. 
“I’m sure she would do so happily,” Pepper said, taking the pom poms from Morgan to put them in the basket, and kissing Morgan's head. “Now why don’t you and your Dad get back to the car and buckle Morgan in while your Papa and I get everything checked out?”
A few minutes later Peter walked out of the store with his sister and dad, and Tony was buckling Morgan in her carseat. 
“Snug bug?” Tony asked her as he adjusted the straps of her seat. 
“Snug bug,” Morgan confirmed with a giggle. Tony smiled and booped her nose, before drawing out his phone and opening up a game. 
“Wanna play on Daddy’s phone?” he said, handing it to her and helping her put in the headphones. Then Tony moved back up to sit in the middle row of the van, where Peter was looking at him with a raised eyebrow. 
“You never let me play with your phone when I was little,” he said bluntly. “I’m sensing a favorite child has been chosen.”
“Pfft, is that another one of your spidey powers? Your Spidey Sense get upgraded along with your suit?” Tony asked with a roll of his eyes. “No, I just needed her to be distracted.”
“What? Why?” Peter asked with a frown. 
“Well, it seems my other bug isn’t so snug,” Tony said, looking at Peter pointedly. 
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“What’s up kiddo? You seemed a little worried back there,” he said. 
“I did? When?” Peter said, hoping to wiggle his way out of the conversation somehow, stall until his Mom and Papa got back. 
“When you were asking about if you could get the ace flag colors. You know I was joking right? I wasn’t actually considering saying no to you, I want you to be able to show your pride however you like,” he said gently. It seems Peter wouldn’t be able to get out of this one.
“No, yeah I know that, it… wasn’t you I was worried about,” Peter said with a sigh. “Part of it I guess was uh, well you know how I get guilty asking for things. I didn’t want to make you spend money on me.”
“Ya know for the child of a billionaire you sure worry about money a lot,” Tony said with a smirk. “I don’t mind spending money on you. You’re important to me, and I have the ability to do it, so I like to. But, you already know that, and I have a feeling the money wasn’t the only thing bothering you. Am I right?”
Peter’s face turned even redder and he glanced out the window to see if his Mom and Papa had come to save the day. 
No such luck.
“I uh… Flash said something the other day. Bothered me,” Peter muttered. 
“What did he say, kiddo?” Tony said, reaching over to squeeze Peter’s hand. 
“…he said nobody would ever want to date someone who was asexual like me. That no one would wanna be in a relationship with someone who wouldn’t, uh--” he glanced at Morgan to make sure her earbuds were still in, “--‘give them any’.”
Peter looked down and picked at a loose thread on his jeans, avoiding his father’s gaze. 
“Oh Peter, I’m sorry. That’s not true, there are plenty of people who will love you just the way you are,” Tony said, smoothing a thumb over Peter’s knuckles. 
“Yeah, I mean I-I know that in the back of my mind--I mean you’ve got two people who love you, and you’re ace like me, so--so I mean I’m sure I’ll find at least one person, it’s just--” Peter broke off with a sigh. “What if… What if I find someone who’s okay with me being ace, but they’re not nice in other ways? What if there’s only one person who’s okay with me being ace, and it turns out they like, I dunno, hate that I’m Spider-Man? Or they’re even abusive or something? What if the only person who will ever like me is someone who’s bad?”
“Peter, nobody really ever has just one person they’re compatible with. I learned that when I fell in love with Rhodey,” Tony said with a soft smile. “There’s going to be more than one person who’s okay with your asexuality, just like there will be more than one who isn’t. There will be people who are okay with it but are terrible in other ways, just as there will be people who aren’t okay with it but are amazing in other ways. 
“And of course, that means there will be people who are just bad for you overall. People who aren’t okay with your sexuality and are awful. But that means there will also be the opposite! There will be people who will be fine with your asexuality, and are also kind, and funny, and will have qualities you love. 
“Humans are complex, you’ll never meet one that’s exactly the same as the other, and yet we have the ability to love so many different people, in so many different ways. It’s part of why I fell in love with both Pepper and Rhodey. I love how unique they are. 
“Like you said: two people who are so different from each other, and yet they both fell in love with an asexual person like me. And neither of them are terrible, obviously,” Tony said, and Peter laughed, finally looking up at him. Tony smiled and gave his hand a final squeeze. “Basically, of the hundreds of humans your age in New York, I doubt there’s only one person who would be good for you, and even less likely that the only people willing to date you are abusive and awful. It mathematically doesn’t make sense. Throw in the fact that you’re the kindest kid I’ve ever met, and I doubt there’s an asexual-accepting human in the world who wouldn’t wanna date you.”
Peter laughed again, leaning back on the headrest as his chest filled with relief. 
“Thanks,” he said quietly. “I dunno what I’d do without you to help me with all this stuff.”
