#I like it a lot I just think it would work better for anything is isnt pmd lol
kenntolog · 7 hours
𝝑𝝔 an: ALRIGHT GUYS finally something angsty and involving an argument or smth vaguely saying that ahem ANYWAYS!! suku here is a bit of an ass but he will redeem himself guys dont worry. i love you all!! to the new readers — read more here!!
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“can you piss off already?”
“i’m not in the mood, go fucking yap to someone else.”
“we wouldn’t be doing this shit if you just stopped being so fucking clingy!”
the hurt flashing in your big eyes tells him that he shut his mouth a little bit later than he initially should have.
sukuna sighs when you run out of the room, unable to hold in your sobs like you usually would, and sits down on the couch of your living room. to be honest, he doesn’t even know what came over him at this moment. or for the last half an hour he’s been pouring all of his anger at you.
recalling the previous week is not the most pleasant thing, but that’s all he can do right now to cool down. there is nothing to reminisce about; it’s been a very frustrating week, where jin was a lot busier than usual, their old man needed more care, the worry for yuuji being left alone ate both of them from inside and out, work has become more annoying than fulfilling, and all sukuna wanted to do was to be left alone, which is why coming over to your place was a mistake.
not because of you, but him. he could’ve texted you that he is tired and is going home instead, yet somehow his mind was stuck on seeing you tonight and his muscle memory led him to the familiar warmth of the street you lived on. it didn’t comfort him, like usually.
sukuna never thought he could scream at you like he did. you probably never thought either; the genuine fright and terror on your face told him a million of things, a million stop signs, yet he only continued going off on you.
you just expressed to him how you wanted to spend a little more time with him, how you wanted to help him decompress and relax, how much you cared about him — you didn’t deserve his ugly yelling and his angry attitude.
oh man, he fucked up.
he rubs his face roughly, barely able to stop himself from tearing his skin off, and stands up from his spot. for a minute, he contemplates whether he should even try to fix anything tonight — if you would even want that.
sukuna presses his ear against your door, hand tugging down the handle simultaneously, but to no avail. as disappointment washes over him, he realises that you’ve locked the door. is it a sign that he should just go home? probably.
he can’t do that though.
he knocks, loud enough for you to at least notice, “baby? can you let me in?”
sukuna doesn’t know that on the other side of the door, you barely stop yourself from jumping off the bed to open the door for him. your heart beats rapidly in your chest as you press your back into the headboard, clutching the blanket tighter as you gnaw on your bottom lip, stifling down your sobs.
you want to let him in so badly despite how much he hurt you.
it’s something you can’t control, something that has you curling into yourself, as far as you can so you can ignore the twitching in your limbs and keep yourself away from him. you only wanted to help and seeing his anger being directed at you made you further confused about what you did wrong.
subconsciously, you know that it’s not about you. but you still can’t stop yourself from thinking that maybe… maybe sukuna needs a girlfriend who is less overbearing than you. someone who understands him better, understands when they need to back off and let him be, and not try to fix everything with their love. maybe.
you bury your face in your pillow, effectively muffling down your cries while sukuna continues to knock on your door from time to time.
he guesses that you fell asleep so he stops knocking as he sits down on the floor with a small groan. the couch looks a lot more inviting than the hard floor, however sukuna can’t bring himself to be too far from you so he finds that it’s okay, he’ll wait for you.
he doesn’t even know when he falls asleep; realising that he was, in fact, sleeping when the door behind him suddenly opened and he is fully sprawled over the floor. “fucking hell—“ he curses under his breath, rubbing the remnants of sleep from his face before he glances up, meeting your nervous gaze. with the pain in his whole body forgotten, sukuna stands up abruptly, his face softening when he notices how you step away from him.
“sukuna? were you… sleeping on the floor?” you ask, your voice sounding a little hoarse as you look up at him unsurely.
he swallows, face scrunching up at the dryness in his mouth, and steps closer to you, closing the door behind himself.
“can we talk, baby?”
you look down and nod solemnly, walking back to your bed while he follows you like a lost puppy. sukuna’s fingers twitch with desire to touch you, any part of you. you crawl away from him though, backing yourself into the corner. covering, protecting yourself from him.
“i— uh, i didn’t mean all of that, y’know that, right?”
you stay silent, small fingers curling around the edges of your blanket.
“tell me you know it, baby, please—”
your voice comes out unsteady when you finally speak up, abused bottom lip trembling as you sniffle, “i don’t think i do, ‘kuna~”
sukuna reaches his hand out, tentative fingers creeping closer to you in an attempt to observe your reactions. your eyes follow his movements and you stare at his hand for a little while before your features fade into something too pitiful for him to grasp. as soon as he calls you by your name you start sobbing violently.
all of the hesitation leaves his mind as he immediately pulls you into himself and positions you between his spread out legs, arms wrapping around your body and tucking your head into his neck. it’s the worst feeling in the world because he is the reason why your fragile soul is rattling in hurt and agony. god, he wants to fucking punch himself in the face repeatedly, and even then it wouldn’t be enough for him to feel like he’s apologetic enough.
sukuna brushes your hair away from your face, hand sliding down to caress the side of it, but his movements still as soon as he hears your small voice,
“you didn’t have to be s-so mean about it.” you gaze up at him with eyes full of tears, “i could’ve taken your anger, but not… n-not that.”
placing a chaste kiss on your forehead, sukuna goes back to look you in the eyes, making sure his sincerity is apparent.
“‘m so sorry, baby, i don’t fucking deserve you.”
you bite your bottom lip in an attempt to stifle down another round of sobs and hide your face from him once again, arms circling around his neck.
you don’t give him a clear answer. sukuna is ready to wait for however long it takes.
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danikamariewrites · 2 days
daddy az please and thanks!!
(i want a baby so bad rn im abt to ask the man for one)
Dad!Azriel headcanons
Azriel x reader
Notes: i don’t want kids but i would have his babies (also sorry this is short)
Warnings: slight mention of childbirth
When you told him that you’re pregnant he was so happy. Crazy overjoyed and couldn’t believe that you guys were going to be parents
He was a worrier during your pregnancy
Az hovered A LOT. He just wanted to make sure you were safe and comfy
“Azzy, I told you I’m fine. The babe is fine.” You would say to him. “I know, I’m sorry. I just can’t help it.” He’d say, pulling you into a hug
You didn’t mind that much though. You were glad Azriel was protective of his family
You knew you and your babe would never have to fear anything because of your mate
When the day came for your child to come into the world you were extremely calm having Madja by your side
The old healer had to kick him out of the room because of his hovering and never ending questions, only letting him back in when you were starting to push
You had given birth to a beautiful baby boy that immediately became the light of your lives
A few weeks after your baby boy had been born Azriel had a woken up and gone into the nursery to watch the babe sleep. Azriel couldn’t help but think about how he would be as a father now that it was real
He didn’t really have a parental figure to look up to. Az was never really allowed to be around his mother, his father sucked, Rhys’s father wasn’t that much better
But then it hit him. He had Rhys’s mother in his memory and Rhys and Feyre to look to now
Az is a very hands on dad. He doesn’t want to miss a minute of this with you and the babe
Watching Az play with the babe made you so unbelievably happy. Getting to watch your little family is the best thing you’ve ever witnessed
While he’s a mamas boy there’s no denying your little boy is his father’s mini me. They have the same dark hair, same hazel eyes, but your face
He loves acting like his dad. He always makes his wings copy Azriel’s wing movements and wants blue siphons. Usually when Az can’t find one of his siphons you two usually find your boy trying to tie it to his hand with Azriel’s boot laces. He looks up at you two from his hiding spot with a huge smile, “Look mama! I’m just like dad!” Your hearts melt at his excitement
That’s why it’s so tough to burst his happy little bubble
Azriel feels bad taking the siphon from his little boy, but he needs it
Punishing or reprimanding your sweet boy was always difficult. He never did anything terribly wrong, but saying no was never easy
It’s especially hard for Azriel. He doesn’t want to be seen as a monster (exactly what his father was). When he gives Az his signature pout Azriel always gives in.
An example: “dad, can we have ice cream for dinner? Mama is working late she won’t know.” Azriel raised a brow at the little boy. “Now, now we can’t be hiding things from your mama. She’d be mad at us and ban ice cream from the house.” “But please dada,” he pouts, giving Az his best sad eyes. After a minute Azriel hung his head in defeat. “Ok, but you need to eat a vegetable too.” “YAY!”
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fushitoru · 2 days
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PAIRING: beach boy!gojo x reader SUMMARY: on your way to meet your girlfriends on your summer vacay, you encounter an unforeseen obstacle: parallel parking. It’s good you have a hot beach boy ready to help you park! maybe you’ll give him a kiss or a bj or two to thank him for his effort… WARNINGS: minors dni, fluff, smut, oral (m receiving), meet cute, not beta read at all, first fic kinda nervous
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“I really don’t think I’m going to make that…” you mutter to yourself, frantically checking the distance from the car already stationed behind you as you back up. Your anxiety spikes as you keep glancing at the road ahead to see if there were any impending cars. If there are any cars that come while I’m struggling through this parallel parking, I might as well kill myself. That might be faster for both of us.
You bite your lip in frustration as you try a combination of backing up, turning the wheel, going forward, and turning the wheel again, concentrated on inching your way into the tight parking space. After being in the state of half being inside the parking space and half out, you take a break to bang your head against the wheel, cursing Shoko for leaving you alone when she insisted on catching up with you at the hotel when she saw a pizza place she’s wanted to go to. The Hawaiian pizza she abandoned you for better be really fucking good.
As you ready for yourself to struggle through finishing parking properly, your soul almost leaves your body as you hear an assertive knock against your window. You pinch your eyes for a bit, steeling yourself for the mortification you’re about to bear, and then turn. Your eyes widen.
Looking at you through your window was a tall man, hunched over with an amused smile. He had blue eyes and white hair---hair you would’ve normally thought looked weird on people because you refused to dye yours with anything but naturally occurring colors, but it just worked on him. Without making him look like he was a weird otaku cosplaying an anime character.
