#I literally hate other people giving writing tips
CW: Rape, incest, CSA
This is actually not a strictly A Song of Ice and Fire post here, but it overlaps in some ways so I figured I'd write this.
Anyone who has not read the web serials Worm or Ward and wishes to avoid spoilers, don't read this post:
Disclaimer out of the way, I've found striking parallels between fandom reaction for both A Song of Ice and Fire and Parahumans regarding how characters who survived sexual abuse view their abusers, in a dangerously disturbing way.
For this I'm going to specifically be using the examples of Aeron and Theon Greyjoy from A Song of Ice and Fire to compare and contrast to Victoria Dallon in Ward. All three were psychologically and sexually tormented by their abusers during the course of the series. Theon is a young adult by the time Ramsay gets his hands on him, but Aeron and Victoria were both children when they were molested by family members so they will be the main two characters to compare.
In the case of Euron and Aeron, there are a (sadly very vocal) minority who are ready to dismiss Euron's danger to others by specifically using Aeron's abuse against him. Sure, Euron is evil and horrifically abused him and Urrigon when they were children, and it is understandable that Aeron would be mortified of Euron. After all, he tries to warn people about Euron repeatedly, only for his attempts to stop him to all fail.
The response by this section of the fandom to claims of Euron being built up as a major threat are essentially that Aeron's trauma is in the way of his ability to perceive Euron objectively. Is Euron actually as dangerous as Aeron claims? You can say the same for Theon and Ramsay. After all, Theon is half-mad warning Stannis about Ramsay, and Stannis is bringing some Rational Realness to the forefront by saying "what do I have to fear him for?"
Since GRRM is never releasing another A Song of Ice and Fire book it's hard to say what he intends but he could definitely intend for this to be the case. That said, there is a story featuring a similar character that is completed. Ward!
Victoria Dallon's sister, Amy, is a cape with healing abilities, though as the series progresses we know that healing is just the tip of the iceberg; she can change the biological makeup of living things. Amy is adopted, and has never felt any love from anyone other than Victoria. Amy develops deep romantic love for her sister, however, and then begins a series of bad decisions that just serve to deepen her already deep mental breakdown.
Amy proceeds to; alter Victoria's brain chemistry to give her compulsive romantic thoughts about her, then following healing Victoria after a battle, she spends several days alone with her, during which she repeatedly rapes her, erases her memories of said rapes, until her mental health deteriorates even further and she is unable to use her power properly and turns Victoria into the Wretch: a mass of flesh and limbs and heads, rather than anything actually human.
Then Victoria spends 2 years in a mental institution, stuck in a body she hates, all the while fighting the compulsions Amy left in place. When she finally returns Victoria to normal at the end of Worm, it is actually against her will and not because she had a change of heart or got more confident.
Then we get to Ward, where Victoria is the main POV. As is very obvious, Victoria is struggling with extremely intense PTSD, mentioning Amy is enough to trigger a dissociative flashback, and she wants absolutely nothing to do with her anymore: and fucking rightfully so.
Victoria also warns people about Amy. She warns her therapist to try to reach out to Amy before she hurts someone else, she warns literally anyone who will listen about Amy and what she might end up doing. We may not know what it is that Ramsay and Euron end up doing, but we do know what Amy does.
She refuses all help and doubles down on bad decisions, enslaves people with her powers, later imprisons and torments and touches Victoria again against her will, and becomes the dictatorial monster in charge of an entire planet. Victoria's warnings prove to be extremely prophetic and extremely real.
Now lets get into some discourse shall we?
Despite Amy being a rapist who rapes her sister, enslaves others via mind control, and literally never once improving as a person or acknowledging that her actions even caused harm, there are still those who think Amy isn't at fault. Some might find this post, but I don't really care. Amy is at fault for things Amy did. Victoria is not at fault for hugging her sister like a normal human being when Amy is upset, Amy didn't do her a favour healing her because then she just raped her and then really couldn't fix her back to a human body, and Amy isn't absolved of these sins because she healed a lot of people.
Essentially, Victoria is sometimes blamed for being raped by her sister, the rapist, despite Amy canonically being a manipulative lying liar rapist.
Okay so that doesn't seem to related to what the fandom says with Euron and Ramsay, right? After all, we don't really blame Aeron for being molested and Theon for also being sexually tortured and abused by Ramsay, do we? There are factors as to why that is (mostly that Aeron and Theon are men and Victoria is a woman; if you don't buy this argument look at people who say Cersei deserved to be sexually assaulted by Robert or try to use "the times" as an excuse to overlook Daenerys also being raped by Drogo) but there is an overlap here.
Amy being able to get away with that she did only to go on and hurt so many other people is a meta-commentary on the way survivors of sexual abuse are disbelieved or blamed for what happened to them. Naturally, those real like abusers end up going to abuse other people too. Fuck, even in the fandom, Victoria is still fucking blamed for things that she had absolutely no choice in the matter.
Which leads back to Theon and Aeron. Yes, trauma impacts the way you remember traumatic events, and that means objectivity can get lost at times. It can for Victoria and Theon and Aeron. But that trauma, the dissociation, memory problems, all of these together, are there for a reason. And that's because someone came along, ruined another persons life for their own pleasure and satisfaction, and then got away with it.
Victoria warned the world about what Amy would do, and she was unfortunately correct. Theon and Aeron warned others about Ramsay and Euron. Survivors should be believed, and not be dismissed. After all, it isn't our fault that we got abused. People may hear things about Euron or Amy or Ramsay, but the people who truly know who they are---what they are capable of, what they are actually like---are the people they abused.
So yeah, it's kinda fucking lame when I hear someone go "Stannis gonna prove Theon wrong with facts and logic" as if he doesn't, I don't know, have insight into Ramsay's psychology in ways Stannis doesn't. Same with Euron. Same with Amy.
Also fucking read Ward it hurts as intensely as it kicks ass.
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mollymarymarie · 2 years
Listen. I keep seeing this on tiktok. "Don't use hiss as a dialogue tag, it's a human being, we don't hiss" or "If there isn't an S in the word at the end of dialogue, don't use the word hiss" and let me just say I WILL CONTINUE TO USE HISS TO MEAN QUIETLY BUT AGGRESSIVELY SPEAKING AND YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND
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marvellous1917 · 1 year
Icarus Falling Far.
(Part 3)
Pairing: mob!bucky x tattoo artist!female!reader
Summary: it’s the day after giving the dangerous mobster his first tattoo, and he hasn’t contacted you yet. What a dick.
Warnings: cursing, crime, mentions of guns, stalking/harassment (brief), think that’s it.
Word count: 3.6k ish
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A/N: i had no plan to make this story into a mini-series, so if this seems a little unplanned… it is. Anyway, hope you like it my loves 😘
(This is not beta’s so any mistakes are my own)
Part 2 ⬇️:
Bold is readers thoughts
Italics is Bucky's thoughts
This starts in Bucky’s POV.
His home office was always the place he went to feel at peace. Ironic really, considering the dealings done within the room. The walls had seen him order his men to assassinate his rivals, to eliminate anybody that got in their way. The desk had felt the tip of the pen write extortionate contracts, sent silently to some of the cities most powerful people, the non-explicit threat sent with photos of their family’s, to reminds them what they were risking if they refused to comply. The window that felt the full strength of his prosthetic too many times to count. The hole in the floor after one of his employees managed to literally shoot himself in the foot. {guess who}
But his peace was teetering on a cliffs edge. His hands were woven into his hair, pulling to try and alleviate the headache forming. Elbows resting on his desk as his eyes stayed staring at one specific groove in the wood.
A knock at the door broke his trance and he sighed. It was a rule in the Compound that if the boss was in his office and the door was closed, you do not interrupt or enter unless there was an emergency. Only one man was brave enough to completely disregard Bucky’s rule, which had led to some… interesting situations when Bucky had girls in there with him.
“Come in,” he called, knowing the longer he waited to respond, the louder and more incessant the knocking would become.
The door opened and there was Bucky’s very own personal dumbass: Steve Rogers. The man had been a part of Bucky’s life since as long as he could remember, if-fact some of his earliest memories were with Steve; young boys playing cops and robbers together, attempting to protect Steve when he picked a fight he had no business being in- which had led to Bucky getting his ass beat as well, and scheming together about how to make sure that Simon Justin never played baseball again after pulling his sisters hair on the playground.
“Fuck me Buck, I’m not sure if today could have been anymore fucked,” Steve stated as he collapsed on to the couch, flinging his legs over one arm and resting his head in the other.
Today was a stressful fucking day.
It was the day that Bucky was making all necessary moves. Why all the problems had to pop up now, he wasn’t sure. And the kicker to this awful day? He had no time to talk to you, the girl he could not get out of his head, no matter how hard he tried. You’d managed to flood his mind, memories of the kiss you shared playing over and over again.
“Did you close the door?” Bucky asked, not moving an inch.
“Good because I do not need anyone else talking to me right now,” Bucky said, his voice low and quiet, an air of danger ever-present in his tone.
“C’mon Buck, y’know you love them,” Steve responds with a dopey little smirk on his face, and he tilts his head to make eye contact with the man he calls his brother.
I hate that fuckin smile.
He softly hums his agreement and returns to inspecting the groove on his desk.
“We just gotta talk it out, figure out what the fuck is going on, then plan our next moves accordingly,” Steve says, swinging his legs back to the floor, hands clasped together, his arms leaning on his knees.
“Yeah thanks man, I didn’t think about figuring everything out, maybe I’ll give that a go now” Bucky retorts with weak sarcasm, mind too busy, replaying the events of the day.
“I can leave you alone to get lost in your head, or we can figure this shit out together. It’s your call jerk.” Steve says, tilting his head down to catch Bucky’s eye.
“Stop pulling your hair jackass.” He adds.
I hate it when you do that.
Bucky drops his hands to the desk and says, “Ok let’s start this debrief with Walker.”
“Nat’s got his ass tied up in the basement for ya, he’s ready when you are.”
“Anybody looking for him?”
“One frustratingly loyal friend, but he has no idea that Johnny-boy is with us. The rest of his little fan club have no idea he’s even missing.”
“Ok, one problem down. Rumlow?” It’s the question he doesn’t want the answer to. He’d much rather spend his time thinking about you. His history with Brock Rumlow was bloody and painful, for both of them. There was only one person from his past that Bucky hadn’t dealt with, and here he was, coming back to ruin the name Bucky had made for himself.
Rumlow knew things about Bucky’s past that made him a a high security threat, but after he failed to blow himself up in an attempt to kill Bucky, he had disappeared. Bucky thought it was finally over, but the asshole popped back up about a year ago, with more power than before, making himself seemingly untouchable by Bucky’s hand.
“Currently moving like he has been, not causing too much trouble for us, though his crew are getting closer and closer to our dealings at the port.” Steve said, a slight look of digits on his face.
“Put extra hands down there for the next couple weeks, see if we can’t scare them off a little.”
“Yes boss. I’ll let them know after this.”
“The commissioner’s dealt with?” Buck asks, remembering the deviation the man had decided to make.
“Yep, send him that gift basket. He called Sam this morning and agreed to our terms.”
“Good. How’s Barton?” He asks, moving into what they class as ‘personal business’.
“Pissed, man. He wants blood for what happened, we all do.” Steve answers, the memory of seeing Clint covered in blood and bruised made his blood simmer.
“We sure it wasn’t Rumlows’ lot, or fuck even Walker?
“Walkers’ fanclub do not have the brain cells, the power, or the information to organise an attack like that, and Parker tracked Rumlow and his men, all are accounted for and have alibis. This is someone new.”
Oh for fuck’s sake. Isn’t two power hungry assholes enough.
“We haven’t found anything? No security cameras, no cell tower pings?” Bucky asks, leaning back in his chair, resting his head on the back.
“Actually, I sent Scott there this morning to check out if there was anything left there and he found something.” Steve responds, some apprehension creeping into his voice.
That got Bucky’s attention. His head snapped back up and locked eyes with Steve who now stood in-front of his desk, pacing back and forth slightly.
“Care to share with the class Rogers?” His voice was hard now, his extreme dislike of not knowing all the information shining through.
Steve exhales sharply, biting his tongue to not retort and piss Bucky off more.
“He found a package tucked behind a dumpster addressed to ‘Bucky Barnes’ that had a memory stick-“
“Like a USB?” Bucky interrupted.
“- Yeah a USB-“ he gets cut off again.
“Then just say USB, calling it a ‘memory stick’ makes you sound 100 years old.”
“-oh dear god, you gonna let me finish?” Steve responds.
Bucky waved his hand at him, a sign for him to continue.
“Scott found a package addressed to you with a USB inside, we gave it to Stark ‘cos Parker was busy tracking down Rumlows crew, and he checked it out and told us it was completely normal, no virus or anything bad in it.”