“Of course, kiddo. It’s what Dads are for.”
An hour later, Peter and his family were finishing up making the last of their baubles, Peter carefully painting the Spider-Man logo on his glittery asexual pride ornament. He was feeling a lot better after the talk with Tony, like a weight had been lifted off him. It even made painting a little easier, despite the fact he was awful at painting. 
Rhodey had finished about half an hour earlier, now in the kitchen making cookies while Pepper and Morgan watched Klaus in the living room. The smell of Rhodey’s cookies wafted into the dining room where Peter and Tony were still working. Peter snapped up and sniffed the air, drinking in the scent of chocolate, butter, and sugar, the signature smell of Rhodey’s chocolate chip cookies. 
Peter’s stomach gave a deep growl at the scent, whining miserably about how empty it was. 
“Wow, someone’s hungry,” Tony said, glancing at Peter’s middle with a smirk. 
“I knoooow,” Peter groaned, wrapping an arm around his belly. “I was so distracted by the ornaments I forgot to have a snack when we got home. Dumb super metabolism, I’m gonna starve to death before those cookies get out of the oven.”
“Well don’t do that,” Rhodey said, walking in with a plate piled high with cookies. “Guess you were so distracted you didn’t hear the timer go off either, huh?”
Peter wasn’t listening though. He’d already put his ornament down to let the paint dry and was making grabby-hands at the plate, practically drooling. 
“Alright alright, calm down, don’t eat too fast either, you’ll give yourself a tummy ache,” Rhodey said, handing him the cookies. Peter scoffed as he stuffed a cookie in his mouth. 
“I’m fifteen, I don’t get ‘tummy aches’,” Peter said through his mouthful of cookie. 
“Tell that to whoever got a tummy ache from eating a whole solid chocolate santa in five minutes last week on a dare from Ned,” Rhodey muttered as Peter stuffed more cookies in his mouth. 
“That was not a ‘tummy ache’, that was Extreme Christmas Celebrating.”
“It was a tummy ache. You said ‘I have a tummy ache.’”
“I did not--”
“Uhh, guys?” Tony suddenly interrupted. Peter and Rhodey looked at him, and Pepper glanced back from her position on the couch. 
“Yeah?” they all said. 
“I uh… I think we have fifty ornaments here,” he said, staring wide-eyed at the pile. Peter blinked. 
No, no way, they didn’t make that many. 
“You sure you didn’t miscount?” Rhodey said, looking at the pile more closely himself. 
“Oh I’m sure. There’s fifty ornaments here. We made fifty ornaments,” Tony said. 
“That can’t be right, each of us only made… only made…” Peter had been about to say five, but realized that was before they bought the second batch of ornaments. If they made five, and then each made another five… 
“Ten. There’s five of us and we each made ten ornaments,” Pepper said in disbelief. “How did we not realize we’d be making ten each? Fifty ornaments?”
They all stared at the pile in silence for a few moments. 
“Well, I guess the tree will be a bit crowded this year,” Peter said, taking another bite of cookie. They all laughed, then Rhodey, Tony, and Peter, settled on the couch next to Pepper and Morgan to finish the rest of the movie with them. 
Later that day when Peter had a bellyful of cookies, they decorated the tree with their new ornaments, as well as the ones dragged out from the boxes in the garage. And while it was a bit crowded like Peter had predicted, it was the best one they’d ever had, with their pride ornaments glittering in the firelight, and Morgan’s pom pom baubles adding the perfect sprinkling of color to the green branches. 
Peter had never seen a more perfect tree. 
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goodlucktkachuk · 4 years
Frantic -- Matthew Tkachuk Pt.8 (Final)
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a/n: After way too long, here is the final part of Frantic. I had a blast writing and I want to write more going into the future. (Maybe not another series for a while). So please request stories or just send in randome ideas/ players. I never thought so many people would like my story so thank you so much!!
Read the whole story here
It had been a few weeks since your trip to Calgary and you were back in Toronto working steadily away at school. You and Matthew were still more in love then ever. Even though the distance was hard, you saw each other when you could and facetimed every night even if it was just for a few minutes. It was truly the best of a shitty situation and he already invited you home to St.Louis when you were done school and his season was over. Thinking back, that was just as much his moms as idea as it was his to have you there. You had alright brought the idea up to your mom about inviting Matthew’s family up at some point.  
Everything was perfect, except you haven’t exactly told Mitch yet. Yeah, you had told your parents but it had slipped your mind to mention it to your brother that you were dating his old teammate. You had begged your mom to tell him for you but she wouldn't budge. That meant that this had to be settled today.
You were fiddling with your hair in the mirror as your phone started to ring. Picking it up without looking you barked that you’d be down in a minute. You pawed at your skin, pulling near your eye because your makeup just didn’t look right for some reason. You were pulled out of your self-conscious daze when you heard who was on the call.