Needless to say, you’re nervous and feel your face burning up as you roll down your window. “Hi, I know that I’m taking up a lot of space, but I’m just struggling through parking this right now. I’m really sorry. They did not teach this to me in driver’s ed---”
“Hey, hey. Calm down. You’re okay,” he chuckled. Wow, his voice was deep. Not crazy deep that he sounded like those TikTok guys straining their voice for their thirst traps or anything, but enough to definitely be deemed a panty wetter. “I’m Satoru. Let me park your car for you.”
Oh. Well, that was helpful. Kind of overwhelmed, you choke out a “oh, thank you” and get out of the car. As soon as you open your door, you blush at the rest of Satoru----he was wearing a Hawaiian shirt in the sluttiest way possible with some shorts. You covered your nose in case you got a nosebleed at the sight of his shirt open, glistening abs on full display.
As he got in, you awkwardly stood by his car, parked perfectly behind you. You gaped as he effortlessly got your car out of the weird orientation you had put it in and parked it, a perfect distance between the cars surrounding it.
He shifted the gears to park it and got out of the car, walking up to you. “So…what’s a girl like you doing out here?” He places his arm on top of his car, effectively caging you between his cars and his bare chest.
You cursed yourself as you began to feel yourself burning up in his oh so close gaze. “Uh, I’m here on a trip with my friends.” You were finding it hard to find a place to look at. Eye contact was impossible with piercing blue eyes looking at you, lidded, and you would probably face charges if you stole any more glances at his chest. You decided to keep looking at his biceps.
He smiled confidently. He knew he was hot, and maybe he even had pussy vision that consulted him on what to do around you because wow you sure were nervous and going crazy down there. “Where’s your boyfriend? Can’t believe he left you to park on your own, baby.”
Oh. “I don’t have one.” His gaze widened imperceptibly, and, slowly, he lowered his gaze to rake over you. Meanwhile, you were freaking out. No one this hot had ever flirted with you, except for some frat boys that were trying to get into your pants during college. You weren’t such a fan of STDs, though.
“You sure? It’s hard for me to believe a pretty girl like you isn’t cuffed up.” You would’ve scoffed at how obvious he was being, but you hadn’t gotten laid in a long time. And this was your ticket out of your dry spell.
It was time to lock in.
You put a hand on his shoulder and leaned back onto his car, flashing him a smile. “You know what? I really want to…show you my gratitude. Can I give you anything?”
Suddenly, you felt his face inching closer to you. His voice was breathy when he said, “Yeah, I can think of something.” He was looking at your lips, and you could feel his breath fanning your face. Clearly waiting for your consent, you pulled him in both arms to lock your lips together.
Satoru grabbed your waist and forced his leg between your thighs. You whimpered when you felt his knee rubbing you directly on your pussy as you continued kissing him. For stability, you started dragging your hands up and down his torso, finally having an excuse to feel up his abs.
You two went back and forth for a few minutes before pulling away, panting. You faux pout, trailing your pointer finger over his chest. “You know, I don’t really think that showed enough thanks. Can I give you a little something more inside my car?” You look up at him with doe eyes only to see him with a wide gaze and blushing face. He nods, and you grab his arm to drag him into your backseat.
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“Aw, give it a little kiss, baby. It’s so excited to see you,” Gojo remarks down at you, but soon afterwards groans, throwing his head back when you give his tip a little kiss. You start kissing his cock all over, making sure to look at him as he falls apart over your mouth. Fondling his balls, you give his tip gentle licks, teasing him. And it clearly agitates him---he starts thrusting up, trying to get himself inside your mouth.
“Please, baby, don’t be mean,” he whines, “Be a good girl and open your mouth.” Done teasing him, you fully envelope him in your hot mouth, bobbing your head and trying to take him in.
He hisses as soon as he feels your mouth on him and starts blabbering. “Wow, baby, your mouth is so good. So tight and hot f’ me.” Blinking away your tears, you finally take your eyes away from his dick to look up, panties immediately sullied from the sight above you: him looking down, face strained and hot from the pleasure he was receiving. His abs clenched every time you took him In further, your hot breaths through your nose fanning his pelvis.
His hand comes down, stroking your head gently as you continue taking him in your throat. “You’re thankful, baby?” You nodded. “Lemme grab your hair for a bit, I’ll feel really thanked.” You bunch your hair in a ponytail, giving him the opportunity to grab it. He does as promised; he grabs your hair by the scalp and starts moving your head over his cock, setting his own pace with your mouth.
You can tell by his ragged breaths that he’s getting close; you start gently touching his balls again, which sends him over the edge. With a choked take it, baby, he spills inside your mouth. You, of course, take it in. As soon as he’s down from being overwhelmed from his high, you open your mouth to show him the cum you have on your tongue. He groans upon the sight, and you swallow it. He pulls you up and slowly gives you kisses across your face, and you reciprocate. After another heated make out session, you exchange numbers and a goodbye kiss.
Locking your car and walking out to finally enter your hotel,  you fantasize about meeting up with him later to do more debauched things. You were really excited for this summer.
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a/n I might do more parts of this if people want more! I have some other ideas for jjk men that I’ve been dying to write so I will be doing those too :3
also sorry for any mistakes it’s unedited bc I got impatient and wanted to post it
reblog and comment if u liked it!
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strwberri-milk · 3 days
Hello!!! Hope you’re having a good day/night!
May I be so bold as to request a Diluc, Wanderer, and Neuvillette with a crush who is scared of marriage as a result of parental trauma. 🙃✨
How do you think they’d react?
you mean me - also dilucs is really long bc tbh i think hes the only one who might have a stronger opinion than the others lol
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Diluc has never had an active model of what a happy marriage is but he knows his parents did have a happy marriage. His father spoke of his mother's memory fondly, his grief never weighing down the affection he had for his son. Diluc knows what love looks like from the love his father gave him, and the way his father honoured his mother's memory.
He definitely has always wanted to marry you since he fell in love with you, occasionally allowing himself to imagine what your wedding would look like. He talks to you about these ideas of his once in a while so you're aware that marriage is most definitely a goal of his. You try not to shoot his dreams down right away, nodding around and offering your opinions as well.
However, he does figure out that something's off and he asks you what's on your mind. You hesitate to tell him about your reservations, worried that you'd ruin his ideal future with you and that he'd leave you. It takes a lot of him reassuring you that things will be okay and he's just trying to understand you better.
When you tell him that you're not sure about marriage right now because of your family he apologises for making you uncomfortable. He reassures you that marriage doesn't need to happen right away - even if the two of you just entered a sort of common law relationship where you allowed him to call you his spouse without it being legal on paper that would make him just as happy. He offers that as a compromise - it allows you guys to do things as though you're married but you aren't legally bound to each other which allows you to leave easier than if the two of you are married.
He tells you you don't need to make a decision right away but it's something that could work out for the two of you. He really hopes that it's something you're okay with, willing not to be legally married to you if it means the two of you are socially married for the most part. He would never want to hold you hostage but if the two of you are going to spend the rest of your lives together it'd be nice to introduce you as his spouse when you're comfortable with it, regardless of your legal status.
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Wanderer doesn't really care. He understands that marriage is a big deal to humans but as someone who's not really human and spends most of his time alone he doesn't fully understand the need for some people to be married. To him, as long as the two of you are devoted to each other and stay committed that's all that matters.
He'll listen to your concerns, brought about when you randomly asked him how he feels about marriage. You weren't sure what he'd say in response, knowing that he's got a pretty flippant attitude toward a lot of human experiences if he doesn't understand them. He just told you it's not something he cares much for but if you want to get married then he'd revisit it closer to when you actually want to have a wedding.
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Neuvillete was under the assumption that you would want to get married. It's seen as the min goal for human relationships after all and he wants to give you the world. He'll ask you about it one day if you don't mention it after a while, other people around him asking when the two of you are going to get married.
You skirt around the topic for a bit, not sure how to tell him that you don't want to be married. You don't want him to think that it's anything he's done, elaborating to him as he listens to you paitiently. He understands that if that's how you feel then that's okay - he wants to be with you and human marriage not being on your horizon isn't going to be a deal breaker to him.
He might ask if you want to partake in any mating rituals that dragons have instead. They're not going to weigh as much on him since he hasn't exactly been spending too much time with other dragons as of late. It's just something that he thinks could be nice to do, and another way for the two of you to show commitment to each other.
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jennifer-jeong · 3 days
[Fluff + Suggestive] [JJK x GN!Reader] How Do They Love?
Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Ryomen Sukuna
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SUMMARY Headcanons on how they'd be as your loving boyfriend
CONTENT NSFW, 18+, suggestive, fluff, nothing explicit but lots of suggestive content, mentions their past traumas, ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18+
AUTHOR NOTES I originally started to work on this just as general headcanons or character sheets/notes but I figured I’d share them as my personal takes on their characters and how they’d be as your partner :) ALSO I will probably post the prompts in a separate post sometime!
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One sentence to sum them up Absolutely adores you.
Some adjectives/descriptors Clingy, teasing, bubbly, a little whiny, devoted, genius, cutie patootie
Typa guy/gal/person to… Typa guy to try to lean on a door frame, miss, fall, get back up, and play it off like nothing happened. Bro doesn’t even seem phased, he’s genuinely too silly to feel embarrassed in that situation. He probably gets really flustered about it later once you leave though and then worries that he’s scared you off so he has to hype himself up to talk to you again.
How do they react to your firsts? (kisses, dates, etc.) He’s a bit shy and unsure when it comes to firsts with you because he doesn’t really have a lot of experience, but his desperation for you always overpowers it. He has to fight himself to not come off as too clingy at first because he literally always wants to hang out with you.
NSFW dynamic? Definitely a switch, a power bottom but also a subby top. He worships you and your body so pardon if he comes off a bit strong. Honestly he’s just open to anything as long as it’s with you. He’s so down bad for you and you’re the same for him.
How do they take care of you? He’s overprotective because he’s lost too many of his loved ones, he’s the strongest so he’s always a target, he just doesn’t want to accidentally make you one too. If anything ever did try to harm you, the sweet Satoru you know would turn into a killing machine whose rage would know no bounds. He’s not amazing with his words but he’ll always be by your side no matter what, always putting in his best to treat you the way you deserve.