“Was there anything on it?” Bucky asks, his brow furrowed.
“It..uh..has two pictures on it.” Steve said lowly.
“It’s probably better if I just show you.” Steve said, his tone of voice made Bucky a little nervous.
Steve took out his phone, tapped a couple of time before turning it around to give to Bucky. As soon as the latter had ahold of the phone, Steve took a full step back, which caused Bucky to raise his eyebrows in question.
“Just look.” He says in response to Bucky’s unasked question.
He looked down at the screen and almost immediately removed his left hand as to not break the phone.
Fuck. Shit.
The first picture was of the night he met you. It was taken through the window for you apartment, and clearly showed both you and Bucky, stood side by side, looking through your flash book.
“What the fuck is this?” He pushes out through gritted teeth.
“I assuming that’s the tattoo artist you told me about, the one you got a thing for?” Steve says.
The one I’m obsessed with.
When Bucky gives him a sharp nod, Steve just drops his head, suddenly fascinated with his shoes.
“Shit.” He says under his breath.
“What?” Bucky’s voice was louder now.
“Look at the next picture.” Steve says while avoiding eye contact.
Bucky looks down, his finger swiping to the next picture before he can think about it.
No. No no fuck. Not her.
The next photo was taken from inside the apartment. Inside your bedroom. It’s of you. Asleep. Completely unaware of the danger stood at the foot of your bed.
Bucky couldn’t look away, he was frozen staring at the picture. Your shorts and oversized tee had both ridden up slightly, showing how truly vulnerable you are. The clock on your table showed the time as 3:54 and showed the date.
“…this was taken this morning.”
Fuck Bucky Barnes.
The bastard hadn’t contacted you since the shop.
Bitch ass told me to keep my phone on so I wouldn’t miss his message, kept me glued to my phone like a weirdo waiting for him to call… and he didn’t. Dick.
Despite the annoyance at the very very attractive mobster, you couldn’t help wonder how he was, what he was doing, if he was thinking about you too.
You’re overthinking about Bucky was interrupted by a knock at your door.
“One sec!” You shout to whoever’s there, getting up and walking to the door. The second you undo the lock, the door is being pushed into your face with a chorus of greetings.
“Come in I guess,” you say to the three who just walked in.
“Well thanks darlin, you got food?” Billy responds, already making his way to the fridge.
“Don’t fucking eat my pizza Bill, I swear I’ll kill you,” you answer, giving both Frank and Curtis a hug, letting the door close behind them.
He laughs off your threat as the others take a seat on your couch.
“Not that I don’t love you guys, but why the fuck are you here?” You ask, moving back to the arm chair in the corner and taking a seat, your phone pinging in the back ground.
“What, we can’t pop in on you whenever we want?” Frank says, leaning back in the arm of the couch, moving to put his feet in the coffee table.
“Frankie if you put your feet on my table, I’m gonna beat you with a spoon.” You call at him.
He freezes and slowly lowers his feet back to the floor.
“We just wanted to come see how you were…Frank told us about Barnes.” Curtis says, cutting into the conversation and completely dampening the mood.
God-fucking-dammit Frank.
Oh fuck do I tell them that he’s not an issue and I actually quite like him.
“Yeah are you ok sweetheart?” Billy asks and he collapses on the couch in the middle of the other boys.
“I’m fine guys, I swear, like I told Frank he’s actually not bad,” you answer, shifting uncomfortable lay in your seat due to the indecision of how much to tell them, “He was nice, polite and kind of…charming, I guess-”
“Is that why you kissed him?” Frank interrupts.
Shit, how does he know?
“You kissed him. Or rather he kissed you but you seemed to enjoy it.” Billy says with an annoying smirk on his face.
“How do you know that?” You ask, shock still written all over your face.
“..the security cameras, kid. You forget about those?”
Ahh fuck.
“Ahh fuck,” you say out loud.
“What the hell are you doing making out with a mobster, Y/N?” Curtis responds, looking at you with those eyes of his that show he’s not judging, just trying to understand.
“I..uh..I wasn’t-really-thinking.” You put you hands on your head, even though Curtis wasn’t judging you, the other two definitely were.
“Obviously you weren’t, he’s a goddam mobster Y/N-” Billy starts, anger in his voice, but you cut him off.
“I know that Bill, ok, I do,” you say, shifting to place your feet on the floor, “but he’s not the animal you think he is, he’s kind and considerate and he makes me feel…” happy. you cut off before the last word, wanting to keep that realisation to yourself for a little longer.
“Plus you bastards can’t be judging me for meeting the guy twice, only yourselves and the devil knows what fucked shit you three have been up to.” You almost shout.
“The fuck does that mean?” Frank answers.
“C’mon Frank I’m not stupid, you three have some shady shit in your pasts. I mean you were goddam military for fucks sake, and don’t think I don’t see the fake payments on the books at the shop-“
“Stop Y/N.” Billy cuts you off. “Stop it now.” He leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees, eyes never leaving yours.
You were about to respond to his demand, when a knock sounded at the door.
“Told you to keep you phone on.” A dark voice calls through the door.
Oh shit. No no no not now please not now.
“Who the fuck is that?” Frank asks, suddenly sitting up straight, eyes pinned on the door. Both Billy and Curtis stand, facing the door as if waiting for it to bust off it’s hinges.
“Please all of you, shut the fuck up and don’t do anything dumb,” you answer, moving towards the door.
“Is that him?” Curtis asks.
“Didn’t I just say shut the fuck up,” you retort a little snappier, opening the door slightly.
He cut his hair, it’s looks good on him.
Bucky lowers his arm from his thwarted attempt at a second knock and says, “Is your phone broken or are you ignoring me?” The smirk on his face made your heart beat a little faster.
“Neither, I just missed your text because I have some friends over right now,” you say.
“Is that why you’re not opening the door properly? I can barley see you,” he says with a grin.
“…kinda? Ok wait..” you exit your apartment, pulling the door closed fully behind you, “long story short, they know about the k.. uh about what happened at the shop, and they know who you are and they are not happy about it.”
His eyes darken and his smirk grows wider at the almost mention of the kiss. He shifts until he’s leaning his shoulder on the wall by your door.
“Oh yeah? Doesn’t really matter what they think though, does it doll? Both you and I know how much you enjoyed it.” He says, mouth forming a cheeky grin.
Oh my god.
“Me? You’re the one who started it Bucky, seemed you enjoyed it more,” you respond, having no idea where the confidence came from.
He hums at your statement and says “Well I can admit that I did enjoy our kiss sweetheart, but I may need a little reminder of how it went, it’s been a long day you see.”
“Bucky-” you’re cut of by him stepping closer until your chests are barley touching, the new position making you tilt your head back to see him better.
“What darlin? You ok with this?” He asks slowly, tilting his head to the side slightly, looking into your eyes for any sign of discomfort.
Why does he have to be so sweet.
You nod in answer to his question and he smiles. Not the terrifying grin or the cheeky smirk, but a genuine smile - one that makes him even more beautiful. Bucky raises his right arm, dragging his thumb over your lips and cupping your cheek while you stare up at him, his other hand sneaks around your back, pulling you flush to him.
“You have no idea what to do to me, do ya?” He mumbles, probably not intending for you to respond as he’s closing the gap between you. The kiss is harsh and a little messy, shocking you slightly with his apparent desperation, hands holding you tightly. He takes advantage of your shock, tracing your lips with his tongue and pushing past to deepen the kiss.
His hand drops from you face to your waist, gripping so tightly, you’re sure he’ll have left a bruise. That thought got you’re heart pumping faster, the idea that an imprint of his hands, his fingers would be left on your skin. It felt right. Bucky pushes you until your back hits the wall, hips fitting against yours almost perfectly, one leg sneaking between yours as you let a light whimper escape.
You break the kiss to get some air, leaning your forehead against his, both of you catching your breath.
“Bucky, I mis-”, you didn’t get to finish the sentence before your door opens and you’re suddenly faced with three pissed off ex-marines.
-(Bucky’s P.O.V)
Bucky immediately steps back, releasing you, and straightens his posture. He looks at the men, quietly analysing them. He can tell that they either are or were military, and definitely care immensely about you, probably to the point of beating the crap out of anyone that hurt you.
The one in the middle is a frightening creature , he thinks, but the wedding band means he has something to loose, he should be less quick to anger, in theory.
The one on the right with the short buzz cut and the tense muscles reminds him of Clint, he’s ready to fight at the drop of a hat, and by the look on his face, I’m gonna be his next target.
The man on the left intrigued Bucky the most. His face is blank, showing nothing. He’s favouring one of his legs, and the other shows a bulky piece of metal at the bottom. Wonder if that’s an old military injury.
“Guys, what are you doing?” You ask, apprehension in your voice. Bucky wonders if you’re scared for them or for him.
“Oh we are gonna head out, let you have some time to really think about what we talked about.” The man in the middle says, putting emphasis on the word really.
“Frank please-”
“No it’s ok sweetheart,” Bucky bristles at the pet name the Clint wannabe says, “we’ll see you later.”
“Shit, I left my phone on your table, could you get it for me?” The other says to you, cutting off your words, smiling at you to calm the stressed look on your face.
“Of course Cutis, one sec,” you respond, Turing to Bucky at the end of your sentence with a look at says please don’t make this worse.
You pass by the men and let the door fall closed behind you.
The silence is tense as the men all stare at each-other.
“So…how’s your man doing? Y’know the one that got jumped,” Billy says, smirking at Bucky.
“How do you know that?” Bucky asks as his muscles tense.
“…Y/N told us, obviously,” Billy says.
The pause was intentional, she didn’t tell them that.
“He’s fine, thanks.” Bucky responds shortly, all to aware of the lie he was just told.
The door opens just before Billy can respond, all four men going silent again.
“Here it is Curtis, guess I’ll see you guys later then,” you say, before hugging each man.
The three shoulder past Bucky as if he was just a man on the street, no care in the world that he could have them killed for that disrespect. But he lets this one slide, for her, as they’re her friends.
“Did you tell them about Clint?” He knows it was a lie but he needs to make sure his cynical brain isn’t marking it up.
“No? Why?” You answer, unaware of the turmoil occurring in Bucky’s head.
Then how the fuck do they know.
“Give me one minute doll, I forgot something at the car,” he says, “go on inside I’ll be back soon.”
“Uh.. okay.” You answer, walking back into the apartment.
He watches the door and as soon as it closes he is moving back down the stairs, hoping to catch and ask the men how they knew about Clint. Bucky normally has an reasonable explanation for everything, but this time he was stumped. He catches them outside the front door to the building, the three of them stood leaning against their car, watching the door, waiting for him to come out.
“How do you know?” He repeats his question from before, voice lower and more dangerous now.
“Y’know…that bastard has a solid right hook.” Billy says. The sentence sends red hot anger through Bucky’s blood.
It was them. But that means…
“Did you get our package?” The big one in the middle asks, Frank, she called him.
Fuck. The anger that has been burning in his veins since the second he saw those photos of you pours out of him and he immediately pulls a gun on Frank.
“Hey now that’s not smart, is it?” Curtis asks in a placating tone.
“Don’t forget about our girl up there. What’s she gonna think if you shoot me for no reason?” Frank says, unflinching staring down the barrel of Bucky’s gun.
Fuck. Fuck. These bastard are the ones threatening everything, they jumped Clint and are using you to get to him. They’re your friends and you? You have absolutely no idea.
Yo this took so long to do!! Hope you like my lil twisty turn at the end there 😈.
Lemme know what u think 😘
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@sleepyghostygirl @starlightaurorab @where-the-river-bends @imagines-of-the-fandom @bigenargy @uraverageatiny @squeezyvalkyrie @mylifeispainandiloveit @mrvlxgrl @bopbeepboopbopbeep @yvessaintmuerte @thecubanator2 @flubblubbb @teambarnes72 @ria132love @pingpongfingfong @rivthejellyfish @mybakubaby @blue-chup @goatsmcgee @facinated-lemon @daddylorianisastateofmind @buckybarnesb-tch @yeahimcrying @shifting2places @1-800-bxrnes @fandomsfallnomore @bushtail @ghostofwinter @missdarlingsb @amiets2 @leabunny @justmarlen3 @bofadeezs @jehduxi @grey107th @king-of-spades-aroace @sebismyhubby @princezzjasmine @sebastianswhore @cluckityduck @shuriri4life @calwitch @goodkittyspost @iateall-yourcookies @miss-i-ship-it @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @anawhitethorn @radiator-hands @tripletstephaniescp
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leclercsluvs · 5 months
CL16 | Already Over | smau
part 1 | masterlist
an: this is my first time writing something like this, so please be nice :,) also this will include sort of cheating (not really sure what to classify it as), and for that i am going to be using pics of charles and alex, however do i see any alex hate you are blocked or something, thank you very much) fc: sabrina carpenter pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader inspired by: vicious by @azulpitlane and the album 'emails i can't send' by sabrina carpenter
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 2.047.489 others yourusername me and my baby <3 tagged: charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc can we stay like this forever?
yourusername always <3
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and 2.790.487 others yourusername looks good in photographs tagged: charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc you're the one looking good in photographs. why do you think i have the camera out?