“Geez babe, I didn’t think you missed me that much” Matthew chuckled from the other end of the line and your shoulders loosened.
“I’m sorry bubs, I thought you were Mitch.” Your tone is much softer than before.
“If I had a dollar for everytime I heard that in the OHL…” He says with a hearty chuckle.
“Matthew!” you screech at your boyfriend.
“I’m kidding, princess relax. I assume you’re telling him today.” His voice softened.
“Yeah, I know I’m nervous for nothing but it’s still a weird conversation to have. I-” Before you could finish you had another call coming through. This time it actually was your brother.
“He’s here I gotta go. I’ll call you later bubs.”
“Bye Princess, let me know how it goes.” you quickly transfer over to the other call and try your aggressive ‘i’ll be down in a minute’ again.
“No need to be hostel mini, but you better hurry up, I need to feed Auston on schedule or he gets cranky.” You could hear the other forward protest from the passenger seat and it just made you laugh.
When you came back from Calgary Auston reached out to you and asked to get coffee so he could apologize for how he was acting.
You stood in the same spot in the same coffee shop down the road from your apartment that you had reunited with Matthew in just a short while ago. This time was different though, this time you wished it was 7am and you could soon be running home to Emily and Nick. This wasn’t about you though, this was for Mitch. You and Auston both mean alot to him and to see you hate was really affecting him, He was more aggressive and you weren’t seeing him as much as usual due to him always being with his teammate. So when Auston reached out to reconcile you knew you had to hear him out.
“Order for Y/N!” You walk up and grab the two coffees before muttering a quick ‘thank you to the barista’ before returning to the corner both where a nervous Auston waits.
“I really could’ve paid for those mini.” He protests with a tight frown.
“I used Mitch’s card so let's consider a gift for both of us.” You flash him a soft smile to let him know he’s allowed to relax. Neither of you speak for the first few minutes and you begin to think this was a bad idea. As you go to talk, Auston cuts you off and you happily stop to let him say his piece.
“So after a lot of consideration, I have come to the conclusion that I might have totally been way out of line in how I was acting.” A grin breaks over both your faces.
“Really? What made you figure that out?” Your sass makes the two of you laugh even harder.
“In all seriousness, Y/n, I didn’t mean any harm to you or Chucky. I was just worried about you.” You could tell he was sincere in his words and you knew you couldn't stay mad at him. The rest of the afternoon with Aus was actually really nice as you caught up on team drama and sent a million annoying snapchats to everyone you knew. It was nice to have your second brother back. No matter how stupid he was, you could never stay mad at him.
You threw yourself into Mitch’s backseat and quickly wrapped your arms around the seat and draped them over Austons chest as you and Mitch argued how long it always takes you to get your shit together. The rest of the ride was pretty smooth, not too much bickering and not too much traffic. Soon the three of you were sitting in a neon 50’s themed diner just outside the city close to Vaughan Mills. It wasn’t anything fancy but they had the best onion rings and the right amount of charm. You guys only came here for special occasions so you brother was patiently waiting for whatever news you had to spill to him. You were on the fence on if auston should stay for the news but decided it was best if he was a buffer between you and Mitch. The waitress had come and gone getting our order so it felt like the perfect time to bite the bullet.
“So Mitch… I have something to tell you. And before you say anything, I’m almost twenty and I’ve thought about the repercussions of this decision a lot but I think I’m ready for this kind of commitment…” Your brother's nostrils flare slightly as you speak and you brace yourself for impact.
“If you’re telling me what I think you are then I’m going to kill him!” His voice rough but not yet at full anger.
“It’s just dating Mitch, you’re being dramatic!” you bite back as the waitress comes over with your food. You all pause and aid her a quick thank you before the conversation continues. Auston sits patiently slowly eating his fries as he watches the two of you.
“Wait you’re not pregnant?” Before you know it the tension lifts off the table and Auston chokes on the food he’s eating as a laugh escapes his lips.
“No Mitchell! I am not pregnant! Why would you even ask that?” You flare, making Austin laugh harder.
“I don’t know! Just how you phrased your announcement and you brought me to the diner. You and Chucky have been together for a bit so it's possible!”
“You knew about me and Matthew?” you say surprised.
“Yeah Auston told me.” You quickly turned to the man shriveled up in the corner laughing nervously. “Sorry mini!” Auston pipes up nervously.
“You knew this lunch was to tell Mitch about my relationship and you already told him!?”
“In Auston’s defense, you should’ve told me before he had the chance to tell me.”
Nodding his head in agreement, Auston continues after Mitch “I told him in Calgary because you called Matthew your boyfriends so I just assumed he knew.”
“Fine, fine I’ll admit it took me a while to tell you. Are you okay with it though?” You ask softly, scared to meet your brother's gaze.
“Of course I do y/n. You need someone just as frantic as you are.”
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