How do you take care of them? Satoru is always hiding emotions underneath and you take care of him by giving him such a safe space to express them. He confides in you and you never fail to make him feel better. He’s never really had someone like this before and so you adore being able to show him just how loved he is by both you and his loved ones. When he’s with you, he’s not the strongest, he’s just Satoru, just how he likes it. (You also always make him his favourite kikufuku especially when he’s feeling down)
How do they view you? You’re his one and only. You’re his best friend and a goddess in his eyes and he’d stop at nothing to protect you. Even if you’re strong yourself, he’s always going to be stronger than you so he's a bit scared he’ll lose you sometimes. Overall, he thinks of you as someone who stands strongly beside him, not behind.
Something random they do Will fart into a little sphere of infinity, and then send the bubble towards you, popping it nearby you while you yell. He’ll also send over other random things like snacks, bugs, leaves, and flowers <3
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One sentence to sum them up The epitome of “written by a woman”
Some adjectives/descriptors Respectful, caring, empathetic, giving, honorable, does what’s right
Typa guy/gal/person to… Typa guy to never let you open a door, pull out a chair, or lift something by yourself. He will sprint, face completely serious (trying not to laugh), just to make sure he can do it for you. You always reward him with lots of kisses of course.
How do they react to your firsts? (kisses, dates, etc.) He’s definitely quite shy about things like this but knows what he wants. He’s a gentleman through and through so he’ll always be very respectful and calm even while his heart is beating out of his chest and his face is flushed red.
NSFW dynamic? Service dom. That’s all I have to say. He’s also open to trying things with you, especially when it comes to dom and sub dynamics and especially switching. Your pleasure and comfort always come first for him
How do they take care of you? Kento is such a sweet and observant person that he always just knows what you need, sometimes before you even know it. He’s always calm to help you stay calm and adores providing you with acts of service when his words fail him. Despite his own doubts in his communication skills, he is still very good and mature with his words when he does use them.
How do you take care of them? You take care of him by making sure he knows he’s loved and by making sure he doesn’t work too hard. The man is a workaholic and functions off of doing what’s right, even to his own detriment. So you make it your job to make sure he learns when to rest and to accept that he is loved and that he’s doing good for the world. He also tends to blame himself a lot for the past and you ensure he knows it’s not his fault.
How do they view you? Nanami views you as the embodiment of beauty. He thinks you’re gorgeous inside and out, and that you just exude such a warm energy that never fails to comfort him. You fill his heart in ways that he didn’t know was possible and he’s so happy to have you.
Something random they do Hits the standing person emoji pose unintentionally. Don't get me wrong he's very elegant still, but when he spaces out a bit, he just puts his hands at his side. When you start laughing at him for it, telling him he looks like the emoji, he stands even more aggressively straight, making you copy him and laugh harder while he tries not to laugh as well.
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One sentence to sum them up Edgelord with a good heart (NOT CANON)
Some adjectives/descriptors Stoic, possessive, grumpy, loving, soft only for loved ones
Typa guy/gal/person to… Typa guy to get mildly annoyed with you when you try to tie up his hair into pigtails, put stickers on him, do his nails, or do his skincare. BUT, will always let you do it and will always keep it the way you’ve done it, he actually quite likes when you clean up his nails and paint them black. He also keeps all the stickers you give him on his laptop and enjoys doing face masks with you.
How do they react to your firsts? (kisses, dates, etc.) Interestingly, Sukuna probably seems like he’s not even interested in you when you first start dating, but he keeps asking to meet you. You’ll definitely see him blush and freeze up when you hold hands or kiss because he wants you so badly but doesn’t know what to do.
NSFW dynamic? Soft dom but has hard kinks. He would never hurt you so he makes sure to check what you like before you do anything. If you’re also into doing it rough though… He’ll show you a glorious time.
How do they take care of you? Sukuna knows he doesn’t come off as the most doting and outwardly kind person and he doesn’t think it’s something that will change. But, he does know that if he’s not putting energy into doing all that, he’s putting 100% of his energy into showing you how much he loves you. He’s always trying to help you how he knows best. He’ll always run errands for you, pay for things, gives you lots of cuddles and massages, and he’ll never ever be late.
How do you take care of them? You take care of him by really targeting that soft spot he has for you, hoping that you can continue to soften up the tough man. He definitely represses his emotions a lot since he feels the expectation to always be strong, and in classic man-fashion, decides to bottle things up. You ensure he has a space to be himself around you and to learn and test how to communicate and accept that he’s loved.
How do they view you? Sukuna tends to look down on humans most of the time and you can’t deny that a lot of humans are quite stupid. But, with you and only a handful of others, he feels a different energy. You feel so whole to him, you’re well rounded and just so perfect. You’re smart, funny, and so loving to everyone around you.
Something random they do Most definitely punches and beefs your plushies on your shared bed. Most of the time he doesn’t even say anything as he does it. Just gives them a solid punch, maybe even grabs it and slams it into the bed a few times, leaving the filling inside the plush a little deformed. You always just ask him “why” and most of the time he responds with a last little punch to it, but sometimes he’ll say “cause they get to sleep with you when I’m not home.”
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Thank you for reading!
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benevolentbones · 18 hours
newcomer | spencer reid x fem!reader part 2
part 1
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warnings: swearing, v mild dirty thoughts
word count: 1.3k
summary: your dad calls you on your day off
a/n: thank you so so much for all the support on my last few works, it means the world!! i love reading through all the comments! please if you have a fic request please let me know!!
it had been a few days since you dropped in to visit your dad at the bau, but your mind kept wandering back to the hazel eyed man you met.
you found his awkwardness quite adorable, and the way his face flushed when you spoke to him, made you smile.
you had heard a lot about the team over the years, so it was nice to put faces to names after your father had returned home that evening.
today was your day off, and you didn’t really have many plans, maybe you’d go and grab a coffee or take a walk around the park, who knows.
you stretched back against the plush sofa in your living room, flicking through the channels on your tv.
your phone began to chime, blasting out your ringtone. you picked it up on third ring, bringing it to your ear.
“y/n, are you at home?” your father questioned.
“yeah dad- i’m just watching tv at the moment, what’s up?” you sat up, scooting to the edge of the couch.
“can you do me a huge favour?”
you hummed in response “what is it?”
“in my home office, i left the latest case files- would you come to the bureau and drop them off?”
you chewed your bottom lip. on one hand, you didn’t really want to drive thirty minutes to and from your dads work, just to be there for less than five minutes. on the other, those five minutes could be spent talking or spencer reid.
“i’ll be there soon, dad.” you replied, hanging up the phone.
you practically raced to the bureau, cutting the usual thirty plus minute drive down to twenty three. a new record.
you clutched the case files to your side, making your way inside the building and making a b line for the bullpen.
morgan, garcia and reid were all sat around spencer’s desk, the younger man rambling on about the book he had just finished reading, which was a recommendation from penelope.
“honestly the plot could have been better- and i didn’t really like the-“ spencer was interrupted with a dig from morgan, whos eyes were glued to the elevator doors of the bullpen.
“why’d you do that ow.” spencer complained, rubbing the aching spot on his forearm. he turned his gaze to where both morgan and garcia were looking.
and there you stood. you had just stepped out of the elevator, you weren’t in the same office attire you had adorned the last time you visited the bau.
you were wearing a tight pair of black jeans that flared slightly at the leg, with a striped button down fitted shirt which rode up slightly, showing off part of your midriff.
“damn little gideon is mad fine.” morgan mumbled earning a quizzical look from spencer.
“little gideon- ew is that what you’re calling her?” penelope’s face contorted into one of disgust.
“i mean, you aren’t wrong..” she added, the blonde woman was practically undressing you with her eyes.
“guys come on- that’s a bit much don’t you think?” spencer mumbled, though his eyes did not once leave your form as you walked across the room towards gideon’s office.
“you’re just saying that because you like her, ain’t that right lover boy?” morgan cracked a smile, smacking spencer on the shoulder.
“shut up man..”
“do you really think gideon would want you dating his daughter?” derek mused.
“i mean anything is better than you..” spencer mumbled jokingly.
you reached your fathers office, balancing the files in one arm while using the other to knock against the oakwood door.
“come in.”
you pushed the door open, to reveal gideon leaning back in his desk chair, case files spread across the table. he had a telephone pressed in between his ear and his shoulder.
“hey dad- i brought the files you needed.” you smiled, shuffling over to his desk and plopping the bundle of papers onto his cluttered work space.
“thanks hon, you want to wait outside? i’ll be done in a few minutes and we can grab a coffee?”
you nodded, allowing gideon to continue his phone call. you backed out of his office, walking down the steps into the main section of the bullpen.
you scanned the room, your eyes landing on the three agents huddled around spencer’s desk.
you plucked up the courage and began to saunter over to them.
“hey reid look.” penelope whispered just loud enough for spencer to hear, immediately his head shot up, his gaze softening when he realised you were making your way over to him.
“good luck tiger.” morgan grinned, both he and garcia leaving the premises upon your arrival, after giving you a small smile.
“hey dr. reid right?” you mumbled once you reached his desk.
his eyes met yours, through his wire-framed glasses, and he nodded.
“yeah- you can call me spencer though- you’re y/n? gideon’s daughter?” he stumbled upon his words, rushing the sentences together.
you hummed in response, perching yourself against the genius’ desk.
“he’s told me a lot about you.”
“all good things i hope-“ spencer began, a slight nervousness to his voice.
this made you chuckle, “yes, all good things, i promise.”
“i hope you don’t mind keeping me company, i’m just waiting for dad to get off of the phone.” you eyed spencer, watching as he frantically neatened his desk.
“no-no not at all, i’m enjoying your company.” he mumbled out.
from the corner of his eye he could see morgan and garcia watching their interaction from the kitchenette, morgan had a cocky grin plastered onto his face and garcia held her thumbs up supportively.
spencer let out a breathy sigh, slumping down into his desk chair. he pondered for a moment, considering being forward. he didn’t want to come across as too needy or awkward, but if he was being honest with himself that’s exactly what he was.
he watched as you sat on the edge of his desk, happily swinging you legs back and forth, glancing around the bullpen.
fuck it.
“y/n?” spencer began, not being able to stop the crimson staining his cheeks.
“spencer.” you giggled.
“would you, i don’t know maybe like to go for dinner sometime- with..me?” you could sense the anxiety in his voice, the brunette avoiding your gaze as he fumbled with a pen on his desk.
you felt your cheeks heat up, and you reached over to place a hand on spencer’s arm. his eyes flickered up to look at you when he felt your touch.