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourbff and 2.047.489 others yourusername done with touring for now, gonna focus on writing some more music for all of you. see u soon <3
charles_leclerc beautiful
yourusername <3
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly and 948.302 others charles_leclerc you're my only one <3 tagged: yourusername
yourusername love uuu <33
yourbff woah isnt that a little early-? yourusername love works in mysterious ways
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourfriend and 1.409.867 others yourusername never been so glad to be this tired. (thank you lando for the teddy bear, it was really comfortable) tagged: landonorris
charles_leclerc glad to be of help ;)
alex_albon wow i did not need this information
landonorris i want it back >:(
yourusername sorry not happening, too comfy landonorris please i said you could borrow it 😭 charles_leclerc sorry mate, it's hers now
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liked by charles_leclerc, danielricciardo and 1.409.867 others yourusername i might be mad for him (dont tell him, it'll go to his head) tagged: charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc wonder who
yourusername shush
yourbff girllll whattt??? since whennn?
yourfriend i think she may be a little crazy yourusername i told youuuu 😭
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liked by f1updates, sharllover and 375 others f1wagsupdates charles was spotted with a woman today at the beach. we have also seen him being flirty with y/n l/n on instagram, and this most certainly is not y/n. what's going on? tagged: charles_leclerc
sharllover you think y/n cheated?
f1editor i wouldn't even doubt it 🙄 luvy/n now why would you start a rumor like that? scfty/n *man hangs out with another woman* *first woman didn't do shit* people: SHE MUST HAVE DONE SOMETHING WRONG!! y/n.aep now why is it charles is spotted with a different woman and y/n is being accused of cheating? 😭
cl_lover damn and i thought he was such a nice man 😭
f1updates i guess it is all men 💔
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liked by yourusername, olliebearman and 1.199.750 others charles_leclerc i'm too late to be your first love, but i'll always be your favorite tagged: yourusername
yourusername favorite forever <33
yourfriend girl that's wild y/n.aep girl did you not see the photos? 😭 y/nsfav we need her to see fr
leclerslove ew
cl_wife i dont know but i feel like she's with him for the fame
lovy/n she literally has a successful career on her own, what are you on about? 😭
lechair she gives pick me vibes idk
leclerclvr idk him and charlotte were better IDC WHAT YALL SAY
clarkeysbog posting this right after the photos of him and the other girl leaked??? kinda sus ngl
norris.vfx no literally what is he thinking??? 😭
sooooo i'm thinking this will be like a three part little series. what do we think about that?? do we like it? hate it? neutral? if you have any tips pls lmk! i'm kinda new to tumblr lol
part 2
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springseasonie · 1 year
Unravel Me | LHC (M)
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Forced proximity, Haechan x fem reader
Summary: Haechan loves chasing you, but you hate it. You've rejected him so many times, but that just makes him come back stronger. One night, he takes it too far, and the both of you end up locked in a tiny room together after trying to set the record straight. You tell him you hate him and would never date him, let alone fuck him, but is that true?
Warnings: sexual content, tiny bit of dubcon elements, dom Haechan, unprotected sex, pull out method, degrading, bit of a pain kink, spanking, choking, pacing is a lil fast in this one, proofread but may still contain errors
Word count: 4,1k
Song recs: unravel me by Sabrina Claudio
A/N: Happy 300 to me!!! I'm already almost at 400 followers already. I really appreciate that you guys like my writing so much so this is for you guys and for me a little too. Hope you enjoy!! Feedback is loved and appreciated 🤍🤍
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"Haechan stand up," you said through gritted teeth.
"No, I'm not gonna stand up."
People were staring at the both of you, confused looks all over their faces. Haechan was on his knees in front of you in the middle of a banquet begging you for your attention. He asked you out multiple times on multiple occasions, and you always rejected him. You truly weren't interested and wanted him to move on, but this time he's taken a new low.
"Is he proposing," you hear someone say.
A shiver crawls up your spine, now feeling more panicked than ever. You took him by his collar, lifting him off the ground swiftly. You had a blank look on your face as you took his hand and pulled him out the hall trying to stay calm. Walking out doors to the back of the estate, you let out a frustrated sigh. Your eyes shifted, seeing that the both of you wouldn't be the only people there. Too many people would hear the mouthful you're about to give him.
Haechan followed you with a small smile as you dragged him around the estate. He knew what was about to happen and he loved it every time it did. Every time you told him no, it made him want to go back and try again stronger and harder. You always said you didn't like him and couldn't stand him, but if that was the case why hadn't you blocked his number yet? Why did you keep responding to his messages and flirting? Haechan always felt like you were holding back, so maybe this incident would be the tip of the iceberg.
You were still walking around looking when you noticed the private office of the house was cracked open, without thinking you pulled him into the small space, shutting the door quickly behind the both of you.
"What the fuck is your problem," you spat.
Haechan shrugged, giving you a look of indifference. "You said in order for you to date me, I'd have to get on my knees and beg."
"I didn't mean it literally Haechan! Are you fucking crazy or something," you whisper yelled. "You know what? I tried to be nice, but now you're just completely insane. I don't fucking like you. I don't want to date you. Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?"
Haechan looked at you with a blank face. "I think you're lying."
You squinted at him frustrated, scoffing at his words. "Lying about what?"
"I think you do like me," he protested.
You let out an annoyed groan, throwing your head back. "And why the fuck do you think that?"
"Because you would've blocked my number a long time ago," he started. "You wouldn't have pulled me in here in private to tell me to stop if you didn't like me."
"Well you know what.." you reached for the door knob, grabbing it as you looked at him. "Now I'm gonna leave, so you can be alone." You twisted the knob expecting the door to open, but all you got was nothing. You twisted it again, pulling it harder but it still didn't budge. Panic started to sleep in as you kept repeating the steps over and over with nothing changing.
You were locked in a room with Haechan and no one knew. Not only that but it was on the other side of the estate. You turned to him, being forced to look at his mocking smile. "The door is locked."
"So shouldn't you call someone," he inquired.
"You're right," you sighed. You pulled out your phone and called someone you knew was there, but they didn't pick up. You called again, but the same thing happened. The third time you called, the call was immediately dropped. You pulled the phone from your ear, looking at the top corner. You had no bars and you were pretty sure he knew this.
"You let me drag you over here knowing I would have no service," you grumbled. "You're evil."
"I'm not evil. I just let you act freely," he claimed. Haechan stood in front of you with the most smug expression you've seen yet. His hands were in his pockets, leaning on the door frame that the both of you stood in front of. You glanced at his neck, realizing that he never fixed his collar that you messed up when you dragged him off the floor.
Just then is when you realized how small the room was. It was a bit dark, the only thing illuminating the room was the moon light and the small desk lamp that was on. You watched him as he loosened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt a bit, gulping at the sudden action.
"Well we're probably gonna be in here a while so we might as well get comfortable right?"
"Whatever," you grumbled. You walked to the chair in the corner of the room sitting in it and crossing your legs. He was right, the two of you were gonna be in that small, stuffy, dark room for a bit so there was no need to keep your heels on either. Quickly, you kick them off your feet, sighing at the relief you were given.
Haechan sat on the desk, leaning on his arms that were now being him. You wanted to pretend to be busy on your phone or something, but there was no use when you couldn't even use it, so now you were forced to sit there with your arms crossed staring at a wall.
"You know you can talk to me right? We don't have to sit here in silence."
You scoffed, turning your body away from him in the seat. "I don't wanna talk to you."
Haechan laughed softly, licking his lips as his eyes scanned over your body. He loved messing with you, getting you angry just to curse at him. You always held yourself in so much regard, never getting angry or losing your cool with most people. But for some reason he bought those feelings out of you, even in places like this.
You had to stop letting him get you angry, and you were going to stop it for once and for all in this very room.
It had been about 2 hours already and you were sure no one was looking for you both. You haven't even heard any noise from outside the door and it was already 11:30. You were beginning to think that you'd be there till the morning. But even if that was true, you still wouldn't say anything to Haechan.
He figured out the game you were playing when you wouldn't respond to him after a while, leaving him to talk to himself. You were really stubborn and he knew that, but he didn't think you would be this bad. But even when you were mad at him he couldn't get the thought of all the things he could do to you in the room. Take you and fuck you over the desk. Or rip your dress off and fuck you against the window. Maybe he could just spread your legs in the chair you were sitting and just eat you out like there was no tomorrow. Your legs did look good in the dress.
"Can you stop staring at me?" That was the first thing you said to him in a while, the annoyed look forever stuck in your face.
"I'm sorry, you just look really good tonight." Haechan smiles to himself seeing how obviously off put you were by the sudden compliment. "You're not good at hiding your facial expressions."
"Stop talking to me."
"As if you want me to stop talking," he replied, giving you a dry laugh. You shot him a glare, but he looked so good at that moment. You don't know how, but his hair was a bit disheveled and looked like he unbuttoned his shirt a bit more.
You wanted to say something but you couldn't. He had a response for everything. You couldn't stand it. You couldn't stand his witty mind or how he laughed at you. You couldn't stand how he would smile at your anger or lick his lips every time he saw you. The way he would tease you just to make you squirm. You couldn't stand the way his hands would brush against yours sometimes. Sometimes you wanted his hands on you, sometimes you wanted his soft lips on yours. You wanted his body against yours, holding you tight as if he would lose you.
Haechan was so observant, and for some reason you forgot this when you crossed your legs and squeezed them tight. His eyes went from your face to your legs quickly. "What was that about?"
"What? I can't cross my legs now," you snapped. You responded a little bit too quickly, almost like you were caught doing something you weren't supposed to. You looked over at him, breath hitching when you see the way he was sitting now. His legs were open leaning back on one hand while the other was ghosting over his zipper.
"If you wanna fuck me all you have to do is ask."
"Oh please, I would never in a million years fuck you," you said rolling your eyes.
"Well it's looking like you want to right now," he snickered. "We wouldn't have to beat around the bush if you weren't so uptight."
Something in you snapped when you heard the word uptight. You stood up, walking to him with anger. You stood directly between his legs, a scowl overtaking your lips. "I am not uptight. I've worked too hard and too much to ever let myself be called uptight by anyone, especially a man child like you."
Haechan tilted his head, lids dropping as he glanced at your glossed lips. "Don't you ever get lonely," he asked out of the blue.
"What are you talking about?"
"You aren't good at hiding your emotions," he pointed out. "I saw you staring at all the other couples earlier. I know you're lonely."
"I am not lonely," you argue. "I'm perfectly fine by myself, thank you very much."
He raised a brow, not believing your words for one second. "When was the last time someone touched you?"
"W-why do you care?" You didn't mean to stutter, but the mere thought of it was actually starting to drive you insane. It's been a long time. You never meant for it to happen that way, it's just been because of work and family drama that you haven't really been able to find anyone. You've just been so tired and exhausted, sometimes you couldn't even be bothered to touch yourself.
Haechan couldn't take it anymore, being so close to you and you still pretending you didn't want him. He put his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him and the desk.
"Haechan stop," you said, shocked. You uncrossed your arms, pushing at his chest to get out his grasp, but he wasn't budging. You gulped, the feeling of his soft hands on your skin showing in the cutouts of the dress making your head spin. And he smelled so good, did he always smell this good? Maybe it was the lack of sexual attention, but you were starting to lose your mind right about now.
"You don't really want me to stop do you?" His quiet, warm, nothing like the usual mocking he took with you. It made you wet, and you didn't like that. His hands moved to your lower back, rubbing circles on your body.
Your heart was beating out your chest at this point and you just kept getting wetter and wetter with the way he was talking to you, looking at you, just being near him was enough. You didn't realize how touch deprived you had been, but now you're too deep to get out. Your mouth went dry trying to fish the words out your head. For the first time in your life, you're completely speechless.
"I'll take that as a no." Haechan moved his hands back to your sides, raising them ever so slowly till his thumbs brushed the underside of your chest. "I can feel your heart beating. Fuck that's hot."
You stood there completely still letting him touch you. He was so close to you, you could feel his breath on your skin. You couldn't help but let your eyes flicker to his lips, they were so pretty and plump, and probably really soft.