“i would love to, let me give you my number.” you smiled happily, jumping from the desk.
you took the pen from spencer’s grasp, your fingers brushing against his causing a spark from the contact.
you picked up a pad of sticky notes and began scribbling down your number.
as you were doing so, gideon had left his office and was making his way towards the two of you.
“here, i’m free friday if you are.” you mumbled, passing him the paper and pen back.
“o-okay i’ll call you.” spencer’s eyes were now on gideon who had come to an abrupt stop, resting his hand on your shoulder.
“lets get going, kid.”
you nodded, shooting spencer a smile. “i’ll see you soon, dr. reid.”
and with that you had walked on ahead, gideon bringing his arms into a folded position in front of his chest.
spencer swallowed hard, feeling beads of sweat build up on his forehead.
“you want to take my daughter out?”
“uh yes, yes sir-“
agent gideon pondered for a moment, eyeing the younger man. he had worked with him for a few years, he trusted him to be sensible with you, and out of everyone he was probably the best pick.
“better you than morgan.” gideon shrugged, and with that comment he followed you out the door.
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yelenasdiary · 3 days
Can I request a familial kate bishop request please where r is her adopted sibling but they struggle with abandonment issues and kate is a supportive sister?
You're My Sister
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Sister! Reader
Summary: When your older sister senses something is wrong, she wants you to know she will always be there for you. 
Warnings: Abandonment Issues, Talks of Adoption, Mentions of Depression | 0.9K
AC: Thank you for sending this, I thought it was a great idea! I hope you enjoy! x
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Kate had been watching your behavior for the last few weeks, we wondered if maybe somebody at college was giving you a hard time or that maybe it was herself that might have upset you. Anytime she tried to talk to you, all she got was short and sweet answers. You had slowly begun to lock yourself away in your bedroom which only worried your sister even more. 
Dinner tonight was the usual, small talk over a cooked meal with your sister and mother but even the fake smile you had put on didn't convince Kate that you were actually in a better headspace. So, after dinner and when your mother went out for drinks with a friend, Kate made it her little mission to get you to talk. 
You heard a soft knock at your door, you stopped typing your essay on your laptop and unlocked the door. "Can I come in?" Kate asked with a soft smile. You nodded lightly, giving her another fake smile. 
"How's your studying coming along?" Kate asked as she took a seat at the end of your bed while you returned to the seat at your desk. "It's a lot, but I've almost caught up on my assessments" you replied. 
"Anything else new in your life?" She asked, making you question why she was really here to talk to you. 
"Kate, please don't start" your eyes dropped, "If you have something you want to talk about, just do it, save me the stresses" you added. 
"Stresses? What are you talking about?" Kate frowned with concern, "I'm just worried about you sis, you haven't really been yourself lately" she added. You couldn't believe that somebody had actually noticed how unhappy you had become, things in your life were changing. Kate had her little apartment; your mother was barely home anymore, and you had just found out that Kate was going to join the new Avengers team. Where does that leave you? Alone in this big house while you continued to try and do your mother proud at college. 
"Why do you care? You're going to be around less soon anyways" you replied and suddenly it made sense to Kate why you had become so distant. The Bishops had adopted you when you were barely 10 years old and ever since, you've had a hard time trying to cope with the abandonment issues that your birth parents had given you. 
"I'm not going anywhere, you know that, right?" Kate tried to assure you, but it didn't work. 
"Mom is barely home, ever since she met Jack. You're in and out all the time and now you're about to join an Avengers team which means you'll be here just as much as mom, so no, I don't think you're gonna stick around….not when you're probably going to find a better family to be around" you replied in honesty. 
Kate patted the spot next to her, gesturing you sit next to her and with a sigh, you did. "First of all, I am never, ever going to find anymore as cool as you. Who else is going to come late night pranking with me? Who else is going to Jack with me? The dudes a tool" she chuckled, bringing out a real smile on your lips.
"Secondly, I am never going to leave you behind, you're my sister and I only have room for one of those, nobody will ever take your place. You can always count on me to be there, no matter what happens in life and if you think I am going to go off and join an Avengers team with you, you're crazier than mom and that is saying something" 
You couldn't help but chuckle once more at your sister's love. It dawned on you that you allowed your thoughts to convince you that Kate would abandon you like almost everybody else in your life already had. "Do you mean that?" You asked, looking up at her. Kate nodded as she wrapped an arm around you and pulled you in for a tight hug, "you're stuck with me, even when I annoy the shit out of you, remember that" She smiled softly when you hugged her back just a tightly. 
"Thank you Kate, I really needed to hear that and I'm sorry that I've been distant lately….i just, I didn't want to worry you with my stupid problems" you replied once you both pulled away. 
"I rather have you worry me with what's on your mind than being closed off and feeling alone. You know, sometimes I think one day you're going to go off with your friends and forget about me but then I remind myself that I'm actually a lot cooler than anybody else in the world and you would miss me too much" your sister replied, making you playfully shake your head at her. 
"I can't wait for you say something like that in front of the Avengers" you said. Kate laughed, "oh no, I can't do that. Being the coolest on earth is actually my secret power. I wouldn't wanna make them feel uncool" 
"You're actually just a goof ball" you chuckled. 
"A goof ball that is craving a pizza with her sister, what do you say?" She asked. "Yeah, I was kind of thinking the same thing, moms cooking skills are slowly, slowly getting there" you replied, causing you both to chuckle once more.
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Taglist: @marvelfan98 | @boredandneedfanfics | @krizzysteinfeld | @music-4ever | @marvelwomen-simp | @scarlettbitchx | @mallyka-blog | @itsalwaysskorpioszn | @natashamaximoff-69 | @evilcr0ne | @boredandneedfanfics | @teganmiller | @ihavezeroclue13 | @tobiaslut | @itsmelulu | @koinsss | @springsheep | @prentgarcialuvr | @stayevildarling |
If you want to be on the taglist for my work, please click HERE.
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rupeenotruby · 1 day
@isasan347 made a post about Fable doing her ssbu stuff in front of Legend and I thought the idea was quite humorous and so I made a comic!
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I chose to go with her lightning kick because her three main special moves are just the great fairy spells for OOT which would then belong to Time and her down b isn't very iconic since it is a more recent addition. Lightning kick has been there since the beginning and is the first thing I think of when I think of Zelda in ssb.
I started working on this comic a few weeks ago but had to put it on hold because of my finals. But now they are over and I have finished this! There is a lot I dislike about this comic (namely the dialogue, I didn't really script this out like I should)(If you have a better final punchline you are welcome to edit the panels with it (2nd to last), I changed it so many times and am still not the biggest fan of it). But there is also a lot I like! I actually finished it for one! Yipppe! I'm still figuring out how to draw everyone and wouf! It was a challenge (shoutout to four though he's a real one). I'm probably going to study their clothes a bit more before making another comic though. I'm also still figuring out how to write all these guys so they might be ooc, sorry about that too. Also here's the rough draft if you want to see it(if you zoom in you can see the original ending (maybe)):
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Anyways, if you have read this far, I have a favor to ask: You see it has been a while since I have made a comic for human consumption, and I would like some feedback. Is the text big enough? Do you understand what is happening? Anything really bothering you about it? Anything you really like? Etc. Etc. I am open to constructive criticism.
I will take this time to complain about Zelda's horrible heeled-sandal-boots. They are evil and awful and horrible and every other negative thing you can think of. That is all.
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suzukiblu · 2 days
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for 🦄 behind the cut; Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“Um, yeah,” Billy repeats, shrugging awkwardly. “And–you know, you need sun, right? Like for your powers and stuff so you'll be safer on missions, but also, um–Kryptonians just really like it, I think. Well, okay, I dunno if you know if you like it yet, but Superman definitely does. He spends a lot of time in it. So–windows.” 
Lynn . . . swallows, slowly, and tightens his grip on Tawky a little bit again. Billy wonders if that means he wants a hug. Lynn's still a baby, technically–he might not know how hugging really works in real life, or just not know how to ask for one when he needs one. 
Or just not know he's allowed to ask for one when he needs one. 
Or just wants, obviously. 
“I like it,” Lynn says very, very quietly, and Billy can't help perking up excitedly at hearing that. 
“Awesome!” he blurts, then clears his throat and tries to reel himself in and settle down a little more. “Um–awesome, yeah. Cool. I'm glad.” 
Lynn doesn’t say anything else, but he loosens his grip on Tawky a little. Billy still wonders if he wants a hug, but he really doesn’t know how to tell. 
. . . well, he guesses there’s the obvious option. 
“Hey,” he says, leaning forward a little to peer a little closer at Lynn’s face while trying not to be, like, pushy about it. Lynn’s just hard to read, that’s all, and he doesn’t wanna mess up with him. “Do you want a hug or anything?” 
Lynn’s shoulders immediately stiffen, and Billy represses a wince. 
“You don’t have to,” he puts in quickly. “Just, um–I didn’t know if you knew you could have one? If you ever do? Like–that’s a normal thing to want. And, you know . . . do? And . . . stuff?” 
Billy is very, very bad at this, isn’t he, he realizes, trying not to cringe at how awkward and lame he sounds right now. Like–babies need touched and carried and hugged, and really everybody does, but he definitely could’ve made that offer way less weird-sounding. Just–he really doesn’t trust that Cadmus told Lynn that kind of thing was okay or important or ever would be okay or important, so . . . yeah. So he said it.
Just he said it very, very awkwardly and lamely. 
Lynn is totally never gonna think he’s a cool dad, is he, Billy thinks morosely. He’s gonna think he’s uncool and weird and boring and– 
Lynn . . . hesitates, slightly, and Billy gets distracted from worrying about Lynn deciding he sucks and peers at him again. Lynn looks conflicted, and Billy’s not sure what to say to him. 
“It really is fine if you don’t want one,” he promises finally, because it’s the best idea he’s got. “Just it’s also fine if you do want one, and I kinda, uh, didn’t know if you knew that or not.” 
“. . . okay,” Lynn says, which still isn’t really a helpful answer but is also still better than a lie. Billy can work with noncommittal. Like, he’d much rather do a little extra work to figure out what Lynn’s okay with than accidentally upsetting or hurting him 
Lynn probably doesn’t even know what he’s okay with yet, in a lot of ways. How could he, when everything’s still so new and strange? 
“You could hug Tawky, if you want,” Billy suggests. Lynn’s already been petting him, kinda, so maybe he’s more comfortable with touching him than he is him right now. Which makes sense, really. Tawky is really huggable, and also, like . . . sometimes it’s just less intimidating to hug somebody who looks like a stuffed animal at the time and also isn’t currently a lot bigger than you, Billy knows. Like–that’s definitely been a thing for him, a lot of times. 
. . . honestly, he’s not sure who the last person besides Tawky he even hugged was, come to think of it. Some people hugged him, because they were grateful he’d saved them and all, but–yeah. That’s . . . different, obviously. Not as . . . comforting, or comfortable, or . . . anything like that. 
And if Lynn’s never gotten a hug before–well. Yeah. 
Tawky’s a good start, Billy knows. Like–really good. 
“. . . I don’t know how,” Lynn says, his tone just a little–distant, maybe. Or . . . guarded, maybe. 
“Oh, it’s not hard,” Billy assures him, then picks up one of the throw pillows off the couch and demonstrates, wrapping his arms around it to squeeze a little. “You just wrap your arms around somebody and squeeze, kinda. I mean, you’re gonna have to be careful not to do it too hard with baseline humans and all, but Tawky’s tough!” 
And, well–he’s pretty sure Lynn couldn’t hug him hard enough to hurt him, at least not ‘til he grows up a little more or gets a little more sun in him. But he doesn’t wanna push, so he doesn’t say that.
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You Make Me Wanna 4
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, best friend’s dad trope other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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You don't hear from Faye. You don't expect to. Can you blame her? You're much happier with your absentee dad than an overbearing brute like hers. And it's fair to assume you snitched her out, why would she suspect her own father of tracking her phone? 
That's deranged. Truly. Once more, you're thankful that no one really cares enough to be strict with you. Sometimes you swear your mom forgets she even has kids. 
She's on the porch that day when you leave for work. You have the green grocery store blouse on with a pair of thrift store slacks that don't breathe. It's hot out and many of your neighbours are hiding inside with their window fans and raggedy old AC units buzzing. Some kids run through a sprinkler at the end of the street and two men drink cold ones on their stoop.
The block can be shady but it's home to you. The few times Faye came around were fleeting. She only stopped by to pick you up or drop you off. You often caught the look in her face, that one of judgment but pity. 
You don't hold it against her. She can't help the gap between you. You've accepted your place. You'll ruin your arches slaving away as a cashier and she would have stopped talking to you anyway once she finished school. Frankly, you're surprised she hasn't already. 
A honk makes you jump. You stop short as a car pulls up in front of you before you can cross. You back up as you recognise the finish. You cross your arms. What the hell? 
You go to circle around the back of the car and he shifts into reverse. You huff and he rolls forward as you go back the other way. You stop and stomp your foot. The window rolls down on your side. 
"Mr. Marshall, I'm on my way to work," you grit.  
"You? Work?" He says. 
Your rage simmers and you measure your breath. He's not going to ruin your day. You stand still and stare over his car. 
"Some of us have to," you sniff, "isn't that what you always said?" 
"Didn't realise you listen to me," he scoffs. 
"Are you going to let me pass?" You snip. 
He's quiet as he idles by the corner. He leans over the passenger seat to see you better, "you got home safe." 
"Don't act like you care," you retort, "alright? If you're looking for Faye, I haven't heard from her. Besides, don't you have GPS?" 
"I didn't say anything about Faye," he insists. 
You curl your fingers as your frustration mounts, "then why are you bothering me?" 
"I'm on duty. Was in the neighbourhood," he says coolly. 
"Right, sure," you mutter and check your phone. 
"Gonna be late? Hop in." 
"You're not serious. After last time--" 
You stop yourself. Why is he doing this? He just wants a rise out of you but why? Why do you matter to him? He only ever thought of you as a bad influence for his angel of a daughter. They can both piss off. 
"You really don't let things go," he chuckles. 
"Speak for yourself," you sneer. 
"So... this your neighbourhood?" 
You turn on your heel and cross the other way. You're done. You're not going to stand there and be mocked. Maybe if he ever asked instead of glaring and growling, he'd know more than he assumed. 
You don’t look back and he doesn’t follow. You’re happy at least for that. You get your fair share of jackasses at work, one on the way is too much. 
Your shift drags on. You’re thankful for the air conditioning but not the work. Customers barter over the cost of potatoes or complain that you’re out of their preferred seasoning. You try to look like you care but that’s the hardest part of the job. 
The dinnertime rush peters out and you lean on your till. Brandy goes to stock the shelves with Ricky as Ariel texts away on her phone. The monotony is set to drive you crazy, that and the dad rock wafting from the speakers and droning through the mostly empty aisles. 
You pore over an Archie comic as the seconds tick by. You’re only taken away from Riverdale as you sense a shadow at the end of your lane. You stand up and close the magazine, tucking it back on the shelf. You nearly let your disappointment bubble out to sigh as you recognise your customer. 
Walter sets down a glass bottle of root beer and one of the ready-made meals from the deli. You don’t say a word as you push them across the scanner and to the other side of your till. You hit total. 
“Cash or credit?” 
He doesn’t answer. He steps close to the other side of the till and looks over easily at you. You squint back with derision. 
“Sir, you gotta pay--” 
“Is it any good?” He points to the tray of rice and fixings on the far end of the till. “The General Tao chicken? Don’t want crunchy rice.” 
“I don’t know,” you shrug. “I can put it back on the shelf if you don’t want it.” 
“If you had to recommend something--” 
“I don’t eat that stuff. Too pricey,” you focus on keeping your eyes from rolling back in your head. 
“Sure, still cheaper than the burger joint across the lot,” he takes out his wallet, “long day. I’m starving.” 
You tap the machine to signal him to pay. He taps his card and you print his receipt. You place it on top of the tray of chicken and rice and reach for the Archie comic once more. 
“So you haven’t heard from Faye?” He asks. 
“I knew--” you stop yourself, “no, Mr. Marshall,” you lean back and open the book, fluttering through to find your page, “she isn’t my daughter.” 
He lets a breath out heavily through his nostrils. He grabs his soda and the chicken. You ignore him for the antics of Jughead, his existence lingering just along the edge of your vision before slowly stalking off. 
You can’t help but wonder why he’s looking for Faye and if she’s okay. 
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zzencat · 1 day
Their Sexual Tendencies + Traits? (NSFW) - Timeless ⏳
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Simply choose from left to right.
(Minors DNI) Nice and simple. What would happen if you got involved? Their tendencies in bed? Intimate behavior? Maybe it’s the one you’ve been ignoring. How about the one you’re with? A future partner? What goes on in their head at night when you’re all they can think about? And if more unfolds? Very TMI. Includes sexual, graphic descriptions and toxic traits.
Must do before you choose: Clear your mind. Time is now patient and still. Close your eyes, inhale deeply, fill your chest up to the fullest, feel the soft air brush up against the ridges of your nose. Breathe out. You may now begin.
Pile 1. “I was a bad girl. I did some bad things.” - Jojo Siwa (lmfaooo)
•right of the bat, “karma” from Jojo siwa played
•I get brat vibes from this pile…are you a brat? lmfao cuz your person’s gonna like that for sure
•or maybe you try to hard to be a brat or appear/act like one? Your person loves it regardless
•this person loves dominating, but they can get just as enthusiastic as a sub. The instant switch and role change is actually pretty impressive, since they do it effortlessly
• I get the vibe they do or will do most of the topping work tho. They can have their lazy days, sure, but they like moving
•dare I say this person is the kinkiest out of the three piles
•^^ we’re talking bondage, role play, slapping(? Damn), everything and all over the above—receiving or giving, they can do it all. Fast raw sex and quickies are hot to them esp
• if you’re poly, this person is okay with that. If you’re not, they’re also okay. they just wanna have sex, end of story 🧌
• is down to literally do it anywhere and everywhere
• if this relationship started off as some kind of fwb or anything with benefits, I wouldn’t be surprised
• if you guys are both in a committed relationship, make sure you try to match their energy in bringing new things to the bedroom
• these people are shower masturbators—the sex drive is actually crazy like- slow your horse for just a second damn
•^^ they don’t even have time to masturbate if you’re with each other all the time. I got the image of a couple going on a trip and they’re in a hotel…yk what comes next. If you live together, cue some jungkook music. There’s no makin it out
• if you’re not together due to long distance stuff, a lot of cam/phone sex. It happens so much that you think they’re jobless (and they could be tbh. Tell em to get a job!!!)
• this person gives me the vibe that they’re not really in an occupation that demands much. It feels like a very lax, low demand and energy job OR they’re a model for something and they make money through content like that
• this person is reallllly good looking tho. It’s how they can get away with a lot of things
• their maturity level is kinda questionable I wont lie…I think you need to teach them some boundaries
• they could take a while to see their faults? Maybe they don’t wanna see or they’re too oooh la la in the sky
• can come off as quite careless. Can even be clingy
• also very prone to peer pressure or self-sabotaging behavior
•avoids conflict like the plague
• open to all body types as long as your face is cute. I think they likely prefer people who don’t look like they’re freaks in the sheets ykwim? The duality is prob what gets em going. But then again, I think anything gets them going. This person is a true horndog of nature
• (I, personally, as Teddy, the reader, feel like I should include why they’re like this—craving physical intimacy so much, but there’s this brushing off/dismissive energy like “forget it they don’t need to know- let’s just have fun and shiii”)
•^^ (if I rephrase what I wanted to include, it might be better. They prob grew up with a lot of siblings/other kids, and not enough love to go around, so they were overlooked, OR no-to-low amount of siblings but not enough physical and emotional intimacy and connection from parents/guardians, so they looked towards external sources.)