"You wanna kiss me don't you," he whispered, leaning into you. His mouth hovered over yours the perfect amount, lips brushing over yours lightly. "It's okay, just admit it Y/N. You wanna kiss me. You wanna fuck me."
Gulping, you shook your head, but Haechan was quick to see how your brows furrowed. "No.."
"I bet you wore this pretty dress just for me didn't you," he accused, laughing dryly when you scoffed. Haechan trailed his hands down your body again going directly to your ass, gripping it hard, but not too rough. "You want me to tell you what I want right now?"
"If you were man enough, you'd just do it." You were completely caught off guard when he planted a firm smack to your ass smiling and biting his lip. You let out a gasp, fingers taking a soft hold of his shirt. "H-haechan, don't do that," you stuttered. You wanted to not like it, but you did. You liked it a lot and you wanted him to do it again. At that moment, you just happened to look down and see that he was fully hard, straining against his pants.
"You talk too much," he mumbled. He was breathing heavily, taking every bit of energy in his body to restrain himself from jumping off the desk and bending you over.
"Shut me up."
Haechan wasted no time capturing your lips on his in a heated, messy kiss. Your hands flew to his face, holding it as you kissed him deeply. He still tasted like the whiskey he was drinking earlier and his lips are softer than you imagined. The little moans that left your mouth made him dizzy. He always thought of this moment, always feeling like it would be a bit anticlimactic, but he was so wrong.
Haechan moved you back a bit, lips still on yours as he hopped off the desk and spun you around. He pressed his body against yours, fingers traveling up the slit in your dress. "Are you kidding," he said against your lips, smirking to himself. "You're not even wearing shorts under this. Fuck, you drive me crazy."
He slips his hand between your legs, parting lips with you when he feels exactly how wet you are. "Fuck babe is literally down your legs."
You hide your face in his neck from embarrassment. He affects you too easily and all you had to do was hide it till someone could find the both of you. But here you were, kissing him, letting him touch you.
"Nuh uh, look at me," he said gently, making you face him. He pulled his fingers from under your dress, your arousal making them glisten in the low light. "So this is what I do to you hm? And you said you'd never fuck me."
"Shut up," you whined softly. "You're so annoying."
"I can't be as annoying as this pussy aching to be fucked, can I?" He put his fingers up to your mouth, looking at you like he was about to pounce. "Suck it."
"What? No," you refused, shaking your head slightly.
"Suck. It."
Haechan's tone suddenly changed, going from teasing and soft to demanding. You stopped talking and licked his fingers, wrapping your lips around them tasting yourself in your tongue. And if you didn't know any better, you'd say the look you were giving him right about now could make him cum alone.
"That's it," he cooed. "That's a good girl." Heat rushed to you when he took his fingers out your mouth, looking away to avoid his hungry gaze. Haechan let out a chuckle, kissing you softly. "Now let's get this dress out the way hm?" Haechan turned you around gently, unzipping the back of your dress. You let the silk fall off your body, and pool at your feet.
All too quickly, he bent you over the desk, making you gasp in shock. Just when you were about to say something, you felt a hard smack on your ass. "Fuck," you choked out through gritted teeth.
"That's for saying no the first time."
"That's for the second time."
The list kept going and going, some smacks harder than the next. You completely forgot where you were at the point, moans and groans becoming louder with each hit. You were sure you weren't gonna be able to sit without feeling pain for a bit.
"God you're enjoying this aren't you," he chuckled darkly. "you're so wet, it's dripping all over the floor. I should make you lick it up."
Panicked, you shook your head fast. "N-no."
"It's okay I wouldn't do that to you. Yet." He moves down your spine with his fingers, snapping your bra against your skin making you whine softly. "God, you're really loving this aren't you."
You started hearing the clink of him undoing his belt, the sound making you both nervous and excited. You needed this so badly, you were so sensitive, any touch, sound, taste would probably send you over the edge. You were pretty sure you were going to cum if he kept spanking you.
Haechan quickly pulled himself out of his pants quickly, cock already dripping with precum. "Now you tell me. Should I just fuck you or should I make you wait like you made me?"
"Haechan please, just fuck me," you whispered breathlessly. You absolutely hated begging for anything. It was so embarrassing that you went from yelling at him and demanding him to now pleading for him to be inside you.
"I wonder what all those people out there would say if they saw you like this." He rubbed his tip against your core, pushing it against your panties teasingly. You arched you back against him, wanting to feel more of him. "You're like a bitch in heat. Fuck Y/N, you needed this for a long time didn't you?"
You nodded fast, pressing your legs together for some pressure. "Please Haechan just give it to me already."
"Since you asked so nicely.." Haechan ripped your panties to your ankles, eyes never leaving the absolute mess between your legs. Pressing his tip on your entrance, he held your hip tight. Slowly, he pushed himself into you letting you feel the stretch you long needed. And at that moment, a look of surprise spread across his face when you let out a loud shaky whimper fluttering around him.
"Did you just cum," he said, mocking tone lacing his voice.
"I-I couldn't help it," you said, voice muffled on the table. You wanted to say something else, but was cut off by the feeling of him thrusting into you slowly. With each movement, you let out a choked moan. He thrusted so deep into you, you could feel every inch of him. The feeling was so intoxicating that you started to move your hips at the same time as him.
"Good girl," he grunted lowly. "Fuck that pretty pussy on this cock."
Your moans filled the room, the constant whimpers jumping off the walls back into your ears. Haechan took your arms and pinned them to your back when he started to fuck you faster. Your face was pressed on the smooth wooden desk practically drooling. You jumped feeling him plant a hard smack on your ass. "F-fuck!"
"You like that?"
"Mhm," you whimpered, hissing at the feeling of another smack. Haechan smacked your ass again, pounding into you hard. Your skin pinched slightly against the edge of the desk, but the pain mixed with the pleasure made your eyes roll back. "Haechan, I-I'm gonna cum."
"No you're not," he growled. Haechan pulled out of you and lifted your body off the desk. Haechan turned you around, lifting you and sitting your body on the wood. He pushed your body down looking at the mess he made of you. Your makeup was a mess, drool and small tears painting your cheeks. In his eyes, you were an absolute dream. So pretty, messy, weak, submissive and it was all for him.
Haechan swiftly pulled your hips off the edge of the desk, making you groan quietly. He lined himself back with your core, pushing himself in you and bottoming out. Haechan gave you no time to make sense of the change in position, fucking into you quick and hard.
"Haechan," you whined loudly, wrapping your legs around his waist. You were intoxicated in his touch, eyes practically rolling to the back of your head when his hand rubbed up your body and around your neck.
"These are in the way," he mumbled, a grin spreading on his lips. And with that, he ripped the pearl necklace off your neck, the sound of the tiny expensive balls hitting the ground all around the both of you.
"That..that was expensive," you moaned breathlessly, brows furrowing at the pressure around your neck.
"Don't worry babe I can buy another one." He squeezed your neck the right amount almost as if he knew it was perfect. Your hands flew to his wrist, squeezing it as you stared up at him lost in the feeling of him filling you up.
"I'm gonna cum," you whimpered breathlessly.
"Cum. Cum for me Y/N," he grunted, slamming into you. "Fuck I'm so close." He took his hand on your neck, plunging it between your legs, rubbing your neglected clit fast.
You were so fucked out of your mind, so sensitive to the point where you couldn't even form a coherent sentence. All you could do is reach up and make grabby hands to communicate with him, and luckily for you, he understood. Haechan leaned down, kissing you messily and passionately. You held onto his shirt, your grip so strong he was afraid you'd pop a button.
"Haechan, I…I" You came around him with a loud high pitched whine, core squeezing around him right. Your ankles locked around his waist, not letting him go until you calm down from your high. Once your grip weakened, he pulled out of you quickly making you whine at the loss of him. Haechan stroked himself quickly above your limp tired body.
"Shit." He came on your stomach, the white fluid sticking to your lace lingerie painting your pretty skin.
The both of you stayed where you were for a minute allowing yourselves to catch your breaths. That's when it dawned on you that you just fucked Haechan, the one person you said you would never fuck. But you didn't feel bad about it or even embarrassed. In fact, you waited for the moment for a long time.
Haechan broke your deep thoughts patting your cheek to get your attention. "You okay down there?"
"Why wouldn't I be," you huffed, sitting up on your elbows weakly. You watched Haechan eye your body, jaw clenching when he got to the mess on your stomach.
"I wanna put a baby in you so badly," he mumbled.
"Okay, that's moving pretty fast," you laughed softly. "I can't believe we just did that."
"It was bound to happen." Haechan whipped the sweat off his brow, pushing his already messy hair back. "I always thought about how this moment would happen."
"Of course you did. That's probably all you could think about for the past couple of months," you snickered.
"You say that like you didn't have wet dreams about me and probably thought about me when you-"
"Okay, okay. You win" you said quietly accepting defeat. "It's so..hot in here."
"Do you think the window will open?"
"I don't know. Give it a try."
Haechan fixed himself up quickly and walked to the window. He placed his hands on the underside of the window, not thinking that it would open at all due to how old the house was, but to his and your surprise, it did.
"Are you fucking kidding me," you groaned softly.
"Don't be mad. At least you got some dick out of this," he teased.
"Shut up and just help me get dressed."
"If I help you, will you go on a date with me?"
"If I agree, will you stop being annoying and never talk about this again?"
"Can't make any promises to that, but I can promise to buy you a new necklace."
"Then we have a deal."
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Yandere Twisted Wonderland x FemReader | Maid Milker
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“No. No way! I’m not selling myself just so you can get more thirsty perverts bothering me!”
Since it had recently been discovered that you were the only female in a college meant for boys you could hardly breathe without someone openly creeping on you. First it was just students staring longingly, before it started becoming confessions, and then open stalking. There was even an official fan club that made a point to broadcast every single part of your life private or not. There was no filter. So of course when one of the few people who you had an established friendship (kinda) asked you to exploit just that.
“Awwww, shrimpy! Don’t you wanna work with me? We’d have so much fun!”
He leaned his head on yours letting more of his weight weigh on you as you struggled to keep up right.
“I’d love to but not in a maid dress! Do you know how bad those things can be for girls like me?”
“What could possibly be stopping you other than the overwhelming support of your club?” Jade interjected slyly picking at the fact that you had a literal fan base that would praise you for simply walking.
“Not. My. Club. And panty shots.”
“Easy fix. We can invest in some shorts.” Azul, confident he pushed his glasses up and shrugged; you grimaced.
“I’d have to shave.”
“Those get hair?” Floyd directed at his brother who tilted his head. “Apparently.”
“Ugh harassment.”
“Do you even have to ask? Jade and Floyd.”
“Ugh. What about...my dignity!” You hated that this was you picking at straws here.
“The whole lounge will be on the same rules as you and what's wrong with a student earning some much needed cash. If people think it’s so funny you’re working so hard it’d behoove them to help out of pity.”
“Hmmm...” you brought your index and thumb to your chin in hopes that it could come up with some other reason why this wouldn’t work. Finding that you couldn’t find one you saw no problem agreeing as long as you cleared some things up.
“I get paid and I keep all my tips?”
“Anyone I ask to be removed for behavior will be removed?”
“Of course.”
“...and I get to keep the costume.”
“That wasn’t a question.”
“Okay okay. It’s yours.”
“Thank you, well then I’ll gladly be in your service.”
"I'm surprised you let that go, Azul." The eel-mer spoke without looking up from the modal he was counting, sporting his typical smile.
"Patience, Jade. We don't need golden eggs when we have the goose." Azul reassured writing in his ledger with a confident tone.
"What goose?" Floyd was leaned over the couch behind Azul.
"Its a land expression, you should have covered that in literature already."
"We did but someone wasn't in the mood to listen for the whole of it."
The octo-mer didn't look up from what he was writing but he did stop to speak seriously to the eel.
"If we want this plan to work though you'll need to be in the mood to listen...can you do that at least."
"He~he I'm always in the mood when Shrimpy's involved!"
“Haha, I can’t belie-haha-you agreed to this!” 
Ace was having a field-day, as you expected but you had thrown out your embarrassment and were going to proudly wear your themed maid outfit in purple and black. 
“Shut up Ace! Before I spit in your drink!” 
You whispered the last bit as Jade strongly asked that you refrain from giving any fluid of yours without having paid for the service specifically. Feeling satisfied as Ace held his hands up in submission you looked at Deuce who looked at a loss for words, opening and closing his mouth as he looked at your outfit.
“Got something to say, Deuce?”
You mockingly taunted him in case he thought about hopping on the bully-(Y/n) bandwagon.  He continued to flutter before he finally gathered himself looking down then up at you.
“I-uh, like your stockings.” He gulped, diverting his attention for awhile before returning to its latest focus. You immediately perked, balancing the trey to let your hand slide past the fluff of your dress to pull at the fabric.