• doesn’t have too many expectations tbh (idk if that’s a bad or a good thing, but the root of it is that they don’t wanna pressure people to stay with them or force people into commitment)
• ^^if they fall in love with you and yall date, and you leave one day, it’ll hurt so much that they’ll revert back to the thinking of why commitment didn’t always work for them
•childhood couldn’t show them what true commitment was so if you actually express that you want to be with them exclusively, they’ll be so shocked, to say the least. Like “me? Why me? I’m not anything special, lmfao” . They’re laughing it off and will feel nervous so they’ll cover it up by drinking smth (water or anything), but they’re so used to the sentiment of being “nothing special” that they’re numb to it
• ^^ but if they end up falling in love with you (beware of their nonstop horse sex drive), they’ll be a lot more reserved and laid back than before
• they’ll prob be lazier tho ngl. They’ll take days off work just to have sex with you all day
• they make up for this uselessness feeling through sexual activities
• they think like “why touch yourself alone when I’m right here?”
• when they do masturbate tho, they think about you and your body shifting back and forth against the bed. They’re pretty quick tho when it comes to masturbation—I’m guessing bc of impatience and not being able to hold back. They only last long when it comes to sex with a partner
• the body worship is real nice
• most of the sexual activities have one thing in common though, and that’s the closeness of both of your skins. This person kisses your skin so much during sex, and really anytime, feel you up whenever they can. The touchiness is all the time and it’s sweet, but it can always lead to something else
• in this pile, lies a very rare breed. a handful, and really not a lot, will encounter the rare breed partner that also has this high of a sex drive, is confident, has a regular day job, prob tall and slim, is responsible and committed only to you, and will be on board 100% if you ever want to engage in exhibitionist/voyeur activities—extreme (like streaming your intimate moments or camming together)
Pile 2. *Growling noises.*
• the thing is…you’re just existing 😭
• you don’t do much to piss this person off (most of the time). Some light jokes and messing around here and there but you’re pretty much chillin. (ESPECIALLY when you’re not dating, this bullet point and the previous be the vibe.)
• this person wants you like a predator wants prey, basically. It feels weird to say it ngl, but it’s a very obviously fire energy? Like Leo smth…or a very capable and sadistic Scorpio? They have this dark and mysterious look. Very intimidating, but you prob don’t give this person your time of day—either you don’t care, think it’s weird, or maybe you’re just playing a little hard to get
•^^whatever this person thinks you’re doing, purposely or not, they find it intriguing and you have to be theirs
• this person tho? pile 1 has nothing on this person. My bad, not person—beast.
• very dominant person and very much shows it if you’re exclusively dating each other or in a higher relationship
• they could use some work on their control issues tho. IMPORTANT!!!: this person would NEVER put their hands on you to hurt you out of anger or violent means. No abuse in their household, no, no. (In bed, it’s different but only if you consent)
•^^ regarding the control issues, make sure they’re not obsessed with you bc you’re hard to control. At your highest energy, this pile has a very independent, do-what-I-want energy. You don’t give two shits abt what others think- you dress, look, and act the way you want. You stand up to them when no one has the balls to do it
• very much BDSM. It could get a little tiring—not the person!! The person has hella games and tricks up their sleeve when it comes to bdsm and freaky shit. Tiring in the sense that it just stays in the BDSM realm like dude…break out of it cmon. It’s time to experiment with different menus, not recipes.
• commander type. also choking. this person likes choking. Choking you AND being choked, but they wouldn’t bring up the latter if you never mention it.
• has a LOT of self control…until they don’t. But I think this person loses it very easily bc of their partner—like you needa be punished asap type feel.
• getting off is normal for them, but when they have a partner, most of the time they save it until sex. but if not and you’re not around, they’re gonna go at it, thinking how you should be there, imagining how good you look with your mouth on their parts while you look up at them, praising you about how good you’re doing.
• this person isn’t really simple with masturbation either. If they simply lay down and or sit on their bed and touch themselves, it wouldn’t be as satisfying so they have to go again, preferably touching themselves in a different place—depends on what mood they’re in, they’ll choose a risky, likely-to-get-caught kinda place or a place outside their room, but private.
• wow, verrrry possessive person. Marking you up 😫 In the morning, if you need to go somewhere, they’ll be like “Don’t try to cover it up.”
• This person could be some sort of player? Regardless of who they are, they just have a lot of pent up energy they need to get out of. They def have experience
•honestly, pile 2, this person can get really damn intense. If you can’t handle their heat, it’s okay to get outta the kitchen cuz they’re the ones turning it up and have also broken the ac 😭 the sex is crazy good, but it will take this person a bit of time to actually fall in love with you. Cuz you’re so different from everyone they’ve seen so they’re unsure…weirded out…interested.
• if you somehow get in bed with this person, you’re in for a ride (literally.) after this experience, this person will deadass replay it everywhere, every day, all the time. It becomes an obsession with them (which may or may not be a good thing for you.)
• this person is going to be in your life for a whiiiiile. You might even roll your eyes and be like “whyyy”
• this is the most obvious enemies to lovers trope pile, but it starts smth like that OR you just get annoyed that everyone wants this person and to you, they’re just hot and nothing much.
• it gets wilder— this person WILL try to make you jealous. Shamelessly. (Ick)
• they’d like to receive some mouth-work from you if ya get my vibe. (Which is unfair bc they’re kinda selfish when it comes to receiving pleasure.) if they give it, they give it THEIR way
• ^ you have to put them in their place and show them you’re not someone to be fucked with. The worst thing you could do is leave their life entirely. Even pissing you off gives them something.
• if you’re sick of their shit, they might even let you have a chance of taking it out on them and having your way for once (BUT just so you know, if you do, they’ll take it as you surrendering to them. Like you finally have a weakness or manipulation point.)
• HOWEVER, this person, although very fucking stubborn, is willing to make any and all changes for you. IT WILL TAKE TIME. And only if you’re in love with each other. Maybe they were trying to find someone that was worth their time and more than just looks.
• I will say tho, if you get into an actual committed relationship with this person, the upbringing of this relationship looks pretty toxic. Like the crazy need for control and the unwarranted possessiveness (on their side), especially at points when you’re not dating each other. If you don’t set their shit straight, you’ll fall into the trap and could get a broken heart out of it
• ^^ on the bright side, this encounter/relationship with them will bring you so much personal growth. If you make it out of this relationship in one piece, you’re actually indestructible. And if they’re really willing to change—I suggest noting down their BIG, grandiose sacrifices for you that puts them at some risk—then there’s also a big chance you could have a harmonious and balanced connection
• ^^ why? Bc they know that you’re not superficial and you have substance to you, and they want that. Be wary tho, this person isn’t stupid and knows what strings to pull
• this person could have a tan tint to their skin or brown hair
Pile 3. “Please let me in...”
• this pile’s energy seems a little closed off. not from your person but from you. I’m feeling indifference, constant wariness, but regardless, there’s always a wall
• you’re prob an introvert and has gotten hurt in the past really, REALLY badly, so you’ve been closing your heart off. There’s a piece of you that still wants to find love, hence your presence here, but you act like you don’t or you don’t show that you are interested in wanting it.
• if you’re an extrovert, however? You may not be TOO keen on sharing things about your life. Open to it, sure…but still somewhat selective
• you would sacrifice everything for the person you love, not that you would willingly admit this verbally. If you have, good for you!! You’re the muse baby
• your person is more likely an extrovert and has tried or IS planning to try to get closer to you/get to know you more. They KNOW you are more than what you show on the surface. They’re the only ones who can see the gems behind the rockiness you show
• they’re a virgin or inexperienced
•^^ I don’t think most of the people who chose this pile mind too much, honestly. There’s a bit of a corruption kink rearing its head in here…not super apparent but it be lurkin in da shadows
• oh they’re a switch hahaha. You can just push em on the bed and they’ll let you do whatever you want to them. They’re not complaining at all tho—just lock in on your target and DESTROYYYY 😈😈
• almost a puppy like energy to them—ALMOST. Almost. Bc they have leader vibes but a nice leader. Maybe not respectable by all…but most. Like one who seeks the best for the team but bc they’re not “alpha” or aggressive enough, it can be tough to get people to take things seriously. But eventually people do. Maybe even out of pity.
• I get the feeling this person had to be very in tune with their parents’/guardians’ feelings (I’m getting anxiety or just freaking out over messes and stuff) — maybe they’ve also grown with grandparents? Or have had the presence of their grandparents be very significant in their lives?
•^ bc of this they will most likely be vanilla in bed. I don’t even think they’ll lust after you for a while man I mean, outta respect yk? And also bc it doesn’t feel right to them. It’s not the first thing or one of the first things that come into their mind when they think about you
• ^^ you basically have to tell them what to do, what they can and cannot do too. They’ve had to be so involved in taking care of everybody with an undying kindness to them that they don’t really know where boundaries begin. They’d never wanna break your boundaries
• ok this does not mean that your person is a nice white male, btw!! I keep seeing a salesman, wearing a baby blue button up and khakis, brown hair…this person seems so average? — this could mean that they’re doing everything they can to make others happy and totally not paying attention to their own. I’m not sure if you’ll ever see this person cry in public, but if you make them cry in bed? Hey, go for it muahahah
• it will prob take a while to get them to be comfortable with thinking about you sexually. If they have to relieve themselves, they try to channel this energy into workouts or something physical that gets their mind off of you in that way. Inevitably, the idea of you in bed will pop up, but they’ll shake it off. It’s not even holding back—they just don’t wanna “disrespect” you and see you as an object (but like I said, if you want them to treat you like one in bed or smth, you have to let them know and say it with a lot of conviction. This person is very mentally bullheaded so it’s hard to break into them like that)
•I think they let a lot of things happen bc they’re that empathetic, or they just don’t have the energy for the chase. Like think little kid stealing from a shop, they’ll prob be like “hey kid- ah…” *sighs and scratches back of head as they watch the kid run away with said items*
• if you’re not interested in this person or blatantly ignoring them, they’ll really try to get you (but in a nonstalker-ish way) which is good!! They just want your attention really. They’re pretty much awestruck by you, ESPECIALLY if you ever go to an event and they see you all cleaned up and dressed, they’ll check you out and zone out mid convo I swear. You actually render them speechless.
• (now…we get to some of the graphics.) This person is not a serial masturbator, I will say. Once a day, max. If you’ll allow them, they would do more. They could honestly go all day if you made them. If this person works in an office and you make them soooooo desperate, they would hide somewhere, perhaps an empty room and just start finding heaven. Very quickly too. Quickly and (trying to be) quiet. They’re pretty on top of things and responsible, but if you just tell em what to do, it will be done. They even clean after their mess too (if they do it in public? Cleaning up fast due to freaking out). Like “oh god, what have I done…” They’re super fucking clumsy too and don’t have too good of a recovery in public tho. For example, if they run into someone they know, RIGHT after coming out of the restroom? Red, hot face, sweat all over their neck. Stuttering and shit when they try to say hi to the said acquaintance. When they touch themselves, they don’t use toys (which is very sad. You gotta spice up their lives. They’re open to it. If you’re not the one with spice, they’re also okay with it. And if you’re both okay with vanilla sex every time, feel free!) This person just uses their hands, but LIES DOWN. They like to relax, face the ceiling, close their eyes, and think slow vanilla things…
•might be tmi, but when they touch themselves, it’s kind of inhibited…and not as fast as people do when they’re abt to cross the finish line, yk? Like either long edging sessions or never letting themselves climax sometimes, or rubbing/pressing very hard and still but not fast(?) when they cum…if you know what I mean? Idk if they’re doing it on purpose or if they’re not too experienced, or if they think they don’t deserve it? Scared maybe?
•no kidding, you could actually do anything to this person. cnc/dubious consent would be hot for them—though, they prob wouldn’t know what the kink is called lolll (you have to make sure tho. Establish boundaries and a safe word) bc they wanna be like “nooooo, don’t do that~~” while you’re all over them. BEFORE or IF you guys ever step into that stage tho, they’ll think about simple things if you do allow them to think about you sexually. Like you on top of them, slow grinding, soft touches, helping them out, mutual masturbation. there’s a little part that is innocent and doesn’t know how to step out of that or where to start when it comes to the more kinky stuff.
• it’s funny bc even tho this person has had a lot of experience outside, within a team or jobs, or clubs, etc., they’re so…malleable?? LMFAO 😂 crazy ass word to use but YES. you can throw them around like a damn doll and have them do this and that. A bit of hesitancy, but they know their main purpose in life is to serve :)
• but like I said, they’re a switch, so not only can they think abt you taking control (softdom energy), but if they think abt being on top, they think about slow, loving sex yk? Like slow grinding- oooh, yeah. that really gets them. They’re the type to milk themselves till the last drop too btw. Til. The. Last. Drop.
• also, most of the partners are not a loud moaner. They’re quiet, likely bc they’ve had to force themselves to be quiet in the household they’ve grown in. If your person is a loud moaner, they’ve grown unashamed of their sexual needs and have developed a healthy relationship with that aspect. If you’re with a person who’s like this and moans loud, congratulations!! They have become comfortable in their skin and you have made it so 🙂‍↕️👏👏 If they’re still quiet, def some insecurity bc of growing up with limiting beliefs or having to live with a lot of people in childhood. If you want them loud, you have to encourage it out of them. They’ll be pretty fuckin shy about it though. You realllly have to pull it out of them.
• bonus: if they’re loud, they’re a slut 😂😂 like a secret slut, yk? (this might be a bit darker so don’t read if you don’t want to—this really only applies to a small portion of people here—but chances are they get off…on being ashamed and self-degradation? A big example is being ashamed for engaging in sex/sexual activities? Like a masochist, “this is so dirty, I shouldn’t be doing this…” but proceeds to do it anyway bc they can’t help themselves?? And they likely degrade themselves while getting off. These people may secretly be content creators for this type of thing but appear angelic in real life OR they have potential to. Like them faceless whimper creators lmfaoo. Listen, hey…if you get with one of these people, you a winner winner chicken dinner
•there’s a big chance most people in this pile or the pile’s person feels ashamed or very guilty about the whole sex thing and masturbation; if you’re looking to improve your relationship with sex or relationship with this person, you have to help each other overcome this fear. It doesn’t matter who asserts themselves to the task. It requires the both of you at the end of the day. And boyyy is it gonna be hard- (…anxiety makes it hard for you to get aroused/stay aroused/reach orgasm tho 😮‍💨 the more you know…). No man, it’s gonna be so awkward—palms-sweatingly awkward. Breaking news, you might have to be the assertive one here. Your impatience could get the best of you and in that case, you’ll guide them. There are so many things that could go wrong in this situation of awkward pre-sex, but if this person has shown their worth to you and you actually trust them, a lot of it is salvageable by your own hand.
• however, if this situation goes south (and not the south we want…) then, this person will start to feel bad or insecure that they’ve hurt or done something wrong towards you, even though they’re a clumsy dummy who doesn’t intend to hurt people and tries hard to do everything right
• ^^ should you ever try to initiate it and try to sex em up again, you’d have to put a bit of work in to convince them, bc they were really open that one time and it was honestly…kinda the first time they’ve gotten so close to doing something THAT vulnerable and revealing. It would feel like they stripped and you didn’t like what you saw, and it was so apparent on your face that it broke them. That kind of vibe. A very sensitive person at heart.
• they get really anxious if something goes wrong. It’s probably a trait they picked up from parents/guardians being like that.
• they have SOOO much potential, seriously. But a lot of what-ifs on their mind so they’re playing it safe. Be confident, and maybe even borderline bossy, with them and gradually they’ll open out of their shell. This person is like hot liquid gold, waiting to be molded into your likings 😇
**Teddy Note: Hi guys!! This is a super long post, but I hope you’ve gotten something out of it. My sexual tarot deck just came in and I’m pretty much obsessed with it already hahaha. Thank you for reading today’s post!! If you haven’t heard, I’d just opened up paid readings, and there is a sexual reading in there that is pretty much like this one, but more individualized towards you and pretty detailed (if you do decide to purchase, that is.) That’s all I gotta say. It’s been pretty intense doing these readings and the partners in these piles are all wildin in their own way 😅 Thank you again! Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t! Peace outtt :))
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agirlwithglam · 2 days
how to stop being so obsessed with them.
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heyyy bestieees! heres a few tips to stop you from being so obsessed with them cus honeyyy its just not worth it. it doesn't just have to be romantically btw!
"she's literally perfect.. like how??" <- affirmations! More resources:
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༄ ✬ move on! ༄ ✬
numero uno. move on. okay hear me out! there are 8 billion people in the world. (8 billion freeky deeking people). do yk how much that it? a lot of 0s. and i know for a fact that SO MANY of them would be thrilled to know you, to spend time with you, to love and respect you! if that 1 person out of 8 billion people doesn't seem to recognise your worth, so what?!
"oh but they're perfect and i just love them so much!" ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... sorry, what do you love again? the fact that they don't care enough to return a text, treat you right, make you feel loved?
"i just want them to love me back and treat me the way they treat others because they are so funny and always seem to make me and other people laugh!" oh ma lawd. ur not serious r u? you are?! okokok i won't make fun of you. i can relate to how that feels. but sweetheart, 8 billion. trust me, you'll find a lot more people who are twice as funnier and caring who will love you to the moon and back and make you feel like the most specialist person ever and massage ur crusty musty toes. jk about the last one- unless u want that?
༄ ✬ not everyone will know your worth. ༄ ✬
so asking questions like "but why can't they realise how great i am? or how funny i am? or how loving i am? i would do anything for them, why can't they realise that and treat me the same way back?" im sorry honey but the world doesn't work that way. if someone doesn't feel or treat you as if you're the most glamorous girl in the world, then you need to stop giving them sm energy and importance.
heres an analogy that i got from simonesquared on youtube: in gilmore girls, Rory has this super rich boyfriend Logan right? (who has the most cutest smile ever i might add) and he buys Rory a birkin bag. now to Rory, she doesn't realise the value of a bag like that! to her, its just another bag. she's grateful of course, but she doesn't fully realise the immense value this type of bag has.
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༄ ✬ have a life outside of them.༄ ✬
lemme repeat that. have. a. fleeping. life. outside. of. them. they should NOT be the center of your life or the cause of all your actions NUH UH ABSOLUTELY NOT! its okay to do SOME things with the thought of them, but that part is separate from the rest of your life. your life is your life, not theirs!!
this can mean going to the gym, working out, finding new hobbies, educating yourself, self care, etc etc! but don't go about your life, thinking about them. you go about your life thinking about YOU.
༄ ✬ stop chasing them. ༄ ✬
"gee, thanks vanilla. thats so helpful! how did i not think about that earlier?" im assuming thats sarcasm, but whateverr. okay so if they know that you're chasing them, that you're obsessed with them, yk what they'll think? they'll think that 'oh! this person is chasing me, so she really wants me. so she'll stick around. i dont really need to try too hard to keep her cus i know she'll stay. i'll explore my options in the meantime :)'
GIRL do not so available like this! BE BUSY (which relates to the point before). once you glow up, work on your life, not taking it so seriously, and just being happy and enjoying this beautiful gift of life, they will start to think: 'oh! this person (you) is actually quite fabulous. i better try to make her feel happy/ be friends with her before i miss this awesome opportunity!'
cus girl, cmon, you've got things to do, places to be, and people to talk to. i've got goals and dreams and my bucket list. you don't have the time to sit here and be crazy obsessed. so like, if they just leave, um okay and? "yes, and?" what about it? am i meant to be bothered? likerrr okay, byee? i mean, i've got a lot of things to do so i could try to fit in a "help i need you" session between my pilates class and my cooking class? jk <3
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༄ ✬ give yourself the damn love. ༄ ✬
why are you obsessed with them? why are you head over heels for somebody who literally couldn't care less? its because they have something that you feel like you're lacking.
is it the fact that they always seem so happy and laughing-y with people around them? that they get super high marks on their test? they are attractive? they have a high status? money? what is it?? often, we can actually give these things to ourselves. some, easier than others. but not impossible. if you really wanted to, you would get up, dust yourself up, and give yourself the love you crave. What you want in others, give to yourself first.
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More resources:
How to stop comparing yourself & feel fulfilled without needing external validation.
Thewizardliz: becoming selfish was the best thing i did
Lumma Aziz’s videos
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you don't have to answer this if you don't want to but what do you think about Yuu who alr knows Disney and is a bit of a better strategist than canon!Yuu? Like this Yuu would know from the first dream-vision they had that they mirror reality the next day and so whenever they wake up the next day after having these dreams and write down IMMEDIATELY about what happened and try to correlate it as much as they can to reality so they can strategize this way?? Added bonus if they know they're perceived as a weak, helpless magicless student and use it to their advantage so that others constantly underestimate them too!!