“Like it? I was originally going to go with tights that went up all the way-“ you let go causing the strap to slap against the plush of your thigh, adding emphasis to your statement. “But I decided these jock-straps were too cute to pass up.” 
You dismiss yourself walking back to the kitchen as Deuce blushes full force as he replays the whole interaction in his mind. Not just your words but the prideful look in your eye as you snapped the strap against your thigh, leaving the Heartslabyul student reeling with his imagination. Just across from him, Ace too was replaying the view of you walking away. It was just too easy. 
“Hate to watch you go but love to watch you leave.”
He had to come here every night. 
“Oh, here’s your underwater mocha and your sweet oyster tart.”
Riddle couldn’t help looking, it was what everyone was here to do anyway. But that was why he came: to make sure everyone was doing just that. So why was it so much worse for him when that was all he could do.
“A-and you're sure this is consensual?”
“Yeah, no worries. Besides, the modal I’m getting for this will have me and Grim eating happily for days!”
“If foods what your worried about, I’d gladly put some on your plate.” 
The baker spoke smoothly talking in that calming voice everyone relaxed at totally masking the true intention.
“I appreciate that Trey but with your sweets I’d definitely pack on a few and I don’t need that.” You joked, oblivious to the green and orange eyes flickering to your stomach and thighs before flashing such charming smiles.
“Well, I wouldn’t mind that at all (Y/n).”
“I agree, (Y/n). You’d look stunning, even if you racked on a hundred more.”
“Aw gee thanks guys!”
You couldn’t deny you felt an intensity when they spoke your name but you couldn’t focus on whatever heat they might have spurred especially when you were being called to serve your next order. 
“Oh sorry guys, I have to go now. Enjoy your drinks and treats.”
You scurried off only for Riddle to make an interesting discovery. “For only 2,000 madol you can have your waiter hand feed you? I-it’s better that we check and make sure this er-practice is healthy or not, yes?”
“I wholeheartedly agree.” “Count me in, boss.”
“You have some nerve accepting business from the fish.” Leona spoke in his gruff voice immediately having you reel back to his table. In the booth he sat on the cushion by himself with the other being shared by Jack and Ruggie. You nervously laughed as you waited for Ruggie to finally speak after eying you up and down.
“And how much would you be willing to do this for?”
You laughed at him, thinking he was joking when his sky blues were staring unwavering right back at you. Recovering you thought for a moment.
“I guess it would be a lot, not including whatever liberties I’ll even allow. But it’s not like anyone would pay for me to actually do something like this.”
You nervously chuckled only for the knowing smirks spread on Leona and Ruggie's face as you once again realized this was no joke. With a cough from the forgotten guest you looked at Jack who seemed to fidget as he blushed.
“While I don’t think you're anywhere near the level being a maid, you still look...very pretty.”
“Aww thank you Jack!” You struck a pose with a heart before walking off to attend your duties leaving Ruggie to relentlessly be smacked by the wagging of Jack’s tail not seeming to mind as he dazed off to watch you work.
“Oh manifique mademoiselle trickster you’ve rendered me a slave to your beauty and I’m floored to witness you in such a state!” As dramatic and as loud as Rook could be he never failed to make you blush at his compliments as you tried to take the tables order down.
Vil looked off to the side, eying an occupied twin at the bar before turning to look up at you. Smoothly he twirled his fingers around the lace of your maid dress lightly brushing against the now exposed skin of your thigh. 
“I didn’t realize you liked to play dress-up (Y/n)...” you blubbered trying to find another topic as his light playing turned into suggestive pulling before you bashfully pushed down your dress. 
“Next time you do we’ll have a private fashion show (Y/n), that way you can really learn how to play your role...properly.”
Regrettably Epel never properly spoke to you; he was too interested in the way the apron and dress hugged your body.  Making certain to burn it into his memory for an apple carving later for at least he’d be allowed to lick that version of you. 
Shouting as if he hadn’t just sat with you in science class, he launches himself at you immediately causing you to spill a drink you were carrying for another table. Eventually breaking from his hug, thanks to Jamil he begins to apologize.
“Aw I’m so sorry (Y/n)! I’ll pay for it and I’ll take you to eat here.”
He seems so happy and with a smile like that you struggled with what to say, thankfully Jamil had that covered he pulled out a hanky he kept on hand.
“Can’t you see Kalim, she’s working right now. And you ruined her appearance.”
“I did? How? You look perfect to me.”
“Aww thanks Kalim.”
Distracted by his musings you almost missed how Jamil kneeled down to rub at the sugary residue on your thighs. Gulping down a blush he tried his best to clean, even though it made no progress at all and he knew that. 
“Heheeh Jamil that tickles! I appreciate the help but no worries. In fact I’ll get you two seated right away.”
You guided the two to an empty booth completely unaware of the sorrowful face Kalim was pulling as Jamil pocketed the handkerchief. With a playful flick of his tongue Jamil hurried ahead as Kalim caught up.
Idia was hardly keeping it together seeing you run around taking orders from customers and running around with food on a tray had fueled the fantasy of the cliche maid cafe. He was practically already dying from the sheer amount of noise and extroverts that had gathered here but he most certainly was revived in some strange way to see you in your maid uniform. He refused to bring Ortho with him as this was his special mission on high difficulty and he didn't want Ortho tainted by your succubus charm, of course not because you might be discovered by yet another love rival. When you finally did run up to him a delicious sheen of sweat coated your arms and your forehead wonderfully accompanied but the sticky residue a drink must have made on your thighs-oh seven your thighs it sent him into another frenzy as he was barely able to recite his order. 
“Oh, you want the ocean blue smoothie?”
He nodded.
“With the lip mark and a quarter drunk?”
He nodded again.
You looked at him for a bit before shrugging. ‘Everyone at some point must want to feel less lonely.’
So in front of him in the most secluded booth there was you bringing his drink and reapplied your matching lipstick before happily indulging in India’s drink. He didn’t realize you’d do it in front of him! But he wasn’t complaining, all the more grateful for his hidden body-cam as he watched your throat bob drinking his drink. He left happily holding the to-go cup that had your lip marks on it. He was going to...cherish the trophy for a successful mission.
Lilia traversed through enough of the internet to know about the anime-maid-obsession. He won’t lie, for awhile he too was intrigued before moving on but seeing you pad around in such a cute replica reignited it for him. 
“It’s a shame you aren’t in-character that way you would have had to do what your master said!”
“Hehe, well than Master Lilia, here's your Pearl Gray iced tea.”
The joking you did with him made the old fae quite excited but he could handle himself until he got back to his dorm. Yes he could wait till he was in his lonesome. He could wait until then to imagine how helpless you’d be under him as he rearranged your guts on the dining table for mocking your master. So all he did was giggle and wink because he was grown. And that’s just what grown fae do. Wait until later to enact his desires.
Malleus didn’t understand why you were wearing such attire and he didn’t appreciate the way it made everyone ogle you like you were free for the taking. It upset him but anger was quelled when from his position he could smell you so clearly and the tightness of your uniform made it all the more appealing to watch. He was angry but when you happily flashed the cuff links he gifted you his anger subsided...kind of. If you were willing to show this much to the general populace than surely you’d have something far more intimate to show him. With that he indulged in his beverage excusing the involuntary flip of your skirt as moved to serve your guests.
Silver did see you in the maid outfit, if only briefly before getting comfortable enough to snooze again. But being awoken to a soft but forceful hold on your head does something. Grasping the crown of his head, nails barely grazing his scalp was a feeling he hadn’t expected to invoke such a reaction out of him. He did moan but thankfully it seemed normal enough that you didn’t question it when he sat upright.
“I’m glad I caught you, that would have been an awful waste of madol. Now Sebek, did you want anything?”
Oh he did want something, to chew you out over your wild attempts to flaunt yourself for all these men and for failing to properly woo his master. But that was before you reached past him to stop Silver from falling in his sleep into his drink. You successfully caught the human, completely oblivious to the half fae you inadvertently shoved your chest into. He’s probably suffocating but is he going to stop you while you right his fellow guard from falling? No! Especially not when you smell so good-and this--this is a part of his training! Yes! To be able to withstand the wiles of a human female for the sake of his master. Right! But it seems he’s failed this time as he won’t be able to properly utter a sentence until he’s forgotten the softness he nearly suffocated in.
“I’ll just get you some water, hun.”
Finally draping yourself over the couches armrest you let out an exasperated sigh. On your feet all day, running around playing maid for everyone in the Monstro Lounge was beyond exhausting. You were glad it was the end. You walked into the office where Azul seemed to have finished organizing his contracts. Sitting in a nearby chair and on the floor respectively was Jade and Floyd. They smiled at you as your tiredness showed nodding at them before leaning playfully into Azul. Breath tickling his ear you asked.
“Now can I have my pay? My hour’s up.” You yawned, leaning your head onto his shoulder as his face bloomed a concerning shade of red.
“I-it’s l-late isn’t it? Don’t you want to stay the night.?” 
You yawned again. “No why?”
Jade slid in behind you letting you lean back on him as he swayed you through the door and near a storage area. 
“We can all see it, we've worked you dry, (Y/n). So take this time to sleep and I’ll take you back in the morning.”
Floyd appeared tossing a Monstro lounge t-shirt that was way too many sizes big for you. Looking at their sharp smiles you relented, excusing yourself to change before returning and happily passing out on whoever’s bed they guided you to. 
In the meantime the three stood menacingly over your abandoned maid outfit. Jade pulled out a checklist and Azul got his wand ready. 
“Now who is on the top priority list for a copy.”
“Not including us, Malleus Draconia, Idia Shroud, and oddly enough Neige Leblanche.” 
“Alright then."
“Let’s get started then.”
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theemporium · 1 year
this is literally just a random wee blurb for the inexperienced!pornstar!steve x experienced!pornstar!reader series because i just wanted an excuse to write them🤠anyways! enjoy! feel free to send more concepts i can work on after smutober!
“You’re such a pretty beggar for me, Stevie,” you cooed, your words dripping with that sweet, condescending tone that always made him squirm. 
His chest heaved. “I-I can’t—”
“You can. And you will.” There was no room for discussion. “Be a good boy for the camera. They wanna see my good boy come.” 
Steve was almost embarrassed to admit to you his complete lack of experience when it came to toys. Well, to be honest, he lacked experience in more factors than you’d expect for a pornstar with his following, but the toys shocked you. 
He wasn’t a complete idiot. He had watched other people use them on themselves. He had seen Eddie scroll through websites before purchasing them. Hell, Eddie had even shown Steve his collection a few times. 
But it never occurred to Steve that he could use them too. He didn’t even really think it was a guy thing until Eddie. And then after that, he just didn’t know where to even start. He didn’t think people would have been interested. 
A fact he would come to learn he was very, very wrong about. 
You had introduced a whole new world to him. And his audience loved it. They loved watching him whine and whimper at the end of the bed whilst you fucked yourself. They loved watching you slowly work him open with plugs and all sorts that he never dared to consider using on himself. They loved watching you tie him up with fluffy handcuffs and place a blindfold over him as you teased him with the wax candles you had ordered from a website Eddie had recommended. 
But he knew they would love this even more. 
“I’m sorry,” he sobbed out, his eyes glossy and wet with tears that streamed down his flushed cheeks, but you don’t think he had ever looked prettier. “I wanna be your good boy. Please let me be your good boy.”
His hands strained against the ropes tying him to the headboard as he watched you slowly crawl up the bed. He hated the distance you kept from him, from touching him like he so desperately wanted you too. He hated that instead of touching him, your fingers were wrapped around the little, black remote that had been the cause of all his pain and pleasure in the last forty minutes.
“You’re such a good boy for me, Steve,” you hummed, your eyes glancing down to his cock. He was hard—painfully hard—and his tip was red and swollen, leaking with need that only his release could give him. “Taking it all so well, baby, so fucking well.”
The buzz echoed through the bedroom, taunting and teasing him as your thumb hovered over the remote buttons. His hips bucked upwards as the buzzing suddenly increased, a choked out moan leaving his lips as he desperately sought his release. 
“Please,” he cried out, his voice cracking as his big, brown eyes looked at you, pleading. 
Your eyes glanced over to the camera set up in the corner of the room, standing proudly on the tripod with its red light blinking at you. You then turned to look down at the squirming boy beneath you, his abs softly clenching as he tried to fight the urge to buck his hips in the air aimlessly. 
“Do you think you deserve to come?” You asked him simply.
His lips parted, eyes darting over your face.
“It’s not a trick question, pretty boy,” you murmured with a smile on your lips. “Do you think you deserve to come?”
He gulped. “Yes, ma’am.” 
Your finger lightly traced along his jaw. “And where do you wanna come, baby?”
“Inside you,” he whimpered out, his head turning in a desperate attempt to seek out your touch a little longer. “Wanna fill you up. Please, let me fill you up. I’ve been so good, baby, so fucking good. Just wanna give you something too.”
You softly bit your lower lip, feeling the coil in the pit of your stomach tighten. “Yeah, pretty boy? You gonna fill me up all nice and good?”
“So good,” he whined. “Not gonna let a single drop spill. Promise.”
“How can I say no to that?” You murmured as you leaned down, your lips brushing against his as your thumb pressed down on the remote once again. “Just a little longer and then maybe you’ll get what you want, pretty boy.”
“But—” He was cut off by his own desperate cry.
“You said you weren’t gonna waste a drop, pretty boy. So don’t.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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four-leafed-queer-gal · 3 months
𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧Hi there! You can call me Clover!𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧
𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧toki! mi kala Kowe, anu soweli Kowe, anu waso Kowe!𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧
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‧₊˚🌿✩ ₊˚🪵⊹♡‧₊˚🌿✩ ₊˚🪵⊹♡
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I hate to do this, because there are some genuine and important donation pages and the like out there, but a few bad apples mess it up for everyone I suppose.
More below the cut :3
♡ 17 years old, & a Saggitarius! Turning 18 in approx. 2 months!
♡ ✨Taken✨ by the amazing @theacemagpie, the Black Bat to my Spoiler 8/7/2024 (Or 7/8/2024, if you use DD/MM/YYYY)
♡ my pronouns are she/they! 🏳️‍⚧️
♡ I have ASD, BPD, and ADHD ☘️
♡ I love languages! I can only speak English fluently, but I'm learning Old Norse, Old English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, toki pona, Russian, and Albanian! I also speak a little bit of French, thanks to school & friends! 🗣️
♡ I like Marvel, PJO, Avatar (Both blue people and not blue people), Batman, Hunger Games, Suits (The show), Skyrim, Ben 10 (Not the reboot), and more! ✨
♡ Therian! Theriotypes: Spotted Hyena, Sea Wolf, Viperfish, Vampire Bat, Arctic Fox, Eleonora's Falcon, Moth, Barracuda, Thresher Shark, Raven, & Cheetah (Plus others I haven't figured out yet)
♡ my favourite animals are dinosaurs 🦖
♡ I love to read 📚
♡ I enjoy writing! ✏️
♡ Pagan! I worship the Norse, Egyptian, Celtic, Roman, Greek, pretty much everybody! I'm very eclectic. My patron is Loki, They're mín Móðir. The others I work with the most are The Morrígan, The Twin Archers (Apollo & Artemis), and Thoth!
"People are going to talk shit about you no matter what. May as well give them an interesting topic!" - Mín Móðir
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Please DNI if: you’re queerphobic, anti-self dx, someone who supports beastiality, zoophilia, pedophilia, rape, etc, or if you’re racist, ableist, sexist, or fascist. Be nice! I won't hesitate to block assholes, or bigots ✨☘️
"Be humble, be kind, but don't be afraid to drag the fucker who crosses the line" - Me
✩°𓏲⋆🌿. ⋆⸜ 🍵✮˚
Side blogs! Pls interact with them?
- @cass-daughter-o-ari RP blog for my PJO OC, Cass Clemens!
- @the-axolotl-queen Blog for the Axolotl Kingdom! I'm the Queen, obvs-
- @montoya-son-o-nemesis RP blog for my PJO OC, Jason Montoya!
- @lucas-bane-son-of-punishment RP blog for my PJO OC, Lucas Bane!
- @lughs-lightheaded-son RP blog for my Celtic PJO OC, Aidan O'Neil!
- @daughter-of-the-cailleach RP blog for my Celtic PJO OC, Taran Keir!
- @ronan-child-of-ogham RP blog for my Celtic PJO OC, Ronan Callahan!
- @behold-a-man-everyday Behold! A man! Everyday!
- @diogenes-totally-real Diogenes the Cynic gimmick blog!
- @aeolus-the4winds RP blog for Aeolus, Notos, Zephyros, Boreas, Euros, Aeolus, Auster, Favonius, Aquilon, and Vulturnus!
- @the-fmby-north-carolina-totally Gimmick blog, a Femboy North Carolina!
- @antiquitian-empire-real Gimmick blog, Antiquitian Empire! A micronation!
- @literally-the-first-state Gimmick blog, Delaware! The first state in the United States!
- @four-leafed-queer-writing Writing blog! I'll reblog writing tips, and sometimes post original stories of mine!
- @four-leafed-pagan-gal Pagan blog! Reblogs for things relating to the Old Gods and other pagany and/or witchy things!
✩°𓏲⋆🌿. ⋆⸜ 🍵✮˚
Here are some of my cool humans (moots)! 💚
♡ @theacemagpie My amazing girlfriend! A fellow fan of numerous fandoms, and a speaker of multiple languages! <3
♡ @star-dust-shark Mack! He's a super cool dude, and who made most of this intro post! Go check out his blog!
♡ @lucas-iamgod Lucas! He's also a really cool guy, you should check out his blog!
♡ @hugs4neth-official Neth + others! They're all really cool, and in my experience are nice.
♡ @green-thighs-save-lives I honestly don't know much about him, but he's a nice, chill guy from our interactions.
♡ @violet-hady Hady! Great person, good friend, though always tells me to be healthy and stuff-
♡ @ankoku-teion Irish, fellow trans something??? She's currently debating between three names, I'll update with whatever she chooses when results are released :]
♡ @poemsofanentomologist An anentomologist! They're really cool, they write poetry and have inspired me once or twice to write some of my own!
♡ @gaygoose09 Fellow therian and fellow hyena, very awesome! Check out their blog!
♡ @i-am-thoroughly-confused A fellow therian & fellow bat! They are a good being :3
♡ @poppitron360 A fellow PJO enjoyer! They've got great takes on Riordanverse stuff, y'all should check out their blog!
♡ @justagremlinoncaffeine Gremlin! Cool person, really nice, I've enjoyed every interaction I have with them.
♡ @unstableunicornsofasgard Forrest! Also a great person, ¡y el habla español!
♡ @theacemagpie Magpie! An amazing person! Honestly can't believe it took me this long to add her to my pinned, lol-
♡ @peace-love-and-french-toast Amazing human! I sometimes do PJO rps with them, and with a bunch of others! They run @cabinseventheaterchick, and do a darn good job!
♡ @lizzzzzzzzzzzzzz---lol We haven't interacted much, but Liz is a great person, and what little interaction we have had has been good!
♡ + All my other moots! I have a lot, so I can't list all of y'all, but you're all amazing!
₊˚ʚ 🌱 ₊˚✧゚.
"Either walk like you're the Queen, or like you don't care who the Queen is." - Lady Artemis
Have a nice time! <3
(Note: Intro post was made by @star-dust-shark!! If you want one like it, go check out Mack's blog!!)
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jayden-killer · 11 months
I love your stories, could you make one where the reader is dating Miguel and is also a part of the spider community. The reader helps Miles to escape and Miguel finds out and argue with her.
I hope that you will keep writing stories.
Have a great day !
omg omg hii! I'm so glad you enjoy my stories, receiving these types of compliments always make my day :DD. And, i deeply apologise for taking this long to write your request; I've been so busy with my uni exams.. Anyways, here's your story!!
I HATE TO FIGHT YOU. (Miguel O'Hara × gn!reader)
warnings: Angst to light sfw (at the end)???, Miguel expressing his anger by literally destroying his lab lmao, VERY LONG ONE SHOT.
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Superpowers aren’t easy.
So it wasn’t a relationship with the leader of the Spider Society. Miguel was not an easy guy to argue with, you might call him stubborn, which was one of his main features. And even when Miles Morales, the newcomer to society, tried to change his mind, begging him to give him a chance to save his father, he hadn’t changed his mind. There was nothing Miles could do to change his mind. It was difficult with me, imagine with the others! But this is another story; Miles Morales was chased by an angry mob of Spider people, led by Miguel, flanked by me. The walls of the structure resounded with encouraging screams that every spider person gave himself, giving more charge during that chase. Miles was right in front of us, dodging webs and traps stretched by other members. There was something about that kid that maybe wasn’t something wrong.
He needed to be sent home and help him save his parents. I had not succeeded, and I would have avoided that another person (moreover a little boy!) would have gone through the same pain that I had to go through. Miguel and I split up, and that was my chance. With a perfect throw of my web, he managed to grab Miles' right arm and pull it towards me. The boy stretched his eyes, thinking it was the end for him. Only when I made a sign to him to become invisible and to hide behind a shaded wall, he understood. He hid me in turn, letting the angry crowd pass us.
Now it was the right time. "Miles". I called the kid with the labored breath and he returned to his normal form. He was exhaling and inspiring too, following the hunt we were giving him. Without wasting time, looking around if there was a person there, I took out my time clock, and put it on his wrist. " This clock will take you to your dimension. It’s already set for where you need to go. Don’t ask any more questions, go." Without giving him an answer, I left him there, in the shadows, his face confused and sweaty, while I waved him to go.
"You did what?!"
"He’s a boy, Miguel!"
"You have no idea how serious the situation is because of you".
"Miguel, you have to reason. You can’t really thi-".
"The situation is far worse than you think, puta madre!"
Miguel’s scream rang out the second it left his mouth. I could compare him to an animal: panting, with his eyes reddened and grainy, studying every movement, his shoulders outstretched, ready to attack his prey, me, or maybe someone else. His fierce and intimidating tone made me shudder, close my eyes for fear that something might happen, or worse; I held my arms in place along my hips, biting my lip to channel the emotions I had inside. I didn’t want to show weakness before Miguel. Or better: he had already seen me as I was. Fragile, with doubts that twisted my mind, like a normal human being, yet in those situations I always tried not to show off... I wanted to have everything under control. The man didn’t realize that he was wrong, that he was blinded by this compulsive obsession with control. We were talking about a little boy, Jesus Christ!
I opened my eyes.
My thoughts were replaced by the still threatening tone of Miguel, my lover, who took a long sigh, pinching the tip of his nose. Then he shook his head, turning his back. The lab was upside down: the news of my help to Miles was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
"The consequences are serious. I can’t risk losing more people to a kid".
That was more a warning to him than to myself. "I need to think about it... I need to be alone".
"Miguel.." I tried to talk to him.
With one hand he stopped me from talking to him and shook his head slightly, not looking at me. " No." He said. "I know what you did. It was right. But now I need to be on my own" he repeated feebly, that I found it difficult to understand well what he wanted. Then I agreed, because I respected his condition and his well-being, so I left him alone in the now ruined laboratory, with the last words: "I only did what was right. He deserves a chance", then the doors closed. I swear I heard something from him.
"And I don’t blame you. But it’s not right that he can save his family, and I couldn’t do it".
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
Another pro-reader tip for mxtx novels: they are all stories with clear-cut good guys and bad guys and a strong moral message, BUT you have to actually read what the story has to say about characters without taking anything at face value, relying on genre tropes, or using identities and statuses as shorthand to your understanding of the moral system and themes of the story. So no, most characters in her stories are not morally gray (though some are, most can be definitively categorized as either morally good or bad, and ALL of her main characters are definitively morally good), and no she does not write morally gray plots where “morality is just subjective!” If anything, the term I think people are looking for is “morally neutral” (meaning that the thing is not assigned a morality in and of itself) in many cases.
An mxtx character is never designated as good or bad based off their backgrounds or class: Wei Wuxian, Jin Guangyao, Shen Jiu, and Mu Qing all grow up outside of the elite class, but Mu Qing (eventually) and Wei Wuxian are unquestionably good guys while Jin Guangyao and Shen Jiu are unquestionable villains. Shen Yuan, Lan Wangji, and Xie Lian all grow up within the gentry class but are all good guys while Jiang Cheng, Jun Wu, and The Old Palace Master are bad. Likewise, life circumstances or tools don’t determine morality. In mdzs, the sword path (which is the orthodox one) is used to commit genocide by the general cultivation world just as easily as Lan Wangji wields it to protect the forsaken commoners. Wei Wuxian’s ghost path was created to protect himself before being used to protect others, but Xue Yang and the Jin Clan pervert it to cause mass destruction for their own wishes. In tgcf, Xie Lian uses his god powers to attempt to help the Yong’an people while the other gods simply collect worshippers to increase their power and oppress lesser gods. Every character I’ve listed minus the Old Palace Master has experienced intense trauma that has informed their lives and colors their morality, but it does not define why they have chosen to take on certain moral stances.