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Well firstly, I think someone has most likely written this kind of fanfiction before. It’s pretty common to “novelize” the main story but specifically featuring one’s own Yuu variant and/or to do a “fix” or canon divergent story. Not my thing so I just skip over those, but I’m certain I’ve at least skimmed fic summaries of this nature.
Secondly, I don’t think it would make sense narratively (even for a more intelligent and proactive Yuu that has knowledge of Disney lore) to automatically suspect that their dreams correlate with real life events and that they should be alert for parallels. It’s assuming a lot of them, including that they’d have the hindsight before their first dream that their dreams are somehow prophetic. (I’m not counting time travel or time loop theory here, only what we know is canon right now.) That’s not really strategizing then, it’s jumping the gun and assuming that they’re a seer without enough cause to believe in it. Has this happened before to them in their original world? But dreams are rarely ever so closely associate with the things playing out 1:1 in the waking world. Why would Yuu develop this belief then??? I think they’d realistically start putting the pieces together maybe book 3 because 1 time (book 1) may just be coincidence + they wouldn’t be suspicious of anything, 2 times (book 2) is establishing a pattern, and then 3 times (book 3) would be enough times to firmly believe establish said pattern. It wouldn’t happen right off the bat.
I also feel like this kind of Yuu would not work for the current (canon) story TWST wants to tell. Having all of this information and/or going out of their way to prevent things from happening because of their foresight might just cascade into many events not playing out at all, even if only halfway through the main book. It means they’d be highly wary of many characters and could successfully avoid the pitfalls they glimpse in their dreams. They could seek out the “villains” of their dreams, deduce the issue, smooth things out sooner, prevent OBs altogether. Very, very different events might play out. (And if the main story manages to stay roughly the same in spite of all the measures this Yuu takes, then what was the point of telling it all with this intentional smarter and more actionable Yuu to begin with???) Diverging from canon happens all the time in fan creations, as I’ve said earlier—and again, there’s nothing wrong with this. I just don’t know of this would “work” with the current set up without deviating considerably at a certain point.
As for Yuu being perceived as a “weak, helpless magicless student” who “uses it to their advantage so others underestimate them too”… I feel like this is already done in canon, but very subtly and definitely relies a lot on player interpretation of what “kind” of Yuu they want to be. It’s already implied that Yuu is the strategist for battles, so they offer support in this way. Additionally, many characters recognize them for talents which lie beyond their magicless status. This includes the headmaster, who declares that Yuu has the makings of a beast tamer, and Rook, who gives Yuu the nickname “Trickster” for their cleverness. I believe that Yuu was even chosen to go for the harp in Beans Day because Jade was aware that the Monsters would underestimate Yuu and prioritize going after him, who is the more obvious threat. The world and its characters seem to constantly be telling us about Yuu’s strengths outside of a magical context, but they leave how Yuu actually makes use of their helplessness open ended for players to project as they like onto them.
It’d definitely be interesting to see a Yuu that leans into and plays up their weaknesses, but I also think that it would require a skilled writer to successfully pull that off. If not done well, the Yuu may come off as more whiny/desperate or too pompous and locked in their own self-aggrandizing head space. Maybe we’ll get a Yuu that strategizes with their deliberate helplessness in a future installment of the manga? Could be interesting!
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sciderman · 9 hours
Sooooo, ... If you could be in a romantic relationship with Peter or Wade, who would you choose?.
(you can pick both of them, add more people in the mixture, you can even pick all marvel universe, but I would love you to describe how do you imagine the relationship would work with each of them)
i... hough, man. i don't know if i'd like to be in a romantic relationship with either of them. i... i don't know what kind of love i'd thrive in because – well, i've never been in a long-term relationship, and i've never been in any sort of relationship where my partner resembled either of them. people ask if i write at all based on my experiences and – no, i don't. i don't think anything i've experienced has a lot to do with what i write - though, i think it's backwards. sometimes later on in the line something i write starts to manifest in reality in some way. i hope i'm able to manifest something good.
i don't know if i want what wade and peter have, specifically - their love isn't perfect - it's unhealthy - but... i don't know, i think everyone wants to have someone in their life that is fascinated by you. and that you're fascinated with them. i think that's the thing i love about wade and peter's love - they are so, so fascinated by each other. almost to a grotesque degree.
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they complete each other in that sort of a way. they want what each other has. they're obsessed with each other. obsessed with unravelling the mysteries of each other, because they can make each other better. wade's obsessed with understanding peter, because peter's a better version of him. peter's someone wade admires, because he's heroic, and brave, and he overcomes. and wade's someone peter admires, because he's bold, and unafraid, and he overcomes. i think that's the thing - they admire each other because they see themselves in each other, and see each other overcoming - and, i don't know, they inspire each other, or something gay like that. they're stronger together, because they're reflections of each other, and "if he can do it, i can do it."
i'd love that – someone who makes me feel braver when i'm with them. someone who i feel so comfortable with, because they're just like me, and i can be me, and they get it, and i can be more me than i've ever been before.
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you always filter yourself with other people. i... god, do i just want to be around people that make me feel comfortable. who i just – totally let loose with, and i don't have to worry about staying palatable with. i don't have to worry about being too much – i don't know, i've rarely been in a relationship where i've felt that degree of comfort. there's always been caveats. i've always had to pretend. and i – i don't know, i'm sick of pretending.
i think peter loves in a very similar way to how i do, maybe. and his failings in romance and relationships are very familiar, i think. that people see him as admirable, or heroic or cool, and it turns out that - actually, he's simple, and fallible, and not very good at keeping up. he's sappy, and kind of perpetually afraid. it's all familiar. i think i've ruined a lot of relationships by not being as confident as people wanted me to be. by not being emotionally ready - by being, actually, a bit of a loser. i think that's another thing i love about wade and peter, the way i write them - they're perpetually patient with each other. they'll wait. if they're not ready now, they will be.
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gentle pressure - they always give each other gentle pressure to get past their fears. to be braver. it's okay to be afraid, but together, we'll get past it. together, we'll overcome.
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i want some of that. i don't know. i have a lot of people in my life who tend to make me feel scared. make me feel more afraid. and very few people who make me feel stronger. but i did find those people eventually. it's possible. it's so, so wonderful to be around people who make you brave. i hope we all find that.
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stompandhollar · 1 day
I have some….. harsh(?) words for rtd.
I miss when Doctor Who was scrappy. Where the working class was at the forefront of our story. Where the hero had a broken time machine and one shitty little gadget that only sometimes could do anything useful. When the TARDIS was cobbled together with glue sticks and a dream.
Rose as a story worked because it was paired down. ALL of good DW works when it’s paired down. The stakes aren’t the whole world or the whole universe ending. The charm and the stakes both come from the same place— focusing on the characters, and making their problems the central focus. Blink was stunning because the world wasn’t in danger, just Sally Sparrow, and for 40 minutes of runtime, she was the focus of the viewer’s world.
The “base under siege” episodes work because it matters just as much to us that the Doctor gets the crew to safety as it would if the whole universe were in danger.
Even Utopia works because while being a high-stakes-for-humanity episode, it’s focused heavily on each character, and on concepts, not flashy visuals and dramatic build ups with no payoff. Utopia has exactly the right level of stakes for the story it’s telling, and the twist at the end delivers because it’s on that same level.
Ncuti is phenomenal. He and Millie are the only reason I’m sticking around (with s14, not with DW. I metaphorically sold my soul to this show a long time ago and that’ll never change) and watching each new episode with the hope that it’ll get better. But good gracious we do not have a lot of substantial evidence to back that hope up right now, lol.
The dialogue is hollow because we don’t sit with any characters long enough for their emotional moments to hit home. These brilliant actors can’t even save the scripts they’re being given.
I liked Rouge so much because it felt so bottled within its own episode. The stakes seemed so low, and it was fun and campy and the energy was electric. But I’m disappointed all over again with the Marvel-ization of the show in the newest episode. We saw it in the 60th specials, and it’s back swinging again in TLORS.
We don’t want Stark Tower SHIELD UNIT and their big flashy technology to save the day. The Doctor running straight to UNIT for help at all was crazy to me.
Part of me got so excited when Death was revealed as the big bad. The deluded part of my brain immediately thought we’d get a paired down concept of Death, like in the Big Finish Master audio drama. And I still really hope that happens, or is at least a little bit alluded to. (or maybe not. maybe i want to write that story myself some day when i’m in the damn writers room for this silly perfect show) But as soon as they got my hopes up, they got dashed again five seconds later when it became evident how overpowered and goofy and trope-y our big bad is shaping up to be.
RTD shines when he’s writing characters full of hope and wonder and a need to see the stars. Moffat shines when he’s writing twisted little think pieces that show the indomitable human spirit. Both of them have had my heart and changed my life with their writing. And right now I need them both to take a back seat and pass the baton. Russel keeps trying to outdo himself, and it’s all become too grandiose.
We need a writer in that room that doesn’t care how The Doctor is going to save the world next, but instead, cares about how he’s going to save that one person right in front of him, who needs his help, now.
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onlyharper · 2 days
Help with funds and possible birthday
hihi friends. I hope you're all doing well. I'm....not. I'm struggling a lot to be completely honest. I'm reaching out because I'm still struggling to find work and would appreciate some help with bills and groceries and...I guess everything? I don't like asking for help but I also think it is all I can do. My electric and rent is up during summer and that is just hitting me harder than I thought it would. My electric went up an extra $100 and my rent went up $50 for lawncare and everything is so fucking expensive. I'm sorry for rambling.
Also my birthday is coming up in July on the 3rd and...I'm trying to like my birthday more since I'm..not a fan of it usually and my therapist thought this would be a good idea to maybe see if I could do something...nice for myself? Idk. Being a person is hard. It truly is. All of it would go to expenses and bills and maybe if there is anything left over I could...idk. Buy a nice meal or maybe buy myself something small. I don't usually buy stuff for myself and...maybe it would be nice to celebrate my birthday. If that seems selfish, I apologize. I'm just..trying to be better mentally. I'll link my stuff below and if you'd like to help, you can. Thank you again friends.
Payton Pals: harphazardly (Legal Name on this one and a picture of a plush Flareon)
Cashmere Applications: $Generallyalive (Has the name Chuck on it)
Venice Monet: mindnum (Also Legal Name)
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