(This is not to say that mxtx doesn’t have certain tropes she dislikes, as she clearly hates the “dedicate their whole existence completely to another person” trope. Su She, a villain dedicated to Jin Guangyao, dies. Zhuzhi-lang, a sympathetic antagonist dedicated to Tianlang-jun, dies. Hua Cheng, A WHOLE LOVE INTEREST dedicated to the literal main character, dies a whopping three (3) times before he learns his lesson.)
Mxtx does not condemn those who stray from orthodoxy. In fact, every story she’s (currently) written is about the dangers of entrenched and unquestioned hierarchy and status quo giving way to corruption every time. She wants you to question the dominant narrative of the benevolent group who descend from on high to “save the ignorant masses.” She wants you to question the idea that the only people with the right of choice are those at the top of the hierarchy. She wants you to question the idea that even the smallest decision of “powerless” people does not matter in “the grand scheme of things.” She wants you to actually think about the story conventions that you accept as infallible and question whether or not it would make for good shorthand by which to understand well-written characters and story arcs (and also, hopefully, how society is structured at large). So if you find yourself reading an mxtx novel and siding with the mob characters or lamenting how x character was locked into making certain choices “against their will” or being unable to reconcile how a recognized trope led to an unexpected conclusion because “that’s not how it’s supposed to go,” then it may do you some good to stop and ask yourself “was this idea supported by the narrative that I read in the book, or is this an idea I’ve come to entirely from my own preconceived notions of how I wanted the story to turn out based on how other, similar stories have panned out?”
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cosmicjoke · 6 months
wanted to ask for some tips
i want to write a fic abput lrvi taking place during and after no regrets and i wonder if you have any advuce for charactersing levi
I can try, haha.
The thing to always remember about Levi is that, while he doesn't express his emotions outwardly very well, he's still a deeply emotional character. I think, in fact, that Levi is the most emotional character in AoT. I think he feels things more deeply than anyone, at a more profound level. So that's always something to keep in mind when characterizing him. Don't let his stoicism fool you, in other words. The key with writing him I think is to find that very subtle, but hugely important balance, in his lack of outward expression with what he's actually feeling inside. People mistake Levi's lack of outward emotion with a lack of feeling, and it's a completely false perception. You'll often see people describe Levi as "cold", but that's the wrong word. Cold, again, implies a lack of feeling, a lack of emotion and passion. That's not Levi. He's the opposite of cold. Passion means suffering, and Levi is deeply passionate. He's passionate about people's lives, about their well being, about their dreams. He gives everything to protect those things. He suffers to protect those things and to uphold their worth. Again, people mistake Levi's flat expressions as being indicative of him feeling nothing, and that's just not true, at all. His lack of outward expression is a result of him experiencing deep trauma. It's developed as a coping mechanism for the deep well of pain he feels at the suffering and loss of people he cares for, and for people in general.
I would suggest writing from Levi's perspective if you can as a way to handle that, so that we see things from Levi's perspective. So even as characters outside of Levi view his lack of outward expression one way, you counter that by showing the reader what Levi is actually thinking and feeling. Isayama had the advantage of working in a visual medium. He was able to show us Levi's micro-expressions as a way of showing us how much he was actually affected by what was going on around him. In prose writing, you're going to need to rely more on Levi's inner thoughts to convey those things.
It's also important to understand that with Levi, actions speak louder than words. Levi's not good at expressing himself. He's awkward and often unsophisticated in the way he uses language, and as a result, he often has difficulty articulating what he actually means and it comes out sounding mean or unkind when he doesn't intend for it to. But we know what his actual feelings are based on the actions he takes. Think of the moment in the RtS arc, when Levi says he "hates" weak people, and then promptly works himself to total exhaustion protecting those same people from all the titans he can. Levi doesn't mean here that he actually hates the new recruits. What he means is that he hates the situation, he hates that these people that are wholly unprepared and untrained to deal with titans, are being thrown into a nightmare scenario in which they're being forced to engage with a seemingly endless horde of them. He calls the situation "pathetic". What he really means is that it's horrible. The situation is absurd and unbelievable in its badness. Again, if Levi literally meant he hated the new recruits for being weak, he would have felt contempt toward them for that weakness and left them to fend for themselves. He wouldn't have driven himself to exhaustion trying to protect them, and he wouldn't have acted with so much urgency to try and get them behind the wall when Zeke started hurling boulders at them. He didn't hate the new recruits, he cared deeply for them, and couldn't believe the irony of them being placed into such an untenable situation on their very first mission as scouts.
So it's that kind of balance you have to try and find when writing Levi. He'll say something that on its surface seems mean or unkind or rude, but his actions reveal that he actually feels and thinks the opposite.
So yeah, again, try to do that, and also try and show Levi's inner emotions by writing from his perspective. Let us know what Levi is thinking and feeling, even as he's unable to properly put it into words or convey expected facial expressions.
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cloudcountry · 3 months
I wanted to ask why you hated Idia so much back then and the reason you adore him?
im gonna start telling people to pay me whenever they ask why i hate(d) idia because ive got this question easily 20 different times and frankly i'm losing money by not accepting payment
im not writing all that again i'm so tired of explaining it over and over ughhhh its not your fault min its just i seem to be a skipping record with how often i've had to repeat the same thing over and over and over for a YEAR and people just KEEP ASKING like ok you want to know about my relationship with idia shroud PAY UP!!!!!
anyways...i havent written about the things i adore about him yet so...
first first first!! the thing that made me gasp the softest gasp i have ever gasped in my life when i first saw it...his pink hair. its a bit superficial i guess but now that i like idia i think he's stunning. he's so hauntingly beautiful, especially when he's just a little bit flustered and the tips of his hair turn pink. what i would do to see his whole head turn pink PLEASE.
i also think his smile is so silly, even though it's usually accompanied by his smug ass voice "should'a leveled up more!" SHUT UP!!!!! i love his sharp teeth theyre so goofy nd silly but in a cute way. honestly i think his scowl is cute too, idk maybe i just like his lips but watching them twist up in annoyance when he rolls his eyes is attractive to me dont ask i dont know either. does that say something about me? maybe. i'm content with not knowing.
onto less superficial things...i just finished reading book six yesterday and it struck me how idia's heart is genuinely so beautiful. he loves so gently and fully, but with devotion that would destroy the world if he let it loose. being loved and treasured by idia is a privilege, because once he lets you in he would do anything for you (just dont fuck it up or i will beat you up im being so serious LEAVE HIM ALONE)
the extent to which he cares for ortho is so beautiful and so heartbreaking. "leave it to your big bro" im dead. everything he does is for ortho to have a safe and fulfilling life and honestly...it kind of seems like idia is trying to pay ortho back in a sense? like you died (because of me), now i will spend the rest of my life mourning you as punishment. he wants to give him the best life possible and thats just so ourgourgouhgohou,,,, his grieving is so complex and yet its so simple. heartbreaking i tell you.
on a lighter note, he's very passionate about the things he's into as well. one thing about figuring our how to like idia was turning my reaction to his condescending jabs from "oh he's such a know it all bitch what the hell people are literally just indulging in his interests what is wrong with him?" TO "oh he's just excited and getting an adrenaline rush, it's going to his head. he's happy. :)" and that was absolutely growth on my part because. ok AUBURN LORE TIME but i used to have a friend who was very condescending and a HUGE know it all (irl IRL IRL) and i think they definitely impacted how i saw idia because i saw bits of them in him. and since they hurt me so much i projected my experiences with them onto idia, so the first time i met him in game i wrote him off immediately and hated him after i saw what he said to others and how he acted.
but one of the many problems with that approach was that i missed the gentler sides of him. the way he goes back to school for ortho. the way he powers through the masquerade social for ortho. his idea of yuu being "valuable emotional support." his love of cats, regardless of how bad he scared grim. his love of star rogue and the way he made the sequel actually happen, albiet unintentionally. i spent so much time resenting him because "of course he's just another one of those." that i didn't stop to notice anything about him except for those bad moments. and of course, i'm not ignoring them now, i just see them differently. i see him differently.
of course i love that he's relatable, and that he's smart, and i love how when he's comfortable he loses his filter and becomes idia shroud instead of just being Scared of them, but i think that's just. social anxiety. and yk what ive said this before but even when i hated him i would NOT stand for anyone coming for his anxiety. like yeah i hate idia shroud but BITCH GET AWAY FROM HIM. YOU DONT KNOW WHAT ANXIETY IS LIKE!!! put me in nrc right now idia shroud needs someone who will yell at people for him and thats going to be ME. i dont care who you are you say shit you are earning my IRE. trey clover got yelled at. no one is safe.
can i just say i love how you said "reason" like there's only one JDSJSDJSD LMAO IDK IT WAS JUST FUNNY TO ME when i love someone i have multiple reasons and i love every part of them, even the bad annoying icky parts (in fact, if you can't love their bad parts too is it even love...? i dont know, we all have different definitions anyway. some might think tolerating their bad parts is love too and we'd both be right.) theres no one reason i just think he's lovely inside and out now. he's an angel, basically.
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breannasfluff · 1 year
Quick question, how do you write so much? I fight the words for an hour and have maybe 2 paragraphs of garbage but you pump out really nice work almost every day??? I have so many ideas but I can’t write them for love nor money
I write almost every day, or I take a break and switch it out for drawing. I generally can write a chapter in one go, so usually stock up some backlog to cover days I’m busy. Having multiple stories now means I don’t have that backlog of some, so updates are a bit slower.
As for writing tips:
1. Remove distractions. Shut discord, exit out of tumblr, mute your phone. When you are stuck, don’t go scroll social media. When writing, the only thing I touch the internet for is if I need to check a story item, like a character name, item history, etc. I cannot overstate how important this is. If you are talking to your friends, you won’t have a writing flow.
2. Do not edit as you write. Writing and editing are two different tasks. You switch between creative and critical thinking and it breaks flow. This is a scientific process and you can read more about it here.
Research electroencephalogram (EEG) suggests both heightened electrical brain wave activity and elevated dopamine levels during flow. In other words, your brain experiences both electrical and chemical changes when you’re “in the zone.”
But once you switch to self-editing mode, you move to the critical thinking side of your brain. You halt all of freewriting’s creative electrical impulses and pleasure-sensing dopamine levels. Your mind flips off one switch and turns on another.
3. Set a time, then be done. Give yourself 20 minutes and write as much as you can. Doesn’t matter if it’s garbage. You can edit garbage into something useful or you can chuck it in a bin. Just try to write, then take a break. Staring at a blank document for two hours isn’t going to make words appear and it just stressed out your brain.
4. Have an outline. Sometimes a magical idea just flows when you sit down to write, but generally not. Have an outline of what you want to have happen in your story or chapter. It doesn’t need to be in depth; for most of my oneshots I literally have a sentence or two at the top of the page. The story needs to have a goal. For example: Wild tries to teach Hyrule cooking. It doesn’t go well. Bouncing ideas off friends can be a big help! It’s why you’ve probably seen me post about prompts and suggestions, and sometimes stories are gifted to people. Talking through plot ideas can help you get a better outline or idea of action.
Misc notes:
Hate to say, but some of it is just practice. I’ve been actively writing for a little over a year with some breaks on and off. Making it a habit is a big thing for making it easy. It’s harder to restart after a break.
When I first started writing I tried to pick one aspect to improve for each story. Filter words, pacing, varying sentence starters, story arcs, etc. Fixing multiple things at once was too much work, but one item at a time was doable.
Filter words make such a huge difference in writing; I encourage you to look them up. It’s a PAIN to remove them in post, but it also taught me to cut them out. Now it’s unconscious and while some still show up, I tend to write them out automatically.
You can learn to write quickly, but if you don’t also work on quality you’ll just…write a lot. That said, it’s fanfic. Sometimes it’s just for fun and quality doesn’t matter. I’ve got plenty of stories that will never be posted because they are just for fun.
Some of it could be writing speed, too? I use a bot a lot of times for timing and tracking and generally average 30-35 words/min. Harder story topics are slower to write, like angst and emotional scenes.
I’m actually writing less this year than last, but I don’t put as much time into it. It also keeps it sustainable as a hobby, although I definitely hit periods of frustration. It can get overwhelming.
If you search my blog for the tag #writing advice or #writing tips, you should fine some other things as well.
This was rather frank, but hopefully helpful! Feel free to drop further questions and I’ll do my best to answer 💜
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PLEASE WRITE BURT OR ELI SMUT I AM ON MY KNEES BEGGINg it could literally be anything and i would love it
Seven minutes in Heaven (Burt Fabelman x f!reader)
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WARNINGS: Blowjob, handjob, mouth fucking, age gap (35 & 45, but never mentioned), swearing, and SMUT!!! BLAHHH!!!
A/N: THANK YOU FOR THIS REQUEST ANON!!! I’ve been hoping to do this, but I’ll probably do Eli in the future!!
Burt Fabelman looks at you the way every man doesn’t.
He looks at you with love, passion, and sweetness. Instead of a shitty way like the other men in your life.
But tonight, the way you sensed he was stressed when he walked into his apartment was quick.
Sammy, his son, was out for the night, going out with some friends.
So you stayed at the apartment the whole day and called off work.
Leaving only him to go to his work alone.
“Honey?” You walk towards him, wearing his button up shirt, and his pajamas pants.
He sets his hat on the coat hanger, before setting his forehead against the wall. “I’m gonna kill my boss, baby..I am.” He groans.
Setting your hands on his shoulders, you start to rub them slowly. “He’s not giving you that raise..Isn’t he?”
He nods to your question, sighing, “How am I gonna pay for Sammy’s stupid camera equipment?” he mutters.
You don’t stop rubbing his shoulders, wishing this could help him in some way. “Baby, I-I can do that. I have enough money.” You remind him.
He has a love and hate relationship when it comes to you helping him with Sammy.
The pros are getting used to each other, Sammy actually liking you, and others.
The cons are trying to help Burt with Sammy.
He knows his son, he loves his only son, but he’s not ready for you to be an actually stepmom to Sam.
You both aren’t married yet, but you both were married to different people.
It just feels weird to Burt, getting his flashbacks to his own stepfather.
“Baby, I-I love you, but no. You’re not paying for that.” He removes his head from the wall, before turning around, and leaning against it.
Slowly stopping rubbing his shoulders, he wraps his arms around your stomach, and leans down to rest his head on your shoulder blade.
He sighs, “Just go to the bedroom for awhile, I’ll be there when the football game is over.” he kisses your shoulder blade, before walking away, and setting his head high.
You needed to fix this. By not talking, by doing something.
Slipping on a pink, short, silk nightgown you found on a sears catalogue, you walk towards the mirror, before smiling.
“He’s gonna love this.” You whisper to yourself.
You turn around, walking to slightly open the bedroom door, watching Burt from afar.
He sips his tea, before setting it down on the coffee table.
You quietly open the bedroom door more, before closing it behind you after you secretly walk out.
Tip toeing to the side of the couch, he turns his head to see me quickly.
Fuck, you thought, you spoiled your prize, Burt.
His eyes widened, before softening as he looks at you in awe. “Angel?” He whispers to you.
Walking towards him, you bite your lip. It’s been months since you guys had sex, you probably guess why that’s the reason he’s cranky.
Burt gently sets his hands on your waist, looking up and down on your body. “Oh, angel,” He whispers, “you’re screwed up and brilliant.” he chuckles quietly.
You smile down at him, he slides you down on his lap, still star strucked.
“Y/N..” He whispers, setting his head onto your tits. “It’s been almost eight months and four days since I ever saw you like this.” He breathed out.
He counted how many hours, days, months, since he saw you in your true form.
An angel, he believes.
You felt his erection poke out of his work pants by the bottom of your white underwear.
Slowly running your hands up and down on his back, he closes his eyes, and then opened them back up to look at you.
“Please..Can we?” He breathes out again, which you nod in response.
“I only have eyes for you.” You remind him, basically giving him consent.
Within a second, he kisses you deeply, his hands up sliding up to grab onto your breast.
You moan into the kiss, leaning onto him. He rests back on the couch, ignoring the football playing on little tv.
Continuing to kiss him, but you trail down slowly, getting off of his lap.
He’s still in his work suit, he’ll kill you if he cums on this suit, probably gonna make you even lick it off if he’s feeling good.
Slowly getting off of his lap and onto your knees down on the floor, you separate your legs a bit as you sit on his cold, leather shoes.
Kissing his zipper, you pull away, and pull the metal zipper down.
He looks down at you, watching you with tired but love in his eyes.
He can’t handle the slow, teasing you always did to him
You were his. You had to do some teasing.
Putting your cold hand under his pants and into his boxers, you found his hard cock.
It’s seven inches, but it’s thick, really thick. Enough for you to take him within a minute in you.
Slowly pulling it out, you look up at him. “I love you.” You whisper.
He grabs your hair gently, making a lazy ponytail. “I love you too, honey.” He whispers back, never breaking eye contact.
Putting the tip in your mouth, lightly sucking it to slow things down.
He gasps quietly, looking up at the celling with his eyes closed. He’s weak in the knees for you.
Only for you.
Pulling your head down more by the hair, he groans loudly. “Fuck, baby, I needed this from you.”
You start to bob your head slowly, closing your eyes tightly. He feels so good inside of your mouth.
His pubes tickling your nose each time you deep throat him just for a second.
His cock twitches in your mouth, now bobbing your head quickly, and shaking it.
He puts his hand on the back of your head, guiding you deeper and deeper.
You pull your head up to look at him, now jerking him off while smiling.
Your lips are wet, sloppy, and his pecum is even on it.
He feels your cold hand wrap around his cock, making his hips thrusts upwards in your hand.
“Wish..this..was..your..mouth.” He growls between thrusts, his teeth clenched.
He pulls your head down back on his cock, slapping your hand away.
His hips are thrusting in your mouth now, instead of your hand.
You couldn’t breathe through your mouth, grabbing on his thighs through his brown pants.
Feeling his speed, he’s already close. So close.
Then suddenly, he reaches his point.
His hips are off of the couch and against your nose, his hip twitching as his cum fills your mouth up.
“Fuuuuuuck..” He sighs in relief, a fainted smile placed on his soft lips.
Burt looks down at you, smiling. “Touchdown.” He chuckles.
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1-800-cr33py · 1 year
How I Think The Boys Love Pt.2
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Paul’s love is greedy and uncouth; he doesn’t care about people’s opinions or thoughts about his style and personality, why would he give a flying fuck about his relationships?
He loves to love, but his version of ‘love’ isn’t considered quite normal. He’s playful, his romantic relationships almost never leave the honeymoon phase. He loves the feeling of anticipation he gets whenever you do something unexpected or say something he finds cute.
He’s rather attentive, someone bothering you? He’s dealing with it as you speak! Want something outside of your price range? Don’t worry that pretty little head of your’s! He’s stealing it while you play some rigged carnie game! Paul loves to shower you with gifts, it’s his way of marking you and bragging to other people that you’re his
He’s possessive, he wants his things to not be shared, but with three other brothers and being the ‘middle child’, that means he doesn’t get much exclusivity with his possessions So the few things that he’s been able to hide away he’s deathly protective over. He’s fought tooth and nail (probably literally) over you! Why would he be willing to share whats his?
Paul’s love language is physical touch and gift-giving. He tends to love bomb without meaning to he just wanted to know that his Sugar knows he loves them.
He bites, not to draw blood necessarily, which he does on occasion, but to let you know he’s still there. He likes to nibble on the tips of your fingers, drag his teeth across your neck.
All and all he just doesn’t give a fuck, he’ll show everyone in Santa Carla that you’re his and his alone.
Marko’s love is certainly…something. His affections are brash and rushed. Hardly anything is taken slow, so if you aren’t a slow lover he’s your best pick of a partner.
He wants everyone to know you’re his and only his. He’ll throw a shirt and a worn jacket at you and expect you to wear it, his scent heavy and a pleading look in his eyes. ( no babe, that tee totally goes with your pants! Ps, it didn’t)
He’s Italian, so you have many nicknames that roll of his silvery tongue; Cuore mia, gioia mia, cerbiatto, topolino. So many nicknames..
He loves giving you love bites, but he’s a prick and leaves them in obvious places. Thighs, neck, wrists, anywhere that can be easily forgotten about and noticed by a surf n*zi.
Marko can takes things slow some days, even an erratic shark-toothed bloodsucker like him has his days where he just needs to be grounded by the safety of your arms.
Marko doesn’t crave to control your every movement like his older brothers, he wants you to have as much freedom as you possibly can before he turns you eventually; because none of them had that option when they were changed.
He does try and get your body used to their schedule while it’s still mortal. Baby bats require training, he’ll gladly provide!
Nests in the higher parts of the cave, but only lets his brothers up there once in a blue moon, so feel free to hide up there when they get on your nerves, and trust me, they will.
You’re his muse! There’s so many pictures, paintings, sketches, etc of you laying around the cave. He wants you to remember what you look like after you turn.
Love language is word of affirmation and quality time! Sometimes Marko doesn’t like the feeling of his own skin, so you just sitting there with him and letting him vent/cry makes him fall harder for you.
He likes to hold you and smell you, he just likes your shampoo+conditioner combo.
Marko has non-verbal days, he just copes differently than some and nobody questions it, just spend some time with him and leave him alone when he needs self-care time.
A/N: So sorry for the inconsistencies in my writing schedule, I’ve been dealing with a lot family wise, nothing bad just some changes! I’ll probably end this series with Michael and Star since there’s barely any content for her outside of sisterly and platonic stuff (no hate, but she needs to reject me so i can move on)
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sol-consort · 7 months
Considering humans evolved to quickly recognize patterns for survival, do you think we'd irritate other species by being able to point out their natural camouflage or social ticks fast?
The salarians come to mind. They have a lot of social cues embedded within their genese. Mordin mentions one in ME2, where when salarians lie to each other. If it's for the safety or protection for the other person, then their body manages to convey it in a que. It's fully involuntary and can not be faked or suppressed, so their society knows not to question someone who gives this tick while lying.
But the key part here is that he compared it to human faking a yawn, saying that's how hard it is to fake.
Maybe he wasn't aware that faking a yawn is literally the easiest thing alive. You can fake an authentic yawn. Hell, you can even force a real yawn if you try without anyone being able to tell the difference.
The tick of each person is different. Some humans avoid eye contact when lying, other humans do it because they hate eye contact in general. Some humans remain calm under stress or pain while other humans become snappy they second they get a headache.
There are generalisation, of course. How else would you sell those "psychology tips and tricks to reading people" 15$ books? Like if a human isn't smiling they aren't happy.
But that's...bullshit actually. Diverging from the norm and social cues is not rare in humans. Be it from personal preference, personality or even just being neurodivergent.
Humans can show happiness without smiling, we can be sad without crying, we can endure pain without groaning, and we can perform any and all emotions authenticity. The more we try, the better at faking things we get. We can in theory do all of this.
Salarians can't, they have a lot of their own outer communication piloted by their unconscious brain that makes it involuntarily. A human can teach themselves to stop flinching when surprised and brute force an involuntarily habit away, a salarian can't.
And it makes sense for them why their brains locked them out of developer options when it comes to the settings of their own bodies. Much like our own brain prevents us from so many things because we can't be trusted with it. Having their social cues built in since birth and never having to struggle to fit in gives them more time to actually live their life. While humans have to go through the several phases of self discovery and endless crisis of why do I exist?
We slow blink back to cats, of course we are going to pay attention to each one of the alien races ticks and cues to replicate it back to them. Attempting to mimick a turian's purring while cuddling with them, learning to headbutt a krogan if we want to prove ourselves.
You know that phrase about giving a monkey a typewriter and eventually it will print hamlet out? That's humans figuring anything out. A thousand humans will attempt to replicate the salarians lying for safety cue and fail.
But eventually, something gotta give and one of us will make a dent. Like someone figuring out a new technique in a speedrunning community, at first only they can do it but eventually it will become the norm and standard expectation of every speedrunner to master.
Like there are some hardcore humans out there who learned to read and write in binary without a translator, imagine walking to a geth and having a casual chat in 1s and 0s.
Humans learn to mimick birds sounds, so well at times that we used it to capture them before by mimicking mating sounds. Human voice impressionists are a huge thing and there are so many of them.
If anything it's hard for us to live with the aliens without mimicking them, it's in our nature. Throw a human to the hanar long enough and they'll completely adapt to using "this one" when refering to themselves.
I do see some species hating it because we aren't all sugar and spice everything nice. We will use these things to cheat, lie and "hack" our way into their held by ducktape society rules.
Purring at turians to earn their trust quickly before betraying them. Using the lying for safety cue on salarians to get away with normal lies. Making the drell think our emotions are as strong and painfully concentrated as theirs to excuse some of our shitty behaviour that a normal human would call us out on.
Give us long enough and we will crack the asari code too. Figure out the loopholes in their justiciar's logic and use it to misguide them towards our selfish interests. Learn their whole song and dance to corner their government into giving the humans slack or else they lose face with the rest of their galaxy and their own people. Because the asari actually rely on a beautiful facade to keep peace amidst their people, much like elves shoot themselves in the foot by making their egos and worth based on the fact they're so much civilised and sophisticated than the rest.
I think the protheons would love it tho, or just javik in particular if you began mimicking him. He'll compliment you for finally deciding to evolve instead of remaining a degenerate primitive.
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